#it doesn't matter if you changed fandoms or got into something entirely different! I'
babieken · 2 years
I haven't been very well tbh but I am trying to make things more bearable as much as I can 😂; uni is draining and today I finished my teaching practice for the first semester (thank god. it wasn't that bad but I am happy it's over. at least until the second semester but anyway), and since this is my last academic year of my bachelor's i am preparing to apply for master's in foreign universities and i feel so confused and scared about my future and what to do and yeah. just life, you know. thank you for asking 🥺💜💕
I know 😭 you start something then abandon it and then start writing something else, an existential crisis here, a nervous breakdown there (at least from my experience) 😂; i will read your works these days, thank you for the links 🥰🥰🥰
oooh, it looks so delicious 😍😍😍 i will definitely try it!!!
lee changsub, the loml (all his songs are!!!!!! but as expected from musicians like btob)🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰; i will listen to the others asap! i only watched the official mv for "youth" but i still haven't listened to the whole album :( (i am just more active on my other blog and tbh i am more into my seventeen and japanese bands brainrot era xdd).
thank you for the recipe, for the music recs. and for everything, niki. have a very lovely evening and rest of the week. take care 💜💜💜💕🥰😚💖💖💞💗💟🌌💝💖💞💕💟
oh gosh im just seeing this now ;;;;; my app has been so weird and glitchy the last couple of days...
oooffff I can relate to that... I wish you all the best on uni suff!!! that shit ain't easy... (even tho I kinda miss it now that its over)
writing is... an experience lsidjlskdj i can't say I've abandoned a lot of work (no abandoned fic in my published work) maybe 3 or 4 but yeah the mental breakdown is 100% true ldjfldfj
hehe i hope you like them!! let me know how u like Kihyun's bsides!!! also that's totally valid!!!
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thesunfyre4446 · 3 months
for the first time ever since i joined the fandom, i genuinely feel like dropping the show.
i mean not really i'm still invested. but that reunion scene... holy fucking shit
and no, it's not about "TG\TB", the show has been really obvious that rhaenyra is the hero and the greens are the villains. i didn't expect this season to be different. i still love the greens' characters lol
but that scene might be the worst thing i've ever seen in got. season 8 included. complete character assassination for both alicent and rhaenyra.
rhaenyra wants to go to alicent to 1. prevent war 2. reassure herself that her father really never changed his mind. luke and jaehaerys's brutal murders are being swept under the rug in favor of the "men bad girls good" narrative. and i'm sorry, as much as i am TG, even if viserys changed his mind, rhaenyra would still be right to claim that she's her father's heir. it doesn't matter if he told alicent something before he died, she's his declared heir. he named her in front of the entire kingdom. like i get that this might bother her that her dad might've changed his mind, but risk her life and go to KL? are you fr? and what if viserys changed his mind? would rhaenyra have just given up her claim and bend the knee to aegon?
it. doesn't. matter. rhaenyra trying to convince alicent that "there's been a mistake" makes her look so fucking stupid. like girl are you fr?? alicent and otto have both made it very clear that they want aegon to be king for years. what did she expect? for alicent and the greens to be like "oh, my bad girlie! here's the throne! fuck luke and jaehaerys let's just move on"
and alicent.... omg... instead of her taking the throne for her own ambition & to protect her sons (like s1 ep6 established) apparently her only motivation is to do what her shit husband wanted. she was only trying to follow viserys's last wish but oopsie the bad men want war now so there's nothing she can do about it. who cares if daemon sent assassins to murder her grandchild and traumatize her daughter?
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wonderfull-star · 3 months
I don't know about the others but Horrortale has always been my favorite au. And one of the reasons is that it is essentially a continuation of one of the neutral endings of Undertale. Therefore, in essence, this au can even partially be called canon, since we learned a brief backstory of Horrortale in Undertale itself. And the continuation of this whole story is the guess of the author(of Horrortale,Sour-Apple Studios) about how this neutral ending will continue. I think Horrortale is one of those universes that Toby Fox might like. If Frisk really hadn’t reset and just returned home, then the Horrortale au would have officially began(even though it’s a fan-made sequel of one of neutral endings).
And this is not even the main reason why I adore this universe. The LORE. I absolutely love how everything smoothly transitions from a scary atmosphere into a dramatic one, showing the agony, fear and hopelessness all the monsters went through. And I like how Aliza understands this and tries to help them all. She's not just the stupid, scared girl the fandom makes her out to be, and I love that. The way the images of the characters change and the background takes on dark tones makes us feel bad for the monsters. And in general, I wonder what will happen to Aliza next, whether there will be different endings, whether the monsters will ever come to the surface. Imagine if they really succeed and they meet already grown-up Frisk (who is probably about 16 years old). By the way, I also like to imagine that Aliza exists in Undertale itself and she is only 5 years old there.
I also liked how Sans was presented in this au. At first he was shown as an unstable psycho who would immediately lash out if you looked at him in wrong way. And then to find out that in fact Sans is not entirely like that and makes sure that his brother and the others in Snowdin do not die of hunger. While he himself was starving for 7 years. Which made him even more crazy.
So when I look at Horror on the “Bad Guys” team, I think: “Maybe it’s not so bad?”. Dust and Killer literally killed everyone including their brother, while in Horror’s au many are at least alive and he definitely would not touch monsters (at least those close to him, for example like Grillby,Politics Bear, Drunk Bunny and Dogaressa), especially his brother. No matter what, he always tried to hold back, which is why his psychosis grew. This makes him different from the rest of the team. Therefore, I think that like Dust and Cross, Horror joined Nightmare only for a specific purpose, while he himself most likely does not like him. However, that doesn't stop me from imagining them all as "family." This makes me think that over time Horror Sans got used to Nightmare and began to see something good in him (even if it may just be a figment of his imagination). Yes, in my mind Nightmare and the rest of his team are canon in Horrortale universe and Papyrus knows about them. At first he had a lot of questions about this, but then he simply came to terms with all the oddities of his brother. The rest of the monsters of Snowdin do not know about bad guys, just sometimes noticing dark tentacles appearing out of nowhere. Imagine if Aliza finds out about other versions of Sans. I think she will be overcome with great horror.
I don't know why, but somehow Bad Guys’s canon presence in Horrortale au makes sense to me (especially Nightmare). Maybe because of their creepy design (Nightmare is basically a walking octopus covered in dark liquid). And also the knowledge that Horror Sans hides a lot more than many in his au think. After all, it’s really creepy to see someone’s copies at one moment, isn’t it?
I also like how Horror always so slays in every edits. Especially with phonk music 👌
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cursedvibes · 13 days
I’m still in shock of that chapter. Gege … why how and why did you think this was a good idea? Also why have one of the last chapters be about some random lore that nobody knew or cared about and be explained by the fandom’s two least favorite characters
I still have some petty hate for Yuuta, which is not helping my feelings of this chapter
I'm still baffled over Gege's time management. The Sukuna fight was already stretched in places were it didn't need to be, using up space with the gauntlet of people throwing themselves at him that could've been used to develop Yuuji, Megumi and Sukuna more, but this is just...so we rushed through Sukuna's end, skipped Hakari's and Uraume's fight and skipped Megumi regaining his body and the entire immediate aftermath of the Shinjuku fight just to spend 2/3 of the next chapter entirely with inconsequential bickering that sounds like Gege is beefing with reddit critics?
