#it likely does not help that last night i was ill and threw up my anxiety medication
emilianadarling · 2 years
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gyrlliar · 8 months
Stress Relief
(short fic; stressed bf x male reader)
(note: hey...hhaaha, hi guys im back but my finals are still happening tmrw, i promizse ill write mure shit, this fic is actual stress relief rn)
Jaeyun groaned as he just realized he didn't review the topics for the finals tomorrow. He looked up at the ticking clock on the wall, 'tick, tick, tick' the clock softly sounded around the empty room. His hands gripped on his desk as he groans once more.
Not from stress, but from you, sucking and slobbering on his meaty cock. It twitched in your mouth frantically, almost signalling everytime that Jaeyun was stressed. You caressed and held his hand everytime you felt it twitch in your throat.
You licked at the base of his cock, the stress making him slightly overstimulated. He bucked his hips into your mouth harshly, cussing out a string of cusses and random topics about anatomy from his lips.
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes, he threw his head back in pleasure and in frustration. "That's right baby, keep sucking..." He grunted out, his hand hot at the back of your neck as he read his notes on neuroanatomy.
You moaned on his cock, the vibrations from your lewd sounds made his cock spill out more pre-cum. He choked out a groan from his throat, and then finally, for once, he looked down at you and smirked at your watery doe eyes.
"Good boy...you learn so well." Jaeyun praised and cooed at you lovingly, you happily sucked more on his throbbing cock as you hear the praises.
The twitching stopped and his cock was now being plunged somehow deeper in your throat as he started to use you like the toy you are.
He groaned loudly, feeling his high come near, his veiny hands gripped on your hair like a vice.
"Good boy...! I'm gonna cum." He spat out, you sucked harder, almost like you were trying to suck out his cum AND his stress. He smiled at you adoringly at your adorable happy expression.
He finally came inside your warm mouth, the stress in his brows melting away as he relaxed. Your hands were still holding his, he squeezed your hand gently.
His toned chest heaved up and down, he chuckled when you lapped up the remaining cum that was still dribbling from out of his cock. Jaeyun's warm hand ruffled your hair.
"Thank you baby. You really helped me relieve some stress." You both giggled, your eyes shining at each other with love and support.
'Ping!' A notification caught Jaeyun's attention, he picked up his phone and looked at it with hatred as if it had just insulted his boyfriend. Jaeyun's free hand rubbed his temples slowly, his cock twitched up again.
You gulped, he looked down at you. "...I have more topics to memorize, baby..." He said with a strained chuckle. "You don't have to- mm?" He deeply groaned out the last part as you started to suck on his cock like your life depended on it.
Jaeyun sighed shakily, he opened the new documents that his professor had sent. His face paled slightly when he saw that it was 112 pages long. He looked down at you with a stressed look in his eyed and his thick cock twitching frantically.
"We're gonna be here all night."
(im so gay)
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puranami · 10 months
✿ Fever - 1 ✿
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A/N: Not included Brook and Jimbei bc I have absolutely no idea how to write them. Also, since Chopper is baby it would feel weird including him, even though it'd be in a purely platonic way. Just because of all the pining going on. Idk, I'd rather keep the themes separate, if that makes sense?
Summary: You're sick and try to ignore it.
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Robin, Franky.
Content: SFW, G/N reader, no serious illness but Usopp's is a liiiiittle angsty bc of his mum, not proofread (effectively) bc it's past 2am ✿
(Part 2)
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✿ He's honestly oblivious to things at first. You are doing your best to maintain your usual level of enthusiasm but it's so exhausting, and that's the most he registers - that you're tired.
"Hey, did ya not sleep too good?" he asked, entirely too loud for the headache beginning to form. You groan and lean your head into your hand, as if that would somehow soothe things, but to no avail. "Don't worry about it, I swear it won't affect my duties," you say, not sure who you were trying to convince. Apparently it didn't work regardless, as when you looked at him he was just stood there frowning with his arms crossed, and his head tilted. Before you could say anything you were greeted with a rubbery palm lightly smacking against your forehead, earning a surprised yelp from you. "You're hot." "Luffy!" Of course he had to say it that way. If you weren't already burning up with this fever, that would've set your skin ablaze. He really had no filter, and he never realised how the things he said affected you. He removed his hand from your face to grab your own, turning to drag you back to your quarters, not listening to any of your protests on the matter. There really wasn't anything you could do once Luffy had made up his mind, and you'd be lying if you said it wasn't part of his charm. "No duties for you today, 'kay?" It may have been phrased like a question, but you knew it was 'Captain's orders.'
✿ You'd end up sleeping most of the day, with Luffy having gotten Chopper to look after you.
✿What you wouldn't be aware of was his constant presence while you slept, keeping a quiet vigil whilst he made sure the damp cloth on your head was always nice and cool.
✿ He just wants you to get better as fast as you can!
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✿ One word; clueless.
✿ It just looks like a hangover to him, what with the way you groan at the light, are unsteady on your feet, and complain about being nauseous.
"And I thought I drank a lot last night." he'd comment with a smirk. "Shut up, Zoro, you always drink a lot," you whine. "I didn't drink anything!" "The pathetic whining says otherwise." You threw the rag you'd been cleaning with at him. He raised an eyebrow, watching it harmlessly drop to the floor in front of him. "Your form is off." This man, you swear! You try to growl out an insult, but it dies on your tongue, a wave of nausea hitting in it's place, causing you to clasp a hand to your mouth. "Alright, easy champ, no need to strain yourself," Zoro raised his hands in faux surrender. "Come on, you gotta sleep this one off." He can't help but smile as you pathetically smack at him while he picks you up, opting for bridal style as opposed to flour sack, only so you don't empty your guts down his back. Saying that, he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy holding you like that, though you're far too busy trying to fight him to notice the dusting of pink on his cheeks. "Don't worry I'll get you through this. I know my way around a hangover." "I'm not hungover," you protest as he gently places you in a hammock.
✿ True to his word though, he does see you through it, even if 'it' is the wrong thing. Task failed successfully!
✿ Zoro stays beside you, makes sure you drink plenty of water, and get plenty of rest, even falling asleep himself at one point; his face inches from yours as he was leaning against the post the top end of the hammock was attached to at the time.
✿ Sadly you never saw that as you slept right through it. Would've been good ammunition to use against him when he needed taking down a peg.
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✿ One of the people who would actually do a good job of looking after you. She's not got the gentlest bedside manner; she is firm yet fair, so you're in good hands.
When you don't join the crew for breakfast, Nami took it upon herself to make sure you hadn't gotten tangled in your hammock, or something equally as stupid. You wake up in a cold sweat when you hear your door open, and manage to croak out, "Nami? Oh, did I oversleep?" When you try to get up, she pushes you right back down. "Don't." Her tone indicates that she will not tolerate any shenanigans, and so you do as you're told. "You need to sleep more. I'll get you some water, and later Sanji will make you some soup." She tucks a thin blanket around you, so you don't overheat. "If you so much as try to get out of this hammock I'm going to tie your arms and legs together. Understood?" Unable to stop yourself, you let out a light chuckle. "Nami, you're so cute when you pretend not to care," the fever disabling any kind of filter you may have had. While it did catch her by surprise, you are none the wiser, as you quickly drift back off to sleep. Nami has to take a brief moment to collect herself again, silently cursing the noticeable warmth in her cheeks, then mumbling about how you're an idiot before leaving your room.
✿ Nami basically dictates how your day is. Lots of sleep, plenty of fluids and maybe a warm bath to help sweat this out, and of course she 'requests' (demands) Sanji make a hearty soup to help you get better, which he is more than happy to do for her!
✿ She'll deny it, but she sets up in your room so she can monitor you throughout the day, only going to Chopper for medicine if she thinks it's bad enough, deciding it isn't necessary to bother him with something so manageable.
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✿ He panics. Something about seeing someone he cares about getting sick makes him think of his mother, and he doesn't want to lose anyone else like that.
Usopp scoops you up and books it to Chopper. You've seen him afraid, but nothing this intense, and no matter how much you try to convince him that you're okay, and that it's just a cold - you can't seem to break through to him. "Chopper, please help! Please!" He begs as he gently places you on a bed. Tears are streaming down his face, as he takes your hand in a vice-like grip. Once Chopper confirms what you already tried to tell him about it being a common cold, he relaxes a bit. You don't hold it against him, clearly this is something deeper for him. Chopper's words, those of a professional, were very reassuring. "You just need rest, but I do have medicine to help with symptoms if you need," he says before putting a comforting little hoof on Usopp's knee. "Everything will be okay, I promise." Usopp takes a moment to collect himself before quietly saying, "Can I stay?" You and Chopper look at each other before smiling back at him, letting him know he is welcome to stay as long as he likes, or in this case needs. Neither of you press him on why this had him so scared, figuring he'll tell you if and when he's ready to.
✿ Chopper will handle all of your care, because Usopp refuses to leave your side.
✿ He keeps you entertained with his stories when you're awake, and scribbles on some loose papers Chopper gives him while you sleep. It's mainly ideas for things to make, and it keeps him calm.
✿ At one point he falls asleep with his arms crossed on the bed beside you, his little fingers linked with your own, like an unspoken promise that you'll get better, and he'll be there when you do.
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✿ As soon as Sanji catches on that you are sick, he decides to completely dedicate himself to your care and recovery! He's very attentive, and will do every little thing you want or need to get you back to health.
"Darling, I insist!" Every 'it's okay,' and 'you don't need to do all that for me,' will be shot down immediately. "What kind of man would I be if I let someone as lovely as you do anything in this condition?" He clutches his chest dramatically. "No, no. Don't you worry about a thing; I'll make sure you're well again in no time at all." You really don't have the energy to try and dissuade him, so you accept your fate, and let him dote on you the whole day. It's honestly really nice; you love having his attention, and are thankful that the fever hides your blushes, but you also can't help feeling a little guilty with how much he does for you. "Please don't overexert yourself on my behalf, I don't want you to end up getting sick yourself." "Even if I was sick, it wouldn't stop me from looking after you, my dear." You can't help but frown at this. He's so eager to do for others, but is painfully stubborn about receiving that same care. "If you're ever sick, Sanji, I'm gonna do everything that you've done for me - and I won't hear any objection from you on the matter!" You say in as stern a voice as you can manage with a sore throat. "Darling-" "Nope!" You cut him off quickly, "You deserve the same level of care that you give out!" He looks at you a little wide-eyed, an adorable blush creeping along his face. He lets out a small laugh. As much as he'd like to, he says nothing more on it; you're as stubborn as he is it would seem.
✿ Sanji makes lots of lovely food to help aid in your recovery; warming soups, peppermint tea, porridge with ginger and honey. Everything that soothes and settles, no matter the malady.
✿ His bedside manner is impeccable! He's so gentle with you, and he makes sure to check in as often as he can, whilst still doing his duties, getting as much done as possible while you're asleep.
✿ Like Nami, he only goes to Chopper if he feels your condition requires it. He's confident that his cooking will be more than enough to get you back to health.
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✿ A blessing, and a curse. She's very logical, and she knows how to handle such a minor illness, but, she really can't help telling you all about other illnesses that have worryingly similar symptoms.
"Oh, this one is very unpleasant," she beams, and you can't help but press your hands over your ears. "Chopper!" You cry, before she can start telling you about this particular strain of 'instantdeathitus,' practically running into the infirmary with Robin hot on your heels, holding an open book on diseases. "Robin keeps talking about scary diseases and now I'm scared I'm gonna die!" After being given a quick check-up, and much reassurance that, no, you do not have a rare disease that can only be contracted on a specific island in a completely different ocean, and yes, it is just a common cold, you relax. Mostly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Robin says later once you have bundled up and settled down. "Your cold just reminded me of this book, and I thought it was fascinating. I just wanted to share it with you." She clearly felt guilty, and you appreciated that this was just how she is, but you really would've rather she'd chosen a different topic to tell you about. "Maybe, you have a book on old remedies you could tell me about instead?" Robin perks back up at this. She truly values how much you understand her, and she can see why talking about diseases when your ill is not the most pleasant experience, so this is a perfect compromise. "That's a wonderful idea," she smiles, and you swear she puts the sun to shame with how bright her smile is. "There might be one we can try that will help with your recovery."
✿ Once you get past the scary disease hiccup, Robin is a great companion, looking up home remedies, and trying out the ones that are clearly based on logic as opposed to superstition.
✿ If you find a good remedy, she's excitedly write it down, and later pass the information on to Chopper.
✿ She's happy to get you water when needed, and will watch over you as you nap in the library. It's one of the quietest parts of the ship, so there is no way to disturb you there.
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✿ Aside from Chopper, Franky is genuinely the best at dealing with sick people. He tones down his behaviour, and knows exactly what you need to get back on your feet.
Your head was absolutely thundering, at least that's how it felt. Franky clocked onto your condition as soon as he saw you enter the kitchen, and once you had what you came in for, he hurried you off to his workshop. You thought it was an odd choice. "Shouldn't I go somewhere quiet?" "I know it doesn't seem it, but I can keep this place absolutely silent if I need to. No music, no one else barging in and making a racket," he said, keeping his voice uncharacteristically quiet. "Also the walls are soundproof - keeps noise out just as well as it keeps my noise in." "Oh! That's really impressive," even when ill, there is a sparkle in your eyes when he tells you about pretty much anything he's designed or built. You notice his cheeks turning red, but assume that it's just from the compliment as he looked so proud when you gave it to him. "That's not all," he grins, "I've been working on a lil something, and now's the perfect time to show you!" That certainly piqued your interest, and he was doing a great job at distracting you from how bad you felt. Franky led you to one of the corners of the room, one that was covered in a large tarp. You'd seen it many times, and you were always curious, but he'd always brushed it off whenever you brought it up, so the thought of finally seeing what was under there was exciting! Pulling down the tarp revealed a little alcove that was almost like a nest considering the amount of cushions. "It's a space for you," he said sheepishly, "so you have somewhere comfortable to sit when you hang out in here. I figured you could rest there whilst you're ill, and I can look out for you." You stared at it in absolute wonder, big shining eyes darting between it and him. "It's absolutely perfect, thank you so much!"
✿ Franky kept the workshop quiet like he said he would, and whenever you needed anything, like water or medicine, he'd go and get it for you.
✿ At some point Chopper came in to check on you, since Franky had mentioned you were ill, but there really wasn't much to do about it besides getting lots of rest, and you had that covered.
✿ He'd work on his quiet projects, the ones still in the planning and design stages, whilst you slept peacefully in your cosy nest.
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piastrinorris · 2 years
What Are Friends For?
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x f!Reader
Genre: smut
Tags: Stranger Things (series), 18+ (MINORS DNI), oral (m receiving), handjob (m receiving), masturbation (f receiving),
Word count: 2.8k
Summary: A late night post-Truth or Dare chat with your best friend has you admitting your own lack of experience, sexually. Thankfully, he's more than happy to tutor you.
A/N: finally got inspo for one of my wips! just another 12 to go 🙃
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As Nancy and Robin work together to drag a near-catatonic Eddie out of Steve's living room, you nudge the party’s host’s foot with your own. “Alright, Harrington, truth or dare?”
He chuckles, “Seriously? Still? We’re the only two people left, right now.”
You shrug, “’M not ready to go home, yet. Unless you’re really willing to turf out your best friend onto the cold, dark streets of Indiana?” You look at him, doe-eyed, and he laughs again.
“Okay, fine, I’ll bite. Truth.”
“Who’d you lose your V-card with?” you ask plainly, and Steve, halfway through a sip of his drink, chokes on it.
“What the hell! Remind me who it was that insisted on the ‘nothing sexual’ rule when we started playing?” he sputters out.
You shrug, “Around the others, sure, but I’m curious. It’s like, the one thing we never talk about.” 
Steve sighs in defeat. “It was… Tina Langdon. At that party on the last day of sophomore year. The one you wouldn’t go to.”
“Couldn’t,” you correct him, “I was ill, remember?”
He scoffs, “Please, you were fine all day, you can’t fool me, you just chickened out!”
