#it doesn't matter how busy I am 😤
arrow-tied-messages · 4 months
Valentine's Day means logging in to almost every gacha you play for the free gifts and or new voice lines
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queenscodex · 2 years
Love Languages
Dorm leaders; Riddle, Leona, Azul, Kalim, Vil, Idia, Malleus
Gender Neutral Reader
No warnings
Notes: wrote this before my hiatus, I am not caught up with the story yet(I'm very behind TwT). I still hope you enjoy :]
Riddle Rosehearts
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Quality time
Riddle is a busy person to say the least. He is constantly swamped with things he needs to do; members to scold, meetings to attend, getting ahead of his studies, etc etc.
Safe to say he doesn't have much leisure :/
So he cherishes those moments of free time, fading from his usual facade of being a hard working student. And Riddle loves to spend those moments with you
Cuddling with Riddle roseheart?
Yes please !
"It's very improper" He would say as he continues to wrap his arms around your waist.
Because he is a busy person, spending time with him needs to be planned in advance unfortunately. But it doesn't really matter how you spend that time, Riddle savors each and every second of it.
But among his favorite ways to spend that time is taking care of hedgehogs together !
He finds something soothing about nursing the little creatures while having his partner there to spend that time with him
He also loves the moments when it's just the two of you away from prying eyes, his focus solely on you and away from the duties that have strained him.
Really, Riddle is happy to spend whatever time he can with you considering his schedule. It can be studying, dates, or something casual.
He's just really smitten for your attention (^▽^)
Words of Affirmation
Riddle doesn't get praised enough for all the work he does! His efforts tend to be overlooked by others and although he claims he doesn't require the recognition, part of him always yearns for your sweet compliments.
He feels his face go red every time
He loves being told 'I love you' the most. It serves as a reminder that there is someone who accepts him despite being painted as the crimson tyrant.
Words speak louder than actions for some, and the thing Riddle wants is to hear you say you love him. Tell him how much you love, that will certainly make his heart beat fast.
It might be simple, it stays with Riddle for the rest of the day :D
Last thoughts: Acts of service; simply pouring him some tea, or organizing his work goes a long way to make him feel loved.
" Please tell me those words again? Your voice is so sweet to my ears, my rose. I love you too."
Leona Kingscholar
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Physical Touch
Leona is secretly touch-starved, change my mind. You can't
He enjoys the moments he can cuddle with his partner. And it's no secret that he adores sleeping into the late hours of the day in garden, but to the displeasure of the staff
Leona isn't one to explicitly state his emotions and feelings. He would much rather show this through subtle actions that he does not reciprocate with anyone else.
You're his one and only pillow <3
Napping together is a must for him. He likes having you close to him, resting his face within your shoulder or stomach.
Just having your there in his presence is enough to soothe him into some sleep
Although he isn't the fondest of kisses, Leona does like having you within arms reach, being able give you quick kisses whenever.
When you both sleep, he holds onto your hand sometimes <3
And when he holds your hand in public, be grateful this is a rare moment to behold 😤
Physical touches is enough to make his mood better by a lot- a lot of times it leads to sleeping but who are you to complain?
Acts of service
He's a lazy lion. What can I say?
Leona appreciates someone who goes out of their way to make his day easier by doing little things for them- bascally like Ruggies job(expect you get kisses as a reward)
Things like getting him a snack when he's hungry, or helping him clean his room when he's too tired speaks a lot on itself since it's coming from his lover's own obligation and he does appreciate your little acts though he isn't one to voice it out loud.
He'll repay you in lots of cuddling followed by some rest in the botanical garden
Followed by a series of angry words from the staff who attempted to chase you away.
Last thoughts: words of affirmation; Leona always saw himself as the second best. He might roll his eyes at the cute things you say about but it might just earn you some rare flustered moments from the lion~
" You got me lunch? Herbivore, if I hadn't known better you were trying to get my attention."
Azul Ashengrotto
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Words of Affirmation
Growing up, Azul has only been met with negative comments about himself, usually regarding his physical appearance. He has become insecure of his octopus form and tried to ease that part of hum entirely
But the first time you complimented him on it, Azul swore his heart skipped a beat.
