#it doesn't feel like a teenage fling
hearts-are-connected · 5 months
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Dang it, I love this ship and I love the enemies to lovers trope. I get that a lot of people see them as a surrogate father and daughter relationship, but it feels like a been there/done that kinda thing.
As much as I love that trope, I'm also a little tired of it. There's only so much Last of Us style found family I take after seeing it for so many years.
The thing I love about VaultGhoul or Ghoulcy is the idea of Lucy breaking down of Cooper's walls while he helps build hers up.
Is he incredibly cruel to her and those around him in the first season? Yes, extremely
Does he need to chill out and find some of his humanity that's been buried under 200+ years of wasteland survival and bitterness? Yes
Who can bring that needed direction to his life while learning the ways of the new world she finds herself in? Lucy MacLean
I know that the canon ship of the show at this moment is Lucy and Maximus, and as much as I love him, I find the pairing obvious and kind of boring from a story telling perspective. I loved it on my first viewing, but upon re-watching the series, I wasn't as behind it as before. I see their relationship, kiss and all, as a kind of first fling for the both of them.
While it doesn't diminish the care they show one another, there's not a lot behind them as a couple. Now I know that some people might turn around to say how she and Cooper spent less time together than her and Max, but I guess the thing I look forward to is seeing what their relationship brings with the second season.
I feel like Max and Lucy will have a great friendship and I'm interested to see where the Brotherhood fits into their dynamic as well.
With Cooper though, I find his story so tragic, as it's supposed to be. He's your standard hardened survivor who only looks out for himself that's now stuck with the happy-go-lucky main character, however, she's not that character anymore by the end. She's still going to be the Lucy we love, but she's changed by the end. While not losing her compassion and some optimism, I think Cooper is going to bring out a harsher side to her as we saw when she bit off his finger.
I want to see her building up her walls and learning when to let them down. How to truly survive while still bringing her own energy to the wasteland and people around her. I want to see Cooper regaining some lost humanity while learning to truly care for another person again. To see the two of them as eventual equals in one another's eyes as they continue on their journey as reluctant allies.
I also want to say that I'm personally kind of tired of the 'age gap' argument. We have stories of teenagers falling in love with hundred year old vampires. So can we just drop the age gap thing?
As long as they're both consenting adults who understand what they're getting themselves into, who cares about an age gap.
Does it truly matter in the scheme of things when we're talking about a world with cryo-stasis and super mutants?
I personally don't think so.
I don't know if anyone will even bother reading this entire thing, and I know I went on a little long, but I wanted to write down my thoughts on the whole shipping situation with the Fallout TV show fandom at this moment.
I'm a VaultGhoul shipper and I can't wait to see where the second season takes our main trio of characters.
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legobiwan · 1 month
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We need to talk about this. And I'm going to start right off with a contentious claim:
Ford was willing to gamble the fate of his entire dimension to feed his ego and insecurities and Bill had him pegged from Square One.
This sounds like a harsh statement. It kind of is. When we first meet Ford in the show, all we end up learning from him is that restarting the Portal was dangerous and could (and did) create a rift that would open the door for Bill and his gang to end the world. And Ford pins this entirely on Stanley, excoriating him for not listening to his warnings in the journals and doing whatever he wanted, like a set of monkeys flinging shit at walls until he happened to get it correct.
Ford is a highly unreliable narrator. After all, as Stan rightfully said, who built the portal in the first place?
But we need to go deeper.
In Journal 3, Ford speaks to the necessity of hiding his journals, which he - to be quite honest - does a crappy job of. Why keep two out of the three journals in Gravity Falls, a mere hair's breath from the actual Portal, which for some mysterious reason, Ford has declined to - you know - actually destroy? Why bury the Journals near an elementary school with children - children who tend to be curious creatures and can and will find a way to discover what they shouldn't? Why call on your estranged brother who you claim to despise as an absolute last resort? Ford's narrative, if you really start to analyze it, makes zero sense. And it makes zero sense because it's an edifice, a personal mythology meant to be a bulwark against the horrible truth of Ford's motivations.
"I've stared at the fire, journals in hand, for hours. I just can't do it. The knowledge in here could be a gift to mankind, the portal's potential limitless. Am I really going to destroy it all just out of spite? No, I won't give HIM the satisfaction. Instead of destroying my work, I'll find a way to DESTROY BILL INSTEAD. If Cipher has a weakness, I'll find it. I'll outsmart the devil yet! He may be a god, but I am a scientist."
Ford could have ended this thirty years ago if his ego hadn't gotten in the way. All he had to do was burn the journals and destroy the portal, just like every other human Bill tried to con over the years. How much did Ford actually care about the end of the world as much as he cared about Bill's betrayal and losing his earth-shattering (quite literally) research?
He didn't. And given this, is it a surprise that Bill, when he finally was able to breach dimensions and start Weirdmaggedon, still placed bets that Ford would join him in the end? The man who said, "Fuck the universe, I need everyone to know I was right."
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This isn't about the possible apocalypse. Ford doesn't make one, single mention of that here, doesn't seem to give one fuck if the world burns, as long as he can prove himself to be better than Bill and better than everyone who doubted him for all his life.
And this is why, I am certain, that when Bill perused Ford's possible futures, a large majority ended up with Ford turning to the dark side, as it were.
There's a reason Ford pulled these journal pages. They don't fit his self-constructed narrative of the heroic martyr who wants to save the world. Ford edits his own story again and again, pushing everyone away so they won't see just how insecure and absolutely desperate for validation he is.
Sound like someone we know? Maybe a yellow triangle who literally outlines the steps to denial in his teenage angst journal?
Bill, in essence, promised Ford the universe. Yes, literally, but also the universe in terms of what Ford always wanted - recognition and revenge. Ford, by not destroying the Portal or his journals, didn't 100% reject this proposal, even if that equivocation was subconscious. It's why - I think - Bill feels Ford's just put him "on read" after he fell through the Portal (according to Alex Hirsch).
Ford's going to have to come to terms with this. Maybe he did during his time in the Portal. We have no idea how much Ford did or didn't mellow while being stuck on the other side of the universe, although we do know a) he still holds a massive grudge against his brother and b) Bill is still able to play him like a lyre when he asks about the equation to pop the bubble around Gravity Falls. (And I do not for one second believe that Ford was trying to buy time when he admits that "Of course, a simple equation could collapse the barrier," when Bill questions him about it. Ford needs to prove that he knows the answer, that he figured it out, that he's a scientist and outsmarted a god. Again, if the kids and Stan hadn't come to Ford's rescue, it's very hard to say where Ford would have landed in the end).
The thing is, there's a part of Ford that realizes he's being an ass, that he needs someone. We see this with Bill, obviously, with Fiddleford in the ways Ford runs so incredibly hot and cold with the man (I need you, no I don't need you) - with Stan, who is a last resort but the only person Ford trusts enough to summon to Oregon. Because Ford didn't need Stan to destroy the journals or the portal - but he needed someone, maybe he needed a dollar-store Bill in his life, maybe he just needed someone to reach out like that. Ford fucks it up, wildly, as he can't let his ego go and allow Stan (who is being extremely practical, if bitter) to burn the journals like Ford should have weeks previous.
And well, we all know how that turned out.
What I'm curious about - and what I think needs to be covered more in fandom - is how Ford deals with all of this post-Weirdmaggedon. He's obviously in contrition mode at this point, swinging wildly to this penitent, self-abusing figure who will claim fault for the tiniest infraction.
That's not going to last him long. The type of change and self-reflection Ford needs is not going to come overnight. At some point, his uglier tendencies are going to rear their head on the Stan O'War and Stan is going to have to weather the blowback (or just throw his brother overboard). One might say Ford himself needs a little time the Theraprism, as he nearly consigned his own reality to damnation just like Bill did.
I love Ford. I adore Ford. He is so, so, so complicated. But ohhh boi, Fordsy, do you have issues with a Capital "I".
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loudclan-clangen · 2 months
sort of an out of the blue ask, but I remember when Weed was first introduced, she and Tundrafrost were said to be old friends and they were being pretty touchy and blushy with each other and Chickadeeblur seemed kinda jealous. Did they actually have a thing for each other, or did Chickadee just misinterpret it that way?
…also I can imagine Weed sort of being the wine aunt to Tundra’s kids and that’s cute to me lol
Tundrafrost and Weed did in fact "have a thing" in their much younger years. Tundrafrost and Chickadeeblur didn't grow up in the valley, and throughout their journey to it Tundra had many non-serious flings, of which Weed was one. When Weed was looking for a place to settle down for her old lady years, she reached out to Tundrafrost, whom welcomed her to the clan. Chickadeeblur had no real reason to be jealous, as she has no interest in taking a mate at this age, and the three are very good friends now. You're so right though, they definately do a kid trade where Tundra and Chickadee get to enjoy Cavepaw's baby phase and take him exploring out of camp to get his energy out while Weed settles down to talk Kingfur, Sockeyepelt, and Chumpaw through their standard teenager drama.
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*bonk* *bonk* *bonk* *bonk* *bonk* *bonk* *bonk* *bonk* *bonk*
hehe, love it!
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I try to keep the names the game gives me if it doesn't contradict with the setting. Things like "Owl", "Weed", "Jagged", or "Fierce" while not being Alaska specific are things or ideas that would be accessible to the cats and therefore I leave those. But names that do contradict or just seem boring to me I do try to change to something similar but more specific. Sand -> Silt, Chicken -> Chickadee, Prarie -> Tundra, Dog -> Dogwood, etc. It's not that any of these couldn't exist in nature in alaska, they just didn't feel like they fit the story at this point. In the first couple of hundred moons I tried to make sure that litters were named thematically based off of the oldest kit's name and their parent's personality, but after time this just became too much work and I think the random names are fun too. That's why the Tundra x Chickadee babies are all types of salmon and the healer kits all have long plant names. Some themes are definately looser than others. I do definately change the sillier names and try to balance out the "weird", for example, the fish babies all have pretty plain suffixes because their prefixes are pretty out-there and nothing else seemed to pair very well with them. "Kingflight" is just a little much, to my ear at least. Also the healer kits will have short suffixes because their prefixes are so long and just from a purely mechanical standpoint I can't fit "Dogwoodcaterpillar" or "Rosehiptadpole" in a comic panel.
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Thank you! And go for it! I'd love to see people use my ideas in their own ways! If you want to give a little "insert idea inspired by @loudclan-clangen" I'd appreciate it a ton, (mostly cause I want to go see what you guys are making), but if not that's totally fine. I'm definitely not the first person to do a lineage challenge, but I'm glad that you like my system!
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muxshwriting · 4 months
who we are
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Max Verstappen x reader
summary: both of them dreaming, both hoping. But the second one tries to make it reality, it all crumbles down || warning: miscommunications, angst, fluff || word count: 1494 || masterlist
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Everyone knew Max and Y/N loved each other. The only people who didn't know that were Max and Y/N. You'd been friends since childhood, growing up a few doors down from Max. You'd followed him to every karting race you could, cheering him on from the sidelines no matter where he finished. When Jos was unhappy, he would spend a weekend at your house, spending all his spare time either karting or with you.
He was your first kiss, when you were both barely teenagers but wanted to know what it felt like. Max had offered, ever so kindly, to show you and you had agreed.
As you grew, many people expected you to grow apart, as you studied at university and Max travelled the world but you never did. You would stay in touch with Max all year round, visiting races when you could. And during the off season, Max would come back to the Netherlands, joining your family for the holidays and taking you abroad. You had gelled with his friends immediately, fitting into the group as if you had always been there. Despite fitting in so well, you and Max could always be found apart from the group of an evening.
You would be tangled up with each other, your legs slung over him and his am resting lazily around your shoulders. If anyone asked, it didn't mean anything. You were friends, best friends. You just found comfort in each others company and liked the warmth the other provided. There was no other reason for your behaviour at all...
“Y/N?” Daniel is tapping you on the back, getting your attention. You were at the home grand prix, waiting for Max to finish up in his driver's room after the race.
“What’s up?”
“Max is asking for you.” He pauses. “It's Jos and it's… it’s pretty bad.”
Before he had even finished speaking, you were rushing out of hospitality and heading towards Max's motorhome. His father was never happy unless Max was winning everything all of the time. Max had placed second, a very good result, especially considering the wet conditions. But second is the first loser to Jos and therefore, Max was a disgrace to the Verstappen name.
You slowly open the door to see a teary-eyes Max looking up at you. You open your arms just in time for Max to fling himself into them and cling on tightly. "Don't listen to Jos, Max. He doesn't know what he's talking about."
"He's my dad."
You wrap your arm around his shoulders and pull him closer. "You're an adult Max. You don't have to listen to him anymore."
"He doesn't understand." You press. "He was never as good as you, alright? He'll never know the feeling of crossing that line first, of winning the championship. You do, you know the feeling ten times over."
"Okay." You smile at him, relishing the feeling of him in your arms. "A bunch of the drivers are going out tonight, you feeling up to it?"
Max nods, slowly pulling away. "I'll pick you up from your room?"
"I'd like that."
Later that night, you smoothed down you dress, fiddling with your hair as you waited. The soft knock on the door sent your heart racing, knowing that it was Max. As you opened the door, Max was bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, a smile playing at the corner of your lips. He tenderly offered you his arm, his shirt falling open just a little more.
The club was packed, full of drivers, their friends and plenty of girls. A small hint of jealousy stirred in your stomach but you pushed it down. Max wasn't yours. You didn't have the right to be jealous when you couldn't even admit it. Danny found you an hour later, moping in a booth you watched Max dance with another girl.
"What are you moping about?"
