#it affects him in personal ways i dont think he comprehends
oh eddie
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edlucavalden · 20 days
Im too exausted for proper(ish) essays, but im so crazy over this scene. i can't contain myself
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TW for: S/A !!! (For the nature of the writing and well—the scene itself)
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He's confused at first. he doesn't know what is going on. This slight pause isn't because he's scared or frozen but to assess the situation. After all It was kinda sudden.
All he doesn't like this feeling. he feels uncomfortable and that some sort of boundry has been breached. But he hasn't fully processed it yet.
And right before he fully comprehends and does something about it—
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He suddenly becomes compliant?
It's like he forgot what he was gonna do—like He loses the motivation to enforce his boundaries.
he still feels uncomfortable. that doesn't change. But he isnt aware of that. Well, that makes sense... since he never really did fully process what was happening. It's like he lost the will to care about or process it.
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This panel. Christ... Thistle finally builds up the power to say stop. It's weak—confused and disoriented. I dont think it's even directed to anything specifically. Its intentions are vague.
But god... and the lion's response? Reassurance. how he can't help it, he needs this to live, he's been waiting for so long—oh, and don't worry, I'll take care of you.
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It's just so chilling after this.
Thistle's powerless, weak, and complaicent. It's out of character for thistle. This entire scene is. However It's still thistle. His behavior and actions are his own, and for me that's the terrifying part.
This wasn't... Forced? There's no fighting and thrashing— Its just a complete submission. he reacted yeah but he didn't resist. he didn't fight back even if he had the ability to (we know bc he has, for 1000 years in fact). The lion didn't directly force him either. It didn't violently force him to have its way. But it's still violating. And that's the thing; the assult wasnt violent, but passive.
The demon has slowly but surely torn down thistle's sense of self so much it turned him into a completely different person. Like his identity was shattered and rebuilt to submit.
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It starts small, building up the situation, taking away his desire to resist and enforce his boundaries, then it gives a rose tinted explanation of what is happening. Finally, it comforts and praises him. This is what gives thistle the illusion of choice, a passive way of getting him vulnerable.
You can see how it affected him vividly through this part. it's like he forgets what he was fighting for. He forgets his boundaries, his identity, the things he cares about, everything. It's being ripped away from him.
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Thistle never stood a chance.
It wasn't his fault he submitted. It was the demon's for putting him in that state. His complaicency is due to the fact that he had no power for any other way.
it never mattered that thistle never fought back. Even if he did fight back or didn't, even if he succeeded or not—what then? it would never change the demon's nature. One who seeks consumption will always consume. In other words; it will always find a way.
I honestly dont think it was the demon's intention to harm thistle. It's selfish but not moralisticly evil (nothing ever is). It seeks fulfillment and not suffering. But its blind pursuit for satisfaction caused suffering, That's what makes it malicious. It doesn't matter if he intented or was aware of it or not. the demon benefited from something that could harm him and did it despite that. And that will never change.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
hihiii pookie :DD!!
tw// mentions of depression
i'm wondering if you could maybe write a comfort fic about miles 42 with a reader who hates asking for help even when theyre clearly suffering in silence because they were taught to just 'suck it up' and deal with it alone as a kid?
you dont have to write this if you dont feel comfortable with it <33
Thank you pooks :33!!
hi pooks @jrrantss <:DD oh man, okay so i was kind of that kid back then too (though i was a big crybaby) it's like the adults around me didn't fully comprehend why i was feeling the way i was, so in response to that, they basically condemned crying at home or in front of them. i'm sorry if you went through something similar or, hopefully not, something worse ;-; i hope this provides you some comfort, and in a way, might also let you know you aren't the only one going through stuff like this. i'm here for you pookie, all the time <:)
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
you can be honest with me. – miles 42 x reader (angst + comfort)
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nothing went your way this week, hell, you couldn't even remember a week in your life when anything felt right, when you didn't feel that you were holding yourself back from letting go of everything that felt wrong, awful, and just... painful. you were too good at keeping secrets, too good at lying about how you really felt; and that was something you hated about yourself, how you found lying as your first nature, not your second. you lied to people when they'd ask you if you were doing okay, if your day was going alright–you always gave them the answers they want to hear, that you were fine, that nothing was wrong.
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but when everything just comes crumbling down, and the cracks in your facade begin to show and become more obvious... you get more and more defensive, more and more angry, more and more... scared and worried about these feelings that are hurling themselves at you so quickly that you can't even begin to understand why they're affecting you so badly–why people can see the bare you now if you just turn your face to look at them or open your mouth to speak; and your boyfriend was the first person to see you this way, vulnerable, yet trying all you can to avoid that vulnerability while you're crumbling down.
"hey," miles calls out to you in a soft voice as he sees your back turned to him as you kept working on your assignments, hunched over at your desk with your brows furrowed together and your lips curved into a scowl. you had been avoiding him for a few days now–at least he thinks you might be avoiding him–and have acted very distant, very... out of it recently. you didn't turn your head around to face him, which prompted him to continue talking, hopefully so you could find a reason to face him and his worried eyes. "you've, um... you've been busy lately." "uh-huh." you hummed as you tapped the end of your pencil against your desk impatiently, racking your brain for the answer to the questions written down that all seemed to blur together as the shittiness of the previous days just irritated you even more, and the worst part was... you couldn't hide the fact you can't mask ot anymore.
miles' face contorted as he got more and more worried about you, not knowing why you were acting starkly different than the usual you, or the only you he was familiar with. he extended his hand out to you as he walked over, looking at your cluttered up papers on your desk and the smudged up marks on the paper from your erasures. "...is something wr–" "everything's fine, i'm fine, i'm just peachy!" "you don't sound very convincing." he said, his voice returning to his nonchalant, cool tone as he took a small glimpse at your face before you turned away from his field of vision.
he sat in the chair next to you and wrapped his arm around you in an effort to comfort you. "cielo, sonething's up with you. are you... are you sure you don't wanna let me help?" he asked you with a soft voice, hoping he didn't overstep any boundaries as you slowly turned your head to show him a bit of your face. there were tears in your eyes, though you didn't dare let miles see them fall down your face; there was a sob stuck in your throat, but you didn't dare let miles hear it escape your lips. you had been there before, being severely troubled for more things than just homework–but never had you been advised to do anything than the age old phrases you've heard all your life as a kid: 'get over it.'
you took in a deep breath and tried to tell him what those words you've exhausted yourself from saying all the damn time–that you don't need any help, that you've got this, that you're okay... but your body's betraying you right now. it's betraying you for turning your back on your own feelings, but that... was never your fault, never. as you let out the breath you've been holding in, the hot tears came streaking down the ends of your eyes, your scowl morphing into a sad frown as you felt yourself slowly come undone and all the raging thoughts in your mind boiled down into one thought right then and there: 'fuck no, i am far from okay'.
you had one tear come down, then two, then... a whole waterfall of tears came pouring down your eyes as you finally released that sob you had been desperately keeping in. you had released it out into the air as it mingled with miles' shushing and gentle whispers as he held you while you leaned against him, wailing as you tried telling him how nothing had been right lately. you choked out in broken cries how you desperately wanted a way out of everything horrible that's been happening but you didn't want anyone else to be bothered by your 'stupid, insignificant problems'.
"i just... want to be okay... but i can't even pretend to be okay for at least one damn day." "please, stop pretending, mi vida. it's hurting me how you... how you think it's strength to rake up everything by yourself... when you clearly need help." miles said with a cracked voice as he felt himself choke up at your melancholic state. you cried even more out of guilt that you saddened miles, but he kissed your forehead, cheek–your whole face as he murmured words of reassurance, of love, to you to calm you down and comfort you. "you're not alone, not anymore... i don't care if some idiots in your life want you to deal with alone, never to bother them–you're never a bother to me, got that?" he mutters to you as he holds you close, letting you sob into his shoulder, your sobs getting louder and louder all the while. he shushes you and rubs your back gently, kissing your wet cheeks as he keeps reminding you that no matter what you're going through, what problems you're having, he's always going to be there for you–be the help you'll need, one way or another.
"please, don't be scared, mi vida... you can be honest with me. i promised to love you with all my heart, protect you, and... always be the help you'll need."
he whispered to you as he looked into your eyes and gently wiped your tears away and leaned his forehead against yours, hoping you would be more lenient, more understanding towards yourself and your own needs; and that you wouldn't hesitate to ask him for help. because even if you don't ask him to, he'll be there to help you, be there to guide you, be there to comfort you the best he can. because he loves you, and knows you deserve more than what you think you deserve, that you deserve... the best of the best, and nothing less.
tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @fiannee @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @onginlove @meowmoraless @q2ie @zalayni @anikaluv @conitagray
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sunny-ssunset · 20 days
Love LOVED your honest dating and the smoking hc, would you be comfortable doing one of those for Craig's gang??
Honest dating headcanons 💯 🔥
Craig's gang
Course i can lmao I was thinking about doing one with craigs gang lol (GENDER NEUTRAL AGED UP)
Idk why but the jimmy one is really sad lmao
•Bro could not care less about you
•He wont care if you break up
•He wont treat you any differently in or after the relationship
•He'd hang out with you once and then you'd start dating with out you knowing
•It just happens one day lmao
•He just tells everyone your together
•He wont do any sort of physical affection
•He might buy you a gift on your birthday
•Tbh i dont picture him being an overly horrible person i just think he is boring as fuck
•Literally doesnt kiss you or hold your hand
•its just being w friends with more labels
•Gets a nosebleed whenever you make eye contact
•SUPER nervous around you
•He cannot even comprehend you liking him let alone being in a relationship with him
•Dating freaks him the fuck out
•After you ask him out (sorry but there is no chance of him doing that)
•And even then theres only a 50 percent chance of him saying yes. Even though he likes you
•Overthinks all the time
•If you leave him on delivered for one second he'll freak out
•He is very anxious with you
•Needs constant reassurance you like him
•He is a bit of a pick me, he sends this emoji 🥺
•He is so clingy
•He'll cry if he sees you talking to anyone but him
•If you ever broke up he would never be able to talk or look at you again
•He asked you out as a dare thinking you would say no and you said yes
•Felt too bad to break up with you
•Has been convincing himself to love you ever since
•He'll try give you the ick or being mean to you to get you to break up with him
•You actually fall more in love with him
•He'll start to fall for you too
•If you laugh at his jokes
•Or make an effort to make him laugh
•But then his dreams get crushed
•Someone told you that he asked you out as a joke
•You genuinely get upset and break up with him
•Leaving him heart broken
•He brings you gifts and he looks at you whenever he makes jokes to see if you laugh
•He hates himself for what he did :(
•Probably the most sane relationship you will have
•He wont admit it
•But he is very very stuck up
•He has a very particular taste, like kyle
•However unlike kyle he is a pretty rizzy rizzler
•He'll take you out on nice dates
•He gets bored pretty easily though
•He'll break up with you in a nice way though
•He'll drop a bunch of flowers or chocolates at your door or locker and write you a note
•Too stuck up to do it in person
•He'll treat you like the relationship never happened when you break up though
•Like everything goes back to normal
•He is a pretty well wanted guy in south park high
•He gets a lot of bitches which is very odd because he is one of those guys that really arent anything special but they pull so much
•These people have fueled his ego so much, he thinks he is Ryan gosling
•He'll come up to you like 'sup then ask you know a date
•You'll start dating
•He can be really sweet but he acts all tough because he is the epitome of toxic masculinity
•He got bullied for being a 'crybaby' so i guess he made himself the opposite to fit in
•He gets pissed off when you say he is being flirty with other people
•He cheats on you one night when he is drunk (suprise suprise)
•He cries telling you it was a mistake
•And you dump him in front of everyone
•And he makes you out to be the problem
•Then the whole school hates you
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townslore · 11 months
if you're comfortable, i would love to know more about the akechi npd headcanon. i think it's a rlly interesting take on his character and i wanna learn more abt npd bc i have bpd and ig im interested in what people experience with the other cluster b personality disorders? i just kinda wanna know why you think he has it and also maybe some of the mental stuff he has to experience with it. doesn't have to be detailed or personal i dont wanna make u uncomfy! i just cant stop thinking abt this hc haha :)
im actually on a mental health break right now, but this ask intrigued me so im answering it anyway. first off thank you for staying kind throughout the whole thing :)
its kind of hard for me to really describe why i think a character has/is something, because things like personality disorders are still a wide spectrum and every person experiences things differently, and i dont wanna make it seem like theres a one-way to have npd, but im gonna try anyway!
there is a site which helped me immensely throughout my self-diagnosis, so if you want to read more about the topic than what im gonna say here, here u go:
lets start simple and the thing that makes it most obvious to me: the engine room dialogue.
people with npd can heavily rely on other people for their self-esteem, because narcissists usually have a very low one. thats why they take on many tasks ("i was extremely particular about my life, my grades, my public image—so someone would want me around!") and might overwork themselves for more praise and acknowledgement ("you wanted to be acknowledged, didn't you? to be loved?") because its what they need to not constantly crash. a crash is something that happens when you dont get enough supply—which can be words of affection, praise, acknowledgement, etc—and you internalize it, doubt yourself, feel disgusting and generally you get to a really low point. this is just speculation, but i can see goro having a ton of those, especially during the time the phantom thieves get popular and he becomes public enemy nr 1. thats also why i drew him thinking "i really need supply rn but i'd rather die than ask for attention" because vulnerability is also a big thing people with npd can struggle with. we dont want to be seen as weak—our narcissism is essentially a shield, so we're seen as tough, when in reality, our egos can be very fragile.
