#it was gonna be due tomorrow but she's given me an extra week!
squishmallow36 · 1 year
It's all I wish to hear tonight, and you're all I wish to be, and this is how we all fall - Chapter one
Summary: It's the Garvar fic! Wdym you want a summary? It's a retelling of the first chapter of kotlc from Garwin's pov. That's--that's pretty much it. We do have them interact which is pretty nice. There will be more loosely connected chapters to come but I don't know how many or how they'll turn out. Word count: 2730
TW: swearing, drug mention, mentions of kidnappings and murder in relation to the Sophie/Fitz interaction
Taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed!): @stellar-lune @gaslight-gaetkeep-gayboss @kamikothe1and0lny @nyxpixels @florida-preposterously @poppinspop @uni-seahorse-572 @solreefs @remember-me-in-another-time @rusted-phone-calls @when-wax-wings-melt @good-old-fashioned-lover-boy7 @dexter-dizzknees @abubble125 @hi-imgrapes @callum-hunt-is-bisexual @xanadaus @callas-pancake-tree @hi-my-name-is-awesome @katniss-elizabeth-chase @arson-anarchy-death. Also @frogs-and-flowers-and-faeries @camelspit you two seemed interested
On AO3 (only to registered users because y'know, AI) or below the cut
   If there’s one thing universally agreed upon by high schoolers, it’s this: field trips are fun. Or at least they should be, in theory. 
    Instead of being locked in a classroom for eight hours a day, you get to go outside, cause some havoc, you know, the usual. 
    Your other teachers end up being nice because you cried to them that between all your classes and this field trip, you need an extra week on that paper that you’ve had assigned for three months and you haven’t started and is due tomorrow for a reason. 
    And, most of the time, as an extra bonus, you learn absolute jack shit. 
    The only problem arises when the teacher that is taking you on the trip seems to forget that part and forces you to actually pay attention with the threat of a quiz, and knowing him, he’s going to make it absolutely horrendous. 
    Yes, dinosaurs are badass but having to listen to your teacher read the plaques out loud makes gouging your eyes out seem like a good course of action. 
    Are we completely sure the teachers here have a 100 percent literacy rate? Garwin wonders, rolling his eyes as Sweeney struggles through another scientific name. I mean, knowing this school system, it would not surprise me. 
    There’s a couple of nerds taking notes but honestly there’s no chance. If there is a quiz, it’ll be the type of thing that’s “What year, exactly, did the cretaceous era end?” And the multiple choice options will all be around that 66 million years ago mark ingrained in everyone’s soul but you have to remember that science was able to determine the meteor fell on a Thursday and from that you have to extrapolate what the date would have been. 
    Can a meteor fall on us this today Thursday? That’d be great. No more AP exams.  
    And yeah, AP classes are supposed to have a curve, but with that little photographic memory of Dophie’s only half paying attention and half listening to MCR so loud it can be heard from three miles away, she’s gonna get a perfect score. 
    Case in point: Sweeney finally hears Gerard screaming and catches onto the fact that Sophie is completely ignoring his existence, per usual. 
    “Miss Foster!” He yanks her earbuds out by the cords. “Have you decided that you’re too smart to pay attention to this information?”
    Well, she can probably legit get a zero on the final and still carry a 93 in the class. So I’d probably say the answer is yes. I think we all know that little smartass corrects Sweeney on a daily basis. 
    Between the typos and the shit he gets plain wrong, it was entertaining to see him flounder at the beginning of the year, but at this point she doesn’t seem to grasp the idea that everyone’s given up on the lost cause of a man. 
    This entire class has all had to suffer through more school than she’s been alive. Other than the dumbass sophomores in the class. But it wouldn’t be surprising to find out they were smoking weed in the back of class for a “science experiment.” 
    Ah, the things you can get away with in AP Enviro Science and a teacher that doesn’t care. Except about the toddler in his class who listens to music but hey. Maybe he’s insecure because he’s stupid and he has to maintain control over some aspect of his life.  
    Sophie mumbles something, denying it as she attempts to retract into her shell like a turtle. Unfortunately, humans don’t usually come with a shell, so she isn’t very successful. 
    “Then perhaps you can explain why you were listening to your iPod instead of following along?” Sweeney dangles the headphones in front of her as she rips out an eyelash. 
     Now, Garwin may have only gotten a 2 on the AP Psych exam last year because he only paid attention half the time because those daily quizzes were ass, but that doesn’t seem like the healthiest of coping mechanisms. 
    Sophie simply stares at the ground to pretend like Sweeney isn’t harassing her. 
    “Since you’ve decided you’re above this lecture, why don’t you give it?” Sweeney asks, gesturing to the definitely-accurate reconstruction of an orange hadrosaur. “Explain to the class how the Lambeosaurus differs from the other dinosaurs we’ve studied.”
    You see, one of these was the Pteranodon family’s neighbor on Dinosaur Train. Larry Lambeosaurus was an endless pit that never seemed to fill with food, much like the average teenager. Unlike the average teenager, however, this may have something to do with his diet of tree and its caloric density, or lack thereof. 
    Instead of listening to Sophie rattle off dinosaur facts learned from a lifetime of being a fucking nerd, Garwin chooses to look at literally anything else for some scrap of entertainment. 
    Like, for example, the Albertosaurus. And imagining it coming to life and eating everybody à la Jurassic Park. That would be fun. 
    Sweeney gets increasingly pissed off as she keeps going. He really should’ve learned long ago to not challenge her ‘cause it ain’t gonna go well for him. He mutters something under his breath, and turns to go to the next increasingly stupid dinosaur. 
    Actually, Garwin takes that back. The dinosaurs themselves aren’t stupid. It’s the whole idea of having to get dragged to a place to forcefully learn about them instead of actually studying for the AP exam in less than two weeks. Not that he actually cares about that though. 
    “Nice job, superfreak,” he says to Sophie as she stands helplessly in the middle of the walkway. He pushes past her in an effort to appear engaged enough to not get another detention. “Maybe they'll write another article about you. 'Child Prodigy Teaches Class About the Lame-o-saurus.’”
    Garwin’s gaze lands on someone reading the newspaper with Sophie’s face plastered across it. Yeah, the guy’s kinda cute with dark hair and teal eyes flicking up at Sophie ever so often…but, like, he’s probably freshman-ish years old and that’s kinda weird in the middle of the school day, not gonna lie. 
    And he isn’t in this class, that’s for sure. So he’s probably ditching. Kind of a dumb move to ditch and then go to a museum but hey. That’s his life choice and it’s not Garwin’s fault it’s stupid. 
    Garwin rolls his eyes as he moves into the next room. The desire to cause large amounts of property damage by climbing up the statues is immense, but, alas, one cannot succumb to temptation. 
    Their resident curvebuster doesn’t follow, and, honestly, that is a choice. Maybe if she gets eaten by a dinosaur or kidnapped with the guy pulling a Ferris Bueller, this class might know peace once again. 
    A not-small part of him could not give less of a shit if she disappears suddenly, and another not-small part of him can’t help but see the advantages. Maybe then we won’t all fail the class. It’s not like San Diego City College is going to miss her. Chances are, she’ll be the same to her unfortunate classmates there. 
    As the group shuffles around a reconstruction of a Triceratops, Sweeney begins droning on and on and on and on about the different types of ceratopsians, and it’s a damn fucking shame the one with three horns became famous instead of, like, the Kosmoceratops. 
    That fucker’s got fifteen horns and it’s common knowledge that an animal’s coolness is exponentially correlated with number of things that it has that can kill you. 
    In order to quell the rising tide of complete and total apathy, Garwin once again begins the search for something--anything--interesting to occupy his time.
    And don’t you know it? There’s a hot guy hiding in a corner trying desperately not to be seen. 
    Between him and the kid reading the newspaper in the other room, something weird is definitely going down. So the obvious course of action is to walk up to the guy and see what’s up. Maybe even flirt a little. As soon as he can escape from Sweeney’s torture chamber, that is. 
    In the meantime, Garwin can still stare at him. He has dark hair gelled to perfection and light blue eyes. His eyelashes are visible from this massive distance away, so they must be super long and therefore super hot. Garwin’s fingers ache to trace his sharp square jaw and his skin is a light tan with a dusting of freckles for good measure. 
    In short, he’s absolutely fucking gorgeous. 
    He’s way too far to be certain, but he kind of does look like newspaper boy…for reasons that are as of right now indescribable other than sheer vibes. 
   And he’s wearing a black batman sweatshirt--a foolish decision on a partially sunny day such as today--that hangs in such a way to suggest he’s got some muscles hiding beneath it. 
    The world would be improved in many ways if that sweatshirt was a little less on.
    Then, suddenly, by some miracle, some grace of god, Sweeney lets them explore for themselves. An argument could be made that he realized that no one was paying attention, but the more likely case is that he got tired of teaching and is now allowing them the slightest sliver of freedom to maximize his own laziness. 
    Garwin floats over to the guy in the corner as nonchalantly as possible as his traitorous heart is doing backflips in his chest. He was tall from a distance, but he’s even taller up close. 
    “Hey,” he says. Hey? Hey? That’s the most creative thing you could come up with? A cheesy pickup line would be better at this point.  
    “Hey yourself.” Guy-in-the-corner says with the slightest hint of a smirk. “I’m Alvar, what’s your name?”
    Garwin is almost too distracted by Alvar’s thick accent--almost British, but somehow crisper--to remember his own name. “I’m Garwin. It’s nice to meet you.”
    “Do you really think they looked like that?” Alvar asks. “The dinosaurs, I mean. It’s a little absurd, isn’t it?” 
    “Would you rather have the nerd answer or do you want the smartass answer?” Garwin replies. 
    “Who says I don’t want both?”
    “Ah. Well then. The nerd answer is that at least some of them should have feathers. They are the ancestors to birds, after all. The fact that none of them do is a little yikes. And as for my other answer, I’m not a paleontologist, but,” Garwin points to a fossilized sauropod…or at least a skeleton of one that may or may not be real, “that one might be a tad bit skinny.”
    Alvar laughs, a glorious sound. His eyes wander away from studying Garwin, focusing out of the room, landing on Sophie fucking Foster. 
    Ah, yes. First she gets into Yale without even trying and now she’s gained the attention of multiple people which depending on the intentions could be really fucking creepy. She’s literally twelve. This is complete and utter bullshit. 
    “Is that the kid on the front of the newspaper today?”
    “Yeah,” Garwin replies bitterly. 
    Alvar makes a thoughtful sound and looks back at Garwin, who has begun leaning against the wall. Yes, there’s a plastic fern between them but you do what you can. 
    “Come on, Fitz. Don’t be a total dumbass,” Alvar whispers as newspaper boy--Fitz--begins to step away from Sophie.  
    A swarm of kindergarteners barreled into the exhibit, nearly knocking both Sophie and Fitz off their feet. They hold their heads in their hands like their brains are physically getting stabbed and when they make eye contact again, Sophie watches Fitz in fear. 
    Why that is, Garwin can’t tell, but there’s something in Alvar’s expression that seems like he suspects something, and Garwin would give anything--except a full ride scholarship to Yale--to know what he does. 
    In the time Garwin spends studying Alvar’s features for clues and getting lost in his eyes, Sophie has magically disappeared. Fitz swears, probably loud enough to be heard all the way at the zoo across the street, as he runs after her. 
    Alvar rolls his eyes. “Life choices. Do I run after my dumbass of a brother or do I leave him be? Decisions, decisions,” he asks himself. 
    What the fuck? 
    Garwin looks back at Alvar to find him already watching him. “Would you like me to go tell Sweeney or just…let her skip class?” And probably get murdered just a little bit. 
    It takes a good few seconds for him to process this request. “Eh, I’m sure he’ll notice sooner or later.”
    Oh my fucking god this guy is fucked up. I don’t like Sophie, but I’d rather she not get kidnapped.
    …Is it bad that he's still hot?
        “Why the fuck are you two harassing Sophie?” The question comes out more forcefully than Garwin intends, but not enough to walk it back. 
    “That is one very long story and I don’t think you’d believe half of it. But let’s see--how simplified can I get this?” He pauses, formulating. “We’ve basically got a switched at birth situation going on here except we don’t exactly know who her actual parents are and well that’s a whole thing that I’d rather not get into right now. Also we don’t know if she’s actually the kid we’re looking for. And by we I mean mostly our dad but he isn’t here right now because he figured it would be less creepy for us to stare at children than he would be. And then Fitzy over there doesn’t know I’m here for extensive and even more complicated reasons. And he wasn’t supposed to interact with her. Problems all around.”
    Garwin considers this explanation for a moment. On the one hand, it leaves him with more questions than answers, and on the other hand, he doesn’t really care enough to ask for further elaboration. 
    “Just don’t murder Sophie. I don’t need to see her on the front cover of the newspapers that should already be obsolete two days in a row,” he decides. 
    Alvar smiles. His teeth are brilliantly white, and it’s ever so slightly crooked in such a perfect way that makes it seem practiced. His cobalt eyes fix Garwin to the spot as they turn toward each other. 
    “And, um, before I go, I do immensely apologize if I’m reading this wrong, but would you like to go out with me sometime?”
    “Why the hell else do you think I wandered over here? Absolutely.” 
    Instead of giving Garwin his phone number like a normal person by writing it on a sticky note or the back of his hand with a sharpie that doesn’t come off for a week or just directly typing it into their phone, Alvar comes equipped with a stack of business cards. 
     And honestly, it’s not even that surprising. Like, yes, he’s only known the guy for a grand total of fifteen minutes, but that tracks with what he knows so far…which isn’t much. But it still counts. Bitch. 
    Garwin smiles. “I’ll call you and set up details when I can look at my calendar and I’m not already busy with club meetings and shit.”
    “Sounds good.” 
    After a short pause, Alvar opens his mouth to say something else, but he’s interrupted by Sweeney’s nasal whining before he gets the chance. 
    Garwin rolls his eyes. “I guess I should get back to the fucked up reality that is the American school system. See you later.” 
    “Bye,”  Alvar replies, smiling. 
    Garwin makes his way back to the class reforming around Sweeney like a slime mold, taking his sweet time to not seem too eager to be going back to the hellhole that is occasionally referred to as a school but not dicking around so much he gets left, as making his way back there himself would be mildly inconvenient. 
    And we can’t have that, now, can we?
    Garwin looks back into the corner to sneak one more glance at the indescribably attractive boy who has for some reason asked him out only to find that he’s nowhere to be found. 
    Was he just a figment of my imagination?
    Garwin checks his back pocket, hissing as the sharp edges of a business card leave him with a paper cut. 
    Guess that solves that mess. 
    Now if only all the world’s problems could be solved so easily, we’d be onto something. 
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meg2md · 3 months
When time, read: [ ] double barrel wet colostomy [ ] appendiceal cancer [ ] malignant bowel protocol [ ] May Thurner syndrome [ ] Po vs IV vs rectal vs vaginal contrast As always, so, so tired. Last "work" night of 5 weeks with a call shift tomorrow. So the night goes oncology night shift > present research @ 0930 > sleep > graduation @ 1800 > call shift.
I'm dreading the whole freaking day. My research proposal is not good. My slides are messed up. It's confusing. I think the study itself will be fine, but a 5 week night float was not the time or place to get my shit together for this. I just hope the program coordinator can find it within herself to update my slides in the morning, or else I'm fucked. And then I'm gonna get such LITTLE SLEEP before I have to go to graduation for 4 hrs and pretend to be in a good mood and socialize. At least my call shift right afterwards is normal R2 crap, antepartum/benign gynecology stuff.
To be honest covering the oncology service has been chill enough the past shift-and-half, except for when it's bad it's BAD and probably the worst service to be on. I like onc nights more than days, though, because there's not a lot of extra people and I can just sit in my little work room upstairs and be alone and read through things. It's mostly covering the OR at the end of the day shift, seeing overnight direct admits and transports, and following up vitals and miscellaneous labs, post-op checks, etc. And then sometimes people surgical emergencies, or people crump or straight up die.
So, a medicine service +/- OR time.
My first night I had two transports: a malignant large bowel obstruction iso newly diagnosed HGSOC that is being managed conservatively given its size <13 cm but also her significant neutropenia due to her neoadjuvant Avastin therapy (her prognosis.... isn't amazing), and a "frequent flier" with recurrent vulvar cancer (and the gnarliest genitourinary anatomy I've seen) s/p MULTIPLE resections, EUAs, ablations admitted with c/f sepsis in the setting of a new perirectal abscess. All things considered it went well enough but my presentations were rocky, like I'd expect them to be for a new R2, but I'm almost R3. I was flustered because they both came at the same time and the LBO made me nervous, so I felt rushed trying to get the other transport tucked in so I only had to call the attending once.
Tonight started out with the potential to be a NIGHTMARE. There were two ORs running late, an exlap followed by an EUA with one attending, and a robotic hyst with another, and then I got sign out on four (4) incoming transports, and I also had four (4) post-op checks all due around the same time. I ended up not having to go to the OR because the exlap said I don't need to scrub anyone out, the EUA was cancelled, and one of the transports came at the same time so my R3 said to see that instead of scrubbing her out.
It's a very sad case, though. I mean, all onc cases are sad, but she was with her dad which just tore at my heart. It's a woman <50 yo, no hx cancer, with 3-4 months of back pain who finally had an ultrasound and CT that showed 3 large abdominopelvic masses and widespread mets. :c She's getting omental biopsies tomorrow. We ultimately think it's appendiceal or some other gastrointestinal malignancy because her CA-125 is only about 180, which for a pre-menopausal woman is low. Another one where the prognosis is not very good.
Actually, none of these people I admitted have good prognoses. I guess that's just how gyne onc is. :-/
The other transports probably aren't coming but I'm going to try and prep them in a second. There's a pelvic fluid collection in a woman 5d s/p a hyst with a post-op course c/b May Thurner syndrome and PE s/p extensive thrombectomy now on Eliquis, another vulvar cancer patient whose left drain fell out and now there is c/f infection in addition to just general failure to thrive, and someone who probably won't come who was found to be hypokalemic apparently on outpatient labs. And then some mystery woman in her 80s that may or may not show up on the ED board with recurrent HGSOC and a GTube for gastrointestinal issues.
3 h til signout, and then I have about 2-2.5 hr to sleep and practice my presentation. I'm ready for this weekend to be overrrrrrrrrrrr
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iamfuckingsorry · 5 months
So the place I work at part-time to get some extra cash has recently been bought up and they're changing their entire system - the scheduling app, the internal email that my boss sends mass emails to etc etc. You can only activate your new account on this one specific laptop at work that's connected to their intranet or w/e. They told us like 10 days ago. Well, I only work evenings and weekends and didn't get any shifts last week, due to no fault of my own, and when I tried to log in the computer wasn't connected to the correct intranet apparently. I've never even heard of this intranet previously so I'm not about to try and fix it on my own, right, and you can only call tech support like 8-14 Mon-Fri. Great, huh. Still, I did what I could given the circumstances, no fucking way am I paying for a bus ticket (and wasting my own, unpaid time) to go to work just to spend five minutes logging into a laptop.
My boss just texted me saying "if you want to keep working here starting tomorrow, you need to come in TODAY and activate your new login." I guess to get me to come and do it lol.
The thing is, I don't need the money.
This is not gonna go how she thinks it's gonna go.
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stranger things season 4 volume 2 comes out on friday so if you dont see me around much its bc im in full hyperfixation mode aksklsks
noted! have fun watching it! <3
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More than just a game
Warnings: dark elements including noncon and rape, oral, fingering, doxxing, stalking, and other explicit content. 
This is dark!Jake Jensen and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You find a new gaming buddy but he sees you as more than that.
Note: So this is my first Jake Jensen fic and it was lots of fun so let me know what you think and hope you enjoy. :D
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
Special shout-out to @navybrat817​ for helping me with this idea
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After too many nights scrolling through subreddits and searching for something to keep you distracted, you decided to bite the hook. Several other redditors agreed to hop on Minecraft and it had been a while since you logged in. You missed the almost relaxing ritual of mining and building.
You joined the chat, quick to hit the little microphone emblem as you listened to the voices in your headset. You learned long ago to keep your mic muted on the servers, especially with strangers. The last time you dared to speak up as a woman in a game chat, your DMs had become so overwhelmed you deleted and started a new account on Discord and changed your ID on Steam.
You were all given your tasks as players called out coordinates and you kept to chopping up the side of a mountain. You mostly worked alone, chatting through text instead of voice chat. As you placed a crafting table in your little mine, another player, JJ-Smooth, popped up and dropped some iron for you. 
He stayed close but you didn’t mind. A lot of players tried to work together the deeper they got and you were used to it. As you uncovered some lava, he dumped water before you could get burned and helped you hack up the obsidian. 
He thanked you on the voice chat but you knew any courtesy in return would earn you the attention of the entire server. So you dropped some gold for him and went on your way.
“I hear a zombie,” he warned.
You turned to hack up the undead before it could get you, only to be shot by a skeleton hidden on the next level. Another appeared and you died before you could hide, the bony villain killed by your ally as you watched your possession scatter over the death screen.
“Hey, I got your stuff,” he said as you loaded back up, “I’ll find you.”
You typed quickly in the chat, ‘sorry, mic busted, give me your coordinates and I’ll come to you.’
You waited as ‘JJ-Smooth is typing…’ appeared at the bottom and finally he sent the numbers. You hopped over the blocky hills and through the forests until you found the mine again. He was just outside and handed over all your tools and ration. He headed back into the mine and you followed him. This time, you began your own path in the opposite direction.
Before you knew it, you’d lost track of time. You sat back as you realised it was only you and JJ on the server. The silence should have tipped you off earlier. He was the host and you felt super awkward for staying so long. You typed that you were logging off for the night and thanked him. 
You hit the keyboard with your knuckle and yawned as you opened the screen, 
“God, it’s late,” you muttered.
“Hello?” he said.
Your eyes rounded as you looked at the mic symbol and the lack of red line made you cringe. You’d hit an extra button without noticing.
“Um, hi, sorry, I just--”
“Mic busted, huh?” he asked.
“No, I--” you didn’t know what to say, “anyways, I should--”
“So, you’re a chick? Is that why you mute?”
“Uh, well, it’s just… easier, sorry, I--” even if you weren’t trying to hide from gamer dudes, you weren’t the best at conversation.
“A gamer girl, nice,” he said and you sighed, “sorry, that sounded weird, didn’t it?”
“Mhmm,” you touched your bottom lip as you cupped your chin, “it’s late, I have to work tomorrow.”
“You comin’ back?” he asked, almost hopeful.
“I don’t know--”
“I won’t tell anyone,” he said abruptly, “promise, lips sealed.”
“I really don’t know if I can do this too much, I usually work early mornings so… yeah,” you said.
“I get it but you know you’re always welcome, hope you don’t mind if I send you an invite now and then. No pressure,” he offered.
“Uh, sure,” you shrugged, “okay, yeah, good night.”
You left the chat quickly and pulled off your headset. Shit.
‘I’m Jake by the way,’ a pm popped up, ‘gg.’
You typed back, ‘gg, it was fun’ and quickly logged out. You sat back and rubbed your eyes. Well, he didn’t seem like a total creep, maybe just a bit awkward but so were you. You shut down for the night and stretched out as you switched off the lamp. You were going to pay for your session in the morning.
A few nights later you got an invite to the server. You debated it but as it was Friday, you decided to make good use of the PC you’d saved up forever to build. You spawned in the middle of nowhere and built a bed before you found the half-finished settlement. You joined the chat but you must have been early as you were the only one there.
You headed back to the same mine, some work done since the first night, and laid your torches as you ventured into the depths. You jumped in your seat as a voice broke your peace.
“I don’t think anyone else is gonna join,” JJ-Smooth, or Jensen said, “you think maybe you’ll unmute?”
You stopped your mining and stared at the screen. You hovered over the mic button and re-read his name, he was the only other one there. You clicked and gave a strained smile to the screen.
“So, um, what’s the goal tonight?” you asked.
“Get some materials and go back to the settlement, keep building, oh, maybe we could try a portal, you ever gone to the nether?” he said but before you could reply he kept on, “shit, I shouldn’t assume, you seem like an experienced player.”
“Yeah, a few times, but I’m more a casual miner,” you went back to harvesting stone and ore.
“Ah,” he said, and it was silent for a moment, “so, you work again in the morning?”
“Not tomorrow,” you said as you focused on the game, “daycare isn’t open on the weekends.”
“A daycare, huh? That sounds fun, I love kids… not in a weird way but you know, I… urgh, I have a niece,” he said with a nervous chuckle, “nah, that’s cool though, sounds more fun than my gig.”
“Oh?” you turned and kept your axe moving.
“IT. You know, some people would be like ‘hey Jensen, why do you spend all your free time staring at a screen when that’s what you do at work?’” he scoffed, “well, who says I’m not mining there too.”
You wrinkled your forehead and gave a small laugh. He was rambling and it was kinda odd. You were happy for once not to be the strange one.
“But anyway,” he said, “I found lots of diamond over here. If we get some lapis lazuli we can build an enchanting table and get some sick armour.”
“Awesome,” you pressed your fingertips to your lip as you leaned on your elbow, “should try to head back before dark…”
“Hard to tell down here. How about you mine and I’ll keep an eye out for monsters?” he offered.
“Sure,” you agreed as he came onto your screen, “that works.”
Another week went by and you ventured back into the server a few times but not for very long as late nights did not mix with young children. The next weekend, you joined again on Saturday night and like the last few times it was just you and Jensen. You wondered why no one else was joining when the subreddit was so popular but you didn’t worry about it for long.
You mostly played in silence, Jensen did most of the talking and it was never about anything more than the game or his niece’s last soccer game. That night when you left the game, he kept typing on Discord.
‘I like playing with you,’ his message blipped up.
‘Same, thx.’
‘Really, you’re awesome.’
‘Thx :) Tired, gotta sleep.’
‘Sweet dreams.’
You changed your status to offline and dragged yourself to bed. You opened your phone as you laid in the dark and went to the subreddit, you scrolled through the builds and screenshots of other people’s catastrophes. 
