#it fullfills my desires to die
yverest-22 · 1 year
So I like a bit this guy, but since he likes to be chased I might do it slow, because I hate to be seem as desperate and I'm starting feeling desperate.
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reiashiftsrealities · 3 months
I feel like I have this knowing for so long that I'll shift to my Dr . I have tried everything States , fullfilling my inner man , feeling it real and surely affirming for so long. I can't count a single day I didn't try to shifting realities with these methods.
my emotional state has never been great throughout my life so I find out feeling it real isn't for me so I started affirming. Life has put me in a situation that shifting is a ride or die for me rn . My circumstances are triggering it always has been and the worst part is I'm hypersensitive in nature. I remember a small detail of harsh word or actions from my loved ones. Despite of knowing that they hurt my emotions bitterly every single day💔
At this point I know everything about shifting or loa it's just didn't happen yet (but will probably) . Also I like thinking random fake scenarios in my head . It's the only thing good about my life. Fake scenarios are guilty pleasure for me .
Everytime I try to force myself to affirm to make shifting happen fast I end up hurting myself with intense anxiety. I read everything freaking success story who has bad circumstances than me I know I'm gonna make it. But sometimes it's really hard to keep up.
Mostly I cannot live without making fake scenarios in my head . If I affirm throughout the day without thinking any scenarios I die from anxiety. -🥀
Hi again 🥀 :)
My biggest piece of advice for you is to not overconsume too much. If you know everything, there’s no need to go searching for more, especially in terms of law of assumption where the whole premise is assume you have what you want already as the 3D will mirror self. If you had everything you desired, why would you go looking for more ways on how to get it?
If you are wanting to go the law of assumption route, I feel like you’re putting too much faith in the 3D, like you believe in it too much. I’d say observe and not absorb. I know that’s easier said than done considering our whole lives we’ve been taught that what we can see and feel determines reality, but you dont even have to fully believe, just persist and live in the 4D.
The fake scenarios might actually be helpful if you just identify with them as real reality! I heard the phrase once “if I can imagine it, I’m in it” and that’s really helped me. There’s no need to stress as it is already done. I think working on self confidence/concept might help with your mental state, not just for using the law or shifting but in general life. It’s good to be confident in yourself and your beliefs.
The best way to get rid of the old story is to let it starve giving it attention, and then by association a reaction only solidifies it as true which it isn’t. A simple “No, I don’t accept that as reality” and then robotic affirming for a little bit or even diving into a scenario and accepting THAT as reality might help. :)
I hope this helped! And a big thank you to @evangelineshifts for helping me to put into words what I couldn’t ❤️
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 1 year
your post abt knives and vash’ fate mirroring castor & pollux!!! yes yES YES!!!! ive been rambling about that to my best friends and i thought i was “insane” for not seeing anyone else mentioning that symbolism/reference and the possibility of their ending going that way!!! (at least on twitter, i didnt see anyone mention it, until i checked tumblr and here i am)
and your tags too!!! i personally believe it’s the best possible scenario, too because not only it would derive too far from knives’ fate in trimax, but it would also imo symbolizes their union = finally understanding of each other, a love that’s requited after all the heartbreak they experience at each other.
(also i personally hate vash’ fate at the end of trimax where he is still hunted by humans, so. i think if the twins die together, it would also serve the narrative purpose of vash being a saint.)
The constellation Gemini despicted in the ending of tristamp is something that is hard to miss, I find, but it goes beyond that. Castor and Pollux are twin half-brothers in Greek mythology. Castor was the mortal son of Tyndareus, the king of Sparta, while Pollux was the divine son of Zeus and Leda. Two brothers. One divine, one mortal. Kind of like Nai is more god-like than human: he is emotionally detached from others, dislikes participating in human activities like eating and thinks of himself above the humans who worship him as their god. His powers awakened earlier and he is in full control of them. Meanwhile Vash is more human-like: he is very compassionate, prefers to live among humans, enjoys eating delicious food prepared by them and lived the majority of his life like a human since he was not fully aware of his powers. Another detail of the story that struck me was that Castor and Pollux became patrons of shipwrecked sailors and travellors. I immediately thought of the great fall of the twins' spaceship and the years of travelling that defined Vash's life. Castor and Pollux even had a sister with a tragic fate. (Not very similar to Tessla but I thought I'd mention it since Helen was a victim and treated as a contested/desired object similar to plants in the eyes of humans, if I'm allowed to make this reach. Adding to that Castor and Pollux were motivated by retribution because of the abduction of their sister). They are often referred to as the evening star and the morning star. It's said that in China they were associated with Yin and Yang.
