#it has peanuts and macadamias
contaminated nuts
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curioscurio · 19 days
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literaila · 2 years
cookie dough 
summary: is this one about self doubt or about cookie dough? who’s to say?
warnings: fluff, bad jokes (it’s midnight shhh), self-doubt, sweet peter, mean peter, mean reader, cookies, ovens
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if an escape is what you're looking for, then peter seems to be the perfect place. 
"which one?" he's asking you now. "there's chocolate chip, peanut butter, snickerdoodle, macadamia nut..." 
you are definitely not just staring at his lips. 
you are completely focused, swear to it. 
you look down to the cookie dough he's frowning over. "i kinda just want to eat it." 
peter looks up. "you said that you wanted to make cookies." 
"i said that i wanted cookies. you said that you weren't going to make them alone," you nudge him with your shoulder. your lip twitches at the dubious look on his face. 
"now you're saying that you just want to eat the cookie dough?" he raises a brow. 
"look at how good it looks..." 
peter blinks. "you can't even see it," he says. "it's just the pillsbury dough boy." 
"i always did have a bit of a crush on him," you grin, taking the package from his hand. 
"i'm going to pretend that you didn't say that," besides you, peter cradles a hand to his chest, mock offended. 
he was already up when you called. 
peter was already waiting for you to interrupt his middle-of-the-night activities and drag him along on some endeavor to keep yourself entertained. 
you are lucky, you know. lucky that he was there when you needed him. 
not that you admit to needing him, of course. this is a mere coincidence. 
though, your jaw has gotten a bit sore from laughing. 
"this one says 'eat or bake,'" peter says. "we can get two. i'll make the cookies, and you can eat the dough." 
you frown at him, pushing away the 'safe to eat' dough. "that just ruins the fun." 
"the fun being salmonella?" 
"breaking the rules, peter," you frown at him, high and mighty with your cookie dough in your hands. by the time you get to eat it, it will be mush. "acting like a kid again and stealing a spoonful of dough from the bowl even though mom said not to--" 
"it's cookie dough." 
"i'll take five, please." 
peter laughs. "you can't afford five of these." 
"i can if i have the help of a very generous boyfriend." 
peter nods. he grabs a package--probably a terrible flavor, probably just to irritate you--and starts walking away. "let me know when you find one." 
you run along after him, trying to steal a peek at what he picked out. "i hope you know that this earns you no points," you say. 
but it does. 
peter is here with you, keeping away the loneliness that likes to creep in on nights like this. 
days when it gets dark far too soon and every hour feels like five different ones. 
days when without him, you think, you might cease to exist. 
peter gets points for just being there. for smiling at you like he is now. for kissing the top of your head and wrapping a hand around your waist as the two of you walk towards the checkout. 
"this is terrible," you say, taking another swipe of his sugar cookie dough. 
because, yes, peter is trying to get on your nerves. it is in no way deserved. 
he snorts. "then why are you eating it?" and then, because he's both taller and crueler than you, he moves the baking sheet out of your reach. 
"i need to properly judge you," you lean over his shoulder, examining his hands with curious eyes. "i just wanna help." 
"you want to steal the rest of the cookie dough." 
"why did yours come in circles?" you ask. "that's so much better than squares." 
"we'll draft an email while these are baking." 
you scowl at his back--glare at him when he looks to you with a cheeky smile--and move to sit on the counter. you still haven't opened your dough yet. 
"sugar cookies..." you whisper under your breath. 
"anything more than that," peter says, "and you'd get sick." 
you throw a dish towel at him. he catches it without a blink of an eye, continuing to place the circular patties of dough on the sheet. "you just picked those out so that i wouldn't eat all of them." 
"i'm saving you from crashing off a sugar high. you're welcome." 
"thanks, mom." 
peter chuckles. he thinks that you can't hear it, but you can.
"when are you going to be done?" you ask. "this is boring." 
"maybe if you weren't a thief i would let you help." 
"i am your executitive chef. i have to make sure that everything's up to standard." 
peter hums. he places the sheet in the oven, stepping back and spinning around. 
there are lines under his eyes because it's three in the morning. 
but he's smiling at you, and he still hasn't asked you to get out. 
it's a good enough sign. 