You motioned your head to Max and the girl. Danny chuckled at your apparent jealousy and slid in next to you.
"I wouldn't worry about some random girl, he's only got real eyes for you."
"Yeah right."
Danny huffed. "You guys fit so well together, you're perfect!"
"You know we don’t work Danny. It would never work out."
"Of course you could be together!" Danny slurred. "Max loved you since you were kids. He’s just scared of his feelings. He doesn’t want to ruin anything."
Danny looked confused. "What did I say?"
"You said Max loves me."
Danny grinned, sleepily. "Yeah. He does, he really does but don’t tell him I told you. You’re not supposed to know."
You leave Danny to figure out where his limbs are and search the crowd for Max. In your conversation, he'd abandoned the girl, now laughing with a couple other drivers and nursing drinks. You lock eyes across the dance floor, weaving through other people to reach one another.
Underneath the fluorescent glow of the club, two hearts beat in rhythm. You and Max stood facing each other, your eyes locked in a silent conversation that spoke volumes. It was a moment suspended in time, the world around them fading into the background as you leaned closer, drawn together by an irresistible magnetic pull. Your breaths mingled, warm and hesitant.
And then, with a trembling hand and a surge of courage, you close the distance between them, your lips brushing softly against Max's in a delicate dance of anticipation. Max surged forward himself, pressing his lips back into yours, melding perfectly together. Time seemed to stand still as their hearts collided, the world falling away as they lost themselves in the sweet ecstasy of that kiss.
It was a kiss filled with longing and desire, a silent proclamation of the feelings that had blossomed between them, unspoken but understood. In that fleeting moment, everything changed, their bond deepening with each beat of their hearts. As they finally pulled away, their lips still tingled with the ghost of their embrace.
But Max said nothing. He stared.
Someone bumped into you, pushing you slightly further away. Max didn't move. He just stared at the spot you had been in as you were tussled away by the crowd. You waited by the bar, trying to spot Max amongst the chaos, trying to find him again, to say something, anything. But he had disappeared.
Max hadn't spoken to you since the kiss. It had been a whole week and you had heard nothing. He was answering other people but ignoring all your messages. You had sent him one that night asking if you had overstepped. He had read you message, he had read all of them but he had replied to none.
You had come to the next race anyway, wanting to support him regardless. Danny stuck by your side, welcoming you to his side of the garage so you could avoid Max. You hadn't told Danny exactly what happened, just that you and Max weren't talking.
Your peace was disrupted when Max wandered over to ask Danny for something. He spotted you and paled, his eyebrows creasing together and his eyes softening. Without a word, he turned on his heel and fled, passing a very confused Daniel in the doorway.
Danny bounded over, glancing at a retreating Max. "What's going on with you and Max? He looks like a sad cat."
You sigh. "I kissed him."
"You kissed-" The outburst was immediate. "When?"
"At the party last weekend."
"Why is he so miserable then?"
"I don't know! He hasn't talked to me since. He's not answering any of my texts."
"He’s an idiot." Danny suggested. "Maybe he’s hit his head and forgotten who you are? I’ll go talk to him, alright?"
Danny's pep talk must have worked wonders because it took less than ten minutes for Max to come and find you again, silently sitting down next to you. "I want to talk to you."
"About what?" You’re secretly hoping he wants to tell you that he fucked up, that the kiss meant a lot and that’s why he stayed away, but your brain tells you to think realistically.
Max frowned. "I don’t really know…"
You stay silent, simply looking at Max and waiting.
"I was an idiot." He confesses. "You deserve a whole lot better than what I can offer you… I’m sorry I can’t give you what you deserve."
"No! I fucked up and walked away and then I was too afraid to text you back because I thought I’d ruined it. Then I actually ruined it by ignoring you. When you kissed me, I panicked mainly because I didn’t think it was actually happening and then I realised it was actually happening but you had pulled away." Max said hurriedly. "I just really want to kiss you."
The smile that covers your face is contagious. "Then kiss me."
You and I burned out our steam, chasing someone else's dream.
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fallen down my f1 rabbithole... i'm definitely mentally stable xx
taglist: @aoi-targaryen
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starlightsuffered · 3 months
Naked To Bed
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Info - domesticity, not wearing clothes to bed, mentions of sex
Leaning about her had been an honour. As we'd unpacked I'd learned some very cute quirks. She never wore socks, no matter how cold. She much preferred brown sugar to white. She always liked a fan on at night. She thought it was horrible to bend down pages, so she needed a lot of bookmarks.
Tonight was the first night we were furnished enough for us to stay the night in our new house. I felt like a teenage boy who was getting to see a girl in a bikini for the first time. That was how excited I was to sleep with her in our home.
I would hold her and wake up to her in a home that belonged to us. I was flinging off my clothing. When y/n walked into our bedroom she gave me a surprised look. She'd been slumped in exhaustion a moment ago, but now she looked curious.
"Why are you naked?" She asked.
"Because we're about to go to bed," I said. I could have rubbed my hands together in glee.
"Yeah...." She trailed off. She looked around awkwardly.
"Um Tim," she mumbled.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"I'm not in the mood for sex," she said slowly.
"Oh that's okay, I know you're probably super tired," I commented pleasantly.
"Okay," she nodded. She still looked like she was very unsure of the situation. I didn't know what was wrong
"I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep," she told me.
"Me too, I can't wait to go to bed," | nodded, nearly bouncing on my heels.
"And, you're still naked," she said, cocking her head to the side.
I was wondering why she seemed so confused. She walked tentatively towards me. She was looking me up and down.
"And.... We're not having sex?"
"No, I wasn't planning on it," I shook my head. I didn't know that my arms could hold me up to fuck her, but I knew they could hold her.
"So, you sleep naked Chalamet?" She purred.
"Yup," I said and popped the P. I grabbed her and hugged her to me.
"See, doesn't have to be dirty. Doesn't the skin to skin contact feel good?" | asked as I nuzzled against her like a happy cat.
"Okay, okay," she giggled.
"Don't pretend you don't loooooove it," I teased.
"We'll see, let's go to sleep Mr.," she sighed peacefully. I carefully pulled her to bed. She got in and snuggled against me. I held my girl as we both dozed off.
In the middle of the the night I felt her shift. She pulled off her top. She was left in her panties. She made sure she was snug back in my arms. Our skin was bare against each other. I felt myself let out a happy sigh. I kissed her forehead.
In the morning we woke up slowly and groggily. She yawned and kissed my chin. She had a wide smile on her face even though her eyes were shut.
"How did you sleep?"
"I felt so light and calm. I was in complete tranquility. The skin to skin contact made me feel so safe and secure.
I'm sorry I teased you. I love it, can we do it forever?" She rambled and asked with big desperate eyes.
My heart swelled. I buried my face in her neck. I held back a sudden bout of emotion. I kissed her throat.
"Yes," I nodded with a huge smile. "We can do it forever."
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changbinsboobs · 1 month
Underlined = done
Not underlined = work in progress
* For group readings i take just 1 card (unless inclined otherwise), and focus on the strongest energy presented.
* For individual readings i pick 3-5 cards, more if needed and focus on multiple energies and go much more into details. The overall depth of the reading is much more intense.
🌿🥥SKZ Group🥥🌿
What I've come to learn about each member through tarot?
SKZ when they have a crush
How would Skz behave around/towards their crush?
What attracts SKZ at first sight?
What age do Skz prefer for their partner?
Physical traits SKZ are attracted to
Traits of SKZ their Future Spouse
SKZ Who's the next important person coming into their life
SKZ How will they meet their Soulmate
What is SKZ unconsciously attracted to
How SKZ kiss
SKZ Toxic Traits
SKZ Green Flags
SKZ love language
SKZ Size
SKZ pet peeves/ turn offs
SKZ annoying habits
SKZ destructive habits
Would and how would SKZ approach their crush
What limiting believes do SKZ have
How SKZ view their life
How SKZ feel about their idol life
Are SKZ happy with their idol persona / group persona / music genre?
How do Skz smell like?
What partner do they need vs what they want?
What would be their ideal job?
Do they think about building their own family?
As husbands?
As fathers?
Dark sides?
What type of physical contact do they enjoy/crave?
What do they need / want to receive in bed?
What do they think of themselves in bed?
In relationships / as a boyfriend?
In their career?
As a person overall?
Brutally honest: what do they think if each other?
5 Fights that they have had
How does a one night stand with an idol look like?
What ethnicity are they most attracted to?
Who is more into commoners vs idols/celebs?
The mundane & everyday life in a relationship with them
Let our boys VENT😮‍💨 (i have a feeling its gonna be lots of Changbin)
Nature or the city
Which member of Skz would flirt/date multiple people at once?
My take on Skz Rising sign (tropical & sidereal)
What each member thinks of their place in skz and in comparison with the other members?
What Skijigi think of / view each member?
Who in Skz is most likely to date a fan?
Who in SKZ is neurodivergent and what "type"?
Dorm pairs dynamic (August 2024)
Long term relationships or flings?
Do they want kids? How many? (Hyung line)
Skz's sexual orientation based on their energy
How are Skz in bed?
MTL playful energy and easy to connect in readings
Skz view on the kpop Industry & where its headed
How do Skz feel about moving in pairs?
Have Skz ever had a tarot reading done for them?
Who in Skz is interested in Tarot?
What do Skz think of the future of the group?
How do Skz feel about the LGBTQ Community?
How would Skz be in FWB?
What do Skz dream about?
Skz dorm pairings' opinion on each other?
Skz' reaction if another guy likes their crush/s/o?
Who's most naive and gullible?
What do Skz think of Han's tattoo?
Whats a giveaway that they have a crush?
What were they like as kids?
As teenagers?
Whats their biggest insecurity? (Physical & non-physical)
What physical traits do Skz like about themselves and what are the self conscious about?
How would Skz react/feel to a compliment from their crush?
What type of drunk are Skz?
Who from Skz goes clubbing?
Who's clapping cheeks regularly, who wishes to, who's beating and who doesn't care?
Relationship with their family
Skz' first love
Skz' first heartbreak
Skz' first time
Skz' most significant relationship (romantic)
Skz' most significant relationship/event (platonic)
Dreams I've had with Skz
🪐Bang Chan🐺
As a boyfriend
Personality Reading
Current Energy 14.9.24/ Ideal Type
Reputation Reading
What should he work on (shadow work)
Kink Reading
🥘Lee Know🐈
Kink Reading
Personality Reading
As a boyfriend
Current energy
Current love life 31.8.24
What were his tarot readings about?
An insight into his friendships
Insight into his family dynamic
Personality Reading
His dark side / shadow self
Kink reading
What should he work on (shadow work)
A-Z 18+
As a boyfriend
Personality reading
What did his tarot readings say?
His Kinks
What should he work on (shadow work)
His dark side / shadow self
Kink Reading
Personality Reading
His dark side / shadow self
What should he work on (shadow work)
How do his close ones view him?
Personality Reading
Current love life
Personality reading
Personality Reading
🌳Other Groups🌳
Ateez Yunho, florist rumor
Twice what attracts them at first sight?
Seventeen Mingyu Kink Reading
Enhypen Jay in a relationship
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
I am way, way early for sleepover day butttt this popped into my head and I’m curious to see what you can do with “This is my wife, Dr. Bradshaw. She’s been accused of stirring the pot before.”
(I, an aspiring PhD, am FERAL for being called doctor. I’m also curious what Dr. Bradshaw did. If it doesn’t spark inspo, are you studying anything? What was your favorite subject in school?)
standing at the bar, a smile tugging on your lips as the suns sinks into the ocean just outside, you sigh a happy sigh. you're off work for the next several days--which rarely happens--and that means you can spend every waking moment with your hunk of a husband.
he's currently losing a game of pool to Phoenix, who's tickled pink that you're here so Bradley won't pout all night, and stealing glances at you whenever he can chance it.
God, does he look good, too--that dumb Hawaiian shirt that really must have some sort of magic in it, a tight white t-shirt, blue jeans. he's tan and happy and warm and everything in the world that you love. and you're fairly certain that isn't just the Long Island iced teas talking. being married for the past three years hasn't really changed much at all for the two of you--you still daydream about him like a ditzy teenager. and he still gets flustered when you catch his gaze and wink--it's one of the things you love most about him; how easy you can make him blush.
"isn't he handsome?" you ask out loud to no one in particular--and you're fairly certain that it is because of the Long Island iced teas.
Jake Seresin happens to be standing beside you, waiting for Penny to finish up with another customer so he can get his first whiskey sour of the night, and he glances at you when he hears the dreamy lilt in your tone.
shit--you're hot. he doesn't know how he didn't notice you here before. for a quick minute, he racks his brain, trying to place you. he knows you're familiar--maybe a past fling or a match on tinder--but nothing's calling out to him.
he gives you a once-over, a sly one, and notices a few things: the way your breasts strain against the fabric of your tee shirt, the gloss over your eyes, the way those jeans hug your hips, and a wedding ring.
he follows your gaze to Bradley, who's gaping as Phoenix absolutely demolishes him in pool without so much as breaking a sweat, and frowns.
"eh," Jake answers, shrugging. he turns and catches your gaze, his brows slightly knit. "he's married, anyway."
oh. you recognize this guy from all of Bradley's stories--this is Jake. Hangman. you two seem to always just miss each other: you're out of town when he comes over for a football game, you're working at the hospital when he's on base, you're at the grocery store when he FaceTimes Bradley.
for a moment, you maintain his gaze, waiting for him to place you. but he's just staring at you blankly.
"married, huh?" you ask softly, leaning in closer to Jake. you make a show of looking all around Bradley and Jake's brows knit even further--you're brash for a married woman looking at a married man. "I don't see a wife?"
