#it chapter two for ts
hauntedfalcon · 7 months
I think it's so fascinating that Spenser wasn't super invested as a GM in the suspense of whether Sean was really Sean for the latter four hours of the Candela finale
(Brennan clearly was! he was playing with it, right up to calling the Mother "Ma" as she started to come through the rift! I'm glad he got this enrichment!)
Spenser was in the Twitch chat during the stream telling people, well before the reveal, that it wasn't the creature impersonating Sean, it was a broken and desperate man. as Jean and Sean shot at each other, right after Zehra said "this thing that has taken my friend," Spenser said it was "the Sean that we've always known"
he recognized that the uncertainty was not the compelling part of the story; the compelling part was what would drive him to do that willingly
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naminethewriter · 2 months
On the Road, Just the Two of Us
Chapter Two: A Game for Just the Two of Us
Masterpost | First | Next | Ao3
Summary: This was written for @dukeceit-week-2024, @dukeceitweek
Janus and Remus are living in a campervan at the moment. Are they going somewhere? Who knows. The only thing that’s important is that they’re together.
Content Warnings: Innuendos, Food, Gross Food Combinations
“Remus, keep your eyes on the road.”
“There’s no other car in sight though!”
“Right, and that can’t change any second. Or you drive off the road and we get stuck in the mud,” Janus scoffed.
Remus whined, “But I’m bored!”
“Then stop and I’ll drive.”
“No! You drove most of yesterday, you need rest!”
“Then stop complaining.”
Remus grumbled but kept quiet. Instead, he started shifting in his seat, trying to get the energy out. Janus watched him worriedly. There must be something to keep him occupied while still focusing on the road, right? He let his eyes wander around what he kept at the front of the camping van, looking for any inspiration.
He found it when his eyes fell on their food supply.
“I have an offer for you,” he announced to Remus, whose eyes flickered to him instantly, though he directed them back to the road just as quick.
“We’ll play a game. I’ll mix some of our food in unusual combinations and you try to guess what it is. No peeking, so keep your eyes on the road. If you can’t we’ll stop playing.”
Remus practically vibed in his seat from the excitement and he nodded.
“Gimme, gimme, gimme!”
“Let me have a moment to prepare, you child,” Janus laughed, glad that his idea was well received. He started sorting through the basket of stuff they kept up front for mid-drive snacks and placed them around himself for better reach. Then he considered what to combine first.
“Alright, open your mouth. And remember, eyes on the road the entire time.”
With a little whoop, Remus followed his instructions and Janus popped the first thing in his mouth, impaled on a toothpick.
“Close and guess.”
Remus chewed excitedly but his expression soon shifted to disappointment.
“Oh, c’mon, Janny! Peanut butter and apple? That’s too easy!”
“Is it now?”
“Yes! I can’t really taste the apple but its crunch gives it away.”
“Does it?”
Remus furrowed his brows. He was pretty certain, but Janus’ smug tone gave him pause.
“Yes?” he replied, more unsure.
“You don’t sound as convinced anymore.”
Remus whined loudly.
“Don’t play mind games with me right now, Janny! That’s unfair! Tease me when we’re in bed together, not now!”
“Fine, fine, fine. It was a pear, not an apple.”
“…You hate crunchy pears.”
“I do.”
“Then why do we have some?”
“Because we’re living in a campervan and don’t go shopping as regularly as we usually do. So I bought some harder pears so that they can soften over a few days,” Janus explained, already putting together the next combination.
“You’re so smart, Jan.”
“Thank you. Now open your mouth.”
They continued playing like that for another twenty minutes or so. Then Janus announced he had the final thing prepared.
“Awww, do we have to stop already?” Remus complained. Amazingly, he really had been able to keep his eyes gay forward the entire time.
“Yes. I don’t want to waste all our supplies on one game. And while I do know you have a stomach made of iron; I really don’t want you to get diarrhea while we’re in the middle of nowhere.” They did have an on-board toilet, but it was quite small and needed regular emptying. It would not be able to handle what Remus loved to call ‘The Shits™’.
“I guess that makes sense,” Remus agreed, though he still sounded unhappy about it. “Give me the goods.” He hung his mouth wide open and Janus put the last combo on his tongue. Remus chewed for a long moment.
“Pickle water definitely.”
“It’s really chewy. But all I can taste is the pickles.”
“I might have put this in the jar as soon as we started playing the game.”
“So it’s been sitting in there for like half an hour?! No wonder only the pickles remain!”
“Closer to twenty than thirty minutes but I guess that makes little difference.”
“You’re so right, my ass is really smart.”
Remus cackled for a moment before he concentrated back on what he’d just eaten.
“You actually stumped me, fucking shit,” he mumbled a full minute later. Janus smirked.
“It was a sour snake.”
“You smart fucker!”
“Thank you.”
“We’re so playing this again. With a full kitchen. You have to feed me more weird shit.”
“Sure, Remus. I totally don’t regret making this game up now.”
Remus laughed again, bright and cheerful. Janus smiled. Yes, that’s how his boyfriend should always look.
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enby-trash-rat · 26 days
Logan's Criminal
Ships: Intrulogical (Logan x Remus)
"What?" He asked quietly, his heart sinking.
Logan shrugged a little "I don't know you just give off that vibe plus it would make life interesting."
Remus stares at him.
"I'm not sure if I should be offended by that statement or not." He jokes. His heart beating faster as he leaned closer.
Logan chuckled a little "Well I don't think you should because I seem to have an unfortunate tendency to fall in love with criminals" he mumbled before hiding his face a little.
Unfortunate Tendency?
"That's a little ironic considering your occupation."
Logan looks at him. "It really is though I suppose my job isn't worth much compared to a person I love" he said with a sigh as he shifted so he was almost sitting on Remus.
Remus smiles softly at Logan wrapping his arms around him.
Logan smiled a little and looked at Remus' face before looking away with a tiny blush playing with Remus' fingers "Rem can i ask you something?"
"Of course. What is it?" Remus asked nervously.
Another question. Great.
"Have you ever been on a date?" Logan asks
Remus looks at him and just stares.
"No. I haven't." His eyes wandered elsewhere. He frowned at the answer he had given, it was the truth. He felt... Embarrassed. Sure, Remus fucks around, he'd fucked quite a few guys throughout his life, but there was never anything there. Nothing at all. It was never serious. Most of the time he'd never see them again. And the other times, well, he'd get paid. It was a win-win for both of them. They'd get the pleasure they wanted, something Remus didn't often get out of the exchange. And he'd get paid. But there was nothing romantic nor serious about it.
His eyes finally meet Logan's again. "Why?"
"No reason just curious that brings me onto another question do you have a boyfriend?" Logan asked this as he wanted to make sure he wasn't letting his head fall for a taken man.