“This isn’t about that,” you shake your head, feeling yourself get flustered.
Steve grins slowly. “Yeah, it is! I know you, you were getting some heavy hints from… Who was that guy, oh my god, this is gonna bug me…” He falters, rubbing his jaw in thought.
"Greg Patowski," you mutter.
"Greg Patowski," he repeats in a reminiscent tone, shaking his head and looking up as he waves his finger up and down. "Alright, 'fess up, your turn now. Who was yours?"
Your cheeks burn hot. "Steve!"
He grins wickedly at you. "C'mon, dishing out what you can't take? That's not like you! You started this!"
After a moment, you bashfully murmur, "It was… It - you just…" Steve still looks at you with anticipation, so you blurt out, "It was Greg, okay?!" He scoffs in disbelief. "He - it was that night, too, actually. He came over from the party to 'check on me', we made out on my bed, it… went further. He was in the room and out again within ten minutes," you admit with a scowl.
Steve's jaw drops in shock. "Are you serious?!" You nod. "Who el-"
"No! My turn to ask now." You take another moment to compose yourself before asking, "W-what's your favourite, like, part of it?"
"Sex?" he asks, and you nod. He blows a long breath out before eventually answering, "Probably the stuff before it. Like head, god. Giving it? Hell, yeah. Getting it? I swear, I don't care what else happens," he throws his head back and smiles wistfully.
Shuffling in your seat, you ask, "H-how did you know what to do?"
"Hm?" Steve asks, and you die a little internally as the thought of repeating yourself, though it seems as though he's heard you. "Oh, well, Tina was, as you know, the grade above us, so she was already more… Experienced, and that helped a lot. She pretty much told me where to go and what to do." He shrugs. 
You're already nervous enough about having to explain yourself to him, when Robin and Nancy reappear at the doorway. "Hey," Nancy calls, making you jump. "Uh, we threw Eddie into one of the guest rooms. Rob and I are just gonna head home, now."
Steve frowns, "You carried him all the way upstairs? I could've done that for you!"
Robin glares at him from under her brow. "What, because two poor, defenceless young women couldn't handle it on their own?" She gives you a look which you silently translate and respond by punching Steve in the arm, which makes Robin laugh, "Nice. See you kids around!"
"Night!" Nancy calls after her before they both head out the front door.
Steve rubs his arm and pokes your shoulder. "So, Jumpy McPuncher."
"Good one," you deadpan, and he laughs.
"C'mon, spill. What's got you so worked up?"
"Well…" you start hesitantly. "You know I was telling you about the guy who's been kinda flirting with me at work?" Steve nods. "I was, uh, thinking of asking him out, but then I was thinking about the bigger picture, and how eventually that's gonna lead to - to, y’know, possibly sleeping with him, and I was wondering how to make it… Enjoyable, since I don't really know how to…" you falter through the end of your sentence, and Steve frowns.
"You've… Been with others since Greg, right?" You shake your head, and he looks at you incredulously. "What?! You've dated people since then!"
"Dated, sure, but I'd make up some shit about not being ready for a commitment before it got to that point," you admit quietly. 
Steve nods slowly, with a thoughtful frown. "Okay. So… You wanna learn how to please a guy?" You nod bashfully and his nod quickens as he hops up onto the couch you'd been leaning against. "Alright."
You look at him in confusion. "W-what are you -?"
He takes some pillows off of the couch and hands them to you. "For your knees," he explains.
"Are you…?" You ask quietly.
"Offering myself as your test dummy? Sure, if it'll help you out," Steve's reply is so casual. "That is, of course, if you want, don't feel like you have t- oh, okay," he smirks as you tentatively unbutton his jeans.
You snap your hands back into your lap in embarrassment. "Oh, sorry, did you want to do that?"
"No, no, if… If this is something that makes you uncomfortable, we really don't have to," he studies you with concern, but you shake your head.
"No, I… I want to. This is the best case scenario, right? I can learn, and not worry about disappointing - not that I don't care what you think, but like, you're you, you know?"
He smiles warmly. "Sure am, and you're you. And I'll guide you on what to do, but you gotta be confident with it, 'kay? Just get going with it, and don't take it personally if I tell you to do something a little different, alright?" You nod, and once again reach to undo his jeans. He shuffles them down to his thighs, and you can see a noticeable bulge in his underwear. "You wanna take it out, or me to, or not yet?"
"Can I…?" You clear your throat, remembering what he just said about confidence. "Can i just touch it over…?" You hold your hand to hover just over his crotch area and he smiles with a nod. The affirmation is oddly calming as you start palming him, and he hums out a soft moan.
"That feels nice," he muses. "Nice and gentle."
He keeps humming with delight as he watches you, and you notice something as you keep palming him. "You're getting hard, already."
"Doesn't take much, right?" he smirks. "Plus, you're doing so well, there."
"I, um… I know you're saying I should take things at my own pace, but I don't wanna take too long, should I take it out now?"
"Go for it," Steve mutters under his breath, still smiling.
You reach beneath the elastic of his underwear, take his shaft in your hand and move it out into view. Your eyes widen and your jaw drops when you see the size of it. "You, uh, you're much bigger than Greg Patowski."
He chuckles, "Good to know. Still wanna keep going?"
You nod, taking a deep, shuddering breath. "Yeah. So, what do I do from here?"
"Whatever you feel like doing," he shrugs. "You can use your lips and kiss it, or use your tongue and lick it, or you can get straight onto putting it on your mouth. I promise you, as long as it feels good for you, it's gonna feel good for me, too."
You study his member for a few seconds before tentatively licking along his length. He lets his head loll against the back of the couch. "Oh, god, yes. That feels so good. Mmm, and you look good doing it, too," he muses as he looks at you. You look up at him and chirp in questioning affirmation, and he bites his lip. "So good. You know, if you really wanna tease them, you can push your whole mouth against it without wrapping your lips arou- oh, fuck, just like that," he groans as you lean into your motions.
You sit back on your heels to frown, "But if I do that, there's still so much that I can't fit."
"So there is," he raises his eyebrows. "Why don't you try spitting into your hand and getting to work on the rest of it?"
After spitting into your palm, you smirk up at him. "Oh, you want me to get to work?"
He's about to give you an equally smug response when you wrap your hand around the base of his cock and start working it. "Fuck, yes, there you go, just keep touching m- mmfff," he moans. "God, see? You're a natural."
Still stroking him, you experimentally run your tongue around his swollen mushroom tip, to which he grips the cushions next to him oh-so tightly. You finally wrap your lips around his member and sink down onto it as much as you can.
He moans so loudly that he brings the couch cushion up to his mouth to bite down on it. It makes you instinctively hum around his cock, which makes him squirm and whine more. You pull back again to look up at him in awe, and he asks, "What? Surprised that I'm moaning, or that you're able to make me?
"A little of both," you admit bashfully, and he sits back, spreading his legs further as he leans back. 
"Well, when you're doing such a good job, of course I'm gonna," he smirks.
"S'pose I've got a good teacher, huh?" You raise your eyebrows as you jerk him off.
He shakes his head, "Can't take credit for that, baby, this has all been you. Though, if you want a little guidance, why don't you try sucking your cheeks in while you're down there?"
You happily take him back into your mouth, revelling in his moans as he encourages you. Every ounce of praise he gives you tingles that shoot to your core, and every instance of him calling you a good girl has you light-headed.
You try and sneak your hand between your thighs, but it doesn't go unnoticed. With a chuckle, Steve asks, "You good?"
You whine, "Y're not… Th'only one who's… Enjoying this."
His smug expression stretches into a full-blown grin. "Yeah? You wanna touch yourself? Go ahead."
"Is this good? The right thing to do?" You ask as you reach inside your panties, face melting with pleasure as you finally make contact with yourself.
"Fuck, yes, baby, you look so fucking hot down there, getting yourself off to - what is it, huh? You like the praise? The moans? Or do you just really like having my cock in your mouth?"
That's the real answer, right at the end. You've never especially wanted to get this intimate with anyone, not even that one flirty customer you'd thought about asking out, but now there's only one person you ever want to be thus close with.
But he's your best friend. He's doing this in the name of helping you overcome your anxieties, that's all. You can't jeopardise what you've got with him.
"All of it," you whimper out, briefly looking over to glance at his fingers to allow yourself to imagine them as you sink your own inside you, getting back to sucking him off, making sure you hollow your cheeks every now and again like he told you.
With his moans, you lose yourself in the moment of imagining him touching you that as you hook your fingers inside of you, you instinctively keel over, sinking yourself further down on his cock. Steve lets out a long, stuttered groan at that. "Fucking shit, baby, y'almost got me in whole, god, wanna fuck the rest of me into you, too." You whine around him and he tuts, "Don't think you're ready for that, yet. You're gonna gag, and I don-"
You push yourself even further down, trying desperately to ignore your gag reflex, and he throws his head back to moan, "Fuck, yes, good girl! Such a good girl, taking all of that fucking cock, and holding it there, all while touching yourself, fuck. You're so hot, y'know that? Oh, fuck, baby, you need to breathe, c'mon," he reminds you softly, pushing you away. "That's it, oh, look at all that drool," he simpers, wiping the spit from your chin.
"Do… Do people like that? Seeing all… This?" You gesture towards your face, and he shakes his head.
"Don't know, don't care, doesn't matter. I fucking love it," he groans as you wrap your hand around his shaft again, stroking him all the way from base to tip. "Oh, shit, you really are a fucking natural at getting me off, baby. You gonna get us both off at the same time, yeah?" You nod, and his face contorts with his impending climax. "Fuck, get that mouth back on me, I wanna feel your moans against my cock coax the cum right outta me."
Not needing to be told twice, you happily comply, making sure you try to moan around him as much as possible. He strains out another moan, gasping out, "Fuck, so… So proud of you, look at you. Taking me so well, looking so fucking good touching yourself. Such a good little student, 'm gonna teach you so much more. How a real man eats you out, how a real man fucks you, fuck, so much for you to learn. Y'want that, baby? Tell me. Tell me with my fucking cock in your mouth."
"Wan' y'to hh-fuck me, hh-so bad," you whine, not moving, and he groans.
"You're so fucking cute when you talk with your mouth full, baby. Aww, you gonna do it? You gonna make me cum in that pretty little mouth of yours?" he groans, and you rub at your clit rapidly. "That's my good girl, fuck, look up at me with those eyes, so sweet, so sexy, while you get us both off, c'mon, baby, you can do it, atta girl."
The impending desperation in his tone mixed with his words finally sends you over the edge, moaning shrilly around his cock as you feel your orgasm press deeper than anything's ever felt before. You practically see spots as you squirt all over your fingers, trying desperately to stay focused on keeping Steve's cock in your mouth long enough to take all of his load, swallowing everything as he gives it to you.
He breathes deeply as he comes down from his high, smiling blissfully as he sits forward, cradling your face in his hands. His large, thick-fingered hands. He licks his lips to speak when the wet patch on the pillow you'd been sitting on distracts him. "Holy shit, did you squirt?!" You look up at him and shrug, and he strokes his thumbs against your cheeks. "From now on, I'm making that happen for you, 'kay?"
"So, you meant it? You'll keep teaching me?" You ask hopefully.
"In a ways," he shrugs. "I'll keep showing you what real pleasure feels like… But not for some… Guy who shows up at your work sometimes. Sure as shit not for some Greg Patowski type. I'm. Here to please, you. Got that?" 
You nod, licking your lips, a hint of a smile tickling at you. "Real hung up on Greg still, huh?"
"Yeah, well, it should've been me," Steve admits. "I wanted to make my move that night, but then Patowski bounced early, and everyone was talking about how he was bragging about how he was gonna seal the deal with you. And so, my young and stupid self went and drowned my sorrows with Tina."
You chuckle softly. "You know, when I heard knocking at my window that night, I really hoped it would be you. Always dreamt of you sneaking in through my window and having your way with me. But I like this better."
"You do?" he asks, leaning closer.
"Yeah. You were right, about getting with someone with more experience." You shuffle yourself closer to him, further between his legs, letting go your arms rest around his hips. "'Cause now you've definitely ruined other men for me."
He grins, pulling you up and scooping you I to his lap before grabbing you by the back of your neck and kissing you fervently. "You wrecked me a long time ago, baby. Glad to see you're finally catching up."
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squerlly · 6 months
flames of desire chapter 6: troublesome
Alastor x (f! bunny reader)
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your POV: Earlier this morning Alastor had made breakfast again and Charlie called everyone over, heading out I take a seat next to angel, a plate waiting for me. Alastor had made French toast topped with powder sugar, I don't quite remember the last time I had French toast, picking up my fork I cut a piece off taking a bite letting out a satisficed hum in response. while everyone was eating angel was talking about wanting to go to a nightclub later today "angel the point of redemption is to clean yourself of sins" "oh cmon its just a bit of drinken, I promise I wont do drugss~ y/n you'll come with me wont ya?" stopping mid bite I put my fork down "uhm angel... I haven't been out to drink in a while and besides I'm not very good at holding my-" "nahh it will be fun trust me, ill take care of ya!" "I- I mean I guess" "great later tonight, dress in somethin sexy, ya never know who might be there~" I roll my eyes as I finish my food.
Alastors POV: a night club? I would have never taken y/n for a person who enjoys such activity's...especially with angel, that could be troublesome. "angel perhaps you should take somebody else with you, wouldn't want another mishap like last time~" "now how the fuck did you know about that!!!" "I know everything angel..." "your fucken creepy" "you could be more clever with your words" "whatever well be fine Val wouldn't be there, I hope..." not very convincing "well its none of my business what happens to you, just don't drag others along when something does"
your POV: Alastor left the table leaving everyone else to finish there food. during the evening I help niffty with some cleaning, husk threw up on the carpet from drinking to much and she needed help cleaning the stain. after what felt like hours the floor was clean and it was time for me to get ready for tonight. walking back to my room I rummage through my closet seeing if I have any nice outfits or dresses, I stumbled upon one dress that was all black, it had an open back stopping above my tail with thin straps and a semi deep V line, it was long enough that it covered but one wrong move and its over, putting it on it was well fitted, hugging my waist nicely. I never had time to do my makeup so I went to angels room to help with my hair and face "well babes you look good enough to eat~ if I liked girls" "thanks angel", while he did my hair we laughed and talked, "if you don't stop moving while I'm doing ya eyeliner were gonna fight" "its to close to my eye!" "its eyeliner!!!". eventually we were done getting ready and he dragged me to his bathroom mirror, "angel I- I look so..." "hot?" I huff out a laugh "yeah ok" "ill meet you downstairs?" I nod heading out of the room to the lobby.
Alastors POV: Charlie and I were discussing her idea about hosting a "party" for sinners who are interested in redemption but she described it more like a ball. it wasn't bad idea but I'm sure people would only be there for the food. this idea lasted in my mind for a short while before Charlie let out an ear wrenching squeal "Charlie dear please do not-..." y/n walked into the lobby in a dress that I was not to keen on letting her leave outside with but my she looked beautiful. "y/n you look amazing!!!" "oh thank you Charlie, I'm not quite used to dressing like this..." "well my dear it is an interesting choice of clothing but you look wonderful" you look like I'm gonna have to murder a few people later "thanks alastor" "of course my dear, now if you excuse me I have some business to attend to"
your POV:
seeing angel walk out "alright babes you ready to party!!" "angel please please pleaseee!!!! be safe" "well be fine Charlie well be back before ya miss us" as we walk out of the hotel we head to the club that angel frequents at.