one thing that the engine room makes very clear and also other interactions goro has with akira, is that hes very envious of others who have had it better than him. especially someone like akira, who was thrown away by society just like he was, was able to move past it, found friends and is acknowledged by many people. goro is jealous of it all, and thats the thing; people with npd can feel like they're supposed to be special ( and to me, with goro explaining how he got his personas, and how he often calls others stupid, its clear that he does feel that way about himself to a certain degree ) and anyone who threatens that status, anyone who seems much more special than we are is seen as a legitimate threat. its an ugly feeling and it can make us hate even those we love for some time.
this attributes to dysregulation of our emotions too. people with npd often feel their emotions, especially negative ones, way more intense than they actually should be and have difficulty calming down due to that. negative emotions often linger for a long period of time and its hard to move on so we hold grudges. now this might come to no surprise to anyone that goro is a very angry and sad person. especially in the engine room its clear that even after the others extend their hands out to him, its difficult for him to comprehend and he still acts rather mean and calls them idiots for trying to "save" him. when someone with npd is experiencing a multitude of negative emotions, it may cause them to avoid other people or act aggressive towards them because they feel trapped. theres many explanations as to why goro is the way he is in the 3rd semester, and i dont think only one of them has to be correct, but i do think that with the knowledge of whats happening ( like: being under the control of someone else again, or having to work with people who are unpredictable and who have seen you at your lowest point ) makes him act out to keep all of them, especially akira, at bay.
in the duel against akira—im sorry i cant really quote it, i just have a general idea of it in my head rn—i read what he says in a way that makes it clear that he struggles with a superiority AND inferiority complex, which sounds stupid at first i know, but its fairly easy to explain. like i already said, a narcissist's self-esteem is usually pretty low and we rely on others to know how to feel about ourselves. theres two traits of npd that are necessary traits to have: being self-centered and feeling entitled to good treatment, and seeking admiration from others/liking to be the center of attention. so there is some kind of superiority complex going on, at least thats what i would call it in goro's ( and my ) case. we can feel on top of the world in one moment, but once we have a crash or experience intense negative emotions, its back to being the worst human being on earth. i dont think its ooc to say that goro hates himself, as some like to claim he only ever thinks hes better than everyone else. i think that just attributes to harmful stigma. with everything goro experiences in life, coping with narcissism to hide a fragile sense of being just makes sense to me.
theres more i could probably add here but this thing is long enough as is. please do keep in mind that many of my headcanons for goro are me projecting—but that doesnt mean theres no basis for it in canon as well, as i've tried to explain here. at first i actually thought he could have bpd, but i dont know enough about it to really judge that—so it could still very well be that, or both, i dont really know how it works! im rather new to this as well, and at first i was scared of doing any research because npd is so heavily stigmatized. i wish there were more people like you, anon.
if you have any more questions feel free to ask them :)
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fourtyfourcatss · 10 months
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୨⎯ "for @toyafreethoughts" ⎯୧
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✯ you are delightful company to keep- not just in malleus’ bright eyes, but also in those of his fellow diasomnia classmates. i can see that one mulan scene occurring:
malleus: "would you like to stay for dinner?"
(almost) everyone else: LILIA!
✯ the most random bullshit will happen when the two of you are together. sometimes its because of grimm, sometimes its because of bad luck, somehow you give that feeling that you’re the type of person who gets stuck into bad situations often, half of which is your fault for breaking the rules, and half of which is someone else’s, accidentally stepping into the mess because of grimm and the others
✯ malleus finds it refreshing to be by you. he does not mind the loudness you describe, or how your emotions may be displayed in ways he cannot fully comprehend. but, he is observant. though he is no detective like akechi, his ability to empathize and willingness for communication and tolerance is on par with the words of a masterful mediator. when he does speak, it is only honesty that echoes through his words. you do not need to think hard to understand what his words mean. he does not dumb you down because of your mental diagnoses either, and expects a lot from you. dont worry! a relationship with malleus means good pressure and anticipation— he motivates you with his abilities and ambition.
✯ your sense of adventure and attitude endears many of your friends in the cast, but it is especially malleus that is affected. you remind him of all the good humans have, despite flaws, being capable of so much charity and care. the only other human he is so close with is silver, and you are not like him at all after the initial stage of distance! many can see him softening up physically and verbally the slightest bit near you to make you feel more comfortable. he’s like a prince, truly, researching into counterparts of things you enjoyed back on earth that exists here in wonderland to gift you, asking his friends for advice regarding getting close to you at first. he’s a very calming soul, and matching some of what you’ve said, the relationship itself feels so peaceful and intimate. even with the rolling boulders and sentient armor chasing after the two of you. yep yep 👍🏻 malleus is here to save the day! (again) though, i have no doubt you would’ve been able to escape the situation eventually by yourself.
✯ the two if you go out often during the night for dates and late night shopping! i can see the two of you getting warm boba during the winter, walking around food markets and tasting the snacks. eventually, it gets very cold despite that! so malleus bundles you in his own scarf and casts some magic to heat the two of you up by touching him (he milks the most affection out of anything he can find lol). particularly, he really likes holding your hands. do you wear nail polish? he likes the way it feels when he touches them. not only that, black is both his dorm color and an important color in gothic fashion. isnt it a good suggestion of color?
✯ avid listener to you. he talks more often with you than even lilia, but all the same, he is less of a talker and more of a listener. he likes the way that you laugh and watching your reactions to different things. malleus’ chuckles are hard to come by - his smiles arent - but his laughter is. its like a reward daunting on you when you hear it, a downright angelic laughter. it makes everything you do so so worth it. if you invite him for a movie night, bet that he would be able to pay attention to both at once, so the two of you can talk about the movie together afterwards. he definitely lets you touch the horns.
✯ he can solve 90% of your problems, and that’s exactly what he does when you allow him to. he just wants to see you happy and secure in life, and that extends to when you leave NRC…
✯ sad endings are overrated though, so the two of you have a mirror that can take each other to the other persons world. who gave it to you? just pretend im there and found this magical artifact on accident and gave it to you two 😼 whatever actions the two of you take next, you will always find each other’s lives interwoven. your time together comes back to him in winter harshly, washed over by the snow. whatever time he spent with you and will spend with you must feel idyllic, like the freedom of cold wind sweeping through the skies.
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✯ she lovesss coddling you, moreso in words of affirmation and physical affection, in exchange for your care and attention. out of everyone on your list, she and V are most likely the most touched from your characteristics and values. as i get to know you better, i start to think that for mystic messenger V might quite honestly be the better pick between him and jumin. since she cant truly embrace you, she hooks an arm around your shoulders or neck instead, and practically drapes herself on you lol. everyone is pretty strong in the DWMA, so of course you can bring her around! i feel like she’d also break some protocol and sneak into your bag in her cat form in order to stay by you lol. and you let it happen, because its ok, even if stein punishes the two of you
✯ she’s a bit of a prideful person, and you’re a very charming person, so she definitely likes showing you off to the other witches and people she knows well. its a brag— look who i managed to pull! not only that, your senses of fashion are both very darker toned, which means a lot of correlating outfits.
✯ as a witch, puppetry is a topic she is very accustomed to. other things in your hobbies that involves more motion like dancing is something she is very passionate towards. are you on the school’s team? she’ll watch allll your games and wear your jerseys! not only that, she also enjoys shopping and parties! it really helps that you’re an extrovert, so she doesnt feel like shes dragging a reluctant lover around and feel bad! your determination really inspires her, and the fact that you’re spouse material does not help in how she becomes clingy with you in the mornings! she’s going to steal all the sweets you bake and eat all the food you’ve cooked. having heritage in so many cultures, i’m guessing you have a plethora of knowledge in different kinds of dishes! she really enjoys that, and becomes a truly spoiled cat.
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✯ this man right here plays the hell around before actually starting to do anything with you at all. not only that, he’s a bit of a tsundere. good thing you’re patient, because this man is making you wait. he himself is a ghost, so time runs differently for him. in his gaze, you have already lost (you won)
✯ this is the other bantering relationship — the two of you have legendary back and forths, qi rong throwing together vulgar responses on the spot while you use your vocabulary to destroy each other. when you get verbally aggressive because of his provocation reaching too close, he didnt expect you to get that riled up. he had expected you to be reluctantly tolerant at first like that fucker xie lian, but, you really werent kidding when you said you’re confrontational like this. he thinks its attractive in all honesty.
✯ that aside, you are a very helpful hand that he has always needed — and while he dislikes it, he also appreciates your optimism — its something he has lost in the many years he has been alive. not only os a good for him, children should not be raised in such a hostile environment like he already put guzi in, even this ancestor already knows. you’ll be a good model for both him and guzi to follow. especially in fucking hygiene and dressing, he needs a shower, i just know it, especially with the raining blood.
✯ i think you guys would be traveling buddies, hopping from place to place. theres always a question that pops up here and there on your journey; can ghosts truly be good people?
they can they can, of course they can
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✯ lowkey, this relationship does not start well (anything with belphie never does). he murders you (tf) and tension is still high, but very slowly, you wiggle into his heart the same way you did to the others.
✯ most of the time he just sort of basks in your presence, maybe using your shoulder or your lap. he’s sleepy all the time, so he gets agitated quickly. you do this thing called the jax effect in which you calm him down and relax him just by being near him, maybe holding his hands or stroking his hair. the way it is described makes it more akin to relaxing a pet or a child, but dont worry, its nothing like that. many of your interactions are very emotionally charged because of how the both of you are. many of your dates just consists of the two of you lying in bed or just somewhere inside his or your rooms together doing your more calmer hobbies. he’s definitely up for walking around from time to time, mostly to make you happy 😃 drag him around while you’re out and dont feel bad, he likes you talking his ears off. for how tired he seems, hes always able to recount all your words and the like.
✯ mainly its your sense of humor that makes him stay. he loves how outspoken you are, your mischievousness and slightly rebellious streak. bel will not be able to stand someone who allowed people to walk over them like a carpet, even if its from time to time. he’s one of the seven lords of hell— as long as you are with him, you are nigh untouchable by others. only by way of curses and the shit you and his brothers get in is he left more helpless. but yes, he gets very happy around you, even snuffling his giggling from time to time. he especially would like you if you have the guts to go against lucifer and stand your ground. he doesnt want to take a lover who he must be fragile with; someone like you is perfect, who also gives him room to grow and learn about you as a person. he can trust you.
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✯ of everyone’s futures she sees, yours hurt the most. but, it isnt about that right now.
✯ aponia adores every aspect of you. she is a woman easily endeared by your bold personality, yet you seem to be embarrassed very easily sometimes. gossip? she finds that cute instead - you just want to know things occurring around you, not to actively spread any malevolent information, isnt it? not only that, you seem to get amped up sometimes; shes the perfect balance to settle you down! especially when you’re feeling tired or down, she knows all the ways to help you feel better, only partially to do with her abilities.
✯ spends every moment she can to really take in all of you. i think the two of you align very well in personality, and she can easily understand what you are going through and offer aid. she’s definitely got killer moves too, and i think she would love collecting figurines or stuffed animals with you together— if she ever gets some limited edition figure when you did not, she will give them to you!! ceaselessly! dont try to decline, she insists that her collection also is yours. she likes to do that cheek nuzzling thing, or rubbing your back ❥ having her as your partner, you truly must have done more than a hundred major good deeds in your past life.
✯ she’s definitely got some painting skills. i can see the two of you drawing together under the shade on the patio, or getting clay stained on your shirt. the smell of romance is like spring in this manner, petrichor, clean laundry. i can see your parents very much approving her. out of all of the matchups, aponia is definitely the favorite for your parents. nobody can truly hate her unless its out of envy.
✯ of course the two of you bake together! cooking, baking, sharing secret recipes over the countertops and swiping the flour from your cheeks. you two bake a lot of bread together, milk bread, sourdough; a lot of excess sweets is set to a side to cool, to bring to your friends and neighbors later.
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✯ unfortunately, i’m not that caught up for genshin yet for his lore too, so i hope i characterized him properly!
✯ i feel like in genshin you’d have a hydro or pyro vision, both very complimentary to work with his cryo, just like how your dynamic would be blended in softly with one another. i think the two of you starts out as close friends, the type where he thinks of you slightly as a little brother figure, but in the type of way the best i could describe to be a younger friend calling someone older brother or sister in korean&chinese. someone who he is open to give guidance to. as the wheel of romance starts turning, i would liken him to be quite flustered at this development based on your character.
✯ wriothesley is an immensely chilled person, humble, persuasive, observant. his dynamic with you would be like aponia’s, however with other developments attuned to the two of you specifically. for example, he would delight in sharing teatime with you, the baked goods you have made serving as a small powerup for his mood! not only that, mornings will be spent in calming ease. wriothesley seems like the type to wake up early by accident, and many times the two of you stay under the blankets until duty calls.
✯ what strikes him immediately when he first met you was of your treatment to the melusine. the catalyst of his own amiability towards them was of their displays of kindness when he needed them most. so whenever he sees someone like you, he gets slightly curious. the way you keep his attention, is with the different way you seem to go about things and interactions. looking at you sucking in a breath before approaching your next target is, by heavens, very wholesome to watch.
✯ he likes running his hands through your hair. it just feels right to say. does your love for the cold weather and drinks apply to pleasant coldness in general? wriothesley naturally runs cold, and hopes you dont mind it when he holds your hand. normally, he takes bis gauntlet off to do so, but perhaps it is still a bit too much…
✯ while he finds not much enjoyment in seeing the arts, he loves your creativity and making art with you. knowing the languages and instruments you’ve learnt, he enjoys the process rather than the results. he wants to know anything at all you would want to share.
if it isnt too much to ask, what vision do you think i would have?
