#isaac lahey romance
andreafmn · 2 months
I'm Not Afraid | Chapter 20
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Word Count: 3.1K
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father’s sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin’s, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack, as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
A/N: so, I was planning on updating three stories this week but my body decide otherwise and put me out of commission for the past three days. I had a fever of 102.4 that lasted all of tuesday, accompanied with a wide array of other symptoms. Then wednesday and today, I had a mind breaking migraine. I was able to finish this chapter and I hope I can finish the others too 🤍
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They were late.
No. They were later than late.
By the time Isaac and (Y/N) rolled up to the school, the game had already started and was going in full swing. Cheers and screams were heard from the parking lot, and they hoped nothing had gone down just yet.
“Get to the locker room and get the rest of your stuff,” (Y/N) said as they hopped off her motorcycle. “I’ll go down to the field and see what’s going on.”
“Be careful, (Y/N),” Isaac worried. “We don’t know what we’re facing yet.”
“I’ll be fine. Just go,” she affirmed. “I’ll see you out there.”
She waited until he had disappeared into the school before tucking a gun in the back of her waistband and her knives inside the holsters on her ankles. One thing was certain: if anyone, whether it be the Kanima or her family, tried something that night, she was going to fight back and defend the people she cared about.
In the field, there was a shared nervousness between all those who knew the truth of the world that was hidden in plain sight. But no one felt the pressure more than Scott. Not only was he forced to sit out of the game, putting everyone on the field in danger, but he also had to protect his mother and his friends from Gerard and Jackson.
“Let’s put a real clock on this game, Scott,” the boy’s ears twitched towards the man’s voice. “I’ll give you until the last thirty seconds. When the scoreboard clock begins counting down from 30, if you haven’t given me Derek, then Jackson is gonna kill someone.”
Dread settled in the pit of the boy’s stomach. The man listed off potential victims, putting in the pool his mother and Stiles’ father. Even Lydia’s and the coach’s names were mentioned. What he had not expected was the last person he said. He knew the man was cruel, but he never thought Gerard would stoop so low. “Or maybe I’ll send him off on (Y/N),” he said. “Maybe Derek will hand himself over if I do that. You know how much he likes the Argent girls.”
Scott’s head snapped behind him, his gaze colliding with a frantic (Y/N). She was speaking into her phone, at a tone so low even he couldn’t hear, but he could tell she was worried. He just hoped it had nothing to do with what was going to go down that night.
“It’s up to you, Scott,” the man instructed. “But you are going to help me take Derek down. Because if you don’t… I’ll have Jackson rip someone’s head off right in the middle of the field and drench everyone you love and care about in blood. And I’d really hate for that person to be my own granddaughter.”
Even without the Kanima, there was a slaughter on the field. With Stiles' little to no experience actually playing the game, the team had no chance of winning, much less of benching enough players to get Scott in there. It was wrong move after wrong move, and there was nothing he could do—at least, not just yet.
As the coach forced him to sit back down when he tried to join the team, he felt a presence next to him. Someone he wasn’t quite expecting.
“You came to help.” 
Surprise was splattered across his face as the other boy smirked at him. “I came to win,” Isaac said before his eyes fell on Gerard’s threatening gaze. “Do you have a plan yet?”
“No,” he sighed, “right now it’s pretty much just keep Jackson from killing anyone.”
“Well, that might be easier if you’re actually in the game,” the blond stated. “We have to make it so coach had no choice but to play you.”
“How do we do that? He’s got a bench full of guys he can use before he ever puts me on the field.” All it took was one look before both boys knew what had to be done and how. “Can you do it without putting anyone in the hospital?”
Isaac took a deep breath, knowing he could not lie. He said, “I can try,” before sliding on his helmet and joining the team on the field, and setting off to work.
Whoever saw him on the field would think Isaac was playing for the opposite team. With jabs, swipes, and kicks, the boy got his teammates out one by one. He knew they’d be hurt, their bodies and their egos, but there was a greater good to be fought for. A couple of bumps and bruises would heal a lot better than a dead body.
The plan was working and working well. One by one, his teammates were driven on and off the field. It was going too perfectly. Until Jackson rammed himself into Isaac, sending him to the ground and dislocating his arm while inconspicuously nicking him with venom. Either way, Isaac was out of the game, and Scott was in. He was out his only supernatural advantage, but he would protect everyone like he had an entire army behind him.
(Y/N) couldn’t stay in her seat as she saw Isaac being taken away. She sped down the bleachers to follow the medics but stopped dead in her tracks. She wasn’t the only one that was heading back to the school. Gerard and two hunters followed the men back to the boys’ locker room, their sights set on the werewolf.
The girl knew where her grandfather’s head was at. He was going to torture information out of the boy and kill him afterward. He had no need to let Isaac live once he got what he wanted. He saw no need to let anyone live.
The medics had left Isaac by himself in the recovery room after putting his shoulder into place. But it wasn’t enough to completely trigger his healing and not fast enough for him to protect himself from three men and a sword.
“It was a good effort, Isaac,” Gerard called as he motioned to his hunter to hand him his sword. “This would be so much more poetic if it were halftime.”
Gerard and the hunters made their way toward Isaac, the older man dragging the tip of the blade on the ground. It was intimidating, sure. But not when the boy knew he had backup. As the older Argent raised his weapon toward him, Isaac smirked, making him stop dead in his tracks.
In the reflection of the mirror behind the blond boy, (Y/N) stood, knife in hand and a smirk on her face. Before the younger hunters could do anything, she hit one on the back of the neck with the handle of her knife, knocking him out cold before turning to the other.
The second man put up more of a fight since he knew what was coming. He was strong and agile; she would give him that, just like she gave him the first punch he threw to her jaw. But he had no idea who he was fighting. (Y/N) had been trained her entire life for that type of situation, even if she didn’t know it.
(Y/N) went low, using his height to her advantage. She drove a punch into his abdomen, making him hunch over in pain. As he bent down, she grabbed the back of his neck before slamming her knee one time on his nose, making a bloody mess of his face, and another on his temple, right between the bridge of his nose and his eyes. The man tumbled to the ground as though he weighed nothing more than a doll, succumbing to the blow she had managed to land.
“You know this looks very predatory,” she said between pants. “Three grown men cornering a teenage boy in a dark room, not a great look. Especially the principal of the school! What will the parents say?”
“(Y/N),” Gerard announced. “Can’t say it’s a surprise to see you here. I should have known you’d betray the family. At the end of the day, you do have your father’s blood running through you.”
“But this is not about that, is it?” she questioned, slowly making her way toward him. “This is about you using innocent kids to get to Derek Hale because you can’t do it on your own.”
“None of this concerns you anymore, (Y/N),” he said. “Maybe you should take a page out of your cousin’s book and accept your fate. You’re a hunter. You always will be. These people… these things, they are not your blood. They will turn on you the second they need to protect themselves.”
“Weird,” she chuckled dryly. “The only people who have done that is my own family.”
“That’s because you have no sense of loyalty, granddaughter. But I can’t blame you. Not when your father turned out the way he did,” he sighed. “Although, he seems to have learned his place now.”
“Enough chitchat already, old man,” the girl exhaled. “Why don’t you show me a real fight? Something those two clearly didn’t have in them.”
“Come on, (Y/N). You wouldn’t hurt your dear old grandpa, now, would you?” Gerard smirked deviously. “I don’t think that’s a line even you would cross. Not when I have the information you have been dying to know.”
“What could you possibly know that I don’t already?”
“I know all about the mystery woman your parents always talk about,” he smirked. “I also know why you’ve always felt so… different. Especially this past year. Everything is just so… heightened.”
(Y/N) wanted to accept his offer. Something in her told her that his information was reliable, that he knew everything her parents were hiding and more. But as much as she wanted the truth, there were bigger things in play.
“Tell you what, I’ll give you a piece for free,” he said. “Ever wondered why you don’t look quite like us? Like your mother? Ask your father about Raina, and maybe you’ll find out. Or let me go, and I will tell you all you want to know. And something tells me you’d prefer the latter.”
“Wanna test your theory out?” she threatened as she pulled her gun from her waistband and pointed it at her grandfather. “Because you may have the years of experience, but I have my health.”
The words made the man stumble in his stance, the phrase sending shivers down his spine. There was no way she could know what he thought she was implying. Her choice of vocabulary had to come from a catalog of random remarks she could use to hurt him. Because she couldn’t know, no one could.
“I think it’s best if you just go while you still can, Gerard,” Scott called out as he came into the locker room. “I’ve seen her fight, and it’s better if you just go.”
The man didn’t think twice as he took steps back, his gaze set on his granddaughter. “This isn’t over yet,” he said. “But the game almost is.”
As Gerard ran from the locker room, (Y/N) took a stumbling Isaac into her arms. “Okay, I have to trigger your healing, okay?” she told him. “Just, please, don’t fight back.”
She sank her knife into his arm, flinching as he let out a painful scream. Blood ran down the knife and onto her hand, but she knew it was the fastest way he could recover. “Hold on for just a bit more,” she said. “Gotta make your body work hard.”
“It’s fine,” he winced. “Let’s just get this over with.”
“What did Gerard mean about the game, Scott?” (Y/N) asked as she turned her head to face the boy. “He said the game is almost over. Why?”
“Jackson’s gonna kill someone if I don’t give up Derek,” he said. “Gerard gave me until the last thirty seconds of the match.”
“Then take these two out back and get to the field,” she instructed. “I’ll clean up here, and Isaac will be with you as soon as possible.”
Scott set off quickly to work, pulling one of the men onto his shoulders while dragging the other out. But he stopped as (Y/N) called out, “Be careful, Scott. Night’s not over yet.” And he was gone.
“Alright, Isaac, I’m gonna pull this knife out now,” she said as she turned back to the blond boy. “It will sting, but it’ll hopefully be enough for your body to metabolize the rest of the venom in your body.”
Just as she had said, the girl slid the blade from her friend’s arm, holding her hand over the wound as it healed. She could feel his blood pool under her hand, warm and sticky, and all kinds of uncomfortable. His body was slowly healing, but it was still healing.
Slowly, she removed her hand from Isaac’s arm, letting out a breath of relief as the cut disappeared before her very eyes. Only then, when she was sure he was recovering, did she set off to get towels and a mop to clean off the trail of blood the hunter had left behind. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to warrant concern if anyone else saw it.
“Somehow, I keep forgetting you were raised to be a fighter,” Isaac muttered as he helped (Y/N) wipe away the last of the water on the floor. “Really saved my ass back there.”
“I told you I could protect myself,” she smirked. “Maybe now you’ll stop worrying about me.”
“I’ll always worry,” he said. “I can’t help it.”
“Well, at least you’ll know I can hold my weight in a fight,” she chuckled, bumping her shoulder against his. “I’m okay, Isaac. I’m gonna have a pretty bruise on my jaw, but nothing I can’t handle.”
Suddenly, the sound of a whistle echoed through the room, signaling the end of the game. Terror washed over the pair as screams followed soon after. Fear infiltrated the locker room, sending waves of dread through the teens. Something had happened out on the field, and Scott hadn’t been able to stop it.
“Go,” (Y/N) instructed. “I’ll finish up here.”
“What if Gerard comes back?”
“He brought a sword to a gunfight,” she smirked. “I think I know which of the two is most lethal.”
(Y/N) finished cleaning up the floor, making sure there was no evidence that a fight had ensued there. Her jaw ached and her limbs throbbed but there was an exciting rush that flowed through her. She knew she was good. She had bested her parents in sparring matches since she was only fifteen, but being able to prove herself in front of her grandfather made her feel proud of the progress she had made. She was strong, and that was something no one could take from her.
But Gerard’s words hung at the back of her mind, taunting her. Mocking her. Raina, he had said. It was a name she had never heard before, much less from her father’s mouth. But he’d known exactly what question it would answer, and what information she craved for. If it hadn’t been for the situation at hand, (Y/N) knew she would have gone as far as torturing even the smallest detail from the old man.
Still, as much as her brain yelled at her for answers, she knew she had to focus on that night. Whatever Gerard had planned would change everything between the hunters and the wolves, and they had to do everything they could to stop him.
Once she was satisfied with her work, (Y/N) ran out of the locker room and into the commotion of the lacrosse field. The lights of an ambulance van and police cars flickered in the field, painting the groups of concerned people in red and blue. She quickly spotted Isaac and Scott close to the ambulance, and she ran to them for an update on the situation.
“What do you mean Jackson’s dead?” she questioned. “And Stiles is just gone? None of this makes sense.”
“I know,” Scott sighed. “When the lights turned back on, Jackson was on the ground, and he’d stabbed himself in the stomach. My mom checked him, and he had no pulse.”
“But Gerard needs him,” she muttered. “There has to be something we’re missing here.”
“If there is,” he said, “I have no idea what it is.”
“What about Stiles?”
“He disappeared,” Isaac answered. “He won us the game and was gone by the time the lights turned on. We’re gonna look for him after we change out of our uniforms.”
“What can I do? How can I help you find him?”
“Hang around the locker rooms until everyone else is gone,” Scott said. “We’ll get his scent, and you and Isaac can look for him.”
“Sounds like a plan,” she agreed. “This is gonna be a long night, isn’t it?”
“You can bet on that.”
(Y/N) waited in the dark hall as boys left the locker room, doing her best to keep out of sights. From where she hid, she could hear the Sherrif’s heartbreaking plead to Scott and Isaac to let him know if anything came up about his son. She had not felt as useless as she did at that moment. She could fight, she could defend, but she could do nothing to find someone who had seemingly vanished. 
When the man walked out of the room, she fought the urge to tell him she’d make sure his son came home. On the one hand, she didn’t have a lead on him yet. And on the other, she wasn’t even supposed to be there.
“Coast is clear, (Y/N),” Isaac called out. “Get in here.”
Inside the room, Scott and Isaac both held something of Stiles—a shoe and a shirt. “You know I could have just picked the lock,” she said as she noted the twisted locker door on the ground. “Save the school a couple of bucks.”
“I’m gonna need your resumé for future occasions,” Scott chuckled. “There are too many things you can do.”
“You have no idea,” Isaac smirked before his gaze turned back to the shoe in his hand. “But how come you get his shirt, and I get a shoe?”
Before he could answer, a sudden presence made the hairs at the back of (Y/N)’s neck stand up. And the wolves had noticed. Their attention was no longer held by the items that could help them find Stiles. Instead, their sights were set on the man standing before them. The very man who had been avoiding (Y/N) like the plague.
