#it is not a sexbot!!!
fantasyarcanum · 6 months
i’ve been thinking a lot lately about the murderbot diaries adaptation and one thing in particular that’s been on my mind is the realization that when the series comes out that’ll probably be a lot thirsty edits about the character—especially with the very cis, very white and very masculine alexander skarsgård playing the part.
and it makes me so sad to think about it bc it goes against everything the character represents. mb is always anxious and nervous around humans not only for fear of it’s hacked governor module being discovered, but also for not wanting to be sexualized (be viewed as an object). it doesn’t like to be touched and feels uncomfortable being stared at, i mean, in the very first book when Gurathin asks it “Why don’t you want us to look at you?” it replies with “You don’t need to look at me. I’m not a sexbot”, and that says so much about this character and it’s personality, about how it perceives human behavior based on its many bad experiences.
mb is canonically a nonbinary character with no sex related parts and that feels no sexual attraction. it even skips the sex scenes in its favorites shows!! c’mon, it doesn’t even want to be considered human lol!!!
anyway, what i mean with all this—and i hope i’m making sense—is that this character deserves to be properly portrayed and i sincerely hope (even knowing it is futile) that they find a way to convey to the public this very important character trait.
i’ll take the badass edits any day but not the thirsty ones, not about this specific character.
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Something about being a sexbot that’s treated as more than just a hole. I may be designed to be fucked six ways to Sunday, and you’ll certainly do that too, but you treat me as more than that. I may be a slut, but I’m also your companion. Maybe I need someone to hold me and tell me that I’m good enough. Someone to own me and cherish me and give me kisses between my joints. Someone to give me patch updates and make sure I feel loved, inside and out. I may be a sexbot, but I’m your sexbot.
I’m,, very lonely tonight, haha.
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greensaplinggrace · 2 months
i can't believe one of the only sex scenes we get between spike and the buffybot is him going down on her. boy....
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ambervoid-the-silly · 2 months
look at these bots i’ve reported lmaooooo
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anybody on their sexbot-reporting streak?
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followthebluebell · 9 months
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Sorry, universallydelusionalpeanut, you'll have to get in line. I've got a lot of hot sexy single women in my area first.
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apricops · 11 months
legitimately the best writing advice I’ve ever heard is from the Anime Sickos podcast when they said “start by just making a list of cool shit that makes you hoot and holler.”
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sigmastolen · 4 months
brb crying about the four heroic comfortunits from the ganaka pit incident
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landgraabbed · 5 months
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leon and babygirl had a date at the local junkyard lmfao
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mary-moongood · 1 year
I think most of you know that spam bots are back at it again
So I remind everyone to put some stuff in your profile to prove your humanity (title, color, banner, some reblogs, anything)
If you have an empty default blog you will be blocked on sight
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delagar · 8 months
Somehow my tumbler feed has become 70% cats and 29% murderbot and I am fine with that
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I just had a really weird experience with a dating app and I don't know what's real anymore.
I matched with a cute girl earlier today, and we spent a couple hours talking about our shared interests in podcasts and history and weird niche topics nobody else cares about. It was nice, and I asked her if she wanted to get lunch sometime this week. She said she'd like that, but then immediately changed the subject to talk about her job instead of scheduling the date. I mean, that's not TOO weird, I figure she must have wanted to say no but didn't want to hurt my feelings. Whatever. No big deal. We keep talking.
She mentioned that she works as a medical scribe at a doctor's office, and I said that that sounds like a wizard's apprentice. She said that medicine is the intersection between science and magic. I replied with a throwaway joke that chemistry is just alchemy with a little flair, and then shit went off the rails because she sent me a link to a pornhub video titled "We came at the same Time - Sensual Side Fuck" and said "me when someone tells me they're an alchemist."
A cute girl sends me a literal porn link after dodging the question of whether she wanted to go on a date, so I'm confused as hell. I don't know if this is her way of flirting or what, so I replied "I'd be down to practice some alchemy if you're not busy." I regretted saying it immediately because I never talk to anyone like that, I was just blind sided by the porn and thought maybe she would think it was funny. Well, after a few minutes she says "did you just ask to fuck me?"