Jake scoffs softly, an incredulous smile tugging on his lips. surely you're joking. but then he keeps watching you eye fuck Bradley, teeth sunken into your lower lip, and he automatically straightens his spine.
"you're married too," Jake points out, nodding to your ring finger. he crosses his arms over his chest. "how'd your husband feel knowing you're eyeing a Navyman?"
"ooh," you sing-song, batting your lashes. "he's a man in uniform, too, huh?"
Christ. you're less shameless than him.
"and married," Jake repeats, frowning a bit now. "you know, like you. married. holy matrimony and all that. union. like, legally bound."
stifling a laugh, you give a very blasé shrug of your shoulders and bite your lip.
"all the good ones are taken," you say, wrinkling your nose. "don't you think I deserve a little fun?"
Jake fully scoffs now, aghast at your behavior. it takes everything in your body not to break character and introduce yourself. but you wanna see how far you can take this: you've heard stories about Jake. a shameless, over-confident creature who'll turn taken women into single women with a bat of his long lashes. and you've got him gaping at you like you're some sort of wild animal.
but before he can say anything else, Bradley finally wanders up behind you, pressing a few kisses to your cheek as he wraps his arms around your waist.
and that is about all Jake can take.
"listen, man, I don't know your wife but I'm sure she wouldn't be too happy about you kissing up on another married woman!" Jake says, hands on his hips. he's never been more disappointed in Bradley before. he feels like he's in the fucking Twilight Zone. Bradley "I Never Shut Up About My Hot Wife" Bradshaw shacking up with some stranger at the bar while his wife probably busts her ass at the hospital? no fucking way. "and I ain't gonna hold my tongue about it--I'll tell you that now."
when Bradley laughs, Jake just blinks at him. but then you're laughing, too, patting Bradley's chest.
"we almost had him!" you tell Bradley, shoving him playfully. "that vein in his forehead was starting to throb!"
instinctively, Jake slides a finger across his forehead. huh. maybe it was. how the fuck would you know about that vein, though?
"Jake," Bradley says with a grin. "this is my wife--Dr. Bradshaw. she's known to occasionally stir the pot."
beaming at a still-flustered Jake, you extend your left hand.
"pleasure's all mine."
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nwjws · 11 months
10 months (TEASER) - SJY
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; SYNOPSIS - when you first meet your best friend’s brother, your first thought is, “holy shit, he’s gorgeous.” your second thought is, “holy shit, he’s a baby.” younger guys aren't exactly your thing, but jake insists that your age gap of 10 months really isn’t that big. 
; PAIRING - jake x fem!reader
; TAGS - one-shot, fluff, angst, younger!jake, older!reader, not by much though, high school au, inspired by their song, best friend’s brother trope ; WARNINGS - cursing, umm nothing else (for the teaser at least)
; WC - 1k (teaser) full fic est. idk probably more than 5k
; RELEASE - hopefully november 15 (on his birthday!) but may have to post pone a little bc i've got a terrible cough
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holy shit, he's gorgeous.
jake sim, your best friend's brother, might just be one of the most attractive men you've ever seen in your almost-nineteen years of life. his flawless skin combined with his wild hair gave him that carefree teenage look; the poster boy of a cliché summer fling, coming-of-age movie.
jaena had asked you to join her family at the amusement park, to celebrate jake's birthday. and while you'd known that she had a brother, you'd never actually met him - until now. you suddenly found yourself wishing she had told you to prepare to be blown away by his looks.
you smile at him, giving him a half-hug. "happy birthday!"
jake, snapped out of whatever trance he'd been caught in ever since he first laid his eyes upon you, patting your back. "um, thank you."
your best friend catches him in a headlock, giving him a noogie. "aww, you're eighteen now! no more lying about being an adult online," she teases him.
your heart stops, ears catching on one word in particular. "wait, he just turned eighteen?"
"yeah, he's my younger brother," jaena says.
that has you sitting back against the backrest of your seat, blowing out air as you digested the new information. you glance back at jake, who's eyes are pinned curiously on you.
holy shit, he's a baby.
jaena snorts. jake's eyebrows raise up behind his bangs. did you say that out loud?
"i'm not a baby!" he protests.
"yeah, you are," jaena shoves him lightly.
"woah, my whole perception of you has just changed," you tell him.
jake's jaw drops impossibly further as jaena barks out more laughter.
"what?! what was your first perception of me, then?"
you shake your head, amusement pulling at your features. "doesn't matter now."
as expected, your day at the park was well spent. jaena and jake's parents had gone off somewhere and left you three (and heeseung, who was invited by jake) alone. you guys had ridden the rollercoaster twice, gone on some spinning ride, and a game of laser tag - which, by the way, jake and heeseung had severely lost ('jake! stop staring at y/n!' 'i wasn't!' 'then how did you miss your sister pointing her gun at you when she was right in front of you?!').
when the four of you lined up for bumper cars, jake walked over to your side.
"hey, you wanna share a car with me?"
"me? with you?" you asked in confusion, tilting your head to the side. "why?"
"stealing my best friend from me, jake?" jaena asked.
"precisely," he smiles at her, and takes your hand as you guys reach the front of the line. he pulls you into the passenger seat of a car.
buckling the seatbelt, you jokingly ask jake, "do you need me to hold your hand, you child?"
jake frowns, before his face swiftly contorts into a smirk. "if you feel like you need to hold onto me for support, then sure!"
you roll your eyes at his playfulness. if he'd been older than you, you would have definitely blushed at his reply. instead, he came across to you like a little boy trying to impress an adult. how cute.
it's a fun round, with you and jake bumping into jaena and heeseung's car several times, getting them caught against the edge. when a random pair of strangers you guys didn't know bumped your car, the four of you teamed up and went after the poor kids. you all left the bumper cars ride laughing to the point your stomachs hurt.
after that, jaena dragged you and two boys to the stall games. you and jaena had fun playing one of those shooting games, whilst the other two did something else.
when you met up again, jake handed you three big plushies, a smile as big as them on his face.
"for you!"
jaena scrunched her nose at her brother. "ewww jake are you trying to court my best friend or something?"
"i'm not courting her! what is this, the 18th century?" he maturely poked his tongue out at his sister. "i won these for y/n, you know. do you like them?"
you took one and hugged it. "aw, thanks jakey," you cooed at him, pinching his cheek. "but i think these would find a better place on your bed. you can hug them to sleep."
jake huffed out in annoyance. "why do you keep treating me like a child?"
"because you are a child."
"i'm literally eighteen? i'm a full-grown adult!"
"sorry to break it to you, but eighteen is barely an adult," jaena snorted at him, taking the plushie from your arms.
"how old are you then?" jake asked you, his head tilting to the side. you had to stop yourself from letting out another 'aww'. he looked like a cute puppy asking for attention.
"i'm almost nineteen."
"so you're also eighteen? we're the exact same age."
"no we're not! i'm ten months older," you protested.
"but we're still both eighteen right now! and for the next two months! you're acting like you're my grandma or something..." he muttered.
"well, our age gap was big enough that you were placed in the lower grade. so i do feel like your grandma."
"ten months isn't even that big!" he rolled his eyes.
"why does it even matter?" heeseung shrugs, slipping his hands into his pockets as you guys walk towards the rendezvous point you'd be meeting jake's parents at before going back home.
"because she's treating me like a baby!"
"keep whining like that and i'll start to think that you really are," you tease him, jaena laughing at your bickering.
you purse your lips, suppressing a smile as you watch the cute boy leave his sister's side and move over to yours. a whiff of his cologne attacks your nose, but you don't fight it. it's oddly attractive, until you remind yourself of who it belongs to.
no, no, no way. you gulp down your thoughts and feelings, trying to keep a light-hearted expression on your face. 'keep calm and carry on', or whatever it was that old meme said.
you couldn't let your conflicted feelings show. so you pushed away any and all thoughts that you might be falling for your best friend's brother.
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; AUTHOR'S CORNER! HII this is scheduled but anyway i hope i can complete this fic within the next 5 days (pray for me) but if not please excuse me my immune system isn't fighting whatever pathogen i have fast enough
; TAGLIST (open!) perm . @lovelovelovebts @miyseung @babyy-bambii @haechansbbg @gweoriz networks . @kflixnet @k-films @/k-labels . send an ask or comment here to be added!
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astromaxi · 1 year
[Popular Boy Gojo!]
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A/N: first post, kind of poorly put together, but I'm getting used to writing again
Warning: Underage drinking, mentions of sex, mentions of Gojo manipulating people, brief talk of mental breakdown and depression, yandere(?), poor writing, hinted this is teenager Gojo, Gojo liking your smell too much, he likes you? I think,
(Let me know if I miss any warnings) (Also I didn't proofread, didn't edit this that much, so probably some spelling mistakes.)
Popular boy Gojo, who is praised for his god-sent features, from his inhuman, sky-blue eyes to his mountain height and his cocky body language, knows he is pretty too. That is the troublesome part
Popular boy Gojo, who is not only pretty but well educated. He knows how to use his words, when to give a sly smile, and when to be touchy and only acts dumb when trying to manipulate a student or teacher for personal gain.
Popular boy Gojo, who has been with contactless men and women doesn't feel any attachment towards them,  the only person he feels a connection with. Is his best friend Geto Suguru
Popular boy Gojo, who always shows up to any parties, or is the one hosting them. He always follows the same pattern, drinks too much, hook up with some stranger, and then forgets what happens the next morning, maybe, one day, he will feel something following this routine. 
Popular boy Gojo, who has been to many therapists to help him out with his inability to identify his emotions, and to explain his constant empty feelings. He stopped going after the 5th one told him the same thing the other 4 did. It's okay, he can always find another fling to distract himself 
Popular boy Gojo, who only allows his best friend, Geto, to see him in one of his breakdowns. He cried for hours, questioning why him, of all people, has to deal with this kind of emotional pain. All the while Geto holds him, rubbing his back as comforting words fall from his lips like a river. 
Popular boy Gojo, who sees you for the first time at a party he is hosting for homecoming, he spots you hanging around your friends, drink in hand, having an amazing time. And something in him snaps. 
Popular boy Gojo, who can't tell if he admires you, or downright hates you for how lively you are, who is experiencing the very emotions he dreams for, but he can't keep his eyes off you, as you sway your hips slightly to the overly loud music. He feels his thoughts get run over by you, 
Popular boy Gojo, who makes his way over to your group as some of your friends excitedly welcome him over, as he stands right next to you, The first thing he notices is how taller he is, and a need to protect you overcomes him. The next thing he notices is your addicting smell, even over all the sweaty teen bodies, he can only smell and see you. 
Popular boy Gojo, who after the party kept seeing you everywhere around school, and each and every day more of his thoughts get clouded with you, he clings to these thoughts and feelings you provoke in him. After for so long not feeling anything finally, finally, he feels something, and he isn't letting this go, he isn't going to let you go. Not after how much you have affected him in just a few weeks. 
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jayladfanpage · 11 days
OPENED the first page of Robin lives #3 and just EXPERIENCED EMOTIONAL DAMAGE
fuCK. LIKE. GENUINELY. FUCK. going to consume raw bismuth rn im sobbubg I had hopes after they showed Shelia and just F U C KKKKKKKKKKK
I think writers forget so much of what made adtif adtif and what made Robin Jason Robin Jason. that boy was willing to give up Robin at that point for just a loving family? The issues that led to adtif? WHAT ABOUT HIS whole struggle and issues with being robin itself? what are we even doing here. Nothing is addressed. Instead we get fucking revenge story after revenge story I'm going to implode die. now I feel stupid about waiting for it. I'm half incomprehensible about most of the things I HATED. DICK. What is he saying. God.
I miss u robin Jason, he was so much... a singular character... barr's run... starlin too to a degree... UGH. HIS CHARACTER THESIS IS LOVE ??? ON GOD I will consume 2 tons of pipebombs today fucking hell on god he barely gets dialog, he barely gets shit, I liked 1 panel and that s it im
Anyhow :D yippie ! Happy to see that you're here for fanon writers and all ! Super cool of you ! And your posts are vvv cool, much love ! Would love to hear your thoughts on Robin lives#3 :) <3
Anon you are so incredibly fucking real for this
Issue #3 is... such a fucking disappointment. Exactly like you said, already the first page makes my blood fucking BOIL.
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There's a fundamental misunderstanding, in this issue, of where Red Hood!Jason's ideas of revenge come from. His obsession with Joker's death specifically isn't actually out of a need to have Joker dead, it's a need to prove to himself that Bruce loves him more than he loves his mission. Which is not true for Jason or any of Bruce's other children. Gotham will always come first.
So to have Jason go after Joker with the intent to kill him (and succeed at it!) is spitting in the face of all the complicated, messy familial ties that are at the core of UTRH, for the sake of some sense that Jason was always doomed to be the way he is as an adult.
Jason also doesn't feel good after killing people. He doesn't derive any pleasure from it. He's not disgusted by or ashamed of the things he's done, far from it, but to him the murders are just a means to an end. A task to complete if he wants to save Gotham in the way that Bruce isn't able to. Murdering people sure as fuck isn't the "best thing" to ever happen to him. What the fuck.
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I also really hate this page. As much as I don't expect any teenager to fully "deal" with their trauma, because they're a teenager, Jason certainly wouldn't run from it. Jason is perhaps the most openly emotional Bat character, and that's always been one of his most important personality traits. He talks about his pain and his trauma, constantly and endlessly, because Jason benefits from communicating his emotions, even if he does it aggressively or explosively.