“Derek,” she breathed. “What are you doing here?”
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21 notes · View notes
clotpolesonly · 2 years
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140 notes · View notes
snowdropluck204 · 1 year
Beware the Spirits of the Vengeful ~ pt 5
3rd Person pov:
A gasp was heard in the previously dead silent train depot, Derek’s head shot over to the previously passed out girl, Arae. (y/n) looked around at her surroundings, obviously confused by where she was and why she was unable to recall what had happened previously. 
Derek was sitting across from the teen, having been watching over her whilst she was unconscious, (y/n) looked around the damp, dark area, shooting a questioning look to the Alpha werewolf sitting close by. “Where are the others?” She asked, referencing to the teen Betas the man had chosen to turn. Derek nodded towards the exit, “School,” He responded, reminding the girl that she had to be there also.
Sitting upright in bed as quick as she could, she tried leaving the cot Derek had tucked her into, suddenly realising she was wearing nothing but a large Henley shirt. Looking down at her body, she gave another confused gaze at Derek, who looked away, almost bashfully. “When you passed out, you weren’t… wearing anything,” He muttered, “I had to give you something.” She nodded and sat back in the cot, covering her lower half.
“To ease your nerves, I called in as your guardian, used some charm to get you the day off from school.” He told her, his normal stoicism returning. For some reason, the young Arae felt something burning in the pit of her stomach, hearing that he had ‘charmed’ some random girl. “I asked Isaac and Erica to take notes for you, in classes you share.” He finished. (y/n) nodded, both in acknowledgement and gratitude. 
There was silence for a moment, allowing (y/n) to get a grasp on her surroundings and emotions, which were equally as blurry after leaving her Spirit Form. “So…” Derek began, stealing the teen’s attention once more. “How did this…” He gestured at her body, “Happen?” (y/n) looked sort of offended, leaving the man to quickly rephrase his question, “I meant the supernatural thing!” (y/n) looked down, clearing her dry throat before beginning. “I guess it’s sort of a long story.”
Flashback ~
(y/n) pov:
I smacked softly at the door of the mausoleum, I must have been doing so for hours by now, my hands were bloody and bruised from how long I had been pounding and scratching at the door. There was nothing more I could do. I turned and began looking around, my eyes having adjusted to the dark long ago. I no longer had any hope that dad would come back for me. “What did I do?” I whimpered, thinking about my family, “Why did they leave me?”
“Not everyone can live forever my darling,” I heard a soft voice from behind me, whipping my head around with a small squeak. I couldn’t see anything or anyone, I could only hear them, they seemed to be humming. A simple tune that I recognised as something my mother had sang to me, every night. “Mama?” I called timidly. 
The voice gave an amused chuckle, “Hello (n/n),” She told me, I gasped and ran to where I heard the voice, tears streaming even more quickly down my face, looking desperately for my mother. “You won’t be able to see me, dear one, not yet anyway.” She whispered. I whined slightly, but the lullaby she was humming had hastened the exhaustion that was overcoming me.
I sat against the wall of the building, listening intently to the lullaby, “I’ll see you soon, my darling girl.” Mother whispered, sending me off to a peaceful slumber.
“I don’t remember much of what happened before I died, I remember the hunger, the thirst, the aching I felt because of them. Before I passed to the other side, I remember my mother warning me, telling me not to hold onto the past, I guess I didn’t listen. Right before I left, I thought of my parents, I felt anger. Towards my father for my murder and my mother for leaving me and letting him do it, even though she seemingly had no choice. Before I knew it, I was a monster.”
When I opened my eyes, the heat surrounding me seemed to have had no effect on my body and yet it was blistering. The body that used to be aching, in hunger, dehydration and emotional turmoil, now felt nothing. I looked around at the new environment, there was fire everywhere, weeping apparitions of all ages were the only life (or dead) I could see. The place I was now in was inherently terrifying, but I didn’t feel afraid, I felt like I belonged here.
“I was there for who knows how long, I seemed to grow as I should have been growing while I was alive, getting stronger with each year that passed. I had another Arae to watch over me, her name was Yarrow, she was sort of my boss, she told me what to do and when. But I knew I would never be happy knowing that I was securing everyone else’s revenge, but still feeling completely unsatisfied with my father’s livelihood.
“I knew I needed to finish what he had started, so I made a deal with Yarrow. Something you should know Derek, making a deal, with a spirit of the dead, is incredibly dangerous business, even if she was my own kind. We agreed that, as long as she had my allegiance, I would be allowed to return to the living and destroy my father.”
“You wished for conference with me (y/n).” The older Arae in front of me stood tall and proud, her wings were a brilliant crimson, seemingly made of flames, her eyes were the incredible cerulean of our species’ magic, contrasting against the red of her feathers and our home. I nodded to her, “Yes, my mistress, I have felt that I’m not doing my best, knowing that he is still up there.” I informed her, pointing towards the ceiling and the land of the living with my sharp talons. 
Yarrow smiled warmly at me, “I’ve watched over you for the last ten solstices, I watched you grow into a wonderful Arae, I’ve noticed your internal struggle, knowing how much you blamed yourself and others hurt me, but I know you’ll do what you need to.” She explained. I looked up at her, hanging off of her every word, “Do you mean-?” 
She nodded encouragingly, “Indeed, I shall allow you to return to the living, until you have no unfinished business via yourself or other mortals.” She ordered, the feeling of the command hitting me like a hurricane, literally. When a senior Arae commanded an underling, you could feel the weight of the words envelope you. All of a sudden I was back in the mausoleum, my glowing blue eyes casting a dim hue over my young corpse in the corner. 
I pondered over Yarrow’s words, “Until you have no unfinished business via yourself or other mortals.” There was always unfinished business for mortals, they were constantly quick to want revenge, even when they cannot accept the consequences. Revenge may be a dish best served cold but no dishes are free. 
Flashback over~
Derek looked at me shocked, I wonder what he was thinking, why my father did what he did, whether or not my story was true, who knows? “You should know this Derek,” I began, watching his deep green eyes stare into my own as they began glowing once more, “We’ve been connected in mind and soul because of Kate Argent.” 
His eyes darkened, his face becoming once more, sullen. “I am aware of your anger towards her, I know what she did and I am sorry for your loss. I know you feel blame because of what she did, but who she was, wasn’t your fault.” I told him, transforming into my spirit form before leaning down to gently kiss his cheek. 
I then abruptly left, I had someone I had to meet. 
??? pov:
“Boys! Slow down!” I called to my sons, barely seeing their chestnut brown hair before they disappeared in the crowded cafe. I huffed, out of breath after running after my six year old twins. I looked for my boys, seeing them looking up in awe at a teenage girl with (s/t) skin, (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. I couldn’t help but gape along with them, she was beautiful, she exuded an aura of confidence, but her smile was sweet.
“Hi,” She greeted with a fond smile, “Do these belong to you?” She chuckled. I shook myself out of my revere, nodding at the girl who still had that lovely smile. The smile quickly slipped from her face as she looked at my I.D badge from the hospital. “Francesca (l/n)?” She asked, I looked down at my chest and back at her, nodding with a grin. “You wouldn’t happen to know a (f/n) (l/n)?” She asked again.
“You know my husband?” I asked, she looked briefly shocked before responding. She nodded in confirmation and replied, “I’m being so rude, allow me to introduce myself, my name is (y/n) (l/n), I’m (f/n)’s daughter.” That caused me to look as shocked as she had. (f/n) had a daughter? Why wouldn’t he tell me that? “I know you must be so confused, I’ll buy you a coffee, we could maybe sit and talk? I could buy a couple of cupcakes for these two cupcakes,” She giggled, pinching the boys’ cheeks.
I nodded, still frozen in shock. I went to find a table, but the boys wanted to stay with their new big sister, I could hear them vaguely as they walked over to the counter.
“I’m Lucas! This is Ozzy, are you going to come live with us?” Lucas asked, excited as always, (y/n) chuckled and shook her head, Ozzy then almost shouted, “You’re really pretty!” (y/n) laughed loudly, ruffling his hair and leading them over to buy drinks and food.
They were only six, they probably didn’t realise the magnitude of the situation. How could (f/n) hide this from me? He was my husband, he never told me he had another daughter, or even another relationship. (y/n) soon cleared this up, “Francesca, I’m sure you have a lot of questions.” I interrupted quickly.
“Franny, please.” I told her with a weak smile, not quite getting over my shock. She nodded, after two cappuccinos and a lot more cupcakes, I knew the full story. (f/n) had been married before marrying me, her name was (m/n), she passed away when (y/n) was only four. Apparently, after her mother’s untimely passing, she went to live with her mother’s family, her father having lost custody. 
After we got through the rather awkward conversation, we actually got along quite well, she was the daughter I always wanted, my first (and hopefully only) secret step-daughter.
Walking into the house, the boys beginning to run down from their sugar high, compliments of their new sister, I walked up to (f/n)’s office with purpose. As much as I wasn’t upset that he had been in a previous marriage and had a daughter with her, I was furious that he hadn’t told me! Knocking on the door, his voice from the other side allowed my entrance.
He could see the anger on my face, setting down whatever he was working on to give me his full attention. “So, I ran into someone interesting today,” I began, my voice strained, “She told me her name was (y/n).” I hadn’t fully believed the story until I saw my husband’s reaction. His eyes widened massively at her name, standing from his chair with reckless abandon. 
(f/n) pov:
Franny continued to tell me that she had ran into a girl, claiming to be my daughter, I was terrified that she knew, she had been told what I had done. (y/n), or the person posing as her, had told her that after (m/n) died, (her name still leaving a bad taste in my mouth) she had moved in with her mother’s family. As far as I knew, (m/n) didn’t have any family, so I already knew this person was not my daughter.
I wasn’t listening to Franny anymore, responding with a nod every once in a while, her anger seemed to have depleted, replaced with joy at having a wonderful daughter. I was seething, someone knew what I had done, they were taunting me, acting as my daughter. The one I had killed. Or had I?
3rd Person pov
Erica pushed Stiles harshly into the darkened pool area, Derek’s sour wolf face greeting him as he bounced a basketball back and forth ominously. “Stiles, what did you see at the mechanic’s garage?” He asked, looking expectantly. Stiles responded with the only thing he knew, sarcasm.
“Several alarming EPA violations that I’m seriously considering reporting.” He told him, all with a straight face. The look on his face told the teen that wasn’t what he was looking for, looking Stiles in the eye as he punctured the basketball with his claws, deflating it and watching as it crumpled to the ground. “Let’s try this again…” The Alpha ordered.
“Alright, the thing was pretty slick looking. Skin was dark, kind of patterned. I think I actually saw scales. Is that enough? Because I have someone I really need to talk to.” Apparently that wasn’t enough, so the boy continued.
“Okay, um… Eyes. It’s eyes are yellowish. Slitted. It had a lot of teeth.” Not noticing the look of alarm on the werewolves’ faces as they looked up behind him. “Oh and it has a tail. Okay, we good?” Stiles finally realised what was happening, “What? Have you seen it? You’ve got this look like you know exactly what I’m talking about.” The human spun around and looked at whatever they could see, just as the creature leapt from the wall.
Erica darted in front of her Alpha, trying to protect him but the thing moved too fast for her. Whipping towards her, it shoved the Beta across the floor, her head knocking brutally into the wall, a small yelp accidentally alerting a certain being before she slumped unconscious. Derek saw what had happened to his poor Beta, beginning to fight the creature. 
The fight continued, the man trying to protect the sarcastic human from harm. “Get behind me,” Derek ordered, Stiles nodding and retreating behind him, once he does, he notices a bloody slash against the back of the werewolf’s neck. “Derek, your neck…” The man turned around, his hand reaching for his neck just as his leg’s gave out. The paralysis took hold as Derek dropped to his knees.
The two stumble around, Stiles trying to grab his phone from his pocket and Derek keeping watch. As the creature emerged from the darkness, slowly and methodically, Derek’s strength failed, Stiles lost his balance, dropping his phone and Derek slipped from his grip, tumbling into the pool.
Without a moments hesitation, Stiles jumped in after the sinking man, the water splashing as the two burst to the surface, gasping for air. They looked for the creature, hoping out loud that it had fled, only for a piercing shriek to come from the darkness, “Maybe not.” Derek responded. 
 “Get me out of here before I drown!” Derek shouted, as Stiles began to struggle to carry the weight of the man. “You’re worried about drowning? Did you notice the thing out there with multiple rows of razor-sharp teeth?” The snarky boy replied. He could almost feel the fury rising in the Lycan as he responded, “Did you notice I’m paralysed from the neck down in eight feet of water!?”
Stiles gave in, beginning to paddle towards the edge of the pool, not seeing the odd thing that was terrorising them. “Stop!” Derek shouted, both of them spotting the glowing yellow eyes at the other side of the pool. “What’s it waiting for?” Stiles asked shakily. The supernatural didn’t respond, his eyes trained purposefully on the creature, as if trying to figure out the answer.
Breathlessly, Stiles adjusted his grip on Derek, “I don’t know how much longer I can do this.” The creature continued circling his prey, Stiles’ eyes focusing on the phone on the wet tiles nearby. “Don’t even think about it.” Derek commanded. 
“Can you trust me for half a second?” Stiles asked exasperated, getting a blatant, “No.” In response. “I’m the one keeping you alive if you hadn’t noticed.” The boy almost yelled, becoming more and more over-exerted. 
“When the paralysis wears off, who’s the one who’s going to be able to fight that thing? You or me?” Stiles considered the options he had, asking if that had been why he’d been holding him up for two hours. “Yes. You don’t trust me. I don’t trust you. But you need me to survive. Which is why you’re not letting me go.” 
Looking Derek in the eye, Stiles lets go, immediately heading for his phone as Derek sinks to the pool floor. Snatching his phone from the tiles, he turns to see the creature coming straight for him, forcing him to make a desperate leap for the pool. His hand shot out from the water, his last attempt to call for help, as he dials Scott’s number. 
“I can’t talk right now.” Scott’s voice sounded from the speaker, before promptly hanging up. Stiles looked at his phone screen, completely gobsmacked at what had just happened. He looked down at the black figure, blurry at the bottom of the pool, having no other choice, he let the phone go and dived to save Derek. The two broke the surface of the water once again, gasping for air.
“Tell me- you got him.” Derek practically pleaded, his voice broken with gasps. Stiles refused to answer, his face telling the other man all he needed to know. The sound of glass breaking overhead scared the both of them, clawed fingers reaching down to grab the two, keeping them in the pool but above the water. 
