#it took Thor awhile to get around to everything but he made it
arenee1999 · 3 months
I thought I had found something special in OFMD and its fandom.
There have been characters through the years that I've identified with in a fairly superficial way. Studious, likes to read, awkward, lonely, bullied -- and my list of favorite characters paints a rather revealing portrait. But then I found Our Flag Means Death and I found myself identifying with multiple characters in a deep, visceral way that I have never had before. And I found a fandom full of people that felt the same way.
Then the darker side of the fandom began making itself known. Close minded, racist, homophobic, puritanical twats. The canyon that despises Ed and Stede, the gentlebeardies that despise Izzy. All of the people treating Rhys, Taika and Con like dogshit and treating your fellow fans even worse.
And yet, through that many of us still managed to love the show, the characters, the cast and crew and each other.
Then, right when literally everyone was expecting a renewal announcement we were told it was cancelled. Many of us fell into depression. We rallied as best we could to fight for our show. But we were still left reeling.
That same day one of my only friends (and the only one I could talk to about anything)  stopped talking to me. But I pushed that to the side and spent all my energy on the fandom, on Xitter, posting and talking and making as much noise as possible with everyone else.
Then March came around we got that announcement. Despite our efforts and a large portion of the industry on our side, we weren't going to see anything come of our efforts. At least not for the foreseeable future. Long term has yet to be decided, but short term there's no hope. Many of us that had been holding our depression at bay with frantic activity, crashed, hard. Some of us were still able to find solace in the fandom. Our love of the show hasn't diminished after all. So we reinvest in what made us love the show from the start and we let it heal us once again as best it can.
I'm one of the ones that crashed. And I was left with no one to talk to. I held myself together for awhile but eventually began to spiral. Tried pushing away everything because if I don't feel anything it won't hurt as much. I had made rather startling progress on extricating my last couple hyperfixations. And I was rapidly becoming dangerously, severely depressed. Then a month and a half ago I find out why my friend suddenly stopped talking to me. Apparently I talked about OFMD too much and he just couldn't handle it. I was simultaneously too much and not enough. And as I was suddenly and violently smacked in the face with a wave of despair, I dug around to figure out what pulled me out of the last few bouts of heavy depression I suffered. Because fuck knows, I was in desperate need of something. Turns out the last two times it was Taika (both directly and indirectly with Thor Ragnarok and OFMD) and before that it was HP fanfiction (for 10 years HP fic kept me mostly stable and functioning). Which explains entirely why my depression kept getting worse by leaps and bounds as I was in the process of purging all of that from myself as much as possible. So I took a good hard look around and decided my mental health was more important than protecting someone else's feelings. I immediately quit trying to unravel my core psyche and personality and was just starting to reach something resembling functional.
And now the fandom has once again erupted into puritanical, homophobic bigotry and hatred. And I'm finding myself shutting down. The joy I was just starting to find again in this fandom is gone. I see nothing but ash and dust. Even the clips of Ed and Stede's first kiss, that usually bring an immediate swell of joy, leaves me feeling nothing but numb.
If you are that full of hatred for an aspect of the show, be it a character, a pairing, a plot point, a cast or crew member, keep it to your fucking selves. Create closed groups, communities, discords etc. with the rest of the hate filled "fans" and spew your garbage where those of us that are here for what we love can't fucking see it. We do not need to be splashed with the muck from your cesspit.
Better yet, listen to DJenks -
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brokenonyxestate · 2 months
If you are a little observant you will see that in this picture, and the many after this one, that I am wearing the wrong kind of tack for basic Dressage training, and so are Thor. Case is that our dressage tack is in for a cleaning, and normally I would do it myself, but my younger siblings Athena and Ares are in this competitive streak, and has made a competition out of who can maintain the leather and assemble tack the fastest - so who am I to say no to less work?
Anyways, so I took BOE Kalliope out alongside Thor and his horse for the day Sparrow's Dandelion. Kalliope enjoyed actually having the summerheat graze her coat, as we have had rain the last many days, so sweating a little did us both a lot of good.
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When we came out there, Ma was out there too with little baby Kaida (BOE Solomeus x SC Keep the Faith). She is ready for some training from the ground, such as being lead around, move for pressure and moving backwards.
Dandy was very frisky today, but Thor handled her well as usual. I am always impressed with how Mom and Ma manage to find such excellent riders. One thing is being skilled at Dressage or Show Jumping, another is to have a good heart and being skilled at communicating with your horse. I think the last one is more important than skills in a few disciplines though.
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While letting Kallie cool down a little in a slower walk (man, it was hot!), I watched as Ma trained the young Kaida. As always she was calm and collected, so different from Mom, who was slightly more well... she clearly has a temper, but of course never herself get irritated at the horse. She instead turns it inwards, and gets angry with herself - never ever the horse she is training.
And as HEC Sophie's Amber Eyes, aka. Amber Mom/Feline's private horse, will be ready for retirement soon, she is kinda jumpy about everything. She hates retiring a private horse, but as Amber has been pregnant the last few months maybe the change will be better for her. I worry about her though. Maybe it was better if she had another private horse, so she didn't have to say goodbye to an old one, to train an new one from the bottom up?
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Anyways, we were finished with today's training, finishing with a glorious halt, Kallie standing squarely and surely on all four hooves. She is probably more of a Dressage horse than a Show Jumper, but Ma entrusted me with training her, and that's what I will do. It's pretty clear what the mare prefers though, even if she of course will jump too, if you ask her nicely.
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"Hey Thor, do you think Feline will be okay? With her retiring Amber soon, I mean? Because it's not even for sure, if Amber's baby foal will be a horse for Ma," I said, as I worriedly scratched at Kallie's neck as a way to calm and ground myself.
"Well," the normally quiet man said, after all he has been a part of the stable family for awhile now, "I am sure she will be fine-"
I was trying to interrupt him, but he added a:
"-BUT I understand that you are worried for her. After all, when she said goodbye to Tallboy years back she was heartbroken. The dead of him was so sudden. This time she lets go of Amber on her own terms, and the mare will be in the pasture just down the road, if Feline needs her," he smiled kindly.
"I know, it's just... I worry for her sometimes. She is not exactly taking loss that well in general. And what if Amber doesn't make it through the birth of her foal? Mom will be heartbroken yet again," I wondered out loud, hoping that Ma couldn't hear us from the training arena as we passed it, while letting the mares walk to cool down.
"So that is why it took Hera so long to convince her to breed Amber!" It seemed as if a light turned on in Thor's brain just like that.
"Yeah, that's probably the real reason, even if Mom would postulate for a long time that it just wasn't the right time for her yet," I mussed, and shook my head with a short laugh, "Anyways, I really think Mom should get another horse, before Amber retires completely. So she doesn't have to be in this weird non-riding limbo for too long. Maybe even right away."
"You are probably right. I'll tell the other staff members to keep their eyes open for a calm horse with a good heart for Feline," he nodded in agreement.
"Especially bc Ajax, the baby's sire, is so different from whatever horse Feline would like. What if the foal gets more traits from him than from Amber? Then she suddenly won't have a horse to care for. And she has already been without riding for a few months now. I don't know, she seems a little depressed," I shrugged, my brows knitted together in worry.
"Don't worry, Calypso. We'll figure it out. I will alert the staff, and see what we can do about this," he said, patting me on the shoulder.
That lifted my spirit a little, as we turned around the mares to head back to the barn to cool them down with some water, before it was feeding time.
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And then, after the cooling wash, they were let outside into the pasture again!
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galaxythreads · 2 years
Odin be like "f**k you, my children are completely fine" and his children be like *feels exactly half an emotion before they're plotting homicide, genocide or suicide, or all of the above, in that order*
This is literally the entire series described in a runon sentence.
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Pairing: Loki x plus-size reader
Warnings: self esteem issues, self deprecating behavior, minor innuendos if you squint
Summary: you prepare for the party as you get a visitor at the Cafe.
Part 3-
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"Y/n, that looks amazing!" You heard Sarah say as you put the finishing touches on the cake for Starks party tomorrow. "Thank you, Thor told me he liked green and gold, so I went with it." You smiled, spinning the cake around. The bottom tier emerald green with gold accents, the top tier you decided to do a black geode, with green and gold inside, laying the rock candy along the top of the bottom tier. "Here, hand me those." You asked her as she handed you the box of green macarons, outlining the bottom tier with them you were done. "Ok, let's roll this into the cooler and I'll start the marinade for the brisket.
You got everything situated, wanting the meat to sit overnight. You grabbed a tray of cookies to go put them in the case, looking out the front windows you saw him come around the corner, his long hair blowing in the wind. You couldn't help stare as he made his way across the street, he was mesmerizing. You vaguely heard the bell as he walked in, his eyes meeting yours as he smiled. You were so entranced you weren't paying attention to where you were going, sending you and the cookies to the floor.
You leaned back on your knees, embarrassment overtaking you. Maybe he didn't see you? Of course he saw you, he probably thinks you're an idiot. You thought to yourself as you leaned forward, picking up the cookies, tears threatening to spill over, as your fingers brushed someone's. You looked up, looking up onto the greenest eyes you've ever seen. "Lady y/n, are you ok?" He asked watching you. "Yes, yes I'm fine. Bruised my ego a bit though." You laughed. He smiled and helped pick up the rest of the cookies. He sat the tray on the counter, wiping his hands on the most expensive suit you think you've ever seen, as he stood in front of you with his hands out. You craned your head to look up at him, God he was tall, and placed your hands in his as he pulled you up.
"Are you sure you aren't hurt?" He asked again. "Yes, I'm sure, thank you...Loki right?" You asked. "You remembered." He smiled. "How could I forget you.....err.....I mean your uuuh...." you cleared your throat feeling your face heat up. You caught the smirk on his face. "What can I do for you?" You asked trying to compose yourself. "Oh, well I was hoping to get another slice of that perfect cheescake." He said winking, as you felt your stomach flip. "Oh yes, absolutely!" You said a little too loudly. "You go have a seat, I'll grab it for you." You smiled running to the back.
"Y/n, he was totally into you!" You heard Sarah rush in. You scoffed looking at her "Yeah ok, and the sky is purple, he was just being nice." You said getting the cheecake out. "Uh huh." She said smirking. "Stop looking at me like that." You said adding the whipped cream. "Mmm, cheescake with a side of you." She winked "Sarah!" You laughed, grabbing the plate and making it to the front. You sat the plate in front of him as he smiled up at you "did you want any tea, or coffee?" You asked "tea would be lovely." He smiled. You nodded, making your way behind the counter. You came back with hot water, honey and several tea bags "I forgot to ask what you liked." You laughed setting it down. He smiled picking out the one he wanted.
"Would you care to join me? If you can that is?" He smiled. "Uumm.....sure. I can sit for a minute." You smiled as Sarah brought you a coffee winking at you. "So, y/n you own this shop?" He asked dipping his tea bag in his cup. "Yes, it took me a few years but I finally got it all paid off." You smiled. "And how do you know James?" He asked staring at you. "Oh bucky? He's been coming here for awhile, the guys sweet tooth is out of control." You laughed sipping your coffee. "So you are friends with him." He stated, still staring at you. "Well, I suppose, kinda I guess?" You thought "not so much friends as my most loyal customer" you laughed as he nodded.
You watched him take a bite of his cheescake, the moan he made sent a shiver down your spine, as you watched him close his eyes. You felt your face heat up as you listened to the sounds be was making. "Y/n?" He said bringing you out of thoughts "what? Sorry." You quickly averted your eyes, missing the smirk he had "I was saying this has to be on one of the best things I've ever tasted." He smiled leaning on the table. "Well thank you." You smiled back. He hadn't taken his eyes off of you, his gaze was intense, pulling you in when you heard his phone go off, breaking your staring contest. "My apologies, it appears I must take my leave." He said standing up, you following. You noticed some crumbs on his jacket "may i?" You asked as he looked at you and you slowly brushed your hand over chest. "Thank you y/n." He nodded.
He pulled out his wallet to pay, putting your hand up "No, on the house, I insist." You smiled. "Are you sure?" He asked. "It's the least I can do for you picking me up off the floor." You laughed nervously. He leaned in smiling "I would pick you up anytime." He whispered leaning back as your face heated up. "What are your plans tomorrow?" He asked staring again. "Oh. Umm I have an event I'm catering, so I'll be pretty busy with that." You smiled. He took a step closer to you, you had to crane your head up to look at him "Well, Good luck with your event, I hope it goes well." He smiled. "Thank you, and I hope you'll come back." You smiled "oh y/n, you couldn't keep my away if you tried." He smirked, grabbing your hand bringing it to his lips "until next time y/n." He said kissing your hand, his lips lingering for a moment before releasing it. "Until next time." You smiled and nodded, you knew your face was red by now. He smiled and left.
You got everything ready for tomorrow and headed home. You couldn't stop thinking about Loki as you opened the door, Emma attacking you immediately. "Hi angel, how was your day." You asked hugging her. "Good! Aunt Mel took me to the park!" She yelled "oh really, and what did you do?" You asked. "I played on the swings and the slide, and aunt Mel met a man!" She urged. "She did?" You gasped "what was his name?" You whispered to her "umm...I don't remember, aunt mel!" She yelled running to the kitchen "what was the man's name today?" You heard her as you followed her to the kitchen, seeing Mel blush. "His name is james." She smiled. "Yeah, he had a metal arm. It was so cool!" Emma screeched. "Ahh you met bucky." You smiled.
You got Emma tucked in bed, reading her favorite story and made your way to the living room, flopping in the nearest chair. "Tomorrow is going to be a nightmare." You sighed rubbing your eyes. "Well if anyone can do it it's you." She smiled. "So, James huh?" You smiled. "Yes, he asked me to that party your catering but I told him I had to babysit. So he asked if he could take me out on sunday." She smiled seeing her blush. "Aaww that's great!" You smiled. "Your ok with it right?" She asked "yeah why wouldn't I be?" You asked "cause he's your friend and he practically lives in your shop." She laughed "Well yes friends, that's it. He'd never be interested in me." You smiled. "You don't know that y/n." She said looking at you "Mel, just don't ok? I know your trying to make me feel better but face it, I'm going to die alone." You laughed "y/n.." She started when you put your hand up. "I'm going to bed, I'll see you in the morning." You got up heading to your room.
You got into your pajamas, looking in the mirror again. You sighed running your hand over your stomach and sides. Your thoughts returning to Loki, his intense gaze, the moans he made as he ate. You wondered what his hands would feel like running over your skin. You felt your face heat up at the thought, quickly shaking your head. "I'm not even close to his league, I may as well be on another planet." You said to yourself as you climbed in bed. You sighed staring at the empty space next to you. Imaging what he must look like in the morning, his long curls tossed around, spread across the pillow. "Uuuhhh!" You sighed rolling to your back. You closed your eyes, sighing into the dark. You drifted off to sleep, thinking about the greenest eyes you had ever seen.....
@vbecker10 @lokisprettygirl22 @mcufan72 @midnights-ramblings @sonatabee @catalina712 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @kilikina34512 @delightfulheartdream @froggiecky @sinsandguilt @sweetberry47 @buttercupbestie @wtfislifeugh @asgardianprincess1050 @commanding-officer @lovingchoices14 @crystaldragonborne @juulle987 @xorpsbane @elenaysusneuras @yoongissidebitchh @daggers-and-mischief @lightupmyjass @plut0min
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ultralightpoe · 3 years
Stressed- Thor Odinson
Description: You overwork yourself to prove your worth to Sharon Carter who is your supervisor 
Warnings: Stress, Thor has to hit you with lighting
Authors Note: THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING AND I LOVE YOU! Requests are open and I love receiving them so send some in. I am on an every other week schedule so I am able to write these without stressing myself out. ENJOY!
The request was written as a wife reader so that’s what I wrote
Word Count: 2,902
MAIN Master List - - Marvel Master List
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        “What on earth were you thinking Agent L/N?!” Sharon Carter screams across the quinjet as Thor sets his wife down on a seat so that he could look at the wounds on her leg. 
        If he were being completely honest with himself Agent Carter got on his nerves, with her uptight do better attitude and the way she talked down to every female around her while acting like the men all bowed to her. 
          He remembered the first time he met the blonde bitch, having just come back from Asgard to check on his girlfriend and visit with her for a bit. But you spent all your time following Sharon Carter's order the entire week, morning to night.  Thor had been so excited to see you and instead he spent the week with Steve, complaining about the man’s ex girlfriend. 
        But that was 3 years ago, before Thanos, and your supervisor had yet to let up. Which made Avengers missions extremely hard on you for no reason. 
         Thor had noticed a change in you a week ago, after the rundown of the mission you had seemed to get super serious and began analyzing everything you could about the building and began working out far too much to make sure you were prepared. Though he was a little worried Thor also understood and tried to help you out, hoping maybe you would relax knowing he was there with you. And it had worked for the most part. 
         On the quinjet to the mission he was told he would be partnering with Loki and that you would be with Sharon, apparently someone had stolen an ancient Greek artifact and now possessed the powers of the gods. 
         He kissed you on the lips softly before exiting the quinjet, Loki nodding his head to you as he always does in respect, then the mission started. 
         You were in pain, not a heavy amount, but a little sore from working out too much. Which was a bit ironic considering you were preparing for this mission. Truth was you were terrified of losing our place in the team, Sharon had cornered you after your last mission and said if your scores didn’t go up then she would assign you to a lower team.
           You had worked so unbelievably hard to get where you were and you weren’t ready to lose it all just because you weren’t meeting Sharon's standards.  Your average score was 82%, countering the fact that you weren’t a god or super soldier you were only slightly behind Natasha. You had thrown your all into this life. (and you’re life with Thor too)
           You couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment Sharon decided she hated you, maybe it was after your great great uncle Steve dumped her (his mother was the sister to your great grandmother, you didn’t know the term for that so you both chose uncle) , or maybe it was when Loki dyed her hair in the compound after mistaking your bag for her identical bag with shampoo, but you’re biggest guess was when she found out you were dating the God of Thunder and had been for awhile. 
           You didn’t know why or when she decided to make your life hell, but you knew Sharon Carter was determined to do just that. 
           Your husband was as caring and patient as ever while you stressed, and you were aware that you had been a bit tense, so after this mission went well you would reward him with a little honeymoon….. Or a third honeymoon. 
            The mission started smoothly, and though you were sore you were more determined to do good. You had already dodged a bullet from a hydra agent, letting it skin your cheek as you took the fool down. 
             You led Sharon down the correct path to where the ancient artifact would be hidden until it’s current owner needed more power, listening to your husband and brother in law distract the man above you while the rest of the team (Steve, Nat, Bucky, Sam, Tony, Bruce, Wanda and Vision) went through taking down agents and zombies. 
           Just as you had reached the basement holding the artifact Sharon gasped in pain, causing you to whip your head around to see what had happened. An agent had managed to sneak up on her and now had a knife to the blonde’s throat. 
          “Stand down!” You ordered, raising a gun to aim for the man behind Sharon. 
            “NO! ARE YOU INSANE! GUN DOWN!” Sharon screams, holding her arms out to stop you, a small wave of aggravation passed over you. You know what you were doing so what was her problem? 
           “You heard her lady. Gun down.” The agent laughs, Sharon moving to block herself from your gun causing you to lose sight. There was no way you would be able to make a clean shot with Sharon moving around like that. 
            Doing as told you slowly set the gun down, making a split decision. Bolting to the sword before the agent can say another word and grabbing it as he races for you. 
            Within moments you’re gone, well your body is still there, but you’re mine isn’t. The feeling of anger and bloodshed traveled through you, red fazing your vision. Then chaos broke loose. 
             Thor had a 7th sense, the 6th being the feeling of storms nearby, the 7th being knowing where you were and if you were in any danger. That being said he knew where you were within the building with no problem, and he paid attention to this while he and his brother messed with the wannabe god. 
            “I’ve met ARES AND YOU ARE NOTHING LIKE HIM!” Loki laughs, sending an illusion to the figure as Thor blocks another wave of heat with the hammer. “Oh brother give him a break, he might compare to Dionysus…….would have to grow a beard though.”
          Loki lets out a laugh, throwing his head back for a second and suddenly that’s all that could be heard. Silence is all that could be heard. And Thor couldn’t feel you. 
           “Loki.” Thor snaps, looking to where the false god was now passed out. “Loki, something is wrong with Y/n.”
           This has Loki going rigid, the teasing humor from messing with the man long gone, his brother simply nodding while arming himself with knives. 
          “I’ll take the left side of the building you take the r-” Before Loki could finish the sentence Steve was blasting through the wall by a red wave of power, Natasha covered between him and the shield. 
          “She touched it.” Loki smiles, looking at Thor. Thor couldn’t hear anything above his own heartbeat. No no, not my Y/n, please not her.
            It ended up with you being hit with pure lightning. Thor had been too worried about hurting you and the fight had lasted too long, leaving most of the team with injuries. But only minor, because even cursed by a god you managed to pull your punches for the people you loved.
           Which led him to this moment, carrying you in his arms, tears running down his face as Loki cleared the path. You were nearly passed out, eyes opening and closing while you fought the darkness clouding your vision. 
           “Sleep baby, please.” He whispered, setting you down on a quinjet seat. That’s when the blonde hurricane rushed in, bursting past Steve and Sams little shield they had formed and walking straight past the glare from Bucky. Her eyes were narrowed on you and you only. 
          Thor stood to his full height, turning on his heel to destroy the person attacking his wife, but it was Loki who beat him to it. 
          “Not here. Not now.” He seethed, his eyes flashing green and gold for a second. “An attack upon the Odin line will be punished as it would be on Asgard.”
“You cannot speak to me like that-”
         “I am Loki Laufeyson. Brother to Thor Odinson second to Queen Valkyrie and myself being third in her command. We will speak as we see fit.” He snaps, waiting until she walks away to turn to his brother. “I know you wanted to do it, but I refuse to let that concubine make you stoop to our level.”
          “Thank you, brother.” Thor whispers, grabbing his shoulder in gratitude. 
          He wished the situation had ended there, but it was a sad truth that things only seemed to escalate. 
          You had been discharged from the hospital 2 weeks ago, and Thor had assumed he would be able to keep his wife to himself in their bed. Full of cuddles and warmth and a way he was sure you would never be hurt. But you had other plans.
         Since you had been released you had been overworking yourself. Hours spent in the gym, no not hours, DAYS spent in the gym. You wouldn’t give up until you were nearly passed out. When Thor tried to get you to quit you would snap at him and he would back down, he could see your rope fraying and he needed another way to fix this instead of a fight. 
           He tried putting all his weight on you in the mornings so you wouldn’t leave, but you waited until he accidentally passed out. (you were his favorite pillow in his defense.) He tried bringing your favorite meal from your favorite restaurant to you, waving it in front of you as you practiced maneuvers. You simply shook your head no at him. 
            Sharon hadn’t let up either, more pissed than ever after Loki got in her face. She began emailing you nonstop, calling and requesting you on missions that you were not cleared on. 
Thor had given up. No more nice guy. 
          The avengers compound gym was always clean and smelled of cleaning supplies nonstop, and normally empty in these hours. Except for you. 
          He spotted you in the weights part of the gym almost instantly, storming over. He had always been so gentle with you, but something had to change here. 
            “Enough.” He snapped, grabbing the weight with one hand and throwing it across the room, shattering a wall that separated the locker rooms and gym itself. You gaped at it for a moment before looking at him. 
“Thor what the-”
          “You don’t get to ask that. I ask that.” He snarls. “I love you and I hate fighting with you, and I took too long to give up on that but this needs to stop. Y/n-”
          “You don’t get it.” You snap, moving around him to the doors. 
            “No. You don’t walk away.” He grabs your arm, holding you there but making sure he wasn’t hurting you. Once you realized there was no escaping you chose to stare at the door. “You talk. I listen. 5 minutes. Then I talk, you listen.” 
           You shake your head, wiping away the tears that have formed under your eyes. “No. Y/n I need this right now. I am so stressed about your well-being and I shot you with a lightning bolt and we still haven’t talked about that.”
            “Thor stop!” You cry, trying to bat his hand away. “You don't do it baby. I-I need this okay? I’m not some god who everyone fears, or some assassin or super soldier. I’ve worked so hard to be where I am, I poured my ass into this life. I gave up love life and friends until I found you and the team. And now Sharon is threatening to take it all away.”
“Sharon is what?!”
           “After the mission before last she said if I don’t get my scores up then she is removing me from the team. She is my superior.” You sobbed, not fighting it when Thor wraps his arms around you tightly. “I need this. The only reason I picked up that stupid sword was because Sharon had gotten caught by an agent-”
         “Wait. That was never written in the report.” Thor stops, looking at you. 
           “Since when do you read the reports?” You sob, accidentally wiping your nose on his shirt. 
           “I shot my soulmate with my own power, you think I didn’t pour myself into that silly mortal paperwork while you were sleeping?” He kisses the top of your head before tilting your face up to meet his. “Let me take care of this. Let me do this.”
“Okay.” You whisper, closing your eyes as he lets you sob into his chest. 
            Thor was ready the next day, he had stuff he needed to get done before Valkyrie got here. 
           His first stop was with Natasha, Clint, Bucky and Steve. He had texted them last night for this meeting and they were already in the conference room smiling at him as he entered. 