"now i'm done." 
peter's smile widens, he takes a step toward you. "why?" he asks. "got big plans?" 
you smile back, leaning into him. "wanna cuddle." 
if peter laughs, you can't hear it. 
but he is quick to obey your command. he removes any distance between the two of you in an instant, hands wrapping around your back, nose falling into your hair. 
you can feel him breathing against you. 
every inhale is like a reminder; a sweet little love letter, letting you know that he's all yours. 
you breathe with him, swearing that it will get you even closer than you already are. 
"good?" peter whispers to you. 
he might be smiling. he sounds like he is, but you aren't sure. 
you nod against his chest, relaxing into the sound of him swallowing. the careful release of his shoulders, the smooth curve of his neck when you trail a hand up to his hair. 
he shivers. 
and you breathe in one last time. 
"sorry," you whisper against him. you're almost hoping that he can't hear. 
but peter doesn't miss much. 
"for what?" he asks, head falling so that it's closer to yours. lips right against your cheek. 
he kisses the skin of your jaw like it will convince you to tell him all of your secrets. 
which, in all honesty, it might. 
"just..." you sigh against him, unsure if you're conflicted or if peter's just distracting. "i know you were probably busy." 
peter pauses. he moves back, looking you in the eye. 
"i mean, i didn't want to interrupt any plans you might've had tonight," you continue. "and i know i'm being more clingy than usual. it's just been a long week and i missed you, and... i don't know. i’m just sorry.”
there is a moment of silence. 
a moment when you can hear the buzzing of the oven right next to you, the warmth coming from the floor beneath your feet. 
you can feel peter because he's right next to you, and you still feel so far away. 
a distance farther than the eye can see. 
"baby," peter whispers, hands drawing circles behind your ear. 
you aren't looking at him, just at the floor.
"you didn't interrupt anything. and you aren't being clingy." 
you raise a brow. "peter--" 
"--and if you are being clingy, then i don't mind. i like hugging you and holding your hand, and almost tripping over your legs when you try to walk as fast as i do--" 
"hey," you protest.
peter laughs. "all of it. i love all of it." 
he's absolutely sure. he's brushing the self-doubt off of your shoulders and telling you that this shirt, this confidence doesn't fit right. 
but you've grown used to swimming in the fabric. 
"i just don't want to push myself at you all of the time. we're independent people, we can do independent things." 
"you know what i do when you're not here?" peter asks you, mock-serious. he's smiling because he's an idiot and because you are. but he's still three inches away from you. breath on the skin of your forehead. 
peter looks up, thinking about it. "okay, yes. sometimes. but mostly i just sit around, trying to come up with excuses to call you." 
you frown. "you don't need an excuse to call me," you tell him. 
"neither do you," peter reiterates. "i don't think that spending time with you is an interruption," he laughs a little bit. "actually, if you wanted to interrupt me more when i'm doing homework..." 
you breathe again, trying to stifle the doubt.
"you don't have to apologize just because you asked me if i wanted to go to the store with you."
you nod against him, because, sure, you agree. 
but you won't meet his eyes. but peter could be lying, and he could be secretly annoyed with you right now. 
and there are cookies in the oven that are going to burn and you aren't sure if peter set a timer or not. 
"hey," he interrupts, making you look at him with a gentle push of your chin. "i'm not lying." 
you scowl. 
he laughs. "i can read your mind, you know." 
"no, you can't." 
"then how do i know that you're thinking about how much you want me to kiss you?" peter leans down, his breath a gentle lurking. like a pitter-patter of your heart. 
you smile almost against him. 
and then you close the distance, molding yourself to him in an instant. 
and he clarifies a million things. he tells you over and over again that you are worthy of something, if only him. he rewrites sonnets on your skin, leaving behind marks that won’t fade with time.
peter bruises your lips and swears that it’s all out of love. he’s gentle as he ruins your skin, soft and teasing as he dents the once soft curve of your neck.
he whispers words into your mouth and they echo back. he tells you that you won’t be able to escape that easily.
then he pulls back, smiling.  
"was i right?" 
you hum. "not sure. you might wanna try again." 
peter almost gets a laugh out before the oven beeps and interrupts both of you. 
you groan. 
my masterlist here.
tags:   @moonlarking-blog @v1ci0us @preciousbabypeter @alexxavicry @directioner5life @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah @localrockstargf  @thestudiouswanderer @take-my-hand-time-boy @thoughtsofagodlovingsunflower @nyomjoon  @moo-b1tch @raindropstearsandtea @rqmanoff @valvlry​
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ourloveiselectrifying · 2 months
Voice claim for The Kevin, mayhaps?? ((Also may we get a crumb of fun facts about him, sir?/gen))
This what I imagine his voice would be like :3 but also it can be anything!
