#is this supposed to be an art channel not a meme channel
amphiptere-art · 1 year
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This was not the plan. THIS WAS NOT THE PLAN!!!
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kefirstushyu · 7 months
💥Since our Fan telegram channel of Maison Talo reached 300 subscribers, I made a meme pic
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Yes, it's Maison on a tractor. Everyone needs a Maison on a tractor sometimes
Bonus: Scetch I made while thinking abt other variants of art
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He was supposed to look at little toy tractor, but now he sits on a real one
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sincerely-sofie · 4 months
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
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Reveal to me us what you are hiding.
For the most part, I only really draw things to post nowadays! I have a handful of unfinished sketches, but those are pretty much made up of only two squiggly lines on a blank canvas. I’ve been meaning to get back into drawing in-depth / experimental pieces for personal projects, but haven’t gotten around to it. I suppose I have several animations and memes I haven't posted here, but most of them are up on my public YouTube channel? And some pieces of 3D and pixel art haven't made it here either I guess. Ultimately though I've been posting the vast majority of my current art here.
As for older art pieces, though… I’ve got oodles I’m sitting on. Some examples:
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boxchewr · 2 years
which social medias would (some of) the pokemon bw/bw2 characters use
cheren: linkedin and facebook. Please hire him bianca: pinterest. she just takes a ton of pictures of her munna. she wants to dig no deeper into the grand net and who can blame her hugh: roblox. he plays rainbow friends and gets mad when his teammates screw him over. that teammate is usually benga cress+chili+cilan: also roblox as well as tiktok. they spend all their time sending each other bad videos and saying the other brothers are the most obnoxious parts of them (chili especially gets and receives this most) lenora: runs an educational youtube channel where she excitedly infodumps about fossils for an hour while her husband follows her across the whole museum burgh: has an account on every art website you can think of. usually quiet before suddenly bursting into random rants and deleting them five hours later. probably also had vine for the short time it was alive but is too stubborn to move to tiktok elesa: big tiktok and instagram star and mutuals with iono and raihan. those two are constantly vaguing each other. she will not break mutuals with either. posts her fashion tips but has a personal side tiktok where she makes dumb memes and skits clay: facebook dad energy. is he even a dad? i don't know but that's all i have to say for you all to know exactly what he posts and with what frequency skyla: also on tiktok but only so elesa can send her videos. she doesn't use social media otherwise she's too busy PILOTING PLANES!!! brycen: his manager told him he should make a youtube channel to promote himself. he has one but all that's on it is one video of him glaring down the camera like it insulted his mother drayden: another facebook dad. a bit quieter than clay though iris: the rare google+ kid. also has facebook. thinks grumpy cat is the funniest thing on the planet. who are we to break her happy place roxie: soundcloud. actually successful though but she still posts exclusively there. you won't make her move to spotify or youtube. won't do it marlon: has an instagram where all he posts to it are inspirational quotes laid over images of the beach. just that. for like a thousand posts. godspeed alder: facebook Again. also has a twitter he doesn't know how to use because benga made him make one benga: twitter and tiktok fan. also roblox player. has a sockpuppet account for trolling on twitter but everyone knows it's him ingo: pinterest. he has no interest in the greater internet. it scares him emmet: tumblr fan. sends ingo memes with 5 layers of context needed just to see his face when he asks what this all is supposed to mean colress: also a twitter troll. unlike benga he's actually subtle about it. all his rants about ghetsis are on a locked side only he has access to ghetsis: only posts insane "THE END IS NIGH" type conspiracy ramblings onto his facebook account he has three friends on (they're all the shadow triad). except for one blurry picture of his hydreigon trying to bite him n: the only one free from the internet's cruel grasp. be free my child
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blazehedgehog · 9 months
What fired you up more this week: Prime’s incredible pixel artistry, or Sonicman vs. Mephiles?
Sonicman vs. Mephiles, no contest.
