#it peanut butter banana cake with peanut butter and yogurt frosting
pippindot · 8 months
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Writing Reference: Food History
10,000 - almonds, cherries, bread, flour, soup
8,000 - wheat ⚜ 7,000 - wine, beer, pistachios, pig, goat, sheep, lard
6,500 - cattle domestication, apples ⚜ 6,000 - tortilla, dates, maize
5,000 - honey, ginger, quinoa, avocados, potatoes, milk, yogurt
4,000 - focaccia, watermelons, grapes, pomegranates
3,200 - chicken domestication ⚜ 3,000 - butter, onion, garlic, apricots
2,737 - tea ⚜ 2,500 - olive oil, seaweed, duck ⚜ 2,300 - saffron
2,000 - peaches, liquorice, marshmallow, pasta, ham, sesame seeds
1,500 - chocolate, vanilla ⚜ 1,200 - sugar ⚜ 1,000 - mangoes, oats, pickles
900 - pears, tomatoes ⚜ 700 - cinnamon ⚜ 600 - bananas, poppy seeds
500 - artichokes ⚜ 400 - pastries, appetizers, vinegar
300 - parsley ⚜ 200 - turkeys, asparagus, rhubarb ⚜ 65 - quince
1st—13th Century
1st Century - chestnuts, lobster, crab, shrimp, truffles, blueberries, raspberries, capers, kale, blood (as food), fried chicken, foie gras, French toast, omelettes, rice pudding, flan, cheesecake, pears in syrup
3rd Century - lemons ⚜ 5th - pretzels ⚜ 6th - eggplant
7th Century - spinach, kimchi ⚜ 9th - coffee, nutmeg
10th Century - flower waters, Peking duck, shark's fin soup
11th Century - baklava, corned beef, cider, lychees, seitan
12th Century - breadfruit, artichokes, gooseberries
13th Century - ravioli, lasagne, mozzarella, pancakes, waffles, couscous
14th—19th Century
14th Century - kebabs, moon cakes, guacamole, pie, apple pie, crumpets, gingerbread
15th Century - coconuts, Japanese sushi and sashimi, pineapples, marmalade, risotto, marzipan, doughnuts, hot dogs
16th Century - pecans, cashews (in India), Japanese tempura, vanilla (in Europe), fruit leather, skim milk, sweetbreads, salsa, quiche, teriyaki chicken, English trifle, potato salad
17th Century - treacle, pralines, coffee cake, modern ice cream, maple sugar, rum, French onion soup, cream puffs, bagels, pumpkin pie, lemonade, croissants, lemon meringue pie
18th Century - root beer, tapioca, French fries, ketchup, casseroles, mayonnaise, eggnog, soda water, lollipops, sangria, muffins, crackers, chowder, croquettes, cupcakes, sandwiches, apple butter, souffle, deviled eggs
19th Century - toffee, butterscotch, cocoa, Turkish delight, iodized salt, vanilla extract, modern marshmallows, potato chips, fish and chips, breakfast cereal, Tabasco sauce, Kobe beef, margarine, unsalted butter, Graham crackers, fondant, passionfruit, saltwater taffy, milkshakes, pizza, peanut butter, tea bags, cotton candy, jelly beans, candy corn, elbow macaroni, fondue, wedding cake, canapes, gumbo, ginger ale, carrot cake, bouillabaisse, cobbler, peanut brittle, pesto, baked Alaska, iced tea, fruit salad, fudge, eggs Benedict, Waldorf salad
20th Century
1901 - peanut butter and jelly ⚜ 1904 - banana splits ⚜ 1905 - NY pizza
1906 - brownies, onion rings ⚜ 1907 - aioli
1908 - Steak Diane, buttercream frosting ⚜ 1909 - shrimp cocktail
1910 - Jell-O (America's most famous dessert)
1910s - orange juice ⚜ 1912 - Oreos, maraschino cherries, fortune cookies
1912 - Chicken a la King, Thousand Island dressing
1914 - Fettuccine Alfredo ⚜ 1915 - hush puppies
1917 - marshmallow fluff ⚜ 1921 - Wonder Bread, zucchini
1919 - chocolate truffles ⚜ 1922 - Vegemite, Girl Scout cookies
1923 - popsicles ⚜ 1924 - frozen foods, pineapple upside-down cake, Caesar salad, chocolate-covered potato chips
1927 - Kool-Aid, s'mores, mayonnaise cake ⚜ 1929 - Twizzlers
1930s - Pavlova cakes, Philly cheese steak, Pigs in blankets, margaritas, banana bread, Cajun fried turkey ⚜ 1931 - souffle, refrigerator pie
1933 - chocolate covered pretzels ⚜ 1936 - no-bake cookies
1937 - Reubens, chicken Kiev, SPAM, Krispy Kreme
1938 - chicken and waffles ⚜ 1939 - seedless watermelon
1941 - Rice Krispies treats, Monte Cristo sandwiches ⚜ 1943 - nachos
1946 - chicken burgers, tuna melts, Nutella ⚜ 1947- chiffon cake
1950s - chicken parm, Irish coffee, cappuccino, smoothies, frozen pizza, diet soda, TV Dinners, ranch dressing ⚜ 1951 - bananas foster
1953 - coronation chicken ⚜ 1956 - German chocolate cake, panini
1957 - Quebec Poutine ⚜ 1958 - Instant ramen noodles, crab rangoon, lemon bars ⚜ 1960s - beef Wellington, green eggs and ham, red velvet cake
1963 - black forest cake ⚜ 1964 - Belgian waffles, Pop Tarts, Buffalo wings, ants on a log, pita bread ⚜ 1965 - Gatorade, Slurpees
1966 - chocolate fondue ⚜ 1967 - high fructose corn syrup
1970s - California rolls, pasta primavera, tiramisu ⚜ 1971 - fajitas
1975 - hicken tikka masala ⚜ 1980 - turducken
1980s - Panko, portobello mushrooms, bubble tea, chicken nuggets, Sriracha, Red Bull energy drink, everything bagels
1990s - artisan breads, Jamaican jerk ⚜ 1991 - turkey bacon, chocolate molten lava cake, earthquake cake ⚜ 1993 - broccolini
1995 - Tofurkey ⚜ 1997 - grape tomatoes
21st Century
2002 - flat iron steak, tear-free onions ⚜ 2007 - Kool-Aid pickles, cake pops
2008 - Mexican funnel cake ⚜ 2013 - cronuts, test tube burgers
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Hello, love your work btw, it's tied with another fic series for the number one slot of best fics I have ever read, anyway what are your headcanons on what flavour of ice creams the ninja+ your ocs would like, and what are their reactions to the Dairy Dragon? Do they love it, hate it, or meh about the fact that the flavours are named after their villains? Do they even like the ice cream in the first place? How traumatised is Lloyd, post s5 after they name an ice cream flavour, 'the mango morro'. What are Jay's and Nya's reactions when they find out the flavour 'Bananakan' exist? Are the sprinkles and toppings named after the ninja then? Also wouldn't it be funny that while the rest of ninjago gets destroyed by a villain (for the umpteenth time), the Dairy Dragon still stands cuz its that good even the villains love it? Anyway, have a great day/night.