You came to Jensen’s last invite post from that night but all the comments complained that the world code was incorrect. Hmm, you should tell him next time.
You blackened your cell and plopped it on your night table. You rolled over and buried your face in the pillow, the light still etched into your vision. You fell asleep quickly and woke the next day to another invite from Jensen.
‘How about some Fortnite? If you’re into it?’
‘Srry, can’t, my mom’s expecting me for lunch.’
‘2 bad, maybe later.’
You got ready to go see your mother for your usual Sunday afternoon visit and it went by like any other. When she asked you what you’d been up to, you didn’t mention the gaming, she was never a fan of it. When you got back home, Jensen was messaging you again. You didn’t open the notification and settled in to catch up on some streaming before another week of work.
Monday hit you like a train and you were glad you hadn’t spent the night mining again. If you had, you doubted you’d even be able to open your eyes. You got to the daycare centre and welcomed in the kids. You got them set up for the morning snack then cleaned up as Sandy took them over to the reading circle.
You wiped the tables and then did some painting before you went out for some play time in the yard. As you watched several of the children on the swings, you glanced around. There was a man across the street. You squinted through the chain link as he seemed to be watching but assured yourself it was nothing as he quickly headed for the corner and disappeared.
Inside, the kids were due for quiet time, some napped and those who didn’t, stared at the ceiling and yawned. You could have joined them but knew that wouldn’t be acceptable. The end of the day came and you helped the kids pack up their paintings and their sweaters. You waited in the yard with them as the parents showed up and handed them off one by one.
You waved to Danika as she clung to her mother and your eye was once more drawn beyond the chain link. The same faded grey jacket, the same glasses, and the hat with the frayed brim. It was a better look at the man. Was he looking at you? Why on earth was he hanging around outside a daycare?
“Sandy,” you turned and lowered your voice as she neared, “see that man?”
She peeked over and shrugged, “which one? The guy crossing the street?”
You looked up again and like before, he was walking away casually as if he hadn’t just been staring through the fence. You shook your head and huffed. “Sorry, never mind.”
“Ah, don’t worry about it,” she waved her fingers, “come on, let’s clean up.”
With the kids all sorted out, you went back in and tidied up the last of their mess. You and Sandy were friendly but like with any, you weren’t very talkative. You never really knew what to say but you were never unkind.
You pulled on your jacket and checked your purse for your phone and wallet. You checked the time and turned off the lights. You bid Sandy goodbye as she headed for her SUV and you took your usual route down the sidewalk towards your bus stop. 
You stopped short as the man was there. You were paranoid, he must just be waiting for the same route. You approached and he turned to watch you as you sat on the bench. He smiled and the dread sank deep in your chest. 
His rectangular glasses gave light to his blue eyes and a goatee trimmed his jaw. He was tall and well-built, you could tell even under his comic book tee. He was going to talk to you, another weirdo in the city.
“Hey,” his voice was chillingly familiar, “how was your day?”
You stared at him and blinked cluelessly. You looked around, it was only the two of you. You opened your mouth but you had to be wrong. He said your name and you winced.
“Jensen?” you breathed as you stood and squeezed the strap of your bag, “why? How--?”
“You weren’t answering me, I was worried,” he said, “just making sure you’re okay.”
“What the-- I don’t understand how--” He stepped closer and you backed up against the bench. “Don’t, I’ll scream.”
“Scream? Why? I’m just-- You know me, it’s me, Jensen.”
“You doxxed me?” you snapped, “what the hell?”
“No, I didn’t-- I’m just checking on you--”
“I don’t know you,” you said as your heart began to race, “so please, leave me alone,” you edged away from him, “and don’t message me again.”
You sprinted across the street and as you came up on the curb, you looked back at him. He watched you but didn’t follow. You could tell from there he wasn’t happy but the brim of his cap shadowed most of his face so you couldn’t guess if it was hurt or anger. You quickly spun away and continued down the next street to the nearest stop.
You couldn’t believe he’d just shown up like that. You couldn’t believe he would think that was okay. You couldn’t believe he’d think that much about you.
You blocked Jensen on Discord and left his world on Minecraft. That night you were shaky and nervous, afraid that he would show up at your apartment. Did he know where you lived? He must if he could figure out where you worked.
You didn’t open Steam that night. You paced your small apartment, jumping at every noise. Sleep didn’t come easily but in shallow spurts that left you even more tired. You watched over your shoulder as you walked to your stop and boarded with one eye on the door.
Work was little better as you found yourself distracted in the room full of toddlers. Sandy asked if you were okay as you kneaded play-do violently. You shook yourself out of your paranoia and assured her you were only short on sleep, not a complete lie.
You took out your phone when you stepped out for a small break. Your mom had called but you would have to get back to her when you had two hours to waste. There was another notification, that one from Discord, a friend request from JJ-NoRematch. It wasn’t hard to guess who it was and you declined it right away.
There were several others from Jensen, too. He followed your Insta, blocked; he followed your mostly empty twitter, blocked; and he even commented on your LinkedIn like a weird. You closed your phone and took a breath before you headed back into the kids, their voices rising in their excitement to go outside.
In the yard, you had another look around, expecting to see him there on the other side of the fence. You were slightly relieved when he wasn’t but still on edge. You joined a game of tag then watched several of the kids line up for the slide. You lost yourself in your job as you told yourself he must have gotten the hint, at least not to bother you irl.
Just like the day before, and every day, you left work and headed for your stop. He wasn’t there either and you sat down and phoned your mom, hanging up as the bus pulled up with a promise to call her again when you were home. At home, you felt almost normal again and checked your notifications; no more follows, no more requests, nothing.
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday passed in a similar fashion. Each saw your anxieties less than the day before. You even resolved to open Steam and start a new world for yourself. You spent hours mining and almost fell asleep in your chair. When you nearly tipped over, you decided it was time for bed.
You slept better than you had all week and woke up before noon. You wanted to log right back on but you had life to deal with; groceries, cleaning, and of course, making that call to your mother you’d delayed the night before. After all that, you felt accomplished and you decided to treat yourself to take out, a rare divulgence.
You called the local Chinese eatery and waited eagerly for your feast as you turned on a new episode of your current binge. You played on your phone until the battery was low and had enough juice to buzz up the delivery man. You dug for your wallet as you went to the door and unlocked it without looking up.
“How much--” you asked as you opened the door.
Your eyes met a familiar pair, two blue gems behind a pair of narrow glasses. Jensen wore the same cap and held the paper bag of take-out with a smile. You grabbed the door and tried to swing it shut but he was too quick as he slapped a large hand against the peeling paint.
“It’s on me,” he said, “I love spare ribs.”
“What the--” you gasped as you pushed on the door helplessly, “please go away.”
“You’re not answering me,” he said as he stepped closer and forced you back as his body brushed against yours, “you blocked me and I can’t even get a hey, Jensen, how are you?”
“I don’t want you here,” you tried to shove him and he shouldered you away easily, “get out!”
He slammed the door and you flinched. He put the bag down on the corner table and reached back to twist the lock without a look. His eyes roved around your entryway and further into your apartment. He smiled as they stilled and focused on you.
“This place is cute… like you,” he said and you heard a slight hesitation in his voice.
You swallowed and backed away from him. You spun on your heel and ran for your couch. You reached over the back to your phone and unlocked it as the battery icon flashed. You had just enough juice to make the call. You dialed as you turned back to him.
“I’m calling the police so you b-better l-leave,” you warned as your voice and hands shook, “I me--”
He was quick and before you could pull away, he swiped your cell out of your hand. He scoffed and tossed it across the room. It hit the wall and landed screen down on the hardwood. You bit down and pressed yourself to the couch. You stared at him and kicked yourself forward as you tried to slip past him. He caught you and wrestled you back into the front room.
“Why are you doing this?” he asked calmly as you struggled in his grasp, “I’ve been nothing but nice to you.”
“N-no, you’re-- you-- let me go,” you stammered as he angled you around the couch. He pushed you down so you bounced on the cushion. You tried to push yourself up and he pointed his finger in your face and wagged it. 
“No, you stay,” he growled and wiped his other hand on his jeans. He was nervous, even if he was angry.
“Please, why-- what do you want?” you grasped the cushion and hovered at the edge of the couch.
He sighed and sat in the chair. He took his hat off and set it on the table as he ran his fingers through his short hair. 
“Good question,” he said as his jaw squared and his eyes turned to pinpoints, “better one, why did you block me?”
“Are you serious? You-- you--” you struggled to get your words out, your voice even more splintered by your fear, “you doxxed me, you came to-- to my work-- and…”
“I thought we were getting along. I thought you liked me,” he said with a frown, “I really did, you sure acted like it and-- I only wanted to make sure you were safe.”
“But why wouldn’t I be? I--” you shivered and crossed your arms as you withered beneath his gaze, “Jensen, this was only supposed to be online.”
He scoffed and stomped his boot on the floor. He shook his head as he looked to the ceiling and his anger bulged along his temple. He tilted his head and looked at you again.
“You know, for years, I have been a nice guy, I am a nice guy,” he pushed his shoulders to his ears as he threw his hand out, “I’m so patient and caring and you girls, you don’t even give me a second look.”
“No, really, I mean look at you, you’re no supermodel and yet it’s the same thing, ‘let’s just be friends’,” he spat, “but I watch guys all the time treat women like shit and they don’t have any trouble at all, they got them hanging off of them and I’m a creep for giving them a compliment or opening the door--”
“I don’t… know you,” you eked out, “you have to understand--”
“I don’t understand,” he stood abruptly, “I’m done trying to understand.”
He pulled his jacket open and slid it down his arms. You watched him sling it over the chair and as he turned back to you, you stood. He caught your shoulders and held you in place. His strength was plain in his grip as he squeezed then slowly moved his hands to cradle your face.
“I just wanna be nice,” he said as he leaned in. You tried to pull away but he moved a hand around the back of your head and forced your lips against his. He poked his tongue inside your mouth roughly as you tried to shove him away. Finally, he parted, his hands still firmly around your head, “wasn’t that nice?”
“Please,” you begged as he ran his thumb over your bottom lip.
His eyes searched your face as you stared back at him in terror. He sighed and dropped his hands back to your shoulders. He pushed you down to the sofa harshly and backed away.
“Fine, I won’t be nice,” he snarled as he took his glasses off and folded them carefully. He put them on the table beside his cap and twined his fingers together, loudly cracking his knuckles.
You blinked at him as your eyes grew glossy. You brought your legs up under you and pressed yourself to the back of the couch. You grasped the upholstery and turned as you launched yourself over to the other side. You stumbled as you landed on your feet and ran for the door.
You were yanked back as he snaked his arms around you and took you off your feet. You kicked out and screamed but it was cut off by his palm as he kept one arm around your middle. You scratched at his hand as he dragged you back to the couch. He pushed you face down onto the cushions and planted his knee in the middle of your back, slipping his hand away as he put enough weight on you to keep your voice suffocated.
“Listen, I know I look like some IT nerd but I’m a lot more than that, now don’t make me hurt you,” he played with your hair as he smiled down at you, “you try that again and I will shut you up and if someone hears you, I can take care of them too.”
You sniffed as tears pricked in your eyes and nodded frantically as it felt as if he would snap your spine. He pushed off of you and you stayed as you were, paralysed with fear. He sat and unlaced his boots one at a time. He looked up as he set them neatly beside the foot of the chair and he bent to catch your eye.
“Well?” he pointed at you and traced the line of your body in the air, “let’s go.”
You stared at him dumbly and he stood to pull his tee over his head. His torso was sculpted perfectly and his chest trimmed with hair that trailed all the way down to his pants. He stepped forward and tugged at the back of your shirt.
“You want me to do it for you, baby?” he purred, “I can help you.”
You swatted him away and sat up. You bent your legs to your chest and hugged them. “Please, I’m scared, just leave me alone--”
His hand rested on his belt and exhaled again. His fingers moved swiftly to unloop the striped belt and unbutton his jeans. He pushed them down, nearly tripping as he stepped out of them. He stood in his boxers, tented with his impatient excitement, and gripped his hips.
“It’s okay, baby, I know you’re shy, I am too,” he neared and you winced as he grabbed your wrist. He tugged on your arm and you resisted until he bent your hand back painfully and you cried out. He tickled your jaw as he looked you in the eye and tutted, “it doesn’t have to be like this, alright?”
You went limp and let him pull your arms apart. Your legs slipped down and your feet dangled above the floor. He got to his knees and pushed between yours. He slowly rolled up the hem of your shirt and bent to kiss your stomach as he bared the flesh. You trembled as he forced your arms up and swooped the fabric over your head. It fluttered through the air and to the floor as he cupped your tits through your bright pink bra.
“Is this so bad?” he asked as he nuzzled your chest and pushed your tits up. 
He glided the straps down your arm and slid your bra lower so that you popped out. He nibbled at your flesh and traced your nipples with his tongue. You sat rigid and let him explore your body, too terrified to move a muscle. He reached around you and struggled with the hooks, frustrated he snapped the clasps and the band came free.
He continued to play with your chest, his fingers crawling up and down your stomach and sides. There was a genuine curiosity to his touch and it sent a chill through you. His fingertips pressed to the top of your pants and he pulled at them as his lips travelled down to your hip.
He tugged on your pants and jerked your entire body. He tore them lower as he pushed you up and you lifted yourself to let him peel away the layer. He added them to the floor and toyed with the elastic of your panties. The little bow in the front drew his attention as he pushed your legs wider and ran his nose along the cotton.
He hummed and rubbed his fingers down your crotch, pushing the fabric to your folds as he teased you through them. You inhaled sharply at the tingle it inspired and he pressed firmer against you, flicking his fingers along your bud as he noticed how it made you squirm.
He gently pulled aside the cotton and you felt his hot breath against you. You pushed on his head before he could delve into you. “Please, don’t--”
“Shhhh,” he threw your hand away from his head and bent over you, “just relax.”
He dragged his tongue along your cunt and lingered around your clit. You clenched as it sent a thrill through you and he moved his lips against you, suckling at you bud as your breaths grew raspy. You pushed yourself against the back of the couch and dug your nails into the cushion.
He slid a finger along your cunt and circled your entrance. He rubbed up and down as he kept his tongue swirling over your clit and you swallowed back as gasp as he poked inside. He felt around and added another finger, stretching you as he carefully pushed them in and out of you in time with his mouth.
He lapped you up and you closed your eyes, desperate to resist the coil winding within you. Your legs tensed against the couch and you tilted your pelvis without thinking. He sped up, the noise of his mouth and your slickness filled the silence. You let out a puff and moaned as you slapped the couch. The waves rolled over your flesh and you came into his mouth with a pathetic mewl.
He stilled his fingers as he lazily teased you with his tongue. He pulled his fingers out and sat back, the heat between your legs cooling in his absence as he licked up your juices. He watched you as he sucked his fingers and stood. Your head lolled and you edged forward on the couch. You tried to stand but he caught you and flung you back.
“We’re not done, baby,” he winked at you as he grasped the top of his boxers, “go on, lay down.”
You murmured your refusal and once more tried to get up. You slipped onto the floor and shakily crawled away as he dropped his boxers to his ankle. He grabbed you before you could get around the side and lifted you easily. He turned you and shoved you down onto your back as he lifted a leg over you.
He straddled you and again his hands roved over your body. You smacked at his fingers weakly but he easily ignored you. He kept one hand moving along your curves as he stroked himself with the other. He groaned and shook as he stroked his dick. Your eyes followed his hand and you gulped, he was thick.
He moved his knees back and pushed them up beneath your thighs as he kept a hand planted on your chest. He ripped your panties down your legs and untangled them from your feet. 
He held you down as he ran his tip along your cunt, wetting himself with your coerced arousal. You groaned and grabbed the arm of the couch above you. You tried to pull away from him.
He pushed against your entrance and you looked at him in shock. You couldn’t stop him. His eyes were set between your legs as he inhaled and slowly eased into you. He gasped as he got his tip inside you and his muscles tensed. He bit his lip as he dove further in and you gasped as he filled you inch by inch.
“Shitttt,” he moaned as he reached his limit and you whined at how full you were, “oh, baby.”
His hand slid from your chest and he gripped your hips as he pulled back and thrust. You exclaimed and he did it again, slowly as he watched himself impale you over and over. You curled your fingers against the couch arm and your feet arch as you pressed your thighs around him. He lifted your pelvis high as he angled his dick even deeper.
“You feel so good,” he rasped, “oh, baby, you’re so good. Ahh-hh-hh,” his voice fizzled as your walls clenched him and you closed your eyes as you felt the heat building. 
He moved his hand along your thigh and stretched it over your pelvis, pushing his thumb to your clit as he kept his pace. He purred as you writhed helplessly against him and you panted through the rising ecstasy.
“Please, please, please…” you chanted, unsure if you were begging him to stop or for more.
He moaned as he sped up and you sucked your lip under your teeth as you neared your peak. You quivered as your orgasm crashed into you and you let out a strangled cry. He snarled and planted his hands beside your head as he leaned over you, his hot breath tickled your face as he pounded into you.
Your legs bent around him as his pelvis rubbed against you and the friction drove you to another climax. You held onto the arm of the couch as he fucked your harder and harder. He kissed you and nibbled at your lip as he groaned and hooked an arm under to hold you close.
“You’re gonna make me cum, baby,” he said against your cheek and you turned your head away from, “ah, here I--”
He spasmed and slammed into you. He took several long thrusts and stilled. He grunted and drew heavy breaths as he rested his weight over you. He grabbed your head and turned your head up as he pressed his forehead to yours. You kept your eyes closed as the flames slowly dwindled.
“Was that so bad?” he stroked your cheek and trailed his finger down to poke between your lips, “No, it’s what you wanted, isn’t it, baby?” he wiggled his hips and you hissed, “yeah, you want me.”
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jammatown919 · 3 years
Best Laid Plans
Several months ago, an anon asked me to write a piece in which the group tries to play matchmaker for Ruby and Penny. This is what that turned into. 
Ruby liked Vacuo better than she'd thought she would. Sure, it was unbearably hot most days and a fair amount of the locals seemed rather disgruntled about having more refugees around, especially Atlesian ones,  but she'd take this over Atlas any day.
She was especially relived that she and her group had been allowed to enroll as students at Shade Academy rather than having their Huntsmen licenses renewed. They hadn't been at all ready for the position when General Ironwood had offered it to them, and while there was still a lot to worry about, everyone was glad to have some of the pressure taken off of them. Unfortunately, however, the lowered stress and extra free time had given them an opportunity to concern themselves with things that absolutely did not require their attention, such as Ruby's love life.
Two weeks ago, Ruby had made the horrible mistake of confiding in Yang about her crush on Penny, which had resulted in most of the rest of their friends knowing about it too. Most of them were alright about it, but Yang and Nora were absolutely hellbent on playing matchmaker, and they weren't taking no for an answer.
Every single time one of them caught Ruby alone, they'd plead with her for permission to set up a date so everyone wouldn't have to watch her 'pining' anymore, and no matter how many times she said she didn't want to burden Penny with her feelings, they persisted. Eventually she'd started trying to avoid them altogether, which was a lot easier with Nora than it was with Yang, considering they shared a room.
On their second Friday living at Shade Academy, also the second Friday since Ruby had confided in her sister, Yang found Ruby alone in the dorm and made what felt like her millionth plea of the week.
"For the last time," Ruby snapped, flopping down on her bed. "I don't want you to set up a date! It'll just make everything awkward."
She was trying to keep her cool, but honestly, this was starting to piss her off. This was none of Yang's business, or Nora's for that matter. She didn't need their input.
"Oh, come on, Ruby!" Yang groaned, her voice laced with exasperation. "You have to know she's into you!"
"Give me one good reason to believe she actually likes me back." Ruby retorted, rolling her eyes as Yang let out a dry laugh.
"I'll give you ten reasons," she said confidently. "You two are basically attached at the hip, she gets that little pouty face every time she gets told she can't pair with you for combat training, you literally share a bed-"
"Only because there weren't enough beds when we moved in!" Ruby quickly sat up, warmth rushing to her face.
"Yeah, but when Blake and I starting sharing, I asked Penny if she wanted my old bed and she just about cried." Yang replied. "Unless you want to sit here and argue that all of that is platonic, you know she likes you back. So why won't you just talk to her about it?"
"Look," Ruby sighed. "Even if you're right, I just don't want to give her anything else to worry about. She just lost her home, she's still getting used to being the Winter Maiden, and now she has all this human stuff to deal with. She needs my support right now, and I don't want to accidentally push her away."
Yang's expression softened at that, and she slowly crossed the room to sit down beside Ruby.
"I get that," she said quietly, suddenly much more sympathetic than frustrated. "And I know I'm being kind of pushy, but I don't want you to miss out. This could be your only chance for a while to actually go on dates and have fun with her."
Ruby let out another, heavier sigh and leaned back onto her hands, tilting her face toward the ceiling.
Yang was right. They might have a respite now, but Salem could show up any day. This chance to be students again wasn't going to last forever. They were getting to be kids one last time, and that would be over the moment Salem made herself known again. Then there would be no dates or time to worry about feelings, probably just regrets if she didn't do this now.
"What do I even say to her?" she asked quietly. "I've never liked someone like this before. What if I screw something up?"
"Just be honest with her." Yang put an arm around Ruby's shoulders and gave her a gentle squeeze. "Tell her how you feel, ask her if she wants to go out, and let Nora and I take care of the rest. We'll find a nice place for you to go, and I'll tell you everything I know about impressing girls."
She winked good-naturedly and released Ruby, who then took a deep breath and stood. She didn't feel even remotely prepared for this, but there was a decent chance it could be now or never.
"I'm gonna go see if I can find her." Ruby decided, steeling herself. She made her way toward the door, giving her sister a nervous grin over her shoulder as she left. "Wish me luck."
Ruby found Penny an hour later in Shade's library, sitting at one of the tables with a pile of books. From the looks of it, she'd been here a while, possibly making her way through a series.
"Hey," Ruby said quietly as she reached Penny's table. "What are you reading?"
Penny glanced up, looking mildly startled.
"Oh, it's just a fantasy story," she replied sheepishly, lowering the book in her hands. "It's a bit silly, but I've never had time to just sit and read before. I'm finding it quite enjoyable!"
"That's good." Ruby smiled and took a seat across from Penny, clasping her hands anxiously in her lap. "Sorry if I'm interrupting you or anything, I just wanted to ask you something."
"Of course." Penny put her book down and leaned forward attentively.
"I was just wondering if, um..." Ruby squeezed her fingers, trying to steady her voice long enough to get the question out. "If you wanted to... go out with me sometime? Like, on a date? I-If not, it's totally cool, I just... y'know..."
Penny blinked at her slowly, and Ruby shrank back as much as the chair would allow her to.
"A date?" Penny inquired.
"Yeah," Ruby replied, her face burning. Dear God please let her know what a date is, she thought frantically. "I really like you, like more than just a friend. I've been wanting to tell you for a while, but I was scared of making you uncomfortable, but then I realized that with everything going on I might not get another chance for a while, and- Penny?"
Caught up in her rant, it had taken Ruby far to long to realize that Penny wasn't listening to her. Instead, she was just staring blankly, her expression completely unreadable.
"Are you okay?" Ruby leaned across the table and waved her hand in front of Penny's face. "Are you bluescreening?"
Back when she'd had a mechanical body, Penny had occasionally 'bluescreened' when struggling to process some new piece of information. She usually snapped out of it within a few minutes, so Ruby wasn't particularly concerned, but she had to admit she was surprised that Penny was still doing it even in a human body.
"Yes." Penny said suddenly, shaking herself a bit.
"I- what?"
"Yes, I will go on a date with you." Penny clarified, her face turning slightly pink. "I like you too, quite a lot."
"Really?" Ruby's shoulders sagged with relief, and she couldn't help the grin spreading across her face.
"Of course." Penny said with a little smile. "I would have said something much sooner if I had thought you might feel the same way."
"How could I not?" Ruby asked softly. "You're so sweet and beautiful and kind. It was kind of impossible not to fall in love with you."
Penny's blush intensified, and she looked away bashfully.
"You are all of those things too." she replied, her voice quiet and shy.
Ruby chuckled softly, then straightened herself and cleared her throat before either them could get any more flustered.
"So," she went on. "I was thinking maybe we could do dinner tomorrow around six? Or, well, Yang was thinking that, but I have no idea how to plan dates so I'm just listening to what she says."
"That sounds perfect." Penny said enthusiastically.
"Great," Ruby smiled and rose from her seat. "I'll let you get back to your reading. See you tomorrow."
Ruby turned to leave, barely hearing Penny's quiet "Goodnight," as she rushed out of the library. The moment the doors slammed shut behind her, she let out a loud, shaky laugh. She'd done it. She'd actually done it. She'd managed to land herself a date, and now all she had to do was survive it.
Penny had to admit, she'd been surprised to hear that her best friend had a crush on her. Delighted, of course, but so very surprised. She'd been planning to keep her own feelings a secret forever, lest Ruby find them unusual or inappropriate, but that was no longer necessary. Ruby shared the same feelings, and apparently they were quite normal.
It was a relief to know that, but Penny couldn't say that all of her anxieties had been quelled. According to Ruby, the next step after confessing their feelings was going on a date together, a concept with which Penny was not particularly familiar. She had a basic idea of how it was supposed to work, but she wasn't sure of the correct way to behave or what she was supposed to say while they were out.
Penny had gone to Nora with these concerns, hoping for some friendly advice, and had been promptly and quite literally dragged into Team JNPR's dorm room for a pre-date pep talk.
"You really don't have all that much to worry about." Nora said as she worked on lacing up the back of Penny's dress. It was quite similar to one she'd worn to Beacon's dance; light green, knee-length, and very soft. She'd borrowed it from an upperclassman named Velvet, who she knew by association due to her team's friendship with Team RWBY.
"But what if I say something wrong?" Penny asked anxiously, running her fingers through her hair. She'd already brushed through it twice, but perhaps one more time couldn't hurt.