           “You text better than Steve and Bucky.” Nat teases, pulling his chair out for him. Thor nods in appreciation before sitting down.
             “I gave up but I think you all know why I called you for this meeting.” He smiles, quoting some cheesy crime show he had watched with you. 
           “Yes. I had Bucky go through and review the basement tapes. Sharon lied in her report, we were told Y/n went through and grabbed the sword immediately. What the tape shows is Sharon moving for the sword and not noticing an agent move up on her.” Steve explains, showing the clips. “Sharon has been disbanded from the avengers and she will be replaced.” 
“Good.” Thor smiles, watching the clip again and again. “For my next question-”
        “Bruce will confirm it after her doctor appointment today. But we think she still carries a bit of the power too.”
“Perfect?” Nat questions, frowning a bit as she watched you in pain. 
“Yes.” Thor nods, leaving without another word. 
          7 hours later Bruce had given him the answer Thor had already guessed, and now he was waiting for Valkyrie alongside his brother on the high platform. You had been texting him all day on his whereabouts and he was jumping with joy. 
          He greeted his friend with a hug, Loki sticking to a simple nod. “Are you ready to bring her home, Thor?”
“I’ve been ready for years.”
            They found you in your and Thor’s shared apartment, cuddled in blankets while watching a show, exactly what he wanted you to be doing for weeks. 
             He smiles at you, moving to kneel in front of you as you jump up to greet Valkyrie, Thor stops you softly. “No, stay seated darling. We have a question for you.”
             Now skeptical you look at Loki wide eyed, he manages a wink in return while smiling from ear to ear. 
          “Y/n Odinson, as wife to Thor you have dual citizenship but not full citizenship in Asgard.” Valkyrie explains, you just nod slowly. “When you grabbed the sword of Ares you seemed to have accepted some of its powers yourself, which isn’t a surprise considering you are a bit of a badass warrior yourself.” 
            Your skin heats up in embarrassment as you nod again. You’re panicking about not saying anything while Thor smiles up at you in pure joy. 
            “Y/n, you are now able to become a full citizen. And I would like for you to join this little ragtag court.” Val smiles, excitement racing through the room. 
“I’m sorry, what?” You laugh, hand flying to Thor's shoulder in surprise. 
          “Thor and I have been fighting for your citizenship for a year now but you being able to hold this power - amazing by the way- means you have full access-”
“YES!” You scream, jumping into Thor’s arms. “OH MY GOD YES!” 
            Your husband laughs, picking you up easily and holding you close. “You will be working as ambassador to the human realms and the Asgardian people. We find that we need a bit of help in New Asgard.”
“Are you serious? Thor, are you really serious?”
           “Yes. I am.” He smiles, kissing you deeply before pulling back to whisper, “But there is one rule.”
He has his arms under your thighs, holding you tightly. “What’s that?”
          “You never overwork yourself like that again.” He holds his forehead against yours while your hands hold both sides of his face. “Because you don’t deserve that. You owe nothing to anyone out there and I need you. I need you okay? And you trying to kill yourself-”
          “Okay deal.” You whisper, pulling him in for another deep kiss.  He pulls apart again. 
“And I really feel so bad about hitting you with-”
“Thor it wasn’t even me in my own body at that moment. So please just drop it.”
          You had resigned from SHIELD within a week, packing up your apartments to move into a house in new asgard with your husband finally. Your friends all made you promise to visit every other week which you agreed to and that was that. 
          A week after that you began your new role within the Asgardian court……..and you might have helped Thor prank his brother that week too. 
           Thor was very strict on selfcare, which meant facemasks and wine at least once a week and he monitored how much you push yourself during workouts, he understood that you could handle a lot, but he was willing to be a pussy for the both of you if need be. That’s what soulmates are for.
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Mischief and Magic
TITLE: Mischief and Magic CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 1/? AUTHOR: nekoamamori ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine you are a descendant from a kitsune, a fox demon. You have a mischievous streak a mile long. One day, after Thor gets tired of your antics, he throws you at Loki demanding that you annoy Loki for awhile. RATING: T (for now) NOTES/WARNINGS: Also on AO3 here
The battle of New York raged around the tower as Tony Stark landed on the landing pad of Stark Tower.  He watched the god pacing the common area in front of the bar.  The machines and Jarvis worked to remove his armor.  He didn’t like being vulnerable in front of the god, but his armor was too damaged.  It needed to be replaced before he could continue the fight. 
As the suit was removed, he made his way into the tower, looking over the scene as he did.  His eyes and mind were trained to take in everything, especially with his years of experience with Jarvis’ HUD.  He was a genius and took everything in in an instant.  
He knew without a shadow of a doubt that he had to keep Loki distracted, keep Loki’s attention on himself.  It wasn’t just to save the world.  It was to save Tony’s world.  
Hiding on the other side of the bar from the prowling god was Tony’s 15-year-old daughter.  He would recognize her bright orange-red hair anywhere.  She had been left on his doorstep shortly after she’d been born and he’d loved nothing more in the world ever since.  She was huddled with her back against the bar, her knees to her chest.  She was wearing jeans and her favorite MIT shirt.  She was so looking forward to going there one day.  Her shoes were untied, as if she had just thrown them on to evacuate.  Which was probably exactly what had happened.  She had been evacuating when danger turned up right in front of her.  She was supposed to be safe in the tower.
Tony desperately wanted to keep Loki from knowing Morgan was there, or knowing she existed.  So he had to keep Loki’s attention on him.  He made his way behind the bar, not even sparing a glance to Morgan.  He couldn’t draw Loki’s attention to her.  He needed to buy time, especially with Loki watching him. 
“Please tell me you’re going to appeal to my humanity,” Loki sneered, his attention firmly on Tony. 
Tony could play this game, would play this game.  He wished he had better weapons at the moment, but he would use what he had.  “Actually, I’m planning to threaten you,” he replied pleasantly, with his usual sarcasm and wit.
“You should have left your armor on for that,” Loki replied, gesturing at Tony with his scepter.  
Tony shrugged and made his way down the stairs to the bar.  “It’s seen a bit of mileage and you’ve got the glow stick of destiny,” he drew Loki’s attention back to the scepter in his hand, anything to keep Loki’s attention off of the girl hiding behind the bar.  He finally made it behind the bar and nudged Morgan further behind it, making sure she was firmly out of sight while Loki’s gaze was on his scepter.  That was all the reassurance and guidance he could give her at the moment.  He just had to pray that she would stay silent.  “Would you like a drink?” he asked when Loki looked up at him again.
Loki grinned, clearly enjoying this game.  “Stalling me won’t change anything,” he said, his eyes glowing an unnatural blue.  Tony noticed for a moment how young the god looked.  He was thousands of years old, but what was he, 18? 19? And already taking over the world.
Tony couldn’t deal with that at the moment.  He had to keep Morgan safe, had to get his armor.  He made a correcting gesture.  “No, no, threatening," he corrected as he stepped played with the bottles and glasses behind the bar.  ”No drink? Are you sure? I'm having one,” he kept his attention on himself.
He managed to get Loki talking as the slipped the suit’s bracelets on his wrists.  He babbled about the Avengers, not really paying attention to what he was saying as he tried to come up with any plan that would get Morgan to safety.  He doubted the god would play fairly and let the girl escape. 
Tony stepped out from behind the bar with his drink, still antagonizing the god.  Morgan watched in horror, peeking out from behind the bar as Loki tried to take over Tony’s mind.  It didn’t work.  Thank God it didn’t work.  But then Tony had one last quip about performance issues.
Everything moved so fast as Loki lifted her father by the throat and threw him out of the window.  He defenestrated her dad!!
“Dad!” She shrieked, watching in horror as her father went flying out of the window.  
Loki turned to her, taking in the teen, her youth, her red hair, her intelligent eyes.  It was clear the relation to Tony in those eyes.  His blue eyes flashed with interest.  “Why, hello," he greeted her in a seductive purr.  
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Word count: 1679
Genre: Hurt/comfort 
Pairings: Natasha x fem!reader, platonic avengers x fem!reader
Warnings: Some swearing (let me know if I need to add more)
Request: hi~ was wondering if you’d do a natasha x reader with a dash of platonic avengers when reader has chronic migraines but hasn’t told nat so ends up in random places to try and sleep them away and the others keep finding her and then nat figures out she’s hiding something and feels hurt but ends fluffy wanting to take care of reader next time? you can choose who and change any part you want!
Summary: Reader gets really bad migraines and is constantly being found by the team when she wants to be alone, however her girlfriend Natasha doesn’t know what’s going on. 
A/n: This request was for @casperlikej​ so I hope you like it! Also I would like to mention that I know next to nothing about migraines so this probably won’t be super accurate but hopefully it’s ok to read anyways. I’m queuing this to come out on Sunday so that over the weekend I can work on the friends to enemies to lovers three part series and get that out soon (no I have not forgotten about that request). I am only like a sixth into that series but so far I’m super proud of it so I can’t wait to get it done! Also if anyone has ideas, feel free to request anything because I like having multiple fic ideas to think of at all times. Anyways I’m rambling now but I hope you enjoy this fic!
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You hated being away from Natasha because although you had only been together for a few months and only known her for half a year you were sure you loved her but sometimes you just couldn’t stand pretending to be okay in front of her so you would hide yourself away. Currently your favourite place to hide was a nice rocking chair near the medbay area that was tucked away in the corner of a room. Barely anyone ever went by and the few that did never seemed to notice, giving you the anonymously you needed in order to curl up with your head in your knees and try to calm your head down. 
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” You hear Tony’s voice ask and you startle. 
“Oh, um, I’m just spending time with myself.” You respond lamely as Tony raises an eyebrow. 
“You never spend time by yourself,” he points out, “whenever you want to get away from us you always spend time with Natasha.” 
“I am alone sometimes.” You say starting to get annoyed. 
He scoffs. “No you aren’t, is everything ok between you two?”
“Everything is fine, just leave!” You snap at him. He hesitates in leaving the room but ultimately goes without saying another word after seeing how intensely you started glaring at him. It takes longer than usual for your migraine to go away because usually staying level headed helped but at least you yelling got Tony out of the room and to stop asking questions.
It was only a few days later that you got another migraine. You excuse yourself from the room you were sitting in with Bruce, Tony and Nat, mumbling some bullshit about needing to go to the store and ignoring Tony’s worried look on your way out. You knew that Tony would come looking for you in your old place so you decide to hole up in the room near the pad Thor uses whenever he visits earth. Today wasn’t a very bad migraine because you were able to catch the signs early but it still takes slightly over an hour for your head to stop pounding. You’re about to leave the room and go back to find the others but just to your luck Thor happens to arrive today unscheduled, something that only happens every few weeks. 
“Lady Y/l/n!” his voice booms happily as he steps inside, “it’s so good to see you, but what are you doing here, I wasn’t aware I had informed anyone of my arrival.”
You laugh slightly at his formal way of speaking and confused expression. “You didn’t, I just happened to be here because I was trying to be alone for awhile.”
“Are you feeling unwell?” He asks, looking concerned. 
“Not at all,” you reassure him, “in fact I was just about to go back to the others when you arrived, shall we find them together?” He nods eagerly, holding out his arm for you to hook onto like a true gentleman.
The next time you try to hide away you’re talking to Steve and he isn’t getting your subtle cues that you want to leave so he just keeps talking. You think he is talking about some sort of mission but honestly you don’t know because it physically hurts your brain to pay attention. You want to yell at him so badly but you can’t bring yourself to because he isn't trying to hurt you at all and he’s too nice to be angry at. 
“You agree Y/n?” You manage to make out. 
“Yes.” You say, not knowing what you’re even agreeing to.
“Great, I’ll go talk to the others, see you tomorrow for the morning training!” He says before walking off. You groan out loud as soon as you can no longer see him, partly because of how much your head hurts and partly because you accidentally told Steve that morning training was a good idea. This time you just plop yourself on the nearest couch and hope nobody finds you. 
You stumble into Bruce’s lab calling out for him. It had been over a week since your last migraine and encounter with Steve, one of the longest breaks you’ve had within recent memory but that came back to bite you in the ass when today’s was worse than ever before, even blurring your vision a little because of the pain. 
Bruce stands up from behind a pile of boxes. “Y/n, what brings you here.” 
“Pain meds now.” You order in a weak voice. He looks curious but doesn’t question you, heading towards a back cabinet and pulling out a bottle of pills. You immediately take two and swallow, ignoring him scolding you that you should only take one. Luckily since Bruce invented them himself it only took about five minutes for them to kick in. 
“Sorry, I had a really bad headache.” You tell him which is a half truth. 
He looks at you in concern. “Are you sure that was only a headache? It looked bad.” 
You wave him off, heading towards the door because you didn’t want him to ask anymore questions. “I’m fine Brucie, thanks again!” He sighs and shakes his head as he watches you leave, worried but deciding it’s not his place to badger you about it. 
Since every time you got a migraine you always ended up around one of the others you made a plan so that you could avoid everyone because you knew that one day your luck was going to end and Natasha would be the one to find you. You knew that she wouldn’t be mad at you or anything since you can’t control them but the relationship is still new and you don’t want to badger her with any of your problems. 
That’s why as soon as you start to feel a migraine coming on you hoist yourself up into the vents above your (sort of) shared room with Natasha where you had left a blanket and some pillows to relax with… only to find Clint waiting for you there. 
“I was wondering who had left these up there.” He says, seeming like it was a perfectly natural thing for him to be in the vents above your room. You decide not to question it, only sighing because you know that conversation would take up too many thoughts that you don’t have space for right now. You’re just so fucking done with your migraines and want them to go away. 
Clint notices your sadden expression and is serious for once. “Y/n, what’s going on?”
“I get these stupid fucking migraines and it only seems to be getting worse and I don’t want anyone to think I’m weak and I want Natasha but I don’t want to bother her with my problems.” You unload, holding back tears.
“I’m not going to lie to you, I don’t know how to make you feel better,” he confesses, “however why don’t you try to take a nap in your own bed and if you really don’t want Tasha to find you I can keep her distracted.” You nod and he helps you back out of the vents, climbing down after you. 
“Clint?” you say as he’s leaving the room and he turns around, “thanks.”
Clint makes his way to the common room where he sees Steve talking to Natasha. 
“Hey guys, what’s up?” He asks with a smile, faltering when he sees Natasha looks upset. “Nat, what’s wrong?”
“I think Y/n is going to break up with me.” She says, her voice thick with emotion. 
Steve frowns. “I told you not to jump to conclusions, maybe you should just talk to her.” Natasha just shakes her head, looking down and taking a deep breath, trying to regulate her emotions. 
“Y/n’s going to hate me for this,” Clint says as two pairs of eyes turn to him, “but you should go to your room, I promise that she’s not planning on breaking up with you.” 
Natasha noticeably brightens. “Are you sure?”
Clint nods. “I’m sure, she said not even five minutes ago that she wanted you. She’s going through some shit right now that you should talk to her about but she wouldn’t break up with you.” 
“Thanks.” Natasha replies, before hurrying to your shared room, worried about you after what Clint said. 
You curl up on the bed and let a few tears fall out and before long you are full on sobbing. You always try to stay strong and not cry but you just can’t deal with the migraines anymore. The bed shifts behind you and you sit up straight looking behind you. Natasha is climbing on to it and looking at you with a worried expression on her face. 
“I thought Clint was going to keep you busy.” You say, sniffling to try to stop your tears.
“He must have lied because he told me to come here.” She responds. 
“He’s an asshole.” 
She gives a small laugh. “Normally yes, but he did the right thing, I want to help you with whatever is upsetting you.” 
“You shouldn’t have to deal with me like this,” you tell her, “my migraines are my problem that I have to deal with.” 
She moves across the bed and puts her arms around you. “No sweetheart, I’m here with you.” You start to cry again, this time while it’s slightly from the pain it’s mostly because you feel so overwhelmed with how much she supports you. She pulls you in tightly to her chest, and plants a kiss on the top of your head. 
“I will always be here for you if you need something ok?” she says. “But now you need to rest.” 
“But-” you start to protest before she cuts you off. 
“No buts, you need sleep.” She says while shushing you. You wiggle back, trying to be as far into arms as possible before you slowly drift off, the pain of the migraine going away and all you can feel is warmth.
Taglist: @fayhar @stephanieromanoff @stop-drop-and-drumroll @acertainredhead​ (if you want to be added, comment, send an ask, or message me)
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wpdarlingpan · 3 years
hello, just wanted to tell you how wonderful your work is, keep it up and keep rocking :) I was wondering if you could do a yandere Peter Parker x reader oneshot where the reader has powers and she's completely badass? But she kinda has self esteem issues and thinks her feelings aren't important. I'm sorry if I made you sad TvT
I will try my best! And thank you so much for the compliments ♡
Silent Shadow. That’s what she was. At least that’s what it was before the Avengers came. She was a assassin for a group called Hydra. Hydra was all she knew and that’s all she thought there was for her. She was there strongest asset, she was even able to rake down the Winter Soldier. She had beaten every hydra agent in a fight and she had many skills. You’d think she would just run away since she was able to overthrow them but Hydra made sure she would have no one to go to outside of them so they killed her parents and took her. She was alone. At least that was until she grew a relationship with her partner. A platonic one. She thought she had no one.
Until the day they showed up.
“Cap, how’s it looking out there? Need Code Green?” Bruce said from inside the quinjet.
“No, I think we are good Bruce. Tony is taking out the rest alongside Thor. Guess this base wasn’t as important.” Cap replied through the coms. It was true. It was a pretty easy mission, that was until they went towards the cells.
Bucky Barnes alongside Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver got rid of every Hydra Agent in the cells. At least the thought they did until they reach the very end cell with a complex lock. Bucky nodded at Wanda and she quickly used her powers to undo the lock.
Once inside they see a girl. She looked around 16 years old. Bucky froze.
Another assassin.
He knew her.
He rushed to the cyrochamber and opened it to the dismay of the team. They didn’t need another Hydra Soldier to deal with but he was not going to leave her in there. Steve walked into the room and saw him opening the chamber.
“What are you doing Buck?”
“I’m getting her out of here.” He spoke leaving no room for arguments.
“What if she’s dangerous?”
“I know her. She was my partner. She never wanted this. She always fought.”
“How do you know she will still fight?”
“I don’t.”
and finally it was open and he grabbed her then made his way back to the quinjet. The team that didn’t go to the cells were already there.
Tony was the first to notice Barnes carrying a girl.
“What do you got there?”
“...” Bucky didn’t respond. He wouldn’t explain back at the compound. He just wanted her to wake up. He wanted his little sister back.
Back at the compound
Her senses slowly came back to her and she woke up to her hand resting in somebody’s. She opened her eyes and saw.... Bucky! She lightly shook his hand making him shoot up.
(I thought Doe would be a cute nickname since it forms from the only name they know which is Shadow.)
“Snowy!” She said happily. She was free. She was with her older brother. Everything would be okay.
And it was. For awhile. They took a blood test from her and found out she was Tony’s missing sister who was taken after the car crash with her parents. Her name was Y/N but some still called her Shadow or Doe in Bucky case. She didn’t blame Bucky but he sure blamed himself but he wouldn’t let himself cut her out of his life because of guilt. She developed relationships with the team. Tony and Bucky were her protective older brothers, Steve, Bruce, Clint and Thor were like uncles. Natasha was her aunt. Pietro and Wanda were like siblings. Then there was the day she met Peter. She had finally worked back up her courage and bravery, not to mention her cunningness. She was herself again, just more confident than before the accident. She walked around in stride, almost matching up to Natasha. She would work on her powers with Wanda and then make sure to spend time with her family.
He had come over to the tower after hearing about the new person at the tower from Tony. He had invited Peter to come over and meet his sister, Peter being addicted to pleasing his idol said of course and made his way over.
He was of course expecting a older woman since he knew Tony’s parents had died many many years ago, he was not prepared to see her.
Peter made his way up the elevator of the expensive tower after telling Jarvis what floor he wanted to be on. The elevator opened and there the team was in all their glory sitting on the couch waiting for him and the other guest to be ready.
“Hello Man of spider!” Thor boomed loudly as Peter stepped out of the elevator. Peter waved shyly at Thor and the others followed with their hellos. After a little more waiting Tony was impatient and called his sister to come down.
“Alright, Alright I’m coming! I didn’t even take that long! It would take longer to say your full title thing you like to say about yourself. Isn’t Genius, Billionaire Playboy, Kiss ass?” She smirked as she walked into the room. Peters eyes widened.
She was Tony Stark’s sister?
“Who’s did you want me to meet?” She questioned her brother as she smiled at him cheekily after forgetting the name of the person for the billionth time.
Tony rolled his eyes but he couldn’t stay mad at the sister who came back miraculously from the dead.
“Peter meet Y/N my little sister and Y/N meet Peter Parker aka Spider-boy.” Tony introduced and Peter stepped forwards almost in a daze and held out his when to shake formally.
“Nice to meet you.” Y/N said cheekily as he continued staring. He lightly shook his head and blushed embarrassedly.
“Nice to meet you too.”
She was more confident now away from hydra and he liked her personality.
And it truly was because that was the day that started his obsession with the one and the only
Y/N Stark.
He always came over to the tower to hang out with her as they had grown to be friends but Peter wanted more. Sometimes he came over and stalked her outside of the windows. Peter had hacked the tower from the inside to not detect him as Spider Man on the outside of the tower. Whenever he was in her room he’d touch everything he could and he secretly undid the latch to her window. He snuck into her room every night just to watch her sleep, watching as her chest raised and called from her steady breathing . He took pictures of her whenever he spied and had a secret collection of them filling his closest. He had even entered the room when the other Avengers had decided to run to the store for groceries dressed in their typical jacket, sunglasses, and baseball hats disguises. He cuddled into her blankets and breathed in her scene as he held into her pillow.
He was undeniably in love with Y/N Stark.
And he wanted her to be his.
His plan was soon put into action. He knew her schedules, wasn’t too hard she was required to stay at home as it was too dangerous because of Hydra.
One day he just got lucky, the team had to go out on a mission and she was required to stay home but Tony didn’t want her by herself so he called his trusted intern, Peter Parker. He was asked to go over to the tower to keep Y/N company and he immediately said yes.
And the day started off as usual for Y/N. She woke up and had breakfast, then sat by the tv watching her favorite show Once Upon A Time. She always like watching it because the character Jefferson reminded her of Bucky. She was halfway into episode 16 when Peter arrived in the Elevator.
“Hey Peter!” She called from the couch. She didn’t even look at him. It made him slightly mad. He should be her one and only. Not the stupid tv show.
“Hey Y/N.” He replied after he got over his anger.
“What do you want to do?” She questioned looking at him with a eyebrow raised.
“There are so many things I’d like to do.” He thought to himself but restrained from saying.
“It’s up to you.” He replied shortly continuing to think through his plan. He was confident it would go right if he followed each direction.
They went to the gym and she began to work on her powers while Peter watched her intently. He needed to know her powers if things were to go south with his plans. She first turned invisible then made force fields.
She continued to make the force fields bigger and Peter had to continue to back up to avoid getting hit with it. He began to get too far away. He also didn’t want her to thing that she could push him away like this.
“Y/N stop. You need to get food in you before you continue practicing. Your low on energy.” He faked looking concerned in order to manipulate her to feel bad. Of course she was usually defiant but she just wanted Peter to be happy. So she gave in.
“Alright.” He nodded in praise at her giving in. He knew how to get her now. She needed to please others. Probably a side effect from Hydra but it could be used to his advantage.
They then began baking... well more like Peter while she watched he made her sit down after he was worried about her burning herself. She needed to be taken care of. He also didn’t need her catching onto his plan, taking a pill out from his pocket and crushed it onto the cupcake he was going to give her. It looked like sugar. After being at hydra you’d think she would check her food before she ate. But she didn’t. She had to trust Peter of course. That’s what her brother wanted from her. She felt bad not being able to help around the tower. She felt as if she wasn’t contributing enough. Y/N thought it would help if she did what she thought was expected of her, not what she wanted. She wanted to bake. But if Peter didn’t want her to then she couldn’t deny it.
Then they watched tv but Peter hated it because again her attention was somewhere else. Halfway through Star Wars he turned off the tv and waited for it to work.
Just as he looked at her he could see her eyes be going to droop.
“Oh Y/N are you tired?” He questioned with fake concern.
“Oh, I am. Just a little bit. I slept well last night-“ she was cut off by a yawn. “I don’t know why I’m so tired. I’m sorry Peter. I knew you came over to hang out.”
“It’s fine Y/N. Just got to sleep.”
Just as he said that her eyes shut and he smiled victoriously. She was his. And she wasn’t ever going to leave.
He picked her up bridal style and took her into her room and sat her down on the bed while he changed into his Spider-Man uniform and packed her some clothes. They wouldn’t be coming back here. After packing clothes into a small back pack he picked her up once again and they went swinging out of the tower with Jarvis not even alerted because of Peter hacking it before to not detect his suit.
He arrived at a small house in the middle of the woods and carefully opened the door and brought her inside. Peter glanced around the rooms just in case then sat her in the bed, attaching a chain to her ancle. The clasp part of the chain had a little padding so it wasn’t hurting her but it did keep her there. He kissed her on the head and quickly changed out of his suit. Then got into the bed wearing boxers climbing in next to the sleeping girl. He wrapped a arm around her waist and sighed content.