The Saverem brothers have already plenty of parallels to characters from the bible, why not throw greek mythology in the mix? And according to Wikipedia Castor and Pollux have been absorbed into a Christian framework too.
I really hope they will be reunited in death. My ideal ending is Knives and Vash dying hand in hand or hugging each other and from their bones grows an apple tree under which two brothers are laughing and playing. It would fullfill both of their dreams: humanity will continue to thrive in the garden Eden that they've created together and this time they'll stay together forever. It'd be a bittersweet ending and tragically poetic. No more lies, no more betrayals, no more running away, just them. 🥹
*delusional* maybe if Kenji Muto fully embraces the plantcest shipper inside his heart he'll make them kiss, they merge their souls in a scene allegorical to sex (this time consensual) and their life force will substain the desert planet and revitalize it. Nai gets to become one with Vash but their sacrifice that made Nai's dream of a paradise come true and redeemed him will be for the sake of humanity just like Vash would have wanted. Through this selfless act that would sanctify them, Nai's lies about him and Vash being angels who were send from heaven to save humanity will turn into reality.
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naive-daydreamer · 1 year
Some thoughts, quotes and just things I had once that I considered are something worth knowing:
Also some of this are scattered on my writings.
When you are a child, the only thing you may have and that never leaves you are dreams. You dream, with reaching the stars, with walking among clouds, with travelling the world. When you grow up, you realize that stars are far away and are way bigger than you. That clouds are just air, and that the world is too big. Those dreams die. And you have to continue.
Sometimes you like loliness not because you truly do, but because when you needed not to be alone, you were, and you had to like it cause there was no choice.
A sword is not a sword without first passing through the blacksmith's hammer. Pain forges you.
"I am nobody, but thats my advantage. I am a blank space that I and only I can fullfil. I may be nobody, but I can make myself anybody. I can be the one that shows them wrong, I can be the one that rattle the world. I can be the one that defies, I can be the one that fights to be better. And just by that, I am someone. Someone that made something, and for that something I may remain. I may be remembered. And considered. And listened. I am nobody, but I can make myself someone. " —Me analizing THE scene (not the possession, the one when Lockwood practically begs Lucy to stay) of Ep 2 "Let go of Me" from Lockwood and Co. It is needed to say It came out at 3:00 am while I was planning to talk to Netflix.
The only dream I ever had (the only dream that I wrote that Esther from my Sandman fanfic has) is that I want to be able to sing "I Lived" by One Republic with all the right of the universe.
If I ever had an encouter with a celebrity I admire, I will not shout, or go crazy, or do something weird. I will just say hello and see what comes after that.
To dream is to defy, and to defy is to dream.
You're not crazy, you just dont manage to be as false as the mayority.
You may be tired, but please, do not give up. One day you'll look back and laugh, realizing that the pain, the tears, the loliness, all those things that made you bleed, had a purpose.
"Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel". Neil Gaiman, you are wrong. Love is described perfectly on the Bible, on 1 Corinthians 13.
Darkness is interesting, yet dangerous. Be aware of that, always.
You are something to treasure. Your mind, your body, your heart. Do not waste yourself.
Hebrews 11:1
Whatever that comes out of that great and dreamer mind of yours is something worth to know.
Laugh, cry, suffer, fly, dream, love, live. And do not dare to regret any of it.
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carinavi5 · 2 months
I remember a teacher I had once, she was always so mad at people talking about how student didn't study because of lack of motivation.
I know she was pissed off because she wanted us to know that work should be done you feeling excited about it or not, to make us see that hard work and commitment are what actually make a difference.
She was an awful communicator, well she was lacking in a lot of areas to be honest, but at least she was right about that.
There was a blatant misunderstanding both from students and teachers about what motivation in education and in different grades is and should look like and be treated as.
She viewed "lack of motivation" as laziness, and us students thought it was the induced anxiety and all its consequences and expressions. Other professionals I think tried to apply the tools they knew or had read about, but they were all the kind to make kids in primary school feel engaged, us 16 year old's needed a bit of a different approach.
