#it had already upset her but what broke her and made her freak out and be giant was her having a fight with swap because she was smoking
solid-gold-au · 5 months
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thebiggerbear · 9 months
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - Dean Winchester Prompt Response
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Summary: You and Dean refuse to speak to one another after an argument and Sam has finally had enough.
A/N: Prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting (#941). I loved writing this but I always love it when it comes to Dean. 😊 And of course, I couldn't resist when it came to Sam in the end. Brothers, gotta love 'em. ;)
Thank you to my beta @rieleatiel for her services. You rock, girl!
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader; Dean Winchester x Female!Huntress!Reader
Warnings: mentions of implied sex
Word Count: 1449
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
Dean Taglist: @heartlessdelusions; @nancymcl; @brightlilith
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat; @deansbbyx
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
Soldier Boy version ✨ Beau version ✨ Jenny version ✨ Jason version ✨ Tom version ✨ CJ version ✨ Rachel version ✨ Anael version ✨ SDV Leah version ✨ Alec version
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Dean snuck a glance at you only to quickly look away when you looked up from your lore book. In return, you snuck a peek at him but pretended you were looking at something else when he lifted his head from one of the hunter’s journals he’d found in storage. 
Sam had watched this infuriating dance happen at least twelve times by now and it was getting on his last nerve. At first, he thought it was hopeful. Then heartbreaking. Now it was just damn aggravating, more so because he knew his older brother was being his usual stubborn self. All he needed to do was come out and apologize already, and Dean knew that yet still refused to budge an inch.
You and Dean had gotten into an argument during the last hunt. He’d been upset that you had taken on three vamps by yourself—something you had done back in your high school days, along with killing other creepy things that slithered out of the dark. You were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, which you had proven multiple times, and you knew when to ask for help. Dean didn’t want to hear it, claiming you could have been killed had he and Sam not been close by. You both dug in your heels no matter what Sam said, and you two were still at an impasse, giving each other the silent treatment. Still, that didn’t stop the longing glances Dean gave you when you weren’t looking, or the sad looks you gave him when he was none the wiser. It was driving Sam nuts. He had never met two people who were so stubborn—aside from his parents, of course—and now that he thought about it, stubborn or not, you and Dean were well-suited for one another.
“You know,” Sam broke the silence. “At some point, you two are going to have to talk to each other again.”
Dean shot him a surreptitious glare. You had no problem offering a withering glare of your own.
“Look,” Sam continued. “Y/N is right, she can take care of herself and if she needs our help, she’ll say something.” At your triumphant smile, Dean’s gaze darkened.
“No one asked you to butt in, Sammy,” he warned.
Sam nearly rolled his eyes. “If I don’t, this won’t get resolved because you both are too hard-headed to make the first move. Y/N,” Your eyes darted over to him. “My idiot brother won’t say it but the reason he got upset is because he’s scared.”
Dean’s free hand clenched into a fist and he gave a subtle shake of his head. Sam ignored him and continued, “He’s scared something is going to happen to you and he won’t be there to stop it. That’s why he freaked out that night. He’s not trying to tell you what to do or be a controlling jerk. He just wants you to be safe, that’s all.”
You bit your lip and turned your attention to Dean, who suddenly seemed very interested in the book in his lap. “Is that true?”
After a moment, he ground out, “Yeah. It’s true.”
You stood up, letting the book in your own lap fall to the ground with a heavy thud, and made your way over to Dean. You ripped the book out of his hands, tossed it to the floor, ignored Sam’s irritation at your carelessness with such old tomes, and crawled into Dean’s lap, his hands instantly coming around you to support you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned down to kiss him. You felt him immediately begin to relax under your touch and only when his lips were completely pliant and moving with yours did you pull back, staring into his green eyes.
“Why couldn’t you just tell me that?”
He slid his hand up your back and to your hair, tenderly rubbing the strands between his fingers. “I don’t know. I just… That vamp had you in a hold and it scared the crap out of me when I couldn’t reach you fast enough. What if he had gotten more of a drop on you? What if—”
You gently placed your fingers against his lips, stopping him from finishing that question. “He didn’t. I killed my first vamp at 12, took out my first nest when I was 16. Hunting’s in my blood just as much as it is yours. I know what I’m doing.” You ran your fingers through his hair reassuringly, scratching at his scalp, and watched him lean into the touch. “But if you want, we can talk about it. We’ll come up with a plan that makes you feel better and works for both of us. Okay?”
He gave you a dopey smile that melted your heart. The magic touch had worked; the tension from before had finally lifted. “Okay, baby. Sounds good to me.”
You kissed him again, this time with a little more passion. “You know what else sounds good?” You murmured to his lips when you both needed a breath.
Those green eyes you loved so much immediately lit with an all-too familiar fire. “Do tell.”
You leaned in and whispered your plan into his ear, making sure Sam wouldn’t overhear. By the time you pulled back, he was grinning like crazy. Clearing his throat, he helped you off of his lap and back onto your feet as you both turned to face Sam, a mischievous smirk fighting its way onto your face. You knew that would get him going.
“Actually, I just remembered I left the…stove on in the kitchen. And Y/N here has to go call Jody to…give her an update on the case and how it’s going.”
Sam gave you both a look; he wasn’t buying it. You turned and gave the same look to Dean. He really hadn’t come up with anything better than that? “I hate you.”
“You have a weird way of showing that,” he teased, subtly rubbing up against you and smirking. This man was so lucky you loved him.
You shook your head and looked away, your cheeks growing hot. The bastard was turning you on even more and he knew it. It’d been almost two weeks, the longest you’d gone without since — well, since meeting him.
Sam was the one to clear his throat this time. “Whatever. Happy you both are talking to one another again. Now, go do what you’re going to do but just not in front of me, please. Okay? And you’re welcome.”
Dean shot Sam a look but he was too happy to care what Sam was intimating about his being the one who settled things between the two of you. He gave his younger brother a wide smile. “If you need us, we’ll be…” He trailed off, gesturing to the hallway that led to the rooms.
“Oh my God,” you muttered in embarrassment as you grabbed his hand and pulled him after you.
“Oh, hey!” Sam yelled. “Keep out of my room this time, Dean. I mean it!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Dean called back.
You had just turned the corner when Dean immediately had you up against the wall, kissing you passionately and picking you up, prompting you to wrap your legs around his waist. When you pulled back for air, your brow furrowed in confusion at seeing Dean move past his door. “Dean,” you panted. “Where are you going? You just passed your room.”
“Yeah,” he chuckled.
“Okay, then where are you taking me?”
His smirk was so wicked you knew what the answer was before he said it. “Sammy’s room.”
“Dean, are you kidding me? No!”
“Relax, we won’t be in there long.”
“You know how upset he was last time and he just said—”
Dean came to a stop and kissed the crap out of you, effectively silencing you. You may have been a little dazed when he finally let you get some air. “He’s got the better bed and I want the very best for you, baby.” He then gave you a salacious smirk and leaned in. “Plus I know how much you love that headboard.”
He waggled his eyebrows at you as certain memories replayed in your mind. You were able to hold onto that headboard for a long time, it held you up well, and same for Dean…oh shit. Sorry, Sam.
“What are you waiting for?” You bit out impatiently, slipping your tongue into his mouth and swallowing his chuckle. As he walked you into Sam’s room, shutting and locking the door behind him, you made a mental note to later google the hell out of this headboard and find one for Dean’s bed.
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writingwithciara · 21 days
wanna be -nico hischier-
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summary: knowing he can't be her first boyfriend, nico wants to be the first for everything else. but does y/n feel the same?
word count: 2.2k
pairings: nico hischier x reader
"nico, i just don't understand what i did wrong this time." y/n's voice came out as strangled sobs through the speakers in nico's car.
"nothing. you did nothing wrong." nico assured her as he looked out the window. he slowed to a stop just outside y/n's apartment building and waited. "come down and we can go for a ride. i know that always cheers you up."
"i'll be down in a minute." she sniffled and grabbed her hoodie. she made sure to wipe her eyes, even though nico already knew she was crying.
nico waited by the passenger door for y/n and when he saw her, he helped her get in before going back to the driver's seat.
"so, where are we driving to?"
"out of town for a few nights, if that's okay with you."
"i don't have anything packed."
"don't you worry your pretty little head, sweetheart. i have an old practice jersey and some sweats you can borrow for the night. and i'll take you shopping in the morning." he glanced at her and smiled.
"okay." she let a smile creep onto her face. "so now that i know we're going out of town, where exactly are we going?"
"atlantic city." he smiled and handed her the aux cord. if there was anything he had learned over the past few years of knowing her, it was that when she was upset, she liked to pick the music.
"why atlantic city?"
"well i was already going to go there for a few days. in fact, i was almost out of town when you called me."
"oh. didn't mean to interrupt your fun." she sulked.
"nonsense. if anything, you being here made it fun. seriously, who goes to atlantic city alone?"
"guys who need to get laid, i guess." she glanced over at him. "wait, was that what you were planning?"
"what? no. don't be ridiculous." he chuckled, but y/n wasn't buying it. "okay fine. maybe i was hoping for it a little bit. but it wasn't my main goal."
"don't let me stop you from having your fun, then." she smiled and got more comfortable in her seat. "in fact, i think i might try to find someone too. god knows i could use it."
"what do you mean?"
"it means i'm a 24 year old virgin, nico. i've had like 2 boyfriends my entire life and only 1 freaking kiss. how pathetic is that?"
"i don't think it's pathetic at all."
"you don't have to be nice about it. i know it's weird."
"okay, maybe a little." he stopped at a light. "but weird is good. if everyone was normal, the world would be boring."
"oh how i love your never ending optimism." she turned slightly in her seat to face him. "thank you, by the way. you're the only person i know who would go out of their way to come rescue me, even if you had plans."
"priorities, dove." he reached for her hand and smiled a little to himself when she squeezed his in return.
the rest of the drive to atlantic city was mostly silent. but when nico got closer to the hotel, he broke the silence & scared y/n.
"so i know you told me you didn't want to spend another moment thinking about that asshole, but i can tell that he's on your mind right now and i want to know if there's anything i can do to make you forget about him."
"nico, you're sweet. really you are. but there's only one thing i need right now and that's to go soak in a tub for an hour."
"okay. hot tub or bathtub?"
"whatever one works. i would like some company though so i'm hoping there's a hot tub."
"it's atlantic city. i'm sure there is a hot tub. but if not, i booked a suite so the tub in the bathroom is about the size of a hot tub. we could just wear our swimsuits in there."
"oh crap. i don't have a swimsuit."
"then when we get to the hotel, i'll run a bath for you and while you're relaxing, i'll go down to the shop and pick one out for you."
"nico, you don't have to go through all this trouble for me."
"that's what friends are for, right? to cheer their other friends up?"
"you're right." she smiled and got out of the car when he parked. he grabbed his bag and looked at her.
"so, relaxing tonight and shopping tomorrow?"
"you bet." y/n waited for nico to check in and when he got the key, she followed him into the elevator.
"before i forget, there's a king size bed. you can have it. there's also a couch & for this trip, i will be sleeping there."
"nico, we have shared a bed before. an even smaller bed, might i add. so sharing a king should be a piece of cake."
"okay, fair point." nico chuckled. when the elevator opened up to their floor, nico let y/n exit first. he followed her to their room and he unlocked the door.
the room was way bigger than nico anticipated. he watched as y/n walked over to the balcony doors. she opened them and stepped outside.
"this is beautiful, nico." she breathed in the fresh air and nico admired the way her hair flowed in the breeze. he didn't want to admit it but he knew he was attracted to his best friend. always had been.
he just didn't want to say anything because he knew she wouldn't reciprocate the feelings.
he must've zoned out because before he knew it, y/n was waving her hand in his face. he chuckled and looked back out at the city.
"and he's back." she smiled and leaned against the railing beside him. "what were you thinking about?"
"the breathtaking view." he glanced over at her. "sorry about that, by the way."
"it's alright, neeks." y/n looked at him. "so, i noticed there was a hot tub. wanna go down and sit in it for a bit with me?"
"yeah, sure." nico pushed himself away from the railing and paused at the door. "we need to get you something to wear though."
"oh, right. i completely forgot about that." she scratched her arm. "maybe we should just stay in tonight then."
"are you sure?" he looked back at her and she nodded. "well, if that's what you want, i can still run that bath for you and you can relax in there for a bit."
"thank you, nico." y/n sat on the edge of the bed and waited as nico went into the bathroom and ran the bath water.
"hey y/n?"
"rose blossom or lavender sugar?"
"rose blossom, i guess." she picked at her finger nails and waited until she heard the water turn off. nico walked out of the room and saw her picking at her fingers.
"you alright?" he asked calmly
"what?" she stood up and walked towards him. "yeah. i'm fine." she walked into the bathroom and started taking her clothes off.
"i'm gonna go down to the shop to see if i can find a swimsuit for you. are you good here by yourself?" nico asked through the closed door.
"yes. thank you nico." she smiled and leaned her head against the side of the tub.
30 minutes later, y/n was slowly drifting off to sleep but was interrupted by a knock on the bathroom door.
"you alright in there?"
"yeah. just relaxed and a little sleepy."
"why don't you get out of the tub and get into some comfy clothes? we can watch a movie and fall asleep."
"okay. i'll be out in a minute." she started climbing out of the tub and when she grabbed a towel, she realized she didn't have anything to change into. "um, nico?"
"yes, sweetheart?"
"i don't have anything to wear tonight."
"got my jersey and some sweats for you out here. want me to bring them to you?"
"yeah. just one second." she wrapped herself in the towel just in time for nico to open the door. he was holding the clothes in one hand and covering his eyes with the other. "thank you." y/n smiled as she took the clothes from nico. "i'll be out in a minute."
nico closed the door and went back to the bed. he flipped through netflix and found a movie he knew y/n loved. when she finally came out of the bathroom, nico tried his best to not stare at her but with the way his old practice jersey hung off her body, he couldn't help but admire her. he also found it a little funny that his sweatpants were incredibly loose on her and she had to hold them up as she climbed onto the bed. she struggled a little bit so nico held her arm to help.
"there you go." he chuckled when she wiggled herself under the blanket.
"oh, this is comfy." y/n pulled the blanket tighter, causing nico to laugh again.
"you look so adorable." nico tapped the edge of her nose and she glared over at him. her face immediately turned red and she tried to hide it.
"thank you."
"you're welcome." he turned back to the tv and pressed play.
sixteen candles
"oh, you remembered my favorite movie."
"of course i did." he smiled and opened his arms. he started second guessing his decision but when y/n made herself comfortable against him, he held her close.
as the movie played, y/n watched it intently but nico's attention stayed on her the entire time. he twirled some of her hair between his fingers and and with the other arm, he slowly stroked up and down her arm. she sighed with content and turned to look up at him.