She was finally his.
The Avengers got back to the tower and saw no one there. No struggle. Nothing.
Tony Lost his sister. Again.
Bucky lost his little sister. Again.
Peter had taken the love of his life to be all his.
At least until they check the tapes.
Sorry it’s taken me forever to write this. This was my first shot at a Yandere and I hope it’s good. Sorry if I should have done less back story and more Peter but I hope you like it. Anyways thank you for the suggestion. ♡
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-Cold- Loki Laufeyson x Female Reader
   Movie/Show: Thor: Ragnarok- but you somehow know strange. Don’t question me lmao. 
   Summary: while staying with Dr. Strange for a bit, you end up meeting your old friend again, Thor. What you don’t expect is too meet with his adopted brother Loki. Who turns out to be your perfect match (Vague for reasons)
   Possible Triggers / Warnings: Very long story, Slowburn, Steven and Tony being a dad, cursing, Val being kinda great
   sometimes being stuck in the avengers base was.....stressful. with Vision being like a newborn baby around everything, you constantly had to help him understand certain things. Like a microwave or a stove since he wanted to learn how to cook for Wanda. Kinda cute actually. 
   you could hear Natasha cry at night about Bruce vanishing during the battle against Ultron. You tried to comfort hr once or twice, but she was adamant about handling it on her own. You wish you could have helped more. It’s not like you could hug her without layers of clothing covering almost every inch of your skin.
   oh yeah, the whole reason you were even there is because Tony Stark had found you with Wanda and Pietro. You were slightly different from them, no telekinesis, telepathy, or enhanced agility and reflexes. Your mercular DNA was ripped apart then put back together with enhancements, unique ones. 
   your body was now able to freeze anything with just a touch and manipulate it, but with all powers. There were side effects. You couldn’t touch anyone without giving them frostbite. Your powers were too much for you too handle so your body was constantly below freezing. 
   it was terrible. You had lived so long without the feeling of another's skin on yours. You could never, hug, hold someone's hand, kiss, do....that. You were condemned to a life of touch starvation. It sucked, but you still kept a smile on your face. 
   during a errand run in new york you had met Steven Strange. You had recognized him from his work as a doctor and gave him your condolences for his accident. He seemed to take some sort of interest in you, which you later figured out that he knew you had your ‘enhancements’ from the news. 
   he explained to you that with his help he may be able to train you to keep your body temperature at a normal human one. You were a bit off put by his offer and he gave you a simple address in case you changed your mind and with that. You left. 
   a month later
   “Tony it’s just for a little while-”
   “No! your running off with some rando voodoo doctor who could kill you and steal your kidneys!”
   your face twinges a bit in confusion. You had told everyone that you’d be leaving for awhile and they all wished you luck on your solo adventure. You had also decided to wait till the actual day you were leaving to tell Tony. He was a tad overprotective of you when it came to strangers. 
  “He’s not going to steal my kidneys- Tony my car is waiting i have to go” you say as you pick up the bag you had dropped on the floor as the whole ordeal again. “Didn’t know you had such little trust in me” he exhales deeply, pressing a finger to his temple in visible frustration. 
   “I do trust you. I don’t trust the world outside of these walls” Tony admits. you will confess, you liked his weird fatherly side. “Well- the world as you call it can freeze if they touch me. You have to let me do things on my own Tony” you give him a half smile. 
   Tony expression turns into his thinking one, which is either a good or a very bad thing. He digs into his pocket and pulls out what looks like a jewelry box “Are you trying to bribe me with diamond earrings?” you ask, slightly unimpressed with him. 
   he rolls his eyes and lifts the lid. You see a silver necklace with a star pendant. You could faintly see a small blue crystal in the middle. It reminded you of his reactor, Clever. It was still technically a bribe, but it was indeed a beautiful necklace.
   “No. I made this about a month ago and could never think of the right time. It’s a necklace with a beacon. If you need help press the blue button under the silver lid and i’ll come get and save you. Like always” Tony finishes his sentence off with a smirk, which makes you chuckle. 
   you reach and grab the box with your gloved hand “Thank you, Tony” you say and pull the necklace out the box. You undo the clasp and wrap it around your neck, clasping it back. Tony gives you his proud dad smile and pats your shoulder “If this witch man is able to help you. I get to be your first hug”
   you break out into laughter, nodding “Of course” you say and he chuckles along with you. You hear a honk from outside “I’m coming. Chill out Happy!” you shout. Tony gulps and waves you off “Go ahead, i’m not keeping you any longer.” he says. 
   smiling, you sling the bag over your shoulder and nod at him “I’ll see you soon Tony” you say and turn around, heading out the door and towards the car waiting outside. Happy rolled down the window, same unhappy expression on his face “what took you so long!”
   rolling your eyes, you open the passenger door and throw your bag on the car floor before hoping in. “You know Tony, stubborn as ever” you reply, closing the door. Happy replies with a small hum before starting up the car. You pull out the card with the address and hand it to Happy.
   Tony watched you walk out, his face dropping a bit “Come back home kiddo”
   two weeks later
   in your short time with Strange he showed you the most incredible things that you never knew. It also hurt your brain to think about how big the multiverse really was, but Strange was able to explain it in simple terms. He had also given you a meditation regiment that you followed everyday.
   it was supposed to help you calm your mind enough that you could force your body to warm up. It hasn’t changed anything so far, but Strange said it was normal. While reading a novel across from Strange who was- looking out a window. “Great” he grumbles under his breath.
   you lower the book, sliding the juice bar stamp card you used as a bookmark between the pages. “Is something wrong?” you ask, tilting your head. Strange’s eyebrows furrow “Someone who isn’t supposed to be here. Is here. Along with his slightly intelligent brother”
   what- “I don’t follow?” you say as he makes his way downstairs. You quickly jump out the chair and go to follow him. In a quick movement his cloak unclipped from his body and stopped in front of you, blocking your movements “Um Strange?” you call out.
   he stops at the bottom of the stairs and turns his head to look at you “You stay here. If there is a fight it could be dangerous” he spoke. “I can help fight with my ability-” he holds up his hand, stopping you from talking. It reminded you of Tony a little bit. 
   “That is the exact reason you need to stay. Using your powers could throw off what you have worked for so far” he spoke. Sighing deeply, you nod “Okay, i’ll stay. I promise” you say to reassure him. Strange nods and his cloak returns to him, clipping back on. 
   “Thank you” he says and lifts his arms up, he starts performing what you assume is a spell while mumbling under his breath. It lasted a couple seconds before he walked off to the lower floor. You had to ask him how he did certain spells like that portal one, just to mess with Steve. 
   you heard your stomach grumble and sighed “Strange needs to invest in a fucking microwave. I want a hot pocket so bad” 
   you guilt tripped wong into magic-ing a microwave in the sanctum. Poor dude, but hey- hot pocket. You also changed out of your pjs because wong said you were ‘lazy’ what a tool. You did anyway and ended up wearing a long sleeve black turtleneck, matching gloves with heather grey and white plaid pants. 
   As you took your last bite you heard talking, but not just Stranges voice, a deeper one. Sounded somewhat familiar, but you couldn’t quite recognize it fully. It came from downstairs. You look at the steps and bit your bottom lip, thinking. Strange told you to stay, but-
   screw it
   slowly you step down, making sure it didn’t creak too loud and alarm Strange to your presence. Once you made it all the way down the voices stopped. What the hell? Oh wait they were coming from the first floor now. Was Strange just teleporting throughout sanctum.
   the talking got louder and you peaked around the corner. First you spotted Strange, twisting a strange of hair in his hands? He ended up throwing it in the air and it created a portal. Okay then. Then when you looked beside him, you saw- no, it can’t be.
   you ran down the stairs, tripping over your feet a bit. The god turned around and smiled upon seeing you “Lady Y/n! It has been quite some time. You have grown indeed!” he says. You nod, almost reaching out to hug him, but stopped. Thor noticed and gave you a sad smile.
   “I thought i told you to stay upstairs?” Strange spoke. You chuckle nervously and gesture to Thor “I haven’t seen him in a long time. I’m sorry” you say. Strange looks like he wants to stay mad at you but exhales deeply “Your forgiven, under the circumstances”
   you smile brightly. Strange was a pretty cool guy. You turn away from him and back at Thor “So, what’s going on? Why are you back on earth? What happened to figuring out your vision and going back to asgard?” you ask a multitude of questions. 
   Thor shakes his head “My witch of a brother has hidden my father on earth and i need to get him back. This wizard has offered me help in return that i take Loki back to asgard where he belongs.” Thor explains. You nod slowly, you had never met the god of mischief himself, only heard stories.
   “Loki is here?” you ask and gaze around the room. 
   you heard Strange gasp before lifting his arms “Oh yeah right” he swirls his hands as a portal forms on the ceiling. A distant scream was heard before a man with long black hair and a matching suit popped out and crashed onto the floor, Loki. 
   Loki slowly lifts his head, whipping his hair out of his face and propping himself up on his elbows “I have been falling, for thirty minutes!” he shouts. Damn- thirty minutes? “That’s cold Strange and that’s a lot coming from me” you say, making Thor snicker a bit. 
   “You can handle it from here?” Strange nods towards Thor who does the same, reaching over to shake his hand. “Thank you very much for your help” Loki lifts himself off the floor and turns to look a Strange, glaring daggers at him. “Handle me?” he snaps, venom lacing his tone.
   Oh! Look actual daggers. Oh wait- Loki came towards Strange and in an instant your eyes turned a bright white, no pupils and your skin turned an icy white, with the nose and tips of your ears and fingers a light blue. You stepped in front of strange as cold fog emitted from your hands. 
   you were breathing heavily which came out as fog as well. Thor had seen you like this before so this was pretty normal for him.  Strange stared at you for a moment, just blinking. He had seen this before- “Don’t touch the wizard” you breathed out. 
   Loki’s angered face turned into a smug look “And who do you think you are to challenge me, mortal?” he questions, drawing closer towards you. Before any harm could be done to either of you, Thor stepped between, looking at his brother “Brother, you will not harm Lady Y/n. She is a friend”
   aw how sweet. Loki takes another look at you before his daggers retreat “Fine” he grumbles. Your skin turns back to its normal S/c and your pupils return “Thanks Thor” you say and he nods at you. Strange coughed before gesturing to the portal. 
   Thor exhales before smiling lightly “Right. Thank you so much for your help again and it was lovely to see you Lady Y/n” he spoke. You smile “Just Y/n is fine. I hope you find what your looking for” you spoke. You couldn’t imagine what you’d do if Tony went missing. Thor must have been going crazy.
   “You’ll have to tell me all about it once you get back Y/n” Strange spoke suddenly, making you turn your head to face him once again with a confused expression. “What are you talking about?” you ask. Thor steps beside you while Loki stood s a few feet behind both of you.
   “Oh you’ll be going along with them” Strange spoke casually as he began to make his way up the stairs. What the hell? “Um- why?! What about my regiment?” you question. Strange stops at the top of the stairs and faces the three of you, hands behind his back. 
   he studies your face, then Thor’s, then Loki. “Trust me” is all he says before disappearing into a portal of his own. You blinked mindlessly for a couple seconds “Uh-” “Lady Y/n- i mean just Y/n. I suppose you’ll be accompanying me and my brother. Once we return to asgard, will send you home.”
   you looked at Thor, thinking. Should you go? You had never been to another planet before, so you were completely unaware of what was too possibly happen. Even if you were afraid of the unknown, you could not pass up this opportunity “Let’s go”
   Thor pats your clothes back and smiles “Alright, into the mystic portal we go!” he cheers, making you chuckle. “Not only am i stuck with my oaf of a brother, but also some mortal quim” Loki snarls from behind you. Oh isn’t he a breath of fresh air “Yeah, cry about it antlers”
   yikes, you’ve been around tony too much. 
   Loki’s fist clench before all three of you walk through the portal.
   you all ended up in a grassy field. It was beautiful. The smell of the sea nearby filled your nose, causing a calm feeling to course through you. “I don’t see father” Thor spoke, looking around. You gaze about as well and spot a man at the edge of the field. 
   placing a glove hand on Thor, you tap him. The god looks at you as you point at Odin. Thor sighs deeply “Let’s go Loki” he spoke and waved for this brother to follow. You stayed put as Loki passed you, his arm grazing yours for a moment. There is like so much field to walk around you, but okay-
   You turn around and began to walk in the other direction, giving them some space. It wasn’t your business to put yourself into their family drama. 
   You walk mindlessly for a couple minutes, making sure to stay relatively close to the brothers and his father. You stop and look at them for a moment just as Odin had turned to a fine gold powder/dust and blew away into the sky. Oh no- Odin, he’s dead. 
   just before you could even think another thought the sky began to crack in thunder. From the distance you were at you could Thor’s fingers spark up as he turned towards Loki. Oh god he’s going to kill him. Your previous thoughts of not getting involved were thrown out as you began to run towards them.
   you couldn’t let Thor hurt his brother, he would surely regret it later. A green energy ball formed couple feet in front of you, stopping you from running towards the brothers. You had stopped your feet so harshly it caused you to fall back onto your butt.
   the green energy grew bigger as the brother began to draw close to it. A flash of thunder changed Thor’s clothes into his original asgardian armor and Loki used to Magic to change his to a green leather outfit. Seemed very Loki-ish. The energy stopped forming and you were sure that Thor or Loki couldn’t see you. 
   just as fast as the green energy appeared, it vanished to reveal the back of a women, she had long black hair and a matching outfit. Who was this? That didn’t matter right now considering Thor look liked he was ready to fight which means that you had to be. 
   “So he’s gone?” the woman spoke, referring to Odin you presumed. She gazes around for a moment before looking back at the boys “Such a shame, i would have liked to have seen that” she said. Oh- well that’s just rude. “You must be Hela” Thor spoke. So that was her name.
   “I’m Thor, son of odin” he continued. He just had to introduce himself right now? How formal of him. You slowly began to stand up. This woman had not noticed you, which means you had the upper hand. “Really?” she asked, a amused tone present within her voice.
   “You don’t look like him” Hela adds. you thought Thor looked like Odin- just a tad. Why are you thinking about this right now. “Perhaps we can come to an arrangement?” Loki spoke. Well at least Thor isn’t trying to kill Loki right now. Now that you think about it Hela and Loki kind of looked alike. 
   Hela lifts her arm a bit to pint at Loki, before dropping it to her side a second later “You sound like him” she says before taking a step closer “Kneel” she commands. “Beg your pardon?” Loki leans forward as if he had not heard what he had just said. Uh oh. 
   Hela’s arm twist, a long blade forming in her hand. “Kneel...before your queen” she repeats once more. Queen?!. You take a deep breath, pupils disappearing, skin turning white and blue, and fog emitting from your hands. Let’s do this. Thor takes a step forward, gazing at you for only a second “I don’t think so”
   Loki took a glance at Thor. You both knew what the god of thunder was about to do. Thor lifts his arm and throws his hammer at Hela, but- she caught it. She caught Thor’s hammer?! Oh shit. Both Loki and Thor’s face turn into a grim and confused one. 
   “It’s..not possible” Thor spoke in disbelief. “Darling, you have no idea what’s possible” Hela spoke before squeezing her hand around Mjollnir. She was crushing the hammer. In a split second a burst of electricity and wind was sent everywhere. 
   you lift your arm and cover your face to protect your eyes. Once it died down you move your arm and saw Thor’s hammer in pieces on the grass. What was she? Who was she? Hela lifted her arms to her head and slid them back along the base of her skull, forming a large spiked crown. 
   she repeated her hand movements from earlier except with both her arms. Two blades in each hand. You had to move now. You close your palms together and pull them apart, an ice spear forming in between. You ran up to her and jumped in the air to get a higher advantage. 
   “Y/n, no!” Thor shouts as he runs up to Hela as well. Loki looks up in the sky and shouts “Bring us back!” Hela turns around quickly and spots you running towards her. Just as you were about to land on her, she grabs your neck. “Now who are you?” she asked. but you didn’t answer. 
   instead you rip a glove off one of your hands and press it to her face. Hela screams in agony and throws you towards Thor. You landed on him with hard thud. That’s going to hurt in the morning. Suddenly a portal formed around all three of you and sent you into the sky. It was the same one Thor usually left on. 
   Your body felt weird all over like you were about to vomit or pass out- maybe both. You looked up and saw Thor a few feet up above you and you assumed Loki was under you. Thor looks down at you, then Loki “Loki!” he shouts and the black haired god looks under him, you so as well. 
   Hela was just behind you all “She wasn’t even in the portals range!” you shout, earning now answer from either brothers. Lok reaches into his sleeve and pulls out a small blade. He lifts his arm and chucks it at her, but she dodges it easily and sends it flying back towards Loki.
   Loki had another blade in hand and used that one to dodge the other hela threw at him, but it sent him flying out the portal “Y/n! follow loki! I’ll find you both. I promise!” Thor shouts and without a second thought you use your spear to stab into the portal and push yourself out. 
   sometimes you wished you thought about things first. 
   your head was throbbing and aching in the worst way possible, like you had crashed into a wall. Your eyes slowly open and you see a regular sky with purple portals spread throughout it- okay maybe not so normal. “Hands off of me you mewling quim!” you know that complaining tone from anywhere. 
   you push yourself off the ground, using some random junk metal to lean on. Looking around you would think you were in some junk yard. No time to wonder where you were because you had a god to help. You push things out your way before you spot what looked like scavengers, mostly wearing masks.
   they were holding onto Loki’s arms. Couldn’t he just use his magic? Guess not. Anyway, you jump down from the ledge your on, catching most of their attention “We just got on this planet and your already pissing the natives off?” you question Loki.
   he narrows his blue eyes at you as he struggles against the people holding his arms “Get on with it!” he shouts at you. No please? Whatever. You activate your powers, slowly pulling the other glove off of your hand “Hand over the god will you?” 
   “You’ll have to get through all of us!” one man shouts. They hold up their weapons at you making you sigh “Alright, have it your way” you shrug, flicking your hand, a dark blue blade with a silver handle forming in the palm of your hand. 
   the scavengers ran towards you. One swung a club at you, but you caught his arm in your hand. The man screams in agony as his whole arm turns black with frostbite. You take that opportunity to slice his now very crunchy arm off. Then it’s kind of a rinse and repeat for the rest of them until one is left. 
   The man lets go of Loki and begins to run away. Good choice. Loki drops to the ground, trying to catch his breath “Why did you follow me?” Loki asked suddenly. You look down at him and shrug “Thor asked me to in the portal. He said he’d come find us” you explain.
    you pull out the extra pair of gloves from your back pocket and slipped them on. They were a plain black leather pair. Once they were on, you hold out your hand for him to take. Loki takes one look at your hand and scoffs before standing up himself. Rude. 
   “If my brother went off to fight Hela alone. He’s most likely dead already” Loki says curtly as he dusts off his outfit. Your eyes widen a bit. Thor wasn’t dead, he couldn’t be. “Who is she anyway?” you ask. Loki’s jaw locks, glancing at the ground before you 
   “Our sister”
   your E/c eyes went wider this time. Since when did Thor have a sister? Was she adopted too? She claery had a disdain for her father just as much as Loki did. Maybe Thor was the one who was actually adopted. “Oh- wow” you comment.
   “Enough about my family. I have to figure out what planet i’m on” Loki interjects as he begins to walk away “Hey! Whether you like it or not we’re in this together, I could have left your ass to die, remember that!” you shout at him. His walking stops and he faces you once more- oh shit. 
   he steps towards you and you back up until a piece of debris. Loki stops inches from your face, his hand reaching up to your neck to hold it in his hand “Don’t assume for a moment that you and i are some sort of friends like you are with my brother” he speaks lowly. 
   you glare right back at him “Let go of me before i put a icicle through your eye” you snarl at him. A small smirk forms on his face “You put up this illusion that you are as tough as nails, but i can see right through you. Your just as broken as the rest of us. Let’s explore that shall we?”
   Loki reaches up and places his hand on your forehead. 
  two years ago
   Loki opened his eyes and looked around the room. Where was he? He was in the darkest memories of your mind.  “Put her in the chamber” Strucker spoke as three men went over to grab a pale woman on the floor. You. You were wearing a hospital gown and your hair was overgrown. 
   you flaid, kicked, and screamed “Please! No! i’ll try harder i swear! Please!” when you had first developed your powers and the doctors realized they couldn’t touch you Strucker thought you had been doing it on purpose. So mean with full body suits would put you in a heat chamber. 
   the intense heat had a even stronger effect on you because of your unique enhancement. Strucker opens the door as the three men throw you in. You land on the ground with a hard thud and stand up quickly, running towards the door but it had already shut. 
   Strucker stands outside the glass window that showed you inside and looked towards a woman sitting at the desk “Turn it on, the highest it can go” he spoke and she nods, pressing a green button before pushing a dial up. Loki looks confused for a moment as he stands beside strucker. 
   the room starts to heat up and you fall to the ground your tears sizzling as they ran down your face. At the moment Loki took a step back. Heat exhaustion. A form of torture he knew all to well. something he hoped to never witness again. You let out screams of agony until you eventually passed out.
   back in 2012 when earth was attack by Loki he was under the control of Thanos who had kidnapped him and tortured him with the same methods because of his Jotun side. It worked nonetheless and he was under Thanos’s control. 
   Loki opened his eyes and snatched his hand away from your head. You slid down against the debris until you hit the ground with a small thud. He had made you relive your worst fears like it had just happened only moments ago. How could he do such a thing. 
   “I’m so-” before Loki could say another word he felt something bite at his neck. He hissed and reached for his neck and felt something cold and metallic. He tried to tug it off, but instead got harsh bursts of electricity shot through his body over and over again. 
   he fell to the ground, shaking violently, turning his head he saw you. You were holding your face, still shaken up. Loki watched as someone came up to you and hit you with a blunt object, knocking you out cold. Loki reached his hand out to you, but it seemed his body gave up on him and he passed out.
   Loki awoke with the sound of people talking around him. He went to move his arms first but they were chained behind his back “Oh look he’s awake good! Hello! I’m the grandmaster, ruler of Sakaar.” a man with blue strips on his face spoke and a robe type outfit. 
   “May i ask why i’m in chains?” Loki questions with his usual ‘i could kill all of you’ smirk. The grandmaster shrugs his shoulders “Had to make sure you and your friend weren’t hostile. It’s only temporary of course” He says. Friend? Who was he talking about? Y/n.
   Loki looked around instantly, trying to find you of course “Oh yes, she’s currently in the infirmary Our scraper hit her a bit too hard. Anyway, whats your name?” the grandmaster asked, gesturing to the scraper next to him. Some random girl with light brown skin and white markings over her face.
   he would kill her later.
   “Loki of asgard, god of mischief” he spoke, giving his best presentable grin. The grandmaster laughs. Rude “God of mischief, how spooky. Tell me god of pranks, did you fight on asgard?” he questions. Loki raises a brow. What was this man playing at?
   “i was used for my intelligence more then my strength. Battle plans, strategies, political consultant and such” Loki explains, slightly lying out of his ass. the grandmaster looked impressed, at least that’s what Loki thought. How would we get out of this one? 
   “Hm. Well- you will be spared from fighting in the contest of champions as well as your lady friend. As long as you swear your undying loyalty to me and my planet” The Grandmaster stands up from his chair and walks to Loki. He waves his hand at one of the guards.
   the guard beside Loki reached down to uncuff his hands and took off his neck chip. Loki shrugged them off before standing up, rubbing his wrists. The Grandmaster stood in front of him with his hand out. Loki gave him a grin and grabbed his hand, shaking it “I swear” he spoke. 
  the Grandmaster smile before his eyes trail him up and down “How bout we get you into some yellow. green’s a bit tacky”
   later that night
   a guard escorted Loki to his accommodations in his new green and yellow suit. “Green is not tacky, it’s a very classy color. What a moron” he grumbles under his breath. Once the door open, he stepped inside and looked around. (similar to Hulks, but dark green and white)
   it’ll do for now. He only got to take one step before he was pushed against a wall, something cold and sharp jabbed at the side of his neck, pressing firmly but not enough to break skin “Oh- it’s just you” a voice spoke. Yours. Loki looked down at you. 
   your head had a bandage around it and your top was missing leaving you in a black sports bra and your plaid pants from earlier. loki couldn’t help but notice your delectable figure, making him breath heavily “Eyes up here you son of a bitch” you snap, pressing the icicle further in his neck.
   Loki looked at your face and notice a bruise forming on your jaw. It made him....angry to say the least, but he couldn’t understand why. “Would you kindly get that out of my face. I just saved us” he says. You give him a ‘what’ face and slowly remove the icicle, your body turning back to normal once again. 
   “How?” you question, walking towards the bed in the center of the room, Loki following “I have made good with Grandmaster so he wont make us compete in some barbaric tournament” he spoke, boosting his own ego really You roll your eyes and take a seat on the bed “How does that help us, were still stuck here”
   Loki scoffs “I just made sure you weren’t going to be killed. You could at least say thank you” you felt a anger boiling within you “Thank you?! You want me to say thank you?! Remember we aren’t friends. I should have stayed with Thor, but for some reason i cant comprehend, he still cares about you”
   Loki felt his chest tighten a bit at your words about his brother. You were right. No matter how much he betrayed Thor he would always be at his side to fight alongside him, but he never admitted it. “I should have used my necklace. I should have never left the base” you thought aloud
   the god looked puzzled “What necklace?” you look at him for a moment then at the ceiling “Tony gave me this necklace with a beacon. I had forgotten all about it until some bitch nurse took it away because it wasn’t aloud. I tried to get it back, but she pushed me into a wall” you replied. 