Well thank you!!! I'm honored to share such a flattering title!! :'3
But now, what we all came here for...ICE CREAM THOUGHTS GO
Kai: Is not a huge ice cream guy but will still eat it when the opportunities arises. Pretty meh about the Dairy Dragon; all ice cream places are the same to him. Is a little wary about the villain flavors and generally avoids them. Likes lemon + berry flavors primarily, but will try something wild like a chilli pepper flavor or a spiced chocolate and wind up utterly addicted. Has a topping called "Kai Krunch".
Jay: Loves ice cream, but likes Ice Planet more than Dairy Dragon. Flipped his shit upon seeing the Bananakhan flavor (especially because Skybound events aren't erased this time around ahahaaaaa), but is also amused by the fact it's a banana-flavor. He likes ice cream that has "Stuff" in it, like cookie dough, brownie pieces, fruit bits, peanut butter bites, cheesecake pieces, candy crunches, pop rocks, etc, etc. It's about the texture for him (...and he tends to get Kai Krunch loaded on top of everything, but don't tell Kai that)
Cole: Love ices cream, indifferent on Dairy Dragon. Amused by the villain flavors and thinks there should be more, but will not say that to anyone's face. Like sorbets and sherbets the most as he had those for dessert a lot while growing up, but otherwise isn't all that picky. Has a flavor called "Cole's Rocky Road", which is just Rocky Road, but it's very popular Jesse buys it by the carton
Zane: Indifferent on Ice Cream and Dairy Dragon; much prefers ice pops as a frozen treat. He does make a habit of tasting the villain flavors just to see if they're accurate lmao. Has no real partiality to any flavor, but makes Ninjapolitan his go-to, since its four flavors are based on him and the Core Four (which is cherry, (blue) raspberry, blackberry, and french vanilla).
Nya: Likes ice cream, liked Dairy Dragon until Bananakhan became a flavor (she was always more of an Ice Planet gal anyway), aaand is a huge chocolate ice cream junkie. The "Nya Special" is literally chocolate ice cream filled with chocolate brownies filled with fudge and covered in chocolate syrup and fudge sprinkles, and just looking at it is enough to put even Lloyd into a sugar coma.
Lloyd: Loves ice cream and Dairy Dragon, but is the vanilla fan. "You can make vanilla into any other flavor, but you can't make any other flavor into vanilla, and plus vanilla is always good by itself", is his motto. Hates the villain flavors and is especially put off by Mango Morro and is a little bitter about how popular it is snksnknsnk. "Spinjitzu Swirl" is actually a flavor based on Lloyd specifically, which is essentially a green-colored cake batter flavor with frosting (...which exists and I have had it. It is to die for).
Jesse: Prefers frozen yogurt to ice cream, not that he won't eat ice cream. Likes mystery flavors or not knowing what he's going to get, because he likes being surprised (in this specific instance lol), and finds the villain flavors to be a bit distasteful. Also really enjoys Ninjapolitan and Spinjitzu Swirl. Lowkey slips in some suggestions for a "Fruity Fuchsia" flavor. The time will come, he's sure of it.
Antonia: Ice cream is like her favorite treat ever, but doesn't even discover Dairy Dragon until way later on and kicks herself for it. Doesn't mind the villain flavors, but thinks they could be more creatively named. Is a Buttered Pecan kind of gal, but otherwise just gets whatever she's in the mood for. Is also a strong advocate for making "Fruity Fuchsia" a thing, but for different reasons.
Harumi: Used to like ice cream a whole lot, but the novelty wears off over time. Will still go to the Dairy Dragon if Antonia's egging her on about it. Likes strawberry the most, sometimes shares in Kai's penchant for spicier flavors...but is also unfortunately a huge fan of Spinjitzu Swirl and Ninjapolitan (she tried the latter out of spite) and there's literally nothing else like it in the world so she has to get that specifically if she wants to indulge RIP. Would also actively boycott Fruity Fuchsia if it existed hgdhsfhfs
Miranda: Not crazy about ice cream but certainly isn't going to turn it down either, especially if it's from Dairy Dragon (which Nelson gets her hooked on). Surprisingly has simple flavor preference, as her go-tos are mint chocolate chip and cookies & cream. Also has a whole list of idea for future villain flavors that they could and should use (such as Time Twin Tropicana, Pythor Punch, Mechanic Marble, Overlord Overload, and a Garmadon popsicle with gumball eyes)
Olivia: Might be contradicting something I said previously but she tends to avoid ice cream—the cold is really sensitive on her teeth. She can force herself to eat it but it's not usually a good experience. She does, however, like chocolate-flavor almost as much as Nya does, and can manage some salted-caramel flavor on occasion as well. Attempts to destroy the Dairy Dragon once or twice just to figure out how it manages to stay standing throughout everything lmao
Pixal: Does not like ice cream at all, but can be encouraged to at least try a bite or two, but will never go overboard with it. Therefore, indifferent to Dairy Dragon. Can stomach some vanilla on occasion, but like Zane, would probably go for a fruity ice pop first.
Skylor: Has not really had the chance to indulge in ice cream until getting off the island, and then the Dairy Dragon winds up becoming one of her favorite spots. As with her drink preferences, like a lot of the more tropical flavors (pineapple, coconut, dragonfruit, etc) and finds things like chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry a bit bland. She can get behind citrus flavors, however. Really hopes they don't make a flavor out of her dad—she's already got enough bad publicity to deal with.
Bridget: An Ice cream hater, somehow even more than Pixal.
Sunni: Is lactose-intolerant and probably shouldn't even be eating ice cream but that's not going to stop her from indulging in Ninjapolitan or Spinjitzu Swirl snksnksnksn. Would also probably die if she attempted to eat the "Nya Special", and very loudly attempts to boycott Bananakhan (with reluctant help from Samantha).
Harleigh: Not a big ice cream fan herself, but is lowkey waiting for them to make an ice cream flavor out of Ronin (for better or worse)
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irish-belle · 8 months
Baked oatmeal is having a moment in our house this week. I made peanut butter and banana on Sunday night and warmed it up in the morning with milk and a drizzle of maple syrup. The big two loved it and ate three servings each. Child three no longer eats oatmeal (I believe for texture reasons) so I was hoping that it being in bar form (I didn’t put milk on his, just gave him a cup instead) he’d be more interested and he did try it!
