#it is NOT in support of the apartheid state of israel
shxttherapy · 3 hours
People who defend Israel l love to play the Holocaust card to prove why they’re “right”.
It’s funny how they don’t seem so see the similarities in what they are doing to the Palestinians and what the Nazi’s did to Jews…
How about we take a little read about what the Nazi Regime did to the Poles. Sounds an awfully lot like what Israel is doing to the rightful citizens of the COUNTRY, Palestine.
Can you find any differences between Nazi’s v Poland and IDF v Palestine? No? That’s because what Netanyahu is doing to innocent people, is EXACTLY what the Nazi regime did. Don’t cry for sympathy, when you’re taking a page out of the book, of the people you’re using to excuse your behaviour.
This isn’t just re-writing history, it’s plagiarism. Copying every single thing the Nazi’s did. People against you, trying to fight for the real victims… attack them. When you single out minorities and control every aspect of their lives, you are not a victim.
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melhindips · 1 day
The UN General Assembly adopted a “historic” resolution demanding Israel to
•⁠ End its illegal occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip within 1 year
• ⁠Evacuate all settlers from these territories
• Return all land, assets & cultural property stolen since 1967
• Pay reparations to Palestinians for occupation damages
And requested:
•⁠ A register of damage to calculate reparations
•⁠ A mechanism to follow up on Israel’s breach of the prohibition on “racial segregation and apartheid”
•⁠ States to halt settlement imports + sanction Israel & those complicit
•⁠ ⁠Stressing that Israel’s breaches “seriously threaten” int’l peace & security
✅ 124 in favor
❌ 14 against
🟡 43 abstentions
out of 193 members with the US among the few opposing it.
It was the first resolution by Palestine, a non-member observer state, after gaining new powers in May. Israel’s ambassador opposed the resolution heavily.
It aimed to enforce the ICJ’s July ruling. While non-binding, it reflects growing Israeli isolation and global will to bypass the US monopoly on Palestine.
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Sanjana Karanth at HuffPost:
The United Nations overwhelmingly passed a resolution on Wednesday demanding that Israel urgently end its illegal occupation of Palestinian land, a vote that comes just weeks before Israel’s military offensive that has caused a devastating humanitarian crisis in Gaza reaches one year. Out of the U.N. General Assembly’s 193 member states, 124 of them voted in favor of the resolution presented by the Palestinian mission to the world body. Fourteen states voted against the resolution ― including Israel’s closest ally and primary weapons supplier, the United States ― while 43 states abstained. There are no vetoes in the General Assembly, unlike the 15-member Security Council.
“Please stand on the right side of history, with international law, with freedom, with peace,” Palestinian ambassador Riyad Mansour, who introduced the resolution, told the body on Tuesday. “The alternative is what you witness every day on your TV screens. And what the Palestinian people are enduring in their flesh. A different reality is possible. It starts now, and here. Free Palestine.” The nonbinding resolution demands that Israel “brings an end without delay its unlawful presence” of occupied Palestinian territories like Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The Israeli government must end its illegal occupation by withdrawing all of its forces and evacuating its settlers from Palestinian land within the next 12 months, according to the draft. In addition, the resolution calls for Israel to pay reparations to Palestinians for damage accrued by its occupation, and urges member states to impose sanctions on those responsible for maintaining Israel’s presence in the territories, and halt weapons transfers to Israel.
The UN General Assembly passed a nonbinding resolution demanding that Israel Apartheid State urgently end its illegal occupation of Palestinian land 124-14-43.
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ughghghghghhg white westerners shut the fuck up challenge and to preface this. this is honestly abt the absolute bullshit that white ""leftists"" like to pull. like im sorry but half of u are white supremacist antisemites who make fun of genocides.
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ash-tea · 7 months
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hassanac33 · 3 months
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crystalsandbubbletea · 10 months
I am not Palestinian, I am Indigenous American.
One hundred and forty six years ago my people were forced to move to Oklahoma, this event was known as the Ponca Trail of Tears. The land my people were forcibly moved to didn't have any proper shelter or food, so my people both froze and starved to the point we are a fraction of what we once were.
The government and schools don't talk about what America has done to my people, I only know because of my great-grandfather and his sister.
The American Government tried to take our identity away, our language is dying out. All because my people weren't living the same lifestyle the land stealers were living.