I don't want to do anything right now, I am being lazy in bed. I have reasons to want to study and pass this classes: I like what I'm studying, I wanna be a proper professional, I don't want to lose money and I made a deal with myself to buy something I really want if I don't have to retake any classes.
Those are more on the long run, but if I can't see a conection between working now and archieving that, or if I don't see them giving me the stimulation I crave at this very moment I may simply not work. Here I need compromise with my goals for the long run, I need to be logical, not let current emotions and desires drive me. So here is were my teachers point of view comes in play: hard work and commitment regardless of emotions because our rational side is guiding us.
But looking back at that time, how could I have wanted to work if fear and anxiety were freezing, crushing our self esteem, hope and moderate safety needed to be able to explore properly?
A good studying environment is like Zelda BotW or TotK.
It's big and extense, you can choose were to start.
You have a few tasks you can either do or not before going for the big boss, but you know they are gonna be helpful and fullfiling.
Yes, there's a bit of pressure in certain tasks, and if you are engaged with the story you really want to get things done and help the characters. Time. Pressure.
And the most important aspect: you can fuck up. But you can try things you're not sure if they're gonna work because even if those monsters may kill you, or you want to check if you'll actually die if you jump out of the cliff in front of the cave you've started the game in, you know it's no big issue if your character dies. You can go again with no big repercussions. You are being taken care of, held and helped, but not constricted and not rushed.
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bottlepiecemuses · 7 months
continuation to the ask
imagine a villain who responds to a question of why do you have to spread misery why cant you just live a normal life responds the real question is  why are you so weak you are weak yet cling to life continuining on your path means destruction yet you want to be happy for as long as possible you should spend your lives stifling your misery
I understand love but its worthless the thought of needing someone else to fullfill me never crossed my mind
if i want to eat it I eat  ( he eats people) if i see an eyesore i kill it if it entertains me I throw it abone  I live according to my own stature if that cant be understood thats not my problemand surprisingly the flavors of humanity are diverse as they are fleeting ( the perfect thing to slurp up to pass time  till I die)
that if you want to reach the heights you should have burned everything you desired to a cinder without thinking to but you lacked the hunger to take hold of your wants comparing yourself to others is idiotic
Women and children crawling around like maggots. Marvelous! It'll be a massacre."
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Who will remember your soul?
I'm calling for help
Nobody needs to listen
After all it's all permissable
I just need to avoid strange words
And then I can write the worst things
I should cancel me
Like everyone already did
I hope to not disturb you
If I'm suffering this much
Just continue scrolling
I'm here to save me
From this sorrow
If you want to assist
To my explosion
Just take a seat
We will done In few seconds
Because In the end
I just need to avoid strange words
Then I can write the saddest things
Maybe someone will report me
They don't understand that
People who talk are not dead
It's when everybody stay silent
That death starts to come
So be happy
You don't have to fullfil you ego
By trying to save me
You have just to assist the show
Of me being vulnerable
In a world where being vulnerable
Means be hot flame shit
I really hope your love of your life
The instant love of your life
Will be near you when you start to suffer
Being sad and vulnerable it's not contemplated
In this toxic world
Maybe you are okay with it
Maybe you think you just need to be desired carnally
You will get old
Your body will die
And then who will remember your soul?
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glasratz · 1 year
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One of my favourite graves at St. Peter's cemetery in Straubing, the final resting place of judge Alois von Schiltberg who died in 1826. His grave"stone" is made from massive cast iron plates. They fell apart at some point in the past but were reassembled when the cemetery was restaurated.
The text on the gravemarker is quite extensive, filling front and back with praise about the deceased in overly poetic words. I'll try my best at a partial translation:
"Visiting his beloved daughter he went from the uncertainty to the desired certainty. Three children and 16 dedicate tears of thankfullness to the ardently loved one.
To fullfill his destiny was the development of his potency, his highest goal; activity was the means, indipendence his greatest prize, pure recognition his leader, reason his law, upholding the law his judgement.
So he lived_so he thought_so he died."
"Ruhestätte der sterblichen Ueberreste des quiescierten kgl. Regierungsrathes und Landrichters in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm
Alois von Schiltberg
den 6. Juli 1826 77 Jahre Alt
ging er besuchend die liebe Tochter aus der Ungewissheit in die gesehnte Gewissheit. Drey Kinder und 16. Enkel Weihen Traehnen des Dankes dem Heissgeliebten.