This morning the water and gas were frozen so my lack of breakfast prep really hurt. Toast and bagels for all. So tonight, I’m making carrot cake baked oatmeal. The serving suggestion was with yogurt so I think I might mix some maple syrup or honey into the plain yogurt and use that for the “frosting” look in the morning. The house smells very cinnamon-y and the kids are telling me they can’t wait for breakfast 😂
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demonictreegremlin · 1 year
Compiled Scents
Dark Chocolate
Root Beer
Squid Ink Pasta
Chocolate Fudge
Chocolate Cake
Barbecue Sauce
Fresh Fish
Chicken Broth
Protein Powder
Dog Food
Maple Syrup
Wet Forest Floor
Flowing River
Rusted Iron
Wet Fur
Fresh Blood
Shedded Fur
Engine Exhaust
Wet Cement
Hot Iron
Frayed Wires
Filtered Water
Tap Water
Macadamia Nuts
Brown Sugar
Rotting Fish
Macaroni and Cheese
Peanut Butter
Aloe Vera
Fresh Rain
Melted Wax
Ironed Laundry
Shoe Shiner
Spray Paint
Wet Plaster
Instant Film Accord
Fresh Laundry
Burnt Sugar
Pina Colada
Melted Marshmallows
Crème Brûlée
White Chocolate
Whipped Cream
Shortbread Cookies
Maraschino Cherry
Cotton Candy
Candied Orange
Raspberry Jam
Key Lime Pie
Candied Apple
Coconut Pie
Sugar Crystals
Cherry Blossoms
Pulveroboletus Ravenelli (a type of sweet-smelling mushroom)
Lip Gloss
Citrus of any kind (lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime, etc)
Berries of any kind (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc)
Rose water
Machine oil
Red velvet 
burnt anything
Pine Trees
Old Spice
Burning Wood
Apple Pie
New Car Smell
Fresh Money
Sautéed Onions
Funnel Cake
Fresh Cut Grass
Snap Fire Crackers
Wet Dog
Rancid Meat
Sweaty Feet
Baby Powder
Sautéed Garlic
Chocolate Covered 
Old Books
Cinnamon Bun
Sea Breeze
Magnolia Trees
Cookies Fresh from the Oven
Sky After it Rains
Smell of Baskin Robins
Burnt Rubber
Rotten Eggs
Nail Polish Remover
Fresh clean laundry
Paper (old or new)
spices‐ anise, clove, nutmeg, savory paprika cardamom 
Root vegetables 
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goldenboygio · 2 years
Hello Giorno, I’m not sure if anybody has asked you this before, but do you have a favorite sweet?
"I do ! I love
almond cookie,angel food cake,apple brown Betty,apple crisp,apple pie,baked apple,,banana split,biscotti,black forest cake,bread pudding,brownie,buttercream frosting,butterscotch,caramel apple,cheesecake,cherry pie,chocolate bar,chocolate cake,chocolate chip cookie,chocolate mousse,churro,cinnamon roll,coconut cake,coconut cream pie,cookie,crepe Suzette,cupcake,eclair,French toast,frozen yogurt,,fruit cake,gelato,gingerbread,honey,ice cream,ice cream cake,lemon meringue pie,macaroon,marshmallow,meringue,milkshake,muffin,Neapolitan ice cream,nougat,pancakes,panna cotta,parfait,peanut butter cookie,pecan pie,pie,poached pears,popover,popsicle,pound cake,praline,pudding,pumpkin pie,red velvet cake,rice puddin,s'mores,scone,sorbet,souffle,sponge cake,strawberry shortcake,sugar cookie,sundae,sweet potato pie,sweet roll,toasted marshmallow,truffle,turnover,upside-down cake,vanilla cream pie,vanilla pudding,waffle,watermelon ice
If you can buy me one of this I would be forever grateful to you <3"
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lee-romee · 4 months
table of contents
(all of my recipes below the cut)
buttermilk biscuits
irish soda bread
pumpkin-rosemary biscuits
quick naan
tomato basil scones
avocado brownies
flourless brownies
greek yogurt brownies
peanut butter brownies
banana cinnamon cake
lemon poppyseed cake
mini chocolate bundt cakes
pumpkin coffee cake
sugar cookie bars
banana chocolate chip cookies
brownie-stuffed chocolate chip cookies
"everything" cookies
grandma's cookies
honey cookies
huckleberry cookies
jam dumpling cookies
oat flour sugar cookies
pb s'mores cookies
soft gingerbread cookies
soul cakes
sugar cookies
dips, frostings, & spreads
dark chocolate frosting
almond buttercream
mulberry jam
strawberry jam
banana bread
chocolate chip banana bread
lemon poppyseed loaves
mulberry lemon yogurt loaves
banana oat muffins
banana raspberry oat muffins
blueberry banana muffins
carrotcake muffins
lavender lemon muffins
lemon poppyseed muffins
oreo muffins
pb chocolate banana muffins
spice muffins
strawberry muffins
gluten-free recipes
almond buttercream
banana raspberry oat muffins
brownie-stuffed chocolate chip cookies
carrotcake muffins
dark chocolate frosting
jam dumpling cookies
lemon poppyseed cake
lemon poppyseed loaves
lemon poppyseed muffins
oat flour sugar cookies
mini chocolate bundt cakes
mulberry jam
peanut butter brownies
pb chocolate banana muffins
pb s'mores cookies
strawberry tarts
sugar cookies
spring/summer recipes
banana raspberry oat muffins
blueberry banana muffins
carrotcake muffins
huckleberry chocolate chip scones
huckleberry cookies
jam dumpling cookies
lavender lemon muffins
lemon poppyseed cake
lemon poppyseed loaves
lemon poppyseed muffins
mulberry crumb bars
mulberry jam
mulberry lemon yogurt loaves
peach & blueberry galette
strawberry muffins
strawberry sugar cookie bars
strawberry tarts
fall recipes
crunch bars
pumpkin coffee cake
pumpkin-rosemary biscuits
soul cakes
spice muffins
christmas recipes
soft gingerbread cookies
cultural/heritage recipes
grandma's cookies
irish soda bread
soul cakes
banana recipes
banana bread
banana cinnamon cake
banana chocolate chip cookie
banana oat muffins
banana raspberry oat muffins
blueberry banana muffins
chocolate chip banana bread
pb chocolate banana muffins
chocolate recipes
avocado brownies
brownie-stuffed chocolate chip cookies
crunch bars
dark chocolate frosting
"everything" cookies
flourless brownies
greek yogurt brownies
mini chocolate bundt cakes
oreo muffins
peanut butter brownies
0 notes
hockeymusicmore · 5 months
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dina300794 · 9 months
DIY European Doberman Puppy Birthday Party Ideas
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Celebrating your European Doberman puppy's birthday is an awesome way to create lasting memories and shower them with love. Organizing a DIY birthday party allows you to tailor the festivities to your pup's personality and preferences. In this blog post, we'll unleash a plethora of creative ideas to help you throw a bark-tastic birthday bash for your European Doberman puppy.
Puppy Invitations:
Set the tone for the celebration by crafting adorable invitations featuring your European Doberman puppy's photo. Include playful paw prints and bone-shaped details to make the invites extra special.
Canine Cake Creations:
Bake a dog-friendly birthday cake using ingredients like peanut butter, sweet potato, or pumpkin. Shape the cake into a bone or paw print, and consider frosting it with yogurt or dog-safe cream cheese. Your pup will love indulging in their very own birthday treat.
Fetch and Play Games:
Keep the energy high with interactive games like fetch, tug-of-war, and a puppy-friendly obstacle course. These activities tap into your european doberman puppies for sale instincts, providing both mental and physical stimulation.
DIY Doggy Treat Bar:
Set up a treat station with an assortment of dog-friendly treats. Include biscuits, freeze-dried liver, and even some homemade snacks. Allow the furry guests to "decorate" their treats with pup-friendly toppings like peanut butter or carob.