It was genuine and made him feel good about himself despite what others had said him
The compliment itself doesn't need to be anything extravagant, something as simple as praising him for his grades is enough to get him blushing.
Imagine his cheeks burning up your words. "I like your hat, Zul." Boom, tomatoes would be jealous of how red he is.
While he may be far from loving his mer form, your words do a lot to bring him closer to accepting himself.
Physical Touch
Simply holding your hand is enough for Azul to go beet red, but the action also makes his heart flutter knowing his partner is right there beside him.
Actions such as cuddling and kisses are also a way for him to unwind after a day of work.
Imagine, laying in his private quarters in the afternoon, his face resting in the crook of your neck. All the while, incoherent mumbles are leaving his lips, explaining the events that had passed.
Cuddling makes him feel secure and safe, away from the prying eyes of the twins and anyone who threatens to embarrass him. Kisses on the other hand serve as a reminder that someone loves him and trusts him enough to share something intimate
While Azul is very reserved when it comes to physical touches, he soon becomes addicted to your little affectionate gestures.
Even if he becomes flustered in the process, that doesn't hide the small smile that appears whenever you press your lips against his cheek.
Of course, most of this mainly occurs behind closed doors, but being to hold your hand as you walk through the school makes him forget about his insecurities for a moment as he can relish being in the embrace or hold of his partner
Last thoughts: Acts of service; he lives a busy life running the Fish mafia a restraunt. And he falls ever so more in love with you whenever you grab him his pen or bring him food when he's overworking himself.
" Please kiss me once more, you make me forget about the world and its impurities. I am weak to you, my dear."
Kalim Al-Asim
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Quality Time
Kalim loves to pass the time with his partner. Mundane things such as studying become a lot more fun with his partner there to chat with.
Admittly, the homework become disregarded jn a manner of second, but that's for future you to worry about, this is cuddle time with Kalim !
Like Riddle, Kalim is open to do anything his partner wants to do. He isn't picky, if anything hes looking for excuses to pass some time with his partner.
Sends you a lot of "Can I come over please, I'm really bored" text messages.
Though he isn't picky with how to spend that time, he adores carpet rides. What's more fun than feeling the wind sweep through your hair as you can admire beautiful scenery in the distance? Kalim finds the moment to be a source of distraction and by the end of it he's going to have a big grin
However a lot of time you do spend together is often accompanied by someone meant to overlook Kalim's safety, mainly being Jamil.
Jamil third wheeling, Canon. But don't worry though, Jamil will keep his judging to himself
But mornings are a favorite as there aren't those added pair of eyes and so he can spend that time with his partner alone.
Imagine all the silly things you two can go off for hours in the early morning :D
Physical Touch
Kalim loves physical affection! He would cuddle all day if he could.
Kisses are among his favorites. He especially holds a preference towards butterfly kisses, playfully grazing his lips around your face, laughing in between each peck while holding your face with his fingers. And he becomes so bashful whenever his partner return does the same to him
Hugs and hand holding are something Kalim wants to do all the time, the expression of joy curving his features whenever you open your arms for a hug or invite him for cuddles
Give this boy all the love he deserves <3
Last thoughts: gifts; Kalim spoils you rotten. But the gifts you get him? Treats it as though it was made of the world's most expensive jewels. A stuff animal animal from you or a random gem? You can sure bet that he's gonna hold onto that stuff animal and keep it safe until he takes his last breath.
" Can I kiss you? One more kiss before class, a quick one too! I promise!"
Vil Schoenheit
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Acts of service 
Vil lives by a pretty busy schedule, he is constantly swamped by things, juggling both highschool responsibilities and that of his professional career. 
He is always on his feet and days can become hectic sometimes. So having a partner who helps make his life easier by just doing little acts makes his heart explode on the inside !
The tasks itself don't even have to be anything tedious. Something simple as grabbing him his shoes, or setting out his makeup products in the morning ready for use, makes Vil's day to day go by much easier. 
It's similar to Leona, in which his partner is doing it because they want to. To Vil, putting in that extra effort shows care and love and his heart flutters by that alone
But his favorite? Bringing him lunch after an exhausting photoshoot. He may be worn out from taking dozens of photos, but seeing you approach him with a smile on your face with a packaged bundle of goods makes that drowsiness disappear 
Vil appreciates all his partner's efforts. And he is sure to repay the favor, doing little things to make his partner's life a little easier to the best of his ability.