Remember the end of Shibuya? The hopelessness, the gravity, people mourned the ones who died, were devastated by the destruction of the city and the many civilians who died and they knew it wasn't even over. Their lives were fundamentally changed and it showed. Here everyone walked this fight off just fine. Megumi tanking 5 Unlimited Voids and having his brain leak out of his eyes merely results in him feeling a bit dizzy now. They do blame themselves at times, lament over what they could've done differently, but it doesn't feel serious, like they really struggle with it. It's just a set-up for a joke. Ui Ui and Kirara carried the corpses and gravely injured bodies of their comrades off the battlefield, being unsure who would survive all this and being powerless to do anything else, but now they make snarky remarks over who was the real MVP...where is this energy coming from? Gojo and Choso are still dead (Kashimo too, but obviously they weren't close), Megumi should be still reeling from his trauma of seeing his sister die and loved ones injured by his hands, and mind you they didn't fight in just some rubble out in the mountains, they destroyed Shinjuku, a district were many of them used to live and were also many other civilians used to live. They destroyed so many people's homes. Sukuna might be gone, but Japan is still fucked because Sukuna has never the real problem. Killing him won't fix up Tokyo again or soothe the international tensions created by the knowledge of sorcerers existing. But all that doesn't seem to matter.
I don't mind the focus on Mei Mei and I think the New Shadow Style school thing is actually very interesting, I love jujutsu politics, we got far too little about it, but this should've been something that was brought up during the Culling Games or shortly before they started preparing for Sukuna's battle. Y'know, then when it actually happened in the timeline. Not 3 chapters before the end, where you establish this massive power house that was never even hinted at and resolve it 2 pages later. Like okay? Why does that matter? Should I be worried? I'm not because I know far too little about this and Mei Mei handled it easily anyway. Should I be relieved? I'm not because I never even know there was a problem to begin with. Yes, we knew you can only teach Simple Domain to specific people, but that could've been resolved way easier than making up this whole issue and it was never treated with such gravity a secret society that drains their students life would deserve.
So this whole chapter was just pointless and a waste of precious space that could've been used for so many more important story threads.
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kaaaaaaarf · 2 months
there’s this one actress who played some professor in the Harry Potter movies who said adults who are obsessed with the franchise are weirdos and need to find better hobbies and how it’s for children and children only
Okay, well they are entitled to their opinions, but that doesn't mean they are correct.
I was talking about this with Mr K the other day...this idea that once you reach a certain age you need to Grow Up and "set aside childish things". Here is what I think about that:
The most lost I have ever felt in my entire life was in my late 20s and early 30s, where I bought into this idea of growing up meaning you have to live a life devoid of joy. I thought that I was supposed to get a 9-5 office job that I hated and dress like an "adult". I hardly ever came on tumblr, and I didn't participate in fandom at all.
In short, I was miserable.
As awful as the pandemic was, in some ways it saved me. It forced me to pick things back up that I had loved and set aside—and one of those things was fandom. Once I started again, I didn't stop.
I went through a few different fandoms before ending up here, and in the nearly two years since joining the marauders fandom, my life has completely changed. I have met some of the most wonderful people (both online and in person) who I love dearly and consider to be close friends. Creativity came flooding back into my life, and I started writing—which is something I never thought I'd be able to do, but had always wanted to. I stopped dressing like a corporate zombie and started wearing band shirts and leather jackets and clothes that no longer made me feel dysphoric. I quit my 9-5 job that was literally killing me, and got a job in the field I had always dreamed of.
Now, in my late 30s, my life is so vibrant in a way I never thought it could be again. So...you are entitled to your opinion. That actor is entitled to their opinion. But I'm here to tell you that there's nothing wrong with participating in fandom, ANY fandom—including this one, no matter how old you are.
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chirpingfromthebox · 3 months
Me just thinking out loud and inarticulately trying to wrap my head around my thoughts on the simmering dumpster fire that is my hometown team. Feel free to scroll on by.
I feel like something missing from a lot of the Curl discussion is the context it all happened in. Lots of articles and posts make it seem like the problem fans have is just that Curl got drafted at all. And I think the context around it all matters.
The league shit canned Natalie Darwitz days before the draft, wouldn't say why, acted like they aren't saying anything because they want to respect Darwitz, but meanwhile Darwitz seems like she would LOVE to talk about the situation.
To make matters worse there's all this talk and speculation surrounding the role Klee had in this, and amongst that he goes to the draft table with the emptiest table of any team, drafts Curl in the second round, (you can tell the league already was ready for bad fallout from Curl because they had a prepared statement locked and loaded to go out in the youtube chat seconds after it happened), and then Klee IMMEDIATELY makes things worse by purposefully staging her draft photo to be taken with St. Paul's mayor Melvin Carter (a black man) and the assistant coach (a queer woman).
Then Klee, the team, and the league decide to handle the fallout from everything in the most half-assed tone-deaf manner possible.
Before the Darwitz debacle I had mentally prepared myself for the eventuality that someone would draft Curl. But I had prepared myself for someone doing it in the back half of the draft.
A team would get her, but at least it would suggest Curl's actions had lowered her value considerably in teams' eyes.
Like, none of the craziness happened, and Darwitz had drafted Curl in the 5th or 6th round, made a proper acknowledgement of the situation and their plan for moving forward, and Curl had made an apology video that was written by someone who didn't go to the American Political School of Empty Statements?
I think the community could understand. We wouldn't love it, but we could live with it. It would be like seeing a big spider in the corner of my ceiling: I certainly don't like it, and I'm gonna keep my eye on this, but as long as it doesn't step to me any further we'll be alright.
But that's not what happened. And that's not how it happened.
And I'm still not sure what to do with my Minnesota fandom at this point.
At the moment I'm waiting to see what the final team looks like. If they re-sign their queer players I'm willing to put in the work to fight against Mr. Potato Head's attempts to sabotage my team, and try to at least make the fan community as welcoming and inclusive as possible.
But if Klee and co. don't bring back Minnesota's queer players? Then I'm out. For the good of my own mental health I'll go support a different team until they can get their shit together.
Because I do believe that people can change. Especially people in their 20s who were dumb-ass ignorant assholes in college. And she's not my main problem. My main problem is what does this team and this league want to be? Because someone like Curl coming into a queer positive environment is one thing. But her coming into a place with nothing but conservative ideals and a pinkwashed door? That's something else entirely.
And if the people at the top are going to fire the woman who built the team, put a dude in charge, give a person with a history of supporting bigoted ideas a position of influence, and become the only team in the league without any queer players?
And then have the gall to claim to be an inclusive?
Fuck that.
[also everyone wants to act like Minnesota is some rogue villain in all this and that isn't fair. This isn't like the big league male teams: there are no individual team owners here. The league controls it all and their fingers are in every pie. But that's a whole different conversation.]
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ctrl-alt-tahu · 5 months
Counting Turaga
So... open question to the Bionicle fandom: how many Turaga are there? Or, perhaps, putting it better: how many Turaga are there supposed to be?