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✯ the most wholesome pairing award goes towards this matchup! this is another one where im not too confident in in terms of writing, aone and you give off childhood friends vibes, with you stepping in to voice his opinion whenever he pulls back to avoid more conflict. usually, by the time you finish speaking, the other party is deterred because of your passion instead of being riled up by it, leaving no furthered argument to be held. aone admires this greatly, since you make sure it stops there. i think he’ll balance out your fervor too, with his presence comes a presence of calm that grounds you before you spitfire at the other person.
✯ his friends definitely tease him about how he managed to date you! cmon, an expressionless brick of a man somehow got a lover before them! how is this possible? what is your wisdom, great aone?? not only that, the two of you look a tad bit comedic together if they compare the two of you in their minds, but standing next to each other in reality, it doesnt look so bad!
✯ at first the two of you are both shy, but because you seem like you both want to know one another better, it gives off a more flustering and endearing aura with the way the two of you interact. you warm him up with your energy, and the two of you get along well! i would think the two of you are the type to sort of sign up for cooking classes together for the first date OR working together in home economics, and become hyper-focused while collaborating. the dish turns out amazing in the end! the two of you high five with both hands in satisfaction. that’s the best way i can describe this relationship, filled with floating happiness and contentment. especially if you make him sweet chestnut paste!
✯ playing volleyball????? you play volleyball?? and other sports?? he’s so delighted on the inside. please practice with him when you can! getting some advice from someone you can trust really does feel very different than just regular tips.
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✯ this works out. it definitely does. i know you have patience, and that definitely applies to when you love someone too. you are like the light he sees at the end of the tunnel, who blazes in and shoots away at the evils that plagues his mind. not only are you of character to help him immensely with your thoughts and values, everything turns his emotions over into turmoil. your presence disrupts that into rest, a dissipating tempest.
✯ he is absolutely an annoyance with his fixation on rika. he’s probably compared everyone with rika at one point, and is reminded of his guilt. timid, fainthearted, and too loyal, he knows his shortcomings well and thinks you deserve better than what he can give you. and he is right, for the present. as of now, he cannot give you anything worthwhile, but his own existence is something worthwhile to you. often times, its annoying that he burdens himself without telling others. how could he? as a friend you help him turn his gaze into getting better instead, and with your words, show him how communication is so important. alright enough about fixing him.
✯ v finds you to be a charming individual. he feels very lucky to be surrounded with people who are different, yet all hold compassionate hearts— especially you. one day, he will open his heart again for you to take, and he knows you’ll be gentle with it. that said, you are very different otherwise from the others. he is worried about your shyness during the parties, but you have done well, and as you invite them again and grow closer, relations are better than ever!
✯ he also has always held a distinct love for the creative arts; especially your likes for photographing pretty things. he wants to understand your emotion and character through the art you create, and is very proactive in support you through your hobby. at one point he decides to try out painting himself as a way of sorting through his emotions with your aid. he likes keeping some of your sketches with him near his breastpocket. the two of you led a very long and happy life after all the drama and the pain, carving a road together for the future you deserve together.
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soliddaddy96 · 11 months
talk to me about what pers thinks about gunner or the effect gunner has on him
HII so sorry went chatterbox mode . uno momento
i think in the beginning pers was a leetol hostile towards gunner. out of apprehension and also not being able to comprehend why gunner would go out of his way to help a person like pers/having nothing to gain from it (i think abt rp ....). this, however, leads to him finally starting to see the good in people . 2 me < if not seeing goodness in himself, he sees it in others !! sees it in gunner seeking out help for him despite bleeding nd Maimed himself ! pers almost immediately grows fond of him after this revelation, coupled with the fact that despite seeing him in his most vulnerable moment gunner didnt actively try to hurt him (most he did was like, piss him off briefly) . in the future i think hed b practically Attached to gunner . out of love nd also not knowing what he is Without him. he also doesnt question things gunner asks him to do cos he trusts his judgement Immensely as a leader nd as a friend (gay pride flag). and also uhh . ex agent urge 2 follow orders nd what not. additionally i dont think he enjoys being open 2 gunner ill be real . views his experiences as deserved and fears if he speaks about them itll be confirmed < deathly afraid of gunner agreeing with him/saying he did in fact need to be tormented and was out of line for fighting back. i think hed only share tid bits of it w him tbh
HELP this man is so affected . i think he feels weak whenever hes around gunner, tbh . how despite going through the Horrors gunner still holds himself as a proud and accomplished person (in pers' eyes), whereas he gets nervous whenever he hears a door shut. i think hes most prone to act tough around gunner than anyone else in the gang- his attempts at trying to make up the fact that hes factually useless. hes eternally grateful that gunner feels safe being vulnerable around him < makes him feel that despite being weak theres at least One person that trusts him enough to do so . i think hed try to get better for gunner, not out of like . "oh i love you so much you inspire me to get well ^_^" but instead a "im going to try and be someone you deserve. im sorry im the one you love" type way
ALSOO extra thoguht so sorry but i remember you sending that 1 post thats compared them 2 hit song i bet on losing dogs by mitski and i become ILLLLLL OH MY WORDD . cos ok. theres two perspectives on it and the first one fits so well 4 pers nd his whole mindset
so the first interpretation of losing dogs is that its a toxic relationship in which the narrator knows is truly Over they still find themselves flocking back to it !! they know they cannot win/cant have a happy ending but still believe in their partner/the losing dog. which fits pers soooo much bc he views the gangs/gunners attempts at helping him (2 me i think theyd b understanding of how he has little capability of violence left within him < teef nd claws . which were key parts of his fighting as well as him being unable to hold a gun properly anymore, which in his mind renders him as a useless, worn down weapon in desperate need of termination) as them pouring time and valuable resources into a hopeless cause, aka HIM !!!
the second interpretation is that the dog, being a person you love deeply, is fighting a conflict (either a physical or mental one) that you see them succumbing to but cannot interfere with. and in spite of how dire it looks for them you cant help but long for them to and bet on them Winning. and when they (inevitably) lose, you lose along side them!! you process the same pain they do as well. nd when youre asked why you bet on them despite them constantly losing, you answer you bet on losing dogs because YOU need the things you give them. you need someone to look at you and give you unconditional love and benefit of the doubt. you need someone with unwavering and unshakable faith in you and your ability to succeed despite the fact you seemingly almost always lose. and when you DO fail, they wont abandon you, and will remain by your side as you writhe in pain even though youve caused them hardship. you bet on the losing dog because youre seeking a promise in it- the promise that theyll be by your side even when you fail in the same way. even when youre the losing dog . this is persgunner coded 2 me
also umm. sily doodle
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How about a S/O who has a learning disability that affects their comprehending skills and their more likely to ramble, Yautja requests. I dont think this had been asked I do have a few more but this ones more personal and I've never seen it done, if your confused on this im sure I can explain more.
I have ADHD so I kinda used this as I know and have experience of what this is like :)
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Theyll be a little confused at first and you'll have to explain it to them as they dont know alot about human psychology but they'll definitely go out of their way to research it
If you ever zone out for a while he'll gently help you snap back to reality
He ADORES hearing you ramble
Whether it's about how your days been, random facts, a cat or dog you saw earlier or something you saw on TV
He could listen to you talk for hours
If someone ever asks you to be quiet whilst rambling and makes you feel awkward or embarrassed they will go missing under mysterious circumstances
If your having trouble understanding something whether it's at work or school he'll be more then happy to help :)
He'll remind you each morning to (if you have any) take medication
In summary, this 7'5 handsome alien man loves you no matter what, please tell him about your day and the dog you saw on the way to work/school as well as a good movie you watched before he has to ask because he'll never admit how much he loves you and your random facts :)
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yoshkeii · 4 years
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࿐ character(s): Daishou Suguru, Atsumu Miya, Sakusa Kiyoomi
࿐ genre: angst
࿐ type: headcanons (hcs)
࿐ requested by: dumpsterfireinc
⌦ find the continuation here;-  “𝚂𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎.”
⌦ tw/mentions ; yelling, arguments, swearing/curses, cheating (atsumu’s)
⌦  male!reader (he/him)
⌦ 'can I ask for hcs for Daishou, Atsumu, and Sakusa having a really heated argument with male s/o. During the argument the boys say something really mean to their s/o that s/o starts to cry. Before the boys could start apologizing s/o just blurts out that he wishes he never met them and leaves.’
A/N: (i changed it slightly if you dont mind-) we got three new bois im writing for, lets hope i get their personality right. so i apologize in advanced if they seem ooc! (youcantellwhereihalfassedshitimsosorry-)
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→ the argument probably started with his slight manipulative personality and mocking sense of humor, it usually didn’t get to you but lately it has been hitting too close to home. letting it slide with the silence of your voice and change of mood each time.
→ coming back home you didn’t know it would evolve into this, but Daishou Suguru, your boyfriend of 2 years. noticed it and decided to question you.
→ the air was tensed within the shared home you two lived in, it was suffocating despite the room being open and wide. hearing the dark-olive hair male behind you, who was clearly speaking to you. hearing words that you couldn’t comprehend to be anything but venomous.
→ each word stung like a snakes bite. ironic for his previous school’s mascot.
→ Daishou had kept going on, stabbing at you word after word.
→ “You’ve been acting weird all day, what’s up with that?” “..even recently you’ve been off.” “hey are you even-”
→ before Dai could even finish he heard you raise your voice, seeing your hand clench around the doorknob of your guys’ shared rooms.
→ “WHY DONT YOU SHUT UP FOR JUST A SECOND!?” “ YOU..Y-you.. should damn well know w-why I’m acting ‘weird’ and shit, babe.” “You know those- those mocks and insults- you- you fucking call ‘jokes’ aren’t really jokes. Daishou.”
→ your eyes kept low with the casting shadow from the lack of lights in the hall. but the shakiness of your voice signaled something in him, but his stupid pride wouldn’t let down.
→ “Are you serious right now, y/n? We’ve been dating for fucking almost 3 years and now they get to you-” “..really ridiculous of you.” 
→ it went off afterwards. just the words being said at each other with such emotion, none of you have seen each other like this... well.. not towards one another. it was just foreign and strange.
→ “you’re such a sensitive crybaby, fucking christ y/n.” “and if those weren’t jokes, you’d still damn take it like nothing.”
→ freezing as soon the words slipped out from his lips, it grew densely silent. your hand slipping off the doorknob, gaze lowering down onto the floor. only focusing in on the shoes kept on.
→ “..h-hey, babe- i- didn’t-” Daishou realized the words he said, it may not be harmful to most, but knowing you. he knew you hated being called anything of the such, even the shit he decided to add made his heart ache with regret.
→ watching you hurry off towards the front door, to supposedly leave, he grabbed your wrist. before you whacked his hand away, 
→ “D-dont fucking touch me. I don’t w-wanna... fuckin hear it. Not now. Or even ever.” “..i should’ve never met you, i was damn stupid enough to think this will last longer with that- dare you did.” “..you probably never loved me.”
→ watching you slip off outside in the night, he didn’t know what to do. hands clenching into fists, as he heard your steps fade away and into silence. the air was more tensed, more suffocating. his mind was clouded with something unfamiliar to him.
→ ‘..how did he know about that.’ 
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→ you always had a sneaking suspicion. you always did. that instinctive feeling ;lm, jn your gut that you should’ve trusted. it was dumb of you to push it away because of the hope you had. well... false hope.
→ you always caught him not at the spot after his practice, the usual spot. always questioning his team to know where he could’ve ran off, they all gave off a shrug and sometimes a slight assumption you followed. leading somewhere more secluded and hidden, to avail to not find him.
→ stumbling back to the previous spot you seem him slink his way at the same time from around a corner... or somewhere. waving up at him and happily greeting him with the usual smile and hug, you question how his hair looked more ruffled and messed up. as if hurried and ruffled up. Atsumu giving a silly excuse of whatever, you shrugged it off. continuing on with the rest of your days together.
→ this would continue a few times. but different things would seem off about him every time, and you took note. occasionally questioning again, before being shot down with an excuse. taking in it again just to not escalate things.
→ as time passed. you began to grow assumptions, noticing how distance he was becoming, having ‘plans’ already up which were not with you, and he often came home late from it. or not, and came home the next day. not even the morning.
→ sitting on the bed of your shared room, you stared idly at the buzzing phone on the nightstand. ‘..’tsumu’s phone is going off.’ as curiosity grew the longer it went on, your boyfriend was in the shower so it wouldn’t be too much of a harm right?
→ peering over to look at the illuminated screen, you blankly stared at the text messages. reading the messages word for word and slowly, ‘..who..’ 
→ staring at the messages and the sender, you knew it was someone who had a liking of your boyfriend... should you even call him that now?
→ swiping the phone from its original position you just watched the messages keep going till it stops to the recent time. you didn’t open the app, but just merely stare at the name. it had a cute nickname and all, similarly to yours. mind becoming hazy and clouded, you didn’t know how long you were staring at Atsumu’s phone till his raising voice snapped you out of the trance.
→ flinching as he snatched his phone away from your hands, you stared up at the fake blonde who had just gotten out of the shower simply wearing nothing but casual sweats with a damp towel hanging off his shoulder. 
→ “Hey! y/n why were ya’ staring at my damn phone?” his gaze was ironed onto you, meeting your [e/c] eyes. you could tell he was furious and he was getting ticked off by each silent second you let by. “not gonna speak? are ya braindead or something honey?”