The question catching him off guard. His eyes flicker back up to Logan's.
What was he trying to say?
Remus sighed, "No, I don't." Shocker.
"Logan, are you . . Asking me out?" He asks slowly. He had to be joking.
Logan nods a little before looking up at Remus "do you accept?" He asks hesitantly, holding eye contact.
Remus blinks staring at him.
So Logan did like him. He was asking him out.
He clearly didn't know what he was getting himself into or the mistake he was making. No one stays forever. Everyone eventually leaves. It's inevitable. Remus had learned it the hard way. But the thing was as much as he didn't want to admit it, he had fallen for Logan. It wasn't supposed to happen he had promised himself not to make the mistake of getting attached to someone, it would only hurt them both in the long run.
But it was the truth, the way he felt around Logan was... different.
He puts a hand under Logan's chin, staring into his eyes- "Yes, Lo. I accept." He responds back, surprising himself. Why the hell did he do that?
Logan didn't know what to do except smile softly. He did end up taking off his glasses as he had a headache and Remus was close enough that Logan could see him perfectly fine.
Remus smiles and closes his eyes. "How long have you had these feelings?" He asks softly.
Logan took a deep breath "A few months. I didn't say anything as I thought you already had someone"
Remus opens an eye looking down at him smiling a little.
Logan blushes bright red.
Remus opens his other eye gazing at Logan. He wore a goofy grin on his face.
Logan mumbles "You are the best person I know even if you end up being my worst enemy" he joked continually staring.
Remus' grin faded a bit, he manages a small laugh, the thoughtunsettling him. He stared deeply into his eyes as he pulls him up further into his lap, holding him closer.
Logan smiled more and snuggled into Remus his heart beating hard in his chest as he looked at the man in front of him.
Remus smiles gazing into his eyes.
"Hypothetically: if I wanted to kiss you right now, would you allow me to?" He asks. He immediately flushed a light pink. Surprising himself once again.
Logan looks at Remus and nods "certainly" he states simply as his face flushed.
A slightly darker shade than Remus'
Remus snickers, before pulling him into a kiss.
Soft and brief.
Logan kissed back slowly after he processed what happened. Something he thought would never happen. The whole situation was surreal.
Remus smiles into the kiss. A genuine smile.
Logan pulls away after a few seconds to stare at Remus again. Staring back into his emerald eyes.
Remus stares back smiling at the man in front of him. Maybe this could work out. Just maybe.
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edupunkn00b · 8 months
Where the Air is Sweet, Chapter 7
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Photo by Rachel Martin on Unsplash
Prev - Ch. 7 - Next - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
Patton and Logan share a quiet evening together. WC: 782 - Rated: G - CW: fluf, fluf, fluff
After dinner, Patton and Logan shared a big slice of the angel food cake drizzled in Crofters syrup. They sat together on the floor in front of the coffee table, backs pressed against Patton’s overstuffed armchair.
“What, um..” Logan began carefully. He stabbed at a soft berry and tapped it against the plate. “What would you think about trading in our chairs for a…” He glanced up at Patton’s eyes, courage bolstered by his smile and the way he leaned a little closer, listening.
“Well, for a sofa. Or a… a love seat to fit the space.”
Patton’s eyes twinkled, lips curled in a tiny grin, as he looked around their living room. “It would give us a comfy spot to enjoy together,” he nodded.
Unbidden, Logan’s eyes caught on their open bedroom door and the two twin beds within. He looked back quickly, but not before Patton followed his gaze, grin growing. “I like the way you think, Lo.” He took another bite of the cake, then speared a piece for Logan, as well. “We could go shopping for a sofa next weekend.”
Still chewing, Logan nodded, appreciating both the chance to think and Patton’s quiet agreement to ignore his other, unspoken, musings. Did he want to propose a similar change in their room? 
He and Patton hadn’t ever talked about their furniture before. Not really, at least. They’d simply each brought a few things from their college housing after they graduated and gone in together on the television they rarely watched and coffee table. But lately, they’d found themselves drawn to this little spot on the floor, dissolving the distance between them when they each sat in their separate armchairs.
With the exception of the occasions when Patton woke with nightmares, they each stuck to their own beds. Logan couldn’t deny, though, how more than once, he had lay awake, listening to Patton’s quiet sleep sounds and wished he had a reason to curl next to his warmth and breathe in the vanilla scent of his curls.
“Lo?” Patton had set the plate down on the coffee table and reached for him, one hand cupping his cheek. “Still thinking about Monday?”
Logan’s face flushed under his palm and he shrugged, unsure which was more embarrassing to admit, that he’d been imagining smelling his best friend’s hair or that he’d completely forgotten about his interview. “Per—perhaps,” he stammered, covering Patton’s hand and pressing it closer to his cheek.
Grinning, Patton brushed a thumb over his cheekbone. “I have an idea for another distraction before bed if you’re up for it.”
“I believe I would benefit from an additional distraction tonight,” he admitted.
Still smiling, Patton pressed a kiss against his forehead and gently detangled their limbs before rising to his feet. “I need to get something from the closet and I’ll join you in the kitchen.”
“A mystery,” Logan said, Patton’s smile soon spreading to his face, too. “I’ll take care of this,” he nodded as he picked up their plate and turned to the kitchen.
“Oh, thanks, Lo!” He shot him another thousand-watt smile and hurried off to their room.
Not at all certain what to expect, Logan washed the plate and wiped down the counter. He’d just put away the dried dish when Patton returned with an old, dented shoe box. The faded size sticker on one end was just barely visible, revealing a size Patton hadn’t worn since high school.
A low laugh bubbled up from deep in Logan’s belly. “Is that your broken crayon collection?”
“Tada!” Patton cheered, tugging off the lid with a flourish. The box was filled to the brim with snapped bits of crayons in a kaleidoscope of colors. The familiar scent of wax hit Logan’s nose, the scent of coloring books and kindergarten. The scent of childhood.
“You’ve filled it!” Logan laughed again, moving around the counter and running his fingers lightly over the broken crayons within. Patton had been collecting them since the day they’d met. When a crayon broke or had been worn down to a nub too small to hold, he’d squirreled it away. Years of crayon boxes were represented in that box and years of coloring. “What are you—” 
Logan’s eyes widened when a sudden thought struck him. “Wait, Pat… you’re not getting rid of them, are you?”
“Oh, no!” Patton shifted the box, cradling it close to his chest and reached with his other hand to cup Logan’s cheek. “No, of course not!” He grinned, shoulders dancing. “I was thinking we could melt them down and make rainbow crayons with those old mini muffin tins Remus found. Will you help?”
“I’d be honored, Pat. What shall we do first?”
