#it was so formative and iconic and chill except for the time they did a full tone shift and killed off a main character
Memory Served - Ransom Drysdale x Reader (Part 2)
Series summary: Following a terrible accident, every memory you ever made was gone leaving you to try to piece together what happened.
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: to avoid spoilers I won't be tagging warnings, but if you are concerned about being triggered by anything PLEASE reach out to me so I can put your mind at ease! This is an 18+ ONLY series!
A/N: this is a mystery series, so please when you comment or reblog please put spoilers under the cut using the read more function! This also means I won't be responding to comments straight away!
Masterlist / Series Masterlist
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
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It had been a couple of weeks since you’d met Ransom’s family and decided he was right, they were all assholes, with the exception of Harlan and Marta of course. It had also been a couple of weeks since you decided to put your ring on and unpause your relationship with Ransom. 
Things were going slowly still, you slept in the same bed, but hadn’t slept together yet. But neither of you no longer held yourself back when seeking affection or giving it. Something you saw Ransom was definitely enjoying, appearing much more relaxed than he’d been in the first few weeks.
Ransom had also started going out to work more, working alongside Harlan on his next book. Ransom had told you that Harlan wanted him to take over once he was gone, but he didn’t feel like he could. That was until you reassured him that Harlan wouldn’t have suggested it if he didn’t think Ransom could do it.
With Ransom being out more, you were left to your own devices at home. Filling your days with reading books, you had tried to watch TV but you could never find the remote, you didn’t mind though, you’d rather curl up with a good book anyway. You had decided to try and work your way through all of Harlan’s books, with the exception of the one Walt told you about, which hit a bit too close to home at the moment.
All day you had been trying to read but you’d been struggling. Your mind seemingly didn’t want to focus on anything at all, a dull throb behind your eyes had been constant despite the copious amounts of water you drank and the painkillers you’d taken. Curled up on the couch you were fighting to keep your eyes open until you gave in and fell asleep.
The heat you felt was intense, the only saving grace being the strong breeze that stopped your clothes from sticking to your skin in the humid air. Fanning yourself you couldn’t believe that you were almost missing the Massachusetts chill. You loved the heat, but this was almost unbearable, you had no idea how people lived here permanently.
Holding your hand up to shield your eyes from the bright sun, you blinked a couple of times as your eyes adjusted. As they did so you saw a familiar scene forming, the iconic Disney castle in the distance. 
Once you realised you were in Disneyworld your senses exploded. All you could hear was the squeal of children as they spotted their favourite character, the sound of laughter and screams from the distance rides. The air was thick with the sweet scent of all the treats on offer and you instantly craved a churro. 
You went to step towards the castle when you felt a small hand grab your hand, a small girl bouncing in front of you with a wide smile. You blinked with surprise as this girl with short messy blonde and wavy hair tugged on your hand excitedly.
She was talking to you but you couldn’t hear what she was saying, her voice muffled compared to every other sound you could hear. The girl then waved to someone behind you, glancing over your shoulder you see a figure a few feet away. He appeared fuzzy to you but your mind told you it must be Ransom.
You went to look back at the girl but mid-movement everything went black.
You woke with a start, the book you had been reading falling to the floor with a loud thud. You moved to sit up but had to stop when you felt a sharp pain at your temples making you wince. Screwing your eyes shut you took a few deep breaths as you waited for the pain to subside.
Eventually, it started to go away, turning back into a dull throb like it had been before, allowing you to think clearly once more. You let out a long sigh as you replayed what you just saw in your dream. You knew without a doubt it had been a memory breaking to the surface but it just didn’t make sense.
You had no idea who that little girl was, but she clearly knew you. Despite your confusion, you could feel a strong sense of protectiveness and love toward this girl. Meaning you must know her well, she wasn’t someone you’d just met. 
The more you thought about your dream the less it made sense. Like why you couldn’t see Ransom clearly, it made sense to you that the man you’d seen would be Ransom. They had his height, figure and hair colour, even the blue eyes. The only difference was that his hair was a little shorter and he had stubble. He also wore a bright yellow Hawaiian shirt that you didn’t think Ransom would ever wear.
Before you were able to get too lost in your thoughts you hear someone knocking on the front door. Pushing yourself up from the couch you stumbled slightly as your headache returned for a second. Slowly walking over you open the door to find Marta standing on the other side.
“Marta?” You ask frowning.
“Hi I hope you don’t mind me dropping around without warning, Harlan suggested you might want company while he and Ransom work,” Marta says pulling at the sleeves of her cardigan.
“Oh uh yeah sure that sounds nice, come in” you nod regretting the motion almost instantly.
“You okay? I can leave if you want or help if it’s something medical?” Marta asks looking at you in concern as she steps inside.
“No I’m fine, the company is what I need, I just have a headache that won’t budge,” you say waving it off as you walk through the house towards the kitchen “can I get you a drink?” 
“Just a water thank you,” Marta says as she follows behind you “have you taken anything for your headache? Ibuprofen?” 
“Uh yeah, keeping myself well dosed, and drinking loads and I even had a nap, I guess it’s just a side effect from… you know” you say gesturing to your head as you pour her a glass of water.
“You can take some Paracetamol too if you want, use it to piggyback the ibuprofen, keep the levels up,” Marta says as she riffles through her bag and pulls out some tablets “I do also have access to morphine but that might be a bit excessive” 
You let out a small chuckle as you take the pills from her “yeah let's leave the fun stuff for later” you wink.
“So how have you been?” Marta asks as you walk back over to the couch.
You let out a long sigh as you sat back down on the couch “more or less the same, I’m seeing flashes of memories still but…” you sigh thinking back to the dream you just had “they just don’t make sense, it's like trying to work out what the picture is of a jigsaw but you only have a few pieces”
Marta hums nodding her head “yeah I can see how difficult that must be, but how about in general? Are you keeping active? Busy?” She asks
“As much as I can, I’m reading a lot which is nice,” you say gesturing to the book you’d been reading “I guess an upside of amnesia is you get to read everything for the first time again”
Marta chuckles nodding her head “yes there are many films I wish I could see for the first time again” 
“Exactly, anyway enough about me, tell me more about yourself” you smile getting more comfortable on the couch.
You and Martha talked for hours and you hadn’t realised how much time had actually passed. You felt so grateful to have someone to talk to about everything, especially the things you didn’t feel comfortable sharing with Ransom because you knew it would just make him sad.
“Has your doctor suggested ways to help improve your memory?” Marta asked after you expressed your frustrations.
“A few but I’m really not sure if they’re working” you sigh shaking your head.
“It may seem out there but I read about hypnotherapy as a way to regain memories, have you thought about that?” Marta offers.
“Oh no, I haven’t heard of that, what is it?” You question.
“Well the theory is that memories aren’t ever lost, it's just the brain forgets how to find its way there, and this therapy helps find those routes again” Marta explains with a small shrug of her shoulders.
“Oh wow yeah, that-“ you start before you get interrupted by the sound of Ransom arriving home.
He swooped through the house, pausing when he saw Marta sitting on the couch. A scowl instantly appeared on his face.
“What are you doing here?” He demands.
“Harlan said I should give Dory some company while you’re out,” Marta says shuffling uncomfortably under Ransom's gaze.
“She’s been great company, she was just telling me about a therapy that can help me regain my memories” you explain, smiling up at him.
“We don’t need any bullshit therapies, we’ve been given a recovery plan by our doctor, a specialist!” Ransom states “we don’t need the advice of a geriatric caretaker” he growls.
“Ransom she’s just trying to help” you sigh trying to calm him down, not understanding why he was so mad.
“The doctor said not to push it, we- you’ve been through so much already I don’t want it to get worse because we pushed it too far” Ransom argues, his voice softening slightly when his eyes met yours.
“Okay, okay I understand,” you say gently “we’ll put a pin in it and revisit a few months to a year later when everything else fails” 
Ransom doesn’t say anything but you see his shoulders begin to relax.
“I should get going,” Marta says clearing her throat as she stood up.
Ransom just grunts in response moving towards the kitchen.
“Sorry about him, he’s struggling with it more than he’s letting on,” you tell her quietly as you walk her to the door “thank you for coming over” 
“It’s nothing, I hope you regain more memories soon” Marta smiles taking a step out the door.
“Me too” you chuckle gently before waving goodbye and closing the door.
You found Ransom still in the kitchen his hands braced on the island, a frown on his face as he stared down at the marble counter. You stand opposite him your arms crossed over your chest.
“That was very rude of you, she’s only trying to help” you chastise.
“She was sticking her nose in our business” Ransom huffs.
“She’s concerned for us! She’s trying to be supportive and considering the rest of your family are asses we don’t really have anyone else!” You shout.
Ransom lets out a long sigh finally lifting his gaze so it met yours “you’re right” he quietly concedes “I’m sorry”
“I’m not the person you should be apologising to” you point out.
“I know and I’ll apologise the next time I see her, I just… we’re in a good place despite everything… and I don’t want to lose that” he admits with a small shake of his head.
You sigh moving around the island to put your hand on his arm “I know, I know” you tell him “I just wish I could make sense of everything, its all so confusing at the moment and I just want something to make sense”
Ransom sighs wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into his embrace “I know, I wish I could fix it all, give you all your memories back” 
“I know you would, but you can’t so we just have to muddle through and if that means trying some therapies then we try them or at least consider them,” you say resting your hands on his chest.
“Okay, look let me make it up to you, I can probably get us a dinner reservation for tonight if you want?” Ransom offers.
A smile grows on your face “like an actual date?” You ask excitedly.
“Yeah like an actual date” Ransom chuckles nodding his head “so what do you say?” 
“Sounds amazing” you grin reaching up to kiss him.
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You felt like a celebrity. Ransom had taken you to the most extravagant restaurant in Boston, he had really pulled out all the stops. You didn’t even need to go through the main entrance, you were taken round the back and into a small private dining room. 
Ransom looked as handsome as ever, with a white crisp shirt paired with navy slacks that made his ass look impeccable. You were glad he’d found you the deep blue silk slip dress to wear because your original outfit pick would not have sufficed. 
“This is amazing Ransom” you mutter in amazement, glancing around the room.
Ransom smiles reaching out across the table, his hand resting over yours, fingers tracing your engagement ring “well after everything you’ve been through… I thought you deserved a treat”’
You chuckle gently, your gaze dipping slightly before meeting his again “well this is certainly a treat, although I have to say I would have been happy with just a cosy movie night”
Ransom lets out a huff of a laugh “oh don’t you go getting all modest on me, I like treating you, I want to treat you” 
You arch a brow slightly “you make it sound like we’ve had this argument before” you say.
“You’re not wrong, it took you a little while to get used to this sort of life,” Ransom says gesturing around the room “you were sensible with your money, and there was always a sense of guilt whenever I brought you something or took you somewhere like this” 
“And how did we overcome that?” You ask reaching for your wine glass and taking a sip.
“Compromise mostly, I wouldn’t do it too often, and you got used to it, knowing that I wasn’t doing it because I felt like it, but because I wanted to” Ransom explains with a shrug.
“So your love language is gifting” you summarise making him laugh.
“And what is yours?” Ransom asks before quickly adding “you know in case it’s changed” 
“Physical touch,” you say without hesitation.
Ransom smirks nodding his head as he grabs his tumbler of scotch “well I can say for certain that hasn’t changed” he winks.
You feel your face heat up, your thighs pressing together as you feel pressure building “I’m guessing you don’t mean just cuddling” you say shifting in your seat.
“No I mean cuddling, but not the PG-13 kind” Ransom winks.
You bit your lip to hold back your smile, grabbing your wine glass and taking a large sip when that failed. You had noticed that ever since you and Ransom decided to go back to normal he had turned on the charm. 
Not that you minded one bit, you had to admit you were curious what Ransom was like in bed. He seemed like he could be very domineering and would take complete control, but you had also seen the sweet and caring side of him. You were nervous though, you felt hesitant to take that step, something was holding you back.
“Hey, you okay? You disappear for a moment there” Ransom says grabbing your attention.
“Hm? Oh um yeah fine” you mutter draining the rest of your wine.
Ransom arches a brow grabs the wine bottle and quietly pours you another healthy serving “hey no c’mon now, you can tell me anything remember” Ransom presses.