Puppy Photo Booth:
Create a photo booth with fun props and backdrops. Capture the candid and adorable moments of your European Doberman and their furry friends, and encourage everyone to strike a pose. This not only adds to the fun but also provides cherished keepsakes.
Doggie Goodie Bags:
Send your canine guests home with goodie bags filled with treats, toys, and perhaps a small birthday-themed accessory. Personalize each bag with the guest's name for an extra touch of thoughtfulness.
Paw-Print Art Station:
Set up an art station with non-toxic paint and let the dogs create paw-print masterpieces. Place canvases or large sheets of paper on the ground, and encourage the pups to walk across them, leaving behind their artistic paw prints.
Birthday Hat Parade:
Design festive birthday hats for the birthday pup and their friends. Have a mini parade where the dogs can proudly show off their birthday attire, creating adorable photo opportunities in the process.
Puppy-Friendly Ice Cream Bar:
Treat the dogs to a cool and refreshing ice cream bar with flavors like banana, blueberry, or yogurt. Ensure the ice cream is dog-friendly and watch as the european doberman puppies for sale enjoy a tasty and chilly dessert.
Doggie Day Spa Station:
Create a relaxing spa area with grooming brushes and massage tools. Pamper the pups with a gentle brush or massage session, providing a soothing and enjoyable experience.
With these DIY European Doberman Puppy Birthday Party ideas, you're well on your way to hosting a celebration that will have tails wagging and tongues panting with joy. Remember to prioritize the safety and comfort of all the canine guests, and most importantly, enjoy the special moments with your european doberman puppies for sale on their paw-some day. Happy birthday to your furry friend!
0 notes
Food diary 6/24/23
Fasted from 8pm until 2pm today.
Had coffee with 2oz almond milk ~10 cals
A piece of dominos cheesy bread -160 cals
Banana cake ~?
No oil fries - 120 cals
Chik fil a sauce - 160 cals
Dominos pizza - 620 cals
Yogurt - 60 cals
Carrots - 35 cals
Salted caramel chocolate -125 cals
Peanut butter pie ~?
Chai tea -?
Known calories : 1195 cals.
I drank half the chai tea so I’ll have the rest tomorrow. The banana cake is vegan with vegan frosting and no oils except for the frosting. I didn’t know we would go to the local sweet shop and get an entire pie, so I ate the chocolate as a snack. I’m going to eat a little bit of the pie a day bc it tastes like heaven. I would guess the unknown calories to be between 500 - 700. So around 1695 or 1895 calories. Did some house work and went for a walk today. Going to try to have just one meal tomorrow and finish up the rest of the pizza so it is gone for the work week.
Tomorrow should be rest of chai drink, pizza, yogurt, carrots, and a sliver of pie.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
015 of 2023
Your protein: pork steak lamb chops hamburgers vegan burgers chicken nuggets chicken fingers tuna shrimp salmon oyster crab lasagne ravioli chicken soup
beef jerky slim jims bacon spam buffalo wings sausage ham turkey meat balls
Your dairy: milk soy milk skim milk raw egg boiled egg sunny-side eggs scrambled eggs cottage cheese cheddar cheese mozzarella cheese swiss cheese blue cheese cream cheese plain yogurt
Your vegetables and fruits: mushrooms tomatoes pickles olives carrots raw onion broccoli cauliflower green beans string beans peas black beans celery leek artichoke lima beans bell pepper asparagus spinach seaweed avocado eggplant zucchini corn cucumber squash/pumpkin/yam garlic ginger peanuts almonds sunflower seeds raisins bananas apples pears grapes oranges tangerines peach blueberries raspberries blackberries strawberries lemons pineapples coconuts apricot cherries plums cranberry kiwi watermelon melon pomegranate grapefruit lime guava mango papaya
Your starch: French fries baked potato scalop potato mashed potato fried rice white rice bagel white bread whole grain bread French bread corn bread sourdough pancakes spaghetti macaroni & cheese oatmeal
Condiments: wasabi soy sauce cranberry sauce marmalade grape jam strawberry jam ketchup mustard relish mayonnaise whipped cream honey mustard sauce Tabasco salt ranch gravy caramel peanut butter salsa pepper honey maple syrup hummus butterscotch marshmallows icing
Junk food: cheetos sour cream and onion chips barbeque chips vinegar chips wheat thins graham crackers saltine crackers cheez-its ritz tortilla chips Lunchables Milano cookies Twinkies popcorn fruit roll ups donuts ice cream sandwiches Poptarts pretzels Girl Scout cookies Oreos Nutter Butter Fig Newtons Jell-O rice crispy treats
Cereals: Cocoa Puffs Cocoa Pebbles Fruit Loops Cinnamon Toast Crunch Frosted Flakes Raisin Bran Apple Jacks Corn Flakes Cookie Crisp Cap’n Crunch Lucky Charms Cheerios
Dessert: brownies muffins cinnamon rolls cheesecake donuts chocolate fondue pudding apple pie pumpkin bread pumpkin pie chocolate chip cookies sugar cookies gingerbread cookies biscotti fortune cookies shortbread cookies oatmeal cookies Angel food cake carrot cake cupcakes fruit cake cream puffs flan custard Meringue sorbet s’mores
Asian: ramen cup noodle sushi miso soup kimchi teriyaki eggrolls orange chicken
Fast food and restaurants: McDonald’s Carl’s Jr Taco Bell Panda Express Jack-in-the-box In-n-out Chick-Fil-A La Salsa Dairy Queen Baskin Robbin’s Pizza Hut Papa John’s Roundtable Domino’s Johnny Rocket’s Cho-cho San’s Hot Dog On A Stick Coldstone California Pizza Kitchen Red Robin Ruby Tuesdays Chili’s Wendy’s Burger King Kentucky Fried Chicken Subway Tommy’s The Cheesecake Factory Arby’s Quiznos El Pollo Loco TGIF Applebee’s Wienerschnitzel IHOP Islands White Castle Togo’s Sonic Popeyes Orange Julius Jamba Juice Coffee Bean Starbucks Del Taco Chuck E. Cheese Baja Fresh Macaroni Grill
Candy: Red Vines M&M’s Snickers Hershey’s kisses Kissables Kit-Kat Nerds Junior Mints Twizzlers Tootsie Rolls Jelly beans Swedish Fish Skittles Starburst 100 grand 3 Musketeers Airheads Almond Joy Baby Bottle Pops Baby Ruth bottle caps Butterfinger Reese’s Cup Fast Break Twix cotton candy chocolate coins Dots Hot Tamales jaw breakers Jolly Ranchers Laffy Taffy Lemonheads lifesavers Mike & Ike Milkduds Milky way Mr. Goodbar Nestle’s crunch Payday pixie sticks pop rocks Push Up pops Runts Smarties Snow Caps Sugardaddy Sweet Tarts Tic-Tacs York Peppermint Patties Warheads
Non-alcoholic drinks: Rootbeer Lemonade Orange juice Grape juice Capri Sun Coke Diet Coke Diet Pepsi Pepsi 7up Sprite Mountain Dew Hawaiian Punch Dr. Pepper Apple juice hot cocoa Kool-Aid cappuccinos frappuccinos lattes espresso energy drinks Vanilla Coke Cherry Coke Fanta Arizona Green Tea Squirt Gatorade Iced tea Green tea Chamomile tea White tea Oolong tea Jasmine tea Chai tea Snapple apple cider
Alcoholic drinks: Wine Sake Shochu Vodka Bourbon whisky Irish whisky Canadian whisky Bloody Mary Rum Absolut Brandy Scotch Cognac Tequila Gin Wine cooler Smirnoff Marc Sidecar Tonic Pina Colada Martini Alabama Slammer Daiquiri Margarita Cape Cod Flying Horse Kamikaze Screwdriver Rusty Nail Cajun Strawberry Soda Mimosa Champagne Cascade Fosters Sam Adams Budweiser Coors Harpoon Milwaukee’s Bes
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Forbidden snacks unforbidden
Disclaimer: do not eat anything you are allergic, intolerant, or sensitive to! Moderate your diet according to your needs. Seek a dietician's help with this if needed.