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went to walmart today and the entire men’s section was very losers club coded (i have severe brain rot)
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megagrind · 5 months
One of these days when I finish my capstone and my animated pilot and get a job and become financially stable and get an ounce of free time I WILL sit write that thesis long essay I recite to myself before bed every night
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sprnklersplashes · 2 years
am I using nanowrimo to write heathers fanfiction? maybe.
is it going well? maybe not.
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randomnameless · 2 years
If 3H was good I'd be very interested in the possibility of Hopes introducing there being, like, just regular civilians down wherever the slithers are hiding who are not committing atrocities but also believe in the stuff the slithers say because, like, that's their culture, but I'm just really scared (I can't help but keep thinking "there's gotta be some randos who retreated underground with the evil guys, there's no way every single one is evil"?)
Oh, yes, I'd love some randoms NPC who are just, NPCs and not mouthpieces to parrot what their glorious leader think.
We had some bits here and there in Tru Piss, but it was worthless because those people thinking "something is off" aren't NPC, they are our playable character.
And bar not telling Supreme Leader they went to visit a giant turtle, nothing happened. There's no "people deployed in Hubert's paralogue cannot participate in Chapter X or Y" because, hey, if you are deployed during Hubert's paralogue, you cannot ignore you are working with the people making demonic beasts. Imagine, some kind of mechanic where doing Hubert's Paralogue before reaching Derdriu means you cannot recruit Lysithea, or if you did it after recuiting her, she ditches the crew.
IS weren't shy putting 55 randoms suggesting Church BaD in the first part, but doing the same for the other factions? Hell, one random betrays Rhea in Tru Piss because "she starts to talk to herself" - but there is no equivalent in the other routes for Supreme Leader, where, idk, maybe one random would have really been suprised or started to have doubts that, after 5 long years, the war is still continuing because they have to hunt for the Archbishop, who is responsible for all of Fodlan's ills given how she has pointy ears.
Maybe just some NPC going all "Supreme Leader is saying this... but I grew up in Garreg Mach and the Archbishop didn't look like a monster, she sheltered me and my family when we had nowhere else to go."
So yes, if we had some NPC agarthans it'd be nice, especially if they offered a nuanced POV on Thales'n'Pittacus - bcs while I'd also like some aggressive one thinking Flayn deserves to be deboned for what Sothis did to them, I would really love some nuance and not a hundred of Thales fans.
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hershelchocolate · 8 months
So many fic ideas I want to write,,,,,,,but no alas I must resist,,,,,,I gotta get SOMETHING going for my graphic novel so I can actually start drawing the thing before I write anything else 😔
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 1 year
I'm eating up the idea that because gojo was sealed, the reader saw shoko really go through it becuase she thought maybe he was really gone so the reader finds out through shoko the story about the trio (shoko-gojo-getou) and how suguru passing really affected her and how gojo was never really the same after and he's changed since. The reader doesn't get a good impression on gojo at first, and a big part of her hates him for how he's left shoko all alone. The reader becomes somewhat overprotective of her and she just doesn't like gojo. This goes on until he's finally unsealed and she meets him by accident one day. she doesnt like him, she has to tell herself. So it becomes this game of feelings where she can't possibly like him.
she just can't. even if she likes him, she'll break herself if she needs to.
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churipu · 3 months
ִ ࣪𖤐 featuring. gojo satoru, nanami kento, fushiguro megumi
ִ ࣪𖤐 warnings. cursing on gojo :)
note. while i'm working on chapter 5 of my killswitch lullaby series, i'm gonna upload something because i just got home from a get together with my big family, and part 5 of killswitch lullaby is still halfway done :(
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"you have freckles."
averting your eyes to gojo through the mirror in the bathroom, you nodded, "mhm, they've always been there," it's not like you've made them noticeable — so the reaction was expected, you never really liked them.
"why did i just notice them?" he asks, leaning his shoulder onto the doorway, "i mean — they look really pretty y/n."
pretty didn't sit well with you, especially not when you grow up hating that certain feature. chuckling out softly, you raised a brow, "they're not pretty, they're weird, 'toru."
the male blinks, "who said that?"
"everyone else but you—" he scoffs, throwing his face to the side with a lop-sided smirk, "what? why are you laughing?"
gojo shakes his head in denial, "fuck what they think — i think they're pretty, and they suit you. why would you hide it?" the blue eyed male watches your every move as your fingers pressed on the skin colored cushion onto your skin, sealing away the beautiful dots gracing across your cheeks.
"because i feel better without them." you nonchalantly answered, patting the cushion a few times to flatten the foundation. your freckles immediately drowned under it, disappearing from sight.
gojo was silent, his face was indescribable — and you don't know what he had in mind next. frankly, he's a little angry. not at you, anyone but you. the male then stepped towards you, throwing an arm around your waist, "can i ruin your make up just the slightest bit . . ?"
"yes, but 'm not going to talk to you for the rest of the day . . . or two."
the blue eyed male chuckled, but he wasted no time wrapping his slender fingers around your wrist, peppering gentle kisses across your cheeks, right over the semi-wet foundation — leaving traces of his lips on your face. gojo didn't even care about the sticky substance graved on his lips.
pulling back, he seemed satisfied at his work of art. your make up ruined almost completely as your foundation was smeared away, the smooth layer now barely even there at all, and all was left was trails of his kisses over your sun kissed freckles.
"you're so beautiful, i'd kiss you right now — but i wouldn't want to get foundation in your mouth," he whispers, instead of leaning into your lips, he pressed his foundation laced lips along your forehead, engraving his lips on your skin.
"you're so cheesy—"
"way to ruin the moment, y/n. really great! you're lucky i love you," he grazed his thumb over his art, wiping away your foundation, "i love you and everything about you."
smiling lightly, you nod, "i love you too."
nanami traced his finger on your skin behind your ear, the tip of his finger grazing over the same spot again and again. his eyebrows furrowed the slightest bit, "what happened here?"
you glanced at him, "hm? what happened where?" the male didn't answer, but his finger traced your skin — specifically, where your birth mark laid. and he blinked slowly, "oh, i forgot about that. nothing happened there, 'ts my birth mark."
the male nods his head. his eyes never leaving the darker spot behind your ear, "i never knew you had one . . ." he mumbles out, a little upset he's never noticed such a beautiful feature on you through out the time he has been with you.
"i didn't want you to," you replied back.
nanami retracted his hand back, "are there any reasons why?"
craning your neck to face him, your e/c eyes averted around the room. anywhere but right at his eyes, "um . . . i don't think that my birth mark is an important feature, you know where i'm coming from?"
nanami in fact didn't, "unfortunately, not."
"i just don't think it's nice to look at," you tell him the truth, chuckling, "but i actually forgot that i had that behind my ear for a bit."
once again, his fingers flew to trace your birth mark, admiring it silently. strands of your hair gets tangled in between his fingers at the action, but the male wasn't pulling on it, "it's beautiful. you're beautiful."
