#it can also AT TIMES be hard to listen to bc for them to debunk some anti-fat claim you do have to start out
sergle · 4 months
i've litchrally been going crazymode listening to Maintenence Phase, which is my current favorite podcast, and i highly highly recommend it if you like informative podcasts about debunking misinfo around the wellness/health/diet sphere. it's also just really fucking funny, Michael Hobbs and Aubrey Gordon are great hosts and i love their chemistry together. i'd say "if you're a fat person, you gotta listen to this shit" but honestly i don't even need to be that specific, i just think it's good listening in general. like actually, i think skinny people with or without fat friends would greatly benefit from hearing some of these episodes.
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sp4ceboo · 11 months
listen to me rant about predebut unwhitewashed ateez:
firstly, i apologise for this absolute shitpost, and i don't know where any of the photos are from so apologies if they're acc urs or smt.
secondly, i apologise for the fact none of this is in order because this originally started as predebut yungi and then descended into ot8 chaos.
thirdly, i apologise for the huge rambles about whitewashing and fine men.
lastly, i apologise because i have no clue how to change size of pictures in tumblr so some are massive and some are tiny (send help)
just look at this:
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OK FIRSTLY LIKE MINGI'S ACNE?? i never thought i'd find acne attractive (like, i don't mind it, but my view on it has always been pretty neutral, it's just a thing that happens sometimes). erm like first of all thank you for debunking that stupid 'glass skin' thing because for the people who actually don't have glass skin it's such an expectation to live up to, and secondly you're fine as fuck. LIKE SHUT UP RN I WANT TO KISS HIM AUBAUVVFASIKYFSAA. and then there's that picture of him in the car which i can't find rn and he's like looking to the side and he highkey looks like keeho from p1h like um mingi u had no right to look that fine predebut like have you seen skz predebut they literally looked like infants?
everyone else under the cut
ok, onto exhibit b, yunho.
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LOOK AT HIM. i actually don't know if this is predebut yunho because he looks damn good but the twitter post said so, so idk but like??? he was either 19 or sub 19 here like???? I DO NOT SEE 19 YEAR OLD MEN OUTSIDE ON THE STREET LOOKING AS FINE AS THIS. and if this picture isn't predebut well my arguement is still valid because the other pictures of him which i can't be bothered to add rn still look cute asf.
i love the predebut pictures of seonghwa because he's so unwhitewashed it's beautiful.
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im pretty sure this is a picture of him from the third kq fellaz thingy, so that counts as predebut, but OMFG HIS SMILE??? AND HIS SKIN IS SO NICE AND LIKE UNWHITEWASHED?? LET MY BOY'S SKIN BREATHE OMFG-
here's predebut hongjoong:
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LIKE????? HE'S SO CUTE I WANNA PUT HIM IN MY POCKET?? i know this post has disintegrated from me saying predebut ateez were fine to me just fawning over them being cute teenagers but like i would a hundred percent have fallen for them if they had been my classmates or anything so um yeah.
so onto yeosang:
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like... the sass? the visuals? from day one? I SEE YOU BROTHER. also ignore how the pictures are getting like younger and younger ok finding predebut pictures is hard. oh yeah and did i mention whitewashing in this post like thank god the predebut pics aren't whitewashed.
ok now san:
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LIKE EXCUSE ME???? I HAVE MANY WORDS TO SAY?? like umm he was a hundred percent a twig back then but like one look at his unwhitewashed face and i would have d i e d. he'd have been one of those guys i saw across the street and had to do a double take because he's highkey FINE. also it doesn't help that i acc know a guy who kind of looks like a mix of predebut san and predebut seonghwa who i highkey had a crush on last year but um tmi.
so onto wooyoung:
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i acc had to look hard for a good picture where i wasn't about to start cracking up over his bowl cut so we're just gonna accept this one. as you can see he already had the 'i am a kpop idol with trendy shoes on' thing going on so his fate was already destined. also more appreciation for no whitewashing like THANK YOU THANK YOU AAAAAH. also another guy i'd probably have a crush on if they were in my class.
last but not least jongho:
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i know there were many funnier pictures i could have put on but like um i just really love this photo bc he just looks so... jongho. erm and let me mention one more time that his skin is breathing!! he's not whitewashed!! what a man.
congrats if you made it to the end of this absolute batshit crazy post
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
Rabbit aka PhonyMangaka Debunks Hbomberguy’s “RWBY is Disappointing Video” and explains why the Critics are wrong about RWBY.  Part 2 of 2
Insert Monty Fight Here Spends a bit talking about how the animation and the writing of the show is set up between Monty, Miles, and Kerry.
Kind of hard to tell if he likes the general idea of it, because he's using an example of Ruby vs Roman and the Club thugs.
Seems positive
Alright so a problem he listed out was how disjointed the scene of the two teams getting the relics and "Running to live another day towards the cliffs"
But it just cuts to another fight were the teams have to engage with the Deathstalker and Nevermore.
And he got it very wrong
He claims it doesnt connect, but Ruby clearly says "make it back to the cliffs" and you can obviously see that's what they're going to do.
It's the deathstalker and the nevermore that are clearly chasing them that they are forced to fight. Just didnt pay attention?
"Character arcs tend to start and stop...  Weiss was annoyed at Ruby being made a leader...  During the test Weiss said she was going to be nicer."
I do agree with this somewhat.
The Weiss racism plot was mostly offscreen, and I would have liked for the friction between Ruby and Weiss to have lasted an extra episode, but I'm not too hung up on it.
However, this reading can be a bit surface level.
Yes, Weiss agreed to be nicer to Ruby however that was done bc SHE thought she'd be made leader bc she believes she is better than Ruby both bc of her age and her status as the heiress of the SDC.
So no, it makes perfect sense why she's annoyed, it's just dishonest of you to really paint that picture when all it takes is just watching episodes that aren't even 15 minutes long.
And another thing is. It's not that Prof Port told- her to just "stop it" as he puts it.
He basically dresses her down and shows her how childish and unreasonable she is.
Weiss does let her feeling's and headstrong way of thinking get in the way of her, but it's not like she WOULDN'T reconsider her ideals/values. This is the same- person that was okay with Blake being a former terrorist in the end despite the things that the White Fang did to her family and her social life growing up.
"All Weiss needed was a man in a position of authority to tell her off"
If Glynda did the same, the same thing happens??
Like yeah...
This is the same person that wanted to call the police and trusts them to do their jobs, of course Weiss listens to authorities and values their opinions moreso over her peers.
"Her character arc is about her dealing with her abusive and controlling father so it- comes across as gross that they would let this happen."
Are you seriously comparing Professor Port to her Father??
Is that what we're doing?
That makes literally 0 sense lol?
Miles and Kerry talk about how they view RWBY as cool kids and not just female- mcs.
And the reason why he brings up those clips is to basically... idk call them a hypocrite because they made jokes about Yang?
He mentions the time Miles tweeted the Yang vs Tifa fight and says "My money's on the hot one" and also Kerry saying "Yang is the happy joyful on  Everything you want in a girl."
So basically using those two instances were they
1. Promote a Deathbattle video so they can get more views.
2. Have to explain who each character is on the team RWBY
Also please credit who you use for fact checking!
That video was from  @NerdCaliber  from way back in 2013, not a bad interview and even if it was from way back then, i suggest giving it a like!
He now goes into Jaune and the Jaune arc. Which ok, once again I admit that a lot of people do have it's gripes with it. Gripes I can-
Very much understand.
If this volume was longer, and the episodes were too, I very much do believe that so many people wouldn't be so upset by it as they are.
The writing for Jaundice isn't bad either.
It's about a kid who gets bullied because he's weak but tries to deal with it on his own, despite the fact that he very much DOES need help.
We get to see his struggles and with the pep talk from Ruby and with him ACTUALLY standing up for himself in the end, it isn't as simple as "kill a monster that's threatening the bully and that's how you solve it"
As hbomberguy puts it.
"You have to find the inner strength within yourself to stop being a doormat and stand your ground."
Jaune stands his ground, he gains that confidence, and he tells Cardin to never mess with his friends ever again.
He was determined and the facial expressions really hammered home to Cardin that Jaune isn't going to fold to him or his team anymore.
For the last time, I agree that it's weird to put it in the middle of an already short volume with very small run time.
Honestly RWBY SHOULD have had more to do in this Volume-
That I think could have been spent with Weiss's racism and her preconceived notions about the White Fang and those in it as well as just Faunus in general be explored in seeing how she deals with it.
That WOULD have been better and I admit to that fully.
"Penny and Sun just appear... Nothing you could have cut to establish these characters."
Tbcf, Their introduction is fine.
Sun hopping off of a boat that he illegally boarded?
Just Sun things.
Penny getting knocked over for standing in the middle of an alleyway?
Just Penny things
Like he said. it's the last two episodes.
They can be built upon more in the next few volumes.
It's like saying "Why is Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury are in the last episode.
Surely you couldn't have cut an episode or two to introduce them" those are ACTUAL side characters.
JNPR actually has importance over any of the tertiary cast.
Says things I agree with, like production being disjointed.
Don't really agree with the sentiment that the show isn't cohesive.
If anything, I feel like the volume is just too short. If CRWBY were to redo it today Most of the complaints would be nonexistent, obviously of course.
But that's what happens when you have more than when you first started out with.
"Lets not assume this is author self insert wish fulfillment... It's just really weird you picked Neptune... gets into love-triangles with female characters that you write... Just feels weird."
Like... Just say you think it's author self insert wish fulfillment.
That's obviously the picture you're painting.
You're literally not doing ANY amount of nuance to even dictate that you think differently.
The pussyfooting is just lame.
Like also implying Kerry is a creep because "Neptune hangs out with Yang" going back to that old interview were he calls Yang "anything everybody would want in a girl" with then a cut of him saying "she's 17".
Bro just stand your ground and call him a creep.
Because that's LITERALLY what you're trying to get at, at worse or Calling in his behavior as questionable at best.
Both of which, is so demented.
Considering it was Monty (the guy you're dedicating this video too btw) told them which character they'd voice.
Raises points about naturalistic exposition in regards to the prom and how it's all about prom (ignoring the B plot with Yang and Blake too I might add).
Major complaint though is that he feels like there's no plot going on... Which is the actual point?
The "plot" is being halted because Yang basically getting Blake to stop overextending herself with the White Fang and to chill out.
They're still KIDS, much like how Ozpin told Glynda.
They can have a moment where they're embroiled in small scale drama of love triangles and prom.
Besides, the end of the episode is still a thing, where the CCT is broken into and Ruby discovers a certain shadowy figure in that room.
Things are still happening.
The prom was a great excuse for the protagonists to chill for ONE night before a mission and the antagoinsts-  to do some dastardly devious machinations.
Claims Ruby fell into the plot, ie Mount Glenn, but also conveniently ignoring the worldbuilding (the same thing he harps on about earlier in the video) that explains Elder Grimm and what happened to the people of the settlement.
And the narrative reasons is that it's an old decrepit settlement, so of course their would be sinkholes.
Though, it's moreso a flimsy defense so yeah I could see why he wouldn't like how that happens.
But it also bugs me that he never mentions what happens BEFORE Ruby fell.
I don't really see the need to really complain about "it has a working rail system?!?!?!"
I mean yeah?
We don't know how long they've been planning this sort of invasion, but with all the material they gathered and the helping hands around them.
It's not farfetched to think- They could get it working.
Especially since the railroads weren't really messed up.
It's just, a nothing complaint imo.
And it definitely is organic??
Like what's more natural than
"Hey uh theres a bunch of terrorists and Roman Torchwick getting on a train leading to Who knows where. How about we board it and try to stop them?"
I mean that's a pretty damn good reason to get on the train.
One thing I can say about hbomberguy.
He will praise the ever living fuck out of Monty and Shane's animation.
(deserved mind you).
But will leave no room- for Miles and Kerry to even BREATHE.
This man has his foot on both of their necks and just keeps applying pressure like, damn dude
"It's objectively an awful song."
Also, if we REALLY wanna talk about side casts...
CFVY, depsite how fucking cool they are, are the literal definition of a side cast.
They came in, kicked ass and took names like fucking bosses.
They didn't need a whole biography before they came and what is it with people- mainly critics and youtubers, who believe every single person in the universe needs whole entire episodes and dialogues to understand every single character in existence.
Like damn maybe we should give Tock a backstory too
"Who is this guy, what are his-"
Bruh it's not THAT deep
"That's the story????"
The... The story is that they "stopped" whatever plans that the White Fang and Roman have cooked up.
Like, this is all a set up for the end of Volume 3 where the complaints you're bringing up DO have consequences.
Because of the Grimm invasion- Atlas is allowed to bring in it's robots and even more of it's warships...
Know what happens next???
It's bread crumbs.
A domino effect.
Where things are leading up to the bigger picture.
"There is no build up for Velvet to put away her weapon at Coco's request bc-we haven't seen it".
No it's to keep the audience in suspense/garnering hype to what exactly Velvet's weapon could be. It's not supposed to be revealed just yet, but later on in the story.
It wasn't meant to be a joke or a play on OF a joke.
It's just a story beat/reveal.
"It doesn't feel right to speculate."
But spends a minute and a half speculating that Coco and Velvet were supposed to have bigger roles in the story because of how long and how much effort it took to rig her and fan submissions too.
Uhhh... Maybe that's just... How rigging- goes???
I'm pretty sure there were efforts similar that went into RWBY, JNPR, Sun and Neptune, Neo, etc.
Not everything has to be this big/large grandiose purpose you're trying to place on these characters.
And even if they were, ideas and plotlines DO get scrapped many times   Through production, either because it doesn't fit, or because they wanted to do something else entirely.
But this is ALL speculation.  You and me both are doing that.
He ends off this segment by saying that this was all production and execution angle and how the fights are great and everything else sucks and how it's mismanaged and poorly connected.
Even though I've gone through his "connections" and just found that he wasnt paying attention to most of the scenes and the dialouges is both funny and frustrating.
"Two full seasons of teething problems" yeah that's true.
I mean yeah lol, not gonna fight that there.
Are... We really comparing this too Jojo's??
Oh.. We are?? Aight then
And now we're comparing it to Cowboy Bebop.
just about the first robbery scene and characterization and things like that...
But... Have you ever considered that... maybe, just maybe, they were doing two different scene. If you're going to sit here and try to rag on- RWBY for "not understanding how the robbery scene works."
Then that sort of point can be used across every single piece of media that has a robbery scene in it. And even then you still were able to get basic things out of her "it's not much" and??
You still have about, 9-   volumes worth of content to get to know more about her.
"It's all coincidence driven story."
There isn't just one way to write a story bomber. literally, if you want to watch Cowboy Bebop so much then go rewatch it.
These shows set out two different types of vibes.
Not- Everything is 1 to 1. Just a lot of nitpicks mainly.
