#it means you have trouble in whatever aspect it is
hxnbi · 2 months
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synopsis: the ways that they show their love
— characters: gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, okkotsu yuta, nanami kento
— contents: fluff, a lil bit of angst and comfort in nanami's, gn reader
part two | masterlist
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GOJO SATORU ➽ words of affirmation & gift-giving
This man is rich. Plain as day, there is no doubt about that. There is nothing that Satoru won't do to go to the ends of the earth to get you. The number of times you would receive gifts from this man would have Ieiri, Utahime, and even Mei's eyes widen in horror. And maybe even perhaps jealousy—to see a man so high up his ass so utterly devoted to his partner.
His mornings and afternoons would often be spent teaching his young students at Jujutsu Tech, but it didn't stop him from diving into a whirlwind of activity, all stemming from his blatant infatuation with you. Whenever he had the chance, perhaps luring his students for a "trip" with the promise of going to Roppongi, he inevitably found himself scouring the markets for any trinkets that caught his eye. But who could blame him? After all, they were virtually beckoning him to buy it for you—a delicate necklace, a quaint keychain, or a colorful bouquet of wildflowers. Each item held a piece of his heart, a token of his affection waiting to be shared with you and only you.
Satoru wasn't deterred. Hell, he was hardly even fazed by the indifferent stares or the murmurs of disdain that often followed his well-meaning gestures—mostly by his colleagues, probably thinking he was processed by a cursed spirit, God forbid, but I digress. Love wasn’t just a word to be said but a sentiment to be expressed through actions, however small or grand they may appear. But if that was what Satoru really thought a relationship was, then God may as well have struck him down at that moment. It didn't matter what people thought of him or even what material possessions he bestowed upon you; you're his entire world and don't deserve any less. 
To be able to feel pampered by his kindness and love through gifts. It warmed your heart to know how special you really were to him. Satoru may be rich, but he also knows about the superficial aspects of a relationship and tries to avoid them. But in the end, if that’s what you want, he'll do whatever it takes to make you happy. All he wishes for is your happiness and nothing more. As the strongest sorcerer in the world, Satoru knows he has a lot of power, and he is willing to put that all on the line for you to flourish. The man, to the surprise of no one, had a knack for flirting, effortlessly winning hearts with his smooth talk and irresistible charm. He can even be a flirt at times, for sure, but Satoru despised that label. To him, it's his way of showing that he is all yours. He's a tease who knows how to use his words to woo you—though it can sometimes be a bit much. You know that what he's doing is just trying to cheer you up.
FUSHIGURO MEGUMI ➽ acts of service & words of affirmation
From the very beginning of your relationship, moments of vulnerability and intimacy were always scarce and few in between. He would never do or say something that you were uncomfortable with. He respects your boundaries and expects the same in return. Megumi, quietly and reservedly, sometimes has trouble articulating his thoughts. His words often fall short of capturing the depth of his feelings. Yet beneath this rock-solid exterior lies a heart that yearns for your happiness above all else—even his own. His emotions are conveyed not through words but through subtle gestures and actions veiled behind his typical stoic demeanour.
As much as Yuji and Nobara would tease him for it, their jests and blatant remarks were all rooted in good faith. Because in the end, when they would see just the way that he would gaze at you and how he would constantly be attentive to your well-being during missions—contrary to popular belief, not smothering you with overprotectiveness but ensuring that he's always there to support you—they would realize how committed Megumi really was. They understand that Megumi's silence speaks volumes. Gojo, for one, would disagree and instead say he was "utterly and completely smitten" with you, his eyes seeing the world through rose-colored lenses, but if that is the case, then so be it. 
When he extends a hand to help you out, whether it's on a mission to exorcise cursed spirits or simply going through the strains of daily life, it's a gesture that speaks volumes. To you, his short and sincere words were his way of showing that he cared. He is your protector, and he will ensure you know this about him. You don't have to lift a finger; he's already on it. His presence alone makes your cheeks flush pink.
OKKOTSU YUTA ➽ quality time & physical touch
Yuta cherishes the intimacy of being close to his loved one, especially when it's with you. Throughout his life, he's often felt isolated and disconnected from the world around him. Having someone he's genuinely close to fills his heart with a sense of completeness. And to him, you are everything—his entire world.
Quality time, to Yuta, means all the time—whether you both are on a mission, training, or even just together in the classroom, you best believe that Yuta will be following you around like a dog with its owner. But he doesn't do it just because it's expected. He knows his strength and wants to protect you no matter what. And if he can't find you? Without a doubt, Yuta will be deploying all of his nerves and anxiety to the forefront of his very being to see you.
You understand that, after all the trauma that Yuta's been through in his life, that is what makes up his anxieties. The scars of his past linger and still continue to haunt him—those memories of loss and loneliness. It's a burden he carries with him always, and that hurts. But unbeknownst to you, your presence alone healed him far more than any reverse cursed technique could. It would heal physical injuries, but internal ones? That was all you—the solace in his once dark-lit life.
Yuta's love language becomes evident. Not even the most oblivious people could look at the way Yuta looked at you and assume it was anything other than pure adoration. It's in the gentle brush of your hand against his, the comforting warmth of your embrace, and the way you lean in just a little closer when you speak, just to be able to hear him a bit more clearly. His affection is expressed through subtle touches and lingering gazes. He loves you, and you love him—just the way he is.
NANAMI KENTO ➽ quality time & words of affirmation
Straight up, he's one of the more mature men out there. Nanami is stone-cold, but he is painstakingly thorough in his care in practically everything he does. He can be a workaholic at times, for sure, but he knew what would become of him if that was all that he did. Despite his dedication to his work, he always made a conscious effort to prioritize his relationships and to nurture and cherish the time he had with you. He wanted for both you and him to live a proper and healthy life. Whether you were just feeling off about yourself or going through a tough time, Nanami would be right by your side in a matter of seconds to comfort you. 
If he were at work, he would drop everything he was doing, call you directly on his cell phone regardless of the weird looks he was getting from his colleagues, and immediately put on his jacket and drive to where you were, only to see you alone in your shared home curled up on the couch, and that made him angry—more than that. But he knew that, above all else, he needed to comfort you, and perhaps, even himself…
No questions would be asked of him, as he would then lift you up in his arms and reassure you that you didn’t have to tell him now but that he was here for you and would always be. He'd then take you somewhere in hopes of taking your mind off whatever was haunting your thoughts because, in his mind, you didn't deserve that burden while he could help. Even just his words alone would soothe your troubled mind. Every action and gesture he made to guarantee your well-being demonstrated his undying dedication to you. And if those words weren't enough, Nanami would drop everything and show his love through quality time spent together. Whether it was a quiet evening at home or a leisurely stroll through the city streets, he cherished every moment shared in your company. 
You cherished having him by your side, and you wouldn't have it any other way. And it didn't matter to him if you were feeling down or struggling with something, down to the littlest thing. And it didn't matter to him if you thought it was troublesome to tell him.
Because he always knew what to say.
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©hxnbi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of my works.
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macsimagines · 6 months
Izana, Kisaki + Mikey finding their girlfriend sleeping in one of their shirts, like willingly? 🧡
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Yandere!Izana Kurokawa
It started off with him kind of... not letting you leave his place. You came over for a late night booty call, and instead of demanding you get out of his face he wouldn't let you go that night.
Come the next morning and you wake up before him and you decide to dip before he can wake up and tell you to fuck off. Izana has never been overtly affectionate with you and you don't want to push him too far afterall.
But then you get a call later that day and he sounds...off.
"Hello-," "Just where the fuck are you, Y/N?" "O-oh? I woke up and left?" You tell him and you're so caught off guard by the slight annoyance in his voice what could you have done wrong?
And that throws you completely off. "Wasn't I supposed to?"
He doesn't answer. Just hangs up and you're left wondering what the hell happened, but you just shrug it off as maybe him not liking that one of his possessions left without permission...
The next time you two hookup, its the same thing. He's not trying to let you leave, and so you sleep over naked and just plan on wearing the same clothes you came in tomorrow. Except...
"I want you here when I get back, Y/N." He tells you before he leaves the next morning. And for whatever reason that look in his eyes means not to test him so you just sit around and wait for him all day.
But your clothes are kind of uncomfortable and its getting so laaaate. Izana wouldn't mind you borrowing one of his shirts right?
He really doesn't come back until 1am, and he's very happy you listened like a good girl, and even happier to see you dressed in one of his shirts while you sleep.
Izana thinks that he probably won't have to get your clothes from your old place. You could just use his. Ya. That'll be fine. Its his gift to you, for finally moving in with him where you belong.
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Yandere!Kisaki Tetta
You're a true fucking brat. No really, you've somehow become the single biggest pain in the ass he's ever had to deal with. You throw out everything he buys you, you scream and demand your freedom at every turn, you're constantly trying to escape him...
But he loves you, really and truly adores you, and you're not going anywhere now that he's got you locked in his penthouse. He won't make the same mistake, he's going to keep this one alive. You'll just have to learn to love him.
Oh but your latest tantrum has him rethinking it all. You set fire to the apartment, burning all the clothes he bought you in the bathtub and almost getting the cops called.
But he was smart, smoothed over the situation and had you sedated before you could throw an even bigger fit. Honestly, some small part of him doesn't think you're worth the trouble but he comes home the next day and those thoughts are all dashed.
You're laying in one of his silk shirts, bundled into the sheets so sweetly he thinks he can feel his heart actually ache at the sight of you.
You're so precious, and perfect to him. "That was expensive," he'll try to say dismissively, he doesn't want you to think he's forgiven you for your little fit just yet, "I burned all the other ugly stuff you got me. At least your clothes are comfortable." "..."
He won't say anything after that, but he does make a mental note that perhaps the Gucci and the Balenciaga are probably not to your tastes. He should just get you things in the same style as him. Couples matching outfits could be nice.
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Yandere!Manjiro Sano
Douchebag does not let you wear clothes he does not approve of. You belong to him and every aspect of your life belongs to him too, even what you wear.
And sometimes it's fine. Sometimes he's not around and you don't have to wear the skimpy dresses and designer shoes that hurt, sometimes you get to be comfortable and just chill out in your pajamas.
But you got too comfortable. He'd been gone for weeks again, because Micky comes and goes as he pleases, so you thought your usual fits would be fine.
Then he returns and for some reason he's pissed. It could be because the cops are on his ass, something didn't go his way or maybe his underlings were pissing him off, but for whatever reason for his rage he's decided he's going to take it out on you.
"What, Y/N? All the money I spend on nice clothes not good enough? You don't like the pretty thing I buy you?" "M-Mikey please-," "Too fuckin' good for the shit I give you?"
You're stripped bare and naked. For days. If you won't wear what he so graciously and lovingly gives you then you don't get to wear anything. And you're just shivering cold for a week straight trying to curl in yourself for any kind of warmth and comfort.
But after seven days of this hell you can't take it anymore. He doesn't even let you have sheets or blankets in your room anymore how the hell are you supposed to survive.
Thankfully, you find one of his discarded sweaters near the bed you two share and through it on without a second thought. You're nauseated because it still smells like him, but you can't bring yourself to take it off and be cold again.
You just snuggle into the fabric and finally find enough warmth and comfort to sleep that night. When Mikey comes home and sees you he realizes he's no longer angry. In fact, he's more than pleased.
"You just wanted to wear my clothes this whole time? That's fine. We'll share a wardrobe."
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peachigummi · 8 days
test my luck ꢾ꣒ mattheo riddle.
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summary: enemy to lovers! Mattheo and y/n have been each other's biggest haters since year 1, they're in their final year at Hogwarts. Mattheo finally pushes y/n to the edge, with his venomous words and guilt tactics.
pairing: enemy! mattheo x fem ravenclaw! reader
warnings: not for the faint of heart! mature themes/language. mentions of abuse. slow burn? bullying angst!! oh my god angst, but ends with some bittersweet fluff I promise! attempted suicide sorry (after reading this back, i dont mean it to be manipulation or to glorify or romanticize but! shit!! for a plot?)
note: i haven't written anything in literal years, the pov is going to shift a lot so bear with me. i honestly just lost any sense of motivation. but something in me just bloomed. you wont see any hp things on this blog it is my journal and i feel like sharing! maybe a part 2 in the making. if this gets enough response.
word count: 6,828
(slightly not really proofread or fan fact checked? if that's a thing ha)
playlist: should i create..? you know damn well the smiths would be in it! like Bigmouth Strikes Again?? that is mattheo!
reblogs & comments are so appreciated! i hope you enjoy <3
It was the start of your last year of Hogwarts, it was an okay time. You personally didn’t get into too much trouble, you liked to stick by yourself for the most part. You studied hard because your muggle parents were still confused about you being a witch, and what you would get out of it. It was hard to process that information, it was a thing of fairy tales. You had to prove yourself in this new world. That…that was hard when you were constantly looking over your shoulder for Mattheo Riddle.