"think so?" you asked.
nanami didn't answer you, but his hand cupped your face gently, pulling you close and before you knew it, his lips were on yours. it was a short kiss, but it was full of admiration and love, "i do. i mean it," he states out, gazing into your eyes.
"i love you, ken. you know that, right?"
"i love you more, y/n. you know that, right?"
you'd think that your boyfriend wouldn't notice the way you strain back your smile from engulfing your face? frankly, thinking megumi wouldn't notice was something stupid — megumi notices everything, especially things about you. his partner.
"why do you do that?" he questions, leaning back onto the wall.
raising a brow at him in confusion, you replied back, "do what?"
"straining back your smile — why don't you just . . . smile?" his voice was quiet, but there was something behind it. not anger, not disappointment; megumi was just confused, was it something that he should be concerned about?
even if it wasn't, he is already concerned.
his question left your mind a little hazed, wondering if you should tell him the truth or just lie your way out of this. but (thankfully), you ended up with the first choice, "i didn't want to deepen my smile lines, they look weird."
now it was megumi's mind swirling with different questions, "smile lines? why— what? what?" he mutters under his breath — mind a little disintegrated.
"it leaves a mark behind, i don't like it—"
"you look fine." he cuts you off, "you have a nice smile, don't hold it back."
coming from someone like megumi, you thought it might have been the greatest compliment you have ever gotten the whole entire year. the first genuine smile popped out on your face after a bit, the apple of your cheeks rounding as you beam out at the male in delight, "really? you mean that?"
megumi sighs, nodding, "really."
"that means a lot to me, gumi. thank you," the male blinked — he wasn't sure what had gotten you so happy, surely it wasn't his compliment, is it?
it is, "yeah."
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naminethewriter · 2 months
On the Road, Just the Two of Us
Chapter Four: An Electric Razor and Just the Two of Us
Masterpost | First | Previous | Next | Ao3
Summary: This was written for @dukeceit-week-2024, @dukeceitweek
Janus and Remus are living in a campervan at the moment. Are they going somewhere? Who knows. The only thing that’s important is that they’re together.
Content Warnings: Innuendos, Hair cutting
“Remus, hold still,” Janus growled after having had to jerk the electric razor away from Remus head. He was trying to touch up on his boyfriend’s undercut, but Remus was practically vibrating in his chair which made his work incredibly hard.
“I don’t want to take your ear off, so stop wriggling.”
“I caaaaan’t,” Remus whined. “I’m too worked up. Maybe if you give me a hand-“
“Ugh, you’re no fun!”
“We are in the middle of dying your hair and cutting it! I’m not gonna get you off!”
“This is the fucking worst.”
“Stop being dramatic. That’s your brother’s job.”
Remus started giggling and that made holding still only even more impossible. Janus sighed and clicked the razor off.
“I have no idea how any professional deals with you.”
“I don’t either! But I tip well!”
“How generous of you,” Janus quipped, and Remus grinned at him, showing off his teeth. “Anyway, we’re in a motel for once, a place with actual appliances that has decent sanitary standards, and I want to get this done, so can you please cooperate?”
“I’m really trying, Jan, but it’s hard to. You’re so close I can smell you! You know I can’t control myself around you. I wanna eat you up already!”
“Fine, a compromise then.”
Remus looked at him with a raised brow and Janus smirked at him before straddling his lap and sitting down heavily. His boyfriend groaned at the sudden increase of weighed and his hands flew to Janus’ hips immediately.
“Now, this I like,” he purred after his brain caught up with the situation, his hands starting to lightly massage Janus’ sides.
“I thought you would. Now, I’m gonna continue cutting your hair. Which means, you turn your head how I want and no jostling me. You can feel me up a bit if you must, but no distractions! We have to wash out the dye soon and I want to be done with this before then.”
“Fuck yeah!”
The next five minutes, Janus carefully directed Remus’ head around to get an even cut, as his boyfriend let his hands wander around his body, sometimes squeezing the flesh lightly but mostly just… touching. It felt nice.
“Alright, I think I’m done. Now let’s get that dye out.”
“Thanks, Janny. You’re amazing.”
Janus smiled and pulled Remus into a kiss.
“So are you. Now c’mon, I wanna see my handsome man in all his glory.”
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But Daddy, I Love Him (chapter one)
Daemon Targaryen x f!reader
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synopsis : the reader is a daughter of the Lord of House Arwen - ever so dutiful and mild-mannered. Slated to be the lady wife of some highborn Lord, someone who is noble and decent. Not the volatile Rogue Prince. Not Daemon Targaryen.
in this chapter : The Rogue Prince and the reader meet. Their fates entwine. A fool is made out of a Lady.
themes/warnings : Daemon being Daemon is a warning in itself, Daemon has a superiority complex, highborn!reader, House Arwen is my own creation (name inspired by lotr!)
series list : chapter one - chapter two - chapter three
word count : 2k ▪︎ masterlist
a/n : the title and the series concept inspired by the TS song ofc <3
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Dutiful daughter, all my plans were laid. Tendrils tucked into a woven braid...
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Your chambers. The Godswood. The library.
Every day is the same. The mornings start with your ladies in waiting helping you prepare for the day. Running your bath, carefully pressing your frocks, lacing you up in your bodice. Making sure each lock of hair is in place, the right amount of rouge dabbed against the apples of your cheeks.
You were once a perfect little girl, now a perfect little lady.
Soon a perfect little lady wife.
This is your story, already woven, already told time and time again. The same story for all ladies of your standing.
All you have to do is to be good. And so you are.
Thank the gods for the stories you read, enabling you jump into different lives. Adventures and romances you know you will never have, not truly. But you are happy to play the fool with every page turned.
The library has become your safe haven, your home within your home. Nestled high in the sprawling castle of House Arwen. Nothing can disturb you here. No one.
Or so you thought.
The very first words you hear Daemon Targaryen say to you come across as rather rude. You will find in time that he does not mean to be rude. Not all the time, that is. This is just how he is.
"I have always found that story rather dull. Amusing how you seem to be so engrossed in it, my lady."
"Excuse me, but I will you have you know - " you raise your head, taking in the visitor. Or intruder.
"Prince Daemon," you rise from your seat, offering a well-practiced curtsy. An instinctive move of obeisance for a lady like you.
He barely acknowledges your gesture, his face flat and impassive. "That book. I was forced to read it in my youth. Our Maester all but shoved it down my throat."
You immediately do not take to his approach. That book is one of the most famous tales from Old Valyria. He should know, being of Valyrian blood and all.
"I believe there is much to like about this book, my Prince."
"Such as?"