Nothing really substantial is said here besides just ranting about Ruby's lack of characterization. Blank Slate, making a stab at her for liking books.
Like, I dunno man, it's just cumbersome at this point.
So remember when I said it's going to be a 2 parter. I lied.
I only got through 27 minutes today and I'm already tired of this video.
SO part 3 tomorrow and that should be the end.
Goodnight Night City!!
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Hi! Sorry in advance that this is a bit of a long question! I’m fairly new to Larry (I fell down the rabbit hole a few months ago and am now hopelessly invested), but I’ve been reading everything I can to piece the story together myself. A lot of the established Larries I’ve seen have been pretty staunch to their belief that HL have been together beginning to end, but when I listen to the solo albums (Walls especially), I can’t help but feel there is a pretty conspicuous theme of splitting apart
and coming back together again: there’s “should’ve never let you go,” “I cut you off,” “I know you said that you'd give me another chance… mentally you were already out the door,” “I *was* better with you,” and “the day you walked away and took the higher ground,” from Walls, and also lines like “I know that you're tryna be friends” in Fine Line. These lines feel to me like they imply not just a rough patch, but an actual split. Not only that, but there is the video of Harry saying he wrote Two Ghosts “the first time he broke up with me” (unless this has been debunked and I totally missed it?) I’ve read your lyric analyses (which are incredible by the way, and I may have had a small emotional breakdown the other night while reading them — ESNY hits hard), and while it seems like you agree that these lyrics may allude to some kind of break happening, I’m really curious about what might have happened (and when it may have happened, if there was a breakup). To be clear, I firmly believe they are together now and whether or not they broke up doesn’t impact how I feel about them or their relationship, but I really don’t want to be the person that romanticizes their relationship and I *especially* don’t want to be the person that glosses over things just because they are painful or I don’t understand them, and the fact that a breakup really doesn’t fit in the timeline despite the above just keeps nudging me in the brain (hopefully that makes sense?). I’m really sorry if you’ve answered this question before and I didn’t see it or if I’m misinterpreting your analysis!! And thank you for all of the work you've put into your blog!
hello, kind anon! yeah this is one of those subjects that divides the fandom, ig, which is probably why you're having trouble finding answers. some ppl are adamant that they never broke up, others think they were apart for years, and yeah, i mean, we know nothing for sure, so either of those options could be true.
as is very clear from my blog, i love to base a lot of my convictions i have of them on their music. the stuff they themselves have written and put out, which contains so much truth maybe under a few veils of symbolism but we can work through those can't we. to give a quick answer to your question: i really don't have a firm idea of when a split might have happened.
and then i'll let myself loose a little and speculate, based on my obsessive reading of their music, some timelines here and there and my constant mulling over of anything they have ever done. their music, and then especially hs1, tells the story of a deep-rooted relationship suddenly going through changes in a way that has its members lose their footing (to put it super bluntly). my general idea about this is that they started having issues as soon as 1d ended, bc of the abrupt context shift, and them suddenly being forced to find a way through daily life without that dependence on the band's schedule. i don't mean their relationship was held together by the band, but i suspect that at some point they might have feared that. they lost sight of who they were supposed to be and it fucked with their brains. bad.
hs1 definitely mentions distance and separation, "you" being shut off, not calling, etc. so, to set my time frame super wide bc i genuinely don't have an idea, i'd say their main issues were very very active during the writing process of hs1 (which started pretty much after 1d). i do believe that h and l were in contact on and off throughout their break(s), though. their songs mention them taking time apart, and h waiting for l to be open, but there is always that baseline of being in touch, thinking about each other, loving one another okok ella don't get sappy yet save it for the end. and i also believe louis was there in jamaica for a brief period of time, while harry was making hs1. i don't mean everything was fixed by then, but they were def v happy at that point in time.
throughout the years, i think more of these ups and downs have happened, until hs1 finally got its reply in walls. louis took a while - and ofc walls was also written over the course of many years so i'm seeing this time frame very wide too - to come out into the hallway. hs1 has harry realising, slowly, what's wrong, and figuring out he needs to work on himself in order for the relationship to work, just like "you" has to. and he's just also sad about being lonely ofc, waiting for the other to come around. and then in walls, louis tells the story of an internal struggle he had to overcome to finally see what was in front of him, to finally be able to apologize and love properly. fine line, in my mind, fits in after this timeline, especially bc louis has made it clear that so much of walls was written long before its release, and simply bc the storyline makes most sense to me that harry is recounting their life after overcoming those major personal and relationship issues. by this i don't mean all of their problems are solved ofc bc in fine line there's still struggle but it's more on a personal level for harry and yk what i mean.
sooooo what's my conclusion. my view is that they struggled a LOT after 1d until hs1, then struggled some more but started talking, started working shit out properly, and during their semi-simultaneous polishing of fine line and walls, they reached that point where they could convincingly say they made it. fine line is just so full of gleeful, sappy love and walls is full of confidence and faith in their foundation as well as their future. bc hs1 still had that foundation, which we can hear the loudest in sweet creature - meaning they never gave up on each other - but in fine line the ecstasy of that love thriving is sung from the rooftops. and walls tells that entire story, to be honest. the struggle, the tenderness, the limitless dedication.
i hope this is.... somewhat of an okay answer that stills the mill of your mind trying to figure it out. i know this isn't really a straightforward answer, but i don't have one for myself either, and i've found i don't want one either. bc at the end of the day it doesn't matter, yk! they always loved each other, no matter what, and now they made it
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golbrocklovely · 3 years
What percentage of SNC's haunted content do you think is faked? I'm a huge skeptic, and I find a lot of their stuff hard to believe. I don't hate them at all for it, I respect the hustle and I know it's for entertainment. (However, that's one of the reasons I prefer their exploring vids way more!)
I'm not sure if they fake all their encounters though, just because I don't see how they could be manipulating their equipment other than by using remote control or something, which honestly sounds like too much work. Rather than their equipment "evidence", I'm more interested in their Essex method. Now THAT I'm sure has been faked like hell. Again, no hate.
I'd love to hear your opinion on this- sorry if you've already answered a similar ask.
truth be told, idk if i'm the best person to ask this question to. i've believed in the paranormal since i was a kid, so i'm more likely to believe snc with the stuff that they do.
that being said, i do think the problem with them is the fact that, especially in their earlier paranormal videos, they would freak out at the drop of a hat. a creaky floorboard, a door swinging open that they just walked by, shit like that, they would deem as paranormal when in reality it's not. they're just in an old house that's gonna make noise lol
so in that way, i don't think they are faking. i just think they are over-reacting, which is both gonna seem fake and is gonna make it harder to believe their actual findings.
do i think they were doing it on purpose? maybe. but they also seem like easily scared individuals so who knows haha
i don't think any of their actual investigations where full-on faked. i just can't see them doing that only bc there's no guarantee that ppl aren't either a, gonna catch on and then completely disregard all their other videos or b, that the video itself is gonna be popular enough. the algorithm can giveth and taketh away when it wants.
i do think that their more recent investigations are real. they still freak out at minor shit, but they call it out, or debunk it, when they can. so, i give them a lot of credit for that.
also, when you start working with other ppl in the field, that take it seriously bc this is their only job, i highly doubt they are going to allow you to fake evidence with them. bc not only does it discredit you, but it discredits them and ruins their business.
and the estes method is interesting. i would love for them to set it up in a way where we can hear what they are hearing. i know elton has done it, so it's possible to record it and show it to the audience.
the thing with the spirit box, the radio frequency scanner that they use in the estes method, is it can't really be faked, so much that you can just not really hear the words you think you hear. the whole point of it is to go thru radio stations at such a fast rate that words can't come thru. that is until a spirit uses it and pulls out words from the stations. and some ppl, when they hear it out loud, only hear static anyway. i've watched ppl use it a bunch and i can hear words when they do too, but someone like my brother only hears static the whole time, regardless of if a voice comes thru or not.
but with the estes method, bc we can't hear it, sure; they could be lying. it's possible. which is why i would love for them to show us what it sounds like at the same time they are listening to it.
the only time i thought something that happened in a video that was fake was the little boy that appeared in the conjuring house window. for some reason, i don't believe that. it looks fake or edited in to me, but again who knows.
and don't even get me started on amanda lol i've talked about her on here at length. i think snc believe her, but i don't. not fully, anyway.
my thing is snc or ghost shows are never gonna make anyone fully believe in the paranormal. you have to go out and experience it for yourself. you also have to want to believe. and if you don't want to, that's totally fine. i know what i've experienced, no one is gonna tell me otherwise, and if they don't want to believe, that's okay with me. as long as you then take it at face value as just entertainment. ragging on ppl that believe isn't gonna make you seem cool.
(not saying that what's you're doing anon, just saying in general <3)
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taxicabinmemphis · 4 years
Prince Charming - Chapter 5
chapter one - chapter two - chapter three - chapter four - chapter five - chapter six
Word count - 3,332 Pairing - Intrulogical, Prinxiety, Moceit (I’m deleting the pre bc I have decided to have a chapter with them getting together) Warnings - some characters are a lil insensitive in spots but I wouldn’t call them unsympathetic, creativitwins angst, swearing, food mention, self-deprecation bc they’re all wrecks, pining, and then there’s Remus-typical behavior (body horror mentions, sexual innuendo/mentions of sexual stuff, and other stuff heh), if there’s anything else that should be tagged or put in the warnings, tell me!
After a hearty and delicious meal of spaghetti and meatballs with a side of broccoli, the sides had all retired to get ready for bed. The adventure had gone terribly late, so dinner was later than they’d ever had it.
Logan stopped when he reached the door to his room. Yes, he knew that the next logical course of action would be to enter his room and get ready for bed, perhaps read a book as his stomach digested dinner, but he couldn’t help but remember how quiet Remus had been at dinner. He was never quiet.
His mind flashed back to what Roman said to Remus when they left the Imagination, and Logan clenched his left hand into a fist. Roman, while always striving to do what he saw to be the correct course of action, could also be awfully insensitive. Especially when he didn’t even know he was doing it.
Logan promptly turned on his heels and walked towards Remus’ room.
He ended up meeting the side in the hallway outside his room. Remus was walking alarmingly slow and seemed to be contemplating something.
“Remus,” Logan called, a good fifteen feet behind him.
The creative side jumped in surprise. He turned to face Logan, eyes widened. “Oh, uh, Logan! What brings you to the dark and hellish end of the hall?”
Logan fiddled with his tie nervously. “I came to ask you about something, Remus.”
Silence followed Logan’s statement, prompting Remus to speak. “Well? Fire away, my sexy robot!”
A pink dusted Logan’s cheeks at the nickname. “Yes. Umm...are you okay, Remus?”
Remus blinked. “Of course I am, Nerdy Wolverine!”
Logan frowned. “I believe that’s a falsehood, Remus.”
Remus raised an eyebrow. “Really? What can I do to convince ya? Rip my heart out and dissect it?”
Logan shook his head, adjusting his glasses. “No, none of that. Just...I remember what Roman said back when we exited the Imagination. It wasn’t kind, but he also had no cruel intentions. However, I could see that it...affected you. Are you okay? Do you require someone to...talk to?” Logan hoped he was doing this right.
Remus sighed and threw his hands in the air in resignation. “I might be okay. Does it matter?”
Logan raised an eyebrow. “Yes, Remus. It does. You are a part of Thomas’ mind and it is important that you are functioning properly.”
“Functioning…” Remus gave a bitter laugh and shook his head. “Look, Logan. Ultimately, I am fine. I can intrude on everyone’s well-being just as I could three hours ago. You can go to bed, you don’t need to worry.” He paused. “Why do you care, anyway?”
Logan frowned. “You are a side, essential to Thomas creating and acting like himself.”
“You don’t know that,” Remus disagreed, shaking his head.
Logan closed half of the distance between them, concern written all over his features. “Of course I know that. I can logically ascertain what exactly your worth is as a side, especially considering I spend a significant amount of time with you.”
“Maybe all that time you spent analyzing my contributions in preparation to shoot them down has clouded your judgement, Logan,” Remus replied, spitting out Logan’s name like it repulsed him—when in reality, it did nothing of the sort.
Was that really how Remus thought of Logan? Someone who only listens so he can later tell someone else why everything he said was wrong? Logan tried to be kind like he did with everyone else, and many of Remus’ ideas interested him. He gave him honest opinions, criticisms, and scientific observations on anything Remus pitched him. But did Remus only see him as an instrument of the intrusive side’s demise?
“No, Logan, please,” Remus interrupted. “Don’t pretend to care.”
“When did I ever say anything about pretending?!” Logan exclaimed abruptly, widening his eyes and putting a hand over his mouth when he noticed his volume. Logan did his best to erase the surprise from his face and compose himself, clearing his throat and making sure to lower the volume of his voice before continuing. “I apologize for the outburst, Remus. However, you seem to have perplexed me with everything you have said so far during this conversation. Presently, I believe the statement to question is your most recent one and I will state that I am unaware of any action I took that would give you a reason to think I was engaging in a deception at your expense.”
“Oh, Logan, you know. Just drop it and go to sleep,” Remus said, turning around and waving his hand in dismissal.
“No, Remus, I’m afraid I don’t know,” Logan said honestly. “That troubles me. Could you elaborate, please?”
Remus turned around slowly. “Maybe you think you don’t know, so I’ll enlighten you.” He took a deep breath. “You’ve been assigned to listen to me. You have to listen to my crazy bullshit whenever I think it up. In return, I listen to your criticisms, opinions, scientific analyses, notes, whatever. Even when you go insanely far in depth into a topic I might’ve brought up with one of my...contributions, as you call them. It’s a trade, a deal. You have to listen to me and then I listen to you because it’s the least I can do. Neither of us would’ve chosen it on our own, we both hate it, and you know you have better things to do. Don’t pretend to care just because some extra time together allows you to know more about me than you should.”
Logan processed what Remus said, staying unmoving only with the exception of blinking. This is what Remus thought of their arrangement? That he hated it, that he thought Logan hated it, that he forgot Logan was the one to suggest the arrangement in the first place? Janus’ words at the end of their sword fight rang through his head. Logan had been scared that Remus, the one side who listened to him, only did so out of courtesy. And he did. Logan’s fear was a reality.
“You forget that I suggested this...arrangement, as you call it. I was the one who pitched it to Thomas. I chose to do this, and do I have anything better to do? That’s subjective, so I don’t know. I am sorry this arrangement you hate so much has ended up being a prison rather than a way to save Thomas distress while not repressing you at the same time, so if there’s anything I can do to make the experience more pleasurable, I am open to hearing it. However, you are also mistaken that I hate it. I do not, I am incapable of such emotions. Though--”
“No you’re not,” Remus said, voice having a shocked tone caused by Logan’s previous statements and admissions.