Without really thinking about it, I have two not-quite-compatible mental images, which we'll call "Plenty of Turaga" and "Turaga are Rather Rare."
Plenty of Turaga comes from the original years of the saga: there are six of them, one per village, as many as the Toa. There's a footnote on BioSector01, on the Turaga page, that Greg said there were more Turaga than Toa left at the end of the story (so, "more than 58" as the page put it).
On the other hand, the rest of the saga really has me imagining fairly scarce Turaga: there's never more than one mentioned in Metru Nui, Jovan seems to have been a Turaga alone. The norm seems to be: one Turaga, one village. Metru Nui, in particular, seems to highlight this contrast: there were 11 Toa Mangai, but there's only one Turaga.
Thinking about this, I suppose that it's partly just attrition: the same thing happening to the Turaga that happened to the Toa by the end of the MU. And not every Toa is going to survive to be a Turaga.
What if it's by design? What if there aren't SUPPOSED to be that many Turaga? A village may need a team of defenders, but does it really need more than one sage leader in the same way? When the Great Beings made the first Turaga, how many Toa did they expect to transform?
What really has me thinking that the ratio of Turaga to Toa probably isn't supposed to be 1-to-1 is Destiny. If it really is the case (I've grumbled about this before) that only certain Matoran are destined to become Toa, why would it be the case that all Toa are destined to be Turaga? Doesn't it make more sense for only certain Toa to be destined to be Turaga?
(Sidebar: destiny in Bionicle is basically whatever you want it to be--it's as malleable as time travel in Doctor Who, but I don't think it matters for this argument if destiny means "programmed from the very beginning," "an ever-changing, ever-adapting plan of Mata Nui to meet the circumstances," or something else. At least as long as you don't stray too far toward the edges...)
I find that I actually really like the idea that Turaga might be rarer than Toa and only the destiny for a few of them, larger because it really makes the Toa Metru take center stage: if the norm is that only a few Toa become Turaga and then an ENTIRE TEAM becomes Turaga, that means they are special, right?
From a meta perspective, of course the Metru as special: they're the archetypes of Turaga for any fan who followed along from 2001. Having it turn out that they're actually a massive reversal of what is normal makes their personal destinies fit really well with the reveal that the island paradise of Mata Nui is not actually where they belong: fans imagine Mata Nui (and plentiful Turaga) as the default for Matoran, because we entered the story there, but an island paradise (and a whole Toa team becoming Turaga) is not what was normal in the MU.
I also like it because it lets you have fun with the "who really is the destined team of Toa" story, where Mata Nui is putting forward the Toa Metru and Teridax is nudging forward the Mask Matoran. If the Mask Matoran couldn't become Toa, then what was the point of that? Lhikan would give them stones, it wouldn't work, he'd take them back, and he'd try again (right?). On the other hand, if they were able to become Toa, what's the advantage to Teridax in picking those six rather than the other six?
My proposed answer: Teridax has no idea. He can just read the signs that Mata Nui wants the Metru, so being the contradictory bad guy that he is, he figures a different set of Toa has got to be slightly worse. After all, Teridax has picked off a lot of great Toa already--the new Toa will need to be superb to do what the Mangai couldn't, and if the new Toa aren't quite what Mata Nui wants...
But what Mata Nui really wants isn't warriors; it's wisdom. The Metru do important and valiant things as Toa, but the single greatest thing they do is sacrifice their power for the Matoran, and that was an act of wisdom. When Mata Nui picked them, he wasn't only picking Toa who could save them once in battle, but Toa who could save them again in transforming, Turaga who could lead them.
I think this takes a little bit of the sting out of the end of LoMN (not necessarily a good thing--bittersweetness and loss is a huge part of Bionicle--but I think we do want our faves to be happy and significant). If being a Turaga is special and rare, then there's a eucatastrophic miracle in all six of them becoming Turaga at the end: a miracle that speaks of hope in a dark hour.
Maybe it would also explain why they founded six villages on Mata Nui: one village for each Turaga.
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patheticpaprika · 2 years
Goncharov: Fandom's Struggle Between Fanon vs. Canon and How That's Created A Mythos Rivaling The Greeks
A tag ramble to this post that got away from me and became too long to feel okay putting in the tags lol. It can be easily read as a stand alone though.
It's absolutely FASCINATING to me being able to both watch and participate in the Goncharov (?)fandom(?). It's taking everything that fandom culture is and letting it run free without any barriers to stop it.
Because frankly, I can't think of anything (to my knowledge) quite like it in recent history to reach such a scale. Both the ability to write stories down and the rise of copyright have had a significant impact on the way stories are told. We went from a storytelling culture that slowly evolved each story told by the person telling it, to one that is very close-handed to the narratives created.
And yes, to some extent, this twisting and evolving still happens in fandoms to the point that fanon and canon can become so separated it feels jarring. But that's just it isn't it? There always remains the canon. That will always be the true story. Fanfiction will forever be fanfiction, no matter how much we want it to be "real." You can whittle away at the narrative to shape it into something more appealing, but it will always be stuck as a block of wood.
Yet, the very fact that fanon exists proves that we never lost that want to change stories and make them a little bit our own. All that we lost was the medium to do so. Evolve something too far, and it won't be the same, will it? We're stuck in the confines of "canon."
I have seen fanfiction of fanfiction before, but it tends to quite quickly pitter out without its own foundation to stand upon. More can be added to the universe, but what's there does not change. It does not evolve the way a story passed down orally does; in a story spoken, the canon is forced to slowly change by the memory and style of the speaker. A classic game of telephone.
Goncharov however? There is no original story; there is no true canon. Not only is the story evolving freely from storyteller to storyteller, but the only reason there is even a coherent story in the first place is that there are multiple storytellers weaving the tale at once yet also expecting you to fill in the gaps.
It's like we're all playing that one writing game where each person writes a sentence back and forth to create a story. Yet, instead of you and one friend, we're playing it on this gargantuan sitewide scale that can't possibly all be connected into a singular coherent narrative. But you're not supposed to be able to. Each person can choose what they want to know it as. It's like some big giant exploratory choose-your-own-adventure book. The framework is there, but it's going in 50 different directions and you can always add another one in just for fun. You discover the story as you read, but only the bits you like get added on.
It's fucking incredible.
We all see each piece of media through our own personal lenses but never like this?? Not to this extent. We're all collectively joining together to obsess over the little ideas in our heads we got from each other's prompts and are excitedly spewing them regardless of how contradictory they are. We do something similar brainstorming with others but not with 12k messages in a single day.
Would this have even been possible before the rise of social media? Not to mention the strong sense of community Tumblr has that is so rare to see with such a large amount of people. There's more people than you could ever know on this site but we all act like some deranged extended family. Yes, people can work together but so rarely do people that vary so greatly in personality and life experiences, get together in such larger numbers to do a little silly goofy CREATE AN ENTIRE STORY THAT DOESN'T EXIST.
We pull shenanigans like this all the time. But this time it's not like eeby deeby or even the mishapocolyse; this time we're seeing the power of an entire community working together to create not only layers and layers of memes but layers of memes shaping an entire mythos. It's like we're the Greeks thinking up stories of our gods but instead it's a homoerotic mafia movie from 1973 written by Matteo JWHJ 0715 and Martin Scorsese that all started with a picture of a shoe.
