#it helps! and if I let the bad vibes sit in my head too long it leeches into everything I say and do
outermaybanks · 3 days
just a kiss - jj x bi!reader x kie aka 3 times you were oblivious and the one time you knew exactly what you wanted a/n: wrote this entire thing high af, no proofreading we die like men. this is part one bc it ended up too long
part two here
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June - the first time.
“We gotta ration it, okay?” JJ said as he shook the baggie of weed. “Ricky’s gonna be M.I.A. this month, he’s going up to Raleigh for pride.” “That actually sounds so fun,” Sarah spoke up from where she sat, John B’s lap. “Too bad all of us are straight,” Pope said. “Yeah… too bad,” Kie replied, her chin in her hand as her eyes moved to her boyfriend’s, who was already watching her with a focused look. Your eyebrows screwed together in confusion. Sure, you were still relatively new to this friend group, but surely you’d told them? “Um… I’m not straight. I’m bi,” you corrected.
Pope’s jaw hung slightly agape. Sarah’s eyelashes fluttered. Kie sat up straight. “Oh… cool,” John B said. “See? We could totally go, show our support for y/n,” Sarah said, you giggled, slightly relieved they were all fine. “I still think it’d be inappropriate for us to go, we’re almost all straight,” Pope corrected. “Everyone can celebrate love, Pope,” Sarah huffed. “If you really want to celebrate the fact that I eat pussy, Sarah, I’d settle for a bonfire,” you joked, but John B smiled. “Sounds like a good thing to celebrate. C’mon, JJ,” John B said, carefully lifting Sarah off his lap, placing her beside him before he stood up.
JJ’s eyes finally left his girlfriend’s and quickly moved to you, before he followed behind John B. Pope looked around the room, both Sarah and Kie were watching you, meanwhile, you were trying to avoid both of their gazes. “I’m gonna go help,” he said as he jumped up, following behind the two boys.
You were used to people having questions, and you could tell both girls had some, so you decided to get yours out of the way. “I thought you guys knew… you’re not gonna get all weird on me now, right?” “Oh my god, of course not, babes. It’s like, none of our business, right Kie?” “Totally,” Kie agreed. You smiled, awkwardly if nothing else. “Do you guys… have any questions?” “Does your family know or is this, like, a secret?” Sarah asked. “No, my family knows. My dad has a gay brother, so I lucked out, my family’s always been super supportive.” “How… How did you know?” your head turned to look at Kie, who was sitting on the other side of the room. A smile slowly worked your way onto your lips, remembering something a butch woman had said to you once: only two types of girls asked that question: homophobes, and closeted girls. Something told you Kie wasn’t homophobic. “Uhhh… I just did. I always just liked whoever I liked, boy or girl. I had my first girlfriend in 8th grade, and that pretty much solidified it,” you answer with a chuckle. “So what’s your type?” “Hot… funny.”
I’m hot, Kie couldn’t help but think. And funny. JJ’s hot and funny. “So you don’t have a preference? Like… girl more than guys, guys more than girls?” Sarah asked, and Kie was grateful. “Um… Hypothetically no, I have dated more girls than guys though. It’s just hard for me to find a guy I can vibe with, who’s like… actually cool with me being bi. Most guys turn it into a weird fetish thing.”
Kie’s eyes widened and she looked down at her feet. She was no better. What the hell was she thinking? You were her friend, and worse, you were the daughter of JJ’s boss at the auto shop. 
Later, as the sun began to set and the boys got the fire going, you were standing a few feet away from the fire, when you suddenly felt something cold on your arm, making you jump. JJ let out a giggle as he held the beer out for you. You rolled your eyes, but smiled as you took it from him. “So… how come I never knew you liked girls?” JJ had known you the longest, well, technically Pope had chemistry with you sophomore year, but JJ was the first one to really know you. “You never asked. And unlike some people, I don’t go after anything with a pulse,” you jab your finger into his arm. He lets out a small laugh, inching away but then settling right back beside you. “Nah,” he said softly. “I’m not like that anymore. I only go after girls I really like.” You smiled. “Kie’s really cool, I’m glad you introduced us.” As if on cue, Kie’s voice came from the hammock. “Come sit with me, Jayj” “Yeah, she seems to really like you,” JJ said before walking over to get in the hammock with Kie. You furrowed your eyebrows and stared into your beer can, trying to figure out why it felt like you and JJ were speaking in riddles.
Fourth of July - the second time.
“John B put me down!” Sarah’s voice shouted as her boyfriend carried her closer to the water. You used your hand to shield your eyes from the sun as you let out a giggle, watching them. “Did you put on sunscreen, y/n?” Kie’s voice stole your attention. “Hm? Oh, no, not yet.” “Here let me help you,” Kie said, scooting closer. “Oh, thank you,” you replied, moving your hair out of the way for her. Kie hesitated, but then you felt her soft touch trail from one shoulder to the other. When you felt the coolness of the sunscreen against your warm skin, you let out a soft sound, a sound Kie should’ve ignored, but couldn’t. 
“Thanks, Kie,” you said with a smile, standing up. If your back hadn’t been turned, you would have caught the look JJ and Kie exchanged. “Hey, y/n, wait up!” JJ called, quickly getting to his feet to follow you towards the water. “Mind if I join you?” “It’s a free country, Maybank,” you replied. JJ seemed unsure, still learning to read you. You decide to give him a break, and with a competitive raise of your eyebrows, almost like a dare, you give him exactly one second before you take off running towards the water. JJ is instantly chasing after you, and just as your toes feel the cold of the water, arms wrap around you, spinning you around. At first you laugh, but then you quickly remember, someone could take this the wrong way.
JJ puts you back on the ground, instantly noticing the difference in the way your body tensed at his touch. “What’s up? Did I go too far?” JJ asked. “I just… I wouldn’t want Kie to get the wrong idea and think I’m trying to come between you guys or something, y’know?” “You don’t have to worry about that,” JJ chuckled. “What?” “Me and Kie trust each other, besides, if she saw something she didn’t like, you would know,” JJ gestured to where Kie was, still sitting on the blanket. She gave a wave, which meant she had clearly been watching you and JJ. You looked back to JJ, and his words seemed like the answer to a riddle you didn’t know yet: if she saw something she didn’t like… 
JJ got in the water, once it was up to his ankles he splashed some water towards you, egging you to join him. You looked between him and Kie once more before getting in the water, pushing the thoughts from your head.
That night, you all went to the Chateau to shoot off some fireworks, have another bonfire, drink, the usual, but what was unusual was Kie and JJ.
“Do you need another drink, y/n?” JJ would ask. “Come do sparklers with me, y/n/n,” Kie would say. No matter what was happening, it seemed at least 1/2 of the couple would always be beside you.
When you guys ran out of fireworks, you all sat around the bonfire and settled for a game of truth or dare. For a while, that was normal too; Sarah dared John B to skinny dip, Pope confessed to cheating on a test in math last year, John B dared JJ to do a wheelie on his bike, but then it was JJ’s turn. “Y/n, truth or dare?” You bit your lip, normally, you liked to play it safe, but while JJ worked for your dad, you found yourself building a genuine friendship with him, and one thing you know about JJ is he never turns down a dare, so how could you? “Dare.” “I dare you… to…. kiss Kie.” Your eyebrows raised, that was hardly a challenge to you. Kie was pretty, funny, down to earth, and already becoming a good friend. All the guys, and Sarah, got an excited look on their face; Kie had an unreadable expression. “Oh please-” You practically taunt. “That’s hardly a dare.” “Oh yeah? Then by all means,” JJ put his hand out, gesturing to Kie as if to tell you to get on with it. “You should be more worried,” you said as you got up from your spot to move and sit beside Kie, her eyes following you the entire way. 
“I should be worried? Why’s that, cupcake?” JJ asked, leaning in to get a better view. “Because I’m a really good kisser,” you reply before turning your full attention to Kie. Now you can read her expression; she was excited. “Is this okay?” you ask softly and she nods, slowly closing her eyes. You shoot one more look to JJ before bringing your hands up to cup Kie’s face before leaning in and pressing your lips to hers. She was still, but then she kissed back, her hands coming up to touch your arms. The soft touch left goosebumps in their trail; you had to pull away. Kie’s eyes were big and lost when she opened them, almost like she didn’t understand why you had pulled away. You don’t know what came over you, but you pulled her in for a second kiss, which resulted in a round of cheers and wolf whistles from your friends while Kie’s hands balled in the front of your shirt, pulling you in closer. She looked much less lost when you pulled away the second time.
The game ended after that due to JJ’s insistence that it was time for a round of shots, so you all went inside. Pope was the first to clonk out shortly after taking his shot. JJ and Kie stepped out onto the back porch, leaving you with John B and Sarah.
“So, y/n, how are you liking the group?” Sarah asked, practically in a ball while sitting on John B’s lap. You had only been hanging out with them for a couple months, three at the most, but every second with them has been fun. “I really love your guys’ vibes, yknow? Very grateful JJ brought me along,” you answer, a small smile on your face.
“Where is JJ? And Kie?” “I think they’re on the porch talking,” you answer. “Boo!” Sarah whined, making you giggle. “I’ll go get them,” you offer, standing up from your spot. 
You go out to the mudroom, and through the screen of the back door, you can hear them talking.
“JJ, I know, but I-” “Kie… I love you, I want to do this with you, and-and y’know, maybe I kinda like her too, but… Kie. It’s not like she’s a rando or-or a touron!” “I know!” Whatever they were talking about seemed intense, and eavesdropping made you feel guilty, so you reacted to your first instinct. “Hey guys, John B and Sarah miss you,” you say quickly as you swing the door open, catching both of them by surprise. Both of them look like they were caught with their hands in the cookie jar, but Kie quickly walked past you, going back inside. JJ sighed, leaning against the railing. Your eyebrows furrow, and you hesitantly step forward, letting the door shut behind you.
“You okay, J?” You asked, moving to be closer to him. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” JJ brushed off with a small chuckle, one that seemed forced. You bite your lip before fully committing to standing beside him, leaning on the railing.
“I-I know I’m still new to the friend group… and I know it might be weird to tell your boss’ daughter what’s going on… but I am your friend too.” JJ sighed, biting his lip. “I just… I’m in between a rock and a hard place.” “Oh yeah? Wanna tell me about it?”
JJ chewed on the inside of his lip as he thought it over, then he smiled. “Nah, how ‘bout we go find Kie, smoke a j.” You force a smile. JJ took a while to warm up, he didn’t like to talk about his feelings, but that just meant the few times he confided in you were that much more special. 
You and JJ went inside, only to find Kie alone, sitting on the couch which has now been pulled out into a bed. “John B and Sarah went to ‘sleep’,” she explained, putting sleep in suggestive air quotes. You chuckled as you sat back in your chair, JJ sat beside Kie on the bed, leaning over to the side table for his rolling tray.
“Did you have a good Fourth, y/n?” Kie asked. You smiled. “Yeah, I did. I usually just spend it with my dad.” “Booooo!” JJ spoke up, making you chuckle again. Kie smiled.
“What about you, Kie? How was your first girl kiss?” You ask, almost teasingly.
“Um,” Kie said, then turned her head to look to JJ. This time, facing them, you saw the look they exchanged. “It was fine. Just a kiss, right?” She tried to laugh it off, but something was gnawing at you, but that was the exact moment JJ finished rolling the joint. “Ta-da!” He displayed his work proudly. You quickly leaned over, putting a hand on the bed for balance as you snatched it from his hand. “Yoink!” 
JJ chuckled as he let you take it, leaning over to light it for you after you put it between your lips. 
“Y’know… I um-” Kie cleared her throat, you watched her carefully as you took your hit. “I was thinking about it, and I feel a little guilty.” You held the smoke in for a beat, then exhaled, blowing the smoke up, and getting up to sit on the bed so it’d be easier to pass the joint. You held it out, JJ was the first to take it. “Guilty?” you asked. “Yeah… I mean… It doesn’t really seem fair, does it? JJ’s my boyfriend, if I get to kiss someone else, he should too.” She said softly, taking the joint from JJ after he took his hit. “Should I wake Pope up?” you teased, making JJ chuckle. Kie held in her smoke, but then was silent even after she exhaled. “Y'know, I always thought we’d make a lovely couple,” JJ added, making you giggle. “Well, I mean… the most fair thing would be if JJ kissed you too,” Kie explained, holding the joint out for you. At first, you thought she was joking, so you laughed, but she didn’t. Her face was very serious. “Wait, seriously?” you asked as you took the joint from her. “Yeah, I mean… not if you don’t want to, but-” Kie looked between JJ and you. “I-I think it’d make me feel better.”
You were at a lack of words, and looked to JJ as you took your hit. He glared at Kie, but when he turned to face you, his face softened. You held the joint out for him, he took it and looked back to Kie once more, this time also softer.
“I mean, is that- would you-” Kie was a bit flustered for words.  “I’m gonna be honest, this kinda feels like a trap,” you said, putting your hands up in surrender. “What? No, no, not at all! I just… want things to be equal for JJ and I… and like I said, it’s just a kiss, right?”
Out of your peripheral vision, you see JJ turn to look at you, so you look at him. You saw a flash of pink as his tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip. “Fuck it. I’m down if you are, y/n,” JJ said quickly. Your eyes quickly glanced back to Kie, she had a hint of a smile on her face as she stared back at you. “Okay… it’s just a kiss,” you say softly. JJ turns his body slightly to face you more, so you follow his actions. You’re nervous, but you don’t know why, you’ve kissed boys before.
“You look a little worried there, y/n. What, do I look like a good kisser or something?” JJ asked in a soft voice as he leaned in closer. You swallowed before closing your eyes and practically lurching forward to press your lips to his. JJ was surprised, but wasted no time kissing you back, his hand moving to your waist to pull you closer. JJ smiled against your lips before a small chuckle escaped him, and you took that as your cue to pull away, but JJ quickly pulled you back to him. 
“She got two,” was his only explanation when you two pulled away for good. Your first instinct was to look at Kie, and you were surprised to see a smile on her face. She looked so pretty when she smiled. “Who has the joint?” You ask, trying to push the thoughts of both Kie and JJ out of your mind. Kie quickly leaned over to hand it to you, and you took a hit as the three of you exchanged looks, none of you sure how to move on from what just happened. 
“Okay, I think it’s past my bedtime,” you say, getting up and stretching. “Where are you going?” Kie asked worriedly. “Mud room. Couch,” you answer, like it should have been obvious. “No way, that couch feels like a brick and it gets super hot in there. You can sleep here, with us,” Kie said it like it was nothing, but to you it very much felt like something.