   Loki looked around the room once more and spotted a conjoining room, before he could say anything you stood up, grabbing your shirt and all of your dignity along with you “Goodnight’ you spoke before walking into said room and slamming the door shut. 
   this was going to suck
   ‘Put her in the chamber!’
   no please..
   ‘Your worthless!’
    no i’m not
   you sat up in a cold sweat, more literally then normal. You looked around the room and noticed a cold fog. Turning your head, you look out the window. Pitch black. If you squint hard enough you could see your reflection. Yep white skin You change yourself back.
   the door burst open and standing in the doorway is Loki, hair no longer slicked back but disheveled and wearing a simple black shirt and matching pants. he had daggers in his hands, looking ready for a fight “What are you doing?” you ask.
   Loki looks confused “Why did you scream? I thought you were being attacked” he spoke, annoyance in his voice. You narrow your eyes and turn to your side, facing away from him “Get out” you spoke, not really wanting to see his face. He had no right to ask that. 
   “I said get the hell out!” 
   three days later
   you never left the room. To the Grandmaster, you were Loki’s property so he didn’t really care much. The servants came and brought you breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Some brought you books to read and others didn’t. You had also been avoiding the god himself. 
   he had tried starting a conversation with you once or twice, but it never really went to his plan. Mostly ending up with you threatening to kill him or you telling him off. Loki was stain in your life all you wanted was to be rid off him and go back home. 
   you had just wrapped a towel around your body, hair dripping from being in the bath. As you went to open the door the god was standing just outside the door, holding a towel in his hand. His blue eyes trailed up and down your body. You pushed past him and walked into your room, shutting the door.
   Loki felt his body tingle in way it hadn’t before. He exhaled deeply before walking into the bathroom and shutting the door 
   later that night (again)
   you sat up screaming bloody murder as you gripped your head. Instead of nightmare you had a nighterror instead. Your body was thrashing around like someone was attacking, but no one was. Just like last time Loki opened your door, almost breaking it off the hinges.
   he looked at your state and practically jumped on your bed. His face made him looked..worried? You back away instinctively “No you can’t touch-” Loki cuts you off by wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. How- how was this happening. You couldn’t touch anyone before, why now?”
   you didn’t notice the cold tears running down your face as Loki rubbed your back in soothing circles “How is this possible? I thought that-” “You can’t touch anyone because of your ability, but...what a i am, what i really am makes me immune to the cold in any form” he explains. 
   so this is what another's skin felt like. Soft, a little different from yours. You pull away a bit and began to touch different parts of his face. You run a finger along the side of his face, making him inhale sharply “what’re doing?” he asked in a low tone. 
   “I have never touched another person with my bare hand. Im curious” you say. Loki sighs and lets you continue your weird- whatever this could be called. After a couple minutes you let go of him, wiping your face “Your still a dick for what you did” you say. 
   Loki sighs, nodding his head ‘I’ve been told, by multiple people. I hope this makes up for it just a little” he says. Hope? You nod once “Yeah, your getting there. Now out antlers i have to sleep” you say, a grin forming on your face. Loki grumbles “That’s just rude”
   two weeks later
   “I don’t even like parties” you spoke, looking at the words in your book. “You’ve been cooped up in this room for two whole weeks. You need to try and have some fun” Loki insisted. You look up and him and sighed, damn god. “fine, but no promises i’ll be having any fun. I also have nothing to wear”
   Loki’s smile turned into a grin “stand up” he instructs. You roll your eyes and place the novel down before standing up from your seat “You better not do anything mischievous Loki” you say and he shrugs his shoulders. In a split second your hair was done and your outfit had changed. 
   the top part of the dress was a blue and a tad bronze lined leather that connected with some icy blue tool that made the bottom part. You looked, beautiful. “This doesn’t look like Sakaar attire?” you question, looking from the dress to him. Loki nods once, stepping towards you. 
   “That’s because it isn’t. It’s a tradition asgardian dress” he explains. You hummed in response “Really? I don’t think i do it much justice then” you spoke with a small laugh, turning around to face the large decorative mirror that was behind you. 
   you look at yourself in the dress, touching your face and squeezing your waist a bit. as you do so, Loki walks forward and stops a couple inches behind you. he leans down so his chin his hovering over your shoulder. You could feel his breath on your neck “I think you look lovely. Now, shall we?”
   it was a couple hours into the party and Loki was chatting it up with some people. Telling them life stories that he clearly altered to be in his favor while you sat beside him, silent. “And in that moment, i let go” the people around you laughed while you rolled your eyes. 
   you and Loki both turn your heads to the right at the sound of your names being called. Oh my gods. Thor?! You stood up quickly, Loki following you hesitantly “Excuse me for a second”. “Loki, over here!” Thor yells again, catching the attention of a few people. 
   Loki stood in front of his brother while you were beside Thor in the chair “Shh, Shh. Shut up!” Loki snapped in a hushed tone. “What?” Thor replied in the same hushed tone. “Your alive?” Loki looks his brother up and down while Thor just looked confused “Ah yes of course i’m alive!” 
   “What’re you doing here?” Loki questions. “What do you mean ‘what am i doing?’ I’m stuck in this stupid chair! Where’s your chair!?” Thor asked, making you stifle a chuckle. “We didn’t get a chair” Loki says, waving his hand towards you. 
   Thor glances at you for a moment and you give hima half smile before he turns back to his brother. “Well get me out of this one” Thor commands, struggling against the metal clasps that held his arms in place. “I can’t” Loki replies. What? Why couldn’t he help him?
   “Get me out!”
   “I can’t”
   Loki points into a random direction “I made friends with this man. he’s called the Grandmaster-” he explains. Oh yeah- the whole loyalty thing. Thor shakes his head “What’re you crazy?!” Thor accuses. You asked yourself that sometimes. “-I’ve gained his favor. The bifrost spat me out here weeks ago”
   “He thinks i’m Loki’s property, so yeah your right. Crazy”
   where has Thor been these past two and a half weeks? Thor looked extremely confused now “Weeks ago?! I- i just got here” he tries to say. You look up and see the face of the Grandmaster across from you “Oh shit!” you jump, holding onto the glass in your hand. 
   “What’re we whispering about?” he says with that creepy guard lady behind him, holding the melt stick as he called it. Thor jumps up at the sound of his voice ‘Uh Ah!” he shouts while Loki grabs your arm and pulls you a few steps back from Thor along with him. 
   “Time works real different around these parts” He starts, turning the records on his dj table? I don’t know. “On any other world i’d be like millions and millions  years old, but here on Sakaar” he finished explaining then just smiled expectantly like he was waiting for someone to say something. 
   you felt Loki tighten his grip on your arm a bit. What’s got him so tense? Loki opened his mouth to speak, but closed it right after. the Grandmaster waves his hand “In any case you know this uh- this uh. What do you call yourself? Lord of thunder?”
   “God of thunder” you and Thor say at the same time. Thor nods towards the Grandmaster “Tell him” he says to Loki. the black haired god begins to laugh nervously “i’ve never met this man in my life” he says, pointing to Thor for a brief moment “Loki!” you say, hitting his shoulder. What a dick. 
   Loki looked at you with a ‘what’ face. “He’s my brother!”Thor growls, mostly upset because of Loki. “Adopted” Loki interjects, making you hit him again. The Grandmaster looks up for a moment “Is he any kind of a fighter?” he asked. It’s Thor- duh. 
   Thor begins to laugh irritably “You take this thing out of my neck and i’ll show you” he threatens. You sigh deeply. Men am i right. The Grandmaster laughs along with him “Oh look at that he’s threatening me” he coos like Thor was some sort of baby. 
   “Hey sparkles-” the Grandmaster starts, making thor struggles against the chair once more “-you want to get back to ass..place. Ass berg-” he says. Oh he did not just say that. “Asgard!” You and Thor shout in unison. Loki gives you another look “Oh shut up your not helping, Loki”
   “-any contender who defeats my champion there freedom they shall win” you had heard about the Grandmaster’s contender =, but had never saw him. He was supposedly undefeated, but this is Thor were talking about here. “Fine! Then point me in the direction to whoever's ass i have to kick!”
   the Grandmaster smile and waves his fingers at Thor “That’s what i call contender” he says excitedly before lifting up this remot like object “The direction that would be in this way lord” he presses a button and Thor’s chair begins to move away. 
   “Loki!” Thor shouts. You pull yourself out of Loki’s grip and lift the bottom of your dress off the floor so you could run up to the chair. You face Thor and smile “I’m going to get you out okay?” you say before two guards grab both of your arms. Damn- they had gloves on. 
   “Remove your arms from Lady Y/n you buffoons!” Thor shouts before he disappears around the corner. You struggle against there grip for a second before managing to rip your arm from one of them. Your skin turned it’s icy white and blue and your pupils vanished. 
   just as you formed a icicle, someone grabbed your arm. You looked at who it was and saw Loki. “Think for a moment before you kill somebody. Now let’s go” he didn’t give a chance to reply before dragging you out the party hall. What a hypocrite honestly. He killed people all the time. 
   “You are insufferable, you know that!” you shout as Loki closes the door to your shared room “I’m insufferable!? You almost got yourself killed and for what?!” Loki shouts back. “To tell Thor that everything was going to work out. All you did was make it worse Loki. That’s all you ever seem to do!”
   Loki’s jaw clenched, his hands tightening into a fist “Don’t talk as if you know me!” he snaps at you. Loki walks up to you and pushes you up against the wall, his hand grabbed both of yours and held them over your head. Kinky- not now, just not now. 
    “Oh screw you and your I’m misunderstood bullshit! You left Thor hanging out to dry again and in the end of it all he still called out for your name! You know one day Thor is going to give up on you and your going to wish you had at least tried to be a good brother”
   Loki was breathing heavily as his blue eyes bore deep within your very soul. He looked at your face, studying every inch you had to offer. In a quick motions he dips down closer, his lips centimeters away from yours. Loki’s face scrunches up. He was debating in his hand. A battle in his own mind if you will. 
   he backs away from you, letting go off your hands “If you want to talk to my brother, follow me” he says and heads back towards the door. You felt almost disappointed that he didn’t keep going. Was that wrong? 
   in the end you and Loki could not physically find away into the holding room that Thor and the other contenders were in, but Loki said he could create an illusion of you both to talk to him. As long as you got to see Thor “Ready?” Loki asked and you nodded once.  
   you only blink once and suddenly your in this brown, dirty, circular shaped room. What a mess. “Odin-” you heard someone speak dn turned to your left to see Thor. He was kneeling over some homemade shrine.  “I bid you take your place in the halls of Valhalla-” he spoke. 
   it was probably a some sort of prayer they used after a loved one has died. “- Where the brave shall live forever. Where thine enemies have been vanquished, Nor shall we mourn but rejoice” this what heartbreaking to hear honestly. Thor was always the toughest guy you knew and now you were witnessing this.
   everyone has feelings though. Even witches like Loki
   “For those who have died The glorious death” Loki chimed in with Thor. The god of thunder turns around and sits against the wall “Lady Y/n” he nods towards you. You give him a small smile “Hey” you reply. “Hurts doesn’t it, being lied too?” Loki started. Oh for fucks sake. 
   “Being told your one thing then learning it’s all a fiction” Thor looked at the ground before picking up a rock and tossing it in Loki’s direction. The rock went straight through Loki, making him chuckle lightly “I mean- you didn’t think i really come and see you did you? This place is disgusting” Loki gestures to the floor.
   you sigh deeply “There were guards outside- after my stunt at the party. i’m not allowed out anywhere without Loki” you explained “That’s quite alright lady Y/n. I understand. Those men didn’t hurt you, did they?” Thor asks, grabbing another rock from the floor. You shake your head “No, of course not”
   “Good” Thor replies, throwing the rock through Loki’s face “One less person i have to kill before we leave this place” he says. Still over protective of you. Some things never change though do they? “Does this mean you don’t want my help?” Loki asked, noticing how Thor only addressed you. 
   “where did you offer help in any of the words you just spoke?” You question. Loki didn’t reply to you though. Petty bitch. “I couldn’t jeopardize our-” “-Your, don’t pretend to care about lady Y/n” Thor interjected. Loki sighed before continuing. thor had clearly touched a nerve. 
   “our position with the Grandmaster. Took me time to win his trust. He's a          lunatic, but he can be amenable.” Loki replied. You shake your head “Is everyone amenable to you, Loki?” you ask, tilting your head to the side. Loki glances at you for a moment “No”
   Thor lifted another rock from the ground and threw it through Loki’s face “What I'm telling you is, you could join me at the Grandmaster's side. Perhaps, in time, an accident befalls the Grandmaster, and then...” Loki points to his brother mouthing ‘you then you ‘Y/n’ then himself ‘me’
   “Oh wow- you really do suck” you say going over to Thor and pointing at a rock “Can you throw that rock for me?” you ask and he simply nods with a smile before picking it up and throwing it at him. You smile lightly. Good friend things. You look at Loki who takes a step forward.
   “You're not seriously thinking of going back, are you?“ he asked with a questioning look. “i would” you mumble before stepping backwards. Thor looks like he had just been punched in the face, but had his hands folded casually. Thor was stubborn. 
   “Our sister destroyed your hammer like a piece of glass.“ Loki says, holding his hands out. “She's stronger than all of us. She's stronger than you“ he adds. No offense, but you definitely could’ve done some damaged if Thor had not shouted your name back at the field and alerted her to you. 
   “You don't stand a chance. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?” Loki’s tone gets more aggressive while Thor just scowls at him “Loki” you say, trying to get him to shut up. After a couple seconds Loki lets out a bitter laugh “Fine” he says. 
   “I guess I'll just have to go it alone. Like I've always done.”
   Loki’s comment makes Thor smirk. One that Loki notices “Would you say something?” Loki asked. You sigh deeply. Why do you feel as if there was going to be yelling? Anyway- Thor stays silent, looking at the ground for more stones he could throw at Loki. 
   “Say something!” Loki shouts in a louder tone
   and he does “What would you like me to say?” Thor starts. This felt awkward, being there you mean. “You stole the throne, stripped Odin of his power,          stranded him on Earth-” Loki went to say something, but Thor keeps talking “-To die, releasing the goddess of death”
   “he didn’t know that would happen Thor-” you say, but are quickly shut up just as Loki was “Have I said enough, or do you do you want me to go further back than the past two days?” Thor asked. You look at Loki who looks like he’s holding back tears at his brother cold stare. 
   nonetheless, he composes himself “You know, I haven't seen this               Beloved Champion he talks of, but I've heard he's astonishingly savage. I've placed a large wager against you tomorrow. Don't let me down.” he spoke as his illusion starts to vanish. Your time is almost up.
   you look at Thor as he lifts a glass bottle from the ground and throws it at the wall where Loki was. “Thor, your going to do great out there. I’ll be watching” you spoke and gave him a small smile. Thor looks at you and nods “Goodbye” you said and just as you blinked you were standing next to Loki. 
   you both walked back to your room in silence. Loki looked awful. Like he wanted to breakdown at any moment. You felt bad for him. He had lost both his parents, just as you had. You could relate to some of his pain. so you should try to comfort him, right?
   when the door shut behind you both, you reached up and placed a hand on Loki’s shoulder “Loki- i’m sorry about Odin. I know you say you love him like Thor does, but he had to have meant something to you” you spoke as calmly as you could.
   Loki’s body tensed under your touch “I never stopped loving my father” he says, which surprises you “He raised me I was just so angry that they lied about me. I was never truly there child” he spoke, his voice beginning to waver. 
   “Odin and Frigga took you in as their own. They didn’t care that you weren’t biologically there’s. They gave you a home when no one else did Loki. That’s what being a parent is.” you spoke and left go of his shoulder “You can have some time alone. I’ll be in my room” 
   you walk past the god and towards your door, “Thank you, Y/n. How did you know what to say?” Loki spoke, making you turn around “Just what i wished someone had told me when avengers came to save me” you shrug and walk into the room, shutting the door. 
   “I can’t believe you put a wager against your brother” You said, walking alongside Loki. wearing another tradition asgardian dress that Loki had picked out for you. It was another icy blue dress that had a soft brown leather as the straps. iIt was flowy and had a slit down the side. 
   “It was only a joke” He replies, holding your hand as you walked through the crowds of people. The Grandmaster had invited you and Loki to watch Thor’s fight from the ‘Grandmasters box’ stupid bastard and his stupid terms. As you walk, you pass by where the contenders are being held. Thor. 
   you didn’t have time “Will seen him soon. I can tell your worried about him” Loki spoke, squeezing your hand softly. “Thor was one of the first people to help me when i got out of Hydra. I owe him everything” you say. Loki sighs deeply before you both continue walking.
   as you drew closer you were able to hear the cheers and roars of the crowd. jeez it’s just a bunch of idiots fighting- go watch some Tv or something. Suddenly you heard the Grandmaster speak. What a loser this guy was. Thinking that you were just some mans property. 
   “ow! Look at all of you. What a show, WHAT-A-NIGHT! Who's having fun? Please, I'm your host. Big round of applause for all of our undercard competitors who died so gruesomely. Good sports. What a show! What a night! This is what you've come for and so have I.”
   when he finished speaking is when you and Loki entered the very bright room, filled with different people from different worlds. Bruce would have love to see this, sometimes you forget he’s gone. You just hoped that you’d find out what happened to him one day. 
   Loki leads you  towards the front, skillfully grabbing two drinks and handing one to you. What a gentlemen- wait no. Damnit. “Making his first appearance, though he looks quite promising, got a couple of tricks up his sleeve. I'll say no more, see what you think. Ladies and gentlemen...”
   you look down from the glass and see a latch lifting up. That has to be him. “I give to you...Lord of Thunder!” the Grandmaster shouts. You smile as your eyes landed on Thor “Oh my god they cut his hair!” you exclaim “It’s just hair” Loki replies, taking a sip from his drink. 
   you scoff “Okay, let me cut yours” you say and he glares “I’d rather die” he says and you nod “Told you so” the crowd was booing Thor, along with a couple people next you. “Oh screw yourselves” you grumble under your breath. Loki wraps his free arm around your waist and pulls you flush to his side.
   “Try to behave darling, will you?” Loki leans down to whisper into your ear. You feel a tingling feeling in your stomach. Was he using his magic on you. “Yeah yeah, whatever” you huff, earning a smirk from the god holding you “That’s a good girl” he says- and there goes the stomach again.
   you both turn back to watch Thor as he walks to the center of the arena. “Watch out for his fingers. They make sparks.” the Grandmaster says, making you roll your eyes at his statement. Thor puts a helmet on his head and pulls the small latch down. 
   The Grandmasters hologram began to rub his hands together “Okay, this is it. Let's get ready to welcome this guy. Here he comes. He is a creature. What can we say about him? Well, he's unique. There's none like him. I feel a special connection with him.” he gets the crowd riled up. 
   green bombs of dust or some kind of pigment begin to explode in the sky and over the crowd. “He's undefeated. HE'S THE REIGNING...HE'S THE DEFENDING...Ladies and gentlemen... I give you...” he spoke in broken sentences. Now he was getting you scared. 
   the door begins to open from the other side. It only happened halfway when it was smashed through by some green, big, angry...Hulk?! You feel as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders “Bruce?” you whisper to yourself, almost dropping the glass in your hand. 
   Loki on the other hand turned paler then he already was and let go of you “I have to get off this planet” he spoke and turned around to leave the room, but the Grandmaster was right behind him “Hey, hey, hey! Where are you going?” he questions, but Loki has no words. Neither do you. 
   the Grandmaster leads you both to the long couch and you and Loki sit side by side. You could hear Bruce screaming Hulk into the crowd. What was going on? Thor suddenly turns from the Hulk to where you guys are “Hey! We know each other. He's a friend from work!” then we went to talk to Hulk.
   you didn’t notice your hands were shaking as Loki placed his on top of one yours “Are- are you alright?” he asked and you reach up to wipe away a forming tear “I haven’t seen bruce in two years. I thought he was gone- dead” despite Loki being in fear of his life he gave you a smile. “Well, that’s good”
   “Loki! Y/n! Look who it is!”
   you both look away from each other and look at Thor who was gesturing Hulk to look at Loki. Loki looked like he wanted the world to swallow him up “You’ll be alright. If he does come up here i can protect you. Hulk loves me” you say with a toothy grin. 
   suddenly Hulk charges at Thor “What is he doing?!” you shout as both Thor and Hulk begin to fight each other. This is not according to plan at all. A couple seconds later it looks like Hulk was about to grab Thor's hand “Oh thank god” you mumble to yourself a little too soon. 
   Hulk picked up Thor by his leg and through him repeatedly onto the ground before tossing him to the side. Loki shoots up from his seat “Yes! That's how it feels!” he exclaims. Jeez. You stand up and grab his arm. Loki turns to see the Grandmaster staring at him strangely.
   “I'm just a huge fan of the sport.” Loki explains and the Grandmaster just laughs. You sit Loki down as well as yourself “Real calm and classy there antlers” you say with a small grin. Loki growls under his breath “Really? How ‘bout you let that green moron smash you into the ground”
   you couldn’t help, but laugh “I’m sorry. That sounded so wrong” you say, your mind going to straight to the gutter. Loki looks at you weirdly before cringing “You are a perverted girl” he says. You shrug your shoulders “Yeah whatever. Do something about it” you say jokingly, going back to watching Thor.
   you feel Loki’s hand being firmly placed on your thigh, his other hand sliding behind your back to grip your waist “I can show you what i can do about it later if you so desire” error error Y/n.exe has stopped working. You feel that fluttery feeling in your stomach again. Damn god of teasing.
   you somehow manage to keep your cool and grinned at him “No offense, your highness. You couldn’t handle me” you say. His brow raises in amusement. No one has ever said such a thing to him. Just as he opens his mouth you see in the corner of your eye the Grandmaster pulling out the chip remote.
   he presses the button and Thor falls to the ground. That dirty cheater. 
   hours later
   it was after the fight and you were pacing back and forth in your room while Loki sat on the bed “Will you cut that out?” Loki suggested and your skin change quickly. You form a icicle and throw it towards him. He catches it in his hand swiftly “Do not tell me to calm down! That dirty freak cheated!”
   Loki sighs and goes to open his mouth when the door opens. “The Grandmaster has requested your presence Loki of asgard” a guard spoke. Your skin changed back to normal as Loki stood up. You go walk along with him when the guard stops you “Only Loki” he spoke.
   you sigh and nod, giving Loki a small smile. “I’ll be here once you get back” you say and he sighs before leaving with the guard. Now, your stuck here. All alone. You go over to the bed and sit down. The sheets were still messed up from where Loki had slept the night before. 
   why were you thinking about that?
   the door flies open, revealing a brown skinned woman with asgardian armor and white markings on her. “Hello Lady Y/n. Thor asked me to come find you. Noe let’s go” she spoke quickly. You got up instantly and walked to her. Wait “Will be we getting Loki?” you ask
   the woman looks at you for a moment and nods “Yes- later now lets go princess before i’m late for a meeting with the Grandmaster. I heard you can fight by the way so i got you some good clothes to move around in.” you nod as you both alk out the room
   the woman, who told you to call her Val had dropped you off at the junkyard, but let you get changed first of course into a black leather warrior outfit. . At first you were confused as why she had dropped you here, but when you saw Thor leaving a quinjet.
   as you ran up to him you saw another person leaving. It was Bruce in Tony’s clothes? “Bruce!” you yell. He turns around and looks at you with a confused stare “Y/n? Your taller and older. Wait- Why are you here?!” he questions. You chuckle and look at Thor “It’s a long story, where are we going?”
   with Val and Loki
   both asgardians had just walked out the Grandmasters hall to find and capture Thor and Hulk. They were both walking fast since Loki said he could get them back in one hour. “What have you done?” Loki accuses only full well she had something to do with the escape. 
   Val takes takes one look at him and scowls “I don’t answer to you, lackey” she snaps back. Loki stops and grabs her arm “It’s Loki and you will answer to the Grandmaster” he says. Val pushes off his arm and punches him in the nose. Loki stumbles back a bit and pulls out a Sakaarian blade
   “Why would you help me brother escape with that green fool?” He questions, pointing the blade at her. Val pulls out a blade of her own “I don’t help anyone” she quips back and the two rush each other. Hitting, kicking, dodging, the whole ordeal. at one point Loki grabbed her arm and saw her mark.
   “You're a Valkyrie. I thought the Valkyrie all died gruesome deaths?” he says, knowing it would rile her up and it did. Val escapes from his grip and pushes him against the wall, holding the knife to his throat “Choose your next words wisely” she seethes down at him.
   Loki looks up at her, smug “Terribly sorry. Must be a very painful memory...” and puts his hand on her forehead. Val was taken back to the moment the Valkyrie were sent to fight Hela for the thrown. Val watched them all die again as well as her girlfriend. 
   once she came back she was pushed back onto the floor by Loki. She stands back up quickly and pushes him on the ground, straddling him “You know your majesty, i have some terrible news for you. I went to your little girlfriends room after you left” she started, making Loki’s eyes go wide. 