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Sonic Prime having a bad pixel art flashback sucks, but it's more of a "they're at it again" scenario. We've already had at least two of these just in Sonic Prime alone, in the first batch of episodes. Though it's fair to argue this one might be worse in some ways. Sloppy tile placement, mismatched art styles, weird proportions, mixed pixel resolutions, choppy framerate... somebody tried, maybe, but they didn't try hard enough.
We had the same problem with the credits for the first Sonic movie, something they corrected for the second Sonic movie by hiring very talented pixel artists straight out of the community (shoutouts to Mit and Crepe).
No such luck here. Given the show's production schedule, maybe it makes sense they wouldn't swap out for more talented pixel artists. But they needed to do a LOT better.
Sonicman vs. Mephiles, on the other hand... You wouldn't think I'd care, but even back when people were still in shock over how bad Sonic 06 was, everybody still loved the absurdity of Sonicman.
Both characters have kind of been ignored for their connection to Sonic 06, but Mephiles has been slowly gaining some traction. He's turned up in games like Sonic Runners and Sonic Forces Speed Battle, he's gotten his own plushie, and just next month he's getting his own action figure courtesy of Jakks Pacific.
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Comparatively, Sonicman has gotten almost nothing. Outside of fandom memes, his main claim to fame was being referenced in the Archie comics for one panel, one time, as a Power-Rangers-style TV show airing on Breezie's entertainment network. A future issue was supposed to introduce him properly, as well as the rest of his sentai team, but the book was canceled before that happened.
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So Sonicman deserved a win, in my opinion. And the race was so close, it was hard not to get really, really invested in it. The last 48 hours of the Sonic Channel poll was a lot of back and forth between Mephiles taking the lead and Sonicman taking it back. It was kind of harrowing. I was on the edge of my seat.
And, goodness. The fan art it generated. It's been said, but it almost didn't matter who won, because the outpouring of cool images this resulted in is worth the battle alone. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
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exoticalmonde · 1 month
-Lamento: Beyond The Void- but Eve and Leaffeu are playing it so you have to PART I
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Leaff: *Scandalised* "What type of swordplay are you doing that requires you to share a room???" Me: "One with much softer swords." Leaff: "OH!" ---
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I genuinely feel happiness every time I see this screen because that means that: 1. Leaff is on Discord streaming for me. 2. It means I am finally going to read the entirety of this game for myself, something I have been wanting for years now or at least ever since most of the YT channels I watched this gameplay from died.
There's something so comforting about these little 3D-generated trees and the light and the soft patch of dirt and grass. I love this game so much, you do not understand.
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Leaff: "Me when there's leftover pizza in the fridge." Me: *Actually dies from laughter*
Leaffeu seems to be getting along very well with Asato and is absolutely hating Rai. Personally, that means there's more white angry fruit cat for me, but I'm also afraid they won't like doing his route. But that also means I get to hear screaming, squealing and crying on the other end of the conversation any time there's even the remote chance of Asato showing up on the screen.
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We had a strawberry break instead of kuims.
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I don't remember the context to this, but I'm pretty sure this is how Leaff suggested Rai take care of Konoe if he was ever to go insane. Which, personally, I suppose he can. Look at the ears. Look at the tails. I'd let Rai hold me like that and carry me around all day.
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Yeah, it's official, Leaff is Asatosexual. They've been sending me memes and headcannons of what life would be like with Asato and genuinely...? I'm crying.
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I was in a bad mood. Things in life are not going as well as I wish they were.
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Me when I sneeze while squeezing the ketchup bottle.
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"The window."
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SAME. Same, Verg.
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HERE IT IS, WE FOUND THE SCENE!!!! KONOE IS DIRECTIONALLY CHALLENGED. But can we also stop to appreciate this absolutely gorgeous man??? The most fascinatingly darling to me, his attitude, his sadness. I don't even know his lore, but honey I would marry him and take care of this depressed goat until time and space rupture and we end up specks of dust in the 8th dimension.