“Yeah, can’t have you bitchin’ and moanin’ about a sore back tomorrow when we go surfing,” JJ added with a smirk. You bit your lip. Nothing wrong with sleeping in the same bed as your friends…
Kie offered you the spot in the middle, but you insisted on the edge, JJ taking the other. You tried to sleep, but found yourself staring at the ceiling in the darkness, replaying the events of the day. You didn’t expect kissing Kie to feel like that, and you definitely didn’t expect kissing JJ to feel like that. 
“Y/n?” Kie’s soft voice asked in a whisper. You turned your head, and once your eyes adjusted, you could make out her face. “Yeah?” “I really enjoyed today…” “... I did too.” In the darkness you still managed to see her smile.
©ᵒᵘᵗᵉʳᵐᵃʸᵇᵃⁿᵏˢ ²⁰²⁴
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
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Some info abt my self insert/sona hhhfhff sorry if this stuff is annoying I’m working on fandom stuff I promise it’ll b back to that soon shdhdhd
More doodles under the cut,
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Yes I am, in fact, a Wreck. Idk what to tell u
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miupow · 5 months
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──★ 𝚝𝚡𝚝 + 𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚑 𝚜𝚎𝚡 𝚑𝚌𝚜
NSFW, MDNFI! drugs, obviously. sub!soobin, perv!sookai, masturbation (m. rec), couch sex, daddy kink, lazy sex, oral sex (m and f rec.), shotgunning, service top!beomgyu, vaginal fingering, anal sex (f. rec), dom!hueningkai, himbo kai vibes, manhandling A/N: this is a repost from my old account!
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soobin ★
he gets SOO horny when he's high oml.... all he can think about is getting his dick wet ><
 turns into a bigger perv than he already is, gets so hard over the tiniest things… n he’s so embarrassed ab it too!! tries to go n hide in the bathroom so he can fist his cock.. but he’s so noisy n you know him so well so you catch him every time heehee
 so subby!!! too out of it n desperate to take what he wants n take control, just use him n make him feel good :( he’s always such a service top, always focused on pleasing you… esp loves having his face ridden omg loves the suffocating feeling loves the lack of air LOVES how you whine n pull on his hair <3 ughhh sitting on his face w his glasses on, the lenses getting all foggy as he laps at your cunt :(
 gets so dumb n so fucked out… only able to whimper n whine, stuttering out broken “s-so good!”s and “so tight!”s when he’s fucking you :( likes lazy sideways sex on the couch or draping himself on top of you on bed, just lazy n staccato thrusts in n out of your cunt 
yeonjun ★
daddy kink upped to level 100. will call himself daddy even if you don’t, even when you’re not having sex. can you get up and grab daddy a bottle of water? thank you, princess. come sit on daddy’s lap? that’s his good girl.
 will whine and beg for sex absolutely lol 
 gets soooooo lazy when he’s baked heehee >///< will not put much effort into sex at all, absolutely will make you ride him while he just lies back n watches!! makin fun of you for being so needy n slutty when you’re bouncing on his big dick, acting like he wasn’t groping your ass n tits the entire night >< need daddy’s cock so bad, huh baby? there we go, show daddy how much you need it~
 also loves having his dick sucked when you’re smoking together ack!!!! loves you between his legs giving him head while he smokes a joint n runs his fingers through your hair… ugh i need him so bad 
 jjunie loves shotgunning so much omg, loves having you on his lap while you make out, loves breaking away to take a hit just to blow it into your mouth <3 you always take whatever he gives you so well~
beomgyu ★
weed has the opposite effect on beomgyu than it does on the other boys, where it makes him so sated n vanilla :< 
 doesn’t get super horny, just cuddly n affectionate :( wants to spoon you n make out, lay his head in your lap, have you play with his hair…
 but if you’re the horny one? high gyu is such a service top, doesn’t care about his own satisfaction and is 100% focused on making you feel good n making you cum hard ><
 slowly SLOWLY fingerfucking you, letting you feel every drag of his fingers against your walls… landing gentle slaps to your clit to watch you squeak n squirm,, holding your thighs apart while he eats you out so nice n thorough :(
 high sex for him is all about you, how many times he can make you cum, can he get you to squirt? laughing sweetly at all of your cute reactions… he’s so in love :’<
taehyun ★
i’ve always seen tyun as the most “vanilla” out of all of them, so concerned about your safety n pleasure :( but getting him high would make him so much more open to dirtier, kinkier sex heehee
 more dirty talk, new positions, trying out some fantasy you’ve had tucked away in your mind… tyun is just so much more open to experimentation ><
 especially loves anal when he’s high UGHHHHHH,, when he’s sober he’s too worried about hurting you ;< he’s not very long but he’s THICK n he doesn’t wanna stretch out your lil hole to the point you’re hurtin :( 
 but when he’s high, anal is allll he can think about eeeeek >///< i think he’s secretely such an anal enjoyer but only indulges when he smokes.. can’t help but sit on the couch baked out of his mind daydreaming about his girthy cock in ur tiny tight ass, listening to you scream as he pounds you @_@
 def a little more talkative too, mumbling shit like “fuck yeah, take it, that’s it, daddy’s good girl~” when you move your hips back to meet his thrusts… tyun will not stop calling himself daddy when he’s high, just like jjunie!!!
hueningkai ★
is actually a worse pussy fiend than soobin when he’s high
 he tries VERY hard to hide it, sweet boy, but he’s sooo obvious, squirming with a pillow in his lap, trying to be secretive adjusting his big stiff cock in his sweats… ugh the dick bulge
 it’s so fun to tease hyuka when he’s high n horny cos unlike soobin he’ll eventually snap and take what he wants eeee >< showing off your legs n curves, letting your cleavage peek out from your low cut top, being a little touchier than usual… baby can only take so much before he’s flipping you over n prying your legs apart <3
 literally uses you like a pocket pussy, so high n focused on his own pleasure, head completely somewhere else!! deaf to your cute lil whimpers of “too big!” “slow down!” “hyuka, too much!”, only spurring him on more to wreck your poor tiny pussy even more :( he just doesn’t understand how big n strong he is!!
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horrorbarbie13 · 8 months
𝙲𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚕𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝
Summary: After a long exhausting day Jenna only wants to come home to you. Thankfully, she is finally able to relax in your arms while in the warmth of a bubble bath.
Pairing: Jenna Ortega x fem!reader
Warnings: (+18), smut, praise, a bit of fluff, romance.
Word count: 1.8K
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Jenna's day was absolutely awful.
She's completely worn out due to her day on set,  the repetition of the same scene to perfection was absolutely exhausting. On top of that, the sky was covered by dark clouds who were threatening to bring a bad storm.
As if the day wasn't going bad enough, being stuck in traffic was really making Jenna's mood drop even more. While her mind was drifting away at how she can't wait to be home and relax, drops of water start to fall  on the windshield making her mind turn off the real world. As her eyes follow the drops running down  the glass as they're in a race, the storm is all that can be heard as the dark sky is invaded with flashes caused by lighting and thunders.
Suddenly the sound Jenna's phone makes her go back to reality. She picks up to check it and a soft smile grows on her face when she noticed is a text from you.
From Amor 💜 -  Hi love 😘 we're out of light in the whole street cause of the storm so pls drive safely, I love you❤❤
Jenna lets out a long breath, the day can't seem to get any worse...
To Amor 💜- I'm almost home, be careful around the house 😘 I love you
After what she felt like it was an eternity Jenna finally gets home. When entering the door she notices there are candles everywhere, the soft light and and amazing smell in the air immediately makes her relax. Exactly what she needed, making her soft smile.
"Baby I'm home" Jenna says loudly looking around for any sight of you
"In the bath, you can come in", Jenna immediately smiles at the sound of you voice. She goes upstairs to take her shoes and her wet jacket off before going to the bathroom.
When she enters she swears my heart immediately skipped a beat at the sight. Like the rest of the house, there's candles lightning up the bathroom and there's a light vanilla smell in the air. The vibe is almost angelic.
You are in the bathtub with the body covered with countless bubbles. Jenna sighs at how breathtaking you look under that kind of light. She fell in love with the sight. She realized she was staring for too long when the sound of your giggle snapped her back to reality.
"Earth calls shorty" you say with a laugh, Jenna giggles back at you and goes to give you a small kiss "Sorry you just looked so beautiful I couldn't help myself", you can't help but blush slightly at her sweet honest words.
"Thank you baby, but are you ok? You look tired", you ask her while looking at her eyes carefully, she noticed how sincerely worried you are.
Jenna sighs loudly, "My day was pretty awful if I'm being sincere, but I want to focus on you now".
"Why don't you take a bath with me? You'll feel relaxed" You say looking up and down her body slowly with you lip between your teeth. She smirks, "Honestly that sounds amazing".
Jenna starts taking her clothes off slowly, she can feel you eyes on her, not leaving for one single second which makes her blush.
"You're so beautiful", the honest confession makes the small girl smile. She carefully gets in the bathtub with you sitting with her back to you, your arms immediately slide around her waist pulling her closer. Jenna sighs feeling her body immediately relax at the warmth of the water and softness of your body. You give her the softest look and Jenna swears she could melt right there in your arms.
Jenna lays her head back on your shoulder and takes a deep breath while you hug her waist tighter, "I needed you so much during the day", she confesses while nuzzling your neck gently.
You kiss the top of her head and runs your fingers on her hip gently. "I'm here now babygirl", she smiled when you kiss her cheek softly.
Jenna decides to close her eyes and let your touch, the smell of the candles and warmth of the water invade her senses allowing her to get the calmness she so eagerly needed.
After a while your fingers trace down to her thigh making Jenna's body tense. You quickly notice which makes you chuckles quietly. Deciding to tease her, you start leaving small wet kisses on her neck, which makes her bite her lip hard trying to hold back her moan.
You pull away from her neck to gently grab the girl's hair and pull it all to just one side giving you more access to her soft skin. Jenna let's out a deep breath when you leave kisses on her shoulder. Her heart melts at the love that was in each kiss, you make her feel so loved.
A soft moan coming from Jenna is heard when you start sucking hard on her neck skin, which makes you smile a bit knowing well she will complain once she sees that you made sure to leave a mark.
After a while you pull back to look at the bruises you left on the divine skin you adored so much, smiling you she kiss her temple before giving her neck all the attention again.
Your tongue goes in a torturing slow pace up her neck making Jenna moan softly. She can feel herself getting wet by each second.
You start moving your fingertips slowly inside her thigh, that movement alone made Jenna feel weak and needy desiering nothing more than your touch. You get closer to her center and without thinking she spreads her legs for you. A moan escapes her lips as she feels your teeth scratching gently her skin.
After some torturing moments, the soft moans were quickly replaced by louder ones when Jenna feels your fingertip rub slightly her clit in a slow pace. Her head is pressed harder on your chest and should and she feels your smirk against her neck. Your hot breath travels to her ear which makes her whole body shiver.
Your finger presses harder on her clit before traveling down slowly.
“Already so wet for me baby, such a good girl", you whisper in her ear with an husky voice that makes her even weaker.
"Please...I need you", she begs not caring how submissive and needy she sounds, she can feel her body needing your touch.
You bite her earlobe and before rubbing her clit with two fingers gently, which makes Jenna sigh loudly finally feeling the relief she needed so bad. Jenna’s hand goes to your thigh that is touching her side and grips it.
Your free hand runs up her stomach brushing your fingers on her nipple. Jenna’s back arches when you grab her boob a bit roughly. She turns her head to hide her face on you neck biting the skin trying not to moan loudly.
With the other hand you continue to rub her clit faster making Jenna moan your name louder.
"Does my little slut like that?", you ask in her ear while putting more pressure on her clit and pinching her nipple carefully. She can only nod with her eyes shut, focused on every single sensation she’s feeling. Suddenly you grab her throat harshly making her look at you.
"Use your words princess", you tell her in a serious tone without stopping looking at each others eyes. Jenna swears she can notice the look of desire in your darker eyes which is making her soaking wet.
"Y-yeah, p-please more", the shorter girl manages to say with a shaky voice. Satisfied, you slide two fingers inside her suddenly making her let out a slight scream. Your grip around her neck gets tighter as you fuck her with harder with each thrust deeply inside her.
Her nails crave into the skin of you thigh while her other hand suddenly grabs the side of the bathtub gripping it really hard.
"B-baby... ", Jenna begins to say but is interrupted by a loud long moan leaving her lips when she feels a third finger sliding in.
"Be a good girl and cum for me babygirl, you wanna make me proud don't you?", as you thrust your fingers faster, with you thumb you start touching her clit.
The feeling of your fingers deep inside, your hand around her throat and the water moving along with your movements gets too extreme for her.
She can't hold it anymore and an intense orgasm hits her. The grip around the bathtub side gets tighter as you can see her knuckles turning almost white and a loud scream echoes through the bathroom walls when she arches her back as she cums all over your fingers.
You very gently continue to thrust your fingers to help her ride out her orgasm without overstimulate her. After a while, while Jenna is still trying to calm down her breathing, you move her hand from her neck and wraps both arms around her skin waist gently.
Still with her eyes closed, she can feel you nuzzle her cheek and leave a few sweet kisses, which makes her melt at the love she felt in that moment. Her day couldn’t have ended in a better way.
"I love you", Jenna murmurs loud enough for you to hear. You smile softly and leave a long kiss on her head , "I love you too baby, let's get out the water it's getting cold".
Jenna can only simply nod before trying to get out, but my legs are too shaky. You quickly notices and giggle with a small proud smirk before picking her up and sitting her next to the sink.
Jenna’s body is exhausted from all that happened that day, so she just lays her head back in the mirror while watching you with a smile, she swears you’re an angel.
You grab a towel and wrap it around your own body before grabbing one and doing the same to Jenna.
Without letting you move back, she holds your face with both hands. You look at each other until both lean in, sharing a really passionate and slow kiss, showing all the emotions.
When you’re both out of breath, Jenna pulls away slowly and hugs your neck, wrapping both arms around you. You kiss her cheek once more and pick the small girl up by the thighs making her giggle.
You both get dressed and get in bed cuddling close while watching a movie, "Thank you for making me feel better and so loved”, she breaks the comfortable silence.
You hold her hand, intertwining your fingers, and look at her, "Jenna, I love you, I'll do anything to make you feel better and loved, the thing I want the most is to be able to make you happy no matter what”, you sincerely tell her while moving a piece of hair out of her beautiful face.
She softly smiles and murmurs a small thank you before pecking your lips. Getting comfortable, she lays her head on your shoulder and continues watching the movie until both of you fall asleep in the warmth of each others bodies.
