#it isn't easy wrangling me
greenbergsays · 2 years
Did I ask @kedreeva to make me write every day? Yes
Do I yell at her and tell her she’s The Worst Person Ever every time she tells me to write?? Also yes.
It’s a good thing she isn’t easily phased 😂
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bigboobshaunt · 6 months
Had to get myself new joycon because the drift for my og pair got so bad... problem is, they won't get here til the 2nd of april so here I am with a buncha new games debating whether I should even play them rn.
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ddejavvu · 1 month
for a Tyler request what about him and reader getting into a really bad argument and storming off and when he cools down he can’t find her and is panicking
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Alive and Crazy - Tyler Owens x Reader
come participate in tyler owens night !
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Perhaps it was cruel of you to pick such a secluded hiding spot, but after all, isn't that what hiding's all about? Perhaps then the cruel part was hiding at all. But you can't shake Tyler's vicious words, "Y'know, if you don't stop trying to hold me back, maybe I should just cut myself loose."
All this over a tornado? His lifestyle is... intense. You are of the opinion that Tyler's hobby is ridiculously dangerous, and while you're slightly comforted by the safety precautions he takes (especially the drills that anchor his truck into the ground), you're less than impressed with the way he shows off and makes those precautions almost useless. Really, does he need to lean out of the window to see how long he can handle it? You'd only been trying to find some middle ground, but Tyler apparently seems to think you're trying to chain him up in the basement to prevent him from ever having any fun.
There's a secluded cabinet in the back of your laundry room that's perfect for hiding - just big enough to fit in and with an outlet for easy phone charging. You're just about to hit your two hour mark huddled in the cabinet when you hear thundering footsteps nearing your location.
"Baby? Hey, baby, y'gotta tell me where you are. Come on, baby, just wanna know you're safe. You in here?"
That's the last thing you hear before daylight spills into your dark cabinet, and your phone's screen becomes instantly duller in comparison. You glare up unimpressed at Tyler but his face crumples in relief so fast that you can barely hold the expression.
"Shit darlin'." He heaves a sigh, and any sympathy you'd felt for him instantly disappears when he has the gall to scold you next, "Do you know how damn long I've been looking for you?"
"Oh I'm sorry," You bite up at him, rage reigniting in your eyes, "Does my need for space inconvenience you?"
"No!" He nearly shrieks, but he reins himself in, "No, no, that's not- I shouldn't have said it like that. I was just worried."
"Well I'm not sure why," You turn back to your phone, but there's no concentration present as you mindlessly scroll, "I'd have expected you to be out enjoying your freedom seeing as you're cutting yourself loose."
"I'm not cutting myself loose." He vows, and it's soft instead of his typical drawl. He crouches, then makes the terrible, horrible decision to attempt to fit into the crawlspace with you.
"No- no, Tyler, you can't fit!" You squeal as he shoulders his way in, pressed flush to his body as he settles in a space half his size.
"It's fine." He grunts, but it's labored and very much not fine, "I just wanna be near you."
"I don't wanna be near you." You sneer, but you make no move to get up, "The whole reason I'm squeezed into this cabinet is because I was trying to hide from you."
"Did a damn good job, too." He admits, head slumped against the wall instead of your shoulder, "I was runnin' around for almost half an hour."
"Serves you right." You grumble, "Don't say mean shit if you want people to like you."
"I know." He reaches out and sets a hand on your knee, chaste and reassuring, "I'm sorry, darlin'. I just- lost control, or something. I don't know. I've been doin' this my whole life, and when you try to tell me how to do it, it makes me feel like you don't think I can handle it myself."
"Tyler, no one can. Some of the things that you're doing-" You stop yourself short, "I'm not saying you can't have fun. I'm not saying you can't chase- er, wrangle tornadoes. I'm just saying you don't have to keep trying to outdo yourself. There has to be a limit, otherwise you'll get killed."
He's silent after your speech, perhaps mulling it over, perhaps drafting his counterargument. In the end, he tips his head from the wall to your shoulder, and murmurs close to your ear.
"Yeah. You're right. I think... I think I just don't know when to stop sometimes."
"I agree with that," You try to keep too much accusation from seeping into your tone, "But that's why I said something. I don't want you to stop, I just don't want it to stop you."
"Yeah. Alright. I understand." And he sounds like he does. He laces his fingers with yours like he does, and he cranes his neck to peck his lips against your cheek like he does.
"You're not holding me back," He promises, "What I said earlier... that was dumb. This is a partnership, not some sort of prison sentence. I love you, darlin'."
"I love you too," You sigh, leaning sideways into his embrace, "You promise no more hanging out of windows?"
"I promise I won't anymore. Can't promise nothin' for Boone."
"Boone's crazy," You laugh, "You're all crazy. I just want you alive and crazy."
"Deal." Tyler grins, holding out a pinky and letting you lock it with yours, "Alive and crazy, darlin'."
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 months
Tim Through the Years - The Meeting
Series Masterlist
Summary: Tim meets a very young boy who is all alone in the police station. Then he meets a frazzled teacher who changes his life forever. 0.6k+ words
A/N: An extra special thanks to my friend for creating this series with me (and writing most of it)! I hope every reader enjoys our ideas about what it would be like to fall in love with Tim Bradford!
It was an average day in the Mid-Wilshire Police Station; Tim had just returned from a robbery that ended with him having the suspect in custody fairly quickly. The robber forgot his mask for one and for two, left his business card in a fishbowl to try to win a free lunch. They caught the guy in just 10 minutes, so the day was going well so far. But his mood quickly turned sour when he had to do a mountain of paperwork due to the fact that his robber was a wanted criminal in at least three different states with various crimes under his belt. 
Meanwhile, y/n was walking into the station, trying to get all 40 kindergartners into the police station without losing any of them. It was career week for their school and the Mid-Wilshire Precinct had invited all the students to visit the station on different days. It was hers and one other teacher's turn to visit, so here she was trying to wrangle 40 different students into the Roll Call room. It was as easy as herding cats, but with the help of some parents and the other teacher, they made it to the room with everyone accounted for.  Sergeant Grey introduced himself to the students and explained what his role at the station was and what the room they were in was used for.
“Now, rookies, are you ready to get your assignments?” Grey questioned the group.
Of course, the students got very excited to be police officers for day and all responded with, “Yes, sir!”
Once the excitement died down, Gray split the students into three groups (each group had an adult and an officer). A group was sent to look and learn about the shops, another to booking, and the last went to the interrogation rooms. 
Tim was so busy trying to get the paperwork done that he completely missed all the students going to their area until he felt like he was being stared at. When Tim looked up from his paperwork, two bright blue eyes stared back at him.
“Do you like donuts?” the child asked.
“Uh….yeah,” Tim answered while looking for the child's mother.
“Is it hard to catch bad guys?”
Tim squinted his eyes and asked this child, “Where’s your mother?”
Tim turned and saw a beautiful young woman walking up to the small boy at his desk.
She crouched down at this level and softly asked, “Is this where you ran off too? It's your turn to get fingerprinted and have your picture taken.”
“But Miss. Winchester! This is a Real-Life Police Officer! I have lots of questions that need answers!!” Johnny exclaimed.
The woman patted Johnny on the head. “I know, and he’s very busy at the moment so let's leave him alone and ask another officer, okay?”