"What would you say wrong?" Nora inquired as she finished with the dress. "You two are already friends, so you don't have to deal with any of that 'getting to know each other' business. Just go and have fun. And make sure you laugh at all her jokes."
"All of them?" Penny echoed unenthusiastically. Her sense of humor was quite different from the majority of her friends, and she sometimes had trouble discerning whether something was a joke. How would she know what to laugh at?
"Unless they're offensive or something, but it's Ruby so I doubt that." Nora shrugged and grabbed a bit of Penny's hair, gently fluffing it out. "Think you're ready?"
"Maybe?" Penny replied. "Do I look presentable?"
"You're gorgeous, Pebbles." Nora turned Penny around so they were face to face, placing two firm, comforting hands on her friend's shoulders. "Everything's gonna be fine, okay? You've gone places with Ruby hundreds of times; just act how you normally would."
"Okay." Penny nodded. She could do that.
The restaurant Penny had been invited to was a small café hardly a stone's throw from Shade's campus. From what Penny could tell, it seemed to be primarily frequented by the school's students, as the majority of the people sitting in the outdoor area were wearing school uniforms.
Of the three that were not, one was Ruby, clad in a black top and bright red skirt that just barely reached her knees. She spotted Penny from her table near the café's front window and waved her over with a shy smile.
"Hey," she greeted softly as Penny approached. "You look really nice."
"As do you." Penny replied politely, sincerely hoping that the grin on her face didn't look too silly. She stood there awkwardly for a moment before taking a seat, leaning forward so their table's umbrella could better protect her fair skin from the sun.
For a good two minutes, they sat there in silence, Ruby seemingly avoiding eye contact and Penny quietly fidgeting while she tried to think of something to say.
"This place is pretty cool, right?" Ruby offered at last, glancing in Penny's direction.
"I think it's quite hot, actually." Penny replied. Ruby let out a soft chuckle, and she quickly realized her mistake. "Oh! You meant- yes, it's very cool."
Penny briefly averted her gaze as her face grew warm, but she was saved from any further embarrassment by the arrival of a tired-looking waitress.
"Have you two decided on anything?" she asked, placing two glasses of water down on the table. As she did so, she fixed Penny with the same vaguely suspicious look every Atlesian refugee had been receiving from the locals.
It wasn't entirely uncalled for, considering everything her nation had done to theirs, but it made her uncomfortable nonetheless.
"Um..." Penny glanced down at the menu, eager to get the waitress's eyes off of her. Impulsively, she ordered the first thing she saw. "The fried scorpion, please."
"I'll have the same." Ruby said immediately.
"Interesting choice." The waitress remarked as she took their menus. 'For a couple of outsiders' was implied.
Penny watched her walk away, mildly dreading the sight of what she would return with.
"What the hell did we just order?" Ruby mumbled, so softly that Penny couldn't be entirely certain the words were for her.
"It will likely be fine," she answered anyway. "Scorpion is a common dish here."
"Yeah, I guess." Ruby replied, once again avoiding eye contact. Penny's brow furrowed and she leaned a bit closer to her date over the table.
Ruby seemed remarkably uncomfortable, wringing her hands and glancing about as if searching for a way out of the situation. Did she not want to be here? Had Penny done something wrong?
If so, she hadn't the slightest clue what her mistake could have been, but relationships were so complicated that she wouldn't be surprised if she'd broken some unspoken rule. Perhaps she'd missed a joke she was supposed to laugh at, or-
Penny was jolted out of her thoughts, only just realizing that Ruby was waving a hand in front of her face. She blinked hard, mildly startled.
"Are you okay?" Ruby asked gently.
"Yes," Penny said with a quick nod. "Yes, I'm fine."
"You've got to stop bluescreening on me." Ruby gave her a small, kind smile. "What were you trying to figure out?"
Penny hesitated briefly. She almost didn't want to say it for fear that she might be right. Yet again, if she had somehow messed up the date, she wanted to know what she'd done wrong.
"It's just..." she began eventually. "You seem as if you don't want to be here. I was wondering if maybe I did something wrong? Or if you regret asking me out?"
"Of course not!" Ruby's eyes widened in mild alarm. "What made you think that?"
"You just seem so uncomfortable." For emphasis, Penny mimicked the hand-wringing motion Ruby had been doing. "I was worried you thought this was a mistake."
"God, no," Ruby reached across the table and gently took Penny's hands in her own. "You didn't do anything wrong, Penny. Asking you out was not a mistake."
She brushed her thumbs along the backs of Penny's hands; an intimate gesture, if Penny remembered correctly.
"I think letting someone else plan this for us might have been a mistake, though." Ruby admitted. "I don't think I'm really a dinner date person."
"What do you mean?" Penny inquired.
"I mean this all feels a little... stuffy, I guess." Ruby shrugged. "I don't like sitting here in formalwear trying to make awkward conversation with a bunch of other people around. This doesn't feel like us, y'know?"
"I think I understand." Penny nodded slowly. She had to admit, this wouldn't have been her first choice of venue either. "What do you think would feel like us?"
"Do you remember that night with the fireflies?" Ruby asked. Penny nodded again, a small smile spreading across her face. "That felt like us. It was just you and me having fun, enjoying nature and stuff."
"That was a very special night," Penny agreed fondly. "But I do not believe we would be able to recreate it here. As far as I know, no species of a firefly is native to Vacuo."
"It doesn't have to be exactly the same." Ruby seemed thoughtful for a moment, quietly drumming her fingers on the table. "What if we went up on the roof of Shade's dorms? We could be alone and just enjoy each other's company."
"I like the sound of that." Penny almost stood up, but suddenly remembered that they'd already ordered. Would it be considered rude to leave?
"It's alright," Ruby seemed to read Penny's mind as she rose from her seat. "I don't think it counts as dining and dashing if we haven't gotten our food yet."
Penny supposed that made sense. She hesitated a moment longer before standing up, glad that she wouldn't have to see that waitress again. Ruby extended her arm, and Penny linked it with her own as they began walking away from the restaurant. As soon as they'd cleared the tables, Ruby visibly relaxed.
"This already feels better," she remarked.
"It does." Penny agreed. They walked together in silence for a few minutes, Penny's face growing warm as an unfamiliar sensation spread throughout her body.
Suddenly overtaken with boldness, Penny leaned over and pressed her lips to Ruby's cheek, holding them there for a moment before slowly pulling away. Ruby's eyes widened in surprise, but she didn't seem at all bothered.
"Was that... okay?"
"It was more than okay," Ruby replied, glancing over at Penny with a smile. "That was perfect."
"It seems our night has been salvaged." Penny smiled back at her, faltering briefly as Ruby rested her head on her shoulder.
"Yeah," she said, her warm breath tickling the skin of Penny's neck. "It has."
If you enjoyed this piece, please consider reblogging to share it with others and help the post gain a bit of traction! It would absolutely make my day and make the three months I spent trying to finish this feel worth it! 
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kayniee · 2 years
Zhongli x Childe - Ghost of a God
In Liyue High, there was no shortage of absurd rumours. Childe had only transfered a month ago, and he had already become privy to quite a few. By far the most ludicrous, he thought, was the one about the ghost living in the walls. But what happens when that particular rumour is proven true?
Childe groaned dramatically, making his roommate, Scaramouche, raise an eyebrow. "This is what happens when you procrastinate."
"Shut the fuck up." Childe practically growled. "This is your fault."
"Which mental gymnastics course did you go through to arrive at that conclusion?"
"You didn't fucking remind me that it was goddamn due!"
Scaramouche snorted. "We don't even go to the same high school. Face it, dude. This is your fault. Now stop bitching and get your shit done."
Childe grumbled out a few half-hearted complaints, but he knew that his roommate was right. The ginger had been putting off writing his paper for his History of Liyue class for almost two weeks now. The only reason he was doing it now was because Xiangling had posted in the class group-chat asking for a proof-reader.
He sighed deeply. This goddamn thing was due tomorrow and he hadn't even gotten started on it. There was no way he was getting any sleep.
"Dude, you've got to get your shit together." Childe could hear a hint of amusement in his purple-haired roommate's voice. "You're gonna get shipped back to Snezhnaya if you keep this up, and I don't want fucking Dottore as my new roommate. Have you been in his room? It always smells like fucking formaldehyde." Childe could see Scaramouche smirk out of the corner of his eye. "What would Teucer think?"
"That's low, even for you." Childe deadpanned, making Scaramouche snicker. "But seriously though, I'm trying. I usually get my stuff done, I just got really bored reading about the fucking Stove God 'Massachusets' or whatever the fuck, and I guess I just forgot about it until now."
Scaramouche cackled. "The fucking Stove God? Damn am I glad that I got Inazuma Acadamy instead." He practically wheezed. The ravenette gave Childe a reassuring pound on the back. "You got this, man. There's a coffee from the Angel's Share on the counter when, not if, you need it."
The Snezhnayan sighed again. This was going to be fucking torture.
Childe glanced at the clock. 2am. He had already written the intro and half of the body, and despite the coffee he had had an hour ago, he felt like death incarnate. Surely a quick nap wouldn't hurt.. He set an alarm for 3am.
An hour's rest would leave him feeling invigorated and he would get his entire paper done and even get started on his algebra homework.. Yeah, he had this in the bag.
When Scaramouche shook him awake at 7am, however, he realized he most definitely did not have this in the bag.
"You fell asleep?!" The ravenette shouted, looking very pissed off.
"Shut the fuck up - I - I set a fuckin' alarm -" Childe groaned rubbing his eyes. He shook Scaramouche's death-grip off his shoulders, pulling out his phone. There was an alarm set for 3pm.
"If you get kicked out of the Harbinger program I'm going to fucking fly to Snezhnaya and beat your goddamn ass."
Childe's eyebrows furrowed. "The History teacher likes me, she'll maybe-probably give me an extension." Even he could tell that he was spewing bullshit. Ms Ningguang most definitely did not like him, and there was no way in fuck she was giving him an extension for a paper that the class was given two weeks to work on.
"Whatever you say, dude." Scaramouche grimaced. "Good luck, I've got a bus to catch."
Childe heard the door slam. His roommate was definitely pissed off. He would be too, if being forced to share a room with Dottore was a very real possibility.
With a sigh, the ginger grabbed his schoolbag, shoving his laptop into it. He would just have to ask for some extra-credit work.
The minute Childe stepped off the bus he was greeted by a very kind greeting of 'you look like shit' from his lockermate, Chongyun.
"Gee, thanks." The ginger replied dryly. "The fuck were you waiting for me?"
"Well, I need to interview some seniors for my project and I thought, who better than the Snezhnayan exchange student, but I'm guessing that you aren't in the mood." The sophomore trailed off.
"You guessed right." Childe snapped, making the younger student flinch. "Sorry, sorry - Long night, as you pointed out earlier. You should go interview Xiangling or Hu Tao. They'd be more than happy to help out."
"Yeah, I'll do that. Thanks anyways. Hope you have a good day." The sophomore said, darting away. Childe tried to push away the pang of guilt that arose from snapping at his innocent lockermate.
He had around 10 minutes before class, so he decided to make his way to the washroom to splash some water on his face and maybe make some more progress on his paper.
"You'll be fine," He muttered into the mirror, trying to ignore the very obvious eyebags that had taken up residence on his face. "What's the worst that can happen, you get shipped back to Snezhnaya, Teucer is disappointed - And your mom too, but mostly Teucer -" He cut himself off. Maybe that wasn't the best thought to spiral into.
"Are you alright?" A baritone voice asked, making Childe jolt. He whipped around. There was a man with shoulder-length brown hair with amber tips tied up into a ponytail staring at him.
"Who the fuck are you?" Childe blurted out.
"Someone willing to listen to you." The man said patiently. "If you'd like to talk."
"Do you go to this school? I've never seen you before." Childe said warily.
The man let out a small chuckle. "Something like that. If you feel uncomfortable you are by no means forced to share with me - I merely thought I would offer."
Childe hesitated. He did have a lot on his chest - And he just shouted at a fucking sophomore trying to interview him for a school project for fuck's sake. Talking to a random bathroom stranger about his problems was a better coping mechanism than screaming at his lockermate. And besides - Said bathroom stranger was really fucking hot.
"I'm an exchange student from Snezhnaya which means I need to keep my grades above a B or I'll be removed from the Harbingers - The exchange program I'm in - And I forgot about a history assignment because I didn't want to research the fucking Stove God and I have professor Ningguang as my History teacher and she doesn't like me because I never pay attention and I always sass her and at one point I may or may not have started a sudo-protest because no-one wanted to do an assignment so if I hadn't done it someone else would've but the point is, I'm going to fail the class and be shipped back to Liyue and my 8 year old brother is going to be disappointed in me so, uh.. Yeah." Childe finished, staring at his feet. Why the fuck did he just tell all that to some random dude he met in the fucking bathroom. He glanced up at the man, expecting judgement, but he was surprised when instead he found amusement.
"That's quite a story."
"Yeah, no shit."
The man paused for a moment. "Perhaps I could be of some assistance."
Childe snorted. "Unless you have a fully written history paper about Massachusetts the Stove God, I doubt it."
The man raised an eyebrow. "I take it you don't know who I am, then."
"Did I not make that clear when I asked 'who the fuck are you' when you snuck up behind me?"
"I thought you were merely being crass."
Childe crossed his arms. "Well, I wasn't. I actually don't know who the fuck you are, believe it or not. Are you some kind of homework genie?"
The man let out a chuckle, but shook his head. "My name is Zhongli. I am a ghost that lives in the walls of Morax High."
"It's Liyue High." Childe interrupted, his brow furrowed. "And how stupid do you think I am? What, you heard about the 'ghost in the walls' rumour and decided to fuck with an innocent student?" The ginger scoffed. "There I was trying to be genuine, telling you my problems and shit, and you go and pull the 'I am a ghost' card."
The man - 'Zhongli' if that even was his name - Sighed. "Yes, I feared I would receive that reaction. Would you allow me to prove myself to you?"
"Sure, why not. Let the bathroom stranger prove that he's a ghost. This ought to be good."
Zhongli then proceeded to fucking walk through Childe.
The ginger whirled around to gape at Zhongli, who was now behind him. Because he fucking walked through him. Like a ghost. Which he was claiming to be. And - Holy fuck he wasn't lying. He's a ghost. Childe just met a ghost.
"Was that adequate?" The brunette simply stated, raising an eyebrow.
"I - Uh - Y - Yeah - You said you could help me?" Childe stammered out. Hey, if there was a bathroom ghost offering to help you not get deported back to Snezhnaya, you say yes. Especially if the ghost is handsome.
"I did. I just so happen to sit in on quite a few of Professor Ningguang's lessons, and I have completed this essay multiple times." He pulled a USB drive from his pocket and handed it to a rather dumbfounded Childe. "This has a copy of a perfectly written paper - Proofread and everything - That you may submit to your class. In return, I only ask that you return here again to speak with me. You need only say my name. As you may imagine, I do not have much to occupy my time, so please feel free to call on me any time you please as long as you are on school property."
"Why?" Childe stammered out. Zhongli raised an eyebrow. "I mean - Why me? Why do you want to talk to me? I've heard the rumours, people don't usually talk with you longer than a few moments and then they never see you again, and they certainly don't get fucking copies of papers from you, so why me? What makes me different?"
Zhongly merely shrugged. "I am not sure. I find you quite intriguing, and wish to spend more time with you. And yes, it is true, I have never done this before. You are by no means required to call upon me again. Regardless, you may keep the paper. But I would like it very much if you did."
"I - I'll keep that in mind." Childe swallowed thickly. "I've - Uh - Got to get to class. I'll 'call on you' at some point - You're really interesting, and, uh, kinda hot, too, so yeah - I've got to go now bye!" Childe hurried out, heat rushing to his cheeks. He just called the bathroom ghost hot. He needed mental help. He quickly turned in the paper that Zhongli had supplied him, not bothering to go over it to check for errors.
Childe zoned out during class and teetered dangerously close to falling asleep a few times. Ms Ningguang was teaching them about the 'God of War' - Morax. Hey, that was what Zhongli called the high school, wasn't it - Morax High.
"Morax often liked to wander amongst Liyue posing as a regular person. This was, in fact, how he met his demise. While in a persona that he often used he, weakened by his temporary mortal form, was ambushed by thieves and slaughtered. He often went by the name Zhongli."
Childe's brain fucking stopped. What. The fuck. He scrambled to flip to the textbook illustration of Morax. Staring back at him was a brunette man, a bit taller than Childe. His hair had amber tips, and his knowing eyes were all too familiar.
Zhongli was feeling rather rattled after the interesting conversation that he had with the rather peculiar Snezhnayan transfer. He wasn't sure what had brought him to offer a listening ear to the ginger, but he felt an odd attraction towards him. The ghost found him interesting, challenging, and, sure, attractive. But giving him the answers to a paper?
He paced along the roof, making sure to remain invisible as not to garner unwanted attention. Giving the boy - Childe - his name and the means to call him, as well? That wasn't something Zhongli did. Ever.
And why did he have this giddy feeling in his stomach? He didn't like it. He hadn't felt like this since he died. Since Guizhong. Since Liyue.
He was a ghost. He was dead. He knew that. Childe had no reason to ever want to speak with him. It was extremely unlikely that he would make good on his promise to call on Zhongli. But the ghost couldn't help but hope.
As the weeks went bye, however, that hope slowly began to fade. Zhongli roamed around the school as usual, keeping an eye on the ginger student that had caught his eye. But then - The letter appeared, marked by a call of Zhongli's name and left in the same bathroom where they had first met.
This is Childe. I wanted to speak with you, but at the same time I didn't because I'm really fucking awkward and I think you're really fucking cool but I found something else about you that I just want you to confirm or deny. Are you Morax, the God of War?'
Zhongli's heart dropped. How the Snezhnayan had found his identity out, he had no clue, but he knew the smart thing to do - Completely disappear off the student's radar. He definitely shouldn't write back. That would be downright irresponsible. Stupid, even. Completely idiotic.
Yes, I am Morax, the God of War. How you came to possess that information is beyond me, but I see no point in hiding it.
The ghost waited anxiously for the ginger student's reply. Thankfully, the gap between interactions didn't last nearly as long, and a letter appeared in the bathroom the very next day with a call of Zhongli's name.
Holy fucking shit that's insane. You're an actual God. That's terrifying but also sorta hot as well. I'm assuming you want me to keep all this stuff secret so I won't tell anyone. By the way, I called you hot when we first met and nearly fucking died of embarrassment and then wrote that you were hot here so uh yeah, I think you're hot. Just wanted to say that. Also could we maybe speak like this for a while cuz I'm better at flirting over writing because awkward. And yeah I'd like to flirt with you. If that's okay.'
Zhongli reread the letter once, then twice. Then he read it a third time. Childe, the ginger student he had been borderline obsessing with for weeks, found him attractive? This was far more than the ghost could have ever hoped for.
You have no reason to be terrified of me. I lost my powers when I died. And even if I did possess them, I would not use them to harm you. I also find you attractive - 'Cute', even. And I am completely alright with continuing to send letters back and forth. You are the first person to show an interest in me since the 1700s. I am willing to take this 'flirting' however slow you would like.
Yours, Zhongli.'
This pattern went on for a month. Childe would bring a letter to the bathroom in the morning, marked with a call of Zhongli's name. Zhongli would respond by lunch, during which Childe would make his way to the washroom and grab the note. Zhongli never got to see the ginger's response to his attempts at flirting, as Childe chose to read the letters at home. But Zhongli always saw the grin that spread across Childe's face when he saw the folded up piece of paper at lunch.
But then one day, when Zhongli was walking through the cafeteria at lunch, he saw Childe's arm around another man's shoulder and felt jealousy shoot through his entire being. It hurt.. So much.. More than it had any right to. They had only been together - Or obviously not together, he supposed, if Childe was doing this - For a month and a bit.. But it still felt like Zhongli had died all over again.
The next day, the ghost couldn't bring himself to read the letter. He didn't write a response, either, the thought of confronting his sudo-boyfriend more terrifying than an exorcism. He felt so stupid. So gullible.. So betrayed.
A week or so passed of this. Zhongli stopped listening in on classes and tried to avoid Childe at any costs - Not that the ginger would know that he was nearby, anyways. But every time he caught a glimpse of him, the pangs of hurt came back, and Zhongli saw his arm around the other man all over again.
After yet another week of this, Zhongli was doing his usual routine of moping on the roof feeling sorry for himself when he felt himself being pulled across the building. He was met with a puffy-eyed Snezhnayan in the men's changing room.
"Why?" The ginger said in a hollow voice. "We were getting along so well - And you're the first boyfriend I've ever had - The first person I've ever actually liked, too, so why did you just stop replying?" Ah, so he did consider then boyfriends.
"You clearly did not value our relationship as much as I did."
"What could possibly have made you think that?"
"You with your arm around that other man in the cafeteria two Mondays ago." Zhongli stated plainly.
Childe's brow furrowed. "Y - You mean Scaramouche? He's my roommate - He's my friend, and he's straight. Heterosexual. Interested in girls, and girls exclusively. I like you, not fucking Scaramouche, but if this is how you're going to treat our relationship, I don't think I want to be part of it."
Zhongli's eyes widened and he materialized his hand to grab Childe's wrist, but the ginger pulled away, glaring at the ghost furiously.
"Here I was thinking I did something wrong - Something seriously wrong - But no, you got all jealous because I put my arm around my straight friend's shoulder on open house day. This is fucking crazy. You realize that, right, Zhongli? That this is fucking crazy?"
How could Zhongli have been so stupid? This wasn't the 19th century, people could put their arms around each other's shoulders platonically. He was an idiot. He may have just ruined the only chance at a relationship he would ever have. "I'm so sorry -"
Childe scoffed and put up a hand. "Save it."
Zhongli grabbed him, his thoughts swimming, and slammed his lips against his. Childe froze, and Zhongli noticed that he didn't kiss back.
The ginger pulled away and let out a hollow laugh. "This is how you apologize? You ruin our first kiss? I'm done. I can't do this any more, Zhongli. You ruined this.." He shook his head, disappointed, then walked out of the changing room.
Zhongli felt broken. His chest hurt horribly, and he felt like a terrible person. He had just ruined everything with a man he loved.. Loved. He loved Childe. And now he would never get the chance to show him that.
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: After having little to no interest on girls for five years, Fred suddenly feels the need to nag the shit out of a certain witch, completely oblivious to the reason behind it.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Slytherin!Reader
Genre: fluff (+ enemies to lovers)
An unusual year: @natural-hearts @manuosorioh @lumos-solemn @westyywifee @whiskeyn-rain @warlock--protection @gossip-girl-ecr @fandomscombine @birdy944 @28cnn
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: a little angst, a little snogging 👀
A/N: maybe a bit longer than I expected but it's alright. Also I might write an addition to this story, not sure tho. I hope y'all enjoyed reading this story as much as I did writing it <3
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"Y/n! Come sit with us?" George waved at me from the Gryffindor table as I entered the Great Hall, prompting me to sit across him and Angelina, and besides Fred. "Where's Mathilda?" He asked as I got closer, leaving my books on the wooden surface.
"She's feeling unwell." As I sat down, I noticed George's arm around Angelina and I couldn't help the knowing grin that tugged the corner of my lips. "The date exchange at the Ball turned out well, huh?"
"I could say the same about you." He wiggled his brows at me with the same grin I had.
I felt a sudden rush of panic going through my body. My eyes traveled to the boy by my side, who was oddly quiet, and I found him already peeking at me.
"Meaning?" I decided to play dumb, taking a bite of my golden slice of toast whilst ignoring the intending gazes of the couple in front of me.
"You two were having a great time last night." Angelina jumped in, leaning over her table. "Didn't see you coming back, Fred." She added, redirecting her eyes to the ginger.
"I did." His brother laughed. "I daresay you two had an intense night." I felt my cheeks reddening, not finding enough strength to meet George's look. "It was about time, really."
I was startled by Fred abruptly standing up. "See you in class." The curt reply he offered before fleeing shocked all of us; specially his brother, who, with a polite apology, left me and Angelina to go after his twin.
"I feel like I shouldn't ask." She spoke quietly.
"I don't have an answer."
I feared she would see through me. I hadn't lied, but my gut told me whatever happened had to do with the change of demeanor he had at the end of our night out.
I wouldn't say it out loud but a part of me began to worry.
The worry stayed throughout that entire week, guilt joining it at some point. Fred's attendance in Charms, Astronomy and Potions had decreased; I had only see him attend once to Astronomy. The only thing he did was play with his quill and, whenever he thought I didn't notice, stare at me.
Ironically enough, we started spending most of the time together; after the winter break, George had incorporated both Mathilda and me to their friend group, which, in different circumstances, would have been great.
Alicia Spinnet gained special interest on my best friend; Lee Jordan would joke about Slytherins and Gryffindors getting together, and Angelina— well, she seemed happier now that she could hang out with all her friends at the same time.
Fred was miserable. Everyone could see it, yet they did their best to cover it up.
George would overcompensate his brother's attitude by being louder and paying extra attention to me, but it worsened the situation.
I wanted to ask Fred what was wrong, but then again we weren't even good friends, so was it really my place to ask?
George had proposed a trip to Hogsmade a couple of days ago and we all agreed on going, but the day came and Fred wasn't there.
His brother alleged he had a terrible headache and had chosen to stay in bed. We all saw through his excuse, and once more no one said a word.
It was that night that George came to look for me.
"—well then, go get her!" His shouts got into the common room when a second year entered..
"What's this about?" I inquired, coming out to the hallway to see the ginger about to throw hands at my prefect.
"I need you." He stated, quickly losing interest on whatever the prefect had to say. I only nodded and motioned him to move with me far from the Slytherin door. "You have to speak to Fred now." He almost pleaded, a frown of worry forming on his face.
"Sure— wait, now?" I stared at him in confusion.
"Sorry, I know it's late" his apology didn't mean he would ask me to do it in the morning instead.
I let out a sigh before inquiring, "Where's he?"