→ seeing you softly mutter words but it was too quiet to hear, almost like a whisper. but besides the way it was heard, the words itself were not light and gentle.
→ “..why did you cheat..” 
→ a sudden jolt hit him, “..c-cheat? I didn’t cheat on ya’ baby, what are you talking about?” he lied.
→ “now.. you’re lying to me... ‘tsumu.” the softness of your tone was quite concerning, it was saddened and dismal. the building of tears daring to fall any second, you just stared at him with the distraught expression.
→ “What? I’m not ly-” before the fake blonde could slip out the rest of the word, you jumped in.
→ “You are LYING, Miya. Stop acting like you aren’t.” quickly standing up and moving to the side.
→ “How did you even know?” he yelled back, knowing it was worthless to keep up his lies and fake pretending.
→ “Those damn texts-??” you pointed towards his phone that his fist was holding. “..a-are you stupid?” the wavering of your voice made you regret speaking, but it was inevitable and shittier if you left your feelings unsaid.
→ Atsumu’s thick brows furrowed down, “Wait- So you’re telling me ya snooped on my phone?! The fuck is wrong with you!” “..can’t I have some privacy? can’t I!? Y/n!?” he snapped back.
→ “What’s.. wrong with me? With ME-? Miya..” averting your gaze for a quick second, you looked back as you poked him roughly, “..you have been.. been- fucking.. Cheating on me this whole time. A-and.. I know you have been-! Those times you’ve been slipping off after practice. you leaving off to ‘hang out’ with friends? What a fucking. load. of. bullshit. Miya.”
→ tears were dripping down from your eyes, before you bit down your lip for the next response. while the blonde could only stared in silence, conflicted.
  → “I-..I really thought you loved me, that whole time.. really did. and i was a damn fool to have such hopes.” you had hurriedly rushed off to leave the room, the quick muttering of an foreign phrase stabbed his heart.
→ “..i should’ve never met you either.”
→ he didn’t know what to do, but hearing the click of the front door opening and shutting accompanied by your running steps that faded. he knew you weren’t coming back. all he did was stand there in distraught, confusion, troubled, everything.
→ ‘what do i do now..’
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→ he wouldn’t be the physical affection type person, but at times, you were an exception. knowing you liked to cuddle, gives hugs, and all that jazz. it often took a lot persuasion for him to get to cuddle whenever you had a chance too, having a schedule that often didnt mesh well.
→ so it wasn’t a big deal if it ended up into a confrontation about it, occasionally small arguments. but this one was unexpected, especially to you.
→ hearing Sakusa walk in your shared home, you looked over from your position in the kitchen. giving him a soft welcome home, asking “Hey, Omi! How was your day?”
→ “..pretty irritating.” he muttered from under his mask, pulling it down under his chin as he took off his shoes.
→ instinctively you walked over to hug him at least, but he steered away quickly. obviously denying it without a word. blinking at him, you took the sign and stepped away, apologizing softly under your breath.
→ you were having an off day yourself, some things weren’t going so well for you during the day till you got home. hoping you’d have some time with your boyfriend, wanting to cuddle and maybe a hug at least knowing how he is. 
→ “..I-..uh.. do you wanna cuddle after you shower or-” Sakusa interrupted you bluntly and rather quickly, “no.”
→ only biting down the rest of your words, you softly nodded. seeing him drift off into your shared room, supposedly gonna rinse up. sighing as you went off to do your own thing to wait, hoping he’ll feel a little better for the offer again.
→ he doesn’t.
→ raising your arms up to him as he walked out of the bathroom door, he doesn’t bat an eye towards you. making your heart ache slightly, “..omi? are you okay?” you began to follow him shortly behind into your bedroom.
→ “..didn’t i say i was irritated earlier.” he stiffly said, slipping on a shirt as he did.
→ “i-..i mean yeah but.. are you at me? I’m- uhh.. also having a bad day too y’know.” “i wanted to be with you.”
→ the air was dense. even if there was barely any physical aggression and irritation it would make you cower. as it settled down longer, Sakusa muttered something. it was so clear as day in the suffocating silence.
→ “you’re really so selfish you know that.” “..matches your clingy attitude.”
→ ‘he didn’t care. he didn’t.’ is all you could think of. it just rushed 
→ “..you think I’m selfish?” you repeated, your hands tightening around the edge of your long sleeves. nails almost digging into your palm. “do you really think that.” your soft and gentle demeanor faded quickly.
→ the wavy haired male turn to look at you, seeing your head and gaze kept low and averted from his. seeing your clenching hands, almost penetrated your own skin. instantly regretting his words. 
→ “y/n- I- really didn’t-..” stopping himself he sees the dripping tears fall onto the floor, then your sniffles.
→ “Just- just shut up. I n-need space..” already slipping pass and out the door, he went to go after you yelling out your name. seeing you freeze at the doorway, about to slip on a coat and shoes.
→ “..Sakusa. Just drop it. I don’t- wanna deal with this right now. You.. you made my.. day far worse.”
→ ‘he said.. my last name. not... not my first. shit.’ biting back what else to say, he stood there silently. watching you put on a pair of shoes before rushing off out into the cold.
→ silent fights and arguments is what scares y/n the most. it happens quite often but this was the most suffocating one by far, ruining his day. and his mind. letting the negative overwhelm him more. letting Sakusa’s word stuck in his brain on replay. 
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tender-rosiey · 4 years
Hi, requests are still open right? If they are could you do Dazai, chuuya, (and if you do females) Yosano, and Kouyou headcanons where their SO is on their period or sick? I’m dying of cramps and I thought it might make me feel better mentally at least. If not that’s totally okay!
❥ Bsd characters with a s/o on her period
~Includes Dazai, Chuuya, Yosano and Kouyou
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A/N: my period was done just yesterday and it literally had me crying when it came this month ._. I hope this helps you love 🥺💘— Also my little brother literally searched in front of me about the meaning of period and I was suffering trying to stop him 🤡
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Dazai Osamu:
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Is and will be a little bitch and tease you about it
“Belladonna how can you bleed from your vagina like that?”
“Just like how I can make you unable to reproduce children anymore.”
When he read more about it he felt so sympathetic towards you and feels bad about how he teased you at first
“I am sorry for being an asshole and I promise I will get you and give you anything you want, my love; so forgive me? 🥺”
Who can say no to this man?
Definitely not me
Cuddles are very common in your relationship and he adores them
So when you ask him to cuddle you because your cramps are being a bitch, how could he say no?
Gets you all your cravings in a s e c o n d
Will literally wake up at 3am and go to the store to get you anything
Always reminds you that he loves you and pampers you so you don’t get it in a foul mood
If god forbids he made you angry then he will try
Keyword: try
And calm you down
If shit goes down hill then he will hide behind anything to protect himself from you until you are at peace
He doesn’t like seeing you cry
Hell he doesn’t like pain or suffering if it’s directed to him
So if it’s directed to you, you bet your sweet booty he will go infinity and beyond to make the pain go odasaku
So when Little Miss P comes in and goes “Hoe let’s cry for some hours!”
He will be by your side and doing anything to sooth the pain
“It’s okay, Love”
“It won’t last long”
“I am here for you”
“I love you so much”
“You are so strong and amazing for being able to handle this, belladonna”
Chuuya Nakahara:
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“What’s a period?”
You sent him to Kouyou so she can explain the struggle you go through every month
Took him a while to comprehend though
When he calmed down he had promised to make your period days the BEST by pampering you and loving you to the point
You WANT your period to come
Not saying that he doesn’t already make you feel loved
“God I want ice cream”
0.00000001 seconds later Chuuya is in front of you with three boxes of ice cream
And cuddles
If he slightly raised his voice at you when you are on your period
He will keep apologizing and make it up to you in any way possible
“Y/N, baby please you know I didn’t mean to yell at you, right?”
Kisses your tummy
Heating pads are always with him in case
You know that TikTok of the girl waking up her boyfriend at 12am for ice cream?
Yeah he is like that
“Babe I love everything about you and I love you but please let me sleep. The Port Mafia is already stripping away my sleep.”
“But I want cookies ༼ ◕n◕ ༽”
“Fucking cute ass cutie making me feel so giddy how dare you-“
If you are crying then he will be by your side all the time rubbing soothing circles on your back
“It will al be okay, dove”
“I am here for you,
He loves you
So much
Will give you the world if you want
Yosano Akiko:
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Our queen here knows your pain
And as a wonderful doctor she already has the pain killers ready
“YOSANOOOO MY PERIOD IS HERE AND THE CRAMPS ARE-“ “I have the pain killers, let’s cuddle :)”
She is so sweet
Your cravings are always beside before you even think of asking
If you cry then she will try and make you laugh and make you forget about the pain
If laughing isn’t working then she will hug you and keep kissing you all over your face
She knows that making you angry would be a death wish
She is very careful with what she does around you
And if you both get your period at the same time
It’s literally a mood
Like you are both tangled in a hug on the bed like sacks of potatoes
Strongly refusing to get up and you always scare the shit out of anyone who does try that
Poor Atsushi tried it
He never got near you guys whenever you were on your period ever since
If you are sensitive to being touched while on your period (like me but it’s only sometimes 😔
Then she will not do anything that will make you be in pain or uncomfortable
Heating pads are always ready for you, your majesty
You guys watch YouTube together and cover each other with the blankets like burritos
And take all Ranpo’s snack supply
She is gentle towards you but also hyper
“Hey cutie! How’s my strong girl doing?
“Don’t worry, I am not leaving you; I am just gonna get you some food.”
That being said, if she is on her period then she will whine if you ever
EVER leave her side
She just wants your affection
If she gets it then she is a happy bby
Ozaki Kouyou:
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“I have everything ready, my dear”
A damn goddess and is super duper caring like
Ma’am why aren’t you real?
Knows your period better than you
Will literally spoil you with anything and everything
Pads? Check. Food? Check. Comfort? Check.
If you are crying then she will be there with the tissues and kisses
“Let it out dear, it’s not good to bottle things up.”
Trust her, I have bottled shit up and ended up breaking down at the worst moments 💔
“I am always here”
If miss pain is camping in you for the night
Then she will be there to shoo her away
“What is that you desire so I can bring it to you?”
Another person who will wake up at anytime and get you anything 🥰
Bby looks so calm when she is on her period in front of people
But behind closed doors
She is a respectful whiny baby
“Dear, can I get a hug? 🥺”
And lord when she gets needy
She is literally super adorable
“Kouyou what’s wrong?”
*mumble mumble*
“Kouyou luv, I cant hear you”
“I want a kith” she said it while hiding her face with the sleeve of her kimono
I headcanon that she gives the best hugs
Fight me about it if you dare >:(
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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jeonqquk · 4 years
racket | jjk
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↳pairing: jungkook x reader ↳genre/tags: badmintonplayer!jungkook and badmintonplayer!reader, barely any badminton related stuff, rushed asf, accidental confession-?, they dont even kiss wtf ↳rating: everyone <3 ↳wc: 6k
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Jeon Jungkook was capable of being the eighth wonder of the world. He may not have come into existence in the 1700s but his ability to do almost everything perfectly was bewildering. Whether it be eating an entire cake in the span of a half-hour or defeating even the coaches at badminton. 
Everybody loved Jungkook, his sweet and caring nature paired with those godly features attracted everyone to him- in many ways. Unfortunately, you weren’t part of the everybody lot. 
You hated Jungkook. Absolutely despised his abhorrent ass. So much so that if he were the last person alive, you’d even kill yourself just to stay away from him. But that was highly unlikely, so you weren’t going to kill yourself. 
The hatred had just always been there, his competitive side seeming fucking atrocious to you. The feeling was mutual, though, so you didn’t feel as guilty as you would’ve if you just detested him while he behaved politely with you.
Jungkook was petty, even you knew that by now. His competitiveness always getting the better of him and turning him into someone with a completely different persona. Losing was not something he was used to. Maybe that’s why he had only a handful of friends, he would do anything to win. It could be a silly bet or even a tournament- Jungkook just had to win.
All the people he was friends with though, their relationship was beautiful. There were only 4 or 5 boys he actually got along with and their adoration for each other could be seen by anybody. 
This wouldn’t have been a problem if you weren’t also as competitive as him. You’re technically in no position to say that Jungkook’s hatred towards losing was unhealthy because you hated it too. You thought it made you seem weak, incapable- and you supposed that it was the same reason as to why the youngest Jeon son hated losing as well but you never tried understanding him. Let alone let him speak for a minute if he was in a 10-foot-radius of you. 
It was better this way, you thought. It was better to hate him than actually trying to befriend him and catching those unwanted feelings. Hating Jungkook was simpler, easier. Or so you thought for the 10 years of the two of you attending the same badminton academy. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, the two of you were in the same class at college as well. So you had to deal with his annoying self for the larger part of the day. 
It was around a month before the annual badminton tournament of your state and obviously, you and Jungkook were taking part in it, more intent on defeating each other rather than the opposing teams. This wouldn’t work though, your coach had called the two of you after practice one day and had said “Listen, Jungkook, Y/n. I know that you’re both really good players and also hate each other.” he sighs, “I’m not asking you to befriend each other, no. I just want the two of you to get along for the tournament. For the sake of our school.” The coach makes a pleading face and you just nod, looking over at Jungkook to see his reaction. He hums and looks down. 
After the coach has walked away, you look at Jungkook again, getting ready to tell him that this wasn’t really going to affect the way you behaved with him but he beats you to it, his voice reaching your ears as your lips stay parted midway.