CTRL + F to search for keywords in the list
* = only taste safe-- not meant to be eaten straight but eating a little won't kill you
Bar soap: avocado, banana, mango, dried papaya, peach, pear, ice, cereal, cheese, peanut butter oat balls, giant pretzels/pretzel bites/pretzel bun, crackers, steamed rice cake, butter, flan, cake, chocolate bar/melts, candy melts, gum*, candy corn, freeze dried ice cream, popsicles, taffy, Charleston Chews, tootsie rolls, fondant, valentine heart candies, Rice Krispie treats
Bone, teeth, metal: white foods, silver foods, bone/tooth-shaped foods, ice, raw baby carrots, almonds, walnuts, other nuts, frozen fruit/vegetables, ribs, chicken legs, bone-in wings, T-bone steak, uncooked pasta, edible tree bark, edible skins/shells of some foods, pretzel sticks, cereal, cookie straws, candy canes, valentine message heart candies, Takis, hard candy, snowcone, suckers/lollipops, chocolate coins, Whoppers candy, frozen chocolate/candy, popsicles
Chalk, coal, makeup: Parmesan cheese, spices, seasoning, puffed rice cakes, cereal, powdered/icing sugar, edible sands, drink flavoring, ground up crackers/chips/cookies, Whoppers candy, smarties, sweet tarts, mints, freeze dried ice cream, sprinkles, fun dip, pixie stix, cotton candy, valentine message heart candies, mints
Cosmetic creams, whipped soap, spackle: yogurt, peanut/etc butter, cream cheese, sour cream, hummus, condiments, butter, thick drink, Nutella, frosting, whipped cream, ice cream, pudding, candy gel, marshmallow fluff
Dice, marbles, coins, trinkets: ice, polyhedral candy, frozen peas, frozen fruit, banana chips, other dried fruit, Kix/Cap'n Crunch/Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms, other cereal, cheese cubes, snacks shaped like trinkets, mini pepperonis, seed beads, jawbreakers, Whoppers candy, jolly ranchers, candy shaped like trinkets, chocolate chips, Tic Tacs, mints, decorative sugar pieces, valentine message heart candies, sugar cubes, candy coins, candy legos/bricks, gum*
Dog/pet treats: foods cut into bone/fish/etc shapes, banana, blueberries, sweet potato, dried fruit, deli meat, fish, red meat, bacon, pepperoni, poultry, bread, pasta, crackers, Cheerios, Rice Krispies cereal, other cereal, human-safe dog treats, cookies, oatmeal, peanut butter oat balls, granola, jerky, Slim Jims, cooked bugs or worms, mints, gummies, sprinkles
Dough, clay, puddy: mashed potatoes, sweet potato, avocado, peanut/other butter, peanut butter oat balls, noodles/pasta, gravy, pancakes, fondant, yogurt dough, Kool-Aid dough, cocoa dough, peeps playdoh, Nutella dough, peanut/etc butter dough, warm chocolate, warm candy corn, taffy, egg-free cookie dough, ice cream, thick frosting, Charleston Chews, caramels, marshmallow fluff
Fabric, foam/sponge, slowrise squishies: peach, apple, pear, cucumber, watermelon, dried fruit, puffed rice cakes, Chinese steamed rice cakes, bread, pita bread, muffins, shredded jerky, giant soft pretzels, Rice Krispies, cake, donuts, pancakes/waffles, fondant, soft cookies, freeze dried ice cream, pop tart bites, cotton candy, marshmallow, dried apple
Glitter: cake luster dust, crushed/ground ice, warmed sugar, crushed/ground hard candy
Glitter bottles, potions, glowsticks, cleaning products: cake luster dust in any beverage, edible fluorescent colorant in any beverage, citrus juice, water with lemon, water with orange, water with grapefruit, water with other citrus fruit, dyed beverage
Inedible plants and flowers: lettuce, spinach, kale, cabbage, peas, carrots, corn, pumpkin, other veggies, watermelon, peach, apple, mango, banana, dragonfruit, pineapple, grapes, cherries, strawberries, other fruits, dried fruits, skins of some fruits/vegetables, mushrooms, seeds, nuts, herbal tea, dandelions, other edible flowers, herb seasonings, edible tree bark, breath strips, edible rice paper, edible sugar paper, edible money wafers, edible grass candy, cotton candy, gushers, wax bottle soda candies, decorative sugar pieces, gel/juice-filled gummies/candy, gel/juice-filled gum*, shredded gum*
Jelly soap: peaches, other fruit, dried papaya, pumpkin, jelly/jam, gummies, Jell-O, agar, candy gel, gel/juice-filled gummies/candy, gel/juice-filled gum*, gum*, edible/xylitol-based toothpaste*
Lava, liquid soap, molten glass, wax: hot drink, thick drink, soup, oatmeal, sauce, gravy, dip, dipping/nacho cheese, honey, nectar, jelly/jam, condiments, beverage flavoring syrups, soda/juice, syrup, pudding, caramel, melted candy/chocolate, melted butter, candy gel, edible/xylitol-based toothpaste*, fondant, milk duds, gum*
Lipstick, candles: cheese, Baby Bell cheese, butter, avocado, mango, dried mango, dried papaya, banana, raisins, pepperoni, pasta, gummies, wax bottle soda candies, candy melts, chocolate melts, frozen pudding, fruit rollups, gushers, marshmallow, fondant, starburst, candy corn, pudding, taffy, tootsie rolls, milk duds, candy buttons, jolly ranchers, Charleston Chews, candy gel, valentine message heart candies, caramels, gum*
Mochi squishies, silicone/rubber, fungi: peaches, pears, avocado, dried mango, dried papaya, mushrooms, eggs, beans, tongue, fish, medium red meat, other meats, dried fruit, noodles/pasta, dumplings, cheese, yogurt, Chinese steamed rice cakes, butter, seed beads, cheese curds, gummies, caramels, taffy, tootsie rolls, marshmallow, milk duds, Charleston Chews, candy gel, agar, gum*
Orbeez, animal eggs: eggs, peas, blueberries, grapes, baby tomatoes, peaches, acini di pepe/pastina, boba, dippin dots, gummies, Jell-O, agar, seed beads, mini marshmallows, gumballs*, candy buttons, milk duds, Kix cereal
Paint, ink, makeup, glue: soup, sauces, gravy, dip, peanut/etc butter, honey, nectar, syrup, caramel, condiments, cream cheese, sour cream, frosting, icing, whipped cream, ice cream, dyed beverage, pie filling, pudding, candy gel, melted candy/chocolate