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I'm pretty sure this is the part where we spoke about men being gentle in games. Not in the physical kind, but perhaps the way they are considerate. Konoe allows Asato to do whatever he needs, even recognising that for him being outside, among a lot of people is mentally exhausting and he's giving him the space and time to recuperate without forcing him about the way Rai does kind of.
I need more gentle, considerate men. Anything in this game - from the way they nuzzle each other to grooming to smiling and touching is so so so so sweet, mesmerising. I love them so much, this game is so darling to me and in two years it's going to turn TWENTY!!!
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Leaff: "FINALLY ONE COMPLIMENT TO COME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH, MAYBE YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE DISCIPLINED AFTER ALL." Me: *Sweats, knowing this moment is going to be ruined in the next scene.*
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Me and Leaff agree that these two are literally like a married and then divorced couple with Verg being to blame. They don't talk, don't look at each other, Verg tries to fix things and is a little whiny about the cold shoulder, meanwhile, Kaltz is just trying to live his life and move on.
This is them at the dinner table in the inn by the way.
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We got to one of the endings... And even though I fell asleep immediately after, Leaffeu was here to offer me this wonderful art.
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Zooming in on the text at the back.
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ohnoitstbskyen · 2 years
Hi there Skyen, long-time caller, first time listener, would you consider doing a full video on YouTube about the 40K universe? I saw your TikTok videos on it, and I gotta say as someone who’s a big fan of that universe and follows a lot of people that talk about it, your perspective was really refreshing, and not just because your views on politics and art more closely match my own than anyone in the space that I know of.
I mean, 40k does interest me, but I don't really feel like I have a strong angle on a video about it. I'd have to have something to say about it.
The only thing I can think of is discussing it through the lens of satire (which, I would argue, it simply isn't anymore) and talking about the Nazi problem that's been allowed to flourish in its community and especially in its meme culture.
It's that thing of like... it is not necessarily a neutral act to depict the aesthetics of "crusader" fascism through the lens of its own self-understanding. It creates an aesthetic environment that flatters the self-image of fascists, and a cultural discourse where they can roleplay their fascist fantasies under the guise of fiction.
And it's not enough to just put a footnote asterisk under the badass space marines that's like "oh by the way please remember this is supposed to be very bad," when you've also painted them explicitly in the lionizing visual language of propaganda.
But doing that subject would invite literally the worst people in the entire goddamn universe to find my videos and I don't know that I feel strongly enough about 40k to weather that misery, especially when I have so much else on my plate.
I mean, I guess I could talk about the aesthetics of the universe and curve the conversation far, far away from the Space Marines and the Imperium, whose aesthetic is Catholic Crusader Fascists. Talk about the T'au or something... I guess? I quite like the T'au.
But the business calculation part of my brain also recognizes that the Space Marines are like The Main Thing that pop culture cares about when it comes to 40k, so are there enough views in a video on the T'au to justify the labor it would take? Especially given the way the algorithm simply doesn't recognize my channel as 40k related, so getting it to show people a 40k video I do will be a slog.
Yeah, I dunno, someday I'll talk 40k, I'm sure, but right now there's just a bunch of >gestures vaguely to confluence of business and self-care concerns< getting in the way.
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You been in the animation meme community for longer than 4 years? SAME!! And I'm making a bracket about it! Without further ado lets get into the rules and get your 'Opinions' (hehehe) on the bracket!
-> RULES!!! <-
-> Must be from the timeframe of 2006-2019! Any ones after that I would consider to be too new
-> This is not a battle between the artists who made the original memes, it is a battle between the meme song clip itself! TLDR how nostalgic and how much head bopping would you start doing if this song played in your general vicinity
-> When submitting, please submit the original meme! If it was taken down/ privated, just find another one and make sure to list the original makers name
-> As well as if the original meme is labeled 16+ or NSFW/suggestive try to find one that's not. Staring at UnknownSpy intently
-> You can submit multiple animation memes! Don't submit the same one twice though please pretty please. And don't put multiple in the same submission or I will cry and sob intensely
-> Brackets will be updated (hopefully) every week or so!