“Sorry, what?”
“You’re not ‘incapable of such emotions’, you’re not some heartless robot without a soul. You have feelings, Logan, and I’ve seen them,” Remus elaborated, shock slowly dissolving from his tone.
“That’s ridiculous, you even called me a robot-”
Remus shook his head. “No. I’ve seen you interested by anything remotely scientific I bring up, I’ve seen you as burnt as black toast after I’ve talked to you for a particularly long time, I’ve seen you immediately after a conversation with the others when you have a desperate need to be listened to because they refused to, I’ve seen you embarrassed, I’ve seen you flustered—yes, I caught you burying your face in your hands today—and you just said you care about me. Even though that likely isn’t true, you have demonstrated care for Patton, Roman, and Virgil as well. Even just one of those examples is enough to prove you have feelings.”
Logan was silent for a few seconds, his weight shifting from foot to foot, looking everywhere but at Remus himself. Accepting that he couldn’t argue with most of Remus’ statements without communicating a falsehood, he decided to argue over the only one he could. “I do indeed care about you. It’s not just Patton, Roman, and Virgil. How could it be, considering only you listen?”
“I…” Remus tried to think of a good response. “I bother you. I wear you out. I give you all these terrible things to go through, forcing you to pick them apart like a medical examiner does with a rotting corpse, despite how disgusting and terrible they may be. I occupy way more of your time than I should, and I guess I’m sorry for that, so how could you care? I wouldn’t.”
Logan didn’t quite know how to respond. He wasn’t aware Remus thought so lowly of himself. He contemplated his reply.
“See? It’s not that hard to-”
Logan raised his hand as a demand for silence. Remus shut his mouth, only complying out of surprise. He waited as Logan carefully pondered what he would say next.
“Falsehood,” Logan said gently, starting his response. “None of those things are true. You shouldn’t be suspecting such things either, considering you have no way to know your effects on me. I want to say I wish you hadn’t said that, but I couldn’t do so with honesty, since my real wish is for you to never have thought—much less, believed—those falsehoods in the first place. However, I am considering your previous behavior and would postulate you do not believe me as I have not done anything to prove your statements are falsehoods. Would I be correct in saying this, Remus?”
Remus took a moment to respond, still processing Logan’s response. “I..uhh...yeah.”
Logan nodded. “First, you do not bother me. To bother someone is to trouble or annoy someone by interrupting or causing inconvenience. Considering that I volunteered to be in your company—which immediately debunks anything related to interruptions—and that my time with you makes you cause less inconvenience, you neither cause interruptions nor inconvenience to befall me. You don’t trouble me either. I spend time with you so don’t trouble anyone. And, everyone annoys me. So even if you did, which I don’t find to always be true, you wouldn’t be alone in that regard. You don’t wear me out too often either. Working with you only requires my ears and my brainpower, neither of which take much out of me since you rarely say anything that troubles me or forces me to contemplate problems that drain me. When you do, the reasons are typically seeded in my scientific curiosity for something you might’ve brought up, which is something I can in no way blame on you. To be candid, your company can be a relief, especially after dealing with the others.”
“That makes less sense than glow-in-the-dark lungs.”
“I’m not finished,” Logan stated, trying to be as kind as possible. “But if you would like me to restate what I just said-”
“No,” Remus shook his head. “I understand what you said...it’s just...how? How is that the truth?”
Logan’s face softened. “I am Logic, Remus. Many things that would normally affect a person or another side in a certain way will affect me in different ways or not at all. Your contributions don’t bother me as I am aware of their detachment from reality and get less disgusted at them than the others. And you listen to me, which is a far cry away from being a nuisance.”
“I guess that makes sense,” Remus said, shrugging.
Logan gave a small smile. It was hardly visible, but to Remus, it was as if Logan was grinning. Remus relished in the sight, hoping he could see it again soon and wishing it was something he could gaze at every day till the end of time. Logan never smiled, and Remus causing it made him all the happier.
“I am pleased to hear that you understand that I care for you,” Logan said, voice quiet and gentle. “Now, back to my original question. Are you okay?”
Remus turned his head to the side. “I was hoping you’d forget about the question.”
“Yes or no?” Logan pressed.
Remus took a deep breath, closing his eyes. “No.”
Logan nodded, taking a small and cautious step forward. “Do you require someone to talk to?”
Remus opened an eye and peered at Logan. “I don’t need anything, Pocket Protector.”
“Would you like someone to talk to?” Logan rephrased.
Remus shook his head. “You shouldn’t have to listen to me.”
“I already do.”
Remus gulped. “Alright. Yes, I suppose I would.”
Remus took a moment to gather his words, facing the floor but eyes flicking up to look at Logan every other second.
“Well, you were right,” he started. “About Roman, I mean. It was his comment. I know it’s kind of silly-”
“It’s nothing of the sort, he was out of line.”
“-But it still hurt. And yeah, he said none of us besides him were heroic and charming or whatever instead of just me, but still. It was directed towards me, and...he’s not wrong. I’m the resident villain. He’s the hero. I’ll never be heroic, or charming, or romantic while he can go and sweep Virgil off his feet. I guess his comment was just a wake-up call,” Remus continued. “I know he didn’t mean it to be mean and he’s just nowhere near being self-aware enough to take note of his insensitivity, but I still let it affect me. I shouldn’t have, but I did.”
“It’s fine if his comment got to you, Remus,” Logan said, taking another small step forward. “Roman says things like that sometimes without knowing what their consequences could be, and so it likely did mean nothing, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be able to hurt you, or that you’re wrong for letting it. But you also have to acknowledge that he’s wrong, and not view it as a wake-up call of sorts.”
Remus frowned, making eye contact with Logan. “What do you mean? I’m the evil murdery green side who will pull your teeth out and string them on a necklace if you’re not careful. Of course he’s right.”
“I suppose it’s a matter of perspective. Anyone can be a villain in the eyes of someone else. However, any establishment that a certain person is a villain ‘factually’ would be incorrect as the concepts of good and bad are arguably meaningless and any action can be seen as wrong or right in the eyes of another human. There is no truth in opinions, only preference.”
“So what you’re saying is…”
“You may be a villain in Roman’s eyes, you can be a villain in your own eyes if you so choose, however, there is nothing that can or will establish you as a villain for everyone forever.”
“So to Roman, I’m a villain,” Remus said slowly, trying to understand.
“Maybe, he could have just been exaggerating,” Logan said quickly. “He also sees everything as very black-or-white, which I imagine contributes a great deal as well.”
Remus nodded slowly. “And I can see myself however I want.”
“Though I’d prefer that you see yourself positively or neutrally. A negative self-image is never good.”
“And you…” Remus trailed, raising an eyebrow playfully.
Logan’s eyes widened. “Oh, I don’t care for labeling those types of things. I do see you as a positive influence on my existence if that was your question.”
Remus grinned brightly. “That answer is better than fermented semen!”
There was an awkward silence between them.
“Do you honestly believe you can’t be heroic, charming, and romantic?” Logan asked quietly, not wanting to scare off the intrusive side.
Remus stared, surprised by Logan’s question. “It’s not an opinion, Logan, it’s fact. I’m a duke, not a prince.”
“And royal status dictates those traits?”
Remus shook his head. “No...I’m just not those things.”
Logan frowned. “Do you want to be?”
Remus took a deep breath, trying to figure out how to reply without confusing the nerd. “No. I know none of them fit my personality, and I don’t want them too. Especially charming. But...it might be nice to experience once. To prove Roman wrong and that it isn’t impossible for me to have the traits of a hero.”
“There are no specifically assigned traits to heroes, Remus,” Logan said, tightening his tie. “However, you can act however you want within the bounds of acceptable reality.”
“I can?” Remus asked, a smirk on his face. He started to take a couple of steps closer to Logan but stopped a good four feet away.
“Yes, you can,” Logan replied, voice quieter at Remus’ confident advance. The logical side shuffled his feet back, only moving a couple of inches.
“Do you think I’m heroic?” Remus raised an eyebrow.
“Do you think I’m charming?” He took a step closer.
“I-I don’t-”
Remus took another step, a larger one, closer to the logical side. There was likely only six inches between them. He stared deep into his eyes, a fiery passion for the visually impaired nerd burning hotter than any star Logan could name.
“Do you think I’m romantic?”
Logan’s words died in his throat as he met Remus’ eyes. Remus, who was intrusive, offensive, bad to the bone, impolite, occasionally funny, interested in certain sciences, and strived to learn whatever Logan could teach. Remus, the only one who ever listened.
“You can if you want to be,” Logan said quietly, finally able to speak but never louder than the volume he was currently speaking at.
Remus hummed and pulled Logan flush against him by the waist.
“Remus?” Logan asked nervously.
“What is it, my bashful brainiac?”
“Do you really hate our arrangement?” Logan asked quietly, the question so painful to ask but the answer was something he needed to know before anything else happened. “And do you only listen out of courtesy?”
Remus sighed, running his free hand through the logical side’s hair. “Not one bit. And you are the most interesting person I’ve ever spoken to.”
Logan let another small smile cross his face and glanced at his feet.
“So I can be romantic, hmm?”
Logan nodded.
Remus smirked. He swept Logan into a dip—one arm around Logan’s thigh, lifting his leg into the air, and the other arm around his shoulders. Remus gazed lovingly into Logan’s shocked brown eyes and admired the red face of his nerd, giving the side a second to process what he did. He then dipped his gaze to Logan’s lips and flicked his tongue across his own.
“May I?”
Logan gulped before nodding.
Remus immediately crashed his lips against Logan’s; the simple nod of Logan’s head acting like a lamp that just turned on and Remus’ lips being their loyal moth.
Logan was still shocked from previous events when Remus’ lips met his, his eyes still open. Remus didn’t hate him, which was a plus, and now Remus was expressing romantic interest in him? He couldn’t believe it.
Yet, it was still happening. Logan closed his eyes, put a hand on the nape of Remus’ neck, and deepened the kiss.
It was something both were desperate for, something they had both wanted for ages—no matter how long they were aware of their romantic feelings for the other.
And so they dissolved into the other: Logan melting wherever Remus’ hands met his body, and Remus putting his desperation and need for Logan on clear display as he kissed him like he never would get to again. Remus got to be romantic, Logan was treated like a beautiful princess, and they both felt so incredibly loved.
The kiss eventually had to come to end, so when they both remembered they had to breathe, they pulled away and opened their eyes. Remus kept Logan in a dip and looked down at him like he was the loveliest thing to ever walk the earth. This only reddened Logan’s cheeks further. Remus gave him the fondest, most loving smile he could muster.
“I suppose I can be romantic.”
Taglist: @the-sympathetic-villain​ @justanotherhumanstuff​ @thistledown15​
This was technically the end of this story, but I do have a Moceit themed sequel that I have decided will just be chapter six. After that, hopefully it’ll be done! Hope you liked this chapter. Sorry, I meant to get this to you on Thursday but homework piled up and I just had a bad day Saturday so it’s coming to y’all now. (Also um you may have guessed but the image of Remus dipping Logan popped into my head and inspired this fic. It was 18k longer than expected)
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lovleez · 4 years
oner 《恶浪》 mv/film theory
(this is less of a theory and more of a debunking of the mv though)
warnings: mentions of violence, murder (i wont include gifs of the bloody moments but it will be discussed!!!), animal abuse, and a bomb or two ? (someone gets blown up ;-;)
honestly the debunking might get a lil bit dark around the ling chao and ziyang individual parts, so be warned of that!
it would be helpful for you to watch/listen to these to process whats going on here:
oner 《恶浪》 mv (cw blood, murder, animal abuse, & heavy violence - please dont watch if these are triggers for you!!!) (there’s also eng subs in this link ^^)
oner - AGENT  (this is a song, but there’s quite a bit of dialogue near the end that ties into this plot!)  (cw gunshot, beeping noises that resemble a bomb ?? - all at the end of the song w/ the dialogue)
okay lets dive into it d(^-^)> !!!
to get the important info out of the way!
the start of the mv shows the three of them chilling on the couch, as friends do, watching,,well themselves on the screen (oner’s past performances as idols) (and i do believe that the idols part of this has some significance that i can figure out). the important takeaway from the beginning rlly is that they’re three good friends...who are completely unaware of each other’s secret occupations
their occupations being: ziyang, a murderer, yueyue, a spy, and ling chao, a hacker
now to jump into the main story! (starting around 1:35)
yueyue and ziyang both have the same target: the man in the restaurant. however yueyue gets there first and does his job well, as he gets away without being caught. ziyang is frustrated that his target is taken already.
*interesting detail here, but when trying to enter, ziyang shows them a ring with a purple jewel in the middle for entry,,,coincidentally, the man yueyue kills in the bar in his personal segment in the film later also has the same ring? obv the ring is for the restaurant entry so maybe ziyang wasn’t going to kill this “boss” but maybe negotiate/discuss something with him instead...but also thats disproven by the fact that ziyang pulled out a gun to presumably shoot him before realizing the dude was dead....
but also,,,suspicious how there was a zoom in to the purple ring when yueyue kills the man in the bar..maybe it means more than we think it does? altho im not too sure what  to think abt it for now
     for reference:
     ziyang’s ring                                    
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     dead man in bar’s ring
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moving on 
okay so since yueyue is a spy n all, he has to confirm his kill somewhere right? this somewhere is a phone booth,,,one that ling chao has rigged up with a bomb,,,,
speculation: someone hired ling chao to kill someone who will be approaching the phone booth; at this time, lc doesn’t know that this someone is yueyue (and is v shocked to see him there through his cameras as evident by his “what the hell! are you kidding me?”)
....and after this part the film dives into their personal stories to give more background on who  these three are (i’ll expand on those after i finish explaining the present timeline ^^) before coming back to the main story 
ling chao “accidentally” blew up yueyue oh no (he’s still alive tho yey)
& then yueyue holds up a piece of candy,,,and immediately knows its ling chao (cuz its the piece of candy lc was eating earlier in the film) 
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(and to take care of all loose ends that my brain is providing me with: in the beginning they didn’t know abt each other’s secret occupations...how does yueyue know that lc is capable of doing this? my answer: they used to be agent buddies!!! i’ll expand on this later hehe)
and so
it was at this moment ling chao knew...he fucked up
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he’s afraid yueyue might come after him.
which, is exactly what yueyue does
after going home or somewhere, yueyue receives a text telling him to get rid of “them” (ling chao) bc his “identity is exposed” 
....so now yueyue has to go and hunt down his buddy ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
and they fight! looks very painful for ling chao,,,poor dude,,,
since ziyang comes out from the back door to join the fight, theres two possibilities that come from this:
1) ling chao knew yueyue was coming and knew he couldnt take him down himself (lets be honest; he looks rlly scrawny) so he called ziyang to his location for backup (how could he know ziyang can fight? agent buddies 👐) 
2) ziyang and ling chao live together in the same house
anyways, both results making it obvious that ling chao and ziyang are on the same team while yueyue is on another (lets ignore the fact that ling chao was getting up to fight ziyang as well)
the fight scene is so dramatic oml T-T
ziyang could also be motivated to beat up yueyue in this fight cuz the dude did  take his target before he himself could (loophole: how did ziyang know it was yueyue who took his target? answer: maybe yueyue left like a signature or smthn at the crime scene, or ziyang saw him walk out  ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ )
and when they all beat the living heck out of each other and are dramatically lying down in different areas of the room 
the tv turns on to a council saying “still want to be idols?”