"The Astronomy tower, I believe." He replied.
"Alright," I said more to myself. "I'll go grab my jacket." He murmured another apology and a thank you before heading off to his House.
I came to a halt at the top of the stairs when I saw him sat against the wall, his knees pulled to his chest with his arms around them, and his face buried between them."Hey there, stranger."
He raised his head, letting his eyes and nose be seen."Who gave me away?"
"Tosser" he muttered, taking his gaze to the levitating bundle of newspaper on fire that was probably keeping him somewhat warm up there.
"Is it that bad to see me now?" I took a couple of careful steps towards the boy.
"It's always that bad to see you."
"Odd for you to say that," I let myself slide down the wall to sit by his side with my legs stretched out. "given how much you stare."
"Touché." He replied, the ghost of a smile breaking through his depressed demeanor. "What are you doing here?"
"What's wrong?"
"I asked first."
"I asked second." He raised his brows at me and it was my turn to avert my eyes from him. "I'm... Worried. About you."
When I shivered due to the wind flowing through the tower, he scooted closer and moved the little fire with his wand for it to be in the middle.
"You're all dejected and sulky," I explained. "You barely attend to our classes together, and if you do, you don't pay attention." I felt him shift uncomfortable by my side. "I'm... I'm gonna regret this— I miss you being a bloody nuisance."
"I knew you loved it." His teasing, though it was meant to be funny, sounded almost painful.
"now, what's wrong?" He shrugged, his chin resting over his forearms. "Listen, if you're not gonna tell me, it's fine, but at least tell George."
"Are you thick?" The bitterness in his tone took me aback. "Y/n, I fancy you." He hid his face between his arms. "quite a lot, actually." He added in a mumble.
"I figured that at the ball, you know?" This time it was me who scooted closer. "Tell me that's not the reason behind this."
"Would you like me to lie?" He questioned, shame slipping out with his voice. "I'm a very good liar you wouldn't even question it." He took a deep breath before looking back up, stretching one of his legs and leaning against the wall. "At the ball, I tried to start something." He began, fidgeting with his hands. "I... This never happened to me, so I wasn't- I didn't know what I was doing, but I thought I was making it clear." He tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. "But when I left you—"
"You know I fancy you too, right?" I tilted my head, searching for his eyes. "As in, more than a one time thing."
"That I didn't know." I felt a pang of guilt, realizing that unconsciously I had played a big part on this.
We stayed in silence.
It wasn't an unsettling silence, but the air weighed over us due to the tension floating on it; I needed to defuse it, otherwise it would crush me.
My heart hammered against my chest while I extended my arm to hold her hand on mine.
It's not meant to be nerve-wracking, I thought to myself as I pulled her hand away from her lap; we had already made clear we fancied each other.
The moment she put her head on my shoulder, the tension completely dissipated. I didn't notice the sigh that left my lungs when it happened.
"Didn't put you, Fred Weasley, in the I'm-a-bundle-of-nerves-with-girls category."
"Oh, shut it." I threw my head back, laughing for the first time in a couple of weeks.
"Never." She gave my hand a squeeze and I allowed my cheek to rest over her crown. "You could, of course, find a way to shut me up."
It wasn't her words that cracked me up, but the suggestive tone she used, which took me back to that night in the Duelling Room when I accidentally let slip my feelings for her for the first time.
I raised my head from hers. "Beg your pardon?" I played the fool, trying to hide the ghost of a smile when she shoot me a wide-eyed look. "What are you insinuating, woman?"
"Do you really wanna start the teasing now?" She gave me a warning glare.
"You've just said you missed it." I couldn't hold back the chuckle.
"I knew I was gonna regret it." She groaned, throwing her head back. My eyes, finally on her, traveled to her now exposed neck and collarbone. Though they weren't visible, I could see the trail of kisses I had left there just a few weeks ago. "Stop staring and kiss me."
It didn't take anything else for me to throw the levitating burning paper away and tug her closer by her hand.
The moment our mouths met, I slipped my hand away from Y/n's so I could led her thighs to straddle my legs.
A quiet moan escaped my lips when she rolled her hips against mines; my hands automatically traveled up from her thighs to her waist, pulling her flush against me.
The temperature in the high, cold tower had shot up all from sudden. Just as we were about to start discarding clothes, quick steps were heard climbing up the stairs.
"Fuck!" She whisper-shouted, practically pushing me away as she got up. "Move, move, move!" As she helped me up and we ran to hide, it dawned on me that we were way past curfew. That got me moving.
We waited for Filch to get to the top of the tower before running down as fast as we could.
"No time for goodbyes!" she warned as we rushed through the vast hallways with Filch after us. "See you tomorrow—"
Before she could sprint downstairs to the dungeons, I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a side hall.
"You won't make it to the dungeons." I stated between pants, glancing at the path we had taken. I wasn't able to see the caretaker yet, but his pants could be heard. "Take the other stairs I'll distract him."
"You'll get grounded." She observed, her breathing as heavy as mine, if not more.
"Worth it." I curtly reply, feeling the corners of my lips twisting up.
"You know?" She pushed herself off the wall she had leaned against to catch her breath. "Sometimes you're really sweet."
"Quick!" I tugged on her hand, seeing Filch finally turn the corner. "Gimme a good luck kiss!"
She pulled me down and kissed my lips briefly before taking off in the other direction. I had to tell myself to shake off that stupid smile and run.
The next morning I eagerly made my way to the Great Hall with two goals; having breakfast, of course, and checking if Fred had made it to his House without getting caught.
I soon spotted the group, this time sitting on the Slytherin table.
Soon his eyes found me too, and without saying a word to anyone, he got up and jogged to meet me halfway.
"Did you make it?" I asked, standing way too close to him and therefore attracting some nosey looks.
"By a whisker." He responded, taking a look around before looking back at me. "I was wondering if you'd like to go for a drink after class." I raised my eyebrows at him with a smirk. "We can use a passage to get to Hogsmade."
"Are you asking me on a proper date, Weasley?" I teased with my hands on my hips. "How cute."
He avoided eye contact, deciding to take another look around instead. "I swear if you tease me right now—"
"I'm free after four." I cut him off. "Now if you excuse me, I'm hungry." I passed him by, playfully bumping his shoulder, and made my way to our friends.
I didn't get far before his hands spun me around and cupped my cheeks, giving me a surprisingly deep kiss. "Are you gonna kill me?" He murmured, his lips still ghosting over mines.
"Oh, you know me so well." I replied, feeling my face heating up. We couldn't help but laugh when whistles and hollers came from behind me. "I might kill them too." I added, making fall into a fit of laughter as we pulled away in order to walk to where our friends sat. "I wanna have breakfast in peace." I warned them, sitting down with Fred by my side.
Everyone was giving looks at each other and trying to hold back the giggles, so I knew a comment was coming, but not from whom.
I could instantly tell I wasn't the only one shocked by the speaker. "But you just had him for breakfast." My best friend responded, faking confusion.
"I was just thinking about that!" Lee yelled, a bit too excited.
"Mathilda Foxglove—" I began, everyone cracking up.
"You are doomed." Fred finished, shoving a toast into his mouth to stop his laughter.
"It was worth it." She stated between giggles.
Fred gave me a side look with a half smile and I thanked Merlin no one could see the boy's fingers interlaced with mines under the table.
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adorethedistance · 4 years
British. Handsome. Charming. - Harry Styles x Reader Retail!AU
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Sorta requested.
Warnings: Swearing, suggestive situations, I say titties like once
Words: 2108
Summary: When your coworker calls out and leaves you alone for a graveyard shift, you unintentionally enlist the help of a certain British, handsome, and charming retail employee from next door.
A/N: Hello this is my piece for @meetmeinfleetwood​ ‘s “to lovers” fic challenge! I put my ‘to lovers’ trope as Coworkers Harry and Y/n but I’m kind of riffing off of that trope because I wanted to do employees at different stores in the same section of the mall.
“So, Ziva just called out...” I hear my manager Kelly break the news from behind me. A groan threatens to escape my lungs but I fight the urge as best as possible to save face in front of customers. This is the third time Ziva’s called out of her graveyard shift in the past two weeks. Tonight, we were supposed to unpack the new shipment of holiday tees, gag gifts, and decorations. On a normal night, I can handle floor set by myself, but the added challenge of holiday items and displays is a different story.
“If I take another lunch right now, I can stay and help with the floor set.”
“No,” I wave her off, already dreading the exhaustion that is bound to set in, “Go home. You’ve already done your full eight, I can fly solo for tonight.”
“Are you sure?”
“Go before I regret letting you!” Kelly smiles with the tip of her tongue peaking through her teeth. She thanks me for freeing her and I finish straightening the last of the yellow champion hoodies on the rack in front of me.
“The boxes are on the left side in the backroom.” Backroom… got it.
Working at Tilly’s was supposed to be my high school job. At the end of Junior year, I opted for a minimum wage position to earn some extra spending money. If I’d known I would be attending the most local university in this godforsaken town, I would’ve picked a better gig; one that pays more. Or at least one that doesn’t schedule me from 7:30PM to 3AM.
The store closes at ten but the other four ish hours are for rearranging the entire floor layout. I have to redistribute the table full of graphic tees strategically around the store to make room for the holiday items we just received. With someone else’s help I could expect to be finished by 12:30. Maybe 1. Ziva calling out wasn’t part of the plan however, so I don’t expect to be finished early at all. If anything, I might have to rush to finish before my shift ends.
Not to mention I have a prose analysis final draft due tomorrow by midnight. Ziva better have some damn good excuses when she gets back.
Readjusting the waistband of my favorite jeans against my body, I head to the dressing rooms to double check for any stragglers. Upon finding myself alone, I go lock the front doors and flick off the glowing “open” sign in the front window. Hopefully time will fly faster than it has since I got here. I should’ve asked Kelly to grab me a coffee or a coke to get me through the rest of the shift. Maybe I should do some coke to get me through the rest of the shift.
Okay. What did Kelly say?
Backroom... Was that all? I hesitantly prop the storeroom’s door with the small, tan, rubber wedge before trying to take in the overwhelming mess of the backroom. The room has painfully bright overhead LED lights illuminating my path; the brightness is mirrored off the polished concrete floors under my feet. Considering there’s no holiday bullshit directly in front of me, Kelly must have given me more directions than just ‘backroom’. Graphic tees, sunglasses, jewelry. Nothing.
In my most goddamn genius idea yet, I search the top of the self of the storeroom to see the holiday boxes sealed and intact. Lovely. I can graze the surface of the top shelf with my fingertips just enough to get them dusty, but not enough to pull down any boxes.
This is what we have a ladder for, but we lent it out to the Zara next door. I don’t know what time they close but intuition tells me it's soon. Figuring I have nothing to lose, I dash out of the back room and unlock the front door to round the corner into Zara. Right as I exit the store, I run into someone hard enough to lose my balance, but not hard enough to take the other person down, thank god.
“Woahhh, you alright there?” British.
I look up to the face of the person I collided with. Handsome.
“I’m so sorry, I need to get to Zara.”
“I’m afraid you’re too late for that.” The handsome stranger’s statement catches me off guard and the fog of my rushed mindset disappears. Charming.
“Jus’ locked up, I’m afraid.” I look at the completely dark storefront, and then back at the stranger. His gleaming green eyes catch mine and, cliché-ly, I’m rendered breathless by the exquisite nature of his face. Employee.
“You work at Zara,” I state dumbly.
“That, I do. And you work…?” Dropping my eyes to my worn work shoes, I’m suddenly overwhelmingly shy about working at Tilly’s.
“Tilly’s, next door. We lent you guys our step ladder and I need it back.”
“Shit,” the man smiles softly, nervously scratching the back of his neck. “I have the key to the store, but I don’t have the key to the supply closet where we kept it.”
“Dammit.” When I pull out my phone to check the time, I groan at the loss of another ten minutes. “By any chance do you guys conveniently have a step ladder that isn’t in an inaccessible closet?” The beautiful man laughs at my question and shakes his head no.
“We don’t, but I am pretty tall, maybe I could help?”
“You’re not that tall.”
“Taller than you.” My teasing is cut short by the man’s quip and I lead him into the store with conviction.
“Basically, I’m supposed to reconfigure the entire floor layout around the table for all the holiday merch, and the shipment came in but someone brilliantly placed them on the top shelf of the back room.”
“Which is why you need the step ladder from the closet that I can’t open. Gotcha.”
“If you could just get those three boxes from the top shelf right there that’d be wonderful.” After clocking the boxes in question, he nods wordlessly, and slips off his nice coat, no doubt a piece from the store next door. Underneath, he’s wearing a grey button up of which he begins rolling up the sleeves to. The action made me stop breathing for a second. His forearms are littered with tattoos of various drawings, one in particular catching my eye.
It’s a two dimensional mermaid figure with no seashell-bra, her skin transitioning into scales only after exposing her pubic bone. In the fluorescent lighting of the store, it’s clear as day that this is quite possibly the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. What’s he doing working at an outlet mall?
Zoning back in, I see he’s already hard at work. With a box no doubt full of gag gifts on his shoulder, he speaks again.
“I’m Harry by the way.”
I return the gesture and he smiles when he hears my name.
Returning his attention to the second box, he reaches up to slide the box closer to the edge of the shelf. When he does so, the hem of his grey shirt rides up to reveal a tiny strip of his toned abdomen, where two mirrored stems of fern leaves are tattooed in strikingly black ink.
I blink quickly a few times to redirect my focus, and divert my attention to the floor where he’s set the first box. This leads me to notice the brown suede chelsea boots he’s wearing. Black coat, grey shirt, brown shoes. Interesting.
“Oh shit!” I hear him mutter in a hushed voice. Looking up to the top of the shelf, I see that the last box has already been opened. Harry is balancing it between both limbs, his shoulder, and his head, but any movement would cause the contents of the box to fall out.
I rush forward to help. Moving the flaps of the box back over the top, I reach across Harry’s body to move them. Then, to keep them shut I place one palm on top of the seam, and use the other hand to support the bottom of the box. It isn’t until I stop moving that I notice the position I’ve put us in. I’m reaching up as far as I can to secure the top of the box which has placed the entire front side of my body to the back of his. I’m painfully aware of how my hips are pressed against his ass, and he must be painfully aware of the way my titties are pressed against his upper back.
“I’m gonna move backwards so it’s off the shelf. Just hold the top in place until I have it right side up again, yea?” I nod dumbly in response before realizing he can’t see me.
“Yeah, got it.” And with that he begins to back up little by little, moving at a pace slow enough for me to consistently adjust. The box is almost intact, but I’ve run out of space from standing behind Harry, and I have to maneuver myself around him whilst keeping the box shut. I cringe before doing what I have to do, and shuffling around the side of Harry’s body, my frontside pressed against him the entire time.
Finally, it’s over and we can set the box down on top of the other two. Harry stands up straight again and dusts off his hands. He adjusts his jeans, pulling them back up his hips, and I have to keep myself from staring once more.
“Anythin’ else I can do for you?”
“I don’t think so? That’s pretty much all the heavy lifting I have to do tonight.” He nods understandingly and… dare I say disappointed? I’m probably just projecting.
“Are you alone tonight?”
“Yeah, my coworker called out, but it’s fine. My boss Kelly got most of the work done earlier when she unpacked a lot of the boxes and folded the shirts into piles, so…”
“I could help.”
“You don’t need to do that. You’re already off and I’m sure you’re exhausted and-”
“I want to.” I guess I wasn’t projecting.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. That way you can go home earlier.” His smile is soft and lopsided until we connect eyes, in which case it brightens to reveal his pearly teeth. I fall shy under his gaze and avert my eyes to the concrete floor below us. My cheeks are radiating at about 1000° and I hope he doesn’t notice.
“Thank you,” I say, more flustered than I would have liked. Why am I getting so nervous? He’s just a retail employee at Zara.
A gorgeous employee at Zara.
“I don’t mind staying back... Spending more time with you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Since I already know what you do for a living, what are your hobbies?” He ignores my question.
“I don’t have much time for hobbies. I’m only part-time while I’m in uni.”
“No way, what are you studying?”
I proceed to tell Harry all about my major and my career aspirations post-graduation and post-retail. I enjoy telling people about my dreams and yet, Harry’s the first person I’ve met in a long time that’s shown any interest in me and my dreams. The way he nods attentively despite having to fold misconstrued t-shirts and holiday sweaters, ignites a fire in my stomach that warms my heart. They way he asks hyper specific, prompting questions to learn more about my plans contrasts the fire inside me by sending chills down my spine.
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“What are your dreams?” Harry stops folding for a moment and exhales a conflicted sigh.
“I’m not too sure at the moment. I’m content at Zara for the moment, and I haven’t decided what’s next. I do write music though.”
“You do?”
“A bit, yeah.”
“What kind of music?” He stops to think again, a bit less conflicted than before.
“It’s like, indie-folk-pop-rock ish.”
“Indie-folk-pop-rock ish?” I can’t contain the laughter spilling from my lips over the mountain of folded t-shirts.
“Yeah. A good bit of variety, really.”
“Well, it’s nice you have something to be passionate about.”
“Judging by how you talked about your dreams for an hour, I wouldn’t say I’m as passionate as you are about your studies.”
“Passion isn’t a competition. It’s what moves you forward as an individual.” It’s Harry’s turn to laugh at me.
“Okay, Gandhi.”
“Hush! I’m allowed to be philosophical.” His laugh draws into a closed-mouth smile, from humor to an adoration of sorts.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered.” I unintentionally mirror his affectionate smile.
A/N: This was absolutely one of those fics that, the longer I stared at it, the more I hated it and cut it down so here’s what’s remaining before I destroyed the whole thing. It’s def a puff piece and not an in depth fic but nuance is not my friend right now so, sorry about it :(
Taglist: @curlybrownhairedboys​ @meetmeinfleetwood​
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 29
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1858
Warnings:  Pregnancy, labor, delivery, medical proceedures
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 29: Becca
When Natasha went into labor it was about as dramatic as what you’d expect it to be for her.
It was a week before her due date, but well into the zone the doctor’s call full term.  She was uncomfortable and hating it but she still insisted that she be the one that walked the kids to and from school every day so that she could cloak them.  Because it was getting so close to her due date, Clint and Bucky had started to shadow her again.  That meant, rather than a random changing of the guard for the people doing the drop-off and pick-up, it was always Clint, Bucky, and Natasha.
They had been out for around half an hour when they returned.  I was sitting in the living room with Sam and Wanda while she nursed the babies.
Wanda had been such a star with breastfeeding.  With Riley and Pietro I’d ended up needing a bottle supplement which had turned to complete formula diets when they realized the bottle was a much easier way to get lots of milk.  I also remember struggling to feed them both at the same time.
Wanda had no such trouble.  I don’t know if it was just her and she would have been fine no matter what, or if it was the fact her powers pretty much allowed for anything - or a combination of the both - but she could feed both twins at once, never complained, and the babies were steadily gaining weight.
If there was a way for a person to burst through elevator doors, Natasha did it.  All three of us looked over startled as Nat hurried inside, beelining straight to the stairs.  There was a shadow of wetness on her maternity pants and a look of frustration on her face.  
“What’s going on?”  Sam asked his eyes flicking from Natasha who was already halfway up the stairs to Bucky and Clint who were following after her.
“Nat’s water broke while we were dropping the kids off at school.  She started getting contractions on the way back,” Clint explained.
Wanda gave an excited squeak that made Rose give her the dirtiest look a newborn can muster.
“Wow, alright,” Sam said.  “El, you go with them.  FRIDAY, let the others know it’s happening.  And tell Happy, Travis, and Amber that I need to see them.”
“Yes, sir,” FRIDAY replied.
I gave Sam a curious look.  “Well, the kids are going to need to be picked up, I figure if Happy drives one either Travis or Amber. And they’re both going to need to be extra hands-on, because I’m pretty sure Wanda’s going to want to come down and be with Nat too, right, honey?”
“Oh yes,” Wanda agreed.  “I’ll come up to feed these two, but I don’t want to miss that.”
“Alright, I’ll go check on Nat,” I said getting up.  “I’m sure we’re still many, many hours away.  She probably won’t come until tomorrow morning.”
“Wanna bet on the time?”  Sam asked. 
I smirked at him.  “Yeah, alright.  I think 3.30 am.”
“I’m gonna say 11 am.  Rebecca’s going to sleep in,” Sam said.
“Closest to it wins?  If it’s exactly in the middle it can be you,” I suggested.
“Sounds good,” he said, holding out his hand for me to shake.
“What’s the prize?” I asked.
Sam smirked at me.  “I’m sure we can think of something.”
I giggled and headed upstairs to check on Natasha.  I found her in the shower with Bucky, while Clint lazed on the bed.  “How are you doing there, Nat?” I asked.
“Completely mortified,” she said.  “I was talking to one of the other mothers and I just … exploded all over them.  Amniotic fluid went everywhere.  All over her pants legs.  And the floor.  The worst part was that I think the labor started this morning, but I thought it was those Braxton Hicks contractions so I ignored them.”
“That is very dramatic, Tasha,” I teased.  “Perfectly you.”
“I am really glad I have those powers, I tell you,” Natasha said.  “I would have to murder half the population of the planet if pap photos came out with me looking like I wet my pants.”
I smothered a laugh.  “No, we wouldn’t want that.”
“Careful, El,” Natasha warned.
“Yeah, El, don’t anger the assassin that’s in labor,” Bucky teased.
Natasha got out of the shower and I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her as Bucky turned off the water.
“What no towel for me?”  Bucky asked, stepping out onto the bath mat.
I grabbed another towel and threw it at him.  He caught it laughing and I giggled and turned my attention back to Natasha.  “Have you called the medbay?”
“Yes,” Natasha said.  “I called them on the way home.  They said to wait until five minutes apart and then come down.  I only had -” she looked at Bucky. “-two? Since my water broke, so I think we are a ways off yet.”
She wasn’t kidding.  Most of the rest of the day was spent just as normal.  Only every half hour, give-or-take, Natasha would have a contraction.  Happy and Travis went and collected the kids from school.  By dinner time Natasha was beginning to feel it and opted out of eating anything but she sat at the table with us.  She only winced once during the meal but tried not to let the kids see her discomfort.  Bruce even had time to read Riley and Pietro their bedtime stories before things started to get serious.
At around 11.30 Natasha was in serious pain and not able to hide it anymore.  Given her background and the super-serum her pain tolerance was higher than most, so it was difficult to see her struggling so much with it.
We took turns pacing with her, rubbing her back, and feeding her ice chips.  At around one I ran a bath for her and Steve sat on the edge of the tub and held the nozzle against her back.
By two she couldn’t take it anymore.  We went down to the medbay and Clint supported her while they put in an epidural.  When that kicked in, it was like Nat was a completely different person. She just kicked back in the hospital bed dozed through her contractions and we all spread out around the room doing the same.
We all awkwardly slept where we could, only waking when the nurses came in to check her progress.  At a little after three, they told us it was nearly time for Natasha to push.  They turned off the epidural and the pain of childbirth returned to her in full.  She hunched forward grabbing her knees and bared down.  Sweat clung to her skin and her face flush red.
“That’s it, Natasha,” Doctor Shroeder coached.  “Push.”
There was nothing beautiful or romantic about the way Natasha gave birth.  It wasn’t a magical moment where life miraculously entered the world.  It was messy and bloody and loud.  After half an hour of pushing, Rebecca began to crown, and right away we could see she was going to take after her biological mom more than her biological dad.  She had a little cap of pale red hair that was just visible.
“We can see her, Nat,” Sam said, excitedly.
“Not long now, Tasha,” Bucky added.
“It’s gotten to that freaky horror movie part, Nat,” Clint said.  “You want a mirror so you can see?”
Natasha nodded and Doctor Schroeder grabbed a mirror and held it up for her to see.  “There she is.  Your little redhead girl.”
Natasha smiled and started to sob.  She had gone past the point where she could speak it seemed and everything had gotten too much.  Bucky patted her forehead with a damp cloth.
“Alright, Natasha, next time you feel the urge again, push,” the doctor said.
Natasha bared down.  “I hate you so much, James Barnes,” she moaned as she pushed.
“I know, Tasha,” he said.  “I don’t blame you.”
“You’re doing so well, sweetheart,” Steve praised.
She shot him a look that screamed bloody murder.  “Shut your stupid, positive mouth.”
Tony tried to stifle a laugh as Steve’s cheeks flushed.
It was another two pushes until Rebecca’s head was clear, and only two more after that before she joined us screaming her head off.  “Here she is.  Your daughter has a lot to say.”
Natasha lay back exhausted but looking very pleased with herself.  I was ushered forward and cut the cord and the little squawling baby was put onto Natasha’s chest.  “Hey, Becca,” she croaked.  “You made it.”
Her cries began to settle and she lay staring up at all the faces peering down at her. “You did so well, Natasha,” Wanda praised.  “Look at that perfect little girl.”
“I can’t believe you did this with two and no drugs,” Natasha sighed, caressing Rebecca’s back.
“What time is it?”  Sam asked, reaching over and playing with Rebecca’s hand.
“Her official birth time is 4.23 in the morning,” Doctor Shroeder answered.
“Ha! I win,” I teased.
Sam smirked at me.  “Seems to me, we both win, princess.”
“Okay, okay, enough of that talk in front of the baby,” Bruce joked.
The medical staff fussed around Natasha, giving Rebecca her shots and a shot to Nat to help her deliver the placenta.  We were all too caught up in Rebecca’s presence to pay that much attention.  Though Bruce and I both looked over the placenta fascinated when it was out.
Eventually, the nurses took Rebecca off Natasha to clean her up a little and check her over.  Thor rubbed my back.  “Only one more to go,” he said.
“He can stay put for a little longer,” I said.  “Let him get fully cooked.”
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Once Natasha had been taken to her room with Rebecca and she’d showered and changed into her pajamas it was just past breakfast time and Amber and Travis brought Riley, Pietro, Sarah, and Rose down.  It was funny, even though Sarah and Rose were almost three weeks older than Rebecca they were still a little smaller than her.  We once again got Riley and Pietro gifts from the newborn and they were much more interested in opening those than interacting with their new sibling.