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delululand · 8 months
txt ideal type (and what are they like in a relationship?)
don't take it too seriously, these are just my observations based on analysis of their words, interviews and behavior in general
p.s. i lived in Korea for a few months and it gave me some impressions too
he often said that he like cute type of beauty and he don’t like too sexy type like yeonjun hahaha
and even if it’s not 100% true, i think he really prefer more cute than sexy girl kind of innocent vibe, aegyo and all like that, but more sociable than he
he natural shy, introvert and doesn't look like someone who would be active in relationships? he himself said that he doesn’t like it when he has to choose or decide something, so I think he would like a sweet, but despite this, a girl who can be active and take initiative? oh guys i’m sorry I just immediately imagine that type of girls in Korea, they look veeery very cute, but they rule their boyfriends with an iron hand hahaha not like a bad way but their boys listen to them well
overall he seems like someone who is easy to get along with but not so easy to get close to? like yeah, he'll be nice, but you won't be best friends right away. so I really see him in the friends-lovers trope, maybe even after a few years
oh that guy it’s opposite
I think he would, on the contrary, like a very bright, noticeable, socially active girl with sexy vibe
he’s himself very sociable and sometimes he can be a natural flirt? like he doesn't do it intentionally, but he literally communicates this way so I think he would like a girl who could accept it? I was in such a relationship and I really see him in something similar, like he doesn’t have the goal of offending or hurting his girlfriend with his behavior, but this happens every time and there are only two options, he’ll date a girl who will don't be jealous or it will hurt them both
however, he is very gentle in relationships, very caring and I think he would really do a lot for his partner
I would say he is one of the most caring members, he is always worried about their health, even that situation in one of the to do episodes when Kai fell from laughing from his chair and while everyone was laughing, yeonjun was the only one who stood up and holding kay’s head helping him rise up from the floor with the words “hey your head, head, be careful. everything is fine?"
ohhh guys i know he often has a reputation as a clown, but behind this he actually hides a lot
firstly we know that he is an introvert and all the members said that he usually sits at home alone and is not very active outside of filming and even in last live he said how much he likes be home and hate go outside
secondly, if you pay attention to how he seriously talks about relationships, about love, about partnership it’s always 🥺😭 boy is sooo soft and gentle plus how he treats taehyung…
this may sound obvious, but I think he would like a gentle, caring girl who would not let him doubt himself and their relationship
for him, it’s quite difficult for me to single out a specific type of girl or something like that, he would like a fairly ordinary (???) girl like not too sexy, not too cute, just someone with whom he had a real understanding, whom he could trust and confide
I thought for a long time whether have i including nsfw things and how you can see it’s not there, but I CAN’T be silent how much he has dirty mind pervert gamer boyfriend vibe (and THAT photo with anitta….)
so I think one of the important things in a relationship for him would be sex and matching with his partner in this question? because I'm sure he would like to try a lot...
this guy has two distinct sides
sometimes he is super sweet, cute, he lets beomgyu do literally everything to him and can show affection himself
and sometimes he's very serious and collected, like he keeps everything under control and all that. he has a very manly vibe at this moment like with what voice and face he usually says 아빠 왔다 (daddy came) and even this phrase itself…. (I also study psychology and we could go over mean this phrase, but today we won’t)
I think in real life the second side is more inherent to him, but with close people, including in relationships, he is more open, so the first side appears more often
he didn't talk much about his preferences in girls, but he talks pretty serious about relationships in general so I think he’s not type to like one-night stands. I think he's a very reliable guy in a relationship, he's responsible I think he's the kind of guy who seems pretty cold and reserved in public but super cute when you're only together
in one of the old videos, all the guys except him answered that they would ask to go out their crash, can showing affection and say "i love you”, but he said “i’m just a coward, not a loser” and yes, it’s all what you have to know hahaha
idk is this still relevant for him, but it may well be, so I think that he would also be comfortable with a relationship that would grow from friendship so that he doesn’t have to confess first and everything happens naturally
huening kai
i don’t know he’s just so cute, romantic and gentle
he has mentioned more than once that he likes girls with short hair and because of this I’m a little vague about the image of a girl he would like i don’t know why, for me his ideal type is pretty obvious in character, but not in appearance
he is literally the king of untouchable among all the group members, even soobin said that it was very difficult to make friends with him and he literally overpowered him for several months until kai let him closer to him
soobin also mentioned that from time to time he tried to introduce him to his friends and other people, but Kai did not make friends with any of them. we can’t know why exactly this is happening, perhaps they were not interesting to him, perhaps he is embarrassed to communicate with strangers, perhaps he has high standards for friendship and many other reasons, but we can draw one conclusion, it is really difficult to get close to him
I think he would have liked a girl who was a little more persistent? not intrusive, but one that can be okay with the fact that he won’t open quickly
It's also known that he has some issues with accepting his appearance and would benefit from someone who knows how to support, praise at the right time and generally be gentle with him, this guy is literally the softest marshmallow pls love him😭
p.s. I would also be very interested to hear your opinion on this matter, maybe you have something to add?
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amber-sekio · 4 months
Relationship Headcanons
Fandom: BSD -Bungo Stray Dogs
TW: none? I think? 
I said it in my Soukoku fic, Dazai wouldn’t know affection if it slapped him in the face ten times 
Like he might realize when someone is showing interest in a sexual kind 
And he would probably notice if someone is crushing on him 
But like, if he likes them back? 
Man is blind 
He’s too busy panicking over read denying his own thoughts and feelings over you to analyze your actions 
He’s busy trying to think of anything but how pretty you are when he sees you -thank you very much 
No joke though, this can be applied to pretty much anyone he cares about 
I mean he practically had a heart attack when Atsushi gave him flowers 
Anyways if he finally admits to himself that he likes you then I could see him trying to push you away if I’m being brutally honest 
He doesn’t want to lose you and he believes that anything he wants that he obtains, will be striped from him sooner or later 
But…, in a perfect world he would eventually work up the courage to ask you out 
He would probably avoid directly asking you but this is Dazai so he could defiantly figure out some round-about way to ask 
As for the relationship? 
He would still be his teasing self 
But he would tone it down 
Not because he doesn’t want to annoy you but more so because he actually lets some of his masks down when alone with you 
He defiantly is very clingy to you 
Man has been touch starved for a long time and he fears attachment too much to be touchy with the ADA members 
But now he has you, who not only tolerates him but has decided to stay with him? 
Of course he’s not going to let this chance slip from his grasp before all this inevitably ends (he’s still in denial) 
He never cared much for holidays like Christmas or Valentines 
But now he wants to experience them, with you 
He’s always thinking, plans and outcomes racing through his mind, what ifs and regrets  
But like, if you ruffle his hair, his brain just stops. 
Like no thoughts, he short circuits 
When his brain returned to him the first time it happened he panicked 
Like, who gave you that amount of control? 
After that first time he continued to try and get you to do it without asking 
He needed his brain to shut up every now and then, and now he has a reliable source 
Anyways, he likes to be a spoiled princess 
No one can change my mind 
For all his predictions he will never be able to predict your love and kindness for him 
Someone give this poor man a hug 
Ugh, my heart 
I can‘t imagine him wanting to date a normal citizen, too much of a risk 
So you’d probably have to work in the Mafia 
Even then, dating you would still be placing a huge target on you 
He would actually take you out on dates before asking you out 
Dates with him would be romantic 
Like dinner by candle light vibes 
He’d be strategic on where you guys sit 
No need to be precarious on what you order, it’s all on him 
When he does ask you out he would be slightly flustered but it just makes him adorable 
Say yes, he doesn’t deserve to be hurt any more 
He would spoil you to no end 
If you want it, you can have it 
You’re the only one allowed to call him short 
He might get flustered from PDA in the start but will gradually warm up to it 
Nothing clingy, just hand holding, a hand around your waist, a quick kiss here or there 
But if he sees some guy hitting on you? 
Down right possessive, arm snug around your waist, shoulder to shoulder 
And if he’s drunk? Even worse 
Like he’s pulling you onto his lap just to make sure that asshole knows your taken 
If you do work in the mafia with him, he likes going on easier missions with you 
And while he knows that you can handle yourself just fine, he can’t help but imagine something bad happening to you when he isn’t there to save you 
He’s lost too many people in his life, please, don’t leave him as well 
He loves when you rest your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat 
And while you do that he’ll run his fingers through your hair 
Chuuya loves to spoil you rotten as I stated, it’s his love language 
So sometimes he’ll just hand you his black card and let you go shopping with friends or something 
In fact, he encourages you to buy what you want 
Honestly? Where do I start with him? 
Like congratulations if you meet him and make it out alive 
I don’t know if I should congratulate him taking an interest in you though 
I feel like he believe that the interest he had in you was purely innocent curiosity 
But I also don’t think he would try to delude himself for as long as Dazai does 
Eventually he would notice that something was different about his interest for you than usual 
And while he would hesitate to put a name to it so quickly he would eventually give in after realizing there was no stoping this feeling from festering in him 
After coming to terms with his romantic? Feelings and interest in you he would definitely begin to manipulate you into feeling the same way for him 
If you don’t already that is 
If you don’t confess then he’ll definitely do the same thing Dazai did 
And when you agree, he of course knew you would, he makes you move in with him 
He can’t let his dearest other slip from his finger now can he? 
I feel like before ever getting into a relationship, you would have been made aware of his ‘work’  
Please, make sure the man eats 
And takes his iron pill 
Nikolai is getting a little tired of that daily routine despite how much he loves to be around Fyodor 
Anyways, dates aren’t a very common thing in fact, very, very rare 
I mean… what did you expect? 
Man’s a literal terrorist 
That being said, from time to time he’ll leave his ‘lair’ to spend time with you 
If you ask, he’ll gladly play the cello for you 
If he snaps at you for ‘bothering him with pointless things’ when you bring him his iron pill or food just listen 
Don’t bother him with such things 
And then same thing the next day 
And after some 4 or 5 days he’ll stumble from his room 
Staggering as he tries not to collapse or faint from both his lack of energy and his iron deficiency 
And when he walks into the kitchen trying to get the iron pill bottle open? 
Let him stumble his way over to you and ask for help before you finally do as such 
And he realizes just how dependent on you he’s become 
It’ll happen again eventually 
But as of that moment, it’ll at least be awhile before the cycle repeats 
(That last part of Fyodor’s was based upon some fanfic I read for him. I'm not sure who it was by, but I’ll tag it if and when I do find it.) 
A/N: anyways, believe it or not, I love Chuuya just as much as I do Fyodor and Dazai 
I’m just not as confident in his character. Since I’m a lot like Dazai, he comes easy to me and by substitute, Fyodor does as well 
But Chuuya? Despite him being one of my 5 favorites along with Dazai and Fyodor, I just don’t resonate personally enough with him to write him really well
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twistedchatterbox · 1 year
“Even in madness we are meant to be”
Summary: Even in overblot they long for you, please, love them.
ft. Riddle, Leona, [Azul, Jamil in part 2] [Vil, Idia, in part 3] [Malleus in part 4] 
Tags. Romantic, not angst, Reader is NOT Yuu/MC, Lovesick Boys, GN-ish reader, Queen is a gender neutral term, established relationships, overblot, yandere-esq vibes, spoilers for literally everything and every single chapter can be expected here
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wordcount: 1600+ | Masterlist & Taglist
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A trial, they said, it can’t go too bad, they said. Now this shell of your sweet crush smells like gasoline ink and danger; except he burns everything other than you, including himself if the blot is anything to go by, and you wish you could have intervened but.. oh well. From his eyes, Riddle saw red one second, blot next. And from your eyes, you couldn’t even say whatever you saw was your Riddle; not with such a crazed and sadistic look in his eyes, somewhere between amused and furious by the sight of his prior dormmates attempts to escape. No, not this one. Yet even now you find yourself wavering when he looks back at you. You can’t bring yourself to say looks tend to be deceiving, not now.With trembling hands he reached out to you, deceptively weak only to pull you against his twisted form with all his might and hold you there, his left combed through your hair as he let out a feigned sigh of innocence. “Of course,” Riddle laughed –it sounded so wrong– “I knew you’d never disobey me, my trust~ You’ve always been so sensible” you wondered, was this what he was told? Not that you could keep yourself wondering for too long, as you felt him nudge something against your ear; a thornless rose, unlike himself. “We were meant to be, weren’t we?” He asked with a wicked, playful tone, it sounded poisonous yet sincere, it made your head and heart hurt. “If I am the queen of hearts, then aren’t you my king? Or would you rather be the queen of my heart instead?” Riddle said, knowing neither of the questions were wholly questions, or at all. Yet he demanded answers, silently, tilting your chin up to meet his blot induced gaze, he was so close- Yet it was the way he was whispering against your lips that made your heart stop “Well?” Riddle mumbled, close enough to touch the tips of your lips, close enough to make you feel his words on your skin, fanning his soft breath against your own. You barely held it together enough to nod, trying to ignore the way his amused expression softened all the while his grip on you tightened. Leading you somewhere, deep into the maze where the ‘troublemakers’ will not harm you when he goes back to deal them their punishments. Something about you felt off, guilty when you admired his form, maybe it was the way he securely re-tucked the thornless rose in place every few minutes, or maybe it was the way he smiled into your hair; despite the overflowing blot, or because of it, you couldn’t help the dizziness that clogged up your head- or heart. Shaking off the dizziness upon hearing his voice, you tried to meet his gaze; feeling his hand gentlemanly curl against yours, Riddle led you to the canopy in the middle of the maze where you saw two thrones that did not belong there. “For me, and the queen of my heart” he whispered, and for a moment, had it not been for the withering surroundings, you could mistake it– this blot-driven shell– for your Riddle, not a twisted cognition made out of his mind. As if you could blame him for it all- you felt as though some of it was on you, and so much of it on the woman he had to call mother. You bit your tongue, it wouldn’t do you any good to lose it, or your head. Even if it’s too late for your heart. And when his voice, deceptively soft and convincingly sweet, asked you to “Follow me, my Rose”, you complied. Not even in black roses and cracked marble could you resist the tug on your hand nor heart. Following him, and sitting on the throne next to his; unaware of his lovestruck eyes. Soon, thorns and roses encapsulated the canopy and Riddle took it as his cue to stand, only to lean down to meet your gaze and place a gentlemanly kiss on your wrist followed by one on your ring finger. Ink. it hurt your head and heart, looking at his signature sign of showing affection now covered in an impulsive rush of blot and tears. A trial, they said, it cannot be that bad, they said; yet here you sit on a rose throne, with a kiss on your wrist and ring finger. A trial over red roses is history, but what can the king of hearts, or the queen of his, do when the roses have been painted black instead? You huffed, softly to yourself as if the wilting garden had ears, “I’ll just have to see it through” you whisper to yourself, cradling the kiss-marked wrist and hand on your other. No matter how the tale was spun; the king and queen of hearts stayed together, with a newfound soft smile rising on your face, you decided that you’d take this page out of their book. “And I’ll stay here to see it through with him, through everything” and you knew you could recite this by heart.