We have stumbled across something fascinating and new. This may not be the first mafia movie that's been thought up and played around with but this is absolutely the first to be created by thousands of people working together but also towards their own individual goal/story. We're seeing the power that created mythology being wielded by fandom culture, and it's letting it evolve like no other story has.
It's free from the confines of prescribed canon, but there is so much being created that can be canon if you want it to be. This isn't changing one by one like some spoken tale towards exponential growth either. This has been created like one spectacular big bang. We had a funny post of a boot, and then we had a poster and that was enough to make Tumblr go collectively insane. (Not that we weren't already.) I want to (politely) shake all of you by the shoulders till everyone realizes how crazy this all is.
This story is ours, all of ours. Goncharov (1973) is held together by the power of belief and love for it. We have fragments of canon, yes, but it only exists because we want it to. And God-damn it, I hope we do it again. Together we can create things that we'd never thought could exist (and in this case still doesn't).
-We- are strong. Please never forget that.
As it now 6am and I have not slept, I will leave you with a quote; Goncharov's final solemn plea as he slowly bled to death, for I feel it's in an odd way rather fitting.
"What is the dust but a remnant of what we once were, all around us coated with it.
But we brush it away in search of something else. Not everything that mattered once matters now.
Yet you seem to think that's the only way, just keep dusting it.
You never stop to think that some things we search for might not be worth keeping.
Nothing has meaning unless we continue to think it does.
So please... I beg of you, can't we just move on and let this sickening contempt between us dissolve into dust?"
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
The "reblog, don't like. Liking hurts creators" stuff has always gotten on my nerves, who are you to tell me what to put on my blog? But I jsut saw this post, which put it in a different light. https://mayahawkse.tumblr.com/post/691239174316097536/heres-a-little-comparison-for-people-who-say
I' got on Tumblr in 2013, quit around the porn ban, and only came back pretty recently. I didn't realise that people had actually stopped reblogging things from each other.
I guess the "likes hurt creators" thing might have some validity after all. I still really don't like the tone of entitlement or the idea that expressing your appreciation to OP with a like is an insult instead of an expression of appreciation.
The comment section probably cuts into the reblog counts; people have conversations there instead of in reblog chains, and don't have to reblog an entire post just to point out one quick thing or make the same joke as everyone else, but I don't think that comments account for the ratios in that post, especially since the screenshots don't show posts with hefty comments.
So yeah, guys, likes don't hurt creators, but Tumblr is for passing posts around. If you see something you like, you can just reblog it to be all "look at this cool thing I found". You don't have to worry about adding anything meaningful in a reblog, and if you and all your mutuals reblog the same post twelve times in a row, well, that's just how Tumblr works; if someone gets anoyed they can block the post through xkit.
Eh. I'd beware of anecdata like that.
I used to get like 2 notes a post and no asks ever. On the rare occasions that I reblogged heavily in a hot fandom of the moment for a month or two, I got a lot of engagement once people realized I was a place to go for that fandom, and I particularly got a lot of reblogs because people wanted that content on their own tumblrs.
Currently, I get a decent number of reblogs, but I get a lot more other interaction because things here tend to be discussions and debates and people don't necessarily want them on their own tumblrs.
In my case, I don't like the framing that it hurts creators because that's assuming that a person would have reblogged if they hadn't liked. In reality, they probably just wouldn't have interacted.
People pass posts around all kinds of ways, including pasting links to mine into various discord channels for fandom drama or sending me links to others' posts via chat messages here.
I also don't like the framing that it hurts creators because this only makes sense if you mean that it hurts the ability of visual artists to earn money.
Am I not a creator of a kind? Do I not write copious meta even if a lot of the content here comes from others? My ~engagement numbers~ are not harmed by failing to reblog. My engagement numbers don't matter full stop.
Or maybe, maybe, it's not about money, but it's about clout-chasing nonsense. Boo hoo, my gifset doesn't do numbers because it's not 2012 and I'm not in superwholock fandom now. Oh well. Chase the crowds to another site or chase the megafandoms. That's the only way to get those numbers back.
I do think that some time after 2012, people became increasingly afraid of harassment and may have pulled back on interactions, particularly contentful ones, because of that.
But mostly, tumblr has cleared out. Fewer people are using it, and fewer of the ones remaining are using it actively in a way where it makes sense to fill their own blog with content.
Maybe part of the change is that you can't become a BNF of tasteful curation so easily now, so there's no point in reblogging unless it's for yourself?
Maybe it's gifsets that are out of fashion? I don't know.
I never had much interest in "look at this cool thing" sans commentary back then, and I have little now. I have my activity page set to hide all that.
The changing phases of a site can be interesting, but we need a bit more than one person's top couple of posts to reach any conclusions.
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shihalyfie · 9 months
Why do people like Saban dubbing digimon but really hate 4kids for dubbing anime?
To be honest, I don't think that's quite the case. I think most people who tend to have apologia-level worship of the Saban Digimon dubs also have similar sentiments towards 4Kids dubs. It's "my childhood", so it's sacred and you're not allowed to say anything bad about it.
That said, it is true that 4Kids is the one usually thrown under the bus to blame for radical dub changes while Saban is treated as "comparatively loyal (for the time)". This is misleading at best. If it's loyal for the time, it's by a very small margin, and certainly not enough to claim that it's "practically the same" as the Japanese version as many do.
Saban's Digimon dub looks closer to the original because all of the surface elements supposedly look closer:
They kept almost all of the names in Japanese and only gave them "nicknames", unlike other dubs that changed the names radically! (Except they functionally never mentioned those "nicknames" again after the first time, and no matter how many letters each name may share in common with their Japanese versions, that doesn't change the fact they treated most Japanese names like hot potatoes because they sound too Japanese.)
They left the setting in Japan instead of making it a fictional American city! (Except they tried to do that until the number of Tokyo landmarks made it too recognizable, and it's still something they were able to get away with because the Digital World is prominent enough in the narrative for them to not worry about it too much.)
They didn't cut any episodes! (Probably the only one that does hold legitimate water in comparison to 4Kids actually cutting entire episodes at times, but one also has to consider that Digimon is a heavily serialized narrative where dropping an episode would create serious problems for the story, whereas you could get away with a dropped episode from 4Kids' longer properties with filler episodes since more of their shows were based on manga.)
They didn't make any huge changes to the overall plot! (Almost nobody watched Adventure or 02 for the plot alone, and it's only natural that slowly changing every single line to suggest completely different characterizations from their Japanese counterparts would have a massive effect, especially on 02 where it didn't have an extremely linear in-your-face plot that offset that to some degree -- and even then, Adventure wasn't completely immune, because it didn't stop Koushirou and Mimi's Japanese characterization changes from still remaining relatively unknown in the English-speaking fandom.)
"The Digimon (American) English dub didn't change that much" is the biggest lie the fandom will ever feed you, yet it still persists to this day because people will look at these surface factors and call it a day (and even worse, because this myth persists, fewer people will be inclined to check it out in Japanese and confirm whether this is actually true or not). It's never been about how many actual changes there were; it's about how many were noticeable. Few people talk about how there's actually a significant difference in how dub changes were handled the moment Disney took over (late Tamers to Savers), because it's hard to notice unless you actually have seen the Japanese version. Fusion gets treated like a laughingstock dub just because people were actually able to watch it in Japanese first and see how much got changed later; in terms of actual changes, it's not that much worse than Adventure or 02, it's just that it happened during a time it was less socially acceptable to do that.