Plus, "paralyzed with fear" ?? Jason's fear response is FIGHT not freeze. It's never been freeze. Every time Jason is scared, as Robin or otherwise, he responds by picking a fight. He flings himself head-on to the thing that's making him afraid because god fucking damn it Jason has always been good at saving himself -- which is why he's so desperate to have Bruce kill Joker, so that somebody else will protect him for a change.
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This plot I'm conflicted on. I've always hated Timmy Todd and always thought that Jason should have been Joker Junior instead. However, this was not the comic to do it in. Robin Lives should have been a comic about trauma and vulnerability and healing. Main Continuity already gives us the neverending loop of Jason's trauma, of how it keeps constantly getting worse and worse, and I wanted Robin Lives to have been different. I wanted it to grab me by the shoulders and say He could have been fine. Jason could have healed. If only things had been different, Jason Todd could have been good.
But it didn't. It's just another fucking Cheer storyline where we read about a child being "doomed from the beginning" and shifting the blame of Red Hood onto Jason for being a lost cause instead of acknowledging the greater context of Jason's death and revival and it's just. Ugh. It fucking sucks.
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Also, Bruce would never say this about saving like a dozen children. "Bigger fish to fry" WHILE HE IS RESCUING BRAINWASHED CHILDREN? where is my Bruce Wayne and what did you do to him
About the fanon writers -- thank you! I always find the hate for them a little misplaced. There are dozens of canons across hundreds of comics and fanfiction as a medium is supposed to have a certain degree of separation from its source. I think a lot less people would be upset over "fanon" batfam fics if the writers understood better core traits of the characters. Fanfiction isn't about "Would [x] do this" it's about "How would [x] do this" and a lot of non-writers don't understand that and just think fanon is always horrible.
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vilentia · 1 year
Uncle Wayne's Diner
Eddie Munson x reader (from Wayne’s perspective)
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As Wayne sat on the porch of his small house, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of worry for his nephew Eddie. He had always been a sensitive boy, prone to getting his heart broken at the slightest provocation. And now, with this new girlfriend, Wayne could see the signs of angsty teenage love brewing in the air.
Eddie and the girl - what was her name? - had been inseparable since they started dating a few weeks ago. They would come to Wayne's diner every day, sitting in the same booth, holding hands and giggling over milkshakes. Wayne had to admit, they were cute together, but he couldn't shake the feeling that things were moving too fast.
One evening, as Wayne was closing up the diner, he heard a knock on the door. It was Eddie, his eyes red and swollen, his hair tousled from running his hands through it in distress.
"Uncle Wayne," he said, his voice cracking. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"
Wayne let him in, sensing that this was something serious. Eddie collapsed onto one of the stools at the counter, burying his face in his hands.
"What's going on, Eddie?" Wayne asked gently.
"It's her," Eddie said, his voice muffled by his palms. "I just... I don't know if I can handle it, Uncle Wayne. It's like she's always on my mind, and I can't focus on anything else."
Wayne nodded sympathetically, remembering all too well the all-consuming feeling of teenage love. "It's tough, kid. But it's also kind of wonderful, isn't it? To care about someone so much?"
Eddie lifted his head, his eyes shining with tears. "Yeah, I guess so. It's just... what if it all falls apart? What if she realizes she doesn't feel the same way about me anymore?"
Wayne leaned in closer, placing a reassuring hand on Eddie's shoulder. "Listen, Eddie. I know it's scary, but you have to take a chance on love. You can't live your life always wondering what could have been. And who knows, maybe this girl is the one for you."
Eddie sniffled, looking up at Wayne with a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty. "But what if she's not?"
Wayne shrugged, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Then you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep on going. Because that's what life is all about - taking risks and making mistakes, and learning from them. And if you ever need someone to talk to, you know where to find me."
Eddie nodded, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Thanks, Uncle Wayne. You always know what to say."
Wayne chuckled, ruffling Eddie's hair affectionately. "That's what uncles are for. Now go on, get out of here. You've got a girl waiting for you."
Eddie grinned, hopping off the stool and heading towards the door. "Thanks again, Uncle Wayne. You're the best."
As Wayne watched his nephew disappear into the night, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia for his own angsty teenage years. But he was glad that he could be there for Eddie, to offer him some guidance and support as he navigated the tumultuous waters of young love. And who knows, maybe one day he would be giving similar advice to the girl who had captured his nephew's heart. Only time would tell.
As the weeks went by, Wayne couldn't deny that he was growing more and more fond of Eddie's girlfriend. At first, he had been skeptical - after all, he had seen his fair share of teenage flings fizzle out before they really began. But as he watched the way she cared for Eddie, listened to him, and supported him through his various anxieties, he couldn't help but be impressed.
One afternoon, Wayne was taking a break from the diner, sitting on his front porch with a cup of coffee and watching the world go by. He saw Eddie and his girlfriend walking hand-in-hand down the street, their heads close together as they chatted animatedly. They caught sight of Wayne and waved, smiling brightly.
Wayne waved back, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. He had to admit, seeing Eddie so happy made him happy too. And he was grateful that his nephew had found someone who seemed to truly understand and appreciate him.
As Eddie and his girlfriend approached, Wayne stood up to greet them. "Hey there, you two. How's it going?"
"It's going great, Uncle Wayne," Eddie said, grinning from ear to ear. "We just went to the arcade and I beat her at Galaga again."
His girlfriend rolled her eyes playfully. "He's just lucky, don't listen to him."
Wayne chuckled, enjoying the banter between the two of them. "Well, why don't you two come inside and I'll fix you up some milkshakes?"
They eagerly agreed, and as Wayne mixed up the shakes, he couldn't help but ask Eddie's girlfriend a few questions about herself. He was surprised to learn that she was an avid reader, with a particular interest in science fiction and fantasy. They chatted about their favorite books and authors, and Wayne was impressed by her intelligence and creativity.
After they finished their milkshakes, Eddie's girlfriend helped Wayne clean up the kitchen, offering to wash the dishes while he dried. As they worked, Wayne couldn't help but notice how kind and considerate she was, always making sure to ask if he needed any help and thanking him for the hospitality. He was beginning to see that she wasn't just a fleeting crush for Eddie - she was someone special.
Later that evening, as Wayne was closing up the diner, he saw Eddie's girlfriend sitting outside on the bench, staring up at the stars. He decided to join her, taking a seat beside her and offering her a warm smile.
"It's a beautiful night, isn't it?" he said, gesturing up at the clear sky.
She nodded, a small smile on her lips. "It really is. I love looking at the stars - it makes me feel small and insignificant, but in a good way."
Wayne chuckled. "I know what you mean. Sometimes it's nice to be reminded that we're just a small part of something much bigger."
They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, before Eddie's girlfriend spoke up. "I just wanted to thank you, Wayne. For being so welcoming to me, and for always looking out for Eddie. He's lucky to have an uncle like you."
Wayne felt a warm flush spread through his chest. "Oh, it's nothing. I just want him to be happy."
"I know," she said, her voice soft. "And I want that too. He's such a sweet, caring person, and I feel lucky to be with him. I know relationships can be hard, but I'm willing to work at it, to make it last."
Wayne was impressed by her maturity and dedication. "That's good to hear. I have a feeling you two are going to be just fine."
They sat a while longer, chatting about life, love, and the mysteries of the universe. Wayne felt grateful for the connection he was building with his nephew's girlfriend, and he couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, this relationship was something special after all.
A couple of months had passed, and Wayne had grown even more accustomed to having Eddie's girlfriend around. She had become a regular presence at the diner, often coming by after school to hang out with Eddie or chat with Wayne. They had even gone on a few double dates together, and Wayne had to admit that he was impressed by how well the two of them seemed to complement each other.
One evening, Wayne was closing up the diner when he heard a loud commotion coming from Eddie's apartment upstairs. He hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should intervene, but then he heard Eddie's girlfriend's voice, raised and angry.
"I can't believe you would say something like that! How could you be so insensitive?"
"I was just trying to be honest!" Eddie shouted back, his voice tight with frustration. "Why can't you see that?"
There was a moment of silence, and then the sound of a door slamming shut echoed through the building. Wayne's heart sank as he realized that Eddie's girlfriend had stormed out.
He hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do, before finally making his way upstairs to Eddie's apartment. When he arrived, he found Eddie sitting on the couch, his face buried in his hands.
"Eddie, what happened?" Wayne asked, concern etched into his voice.
Eddie looked up, tears in his eyes. "We got into a fight. A really bad one."
Wayne took a seat next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Eddie nodded, taking a deep breath. "I don't know what to do. We were arguing about something stupid, and then it just... escalated. And then she left, and I don't know if she's ever going to come back."
Wayne listened patiently as Eddie poured out his heart, expressing his fear and sadness at the thought of losing the person he loved. It was clear to Wayne that Eddie was really struggling with this, and he knew he had to offer some guidance.
"Well, the first thing you need to do is give her some space," Wayne said, his voice gentle but firm. "She's upset right now, and she needs time to process her emotions."
Eddie nodded, wiping his eyes. "Okay, I can do that. But what about after that? How do I fix this?"
Wayne paused for a moment, thinking carefully. "You need to be honest with her, Eddie. Tell her how you feel, and really listen to how she feels too. Relationships are about communication, and sometimes that means having difficult conversations."
Eddie nodded again, taking in Wayne's advice. "You're right. I need to be brave and tell her how much she means to me."
Wayne smiled, feeling proud of his nephew. "That's the spirit, Eddie. I have a feeling things are going to work out just fine."
Over the next few days, Eddie took Wayne's advice to heart. He gave his girlfriend some space, but when they finally spoke again, he was open and honest about his feelings. He apologized for the hurtful things he had said, and he promised to work on his communication skills going forward.
To Eddie's relief, his girlfriend was willing to give him another chance. They worked through their issues, talking things out whenever they had a disagreement. And through it all, Wayne was there to offer support and guidance, watching with pride as his nephew grew and matured in his relationship.
As time passed, Eddie and his girlfriend grew even closer, cementing their bond through shared experiences and a deep love and respect for each other. And Wayne was grateful to have been a part of their journey, seeing firsthand how the power of love and communication can overcome even the toughest obstacles.
In the end, Eddie knew that he had found something special with his girlfriend, something worth fighting for. And with Wayne's wisdom and support, he knew that he had the tools to make it work, no matter what challenges lay ahead.
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redwolfxx · 7 months
get him back!
jonggun x reader
inspired by "get him back!" - Olivia Rodrigo
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tw: none
"I met a guy in the summer and I left him in the spring"
I guess I never really did know him. Sure, we dated for a little over three years, but it wasn't like we were going to stay together in the long run.
Sure, I loved him, but it was just a fling.
It wasn't anything serious.
---- "He argued with me about everything He had an ego and a temper and a wandering eye"
Shit, I mean it was an open relationship.
He could date whoever he wanted, fuck whoever he wanted, you know, free souls.
Sure, I wasn't allowed to even be in the same room as another guy, but that's just how it is. It was a healthy relationship.
I mean yes, we did fight often but doesn't everyone?
'how often did often mean?'
it was just small things.
'and what's this call on...on july 17th, the transcript says an individual, you, called crying, scared?
a vase was accidentally knocked over.
'sure...and the hole in the wall?'
what are you getting at?
'did he ever hurt you?'
can we move on?
---- "But he was so much fun and he had such weird friends And he would take us out to parties and the night would never end Another song, another club, another bar, another dance"
But we had fun.
We partied all night long. Sure, I had school the next day, but it was fun.
'did he go to the same school?'
i think he dropped out. like i said, we barely knew each other.
'you dated for over three years.'
We were young.
Back when we could drink all night and still function the next day. He had interesting friends sure.
I remember one guy, he was a blonde. He always had this smile on his face, he was always looking for the next high. He was a good friend.
He would always argue with my boyfriend on occasion. But it was always good fun.
'it says here that they were often seen physically fighting.'
they were teenage boys. of course, they'd fight.
I wonder what happened to him. It's been years.
what for?
'i'm not at liberty to disclose.'
---- "And when he said something wrong, he'd just fly me to France"
He was definitely rich.
'was it his money that-'
no. i loved him.
He wore brands that I would never dream of owning.
'but you eventually would.'
He bought me gifts ever y now and then. But, I wasn't with him for the money.
I did truly love him.
'it says here you missed school for a week, due to...mono...?'
'was it really mono?'
nah, we just needed a reason to fly to paris fashion week.
'he paid?
yeah. i told him i couldn't afford it, but he said not to worry about anything. so i didn't ask. and like that, we were in paris.
I think we were good together.
---- "So I miss him some nights when I'm feeling depressed"
We lasted a while. But, life goes on you know?
We had a good run.
'do you still talk?'
'so no? if you did love him as much as you say, why'd you end things?'
---- "Til I remember every time he made a pass on my friend Do I love him? Do I hate him? I guess it's up and down"
I loved him more than words could express.
But I guess he just didn't feel the same way.
He was always watching my friends.
I actually don't know if I have any memories of him looking only at me when we went out to party.
'so he cheated?'
did i say that?
'it sure sounds like-'
assumptions kill.
---- "I picture all the faces of my disappointed friends Because everyone knew all of the shit that he'd do"
We were on and off.
Sure, he forgot anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, important events, graduation, etc.
But at the end of the day it didn't matter. It was me who he came back to.
'it says here you filed a missing persons report.'
yeah, i guess.
'it says he was gone for a few weeks.'
he forgot to tell me about his work trip overseas.
'he had a job that sent him overseas at the age of eighteen?'
he had to pay the bills somehow.
"I wanna get him back I wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad
I wanna break his heart Then be the one to stitch it up"
But sometimes, sometimes? I hated him.
God I just wanted to make him feel like I did.
How could he think it was okay to dance with those girls wearing almost nothing. I mean it's crazy right?