Seine Bestimmung zu Erfuillen, war Entwicklung seiner Kraefte sein höechstes Ziel; Thaetikeit das Mittel; Selbststaendigkeit sein größter Gewinn; reines Erkennen sein Fuihrer; Vernunft sein Gesetz; Gesetzes Erfuillung sein Urtheil;
So dachte_so lebte_so starb er."
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sujiths-posts · 2 years
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In my life in the certain age,I faced lot of challenges,I lost my loved ones.It hurts,I spend many nights insomniac by tossing and rolling in my bed without sleep.Tears only left in my life.Those nightmares gives pains.One day evening with great pain,I prayed to God help me to forgot the haunted past I coming through in my life.I want to start a new life.After that I just take walking on road.On that time someone whispers in my ears,WHAT IF YOUR LIFE ENDS TOMORROW,WHAT YOU WILL DO?Apparently I wish to die,but I can't.If I die, atleast I'm free from all the pains and sufferings of this world.That time I remembered the scripture in the holy bible says like this (AND YOU WILL HEAR OF WARS AND RUMOURS OF WARS.SEE THAT YOU ARE NOT ALARMED,FOR THIS MUST TAKE PLACE,BUT THE END IS NOT YET.FOR NATION WILL RISE AGAINST NATION AND KINGDOM AGAINST KINGDOM,AND THERE WILL BE FAMINES AND EARTHQUAKES IN VARIOUS PLACES.ALL THESE ARE BEGINNING OF THE BIRTH PAINS.THEN THEY WILL DELIVER YOU UP TO TRIBULATION AND PUT YOU TO DEATH,AND YOU WILL BE HATED BY ALL NATIONS FOR MY NAME SAKE.AND THEN MANY WILL FALL AWAY AND BETRAY ONE ANOTHER AND HATE ONE ANOTHER.AND MANY FALSE PROPHETS WILL ARISE AND LEAD MANY ASTRAY.ANF BECAUSE OF LAWLESSNESS WILL BE INCREASED,THE LOVE OF MANY WILL GROW COLD.BUT THE ONE WHO ENDURES TO THE END WILL BE SAVED(MATTHEW:24:6 to 13).This scripture made an impact in my heart.we are living in the last days.we are standing in the edge of deception and extinction of the world.Many will die as a martyr for Christ in coming days.It's already happening around us.Many Christian who believes the true living God killed by many people.We're living in the darkest days of the earth.Nowadays love will grow frozen cold.It's hard to find a loving people with faithfulness.People are full of selfish.To fullfil their selfish desires and ambitions,they kill,they slaught,they behead one another.They oppress the fatherless and Poor's.Through this darkest days(KING JESUS IS THE ONLY HOPE FOR ALL).KING JESUS said "COME TO ME ALL YOU WHO ARE WEARY AND HEAVY BURDENED,AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST(MATTHEW:11:28).Those who carry the pains and shames in your life,I tell you your life is not the mistake.Whatever your story is,I wanna tell you something that got me through hardest nights growing up.And there is a quote from my number one hero and his name is JESUS CHRIST.And this is what my hero JESUS said "Any one who is weary and heavy burden,come to me and I will give you rest.And those who read this,maybe you need peace and rest today.Come to KING JESUS AND FIND PEACE IN THIS DARKEST WORLD.
                                       -SUJITH ELIJAH
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thedropslife · 2 years
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i love to die when i feel i fullfil my all desires
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miu-miiu · 4 years
♦ busting SYNASTRY MYTHS ♦
11th HOUSE SYNASTRY - THIS SYNASTRY DOESNT MEAN SOMEONE SEES YOU AS A FRIEND OR YOU ARE BETTER OFF AS FRIENDS, STOP REPEATING THIS SURFACE LEVEL SHIT YOU’VE BEEN EATING UP FROM MODERN ASTROLOGY POSTS. This is the house of wealth and gains, it’s the fullfillment of our desires and sudden profits. It’s an indicator of your sources of income and allies. So of course, you will have strong foundation with someone you have 11th house synastry with because it will be built on a ground of trust and support. Along with emotional connection, there’s also a mental connection that makes you share your secrets and ideas to them as you would do to a friend but that’s only one piece of the puzzle WHICH DOESN’T MEAN THAT YOU WILL BE GOOD FRIENDS (you can’t make that comment for any type of relationship in this synastry because if 11h is afflicted by malefics that will most likely bring a negative result which can make you enemies or drain one another’s life force lmao). More than anything, especially if you have your 7th house lord in your partner’s 11th house you will gain so much from them in so many ways including oppurtunities and finances and helping you achieve your earthly desires. They will be your ally and support, supporting you in your pursuits and opinions. It’s like a debate team with financial support lol. It can also indicate you will go back to university and complete your education or get a new degree after you get together with this person. Most of this also goes for 3rd house synastry.