"thank you for tonight, nico. i really needed to relax and let off some steam."
"hey. no problem. i love helping you. and if anyone deserves to let off some steam, it's you."
without warning, y/n leaned up and kissed him. but just as quickly as it started, it ended. she pulled away from him and put a little distance between them.
"oh my god. i am so sorry. i just got caught up in the moment and i just....i'm so sorry." she put her head in her hands and was not prepared for what came next.
nico gently picked her up and placed her on his lap. "you do not need to apologize, y/n. especially not for kissing me." he looked at her lips and chuckled lightly. "you're so effortlessly perfect."
"i'm really not." she hid her face with her hair and nico moved it out of the way.
"yes, you are. and i know the reason you don't believe it is because the 2 guys you dated before, and every other guy in your life made you feel that way. but it's true. you're so incredibly beautiful and you have the biggest heart of anyone i know. why nobody has realized this, is beyond my understanding. but if i have to spend the rest of my life trying to make you see how special you are, then i'll do that."
"yeah." he whispered softly and looked up at her. before she could reject the idea, nico closed the gap between them and kissed her. it started slow and passionate but quickly escalated. intensity flowed between them as their tongues battled against each other.
y/n pulled away and swiftly removed the jersey from her body. when she noticed nico staring at her, she leaned back a little more. "i-is this okay with you?"
"of course. but only if you're comfortable with it."
"you're the only person i'm comfortable with." she leaned back in to kiss him passionately. nico's hands moved up and down her sides as she continued to press herself into him.
neither of them could believe what they were about to do, but it was obvious they both wanted it more than they've wanted anything else in their lives.
as they shed the rest of their clothes, the event that started off sweet and slow quickly turned passionate and intense. y/n may have had doubts about being a virgin at 24, but now she's glad she waited. to her, there was no one more perfect to lose it to than the man she trusted with her entire life.
after an intense hour, they collapsed on the bed. the breath leaving both of them at a rapid pace.
y/n turned to face nico and smiled. "wow. that was...perfect. thank you nico."
"if anything, i should be thanking you."
"really? why's that?"
"that was the best sex i've ever had. hard to believe it was your first time."
"r-really?" y/n couldn't help but blush at his comment. "you really know how to make a girl feel special."
"i love you." nico blurted out. "i always have and i think it's pretty obvious now."
"yes. i would say so." she giggled and kissed him softly. "in case it's not obvious enough at this point, i love you too."
"good." nico moved the hair from her face and smiled. "i'm going to take you on a real date when we get back home."
"looking forward to it." y/n climbed back on top of him and kissed him again. and again. and again.
to the both of them, the night couldn't get anymore perfect.
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darnell-la · 29 days
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pairing: the worst!logan howlett x Wade’s goddaughter!reader
warnings: cussing, heavy drinking, teasing, age gap, sex toys mention, body contact, rough sex, sniffing (Logan doing what he does best), etc.
note: full story here.
yes, the reader is black, BUT we don’t really mention it in the story. we want everyone to be able to read our stories to imagine themselves.
we will be turning this into a mini-series. there is a plot and there will be dark trauma. if you’re an X-Men fan, this won’t be too dark for you (maybe).
we rushed through this story... we will do better in part two.
follow our Instagram @ darnell.la so we can start posting random videos, photos, edits, and memes of the people we write about!
“They treat you guys this good?” Logan asked as he stalked behind y/n who was now walking to her dorm room. “Yeah,” she said with a stern tone, still upset at the man.
Logan chuckled as she finally made it to her room. “Alright — Thank you for walking me to my room without me asking. I truly feel safe,” she faked a smile with an eye roll she’s been wanting to get out for a while.
“Suck up the damn attitude, bub. Only wanted you to be safe,” he truthfully told. Y/n’s heart felt soft at his words, but she didn’t let him know that.
“Can I see your room, Bub?” The man asked, feeling obligated too. He drove and walked her all the way here. Showing her set up would be the least she could do for him.
The man didn’t know what came over him, but deep down, he wanted to get to know the young lady. Usually, people have to beg for him to give them attention, maybe even do something for that would be if it him, but right now, all he’s doing is begging her for attention.
Y/n wanted to invite the man in, feeling like he deserved it, but she quickly remembered that she hadn’t cleaned up.
“No,” she said, trying to keep it simple. “Why not? You hidin’ a boy in there?” He teased. “No, I just- I haven’t cleaned, and I hate when people see my space dirty — Come by tomorrow,” she suggested as she walked behind her door to push it closed, but he placed his foot in between the door, stopping her from shutting him out.
“C’mon — Can’t be that bad,” he said before pushing the door open. A scoff left her mouth when the man walked in. She wanted to stay angry at the man, but he was kind enough to slip off her shoes. She did the same as she stalked the man, hoping he wouldn’t find anything.
The young lady prayed to god he wouldn’t walk into her bathroom — Sadly, he did. She went to yell for him to stop, but it was too late.
Y/n cover her face in embarrassment as the man walked in. She could hear him laughing, the laugh already sounding like a tease.
“Fuckin’ hell, kid — What are you studying in? Being a freak,” he joked as he walked out, closing the door behind him. “Get out, Logan,” she said, now upset, but more embarrassed.
“Hey, c’mon, sweet cheeks — It ain’t like Ian seen toys before. I mean, back in my day, there were only a few sizes but it seems like you’ve got them all,” he teased again with a laugh.
She hated the way he mocked her with no remorse, but deep down, she liked the feeling of being embarrassed. Of being caught. She knew his mocking wasn’t to make her feel bad. It was to overpower her in some way.
“Talk to me, y/n,” Logan broke the silence after she looked away. “You ain’t gettin’ the love you need?” He asked, stepping towards her with a dark intimidating look that made her knees buck.
Y/n didn’t reply to the man. He had no right to know about her personal life. Her sex life.
“Gotta buy all these toys to feel good? These little boys here ain’t lickin’ your bean right?” He teased, chest up against hers. The man softly turned her head towards him after she looked away, suddenly feeling all the lust run through his blood.
At first, she was just a child to him. A lying one at that. She had a fucked up attitude and carried herself like Wade’s long-lost twin.
Yet, she was too hot, and too beautiful to let that turn him off. Someone would have to work a miracle to make him dislike this one.
“Look at me, bub,” the man said, her eyes still looking somewhere other then his until they finally looked at him. “Because if you ain’t gettin' the love you want, I can do it for you,” Logan went all the way in, feeling his cock pulse at the way her eyes soften.
“W-What do you know about love?” She asked, making him chuckle. “I’m a simple man, baby — Ian gotta do much to impress that pretty body for yours. You sure don’t have to do much to impress mine,” Logan said as he grabbed her hand to place it on his hard-on through his thick blue jeans.
“Your collection sizes seem to be different sizes — like you’re looking for the perfect size,” the man read the young lady like a book. “I gotcha perfect size right here, and lemme tell ya — It’s way bigger than your biggest toy,” the man mocked the sad excuse of an extra large dildo she owned.
Before she could say anything, Logan picked her up and threw her on her bed. He’s been eying the bed ever since he walked in here, hoping that wasn’t the dirty she wasn’t talking about. He wanted to come right in here and try his luck.
“Logan,” she spoke, not saying anything to follow. All she did was watch him get undressed. “Am I disappointing you?” He asked, knowing he looked exactly how she imagined. How she liked.
He never forgot when Wade mentioned the Wolverine was her favorite superhero. He wondered why for a while until he saw what she saw in him.
He knew for sure he looked good. Her eyes would glance at his muscles every once in a while, but that wasn’t the giveaway. The giveaway was the way she looks up at him all day today. Those pretty eyes sparkling when his met hers, even if it was just a few seconds.
“Never,” y/n replied. Logan instantly groaned at her voice, thankful that she was willing to go on with his actions. “That’s a good girl,” the man growled as he hovered over the woman, heavy cock dragging up her leg.
“Your pants are so thin — I can smell your cunt like you’re walkin’ around asking for it,” he said before ripping them off. “And no panties? What a fuckin’ slut,” the man chuckled as he traveled his hands up her body.
“W-Wanted to look good in my shorts” she said, knowing her ass would jiggle just right. “Well, it worked, princess — But I prefer your shorts when they’re off,”
Logan attacked the girl's lips, kissing her roughly like he’d been starving to taste her for decades. She tasted so sweet. He knew she would.
Y/n wrapped her legs around the mans waist, allowing his cock to rub up against her bud and in between her folds. “Fuck,” he sighed as he leaned his head back before going back in to kiss her.
The man would’ve loved to watch his cock slip in her cunt, but he couldn’t get his body off of her. Instead, he lifted his hips high enough, moving until his tip pushed at her entrance.
Y/n whined at the feeling, knowing he was about to fill her the most she’s ever been filled before. Without warning, he did just that.
Y/n slightly screamed at his hard bullied thrust.
“Don’t worry, baby — Gonna stretch you just right. Mold this cunt until it’s my perfect fit,” he began snapping his hips as his mouth grazed on her ear.
“Gonna stay at Wade’s place, just for you — Fuck — Now I gotta tell the little bastard that you are a good reason to stay,”
Y/n moaned, nails now digging into his back at his words. The man groaned loudly, loving the slight pain she gave him. He was certain that anything y/n wanted to do to him, he’d enjoy. As long as he gets a taste of her soaking cunt right after.
“C-Cumming,” y/n cried out, gushing all over his cock. Then the man chuckled at how easier it was to fuck into her cunt now. The young girl was still tight, but her wetness made the feeling better.
“L-Lo,” y/n stuttered, not being able to say the man’s full name. When she fucked herself with toys, she mostly thinks about the man and how good Logan would feel in her. How he’d come back from a mission just to fill her up.
“Yeah, bub, You like it? Like my old cock up your pussy? Gonna tell the whole world how good I fuck you after this?” Logan snapped his hips hard, knowing y/n’s mind was slowly fading away.
“So fuckin’ dumb on my cock,” Logan grinned down at the girl. “Gonna have to come by here every day. Scare the boys away because I know for a fact, you bring ‘em up in here — I smell them,” Logan’s voice instantly seemed angry.
Y/n wasn’t sure until the man was upset until he leaned up and gripped her waist on both sides.
“W-What? I don’t do that,” she lied, and that was a mistake. She had been pounded so dumb, she forgot he had enhanced smelling.
“You’re in for one, bub,” Logan’s warned as his nails dug into y/n sides before he pulled her into his hard pounds. He was knocking the wind out of her repeatedly.
Y/n tried pushing herself back, but she could barely keep herself together. The moans and crying that came from her mouth, egged the huge muscular man on.
Watching her body jolt at each thrust and her tits bounce under her shirt, made him think about the future days he’ll be touched all over here.
“So fuckin’ pretty,” the man began to sweat. He hasn’t fucked this hard in a while. The load he’s about to give her will fill her cunt up to the fullest.
“Logan,” y/n moaned, head throwing back as another orgasm washed over her body. The man’s hips stuttered, watching her body arch as he kept her in place. The pulls into his thrust only made him closer.
“Y-You can’t be seen with me. I-I can end up hurting you,” y/n spoke, feeling like she needed to say something, but she was struggling. “Thought you said that’s how life is,” Logan reminded her.
“T-This is different — He can hurt you,” she said felt guilty for telling him so late. “I doubt anyone can hurt me,” he smiled down at her. Logan instantly realized that the girl was actually terrified.
“H-He’ll do anything to hurt me,” Y/n teared up as she lifted her hands to his face. “Then I’ll end him so he won’t get the chance to hurt you again,” the man said, ready to get at any college student who made her feel this fear.
Y/n pulled Logan into a tight hug, rolling her hips up into his thrust. She was scared, but soon felt safe again. Logan could handle the heat that was coming. He’s the Wolverine. He helps people. He helped Wade save his world.
He could save y/n’s world. He can save her peace. He can save her.
Logan bite down on y/n's neck, trying to form love marks as his cock twitched around her walls. The thought of her needing him, made him feel good. He's always needed someone to depend on him, but this felt different.
Logan had a choice to leave, but he's choosing to stay and make y/n understand she's too young and pretty to be going through a rough time with a man.
"Gonna cum, bub," the man's voice muffled into her neck as he pulled her closer. Y/n's walls clenched around the man’s length, sucking him in tightly. "F-Fuck," the man slightly moaned right before he spilled into y/n, filling her up until she couldn't hold his seed anymore.
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ
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Is tusa mo cheann eile
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Hi guys!
This a McFoord one, from a request that you can find here :)
Once again, it's just a fiction and no hate towards anyone!
And please enjoy ♥
TW: Injury
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“Katie, I’m hot, sticky and I can’t even breath” Caitlin says softly smiling.
Katie groans, tightening even more her arms around Caitlin’s hips. They are tanning on a beach in Mallorca, where they are enjoying their holidays together, before going back to camp. They are having a good time honestly; the hotel is amazing and there is a lot of things to do. Even if Katie’s principal want is to tan as much as possible.
“You will have tanning marks” Caitlin smirks.
The Irish sight dramatically and roll on her back on the lounge chair they are sharing. Katie has always been cuddly with Caitlin since the beginning, bit several days before they had that stupid rumor about Katie cheating on Caitlin in front of dozens of people. The forward didn’t really understand what was happening when she received a call from her girlfriend at 8 in the morning, with that said girlfriend freaking out so much that none of her words was understandable.
With a lot of patience, she managed to unravel Katie’s sentences and understand what was going on. There are pixelized pictures of Katie in a Nightclub with some of her friends and people are saying that she kissed two of them, but she swears that it’s not true and Caitlin has to believe her because she would never do a thing like that even if she’s on the other side of the world and – that’s when Caitlin interrupted her.
She believed her and when she was facing those pictures later, she knew she made the right decision. We literally can’t see anything, apart from Katie leaning in the direction of her friends to be able to hear them correctly. Sadly, they received so many messages from everywhere that Katie needed to post a video to ask people to stop being shit.
It broke Caitlin’s heart to see that video, Katie looked so tired and done with everything and she wasn’t here to hug and comfort her. She had things to do in Australia and that’s why she stayed, while Katie needed to go back in London.
The next time they saw each other, except for multiples FaceTime, it was when Katie came to take Caitlin and her sister and her girlfriend to the airport. Jamie, Caitlin’s sister, and her girlfriend were clever enough to stop to a shop to buy something only to let Caitlin and Katie alone for a little bit.
Caitlin can’t remember if Katie already hugged her so hard, but she only understands the distress of her girlfriend when she faced her. Katie will admit to Caitlin several hours later that she was scared that Caitlin would change her mind and that she will finally not come here.
It was four days ago, and Katie seems to be way more relax, but she’s still glued to her girlfriend every single minute of the day.