Quality time
As mentioned, Vil has a packed schedule. He regrets that he can't spend as much time with his partner as he wishes and thus dates have to be planned ahead of time.
And nothing hurts him more then he has to cancel plans for work. Makes it up to you the moment he gets that free time again. 
Despite that, mornings are easily a favorite time of his. It's a moment he can share with his partner, often spending the time helping each other get ready for the day followed by some face masks.
And when you do those face masks, it is so comforting you may just fall asleep again. 
But Vil really finds comfort in these moments, able to dissociate from the outside world and spend some quality time with his partner 
 Likes to take you to the premiers of his movies as well, taking his partner as his special guest.
Que the wave of fangirls trying to undercover who this y/n is.
Having one-on-one conversations are among his favorites and being able to spend that with someone he cares about makes his heart skip a beat at the thought alone. 
Last thoughts: Gifts; he's kinda similar to Kalim in which he values a lot of the things you get him. Yes, he's use to get some of the top makeup products around the world, but it doesn't compare to the tokens of affection you gift him :]
" Sweet potato, why don't we do something this weekend. I spoke with my managers and I'll be free both days. I heard this new restaurant opened, my treat~"
Idia Shroud
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Idia is pretty inexperienced when it comes to romance which is reflected when it comes to the other love languages.
Physical affection and words of affirmation makes him red in the face and nervous. Acts of service makes him feel awful for making you do things for him. However when it comes to gifts, that's something he appreciates dearly
Growing up, he has only received gifts from his family, rarely from anyone outside that circle. So when his partner suddenly gifts him with a new video game that he had been rambling about, he almost explodes on the spot
The gift doesn't even have to be video games, Idia is grateful for anything you get him, small or big! And when his partner goes through the effort to get him something special for his birthday or anniversary, he almost passes out on the spot.
If it's a stuffed animal he sleeps with it every night, clutching it close to his chest. Denies it profusely when you discovered this
Receiving an item from someone outside his family is rare, but the feeling it leaves is warm and lasting.
Whenever his eyes fall upon the little things his partner gets him, Idia can't help but show off a love struck smile, the memory of his partner handing it to him replaying in his mind.
And he is sure to give you something in return every time too. Though he feels as though it lacks in comparison.
Quality time
Idia has spent most of his time alone, playing video games and watching anime by his lonesome with the exception of his brother passing by from time to time.
And Idia likes it like that, he prefers being alone.
But when he meets you he very quickly gains a new perspective, enjoying all the moments with you. Especially if it's someone who's shares similar interests as him
And just like that, spending time alone feels so gray, something lacking as he clicks over the control buttons. The victory felt pointless without you cheering for him. Anime, while still enjoyable, lacks something.
And from that point on forward, he follows you like a puppy, looking for any way to get your attention and spend time with you
Of course watching Anime with his partner is a favorite as well as playing video games, offering you a seat beside him as he boots up the t.v(even better if it's a game you bought him!).
Even though he is someone that would rather spend his time alone, he will always spare some time for his partner, you're his player 2 after all~
Last thoughts: words of affirmation; physcial touch still makes him uneasy but your voice? Hes so smitten by that alone. tell him he's pretty. That you love and cherish him. I guarantee it would earn you blushes from Idia, literally putty in your hands.
" F-for me? Why? Is today something special- sorry, I didn't get you anything b-but I will!"
Malleus Draconia
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Physical Touch
Malleus is touch-starved, he has been deprived of romantic affection most of his life. So when he first experienced cuddling, kissing and hand holding, he becomes addicted in matter of seconds
Putty in your hands, and isn't ashamed of it
He always wants to have his hands on his partner in some way, whether it be on your shoulder, waist, or simply holding your hand. Malleus likes the feeling of his skin against your own.
Also to show to the surrounding people that he is in fact your boyfriend and should think twice before making a move on you
At the beginning of the relationship he was a bit hesitant to initiate anything. But he would inch close to you when you're both standing, before finally interlocking his fingers with yours.
Kisses are also among Malleus favorite gestures, the feeling of his partner's lips against his own is something addicting to him. He can never give you enough kisses, often grazing his lips against your skin affectionately at any given point.