Paper and cardboard: skins of some fruits/vegetables, iceberg lettuce, spinach, kale, cabbage, puffed rice cakes, Kix, Cheerios, Rice Krispies cereal, other cereal, breath strips, edible rice/sugar paper, edible money wafers, crackers, ice cream cone, pizzelle, fruit rollups, fruit by the foot, frozen chocolate, frozen pudding, freeze dried ice cream
Pills and medicine: ice, beans, nuts, seeds, frozen peas, frozen blueberries, corn, acini di pepe/pastina, rice, cereal, soda/juice, dyed beverage, empty gelatin/edible capsules, jellybeans, jolly ranchers, Tic Tacs, mints, Mike n Ike's, sweet tarts pills, nerds, gushers, smarties, sweet tarts, valentine message heart candies, sprinkles, small hard candies, gel/juice-filled gummies/candy, gel/juice-filled gum*, fake blood capsules*
Pottery, ceramic, porcelain: nuts, seeds, ice, dried fruit, avocado, banana, cheese, puffed rice cakes, granola, cereal, pancakes/waffles, bread, crackers, pita chips, pita bread, uncooked pasta, uncooked Ramen, Ice Chips, ice cream cone, pizzelle, frozen chocolate/candy, frozen pudding, freeze dried ice cream, popsicles, cookies, Whoppers candy, smarties, sweet tarts, mints, chocolate bar, valentine message heart candies, edible rice/sugar paper, edible money wafers, hard candy, mints
Rocks, crystals, beads: nuts, seeds, ice, table salt, beans, tea, jerky bites, meat chunks, acini di pepe/pastina, couscous, cheese cubes, uncooked Ramen, popcorn, popsicles, crystallized honey, jelly/jam, frozen honey/syrup, dyed beverage, boba, mints, crushed crackers/cookies, chocolate rocks, crystal sticks, freeze dried ice cream, jawbreakers/gobstoppers, nerds, hard candy, decorative sugar pieces, Cheerios, other cereal, sprinkles, jellybeans, chocolate chips, candy legos/bricks, ring pops, dippin dots, crystal/rock sugar, sugar cubes, frozen chocolate/candy, jolly ranchers, suckers/lollipops, ring pops, gum*, Whoppers candy, dippin dots, valentine message heart candies, seed beads, candy necklace, candy bracelet, mints
Sand and soil: couscous, quinoa, rice, poppy seeds, other small seeds, Parmesan cheese, spices, seasoning, edible fake dirt, ground up cereal, ground up crackers/chips/cookies, brown sugar sand, flour sand*, Kool-Aid sand, crumbled cake, sugar, powdered/icing sugar, pixie stix, fun dip, ground up hard candy, crushed Whoppers candy
Sea glass, plastic, resin/rosin: ice, Ice Chips, uncooked pasta, iceberg lettuce, cucumber, watermelon, chips, pita chips, crackers, sorbetto/flavored ice, frozen honey/syrup, caramels, popsicles, breath strips, mints, edible rice/sugar paper, edible money wafers, jolly ranchers, fruit rollups, fruit by the foot, crystal sticks, crystal/rock sugar, fondant, clear suckers/lollipops, clear hard candy, crushed hard candy, mints
Slime, puddy: thick soup, thick beverage, melted/liquid cheese, sauce, gravy, jelly/jam, dip, yogurt, edible oobleck*, fondant, candy gel, Jell-O, Nutella slime, pudding slime, pizza slime, seed slime, syrup slime, psyllium slime*, starburst slime, chocolate slime (1-2-3-4-5), bubblegum slime, Kool-aid slime, milk slime, taffy, caramels, egg-free cookie dough, gum*, edible doughs, marshmallow fluff
Tide pods: seaweed water pouch/bubble/bottle, baby tomatoes, peas, grapes, blueberries, pb&j, Uncrustables, gushers, pop tart bites, gummies, mentos, wax bottle soda candies, jelly donut holes, Reese's, Jell-O, tide pod jello shots, tootsie pops, gel/juice-filled gummies/candy, gel/juice-filled gum*
Wood: ice, uncooked pasta, edible tree bark, edible tree bark tea, pine/tree tea, puffed rice cakes, granola, almonds, pine/tree nuts, other nuts, seeds, sunflower seeds with shell, poppy seeds, dried fruit, jerky, uncooked pasta, uncooked Ramen, chips, crackers, waffle cone, Kit Kat's, Twix, pretzels, pretzel chips, cookie straws, ochre, canned bamboo, canned sugar cane
Yarn, string, wire: spaghetti squash, pumpkin, shredded fruits/vegetables, grated fruits/vegetables, banana, pulled pork, celery, honey sticks, string cheese, shredded/grated cheese, noodles/pasta, Ramen, mozzarella sticks, jerky, hot pizza, shredded gum*, Spaghettieis, sour straws, nerds ropes, gummy worms, cotton candy, fruit by the foot, fondant strands, edible candy grass
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godblessserverhcs · 3 years
-milk (2 gallons)
-2 eggs
-bottled water
-canned peaches
-fresh peaches
-onion powder
-garlic powder
=peanut butter
-hot dogs
-hot dog buns
-hamburger buns
-lays potato chips
-uts potato chips
-barbeque sauce
-cream cheese
-pringles (lightly salted)
-stand mixer
-green onions
-cayenne pepper powder
-red potatoes
-gold potatoes
-cream cheese
-milk (2%)
-nonfat yogurt
-canned soup
-cambells soup
-chicken breast
-sweet and sour sauce
-soy sauce
-horse radish
-baked beans
-box brownie mix
-cocoa powder
-cupcake wrappers
-cupcake tin
-cupcake mix red velvet
-cupcake mix strawberry
-cupcake mix chocolate
-hersheys chocolate syrup
-spaghetti noodles
-frozen mac and cheese (party size)
-frozen lasagna (party size)
-frozen vegetable lasgana (party size) -cake frosting
-cake mix
-cake tins
-cake frosting tips
-cake frosting bag
-diy chocolate dipped bananas
-red onions
-tuna fihsh
-fly tape
-pumpkin spice
-pie crust
-pie tin
-basil leaf
-white onions
-dishwasher pods (BRAND NAME.) -brioche
-general mills oat meal
-fruit pops
-icee pops
-ice cream
-edys ice cream
0bblue bunny
-chili peppers
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boku-no-abo · 4 years
ABO Scent List
When I was assigning a scent to every MHA character, I was desperately trying to find a scent guidelist to help me, to no avail. But y’know what they say; be the change you want to see in the world.
NOTE: these scents are not tied to the secondary gender they’re listed as. A beta scent can be used for an alpha, an omegan scent for a beta, etc.