"Well, it depicts a warrior knight of Old - "
"Some warrior knight," Daemon scoffs, not even letting you finish your statement. "He gave up his powers for the love of a wench he knew for just a fortnight. He had every chance at glory but he squandered all of it away. For what?"
"For... for love?" comes your response, though you know he did not really want one.
For someone who claims to dislike this story so much, he sure knows it well.
He mindlessly taps his fingers on a nearby shelf, eyes lazily reading the titles. Drifting through the room with the unmistakeable disdain of someone who is used to having so much, the world practically by his feet, but is disinterested with it all.
You think that you could fall dead right then and Daemon wouldn't care. Wouldn't even bat an eyelash. He rolls his eyes at your mention of love, and it does not help your impression of him.
"There are only two things worthy of love in my eyes, my lady, and that is power and blood."
"Blood? Well, my prince, family is one of the most important - "
"Blood is not the same for me as it is for you. My blood carries a legacy of fire and magic, being of Old Valyria. You would not possibly understand how I hold my blood in high regard."
Oh may the gods strike him down now.
Your hands clench into fists, pressing against your skirts, but you don't have it in you to notice the unladylike gesture. All you can think of is letting him have a piece of your mind. "A family can have a flock of sheep or a horde of dragons, my prince, and it makes no difference to me. Your family is your family, your blood is your blood. But whether you choose to love them does not solely depend on blood."
It is as if he sees for you for the first time then, the moment you show that you have your own voice, and that you will not simply cater to his whims.
He turns eager to press you further, make you break, make you cave in. "What of you, my lady? What is it that you find worthy of love? Family, I presume, from your poorly formed argument? What about a lord husband?"
"I do love my family," you nod. "And when I do wed, I am sure I will love my lord husband just as dearly."
He walks closer, but does not stop in front of you as is the polite thing to do in conversation. He circles you, and you feel exposed by the way he openly takes you in. "Oh, but how will you know? You do not have a choice, do you? How can that be love?"
You do not answer right away, for the prince has just voiced one of your biggest fears. What if you do not find love in your lord husband? What sort of life would that entail? One which you have been preparing for since you entered womanhood, one you always thought you would be willing to accept. It is your duty, after all.
So you say just that. "It is my duty, and if I am able to fulfil my duty, then I am certain that will bring me happiness."
Daemon scoffs, his lips forming a self-righteous sneer. "In the story, do you then think that the warrior knight would have been better off fulfilling his duty and abandoning his love?"
"It is not the same."
"It is exactly the same."
"No," you emphasize, "because he had a choice. I do not."
He had stopped right in front of you, a bit too close for comfort, almost as if he needs to lean in to scrutinize you fully. "Love is the death of duty, my lady. Take my word for it, you would be far better off playing your role. If you truly wish to honour your family, you would not fall in love at all."
He's so close that you can feel his breath fanning your face. If you didn't know any better, you would believe that simply being so near Daemon Targaryen is the reason why your body feels like it is on fire. He gives off heat like a furnace, like a dragon.
Maybe he is a dragon. Is that not what they all say about Targaryens?
You open your mouth to take a breath, lest your throat also burns from the dry warmth, your stomach curling adding to your nerves. It prompts you to ask, "What about you, my prince? Has duty stolen every chance you have at love?"
His eyes draw downward to your lips, and his faint blonde lashes catch the light. The Rogue Prince does look otherwordly. Everything you have heard about him has been inadequate.
His violet eyes meet yours once more. "I would not bother with such frivolity. As I said, my lady, power and blood are all there is."
"Perhaps so. Perhaps true love only exists in the stories that I read."
"You are learning," he nods, and offers what might be his first genuine smile to you.
"Nevertheless," you step away from him, and carry your book back to the shelf. "I do not fault the warrior knight for choosing love over glory. I would choose as he had done, if that were a possibility."
His response is glib, but not meant to offend. "Then you are a fool, my lady."
"I wish I were a fool, my prince," you smile, lowering your gaze. "Aren't all fools happy?"
"You wish nothing more than to be mere mummer who has found happiness in love."
"If only," you say. It's surprising how easy you're finding it to engage in conversation with him. It feels like you have known him for many moons and not only for this moment.
The Rogue Prince, of all people. Which begs the question, what is he doing in the library of House Arwen?
"Pardon me, my prince, but why have you graced us with your presence this morning?"
He turns serious, almost bored, that he has to acknowledge the reason for his visit. "My brother, the King, has sent me to relay an official decree to your Lord father. He is to accept the position of Master of Coin for the small council."
"He... he is?" you swallow. This would mean that you have to go with him and live in the Red Keep. This also signals that your betrothal to Tyland Lannister is afoot. Your father had recently paid a visit to Casterly Rock to arrange for your marriage to Tyland or Jason Lannister. If it is to be with Jason, you would be sent to Casterly Rock. If Tyland, your father would take the offer to be part of the small council. You are to accompany him and begin courtship with the Master of Ships.
At least it will be Tyland and not Jason.
"Yes, I am supposed to meet your Maester here in the library to deliver the royal decree," Daemon replies, the task so insignificant to him, unaware that he has just delivered news that determines the course of your life.
Not that it makes any difference. Your father has always wanted to join houses with either the Lannisters or the Baratheons. Forge a true Westerosi alliance. It seems that he will finally get his wish.
Your thinking gets the better of you, and you stand unmoving, the weight of duty suddenly feeling too much to bear.
Daemon's face scrunches in what can misconstrued be concern. But surely he isn't. He must only be uncomfortable at your sudden silence and blank expression.
"Is something the matter? Are you not pleased that your father is graced with an opportunity such as this?"
"Of course. I am sure that he would be delighted."
"You do not seem to be."
No, you aren't. While you have met Tyland Lannister before, there was never any attraction there. From your side and his. Yours would be a marriage of convenience, for the benefit of both Houses.
How I wish I was the warrior knight.
"It matters not how I feel, my prince."
There is movement by the doors, and the old Maester rushes in all out of breath.
"My prince!" He calls out immediately. "My deepest apologies that I have kept you waiting."
Daemon pays him no mind. His attention is solely on you. Conscious that the Maester observes the exchange, you clear your throat. "I shall take my leave, my prince. The Maester will see to you now."
You tilt your head and curtsy in farewell. As you pass by Daemon, your hand brushes against his, the pads of his knuckes rough against your own. The first and likely the only time your skin will come into contact with his, you strangely think with regret. Still, it catches you off guard and you feel a sensation like needles pricking all the way up your arm.
"My lady," he greets, and under his breath, making sure the Maester cannot hear, he adds, "my lady fool."
Another smile is shared between the two of you.
Love is the death of duty, he had said. Sooner rather than late, you will find out just how it rings true.