Alastors POV:
watching angel and y/n leave I turn to the hallway seeing my shadow grinning at me "follow them" with a nod it leaves, I'm not letting her out of my sight, especially looking like that...that's asking for trouble I will not allow
your POV:
walking into the club the music was so loud you could hear it from outside, the place was crowded and reeked of alcohol and cigarettes'. holding onto angels hand for dear life we finally manage to reach the bar "what can I get you to hotties" looking at angel I shrug, not knowing this place all to well "ill get a sex on the beach and shell get a margarita thanks~" "a margarita?" "oh cmon gotta start off strong" "your paying for my funeral" as the bar tender slides over our drinks we both clink glasses as we start off our night.
one hour into the night and I have lost angel, the effects of having to many drinks to count starting to kick in, pushing my way past the crowd looking for angel I bump into somebody tall somebody familiar?....wait no that's- "is that the little conejita I see~ well isn't that a surprise, what brings you to my club? back for a job~" "V-Val oh uhm I'm not-" slurring my words he drags me to a booth sitting me on his lap "somebody's had to much to drink today~" "no I have to go I'm looking for-" "now now leaving already, sit and stay a while let me treat you for a bit" trying to slip off his lap his two bottom hands have me held by the waist and I knew drunk or sober, that I was in deep shit...
because I was a day late I will be posting 2 chapters today so stay ready for the best ideas I have to bring to life I love you all hope you enjoyed and stay tunned~
@pooplyface1423 @strippezzz
for more content and chapter please click this masterlist
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sissylittlefeather · 5 months
Hi Sissy! If it’s not too late, could you do a Fic of Elvis based on the song “Help Me Make It Through the Night?” Like Elvis and you know you’re not good for each other, but you can’t stay away. Can develop into smut but if you’d prefer not, that’s okay too! If it’s too late, I completely understand! Thank you! 😊
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@peaceloveelvis Hi! Definitely not too late! First of all, this is one of my most favorite songs. I actually have a series planned to go with this song later, so stay tuned. But also, I haven't written anything without smut in a LONG TIME. This one came out this way and I might revisit it to expand on the smut later if there's interest, but I kind of like it without it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this ficlet!
Help Me Make It Through the Night
Warnings: none really, cussing, mentions of sex
Elvis has been a part of your life since you met him during his Timex special with Frank Sinatra. The only thing you did more than make love relentlessly was fight endlessly. The nights were hot, but the mornings never failed to conclude with both of you yelling and at least one of you crying. There was no end to the way you loved each other or the way you managed to drive each other insane. There was always something to fight about and you left each other every time swearing you'd never be together again. But somehow, you'd end up in the same place and before you knew it you were naked in an elevator or in his backseat or in a bathroom or a hotel bed in some sketchy by-the-hour kind of place. Even after he got married, you didn't stop. Your pattern of fucking and fighting stayed the same.
In 1969, though, you had a particularly spirited tryst that ended with both of you saying things you regretted almost instantly. But you were both too stubborn to admit it, so instead you threw a shoe at him and screamed at him to get out and he called you a name and swore he'd never end up in your bed again. This time, the pain you caused cut so deep that you both insisted you'd never give in again. It was over, for real this time. The hurt was too much to make the good times worth it.
So, you did what any self-respecting woman would do. You married someone else.
When he heard about it, he broke an end table and all the things sitting on it in a fit of rage and jealousy and something else he was afraid to admit.
On your wedding night, you cried yourself to sleep with your new husband snoring quietly next to you in the bed.
Then, in 1971, you find yourself walking down the street and come upon a loud and frantic crowd. Your curiosity gets the better of you and you look to see what all the commotion is about. The crowd parts like ill-meaning clouds and he looks up at just the wrong moment.
His blue eyes pierce you straight through to your soul, even from across the street. Something inside you jumps and your hand goes to your throat. Memories of every time you've ever been together slam into you like a freight train and you're somewhere between ecstasy and wanting to die. By the look on his face, you can tell he's experiencing something similar. Everything inside you is screaming at you to go to him, but you feel the cold little ring on your finger and know that you can't. You turn and walk away as quickly as you can. He fights to get away from the crowd around him, but by the time he does, you're gone.
You're pacing the floor of your living room when the phone rings. Even several hours later, you haven't recovered from your encounter. You pick the phone up aggressively, annoyed to be distracted by the call.
"Mr. Presley would like you to meet him tonight at the Presidential Motel at 11pm." Your blood runs cold.
"Why?" The line clicks with no answer. He's left the ball in your court and you hate it. You won't meet him. You just won't. He's impossible.
But at 10:45pm you're in your car. You've spent the last several hours trying to remind yourself of all the reasons you hate him. You finally decide you're going to see him just to tell him that you don't care what he says; you were serious last time. This is not a thing anymore and it never will be again.
At 11:06pm, you sit in the parking lot of the motel, a battle raging inside you.
"This is stupid." You mutter, finally getting out of the car. At the desk, you ask which room Mr. John Burrows is staying in. The clerk tells you and you stomp towards his room getting more and more angry as you walk. The nerve of him to think he can just summon you like this.
You pound on the door with every ounce of rage your body can contain flowing through you. The door opens slowly and your heart skips. Why does he have to look so good?
"You came."
"What the fuck could you possibly want to say to me?! The last time you saw me you called me a whore and said you'd rather swallow a knife than see me again. So, whatever you have to-"
"I miss you."
"You... what?" He speaks again slowly and deliberately.
"I miss you." It feels like your stomach has fallen to your kneecaps. "I'm lonely, honey."
"Call your wife."
"Will ya just... no. I want you."
"Have you forgotten-"
"No, I haven't. And I'm sorry." He's never apologized to you before. You stand in stunned silence just outside the door.
"Sorry. Yes. Now, will you come in please?" You stand there completely lost. Finally, he grabs your arm and drags you into the room, shutting the door behind you.
"What the hell, Elvis?!" He pulls you close to him and presses his lips to yours. For a second, you melt into him. Then, you remember why you were mad and pull away angrily.
"No, I'm not-" He pulls you in again, wrapping his arms around you and kissing you more deeply this time. You fight to get away, but he holds you tightly. Eventually you're able to escape his grasp and you push him backwards. He goes to grab you again and you slap him across the face. Your hands go to your mouth in shock and he looks at you stunned.
"Oh god, I'm-"
"I guess I deserved that." He walks to the bed and sits down. "You actually hate me, don't you?"
You stand there for a few seconds before sitting down beside him on the bed.
"No. I don't. But we said this was done."
"I know. I'm just... I'm alone, honey. And I miss you so much it hurts worse than being with you." You look at him, but he won't meet your eyes. It comes to you that he must be pretty desperate to put himself in this position.
"You're alone?"
"You know how it gets for me. There's people everywhere, but I just... I miss you."
"Why me?" He rolls his eyes and looks at you finally.
"You gonna make me say it?"
"Yes. If you want me to stay here, then-"
"I love you. I've been in love with you since I met you. You're the only one I want when I feel like this and it's been so long-" You reach out and put your hand on his knee and he looks down at it, setting his on top of yours, gently wrapping his fingers around yours.
You're used to these vulnerable moments from him. They're what has brought you together over and over throughout the years. So when he breaks down and sobs, you pull him into your arms and hold him without thinking. Somehow you end up lying in the bed with him cuddled tightly against you, head on your chest. You stroke his hair and hum quietly. This is a familiar position for the two of you and you've missed it more than you care to admit.
Eventually, his breathing evens out and you realize he's fallen asleep. You kick your shoes off and snuggle in to spend the night. As angry as you were, you can't deny him what he needs because the truth is you love him too and you always have. You kiss his forehead and hold him tightly. You've missed this too.
In the morning, you make love and it's sweet and sensual and exactly what you've both been needing. And this time you don't fight. Somewhere in the year you were apart, you grew. The love that you have is more important than anything that might separate you.
And as you lay naked together, the world opens up for you. He talks about leaving his wife and you decide your husband will be better off without you.
Will it happen? Will you finally find a way to be together in a way that works for you both? You don't know.
But you made it through this night together. Something tells you that you can make it through anything now.
The end?
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tuesday again 5/28/2024
we are rapidly approaching the one-year anniversary of my ill-fated cross country move. i have changed from having a bad time in massachusetts to having a bad time in texas, but this time with my best friend's shoulder to cry on in real life. so an improvement i suppose
i can't fucking believe this wasn't already in my driving playlist. thanks autogenerated spotify dance playlist
the maltese falcon by dashiell hammett. i didn't really appreciate philip marlowe the-human-detective-not-my-cat's bisexual eye for interior design and outfits until i started reading this book. this passage really threw me with regards to shoes before pants in what i assume is a fairly normal suit and not a specific type of formalwear? i have a very specific blind fashion blind spot and that's pre-wwii menswear
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this led to an absolutely VICIOUS argument with my bestie bc our grandfathers were from very different eras and held themselves to very different levels of formality. hers was a fancy white collar bastard and mine wasn't. i never saw mine in a suit outside a funeral.
anyway i KNOW that the fashion in the latter half of the twenties up to WWII was for a very wide legged pant (the oxford bag) and i GUESS you could certainly shove your whole goddamn shoe down that leg but like. it threw me. socks before pants, certainly. especially if you have to fuck with sock garters. but shoving your whole shoe down a pant leg seems. well it just seems. there's an order of operations i thought was sacred for most things. was the seat truly so tight in an oxford bag. are suspenders really that awful to bend over in. so much womens formalwear is uncomfy on purpose so i feel like i have a skewed view of acceptable pain for an outfit to cause you
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why am i reading this? can you think of a more on-brand book for me to read? please let me know if you do and i'll add it to The Pile
the tremendously charming soviet childrens film The Tale of Tsar Saltan (1967, Ptushko). court intrigue! a swan princess! giants marching out of the sea! a slightly unsettling squirrel puppet shelling gold and emerald walnuts! a lot of sight gags, some lovely ballet sequences, and there are so many little moving parts to look at in each scene. at its densest it's like howl's bedroom in howl's moving castle
this was on my library's streaming platform Kanopy and i had credits to use up.
two things in genshin that took absolutely forever to accomplish:
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i finally maxed out the overall XP system (not the character XP system) so the game's just been chucking in-game currency at me instead, which has been helpful!
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and i finally caught two thousand fish! very nice to clear like forty fishing spot markers i put down on my map, in advance of the forty billion markers i'll want to put down to mark stuff in the next big release at the end of the summer.
i forgot that i can use my desktop for things that aren't genshin and applying to jobs, so i reinstalled steam and fired up powerwash simulator. they popped out one new DLC in the year since i touched it, a santa's workshop level last winter. a good hour well spent. i spent a LOT of time with this game right before my move last year and it did genuinely help my anxiety.
not a fallow week but a pictureless week. ended up painting most of my best friend's bedroom bc we didn't have anything better to do on a saturday night. i think this was the hardest i've ever raw-dogged a painting project bc we had no tarps or painters tape or paint trays or rollers wider than 3". just a bucket of paint and a need to make the half-painted bedroom wall look nicer for her new job zoom training. we have to do a lot of things like move the bed and paint that wall, and paint the ceiling, and do all the trim + doors, but it does look much nicer on zoom now!
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whatdoidosatoru · 5 months
Sweet Nothings
PART 4 of The Only Exception
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - ao3 wc: 4938 pairing: Baji x OC (reader insert bc oc is very vaguely described) tags: smut, oral sex (f and m receiving), face-sitting, fingering, thigh-fucking, dirty talk, penetrative sex, he's so nice!!!!!
tag list: @bontensbabygirl @mrsryuguji - thank you so much for expressing interest for this fic I genuinely feel like crying when I think about it!
summary: post-exam stress turns into a fun night meeting Baji's friends :)
Sweet Nothings - Neck Deep
Just The Girl - The Click Five
She’s a God - Neck Deep
Last of the Real Ones - Fall Out Boy
You and I - Anarbor
Feeling This - blink-182
Closer - Nine Inch Nails
MINORS DNI!!!! 18+
The following week went by incredibly slowly. Yuna and I had classes and work so we couldn’t see each other, but we kept messaging throughout most of our days, apart from when we were working.
Every time I felt my phone vibrating I felt giddy, like a teenager in love. The feeling was explosive, overwhelming. That girl will be the death of me. Even Chifuyu couldn’t help but notice and take the piss out of me for it.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you smile this much since you stopped beating people up for shits and giggles.”
“Piss off, Chifuyu, I’m the embodiment of sunshine. I’m always smiling.”
Chifuyu laughed, “Sure, that’s why that old lady ran away when she saw you in front of our building today. Because you’re too cheerful.”
I flipped him off, still grinning at my phone and the latest selfie from Yuna while Chifuyu was setting up a show for us to watch.
Yuna🖤💙, 21:36
if my future werent on the line id just sleep in tomorrow tbh my eyes cannot stay open anymore midterms will be the death of me fuck this shit wanna move in with me in a cottage in the middle of nowhere and own some goats off the grid well get some cats as well ill take my dog back from my parents just us and animals and sometimes mai you can invite matsuno to visit tell him to bring us books when he visits
Boyfriend Material🧛🏻, 21:40
You’ve definitely got a good plan there But please go to sleep, you need rest before your exam <3 I’ll be home by the time you’ve finished and you can come over for lunch if you’d like
Yuna🖤💙, 21:42
thats kinda making me wet ngl
Boyfriend Material🧛🏻, 21:43
Lunch is making you wet? Have I told you how weird you are?
Yuna🖤💙, 21:43
you making me food and also coming to your place is, dumbass but anyway! off to sleep i go, tell matsuno im taking him up on that challenge to beat his ass in uno when i meet him good night hot stuff <3
Boyfriend Material🧛🏻, 21:44
Go to sleep, woman! And have the best dreams, preferably of me c; And good luck!!!! For tomorrow!! I know you’ll smash it!!! <33333
“Yuna’s coming over tomorrow after her exam to wipe the floor with you in uno.”
Chifuyu threw his head back and let out a villainous laugh.
“Does she know she’s talking to a master strategist and an uno master?"
“Listen, I know you’re my best friend an-”
“Brother, but continue.”
“....and all that. But if I’m not in her corner I don’t have sex. So if I have to make team Yuna t-shirts don’t be surprised.”
To that, he launched a piece of popcorn at me.
When I got back from work I jumped into the shower, counting down the minutes until Yuna came. When I finished making noodles, she rang the bell to be let upstairs. I all but sprinted to the door to let her in, standing with the apartment door open, just in my towel, waiting to see her face.
“I hope that food I smell is for me because if I don’t have something in my mouth in a minute I’ll riot.”
She was grumpy and tired, it was obvious from the way she dragged her feet on the stairs.
“I’ve got something you can put in your mouth.”
“Baji-kun I’m gonna bite it off.”
“Ooooh ‘Baji-kun’? I didn't think you were this serious. The food is ready, there will be no need for biting off my dick, you hater.”
Yuna reached up to grab my face and kissed it before making her way inside. She’d never been inside my apartment before, but the kitchen was right next to the front door, so she didn’t have to wander before lunch. I served her the food, sitting down next to her to eat and hear about her day.
“...and I knew he was going to put that ridiculous text in the exam and I almost screamed when I saw it. Unfortunately, Hana said she didn’t even get to that part with her revision so I didn’t have anyone to check the answers with.”
She practically inhaled the noodles and vegetables, doing a little dance as she ate.
“But anyway, I’m getting the results in a week, which is shit because if I failed it’s gonna ruin the whole night out! These are amazing by the way. I haven’t eaten all day until now so sorry if I was hangry.”
She was tripping her own sentences, trying to say everything at once. All I wanted to do was grab her face and smother her in affection, but I was trying to give her space to relax and reach out when she wanted to.
When I told her about my day, we moved to my bedroom. As she was taking it all in, lingering on the vinyl collection, I towel-dried my hair and started to look for some clothes to put on, but she stopped me, dragging me toward the bed and pushing me down.
“I could hardly focus on what you were saying earlier.”
“Something on your mind, sweetheart?”
“The food was amazing, but I want to taste you.”
Oh. I see. She unwrapped the towel from around my hips with a pleading look in her eyes. I pulled her hair up and used her own hair tie from my wrist to tie it back. With a soft smile, she took my cock into her mouth, not breaking eye contact.
My eyes rolled back and I struggled to keep myself sitting up to look at her. All I wanted was to lie down and process the sensation, but the intensity in her gaze was somehow holding me in place, the only thing moving was my mouth to let out a moan.