Kevin fun facts:
He goes by Kevin, Kev, Dingo, and D-112214
Citypop is his favorite genre and he sings in the shower
They have dog-like allergies but if it's tasty they're gonna eat it (like a macadamia chocolate chip cookie heheh)
He actually wasn't doing anything weird in the bathroom, he was just stimming because was excited about the date and mc
They don't know their birthday, but would pretend its the sameday as mcs
He shaves almost everyday
They chomp their teeth as a stim
He's pretty sensitive to weed and alcohol
They like to smoke cigarettes
Has a sweet tooth for rumballs, lamingtons, peanut brittle, eucalyptus/butterscotch/toffee/coffee flavoured candies, and zooper doopers and he would take all the reds and pinks even if that's your favourite because he's a bitch
They're 6'3
He's Omnisexual
Their nails aren't actually black but grey-brown and they paint them black
He loves to cook and grill, his diet contains a lot of meat but he does eat vegetables for nutrition
They have blood vessels in their nails so they have to be careful when trimming them
He has anger and excitement issues
They wear lots of singlets, button ups, shorts and jeans because of the heat
He wears high vis when hes doing something he shouldn't be because he thinks if it looks like he's working people won't bother him
That "D1NG0" number plate is NOT theirs
The notepad and pen in his front pocket is just to doodle when he gets bored
They're very imaginative simmilar to mc's imagination and they see themself as a silly cartoon dingo in their head
More often than not he knows exactly what he's doing and just plays into being a dumb silly guy, but he is also just a huge dumbass sometimes
Their favourite plants are sunflowers, gympie-gympie, roses, and lavender
He's normally better at hiding being a lil weirdo but with mc he can't keep his composure
Their hair-tie controls their human/dingo-man form, but sometimes intense emotions overload it
He hates Hyenas (imsorryhyenafans)
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caffeinated-beverage · 6 months
More info about Tolvydas’ nut allergies!!
-They’ve actually never been properly diagnosed, but it’s too obvious.
-It’s obvious because literally every time he eats anything with almonds/brazil nuts/macadamias/pine nuts/walnuts/peanuts, he breaks into itchy hives, their tongue and/or lips gets all swollen and itchy.
-However, they still eat things with nuts in them ANYways, only to be like, “shit.” later when he has an allergy reaction.
-Despite not being properly diagnosed, this allergy is obvious enough that all his friends, family, and lovers KNOW that he’s allergic to nuts, and are trying to stop him from eating things with nuts!! :(
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brightlotusmoon · 5 months
I completely forgot so I looked it up. The upside down storage method and the knife method would work best for me.
I'm looking forward to macadamia nut oil.
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renewedarchives · 6 days
The Signs as Inedible Foods
Aries: Boneless, meatless, non-GMO, all organic fried packing peanuts. They melt in your mouth.
Taurus: A medium-sized basket of Nintendo switch cartridges smothered in queso and guacamole. The Sonic games are extra crunchy.
Gemini: A tide pod. Your mouth froths and your breath has never felt fresher.
Cancer: A slice of pizza cast from precious metals. Leaden mushrooms, brass cheese, and copper crust all tear like foil as you chew.
Leo: Mesquite Smoked Barbecue. The faint flavor of tallow diffuses on your tongue as the blackened wood splinters between your teeth.
Virgo: Blue yarn. The shampoo worked into the fabric makes it difficult to spool onto your fork without it slipping, but you manage nonetheless.
Libra: Leather Dress Shoes rubbed in macadamia nut oil. Tough and stringy strips rip away between your canines.
Scorpio: Pine-sol and Windex served in a margarita glass with a deodorizing crystal rim. It's girl's night out so you order a second one before gulping half of the mixture down.
Sagittarius: A still life of an apple. Your saliva mixes with the pigments to become a thick red paste beneath your tongue
Capricorn: Your own hand. The pinkie snaps like a fresh baby carrot as you sever the tendons of your leftmost knuckle.
Aquarius: Hot Grapes fresh from the microwave. The molten glass flows from your lips as they pop. It tastes faintly of cough syrup.
Pisces: River nymph parfait. The smooth pebbles and whipped cream create a soothing sensation as they glow down your throat.