Stiles released his grip on the werewolf, relief flooding through his arms. Sighing, Stiles looked up at whoever had saved them, yelping in surprise at the sight of the winged beauty. It was (y/n). Her eyes were glowing a deep blue, her body was covered in dark feathers and, most importantly, she had huge wings protruding from her back, flapping softly to keep them afloat.
She seemed to be keeping the two men in her hold with no problem, proving her incredible strength. Her bright eyes were quietly observing the creature from afar. Scott then appeared, with his claws and fangs dropped, letting out a fearsome roar. He seemed to be confused, not quite knowing which creature to attack, the one holding his friend and former mentor, or the one still circling the pool. 
His dilemma was quickly answered when the scaly creature wrapped its tail around his leg, lifting him off of the floor and and hurtling him towards a wall mirror. Glass shattered, lifting (y/n)’s attention from the men in her arms, she carried them to the pool side, dropping them as gently as she could, before rushing to help Scott. The creature inched ever closer to Scott, in desperation, he grabbed a shard of the broken mirror to use as a weapon.
That’s when it happened. The creature stopped its attack, focusing on its reflection in the shard, it seemed confused by it. As though it didn’t know what it was. Baring its teeth in a shriek, the creature hissed at itself and retreated, leaping onto the wall and darting out of one of the high windows, disappearing into the night. 
Realising that everyone else was fine, (y/n) fled to attend to Erica, who was slowly coming to. Helping her and Derek outside to follow Scott and Stiles, who were at the hood of a car, plugging some USB into a laptop. They seemed to be distressed about something, “That’s not English.” Scott decided, looking at the random letters and symbols. 
“Is that even a language?” Stiles replied.
“How are we supposed to figure out what this thing is?” Scott questioned, looking even more confused. 
“It’s called a Kanima.” Derek called from over their shoulders, with a revived Erica and winged (y/n) at his side. Stiles looked at the three incredulously, “You knew this whole time?” Derek shook his head, the teens attention quickly being taken over by (y/n), “Only when it was confused by its own reflection.” She told them. Scott stood on guard, looking at the odd supernatural.
“It doesn’t know what it is.” He confirmed. 
“Or who.” Derek continued. Stiles asked the man what else he knew, “Just stories and rumours. A shapeshifter, but not right. It’s…” He paused, looking for the right word. 
“An abomination.” (y/n) finished, looking personally hurt by the word. Derek, looking worried at the young girl, finishing his interaction with the boys, “I know one thing, when I find it, I’m going to kill it.”
(y/n) pov
‘It seems as though phase three may have to wait.’
So… this one was a lot longer than all the other chapters, it may have seemed a bit monotonous to read, I don’t know, my writing tends to get a bit crap after two thousand words. Anyway, I really hope you enjoyed part five! Love you guys! Xxx
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topazy · 2 years
Blood moon
Pairing: Scott McCall x reader
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter: 7.01
Scott smiled when he felt your soft lips kissing the back of his neck. He enjoyed the feeling for a moment before sighing. “I should go,” he says quietly. “I don't want to leave, but I also don't want to have to climb out of your bedroom window again.”
You let out a giggle at the memory of Scott practically throwing himself out of your bedroom window, wearing nothing but boxers, when Stiles unexpectedly arrived and barged into your home. Your relationship with Scott was complicated, to say the least, and the last thing either of you needed was to hear other people’s opinions on the matter.
“I don't want to have to shove you out of my window again either.”
Scott presses a soft kiss on your shoulder before abruptly snapping his head up. “It’s just us in the house, isn’t it?”
“Wyatt is at a sleepover, and Isaac is out with—” The front door slammed shut, cutting you off.
Scott immediately jumped back from you; the look on his face reminded you of when his mom caught you making out as teenagers.
You roll your eyes and throw on an old T-shirt before opening your bedroom door and calling out, “You’re back early. Is everything alright?”
You were surprised by your brother's tone; he was usually upbeat, sarcastic, and happy. He hadn't sounded this angry in a long time.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked, hoping that the questions would distract your brother, so he'd be oblivious to Scott redressing in your bedroom. You frowned with worry when you didn't get a reply, “Issac?”
“No, I don't want to talk about it. Is Scott staying for dinner?”
His serious tone took you aback. When you realized what he'd asked, even though it wasn’t unusual for Scott to be around your house, you still felt as if the question threw you a “wh-what?”
Suddenly, Scott appeared on the landing, holding his backpack. His hair is now damp and smells of lavender soap.
“Hey, Issac,” he says casually. “Thanks again for letting me use your shower. Hopefully, the plumber will manage to fix whatever is blocking the pipes in my apartment tomorrow.”
“Anytime,” Isaac shrugged. “Want some leftover pizza?”
Immediately after Scott leaves, you begin to tidy up the kitchen. Isaac had only returned to your family home two days prior, and he hadn't fully unpacked his cases yet, making the place more cluttered than it already was. You had a sneaking suspicion that Isaac’s bad mood was because he'd returned to Beacon Hills without his girlfriend, Summer.
You turn your attention away from the dishes you were cleaning to face your brother, who had a lopsided grin on his face. You frowned, knowing from the cheeky look on his face that he was about to annoy you. “What?”
Isaac raised his hands in the air and said, “Oh, someone is touchy.”
He leans against the kitchen counter and, in a more serious tone, says, “Can I ask you something?”
“Long as it's not something stupid, then sure.”
“How long do you plan on keeping the fact that you are dating Scott a secret?”
The porcelain plate slipped out of your soapy hands and landed on the kitchen floor, shattering into separate pieces. “I'm not—I'm not…”
“Dating Scott again?”
“No, we aren’t dating.”
He raised his brows. “So you just have a schoolgirl crush on him? It wouldn't be surprising if, whenever you looked at him, animated heart-shaped hearts would begin to appear in your eyes.”
Kneeling down to pick up the broken pieces, you shake your head and say, “It's not like that.”
Isaac sighs again. As much as you teased and taunted each other at times, he was still one of the most important people in your life. He leans down to help you clean up. “Then what is it like? I don’t want to see this turn into another massive fuckup, and you end up broken hearted again.”
“I'm not going to tell you anything, because all you'll do is lecture me.”
“I promise I won't. In all honesty, I'm relieved.”
You raised your brows, surprised. “You are?”
“Scott is a good guy, and he'd never intentionally hurt anyone. Let alone you; I don’t think he’s ever fully gotten over your breakup.”
“A part of me will always love him; he’s an amazing father to Wyatt,” you say, making sure all the small, sharp objects are in the bin. “But I’ve made it clear we are just having fun; it's nothing serious.”
Isaac let out a deep sigh. The events that led up to you and Scott splitting up in the first place were complicated.
Your stomach churned. Isaac hardly ever called you by your first name. Nobody did; everyone calls you Indie.
“This isn't like...” You lift your head to face him and notice he's staring at something outside. “What are you looking at?”
He points towards a staggering figure walking up the driveway.
She looked almost trance-like. The second you saw her mouth open, you covered your ears as she let out a piercing scream.
Isaac helps you get Lydia inside your living room, being careful not to trip over your son's train track, which runs between the kitchen, hallway, and living room. “What do we do?” You ask. “I haven't seen this bad in a long time.”
“I'll text Scott and Stiles.”
You feel pity for the redhead, you try to reassure her. “Stilinski is on his way. I bet he's breaking a few speeding laws to get to you.”
She weakly nods before lowering herself onto the couch, laying on her side, and closing her eyes. You take that as your cue to leave her to rest and motion for your brother to follow you into the kitchen. “This is so bad,” you whisper. “This is really, really bad.”
“Lydia's going to be fine; she just needs to rest.”
“Isaac,” you say as you reach for your brother's hand. “Summer's dream.”
He pulled his hand back and glared at you. “It was nothing more than a dream.”
“That's not true, and you know it. A banshee wouldn't be outside our house screaming,” you let out a shaky breath. “You are in danger. Something bad is coming for you.”
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wullamia · 2 months
stiles fic)))
silver holloway !
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stiles stilinski !
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isaac lahey !
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alvxprodz · 1 year
I never was the best to you.
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Runes and Claws || CH. 2
 A/N: Heyyy I’m back! To anyone that has read the previous chapter and has been waiting for the next part, thank you for not abandoning me <3 for those that are new, welcome! This is my attempt at writing a fic and I’m so happy you decided to give mine a chance! So sorry for the super long wait for the 2nd chapter, the adult life hit hard and i was not completely satisfied with the chapters I’ve written. I’m still not happy but if I tweak it too much I’ll start to ovethink. Anyways, I apologize for my rambling! Thank you for being patient with me <3, enjoy!
This story takes place in S1 of Teen Wolf. Just to introduce our OC to the storyline, future chapters will have all the Lahey romance.
Pairing: Isaac Lahey x OC! Mia Mondale 
Warning:  mentions of death, injury, I think that’s it (lmk if there’s anything else that might be triggering)
Word Count: 1.1k (it’s a short one)
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The next day the Mondale siblings found themselves staring from afar at the two boys Mia saw the previous night. One would think they looked creepy staring so intensely at them but the Shadowhunter was sure one of them had to have encountered the same faith as her brother.
Eli looked at his sister, "Are you sure it was them you saw last night? Because they don't look like the kind to go out at night to take a stroll in the woods." Mia rolled her eyes and turned to look at her brother annoyed. "Yes, I am sure it was them, okay? I activated my runes."
The male Mondale raised his hands in defence before they went back to pay attention to the two boys. If they weren't in such a crowded place Mia would use her stele to hear what they were saying and she couldn't exactly rely on her brother's new gained powers. The girl looked at the time before looking at her brother, "Are you sure you'll be able to control it? Derek said to keep a low profile."
"Mia, I won't feel anything until the next full moon, relax." She received an eye roll with his statement but when the bell rang and he flinched covering his ears, she smirked before saying, "Okay, big bro, whatever you say. Let's just keep an eye on them. Yeah?"
But Eli didn't have time to answer his sister as she already rushed into the building ready to find out if her suspicions were, in fact, true.
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The siblings were seated in the far back of the classroom. Eli kept an eye on the boy with the buzzcut while Mia was keeping an eye on the best friend. Of course, when the teacher mentioned the body in the woods, the boys exchanged looks as did the twins, albeit ones thought it was amazing the others were concerned for the town's safety. Mia was completely ignoring the teacher, as she drew in her notebook all she heard was something regarding a syllabus when suddenly she noticed that two seats in front of her the boy jumped and unless he has some kind of paranoia that could only mean one thing, Mia was right.
The girl looked at her brother to find him already staring at her and she mouthed to him 'I told you so' which of course made him roll his eyes.  Not long after the classroom door opened showing the vice-principal and a new student.
"Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome." The girl gave a close-lipped smile. Mia knew that smile because it was the same one she had put on when she and her brother first attended Beacon Hills High School, only their appearance was more awkward considering the fact that they came in the middle of the school year. 
The girl, who was introduced as Allison, walked to take a seat, locking eyes with Mia who gave her a smile as she played with her pen and taking a seat in front of her and behind the boy who would later turn out to be the twins' friend.
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Once school ended the students dispersed throughout the hallways. Mia wasn't the mingling type of girl, she would rather not relate with anyone but she couldn't help it and she approached Allison who was looking down at the schedule in despair.  
"Hi," Allison looked up like a deer caught in the headlights. "I'm Mia." Allison shook her hand as she gave her a smile, "Allison, but you already know that. I'm sure the whole school knows already."
"No, they're not as fast as you think. Give it a week and you'll start hearing rumours about you, then people will start talking." Allison was looking at her uneasily and noticing the look she had Mia shook her head as she chuckled, "Don't worry unless they know something about you there won't be talking anytime soon. Happened to me."
"Thanks..." The small silence felt awkward but it wasn't. Allison looked down one more time at the piece of paper before speaking up, "Hey, um, could you help me find my locker? I didn't really have the time. You know, being the new girl."
Mia took the paper from her hand and scanned it over quickly before smiling happily, "Great! Your locker is not far from mine."  Mia took her hand and almost dragged through the hallways. The girls stopped in front of the designated locker and as Allison put her number in, Mia was leaning against the neighbouring locker and looking around, rolling her eyes when she spotted people already whispering to themselves. 
"I wonder what kind of story they will come up with this time." Mia muttered and Allison looked at her funnily. "Why do you say that?"
Mia turned her head to look at her and leaned her head against the locker, "Just because not long ago I was the new girl along with my brother." Allison furrowed her eyebrows, "What's wrong with that? Everyone else was probably new too."
"Yeah... we just came slightly later than most. Like in the middle of the school year. That sure gave people a lot to talk about especially because-"
Mia couldn't finish her sentence as she was interrupted by a new voice chiming in their conversation. "That jacket is absolutely killer. Where'd you get it?" 
Allison looked down at her jacket before replying to the strawberry blond girl while Mia put her hands in her back pockets and pursed her lips. "My mom was a buyer for a boutique in San Francisco."
The strawberry blond girl smiled and pointed a finger at Allison as she said, "And you are my new best friend."
It seemed that Mia was finally acknowledged by the girl but no words were exchanged as Allison's new best friend was grabbed by the waist by a boy, instantly setting a smile on the girl's face. They started making out after she greeted him which put both girls in an awkward moment as they exchanged looks and Mia shrugged.
"So this weekend, there's a party."  Mia's interest perked up. If there was a party and there was a possibility that demons were roaming around, it would be the perfect place for a demon to find a victim yet it seemed that Allison wasn't much the partying type. "A party?"
The boy, who Mia heard was named Jackson, miraculously acknowledged both of them, "Yeah, Friday night. You both should come." Allison seemed hesitant and while she and Jackson made a short conversation, his girlfriend narrowed her eyes at the Shadowhunter, "I know you. You're in some of my-"
"-AP classes. Yeah, I always sit in the back."
Luckily for Mia, the mundane cut in on Allison and Jackson's conversation and she used this moment to slip away from them to her locker, of course, she touched Allison's arm and sent her a smile before she disappeared. She opened her locker and left all the books she didn't need and when she closed her locker, she was met with her brother leaning against one of the neighbouring lockers. 
As Eli expected from her the first thing she commented on was his appearance, naturally, her face frowned, "What in Raziel's name are you wearing?"
Eli looked down at his attire before looking at his sister, "Lacrosse gear." Mia started walking towards the exit, " Okay. Why? you've never shown interest in it when we got here."