Johnny glanced at a scowling Tim. “My mommy tells my daddy that being grumpy isn't good for your heart,” he said before skipping off to the booking room. 
Tim heard a giggle before he turned to the gorgeous smiling woman in front of him.
“Sorry about him, he’s one of my spunkier students,” she explained.
Then it clicked in Tim’s head. “Oh, you're here touring the station with your class right?”
Her smile grew as she answered, “Yep, that’s me. Hi.” She reached her hand out to shake Tim’s. “I’m y/n Winchester.”
Tim took her hand, and he’d never felt anything softer.
“Hi, I’m Sergeant Tim Bradford, but you can call me Tim,'' he flirted.
Y/n blushed as she replied, “Well … I better get back to my class.”
She started to walk back toward where Johnny ran off to and Tim decided that it was now or never to get back into the dating game.
“Wait! Could I maybe take you out to dinner?” he called after her.
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mxtantrights · 5 months
Boxer!Jay and having them meet the bat fam, maybe they're skeptical of them so Jay comforts/reassures them (it is obviously making them sad) eventually he expresses how important they are to him which leads them to getting to know them better (his s/o)
a/n: I really liked this request but in order to follow it this isn't connected to the other request where the reader already met Bruce and Dick.
boxer!Jason watched you leave the house with your head down and a bit of a pout. He hated it. He absolutely hated when people made you feel bad or less than. And he hates it that his family is the reason for your feeling that way.
So he does the only thing he can think of. He wrangles everyone into the foyer and tells them to sit down.
On the couch, is Bruce, Dick, Tim, Damian, Cass, Duke, and Steph. All the people he needed to voice his concerns to. Alfred had been charming and delightful to you since you arrived.
The whole family looks at him, wondering what he's doing.
"I'm gonna need all of you to get it together, because you made the love of my life feel bad tonight and I'm not gonna tolerate it. We have been together for a while now and I knew meeting all of you wouldn't be easy but it couldn't have gone worse." Jason says.
"Wait, Jay bird, you're being serious about this?" Dick asks.
"Of course I am, I have never brought someone home before! You all are gonna make me lose the love of my life." Jason answers.
"Okay that's the second time he's said 'love of my life' he's really serious." Steph says.
"Todd, why does it matter what we think?" Damian asks.
Jason scoffs, "because you're my family and I care about your opinions. But I'm telling you know I don't care for what went down tonight."
"You're acting like we went all ready or not." Tim says.
"You finally watched it? It was good wasn't it?" Duke asks Tim not he side.
The two are about to start their own conversation when Jason shushes them. They look at him, a bit amazed.
"When they're ready to meet you again, you all better pull it together. Because I want to spend the rest of my life with them." Jason says.
"Okay, Jason. We'll try better next time." Bruce says.
"Especially you, try not to scare them off from me." Jason adds on.
"Alright." Bruce answers.
"All of you, promise me right now, swear it." Jason says.
They all give some sort of a sigh or a tuft of air from their lips. And then they all promise to treat you better than they did tonight should the time come again. Jason dismisses them after that. All of them except Cass.
He tells her to hang back.
As the last person, Bruce, leaves the foyer, Jason looks at Cass with a smile on his face.
"You know I wasn't talking about you right? You were sweet tonight." Jason says.
Cass nods.
"And I give you permission to unnerve all of them with whatever you got in your arsenal if they do this again." Jason promises.
Cass holds out her pinkie finger for him to take. Jason takes it into his own.
"Okay, I'm out of here. Gotta head to their apartment and make it up to them with some snacks and horrible jokes." Jason says, mostly to himself, and to Cass.
Cass stops him before he can start walking and pull out an unopened bag of flaming hot chips. She offers it to him. Jason thanks her and ruffles her hair very quickly as he leaves to your place.
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
The journey was long.
Vast seas, ending in the same blue-to-blue horizon wherever they looked.
Randy led the Linden party guided by the compass he held. Without stars, this was what they had.
They passed the time by talking. Singing. Playing games. Sometimes chatting with Wingull flocks they passed. Sometimes Akoya and Persim transformed and dove in to snatch up a fish snack.
While mostly they flew, sometimes they teleported. They couldn't do it too much as it could cause the Mews--usually Randy--To get queasy.
Akoya, and less often Persim, also transformed into large water type Pokemon, like Lapras, to give them all a break from the monotony of flying. It also offered the babies a chance to stretch their legs and get some activity.
They traveled for several hours. Perzi woke from a nap to find Lav asleep, and Randy draped over her. He was watching the three kits sleep with glazed eyes.
Hey, Mate. Want me to take a turn watching?
The thin Mew blinked at him, seemingly remembering that he was even there. He opened his mouth to speak, but only a yawn came out.
That's a yes. Catch a nap, Randy. I got 'em.
Randy seemed hesitant, but soon his look turned grateful. Thanks, Perz... He stretched his arms, then folded them under his head and promptly fell asleep.
After a little while, the kits began to wake up. Midas was easy enough. He didn't move around much, apparently resistant to waking. Rosie wandered around on the limited zone of Akoya's shell. But she was careful and didn't go far enough to fall.
Momo was the one to watch. Since she was confidently flying, Perzi had to keep a close eye on her, and wrangle her back if she decided to stray. But she was enjoying this "game" she was playing with Uncle Perzi so it was easy enough!
WARNING: The following comic contains child endangerment
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Akoya plowed ahead with new urgency. Her family huddled on her back, gathered around Perzi and little Rosemary.
I'm so sorry, Rosie... I'm so sorry...
The little Mew shivered in her fathers hands as he held her close to his chest. Occasionally she let out uncomfortable twitters.
Randy, I... Persim's face was a mask of horror and guilt. I... I-I feel horrible. This... Th-this shouldn't h-have happened... I... Sh-she didn't...
Randy put his arm around the devastated Mew. Try not to worry about it, Persim. Let's try to keep calm so she can be.
Persim trembled under Randy's arm. As much as he might be angry at Perzi for letting this happen at all, the ache in his heart trumped it.
Thank you, Randy.
His ear twitched. He dared not turn his head for fear of smacking the distraught Mew with his muzzle.
If it weren't for you, she... He silenced, and shut his eyes, spilling tears down his cheeks.
Randy said nothing, and held him tighter.
Their shiny Lapras mount jolted forward, and the riders fought to stay upright.
They watched as the spotted landmass slowly grew larger, signaling their eminent arrival in Hoenn...
And help for Rosie...
...I'mma... go hide in a corner now.
Note: Randy's ring isn't present on purpose. He packed it away so he didn't lose it.
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kedreeva · 2 months
Went to see "Twisters" tonight and it was thoroughly enjoyable!
Some spoilers below the cut
Okay first of all, I'm extremely excited to say that they don't push a love triangle despite there being a girl MC and two main guys. One of them is an old friend who remains firmly an old friend, with no indication that he has romantic feelings. Like they get to be actual friends!!!!! And the other, while potentially a love interest, had just as much potential to be a friend instead, and in an extremely important (to me) way they do not kiss! I was shocked, actually. I expected them to pull out a "gotta have a kiss to appease the amatonormative folks" but nope! Not even in the little mid credit blurb. He stays the night at her childhood home with her and nothing happens. Like not even an awkward moment of tension, they don't even show them going to bed I don't think.