“What’s a whore doing in my seat?” Speak of the damn devil. 
You turned to look at him with a sarcastic smile, “Well hello to you too Mattheo.” You nod at the three other boys that were with him, each of their arms crossed. “Draco. Blaise. Theodore.” You return to look at Mattheo, “you know last time I checked… there are no assigned seats in Potions.” You looked around and the class was still fairly empty.
“Think again and think hard.” Mattheo spoke to you in a cold shallow tone, he barely looked at you. He circled around the table you were at, your eyes following him. He suddenly stopped right behind your chair, yanking it back. There was a loud scrape, the few students that were in the room turned to look at the scene unfolding. You didn’t meet any of their eyes. Mattheo slammed his hand on the side of the table, making you flinch. You hated that you reacted that way. He grabbed the back of your ponytail, forcing your head forward where his hand was, “Look.” M. Riddle. D. Malfoy. B. Zabini. T. Nott. Their names were carved into the side. You grabbed Mattheo’s hand, the one that was still holding onto your ponytail, you tried to pry his icy cold fingers off. It only made him tighten his grip, he bent down to get close to your face, “I suggest you move unless you want me to carve my name onto your face as well.” he spat and finally let go. 
“Whatever,” you gathered your books, “this seat sucks anyways. I’ll go hang out with Professor Snape up front.” You rolled your eyes as Draco lit up a cigarette, handing the pack to the boys to share. If you’re going to try and get away with smoking, yeah do it in the back of the class I guess.
“You really like being a teacher’s pet don’t you? That’s why you’ve always got your nose up Snape’s ass.” 
“Seriously fuck off! Go continue to lose brain cells with your sorry excuse of friends.” You push the seat back and let it topple over. You mentally slapped yourself, you shouldn’t be feeding into his remarks.
“That’s cute sunshine, I’ll bet you have a hard time standing up for yourself in every aspect of your pathetic life. Do better.” Mattheo smugly said, smoking the cigarette that was in his hand.
You opened your mouth to speak but decided against it, you ended up just flipping him off. He did the same, giving you an annoyed look. You took the seat next to Hermione in the front of the class. Ugh! That Mattheo. “Are you okay?!” She asked, shooting daggers at the group, turning to you again “How can you put up with that? We have to tell someone..” you shook my head and whispered, “it’ll only make things worse. I don’t want to be a snitch. It’s already been six years anyways… how can one more year really change things.”
Blaise laughed, “you like that don’t you mattheo? Isn’t she so cute when she’s angry, you like feisty girls, yeah?”
Draco chuckles, “oh he definitely does, too bad she’s a stupid bitch.” The group laughs together.
You could hear them hollering from the back. You tried to calm yourself down and pay attention to the different measurements of the potions you were being taught. Maybe I could switch this class to a different time. You thought, focusing back to the lesson when Professor Snape mentioned something about needing to be in groups of three for an upcoming project.
Before Snape could assign anyone, Mattheo spoke up, “Sir I’d like to work with Theodore, if that’s permitted.” Snape looked annoyed by his interjection but answered, “No, Theodore will be with Y/N and Draco. Nothing will change. I already made the groups, they will be posted near the storeroom.” He gave Mattheo a dirty look.
You could hear Draco scoff but he didn't say anything. Yet. He kept to himself and his buddies while they continued to smoke and do other things to piss Professor Snape off before the class was finally dismissed. I guess I didn’t need to worry about being in a pair with Mattheo. You still wanted to protest against the group choice, but nothing would come of it. You knew better than to go against Snape’s final word. Theodore wasn’t such a horrible person, he actually can be pretty smart and helpful, if you got him alone. Otherwise when he was with even just one of his buddies, he was just like them - a jerk. It was Draco you won’t be able to stand.
“Don't do anything stupid, Y/L/N, and we might actually do okay in this project.” That was Draco himself, walking over with Theodore.
You ignored his comment, “where should we meet and when?”
“We can use one of the abandoned classrooms. Before the lunch break?” Theodore suggested, handing a note with directions.
“Okay. See you.” You said as bluntly as possible, gathering your book. You went to grab the ingredients your group might need. 
“Teachers pet!” Draco yelled after.
Of course you were the first to the abandoned classroom, you had been waiting for nearly twenty minutes before either of them showed. When they did, they didn’t bother to apologize, though you didn’t expect them to. Even with smart comments from both boys, you finished discussing the project and the presentation at a decent hour. It was quiet as you started to collect your things, Draco excused himself earlier to collect a package.
“Y/N, why is it that you hate Mattheo so much?” Theodore broke the silence, carefully watching you wrap the vials carefully. You paused, taken back. “He’s been trying to get a rise out of you since day 1, why?” He continued nonchalantly, leaning back in his chair. He pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket.
You quickly grab them out of his hand and put it in your own breast pocket, “don’t smoke around me.” 
This made him annoyed, “Hey! I need those! They keep me calm!” 
“No you don't, you've been fine this entire time without them. I’m not trying to raise your blood pressure right now. You’re fine.” You give him a good look, maybe he was playing dumb. How could he not know? Theodore and Mattheo were best friends; they must have already talked about this, “I only hate Mattheo because he hates me. It’s all there's to it…” I think.
He lingers for a moment after you answered him, there is something else you haven’t said, “tell me what you think. There’s always some deeper reason for this sort of stuff” He rested his chin on his hand. See this is why I favored Theodore from the rest of his group, but should I still trust him? He could use this information against me. I took the chance.
“Over the years I suspected it was just plainly because I was a mudblood and not some perfect pure-bred like you folk.” You continued to wrap the vials carefully. 
Theodore rolled his eyes, “He does have a thing against people with different backgrounds than his own. He thinks everyone in this school should be from a wizarding family. But that’s not the case with you.” He grabbed a vial too, helping me wrap them, “He’s never said anything about your parents or how they’re muggles.” Mattheo would talk about me when I wasn’t around? Why would he do that? You looked into his eyes searching for some joke or underlying lie. There was none I could detect.
You recall the moment aloud when you first laid your eyes on Mattheo, “It was at the train station. Our first year. I remember hugging and kissing my parents goodbye, not wanting to let go of them. I turned around to go on the train and there was a much much smaller Mattheo staring at me with wide beady little eyes that were glossed over with tears. He was cute in that split second - ” You couldn’t help but smile at the memory. Theodore watched you carefully. You straightened your lips, continuing, “ - before he stuck a solid wad of gum in my hair.”
Theodore bellowed, nearly falling backwards in his chair, “Yeah that sounds like him, that’s a classic stunt he’d pull off. There was this one time in year 5 when he stuck gum on the chair of one of the professors before class…I never saw her so mad after she sat down and got up, her chair nearly followed her around!” He tried to settle himself down, “Mattheo always had a thing for doing stuff to people and acting as if it’s all a joke.”
“It’s not a joke when you have to cut your hair super short in order to remove the gum. I felt so naked without my long hair, it was so beautiful! And he made it worse when he made a point to show how ugly I was to everyone in the Great Hall. I even remember you laughing just like you are now.” You pushed his shoulder.
Theodore smirked, “yeah we all laughed, how couldn’t we?! You looked ridiculous before you grew it back out. We used to call you Baldy McEgg-head. You’d get so mad, only making us laugh harder.” At least someone cherished the memory. You rolled your eyes.
It grew quiet again, “have you ever met Mattheo’s parents? Has he ever talked to you about them?”
“No. I’ve never met them. He’s never really talked about his parents or his life outside Hogwarts. I don’t think he’s on great terms with his dad. He always stayed with them during the breaks, and wasn't ever allowed to spend it with us or here at hogwarts. He missed out on a lot of important hang outs. I wished he was there for them” Theodore explained, he sounded disappointed and angry.
“Do…do you think he’s jealous of my home life? The affection I was receiving in front of him at the train station…” 
He thinks for a moment, “I suppose it could be a possibility…hard to tell. He doesn’t allow himself to show too much emotion, again, probably has to do with the way he must have been raised.”
You wanted to do more research into Mattheo’s family…but how? “Thanks for this Teddy. You’ve given me a lot to think about.” You finished packing everything into your bag. Before you left you tossed him back his pack of cigarettes, “see you later.”
You let out a sigh of relief, to be alone once again. Mettheo Riddle, what secrets do you hide? You made your way to the library instead of the Great Hall. After a few hours of searching around the library, you finally find a section of massive thick old leather bound books. You blew on the covers, these books contained a record of all the wizards and witches that had attended Hogwarts. Kind of like a yearbook, but it told you what came of them. Who married who, what did they end up doing after Hogwarts, etc. a rare but quite the gem of a find. “R… R.. R” you whispered, touching the book ends. You look at the bottom of the bookshelf finding the one that contained the last names that began with R. You found it, and you began to look through for the name “Riddle.”
Just as you got to the last name, you felt a wave of shame. You were snooping into somebody’s life. Their history. This is wrong. If Mattheo wanted to talk about his home life, surely he would have. He was hiding something. There were heavy slow footsteps coming around the corner of the aisle. You snapped the book shut holding it behind you and you looked at the section opposite of where you just were. Mattheo, they were his steps, you could tell. 
“Of course you’d be in the library doing nerd stuff.” He doesn’t sound happy, but also when is he truly ever?
You looked at him then around yourself, “who me? A nerd for being in the library?” I mean he wasn’t wrong but ..yeah. You still point at him, “Where are you then? Because it seems to be you’re also in the library with…” you fake gasp, “...Me! Making you a nerd too!” You hoped that confused him, you shifted the leather book behind your back. It was getting heavy by the second.
“I’m ditching classes to smoke,” He takes a rip of a cigarette that was nearly at its end, he blows the smoke in your face. “Nerd.”
“Whoop-dee-doo what a stellar insult Mettheo. I’m a ravenclaw. What did you expect? I’d rather be a nerd than a-” You took a step closer to him squinting then widening your eyes in horror, “oh my god Mattheo did you lose a tooth from all that smoking?” He quickly shoved his pinky into his mouth feeling his teeth in a panic. If there was one thing he cared more about than cigarettes it was keeping up with his good looks. Uh did I just describe him as good looking?
He actually laughed once he finished counting his teeth, “They’re perfectly fine. I care about taking care of myself, unlike you. How often do you wash yourself? I doubt you even brush your hair. I did you a favor when you had to cut it off. You have no sense of style, even with a selection of uniforms! Why do you dress like it’s winter all year? You dress like a peasant from the 1820’s”
Okay ouch, that kinda hurt. You’ve been insecure with your body, you always struggled with that. Dressing in sweaters helped hide it. You didn’t know how to respond, maybe he's right. You couldn’t stand up for yourself to save your life. You just shoved his shoulder with your own and walked past him. 
Matthew continues to follow you, “did you just shove me you twat?” He snatched the book out of my arms holding it a ways away from you, “If you’re going to do sneaky shit, don’t do it so obviously. Is this a diary or something?” Your eyes widened trying to take it back, but he held it up high above his head easily with one hand.
“Yes! It’s my diary, it’s where I gush about the god almighty perfect Mattheo!” I sarcastically said, still hoping he wouldn’t look at the title of the book. “No stupid! I dont have one, I just got done working on the potions project with your buddies. Hand me back the book.”
“Oh I bet you three had lots of fun. Did you talk about me while you were there? Did you talk about how you can’t take your eyes and mind off of me? You’re clearly obsessed, following me around like a love sick puppy. You pop up wherever I happen to be.” 
“Ew no never.” You fought your expression back, did Theodore tell him something? Fuck. “Draco left, it was just Teddy and I. we spent it kissing the whole time. Super carefree. His lips surprisingly didn't taste like cigarettes, they were pretty sweet.”