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ilovehimbos · 2 years
hii!! i'm here again. this time to ask for some dead poets favorite cookies hc
i firmly believe that pitts' favourites are chocolate chip cookies- IT JUST MAJES SM SENSE
hi!!!!! ofc and once again, you're literally so true bff. so the dead poets' favourite cookies!!!!
you got it completely right with pitts. his favourite cookie is chocolate chip cookies and they are like one of his ultimate comfort foods.
his mom makes really good ones, they're like perfect and golden on the outside and soft and gooey on the inside. he can make them too but he's still perfecting the chocolate inside.
also really likes sequilhos bc his dad and grandma on that side makes really good ones.
meeks is 100% a biscotti boy. he loves those cookies and once again, was taught how to makr them by his mom and he has managed to replicate her recipe perfectly.
neil is a gingerbread kind of guy. he loves that shit fr but he likes making them at christmas even more, like he loves designing them and making competitions with his friends about them.
he also likes chocolate chip cookies alot. it's actually tied for his favourite and he doesn't get to eat them as much as he wants. this is later changed when him and todd move in together and bake cookies or other treats every sunday
todd has two types of favourite cookies aswell. from when he was a kid, he's always loved kiss cookies, and has rlly fond memories of him and jeff sneaking cookies in the kitchen as children.
but his more recent and commonly eaten favourite is white chocolate macadamia cookies. he loves them and they fit his pretty extreme sweet tooth.
cameron is literally the god of baking out of the poets and he's able to make any type of cookies. his secret is that his grandmother taught him but he refuses to share any recipes.
his favs are choclate cookies, not choclate chip but choclate cookies, and his are to die for. he manages the perfect soft and gooey consistency but also a nice texture.
charlie likes all cookies. he'll eat anything but he likes monster cookies and cameron's recipe for choclate cookies the most. will never admit it though and he always pisses off cam by stealing them while he's making them
knox is a peanut butter cookie guy, could eat a million in a sitting he loves them sm. but also loves his mom's torticas de morón.
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cosmetichorror · 1 year
I demand some headcanons for LU Warriors.
Wars is in my top three favs, so I have a handful for our beloved captain (also I literally just woke up so if this isn’t coherent that’s why)
First off, he’s dyslexic. Idk why, I just really feel like he is. He just gives those vibes
This man is trans ftm, I can see it in his eyes.
He actually crochets! He stopped when he became an official knight because there wasn’t much time to just do as he pleases, but I like to imagine when joining the chain, they happen across a store that sells yarn. Time and Wind, who of course remember him talking about how he did crochet, buy it for him and surprise him with it later. After that, everyone in the chain gets fun little crocheted items. (I can imagine Twilight telling him to make a crocheted bunny for Legend)
I see a lot of people say he has a big family, but I actually imagine he has a rather small family. I imagine it was just him, his father and an older brother.
On the topic of family, I have a hc for his backstory. He came from a moderately noble family, her father was someone important or something. When he was around 12-14 his father pissed some people off, and one of those people decided he wanted to get back at him. So one night, he broke into their house, and killed his older brother and father. But he was loud enough to draw the attention of some guards patrolling the town at night. He was saved by these guards but his family was gone. This moment, however, convinced him to join in the army so he could help other people too.
He subconsciously signs while he speaks, and it makes it easier for those in the chain or just around hyrule who have difficulty hearing (I.e, Wild)
He plays the piano! Occasionally Artemis will let him play for formal events such as balls or feasts (or sometimes just for fun)
He is pansexual
He LOVES all sorts of nuts. macadamia, peanuts, almonds, pecans, you name it. He’ll just snack on them casually. Legend absolutely HATES nuts. He doesn’t like the texture of most of them. They will get in arguments over wether Wild should include nuts in todays dinner or not.
Time and Wind are his baby bros. No, It doesn’t matter that Time is in his thirties and has a wife and job and pays taxes, that’s his baby bro right there and he will not hesitate to call him that out in public. Time is also Winds baby bro. They will both call him their baby brother. This greatly confuses the rest of the chain.
One time Legend lost his hat, Wars offered to crochet him a new one. Of course, before he finished it Legend found his old hat. He didn’t have the heart to tell Wars, so he just shoved it deep down in his bottomless bag and let Wars finish making it for him.
There would be more but as said, I just woke up so I’ll probably add onto this later
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mintibunny · 9 months
FFXIV Write, Day 28 - Blunt
Minti does a drug. Ryssthota observes - for science.
CW: Drugs, Hallucinations, Mental Health.