-> There'll be (hopefully) a total of 32 or so contestants, depending on how many submissions I get. Could be more could be less I dunno
#on a completely unrelated note < not a poll nor relevant to the bracket
#AM nostalgia attack < poll post
#AM nostalgia calm < not a poll post but relevant to the bracket
Oh is it me time I suppose it's me time. Anyways hi I'm Vector/Jamie at @v3ct0rgraph1cs, I use he/it/wire/beep pronouns, I'm a real life computer robot guy and also the poll mod!!! I've never done a poll bracket before but I've been in the animation meme community for like. 7 years now so I think I'm qualified to do this maybe
I still make animation memes too I only started posting them like 2 years ago when I got toon boom and also a graphics tablet and've been doing it ever since, started from my roots in flipaclip though ✌ my channel is V3CT0RGRAPH1CS if you wanna check it out maybe :]!
Speaking of checking stuff out go check out my partner! They run the @tf2shipswag account and they inspired me to make this one because sillyyyyy, go check it out at @fr0ggs they're very nice and cool and also they take commissions so Get One<3 I'm assaulting you to buy art from my partner /nf
The guy in my pfp his name is Vector he's not me but he might as well be
inspired by @tf2shipswag, @ultimate-objecthead-hoedown, and others :]
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
regarding that "production" anon and the dick chart/O-faces... naturally as ridiculous as viv is i'd *hope* she's not *that* bold/oblivious to include something like that in a pitch, even an early draft of one, except maybe as a bad joke(?) however. as someone who was in fandom spaces as a horny teen/early adult around the 2010s where sharing your ocs genitals and sexual preferences with your mutually horny friends (especially to rp with) was commonplace, i am def more willing to believe the mere concept of the dick chart and character O-faces existing. altho, why someone in production would see it i'm a little more iffy on. even with an adult crew, usually you don't openly share nsfw stuff with others unless you trust them/know they're chill with it. if i was a rando on the crew and viv just whipped the characters' dicks out to show me i'd be surprised to say the least--but then again these characters canonically fuck on-screen so i suppose it's not entirely doubtful for some of the crew to chat it around uncensored. tho i'm a little surprised there hasn't been any leak of them esp if some production rando has allegedly seen them. (and i don't think the charts are the most perverted thing either bc, again, i just grew up around that online, hell there were/are whole-ass drawing memes out there of "oc sex expressions" and the like, and i have friendships that originated from horny commissions. but of course i see how the anon's concerned about it playing into her fetishizing gay men.) TL;DR: i'm more inclined to believe viv didn't so much as have dick-charts & O-faces in an "early pitch" as much as she might've just had a bunch of artwork for the series/of the characters stuffed into a discord channel or folder/folders somewhere including stuff that wasn't ever going to get used for the pitch. and while i believe she would've shared nsfw art with her close crew members--i'm less certain she'd share them with randos on the production team, but if true it wouldn't be the first time viv's surprised me.
This is what I figure. Vivzie probably does have a mountain of NSFW art of her characters -- most artists do -- but not as a part of some secret pitch Bible, and that anon almost certainly hasn't seen it.
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thornethenorn · 5 months
Hi! This is the account where I don't shut up about norn. Ever
My main blog is @generationlosers !
I like to talk. I like to talk a lot. I live yapping.
I draw sometimes
Thorne Vætkisson: My main norn ranger who is usually who I'm referring to when I say "The Commander." An au of an Owl House Grimwalker oc, but different characters with different personalities
Hunter Thornkin: Norn revanant that channels Wolf. Thorne’s little brother. Is an au of Hunter from the Owl House. (Note: in game he is a human, but that's because he's supposed to be abnormally small)
Bleepblorp Skrungle: Asura Engineer with a fascination with cats. Experiment went wrong. He's a cat now. Has a gun. Run
Salem Steelveil: Charr Revenant with ice magic. Absolutely insane. Blind, uses mist magic to navigate. Lesbian.