“Alright kiddos, you better say goodbye to everyone, it’s time to get to school,” Amber said.
“Do we hafta?”  Riley asked.
Steve shrugged.  “You can stay if you want, but we’re all very tired and everyone will most likely be sleeping.”
Riley seemed to ponder the predicament for a moment and then nodded.  “Otay, we go.”
“Sounds good, bug,” I said and kissed them both goodbye.  “Are you going to say goodbye to all your sisters?”
“Otay,” Pietro said and the two went around kissing first all their parents and then the babies goodbye.
“Bye-bye!” They called as Amber led them from the room.
“Okay but that was really cute,” Clint said.
“Yeah,” I agreed.  “I have to say I am really glad we have FRIDAY recording things because I definitely want framed pictures of them kissing the babies goodbye.”
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lnarizakis · 4 years
i found you! | b. koutarou
hey @bokutokoutarou ! you were my recipient for the summer exchange fic. i really hope you enjoy this, and that we can become friends after this!
pairing: bokuto koutarou x fem!reader
word count: 3.1k
look out for: soulmate au, tooth-rottingly sweet fluff, pining
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“...You’re hearing voices in your head?”
“No, no, there’s just one... and they keep going on and on ‘bout whatever! And it sounds like they’re trying to talk to me, too, and I’m getting a little scared!” Bokuto complained to his junior, Akaashi, about this voice he had been hearing in his mind for the past week. It was unrecognizable at first; he paid no attention to it, but throughout the course of the week the voice had been growing louder and louder. It slowly became unnerving for the ace.
“Oh, I see,” Akaashi glanced outside the window. He then turned back towards Bokuto, face still in evident distress. “It’s your soulmate.”
“My... my what?” Bokuto was appalled. His soulmate?
Akaashi, too, was appalled. “Have your parents never told you about what a soulmate is?” Bokuto shook his head, signaling a negative response. Akaashi widened his eyes in apparent shock.
“Wow.” Akaashi was rendered speechless. Looks like he’d have to tell Bokuto what a soulmate was. “Well, a soulmate is someone you’re destined to be with. You’re bound to them for life. Everyone is bound to their soulmates in different ways. In your case, Bokuto-san, you can hear your soulmate’s thoughts.” The setter glances down at the timer on his wrists. Still several more years before he could meet his own soulmate.
Bokuto “ohh”ed in realization. He then pulled a face, one that Akaashi knew all too well. It was his thinking face, usually worn by the former during their volleyball games. He stayed in that position for some time, until his face lit up with excitement.
“Ah! Akaashi, I did it! I talked to her!” Bokuto exclaimed. Akaashi gave him a small smile, proud of his upperclassman.
O N E .
“Oh no, a quiz?! We have a quiz today?! I didn’t study for it at all!”
Bokuto panicked. He sat at his desk, sweat forming on his forehead. He was so afraid for this quiz specifically, because if he were to fail it, God forbid, he most definitely would not be able to take part in the Spring Interhigh Tournament. His mind raced with the same thought over and over again. In the heat of the moment, he hadn’t realized that he was pounding his soulmate’s head with the thought.
(Y/N) was currently in class (and conveniently just a couple classrooms down), trying her best to focus on the lecture in front of her. But it was difficult. So, extremely difficult.
“Could you please, with all due respect, shut up? I’m trying to learn right now,” she communicated to Bokuto. In an attempt to make peace with him, she added on, “Good luck, though.” At that moment, Bokuto came up with the best idea.
“Wait a minute. Do you think you could help me?” Bokuto’s heart raced. Depending on his soulmate’s answer, he may or may not be able to attend the tournament.
“Sure, I guess. What is it on?” (Y/N) gave up on trying to listen to her teacher, who was droning on about a topic that was completely unrelated to the lecture. It looked like she would have to do extra studying after school. Oh, the things she would do for her soulmate.
“Classic literature. It’s my worst subject!” If it was possible to whine and complain in one’s thoughts, Bokuto was doing exactly that. (Y/N) couldn’t help but smirk a little bit. With the willpower she had, she was able to contain her chuckle.
“Alright, I’ll help you; I think I’m alright in that subject.”
“So, how’d you do?” (Y/N) asked him a couple days later. The substitute for her class was running late, so she made use of her free time by talking to her supposedly-unknown soulmate. She looked down at her notebook that she had taken out, sketching rough, small portraits of what she thought her soulmate looked like.
“My teacher’s handing them out right now,” Bokuto replied. Through his thoughts somehow, (Y/N) could identify the worry laced in his thought. There was a hint of confidence, however, since the answers that his soulmate provided him seemed right. At least right enough to turn in his quiz with some confidence.
After a string of “Oh, no”s, Bokuto rejoiced. Thanks to his soulmate, he was able to participate in the Spring Interhigh Tournament!
“I’m so glad I was able to help you!” Despite not knowing who in the world her soulmate was, she couldn’t stop smiling. There was a little bit of a hint she learned about him too— he played volleyball.
T W O .
In the time that (Y/N) got to know her soulmate, she learned how comforting he can be at times. Despite how he came across as an idiot at times, he was perhaps the one person she could talk to whenever she needed comfort. His simple words were enough for her.
One night, (Y/N) found herself staring at the ceiling of her bedroom. She couldn’t sleep. No matter how much she tossed and turned, or set the right conditions for maximum comfort for sleeping, she just couldn’t go to sleep. It was like the universe was keeping her awake. And for what?
The thoughts of not being able to sleep swirled around in her mind, and soon enough, Bokuto asked her if there was something wrong. She replied that it was no big deal, and that he shouldn’t worry much about it. Despite this, Bokuto insisted for her to confide in him. And so she did.
“I’m not too fond of the idea of soulmates. I really hate to tell you this, but I just... I don’t want to be destined to be with someone, you know?” It pained her to tell this boy, and she could tell it pained him, as well.
Bokuto, who had been awake for quite some time as well, lay in bed with a blank stare. He looked all around his room, trying to find at least some answer to her thoughts. (Y/N) had more to say, however.
“...And I don’t even know who you are. I mean, I know some things about you, but I don’t know-know you. I don’t know your name, or what school you go to, or what you would like to do after you graduate high school, or—“
“Bokuto Koutarou— that’s my name. You don’t have to tell me yours if you don’t want to. But... that’s something about me. To help you get to know-know me. And I go to Fukurodani High School. And I think I’m gonna continue volleyball after high school... Is there anything else you want to know about me?” Bokuto interrupted (Y/N)’s train of thought. He began to open himself up to his soulmate so that she would be able to open herself up to at least the mere concept of soulmates. It would take a bit more time, he thought, before she would want to begin to open herself up to him.
“Okay, well,” (Y/N) began, “Tell me what’s the first thing you do when you wake up, and the last thing you do before you go to sleep.” She giggled; she was curious to know what he’d say.
To hum in his thoughts was something typical of Bokuto, and he did just that: “Hm, I think the first thing I do when I wake up is... I mean, after I open my eyes, is jump outta bed! And the last thing I do before I go to sleep is...” He hummed again, “close my eyes. And then I think a ‘lil bit. About everything, really! Sometimes I begin to dream about my soulmate... you, and what you look like, and when we’ll meet, and how we’ll meet, too, and—“ Bokuto exhaled out loud. He’d love to meet his soulmate one day.
“Well, thank you, Bokuto-san. Hopefully we’ll meet someday. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Good night,” (Y/N) told him as she dozed off to sleep.
Bokuto Koutarou, huh...
T H R E E .
“Favorite color?”
“I’d say gold! The color of my eyes!”
Another boring lecture meant another day of playing 20 Questions with Bokuto for (Y/N). She had just asked her seventh question, which, along with the past six questions, had been entirely superficial. However, they weren’t quite as ridiculous as the questions he had asked her.
Case in point: “What are you going to have for lunch today?” He asked. Without context, it probably would have been pretty ridiculous to ask that, but given that lunch followed after the current period and that Bokuto was insanely hungry, it seemed probably reasonable to ask that question.
“I think I’m going to have what they’re selling today in the cafeteria,” (Y/N) pondered. Though, she was probably going to stick with her usual whatever’s-available-in-the-vending-machine. She looked down at her notebook, doodling a very rough image of the volleyball ace that everyone at school knew.
Ever since that one night—that night when she couldn’t go to sleep for the life of her, she had been in utter shock at the fact that Bokuto Koutarou was her soulmate. Everyone knew about him— from how he’s absolutely impressive at pretty much every sport he played to his overwhelming presence that made the general atmosphere of wherever he was so much lighter. He was like a light in her eyes, but he didn’t know who she was at all.
“Can I go again? It’ll count for my next question,” Bokuto asked. (Y/N) complied, and he followed her response with “You don’t think I know who you are?”
So she was thinking out loud. “I mean, you know me only because we’re soulmates. Other than that, I don’t think you know anything else about me—“
“My next question! What makes you think I don’t know anything about you?” Bokuto asked again.
“I mean—“
“I know that you’re my soulmate, which means you’re the one for me! I’m supposed to help you. With everything,” Bokuto continued, “because you’re my everything.”
(Y/N) looked down in embarrassment, her face turning red.
“You’re embarrassing,” she thought. “Don’t you realize what you’re saying right now?”
From Bokuto’s classroom, all he could do was smile softly. “I don’t realize most things I say,” He jokingly stated. His own embarrassment started to creep up on him, making him begin to regret what he said, or thought, to his soulmate. “Sorry if it bothered you, or something.”
“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it; let’s just keep playing,” (Y/N) responded, guilt weighing down on her for unintentionally shaming him for his embarrassing words. “It’s my turn now. Let’s see... what position do you play in volleyball?”
Bokuto’s mood instantly lightened as he proudly answered, “I’m a wing spiker! The ace!”
Several questions later, it was once again Bokuto’s turn. He was on his nineteenth question when he asked (Y/N), “Do you think there’s ever a chance I could show you a soulmate’s really worth it?”
“Bokuto, I—“
“My last question— my twentieth question. Can you give me the chance to show you why soulmates are destined for a reason?”
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment before she said, “... Okay.”
F O U R .
“Huh?! You’re still awake at this hour? I just woke up!”
Bokuto had jumped out of bed to begin his morning run. As he was changing from his sleepwear to something new for running outside, he heard muttering similar to white noise in his mind, which meant that his soulmate was awake and, somehow, barely thinking.
(Y/N), having been restless the entire evening, decided it would be a good idea to pull an all-nighter. Currently, she was lying in bed, watching the sun peek out through the blinds of her window. The brightness illuminated her once-dark room, and she felt a wave of guilt wash over her for not properly taking care of her body by sleeping.
“I’ve been awake. What are you doing right now? At five in the morning?” (Y/N) snapped back. The tiredness was getting to her.
“I’m about to go on my morning run! Now, what are you doing?” Bokuto replied. He was so genuinely curious to know what his soulmate was doing at this time, why she was up and awake, before he noticed that he disregarded the harsh and tired tone she used on him.
“All-nighter. Couldn’t sleep at all.”
“Oh! My friend Akaashi pulls those all the time. He’s always tired, just like you are right now!” Bokuto beamed, hoping to get at least some positive reaction out of her. But all he got was a dry laugh—if it was even possible to laugh in one’s mind— along with an obviously sarcastic “thank you, I know I’m tired right now.”
“Well, since you’re awake right now,” Bokuto continued, “why don’t you talk to me? I’d rather listen to you instead of my music.” To his surprise, (Y/N) complied, but, as she claimed, the only reasons she had were that she was tired and had nothing else to do.
After a conversation about Bokuto’s favorite kinds of breakfast foods followed by the sports that (Y/N) enjoys watching, the ace took a rest, sitting down underneath a tree in a park near their school, watching the sun paint the sky different shades of purple and red.
“Hm, I have a question for you. Why are you so adamant about wanting to show me the wonders of a soulmate? I mean—without me in your life, you’re pretty much free to fall in love with whomever you want,” (Y/N) spoke truthfully. Her question made Bokuto raise an eyebrow, but mostly because of the large words she used in phrasing it.
“... What does ‘adamant’ mean?” was all he could say. From the comforts of her bedroom, (Y/N) laughed heartily. The thoughts that came with her laugh were positive, as she commended Bokuto on saying the first thing that made her smile that day. She soon let him know what it meant, though, and Bokuto “ooh”ed in his mind, earning another laugh from (Y/N).
“Soulmate,” Bokuto called her this since she still never told him her name, “my friend Akaashi said that we’re soulmates because we’re bound together. There’s gotta be a reason why we’re bound together, right? Why our souls are destined to be with each other, right? Or else we’d just be... mates, and not soul-mates.”
“...I see.”
“And...I got nothing.”
“Bokuto, why don’t you try finding me?” (Y/N) suggested. “If you’re so adamant about the fact that because we’re soulmates means our souls are bound together—that our souls are destined to be together—you should easily find your way to me, right?”
Bokuto stayed silent.
“Look, this is what I’m saying. Why don’t you act on your belief? Find me, and if you do, I’ll know that our souls are not meant to be apart.”
(Y/N)’s soulmate remained silent for some time before he responded.
“I’m going to find you, soulmate. I’m going to find you one day!”
F I V E .
She stared blankly at the vending machine in front of her. She tried not to reveal that she was currently thinking about whether to choose between strawberry or banana milk, so as not to reveal her location, if Bokuto were to find out she went to Fukurodani High School. Little did she know that he had a bit of help from his volleyball teammates in deciphering who exactly she was.
“What’d she think now?!”
“Ah! Uh, she doesn’t know if she wants strawberry or banana milk!” Bokuto exclaimed. The Fukurodani third-years, along with Akaashi, were gathered around Bokuto’s desk. On top of it was a notebook, opened to a half-covered page of scatter-brained notes of his soulmate’s thoughts.
Konoha hummed, and placed a hand on his chin. “Okay, from that we know that she’s also out at lunch. Maybe she goes here!” In Akaashi’s mind, he thought that it was awfully quick (and definitely extremely convenient) to assume that she goes here, but he did not express this disagreement of his.
Bokuto agreed with his logic, and in the notebook he wrote, “Probably goes to Fukurodani.”
“Does she have any new thoughts, Bokuto-san?” Akaashi spoke up.
“Um, yeah. Okay, uh, she’s thinking about who to eat with,” Bokuto replied. He picked up the pencil he dropped from excitement, and began to write down keywords from her thoughts. Sarukui looked on, noticing that Bokuto was writing the names he recognized.
“Bokuto, you wrote down Suzumeda-san’s name!” He called out. The ace leaned back to look at what he had written down, and sure enough, he had written one of the two managers of his club’s names down.
“She goes here!” Everyone in the huddle exclaimed. Bokuto’s other classmates who were also in the classroom slowly turned around in questioning curiosity, wondering what in the world they were doing.
“Bokuto-san! I think you should just go look for her. What was it that you said again...?” Akaashi questioned him.
Bokuto stared blankly at Akaashi for a brief second to recollect his thoughts from the recent shock, and soon after he came to his senses he responded that his soulmate said that if soulmates really are destined to be together, he should go look for her. With that in mind, his teammates ushered Bokuto out of the room and cheered him on to go find his soulmate.
Adrenaline rushed through Bokuto as he was pressured by his teammates to go find his soulmate. He was going to meet her today!
He dashed down the third-years’ hallway to go outside, nearing the closest vending machine. For a moment he pressed his face against the clear glass, to check the contents of the machine. He could see a row of strawberry milk boxes and next to it a row of banana milk boxes. Gears inside had ceased whirring, signaling to Bokuto that someone had just used the vending machine.
Bokuto’s heart stirred, and instinct told him to run out into the courtyard. Following his instinct, he sped out of the hallway in which the vending machine was, and opened the door that led to the courtyard. He had opened them so quickly that he didn’t see the figure of a girl in his year on the other side about to open the door, despite the large window in front of him that made up a huge component of the door’s upper half.
He walked straight into the girl, and the sudden shock pulled them back, to see who they had run into.
“He actually... He found me!”
“I found you!”
486 notes · View notes
chilly-me-softly · 3 years
Every Little Thing's Gonna Be Alright • Chapter 23
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11��- Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18 - Chapter 19 - Chapter 20 - Chapter 21 - Chapter 22
A few months later the situation between Evelyn and Jack was quite stable, both of them very happy with their relationship and always doing their best to see each other as much as possible. Not everything had always been rosy, of course, sometimes distance or small misunderstandings turning into big ones had contributed to create bumps along the way. But the two of them always found a way to fix things, either in person or from a distance.
Cece continued to grow pampered by everyone, giving smiles and babbles here and there. It was impressive how much she had achieved in that time, how she could keep everyone trapped around her little finger. How much love Evelyn felt for that little creature who every day added a brick to her personal growth and development.
Another football season was coming to an end and Jack had made her a proposal she'd had a lot to think about recently. Villa's last game would be at home and not only had Jack asked her to go to the game, but also to take part in the traditional lap of honour to thank all the fans for their support during the season.
Needless to say, she had taken a few days to think about it. Taking part in the event would certainly have meant first of all making their relationship public, exposing not only her but also Cece and giving the green light to various gossips and unwanted free opinions. On the other hand, however, there was being able to spend time with him, in his world. Taking the relationship a step further.
It was in those moments that she realised that her good intention to think less and act more would be more difficult to carry out. If she could let herself loose on some things, well, there was still something of her old self that surfaced from time to time. It was always like that, she knew from the start that she would eventually go but until that day she wouldn't stop worrying about this and that, about what might happen....
As she sits on the bed keeping an eye on Cece who is playing with the puppet given to her by Ben, Jack phones her. A smile automatically forms on her face as she runs her finger across the screen to accept the call. It's time to give him an answer.
"Hey you"
"Hi. Where are you? Doesn't look like your room to me or am I wrong"
"We're in Ben's room. Apparently this girl here got bored of hers" Evelyn shifts her phone slightly to also frame Cece who continues to chew on that bear's ear she holds in her hands undisturbed.
"Who is he? Who is he? Is he Jack?" she coos as the little girl pays attention to that familiar figure she now sees regularly, waving her little legs and babbling something making Jack smile.
"Hi sweety! Hi! I miss you so much"
"So I have news for you"
"Don't act like you didn't call just for that" he chuckles throwing a quick glance at the calendar where the date is marked a thousand times with a black marker.
"So what did you decide?"
"Well me and my girl have been consulting a lot"
"Oh yeah?" he interrupts her smiling cheekily as he closes one hand in a fist and uses it to hold up his head.
"Yeah" she teases him sticking her tongue out at him as Cece starts opening and closing her hand to greet him.
"Ha ha she doesn't like it when you're a smartass. Tell him we're not going anymore"
"That's not true!" his voice almost covers the last part of what she's saying but in reality he's understood all too well that in a few days he'll be able to hold them both again, and the smile on his face cancels out the poor attempt to claim he's offended.
"Say bye bye to Jack"
"Nah she likes me"
"To sleep, sure. I'm a little jealous to be honest she has the blanket with your scent on it though"
"You have me" he promptly replies as she bites her lip moving her gaze out of the camera frame.
And they continue to talk as they always do, the confirmation took a load off both of them, with Jack most of the time just watching the two girls while Evelyn plays with Cece wishing time could move faster. Until they are forced to interrupt the conversation due to a nappy change and the little one has already hit her with the puppet a couple of times.
Evelyn and Cece arrived at Jack's a few days before the last game of the season. He has promised that sooner or later they will also be able to get out of that house and maybe take a walk in the park taking advantage of the beautiful days the weather is offering, but the first few days are for him and no one else.
He comes home after the last training session of the season a little later than usual because he stopped for a little extra with some teammates and finds no one downstairs. As he goes upstairs, however, Evelyn's voice and Cece's little cries become more and more indistinct enough to take him to his room, and when he opens that door he can't help but smile. The two of them are playing tenderly with Evelyn leaning over to kiss the little one's tummy and the baby laughing moving her tiny hands, closing her fists around her mommy's hair.
He can't help himself when Cece won't let go of a lock of Evelyn's hair causing her to moan, laughing and blowing his cover. Evelyn looks up at him immediately lighting up and signalling for him to come closer.
"We have a surprise for you" she tells him and his curiosity immediately ignites so much that he almost runs making those few steps that separate him from the bed.
"What is it?" Evelyn simply shifts her gaze between him and the girl wanting to point at something and he after a moment gets the message by lowering his gaze, his eyes immediately falling on the Villa crest and wandering over the small kit trying to find differences from the usual. But it's only when Cece rolls onto her side, showing part of the Grealish name on her back, that he swears his heart has stopped beating for a few moments.
Cece's kit had always been plain, no name no number on the back. Evelyn had always felt on the edge for a choice that was so simple on the outside but actually brought up so many questions. Should she have had 'Daddy' written on it? No it was too soon. What did Jack think, was it too much? And again, does using his surname mean forcing him to take responsibility? What are we? Geez, the fight with her madness was really open.
And it was Jack who had then put an end to her paranoia, as always, and bought a small plain kit, giving her further time to clear her head and be satisfied with the fact that for the time being she would still wear the kit while supporting the team he played for.
"Since we're only going to see each other tomorrow when the game is over, we made a preview just for you" Evelyn pulled him back into the room and he reached out to the little girl taking her in his arms.
"Probably for the best or Jack would have cried in front of the whole stadium. Don't you think so too?" he murmurs cuddling the little girl, who seems to just want to reach up his nose, under Evelyn's tender gaze.
"I can't wait for tomorrow now. I mean look at this!" Jack lifts her up in the air like in the Lion King scene so he can look at that name once more and Evelyn can't help but laugh at the boy's excitement, happy it was the right choice after months.
The atmosphere in the stadium is something sensational, but she wouldn't have expected less to be honest. That's how it is when someone cares about a team, you stick together through thick and thin. It's a mutual kind of love. It doesn't matter if the previous week went well or badly, every time you try to do your best on one side and show all the support on the other. And that season for Villa had not gone badly at all, no one's fate depended on that game but it was still an opportunity and should be taken as such.
That hour and a half passed between watching something of the game, entertaining Cece, chatting with some of the girls she had already met in the previous months until the final whistle blew and little by little everyone began to prepare to take the field. Having fulfilled their duties more or less, even the players can finally allow themselves to relax. Jack is quick to find them and take Cece in his arms leaving her a loud kiss on the cheek, happy for the win and the moment.
"Ready?" Evelyn just nods, following Jack around the field but still remaining a little on the sidelines allowing him to do what he needs to do, greet the fans and enjoy the moment. More than ever she can understand when both he and her brother referred to those people as a second family, seeing them all gathered there happy and smiling joking with each other or playing with their kids. Everyone seems to know everyone, everyone is nice to everyone and she really has a good time getting to know this new family.
Once home and having put Cece to bed, who had fallen asleep in the midst of all the commotion, the two of them enjoy a moment alone snuggled up on the sofa.
"Today was nice"
"Evelyn" Jack sighs and she waits for him to continue, but when that doesn't happen she lifts her head from his chest meeting his eyes, "Move in here"
"What? Are you sure? Just know it's different from having us here only once in a while"
"I want everything. I want you here every day when I wake up or when I go to sleep. I want you here to cheer me up or have fun together. I want to live both of you every day, I want to be part of your lives fully, make this our home and I don't want to worry anymore that you might leave. I want to give you everything I'm capable of and build something strong with you" Jack strokes her cheek softly.
"So what do you say?"
I just want to let you know that there won't be a chapter next week, I need to focus on something else but I'll be back for the last chapters normally then. In the meantime I hope you enjoyed this one x
Tag: @alexajanecollins @emwritesfootball @rosie7703
Chapter 24
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pluto-art · 4 years
Softly - PatB Fan Fiction
Type: Hurt/Comfort Rating: PG Summary: Baby Brain has known little but pain and misery in an unloving world, but when he gets paired up with a new lab student things change in a way he didn’t expect.
This started out as a mini story in a Discord server and got... a little out of hand. What you see here is how much I typed out in the server.
He hadn't been there long. Two... maybe three weeks? The cold metal had finally become familiar beneath his feet, and the strange blocks, though generally tasteless, kept him alive. There wasn't much that made his new living quarters interesting; there was only so much one could do in a pile of aspen shavings day after day. Occasionally, they would hook up to his cage some sort of liquid that wasn't his usual watery fair. He could never decipher or make heads or tails of the words on the sides of the bottles, saying things like D-D-T or S-N-I-P-P-L-E. The only distinguishing feature to him was that sometimes they tasted terrible, sometimes quite flavorful, and sometimes they tasted like nothing at all. Almost all of them turned his stomach. Driven to thirst, however, he'd play their cruel game. Choice was not something that existed in this crisp, sterile world; at least, not from a personal standpoint. When it did exist it meant the difference between a shock and a treat; a yellow light or a red light; a warm room or a cold one. Choice was manufactured.
He still cried almost every night. He tried to quiet the tears, but they didn't always listen. The others heard him. One or two laughed cynically. Most said nothing; they'd shed their own fair share and would again sooner than later. A single kind soul, a mother rat some doors down from him, occasionally whispered to him a lullaby or two when everyone else but them were asleep. They were songs she sang to her own children to quiet their tears, and she had no less compassion for this unfortunate soul, who was even worse off than her own brood -- he didn't even have any parents to nuzzle up to. Had she her way, she would have mutilated every last living human being in the facility. It was bad enough that they were tested on mercilessly as adults. To do so to children was simply insidious. Alas, she was simply a rat, and so could only dream of days when she wasn't.