5th HOUSE SYNASTRY - “This indicates a fleeting romance” FUCK NO. That’s one of the most trumped-up interpretations i’ve heard. You CAN’T predict the longevity of a relationship based on house overlays. Ever heard of Davison charts? Anyway, prominent 5th house is anohter EXCELLENT synastry. It often donates a relationship where you can discuss ANYTHING - your wildest thoughts, plans and experiences. Someone you jump from topic to topic. Very often the planet person is the “childlike” one which the house person adores and takes inspiration from. Planet person becomes a ball of joy and energy that makes the house person destress and cheer up, thought it can feel like an ‘overdose’ sometimes. Both parties become some sort of an energy source for each other. You play games together, indulge in fun activities, create things (can even be an invention) together. Even doing nothing and just talking to each other feels fun and full of laughter (unless there are some other placements disturbing this synastry). This is the synastry of never-ending honeymoon. A couple with rahu/mars in 5th house might have a son as the first child. If venus is there with the nodes, it might be a son with venusian qualities. You can also get more popular or lucky if you are with someone you have 5h overlay with. The house person also pushes you to focus on your studies more.
12th HOUSE SYNASTRY - There’s a lot of stigma around his house (8h as well) and people often fear it. Weeeeeell...It IS a karmic house so people you have this synastry with are likely to be karmic partners. HOWEVER, don’t take this to oH NO this is not my TWIN FLAME this is a KaRmiC pErson shit. Literally almost everyone is a karmic partner lmfao, there’s a difference between good and bad karma. This synastry can play out good or bad depending on your own individual karma with this person and how you are managing your life. You can look to Rahu/ketu & saturn to get more info on the karma and to see how it’ll play out. Basically the planet person becomes your escape especially if their sun/moon falls into your 12h. They can end up being your savior. There’s an undeniable theme of profound change that this synastry brings. It often leads you to liberation, through a path of restriction. You need to overthrow the restrictions the other person brings to achieve total liberation. This is often a part of the soul’s karma. A couple with this overlay often keeps a secluded relationship from their relatives (maybe even ghost their families lol) and tend to travel together. They often open up to each other surprisingly quickly about their past and traumas, though there’s a really odd distrust within the couple.
6th HOUSE SYNASTRY - People have a very poor understanding of the 6th house, it’s often condensed to ‘service’. 6h synastry is similar to 12h synastry as they are the same axis anyway, but the difference is 12h’s effects are more abstract meanwhile 6h’s effects are much more physical and can be observed on a practical level. The theme with this house is “either serve or die” and has a karmic tone to it too. It’s not often this dramatic tho lol but usually a couple with 6h synastry feel a deep sense of responsibility towards each other which can make it hard to leave even if it turns toxic. Planet person often triggers the house person’s instincts to ‘serve’ the planet person in one way or another - the house person may do random gestures, buy lots of gifts, support them every way possible etc. so in this way it’s a very cute and beneficial synastry, because they are very much involved in each other’s lives and make a visible impact. They often make one another’s daily routines change, so they can spend time better. Though, one of them can treat the other like an assistant or in worse case scenario, a slave. Think I’m a slave 4 U by Britney Spears lol. They can begin constantly demanding things and get mad when the other doesn’t live up to their expectations. They can also become a disciplinarian for the other (this can also apply to 10h synastry) 
If you have a mutual mars overlay with someone in 10th house (your mars in their 10h, theirs in your 10h) your aggressive energy as a couple will most likely be public. Meaning you are prone to have public arguments or fights. Alternatively you can also do illegal business or outlaw activities together, often involving some sort of violence or marsian quality.