And I feel this to my bones, she was allowed to be the star. She changed her old friend's mind and gave him a chance to choose doing the right thing and he did it because he cared about her opinion of him and wanted to be who she thought he was. And the other guy found out she had dreams/goals of doing something and instead of taking them or doing it for her, he said what can I do to help you, and she chose to let him help her. It was so softly done!! And this guy, he was a full on attention hound with a YouTube channel and loves showing off and he's taking a press guy into the storms to do a story about how awesome he is at tornado wrangling. But when it comes down to it, he tells the reporter she's the real story AND SHE IS!! The article gets written about her instead!
The beginning was. A lot. You get introduced to the storm hunting group, and then immediately 3 of the 5 get killed and the MC almost does, all because she miscalculated. But you know what? She a) keeps her trauma and b) continues doing meteorology stuff, just from a safer distance. Like it's very clear that tornadoes are still this girl's passion, something she loves with every fiber of her being, but she's also been traumatized by losing her boyfriend and two of her closest friends (not to mention her dream project) and nearly her life, in one go. And even still it is something she literally can't stay away from, she still takes a job involved with them through data analysis, and you can practically feel it killing her at the start. The way she lights up at the mention of studying them more closely like she had wanted to, and that excitement immediately chased out by fear. It was nicely done.
They did a really nice thing with the music as well- PERFECTLY captured that kind of moment where the rest of the world drops away and all you can perceive for a moment or two is this thing you love so much it feels like time stops to let you love it more. Except she's looking at weather. At winds moving or clouds or tornadoes. Which is so cool of them to have done for her. This girl loves one thing and it's fuckin WEATHER.
The "villain" of the story is understated and they really don't waste time going into detail about it, which is great because the MC isn't really interested in finding out more about the real estate mogul capitalizing on the devastation. She just doesn't want her friend working for them anymore. She finds out he is, she draws a line in the sand and tells him he should be doing the right thing not the easy thing, and her friend takes her objection seriously and alters his behavior. And that's all the more they really get into that side of the story. Why waste time on it when there's more tornadoes to show? This movie did what Godzilla: King of Monsters failed to do- showed us the monster as much as possible and actually I do care about the people still because none of their problems were irrelevant, none of them were problems for the sake of having problems.
Anyway this movie was enjoyable to me. If you like weather phenomena, storm chasing, chaos, and actually interesting interpersonal relationships, go have a watch!
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astrangebird · 2 years
"I haven't seen you in the Dreaming in some time." Hob startles at the sound of his voice, hunched over the counter scrubbing at what must be an immaculate surface.
"Oh, do come in," he chuckles, turning to face him, "Never have been fond of doors have you?"
He looks exhausted, bruise purple shadows under his eyes that still crinkle with his warm smile. "At this hour I doubt you would have answered for me."
"I always answer for you." His face stretches into a yawn that cracks his jaw as he returns to the counter to toss his sponge into the sink. "Can I make you some tea?"
"It's quite late." Dream says, sighs really. This isn't the first time that he's come to Hob's home at an unreasonable hour to find him cleaning or writing or some other mundane task that could wait until morning. This isn't the first cup he's been offered like tithing. Probably won't be the last either.
"Hasn't stopped you yet."
Dream catches his wrist as he reaches for his kettle. "It's quite late, Hob."
For a moment Hob squares his jaw as if Dream's word wasn't final. Though, he knows that Dream would only argue and not enforce. "Right, right. It is."
Dream lets go of his wrist and lingers as if too ensure that Hob will follow through and not pick up his sponge again. "Why don't you go to bed."
He knows that's technically meant to be a question, but here it's really a demand. Hob hasn't entered the Dreaming for more than a few fleeting moments in days, his sleep apparently fitful and restless. He doesn't make a habit to meddle in Hob's dreams, he figures it could make their relationship strained if Hob grew to expect him there, if his presence would be unwelcome. But he took note that Hob has been absent and that his brief dips have been unpleasant.
"I suppose I could try again." Hob concedes. Everything about him screams that he's exhausted and yet he pushes against the urge to sleep.
"Would you like me to help?" Dream offers. Again, he rarely offers these things. But many exceptions get made for Hob Gadling.
Hob sighs, like it's a chore to be looked after. "You'll make an old man think he's getting special treatment." He still manages to smile like a part in the clouds and even still, even with the heavy bags under his eyes it still warms him.
"You've always been getting special treatment." Dream smiles back at him. He always smiles back. It's easy here in this cluttered little home.
"You gonna tuck me in and everything?" Hob bumps his shoulder with a wink as he walks past towards his bedroom.
Dream follows him, watching his uneasy sway, "I could. Would it help?"
"It would just to make you stop worrying about me."
Before he's even crossed the threshold to his room he's wrangling his belt from his pants, balling it up to toss at his closet before awkwardly bending and tripping to get out of his pants. Dream has always found the ritual of bedtime an interesting thing, like it says something about the person whether or not they take their pants off before their shirts.
"I'll be right out." Hob murmurs, tossing his shirt in the vicinity of his hamper and stumbling into the bathroom.
Dream takes a moment to reacquaint himself with Hob's room. He swears his bed was against the other wall the last time he was here. He wonders if he moves his furniture often to force change into his long lived life. He turns the bed down and waits. He pretends that something terribly fond doesn't bubble in his stomach when Hob smiles softly at him.
"Aren't you sweet." Another non-question trailed across the back of Dream's hand as he walks past. His hands are always so warm.
Dream has grown to appreciate the little things about humans, Hob specifically he supposes. He makes the same groan every time his back hits the bed, wiggles into his blankets the same way, and now, looks over to him with the same sleepy expression. So Dream dutifully drapes the blanket over him, tucking it under his sides like a doting mother.
"You're becoming a hassle, Hob Gadling. I have to come all this way into the Waking world just for you." Dream chides with not a single ounce of malice.
"Forgive me oh merciful Lord Morpheus." He barely says around a yawn.
Lazily, Hob reaches out for him, clutching at his wrist with a gentle tug. Dream follows and sits on the edge of the bed. "I appreciate you." He mumbles, thumbing at the thin skin of Dream's wrist.
Dream's never quite sure how to respond to things like that, so he smiles and turns his hand in Hob's. "This is my purpose."
"And I appreciate you taking time from your purpose to tend to me alone." Hob grips his hand, taking to thumb the back of Dream's fingers. "I have my suspicions that you could deal with little ol' me from a distance."
"I could." Dream admits. "But I would rather come to see you."
"Now you're just being sweet on me." Oh the eyes, the crinkled eye smile.
Hob pulls on his hand, turns it over to press his knuckles to his lips like a sigh. "Gone soft on me."
Dream smiles, something terribly fond in his stomach. He wonders if he's as obvious now as he has been known to be. He wonders if Hob can feel the pitter-patter of his pulse beneath his fingertips. "Are you ready for bed?"
"If I'll see you there." Hob can hardly keep his eyes open, but they still search for him as his grip grows weaker.
"I'm always there."
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5ummit · 11 months
Permanent Blacklists for AO3
Would you like to permanently remove fics with your squicks, triggers, and dislikes from all AO3 searches by default so that you never have to think about or encounter them again? Well now you can!