So because of that, Saban is seen in the lens of a localization company that did its best to be "loyal" in a market where the 4Kids method of drastic changes were more dominant, when in fact they were aggressive about it in different ways (and you can see a very fair share of derogatory, dangerously-racist-leaning comments about Japanese media, writing style, and content from people who were involved in Digimon localization, so it's frankly kind of absurd to imagine they were doing all of this because they cared so much about loyalty to the origin). On the flip side, it is on record that a lot of 4Kids' radical changes were actually requested by the Japanese side itself, because they themselves wanted to push something that would be appealing to the American market, and 4Kids would sometimes go as aggressive as they did specifically because they got the Japanese licensor's blessing to go as hard as they wanted.
(I actually personally prefer 4Kids' original music and theme songs to the Digimon ones -- they come off to me as feeling like they have a lot more genuine spirit put into them -- but that's just my personal subjective opinion, and everyone has their own music tastes. Anyway, that's a digression.)
I personally don't think it's productive to be mad at the dubs themselves. This was all more than 20 years ago, the market was very different, the attitude towards localization was different, Japanese companies had their own varying stakes in the situation, and most importantly, what happened happened and I'm not going to blame kids for watching the only thing that was accessible to them at the time and developing an attachment to it. I don't think there's any point to speculating how Digimon would have been accepted in the US/UK/etc. if it hadn't been changed so radically, because the fact is, we don't live in that alternate timeline, so we won't get anything useful out of fixating on that idea too much.
The only thing I have negative feelings about regarding the American English Digimon dub is, simply, the way the fandom still talks about it. With things like Pokémon or One Piece or Yu-Gi-Oh, where everyone already understands that 4Kids made super drastic changes, if you say you're talking about the Japanese version because what you're discussing wasn't in the dub, people will easily believe you and acknowledge you're talking about something different, but if you try to claim the Adventure or 02 dub was different enough to merit a distinction, you get called nitpicky or accused of being delusional. This is what I really wish would stop. The dub was different! I know localization discourse loves to conflate "different" with "bad", so people don't want to admit that their childhood dub changed a lot, but it did! That's reality! Please don't make this more frustrating to talk about than it needs to be!
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theheirofthesharingan · 7 months
Hi, so I know you are often using the Itachi Shinden novels as your source for in-depth discussions of Itachi (and other characters, but mostly Itachi), even though a big chunk of the fandom considers them not canon. What is your stance on the validity of the Naruto novels?
Itachi Shinden novels are the most faithful to canon novels, even though they have their own moments of discrepancy. They don't invent new, crucial things that contradict the canon material. Usually, whenever I mention something from the novels, I specify it with 'in the novel it says this", meaning this part doesn't directly come from manga, but since novel mentions it which was alluded to in the original material (or databooks), I'm using it in my analysis. For the most part, though, I take information from them with a pinch of salt.
Nearly everything in the novel was either directly stated in the original text, was alluded to, or just mentioned in the passing, and the novels elaborated on it. They also entirely validate Obito's story of Itachi and the Uchiha clan's oppression by the village.
When Obito says Itachi was used by the system, manga definitely gives us a peak into it in form of Itachi and Danzo scene in Itachi's flashback as well as Itachi and Fugaku scenes in Sasuke's flashbacks. Itachi and his distance from the family and his clan, the reason behind it, and how badly it all affected him.
Itachi was a self-assured kid, who never pitied himself, had confidence in what he did, thought was right and took decisions accordingly. Still he got manipulated by Danzo, and Hiruzen was useless. He was a child even though he himself didn't use that excuse to feel bad about himself. These things are mentioned in manga through Sasuke's interactions with the two men as well as his own flashbacks. The novels explained the process in extreme detail. Denying the novel is canon doesn't change much because it's only an elaboration of what already exists in the story and has been told to us.
Itachi and Shisui's interactions too. Shisui was important to Itachi, so much so that his death forced Itachi to awaken his Mangekyo Sharingan. Denying the legitimacy of the novels as 'not canon' doesn't help much because it didn't invent Shisui and Itachi's bonding and Shisui wasn't just a filler character. What the novel is doing is, it's giving us the story why Shisui was so important to him. Whatever your version of Itachi and Shisui's friendship, the end result is that they were extremely important to each other.
The death scene of Shisui was slightly different in the novel. Shisui commits suicide in manga. And in the novel he convinces Itachi to push him off the cliff. Again, it's not relevant, because it doesn't actually make Itachi a culprit or any less of a victim.
Itachi's relationship with his parents and Sasuke is the core for me in the novel as well as for his assessment as a character. His aloofness from his family, their lack of support, and his gradual descent into the darkness is shown from his point of view. And how Sasuke was used to make Itachi agree to the massacre. It's all available in detail in the books.
There are many things the novel contradicts, but to me the important things are the ones I mentioned above. His closest bonds with his parents, Sasuke, and Shisui. He was brutally used by the system, was alone, and then had to accept a mission that ended his life before it truly began. That's what the novel emphasizes. And that's what matters to me as well.
The novel states Obito was involved in the coup d'état planning and was manipulating Yashiro Uchiha, but there's no concrete proof of it in manga, so we can't say. However, since Obito is sneaking into the village, he definitely would have taken advantage of the coup and carried out whatever he was planning. So whether he was actively involved in the coup isn't as important to me as much his sneaking into the village is.
The people who claim Itachi novels aren't canon are mostly his haters. On one hand they are convinced Obito was lying about itachi being in war as a kid, Itachi being used by the elders etc., is a lie because Obito is an unreliable narrator. The same people in the same breath also fully claim Obito was telling 100000% truth when he told the clan was planning the coup because they were oppressed. Obito's reliability as a narrator is conditional of what they want to believe of his story.
Manga briefly hints to these things, but in detail they're explored in the novel. Plenty of pro Konoha people use manga to "prove" Uchiha weren't oppressed, they also claim novels aren't canon. Then pro Uchiha people who believe Uchiha were oppressed based on the information received from Obito refuse to view novels as canon because novels challenge their hateful opinion on Itachi.
In the end, I personally do not care. I only care about Itachi's novels. I also liked Naruto Jinraiden, but it has very little relation to anything that's mentioned in the original text. The rest of the novels (Sasuke's primarily) are aimed at SS as a ship and its fans. And something to do with Boruto, I guess.
Even then, Itachi's novels are not my primary source of info for analysis, but definitely work as a supplement, especially for Itachi who adds so much to the story, but has very, very little content from the reliable narrators. To each their own, I guess. And I also don't have the energy to argue with people who think otherwise. Whatever makes them happy, haha.