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Sand. One second it was blue, a clear day where everything the light touched looked so close, now covered by the fury of a storm.  The sand storm’s lashing swings reached far as you can see, the storm reigned over the stadium and possibly beyond; nothing was touched by light at this point, it had gotten intense enough to completely obscure everything. Yet you could never for the life of your own mistake the feeling of the culprit’s eyes burning on the back of your neck, that ever familiar feeling of Leona’s eyes scaling you up in an attempt to calculate or guess how you might react if he simply approached you now. As if you could escape. You weren’t even sure where things began or ended, unable to pinpoint anything, including at what point did this relentless storm start raging in his head. How long had he kept it from you? For too long, if it wasn’t obvious by the circumstances. You found yourself so.. frustrated. In a way, angry. Angry that he kept you in the dark as his irrationality- or more accurately, his desperation- boiled over the limit. But you knew you couldn’t do much, not now at least. You didn’t have the means to pull something reckless, not when he was so.. poorly balanced on this fragile line of danger. Sitting on the shattered pieces of his self control in the way a king would on a throne, one he would never have; a mocking reminder. Instead, what you had was the touch of a coarse hand on the back of your shoulder blades to see your unsurprising company you’d expected, now obscured in a flurry of emotions bursting at the seams with blot as its physical body. Leona. He felt cold to the touch with whatever was encasing him entirely, you wouldn’t be shocked if he was not in his own body; the ink, it smelt like gasoline. And you weren’t sure whether or not you were the flame. Physically, that was the only part of Leona present in this space next to you. You doubted that his mind was with him- Even as his cold, coarse hand rubbed circles on your hand gingerly to kindly request your attention, you couldn’t bring yourself to believe that this was the boy who made a promise to you that you’d marry each other when you two grew up. The boy who promised you he’d be king. Barely hearing the ‘can I’, you decided to flip a coin mentally and nod, aware of how much sand would get in if you even tried to speak. And just like that, you were pressed against the jet black fur painted by the same thing that drove him to extremes, hoisted up for an ideal bridal carry; had it not been for everything else, you swear the hand guarding your eyes from the storm would make your heart throb so much more. Soon, maybe far too soon, you felt him shift his hold so that he could hold you securely and tight as he sat down on what felt like a makeshift throne on the hoops. Though it puzzled you when you felt rumbling in the cage of his ribs, knowing that tune somewhere in the back of your head, yet shocking nonetheless. The lyrics and melody were strumming onto the cage of his heart, his idle hand combing through your hair with ease, getting the sand out slowly and as much as he could. “I’ve always wondered,” Leona murmured, and you listened, finally freed of the sounds of storm whipping, “just why you stayed.”, and you wondered which direction he was going, despite your hunch. “I thought it was foolish at first.” He confessed, the crack of his now-smokey voice revealing a fragment of something so.. genuine. Vulnerable. His clawed hands busied themselves, the tip of his nails traced the side of your face and tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear; leaning down, planting a kiss on the end of your brow. The gentle feeling of his breathing and heartbeat was the opposite of this cage made from blot and you couldn’t help but focus on the way he held onto you in the midst of falling apart. Thoroughly enjoying the way a shiver moved up your spine, Leona’s palm cupped the underside of your chin; face to face and barely apart from your lips as he whispered to emphasise his point- “But I think I’ve changed my mind. I want to keep you here, by my side.” getting closer, now whispering directly against your lips- “Let me prove myself as a king worthy of you.” -and if you happened to be the flame to set this alight- “Me and my heart- bared for your taking.”  -you might just find out that the gasoline feels too fine.
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catoslvt · 11 months
Gally (TMR) x Reader
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Death cure based with major spoilers.
You and gally were together back in the maze. It's been 3 years since he "died"
This is very long, but there is smut at the end 😜
As I stare at the masked man, I can't help but recognise him, well obviously not his face because he's wearing a gas mask, but I recognise his posture, his body language, just generally the vibes he's giving off, and it reminds me all too much of Gally.
But that's impossible, Gally died, I watched him die. I let him die.
As the van we were forced into goes over a small bump, it annoys me only more.
"Sit there all mysterious then." I grumble as I cross my arms and glare at the three of them.
"Are you guys just gonna sit there all mysterious, or are you gonna take those stupid masks off?" I spit at the three masked men, mainly aiming it at the one that resembles Gally, and Thomas and Brenda turn to me and let out small laughs whilst the masked men stay silent and continue to stare at the three off us.
Once we were let go from the vans, Jorge stumbles out of one of them, pinning down one of the masked men and hitting him across the face repeatedly.
"Where is she!?" He screams as I walk around him to reach newt, I know it's bad to have a favourite best friend, but Newt and Brenda are most definitely mine. He was there for me whilst I coped with Gallys death, and he never scolded me for grieving an "asshole" but gally wasn't an asshole, he was just misunderstood, I understood him though, and he understood me.
"Who are you?" Thomas asks as I wrap newts arm around mine and drag him to stand beside Thomas.
"Don't worry, we're all on the same side." The man says, and although his voice is muffled, it sounds like Gallys voice.
"What do you mean, all on the same side? Who are you?" Thomas quizzes, and suddenly the man takes his mask off, and my jaw drops.
"Hey, greenie." Gally says with a small smile, and my knees feel weak as I go to stumble backwards, but Newt quickly catches me, and in the few moments my eyes leave gally, Thomas has him on the floor hitting him.
"Frypan, hold y/n." Newt says, and frypan quickly holds my arm as Brenda clears her throat.
"I'm so confused. Who is he?" Brenda asks frypan and he shakes his head.
"My boyfriend." I gasp, and Brenda turns her head to stare at me, and I just shrug.
"An old friend from our maze." He tells her and I shake my head.
Once Newt has dragged Thomas off gally, I stare at him and he smiles at me.
"Hi y/n." He laughs, and I push frypan off of me and run to gally, pulling him in a tight hug as the tears begin to stream from my eyes.
"I thought you were dead." I cry as my arms tighten around his neck as his arms slowly make their way around my waist, and I just take a deep breath, taking in his new all too familiar but also unfamiliar scent.
"Without saying goodbye to you? Never." He whispers, and I just laugh before I remove my arms from his neck and cup his face with my hands.
"Holy shit it's actually you." I gasp as I stare at his face, it's been three years since I last saw gally, and as much as he's changed physically by shaving his hair, putting on more muscles, growing taller and well obviously aging, he's still the boy I met all those years ago in the glade.
"It's you too." He laughs before I roll my eyes and kiss him, and he kisses back before Brenda claps, and I awkwardly pull away from gally and stand beside him, facing my friends as Brenda smiles and shoots me a small thumbs up, she's heard every single detail about Gally and I, she heard every detail about gally himself probably over a thousand times, to the point where she said it feels as if she knows him personally.
"Why are you guys here anyway? Wckd is after you lot, like majorly." Gally asks as he looks at Thomas with his eyebrows raised slightly.
"We need to get into Wckd. They have Minho." Thomas answers and gally lets out a small laugh.
"Do you know how dangerous that is?" Gally asks and Thomas furrows his eyebrows.
"Look gally, can you help us or not? We need to get back to our camp soon, and if you're not helping us, then we're leaving." Thomas states, and I grab gallys hand and glare at Thomas, in a way that says,'I'm not leaving him.' And Thomas rolls his eyes slightly, but I just shrug him off as I turn my head to stare at gally with a smile and all the feelings come flooding back, all the feelings from when I was just a silly girl who didn't know anything, now I'm still a silly girl who knows quite alot after everything I've been through.
"Fine." Gally says as he grabs my hand and drags me deeper into wherever we are, Thomas and everyone else following us.
"After the maze, I got picked up by a group headed to the city." Gally tells us, as he's now at the front of the group, and I'm now walking with Brenda, still smiling at the fact my boyfriend is alive..
"They realised I was immune, patched me up, then brought me here. Lawrence. This group has been at war with Wckd ever since they took control over the city, but wckd couldn't hide behind those walls forever." He continued and I stare at him, Thomas or newts head ocasionally getting in the way but I don't care, even just being in his presence is enough to keep me smiling.
"The days gonna come, and they're gonna pay for what they've done." He finishes before he turns around to stare at the group.
"Listen. He doesn't get a lot of visitors, so let me do the talking, alright?" Gally asks, and we all nod.
"And try not to stare." He then adds which makes me scrunch my nose in confusion but we all follow him into the room anyways.
The room is a beautiful room filled with all types of flowers.
"Gally, glad to see you made it back. Jester told me what happened." The man exclaims as gally sets his gun down and walks towards the man.
"It was a slaughter. There was nothing we could do against those guns." Gally tells him as his hands reach up and sit on his vest, his fingers sliding underneath.
"No, but they can only poke a hornet nest for so long before they get stung." The man whispers as he raises a red rose to his nose and smells it, as Brenda, Newt and I all shoot each other a small 'what the fuck?' Look.
"Who are these people? Why are they here." The man asks, or more demands.
"we need to get into Wckd." Thomas says as he steps forward, ruining gallys full 'let me do the talking' rule, which makes me glare at him slightly.
Don't get me wrong, I love Thomas, but he thinks he's the leader of the group. All he thinks about is Teresa, really, Brenda is so clearly head over heels for him, but all he talks about is Teresa.
"Gally said you could get us through the walls." Thomas then adds and Gally just stares at him, clearly slightly annoyed.
"Gally should know better than to keep promises he can't keep." The man says, and I let out a small laugh, but I quickly stop myself before anyone turns to look at me.
"Besides, that wall is only half your problem." The man continues as he grabs the rack that is pumping something into him as he begins to walk to us.
"Getting inside wckd is impossible." He finishes and gally shakes his head.
"There might be a way now, but it doesn't work without Thomas." Gally announces.
"Is that so? You know what I am, Thomas? I am a businessman." The man says, leaning close into Thomas' face to whisper those last words
"Which means that I don't take unnecessary risks, why should I trust you?" The man asks and Thomas just stares at him.
"Because I can help you. You see if you can get me through those walls I can get you what you want." Thomas says and I turn to Brenda confused but she just shrugs her shoulders.
"So what is it that you think I need?" The man quizzes.
"Time, every last drop." Thomas states and the man turns his head to the side almost as if he's laughing.
"Is that something we both need?" The man sneers, and Thomas just continues to stare at him, almost as if he's staring through him.
"Wckd is something we both want." Thomas tells him, and he man just nods.
"I'll tell you what, two can go for now, the rest stay down here with me. Just a little insurance to make sure you'll find your way back." He tells Thomas and everyone in the group look at each other and shrug.
"Do we have a deal?" The man asks Thomas as he extends his hand for Thomas to shake, which he does, and he man just smirks.
"Gally show them the way." The man then says before gally quickly shoos us all out of the room and shows us the entrance to Wckd, which is a literal sewer drain,and I stare at gally with a smile as he lowers a ladder down into the drain, I quickly crouch on the floor next to him as he drops to the floor ready to climb down.
"Gally, take care of these two." Frypan says and gally just nods.
"Yeah." He says before he looks at me.
"Stay safe, don't get lost or hurt." I warn him and he smiles.
"Cmon y/n, you know me." He says before he kisses me and begins to descend down the ladder, and I smile and watch him go down, smiling to hide the nerves.
As one of the now non masked men lead Brenda and I into a room, he stands at the door with his arms crossed.
"This is where you'll be sleeping whilst you stay here." He says before he slams the door and leaves, and Brenda throws herself onto one of the single beds, me copying her actions.
"I can't believe I finally got to meet Gally." She says with a small laugh.
"You can't believe it!? I thought he was dead! I watched him die." I tell her with an even larger laugh and she just nods.
"You must really love him if when you saw him, you still knew the love for him was there." Brenda tells me and I just smile.
"The love for him never left, I had plenty of opportunities to find someone else, like when I was captured by Wckd there was a few boys who showed interest in me but I couldn't stop thinking about gally, in the glade I thought i loved him, but when I lost him that's when I realised I did love him." I quietly say, and she just stares at me, but then shakes her head.
"But, you thought he was dead, so why didn't you move on?" She quizzes and I shrug.
"I asked myself that almost every day, but a part of me knew he wasn't dead no matter how bizarre it sounded to say out loud." I tell her and she just smiles widely.
"I'm really happy you've got him back y/n, I could see how much you loved him when you spoke about him." She tells me with a genuine smile on her face.
"Even with him back, it doesn't mean I won't spend time with you. You're still my best friend, Brenda, you know that. You know i love you." I tell her, and she laughs.
"I love you too, not as much as I love Thomas, though." She says and I just laugh
As we sit around the table with paper spread all over it, Thomas shakes his head.
"Nope, there's got to be another way in." He says and gally laughs.
"But how? You've seen the building, she is our only way in." Gally states as I stare at him.
"You really think she's gonna help us?" Thomas asks but my gaze then falls on newt who looks as anxious as ever as he plays with his fingers.
"I don't plan on asking for her permission." Gally laughs and Brenda clears her throat.
"Am I missing something? This is the same girl who betrayed us, correct? Same dick?" She scoffs and gally looks at her with a smile.
"I like her." He tells us as he points at Brenda before he looks at me and smiles.
"What's going on?" Brenda quizzes as she looks at Thomas, and I can see the anger growing on newts face, somethings wrong with him, I can tell.
"What are you afraid that your little girlfriends gonna get hurt? Hmm?" Newt growls as he stares at Thomas through knitted eyebrows.
"This has obviously never just been about rescuing minho." He continues and I nod my head.
"Exactly." I agree, but nobody listens apart from gally who just chuckles.
"Who are you talking about?" Thomas asks as he approaches newt, who quickly slides off his chair so him and Thomas are both at eyelevel with each other.
"Teresa." He spits as if her name was poison.
"I mean, she's the reason Minhos even missing in the first place, and now we finally have the opportunity to get him back, and you don't want you because of her?" Newt asks as he's walking directly into Thomas, so Thomas has been pressed against the wall. If a deaf person was watching this play out, they'd definitely think that something else was going on here.
"Because keep down inside of you. Do you still care about her? Just admit it." Newt grumbles.
"Newt, no." Thomas answers and Newt grabs both of Thomas' shoulders and pins him tight against the wall.
"Don't lie to me!" He screams.
"Don't lie to me." He then spits and Brenda and I slap a hand over our mouths in usion, each for different reasons.