Not that BR-41N (that's what they called him; no one had real names here) hadn't tried to be friendly with his captures. Aside from a particularly nasty poke from some long, thin, prickly object inserted into his thigh the first day (it had stung; oh, it had stung...) the proceeding couple of days had consisted of simple maze runs and treadmill exercises. Nothing too elaborate. As a child, he'd been used to running around a lot in the field, and sifting through the labyrinths reminded him of the long grass he'd play hide-and-seek in back home, except at the end of them was a tasty prize: a piece of cheese. He liked cheese. In the wild, it was hard to come by, but here they gave it to him generously, provided he finished the courses, which he always did. The fourth day followed in much the same way, but the fifth day brought something different: a sudden shock and a broken tail. That had changed his view of things. Perhaps the harsh awakening wouldn't have been so terrible had it not been followed by other unspeakable things -- poisoned food; friends made that, the next day, would never be seen again; more shocks given as punishment for choosing an incorrect panel; injections that made him see things he'd never seen, monsters and strange colors and other scary things that kept him awake at night; loud noises that came out of nowhere; and often, quite often, the terrifying echo of squeaks, barks, and meows that made up the daily music of Acme Laboratories. He hated it. He hated all of it. More than anything, he wanted to go home. He missed the warmth; the love; the soft whisper of the wind that traveled through his ivory fur. He wanted all of it back. But life? She was a harsh mistress. And no amount of crying, screaming, or pleading, seemed to ever make her turn an ear.
As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks... months, more than just a tail was broken. Trust was broken. Hope was broken. Spirit... was broken. If there was any love, if there was any future, it wasn't here. Kindness had proved unfruitful, and patience had run its course. He didn't find reason to be willing, nor show charity, towards those who made his life a living hell. What reason was there? What profit was in it? Time had told him, quite bluntly, there wasn't. It had taken him a full month to admit defeat, but admit it he did, and cynical he became, 'til every hand that reached in to grab him was ripe to be bitten, every shot that punctured his stomach was the unwelcome norm, and every newcomer that tried to strike up a friendship was easily ignored. The latter-most was simply wasting their time. He could read the colors on the cages now. He knew that a red mark meant "death". He only wondered why he, as of yet, had never been given one himself. It was as if life itself was laughing at him -- keeping him as witness to the horrors that went on inside the dragon's cave, yet never giving him the satisfaction of death.
And so the third month dawned, chilly and barren, or so the scientists said. Autumn had come. Not that any of the residents within the thick, cemented walls could see it. But the laboratory personnel spoke of it -- gold and crimson leaves, hot chocolate, dried wheat fields. He could almost smell the corn; could almost feel the breeze.... Days passed. For the first time, they gave him a cage mate. E8-WN, they called him. He was kind, but BR-41N had little love left to give. Besides, he had the red tag. It seemed they had only placed him here temporarily due to a lack of space. The next day he was taken to the back. The tiniest shred of pity nipped at BR-41N as he watched the little peach-furred mouse be carried into the surgical room, a curious look on his face. Another emotion was also present within him: jealousy. On the 17th day of September, a new thing happened -- a thing that, for the first time in a while, made the little mouse turn his head.
The school year had started, and, as such, fresh meat was welcomed into the laboratory in the form of fourteen college students looking to continue pursuits in medical science. They were all very quiet during the tour, one or two of them occasionally lifting a hand to ask a question about course materials or contact information. They were each, it seemed, to be given a subject: an animal from the laboratory to study, train, and conduct experiments on. Rats, mice, and hamsters had already been picked out for them, and each was given a black-coated subject or a brown-furred captive to take charge of. Each student's rodent was to be kept in the lab at all times, and specific instructions were given them as to the proper handling of the creatures. At least two experiments were to be conducted on them daily, three if possible. They could spend as much time with their charge as they wished, so long as they got their homework done. Fourteen students. Fourteen rodents. Four months to finish their work. Simple.
As it stood, however, there had been a miscalculation. Fourteen students. Fourteen rodents.... No. Not fourteen. Only thirteen. There'd been an error. They'd forgotten to set aside an extra subject. The unfortunate student without a charge was a college girl named Rachel. All other rodents were going through tests conducted by various personnel in the lab, set aside specifically for said conductions that couldn't currently be tampered with. All except one....
"So, um, Rachel," their teacher said, checking his student list. "You may have to share with... Peterson.... You know what? We might... actually have an extra for you. Hold on. Let me ask...."
And he departed into another room, calling for a "Jackson".
"Jackson! Can she use BR-41N? I don't think he's going through any rigorous testing.... Yeah? Okay. Yeah, that would work out perfectly. Thanks."
He turned back to his brood, many of whom looked quite eager to jump in to these intriguing studies, others looking downright bored.
"Okay. We have one for you. His code name is BR-41N. He's not going through any major testing, and he's generally given the usual works -- labyrinths, shock treatment, all that. But, um... he bites. Really bad. So... you'll have to watch it, all right?"
"Okay," Rachel nodded, looking a little nervous.
"All right. Umm.... Good. Yes. So, let's head back to the main campus, and... we'll start your work tomorrow."
And they left.
BR-41N had only heard part of all this, and had understood none of it. He shivered in his cage, taking a moment to drink some water out of the bottle that hung there. While the arrival of such a large group intrigued him, especially since it consisted of a much younger set than normal, it also made him nervous. Was it a sign of good things to come... or bad? Or just more of the usual fair? One could only wonder. For now, he was simply grateful that the cheese they'd given him today was, for once, not laced with drugs.
She came by on a Tuesday.
It was an hour after a cosmetics test that he heard a knock on the table. His skin still burned. He was cowering in a far corner, and looked back over his shoulder hesitantly.
Rachel stood there, smiling at him.
"Hello, little one." He stared at her, nonplussed. "I guess you're my charge. You gonna say hello?"
And she opened up the door of his cage.
He shuffled back further. He knew all too well by this point that the opening of a door meant one of two things: food or torture. Considering the fact that she didn't smell of food, he had to assume it was the latter.
"It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. Well, hopefully not...."
Although he didn't understand a word of what she said, her tone was calm; soothing. No one in the lab ever talked to him like this. He couldn't help but stare curiously.
She held her hand up to the entrance and made a soft, squeak-like sound with her mouth. He frowned at her. As if that was going to convince him. He turned away.
"No? I don't blame you," she replied, taking a look at his clipboard. "BR-41N. What kind of a freak name is that? Mind if I call you Brain? Or Brian?"
No response.
"We'll go with Brian. Brain sounds kinda weird."
Brian it was.
She kept the door open, and he braced himself. Any moment now, gloved hands would be protruding into his enclosure to wrap themselves firmly about him, not tight enough to choke him, but secure enough that he couldn't escape. But the hand didn't come. If anything, she pulled up a chair, sat down, and rested her arms upon the table on which his cage sat. She was... giving him a choice? He stared at her, unsure how to react.
"Come on, sweet heart," she cooed, rubbing her fingers together encouragingly.
But he wouldn't budge. If this was some new trick, it wasn't going to work. He wished she'd just grab him and get it over with. Sooner or later, she'd have to. It was only a matter of time. And so he waited....
She sat there for a full twenty minutes, trying her best to get him to come over, but he refused to budge, and so she gave up. As expected, she still ran him through a maze, but instead of reaching in to grab him, she found a clear tube and scooped him up in it, covering both ends before depositing him into the run as such. It was... odd, but less invasive than what he was used to. He rather wished the others would do it that way.
Via the same method she returned him to his cage at the end of the test. As usual, he took to the corner, assuming his usual cowardly pose, but he turned to look at her as she spoke.
"Sorry about that. Nice job, though. See you tomorrow."
And so went the next day... and the next, always with the same introduction: She'd open his door, pull up a chair, and offer her hand to him. After twenty minutes of nothing, she'd scoop him up in the tube, deposit him in the maze or whatever other test he was to perform that day, and return him in the same manner. This went on for four whole weeks, always with a kind word, never coupled with a harsh prod or poking of his skin. He came to somewhat look forward to her almost daily visits, not because he trusted her (the one time she had tried touching him [with gloves on, of course], he'd given her a fair warning in the form of a bite), but because it was the only two hours during the day in which he knew he wouldn't be fed poison, given a shot, or made to inhale cigarette smoke. The other students joked with her. By far, she had the unfriendliest mouse out of all of them, and they found her kind advances a waste of time.
"Just pick him up!" a tall boy said.
Most of them had no problem with handling their subjects by the tail; at least, the boys generally didn't. The girls were kinder, but even they didn't take the time to get to know their animals intimately. They also were given the harder tests to conduct on their critters and so tried not to get attached.
Whereas most of the rats, mice, and hamsters given to the students would eventually be killed in some way or other at the end of the semester, via through vivisection, gassing, cancer, or some other method, BR-41N, or... Brian, as Rachel now called him, was not scheduled to be offed anytime soon and so could not undergo such rigorous experiments. As such, she got both the easy job of conducting very simple tests on him, and also the hard job of trying to work with the most hostile mouse in the entire facility.
"He's never gonna warm up to you," one of the other students said.
Rachel took it as a challenge.
"Watch me," she said.
But Brian was proving to be a much tougher can than expected. By the sixth week, he still hadn't even bothered to venture near the cage entrance when she sat near it, even with tasty treats in hand. He simply didn't trust anyone. Not anymore....
October came and went, to be replaced with a frosty November. Whenever Brian saw Rachel now she had a cup of tea in hand, the better to ward off the coming winter chill. Still she tried; still he refused to relent. Until the 9th....
It was late. She hadn't been able to get to the lab until 8:00 PM due to unfortunate series of events that involved a fender bender, two appointments, and a last minute essay. When she got to the lab she was tired... and not at all in the mood to deal with Brian's B.S., and he knew it.
"'Sup?" she asked him wearily, setting down her things in a huff. Only a handful of other people were still in the facility at this hour, none of them students. Fine by her. She preferred the quiet anyway. "We're gonna do something a little different today, bud."
Indeed.... He perked his ears up at her exhausted tone and the fact that, for once, she didn't open the cage door. But she did still slide the chair up to his table.
On the opposite side of the room was a television on a rolling stand. Normally, this was used for surgeries and other experiments. Once in a blue moon, however, someone would use it for recreational purposes -- to watch the local news when there was time to kill. Most fortunately for Rachel, it also came with a VHS player. Into it she popped a tape, before sitting down in the chair and grabbing her hot cup of peppermint tea. Despite himself, Brian took a whiff of the tea, whose scent had wafted into his cage and tickled his nose. It smelled good.
The film began to play. Brian didn't know the name of it, but whatever it was it was made up of very pretty pictures and featured a lot of dogs... and snow (at least at the beginning). It was rather soothing. Still, he didn't move from his spot, save to grab a lab block at one point to munch on, more to pass the time than anything. His stomach was still a little unsettled from earlier. Privately, he was a bit ticked off at the girl. Had she been a bit earlier he might have avoided the shock treatments. Not that they would have withheld them regardless.
It wasn't until the second song that his attention was at last caught.
"La la lu, La la lu, Oh my little star sweeper, I'll sweep the star dust for you...."
Sweetly did the animated woman sing her little song, and Brian, captivated, perked his ears. He looked up at the television. She was still singing. He stepped forward, bit by bit, until he was right up to the closed door, two little paws coming up to grasp at the bars of his cage as he stared, entranced, at the screen.
"La la lu, La la lu, And may love be your keeper, La la lu, La la lu, La la luuuuu."
And so it ended, all within the span of a minute, if that, but something had stirred with him -- a remembrance of home, and warmth, and what it was like to be loved.
He was still clutching at the bars when he noticed that Rachel was smiling at him, and he promptly sped back to his corner, embarrassed.
"Atta boy," she whispered, still grinning softly at him.
He refused to look at her. He wasn't touched by it or anything. He wasn't....
"It's okay. Don't be embarrassed," said the girl. "I like that song, too."
Brian stayed in his corner the rest of the movie, but the song never left his mind. 
The next day proceeded as normal. Once again, Rachel sat by his cage. Once again, she had brought a treat, albeit one he'd never seen before, nor smelled, for that matter. It was small... and white... and fluffy, and it smelled sugary and sweet. He wanted it. Oh, he wanted it so very badly. But nothing that ever came from the fingers of a scientist, even a soft-spoken one, was innocent. And so he refused, his back turned to her.
"Stubborn butt," said Rachel, and by her tone alone Brian could tell that it was a snide comment. He ignored her.
As had occurred many times before, she left the treat in his cage near the entrance, closed the door, and sat to watch him. His eyes shifted towards the treat. It sat there, staring at him, mocking him. Eat me, it said. No, he thought. Oh, but it smelled so good....
Rachel sighed. So did Brian. She rested her head in her arms, exasperated. Maybe it really wasn't worth it....
Brian licked his lips. Perhaps....
He took a step forward. Rachel remained where she was, head in her arms, not looking at him. He moved another step. She was still as a stone. Patter patter patter patter patter... GRAB. He swooped back to his corner as fast as possible, marshmallow in his mouth. Rachel looked up... and chuckled. Brian dug into the treat, enjoying every second of it as teeth sunk into the savory delight. He'd never tasted anything this good before. It was better than mother's milk; much better than lab pellets; better than cheese....
"Silly little thing," Rachel giggled, smiling as he filled his cheeks with pleasantness. "Wait 'til you see what I bring you tomorrow."
Tomorrow, he was to find out, brought a piece of a doughnut, and the day after that a waffle. He'd never been this darn spoiled before. On the fourth occasion, he was, for once, already at the door, waiting to see what she'd bring. Lady and the Tramp and sugar, it turned out, were the keys to his heart, although he still wouldn't let her touch him. If her hand so much as brushed his fur he was back to his corner in a rush, although, this time, he didn't try to bite her first.
Rachel laughed when she saw the two little paws clutching at the gated entrance.
"You like 'em that much, huh? Here ya' go."
He stepped back to allow her access to the gate, and watched carefully as she placed something savory and smelling of salt inside. He sniffed, investigating as she closed the door. He took a tentative bite. Mmmmm. Yes, this was acceptable. Grabbing it, he rushed back to his usual corner and chowed down.
"Good. A fellow bacon appreciator," Rachel nodded, satisfied.
He ate the entire piece, licking his lips and proceeding to clean himself afterwards. That had been a bit messy. Good, but messy. If there was something he still valued, it was cleanliness. He could at least retain some form of dignity. The state of his fur was one of the few things he still had control over. Unlike some of the other unfortunate chaps, he'd never had to endure surgery or a shaved stomach.
Two little pink ears perked up as his cage door was opened yet again. More treats? No. Just Rachel, hand offered to him once more. Brian sighed. She just wouldn't give up, would she?
A second glance made him aware that she did, in fact, have something in her hand -- another marshmallow. Hmph. Sneaky. And yet, he'd be lying if he said he didn't want it....
"It's okay, little one," Rachel cooed, hand still outstretched, that plump marshmallow beckoning ever so tantalizingly. "I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise."
Brian sighed. He looked down at the floor, then over at her hand.
Rachel's eyes widened a touch, but she otherwise didn't reveal her surprise as Brian moved forward, inch by inch, step by step, towards her hand....
He stopped at the entrance, debating. Dare he...? It was a risk. He'd never willing done this, not since he'd been captured. It was a stupid decision. Stupid. And yet....
Her hand shifted a touch, and Brian shifted nervously with it. Rachel waited with bated breath.
He stepped forward....
In a flash, he'd grabbed the 'mallow from her hand and retreated to the back of his cage, not daring to even think about what he'd just done. It was foolish. It was dangerous. And yet, she hadn't tried to grab him, or even pet him. She'd just... given him a choice. And he'd taken it. Somehow, for some reason, he'd taken it.
Rachel smiled.
"Atta boy."
Perhaps it was the mere fact, the tantalizing realization, that he had a choice in the first place, that drew him back, but over the course of the next few weeks, things changed.
It had started slow at first. A light brush of the whiskers here; a sniff of the hand there. But, eventually, Brian, of his own accord, stepped into her hand. And she didn't close her fingers about him harshly, or strangle him, or pick him up by the tail. She simply... let him be. It was kind. It was unobtrusive. It was respectful. And he appreciated it.
No longer did the other students make fun, or joke that she'd never gain his trust. If anything, they questioned her.
"How the heck did you do it?" they'd ask, curious.
Even more confused were the scientists themselves. Not that anyone had tried very hard to gain the little mouse's trust. He was, in their opinion, not worth the time.
But he was to Rachel.
December came, and with it a complete turn-around in Brian's behavior, albeit towards one particular individual.
He eagerly rushed into her hand now. No need for the transportation tube. She could carry him on her shoulder to the maze area and pick him up with her bare hands as she placed him in the labyrinth, although she still made sure to let him take the first step and would, more often than not, simply offer a hand instead of plucking him from her shoulder. He still appreciated this.
Every weekday was now a day to look forward to. Sure, he was still tormented by the main personnel, but for two or three hours, two or three sweet hours, he didn't have to worry about anything. On the days he suffered from a stomach-ache, she'd hold him close to her chest and do her best to rub the pain away, offering him tea to ease his suffering, and if he fell asleep on her shoulder and woke up, shaking, from a bad dream, she'd rock him back and forth, singing "La La Lu" to him until the nightmares went away. On those rare nights, when she could only work late and no one was around, she'd bottle feed him. He'd been hesitant (and a little embarrassed) at first, but any reminder of home was difficult to ignore, and so he ended up embracing each form of love and affection with open paws, clutching tightly to her chest some days, as if this hug would be his last. For all he knew, it could be. He'd gotten used to her visits, but what if she left and never came back? He didn't want that love to leave....
December 14th.
The end of the semester was approaching. Rachel had told him, time and again, that she was leaving soon; that she would miss him; that she'd try to come back for the next semester. Brian understood none of this. He was a mouse, after all. Human language was foreign to him. The most he could understand was the occasional word -- his name, Brian, and various names of foods and tests -- and basic inflections that he knew signified concern, happiness, or contentment. But he didn't understand "leave", or "semester", or "miss". He could tell something was wrong, that she was sad, but as to why, he did not know.
A week from the last day of the semester, she brought a surprise: a movie. It had something to do with a rat, and food. He liked it for those things. He wished he could understand the words. It seemed interesting. He sat on Rachel's shoulder the entire time, at least until the end of the film, during which Rachel offered her hand to him. He accepted. She brought him up to her chest, nuzzling him close.
"I'm going away for a while, but... I'll try to be back next semester."
She petted him gently. He stared up at her, curious and concerned. Why was she so sad?
"I'm going to miss you...," she whispered. And, for the first time, she kissed him on his fuzzy white head. "I love you...."
He didn't understand the words, but he understood what they meant; how they felt.
Slowly, gently, he nuzzled close to her... and licked her fingers. It was the first time he'd shown genuine affection outside of nuzzling since he'd been captured. I love you, too....
He didn't understand it, but... there was something in the air that told him something big was coming. Something new. Something was going to be different....
December 18th came just like any other day. The semester was coming to a close. Many students had already finished their courses and gone home for the holidays. The occasional class still lingered on, including the medical science class. Most all had completed training and experimentation on their subjects for the season and were simply spending the next few days filing reports and filling out last minute essays. Some of the rodents wouldn't live to see the new year. Others had already been subjected to vivisection by their handlers and were far from the lab by this point. Subject BR-41N was one of the few who'd been given the same sheet on their clipboard day after day, week after week: a run of the mill of the usual, simple, non-invasive tests, along with an injection or two. But today was different.
As Rachel stepped up to Brian's cage, sipping at a hot cup of tea and smiling as her charge ran up to the bars to greet her, she frowned as she pulled up the clip board. His tag was yellow. Not the usual blue, but... yellow. She set down her cup, ignoring Brian's squeaky pleas to be let out as she looked over the sheet carefully.
Subject Reserved for Project B.R.A.I.N. // Invasive Study -- Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Psychology // 4:00 PM - Dec. 20
There was a pause, in which the dip in Rachel's brow furrowed ever deeper, her eyes roaming about the page scrutinizingly, before she slipped the paper out of its holder and headed back out the way she'd came, Brian looking curiously after her.
She marched all the way to a back office, in which sat one of the laboratory heads: Jackson. He looked up over his square-rimmed glasses as she knocked upon the exposed inner door frame.
"Yes?" he asked, sounding bored.
"Hey. Um.... I think you gave my subject the wrong paper."
"Yeah. He got a yellow."
She stretched out her arm, offering the paper as proof, but he didn't take it. Instead, he looked up at her, fingers meeting at their tips, and said:
"No, I gave you the right paper. That's for BR-41N. His procedure is in two days."
His tone was flat and laced with a thin layer of poison, as if her daring to question him was a challenge.
"But... I thought he was just doing mainly labyrinth tests."
"Ms. Field, I thought you were told...?"
"Told what...?"
"He's been scheduled for this procedure for months. We wanted him fresh and so have eschewed more invasive tests until now. Frankly, you've been spending a little too much time with that mouse. He's gotten too friendly. We're not in the business of developing attachment here."
He said all this with a straight face, completely emotionless. Rachel swallowed thickly.
"Sir, I've... been going over this test. It's... very dangerous."
"It could kill him...."
Rachel simply stared at him, uncertain of what to say next. He wasn't working with her here....
"Look.... What did you expect? You're studying medical science, correct?"
She nodded.
"Okay, well," he continued, a small chuckle of sarcasm escaping his lips as he said it. "Y-You have to realize that... this is a laboratory. We can't keep every subject. And these tests come with a lot of risks."
"Could you possibly do the test on another subject...?" Rachel asked, choosing her words carefully. "Brian is still kind of young, and..."
"Sorry, I mean... BR-41N."
"You can't start... naming them, Miss Field. That's when you start getting attached. Understand?"
"I know...," Rachel mumbled, cheeks reddening as she looked down at her shoes.
"And the whole point of using him at this age is because his mind is younger. He's fresh."
"But he's just a baby..."
"Yes? And? A lot of the other students are working with infants."
"This one is...," Rachel began, than stopped. Already she'd said too much.
"Miss Field, if you don't prepare him for the procedure, someone else will. Now, you can either do your assignment or lose your credits. It's your choice."
Rachel sighed. Still holding the paper, she let her arm fall dramatically to her side.
And she turned to walk off. But...
"Miss Field?"
She looked at him.
"Don't do anything stupid."
"Yes, Sir," Rachel replied, after a hefty pause, and headed back to her charge.
Brian didn't understand why Rachel was so quiet that day, nor why she cuddled him so much. She whispered to him something about "breaking out" and "night", but he didn't understand what those things meant, although he heard the urgency in her voice. As a result, he was a little more uptight the rest of the afternoon.
Before leaving, Rachel kissed the top of his head again, before setting him back down in the cage and hooking the door. Her good-byes were all but gibberish to him, although he recognized the word "tomorrow". So he'd be seeing her tomorrow. That was good. At least he had a time frame. He was naive to the rest....
December 19th 9:15 PM
BR-41N cleaned his whiskers, pondering.
She hadn't shown up today. Strange. "Tomorrow". She's said "tomorrow". Today was tomorrow. Why hadn't she come?
To his left, in a far corner of the room, someone sneezed in their cage. Brian frowned sadly. It was that hamster again. Whatever they'd given him had put him into a sneezing fit for an hour. Now and then he relapsed.
He yawned, stretched, and made for the food dispenser, when he suddenly heard a sharp click of a door being opened and abruptly snapped shut. He turned in the direction of the door. A light flicked on. Brian smiled.
Rachel's feet slid across the floor in haste. Instead of her usual student lab coat, she was decked out in her normal clothes, complete with backpack. Her hoodie was up, obscuring her hair, save for a few strands that stuck out here and there, as well as part of her face. She moved with purpose, albeit a little covertly, looking over her shoulder every now and then, as if expecting someone to grab her at any minute.
Set in a wall above the entrance to the room, a camera followed her. Rachel's eyes shifted at the sound as she moved towards Brian's cage. She knew she only had five, maybe ten, minutes at best.
Opening the cage door, she held her hand out for Brian to step onto. He hesitated. Something didn't smell right....
"Come on. We're busting you out of here, dude," Rachel whispered.
Brian cocked his head at her questioningly.
"Listen, they're going to put your through that splicer if we don't get you out of here, so come on."
There was an urgency in her voice that, despite his misgivings, compelled him to move forward. He trusted her too much by this point.
"Atta boy," she praised him, tucking him in her shirt pocket.
He peeked out, paws clutching at the edges of the pocket interestedly.
"Let's go," Rachel whispered, turning back to the door and stopping as she realized that someone was already standing there....
Framed in the metal doorway was a woman, thirty-five... maybe forty-something in age. Her arms were crossed, and the expression on her face seemed as taught and firm as the scrunchie tightening her poofy auburn hair. Her long lab coat was still settling; she must have only just gotten there. Rachel recognized this woman. Lana, her name was -- she was one of the head managers at the facility. Jackson had obviously tipped her off.
"Fancied a night stroll?" she asked, tone dripping with sarcasm.
Rachel remained frozen in place, a hand subconsciously cupping her shirt pocket. The gesture didn't go unnoticed.
"You know you're risking a lot for this. That's all your credits down the drain."
"He's worth it," Rachel answered, resolute.
"He's not. You take him and they'll just get another subject."
"At least I'll have saved this one."
"We'd still rather you not take an asset that's been reserved for months for this procedure," Lana nipped, taking a step forward.
Rachel took a step back. Her eyes shifted to a door to her left. It led to several other testing rooms and then back out into the main hallway. Some of the doors had security locks. It was the long way around, but if she was fast enough....
"Rachel...," Lana spoke, tone threatening as she advanced. "Put him down."
With each step Lana took towards her, Rachel moved two back. She could feel herself starting to perspire. Gosh, this was a stupid idea....
With a hand cupped over her shirt pocket, Rachel darted in the direction of the door, opening it up in a flash and slamming it shut behind her. Already she was racing for the opposite end of the room, where another door stood.
Brian jumped as an alarm went off, followed by red lights that flashed all throughout the facility. Rachel was already in the next room, her heart racing. She could hear the panicked footsteps behind her, mimicking her own, and hoped upon hope that she was faster than her pursuer.
Rachel picked up her pace as she entered the next room. This one, she knew, required an employee badge to open. All of the students had been given security badges, of course, primarily for general access to the entrance and main rooms. They worked on some doors in the facility. Some, but not all. She'd never been in these rooms. Privately, she prayed that they'd open for her.
Slamming her badge up against a wall panel, she bounced up and down on the balls of her feet nervously.