“Fuck it’s so warm,” I managed to squeeze out as she nodded, hummed in affirmation, and licked along my slit, teasing with her soft tongue. I wanted to burn this into the insides of my eyelids - Yuna on her knees between my legs, one hand on my balls, the other on my shaft, and her beautiful mouth enveloping my cock, hollowed-out cheeks as she sucked in air around it, her head bobbing up and down slightly, and most importantly, her eyes gazing into mine like she was memorising every detail of my face that was twisting into expressions of pure pleasure.
“Your mouth is so pretty-ah-when you do this. Fuck you’re so hot like this.”
My words just kept coming. She needed to know how she made me feel and it seemed to make her hollow out her cheeks even more and suck with more intensity - I felt my orgasm coming rapidly.
“I’m so close sweets, can you take it?”
In reply her hand found mine and placed it on her ponytail so I gripped it tight, leading her into the pace I needed to finally exhale and spurt cum into her throat. She carefully removed her mouth from my cock and opened it to show me milky white cum on her tongue, promptly swallowing it and showing me her empty mouth.
I groaned and pulled her into my lap for a deep kiss, her hands flew to the back of my head to grip my hair and she was straddling my lap. My hands were holding her hips tightly squeezing her skin and I could feel the heat radiating from her pussy.
She started rubbing myself on my thigh, but only slightly. I held her tighter and moved her hips back and forth, intensifying the friction between her core and my leg. She started moaning into my mouth and keeping the pace on her own, clearly getting more and more pleasure than just with her own small movements.
“Keisuke I need you,” her moans were so cute, barely pronouncing my name through whines.
I pulled her off my lap to unbutton her jeans and take them off along with her underwear.
“How do you want me?” She moaned into my mouth as I swiped my fingers through her wet folds.
“All to myself, sweetness, but I’ll make do with your pussy on my face for now.”
I could feel her arousal leaking, soon to be smeared on my face. I lay on my back, waiting for her to position herself over me, she gripped the bed frame and hovered above me.
“I’m gonna need you to get lower, can’t reach you like this.” I grabbed her thighs to try and lower her.
“I’m scared I’ll crush you!”
How cute.
“What a way to die, feasting on your sweetness, suffocated by sweet,” I lightly slapped her thigh where it met her ass, “soft thighs of a gorgeous woman. Now sit.”
With that, I pulled her all the way onto my face and, as soon as she was met with my eager tongue, she let out a scrumptious moan. I licked a long strip from her entrance all the way to her clit and started circling the soft sensitive bud and spelling out my name on it. Every time the tip of my tongue finished an S, I could feel her thighs twitch, making me dig my fingers into her.
Her moans turned to whimpers, whimpers to cries, and with a breathy cry of my name she tightened…and let go. I drank her release slowly, gently, to not overwhelm her, and let go of her thighs. She collapsed on the bed next to me, breathing heavily.
“I’ve…fuck I’ve never done that before.” With a quick roll, I was above her, pinning her to the bed and kissing her deeply, making her taste herself on my lips.
“Stick around and this won’t be the last time.” I winked at her and helped her up to put her clothes on.
I rummaged around my wardrobe looking for a minute and pulled out a dark grey band hoodie. Yuna’s eyes widened when I handed it to her.
“I told you I’d give you a hoodie you can sniff like a weirdo.”
“Kei…The Black Parade? If I had any energy left I’d cry. Thank you."
She launched herself at me with arms wide open. I embraced her tightly and kissed the top of her head. If I’d known this would make her so happy I would’ve done it right away. She got her book bag and I went to put the plates away before we went to her flat to get her things.
I couldn’t believe my absolute luck that I got to flaunt her in front of my friends and she agreed to sleep over tonight. I was practically skipping on the way to hers. We were holding hands again and I swear I could feel her smile burning into the side of my head every time I stopped looking at her.
She packed up a pyjama top, toothbrush, some skincare stuff, and makeup while I was looking through her bookshelf, picking up some books to see what she read.
“Why doesn’t it say what they’re about on the back? Who is the Guardian and why am I supposed to care that they think this book is ‘moving and engaging by turns, with an ending to blow down walls’? Just tell me the plot dammit!”
Yuna laughed softly, “Unfortunately, it’s all too common these days. That’s why I rely on the internet.”
Placing the book back, my gaze went over a nail polish basket. Out of curiosity I picked up a few bottles to look at them more closely and was met with a light chuckle from the door.
“You want me to paint your nails, Kei?”
“I wouldn’t mind that. Do you have black?”
“Do I have….Baji Keisuke look at me and ask me that again.” She couldn’t keep a serious face on, immediately grinning at me.
“Fair point, so will you do it?”
She walked over to me, all of her stuff packed into a rucksack, and placed a kiss on my fingers.
“Of course. You’ll look even hotter with black nail polish on while you’re fingering me.”
Immediate hard-on. It wasn’t fair.
On our way back to mine, we stopped by a shop to get some snacks and drinks for tonight, I could feel Yuna growing more anxious by the minute. Having arrived at the apartment, I got to dusting and cleaning up while Yuna excused herself to my bedroom to put on some makeup - something about feeling more put together to help with her nerves. Chifuyu was on his way home from work so he should be the first one out of the group to meet her. 
Twisted Firestarter, 14:26 She’s really nervous rn Please be nice to her Or I’ll burn your pillows c:
ChiFOOLyu, 14:27 I’M ALWAYS NICE I get it man don’t touch my stuff if you don’t want to be strangled in your sleep :D I’m home in 20 mins 
Twisted Firestarter, 14:28 Just saying, the gang might be too much to handle so it’s be nice if she had another person apart from me to talk to
ChiFOOLyu, 14:29 👌
There was a knock on the door and a faint voice coming in, “I hope both of you are dressed because I don’t need any more jump scares today!”
With that, Chifuyu unlocked the front door and walked in, tossed his keys on the shelf in the hallway, and took his boots off before walking over to us sitting on the couch. Yuna took a deep breath and grinned at him, immediately turning to banter to mask her nervousness.
“Matsuno-kun, I heard you think you could hold a candle to my absolute domination at card games?”
Chifuyu all but threw himself onto the couch next to her, acting like they’d known each other for years.
“My deepest apologies, Yuna-sensei. All I want is a chance to play against a world-renowned master such as yourself. And you can call me Chifuyu, no need to be so formal.”
“Okay Fufu, but chumminess is not going to make me go easy on you.” She said with a wink. I liked seeing her growing more and more relaxed with Chifuyu, even though she was nervous as all hell earlier.
“Fufu? Aight…are you painting your nails, Keisuke?” He clocked one of my hands spread across Yuna’s lap, the other in the air trying not to smudge the freshly applied coat of black nail polish.
“I’m pretty sure you have eyes, Chi, Yuna is painting them, not me. And what of it?” I knew he didn’t mean anything negative by it, but it wouldn’t be us if we didn’t tease each other for no reason.
“Fuck off trying to insinuate shit. Yuna, could you paint mine as well? Might make me seem more badass since I’m not fighting anym-” A silent, but intense look in my eyes made him stop talking and smile at Yuna instead.
Yuna lifted her head to look at him when she finished painting my other hand and reached for Chifuyu after instructing me to be careful not to smudge anything.
“Wow your cuticles are so neat,” she inspected his hands before taking the nail polish and started applying, “what happened to your face anyway? That scratch looks fresh.”
They started chatting about all the cats we get at work and how some are absolute bastards to take care of, sometimes we get scratched up. Just looking at the energy between the two of them was soothing.
I no longer had to worry about there being any awkwardness in Yuna meeting my friends. I was still waiting for her answer to being my girlfriend, hopefully, tonight might make her see she is wanted and I wouldn’t hide her away.
A few hours later, after we dried our nails and joked around with Yuna, my phone rang. When I picked up, I could hear two sets of voices, one clearly not talking to me, the other trying to be loud enough for me to hear, but unfortunately loud enough that I had to move the phone away from my ear.
“MIKEY FORGOT WHICH BUTTON HE NEEDS TO PRESS CAN YOU BUZZ US IN,” I could hear Mitsuya shouting over Mikey and Draken arguing in the background.
I hung up and pressed the button next to the porta phone, waiting for them to make their way to my door. They were still arguing over who knew which button to press when they walked in and I took the pizza boxes from Mitsuya’s hands.
“Yeah well, it’s Baji’s fault for not having us over anymore.”
“It’s not like we ever needed an invitation?”
“Yeah well, Mr.Big Shot over here is too busy for his best friends because he’s going to be a very important vet someday.”
“I live here, too! You can come and visit me!” Chifuyu shouted at them from the couch where he was keeping Yuna company.
Mikey’s gaze stopped on Yuna’s face as she shyly waved and smiled at them.
“Oh hey, new best friend. I’m Mikey, you’re Yuna, right?” He flashed her an angelic smile, earning a smack to the back of his head from Draken.
“Behave, Mikey.” Draken shook his head, reaching to shake Yuna’s hand, and walking back to the kitchen with me, handing me the watermelon he brought with him.
We cut it together and moved the pizzas to the coffee table while Mikey and Mitsuya were trying to be normal around Yuna. Chifuyu seemed to be fending off Mikey’s overbearing closeness pretty well so Draken and I could bring all the drinks and cups to the gathering spot. 
I sat next to Yuna, sharing the couch with Chifuyu, while Draken was spread out on the other one, Mikey sitting on the floor with Mitsuya. I had plugged my phone into the big speaker under the TV and played some music as background noise to our conversations.
Yuna seemed to be enjoying the company, often being asked about her studies and hobbies. When she wasn’t talking I could hear her humming along to the music and tapping her fingers on my leg in the rhythm of whatever was on. I passed her some pizza and fruit to eat, which she accepted with a massive smile on her face.
Mikey ended up falling asleep curled up on the floor while Chifuyu was arguing with Draken about who bought pizza the last time we had a gathering like this one.
“DID YOU JUST BLUE SHELL ME YUNA I SWEAR TO EVERYTHING HOLY-” Chifuyu was getting frustrated at nearly winning at Mario Kart - again.
Yuna just playfully chuckled and continued playing, Draken taking the opportunity to speed past him and win the race, sharing a conspiratorial smirk with Yuna.
“That’ll teach you not to knock me into the mud next time.” She replied, smacking him on the arm.
I took the controller from his hands and started a new race, ready to obliterate everyone involved.
It was late by the time the guys left, but I wasn’t tired in the slightest. Yuna’s face was blushed from everyone complimenting her and being really nice and genuine with her, as they should’ve been. She helped Chifuyu clean up the plates and glasses and I accompanied her to the bathroom to brush our teeth and for her to remove her makeup.
“I’ve been thinking…” She started.
“Oh no, what about?”
“Kei I’m serious. I’ve had a really good time tonight. Everyone seemed so genuine and friendly.”
“They can be, yeah. That’s why I’ve been friends with them for the past, uhhh, I want to say around ten years, give or take.”
“I want to be your girlfriend, Kei.”
I stood there, completely shocked, with the toothbrush forgotten in my mouth, staring at her reflection in the mirror. Her lips were stretched into a smile, toothbrush still in her mouth, and all I could think about was how I wanted this moment to last forever in its glorious bliss. I quickly spat the toothpaste out and rinsed my mouth, grabbed her hips and spun her around to face me
“You’re sure? I don’t want you to rush your decision just for my sake.”
“I wasn’t planning on rushing it, dumbass, it just feels right.”
I let my hands roam up and down her hips while she finished brushing her teeth and immediately pulled her in for a deep kiss. For the first time as a couple. I picked her up, causing her to break out into a fit of giggles and wrap her legs around my waist, and carried her into my bedroom, walking past Chifuyu, who was still sitting on the couch scrolling on his phone.
“Hey Yuna, maybe we-”
I cut him off before he could stop us, “Not now, pal, my girlfriend and I are a bit busy at the moment.”
“Girlfriend?! Congrats bro!” He returned to his phone, grinning, no doubt alerting the group chat.
As soon as I shut the bedroom door and dropped her on my bed I began undressing, Yuna giggled trying to take her t-shirt off,
“‘My girlfriend and I are a bit busy’ I love the sound of that, mister boyfriend Baji Keisuke.”
I put my hair up into a ponytail and hungrily began kissing up her legs to where her panties started.
“Shhh I’m busy kissing my girlfriend,” I murmured between the kisses, “my beautiful girlfriend,” I nipped at her panties and rolled them down to her ankles, “my gorgeous girlfriend that I’ve somehow managed to pull,” with one hand I held her hips down while the other went to her clit to softly rub it, “my perfect girlfriend who’s going to be so good for me right now and tell me how she wants to cum, hm?”
I looked up at her and, holy shit, her face was already scrunched up in pleasure, her mouth slightly open, her breaths coming out in sharp puffs. One of my fingers was sucked into her needy hole, curling upwards to press on her sensitive spot. She whined at the sensation, squirming under my hand.
“I asked you something, Yuna. How do you want to cum?”
She half-opened her eyes and with a strained voice slurred, “On your fingers, please, Kei.”
How could I not oblige when she asked so nicely?
I inserted another finger into her, attaching my lips to her clit and slowly swirling my tongue around it, drawing sinful moans out of her mouth. She grabbed my hair to bring me even closer to her and I could feel her soft walls tightening around my fingers.
Yuna let out a cry and her juices coated my fingers, I just couldn’t help but lick them clean, before squeezing her thighs and pressing kisses along them, biting to leave marks behind. Making my way up to her, she ran her hands all over my body, admiring me with glassy eyes and hair all over my pillow and her face.
I hoped she wouldn’t mind a little bit of roughness, seeing her spayed out on the bed like that, with her eyes closed, hair sticking to her forehead, made me feel like a wild animal. Like I could bite her flesh forever, leave little reminders of myself on her thighs and hips, which is exactly what I did. She mewled in pleasure whenever I started biting a new bruise into her soft skin.
“Kei it’s s’good,” she was already slurring.
I pulled away and pressed her legs together in the air in front of me, placing my painfully hard erection between her thighs.
“Hope you don’t mind waiting a little more before I fuck you.”
She whined in response as I started pumping my cock through her thighs. Her soft, plush skin felt heavenly on my wanting erection, it grazed her pussy with each thrust, and soon enough I was keeping a steady pace. Her face was flush in frustration, her hips lifting to get more friction on her puffy clit, little whines falling from her lips as she couldn’t get what she was after.
When I was close to finishing I dropped her legs, knees falling towards her chest, and leaned down to grip her lips into a deep kiss. She smelled like freshly squeezed oranges, refreshing my mind as I breathed in her scent. Yuna’s hands roamed across my back and settled in my hair, scratching my scalp, in turn making me shiver with the sensation.
I aligned my cock with her dripping core and dragged it along her soft, puffy folds to make her sigh in frustration one more time before I sunk into her warm, spongy walls.
The noise that came out when I fully sheathed my length into her was something I would be chasing for the rest of my life. A long, sinful moan of anticipated reward that was finally here after all the teasing.
“She’s sucking me in so well, so obsessed with me,” I couldn’t help but tease as her pussy clenched around my dick with every thrust.
Yuna looked up at me, glaring, and managed to bite out,
“Maybe she was feeling ignored while you were playing with my thighs instead!”
So cute while she was angry.
“Don’t be a hater, Yuna, or next time I’ll only fuck your thighs and make you beg for attention to your cunt.”
That shut her up and made her roll her eyes, her attitude was immediately cut short when I slammed my hips into hers and made her gasp louder than before. I chuckled and pressed a kiss onto her lips, licking her bottom lip, before pushing myself up and pressing her legs as far to her chest as she could handle, getting a better angle to thrust into her deeper than before.
She cried out in pleasure when I picked up the pace, my mouth couldn’t contain grunts as her warm walls drew me in and clenched around me - with my name on her lips she came and a ring of white formed around my base. Her orgasm only made me more feral, slamming into her drenched pussy with a ferocity I hadn’t used before, as her moans turned more and more desperate, borderline pornographic.
“Kei please slow-fuck-down ‘s ah too much!” She was half-slurring her words, eyes shut, mouth open in ecstasy. I slowed down for a few thrusts to oblige.