(and remember, the thing they were watching on tv earlier was themselves performing,,,as idols. i cant connect it further than that so lemme know if yall figure smthn out ^-^)
so mayhaps this council is yueyue’s agency and they wanted to turn the trio against each other...? they would have set this whole situation up: they knew ziyang wanted to kill the restaurant “boss”, so they assigned yueyue to take care of him first, which creates conflict between those two. then, they hired ling chao to rig up a phone booth with a bomb; basically setting him up against yueyue
whether this council succeeds with their plan or not is unrevealed bc the film has a “to be continued” at the end, so the storyline still will have more to it!!!
although i would say the council succeeded since they all did beat each other bruised and bloody
that leaves the question: why  is the council setting them up against each other?
what are there previous connections beyond them just being friends 👀 ?
and here i shall bring back the “agent buddies” bit i was talking abt earlier, as well as why i linked the agent song in the beginning
near the end of the mv, there’s quite a lot of dialogue between the three of them, and it goes like this:
[robotic voice: welcome agent oner
ling chao (?): check 
yueyue: yo what up guys!
ziyang: yo what up bro
ziyang (yueyue?): alright lets take them out
yueyue: okay gentlemen we got a lot to do
ziyang: ey we gotta finish this quick, i got a date tonight
yueyue: really?
ziyang: no hard feelings (couldnt catch the rest)
yueyue: okay shut up
ling chao: hey guys, i saw a hit
(?): copy that
yueyue (ziyang?): hold your breath....now
ling chao: guys watch out
yueyue: okay guys locked and loaded
*single shot can be heard, then the reloading of a gun*
yueyue (?): go go go!
yueyue: fire fire fire!
yueyue: ???? *indistinguishable orders*
ziyang?: i got trouble i got trouble
yueyue: ?? i got ?? lets go
ling chao: stay together
ziyang (yueyue??): okay set to kill
ling chao: damn the truck is (blown?)
yueyue: what the hell
ziyang: okay let me (???) it
*bomb beeping noises*
yueyue: ???? clean this blood on my shirt]
(not sure how accurate my hearing is but its enough to make some guesses 😅)
agent buddies! the three of them used to be agents, as the song is titled, at some agency...and they probably made a pretty strong team together
the agency story would explain why they all seem to be good fighters too!
thats why the council might have wanted to tear them apart. perhaps the council was doing something that they knew would displease the trio, so they needed them separated lest they team up and try to defeat them 
i also think this audio could have been describing a mission going wrong for them, possibly their last one as a team. someone was probably hurt (im betting on either ziyang or ling chao), and they quit the agency and aimed to live normal lives from then on
...but old habits are hard to forget, so ziyang starts to kill ppl in his free time, yueyue joined another agency as a spy, and ling chao uses his hacking skills for other purposes
however they all dont tell each other, which could add on to the tension of their fight at the end of the film
now to dive into their individual bits of the film. these all don’t connect much to the main lore, just expands onto their lives with their secret occupations btw!
his segment details moments in his daily agent life; im guessing he’s not very happy with it judging by his nightmares? or the nightmares are bringing up his past at his old agency which he does not like
he’s also master of disguise woah
personally i think he’s losing “who he is”. he’s always playing the role of another person, always putting on another disguise...so he starts losing his sense of identity (if that makes sense ;-;) 
(and if you wanna stretch it and make things wholesome, maybe the only times he [feels like himself] is when he’s around his two friends)
so basically: he’s always filling out other personas to the point where he doesnt know who he is anymore
(this is also the segment where he kills a man in the bar with poison,,,and the man was wearing the same ring as ziyang,,,,which is like Hm. why’d the directors do that 🤔)
aka the murderer :D
(and not just regular serial killer type, more like joker-esque type where they’re a bit insane,,,)
okay his segment starts of with him dragging a man through a white room, where the floors is covered with plastic, and on the walls are a bunch of clay molds of human body parts
my brain has concluded that! ziyang takes clay and makes molds of his victim’s faces/body parts of who he kills! to make statues! 
(i dont even know how i got there aksjdhdh but thats just what i assumed the first time i watched this film thingy)
and to make it more messed up than it already sounds,,,im guessing he’s a famous statue maker too, and holds shows where he presents his works to the public and maybe even bids them off ?
     ,,,,little did the audience know,,,,
          (this kinda remind me of sally and gabe’s statue from the pjo too now aksjhdkdh)
(i got this assumption from 6:50 in the film where he walks out in front of an audience who start clapping,,,and let my brain run wild with the rest,,,)
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of course, he probably kills off the people he was the molding the clay off of once he’s done with his works,,,or sometimes even in the middle of his works as shown in the mv (*-* )
but alas that is not all to his story,,,
judging by his flashbacks when he’s beating that one dude to death with a bat, he used to be bullied when he was in school, which seems to be the source of all his anger throughout the film..
    ( yeah he killed the bullies too (_ _ )> )
its part of his personality to be rough and short tempered - he doesn’t like people looking down on him (as the bullies did)
and,,,if you want to be wholesome again! perhaps he found some bits of happiness and peace when hanging out with the others :]
cw: animals abuse!!! 
his is pretty simple and is already explained in the mv itself! i’ll walk ya’ll through it though in case you didn’t watch the film tho akdjdjkf
basically: he’s just a dude who loves dogs :]
a lot
in his segment, a girl (handong, looking absolutely stunning ToT) approaches him wanting to take home another stray, and when he asks her where how the previous dog she adopted was doing, she says that “my bestie loved him a lot, so i gave him to her” ( -_- )
so...he lets her keep the dog, but also decides to keep an eye on her...to the point where she becomes very paranoid that someone is stalking her (which..she isnt wrong in)(but she doesn’t believe it to be ling chao because they’re..dating? i think? and he lulls her into a false sense of security that he’ll protect her from harm)
and then bam! one day he breaks into her house, steals the dog away, and then,,,,blows her up,,,,,
(i must say as disturbing this scene is,,,,i absolutely adore ling chao’s look here askjdjfd)
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(i mean?? look at him?? loving the black lipstick ugh)
(v pale tho ;-;)
okay anyways the next flashbacks reveal that handong was abusing her dogs & starving them, and him being the animal lover he is, decides to kill her for it ig
(also she,,,stabbed the other dog that she “gave to her bestie” so-)
yeahh thats the end of his story; nothing much to take from it except that his hacker skills are still intact past agent days 
annnd thats a wrap folks! nothing else to expand on; i’ll definitely make another part to expand on this if they decide to release another mini film in the future tho :]
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lessrthanthree · 4 years
SORRY got distracted on sending a followup ask, but ye! So my current hyperfixiation is final fantasy 7 rn, and the series of ff7 is a compilation! It goes Before Crisis -> Crisis Core -> FF7 -> Advent Children -> Dirge of Cerberus. These are just the games (except advent children, thats a movie but we'll get to that), theres also a 20 minute animation called The Last Order, and theres two novels called The Kids Are Alright and On The Way To a Smile. The thing is, it is often debated if Before Crisis is canon- it was only released in japan on mobile, and in 2004 at that. It contradicts with the continuity of Crisis Core, which is more canon, arguably, since it lines up more with FF7 itself. And i hate admitting that its hard to see as canon, because Before Crisis has alot of my favorite characters (which happen to be extremely obscure bc theyre from before crisis). But, recently, square enix announced a new mobile game: Ever Crisis. It is a chapter based game with new chapters every month, and it covers the *entirety of the ff7 compilation*. And yes, they included Before Crisis in that announcement. It makes me extremely happy to see square enix acknowledge Before Crisis because they havent really. Acknowledged its existence in years. And as a major fan of alot of the characters but not with the story, i am extremely extremely excited for Ever Crisis! Another interesting thing is that theyre including Advent Children in Ever Crisis, which is a movie. I wonder how theyre gonna translate a movie to a game...but, im sure itll be great anyway! Thanks for listening, and i migjt send more asks if you dont mind? The ff7 story is EXTREMELY long, complicated and fucked up, so id rather stick to a certain character if you wanna know more about one! Just say the word! But yea, ty!!
Yoo that's fine! I fell asleep and then had classes to go to, so sorry this is late too jfjdkdk
Yeah I've heard abt that game series! Ive never played one myself tho, but it's v popular 👀 at least I'm pretty sure nfdnnx, I'm at least 80% sure there's a character(s?) in smash
I had no idea the lore was that intertwined tho, books and a movie and short films, that's v cool- lots of games too apparently 👀 more content the better ig! Esp when it comes to fixating on them
Hopefully with the new game coming out, it can peobably clarify or build upon (or debunk) occurances in the debatedly non-canon game. That'd be good for the fandom!
Wish you luck with all that, hope it turns out well 👀 I may look into the series over the summer if I have free time to play a bunch of games again!
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bi-lesbian · 4 years
Hi! There's a carrd floating around that tries to debunk or explain all the anti bi lesbian talking points, and while I explained the best I could to my friend / counterclaimed stuff, have you seen it / talked about the points in it too? I really want to help my friends understand, but it's kind of hard for me to explain it all at once. If you haven't and you don't want to, are there any good posts for explaining bi lesbianism or countering anti bi lesbian arguments? sorry this is so wordy fjdbj
oh i havent heard of or seen that :OO so idk if ive talked about all the stuff in it or not. if anyone knows of this and can send it my way id really appreciate it !!
also i totally get the thing of having a hard time explaining a lot of things all at once, i have a lot of issues doing that too. its why i just have a lot of separate posts over time explaining a lot of different points, bc my brain has a hard time diggin up all the explanations for a bunch of different things all at once. i work more in a "thing triggers a particular thought and then i can sit down and think deeply into it and try to word what i have to say on it" instead of "be on a topic and try to think of aaaall the different things i can say about it-" its why i have issues with making playlists and such, i need to first hear a song and then think "oh i can apply this to x character" instead of trying to remember different songs ive heard that i could apply to a character (or scrolling through a list of songs, bc i cant remember the feelings/lyrics in many of them very well unless i just listen to each one)
anyways, i do have quite a few posts where im explaining against anti bi lesbian points! my #explanation tag is filled with a lot of them, and if you want you can maybe even link your friends directly to my blog to read through it or you could find particular posts to link to em. if need be, i could grab some in my tag myself to compile together for you- its just a bit draining for me to do such so it may be best to do yourself, but i can still do it! itd just take me some time !
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peachrogers · 5 years
my summation + overall thoughts of avengers: endgame
including: what i found wrong with endgame and why i am currently refusing to acknowledge that it happened.
okay i wrote this a while ago but after i never actually got around to posting it so here it is. 
first off,, i will once again introduce myself since this account is fairly new. hello, my name is mackenzie, call me mackenzie, or zie or mack or whatever you want. this was originally to be my main acc after i deactivacted all my old tumblrs because i planned to start fresh on tumblr again and after watching endgame for the second time last wednesday, this account became a marvel acc strictly so !! yeah follow me lets be friends !! message me whenever if you wanna talk or cry or anything. 
to put it bluntly,, endgame fucking sucked. 
endgame was meant to tie everything together. endgame was meant to be this great movie to sum everything up and tie it all together and to just make it make sense in other words.
there was so much hype surrounding endgame, so much pressure, so much excitement. 
in my opinion? the joint effort of the writers and the directors managed to ruin it all. they managed to take a movie that was supposed to do so much for the mcu, to tie everything together as a final conclusion to this infinity saga and they blew it all up.
endgame wasn’t a horrible movie, but there were multiple parts that i (and multiple others i know of) did not like and i will be going over it in this post.
it’s not just because of steve’s ending, which i know, i know, i’ve bitching and crying about that for a while on this account. it’s more than just steve’s ending.
this post is a little all over the place but i’ll try to keep my thoughts together the best that i can.
okay here we go !! so i made posts before about this but this is gonna just be a big long post about EVERYTHING and i’ll explain everything and why endgame sucked. 
originally i had decided to go through scene by scene and talk about each scene but i mean, that’s not really the point of this post and frankly, doing that would probably make this post longer than i want it to be. so i will be focusing on the important scenes. the ones i think are most important to point out and talk about.
as i mentioned above the cut, it’s not just about steve. i know my user is peachrogers and steve rogers has always been my fave avenger. but its more than just steve’s ending and i’ll get into that as we get to it.
i used a transcript while writing this just to help me completely recall everything as it actually was since i don’t consider my memory completely reliable so i linked it if anyone else wants to look at it.  
and again, as i mentioned above, i don’t hate everything about endgame. there were parts of endgame i did like and enjoy. tony and nebula playing paper football for example, i thought that scene was very endearing and adorable and carol coming to save them really made me happy. 
but at the same time, there were scenes i did not enjoy. and i will be mainly going depth on those scenes since i kinda wanted to just summarize and explain and captalize on why endgame failed at doing the job it was meant to do in tying together these 22 mcu films released in the past 11 years.
so starting at the beginning of the film, after they find thaos and thor chops off his head and they have a five year time skip, we see steve, in a group therapy session. 
where steve once again brings up the love of his life and how everyone has to move on. which SPOILER ALERT he doesn’t. this scene, when i first watched i was kinda like whatever, but watching it the second time and watching it now(or even thinking on it), it makes me SO SO mad. pretty sure they kept this scene bc one of the directors is in it. this scene also just makes steve contradict himself since he goes on about how important it is for to move on and yet he just doesn’t even follow his own advice in the end and it aggravates me which i will get into later on.
so skipping to after scott comes out of the time machine van and then steve goes to visit natasha. tbh everytime i watch this scene with natasha and steve, it always just breaks my heart because of the whole:
you know, i keep telling everyone they should move on and… grow. some do. but not us.