“So, I guess...no more arguing?” Jungkook finally looks at you with a slightly questioning face and you’re left momentarily blank, his proposition seeming so out of character that you’re at a loss for words. This wasn’t expected out of Jungkook. What was expected was that he would just scoff before glaring at you for no reason and stalking away. Him asking you if you wanted to stop the childish arguments the two of you had was not expected. 
It takes you a minute to comprehend that Jeon Jungkook was actually trying to put an end to those mini-wars of yours. Your reply is dumb “Uh- okay.” You’re still in a daze from what he said and it’s only when he snaps his fingers in front of your face that you immediately want to spit out a sassy remark but bite your tongue on it, not wanting to disregard Jungkook’s suggestion just after seconds of it having come out of those pink lips of his.
Not knowing what to do, you nod and turn around to get into the locker rooms before heading home. You’re oblivious to the fact that Jungkook almost called your name, wanting to talk to you more, he didn’t know why, but decided against it. You wouldn’t accept the offer anyway.
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The walk back to your house is quiet, you’re humming a random tune and there aren’t many vehicles on the road, except for school buses dropping kids home. Unlocking the door, you step into your house and close it behind you before keeping your bag in your room and changing out of your clothes. After all that is done, you check the time and see that it’s 3:18 pm, you have around 2 hours before badminton coaching and suddenly feeling motivated, you heat up some leftover pizza and walk into your room to paint something. 
You may not be good at art, you admitted that without any shame because there were a lot of other things you could perform flawlessly. Playing badminton, whining and being able to smell any fried food from miles away to name a few. But you didn’t want to do art because you’d get good at it or something, it was something you genuinely enjoyed and the comments from other people didn’t matter as long as you were satisfied with yourself. And that meant your circles not looking  like amoeba.
You take out a drawing book that had been laying in the third drawer of your desk for months and dig up some paintbrushes and watercolour tubes you had left before sitting at your desk to finally start your work. You let your fingers guide you, not thinking much about what you were doing and what the outcome would be. Occasionally dusting your hands from the pizza crumbs, you were quite focused on your work.
30 minutes later, you’re leaning back in your chair and surveying your painting. Woah, it looks pretty-
Wait is that fucking Jungkook you see? “Huh?” your forehead is creased in perplexity, did you just paint a goddamn Jungkook? It looks like Jungkook, though...the bambi eyes and that tiny pout on his lips. How did you-
You were so confused right now. What were you thinking? Well, you obviously weren’t thinking.
Wow. Apparently, you had drawn Jungkook, your sworn enemy, without knowing. Not knowing what to do with the average portrait that didn’t do any justice to his actual features, you quickly clean up your stuff and keep it all back in its respective drawers. 
It’s now 4 and you get out your books to get some homework done before leaving for coaching. Ugh. You’d have to see Jungkook there too. You wonder how he’ll behave with you, hopefully, he won’t come anywhere near you. 
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Sighing as you finish the assignments before stretching back in your chair, you get up to change into your sports clothes before grabbing your bag and water bottle, looking at yourself once in the mirror before walking out towards the pleasantly close by badminton academy you had grown way too accustomed to. 
Upon reaching the building, you walk through the reception and smile at the elderly lady who sits there every day. You push the door that leads to the courts and walk on the side, greeting your friends that were warming up. You don’t see Jungkook anywhere right now so that’s a good sign and you bow slightly at your coach in respect although the many years of being taught by the man have obviously gotten the two of you very close. Your bag is kept near a bench in its usual place and you put on the shoes you could wear only on the badminton courts before picking a corner on the side of the court and begin stretching. 
You’re walking to get your racquet when you see Jungkook jogging up to your coach, saying something to him with an apologetic look before getting a  playful shove from sir as he nods towards the benches where Jungkook would most probably keep his stuff and do some quick exercises before joining the rest of you. 
Said boy’s gaze meets yours and he smiles. You don’t reciprocate the gesture, scoffing and moving over to Jihye who’s already looking at you with a cheeky smile adorning her face. “What?” you question, not understanding why she was acting so weird “Don’t pretend you don’t know.” she gives you a playful shove to which you reply by tch-ing and rolling your eyes, done with her childish behaviour. “Seriously Jihye what th-”
“I saw Jungkook smile at you.” 
The look on your face is an accurate representation of what you were thinking right now. So what? That smile was nothing, he was just acting upon what he had said earlier. “Yeah, so?” you reply boredly, watching as Jihye’s mouth open wide- wide enough for her to fit her entire fist inside.
“Yeah, so? Are you shitting me Y/n? Jeon Jungkook just smiled at you and you didn’t even do anything in response?” you’re still watching her blankly. Although you admit that it’s not her fault entirely, even you were shocked, very shocked when he first told you about the no-more-fighting pact. 
“He just said that we shouldn’t argue now, because the coach at school said that it was going to be bad for our team. You know, in the tournament.” you simply shrug, trying not to make a big deal out of the fact and Jihye is about to reply before the coach is calling all of you for a shadow drill. 
You are given one side of a court and by some way or the other, Jungkook is opposite to you, his black pants sticking to those fleshy thighs so deliciously and hi-
What is wrong with you? You’ve been thinking about Jungkook unconsciously- first drawing him and now this. Get a grip Y/n.
The whistle of your coach sounds throughout the entire room and your chain of thoughts is broken as your run towards the left side of the net from your position in the centre of the court before picking up one of the shuttles and running back to the centre, moving to the right side of the net now and doing the same as you continue the drill. Jungkook is swift, his feet are balanced and he still manages to look so graceful as he runs around his side of the court. 
You’re finally done with all the corners of the court twice as you move to sit in the space between the two different courts as you pant. The two people who were waiting now go to your and Jungkook’s positions as they begin the shadows drill now. You’re surprised to see that Jungkook has opted to sit next to you, you with your bright pink skirt sticking to your skin in all its glory.  
“Hi.” he smiles and turns towards you with his hand outstretched in front of your form. With a questioning look on your face, you shake his hand. How far was he planning on going when he said that the two of you wouldn’t be having those silly arguments anymore? To you, it meant that the pair of you would just stick to your own places and not interact with each other or do anything that would result in the bickering to resume. 
“Hey..?” Jungkook retracts his hand, leaving yours in mid-air. “So you uh wanna like hang out..um..like somewhere?” This boy had been taking you by surprise too much lately, why would he randomly ask you to hang out?
Sure he had said that he didn’t want the two of you having those little fights anymore but this? This was unexpected- really fucking unexpected.
“Uh...so suddenly?” he slightly frowns “Why?  Are you uncomfortable with it? That’s totally fine though!”
Jungkook was being too friendly, a little too friendly, you were confused and shocked at his tactics but tried not to show it on your face. “I mean, yeah, okay.” The words came tumbling out of your mouth before you could even realise it and his face was now bright. His smile so sweet, you feel a cavity forming and he nods. “Cool! After practice then..? He trails off, suddenly hesitant and you’re still dumbfounded by how quickly things had taken a turn, for the better you supposed. 
Not even a day ago, the two of you were ready to claw the other’s eyes out and now, you were agreeing to go out with him. This is not a date though. Jungkook and you are just going out to bond as friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Nodding, you smile lightly, trying to reduce some of the awkwardness from your face as you suggest a cafe to meet up at. 
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Practice is over and you are walking out of the academy with Jihye chattering beside you. “Oh! I almost forgot, so about that  Jungkook thing. I saw the two of you talking also.” she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively, or that’s what she thinks it looks like. Turning to face her, you sigh at her usual habit of sticking her nose into others’ business and tell her simply that he had just asked you to meet up at the cafe so you could just chill. 
“Holy shit, it’s a date!” Jihye seems more excited about the meet-up, not date, her hands coming up to join in front of her chest as she looks at you in bewilderment. “Why are you so passive?” your friend is way too excited for something so normal but then again, this was you and Jungkook. The two of you could never go a day without insulting the other before. Now you were meeting up with the same guy at a cafe in another hour or so. When you tell Jihye this, she stops walking, putting her hand on the left side of her chest- where her heart was. Her dramatic behaviour was now normal now and you knew the reason for her overreaction. 
Your love life was drier than the Sahara Desert in a fucking draught. You had been on just a handful of dates in your entire existence, only 5 or 6 of them ending up with you fucking the guy. The others had just been awkward, mainly because of your edgy self. 
It wasn’t that big of a problem though, you were too occupied by your college work and badminton tournament preparations that anything else just seemed like a waste of time. For instance, instead of going out with some guy, you could stay home and binge-watch Stranger Things. There were a lot more practical things that could be done without the company of males. 
The only reason you agreed to go out with Jungkook was that you wanted to see how it would end up. There was a very slim chance that your meeting would go very well but if Jungkook kept behaving as sweet as he was now, you wouldn’t even have a solid reason to be rude to the poor fellow. Nevertheless, you were not going to completely relax because one never knows. 
“I’m coming over to pick out your outfit!” Jihye is excited, jumpy because this is new- you going out with someone of the opposite gender. And although it was completely normal for someone else, you just looked at your friend judgmentally, feigning annoyance and earning a light shove from her that has you stumbling on the sidewalk. 
“‘Kay'” she squeals when you agree and invites herself to your house, saying that you should take a shower while she picks out your outfit. You trusted her though, Jihye’s fashion sense was really good and you knew for a fact that whatever she would pick out would be trendy. 
Unlocking your house with the bronze key, you walk in and keep your bag in its place before walking to get a glass of water for Jihye and yourself. She accepts and plops down on your couch before you pull her up by the arm, a disgusted look on your face. “Go wash up first.” she pouts but heads into the bathroom near the hallway nonetheless to wash up. You shout to her from your room that you’re heading to shower and she shouts back an “Alright.” from downstairs as you open the door, heading in for a steamy shower. 
40 minutes later, you’re getting out of your bathroom, content, to Jihye’s shrieking. Something along the lines of missing the date and you roll your eyes when you hear the last word. It was not a date for God’s sake!
You nonchalantly nod at no one in particular and apply your cream before heading out in a bathrobe. She’s sitting on your bed with some outfits placed on your bed. At first glance, they all look colour-coordinated with some accessories here and there but upon closer inspection, you see that every piece of clothing on your mattress was one of the shortest you had in every category. 
“Do you want me to look like a slut?” you ask with your arms folding in front of your chest, and Jihye looks at you with wide eyes, offended that you even had the nerve to comment on her outfit-picking skills. 
“No! These are all fine for a meet-up.” She uses finger quotes for the last word and you smile to yourself, “Uh, let me just stop you there. I don’t really know what people mean when they use this.” you make the finger quotes and she gasps “Did you just-” your shoulders raise and as the laughter dies down, you walk closer to the bed, mentally evaluating each outfit she had oh so carefully picked. They’re all really stylish, you gotta admit that but you’d never say it to her face. The one closest to the headboard consists of a full-sleeved plain white turtleneck that had a greyish-brown dress that reached your mid-thigh laid on top of it. It was something you could wear, maybe with some electric pink leggings. You see that Jihye, who is now rummaging in your collection of shoes, has also laid some black boots in front of the bed that matched the first dress. 
Your gaze travels to the one on the middle one and you immediately furrow your eyebrows, already ruling the strapless crop top and ripped shorts out. Too much skin. 
The one to the far left is also decided to not be inappropriate for the occasion as you didn’t think Jungkook would want to see you in a burgundy top with spaghetti straps. The jeans that had too many huge holes in them didn’t even look cool at this point. What were you thinking when you bought this.
Jihye comes out with some heels for one of the outfits “Why are you even putting so much effort into this? I can just wear a shirt and sweats.” She huffs out, unamused, as you giggle at her annoyed face. “Kidding. So, I really like this one.” you point at the dress and she smiles slyly “Showing off your long legs I see.” Punching her shoulder, you make some place to sit on the bed, glad that you shaved today. “Now, get out of my room. I need to change and apply make-up.” She nods and you watch her close the door behind her, getting up to lock it for extra safety measures. 
Not like she was gonna barge in and catch you in your star printed underwear anyways. Changing into the turtle neck and then the dress, you look at yourself in the mirror and if it wasn’t your frizzy hair, you would even think you looked cute. You brush your hair and settle for a high ponytail. Putting on your shoes, you apply a little bit of make-up, not wanting to seem overly eager but the excessive amount of perfume may or may not give you away. 
As you open the door and walk down to where Jihye has changed into some sweats she had kept in your house for times like these, she gasps upon seeing you, chip almost falling out her mouth and chews it before widening her eyes comically “Babe! You look so good.” you smile at her compliment, giving her a twirl as she gets up to probably to hug you before deciding against it, shaking her head. 
“So, is my make-up looking fine?” she nods furiously and you pick up your purse that was on the dining chair before looking at the clock to see that you only have ten minutes before Jungkook arrives. You bid Jihye goodbye, not worried in the slightest bit about her being alone at your house. 
As you’re walking, the cafe comes into view and you spot a familiar figure walking into the shop as well and you increase your speed to enter at the same time as Jungkook to make it seem as if you weren’t even slightly late. He doesn’t notice you even when you’re right behind him and walks to a table to sit down as you sit opposite him immediately, realising that he had walked to a two-people table in the corner of the shop. 
His eyes widen and he stutters out in shock, “O-Oh, you’re here,” Nodding, you hide a smile and greet him back, trying not to get into an argument with him. It’s silent for a while, you think of anything to say to break the awkward atmosphere but just as you’re looking up from the ground to speak to Jungkook, his voice is filling your ears. “Do you want to order?” He waits and you simply nod, “Okay, I’ll come to get my coffee.” 