“Overwhelmed?” I asked her, to which she only nodded lightly.
With a grin I slammed into her harder, still not speeding up, but she didn’t say anything about roughness. I grabbed her legs and hugged them tightly, resting her calves on my shoulders. I lazily dragged my cock in and out of her, barely putting in any effort, waiting for her to beg me to speed up again.
I didn’t have to wait long, but this pace made me feel so needy, I wanted to pound into her like it was my last night on earth, I wanted to make her scream my name so loudly that there would be no doubt in anyone’s mind about who was making her see stars.
When she finally spoke again my cock twitched inside of her with excitement.
“Kei baby faster please,” She whined and I had half a mind to jump on the request, but the other part of me wanted to make her beg.
“You sure you can take it, sweetheart?”
“I want it, please.”
“How much?”
“How much do you want it?” I wanted to watch her squirm with want.
“I need it. I need you, Keisuke. I need your cock deep and fast,” her eyes were glistening, “please.”
With that I doubled my thrusts, her moans immediately rising in pitch. Her fucked-out face scrunching up while her mouth hung open, lewd moans slipping past her soft lips. I wanted to kiss them, but this position was just too good to stop. I grunted with my quick movements while her toes curled on each side of my neck. The next best thing to do was to kiss her ankles, making her chuckle mid-moan.
“Kei ‘m sooooo close don’t-fuck-don’t stop!” Yuna was gasping for air at this point and I was almost at my tipping point, desperate to spill inside of her.
I reached down to smack her ass and draw out another whine from her mouth, she was trying to say my name again, but all that came out was a long moan as her walls contracted around my dick once more, releasing another orgasm and making her spasm in front of me.
That was enough to milk my cock of everything I had in me, long ropes of cum spurted on her walls and I slowed down to ride it out with her. I slowly pulled out, some of our cum very lazily leaking out of her abused hole. With a kiss to her swollen clit, I gently pushed her up to the pillows and went to the bathroom to get her a warm towel while trying to ignore Chifuyu’s protesting about my walking out of my bedroom naked.
After cleaning her up (gently, trying to shush her overstimulated whines), I lay in bed next to her and drew her closer into my chest. She released a happy humming sound and almost immediately started snoring. I could definitely get used to this, I whispered into the back of her head,
“You’ll be the death of me, sweetheart, I feel like I’m falling in love.”
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Heart. Sick. (m, cold)
clearly the clicky clacky keyboard helped my writers block because here I am, back to churning out a 5k fic in one day lmao. this is a Greyson-centric one, and tbh it's a lot of exposition, and a lot of character development. but don't worry - Greyson is plenty miserable throughout 😅 I hope you guys like these ones that are a little more plot-driven! I honestly set out to write fluff but it wanted to be a drama fest. classic. enjoy!
Cw: male, cold, some mess, coughing, sick character galavanting about instead of just going to bed, implied contagion
“What is your problem today?”
Greyson’s head snapped up at the sound of his boss’s voice. He raised an eyebrow and put down his knife; this seemed like the kind of conversation that required his full attention. “What?” he asked, brilliantly.
Elijah crossed his arms. He had been leaning against the prep table, but straightened up to his full height when the chef regarded him. “You’ve been here for an hour and you haven’t even stopped in the office to say hi,” he said. Did he hear how lame and codependent he sounded? Yes. But that was their friendship – lame, codependent, and most of all consistent. Greyson always made the office his first stop when he got in; they checked in with one another, mapped out the day, traded stories from the night before if one of them had been off. Not having his morning gossip session with Greyson made Elijah feel like he was living in a weird, wrong, nega-dimension, and he didn’t want that to become a thing.
The chef huffed out a laugh. “Seriously?” he asked, picking his knife back up. “I have a lot of shit to do today, Lij,” he said. “Matt called out.”
“Oh,” Elijah said, immediately feeling stupid. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I am telling you,” Greyson said, looking pointedly up at his boss. “Right now.”
Elijah bit his tongue; this was exactly what he meant. Greyson wasn’t himself today. Matt calling out was obviously stressful, but the chef never let things like that make him angry, or short, or snippy. Something was definitely off – he didn’t know what, but it was definitely something.
“Did he say why?” Elijah asked as Greyson continued to chop. Greyson stopped short again and looked back up.
“Why what?”
“Why he called out.”
“Jesus Christ, Greyson,” Elijah threw his hands in the air. “Did you smoke a bowl the second before you walked in today? Matt. Did Matt say why he was calling out?”
“Oh,” Greyson said, turning once again to his prep work. “Yeah, some sort of flu thing. I said if he has a fever he can’t come in.”
Ah. There it was.
Greyson and Matt were what everyone in the restaurant affectionately called the plague rats – that is to say, they were the ones who brought any illness that was roaming around New York City into the restaurant, ad infinitum. They were the partiers, the club kids (though Greyson, at thirty-one should have reached the end of his club kid stage years ago), the chronic sleepers-around, and the past few months, it had gone from going out a couple times a week, to going out every single night. Hardly a month went by that the two of them weren’t complaining of a sore throat, a cold sore, a stomach bug that they’d been gifted by one of their many nights out.
And, of course, they never went out partying without one another.
“Did he seem okay last night when you guys went out?” Elijah asked, the question so pointed it may as well have been an accusation. Greyson shrugged, covered up the last of the prepped vegetables with plastic wrap, and slid them into the reach-in cooler below the prep station.
“Maybe a little off,” Greyson said. “He didn’t mention anything.”
“What time did you guys leave?” Elijah asked. Greyson gave his boss an incredulous look.
“What are you, a cop? I don’t know, mom, one or two? What difference does it make?”
Elijah recoiled a bit at the chef’s snappiness. “Christ, sorry, just trying to suss out whether he’s actually sick or just hungover.”
“Who gives a fuck?” Greyson asked, pushing his hair back into a small ponytail and tying it with a rubber band Elijah knew came from a package of asparagus. “He’s not coming in, that’s all we really need to know, right? Are we gonna track him down and fire him if he’s hungover?”
“You are on one today,” Elijah said. “No, we’re not going to fucking track him down, Jesus Christ.” This time, Elijah went for an honesty-is-the-best-policy approach. “I’m trying to figure out if you’re in a mood because you have extra work to do, or because you feel like shit.”
Greyson rolled his eyes and breezed past Elijah. He yanked open the walk-in and stepped inside, his boss hot on his trail. The chef grabbed two heads of cauliflower and a few bunches of radishes and nearly jumped out of his skin when he turned to see Elijah practically on top of him. “Stop following me,” he growled, pushing past Elijah again.
“Greyson,” Elijah said to the rapidly-closing walk-in door. He pressed the red button to let himself out, and once again tailed the chef to the prep table. “Greyson, I just want to know if you’re alright,” Elijah said, keeping a healthy distance. Greyson took a deep breath and put down his knife.
“I am fine. Matt will be back tomorrow. Please, let me do my work. Ple – hh...hhNGSTHH-uhh!” Greyson crushed the sudden sneeze into his shoulder, picked up his knife, and continued his work, not acknowledging it at all. Elijah bit his cheek.
“Bless you,” the older man said, accusatory.
“Elijah,” Greyson said, not looking up, “leave me alone.”
Elijah nodded, not that Greyson could see it while he chopped. The GM turned, walked back to the office, and pulled out his phone to text Matt.
Hey, he typed into their chat. Heard you’re sick, hope you’re getting some rest.
Thx boss, Matt typed back almost-instantly. Should be good by tomorrow.
Elijah paused before sending his next text, but then did it before he could question himself too much. Just wanted to ask...was grey acting weird with you last night? He’s totally on one today.
It took a minute or two for Matt to text back – the three bubbles popped up and went away at least three times, as though Matt was trying to figure out what to say but kept second-guessing. Finally, the text came through.
Wait, is chef there today? He told me he was going to call shelly in.
Elijah cocked his head at the phone screen; Shelly, the sous chef Greyson had brought on a month ago, was scheduled off today. Why would he call her in?
No, it’s just greyson today. Why would he call shelly in?
This time, it took Matt no time to respond.
That asshole, he said he was going to take the day off.
I’m lost, Matt. Why would he take the day off…?
Another minute of bubbles popping up and going away ensued. When the text did come through, Elijah felt his face flame. That motherfucker, he thought, slamming his phone down, screen-up on the desk and stalking back to the prep kitchen.
On his open phone, the text from Matt: he gave me this shit. We literally went and had one drink, then he said he had to go bc he felt like trash. Fuckin greyson.
Fuckin’ Greyson. That was for damn sure.
He knew he was coming down with something on Monday, but it was one of those excruciatingly slow-to-come-on illnesses that made you wonder if you were actually just crazy, and this whole thing was in your head. A sneeze here, a rogue cough, the sore throat that came and went with several long drinks of water – for three days, Greyson gaslit himself, told himself he was imagining it, took Emergen-C and chalked it up to allergies.
“Morning, boss,” Matt had greeted him.
By the time Thursday – yesterday – had come around, it finally hit him properly. Greyson woke up with a heavy feeling in his chest, his head throbbing, and a lump in his throat to match the one in his stomach. He sighed as he got ready, loaded up on dayquil, and headed into work.
Greyson had returned the greeting with a rough, “HNGSTHH-ue!” and a sharp sniffle. Matt winced as his boss unpacked his knife bag.
“Yikes,” he said, “I guess that girl from the bar last night wasn’t just doing a lot of coke, then?”
“More like the guy I stayed the night with on Saturday didn’t just have a naturally deep and husky voice,” Greyson said, rubbing his nose on the back of his hand. “It’s the world’s slowest-to-come-on cold, I swear. I’ve been almost sick since Monday.” He coughed into his sleeve for what felt like a long moment, came up to see a water bottle placed in front of him. “Thanks.”
“No worries,” Matt said. “That makes sense, though,” he continued, “because I can definitely feel it coming on. Thought maybe it was allergies.”
“Sorry, kid,” Greyson said. “We’ll get you outta here early.”
Matt rolled his eyes. “If you’re here, I’m here, boss,” he said. The two of them had prepped in near-silence for awhile, before Greyson seemed to realize something was off.
“Has Elijah come back here yet this morning?” he asked, and Matt shook his head.
“Isn’t he off today? I think Mark said he had some sort of appointment.”
Greyson flashed Matt a little look and the sous chef blushed – Matt and Mark were very recently a thing, a fact that was clear to everyone in the restaurant and that the two of them were attempting to hide, as if any fling that took place within the confines of these walls was anything other than obvious. Greyson figured now wasn’t the time to bully his muse.
“Thank god he’s not here,” he said instead. “Elijah, I mean. I’m so sick of him giving me shit every time I have a stuffy no – NGTSHH-uh! Hh...HTSHH-ue! Fuck.” Greyson slunk away from his prep area to blow his nose, cough again, and wash his hands.
“Bless,” Matt said when Greyson made his way back to his station. “To be fair to Elijah -”
“No,” Greyson stopped Matt by holding up a hand. “We’re not talking about this.”
“I was just going to say, I mean, you have been out a lot since the whole… breakup situation.” The way Matt trailed off made it obvious that he immediately regretted bringing this up. Greyson sniffled, stayed silent for a few moments, and then sighed.
“You're one to talk. And besides, I don’t know how it’s my fault that every club in a five-mile-radius is a cesspool,” Greyson muttered, a lame attempt at a joke. Matt took the bait and huffed out a laugh.
“I don’t think Elijah blames you for the general grossness that is the midtown club scene,” he said. “I think he’s just worried about you.”
Greyson wasn’t so sure. Maybe it had started as worry; worrying was one of Elijah’s greatest passions, after all. But it had been six months since Greyson and Collin had broken up, and in that time worry had turned to annoyance, which had led to what felt like resentment. A month before, Greyson had been laid up with strep throat, thanks to a girl who he swore was trying to steal his tonsils with how deep she shoved her tongue into his mouth, and Elijah didn’t even try to hide his distaste.
“Seriously, Grey?” he had asked when the chef stumbled into the restaurant sweating, shivering, and unable to speak. “Who over the age of twelve gets strep throat? What’s next, mono? Chicken pox? Run the gambit of diseases kids get from putting their hands in too many people’s mouths?”
Greyson knew it was stupid to go out drinking and partying every night; he knew he was too old, knew it was irresponsible, he knew he should be processing the breakup instead of drowning every feeling he had about it in booze and sex. He knew. But he just couldn’t do it. Collin was the first person he’d ever really loved; getting over the coldness with which his first love threw in the towel that was their relationship was easier said than done.
He certainly wasn’t going to tell Elijah of all people that. He loved the man; Elijah was his best friend, his business partner, the guy he called first when something amazing or devastating happened, but this was not his strong suit. Elijah was basically a nun when it came to all things partying; he prided himself on never having more than two drinks when they went out, never sleeping around, and being married to the restaurant. Greyson loved Elijah, but he knew that the GM just wouldn’t get it.
So, the reprieve from being harassed about his near-constant menagerie of illnesses was a welcome one. He and Matt had prepped, passing a box of tissues between them the entire time, they’d gotten through a relatively slow service and, like every night the past few months, they’d ended the evening at a bar a few blocks from Elliot’s.
Greyson wanted to want to be there, truly he did, but he didn’t have it in him. Maybe it was the thought of being the only chef in the next day – Matt was well and truly coming down with the cold Greyson had come in with – or maybe it was just that the constant barrage of illnesses was starting to wear on his body, but the thought of staying awake for another minute, let alone another few hours, made Greyson’s head pound.
“I’m gonna call it,” Greyson said, shooting back his whiskey and placing a twenty on the bar top. “Take the day tomorrow, alright?”
Matt raised an eyebrow. “What about you?” he asked, coughing into the back of his hand. “You look like shit.”
“Thanks,” Greyson said, elbowing Matt playfully. “I’ll call Shelly in, okay? I’ll take the day, too.” It was a lie; Shelly wasn’t ready for the responsibility of running a Friday night, not even a slow one, but if it made Matt take a day off, it was worth it to lie.
“Alright,” Matt said, wary. “Well, have a good night, Chef. Feel better.”
“Same to you,” Greyson said. “Tell Mark I said night-night. Give him a little kiss for me, too.”
Matt’s face turned bright red. By the time he’d collected himself enough to respond, his boss was gone.
Elijah stomped his way through the kitchen, on the hunt. He reached the back kitchen before Greyson could hear him, and the chef was blowing his nose into a rough paper towel looking caught, like a deer in the headlights.
“You fuckin’ asshole,” Elijah said, “why didn’t you tell me you were sick?”
“I’m not sick,” Greyson said, sniffling and tossing the paper towel. His eyes, Elijah noticed now, were rimmed red, and his voice was low and gravelly. “It’s allergies.”
“Right,” Elijah rolled his eyes. “Contagious allergies? Allergies you passed along to Matt? For Christ’s sake, Greyson, I don’t know what the fuck is going on with you lately, but you need to get it together. If Matt’s sick, that means Mark is going to get sick, then my entire front of house team gets it. What do you think you are, twenty-three years old? You can’t go out every single night and sleep around with anything that has a hole and also have an eighty-hour-a-week job. You’re not a kid, Greyson. This behavior? It’s childish. And I’m fuckin’ sick of it.”
Greyson stood there and took it, his mouth in a hard line. “Okay,” he said after a beat.
“Okay,” he repeated. “You’re right. I’ll – hh! HhhIGSTZH-ue! Huh! HuhhESTCHZUE!” The chef sneezed painfully into his elbow, cleared his throat, and righted himself. “I’ll stop. It’s childish. Okay?” his voice was nasal, hoarse, and tight, as though he was on the verge of tears. All the fight Elijah had brought to the back kitchen was rung out of him like a washcloth at the end of a long bath.
“Um,” he said, “okay. Good. Now, go home. I’ll call in Shelly, I’m closing the books, it’ll be an easy night. Go rest so you can be good for the weekend.”
The chef just nodded, not making eye contact. “Heard,” he said, packing up his things. He didn’t beg to stay, didn’t insist that he was fine. He just picked up his bag, nodded at Elijah, and said, “See you tomorrow.”