(there steve goes again just contradicting himself:(()
we both need to get a life. 
you first.
and i remember reblogging a gif set of nat and steve with the same caption and i just :( bc of where they end up in the end and it’s just its really sad. 
seeing tony and pepper with morgan and the fact that tony has finally achieved a level of normalcy where he has his own life with his wife and his child, it’s really nice to see. he definitely deserves it. and i completely understand tony shutting down steve, nat, and scott because he doesn’t want to risk everything especially if it doesn’t work and he ends up losing it. and i totally understood that.
the diner scene where nat, steve, and scott go to talk to bruce about time travel. first off, i just wanna point off how annoying that scene was ?? especially the part with the kids and them not wanting a pic with scott and apparently they only kept that part in bc one of the kids was one of the director’s kids?? there’s just so much wrong with it. 
and now i move on to the great marvel cinematic universe version of time travel. which in itself really hardly makes any sense whatsoever since the directors and the writers both contradict each other on how it works. if you’re going to put time travel in your movie, i really feel like everyone should be on the same page on how it works but i mean, that’s just me. 
it took me a little bit to understand it bc what the fuck. 
the scene where clint,rhodey, bruce, nebula, and scott are discussing how time travel works and rhodey is just naming off all these time movies where time travel works the way that i see it as working(where your past completely changes your future/butterfly effect/chaos theory) and bruce and nebula basically debunk the whole thing and explain it as how changing your past doesn’t change your future and all the whole thing is just bullshit if you ask me. it’s so hard to understand.
okay im not here to argue about time travel. but let me just give some perspective. for me personally, i just see time travel to work like it did in life is strange because it makes more sense. if you change something in the past, that would directly impact your future. if you go in the past and prevent someone from dying, that would not just change the fact that they didn’t die but other factors would be affected too.
and when they brought in the alternate timelines and the “multiverse” it just made things so much more complicated for me.
and i have tried to educate myself more to understand it, i’ve read through multiple posts on the whole time travel thing and i’ve rewatched movies as well to try and understand.
i guess the biggest thing that didn’t sit well with me is just that the directors and writers WHO YOU WOULD ASSUME would bring some clarity and insight on the matter really just brought more confusion and only contradicted each other and i do Not Like it at all. 
but i mean who cares about what we want ? it obviously doesn’t mean shit to them.
moving on.
uh lebowski thor idk at first i really wasn’t into it and i was kinda like wtf but i mean i’ve kinda come to be cool with the change in character. and apparently chris hemsworth was really into it so idk to each their own. 
and just for the record: i think we all know that Noobmaster69 is deadpool
also i fucked loved the america’s ass joke but i’m pretty sure everyone did. 
okay moving on to stony going to the camp lehigh in the 1970s. really i just want to address the scene where steve hides in peggy’s office. you see on her desk that one picture of steve and the picture of her kids and legiT PEGGY WAS RIGHT THERE IN THE OTHER OFFICE HOW DID SHE NOT SEE STEVE WHAT THE FUCK
god idk just thinking about how it was the 1970s and she still thinks about steve who tbh she hardly knew, especially if you compare him to idk daniel sousa ?? and steve saw the picture of her kids and he still was like lol yeah not moving on.
natasha dying okay yeah that was hard to watch. especially since she got nothing for it. tony gets a whole funeral with everyone and yeah ig she got that one moment with the five of them talking about trying to bring her back but that was it and i hate that. natasha deserved more love more attention more recognition way way more than what she got.
okay idk how people heard steve’s avenger assemble when the fucker literally whispered it.
i mean it was really nice seeing everyone coming together and fighting and idk it was just everything to see the final fight against thanos. 
tony dying, like i definitely did cry and it was sad, but in a way it was okay because he did it for them he did it for everyone. 
there was an interview with the writers who said there wasn’t a draft where tony didn’t die and i don’t doubt it because i mean, i think it was needed. i think tony needed to be the one to do it. 
and now we get to my favorite part. you know, the worst part of the movie. where steve just ruins everything. 
in the process of returning the infinity stones, steve decides to create an alternate timeline with “peggy” and live out his life with her in that timeline while actual steve of that timeline is in ice.
okay listen i was cool with the final dance, i think that was definitely needed and it would’ve been a perfect end for steve to do that and return and idk give up captain america. but instead NO THEY HAVE TO DESTROY ALL OF captain america’s character development, all of peggy carter’s character development, RUIN BUCKY AND JUST RUIN EVERYTHING THAT WASNT OKAY I AM STILL JUST SO UPSET BECAUSE FOR STEVE TO JUST THROW EVERYTHING OUT THE WINDOW AND BE WITH PEGGY IN A DIFFERENT TIMELINE ITS NOT SOMETHING STEVE WOULD DO
we all know that is not something steve would do so it just it killed me and the directors hardly even gave an explanation for it and idk its just its such a let down and im just im not okay with it and i won’t be for a while. steve has always been my favorite avenger and for him to go out like this. its so disappointing, steve rogers deserved a better ending than this. 
endgame sucked and its gonna take me a while to accept that endgame actually happened. 
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cs-discourse · 6 years
here we go
ok this attitude has been pissing me off long enough that it's time for one of my Big Ole Posts (tm) about how shitty this is! thanks. 
uuuuwuu every1 whos concerned abt biased judging in comps is just soooow entitled !!!1 i cant bewieve ppl wouldnt want some1 whos literally explicitly stating at this point that they trust their friends more to "demonstrate dedication to the character" they assign to a design to b an influence in judging comps !!!!!11 bc artists Never weigh in on other artist's comps, so obviously thes ppl just want fwee merc designs !!!1!!1 also my last braincell just died pleas h
so here's the og post in question for quick reference
i honestly have no idea why people keep bringing up this idea of bias in judging competitions because, while i do think there is a type of bias that certainly exists, i think a lot of so-called "bias" that people have is ... not whatsoever like what people think it is lol. artists are people and there's always going to be SOME kind of bias no matter what you do, because it's literally fuckin impossible to NOT be biased. by that i mean:
your taste in plots/types of characters/medias influence your judging
quality of writing or art can influence your judging
the person who's applying for the adopt you may have previous judgement about
even if you say you aren't biased, you STILL have preferences and tastes in things that you prefer more than others, which in of itself is a kind of bias
people who know you (friends for example) will naturally know what your taste is. 
a competition is judged based on what form the artist thinks is best, right? 
NEWSFLASH EVERYONE'S IDEA OF "WHAT'S BEST" IS DIFFERENT FROM PERSON TO PERSON ..... "BEST" is literally the most subjective thing there is, and while i agree that there are certain aspects of art and writing that you can use as objective measurements of tangible skill, it's... still subjective. what people think is "best" will vary from person to person because we all have different tastes. so, essentially, this boils down to the idea that the winner of an adopt competition will ALWAYS be the form the artist liked best, because that is what the artist perceives as best. so like. when people appear biased in adopt competitions towards friends or certain circles, it's probably because they're literally friends because they have similar tastes in things, and therefore the form the artist likes best is naturally going to be from someone who shares similar tastes. 
so whenever i hear about """bias""" in competitions i just kind of roll my eyes tbqh because it's usually followed by complaints of "BUT I PUT IN SO MUCH EFFORT" or "I WROTE SO MUCH MORE THAN THE WINNER" uhhhh. if adopt contests were won by effort alone it wouldn't be a contest, it'd be an endurance test lol. literally just "who has the most time to waste writing out 60000k words of absolute meaningless fluff"... because, i hate to break it to you, but ANYONE can write 5000 words of mindless drivel that has literally no substance to it. 
now in caps for emphasis. takes a deep breath
quality > quantity, always. like, i'm sorry you put in so many hours of effort but, those people who win with MUCH smaller wordcounts... did they not work to get as good as they did with writing? you put in 5 hours into one tryout. but others, take me for example: i have been writing for over 10 bloody years. i've worked hard to improve my writing, so you can't tell me i "didn't put in as much effort" as you because i did. i put in YEARS of work to get better so doing simple things would take me LESS time now. inb4 IT'S UNFAIR! dude, the literal definition of a contest is for the best to win. it wouldn't be a contest if it wasn't like that lol. it'd just be charity. what you should be doing instead of complaining about it is ASKING FOR CRIT and WORKING TO IMPROVE like a good sport? i get that it's discouraging but you should be prepared to lose when you join a contest. it's valid to be upset about but the moment you say you deserve it more than others JUST because of your effort, then i have a problem. 
and you know, there's gonna be times where i think a comp winner is objectively less skilled than other tryouts. honestly i just kind of shrug that off on account of different taste lol. sometimes that's just how it be, bc of those predetermined biases i mentioned before, and maybe a judge and i are just in completely stages of life so what i call quality might not appeal to the judge. that's also fine. anyway this really got off on a tangent but i'm leaving it in bc i think it needs saying. back to the og post
 > i cant bewieve ppl wouldnt want some1 whos literally explicitly stating at this point that they trust their friends more to "demonstrate dedication to the character" they assign to a design to b an influence in judging comps !!!!!11
wtf didn't i address this in a different post
here let me link it for you
which was replying to this: https://cs-discourse.tumblr.com/post/179838988303/179837734509-idk-anon-i-kinda-agree-with-the
i said it once but i'll say it again: artist entries aren't main adopts lol. people don't work for artist entries. all you fucking do is post on one like "can i have this pls" .. there is... no effort put into that lol. main adopts you WORK for. it's a CONTEST. claiming an artist entry is NOT a contest. if a bunch of little nasty gremlins come running up to me like a hungry horde trying to be the first one to claim my design, i think giving friends first pick is COMPLETELY FINE, BECAUSE WHAT DID ANYONE ELSE DO TO "DESERVE" THAT DESIGN? nothing. you did. nothing. you're literally coming here with this attitude that NOT GIVING THINGS AWAY TO STRANGERS FOR FREE SOMEHOW EQUALS BIAS? i literally do not understand your logic whatsoever. like. i'm trying really fucking hard. at least with main adopts the "payment" is the effort you put in trying to answer the artist's prompt. i know i sound super dumb repeating myself but i don't know how much simpler i can make this concept tbh
and this is EXACTLY why i say ya'll are fucking entitled because merc and any of the kal artists could be making REAL $$$$ selling their own designs and adoptables and art and NOT deal with all the bs ya'll throw at them. they're literally here because the ENJOY MAKING ((( FREE ))) CONTENT for you, and they're not obligated to do this. they can stop whenever they want. if you had to pay per hour for the length of time collectively worked by ANY species artist staff, the lot of you would be fucking broke. i'm actually constantly shocked that species artists work like, 8 hours or more on some of these gorgeous designs just to give them away for free in a contest. 
so, yeah, as someone who hasn't spent my entire life on CS (i've only been here for a year and a half), ya'll seem pretty fucking entitled to me lol. the world outside CS rarely gives out such gorgeous designs in write-to-adopt contests so i'm honestly baffled at the amount of bloody entitlement i see
>bc artists Never weigh in on other artist's comps, so obviously thes ppl just want fwee merc designs !!!1!!1 
this part i don't actually understand what you mean. do you mean they... help judge other comps? or like, enter them? i don't get what you mean by "weigh in" but listen, lol. just because something DOES happen doesn't mean it gives you a good reason to assume the worst. i mean... of course it happens. it's statistically impossible for skewed contests and bias to NOT happen, because there's always going to be cases of it happening. but like, what proof do you have that merc will be biased lol? like, real proof? because your main point i've basically debunked and don't believe in at all. do better than "i cant bewieve ppl wouldnt want some1 whos literally explicitly stating at this point that they trust their friends more to "demonstrate dedication to the character" they assign to a design to b an influence in judging comps !!!!!11" because this doesn't make any sense to me for the reasons i already listed above lmao. if artist entries were supposed to be contests they'd be contests. what the hell makes you important enough to get first dibs on a stranger's work. ARTIST ENTRIES AREN'T EVEN MADE TO BE GIVEN AWAY, THEY'RE MADE AS ARTIST ENTRIES.... LIKE.... JESUS i struggle to understand ya'll
anyway im done here, if you wanna actually talk and debate this hmu on discord at lysander#9229 bc if you actually talk to me instead of spew this hot mess on the blog i might actually listen to you and change my mind and be nice about it instead of being a condescending bitch. 
wait one more thing
>also my last braincell just died pleas h
yea clearly
p.s., why do you ppl keep going to the blog to give critique on merc's designs when on literally every other design merc makes there's this:
Tumblr media
here i even linked it for you. idk why it's so hard for yall to give constructive crit like decent human beings
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Hi! Do you think you can do a Jughead sickfic where he's sick at school and refuses to acknowledge that he is sick when it's obvious to everyone else? Sorry that the request is so general, but if you can do something that would be great and if you can't I totally understand. You're an amazing writer, keep it up!!!!
(First of all anon you are honestly the sweetest???
When life constantly throws obstacles and hardships at someone, that someone tends to grow a thick skin. However, a certain degree of care afterwards must be performed because at the end of the day, people are still human. Humans get hurt and weary.
Jughead tended to ignore the scratches and wounds that life gave to him, because processing everything that’s happened to him would surely drive him insane. If he for one second truly take in the harsh reality of his life, he wasn’t sure if he could put himself back together again. He developed an unhealthy coping mechanism of brushing things off and pretending wounds weren’t there, if he didn’t just laugh it off.
The same method applied to his physical health. If he had just elected to pretend it wasn’t there, everything would be fine.
The last thing Jughead needed was to get sick.
The past week had been far far too much for him. Jughead rarely ever cried, and this week he had cried 8 times that week already.  Nothing good seemed to come from that week. Of course, Fred Andrews was kind enough as to let Jughead stay with them long term, until at least FP could get out of jail. The way things were looking, that wouldn’t be for a very long time.
It really had been a hectic week, and Jughead’s crappy body of course could not handle it. It wore him down, until he woke up sick with a fever and a stuffy nose.
Jughead hadn’t even been in school for quite a while. After Homecoming, he had turned up once and literally forced out of school. He had missed days due to police interrogations and the like, and when he was granted back access to the school, Fred forced him to stay home for a mental health day. Needless to stay, he was really behind in all his classes.
Jughead could not afford to miss another day of class. He wasn’t exactly straight A student Betty Cooper. Which was the reason Jughead began to drag his sick, weary body out of bed and to school.
“Is Jughead still not awake?” Fred commented as he watched Archie nearly finish his bowl of cereal.
“I’ll go–oh,” Archie stopped himself as Jughead shuffled into the kitchen. He was fully dressed in his usual S T-shirt, dark jeans, loose suspenders, worn out converse, messy dark curls peeking out of a grey knotted beanie and denim jacket combo, but he looked awful.
“Woah, you okay sport?” Fred blinked, taking in Jughead’s pale face and dark circles. The kid looked behind exhausted. However sickness was not even on Fred’s radar, he just thought Jughead had yet another fretful sleep.
Archie frowned as his friend sat down next to him and poured the milk into his waiting bowl of cereal, “You not get enough sleep?”
Jughead smiled at him weakly, “Yeah, that’s it. I’ll be fine though.”
Fred frowned, “You sure you should go to school today? I can ring..”
“No, Mr Andrews, thank you though. I’m fine, honestly. I need to catch up,” Jughead insisted, his voice giving out by his last sentence, sounding strained and obviously painful. He cleared his throat and coughed lightly into his elbow.