It hurt.
I cried, and I cried, I got angry, and we fought.
But him?
He was always sooo calm. He never thought he did anything wrong. He was trash.
I kept breaking up with him, telling him I was done with him. Done with his games. Done with the pain.
'but you got back together?'
I wanted him to come crawling back to me. Begging me to be his one and only. I wanted him to feel what I felt when I saw him with other girls.
So I partied at places I knew he would be. I would wear the most revealing outfits I could.
I felt so powerful.
I would attend school, get straight A's. I was an academic star.
'why did you get back together then?'
He always showed up at my door a week or so later. He looked paler than usual. He would come disheveled, smelling like alcohol. He looked tired.
He would ask to talk, and we would.
The next day we would be back together like nothing ever happened.
'how many times did you go through this cycle?'
only a few times.
'how many?'
does it really matter?
---- "Wanna kiss his face With an uppercut"
I used to be a world-class fighter too.
He always did have this attraction to fighters.
I used to be a part of the underground fighting ring. I was probably one of the best, if not the best fighter there.
He wasn't too bad himself.
So every now and then we would spar, we would get each other good.
But at the end of the day, we would help each other. Stitch each other back up, clean the cuts, and wipe the blood. Kiss it better.
Sure, we had our lows, but we also had our highs. And our highs used to be pretty damn good.
But we were teenagers then. And we broke up not long after I left for college.
'and you haven't seen or talked to him since?'
no. it's been ten years. he was an ex. sure, i miss him every now and then. but that's probably the nostalgia talking. who doesn't miss their youth every now and then
'and you don't know where he is either?'
like i said. it was like ten years ago. he was an ex boyfriend. i moved on and he probably did too. now, can i go? my ass is starting to hurt and this cold ass interrogation room isn't doing my skin any favors.
'this investigation isn't over.'
sure sure, you know where to find me. if you miss me that much, just call next time. the whole military wasn't necessary.
'fine. but you can't leave this country, and -'
yeah, i get it. i'm leaving now.
'before you go, can i ask one last thing.'
'why did you change your name when you were yonger?'
i was young. my car's outside, can i go now?
'alright, ms. park, you can go, thanks for your time. and if you do see him, or hear from him at all-'
i'll be sure to call.
unknown number: out front.
me: be there in a sec ♡
unknown number: did they buy the story?
me: do you doubt my acting skills? how dare you even doubt me.
unknown number: sorry mrs. park i didn't mean to offend you. now come out to the car, we have a plane to catch.
me: thanks mr. darcy ♡
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This story is based off of this picture I've seen on Instagram. I'm OBSESSED with it. I don't know why. I see so much love and adoration in it. I wanted to bring it to life...
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The roaring sounds of the city have died down. The hustle and bustle of car horns and pedestrians walking the street have come to a hush. 2AM in the city is a different life than that of the daytime. It's more contained, careful even.
It's mid August and there's a slight breeze in the air. The moon is cascading a beautiful light throughout the city, bouncing off the twinkling lights from buildings and other structures.
You are walking down the road clad in cut off jean shorts and a cropped band tee. Your white sneakers are dirty from the city streets but you didn't care. Your skin was tan, summer being your favorite season where you can bask in the sunlight and enjoy time outside.
"I don't want the night to end" you say as you walk hand in hand with him.
You look up at him and he's giving you a playful smirk. Austin was the boy you've been seeing for about a year. You guys have never said you were boyfriend/girlfriend but it was pretty obvious by the connection you both had that this was obviously more than just a fling.
He's wearing a grey t-shirt with his hair a little messy. His dark jeans matched his dark grey boots.
"It doesn't have to" he says as he stops. You jolt back and look around.
You look around. "What are you doing? Why'd you stop?"
Austin points to a bodega.
"I'll be right back. Stay here" he says and quickly jogs into the bodega.
You look around the street and it's empty for the exception of a couple Ubers dropping off drunk friends and bike riders on a mission.
A couple minutes later, Austin opens the door and walks out with his hand behind his back.
"Mademoiselle , I believe I found us the most expensive wine in all of France" Austin says, in a terrible French accent, holding out the bottle of cheap red wine to show you.
You laugh and grab it.
"I'm pretty sure the most expensive wine in all of France doesn't have a twist off" you say as you hold up the bottle and shake your head.
Austin laughs and takes your hand and you venture back down the street towards his apartment.
You are near Washington Square Park now. There are lights everywhere making the park light up with beauty.
You stop under the Washington arch and Austin pulls you close to him.
"I love spending time with you, you know that?" he says.
You nod, "I do too"
He kisses you deeply and smiles.
"What do you say we have a little bit of this now, huh?" you ask.
Austin nods.
You unscrew the cap and hold it up over your mouth. You start to pour and Austin pulls you in closer. His hand wrapping around the small of your back.
The red liquid dribbles down and Austin's mouth is hovering under your chin, catching liquid that may have missed your mouth. You're both smiling, trying not to giggle as you both messily drink the wine.
You finally couldn't take anymore and put the bottle down to your side.
You swallow and let out a laugh.
"I feel like a teenager again" you giggle.
Austin smiles and kisses you. You can taste the cabernet sauvignon on his lips.
Austin drops down to his knees and tilts his head back opening his mouth wide.
You laugh as you pour some more wine into his mouth. He finishes by wiping the back of his palm across his mouth.
"Can I tell you something?" Austin asks, standing up and taking the bottle from you.
You nod.
"You make life worth living"
You bite your lip nervously. No one has ever said that to you before. You never thought you could have an impact on someone like this.
"Really?" you ask in disbelief.
Austin nods.
"Yeah, you make me feel like I'm 18 and the world is my oyster. That I can do, say and have whatever I want. Being with you is like...always having the good things in life. I just....I love that...I love you, [Y/N]" he confesses.
You can feel yourself starting to get emotional. Before you could start crying, you pull him close and kiss him to show him you feel the same.
"I love you too, Austin" you say, cupping his cheek.
He smiles and looks down at the bottle of wine.
"Let's go back to my place and finish this, shall we?" he asks.
You giggle, "Yeah and maybe we can do it without clothes on" you gesture to both your wine stained clothing now.
Austin grabs your hand.
"You took the thought right out of my head" he smiles.
You both begin to run, feeling so carefree and most of all, so very in love.
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ysmtttty · 1 month
Red Ferrari
Chapter 4
Azris AU, where Azriel is a mechanic and has his own service station. One day, Eris comes there because something is wrong with his car.
AO3 Chapter 3 Chapter 5
"You’re ignoring him for three days?" Cassian asked in disbelief, and Azriel regretted he had even told him.
"I'm not ignoring him, he hasn't texted me either," Azriel said, while Rhysand and Cassian looked at him as if he were an idiot. "What?" he asked irritably.
"You're an idiot," they replied in unison. They had ganged up on him.
"Dude organized a good date, according to your own words, and you're just ignoring him," Cassian said. "Believe me, in your scale of ratings, the word 'good' is a pretty damn high level. I don't understand what’s your problem."
"I don't have a problem," Azriel groaned, but by the look on his friends' faces, he realized that avoiding this conversation was not an option. After a short pause, he sighed. "Fine, I don't know what to say to him, okay?"
Rhysand and Cassian stared at him silently for a long time, making Azriel wish the ground could swallow him whole because why the hell was he, a grown ass man, feeling awkward like a teenager? Eris Vanserra was just a fling. Just a persistent client with whom they'd probably get laid and then go their separate ways, especially since he had even stopped coming by the workshop. Maybe after the date, Eris even decided he wasn't interested anymore.
Azriel mentally stopped himself. He wasn't at the age to doubt himself or overthink for others. If Eris lost interest, then it wasn't meant to be. Whatever, it happens. He didn't care at all.
"Invite him on a second date," Rhysand simply said when he caught Azriel's annoyed glance. "Don't look at me like that. You liked the first date, so you can go on a second. That's how relationships work."
"What do you know about relationships?" Azriel snorted, well aware of how complicated things were between Rhysand and his not-yet-girlfriend-but-definitely-not-just-a-friend.
"At least I'm not afraid to take a step because of a fear of commitment."
"I don't have that fear."
"You objectively have that fear," Cassian interjected into the conversation. Azriel threw an empty plastic water bottle at him, but the bastard dodged it just in time, ducking his head. "What? How many poor girls' hearts have you broken in the last four years because you 'weren't ready for a serious relationship'?"
"First of all, we discussed everything in advance so that they wouldn't have broken hearts from unmet expectations," Azriel began, frowning. He had no fear; he just had no need for a relationship. "Secondly, that doesn't mean I'm afraid."
He wasn't afraid. Why should he be afraid of a second date with Eris? What exactly should he hypothetically be afraid of? That Eris would lose interest in him? That's laughable, considering neither of them was planning anything serious. Azriel kept telling himself this, but there was something that was holding him back. A nasty little voice in his head that said he liked Eris. And he liked him too much for a one-time fling.
"I'll text him later," Azriel grumbled, mentally recalling how his phone had fallen on the tile floor this morning and now didn't work. Unfortunately, this meant he would have to buy a new one in the morning—some clients called and texted him directly because Amren had an annoying habit of ignoring calls when answering them was her direct job responsibility.
Cassian was distracted by messages on his phone, frowning and looking at the screen. "Nesta's car broke down," he said, scratching the back of his head. "They're not far from here, we need to help."
Azriel knew and respected Nesta Archeron. Having the patience to put up with Cassian and his daily romantic gestures was commendable. Even more commendable was her iron will and the constant refusals she gave Cassian. That's why Azriel was always ready to help Cassian bring her car to the workshop.
"You know what, I think it's time for me to go," Rhysand said, grabbing his jacket. "I have some business with the lawyers, I'll tell you later. You can close up the workshop yourselves, yeah?"
He made a quick, not-so-elegant exit, not wanting to interact with Nesta. Azriel just snorted, marveling at how much fear she instilled in his best friend. Meanwhile, Cassian was already searching for his car keys.
Half an hour later, they brought the car to the workshop. Along with Nesta, Elain, her sister, was there, dressed very nicely and clearly prepared for some event or something like that. Azriel nodded in greeting, and Elain smiled at him, waving slightly. Given that her sisters often hung around his two close friends, they crossed paths frequently, but they hadn't really talked much before.
"Need a ride?" Azriel offered. Elain looked at him in surprise, as if she hadn't expected the offer. "You seem nervous like you're late for something, and ordering a cab from here takes a long time, I know."
"Yeah, I actually do need to be at the restaurant already," she admitted, sighing and glancing at Nesta's broken car, which Cassian was already working on, while Nesta herself, arms crossed, watched him with an icy gaze, responding to yet another of his jokes. The car wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, especially with how those two bickered with each other.
"I was heading home anyway. Let's go, I'll give you a ride," he nodded toward his car.
"Thank you," Elain smiled, then ran over to Nesta, telling her how Azriel had agreed to help her. Nesta looked up at Azriel, as if assessing him for hidden intentions, but eventually nodded and hugged her sister goodbye, staying with Cassian by her car.
Elain gave the restaurant's address as she got into the car, and Azriel nodded, driving in the right direction. Within twenty minutes, they were there. Azriel decided to walk her inside, which he immediately regretted because, by some ridiculous coincidence, Eris fucking Vanserra was at that very restaurant. He couldn't have summoned him with his thoughts, could he?
Azriel just stood there, staring at him in surprise and catching the same look from Eris. Meanwhile, Elain walked further, smiling at her boyfriend.
"Elain," Lucien greeted her, approaching his girlfriend, kissing her, and smiling like an idiot.
"Hi," she smiled, then started rambling on the events of the last hour. "You won't believe how nervous I was. Nesta's car broke down right when we were on our way here, but her not-boyfriend's workshop was nearby. And while we were there, one of the mechanics, Cassian's friend, offered to give me a ride so I wouldn't have to wait for a taxi. His name is Azriel, by the way."
"Azriel?" Lucien raised an eyebrow, hearing the familiar name, and first glanced at the mechanic, then, not even hiding a sly grin, looked at Eris, who was still frozen in place. "Well, that was kind of him."
As Lucien shook Azriel's hand, thanking him for giving his girlfriend a ride, Elain looked around, noticing the strange atmosphere and sensing that she was the only one who didn't know what was going on. But Lucien put his hand on her lower back, leading her toward their table, his look saying, "I'll tell you everything!". Before disappearing from sight, Elain, of course, wished Eris and Azriel a good evening, thanking the latter once again for the ride.
Azriel mumbled "You're welcome," not even taking his eyes off Eris.
"Moonlighting as a taxi driver?" Eris said the first thing that came to mind as soon as they were alone in the restaurant lobby.
"Just gave a friend a ride," Azriel shrugged. "Don't be jealous," he added with a smirk.
"Oh, I was just about to make a scene," Eris chuckled. "Although I don't particularly envy Elain her ride in that piece of junk you call a car."
And he had doubted whether he should have called. Obviously, he had just forgotten what an asshole Eris was in conversation. Even if he'd been polite during their last talk at the bar. Even if he'd organized a surprisingly well-planned date where Azriel had actually felt comfortable. Even if...
To hell with it. Azriel mentally admitted that he should have called. Just a few minutes in Eris's company, and he needed some fresh air. He wanted to get away before his brain short-circuited again and he did or said something stupid. But as he turned to leave, Eris followed him. He probably just needed to get to the parking lot like Azriel, nothing more.
"About the whole week... I was busy," Azriel mumbled as they walked toward the parking lot, for some reason feeling obligated to explain himself to Eris. The pause dragged on for quite some time. "This... hell, this doesn't mean I was deliberately ghosting you, okay?"