Documentation of the inhalation of one (1) crushed Morbol root, using "rolling papers" provided by the subject.
Intent: Determine if Blue Mage crystal ownership, combined with inhalation of root from a wild morbol root, will grant the inhaler the ability "Bad Breath."
Hypothesis: Morbol root inhalation will not produce new magical abilities in test subject. A hostile encounter is required for absorbing the morbol's aether.
Background: The Encyclopedia Eorzea tells us that "The morbol is a terrible beast that moves upon its slime-covered vines and roots. Highly aggressive, it kills both animals and plants with a combination of its noxious breath and ceaselessly flailing tendrils." (Manne 279) Of importance today is the "sweet-smelling gas" the seedkin produces, which Manne, in her Eorzea Geographic article "Morbol Physiology" (1565) says induces sleep by inhalation.
Blue Mages are spellcasters of infamous reputation, recently introduced to Eorzea and her sister nations by the supposed Mage "Martyn." Observers report that wielders of this magic, found outside the opposites of black and white magic, draw on aether from wild creatures. This enables them to, say, cast Shiva's icy bow attack, or dash forward as aggressively as Ifrit. The practice has become so popular that Ul'dah has opened a Masked Carnivale, a series of challenges for anyone interested in solving puzzling battle scenarios.
Test Subject: Our test subject for today is one Miss Minti Chocolate, a rava viera employed by Gage Acquisitions. She reports to be a semi-accomplished blue mage. "Something to do when I get beast tribe jobs," she told me before the experiment.
Method: Miss Chocolate will be seated in a colorful environment (the basement of Gage Acquisition's headquarters), given a "blunt" seasoned with crushed morbol root, and observed for five hours. Snacks and enrichment through a live aquarium will be provided as requested by the test subject.
Hour One: Subject has fully inhaled the morbol root sample. Early reactions include repeated coughing; feelings of elation; lightheadedness; and repeated staring into the observer's eyes.
Subject comments: "You are so nice. I like your hair. Why is your hair short? It is moving back and forth. *sings* 'Back- and forth. Back- and forth. Our love goooooes-"
Hour 2: Coughing has not stopped, although there is a pause of five minutes in between bouts. Subject is fixated on the live aquarium, and is attempting to feed the "fish with Thancred's face" some of the provided snacks, specifically the bowl of peanuts.
Subject comments: "Nuts. Nuts. Macadamia nuts. Pistachios. Why do nuts taste like nuts? Nuts are nutty nut nuts. NUTKIN! Thancred has a nutkin. NUTS." (Attempting to relay the subject's emphasis on certain words.)
Hour 3: Subject is attempting to show me what a grenade's Self Destruct looks like. Gently redirecting her by asking to see a physical copy of her blue mage spellbook.
Subject comments: "Did, did, did you know you can *Self Destruct* in Kugane, and and and a *white mage* can resurrect you on that lamppost, you don't even need to climb the Tower-"
Hour 4 1/2: Subject has abruptly passed out on the floor. Help from Nyx and Apple Silverberg requested, to raise subject from floor and move them to their private quarters.
Subject comments: Subject is currently incapable of producing speech.
Conclusions: Will have to wait until Miss Chocolate wakes up. I am feeling quite lightheaded myself, and fear that I will begin to see Thancred Waters' face everywhere I look. Not that I would mind, but.
(Miss Chocolate put me up to this. This is partly scientific intent, partly for our mutual amusement.)
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alkaliineee · 1 month
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is that BRUNA MARQUEZINE ? oh, no, that’s VALENTINA SILVEIRA REIS, a TWENTY-EIGHT year old BOTTLE SERVICE GIRL at CATCH ME IF YOU CAN who uses SHE/HER pronouns. they currently live in THE GRAND HOUSE in VALPARAÍSO, and the character they identify with most is SAMANTHA JONES from SEX AND THE CITY. hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas! 
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FULL NAME . valentina silveira reis roberts
NICKNAME(S) . v, val, lena
AGE/BIRTHDAY/ZODIAC . 28 / november 5th / scorpio
SEXUALITY . bisexual
BIRTHPLACE . rio de janeiro, brazil
HEIGHT . 5‘7
EYES . brown
PEIRCINGS . ears. belly button. nipples. TATTOOS. spine. rib. hip.