“Hm, okay,” Fred said reluctantly, glancing at Archie briefly as if to tell him to keep an eye on Jughead.
Archie eyed his friend worriedly, but sighed and gave in. He finished up his bowl of cereal and waited for his friend to finish so they could head to school.
Jughead and Archie were pretty silent the walk to school. Both of them had their headphones plugged in, listening to different music.
Archie could faintly hear light sniffling mixing in with Daughter’s “Youth” he was listening to. He yanked out the headphones off of his ears, the melody abruptly stopping as he looked over at Jughead.
Jughead rubbed at his nose lightly, putting his hand down when suddenly he was involuntary inhaling sharply. He raised his elbow to his face, turning away from Archie and sneezing two, tired sounding sneezes. Once he recovered he lowered his arm, giving one sniffle then continued on listening to his music, like nothing had happened.
“You’re sick!” Archie accused, stopping.
“No I’m not,” Jughead said casually, a little boredly even.
Archie was a little taken aback, tongue-tied. He was at loss for words. Normally Jughead was a lot more defensive about his sickness denial, and this lack lustre, “just another day” attitude was working. Archie felt a little intimidated, realising Jughead was improving at his denial tactics and he would have to start forming a new strategy against him. He pouted to himself for a few seconds, because he had just gotten a hang of calling Jughead out of his bullshit.
Once Archie got over himself he stopped again, “We are turning around and going home.”
Jughead smirked at him, “What? Tell your dad I sneezed and I have to stay home? C'mon Arch, it’s a natural bodily function–some particles in my nose that needed to be expelled, probably.”
Archie glared, “Jughead Jones, I know what you are doing! Don’t think I don’t know your evil, scheming plan..”
Jughead looked playful, “It just appears you want to miss school because of that math test you have.”
Archie groaned, sulking, finally giving in and continuing their walk to school.
Jughead had finally managed to get Archie off his back when he went off to do some music stuff with the Pussycats, and he felt relieved. He made his way through the crowd of people, trying to reach his locker. Once he arrived, he started to unlock it when suddenly someone was pulling his beanie off.
Jughead groaned quietly, turning his head around to face Reggie Mantle with an annoyed look on his face.
The victorious, playful grin on Reggie’s face instantaneously faded once took in Jughead’s sickly appearance. He frowned and carefully replaced the beanie clumsily onto Jughead’s messy dark hair.
“Uh..sorry dude, you got a cold?”
Jughead rubbed at his pink nose and shook his head, “No? Didn’t know where you got that idea?”
To further debunk that statement, an irresistible itch began to gnaw at his throat. Irritated tears pricked at his eyes, as a brief but harsh coughing fit tore its way out of his throat and into his now surely germ infested jacket sleeve.
Reggie pressed his lips together and pulled out a packet of cough drops from his jeans and pressed them onto Jughead’s palm, “Sure thing, beanie baby. Uh..welcome back and..don’t die I guess.”
Reggie stalked off into the crowd quickly, not even giving Jughead the chance to protest. He quickly unwrapped one and popped the drop into his mouth, pocketing the rest of the pack and silently praising all the deities for Reggie Mantle. Jughead breathed in shakily, discreetly pressing the back of his hand against his forehead to check his own temperature.
He frowned at the intensifying heat, hoping today would go by as soon as possible. He breathed in heavily, bracing himself for the day.
The reason Jughead had decided to brave through the day and get his sick ass out of bed was so he could catch up with school, and now he couldn’t even hear what the teacher was saying because of his fever. Jughead was seriously regretting his decision because now his little sacrifice was worth nothing. He still couldn’t just admit that he was sick, so he continued on with his little charade.
Jughead squinted, hoping his vision would focus and stop fading in and out so he could stop feeling so nauseous and generally unwell. He was focusing so hard on trying to concentrate he didn’t even notice a sneeze building up and creeping up on him, until it was too late.
He had barely managed to cover his face with his arm, causing Veronica to look over sympathetically. “You’ve got yourself a really bad cold, haven’t you?” She sighed.
Jughead sniffled and shook his head, voice contaminated with congestion, “Huh? No, I haven’t.”
Veronica blinked incredulously, “..uh, babe, you are very sick.”
Jughead shook his head calmly, “I think you’re misunderstanding. I’m not sick.”
Veronica raised an eyebrow, “Um, Jughead..the whole world can see you’re–”
“Lodge!” The teacher yelled.
“Sorry,” She apologised quickly, sparing an exasperated glance over at Jughead quickly, before he shrugged at her and gave her a small, reassuring smile.
She sighed in frustration and turned frontwards again and got back to the lesson.
Betty released a sigh of relief as the bell rang, commencing the beginning of lunch time and thus dismissing her from her absolutely boring History class. She was already so done with today, and just wanted to eat and hang out with her friends.
She got up from her seat and left the classroom, taking a quick detour to the bathroom. Once she had finished, she made her way towards the Blue and Gold office as she had left her lunch there earlier that morning.
As she neared the door of the office, she could faintly hear a chorus of congested sounding coughing from within. She raised her eyebrow in suspicion, and slowly opened the door to reveal Jughead resting against one of the chairs, shaking violently.
Jughead’s eyes widened as Betty’s figure formed in his vision, jolting straight so he was no longer slumped weakly against the chair, trying to stop his shivering, “Betty! Hey! How are you?”
Betty raised her eyebrow at the rough edge of Jughead’s lowered voice, taking in his sickly features and frowned when she came to her conclusion, “Awh, Jug..you’re not looking so good. How’re you feeling?”
Jughead shook his head defensively, “I feel fine. I was just going to get a head start on the article..”
Betty shook her had furiously, “No way! For one you’re sick, and for two you need to rest! It’s been a tough week.”
Jughead stood up, hoping to prove his point but swallowed as a wave of nausea hit him from standing up, his entire frame racked with shivers, “Im okay, Betty. Really! I don’t even know why you’re so concerned when I feel great.”
Betty sighed deeply, “Jughead..”
“I’m fi–” Jughead cut himself off as he inhaled involuntarily, quickly turning away to harshly stifle three sneezes into his arm,  naively hoping Betty wouldn’t have noticed.
“Bless you,” Betty said softly.
“I didn’t sneeze!” Jughead insisted.
Betty looked incredulous.
“C'mon, Betty, lets go to the cafeteria or something,” Jughead pressed, making a move to exit the office when Betty wedged herself in between. She crossed her arms, face stern, as firm and resilient as she could be.
“Jughead Jones, you are not leaving this room. You are going to sit your sick ass down on that chair and relax.”
Kevin sat down at their usual table already inhabited by Archie and Veronica at the cafeteria, his face scrunched up in worry and concern. He looked a little spooked even, like he had just seen a ghost.
“What’s wrong Kev?” Veronica asked.
Kevin shook his head, “Its just..have you guys seen Jughead today? He looks awful.”
Archie rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh, “I keep trying to call him out on it, he’s so obviously sick it’s painful. I’ve tried to coax the truth out of him secretly by blessing him whenever he sneezes but he just acts like he didn’t sneeze at all?? It’s so frustrating.”
Kevin nodded in agreement, “Like he was just staring at nothing the whole time during Geography, like his cheeks are so red with a fever but he’s shaking so much?? The teacher asks him if he’s alright and he starts explaining the key features of an OS map.”
Veronica couldn’t help the laugh forcing its way out of her, trying to stifle the sound earning a glare from Archie.
“What?! That’s hilarious!” Veronica protested.
She sighed, “Yeah okay, it’s hilarious but it is concerning. Was he sick this morning? How’d he get sick?”
Kevin spoke up, “He got sick through a culmination of the infamous shitty Jones immune system and all the shit he’s been going through lately. I mean, that’s gotta be rough for his body, right? Speaking of which..”
Kevin’s voice lowered into a more soft and sympathetic tone, “How’s he holding up?”
Archie sighed sadly, “Not good. He isn’t sleeping, he’s having really bad panic attacks, he doesn’t even eat as much as he normally would.”
Veronica widened her eyes, “Jesus.”
Archie nodded, “Exactly! We didn’t even realise he was sick this morning because he’s been this dull the whole week. If only we could just tackle him down and get him to admit he’s sick.”
Veronica nodded in agreement, “This is frustrating. Where is he, anyways?”
Kevin pulled out his phone as it beeped, quickly scanning through his new text, “Uh, I got the answer to that.”
He raised his phone up so that the two could see what the text said.
Betty Cooper: Kev Jughead is super sick and he’s not admitting it so I’m trying to trap him in the blue and gold office hurry please I can’t hold him in here by myself
“C'mon, lets go get them,” Veronica announced, standing up and heading for the office.
The three friends managed to arrive at the Blue and Gold within two minutes of Betty sending the text; and when the Kevin opened the door to reveal the sight, Jughead looked even worse than he already was.
He was convulsing violently, arms wrapped around himself to try and provide himself with some warmth. His nose was rubbed raw, an angry shade of red and his cheeks were the same shade of red, flushed from a fever. His eyes were watery and bleary, face ghostly pale, highlighting his dark circles.
Betty was hovering over him, trying to feel for his temperature but Jughead was ducking away defensively, clearly not wanting her to feel his forehead. Betty sighed in frustration, trying to get a grip on his forehead but Jughead would only inch away from her, lightly swatting at her hand.
“Oh my god, Forsythe! If you’re really ‘not sick’ Just let me feel your forehead!” Betty exclaimed impatiently.
Jughead opened his mouth to protest but widened his eyes as he caught sight of his other friends. He instinctively straightened and cleared his throat, brushing messy curls out of his face.
“Wh..” Betty turned around to face her friends, and let out a sigh of relief. “Oh thank god you’re here! Help me hold him down!”
“What?!” Jughead exclaimed, voice cracking and hoarse. Quickly, he turned away from her to stifle a sneeze into his shoulder.
While his guard was down Veronica rushed over and pinned him down in place so he wouldn’t duck away. Jughead squirmed, leaving Kevin and Archie at awe from Veronica’s display of great strength.
Betty pressed the back of her hand against Jughead’s forehead and frowned deeply at the result, “Jughead! You are burning up!”
Jughead shook violently, teeth chattering but shook his head all the same, “No I’m not!”
Veronica rolled her eyes, “C'mon Jughead, you’ve lost this battle. C'mon and admit it.”
Jughead shook his head childishly, crossing his arms and pouting. He sulked in the chair for a little while, still shaking and shivering.
“Awh, you actually look kinda cute when you’re sulking,” Betty giggled.
Archie sighed deeply and took off his Varsity jacket, grabbing at Jughead’s arms and putting the way too big jacket on him.
“Archie! It’s huge!” Jughead whined, stretching his arms out which were engulfed by the jacket sleeve to prove his point. However, despite his complaining he couldn’t complain about the warmth and comfort the jacket brought him.
Archie smirked, “Well I’ll take it back then.”
Jughead pouted, “No!”
The rest of the group erupted into laughter.
“You can keep the jacket if you admit you’re sick,” Kevin suggested.
Jughead huffed, “I–I..”
He sighed deeply and pouted, looking away in embarrassment, “Yes. Yes I am sick.” He sneezed into the soft fabric twice to prove his point.
Jughead curled up into the chair, snuggling up into the oversized but comforting fabric of Archie’s jacket. He closed his eyes exhaustedly, only then letting his guard down and showing how weak he actually felt.
“Yeah, I don’t..feel great,” Jughead mumbled.
“We know sweetie,” Veronica said softly, sitting down on the chair next to him and gently caressing his dark hair.
Archie smiled softly, “I’m glad you told us. I’ll go to the nurses and call my dad, you’ll be home soon.”
Jughead managed a soft smile, “Y-yeah..h-home.”
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youngerdrgrey · 7 years
okay but shouldn’t we be the epicenter? // a Dear White People fic, part 1
full title: *lionel voice* okay but shouldn’t /we/ be the epicenter of black life on this campus?
chapter title: shouldn’t we be (idk) calling out our friends?
or, a further exploration into these black lives on Winchester’s campus, making my way through the season for further depth and hilarity
about: what happens when Defamation ends and Jo pauses in her screaming with her heart still racing to go and get her boy. Or, the time Jo calls out Reggie for letting his jealousy get the best of him on a sacred night.
references include Scandal, Orange is the New Black and the completely unnecessary fucked up death that I will never forgive them for, the 100 and the death that I don’t have an opinion on bc I never watched that show, and casual use of both dicktamized and heedlessly in the same sentence #codeswitching
+ this chapter takes place at the end of episode one; read on ao3?
Honestly, even the Defamation live tweets coming from AP got interrupted today so people could throw in their two cents about Sam, Reggie, and the white boy coming between them and the movement. And it’s not like Joelle would normally care that much about the gossip. Everyone on campus knows that race relations at Winchester are like the pre-teen child Sam and Reggie adopted just when a group home or juvie were closing in on ‘em. But there’s a difference between the normal talk about Jo’s friends and the talk tonight. Normally it’s just a few direct tweets, but tonight, half her timeline’s subtweets about just whip it out already #nottalkingDefamation or  #loveitwhen bae meets activist!bae for the first time or just a simple *Crazy Eyes voice* swiiirl swirl swiiiirl swirl. So fine, Jo can’t even scroll through her timeline without having to address this, so she needs to address it in person. Even if all she can do is snap at Reggie about growing the fuck up.
She gets out her chair to stalk over to him at his. “You couldn’t wait, could you?”
Reggie peers up at her, still too deep into his feigned nonchalance to lift his legs back off the arm rest. As if she doesn’t deserve the full extent of his energy, or a head to head showdown. Honestly, his mind’s probably still on whatever ‘girl you better watch’ text he just sent Sam about the end of the episode. He flips his phone onto his stomach without even killing the screen.
“Wait for what?”
To whip his fucking dick out and wave it in Gabe’s face. Seriously, what’s with that impulse in guys? Jo’s not out here in booty shorts and bandeaus to prove she’s got more going on than Sam does. (Not that she does. Not that it’s a competition. She’s not competing with her best friend; she’s merely pointing out that she doesn’t have the same need to constantly battle anyone that her crush is into.)
(( Not that it’s much of a competition anyway. Guys always go for girls like Sam, don’t they? Girls who don’t really have to try to summon all the light in the room and can go on without necessarily having to know what it’s like to be black in ‘post-racial’ America. ))
((( Sam knows what it’s like. She knows what her experience is like, anyway, and Jo’s really not trying to get too deep into the whole color-ism of it all. European beauty standards are bullshit and forced on everyone. Jo’s got a banging body that works for a lot of guys who might not want to fully claim her, but she’s not all too interested in guys who unironically use ‘females’ to describe women and call her Queen before they ever even think to ask her name. )))
(((( Wait, what was the point again? ))))
Reggie cocks his head to the side. Assured and righteous as he normally is. But he’s the one in the wrong right now. The one pouncing instead of giving Gabe two seconds to try being in their lives.