She did it out of shock, I'm doing it because I'm trying not to laugh.
Newt quickly steps back and shakes his head.
"Sorry." He mumbles.
"Sorry." He then says as he turns to face us all, and I remove my hand from my mouth and stand up from my chair and quickly approach him.
"Are you alright?" I ask and he just stares at me before he walks out, and I turn to everyone in the room, mainly pointing at Thomas though.
"I'm gonna go speak to him, I'll be back in a minute, alright?" I say to the group and everyone nods before I follow newt, quickly realising he's heading for the roof, and as I follow him I watch as he sits down and dangles his leg off of the building, clutching his right hand with his left.
"Newt, what's wrong?" I ask as I slowly sit next to him, my words coming out gentle, as I don't want to startle him. He says nothing and instead pulls up his right sleeve, revealing black veins, which you only get if you have the flare.
"I should've told you sooner." He mumbles, and as I stare at his veins, I feel tears brimming my eyes, but I quickly blink them away as i smile at him, trying to act fine even though inside I was breaking.
"No, no, newt, it's okay." I say as I grab his left hand in mine and give it a gentle squeeze.
"I'm happy you told me now." I say and he just nods at me.
"We're gonna get you the cure, okay? You're gonna be alright." I whisper, and he sadly smiles as he blinks away his own tears.
"Can you get Thomas, please?" He asks, and I nod but pull him into a tight hug.
"I really love you newt, you're my best friend, keep fighting for me, I'll get you better." I say as I stand up and run downstairs back to where everyone is and tell Thomas that newt wants him, and once Thomas is far enough away, I burst down into tears, nobody knowing why until I tell them.
"He'll be fine y/n, you know newt. He's a fighter." Gally says as he pulls me into a tight hug, his hand on top of my head as he gently plays with my hair.
"We're gonna get him the cure when we get into Wckd." Brenda calls before her, frypan and jorge all join in on the hug, which makes me let out a sad laugh as I hold onto them all.
Once I've calmed down, gally just grabs my face and stares at me, like I did when I first saw him again.
"I've missed your stupid face." He says with a large smile, and I just glare at him.
"I miss your hair." I cry as I stand on my tip-toes to feel at his now bald head which makes him scoff.
"It'll grow back." He remarks, and I sigh as I then burst out laughing.
"Actually, I think I prefer this hair." I state before Gally pulls me into a kiss, making frypan gag.
"Can you guys make out somewhere else!?" He screams before Thomas quickly runs in.
"I'm going into Wckd, gally you need to come with me, were getting Teresa." He states, and just like that, gallys gone.
Only an hour later, we all stand in front of Teresa, gally Ripping the bag off of her head as we all glare at her.
"gally?" She gasps but gally quickly quiets her by talking.
"Here's how this is gonna go. We're gonna ask you some questions, and you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know. Well, start off simple. Where's minho?" Gally asks as he grabs a chair and slams it backwards in front of Teresa so that the back of the chair is facing her as he harshly sits down on it and throws his arms over the backrest.
"You guys seriously don't think -" She says as her eyes fall past gally and onto Thomas, which makes gally laugh.
"Don't look at him? Why are you looking at him? Look at me. He's not gonna help you. We know you have minho in the building. Where?" Gally demands, and I let out a quiet gasp as my knees feel weak when I hear how demanding gally now is.
"he's with the others we're holding. At level three." Teresa answers.
"How many are there?" Newt asks, and Teresa gulps.
"twenty eight." She tells us, and we all turn around to Brenda as she plays with cards.
"I can make that work." She tells us happily with a smile.
"No, no, you guys don't understand the whole level is restricted. You can't get in without a thumbprint ID." Teresa states, and Thomas stares at her.
"That's why you're gonna come with us." Thomas tells her, and I stand up from where I'm sitting and grab the scalpel that's on the table and begin walking towards Teresa.
"Well, I don't know. You don't necessarily need her, right? Not all of her. We just need her finger." I sneer, an evil smile growing on my face as I almost pass gally, but he holds an arm out, so I bump into it, him signalling I'm taking it too far.
"y/n back off." Thomas warns from behind me, and I turn to him and glare.
"What are you squeamish? I guarantee you she's done much worse to minho." I question, and he points a threatening finger at me.
"Not the plan back off." He warns yet again, and I groan and give gallys shoulder a comforting squeeze before I walk back to the table and hand Thomas the scalpel.
"it won't make a difference. Do whatever you want to me. You still won't get through the front door. The sensors will pick you up." Teresa says, now clearly panicking after the scalpel comments I made.
"we know. We're tagged, property of wckd. You're gonna help us with that, too." Thomas says as he holds up the scalpel.
As I sit on the chair in front of Teresa as she pulls my shirt down at the back of my neck, her fingers carefully graze my skin.
"Try to relax. This is gonna sting." She says slowly before gally walks over and gives me a warm smile before crouching on the floor in front of me.
"I don't want to see you flinch. You're my tough girl y/n remember." He says with a smile, and I nod, I remember.
As I run out of the maze, tears pouring from my eyes as I grab tightly onto minhos shoulder, trying my hardest to make it as far away from the maze doors as I can before I collapse, when i was running back from in the maze my leg got caught in one of the walls as it begun to move, i pulled it out but my ankle got caught and the wall got caught in it, making my ankle make the most deafening crunch noise you'll ever hear, and my scream got minhos attention as he spirited back and pulled my ankle free of the wall, and when I try to put my ankle on the floor I can't do it, so this is how minho has ended up carrying me back to the glade.
"HELP! Someone get Clint and Jeff!" Minho screams as he sets me on the floor, out of breath from running whilst practically carrying me.
Gally must've heard minhos cries for help, because he sprints over and falls to the floor next to me and when he looks at my ankle he gasps, and he's not even a medjack so it must be bad.
"Y/n, y/n, don't cry. You're my tough girl I don't want to see you cry." Gally warns as he presses a kiss to my head.
I'm snapped out of my memory with Teresa handing me a tissue.
"That's you done." She says, and I nod and get off the chair, allowing gally to climb on it as I sit on the floor like he done with me as I use one of my hands to dab the blood off of my neck using the tissue.
"How are you alive, gally? We watched you die." Teresa asks as she focuses on cutting his neck.
"I wish I knew." Gally says flatly as he reaches out one of his hands to cup my chin, lifting my face only slightly so he can stare at me, which causes me to smile and blush.
"I'm happy you two have each other again." She then adds and I laugh.
"We never lost each other." I say and gally begins to smile again.
When we all get ready for our plan, I smile at everyone.
"We're gonna kick Wckds ass." I exclaim as I do a small happy jump which causes frypan to laugh.
"Y/n, I've never seen you so happy to basically go on a death wish mission." He tells me with a smile and I shake my head.
"Nono, they're going on the deathwish mission, brenda and I are being the drivers." I say as I motion to Gally, newt, and Thomas with a smile.
As Brenda and I sneak our way into the carpark and climb on a bus, I stare around looking for any Wckd workers, but as of right now there's none so I smile slightly.
"Why did we agree to this?" I ask with a small laugh, and Brenda gives me the 'you know why' look and I just stare at her confused, I really don't know why.
"I just thought that if Thomas saw me doing something this brave, then he might actually like me." She sighs and I gasp.
"Thomas should like you anyway! You don't need to risk your life to be good enough for some boy." I state, and she shoots me a thankful smile.
"I wish that was true." She whispers and I shake my head.
"Brenda, you're already the bravest girl I know, you survived the fucking flare for god sake! That's braver than this." I tell her as I grab her shoulders and shake her.
"You're braver than me." She argues, and I shake my head yet again.
"It's not a competition, Brenda. If Thomas doesn't like you for you, then he's not worth it." I say as I give her shoulder a tight squeeze and she then smiles widely at me.
Minutes later, gallys voice rings through the walkie-talkie, asking where we are, and instantly, as he turns the corner, he almost runs face first into our bus, which causes me to laugh.
"Come on let's go!" I exclaim as Brenda opens the doors and the kids begin running in.
As I run to the other door and open it, I stare at gally confused.
"Where's Thomas?" I quiz and he stares at me confused.
"I was hoping he was with you." Gally says and I quickly step out of the bus, but gally grabs me and pushes me back in.
"No y/n, stay with the kids, wait here. I'll find him." He promises, and I just stare at gally, but quickly pull him into a kiss, which makes a few of the kids giggle before I break the kiss.
"Just wait for us, okay." Gally says as he pulls his mask down and then runs off.
I quickly climb on the bus as panic fills my stomach, I can't help but to think that something is gonna go wrong.
"Everyone, alright?" I ask as I turn to all the kids in the bus who just stare at me but all nod.
"I'm y/n, my friend who'll drive the bus is Brenda, were not a part of wckd and were here to take you somewhere safe, alright?" I ask, and all the kids cheer before Brenda gasps.
"Get down!" She exclaims, and I drop to the floor, all of the kids ducking in their seats.
"Stay quiet." She whispers, and i crawl next to her and watch carefully as armed guards approach the bus.
"Sorry, Thomas." I hear her say before she quickly jumps in her seat, me coping her because I know she's about to drive and i don't want to fly to the back of the bus.
As the bus starts, she screams to everyone to hold on as she begins to drive, bursting through barricades as she navigates the city seats, Wckd cars now driving behind us.
"We're fucked!" I yell as I let out large fits of laughter whilst all the kids behind us scream extremely loud.
"You'll all be alright! Just hang on!" I scream to them as Brenda continues to swerve and drive around.
"Jorge is a shit driving instructor." I tell her through large laughs.
"Oh yeah? Didn't he teach you how to drive too!?" She asks, and I just nod.
But whilst we're driving, Wckd cars behind flying at us from all angles and Brenda swerves the car, and now I'm panicking aswell as the kids, but we come to a stop on the middle of the road, and Brenda exits rhe car whilst I stay with the kids.
"We're gonna be alright guys, this is our plan." I tell them all, and they just let out worried cries and whimpers.
Our plan is set in motion once Brenda let's off her flare and connects the rod to our bus and screams to everyone to hold onto something, seconds before the bus is lifted into the air, dangling by the front as we crash into buildings and spin around.
But my laughing comes to a hault when I realise that the rod is slowly but surely Ripping the bumper off of the bus, meaning we're going to fall.
As we all begin screaming and crying, frypan quickly drops us, which sends us hurdling to the ground, but we don't actually fit the ground until the rod fully rips the bumper off of the bus, and the bus lands on the backdoors, until it tips forward and Brenda and I quickly motion for all of the kids to climb out and follow us, but first we had to wait on frypan.
Once we run back to Lawrence's lair thing, we run around trying to find everyone, but nobody is there.
"Where is everyone?" Frypan quizzes before him and Brenda take off in a sprint, leaving me with all the kids, I love taking care of kids, I think kids are funny.
"Is everyone alright?" I ask as I turn to stare at them, and they all nod.
"Thank you for saving us." The youngest boy of them all says, and I stare at him and smile. He reminds me of Chuck.
"Nobody deserves to go through what they put you through." I tell him with a large smile as I crouch down to his size, and he laughs and hugs me, which almost makes me cry as I hug back.
As we pull the kids into the main part, Thomas begins to talk through the walkie-talkie, but she's too far for any of us to hear, so I divert my attention to the kids again.
"Our safe space, is gonna be perfect. Much better than anything Wckd had." I promise as I look at all of them.
"Really?" A girl asks and I nod.
"Mhm, so much better, and you guys can help with building it. You can design your own rooms and pick who you want to share a room with. It's completely up to you." I say, and they all clap and cheer, clearly excited for this promised safe haven I'm talking about, and I hope it'll be as good as I'm making it sound.
"Will you be sharing a room with that boy you were kissing?" A different girl asks with a small 'oooo' rising from all of the other kids.
"Maybe, if he doesn't annoy me." I tell them and they all laugh.
"I used to share a room with him, well more of a hammock, and he always used to steal the blanket from me during the night so I'd wake up freezing." I groan and all the kids continue to laugh.
"Did you get them back!?" One gasps and I nod.
"I pushed him out of the hammock and took all of the blanket for myself." I answer.
Suddenly, I hear an aircraft outside and I run to check it out with Brenda and Frypan, and I realise Jorge has brought our ride, and all the kids quickly run out after us running inside, where we see Vince, and once we've flown near the tunnel we fall back down to the ground waiting for everyone to come, but they don't. So we all run out of the aircraft to see the Wckd city getting burned down.
"We can't stay here Brenda." Jorge states as he turns to her.
"Don't worry, they'll be here." She argues as she shakes her head.
Only seconds later, I hear Teresa's voice ring through the speakers, and I'm practically sick hearing her talk. Even though she helped us get into wckd, I hate her, I don't even listen to what she has to say. I just block her out.
As we get back into the aircraft I play around with the vial of the cure around with my hands, being careful not to drop it, when minho and gally run at the aircraft.
"Where's the serum!?" Minho yells, and I hold it up in my hands, and I instantly know what I have to do, I instantly begin running through the Wckd city, missing bullets only merely and jumping through fire as tears stream down my face, I need to get this back to newt, even if it kills me in the process.
As I twist and turn through alleys and different streets being so close to them, my ankle begins to hurt, as in the ankle I hurt four years ago by now, but I push through it, only to turn the corner and see newt, dead on the floor, Thomas crouched over him.
"No!" I scream as the tears begin to pour harder as I sprint to newts side, dropping to my knees on the floor as I cup newts face with one hand and shake his shoulder with the other.
Thomas says nothing as he stands up and walks away, giving me time to give newt the serum, but it doesn't work. He doesn't wake up and laugh, he doesn't even blink.
"Newt no, please. Please!" I scream as frypan, gally, minho and Brenda surround us.
"Y/n, he's gone." Brenda says from behind me, and I shake my head.
"No please! He's not gone the serum just hasn't kicked in yet." I cry as I continue to shake him.
"Newt, it's me y/n. Please wake up, please." I beg, although it's obvious he's dead, but it was also obvious gally was dead, so why can't newt come back too.
"Y/n, come on we need to go." Minho says through his own tears.
"No, I can't leave him here. What if he wakes up!?" I exclaim, my sadness now turning into anger towards everyone.
"You know he won't y/n, he's dead." Brenda says from behind me.
"He's not fucking dead!" I scream as I continue to shake him, my tears blinding me as everything continues to go blurry, as I feel my body being hoisted up off of the floor.
"Y/N, if we don't go, we're going to be burned alive." Gally says sternly as he throws me over his shoulder.
"Gally, please, no! I can't just leave him here!" I scream as I begin to thresh against gallys hold, but he's too strong.