Because I'm not..." He lowered his voice from eavesdroppers. "I'm not a Shadowhunter anymore, Mia. I haven't shown interest because we had a job." Mia showed disbelief, "So I'm supposed to do everything alone now while you try to find new wolfie friends. Make friends with Derek, maybe he'll cheer up!"
"Don't get mad, Mia. Please, it's a chance to have a normal life." His statement earned a scoff, "If you haven't noticed we aren't exactly normal. It's bad enough already that I made friends when we were supposed to keep a low profile. It didn't end well last time and you know it."
Eli adjusted his backpack as he looked down uncomfortably, "Can you not talk about that?" She opened her mouth but he gave Mia a pointed look and she shut it. One last time he tried to convince her, "Please come to the tryouts. I need my sister."
"Fine." Mia released a sigh before following her brother to the field while muttering  'I hate you' under her breath.
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Ch.1, Ch. 2, Ch.3
Hope you liked the second part to Runes and Claws, it’s been 3 years since I first started to write this story but kept it in my drafts, only publishing the 1st chapter but now I’m ready to share more of my works! I’m determined to finish this fanfic, however long it takes. 
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sundrop-writes · 2 months
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Isaac Lahey x Fem!Reader
During his first full moon, Isaac needs to think of something to ground him - to keep his newfound powers from getting out of control. Derek suggests that he use anger, and he knows that Scott grounds himself with his love for Allison.
Isaac finds something in between - thinking of the anger he feels when you get hurt.
Isaac Lahey x Fem!Reader. Pining Best Friends. Hurt and Comfort. Set during Season 2, Episode 9.
Word Count: 2,300
Teen Wolf Masterlist | AO3 Link
Full list of warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: canon level violence - mentions of Isaac, Erica, and Boyd having to be chained up on the full moon (to avoid hurting themselves and others), mentions of Isaac's abusive father (somewhat graphic descriptions of the abuse that Isaac experienced); Isaac has a self deprecating inner monologue because of the psychological effects of his father's abuse; mentions of Isaac being injured by his father's abuse; the reader also has an abusive father and it's a point on which they related and bonded (and how they became such close friends); at one point the reader describes her abuse as being 'not as bad' as Isaac's abuse (but that is psychological trauma speaking); mentions of the reader experiencing physical and emotional abuse; reader is described as 'pretty girl' at one point in the fic (again, this is very self indulgent); Isaac has a crush on the reader but has never voiced it (it's implied that the reader feels the same way); Isaac and the reader exchange friendly physical affection; emotional angst - Isaac feels powerless for not being able to stop the reader's abuse; I think that's it for this short fic? The themes are on the darker side, but it comes from a personal place for me.
A/N: If you've been following me for any amount of time, then you know I have a thing for sad, abused characters. If you have read my Ellie fic 'My Heart Is The Worst Kind of Weapon' - then you would know why. Isaac is the kind of character I immediately connect to for deeply personal reasons, so watching the entirety of Teen Wolf through for the first time, I couldn't resist writing a fic about him. There will likely be more to come about him, but for now - here is this deeply self indulgent moment inspired by Season 2, Episode 9. If you don't relate to this, I hope you can enjoy it as a distant whumpy fiction, and if you can relate to it - I hope that Isaac can bring you some comfort like he has for me. Much love, happy reading.
While the chains rattled against the abandoned subway car and Isaac tried to ignore Erica’s groans of pain from having several large bolts bored into her head, he couldn’t help the question that was rattling around inside of him. 
“How do you do it?” Isaac asked Derek as he arranged the chains around his limbs. He was trying to push down the sickly familiarity of it - being restrained. He was trying to tell himself that it actually was for his own good this time, not just a sick punishment given to him by a powerless, unhinged old man. “How do you keep it under control?” 
“You have to find an anchor.” Derek told him, firm, determined. 
It was nice to focus on the conversation instead of the anxiety rising in his chest, so Isaac pressed on. 
“An anchor?” He questioned, unsure what Derek meant. “Like what?” 
“Yeah. Something else for you to focus on. For me it's anger.” Derek paused. “But it's not like that for everyone.” 
It was immediately obvious to Isaac who Derek was speaking of. 
He had Allison. It was some dreamy romantic bullshit - using his love for his girlfriend to keep from wolfing out. But apparently, it worked well for him. 
Derek gave a subtle nod. 
Isaac didn’t have anything like that. He didn’t have some cheesy romance to fall back onto. He didn’t have someone declaring a love for him so openly - because he wasn’t worth loving. Even with his father gone, the world had made it very clear that he was just a piece of shit stuck to the bottom of someone’s shoe - a problem being passed around that nobody could seem to solve. 
“It just has to be something strong enough to keep your mind present. A strong feeling you can hold onto. Anger, love, resentment, regret, rage. Just find something that works for you.” 
Isaac nodded, and Derek went to check that Erica and Boyd were secure as the moonlight came to its full brightness. 
It got Isaac thinking about you. 
You were probably the one person in his life who didn’t think he was a problem. The one person in his life who loved him, even if you didn’t say it out loud. 
He had felt all of those things - anger, love, resentment, regret, rage - the last time he had been with you. When he had been sitting in your bathroom, perched on the closed toilet seat lid after an argument with his father. Naturally, the argument had ended with Isaac having a black eye, and a large cut on his cheek from his father's ring colliding with his face. 
You were the only person he ever went to. No matter how bad things got, you were the only person he ever told. You were the only person who ever understood. Isaac had found out the hard way that your own father was much the same as his. On the first day of freshman year, he had seen you wearing a sweater when it had been a balmy, sunny day, and he had volunteered to be lab partners with you - partially to get closer to a pretty girl and partially because a gnawing feeling was going off in his stomach. 
Even back then - even when he was scrawny and powerless, his instinct to protect you had still been so strong. Even if all he could offer you was a shoulder to cry on and the chocolate bar out of his lunch, he looked at you and he felt the world turning on the simple hope that he could make your day just a bit better. Because he knew, even without words, by the tiredness in your eyes - that you suffered like he did. And he wanted so badly to make it better. 
When the two of you were doing an introductory experiment of baking soda and vinegar to cause the classic foaming volcanic reaction, the rubber gloves you had been wearing caused your sleeve to ride up, revealing a menacing purple bruise on your wrist. Isaac spotted it instantly, and when you locked eyes with him, he held nothing but deep understanding there - not shock or even pity. Nothing but deep understanding and warmth. 
He held your hand under the table for the rest of class, and you had never wanted to pull away. You felt a unique kind of mourning when the bell rang and you had to part ways. 
At lunch that day, you found him under the bleachers by the lacrosse field. Without so much as a word, only a cursory glance around to make sure that nobody else was watching, he pulled up his shirt, revealing an array of horrifying bruises to you - some purplish, some green, some faded yellow - all collected from different points throughout the summer. The time when he had been trapped at home with his father, having nowhere else to go as the man got more aggravated with his presence. 
You ran a gentle touch along the wounds - the most gentle touch he had been greeted with since his mother's death, something that easily brought him to tears. And from that moment on, the two of you had a silent understanding. You spent the rest of the lunch hour exchanging ‘war stories’ and laughing with a tainted dark humor about your separate twisted patriarchs. And the next time he was bloodied and bruised, he texted you to meet him under the bleachers in that same spot, and you didn’t hesitate to rush out of bed at three in the morning to get to him. 
It became a sacred place for the two of you to escape to when you needed it. 
The two of you became a sacred comfort to each other - knowing that there was little escape in telling the police or a guidance counselor, because you had nowhere else to go. 
Today, when Isaac called you, you found your house luckily empty. Your mother and your father were away visiting relatives in another state, so when Isaac told you that he needed you, you texted him the all clear to come over to your house for a reprieve. He was lucky to be able to spend the night somewhere else - to get to sleep in your bed, cuddled up close to you for comfort, without fear. 
He tried not to wince with pain as you dabbed disinfectant on the large cut across his cheek. He hated seeing you flinch with empathy every time his expression wavered even slightly. He could handle the pain. He could be better than this. 
“Isaac.” You sighed his name pitifully, clearly on the edge of tears. 
Both of you knew the thoughts that were pulsing thickly through your head, even without you having to speak them. 
Isaac didn’t deserve this. You wanted to hurt his father in return. You wished you could take away his pain, you wanted to help him escape from it. 
It was a ‘wishful thinking’ conversation that the two of you had dozens of times before. It always ended with you both more upset than when it started, so you swallowed up those thoughts now. But Isaac knew them too well, written across your face and swollen on your lips like the tears brimming your pretty eyes. 
You put down the cotton ball you had been using and turned your back to him, poorly hiding your crying as you stiffly wiped off your cheeks. 
“What do you want me to say?” He replied, hating that this whole thing had to upset you. “You know how it is.” 
To an extent, you didn't. Your father was a screamer. He yelled loud enough to shake the walls, but he rarely escalated to physical violence. You found that you were lucky if you escaped a fight with death threats and tears rather than having hands laid on you. Isaac came to school with fresh bruises every other week - you had to feel that he was worse off than you were. 
“We should just go.” You said, feeling bold in your suggestion. It felt obvious - escaping. “We should just run away. Get the hell away from all this.” 
You whipped back around, still feeling a terrible twinge of pain and sadness inside you at the bruising across his face, the fact that his cheek was definitely swelling up now. 
Isaac frowned. It was a nice dream, and he hated to be the one to dash right through it. 
“You know we can't do that.” Isaac sighed. Ever the realist. Of course. “Where the hell would we even go? With what money? No offense, but the couple hundred dollars you have saved up from babysitting isn't gonna get us anywhere.” 
“It's over fifteen-hundred.” You told him honestly. 
It was a nest egg that you had been sitting on since middle school, hoping to escape your father and never look back. When you met Isaac, you had another thing anchoring you to Beacon Hills, keeping you from buying the bus ticket you had always wanted. 
“But you're right. That'll get us - what? A couple of nights at a motel?” You let out a harsh, dry laugh. Trying to relieve some of the tension. “Well… we could go on a vacation? Escape for a few days?” You suggested, sounding hopeful. 
The idea of spending time alone with Isaac - a getaway where the two of you could pretend none of it was happening, even for a few days - it sounded like paradise. 
Isaac’s mind went to a dream-like vision - having you alone in a hotel room. A bed just for the two of you. Even just getting the chance to sleep peacefully with you, cuddle you, it sounded like a dream. 
He had to pull himself back before his mind went to places a friend shouldn’t stray. 
“A last hurrah before my dad kills me for running away on him.” Isaac sighed. 
The consequences of it would be inevitable. The two of you would have to come back home eventually. He knew that your father would likely feel much the same. He would never forgive himself if you ended up bruised and battered because of something he had encouraged you to do. 
You let out a sob then - the thought of Isaac dying by his father's hands had been all too real to you at times. A horror you imagined in your mind over and over again, especially after times he had come to you with half his torso nearly bruised black and he had been unable to move properly for days. His father was a monster, and you didn’t doubt that he would be capable of murder. 
Isaac rushed to stand up, and pulled you into a hug. His warmth, his arms surrounding you tightly - it was the only place you ever felt safe. You eagerly gripped him back, missing the wince he let out when you squeezed a bit too hard over one of his bruised ribs. But no - he would never fault you for holding onto him too tightly. 
Holding you like this - he felt like he had the world in his arms. Something tight in his chest, telling him that if anything ever happened to you, he would become the same kind of monster that his father was. But in the same way any threat to you made him boil over with rage - you made him gentle. You made him soft and loving. You were the only person in the world who made him feel okay to weep. 
He kissed the top of your head, not a stranger to comforting you with affection even though the two of you remained strictly as ‘friends’. As much as he yearned for more - you were a life vest while he was drowning and he wouldn't risk fucking that up just to kiss you and call you his girlfriend. He wouldn't throw any messy feelings into the mix. 
“It'll be okay.” He told you. 
Coming from his lips, you had to believe it. 
“Thank you, Isaac.” You sniffled. And then, something hit you. “You came over here for my help, and now you’re comforting me.” You let out another dry chuckle, clearly resisting the urge to scold yourself. 
“This is helping.” He told you, hugging you tighter. “This always helps.” He said the last part quieter, a dropped whisper that you could barely hear. 
It was a truth he was afraid to confront just yet. 
But in the present, it was a truth that was helping him more than anything. 
Isaac hadn't spoken to you since he had gotten the Bite. He had been terrified of hurting you somehow. The last thing he ever wanted was to become the thing that you feared. It would have been his worst nightmare to be the one to make you cower in a corner and cry rather than to be the one giving you comfort from it. 
As the moon came to a full wane overhead, and the mighty rage and power pulsed through his veins, Isaac thought of you. He thought of using that power to tear apart anybody who had ever hurt you - to finally free you from those tears. He thought of giving you the same relief he had felt when his father died. He thought of his love for you, even if it was a silent love that he had never gotten the chance to voice. 
“I see you found your anchor.” Derek remarked to Isaac later, after he had gotten Erica and Boyd back in their chains, tightening Isaac’s binds once again, if only as a precaution. 
“I did.” 
Derek looked at him with intrigue, as if waiting for him to explain. 
“Well, you said that you use anger. And Scott uses love.” Isaac told him. “I guess that mine is… some combination of both.” 
“Protectiveness.” Derek explained. “That's what wolves call it.”
A/N: This is a oneshot, and I wrote this to be a closed off story/its own little moment inspired by the show. This is a complete story, however, if there is enough interest, I might turn this concept into a longer oneshot and expand on the idea. It would not be me writing a 'part 2' of this, it would be me using this concept and writing a longer oneshot. I do have a personal vested interest in writing about powerful characters defeating abusers, but currently I don't have the time to turn this into something longer, so this is all I wrote. Please do not harass me about making this longer or posting something more, and if you're going to leave a comment asking for a continuation, please also tell me what you liked about this current story. Though I have something else in mind, I do consider this to be a completed story on its own.