   “she was a pretty one i’ll give you that. That was until i slit her throat and watched her bleed out” It was Val’s turn to rile Loki up. “Y-Your lying!” Loki shouts, struggling against her. “Oh really?” she says and reaches into her pocket, pulling out a piece of blue tool from your dress, stained with blood. 
   Loki felt his heart drop into his stomach, like he wanted to vomit and cry all at the same time “No...’ he mumbles and grabs the tool from her hand. Val looked stunned for a moment before punching his face and knocking him out. She was not expectantly that kind of reaction from him.  
   you, Thor, and Bruce were walking through the crowd of Hulk worshippers basically when Val had found you. She had led you all inside safely. She was a pretty cool gal. You had to get her number after this. Does she have a phone. You all walked down this hall when she stops. 
   Bruce stopped behind thor and you stopped behind Bruce. “Look, I've spent years in a haze trying to forget my past. Sakaar seemed like the best place to drink and forget and to die one day.” Val spoke, making you frown slightly. Thor nods.
    “I was thinking that you drink too much, and that probably was going to kill you.” Thor spoke. Val gave him an annoyed look before walking towards the door “Also, i have a piece offering” she said vaguely before opening the door. Thor walks in first, then Bruce. 
   Once you walk in you noticed Loki, chained up and hanging his head in shame, he was looking at a piece  of tool that rested on the ground in front of him “Brother?” Thor spoke, crouching down to look at his face “Loki are you alright?” he asked 
   “she was so much like me you know, we both didn’t know where we belonged. Both too cold and felt like monsters. I had never felt that way about anyone. I don’t think i’ll ever feel that way again. I don’t want too actually, not if it isn’t her” everyone in the room could notice his voice breaking. 
   just as you were about too console him Val put an arm in front of you and pressed a finger to her mouth. Telling you to shut it basically. You are confused, but nod slowly “Brother. I don’t understand. Who are you talking about? What has made you this upset?” Thor questions. 
   Loki’s body started to shake as he sobbed “Y/n. That scraper killed her. she took her away from me, now i’m all alone again.” he explains solemnly. Thor looks confused “Loki, lady Y/n is right here” he spoke. Loki lifted his head up and Thor was right. There you were, alive. 
   Loki didn’t know whether to be relieved or angered, but he stuck with relieved. “Let him out!” you shout, walking over to Loki to pull on the chains. “Y/n i don’t think that’s such a good idea-” Bruce started, but you didn’t care. You got the chains undone and Loki instantly wrapped his arms around you.
   “Hey, i’m here” you say as he holds onto tightly, almost like you would disappear if he let you go “I know” he replies before pulling away. You look around and notice everyone staring at you “What?” Loki spots Bruce and tilts his head “Hello Bruce” he spoke, standing up from the chair.
   Bruce looks at him “So, last time i saw you, you were trying to kill everybody. Where are you at these days?” he questions. Loki looked at you then Val who was grabbing something out the closet “It varies from moment to moment” he spoke before completely ignoring him.
   Loki studies your face “I’m alive Loki” you say to reassure him and he sighs “i know, just wan’t to keep it that way” he says. You muster up a smile “That is the nicest thing you have said to me since we got here” you admit. He rolls his eyes and looks down for a moment then back at you 
   “I need to tell you something-”
   “Loki come here!” Thor says, waving at him from the otherside of the room. Loki sighs and look at you, going to say something “It’s okay. we can talk later” you reassure him and he smiles.
   you, Loki, and Thor were assigned to get a ship for all of you to leave on, but throughout the whole time you were fighting to get there Loki and Thor were talking about leaving each other or staying together. You wished you stayed with Bruce and Val. 
   now you were in a elevator, with you standing in front of the two, skin icy white and blue and no pupils. “Here's the thing. I'm probably better off staying here on Sakaar.” Loki says. You turn around and look at him with wide eyes “Loki-” you say, but Thor interrupts “That's exactly what I was thinking.”
   okay what? “Thor-” you say this time, but the same thing happens. “Did you just agree with me?” Loki asked, stunned. Thor shrugs “Come on, this place is perfect for you. It's savage, chaotic, lawless. Brother, you're going to do great here.” Thor says, glancing at him once- ouch.
   Loki looks forward and you wished you hadn’t come at all “Do you truly think so little of me?” Loki questions. Thor pauses for a moment before looking at his brother. “ Loki, I thought the world of you. I thought we were gonna fight side by side forever. But, at the end of the day, you're you, I'm me” he starts. 
   you watch as Loki’s face changes from different emotions. To hope, then sorrow. “I don't know, maybe there's still good in you-” Thor says and gestures to you “-but let's be honest, our paths diverged a long time ago.” he finished. You stepped aside Loki and reached down to grab his hand. 
   Loki sighs and looks at his brother one last time “Yeah... It's probably for the best that we never see one another again.” he replies, nodding his head. You look down. Stupid boys. “That's what you always wanted.” Thor says and pats his brother on the back, you noticed he place the chip on his back.
   strange, but you trust Thor’s judgement. Doesn’t mean you weren’t going to swipe the remote off of him though. 
   Loki looks away slowly letting go of your hand. It was silence for a few moments. Awkward silence filled with tension and emotion. Jumping through the glass and falling to your death didn’t really look so bad right now “Hey, let’s do get help” Thor pipes up.
   “What?” Loki asked, turning to look at Thor again
   “What’s get help?-”
   “Get help” Thor repeats with a cheery smile on his face. 
   “Oh come on, you love it” 
   “No i hate it
   “It’s great. It works every time”
   “Its humiliating”
   “Do you have a better plan?” 
   you got to speak when they just start talking again “No” Loki replies and Thor just looks back forward with a smile “Were doing it” he says and Loki does the same “We are not doing get help” Loki says, thinking that’s the end of it. You look at both of them and groan “I hate both of you”
   as the elevator door opens, you are stuck clinging onto the ceiling. You wait a couple of seconds “Alright. Come down” Thor calls and you jump down from the bar “Get help huh?” you chuckle, looking at Loki who turns and glares at you. You smile and walk behind them.
   “Now which one is the ship she told us to get?” Thor asked. Loki pointed at a bright orange ship “The Commodore” he says. You all begin to walk.  A second later he walks away, grabbing your arm to follow along with him and leaving a illusion walking alongside Thor. What?
   “Though I feel it won't make much of a difference” the illusion spoke. Thor sighs “Oh Loki” and turns to see you and Loki at the control panel “I know I've betrayed you many times before, but this time it's truly nothing personal. The reward for\ your capture will set Y/n and i up nicely.”
   Y/n what now? Loki presses a button on the panel and the places starts to go off “Loki, you didn’t” you gasp as you rip your arm from him. “Never one for sentiment, were you?” Thor asks. Loki grinned “Easier to let it burn.” he replies in a low tone.
   Thor reaches into his pocket as his eyes go wide. You slowly back away from Loki “Y/n-” “You self centered prick!” you snapped, pulling the remote out of your pocket. His face drops and he takes a step forward “Y/n, please-” he tries to explain, but you had already made up your mind. “No!” you shout. 
   Loki goes to speak again, but you press the button, watching as he drops to the floor. Thor walks past you and towards Loki “Oh that looks painful” Thor mumbles. You follow after him, walking much slower. Thor kneels down beside his brother. 
   “Oh brother, you're becoming predictable. I trust you, you betray me. Round and round in circles we go.” Thor speaks, looking down at Loki. See, Loki, life is about, it's about growth. It's about change, but you seem to just wanna stay the same.” 
   it hurt to see Loki that way, but in the end if he could betray Thor so easily. he’d do it to you too and no amount of love could change that “I guess what I'm trying to say is that you'll always be the God of Mischief, but you could be more.” Thor sighed and stood up “I’ll start the ship” and with that, he left. 
   you look at Thor then Loki. You go to where Thor was kneeling and do the same “You almost fooled me i’ll give you that. The whole touch thing and flirty comments. It almost made me think you felt the same. What tied it in was the tears.” you say, watching as he turned to look at you, pain on his face. 
   “Maybe you do care about me, but in the end you would betray anyone to save your own skin Loki. Thor’s right, you could be so much more. To him, the world...to me” You looked up to stop the tears forming in your eyes to fall down your face. You quickly wipe them and look back down. 
   “Thank you for being my first hug” You stand up and throw the remote a few feet away from him. “and my last” and with that you turned away leaving Loki on Sakaar along with any feelings you had for him. 
   after fighting your way out of Sakaar on a orgy ship you passed out. Bruce was the first to wake, then Val and Thor with you being the last “I never thought i’d be back here” Val spoke. You and Bruce undo your seatbelts and stand behind Thor and Val.
   “Though it be a lot nicer” Bruce spoke up. “Bruce- dude” you say, shaking your head. He noticed all of your collective disappointed stares and sputtered “Not- noth that it’s not nice- it’s just- it’s just on fire” well he was right about that. You assumed it was Hela’s doing. 
   the dashboard started going off and Val  looked at it “Here, up in the mountains. heat signatures, people clustered together. Hela’s coming for them” she explained, pointing at the 3D diagram. You sigh as you power up your abilities, Bruce giving you a odd stare. Guess he’s not used to it. 
   “Okay, drop me off at the palace and i'll draw her away.” Thor spoke up. “Thor she destroyed your hammer like nothing. You can’t do this alone!” you protest. Thor shakes his head and looks back at you, “Then you’ll come with me Lady Y/n” he says “And get yourselves killed?” Val questions
   “The people trapped down there are all that matters. While we're dealing with Hela, I need you two to help get everyone off Asgard.” Thor instrucks. Bruce pokes his head in between and looks at both of them “and how the hell are we supposed to do that?” 
   “I have a man on the ground”
   Thor looked up at Val as her and Bruce flew away. Hm, strange. 
   once you two got to the castle, you noticed rumble all over the floor, even a piece with Thor’s face on it. Thor looks up at the ceiling and you follow suit. What you see in horrific. Pictures of Odin and Hela destroying worlds. 
   you look over at Thor and notice his grim face “Thor? Are you okay” you say. Thor sighs and nods “Wait behind a pillar. Hela should be here soon” he says and you nod, walking away to find a hiding spot. 
   Thor sat in the throne and began to band Odin’s scepter on the floor, causing loud booms to flow throughout the castle. Only seconds later did you here Hela’s heels down the hallway. 
   she was here
   “sister” Thor says. You couldn’t see them, but you could hear them. “Your still alive” she says back, soundly somewhat surprised. “ I love what you've done with the place. Redecorating, I see.” Thor spoke. Was this a time to be making jokes??
   “It seems our father's solution to every problem was to cover it up.” Hela snarls at him. Okay she’s getting upset. “Or to cast it out. He told you you were worthy.   He said the same thing to me.” Thor responds, solem in his tone. You could hear the bitterness in his tone  
   “You see, you never knew him, not at\ his best.” Hela sighs like it’s a fond memory to look back on ”Odin and I drowned entire civilizations in blood and tears. Where do you think all this gold came from? And then one day he  decided to become a benevolent king.”
   Hela’s voice becomes more sour “To foster peace, to protect life.” she starts “To have you” ouch- that has gotta sting. “ I understand why you're angry. and you are my sister, and technically have a claim to the throne. And believe me, I would love for  someone else to rule. But it can't be you. You're just the worst.”
   Thor no- you hear the swish noise like the last time she put on her crown “Okay, get up. You're in my seat.” she said, done playing games with Thor. clearly. “You know, Father once told me that a wise king never seeks out war” he says, you could hear his heavy footsteps.
   “But must always be ready for it.” Hela replies, drawing closer
   that’s your cue
   you jump down and ice the floor just as Thor jumps in the air. Hela goes to throw a blade at him, but it ends up missing because she couldn’t balance. her head snaps in your direction and she snarls “You again?!” she shouts, charging towards you.
   pressing your palms together and pull them out quickly, forming a silver sword with a blue base and handle. You lift your sword, but Thor hits her away with the scepter. Hela is knocked back, but for only a moment as she gets up and charges at Thor.
   she manages to knock the scepter away pin Thor against the wall “Here's the difference between us. I'm Odin's firstborn, the rightful heir, the savior of Asgard.” she spoke before throwing Thor to the floor “And you're nothing.” You run up at her and hit her away from Thor.
   “and your a bitch!” you yelled. Now you two her going hand to hand “Who are you? Your not asgardian is that for sure, but i sense a power off you stronger then any human could bare” she spoke, kicking you to the ground “You have the power of a infinity stone. Now that’s interesting darling”
   Hela forms a blade “Too bad that power will die with you” she smiles wickedly as she goes to plunge it into your stomach, but Thor tackles her to the ground. “Y/n leave now!” Thor shouts, as Hela knocks him in the face “But what about you!�� you shout, forming a icicle in your hand to throw at her. 
   “This is my fight and i will not lose you. Now go!” he shouts just as Hela sliced his eye. You almost choked before you got yourself together and ran and ran and ran. “Thor i hope you know what your doing” 
   as soon you headed out the castle, you used a burst of cold fog to send you into the sky. The bifrost! it’s being attacked by Hela’s knights and a large wolf. That’s where to go you guess and you another burst to send you towards the bridge. 
   the wolf was running towards a bunch of unarmed asgardians. You dropped onto the bifrost just as bruce came flying out the ship and landing face first “Bruce! This is why i said to keep your seatbelt on!” you shout. he’s lucky he’s mutated or he’d be dead. 
   the wolf sniffed Bruce for a few seconds before running your direction again. You form a blade and have it sending his way, but he wasn’t stopping. You look over and see a dark skinned man with long hair, Heimdall holding a sword “Nice to meet you i guess?” you spoke with nervous laughter.
   he looked your way and nodded “You too Lady Y/n” wait- how did he know your name. Nevermind that- both you and Heimdall hold your swords in ready position. The wolf is inches away when it suddenly stopped? You watch as it’s pull back and thrown to the other side. 
   “Yes!” you shout, throwing your arms in the air. Hulk lets out a thunderous roar, hitting his chest. The wolf comes after him and they both fall off the bifrost. One problem down, two more to go. More knights begin to run towards the group and you and hemdall began to fight them off.
   you are so telling Tony about this!
   Heimdall gets hit in the knee and you rush over to help him when a rock guy come out of nowhere and blasts the knight into nothing. Wait- wasn’t this Thor’s friend- from back on Sakaar? “Hey man and woman. I'm Korg. This is Miek.” he introduces himself as a purple worm robot appears.
   you might need therapy after this one actually “We're going to jump on that spaceship and get out of here. Want to come?” he asked. He was rather polite. You smile lightly “We’d love too Korg, just after we kill these things.” You reply. You suddenly hear something off in the distance
   you and Heimdall turn to see a figure amongst the mist. Please don’t be Hela, please do not be Hela! Once the figure came to view you gasped. “Your saviour is here!” Loki shouts, standing on top of the landing pad. What a narcissist! A narcissist that you were in love with, but technicalities don’t count. 
   as the ship lands people of asgard begin to board “Did you miss me?” he says, you smile lightly. he had come back to save his people “Now everyone on the ship!” he commands and asgardians begin to flood in. Loki pushed through the people and made his way towards you and Heimdall. 
   “Welcome back. I saw you coming” Heimdall speaks. Loki purses his lips together and nods “Course you did” he says and looks at you “Surprised to see me, darling?” he says with a small smirk. You shake your head slowly with a smile “I was hoping you do the right thing. Your just boosting my ego”
   Loki grinned at you for a moment before pull out two asgardian blades “Will talk more in a bit” he sends you a wink as the Knights charge you all. You fly into the air and slam into the ground, causing a cold breeze to freeze about a dozen. You watch as they crumble and fall apart.
   “Didn’t know i could do that” you shrug and pull out your sword once again. The bright sky turned a dark grey as electricity struck the castle, causing a big explosion “Yes! Thor!” you shout. “Hopefully it killed that bitch, no offense since she is your sister and all” you say to Loki.
   he shrugs and slices a Knight in half “Unrelated note. You look very sexy while fighting” he smirks. You shake your head as your form multiple blades and send them at the Knights behind him. Loki goes wide eyed and watch about seven fall to the ground 
   “Me and you definitely need to talk later” his voice came out in a growl, which honestly sent shivers up your spine. You let out a chuckle as you watch Thor crash onto the bifrost “Why not now? Your brother seems to be keeping most of their attention”
   Loki raises a brow “You wan’t me to confess my undying love for you in the middle of war?” he questions. Well that was blunt. “You do have a thing for undying don’t you? Anyway, just tell me now. one of us may not live till the end of this war” you spoke. 
   you notice Loki’s face change to a grim one “Your not dying on me, i won’t allow it” he said, almost as it was a command. “Loki- be realistic. Now shut up and tell me” you say as you stab through a Knight “Okay- from the moment i laid eyes on you, i could tell you were like me” he says.
   “How so?” you question. “You question who you are and wonder if you belong anywhere. You think of yourself as a monster just as i do to my Jotun side. I wont ever question you and we can belong to each other. I do not see you as a monster Y/n. I see you as a goddess”
   wow- he could sure smooth talk a gal into anything. Jokes aside his words meant everything to you, he meant everything to you. You use your ice to put up a bubble around the both of you. Loki looks confused for a moment before turning to look at you. 
   “Just say you love me Loki” you chuckle. He smiles slightly and grabs your hands “Y/n, i am in love with you. I think that’s better” he quipped back. you both laugh for a moment “Do asgardians use the term boyfriend and girlfriend?” you say. 
   Loki shakes his head “We like to use more gender inclusive terms. So, Y/n would you like to be my forever and i yours?” you could have passed out right then and there. Also- how was asgard more woke then earth? That’s some bullshit right there.
   you break away from your thoughts and nod “of course i do” you say. Loki is unable to control his smile as he dips his head down. He was leaning when Boom! the bubble is destroyed. You smile and pull away “i guess you have to wait my prince” you tease, forming your sword again. 
   you could tell you touched a nerve because Loki squirmed a bit “Your such a vixen, darling. I can’t wait to have you all alone” he spoke in a low tone. You take a deep breath and try to compose yourself, but the thought of you and Loki- alone. It just took over your mind.
   “Can this fucking shit be over with! Hurry it the hell up Thor!” you shout as you jab your sword through two Knights and push them off the bifrost. Loki’s helmet fell as he was fighting one. You run and slide across the bifrost to grab it. Ha antlers- not right now!
   Once you do you chuck it at Loki who uses it to knock the Knight of his feet and push a sword through its stomach. Loki looks up at you and you grin at him “Teamwork, my prince” you say before bursting into the air “Stop calling that in public!” he yells. 
   Thor comes walking up too Loki, both breathing heavily. You drop down beside them “Your late” Thor says and Loki sighs “Your missing an eye” he replies back. Huh? You look at Thor and wave your hand over it, causing a cooling effect for him “Hopefully it’s stops the throbbing” you say.
   Thor nods and gives you a tired smile as Val walks past you three “This isn’t over” she breathes out. Well- she’s not wrong on that one. All four of you walk together. You all stop to catch your breath “I think we should disband the Revengers.” Thor spoke. 
   “Good. It was a shit idea” you comment, making Val stifle laughter. “Hit her with a lightning blast.” Loki suggests “we already did that and she rose from the dead still” you say. Thor looks at his brother in disbelief- he did just like shoot her into the sky and she’s walking. 
   “I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning. It did nothing.” Thor gave his brother a know it all look. You all looked forward as Hela stalked towards you all “She is so fucking creepy” you say, forming a couple blades. 
   Val nods in agreement “We need to hold her off until everybody's on board.” she instructs. You all nod. You really didn’t want to fight this deer looking bitch. Antlers just run in the fucking family at this point. You stretch your back a bit. Your positive you have scoliosis after all this. 
   Thor shakes his head “It won't end there. The longer Hela's on Asgard the more powerful she grows. She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her here and now.” he says. “If she’s growing more powerful from just being here then how do we stop her” you look at Thor.
   Val nods along with you “She’s right, so what do we so?” she says, putting an emphasis on the world ‘what’ . Loki pauses and looks at Thor “I’m not doing get help” okay that was funny, no laughing right now though. Thor steps forward and glares at Hela before looking back at the ship of people boarding.
   he’s going to give a speech isn’t he?
   “Asgard's not a place, it's a people.-” there it is “-This was never about stopping Ragnarok...it was about causing Ragnarok.” he says, turning his attention towards Loki. “What’s Ragnarok?” you ask, expectanting no answer, but hey gotta love Val
   “It’s this big fiery demon that was literally made to destroy Asgard and everyone on it” she explains. At that moment you honestly thought about marrying her “Wait- You want to send a demon to destroy Asgard? Shit-” you say. 
   Thor walks over to Loki and places a hand on his shoulder “Go to the vault. Surtur's crown. It's the only way.” he says. Loki fights against himself for a moment before nodding “Bold move, brother. Even for me.” he admits before walking over to you. 
   “I’ll see you soon, darling” he says with a small smile. “Well aren’t going to kiss me then?” you question, his smile turning into a grin “No..i rather give you something to look forward too” he says before running off. What a dick. You look back towards Hela “Shall we?” Thor asked the both you and Val.
   Val looks at Thor and smiles lightly “After you” she says. Thor jumps into the air and destroys two of Hela’s blades. Hela kicks throw out the way as Val charged at her, but she ended being thrown too. Your turn. You burst into the air and throw four blades at her. She dodges them all and sends you away with Val.
   Thor picks up a Knights discarded sword and tries to plunge in into Hela, but she dodges that too. Thor turns to Heimdall and shouts “Go! Go now!” and Heimdall gets onto the ship. Hela throws a spear at him and it jabs right through Thor’s shoulder. 
   the ship starts to lift into the air and Hela notices. She uses big spikes from the ground and shoots them in, keeping the ship in place “I’ll handle that. You two keep her busy!” you shout and fly into the air. How were you going to do this? You watch as Knights begin to crawl the spikes and up towards the asgardians.
   you had to make a move now. 
   just as your about to land you hear..gunshots?! Since when her guns on Asgard? Just as you got close enough a man holding to large guns jump off of the ship and onto the bifrost, breaking the spike in the process. He lands on the bifrost and you jump down next to him.
   “What’s your name? Weren’t you working for Hela?” you question suspiciously. The man looks ashamed “My name is Skurge. Yes i did work for Hela temporarily, but i know now that she is not a true queen and i wan’t to make it right” he confesses.
   you smile and nod at him “Good for you dude. Now prove it!” you shout and charge into battle. You love a good redemption ark. You and your new friend Skurge fight off the Knights. “Hela!” he shouts, catching the goddess’s attention. Well fuck. 
   as you two fought off the last one Hela sent a blade in Skurge’s direction. You didn’t think. You should have thought before you acted, but you didn’t. You were just too nice to strangers. You jump in front of Skurge and catch the blade in your back, causing you to gasp out. 
   skurge looks at you in shock as you slowly drop to the floor. From a distance Thor and Val watch in horror as there comrade is smite down. “No!” Thor screamed, lighting bursting in every direction “Hela enough!” he shouts, standing up “if you want Asgard. It’s yours”
   Skurge moves you and pulls the blade from your back. Your vision became spotty “Loki?” you murmur as you look up “i’m so sorry” Skurge cried. Hela looked towards Thor “Whatever game you're playing, it won't work. You can't defeat me.” Hela says with a evil grin.
   Skurge watched the life drain from your body as it turned to ice. A statue of who you used to be cold and frozen over. “I’m so sorry ma’am” he breathes out as he touches your face. He felt so guilty. It should have been him is what he kept thinking over and over again.
   suddenly the Sakaar ship lands next to Skurge and Loki jumps out. His whole world came crashing down once he saw you. A frozen corpse. “She saved him so i stayed with her” skurge explains. Loki lifts a hand and waves him away, which is what Skurge does so. 
   Loki drops to his knees and touched your frozen skin “Even in death you are beautiful my love. I should have kissed you when you asked me too, but i just had to be cheeky” he says, tears forming down his face and falling onto your frozen body. 
   “No one can ever match your beauty, your skill, or your big heart and i will never love again. You taught me what it’s like to love and to be loved and i- i-” Loki broke down and let his tears fall like a waterfall. He was alone again. Now he would have to live his miserable life without you
   you sat up, breathing heavily. You were in a castle. Thor’s castle. How? Where’s Hela? Where’s Loki. You push yourself off the floor instantly and look around. “You must be terribly confused” you heard a woman speak. You turn around and see a older woman with light auburn hair.
   “Who are you and where is everyone?” you snap at her, but she just smiles “My name is Frigga dear” she spoke kindly. You look at her in horror “You’re Loki and Thor’s mother- but....your dead. That means that i’m-” you almost gag on your own words.
   “i’m afraid so dear” she speaks and gives you a sad smile. “No! I have to get back! Loki is expecting me to be there. I have to help stop Hela!” you say. This couldn’t be happening “Ragnarok has already begun and Asgard is to fall any moment. Don’t you want to rest?”
   your whole life has been nothing but pain and hard work. You had never ‘rested’ a day in your life. As much as it sounded like a treat, you still had responsibilities “No. I chose to stay and fight Hela because Thor is my friend and i’m not giving up on him or Loki, Val, Bruce or the asgardians. 