You glance over at him trying to decide whether you actually wanted to tell him or not. Tell him about your internal debate about sleeping with him, he was your fiancé after all there should be no debate, but there was.
You plaster on your most convincing smile reaching out to put your hand on his “Ransom I’m fine I promise” you tell.
Ransom eyes you up and down an unreadable look on his face. For a moment you worried he didn’t believe you but at the last second, a small smirk grew on his face as he nodded his face.
“Well I think we should toast, to getting our lives on track,” Ransom says lifting his glass.
“To back on track” you smile lifting your glass.
Ransom lightly taps his against yours watching as you took a healthy glug while he only took a tiny sip.
For the rest of the meal you laughed and chatted with Ransom, your wine glass was never empty and you weren’t sure how much you had actually drunk. You had to assume it was a fair amount though because you were definitely buzzed.
Ransom had his arm around you securely as he led you out of the restaurant and back to his car. You were so buzzed that you only realised he was driving when you were halfway home.
“Oh my god, you can’t be driving!” You gasped looking over at him wide-eyed.
Ransom laughs glancing over at you “why not?” He asks
“Cause we’re drunk” you explain your words slurring together as you shook your head at him.
“I only had one drink, I’m fine to drive” Ransom promises smiling over at you.
“Oh, okay” you hum nodding your head as you look back out at the road ahead.
Once you got back to the house you were back in your giggly mood, stumbling slightly as you walked through the house. Ransom was holding you steady the entire way, you could tell he was finding the situation hilarious but was trying to hold back his laughter.
Finally, you reached the bedroom, where you tried to remove your heels only to promptly fall into Ransom’s arms. Your hands were resting on his chest, while he hold you so close that you could feel every inch of him.
“Oh hello there little Ransom” you giggle.
“Little Ransom? I’ll have you know he’s definitely not little” Ransom smirks his hands moving to your hips tugging them towards his.
“Ah well,” you say pointing up at him “I’m not sure if I can trust you on that, you know because of,” you say gesturing to your head.
Ransom chuckles reaching up to brush some hair out of your face, leaning down so his face was inches away from yours “I can show you if you want” he offers voice low.
You swallow biting your lip as you looked up at him through your lashes. Not quite able to bring yourself to say yes.
“C’mon kitten we both know you want to see exactly what he can do” Ransom presses his hands running over your body.
You still struggled to find your words, your brain short-circuited when Ransom leant down and started kissing and nipping at your neck. A moan involuntarily escapes your mouth and you feel Ransom smirk against your skin.
“I think we have our answer don’t we?” Ransom hums his eyes finding yours.
You hadn’t even realised you had nodded your head until Ransom cupped your cheeks and kissed you deeply. You gasped in surprise when he swiftly picked you up, carried you over to the bed and dropped you onto the mattress. You didn’t even get the chance to sit up before Ransom was on top of you trapping you against the mattress his lips finding yours once more.
Another moan left your lips as his large hands started playing with your breast, squeezing and massaging through the thin material of your dress. His other hand was running up and down your thigh slowly moving your dress up over your hips. You gasp when you feel his fingers brush over your clothed core.
“Oh kitten I have been waiting so long for this” Ransom muttered as he begins pulling down your panties. 
A shudder ran through your body, your chest heaving as you looked down to see Ransom kneeling down between your thighs. You watched as he slowly licked his lips, a look in his eyes as if he’d just found the holy grail. You gasped when he dove in, your back arching as he licked and sucked on your sensitive nub. 
Your brain almost couldn’t decide what it wanted to feel, it was unbelievably good but you had this strange feeling something was missing. It felt like you were waiting for a burning sensation that never came. Your mind and body were at war as you squirmed under Ransom’s touch, your orgasm catching you completely off guard.
“That’s it kitten, you know you’ve been missing this” Ransom smirks as he sits back on his ankles, hands moving to pop the buttons of his shirt and unbuckle his pants.
Your eyes widen and you swallowed the lump in your throat as you took in the sheer size of him. You didn’t have a moment to think before Ransom was above you once more kissing away any doubts you had.
Your back arched and Ransom swallowed everything noise you made with a kiss as he swiftly pressed into you. Your mind went blank as you got used to the sensation of him filling you up to the point it almost hurt. It felt amazing and strange and new, but that must just have been a side effect of amnesia, everything feeling new.
You clutched onto Ransom as he thrust into you slowly before picking up the pace, moving faster and harder knocking the air out of your lungs. Your eyes began to flutter shut as you fell into some form of haze. Your mind seemingly shuts down for an unknown amount of time. You must have fallen asleep as you began to see flashes of memories, none of which made much sense. 
All you could see was the sea, sun and the beach. The salt air whipped through your hair as you held onto the side of the boat. A pod of dolphins swimming in the bow waves generated by the boat. 
You smiled as you took in the sun, looking over to see the small blonde-haired girl from before, glancing over your shoulder you spot who you recognised as Ransom at the wheel. You felt yourself smile as you looked over at him, your heart skipping a beat when he smiled back at you, sending you a playful wink. You responded by blowing him a kiss which made him laugh and smile warmly back at you. He was clearer than he was before, allowing you to take in more details. Ones that made less and less sense, like the grease marks on his arms and the stains on his white cotton tee. His skin was more tanned, and he seemed a bit slimmer, his hair was fluffy and messy. None of that screamed Ransom to you.
You woke with a start finding yourself curled into Ransom’s side. You glanced up to see him smirking down at you, an eyebrow arched.
“You okay there kitten?” He asked as you rubbed your forehead, your headache from before returning.
“Yeah I- I just had a weird dream,” you say still not certain if it was a dream or not “have we ever gone to Florida?”
Ransom freezes for a split second before shifting slightly “why? Do you remember something?” He questions.
“I’m not sure, I’m getting flashes and I saw you and Disneyworld” you explain frowning slightly as you tried to put together the pieces.
A smile grows on Ransom’s face as he pulled you closer and kisses the top of your head “I’m so happy to hear that” he smiles.
“So we have?” You ask looking up at him.
“Yeah I took you to celebrate us being together for 6 months, you’d always wanted to go but couldn’t so I wanted to treat you” Ransom explains with a smile.
“Aw that’s sweet of you,” you say a small smile on his face.
“Yeah, it was nice just you and me no one else, just the way I like it” Ransom smirks kissing the top of your head.
You hum smiling up at him before resting your head back on his chest. Soon enough you felt Ransom fall asleep beside you. You remained awake for a little while longer, just about to doze off when you realised something.
Ransom never mentioned the little girl.
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Please remember to put any spoiler filled reactions under the cut! just put :readmore: and press enter if you’re on mobile! or press the three little dots if your on the browser!
Also send me your theories of what you think is going to happen! I may just confirm or deny them 😉 AND the first 3 People who guess correctly (and I mean completely 100% correct) will win a drabble request!
I will stop taking entries for this little competetion at 12pm GMT 31st of October! You can send in theories as the story progresses, but extra points to anyone who guesses it sooner rather than later! Anon entries will not count (as i won’t know who you are!) but you can still send theories in and join in on the fun!
Sharing is caring so please reblog this if you enjoyed this! and leave a little comment if you can!
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
I don’t have a taglist so follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibrary​ and turn on post notifications to be kept up to date
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liminal-storage · 2 years
Cold Rain
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(A bit of writing just to get the juices flowing once again. Kuni, melancholy, and musing. Name a more iconic trio) ----------------- Ancient magics, along with those who wield them, are meant to be feared and respected. The leshy is no exception to this rule, even if the odd shift from winter's chill to the far-off hints of spring do make the fae cranky and impatient.
But instead of respect, Kuni feels that his words and lessons have given her too many things to ruminate on. Usually they leave her with a burning and insatiable need to know more, do more. Today, they've left her adrift in a detached sort of melancholy.
It's not a rare thing for the beast to question her, to prod and get under her skin when she's having troubles mastering a new sigil. Spite motivates her to press on, as if to prove him wrong. But it's not uncommon for him to stare at her as if he's staring through her, either, pondering some mystery he must've read in her face.
"What is it you want?" He'd asked of her.
Down was his glamour, and he appeared before her in his true bestial form. The vine tendrils hanging from his head brushed the cold, dry dirt, and from where she sat he seemed almost to melt into the earth.
"What is it you truly want?"
The query came after the end of a particularly long lesson, wherein the leshy attempted to guide her in honing a sigil meant for minor self-healing. So engrossed in the process of memorization was she that the woman didn't initially understand exactly what he meant.
"From these lessons," he spoke, as if he could hear the voice of her thoughts. He sounded annoyed, as he often did when she failed to notice the obvious. "From your time here, from all of the work that you do?"
It had been a taxing session, and the woman had difficulty in understanding how to adapt the sigils to something she could more comfortably use. As she tended to do when frustrations bubbled over, she'd become vocal and agitated, expressing a need to get it right. But for the sake of whom? She wondered that even before he posed the question.
A question which continues to echo in her head even now, long after the old stag's footfalls have faded. For her otherworldly tutor clucked his tongue and took his leave, remarking on how unbelievable it was that she could change so much and yet still falter so badly in other ways.
What is it all for? What does she want?
The dead, dry grass juts against her palm and prickles her skin. In the silence of Actaeon's departure, twilight has descended to kiss the brow of night. It grows cold, and Kuni sinks deeper into thought.
Who are her promises for? What purpose does her tireless workaholic effort serve? As the wind sighs over the treetops and rattles dry branches, so too does she sigh. The answer is there, etched shamefully into her weary bones and she knows it.
She makes promises every day. Swears she'll find things for people. Find the old bastard Vadeboncoeur. Find the wayward denizens of the Threshold. Help find the things plaguing those at the Rest. Help discover truths for strangers. Help clients find what they seek. Find reasons to keep people coming to her for assistance.
She wonders if kindness still counts as kindness if it has an ulterior motive, if it's to keep people needing you.
Her fingers curl against the sleeping earth. Doesn't she know better? Satiate her curiosity. Learn more, see more, feel and hear and taste the world for her own sake. That is what she should do.
But as she tips her head back to feel the icy touch of a cold evening rain, she must confess that the answer to Actaeon's question does not fill her with pride.
What does she truly want?
The rain stings, frigid needles running over her skin. Tomorrow the icy layer it leaves behind will crack and groan underfoot. Slices of razor-sharp frozen rain will shower from creaking branches as the world wakes itself up. Nature always does have an easier time of shaking off distress than she does.
I want someone to see me as I am, even should I have no service to offer, and tell me "I want you here."
Not need, but want. Such a hard thing to give voice to.
Frustration pulls her to stand, fury directed inward. Is she truly still thinking and acting as though her presence requires a transaction? She scoffs, thoroughly pissed off that it took the stag prodding her again to get her to see what she needs to see most. Even so, the road to getting there seems infinitely long and empty. She brushes rain from her shoulders and sets off, wondering what force in the world it will take to get her to say what she wants aloud.
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cosmicrhetoric · 2 years
do u guys remember kitchen princess
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watevermelon · 4 years
Just Enough | Diluc (Genshin) x Traveler!Reader
✧ Summary: Between freeing Dvalin and pursuing the Geo Archon, you were constantly moving forward to find your brother with hardly a second to look back. You were in a rush to find your lost sibling, not realizing how your heart had stopped in Mondstadt. Visiting the city while waiting for things to die down after Rex Lapis’ death, you return to a… jealous Diluc?
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➳ Spoilers for the Dark Knight Hero quest and some of the manga background ➳ Notes: lots of fluff, slight angst and jealousy, character development, mutual pining at one point, a long one-shot that covers the (1.0) beginning of the Liyue story  ➳ Navigation
If he had only asked you to stay.
To say that these past few weeks were a blur would be a severe understatement. For months you were simply a lost wanderer, traveling from world to world for any sort of clue that could lead you to your brother.
And in just a matter of weeks you were suddenly Mondstadt’s hero.
From bringing peace to Dvalin’s heart to meeting Mondstadt’s infamous Dark-knight hero, you were familiarizing yourself with a people and a place for a world you knew you did not belong to. Learning of the history of the Seven Archons, the Gods’ of contracts or of freedoms, suddenly you were being thrust into it all at once.