Mattheo’s smug smirk fades even before you finish your sentence. He hated how you used a nickname for his friend. He despised the thought of you kissing anyone, especially his mates, “fucking liar. THEODORE, not TEDDY, doesn’t like you. He just tolerates you because he has to. He wouldn’t be caught dead kissing you. You’re disgusting and I pity anyone who has the displeasure of touching you in any way other than to harm you. 
You hold your hands up, “woah woah woah, whatever makes you sleep peacefully at night. Why else did Teddy take me to an abandoned classroom, it was our chance to get away together especially after Draco conveniently left.” You couldn’t believe you were lying through your teeth, this would forsure come back and bite you in the ass even harder. You haven’t even had your first kiss yet. You haven't even been romantically linked with anyone before. 
“Stop fucking calling him Teddy, it’s Theodore!”
“Can you guys get a room or SHUT UP! For Merlin’s Sake” A random student yelled out at us. Slamming their hand on the table. You were embarrassed because you took pride in keeping the library a sacred place to study or relax.
“Piss off. Go find a room of your own instead of listening to us talking. You must be a first year, if you’re still so sensitive to other’s voices in the library.” He continued to raise his voice, “We’ve been like this for years! Blah blah blah!!”
“Stop it Mattheo.” You shove him again, mouthing to the student, I'm very sorry. With the distraction you go and grab the book in Mattheo’s hand but he quickly readjusts his grip.
“You don’t have to apologize for me, sunshine. You should apologize to him for your existence, do everyone a favor will you?” He finally looked down at the title of the book, Who Were They and Where They Now?: Hogwarts. He carefully used a single finger to pry it open to where the fabric bookmark was, immediately seeing his own surname. He gives a manic laugh looking up at your face and slamming the book down to the floor, “you stalker. You are obsessed with me.” 
He lunged at you. You took a step back, you hit the shelving. Your heart was beating so fast you thought you would pass out from the red handed guilt. 
“What kind of information were you looking to find huh?” He pointed a finger at me, his eyes ice cold. Looking to murder. Your head suddenly hurt, there was a high pitched ringing that wouldn't stop. You went to cover your ears to find some relief but Mattheo grabbed you and shook hard, “what the FUCK did you think you would find? Tell me. Tell me NOW!” You didn’t know what to say he just stared hard at you, his nails digging into your arms. You winced. He began to speak fast and harshly as if he knew, as if you had said something. 
“Did you really expect you would find out that I had a happy home? Do you think I’m happy being born in some dingy hovel? Do you think I'm overjoyed to be related to and be abused by my father? He beat me black and blue and hated my existence. My mother just sat there silently watching. She doesn’t care. Would YOU be thrilled knowing that you came from a long line of dark wizards who’ve caused pain and suffering to people for centuries.” 
You began to cry, “Mattheo..”
“You honestly think I would be so proud of that to tell everyone?” He scoffed.
“Mattheo you’re hurting me…”
“I. Don’t. Care.” His deep brown eyes didn’t leave yours, “you should have minded your own business. Stupid girl prying into my history. What do you care? Did you think I'd be less of a jerk to you if I had a perfect loving family like yours? ”
“I’m sorry…I’m sorry! I .. I.”
“Shut up. You don't get to speak. I don't need you feeling sorry for me, I can handle myself. This is probably the worst you’ll ever experience.”
“Y-You’re right. I’m.. I’m grateful I never had to e-endure that” You were one stuttering mess. 
He moves one hand to cup your mouth to shut you up again, “what did i say. I don't want to hear another word out of your mouth.” He rose the other up threateningly. 
You closed your eyes. Do it Mattheo. Please. I deserve it. I’m sorry I tried to pry. Do it. He was surprised by your offer and looked at you in confusion, his expression didn’t change though. “What kind of sick request is that?” You open your eyes again to meet his. Both of you were in disbelief, did he just-? “Why would you want me to beat you? Because you feel bad for me? I don’t want nor need your sympathy. Trying to act like a saint that's willing to be my punching bag whenever I want.” he scoffed, letting your mouth free, taking a single step back away from you.
“Then why are you so mean to me? Tell me that. When I first laid eyes on you during our first year at the train platform, I thought we would be friends.” You wrapped your arms around yourself, rubbing where his fingers had dug into you.
“You’re a prissy annoying know-it-all goody two shoes that thinks she’s better than everyone. You can’t help but chime in whenever you have the chance and show off.”
“So it’s just my existence then huh, nothing else to it?” You felt your own anger finally rise, you wiped your tears off your cheek trying to regain composure.
“Pretty much. You’re unbearable. You are the most unexciting thing I’ve ever encountered.”
“Let me fix that for you.” Your eyes betrayed you and let the gates open, the flood starting to spill once more. Before Mattheo could get another hold of you you quickly shuffled off, dropping your things. Already feeling limp. Just hoping your legs would carry you a bit more.
Mattheo rolls his eyes, “tsk so stupid.” He stood there staring at the place you once were. Thinking about what occurred when he processed what you said, “Y/N! Hey I-..” He began to follow in the direction you went off to.
Your shuffle turned into a run, you just needed privacy. Anything. Your dorm was too far away, so you went into the nearest girls bathroom and into the furthest stall to sob.
Mattheo reaches the hallway, looking to his left and right. Fuck where did she go? He closes his eyes to listen closely. He heard something faint and went with his gut.
You sat down beside the toilet, hitting your head with your fist. “Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.” You heard a familiar giggle, “go away Myrtle. Now’s especially not the time.” 
Bathroom, you had to be in the bathroom. He went inside not caring if another girl would see him, “Y/N? You’re in here, I know you are. Look, just come out will you?” Instead Moaning Myrtle came forth.
“Are you looking for me?” she bit her finger looking him up and down, “we don't get that many cute boys in here.” She sighed, still admiring him, “Nevertheless, shame on you. How could someone as delicious as you treat someone so horribly.” She laughed in his face.
“Shut up. I don't need to be lectured by some depressed ghost. Why are you even here. Go away.” He went further inside the bathroom pushing doors in, “actually have you seen a girl come in, Y/N?”
“Yes!” She said excitedly pointing to the last stall, “She’s coming with me and we’ll get to haunt together. It’ll be so fun to not be alone anymore” She broke into another high pitched laugh, clapping her hands with joy. 
“What the hell is she on about?” That’s when he noticed broken glass from a mirror. His heart drops, “you’ve got to be kidding me…” He rushed over pushing the final door in, but this one wouldn’t budge. “Y/N. It’s Mattheo..” his heart drops and he pales when he notices blood start to seep out from under the door, you’ve hurt yourself. “Y/N!” He says again louder, “open the door! Open it right fucking now! Y/N!!”
You didn’t want him to see you like this, no one should have to see this. You try to hold the door closed but you were losing your strength to do anything. The blood made it slippery so your hand slid down, “M-m-mattheo haven’t..you said enough?”
Myrtle pointed to the glass, “look how eager she was! Damaging school property to break free” She did a couple spins in the air, “any minute now!”
“That’s it. I’ve had enough.” Mattheo raised his wand and shot a blast at the lock, it broke open and he flung the door open to reveal you laying on the floor. His heart seemed to stop completely. “Shit! Dammit! Y/N!” 
The blast frightened you, “No. Mattheo. No.” You could only make out his dark curly haired head. You tried to swat him away before losing consciousness due to blood loss. 
Professor Snape rushed in after hearing a blast, “what the bloody hell is going on in here, Mr. Riddle.”
Mattheo looked at him with an angry and panicked expression, “I need her in the infirmary right now.” He said through gritted teeth. He leans over you, grabbing a large bunch of toilet paper and quickly kneels next to you. Applying pressure on your bleeding left wrist.
Snape understood immediately, “Keep the pressure on the wrist, Riddle.” He was able to pick you up easily, but he was not enthusiastic about having your blood staining his robes, “with HASTE Riddle! Follow me!” And off they went to the infirmary. Once there Snape quickly laid you on a bed gently before Madame Pomfrey took over. 
She was able to stop and clean the bleeding, while she examined the cut striation she asked both Snape and Mattheo what blood type they were, “The girls lost too much blood, she needs a transfusion.” She began to stitch the wrist, the cut was near vertical to the veins. 
Mattheo in a less than a split second looked at Pomfrey, “Am I able to donate for her.” He didn’t say it as a question, he wanted it to be a command. 
“As long as you share the same blood type then yes, sweetheart. Please, fresh blood is much better. We can’t wait more time, Ms. Y/L/N is so terribly pale. She can have a seizure any minute if we dont get more blood to her brain” still carefully pulling at threads. His hand was still holding yours. 
He nods impatiently, less talking, more action. “I’m AB-” he gulped. One of the rarest blood types in the world, “what type is she?” he began to roll up his sleeve even before Pomfrey was able to respond.
“Goodheavens! Thank Merlin. She’s AB- as well!” She sighs looking up at the ceiling for a split second, calling for a nurse to help set up the transfusion. He took a seat on your left, watching the nurse insert a needle into each of your arms. He didn’t flinch, but he gave her a threatening look when she inserted a needle into your arm, thinking she would bring more pain to you. 
Madame Pomfrey stood up, finished. “If it was with a straight razor and not a glass shard, I don’t think i would have been able to-” she let her voice die down after seeing how pale Mattheo began to look too, she shut her mouth as to not worry him more with what the other alternative was. He couldn’t hide his guilt. His eyes were alternating between your face and his blood that was slowly running into your body through a single tubing. He desperately needed it to go faster. 
“Is there a chance she would wake up with problems with her veins or her nerves?” He asked.
Pomfrey patted the boy's shoulders, “Let’s hope not, let’s hope they hold. With the basics in place, there’s nothing a little magic can’t help.” This eased him, “Ms. Y/L/N wont wake for a couple of hours. She needs to be watched to make sure she doesn’t rip my stitching job or we will go back to square one my boy. Can I trust you?”
“Is that really a necessary question?” He bit his tongue, “Sorry, yes I will watch over her. I need to be here when she wakes up.”
“Best she gets a psychiatrist too, but that's a later issue to address. We’ll focus on physical healing for now.” Pomfrey looked at Mattheo curiously, isn’t this one of the trouble-making slytherin boys? She shook her head and walked out to attend to another student.
“Y/N i’m here.” He studies your face, deep with regret and guilt. He holds your right hand tightly, he whispers softly, “it’s okay, you’re going to be alright..”
“Riddle.” Snape was still watching everything from the shadows of the room, “What happened to my best student, why is he in this condition?”
“It’s my fault, Professor…I was making a fool out of myself. I was treating her like hell… it went too far. She must have had a breakdown and she-” he couldn’t bear to describe your condition out loud.
Snape held a hand up to silence him from saying more, “rather than giving you detention for the rest of your time here at Hogwarts. I will need you to attend all the girl’s classes she will be missing in her recovery. She must not fall behind.”
“Yes sir, I understand. I’ll do it.” 
Snape turned to leave but came back toward the boy and yanked the cigarette box from his uniform pocket, “none of these for you either, especially as you are sharing blood with Y/N. She never liked you smoking.” and off he turned around to change his own robes from the blood.
“Anything for you.” he whispered towards you, “please wake up soon.”
You began to stir, your eyes fluttering open. You looked around in a panic. You were incredibly sore, especially your left wrist. It stung badly. Mattheo had fallen asleep in the chair when he jolted awake to the sound of your movements, “Calm down, relax, you’re in the infirmary. You’re safe.” He couldn’t help but feel like he just lied about it being safe, if he was the cause of this.
“M…m..Mattheo” You began to cry again, “I’m so sorry.” You went to reach out and hug him but flinched. You followed the red transfusion line to him, “oh Mattheo.”
He sat up to lean towards you. He shushes you and wipes your tears with the back of his hand, ‘you need to calm down and take it easy, princess. You’ve lost a lot of blood and you're still weak. This is just to bring your levels up, you’ll start to feel better soon.”
You stared at his beautiful eyes, ones that had held so much hate but there seemed to be no trace of it now. You felt guilty, I acted like a coward. “Myrtle said it was going to be quick and painless. I’m so stupid I couldn’t even do it right.” You felt another wave of tears coming but  you tried to choke them down.
“No youre not, you’re not at fault.�� He couldn’t help but chuckle cautiously as what he was about to say, “you might be a know-it-all but you just need to have more control with your thoughts. Don’t listen to Moaning Myrtle. Don’t be hard on yourself, you're not stupid. You did nothing wrong.”