   Frigga gives you a proud smile “That’s what i wanted you to say. I’ll bring you back” she says and rolls up her sleeves “You have to do something for me though” she spoke. You stepped towards her “Anything” he say hastily “Marry my son. Loki deserves it more then ever and so do you”
   you give your future mother in law a smile “Of course. How are you going to bring me back anyway?” you question. Frigga grans both your hands and smiles “Ancient magic that is far to complex. Now when i bring you back it will be with an asgardian soul” she says. You looked confused.
   “What does that mean?”
   “It means you’ll be an asgardian along with your abilities.”
   you smile lightly. You could live as long as Loki now and truly be together forever. “Okay, i’m ready” you say and she nods “Tell my sons that i love him and tell Loki that choosing to be his mother was one of the best days of my life and Thor...that he doesn’t have to rule Asgard to be a great leader.”
   you nod, locking the words into your memory. Frigga starts mumbling a spell and you feel your body become lighter and lighter until you feel like you pass out.
   Loki lifts his head up from your body as it starts to defrost. His eyes go wide as underneath the ice is your beautiful face. Your eyes shoot open and you fly into the sky. Your whole body emitting a white and blue aura. You flew towards Thor, Val and Hela. 
   Thor puts his hands on his hips and points behind him “No i know, but he can” he says and Surtur comes crashing through the castle. As Hela stares at her downfall Val takes the opportunity to pierce her sword through Hela’s chest. Your form an ice spear and launch yourself down, stabbing it straight through her.
   Thor sends and burst of electricity and you back away, slowly landing on the bifrost. It was over. Hela was doen for and you wanted to leave this retched planet. 
   you walk through the ship until you find Thor and Loki in one room. Loki was holding a cap to a liquor bottle. “Hello boys” you spoke and they both turn to look at you “Lady Y/n, the girl who cheated death! No wonder you and Loki are perfect for each other” Thor announced, bowing at you.
  you smiled and walked over to a loveseat, Loki following suit and sitting next to you “Yeah uh- i didn’t cheat anything. I actually died” You said “But how, your right here?” Loki says, grabbing your hand “I came back with a little help of a certain someone” you say. 
   Thor walks over and sits down across from you two “Who?” he questions and take a sip of his drink “Frigga” you said, making the brothers look at you in shock “Mother, how?” Loki asked. “I woke up in the castle and she was there. She said she could bring me back and gave me a few things to say”
   both boys inched closer “She said she loves you both and Thor, you don’t have to rule asgard if it isn’t what you wan’t. Your still a great man and Loki” you turn your body to face your forever “one of the best days of Frigga life was choosing to be your mother and love you like her own blood”
   Loki’s face said just about enough as well as Thor’s. They both looked at there laps, smiling to themselves. “I’m also asgardian now” you say, grabbing a drink from the table. Thor drops his glass on the floor, smashing it into tiny pieces. That was a nice cup. 
   “What!?”  they both shout. 
   Loki had found you both a room on the ship with a perfect view of the unknown outside. You were currently looking through it now, thinking. A pair of arms wrap around you from behind “I still owe you a kiss” Loki breathes out. You smile brightly and turn around in his hold, facing him. 
   “I believe you do...my prince” You say at the end just to tease him. Loki growls under his breath before pressing his lips to yours for a hungry kiss while his hands pulled you flush against him. You thought your first kiss would be sweet and short, but Loki’s was needy and passionate. 
   you both pulled at each others clothing, wanting it off but not having the strength to pull away and do so. After a minute of two Loki pulls away “I’ve been wanting to do that for weeks” he admits, making you chuckle. “Good thing you have me all night then, my forever. i love you Loki of asgard”
   Loki grins at your words and kisses your forehead “i love you as well, Y/n, my forever” 
   Kody- I want no one to talk about how long it is, it hurts to even mention. 
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angstysebfan · 4 years
The Truth Will Set You Free- Part 2
Pairing: Bucky x Female Reader, Thor x Reader (other Avenger characters)
AU: Modern
Summary: You dated for two years, and thought he was the one for you. One day you came home and found him with someone else. After running away from you, you return home and found yourself in the arms of Thor. When Thor decides to introduce you to his friends at a dinner, you realize that there’s something familiar about the house you were visiting.
Warnings: implied cheating, language
After the initial shock wore off from everyone, Steve announced that he was going to fire up the grill. All the guys grabbed their beers and headed outside to “help”. You looked at Thor with wide eyes, begging him not to leave you.
“Babe, you will be ok with the ladies. I’ll just be outside if you need me,” he said before kissing your head and heading out to join the guys.
You close your eyes, count to 5, and take a deep breath. Suddenly you feel a tap on your shoulder and see Peggy standing in front of you with a kind smile. “I know you are nervous, but I promise everything will be ok,” she whispers to you.
You try to smile, but tears threaten. Peggy turns to the rest of the women, “Why don’t you all start the drinks and salad in the kitchen. We will be in shortly,” she says.
Wanda, Sharon, Pepper and Natasha all stand and head into the kitchen, leaving you alone with Peggy. You always liked Peggy. She was always sweet, but was strong too. She was the perfect woman for Steve. You always loved when you and Bucky would double date with them.
Peggy takes your hand and leads you to the couch and gives you a friendly smile. “Y/N, I had always hoped I would see you again, but I must admit I am confused by what is going on here,” she says.
You sigh and look down, “I know. I-I honestly never thought I would see you again. I met Thor a year ago, and all he did was talk about how amazing his friends were, and how important they are to him. I didn’t expect those friends to be the people I never hoped to see again,” you say looking at your fingers.
“But why lie to him now? I mean whatever happened between you and Bucky to make you run away so quickly is in the past and is between you and Bucky,” she says, giving your hand a squeeze.
You look up at her confused, “He didn’t tell you why we broke up?” you ask.
She shakes her head, “He was really upset about it. Closed in on himself, he wouldn’t talk to anyone. Not even Steve! It took awhile, but finally Natasha managed to get through to him,” she said. 
You can’t help but get mad when you hear how Bucky reacted and how Natasha helped him. Before you could stop yourself you sneered, “Yea, I bet she helped.”
Peggy looked at you concerned about what she just heard. She goes to say something but stops. You look and see a somewhat uncomfortable expression on her face. You turn and see what she is looking at to see Bucky standing in the doorway, eyes on you.
Peggy pats your hands and stands, leaving you alone with your ex. You start looking for possible escape routes, while also trying to calm your pounding heart. Bucky seeing you struggle takes a cautious step toward you, “I just want to talk. Is that ok?” he asks quietly.
A part of you wants to scream no and run away, but the other side, the bigger side, wants to hear what he has to say so you can get closure. Maybe then you and Thor could move forward together. 
You look at him for a brief moment and nod, before looking down at your hands. After a moment, you feel the weight of him as he sits on couch. You feel his eyes burning wholes in your head. You fight it as long as possible, but finally break and look into his piercing blue eyes.
“How have you been?” he asks quietly after a few minutes of silence. 
You can’t help the scoff, “I’ve been great. Fantastic even!” you say sarcastically. “How are you and Natasha doing? I’m sure you are both finally happy to be together,” you say.
He looks at you shocked at your outburst. “You don’t know what you are talking about,” he says. “You wouldn’t even let me explain. You left and refused to answer my calls, texts, emails. I never got to explain,” he says in an urgent manor.
“Why should I hear about why I found you naked in OUR bed with her?” you ask.
Bucky rubs his eyes, trying to reign in on his emotions. “Y/N, I really want to explain everything. But I know we don’t have the time today, but do you think we could meet up tomorrow? I just want a few moments to explain everything,” he pleads.
You can’t believe he is playing the victim. “Why would I want to hear about how it was always Natasha. I mean did you ever even love me? Or was just a place holder until Natasha and Bruce broke up?” you yelled, standing up.
“Y/N, that’s not true. You know I loved you. I still love you! I never stopped!” Bucky yelled back, desperate for you to just listen.
“I don’t believe you! You cheated on me! You cheated on me with her!” you screamed.
Bucky looked like he wanted to cry. You wanted to hit him, smack him, kiss him. Your emotions were all over the place, but before you could even continue your yelling match you heard the voice of the one person you hoped wouldn’t find out the truth.
“What?” Thor gasped, making you turn around quickly.
“Thor! I--” you tried to explain, but Thor continued.
“You were the one that broke Bucky’s heart?” he asked you, before looking at Bucky. “You are the one that destroyed her and made her not trust anyone?” he asks. 
You walk up to him, “Thor, please let me explain. I was going to tell you everything when we left,” you pleaded.
Thor walks toward the front door and turns back to now the whole group, who was standing in the living room and hallway. “You all knew? You all pretended that you didn’t know her. I’m the stupid one,” he says before turning on his heels and leaving.
You quickly ran after him, calling his name to stop. Thor ignored you and got into his car, pulling away quickly. You stood on the lawn watching his car speed away from you and out of sight. Your heart shattering into a million pieces. Thor left you, and while you understand why he is upset, you can’t help but feel truly abandoned.
Bucky steps outside and walks slowly up to you. You look up at him with tears in your eyes, and see that he also is fighting tears. “Give him some time. He will forgive you,” he says.
You stare at him for a moment in disbelief, “Well I guess we have time to discuss everything now. I want everything out in the open. I want to move on from you Barnes. Thor is my future, and if I want even the smallest chance of getting him back, I need closure from you,” you say.
Bucky wiped the tears from his face, feeling that no matter what he says, he will never get you back. You had moved on from him, and it does nothing by break his heart all over again.
Part 1 / Part 3
So incase anyone was paying close attention, I switched out Sharon for Peggy, because duh! Sharon is still there, but not with Steve. If you are confused by Bucky’s reaction, you will find out in the next part, when they get down to the nitty gritty of that day. Feedback is appreciated!
Please forgive me if you asked for a tag and I did not add you. I got a lot of people asking, and I think I got everyone, but if you did request, and were not added, please let me know.
Permanent Taglist:  @hailmary-yramliah @tuiccim @comedictragedy @cap-n-stuff @thefridgeismybestie @swiftmind @aleaisntcreative @lookiamtrying @pinknerdpanda @morganclaire4 @iamvalentinaconstanza @verygraphicink @im-squished @joannie95 @peace-love-hobbitness @connie326 @amandamdiehl @harrysthiccthighss @its-izzys @roserose26 @rebekahdawkins @elegantobservationstudentsblog @broco8 @shinykoalacat @white-wolf1940
Story Taglist: @jessyballet @vicmc624 @kaleeelizabeth58 @iheartsebandchris @collette04 @mela-noche @supernaturalwintersoldier @winteralpine @katiaw2 @devotedlycrookeddonut @baeconandpancakes 
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capstoverogers · 3 years
A Soul for a Soul
Tryna break into the wlw Marvel tumblr fic world; consider this grief-ridden multi-chapter fic my resume ;)
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff/Black!Reader, Eventual Carol Danvers/Black!Reader
Genre: Grief, Angst, Romance
Summary: You thought you were used to the struggle. Between growing up as an orphan in Oakland before elbowing your way through the ranks of S.H.I.E.L.D., you were sure nothing could faze you.
But then you lose the love of your life and for the first time ever, you’re not sure how to move forward.
Notes: In this world, Peter Parker survived the Snap and S.H.I.E.L.D. still exists, just underground. Also features an OC with pyrokinetic abilities who’s the Reader’s best friend.
Chapter One - Hope
Word Count: 3,666
Warnings: Cursing, Allusions to Sex, Very Slight Ant-Man Slander, but Out of Love
In a lot of ways, the past five years had been quiet.
You’d grown up in Oakland, gone to college in Washington D.C., then lived and worked in New York ever since. You didn’t like quiet.
The biggest cities had lost their bustle, and it was one of the many reasons why you resented Thanos.
That and for taking the little bit of family you’d ever had. And the two men who were the closest things you had had to living brothers. And your absolute best friend in the world.
You coped in the way you always had - through work and through perspective. With Agents Fury and Hill gone in the snap, along with half of S.H.I.E.L.D. that had been underground after its public fall, you had moved through the ranks overnight (and you had been pretty high up there to begin with), taking over a great bulk of the remaining operations of the covert agency. Those first couple of years, you were in D.C. during the week days, watching as a fractured government slowly tried to repair itself while dispatching any leftover agents to take care of the chaos that had arisen in the aftermath. You’d go home to a pathetic one-bedroom apartment in the city most nights, it often being too late to commute to where you really wanted to be, get a few hours of sleep, then do it all over again.
It was all right. Kept you distracted. Made you feel purposeful.
It was the weekends, though, you found your truest solace. You’d put off all your responsibilities except in case of an emergency, take a quinjet up north to the Avengers compound, spend Saturday and Sunday with the woman you loved. Most of the time, you’d have the entire compound to yourselves. Maybe you didn’t like the quiet, but you loved it when it was quiet when you were with her.
After a few years, though, there was less for everyone to do as slowly, society started to move on. It was a blessing, you supposed, though sometimes it felt like a curse. You had never done well with idle hands.
It was slow enough that you could work remotely, at least, leaving your little D.C. apartment behind to take up permanent residence in upstate New York, except for emergencies. Natasha’s bedroom became y’all’s bedroom. You started to see just how broken she was, felt like a terrible partner for not realizing it sooner. She’d been able to mask it well when she’d only see you on weekends and through holograms. Now that you were together all the time, her walls couldn’t stay up for long.
Like the Avengers always had, she kept the weight of the entire world on her shoulders. Far be it from you to convince her that she didn’t need to do that, but you at least wanted her to know that she could share that burden with you. To get her to realize that became your greatest mission.
And you never failed missions.
By the time you reached the five year mark, the two of you had fallen into the sort of routine you could see yourselves doing for the rest of your lives, if this really had to be the rest of your lives (you think both of you, deep down, had hope that it wasn’t, that something more could be done, which is why you two had tried your hardest to not stop working ever since half of the world disappeared before your eyes). Together you both kept watch over a broken world - Natasha by keeping in touch with the remaining Avengers and your new friends from space as you continued to run S.H.I.E.L.D. from the compound. Occasionally you’d go out for an actual mission, finding that you got cabin fever if you stayed put too long.
Natasha would never come with you, though. She was waiting for the right one, she told you. But you think she was just scared of what would happened if she took her eyes away from the world for even just one second. She’d let you carry a little bit of that weight with her, finally, but far from it all.
She was completely open with you, though, for the first time in the seven years you’d been together (dating a former assassin came with a huge set of emotional intimacy issues, but there was no one else you’d rather work through that with). And when you two realized that wow, you’d been together for seven years, you decided that you all could use a bright spot in this darker world.
So you had a bittersweet wedding. Peter Parker was your “man of honor”, Steve Rogers was hers. Tony presided at his beautiful cabin home with his daughter Morgan as the flower girl and Rocket - much to his outward chagrin though you suspected he secretly loved it - was your ring bearer with the vibranium wedding bands that Okoye had brought for you from Wakanda. You’d even gotten Thor out of his desolate mancave on New Asgard for the night, with the promise of all the beer he could drink.
It was hard not to think of all the people who should’ve been celebrating with you, but you’d at least found the burst of happiness that you could. Moments like that reminded you two that you still had to keep fighting, even if you didn’t quite know what for all the time.
About a month later, you left for a quick mission. You were gone for three days and came back to a bustle unlike any you’d seen at the Compound in years. There was a space ship parked out front, but more surprising was the sight of Tony’s Audi convertible.
Nat’s eyes looked the brightest you’d seen them in awhile, all pretenses shattered as she greeted you with an excited smile that was surprisingly adorable.
“So this is what you do when I’m gone?” You teased, wrapping your arms around her distractedly as you took in the energy around you. God, you had missed this sort of noise. “Throw parties?”
“You caught me,” she gave back, eyes twinkling before she wrapped her arms around you tightly, but in a way that didn’t feel desperate. It reminded you of how she’d hugged you throughout your wedding day. You let yourself fall completely into her embrace, burying your face into her neck and inhaling deeply. It had only been a few days, but you’d missed her so much. How you used to spend all week without her, you had no idea. “I think we found a way to reverse the snap.”
You yanked your head up so quickly that you almost gave yourself whiplash, playfully glaring when Natasha laughed. Her eyes were so warm with hope, though, that that was soon all you could focus on.
She nodded excitedly, squeezing your hips. Your mind immediately started reeling, unable to keep from imagining what this meant, who you’d be able to see again.
Natasha’s lips curled up into a little smirk, eyes still twinkling.
“Time travel.”
The compound was chaotic in the wonderful way that you cherished. Thor’s booming voice and Tony’s wisecracks and Steve’s voice of reason and Rhodey’s deadpan and Bruce’s reverberating Hulk-heavy footsteps and Rocket’s quips and Clint’s snark and Natasha’s sarcasm and laugh and sass and just everything about her that had been buried beneath the rubble of the last five years, coming out now more than in just moments. None of you slept as you all plotted, planned, built; a certain energizing spark taking over all of you in this renewed sense of purpose.
There was only enough of these “Pym particles” for ten people to do this time heist, though, which meant you were the odd one out.
“Maybe when you get powers, we’ll reconsider it,” Tony quipped when you complained, chuckling when you rolled your eyes.
“I could beat you up if you didn’t have that suit,” you gave back, smirking.
“She could,” Natasha echoed before he could get a word in, shooting you a grin as she came up behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist.
Tony dramatically clutched at his chest.
“I’m offended you don’t think I’m more than my suit, Romanoff.” He paused. “Or is it (Y/L/N) now? Romanoff-(Y/L/N)?”
“Natasha and (Y/N) Widow, actually,” you joked, grinning as a laugh rippled through the Avengers. “Though I’m surprised you didn’t take Pepper’s last name, Tony. We all know she’s really the one running the show.”
You gave him your most dastardly grin as Rocket gave you a fist bump, Thor - perpetually buzzed - howled and Scott and Steve exchanged amused looks.
“See, this is why you’re not coming with us,” Tony said, pointing at you though he couldn’t quite hide his hint of a grin. “Today’s youth, so disrespectful!”
You let that go. You were in your 30s, but Tony always had a hard time not seeing you as that 22 year old first-year S.H.I.E.L.D. recruit he’d met over a decade ago.
So you chuckled, turning in Natasha’s arms in time to catch her fondly rolling her eyes.
“I will say, I’m gonna miss this banter on our mission.”
You wrapped your arms around her waist, as hers moved to your shoulder pulling her closer to you.
“Let me come with you and we won’t have to miss nothin’,” you said lowly, smirking at the way she eyed you.
“You know there’s no one I’d rather by my side,” she admitted softly, letting her fingers massage the back of your neck. You hummed pleasantly, letting your eyes flutter shut as your forehead fell against hers, “But I also like the idea of you here, safe.”
You sighed, not meaning for your breath to hit her lips, but enjoying the feel of her tensing against you nonetheless.
“I might not be a super solider or some guy with …ant powers…” you grinned when Natasha chuckled, “but I can hold my own, Nat.”
“I know you can,” she murmured. “But I’d rather know I’m coming back to you than be worried about you out there.”
You opened your eyes, found them staring into earnest and soft green irises. You could see how important this was for her, doing something that felt tangible after spending so much time and energy over the years to keep the world going, never losing hope even when no one else believed.
This mission would always mean more to her than it ever would for you.
So you nodded, craning your head to place a kiss on her forehead.
“I’ll be here waiting for you when you get back.”
She smiled, “I know.”
“Get a room, why don’t ya!”
“Shut up, Rocket.”
Hours before they were set to leave back in time, you got a call from Peter Parker saying he desperately needed you to pick him up as soon as possible from Central America, which was strange because the last time you’d checked, you’d sent him on an undercover mission to check out some disturbances in Europe (as the only Avenger whose true identity was still secret, he was most ideal to send on these sorts of things).
It did sound urgent, though, so you quickly headed to your room to change into something more extraction appropriate, unsurprised to hear the door open a few minutes later.
“Oh good,” Natasha’s voice purred playfully behind you as you pulled off the shirt you’d been lounging in. “I was hoping I’d catch you before you got all your mission clothes on.”
You chuckled as you turned to face her, then faltered. Though there was a coy smirk playing at her plump lips, her eyes told an entirely different story. You motioned for her to come closer, trying to keep the spirit high.
“Quickie before I leave?” You joked, sitting back on the bed as she came to stand in between your legs. She laughed, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes as they flickered over you before she gently placed her palm on your cheek.
“Will you be back before we go?” She asked softly.
You shook my head, your frowns matching.
“Even if it is just a pick-up and go, the round trip will take four hours.”
“I’ll see if we can wait on you.”
As much as you wanted that, you found yourself shaking your head again.
“I don’t want anything to throw y’all off,” you told her, covering the hand on your face with your own. “This is too important.”
She nodded; if there was anything you both understood, it was that some things were more important than the two of you. The fate of the world was definitely one of those things, and all the lives that hung in balance. It’s what made you heroes, before anything else.
It’s also what made you and Natasha fit together so well. You understood each other in ways that no one else could.
“I’ll see you when you get back, though,” you assured with a soft smile, grasping at her waist to pull her into your lap. She straddled you like it was second nature, though it didn’t necessary feel immediately sexual. You just liked that she was close. “After you’ve gotten that stone and you’re about to bring everybody back.”
She grinned, “You really think we can do it, huh?”
“You can do anything, Nat. You’re my fucking hero. There’s no one I trust more to save all of us.” You let my fingertips trace gently down her cheek as her eyes softened lovingly. “Don’t tell Rocket or Tony I said that. They’ll never let me hear the end of it.”
“Nope. Been recording this conversation the entire time. Gonna share it with everyone.”
You laughed as she grinned slyly.
“I hate you,” you mumbled, your thumb grazing against her bottom lip.
“I love you,” she gently pressed a kiss against the pad of your thumb. “Don’t tell anyone how soft you make me, though.”
“Oh, they already know,” you teased quietly, relishing in the way she made your heart feel. You were so close to telling Peter to find his own ride, not wanting this moment to end, but you knew you and Natasha would have to pull away eventually.
Still, you could make it stretch as long as possible.
“Yeah,” Nat agreed softly, pressing her forehead against yours. “But I like to pretend that they don’t.”
You chuckled as she grinned cheekily.
“I love you too, by the way,” you murmured, as if she didn’t already know. “So fucking much.”
Your thumb drifted from her lip, down to her chin, and forever in tune, she quickly erased the distance between you before you could pull her closer. Seven years, and you had yet to find anything as incredible as kissing her.
Except maybe when after just a few seconds, she pushed you back onto the bed, hovering over you with a twinkling smirk.
“Change your mind about that quickie?” You said playfully, biting your lip at her husky, soft laugh.
“Don’t you have to give a certain spider a ride?” She teased, as if she wasn’t the one who’d pressed her chest delicately against yours.
“There’s another spider that I’d rather give a different kind of ride right now…” Your fingers drifted down to the hem of her pants, but she was off of you before you could start to shimmy them down. You pouted ridiculously as she stood up, earning a laugh.
“We’ll have our own celebration in here when we’re both back,” she said coyly with a wink.
“Good, because we’ve only fucked once since I’ve gotten back from my mission, and it’s making me irritable.”
She chuckled as she grabbed ahold of your hands, effortlessly pulling you up off the bed and back into her arms.
“I love you,” she said again, pressing her lips against yours for a long moment. The words felt more weighted than they usually did, in the way they seemed to seep into your skin, take ahold of your chest and clench your heart. You could feel that this moment was important.
“I love you, too, Nat.”
On your way out, you were intercepted by Clint, who gave you a wry grin as he glanced down to your left hand.
“So I heard you and Nat got hitched,” he said, his eyes a soft contrast to his casual tone. “Wish I could’ve been there.”
“Me too,” you said honestly. Clint and you had never been particularly close, but he was still family, and he meant so much to Natasha. “Steve had to be Nat’s best man, and it was disaster.”
Steve had actually been great, but you knew Clint would get a kick out of the idea of Captain America stiff by the altar, uncomfortable in the face of any kind of public display of affection, as far from the truth it actually was. There was something appreciative in his eyes as he laughed.
“Well, I got dibs when you guys renew your vows.”
You nodded fervently, “Definitely. Maybe once y’all bring everyone back, we’ll do a bigger wedding. I mean, Nat would hate that - “
You paused, then burst out laughing because Clint had said the same thing at the exact same time as you had, and it made you kind of regretful that you hadn’t thought to bond with him more before Thanos had snapped his fingers. But you supposed there was time for that.
Your and Clint’s laughter faded, and both of you hovered there for a moment. Before it could get too awkward, you gave him a soft smile.
“Take care of my girl, Barton.” He and Nat were paired up for the time heist, after all.
He nodded, corner of his lips curling up into a smile that you knew was sincere for him.
“She’s probably gonna be the one having to take care of me,” he joked, but then his eyes softened. “You know I’ll do everything I can to have her back.”
“I know.”
Still, you felt a little uneasy as you headed towards the hangar where the quinjets were kept. You didn’t like being away from home base while they were out on missions. It had always been like that, even before you were with Nat. The fact that she was your wife now intensified it. You really wanted to be there when she got back.
But alas, duty called.
You were thrust into battle without a moment’s notice, when Doctor Strange’s portal appeared in the back of the quinjet just seconds after you had yanked Peter out of the Mexican rainforest as he ran from a bunch of cartel guys, wielding assault rifles and screaming “gringo!” at him.