Just as you’re getting up, Jungkook keeps his hand on you without warning, head shaking frantically. “No! I mean, I can get it for you.” Looking up in surprise, you’re unable to speak for a moment. Did Jeon Jungkook just say that he would buy you coffee?
You shake your head and snap out of your trance. Or at least you try to. “No, it’s alright. I can get it myself.” Jungkook rushes to quieten you again and looks like he won’t let you win, so you sigh and back down. “Fine.” He giggles and walks off to the counter while you take your phone out to kill time. Getting bored when you see that there are not any notifications, you switch the device off and look out of the window, watching as people get out of their cars for a pitstop at the cafe before driving away again. 
“Here are the coffees.” You turn your head and see Jungkook setting two cups of coffee on the table before sitting himself. Looking at what he got you, you thank him for bringing the correct order and he just sends a light smile in your direction, rubs his hands together and picks up the cup with both hands. You almost coo, but hold yourself together. This was your enemy. 
That reminds you, “So, why are you suddenly being so kind to me? It’s really weird to experience you treating me nicely.” You hadn’t meant for your tone to come off as accusing, but it does, and you have to watch Jungkook’s eyes flash with hurt for a second before shaking his head lightly. He places his cup back in the small saucer and his hands on either side of it. 
“I knew you would ask me this.” egging him on with a raise of your eyebrows, you take a sip of your coffee “Remember how Coach said that we should stop arguing?” At your nod, he licks his lips and continues on with his explanation, “Well, I thought about it-” “You told me to stop arguing right after he left.” “I thought about it and I decided that we really shouldn’t be having these fights. Like, what’s the point? I’m not getting anything out of it. You’re not getting anything out of it.” He ignores your words and when you hear his, ask yourself why you hadn’t tried to put a stop to the childish arguments you had with Jungkook. 
You don’t know why you ever fought back. Well, you did hate losing and Jungkook did everything to rile you up- so he was at fault too- but there was no specific reason as to why you hated Jungkook so much. “I don’t know, you were the one who started them. I don’t have a problem with becoming friends.” 
Jungkook looks at you, looking as if he’s trying to figure something out, pouty lips looking kissable but you quickly brush those thoughts off. “So..” his hands come closer to yours and you’re shocked to feel your heart starting to beat faster, its pace picking up as Jungkook’s hand comes closer to yours. “..friends?” his pinky intertwines with yours and you feel your face turn red, the action igniting something in you. 
Looking down at your fingers intertwined seems to be a big mistake as you gasp, the sight just overwhelming you. His hand fit in yours perfectly, and even if he meant it just as friends, you couldn’t help but imagine how it would be to be loved by Jungkook.
No! You two just started behaving normally around each other and you’re already thinking about loving him?
A voice in your head sounds as Jungkook retrieves his hand to pick up the call that had distracted you. You take your hand back and keep it in your lap, tingling sensations till lingering. 
Jungkook looks at you apologetically for a second, and you reassure him that he could take the call but he tells whoever was on the other side of the line that he was busy, cutting the call after he told the person that he would call them back later. 
“Sorry about that.” you barely catch his mumble and shake your head, “Don’t worry.” As you finish your coffee and make small talk with Jungkook about random things, you start growing more comfortable around him, cracking jokes and laughing at his lame ones. You’re discussing some things about the upcoming tournament when Jungkook suddenly leans in closer. 
You move back out of shock and he stills, eyes suddenly going wide as his breathing halts. Your own starts getting heavy, his sudden action having caught you terribly off guard. After partially having gained your composure back, you see that Jungkook is still in the same position, “J-Jungkook?” He takes a moment to snap out of whatever trance he was put in and blinks once, twice before gasping loudly and jerking backwards. His back hits the chair and his mouth is still open in shock at what he did. 
“S-Sorry..” he trails off, chewing his lip and your eyes follow the motion carefully before darting them back to his face quickly. He furrows his brows and starters ahead of you before shaking his head, murmuring something to himself. “You ok there?” you try to keep your voice soft, soothing as Jungkook shifts his gaze to you, wide eyes looking absolutely adorable. 
You question him again, worried, “What wa-” “I like you.” 
You sputter, his words having caught you off guard and if Jungkook’s eyes could go any wider, they do, his hand instantly coming to slap over his face and he curses, “I-fuck.” You’re still shocked by his confession and your brain takes time to process what he said, the three simple words not registering in your mind until suddenly,  Jungkook’s voice brings you back to the present. 
“Y-Y/n?” He sounds hesitant, and your face must be an accurate representation of what you’re feeling right now because Jungkook begins speaking again, his eyes filled with worry as he tries to fix his mistake. “No. I mean, yes, I like you-” Your face portrays horror at his words again and he rushes to correct himself, hitting himself on the head once. 
“You what?” Your voice is hushed for unknown reasons and Jungkook looks around, trying to calm himself down by breathing in and out and you use the time to do the same, the initial shock having worn off as you exhale loudly and take a bite out of the cookie from the small plate he had gotten. 
“I like you, Y/n.” Jungkook’s tone is more serious this time, and you try maintaining  a straight face, his words finally sinking and you choke on your saliva. “Like like me?” you question dumbly and he nods desperately, licking his lips and drumming his fingers on the table, a nervous habit of his. 
“Oh,” Jeongguk tilts his head at your response and you muster the courage to ask him a question that had been lingering on your mind ever since he confessed. “Since..?”
He coughs loudly into his mouth, trying to hide the blush that creeps up his cheeks and looks at you with a suddenly brave gaze, “I’ve liked you for a long time, Y/n. The reason I started annoying was because I wanted you to notice me, not because I disliked you...And better confess now instead of regretting not doing anything before right?” Your mouth is left hanging at his confession now, the real reason for his pestering finally coming out into the light. 
“Why would you annoy me, though? You could've just come up and talked to me, it would've been way easier for us.” At this, Jeongguk blushes, trying to cover his burning cheeks from you and cups his face in  his hands. “I don’t know..you were really annoying, to be honest.”
“I was annoying- you asshole!” You lean over and hit his arm, much to his chagrin and he frowns before swatting your arm away. Silence falls over the two of you, but it's not the awkward kind, you just sit quietly, drowning yourself in thoughts about Jungkook. 
“So…” Beside you, Jungkook shifts shyly and lowers his head when you look at him, the sight igniting something warm inside you. “Can I ask to ask you out?” His hair sits prettily atop his forehead, hands on his lap and his lips are scrunched into the cutest pout. 
“Why don’t you ask me and find out?” You aim for a teasing tone, but miss by a mille, instead sounding breathless and at this, Jungkook smiles before leaning in closer. “Will you go on a date with me?”
Even though you knew he was going to ask you, the words still send tingles throughout your entire body, heart racing and you nod before you can even think.  
It has you suddenly thinking about the drastic turn of events. The guy who was once (not even a few hours ago) your biggest enemy had just confessed to you and was asking you out. You’re thinking if it was a bad decision, but with Jungkook looking so innocent and just, like a child, it’s hard to think straight. Your heart beats erratically as Jungkook gives you one last soft smile before getting up and walking to pay, and you try chasing him and stopping him from paying for both your and his drinks but as much as you want to, you’re still stuck in place, everything that happened recently replaying in your head. He comes back in a few minutes and holds out his hand for you to take, and as you’re getting up with his help, your heart can’t help but flutter, the feeling of his warm hand encompassing yours turning you mushy like dough. 
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“Seriously?” You can’t help but scoff, and beside you Jungkook lets go of your hand to feign an offended face. “What! You said you liked Call of Duty!” Jungkook defends himself and you stare blankly at the venue of your first official date with Jeon Jungkook. 
The baby pink blankets that adore his couch look inviting, so do the various snacks on the coffee table but still, this was your first date. You had really expected him to go all out and take you to dinner at a classy restaurant. And then maybe have ended with a drumline playing on a bridge. Ok, maybe that was too much. 
This doesn’t mean that you’re disappointed, though. Nope. This- a date on Jungkook’s couch with Call of Duty and snacks- was perfectly fine. Great, even. You finally crack a smile, nudging his shoulder and muttering a ‘Just kidding.’ under your breath when his face turns sad. 
You grab his arm and sit on the couch, patting the space beside you for him to occupy as you shuffle through the unhealthy packs of chips and nachos to find your favorite one. Jungkook grabs a drink and you shuffle under the soft blanket, curling up and look at Jungkook, trying to act cute as you prepare to embarrass yourself. 
“Cuddle with me?” Jungkook almost spits his drink out, surging forward as his head turns towards your direction you’re positive he gets whiplash. “W-What-Did you..” Nodding, you try pouting but know for a fact that it looks more awkward than cute and huff out, “Just-” Jungkook nods suddenly, “Ok.” and gets under the covers. Your face heats up when you finally realise that you just asked The Jeon Jungkook™ to cuddle with you, and as he ever so slowly crawls towards you, your body turns stiff. 
“I-Is this okay?” Jungkook hovers his hand over your waist and as you look at him with wide eyes, you nod lightly, indicating the green signal, his body heat not helping at all. Jungkook’s soft voice filters through your ears, and you swear you could listen to him forever. Even if he was making fun of your obsession with hard peaches. Yes. 
“We can watch a movie if you want..and then play COD?” he suggests and you mumble out a “Sure” and watch as he picks up the remote to scroll through the various apps whose subscriptions he had. 
He pauses at Netflix. “Can we watch Full House?” his voice is timid, and you turn to furrow your eyebrows at him, wondering why he would seem hesitant while asking that. Everyone loved Michelle. 
“Why not?” At your words, Jungkook’s eyes light up and he smiles widely, turning towards the TV to play the show. 
You rip open a packet of Cheetos and Jungkook tries (keyword: tries) to slyly wrap his arm around you from behind but doesn’t go unnoticed, and you move forward for him to easily slide his arm around you, not even bothering to look at his red face because there’s a really high chance that you’ll combust. 
2 episodes into the new season, you turn to Jungkook and he notices, eyebrows raised as you gulp, 
“I think I like you too.” 
“That would’ve been really romantic if your Cheetos breath wasn’t hitting my face.”
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“Yesss, get it Kook!” Jungkook comes running up to you and you slap his arm in enthusiasm. He hugs you, tight, and your arms wrap around his body as well, congratulating him in his victory. His last hit had been a smash, one his opponent hadn’t  been able to defend and the match had indeed with your school winning, the trophy yours for the third time in a row.  
“We won.” The words coming out of Jungkook’s mouth urge you to hug him tighter, and you do, nodding although he probably can't see you. “We did.” Your boyfriend lets go of you to embrace his teammates and you laugh with all of them, and when your eyes meet Jungkook’s, realise that he may not be as bad as you first thought him to be.
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tysm for reading whatever the fuck this is <3 send in feedback, if you want!
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borat123 · 3 years
Analysis Pro NH Anti NS
Naruto Manga Part 2
Part 8
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Naruto is seen returning to the village after his talk with Nagato. Naruto is exhausted and was about to fall over, but Kakashi catches him (let’s all appreciate that the first thing he did after coming back to life was to go look for his student). He pressed his cheeks and wrapped his arms around Kakashi. Also Kakashi is making a reference to when he carried Naruto on his back after their battle on the Valley of the End.
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Naruto returns to the village and the first thing he sees is all the villagers cheering for him. He has become a hero and saviour of the village and everyone acknowledges him as a hero. Naruto had achieved his dream of wanting everyone to acknowledge him (There’s a deeper meaning to why he even wants everyone to acknowledge him in the first place and it has to do with his past).
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Naruto is very suprised, he is not used to being treated this way by everyone after all. Notice how us as viewers are more happy than Naruto himself (not that he isn’t happy of course) I’ll get more into why when we come to the Dark Naruto part.
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*Sakura rant* Why is the first thing Sakura does after Naruto saved her village is to punch him in the fucking head?! Jesus Christ it’s like Kishi WANTS her to be hated. Look at Naruto’s face in the bottom right picture, it’s like he thinks ”What the hell have i done now?!”. Sakura then hugs him because she’s grateful that Naruto saved the village (way to show you’re gratefulness earlier you lousy bitch).*Sakura rant over*
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Notice how Hinata smiles here. She doesn’t feel threatened at all by their supposed ”romantic relationship” but she rather sees them as a brother and sister type relationship (like most people). Actually their relationship is almost like Harry and Hermione. Both scolding and caring for each other as good FRIENDS. Also notice how Naruto didn’t hug her back after a physically, mentally and emotionally draining battle while he pressed his cheeks and put his arms tightly around Kakashi. Why is this? Well maybe it’s because they aren’t so close after all.
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Naruto doesn’t notice when Sakura is sad over her master’s near verge of death. He knows how it feels like to lose his master but he cant notice her feelings of inadequancy and her sadness? He couldn’t notice when she was depressed over her inferiority complex when drafting for the Chunnin Exams either (to much in his own fantasy world of being acknowledged and beating Sasuke lol) he only noticed when it concerned Sasuke. Imaging only noticing when someones depressed because of another person you’re both obssesed over.
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When Hinata was sad he comforted her by saying she saved him more than twice and that she was strong. He also noticed her sadness through her eyes.
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Notice how when Tazuna asked if there was a love triangle going on, Naruto happily denied it (confirming that there never really was anything serious going on and also that he didn’t have any ”romantic feelings” at all at this point, since he seemed so carefree about it) Naruto was maturing and just acting like a good friend here and Sakura was thankful for that. (They were honestly acting just fine here so why did Sakura decide to make that fake confession later? She underestimates Naruto).