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krash-and-co · 10 months
hey krash, i wanted to reach out and say that i'm so sorry that you got such a hurtful reaction from one of the l&co servers for speaking up about something that genuinely needed to be addressed. i won't badmouth anyone in particular but this is not the first time this fandom has dogpiled someone over a misunderstanding, and when it happened to me i had severe anxiety over it for about a week even after it was resolved, and eventually left because of it. it left a pretty bad taste in my mouth for the fandom in general, so i mostly just stick to my small group of mutuals now lol. i wish this fandom truly was different from other fandoms, but this kind of thing is unfortunately inevitable once something reaches a certain level of popularity. but that certainly doesn't make it okay, and you didn't do anything to deserve the reaction you got. i hope you can feel peace about it soon, and i'm sorry again that it happened at all. 🫂
(please don't feel pressured to answer this if you'd rather the matter be left alone, i totally understand. i just wanted to send you an ask because i didn't know if you're comfortable with dms.)
hi im so sorry i forgot to answer!!! thank you so much this means so much to me. 💙💙💙 i read this for the first time when i was feeling pretty attacked and it really cheered me up <3
hmm other people have been telling me about how they got attacked in this fandom too. and maybe this shouldn't have surprised me as much as it did. but it's something fans never talk about and claim doesn’t exist, so i thought it didn’t. i was horribly fooled lol. as, uh, i am about to rant about; do you mind? u don’t have to read it, i won’t be offended, but halfway thru answering this ask it turned into a rant i wanted to release into the world lol, so sorry about that 😭😭😭
very important disclaimer!!! this is NOT about everyone. ABSOLUTELY NOT. most of you are absolutely amazing people, and i assure you if ur worried this is about you, it’s prob not lol
im kind of feeling i was betrayed?? ig? i rlly believed everyone was so kind, and look what i know now. it genuinely seems like people are gaslighting themselves. how else do they only see our ‘harm?’ yeah, our fandom is known for being passionate, but saying we’re known for kindness is starting to make me sick. maybe we were, i know a lot of us still are, but throwing that out there in the middle of your hypocritical hate post seems like justification for the shit things people have been saying. you can say no wrong so long as you’re here. only people who don’t agree with you. so yeah, fuck krash and ljc and anyone else who doesn't agree!!! that totally shows how kind you are and how much you loved the fandom before we messed it up. nobodys visibly mad, cuz we're too scared to say shit!!!
i’ve seen too many examples of the contrary from the “victims,” wailing about how cruel we are the second they disagree with someone. (in a highly hypocritical manner, at that.) “everyone was so happy before this!” no, they weren’t, that’s why i brought it up. “stop bringing hate to this fandom! now let me fucking berate you!” do you even hear yourself? “nobody even cared before, we were all content!” we weren’t all content, we were just silent. it sometimes looks the same.
someone even declared they were leaving the fandom because ‘one person wanted to stop show saving efforts entirely because it traumatized them, and this is no longer a safe place.’ like, what? where did you even get that? for one, there were at least two of us posting together, and that’s just barely knowing anything about what’s happening. thats not even touching on how one of us (idk who the op of that post was talking about, it’s a 50/50 lol) made the fandom an unsafe place for our personal gain. what?
hella kind. hella safe on their part.
another said they saw only old fans agreeing about this so it’s just us being pissed about change. it’s us hating the show. me and ljc being upset about not being the only “big blogs” any more. our fandom is only for the elite, etc. fuck us. yet ljc is getting blackmailed. we’re getting hate replies. friends that try and help get attacked. misinformation spread. how did that even happen? we never once tried to hurt anyone; thank you to those who understand.
but to some, WE’RE the ones in the wrong.
do they SEE themselves? how hypocritical all of this is? or are their heads that far up in the ass of their petition and beloved fake idea of this fandom that they care about more than all of us?
now, this is where i add another “not everyone” message. not everyone is like this, this is not me saying i hate the petition or people who support it. hell, i signed the petition. twice. and once more from my mothers email.
i don’t regret the i love you posts i made, because i still do love this fandom, i am still absolutely here for the rest of yall. but DAMN if we weren’t hiding something under happy Save The Show, I Love Locknation! messages. perfectly smiling faces until they bite. i was surprised to see how many people did.
as if our previous problems weren’t enough, now it turned into this lol. no, that’s a lie, it didn’t. it already was, and i HATE THAT.
ig im kinda spoiled, i never really experienced hate like this from this fandom before. but now i know it happened BEFORE too, and that just pisses me off. it hurts coming from a group who says they love us. genuinely wacko (not the fun kind) behavior :[
i know this isn’t everyone’s experience, but it is mine, and enough others to make me wanna say this. and this is ofc me and @lucy-j-carlyle 's brand of hate, not yours. but it does happen and the constant chant that IT DOESN'T IT DOESNT IT DOESN'T isn't helping anyone. and now I know.
idk what im even saying anymore lol, sorry for ranting. what i mean to say is, thank you, and i wish things were better. and i love you kind people. im happy it’s most of you.
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nartml · 3 months
it's not "entirely made up", which is the entire reason people are complaining lol have you seen what the fandom has done to the nazi allegory?
i agree that the people complaining are toxic, but also, a lot of the changes are both misogynistic and homophobic, and there's a lot of toxic masculinity and abusive romance tropes being romanticized, are people not allowed to call them out? representation is important, isn't it?
you literally tagged your post, adding to the toxicity
most new works follow the "new model" and people who write different things are harrassed (i've seen people be harrassed simply because they don't ship wolfstar). how are we supposed to change that if we don't call it out?
discourse in fandom is normal. you can just as easily follow your own advice and not read it/block it.
Y'all are quick lmao
Okay, okay, so, to get the easy stuff out the way:
I unfortunately made another hasty post, I didn't elaborate enough, that's definitely on me.
In my defense, it's 2:30am, I need to be up in five hours at the latest, and I saw the fifth post hating on jegulus and/or other fun parts of the fandom that I genuinely cannot find anything objectively problematic about.
I got pissed.
I tagged my post, and I agree that I further fueled the discourse.
This has been something that I've done before, unfortunately. I'm used to thinking of tags as part of screaming into the void, I'll be sure to erase them after this.
But as you said, it's normal for there to be discourse in fandom.
And honestly, that's what I usually do. Ignore it. Like I do with a lot of things I don't agree with on the internet.
I don't remember contributing to this whole ordeal before tbh, and I've been here for a decent amount of time.
But I got so ticked off, I wanted to get it off my chest for once.
Lost my grip there, but I honestly didn't think too deeply about it.
Anyway, yes, yes, obviously it's not entirely made up. We have the HP series, aka the source material, in which we do see quite a bit of Remus and Sirius.
I was more referring to the fact that every single other character in the marauders era, is, in fact, made up.
It's undeniable that, despite the bits and pieces we've heard throughout the books, we can't possibly have any sort of concrete understanding of how these characters were during their Hogwarts days, before the war.
Not only because the bits and pieces don't in any way make up a whole picture, but also because some of them might've been entirely unreliable.
So these characters; younger Remus and Sirius, as well as James, Peter, Lily, Regulus etc etc etc, have more or less been crafted on very arbitrary ideas.
They are made up, and very rarely reconcilable to their adult counterparts, which makes sense from several standpoints. (E.g. their canon characters have been severely beaten down and traumatized. AUs take place in entirely different settings; the context changes entirely, and so do the characters)
Now, as for the nazi allegory, I assume you're referring to a) morons who are glorifying the death eater tattoo (jesus christ), or b) the 'Slytherin Skittles'?