"Y/n, it's okay." Brenda coos and I shake my head.
"No! You're all sick. You're leaving him here to be killed!" I scream, but I feel someone hit me over the head with something and everything goes black.
When I open my eyes, the room is so painfully bright that I let out a small groan as I shield my eyes from the light as I sit up and take in my surroundings.
"Y/n?" I hear Brenda say from beside me as she begins to stir from a sleep. And I turn my head to the side and see her sitting up and rubbing her eyes, and I realise I'm in a hospital room.
"Where am I?" I ask and she smiles and reaches out to grab my hand.
"We're in the safe haven y/n." She tells me with a large smile, and I just nod before she quickly stands up.
"I should go tell gally you're awake." She says before she runs out, leaving me questioning why my stomach is all bandaged.
When gally walks in, his eyes light up when he sees me.
"Y/n, are you alright?" He gasps as he quickly runs and sits on the edge of the hospital bed, pulling me into a hug whilst being careful of my stomach.
"What happened to my stomach?" I ask as I hug back.
"When you were running to give newt the serum, you got shot. We all noticed, but somehow, you didn't. Your adrenaline was too high. So when you were screaming over newt, making your heart race, it was pumping more blood out, but you still didn't realise." He tells me and I just stare at him and nod.
"I didn't want to knock you out, but I had to. Otherwise, you would've died due to blood loss, im sorry." He frantically tells me, and I sit up and rest my head on his shoulders.
"You saved me gally." I whisper before I gasp, which hurts my stomach, but I shake it off.
"So we're at the safe haven now?!" I exclaim and gally nods as he stands up.
"You want to see hm?" He quizzes before he takes my hand and carefully stands me up before he shows me around the safe haven, and I stop at the rocks with everyone's names carved into it, my heart stopping when I see Newts name, but my eyebrows raise in shock when I see Teresa's name.
"Teresa died?" I ask as I turn to gally.
"Saving Thomas, actually." Gally says as he slings an arm around my shoulder.
"Well shit." I whisper as I begin to feel bad for all of the grief I gave her after she betrayed us, all for her to die saving Thomas.
Suddenly, my eyes fell on minho, and I realised I totally forgot we saved him, so I ran at him full speed, throwing my arms over him in probably one of the tightest hugs ever.
"Careful there." He says as he hugs me back, also being careful of my stomach.
"It's good to see you again." He then tells me with a laugh and I just nod.
As we all sit around the bonfire, all of us, Vince begins to speak.
"We've come along way together. So many people sacrificed so much to make this place possible." He begins.
"Your friends." He continues, and our group all look at each other and smile, all of us nodding in agreement.
"Your family." He adds, and Brenda looks at me, as I turn to face her from infront of her, gally and I sitting infront of her, minho and Thomas and she grabs my hand, and she mouths 'my sister' which brings a few tears to my eyes.
"So here's to the ones that couldn't be here." Vince continues as he raises his glass, and tears begin to spill when I think of newt.
"Here's to the friends we lost." Vince says as I raise my glass high, everyone doing the same.
"This place is for you. it's for all of us." He continues and gally looks at me, and when he realises I'm crying, he wraps an arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.
"But this, this is for them." Vince says as he points at the rocks with everyone's names on them.
"Welcome to the safe haven!" Vince then screams and we all clap and cheer, and from the corner of my eye I see Brenda and Thomas kissing, which makes me snap my head to them, letting out a large 'What!?' Which makes everyone around us laugh, before I taste whatever in my cup, and I let out a massive gasp which takes all the oxygen out of my lungs.
"It's your drink!" I scream to gally, and he nods before pulling me into a deep, meaningful kiss.
"It sure is." He says with a small smile before we go down to the front with Vince and start the massive bonfire, where we all talk and laugh all night, but gally is way more touchy, infact he's toucher than ever tonight.
"You know, we have our own room now, no more sharing a hammock in front of everyone." Gally says once the bonfire has died down and there's hardly any people around us.
"Wait, really?" I ask happily, and he nods.
"Yeah, would you like to see?" He quizzes, and I nod.
"Are you sure you won't mind leaving the bonfire?" He asks and I just shrug.
"Hardly anyone here now anyway." I say, and he grabs my hand and leads me to our room, which I just gawk at.
"Holy shit it's so nice!" I exclaim as I jump on the bed, only paining my stomach a little bit as I smile, and gally copies me, but he grabs my waist and pulls me on top of him, pressing small kisses to my lips.
"Gally." I say with laughs in between kisses, yes sure gally and I have made out before, but this is different, I can tell it is.
And I'm really not complaining.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asks as he leans his head into the pillows to break the kisses.
"No." I state as I smile at him.
"Good." He tells me before he flips us around so he's on top of me, which makes me blush, and I slowly feel a pit in my stomach growing, and I feel myself becoming wet.
"God, you're so gorgeous." Gally mumbles before he presses lips against mine, this time not breaking it, and instead, he deepens it by pushing his tongue into my mouth, which causes me to let out a small moan.
I can't remember if I've ever done anything like this before the maze, but if i have, it'd be really weird seeing as I would've been like fourteen or fifteen.
Gally smiles into the kiss as his hand slides under my shirt and makes its way to my bra, where he gently gropes my tits through the fabric of the bra, which only makes my moans slightly louder.
"You like that, hm?" Gally quizzes with a small chuckle before his lips make their way to my neck, as he begins to suck and bite it gently.
"Oh my god, gally." I groan as I wrap one of my legs around his waist, trying to pull him closer, but he's clearly still being careful of my stomach.
When gally stops kissing my neck, he looks up at me as he takes his hands off of my tits as it makes its way down to the button of my jeans, and I quickly kick off the sliders I'm now wearing, god knows where my trainers are because I wasn't even wearing this outfit when I last remember being awake.
"I missed you so much, yknow, not a day went by that I didn't think of you." Gally tells me as he unbuttons my jeans and unzips them, my breath hitching when he begins to pull them down my legs, his eyes not leaving mine.
"I always thought of you every day. I knee you were alive." I say to him, and he smiles at me.
"Oh yeah? What did you think about?" He asks before he pulls down my pants and slowly presses a finger to my clit, gently rubbing circles on it.
"Oh god- I thought of us. What would've happened between us if you lived." I tell him, moaning after almost every word, I'm a full virgin, like I've not ever even touched myself, I mean, how could I? I've never been left alone.
"Oh? What would've happened if i made it out with you guys?" He teases as he raises one of his fingers to his own mouth and carefully sucks it, before he slowly slides it into me.
"I had always thought that we could've got married or some shit, no matter how fucked the world was." I tell him with a small laugh and he smiles as he slowly begins to slide his finger in and out of me, causing me to turn into a moaning mess.
"And what about this? Did you ever think about us doing this?" Gally teases as he adds another finger into me, causing me to throw my head back into the pillow.
"Yes, oh fuck yes." I cry as his fingers reach deeper into me and its true.
"When?" He asks with a small smirk.
"All the time at night in the glade, I used to think about us sneaking into the deadheads and just doing it there, and then the night where I first saw you again I wanted you there and then." I tell him.
"Awh." He coos before he kisses me, and I shake my head and break the kiss.
"Gally, I want you." I whine, and he smirks at me as he pulls his two fingers out of me and sliding them into his own mouth, still maintaining eyecontact with me as he removes his fingers from his mouth, and his hands begin to work on his belt, but I swat his hands away and begin to unbuckle his belt myself, and once his belts fully gone, I take off his jeans, and then his boxers, and I audibly gasp when I see his cock.
I always knew gally was big, we had changed infront of each other before and I always saw the outline of his cock against his boxers, but now that its there infront of me, I'm gobsmacked.
"If it hurts, or if you want me to stop, just tell me." Gally warns and I nod as I lean back into the pillows and spread my legs as gally positions himself ontop of me as he begins to position his cock directly with my enterance.
"Are you still sure you want to do this?" Gally asks, and I carefully grab his face and nod.
"I'm sure gally." I promise and he nods before he slowly begins to push his cock into me, and I bite down hard on my lip.
It hurts. Don't get me wrong. But it feels absolutely perfect. I squeeze my eyes shut once he's fully inside of me, and I let out small moans when he lets out a small grunt.
"Is this okay?" He asks, and I moan and nod as he begins to thrust in and out of me.
"Fuck, it feels perfect gally, faster please." I beg and I watch as he nods as he begins to thurst faster into me, reaching deeper each time which sends me into full bliss.
"Do you know how much I thought about this?" Gally groans as he continues to thrust into me, going at a pace that's comfortable for both of us, and it's absolutely perfect, I stare at gally with a smile as I continue to moan, my eyes not leaving him.
"My handsome boy." I quietly say to him, and he looks at me with lit up eyes.
"You think I'm handsome?" He asks, his thrusts getting slightly faster.
"I think you're the best-looking boy to ever exist, gally." I tell him truthfully, and he presses a hand next to my head on the pillow as he stares down into my eyes, he's sweating slightly now.
"I think you're the most beautiful girl. Nobody could compare to you." He states and I smile weakly, his words pushing me over the edge as I come undone, gally quickly groaning and pulling out just intime to cum on my stomach.
"I love you gally." I sigh as he presses his forehead against mine.
"I love you too. I'll love you forever." He promises with a weak kiss to my lips.
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dontbeunraisonable · 7 months
Reward - Lucifer x GN!Reader
Prompt: You offer to give them a reward in exchange for them doing something.
Word Count: 0.8k words
Warnings: none
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Now, Lucifer doesn’t usually need a “carrot-and-stick” ploy to get him to do something. He usually listens to reason or exchanges of favors. And is generally responsible.
But tonight he was in a particularly sour mood. So sour that throwing himself into paperwork was just making him feel worse. The music was off, his wine glass had been abandoned across the room. He was just stewing.
The House of Lamentation was unusually quiet. His brothers could smell the negative energy wafting from Lucifer’s study and were all hiding from him. They told you to hide, too, but you figured that leaving him to marinate in his own bad vibes would just make him more mad.
You politely knocked on the door, careful not to be too loud.
When you didn’t hear him tell you to go away, or the sound of furniture being thrown at the door, you went ahead inside. He was sitting at his desk surrounded by papers and folders. When he saw you, he gave you a small smile and put his pen to the side to rub his temples.
“Hello, my darling.” He sounded tired.
“Evening. Heard you’re in a bad mood.”
He frowned. He never appreciated finding that his brothers had been talking about him. Especially to others. Especially to the exchange students. And especially to you. But you were saying it gently and crossing the room to stand next to him. His frown softened as he leaned into your touch, carding fingers through his hair and pressing his head into your chest.
“You feeling stressed, baby?” you whispered, kissing the top of his head. “Anything I can do to help?”
His eyes fluttered shut. “Mm. No. This is enough.”
“How much of this do you need to get done tonight? Can you just go to bed and do it with a fresh mind tomorrow.”
He sighed and hugged you tightly. “I need to keep working.”
“Just a bit more. Then bed. You won’t be doing your best work when you’re tired and in a bad mood.”
He grumbled something but he was melting under your touch and knew he would cave soon. Time for a secret weapon.
“Finish this file and I’ll give you a reward, okay? Then I’ll let you get back to work.”
He perked up. “Reward?”
He waited for you to tell him what the reward was, then figured from your smile that you weren’t going to.
“Fine. Sit over there with your secret and I’ll finish this.”
It didn’t take him too long, but he kept glancing up at you from your spot on the couch. You didn’t even pretend to not be staring at him. Chin on the heel of your hand. Smiling.
He looked so handsome when focused, and was looking prettier and prettier as his frown faded. Tousled black hair. Loosened tie and partially unbuttoned shirt. Gloves discarded. Shapely eyebrows slowly returned to a resting position, and no longer pressed together and made a wrinkle on his forehead. Not that he was any less cute with it, but you would much rather see your sweet demon smiling over pouting (or sulking, depending on how much you valued your life).
You were so enamoured that you almost missed it when he finished the file. Almost. He dropped his pen and threw everything back in the folder. With a flourish, he moved it to the “completed” box and stood. Grabbed his coat. Stalked towards you.
“I’ve finished the file, darling.” He settles the coat on the back of the couch and leans down. One knee settles next to yours and his face is close as purrs, “Now, what’s this about a reward.”
You slip between his arms and stand, gently guiding him to stand straight before you. He does so, but his body still leans in and almost coils around you. It reminds you of ivy on a house, or a snake on its favorite zookeeper. 
Gentle hands hold his face still and you press a kiss to his lips.
Dark eyelashes flutter closed and he inhales deeply. Both of you hold onto each other tightly, his arms roaming up and down your back, while yours are stationary, one gripping his upper back and the other his lower.
Before it can deepen, you pull back. He lets out a huff. He was a real baby about teasing, but that was not the point. 
You kiss him again, chastely pressing your lips over his, then the corners of his mouth, his chin, his cheek, his eyelids, his forehead. Gentle pecks, leaving the warmth of you all over his face. He couldn’t help but smile.
He could almost forget what (or more accurately, who) had put him in such a mood. Almost. But revenge was best served cold. And he would much rather kiss you and sleep comfortably in your embrace than plot and scheme. He was a softy like that.
Posted: 2023 December 8
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artificialbreezy · 5 months
Please please please please more dom! Noah. You seem to know bdsm well from looking at old posts on your blog and I just love your take on everything
girl i had too much fun with this. it’s kinda. a long one. buckle up
nsfw under the cut
• “You’re so pretty, baby. Can’t believe you’re mine.”
• “I know you can’t reach that; why not ask for help little one?”
• Lots of hugs from behind
• Idk man i just feel like he’d be needy but not like needy in a bad way. Needy as like, he wants to be near you all the time (except when the workaholic parts of him are front and center)
• I don’t think he’d would like neglect you when he’s working on an album but i definitely see him being a little distant
• Like he wouldn’t plan dates as often or his calls would be later than usual
• but when you were at his house he’d have you with him while he's working. Showing you what he's working on.
• He gets in his head sometimes, he needs a reminder from his partner that he’s okay.
• That he’s loved and he’s never a bother to you
• He is 100% a dom
• Sometimes a mean dom, sometimes a soft dom. I feel it really depends on the day
• Like did he wake up annoyed with the world? Mean dom Noah is heeerrreee
• Did he wake up and look over at his little baby and just stare in awe? Soft dom day.
• Let's talk about soft dom Noah first
• i definitely think daddy and sir are the most common names he chooses to go by
• I mean cmon listen to his lyrics, he's got that whole hierarchy thing going on.