“Come on, Reg. He—“ and Reggie groans and rolls his eyes immediately, so Jo just talks louder “—he was here for all of two minutes before you jumped down his throat to make sure everyone in the room could see how down he was.”
Reggie nearly snorts, singing lightly, “‘He ain’t really down.” But it’s Reggie playing those games you do, not Gabe. Reggie throwing his name in the Goblet of Fire for no fucking purpose but to run into the maze and get spat back out for doing it. “Come on. Not even a chuckle? You love old house music.”
She also loves getting to enjoy her hate-watch without being constantly reminded of their stupid relationship drama. “Be serious. I’m not happy either, but you don’t see me picking fights during Defamation.”
He shrugs. “You would if you weren’t so busy snapping at everything Olive does."
“Not everything.” Olive could literally control the whole world if she wanted to, but she keeps on going back to that trash ass president she put in the oval. Plus, the shit they do in there? Five seasons in, there’s probably permanent grooves on the rug that her knees put there. Which, whatever, but it’s been years, and Olive won’t leave someone who’s no good for her. “She needs to wise up, and so do you. Jumping all around the point.”
Reggie sits up so straight his shoulders level out. The steel in his eyes snags the light from the TV while his jaw locks up for a beat. “What’s your point then, Jo?” He asks as if he doesn’t already know.
Everybody on this campus knows how Reggie feels about Sam. Including Sam, on some level; she’s just somehow deluded herself into thinking that Reggie only wants her mind, or her activism, or a partner in the movement. But Reggie’s been into every piece of Sam since she still had a relaxer and shared a room with Coco Conners. He’s been trailing after her since the first time she spoke up in class freshman year, and if Jo has to hear about how Sam was like a blacktivist Hermione Granger one more time, she will Obliviate herself, him, and anyone else who’s had to listen to it. But none of that knowledge changes anything. None of that brings what’s been subtext to the forefront quite like this does.
“Sam brought him here on Defamation night. She’s serious about this.” Serious enough that she didn’t tell either of them. And Jo’s not quite sure if Sam’s ashamed of his whiteness or their unapologetic blackness or maybe just that she got dicktamized into a relationship with the very sort of guy she normally mocks heedlessly, but here they all are. “I mean, we’ve supported her through worse.”
“Like what?”
Like the time she single-handedly tried responding to every single person who justified Poussey’s death in Orange is the New Black, dedicating a whole episode of DWP to debunking its use in the narrative. (It’s still a great episode, complete with gems like, “Dear white people, if you fix your mouth one more time to tell me why Poussey’s death was okay but you’re still crying over Lexa from The 100, I honestly don’t have the time to deal with you.” Top ratings, top notch, though it led to some serious rifts within the LGBTQ community on campus.)
Or the time she dated Troy. She planned yacht trips over rallies and acted like Jo and Reggie were both in the wrong for wondering if everything with them was just some dalliance in danger, like a pre-approved trek through the blackness of Sam’s identity before settling in to a non-confrontational future. But even then, Troy was the heir to respectability at Winchester, the crowned prince of how to be the right kind of negro who everyone can rally behind when something goes south and they wind up dead. He couldn’t so much as choose a cereal without his dad’s approval, so Sam and him were never gonna last. Not at this part of her life anyway.
“Just — Sam’s no Olive, Reg.” She won’t be with Picture Frame Gabe more than a few months, not when his true politics start coming out. He might be ready on paper to be part of this, but nobody understands the work until they’re in it. “She won’t choose some white boy over everything else she cares about.” Sam loves them.
Reggie leans up so his chest meets his knees at the armrest. It puts him at her level for the first time this conversation. He asks her, “You sure about that?"
Sam helped Jo take out her braids the night her Hulu trial ended and all they had were YouTube videos for filler. Sam missed her own midterm for psych last semester to help Reggie study for his midterm in poli sci. (Never mind the fact that Sam’s psych class dropped the lowest midterm score; the girl needed the points with the number of events that she kept scheduling during that class.) Sam’s their girl, for more than the movement and for nothing less than life. And if Jo has to fight against the need to widen her eyes and has to run these memories through her mind to convince herself that all of that still matters, then she’s not going to tell him.
“How can you not be?” she asks. Sam’s not going anywhere, even if Jo has to hold her down herself. Friends don’t let friends fuck the president. (And friends, real friends, tell you if they are, don’t they? Real friends let you in on the stuff they’re ashamed about, or wondering about, because if they don’t talk about it, then it’s not real, and if you’re not the one they go to, then maybe your whole friendship was just one of convenience. Maybe it’s high school all over again and the fact that your friends now are cool black kids instead of cool white ones doesn’t actually make a difference. Maybe you’re nothing more than the Coco of junior year.) “I’ll talk to her. Can you just hold off on vilifying her boy until then?”
Reggie plucks at a thread on the seam of his pants. “‘Her boy.’” He yanks the thread a little too hard, but it doesn’t go anywhere. Just leaves him with his fist clenched in the air over nothing. “He said, ‘it’s not worth it,’ then left.” Back in that fight? Seriously? Reggie glances up at Jo again. “He mean her when he say that?”
Because that’s what actually eats at Reggie, isn’t it? That someone on this planet could see his almighty love Samantha White and think she’s anything less than pure perfection.
“Of course not.” Everyone loves Sam; it’s them that everyone else seems unsure about. Because Reggie’s smart and brilliant, but he’s millitant in a way that can chafe at people who want to just enjoy themselves. And most people don’t know that he’ll talk shit for two seconds about the lives they’re ignoring by binge-watching The Get Down all day but that he’ll give himself over to it just a few minutes later. Or that he hasn’t missed a single night of Defamation since the first time Jo dragged him along after Open Mic let out two seasons ago. “Gabe just meant fighting you wasn’t worth sticking around tonight.” She swats a hand at his knee, batting at him as playfully as she can get. As casually as she can make this right now. “Good thing too. You too damn stubborn to ever stop.”
Reggie grins, but his eyes still have this shade over them. His brow crinkles while his nose scrunches up. He’s probably wondering, is it worth it to keep fighting? Think Sam will ever notice? Think Sam will ever fight for me too? At this point, it’d take an act of either God or the devil to get a reaction out of Sam, and after this blackface party, it sure seems like the devil’s more likely.
Jo swallows that comment down, scans the room to get away from soft eyes that never seem soft just for her. “Now get up. Walk me back to my room.”
He groans, but he pushes up off the chair. Throws his arm around her and tugs her into his side. Her eyes flutter closed, and she gets a whole three seconds of imagining that this could be about them. This could be them. Soft smiles and warm arms wrapped around each other. “You think she’ll ever leave him?” Then he opens his mouth and says that. His voice still comes out a little too heavy. He clears it while she blinks away the three second fantasy. “I mean, the oval’s got to have dents from her knees in the carpet at this point.”
“Oh!” She cackles — quick and bright and like the Defamation flashes are going off inside of her. Olive. Does she think Olive will ever leave the president? Not Sam. They’re finally done talking about Sam. And, okay, seriously, “That’s exactly what I said. Like power to her, get some, but does it have to be with Mr. President?”
“No eyebrows having,” Reggie starts.
“Disrespectful ass,” she continues.
“‘I know what you taste like’ Gerald Grant III.” They shudder together, and if she nestles in closer to his chest on the rest of the walk, they don’t talk about it. Maybe that’s how their little trio works — talk about everything but the big three: how Jo feels about Reggie, how Reggie feels about Sam, and how Sam might not be theirs forever.
Or maybe that’s just post-Defamation overdramatic thinking.
Yeah. (Maybe.) 
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discoursecatharsis · 7 years
Anon: "0tayur1 is not epheb0philia (nor ped0philia), so I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m a csa survivor but I don’t ship 0tayur1 to cope, it’s literally not ped0philia so wtf. It’s two teenagers with a two years age gap, 16 and 18, they lead very similar lives and have v similar life experience (travelling, competing, training all the time since they were young). You ant1s keep saying the ship is ped0philia: since many minors and survivors ship it, your ignorance is indeed damaging.“
This ignorant ass, pretentious ass fucker: "how
he’s an adult attracted to a child/teenager
0tab3k is an adult
there’s an entire blog min0rsagainst0tayur1 who can prove you wrong on this one. the majority of minors are uncomfortable with it; because some minors like you are ok with it doesn’t mean you speak for all minors or all CSA survivors. 
ok, plus, yur1 has proven himself to be a manipulative fuck willing to hold theirfriendship over 0tab3k’s head, plus they’ve known each other for 3 days, so the fact you try to force a romantic relationship out of this shit is p disgusting
you try to whine in my inbox again you’re getting blocked jfc. 
“your ignorance is damaging” try telling that to the minors who stayed with their adults/pedophiles bc fandoms like this one normalized minor/adult relationships so much –> like [ what happened to this survivor ]”
Oh…I had to come onto this hellsite and see this shit. Oh man, I am going to go so hard on this, oh my god. I feel bad for anon who’s information you blatantly disregarded. And nice job adding a bullshit link that conveniently fits with your ant1 agenda while also shitting on the fact that they, as a CSA survivor who doesn’t ship 0tayur1, say it isn’t ped0philia. Keep fucking up and shooting yourself in the foot. It’s entertaining for the rest of us. Alright, I’m going to go in.
—“how… he’s an adult attracted to a child/teenager. 0tab3k is an adult.”
Thanks for stating that, you dingus. Like we know this already. By law, 0tab3k is legally an adult in Russia and Kazakhstan. While were at it, Yur10 has just turned 16 back in March and also in canon. The sources in the handbooks and Kub0’s twitter says so. I will note that the age of consent in both countries is 16 like it is in the majority of states in the US. Stop ignoring the laws in their respective countries and your own (assuming you are in America) to perpetuate your moral agenda.
—"there’s an entire blog min0rsagainst0tayur1 who can prove you wrong on this one. the majority of minors are uncomfortable with it; because some minors like you are ok with it doesn’t mean you speak for all minors or all CSA survivors.“
Reminder that you and that blog don’t speak for all minors and CSA survivors either. Kind of shot yourself in the foot there didn’t you, buddy. While you say there is a majority of minors who are uncomfortable with 0tayur1, there are still a lot of minors, probably more than you assume, who actually love the ship. You can be uncomfortable with a ship if you want, I don’t care. You do you. But when you and that blog and anyone else take those feelings then align themselves with a movement that advocates for shunning, harassment, bullying, and doxxing people over fictional media, it is a fucking problem. And you don’t see it that way with you being a few years shy of approaching your third decade on this earth. That’s pretty damn worrisome.
—"ok, plus, yur1 has proven himself to be a manipulative fuck willing to hold theirfriendship over 0tab3k’s head, plus they’ve known each other for 3 days, so the fact you try to force a romantic relationship out of this shit is p disgusting”
Ohhhh okay. So it isn’t just because 0tab3k is an adult to why 0tayur1 is a bad ship. Okay we got it. 👌 Let me debunk this for you. I love how you dragged Yur10 to prove a point which means you do not give a shit about this character at all like you are trying to say you are. Listen, Yur1 had just gained a friend, like really connected with another person who isn’t family for the first time in his life. He hasn’t really wanted to engage in becoming friends with anyone he has encountered until 0tab3k rolled into his life on his Harley. And how was he supposed to react when his friend up and left him in a hurry? Was he supposed to be all hunky dory about it? Maybe you saw that he was hanging his friendship over 0tab3k’s head as a manipulative tactic. I don’t see it that way and neither does a great deal of the fandom. Did you not pay attention to the side manga? Yur1 spent the entire evening calling his rink mates and acquaintances to where 0tab3k was. He didn’t get thrown out of a few clubs for the sake of being thrown out of them. This boy saying “if he isn’t around then who will listen to me bitch?” is not a form of manipulation. Or him just using 0tab3k as a shoulder to lean on when it is convenient for himself. Yur1 didn’t want to lose the one strong connection he had with someone because he was angry. So he did everything he could to track down 0tab3k, who was also worried he may have pissed off Yur1 mind you, at the one club in Barcelona. Yur1 has been shown in the anime to actually care and support 0tab3k during their free skate programs prior episode 10. There is no air of manipulation between them at all. You are projecting. Stop. Also, you really bringing the “they’ve known each other for 3 days” argument into this? Really? Did you forget that V1kt0r fell hard for Yuur1 who was drunk off his ass at the GPF banquet then dropped everything when he saw him on YouTube skating his routine and flew off to Japan? These two did not know each other on a personal level and they also have a power imbalance which would be concerning if you think about it… Or does it not bother you because they are legal adults? Probably not because this is all about a 2.5 year age difference between two teenagers which is actually normal in real life society. V1ktuur1 is literally a strangers to lovers trope and you guys are just eating it up. Yes, I like this ship too, but your hypocrisy is showing each time you shit on 0tayur1 who actually did better in becoming friends first. Oh, did you know that you have to be friends first before pursuing a romantic relationship? Slow-burn romance is a thing. That’s what most of us shippers like, dude.
—“your ignorance is damaging” try telling that to the minors who stayed with their adults/pedophiles bc fandoms like this one normalized minor/adult relationships so much –> like [ what happened to this survivor ]“
Anon was correct that your ignorance is damaging considering the fact you are aligning yourself with people who are condemning people for their fictional ships and interests. I looked over that article and it is basically the same shit you are saying. Let me break it down so you will understand more. Fandoms/ships have jack shit to do with normalizing real life minor/adult relationships. They have been normal before media was a thing and before internet was a thing. Teenagers who are 14-17 date 18/19 year olds all the time. It is a normal thing which has no abuse whatsoever. The ones who do abuse are the ones who are usually mentally ill, don’t know right from wrong, or just want to have some sick power trip from terroring someone weak. It is not something that is learned from a harmless fictional character or ship. Fiction only affects reality to the extremes beyond the emotional if someone allows it. This argument is getting so damn tired at this point. Once again, ships like 0tayur1 are not normalizing anything when it has always been normal in actual society. It still isn’t considered ped0philia or even epheb0philia. It sucks having to stay with your abuser but do not blame and condemn fiction for that. I really question why you and anyone else are in randoms at this point when all you do is complain about the shit wrong with the show you’re watching.
(submitted by crystallinekai)
Hell yeah go OFF!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Thank you for calling out this ant/. I cannot believe they had the gall to call Yur10 “manipulative” I was like “bruh are you for real right now?! don’t pull a muscle with that reach.”
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Black Cat: Are you superstitious? If so, what are you superstitious about? Ghost: If you could be reincarnated, would you come back as another human or an animal? If an animal, what kind?