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perseephoneee · 5 months
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↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist ↳ 1k celebration
last updated: 04/15/2024
↳ as a writer, i'm always consuming things about my favs, and i thought it was time to share some of my favorites. every story here has likely been reread by moi a million times. also-- my psyche can be easily viewed by how many stories are under one individuals *cries*
every headcanon from @via-l0ve
her boys @octoberclidan. (tfw)
dances with team free will @octoberclidan
cruel summer (18+) @waynes-multiverse
ladies with experience (18+) @hintsofhoney
dean reads you wrong @zepskies
she's my siren (18+) @fatecantstopme
smoke eater (series) @zepskies
a taste of summer @impala-dreamer
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ CASTIEL
dreaming (18+) @impala-dreamer
beautiful to me @impala-dreamer
angel alpha (18+) @crashdevlin
i'll watch over you @octoberclidan
if you will have me, i'm yours (18+) @gilverrwrites
neckties @supernaturalfreewill
love, by any other name @zepskies
peculiar @supernaturalfreewill
because of books @supernaturalfreewill
last night on earth (18+) @hollybell51
don't bet on it (18+) @hollybell51
his charge (18+) @impala-dreamer
sharing is caring (III) @zepskies
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ ISAAC LAHEY
sick reader @smellslikemultifandomimagines
aftercare @smellslikemultifandomimagines
hidden with isaac @scoopsahoy
mutual losing (18+) @smellslikemultifandomimagines
facesitting (18+) @smellslikemultifandomimagines
cruel summer @hotdogwillex
come back to me @hotdogwillex
cold feet, warm bodies (18+) @scoopsahoy
i'm gonna kiss you now @sourwulf
drunken confessions @teenwolffan-with-nolife
dream @rogershoe
fratboy!isaac (18+) (all time fav) @mermaidenisaacs
teaches you to kiss (18+) @mermaidenisaacs
prove me wrong (18+) @twjournals
dating the mikaelsons @wholoveseggs
hold (18+) @wholoveseggs
extra-extraordinary (18+) @wholoveseggs
blood bath (18+) @wholoveseggs
warmth (18+) @wholoveseggs
the result of naps @fitzs-trained-monkey
she knew better (18+) @klausysworld
distracted @theeoriginals
you bring me home @theeoriginals
sharp (18+) @theeoriginals
christmas khaos @wholoveseggs
goodnight kisses @kmikaelsonimagines
frustrations (18+) @madhatterbri
thigh socks (18+) @geminioriginalsimagines
proposal @kmikaelsonimagines
Christmas in dixie @fitzs-trained-monkey
bruised and battered @fitzs-trained-monkey
shots @so-long-soldier-writes
little favors @fitzs-trained-monkey
of ice skates and sugar cookies @fitzs-trained-monkey
ten minute blood stain removal @fitzs-trained-monkey
like a box of chocolates @fitzs-trained-monkey
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ KAI PARKER
for my valentine (18+) @babeydollx
lace (18+) @geminioriginalsimagines
game on (18+) @socio-kai-path1972
kisses @socio-kai-path1972
why? @socio-kai-path1972
affinity romance (18+) @socio-kai-path1972
is it hot in here? (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
party crasher (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
sex tea (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
say it again (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
the red means (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
the price of hatred (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
spoiled (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
birthday girl (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ JIM KIRK/BONES
a well documented debacle @mybullshitsensesaretingling
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ PAVEL CHEKOV
sweatpants @youre-on-a-starship
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ LOKI
reformed villain squad @give-me-a-moose
overtime (18+) @cleo-fox
loki's happy ending @gingerwritess
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ BUCKY BARNES
graveyard @wkemeup
red flags (18+) @astroboots
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ FINNICK O'DAIR
oral headcanon (18+) @lucilleslore
darling and the virgin (18+) @wife-of-all-dilfs
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ JAMIE TARTT
chilly cheeks @veryberryjelly
about you @buckychristwrites
saved you a seat @benedictscanvas
operation: tartt's heart @theowritesstuff
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ TENTH DOCTOR
family christmas @writerlyhabits
gestures and evasion @doctenwho
before you go @doctorslove
falling in love again @doctorslove
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ SPENCER REID
virgin!spence (18+) @fortheloveofwonderland
i'd bottle the feelings you gave me @spencersfunkysocks
all the women he's loved before @fortheloveofwonderland
a helping hand (18+) @sinfulspencer
second date @samuel-de-champagne-problems
preciously pure (18+) @foxy-eva
two ships passing in the night @hairringtonsteve
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sterekcollabang · 1 month
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A Book By Its Cover (Model)
Writer: @renmackree
Artists: @tarantula-teeth, @anaxandria-writes
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Cora Hale, Laura Hale, Erica Reyes, Isaac Lahey, Vernon Boyd, Jackson Whittemore Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known, Author Stiles Stilinski, Model Derek Hale, From Sex to Love, Friends With Benefits, Minor Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes, Minor Scott McCall/Kira Yukimura, Minor Cora Hale/Lydia Martin, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Felching, Knotting, CMNM, Stiles Stilinski Is Bad at Feelings, Good Pack Alpha Derek Hale, Gratuitous Smut, +click through for more Summary:
Derek Hale has been a cover model for ten years exclusively for his favorite romance author, the mysterious M. S. Gajos. With the series about to end, Derek takes his last chance to meet them for the first time, only to find out that Gajos (AKA Stiles Stilinski) is a whisky-eyed cynic who doesn’t believe in the love he writes. Sparks fly, both bad and good, and it just so happens that Stiles is looking for a muse—but will Derek be able to keep from falling for him? Or will Stiles’ heart finally melt?
[Read More]
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We're What?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54577153 by IgotNolifeHelp000 “So, the Hales are moving back because the eldest son is my mate, and he’s apparently really desperate to be around me and his mom wants to set us up, and while all of that is going on, I will get powers and people from the supernatural world are going to train me, meanwhile the council are having a close eye on me to see if I am in fact the chosen one?”   “More or less,” His dad said. “Great, what about take-out for lunch, I’m starving” Words: 2569, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Kira Yukimura, Lydia Martin, Malia Tate, Cora Hale, Peter Hale, Talia Hale, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Chris Argent, Jackson Whittemore, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Alan Deaton, Melissa McCall, Laura Hale Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall/Kira Yukimura, Lydia Martin/Malia Tate Additional Tags: sterek, Drama & Romance, Fluff and Angst, The Hale Family Lives (Teen Wolf), Rich Hale Family (Teen Wolf), Magical Stiles Stilinski, Mates Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, POV Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall & Stiles Stilinski Friendship, Post-Nogitsune Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale is Bad at Feelings, Protective Derek Hale, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Lydia Martin & Stiles Stilinski Friendship, Banshee Lydia Martin, Malia Tate is a Hale, Cora Hale & Stiles Stilinski Friendship, Cora Hale is a Little Shit, Cora Hale Ships It, Matchmaker Cora Hale, Stiles Stilinski & Kira Yukimura Friendship, Good Peter Hale, Pack Alpha Talia Hale, Awesome Talia Hale, Sheriff Stilinski Knows About Werewolves (Teen Wolf), Pack Dynamics, Rules, Visions, Prophecy, Hurt/Comfort, Car Accidents, Hospitals, Fights, Top Derek Hale/Bottom Stiles Stilinski, Slow Burn, Soul Bond, Running Away, Holidays, Fluff and Smut, Awkward Flirting, Drinking, Drugs, Partying, Sorry?, good luck, I Don't Even Know read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54577153
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andreafmn · 1 year
I'm Not Afraid | Chapter 10
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Word Count: 4.3K Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father’s sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin’s, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined. Chapter: 10/? A/N: cough cough sorry, dusting off this story after more than a year 😶 honestly, cannot believe it's taken me this long to update this story. So, if there are still any fans of it… Hey!!! I am so sorry for taking forever, but I will absolutely try to keep to my new writing schedule [if you wanna see it, it's on my Tumblr andreafmn]. Thank you to all the peeps that are reading. I hope you enjoy! My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts to support me and my love of writing or buy me a coffee TikTok • Instagram • Business | MASTERLIST If you’d like to be tagged in this or any other story: click here Make sure you have my notifications on so you know every time I post! 
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Chapter 10
(Y/N) could not help the feeling that took over her. It was a giddy excitement that filled her as she rode back home. She couldn’t quite place it, only knowing what it could be from books she had read and movies she had seen.  
She liked him. She truly liked Derek Hale.  
Derek Hale.  
Derek Hale.  
Derek Hale.  
The name repeated inside her head like a grounding mantra. 
Derek Hale, the werewolf.  
Derek Hale, the alpha.  
Derek Hale, the most wanted man in her family.  
The girl wasn’t afraid of her feelings. Those she could guard, those she could shield from her world. Her emotions weren’t the ones she wanted to keep safe. She wanted to keep Derek safe — keep him safe. Her family had already caused him so much pain. Her own flesh had burned away his family like they were nothing more than insects. The same blood that rushed through her veins had been able to kill a group of innocent people leaving Derek on his own.   
That was what she wanted to protect him from. (Y/N) wanted him shielded from all the horror her family would continue to enforce. When she turned eighteen, she would be able to escape and find a way out of the circle that had forgotten the code of a hunter and had decided that supernatural lives were worthless.  
All they had to do was reach mid-December. Nine months, that’s all they needed. Nine months and they could dive head-first into whatever it was they were feeling. Whatever new adventure life wanted to throw their way.  
“Well, someone seems chipper now,” Isaac teased as (Y/N) balanced her motorcycle on its stand. “I take it things between Derek and you have been fixed?”   
“Something like that,” she chuckled. “We at least put some things on the table.”  
“What does that even mean?” 
Isaac followed her into the house, waiting for her answer. But she simply waltzed through the house, landing in the kitchen. She got a bottle of water and a slice of pizza out of the fridge, eating it without heating it up.  
“(Y/N), just tell me what you meant,” Isaac chuckled as he followed her to the living room. “If this is you being happy, I don’t like it.” 
“There’s not much to say, honestly,” she mumbled. “We just talked.” 
“Give me something here, (Y/N),” Isaac exasperated as he plopped down on the couch next to her. “Judging by the way you’re acting you two did more than just talk.” 
“Ew, Isaac,” (Y/N) gasped dramatically. “Need I remind you that I am a minor.” 
“He’s not that much older than us and you’re only 17 for a couple more months.” 
“9 months to be exact, but who’s counting?” The girl got up from the couch and headed back to the kitchen, dancing around all of her friend’s questions. “You know what this pizza needs? Ranch. It needs some ranch.”  
“(Y/N), why are you avoiding me?” 
“I’m not.”  
“You’ve been skating around the topic since you got here. I just wanna know what’s going on between the two of you.”  
“Truthfully, there’s nothing going on,” she shrugged. “There’s nothing that can go on just yet. Nothing for nine grueling months. Nothing more, nothing less.”  
“What happened a couple of hours ago wasn’t nothing, (Y/N),” he added. “There’s only a few years of difference between you. Are you really telling me you wouldn’t risk it?”  
“I could, Isaac, but not with him,” (Y/N) sighed. “I cannot give my family any ammunition against him. If they ever found out that we were together they would find a way to get the authorities involved and trap him afterward, even if he’s innocent. And that not only would put Derek in more danger, but it would set a target on you and everyone else. I simply cannot do that.”  
“We can protect ourselves, (Y/N).” He rounded the kitchen island, stopping once he was right next to her, and placed a comforting hand on her arm. “You deserve to be happy. I mean, Allison and Scott are making it work. Why can’t you?” 
“Are they making it work?” she questioned. “They sneak around all the time. They have to pretend they hate each other when they’re in school. They can’t admit they’re in love without putting the other in harm’s way. I don’t want that.”  
“So, instead you’re gonna pretend that you feel nothing for him? How is that the better option? In the long run, you’re only hurting yourselves.”  
“And what am I supposed to do, Isaac? What am I supposed to do if you guys get hurt because of a decision I made?  How could I live with myself if my family got their hands on you because of me?” (Y/N) spoke through gritted teeth, holding back the tears that threatened to spill. “I can’t do it. I refuse.”  
Isaac remained quiet for a beat, her words sinking into him as every second passed. He understood her need to protect them, the desperation to withhold her wants in order to keep everyone safe. “Is this about Josie?” he whispered, carefully choosing his next words. “Your job is not to protect everyone. At some point, you need to allow yourself to want things for yourself.”  
“I can’t. There are too many lives at risk right now and I won’t let anything happen to any of you if I can help it,” she responded sternly. “I don’t care if it takes a lifetime. If it means that you will all be safe, then I will stay away from him.” 
“You’re as stubborn as they come, (Y/N),” Isaac responded in defeat. He placed his hands on either side of her face, pressing his forehead to hers as he gifted her a smile. “But if you ever change your mind, just let me know. I’ve got your back, Argent.” 
“Thank you, Isaac. I’ve got your back too.” 
“You better,” he chuckled. “Now, let’s go to bed. We’ve got a couple of long days ahead of us.”  
“You don’t have to tell me twice.”  
School had been uneventful the next day, the only thing that could be felt was the anxious excitement of the students as talk of the secret rave kept spreading. Tickets were already scarce as it was and as more people knew of its existence the harder it would become to get them.  
Thankfully, talk of the rave was strong enough to quiet any whispers of what had transpired in the library. The fact that it had been completely destroyed by supernatural creatures the student body had no idea of had been hidden under the rumor that it had simply been a teenage fight. It was baffling and incomprehensible, yet everyone accepted the answer at face value. At the end of the day, it was simply school property and nothing more interesting.  
“Here you go,” Isaac said after math class was over, slipping (Y/N) a yellow and pink piece of paper. “One ticket for tomorrow night’s secret rave. Courtesy of one Derek Hale.”  
“Is that what you left so early this morning for? I thought they were already sold out!”  
“If there’s one thing I know about Derek it’s that he has connections. And that he’d stop at nothing to stop Jackson.”  
“You mean save,” (Y/N) corrected as she walked by his side to her locker. “We are going to save Jackson.”  
“Yeah, that.”  
“Seriously, Isaac. He’s being controlled by someone else and has no idea of what he’s doing,” she added. Her words were filled with compassion and worry, concerned for a boy that, though despicable, was innocent in the whole ordeal. “Jackson Whittemore might be a whole lot of things, but I know he’s not a killer.”  
“You sound like Scott,” Isaac chuckled. “I honestly don’t think I’ve ever heard more people rally behind that guy since he’s become a sort of murderer.”  
“Everyone deserves a chance,” (Y/N) said. “If they didn’t, I would have cut you off the second you turned into a cocky ass.”  
“Hey, I’ve always been nice to you. It’s other people I don’t like.” 
“Who? Stiles and Scott?” she teased. “Is it because Derek doesn’t like them?” 
“Contrary to popular belief, I can think for myself,” he scoffed lightly. “I don’t like them because they haven’t given me any reason to like them. That could change at any point, but it seems unlikely.”  
“And have you ever even talked to them?”  
“Not exactly,” he shrugged into his seat. “But I don’t really care to talk about that. Tonight, we’re gonna go see Scott’s boss, the vet. Apparently, he can help us catch Jackson tomorrow night. Wanna come with?”  