“I thought I was doing you a favor.” you were so exhausted. But you needed to get this out before you lost consciousness again. With your good arm you help his hand tightly, looking him in the eyes again to emphasize the point you were going to make, “Mattheo, I really am idiotic. I Am. I did think you had a perfect life, it didn’t cross my mind that you had it any other way. You were always carefree and just let's be honest, acting like you're’ better than everyone else. It was wrong of me to have assumed that.”
He frowns. “Don’t apologize. There’s no way to tell what someone is going through ultimately. I..cope in my own way.” He softly strokes your cheek with this thumb.
If it wasn’t for the pain, you would have thought you were asleep. Dead. Or in purgatory. A realm between realms. No way the mattheo I’ve known my whole life is sitting beside me looking..lovingly at me? You felt horrible. Did I just manipulate him into caring about me? Just hours ago he was mocking and saying nasty things as usual. 
Mattheo could see the look of disbelief in your eyes from the way he was behaving, “Y/N. I’m caring for you. No you’re not dreaming or in some other realm. You’re here, with me, thank Merlin. You didn’t manipulate me, you woke me up.”
You sat up too quickly for your own good, your head feeling light “How are you doing that?” 
He shook his head, “Another time. I’m really sorry for how I treated you. You think I’m just some asshole, but I'm more than that really. I want to be more than that. No one else has gotten to see the real me.”
“Mattheo, I see you.” Despite your pain, you reach out to cup his face between your hands. For a second, you saw the boy you first laid your eyes on that first year at the train station. The same sad eyes, “I see you.”
He sighed into your touch, it was a soft and innocent gesture he was not used to. He chuckled softly, and gently placed his hands over yours, keeping them there. He didn’t want to lose the touch, “I know you do, and that’s exactly why I'm afraid.”
You couldn’t help but imagine - how different our lives could have been for the last 6 years, if he would have just introduced himself to me. Explained why he looked so pained when I was with my family. “My parents would have welcomed you as their own” you explained your thoughts to him. “I could have protected you. You could have visited me during the holiday breaks. I know saying it will not change the past and what has happened to you. But I see you Matty.”
“yeah..it’s too late to change the past, I should’ve but I didn’t think you’d understand. It doesn’t excuse the way I treated you all these years, Y/N.” His voice got shaky, his eyes starting to water. He was a mess.
“No, don't you start Mattheo please, baby.” You brought him into a hug, again ignoring your throbbing wrist. “Easy now.” you soothed the curls that were behind his neck. They felt so soft.
Mattheo rested his head on your shoulder and held you tightly, softly crying into you. He wrapped his arms around you and held onto your shirt like he was afraid to let go. He couldn’t remember the last time someone treated him like this, it felt so new and overwhelming.
You kissed the top of his head, inhaling - cigarettes. You hated that he smoked but at this moment the smalle was comforting. He let out a deep sigh. You broke the hug only because you scooted over on the bed, and tugged him to lay beside you. We watched you, he looked so tired. He nodded in agreement with a small smile, he carefully laid beside you, making sure to be careful of your condition.
You gave him a reassuring look that wasn’t hurting you. I’m okay. You looked at your arms touching side by side, still connected by the tubing. You couldn't help but laugh, “Matty isn’t it ironic? All this pure-blood and mudblood talk and look” you carefully lifted the tube, “we’re still one and the same foundation.” You smiled at him, helping wipe his tear stained cheeks now. “Thanks for your donation to me.”
He too couldn't help but grin back at you. He couldn’t believe you weren’t pushing him away for how he treated you, or for how vulnerable he was at the moment, “any time, but please actually don’t do that ever again. You made me worried to death..”
“No I won’t. Pinky promise.” You held out your pinky for him to take. 
He took it in his own nodding, “good, you’re stuck with me now.”
With our pinkies still woven, you  looked at the size difference. You turned toward his Bambi like eyes, “let's start this over on the right foot. Better late than never? Hi i’m Y/N, [insert some fun facts about yourself].”
Mattheo smiled more widely, blushing his pinky did make yours look kiddish. It was adorable. He gave you a playful look, smirking at you like he usually would, “Nice to meet you there, Y/N. I’m Mattheo, the sexiest guy you’ll meet in Hogwarts.”
There’s my Mattheo. “And you promise to…?” you coaxed him.
He gave your pinky another squeeze, “to try to be nice and kind to you, and avoid bullying you….as well as to not smoke in your presence…you happy?”
You kind of nodded, holding in your laugh, “aaaand…?”
He looked at you, trying to read what you wanted him to say. He gave your pinky another, slightly rougher, squeeze. “And I promise not to throw a wad of gum into your beautiful hair?”
“Bingo. Mr. Riddle, that’s what I was ultimately looking for.” You let go of his pinky, “but it is nice to know the other stuff too.” you waved your hand like it was nothing, but it was my everything. He gave you a sarcastic scoff, he liked that you were still acting like your old self too. 
You kissed his cheek and his face went redder than a cherry, you acted shocked “woah did I just make Mattheo, the sexiest guy in Hogwarts BLUSH?!” You slapped your hands against your cheeks in play disbelief, slightly regretting the pain it brought to your arms. He quickly shook his head and blushed even more than originally thought possible, he tried to hide his face away from you, “S-shut up! That’s a lie! I was not blushing, it’s just your imagination.”
You laughed at his reaction, taking his hand in mine once more comparing the hand sizes. You put my head against his shoulder, before dropping your jester attitude. Making him form another pinky promise with you. “Mattheo, I promise to be there for you. I want to protect you. You shouldn’t live in the shadow of your home life, especially not alone. Just as much as I’m stuck with you. You’re stuck with me. That’s my promise to you.”
His heart beat fast, it nearly melted his heart to hear your promise. He let out a deep, shaky breath. He couldn't stop the small tear that rolled down his cheek, he didn’t bother wiping it. He just leaned his head down to rest on your own, “deal…”
There was a pause, before you spoke up again.“I know we just started the year but please, come back home with me this Christmas holiday when it rolls around.” You blinked up at him. You started to feel really sleepy, that was to be your last request and plea for the moment, “I’ll show you how muggles get down to holiday business.”
Mattheo looked down at you and smiled softly, as your eyes were struggling to stay open, “yea sure, i’ll spend the holidays with you” he wasn’t sure how he would, but he would worry about that later.
Many promises were made this day, and you intended to keep each and every single one of them. In many ways, you knew this would still be the same Mattheo you had always known, but it would all be so different now. You managed to break through his extremely guarded shell, the hardest way possible. But it needed to desperately be broken.
You turned Mattheo’s head to look at you, he met your gaze. The corner of his lip curled up as he knew what you were about to do. He let you take the lead, closing his eyes. You kissed his lips slowly, cherishing how it felt. You wanted more of him, but your body was pleading for rest. You hugged his arm and surrendered.
He couldn’t help but touch his lips afterwards with his fingertips. He watched as you gave in to exhaustion, he followed your lead and let out a deep sigh before closing his eyes, “Goodnight princess.” Mattheo fell asleep to the sounds of you breathing and the sound of your heartbeat, they would surely become one of the most blissful lullabies to be heard by him. He intertwined his fingers with yours, he wouldn’t ever let go.
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one aspect of queerness being an intrinsic part of deltarune that i love is the way suselle acts on some level as a metacommentary... you have this love story, and half of it is noelle, a rule follower, seemingly the golden girl but broken on the inside, essentially The Girl of deltarune. there are other girls, obviously. but as many have said before, noelle is clearly meant to embody many age-old female character archetypes. she's the lost girl with the troubled inner life. she's the golden girl, the town's sweetheart, the golden-haired, straight-as mayor's daughter. she's the damsel in distress, called out as such by multiple characters. she's the cheerful, ordinary girl next door. noelle is clearly part of the plan of deltarune's living narrative- the quintessential Girl for all the Girl roles.
and then you have susie, who's the polar opposite of that. she's loud, crude, messy, sarcastic, not afraid of a good old-fashioned fight. she manspreads in teacup rides, she swallows cakes whole and guzzles waterfalls of coffee. she calls herself a king. she is obviously and unapologetically BUTCH- and this clearly plays into her role as the one who defies the narrative. you can't tell susie where to go or what to do. you can't make decisions for her. she doesn't wait around hoping to be saved- she smashes through the prison walls herself. she's a knight in her own way! she's a girl, but she won't let ANYONE, including the narrative, tell her what that means for her. she defines it herself.
susie and noelle are opposites, not just appearance-wise or demeanor-wise, but in relation to their roles in the story. noelle is the narrative's perfect puppet, while susie breaks her strings and wrests control for herself. the story clearly wants noelle and susie to be nothing but a knight and her damsel (let's be honest, them getting together is obviously a part of whatever Big Plan is going on), a perfect fairytale king and queen.
but of course, there are no queer people in classic fairytales. the very fact that susie is not a man, but a loudly and proudly queer girl, is symbolic of the flaw in the grand plan- she can't fit into traditional narrative structures, and she sure as hell doesn't want to. instead of simply being the knight in shining armor who rescues noelle from danger and then hides her away in a different prison of riches and royalty for the rest of her days, susie is going to end up being the one who teaches noelle how to break free from the roles she's been forced into- how to twist those fairytales into her own epics.
and i just think that's neat!!
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ukiyowi · 8 months
Note: These are my observations if it doesn't resonate scroll xx
Masterlist || Tip 🍯
𐂲 I've recently noticed, whatever sign your mars is in and whichever body part that sign rules, can often result in getting accidentally hurt or random in that part. (Example, Mars in gemini = getting hurt on arms/hands, in Capricorn = scalp/knees/teeth, in Aries = head/sometimes cheekbones, etc)
𐂲 One thing I've noticed about Virgo risings is how much they underestimate themselves, they also usually have trouble with anxiety and overthinking
𐂲 Mystic rectangles give a lot of balance to a person but it can also come with multiple internal hardships and conflicts (in forms of insomnia or mental illnesses) and they often need external help to reach their full potential
𐂲 Pluto - Neptune hard aspects especially squares bring into consideration the back and forth between transformation versus illusion, what I mean by that is they have trouble distinguishing patterns in their cycles and may think they're imagining changes rather than believing that it's real (I hope this makes sense I've been trying to word it for the past 5 mins)
𐂲 I know we talk a lot about Leo Risings having great hair but imo Pisces rising have such luscious hair, like they have sm volume and shine to them?? They also look like a waterfall, just flowing, it's so pretty <//3
𐂲 Saturn in 4th/5th/11th house can overshare on the internet about everything going on with their lives
𐂲 Pluto in 6th house feel powerful only when they're working, so they never stop and even when they feel burnt out, they feel their sense of self and self worth is only tied to what they can give, therefore they may face guilt when they try to rest.
𐂲 This is simply a personal observation/theory but I have noticed that people who have a lot of degrees that are higher in number like 20+ often feel more comfortable with people older than them especially if those degrees sit in Pluto or Saturn
𐂲 I've noticed Aries mercuries also have very heavy footsteps, you can hear the thump 😭
𐂲 12th house Pluto are their own best friend and worst enemy, they may enable bad habits for others and justify the same for themselves, HOWEVER once the natives know how to harness the power of Pluto and understand it better, they can be really influential because a lot of people may be subconsciously attracted to the power they possess.
𐂲 Can we talk about Leo risings and how good their self concept is? Like... Please teach me tysm
𐂲 LIBRA PLACEMENTS IN GENERAL HAVE SUCH A HARD TIME WITH HEALTHY BOUNDARIES I'LL CRY- I have a friend with Libra venus and she can never say no to someone especially if she starts liking them :// and it's so hard to see ppl just take advantage of her, I also have friends and relatives with Libra in the big 3 and not only are they complete givers, they also have such a hard time taking, they feel guilty.
✓✓✓ Going to be mean to some of my placements/aspects now
𐂲 Venus conjunct Mars are so fucking clingy but ALSO so flighty🤨🤨choose ??? Do you want to be in this relationship (platonic/romantic) or do you not, stop being so hot and cold (it may help if I tell you both of these are in gemini for me)
𐂲 Chiron - moon placements have mommy issues or wounds related to their mothers/maternal figures in their lives
𐂲 Jupiter virgos can be such doormats at times, just because you want to help people doesn't mean you keep emptying your cup to fill others'.