Elijah was so in shock, he didn’t even respond until Greyson was out the door. “Yeah,” he mumbled, blinking. “See you tomorrow.”
The pulse of the music thumped in time with Greyson’s headache; it was oddly soothing, if a little disconcerting how in tune the two were.
“I’ll take andother,” he called to the bartender as loudly as he could muster. The bartender nodded, brought the bottle over, and topped him off, smiling seductively all the while.
“This one’s on the house, love,” he said in a faint British accent that Greyson couldn’t decide was real or fake. “What’s your name?”
“You’re very cute,” Greyson slurred, all levity out the window three drinks ago. “But I’mb sick as a dog, and I’mb ndot trying to pass it around any mbore than I already have.”
The bartender laughed. “This job is worse than a daycare when it comes to germs,” he said over the thrum of the crowd and the bass of the music. “Pretty sure I’m immune to just about everything at this point.”
Greyson let a sloppy smile paint his face. “Mbust be ndice,” he said, taking a swallow of his drink, then turning to his elbow to cough. “I work in a kitchend, it’s just about as bad but I haven’t seemed to gain any immu – immu...huh...hhINGTZHH-ue! HTSHH-ue! HRSHH-ue!” Greyson pulled his white tshirt over his nose and mouth and ducked almost completely under the bar to sneeze. He swore under his breath, sucked in through his nose, and sat himself upright once again. The bartender tutted in sympathy.
“Poor thing,” he said, smiling slyly. “You should be in bed.”
He wasn’t wrong; after Elijah’s blowup, Greyson had certainly thought about doing the right thing, going home, crawling into bed and actually attempting to get better. It had only been noon when he left the restaurant, and if he didn’t have to be in til noon the next day, that was almost a full twenty-four hours that he could spend doing nothing except relaxing, resting… being alone with his thoughts…
Yeah, that wasn’t about to happen.
Instead, Greyson had walked forty blocks to Greenwich and had lunch at one of his favorite spots. He’d moved on to a coffee shop from there, writing in his little black notebook recipes that he wanted to try out at Elliot’s. After that, he’d stopped into a CVS and bought them out of dayquil; three or four swigs later, and he was on his phone rapidly texting anyone he’d slept with in the past two months to see if they wanted to hang out. They did not.
The failed attempts at a hookup sent him into a darker place than he’d like to admit, so Greyson decided four pm was late enough to start drinking, and he took a cab back to midtown to begin his nightly spiral. The bar with the cute bartender was stop number four of the evening; at stop two, the dayquil had worn off. By stop three, he was coughing every time he took too deep of a breath. This was the stop where he’d given up the facade of health and just allowed himself to be the grossest person at the bar – much to everyone but this bartender’s chagrin.
“Yeah,” he said to the bartender, “you’re probably right.”
The bartender winked and turned back to the other bar patrons, leaving Greyson to sit foggy-headed and cold, alone with his whiskey. He looked at the clock on his phone – 11:45PM. The restaurant was probably empty by now. He wondered if Elijah was still there, finishing up paperwork; he thought about texting him, then remembered the blowup again. Greyson put his phone away, pulled a fifty out of his wallet, and ducked out of the bar.
It was cold outside; it was barely September, but Greyson could definitely feel that fall was in the air. He didn’t realize until now that he’d forgotten his jacket at work. Fuck.
Greyson shoved his hands into his pockets, shivering – there was no way he was going to make it back to his apartment without a jacket. The chef looked up at the street signs and realized he was only a block or two from the restaurant. Fuck it, he thought, sneezing into his exposed elbow. I’m getting that jacket.
It had been a long shift.
Shelly was great, really – she was just young, and a little bit scared of the enormity of running a restaurant. Elijah had figured that out at about seven pm, when she was nearly in tears with just six tickets on the board. But they had gotten through it, with Elijah taking over expo and Shelly running inside middle. It was fine. Long? Yes. But fine.
At eleven, the restaurant had emptied and with it went the servers, cooks, and junior managers. Elijah finished up his paperwork, locked the front door, set the alarm, and sat down at the empty bar with a glass of whiskey – just him, the thrum of the heater, and the restaurant.
When he was feeling really low, Elijah would spend hours like this; just sitting at his bar, looking out into the dining room, reeling in what he had created. This space was his, a place that he had spent his entire life clawing upwards for, despite the drone of older restaurateurs telling him he was too young, or too poor, or too talentless to own his own place. Elijah hadn’t grown up with money, or support, or any kind of nepotism that would have propelled him into this field, but he’d grown up with something most people hadn’t – drive. Passion. An absolute need to succeed, despite it all. Sometimes he needed to remind himself of that.
He knew that no one could really understand his reasons for being as anal as he was about everything in the restaurant – not even Greyson, though his counterpart came close. Often, Elijah felt like he spent his life explaining himself; explaining why he wasn’t married or even dating at thirty-nine, explaining why things had to be done a certain way so that appliances and tables and chairs and glassware and plates would last as long as humanly possible; explaining why people should care about his restaurant, his vision. Sometimes, Elijah wished he didn’t have this fire inside him. This passion for his work. He knew damn well his life would be easier if he didn’t.
Elijah looked at his phone as midnight approached, thinking about the day, thinking about Greyson. He wished things had gone down differently this morning, but he know Greyson could be like a kid when it came to arguments – quick to forgive, quick to forget. Sometimes that made Elijah feel even worse; he wished the other man would scream back at him, give in to his baser desires like Elijah was so wont to do when it came to arguing. Greyson saved those more carnal instincts for after work, Elijah supposed.
It would be worked out by tomorrow, whether Elijah wanted it to or not. He sighed, drained his glass, and went to turn off the lights behind the bar – when the alarm began blaring.
Elijah froze in his tracks. Who the fuck was breaking into the restaurant?
The GM burst through the doors to the kitchen and ran towards the back, absolutely nothing to defend him in his hands. If he was defending his restaurant, he was doing so with his bare hands; he’d figuratively clawed his way up to this position, he would certainly literally claw someone’s eyes out if they attempted to take it from him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Elijah heard someone at the back door before he saw them. He slowed his pace when he heard the voice. Greyson.
“Grey?” Elijah called, turning the corner and seeing the chef clumsily attempting to turn the alarm off. Greyson was wearing just a tshirt and jeans despite it being near-freezing outside, and the way he was fumbling with the alarm system meant he was almost certainly wasted. “What the fuck are you doing?”
Greyson turned to his boss and smiled, lopsided. He looked like shit; he was as pale as his shirt, his nose was bright red and running so much that he had taken to swiping a hand under it every few seconds, and Elijah could hear the wheeze in every breath he took. “Oh, thangk God,” he said, moving out of the way so Elijah could turn the alarm system off. “I thought if that back was opend, I could just sneak in. To grab mby jacket.” Greyson coughed away from Elijah, an angry, productive sound that made the GM flinch. “Sorry,” Greyson said. “It’s cold outside.”
“I’m well aware,” Elijah said, turning away from the now-silent alarm. “What are you doing out? You’re supposed to be at home. Getting better. Remember, I sent you home twelve hours ago? What have you been doing, out partying? You’re sick, Greyson.”
“I kndow, I kndow,” Greyson said, yanking the rubber band out of his hair and letting it fall wildly around his shoulders. “I just… I… hh… huh! HuhhhIGTSZHH-ue! HTSH! HRSHH-uh! Fuck – HNGSTHHZUE!” The sneezes wrenched themselves from him, rough and painful-sounding. Greyson stood, post-fit, and pushed his hair back with a hand. “Sorry,” he said, his voice wavering.
Elijah sighed; it was too late to fight. “C’mon,” he said, “let’s go sit for a bit. I can’t send you home like this.”
He led them both back to the bar and, despite his better judgment, poured them each a whiskey. Greyson coughed and took a swig of his before Elijah even sat down. “Thangks,” he said.
“Don’t mention it.” Elijah drank his whiskey slowly, trying to decide what to say to the chef. After a moment of silence so tense it could be sliced through with a butcher knife, both Elijah and Greyson attempted to start a conversation at the same time.
“Grey, I -”
“Lij, it’s-”
They both stopped, smiled at the absurdity, and Elijah motioned to the chef as if to say the floor is yours.
“Ndo, you go ahead,” Greyson said, sipping his drink. “Besides, I cand barely talk.”
Elijah couldn’t disagree with him there, so he let out one forced little laugh and then sighed. “Grey, I’m sorry. Really. I shouldn’t have yelled at you.”
“Grey,” Elijah said finally, turning towards his friend, “what’s been going on, really? You’re… something is wrong. You’re not… you.”
Greyson shrugged. “I shouldn’t be bringing every disease kndown to mban into the restaurant, but here we are,” he said, coughing into his fist. Elijah laughed in earnest this time, and the two of them lapsed into silence once again.
Greyson pursed his lips, downed the rest of his drink, and cleared his throat. “Yeah,” he said. “You’re right. I’mb ndot.” The chef sighed and turned his barstool towards Elijah. “It’s… it’s the whole Collin thing. It’s beend… a lot harder than I thought it would be. Getting over himb.” Greyson sniffled; Elijah was unsure if it was illness-related, or if the other man was crying. He was quickly given an answer when Greyson wrenched to the side – “HGTSHH-ue! Hh! HhhNGTSHZ-ue!” The chef wiped his nose on the back of his hand and cringed. “Sorry,” he said.
Elijah shook his head. “Dude,” he said, “you could’ve just told me you were taking it harder than you expected. You know I’m always here if you need to talk. I thought we were friends.”
“Lij, we are friends, but like… I don’t kndow. It’s weird talking to you about this shit because you don’t… I don’t kndow, fuck up. You take everything in stride, like it all rolls off your back. I’mb ndot like that. Plus, you literally ndever date - I’ve ndever kndown you to have a single girlfriend, let alonde break up with someone, and we’ve kndown each other for years.” Greyson pressed his hand into one of his eyes and groaned. “Fuck, I thingk I’mb getting andother fuckigg sindus infection,” he muttered. Elijah gave his friend a pointed look.
“The fact that you know off the top of you head exactly what that feels like definitely says something about these past few months,” he said, prompting a sharp laugh and the middle finger from Greyson. Elijah smiled. “You’re right,” he said, after a beat. “I don’t date. There was a girl, a long time ago – before I bought this place. I thought we were going to get married one day.”
Greyson’s eyebrows shot up, headache clearly forgotten. “Ndo way,” he said. “You’re shitting mbe. You? What was her name? Do I know her?”
Elijah laughed. “You don’t know her,” he said. “She was actually a chef, too, at this vegan brunch place in the Financial District. But she wanted kids, she wanted me to have a job where I could be home in the evenings…” Elijah shrugged, a fingernail digging into a groove in the bar top. “It just wasn’t meant to be.”
“Dude,” Greyson said, placing a hand on Elijah’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, man.”
Elijah shrugged again, and looked back up at Greyson. “It was a long time ago,” he said. “But I mean – I do get it. Heartbreak, that is. You can talk to me about anything, Greyson. And I’m not some let-it-roll-off-your-back, take-it-in-stride monolith, either.” He smiled, attempting to break the tension. “Obviously I get pissed all the time so just… talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong. I want to help.”
The two of them sat in silence once again, neither really knowing the right thing to say next. Finally, Greyson’s body broke the tension: “HNGTSHH-ue! God, fuck,” the chef reached across the bar and attempted to blow his nose in a cocktail napkin – to no avail.
“Bless you,” Elijah said, and Greyson nodded.
“Thangks,” he said, slowly lowering his head to the bar top. “Fuck, I feel like such hot garbage. The going out every ndight thigg is definitely ndot for anyone over thirty.”
Elijah couldn’t help but cackle. “And you wonder why I have a two-drink-maximum hard line? I’d be dead on the floor if I drank like you and Matt. Welcome to old age, bud.”
“Yeah, you mbight be on to something there,” Greyson said, closing his eyes. “Definitely ndot gonna be hooking up with anyone under twenty-five anymbore, either. They’re all cesspools. HGTSHH-ue!”
“Bless,” Elijah said again. “Want me to drive you home?”
Greyson opened one red, watering eye. “In a mbinute,” he said. “I just ndeed to...rest mby eyes.”
Elijah pursed his lips to keep from laughing at the spectacle that was Greyson; mouth-breathing, whiskey-smelling, chest-crackling Greyson. Heartbreak didn’t look good on anyone, but on him it was especially rough. Within moments, the chef was snoring.
Elijah shook his head, stripped a table of its clean white cloth, and placed it over Greyson’s shoulders. Rest was rest, he figured. Elijah poured himself a rare third drink and sat next to his ailing friend.
“Sleep well, Chef,” he said, and took a long pull.
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poorlittleyaoyao · 11 months
For the ask game, 16 deepest darkest secret for jin guangyao
Good lord. Given that he has so few bad secrets left at the end, and one of the pieces of information he admits to is "I killed my dad Like That and I don't regret it even a little bit," this is... a challenge.
I mean, I do have... idk whether this is a full-on headcanon or just a canon-compliant possibility that will not leave me alone, but. Here. Have something he would take to his grave, and which nobody living would remember. (cw for attempted assault)
When MY's around 16-17 and his mother's illness has worsened profoundly, he suggests that they transfer her debt to him instead. MS vehemently rejects this and makes him swear to her that he will never take on a contract or exchange sex for money.
MY would never lie to his mother or break his word to her, but as the world champion of compartmentalization, he knows how to find loopholes. If he uses only his hands or his mouth, and he is not in the employ of the brothel, then technically he hasn't broken his word. So in between his work in the restaurant and what odd jobs he can pick up in his side of Yunping, off he goes to the docks on the other side of the river, disguising himself slightly to limit chances of recognition. (This is the first part of the secret.)
One day, a well-dressed john pushes him against the wall and tries to rape him. MY manages to grab the man's weapon and stab him with it twice--once to free himself, and once to kill. (This is the second part of the secret.)
MY straightens his clothes, empties the contents of his would-be rapist's purse into his own (it'll make it look like a robbery, and he's owed payment, after all), and makes himself stay in the area for the rest of the night to avoid causing suspicion by his absence. When the body is discovered a few hours later, nobody connects him to the murder.
When he's back on his side of the river and tallies up the money, he finds that it is more than enough to pay off the rest of his mother's debt. He waits for another few weeks so nobody connects a sudden influx of funds with the murder-robbery. He works the whole time, but he can't help but think about how the amount he earns from what he does--and the amount his mother earns after the madame takes her cut--doesn't come anywhere close to the amount of money in the rich man's purse.
Finally, when enough time has passed that the murder is old news and MS has deteriorated enough that he cannot let her stay in the brothel no matter the risk, MY comes forward with the money and pays their way out. ("Do you want to tell me where all this came from?" she asks, and when he says no, her stomach twists, but she decides not to press him. What's done is done.) They spend the last two weeks of MS's life peacefully in an inn.
The third part of the secret is that MY feels no misgivings about killing the man at all. Leaving aside whether it was justified (which of course it was), it felt good to finally say no and strike back after years of enforced passivity. His only regrets are that he didn't do something like that sooner, and that he couldn't do the same to the man who threw his mother into the street.
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aita for ghosting 2 of my closet friends?