The ability to do this has actually been around for a little while but it relies on some new CSS functionality that wasn't supported on all major browsers until fairly recently (though you may still have to enable it manually on some). I'm not going to explain how this method works or how to code AO3 skins in general, as I've only dabbled in it a little and there are already some very good tutorials out there. If you want all of the details, check out these guides:
Skins and Archive Interface FAQ – The official skins guide created by AO3. Lots of good information but might be overwhelming and confusing for a beginner.
A Non-Extensive Guide on How to Start Creating a Skin for AO3 by ao3skin – Some good, fairly easy to understand, beginner info on CSS and specifically how it applies to AO3 skins.
Permablocking Specific Tags - Site Skin by Eli0t – Everything you need to know to create permablock lists. If your blacklist doesn't seem to be working as expected, check this for troubleshooting tips.
What I can offer though are some handy pre-made blacklists that you can use as-is or as a starting point to create your own so that you don't have to go to the trouble of figuring out how any of this works or hunting down relevant tags. Just copy the code, open AO3, go to My Preferences > Skins > Create Site Skin, paste it in the box, title it, and click Submit!
Note: The following lists are very specific to me and my own personal tastes. Absolutely no judgement if you love any of the things that I choose to blacklist. You do you. I just happen to like my fics fucked up and relatively canonical.
★ No Reader Fic – Hides all self-insert and reader fic.
★ No Alternate Universes – Hides anything tagged with the most common AU tags. There are so many incredibly specific AUs there's no way to list all of them and AU tagging is also extremely inconsistent from fic to fic so this blacklist may only catch 80% of AUs, but that's better than nothing. You could always exclude the entire alternate universe tag, rather than trying to list specific ones, but unfortunately canon divergence and other less extreme AUs would get caught in the crossfire, which is not worth it for me.
★ No Fluff – Hides anything tagged with the most common fluff and romance tags. I specifically left out "fluff and angst" though because sometimes that's used for things that are mostly angst with only a bit of fluff and I do love angst.
★ Bonus: No Dead Dove – This list is not mine (for obvious reasons) but I know some people may find it useful. Hides anything with the main archive warnings and many common problematic, taboo, or controversial tags. Some of these I wouldn't even classify as dead dove, they're literally just kinks, so I'd suggest reviewing the list carefully and removing any that don't apply to you.
Additional Notes:
This system doesn't work exactly the same as AO3's exclusion filters because you can't use top-level wrangled tags to block all subtags. It only blocks exact matches.
Once the blacklist is implemented you'll see no indication that anything was blocked (except for fewer fics listed on each search page); the entire blurb will be hidden. The tags and fic counts listed in the filter bar will remain unchanged. If you want more advanced features like whitelisting or adding something to indicate when a fic was removed, check out the permablocking guide by Eli0t.
Here's a link with info on which browsers currently support the new "has()" element, which this blacklist system relies on. As of right now Firefox for desktop still has to be manually enabled (for instructions see the section on flag enabling in the permablocking guide). Firefox for iOS isn't listed on this website but it seems to work fine for me.
There are other browser-specific extensions that let you permablock tags, such as this one and this one, that may be more a little more user friendly, but I've never tried them so I can't vouch for them and they may not work consistently between different devices. The good thing about doing blacklists via skins is that, after setting it up once, it should work automatically on pretty much any device (as long as you're logged in to your AO3 account).
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prettyboykatsuki · 5 months
consider if u will for a moment… scumbag sleazy duke oliver who keeps teasing out a courtship with a noble girl NOT because he likes her but because he’s fascinated by you, her disdainful and disinterested personal maid (or… perhaps… her stableboy…)
this is making me so horny i need to die this is sooo . anon you are the smartest person ever. he's so awful and miserable i need him.
tw for dubcon (?) power imbalance and horrible worthless scumbag oliver aiku
GODDDDDDD. this is so vivid in my mind too. it's probably his father who insists on him meeting with whatever noble daughter he's suggest. olivers been slapped, banished, ruined in pretty much every householding bearing a woman in it, and his families reputation is nearly at risk because of it. so unless he wants to lose everything, he ought to find a nice girl to settle down with
and oliver is a shit son, so he's not really doing it. but he does try to appease his father now again and keep his cushy life so he goes. and the girl, well she's nice. easy to charm with big wet eyes and a romantics heart. it's not a kind thing to say but it's nothing oliver hasn't seen already, but she's easy to charm to the point of being boring. and if oliver hates anything, it's being so miserably and unbelievably bored.
and then, you walk into the room. her maid. prim, proper,sharp - and mean. but not in an overt way. your work doesn't allow you to speak your mind, so you've shielded your dislike with layers of politeness. you're so properly curt and so unbelievably meticulous that to a fool with duller hearing, you'd be a proper little servant girl. and oliver is a lot of things, mostly a bastard, but he is no fool. and he knows right away, can feel it immediately - what burning hatred you have towards him that you are not allowed to reveal under any circumstances.
and he doesn't blame you for that, really. how could he? your lady has probably been under your care since you were old enough to walk and talk. you've spent your whole lives together, so you're protective. vicious. it's hardly the first he's seen of it. what gets oliver though is your experience. your patience. you are so good at your job, that even when oliver spends his entire evening fucking with you by asking for his tea to be remade and pinching your skirt when your beloved lady isn't looking.
he confronts you the minute you're left alone with him.
("you hate me, don't you?"
you look at him startled, but it's brief. barely there. he would've missed it if he blinked. you tilt your head, neutral and fair and even. "of course not, your lordship."
he laughs into the edge of his tea cup. "you're a poor liar. but an excellent maid, that much i can commend. you're free to be honest," he closes his eyes and laughs as he sips "i think i'm quite interested after all,"
he can see your jaw tick when his eyes flutter open again. "is that so? the lady will be very pleased to hear that."
he laughs again, taking you in - wonder what you look like underneath that frilly little dress. "not nearly as pleased as i am to have found her," )
after that, it's made semi-official that he's courting her. and for all oliver is, he's good at courting her. very good. there's rumors going around about how she's been able to wrangle that horrible man, as since their courtship he hasn't strayed at all. he's thoughtful and seemingly quite affectionate and everyone is so pleased with him. his father. the other nobles. even your lady has fallen for his facade.
it's just a secret between you then, that oliver is always only looking at you. that when your lady leaves you two alone, he's cornering you and flirting with you. that he visits when she's not around and follows you while you work like a lost puppy. that eventually, he finds his face underneath your petticoat and makes your legs tremble. it's a secret between him and himself that it's you he adores, so much so that he thinks of running away just to tease you for the rest of his life.
what a mess you've made between you. what an honest to god awful mess.
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Genshin characters x a reader with ADHD!
Summary: Your ADHD is odd, however, your (boy)friend is just as strange, so you think it evens out.
Or, how the genshin characters react to a reader with ADHD. (Ft some lesser known aspects of ADHD)
Featuring: Tighnari, Venti, Xiao & Albedo. Can be read as romantic or platonic.
A/n: it's frankly criminal how few neurodivergent reader content there is out there so here I am.
Disclaimer!! While I do have ADHD nobody’s ADHD is the same, so what might be common for me is something another person has never experienced.
Also I drop some lesser known aspects of ADHD in this post so here’s a general index of what those terms mean. It’s a lot more nuanced than what I’ve written down here but it’ll give you a general idea of the concept!