The dame applies to cuddling. Holding you in his arms is reassuring to the fae, it's also how he can protect his partner, keeping an eye out for potential dangers
Quality Time
As mentioned, Malleus has spent a lot of time alone. However, unlike Idia(who prefers to be alone), Malleus has always had the desire to spend his time with someone. Unfortunately, due his reputation both as a fae and heir to the briar Valley throne, many students have avoided thus leaving him by himself
That all changes when he finally has someone to call his lover and friend. Malleus becomes glued to your hip, wanting to spend every moment he can with you. Of course, this is not possible so he savors what he can get
The first time his partner suggested they do something together, Malleus had to take a few seconds to comprehend your words.
'They want to spend time with me?' He is truly blown away
Malleus doesn't care how that time is spent, he just wants to be beside his partner and serenade them in love just as you do him <3
Last thoughts: gifts; will this man spoil your rotten with presents? Yes he will. Can you stop him? No you can't. Malleus just loves to spoil his love, he's putty in your hands.
" Child of man, you want to spend time with me? You aren't afraid of me? Hmm, you'd be the first.''
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mouschiwrites · 3 months
I have never in my life done any kind of suggestion thingy like this so uh, yea
Lloyd x Trans male reader headcanons? bonus points if the reader is also a ninja
I am not a trans male so I'm super sorry if this is inaccurate!! This is just based on what I know from others' experiences ^^" but as always please correct me if I've gotten anything wrong!
Ninjago - Lloyd With a Transmasc s/o
He instantly becomes your #1 supporter when you come out to him
Probably buys like. at least 10 trans flag pins to put on various items he owns
(he asks you if it's okay first ofc, and he never tells anyone that you're trans unless you've given him permission)
When people ask if he's trans, he's just like "no :3" *doesn't elaborate*
Because he doesn't go spilling your business to strangers 😤 (unless you're cool with it)
When you're struggling with feeling masculine, he comes up with little plans of "guy-ish" stuff to do
Unfortunately he's not the manliest man himself, so sometimes these activities are kind of weird
One time he literally just took you to chop wood with a huge ax 💀
And ofc he asks about your boundaries regarding your gender
Like how comfortable you are with femininity, if at all
I suppose what I mean here is that he's going to communicate with you so that he doesn't say anything that might trigger some gender dysphoria
Because he doesn't want that :(
But when you are feeling dysphoric, he busts out the MAN HANGOUTS (see above)
Or cuddles if you prefer :)
If you wear a binder, he always asks at the end of the day if you've taken it off yet
He doesn't want you hurting yourself (make sure to bind safely guys <3)
And if you take HRT, he'll help you remember to take that too
He'll even bring it to you and help you take it if you want!
Unless you use needles, then he's just going to squeeze your hand and look away while you do it... he is afraid of needles :(
But ofc he totally accepts you if you can't/don't use any of those things!!
To him, you're a guy. Period. No matter what you look or sound or act like, you are a dude.
And he gets so irked when anyone says otherwise
He's just like: dude. that's my boyfriend. wtf are you on about. you're just so wrong. you don't even know how wrong you are.
(^ same attitude he gets when he meets a transphobe in general tbh)
But, as much as he'd like to get all protective and educate this fool, he won't if you tell him to stop
But he will send them a snarky look and, while walking away with you hand-in-hand, say:
"Come on, Y/n. Let's get out of here."
Extra emphasis on the "Y/n" if someone dared to deadname you
OH and if you're a ninja, if any enemy tries to get transphobic with you, he totally abandons his restrained "peacekeeper" fighting style
And when he's done he's just like "that's for being transphobic, loser >:("
Not like they can hear him... they are unconscious
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Aaah I hope this was okay!! ^^" Thank you for this request, and thanks so much for reading!! Take care duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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My personal CHERRY x LUOCHA headcanons:
Luocha, who is simply in awe when you talk about your interests or anything you know. He just finds it so endearing, the way your eyes shine and your soft voice rings in his ears. He gladly listens to you and learns everyday something new about the world and about his world (you <3).
Luocha tips his chin with a soft smile on his lips. “This is truly interesting. Could you tell me more, my flower?”, he asks in a soft voice as he admires your figure.