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Supper with your Lord father is but another constant. You have always been grateful for it, especially since the passing of your late mother.
He is the only family you have around, with your elder sister already married off to some Lord in the Riverlands. She has already done what was expected of her, securing an alliance for House Arwen and bearing children for her Lord Husband.
The mantle has been passed on to you. It was never something to ponder over, as it is not something in your control.
Do your duty. Play your role. Pray that you never fall in love at all, Daemon said.
But might I fall in love with Tyland? Should that not be what I aim for?
"I heard that you encountered Prince Daemon this morning," your father says. "I trust that you acted accordingly as befits his station."
"Of course, father."
"Though it matters little to me how that rogue prince fares." The derision in his tone cannot be contained. Your father has never held Prince Daemon in any regard, viewing him as a waste of his titles.
"The Prince was gracious enough to exchange pleasantries with me."
Pleasantries. Never mind how he mocked your story, your family, and by extension, you.
"Careful, daughter. Prince Daemon is never loathe to chase after the nearest skirt that catches his fancy. I feel for his newly betrothed, the Lady Laena Velaryon. Far too good for him, that one."
"Daemon is betrothed?" you ask, unable to hide your surprise. Last you heard, his wife Rhea Royce passed in a tragic hunting accident. You also heard the whispers that she perished by her husband's hand.
After finally meeting him, you would not count it as an impossibility. But some part of you does not want to believe that he could be capable of something so vile.
"Yes, Prince Daemon has been betrothed once more. No doubt the most fruitful union for their Houses," your father confirms. With all this talk of betrothals, you already know what is coming, but your stomach sinks all the same when he adds, "as will be the union of House Arwen and House Lannister, dear daughter. You should consider yourself highly fortunate. I have toiled considerably to bring about your betrothal to Tyland Lannister."
"Of course, father." The words are empty, worn through, forever echoing in your ears.
Of course. I will do my duty. What is love after all, but a passing fancy, mere fiction entombed in between pages?
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The red scales of the infamous Blood Wyrm glisten under the bright sunlight.
Caraxes lets off an ear-splitting screech as Daemon guides him across the skies.
"Daor tolmiot sir." The Valyrian smoothly comes from Daemon like a song. Not far now.
Not far from the seat of House Arwen in the Westerlands. His destination, for some unknown reason.
Just the seventh day after he was sent to deliver the decree, he finds himself returning once more. It is the day that your Lord father, yourself, and the rest of your envoy are set to ride for King's Landing.
And Daemon has decided to extend an offer to you, the Lady Arwen, one that might infinitely expedite your travels.
There were a myriad of justifications floating around in his head. He found out that you are betrothed to Tyland Lannister and his actions on this day would no doubt ruffle the preening lion's mane.
Anything to needlessly anger a Lannister, Daemon would enjoy.
He would revel in the pleasure of bespoiling such a prim and strait-laced Lady such as yourself. It would be like sport to him.
It must also not be forgotten that this would rouse the ire of your Lord father, who has never held any love for Daemon and vice versa.
All these reasons make complete sense to Daemon. All but one which he does not allow himself to entertain.
That he wishes to see you.
Who are you, if not just another proper wench with your honour and your faith for the Seven Gods up your arse? Daemon has much more discerning tastes, from dragonrider to tavern whore, but never one with your disposition.
You are nothing to Daemon. No one.
But that does not mean he will refrain from indulging in the pleasure of causing chaos.
The clouds part as Caraxes dips lower, revealing the outline of your meagre castle.
"Sepār ilagon konīr." Daemon refers to the inner courtyard where a line of carriages await, precious possessions being lugged onto them by footsoldiers.
Caraxes dives down with precision, his wings casting a shadow over the courtyard as he suddenly descends, leaving everyone startled.
Daemon's boots heavily crunch against the gravel as he jumps down, and he scans the wary crowd for his prize.
Soldiers rising to attention, bowing their heads to their prince. Ladies-in-waiting openly ogling him as he draws nearer. The Maester and his apprentices approaching him with rushed greetings springing from their mouths.
And then, there you are.
Standing just behind the small crowd, whispering hurriedly to your companion. You shush when you spy Daemon heading right for you.
"My prince." You perform the usual curtsy. Daemon thinks the movement does not suit you. He much preferred it when you were getting riled up at his remarks back at your library.
"My lady," he greets. "Lovely weather we are having, is it not?"
You appear confused, your eyes narrowing and nose scrunching for but a brief moment, and Daemon relishes in prompting such an unguarded expression. But it reverts back into your polished smile.
"Yes, it... it is, my prince. Forgive me, but I was not aware that we were expecting you."
No. Of course not. "Let me rephrase that. It is lovely weather for dragonriding, and I am inclined to think that you would enjoy the journey to the Red Keep."
"I am afraid I do not follow."
Daemon gets right to the point and his next words ring true, leaving no room for doubt as to his intentions. "My lady, I would like for you to ride with me."
Your posture becomes slack, and you gape at him like he has grown a second head.
"That would be inappropriate, my prince."
"No," he sneers. "It would be inappropriate if I take you for myself right there on the dragonsaddle, my lady, but I merely wish to offer a ride."
Your companion blushes profusely at his words. Apparently the image affects her so much all she can do is stare at her feet.
You, on the other hand, are unyielding. Your eyes blazing right through his own violet. A nagging voice in Daemon's mind insists that this is what he came for. Nothing else.
You finally say, "It is unbecoming of me to even entertain that notion, Prince Daemon. My Lord father and my betrothed would surely not approve."
Daemon takes a step closer, and the two of you stand nearly toe to toe. "But do you not wish it? Do you not wish to fly on dragonback? Much like the heroes in your stories I would wager."
"Those are just stories. It would be foolish of me."
Daemon laughs dryly, "My lady, is that not what you are? A lady fool who dreams of adventure and love?"
You frown when he has you cornered, your thoughts whirring in that foolish head of yours. Daemon feels the need to run his thumb over your pursed lips.
Perhaps I am the foolish one.
The Maester interrupts, breaking the impasse, nervously looking between the two of you.
"My prince," he says, "if you came to speak to the Lord Arwen, he is still in his chambers. He should be on his way down shortly."
You glance at the Maester then back to Daemon, awaiting his response, but he has none to offer.
You tilt your head disapprovingly at his outright discourtesy until he extends his hand to you. "My lady," he says with sincerity, "you shall be made a good lady wife soon enough, but today I invite you to be foolish with your prince."
It is the Maester who speaks, "My prince, the Lady Arwen must not - "
But you rudely interrupt, a newfound fire blazing in your eyes. "Is it as exhilarating as the stories say?"
"Enough to please a fool," Daemon replies.
With a smile, you fit your hand right into his, consequences be damned.