You shared the burden of knowledge with a few of Mondstadt’s elite, the true God of Freedom walking in plain sight to the citizens of his nation. And with him, were the quick allies you found side-by-side when fighting a dragon. 
It was all happening so suddenly and Lord Barbatos himself was giving you directions to the next country over, to continue on your journey in meeting all seven Archons to Liyue. 
To this day, you could fondly recall your final celebration in Mondstadt.
“To think that despite his small stature he can drink so much.” Kaeya commented from his seat at the table, eyes slid in the direction of Venti at the bar next to you. You could see the impatient stare behind Diluc’s eyes, not at all happy that their God was indulging himself so freely.
“Honorary Knight, Mondstadt thanks you for your service.” Jean formally stated, for the nth time since Dvalin had been freed.
“I’m just glad I was at the right place at the right time.” You answered back, offering a placating smile in return.
“Humility doesn’t pay for dinner!” Paimon hmphed next to you.
“But aren’t we at a feast now?” You countered, gesturing to the table. 
She sighed again before moving to get a taste of some of the honey roasted ham. “Fine, don’t blame me when we have to settle into that poor excuse of a tent!”
“Please, do not feel you are in any rush to leave.” Jean offered, “You are welcome lodgings at our Favonius Headquarters.”
“With the other Knights of Favonius?” Diluc asked, face completely blank if not for the small upward tilt of his left brow.
Kaeya flirted with you from across the room, uncaring of the other partygoers, “You could always stay with me.”
You laughed lightly and responded, “That’s a hard pass.”
The Cavalry Captain simply shrugged, offering it to you again if you changed your mind before grabbing another glass of wine and walking with Jean toward the busy table.
Barbara was trying different dishes and offering some to her older sister, spouting descriptions with medicinal purposes and flavors that compliment one another. Lisa was no better as Amber egged both of them on, completely sober as she continued to feast on the food laid before her. Other Knights of Favonius that you recognized were scattered about, enjoying the first truly peaceful night in the past few weeks.
“You are welcome to stay at the Dawn Winery, while you look for your brother.”
He relished in the sight of your smile.
“Thank you, Diluc.”
That was three months ago.
And since then you had been thrown into more of not your business but suddenly IS your business, business.
You remembered your last day before setting off from Mondstadt. The Knights of Favonius would surely call on you again and so you had quick goodbyes with Jean and Kaeya the day before. Venti was saved for last, a somewhat light-hearted and yet somber goodbye as he was the first and last person for you to see in Mondstadt. 
But Diluc… How could you even start that conversation?
He was the lone wolf with a prickly reputation and an even worse sense of patience. You remembered the first time you even spoke to him, clipped words meant to get straight to the point. Not to mention that he was the first person to antagonize Kaeya, who was one of the few people you kinda trusted in the beginning.
It was not until the side adventures, the little quests you did one-on-one that you realized how much more there was to the edgelord that was Diluc. 
Of course, he was still the strict type to focus solely on the mission. 
But you realized more about why Diluc had come to be this way. 
‘The uncrowned king of Mondstadt.’
As you worked together against the possible abyss invasion of Mondstadt, you poured over strategies and testing of his slime potion. And while slimes were not the hardest enemies to fight, he still complimented you on your form and appreciated your quick style with the sword.
You had a unique style, unlike Kaeya or anyone else of this world.
“Elegant, but deadly.”
You took that as a compliment.
And little by little Diluc opened up to you, cluing you into his personal history. 
He and Kaeya were step-brothers, growing up together at the Dawn Winery. How he knew Jean since he was child and once served as her superior in the very organization he now despised. How he still has things to protect, to avenge. And while his description about what happened to his father was nothing more than a quiet stare, you were still grateful that he was entrusting you into his world.
You remembered Kaeya’s words as he discovered Diluc’s nighttime secret:
“I’m glad you’re working with an assistant.”
Kaeya’s tone may have come out scathing, but you knew better. Kaeya and Diluc used to be close, close enough to entrust their lives with one another. There was no doubt that Kaeya still cared about his brother, but with Diluc pushing everyone away….
Again, you were so appreciative that he chose to let you in.
When Kaeya finally left the bar, you turned to Diluc with a smile. “I think my work tonight earned me at least one glass of wine?”
That broke a small smile on his face, not the slight tilt on the sides or the wistful, far off look he got when he recalled something beyond your knowledge.
“Alright.” He waved over a nearby waitress, all of the customers tonight employees of the Dawn Winery. “Let’s take this up to the balcony, I’m going to close up anyway.”
“Oh?” Paimon’s squeaky tone somehow went up another octave in curiosity, “I just remembered I have to ask Venti something! Why don’t you two enjoy your date alone.”
She flew away before you could swat at her for her teasing words, blush apparent on your face. Diluc kept his flat face as he maneuvered things behind the bar, wiping at something before putting something in the below cabinet. 
To your surprise, he handed you a bottle and two glasses, motioning with his head toward the second floor. Charles was among some of the ‘customers’ tonight, taking his usual spot behind the bar as Diluc stepped out.
You followed him wordlessly, walking up the steps and out the second-floor door closely behind him. He pulled out a wooden chair next to the table outside, you taking the seat underneath the stars as he plopped down alongside you.
“I thought the stars here in the city would get overcrowded by the lights.” You admitted, “But they’re beautiful even here.”
“Yeah, they are.” Diluc agreed, making you smile before turning to him.
“You’re not even looking at the stars.”
The pyro-user simply smirked, before looking up at the starry sky with you. You relished in the moment, glad to have some time alone with Diluc. Many had commented that the winery owner was so elusive, missing from the bar weeks at a time and unseen within the city walls. And yet here he was, enjoying the crisp air and a glass of wine with you.
“Thank you.” You started.
“Shouldn’t you be demanding thanks from me?” Diluc asked.
You laughed lightly, “Yeah, cause I’m sure that the abyss mage would have totally kicked your ass without me.”
Diluc had that slightly amused expression on, looking a bit more light-hearted as he turned to you with a slight tilt at the corner of his lips.
You continued, “I mean, thanks for entrusting me with your secret.”
Diluc paused, looking you straight in the eyes, probably to gauge your honesty. And he would concede that there was nothing else there. You wanted to be his friend, the first in a long time to have approached him without your own agenda regarding either the winery or his fortune.
In return, he poured you a glass of wine and replied, “You’ve long earned it.”
“Thank you, Diluc.” You took the glass and felt your heart flutter at the brush of his fingers. “I’m glad I got to know you.”
“I’m glad you’re in my life too.”
He shot you another one of his genuine, millisecond smiles before pouring some from the bottle for himself. 
“Wine and not grape juice today?”
But he did not answer, instead eyes latching onto the rise of goosebumps on your arms. You could not help it against the crisp Mondstadt air, naturally feeling a chill at this time of night. Without a word, he shrugged off his outer coat, the thick black one he wore at almost all times of day, and rested it casually on your shoulders.
You muttered a small thanks as you snuggled into it. Diluc’s iconic dark coat, a complete contrast to yourself. While you wore a white dress with open sleeves and plenty of skin, Diluc wore black covering most of his body with the exception of his neck and face. Seeing it on your shoulders only reminded you of that fact.
“Don’t need you getting sick anytime soon.” Diluc stated plainly, as he returned to his seat.
You huddled into it more and replied, “Aw, Diluc cares.” Again, you were rewarded with another flat expression. “Or rather, if the events of today are to show anything, you’ve always cared. Just in your own, protective way.”
He slung an arm across the back of your seat, leaning closer before stating in a low voice. “Don’t forget that.”
Your eyes snapped to his, the both of you basically sharing the same breath in your close proximity. His scarlet eyes, usually a searing color when on the battlefield, looked surprisingly tender only inches from yours.
“You mean so much to me, Diluc.” You whispered back, afraid that anything above a whisper would punctuate this amorous atmosphere.
He slowly dragged his face alongside yours, stopping beside your ear and continuing in his low voice. “So do you.”
There was no stopping the shiver of anticipation that crawled up your spine.
You could feel the small smirk grow against your skin before he pulled off and grazed his lips against your forehead.
The expression on your face was practically begging him to kiss you. From the small lean in your side against his arm slung around you to the way your eyes slowly fluttered closed, it took all of his self-control to stop himself before he pulled you closer. He wanted nothing more than to grasp you by the back of your neck, relish in the way you melt against him. To kiss you now and tomorrow and maybe even the morning after at the winery.
Diluc had to remind himself that in less than a week you were going to be long gone.
He did not want to ruin this memory a week from now, asking what if and why. And so he settled on a simple kiss above your brow before leaning back in his seat, enjoying the moment he had with you tonight.
You were disappointed, but actually not surprised. It was a feat in itself that you were so close to Diluc in this short amount of time, it would do no good in pressuring him into anything else. But also, another more rational part of you, had to remind yourself that getting attached to the people of this world would only make it hurt more when you had to return home.
This was for the better.
But no matter how much rational thought Diluc used to push you away, you were sure that you had already fallen for him. From the small interactions with Diluc, you could barely recognize the moment that you were completely enamored with him. It was not during the first time you saw him fight or even the night he leant you his jacket. No, you feared it was much before then.
To think you had gotten attached to Diluc in such a short amount of time.
But then you had to say goodbye.
“Safe travels.” Diluc stated from behind the bar when he saw you enter on your last day.
You were not sure what you expected, a drawn out goodbye or a fore longed hug, but Diluc was still, well. He was still Diluc. And to see him re-erecting his walls before you left for your journey was a sad thought, but needed while the two of you were hundreds of miles away from one another.
But you would regret it if you didn’t say anything.
Instead you settled on, “I’ll miss you.”
The hopeful look in your eyes spelled out exactly what you wanted to hear back.
Diluc instead replied, “You fight good.”
“Oh. Um.” The hesitation was clear in your voice.
Was this really how you were going to leave things?
But with Diluc turning his attention back to the wine glass he was previously wiping, yes. It seemed that this was exactly how he wanted to leave it. Paimon scoffed, but said her own goodbyes before flying away.
“Goodbye, Diluc.”
Outside the tavern, you let your frown grow at that interaction. After everything you had been through together, Diluc complimented you on your fighting? Then said peace out?
“That was really lame.” Paimon commented aloud as she floated alongside you. You could not help but internally agree, but you had a whole journey ahead of you. At least the busyness of Liyue would keep you busy from dwelling on that conversation.
But as you said goodbye to Venti, the both of you stood in silence under the giant tree staring at the city. You thought about going back three times, to get a proper goodbye out of Diluc. But doing so would do neither of you any good, since it would only open more issues.
“No more questions about the other Archons?” Venti asked, voice surprisingly serious.
“Can’t think of anything.”
“None even of a certain… winery owner?” You could almost hear the smile in his voice.
You rolled your eyes and responded, “You’re such a little shit.”
You both continued to stare at the city, the marvels of its people and history within its high walls. To think Barbatos and Dvalin were finally free, because of your otherworldly intervention. Venti was truly thankful for you, and while he knew his words were on the more mischievous side, he knew that you understood.
Venti’s voice permeated the air. “Be safe in Liyue.”
You smiled back and offered him a tight hug, replying. “As always.”
To think that the same day that you stepped into Liyue, Rex Lapis was murdered before your very eyes. It was like the Gods actually hated you, having to rely on a Fatui to run away from the government officials hot on your trail.
Since then you had been working with Zhongli to prepare for a parting ceremony. From running around for certain types of Jade materials to singing to flowers, you were happy to take a second to yourself at all. You were afraid that trouncing around Liyue with a bounty on your head would do you no good and often stayed in the wild areas. Visits to the city were for necessities only, which often left you relying on the ever so truthful Childe or the mora-averse Zhongli.
More than three months after your initial departure to Liyue, you stepped back into the walls of Mondstadt’s bustling city, a commission nearby and you figured you were safe simply due to your reputation under the Knights of Favonius.
Venti was the last face you saw and the first face that greeted you, beckoning to join him for lunch. With your final commission of the day finished, you joined him with a smile and ordered some honey roasted ham.
You recounted some of the news to Venti, meeting many of the adeptus and how out of touch they seemed with the region. You described Zhongli from the funeral parlor who always felt like he knew more and played a higher part in Liyue (and you inwardly noted how Venti’s eyes lit up in recognition at the name). And also, Childe the Fatui Harbinger that had you on edge. 