Eris was almost at his car when Azriel quickened his pace and stood in front of him.
"I wanted to call," he said. "But my phone broke, and..."
"Azriel, we're not kids. You don't have to make up silly excuses to ditch me," Eris's voice was calm, but there was a hint of irritation. "But it would have been undeniably easier if you had just told me straight away that you weren't interested. It would have saved us this awkward conversation."
"It's not an excuse," Azriel ran a hand through his messy hair, feeling stupid. Even though the broken phone was true, and he couldn't have called today even if he'd wanted to, it hadn't been a problem yesterday or the day before.
Eris finally stopped, looking at him as if expecting some continuation. Azriel couldn't help but notice how Eris's gaze fell on his lips, lingering there for just a couple of moments before Eris looked up and continued to look into his eyes. And damn it, looking that hot just standing in some parking lot should be illegal.
Azriel honestly didn’t believe in fate and doubted that his meeting with Eris today was anything like that. However, something inside him screamed that this was his chance. There wouldn’t be another one like it. So, without giving himself another second to think, he did what he had wanted to do back at the bar.
“Damn you, Vanserra,” he muttered, pulling him by the collar and kissing him. To hell with it. He only lived once, so he might as well kiss a hot, rich bastard once.
Eris froze for a second, but then he kissed back, his hand tangling in dark locks. Azriel cupped his cheek, caressing Eris’s face with his calloused hand, while his tongue brushed against his. And damn, kissing Eris was better than anything Azriel had imagined.
“Is this your way of making amends?” Eris asked between kisses. Azriel shrugged.
“I have an even more interesting way that your ass will like.”
“My profession involves not trusting people until proof is provided.”
Azriel smirked and pushed him against the car, kissing him again and pressing against his body, feeling the hard muscles of his abs and shoulders even through the clothes. Eris’s free hand gripped his bicep while his tongue traced the edges of Azriel’s teeth.
After a while, Eris was the first to pull back, catching his breath.
“Let’s go to my place,” Eris said immediately.
“This time without any shitty ultimatums?” Azriel teased, unable to hold back a smirk. Eris just chuckled.
“Is that necessary?” he shrugged. “I can come up with another shitty ultimatum,” Eris leaned closer to his face, smirking. “I have a feeling you’re already in.”
Azriel rolled his eyes at his know-it-all tone and kissed him again, biting his lower lip.
“I need to move my car,” he said when he pulled back. “The parking here charges a ridiculous amount per hour.”
“Should I be worried that this is your subtle way of escaping?”
“Trust me, Eris, the last thing I want right now is to run away from you,” Azriel whispered before grabbing his car keys and heading to his Volvo, which was parked nearby.
Eris watched him as he drove out of the restaurant’s paid parking lot and moved the car to a free parking spot nearby. And the whole time, he thought about how deeply he had gotten himself into this. And this time, he had clearly gotten in too deep.
When Azriel returned, Eris handed him the keys and got into the passenger seat, giving him the address.
“We will go quickly,” Azriel warned, fastening his seatbelt and burning with impatience. Eris gestured for him to drive however he wanted, which was enough to give him the green light to press the gas pedal hard.
The Ferrari screeched with its summer tires unaccustomed to such maneuvers and lunged forward, seamlessly fitting into the only gap in the traffic.
“I think it’s dangerous to give you access to fast cars,” Eris said as the car was picking up speed instead of slowing down in the flow of traffic.
“And yet you do. For the third time, by the way,” Azriel shrugged, gripping the steering wheel tighter and overtaking the car in front.
They stopped at a traffic light. The red numbers slowly changed one after another while Azriel impatiently drummed his fingers on the wheel. His gaze kept returning to Eris, to those sharp features that looked even more predatory and angular in the dim light.
“You know, it’s good that you’re not wearing a seatbelt,” Azriel said as he grabbed his tie in his fist and pulled him in for a kiss.
Eris responded to the kiss immediately, deepening it and leaning closer to Azriel. Resting his hand on the driver’s seat for balance, he tilted his head toward his shoulder, letting Azriel lead, and felt Azriel’s strong fingers gripping his thigh.
Yes. It was good that he wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. Just perfect.
For a few moments, he lost himself in the sensations, completely focused on the kiss and the movements of Azriel’s hand, which first caressed his thigh and then slid higher to cover his erection through his pants.
“I had no doubt,” he smirked into the kiss.
“Revelation of the century,” Eris mumbled, biting his lip, and Azriel responded by tightening his grip on his member.
Not expecting such a reaction, Eris almost managed to stifle a short moan. Almost, because Azriel still heard it and smirked very smugly.
They were interrupted by the honk of the car behind them. It turned out the light had been green for a while, so Azriel reluctantly pulled away from Eris and pressed the gas pedal, wanting to reach their destination as quickly as possible.
Eris didn’t make the task easier, clearly as a form of revenge, running his hand up and down his thigh. Azriel gripped the steering wheel tighter, his knuckles turning white. Every traffic light, every minor traffic jam led to more kisses and teasing. Azriel thought he might go insane by the end of the drive, and honestly, he really wanted to.
Eventually, he saw a residential complex ahead, turned into the parking lot, and parked in the first available spot. They got out of the car, and Azriel looked around with curiosity, noting the expensive cars everywhere, including a familiar Aston Martin, and possibly other cars of Eris scattered around the lot.
“Which floor?” Azriel asked as they entered the elevator.
“Penthouse,” Eris smirked, pressing the appropriate button while Azriel muttered “of course” under his breath.
As soon as the elevator doors closed, Azriel found himself pressed against the cold mirrored surface. Eris’s hand rested on his chest, not allowing him to pull away, while he covered Azriel’s lips with his own once more. Azriel responded by sliding his hands down Eris’s back, placing them on his ass.
The elevator dinged as it arrived at their floor, opening its doors. They somehow made it into the apartment, stumbling, kissing, and touching each other. As soon as the hallway door closed behind them, they started hastily tearing each other’s clothes off. It was hurried and messy.
Jacket, blazer, tie, shirts – everything ended up on the floor, and it was unlikely to be moved from there before morning. Azriel buried his face in Eris’s neck, kissing, licking, and biting the tender skin. However, when his hands descended to Eris’s belt, he grabbed his wrists.
“Not so fast,” he said, pulling away.
“Of course,” Azriel huffed, raising his hands. “What next, are you going to insist on the third date rule?”
“I doubt we both have the patience for that,” Eris said. “Bar in the living room, ice in the fridge. Make yourself at home.”
Azriel watched as Eris walked toward the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He exhaled and ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm down. Which was very difficult considering how much the situation had aroused him.
A chance meeting and where did it lead him? Nevertheless, Azriel thanked all higher powers and all the aligning circumstances because right now he regretted nothing.
Walking through Eris’s spacious apartment, Azriel took in the surroundings. Minimalist interior, everything in strict order, every item in its rightful place – Azriel wouldn’t have been surprised if Eris measured everything with a ruler to the millimeter, as he seemed like a person who liked to keep everything under control, including the furniture.
The apartment still smelled of his cologne, which Azriel had already inhaled plenty of while kissing him in the parking lot, in the car, and in the elevator. And he liked the scent, he liked it to the point of dizziness. And apparently, he liked Eris too.
Azriel found glasses in the kitchen, scattering ice into them, and went to the living room. He could believe that this place was for sale, as there were so few personal items that it seemed the apartment was empty. Perhaps Eris just had a lot of real estate; with so many cars, why couldn’t he have multiple apartments? One for each day of the week. Azriel involuntarily chuckled at this thought.
He opened the bar, finding many bottles of different alcohol. Not that he knew much about anything more expensive than an average bottle of beer, so he grabbed whiskey at random. Whatever it was, if it cost as much as a kidney, it must be good.
The sound of water from the bathroom reached him, and Azriel opened the bottle of whiskey, looking out the panoramic windows. The view of the city from this height was magnificent.
However, there was something off-putting about the apartment, probably its uninhabitedness. The cold atmosphere, the lack of any hint of coziness or even that someone lived there. However who was he to judge such a home when his own apartment resembled a student dorm, always messy and chaotic because he often lacked the energy to clean it. And he only used it for two things – to eat and to sleep, and for that, any place would do.
“Whiskey?” came the voice from behind. Azriel turned and saw Eris standing before him in a home shirt and gray sweatpants, with wet hair and a damn smirk.
“Why are you dressed?” Azriel asked, watching as Eris lazily approached the counter where the second glass and bottle were, pouring himself whiskey. “If you’ve changed your mind, just say so.”
Azriel hoped he hadn’t changed his mind, but he would understand any decision. After all, he had ignored him for days and then spontaneously kissed him in the parking lot. Not the most romantic thing he had done in his life.
“I haven’t changed my mind,” Eris shook his head, bringing the glass to his lips while Azriel’s gaze fixed on his Adam’s apple as he took a sip. “But I’m not eager to flaunt my ass in front of panoramic windows.”
“Do you think someone’s looking in through those windows?”
“Anything’s possible.”
Azriel set his glass on the counter, deciding to take a shower as well while Eris settled on the sofa, throwing an arm over the backrest.
“Don’t miss me,” Azriel said. Eris merely saluted him.
In the bathroom, Azriel involuntarily stopped in front of the huge mirror, where his reflection stared back at him—disheveled hair, several hickeys on his neck, lips swollen from kisses. He hadn’t seen himself like this in a long time. Just as he hadn’t felt this way in a long time.
Pulling himself away from his reflection, he turned on the hot water, stripping off his pants and socks, the only remaining items of clothing. The shower was quick, after which he wrapped a towel around his waist and stepped out. It didn’t matter; he wasn’t planning on keeping either of them clothed for long anyway.
When he entered the living room, he noticed Eris’s gaze sliding over his body, from chest to legs, and he was perfectly fine with it. Especially when the amber eyes looked so predatory and hungry. Azriel smirked and sat down next to him, lifting his glass from the counter.
“To hot displays,” Eris said with a smirk, raising his glass and clinking it with Azriel’s.
“You’re a master of toasts,” Azriel laughed, taking a sip of whiskey. Surprisingly, the ice in his glass hadn’t melted while he was in the shower. Strange.
Azriel wasn’t sure how he should behave right now. His plan since the parking lot had been simple—arrive, have sex, maybe even in the hallway, then get to the bedroom and do it again. Get as many orgasms out of Eris as possible, and then leave to avoid an awkward morning conversation. Eris had ruined that plan from the start.
Eris had ruined his Friday plans in general when the only thing Azriel had planned was to head home, drink beer with frozen pizza, and watch TV with his fish. Or he might have felt like an aesthete and curled up with a book and a cup of tea. In any case, the evening was supposed to be spent alone. And then Eris appeared out of the blue. And showed up in that azure shirt that looked idiotically beautiful on him.
“Should I worry that you have changed your mind?” Eris joked, noticing his thoughtful expression. Azriel just shook his head, smiling.
“Oh no, someone asked for proof and I’m obligated to provide it,” he smirked, while Eris just rolled his eyes and muttered something about excessive self-confidence.
Azriel’s smirk widened as he put his glass back on the counter after finishing the whiskey. Eris quickly caught the signal, getting up from his place and leaving his glass next to Azriel’s.
“The bedroom is upstairs,” he said as Azriel stood up and followed him.
Somewhere midway up the stairs, Eris turned around for some reason, and damn, Azriel felt all his self-control fly out the window because he pulled him close by his shirt and kissed him again.
It was a miracle, or perhaps Eris had a well-honed skill for walking backward, that they didn’t fall as they ascended. They reached his bedroom just like that—kissing like crazy. Eris’s home shirt fell to the floor as soon as the bedroom door opened, and he didn’t mind.
Azriel quickly glanced around—the bedroom was spacious, the interior just as minimalist as the rest of the apartment, and god, that huge bed. So many indecent ideas had never crossed his mind before.
He pushed Eris in the chest, making him fall onto the black sheets. And damn it, Eris looked just magnificent on the black sheets with his red hair scattered chaotically, his snow-white skin covered in freckles. He looked hot without it, but this… This had to be illegal on a state level to look so hot.
Worse was that he knew how good he looked because the bastard threw his arms behind his head and smirked at Azriel while he shamelessly stared at him, trying to decide what to do first. Eris lifted a leg and with one motion tossed the towel onto the floor. And… well, okay, this time he was the breathless one. Azriel noticed it from the movement of his Adam's apple and his attempt to discreetly lick his lips.
“Like what you see?” he asked in the most self-satisfied manner possible.
“Why shouldn’t I?” Eris replied, and Azriel pulled off his pants and underwear, running his hands along the inner side of his thighs before one hand closed around his cock, making Eris exhale loudly.
“I know it’s a bit late to ask, but you do have…”
“Doubting that you carry a ‘fuck the lawyer’ kit with you, yes, I do have lube and condoms,” Eris said, nodding toward the nightstand. Azriel just nodded, removing his hand from Eris’s member, which elicited an almost disappointed sigh, and reached for the necessary shelf.
Finding everything he needed, he returned to Eris, who roughly grabbed him by the hair and pulled him in for another kiss. Eris’s hands slid over his muscles, first from his arms, then to his chest, and lower to his abs. Azriel explored his body as well, though soon it became hard to endure. Foreplay wasn’t really his thing, but he wanted to savor Eris. With Eris, he wanted something different from anything he had with others.
He opened the lube tube, squeezing it onto his fingers and settling between Eris’s legs, who, despite his bold appearance, still betrayed his nervousness. Azriel noticed it from the tense muscles, clenched jaw, and slightly apprehensive eyes, as if Eris didn’t know what to expect from him.