"Come on. Come oooon! Take it!!"
It did. The door unlocked, and she swung it open in haste to make for the next locked door, which also granted her entrance.
She was faster than Lana, but it didn't mean the woman wasn't hot on her heels. Brian shut his eyes tightly, huddling against Rachel's chest on the inside of her pocket as she darted about, her hand still cupping him securely. He knew, somehow, that this was about him. His ears rotated this way and that at the duo of clicking feet racing down the linoleum flooring. Who would win? Who was he most valuable to?
It wasn't until the fourth room that Rachel started to panic. Yet again, she'd reached a door asking for proof of access, except this time... her badge was not accepted. She shook the door handle feebly, knowing it wouldn't open; knowing this was the end of the line. Despite himself, Brian peeked out of the shirt pocket, just in time to see Lana as Rachel swiftly turned around to face the woman, who stood at the opposite end of the room, hair askew and chest heaving as she glared at Rachel and her tiny charge.
"You're persistent, I'll give you that," Lana huffed.
"Why do you need him?! Just let me take him and get another subject!" Rachel bit.
"We let you get away with it and you'll set a precedent! You know that!" Lana snapped right back. "And we don't want to waste any more time. We've spent too much money on this project."
"He's just a baby!"
"All of them are meant to be expendable! Hand him over!"
Brian's ears flicked. Rachel held her breath. Was it just them, or did they hear... more footsteps?
"You won't have a choice," Lana said flatly, expressionless as she was joined by not one, not two, but five other lab hands, one of the them Jackson, all of them full-time personnel.
"Rachel.... Hand him over," Jackson said, holding out his hand expectantly.
Rachel glared daggers at him, even though she was fully aware of the impossibility of the situation. Like the mouse she was trying so hard to protect, she was trapped, her back against the wall, literally. They were going to take him. They were going to take him and there was nothing she could do about it....
"I told you not to do anything stupid," Jackson continued.
"Please...," Rachel pleaded, breathing heavily. "Please, let me take care of him. I'll train another in his place as compensation, I swear. Just... don't hurt him."
"And then you'll grow attached to that one and try and kidnap it. We've seen it before. You're not the first," Jackson reprimanded.
"Good," said Rachel. "I'm glad I'm not."
Privately, she wondered why she'd ever signed up for this in the first place. She wanted the degree. She wanted it badly. She also loved animals, and knew that following her passion came with sacrifices. What she hadn't counted on was how difficult it would be to accept that. It wasn't feasible, she realized. In fact, it was darn near impossible.
She looked down at the infant trembling in her pocket -- at this little creature that had captured her heart and locked it away, far away from any hopes and dreams of graduating in the medical field of her choosing. "He's not worth it," Lana had said. Was he not? Brian looked up at her, those glossy little eyes staring at her expectantly, trustingly. She smiled sadly at him and, for the last time, cuddled him close, before looking up at the troop across from her.
"If you want him, come and get him," she challenged. They weren't getting him without a fight.
And they rushed at her.
She tried to escape. Oh, she tried... and failed. They grabbed her by the arms as she wrestled against them, cheering Brian on as he somehow managed to escape from her pocket and slip underneath one of the shelving units in the room. But Lana caught him, Brian squeaking as his tail snagged between the beaker and the small metal panel she'd captured him with. He stared at Rachel, his desperate, panicked expression the last thing she saw before being knocked out.
- Two Years Later -
The plan had failed. Rather spectacularly, he might add....
It was the first time in Brain's memory he could ever recall being caught red-handed by any of the personnel at Acme Labs. It was a miracle he and Pinky had managed to escape, but, despite his best attempts, they'd been separated in the process.
He made for a facility some yards away from the main laboratory, sweating as he squeezed under its front door and immediately hid under a cabinet to his right. Lights flashed now and again beyond the windows, desperate voices accompanying them as the scientists searched here and their for the escapees. Brain silently prayed that Pinky had somehow found a suitable hiding spot.
In his position under the cabinet, he backed up against the wall and slid down it, a paw clutching at his chest as he struggled to catch his breath. After a few seconds, he gulped, sniffed, and buried his face in his knees. Stupid. Stupid.... He'd jeopardized their whole mission. What if they'd captured Pinky? What would they do to him? And even if they did escape, where would they go? He'd ruined everything. Everything....
In his haste to remain undetected, he'd neglected to realize that this room... was not entirely devoid of life. It was a small area -- a security office, to be exact. Numerous monitors took up space on a desk, at which someone sat. They slid out of their chair and stepped over to Brain's hiding place. He noticed... and shivered.
Whatever, whomever, it was got down on their knees to peer at him from just outside the dresser.
"Hello...," they said.
It was a woman. Her voice was soft, and kind, but Brain turned his head away from her prying eyes. Typical. In an effort to not get caught he'd inevitably been ratted out. He immediately considered making a run for it, but, for some reason he couldn't explain, he didn't.
"Hey.... Shh. Shh. It's okay, little one. It's okay," cooed the woman. "You wanna come on out...?"
And she held out a hand to him. She didn't try to grab him, or scare him out. She simply... gave him a choice.
But it had been too long. He didn't recognize her, neither she him... until she noticed the tail. Then she knew.
"Brian...?" she breathed, eyes growing wide.
He stared at her, nonplussed, still shivering.
"Brian, it's me. Rachel," she beckoned, her hand still in place. But he didn't move. If anything, he frowned at her. "Brian"?
And she tried everything -- talking to him soothingly; offering him a treat from her pocket. Nothing worked. Brain simply hid his face once more, willing her to go away; to leave him be; to, hopefully, not report him to the authorities if they came to call.
Rachel sighed. She sat up for a moment, thinking, and blinked. Struck with a sudden idea, she rested her hands on her lap... and began to sing....
“La la lu, La la lu, Oh my little star sweeper, I'll sweep the star dust for you...“
Brain blinked... and lifted his head, ever so slowly....
“La la lu, La la lu, Little soft fluffy sleeper, Here comes a pink cloud for you...“
He stood up... and walked forward, right to the edge of the cabinet. She was still singing.
“La la lu, La la lu, Little wandering angel, Fold up your wings, Close your eyes...”
His mouth was fully open now, his round eyes glossy and getting ever shinier. He couldn't pull his gaze away from her face.
“La la lu, La la lu, And may love be your keeper...
La la lu, La la lu, La la lu....”
Rachel stared at him, smiling. He had completely stepped out from under the cabinet by now, his little body trembling slightly.
"Hello, little star sweeper," Rachel whispered to him.
Breath hitching, Brain ran onto her lap, up her shirt, and clutched tightly to her chest, only a second or two going by before he felt those familiar hands hold him gently, securely.
"Oh, Brian...," she choked, kissing his head. He didn't even flinch.
"Why didn't you come back?" he asked, unable to hold back his tears.
"I couldn't," she answered honestly. "But I was able to keep an eye on you from here."
He sniffed and pulled back a little to look around the room. It was, indeed, a security office, and a fairly high end one at that, decked out with all the works.
"I'm an artist now, but in my part time I take the night shift. They at least let me come back for that, probably 'cause Jackson and Lana are gone now," she chuckled softly. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you this time...."
Brain looked up at her, suddenly understanding. All that time they'd never been caught; never been reported. All those months and years that the camera had simply turned a blind eye to their antics. He thought it was simply negligence. Now he knew why.
"Thank you...," Brain whispered. "And it's... Brain now."
"I know," she smiled. “I still watch tv, ya' know. I just still remember you as my 'Brian'. I'm sorry, Brain."
He couldn't help but smile. All this time....
"Come with me?" Rachel asked him.
"Back to my place. I'll hide you. You can have the guest room, if you'd like."
A sharp knock at the door startled them both, and she quickly ran to her desk, Brain in her hands. She lifted him up and under the desk.
"There's a hidden panel in the roof! Get in it!" she whispered to him urgently.
He found it, albeit with a little difficulty. He pushed at a little area that looked as if it had been cut into... and down shifted a small cubby in which she kept an assortment of odd bits and bobs that were probably not supposed to be in her possession -- special looking keys and badges, among other things. He slipped into it, and Rachel pushed it closed before walking over to answer the door....
Another barrage of bangs thundered at the entrance as Rachel opened it, a hand on her hip as she held the door ajar, doing her best to look as ticked off as possible.
"Sheesh! Gimme a minute to finish pouring my tea! Gosh...."
Outside stood two gentlemen, both in lab coats, looking frantic.
"Have you seen a mouse?" one of them said. He was taller and appeared to be the leader. "White. Large cranium. He was with a companion."
Rachel shrugged.
"Is that what you guys have been looking for?"
"You haven't seen them on your cameras?" the second man asked, panting a little.
Rachel shook her head.
"No, I haven't seen anything."
The men exchanged glances.
"We'd better search the place, just to make sure," the leader said, and without further ado they barged in and began searching every nook, cranny, drawer, and trash can they could. They failed to find the hidden cubby, however. "Can we ask you to roll back the footage?"
"Sure, but you're not gonna find anything," Rachel shrugged again.
They did as permitted, scrutinizing every bit of film captured within the last ten minutes. Although they managed to catch one or two glimpses of the mice leaving the lab, as expected, they couldn't find hair no hide of them on any other roll. Behind their backs, Rachel smirked. Smart little guy. Even on the run, he'd purposely made sure not to walk in the path of the cameras.
After several more minutes of scrutiny, they finally gave up, heading for the door in a huff.
"Sorry for your time. Report to us if you find anything," said the leader.
"No problem," Rachel said, shutting the door with a snap behind them and sighing deeply. Yeah, right..., she thought.
Going back to her desk, she pushed open the hidden cubby. It lowered down and Brain immediately jumped into her hand, breathing rather heavily.
"Sorry, little one," Rachel apologized. I can imagine it's pretty stuffy in there...."
He gave her a look, albeit not a very harsh one. He had no reason to complain.
She raised her hand, allowing him to jump up onto her shoulder.
"They'll be back later to go over more footage," Rachel warned, sitting down at her desk and leaning back in her chair.
"I know," Brain said, licking at his paws and smoothing out his frazzled fur.
Rachel jumped a little and stared at him.
"Heh. I forgot you guys talk now...."
"Is that a problem...?" Brain asked, a little nervously.
Rachel smiled.
"Not at all."
She reached out a hand to scratch at a spot behind his ears.
"What are you...? Ohhhh-ho-ho-ho...," Brain melted, reeling a little at first before giving way to a goofy smile and a thumping foot as he pressed into the touch.
"Still got that little sensitive spot, huh?" Rachel chuckled, her scratches evolving into a head massage.
Brain practically fell off her shoulder, Rachel catching him in her hands and raising him up to eye level, the better to get a good look at him. He cleared his throat, embarrassed. How demoralizing.... But Rachel simply beamed at him.
"You know... I really missed you."
"I... wish I could say the same...," Brain confessed, shuffling a foot. He imagined he had thought of her often, as an infant, but over time the memories simply... faded.
Rachel didn't look upset, though.
"I understand. It's okay. I still love you."
"I...," Brain began, then stopped. No. He couldn't bring himself to say it. Even with Pinky he couldn't ever admit such a thing, and he loved Pinky most of all.
"You don't have to say it. I know you do in your heart," Rachel said, and she kissed him tenderly on the top of his head.
His ears flattened as she did it, and he almost immediately smoothed out the area where she'd kissed him, but he couldn't hide the blush tickling his cheeks and ears. Her behavior was cheesy as all get out, but privately he knew she was right. He did care, even if he'd never admit it.
Just then, something, or... someone, slipped underneath the door. A white-furred, lanky somebody.
"Pinky!!" Brain yelped.
Brain leapt off of Rachel in a flash, landing hard on the floor and limping a little as he ran into Pinky's outstretched arms.
"Brain!!" Pinky shouted right back. "Oh, I thought I'd never see you again!!"
He twirled him around in a circle or two before Brain became aware of what he was doing and promptly pushed himself out of Pinky's grasp, clearing his throat, once again embarrassed.
"Y-Yes, well.... I'm... glad you're safe, Pinky," Brain replied awkwardly, patting his companion on the head.
"Ohhh! Who's this, Brain?" Pinky asked, pointing up at Rachel, who still sat in her computer chair, smiling down at them both.
"Umm.... Pinky, this is Rachel. She's... an old friend."
"Nice to meet you, Pinky! I've heard a lot about you. Well, maybe not heard, but... I've seen you guys on the tv a lot!" Rachel said, beaming.
"You have?!" Pinky gasped, clasping two paws to his face in surprise. "Did you hear that, Brain? We're famous!!"
"Pinky, we've been famous many times, all of them never lasting as long as I'd like...," Brain recollected.
"Well, yes, Brain, but never to a friend!"
Rachel smiled and leaned forward a little.
"I have a proposition for you guys."
"For both of us? Is that legal, Brain?" Pinky whispered to his cage mate, looking concerned, to which Brain facepalmed.
"Proposition, Pinky, not proposal."
"Ohhhhhhhhh. Well, that's different then, isn't it?" Pinky said, nodding eagerly to Rachel.
"How would you guys like to come room at my place? Just for as long as you need until you can get off your feet."
Once again, Pinky gasped excitedly.
"Can we, Brain?!"
"Well...," Brain pondered, hesitating. The offer, though generous, made him feel rather... helpless and awkward, as if he was intruding.
"You're welcome to any of the food and stuff. I've got havarti," she smirked.
Pinky gasped again.
"Oh, please, please, please, please, pleeeeaaaaase, Brain?!?" Pinky pleaded again.
"You're... sure you wouldn't mind?" Brain asked. "I'd hate to intrude...."
"My house is yours," Rachel said genuinely. "And it comes with a pool table," she added, winking at Pinky.
Pinky was doing his utmost to contain a squeal, biting his lip and practically bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet. Brain rolled his eyes.
"Oh, all right...," he relented.
"YAAAAAY!!" exclaimed Pinky, jumping into Rachel's outstretched hand, followed by Brain, as she lifted them up onto her shoulder.
"You'll have to hide in my backpack on the way to the car," she said. "The next guy is about to swap out with me."
And she pulled her backpack up from off the floor and plopped it onto the desk, opening it up. Pinky sprung off her shoulder as if it was a diving board, plunging into the depths of the backpack, which, by all accounts, wasn't very deep. Pinky didn't seem to mind, though. He had fun "swimming" around amongst the snacks, car keys, pencils, wallet, and little sketchpad all the same. Brain simply shook his head, unable to keep a smile off his face. What an idiot.
Rachel was as good as her word. They were given the guest bedroom, along with access to the rest of the house, food included. Provided they didn't draw too much attention to themselves, they were allowed to tinker and plan all they liked within the safety of the back room, and lie low they did, for Acme Labs was on the hunt for a good number of weeks before they gave up on finding them entirely.
Pinky was quite fond of the seemingly unlimited amount of cheese available in the fridge, along with the plethora of movies Rachel had at her disposal. He was often to be found in front of the television, and if he wasn't there he was by Brain's side almost constantly. Brain was most grateful for the space in which to concoct experiments and conjure up plans for world domination, although he had to improvise more often than not, seeing as he didn't have all of the lab's equipment at his beck and call anymore. It was something he sorely missed, but he couldn't say he minded the warm bed and good food that came with their new living quarters either. It was... nice.
Once in a blue moon (which ended up being once a month), Pinky would request Lady and the Tramp for movie night, not just because he liked it, but because of Brain's unusual reaction to it. He liked to watch him subconsciously lean up against Rachel as they sat next to her, eventually breaking down into a fit of silent tears as "La La Lu" danced around the room. Sometimes Rachel would pick him up, holding him close and massaging his head as he calmed against her chest. Oftentimes, Pinky would join them, cuddling up next to Brain as they nuzzled together in Rachel's warm hands.
"I love you, Brain," Pinky would mumble sweetly, giving him an extra squeeze.
"I love you, little one," whispered Rachel, petting him softly.
I love you, too, said Brain in his own little way, holding them both just a tiny bit tighter, a smile creeping its way up onto his face. It was nice, being loved....
~ I love you, too. ~
The End
The ending of this is meant to be sort of an alternate to Pinky, Elmyra, and the Brain. What if they'd ended up there after running away from Acme instead of at Elmyra's?
I didn’t realize until after writing this that it makes no sense for Rachel to be cool with Brain talking one minute, only to be surprised by it the next. It’s a glaring error on my part, but I left it in as a reminder to myself that I need to be more careful. Lol.
Technically, this whole thing is a self-insert, although the name of the girl is not my real name. It’s actually the cognomen of my very first rat. Ha-ha. But the personality of the character is me -- how I talk; act around animals; and most likely what I’d do if put into this situation. The exception is the chase scene. I don’t think I’d act that... panicked? Who knows, though....
This is kind of a way I show compassion for Brain, seeing as I cannot, of course, give him an actual hug. I love Brain more than any other fictional character I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching on screen. It’s not a romantic love or anything. Certainly not. It’s more... maternal. The desire to love and protect is strong. That combination of: individual with a tragic backstory + laboratory setting + main character who happens to be a mouse = the perfect concoction to turn my heart to mush. I owned rats for many years and have a great love for animals, and tend to get attached to certain fictional characters, so here you have the result. He’d be as averse as ever to physical affection, but if I could hold Brain in my hands, plant a kiss on his head, and tell him he’s loved. I would. Thank God for Pinky.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding High
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One Shot- Whamageddon
Summary: Frank loses a Christmas time bet…
Warnings: Bad Language words
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: This is my first entry for @sweater-daddiesdumbdork and @sagechanoafterdark s Festive Writing Challenge. My prompt is- “Did you put antlers on the dog?” This takes place in the Riding High timeline, alongside Ch12- ILY which was their first Christmas together.  (FYI Whamageddon is a real thing that me and my friends play every year without fail...and its HARD!!!  https://www.whamageddon.com/)
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Frank parked his truck in the space next to Fliss’ jeep and hopped out, making his way over the lawn to his apartment. That had been an awkward job, really awkward job if he was honest. It had taken him a lot longer than anticipated to locate the problem in the fuel pump, and at one point he was expecting to have to roll it over and finish in the morning which he really hadn’t wanted to do, as Saturdays were the one morning of the week he was able to lie in, uninterrupted and the thought of having to drag himself away from that pissed him right off. Thankfully, Bill had come to his rescue and collected Mary from school, dropping her with Fliss at the yard, something he knew Mary loved and Fliss seemed to enjoy too and it had given him the extra couple of hours he needed to finish up.
As a result whilst he was now tired, dirty, covered in grease and ready for a beer, he could relax that evening knowing he didn’t have to haul his ass out of bed at six am. He’d be able to at least sleep until Fliss’ alarm went off at eight. Mind you, even then he tended to go back to bed after they’d had breakfast, or nap on the couch until about fifteen minutes before Mary was due home. After all, he didn’t have horses to muck out and ride.
Fuck that.
As he traipsed up the steps to his apartment he could hear the sounds of Last Christmas by Wham playing and he cursed. “Fuck!” With a groan he pulled out his phone and opened up the group message, rolling his eyes in annoyance. He typed a single word “Whamageddon” and hit send. This was a game he and the boys played every year. It was a contest to see who could go the longest time over the holiday period without hearing that infernal fucking song. The rules were simple, you weren’t allowed to be a dick by tricking each other and sending messages, videos or emails containing it, and it had to be the original version, so covers, remixes and people singing it didn’t count. It also relied on all of them being honest enough to own up, but they were the Circle Of Truth after all. So far it had claimed Simon and Greg, leaving him and Jake in the running…and now he’d just lost meaning Jake won the forty-dollar pot. Mind you, the last 2 years they’d played it said forty-bucks had been used to purchase drinks on their night out so it wasn’t like he’d actually lost anything, just the satisfaction of beating Jake. But the fact he’d lost that was annoying in itself.
Fuck you George Michael.
Shoving his phone back into the pocket of his dirty jeans with an annoyed growl, Frank yanked the door open and instantly was hit with the sweet notes of nutmeg and ginger as something baked in the oven and the loud sounds of giggling and singing from the lounge. He passed through the small kitchen and paused in the doorway as he saw Mary on the couch,  bouncing up and down, her hands in Fliss’ as his girlfriend danced in front of Mary, twirling round, Thor bouncing along with her occasionally issuing the odd, excited bark. Fliss’ wore a headband upon which a pair of reindeer antlers were fixed whilst on Mary’s head sat a Santa hat which was adorned with light up stars.  The irritation of losing instantly left Franky’s system as he could do noth8ing but smile as he watched the pair of them dancing like idiots before Mary glanced up and saw him and gave him a grin. Fliss turned and smiled, waving him over. He shook his head, gesturing to the fact he was filthy but she simply grinned even more, and bent her finger at him, arching an eyebrow. The fact she seemed to get turned on by him being covered in grease greatly amused Frank and he simply met her down right filthy look with one of his own before she pouted at him as he was refusing to play. As usual when she fixed those eyes on him, he simply rolled his own and gave in, striding over the room where he dropped a kiss to her lips as Mary plonked the hat she had been wearing on his head just as the song ended.
“You just lost me a bet.” Frank looked at Fliss, then Mary. They both frowned at one another before Fliss gave a groan.
“Whamageddon.” He confirmed.
“Sorry!” she winced, shrugging as he returned Mary’s hat to her head, pulling it down over her eyes “We made sugar cookies though if that’s any consolation?"
“You’ve been busy.” Frank smiled and Mary nodded, pushing the hat up so she could see.
“We’re gonna decorate them tomorrow afternoon before we got to V and Bills.”
“Who’s we?” Frank arched an eyebrow.
“Me and you” Mary shrugged.
“That so?”
“Yup.” Mary nodded “We got ready made tubes of icing and stuff so even you can’t mess it up.”
Fliss laughed at the affronted look on Frank’s face as he narrowed his eyes at Mary before he reached out and grabbed her causing her to shriek as he tickled her sides.
Mary giggled, her protests becoming louder and lounder as did her laughter until, after one particular loud shriek Frank gave a yell and jumped, looking down at Thor who was stood behind him, his head cocked to one side, tail wagging furiously as he issued a loud bark.
“He just bit my ass!”
Fliss laughed even harder “he’s only playing. If he meant to bite you properly, you’d know about it. He’s never bitten anyone properly in his life.”
“Ha, he’s my bodyguard!” Mary straightened her hat once more before she hopped off the couch “Are you taking me to Roberta’s now?”
“Damned straight I am.” He mumbled, shooting the dog another glare before he turned back to her “You got your stuff?”
“Okay come on. What do you say?” he nodded towards Fliss who rolled her eyes.
“Thanks for watching me and baking and stuff!” she wrapped her arms around Fliss’ waist and Fliss smiled, bending over to give her a hug. “Night Lissy.”
“You’re welcome babe. See you tomorrow.”
Mary skipped off and Frank turned to Fliss giving her another quick kiss.
“You know, you don’t have to make her thank me.” Fliss smiled as he pulled away. “She comes as part of the package.”
“She can still mind her manners.” Frank shrugged “Be back in five.”
Thor made to follow but Fliss grabbed his collar to stop him, before she grinned and after faffing with him for a second let him go. He padded after Frank and Mary, neither of them paying him any attention, although Frank didn’t fail to notice the grins the three of them were getting as they walked down to Roberta’s. Most likely thanks to the hat Mary had on.
Mary pushed Roberta’s door in and they all stepped inside, Roberta coming out of the kitchen to greet them.
“Mary Christmas!” Mary grinned and Roberta scoffed “Geddit? Mary, Merry…”
“Yeah I get it.” Roberta shook her head as Frank let out a snort. Her attention turned to him and she folder her arms, looking him up and down “You look like you just crawled outta some kind of pit. You’re filthy.”
“Yeah, well, been working.” He shrugged as Mary padded past into the living room. “Erm…forgetting something Stack?”
“Oh….” She turned and grabbed her little rucksack off him before she continued.
“Night then.” He shot sarcastically, receiving no response. He shook his head and turned to Roberta “We’re not going out so any issues…”
“There are never any issues Frank.” Roberta rolled her eyes “So, get….” She trailed off as her eyes fell towards Thor “Did you put antlers on the dog?”
Frank turned to look at Thor who was indeed sporting the antlers that had five or so minutes ago adorned Fliss’ head. He gave a snort, now realising why everyone they’d passed had smirked or laughed at them. “No, I didn’t” he shook his head as Thor’s tail began to thump on the floor. “That one’s down to Lissy.”
“You sure you’re not just feelin’ extra festive this year?” she teased and Frank gave a little smile.
“I’m looking forward to it, yeah.” He admitted, his eyes flicking back to the dog before he looked at Roberta. “Been a funny year. Some ways I’ll be glad to see the back of it, in others…” he trailed off as Roberta lay her hand on his arm.
“It was tough, I know. But…it all ended well.” She shrugged “You got that little girl in there and, well, a bigger girl waitin’ for you back home.”
“I’ll tell her you said that!” he grinned and Roberta slapped his arm.
“You know full well that wasn’t what I meant, besides, I’ve seen more meat on a damned grasshopper than there is on Fliss.”
“So now you’re calling her skinny…you know, I never had you down for size shaming Roberta.”
“Get outta my house before I hit you with the mop.” Roberta pointed behind him to the door causing Frank to laugh.
“See you tomorrow.” He turned, patting his thigh signalling for Thor “Come on Rudolph.”
Obediently the dog trotted after him as he left and made his way home, a soft smile playing on his face. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out, snorting at the message of victory from Jake. He then noticed he had another message from Fliss. 
His phone wasn't great on picture messages, it was old school after all, but it was good enough to make him stop in his tracks. Her red, lace bra clad breasts flashed back at him along with the message "on second thoughts, maybe sugar cookies aint enough of an apology...I'll say sorry properly"
Frank swallowed as he shoved the phone back into his pocket and set off home, his pace doubled.
Thank you Whamageddon...