The Irish finally sits to look at the sea while Caitlin was peacefully sipping her drink. They are alone today, Jamie and her girlfriend left for an excursion early in the morning.
“I think I want to learn how to surf” Katie suddenly says.
“Do you?”
“Yeah. Maybe I’ll go ask to the teachers right there” she add, pointing the said people.
“Hell to the no.”
Caitlin sits in the chair too, looking very upset with that idea, much to Katie’s misunderstanding.
“Your girlfriend is Australian my dear, do you really think I would let those clown teach you how to surf?”
Katie chuckles softly, looking at Caitlin.
“You want to teach me?”
“Of course I will. The only think you will ask those people is if they will be ok if we borrow one board and two surf wear.”
Later this afternoon, they are somewhere on the beach with a board and both wearing surf wears. Caitlin is teaching her the basics, stand up on the board, on the sand.
Thanks to Katie’s sporting abilities, she manages to make the right gestures in the right time pretty easily. She was already glad to have Caitlin as a teacher because she was really patient and seeing her molded into her suit is pretty amazing. Even if she’s able to see her with way less clothes.
But when Caitlin decides to correct Katie’s position on the board, Katie is even happier.
“Ok now” Caitlin says, taking her by her waist from behind. “You have to turn your body like this.”
With a smirk, Katie let her move her body likes she wants, looking at her over her shoulder. Caitlin was concentred on her task, but she feels her girlfriend’s gaze immediately.
“Don’t start” Caitlin says with a smile.
“I haven’t said anything.”
The Australian girl rolls her eyes but keeps her hands on Katie’s waist, positioning her body like she wants. She tries to keep Katie’s flirty teasing at bay at first, but she soon let it go and decide to play too. Her hands stayed on strategic but unless place, like Katie’s bum.
They ignore the potential fans around them, or the curious people watching them. Katie seems happy and that’s all matter for Caitlin right now.
“That’s the real reason why you wanted to be my instructor isn’t it?”
She smiles when she sees Caitlin’s guilty face. The girl is pretty calm and thoughtful in everyday life, but she definitively has a possessive side who comes out from time to time. Katie loves it, Caitlin never accused her of anything or never shout at her. She just makes sure that no one is looking or touching Katie in a way that is reserved for her.
“People don’t have to touch you like that” the Australian growls.
Katie smiles and kiss Caitlin’s cheek softly, taking advantage of their position, Caitlin is standing right behind her, her arms on her waist.
They manage to keep the flirting down after that to let Katie learn anything needed before going in the water. Caitlin has to admit that her girlfriend isn’t bad. She managed to stay on her board for several seconds when they tried to go in the water for the first time.
“You were definitely Australian in another life Katikat” Caitlin shouts just before her girlfriend falls on the water, splashing water around.
Several weeks after, they were back in national camps. For an unknown reason, Australia decided to attend a game against Ireland just before the Olympics, a game to try some combinations and things for real. A game is always different from training, everyone knows that.
Of course, the fans went crazy and looked forwards to see another complicated moment between Katie, Caitlin and Ruesha. Katie managed to avoid Ruesha as much as possible during training, even if it means that she can’t be as much as she wanted with some of their teammates. But the McFoord couple didn’t talk about this reunion, deciding to just ignore it.
Last time Ireland and Australia played against each other, Caitlin and Katie weren’t out for the rest of the world, even if Ruesha behavior kind of out them. Now though, they don’t hide anymore even posting pictures of themselves during their holidays or free time. They both appear in each other photo dump, but they are always together so it would be hard making thing in another way.
And some paparazzi and fans catch them during Katie’s surfing attempt during their holidays.
Even Katie’s mom started to post pictures of Katie and Caitlin on her Facebook page. Which always amused Katie so much because her mom is the caricature of people about her age and social media.
“How are you feeling?” Mackenzie asks Caitlin the day of the game.
“Fine” Caitlin shrugs, leaning against the wall of her cubby.
“Fine to fight against your girlfriend and her ex-fiancée?” Macca smirks.
“I’m not afraid of her” Caitlin answers honestly. “She can bark all that she wants, it won’t change things. And for Katie, we talked about it. We will fight for our teams, not against each other.”
“You are wise women”
Caitlin rolls her eyes with a smile. She knows that Mackenzie doesn’t want to be mean and that she’s just checking on her. Which Caitlin appreciates really much, even if people say that she’s thirdweeling Alanna and Mackenzie’s friendship, they both care for her.
“Just scores and I’ll take care of the rest” the goalkeeper says, before pinching her cheek.
Caitlin slaps Mackenzie’s hand playfully. It was a friendly game without any important issue. They were using their Olympic team though, wanting to have time to make some adjustments.
Ireland wasn’t already here when the Matildas came to line up before entering on the field. Caitlin distracts herself by remembering the last recommendation of her coach, moving softly to stretch and keep her muscles warm. She was still doing it when she hears a bunch of conversations full of Irish accent and she instinctively turns herself to them.
Katie smirks at her when she passes next to her and Caitlin smiles back. Being in camp means not to be able to see her girlfriend during long days, but at least they were on the same time schedule this time. Australia is training in Greece this time. They don’t say anything to each other, but Caitlin can’t help but look at Katie’s silhouette in front of her several times.
She completely ignores Ruesha, even if she feels like she can feel her eyes burning her head from behind. She chooses not to put the most interest on this information.
She hasn’t thought about shake Ruesha hand or not but decides to go for fist bump with everyone. She smiles at Katie’s teammates she knows better than the other and when Ruesha ignore her fist, she just bumps her arm. Alanna saw it and teases Caitlin about it when they go in their part of the field.
“She’s resentful” the blonde comments.
“I don’t care. I know I have done nothing wrong about the whole situation” Caitlin shrugs. “Her not being ok with it won’t change the fact that Katie moved on from her”
The Arsenal’s girl rolls her eyes with a smile, before being called for the picture. Katie and Caitlin exchanged a last smile before switching in full game mode.
The game went pretty great for Australia, they are winning from one goal, but the different issues have been working in for the second part. The first goal was scored by Mary with an assist from Caitlin, taking advantage of Ruesha.
She can’t help but smile during a freekick, when she feels Katie’s presence behind her. It reminds her about the scene from the World Cup.
“Keep your hands for yourself, Captain” Caitlin teases while Steph was getting ready to shoot.
“You’re hot. Can I have your jersey, your number and your body after the game?”
Caitlin laughs softly. She can hear Katie’s smirk in her voice, she doesn’t even have need to turn to know it. Katie’s lame flirting always makes her cry laughing, but she needs to stay focused for now. She knows that it’s a teasing tentative from Katie to distract her.
They don’t score from the corner, but around the seventy minutes, Caitlin is running almost alone to faced the goalkeeper, after receiving a great ball from Kyra. She just have to pass the goalkeeper, which she does easily. It made 2-0 for them and she smiles at her teammates when they come to congratulate her.
“Ruesha is getting pissed” Mini comments.
Caitlin throws a look at her. Mini is right, but it’s not her business, right? It’s the second time that Caitlin passes her pretty easily, the first time she managed to assist Mary’s goal. Katie seems pretty gutted too, but not as angry as Ruesha.
The Australian’s girl keep focused on the game though, playing and wanting to test every things they tried during the training sessions. The Olympics were really important for each girls in the team.
Almost five minutes later, almost the same scenario is happening. Caitlin’s running to catch a long ball from Michelle this time with only Ruesha covering her. She’s faster than her, Caitlin knows it.
The next actions went pretty quick, she was running a second before being tackle from behind, Ruesha’s studs trapping her ankle between them and the ground. The pain is so strong that she can’t even shout, only able to grab her ankle tightly and hide her face on the grass.
She’s not aware of what was happening above her, Alanna grabbing Ruesha by the collar of her jersey to push her as far as possible from Caitlin, nor Mini and Hayley screaming at her, passing in full protective mode.
Steph is kneeling next to her, her hand on her back, saying things to her that she doesn’t really understand. Caitlin’s scared. Her ankle hurts like hell and the Olympics are in only several weeks. She groans when she feels someone touching her feet and slap their hand away. Kyra chuckles makes her come back a little on earth.
“Let the medical team look at it, Girl” Kyra comments.
Caitlin rolls on her back, trying to keep her breath steady. She hides her face in her arm, letting the nurse working on her feet.
“Should I let Katie kill Ruesha or are you against the idea of going to meet her in jail with oranges?”
Steph’s voice is calm, but there is a hint of amusement behind it. Caitlin turns her face in the field’s direction, just to see her girlfriend roasting Ruesha. Their others teammates look to scared to intervene.
“She doesn’t like oranges” Caitlin mumbles.
“Mh. I’ll go then.”
Steph gets up and Caitlin sights, closing her eyes again. She wishes Katie could come to her, but she feels a little stupid about it too. She feels like a kid wanting her mum when she’s hurt to bring her comfort. Kyra’s arm stroking is nice, but she’s not Katie.
“Can you look at her feet out of the pitch?”
The referee came after several minutes while Caitlin’s foot is now outside of her socks and boot.
“I’m almost finished” the nurse answers, before looking up when the referee left. “Your girlfriend is looking at me with some intensity” she adds.
Caitlin turns herself this time, searching Katie. She’s closer than she thought, standing only two meters away from them.
“She’s worried” Caitlin mumble, wincing when the nurse turns her foot in an uncomfortable position.
“Right. I don’t think there is something broken but it would been better for you to get sub of.”
Caitlin sighs and nod. It was a friendly after all and she already scored during the game. She gets up with the nurse’s help, trying to put some weight on her foot. After having hesitate for longs minutes Katie finally decides to come for her.
“You alright?” she asks quietly, escorting Caitlin out of the pitch.
“I will be.”
They share a look and Katie nods, sighing softly before going back in her place in the pitch. Caitlin goes sit on the bench to watch the end of the game and when she comes back on the pitch, she’s with crutches.
Katie goes straight for her, congratulating opponents and teammates on her way, but her eyes are on Caitlin every second of her journey. She passes a protective arm around Caitlin’s waist when she finally reach her. Katie searches for Caitlin’s eyes, scared to find some anger towards her.
“Hi” Caitlin just says, and Katie’s eyes automatically goes for her ankle.
“What did the doctor say?”
“Nothing is broken. It’s probably sprain, I have to get some scans in the morning.”
Katie nods and they are soon joined by Steph and Kyra, their teammates at Arsenal. If they were alone, Katie would most certainly have wrapped Caitlin in a protective embrace, but they aren’t. Other people came to join the small group that they formed, and all this little people talk happily.
“Katie” calls suddenly Caitlin.
The Irish woman look away from the conversation she wasn’t listening at all to put her attention on her girlfriend. Caitlin’s blue eyes are looking straight at her, and the exchange last several seconds before Caitlin talks again.
“Come on, we need to talk.”
Katie feels her stomach dropping somewhere in her feet, but still nod and follow quietly Caitlin. The Tilie takes her in the tunnel to go to the locker room, Caitlin walking slowly because of her crutches.
But, unlike what Katie was expecting, Caitlin doesn’t start the conversation with hard words. She’s in fact so surprise about the hug Caitlin gives her that she needs several seconds to pass her arms around Caitlin’s frame in return. The Australian is holding her tight, her face in her neck and the Irish is a little lost.
“I’m not mad at you” she finally whispers.
Her breath makes Katie shivers and when she looks at her again, Caitlin can see how much relieved Katie is.
“It’s not your fault. I don’t even know if Ruesha did it deliberately.”
Katie shrugs, not knowing it either. She can’t say that if her ex lost her mind at some point, if she meant it or if it was bad luck.
“I can look for the answer if you want to” Katie frowns.
“Nah. If I have the right to be possessive a little bit, I would rather you being as far as possible from her.”
“You have all the rights you want”
Katie has the time to see Caitlin’s smirk, before she passes her arms around her neck to kiss her.
“I missed you” the Aussie whispers against Katie’s lips.
“I missed you too”
They know they won’t be able to be at home together soon again, Caitlin needs to go to Paris for the Olympics. But right now, they are together and that’s what is the most important.
“Do you think I could come tomorrow for the scan?”
“I don’t see why you couldn’t” Caitlin shrugs. “Don’t you have training or team meeting?”
“No, we are free until Monday”
“Just like me” Caitlin smirks “Can I maybe sneak in your hotel room tonight?”
Katie makes a slight grimace, making Caitlin arch an eyebrow, until Katie talks again.
“Maybe it’s better if I am the one sneaking in, don’t you think?”
There is a beam of silence, before Caitlin smiles softly.
“Yeah, you might be right here.”
They hope not to be caught, but if that’s happen it’s probably better if it’s by someone like Sam Kerr or even Kyra than Ruesha. The girl left the pitch as soon as the game was finished, not wanting to talk to anyone. She received a yellow card for her tackle on Caitln, depriving her to play the next game.
They didn’t have to face her, even when Katie hurry to go take her shower to be able to go back to her girlfriend as soon as possible.
She will be able to go to the scan with Caitlin, where they learn that the Aussie will be able to start playing in two weeks again. A miracle in Caitlin’s opinion. But at least she will be able to see Katie wearing her jersey during every game and she doesn’t think that already she find her so attractive.
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berryhobii · 11 months
OMG HI😭😭i love your writing so much like im obsessed you’re so talented!!! i see your request are open and i just wanted to see if you do something where it’s after Yoongi and Y/N get into petty argument and Y/N is like “you know what? whatever” and gives Yoongi the silent treatment however, Yoongi hates being ignored (especially by his girl) so after giving her some space for a few hours and trying to get her to talk to him, he’s had enough oh the silence and decides to take matters into his own hands 🫣 I HOPE THIS MADE SENSE😭😭😭this thought has been running rampant in my mind for a week and i would love to see how you would write this ! there’s no rush, take your time if you don’t feel like it that’s TOTALLY okay i just want you to know that you’re writing is IMMACULATE, chefs mf kiss 🤌🏾 and that’s you are so freaking talented!! thank you for sharing your writing with us🥰🥰💕
Ahhhhhh! I love you so much! Your requests have given me such good ideas! I hope I fulfilled this one well. It turned into kind of brat tamer Yoongi who loves reader to pieces because I love everything about that trope. I really hope you love it bb!🩵🩵🩵
“Turn left up here!”
“I know where I’m going!”
“Obviously not! The parking lot will be full by the time we get there.”
Currently, you and your husband were on the way to your favorite store to spend some more of the gift cards you got at your wedding. You received so many and Yoongi made you agree that you’d only use them for important things.
New stuff for Holly counted as important, right? Of course it did.
A few months ago, you two moved to a new neighborhood which meant you didn’t really know where everything was.