Executive dysfunction/ADHD paralysis: Wanting to do your job/work, but it feels like you’re physically unable to.
Food sensory issues/selective eating habits: A lot of people with ADHD are ‘picky eaters’ and refuse to eat certain foods even if it's good for them. Usually we pick foods with high sugar since it causes a ‘dopamine surge’.
Auditory processing disorder (APD): Having difficulty making out what someone is saying or processing what someone said too slowly.
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD): Being much more sensitive to rejection or perceived rejection.
Verbal stim: Exactly the same as other stims (Like bouncing your leg or clicking a pen) but just with words. Usually being a certain phrase, sentence, or humming. Although any vocalization can be a verbal stim.
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Probably the most knowledgeable about this out of everyone on this list.
He knows it's not just 'lose your focus fast' and that ADHD is a lot more nuanced than that but at the same time he isn't an expert on it.
You'll have to explain some things to him, and knowing Tighnari, he'd happily let you tell him.
Mf takes notes. If he gets too excited and overwhelmes you tell him so he'll calm down a little lmao
Downside of him knowing a lot about (your) ADHD is that he knows when you need to cut back on some things.
If you're a very picky eater like me and don't like the taste/texture of healthy food he will literally not allow it LMAO
You'll be eating an excessive amount of sugar and he'll literally snatch whatever is in your hands and tell you to eat something healthy instead. And no, you cannot convince him to give it back to you until further notice.
If you hate the texture of actual healthy food he’ll definitely find an alternative for you to eat no matter how long it takes. You are not getting out of this.
In the nicest way possible… Tighnari is probably a little annoyed about your ADHD sometimes 💀💀💀
He never blames you or gets mad at you because he knows it's not your fault when this does or doesn't happen but he's still a bit miffed about it lmao.
Like when your auditory processing disorder suddenly kicks in and you make him repeat himself ten times. Or how you space out during his lectures.
However, Tighnari is smart so he'd definitely find a way to gain your attention so when he tells you things you can actually pay attention.
He's pretty good at wrangling your executive dysfunction, too (he's used to Collei having similar problems when he's tutoring her). He believes in the work/reward system and he always knows what'll make you actually get up to do what you're supposed to.
Usually by using your current hyper fixation/interests against you LMAO
"Do that assignment/task and I'll take you out to get that merch you've been wanting for over a month."
(If you like soft things like his ears, he would absolutely use it as bait for you to do your work also LMAO)
But if it's a really rough day he knows when to dial back on his constant nagging for you to do your work and encourages you to take it easy for the day.
If you're like me and forget things semi-regularly he'd always remind you. Especially if it's an outing/meeting with someone.
(Although, if you're the type of person to get annoyed by it he'll stop/dial it back if you ask.)
You 🤝 Tighnari
Can be overstimulated by loud noises easier than others.
Seriously though you both are at a loud party or something and look over to each other giving each other the 'why are we here? Just to suffer'? Look.
But if either of you are about to/are overstimulated you leave the area with each other to calm down. It's sweet 💖
He was originally a bit annoyed by how easily your mind wandered or how quickly you jumped from topic to topic but got used to it after a while. It even grew on him, he finds it endearing nowadays.
Always loves to hear you talk about your hyper fixation, seeing you so happy makes him happy too.
(And you best believe you'll be listening to that boy's flower talk. You think you know more than most rangers about the flora in Teyvat than they do. He's cute though, and you love hearing him talk about it as well, so really it's a win-win scenario.)
Mean this in the nicest way possible, but.. Tighnari is probably going to make you feel really bad once or twice on accident LMAO
With this tough love nature and your Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria you sometimes can't tell when he's being sarcastic/playful and/or he didn't mean what he said (or simply didn't understand.)
He almost always realizes right away and reassures you he meant no harm, and you believe him, but you're understandably still a bit upset LOL
He always makes it up to you, though <3
And if you ever get mad at yourself about how easily you get upset he's always there to reassure you that it's okay and you shouldn't bash your emotions like that, even if they're irrational.
He's your free therapist /j
Was originally confused when you started verbally stimming around him before you explained that to him as well. As long as it's not unexpectedly loud, he doesn't mind it and if you ever stop for a long period of time he def gets a bit upset 💀 like 'why'd you stop?? Did something happen??'
And if you stim in a way that hurts you he definitely puts a stop to it right away. Usually by offering you alternative ways to stim in ways that don't make you hurt yourself.
He is your mom (boy)friend <3
“I knew it. This place is way too loud for you as well, isn't it? C'mon, let's go out for a bit.”
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"Oh you mean like the thing where you can't sit still?"
Hit him.
But really, Venti doesn’t quite understand what ADHD is all that much. He’s heard the term before but never really cared to figure out what it means. You’ll have to educate him on it before he understands.
Honestly he’s kind of surprised at how much more there is to ADHD than he originally thought. Like damn your brain works against you like that?? You deal with that DAILY?? Damn bitch you live like this? /lh
… But also he unironically kind of finds it funny.
“I can’t believe your brain will go to such lengths to not do work just because it doesn’t like it.”
“Shut up.”
Sorry, but Venti is a tease at heart and he cannot hold himself back. Although, if he sees you genuinely upset by what he said he’ll apologize.
Despite that Venti is actually really good at helping you if you need it. He never gets annoyed if he has to repeat himself a dozen times or if he has to help you get something done, or if he has to calm you down for any reason.
If your ADHD is keeping you from falling asleep Venti always offers to sing you to sleep, it’s up to you if you decide to accept or not. (He’ll be very pouty if you decline though lol)
If you're like me and have lost items right in front of you (once I lost an item I was looking for for a good fifteen minutes. It was in my hand.) Venti can and will tease you about this.
"Hmm~ I don't know… Where did you see it last?" You could basically hear the laugh in his voice.
Once you do find it in a really obvious spot he will then laugh out loud. Just joke about breaking up with/leaving him and he'll quickly be on his knees apologizing
If one of your vocal stims is humming/singing anytime Venti catches wind of it he's definitely singing along with you. It turns into a karaoke in seconds and you're both laughing and smiling by the end of it.
He’s surprisingly one of the most understanding people on this list. No matter what, he'll always be there for you and somehow always knows how to help. You asked him about that and he said,
“Well, a magician can never reveal their secrets.”
“You’re not a magician, though. You’re a bard.”
“Then how is it that I stole your heart?”
Hit him again /j
Although there is one aspect he’s not great at steering you away from only because he’s also bad at steering himself away from it.
Impulsive tendencies.
Did you impulsively buy something? What a coincidence. Venti did something similar just seconds ago. Did you leave the group you were with because something caught your eye? Venti is right beside you, also looking for whatever caught your attention. Did you say something without really thinking about it? Venti just did the same somewhere across the room.
You guys are almost in sync for impulsive decision making no matter how far apart you two may or may not be.
On multiple occasions you’ve both run to each other in a panic after you both impulsively did something you shouldn’t have.
“Venti, help! I just entered a competition I know nothing about and it starts tomorrow afternoon!”
“Y/n, help! I just promised I’d do something I definitely shouldn’t!”
You both look at each other in panic and internally scream.
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Unlike Venti, Xiao hasn’t the slightest clue what ADHD is. He literally has no concept of mental disabilities and genuinely just thought some people had a harder time with things, not that their brain is wired differently.