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Naruto now reveals he knows what revenge truly feels like. After his fight with Pain he now understands why Sasuke was so obssesed with revenge. Why is this? Maybe because witnessing Hinata getting stabbed triggered the worst emotions he’d ever felt and he almost transformed into the Nine Tailed Demon Fox because he hated Pain and wanted revenge on him. Tell me how Hinata didn’t contribute to the main story when she was a reason why Naruto could understand Sasuke in the first place.
A topic that must be touched upon now unfortunately is:
Why didn’t Naruto talk to Hinata after the Pain arc? Well in universe, we have to consider that Naruto has never in his life experienced real romantic love before. It’s something that’s completly foreign to him. Sometimes when affection is directed towards yourself, it is hard to realise what it really means. Mentally abused people like Naruto is no exception, someone that never experienced parental love, how are we supposed to expect that he would understand romantic love aswell? Something that is way more complex than that too.
Also let’s be real here considering what i’ve just said how would Naruto be able to recognize what Hinata really meant when he was pinned downed by rods, about to be taken and his greatest enemy being right in front of him in a destroyed Konoha crater. It all probably happend in a blink of an eye and before he knew it he was already transformed into the six-tails. The tension was really high and Naruto was already in emotional turmoil and despair, there were simply too much happening at the same time for him to comprehend it all.
Later everyone acknowledged him as a Hero and suddenly everyone was paying him attention and he became very busy aswell. Pressing matters in the shinobi world were happening immediatly after his return, like Sasuke being ordered to be disposed of. Other responsibilities were being placed on him so in context he really didn’t have time to think about what her confession really meant and what it made him feel, he not only didn’t have any help from others to understand it but other things were happening so quickly too.
Also the reason Kishi didn’t show Naruto thanking Hinata was because Kishimoto felt awkward about writing romance. He’d rather wait till later and make it more indirect than write actual lovey dovey stuff, and i dont blame him completely. Its a fighting manga after all, and not a romance (altough i wouldn’t say he’s bad with romance as he understands the context) He probably didn’t plan to explain when or how they got together at this point in time, he was just gonna do it, as that was what he always wanted since part 1. Had Naruto accepted her feelings right there and then it would have moved away from the main topic of the story, which is saving Sasuke.
His actions later in chapter 559, 615 and 677 makes his answer to her confession an indirect YES. He was already in love with Hinata subconsiously. You might believe that it happend after this arc but it was actually implied in Naruto’s theme song from The Last. ”He now understood the meaning of that warmth” and ”her overflowing kindness”. Judging by this Naruto could have loved her as early as chapter 77 when he told her from the direct translation: ”Thank you, you’re far too kind Hinata!”. It was probably because of her kindness but also the origin of how Hinata fell for Naruto was out of admiration and respect, the same reasons Naruto started feeling something for her too in the Chunnin Exams.
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Sai falsely states that Naruto is going this far to save Sasuke because of unrequited feelings for Sakura and because of that promise (that he admits he didn’t know anything about, also when Sai asked Naruto about how he felt about her he said ”how can i? Cant even keep my promises.” Seems to me that he was more depressed over not getting Sasuke back and the only reason he haven’t given up on Sakura completly is because he wants to keep his word because that’s his ninja way. He actually let his ”crush” go after that hospital hug where he saw Sasuke’s tender face and accepted that Sakura loved Sasuke. He realised subconsiously that what he was feeling before was a pointless childish crush.)
Sai accuses Sakura of causing Naruto alot of pain too because of that promise, and that’s true. Promise of a life time more like Burden of a life time. Anyways Sakura cries because of guilt and decides that the only way to make Naruto stop chasing after Sasuke is to falsely confess to him like the narcissistic *nice lady* that she is. Next time i’ll be going over the fake confession. Here’s the other parts if you wanna check them out.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Part 7 Part 9
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cloudy-dayys · 3 years
obsessed w ur clef headcanons. do u have any more u can share? (luv ur art btw <333)
i would kill everyone on this planet for you and then myself tysm 💙💙
more clef headcanons (i will not be referencing 4231 in any of my clef posts just because that is very triggering for me, instead im gonna say he and 166's mom met one day when clef was in his late 20s, shit happened (ya know, they fucked), and boom he had to go and kill her and take 166)
· he was never really a child or teen, he was just a monster that happened to break into the foundation's reality one day (i say this bc i cant really imagine him as a child or teen, he's more monster than human and we may never know if he was a normal human that adopted these powers or came from smth else)
· he is both a reality bender and anchor, more so using his bending powers more
· he has many forms, whether the 'human' one is his true one or not is still a mystery, seeing as those he may not be showing his true capabilities or if he has another twisted form that is a lot more powerful
· he may be a rival of kondraki and they hate each other's guts, but he still respects him a lot. clef even met draven (kondraki's son) and admires how konny is a good dad, so he only gives kondraki a hard time and doesn't actually dislike him (clef 🤝 kondraki: good dads and clef finds it cute)
· more than anything, he wants to take meri out on a dad and daughter day. go to the movies, the mall, buy her anything she likes, etcetc. he thinks she deserves to be spoiled rotten (and she does!!)
· but he really dislikes how his daughter is super christian, so if she ever finds out he may be the devil or even states he could be anything satanic or sinful, it wont be pretty on her side
· his face isnt that comprehendible until u personally get closer to him. if ur a complete stranger to him, its impossible to directly look at his face without some sort of problem. it'll seem like static or as if nothing is there, and itll make u want to look away since its too much for ur brain to handle (can make people have headaches or their eyes sore). if ur a pal or a well known enemy of his, you'll see some features like his sharp and terrifying grin, and sometimes his 3rd eye (which will make anybody be in distress)
· he, surprisingly, has a great voice. what makes up for his lack of face or any horrifying features is his voice. sometimes you'll hear him hum a melody or quietly sing a song in his office, he sings more calming songs than anything energetic. if ur lucky enough he'll hop his ukulele out and start singing a wonderful and peaceful song
· he loves guns, but not in a weird way. back to my first headcanon, once he entered this reality and had a somewhat stable form, the minute he found out theres metal shiny things you can hold that make loud kaboom sounds and have many varieties hes like "holy shit!?!? that is so cool!!!!!!!" and its really his comfort item. he usually goes to any open range and practices bc it is a great distraction and he loves holdin em (like a stim!). he cleans em regularly, like a hobby of some sorts
· he's made his own songs before, but he keeps em in private. he may sing em for his daughter though!
· hes more in touch with anomalous beings then regular humans, cause every anomaly thats been locked up by the foundation can relate on something
· "hm. this small anomalous child has no (good) parental figure in their life? well that is clearly my child now. i am their new dad"
· he is very intelligent, you can never prank, trick, or pull any game on him. he can read gestures and cues very easily, and can pick up any weird vibes or feelins within his area
· hes definitely an anarchist, i dont make the rules
· he sometimes wishes he can live a normal life ina suburb home with an amazing s/o and his beautiful daughter and they live happily ever after. then he proceeds with "well where the hell is the fun in that?"
· he has yet to comprehend human emotions, mental illnesses or neurodivergency, he may be able to trick and mess with someone in their head, but being able to fully comprehend human feelings and such is far out of his abilities. maybe one day though
· mess with his friends or family? hes already at ur house bud. there's no saving ur miserable life now
· the infamous 'dr clef can't be affected by anomalous things or properties' still holds very true. he can be affected by 166's powers tho!
· he speaks 4-ish other languages: old greek/latin, german and french. he can gladly try and take up more languages tho, they amaze him!
i have more but i dont want to make this too long and borin for others lol
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ask-balan · 3 years
Is there anything you don't like about eachother?
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Wetherhed is, i think, at his core still human, and this comes with both the good and the bad. for example, I have seen him do things that are both incredibly kind and incredibly brave.
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this kindness comes with a self sacrifice I have seen in few. he helps lighten the workload that comes with being a maestro in wonderworld, because as a human he is more equipped to deal with things that i have not been exposed to and would have trouble comprehending while still keeping my composure. i hate to dump these things on him, but he insists. though. this kindness is sullied by his anger
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occasionally he will leave with a visitor that is scared to go home. there is a mandatory check-up on these visitors after they leave, and they almost always come back fine. but he takes a while to drop them off. when he comes back, he smells like copper, and his expression is clouded. he looks tired, and wont talk much for quite some time. he seems to think i dont know what he's doing to the people the inhabitants are afraid of. I find myself just. a little bit.. afraid. of what could happen should the rage in his heart affect the magic that now keeps him alive. I am afraid of what it could turn him into.
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Balan is probably the nicest person I have ever met, and normally, I cant bring myself to trust people as nice as Balan, because it never feels right, but with balan its the most natural thing ive ever seen. in fact
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he's too nice for his OWN good. he extends so much of himself that they've barely got any left for them! their entire life is dedicated to helping people, some of whom dont DESERVE his help. he's so sweet it would make a confectionary sick to their stomach. he's not childish, though. you should never mistake kindness for childishness. maybe when we were younger i would have said he didnt understand the bad things about the world and thats why he is the way that he is, but i out of anyone know that isnt true.
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but he's starting to break, and i can feel it. they've seen so much, and i know seeing that much hurt can disenfranchise even the sweetest man. and yet he fucking refuses to take a break. he wants to help me when im trying to help him. he wants to fix EVERYTHING, but he cant, and seeing him try is hurting me, because i know where it could have ALREADY ended up if he did have people supporting him. i dont think he realizes that even out of all the horrible things ive seen, when he overextends himself with no regard for his own personal health, it hurts to see. maybe he does see it, but if he does, i dont think he can bring himself to stop.
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hela-avenger · 4 years
poison & wine- part 31
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 1394
Summary: Prince Loki of Asgard is in need of a date to take back home. That’s where you come in with a task of your own to make the whole trip with an insufferable prince worth it. Too bad that things don’t always go as planned and you end up giving more than you can take. Fake-Dating AU.
A/N: And so it begins again! GAH, another cliffhanger and another... well, I guess you’ll have to read to find out. Be nice to me in the comments pls. I was the one who had to write this! 
poison & wine masterlist
Loki stops before you’re able to reach the royal hall. You refrain from asking him why as you catch the serious look on his face. It was enough to tell you that he was worried about what you two were about to walk into. 
“This the point of no return,” Loki whispers. “No going back the moment we step inside that room.” 
“If you’re trying to ask me if I’m having second thoughts, I’m not,” you assure him. “So tell me, what exactly am I walking into?” 
“As usual, we will be the center of attention,” Loki answers. “There will be food, wine, and more, but essentially we will be the idol of affection of the people of Asgard. They will be fawning over us with well wishes and gifts.” 
“I like gifts.”
“Of course you do,” Loki chuckles. “Sadly the gifts will have to be turned into the royal treasury but if you see something you like I’m sure I could find a way for you to keep it.” 
“I don’t think any gift can compare to the one you already gave me,” you tell him. “My father’s office… I didn’t even realize how close he was all this time.” 
“Took me some time to find it,” Loki answers. “Your father stayed in the palace in between his travels, but the office held all of his personal belongings. Everything inside it is yours and you may come visit it anytime you’ll like.” 
“I will take you up on that offer as long as you’re coming with me.”   
You smile up at him hoping for him to continue the banter along but he’s silently staring at you. There was a softness to it and you wonder how long he’s been looking at you like this and you’ve been missing it.
“Loki, I…” 
...love you. 
You find yourself stopping knowing this wasn’t the time nor the place to be confessing your feelings to him. You were about to walk into the most stressful and trying times of your lives and you couldn’t put it on the line now. 
“...I’m ready, if you are.” 
Loki nods and offers his arm for you to take. You nestle closer to him as he escorts you down to the royal hall. The guards are quick to open the doors for you announcing your presence for all the court to hear. 
“Prince Loki of Asgard and his fiancee Lady Y/N of Midgard.” 
You’re met with loud cheers and applause as Loki leads you to the thrones that were set front and center in the room. King Odin and Frigga were seated nearby with their own matching thrones. 
“You’re late,” Frigga whispers to Loki with a playful glare. 
Loki simply smiles in response and shrugs, unable to offer her more as the first royal family comes to greet them. 
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You hadn’t realized how many royal families were involved in the hierarchy of Asgard but you had met and received so many that it was hard to keep track on who was who. Luckily for you, you were once again allowed to drink wine which made the whole event tolerable, but with the side effect of allowing your mind to stray away easier. Hence, your immense focus on the prince seated next to you. 
Loki was doing all of this with such ease. He knew all of their names before they were announced and he always managed to thank each and every one of them in unique and specific ways. It was mesmerizing to watch and you couldn’t comprehend how his own father could overlook the great work he was showing. 
You took a hold of his free hand squeezing it gently earning you a brief moment of his attention in which he smiles fondly at you. 
“You’re doing great,” you whisper to him. 
Loki’s smile grows even brighter than before. 
“So are you,” he whispers in return. “They love you.” 
You find that hard to believe but take the compliment anyway. 
The next royal family makes their way up to you taking his focus away from you. You didn’t mind enjoying the way he returned to his regal self. It was nice to know that his rare softness was reserved only for you. 
Another round of blessings is heard with chests of gold and ornate jewels to further compensate the message. 
Loki’s hand was still in yours and he squeezed it every few minutes. You chuckled every time he did it which made you believe that was the reason he was doing it in the first place. 
Things finally start to slow down and you look over at Loki to find that he’s already staring at you. You smile at him unable to do much else. 