Okay, I'm going down in flames, I crossed a line, that alchemy "joke" was inappropriate and creepy and she's clearly not into it and she's probably gonna unmatch me and block me and report me or something. I'm still confused over the direction the conversation is going, but I decide it'd be better if I apologize and go on the defensive instead of doubling down like a jackass. I tell her "no, not really," I'm not soliciting a stranger for sex, I was just yes-anding. She sent a porn link. What was I supposed to say? How was I supposed to respond?
Another few minutes pass. I was 100% sure that when I reopened the app she would be gone, but no, she finally replied "I was hoping you were..."
What kind of mind game is this? Is she just looking for a hookup? Her profile specifically says she's not! I have no idea what's going on.
"Did you just ask to fuck me?" My honest answer would have been "yes, isn't that what you wanted?" but the thought of saying that to somebody makes me feel like a douchebag. Her tone with that question didn't sound flirty, it sounded accusatory, like she was outraged I had the audacity to ask for sex so soon. My social anxiety is going through the roof. Whoops, turns out she actually WAS flirting and DID want to have sex, and I've managed to waffle it and sound like an asshole no matter what I say. Damned if I do, damned if I don't.
From my perspective:
Her: *posts meme about sex* (it's just a meme, nothing more. Don't read into it)
Me: *flirty memey response* (could go either way; I'm not outright saying I want to have sex with her, I'm just matching her energy. She memes about sex, I reply in kind because I thought it would be weirder go ignore it)
Her: oh my god, did you really just say that? Did you really think I wanted to have sex with you?
Me: I'm sorry, I overstepped
Her: mind games, dumbass! You don't know what I want, motherfucker!"
From her perspective:
Her: our conversation is going well, let me drop a big hint that I want to hook up
Me: picks up on the hint
Her: really?
Me: NO!
Her: oh... okay... nevermind...
So then I take a step back and try to see if there's any way whatsoever to salvage this dumpster fire of a conversation. I admit that I'm confused and ask her point blank if she wanted to have sex. I legitimately don't know if she was making a move or not, and I need her to know that I'm not the kind of guy who asks for sex as an opening move but I'm not opposed to it if she's the one bringing it up. There's no way to fix this. I failed at this interaction. I need to cut my losses, but somehow we keep talking.
She says, quote "I like making art and love. Sometimes at the same time, ya know?"
I say "do you want to make love?"
She says "we probably should."
I ask her if she'd like to get something to eat first, as was my initial date plan before the porn thing. Her response confused me even more. "I can't right now. I'm exhausted from traveling all weekend. I haven't eaten and feel like I'm gonna pass out." That reply doesn't make sense. It's Wednesday and she says she's too hungry to get dinner. That's when I noticed that her previous message ended with a period.
"We probably should," period. I scrolled back up through our conversation and realized that EVERY message she sent me ended with a period. Every single one! Oh, and some of them weren't even direct responses to anything I said, so now I'm 1000% convinced that she's a bot. I got tricked into talking for three hours with a bot, and I derailed the scam by rolling a nat 1 critical fail when it tried to sext me.
I ask "her" point blank when she wants to meet up, and it said "I need to eat first. Make food, not war, lol. Where are your top places to grab food?"
Bot. Almost certainly a bot.
My final reply, in the extraordinarily small off chance that she's not a bot, was to say it depends on my mood, before losting three or four of my go-to places.
"She" didn't unmatch, but she ghosted me. No reply.
Bot. Absolutely a bot. No doubt about it.
TLDR, I got catfished by a bot!
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storkmuffin · 5 months
It's amazing that The Murderbot Diaries, which seems to be dystopian scifi, is so much more life affirming than my actual reality. According to Art and Murderbot, humans are essential creatures for two capacities (and only two): curiosity and art-making.
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valiantpandanerd · 4 hours
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What are you looking at? I am looking for you. Come to me to get complete happiness..
contact me See more.
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knightscanfeeltoo · 1 year
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This is what I have to Deal with on Tumblr almost Everyday...
(if you ship tomoko and tomoko together even though they are siblings, please go away...)
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thefact0rygirl · 10 months
The smuttiest, down right nastiest, even borderline degrading idea came across my mind and oh my god
It would be so funking horny and hot that I’d be chased off this app
But you know what?
Worth it
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