“I suppose I could. There’s not much happening back home,” she sighed happily. “I think it’s cause my dad’s away.” 
“Well then, we’ll have fun,” he smiled. “Just you, me, Scott, and Derek. What a fun group of people.” 
“I get along fine with everyone,” she returned the smile. “It’s Derek and you that need to learn how to be able to deal with other people.”  
“A couple of weeks ago you couldn’t even say more than five words to them. Now, you’re the biggest team player?”  
“What can I say? I really flourish in a stable environment.”  
“Between kanimas, werewolves, and hunters,” he laughed. “What a stable environment.” 
“At least I’m not moving at the end of the year,” she grinned, slamming the locked door closed. “Now, let’s go eat before we meet the vet. I can’t think on an empty stomach.”  
As the day transitioned into night, Isaac and (Y/N) left her house for Derek’s. It was in moments like those that the Argent girl forgot what her world had turned into. She wasn’t just going over to her crush’s house to admire him from afar as she spent time with her friend. No. She was on her way to pick up an alpha to figure out how to stop a reptilian-shapeshifting teenager.  
(Y/N) had only ever wanted to have a normal life, and for most of it she thought her biggest obstacle was moving every year. In reality, it was the fact that her parents had been secretly training her to become a supernatural hunter. Everything she had been craving was farther from her reach than she could have ever thought.  
Still, she could only deal with one problem at a time. Stopping Jackson was the most pressing matter and that’s what her mind had to focus on. Especially when half of the people she surrounded herself with wanted the boy dead. She couldn’t, and wouldn’t, stand for that. 
She killed the engine of her motorcycle as Isaac hopped off the back. They were met with a scowling Derek, his arms crossed tightly across his chest. The sight alone had the girl biting back a laugh, finding the façade he wore when others were around to be the most hilarious acting he could do. She had already seen the side of him he so desperately hid from others, and she could not think of him otherwise. 
“Oh, come on, Derek,” Isaac grinned. “There’s no need for jealousy. (Y/N) and I are just friends.”  
“I’m not jealous. How could I be?” he devilishly smiled as he got into his car. “There’s no real competition.”   
“Cool it, boys,” (Y/N) interjected, settling into the passenger seat. “It’s not like there’s much to choose from. We are terribly lacking in the casting department here in Beacon Hills.”   
“And what is that supposed to mean?” Derek grumbled.  
“It means that I have to pick from a really small pool of options,” she said mischievously, a playful grin on her face. “You’re definitely number one. But you’re a close second, Isaac.”   
“Hear that, Derek?” Isaac laughed, peeking his head to the front. “You better play your cards right or I might have a chance.”  
Instead of responding, Derek slammed on the brakes, making Isaac’s seatbelt lock as his body lurched forward, knocking the air out of his lungs. Quietly, he sat back onto his seat, his eyebrows furrowing and his arms crossing across his chest like a child after a tantrum. But all (Y/N) could stare at was the cocky grin that was plastered on Derek’s face.  
“Alright, enough of this pissing competition,” (Y/N) laughed softly. “We have real business to tend to and I don’t wanna be late.”   
“You heard the lady, Derek. Step on it.”   
“Watch it, Isaac.”   
“Guys,” she called their attention, scolding them with her gaze. “Let’s just go.”   
The rest of the short car ride was quiet, filled with the soft hum of the radio and the air blowing out of the A/C. But there were stolen glances and smiles between the people in the front of the car. Their arms rested on the center console, their fingers itching to interlace as they stretched toward each other, neither really giving in.  
One second, they were leaving Derek’s loft, and the next, they were parked in front of the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic. Before they could reach the door, Scott was already unlocking it, his face contorted in confusion as he stared at (Y/N) and Isaac.  
“What’s he doing here?” Scott questioned. 
“I need him.”   
“I don’t trust him,” the boy added as he walked back inside.  
“Yeah, well, he doesn’t trust you either,” Isaac said cockily, his mask quickly slipping on.  
“You know what?” the older man said annoyed. “And Derek doesn’t really care.”  
“What about you, (Y/N)?” Scott asked, his tone softening. “Why are you here?”  
“Just along for the ride. But at the end of the day, I’m a good mediator for whatever tension is roaming here.”  
“That won’t be necessary,” Derek quickly said. “Now where’s the vet? Is he gonna help us or what?”   
“That depends,” the doctor answered, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. “Your friend, Jackson. Are we planning to kill him or save him?”   
Derek answered, “Kill him,” at the same time Scott and (Y/N) responded, “Save him.”   
Both of the teens stared at the alpha, not shocked at his answer but a tad disappointed. Scott had been clear when he agreed to work together, things would be done his way and that meant doing everything possible to rescue Jackson. And if Derek had any doubts, there were none left once Scott reiterated twice that Jackson would be saved.  
Then, and only then, did Dr. Deaton allow the group back into the treatment room. They all stood behind the exam table, following the vet’s every move. He took hold of a tray with neatly arranged vials with symbols on the lids.  
With childlike curiosity, Isaac reached for the glass containers. Only to have Derek snatch his hand away. “Watch what you touch,” he said, and (Y/N) couldn’t help but agree. She had learned rather quickly that when it came to that secret world it was better to air of the side of caution.  
“So, what are you?” the blonde questioned, keeping his hands to himself but ignoring Derek’s reprimand. “Some kind of witch?”   
“No, I’m a veterinarian,” Deaton responded to him before he shifted the conversation to what they were there for. “Unfortunately, I don’t see anything here that’s going to be an effective defense against a paralytic toxin.”  
(Y/N) was intrigued by the man. Even if he claimed to be a mere human, she could tell there was something more to him. There was a powerful energy that emanated from him, but she couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was or what it could mean.  
As the man questioned about the Kanima and the others answered, her mind was deadest of figuring out what the energy she was feeling meant. If he was truly just a human, she was afraid she was losing her mind.  
“Essentially, you’re trying to capture two people,” she heard him say as her brain focused back on the situation at hand. The doctor turned for a second and pulled out a medallion. “A puppet… and a puppeteer,” he explained as he placed the disk on the table. “One killed the husband while the other killed the wife. Do we know why?”   
“I don’t think Jackson could do it,” (Y/N) finally spoke. “His mother died pregnant too, and she was maybe murdered. I think he couldn’t let the same happen to someone else.”   
“How do you know it’s not part of the rules?” Isaac questioned. “The Kanima kills murderers. If Jackson kills the wide, then the baby dies too.”  
“Does that mean your father was a murderer?” Scott asked him.  
“Wouldn’t surprise me if he was.”  
Instinctively, (Y/N)’s hand flew to Isaac’s forearm and gave it a comforting squeeze. Even if the man was a horrible human being and had made the boy’s life a living hell, she knew how hard it still was for him to talk about the man.  
“Hold on,” Deaton pondered. “The book says they’re bonded, right? What if the fear of water isn’t coming from Jackson, but from the person controlling him? What if…?” he continued as he grabbed a vial of something (Y/N) recognized as mountain ash and drew a circle around the silver medallion. “Something that controls the Kanima also affects its master?”  
“Meaning what?”  
“Meaning we can catch them,” she smiled at the blond. “Both of them. If this theory is right, that means we could get Jackson and whoever is controlling him in the same place.”  
“In theory, it should work,” the doctor added. “But you should plan for all possibilities. Scott, you can come over tomorrow and pick up what supply I have of mountain ash. Hopefully, this plan works.”  
“I hope so too,” the boy added. “So, we’ll meet up tomorrow before the rave to make sure we’re all on the same page. Right, Derek?”   
“Right,” he grumbled. “We’ll see you tomorrow night then.”   
Once everyone had agreed to the plan, Deaton and Scott walked the trio to the door, wishing them a good night and safe travels home. But keeping up their macho bravado and feeding their air of dominance, Isaac and Derek made a beeline for the car rather than return the sentiment. It was childish and petty, but it forced a smile out of (Y/N).  
“I apologize for those two. It seems they have forgotten their manners,” (Y/N) said. “But thank you, Dr. Deaton, for all your help. And thank you, Scott, for everything you’re doing to make sure Jackson comes out of this alive. He may be a shitty guy, but he doesn’t deserve to die.” 
“Thanks, (Y/N),” Scott smiled, placing a reassuring hand on her arm. “And although I cannot say I understand why you’re even in the same presence as Derek Hale, I’m glad you’re there to keep him in line.”  
“Eh, he’s not that tough,” she chuckled. “Anyways, I’ll see you tomorrow. And thank you again, Deaton.”  
“Please, call me Alan.” 
“Then, thank you, Alan.”  
“Get home safe, (Y/N),” Scott called out as she walked to the car.  
“You too, Scott,” she smiled. “We’ll get them tomorrow. Even if it takes everything out of us.”  
As soon as the girl had closed the door of the black Camaro, the car sped out of the parking lot. After such an influx of information and the slightest sliver of hope, silence befell them. The ride was silent, once again filled only with the soft sound of the radio and the blast from the A/C.  
There wasn’t anything more to be said. They either trapped both the kanima and his master, or they would die trying. And it was that sense of dread that kept them mute until they reached the loft where Isaac excused himself to grab a change of clothes.  
(Y/N) walked to Derek’s side, leaning against the car right beside him, enjoying the smoothness of his leather jacket against her. It took every ounce of self-control for them to not deepen the touch, to reach out to one another in seek of comfort.  
“What do you think will happen tomorrow?” (Y/N) asked, her voice barely above a whisper.  
“Honestly, I have no idea,” he sighed. “If it were up to me…” 
“If it were up to you Jackson would be dead,” she finished sternly. “An innocent life would be taken.” 
“Jackson is not innocent.”  
“Someone is literally calling the shots for him, Derek. He doesn’t even remember what he’s done,” she retorted. “He shouldn’t be faulted for something he is not doing on his own.”  
“I know,” he exasperated. “But he’s still done so many horrible things, even if he doesn’t know it. And he’ll continue to do them if he and whoever is controlling him isn’t stopped.” 
“Just please, Derek.” (Y/N) turned to face him, her eyes desperately searching into the darkness of his. Her hands rested on his crossed arms, the only way she found she could convey the level of her worry. "Promise me you won’t kill him. Do whatever it takes to stop him but kill him.”  
Derek could only sigh at her plea. He could see the desperation behind her eyes, the way they were looking for any sign of deception in his. But he knew he could not lie, at least not to her. “All I can promise is that he’ll remain alive as long as he stays away from you,” he said. “If he does anything to harm you, he is as good as dead.”  
“I’m serious, (Y/N). I’d be so much as digs a single claw into you, I will make sure I’m the one to rip his throat out.” 
“Even if we know his venom won’t do anything to me?” (Y/N) blurted. Derek’s eyes grew wide, thinking she would never find out about his transgression. But she had told him that Scott had revealed everything to her, that was just part of the story. “Yes, Scott told me you tested me and Lydia. And at some point, I was everyone’s favorite suspect. What would you do if it had been me? Would you not hesitate to kill me as well?”  
“I never doubted you,” he told her, softly cradling the side of her face. “It was never my intention to test you. You just so happened to shade that piece of candy with Lydia. I knew it could have never been you.” 
“How could you be so sure? You didn't know me, Derek. You still barely know me,” her voice croaked. “So, I'm asking you. If I had been the kanima, would you be advocating this hard to kill me?”  
“Absolutely not.”  
“Then, you shouldn't want to kill Jackson either.”  
“It's not even comparable to how I care for you,” he smiled. “But I promise you, and only you, that I will not kill him.”  
“That's all I can ask for,” she said, returning the warm smile. “And I'm glad to hear you wouldn't have killed me. I think death wishes would really tamper with our chances.”  
“I'm glad it wasn't you then,” he chuckled. “Although, I think we could have made it work. We just would have to make sure your scales were always hydrated.”  
“A kanima and a werewolf,” she laughed. “What a match it would have been.”  
As they laughed in unison, their gazes met under the light of the moon. His green eyes shone brightly as they studied every inch of her face, every so often falling to her lips. He noted the pinkness of the skin and the plumpness. He saw how they trembled slightly whenever his eyes landed on them. He spotted how they parted to allow a deep breath to slip through. 
Oh, how he wanted to taste them. To crash his lips onto hers and savor every second of connection. All it would take was a single move. In less than a second, he could answer every question he had about her mouth.  
So, he slowly leaned in.  
And she did too.  
They were millimeters away from breaking their resolve and throwing caution to the wind. A gust of air and their nine-month pact would be broken. At least, they would have given in to the feeling they most craved for.  
“Welp, ready to go!” Isaac's voice startled them apart. His head was focused on his bag, making sure he had everything he needed, and had no idea he had ruined a moment for the pair. “You think we could stop for some food on the way back? I'm starving again.”  
The duo could only stare at the tall blond, their faces growing red in embarrassment. “What?” Isaac muttered. “Is it too late for food?”  
"It's fine, Isaac,” (Y/N) chuckled at his obliviousness. “We'll get something on the way back. Go start the bike. Let it warm up.” 
“Alright,” he said, easily catching the keys she threw him. “I'll let you two lovebirds say goodbye.” 
Once he was out of sight, the pair laughed quietly. They had once again been interrupted by one of Derek's teenage strays. And once more they had been that close to giving in to their urges.  
“It seems like the universe wants us to wait,” she grinned. “For the record, I really want to kiss you.” 
“For the record,” he whispered into her ear. “I really want to kiss you too.”  
“I mean, there’s nothing really stopping us right now,” she said, biting her lower lip. “We could just... do it.”  
“Not with Isaac right there,” he reminded her. “He might not hear us well, but he can definitely see us. And, not gonna lie, I don’t really wanna kiss you with an audience.”  
“Neither do I,” she chuckled. “A year, huh?”  
“Nine months,” he smiled. “But who’s counting?”  
Next ->
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stereknation · 4 months
Desperate Times by Nokomis
Summary: Stiles gets magic wish-granting powers, but only when he's in danger. He begins to teleport to Derek in increasingly awkward moments.
Rating: Mature 
Main Character(s): Stiles Stilinski
Additional Character(s): Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey, Erica Reyes, Allison Argent, Kira Yukimura, Scott McCall, Vernon Boyd, Malia Tate 
Pairing(s): Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Tags: Magic Stiles, enchanted objects, Awkward Romance, Fluff and Angst 
Words: 3,454
Chapters: 1/1
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snowdropluck204 · 1 year
Beware the Spirits of the Vengeful ~ Teen Wolf x reader
So, depending on whether or not people like this I might turn this into a series, there will be character death, but I am hoping this will turn into more of a romance story because that is what I am used to writing. Multiple endings with each character and maybe a few other endings, I hope you enjoy!