Food and Drink: 
Dark Chocolate
Stale Wine
Root Beer
Squid Ink Pasta
Fresh Coffee
Green Tea
Chocolate Fudge
Chocolate Cake
Barbecue Sauce
Fresh Fish
White Wine
Freshly-Cooked Bacon
Chicken Broth
Protein Powder
Black Tea
Red Wine
Dog Food
Maple Syrup
Wet Forest Floor
Flowing River
Rusted Iron
Wet Fur
Fresh Blood
Shedded Fur
Engine Exhaust
Wet Cement
Hot Iron
Frayed Wires
Old paper
Food and Drink:
Green Apples
Filtered Water
Tap Water
Fresh Bread
Macadamia Nuts
Brown Sugar
Rotting Fish
Plain Yogurt
Macaroni and Cheese
Peanut Butter
New paper
Freshly-Cut Grass
Aloe Vera
Fresh Rain
Fresh Ink
Melted Wax
Ironed Laundry
Shoe Shiner
Spray Paint
Wet Plaster
Instant Film Accord
Fresh Laundry
Food and Drink:
Burnt Sugar
Pina Colada
Melted Marshmallows
Crème Brûlée
White Chocolate
Fresh Apples
Whipped Cream
Shortbread Cookies
Vanilla Cupcakes
Maraschino Cherry
Cotton Candy
Candied Orange
Raspberry Jam
Key Lime Pie
Candied Apple
Coconut Pie
Sugar Crystals
Cherry Blossoms
Pulveroboletus Ravenelli (a type of sweet-smelling mushroom)
Lip Gloss
Cherry-Scented Conditioner
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brotherlysuggestion · 5 years
Some basic baking/cooking tips that I've picked up over the years:
Basic tips:
Food keeps burning on the outside but is underdone on the inside? Try a lower heat for a longer time. This goes for both the stove top and oven. All foods. Eggs, pancakes, cupcakes, cookies, whatever.
Put a little bit of oil and salt in the water you're cooking your pasta in. The oil will help keep the noodles from sticking together, and the salt helps add flavor.
In general, salt the water of stuff you boil! Contrary to popular myth it doesn't make water boil any faster, but it adds some nice flavor to your potatoes/pasta/etc.
Adding coffee to a boxed chocolate cake mix can bump up the taste a few notches! I like to brew black coffee and use it in place of the plain water the recipe asks for.
When using a stand mixer, mix in the flour on a lower setting, half a cup/cup at a time. If you put in a bunch of flour in at a high speed, it'll poof into a giant flour cloud and coat everything that you love in a fine coat of flour dust.
Crust on your pie/cheesecake keeps burning? Put tin foil around the rim of the pan, covering the crust. It will protect it from getting so overdone.
If you like brownies that are a little gooey in the middle, add an extra egg! It makes them super gooey without actually being undercooked/unsafe to eat.
In math, 4 of 1/4 cup = 1 cup. This is not how measuring cups work. I don't know why, but 2 half cups have more flour in them than 1 whole cup. If you double a recipe just use the original measurement cups/spoons twice, otherwise your ratios will end up screwy.
If you mix melted butter with a cold liquid, the butter WILL resolidify into little chunks! If you need your liquid butter to stay liquid, mix in room temp/warm liquid!
Softened butter gives a different texture to dough/batter than melted butter. Know which one your recipe calls for.
There’s multiple levels that your oven rack can sit on, like a shelf! They’re little grooves in the wall of your oven that the metal grate sits on. You almost always want to be using the very middle one, unless the recipe specifies otherwise.
If a recipe calls for spices/herbs/etc but comes out bland on first attempt, try it again! My rule with bland recipes is to try it twice: once seasoned as directed, and once with seasoning adjusted as if the author of the recipe is a suburban soccer mom who thinks ketchup is spicy. Go ham and double/triple/whatever the spices to your tastes. Try it with adjusted spices at least once before tossing the recipe out.
Weird but common terms in recipes:
If a recipe calls for "stiffly beaten egg whites" it means to beat them until they're white and foamy/frothy throughout!
If a recipe tells you to "fold" batter, it's a method of gentle stirring that gets a lot of air into the batter. You sort of mix the batter up and over itself using vertical strokes instead of horizontal.
Also "cutting in" butter or margarine is a specific mixing technique. You use a fork or a knife to incorporate very small chunks of butter into your flour/dry ingredients. This is a really good technique for making flaky pie crusts/biscuits (American biscuits, that is)
All of these weird terms are easily googled and have written or video tutorials on how to do it!
Safety advice:
If you ever use a pressure cooker; please, PLEASE very carefully read how to release/equalize the pressure before attempting to open it. It will straight up explode. It is dangerous for both your house and body. Don't just wing it, please.
Don't use wax paper in place of parchment paper in the oven! Parchment paper and wax paper look and feel very similar, but parchment paper is coated in a silicone layer while wax paper is coated in a wax (generally paraffin). Silicone is heat resistant. Wax melts off of the paper, potentially allowing the paper to catch fire. Don't catch your food on fire.
DO NOT try to put out a grease fire with water! Turn the heat off and either smother it by putting a lid/cover over it until it is deprived of oxygen and goes out, or smother it using baking soda or salt. DO NOT use flour/sugar/baking powder to try and smother the fire. These look similar, but their chemical makeup is different enough that they will catch on fire and make a bigger mess.
Nervous about food being uncooked in the center? Open them up! I always stab into the pancakes/potatoes/meat I cook to check that it's cooked thoroughly. I know it doesn't look picture perfect, but it'll be okay. You're allowed to check.
Dietary restrictions:
If you're using gluten free flour try adding some unflavored gelatine, pectin, or agar agar powder to add moisture and keep it from crumbling! Gelatine isn't vegan/vegetarian safe, but both pectin and agar agar are! About a teaspoon of powder to cup of flour usually does it, but there's a lot of guides online.
Egg replacements for recipes are numerous! Yogurt, ripe mashed bananas, peanut butter, agar agar in water, silken tofu, and cornstarch with water all work really well depending on what you’re making and how many eggs you’re replacing! There’s lots of guides online for this.
Recipe calls for buttermilk, but you can’t/don’t drink milk? Put in about a teaspoon of vinegar per cup of plant based milk (almond milk, rice milk, soy milk, etc.). BAM, buttermilk substitute!
Tofu, mushrooms, eggplants, and beans are all really good meat substitutes!
For disabled and neurodivergent bakers/cooks:
You’re allowed to sit down when baking! Get your ingredients and measuring tools all laid out in one place and take a seat while you blend ingredients! Take a seat while you stir your food on the stove! If standing is unpleasant for you, don’t do it!
If you have trouble keeping track of what ingredients you’ve put in already, make a list on a piece of scratch paper! Write down all of your ingredients and check them off when you put them in! If you need help to keep track of how many cups/tablespoons/etc. of something you’ve put in already, put a tally mark after each cup you put in! Then if you forget/lose track, you have a little checklist showing you where you are!
If you can’t handle the noise/stimulus of mechanical mixers, think about whether or not you can mix it by hand! It might take longer than when using a mixer, but it’s worth it if you otherwise couldn’t do it.
If the noise/stimulus of metal clinking against ceramics is bad for you, there’s multiple ways to get around that! Plastic bowls are inexpensive and will dull the noise of a spoon hitting them! Depending on what you’re doing, rubber spatulas can be used in place of a metal utensil, and those will make very little noise! If you need a fork replacement or a stiffer utensil, then check out baby utensils! Oftentimes forks/spoons/etc. for small children will be coated with a rubbery material on the outside, and if you can find them in sizes that aren’t too tiny, it will also muffle the noises a lot.