• size kink = daddy kink
• they go hand in hand for noah
• he’d put his hand on your stomach and say “can feel myself in your tummy baby. taking my cock so well”
• the first time you call him daddy is when he’s just being relentless, you have tears in your eyes and you don’t have any thoughts just “daddy please”
• man would lose it internally. he didn’t know he’d like that, that much. but here he is.
• “what was that baby? say it again for me yeah? can you do that? can you say it again for daddy?”
• now punishments for dom noah? they range from writing lines to harsh spanks to overstimulation
• his favorite is overstimulation bc seeing you cry from all the pleasure he’s giving you really gets him going
• “awe baby cmon, you know daddy only gives good girls what they want. beg for it.”
• if he’s gonna spank you, he’s gonna do it when you’re least expecting it. he doesn’t want to give you time to prepare. he wants your raw emotions right then and there
• he’ll be sitting on the couch all spread out and you’ll walk by and he’ll just grab you and pull you over his lap
• “ya know why i’m doing this right baby?”
• if you DONT respond he’d send a warning hit that causes a big jolt
• “that’s a warning, now answer me.”
• when you miss count he stops and sends a lil warning smack to your pussy. “start over angel, you know the rules. where’d my good girl go?”
• now let’s get into the soft dom every day Noah that’s outside of the bedroom
• big ✨daddy✨vibes
• he loves watching you color while he plays his game.
• warms his heart to see you on his bed with a stuffed animal next to you and a big ole coloring book in front of you
• really warms his heart to see your tongue hanging out of your mouth a lil bc you’re so focused on your picture
• whenever your done with it, he hangs it up on his wall bc “awe baby look at this! you’re a natural artist!”
• he loves taking you on little picnic dates.
• he’ll get you dressed in your cute little dresses and pack your favorite lunch and hold your hand the whole way there and then take you to the park afterwards bc he knows you love the swings
• he 100% fills up your cups
• need more soda? absolutely not “daddy said you need water now angel. don’t argue”
• and you’d pout a lil bit at the end of the day you know he just wants what’s best for you and your health
• he LOOOOVES when you drag out his name when you want something
• “daaaaaddddyyyyy”
• he’d just smile down at you “what do you need little one? how can i help you?”
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wonwooslibrary · 9 months
svt as boyfriends ♡ jeonghan edition
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member: yoon jeonghan genre: fluff, bullet points, established relationship word count: 668 summary: jeonghan's boyfriend things <3 warnings: none! author's note: i totally forgot to write this oops but heeeey it's done and it's jeonghan's turn! school has been a lot so i'm sorry that I haven't been posting as much </3 I'm trying to write more in my free time so we'll see :O
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I feel like Jeonghan would be the “silent boyfriend”
Jeonghan gives the perfect college boyfriend vibes and I love that for him idk
Quality Time 
Jeonghan slays so hard at quality time
As I said, Jeonghan gives college bf vibes and it’s totally because of his love of quality time! 
When you are doing work, he’d totally agree to sit with you somewhere on campus or in a local cafe to study with you and help you memorize terms for your next exam! 
If you don’t go to school, he’d totally help you with your work projects too!!!
If you don’t have work projects either, he’d just be there for you if you are having a rough day, just as someone to lean on and to listen to you talk <3 
He’s so caring I love him
He would also definitely love to go on night walks with you when it’s late! He would totally find a spot where y’all can see the stars and take you there so you can stargaze and share some snacks 
Words of Affirmation 
Jeonghan is totally a “sweetie” or “baby” kind of guy and you cannot change my mind about it at all 
I can imagine Jeonghan coming home from a long practice or something and finding you in the living room. He’d sit next to you on the couch and lean against you and be all like, “Hi baby, how was your day?” 
(I’d actually scream pls) 
He would always say sweet things to you like “I missed you, baby” or “I love spending time with you” aaaaaa 
Jeonghan is a compliment machine so never think he would keep his thoughts to himself 
“Sweetie, I love the outfit you wore the other day! It looked perfect on you” 
Physical Touch
Jeonghan obsessed with little or light touches 
Loves holding hands when you’re waiting in line for something, or resting his hand on your knee when you’re sitting together on public transport 
And of course don’t forget about the back hugs when you’re doing something like dishes, brushing your teeth or literally just standing and texting your friend back
Head pats !!! Loves just patting your head and combing through your hair slightly
Y’all would be the couple that I strive to be a part of in my dreams 
Just imagine Jeonghan being a cuddly bf :( 
Acts of Service 
Helping you brush and do your hair!!! He definitely knows how to braid so imagine all the cool stuff he could do 
And if you have short hair, don’t fear: he’s got the butterfly clips all prepared just to be silly 
Definitely helps you with chores when you are busy or need to just take a break from existing 
Likes driving you places, even if you are a better driver and also enjoy driving 
He just likes making sure you get places safely and also don’t have to stress yourself out from how bad the traffic can be 
He also just likes letting you be in control of his radio 
Gift Giving 
He would totally go to your favorite cafe or bakery in the morning and get your favorite treat and bring it back while you’re still sleeping so when you wake up, you get something amazing from him !!!
Spoils you all the time but instead of it being jewelry or something expensive, he just gets you small trinkets 
Totally buys you pins for your bag when he goes literally anywhere 
Also loves to get you little decorations for your place: including stuffed animals, one being an extremely soft lamb that you decided to name Mareep, like the Pokemon
Now, for something like holidays and your birthday, he would get something more sentimental, like matching bracelets or something!!! 
He would want to get something for the both of you that he can still wear during practice, photoshoots and when he’s filming literally anything
Even if the audience doesn’t know what it symbolizes, he would know and that's very soft boyfriend of him <3
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gunilslaugh · 7 days
a small soft drabble of the reader reacting to ot6 changing their hair color!! I thought of it since Gaon changed his hair color again 😭
All members •_ ^ - ^_• Summary: You reacting to Xdinary Heroes' new hair color. (idol au) WC:825 Warning:none
I wasn’t quite sure how to write this, so I'm sorry if it sucks.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
The door cracks open catching your attention. You turn your head to look at the door from where you’re currently sitting on the couch. In walked Gunil and you immediately notice the different color of his hair. 
“You didn’t tell me you were changing your hair,” you said, standing up from the couch and walking over to Gunil. 
“I wanted to surprise you. How does it look?” He gently looped his arms behind your back. You reach your hands up to inspect the freshly colored strands. “It looks good. I like it,” you say with a smile. 
“And I like you,” he says. 
“What?” you laugh. “I would hope since we’re dating,” you added, still laughing a bit. Gunil smiles. 
“I just wanted to tell you.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“Are you trying out every shade of blonde or what?” you asked, coming up to Jungsu and ruffling his newly dyed hair with your hand. Jungsu laughs, catching your hand in his.
“I’ve had brown and black hair before,” he defended. He pulls your hand away from his head.
“You’re right, but you like blonde the best don’t you?” you checked. 
“I think it looks good on me,” he states. 
“It does, but with your handsome face I think any color would look good on you.” You cup his face in your hands. 
“Don’t exaggerate.” He tried to hide his blush.  
“Yeah, thinking about it, neon orange would be a very hard color to pull off,” you note. 
“Yeah I’m not that bold,” he states. 
“I’d still like you with it though.” You kiss his cheek.
“Oh it’s actually dark blue,” you say as Jiseok sat down next to you. “I thought it was black at first,” you tell. 
“Is the blue a disappointment,” he joked. 
“No,” you chuckled. “I think it’s better actually. Like a fun surprise,” you smiled. 
“I thought so too,” he told you. 
“Did you lose a bet or something though?” you questioned. 
“Does it look bad?” He looked at you slightly worried. 
“No. It looks great. I just feel like in Xdinary Heroes you’re the one who dyes their hair unnatural colors the most,” you explained. 
“I’m just the fun one,” he bragged. 
“Well keep being fun then I like it.” You brought your fingers up to play with his blue hair. 
“Whatever you wish.” He leaned into your touch.
“Why didn’t you tell me we were getting a blonde hair Seungmin,” you say, taking in his lighter colored locks. 
“Cause I’ve been blonde before,” he chuckled. 
“But that was when your peach hair was fading. This is on purpose. It’s different,” you state going over to him to get a better look at his new hair. Seungmin chuckles at your reaction. 
“Well do you like it?” he asked playfully. 
“Yeah I do.” You playfully tickled him with his own hair.
“Stop.” He caught your hand in his, making you pout. “You like playing with my hair that much?” he teased. 
“Mhm, it’s fun,” you say. Seungmin shakes his head, but lets go of your hand, letting you resume playing with his new hair.
“You have officially gone full emo,” you state aftering seeing Hyeongjun with his long black hair. Hyeongjun softly chuckles at your reaction. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked. 
“Nothing, I’ve been waiting for this moment. It suits you so well,” you tell him. 
“Thanks,” he says. 
“Come here. Let me get a closer look,” you waved him over. Hyeongjun can’t help but smile at your excitement about his new hair. 
“Do you like it?” you questioned, looking at his darkened strands. 
“Yeah, I’ve been wanting to do it for a while,” he tells you. 
“It looks good. Rockstar vibes,” you say. 
“You mean an emo rockstar?” he joked, making you laugh. 
“Yes, an emo rockstar in the best way possible,” you state. 
“So you think villain’s will like it?” 
“Oh they’re gonna love it.” You nod your head affirmatively. 
Jooyeon comes and takes a seat beside you at the table and you have to do a double take.
“I did not recognize you for a second,” you laughed. Taking a moment to look at his new hair.
“Wow, you can’t even recognize your own boyfriend?” he says quasi-offended. 
“It’s not my fault I got used to your long hair.” You brush your hand through his now shorter locks. “You dyed it too,” you say. 
“Do I really look that different?” he asked. 
“At first glance yeah, but you still have the same pretty face, so not really,” you squished his cheeks. 
“You have a pretty face too.” He squished your cheeks back. You two sit there like idiots smiling while squishing each other's cheeks.
“Does this mean I get comeback spoilers?” You raised your brow. 
“I don’t know what’s in it for me?” he challenged. 
“Kisses,” you say. 
“Deal.” He smiled brightly.
taglist: @purplelady85 @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143
comment or message me to be added!
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tenswrld · 1 year
mark lee x reader, super fluffy bc this is my literal bf and he makes me want to cry 25/8
a/n: mark brainrot has been so bad lately the delusions are getting to me
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“where do you wanna go for lunch today?” you asked your boyfriend, who was currently mindlessly scrolling through his phone. 
it was mark’s day off from his tour, leaving you and him to explore chicago on your own. like the lovely significant other you are, you decided to treat mark out for lunch as a way to reward him for all the hard work that he’s been doing.
“uhm,” he thought for a second before letting out an awkward laugh. “i don’t really know what’s around here.”
you thought about taking him somewhere fancy; somewhere where you could proudly treat your boyfriend to expensive ass food (even if it did leave you and your wallet crying by the end of the night) because, to you, mark deserved nothing but the absolute best. thus, you began to search for some of the more famous spots in chicago. a curious hum from your lover quickly interrupted you and caught your attention.
“johnny was talking about this one place he used to go to all the time,” he trailed off, trying to remember the name. “it’s, like, a bakery...?”
“a bakery...” you mumbled to yourself, smiling at the idea. “that would be cute!”
“i think it was called panera...?” mark sat up, ready to call johnny to confirm if his memory was correct. “yeah, i’m pretty sure that’s what it was called.”
you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “you want to go to panera?”
mark smiled at the sound of your laughter and turned to look at you. “yeah, i’m down! i want to see what johnny was raving about.”
“it’s not all that fancy though, just a warning,” you replied. not that there was anything wrong with panera, but you wanted to treat mark to something...better than panera.
mark shrugged, moving a stray piece of hair out of your eyes. “i don’t care about that. as long as i get to spend time with you, i can eat anything.”
flushed, you looked away and stood up, pulling mark up with you. “alright! panera it is!”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
the two of you stood aside as you browsed the menu together. you hummed nostalgically with a soft smile on your face as you took in the atmosphere.
“you know, i used to come to panera a lot when i was in high school, too,” you told your boyfriend (who was meticulously observing his different options of soup).
at this, mark turned his head to you. “really? that’s dope, i didn’t know that.” the excitement in his voice made you chuckle, finding your boyfriend extremely endearing. “okay, should i get the chicken soup, or the broccoli cheddar? what vibe are we feeling today?”
after a moment, you leaned into his shoulder. “how about the chicken soup? we can share that and i can get us a pizza to share too.”
mark nodded and placed a soft kiss on your head, silently agreeing to your proposal. he let out a sudden gasp, catching you off guard. “woah, wait, you can get your soup in a bread bowl?” he looked at you as if to get your opinion and was only met with a fond smile. he took that as a way of you saying you liked the idea as much as he did. “dude, let’s do that.”
“i’ll order, you can find us a place to sit.” you gently pushed mark, determined to pay for your guys’ meal today.
mark frowned, keeping close to your side. “what? no, no, i can order, you should go sit.”
you placed your hands on mark’s shoulders, stopping him in his place. “let me treat you today, okay? you deserve it.” after mark made no effort to move, you pleaded one more time. “please? let me do this for you.”
although reluctant, mark eventually gave into you. he placed a quick peck on your cheek before turning around to go find a table for you two. “i’m treating us to dessert after this, then.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
“oh my god.”
you couldn’t help but laugh at the way that mark marveled at the food in front of him. he happily took photos of his bread bowl (and the pizza, but he was more excited about the bread bowl), and insisted on taking cute photos of you despite your constant whining about not being photogenic enough. you also took photos of mark, though he was too focused on the soup to notice that you were. 
mark dipped his spoon into the soup and raised it towards you, urging you to take the first bite (slurp ??). “here, taste it.”
leaning over the table, you hummed happily at the taste of the warm soup. maybe it was because of the cold weather in chicago, but the soup tasted especially good (or, maybe it was because you were eating it with the person you loved the most). “wow, that’s really good!”
mark took a napkin and wiped at a small drop of soup that dripped onto your chin before bringing the spoon to his mouth as well. leaning back in his seat, mark sighed in content, very clearly enjoying the soup. “damn,” he said after a second. “that’s some good soup. i see why you and johnny would come here all the time.”
“i think i only ever got the mac n cheese so, this is pretty new for me too,” you admitted, laughing at the look of disbelief on your boyfriend’s face.
“all those choices and you chose mac n cheese?” he teased you before feeding you another spoonful of soup.
“hey, the mac n cheese is really good, okay? and i was, like, sixteen.” you pouted at him.