FC . bruna marquezine
FIRST LAST ( relation, alive/deceased )
antônio silveira reis (father/deceased)
izabel silveira reis (mother/deceased)
carlos silveira reis (twin/deceased)
david roberts (adopted father/alive)
frank roberts (adopted father/alive)
fern nataphon anothai roberts (adopted sibling/alive)
"home schooled"
"high school diploma"
portuguese. english. spanish. italian. french. greek.
WORK   .
“content creator” on the site that rhymes with lonely mans
bottle girl at catch me if you can
ANIMALS. snakes. jaguars. BAKED GOODS. macarons. brigadeiro. tiramisu. bougatsa. COLOURS. black. purple. DRINKS. black iced coffee. tequila. sparkling water. champagne. wine. alani nu energy drinks. FRUIT. guava. pomelo. pear. melon. kiwi. fig. HOLIDAY. halloween. ICE CREAM. hazelnut. vanilla. lemon. MOVIE. pretty woman. MUSIC GENRES. alternative. alternative pop. pop.  SCENTS. amber. almond. patchouli. sandalwood. vanilla. SEASON. summer. SNACKS. pickles. chocolate covered almonds. roasted, salted macadamia nuts. peanut butter pretzels. freeze dried sour skittles. fries. avocado toast. WEATHER. hot.
what are words? here is her pinterest instead.
+ confident
+ honest
+ vivacious
- hedonistic
- hot tempered
- impulsive
born a twin in sunny rio de janeiro, valentina lived most of her childhood attached to the hip of her brother. if one was getting into mischief, the other was there too. her mother was a stay at home mom, a homemaker, a scarer of bad dreams, an angel without wings, and her father was the ceo of a booming oil and gas company who provided everything his family could ever want or need, and still played like a child at the end of the busy workday. they were happy. life was everything one could have hoped and dreamed for. until it wasn't.
tw: car accident, death. at the age of 11, on the way home from an event a drunk driver ran a red light and destroyed that picture perfect family. valentina was the sole survivor, making away with only a concussion and a few minor injuries. she was in the foster system for two years before david and frank came along, a lovely couple in their fourties from america ; a short nine weeks later and she was officially a part of their little family.
david was a travel blogger, and after his blog took off, frank quit his job as a teacher so that his husband could focus on his passion full time. valentinas teenage years were spent travelling the world, never staying in one place more than a few months at a time.
this continued into adulthood, though her fathers eventually settled down in greece, where she also owns an apartment, able to come and go to her hearts content. having caught the travel bug, she’s gone more often than not.
she’s been in valpo for a little under six months, one of her longer stints in staying in one place at a time and she has no plans on leaving any time soon.
has two ball python snakes. lua (moon) & sombra (shadow)
when valentina turned twenty-one she was finally eligible for the trust her parents had set up for her as a child and while her fathers were more than comfortable with their financial situation, she has been living quite lavishly since.
had a party girl phase that she never grew out of, can be found out drinking and dancing the night away any given night.
was "homeschooled" by frank while on their travels and received the equivalent of a highschool diploma, not that school was a strong suit of hers in any capacity.
not really the romantic type, though she has been known to devour a good romantasy. also smut.
terrible at dealing with emotions, sucked at every form of therapy her fathers had put her in and still hasn't really properly dealt with the trauma from her childhood.
v sex positive.
a gym gal ! valentina is vain and that means she needs to look hot always. pilates is usually her go to, also a big fan of pole fitness but has also been known to lift a weight or two (would probably throw said weight if she ever broke a nail)
nicotine is such a vice. cigarettes. vapes. would be so so irritable and bitchy without.
while learning was never her thing, picking up the languages of the places they were travelling to was a different story. a multilingual bbyyyy. (i however am not so u will forgive my google translate atrocities)
rlly doesn't need either of her jobs but they're fun & girls just wanna have fun !!
will be added 2 as things materialize in my brain.
bestie: it is what it is !! whilst hard to get to know beyond the surface, i would like for her to have someone she could go to with anything + vice versa, could be a like-minded friend, or could be the complete opposite ! ( dixie )
hook ups: valentina is no stranger to no strings attached hook ups, give me all the things. one night stands, friends with benefits, enemies with benefits, literally open 2 anything and everything ! 1/? ( reyna, zak )
party pals: while not super close (this can obvi be grown to be such) they're always down to go out and have a good time! dancing, drinking, perhaps some recreational drug use. 1 / ? ( rafael, poet )
lonely mans: prefacing this by saying this does not need to be a man * ahem, but someone who was subscribed to her spicy acc before she moved to valpo. could have been someone who interacted with her frequently on there, or someone who never uttered a peep ! details can be ironed out ! 1 / ? ( omar )
misc: friends, enemies, neighbours, flirty things, people that come to catch ! all the things !