3rd Person pov
Blue and red flashed through the trees and bushes, onto the faces of terrified witnesses and onto the stern face of Sheriff Stilinski as he walked through the cemetery, a long, tired sigh escaping his body. His fellow colleagues were spread about the tombstones questioning the witnesses. He looked over at the now demolished mausoleum, apparently it just happened, video footage showed nothing, nobody near it, it just spontaneously collapsed.
The Sheriff walked over to question the last witness, someone he had questioned recently for something else, “We meet again mister Lahey!” He exclaimed, shaking the teen by the hand and nodding at the boy’s father. “What can you tell me about what happened tonight?” He asked, gesturing towards the pile of rubble in the corner of the cemetery.
The boy blew a sigh out through his lips, looking nervously between the Sheriff, the mausoleum and his father, “Well, I was doing my rounds, cleaning things up, trimming bushes and stuff, and I heard this noise, like laughter.” The boy suddenly paled and focused on the trees behind the mausoleum, where his alpha stood glowering at all the attention. “It was chilling, terrifying. Like, it was echoing off of walls that weren’t there anymore. The next thing I knew, the tomb crashed down and I had to get away from it before I was trapped.” He told the Sheriff, his voice shaking.
The boy’s father rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, “Look are we done here, it’s late and Isaac has practice early tomorrow.” He said, clearly unhappy that there was yet another disturbance in his cemetery. The Sheriff sighed and waved them off, watching with a stern glare as the boy was dragged away from the crime scene by his father.
Walking towards the (l/n) family mausoleum, forensics had just finished their first sweep of the rubble, making sure that the only bodies in there, were those that were in coffins. “Anything?” He asked, looking towards a few other officers. One of the forensics walked towards him with a grave face.
“Well, we found something rather odd, we found DNA of someone outside of the coffins, now it could just be people who had visited the mausoleum, but we won’t be sure for a while.” They said, walking away.
Once again, the Sheriff sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, walking back over to his car, to find a blue Jeep also in the parking lot. “Stiles, what are you doing here?” Sheriff Stilinski asked his son, exasperated.
Stiles jumped out of his Jeep and ran towards his father, looking around him to the crime scene, “Well, I heard what had happened and I wanted to-” The boy was cut off by his father grabbing him by the shoulder and pulling him back to his car.
“You cannot keep showing up to my crime scenes! Go home, Stiles.” He said, pushing the teen towards his Jeep and getting into his own car. Alone with his thoughts, the man began running through the events of the night. Why just that mausoleum? Why specifically the (l/n) mausoleum?
Time Skip~
Stiles ran through the halls of Beacon Hills High School, apologising as he ran into other students until he finally ran into the right student. “Scott! Scott, you’re not gonna believe this! Oh dude, this is insane-” Stiles’ hyperactive tangent was interrupted by his friend.
“Stiles, dude, breathe. What’s going on?” Scott asked, looking through his locker for books on his next class. Stiles hopped from foot to foot, excited to tell his friend about the research he had done.
Stiles huffed before continuing, “Okay, so about a week ago, I was listening to dad’s police scanner and apparently something happened at the cemetery. The (l/n) family mausoleum was destroyed!” Stile’s rushed through his words, desperately trying to get to the best part. “The best thing is, the camera footage of the place showed nobody but Isaac in the area and he didn’t do anything!” Scott looked at his friend confused.
“Wait, Isaac? Derek’s new beta Isaac?” He asked in a hushed whisper. Stiles merely responded with a look of disbelief.
“That’s what you took from that!?” He yelled, looking around at people’s staring before lowering his voice, “Nothing happened to the mausoleum, it just imploded!” He whisper-shouted. Scott looked at Stiles confused.
“Well, do you know what happened? How did a small building just destroy itself?” Stiles was once again hopping up and down with excitement.
“That’s the biggest thing! The forensics who were on the scene found DNA from the rubble but it was outside the coffins, like someone had been there that wasn’t dead!” Stiles looked ready to burst. “The forensics called my dad and I ‘overheard’ what had happened,” He said, using air quotes. “Apparently, the DNA belonged to a little girl that went missing nearly ten years ago, (y/n) (l/n).”
Scott looked at his friend with interest, “Well, what happened to her? I don’t remember a (y/n) (l/n) around here.” Scott racked his memory to try and remember a girl around his age that went missing. He could vaguely remember the town going crazy for a while over a child reported missing. He remembered a curfew being set for teenagers and younger kids, he also remembered his mom acting crazy, not letting him leave the house alone, not even going into the backyard.
Stiles looked down, “Nobody knows what happened to her, they never found any evidence until now, the case was closed and then reopened. Dad’s really uptight about it, apparently some of his worst days were trying to work that case only to hit a dead end. But, do you remember that creepy old dude, (father’s/name) (l/n)?” He asked, Scott nodded at his friend, everyone knew that guy, after his wife died he went a bit… weird.
“Well, if you didn’t get it from the last name, he was (y/n)’s dad, when his daughter went missing, he started acting really weird, especially around the police. Since the case has been reopened, they brought everything back from the archives and the number one suspect - her dad.” Stiles finished his tangent, looking both excited and freaked out by the story he told. 
Scott looked at Stiles, panicked, “So, you’re saying there is a chance that this guy killed his own daughter?” He whispered, still thinking the story through and its connection to him. Why was Stiles telling him all of this? 
Stiles continued his tale, “Yeah but that’s not the only thing, apparently Isaac heard laughing, echoed, creepy laughing before the mausoleum crumbled. I managed to sneak a peek at the footage and found this.” He finished, pulling out his phone with a picture of blurry camera footage. There, in the trees behind the rubble, there was something (s/t) in the shadows, it almost looked like there was a face peeking through the bushes. 
Scott looked shocked for a second, “What is that?” He asked, looking at the picture, “Is that real? That’s a face!” He continued, whispering. Stiles nodded sporadically, getting pumped again. The bell for their next class of the day rang through the halls, the boys beginning to move towards their classroom.
Stiles once again, began speaking, “Yeah, it is a face! But, it disappeared like two seconds later after staring at Isaac. I wanted to tell you because it seems very-”
“Supernatural.” Scott finished quietly, as they entered their classroom. Stiles nodded. “Okay, well we have enough to deal with because of Derek and Isaac anyways,” Scott said, watching as Isaac entered the room and smirked, “We’ll meet up after practice and talk then, see if Derek knows about any of this.” He said, stopping as their teacher walked into the room. 
“Settle down everyone,” They began loudly, “We have a new student starting today, come on in dear.” Everyone turned towards the door to see the new student. A young girl walked into the room, she had (h/l) (h/c) hair, glassy (e/c) eyes and (s/t) skin. One single thought ran through the minds of every student in the room, some with jealousy and others with deep interest, ‘She’s gorgeous’. 
The girl smiled shyly at everyone before stating quietly, “Hi, I’m (y/n) (l/n), it’s a pleasure to meet you all.” Scott’s eyes widened, looking over at Stiles, hoping to see a similar reaction, but the boy was sat gawking at the girl and her beauty.
“Dude, did you hear that?” Scott whispered, catching Stiles’ attention. Stiles was jolted out of his daydreaming.
“What- what’s up?” He asked, looking swiftly between Scott and the girl, who was now making her way to the back of the class, sitting in the empty seat next to Isaac, who smiled at her, trying to charm her, before turning to the glaring males of the class and changing to a smug smirk. 
“Did you really not hear her? She said her name was (y/n) (l/n), the girl who you said went missing ten years ago!” Stiles suddenly turned to focus all his attention on Scott.
“What? Seriously? I didn’t hear that, she said something like (name that sounds like yours) or- actually, I don’t think she said anything,” Stiles muttered, trailing off. He couldn’t think of her name. Almost as if she hadn’t told them it at all. 
Scott looked over at the girl, smiling and talking to Isaac. “I’m sure it’s nothing, maybe I was just focused on that, thought I heard her say it but she said something else. You, on the other hand, were too busy gawking at her to hear her name.” He said, looking over at Stiles, only to see his attention back on the new girl. Scott slapped his friend gently on the back of the head, snapping him out of his trance.
“Anyway,” He continued, “We’ll do some research into the missing girl, see if they look alike, then we really need to talk to Derek and Isaac.” Stiles paled at the thought of having to talk to Derek, but was excited to see where it went with his research of the new girl.
(y/n) pov
Walking into the classroom, I hid behind a shy sweet persona, that would make this easier. I knew I had the looks down, us supernaturals were unnaturally good-looking, but I could sense there were supernaturals in this room. I looked out into the room of students with a shy smile, “Hi, I’m (y/n) (l/n), it’s a pleasure to meet you all.” I doubt anyone knew my story, or even that I had gone missing at all, I used my real name but masked it with a small glamour. Unless they were supernaturals, they would hear some random name that kept changing.
I looked into the wave of students and saw two in particular that caught my interest, one was a boy with an impish grin, dark blonde curls and deep blue eyes, the other boy had dark, curly hair, dark brown eyes and looked shocked, before he began whispering with a pale boy behind him. I walked through the desks until I found the empty chair next to the blonde boy, “Hi.” I whispered, looking down at my books. I’ll admit, this wasn’t the plan but I found him very attractive.
He smiled a charming smile at me and whispered back, “Hi, I’m Isaac Lahey,” He told me. ‘Oh,’ I thought to myself, ‘The boy from cemetery.’ He reached out a hand, I assume to shake my own, only to hold it in both of his. Wow, he is very out there, but still I could feel heat rushing to my cheeks. I could feel supernatural energy flooding through the boy’s warm hand into my own, he might be useful.
“It’s nice to meet you Isaac,” I told him with a bright smile, “Look, I’m starting the year pretty late, would you mind maybe, helping me catch up?” I asked quietly. I don’t think I was acting shy anymore, this boy was bringing out a different side of me. Isaac smiled widely at me, I could feel my knees weaken.
“Sure, I’d love to! How about we start after school today?” He asked, I nodded and smiled back at him. I had never had an education, let alone one in high school so this should be interesting…
Now all I needed was to find that Alpha…
I hope you guys enjoyed this, let me know somehow if you want more of this, I really enjoyed writing this!
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Heart of the Ocean 💙 | Teen Wolf Miniseries Part 1
Takes place in between 3A & 3B of Teen Wolf
Tumblr media
Teen Wolf Masterlist | part 2
Characters & Pairings: Hale/McCall Pack x supernatural!reader (female/platonic), eventual Peter Hale x reader (romantic), reader x male!oc ( past romance) & reader x supernatural!reader (platonic). Characters in this imagine: Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Isaac Lahey, Derek Hale, Peter Hale.
Content Warnings: light angst, profanity, references of historical event disaster, mentions of death, blood, murder | afab!reader (she/her pronouns) | wc: 3.1k
Requested 📨 yes/no (rules for requests)
Premise: Suspicious deaths were a common occurrence in Beacon Hills—especially after things seem to be actually looking good when a previous problem is fixed. Now Scott and the pack are having to investigate a string of murders happening that not only reek of supernatural, but linked to an renowned event they’ve learned in history class.
Note: I’m hyperfixating on Titanic as of late so I have a lot of ideas involving AU’s and retelling with various fandoms. I just did a TGM au with Bradley Bradshaw and currently have a Twilight one in the works so expect a lot of Titanic in my works when I’m not writing requests.
Riddles were a tricky little thing. And when used in a malevolent way where to find the answer to a solution one must crack the code, riddles can become a person’s worst enemy.
And the one laying on the table of Derek’s loft was becoming their enemy.
Murders, which was becoming a common occurrence lately in Beacon Hills, were happening where the people were nearly drained of their blood by cutting their throats and wrists before letting them hang upside down. Stiles' father was overwhelmed with stress. Not to mention he was having to come to terms with the reality his town was a beating heart for supernatural creatures. Like how his sons best friend since childhood was a fucking werewolf.
And while it was presumed a human serial killer was responsible for the murders, the pack had an inkling it was more sinister. Investigating on their own they found more suspicious reasons to believe it was supernatural.
Only problem, they had no clue who or what it was.
They were all gathered over the table—save for Peter who was nestled on the couch. Stiles was rubbing a thumb over his lip, becoming frustrated as he was usually on top of solving riddles. Lydia was beside him, deep in thought as she read over the paper silently.
“He just left this here?” Scott glanced at Derek, who was standing with his arms crossed on the opposite side of the table.
“Right outside the door. Like he wanted us to find it.”
“And you heard nothing?” Stiles’ question earned him a glare. “Super hearing and you didn’t hear someone stabbing a piece of paper into your front door?”
“If I did you think I would’ve let him leave the damn note?” Derek spoke harshly.
“—knowing all it is is a distraction so he can kill more people.”
“It’s not just a distraction,” Allison interrupted the two bickering, staring hard at the note. “It’s an order. He’s asking us to find someone.”
“Yeah,” Isaac scoffed, “who we have no idea is.”
“Read it again,” Scott sighed, running a hand through his hair. With a huff, Stiles took the paper in his hands, clearing his throat before reading aloud for all to hear.
Have you figured it out yet?
Were my clues not enough?
You’re thinking too hard now,
Let me show you it’s not so tough.
Our faces the same,
As they were the day we changed.
Only the eyes no longer its color,
A price for the exchange.
You’ll find it almost disheartening,
When you learn of what we do.
Our nature is uncanny,
But it’s not so far from you.
Find the one I’m looking for,
And I’ll stop the chaos and the pain.
Are you ready?
Here’s your hint.
Time is of the essence,
So you better make it quick.
Wearing the Heart of the Ocean,
She’s closer than it seems.
For I seek the one I turned,
Who was on the Ship of Dreams.
Silence fills the loft, everyone thinking hard of what it could mean. There were so many clues but so vague it was difficult to puzzle them together.
“Well we know it’s someone supernatural,” Isaac hummed, attempting to lighten the situation.
“Yeah we got that genius,” Peter muttered.
“And he’s looking for a woman,” Allison added, ignoring Peter’s sarcasm. “Someone he turned. And was on a ship?” It comes out more like a question, “that could mean a lot of things.”
“Could it be a werewolf?” Scott turned to Derek
The man shook his head, “I don’t think so.”
“But the thing about the eyes—.”
“Many shapeshifters' eyes are like ours. That doesn’t mean it’s a wolf. Plus he said they’re not wolves.”
“How do you know?”
Derek rolls his eyes as though it were obvious, “he wrote, ‘our nature is uncanny, but it’s not so far from you,’. If they were wolves he would’ve said so.”