𐂲 Mercury in 1st have their self worth TIED to their intelligence, like stop flaunting your knowledge, low-key looks insecure.
𐂲 Jupiter opposition Uranus has such rebel without a cause energy, what are you going to "rebel" against now, please sit down for a second
𐂲 Mars Square Ascendant, people with this aspect are always ready to fight, feel like everything is a personal attack, and are terrible at being alone
✓✓✓ Back to your regularly scheduled programme
𐂲 Something I've wanted to say to each stellium I've met so far:
𐂲 Aries: You have a lot of life in you, hand some over🤲🤲🤲, seriously though you guys look at everything with such wonder and curiosity, you're also kinda impatient but that's fine with me :")
𐂲 Sagittarius: You're so cool, I want to be like you, introspective, self aware, your humour is a little concerning at times but you teach me so much all the time, you're the guide I've always wished for
𐂲 Leo: You're a born entertainer and at times I can be a bit envious because of how bright you shine, leaving me in the shadows, but I love you and your love for life regardless, you're a star
𐂲 Gemini: You are so stealthy in everything you do, sometimes you slip through the cracks, a trickster (affectionate), I love how you can be mischievous one second and completely serious the next
𐂲 2nd house: You're just so understanding and make me feel like home, it's like you are home personified, very warm and comforting, also so abundant in everything it's crazy
𐂲 8th house: Stop making me talk about my feelings I'll cry >:(( no but seriously, you guys have something about you that just makes people face what they're avoiding, and you are so good at empathising with them.
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livelaughlovesubs · 1 month
NINIII!! I have a tiny little incy wincy request :3 … ermmm how abt making dazai wear a maid dress and then fucking him afterwards ?? (。>\\\<。)
And a little over stimming wouldn’t hurt.. ( ´ཀ` )
Again, sorry if I’m bothering u!! Don’t gotta do this request if u ain’t feeling like it! Have a great day nini, love uuuu!! ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
- 🎀
Heyyy 🎀 anon! Good to see you again, I haven’t heard a lot from you lately though :< anyway, thanks for the support and the idea, excuse me for a second. JAKOAKSKA DAZAI IN UGHH MAID DRESSES AHHH, SO CUTE OH GODDDD
Dom!reader x sub!character - reader is gender neutral
Warning: teasing, hair pulling, lingerie, role play (master/ servant), touching inappropriately, clothed sex? (A tiny bit)
Edit: this ended up being sexual tension without actually getting to the fucking part - ig it’s cuz I write dick in dick out too often so I like writing the foreplay aspect more :’)
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“What’s this?” You asked, curiosity peeked when you saw dazai hiding behind a locked room. He’s been staying there for at least 15 minutes now with the door shut tight, leaving you clueless. “It’s a surprise~!” Whenever you’d ask questions related to whatever he was doing, he’d give the same reply. Did he really need to make this so mysterious? Today wasn’t even a special day, so why was he being silly again?
Defeated, you sighed and simply went to the kitchen to grab something. Then you made your way over to the couch, deciding to wait until he’s ready. There wasn’t much you could do other than this. Another minute passed, and you finally heard the sound of locks getting unlocked. Your eye went immediately to the door, staring with anticipation. To your surprise, it was actually him. It took you a moment to properly grasp the situation.
There he was, standing in the door frame all confident like always. This wouldn’t have been surprising if it weren’t for the nice looking outfit he wore, which was a maid costume? A black top with long sleeves paired with an ankle long skirt in the same colour, as well as a white, pretty extravagant or frilly apron. The apron hung from his shoulders and has been tied around his waist, creating a ribbon behind him. He also had a headband on his head, along with some gloves. The outfit would have looked professional if it weren’t for the many excessive ribbons decorating the dress, like the ones on his sleeves or headband, as well as his heels.
It’d be an understatement to say your jaw dropped and you were flabbergasted. Sure, you had some ideas what he could have being doing in that room, and this idea has come across your mind before. Even so seeing it in person was still shocking to say the least. With his usual confidence he carried himself over to you, which was impressive even if the heels weren’t that tall. He stopped in front of the couch and did a few twirls. The dress fluttered around in an elegant fashion, captivating your attention.
“It looks great..” you whispered, eyeing him up and down. The outfit was really pretty and refined, it gave off high class vibes. “Of course it is, I picked it out for you,” dazai said with a smug look on his face, before kneeling down and resting his head in your lap. Despite the reality, you had troubles believing dazai really brought this. Knowing him, he would have gotten something more erotic instead of settling down for elegance.
For a while, none of you moved. He kept nuzzling against you while you stroke his hair gently. Until you grabbed his wrist and slipped your index finger inside his gloves. “There must be more to why you wore this, no?” The brunette didn’t have an ounce of surprise on his features, he has been expecting such a reaction from you. “There is no deeper meaning to this, did you wish there were some?” At the same time your hand kept advancing, though he let you do so without any resistance. Now you were slowly slipping the glove off of him. Those were latex gloves, how mischievous of him, or should you rather say thoughtful?
You shook the glove in your hand a little, getting rid of the folds. He watched you do so, revealing a moment of vulnerability to you. Making use of that small frame, you suddenly tugged at his hair, making him throw his head back. “Err..?” A small yelp left him, this position made him arch his back too. The headband fell off and his eyes were now glued to your hand holding his glove. Since when was it so close to your lips? It was your dominant hand too.
Slowly, without rushing it, you put on the glove, all while tugging at his hair with your other hand. Then you bit the end of the fabric and pulled it down, wearing it. Your gaze didn’t leave his for a moment. Noticing how he had a slightly dumbfounded expression. “What’s wrong, dazai?” You cooed, though it almost seemed like you were mocking him. Before he could say anything in opposition, you continued, “oh dear, stand up, or the outfit might get dirty.” What a roundabout way of giving him orders.
The male obeyed, standing up slowly and leaving the headband on the floor. With each moment spend here in your presence, the tension seemed to increase. He grabbed the end of his apron, waiting for your instructions, smiling excitingly. “You know you can just order me around, master.” Dazai teased, wanting to push your buttons. This game of tug was balanced, none of you wanted to fold first. “I’m just your maid after all.” He added, now holding the skirt and raising it, giving you a small glimpse of his legs while he bowed. Stockings. You saw stockings. Was he perhaps wearing lingerie underneath it..? It’d make sense, considering how long he took in that damned room.
“Haha..” you chuckled a little, he seems to have caught onto your little challenge. The hint you dropped was too obvious huh? If that’s the case, time to speed things up. Once again you surprised him, this time by grabbing his waist and changing your positions. Pushing him down to sit on the couch while you were hovering above him, pressing a knee against his clothed crotch. “Hmm~! Hey now.. that’s not fair.” He gasped, breathing heavily. “I’m your master, not a fair player.” That answer seems to have shut him up. His hands grabbed your leg, you weren’t sure what he was trying to do. Moving your knee away or pressing it down?
Nevertheless you had to move it out of the way for your next move, so you did that. A disappointment whine followed from the male. “No need to get all needy already, I’m just getting started.” You smirked and your weaker hand held his dress up, revealing the real surprise he had been hiding. “Ops~ I guess you exposed me~?” He grinned, as if he didn’t plan this from the very start. Your prediction was right, he did wore some nice looking undergarments for you. Black lace covered his smooth legs, up until his thighs. From there on it was attached to his panties by a string, all of it black and laced.
“The fabric is pretty uncomfortable you know?” Dazai voice his thoughts, pulling a pitiful facade. Of course you knew what he was implying, which is why you deliberately ignored it. He just loved this power struggle between you two. Even though he knew exactly where his place was, he just wanted to rile you up. Without answering his previous statement, you moved your hand to his back. At least you tried, the apron was preventing you from doing so. That’s why you settled for his sacrum, caressing that part gently before moving lower and groping his butt.
A squeak filled with anticipation escaped him, feeling the latex rub against his skin. Soon the cheeky smile turned into a seductive one, melting with pleasure all due to your touch. His entrance clenching while his dick slowly got hard, rubbing against the cute panties. How he wished to just beg you to fuck him senseless, but that would spoil the fun, no? Yet all this foreplay was making him impatient~ what should he do? In the end, he settled on whispering with a pleading tone, “oh, master, please make this servant dirty.”
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Part two!
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yandere-kokeshi · 4 months
What about Yandere! Dad Price 🤔
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Warnings: yandere behavior and everything platonic. Nothing romantic.
A/N: ohh boy, you just gave me an ultra writing spree. Enjoy!!
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You have him wrapped around your finger. You could ask anything, and Dad! Price would give it to you within seconds. He values everything about you, including your opinions and support. He wants your input of things, or at least when you can. 
John is a Mufasa type of dad. Incredibly protective, only wants the best for you, and lets you have some type of independence. In honest aspects, he’s considerably chill regarding his dark behavior, or at least appears to be. Yet, the second something seems off, he’s pulling you behind him with his thick words, urging you to get to the truck. 
He has no desire to have another s/o. He’s not risking it with someone else who can easily come into the family and could sabotage the bond between you two. Plus, he prefers raising you on his own. 
Your phone is wired with trackers — a green dot, glowing frantically on John’s phone, easily telling him your location. And by chance when you find out, it’s easy to cover it up, reminding you that his job is dangerous, and all he wants is safety for you. 
Would’ve homeschooled you, but with the large percentage of depression and antisocial risks, he decided against it. And because of it, you have many perks as being the kid of a famous military Captain, which means everyone respects you; including the school district. Despite his rank, he doesn’t use it unless necessary, wanting people to naturally respect you and him. 
With school, Dad! Price participates a lot. He often picks you up from school, taking you out for ice-cream on Friday’s. Makes you delicious home-made lunch when he can (including leaving notes), and does whatever he can to help decrease your worry. Doing homework with him is rather nice, he explains it in multiple ways to ensure you understand it; definitely the type to do flash-cards, and gives you candy if you guess them correctly. 
It comes with no surprise that you have a lot of fun uncles, and two awesome aunts. The team equally place themselves as your extended-family, visiting when they can, and adoring you. Laswell frequently visits, not only to see your father, but also to take you out when you need a break. 
Undoubtedly the type to have a ‘no cussing jar’ in the house. However, the rules mostly apply to you. However, he does cuss — grumbling out when he gets caught before throwing cash into the clear jar. Either way, he uses the cash to spoil you.
Calls you a few cliché nicknames instead of using your name; only using it when you’re in trouble of sorts. He usually rests on calling you little one, kiddo, scout, and bubs. 
Dad! Price never smokes cigars around you, and hides them out of reach. He doesn’t want you to seek them out, because 1) they’re bad for you. And 2) he wants you to be better than he can be. He only smokes out on the porch, and hates when you are present. 
Makes the best barbecue and smoked foods that you could imagine. 
It’s no surprise that Dad! Price teaches you a lot of self-defense and about your surroundings. Reminding you to take a taser, or pepper-spray when you leave the house. He knows that you’re protected, him and the others are highly trained SAS soldiers ready to pounce on any threat. But, having you know things — especially if he’s training you himself — lets his paranoia rest a bit. 
Despite his large leeway with you, he’s pretty strict about school. John wants you to be good, and expects you to follow the rules. If he notices your grades dropping, he asks what’s up and how he can help; giving you the ‘dad-look’ when you don’t do assignments. 
However, it’s easily noticed that he hates homework — you’re working at school for 8+ hours, pretty much exhausted when you get home, and they expect you to finish these long pages at your comfort zone? Not on his watch. 
Rarely brings you to the base, but when he’s missing his kiddo, he’s fetching you from home and brings you to foot. His office is large, enough space to place a pull-out couch, which is made for you. He lets you sleep whilst he works, having calls with many, and carries you back to the truck when he’s done. 
John is strict about rules in the house, and doesn’t listen to any excuses or give you leeway when you break them; it’s easy to follow, and you know the consequences. 
One of the rare things he actively allows is potential partners. He rarely threatens them — and he doesn’t need to. He’s a Captain, a man who is unafraid to show his strength. So, in a quick sense, nobody would be stupid enough to try to hurt you, right? 
And if they do, we all know what will happen. And it’s certainly not a pretty sight. 
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking. It helps me as a creator!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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allmyloveandyours · 1 year
Astrology Observations #2!!!