Ivory Darkwood: Charr Necromancer. Small and housecatlike. Hates confrontation. Lesbian. Makes out with Salem sloppy style
Garráncroí: Sylvari Mesmer. Wants to kiss Trahearne. A lot. Part of the Astral Ward and Thorne’s best friend during SotO
Basil Greenwhisper: Norn guardian. Thorne’s mate (norn word for spouse). Likes plants. Based on an Owl House oc, whose last name is Burrlow. (Not that he's only Thorne's mate in the side universe, theres an alternate universe to allow more leeway with ships)
Hazel Slayersdottir: way late in storyline. Basil and Thorne’s biological daughter. Norn thief. Worships Aurene as the dragon spirit and cleanses Jormag and Svanir corruption from the shiverpeaks with the little amount of prismatic magic she got from her father.
Alala Gunthild: An elonian human warrior. She is an au where the human Commander becomes the God of War after killing Balthazar like Kormir. Instead of her patron hounds being pitbulls (? i think Temar and Tegon are pitbulls?) she has Basenji and has a soft spot for Jackals. She has her Basenji companions that she can summon similar to Temar and Tegon, they are named Andromeda and Guinevere. She also has a Jackal Puppy- Artemis- and will stay a puppy companion as thats how Jackals work.
Art: art.
my art: My art!
Any other character name: self explainitory
loser edits: my memes and other edits
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velvetvexations · 4 months
YouTube Shorts tossed me a video called "The fighting queen was badly beaten, and she cried", which is like, ten seconds of a kung-fu fight that ends with the girl getting flipped to the ground and then she pouts. And it's like, is there supposed to be a punchline? Am I missing something? It's from a Chinese martial arts channel, is there a cultural thing I'm not getting, a meme of some kind? It's just such a bizarre little clip.
Extremely hot though, thank you YouTube, this almost makes up for the transphobia you just shoved in my face a few minutes ago.
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What I think the host club is doing in 2023
Haruhi: worked her way up to partner at a law firm. Divorced Tamaki but they have joint custody of the dogs they adopted together. Living her best single life
Tamaki: peaced out of the family business after his grandma died. Probably lives in a penthouse and does full-time philanthropy but considers himself a commoner. still spams haruhi with tiktoks (she watches all of them) and texts the host club group chat almost daily
Kyoya: wasn't supposed to take over the family business but did anyway. is married and has 3 kids but is still lowkey in love with tamaki. they go on vacations to kyoya's private island together
Kaoru: finally learned how to dress. Has a therapist, an executive role at the Hitachiin family business, and a boyfriend
Hikaru: also works for the family business. Has channeled his chaotic energy into innovative fashion designs. Originally just wanted to troll the industry but turned out to be actually talented. Bombards Kaoru with memes and found a wife that can handle his moodiness
Honey: did martial arts competitively after high school and made bank, got famous. Now a martial arts influencer and dojo owner, married to his goth gf, and has kids
Mori: still BFFs with honey. was his bodyguard/manager for years, now helps manage the dojo and teaches classes. just vibing and living life with all of his pets. married to someone equally quiet and chill
Ranka: doesn't technically need to work because haruhi gives him money but still does sometimes for fun. obsessively follows haruhi's law career. tried to fight tamaki when he proposed and also when they got divorced
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cutetinyartist · 2 years
Meet The Tiny Artist! 🖤🧷
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Hi there! I made this lil illustration + Q&A for my Pinned Post so y'all can get to know me better! 🖤 (The rest of the Q&A is below the cut!)
So, who exactly am I?
I'm Rayna (but you can call me Ray), I'm 24, a complete British + Bisexual Stereotype, and my pronouns are She/They. Oh, I'm a Borrower too so I'm around 4" tall! ^w^
Why did I make this blog?