@momobaby227  @marvelfansworld  @cobalt-gear @djeniiscorner @ayamenimthiriel​  @coldmuffinbanditshoe​ @nerdofthefandoms​ @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ @southerngracela​ @goldenfightergir​ @kellymat​ @what-just-happened-bro @jennmurawski13​ @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​ @jtargaryen18​ @onetwo3000​ @ourfinest-hour​ @redhairedfeistynerd​ @charmed-asylum​ @saiyanprincessswanie​ @just-one-ordinary-fangirl​ @before-we-get-started​ @anika-ann​ @icanfeelastormbrewing​ @gigglegirl77​ @bval-1​ @princess-evans-addict​ @mes-2016​ @theladybiers​ @hurricanerin​ @kelbabyblue​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @rebloggingeverything​ @chezdricks​ @gotnofucks​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @i-just-like-fanfics​ @xlanawriter​ @angrybirdcr​ @mariestark​ @aubreeskailynn​ 
Frank Adler
@patzammit​ @lovingonshawn​ @smediumsmeatbae​ @itsmycorneroftheinternet​ @chezdricks​ @aldu-p​ @mariestark​
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itsadamcole · 4 years
the christmas work party
fem!reader x tyler breeze
reader's work Christmas Party doesn't go as she expected it to ...
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word count: 3.1k+
warnings: angsty (kinda), dirty talking, smut
— i’ve just realized that i have yet to post a tyler breeze christmas imagine .... anyway, here it is and here we go —
masterlist || request an imagine here
~ 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
You sit at a table with come co-workers, laughing and chit-chatting. The annual Christmas party that your office usually threw is something you've looked forward to every year, and this year is no different.
They have the best caterer so the food tastes amazing. The free drinks are always a plus too, but you've never drunk much at these events.
The evening goes on pretty much uneventful, until about eleven.
"Excuse me," you say, getting up from the table. "I have to use the ladies' room. I'll be back shortly."
You take your clutch and walk toward the bathrooms. You do your business, even fixing up your makeup and smoothing out your red gown.
There's a dress code at the Christmas party every year. Last year was ugly sweaters or ties. This year, it's formal attire, but it has to be red.
So, you went shopping last week and found the dress you're currently wearing. You found a red satin dress with a slight v-neck. The top of the dress, from the waist up, hugs your body and pushes your breasts up slightly. A sparkly silver belt sits on your waist, adding some extra color and a little sparkle to the dress. The skirt kind of flares out. The best part? The dress has pockets.
As you leave the restroom, you hear a voice in one of the conference rooms. It's your boss yelling and screaming.
"I don't care if it's not done!" he yells. "It's due tomorrow at 9 in the morning. Get it to me or else your ass is gone."
There's a slam then a sigh.
Your boss isn't the nicest person. As a matter of fact, he rarely cares for anyone but himself and this business. He never shows emotion toward his employees, unless it's anger or annoyance. You've seen both. It's not very pretty for someone who's nickname is 'Prince Pretty', but that's usually only about his looks.
Before you can leave the hallway, the door opens and you quickly turn to leave.
"What are you doing here?" you hear come from behind you.
Putting a confident look on your face, you turn toward Tyler Breeze and say, "I was using the restroom, Mr. Breeze."
Tyler walks up to you and asks, "I mean, what are you doing here? At the party. Don't you have files you need to go over before our meeting on Thursday?"
Confused, you say, "I'm not allowed to come out when I have to go over files?"
Your boss says, "Not when this meeting is one of the most important in your entire career. It's important to make sure you have every detail down."
This is the annoyance that Tyler always shows. He's not holding back.
Crossing your arms over your chest, you say, "You doubt my skills if you think that I won't have every detail memorized before the meeting on Thursday. It's still four days away, and I've already gotten through half if not most of the files. I apologize for coming to the office Christmas party, sir. It won't happen again."
You roll your eyes and turn to walk away until Tyler's hand grips your upper arm. He turns you back to him and you find yourself standing extremely close to Tyler Breeze.
"I didn't appreciate the tone that you just had with me, Miss L/N," Tyler says, staring down at you.
Smirking, you say, "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" This sounds very much like a challenge. It'll be surprising if he doesn't fire you right here, right now.
Tyler eyes you up and that's when your heart begins to race in your chest. You're standing very close to him, almost too close. You don't know whether to push him back or let him get out whatever he's feeling.
He gives a laugh and says, "That sounds like a challenge, Y/N. I do like a good challenge." He smirks at you and his tongue swipes across his bottom lip.
The action alone is enough to make your core begin to ache. The ache catches you off guard and you bite your lip. You stare up at Tyler and say, "You would, wouldn't you?"
Before you can react, you're sandwiched between the wall and Tyler's body. You look up at the much taller man.
Tyler says, "I hope no one's told you already how nice you look in that dress."
You've received a compliment or two tonight from some of your close work friends, and that's why you tell Tyler. "A few people have, yes," you say. "Maybe if you weren't hiding out and yelling over the phone then you might've been the first."
It would be a lie if you said that you didn't find Tyler attractive. He's very good looking and you know that's how he gained the nickname Prince Pretty. His personality is a huge turn off though since he's a jerk most of the time.
"I may regret not being the first person to compliment you," Tyler admits.
He's never said anything like that to you before. You've never received a compliment from him before. You're shocked.
You stare up at Tyler and you say, "I've never heard you give a compliment to anyone. Especially not to me. As a matter of fact, you've only talked to me when I've done something wrong so I don't understand what's going on right now, Mr. Breeze."
Tyler looks down at you and he says, "I may be overstepping a boundary when I tell you that I've always found you attractive. The alcohol that I have been drinking has given me some courage to say this to you. I apologize if this comes off as overstepping. If I have acted like a jerk toward you, I also apologize for that."
"You've only acted like a jerk to me since I was hired, and that was seven months ago," you explain. "You really expect me to forgive you just like that, but it won't happen."
He says, "I don't expect it to happen, especially after I do this."
Before you can ask what he means, he leans down and kisses you. You gasp, not expecting him to kiss you. Yet, you kiss him back before you can stop yourself. His hands are on your waist, pushing you harder against the wall before pressing himself against you.
You grasp onto Tyler's jacket, which is a burgundy color with a black collar. He wears burgundy pants and a burgundy tie with a black button-up. You pull him closer to you, well, you pull him as close as you can with your clothes on. You want to be closer to him.
Tyler Breeze may be arrogant and a jerk, but he's an attractive man and it's been a very long time since you've had sex. Maybe having sex with your boss isn't the best idea but it's not your worst idea either.
He pulls away from the kiss since you both need to catch your breath. He's not that bad a kisser, and you wouldn't mind kissing him again.
"I should have asked if that was okay," he says. "I'm sorry."
You lean up and peck his lips before you say, "Stop saying sorry. I don't forgive you for treating me terribly for the past seven months but you can start making it up to me."
Tyler looks down at you and he says, "We better take this to my office then."
You nod and say, "I can agree to that."
He takes your hand and walks off to the elevator. You're on the second floor, and Tyler's office is on the seventh. You'd be far away from everyone and no one would hear you.
Once on the elevator, Tyler's lips are on yours. He undoes his tie but leaves it hanging around his neck. Your hands are in his hair as your lips move roughly against Tyler's.
The elevator ascends to the seventh floor, and the kiss doesn't break until the doors open. You walk down the hallway to Tyler's office. His fingers are intertwined with yours as you hold up your dress with your other hand since he's walking pretty quickly and you're trying to keep up.
Tyler unlocks the door to his office and lets you walk inside. You've never been in here. You've stood at the door but have never been invited in, and for some reason, you think that you'll be invited in more often.
The door locks behind you and you turn to look at Tyler. He pulls off his tie and his suit jacket before walking over to you.
"So what am I allowed to call you?" you ask, curious as Tyler presses you against his desk.
He laughs and says, "Let's start with Tyler tonight. We can work on other nicknames later." Tyler sends you a wink and you can't contain a giggle.
Tyler's fingers hook onto the sleeves on your shoulders and you look down, watching as he pulls the sleeves down.
Your heart pounds in your chest as Tyler presses kisses to your collarbone and neck.
His hands are on your waist for a second before they slide up to your back, and he works on unzipping your dress.
"I hope you have protection," you sigh out as Tyler trails kisses up to your jaw.
Tyler says, "Relax, princess. I have it covered."
He brings your lips to his as he pulls off your dress. The dress pools at your feet, revealing only a pair of lacy red panties underneath.
His hands roam your body as his tongue roams into your mouth.
Never in a million years would you have thought that you'd be standing half naked in front of Tyler Breeze with his tongue in your mouth. Yes you've fantasied about this because he he decently attractive, but you never thought it would happen to you of all people. He's you boss, and this should feel wrong. It doesn't feel wrong at all.
Your fingers work on unbuttoning Tyler's shirt and untucking it from his pants as your tongues battle for dominance. You step out of your dress and kick it somewhere in the dimly lit room. You kick your heels off as you pull Tyler's button up off his body.
Tyler pulls back from the kiss and reaches behind you, knocking things off his desk. You leave kisses to his neck and jaw as he does.
He reaches down and lifts you up by your thighs so you're sitting on his desk. His eyes run up and down your body, his fingers run from your chest, down between your breasts and your stomach.
"You're so beautiful," he mumbles under his breath. His words make your heart skip a beat and you're overcome with a wave of confidence.
You reach down and start to unbuckle his belt, pulling it off of him. Your eyes are on his as you start to unbutton his pants. You look as you push off his pants.
The room is dimly lit, but you can clearly see a huge bulge in Tyler's boxers, and it makes your core ache.
You lick your bottom lip and look back up at Tyler. "Hope you're liking what you see," he says, a smug smirk on his lips.
Your fingers run down his chest and stomach as you say, "I'd like it even more if I could see what's in the boxers." A smirk forms on your lips.
"Eager, hm?" Tyler teases.
You lean up, your lips inches away from Tyler's as you say, "I'm waiting to see what you've got."
Tyler takes that as a challenge and stands you up, turning you around. He leaves kisses on the back of your neck and he says, "I'll show you everything I've got, princess." You can hear the smirk on his face as he literally rips off your panties.
Before you can say anything, Tyler's cupping your core. You gasp and close your eyes.
It's been so long, two years, since you've last had sex of any kind. It's been so long since you've been touched.
Tyler's fingers rub your clit slowly, teasing you. You bite your lip to hold in a moan as you bend yourself over his desk.
Finally, after an eternity of teasing you, Tyler slips a finger inside of you. He moves it slowly, making you gasp and let out a stifled moan. You grip onto the edge of his desk.
His finger speeds up and he eventually adds a second then a third finger. Moans escape your lips even though you try to conceal them.
Tyler pulls his fingers out before you can come. You whine and pout.
"Patience," is all he says. You hear movement behind you and when you look behind you over your shoulder, you see him stepping out of his boxer shorts and his erect member free.
Your eyes widen at the sight of his length and your jaw drops a bit. You've never seen anyone so big. It turns you on.
He kicks your feet apart and runs his tip through your soaked folds. You moan softly and close your eyes, enjoying the feeling.
"If you need me to stop, tell me," Tyler says. "I'll stop."
You sigh, "I don't want you to stop. I never want you to stop."
Tyler smirks before he quickly grabs a condom from his drawer, leaving the box out on his desk. He opens one of the tiny packages before sliding the contents on himself.
He positions himself at your entrance before he pulls one of your legs up so it rests on his desk, giving him more access to your core.
After a second, he slowly begins to thrust into you. He moves shallowly and slowly. You're biting your lip as you try to contain your moans.
His thrusts speed up every few movements, his length going deeper and deeper inside of you. He keeps a medium pace until he's fully inside you. When you've officially taken all of him, he begins to thrust roughly and quickly into you.
Your moans are loud and you're head is thrown back. No matter what you do, you can't quiet down, especially not after Tyler begins to rub your clit as he thrusts into you. Your knuckles are white from grasping onto the edge of the desk.
Tyler's hands are on your waist as he moves hard into you. Grunts and groans come from him as he thrusts.
That's when it hits you. You're being fucked on your boss' desk, by your boss, and it feels so right. It shouldn't but it does.
You get the urge to kiss Tyler. You push up and hold yourself up with your arms. You look behind you and use one of your hands to pull Tyler into a kiss.
The moans don't stop while your tongue is down Tyler's throat. As a matter of fact, they get louder because he begins to hit your g-spot.
"Oh, God," you moan between kisses. "Oh, Tyler. Don't stop. Please."
A smile of satisfaction spreads on Tyler lips.
You feel a knot form in your stomach and your walls begin to clench around Tyler.
He realizes this and says, "You gonna come for me, princess? Hm?"
Nodding, you almost scream, "Yes, I'm gonna come for you. Let me come."
Tyler says, "Come."
Then you do. More than you ever have before. Tyler releases as you do. You're both gasping for air as you come down from your highs.
You thought the night would end right there, but it didn't.
As a matter of fact, you had sex with Tyler all over his office. On top of his desk, against the wall, on the sofa, on his desk chair, and even against the window. You don't leave the building until the sun has begun to rise.
A few weeks pass. You haven't told anyone about the night in Tyler's office. You could be fired if anyone found out. You have been having some fun though. You wear some revealing clothing to work occasionally to tease your boss, which occasionally causes the two of you to have secret sex in Tyler's office.
It's been three weeks since the Christmas Eve party, and you've been called into Tyler's office.
He sits at his desk and he looks dead serious.
"What's going on, Mr. Breeze?" you ask. "Have I done something wrong?"
Sometimes he'll call you into his office for sex, or even just a blowjob or make out session. He looks more relaxed when he does. He looks super serious, and you wonder if you're about to be fired.
Tyler says, "We've been working together very often for the past few week, and a position as my personal assistant as opened up. I figured I'd offer you the job since we've been working together for the past few weeks."
Your eyes widen and you say, "You better not be hiring me as your assistant because we've had sex."
He says, "As much as I've enjoyed the sex, that's not the reason why. You've shown me how skillful you can be and how resourceful you are. Anyone would kill to have you as their assistant. This is a promotion, Y/N. It's up to you if you want to take it. I understand if you wouldn't want to, given our current relationship."
You think about it. Working as Tyler's assistant wouldn't be a terrible thing. He pays his assistants well, almost $30 an hour. You'd get to see him everyday, and there would probably be some other perks.
If anyone found out that you and Tyler have been sleeping together, it might look really bad. It might look like you've fucked your way into this position. Hundreds would kill to be Tyler Breeze's assistant, just for the pay alone.
You stare across the desk at Tyler and say, "Yes, I'll take the job."
He smiles and says, "Welcome to the team. Although you've basically been part of the team for a while."
Glancing back at the door and after seeing it's closed, you get up and walk around his desk. You lean against the desk in front of him and he stares up at you. "As long as you didn't hire me just so I'd be closer to you for sex then I'm happy to be here," you say.
Tyler's eyes are on you and he says, "The sex is just one of your many new job perks." He stands up and presses you against his desk. "I'd also like to take you out, on a real date. How's dinner tonight sound? I'll make the reservation."
You smile and nod, saying, "I'd very much like that."
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since0202 · 4 years
Chapter 6: Study-hard
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It had been a couple of weeks since the tribal gathering, but Grace had been slammed with finals prep before the winter break. There was at least one downside to stacking all of those AP classes and that was the massive amount of work it took to pass her finals and finish her term papers in time.
Jacob had tried to call her a few times over the first week, but she had been so swamped that she had had to decline the calls that Charlie had answered while she was hunkered down in her bedroom sifting through notes and furiously typing on the desktop. 
Bella was making her way through a load of work she hadn’t gotten to since the incident, but she was by no means rushing. All of the air had gone out from her, and in her deflated state, school work was the last of her worries. She’d been putting in more hours at Newton’s store lately, probably to stay out of the house and out from under Charlie’s worried stare.
Grace pulled Bella into her study circle so they could bounce productively off one another and they spent most days after school in the library or upstairs in their room together.
Two weeks after the tribal council meeting, Charlie knocked on their partially opened bedroom door, holding the cordless phone in his hand with a sigh. It was Sunday night and Grace was in the study zone. She glanced up quickly before turning her eyes back to the computer. Her hair was held up by a single pencil in a loose, curled bun. She was wearing wide black framed glasses and a dark green Westmoore High sweatshirt and thick white sweatpants. She had layered the necklace elder Ti’hal had given her the night of the tribal council meeting so that it ringed three strands around her neck and held the black stone just at her collarbone. Jacob’s bracelet was wrapped firmly around her wrist and she played with the loose ends every now and then.
“Tell him I’ll call him back,” she said softly, pouring over a textbook next to her. Charlie held the receiver to his ear.
“Jake, she-” he paused for a minute, “Alright, hold on.” he turned back to Grace, “He says you said that last time and the time before that and the time before that. He’s not taking no for an answer.”
Grace sighed, irritated and held her hand out. Charlie stepped forward and handed it over with a sigh of relief.
“No.” Grace said into the receiver. Charlie did a double take and turned to look at her. She held the phone back out to Charlie. She could hear loud protesting from Jake and stifled a giggle. She wasn’t trying to make him mad or stress him out, but at this moment, school came first.
Grace shook the receiver at Charlie who grabbed it back with a grumble and held the phone to his ear. In the background, Bella let out a chuckle. Charlie’s eyes lit up with surprise at the tinkling sound coming from Bella. She shook her head smiling and turned back to her work.
“Yeah, Jake, no. She’ll have to call you back.” Charlie said over the protest. “It’s finals Jake, they’ll be done in a week. Okay, okay. Yeah, okay.” Charlie trailed off down the hallway trying to talk Jake down and Grace fell back into her work. She could hear a muffled conversation going on downstairs for the next couple of minutes but paid no mind.
The next few days it was quiet from Jacob. Maybe he had gotten the message finally. She was enjoying spending some time with Bella. While she wasn’t her normal self by any means, her quiet company was comforting to Grace and allowed her to focus.
On Wednesday, Bella skipped out early on their study session for her shift at Newton’s, leaving Grace on her own to study under the warm glow of her desk lamp. She put her over ear headphones on and listened to her tried and true study playlist, making headway. She lost all track of time but the early descending darkness was deceiving. It must have been no later than 7pm, but the sky made it look like it was midnight.
It was then that Grace was startled and let out a gasp as she saw a hoodie-clad Jake climbing clumsily through her window and knocking over the huge stack of books on her nightstand. He was already through the window and standing up when Grace hurriedly whispered “Jake what the hell!”
“Grace?” Charlie called from downstairs. Always the in-tune police chief.
“I’m fine! Just knocked over some books.” She called out her door before quietly shutting it. While this was still just Jacob, she was pretty sure he wasn’t supposed to be climbing through her window on a school night in the pitch black.
“Sorry,” Jake whispered with a jerking shrug of his shoulders. He bent to scoop up the books with his broad hands and placed them haphazardly back on her nightstand. He turned to look at her and her face was still one of shock, mouth hanging open, speechless.
“What was I supposed to do?! You haven’t been returning my calls, you haven’t been down to the rez-” Jacob said hurriedly above a whisper.
“SHHH!” Grace’s eyes widened as she rushed up to him and clamped a small hand over his mouth. His skin was extraordinarily warm. Had he gotten taller? He was a good half a foot taller than her at her admirable 5’8”, but still. Even the cut of his jaw felt stronger. She blushed ever so slightly.
“Do you want me to get in trouble? I’m like 1000% sure you’re not supposed to be in here right now.” She looked at him expectantly to answer, but realized after he raised his eyebrows and pointed at his still covered mouth that he couldn’t. She lowered her hand but had it at the ready.
“I’m sorry, I was just worried and it’s Charlie. He’s not going to care.” Jacob whispered.
“Okay, there’s a big difference between Jacob, downstairs, in the light of day, and a boy with mysterious motives in my bedroom at night behind a closed door,” Grace hissed.
“To be fair, you closed the door,” Jacob countered. Grace groaned.
“What does he think we’re going to do!?” Jacob shot back. A tense, awkward silence fell between them and all at once Grace didn’t want to answer that question. She blushed profusely and saw a little color rise to Jacob’s face as well. She took a step back from him and returned to her chair.
“Jacob, you should go. I really am studying. I have two term papers due this Friday, an exam tomorrow, and three more next week. Then I’m done and we can hang out over winter break. I promise.” She pulled her leg up under her and propped herself up over her books. Jacob sunk to her bed and leaned back against it, discarding his shoes. “Okay, that’s the opposite of leaving.”
“We can hang out now, I won’t bother you, I’ll just read one of these intensely thick books and stay quiet and you can just...do your thing.” He shrugged and grabbed “A Picture of Dorian Gray” from the stack and cracked it open. Grace let out a huff and turned back to her work.
He kept his word. For the next hour as Grace meticulously wrote out additional flash cards and flipped through notes and highlighted extra snippets of information, he stayed quiet. His soft breathing became her background and she relied on it’s even, steady rhythm to guide her. She felt warm. She felt happy.
After the hour, she gathered her flashcards up and climbed out of her chair and onto the end of the bed pushing Jake’s legs aside.
“Okay, quiz me.” she set the flash cards before him and he sat up eager to please, pulling the cards toward him and discarding the book.
“Okay, Grace Study-hard Alo-”
“Not my middle name, but okay,” she interjected.
“Let’s see what you got.” He cleared his throat and Grace laughed. “What was the Enlightenment?” His voice took on the lilt of poorly practiced game show host.
“The rebirth of intellectual thought and philosophy and it complemented the Scientific Revolution that focused on the hard sciences.”
“Very good, extra credit.”
“That’s not-”
“Next question! How were the works of Ancient Greece and Rome preserved?”
“Monks made dedicated copies that they created by hand. However, in hand copying, there could be altering of ideas, thoughts, and practices.”
“That would suck to have to write that all by hand.”
“Jake,” Grace protested.
“Okay okay!” he cleared his throat again.
As they worked through the entirety of her flashcards, Jake cracked jokes that made Grace peal with laughter despite her best efforts to stay serious. She got most of them right and once they finished, Jacob gave out an exaggerated breath of exhaustion and flopped back onto the bed. Grace sat up next to him at the top of her bed, while he relaxed on her pillows, one arm up under his head. He peered up at her as she worked her way through the cards she didn’t remember and made some edits.
“How do you remember all this stuff?” Jacob asked curiously. At this point Charlie had probably gone to bed and Bella would be home soon. Grace wasn’t worried about speaking in a whisper now.
She shrugged. “I don’t know, it’s just weird information that gets stuck there. It’s on a need to know basis, I guess. And I need to know this stuff right now, so it just stays there.”
“You’re gonna do great,” Jacob said, yawning some and letting his eyes close. Grace yawned in return and slumped down a little on her bed next to him so that she was half sitting, half laying down.
Grace spoke under breath, quizzing herself as Jacob’s even breath slowed. Grace hadn’t realized that she too fell asleep until low light creeped through her window in the early morning hours. She stirred some and realized her desk lamp had been turned off. She looked over at Bella’s bed and saw her sleeping there peacefully, for once. When Grace turned over, she softly gasped as she came face to face with Jacob’s sleeping form.
He was facing her, an arm draped over her waist and a slice of black hair fell over his sleeping face. As he exhaled softly, she could see his lips parted ever so slightly. She felt a squeeze in her heart as she brushed the swath of hair away from his face. Grace let herself stare at him peaceful like this for just a moment longer before she sat up and gently shook his shoulder.
“Jake...Jake wake up,” he groaned softly and pulled at her waist trying to bring her back down and press her to him but she pried his hand off from around her and shook him harder. “Jake wake up. We fell asleep, Billy’s probably worried sick about you.”
Jacob’s dark eyes opened, and Grace didn’t think she’d ever seen anything so beautiful before in her life. “Grace?” he yawned. “What time is it?”
“It’s like 5:30 in the morning. You should go.” She shot a look over to Bella’s stirring form.
“Okay.” he whispered back and slowly hauled himself from her bed and put on his boots.
“You’re not climbing back out the window, come on.” Once he was upright, she crawled out of her bed, took his hand and guided him to the door. She cracked it open and peered out and around to check that the coast was clear. Jacob stood half awake behind her, but was seemingly awake enough to interlace his fingers with her, a way of bringing her closer. She gently pulled him out into hall once she was satisfied with the silence and padded softly down the stairs and to the front the door. When she pulled it open, the cold air rushed over her and Jacob quickly perked up, he crossed the threshold still holding her hand and let it go only at the last moment when he said,
“Good luck on your test today. I’ll see you soon?” He gave her a soft, teasing smile.
“Yes, very soon, I promise. But Jacob, you can’t sleep over like that again, we’re gonna get in trouble.” Grace warned, crossing her arms tightly in front of her to keep warm.
Jake let out a guffaw nodded, and stepped toward her, taking her off guard before quickly kissing the top of her head. Before she realized what had happened, he was jogging down the front steps and off toward the Rabbit. Grace stood planted in place, glued to the spot by the effortless affection bestowed upon her. What was that? Jacob was her best friend, but did this mean something different?
Suddenly, she was overcome with exhaustion and closed the door quietly before bolting quietly up to her room and under the covers. The sheets still held onto his soft, warm, scent that was a mix of fir trees, spice, and crisp sea air. She fell asleep, crushing the pillow he had slept on to her and woke up an hour later to bright sunshine. When she sat up and felt the bed around her, it dawned on her that she had had a boy in her bed. Not just any boy, but Jacob Black. She put her face in her hands and shook her head back and forth, not sure how to feel.
Bella was up, but hadn’t crawled out of bed and was peering out at the sun with eyes clouded in gloom. Sunny days were two parts hard, one part easy for Bella. It was the most realistic day that she would have spent without Edward normally and that brought her comfort. But on the other hand it only accentuated his absence.
“Bella?” Grace called from her bed. Bella slowly turned to her and gave her a smile.
“Was Jake here last night?” she asked nonchalantly as if she had a boy in her room at night all the time like it was no big deal.
“Uh, yeah.” Grace squirmed, “He barged in and then stayed to help me study and we kind of fell asleep.” Bella just nodded her head appreciatively and got up to go to the bathroom. Before she left the room, Grace said hurriedly:
“Don’t tell Charlie.”
“Of course.” Bella confirmed as if this was the most obvious answer in the world.
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