If someone’s rahu falls into your 4th house, they will feel peace in our presence but they might drain the peace out of you, meaning they can emotionally and physically drain you, bring conflict and chaos into your life. It may become addictive in some cases. Rahu person will keep wanting more. If at the same time your rahu falls into a water house in their chart (so if ur rahu falls into their 4h,8h,12h houses) you will keep giving more and also find it addictive and hard to get out of. It will push you to surrender.
Rahu in 7th overlay indicates a pre-destined marriage/partnership
Moon in 1st or 2nd house is a very common overlay between soulmates and married couples. Moon in 2h is especially a very auspicious placement in terms of material wealth. The planet person often spoils the house person and knows EXACTLY what to get to the house person as a gift, they have a natural understanding of what the planet person would like and their needs (unless afflicted or outweighed by other malefics placements)
[personal experience] Gemini moon men always try to make me talk about myself so they can gather and store information about me, all the while i’m a sagittarius moon (so sidereal scorpio and in opposition to their moon) and i never reveal anything important or “deep” about myself - i can make myself look like i’m being vulnerable and intimate but when the conversation is over, they realize i didn’t reveal to them anything that is actually valuable and important SHDAIWHJGJGKJG which is why after some time...like in about 2 days they even start trying harder. One of them literally begged me to talk about myself and i think this is a good example of the synastry between this axis
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quantumspacetime · 2 years
it was definitely a pleasure being surrounded by my brothers and sisters from Isabela, Nueva Vizcaya, and Cagayan. i have never felt an overwhelming amount of hope for our future. i used to think that all hope is lost since most people around me, excluding a selected few, supports BongBong Marcos and his idiotic campaign, but attending President Leni's rally yesterday (yes, i am claiming that she will most definitely win this coming election), the hope in my tiny, little, beating heart is reignited! i will continue to fight for and stand behind her, i will continuously show my support, my opinions and my views regarding her campaign, and i will endlessly critique her opposition's moves and intentions.
i am a government employee, both on my day job as Development Management Officer and on my part-time job as a College Instructor, and Civil Service Commission prohibits government employees, regardless of the nature of their appointment, as well as members of the armed forces, from “engaging, directly or indirectly, in any partisan political activity" but to hell with that! i surely felt restricted and restrained from showing my full support because i need my jobs to fully support me and my family, as well as to fullfil my desires and chase after my dreams, but the time to fight is NOW! the CSC, as well as the COMELEC, and other government agencies keep on saying that we shouldn't bite the hand the feeds us, but i say, our fellow Filipinos feed us! we provide for and support each other in times when even the government failed us!
we only have 57 days until May 9, 2022, the National Election, and every vote counts! gone are the days of mistreatment and injustice, gone are the days when we tolerate mass killings and silencing of the media, gone are the days when we sit and observe while our fellow Filipinos die at the hands of the government that should protect and nurture us! gone are the days when we cower in fear!
I am from the North, and the North will always remember. I am from Isabela, and my President is Leni Robredo.
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ako ay isang mamamayang tubo pa sa City of Ilagan, at isa akong IsabeLENIo!
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
So... Was it eruri or levihan in the end??? I'm hella confused tbh
What.... Happened? We get 126, 132 them switch on eruri on 136/7 then.... What in the dingly dang was 139?
Most of all I'm frustrated bc of what the fuck yams did to Hange, they were a genuinely incredibly interesting character with fuckton of potential and character development and he threw it out of the window for what... Sometimes, I believe yams doesn't realise what a great character Hange was despite being the one that created them. And literally no point in them dying when Falco could fly. Me thinks lowkey bc of the implications that if they lived it would mean them and levi got an ending together and it would piss people off.
But here's the thing, Levi shouldn't have to live the rest of his life alone. No one in their right mind can deny the relationship he had with Erwin (though I do doubt it was reciprocated in the same way from Erwin's end), but it doesn't have to be the only relationship in his life? The fact that he fullfilled that promise and remembers him fondly still is touching and it's important that he got closure after all this time.
But taking away the last person in his life who was the closest with now leaves him with no new purpose? He killed Zeke and saved the world, now what?
This is why imo, Hange should have lived. They would have given him a new purpose: live happy and in peace. It could be that together they heal, travel the world and relax for once. Have new, mundane dreams such as get a house and just domestic bliss which would be a whole new thing for them, to once live in normalcy.