In b's case, I'd wager it started with Regulus and the potential to explore the Black Family dynamics, which then escalated to giving him his own friend group and creating entertaining dynamics between them.
However, I genuinely do not see the harm in this.
It hardly matters that they're canonically deaths eaters, or that they were most likely blood supremacists and horrible people; or whatever else could've been going on with them.
They were so barely mentioned in the actual story. Doesn't matter what effect their existence had on the story and how it served the narrative, because they were barely ever directly there.
We know next to nothing for fact. So it's next to impossible for most people to care for their actions in canon, and just see them as blank canvases.
I can't really fault them for that.
People project whatever they want on characters that are firmly established and thoroughly explored; characters that are borderline non-existent are free real estate.
And yes, changes can totally be problematic.
A prime example is definitely the hyperfeminization of Sirius, to make wolfstar fit the classic heteronormativity that plagues queer ships.
As for the romanticization of abusive romance tropes, I honestly have never seen it.
I mean, I hear people complaining about it, but I swear to fuck, it feels like you guys are fighting ghosts sometimes 😭
Either it's a part of the fandom I've somehow steered clear of, despite being balls deep in it, or some people are exaggerating, which isn't out of the realm of possibility, but I kind of doubt that's the case.
As for toxic masculinity, again, I literally haven't seen it. Hand to my heart, scout's honour, I have not.
Hyperfeminization? Definitely.
Toxic masculinity? Macho men? Written in any context that's not challenging it, and is promoting it? Nope.
Representation is important, and that was the other part my post was based on.
I've seen people hate on the liberties others have taken to explore gender through these characters, which ticked me off even more.
And this is coming from a cis individual, who doesn't really fuck with he/they Sirius, they/them James, etc etc.
I don't think that there's any harm in people creating/enjoying content that is representative of their struggles/experiences with gender (or any other part of life).
Exactly because in the marauders fandom, characters are incredibly flexible, for aforementioned reasons.
Blank canvases, remember?
Usually this hate, from what I've seen, comes from people who prefer sticking to the canon part of this whole story.
In which case, totally, the 'new model' is very. Very. Unrealistic.
(There are definitely harmful headcanons out there. Even within this context, there also exists content that fetishizes the very thing I just defended. But I physically can't sit here and list off every problematic thing that has happened in this fandom. I don't have the energy. And that's not what the post is about anyway)
-"People who write different things are harassed".
Yes, glad that you get my point, even though I obviously didn't get it across.
This goes both ways. This goes all ways. Yeah, people who don't ship wolfstar get hate.
But people who headcanon Regulus as trans get it too.
People who prefer Jily get hate.
But jegulus shippers have their hands full as well.
People giggling over silly headcanons that are honestly just that: silly; can't catch a break.
What was that, you like the new model? Here's all the ways I think it sucks ass.
Oh, you prefer canon? What a loser, you're in the wrong fandom.
Ultimately, the joy gets drained out of everything.
This is meant to be fun. This is meant to be a break from real life stress.
It's not meant to leave you exhausted because you're too busy apologizing about not taking something too seriously, or defending your ship preferences.
In the end, however, I obviously get what you're saying. There are harmful changes that deserve to be pointed out.
But I never said that they didn't. Calling out the notions that are inherently problematic when perpetuated is important.
Constructive criticism is welcome. It's crucial. It only adds, it deepens people's understanding of media and brings attention to problematic aspects of certain interpretations.
That's not what I was referencing in my original post; at least, not intentionally.
I was talking about how so many people love to mindlessly complain about things they don't like, without actually bringing up any substantial points.
The only goal is to tear other people down.
As we've agreed, some of these changes are problematic.
But so is the way some people convey their disagreements.
Some of y'all use your complaints about new character developments to also hide your general prejudice against something.
Like, there's no need to get this heated over genderfluid Sirius.
In this particular instance, it's because the general concept of the 'new model' is pretty mainstream, so it's hard to avoid it. So I know that I'm being a bit unfair when I say, 'ignore it'
Ignoring it is rarely easy though, no matter how mainstream or minor.
It should be, because logically this is all fictional and it doesn't matter if someone dislikes your OTP, or if you think someone's hc is painfully unrealistic.
But we can't help it. It's impossible to care about how fictional something is when it means so much to us.
And seeing something antithetical to our interpretation can feel like some sort of personal attack, even when it's really not.
Part of it also stems from how, when you see fifty other people throwing in their two cents, you also want to.
Because it's a base instinct to want to be heard.
All that said, ignoring it, despite the circumstances, is often the best way to go, because a lot of the time it can be irrational.
Hating on someone because they don't like your ship can be irrational.
Starting a fight over someone's differing interpretation of a character can be irrational.
Think critically before you speak, and be careful when phrasing your points.
Being respectful is crucial, and if you're not getting the same courtesy, then stepping back is the smarter choice.
I'm still working on always maintaining these things myself.
I've been doing a bang-on job, broadly speaking.
I had a slight moment of weakness earlier :P
(For those wondering, I took the og post down. It wasn't anything tragic, I just said that most people who complain about the fandom's toxicity actively contribute to it when they hate on stuff others enjoy.
In the tags I went off a bit, my ultimate points being that the fun is often sucked out of everything, and that if I personally don't like something, I avoid it, stick to my stuff, and don't venture into others' spaces if I'm not willing to be open minded.
But I was definitely more aggressive with the delivery, which was my bad. I hate it when I break my own rules on how I want to behave on here.)
Anyway, so sorry for this long rant, and sorry if I've missed something or made a bad/harmful point. I'm borderline asleep.
And it's now 4:10am and I got too absorbed in this *sigh*
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nightmare-foundation · 4 months
Tbh I feel like the fandom-wide perception that Oz straight up replaces his hosts isn't. Right tbh
Like. It's pretty clear that Oz, throughout the course of the merge, changes just as much as Oscar does. It's not nearly as obvious at first, since the merge is so gradual, but if you compare how Oz acted in v5 vs v8, the difference is STARK. His voice, his expressions, his body language, even his damn vocabulary and humor and how he addresses people etc.
Obviously, the same happens with Oscar; Oscar also changes in these ways, along with gaining Oz's muscle memory and his memories (this goes the same for Oz, he stated he'll gain Oscars memories too).
From what it seems to me, it's not really a takeover. I think they're both changing slowly to a midpoint. I think that, when the merge between Oz and his host finishes, that he's sort of left with two trains of thoughts, kinda like a DID system with an alter always Right There, commenting on things except that alter is Basically You. From that point, I imagine Oz then takes on the name of his host (if Oz doesn't accidentally respond to the name Oscar, and Oscar doesn't accidentally respond to Oz, I'll eat my shoes).
Obviously the experience and the end result is extremely violating on both ends. Both are unwillingly changed and when it's done, Oz is never alone. Oz likely hasn't been alone since his first life as Ozma, and obviously this very much isn't a good thing. And regardless, they still have to deal with being an immortal wizard with an impossible task.