Before you tell him he’ll see you stimming sometimes or notice you say certain words or phrases multiple times and just shrugs it off as ‘human things’. Same could be said for most of your ADHD shenanigans.
It was a blessing and a curse since he wouldn’t judge you for any of them, however if something like your executive dysfunction kicked in he’d probably think you’re being lazy 💀💀
You’d have to have a long sit-down talk about your ADHD and everything that goes on with it before he understands and can help you with it.
Even if you’re like me and your explanation skills are about as clear as muddy water he’d likely at least get the gist of it.
Now listen, Xiao is a harsh person by nature but once you tell him about your rejection sensitive dysphoria and what it means he’s probably looking back on anytime he was even slightly mean to you and worrying about if he accidentally hurt you.
Reassure him that even if he did hurt you, it’s in the past now and he knows to do better now.
Boy is much softer to you after that talk, even if he won’t admit it. He's the one least likely to accidentally hurt you with words out of everyone.
Xiao didn’t- and frankly, still kinda doesn’t- know a lot about humans before he met you, so he’s learning as he goes. Which means that at the beginning he’s going to be really awkward with comforting/helping you.
He’s trying though! And if you tell him how to help either before or after something like your executive dysfunction starts acting up, he’ll… still be a little awkward, if i’m being honest, but it helps much more than before you told him anything. The more he gets used to your ADHD the easier it’ll be for him to help you with it.
It becomes easier over time for both of you and Xiao slowly grows a ‘sixth sense’ if something is wrong.
Forgot something at the house? Xiao is already handing it to you as you turn around to go and grab it. Impulsive did something you probably shouldn’t have? Xiao is suddenly there to calm you down and do damage control. Your brain suddenly refusing to process what someone said? Xiao breaks down what they said so you can fully process it.
Seriously, bring him grocery shopping with you. He'll remember things you didn't even put on the list.
You wonder how Xiao got this power and Xiao also wonders how he got this power but he isn’t complaining. If he can help you in any way, he will.
"Hey, you forgot your lunch. I don't want you going hungry while I'm gone..."
Tease him about how he's acting like a caregiver and watch him turn red.
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He didn't know much about ADHD before he met you if he was being honest.
He knew more than Venti and Xiao but less than Tighnari, so you won't have to explain as much as you did with the previous two!
He finds it very intriguing, although he is the chief alchemist and human psychology has little to nothing to do with that, he finds himself listening to everything you have to say about it.
He knew humans learned in different ways but he didn't know how nuanced all of it was.
Just like Tighnari this guy is taking notes, although he's a bit calmer than Tighnari was lmao
"Fascinating. I knew humans were complex creatures, but this is much more nuanced than I originally anticipated."
Just like with Xiao, even if your explanation skills are less than ideal, Albedo still gets what you mean.
Seriously, he will pry every detail that you know about it out of you to the point that the conversation has already passed three hours and neither of you noticed.
He's asking questions you didn't even think of and you've known you've had ADHD for years.
Unfortunately, you often have to disappoint him with the fact that there's not exactly an abundance of information on mental illness/disabilities and that he'd likely have to find out for himself.
Even after that Albedo still asks you questions about your ADHD sometimes which you can either quickly answer or it takes ten minutes of pondering to figure it out.
He waits for you tho <3
You 🤝 Albedo
What the fuck is a social cue
You're usually at least a little better at spotting them than Albedo is, but it's still something you both struggle with 💀💀💀
Difference is that while you may try to apologize, Albedo just doesn't care.
He lives on a cold mountain, it's only natural that he has bad people skills. (He just like me fr fr)
In the nicest way possible the first few times you impulsively make a decision/have Executive dysfunction/etc Albedo will definitely say smthn like, "Oh, so this is what it looks like." 💀
Mf is lucky he's cute.
Afterwards though he'll help in any way he can. Which, of course means, any way alchemy can.
You're surprised at how useful all the things he made for you are, and you're grateful for that man making them for you every day.
All of Albedo's previous note-taking and observations of any bad habits you have because of your ADHD ended up with him being able to handle your bad habits better than you can 💀
Buddy is too smart for his own good.
You're taking notes from him at this point. You'd be a little offended that he knows more about your mental disability than you do but honestly if it helps you manage it better you'll take it with open arms.
While you're in his laboratory he likes hearing about you info dump about your hyper fixation. It's better background noise than the howling winds outside and you look adorable while talking about it. That's a win-win for him.
(Although like Tighnari, you'll also hear about his own experiments. Even if you're not really processing the information Albedo appreciates that you're trying)
If you're more creatively inclined he'll occasionally ask for your help if he's stuck on a project to see if you can think of something he hasn't yet. Even if you don't he says your input helps (translation: he likes hearing your voice and opinions)
Out of everyone on this list he's the least baffled about your odd habits. Man's is so unbothered by everything it's kinda funny.
The only thing he's worried about is when you look after Klee alone… he trusts the both of you to be able to take care of yourselves, but Klee is impulsive by herself. And if you're also impulsive it could lead to tragedy.
"You're aware the acting grand master is trying to stop Klee's habit of fish blasting, correct?"
"Well, maybe the acting grand master should try fish blasting herself! It's not our fault it's so fun!"
You're not allowed to babysit anymore
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Ending note: I'm so bad at hcs it's also kinda funny. Ah oh well, at least you can say I tried! Sorry if anyone was ooc but also this is MY blog and I GET TO CHOOSE how to portray characters!!1! Also if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes no there isn't.
I was planning on adding more characters but kinda ran out of steam lmao. Mayhaps I will one day, but for now this is all you get <3 bye~
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sky-kiss · 11 months
Hello my friend!! My stinky cheese!
Do you think Raphael would bond at all with a Tav who also hates their father (cough cough kinda like Durge cough cough)?
If so, could I request a prompt where Raph reacts to Tav (female) just getting really angry/upset about that familial void that he can so relate to.
I know this isn't gonna be easy, but I wish you luck wrangling the beast 🫡
A/N: I opted for mother vs. father. Since you vetoed me from using Durge, it’s a Tav. A Lolth-Sworn Drow. This….is not quite the prompt. I’m sorry, love.
In nearly two thousand years of living, Raphael has welcomed all sorts of souls to his door. Spurned lovers, vengeful rulers, petulant children; he is all things to all people, as any devil worth their salt could attest. And for all those souls and all those years, he can say he has felt true camaraderie only a handful of times.
He counts the drow among them. 
Tav regards him with interest from the start. No fear, only a culturally conditioned lust. He is power and ambition made flesh; he is a steppingstone and tool, or so she imagines. Bless her little heart. She will use him and expects to be used in turn; it is a charmingly simplistic exchange. 
Tit for tat, love. Information for the Orthon. A hammer for a crown. He comes to her in the aftermath of the invasion, surprised to find her languishing in the Elfsong. She has talked of naught but her return to the Underdark. 
“You linger, little mouse. Have we grown fond of the surface-dwellers?”
She smiles, teeth too white in the elegant darkness of her face. A curtain of platinum hair falls over her shoulder. Tav is a stunning representation of the breed. She steps aside to grant him entry to her suite. “Don’t be foolish. My delay is purely practical.” Tav settles in one of the rich wingbacks, looking for all the world a queen. “I wanted to make certain you’d find me.” 