Azriel kept his thoughts to himself, instead biting the skin of his inner thigh while his fingers slid between his buttocks. Leaving marks on the skin, he inserted a finger, watching as Eris closed his eyes, turning his head to the side. Fuck, Azriel wanted to devour him.
He squeezed a firm butt cheek with his free hand, added a second finger, and pushed both in up to the knuckles, closely monitoring the reaction. It pleased him: Eris gasped for air, closed his eyes, and moved toward his hand, and when Azriel found his prostate and pressed on it, he groaned and cursed, gripping the sheets with both hands.
“You’re doing so good for me,” Azriel whispered as he continued rhythmically thrusting his fingers, adding the third one.
“I fucking hate you,” Eris replied without a real bite, tilting his head back on the pillows. Like hell will he ever show what his praise just did to him. Azriel just laughed. He worked him open, then gently withdrew his fingers, and opened the condom package. And the bastard just had to open the package with his teeth, so crude and on display, that it involuntarily captivated Eris.
“So no kink for praise?” he teased while rolling the condom onto himself. Eris glared at him.
“I swear, if you don’t…” His words were cut off as Azriel pushed inside, making his breath hitch. Slowly, then stopping, giving Eris time to adjust.
Azriel wanted Eris intensely. To the point of pain. He wanted to fuck him, slam him into the mattress, do everything he had never allowed himself with any partner before.
Yes, rough sex wasn’t rare for him, but even so, he had never allowed himself to completely let go, to give himself a bright green light, even if the partner said they wanted it. With Eris, Azriel wanted to release all his possible dark demons and go wild, without a second thought. And he felt like Eris wanted that too.
“Azriel,” Eris moaned his name as Azriel began to move, still slowly, gradually picking up speed. “Don’t hold back.”
Those words were a switch in Azriel’s head. Like a toggle.
“You asked for it,” he hissed before tossing one of Eris’s long legs onto his shoulder and thrusting deeply into him, savoring the sound of his moan in response.
Watching Eris’s reaction, Azriel established a firmer pace—fast and deep, his hands gripping his thighs, surely leaving bruises. And Eris moaned in response, arching his back and biting his knuckles, trying to stifle the sounds escaping his mouth.
Azriel moved his hands from his thighs to his arms, pulling them away from Eris’s face and pinning them above his head.
“I’d prefer to hear you,” he said, giving another sharp thrust.
“I’d prefer less manhandling,” Eris hissed, exhaling sharply.
“Liar,” Azriel smirked and only quickened the pace, making Eris gasp for air and slide his back against the bed with each new thrust.
Azriel leaned in, burying his face in Eris’s neck, kissing, biting the skin, leaving hickeys and teeth marks, moving with short kisses and bites along the collarbones, and unable to pull away, braced himself on his elbows, rhythmically thrusting him into the bed and enjoying the sounds Eris made, trying to be quieter and failing each time. If it were possible, Azriel would have stopped the world at that moment, stayed like that forever.
“A-Azriel,” Eris moaned, almost whining, on the edge of orgasm. And damn, Azriel thought he could come just from the sight of Eris.
He released Eris’s hands, and Eris clung to his back with his hands, scratching possibly even intentionally, while Azriel covered his cock with his hand, giving a few more thrusts before Eris came. After a few more thrusts, Azriel came too with a quiet groan and then collapsed onto the mattress next to Eris.
“And you didn’t want to go on a date with me,” Eris smiled, panting.
“If I had known, I would have definitely agreed sooner,” Azriel replied, also breathing heavily and removing the condom.
“At least you provided all proofs.”
“Not all of it,” Azriel smirked, and Eris smirked back at him. Well, the night was still young.
tag list: @sizzlingstarlightsky @isnotwhatyourethinking @molcat07 @chairofchaos
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luveline · 2 years
jade happy 31k!!!! <3 for your halloween party, may i request "I need a ride" with rockstar!remus? maybe he and r have a tiff and she wanders off and gets mobbed by (well-meaning) fans or gets lost, and he's got to find her! whatever u like <3 ily so much!
join luveline's halloween party
hi baby thank you! ily i hope this satisfies any hurt/comfort needs | rockstar!remus x fem!reader
One of the things that had drawn you to Remus was his steadiness. His quiet.
He sees the world plainly and as it is, but always with an ever-present sense of bemusement. You love that. The way he smiles and brushes things off when things go wrong used to make you happy, thrilled to have found someone to be the laidback counterpart to your overthinking freneticism.
It gets a little hard to swallow when you're really, really stressed though.
You're panicking aloud to him about safety issues with the barrier in his next venue. Remus likes to play next to security sometimes to 'escape Sirius'.
"People can jump that no problem. I really think you should stay on stage."
Remus smiles, near lackadaisical. "It's alright."
"It's not alright, though, something could happen to you."
"Like Lennon?"
"That's not funny."
He snorts, which really hurts your feelings. A barb stuck in your lungs, each inhale burning. "You can be really mean sometimes, Rem. I'm just trying to keep you safe."
"Mean? Dove, you're overthinking."
And yes, you are overthinking, but just because you're overthinking something doesn't mean you don't want to be taken seriously. You want to be listened to, you want him to actually seriously think about what you're saying and he won't. It's not something you'd ever expected from him. It hurts.
You glare at him before you can stop yourself and spin on your heel, shoes bumping down the steep tour bus steps as Remus calls after you. His tone only seals the deal, a frustrated, you're overreacting unsaid but clear.
You're so angry you slam the door behind you and completely ingore all of the other crew dawdling and packing stuff away outside.
It's cold, and it's getting dark, not ideal for a temper tantrum but you can make it work. For a while your anger keeps you warm, and suddenly the tips of your fingers are like ice and you don't know where you are.
You fish in your pockets for your phone and come up empty. "What the fuck?" you mumble, glad Remus isn't around to hear it as you stretch open your pocket and search for your cell, a flip phone with a shiny 'R' intital charm.
Annoyed that everything reminds you of him, you turn to your other pocket and give it the same invasive treatment.
It isn't there. You don't have your phone.
You tip your head back and huff at the inconvenience, though the sound of footsteps and girlish giggling quickly has you snapping back to attention. There's a fast food place across the street, and in the window you can see a group of teenage girls laughing and pointing their phones at you.
You look down at yourself. You're not exactly disguised, in Marauders merch and without sunglasses or a hat, you're clearly the girl from all the photos. Lupin's new fling, or whatever Today magazine had decided to call you.
I prefer groupie, you'd said. Remus had laughed so hard he cried.
You bring your hands up to your naked upper arms and scrub roughly at goosebumps, eyes up and vying for a street sign. Or better, a phone.
The fast food restaurant's door opens and laughter spills out. You don't think, you start in one direction and hurry down the street, eyes to the pavement as a voice calls out, then a second.
"Wait! Wait, are you Y/N?"
Your heart capers furiously in your chest as you turn a corner, hands behind your back and panting. A dark road stretches in front of you, kissed by lamplight and slick with rain from this morning. You watch your breath steam in front of you and listen to the group draw closer.
You have... less than happy experiences with fans. Something about you activates a cruel streak in some, especially when they're in groups like this. Jealousy, a need to be better. They can't understand why you're with Remus, and they're not afraid to let it be known.
You hide your hands under your arms and panic. You're really lost, and now those girls are looking for you, and it's awfully dark.
Seized, you stand with your back pressed to an icy wall and wait for their footsteps to fade away, heart racing under your hand. You peel away from the wall after cautionary five minutes that feels endless, fingers stiff. You shove them into the pockets of your joggers and turn back onto the street.
The light catches on a dark figure and you flinch too late, knocked clean off of your feet and onto the gravelly tarmac behind with a painful smack.
"Dove," Remus says, surprised. "Oh, darling, I'm so sorry."
He gets down onto his knees to help you up, assessing your scratched up elbows, your upper arms, your head. His eyes flit over you rapidly and don't stop, a frown playing on his lips.
"You've never called me darling before," you say, teary-eyed. You gasp as he lifts your arm to examine your bleeding elbow, a searing pain.
"You're my darling," he says simply.
"Shove all your darlings about?" you ask bitterly, not quite serious. "Or just me?"
"You're freezing," he murmurs sympathetically.
Remus opens his arms and you sink into him, arms sandwhiched between your two torsos. He rubs up and down the lengths of your back, readjusting his face against the top of your head over and over like he's trying to get closer still.
"I'm sorry," he says again, "for knocking you over and for being a knob. Sorry, lovely."
He sounds so incredibly worried that you pry your arms from his hot chest and needle them around him, frowning. You've never heard him sound like this. It's horrible.
"It's okay," you soothe.
"It's not okay. You're not okay, I've just cut your elbow." He presses his lips directly to the skin beneath his lips. "Are you alright?" he asks into your skin.
"I'm fine."
Your shaky voice further laments his concern.
"Poor girl." He kisses you again, and again.
"Remus, you can't just be mean and then- then smother me in affection."
He pulls away but keeps his hands on your shoulders, a blissful heat.
"You're right. I'm sorry for not listening. I know you have a hard time handling the anxiety that comes with touring. I know. I should've listened, even if I don't understand."
You blink at him. "Oh."
He nods. "Sorry, dove. Seriously."
His acknowledgement really does help ease the ache. You're still hurt, but now that you know he knows what you're going through, you feel better. You feel like you're on the same side again.
"I don't like when you're mean," you say. You feel pathetic, but you mean it. You want him to know how you'd felt. "When I'm trying to tell you something important and you're making jokes, it makes me feel stupid."
He looks rightly heartbroken at what you've said, and he ducks his head. "Right."
"Okay?" you ask, sliding a finger into one of his belt loops.
"I'm not trying to make you feel stupid," he says softly. "I'm sorry. It was a misguided attempt at minimising your worrying."
You stare at him, feeling pretty good about the whole thing. Unhappy that he looks so much like a kicked dog, but pleased that he's listened. Your hands are numb with cold as you pull up his t-shirt. He flinches, but to Remus' credit he doesn't ask you not to, only pulls you in again for a second hug.
"I know you didn't mean to. I'm sorry for worrying so much. Just want you to be safe."
He pats your back. "I think I get it. Looking for you, I mean. Worrying something was happening to you out here by yourself."
"Only thing happening to me is frostbite."
He laughs loudly over your head and you feel his chest rumble where it's pressed to your own, a hand curling over the back of your neck to encourage your face to one side so he can kiss all over your cheek. "You really are cold," he mumbles, giving your back a perfunctory rub.
"Think you better take me back to the hell bus and warm me up again."
He smiles into your cheek. "I can do that."
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arvensimp · 2 years
I'm so glad you wrote NSFW! Would I be able to get HC or a scenario where Arven has his first time with a female s/o? How would he be, is he nervous, does he ease her nervousness? I wanna know what he's like as a lover, I'm guessing gentle and soft but you never know lol ♥️
So! I definitely want to break this down a bit, if that's alright? I'm giving you three different kinds of first times with a female girlfriend, and i hope you'll like it that way? This definitely turned out waayyyyyy fuckin longer than intended lmfao
First Time(s)
Arven x female/fem reader
Nsfw content of course, fingering, oral (fem receiving), vaginal intercourse
Arven doesn't strike one as the sort who has a fling and quits. Especially not for his first girlfriend. He's been alone for too long to find intimacy like that just to quickly throw it away.
So he has many firsts.
Sure, you've had kisses across the whole region, soft pecks on the cheeks, foreheads, hands, and mouths (he especially likes those), but getting to explore you with his hands was a very new experience.
His first time touching you intimately is actually kind of unplanned and happens in sort of a weird place. Geographically speaking.
You were back in area zero on a research request from Jacq. Arven had insisted on coming along with you as backup. While he was 100% aware that you didn't need any help looking after yourself, he still worried about his "most treasured" person being down there all alone. You don't blame him after what he's gone through, so you figure safety in numbers won't hurt.
You spend the day working on researching the paradox pokemon in the area, collecting samples to bring back to Jacq as you can, and Arven watches you in awe. Sure you were amazing the first time you'd come down here together when the professor had asked, but even then you'd needed the back up. This time though?
It was clear you were leagues and scores ahead of him, and he was so thoroughly impressed and infatuated with your ability.
That night back in one of the old research centers, which you had decently cleaned and made more or less habitable for your stay, you got cozied up together.
Arven sings your praises into your skin that night. "You were amazing out there. A real master, ya know?" He says between kisses at your throat. You're beneath him on top of plush sleeping bags above the newly cleaned cot, which was surprisingly roomy enough for the both of you.
One of his palms eases up your loose fitting sleep shirt, squeezing your breast tentatively. This part is still new ground to him, but he definitely loves it. Both the feel of its warm softness in his hand, and your reaction: a soft gasp then a grind that doesn't quite ease the ache building at your core. The way he's positioned himself above you, pinning you down, doesn't give you much to work with.
"Haha, my little treasure..." A kiss. "So cute..." Another. "You're so tough and big out there, but here?" One more. "I've got you here..." It's more loving than possessive the way he says it, diving back down to kiss and nip where your ear meets your neck.
"P-please... Arven, c-c'mon and touch me already!" You beg, legs splayed, grinding basically to the air.
He sits up as if he were shocked, and if you were paying attention you'd see how he goes red beneath his adorable curtain of hair that blocks half his face.
"Uh... R-really?"
"Mhmm!" You whine, sounding so hopelessly needy he feels like just entered some kind of video he'd watched as a teenager.
He swallows. "O-Okay... I-I've just...uh... Well..." He places a nervous palm on your inner thigh, and you move happily to his touch. "You tell me what...to, uh...to do." He clears his throat softly. "I mean. What you'd like. Okay? A-and tell me if you need me to stop."