“You’re hanging out with a harbinger?” Venti asked.
“Uh oh.” Paimon reacted.
“Well.” You remembered your last encounter with Signora. “It’s complicated.”
Venti paused before sighing, “Is he cute?”
“That’s not why!” You huffed back instantly.
“So he is cute!”
“And rich!” Paimon added, joining in on the teasing.
“Not the issue here.” You stated, “He saved me from the Millelith and helped me get into contact with the adepti.”
Venti’s mischievous smile from the earlier teasing turned blank, as if he was fully ingesting your words. “... Why would he do that?”
But Venti quickly recovered, waving away the question and urging you to move past it. “Just thinking out loud, continue. What happened after?”
And so you recalled everything from then. How the soldiers followed you all the way up the mountain and how you had to defend yourself from people that were supposed to be on the same side as you. 
How there was someone out there with the strength to take down a God.
Venti laughed at you for like, twenty minutes.
After his laughter subsided, he held a hand over his stomach and asked. “They think you killed Rex Lapis?”
He took another look at your pouting face and laughed again.
It only made you scowl further. “I’m glad you think my supposed war crimes are so funny.”
“I think I’m missing the punchline again.” Paimon added.
“Hehe. You’ll be fine.” Venti shot back his mischievous smile, “Besides, I’m sure you’re looking forward to laying low here with a certain… someone here.”
You paused and put your fork back down, “What are you trying to say?”
“Well, the Dawn Winery is throwing a festival tonight.” Venti stated clearly, “Isn’t that why you’re here?”
“Wait, really?”
The mischievous light was back in Venti’s eyes, “I’m sure the winds of fate have brought you here purely on coincidence.”
You sighed and turned to him fully. “You trying to fight, old man?”
“Hehe.” His signature giggle, one you found almost endearing, was undoubtedly mocking you. “We should go together later.”
And true to his word, somehow you found yourself with the Anemo Archon heading over to the bar. To think that it was Venti who introduced you here and now he was bringing you along again.
That is, if you even had a chance to make it inside at this rate.
The area was packed to the brim, all the seats outside in front and on the side of the building already taken. There was a line out the door, many hopeful young women with gleaming eyes trying to get a one-on-one conversation with the current barkeep and owner.
You peered into the open door and saw Diluc and Charles behind the bar, the red-head adorned with his usual flat-expression. It was the first time in months since you had seen him, but he looked exactly as the day you had left. Still the same colored wardrobe and prickly atmosphere, Diluc was still, Diluc.
What did not help was the ever growing line of flirty men and women trying to vye for his attention.
It only seemed to further nail the pit in your stomach.
Was this… jealousy?
You didn’t dwell on the thought for long.
Instead, you considered for a single-second if you should just turn tail now, but Venti must have seen your hesitation and grabbed you by the arm to walk inside. Dozens of eyes followed you on the way in, many people recognizing you as the young hero of Mondstadt and honorary knight of Favonius.
The crowd was surprisingly less inside, but knowing Diluc he probably would have tried to corral everyone to the outdoor areas. Venti continued to lead you towards a table in the back and you saw a familiar red-bowed Outrider.
“I didn’t even know you were going to be here today!” She greeted you excitedly. 
“Tone-Deaf Bard here convinced us to stay the night.” Paimon replied.
“Oh?” Her voice lifted in a tone that only spelled trouble, “No matter, I’m glad to see you in one piece.”
“I’m assuming you’ve heard.”
Amber stretched in her seat and lowered her voice, smile turning to a smirk. “Well, I won’t confirm anything. But my suspicions are that the blonde person the Knights were pursuing for stealing the Holy Lyre may be the same blonde person running from the Millelith.”
“What a crazy theory.” Paimon responded as she cleared her throat.
“At least it’s just a theory, right?” Amber replied. “Anyway, we’ll hold the seats. Do you mind going up to the bar to order?”
Paimon chimed up as she floated down into the wooden seat, “Yeah, you should go.”
You barely had a second to object before Venti agreed and was motioning for you to go back to the bar. If not for their eager stares at you, you would have rolled your eyes at how obvious they were being.
“Fine, fine. I’m going.” You stated aloud, getting up from the seat you inhabited for at most ten minutes. 
Turning towards the bar, you took in a deep breath to collect your thoughts. To think you fought the Wolf of the North and Oceanid with more courage - it was just Diluc.
“Long time no see.” You greeted, trying to sound extremely casual. “Bottle of wine for one of your favorite people?”
Diluc looked at you for a quick second, then back down to the bar, then rapidly snapping back up to you in surprise. “Hey. Of course.”
Unsure what to say, you responded back with a simple, “Thank you.”
“Didn’t know you’d be in town today.”
“It was all coincidence. Venti told me about your event tonight.” You mentioned, motioning behind you to the table where the three of them were waiting. Amber waggled her eyebrows in response and you turned back to Diluc in embarrassment.
But he was looking at you the entire time. “For a war criminal, you look well.”
“Ugh, not you too.”
“Ironic how you delinquents always return here while hiding it out.” Diluc did not answer, instead openly teasing you.
Honestly, it was a little ironic that you and Venti ran here after stealing the Holy Lyre, just to end up back here while the Millelith were on the hunt for you.
Instead you replied, “They didn’t release any names.”
“Right, it’s probably some other sword-wielding blonde with white clothes and access to the Anemo vision.”
To think you were so involved in Teyvat's politics. An otherworldly being with no prior connections to the people or nations was somehow involved with the highest ranking people of every country you’ve stumbled into.
Everyone from the Dvalin team knew about your primary objectives: to find your brother and regain your full power through the seven Archons. And when news of Rex Lapis’ death reached Mondstadt, Diluc could almost physically feel the dread in his heart that something had happened to you. And when the Millelith released their man-hunt of your exact profile, there was no doubt that you were involved. 
To see you standing before him, in association with an Archon of all people, it was like a breath of fresh air on his heart. You were here in the tavern, fine and even enjoying the night. 
A large part of him wanted to ask about your journey, what was it that had you on the run again? But with the growing line out the door, he knew he barely had time to keep this conversation going.
So instead, Diluc grabbed glasses and a bottle of wine from beneath the bar and asked, “Spare a few minutes for me later?”
You nodded quietly, handing him the necessary Mora before returning back to the table.
Amber did not pull her punches, “So, you guys dating yet?”
You almost dropped the bottle, but Venti was quick even through his laughter.
“Yeah and I’m the Archon of Snezhnaya.” Paimon replied sarcastically.
“Shut up.” You pouted, “It was just nice to see each other after all this time.”
“Oh so you had a good conversation? Did he ask you to stay after? Are you going to stay the night? Did he offer for you to stay at the Dawn Winery?” Amber spit out question after question, not a sense of patience or tact in her words.
Venti was still laughing like the Archon of assholes he was.
While they prodded through their multiple questions, you tried to wave them away to another conversation topic. If Amber was prodding you like this, you could only imagine that the other Knights, such as Kaeya and Jean, were also aware of your strange relationship.
Amber tried to push it a bit more, but you were able to spin the conversation to ask what the others were up to. It was interesting to hear about the little tasks in Mondstadt, small commissions that the Knights take care of in the city as well as guarding the areas further out into the country.
And while you hated to drift off with them sitting right in front of you, your mind often wandered toward the red-head behind the bar. Diluc had personally asked you to stay back later, undoubtedly to speak to you about something one-on-one. Would it be cowardly if you left early? Would the others notice if you tried to make a break for it at one point?
Again, it seemed as if Venti was capable of reading your mind, lightly calling you to attention and putting a casual hand on the back of your chair.
He was not letting you get away from this.
Venti even shifted the conversation to you, asking about Liyue and the local adventures you had while in the city. Unable to ignore the direct questions, you told them about the stories of the people you met so far and the strange events you seemed to be dragged into.
“Wait, start over.” Amber cut into your most recent story about a ship just outside of the Liyue city. ”You just glided down onto the Pearl Galley?”
You paused then replied, “Well. I mean the ship was just sitting there outside the harbor and I was curious.”
“And so you boarded a luxury ship without an invitation?”
“Yeah, so?” Paimon answered with a question, genuinely confused.
“And yet you wonder how you keep getting involved in all these crazy schemes.” Amber answered ambiguously.
“Well, eventually I did get an invitation.”
“But after you were already on the ship.” Amber pointed out. “How did you even glide that far out?”
“I climbed to the top of the nearby mountain and then just dropped down.”
“Is it really a surprise?” Venti commented, “She doesn’t even follow the proper stairs here in the city. Don’t think we don’t see you climbing over every wall here in Mondstadt.”
“You’re such a weirdo.” Amber sighed with a smile, “You’re lucky we love you so much.”
You continued on with your stories, some in the city and others within hidden temples deep in the wilderness, puzzles and timed traps masking treasures you sought to find. Amber and Venti listened on in rapt attention, asking questions here and there and even teasing you about your constant climbing.
You hadn’t even noticed how the bar patrons were starting to slowly thin out.
The night with Venti and Amber was such a refreshing feeling compared to the nights you spent staring up silently at the night sky, only Paimon at your side. It was nice to hear and speak to other people, to not be on the run and always looking over your shoulder.
Feeling a light tap on the side, you turned to see Diluc standing at attention.
“Hey.” He greeted you again.
“We were just on our way out!” Amber exclaimed, standing instantly with Venti not far behind her. “Mondstadt’s star Outrider has to be up bright and early tomorrow.”
“Which is why you’re both leaving…?” You asked.
“It’s my duty to ensure the safety of the city and we said we were going to discuss something.” Venti answered ambiguously.
You crossed your arms, “Discuss what?”
“The— !” Amber paused, “The thing. You know, with the stuff at the Seven Winds Temple.”
“Right! Let’s get going.” Venti turned to Paimon at the last second, “I think this will interest you.”
Paimon winked at you before turning to Diluc, ”Right, the stuff!”
Diluc motioned you to follow him and so, once again, you found yourself following behind the Pyro-user out the second-floor balcony. However, instead of sitting at the table, you learned against the railing while Diluc stood to the side.
“Wasn't expecting you to be gone for so long.” Diluc started with a flat voice.
You turned to him with a slight grimace. “I’m sorry, I ended up getting caught in something important back in Liyue.”
More important than him.
The implication was quiet in the back of Diluc’s mind.
But that would always be the case. To think that the first person in years to open up his shell was someone who could only be in his life temporarily. You intrigued him to the high heavens - the strange mix of both pride and humility as you fought and carried yourself. You were strong, but merciful. Kind, but a purveyor of your own brand of justice.
It had been a while since he met someone with such genuine reservations as you.
But your time together was already ticking down, from your time in Mondstadt to your time in his world. You were looking for your brother and who knew if he was even in Tyvat currently? It would be unfair to be bitter towards you. And so he resolved long ago to simply cherish the moments you had together.
So instead of snapping back, Diluc teased you.
“I’m sure. I’ve heard of your extensive… wanted days.”
You sighed aloud, “How did the news travel here so fast?”
Diluc smirked, “First Barbatos and now Rex Lapis? What kind of luck do you have?”
“The worst kind.”
Of course, there was something he wanted to learn more about. After he had caught wind from Katheryn in Liyue, Diluc still wanted to be informed about your current situation. To think that you were in close association with one of the high Fatui Harbingers after Signora personally attacked you, it was almost like you were openly inviting trouble.
It also did not help that many of the gossip mills included how attractive this particular Fatui was.
He goes by the alias of ‘Childe.’ Young, but deadly!
A Fatui, but doesn’t wear his mask - for good reason! He’s quite the looker.
I wouldn’t mind if he impaled me somewhere. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Needless to say, his sources did not alleviate his worries.
Of all people? A Fatui was one of your close associates in Liyue? A party of him wanted to snarl, the thought a worse downgrade from the Knights of Favonius. At least he knew Kaeya would do you no harm; he doubted the same could be said about Childe.
Archons, why did he care so much?
Diluc told himself multiple times that your abrupt parting was necessary to keep himself from getting too attached to you. But it hardly mattered when he was worrying this much anyway in spite of that.
Fuck, why did he just let you walk away like that?
Diluc was not going to make the same mistake.