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Hi I'm back with more assumptions and thoughts (i got a lot of them). These are all opinions! Take what resonates! Also I'm not a professional, tell me if I got something wrong :D
Venus in Gemini/Air signs are not flaky (Idk I see a lot of people say this). They're surprisingly loyal, although they may be loyal to people who embody air style qualities rather than them exuding it themselves when it comes to love.
Jupiter opposite Ascendant in your chart can point to a very eccentric person, but they also may have trouble seeing how they actually are, and can have a negative self view, especially with "harsh" (Neptune, Pluto, maybe Mars) planets in 12th house.
Saturn in 11th house can point to achieving your goals later in life/after your Saturn return. With heavy air in the chart, you could've been a wild child.
Cancer Mars natives remind me a lot of car salesmen. They kinda can convince you to buy anything they want, especially if Lilith is in 2nd or 10th house. They can convince you to do anything.
Your close friends may have similar Lilith/your Lilith's get along. Everyone I've been extremely close to also have an Aries Lilith, or something that Lilith would get along with it. Kinda just a fun observation but still. Has anyone else noticed this?
Wherever Neptune is in your chart can tell you where people project onto you, or where you're forgotten the most. For example, Neptune in 4th may have people putting you into positions of Cancer like roles (caring, and supportive), or thinking you have a more than fine family life when you don't, as that area is where you essentially become a mirror.
South Node in Synastry is the coolest thing ever tbh. That's something you immediately feel in your soul. Especially South Node conjunct Mercury. That's your sibling right there. Blood or not.
Celebrities you adore may have the same moon sign/element you.
Singers with Venus in Taurus or Libra have the prettiest voices. Their lyrics either very poetic and powerful of they primary sound expensive or talk a sing a lot about luxuries.
Venus conjunction Midheaven will always be remembered as pretty. ALWAYS. Life and death.
Any planets in 8th house could show what people obsess about over you. For example, Pluto in 8th could have people obsess over your transformations, or try their best to expose you to more taboo things. Whatever the planet rules over normally, it can add a bit of a forceful or darker theme to it. It isn't always intense but it's always interesting when you notice it.
I've been thinking of Placidus vs Whole Sign, since my astrologers use both those, and one of them said that Placidus is more mental and Whole Sign is the world around you, and I have a lil bit of a theory:
Placidus - mental, friends, fans/what people see in you
Whole Sign - first impression, vibes you give off, the house system you look at for results.
They're both accurate, but Whole sign has always been the most accurate when it comes to external results like solar returns and such, and Placidus is kinda how people treat me if that makes sense?
Just a theory I don't know too too much about the difference of their (someone explain maybe plz I'm begging use small words)
Virgo in Lilith could face people nitpicking them for the littlest of things. The house can tell who's doing it/what it's about. Like In 9th people could try to pick at how you study/be classmates, elements of your spiritually/people of the same faith, and attempt to wear you down.
Aspects to your natal Juno can show your "turn ons" and icks when it comes to finding the one. Juno trine Moon could mean you like someone who's open with emotions and can be vulnerable, but square Moon could mean you're not a fan of sappy or dotting people.
Squares in Synastry are my favorite to look at, especially with longer terms relationships. Anything aspects to the ascendant can tell how they first met (in my experience). My favorite scenario was a married couple who met when the husband crashed a friend of the wife's bday party. Squares in sun, Venus, Mars, and Saturn. The wife later said that he stood out like nobody's business, but she liked that 🥺
Juno in Synastry is also something I like looking at with family members. Having a relatives jump conjunct a personal planet is such a warming thing. Like Juno conjunct Moon can mean they're emotionally invested in your well being, or conjunct Jupiter means they may go out of their way to help further education or world view. It's really sweet.
Mars can show where you come off too strong. Mars in 2nd could show you come off too strong when it comes to making money or showing off personally skills. 12th could be you fighting the urge to come off too strong and giving off a ":|" vibe instead.
Ok that's it correct me on stuff if you feel like it idk I like talking to ppl about this stuff
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tarotphlow · 1 year
Astro Observations 8
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🌻Saturn in the 3H natives tend to have difficulties with phones or cars, whether that be always having a broken phone, or their car literally just not wanting to work for whatever reason
🌻Looking at what sign is located on your 12H could give you insight on to what life was like while you were in the womb. Ex: my 12H is in sag, before I was born my mother would pray constantly for her to have another chance at being a mother, she ended up having a kid with a man from a completely different state. (♐️ rules travel and religion).
🌻Have a big secret you need to get off your chest? Tell a Scorpio Mercury, they will never tell a single soul. I’m friends with a lot of Scorpio Merc’s and it’s amazing how well they can hold they’re water. (Hm, on second thought this might just be for scorp placements in general 🧐)
🌻7H placements how do you do it? Being so desirable to the point that people say they want to marry you without knowing anything about you at all? I just know y’all just smile 😀politely with so many confusing thoughts in y’all’s heads 😭
🌻I’ve noticed cap Venus will always gravitate to dating someone out of their age range.
🌻unlikely duo that actually goes super well with each other is Gemini and Scorpio. I think this has to do with how intelligent both of them are, this combo reminds me of detectives in a way.
🌻with NN going into Aries soon, Libra placements are gonna see a lot of stuff they buried in the distant past come back(like past life stuff 🕰️), probably gonna be a time of relearning some of those old old lessons or just seeing how well you developed since your last life!
🌻Moon in the 3H with a harmonious aspect with Uranus= extremely talented at vidya games 🎮
🌻If you have Gemini in the 6H you should try your hand at an online job, not as a profession but just as a job.
🌻Neptune aspecting your sun could indicate having trouble figuring out what you want to do in life.
🌻Uranus aspecting midheaven seems like you could be either really popular, really really weird or something of the two, but hey at least your smart😭😭
🌻Taurus Is definitely a foodie we know that, but surprisingly Capricorn is also kinda a glutton too lol, I have know idea why but I’ve noticed a lot of caps in my life really live for a good meal lots of savory things and also really really big on desserts as well. They also have sensitive noses, I mean scent is responsible for 80% of our taste so I guess that makes sense.
🌻our brains stop developing at age 25 and become a fully fledged functioning adult with no more growth which is really interesting because the profection year for age 25 is in Taurus which is the sign of stability.
🌻I really feel for Saturn dominants, they really just get the hardest trials out of everyone and expected to just be okay with that, Yk a lot of people say Saturn is gonna reward them and blah blah, but like I feel sometimes they’re trials are kind of unnecessary? Other planet ruled people (besides Scorpios) learn those exact same lessons but less harsher and the reward they get is quite possibly equivalent to Saturns soo idk… I feel like Saturn is just a bit much. (Let’s discuss this I’m curious to know what people have to say 🤓)
End of observations! I hope you all enjoy these as much as I did!
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(Likes and reposts are appreciated! 💛)
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sharkface · 18 days
I think a lot of people (cis/"cis" and trans alike) would benefit a lot from separating what they feel they "are" from what they want to look like/be seen as. I am very happy living as a man in public in a way I would not be living as a publicly nonbinary person (or anything else) and while I do sometimes have trouble parsing what this means for me or the authenticity of certain aspects of myself, I do not think of myself as being in a "transitional" period where I'm just too afraid to be out as my "real self" or what have you. All of my selves are my real self, and reserving any of those selves is not an act of withholding parts of me from others (though I'd be within my right to do that), it is simply me living as whatever version of myself suits me and the circumstances best in that moment. I simply do not owe any part of myself to you, and beyond that, I don't owe anyone "proof" that I am what I say I am. And I think that if you're a "cis" person who feels like they not might be completely cis but doesn't feel like they're trans either you can consider this and if you're a trans person who has transitioned and feels like you have had to stifle something in order to pass or be considered "real" you can also consider it. You don't have to be one thing all of the time to really be that thing
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wholoveseggs · 5 months
Oh my gosh! do you know those NSFW alphabet trends people would do for characters on tumblr? could you do one for elijah, please? thank you!
Elijah's Love Letters {NSFW Alphabet}
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18+ ---- {Masterlist}
~Thanks for the request anon ♡♡ I already wrote one of these and forgot to post it! thanks for reminding me~ xoxo
2.5k words - Warnings: descriptions of sex and preferences.
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A is for Aftercare (What is their aftercare like?)
--- Elijah is a gentleman, so of course, he is very attentive and loving in aftercare. He is a very selfless lover who wants to make sure you're okay. He will get you something to drink, bring a warm washcloth to clean you up, and if it was a more intense encounter, he will carry you to the bath, getting in with you.
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B is for Body Part (Favorite body part of theirs and also their partners)
--- He is a big fan of your eyes, he loves to look into them as they dilate in pleasure while he's fucking you. He's a closed off person in general, so when he gets you in bed he pours all his feelings into the experience. He wants to see your every emotion and he will gaze into your eyes to read every feeling that's expressed.
--- I think his favorite body part of his is his hands, he enjoys them in and out of the bedroom. His hands are strong and he enjoys using them to touch you. Whether he is running his fingers through your hair, caressing your skin, or burying them inside you, he likes the intimacy that is expressed with his hands.
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C is for Cum (Anything to do with cum)
--- He's a bit of a neat freak and also a gentleman, so he doesn't love the thought of cumming on you, even if you want him to. He prefers the intimacy of cumming inside you, with your consent, of course.
--- If you want him to cum in your mouth he will happily oblige, especially if you are willing to swallow. But he will always ask permission first.
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D is for Dirty Secret (A dirty secret of theirs)
--- Although Elijah prefers to be in control in all aspects of his life, he secretly loves when you take control. The idea of you pushing him down and riding him or having his hands tied to the bed while you take whatever you want from him is a secret fantasy.
--- Another secret kink is that he loves to be needed and wanted. He would never admit it out loud, but he likes when you pout and beg him to kiss or touch you. He wants to feel desired and loved, and though he would be too afraid to say it, he just wants someone who needs him.
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E is for Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
--- He certainly knows what he's doing, he has centuries of experience and he is very versed in all things sexual. He has had many lovers in his past, so you can trust that he is very good at pleasuring his partner.
--- He has been alive for centuries and has learned how to read body language and facial expressions. He will know if you are enjoying what he is doing or not. He loves learning your likes and dislikes and giving you exactly what you need.
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F is for Favorite Position (Favorite position to have sex in)
--- A gentleman to his core, Elijah is more comfortable with traditional positions, meaning classic missionary mostly. But that doesn't mean he's boring in bed by any means. He's able to make typical positions sensual and overwhelming, providing him with deep intimacy and the power he's looking for.
--- He enjoys having your wrists pinned above your head, thrusting into you while he listens to every moan and pant that leaves your lips. He will made the sort of eye contact that leaves you feeling emotionally vulnerable, deepening the connection between you.
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G is for Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
--- As a man with centuries of pent-up emotions, Elijah has trouble separating his love life with his feelings and actions. He is the perfect mixture of soft and raw when it comes to sex. He is incredibly attentive in the moment, he wants to pleasure you, make you happy, and ensure that you are feeling good. He spends a lot of time praising you and kissing you gently, then finally once you give him the okay he becomes the most intense man you've ever seen.
--- But no matter if it's rough or sensual, Elijah's love is there, and that comes through in his actions. I don't think he's cracking jokes, but he's not serious either. He will laugh and smile if the moment calls for it.
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H is for Hair (How well groomed are they?)
--- From head to toe he likes everything in its place. Elijah keeps himself extremely well-groomed, everything is freshly trimmed and clean.
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I is for Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect~)
--- You might have soft, romantic lovemaking, or he may pound you into the bed. Regardless, he's tender and he is trying to show his love for you in these moments. He is passionate, sensual, and loving with every action he takes. He will make sure to tell you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you while he pleasures you.
--- Elijah enjoys the slow burn, because he loves the anticipation that comes with it. He is the king of foreplay and will tease you as much as possible, before fully satisfying your desires. He thrives off the deep intimacy, the eye contact, the touches, the whispered confessions.
--- He will do whatever he can to get you as worked up as possible before he sends you over the edge.
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J is for Jack Off (Masturbation)
--- He doesn't indulge in it very much, but when he does he imagines you. He imagines your pretty face, and he remembers the softness of your skin. He misses your kisses, your touch, and he strokes his cock to remember what it's like when you're wrapped around him. When he cums it's to the thought of pounding into you while you gasp his name and claw at his back.