I stand with Palestine because I see Israel doing what America did to my people and the many Indigenous tribes. I know what it is like to have your identity and culture oppressed and to be dehumanized, and I refuse to let history repeat itself. I will continue to stand with Palestine even when I no longer walk the Earth.
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 11 months
"We're collecting our kids in bags! In bags!" "We're finding body parts that we don't know who it belongs to"
A massacre after another, and the world is silent. This has to stop.
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zynp-krdg · 11 months
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Exactly this. The limits of the lands Israel thinks were "promised" to them are drawn with a red line in this picture:
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They won't stop with Palestine. They want all of these lands. Israel is a terrorist state and it doesn't have any right to exist.
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good-old-gossip · 7 months
Israel's Genocide of Palestinians in Gaza
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sylveongender · 10 months
please share this is important!!!
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link to tweet: https://x.com/shimmeringolds/status/1726054168916304250?s=46&t=KZJMvptKg1sELtIK2ugHbg
[ID: tweet from @/shimmeringolds on november 18th, 2023 that reads: “You all please look at this!!!! On Monday the Israeli occupation parliament is presenting a law to kill 7000 Palestinians in illegal israeli occupation prisons!!! If it passes, it means that the Palestinians who are in those prisons will be killed as part of the zionist law!!!”
the tweet she is quoting is from @/QudsNen (Quds News Network) on november 18th, 2023 and that tweet reads: “The Extremist "Itamar Ben Gvir" Minister of National Security in the Israeli occupation government:
"On Monday, there will be the first reading of the death penalty law for Palestinian political prisoners, this law is presented by the
"Otzma Yehudit" party (led by the extremist Ben Gvir) this law will be discussed in the national security committee. He added, I expect all members of the Knesset (Israeli parliament) to support this important law"
The number of Palestinians in Israeli prisons has increased to 7000 prisoners, 64 of whom are women. And tens of children. #Palestine_Genocide” Below the text there is a photo of Itamar Ben Gvir. End ID.]
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jloisse · 10 months
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ymustutortureme · 4 months
I genuinely feel like this isn't said enough. So I'm gonna say it.
To everyone Zionist out there, every pro-genocide, pro-israel bigot, from the bottom of my heart, from the depths of my soul:
Fuck you.
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chaithetics · 4 months
I know for a lot of us, today is Mother's Day. I don't celebrate Mother's Day, but even so, it is IMPOSSIBLE to go through today without thinking about all the Palestinian mothers who have been murdered The Palestinian mothers who have lost their children to Israel's genocide, funded by the West. The children who have lost their mothers. The Palestinian mothers giving birth without any form of anaesthesia. The Palestinian mothers starving themselves more so that when and if aid gets through their children can hopefully have more rations. The Palestinian mothers who are fighting illnesses and injuries. The Palestinians mother who don't know what they're going to do. Those in Palestine who have had to step up to take on the role of a mother. The Palestinian mothers not getting a chance to take a break or process anything because they have to beg for the world to care, to look, to convince us to give aid and listen so that they can evacuate, so that their families can survive at the very least.
As of Sunday 12th May 2024, Mother's Day, nearly 35,000 Palestinians have been murdered and over 14,500 of those Palestinians are children. This is since October 7th 2023, this does not take into account all the lives lost since the Nakba in 1948. And Israeli Forces are currently carpet bombing the Jabalia Refugee Camp.
Remember these mothers and children. Please do not stop engaging with Palestinians and what their posting, with resources, educating yourselves. Please keep sharing, donating, and going to local rallies, protests, and vigils, keep engaging with Operation Olive Branch, and please keep emailing your government and local representatives!
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lets-make-light-now · 6 months
Being against Israel is not antisemitic.
Being against Zionism is not antisemitic.
Being pro Palestine is not antisemitic.
Antisemitic is the Zionist who kill everyone that stand in their way.
They killed Palestinian Jews , Christians and Moslems alike to create a non democratic state called Israel.
Israel is doing bad things and harming all semits in this world.
Israel is in fact antisemitic and anti human. They accuse non Jews of being anti semitic so they can continue murdering civilians.
They want you to shut up!
Rage your voice against injustice!
Speak up for Palestine!
Don't look away
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ash-tea · 7 months
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