And they both NEEDED that. Levi no matter how stoic he seemed we know he's been broken on the inside his whole life. Consistently getting beat up by life and having everyone he cared about dying on him. Especially after Erwin's death, he needed desperately a break and time to pick up the pieces. And who better to do that with than Hange who's stood by him since ever and is the only one who can understand his pain. They had one of the deepest bonds in the series and it was a shame yams didn't put more focus on it towards the end where it was needed the most.
They should have found solace in one another and why is that such a bad thing? Best friends falling in love and together work towards healing? Moving on doesn't mean forgetting the past or diminishing relationships and past love.
And both of them needed that move on. It was like their lives and dreams were on hold all this time. Fighting titans, fighting Marley, being commander, being the strongest soldier, the rumbling, always on the run, always fighting.
But after it was all done why would it be bad if a new chapter opened up? Where they discover their true dreams and desires. Where they selfishly strive towards their own happiness for once with no other obligations attached.
I know yams doesn't write a happy story and wants to be all darl and edgy, but their endings were almost insulting and forced.
I'm terribly sorry for the long post.... We fans got to stay together though right? Otherwise we'll lose it
anon, you said all of it so well.......
like it's my personal opinion that hange was killed off simply because isayama didn't want for levi to stay with someone and offend other shippers since levi is so popular.....
i can't honestly think of another reason for hange to die and in a such stupid and easily avoidable way. i was sorta comforted after 138? you know, i thought that "hey..... hange died but it was a heroic end....." but then everyone returned to their human forms without any consequences whatsoever and i was so upset. hange is the only member of alliance that died and, idk, it makes me kinda bitter lol. they struggled for so long and they really deserved that happy ending. another thing that bogged me is hange calling armin their successor? it wasn't brought up even once after that, what was the purpose of it? just a nice gesture?
and another thing that bothers me considering the ending is that i don't quite understand the message isayama wanted to give us? the ending is kinda hopeful but then it really isn't? they're still at war, and now, without their only advantage in a form of titans, paradise can easily lose, and the fight for the characters isn't obviously over. also everyone thanking eren but no one mentioning hange bothers me too.....
levihan truly is one of the best written relationship in the series and it's a damn shame it was destroyed because yams didn't care for hange or whatever the reason for their death was
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shartlord420 · 3 years
as far as im concerned izanami and tohru adachi are just hajime hinata and nagito komaeda. i havent played p4 nor danganronpa but i have had/am going through a phase of both but exclusively through third parrty context and never actual playthrough content.
so as far as im concerned, that statement is correct. johnny yong bosch plays the brunette basic bitch bastard that got everyone into this series of murders and has two different sides to him in both, too!
im ready to by executed by gunfire for this dumbass/smartass take, have at me
Full disclaimer: I HAVE consumed p4 and related content, but I'm more in your boat with Dangan Ronpa 2 I have not played it all the way through but I have absorbed a fair amount of information about it (especially regarding Nagito, my beloved) and I think you're onto something here
Dangan Ronpa stans feel free to chip in I am throwing spaghetti at the wall
- white longish hair
- malewife vibes
- almost definitely has pronouns
- gives monologues about their worldviews
- astoundingly horrific results despite their good intentions
- motivations driven by a desire to do something for the benefit of others
- on friendly-ish(debatable in both cases but) terms with the primary crew of their games despite definitely having been antagonistic
- not the best at understanding how normal human social interactions are supposed to work
Izanami - [an actual god, seems to have solid positive self esteem, undoubtedly more powerful than Adachi]
Nagito - [human, mentally ill, could probably be taken out by a stiff breeze]
- just a dude. just a guy.
- brown short hair
- shirt and tie
- Black and Red
- short king energy
- more practical/cynical/realistic
- gets along decently with others but not super social naturally? a bit awkward
- Hey Dude What The Fuck Made You Think This Was The Best Solution To Your Personal Problems
- motivation driven by a desire to fullfill inner needs
- surprise!!!! this dude was way more involved in the events that transpired than you perhaps thought!!!