“All rise for the Allfather, Ruler of the Nine Realms, King Odin.” 
You’re surprised at the announcement and so is Loki as his grip tightens in your hold. 
“I never thought I would see the day when my son, Loki, would find his match,” Odin begins to announce earning a laugh from the crowd. “It has certainly been a blessing for our family to be graced with Lady Y/N’s presence. She has shown pure courage in the face of adversity and has handled herself with care and grace.” 
As if on cue, the room erupts in applause eating up his words. You were unsure if he was being honest or not, but it didn’t really matter. His opinion wasn’t something you depended on but you knew it meant the world to Loki.  
“I would like to be the first to welcome Y/N into our family,” Odin continues before he waves towards a servant. “And in doing so, bestow her this rare and unique gift that is rightfully hers to begin with.”
The servant appears once more, bringing a small case towards you. You let go of Loki’s hand in order to receive the offered gift. 
With all eyes on you, you have no other choice but to open it and amongst the gold tinsel, a small red apple was cushioned in the middle. You pull it out of the case confused at the simple gift until the whole room erupts in loud gasps and murmured talk. 
“The Apple of Idunn.” 
The smile you had been wearing instantly disappears and you turn to Loki to find him in the same shocked state that you were. 
“This is… why would you…?” 
You feel a tightening in your chest, a pure wave of panic and pain, knowing that you were holding the reason your father had not come back for you and your mother in your hand. The real reason he was dead. 
“Your father wished this for you,” Odin answers simply. “And I would like nothing more for my son to have you for more than a handful of centuries.” 
You look down at the apple in your hand having a hard time believing that such a small little thing could have caused such chaos. Even now, it was causing disruption as everyone watched you awaiting your next move. 
“No?” Odin asks in surprise. 
“No,” Loki repeats as he rises from his seat.
The whole hall falls into a silence at the sudden response. You’re quick to place the apple back inside the case unsure of what else to do. Loki had made the decision for you and you didn’t know how to take it. 
“Loki…” you call out to him. “What are you doing?” 
Loki looks down at you, his mask gone, revealing remorse for you. 
“You should go,” he answers. “You shouldn’t have to be here for this.” 
It’s not that hard to figure out what Loki intends to do. He was about to confess to it all and all because he wanted to save you from a life of eternity.  
“Loki, you can’t…” 
“Just leave.” 
Loki turns back to look at you but the man you knew and loved was gone. A different mask was being worn, one that you hadn’t expected to see on him again. 
“Go,” Loki snarls with a scowl. “Just go!” 
You hand over the case to Loki unsure of what else to do with it. You tried to ignore the burning humiliation and collective pitying stare directed to you. Grabbing the silk of your skirt, you run out of the hall without looking back.
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poison & wine tag: @damalseer @just-the-hiddles @jessiejunebug @nonsensicalobsessions @smollest-soybean @assassinoftheworld @readerbandit @doyoufeelikeayounggod @strangemcuvlogs @ha-tep @i-dont-know-eiither @gene-king @day-dreaming-fox @bn-studies @is-it-madness @devilbat @victor-criss-bish @skinny-macncheese @musicconversedance @baby-bunnyxn @fandoms-allovertheplace @marvelloonie @jinxjinxednova @queenmuahaha @accio-boys @eternalqueensworld @umlvk @roger-the-reindeer @punkrockhufflefluff @your-local-abyss @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals​ @rogerrhqpsody @imsad420@pandacookieowo @justnerdystuffs @hanoi15​ @oneprolificqueen​ @nikki-who-likes-coffee​ @fandomrelative​ @nikki419ninja​ @onedollarduck​ @help-i-need-a-social-life​ @ephemeraljade​ @catsladen @amwolowicz​ @captainmarvelnerd​ @thegirlbeyondtheuniverse​
Loki Tag: @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @thesilentbluesparrow @oddly-drawn-muse @josiehosiedaninja @hp-hogwartsexpress @sadwaywardkid @wolf-lover74 @sizzlingbarbarianglitter @sigyn-njorddottir @aoirohi​ @defunctcherrybomb​
All Works Tag: @jmb959 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @hellocookiecutter @steve-rogers-personal-hell @buckybarnesyard @not-zari-tak @strangersstranger @thefridgeismybestie​ @moonlightprime
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Happier (3) | T.H.
Summary: Harrison is looking for answers. More unknown text messages and blackmail. A phone conversation takes place. Wait...who’s the new guy?
A/N: Don’t be shy let me know all your theories! Again, thank you for the support on Happier! The story continues!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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This whole thing was just a giant puzzle that needed to be solved, but the closer one got to solving it, another complication comes around. The story wasn’t clear for anyone, but for Harrison it was a mess. He had so many questions that needed to be answered, so many clues he wish could have been solved at the snap of a finger.
Tom was too lost in himself to even comprehend the puzzling reality, Y/N while also lost in heartbreak had been awefully quiet since she left London, Kate was lying to Harrison, and Natalie had been too friendly with Tom.
Harrison replayed the conversation with Kate over and over again in his mind, trying to remember every little thing she said that night. He knew Kate was aware of something. Her tone said it all.
“Listen I dont know who you are, but if its the same person that sent my best friend a threatening message that she’s better off breaking up with her boyfriend”
“She received a few messages...from Tom.”
“Oh my god.” Harrison said to himself in realization. How could he have been so dim to not recognize what Kate had said in the first place? He paced around as he continued to think it through. But a threat message? Who would send a threat to Y/N? And what did they threaten her with? Tom and Y/N’s relationship has been secretly hidden from the public for as long as they’d been together. No one knew she even existed...right?
For a moment, Harrison stopped in his tracks, thinking of Natalie. Though he quickly shook the idea off. Natalie may have wanted Tom, but she wouldnt go as far as threatening Y/N. He had been friends with her since they went to primary school, and knew she wouldn’t go that far. “Maybe a stalker fan?” He questioned himself. Though he also quickly ruled it out, but something about it just didnt feel right.
In the kitchen, Harrison took out his laptop and started googling Y/N’s name. If her name didn’t show on the News or one of those Tom Holland fan accounts, it would at least answer one theory. As he scrolled through pages and pages, nothing showed up until...he found on account. He logged into the site and browsed the history, realizing it was all about Y/N and Toms life. Not as a couple but seperately. It all seemed too strange. Only very few accounts followed it and yet no other accounts in the world had mentioned Y/N. Harrison quickly shut his laptop when he saw Natalie enter the room.
“Oh don’t mind me just...grabbing a water.” She giggled, making her way to the fridge.
“Hey mate...uh..I guess everyone got hungry at the same time?” Harry asked, a bit surprised to see Harrison and Natalie in the kitchen.
“Yeah. I guess.” Harrison muttered.
“Well aren’t you a ray of sunshine. If i didn’t know I’d say you were the one more affected by the break up then Tom and Y/N themselves.” Natalie commented.
“No. It’s just that I dont think Y/N broke up with Tom just because of some rumors about you and him.” He explained rubbing his face from exhaustion. Natalie’s smile dropped, when she heard Harrison mention his potential theory.
“Well...did you talk to Y/N about it?” Harry asked him, also intrigued by the theory. “Now that I think about it she —“
“Oh come on. Just leave the poor girl alone. Im sure she knew what was best for the both of them. You’ll only make it worse.” Natalie interrupted, taking a sip from her water. “Well since you boys are all talk, Im gonna go find something more worth my while.”
Out of sight and out of mind, Natalie made a quick call about what she heard. “Harrison’s getting suspicious, and so is Harry.”
“Time to clean up then.” The unknown number spoke out before hanging up on Natalie completely.
Meanwhile, Kate had managed to get Y/N out of the apartment and walk the streets of the city. Her heart and spirits were still low, but she appreciated the efforts. Kate and Y/N went around stuffing their faces with crepes and ice cream. It was the cure to any bad days, but it wouldnt have been a Kate and Y/N date if they didn’t hang around the New York Aquarium. It was also the perfect time to crack out what Y/N really knew about the unknown text message, and who was harrassing the both of them. “Look, I know I promised you a stress free outing, but I saw a text from your phone the night you came back home.” Kate confessed.
Y/N’s face became pale almost as if she’d seen a ghost. She knew, and now there was no point in going back. “So you know then.” She says quietly looking at the fishes.
“I only know they threatened you.” Kate states, leaving out that she, herself, was also threatened. Y/N had enough on her plate to worry about, and it wouldn’t be the best time to being up how her message also threatened their friendship. “How long?” She continues.
“Weeks maybe. They started around the time I was fighting with Tom.” Y/N vents, she takes a deep breath before she continues. “Each message was worse than the last. They threatened that if I didnt leave, Tom would lose career, and I...I couldnt do that to him.” Tears were falling slowly, but Y/N was quick to pick them.
“Why didnt you tell him?”
“Yeah, Kate let me just tell him the truth of why I left him because the messages weren’t offensive nor threatening enough. And let’s just assume that the person texting wouldn’t blackmail either of us if they knew I said something. Anyways, maybe it was for the best...I could never fit in his world and those past few months just proved that.” Y/N’s words continue to spill out every fear and thought she had bottled up within her. It felt good..for a moment, but nothing can really erase a heartbreak of losing the one you loved.
As the pair walked through the shark tunnel, Y/N bumped into a tall figure. “Oh my god, Im so sorry...Matt?” she asked in confusion. The moment Y/N looked up into those familiar brown eyes hidden behind the thin glasses, she knew. How could she forget? 
“Y/N? Wow, it’s been so long how are you?” Matt greeted as he wrapped her into a hug. “Kate, it’s good to see you again too.” 
“Yeah, we’re great, just you know...navigating life.” Kate responded to him. “We haven’t seen you since what?  High school?”
Matt smiled and nodded at Kate’s response, his focus remaining on Y/N. He didn’t remember much with Kate back in high school, but Y/N was a different story. They were good friends at the time, always competing in classes, but as junior year rolled by things got awkward. Y/N was falling for Matt while he didn’t return the favor at the time. Though he’d be lying if he didn’t say he may have felt the same at one point, but just never committed. Now all grown up, he didn’t realize how pretty she turned out, but her personality wasn't there. He must have figured something was wrong. After all, a girl with that kind of spunk back in the day, didn't seem like the one to lose hers so easily. “Yeah, look. I know it’s kind of a spur in the moment, but maybe we can all hang out sometime? I’d love to catch up.” 
Kate was all for it, but Y/N felt a tension she wasn’t sure if she wanted to act upon. After all, breaking up with your boyfriend after 2 weeks, because of threatening messages and still loving him deeply, it wasn’t an easy thing to move on from. Then again it’s not like Matt was asking for a date, it was just to catch up after not seeing each other for 6 years. “Uh, maybe. I have to check my schedule, and see when Im free, but I can let you know” Y/N answers him. 
“Great, well..here’s my number, and hopefully I hear from you guys. I gotta get back to my brother, so hope to see you around.” he quickly says as he walks away. 
“Wow. Matt Brynne, who would have guessed?” Kate says, breaking the silence. 
“I know...Funny I used to be so head over heels with him at the time, and now I barely feel a thing.” 
“Well yeah, cause you still love...you-know-who.” she teases, though it probably wasn't the best time to be making that type of joke with everything going on.
“And I don't think I’ll ever stop.” Y/N mutters to herself. As Y/N and Kate make their way forward, Kate’s phone began to vibrate. 
Set up a date and take a picture of Y/N and that boy you posted on your insta story. Or Y/N finds out the truth about what you did. XOXO
Kate looked up as she cursed herself, realizing she forgot to keep her story private. It was supposed to be a harmless post of old friends reuniting and now the unknown number has used it as blackmail. It would have been easy to find the culprit, but her view count was up in the thousands with unfamiliar faces. It’s what she gets after gaining a decent following on TikTok. Kate couldn’t let Y/N know what she did, and she’d make sure she would hide that truth from her for as long as she can. “Hey, Y/N...I think we should hit up Matt.” she says, running after her best friend. 
At the same time, another texted popped from Y/N’s phone. She picked up thinking it might have been a group chat with her close friends, but it was from the only person who could make her heart flutter and break simultaneously. 
I can’t stop thinking about you. About us. I still love you. 
Y/N almost called him..almost, but she knew better. She couldn’t...not unless she wanted to continue to hurt each other. 
Meanwhile, back in London, Harrison was ready to come clean to Tom about what he’d found out. He watched as Tom finished typing on his phone, and throwing it on the side of the bed, rubbing his face. This was the new normal. Tom being alone in the dark, reflecting on his sadness and exhaustion. Only stepping out when needed and keeping up smiles for appearances. 
It was then Harrison was ready to knock on the door, when his phone received a notification.
Don’t even think about it. Or I’ll make sure you and your lads careers are over for good.
Harrison sighed deeply, as he put his phone down, and walked away. Until he came to a most probable conclusion. “Natalie.” he says anger. “I should have fucking known.” At this point he no longer cared, about who she was before and how they were friends. The timing of it all seemed too perfect. Her arrival, the eavesdropping, the flirting. It had to be her but with what proof other than unknown numbers and good timing? Another part of him feared...what if it wasn't her?
Meanwhile, Tom was still unaware of what was really happening behind his door, but he did know, he had to take a chance now and try to contact her instead of sending these useless messages. In the moment, he showed no signs of regret, only praying Y/N would pick up so he could hear her voice. 
“Tom?” Y/N answers hesitantly.
Tom closes his eyes, as he takes in her soft and gently voice. “Y/N.” he speaks softly into the phone. 
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