He turned to you and asked, “Like the Fatui kind?”
You sighed, “Believe me, I don’t like it either.”
“And yet somehow here we are.”
“It’s complicated, okay?”
“When is it not with you?” Diluc asked, more hypothetically. And while from anyone else, it may have felt offensive, you could tell from his tone that it was just a tired sigh.
“Tell me about your journey.” He continued.
“What?” You answered with a question, genuinely surprised. “It’s a long story, not all that interesting.”
Diluc took a step forward, taking the spot next to you against the rail as your shoulders touched. “I want to hear it from you.”
You couldn’t help but smile, “Okay.”
And so you recounted your journey to find the Geo Archon, how the adepti set up strange puzzles and at some point you swore you were pulled into a teacup that somehow contained a full domain.
There were also other missions on the side, other things you would do to collect Mora or materials if you were going to get any stronger. Some of them made sense — doing deliveries, clearing abyss camps, and other mercenary like duties. Other instances, not so much.
“Only you would accept a commission from a ghost.” Diluc teased as you recounted the treasure in the mines.
“In my defense, I didn’t think he was a ghost at first.”
“Right. Nothing suspicious at all about a transparent old man in the middle of an abandoned village.”
“I was reading the poster he was showing!”
“And when did you realize he was a ghost?”
“... After I met three other ghosts.”
Diluc cracked a smile at that, only making you pout more. You had adjusted your postures overtime, standing against with rails to your backs as you faced the tavern.
“He paid me good Mora!” 
“How…?” Diluc thought about it before waving it off, “Forget it. I don’t want to know.”
You laughed back before you saw the lights inside the tavern switch off, complete darkness in the windows as the remaining employees packed up and went home. 
“Oh wow, I hadn’t even realized how long we were out here.” You admitted, “I’m sorry I took up so much of your time.”
“Don’t apologize. I wanted to spend this time with you.”
“Still, it’s already late.”
“You’re right. Where were you and Paimon going to spend the night?”
“Honestly, I don’t know.” You admitted, “Venti convinced us to stay, but I don’t even know where he is.”
Diluc pushed off the railing to stand facing you, “You could stay the night at the winery. We can retrieve Paimon tomorrow.”
What game was he playing? Your disappointing departure with Diluc cutting you off and now he was asking for your time and space back into his life? You hated that he pushed you away just to pull you back in at his convenience. And while you understood his personality tended to keep people at a distance, you had your own limits as to what you could withstand. 
“... Diluc, what are you doing?”
“You’ll have to be more clear.”
You closed your eyes, trying to gather your thoughts and hamper down on your rising temper. “Come on, why are you being so nice to me?”
He stared at you expectedly, blank eyes urging you to continue.
It only served to make you more angry.
“Diluc, when I left you hardly blinked. And now that I’m here, after months of us not talking, you want me to spend the night?”
“I told you before how much you meant to Mondstadt.”
To Mondstadt? Not even to himself personally? 
You decided it was better to confront him cleanly asking, “Why didn’t you kiss me that night we were drinking here?”
Diluc paused, not a single hint of surprise on his face as you addressed the situation head-on. “Why should I have?”
“Don’t act like you didn’t feel it. There was something between us.” You scoffed.
He noticed your use of past tense.
“Does it honestly matter? You would’ve left anyway, I saved us both the trouble.”
You visibly recoiled in response. “Is that what this is about? I have to go to Liyue and the other counties, Diluc. I have to find my brother.”
“I know that.” Diluc cut in, before you got the wrong idea. “You don’t think I’m acutely aware of that fact? The fact that this is my home and not yours. That one day you’ll find your brother and I’ll never see you again?”
“Believe me, I know better than anyone that you’re off to find your brother. And I’ll help you in any way that I can.” Diluc continued, not heeding your confused attempts to stop him. “But let’s not pretend like I was anything more than a stepping stone in your journey.”
“That’s not true!”
“Oh?” Diluc’s tone was almost challenging,  “It’s not? So once the dust is settled, if I asked you to stay here with me, would I be enough?”
You stuttered over your words, “I --”
“I don’t want to hear your excuse because we both know the answer.” He cut you off, “I was trying to save myself from that before it happened.”
“Will you let me speak, you idiot!?” Your voice cut through the silent evening air.
Diluc paused, standing a good ten feet away from you and looking angrier than you’d ever seen. But he did, thankfully, stop talking.
“Is it crazy to think that I feel the same way about you?”
“Diluc, I’m just me!” You answered, “I have nothing to my name but an objective to find my brother — if he’s even alive at this point. I need to try and I need to continue on this path…”
He crossed his arms, but stayed quiet as he listened. 
“But just because I have so much ahead of me, that doesn’t I don’t care about where I’ve already seen.” You took a few steps toward Diluc as you spoke, “You mean so much to me and I wouldn’t ever want to throw that away.”
“You won’t have a choice if you have to leave this world.”
“If!” You pointed out, “Diluc you’re so worried about the future, about me walking away from you forever, but it doesn’t have to be this way.”
“And suddenly there’s an alternative?”
“There’s always been one, you idiot! You just never bothered to actually talk to me.” You put your hands on his chest, the light material of his dark clothes underneath your palms. “I would’ve tried. If you asked me to make this work, to come back to you at the winery back then, I would’ve done it.”
Diluc closed his eyes, taking in your words as his hands snaked down to your wrists.
“Don’t give me empty promises.”
“I mean it!” You defended, “You aren’t just another person, Diluc. I—“
He opened his eyes then, reflecting back to you as hopeful and curious. “You…?”
“I care about you more than you know.” You settled on, still unsure about the extent of your feelings. “Why are you giving up on us before even starting?”
You stared right back at Diluc, his silence paramount to the inner turmoil you were sure he was going through. From his late father to the betrayal from the Knights, there were plenty of reasons why Diluc was so hesitant to connect with other people.
But you’d be damned if you didn’t try.
Your hands felt heavy against his chest. Despite your small demeanor and even smaller palms, the weight of your hands seemed to play seesaw between his heart and mind. He had logical reasons to keep you at a distance, but here you were trying to carve your way through back to him.
It had been a long time since he cared about anyone like this. And Diluc could not even recall the last time he wanted to sorely kiss someone at all. But how could he not want to now? You stared up at him, eyes blazing with determination as you tried to convey your feelings.
“You mean so much to me.” Diluc stated after a few silent minutes, “Let’s make this work.”
The smile you shot him was wide and radiant, a private blessing that only he was gifted tonight. He wrapped his arms around your waist, eager to feel more of you — to envelop you in his arms and keep you within them tonight. 
One hand strayed upward, carding itself in your hair and pulling you closer until both your eyes fluttered closed. The soft skin of your lips slotted against his, an endearing frenzy to give one another tender pecks. You could not help the happy mewl that escaped your lips as Diluc licked against the crease of your skin.
Moaning aloud to his tender touch, Diluc was eager to explore every inch of your wet cavern. There was no battle of tongues, simply moving in tandem as Diluc dominated the kiss. You tried to maneuver to give him more access, but with your height difference it was the best you could do.
Diluc lifted one of your legs, wrapping it around his waist and lightly tapping the other to do the same. Eyes clouded with lust, you did as instructed and quickly felt the soft thump behind you, the wall of the tavern helping hold you upright.
You fell more and more into the passionate lip lock, pushing to match his intensity as Diluc connected you in one of the most intimate ways possible. One hand was still in your hair while the other continued its scandalized trail downward.
You prayed to Barbatos that nobody heard you outside the tavern.
The both of you would later attribute this impassioned frenzy due to the prolonged time apart and mutual pining (culminating in a mistake outside on the balcony, twice inside the bar, and the rest of the night back at the winery).
For the first time, you enjoyed the morning sun streaming in through the windows, a lazy arm strung across your waist as you snuggled in the chest of the man you were growing to love.
Diluc woke long before you, hand threading through your hair silently as he resolved to remember this moment. You kissed at the naked skin of his chest twice before nuzzling him, feeling the light arm pull you closer.
“Good morning.” You started, voice muffled against his skin.
But you would have never expected Diluc to be so affectionate.
He kissed the top of your head, murmuring in a low tone. “Good morning, my love.”
Nothing about your relationship was perfect. You still fought and cried like every other couple. But you both knew that what you had was real, willing to fight for it no matter the obstacles that came with the future.
It did not matter that Tyvat was not your home.
Wherever Diluc was, that was where you’d return.
Extra: “What if they end up fighting?” Amber asked the other two as they walked down a side-street of the city.
“Then we’ll find out the moment it breaks out. Trust me.” Paimon replied. After all, your Anemo power would only serve to make any fire larger.
“They’ve both been in that pining puppy phase for so long, I doubt it’ll come down to that.” Venti added.
“500 Mora says they’ll be dating by the end of this week.” Amber bet.
“1,000 that they’ll be together by tonight!” Paimon countered.
“10,000 that they’ll be joined in every way by tonight.” Venti added, the mischievous tone not missed by either woman.
“You tone-deaf bard!” Paimon exclaimed as she slapped her hands over her red cheeks. “The traveler is more dignified than that!”
Amber had a hand on her chin, “Dating? Probably. But more than that…?”
Venti held out a hand to both, vying for both to shake one and accept the bet.
Nothing, but a couple of suckers. 
Amber grumbled once when she heard the news, but otherwise excitedly congratulated you two on finally accepting your feelings. Paimon’s whine could probably be heard in a fifteen mile radius and Venti’s proud smile didn’t help either — accepting the easiest twenty thousand Mora he ever made. 
And, just to gode the tiny guide a little more, Venti turned to Paimon in the middle of her complaining rant. 
The festival idea comes from Diluc’s story 1: “The winery holds festivities from time to time. These events are routinely attended by enthusiastic fathers, eager to introduce their wonderful daughters to the young and single winery master.”
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hermitcrabrave · 3 years
What your favourite hermit says about you
except i didn't do all of them bc this was a low-effort idea and i am simply one person lol GeminiTay- you're really chill but have a knack for messing with people lightheartedly. you like the colour green to an unhealthy extent. but only natural greens. You're really into aesthetics and '-core's, and probably have an aesthetic wallpaper. If you've been watching hermitcraft since before season 8, Scar was probably your favourite.
PearlescentMoon- you've probably been watching Pearl for a really long time already, and are happy to see her get to collab with so many of the hermits. You're considered the 'responsible one' of your friend group but i would not trust you with a lighter or spray paint. If you're a 3rd Life fan as well, a third of your time is spent thinking about what Could have been if Pearl had been on the server...
GoodTimesWithScar- You have good taste in fanfiction. This has nothing to do with Scar, but every Scar fan i've met is like this. You understand how chaotic Scar can be, and you love it. you firmly hold the stance that Scar in 3rd Life did Nothing wrong, and you would be correct :) You seem like a person who would have a stance against cursing, so it absolutely floors me when i hear you casually say 'fuck'. Also, your day instantly gets better when Scar posts Jellie content on twitter, and that is very understandable <3
BdoubleO- you have adhd. but that's fine, because bdubs' energy keeps you entertained, and his voice seems to strike a chord in your brain that just makes you happy. Your favourite story arc is probably the nHo jungle one, and you really like his new moss skin. You make fun of him for being short, but you're probably 5'3 yourself. Despite what most believe, you don't have anger issues, but you find loud humor kinda funny sometimes.
Mumbo Jumbo- You most likely have no idea what half of the redstone-y stuff he says even means, and you probably don't eve have a desire to learn. But that's fine, none of us are judging. You wish mumbo would be less self-deprecating, but you also think confidence looks weird on him. When you found out he was younger than Grian you lost your mind. and if you didn't know already,, you're welcome <3
Grian- you're either pretty new to hermitcraft, or have been here awhile. You're not actually as feral or chaotic as you're made out to be, and you genuinely care about the people you're close to, even if you have a hard time showing it. You probably own minecraft merchandise from the 2012 Era. You watched minecraft youtubers for about a solid 6 months before you ever even played the game.
Rendog- I could tell you you're a furry, or get way too enveloped in lore, but these are things you've heard many many times already, if you didn't already know them. You're a little bit h*rny on main, but thats okay. 3rd Life is your favourite mini-series, and you instantly latched onto Martyn, despite having never watched yogs content ever. You love his voice, and chances are, if you aren't LGBTQ+, yes you are.