“yeah, sixteen and clearly missing out on some good soup.” mark laughed at you, wincing after you gently kicked him under the table. “maybe we’ll have to come back sometime so you can treat me to this famous mac n cheese.”
smiling and reaching over to gently poke at his free hand, you agreed. “i think panera dates should be our thing whenever we come to the u.s., hm?”
mark shrugged. “that would be cool. i would eat anywhere with you, you know.” he took your hand in his and played with your fingers as he stared fondly at you.
you scrunched up your nose, feigning disgust. “you’re so corny.” mark only let out a soft chuckle and squeezed your hand that was still held in his.
“thanks for lunch today. you didn’t have to do that,” he thanked you softly, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.
“i wanted to treat you out today. you’ve been working really hard, it’s the least that i could do,” you confessed to him. “you’re doing great, you know? i don’t think i tell you that enough.”
dipping his head down, mark let out small noises of embarrassment. “don’t say things like that, you’re gonna make me blush.” he tried to fight the smile that was slowly growing on his face, but it was no use. “thank you, y/n. i love you.”
you pressed a quick kiss to his knuckles, your heart swelling at his words. “i love you too. now let’s fuck up this food!”
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mustainegf · 23 days
Fluff w/ James where the reader is having a sleep over at the metallimansion and he asks the reader to braid his hair and in return they try to teach him how to do it too but he's really bad and he feels bad that he knotted up the reader's hair so they cuddle and the reader just reassures him that it's okay
I’m gonna kiss him EVERYWHERE DUDE
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I had always liked the laid back, almost chaotic vibe of James' house. It was an old fashioned place filled with mismatched furniture and band posters on the walls, not surprising considering its residents, James and his bandmates.
Tonight, I was staying over for the first time.
James and I were cuddled up on the worn-out sofa in the living room.
His bandmates had retreated to their rooms or were out for the night, leaving us in a rare moment of solitude.
His head was resting on my lap, his long, unruly hair sprawled out like a dark, tangled sea.
I ran my fingers through it absentmindedly, feeling the soft strands glide through my fingers.
"Hey, I was actually curious about something," James said, his voice slightly muffled by my sweater.
“What's up?" I replied, looking down at him with a smile.
He hesitated for a moment, his cheeks flushing ever so slightly. "Would you braid my hair?"
I blinked, surprised by the unexpected request. "I'd love to!" I said, my smile widening. "Why didn't you ask earlier?"
“I don't know," he admitted, looking a bit embarrassed. "I thought it might be weird."
I chuckled softly. "Not weird at all, James. Come on, sit up."
He shifted, sitting cross-legged in front of me. His hair, long and thick, was perfect for braiding.
I separated it into sections and began weaving them together.
The room was quiet except for the distant hum of a bassline coming from one of the bedrooms.
As I worked, I could feel the tension melting from his shoulders, his eyes half-closed in relaxation.
“You know," he said after a while, "I've always wondered how you do this. It looks so complicated."
“It's not that hard once you get the hang of it," I replied, tying off the end of the braid with a small elastic band I found on my wrist. "I could teach you if you want."
He laughed, the sound warm and comforting. "Yeah, right. I'd probably make a mess of it."
"I can teach you," I insisted, feeling a bit playful. "Come on, give it a try."
I turned around, gathering my own hair into a loose ponytail and then splitting it into three sections. James looked at the strands with trepidation, his fingers hovering uncertainly.
"Okay, so you take the right section and cross it over the middle," I instructed. "Then you take the left section and cross it over the new middle section. It's like a pattern—right over middle, left over middle."
He nodded, biting his lip in concentration as he tried to follow my instructions.
His hands were clumsy at first, the strands slipping from his fingers. I could feel the tension in his movements, the gentle tugging as he struggled to keep the sections separate.
“You're doing good, Jamie," I encouraged with a giggle, even though I could feel the knots forming in my hair.
He muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like a curse. "I don't know how you do this so easily," he said, his frustration evident.
"It's just practice," I said, giggling slightly as another knot tightened. "You're doing fine."
Finally, he stopped, letting out a deep sigh. "Shit, baby… I think I just made a huge mess."
I reached up, feeling the tangled sections of hair and couldn't help but laugh. "Well, it's definitely... unique."
James looked genuinely remorseful. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
“Hey, it's okay," I interrupted, pulling him close. "It's just hair. We can fix it."
He wrapped his arms around me, resting his forehead against mine. "You're way too nice to me."
"That's because you're worth it," I said softly, running my fingers over his smooth braid. "And besides, now we have an excuse to cuddle."
We lay back down on the sofa, his head on my chest this time.
The warmth of his body against mine was comforting, the rise and fall of his breathing soothing. I stroked my hair, gently working out the tangles he'd accidentally created.
"I'm really sorry about the knots," he murmured, his voice drowsy.
"It's okay, you don’t have to apologize, James," I reassured him, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
He smiled against my skin, his arms tightening around me. "I love you," he whispered, the words making my heart skip a beat.
"I love you too," I replied, feeling a warmth grip my chest.
We lay there in comfortable silence, everything felt perfect. Just the two of us, tangled hair and all, wrapped up in each other.
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loveobsessed · 2 months
How the ES!Autobots would react to you singing a love song in another language
that silly idea just arrived in my head listening to "Mon Amour - Remix" because, idfk, it has such a good vibe. I KNOW i haven't written shit for literal years but transformers got the best of me! Link of the song as the end, ASKS OPEN!!
The terrans part is NOT ROMANTIC!!! IT'S YOU ASKING THEIR OPINION ON SINGING IT FOR YOUR CRUSH!! don't make this weird pls
(Also I know I'm bad at writing. I just do it for fun so no judging pls!! Apologies for any spelling mistakes, english isn't my first language!)
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Would look at you like that exact emoji : “🤨”
The fuck you mean you can sing?
He ends up loving it and even vibes a little, tapping his feet on the beat
Still confused about the meaning of the song
He asks you so many questions when you finish singing, since when you started learning the language, what does it mean, blablah.
You explain to him you were born and raised in Mexico, your parents would always talk to you in Spanish. You learned english by yourself when you changed country.
He's actually amazed at how good you speak both languages
He still hasn't forgotten about the meaning tho.
He begs you to know, but you don't give in, and let it as a mystery, because you're just silly like that. :b
Optimus Prime
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If I had to also use an Emoji for his expression, it'll probably be : “😲”
He didn't expect you to sing at all, considering how shy you are
He even less expected you to sing WELL.
Not to complain.
He thinks your voice is very soft and even if he isn't too found of music in general, this one sounds strangely soft and optimistic.
Is it because you sing it? Maybe
It took him a few seconds to realize that if he wasn't understanding what you were saying wasn't because you were stumbling on your words, but because you were speaking another language.
He's very gently surprised by that fact, it makes him smile.
Not only because it only makes you look smarter to him, but also because he realizes you two are similar, both talking multiple languages.
He softly asks you what it means, not pushing too far.
He looks at you SO SOFTLY you cannot bring yourself to say no
You explain to him it's a love song, and he tries his best to fight the need to give in and kiss you. (He's a cutie patootie real no fake)
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Judges you at first. I'm not sorry.
Like why did you randomly start singing??
Why can't you even do it in THE RIGHT LANGUAGE
He seems annoyed tbh
You chuckle and tell him it's a love song, but you hold a strong bond to Spanish language
He relaxes and rolls his eyes, because he can't admit that it's actually sweet.
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You go up to him and asks him for an advice or two.
He immediately accept, staring at you like, bro/gurl, you got his full attention.
You explain to him you want to sing a song for a person you like, with a twist. It's a love song, but in another language.
He seems both interested and curious
You start singing it to have his opinion on the vibe, and when you're done, he aggressively nods. Approved by Thrash.
He seems curious on how you know Spanish, tho..
You explain to him your story real quick, that your parents come from Mexico but you changed country. You know the language by them.
He's amazed. You're such a cool person.
Will ask you a full translation of the lyrics!!
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You find her completing the chores to earn stars, she seems so focused and flying everywhere, it's hard to get her attention.
You have to tell her you'll give her your star if she helps you out.
It didn't take a lot more for her to sit on the floor, focused on what you're about to say. (Make it quick, her adhd head isn't going to hold for long :3)
You explain to her you want to impress your crush by using the little things you know the best.
Singing, and your ability to speak another language.
She immediately agrees, it's sweet and unique!!
She doesn't ask any questions and just tells you to go for it, like what are you waiting for??
Don't forget her star. :3
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deadpool15 · 8 months
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Roomate part 1
This is some dumb fucking shit. How can someone be this bad at their job, while sitting here smiling in my fucking face. "So, explain to me, umm, what was your name again?" Mika said, staring at the realtor with absolute disgust and annoyance. "Just Kim would be fine, sweetheart," he states, staring me up and down with a flirty expression. "Yea, that's amazing. I'm gonna call you bitch ass, you cool with that?" I stated watching his face completely drop. "So, since this very kind women can't talk to you like a fucking adult, I'm just gonna talk to you like the man child you mother obviously failed to raise. Now, would you be a dear and tell me how exactly does someone manages to sell a place to two different people with knowing. We obviously don't fucking look or sounds anything alike. Therefore, that rolls out that pathetic ass excuse. I should whoop your ass bitch-."
As I went to jump on him, the unknown woman that was standing next to me grabbed me. Holding me while apologizing, causing the man to immediately leave in fear. "OK ok you can stop now, Ms." I roughly back away from her casting her to put up her hands in the air as a showcase of surrender. "I know we are in a bit of a predicament here, but the papers have already been finalized. Plus, this place is more than big enough for the both of us, so we can just share it." I stared her down before laughing and shaking my head. "If you fuck up, I'll whoop your ass too."
And well, that's how me and bada met. At first, there was a bit of hostile energy, mainly from my side. I wasn't really sure about her, like I was judging her character before I let the real me out. Then, it all changed one night. She randomly got home from a long ass day of working, saying she needed some self-care immediately. I mean, true enough, I wasn't so sure about her yet, but I'm not a monster, and a girl in need is simply a girl in need. I sat her on the couch while we did face masks and painted each other's nails. She was a little on the rocky side about the nails, but I managed to talk or more so threaten her into it. After a while, we started talking about life. I learned she had a boyfriend named Howl, strange ass name.
"Wait so like when you two fuck, do you moan out howl or just government name. Because u fucking can't right now." I said laughing and hitting the coach, while bada sat there embarrassed and pushing me over. "I mean, I don't know. Like I don't really sit there and think about it." She says shyly. "What about you?" "Oo I don't do relationships, I mean, it's enough me to go around right. Plus, this pussy game is crazy, will have a motherfucker all obsessive and shit." She stares atcthe ground shocked. "Wow, are all Americans like this?" "Like what?"Just open and out there." I chuckle before adjusting myself on the seat. "To be honest, babes, I mean sex is sex. We are adults we should be able to talk about it freely. Plus, Korea is just really hush hush and polite about that stuff."
That night, Bada and i bonded. We became like sisters. Telling each other everything. I even met her man. They were a hot couple. I could see why they would go for each other. But that's pretty much all about Howl. we got to know each other to a certain degree. I mean, at the end of the day, girl code still exists, and it's something i truly ride and believe in, sisters over misters, you know. Like him and Bada would help pick out my outfits and stuff. Like right now. "So, what do you think?" I ask both of them as they are sitting on my bed eating snacks. "Don't you think they are a bit revealing?" Howl said while opening up another bag of the hot fries I had shipped here, while bada shoke her head, agreeing with him. "First of all, I'm a grown ass woman who is everything but insecure so I can show off. Secondly, shawty was fine in that pic she sent me, so she must wanna see all this. So, which one sluty sexy or sluty cute."
Each outfit was revealing yet gave a different vibe. I never questioned why Howl was protective over me, shit I thought he saw me as his little sister like Bada. Boy was I fucking wrong. I started showing then the messages between me and mystery women. She was a hot masc with a long wolf cut. And the entire conversation basically consists of us trying to have phone sex. But why sit in bed and play with myself when I can have her do it for me. "Wow, you two really are going to do this on the first date?" Bada asked while staring at me, looking slightly nervous, yet I couldn't understand why. To be honest, they both had been acting weird lately. They were like my best friends, so I wanted to know what was happening but didn't wanna drag it on. Maybe it's nothing. "Now you know I don't plan on dating that girl. Anyways, I'm sticking with sexy, so I'll be back and you two can do anything you horny fucks can thing of. Except fucking on my bed. Move it along weirdos." I tell them walking out the house.
"What the fuck, this shit is getting out of hand, Bada I thought we agreed to tell her?" Howl said angrily thinking about all the things Mika could be doing right now with that girl, she had been gone for hours. "I know, this is hard for me too. But we can't just tell her out of the blue. Hey, me and my boyfriend are totally in love with you, and I know you don't do relationships, but are you willing to date us, so we can finally call you ours and stop listening to you fuck other people." Bada stated basically yelling at him. "We just need to tell her this is bullshit-"
Before they could finish their conversation, they heard something slam against the door, startling them both. The sounds kept repeating as if someone was trying to get in, causing Howl to immediately grab Bada and place her behind him, thinking someone was trying to break into the apartment. "Are we being robbed?" Bada asks Howl in slight fear, but before he could defend them, both Mika comes crashing through the door, drunk as shit. With what seems to be her date. Both of them kissed and basically dry humping each other with clothes on, paying no mind to the people in the house. Mika moves her hand trying to lock the door before, the unknown woman grabs her neck shoves her knee into pussy, making sure to rub away all the tension. They both moan into each other's mouths and finally lock the door stumbling into her room, still without acknowledging her fellow roommate and boyfriend.
As they bedroom door abruptly closes shut, they are now finally out of the eye sight of Bada and Howl, who are seething in anger. "I thought you said they weren't gonna work out, jackass?" Bada whisper yelled at Howl, hitting him in the shoulder. Though he can't even find the time to register the pain before all they can hear is the sound of the bed creeks against the wall. "They shouldn't have, I mean, they don't have anything in common. What the fuck does she has that we don't?" "We are telling her tomorrow, I don't care what we have to do but she is gonna know. We can't go on like this. It's supposed to be the three of us, ok?" Howl says while grabbing Bada's cheeks, looking into her eyes for reassurance. She nods along.
"Y-yes... shit.... right there.... ughhh... fuck me...". Bada turns to looks at the door with a sour expression, "but let's go, I refuse to listen to this shit any longer. Not when we can obviously make her moan way louder then that." Howl just smiles for a moment and nods, "exactly baby let's not feed into negatively. She will be ours by tomorrow night."
(See, I know yall are waiting on the mommy duties part 2 fic, but I just got sick as fuck and I feel like garbage. But I don't want yall to think I'm one of those writers that's coming up with a new excuse every week, so I will try my best to work on it, babes. Now tell me if yall feel like roommate pt.2 would be a good idea or nah?)
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