TL;DR: 2 of my closest/longest friendships ive had were ended by me stopping any and all communication, either unprompted or prompted. i dont feel any urge to talk with these people again, and i do not want to rekindle these friendships.
i (19ftm) have had only 2 friendships were i would consider the other person a "best friend". the first one was when i was in middle school (12-13). this other person, we'll call K(at the time 13F). now back in middle school i was what would be considered as the cool kids say: Cringe. super obsessed with undertale AND homestuck, a big 1-2 punch.
i met K through our homeroom class, and we really hit it off well. she was funny, great at art, and also loved undertale (she was the one who actually got me into homestuck, but thats besides the point). we hung out constantly, always chatting and swapping art tips, that sorta thing.
when i moved schools in 7th grade we became distance friends. not long distance bc we lived 30 min. away from each other, but we didn't get to see each other everyday anymore. eventually we started dating, but i didnt really feel content w the relationship at the time (i didnt know i was trans/gay yet lol).
one day i told her i was taking a break from social media/discord for a while until i sorted myself out, and then i would be back. i never spoke with her again after that and i felt like shit for years for ghosting my at the time girlfriend. i didnt take the break with the intention of ghosting K, it just kinda happened. she deleted her discord and i don't remember her tumblr so i have no way of communicating w her anymore. we knew each other for about 3-4 years, and dated for about half of that.
my other friend we'll call T(ftm). I met T my freshman year, when i was 14. T is 2 years older than me, so he was 16 at the time, a sophomore. T and i really hit it off well, and we hung out all the time after school, and talked over discord daily. he did a lot for me ill be honest, and helped me through an identity crisis when i realized i was trans and also gay.
however, when T graduated he started to drift away. i was still a junior at the time but we stayed in contact the best we could. i started driving so i would visit him in his apartment on weekends. however things really nose dived my senior year. i was 17-18 and all my friends had graduated, so i was already feeling pretty alone.
i kept trying to find comfort in T but he just kinda faded away. he found a new friend group of ppl closer to his age and they started hanging out more. i knew some of these people from our school, and was even friends w one of them, but for some reason he insisted on keeping me separate from them.
things boiled over when our mutual friend from this new friend group decided to throw a halloween party, but had to cancel last minute. time skip to november 1st and im picking up T to go rollerskating, and to my surprise he hops in my car out of breath and says "sorry it took so long, i was cleaning up after a halloween party!" and went on about this party he threw the night before with all his friends from the other group. T explained to me that he didn't invite me bc "i wouldn't know any of them".
i was pissed. really pissed. i stopped making plans to hang out with him, but to my surprise so did he. we stopped chatting daily, and the last time we spoke was april of last year. i sent him a final message in may trying to spark another conversation but he never replied. so i gave up. i stopped talking to him.
then i realized the pattern of me growing extremely close with someone only to ghost them. i know T basically ghosted me but i also stopped putting in the effort so i feel i still hold some of the blame. even when i last saw T in person i avoided him like the plague, and i just pray that if we do see each other again he does NOT recognize me.
What are these acronyms?
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starsfic · 4 months
Discard #4
It was late. Or early, depending on how you viewed it. In any case, it was dark, edging closer and closer to the dawn. The library was quiet and peaceful, with only one occupant.
The Lady Bone Demon meditated in the silence.
A magic circle surrounded her. Each time she took a deep breath in, the glow of the circle dulled. Each time she let a deep breath out, the glow of the circle intensified. It was a steady rhythm, one that allowed the cracks slowly flooding her skin to soothe and fade. 
Yellowtusk watched.
She did not know he was there. As far as she knew, he was resting with Peng, who had successfully brought back the Crimson Jimsonweed. So far, two of the six things had been retrieved. However, this did not ease his mind.
Azure was usually very clever, but he had tunnel vision, Yellowtusk could admit that. Oftentimes, his tunnel vision extended to him and Peng, such as the attempted overthrowing of the Jade Emperor. Yellowtusk could not have tunnel vision now. Sun Wukong called him the wisest of their former brotherhood, and Yellowtusk needed to follow his words. Silently, he extended his hand.
The array that formed was one he learned in service of Heaven. The Queen Mother of the West used it to poison suitors of her daughters, ones that only cared for power instead of love. (How ironic that she judged her oxherding son-in-law for not having power.) If used slowly, the poison would be slow, allowing the suitors to appear if they were simply ill.
Fast was required here.
The array held for a moment. The blue of the circle that surrounded the Lady Bone Demon retreated, becoming white. A groan came from the demoness. Like it was a signal, Yellowtusk clenched his hand.
Power raced up her form like electricity. Her eyes started open in realization, but it was too late. The demoness threw her head back and screamed.
It was a sound, bordering on an inhuman screech, that Yellowtusk hated. However, he held firm. Finally, the circle disappeared and she collapsed to the floor.
The elephant took a step forward, eyeing her. She was limp, like a corpse, and he couldn’t see the motions that suggested breathing. Had he killed her? Or had he just killed the host?
Yellowtusk reached down, intending to flip her over and check her pulse, but a hand grabbed his. He gave a yelp, stumbling back as the demoness coughed, pushing herself up on her hands.
"Your brother did tell me that you were noble. That, if you had concerns, you would voice them first." The Lady Bone Demon rose to her feet and turned, allowing the skin of her glamour to slough off. Yellowtusk couldn't help the noise of disgust at the bare bone, red eyes glaring at him from empty sockets. "He did not imagine you as the type to stab your allies in the back in the dead of night."
"You are no ally of ours," Yellowtusk huffed out, gripping his hammer. "I have done my research, Baigujing." Her eyes flashed for a brief moment in anger. "You are nothing but a spirit who managed to scrabble her way to the attention of the gods. You would seek to destroy this world rather than make it better." And Azure had allowed his vision to tunnel once again.
"There is nothing that can make this world better," She spat out, kicking off the ground and levitating above him. "Nothing but the flames that the power of the Monkey King will provide."
Yellowtusk barked out a laugh, rising up. She wasn't the only one with fancy tricks. "He would never help you." Once he got his letter, he would act. He trusted him enough to know that.
She laughed back, the sound too harsh to come from a young girl's body. "He does not have a choice. He and his protege will fall. After all," The bone was covered back up, and the illusion blinked for just a moment. "He couldn't bring himself to hurt a child last time."
Yellowtusk's question died at the image of a young girl floating helplessly, her mouth caught in the gape of a scream. He blinked-
And she lunged.
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hp-fanfic-archive · 7 days
Remus/Sirius Hurt/Comfort Masterlist | Works With Less Than 5k Words
find the full masterlist directory here
last updated: 09/10/24 | links last checked: 09/10/24
And look where it got us by Zoeff [G, 1k]
Sirius pressed his lips together. “I don't want him at school at all to be honest." Remus barked out a laugh. “Excuse me, who are you?” “What!? Look at the track record of this kid! Year one: Willingly fights his way through hundreds of dangerous tasks to end up nearly getting killed by You-know-who in an attempt to save a bloody stone!” “First of all, it was not 'hundreds of tasks' and secondly, that 'bloody stone' happened to be the Philosopher's stone and if I recall correctly you threw Harry a 'Congratulations, you're a badass' – party when he came home.” Wolfstar raising Harry AU in which Sirius worries and Remus has no idea who he is talking to.
Apollonian and Dionysian. by rearwindow [G, 2k]
“Yeah… Well, it’s like I’m light and you are darkness.”
Bad Day by orphan_account [G, 1k]
Professor Remus Lupin's day had been one of the worst. All he wanted was a nice relaxing bath and a few moments to forget. Luckily he's got a very doting husband who can help him do just that.
Boys by oliverdalstonbrowning [G, 2k]
Remus is reminded of the truth and Sirius plays Space Oddity.
Common Cuddles for a Common Cold by LadyAmina [G, 1k]
Most of the student body has fallen ill with a common cold. Sirius is just feeling it a lot louder. But Remus helps.
Flannel by victoria_p [M, 1k]
The knowledge that only two thin layers of flannel separates them is driving Sirius crazy.
Have a BEARY Happy Valentine's Day by Amuly [T, 1k]
Valentine's Day during MWPP's 4th year happens to fall the day after a full moon. But it's Remus and Sirius' first Valentine's Day as a couple, so Sirius is determined to make it memorable.
He Was Theirs by orphan_account [G, 1k, James/Regulus]
Coming home from a frustrating day, James Potter seeks comfort in those who love him most.
*Heat by LadyAmina [T, 2k]
The summer air is too warm. The campfire isn't helping. Neither is Sirius's head in his lap. Neither is the burning blood in his veins. Remus is overwhelmed and something has to give.
Life Affirming by WolfstarPups90 [E, 2k]
Remus just sat there, still shaking, staring at his lover and replaying the scene in his head. Sirius knocking him out of the way. Sirius successfully casting a killing curse to protect him. Sirius falling down, hurt. He needed to feel and taste and smell Sirius surrounding him. He needed the memory of his lover’s body falling lifeless on the ground like a puppet who’s strings had been cut to be wiped away and replaced by memories of heat and passion and love and sex. He needed to know how alive they both were.
My Faithful Handyman by softiejace [T, 1k]
non-magic au in which Sirius gets harassed for putting on make up in the men’s room and Remus defends him
Night: Shadows from Five Billion Trees by Amuly [E, 3k]
Every childhood is filled with magic – school of witchcraft and wizardry or no.
Punk Rock Suburban by GoldandScarlett [G, 3k]
Sirius follows Remus around all summer because he is his screwed up self, James is touring Europe, and no one actually likes Peter.
*Soul Signs by cottonpadenthusiast [G, 1k]
Everyone has a Soul Sign; the Patronus of your soulmate painted on your skin. Everyone is destined to find love. Yet Remus seems destined for someone who doesn't have a soulmate at all.
The Pitch by KinugoshiDofu [T, 1k]
Remus is not into Quidditch at all, but when you have a secret boyfriend that plays, there’s not much to do but watch and pray to Merlin you won’t have to see him crash. And when he does, there’s nothing left to do but kiss the booboos.
Thicker Than Blood by Thistlerose [T, 4k]
James has tried to be reasonable about his best friends’ relationship, but he’s not comfortable with it. Then something happens that helps him put things into perspective. (Sequel to Midnight Conversations #1)
*To Want for Nothing by oxfordlunch [T, 2k]
There are no family members singing, no happy returns. Nobody tells him to make a wish. He thinks of one anyhow. He closes his eyes and pleads silently to whoever could possibly listen that he might be taken away from this. He wishes for red and gold and warm, clean air, and for someone to sing on his birthday.
*Unified Theory by montparnasse [G, 3k]
New Year's, 1982. A house, a bed, a room at the top of the stairs. A lever, and a place to stand. (podfic available)
Where Rain And Smoke Mingle by smallestbird [T, 1k]
It doesn't matter if they've disowned you, they're still your family. It doesn't matter how often you walk away, it still hurts.
Winter and Happier by orphan_account [T, 2k]
Spending a weekend house-sitting for James' parents, the two couples have some plans. But when Remus is given a slight set-back, Sirius is determined to make his boyfriend feel valid, and very loved.
*denotes personal favorite
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enigmatist17 · 4 months
The basis for this idea:
Cordy and Wesley are the reincarnations of the bank robbery woman and the bookseller from the episode Are You Now or Have You Ever Been. Angel didn't let the Thesulac demon take over the hotel, killing it after running everyone out, and Judy and Denver sort of guide him onto his path as a Champion way before he does canonically. They died in battle a few years apart, and Angel threw himself into his work of protecting L.A./being its Master, and Whistler is sent to help Angel reconnect with humanity because all he's done is mourn them for about 20 years :(
Los Angeles. You see it at night and it shines; a beacon. People are drawn to it. People and other things. They come for all sorts of reasons. My reason? It began with a girl in a hotel, and a guy who owned a bookshop.
"So, this is where the great Protector of L.A. likes to hang out on his off-time? Pathetic man, really pathetic."
"Who are you?"
"Name's Whistler, an agent of the Powers That Be." The standoff that had been going on in the lobby of a, quite frankly, beautiful hotel ended when Whistler pulled out a cigarette, lighting it with a hum. He didn't seem to mind the vampire across the room who was glaring daggers his way, a cup of now cool blood forgotten in his hand as Angel sized up the strange man. Whistler was clearly not human, but Angel couldn't smell any of the underlying hatred that lingered in most with ill intent, so his initial guard lowered slightly.
"What do you want?" Setting his mug down, Angel watches the demon circle around the expansive lobby with a click of his tongue, eyeing the stairs until Angel clears his throat.
"I've got a mission for ya, or well, They do."
"I already have one." Angel deadpanned, pointing to some files on the desk in front of him. "I protect this city, pretty sure that's a good thing for these Powers or whatever."
"Oh, they're grateful, don't get me wrong, but this is a two-part mission. Say, got any snacks?" Angel blinked as he finally emerged from around the former check-in desk, crossing his arms with a slight frown.
"Ah, shame. Anyways, you've noticed a lull in evil baddies going after the helpless, right? That would be due to the new Slayer and the Hellmouth she's about to move to in about, uh, a week." Whistler pulled out a small notepad and nodded at whatever he'd written down, Angel just watched with a glare. "That's where you're going, big guy, and the Powers even scored you a whole ass mansion that you own as of two days ago."
"The hell you mean no?"
"I'm not leaving my city at the word of some weird guy I've never seen before, who apparently works for some higher power, just because I've not been running around as much recently." There was now a low growl that normally sent annoying people away, but Whistler just seemed amused. "If I leave, the city will-"
"Be fine for a little while; I'm not sayin' you need to leave forever, big man. You've got people who can help out while you're gone, and I think a new locale will do ya good! When was the last time you even tried to go beyond the city? I'm assumin' wh-"
"Say their names and I'll rip your throat out." The snarl Angel let out just about echoed around the hotel, and Whistler took a step back with a slightly soft expression. "I am the Master of this city, I don't just leave."
"Sunnydale is two hours away, and if ya want, I'll see to gettin' a good portal installed so you can zip over anytime." Angel's glare deepened as Whistler held his gaze with the vampire, clearly more and more disgruntled with this stranger. "I was hopin' to save this card, but there is one other thing Sunnydale has for ya, if you go."
"A chance to see some old friends again." Angel raised an eyebrow as his anger changed to suspicion, Whistler giving the first serious look since his arrival. "Can't say much else, but it'll be worth it."
"...I'll check things out, no promises I'll stay and help." Angel isn't sure why the words that came out of his mouth were so far removed from what he wanted to say, but they felt almost...right.
They ring in the back of his mind as Angel gathers the leaders of various demon clans for a meeting, stating he will be gone for a short time, and that he wasn't leaving his city for good. There is some apprehension as the leaders talk amongst themselves, but ultimately, their trust and loyalty in the vampire who had run L.A. and kept it safe for both human and demonkind the best could won out. No one was going to be stupid enough to try and challenge his claim, stories of the last poor idiots who had tried five years ago still circulating to tourists who come to L.A. with stupid dreams.
They always end up leaving, no one stupid enough to try and mess with Angelus.
Angel finally heads to Sunnydale a week after the new Slayer arrives, nearly calling the entire thing off when the familiar prickle of family travels up his spine.
Even b e t t e r
It does help to see the home these Powers had gotten him, a mansion overlooking the town in relatively good condition, as he pulls into the driveway and parks by the house. He doesn't linger long before heading into Sunnydale to scope the place out; Angel is surprised to see so many graveyards for a relatively small amount of residents.
Hellmouths were weird.
Angel is very impressed by the sewer system that wound under what had to be most of the town. He maps out a good chunk before he stumbles across a section that leads toward what had to be the Aurelian court, wisely retreating for what little of the evening was left.
Hm, what a strange town.
Angel meets the Slayer quite by accident, and to say it was awkward is an understatement. He had saved a young man from becoming bait for the Slayer, escorting the annoying kid who wouldn't stop talking despite trying to sneak away to a nearby hatch when a blonde woman and brown-haired man ran right into them.
"Jesse! You're alive!" The man gapes as the teen behind Angel runs around him, tackling the other teen in a tight hug.
"Barely man! H-Holy shit, we need to get out of here before more of those vampire freaks show up!"
"You mean like the one with you?" The Slayer moves faster than Angel can open his mouth, slamming him against a wall with a strake pressing right over his heart.
"Wait, he saved me!" The kid, Jesse he thinks, sprints over with a panicked look on his face, the Slayer raising an eyebrow. "The dude saved me before I became bait, please don't kill him!"
"I'll have to save all three of you if you don't go now, scouts are already honing in on all the yelling, and they don't like you or me." Angel cursed as he looked back the way he'd come. "Take your friends and go; you've got a minute, maybe less."
"Come on Buffy, let's bail." The other teen urged, and Angel let out an unnecessary breath when the stake was pulled away.