"Mmm..." You wiggle your hips and furrow your brow, getting impatient. "I promise, just..." You hook your thumbs under the band of your sleep shorts and underwear, moving your legs around Arven so you can slip off your bottoms, then sit up so you can get your top off as well.
When you lay back down, completely exposed, your legs are now to one side of your boyfriend. "O-Okay..." He mumbles, and you're not sure if it's to himself or to you, but he starts to scoot to move between your legs, and oh...
It does feel strange to show that part of yourself to someone for the very first time. You resist the urge to childishly cover yourself with your hands as you open your legs fully to him, but damn if you don't want to hide your face with your arms.
Arven, meanwhile, seems transfixed by the sight of your core. His eyes are wide, and he's red as a tamato berry You can only handle his deafening silence for a moment before you wriggle and shift to close your legs and hide yourself. "S-sorry. This was d-"
"N-no!" Arven puts a gentle hand on your knee to stop you. "I'm sorry! I-I got...uh, distracted...y-you... I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Can we keep going?"
You feel a weight you didn't know was even there lift from your shoulders. "Uh...Y-yeah..." You nod.
Arven leans down to kiss you again, focusing on your neck while the hand on your knee gently guides it back down to the cot. Once there, his hands nervously crawl up your thigh, and you can feel his fingers quake just a bit at the apex where your legs meet your center. You grind into his hand and give a small groan of anticipation to ease him on.
"Okay," He seems to answer you, pulling his face away from your neck to gauge your reactions while his trembling hand moves to cup your warmth. You hum and move your hips against him for friction, and he can't help but smile at your neediness. He's in awe at how physically hot you are, just from him touching you like this. Tentatively, he moves to slip his middle finger between your folds.
"Y-You're so wet..." He marvels at how easily it slides through. You waste no time at all, grinding against the digit, wiggling your hips in an attempt to get some friction against your clit.
When you do, you cry out your satisfaction and make quick work of continuing the motion, basically humping against his hand while he watches you, utterly dumbfounded and infatuated. He tries to catch onto your movements and rub tight circles around the engorged nub. The motion on his part makes you still as best you can so as not to mess up his ministrations and throw off your mounting orgasm.
"God, you're so needy..." He mumbles in a happily teasing way before leaning down to kiss at your jawbone. The sounds you're making, and the feel of your iron hot wetness are enough to drive him up the wall, but he can be patient. This is worth it.
When you eventually cum loudly and wetly all over his fingers, Arven doesn't know what he's brought you to; he's happy to just keep having you make stupid horny sounds while your hips buck beneath him involuntarily. He could get drunk on the sight, sound, and smell of it all. It takes your firm hand on his wrist and a breathy, whiny, "S-s-sl...slow.....please...." For him to jerk his hand away.
"A-are you alright?!" He asks, as if your winded state was an indicator that you'd been hurt. "I-I'm sorry, I got lost in...in it...a-and--"
"S'good..." You interrupt with a tired grin. "Jus'...jus'...give me...like? 10 seconds? Oversensitive..."
Arven's eyes go dinner plate-wide. "Did-...Did you? Did I?"
You nod, taking his hand and leading it back to where it had just been between your open legs. "Can you keep going? It's really good."
Arven seems to swell a bit with pride (as if he could get anymore swollen down there). "S-sure! If that's what you want! Just tell me what to do."
Already worked up, it doesn't take much to work a few more orgasms out of you in quick succession before you slow his hand with another request. "C...can you maybe...maybe uh...go inside...?" Your voice gets small as you finish the question.
"Y-yeah! Absolutely! Just. Uh..." Arven's fingers gently glide from where they'd been rubbing circles around your quaking clit, downward to you eagerly waiting entrance. You buck your hips in anticipation as his middle finger alone teases just along the edge. "...There?" And he's got to be kidding because he can see your wanton reaction and how you're grinding against his single digit, willing him to go inside and finger fuck you.
You only whine in near satisfaction. "Please..."
That seems to be enough for him because he plunges his long middle digit into you, and you cry out, arching your back and grinding your hips in a stuttery way without meaning to. Arven meanwhile seems to short circuit at this first exceedingly intimate feeling. His hand falters and you're left to grind mindlessly against him while he reboots.
"Y-You're so tight..." He says as he eventually starts picking up the pace to move his hand along with you. "S-so warm, too..." And you're not sure if he's saying it to himself or to you directly.
"H-How...how can you be this wet? Just from this?" He asks, and as he does so, he twists his wrist in a way such that his finger inside you can rub up against a deliciously sweet spot while his thumb can go back to rubbing against your clit.
Between your previous orgasms and his new ministrations, your vision goes white for a moment as you cum again almost immediately, clenching like a vice around his finger.
You sigh happily as your body relaxes back to contentedness. "That was wonderful..." You hum, eyes still closed. "Thank you, Arven..." You roll over a bit and place a hand on his still-clothed thigh. "Can I....?" You peak open an eye to look at your boyfriend, and he's sitting up ram-rod straight, a bright red blush dusting his features.
"Uh. N-no. I'm good. I need to. Uh. Go. Wash up. Be right back."
And before you can look down or question him, he's darted off to the makeshift washroom.
From there, Arven only gets better at servicing you with his hands. The fine chef that he is though, he soon starts to want to try new things. Things with his mouth.
It starts off as one of those jokes that he makes to gauge interest.
"Wow, you're so wet like this, I bet I could just drink from you,"
And you giggled and shut your legs, embarrassed (and maybe turned on?) But not willing to admit it, so he let it go that night.
Then he casually mentioned how delicious you look down there.
"I could eat you out like a man starved. I really could."
"Arven!!!" You once again blushed and brought your knees together, but you couldn't deny how earnest he sounded saying it.
It took him finally just coming out and asking you one day as he teased you.
"Think you'll let me eat you out today? Pretty please with whipped cream and pecha berries on top?"
You're splayed out for him, stuttering and whimpering and coming down from another orgasm when he asks this time.
"Ha....a-are you sure?" You ask, feeling a bit self conscious.
"My dearest treasure," He confesses, bringing one of your hands to his mouth for a kiss. "I've wanted to taste you since I first saw how wet you made my fingers that day."
"O-oh..." You swallow. "O-Okay then..."
He kisses your temple.
"Thank you. Just tell me if you want me to stop. ...O-Or if I should do something else."
Then he scoots down to your belly button and start kissing a solid line from there to your inner thigh.
His soft hair tickles while the stubble of his shaved face scratches just a bit in a very satisfying way.
You'd already cum twice on his fingers tonight, so you know you're wet, but you aren't prepared for the soft squelching sound your pussy makes as he parts your lips with his fingers, exposing you so very intimately to him. You can't help but whimper. Your legs move of their own accord to draw closed, but with his broad shoulders in the way, they can't.
"You're beautiful..." He says with breathless awe, his head lolling to one side to rest on your thigh as he looks at your core. He pauses there for a moment that feels like a lifetime before he delves in, licking a stripe up the length of you. The heat of his mouth gives you a whole body shiver, and you choke out a gasp.
He looks up, and even in the dim light, you can see that his chin is wet. It makes your head spin.
"Hm? Is that okay?"
Your head falls back on the pillow. "Y-Yeah... K-keep going."
He hums again, eyeing your pussy up and down before latching onto your clit with his lips and gently sucking. The fingers that were spreading you apart for him slowly sink into you, pumping in and out in a slow rhythm that has you choking out broken moans of his name.
He's relishing every sound and movement you make for him, humming his delight onto your clit, which has you nearly cumming all over again, but he pulls away too soon, and suddenly your whole pussy which had just felt so warm with all of him has gone cold.
"I wanna try one other thing. Is that okay?"
You're nearly drunk on the need to cum again at this point, so you nod your assent with fists clenched in the sheets. "Pl-please, Arven! Just let me cum for you!"
"I want it just as bad as you do, don't worry..." He says with a smile in his voice, as he lowers himself back to your cunt. This time rather than let his mouth latch onto your clit, it goes just the tiniest bit further south, allowing his tongue to probe your pussy. At this angle, his nose is also able to press delightfully against the engorged button of your clit, stimulating you in two ways at once while he drinks from you, as he'd promised, like a man starved.
You're so lost in the throes of ecstasy that you can't bring yourself to be embarrassed over the slurping sounds he makes as he tongue fucks you.
To help improve the angle though, Arven hitches your thighs over his shoulders, and as you cum, you end up squeezing his face just a bit more forcefully than you would have intended otherwise.
When you come down from the high, Arven is laughing at you, fully delighted at the fuck-drunk look on your face.
"I-I could've killed you!" You meekly retort to his laughter.
"What a helluva way to go that'd be though, right?" He says, plopping down next to you.
For all the fooling around you two had done, you still hadn't gone all the way yet.
It wasn't really about the whole notion of protecting the sanctity of virginity or some tauroshit like that. Genuinely.
Arven was just still kinda nervous.
He likes you. Like, a lot. Like, a lot a lot. Probably loves. Maybe definitely, even.
And he knows he's good at making you feel good with his mouth and his hands. That's not a problem.
But... What if...what if he isn't good...with it?
First of all, he's felt you. Again. A lot. He knows very intimately how tight you are. What if...what if he doesn't fit? Like, he doesn't want to toot his horn (heh), he's not saying he's huge or something, but his dick is definitely thicker than his fingers. He's checked. And he really doesn't want to fuck up and hurt his favorite person.
Beyond that, even if he does fit, (which logically, yeah sure he should, but even still, the panic is kinda there), what if he can't last? Like, fuck, he came in his pants like some sad teenager back when he'd first made you cum. How embarrassing would it be to do that again?
None of this is helped by the fact that thinking about each of those things only makes the problem worse.
So, it's up to you to start the conversation.
You've got Arven at your place one evening between gigs as a champion and an intern researcher. After Arven has very thoroughly taken care of you in the bedroom and before you go to take care of him, you ask.
"Would...would you want to maybe...go all the way tonight?"
Fuck, you'd wanted to sound sexy, but that just sounded sorta hesitant.
Arven swallows, looking your naked form up and down. "I...I do. I want to, I mean... But...are you sure? A...are you ready? Are we ready?"
You sit up and take his hands in yours, making sure to look him in the eye as you speak. "I'm ready when you are. That said, there's absolutely no rush on my end. Please don't feel any sort of pressure on my behalf. We can keep going at whatever pace makes you comfortable; just know that if, and when, you want to go further, I'm on board."
Arven looks at you, then down to your joined hands for a moment.
He squeezes them.
"Okay." He nods.
"Do...do you have any condoms?"
"...Fuck." You scramble for a moment, trying to think if you ever grabbed any from the nurse's office back before you were graduated from the academy because you know you've definitely never bought a box. Even then, those things expire. "I...don't..."
"I...might have some? Hold on." Arven gets up and heads out of your bedroom, stark naked.
It takes a few minutes, but he eventually returns with a little foil packet in hand. "It's not expired either. I double checked." You can also tell he took a moment to get himself hard again, and he looks just stunning.
"Perfect! So...how should we do this?"
"Like, position?"
"Um.... I wanna be able to see you."
"Me too..."
Arven thinks for a moment before deciding. "Just...lay back down, okay?"
You do as he asks, and Arven moves to hover over you on the bed, condom still in hand.
"Okay..." He seems to say half to himself as he tears open the package and takes the rubber out.
You watch him for a moment as he rolls it down his length.
"Is that something you practiced before now?" You ask on a whim, trying to be light hearted.
Arven gives you an odd look, raising an eyebrow and quirking his mouth into a half confused smirk.
"Well...y-yeah? It's important to be safe?"
"Just curious..." You say, leaning your head back. "It's not something I ever put much thought into in my experience... I'm glad you did though."
He leans down and kisses you lightly. "Of course..." He brushes a lock of hair out of your face. "Just...tell me if you need me to stop. At all. For any reason. Okay?"
You reach up and cup his cheek in your hand. "Always. And same to you, ya know? If you want to stop at any time, we absolutely can."
Arven nods then kisses you again. When he pulls away, he strokes his covered length a few times before bringing it to your folds. He grinds against you a few times, purposefully trying to gather your wetness along the rubber before it enters you. The sensation makes you both shudder.
He exhales as he lines up his cock. "A...are you ready?"
You nod.
Arven moves painfully slowly as he enters you, but he pauses halfway, groaning. "Relax, p-please... Too tight..."
"Ah, s-sorry..." You reply, releasing a shuddering breath that you hadn't realized you were holding. "B-better?"
"Mhmm..." Arven nods as he continues pushing his way in until he's fully sheathed within you, at which point he drops his head to your shoulder.
You reach up and pet the hair at the nape of his neck. He's delightfully filling, and while it stings just a bit, he really did prepare you so well for this.
"You okay?" You ask.
"I-I..." He chokes as he nods into your shoulder. "I need a second... Please d-don't move..."
"Okay," You reply, continuing your soft ministrations with his hair, twirling it gently in your fingers.
"Y-You're so good...so t-tight..." He mumbles into your shoulder after a few moments, his hips slowly pulling back from yours.
The drag feels wonderful, and you match the motion as best you can. "You feel amazing too," You whisper into his skin.
It takes very little time for Arven to start fucking you in earnest from there, and he thanks every single one of his lucky stars for the condom and the idea that it maybe dulled the sensation for him (placebo effect or otherwise) because he's pretty sure if he'd tried to go in without it he would have cum halfway through the first stroke.
Far too soon than he'd care to admit (but still a worthy effort!) he shudders and comes to a stop above you, groaning sinfully before his shaking arms give out and he collapses, sweaty and glorious on top of you.
You, for your part, are still entirely blissed out from being fucked, and are happy to scratch loving and happy circles into his back.
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