As designated passenger princess, it was your responsibility to look hot, control the music and also manage the GPS to get you places but Yoongi wanted to trust his car’s GPS more than you. Ridiculous right?
He sighed. “I know where I’m going, okay? I don’t need your help.”
Your mouth dropped, a scandalized and dramatic gasp passing your glossed lips. How dare he?!
Crossing your arms over your chest, you slumped in the passenger seat. “You know what? Whatever, Yoongi.” You mumbled.
Silence enveloped the car, only the low sound of J.Cole’s melodic voice filling the space.
Yoongi glanced over at you, a smile threatening his lips at your pouty face. Ugh, you were such a spoiled little brat but he loved you so much. He actually took pleasure in riling you up and watching you get all huffy. Everytime he saw that princess personality, it awakened something in him—a need to both smother you with kisses and spank your ass until you were crying.
He reached over to place a large hand on your thigh. “Come on baby. Don’t be upset.”
You ignored him, fully turning your body towards the window. Uh oh, your full super bratty mode was activated.
“Are you really gonna ignore me?” He pondered.
No answer.
“Baby please. I’m sorry.”
He guessed he’d have to roll with this.
When Yoongi pulled into the parking lot of your favorite store, he tried to talk to you again but you were already out of the car.
Unfortunately, whenever you were upset with Yoongi, you got a sudden stroke of independence. He normally opened your door for you so he knew you were really upset when you did it yourself.
You didn’t talk to him the entire time through the store but you almost broke when you passed the pillows.
“Look baby. They have those pillows you were looking at.”
You picked one up before turning to Yoongi, opening your mouth to say, “yeah they…..” but you cut yourself off, remembering your vow of silence. He raised an eyebrow, waiting for you to speak but you held it. Tossing the pillows into the cart, you continued through the store, hands hurting from how hard you gripped the handles.
You couldn’t fight that skip in your heart. He remembered the pillows…..you told him about those weeks ago…..fuck.
You didn’t even notice Yoongi’s sly smirk as he walked behind you. He knew this silent treatment wouldn’t last long and he was honestly kind of amused. He knew you wanted to talk to him but your pride wouldn’t allow you to break first, not until you felt like it. He guessed he’d have to put up with your silent treatment a little longer.
Besides, with you walking ahead of him, he could stare at your perfect ass in those stretch pants all he wanted. His hand itched to grab it but he resisted. He didn’t want to make you more upset…..on purpose.
Yoongi ended up having to practically fight you with the bags, insisting he’ll put them back in the cart and push them to the car. You weren’t happy but you also didn’t argue, huffing and puffing your way back to the car.
Yoongi didn’t unlock the doors until he was finished putting the bags in the trunk which was getting you even more riled up. He knew you wanted to open your own door but doing it for you was just more amusing.
You squinted your eyes at him in frustration, throat burning with the desire to tell him off but you got in the car anyway, still completely silent.
The drive home was silent, as was the short journey up to your apartment. Holly greeted you both at the door, the wiggly dog jumping all over you. You didn’t even try to go through the bags, just heading straight for your bedroom where you could ignore Yoongi better. And of course, Holly followed you, not sparing Yoongi a passing glance.
Traitor, Yoongi thought.
He sighed but left you alone. He knew you weren’t that upset about what he said in the car. You were just being stubborn. He spoiled you too much. He could also be kind of passive(he’s working on it) as well so perhaps this was proving to be a little test for him.
After putting away the few grocery items and leaving the rest of your choices for you to sort through, he flopped down on the couch.
It was quiet.
Too quiet.
He liked his peace and quiet as much as the next person but the noise you brought was different. He had grown used to hearing you singing under your breath or talking to yourself as you thought about dinner or the crash of all of your hair products falling because you had so many and they didn’t fit right in the hallway closet.
You had ingrained yourself into his life—you and your own perfect little storm of gentle chaos.
He missed you. Even though you were in the next room. He missed you.
Standing from the couch, he walked down the hall to the bedroom. He couldn’t hear anything on the other side.
His knuckles rapped gently against the wood before he opened he door. “Baby?”
He found you laid on your back on the bed, phone held over your face as you scrolled through social media. Holly was resting on his dog bed in the corner, little head lifting as Yoongi entered.
“Go.” He motioned to the door. Holly tilted his head in a way that solidified Yoongi’s suspicion that his dog was secretly a human. Human or not, Holly knew better than to stick around.
Yoongi closed the door before focusing his attention back on you.
He approached the bed, leaning a knee on it. You could feel the dip but made no move to acknowledge him.
“Baby please. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said. Of course I need you. I love when you tell me where to go but then you get distracted so we miss the turn. Remember we were late to our rehearsal dinner?”
Your lip twitched at the memory. Of course you do. The excitement of your wedding being the next day had you so caught up in your then fiancé that you couldn’t even focus on giving directions. And thanks to Yoongi being equally distracted by how stunning you were, he didn’t even think to make sure you stayed focused enough to give directions. He missed the exit twice before finally getting on track. Nevertheless, it was still a memorable evening with his family and close friends.
And the precursor to the rest of a wonderful life with you.
You still continued to ignore him. You could hear the sincerity in his apology but you wanted to make him sweat just a little bit longer.
But even Yoongi had a breaking point and you were crossing it.
No answer.
Alright. Breaking point crossed.
“Why do you have to make everything so difficult? Ignoring me, “he scoffed with a shake of his head and landing a sharp smack to your ass. “You’re crazy.”
Your head was buried in the blankets, shoulders pressed against the bed and wrists held tightly in Yoongi’s grip.
His hips were slamming into your ass hard enough to hurt, his thick cock stretching your walls to their limit. He was thick enough to give you that slightly searing stretch and long enough to make you feel it all the way to your deepest parts.
“Mm, Yoongi!” You cry out as his strokes became longer, pulling himself all the way out to the tip remained before slamming back inside. He grits his teeth at your walls sucking him in as if they didn’t want him to go. Thank goodness for his stamina. After meeting you, he’s had to learn how restrain himself longer than ever. He never used to cum quick before meeting you. And yes, that was one of the many reasons he pursued you. “F-fuck….you feel so good.”
You arched your back more, lifting your ass so that he could reach even deeper.
“Don’t ignore me again. Do you understand?” He landed another slap on your bouncing ass, loving the recoil.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, face feeling hot from your breath that kept blowing back from how your face was pressed into the mattress.
Everything felt too tight, too hot, too sweaty, too good.
“Yes! I’m sorry!” You cried.
Releasing your wrists, he grabbed at your braids, twisting them around his wrist a few times. Waist length were definitely a smart investment.
He pulled you up until you were “balanced” on your hands because let’s face it, those things were numb as hell. His hold on your hair was really the only thing keeping you upright.
“Sorry for what? Apologize properly.”
He wanted you to form full sentences? That was like asking Jada to stop talking about Tupac. Impossible.
Another stroke knocked your speech centers loose, third orgasm since you started bubbling in your lower belly.
Yoongi could feel your walls clenching up, your moans growing louder at each thrust. Oh no you don’t.
He stopped his hips, still buried deep in your cunt. You whined as your orgasm ebbed away, wiggling your hips in an attempt to throw yourself back on his cock but a hand on your hip made you still.
“You’re not cumming until you apologize properly. Now, what aren’t you gonna do again?”
You swallowed, lip quivering and tears welling up. “I…I won’t ignore you again.”
He grinned. “Apology accepted.”
His hips set a punishing pace, your ass ricocheting off his hips. It had you moaning in ecstasy, nearly slipping from his grasp but he wrapped an arm under your breasts to keep you steady.
“Shit, I love this pussy. So. Fucking. Good.” Each word was punctuated with a thrust.
Your hand reached back to claw at his side, the slight sting making him groan and thus pushing him faster.
He yanked your hair until your back was pressed flush against his chest, his hips never slowing down. Almost instantly, you turned your head, seeking his lips as you always did when you were close. His heart fluttered, loving how affectionate you were.
You almost miss his lips from how absolutely feral he was going in your poor cunt. Fortunately, he tilts your head better with his grip on your hair, kissing your wet pout. The tenderness has your heart swooning despite all the chaos. He sucks at your tongue, leaving a light bite on your bottom lip as well.
“Gonna cum, my sweet girl?” He whispers in your ear, nipping at the skin.
You didn’t need to answer him, you’re growing moans enough to confirm. The hand that wasn’t scratching at his skin raises up to bury in his hair, yanking his strands similar to how he was doing you causing him to grunt in delight.
The arm around your body moved down to rub circles into your clit and you swore you saw the upper room. He buried his face in the side of your neck, inhaling your sweaty skin, lips leaving kisses and bites along the side of your throat.
His hips move even faster than before, desperate to carry you to your orgasm before he lost his shit. Pent up from that brief denial and riddled from your previous orgasms, you’re quick to crumble against him. Twisting in his hold, you cry out his name that’s like music to his ears.
“Yoongiiiiiiiiii! Cum in me, baby. Want you so bad….”
Your walls grip him tighter than a vice, his hips stuttering with careless abandon as he gives you exactly what you want. The sensitivity between your thighs burns in the best ways, little gasps coming from you another tiny orgasm washes over you.
“Ugh, fuck.” The last few sluggish ruts of his hips make both of you whine and gasp, his grip on you tightening and then loosening as his body shudders.
Your body falls forward on the mattress, muscles and bones weary and your eyes drooping as exhaustion weighs on them. You feel Yoongi flop down next to you, only the sound of his slightly hurried breaths filling the room.
“Not falling asleep on me, are ya?” He asks after a few seconds. He turns his head to find you are, in fact, beginning to doze off.
“No.” You fib, rolling your achy body over and holding up one arm. “Come kiss me.”
His smile is as sweet as him. He scoots over to bury himself in your warmth. Your arm wraps around him as his head lifts to give you your requested kisses.
“I love you.” You confess against his lips.
He hums. “Love you too. Even though you’re bad at giving directions.”
You roll your eyes but continued to peck at his lips. “Marry your GPS then.”
“I already have.” He hugs you closer. “And I wouldn’t give her up for anything.”
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starrclownshazbinblog · 8 months
Spider Family facts (Angel, Molly, Arackniss, Henroin + Carmilla and Isabella) because I love them but if I HAVE to he be sad then YOU HAVE to be sad
Like I've said, Arackaniss and Molly found Angel's body. Thing is, Arackaniss and Molly found Angel before he died. He was barely there but he was still alive. Molly freaked out, she immediately ran out of the room to fing medical help. Arackaniss ran to Angel immediately. He set his head up on his lap, he wanted him to be stable. He didn't need to search for a bullet wound, he knew what Angel did. Angel was barley alive but he could make small sentences. Arackaniss and Angel got into a big fight before Angel overdoses. Angel was using his last words to tell Arackaniss that he was sorry. Sorry for the fight, sorry for being a bad younger brother, sorry for the messes Arackaniss had to clean up. Arackaniss shushed him, telling him that he was his best friend and that he did everything right. As a husband, as a father, as a little brother. Arackniss's last words to Angel was that he loved him so much. Angel didn't hear him, he already died. Arackaniss broke down immediately. He just craddled Angel's head and cried, repeating that he loves him so much. Whe Molly ran back in the room with a paramedics, she saw Arackaniss and Angel's dead body. She never let herself forget she wasn't with her twin brother when he died.
Molly called Angel a faggot when he came out. She didn't mean too. It was genuinely just a slip of the tongue. Angel never forgot it though.
Angel gave Molly the scar on her eyebrow when they got into a fight. Angel gave himself one as a apology.
Molly went out alot quicker than Angel did. She shot herself in the side of the head. Arackaniss heard the shot in the middle of the night. He also found her dead body.
Arackaniss killed himself after Molly's funeral. He couldn't stand being without his family.
Molly was never the nicest to Isabella because she knew that Isabella was just a child that was made to make Carmilla and Angel look straight. She wasn't outright mean to Isabella but she was no means a loving aunt.
Henroin was the only one able to comfort Angel after Carmilla died. He pulled Angel close to him and let him cry over his shoulder.
Angel and Molly tried to joke about the death of their mother once so they could cope with the loss. They were about 12 and genuinely weren't trying to make fun of her, they were still upset they never had a mom. Arackaniss freaked the fuck out and screamed at them. He accidentally, in a fit if anger punched Angel in the face. Considering Arackaniss was 19 and much bigger than Angel, he knocked his tooth out. Angel has to get his gold tooth.
Henroin sometimes has resentful thoughts about Molly and Angel. Angel and Molly were a high risk pregnancy which ended up killing their mother. Henroin sometimes wishes that his wife survives instead. He immediately gets sick thinking about his children's death like this.
Henroin later found out in death from Molly that Angel was gay. This caused a breakdown. He didn't understand what he did that made Angel feel like he had to hide this part of him and create a marriage of convenience.
Molly and Angel have these small rabbit plushies. Angel is a light pink while Molly's is light orange. They were given to them by Henroin. Arackaniss has a light green one. Henroin later gave Isabella a light purple one. It's a small family tradition. When Angel died Molly slept with the two plushies, inconsolable for weeks. She refused to separate them. (This was her way of coping with the fact she wasn't with Angel when he died.) Later when Molly died, Arackaniss made sure that Angel's, Molly's, Isabella's, and his plushie went with him. He wanted the family to be together.
Isabella doesn't remember Angel. She's really young and considering how long she's been dead. She knows she had a dad she just doesn't know where his is.
Isabella doesn't know Angel's in hell. This leads her to be really upset her dad isn't with her. She still waiting for her dad to come back to her and tell her everything will be okay.
Henroin used to sing a personal lullaby to Arackaniss, Angel, and Molly when they would have nightmares. Angel would go on to sing this to Isabella. When Isabella died, Arackaniss would sing it to him to help with his crying.
Molly used to do drugs with Angel. She did it as a solidarity, to make him feel like he wasn't alone.
I had alot of fun writing these!! :D
Asks are always open, art is always here, crimes are always legal if you don't get caught! <3
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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dootznbootz · 6 months
I was thinking about that Odysseus gray hair headcanon of yours (which i btw love and painfully sob about) and consider:
Penelope seeing him cry in bed, having the realization that when he's lying on his back while crying his tears follow the exact patch of his gray hair. Penelope being out for blood because of that.
Actually, he hates lying on his back after everything... It's something he cannot do anymore. He lies on his side most of the time. Or lies on top of Penelope. (His "favorite bed is made of bone." 😂 As the Water Wife is smaller so when he rests his head on her chest, he's basically right on her sternum. She's fairly flat. She gets SOME squish as she gets older and after pregnancy ofc 😌)
Having a weight on top of him is very upsetting. He usually flips them over or moves. He can no longer be the little spoon either. Penelope cannot lie on his chest. It's just something that has...changed :')
One thing she notices, is that he has 4 little cresent moon shaped scars on his triceps. (some faded ones on his palms too). Then she sees him crossing his arms and realizes they're from him digging his fingernails into himself. Something he used to do while crying on the beaches. The ones on his palms are from the times he was on his back in the cave.