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K is for Kink (One or more of their kinks)
--- As I said previously he really likes being in control. He enjoys dominating you, but it's always in a tender and gentle way. His dominance has nothing to do with degradation and humiliation, it's more of a desire to please you and be in power of how that pleasure occurs.
--- I also think Elijah is a bit of a voyeur. There are so many instances where he is just watching, quietly observing everyone and every conversation. He's a discreet person, and this trait follows him into the bedroom. He enjoys watching you pleasure yourself. He will sit back, relaxed in a chair with his sleeves rolled up, while you strip and touch yourself on the bed. He gets an immense amount of pleasure from watching you get so worked up, only to snap and take over when he's ready.
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L is for Location (Favorite places to have sex)
--- He prefers having you under him on his bed, making love to you slowly in a tangle of limbs. But he isn't opposed to other places, like his study or even the kitchen, as long as it's private and he can protect you from any prying eyes.
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M is for Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
--- Well, its pretty much canon that Elijah loves hot brunettes that challenge him. Just look at Hayley, Gia and Katherine.
--- I think he's attracted to passionate people, who aren't afraid to chase what they want. He's really attracted to power and a strong character, so someone who won't take any bullshit is right up his alley.
--- I think his polite and gentlemanly nature gets in his own way when it comes to love. It's hard for him to find the words to express his wants and needs so you will have to make the first move. He truly admires when a woman takes control and tells him exactly what to do. But he won't let her stay in control for long.
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N is for NO (Something they would never do)
--- He would never degrade or insult you, no matter how rough the sex is, he will still be whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
--- He's not a friends with benefits or hate sex kind of person. He needs intimacy and genuine connection, so a one night stand is extremely unlikely to happen with him. He may be a flirt, but he wants something far deeper than lust when he gets you in his bed.
--- His greatest fear is hurting you, physically or emotionally. So he will not even entertain anything that could put you at risk, especially extreme bondage or knife play.
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O is for Oral (Do they prefer giving or receiving?)
--- As I said in my headcanons, I think he may of popularized eating pussy to begin with, so he is definitely into giving. He was probably the first man who fell to his knees and worshipped his lover, eating you out before there was even a term for it. He is so good with his mouth and will give you the best orgasm of your life, without fail.
--- But if you do want to suck his cock, he would definitely appreciate it, and it's likely you'll end up on your back with him returning the favor.
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P is for Pace (Are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
--- It depends on his mood, but generally he's the perfect combination of both.
--- Elijah loves the intimacy, so when the night starts, he will take his time, building the tension. He will slowly kiss your neck, whispering sweet words of praise in your ear. Then he will start taking your clothes off, caressing every inch of skin that is exposed. Once he gets his hand between your legs, he will enjoy fingering you until you are a dripping mess.
--- After that, it's up to him. If he is craving intimacy, he will make love to you, and take his time. He will worship your body and fuck you until you're seeing stars.
--- If he's craving the intense pleasure, then he will bend you over, or maybe he'll throw you onto the bed, and pound you into the mattress. It depends on the night.
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Q is for Quickie (Their opinion on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
--- He prefers to be unhurried, taking his time and making your time together last as long as possible. He isn't against the idea of a quickie, but he won't initiate them. If you are at a party or event and you get needy, you will have to whisper your request in his ear and drag him away, which will probably lead to him pinning you against a wall out of sight.
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R is for Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks?)
--- He's a overly cautious person in every aspect of his life, so he is going to be very reluctant to take risks, especially in the bedroom. The most risky thing he will be up for is spanking and tying your wrists.
--- He would be very reluctant to drink from you because of his traumatic past, but if you consent it will be taken straight from your neck and very gentle.
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S is for Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
--- He's a vampire, and not just an average one, so his stamina is endless. He can go forever, and if he was a human, he'd be the man that could go for hours.
--- He's a gentleman so he is going to make sure your pleasure comes first. He achieves satisfaction from knowing that he made you feel good. He's always more focused on your orgasm, and he is extremely skilled at drawing them out of you.
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T is for Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
--- He's not against them, he just doesn't find himself using them. Elijah is a very self-sufficient man, and he enjoys providing pleasure by himself. He finds the act of pleasuring someone extremely erotic, so he prefers to use his hands and mouth, rather than a toy. But he will definitely use a vibrator on you if you ask.
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U is for Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)
--- He's an absolute tease, but it's the subtle, not over the top kind. He will run his hand across the small of your back while walking past. He will let his fingers graze over your ass or your chest in public, just to get you worked up.
--- But his greatest form of teasing is using eye contact. He will look at you from across the room and hold your gaze until you're squirming. It's a quiet, private kind of teasing, that makes your head spin.
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V is for Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
--- He is very controlled, he barely ever makes a sound. If you can pull moans out of him, you are doing something very right. If you want to hear him groan, you'll have to squeeze tight around his cock or dig your nails into his shoulder.
--- He enjoys listening to the noises that you make, he loves hearing you whimper and moan, the louder the better, especially if it's his name.
--- He also loves to talk during sex, asking you questions and talking dirty, all while keeping his voice steady and composed.
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W is for Wild Card (Random headcannon)
--- Just like Klaus I think Elijah is an absolute simp for the person he loves. He may be one of the most powerful creatures on earth, but if his lover tells him to do something he's doing it.
--- He's the type of man who will do anything to make his lover happy, which means that he will spoil you rotten. He will shower you in gifts and affection, and he is more than happy to oblige any request that you may have.
--- He's not very possessive, just protective. He will be there for you and defend you against anyone and anything, but he's not the jealous or clingy type.
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X is for X-Ray (Let's see what's going on in those pants)
--- You know what? It's whatever you want it to be, I am not going to say any particular size. But, I believe it to be very aesthetically pleasing, just like the rest of him.
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Y is for Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
--- He's the kind of person who can control his desires, and can keep his feelings under control. That being said, he does have a sex drive. {He's a vampire, after all, everything is heightened} But since his feelings are always tightly bottled up, it takes a lot for him to show them, including sex.
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Z is for ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?)
--- Elijah is a big fan of pillow talk, and will usually keep you up late into the night, whispering his thoughts into the darkness. He will tell you about the past, he will confide his fears, and he will pour his heart out. He will talk about things he has never shared with anyone else.
--- He will want to be close to you as possible. He'll pull you against him, and tuck your head into the crook of his neck. He'll whisper his love and devotion and you'll fall asleep, feeling safe and secure.
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poppy-metal · 5 months
we simply must discuss the vibes of alpha!Jordan li who has never given half a damn about any omega until he meets the cute little freshman (you) and becomes obsessed. We have to talk about it
stop bc they get to fucking irritated by omegas - not that they have prejudice against them - they just hate the whole biological aspect that makes them want to lose control and tear an innocent omega apart on their knot. they make sure to stay far fucking away from them, but you make is so fucking difficult. always up in their space with your sweet scent and big eyes.
like they try to stay away, but then you go and get yourself in trouble. cornered by a pack of alphas outside the gym they workout at, so of course they have to step in, rearrange a few jaws. and the way they can't help but puff up their chest when you preen at them, thanking them with wet eyes and pouty lips for saving them - they want to maul you right there. just manage to bite out, "watch where the fuck you're going, freshie. this is the seniors gym. don't make me save your ass again."
and despite such a threat - they do. end up saving you. again. at a party dress barely covering your ass, letting fucking Rufus of all people chat you up. and maybe they dont have to intervene. except their pheromones are raging and they're clenching their fist so hard around their bottle it shatters in their palm. they dont even acknowledge the sting, the bite of the glass, just stalk over and drag your ass away like a kitten by its scruff.
you'd think they were about to pound your face in with the way they slam you into a wall, less crowded there. cage you in with hands on either side of your head. glare at you like they want to fight you - jaw clenched as their eyes dip down to your cleavage. "thought i told you not to make me save your ass again, freshman. and what am i here fucking doing."
that omega need to please immediately pulling at your heartstrings making your sweet cloying scent spill out of you and wrap around them. trying to calm them. dont want alpha to be mad, not at you. "s-sorry alph-"
"don't." they snap, sounding pained. their fingers curl a little into the plaster of the wall beside you. there will be a dent there when they pull back, for sure. "fucking call me that. it's jordan."
you naw on your lip, torn between the desire to do as they say and to adress them properly. "but why?" you ask, so innocent, so curious. big lashes fluttering at them. "you are my alpha. i just wanna - you know. show my respect."
they stare at you for a heavy moment. pulse pounding in your eardrums. you feel like you're imagining it when you hear a faint rumbling in their chest, an alpha like purr. jordan seems to notice it too, and their neck flushes. they jerk away from you, glad to be in fem!form or else you'd have a front row seat to how fucking turned on they are right now.
"you wanna make me happy?"
you nod. eagerly. fuck. their cunt pulses. their alpha clit chubbing up in their jeans. wanting to rut itself inside you - reward you for being so fucking obedient.
"then go the fuck home. tuck yourself into bed like a good little omega and stay the hell away from me - i mean it. i don't wanna be responsible for whatever happens because you're too fucking naivè to know when to stop."
they leave you there - trembling against the wall. intimated, yes. but also - spurred on. it feels like a challenge. and a challenge issued from your alpha is impossible to ignore.
you glance to your side. slick drips wetly from your cunt at the sight of the claw marks they left on the wall. the amount of restraint it took for them not to put their hands on you.
that kind of restraint - once it breaks - well. you'd like to find out.
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mrsrookhunt · 1 year
Hello! I saw your request was open and I wasn’t sure what to really think of
So maybe a general or simple nsfw hc of Yandere Chuuya?
My first ask! Of course! ❤ I added more characters for the sake of making a well-rounded post, but I gave chuuya a bonus scenario :) Enjoy!
Yan!Bsd Men in Bed
(Short post, feel free to request more characters)
Pairings: Chuuya Nakahara, H.P. Lovecraft, Mushitaro Oguri, Jouno Saigiku
Chuuya Nakahara
Warnings: punishment, manipulation, yandere, kinks mention, violence mentioned/implied
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Chuuya is nice in bed, mostly.
He's powerful, and not afraid to be the dominant one, but he is still very respectful of your boundaries. He feels very guilty for the way he's treated you, so protectively, in his eyes. But you've grown tired of it, and he knows; so, as not to anger you further, he tries to make you as in control as possible.
Chuuya will do whatever you'd like, so long as he still gets to be the one in charge. He'll indulge your kinks or let you explore with him, permitting it doesn't cross his own boundaries (but considering the fact that you're willing to be intimate with him at all, he isn't too picky).
Definitely into degradation and BDSM, but he's fine if you're uncomfortable with that. Only occasionally will he ask you to do something that steps outside of your comfort zone, and it's usually for special occasions, like his birthday or holidays. I feel like mirror sex would be a special anniversary treat with him.
He's only rough with you if you ask or more like plead, or if you need punishment .
Chuuya doesn't take sexual punishment (or any punishment) lightly, but if you've pushed him far enough.... He may torture you in very unexpected ways.
You think, for a moment, that you're in trouble. You fucked up, you fucked up so bad. Chuuya slammed the front door behind you, with a blatant fury that made you jump.
"Please, Chuuie, I'm sorry-- don't- don't do anything rash now-"
"Don't tell me what the FUCK to do in my own home."
He cornered you into the kitchen, snatching your arm and bending you over the center counter.
"Tell me how sorry you are.' His voice was soft, quiet. Testing.
"I'm sorry--I'm- really s-sorry" You choked out from between sobs. You had never seen it coming, the violence, the anger, the sheer reaction, to your misdeed.
The cold granite countertops cut into your stomach with the chill and pressure. You squeezed your eyes shut as he reached for his back pocket, the one with his knife.
You gasped when a small, shockingly fast-paced vibrator was placed on your thigh. Out of all the things you thought he could and would do to you, this was not one.
He put his hand on your other thigh, making you involuntarily moan.
"I'm going to show you the true meaning of punishment tonight."
H.P. Lovecraft
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Lovecraft essentially has no idea what he's doing in bed; he understands the concept in theory, but he really still feels lost. His sense of clinginess and protectiveness doesnt carry over into the bedroom, and is lost on everyone but you, so you're the only one who can guide him in this matter.
He gives you the most doe-eyed look if you ask if he ever considered sexual punishments. He doesn't really understand why sex is used for pleasure or pain; he finds procreation to be the only benefit to him.