I created this blog in 2017 shortly after discovering the G/T* community! I've always loved the idea of being tiny (I remember having quite a few dreams/daydreams when I was a kid about my favourite characters being giants) so I was very happy to discover that there's actually a whole community dedicated to this pretty niche/weird love of mine! :D
*G/T stands for Giant/Tiny and it’s essentially about extreme size-differences! It can range from Giants interacting with Humans to Humans interacting with Borrowers/Fairies/etc. (also referred to as Tinies) and there are so many creative ways to explore these dynamics.
People also tend to identify as giants, tinies or size-shifters- I personally prefer being the tiny (around 3-4" tall) in any scenario but that’s just my preference. ^^
What do I post?
Obviously this blog is predominantly dedicated to G/T, but here’s a quick overview of what I post/draw/write the most:
G/T Fluff! This blog is mainly about cute moments between Giants and Tinies because I absolutely adore stuff like that. Handheld fluff is my absolute favourite, as one of the most comforting things I can imagine is being held by a giant and feeling really protected and loved. (That’s one of the main reasons behind why I love it so much, I tend to get really stressed/anxious a lot of the time and I find a lot of comfort in how calm and happy G/T makes me feel)
You can also expect to see a LOT of G/T memes and puns!
I also draw a lot of G/T Art (and occassionally write short stories too), I've drawn it for various fandoms but I do like creating original work too. A lot of my more recent work is G/T Art involving my partner too because they're an adorable Giant and I love them >w<
I also post random thoughts/ideas/ramblings occassionally...
What I’m basically saying is that this blog is filled with 100% SFW, fluffy G/T content and memes!
What are my other fandoms/interests?
For this question I’ll just list a bunch of my favourite things!! There will be a LOT on this list tbh but this is supposed to be an in-depth About Me page so awaaay we go! :D
The Iron Giant, The Bob's Burgers Movie, South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, The Spongebob Squarepants Movie, Ratatouille, The Secret World of Arrietty, The Borrowers, Little Shop Of Horrors, Shallow Grave, Honey I Shrunk The Kids, Shaun of the Dead, 28 Days Later, Fight Club, Orgazmo, Zombieland, the Jackass Movies, the Halloween Movies, Trick r Treat, The Descent, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), A Clockwork Orange, Requiem For A Dream, Deadpool, Jurassic Park and Ghostbusters! (Plus a lot more that I'm probably forgetting-)
TV Shows
South Park, Bob's Burgers, Futurama, The Simpsons, Taskmaster, The I.T. Crowd, Misfits, The Inbetweeners, Rick and Morty (mainly the earlier seasons tho), My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, It's A Sin, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, and although I don't watch them very often I love a good nature documentary! (I think I was once late meeting up with my friends cus I got way too into one and had to watch the whole thing- I only put on the channel for my dogs to watch while I was out!)
Little Big Planet (1 and 2), Mario Kart, South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut, Luigi's Mansion 3, Mario Odyessy, Dead Rising (1, 2 and Off The Record), Portal (1 and 2), Stray, Minecraft, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury and Super Mario Maker 2.
YUNGBLUD, Ninja Sex Party, Don Broco, TWRP, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Ozzy Osbourne, Twisted Sister, Beastie Boys, Panic! At The Disco, DVDA, Queen, The Blackout, Lorde, Wet Leg, Ghost- Honestly you could just pick up any Rock/Punk Compilation CD and you’ve basically got my taste in music in a nutshell. Growing up the Kerrang channel was almost always on in my house and definitely shaped my taste in music! I also adore the soundtracks from a couple of musicals (mainly The Book Of Mormon, Little Shop Of Horrors and War of the Worlds) and I like listening to music from the videogames I listed above! Oh, and the soundtracks from the Jackass films. Those kick ass.
I have written/drawn G/T for some of these fandoms but you can 100% Message me if you want me to make G/T content for any of them! ^^ (Seriously, if you wanna fangirl with me over any of these my inbox is always open!)
Any other interests/hobbies?
I’m really interested in Animation and I hope to pursue it as a career one day! I also love reading comics (especially independent ones/ones based on shows/films that I like) and I enjoy making them sometimes.