He was in the middle of an adorable, earnest, apologetic ramble (one that would always be so Peter, even if he was less boy and more man these days) after you’d playfully accused him of being racist because he made you rescue his “white ass.” He’d be trying to tell you that he’d deviated from the mission you’d given him because he’d heard rumors of something akin to the power of an Infinity Stone buried deep in Central America. He knew you’d never authorize him to go after a rumor, so he took matters into his own hands (also very Peter, and it would be hypocritical for you to fault him for that), hoping to find a power source that could maybe reverse the damage that Thanos had done.
Not that it was necessary now. The Avengers had done it. Nat had done. Everyone was back, but apparently somehow that meant a resurgence of Thanos had come with them.
There were no time for questions, though, even though you had so many as you found myself in the rubbled remains of your home with an alien army before you and a homegrown one behind you. There was no time for proper reunions, even though you managed the quickest one when you came across your best friend Zoey on the battlefield - body engulfed in the trademark flames that defined her alter ego "The Flame" - and you two clicked right into place as you set her up perfectly to sizzle one of Thanos’s goons to ash, like no time had ever passed.
You guessed for her, though, no time really had passed.
There was a quick grin and nod before chaos descended again, and you were separated into different parts of the battle. There was a glimpse of T’Challa, carrying an Iron Man glove full of jewels - the Infinity Stones, you realized - across the leveled field - and Sam soaring above you, and Bucky firing shots into the enemy relentlessly, but there was no time to focus on any of this.
There was no time for you to find Natasha in the cacophony, as you forced yourself to focus fully on the battle in front of you. When you all had finished off Thanos once and for all, then you could hold her in your arms until the end of time if you wanted. But first you all had to make sure there was still a world for everyone to still live in.
There wasn’t even time to properly celebrate, as Thanos and his entire army dissipated into dust in the perfect full circle, when Tony slumped over, eyes glazed, his light gone. There was Peter’s full weight against you suddenly, his wet eyes drenching your neck, then Steve’s strong arms around both of you. like an anchor.  You couldn’t help but think that Steve’s gesture was more than just a comfort gesture because everyone had just lost the man who had brought you all together, who meant so much to each of you in different ways.
You didn’t want to confront what else it could mean, though.
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theladyscarlettt · 3 years
Petals (pt.1)
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*I have returned and I bring with me a Bucky x Reader mini series. This takes place during #TFATWS. Also, this is a bit lighter (yet darker) than my regular stuff. Not fluff but sweet because god knows Bucky deserves to be happy every now and then. Also, this does have references to the X-Men comics and WandaVision*
-The Lady Scarlettt
Synopsis: Madripoor had everything you needed to forget your past, and everything you needed to lose your future. 
Part Warnings: suggestive scenes, language, mentions of mutilation
Sunlight caught the blinds in a dance of shadows. Her eyes twitched with the familiar warmth of the morning star across her face. She slowly opened her eyes taking in the sight of their small room. It was bland and empty, just like their luck in finding Karli. (For a girl to be everywhere, she was also nowhere.) 
A grunt came from across the room, she sat up in the stiff bed to find Bucky lying on the floor with a blanket barely clinging to his sweaty body. She let out a soft sigh and rubbed her eyes. While he was capable of so much, she found it heartbreaking he had so little, it broke her to see him robbed of even the simplest of things such as rest and a bed. She pulled on his black tee shirt from the night before and snuck over to sit beside him. She watched as his eyes darted side to side behind his dark eye lids. If he didn’t sleep well before, he surely didn’t now with the constant traveling, search for Karli, run in with America’s Next Top Asshole and the literal cause of his night terrors in the next room. 
“Did you know it’s considered an invasion of privacy to watch someone while they’re asleep.” Bucky grumbled, his eyes still closed.
“Good thing you weren’t asleep then.” she stated.
A slight smirk tugged on his lips, “Did you sleep well?”
“I would have slept better if my pillow didn’t wonder off in the middle of the night.” she teased.
He opened one eye to look up at her, “Sorry.”
She only smiled sweetly, her hand finding its way to his stubbled cheek. “You really need a razor.” 
He grabbed her wrist pulling her down to him, and began to nuzzle her neck with his chin.
She gagged at the sensation, “Ugh- for an old man you really behave like a child- hey!” In one swift motion he was on top of her tickling her neck.
“Stop. Stop it.” She hissed as she playfully swat at him to get off her. He chuckled and leaned back still, straddling her waist. 
“You have so much energy in the mornings for literally no reason,” she groaned, rubbing her lightly burned skin. 
He leaned down to her, a smirk on his lips, “I can come up with a few, if you’d like.” 
She rolled her eyes, even though her cheeks began to flush, “Knock it off.”
He made a tch sound with his teeth, and sat back up.
She smiled and sat up on her knees, her hands clasping behind his neck, a finger twirling the slightly grown out hair. He leaned into her, looking up at her from where he sat, a sad expression came across his face. 
“What is it?” she asked, rubbing her nails lazily through his thick hair.
“I just,” he sighed trying to find his words, “I want to stay with you, but I just can’t make myself. I’m afraid of what I might do, if I stay too long.”
She tilted her head, searching his eyes, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, I don’t want to have an episode at night and lash out. Sometimes they feel so real and I get can’t control myself and the last thing I want to do is hurt you and-”
“Hey, Hey, Hey” she interrupted, “Look at me.” She lifted his face up to hers, “Look at me, you could never do anything to hurt me. I know you don’t trust yourself sometimes, but I trust you and I know you. I’m not afraid of the ‘what if’s.” Please, hear me when I say, I want you to let me in, I want to be apart of this, all of it. I want to help you Bucky, but I can only go as far as you’ll let me. And if it takes time, ok but it’s going to take more than a nightmare to make me go anywhere. Ok?”
He stared at her for a long time, a blank expression on his face. She couldn’t tell if she had overstimulated him with her cheesiness or he simply was dead. 
“Bucky? If I’m overstepping, I understand-”
He abruptly wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her small figure to his. She melted into his touch, just as she had the first time he held her. They stayed like that for awhile until she heard him whisper.
“I love you.”
She smiled against his cool skin, “I love you too.”
He brought her face up to meet his and kissed her softly. His lips were always so soft and warm, something you wouldn’t expect. His thumb made tiny circles along her jaw, as she kissed him back. His hand slowly snaked their way down to her thigh where he pulled her onto his lap. She subconsciously, wrapped her legs around his waist and arched her back pulling him upward slightly. He held her thigh with one hand and reclined back with the metal one, smiling into her touch. She pushed forward as he pushed back, every kiss becoming more passionate than the last. She pulled at his hair, causing a longing moan to escape from his lips, exposing his neck. She began to place light kisses along side his neck, his breathing became deep as he massaged her thigh in return.  
He flipped over, now pressing her back against the ground, topping her. He kissed her back deeply, his tongue becoming well acquainted with her mouth. One hand began to find its way in between her thighs. 
Her eyes snapped open, “James.” She grabbed his hand, “It is 4 in the morning.” She hissed.
“HELL YEAH IT’S 4 IN THE GODDAMN MORNING!” Sam blurted out from the next room.
Bucky buckled forward burrowing his head in her neck holding back his horror.
“Shit,” Her face became the next 50 shades of red, as she covered her mouth with her hand to prevent a wave of uncomfortable laughter.
There was a moment of silence as the two looked between each other with mischievous smiles. He rolled his eyes and licked his lips knowingly. She let out a staged moan loud enough to be heard from outside.
“Fuck. Y/N.” Bucky grunted, his face tinted trying to remain collected. She covered her face with her hands moaning back at him.
Seeing her smile only made Bucky ham it up more as he began slapping his hand on the floor to create more of a scene to which she erupted in a fit of choked laughter. Sam yelled something from the other room about Jesus Christ and Sin. Bucky stood up with that smug look on his face, as he did whenever he won at annoying Sam Wilson. He gave her his hand and hauled her off the ground with barely any effort.
She finally settled down from laughing and looked at him, “I think we should do that more often.”
“What? Piss off bird boy or have sex?” He asked.
She grinned, “Can it not be both?”
Bucky made a face as if he was scheduling the next when and where.
She gave him a light slap, “Now don’t get cocky about it. Also, you stink. Go take a shower.”
He looked at her offended then gave a sly look, “Or we could ta-“
“No” she snapped like a mother to her child, “Get.”
He held up his hands up in defense, “Alright, Alright, but I’m going to need my shirt back.”
She groaned and peeled off the shirt and tossed it at his face. He pulled the shirt down and gave her a once over, “I like that color” he said inspecting her black laced undergarments.
“Good Lord, Go.” she shoved him towards the bathroom. He chuckled at her and whipped the shirt over his shoulder, sending her a cocky grin as he left the room.
Once the door closed behind him, she let out a sigh and sat on the edge of the bed. A wave of depression washed over her as she longed for the day they could just stay in bed and not battle some end of the world threat. She looked to the blanket on the floor where he slept the night before. He deserved so much more than this. They deserved so much more than this.
She couldn’t lie, after the blip the thought of going off grid looked truly appealing. With Nat, Tony, Vision, Bruce, Wanda, Thor, and Steve gone, the Avengers felt more like a club then an actual organization. While she had always been closer to Sam, Bucky and Steve the hole left behind by the others made it too hard to go on some days. What was the point? Every time something was fixed something worse happened. And they never were thanked properly, only ridiculed by what should have been done, because everyone always expected them to be heroes; yet they never saw they were also human. The only reason she stayed was for Sam and Bucky, they had become her family, especially after Steve’s passing, who was like a father figure to her.
She pushed away the memories that came rushing in. She could not allow herself to get emotional, their job here needed her full attention. She stood and changed into her suit and left the room. 
Zemo was reclined on a sofa, drinking a cup of tea. When she entered he gave her a solemn nod. She cringed slightly, the anger at what he did to Bucky and T’Challa creeping back in.
“You’re up early.” She stated flatly.
“Hard to sleep with all the noise.” He shot her a look. “I can start you a kettle if you’d like.”
“Sorry, and no thanks, I got it.” She said. Grabbing a kettle and filling it with water.
Zemo stood, “Do you mind? I’ve read of your powers but never have I seen them.”
She shifted on her feet, “Well, sure but it won’t be a firework show or anything like that. It’s still a new thing to me and I can’t really do much.”
“Can’t? Or won’t?” Zemo asked, approaching her, finding a spot at the bar.
She looked at him as to say something but decided against it. She looked back to the kettle and placed her hands along the side. Zemo watched her every move; observing, analyzing. 
She took a deep breath in and reached for a part in her to attract the sensation she feels around her. The kettle began to warm and in a minute it was boiling.
“Fascinating” Zemo whispered, his eyebrows scrunched in concentration.
She poured the steaming hot water into a cup and placed two teabags in it. “See, nothing special.”
Zemo looked at her as if she had said something absurd. “You have a gift.” He countered.
“Feels more like a curse.” She scoffed.
“When did this begin?” He asked.
“I don’t know, I feel like I’ve always had these... these abilities but it wasn’t until after the blip did I truly began to use them.”
“Fascinating.” Zemo repeated.
She pursed her lips, while she loathed everything about Zemo, she couldn’t lie having someone appreciate her abilities felt nice. She normally just felt like a freak, too afraid to show too much emotion, in fear she might lose control.
“Can I have you try something?” Zemo requested.
She scoffed, “Sorry, I don’t feel like playing lab rat today.”
Zemo made a face, “I understand your negative emotions towards me, but to say I have had failures in this field would be an incorrect accusation.”
She rolled her eyes, “Fine. What?”
He leapt off his seat, seemingly excited to play mad scientist again. He fetched a candle from the table and sat it infront of her. She cocked an eyebrow.
“Light it.” He said, gesturing to the wick.
“I- I don’t think that’s how it works.”
“Light it.” He repeated, pushing the candle towards her.
She reached to touch the wick but he slapped her hand away.
“Hey!” She blurted out, glaring at him.
“Without touch.” He said calmly.
She looked at him then back to the candle, frustrated.
“Focus on what you wish for it to be, what it will look like, how it will feel.” Zemo coached.
She shifted on her feet again, finding a more comfortable stance. She focused on her breath and stared at the wick.
“Breath in, and when you breath out try to push your energy at it.” Zemo said.
She closed her eyes feeling a tingling sensation around her, she inhaled slowly, feeling the sensation grow. She opened her eyes and focused the sensation onto her target. She heard a crackle sound, as if a fire was trying to start. She looked to Zemo wide eyed, he never looked up.
“Again.” He said, staring at the wick.
She shifted and this time held out her hand. She took a deep breath and this time flicked her hand at the wick on the exhale, a flame consumed the wick and began to slowly burn. She gasped.
“Beautiful.” Zemo smiled.
“Well shit,” a voice was heard. They looked over to see Sam propped alongside a wall. “You got sparkly fingers, Y/N.”
She laughed, delighted in herself, “Did you see it?”
“I saw it.” He smiled.
She looked to Zemo, “How? How did that happen?”
Zemo held out his hand and she reluctantly lended him hers. He flipped her palm up and traced a distinct ‘M’ she never noticed before, with his finger. “You are a mutant. You were born with this gift and just now have discovered it.”
“A mutant.” She echoed. “How do you know?”
“All mutants have the symbol ‘M’ mapped on their palm. Each with a unique ability. Your friend Wanda, she is a mutant as well.”
“There’s more?” She gasped looking at Sam.
“Many more, we walk beside them each day, yet we do not know it.” Zemo said.
She looked back to Zemo, suddenly desperate for knowledge. She knew she had these powers but half the time she felt it was all coincidence, and was honestly too afraid to attempt to use them. Knowing what happened to Wanda.
“I want to know everything, please tell me what you know.” She said.
“Woah, woah. Look, the magic trick was impressive but I don’t think you should be getting your information from him, Y/N.” Sam said walking towards her.
“Sam, he’s the only one I’ve ever met, who knows about this stuff, besides Wanda and I don’t even know where she is.” She protested.
“I assure you I do not intend to mislead-“ Zemo started.
Sam pointed at him, “No. You do not get to say that after all you’ve done. The only thing you do is mislead. Hell, you’ve probably already done something to sabotage the mission.”
“You think so little of me, Sam.” Zemo pouted.
“Yeah, I do and for good reason.” Sam stated.
“Sam,” Y/N started.
“Y/N! Sam!” Bucky’s voice echoed throughout the small apartment.
The two took off in the direction of the noise immediately. They came into the room to find Bucky staring out the window.
“What is it?” Y/N asked, coming to stand beside Bucky. She looked out the window, her eyes widening in horror.
“My god.” Sam uttered.
Outside the window was a some kind of mutilated animal strung upside down. Blood dripped menacingly to the ground below. 
“What does it mean?” Sam asked.
“It’s an invitation.” A voice said. The three turned around to find Zemo.
“The Power Broker requests our presence.”
Link to Petals (pt. 2)
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stanknotstark · 3 years
Astral Pt.9 (Loki x Reader)
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Sooooo this isn’t pushing plot too much just kinda mentioning that Thor has some questions regarding your bond! Which new things will come to light for you that you’ve also been questioning. Looking back at this I probably should have made it a .1 chapter but it’s ok :p if yall didn’t know I personally made this gif because I had this exact one in mind XDD I’m dedicated to everything about this story guys! It’s my first chaptered anything and you all enjoying it has lifted my spirits so much ^^ Enjoy your fluff :D
After last night when Loki had kissed you you had woken up extremely happy. Deciding to try something you haven’t done in a long time you close your eyes and open them to Loki’s mental room, your mental room. Everything is just as it was when you left. There are a few books scattered on the table, a few logs of wood in front of the fireplace, the bed sheets a rumpled mess. You’re sure that if dust could settle it would be coating everything in the room. You walk next to the bed and let your hand trail over the messy, green silk sheets. 
Turning around at the sound of a door being opened and closed you see Loki. He smiles at you and walks up to you. You pull him into a hug and let out a deep breath. The smell of him, something otherworldly, calms you but at the same time makes your heart speed up. If you had to put a name to the smell of Loki it would be leather and something herbal, almost like jasmine but not.
Loki brings his arms up to wrap around you and kisses your hair. 
“You know I’m just a floor away, right?” Loki asks.
“I know,” You hug him tighter, “I just wanted to see this place again.” 
“I understand...I haven’t been back since that day.” 
You grimace and pull from Loki. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, you made a wise choice.”
“I-” You start, frown, “-Maybe we should talk about this in person?” 
Loki nods. You blink back to reality and quickly dress yourself in comfy clothes. 
Making your way to Loki’s room, you tip toe past Thor’s room. Tony had only made enough rooms for 7 people, he was clearing an 8th floor for Loki. So, Loki was stuck in Thor’s guest bedroom.  
Entering Loki’s room you rush to him. He is sitting up against his headboard, his hands clasped together over his stomach but they settle over you when you squish up to him. You’re hugging his side, your head resting on his shoulder and intertwining your legs with his. 
“Good morning, darling.” 
You stomach flips at the nickname. 
“Good morning, my highness.” 
You can feel Loki lose his breath at your old nick name for him. 
You both settle and just enjoy being in each other’s arms for awhile but then Loki breaks the silence. 
“What did you want to tell me in person?” 
“I wanted to say I’m sorry I left,” You look up from his side to his eyes, “I feel really guilty about it even if I did make the right choice.” 
Loki’s eyes flitter over your face but he murmurs something unintelligible and kisses your forehead. 
“You have no reason to feel guilty, I told you not to come back if you left. You simply adhered to my words and I can’t blame you for that...What I did was cold hearted.”
You struggle to find what you want to say to that. Looking away from Loki’s deep eyes. 
“I don’t know...” 
Loki rests his fingers on your chin, causing you to look at him again, and kisses you. It’s just little pecks but you enjoy it nonetheless. When he pulls back he looks into your eyes and says, “If it makes you feel better, I accept your apology.” 
You close your eyes and let out a tense breath you didn’t know you were holding in. 
That’s when Thor decides to come in, without knocking might you add what if you and Loki had been in a compromising position oh God. 
“Thor! You’re supposed to knock!” You exclaim pulling from Loki and looking at Thor irritated.
“Ah. My apologies.” Thor says scrunching his face but you can tell he isn’t really sorry. You roll your eyes and cuddle up to Loki again. 
“To what do we owe you the pleasure of, brother?” Loki asks, one of his hands wrapping around your waist and resting on your hip, the other resting on his lap. 
“Well I had a few questions-” Thor begins, almost nervously. 
“Spit it out, Thor.” Loki says with a glare, you giggle. 
“How long has this been going on?” Thor points at you two cuddling. Then he decides he’s deep enough might as well go all out and sits on the edge of Loki’s bed. 
“Three days.” You say, picking at Loki’s pajamas. You could tell he was born into royalty, everything this man owned was silk. What the fuck. Maybe Loki was just a diva. This was something you’d have to look into. 
“You mean to tell me-” Thor begins with wide eyes. 
“The legal age is different here on Earth, not to mention there were other things,” Loki squeezes you to him when he says this, “that took precedence over our developing relationship.” Loki says smoothy. 
“Wait,” You exclaim, pulling to look up at Loki, “What’s the legal age on Asgard?” 
Thor chuckles, “15 for both sexes.” 
You frown looking into space then settle against Loki again. 
You miss it but Loki lifts an angry brow at Thor, you only know because Thor looks sheepish but decide not to say anything about it. 
Picking at Loki’s pjs again, you ask, “So 15 in Earth years, how many years old for you two is that?”
“1200, give or take a few hundred years.” Loki replies. 
You giggle in Loki’s arm and your giggles slowly turn into a full on laugh. 
“What’s so funny?” Thor finally asks. You laugh harder at the look on Loki’s face. 
Calming down a little bit you answer, “That means that Loki is only around 17 years old right now and that means that his invasion of Earth was basically a temper tantrum!” You gasp out. 
You squeal when Loki pinches your side. Thor begins laughing too. Loki just rolls his eyes and looks exasperated. In hindsight maybe it wasn’t a good thing to joke about his invasion considering what happened but you try to look on the bright side of things, keep things light hearted. 
“If you two are done mocking me, I’d like to actually get up and eat breakfast.” Loki says sliding away from you and out of bed, leaving you to whimper from loss of contact with the god. Loki merely smirks at your reaction. 
“I have more questions about your bond and magic but I suppose they can wait. Loki, have you tried the midguardian snack poptarts or marshmallows?” 
“You do have quite the sweet tooth, Loki, I’m sure you’d enjoy them.” You state climbing from the bed and jumping on Thor’s back when he motions you to. 
You yell a war cry and Thor rushes from the room with you on his back, a now dressed Loki following with a fond smile on his lips. 
Pt. 8.1/Pt. 9/?
Tag list: @justfangirlthingies @emelieh99 @high-functioning-lokipath @loveableasshole 
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mischiefthedreamerx · 3 years
The First Steps
Synopsis: Young Sylvie has kept this secret for far too long and now it's time to tell her Mother whether she is ready or not. Little Sylvie is taking her first small steps in becoming who she feels inside.
A/N: So Sylvie is probably the equivalent to a 10 year old here. It's basically Sylvie coming out as trans and wanting to change her name etc. This is just a simple sweet one shot.
Word Count: 2.2k
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Young Sylvie sat herself down in front of her mirror, golden coloured hairbrush in hand brushing her black silky locks. It had now grown a few inches past her shoulders, others had started asking when she was going to get it cut or simply made an innocent statement on its growing length. She liked it this long, though still preferred it to be longer. Sylvie looked down at the piece of jewellery she borrowed from her mother's dressing room. Well she took them without permission but she planned on returning them before her mother noticed...
Firstly she picked up some form of silver circular headpiece with silver metallic leafs around the band. She had also snuck out a silk white shawl. She knew very well that it wasn't right to steal the items but if she returned them without being caught then no harm was done. She traced her fingers over the headpiece before gently placed it above her forehead. Then added the white shawl over her shoulders. Seeing herself in the mirror, she knew she looked ridiculous with it on, especially over her green tunic. She adjusted a few strands of hair around the headpiece. This was one of the ways she could pretend to feel better, to distract herself but this void that was still burning inside her chest.
With a sigh, she slumped her shoulders in defeat.
Though an even worse distraction bombarded her when her brother practically threw himself into her room, the door whacking itself open.
"Thor!" Sylvie shouted in panic, quickly tearing off the headpiece and shawl, shoving them under her bed. Thor stood there, wide eyed.
"Have you heard of a such a thing called privacy?" She ragged.
Thor ignored the question and composed himself, holding a wooden sword in hand. "Well I was going to ask if you'd come out with me and Fandral in the woods but it seems you're rather busy playing... dress up." Thor teased.
"I am not! And besides Father forbid us to go into the woods." She said, desperate to change the subject.
"We won't go far, I promise." Thor smiled.
"Right. Of course." Sylvie returned her gaze to the mirror, hoping this would make Thor realise she did not wish to play with him but he didn't quite understand this hidden message.
"So..are you coming?"
Sylvie grumbled. "No. Go and play with your stupid little sword."
Thor crossed his arms. "Fine I will!" He stuck out his touch and left.
"Careful I don't cut your tongue off in your sleep..." Sylvie muttered to herself in a hushed voice. "Knock next time too!" She yelled. With a careless flicker of a hand, the door slammed shut. A part of Sylvie now regretted not taking up Thor's offer because now she was alone again in her miserable thoughts.
She placed her forehead against the mirror and sighed, clutching the silk shawl in her hands. Her eyes were closed as if praying, waiting for her reflection to magically change when she opened them but still she only saw some sad little 'boy' wishing she was anyone else but herself.
Sylvie then heard the sound of a door handle slowly being turned.
She was prepared this time. "I said knock next time—“
Her mother appeared in the doorway.
"Mother!" Sylvie scrambled, standing herself up. The shawl hiding behind her back.
Her mother cautiously entered the room. "Is everything alright, dear? I heard shouting."
A small sense of relief filled her knowing Thor had not told their mother on the 'borrowed' possessions or better yet her wearing them but her anxiety still held firm.
"Everything is quite alright, Mother." She stuttered, sweat appearing above her brows. Her mother took a few more steps closer.
"Loki, did you really think I would not have noticed." She raised an eyebrow, no anger in her features, only a sense of calmness but her presence still heavily filled the room. Sylvie looked down at the floor and unhid the shawl from behind her back. Sylvie may have been good at being sly but her Mother was proven to be a challenge to trick.
She wasn't sure if she should apologise or explain why she had them in the first place. Or maybe now was the right moment to explain everything.
"Mother, I'm sorry, I.." Her words fell apart.
"I think it's time you and I have a little talk. Shall we?" Her mother walked over to sit on her bed. The door quietly closing by itself. Sylvie sat herself down next to her mother, avoiding her mother's gaze.
"Why did you take those things? I'm not angry. I just wish to understand the reasoning behind this. Perhaps I can help you."
Sylvie nodded. She wasn't ready, but if not now, then when? She knew how she felt, it was explaining it out loud that was the struggle. Was something wrong with her? Was she sick? Or even a way to fix her to stop feeling like this.
Sylvie had succumb to silence, blinking away the tears. Her mother patiently waiting.
"I..I don't feel right." She met her mother's soft blue eyes, she nodded once to encourage Sylvie to continue. She only wished to recoil into herself and disappear.