“Oh, always, sweetling. Wherever you go, rest assured I will find you.” He plucks her hand from the armrest, kissing the back of her knuckles. “That lovely little soul of yours bears my mark.”
“Lolth will not be pleased.” 
“The Spider Bitch was long since defanged. Her dissatisfaction means nothing to me. ” Tav’s expression softens. Her eyes remain the rest of those sworn to the mistress of the Demonweb pits, but her loyalties have shifted. “But your satisfaction, my little treat, means everything. Tell us what you need.” 
“I’ve been absent from Menzoberranzan too long. Before the,” she hesitates a moment, “incident. I had intended to wrest my House from the Matron Mother’s control.” 
“Matricide, is it? How delightful.” 
“You know how parents can be.” 
“Don’t I just.” Raphael chuckles. He seats himself beside her. The proximity of the chairs and his size leaves his knee fetching up against hers. Tav shifts, hooking her foot behind his ankle. Brave girl. “And you are lucky, pet. I have a soft spot for rebellious princes and princesses.” 
She rests her chin in the palm of her hand. Lovely and so willing to treat with him. He’s struck again by how odd it is to see yourself reflected in a mortal vessel. There are scars across the pretty things back, left by lash and more inventive forms of torture typical to the species. And he sees the same hate in her eyes. A burning desire for more, to take what she's owed. “Let us discuss terms, love of mine.” The endearment makes him laugh; there is no love, not even an echo of it, in her voice. Only hunger. “Passage to Menzoberranzan.” 
“Only passage? I might offer you power. And more.”
“And more?” She arches a brow, stroking his calf with her foot. “And the cost?” 
“Negotiable, pet. We might even defer it…a Matron Mother will not lack resources. Power today for payment tomorrow. A generous offer, no?” 
Tav chews at her lower lip. “And if I proposed an alliance? To swear myself to you for this power, to pledge my House to your service…what would you offer?” And it is odd, so odd, to feel a pang of lust after so many centuries. “I would see my mother consumed by her damned spiders. After that…” she shrugs. “I’ll admit to having a fondness for rebel princes, myself.” 
“How convenient.” 
And she enjoys his words from so many months prior. “Isn’t it just?” 
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forgeofthenine · 11 months
Too slow, love
A short lil blurb of Dammon to help cheer me up after a shitty day at work yesterday. May or may not be inspired by me making chocolate chip biscuits.
Note: 'Mh myirz' is apparently infernal for 'My heart'
Your hand reaches for the familiar feel of the metal bowl, eyes focusing on the hand rummaging through the mess of a cabinet in front of you. When you find only air on the countertop is when your brows furrow, finally looking up. Leaning against the counter, precious bowl in his arms, is a certain tiefling licking his fingers.
"Dammon, we won't have any dough left at this rate!" You scold, wrangling the half full bowl from his grasp. It's easy enough, Dammon releasing it with a self satisfied little grin, leaving you to huff. "The rest isn't leaving my sight now."
"But isn't this meant to be a treat, mh myirz?" He asks, pulling out the baking try that eluded you in the wooden cabinet. "Maybe I prefer my cookies a little under done." His reasoning must've seemed more sound in his own head, you think as your eyes roll slightly. Coming to stand again with the bowl, a smile teases at the corner of your mouth, turning away so Dammon can't see.
Soon you have a greased tray, neat lines of slightly pressed dough balls filling it. Still, you're careful to keep an eye on them... Until you feel a light tickle trailing up your leg. You swear it's only a moment that you pull your eyes away, only to discover the feeling was the pointed tip of your lovers tail. Looking back up, the tray is suspiciously empty of one piece of cookie dough, and the aforementioned tiefling is licking his lips.
"Too slow, love."
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carrotsnake · 11 months
Botw/Totk headcanon: Sheikah NPCs beyond Kakariko
after impa being the Last of Her Kind for nearly 20 years, we were kind of spoiled with the era of wilds sheikah. still, kakariko is known for it's older population and botw makes a point to let us know paya isn't used to seeing people her age. this post is about asking 'where are they?' and filling in the gaps. being a peaceful farming village it makes sense the younger gens would want to leave as soon as they can for some adventure.
sheikah typically have hair on the grey-to-white scale (granté proves this isn't a requirement), and unlike the past games they have a greater diversity in eye colour. below is a list of hylian npcs that look too young to have greying hair that i hc are either from kakariko, or have some sheikah ancestry.
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from left to right: lecia, letty, mina, her brother mils by proxy, teli, juney, and baumar. i'll go into more detail about each under the cut, comparing them from the 2 games alongside some more headcanons. some of them i haven't found in totk yet, so i'll edit when i do.
pic on the left side is them in botw, totk on the right.
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Mina is a treasure hunter looking for loot with her brother by the exchange ruins outside the great plateau. the siblings also show up in the dlc. they're trying to steal a sheikah heirloom back from the yiga hideout, though they don't know it's purpose - they just wanna sell it. in totk she walks on the path between lakeside stable and lurelin. she says that even treasure hunters deserve some fun once in a while, so we can assume she's takin' it easy. Mils, meanwhile...
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...joined the zonai survey team, and moans about what tough work it is. he walks through pagos woods to the zonai ruins. he joined in the hopes it would lead him to treasure, but he hasn't had his lucky break yet. most hylians travel from stable to inn and can be assumed not to have a proper home due to the lasting effects of the calamity. this is my bias but i like to think he's talking about kakariko when he mentions home. let him grow some pumpkins and wrangle cuccos. he wishes to live a quiet life.
i find it sweet him and mina are both in faron. maybe they decided to split up and cover more ground? with mina off sunbathing and sipping mimosas in lurelin, mils got the short end of the stick again.
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'i hope you die': lazy, cliché, unrealistic. 'i hope your favourite botw npc gets mushroomed and bowlcutted': it's scary, it's possible, it's happening to me right now. such was the fate of our poor resident shield-surfer bro from botw. known for many hit quotes such as 'let's go bamboo! yahoo!', 'shield surfing is like, totally radical, dude', and my favourite:
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in botw he rides his horse on the path between serenne and snowfield stable. in totk he's part of the fashion tour-group that run around hateno village. maybe he went to hebra to show his 'wicked' surfing moves to selmie and she said 'kid, if i let you out on the slopes you'll die. sorry'. his world was completely shattered beneath him like a broken shield, so he turned to cravats and puffy short shorts to cope.
his name is similar to the hills of baumer above deya village ruins. maybe he's a descendent of the few survivors. i wonder what his ancestors are thinking now, watching what he does with the gift of life.
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Teli walks between fort hateno and hateno village. He sells ancient guardian parts and even mentions he trades them with Robbie. he has a high opinion of himself and tells you he's known across hyrule for his 'roguish good looks.' in totk he's one of the men in the 'Gourmets gone missing' Penn quest that gave himself food-poisoning by riverside stable. after which he scares away some cuccos and makes you wrangle them for a sidequest. just L after L for this dashing rogue.
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Juney, now famous for her rupee grinding sand seal minigame, i instantly recognised as the epic divorce woman from rito village. her attitude is just as surly as ever but they gave her a soft side. i like that every minigame location could not be further from hateno. you'll find that school someday queen.
she was a newly wed mad at her husband, jogo, for choosing a cold place for their honeymoon. he begs you to give him flint to cook some baked apples for her to save their already failing marriage.