Another one of my favourite hobbies is baking! I love making brownies the most, but cakes and cookies are a lot of fun too.
I like to collect things too, and my favourite things to collect are random cute ornaments, plushies, My Little Pony toys and DVDs/Blu-Rays of my favourite shows and films (I have every season of South Park on DVD, plus all the Jackass films and the show!) Plus I love collecting merch! Naturally I love collecting CDs and Vinyl too...
What are my other Social Media accounts?
Main Instagram: @ DragonDoodles57
G/T Instagram: @ CuteTinyArtist
Main Twitter: @ ArtByRayna
Priv Twitter: @ GotAHeartBoner
G/T Twitter: @ CuteTinyArtist
Ao3: @ CuteTinyArtist
Thanks for checking out my 'Meet The Tiny Artist' page! 🖤
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ritabuuk · 9 months
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Happy New Year! 2023 had a lot of positive upheavals for me, which are all good things, but meant, art-wise, some months I drew more than usual, and some other months I didn't draw at all. However, I still wanted to fill-in this end-of-the-year meme, so I fudged the dates a bit to not have gaps. Because this is supposed to be motivational, not punitive! I also added bonus row for some other drawings I didn't want to leave out, because I say so. :P
And here are the links...
January: Mew from Pokemon.
February: Modryn Oreyn from The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.
Early April: an Amazon Milk Frog.
April: Articuno from Pokemon.
May: Big the Cat and Froggy from the Sonic the Hedgehog series.
June: A random street view of a crosswalk in South Korea.
July: A glass bottle drawn from life.
August: Ninian from Fire Emblem.
September: A night on the beach.
October: Meowth from Pokemon.
Late October: Mew again, this time drawn in Kid Pix.
December: Charmander from Pokemon.
Bonus 1: A Specter-like monster from Agarest.
Bonus 2: Shadow of the Rhythm Rogues from Space Channel 5.
Bonus 3: The Big Dipper over Lake Superior.
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beautiful-02-08-18 · 1 year
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Romans 8:6 (KJV)
For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Might as well post the art I’ve been making before the end of the month. For these fan art, I wanted to train myself to draw in fluid motions and to use accurate colors since I don’t like using the eyedropper tool. Any criticism is accepted, especially on my wonderful attempt for digital painting.
Came back to the fandom of the Korean cartoon called: Running Man Animation. As far as I can tell, this show only premiered in Cartoon Network Asia but its still pretty popular since it is supposed to be based on the real-life variety show: Running Man. Although, it kinda feels like a dead fandom on life support, and that life support is the Running Man: Revengers movie by Locus Animation scheduled to release soon.
But still, I like the show. I made a whole essay on Facebook about how these characters fulfilled their specific roles but I don’t think I’ll post it here (for now) since that’s not really my content. Either way, the characters names starting from the top is: Akong, Manus, and Charming Gold. These three were the main villains of their respective season and parts, as their show have two seasons but separated into two parts.
The last one is supposed to be an art meme of the Grimace shake and as usual Instagram cropped it so I had to duplicate it because I was pretty proud of this one. I tried to create a creepy mood since I also wanted to practice on that area. Did good for an amateur’s first try. The character is named Pala and he also came from the show.
You can watch most of Season 1 episodes on their English Youtube channel, except for Episode 49 and Season 2 at the time of writing this. You need a Korean VPN to watch those and it only has Korean subtitles. Luckily, Season 1 doesn’t really need Episode 49 to finish it, as said episode was more of an exposition for Season 2. There’s also some videos and clips one can find on Youtube.
https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/rom/8/6/s_1054006 Last image came from the YouVersion Bible app Grimace | McDonald's Wiki | Fandom Running Man Animation was created by LINE Friends Corporation and SBS
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pyjamacryptid · 2 years
artists self rec! when you get this, reply with your favourite five arts/sets/edits/gifs that you've done, then pass on to at least five other people. time to shine and spread some self-love and appreciation 🥰 <3
oh my god sia i am SO SORRY i am only just now seeing this ask it's been so long i am so so--
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This was so hard to choose wow.