You, who gladly brushes his hair and even styles it. Normally, Luocha doesn't allow people to touch it since an elegant appearance is important to him - but you were an exception, because he trusted you.
The shoulders of the blonde man slightly relaxed into your touch and how you gently brush his hair as you two talk about whatever races your minds in this exact moment. He truly cherishes these kinds of moments so much.
Luocha, who adores your kindness and open-minded nature. But of course, he knows you can also stand up for yourself. He's glad and forever thankful to find such an amazing girlfriend like you, and sometimes, he just can't hold his love for you back.
Once again, you were minding your own business, be it by chatting with your friends, studying, reading or anything. Suddenly, you felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around you and a soft kiss placed on your forehead. “My apologies, my love Cherry, but I just can't help it. I forever want to show you how grateful I am for your existence.”, he whispers gently.
You, who's used to the fact that he is a wandering merchant, which means you two are traveling a lot while seeing and learning many new things but never leaving each other's side. Luocha would often hold your hand while you two were on your travels.
It was something you weren't used to. The city, the people.. everything. But your boyfriend holding your hand made you feel more relaxed and safe. No matter what happens, he will always be here for you to protect you and grow with you together on these new experiences.
~ 💐
okay, so my favourite thing about this is that my friend just peaked over my shoulder and went, 'that sounds like your crush' and i was like yeah babe, it's because he's the one😭
Luocha, who is simply in awe when you talk about your interests or anything you know. He just finds it so endearing, the way your eyes shine and your soft voice rings in his ears. He gladly listens to you and learns everyday something new about the world and about his world (you <3).
no vivi because the way i would talk his ear off if he would ever give me the chance😭i'm a person who talks a lot irl, and i especially love it when people ask me deep questions! i think this is part of the reason why i like characters like luocha, tighnari, albedo etc, because they never ask shallow questions and they are actually interested in your answer and listen to you😭
You, who gladly brushes his hair and even styles it. Normally, Luocha doesn't allow people to touch it since an elegant appearance is important to him - but you were an exception, because he trusted you.
please babygirl, literally everyone wants me to make their hair. if anything, nobody trusts me with doing my own hair because i can never braid my own hair😂luocha will be down bad🤭
this is still my favourite one out of them all though😭like it's just so cute, i can imagine us sitting on a veranda's steps and speaking to each other about small nothings while i braid his hair. i can genuinely feel the way he would keep getting distracted everytime my fingers brush against this scalp😂
Luocha, who adores your kindness and open-minded nature. But of course, he knows you can also stand up for yourself. He's glad and forever thankful to find such an amazing girlfriend like you, and sometimes, he just can't hold his love for you back.
hey luocha😤i love my friends alright😤don't. distract. me!!!!
You, who's used to the fact that he is a wandering merchant, which means you two are traveling a lot while seeing and learning many new things but never leaving each other's side. Luocha would often hold your hand while you two were on your travels.
no because i actually love travelling and learning new things so much😭it would literally be the highlight of our relationship; he doesn't even have to feel apologetic for it, i'd follow him wherever he goes🤭
anyways, thank you so much for these cute hcs vivi! i really wanted to gatekeep your ask but decided against it since i wanted to show off😂but anyways, thank you so much or your hard work!! these have been distracting me since morning and i finally got the time to respond😌💕
also,, BEST OF LUCK TO YOU FOR THE NEXT PAPER!! eat well, drink well, sleep well, and do your best! <3
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khaleesiofalicante · 7 months
Hello Dani , this is a response to the ask about TNLD Alec .
I am so glad that we are now talking about it .
The hate toward Magnus really made me uneasy because I felt like the people defending Alec where acting as if Alec’s emotions had more value than Magnus’ LIFE. It gave me major « online mirroring real life «  type vibe where the white man’s feelings are all that matters
i didn’t say anything because I did not want to make the situation more unpleasant for you and did not think that the people critiquing would have been able to have a real conversation about the topic.
I had a really hard time with TlND Alex . I could not understand why Magnus got back with him and stayed all these years . He gave me huge toxic WHITE man vibes and I read the story for Magnus and Max (and also your amazing writing and treatment of mental health as a topic)
I never understood why there where so much hate towards Magnus because he was the one who suffered and sacrificed the most for this angry, oblivious white man -like bro could have done so much better.