Xisuma- you are in desperate need of a father figure. it's ok bestie, me too
Iskall85- Based. no but really, lol. you probably say "hallo" at least sometimes because of him. You think his whole green vibe thing going on is so cool, and, if you haven't made/looked at a stimboard before, you probably should. You're most likely some form of trans or nonbinary, and possibly think there was a lot of missed opportunity for Archetechs/Sahara projects in season 7. Extra note: Iskall's season 8 so far has been so fun and entertaining to watch. you have a truly iconic fav.
VintageBeef- You miss old Team Canada videos. Like seeing Beef collab with other people, and you genuinely just wanna give him a hug. valid. he feels like he gives good hugs. You have a really confusing but also specific music taste, but i feel like you'd be really good at suggesting good songs for me to listen to. ((drug cw under the cut))
wouldn't surprise me if you've had weed, honestly.
581 notes · View notes
ectonurites · 4 years
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idk how to quote tags on mobile where is the conner kent essay i NEED it
ALRIGHT OKAY! here’s 5k+ words plus panels & screenshots of me comparing and contrasting the two drastically different versions of Superboy (comics vs young justice cartoon) and going over what makes them such distinctly separate characters. someday i’ll refine this a bit more its kinda just a word dump that’s been living in my brain that i wanted to actually articulate after i read through Reign of the Supermen but here we go:
Pretty frequently I see the question “Why is Superboy so different in the Young Justice cartoon?” float around in DC circles. I think there are two main approaches to answering this:
Why did the writers of the cartoon decide to create a very different version of Superboy?
What factors make this Superboy so different from the comic version?
For the first approach the answer is relatively straight-forward, from the start Young Justice as a cartoon was never meant to be a direct adaptation of the comics. They just used the title and a few elements so they could create their own approach to the DC universe with a focus on younger heroes. For example, Artemis Crock in their show is also COMPLETELY different from her comic counterpart, Zatanna is aged way down to be a member of the teen team, and Kaldur’ahm was created for this show (and integrated into the comics as Jackson Hyde). They were always trying to do different things than the main comics universe, so them making a different version of Conner also makes sense. Their approach to him is also very clearly influenced more by how he appeared in the Teen Titans comic run that was still coming out as Young Justice started airing (his design, and some other elements we’ll discuss along the way), as opposed to his original version from the 90′s/the Young Justice comic.
So the basic “why” is that from the start they wanted to create something unique to their universe, which they definitely did accomplish.
The much more interesting subject to dive into, though, is looking at the differences in Superboy’s story that contribute to him becoming such a different person. 
The drastic changes made to the following factors are what I view as the main source of his differences in personality/outlook/characterization:
The conditions and history of the world at the time he is introduced
The circumstances around him being introduced/leaving Cadmus
The reaction Clark has to him and how their relationship starts
The people he first interacted with & became close to, and how he interacts with the world
The timing of him finding out about his connection to Luthor
The State of the Worlds
In the comics, Superboy is first introduced in Adventures of Superman #500 by iconically saying “Don’t ever call me Superboy!” 
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during a 1993 event called “Reign of the Supermen”, a follow up to the 1992 event “The Death of Superman”. Based on the title of the 1992 event, I think you can, uh, guess what one major difference in the setting here was vs. the state of the world at the time he was introduced in the cartoon. Obviously Clark didn’t stay dead forever, but Superboy first comes onto the scene as a young clone of Superman who insists he is the new Superman (one of the four characters trying to do so during the event). This is in the main DC universe in the early 90’s, which means that heroes in general, including teen heroes, aren’t a new thing! Not only has the Justice League been around for a while but so has the Teen Titans. Once Clark is alive again, Superboy goes off on his own to establish himself as an individual teen hero. 
So how is that different in the cartoon?
In the cartoon, Superboy is first introduced in the pilot episodes “Independence Day” and “Fireworks” 
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on the 4th of July in (what most people consider to be) 2010. This was supposed to be the day that Robin (Dick Grayson), Speedy (Roy Harper), Kid Flash (Wally West), and Aqualad (Kaldur’ahm) would get to see the true Justice League HQ at the Hall of Justice, which... doesn’t go exactly as planned. 
In this world, superheroes are a newer thing, this is something that the creators have talked about before. At this point, while there is an established Justice League, there are no known teams of teen superheroes. Just the fact that as of season one Dick Grayson is still Robin is a pretty good indicator that this world is early in it’s time with a Batman. Now, the sidekicks aren’t a secret, as they appear very publicly in this first episode, but they are almost always seen acting with their mentors at this point. Again, there is no Teen Titans in this setting, and there never has been. 
So when they do form the first teen hero team? It is kept covert-ops. They do not publicize that they act as a superhero team, and the members who weren’t already publicly known heroes (mainly Miss Martian and Superboy) end up being pretty… unknown to a lot of the world outside the hero/villain community! Again their existence is not strictly kept a secret, but they keep the fact that there’s a team of minors who are heroes going on independent missions VERY under the radar on purpose. Thus, those who aren’t going around doing super public hero activities just don’t have nearly as much of a presence.
So to summarize:
In the comics, Superboy is immediately put in a spotlight (he befriends a reporter and is all over tv and literally trademarks the name Superman) becoming known to the world and establishes himself as a solo acting hero YEARS before joining any teams.
In the cartoon, Superboy is kept relatively out of the spotlight, immediately becomes part of a covert-ops team and doesn’t act solo very often. The well known teen heroes in this setting are sidekicks working under a mentor, and Superboy does not actually act as a sidekick.
What does this mean for Superboy?
Superboy in the comics gets to, right away, act on his own and get a taste of what being Superman is like. In the cartoon, he’s brought into the world at a time where there already is a Superman. I think back to this bit from the therapy episode, where he says:
“See, from the moment I first opened my eyes in that Cadmus pod, there’s been one thing I’ve wanted, and feared. To know what it is to be Superman.”
Comics Superboy started out getting to do that! He immediately got a shot at filling that role, and he then makes the choice to relinquish it back to the original once he’s alive again. He (begrudgingly at first) understood that it wasn’t yet his time to be Superman, and knows he’ll someday fill those shoes for real- but in the meantime being Superboy is gonna be his own thing and he’ll embrace it and make it work.
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Cartoon Superboy is left in a shadow, not ever truly knowing what it’s like to fill those shoes (except in a doomsday scenario training exercise gone awry that he then just feels intense guilt over). This leaves him a lot more frustrated and lost, and I think is a major contributor to how angry this version of Superboy is compared to his much more ‘chill go with the flow’ attitude in the comics.
In the comics, in that same issue he’s introduced, we find out that Superboy broke out of his cloning tube prematurely and left Cadmus with the assistance of the second Newsboy Legion, who also gave him his first leather jacket, before the programming that would allow Cadmus to control him was implemented.
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He quickly gets up to speed with the situation, that Clark is dead. So he comes on the scene starting to save people and saying he is Superman, or at least the clone of the original one. A major thing that does influence his character here is the fact that… this is the 90’s. He is designed around the idea of what is ‘cool’ back in 1993. (look, even his original character design sheets call him cool)
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So right off the bat he’s got a stereotypical ‘cool teen guy in that era’ personality, which is often played for comedy to add a little lightness to some of the dark things happening during this event. 
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Anyways, he has left Cadmus, he’s acting on his own, and he starts realizing that his powers aren’t exactly the same as Superman’s over the course of the Reign of the Supermen story.
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After the main conflict is settled and Clark is fully alive and acting as Superman again, the two of them end up going back to Cadmus to find out what the exact deal is with him. I’ll go into this more in a later point, but they find out he’s not exactly a clone of Superman (or Lex- him being actually involved as a DNA donor is a retcon that happened a decade later). They agree to let someone from Cadmus (Dubbilex- the grey guy with the horns in this pic) leave Metropolis with him, as he sets out on a press tour to establish himself as Superboy now that he relinquished the trademark on the Superman name back to Clark. 
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Let’s pause and look at how this is different in the cartoon.
In the cartoon, when the trio of Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad decide to prove themselves to their mentors they run off on their own to attend to a fire at Project Cadmus when the Justice League got called off to do something else. Upon arriving, they accidentally uncover some weird things about Cadmus, like the crazy amount of sublevels, the creatures roaming around, and the fact that it’s not on the main power grids. They eventually find Superboy, still in his cloning tube. They break him out, but then get captured themselves.
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When they are then put into tubes by Cadmus personnel, they manage to convince Superboy to help free them by promising him things like getting to meet Superman, and see the moon. The group of four now working together manages to escape from the building and it topples down, where they are then greeted by the Justice League who are Not Happy.
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Superman flies away shortly after, and the group of kids explain to their remaining mentors that sure, they disobeyed orders, but they accomplished something good here, and they are going to keep doing it, whether the League likes it or not. The compromise is the formation of The Team, to be covert-ops while the Justice League acts publicly, and the boys are joined by Miss Martian.
So to summarize:
In the comics, Superboy leaves Cadmus pretty independently (with some assistance) to go act on his own as a hero immediately. He returns to Cadmus later for more information, and they reveal truths to him about his existence. After he knows his truth, he goes off to continue establishing himself as a solo hero but lets Cadmus still supervise what he’s doing through Dubbilex.
In the cartoon, Superboy is rescued from Cadmus by Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad, without knowing pretty much anything about himself besides the fact that he is a clone of Superman, and is immediately put on the covert ops team. 
What it means for Superboy:
Comic Superboy goes to act on his own, even after he admits he’s not the real Superman anymore. Yes he’s not 100% alone in terms of ‘he’s got people (Rex, Roxy, Dubbilex, Tana) around him’, but as a hero he’s a solo act and ends up taking residence in Hawaii. In the cartoon, by joining a team right away, he’s taking on a very different style of being a hero, especially because the team itself is covert-ops. Rather than regularly saving the day all on his own much like Superman, which can help comic Superboy feel like he’s still living up to the name more, cartoon Superboy is working under the radar in a group setting, while still wanting to desperately fill those Superman shoes. 
He is overconfident in his abilities and wants to be the hero he was created to be, so him being put into this very different type of superhero situation is another major contributor to the frustration/anger. Even later on when comics Superboy is part of forming the Young Justice team, they were never a secret covert-ops team, they were always publicly known. (hell, a reporter is the one who gave them the team name Young Justice because he’d misheard Bart)
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Superboy & Superman
In the comics, as we have established, Clark was dead at the time Superboy first came on the hero scene. Clark comes back to life, during a little bit of a lull in the middle of the huge conflict. He immediately accepts that Superboy is one of four who came forward to try to replace him, and one of the only two (Superboy & Steel) who genuinely only had good intentions in doing so. Clark, Steel, Supergirl, Hal Jordan, and Superboy then all work together in the big battle against the Cyborg Superman.
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Once things are settled, Clark is curious about him, and where he came from and his origin, so they end up going to Cadmus together with Guardian and learning more about him, as I previously mentioned. Once it is established that Superboy is in fact a metahuman clone who was created to mimic Superman, but is not actually a clone of him, Superman still accepts him and thinks he’s earned his right to continue using the ’S’ shield and have the name of Superboy. 
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They part ways so Superboy can go on his press tour, but in general they have pretty positive interactions where they mutually respect each other! Not too much later in the comics even (I forget exaaactly when this happens but it’s definitely before the 1998 Young justice comic), Superman is the first one to give Superboy a real name, “Kon-El”, something he is so happy about he literally cries.
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How is this different in the cartoon? 
When the boys first escaped, and Superboy first meets the Justice League, Clark is standoffish. Other members of the league need to nudge him over to go actually talk to Superboy, and it’s not much of a conversation before he flies off and away, leaving Superboy frustrated and alone.
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This… turns into the standard for almost the entire first season. Other characters constantly telling Clark that he needs to reach out and be support for the boy (like in this iconic diner scene with Bruce and Clark), but Clark consistently being too freaked out by the fact that someone made a clone of him without his knowledge to properly accept Conner. While this does over time get better, this being the immediate reaction when Superboy is brand new in the world definitely… has an impact! 
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He is rejected by the person he idolizes, and feels neglected and abandoned, and definitely kinda overcompensates with ego to try to make up for it. 