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I may not write for him as often, but Daemon just might be my favourite to characterize and the most fun to weave stories with 🖤
This is a fixed miniseries, with a more or less fixed story, so it will only a three-parter.
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enby-trash-rat · 11 days
Chapter One Chapter Two
Chapter Three Chapter Four
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deecotan · 6 months
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🌱 Deeco's ZoSan Fic Rec List 🐥
Hello hello! This is going to be a slight rework for my zosan fic rec list, because I wanted to re-organize it and add some new fics while I'm at it, so this is going to be longer than the first. Feel free to check it out!
Latest update: November 2023
Because I started making this list long before August 2023, I won't add any fics that specifically take place in live-action setting because I haven't read much of them yet. I might consider updating this list to add fics with live-action setting in the future.
Sketches of Life (and Love) by Fledgling (Teen, 2.9k)
An exploration of a headcanon where Sanji likes to draw in his free time. This fic always leaves me with a warm feeling every time I read it because how endearingly sweet it is. It’s basically a domestic fluff story about both ZoSan and the Strawhats crew in general.
green with envy blues by adietxt (Gen, 1.5k)
A cute fic about Zoro being jealous. Jealous!Zoro has been one of those tropes that make me screech like a feral animal every time I come across it and this fic does exactly that. It’s pretty short and simple but it captures the characters very well. It’s set during pre-timeskip which makes it even better to me because pre-TS Zoro possesses that boyish quality that post-TS Zoro doesn’t necessarily have anymore.  OTHER FICS FROM THIS AUTHOR: Fuck, Marry, Kill (or, how Usopp becomes the best matchmaker of the sea without really trying) (Teen, 4.8k) — Usopp introduces the Strawhats to a game that ends up causing Sanji to overthink things - a lot of things.
Old Men Blues by postmoderne (Gen, 2k)
Quoting directly from the fic’s summary, “Sanji and Zoro: two ancient fucks (in love).” because this is exactly that, a story about old men ZoSan. Old Zoro and old Sanji are both still as stubborn as ever and it’s endearing. OTHER FICS FROM THIS AUTHOR: Something Golden (Teen, 1.6k) — Canon reimagining where Zoro met Sanji at the Baratie pre-series.
Meet me under the orange tree by candelina (Gen, 3.9k)
A canon divergence AU where Zoro and Sanji met as kids, as Zeff opened up Baratie in Zoro’s hometown. It’s an adorable and heartwarming story of little Zoro and little Sanji’s friendship. There’s also a part two which is also worth reading. OTHER FICS FROM THIS AUTHOR: The whole world will know (2.3k) — Old men ZoSan fic, this one involves Zoro deliberately showing himself to the Marines for god knows what. It’s sweet, it’s beautiful, and it shows that Zoro is as reckless and idiotic as he is a loving, devoted husband.
Zoro’s Boyfriend, Who Lives In Canada by donutsandcoffee (Gen, 2.6k)
Modern AU, where Zoro’s friends try to stop him from believing that his imaginary, totally made-up boyfriend actually exists. Of course Zoro’s boyfriend doesn’t actually exist, because with the way Zoro describes him he’s way too perfect to exist and how can anyone so perfect actually exist? A hilarious story of misunderstandings.  OTHER FICS FROM THIS AUTHOR: Prison Blues (Teen, 2.8k) and it’s a long way forward (Teen, 5k) — serve as both a ZoSan story and a great Sanji character study. 
The Three of Swords by 8ball (Teen, 30k, multi-chapters & completed)
A medieval AU with knight Zoro and prince Sanji, a concept that starts to really grow on me after I begin to read this fic. In this story, Zoro is a cursed knight appointed to serve Sanji, a kind-hearted prince whom Zoro eventually pines over. It’s a beautiful take of prince and knight AU; devoted knight Zoro is something that I didn’t know I need. It also has a sequel.  OTHER FICS FROM THIS AUTHOR: The Ocean's Child series — a canon-divergence mermaid!Sanji AU
(I Want) Someone to Love Me by three_days_late (Teen, 7.9k)
Sanji is about to turn 17, so he hopes that he can get his first kiss before that. A cute high school AU that involves everyone wanting to kiss Sanji (honestly, who doesn’t) but only one person gets to actually do it.  OTHER FICS FROM THIS AUTHOR: Blood Red (Teen, 400 words) — this might be a little biased because this fic is inspired by my comic, but it’s also a perfectly good reason why I must add it here; this fic is able to capture the spirit of the comic perfectly. If you want to read a short exposition of Zoro showing his darker, yet protective side, then this fic is worth the read. Warning for blood & hints of violence. The Christmas Swap (Teen, 37k, multi-chapters & completed) — a modern AU in which Sanji and Reiju switch partners during Christmas so they can attend their family gathering without having to come out as queer. It’s a wonderful story about family, relationships, and the struggles of maintaining those things as a queer person. The Only Way Out (Is Through) (Teen, 4.8k) — a beautiful Prince Sanji and Knight Zoro story, where circumstances forced them to separate & unable to be together. It also has a side Nami/Vivi. I Have Loved You for 1000 Years (I'll Love You for 1000 More) (Teen, 8.9k) — Another Prince Sanji & Knight Zoro AU involving time travel & the sacrifices you go through for the ones you love.
Curly Angel by APTX & translated to English by NMTD (Teen, 9.4k, two chapters & completed)
In this alternative canon universe, everyone has a guardian angel, and Zoro’s just happened to be Sanji. Hilarity ensues.
Let me be your Inspiration by TheWanderers (Teen, 19.8k)
College AU where Sanji is an artist/painter - another fic that explores Sanji as someone with an artistic streak, but also so much more. It’s a beautiful story that starts out with Zoro having to model for Sanji’s painting but ends up falling in love with him. I love the way the author adapts the characters’ canon backstory into this universe.
Retrogade by Hazel_Athena (Teen, 21.9k, two-chapters & completed)
Sanji got badly injured after a fight, and ends up losing a big chunk of memories - it doesn’t bother him too much until he notices how weird Zoro starts to act around him. A really good temporary amnesia fic with some really delicious pining!Zoro material. OTHER FICS FROM THIS AUTHOR: Medieval ZoSan series — a medieval arranged marriage AU. Renegade Queen (Teen, 76k, multi-chapters & completed) — a canon divergent AU where Sora lives and takes all her children with her - it's more of a Vinsmoke family story with ZoSan on the side.
Nothing Happened (Gen, 16k, multi-chapters & completed)
An angsty survival story where the Strawhats get stranded in a middle of the seas with no means to escape and rapidly declining food stock. This fic does a really good job at keeping you in suspense, and the way it handles Zoro and Sanji's relationship destroyed me emotionally. OTHER FICS FROM THIS AUTHOR: Each A Love Song (Gen, 8.6k) — Sanji is frustrated because Zoro’s surprisingly popular with women when he doesn’t even like them back. A story of a confused Sanji trying to find love and being the World’s Most Oblivious Man. Three Blades (Gen, 5k) — a Western AU where Sanji is a saloon owner and Zoro is a bounty hunter.