Like asking your boyfriend to tolerate your racist parents and getting mad because he refused ?? Automatic breake up. He actually carried that lack of consideration when it came to race after he was married to a certain extent too 😤
Let’s not even talk about his jealousy problem, and tendency to »say hurtful things he doesn’t mean « like this excuses the fact that u are willfully hurting someone u claim to love .
Annnnnywwwwways , I could write an essay ..
I am very curious about the demographic of the TLND Alec stans
I myself is a Caribbean woman not raised in the US in their late thirties.
Love this.
Let's discuss further.
Because I can't just mind my business and write fics, I not only analyse my characters, but I also analyse my readers. TLND - in that case - is very special.
BECAUSE, if you followed the discourse around the fic, you might notice that some of that discourse also made it into the fic. I've even directly quoted some people because it was SO interesting how people started to take sides (expected!) but the way in which they started to defend their fave and attack someone else was basically what was happening in the fic itself.
This fic started to mirror reality and vice versa and for a minute it got a little surreal for me tbh.
But in my analysis and observations, I noticed four kinds of Alec stans in TLND.
Please note these are merely my observations and don't mean anything beyond that so don't take it personally y'all 😇
People who liked Alec and Magnus and believed 'they were both wrong' - The concept of 'both sides are wrong' is a paradox. It doesn't exist. Yes, two people can be wrong. But in the event of a conflict, because of the power dynamics involved, one side becomes the aggressor.
In TLND, this changed from time to time, but it was very clear that Alec had the upper hand in the relationship. It's how I wanted it to be (for plot reasons) which is why Alec is significantly older than Magnus and richer (in the beginning) and many other things.
I firmly believe that neutrality doesn't exist. So, the "both Magnus and Alec were wrong" gang took the easy way out. Sometimes, one person is more wrong than the other, and we need to learn to admit that.
People who liked Alec even when they knew he was a bad guy but didn't hold him accountable - Well, at least they are self-aware. But not holding people you like accountable is a dangerous habit. Did you know (fun fact) that marginalized gender identities are more likely to face violence and intimidation by people they know than people they don't know? In many cases (as that initial ask that started this conversation pointed out), Alec was one of the people who hurt Magnus too. It's just hard to see that (for many) because Alec was also one of the few people who loved Magnus a lot. I will not go on a rant about how emotional violence in intimate relationships is completely normalized (and statistically proven) but it is.
Also, this bit reminded me of this quote from rwrb because it's one of my favourite quotes ever.
 “God, I want to fight everyone who's ever hurt you, but it was me too, wasn't it? All that time. I'm so sorry.” - ACD
ALSO - I've encountered so many "Alec should've moved on and Alec should've dated someone else" readers. They also fall into this category. One of the reasons I never let Alec date anyone else was Alec wasn't ready to date anyone else. That relationship, even simply sexual, would've been extremely toxic. Alec didn't need another boyfriend. Alec needed to learn how to be a better boyfriend. I said what i said. I would've never let Alec date someone else without working on himself (and guess what, I think he knew that too. One of his better qualities).
People who liked Alec, knew he was a bad guy, but wanted him to get better and were rooting for him - Totally valid people. I like these people. I'd fall into this category if I was a reader. I think, these were also people who felt it wouldn't be the end of the world if they didn't end up together. I think people who were in the category would've enjoyed the fic the most.
People who liked Alec, and because of that, started to hate on Magnus - Wish they hadn't found the fic 🫠
But here's the deal though. Not all readers fit into one of these categories. It just doesn't work that way. If I had been younger and you said you hated TLND Alec, I would have been hurt and offended. But I'm not now. At all. Because I'm old enough to know that the way we perceive characters depends on our own values, experiences and identities. So, it's impossible for the readers to like all the characters and like the fic the same way.
While I didn't mind that TLND got all these different kinds of stans, what I did mind was when people started to get abusive and hurtful - to the characters, to me, and to the people who didn't agree with them.
That was just juvenile, and unnecessary and made me realize they were simply reading the fic without understanding the themes because if they did, they would've realized their mistakes by now.
I'll stop now though.