"Follow us, and you're dust."
"Believe me, Slayer, I've no such desire." With a hum of his preternatural speed, he's gone before she can turn back to say something in response, making sure the three humans escaped into the sunlight before making his own way out of harm's way. Angel hadn't come across too many Slayers in his time, but he was sure none of them had dressed like they were ready to hit the runway, a chuckle escaping his lips as he emerged near his temporary home. While she may have been able to run, Angel knew the Slayer would be back in the fray that evening, hoping she and her Watcher had figured out what the Harvest meant.
The idiot kid he'd saved earlier was with the Slayer and her Watcher when the Master made his move via a proxy, along with the other male from before and a redhead who nearly screamed when Angel emerged from the shadows just out of staking range.
"Hey hey, it's the guy!" The teen he rescued grinned, and the Watcher raised his weapon as the Slayer did the same. "Are you going to help us?"
"Depends on the Slayer." He can hear faint chanting from inside the bar they stood outside of, the blonde crossing her arms after a moment.
"My name is Buffy, and if you're here to help, I'll take it." It was all Angel needed, giving a sharp nod before motioning to the bar.
"Let's get to work, they're about to start feeding."
Buffy was young, but what she lacked in precision, she made up for in ingenuity at using the environment to her advantage as she took out vampires left and right. Angel spent more time making sure her friends and civilians didn't end up as snack food, striking one vampire who had cornered a terrified woman near one of the exits.
"Oh thank you thank you!" The battle that was petering out behind Angel faded away as he stared at the woman who was hugging him tight, the stake in his hand falling to the floor with a clatter. "I thought I was going to die."
"I-" Words are stuck in his throat when she pulls back, a familiar face framed by long brunette hair giving the vampire a smile before she fully pulls back, running for the door to get away from the fighting. Every part of him is screaming to go after her, to see this woman again and dare to touch her, but Buffy needs his help, so he helps make sure every vampire is dead as she fights the leader.
Angel is gone after Buffy defeats the Master's Vessel, leaving the small group confused yet grateful for his aid. It took him a very long time to fall asleep that day, and memories he'd carefully blocked from his mind flooded his subconscious.
"Judy, if I find my Daemon Rituale Romanum Tome on the roof again, I'm going to curse every dress you own!"
"You'd never do that, you like me too much!" Angel smiles as he descends the stairs just after dusk, watching two bickering humans pacing around an expansive lobby of the hotel they all owned.
"This book is incredibly fragile and costs more than all those shampoos you like to collect." Denver Rickopache scoffed, adjusting his glasses as he cradled the book like a newborn babe.
"It's a book, and I did have it under the umbrella you know." Judy Kovacs rolled her eyes, feathered brown hair bouncing as she crossed her arms with a smile. "Happy?"
"This time," Denver grumbled, eyes flickering up to catch sight of Angel grinning at the pair of them. "What?"
"Nothing, just enjoying my morning drama." The vampire chuckled as he finally headed over to the duo, one arm open so Judy could hug his side. "Morning."
"Morning, we got some fresh O-positive in the fridge for you, and drink up because you're going to need it!"
"What's on the agenda for today?" Angel listened to Denver recite what they knew about their latest case, grabbing eggs and bacon to cook while nursing his blood. It had taken the two of them three years, but Angel had grown to enjoy food again alongside his blood, rolling his eyes when Denver stole a slice of bacon. Judy was at least nice enough to add a second plate beside his with a smile, getting some extra eggs he always added for her to enjoy no matter the time of day.
"So, what do you think? Easy case or what?" Angel smiled as they all settled around the kitchen table, sipping his blood with a shrug.
"Sounds like it to me."
Judy is smiling at him when Angel awakens that night, and for the first time in years, he weeps.
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writerwithbrainrot · 8 months
Chapter five: When you have a Kazoo.
I'm finally posting this! Praise Hylia! Thank Cheeto for this! Check them out!
Half a day into traveling with their new friends, [Reader] finds you can make a few friends with a kazoo.
Warning: KAZOO, Swearing, Mentions of blood and illness, Bile, let me know if I need to add more.
[Reader] awoke yo the sounds of things being picked up and shifted around them. Opening their eyes, they groaned, squinting as the sun splashed them with light. They felt something beginning to poke them in the side.
"Wake up!" Wind's voice said, too cheery for the morning, poking them with a stick in the side. In response, [Reader] threw the nearest thing at him, their pillow. He laughed and threw it back, causing him to drop the stick and for [Reader] to start a pillow fight.
Wind almost screeched as [Reader] stood up and smacked him with their pillow. He ran, jumping over a knocked out Sky and grabbing his pillow off his packed bed roll, messing it up as [Reader] Got close, not wanting to jump over Sky. They raised their pillow, but got hit in the stomach with Wind's pillow. They gasped as Wind laughed.
Wild, who was finishing up breakfest, smiled at the two, Twilight also smiling at the young boy's energy. "I could never. I don't know how he does it." Four said, unable to stop the small smile on his face as he returned to his packing.
The fight continued until a familiar tightness gripped [Reader]'s chest, and they began to cough, holding their chest. Wind hit them once more but stopped seeing them crouch a bit, a hand on their knees as they cough. He looked panicked. "Are you alright?! I didn't Hurt you, did I?!"
They used the hand on their knee to wave to Wind, coughing still. Hyrule approched, a hand on their back in worry as they regained their breath and composure. "It's fine. Just too much sudden activity." They said, gasping for air a bit as they stood up, Hyrule still placing a hand on their back as [Reader] regained themselves. "It happens to me. Nothing you did." They turned to Hyrule "Thanks, but I'm fine." They said as he hesitantly nodded, turning back to Wind and ruffling his hair. "What's that face for? I'm fine!"
Wind let out a small "Hey!" and tryed to fix it hair, causing [Reader] to laugh.
"How old are you?" They asked. "I'm [Age]."
He stuck out his tounge and crossed his arms. "I'm 14! I was twelve when I started my adventure!"
"Oh wow." [Reader] said with a smile. "That's amazing. Though, the age you started doesn't sit well with me." They said, frowning a bit. A hand hit their shoulder, making [Reader] turn and see Time.
"He can hold well on his own. Trust me. We've seen him in battle." he said, Reader looked back at Wind, who was running off to put his pillow back.
[Reader] sighed. "It's not that. It's just, he wad so young, and by the stories, you were younger, weren't you? It's just not fair. You were robbed of your childhood." They said. He smile a tiny bit.
"What happened has happened. We cannot change the past. Only hope for a better future." he said. [Reader] snorted a bit."You sound like my professor." They said
"Professor?" he asked "Ah, that's right. Your a historian. I forgot."
"It's fine." They said, [Reader] Turned and started to roll their borrowed bed roll up. "I'm surprised you did, after last night." They said.
"Hey, old man." Wild said, holding a plate. "Here. Foods ready." He said, and Time took it. Wild looked at [Reader], "Come eat. We won't bite." he said.
[Reader] nervously looked and saw Legend glaring. "I think he would." They said, making Wild groan.
"Oh, ignore him. He's just sour when there are new people." he said, helping reader back on their feet. "Why were you coughing earlier?"
[Reader] frowned. "Uh. . . I'm dehydrated?" They said, but sounded more like a question. Wild rose a brow.
"Sure. . . " he said, turning to clean up the pot.
[Reader]'s mood dampened. They had only a limited supply of their medication, their inhailer halfway full. The disease they has Effects the lungs, causing issues eith breathing and if left unchecked, can cause blood issues, making them cough up nasty blood ans bile that looked like garbage. It wasn't pretty and often times when they told others, they decided to baby [Reader]. Caused most to treat them like glass. They hated it.
Moving to their bag, they took a breath of their inhailer, already noticing how much better the air was in their world than in their medication, which was supposed to be the cleanest back home.
How sad.
They ate between Wind and Hyrule, relaxing and taking in the beauty of it all. The clean air, the chirping of birds, the wind in the trees. . .
"You look like you're enjoying this." Hyrule said.
[Reader] swallowed their omelet bite. "Nothing is really this nice back home. Not the air or the grass, even this omelet isn't as good as it is here." They said. Hyrule frowned.
"Is your time in trouble?" He asked "I know you said there was something about war and needing clean energy, whatever that is. Is something happening."
[Reader] let their hand rest as they finished their plate. "The air is polluted. We burn trash and throw it in the ocean. We had for a long time and now we are finally starting to try and fix everything, but it's far too late. There isn't enough food to go around, and any food there is is sold at a ridiculous price and awful. That's a start but to put it lightly, my home and this one couldn't be any more different."
The team started to get ready to hit the road (Twilight offered to let [Reader]'s stuff rest on Epona, but they declined.), [Reader] pulling their bag onto their back, journal I hand when a small plastic object fell down. They paused, confused looking at the pink and blue kazoo on the ground. "Must be something from highschool." They sighed, slowly picking it up and dusting it off. "Better keep this till I can properly dispose of it."
»»————- ★ ————-««
The walk had become boring. [Reader] opted to stay with Epona and Twilight, feeling more welcomed with the horse than the others, Legend occasionally sending them a glare. It made [Reader] unease. But this was better, the small bit of chatter ahead felt as though they weren't for [Reader] to be apart of, as they were just a a stranger in truth. So Epona would have to be their beastie for now.
Epona, to Twilight's surpise, was seemingly excited for this stranger to be loving up on her, neighing and pushing her nose into [Reader] when they stopped petting her. It made Twilight smile.
[Reader] was greatful for Epona, because she felt that familiar tighten in their chest, and their legs hurt horribly. Epona was wonderful distraction to the pain.
However, boredom crept up their skin. like vines on a tree, suffocating [Reader]. They smiled, seeing wind next to Hyrule and pulled the pink and blue Kazoo out of their pocket, a michevious grin on her face appearing before it fell, seeing the two locked in conversation. It would be rude to inturept. . .
However, out of the corner of their eye, [Reader] saw Twilight smiling, and nodding to them, as if saying it was fine to do whatever they planned.
[Reader] grinned, happiness in their eyes so focused on the two ahead of them, as they snuck up close behind, the kazoo in their mouth.
They blew hard into the plastic toy, making the two jump and Wind almost screamed. [Reader] laughed, taking the Kazoo out of their mouth as Hyurle put a hand to his heart, Wind turning deep red and punching their side. "Jerk! What was that?!" He exclaimed as some of the boys turned, looking at the commotion.
"A kazoo!" they said, grinning. "Sorry, I couldn't help it!"
"A what?" Hyrule asked, raiding a brow, hands shaking a bit from the fright. [Reader] noticed and frowned.
"Sordy, I shouldn't have scared you. It's a kazoo. . . it's. . ." They started, however, couldn't find the right words, feeling guilt well up. "It's a noise making toy. Supposed to make music. It fell outta my bag and I didn't wanna leave it on the ground and potentionally harm something."
Wind suddenly took it out of their hand and blew hard, making Sky and Four cover their ears, and making Epona shake her head in discomfort. [Reader] putting their hands over Epona's ears, said "Not so loud! you'll Epona's ears!"
Wind stuck his tounge out, then screeched as [Reader] dashed forward and picked him up. "Alright, you're in air jail." They said with a smile. He struggled, but had a smile on his face as he laughed "No! Put me down! Aryle does this with the Seaguls!"
"Alright, alright." They said, setting him down. "You have a little sister?" They asked. They had already known, but they figured it's be better to ask Wind then just say taht they knew.
"I do! Her name is Aryle!" He said, smiling. Wind proceeded to tell [Reader] all about his sister, how great she was and her fondness of seaguls. His smile seemed to brighten the mood of the group, it was relaxing. Hyrule eventually joined in, telling [Reader] all about his adventure. [Reader] smiled hearing their stories, making her feel so light on her feet. . .
Light. . .
They felt a sudden pang of pain in their heart, and their soul hit their feet as they fell over, causing Wind and Hyrule to yell out their name.
Strong arms caught [Reader] before they hit the ground as they started to shake and cough. A shaky hand covered [Reader]'s hand as they felt a familiar warm liquid hit their hand as they coughed hard. "I've got you." Twilight's voice said, letting [Reader] lay down on their side, blood and dark bile coming from their mouth as panicked voices cryed out.
Hyrule crouched down, immediately going to use magic as they choked out more blood and bile when they smacked his hand away, shakily saying "In. . .hailer. . ."
"Are they okay?!" Wind's voice asked in horror as Hyrule started to rummage for something, not knowing what an 'inhailer' was, but knowing it was most likely in their bag.
"What happened?!" Four asked, Time's eyes showing alarm but his face stoic.
"Are they ill?!" Warriors asked, pulling out red potion and crouching down by twilight as Hyrule pulled out some funky objects, showing them to [Reader]. They grabbed one, and put it to their lips, and tryed pressing on the top. Twilight did so for them, causing their lungs to visibly expand. They stopped coughing and [Reader] took the Inhailer in their hand firmly and administered more medication into them, relaxing, before dropping the device. Worry spreading through the group, as the stopped spewing out blood.
"Are they okay?!" Wind asked, as Hyrule checked [Reader]'s pule. He let out a sigh of relief.
"They're fine." He said, Twilight and Warriors letting out baited breaths. "They're out though. Whatever that was, they'll need to recharge after it."
"What was that?" Four asked, face drenched in concern.
"They mentioned something about a disease last night. Maybe it's that?" Sky suggested as Twilight picked up [Reader] bridle style, muttering a "Lighter than they should be." under his breath.
"Keep them on Epona for now." Time said "We need to set up camp soon as possible."
"Great." Legend growled, angry "Wonderful."
"Save it, Vet." Warriors hissed, Legend glaring at him "None of us knew this would have happened. Don't even start."
Twilight maneuvered the passed out [Reader] onto Epona and the group made their way to find a camo sight, hoping to not meet monsters on the way. Legend glared back at the passed out stranger, not trusting any of them. Not one bit.
Yaaaaay! Another chapter made! Will reader be okay?! What's Legend's deal?! Should I take my friend's ferrets?! who knows! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! have a wonderful day and or night and please, take good care of yourself. Go to bed, drink water, and eat some food! Bu-bye!
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frostedcanadians · 7 months
I've never liked the idea of radical acceptance idk its just not something i could ever grasp but lately ive been practicing what I call radical gratitude (probably has already been a legitimate recognized coping mechanism with a fancy name that i dont know)
As someone with bipolar disorder I struggle often times with feelings of anger, frustration, unfairness. When Im in a low place the smallest of things feel like a gut punch and can send me over the edge. This mechanism started out feeling annoying and condescending but as Ive been forcing myself to practice it it feels less stupid.
When something irritates me I force myself to be grateful for it, big or small. This is what it looks like: this morning I ordered a hot latte and they gave me iced and I was too anxious to ask them to fix it. Driving away, tired and grumpy I felt myself getting more irritated that I just spent $8 on a coffee I didnt even order. I stopped myself in my tracks and forced myself to think: how absolutely lucky and privileged am I to exist in a time, place, and affordability that I can have a coffee given to me practically on demand whenever I want. How cool is that. That's amazing.
I'm having a graduation party this weekend and several of my friends have backed out at the last minute and I was feeling especially bummed, like I wasn't worth celebrating. Stop right there. I have other friends who made it a priority to not only celebrate me but be genuinely happy for me. Devote their time, energy, and even money to come have a night to celebrate me for my accomplishments. How kind is that. That's incredible and Im grateful for them and I love them.
My cat threw up right as I was leaving for work, making me late having to clean it up and generally just felt like a gross way to start my day. But how lucky am I to have a beautiful kitty that I adore, who loves me back? This little creature that trusts me, cuddles me, awaits my arrival home. How fucking cool is it that this little animal of another species is my best friend? That's bonkers.
Anyway like I said it felt really dumb and condescending at first but forcing myself to continually do it has been really helpful and lightened my perspective on life and if you find yourself struggling with constant feelings of frustration and anger that can't shake perhaps give this a go. It hasnt helped me with big things like trauma, but it does stop me from feeling like all the small things pile up. Love you all my mentally ill friends and take care of yourself <3
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