The Melody of Missing You by BleuReivers (Teen, 11k)
Zoro is forced to confront his feelings in the aftermath of Sanji's departure during the Whole Cake Island arc. I love the way this story examines Zoro's softer, more vulnerable side in a painfully beautiful way, and the whole fic has this hazy, dream-like vibe that really fits with the plot.
Sick Day by Styx_in_the_mud (Teen, 1.3k)
Zoro gets sick, and Sanji takes care of him. A short sick!fic with a simple premise but very cute nonetheless.
Deep by CharlieNozaki (Mature, 171k, multi-chapters & completed)
This is There Are Many Benefits to Being A Marine Biologist: The Fic. Okay jokes aside, this is a modern fantasy AU fic where merpeople exist and it mainly tells about marine biologist Sanji and merman Zoro. It has an interesting premise and deals with some heavy subjects in later chapters, hence the Mature tag. It has a sequel, though it's currently ongoing. OTHER FICS FROM THIS AUTHOR: The Game — a Modern AU with slight fantasy-ish element, where Zoro and Sanji are young orphans who find a mysterious game that might be able to change their lives.
Delphinium by toastie_bread (Mature, 39k, multi-chapters & completed)
Set in modern AU, stylist Sanji meets with police detective Zoro after his beauty salon got robbed; a cute rom-com story. There's also a side LawLu.
Steady, As She Goes by auspizien (Explicit, 155k, multi-chapters & completed)
I’ve always loved auspizien’s fics and this is the one fic that made me fall in love with their writing. This is a modern AU story where Zoro is an ex-agent with PTSD who meets and befriends Sanji, a paramedic. It’s a multi-chapter fic filled with humor, angst, pining, action, and good ol’ slow-burn.  OTHER FICS FROM THIS AUTHOR: The Android Acquaintance (Explicit, 10k) — dystopian cyberpunk AU with android Sanji and bounty hunter Zoro. This fic partly inspires me to make the Blade Runner 2049 ZoSan art!
The Tribulations of Temptation by SweetyGreeny (Explicit, 18.5k)
Zoro accidentally sees Ace and Sanji doing… the do, and then spends days after that feeling shocked, confused, angry, and disappointed.  A delicious story of pining and jealous Zoro. There’s a slight AceSan in the beginning but the endgame is still ZoSan.   OTHER FICS FROM THIS AUTHOR: A Siren’s Sinking Song (Teen, 12k) — a canon-divergent AU where Sanji is a siren who one day meets a peculiar swordsman from a wandering ship; this story is beautiful and I love the idea of siren!Sanji, but please note the major character death TW.  The Burden of Blondes (Explicit, 11k) — Sanji finds out that Zoro has a thing for blondes, and for some reason he feels uneasy. A fun story with some good smut, and inspired me to make an art loosely based on it.
Thy Fearful Symmetry by Harubo (Explicit, 14.3k)
A modern AU where Sanji is a tourist visiting a tiger reserve during a family vacation and Zoro is a detective investigating a poaching ring. All of Harubo’s fics are godsend but I particularly love this one because the setting reads like a perfect rom-com drama movie about a stressed, overworked chef meeting a handsome detective. There’s also a nice tidbit where the Vinsmoke siblings are trying to get along with each other.
Done Dirt Cheap by Balderdashfromafool (Explicit, 99.7k, multi-chapters & completed)
A Western ZoSan AU, where Zoro is an outlaw and Sanji is a small town chef. This one is fun and lovely, and as someone who doesn’t read a lot of Western-themed stories, I love the way the author describes the Western setting in this fic. 
The Fox's Heart by Shadowcatxx (Explicit, 32k, multi-chapters & completed)
Historical/mythological AU where fox spirit Sanji falls in love with human samurai Zoro. A pretty heavy story about forbidden romance but ends with a happy ending. The fic deals with some period-typical issues like homophobia, misogyny, sexism, and transphobia, as well as some depictions of violence and (slight) animal abuse, so please be aware of that.
Mine by burnwaywardbird (Explicit, 4k)
A pure PWP fic of Zoro “punishing” Sanji for flirting with strangers. Super kinky and involves slight dom/sub undertones. Also, while this is mostly pure PWP, this fic is technically part of a series and while can be read as a standalone, I highly recommend to read the other parts as well (especially the ones preceding this fic).
pretty sanji series (Pretty & Surprise) by kickingsanji (12.6k in total)
A series of fics exploring Sanji's femininity and Zoro discovering that he has a thing for Sanji being pretty & wearing pretty things. As a Pretty Sanji truther, I love these fics to bits, not only because it handles Sanji dealing with his insecurities when it comes to his gender expression in a gentle, respectful way, but also because the smut is very good.
All Will be Well by thecrownofclowns (Explicit, 17k)
An incredibly sad but sweet zombie apocalypse AU about Sanji trying to survive the zombie outbreak all by himself, before eventually meeting Zoro. One of my favorite hurt/comfort fics.
Onigiri by himaaneko (Teen, 2.3k)
Very cute domestic family fic of Zoro, Sanji, and their son. For those who prefers a softer omegaverse with family/love-children fluff on the side, this fic is for you.
Bite Me by Shadowcatxxx (Mature, 15k, two-chapters & completed)
Sanji got attacked while he was alone on the ship, causing him to go into heat. Zoro tries to help, but not without consequences. An exposition on how Zoro and Sanji handle their dynamics, and their feelings towards each other. Please mind the tags with this one.
fever by adietxt (Explicit, 6.4k, multi-chapters & completed)
I'm pretty sure that this is the first omegaverse ZoSan story that I have ever read, and one of the best ones I've ever read for a good reason. It involves Sanji, who suddenly got into his heat, and Zoro, the first one to discover Sanji in heat and learns for the first time he's an omega. I won't spoil anything, but I can say that the ending is great, the porn is delicious, and Zoro being possessive is exquisite.
Steps of Calidity by auspizien (Explicit, 42k, multi-chapters & completed)
I'm gonna preface this by saying that the smut here is ungodly good and very, very hot - and to be perfectly honest, one of the main reasons why I like this fic so much. But the plot is just as good and has an interesting take of how omegaverse dynamics might work in a modern world. Don't forget to mind the tags as well.
Sweet by ElAlmaDelMar (Explicit, 1.8k)
Sanji starts lactating during his pregnancy; Zoro finds it very hot. This one is just straight up kinky. It's a sequel to another story but can be read as a standalone.
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