Thanks, always, for engaging critically with my writing. I love it and appreciate it a lot.
PS - if it helps for context, I'm a south asian woman in her late twenties :)
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onlyjaeyun · 2 months
Hi! It's me again, (that one anon who said that your writing helped through tough times and likes all your aus especially jakey's)
I don't know how am i gonna start this but, I am sooo PISSED at those people who are disrespecting you and calling you LAZY - the AUDACITY!! 😤😡🤬☠
Like seroiusly?! They could give criticism because that could help with your writing BUT FLAT OUT says your LAZY?!!! Like come on!! Aside from writing, you have personal matters that are more important that this. And they should be thankful that you did not flat out leave the whole au alone and left it unfinished just like most of the aus that I read and the authors don't say anything about whether it will be continued or not.
You UPDATED us as best as you can even though your busy and even give us a good chapter after you got burned out and have author's block. So I don't understand where did the idea of you being LAZY comes from. AND AGAIN! WE ARE READING FOR FREE!!!
And I understand that the CH last chapter's felt kinda rush but that doesn't mean it wasn't GOOD 😤 IT IS! (I may want more chapter's with them being the best couple they are but I still love what you gave us anyway- wish you would come back with that when you have time but no rush! 😘)
Do whatever really, but give criticism to the author not insult!!! And send some proper love you all!!! You're making me want pull my hair off because of frustration!!
ANYWAYS, I WILL SAY IT AGAIN!! I LOVE YOUR WRITING!! AND I LOVE YOUUU!!💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💟❣💔💌❤🧡💛💚💜💜🤎🖤🤍💙 (sending you all the hearts that I could find here so you would know how much ily 😍🤣) and Please don't overwork yourself, i have one job but that's already tiring for me so what more if it's two?! Please take care of yourself and be healthy mwah!!💋
thank you SO much for your sweet words and the anazing feedback, i'm literally giggling and kickinc my feet right now 😭 it means the world to me to know just how much you guys enjoy my work and every time i finish a smau i feel extra overwhelmed and so full of love and happiness, so thank you baby. for everything i love you so much 🥺🥺💫☁️🩷
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sketchguk · 1 year
Hi! I sent the previous soonyoung nsfw ask. Thanks for answering! You saying their first time would be so soft reminded me of this ! He would do that .... With all the pet names and just ahhhhhhhhh 😭 I am way too invested in their s*x life LOL. I think mc will be a little frustrated because she doesn't know how to ask him , and he would think something is wrong and panic because he doesn't want to upset her! I wonder what will push him to finally act out his fantasy 😭
Your friend isn't single 🥺 all the good ones are always taken. But I'm ready to fight 🤺🤺🤺 . It's so cute you knew her first!!! It's so rare for me to find online friendships that last long ! So do you approve of her bf kjlhkjiojkj even though I know it's probably online and we can't comment .. whenever my friends talk about their bfs even online , I will sit here be like "he's not worth it" it or like he's so wrong for doing that ...... The standard for men is so low and most of my friend's bf's don't deserve them 😭😭😭 Like .. with my friends dating women, it's not the case! So it's just dating men that's the problem LOL I'm still waiting for the day I approve of my friend's relationships 😂
Can I get an emoji to put in asks if you don't mind? I think about this au headcanons a lot and I can just tell you instead of keeping to myself 😔
Soonyoung is a romantic at heart 💛 I feel like mc drops a bunch of hints about how she wants to fuck, sometimes subtle sometimes not. But Soonyoung is seriously oblivious, and he thought that she liked it sweet and soft. She does! Don't we all !!! But we need to change our palette sometimes. We need more flavor !!