"I look in the mirror and it hurts, Mother. It hurts." Sylvie turned to look up at her mother, the tears slipping themselves free.
Sylvie fell into the comfort of her mother's warm embrace, a hand wrapped around her. She clung to the fabric of her mother's dress, hoping it would stop the tears.
"Hush, my dear. I'm listening." Frigga whispered, threading her fingers through Sylvie's locks.
"Why does it hurt so much? There is nothing wrong with who you are, Loki." She said, Sylvie only shook her head, pulling herself away.
"No, you don't understand! I don't want—" She rubbed away her tears, taking a deep breath to take control of her steady breathing from the crying. She wasn't close to explaining it. She had once wrote down all the things she felt when she eventually told her parents, scripted it in her head, in front of the mirror and now all of that was useless.
Her mother stayed calm, though Sylvie could tell she was puzzled at the sudden raised voice. "If you could magically become anyone you wish, who would it be?" She asked. The question caught Sylvie of track.
"Anyone?" She asked. Her mother nodded. Sylvie knew a few people she wanted to look like. It was now or never. There might not be another chance like this for awhile. What’s the worse thing that could happen? She knew her family loved her regardless, even despite her being adopted, they never once treated her any differently.
Sylvie jumped off her head and walked towards her book shelf, picking out a book without hesitation. She pressed the book close to her chest, then showing it to her mother.
On the cover was a women with long blonde hair tied in a braid wearing gold and white armour, blue cape flowing behind her. Her arm was held out high holding a glowing light blue sword as she sat on a pegasus mid flight. In her eyes was the fearless look of warrior ready for battle. She was beautiful and power and strong.
It was a fictional story about the main character's journey to becoming a highly respected Valkyrie despite the hardships she went through, being born into a poor family and was looked down upon for how weak she was. Sylvie stood in front of her mother, holding her hands together in anticipation for her response.
Her mother's eyes scanned over the cover. "You wish to be a Valkyrie?" Frigga frowned slightly.
Becoming a Valkyrie was definitely a far away dream, a dream so impossible to reach that it would never become a reality.
"It's more than that." Sylvie replied.
"Loki..." Her mother placed the book down on the bed. "Tell me more. What are you so afraid of, my dear?"
"I'm afraid you'll no longer love me. That you'll think I'm pretending or confused..or..or.."
Her mother stood up and bent down in front of Sylvie to reach her level. "Sweetheart, we could never stop loving you. I trust that you know your own mind. You're a smart and sensible young boy."
Sylvie visible winced as if someone had injured her, chocking out a heavy sob and began to weep. Sylvie promised herself she would not cry, promised she'd be strong. The promises lay broken. She was weak.
"I don't want to be a boy, Mother. I don't want to look like this. I want to be pretty. I feel horrible. I...I feel disgusting." Sylvie held onto her mother for dear life. Frigga embraced her tightly.
"Oh, my dear." Frigga let Sylvie cry into her shoulder until the heavy sobs became only sniffles. Frigga wasn't exactly sure what to make of this sudden turn of events. She knew Sylvie was never like her brother or most young boys for that matter, always more quiet, never fitting in with Thor and his friends. She'd much rather play with her toys or interact with the girls from her classes.
Frigga was always considered wise, knowing what to say when comforting and support others or even explaining the complexity of different methods regarding magic. Though now, she had no right words on how to comfort her distressed child. She still very much believed her child knew their own mind and that every word Sylvie said was not some child wanting to play pretend but a child in so much pain from hiding her true self for far too long. Perhaps Frigga felt a sense of guilt from not realising her child's distress. What Sylvie was feeling wasn't something Frigga had not heard before but it was still new to her. It was not a choice. She would continue to love her child unconditional despite not understanding much.
"For how long have you been feeling this way?"
Sylvie sniffled and wiped her tears with a shrug. "A long time. It has only become much worse. I have tried, really tried to stop being this way. To be more like Thor and the others."
Frigga placed a strand of hair behind Sylvie's ear. "You do not have to be anything like your brother. You two are very special in your own ways. Thor.. he relies on brute strength, charging head first into battle without analysing the battle field in itself. Of course he has some remarkable strengths. But you, my child, you are very powerful, intelligent, pure at heart, cunning even. You have qualities that many dismiss, cast aside as if they were only weak but my dear, they are your hidden strengths to use to your advantage." Frigga's voice whispered softly. She continued;
"And.. if from within you feel.. you're trapped.." Frigga paused, searching for the right words.
"In the wrong body." Sylvie said, completing her mother's sentence.
Frigga nodded. "Yes. Then we shall do whatever we can to support you. You will encounter many who will not quite fathom all of this, or many will say that you are sick. Do not ever let other's perception of who you are change you. Only you truly understand who you are from within and that’s all that matter."
Sylvie stood there, giving herself some time to take in what her mother had said. She had not expected this sort of outcome. A small smile made it's way to Sylvie's lip.
"Thank you, Mother. Can we tell Father...together?"
"We will and he shall love his daughter all the same." Frigga placed a kiss upon her forehead. "This..is still very new to me but is there another name you one day wish to be called by?"
Sylvie's eyes sparkled with instant excitement. She picked up her story book and pointed to the Valkyrie on the front cover.
“Her!” She passed the book to her mother. Frigga turned to look at the back of the book to read the blurb.
"Sylvie?" She said, reading the main character’s name.
Sylvie nodded, the void becoming only but a distant ache. Right now she no longer thought about what her father or Thor would think of this or for the rest of Asgard for that matter. Sylvie wanted to live in this blissful moment and hoped for many more.
"Sounds very elegant and mystical." Her mother said. "It's perfect."
Sylvie struggled to hide her ever growing smile as she hugged her mother.
"Though you must understand it will take us all some time to adjust to this change. We may make mistakes along the way, but I can assure you that as a family, together, we will support you."
Sylvie understood that it would be a big adjustment for everyone, even for herself and mistakes will follow and many will not support her journey, she was well aware of the troubles she may face but right now, Sylvie had made her first steps into becoming the person she was on the inside
"I know, Mother." Sylvie said, she reached down picking up the shawl and silver headpiece. "Here. I'm sorry for taking them without your permission, Mother.”
Frigga took the headpiece and placed it on Sylvie's head.
"Keep them." She smiled. "They look much better on you, my little princess."
- - - - -
A/N: Omg I didn't think I'd make this so heartbreaking. Also please no comments about how I didn't explain being trans that well considering its coming from a distressed child
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iamanartichoke · 3 years
Congrats on the 1+k followers! I've only recently found you but I enjoy your opinions and the way you write <3
I was wondering if, for the prompt fic ideas, you would be interested in writing Sylvie and Loki exchanging magic lessons in an enchantment for enchantment kind of way.
I imagine them bickering each other with "Pff... That is too easy." and "Come on, that didn't take me so long to learn...", but they would also encourage with some "I know you can do it!". (oh god, now I picture them teaming in some prank against Thor... xD)
Thank you so much, @enabi-seira. Sorry this is a few days late, but it took me awhile to get going. Also my intention was to have something kinda cute and snarky but it ... didn't really end up that way, bc of who I am as a person. I hope you enjoy, regardless.
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Summary: Sylvie gives Loki a lesson in enchantment Word Count: 2340 Author's notes: More or less inspired by the blanket scene, but with less awkward and more soul-bearing, bc well, why not.
It wasn’t until she let him into her mind that Loki saw himself in Sylvie.
At first, he thought it hadn’t worked, because all he felt was nothing. There was no sound, no air. But when he opened his eyes he found himself in what, at first glance, was Idunn’s orchard on Asgard. He stood at the center of the orchard, underneath the shade of one of the largest trees. In the distance, he could clearly see the golden spires of Valaskjalf and, looking up, Loki felt a twist of homesickness so strong it nearly knocked him off of his feet.
It took him a moment to get ahold of himself and, when he did and began to take a closer look, he realized that he wasn’t on Asgard at all. The orchard did not have enough trees and no golden apples swung from their branches. Valaskjalf’s spires did not glint in the sun; the gold was instead dull and flat. Everything, in fact, was much too dull and flat.
A chill broke out across Loki’s skin because while he was not on Asgard, he did know this place. He’d built it himself, had begun planting the trees and laying the foundations of deadened grass and dirt when he was still just a child. It was his in-between space, the pocket between dimensions into which he retreated when everything else was simply too much.
“How do you know this place?” he asked. His voice, rough with confusion, seemed far too loud with nothing to anchor it. “It’s mine.”
“It’s ours,” Sylvie corrected. Her voice came from somewhere to his left; Loki turned and saw her approaching, dressed not in the black and green attire he’d grown so familiar with but in a deep purple gown traditional of Asgardian formalwear. Her hair was longer, the top done up somewhat elaborately in several slim braids.
“I thought your enchantment would bring me to a memory,” he said.
“What makes you think this isn’t a memory?”
Loki opened his mouth and then closed it again, choosing instead to merely gesture at the void surrounding them. “Because this place isn’t real. I created it. As an -”
“An escape,” she finished for him. She’d been looking out over the orchard but now she turned her gaze on him, something sad and knowing behind her green eyes. She nodded. “So did I. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t real. It’s as real as you and I are, and I remember it.”
Goosebumps tickled his arms and the back of his neck. Loki looked away, turning in a half circle as he took in the sight of what he used to simply call the gray place, a place he’d thought had been lost; he’d not thought of it in years, could no longer remember quite where it was. The grey place had all but collapsed into the recesses of his mind, along with countless other memories he’d collected and subsequently lost along the way.
Loki looked up at the tree that still shaded them from the sun, although the sun itself was not very bright, nor warm. Everything was so still. Absently, Loki reached out and swiped his fingers along one of the lower branches. “No apples,” he said.
“Nothing grows here.”
“The space grows,” he countered. He plucked a few leaves from the branch and curled his fingers around them. “Grew. Each time I came here, it seemed bigger. It stopped being Asgard and grew into somewhere else.”
“It didn’t really, though, did it,” she said. She walked around him, circling the tree trunk. “Get bigger. It was only that we got lonelier.”
Loki looked at her sharply, but found he couldn’t refute her words. “You were much lonelier than I,” he said instead.
She shot him one of her Sylvie looks, her expression both indignant at what she perceived as a slight, and annoyed at his being right. She disliked when he figured things out about her, but he’d seen that expression more and more as the days passed, which meant that he was getting closer to her core.
Either that, or he was just annoying her more frequently.
“What makes you think so?” she challenged.
He gestured vaguely at the space around them. “Yours is farther along than mine was.” Now that he was getting used to this - both being inside of her head, and grounded firmly in the gray place - he could see the differences. There were more pathways in the orchard, fuller tree branches. In the distance, past the palace, he could make out the beginnings of a rainbow bridge. All things Loki had thought of bringing to the gray place, but adolescence grew into adulthood and Loki created new hiding places, buried deeper in the spaces between worlds.
Sylvie’s gray place felt like a place that had been visited often. Perhaps she even still visited, escaping through dimensions as easily as she slipped through apocalypses.
Her features looked pinched as she dug her fingers into the trunk’s bark, pulling at a loose layer. “When did you build yours?” she asked, instead of answering directly. “Start building it, I mean.”
Loki shrugged, leaning against the trunk. “I don’t know. I was young.”
“Tell me,” she pressed.
He glanced over at her and, despite himself, smirked. “Are we exploring your mind, or mine?”
Sylvie arched an eyebrow and then her features relaxed. “Beats me,” she admitted. “Seems they’re one and the same, doesn’t it?”
Loki’s nod was slow, thoughtful. He looked up, toward the endless gray sky. “I remember having nightmares as a child,” he said, and wasn’t sure if he was answering her question, or simply speaking in order to fill the silence. Her presence seemed to have that effect on him, regardless of whether they were together in the world or together in her (their?) mind.
“It was always cold in those dreams,” he went on. “Bitter, the kind of cold that gets under your skin. It was cold and it was dark, and there were never any monsters or dragons or - not the kinds of things children tend to have nightmares about. For me, it was that there was nothing. Just myself, and the cold, and the dark, and this intimate knowing that no matter what I did or how loudly I screamed, no one would ever hear me.”
She’d circled around the trunk again as he spoke, and now she leaned against it next to him, sliding down until she was settled on the grass at the base. “I don’t think I had nightmares, not like yours,” she said, “but I always had the sense of being wrong, somehow. When my parents told me the truth about what I was, and where I’d come from, I thought it would make the wrongness stop.”
“But it didn’t,” Loki guessed as he sat down on the ground beside her.
She looked over at him, meeting his gaze directly before she shook her head. “It’s in me still. At least now I know why.”
Loki didn’t say anything. They were sitting close enough together that he’d only have to lean in a bit and their shoulders would be touching, but Loki let the observation go without acting on it. Instead, he pulled at a few blades of grass, gaze settling out toward the far end of the orchard which, were this the real Asgard, would have led directly into Frigga’s gardens.
Instead of lingering on that thought, Loki turned his attention to the enchantment itself. It was very strange, the method she’d learned. Their bodies - their real bodies - were out there in the physical world, holding hands to establish the physical connection they’d needed for the enchantment to work, but they were also in here, and he could feel the ground beneath him and the the tree bark digging into his spine and the solidity of the space she took up beside him. He would have assumed that sliding into someone else’s mind would feel like a dream or a vision - not quite real.
“That’s when I began creating this place,” he said, realizing that he’d started telling her about his nightmares for a reason. “To escape after the dreams.” He’d chosen the warmest, safest place he knew then, which was the orchard, and he’d begun creating his duplicate.
“I don’t even really know where it was,” he admitted, with a short laugh. “All I had to do was think of it and, suddenly, I’d be there.”
It had started with the nightmares, but somewhere along the way it had become much more than that. Loki could remember disappearing into the gray place after arguments, or when he was frustrated and felt lost, or even just when all of the things inside of him - the dark things he’d never been able to firmly identify - became far too much and he felt like he would explode from the sheer force of them pressing against his skin from the inside, seeking a way out.
In Sylvie’s mind, all of the details were exact and clear, just as he remembered and more. Loki felt something hollow and cold in his core as it sank in - really sank in - that he and Sylvie were variants of the same person. The same soul, with the same dark things inside. What’s me is you, and what’s you is me.
The full weight of the realization should not have made him feel so lonely, but it did. For the first time since he’d met her, looking at Sylvie felt like looking in the mirror, the way one did when he was examining himself from every angle, identifying and hating every flaw he discovered.
“I know that look,” she said, and Loki blinked. He’d been staring at her, he realized, and felt his cheeks warm. “It’s hitting you, isn’t it? How we’re the same.”
Loki nodded. “It’s this place. I was remembering why I made it, and what drove me to disappear here. It must have been the same for you.”
“Let’s see.” Sylvie drew her knees up a little, adjusting her skirts so that they wouldn’t drag against the grass. “The wrongness of existing. Falling short, no matter how hard I tried. Always found wanting, compared to my brother. And, yes, loneliness.”
“Thor,” Loki said. His voice sounded so flat, even to his own ears, that Sylvie shot him a strange glance. He tugged at a few more blades of grass, pressing his lips together. He’d never asked her about her Thor, because he didn’t want to talk about his - the one who had ceased to exist when the TVA first arrested Loki in the desert and erased his reality, along with everyone he’d ever known and loved. Versions of them existed, of course - the ones who walked the sacred timeline, exactly where they were supposed to be, but those versions belonged to another Loki - a far away Loki.
He had his reasons for not bringing up Thor, but he didn’t know why Sylvie, likewise, had kept her Thor to herself. “Tell me about him,” he heard himself say, dropping the blades of grass from his hand. “Your Thor.”
“I don’t remember much of him, either,” Sylvie admitted. “More blips, like my parents. He’s more of a feeling than anything else - a presence. He took care of me; he pushed me to be better. I could never measure up to him, but I remember he wasn’t the one who was comparing. He loved me.”
“Yes.” Loki was hardly aware of speaking until he heard his own voice. “Mine, too.”
They exchanged a long look, and then Sylvie cleared her throat and turned her attention to the grass. “Could do with a bit more green,” she remarked. “It’s awfully dull, isn’t it?”
“I could -”
But she was already pressing her fingers into the dirt and, as Loki watched, the blades began to darken and bloom as lush grass sprouted outward, rolling from the palm of Sylvie’s hand to stretch in every direction until all of the dead grass had been made new again. Only then did Sylvie pull her hand back.
“Not bad, right?”
“Not bad,” he agreed. “Still feels very plain, though. I’d have added a little shading, a little variety. Perhaps a few more shrubs or rose bushes.”
“I’m not stopping you.”
The corners of Loki’s mouth tilted upward. He extended a closed fist, focusing, and then spread open his hand to reveal a tangled ball of colorful magic, blues and greens and yellows and reds all flickering and shimmering. Wordlessly, Loki tossed the ball; it landed several feet away and dissolved into tiny, colorful flowers, which spread swiftly over the grass.
Loki glanced at Sylvie, quickly enough that he caught the awe on her features before she realized he was looking; immediately, boredom swept over her face. She lifted one shoulder, carelessly. “Where are the rose bushes?”
“You are impossible,” Loki informed her.
“So you keep telling me. Come on.” She pushed herself to her feet and extended a hand, which Loki took without pause. “Lesson’s over for today.”
A split-second later, the gray place was gone entirely; once again, there was air to breathe and tiny sounds in the distance. Loki’s head throbbed; he opened his eyes and let go of Sylvie’s hand in order to press his against his temples. “Ow.”
“Yeah, return trip’s a little rough until you get used to it.” Slyvie - once again looking like Sylvie, draped in green and black - leaned back, watching with some amusement while Loki squeezed his eyes shut, rubbed his temples, and tried not to throw up. “Maybe next time we’ll journey into your mind. Probably’ll pack less of a punch for you.”
“I can handle pain,” Loki countered, finally letting go of his head. “My mind is off-limits. We’ve been over this.”
“For now,” Sylvie agreed.
“For always.” Loki arched his eyebrow at her. “Now. What lesson shall we tackle next?”
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                            The Asgardian and his Atlantean.
  (First time writing a marvel related story and and LokiXreader one at that. So forgive the way it is. I got bored one night watching Atlantis on Disney that I came up with this mixture of a story. Hope you enjoy I own nothing of marvels or disney’s. This story is also on my Wattpad -https://www.wattpad.com/user/HatterMoon )
Life at Stark Tower was good for you. All the Avengers loved you and they treated you like family. You loved helping out Tony the most with his suits and helping him advance the technology. This morning started like any other day, you woke before the sun had started to shine in the sky, you check your pendent. A couple more days before you need to be returning home.
You prepared breakfast for everyone, despite being told numerous times that you didn't need to do it.
You made sure to brew enough coffee for everyone as they all seem to need it first thing in the morning. You preferred tea to start your day, and so they have gifted you your own tea pot and tea set at Christmas.
The first to wander in was Nat, still in his PJ's with messy hair and rubbing her eyes, you chuckle silently. "Morning Nat. Sleep well?" She mumbled a reply, followed by the words "Need Coffee" One by one all the Avengers entered the common room, some more awake then others. "Tony where is Steve and Bucky?" Wanda asks as you take in notice that you are two short. "They left on a mission last night so for the time being it will just be us." Tony answers "Good Morning Y/N." Bruce said as he come to stand beside you. "Morning Bruce. I might need the lab later today to test out some test for healing drinks is that fine with you? "Hey I only borrow the Lab myself you best ask Tony since you know, he owns it" "I know but you are the one in there most of the time. It feels like I am invading  your space" "You can use the Lab Y/N. Do I need to remind you that you live here, you do not have to ask to use something." Tony said as he had overheard the conversation. You smile at him. Tony had become like a father figure to you over the years. "Thanks Tony."
It's not long before they all go off and do their own things, Clint goes to the shooting range, Natasha and Wanda go to the training, Bruce to the lab and Tony goes to the armory, leaving you to do your own thing. It unusually quiet this day. You so used to Bucky keeping you company while you wander through various jobs that need doing.
As the day went on you made your way down to the lab for a few hours, The Avengers went on a small mission, leaving you alone. As much as you hated them going on missions you enjoyed the quiet. You took note of the potions and ingredients and the ones that needed restocking.
"Miss Y/N. They will be returning shortly. I was informed by Mr Stark" "Thank you Jarvis, will they be requiring my assistance?"
"I am unsure Miss Y/N best to be prepared in case" You nod and gather a couple of jars in your hand and take them to the Med-bay.
"Hey kid we're home" Tony called out through the building. You make your way to them to see Nat and Clint heading to the med-bay, limping.
"There is a new stock of healing potions in there for you guys to try if you want." You smile and they nod at you as you continue your way to Tony. "How did it go Tony?" "Wasn't our best, wasn't as small as we had predicted." "That bad?" "You could say ,might be a problem in the future but not right now, also kid we have a new person for you to meet. They will be staying here for a while." He said as he poured himself a glass of whiskey. "Oh?" Now you were curious. "Yeah its Thor's brother, Loki. He will be arriving later today. If you want to join us in collecting him you are more than welcomed." "I might just do that. It has been awhile since I left the tower and I will be returning home in a couple days to grab supplies, So you will have to survive without me for about a week" Tony chuckles "You mean we have to cook our own breakfast? Oh no how will we survive." You roll your eyes at the sarcasm but smile. He pats your back as he walks out of the common room.
You head to your room and rest for a while, you slowly starting to feel the drain on your body. Closing your eyes you dream of your home, your friends and family.
A knock on your door alerts you to wake up. "Hey Lady Y/N, Stark told me to come and grab you." Only one person calls you by that nickname and its Thor so its no surprise when you open the door and see him there. "Please Thor call me Y/N. No need for formalities." "No. Lady Y/N we will be leaving soon, walk with me to the landing dock?" You nod and allow Thor to lead you to the Quin-jet. "So your brother is joining the Avengers?"
"Sadly no, he will be helping out on missions but will not be a Avenger. He is barely happy about helping us. He might even be able to help you in the Lab and with the suits." "I doubt Tony will allow anyone to touch his suits, do you remember the trouble I had when I fixed his suit the first time, I was all but grounded" "I am sure you could convince Tony to allow Loki to help?" "Ah the God of Mischief and Tony Stark agreeing on something. Is this not the same Loki that attacked New York?" You joke to the god of thunder. "The same one, I would like to think that Tony will one day sort of agree with him, he has done his time on Asgard and Father thinks this will help him amend the past." You stay quiet, you had not been here when the New York attack happened, that was the week Tony had sent you home to grab supplies, but he had filled you in on some of the details.
"Lady Y/N if you may" Thor says gesturing to the seat "We will betaking off soon." You smile and get strapped in to your seat. You stay quiet for the flight, everyone around is chatting between themselves, and joking. You pick up on bits and pieces here and thereof what they discussing.
"We might as well have a party for Reindeer games arrival." Tony says loud enough for everyone to hear. "Another party Tony? Must we, you know Loki won't like it" Nat says glaring at the male beside her. "Another reason to have it. He needs to get over it and show us that he is changing. So a party is the perfect way to do it." You sometimes wondered what went though Tony's head some days. He had to host a party for everything. He even held one for you when you finally agreed to help them. FLASHBACK It took a lot of convincing and asking for you to accept Mr. Starks offer to work for him. Some how your little secret was out in the open and now you had the richest man in the area, all but begging you to join his crew. "We could use a smart woman like you on the team. You would have your own room, hell I will even give you your own floor for your technology and gear." "Mr. Stark as much as I would love to join, I am afraid I will never fit in." "Why because your Atlantean? You do know Thor is a god, Bruce is the Hulk. You would fit in fine. I do not care what you are or where you come from."
You look at him and then look away to your garage filled with old Atlantean war machines. You could use a bigger place for them to be stored while you fix them up and get them back in the air. "Could I bring all this? I have worked to hard to give up" You wave your hands round the room. "Not to the tower, but I have a compound that we can store them at and you can go there and work on them whenever you need." "Alright Mr. Stark. I will accept." "Great and call me Tony. I will start arranging the transportation of your vehicles and your personal belongings. Please excuse me" You watch him walk out, a bit stunned at how quickly he got to setting everything up.
You feel Thor tapping your shoulder, you glance at him "Yes?" "We will be landing soon. Are you ok? You seem to be a bit distracted?" "Oh its all good Thor, I was just thinking." "As long as you are well Lady Y/N" A few moments alter you have landed and everyone has started leaving the Quin-jet. You look around you, nothing but grasslands for miles. Next thing you see a giant beam of light land on the ground ahead of you and in a flash it is gone, leaving nothing but a raven hair man in green armor.
"Brother it is nice to see you again." Thor approaches the man alone. "Thor. I see you bought the whole team for this arrival. Couldn't trust me enough to come alone?" "It is not like that Loki. Do not start this" You watch the interaction between the brothers as does everyone else. No-one moves to greet him. "Come now Brother, there is someone I wish for you to meet." Thor looks in your direction. They make their way over to you. "Brother is is Lady Y/N." You bow a bit to Loki, knowing of his royal title, you have no choice but to. "Your Highness, nice to meet you" "Lady Y/N you do not need to bow to him." "Best you listen to my brother Mortal" Loki said with a smugness. You raise your head and you feel his eyes trail to your neck. You see the realization kick in once he sees your pendent. "You're Atlantean?"
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