In the comics, Superman and Superboy work together from the start, not falling into a hero/sidekick situation but rather acknowledging each other as individual heroes with respect for one another. They grow to see each other as family much faster, and little tension between them. A crucial difference in situations, though, is that at the time these versions first meet Superboy is not actually a clone of Superman.
In the cartoon, Superman at first avoids Superboy, and does not offer guidance or mentorship or anything the boy needs. It is clear that he wants to work with Superman and be like him, since it was what he was created to do. It takes a lot of time for Clark to accept Conner in this setting, and there is a lot of tension for the first several months Conner exists. (they seem to settle this towards the end of season 1/during the gap between season 2, but it still has it’s impact on who Conner is early in his life)
What does this mean?
I feel like this is another major factor that contributes to Conner being so angry all the time in the cartoon, he feels immediately rejected by the person he’s supposed to be someday, rather than accepted by him. Again, very different from how comics Superboy got a chance to be Superman, and a chance to then work with the real deal as equals. 
Friendships, Relationships and Identity
When Superboy is freed by the second Newsboy Legion, it’s primarily out of a ‘we’re clones who are stuck here, but you need to be out there, you’re what Metropolis needs right now!’ kind of idea. The first person he actually becomes close to is a reporter named Tana Moon.
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Tana and Superboy’s relationship is… bad once it actually becomes romantic due to their huge age difference (she’s around 23, he is for all intents and purposes 16), but during the Reign of the Supermen where they’re still just friends for the most part, it’s not as bad. Tana becomes the GBS correspondent who focuses on everything Superboy (at this time still insisting he is the new Superman) is doing as a hero, and they become close friends.
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GBS then also brings in Rex Leech (and his daughter Roxy) to be his agent, to promote Superboy and manage things for him. Rex is exploitative as hell, but Roxy does become another really important person to Superboy. These characters along with Dubbilex are his main supporting cast at the start of his solo comic when he’s in Hawaii.
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In this whole era, Superboy is pretty much a celebrity. He’s cool, he’s a superhero, and I think it’s very notable he does not have a secret Identity. For a decent chunk of time, he is always just ‘Superboy’ (until, as I mentioned earlier, Clark gives him the name Kon-El. Even so, he doesn’t adopt a regular secret identity [Conner Kent, although he actually used a different one, Carl Grummett, before that!] until he begins living with the Kents in the early 2000s). By the time he joins any teams, Kon is pretty damn confident in who he is as a hero and has a relatively good grasp on who he is in general, if anything he’s a little too confident.
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Young Justice was created in the aftermath of World Without Grown Ups when the trio of Superboy, Robin (Tim Drake) and Impulse (Bart Allen) had teamed up. After they saved the day they realized they worked well together and formed their team, utilizing the old Justice League base in Mount Justice. They were eventually joined by more members, especially relevant here is Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark) who Kon later dates for a portion of the Teen Titans run that these four are in after Young Justice ends. 
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The four of them become close, and when Kon dies during Infinite Crisis it rips a hole in everything they had established growing up together over the past several years (Cassie joins a cult dedicated to bringing him back, Tim tries to clone a new Kon, Bart got aged up and took on the mantle of the Flash, etc) and Bart’s death that followed similarly shook the remaining Cassie and Tim. This group eventually does get to reunite, with Kon and Bart coming back during Final Crisis, solidifying how even things like death don’t keep them apart for long. It’s hard to look at the comic book versions of these four characters and imagine how they would be without their connections to each other... until you look at the YJ cartoon and see a world where they’re not even all part of the same generation, let alone a friend group.
Now in the cartoon…
The first people Conner primarily interacts with are Dick, Wally, Kaldur, and M’gann, along with the League members who interact with The Team pretty regularly, Red Tornado, Batman, and Black Canary. He’s shown to be friends with the other memebers of the team and get along with them relatively well, but in general he’s not much of a social person. 
Much like in the comics, Superboy is considered very attractive, and immediately upon their meeting, M’gann is interested in him. Very, very interested in him.
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At first it definitely does seem more just like an innocent crush, but it’s later revealed to be a little more… concerning than that. As in ‘Megan subtlety influencing Superboy to become her dream boyfriend based on a TV show she likes’ concerning. Like… she literally gives him the name ‘Conner’ after the TV show character that was the boyfriend of the character she bases her human self and entire identity on. The two date and once that becomes a thing, a lot of their plot lines in the following seasons revolve around the ups and downs of their relationship.
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In general in this show, Superboy doesn’t really get much of a chance to establish himself on his own terms. Within months of him leaving his cloning pod, he and M’gann start going to high school with secret identities, so he’s already having to hide who he truly is to blend in with other people, before he even knows who he truly is. 
So to compare:
In the comics, Superboy gets to figure out who he is as Superman’s Clone/Superboy very publicly, has multiple love interests and a celebrity status, and over time becomes part of a tight-knit group of friends. He doesn’t use a regular secret identity for the first several years he’s active.
In the cartoon, Superboy has one love interest with a very large impact on him, not nearly as much focus is given to his other friendships, and he immediately adopts a secret identity meaning he needs to hide who he is from the start. 
What it means:
These factors play a big difference in his attitude, particularly highlighting how extroverted his comic version is and how introverted his cartoon version is. Comic Superboy never really needed to hide who he was until years into his career, vs being told to do so early on in his life. When you get used to needing to hide things so early, that can definitely lead to being more private/disconnected from others. Also somewhat related- in the comics, when Kon is given knowledge in his cloning tube, more pop culture got included. He mentions knowing Star Wars without having seen it, and references a ton of TV and Movies, vs the cartoon version of him that seems to have been given a lot of history of the world but not the current fun stuff. It’s the difference between knowing what’s going on in the world and what’s popular, vs only knowing the past and what’s fundamental. Not knowing pop culture like this can also really contribute to feeling alienated and lead to introversion. (I just... I think about how in the comics Kon’s favorite TV show is Wendy The Werewolf Stalker, in the cartoon Conner just... watches white noise static)
Also, having a completely different set of friends with different personalities has a big effect, people are always gonna be influenced by the people they’re close to to some extent. Bumping Conner up to Dick’s generation of heroes instead of Tim’s not only gives him completely different friends, but it also puts him in this position of being one of the ‘Original Team Members’. By this I mean, a member of the first iteration of the only teen team, one of the people that younger heroes coming onto the scene and joining the team in later seasons see as an experienced and older team member to look up to (despite the fact that cartoon Conner is permanently 16- they never fixed that for him like in the comics). That just creates a different dynamic entirely, because in the comics even when the Tim/Kon/Cassie/Bart group are more experienced on their team late in the Teen Titans run, they are still always going to have heroes like Dick Grayson, Donna Troy, Wally West etc as the older generation of ‘original teen heroes’ who came before them.
Also, while I am talking mostly about in-universe reasoning here, I do wanna bring up one slightly more meta reason that might also have contributed to them choosing to go for a more ‘introverted brooding hero’ characterization with him: the fact that their version of Wally already filled the ‘flirty jokey’ archetype original Comics Kon fits into. Having two characters like that in the show from the start would definitely get... overwhelming. And at the time this show was first airing, in the comics, he was relatively devoted to Cassie and not nearly as flirty anymore anyways.
Lex Luthor / Details of Cloning
In the comics, as I have already mentioned and will now actually explain, when Superboy was first introduced he was not the clone of Superman and Lex Luthor as we know him to be today. Kon was a metahuman clone, made with the DNA of Paul Westfield who worked at Cadmus, that they genetically altered to look like Superman, and gave powers based on the energy aura they discovered to exist around Clark’s dead body. This telekinetic field gave Kon the distinct powers he had for his first decade of existence: His Tactile Telekinesis (often referred to by him as TTK)
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Lex Luthor was originally not directly involved in his creation, but he was aware that it was going on as is revealed during the Reign of the Supermen arc. Kon’s TTK allowed him to mimic Superman’s flight and strength, but not all of his powers. TTK also gave him powers Superman DOESN’T have, such as his ability to dismantle machinery or mold materials he is touching into different shapes. (The reason this is called Tactile Telekinesis is because there needs to be a tactile element, he needs to be touching the things) 
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It is not until 2003, a decade after Superboy was created, that writer Geoff Johns in his Teen Titans run decided to alter Superboy’s origin. He established that Lex Luthor had been the real human DNA donor and that Superman’s Kryptonian DNA was actually used in the cloning process. Around this time, Conner also begins to exhibit more of the typical Kryptonian powers, like Clark did around this age. 
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This information is at first only known by Conner and Tim, because the email had actually been sent to Tim directly. The two keep it a secret as Conner was not ready to tell the rest of the team, because he fears the implications it has, and is afraid of becoming evil or being rejected. This revelation about Lex being one of his ‘parents’ DNA-wise coming years into his hero career changes a lot of things for Conner, and makes him begin to question who he is. Unfortunately, Lex does at one point take control of Conner and force him to break Tim’s arm and attack Cassie directly (as well as the rest of the team, but these two specifically are what Conner expresses the most guilt over after the fact). This era of Conner in the comics is where he’s definitely closest to his cartoon counterpart, because he’s very troubled and dealing with a lot of heavy stuff regarding himself as a person. Yet there’s still traces of who he has always been in there. I mean, if you’re only familiar with cartoon Conner, can you really imagine his final words as he’s dying after saving the world being “Isn’t it cool?”
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Now, looking at the cartoon…
Conner finds out about his connection to Lex in November, only a few months after having existed outside of a cloning tube. He finds it out on his own, from Lex speaking to him directly, after Conner went back to investigate the remains of Cadmus and ended up having a fight with Match (another clone who is able to pass for Conner’s duplicate who they… their version of Match is another thing they drastically changed from the comic version but as we’ve established that’s something they like to do so I’m not gonna dwell on it).
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In the cartoon, Conner’s powerset is, from the start, different from both Superman and comic Superboy. Here he has heightened senses and strength and the ability to leap really far, but he lacks actual flight and some of the other standard Kryptonian powers, and has no TTK. The cartoon explains these gaps in his powers as being due to his half human DNA, and they introduce these patches that are able to suppress his human DNA and give him temporary access to full powers. Lex uses these patches as a way to manipulate him. Much like in the comics, Lex has a code word programmed into Conner that effects him, although it isn’t quite used for the same amount of ‘total mind control’, and he doesn’t get fully brainwashed and turn against the team or anything. Instead, the code word (here “Red Sun” rather than “Aut vincere, aut mori” [Translated as “to conquer or die" / "victory or death”]) just leaves him stuck in a hypnotic trance.
In the comics, Kon finds out after years of believing he was a metahuman clone who was given powers to mimic Superman, that he is actually a clone of Lex Luthor and Superman, which alters his entire perspective on himself! This causes him to become a lot more unsure and anxious about who he is, in stark contrast with how confident he was before. There are still traces of his old self within him, but this is a development in his character that influences him moving forward, making him a bit more serious but still at his core the same person he used to be.
In the cartoon, Conner finds out after months of thinking he was a clone of just Superman, that he has half human DNA and the donor was Lex Luthor. While he always had confidence in his abilities, he was still somewhat lost as a person in knowing who he really was outside of things other people have assigned to him (teammate, boyfriend, superhero, etc), and finding out this information about himself just adds to the uncertainty and frustration.
What it means:
Having this struggle be something Conner has to deal with so early in his existence is one of the most fundamental changes in my opinion. Finding out that Lex Luthor is one of your clone parents is something that will alter your entire perception of yourself and who you are! In the comics, Conner had already been confident in who he was so it shakes his world in a really big way, but in the cartoon he still didn’t know who he really was so it just adds to further confusion. 
I think that even with the more serious characterization Kon starts getting in the 2003 Teen TItans run, his history and past as the fun cool 90′s Metropolis Kid isn’t entirely forgotten, it’s still a part of who he is/was. Sure, maybe he’s sometimes even embarrassed by how he used to be, but it’s not treated as though it didn’t happen. All of his history comes together to create the character and who he is by the time he wears just a T shirt as a costume.
By skipping over the fun era of his life and jumping right into who he was when he started facing these huge changes, it creates such a completely different set of challenges for him and that contributes directly to how he’s characterized. 