She probably realizes that her hints are going nowhere and tells him in the middle of sex when she's already so desperate. She wants him so bad, she's literally aching !!! And who is Soonyoung if not a natural caregiver?? Whatever his baby wants, she gets !!! But he's sure to check in on her every once in a while, initiating a safe word or a color system just in case <3
LOL I told my friend what you said, and here's the update:
Omg I will take anon, please let anon know I'm single . I don't need smne as sweet as sexy as soonyoung,do they think i like soonyoung?😤 He's my archnemesis 😤
Ahaha ever since I've joined the kpop fandom side of tumblr, I've had some of the longest internet friendships I've ever had !! And I do like her boyfriend from what she tells me !! I won't comment too much on it because that's her business. But you're right,, I'm always wary of my friend's relationships (no matter the gender - I've heard of red flags from every and all sides lol) !! I'm the same way, thinking that my friends deserve the very best
Of course you can have an emoji !!! Which one would you like to use?? I hope to see you in my inbox whenever <3 It'll surely make my day chatting with you! I'd love to hear all about your headcanons too 🥰
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aquagustd · 2 years
SO i'm back with my english. :'')
when i did say i want someone to stand by oc, i mean, i know she does it by herself. i just don't want her to suffer anymore /cryingariver. but i know yoongi & tae will be there for her, to help and take her away from the past and old wounds from time to time. i think i forgot HOW FCKNG BADASS she truly is.Now she is a mother and her son is her life, so ofc she will be more afraid and cautious about everything; but doesnt mean she cannot kick some ass if she needs.
in my defense, i never was team jk. even on the drabble, i realized that his ways to deal with things are not good & tae treats (& fuckssajfiocdsoijfefijffu) her much better. OK i give some credit do jk OK he is good awesome fucksniiiiice, but yet he doesn't seem to know limits & HE IS MUCH WORSE NOW omgggggggggg honestly honestly honestly i cannot save him. EVEN WITH SOME ASS GOOD EXPLANATION how is treating her, i dont care. we might forgive him and yet want he is out LITERALLY OUT. leave oc with junho being happy alone, or with tae cuz he will be the best father. no mores. yk whatever happened during or before or after yoongi’s wedding is no good for sure and/or life changer.
as i said, i want to be 100% team tae. but with the whole fic’ styles and your amazing writing ability, it is kinda hard. bc oc has been going through hell her whole life, with sparkles of happiness that when, as yuri said, a prince charming appears, everything seems too good to be true…ofc jk is balancing things out (THAT STUPIDDDD JERK) yet…
OK i think tae is sus but not in a bad way. Since the beginning ik there is something there however does not mean it is bad, could be actually a awesome thing. Bc all the characters have some mystery in them until now (saving oc & yoongi..cuz EVEN JUNHO HAS SECRETS) and tae is much more into oc’s life than she is into his (ok, is a important person we know). so,the mystery is still there (doesn't mean he wants something more than is showing right now). ALSO he is opening about his childhood! lovely! my heart is out <33.
and we don't about this, but ***the voices in my head**** say that there is the possibility of jk being this whole mess cuz he thinks oc had abandoned him when decided to have a normal life or she is not a woman from him anyway cuz now she is a normal person ??? or something very crucial happened… idk, i think yoongi’s wed. moment has the key. etheir way i am almost sure he wants junho, as he first (and only) child to be the one to assume his “”””family business””””. which makes me hate him EVEN MORE (is it possible at this point?) just to think of it. PLUS so “”funny!”” how he decided to appear when oc is having the time of her life with tae. LIKE “””everyone knows you are already here so why now??”””. honestly: jk is the hell and now he changed and became empty.
ps: i am sorry for the ass essay here! AAAAAH JIMIN APPEARED and i already want to hug him!...that’s why i dont read a lot of fics with him cuz i am sooooooooo biased when he steps in :’’’’’’)
YESS OC IS BADASS & can fight her own battles. i get what you mean !! she does need some help from time to time but that doesn’t make her weak.
😩😩 you’re so right about jungkook. no matter what happened at yoongi’s wedding, we know that it wasn’t good because look at the way jungkook is behaving now ??
aw yes 🥺 we’re learning about tae in bits & pieces. i’m glad you spotted it ! oc is so into her own shit that she doesn’t have time to spend with him 🥲 tae is a bit mysterious, but that’s not his fault at all.
oh my god??? that is literally amazing. are you a writer??? “jungkook is the hell and now he is empty” i never thought of that myself 😭 & your theories???? he thinks that she left him for a normal life like WOT you are one smart bean. and thinking that he might want junho because he’s the next heir to the family business 👀👀👀 can i kiss you ???
don’t apologize about your essay!! valid points were made 😤 and jimin yes 😭😭 i had to cut out so many scenes because he was being too flirty with y/n and there was too much tension. thank you for reading bb <3
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