Something that will eventually kind of come into play, is that for Helen, Paris and Deiphobus are dead. She can always be reassured they won't come to get her. For Odysseus, they're GODDESSES...Immortal and can't be 'punished' (nor should they considering they're immortals). Odysseus kind of lives with this fear deep down that they'll somehow come back into his life. They don't. Because THEY DON'T. But he can't shake that fear.
It reassures him that Penelope looks and feels so different. Penelope's smaller, she's fairly cold to the touch, he knows her birthmarks and scars, etc. Calypso was an Oceanaid while Penelope is a Naiad. He hates saltwater for many reasons. Circe felt too hot and felt like burning despite taking Penelope's appearance. Penelope's so cold. etc. Penelope is RIGHT.
Unedited Unfinished snippet of a random wip. Context: He had a bad nightmare.
Shaking with a blank, tear-stained face, Odysseus sat looking away from her. His nails dug into his biceps, the four crescent moon scars proving how often he did this while away. On his palms as well. The tapestry that he tore off the wall (the rod being what broke. Not her own craftsmanship, of course) wrapped around his waist and back. Protecting himself…
Penelope is soooo protective of him though. For example, once while talking with Penelope and Telemachus, Telemachus brings up Calypso (he knows from Menelaus) and asks his dad how he escaped her and how 'dangerous' she was. Was she like Scylla? Odysseus freezes. He doesn't want his son to know of such things. Stuff like that.
Penelope swoops in with distractions and a way for him to sneak away if he needs or to just shove his face under her neck to hide it for a bit. Water Wife is able to get rid of any tears shed so he can look "fine" and keep up appearances.
Odysseus hid his face in her throat, his hands clutching her waist close to him on their shared throne. Another tear spilled out from where it rested upon his lid only to be immediately pulled away. Penelope casually flicked it to the side. Cold hands cupped his face as she pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. "We can sneak out if you need-" "No." He pulled her closer. He swallowed and steadied his breathing. Vision too blurred to look at the dancers anyway. He had a prettier sight beside him. "I already made a scene." Penelope started to say something before stopping and took a deep breath. "Whatever you need, my Joy." "You," he rasped. "Just you."
I wrote this very quickly just to kind of give the vibes I guess. I also have a headcanon that after Odysseus made their bed, he made a throne bench because these two freaks were constantly squirming and were leaning over so much that it got annoying. It also felt very empty for 20 years :') )
People talk about him. About his episodes of PTSD and his lashing out. And she shuts them down. "He's not mad. He's been through all pains. I'd like to see you do well after going through what he's gone through."
She's out for blood on people who question or mock him. Don't talk about her Joy that way. You don't know anything.
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yanderelovebites · 18 days
It’s been some time since I’ve been on here… but I’ve been having this idea on my mind for awhile. Yandere dollmaker with a darling who reads Yandere stories—she knows the signs but isn’t the best at avoiding getting kidnapped because she thinks “I’m not the person people obsess over”. Have Yandere be an actual label in this world. Have it be an arranged marriage. Have her freak out because by law she has to know her fiancé is a Yandere and she knows he’s also a dollmaker. Have her remember every creepy Yandere dollmaker story ending up with their partner being turned into a doll…
And after meeting him get embarrassed because he finds the stereotype ridiculous and depending on which novel it is, hilarious. Have it obvious he is disgusted at the idea someone would literally make their target of affection into a doll. He says “It’s cliché at this point, like authors can’t make up their own ideas. I get maybe comparing them to a doll or doing things to make them doll like—but full blown make them a doll… UCK!”
Have dollmaker Yandere not help the case when he takes notes of the kind of clothes you wear and start sketching outfits. If darling has any deformities he’s already making the limbs to be exactly that. It absolutely doesn’t help that one time he makes you sit still so he can model a doll face after your face.
It gets worse when your parents decide you have to move in.
You see it all in real time. The outfits and at some point you see it. The doll he made to look like you. It was freaking you out and all he did was say “I made her just like you~”
You have further reason not to believe he wouldn’t commit to your fears because the staff on hand mentioned how all his exes mysteriously disappeared. You’ve read too many novels to not assume the worst.
He gets tired of this chase for your affection so he makes you sit with him while he works. It’s creepy being around so many limbs and eyes that you feel follow you.
After weeks of that he’d finally address the comments. He doesn’t say what happened to them, just that “I didn’t turn them into dolls” to make you feel better. He’s aware of the fact you’re always going to hop back to that.
You don’t know why but his parents seemed relieved when you actually make it to the marriage date. It told you enough though-clearly his exes never did. Against your better judgement you had to ask in the honeymoon.
He tells you youll never find them. They’re gone, vile, and didn’t deserve anything. It doesn’t make sense…
It starts to, however when he lets you talk with the maid again who tell you more about the girls. From the sounds of each, they were of higher standing than you and more outgoing. They went to parties! Closest thing to going to parties you did was book signings… it was clear after hearing everything that maybe he hated their outgoing personality…
Until he finds out they’ve been talking about them. It’s clear they’re side subjects and the next time you see the maid, her eye is badly injured. You ask and she just tells you a punishment was given and she can no longer speak about the former ladies.
You kept digging and digging despite what you’ve read, honestly you were turning into the protagonist that dies if you look back on your actions.
Then you find not female skeletons, but male skeletons in the basement. They forgot to lock it. He found out.
He questioned why you went down there. He loses control, which resulted in your face getting hit and your ankle broke. He’s upset when he comes down from his manic moment. Holds you… then tells you who they are. The only one without a head was his first fiancée’s affair partner. The others were men who wanted his others and he had no idea if they actually had affairs or not.
That’s why he loves you so much. You don’t have those types of connections. He doesn’t have to doubt you. He takes you upstairs and has the maids get your ankle set. It still didn’t tell you what happened to the girls… but if he kept the skeletons of the affairs… what about the girls? He said he didn’t turn them into dolls, so what did he do?
You couldn’t leave bed for weeks. He himself came to take care of you. You were his everything,the one person who didn’t betray his love once… and creepily you begin to notice something… your ankle did not get better once you healed. You needed a cane to walk. Then one day someone poisoned your food.
He went on a rampage of the servants. Blaming each one as the doctors took care of you and you learn you’ll never walk again, but at least you’re alive. You’re still able to “provide” as the man put. Your husband didn’t see it the same way you did… you saw freedom lost, but he saw an opportunity gained. He loved taking care of you, choosing your clothes and brushing your hair…
So he started doing that again. You protested at first but it seemed futile. You didn’t understand how this all could happen. You did find out it was the brother of one of the maids that poisoned you.
You felt anxious all the time… as he does your hair, as he chooses your outfits, as he takes you with him throughout the home in your wheelchair.
But he doesn’t see why? He told you how this would end. Didnt he? Didn’t he laugh at the idea of literally turning you into a doll? Didnt he say he understood doing this that made them doll like… he may have not been the reason for your legs to be paralyzed, but now you are doll like. You need him to move around the house. He picks your outfits. He brushes your hair and teeth. He personally bathes you! The only thing you ever do by yourself is eat, but if it was his way he’d do it too.
And that’s without the NSFW
Might make a part two of what would happen if you passed away. I just find the ‘makes you an actual doll’ thing too overdone at this point for this type of Yandere.
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st4rsnf1cs · 2 months
Fox w/ a Baby
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Pairing(s): Commander Fox x Fem!Reader
Summary: Commander Fox has a baby, here's a taste of what it's like!
Genre: Mostly fluff, SOME ANGST.
Word Count: 940 (bullet points)
Warnings: Pregnant reader, birth (but no description), kinda secret relationship, kinda distant parent? ITS NOT ON PURPOSE 😭
A/N: Literally love this au it's so cute.
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- When Fox found out you were pregnant he had two emotions: “OH MAKER,” and “OH SHIT.”
- He hugged you with so much emotion and passion, yes you guys have always wanted a child but you guys didn't know it was happening now!
- There was only one other person Fox was more loyal to than the GAR, that person being you. Because you were pregnant he was on full protection mode. He was usually more chill, letting you do your own thing but now he was protecting you like you were more important than the emperor.
- Fox was VERY STRICT he’s was a freak and made sure you ate the right food and didn't do anything that was bad for the baby.
- “Fox I’m fine!” You half yelled to him as you continued to lift weights. “No! You know intense exercise is bad for the baby!” You huffed putting the weights down, “maybe *you* should be the one carrying this baby.” You poked him in the chest sarcastically, all you got was a huff and an eye roll from the commander.
- You guys told very few of your pregnancy because Fox worked closely to the Emperor. It got lonely sometimes during your pregnancy because he was constantly working.
- “You're never here Fox!” You gripped your leg firmly, tears welling up and blurring your vision. “Cyare-” You cut Fox off, “no, I done with your excuses, I’m tired, I’m in pain…” You trailed of and you finally looked up. Fox had his head down staring at his feet. His shoulders were tense and he started to huff. You wiped your tears and slowly hoisted yourself up from the chair. As you approached Fox there was a glimmer to his cheek, your eyes softened. “Y/n…I’m doing the best I can, I do want to be there for you and our child but everything is pulling me in different directions,” Fox muttered out. You pressed your hand to his cheek wiping away his tears, you heart broke. You have never seen the man cry so this must be devastating for him. “Oh honey…I’m sorry.” You lifted his face gently, his eyes filled with regret and sadness. “I know you're trying, I just got upset I’m sorry there's a lot happening right now for the both of us,” Fox pressed his face into the crook of your neck and hugged you gently, you reciprocated the embrace. “Only a couple more months and the baby will be born.” He sniffled into you, “I love you Y/n.” Your eyes began to feel warm as tears dared to drop, “I love you too Fox.”
- It was kind of an angsty pregnancy but the two of you were strong. Because being friends with Senator Amidala had it’s perks you gave birth on her home planet of Naboo. Padmé and Fox where there for your birth.
- You and Fox had a beautiful baby boy. Only a few Jedi knew like Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Adi Gallia. They gave you gifts and obviously swore to secrecy.
- If you think Fox was already sleep deprived already? It just got A LOT worse. The two of you barely slept at times where all three of you were together. Fox had bags but goddamn they had grown. He was often the one to put the baby back to sleep because he felt bad he was gone, you gladly accepted it.
- The baby's first word was “mama.” Although Fox was ecstatic, he was kind of sad because it reminded him that he was away a lot. “Honey baby’s tend to grow closer to thier mothers, don't take it personally.”
- That day and from now on Fox made his mission to have the baby say “dada.” He looked like an adorable fool saying it the baby and it made you giggle. “What are you giggling at?” You sealed you lips, “nothing…”
- As the baby grew up more Fox became a control freak. He is definitely the kind of father to be worried all the time. It’s his job to worry, not only because he’s a dad but because he’s a guard.
- You knew that if you wanted too you could leave Fox with the baby and they would both be fine. One time you came home from a well deserved girls night out, and Fox and the baby were fast asleep. The baby drooling on Fox’s chest as Fox sleeps on his back. It was the cutest thing ever.
- Fox also loves explaining complicated topics that the baby wouldn't even understand. For example: Fox is teaching your child how to properly put on trooper armor at the age of 3. Fox being (of course) the lovely model.
- As your son began to grow he started to intensely look like his father. “He looks like me.” You chuckled, “yeah baby's are *supposed* to look like their parents.” However Fox and really any other clone had no idea considering he was grown in a tube.
- Right when your kid hit age 5, Fox began teaching him how to fight. Considering your kid has Fett genes he was thrilled. It was fun bonding time for them.
- If you can't cook that's ok because Fox is probably worse and couldn't cook to save his life. So when you tell him he has to cook dinner because you’ll be gone, he almost blows up the apartment. Sweat dripping down his face, eyebrows furrowed. Apron on a little too tight. Luckily for Fox, your guy’s kid will eat pretty much anything so he wasn't complaining.
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starguardianniom · 2 years
Adrien's revelation about his feelings for Marinette and before that, their "friendship"
I got big mood about it, for the moment he realise when he noticed his feelings changed for her.
That moment? The "statue kiss" in The Puppeteer 2, aka one of the most embarassing and cringe moment of the show, period.
Especially since it was one of those moments that Adrien witnessed Marinette in one of her creepiest and weirdest moment ever toward him that he's aware of and saw and somehow didn't have a problem with in the end because of her excuse and her being more upset about his joke than her behavior being beyond unacceptable toward what she thought was a statue of him, as he consider her a good friend and good friends don't creepily sniff your statue, don't pull out some of its hair to keep and don't kiss them on the lips.
But that kiss apparently made him change his feelings toward her subtely until he could pinpoint it in season 5.
Like, what? The Fuck?
Are you freaking kidding me?
Adrien, my sweet cinnamon bun, please have more self-respect for yourself.
You do not catch feelings for a girl who acts so gross toward what she thinks is a statue of yourself, please.
Heck, he was weirded out as hell when she was sniffing him, pulling his hair (his eye twitched), and of course when she kissed him he immediatly pulled away, to his defense he had no idea she would do that, because why the hell would she try to kiss a statue of him when she can barely stay in the same space alone with him in the first place? As the beginning of the episode showed, she freaked out when they were left alone and yelled (begged) to not be left alone with him, to his sadness before she corrected herself.
But him saying the moment he started to see her as more of a friend was that moment when she kissed him as a statue takes the cake.
Not to mention that already from the start their "friendship" is not really the greatest, because well, 95% of the time they get moments because Marinette or one of their friends made sure they would spend time together in some ways, or just make sure Marinette would be around or get opportunities to confess her love for him more than anything else, like actually hanging out for real as friends and not it just being a plot for a confession on Marinette's part.
Especially since Marinette has his entire schedule for the next 3 years, broke into his locker, his house (multiple times, mind you), stole his stuff, manipulated people to get into trouble so she could get a chance at maybe getting a date with him, when she's not outright trying to get rid of the competition, stalks him to another country, make sure he doesn't hang with other girls that she hates, abuse her powers to get a chance, and so on.
Let's be real here, their friendship was more genuine on Adrien side than Marinette, who said herself once in Riposte that she didn't want him to like her like that but to like her as in a romantic view instead of platonic.
Half the time the show shove Marinette down Adrien's throat because she wants to be his girlfriend, except she has a whole network to try to make it work, her friends, her family, hell, she even use her powers to try to make a move. Took 5 seasons of unhealthy behavior and 2 erased end of the universe to make it happen. Yeah!