Overall, getting him into bed with you is the biggest challenge, but once you've got him there, you can change his life; and you certainly will.
He's not a man to make much noise or fuss, but he's absolutely blissed out, and wonders how he has not understood this aspect of life before.
By the time you're done, he's more attached to you than ever, curling you into his arms and refusing to let go. You've shown him just one more reason to love you as much as he does, and keep you from showing anyone else the same kindness.
Mushitaro Oguri
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Mushitaro finds sex in general an indecent act for most anything. That isn't to say he doesn't have urges like everyone else, but for the sake of his meticulous regimen, he will squish them down until he absolutely cannot control himself anymore.
You're both the source of his frustrations and the perfect release. Mushitaro is completely in control in bed, just like he is in every aspect of your life together.
Mushitaro can be kinkier than most men; casual choking, roleplay, and some hardcore BDSM can be in the cards for you depending on how far he's gone to deny himself previously.
That being said, your needs also often don't get met. You don't like to ignore yourself the way he does, but he forces you to. You're not allowed any toys, he has SafeSearch on for google, and you are routinely scolded on the indecency of self-pleasure, regardless of whether he's caught you or not.
Mushitaro's demanding and high maitenence personality makes him one of the worst in the sexual part of your relationship.
He rarely considers sexual punishment, unless the circumstances are juussst right. I.e, if you've been caught touching yourself in any way, shape or form, and Mushitaro's already been hot around the collar, he may be rougher and more cruel in bed than normal just to teach you a lesson.
Jouno Saigiku
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Joun-bug's high sex drive makes him a worthwhile adversary in the bedroom. Much like Chuuya, he wants to be in control; but more than wanting to, he will be in control.
He'll push you to the brink of absolute pleasure and then throw you down and tell you how worthless you are until you beg and plead and go through whatever torture he has planned to get him to finish you off.
Jouno is always going to be... well, Jouno. He'll sadistically torture you in every way he can possibly exploit in bed for his own pleasure, and he doesn't give a damn whether you're comfortable with it or not. Remember, his composure and sweet smile is a farce he hides behind; and he'll show you his true self when he feels it's appropriate and necessary.
Maybe he'll be gentle with you, if you've been put through enough and he feels you deserve it. He does love you, but his desires take priority. If you've gone through whatever he had planned for his own pleasure, he may indulge in yours.
Sexual punishment is the worst with him; he takes absolutely no mercy on you, and punishes you often, for the smallest of things.
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akanesheep · 1 year
What pet would they give MC:
Lucifer wouldn’t just gift them a pet, but that pet requires the ability of homing and caring. He would gift them an aviary. Attached to this aviary would be a large enclosed area with a pair of peacocks. He selected them personally, ensuring that not only were they physically beautiful, but also that their personalities meshed well together. After all, he wants to ensure that this gift, as all other gifts he gives you, are as perfect as possible.
Mammon would pick a pair of his young crows and assign them to you. As they are his familiars, he can keep a watch on you no matter where you are. Crows are also resourceful and able to work out how to live no matter where they are… they do like to stay in the aviary a lot, but most often they stay in the tree within your room.
Levi know without being told that a snake is a bad idea, look what happened with Henry 1.0… so he will get you a goldfish also. And if you want, he would get you an aquarium set up for your room.
‘What? You want Lily to be in the same tank as Henry??’
Cue happy Levi noises.
Many an evening are spent watching the two goldfish swim happily together as you hold hands and cuddle.
Come on… do I even need to say it?
You open the box to find an adorably fluffy silver furred kitten inside with a green collar. A small heart tag hangs from her neck.
‘Diana’ you read and then giggle softly. ‘You remembered?’
You had told him about your favorite show to watch as a child, which had started as a manga. He read them all with you when he managed to get a full set for your birthday.
‘Of course I did… when the owner of the cat cafe told me he had a surprise litter he offered me first choice. When I saw her I knew.’
I mean, it could have been a unicorn, technically, but unicorns are for war. (Guy Kay fans ftw) Satan wants no part of you near a battlefield, so he hasn’t even allowed you to see his own unicorn.
Asmodeus, Beel, & Belphie:
Ok, you guys don’t hate me… but these three just aren’t animal people. Like they don’t hate animals at all… but they’re the least able to truly care for animals.
For Asmo, his priorities just aren’t there. And that’s ok. He knows his limits and is responsible enough to stay in them. He’s ok with other people’s pets as long as they stay off of him. He puts a lot into every aspect of his appearance and doesn’t want to give that up. (No hate at all for him. He know what he does and doesn’t want, and not everyone wants a pet). If you asked him for a pet, he would get you one, but he has no self-interest.
Also, his ‘animal’ is a scorpion, which horrifies him, he wouldn’t give one as a pet.
For Beel, he loves animals, especially dogs… but also has a tendency to eat animals if he goes on a rampage…he would never want to put you in a situation where he would accidentally hurt your pet.
His ‘animal’ being a fly isn’t really the kind of pet anyone wants…
For Belphie: I mean, while he’d love to get you a cow to rampage through the HoL gardens and piss Lucifer off, the truth is, he just isn’t willing/able to put that kind of effort into a pet. Instead, he’ll get you a cow plushie.
Our sweet demon would get you a phoenix. He finds them absolutely fascinating, and you remind him of one, the way you always rise through any troubles in your wake.
(Dragons are not pets, but they will befriend you)
He has enough on his plate without adding another pet. He’ll just assign you a Little D to take care of whatever you need while he is away.
Simeon & Luke:
This angel would gift you a pair of white doves.
They don’t get along with Mammon’s crows, so don’t let them in the aviary at the same time! Luckily they tend to avoid each other. That said, these doves are super sweet, just like the angels who gave them to you
No. Keep this man away from the pets. His penchant for experimenting on others is already problematic at best. Lucifer banned him from the aviary after he turned one of the peacocks into an owl and turned a crow into a mouse… it got really crazy for a few minutes.
This man is the pet, good luck us.
Hope you liked it, I wanted to keep this one light hearted.
I’m thinking of doing some more song vids, let me know what you think?
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cyb0rs · 1 year
Astrology observations
Hiiii this is my first ever post on this blog and obviously my first astrology observations post I hope you like it ♡
Men with cancer placements can be so adorable. They can be so unknowingly endearing no matter how old they are. Some of them can be in their 40s and have this sweetness about them. It’s so cute.
Libras especially libra men or literally any libra placement can be soooo argumentative it’s ridiculous and they’re never wrong in their own eyes. Like??????? And they hate when someone tries to calmly state their opinion in an argument. Sometimes they’ll even raise their voices especially the men.
Sags are so blunt 😭 wbk i know but oh my god????? So blunt it’s insane how blunt they are. The ones in my life have so many water placements so they’re a bit more empathetic and care about how others would feel. So i can’t imagine the ones who don’t have aspects or placements that would bring about that sort of empathy.
Air signs’ friendliness with strangers and new people that they meet is always a breath of fresh air. Especially gemini suns. Mwah. But when you’re someone that they know and have been in their lives for so long they’ll be a little bit indifferent that’s for sure lol.
I don’t condone diagnosing people via their birth charts but i have noticed that most people who have Saturn in the 3rd house are neurodivergent.
I have noticed for years that most makeup artists and women who love makeup and are passionate about beauty are libras. I mean that checks if i say so.
Many leo risings have troubled relationships with their mothers due to the fact that they have scorpio in the 4th house. Especially if it’s harshly aspected or have malefic planets there.
Earth placements especially CAPRICORNS when they’re funny they’re FUNNY!!!! honey. The ones that make you cry laughing. I love them so much it’s ridiculous
I see everybody talk about how much of foodies taureans and cancers are but have yall seen an aries eat??? They’ll eat a lot and they’ll eat whatever. The least picky people i have seen were aries suns
If you liked this post and want a reading with me you can check my pinned post to book your reading 🐩 I do natal and synastry readings for now <3
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mysoullanguage · 1 year
#0016 this is how neptune actually affects your birth chart n.01
neptune: in any given context, whatever neptune touches, will distance. neptune is illusion, dreams, and the imagination; it is not a concrete body, symbolising the physical (eg. physical body, money, etc.) but the spiritual and what we cannot see. we are not yet evolved to see and experience neptune (the dream realm) in its full form, which is why neptune tends to wash our placements down…
wherever your neptune sits in your chart, will be the area that will often become misinterpreted or misunderstood, washed down or distanced. you will have trouble interpreting these placements. however, in instances where there is a positive aspect, it can bring out spiritual gifts or talents that come from intuitive knowing.
neptune/sun conjunction, square, opp.: struggle with identifying with yourself. struggle with understanding who you are. no concrete identity; you flow in and out of life. deep personality. to others, you are mysterious, alluring, and hard to touch. you often feel misunderstood and often feel a part of you is always missing. might change your appearance or identity a lot to fit in with your current interests. weak or absent father figure.
neptune/moon conjunction, square, opp.: struggle with understanding your emotions because they are so deep and hard to touch. weak or absent mother figure. very imaginative brain but very inconsistent and overly sentimental. can be overly emotional with little willingness to rationalize situations. very generous and giving but there is a horrible habit of being the martyr and sacrificing yourself to provide for others.
neptune/mercury conjunction, square, opp.: while you have a very alluring and interesting way of speaking, your shyness can be overwhelming. struggles with anxiety. difficulty rationalizing situations. tendency to lie, manipulate, and avoid confrontation. overly idealistic imagination with a habit of living in your head rater than in reality. to others, you often feel misunderstood.
neptune/mars conjunction, square, opp.: little to no sex drive, little to no energy in general. you feel disconnected from your energy source. you are overly passive and have little to no ambitions. you go with the flow but mostly refuse taking action unless you desperately need to. while you are gifted with adaptability, you are overly consumed by rest to the point of lethargy, laziness, and so on. difficulty connecting to men or you have a profound victim complex with difficulty taking accountability. lying, deceptive, gaslighting tendencies. too much thinking, not enough action. you have little to no boundaries. you are a pushover.
neptune/venus conjunction, square, opp.: strong misunderstanding between you and love. overly idealistic in love to the point of delusion. sex and love are a fantasy rather than a commitment and you have very high standards often unachievable or beyond human capability. there is a strange obsession with wanting to merge with your partner and achieving spiritual euphoria. you may lose a lot of relationships as you feel constantly misunderstood and as though the love you're experiencing doesn't give you the high it should. martyr and self-sacrificing habits/tendencies. to others, you are a pushover and a sponge for abuse, and people take advantage of you. you fear confrontation and can never be mean; this, in turn, allows others to take your kindness for granted. overly forgiving.
neptune/saturn conjunction, square, opp.: little to no boundaries between you and others. little to no discipline. you dream, but you need to think of how you are to achieve your dreams. you may flow in and out of different careers. for you, material success isn't important. however, your work ethic can be often criticized. unstable home life when young, or just an absent/weak father figure. you may display a false self to others. you often soften rules or boundaries and bend them to suit your liking. frustration can emerge when dreams come true underwhelmingly, meaning the picture you envision is often greater than what can come into reality.
neptune/jupiter conjunction, square, opp.: misunderstanding of religion, spirituality, personal values. push and pull between a god complex and a victim complex. a lot of struggles with faith in which you are either consumed in religion or feel you have no belonging to any. constant yearning for a spiritual connection. constant yearning to leave this earth, therefore becoming highly imaginative/dreamy. heavy escapist. little to no boundaries. strong desire for knowledge but overstimulation is common when you think of everything you want to learn. others are seen in a very compassionate light but you have a tendency of acting the saviour to others.
neptune/uranus conjunction, square, opp.: strong misunderstanding between your current identity/belonging in society and where you want to be. may have a fear of having your freedom taken away. compulsively - and constantly - beckoned to help others. while you are original and creative, you're unsure of how to use your artistic talent. difficulty in admitting faults/mistakes. on the one hand, you struggle with establishing authority. on the other, you seem to be chaotic and establish your authority in ways that are obnoxious, extreme, or dramatic.
neptune/pluto conjunction, square, opp.: profound need for transformation and change. your worldview is very unsure and tends to change with personal experiences. you may be paranoid of those around you with strong trust issues. you may be resistant to change. you hardly understand yourself and constantly want to change who you are. weak identity. weak courage, determination, and a heavy disconnect between you and your soul. you often avoid conflict or acknowledging your shadow side, despite having yearnings to change yourself.
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