I'm Sorry | Merlin & Arthur from BBC Merlin [tumblr link] [direct yt link]
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This took me over 2 months and, so far, it's the best fanvid I've ever made. I'm ridiculously proud of it and I only have a tiny bit of shame in saying so XD. The finished product ended up far better than the original concept I had in my head. I wanted to make a video that focused on how Merlin and Arthur forgave one another; Merlin, since the day he met Arthur, and Arthur when he learned the truth. Because the core of their relationship was unconditional love, to their own strength and detriment. I cried almost each time I worked on it.
2. I Became Greedy | Kurosawa & Adachi from Cherry Magic [tumblr link] [direct yt link]
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This took me about .. I want to say a month? I'm also proud of this one. Cherry Magic is a light-hearted BL j-drama that - at its core - is about the importance of reaching out to others, and the bravery of reaching out and accepting someone else's outreached hand. I eventually want to edit a video on the overarching meaning of the show. But I... am a sucker for pining lol and I was so taken in by Kurosawa's pining. It was so poignant, I was literally clutching my chest in sympathy pangs. So, I wanted to edit a vid that emulated that and focused just on that feeling. And I think I??? did!
3. it's not living if it's not with you | Wei Wuxian & Lan Wangji from The Untamed/CQL [direct yt link]
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This was the second fanvid I had posted to my youtube channel and I used a lot of editing techniques I had never tried before, so I learned a lot! I wanted to show as many aspects of wangxian's story and relationship in one video as I could without mucking up the pacing or making it messy in general. I love the colour palette and font I chose. Something else I really wanted to achieve was using a light-hearted song with a sad meaning over both sad and happy scenes, because that's a recipe for EMOTION. And judging by the comments I got on this vid, I dare say I succeeded XD I had a lot of fun making this! Even if I got stuck on it for a month and then thankfully could finish it when I was hit with an epiphany. I also cried quite a bit while making it shkgjhdf
Listen. I have. Emotions.
4. A Favourable Misunderstanding | Merlin & Arthur [link to full comic here]
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A meme re-draw turned into a fluffy comic because it took on a life of it's own and Merlin & Arthur are a force to be reckoned with when being idiots in love. I was also super proud of this! Despite the many styles in one comic (which is fine, I was just worried about nothing looking like it matched) I was happy with how I drew them! Especially as I find Merlin's face very difficult to get a grasp of, for some reason. And I was also proud of their characterisations! I still get so happy to see how well-loved it is, and so perhaps it doesn't need its own rec but what the hell. I love it, too hehe.
5. Balls the Unfathomable | a comic about a weirdly wholesome demon summoning [link to full comic here]
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My friends and I, while on a call, fell into doing a bit. That lasted a really long time. And during it, I became a summoned demon nicknamed "Balls". No, I'm not joking. It was ridiculous and hilarious.
Thankfully, I remembered most of it and immediately tried to commit it to paper for - what I thought - was going to be a short, half-assed sketch comic. Nope. I ended up with a multi-page comic with clean lines and everything.
Funnily enough, I hadn't actually ever finished a multi-page comic before this. Not one so polished anyway. Balls has that effect on people, I suppose. skjdhjkfdg
So yeah, I was proud of finishing it, and of choosing a cute, simple style and sticking to it (cute, "less realistic" styles don't come easy to me, so I struggled more than you'd think trying to figure out how I was going to draw this skdjhkfg) and of how I structured the panels, especially when I really was just winging it. I do not know how to panel (yet).
Basically; I adore my friends and the fun we have together and I had to share this particular shenanigan and Balls themself. They've become a beloved character amongst my friends and I.
That's it! Long-winded commentary and all.
Thank you again for the self-rec, Sia! 🥺💕💕💕
psst hey, you should go totally check out Sia's blog - she does amazing edits and gifs
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