Because I remember people being salty about how Adrien regarded knowing Ladybug's identity in Chat Blanc being wrong because he knew who she was and she wasn't aware of it, until she almost got akumatized, but the whole thing started because Marinette decided to use her powers to break into Adrien's room knowing he wasn't home to give him a gift, something that Tikki had opposed to, and of course Marinette being Marinette, didn't listen, and well, it led to that.
Not to mention that she wasn't any better when Ephemeral came, as she decided that Viperion and Su-Han would learn Chat Noir's identity behind his back and they wouldn't tell him after she learned it and later forget about it, and the whole thing fell apart because once she realised he was her precious Adrien, she decided to see how it would go. And then still proceeded with her plan. So Adrien literally had 2 other people knowing who he was and wasn't made aware of and probably wouldn't have before a long time, not sure if he would still have dated Marinette if he had found out about it.
Sure, Adrien knew in Chat Blanc, but it wasn't planned at all on his part unlike her, he sure as hell didn't tell anyone else behind her back with the promise of her never finding out like it was her original plan in Ephemeral, when he transformed to save her, well, it was either throwing his secret away, or well, they were screwed above and beyond. He didn't know Nathalie was watching and ratted him to his father, whom he doesn't know he's Hawk Moth until later in the episode when he gets traumatized by him and akumatized. Especially since Adrien finding out Marinette was Ladybug was completely on Marinette's fault for not sticking to her golden rule of never taking risks with their identities that was also shoved down his throat and ours for 3 seasons straight, but she threw that through the window (literally) by going into his room and acting like a total obsessive maniac, sniffing his pillow while laying down his bed, why, just why?
And why does Adrien just rolls with her being weird around him all the time? At one point he could get fed up and just tell her off, because well, she only acts like this toward him, and if she can't act normally around him, that won't stand, he wants to be like other kids and fit in, Marinette's behavior toward him compared to how she acts around the rest of their friends should drive a wedge between them because he wants to be part of the group, and if the girl who's the most liked by their friends can't act normal around him, what are his chances with others? Because Marinette is really the only weird one around him. Kagami, Chloé and Lila are clingy sure, but they also can function without problem around him, Marinette, barely managed at times. That went for 4 seasons. I think Adrien telling Marinette off about her behavior, especially since months passed in the show, could have been a good way to make Marinette realise that she puts him so high on a pedestrial that not only she was making it difficult for herself to endear herself to him, but maybe backpedal on her behavior that wasn't fair to him much as she has so huge expectations and pressure feeling for him that Gabriel's expectations and pressure of him can almost look good next to her views of him. That would have been a good character development for her I believe.
Instead in season 5 they joke about how she used to be and he just let it slide and doesn't concern how she learned his habits without his knowing.
Because let's face it, Marinette didn't so much got to know everything about him that there was to know as she was more studying him, like a project you're working on and need to know every little details so it won't blow up in your face or fall apart. Don't tell me she learned stuff from him by asking him directly and hanging out with him normally back in season 1, she could barely talk to him at all, or stay too long before running away or trying to. She puts him so high on a pedestrial she can't see him past the clouds. That's not a healthy way of friendship or romance mindsetfor her to be in. Even more because her worship of him is entirely on her, he doesn't want anyone to treat him like a god, he just wants to be treated normally, and she can barely manage that.
Also, Marinette monopolize so much of his time that the rest of the class sans Nino (and possibly Chloé) barely knows him, they are so quick to throw him on Marinette, or the other way, that they don't really interact at all, again he wanted to have friends, he barely interacts with anyone not named Marinette, Nino, Chloé or Lila. I think Luka got more lines with him than most of the class did. And I'm not talking about them talking about Adrien, but them talking to Adrien as in in a conversation with him and them talking together. We saw in Felix that only Nino, Marinette and Lila thought Adrien wouldn't be that mean, meanwhile Alya, Rose and Juleka get akumatized over "Adrien" being mean toward them, since they barely know him, being too busy shipping him with Marinette instead of trying to be friends with him like he would probably want to. Leave Marinette alone with him, Nino, get with Alya and leave the lovebirds alone. I swear Nino gets shoved away in favor of Marinette and it pisses me off, given how little freedom Adrien has when he can hang out with him it would be nice if he actually could and not just have Alya glaring at him for wanting to spend some alone time with him and not her, or for her to immediatly ask if she and Marinette could tag along.
Let's not forget the huge mistakes Marinette made because of her being unable to cool her heart and head when it came to him, as seen in Heart Hunter and Strike Back. Fu losing his memories and her being the guardian, later Hawk Moth getting most of the miraculouses, leaving her with only her original partner once again.
All of the unhealthy behavior she exhibit in the show because she got traumatized confessing to Kim the year prior courtesy of Chloé. Note that it's the act of confessing itself that seems to have scarred Marinette completely, not Kim or Chloé, Kim probably because she knows he was manipulated into it and is probably more unaware of how much hurt she ended up feelings as they probably have known each other for years maybe (who knows), and well Chloé had been her bully for some years by that point so nothing new here, just another new way of being tormented by her. It was the act of pourring her heart and feelings out in the open to someone she loved only to then being brutally having it turned into a sick joke that left an horrible trauma on her, to the point that she swears that she'll know everything about the next guy she'll fall in love with and make sure they're not friends with Chloé. But that second part went away with Adrien who is friends with Chloé so. Yeah.
So again, why the heck should I approve of Adrienette? Why should I like it? Why should I like that Adrien finally got with Marinette after realising he started to grow romantically interested in her after one of her worst moment ever toward him? Why would they even be good friends? For all the things I said above, I'll say that's why I'll never approve, like it or ship it, or think they could be good friends, unless Marinette just stopped feeling romantic toward him.
For all the fluff that happens when it is all romantic and soft and stuff, I remember all the terrible moments, thoughts and actions that led to them, preventing me from liking it.
Even their "friendship" moments, that were also most of the time Marinette being hurled toward him, either by herself or with the help of her friends.
Because I'm sure that Marinette would probably be able to do worse than what Chat Blanc would have done if something happened to Adrien and she couldn't save him.
She could and probably would be worse than Gabriel ever was.
The only one time I actually liked Adrienette was in Oblivio, when they had no idea who they were, and as such didn't have their trauma and insecurities with them which made it the healthiest they've ever been.
Marinette doesn't need a boyfriend, she needs a therapist to overcome her freaking trauma before actually heading in a romance. She deserves this much. She needs the help, badly. Her friends can only do so much and they are amazing, but they are also kids who aren't equiped to deal with her trauma. They all have their own traumas and worries to work on too.
Seriously where are the therapists in this city for real?
Adrien and Luka deserved better.
Adrien also needs therapy because Gabriel sucks for life.
And the kids need to reign their shipping tendencies, nice of them to help, but sometimes, please don't get involved, because either it won't work or Marinette will take it apart by herself even without meaning to.
So those are my feelings on the Adrinette ship and the Adrinette friendship.
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starredeclipse · 18 days
The screams that got the cops called: Story part
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(Previous chapter here)
With Pizza snack in hand he expected Madison’s friends to maybe calm down but things took a unexpected turn when in the next five seconds all of her friends started screaming as if there life depended on it, it was so unexpected that it made Spring yelp and almost drop the food he had brought them, the screams hurt the animatronics ears and the sound brought on a very painful memory from way back when. For a moment he just stood there getting lost in the memory, a yellow rabbit danced across his vision with a knife in one hand and a body being dragged with the other, he remembered the day he was unable to move, unable to react, all he could do was watch and listen. He wasn’t HIM, HE WASN’T HIM! Panic was all he felt up until something cut above the screams “GUYS!” Spring blinked back, he saw he was still standing in the doorway of Madison’s room, he was HERE, he wasn’t in that other place no more……he needed to forget that ever happened…..he wish he could…..”STOP SCREAMING ALREADY!” Madison’s voice only got louder and more demanding? Angry? And it seemed when nothing happened everyone ended up listening to her “Seriously…why…” her ears were practically ringing now and she wasn’t too happy about it “You have ONE OF THOSE THINGS in your house, what do you mean why?!” Teddy said as if it wasn’t obvious “Oh for crying out loud” Madison looked more tired now then she did moments ago “He’s friendly, he’s NOT like the others” so far “he’s the reason I’m even safe at home, so could you all not scream my ear drums off again” she looked at them a bit irritated but she understood the reaction, even she still wasn’t sure of things but so far he has proved himself as being one of the good ones, a sound finally broke the tension….her stomach growling, everyone sort of just became quiet before Spring said something again “So…..snacks?” Madison looked over at him with grabby hands and a whine “Yes please” though she couldn’t go and get it so Spring sort of just walked over slowly, kids moved as he came closer, the animatronic put the plate of pizza rolls down so Madison could eat and she did proceed to “I uhm” Spring looked at the other kids “I’m really not a bad guy” he wasn’t sure what else to say, Jack sighed “This is all crazy you know that?” Of course his friend knew that “She still didn’t answer our question about her parents….” Brittany said uncomfortably with the bot just standing there. “Oh I’m sorry are we just going to skip over the fact there’s one of those things just standing there?!?” Teddy didn’t seem to want to let it go “Teddy come on” Molly was just as freaked out as everyone else was but she was also more accepting “If she says he’s good then he’s good, he could hurt us right here and right now but he isn’t so lets just all calm down” Teddy looked at her like seriously, Madison took another bite of food before she spoke up “My parents are gone” that seemed to make everyone go quiet “They packed some stuff up while I slept and just left…..I tried calling them but there phone numbers no longer work and they’ve been gone for about two weeks” her friends expression said it all….it was a mixture of shock and confusion “And now with this injury I won’t be going to school for a while and…..I can’t take care of myself now and there not coming back so…..he’s basically the only one I’ve got that seems to be willing to take care of me” everyone exchanged some looked as she continued “So could you maybe just…..not tell anybody that he’s here?” Teddy looked at her as if she was nuts but honestly this all was just rather upsetting “Two weeks??? Why didn’t you tell us? Have you tried calling the cops?” Brittany asked that honestly “I did and all I got was in trouble, I think they thought I was just pranking them…..” Madison didn’t really seem to be sharing the pizza rolls here but at the same time nobody was stopping her from eating them “Honestly I didn’t say anything because I thought nobody would believe me after that” she added which did sting a bit but the friends knew she was right in assuming that up until they all went to
the pizzeria and became more open minded “Alright alright” Jacks voice cut above everyone else’s “We won’t tell anyone” he shot a sharp glare at Spring “But if you do something to her I won’t hesitate to take a screw driver to you” a child's threat, one wouldn’t take in seriously but the animatronic was pretty sure Jack would still try if something happened. Not that anything would happen….”You serious??” Teddy said not even liking the fact anybody was entertaining this, Jack shot a look at him “We ALL promise to keep our mouths shut” the ‘This is serious’ tone made Teddy go quiet making him grumble something underneath his breath but nod regardless “Yeah we won’t tell” Molly said as if confirming what Jack had said, the girl had seen something similar happen to another kid once……they got taken away by some adults and never got seen from again. Molly didn’t know that kid got shipped off to go be put into the system so the child could possible Maybe be assigned foster parents, she just knew she didn’t want her friend to be taken away, that thought was almost worst then what happened yesterday……almost.
“Alright I guess if we’re keeping our traps shut then so will I” Brittany said so casually, just when everyone agreed to not say a word everyone heard the sound of police sirens “Crud!” Freddy seemed startled by the sudden sound “Why does that sound like it’s in front of the house?” Molly asked before Jack jumped up and looked out the nearest window “Because it is, cops are getting out!”
“Somebody must have heard you all screaming and called the cops” Spring said startled, everyone froze for a split second before Madison said “Spring hide in my closet, Jack go put on a scary movie, everyone else scatter!” Even though she could only lay here she could still take charge and there wasn’t time for anything else resembling a better plan to take place. The animatronic looked at the closet, he opened it before he stood inside and closed the closet door…..it was pretty dark in the closet actually, he wasn’t particularly fond of having to hide in the closet.
Freddy, Jack and Brittany ran into the livingroom. The boy with the black hair rummaged for a horror movie before he shoved it in the player, turned the volume up and fast forward so the movie would be playing in the middle instead of at the beginning. Brittany and Teddy sat on the couch while Molly grabbed an old girls magazine Madison had and sat on the bed next to her friend flipping through the pages before they got a knock at the door.
Jack went to answer it, who stood before him was a brown haired man in a cop uniform, his partner….a blond stood next to him, the horror movie could be heard playing in the background “Hey kid, we got called about kids screaming. Is it safe to assume it was you lot?” Jack nodded “Sorry, we’re watching a horror movie, we didn’t mean to get so noisy” the other cop gave a nod “A horror movie huh? Well the lady on the phone said these were practically blood curdling screams so we would just feel more comfortable if we could look around the house” the brown haired cop stated before his partner gave him a look like ‘why are we bothering when it’s obvious they just got loud because of a movie’ but the other cop ignored the look, Jack didn’t want them in the house but it would be suspicious if he was uncomfortable with it, at least he thought so “I mean I don’t mind but I don’t think my friends parents would be comfortable with it” he decided to give this answer instead, he already looked unsure, he might as well give a sort of excuse as to why. “The parents currently here?” The other cop asked “No, they went to the store real quick” Jack tried not providing any specific details, he’s seen enough cop shows to tell him giving too many details was never good when it came to cops “They left you kids alone?” The other asked “Well yeah, we don’t need no babysitter, we’re old enough to watch ourselves” Jack tried to make himself look a little offended but by the way the cops raised a eyebrow Jack probably just looked constipated.