“Maybe another Kanima?” Allison suggested, “the master looking for his puppet?”
Stiles cuts in, narrowing his eyes on the last verse, “Why would he bold the first and last line of the last clue—these ones,” he places the paper flat on the table. Lydia, the closest to him, leans in as his finger points to the verse. “Heart of the Ocean and the—.”
“Ship of Dreams,” she finishes, voice going low as realization hits her. All eyes turn to her, confusion in their gaze until the name leaves her lips. “Titanic.”
“What?” The question came from Scott, but all were thinking the same. There’s no way she was talking about the most famous shipwreck in history.
“Titanic,” Lydia repeated, this time more confidently. Her own finger came up to point where Stiles' finger had been. “They used to call it the Ship of Dreams.”
“Titanic?” Isaac’s tone was full of doubt. “You mean the ship that sank a century ago?” He couldn’t help but add, “And the movie Leonardo DiCaprio dies in.”
She rolls her eyes, “I don’t recall any other having the same name.”
“The anniversary is coming up,” Derek starts to say, deep in thought like it was all coming together. “It would make sense.”
“Wait—hold on,” Stiles lifts a dramatic hand. “We’re talking about THE Titanic—like Isaac said—that sank a hundred years ago. A hundred,” he repeats to show his point. “Anyone who is alive—even if they were a werewolf or shapeshifter or whatever the hell you want to call it,” he glances at each of them, “would pretty much be on their last breath of life. If this woman were a newborn baby at the time she’d be at least one hundred years old by now.”
In the debate none had noticed Peter moved from the couch to the window. The chuckle leaving his mouth caught their attention. Stiles makes a sound, “I’m sorry, do you wanna share with the class what you obviously know that we’re missing?”
“Our faces are the same,” he says the opening line of the second verse, only drawing confusion and annoyed looks from the others. “As they were the day we changed.” The man pauses, letting it sink in before continuing, “If the woman he’s looking for was on Titanic then she likely was an adult. Considering he turned her, probably by saving her from freezing to death or drowning, and she wears the same face she did the night she was turned…” Peter steps away from the window, now facing the group.
“She’s not aging. At all. Meaning…..she’s immortal.”
The silence following his confession is eerie, eyes flicking over each other to see if they were reacting the same. Immortal. Though the term was familiar it felt almost foreign. Never had they dealt with someone immortal. Unable to die and was walking the Earth acting as though they were human. Now Beacon Hills had two in its possession. They needed to work fast and the riddle only had pieces of the puzzles.
So who—or more like what, was immortal?
"What are you getting to?” Scott narrowed his eyes, Wanting a straightforward answer to what they were dealing with.
Peter clasps his hands behind his back, slowly inching forward,” It’s not shapeshifters you’re looking for.” He takes a step closer, “or a Kanima and its master.” Another step, “or a dark Druid.” Another step brings him right next to Derek, eyes flicking to the paper. “There are few creatures blessed with immortality—or cursed if you look at it another way. But most of them are born with it. Take Gods and fairies for example.”
“Oh my God—those exist?” Stiles feels his mind implode, “Are we about to fight Gods?”
“No,” annoyed at being interrupted Peter rolled his eyes. “I just said those are immortals that are born with their powers. And I don’t know if they exist, I’ve haven’t met one yet. Anyway, this one—.” His finger touches the riddle, “was turned. And likely the person who did was too.”
“So what is it then,” Scott was becoming impatient. And who could blame him really. For all they know it someone was already being drained of their blood at that very moment. “What’s the immortal that’s turned not born?”
“Come one,” he scoffs, like he couldn’t believe they hadn’t figured it out. “Ever wonder why the victims were drained of their blood?” The one question had everyone's face become colorless. “Has Stiles's father not caught on the wounds were made after they were dead?” Why their throat was slashed….but had two little puncture holes on either side?” Peter glances around at every person, catching the nervousness of their gaze as though they already knew what he was about to say but wished it wasn’t.
“The creatures you’re looking for…..are vampires.”
The rest of the night the pack was gathering as much information as they could about the passengers aboard Titanic—all 2,240 of them—while also trying to figure out any other clues within the riddle. They still couldn’t believe it was a vampire responsible for the murders. And that he was hunting someone he created who, still to their shock, was a passenger aboard Titanic.
And with 2,240 people on the ship during its ill fated maiden voyage…they were in for a long night.
“Okay so we know they’re vampires—our killer is the one who turned the woman he’s searching for into a vampire. She was on Titanic when it sank meaning—,” Stiles wrote furiously across the notepad, the riddle next right beside it. “He was on it too. Now we could narrow this down several ways. Either by searching through the passengers class or going through who survived because as Lydia pointed out,” the hand holding the pen points to the redhead, “RMS Carpathia recorded the names of the survivors before they reached New York.”
Either method was good, but there was a problem with the latter. As Allison pointed out, “but what if they never knew she was there? I mean having a newly turned vampire on a ship filled with people is a recipe for disaster.”
Derek nods, agreeing with her, “Her eyes would’ve made it obvious.”
“How so?” Asked Isaac.
Peter is the one to explain, “Vampires in our world are different from what you see on TV. They aren’t these pale, corpse-like, individuals who look like they belong in the morgue. They’re rather human-like if they’re equipped with a special glimmer that allows them to come off as mortal.”
“Glimmer?” Lydia raised a brow, finding the word a bit comical given the creature they were dealing with.
“We’ll get to that. But any vampire who’s newly turned will have red eyes—blood red eyes.”
“How fitting,” Stiles couldn’t help but groan. “So what, are you saying she’s likely wearing contacts to hide her eyes.”
“Possibly,” Peter hums with a shrug, “wouldn’t be surprised if she is. This day in age makes it easier for vampires to conceal their nature. But considering our little vampire was turned in 1912…her creator probably hid her on the Carpathia—or as outrageous as it sounds, swam her across the remainder of the Atlantic ocean.”
Derek closes the book in front of him, detailing the events of the RMS Carpathia rescue of Titanic’s passengers. “However he saved her can wait,” he leans his hands onto the table, “We need to figure out the last clue of this riddle.” Moving the riddle to him, Derek reads, “Wearing the Heart of the Ocean, she’s closer than it seems.”
Lydia bites her lip, typing away on her laptop. “If I didn’t know it any better…it sounds like he’s trying to reference a piece of jewelry. Probably a necklace or something.”
Peter rubs his jaw deep in thought, “That could be the source of her glimmer.”
“The necklace?” Stiles wonders aloud.
“Usually most vampires would prefer a ring or bracelet,” he waves a hand, “It’s small and concealable. Very easy for a Druid to enchant the item and allow the vampire to give off the effect to other supernatural beings they’re human. Prevents them from being obliterated by the sun. That’s their glimmer. Sealed within the jewelry to act as a camouflage. So long as they have it on,” he shrugs lightly, “you’d never know what they truly are.”
“And she’s been passing off as a human in Beacon Hills. For God knows how long,” Lydia opens a separate browser, hands hovering over the keyboard. “If her necklace has a name like Heart of the Ocean it shouldn’t be too hard to find. We find the Heart of the Ocean, we find her.” Her words have Allison come over beside her, realization crossing her face.
“Isn’t that the name of the necklace Rose wore in the movie?” Right as she finished her sentence, the image popped up on the screen of said necklace after Lydia typed the name into Google. “So it was real after all?”
“Appears to be,” Lydia was just as amazed. Stiles leans over her other side, eyes bulging at the sight of the large blue heart-shaped diamond surrounded by tiny little white ones.
“That’s gotta be worth a billion dollars.”
“350 million to be exact,” Lydia reads off. “At least today it is. Back then it was worth probably not even a quarter of that price—but still big for its time.”
“So…” Isaac taps his finger to his mouth, glaring up at the ceiling from where he was seated, legs perched on the table. “We’re looking for a vampire—probably at least 120 give or take a few years—who is passing off as human because of a magic necklace worth more than our entire lives. Wonderful.”
Scott takes a glance, letting out a whistle, “That had to have belonged to a first-class passenger. I’d say we start there.”
“On it,” Lydia begins to search records of the names aboard Titanic with First-class tickets. While she’s doing that the pack gathers to the makeshift board Stiles had created, adding notes to it as they go.
Stiles tapes the new information on the necklace to next to the verse on the copy of the riddle they made. “Heart of the Ocean a.k.a the magic necklace making the vampire appear human. To be honest, if someone were wearing a necklace that extravagant in Beacon Hills it’d be noticeable.”
Scott agreed, “She’s probably keeping it under her clothes. I mean I would. Lydia, did you find anything on who it belonged to?”
The redhead makes a huff, “from what the article says,” she clicks on a link, “it belonged to American socialite Y/n L/n as a gift from her husband Theodore Ford on their wedding day. He had it custom made overseas on a trip to France.” Lydia’s eyes widened at the next line, “She was the niece of John Rockefeller and he was the nephew of Henry Ford.”
“Good God,” Stiles made a sound, many of the others showing a similar reaction. “What a match made in heaven…and money.”
“Great,” Peter plops onto the couch, “our vampire was a once billionaire socialite—well maybe not billionaire. That’s a far reach. Since she was only the niece of Rockefeller and her hubby was a Ford she probably only had a snippet of their families fortune.” The man rolls his neck, hands clasped on his lap with his legs kicked up. “She shouldn’t be too hard to find then. All we need is a picture.”
Derek gives his uncle an annoyed look, “We don’t if it’s her or not. Maybe the necklace was stolen by her creator and that’s how she got it.”
“What else does it say?” Allison turns her attention back to her best friend. In her head she couldn’t help but feel there was something missing. That they were so close to the answer.
Lydia continues on, “It says here that they married in 1901–Y/n aged nineteen and Theodore aged twenty-one. They had a son, Benjamin, born 1905 and Theodore died six years later in 1911 from a car accident.” She scrolls down a bit, brows furrowing a tad and makes a sound of ‘eureka!’ “Y/n was gifted two First-Class tickets for her and her son aboard Titanic by her uncle John Rockefeller. They boarded the ship during Titanic’s first stop to Cherbough, France….survivors of Titanic recall last seeing Y/n place her son Benjamin into a lifeboat before being denied entry since it had reached maximum capacity,” a feeling of heartbreak fills the redhead, soon followed by defeat as she reads “It is believed Y/n L/n drowned as the ship submerged beneath the surface on April 15, 1912, as her body was never recovered as one to have perished from hypothermia in the freezing waters. Nor was she listed on the records of survivors on RMS Carpathia. Her son Benjamin was soon taken in by her mother where he remained in New York City until his sudden death in 1918 by influenza.”
A moment of silence passes as they take in the information. For Allison and Lydia, they couldn’t help the sadness for the woman they didn’t even know. To have to say goodbye to your child, likely promising them you’d get on the next boat and would be reunited shortly, only to never see them again.
The redhead suddenly straightens her posture.
“What is it?” Scott hears her heartbeat quicken. Worry takes his features when Lydia appears as if she saw a ghost. Everyone else looks the same when she brings a hand to her mouth. “Lydia?” There’s a slight tremor in her hand when she pulls it away.
“She’s closer than it seems.” She whispers the line from the final verse. Tone filled with near distraught.
Allison takes a hesitant step forward. From where they were all standing they could also see the light of the screen hitting Lydia’s complexion. Whatever was on it was hidden from their view. “Lydia…”
“I-I thought it meant that by finding the Heart of the Ocean we’d be able to spot whoever was wearing it. That we’d have to maybe knock on every door in Beacon Hills until we find whoever is hiding it—as stupid as that sounds. Because who in their right mind if they knew they were being hunted would just hide in plain sight? But….” her breath picks up, slight horror and astonishment as she stares back at the screen. “He knows where she is—h-he wants us to find her, because she can lead us to him.”
“Lydia….” Stiles slowly draws closer to her. Peter moves to stand from the couch, expression unreadable as was Derek’s.
But Lydia’s eyes never move from the screen. “The riddle—it was just his game. He knows exactly where she is. He has to. Because she’s been under our nose all along—closer than we could’ve imagined.” Finally the redhead looks up to the anxious eyes of everyone, revealing the shocking truth with the slow turn of the laptop.
“She boarded Titanic as Y/n L/n,” the screen shows a sepia image causing Allison to gasp, Isaac to mutter ‘holy shit’, Stiles to drop his marker, and Scott to feel his stomach drop. Derek and Peter shared a look, Derek more anxious than his uncle. “But she’s been living as Loretta Andrews.”
There on the screen, listed as the socialite Y/n L/n and wearing the jaw-dropping necklace called the Heart of the Ocean, was a woman whose face the teenagers had seen every Monday to Friday for the last three months. Who looked no older than the age of 30 like in the picture and had arrived in Beacon Hills shortly before the spring semester.
Their English teacher, Loretta Andrews.
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sterek-ao3feed · 5 months
A Whiter Shade of Pale
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55665763
by quelling
Stiles has survived his teen years, much to his surprise. He's an adult with a husband and a child. He loves his family, his pack and his life. He's worked hard to achieve a mostly peaceful existence in a supernatural world. Apparently, he can't have nice things because he wakes up in his own past, a decade before. If anyone expects him to just watch history repeat itself, they don't know Stiles very well.
Worse, he has to win Derek Hale's heart all over again. He really doesn't have the patience for this, but he does have the determination.
Words: 5602, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Alan Deaton, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Isaac Lahey, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Jackson Whittemore, Melissa McCall, Peter Hale, Chris Argent, Kate Argent, Victoria Argent, Gerard Argent, Malia Tate, Kira Yukimura, Cora Hale, Bobby Finstock, Adrian Harris, Jennifer Blake (Teen Wolf), Jennifer | Peter Hale's Nurse
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Slow Burn, Magical Stiles Stilinski, Time Travel Fix-It, Lists, BAMF Stiles Stilinski, Polish Mythology, Morally Ambiguous Stiles Stilinski, taking care of business, Language, Magic, Pack Emissary, Pack Dynamics, Pack Feels, Manipulation, kill list, criminality, Grief/Mourning, Stiles Stilinski is a Little Shit, Stiles Stilinski is Derek Hale's Anchor, Mates Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale is Bad at Feelings, Stiles is Pushy, Derek Doesn't Like Being Pushed, Romance, courting, Werewolf Lore, Only Stiles' Body is Underage, Time Travel makes this AU, Stiles Will Frame You For Crimes, Stiles Might Expose Your Crimes, Or Stiles Might Kill You, Expediency, Canon Divergence, Boruta - Freeform
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