Mmm for superstitious I feel like it's a yes/no in 2 ways:1) I'm skeptical of some stuff when it's presented directly and will go out of my way to debunk it for myself (never stuff like religion or similar but I have a hard time actively embracing stuff), but i guess passively I definitely am. So like on both the "hey positive intent attracts positivity" and karma, yes definitely but also in the "I'm not gonna mess with stuff I dont know shit about".2) I tend to spook easily but that's mostly just anxiety and an overactive imagination--It's worse at night so anything "scary" is strictly daytime so I can forget otherwise I'll think about it and then wander into "thinking about/giving X a name summons it" territory Also I have been noted to have: 1) weirdly accurate deja vu, a lot of which I had years before I knew about the people/places in them (one i had in elementary school featured me reading the odessy in my high school study period where my psych teacher was playing the beatles and other people were in the room, down to the page number & passage. Considering that I had never read the odyssey/seen that part referenced in media and never listened to that song before...; there's more but it's either more mundane stuff like that or really negative so.)2) really good timing when i need it--the campus bus usually came to the stop as I was approaching it; one time I came back from rugby practice, borrowed a roommates shower, got dressed, and made it to the campus bus with a roommate right before it rained to see Alison bechdel speak, with a broken phone clock & the bus app not actually working3) this isnt actually a thing for me but I'm putting it up there bc I'm still considering Looking Into Things: that $20 that went missing into the void probably definitely coincidentally happened right before I got my job soAs for reincarnation: typed a lot so idr if the question asked if I believed in it; again yes & no (no=recycling of materials and energy, yes = if so we you forget). As for what id want to come back as: depends on whats happening lol. Like is the earth still jacked up? If I'm an animal, am I a pet or wild? If I'm a pet am I in good care? Like most of the time my answer would probably be an animal, probably domestic, but if it happens it happens (and I won't know lol)
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friendsresilience · 7 years
Slow coaching
Tumblr media
“Who says getting there fast – or first – is right? Burnt-out children and their teachers and frazzled parents are calling a halt to the cult of speed, and the result, writes Carl Honore, is a lifestyle revolution.
The most effective kind of education is that a child should play amongst lovely things. – Plato (427-347 BC)
Harry Lewis Is dean of the undergraduate school at Harvard. In early 2001, he attended a meeting at which students were invited to air their grievances about staff at the Ivy League university. One undergraduate kicked up a memorable fuss. He wanted to double major in biology and English, and cram all the work into three years, instead of the usual four. He was exasperated with his academic adviser, who was unable, or unwilling, to devise a schedule to accommodate all the courses. As Lewis listened to the student moan about being held back, he felt a light bulb flash above his head.
“I remember thinking, ‘Wait a minute, you need help, but not in the way you think you do,” the dean says. “You need to take time to think about what is really important, rather than trying to figure out how to pack as much as you can into the shortest possible schedule.”
After the meeting, Lewis began to reflect on how the 21st-century student has become a disciple of hurry. From there it was a short step to speaking out against the scourge of overstuffed schedules and accelerated degree programs. In the summer of 2001, the dean wrote an open letter to every first-year undergraduate at Harvard. It was an impassioned plea for a new approach to life on campus and beyond. It was also a neat precis of the ideas that lie at the heart of the “slow” philosophy. The letter, which now goes out to new Harvard students every year, is titled “Slow Down”.
Over seven pages, Lewis makes the case for getting more out of university and life by doing less. He urges students to think twice before racing through their degrees. It takes time to master a subject, he says, pointing out that top medical, law and business schools increasingly favour mature candidates with more to offer than an “abbreviated and intense undergraduate education”. Lewis warns against piling on too many extracurricular activities. What is the point, he asks, of playing lacrosse, chairing debates, organising conferences, acting in plays and editing a section of the campus newspaper if you end up spending your whole Harvard career in overdrive, striving not to fall behind schedule? Much better to do fewer things and have time to make the most of them.
When it comes to academic life, Lewis favours the same less-is-more approach. Get plenty of rest and relaxation, he says, and be sure to cultivate the art of doing nothing.
“Empty time is not a vacuum to be filled,” writes the dean. “It is the thing that enables the other things on your mind to be creatively rearranged, like the empty square in the 4×4 puzzle that makes it possible to move the other 15 pieces around.” In other words, doing nothing, being slow, is an essential part of good thinking.
“Slow Down” is not a charter for slackers and born-again beatniks. Lewis is as keen on hard work and academic success as the next Harvard heavyweight. His point is simply that a little selective slowness can help students to live and work better.
“In advising you to think about slowing down and limiting your structured activities, I do not mean to discourage you from high achievement, indeed from the pursuit of extraordinary excellence,” he concludes. “But you are more likely to sustain the intense effort needed to accomplish first-rate work in one area if you allow yourself some leisure time, some recreation, some time for solitude.”
His cri de coeur comes not a moment too soon. In our turbocharged world, the hurry virus has spread from adulthood into the younger years. These days, children of all ages are growing up faster. Six-year-olds organise their social lives with mobile phones, and teenagers launch businesses from their bedrooms. Anxiety about body shape, sex, consumer brands and careers starts earlier and earlier. Childhood itself seems to be getting shorter, with more girls hitting puberty before their teens. Young people today are busier, more scheduled, more rushed than my generation ever was. Recently, a teacher I know approached the parents of a child in her care. She felt the boy was spending too long at school and was enrolled in too many extracurricular activities. Give him a break, she suggested. The father was furious. “He has to learn to do a 10-hour day, just like me,” he snapped. The child was four.
In 1989, David Elkind, an American psychologist, published a book called The Hurried Child: Growing Up Too Fast Too Soon. As the title suggests, Elkind warned against the vogue for rushing kids into adulthood. How many people took notice? Very few, apparently. A decade later, the average kid is more hurried than ever.
Children are not born obsessed with speed and productivity – we make them that way. Single-parent homes put extra pressure on kids to shoulder adult responsibilities. Advertisers. encourage them to become consumers earlier. Schools teach them to live by the clock and use time as efficiently as possible. Parents reinforce that lesson by packing their schedules with extracurricular activities. Everything gives children the message that less is not more, and that faster is always better. One of the first phrases my son learned to say was: “Come on! Hurry up!”.
Competition spurs many parents to rush their children. We all want our offspring to succeed in life. In a busy world, that means putting them on the fast track in everything: school, sports, art, music. It is no longer enough to keep up with the Joneses’ children; now, our own little darlings have to outpace them in every discipline.
In the open-all-hours global economy, the pressure to stay ahead of the pack is more ferocious than ever, leading to what experts call “hyperparenting”, the compulsive drive to perfect one’s children. To give their offspring a head start, ambitious parents play Mozart to them in the womb, teach them sign language before they are six months old and use flash cards to teach them vocabulary from the age of one. Computer camps and motivational seminars now accept kids as young as four. Golf lessons start at two.
With everyone else fast-tracking their offspring, the pressure to join the race is immense. The other day I came across an advertisement for a BBC foreign language course for children. “Speak French at 3! Spanish at 71” screamed the headline. “If you wait, it will be too late!” My first instinct was to rush to the phone to place an order. My second instinct was to feel guilty for not having acted on the first.
When it comes to learning, however, putting children on the fast track often does more harm than good. The American Academy of Pediatrics warns that specialising in a sport at too young an age can cause physical and psychological damage. The same goes for education. A growing body of evidence suggests that children learn better when they learn at a slower pace. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, professor of child psychology at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, recently tested 120 American preschool children. Half went to nursery schools that stressed social interaction and a playful approach to learning; the rest attended nursery schools that rushed them towards academic achievement, using what experts call the “drill and kill” style of teaching. Hirsh-Pasek found that children from the more relaxed, slower environment turned out less anxious, more eager to learn and better able to think independently.
Last year, Hirsh-Pasek co-wrote Einstein Never Used Flash Cards: How Our Children REALLY learn – and Why They Need to Play More and Memorise Less. The book is packed with research debunking the myth that “early learning” and “academic acceleration” can build better brains.
“When it comes to raising and teaching children, the modern belief that ‘faster is better’ and that we must `make every moment count’ is simply wrong: Hirsh-Pasek says. “When you look at the scientific evidence, it is clear that children learn better and develop more rounded – personalities when they learn in a more relaxed, less regimented, less hurried way.”
Today, educators and parents around the world are taking steps to allow young people the freedom to slow down, to be children. In my search for interviewees, I posted messages on a few parenting websites. Within days, my inbox was crammed with emails from three continents. Some were from teenagers lamenting their hasty lives. An Australian girl named Jess described herself as a “rushed teen” and told me, “I have no time for anything!” But most of the emails came from parents enthusing about the various ways their kids were decelerating.
Let’s start in the classroom. At the end of 2002, Maurice Holt, professor emeritus of education at the University of Colorado, Denver, published a manifesto calling for a worldwide movement for “slow schooling”. In Holt’s view, stuffing information into children as fast as possible is as nourishing as wolfing down a Big Mac. Much better to study at a gentle pace, taking time to explore subjects deeply, to make connections, to learn how to think rather than how to pass exams. If eating slow excites the palate, learning slow can broaden and invigorate the mind.
“At a stroke, the notion of the slow school destroys the idea that schooling is about cramming, testing and standardising experience,” Holt writes. “The slow approach to food allows for discovery, for the development of connoisseurship. Slow food festivals feature new dishes and new ingredients. In the same way, slow schools give scope for invention and response to cultural change, while fast schools just turn out the same old burgers.”
Holt and his supporters are not extremists. They do not want children to learn less, or to spend the school day messing around. Hard work has a place in a slow classroom. Instead of obsessing over tests, targets and timetables, however, kids would be given the freedom to fall in love with learning.
Parents are also starting to question the academic hothousing that prevails in some private schools. Some are lobbying principals for less homework and more slow time for art, music or just thinking. Others are simply yanking their kids out and moving them into schools that take a less fast approach.
That is what Julian Griffin, an office broker in London, did. Like so many successful parents, he wanted to give his son what he thought was the best education possible. The family even moved, to be within walking distance of a top private primary school in south London. Before long, though, James, an artistic, dreamy child, began to flounder. Though good at drawing and making things with his hands, he struggled to keep up with the academic pace – the long hours in the classroom, the assignments, the exams. Most parents at the school found it difficult to make their children plough through the mountain of homework, but the battles were particularly virulent in the Griffin household. James began to suffer panic attacks, and wept when his parents dropped him off at school. After two years of misery, and a fortune spent on psychologists, the Griffins decided to look for another school. (…)
British state schools do not “hothouse”. So, in September 2002, the Griffins enrolled James in a public primary school that is popular with British state schools do not “hothouse”. So, in September 2002, the Griffins enrolled James in a public primary school that is popular with ambitious middle-class parents in south London. The school has been the making of James. Though he still has a tendency to daydream, he has discovered a taste for learning and now ranks in the middle of his class. He looks forward to going to school, and does his homework – about one hour a week – without a fuss. He also attends a weekly pottery class. Above all, he is happy and his confidence is returning. “I feel like I have my son back,” Julian says.
Disillusioned with the hothouse culture in the private sector, the Griffins plan to send their younger child, Robert, to the same school. “He’s a different character to James, and rm sure he could take the pace in the private sector, but why should he have to,” asks Julian. “What’s the point of driving kids so hard that they burn out?”
The cue to slow down often comes from children themselves. Take the Barnes family, who live in west London. Nicola, the mother, works part-time for a market research firm. Her husband, Alex, is the financial director for a publishing company. They are busy people with bulging diaries. Until recently, their eight-year-old son, Jack, was the same. He played soccer and cricket, took swimming and tennis lessons, and acted in a drama group. On weekends, the family trawled through art galleries and museums, attended musical events for children and visited nature study centres around London. “We ran our lives, including Jack’s, like a military campaign,” Nicola says. “Every second was accounted for.”
Then, one afternoon in late spring, everything changed. Jack wanted to stay at home and play in his room instead of going to his tennis lesson. His mother insisted he go. As they sped across west London, screeching round corners and surging through yellow lights to avoid being late, Jack fell quiet in the back seat. “I looked in the mirror and he was fast asleep, and that’s when it hit me,” Nicola recalls. “I suddenly thought: `This is mad. I’m dragging him to something he doesn’t really want to go to. I’m going to burn out my own child.'”
That evening, the Barnes family gathered round the kitchen table to downsize Jack’s diary. They decided he should do no more than three extracurricular activities at a time. Jack chose soccer, swimming and drama. They also agreed to cut back on their scheduled weekend outings. As a result, Jack now has more time to potter around in the garden, meet friends in the park and play in his room. On Saturdays, instead of collapsing exhausted into bed after dinner, he hosts sleepovers. On Sunday morning, he and a friend make pancakes and popcorn.
Shifting down a gear did take some getting used to, at least for the parents. Nicola worried that Jack would be bored and restless, especially on weekends. Alex feared he would miss cricket and tennis. Jack, however, has blossomed on the • lighter schedule. He is livelier, more talkative and has stopped biting his nails. His soccer coach thinks his passing is sharper. The head of his drama-group feels Jack has more zip.
The Barneses are now planning to cut beck on the.mother of all extracurricular activities: television. Television accelerates children’s move into adulthood by exposing them to grown-up issues and turning them into consumers at a young age. Because kids watch it so much -up to four hours a day in the United States, on average, they have to rush to squeeze everything else into their schedules.
In 2002, 10 leading public health organisations, including the American Medical Association and the American  Academy of Pediatrics, signed a letter warning that watching too much television makes youngsters more aggressive. Some studies suggest that children exposed to violent TV or computer games are more likely to be restless and unable to sit still and concentrate.
In a world obsessed with doing everything faster, however, some will find it easier than others to bring up their children in a slow fashion. Some forms of deceleration come at a price not everyone can afford. You need money to send a child to a private school that takes a slow approach to learning. To make the time for home education, at least one parent has to work less, which is not an option for every family. Nevertheless, may ways to put a child on the slow track are free. Cutting back on TV or extracurricular activities, for instance, costs nothing.
Rather than cash, however, the main barrier to slow child rearing, indeed to slow anything, is the modern mindset. The urge to fast-track kids still runs deep. Instead of welcoming official efforts to ease the workload in classrooms, many Japanese parents make their children spend even longer at local coaching colleges. Across the industrial world, parents and politicians remain in thrall to exam results.
Rescuing the next generation from the cult of speed means reinventing our philosophy of childhood. More freedom and fluidity in education, more emphasis on learning as a pleasure, more room for unstructured play, less obsession with making every second count, less pressure to mimic adult mores. Grown-ups can certainly do their bit by curbing the urge to hyperparent and by setting a slow example in their own lives. None of these steps is easy to take. But the evidence is that taking them is well worth it.
Nicola Barnes is glad her son, Jack, no longer rushes around trying to do as much as he can with every single moment of the day. “It’s such an important lesson to learn, for children and adults,” she says. “Life is just better when you know how to slow down.””
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