“Still, may we come inside?” Jack didn’t like how insisting the one cop sounded but he stood out of the way “Yeah sure I guess” he gave a typical kid answer as he let the cops come inside, the brown haired cop saw the kids on the couch and what movie was playing “That’s a pretty gruesome movie” the cop recognized the movie easily “Yeah? So?” Teddy said even though they weren’t even watching it “So you kids shouldn’t be watching it” the cop said coming over and turning it off, the blond one sort of just let his partner do whatever but he did give him a weird look “H-hey! Our movie!” Teddy said with complaint before the man moved on “Anybody else in the house?” He asked them “Just our friends Molly and Madison” Brittany replied not liking the cops presence at all…..there was something off about him to her “Right, we’re just going to look around” the cop with brown hair proceeded to go check the rest of the house, he snooped going into to rooms he wasn’t supposed to before he went into Madisons room “You kids alright?” He asked as the girls looked at him “Yeah? We’re fine” Molly asked giving a more curious look. The cop came fully in the room “Do you mind if I look in there” the cop pointed towards Madisons closet “Uhm yeah I do mind” it was obvious Madison felt uncomfortable with that and weirded out instantly “Why? You got something to hide in there?” The cop sounded friendly but he was being pretty suspicious himself “No, I’m just not comfortable with some random adult poking around in my closet, thats just weird” her purple eyes expressed what her words were saying, she was weirded out. Just then the blond came over “Come on quite hassling the kids, its obvious they just got too rowdy watching the movie, quit poking around” the blond didn’t like his friends behavior since everything else checked out, kids screamed all the time anyways, it wasn’t unusual they were to make such sounds while watching a scary movie they weren’t supposed to, just then a call came in over there radios and the blond replied to it saying they would be on route “Come on, duty calls” the brown haired one gave the two girls a look that put them on edge before the cops left the house, got in there car and drove off. Jack closed the door after they were far enough away before locking the door and returning to Madison with the rest of her friends “It’s safe to come out” the purple eye girl said loud enough for Spring to hear, he came out of the closet hesitantly “Well that was uncomfortable” Spring said as if nobody else was actually thinking it “I didn’t like the way he looked at us” Molly replied as she put down the magazine “yeah he turned off the movie and went snooping around the house!” Teddy said a bit dramatically but this time the situation seemed appropriate for it. “It was really uncomfortable” Jack said in agreement “Maybe he was just doing his job? Though I didn’t like the way he was looking around, it sounded like he was looking for something” that made everyone pause, what was he looking for? He wanted to check Madisons closet “Do you think he knew….he was in there?” Molly pointed to Spring but Jack thought that notion was silly “Why would he suspect there was anything in there in the first place?” Madison thought for a moment at her friends words.
”Maybe somebody recorded Spring taking me home?” The words left Madisons mouth faster than she could process them, was that possible? “If I remember right I did walk past the doctors clinic and I think a small store? It’s possible they had cameras” the animatronic seemed concerned as he spoke, he couldn’t help but draw the conclusion that maybe he had gotten filmed and somebody reported it to the police possibly. “That doesn’t seem likely but its still possible” Teddy said as he settled down a bit “Yeah, it’s possible, the cop might snoop around if thats the case and if he doesn’t see a car in the driveway it might get even more suspicious” Jack stated as if it was fact before Brittany spoke up “Oh my sister bought a new car recently she’s hiding from our parents since she wasn’t supposed to buy this one car in particular that she got anyways, her boyfriend helped her buy it and she’s been looking for places to hide it, if you don’t mind I can just have her park it here?” The blond thought it was a great idea. “Won’t she get suspicious when you come in with the solution to her problems?” Teddy asked raising a eyebrow.
“I can just say something slipped and that Madisons parents said she could park it here or something like that, I know how to handle my sister, you just leave her to me” Brittany said confidently “Well alright then, I guess thats solved then” Jack said before he looked at Spring “So uhm….Madison ate the pizza rolls so uhm….do you kids want some?” He offered though the pizza rolls he gave were supposed to be for everyone…..”How do you plan on providing food?” Jack asked as he gave the animatronic a serious look “when it runs out here?” He added so that the question had some specifics.
Spring went quiet, he tilted his head, he didn’t know…..”Or paying the bills?” Again no answer for that either, the only answer the animatronic could give the boy was “I can only try my best” Jack didn’t like the answer but he respected it enough “Don’t hound him about that” Molly piped up “he’s only been here for one day right? I’m sure something can be figured out” she added before she thought about it “We could actually watch a movie though, not a horror movie but like—“ her sentence got interrupted by Jack “yeah about movies, half of them are gone since the last time we were here” that was disappointing but there was still movies. “You guys go watch a movie, I’m tired, I’m going to sleep” Madison put the plate next to her alarm clock before she put her head down on the pillow “Oh okay, sleep well” Brittany said before her and Molly went to go put on a different movie.
Spring left the room after they did, he was carefully watched by Teddy and jack but the animatronic just went into the kitchen to do some further cleaning, it was only when the boys felt comfortable enough did they go and sit down on the floor to watch a movie, why not sit on the couch? One might question but the four kids sat on the floor like they usually did when they came over.
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uuchanjustice · 1 year
Ekubo Week Day 3 - Possession
(Dimple and Tome, word count: 1.2k)
“Hey Mr. Dimple, can I ask you something?” Tome asked.
She was lounging in the cushy seat meant for clients, her feet up on the tea table. Reigen wasn’t around to lecture her about getting the table dirty, having left with Serizawa for a job earlier. He had tasked Tome and Dimple with “watching the office”, which was an obvious ploy to make Tome feel important. They weren’t likely to have any walk-in clients on a Wednesday afternoon. Reigen could have easily closed up and told Tome to go home early. But she would have complained about losing potential customers, insisting that she was enough of a professional to handle intakes.
As if she really cared about being professional, with the chip crumbs she was leaving everywhere, or the tinny music she was playing through her phone speakers.
“Calling me Mr. Dimple? Must be serious…” Dimple lifted off Reigen’s desk, where he had been dozing (it’s not slacking off if he doesn’t get paid to be here). “Let me have a chip first.”
Tome held out the bag to Dimple. He took three chips and ate them all at once. He didn’t love the shrimp flavor, but they made a satisfying crunch in his mouth. The faint touch of Tome’s emotional intent behind the offering felt curious and hungry, which was typical of Tome.
She waited for him to finish chewing, then burst out, “Can you tell me about possession?”
Dimple belched loudly to cover up the way he jolted at the question. “Hey, what kinda question is that?” he said. “There’s nothing to say about it. Spirits can possess people, end of story.”
“But how does that work?” Tome leaned towards him, her eyes glinting the way they did when she was asking Serizawa about what the internet was like in the nineties. “When you possessed me, you grabbed my teacher’s arm and broke his grip. There’s no way I could do that! Were you using your spirit powers to make me stronger?”
Dimple wanted to end this conversation. “No,” he said flatly. “I can bring out people’s potential. You could have gotten out of that guy’s hold, if you lost your physical limits. Maybe try lifting weights sometime.”
“Ugh, I’m not gonna start lifting weights all the time. I’m not Mob,” said Tome, rolling her eyes. “So you could make me do anything I’m physically capable of? Could you make me win at arm wrestling, or jump two meters into the air?”
“Or,” said Dimple in the best Evil Spirit Voice he could muster, “I could make you bite your fingers off. Did you know that your jaw is strong enough to do that?”
Tome looked unimpressed. Ugh, he must be seriously out of practice. “How about telepathy? Could you help me awaken the ability to communicate with aliens? I wanna know if there’s other species out there, besides the ones we already know-“
“Do you know what happens to humans who get possessed?” Dimple made his form larger, his voice deeper. “You’ve seen it yourself a few times now. Their bodies are weakened at best, and their minds are in shambles. The spirit eats away at your very soul. Is that what you want for yourself?”
Tome didn’t even flinch. Curse Reigen and his bizarre ability to attract the densest teenagers in the world. “Then how come you didn’t eat my soul that one time? Or Mob’s soul? He told me that you possess him sometimes.”
Did Shigeo really have to gossip to this girl about him? “Just drop it, Tome. I’m not gonna possess you for your amusement.” He flounced back onto Reigen’s desk, sending papers flying.
Tome had the grace to look slightly ashamed. “Sorry,” she muttered. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I was just wondering.” She sat up in the chair and pulled out her phone.
Dimple sighed mentally. He didn’t mean to upset Tome either, but she had such a casual attitude towards evil spirits, it freaked him out a little bit. Her random questions were harmless enough, but asking a spirit to possess her? Was she a complete idiot?
She must be getting the wrong impression by hanging around Shigeo and Reigen. They could all treat him like a harmless pest because he couldn’t really hurt them; Shigeo was too powerful, and targeting his friends would lead to him getting exorcised instantly. Tome seemed to think that because she was under the protection of various powerful espers, she was automatically safe from evil spirits.
If she had met the kinds of evil spirits Dimple had encountered, she’d be singing a different tune. But Dimple didn’t want to scare her. She didn’t deserve that kind of fear, and besides, scaring her would just make her more desperate for answers.
Reigen was like that, too. Despite having no powers of his own, he never seemed to know when to run away from a dangerous situation. Which was usually fine, because people like Shigeo or Serizawa were usually around to save his ass, but the man seemed to think he was some kind of actual spirit medium. One time, he’d tried to stop a murderous evil spirit by convincing it that haunting was against the law.
He’d even asked Dimple out for drinks before! What a stupid conman.
It was true that he possessed Shigeo sometimes. And not always in life-or-death situations. Once, Shigeo hadn’t slept well and wouldn’t wake up for school on time, so Dimple took his body to school and took notes for his first few classes. It still shocked him every time he effortlessly took control of Shigeo’s body. The kid had a super-tough psychic barrier that should make it impossible for him to be possessed, but Shigeo always dropped that barrier for him. He didn’t even need to be asked; that trust was always there, even when Shigeo wasn’t awake to give it.
When were these humans going to wise up?
Tome spoke up again. “I know what evil spirits can do,” she said. “Plenty have tried to kill me before. But I’m sick of seeing spirits attacking people. That’s why I asked you, Dimple. I guess…” she fidgeted with her phone, “I wanted to know… the good side of spirits?”
Dimple scoffed. “There aren’t good spirits. Even I’ve done bad stuff before.” “Yeah, well, you aren’t right now, though.” Tome looked right at Dimple, who was starting to feel small. “I mean, Mr. Reigen trusted you to look after me. So you can’t be that bad.” She offered him the chip bag.
God, was Shigeo’s sappiness rubbing off on everyone?
Dimple grabbed the entire bag and emptied the contents into his mouth. “Don’t be so sure,” he said with a mouth full of chip crumbs. Tome swatted at him. “You better clean up all those crumbs before Mr. Reigen and Mr. Serizawa get back, Mr. Evil Spirit,” she said.
“Hey, some of those are yours, you brat!”
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rainydayathogwarts · 2 years
ᴄᴏᴡᴏʀᴋᴇʀ'ꜱ ᴇx ᴘᴛ.3 (ꜰɪɴᴀʟ) - ʀᴏʙɪɴ ʙᴜᴄᴋʟᴇʏ
pt. 1 | pt. 2
I'm sorry this took so long for me to write, I had the weirdest two weeks of my life and exams are coming like now. I hate this but I also love it. wc: 1.3k Summary: I'm not telling you, you need to go read the first two parts!! Warnings: Internalised homophobia, angsty? Idk they get into an argument. Reader gets defensive quickly and is kind of a bitch.
@gracieluvthemoon @darkd3sire
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"Hi" She breathed out, looking over your shoulder and into the room ahead, clearly searching for some sort of distraction. "I'm so glad you're here. Oh-come in. Sorry" You rushed, moving out of the doorway to let the rosy cheeked girl in.
Your eyes caught on the car she had come out of in the background, vaguely similar to one you had spent sleepless nights in. A red BMW. Steve's red BMW. Realising you'd been looking at him, Steve awkwardly waved at you and you clenched your jaw, stiffly raising a hand to say 'hi'.
Why on earth was he so close to her? I mean, of course, they were friends even while you were dating. In fact, Robin was the reason you broke up. Not because he caught feelings for her, because you did. But what if he had as well? Or what if he moved on too quickly? Why did they just suddenly get closer once you two called it quits?
And then you were regretting decisions you made all over again. Maybe the looks Robin gave you were purely platonic and you had misinterpreted them to be something more. I mean no one, no one, liked someone of the same sex. No one but freaks and Robin was in no way, shape or form, one of those.
You snapped back to the present just as you heard Robin muttering a quiet "Oh, hi Nancy." You didn't have to turn around to see Nancy's curt nod back to Robin. Cringing internally, you spun on your heels, kicking the door shut and dragging Robin towards the living room, where the party took place. Next to you, Robing held her breath. Everyone in the room was from your inner circle, meaning either she would have a terrible night with people trying to make small talk with her or you really did like her the way she thought you would. "Could I get you a drink?" You ask, already making your way back to the kitchen. Following you like a lost puppy, Robin enters the kitchen, where you kick out some boys trying to steal one too many beers. You open one, taking a sip and offering the bottle to Robin. She crinkles up her nose and takes it from your hand. She brings it close to her face, before taking a drink from it and scrunching her face in disgust. Hearing your giggles, Robin opens her eyes, and quickly gives you the bottle back when you offer to take it. "How about some punch?" You suggest, and Robin eagerly nods. "So," She starts. "Literally everyone here is pretty much a jock. Why am I here?" You raise an eyebrow, trying to mask the blood rushing to your face. "Please, have you seen Nancy? What about her is a jock?" Robin opens her mouth, trying to argue back, but her cheeks flush a dark pink and she closes it again. "I-fair point. But come on Y/N, I'm a band kid! I've shared classes with some of these people, but I bet if you asked one of them who I am, they won't know." You sigh, putting your drink down. "Well, does it matter what they think if I'm the one who invited you? I just wanted people I like here, but if you really hate it, you can go." You clenched your jaw, looking straight into Robin's eyes, trying to keep your face blank from any emotions. She furrowed her eyebrows, shaking her head, and started speaking even as her eyes glossed over with wet tears. "Steve says you do that when you're upset. Your jaw goes tight and you give people that mean stare until you start to cry and they have no idea what they've done wrong."
You scoffed, picking up an empty beer and throwing it in the bin. "Did he? Well I'm sorry you're so obsessed with my ex-boyfriend who asks me out again every single week that you'd come here to talk to me about it! I don't know what's happening with you guys, or what you think is happening, but he doesn't like you that way, I can tell you that! Did you just come here to mock me? To show off that you know him just as well as I do? To rub it in my face that you're the one who's with him everyday and not me? To make sure I know that you're the one listening to his dumb stories and listen to him talking about weird things he's noticed about people that any normal person wouldn't catch on to!? Is that it? Well like you said Robin, you're just a band kid, and that means nothing here!"
You're panting, tears running down your face and you aggressively rub the back of your hand against your nose. It goes scarily silent, the only exception of sound being your panting and the blaring music playing outside this door.
Ten minutes.
Ten minutes was all it took for you to throw out any chance of being in a relationship with Robin, and that was clear from the tears falling onto her rosy cheeks and the way her mouth fell open in shock at what you had said. "God, I-I can't believe it." Robin starts, and you can tell she's going to start ranting with the way she shakes her head faster than your eyes can keep track of. "I can't believe I thought you liked me. Like, not just like me like a friend like me, but like me like you liked Steve like me. But you just- you just like the attention don't you?"
"No, no Robin please."
"This entire time you just figured it out didn't you and you thought it would be amazing to keep not only my hopes high but Steve's, who continued to believe day by day that he still stood a chance with you while you played with my feelings, having me thinking that out of any universe, it would be this one where you liked girls."
You shook your head slowly, bringing up both your hands to rub at your eyes and mess the makeup you had spent a good hour putting on. "You could not be more wrong." You muttered. "You know why I broke up with him?" You asked, wiping the mix of makeup and tears on your trousers, and walking around the kitchen island to stand nearly chest to chest with Robin.