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in totk they're not together, jogo inhabits a cabin in tabantha village ruins with another woman. he didn't give her enough baked apples.
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Letty walks along the path between lakeside stable and lurelin. she gives you cooking tips and that's pretty much it. i'm pretty sure i've met her as a yiga disguise more often than i've seen the real her. if anyone has found her in totk, please let me know.
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Lecia is a new character in totk. she's with the research team and plays a part in the foothill stable Penn quest. she kind of looks like a grown up Koko. maybe a distant relative? but maybe she's not sheikah. maybe the sight of all those pasty naked man nips traumatised her so bad she got marie-antoinette syndrome from the shock. i haven't seen her since.
thank you if you read to the end. to clarify i'm working on some fic stuff and that entails finding npcs across the overworld to give some more lore. it's a sheikah focused fic so i needed some characters other than the kakariko residents. it's also just fun fleshing out random npcs to make the world feel more lived in. again, i'm missing some details like what mina does before you save lurelin, so i'll edit this post in the future.
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ikkosu · 6 months
"It's barely even ten, mouse — is that coffee on your table?"
YOU brought up the disposable cup : pale parchment rimmed with green and wagged it a little for him to see. The liquid sloshed and steam flared from the muddled veneer. Where he stood, teetering in front of your desk, his frown deepened — then, he sighed.
"I understand the forcefield parameter needs reforming. And, I understand it's not an easy task to manage. But the only thing you're working towards to, here, is killing yourself." He nudged it away from his periphery. "You hunkered down on two cups, already?"
"It's only around five milligrams of caffeine." You set it down; tack on your desk, frowning when it left a brown spot.
He pressed a digit against his temple, possibly to soothe the incoming migraine straining his circuits. "Adults are advised to consume at least less than four hundred a day. You've consumed double the quota."
" Less doesn't keep me awake." You stand up, trotting towards a metal rimmed cabinet holstered by left side of the wall.
"Less, keeps you alive." He scowls. "Don't think I'm not aware of what you've been doing up these recent nights. Those concealer under your eyes aren't so subtle, mouse."
You chuffed, sorting through the files. "Alright then, mister preacher. If you get to have a say then I do as well : how about the cubes of 'engex' I found tucked under your desk, hm? Not so preaching anymore, huh."
Prowl turns sharply away; his door wings pike up and you smiled. "Those are non-alcoholic. You brewed them, yourself."
"Indeed, I did." You grabbed a plastic bag. "And guess how much caffeine i've docked inside the engex?"
Prowl turns back, gritting his teeth. Smug brat. "Don't change the subject, mouse.You and I both know I've dealt with  far worse and a little lack of recharge isn't going to kill me. Which stands to reason,  your body needs  rest or the base is going to scour for another scientist that's at least not hell bent on killing herself."
"Already decided."
"Excuse me?" Prowl watches as you wrangle out a folded cushion from the bag: teal green of color, and rolled it across the floor.
You shrugged off your lab coat and underneath is a soft white tee with a modest neckline. Prowl isn't sure whether to turn away or keep looking.
"What are you doing." He says dryly.
You sat on the cushion, giving the spot beside you a prim pat. "We're at a stalemate. How about we counter the assault by caving in to a truce?"
Prowl stares at you for a moment, likely contemplating the need for fresh air through the open door, or the prospect of copping himself up inside your laboratory. Alone, together.
Doesn't seem so bad.
The cushion dips and cool metal curls around the side of your waist before pitting you close to his chassis. A warm kind of thrum pulses throughout your body and one servo molds against your cheek, cool to the touch, thumb on the plush of your lips.
Prowl tries not to sound amused through his solemn reverie. "If that's your suggested strategy, then I wouldn't want to know what many more would come if ever you're to take reign of the battle field."
You grinned and gave the digit a peck  "What can I say, officer? I did look for both logic and reason."
"It's still not very strategic." He murmers and his lips find the crook of your neck, nose a soft nestle against your jawline as he kisses it.
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ashmaenas · 6 months
Ash's guide to getting shit done (aka how I survive. Kinda).
Disclaimer: This is just stuff that (mostly) works for me. I can't make any promises that your type of brain worms are the same as my brain worms. They may be a totally different species.
Music. I find that I am very music motivated, and I can kind of hack my brain into doing certain things by listening to a Specific type of music every time I do them. For example, every time I want to clean I listen to 50s music and my brain goes 'Ah yes, you should be mopping the floor around about now.' It's very effective when I actually remember to do it.
Clothes. In much the same vein as music, wearing outside clothes tells my brain it's time to be Alert. Again, it only works when I remember to do it.
Starting step. This one is a bit dubious because the beginning is the hard bit, but with some activities (like showering) I'll do an easy action (getting naked in the bathroom) and my brain will kick into the correct mode for that activity. This works maybe... 40% of the time, but that's still better than nothing.
Doing something else. Occasionally, I simply Can't Do The Activity but I'll have enough spoons to at least do something. In that case, I'll just trick my brain into being productive by incentivising it with organising stuff. So I may not be able to study but I will be able to compile resources for every topic I need to research based on the syllabus. It's not what I needed to do, but it will make my life easier later on.
Half ass it. The perfectionist in me hates doing this, but doing something badly is still better than not doing it at all. I've reframed this as 'doing the bare minimum is still doing it' and this method helps me with things like basic hygiene, cleaning, studying, eating ect... When I have next to zero spoons. An example would be that a sink bath isn't as effective as a shower, but at least I'll feel a bit cleaner.
Have someone watch me Do The Thing. This doesn't work if they tell me to do the thing because then my brain goes "Well, now I'm not doing it," and everything is difficult, but if I voluntarily have someone in the room then it makes it easier for me to do tasks. Sometimes. Unless I was already in the zone. Then my brain says no again. It's kind of a hit or miss but it may work for you.
Turn on the Big Light. I actually don't recommend this one, because I don't recommend that other people voluntarily cause themselves distress in order to get things done, but it is a last resort for me. Turning on the big light makes me feel a bit like a rabbit being hunted for sport. Namely, stressed and alert. This helps me get tasks done because the quicker I do them, the quicker I can turn the light off. On one hand, it is effective. On the other hand, it's horrible. 10/10, would not recommend.
Disguise it as something fun and automatic. Confession: at this point the only exercise I get is late night bedroom dancing and skipping (to music) with a skipping rope I made out of an old bathroom robe sash and a shoelace. I'll listen to danceable music and the urge will be there, so I fulfil it and get some Movement™ in at the same time. It works because it's something I'd do anyway, but it's also beneficial.
If you're the type of person who can just do things easily without having to have a hundred different strategies to wrangle your brain into submission then you're probably a bit confused right now. To that I say, don't worry about it!!
Go get a snack with the convenient cues your body sends you when you need to eat, and get started on that minor task that you won't spend all week in a state of procrastination paralysis and terror about.
If you're like me and everything is difficult (except sometimes the things that everyone else finds difficult—either that or except some super niche skill that is not regarded as useful by society) then I'm proud of you for making it this long and I hope you found at least one of these useful. Feel free to reblog with your own strategies for Doing Tasks and surviving life (seriously. Anything helps).
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