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ghostlypawn · 1 year
honestly any transphobic ‘science is science’ debate surrounding men/women being defined by any biological features goes straight out the window when you think about how we rarely group things based on their scientific definition but rather how we value them societally. if we talk about fruits, scientifically, they are ovaries of a flowering plant that develop after fertilisation. this makes nuts like chestnuts and hazelnuts fruits (their shell having developed from the ovary wall). but socially we would never call hazelnuts a fruit because they dont occupy the same culinary spaces in society. they dont look the same, they dont eat the same, they dont cook the same, so why would we call them the same thing just because they’re fertilised ovaries. they may be biologically the same but that doesnt mean they are socially the same. we decide to group them based on the value they have for society. similarly, we classify brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts, walnuts, pecans, pistachios, macadamia nuts, pine nuts as ‘nuts’ even though they are all botanically seeds and not nuts. what im trying to get at is that for a lot of things we dont care about what ‘parts’ it has or how it functions on a biological basis but rather what it bring to society and how they hold value in certain circles. so why do some people want to start defining things by ‘strict’ biological definitions when historically we have usually used social definitions as its more benefical for us as a society.
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charlestrask · 1 year
god you just cant beat nuts... eating some pecans rn and goddamn. cashews.. walnuts.. chestnuts.. pistachios.. almonds are kind of mid has to be said.. hazelnuts.. MACADAMIAS.. peanuts suck but we can forget those.
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tinytinybumblebee · 2 years
Cashew is at it again
Back atcha with your (Hopefully) favorite wear wolf kitty
Cashew will just sunbath ontop of Anton and Anton (by law) isn't allowed to move
Viago made Cashew a Lil sweater that she hated (Anton didn't tell viago)
Clifton made homemade cat treats and for a couple of days Cashew followed him everywhere meowing for treats
Anton took cashew to the vet for the first time and was pacing outside the room like a first time parent. (Cashew was fine)
The pack onetime feed cashew something she wasn't supposed to eat and got real sick. Pack got really upset and scares her off.
The search took days but one day Anton came home after work stressed and small to viago and cashew snuggled in his lap. Anton cries at the side of her and wouldn't let her out of his sight the whole night.
Small viago falling asleep on Cashew and cashew adopts him from then on.
Cashew has kittens and they name them
Trail mix
Macadamia (Mac for short)
The designs for such kittens with come shortly
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Aaaa a aa a aa Cashews our BELOVED😭💖💖💖💖💖 oh my goodness my hearttttt these are all absolutely precious aaaaa😭💕💕💕💕
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surprisingmarch · 2 years
Santa Headcanons
🎅Every Christmas day after Santa has delivered all the presents to the good girls and boys, he takes some sacks of toys to charities all around the world. He refuses to let children be alone and afraid in this world and even if he can't help them personally, he will bring toys to help soothe them and to give them at least a little bit of comfort. He hopes that it will give them the hope and determination to keep on going and teach them to be kind to others.
🎅If Santa sees a homeless child and can’t take them to a homeless shelter or find a home for them he will either bring them a thick warm blanket, some warm cookies straight from the workshop's bakery, and whatever toy they desire or he may just adopt them and bring them to the North Pole with him.
🎅Santa tends to be quite adventurous as you've probably noticed. He's willing to test any new invention and loves trying new things. Whether the new things are food related or a style of clothing he's up for it.
🎅Speaking of new style of clothing, Santa wore a bullfighter version of his suit one year, the kids that seen him definitely won't forget, it was a sight to see. Just because he's older doesn't mean he’s lost his quirky charm. He likes spicing it up every now and then.
🎅Santa as you know has a huge sweet tooth, his favourite cookies are white chocolate macadamia nut, chocolate chip (a perfect classic in his words), peanut butter, ginger bread shortbread, snicker doodle, and one year a little girl and her parents baked him some s'mores cookies and that made his top 5. Those were the best s'mores cookies he ever had.