I don't really think Oz is super reliable when it comes to how his curse works. Oz is infamous for absolutely HATING himself, and every merge ends with them identifying as (an?) Oz (like, As A Whole, collectively if that makes sense). Naturally Oz would think of himself as a blood sucking parasite that ruins his hosts lives and 'replaces' them- cause that's how he thinks it works. Hell, the 'reincarnating in a like-minded soul' thing is probably just a working theory.
Honestly I theorize Oz's curse hasn't always been like this. I do think that early on, pre-maidens, his curse did essentially make him hijack his hosts' bodies, never changing and never being alone. He was visibly shocked at seeing his host speak in the lost Fable, and he had to 'work with' his hosts- something that technically wouldn't matter if they just merged anyways. But when he created the Maidens, since magic likely comes from the soul (like aura/semblances), he basically tore apart his own soul. This would've had a Very Weird effect on him and I think it would've sort of changed his curse a bit, so now he merges with his hosts instead of hijacking them. I think this makes more sense, because how his curse works seems to go against what Light believes and values. It's just that much closer to Ascension- its not exact, obviously, but by Oz wanting change (he split his own soul apart to give to 4 girls so they can help people and change the world- that's Huge), he got that bit closer to the truth.
I don't think the curse is a good thing at all for the record. It's an extremely violating thing, one that neither Oz nor his host likes. Change itself isn't bad, so that aspect of his curse isn't bad, it's the fact that the entire thing is violating and unwilling. Ascension in the Ever After is neither.
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yuikomorii · 2 years
I wish for all non-Japanese people to stop acting like otome game experts when they know nothing about them to begin with. Main hero has always been an official term in Japan, that’s an official role for a character and it’s always the English or Spanish fandoms that keep denying it not only in Ayato’s case. That’s like saying that all heroines are self-inserts. As you said you can use them as self-insert but that doesn’t erase the fact they’re still their own character with their own confirmed role in the story. The other guys are still important but they’re just not connected to the story or heroine as the main hero is. The creator just has a preference regarding that character and couple, why would this affect the player in any way? And we still wonder why we don’t get a localisation hah.
// FACTS! Japanese fans will always know better than Western ones, because otome games are made for them. The West and Japan have very different mindsets when it comes to certain things, therefore what Japan finds good, can be seen as bad in the West and vice versa. However, I'd rather trust the word of Japanese fans because, after all, otome games are aimed at them, and if they truly dislike something, it means that thing failed; it couldn't meet their expectations or be to their liking, and their liking is considered the most important because they're the ✨target audience✨
Unfortunately, teaching an entire fandom about otoge pop-culture is impossible; nobody is popular or convincing enough to truly open everyone's eyes, but whatever.
Main hero is and will always be an official term. Those are facts, lol.
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As for Ayato, he is seen as the main hero by Rejet and Japanese audience, that’s what matters the most. When he was asked if his opinion about Ayato changed before and after the anime, even his VA said “no”, because, according to him, Ayato is a character that can easily be the core of the story (主軸). In the least biased way, that's a true statement, given that he got that main character charisma and energy, plus background.
From my perspective, he got an amazing world building, and whoever thought of that is a very clever person (or people, if there were more)! I like how everything makes sense, it's a bit weird how they only released YB manga recently but at least it solved a "mystery".
We can see in the last YB chapter how he became addicted after eating that fig. "Addicted" is literally the name of his character song, and its lyrics perfectly describe the entire fig situation (translation by silvermoon249).
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Last but not least, I have such a love-hate relationship with this official short story (translation by Koiiro) because 1. that’s the best confession Yui has ever made and 2. it sounds kinda creepy?? The atmosphere was quite disturbing; Yui didn't even seem embarrassed, which is unusual for her, and even Ayato found the situation strange. It has a strong "everything is always connected" vibe to it…?
Welp guys, don't be sad if you haven't found your soulmate yet. Ayato had to wait hundreds of years for it. xD
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I truthfully agree with the part about localization. It's not like DL doesn't get one due to the themes presented there, because there are localized otome games with far darker themes, but I feel like the English fandom really doesn't deserve one (I'm not referring to everyone, there are some genuinely kind and calm people). They complain about everything Rejet releases, they are petty and too salty, they abet, and they have no idea how the otome game world works... To summarize, they aren’t able to appreciate anything. As a result, DL should be limited to the Japanese audience, who are far more understanding and supportive.
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jackienautism · 1 year
I’m kinda surprised that you don’t like Dylan? He seems to be such the fan fav I don’t think I ever actually seen anyone rank him so low on their list- what’s your opinions on his character?
yeaah i just didnt really vibe with him when i played, plus i got pretty annoyed seeing him everywhere before getting into the game (travis too but thats a whole nother thing). like good for all you guys for having fun but i just cant get into it
im gonna be honest about my opinions on him so if you reeaaaaally like dylan i recommend not reading. and i mean that genuinely
1.ive just. i immediately saw dylan as one of those like male characters that get super popular in a fandom bc he: is white.is a guy. is a brunette. is associated w/ a gay ship. and is fit under a "bad boy / mentally ill / misunderstood" trope. i truly and honestly dont care if someone likes these types of characters. as long as you're not a fucking freak, i dont give a shit what you do. its just such a prominent trend that should make you go HMMMMM fandom hates women and people of color! and basically im just sick of that trend! so seeing dylan also fit into it turned me super off lmao
2. in relation to his character, i think its fine, i guess, its nothing revolutionary. especially in regards to other supermassive characters.... i thought about this during work one day and like. emily has a similar character to dylan LOL and ive had this thought before but. dylan and emma are also very similar character wise! in terms of like. compensating ina very negative way due to insecurity! but you know whch characters get the most flack for being dicks? for being bitches? for being the worst? and you know who doesnt?
3. i also particularly hated the thing he did to abi during the camp fire scene. like. i dont care if you compensate by making jokes and shit, you're still an asshole. and so is emma. and so is emily. i dont understnad why dylan should get ANY different treatment. but anyway, that dare was absolutely targeted towards abi and nothing will change my mind on the matter. abi is very clearly on the outside of the group. hell, the entire time everyone (mainly kaitlyn and emma) makes comments about how incompetent abi is when it comes to dating anf shit. and so for dylan to ask what he did? it put her on the fucking spot and humiliated her. i dont care if he "saves" it if you dont interrupt as ryan, there's absolutely no way hes unaware of abi's standing social wise in the group. him asking HER that of all people is just shitty. he fucking knows what abi's answer is gonna be. and even though she never answers the question, the damage is already done.
and before anyone says anything, i know nick also was targeted in diff ways for being "incompetent" in this specific sense. which is another conversation im willing to have. but even so, rthe comment ryan still makes bout not letting that "prep aesthetic fool you"? and the way he kisses emma? he clearly has got some "game" or whatever the fuck. whereas abi doesn't really have any of those moments (except for kissing nick first, which is something kaitlyn ryan and dylan said she wouldnt do LOL). and speaking of kaitlyn? and in association, emma? what they did to abi is one of the things i hate most about them and what happens in game. its actually what made me begin to DISLIKE both of them when it happened. basically what im saying is, kaitlyn and emma arent exempt from this criticism just because i dont like dylan. and i also dont care if thats the "point" of truth or dare. it still makes all the characters involved fucking dicks. they know how abi is like, emma especially, so seeing them all pull this shit is just disheartening and sad.
and 4. i like being hastag different
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