"I broke up with him because every time I walked into Scoops, I became more excited to see you than I was to see him. Because every time he took me into his arms and gave me the most amazing kiss I could ever dream of, I was hoping it would be someone else who did that. But clearly we don't feel the same way so feel free to leave."
You gestured to the door, but one of Robin's hands came up to cup your cheek and pull you into a soft kiss. Reluctantly, one of your hands came to rest on her hip as you returned the kiss, and you hooked a finger around her belt hoop, bringing her body closer to yours. You pulled away panting, Robin's eyes as wide as saucers. "Holy shit."
"I-uh, I'm sorry. For-" "No, no it's fine. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that about liking attention and stuff. How about I make it up to you with uh- ice cream?" She asked.
You cringed. "Uh, as long as Steve isn't there. I think ice cream dates are forever ruined for me now."
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sarascamander · 5 months
I need to rant somewhere and here's the thing, holy fuck Holloway and Jack are ADORABLE. I'm just in chapter 5 of the second book and they already get me giggling and kicking my feet just by being themselves. I'm smiling like an idiot in public. I'm humiliated! Damn them.
1) their banter is EVERYTHING. They fought like a married couple I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. They banter so smoothly and sometimes out of topic that they forget the first topic and it's always about something so domestic like the state of Jack's room and Holloway's quirk. THEY'RE SO CUTE.
2) The communication *chef fucking kiss*. Communication is their strongest suit, honestly the other miscommunication trope can go fuck off. They tell each other when they're upset or angry and try to solve it now and here. It wasn't always easy but they always talked to each other about their feelings and other stuff. Like when H was following Jack and Aston. They laid out their feelings and sorted it out and it's SO SATISFYING. They know each other so damn well.
“Did you lie to me?” I asked.
His answer took a long time: the ticking of the snow against the windshield, the hiss of the heater, the engine’s purr. “No.”
“Did you think about it?”
He took even longer. “Yes.”
I nodded. “Could you have gotten away with it?
"Of course.” Then he shifted in his seat. Some of the Ivy League part had come loose and tumbled across his forehead. His voice held a faint note of chagrin as he added, “Until you asked me. I find it difficult to…prevaricate. With you.”
“What every boy dreams of hearing.”
3) Ariana is a cool girl and smart and really an angel who knows her worth. I like her and she deserves the World but for god sake please break up with Jack. He belongs to Holloway, please Ariana, you must see that. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
4) Jack is the best character ever. His sarcasm, his wit, his kindness, his patience — god, this guy is perfectly flawed and I love his broke ass. And I want to wrap Holloway in a fluffy blanket and hug him to death. He's adorable!!!!
5) Jack adored H so MUCH IT'S FREAKING ADORABLE. He noticed every one of H's habit and sometimes just drifted to the most romantic sweetest paragraph about how beautiful H is. LIKE STOP YOU'RE EMBARRASSING YOURSELF WITH HOW MUCH YOU'RE IN LOVE. I kid you not. I fucking love it. For example:
He (Holloway) made a frustrated noise. Then he smiled. The expression was a little stiff; he wasn’t used to doing it, and it was another of those things that he was self-conscious about. I’d read about people who get up at two or three in the morning—on vacation, no less, when they’re in Hawaii—and then they drive hours and hours, and all of it is to see the sunrise from this one specific spot, and I thought, Come to Utah if you want something worth your time.
For context, they are in Utah. Jack basically implies that H's smile is prettier than sunrise goddamn it!
6) Jack is basically 90% of Holloway's impulse control. And that's saying something since Jack doesn't even have an impulse control himself. He'll be like "you need to eat, H" and "when is the last time you sleep, H?"and "how much of Addie did you take?" And all that stuff but the next scene show Jack literally smashed at a party and almost got beaten up.
7) Jack's narrative is the funniest, I swear
Detective Rivera, one of the Utah County Sheriff’s Department’s finest and my personal law-enforcement nemesis (if he could still be a nemesis after he bought me McDonald’s), was sitting on the sofa, sending a message on his phone.
8. Jack is so proud of H whenever he did butchy thing — like, he love his asshole 😭😭
“I’ll tell him it’s a sex thing.” “Good,” Holmes said. “He’ll be pleased that all your hours of mindless pornography are finally paying dividends.” My jaw legit dropped. “H!” “Desk, please.” “That was so amazingly bitchy.” “Desk.” “And, like, also kind of evil. Which I loved.”
9. Are you fucking kidding me?
He sat there in silhouette, head down. I knew the curve of his spine. I knew the span of his shoulders. Anywhere, I thought. I could be anywhere and know you
10. The fact that every single guy in Holmes' life let him down and hurt him one way or another and Jack is the only one who cherished him 😭😭
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time-is-restored · 4 months
73 yards thoughts
now that ive had a night to sleep on it, and read everyone's thoughts, im rewatching the episode to see if i can come to a more definite opinion about the episode (though that's perhaps against the spirit of the thing, lol!)
so a few moments that stood out for me that i don't think have already been talked about a lot:
when mrs twist shows up on the mountain, and ruby is giving her messages to pass along to the woman, she wants to say sorry. when mrs twist asks 'what for?' ruby looks genuinely thrown + upset, and eventually says '...i don't know.' since the woman/curse that haunts ruby is functionally an externalisation of ruby's deep seated sense that there is something fundamentally wrong with her, i think this interaction was super poignant. ruby 'knows' that she's done something that she needs to apologise for in the same way that she 'knows' there is something wrong with her that will make people react with fear + anger. there's no proof, no clear flaw or mistake that she can point to, because that's the point. the woman isn't saying anything specific -- there's nothing to say. noticing her (noticing a part of ruby that has a perception filter on it -- that is hard to see until you get close) just means that you see in ruby what ruby sees in herself. she is afraid that people will 'discover' whatever is wrong with her, and she'll lose them forever.
relevant to this is the fact that ruby didn't actually break the circle. if reading the messages is what summoned the woman in universe, then sure, she has culpability for that. but if it was breaking the circle, she had to live with the consequences of someone else's actions, and feeling guilt for something she didn't do. while im less confident with this reading, you could argue this is an allegory for her being given away. ultimately, that decision had nothing to do with her. she was literally a baby lmao. the idea that there's something wrong with her bc of her mother's decision is illogical -- doesn't follow reality, just like magic. she's spending her life trying to make up for a mistake she hasn't made (and, honestly, probably wasn't made. we don't know anything about her birth mother -- its more than likely that she wasn't fit to be a parent to ruby, no matter how human or supernatural the reasons for that were. but the facts of the situation don't matter here, in this liminal space. guilt and fear and shame bleed through the gaps. ruby could arguably be 'the spiteful one' the pub laugh about. she thinks she needs to be punished for something, and so the woman punishes her.)
following along this line, we know that ruby genuinely doesn't know what might have caused the woman to appear. she suggests trespassing, or breaking the circle, and gets the idea that reading the notes might have been wrong from the pub, but she never finds out for sure. unit doesn't know, or at least doesn't have the chance to tell her. the lack of closure ties in really well -- ruby has to carry a trauma that, even as she comes to terms with it, she can never truly explain or understand. even the partial amnesia at the end of the episode can be read as a sort of 'the body remembers what the mind forgets'. some part of her knows something terrible has happened, something that scarred her and left her alone for an immense amount of time (even if that time, in a literal sense, was undone), but she won't be able to put words to it. it seems that self acceptance - literally opening her arms to this *thing* that has haunted her her whole life,
now for some more rambly thoughts/things im still confused about
i genuinely think if not for the single shot of the episode reversing and old ruby now standing with her arms out on the cliff, i would have no problems with the themes of this episode. it was a powerful representation of rejection and fear that genuinely freaked me out (ruby running after her stone-faced mother while crying BROKE me), and i think it was a great character study of ruby. like others have said -- how many people would have stuck it out for that long? how many people would have never resented/blamed the doctor (or anyone, really) for leaving? and how many of THEM would've come to find a sense of companionship with their spectre?. ...however.
i can not wrap my head around the shot where time reverses and old ruby is looking out from the pov of the woman. it completely breaks my brain. i know at a certain point i should just accept that the woman can do whatever the story needs her to do, but there was nothing about time travel up to that point. it was all about physical and psychological boundaries. more than that, there was no indication that ruby was trying to make up for what had gone wrong. she didn't try and fix the circle, she didn't try and communicate with the woman at all beyond her first failed apology. on its own, i like this -- ruby becomes resentful of the woman quite quickly, which tracks as an expression of her poor self esteem. why would she try and get in the good graces of someone she rejects + dislikes? and again, i LIKE that she eventually treats her as a companion. all ruby has is herself, and she can never leave herself. getting to a point where she doesn't want the woman to go away, where she doesn't feel lonely while alone -- it makes sense that that is what heals the riff. i can write all that out in a way that makes sense to me. ruby makes a mistake (or witnesses a mistake) that makes the doctor disappear. she rejects herself, and in this liminal space, the part that she rejects manifests into reality. it haunts her for the rest of her life, even as she begins to wield what she thinks it says about her (that she's unloveable) to her advantage. when she accepts it, and integrates it back into herself, she is able to speak clearly to herself -- what she is thinking makes it across to young!ruby. when ruby thinks about the situation without the influence of self hate, she realises that the problem was the doctor's actions, not her own. she gets the message across, the doctor doesn't disappear, and the cycle never starts. the loop closes.
but. she wasn't one with the woman the whole time! if she was, the doctor would have never stepped on the circle -- the loop couldn't start, and so it wouldn't need to be closed. like, i know that we do a lot of paradoxes in this show and sometimes things are just gonna be Weird. but to me it's like if, in turn left, donna died in an unrelated car crash, then ended up back in time anyway. so why, if ruby has apparently accepted the woman by the time she visits the tardis for the last time, does the show bother with taking us back to the hospital and seeing old!ruby flatline? why doesn't the old woman come to her there, in that moment, so old!ruby is reaching across time but not space? if i squint, i could make an argument for the death. ruby's understanding of herself dies so a new, more accepting one can be born -- and obviously the timeline would fade away in the moment the loop is closed. but that's not what happens. old!ruby chooses hope and accepts herself, THEN goes back to the hospital, dies, then travels back to the past through time AND space (somehow, sure, i'll just accept the woman can do that), then communicates the message, then fades away. what changed between the visit to the tardis and her death? what do those few minutes possibly add other than the 'ive never been alone' line, which could've easily been written into the talk on the cliff? hell, she could've passed away right there on the cliff, if that needed to happen! but no matter how i twist it i can't understand why the old woman looked the same as it did before old!ruby merged with her, behaved + moved the same, and physically manifested when none of the criteria for its appearance had yet been met. im almost certainly overthinking it -- i can map everything else from this episode onto a psychological exploration of ruby and her fear. maybe the episode is saying that the woman was always there (at least to ruby), and old!ruby's self acceptance is what let the message get through??? but fuck i hate that she looks the same!!!! aghghhhghg! what changed! what changed! it looks like nothing changeddddd!!!!! <- deranged. they merged, there should be a sign of that beyond her hands being mirrored with ruby's.
tldr. if i could change anything about the ending of the episode, i'd take it in one of two ways. either have ruby merge with the woman while on the cliff and have ruby say something like 'now, what were you (or i) trying to tell me?' before cutting to the new timeline, or have the woman post merge look like old (or young!) ruby. she couldn't be seen because she was unknowable and (bc of ruby's schema) unloveable, so ruby conjured a generic older woman (possibly drawing from mother issues -- had to be someone at minimum old enough to be her bio mum). if she now looked like something specific, wouldn't that show old!ruby knew that what she feared was all bc she rejected herself? young!ruby could even have a line to go along with 'she looked like she was looking for someone', maybe 'i wanted to talk to her' -- just something small indicating that old!ruby's acceptance of herself was passed down in some small way, even if it certainly hasn't cured ruby of anything.
now for other theme/focus mutterings. i could spin something here about the fact that the doctor says the fairy circle 'is' charms and spells and hopes and dreams. ruby hopes and dreams that she can be accepted, and later, that she can bring the doctor back/undo the moment where it all went wrong. but the doctor also says that they should 'rest in piece'. so they're dead hopes and dreams, aka fears + regrets? so breaking it unleashed both the doctor and her greatest fears - the doctor of complete helplessness + impotence, and ruby of abandonment + rejection. because those fears stay buried in this timeline, ruby + the doctor's hopes (which in many ways are embodied in each other) can continue to live and be 'here', not drowned in the past.
also, the doctor implies the woman is 'resting in piece', out of nowhere, which i think is another indication of both ruby AND the doctor having knowledge from the split timeline. after all, old!ruby did die. so did the timeline where all that happened, i suppose. maybe that's the other angle for the fairy circle - it represents the fragility of a load bearing timeline. the hundreds of dead paradoxes and dead universes that spin off from time being written and unwritten as the doctor (and his companions) fixes whatever he can. let them rest in piece. forget what could've happened. forget what just did happen.
now for my other critique. i think the sexual harassment sub plot was cheap and shitty, and only served to be an incredibly lazy 'kick the puppy' moment to show that the prime minister was Evil™ levels of bad. in the process it showed no respect or care to victims of abuse, and pretty heavily implied that ruby had done nothing in the face of her peer being abused, because 'she had to make sure'. of what? that mad jack was a bad guy? watching him heavily imply he wanted to fire nukes wasn't enough to confirm anything? 'he's a monster' wasn't enough? why? what metric was she using, then? if she was waiting for him to be prime minister, why did she wait an unspecified amount of time AFTER he was elected, where he's clearly still abusing marti, to act? presumably the audience was already on team 'oh this guy sucks' by the nuke interview at the VERY latest, where it was also made clear that the guy was fearmongering about borders and all sorts of right wing bullshit. like, those are just the problems with it off the top of my head -- it fucking sucks, basically.
that all being said, i think ruby convincing herself that she only has 'one chance' works super well into the overall theme of ruby's understanding of the monster + her situation being tied to arbitrary rules she's decided help make the woman make sense. since this terrible thing happened when life was previously going fine, there must be a way to undo it and go back to the love and acceptance she had before. but there is no monster to slay that will trigger the end credits. there's just ordinary, shitty humans, and ruby herself. she can't uncross the boundary of pre-and-post trauma. and as long as she thinks there is something she has to make up for, the world where she is being punished will keep ticking along. i just wish it had been communicated in a different context!!!
side note. does anyone else want to come live with me in a world where 'it never snowed again' means that snow never occured again anywhere in the world. yes its way more likely to think that ruby's referring to instances of spontaneous snow linked to her emotions. but can you IMAGINE hardening your heart so entirely after being rejected by your mother that you change the climate of planet earth?? holy shit!
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