🎅Santa likes to take rides around the North Pole to get some fresh air and see if anything has changed. (It probably hasn't as it's basically a giant snow desert but it's worth a shot)
🎅It was Santa's idea to add the Toy Tester job in the shops, it was practical and also gave an idea of what toys will work best. Occasionally you can see Santa sitting in the floor playing with the younger elves, they love it when he plays with them. Sometimes he even races toy cars with them. It's very wholesome. That old crick in his back isn't going to stop him from making others happy and having fun, no siree.
🎅Santa is known for his determination, he never gives up on what he feels is right. And he won't give up on people either. He believes even the most stubborn people can change for the better. he believes if you show them enough kindness and give them hope, it can change a person's life. Of course, he has changed people's lives, he has proof people can change. And even though he is aware some people you should just leave alone, that might not stop him. Santa hates giving up on people. He truly is a caring and generous person, and nothing will ever change that.
🎅☃️The Winter Warlock and Santa still talk regularly, he comes over for tea once a month. They catch up and tell stories, and Winter always wants to look around the shops and look at the new toys. Sometimes Winter will help out a little if he feels like it and he plays with the elves from time to time. They look at him with puppy eyes and beg him to play, puppy eyes are his weakness and they know this.
🎅Santa can sketch very well, most people never even realize that he can sketch but if you look around the toy concept area you can find a few designs with a distinct art style.  Those are some sketches he’s snuck in to be approved. The head elves kept nagging him about him working too hard for his old age so now he just sneakily adds ideas and builds  toys in his office. He’s almost gotten caught a few times but he’s managed to hide the toys under his desk before the elves could catch him. Mrs. Claus knows for a fact that  he's still making toys, she doesn't even need to see it she just knows him that well. Not that she cares, she also still pitches in behind the scenes.
🎅Santa does in fact dress up for Halloween. Usually Him and Mrs. Claus are matching in some way. One year they dressed up as cowboy and cowgirl skeletons and the next they were dressed as a cup of apple sauce and a porkchop. Most costumes are usually random and they just decide they want to wear a specific thing and they go for it.
🎅Santa and Mrs. Claus go out for rides on the sleigh every week some where around Friday or Saturday. Sometimes they ride both days it just depends on how bored they are and what they’re up to.
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travelinglowcarb · 2 years
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👩‍🍳🍓 Keto Friendly Strawberry Cake Recipe
The batter I use for keto friendly cake, bread, muffins, waffles & pancakes has a lot less dry ingredients.
I use mainly macadamia butter & eggs (or any nut butter) but I love this idea!
I have the Peanut Butter Collagen in my pantry that I'm never going to use in my coffee, so I could make a Peanut Butter Blueberry loaf cake - or breakfast muffins. 🫐😋
Here's the recipe, it looks delicious! See:
Keto Strawberry Cake Recipe
Ooh, I would add chopped walnuts 💯
🍓 A lot of us got the PK Strawberry Collagen as a free gift awhile back - so this is a great way to use it! I've used it to make Strawberry Chaffles too. ;-)
They'll have a sale next week, so stay tuned - I'll let you know as soon as I see it go live. For now, I'm stocking up on the Almond Butter Brownie bars at 45% off.
Those are back in stock and the BEST deal on this secret bundle page for cookies, bars & snacks:
For anything else my code is LYNN20 for 20% off, but I think the sale next week will be a slightly bigger discount - so definitely wait for that.
It won't be 45% off though, so you can get your protein bars at the link above in a separate order now if you need to restock. That's what I'm doing, because it's the cheapest you'll find those anywhere! ✅
Here's my version using less almond flour & no coconut flour - great if you have macadamia butter on hand you aren't using for anything else!
This one is Keto Banana Nut Bread 🍞 but you can make any flavor with your own add-ins:
🍯 The free gift when you stock up on protein bars, or during the sale next week, will be a jar of macadamia butter - so save that recipe link, in case you're not sure what to do with it!
Also, you'll really want this silicone loaf bread mold with these recipes. - you're welcome! 😘
* And if you don't already have it, I use this muffin & candy silicone set A LOT for keto baking & recipes. 🧁
I prefer using the batter from these recipes to make muffins, for single servings I can freeze individually. Those are great for meal prep + grab & go! xo
I got the original recipe or base batter from a recipe card in my Keto Krate box from Legendary Foods years ago. It makes great loaf bread too!! 🍞
See mine at: https://www.travelinglowcarb.com/25126/keto-loaf-bread-recipe/
And just as I was sharing this with you... my daughter made a strawberry macadamia butter protein shake 🍓🥛 - Dump, blend, walk off drinking it...
No baking required. 😅👍
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