- just a dude but he does get pretty cool abilities through unnatural means
Adachi - [more or less fully responsible for his own actions and decisions that led him down the path he went down, straight up antagonist, less nice]
Hajime - [was a kid who got taken advantage of/manipulated, still a protagonist with all of that energy and narrative difference, does The Right Thing^TM in the end]
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funkylittlebidiot · 4 years
Stephen, to Christine: I'm a whore; i don't care about feelings. I just want a hot rich guy to fuck me and like it so much he keeps coming back. Purely a primal desire where I'm so good in bed that he has to hold my hand and kiss my cheeks, praising me like a god. Obviously he is mesmerised by my pretty eyes.
Stephen: He buys me coffee and drinks the next day because it's what I deserve and we can't get enough of each other's company.
Stephen: Three weeks later he meets my parents - purely to rub it in their face - and we make love in my childhood bedroom.
Stephen: Then, the next Monday, I have sex with someone else. He gets upset, begs me to go exclusive, even asks me to marry him. I say yes and cry - it's what i wanted all along; I love him.
Stephen: We have a wedding on the beach, adopt three kids and I become a housewife. Our sex life dwindles but never dies, it doesn't matter. We're content.
Stephen: As soon as our children are off to college, we're back at it again, flying around the world and fullfilling all our fantasies.
Stephen: Eventually we retire to where it all started - my old family farm. Since my parents died horribly years earlier, I burned it all to the ground to build a mansion to spent our final years.
Stephen: We die together, holding hands while staring off into the sunset.
Stephen: so no, I'm not looking for commitment.
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incorrectml · 4 years
I have this theory that hasn't left my mind so I'll share it here in a hope to erase it from my system and keep clowning as always.
The neutral ending is the canon one (at least in the first three routes).
We got hints of the neutral endings during the entire routes and if you think about it, it's easier to create a happier and sadder version than a bad and worse one.
~~ big spoilers ~~
On this route we saw how he disliked to be a vampire, mainly for the way he was turned and the family he lost. I think he also disliked how they had to feed themselves? Overall, he was never happy with his life.
Neutral: his depression hits the lowest point, blaming himself for everything that happened but he still has Eloise and trusts her to help him fullfil his last wish so he can finally be free from this vampire curse that he always hated it, while also freeing Eloise from this world.
Bad: same as above but he keeps his "I'm okay" facade longer and decides to go alone, believing this is the best for Eloise.
Happy: his depression is magically gone, just as his moon disease. He suddenly invites Eloise to be a vampire, after saying over and over how he hated to be one.
For Beliath, his route was about how his demon side followed him everywhere, even when he tried to ignore it/deny it. He was happy with who he was now: a vampire with a few perks.
Neutral: he has to finally confront his demon side, to the point that he can't deny it anymore and has to fully embrace it to keep living. He promises to be back but also sets Eloise free to do whatever she desires, with the idea that if their love is strong enough, they'll find each other again.
Bad: he refuses to embrace this side of him to the very end, he would rather die than become something like his mother, the person he really hates.
Good: Leandra decides to step in to protect his brother (something she could have done too in the neutral but ?) and respect his desire to keep maintaining his demon side under control. He invites Eloise to be a vampire with him.
Ivan's route involved him being attached to his past (also the people from his past were still attached to him) and this caused him to cling to the human world instead of embracing the vampire one.
Neutral: he realizes his feelings for his friend and how he also has feelings for him. This new bond saves him from the poison. He request some time to sort those feelings, since he loves Loic and Elouse but he doesn't want to hurt them. The fact that he will leave the manor with Loic kinda gives me the idea that he's still denying his vampire self.
Bad: the poison kills Ivan because he wasn't strong enough to fight it back since he never embraced his vampire self. He dies ignoring his feelings for Loic.
Good: suddenly Ivan is okay with being a vampire and this helps him to overcome the poison. He kills his murderer and is okay with erasing himself from his best friend memory.
What made me realize all of this is the fact that during Ivan's chapter 9, you have to choose between forcing yourself in Loic's memories or convincing him to let you in. The thing is, if you decide to convince him, instead of seeing his memory as a bystander, you're able to see and feel things from his point of view. Then this scene happens:
Tumblr media
While you're seeing this from his perspective and experiencing his feelings you get a sudden urge to kiss Ivan, so who is the real owner of this urge? This is dismissed in both good and bad ending but it totally makes sense for the neutral.
So, in conclusion, Beliath is the best route so far. 😌
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