Reassurances that you aren’t a bad baker/cook:
All those cool cookie frosting designs from instagram? They frosted those using mostly/all royal icing. It's a runny icing that hardens quickly and is great for decorating cookies. Regular cake frosting won't ever really achieve the same effects as royal icing. If you've ever tried cookie decorating and it came out horribly then you probably aren't a bad decorator, you probably just didn't have the right frosting.
It’s okay if you feel like there’s too much for you to remember! Most all (good) recipes lay everything out for you and will specify if you need to pay special attention to not overmix, or making sure the butter stays liquid, etc. etc.
Very few people can “just eyeball it” and cook/bake (especially bake) well without using recipe measurements. If you want to adjust seasoning, or flavor components, that’s fine! But there’s no shame in needing to follow recipes to get the base down correctly. I’ve been baking/cooking for 10+ years and I have to follow recipes!
Try not to stress out too much about the end result! Baking and cooking can be incredibly therapeutic. Try to enjoy the process if possible! Put on some music or a television show/movie in the background!
Okay, that’s all I have for now, but go out there and bake! I promise that you can do it! As long as you have a good recipe and some spare time/energy, you can do it!
And feel free to contact me if you have more questions! I’m not an expert, but I’d love to help!
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Thought I Couldn't Top It, Huh? OVER 2000 Questions! (Truly the Longest!) Created by distortedcognition
Part 4
.Favorites. Color: Pastels, rose gold, sea foam green, coral, yellow. Number: 8. Store: Boxlunch and Hot Topic. Book: I have way too many. Story: Uhh.
Magazine: None. Television program?: I have several of those, too. Movie: Those as well.
Series: I’ll tell you the authors of the several different book series I’ve been into/read the past couple of years, which are Willow Rose, AJ Rivers, Mary Stone, and Elle Gray. Apart from AJ Rivers, they each have a few different series and from what I’m read so far I’ve enjoyed them all. If you’re into the murder mystery and psychological thriller thing, you should check some of ‘em out. Poem: I don’t have one. Onomatopoeia: I don’t have one. Verb: Sleep.
Paradox: *shrug* Idiom: Noun: The beach. Adjective: Blah. Adverb: Bleh. Work of fantasy: Classic work: Contemporary work: Writer: The authors I listed previously are some of them. Fairy tale: Is Alice in Wonderland one? Dictionary brand: Webster is good. Summer scene: The beach. Winter scene: Snow. Spring scene: Rainy days. Fall scene: Orange, yellow, red, green leaves. Season: Fall and winter. Planet: Earth. Space feature: None. Thing about summer: Being able to go to the beach is like the only thing I like. Thing about winter: The weather and Christmastime! Thing about spring: The rain. Thing about fall: The weather, the smells, and ~spooky~ time. Mammal: Giraffes. Insect: NONE. Arachnid: NONEEEE. Fish: I don’t have one. Reptile: None. Amphibian: None. Science: Psychology. Thing to do during summer: Go to the beach. Type of weather: Fall and winter weather. Bird: I don’t have one. Thing to do during winter: Celebrate Christmas and enjoy the coziness. Thing to do during spring: Enjoy the rainy days. Thing to do during fall: Watch scary movies. Nature sound: Rain. Real location: The beach and Disneyland. City: San Francisco is one. Culture: Hmm. State: Out of the ones I’ve been to (California, Idaho, Arizona, Georgia) I’d choose California. There’s several states I’d like to visit that could possibly take that spot. Island: I don’t have one. Landscape: Beaches, mountains, lakes, streams. Place to go in your neighborhood: I don’t go anywhere in my neighborhood except for my house. Italian food: Pasta. Mexican: Burritos and quesadillas. Indian: None. Chinese: Chow mien, potstickers, egg rolls, chicken in foil. American: Chicken tenders and boneless wings. French: Some pastries. Snack: Chips and dip. Pasta: Pesto and spaghetti. Desert: Milkshakes, ice cream, donuts, muffins, cookies, cupcakes. Ice cream flavor: Strawberry, mint chocolate chip, birthday cake, cookies and cream. Soup: I’m a ramen gal. Salad: Caesar. Pancake: Blueberry. Restaurant: I don’t have one, unless Wingstop counts. Fruit: Bananas. Vegetable: Spinach, potatoes, broccoli, green onions. Dinner: Wingstop, spaghetti and meatballs, other pasta, salisbury steaks, pizza. Lunch: Chicken tenders, sandwiches, pasta salads, pizza. Breakfast: Over-easy eggs, waffles, eggs and country gravy, hash browns. Cereal: All the sugary yummy ones, basically. Pop tart: The frosted strawberry and brown cinnamon sugar. Candy: White chocolate. Artificial flavor: Banana and strawberry. Cookie: Sugar, shortbread, Oreos, peanut butter. Yogurt: None. Clothing store: Boxlunch and Hot Topic. Outfit: I like my graphic tees and leggings. Shoe: Adidas. Shirt design: Hmm. Brand name: Adidas. Top: All my graphic tees. Pants: My leggings. Skirt: None. Pair of socks: My Baby Yoda ones. Color [of clothing]: Black. Subject in school: English. Music: I like variety.
Tree: Pine. Flower: I don’t have one, but so many are pretty. Quote: I have many. Scent: I have a lot of those as well, like the smell of rain, coffee, the ocean/beach-y air, coconut, garlic, fruity scents, sweet scents, vanilla, cinnamon, pine, peppermint, sandalwood, cedar wood, patchouli, my favorite foods, desserts, autumnal scents from Bath & Body Works, that wood/fire smell during the fall... Adage: I couldn’t choose just one. Television channel: My TV is usually either on The Hallmark Channel, CMT, MTV, UPtv, or TV Land. Day of the week: They’re all pretty much the same for me. Perfume: I like ones with patchouli in it and some sweet ones. Radio station: I don’t listen to the radio anymore.
Cologne: Ones with sandalwood and cedar wood. Sound: The ocean waves crashing in and out, rain, fire crackling, various ASMR sounds, music. Feeling: ASMR, that first sip of coffee, that satisfying feeling from a good meal, the beachy air on my face, the feel of fall in the air. Emotion: I mean, feeling happy is a nice emotion. Haven’t truly felt that in a long time. :/ Song: I have a lot. Music artist: I like several. Month: October-December. Religious holiday: Christmas. Fun holiday: I think Christmas and Halloween are fun. Obscure holiday: Hmm. Videogame: Mario Bro games. Computer game: The Sims. Sport: None. Athlete: None. Instrument: Piano. Composer: I don’t have one. Singer: I have several. Website: YouTube and Tumblr. Word: Hmm.
Slogan: *shrug* Commercial: I don’t have one. Shampoo: I’m currently using Dove shampoo. Conditioner: I’m using the Dove conditioner as well. Body wash: I don’t use body wash, I use bar soap. Soap: Caress body soap. Lotion: My current favorite is Into the Night from Bath & Body Works.
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