Putting it all together
The ultimate point I am trying to reach in all of this is that, beyond just ‘they made a writing choice to make him different’ the environment that Superboy was brought into and the events that took place right when he came into the world greatly influenced the type of character he would become. Every time an adaptation is made of something like comics, there are going to be changes and alterations to fit the world the creators want to make. Sometimes these changes are minor and don’t actually change who a character is (an example for the YJ cartoon’s universe itself: In the tie-in comics [issue 6] it’s established in this universe that the Flying Graysons weren’t just Dick and his parents, but other family members were active parts of it too. One was an uncle also named Richard, who actually survived the fall that killed the rest of his family but was left paralyzed and thus unable to care for him. This uncle already used the nickname ‘Rick’ which is likely why Dick ended up using ‘Dick’ as a name in a modern setting even though it has fallen out of popularity as a nickname because uh, connotations. This is something that is mostly unique to their world and helps to explain some things, but it’s not like tragically losing a few more family members changed their version of Dick and his backstory that drastically. At his core, he still has many similarities to his comic self) but they’re still changes, and that’s okay. Superboy, though, is such an extreme case where they made so many changes that at his core he really does become a completely separate character. Sure he has the name and design, but I was able to write five thousand words about differences here and am struggling to come up with more similarities beyond that.
I think there still could be specks of the original Superboy buried inside cartoon Conner, and that maybe he could have been more like his original version under other circumstances. Looking at these differences and where they come from is, I think, a cool way to begin to understand what elements contribute to who each version of Conner Kent really is. I think it’s clear from how I wrote this that I prefer the comic version, but there are definitely things that are fun to look at and think about with both.
if u read all of this UH thanks for listenin to me ramble! sorry if this is incomprehensibe!
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sinnabee · 2 years
Weird question, but how did you come up with your username for your blog?
lol i think i originally made it for my ao3?? originally this art blog was called doodle-beanie, i still have the original icon i drew for it saved on my computer lol.
went through a couple of iterations of this username until i founded the one that stuck. for a while i tried “elizabee” - i’m sure u can guess what very-common name that’s derived from lol.
in the end it was a silly and p cheesy reason that i ended up with sinnabee! “sinna” is - absolutely - meant to stand for “sinner” lol. i live in the south (yeehaw) and my mom has some uuuuh Opinions™. she was pretty chill with some things (plays world of warcraft, thinks sci-fi and fantasy is cool) and less so with others. (lol we mentioned this on stream - i was once grounded and had ALL my electronics taken away for reading fanfic - except my ds, which she MISSED, and i then used to read fanfic on >:D)
(she also thought ALL fanfic was smut despite - no joke - every last book on her bookshelf being some form of romance novel abshsjskdk like babe PLEASE)
for a long time reading fic had a LOT of guilt associated with it, felt like i was doing something bad and wrong every time i did it. i still have a lot of ready-made excuses for people when they ask me what i’m reading, why the chapters “update,” things to disguise the fact it’s fanfic and not more “appropriate” things.
i ended up with sinnabee in - highschool? - i think and was like “i’m gonna EMBRACE the fact that i read fanfic and fucking love it, live on ao3 and not care what people think about it!!! time to SIN” (also incidentally around the time i realized i would get crushes on girls lol)
and then i ended up liking the name so much - and especially the abbreviation sinna - that i eventually either changed almost all my other usernames to match, or started using it as my go-to when i made a new account for something fandom related. :D
so there it is!!! bet you weren’t expecting a whole ass story time for that huh anon??????? thanks for the ask! really and truly i love the name sinnabee, i don’t think i’d ever change it. i have online friends i’ve known well enough that they know my Government Assigned Name™ who sometimes still call me sinna and tbh it just makes something in me happy and squishy when they do. also i love fat little bees. (HATE cinnamon tho)
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When It’s Love- Joe x Reader
(One day in August of 2020 my favorite Van Halen song came on the radio and suddenly I was harassed by this idea so badly I screamed. True story. Anyway, here’s some more extremely reflective internal conflict romantic flash Joe fic. I put a LOT of work into this whole post ((including the first illustration)) so I really hope you like it! I had a lot of fun writing this bc of the imagery and descriptions of everything. You’ll see...)
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(illustration(s) by @paper-sxn​ and myself)
Words: 2,798
Prompt: nah just read it and find out ^-^
August 26th, 1988. Dublin, Ireland
The door on the rooftop of the restaurant opened, and a tall, anxious-looking man in a red suit walked out alone. He ran a hand through his dirty-blonded mullet, and shut the door behind him. Blowing out a breath, he walked up to the bar to order a single brandy. The bartender wouldn't have noticed it, but the casual, quiet tone the man used wasn't normal for him. It wasn't a facade, either; it was nothing but genuine.
He took the drink with much gratitude, slipped the bartender a bill, and told her to keep the change. She thanked him sweetly before turning up the volume on her small radio behind the counter.
The song that played proceeded to strike the man right in the heart.
"Of course," he thought with an exhausted and amused grin, "Perfect timing."
When he turned around with his glass, he was met with a glorious sunset of the late summer. Nothing but warm, soon-to-be-gold light engulfed him. He took notice of how it passed through his glass and the liquid inside of it. He gazed at the liquor for a moment, but he did not drink it.
Meanwhile, the small radio behind the bar was sounding off with a bit of static, "Everybody's looking for something, something to fill in the holes..."
Joe walked in a straight line. His left hand slipped into his pocket to anxiously fidget with whatever contents were inside of his famed red suit.
He'd only dressed up to this current degree just to make sure his outfit would be pleasing to you tonight. It was everything to him; this loudly colored look always held a place in his heart- and in yours. Hell, your relationship had begun partially because of it. The suit itself still held up in its style after all this time. Joe knew it was tacky enough, yet dapper enough for a date. It turned on his gentleman mode, which is what he suspected he needed the most right now.
He was your gentleman, after all. Just the thought of being yours made the edges of his mouth curl upwards into a bashful smile.
The singer, who was on break from tour for a short while, chose to focus this smile at the horizon before him. The slow and leisurely steps he took made him reach the edge of the rooftop where there was a ledge for him to put his drink down.
He smoothed his increasingly trembling hands over the cold cement of this ledge. He tapped all of his fingers against it. He crossed his arms on top of it.
He took a deep breath, and closed his eyes when he let it rush out.
The smile on his lips remained as he did this, pondering on what you were probably doing back downstairs at your table. Dinner had recently ended, so you were probably tapping your fingers as Joe was currently doing, looking around for him, and looking around in your purse.
Joe also pondered on what you could've been thinking about, too. He didn't have any guesses, but he knew without a single doubt in his mind that you were not thinking of the same thing he was.
He was thinking of time, and how he could not waste it.
This Leppard- shrouded in his red cloth- knew he couldn't spend more than a few minutes up here. Yet, he wanted to get one last look around before returning to you.
Picturing his return made him silently chuckle to himself. He had never felt so happy to be thinking of you- never in his whole life.
"We think a lot, but don't talk much about it..."
He picked up the brandy, and took a small sip of it. The sweetness of it spread over his tongue as he immediately associated the flavor with a memory of you. It was tranquilizing almost immediately.
Nerves were a tricky thing to deal with. Luckily, Joe knew there was a less tricky solution for this.
Joe also knew he was currently on the wagon for the duration of this tour. It was for his own good- and the tour's own good- but he needed to make a quick exception for himself. Despite whatever guilt he may have felt while sipping his drink, he knew damn well that it was an essential exception he had to make.
"Til things get out of control..."
The only other occupants of the rooftop lounge- a couple sitting and chatting at a table some yards away- subtly captured Joe's attention. He turned his head to look at them, and again, he smiled to himself. Again, you overwhelmed his mind. Seeing this couple be a match together- a duo, a pair- it only reminded him more of how head over heels he was in his own way.
He also lingered on how much he loved the sight and feeling of being in a duo of his own, too. He could only imagine if you two looked as good as these strangers did from afar.
"Oh! How do I know when it's love? I can't tell you, but it lasts forever..."
Chills suddenly trickled down his spine, and Joe shivered. Something different was in the air.
"Oh! How does it feel when it's love? It's just something you feel together, when it's love..."
He felt his head jerk back towards the sunset, and an intense wave of nostalgia washed over him. The heart within his ruby suit plunged deep into his stomach, but was resurrected instantly.
The soft green eyes of the singer were frozen- fixed on the premature descent of the sun. His clean-shaven jaw fell slightly open at the sensation running through his veins.
"This is it..." Joe whispered.
He now found himself unable to move with goosebumps forming underneath the layers he wore. This was strange to him, since he had been close to overheated for the whole meal with you.
Slowly, he felt his hand go back into his pocket. He closed his fingers around the small shape inside, and he removed it with more caution than if he were handling a grenade.
"You look at every face in a crowd, some shine and some keep you guessing..."
Without looking at it, he rubbed his thumb over the soft covering and placed it inches from his drink.
"Waiting for someone to come into focus..."
With the same carefulness, Joe lowered his eyes to observe the layout before him. Just like that, all minuscule details of what he saw jumped out at him without warning. Every spec of concrete on the ledge was suddenly visible, every single ray of light the glass refracted was defined, every single line of his skin was ingrained into his retinas, and every microscopic hair on the small surface of the object was magnified. It was as if he were now looking at an iconic still life in a museum. If he were to frame this sight right then and there, he was sure it would be priceless.
For as long as he lived, Joe knew he would never forget this exact moment. The temperature, the wind, the colors, and the air; he'd forever be able to instantly recall them. Every detail was priceless.
"Teach you your final love lesson."
Joe took a photograph of the moment with his vision when he felt tears of joy begin to sting behind his eyes.
"No-" Joe said to himself as he frantically clasped his eyes into a squint and pinched the bridge of his nose, "No, not now... c'mon..."
A faint reverberation of your voice rang through his head like a clear, concise ring of a bell, "Yeah, c'mon sweetie. Not now..."
He looked back up at the sunset while blowing out a breath, and took another quick sip of his drink. Even in the most private of reflective moments, his conscience always had a habit of manifesting your reactions. You were always there to him; he couldn't live without you.
"You can't waste any more time up here..." your voice said more clearly, as if you were right next to him, "You know that."
"Can't waste any more time..." Joe said aloud to himself again with a shake of his head. He hastily hid the small item back in his pocket.
"How do I know when it's love? I can't tell you, but it lasts forever..."
Joe knew damn well he couldn't photograph this moment, despite how badly he wanted to. If only he could capture this new level of existence in some way...
He still couldn't see you, but he heard your voice, "Work with what you're given, Joey. Use your head. Use your hands..."
Joe's eyebrows perked up at the spontaneous idea 'you' gave him. Looking around, his eyes soon located a napkin on the table of the nearby couple. He knew he'd have to be quick, lest the real you suspected something of his absence. The imaginary scenario of your suspicion was enough to make him feel the same shiver of anxiety again.
Despite the nerves surrounding him, it was still the best thing he had ever felt.
A small voice of his conscience told him you were able to feel it, too. Perhaps, back down in the restaurant, you, too, were feeling a shiver down your spine.
"Oh! How does it feel when it's love? It's just something you feel together..."
Joe knew this internal voice; it was an emotion. He knew by pure intuition that everything it said was true. As it got closer to him, he felt his heart speed up. He knew the moment was getting even closer.
Your imaginary voice was back in his ears, "Don't worry, honey. I can feel it, too."
"Sweet Y/n," he whispered aloud as he shut his eyes against the setting sun, "Darling Y/n, don't you realize what's about to happen?"
No sound of you came closer. Instead, he felt your hand caress his face. When he opened his eyes, a vision of you was finally standing there with him.
You told him one word.
You vanished from Joe's conscience instantly with that syllable. It gave him enough confidence to set himself into motion.
Going through with his plan, the fidgety Leppard strode over to the sitting couple, asking if he could snag their spare napkin. They granted him permission, leading Joe to head back over to the bar counter.
After obtaining a pen from the bartender, he began to write.
He didn't write much, but he wrote what he felt he needed to. The vivid, mindful memory of the rooftop ledge was stored into every letter he scribbled down. If he couldn't take a picture of the feeling, he knew he'd have the next best thing.
The pen lifted from the napkin, and Joe fought to control his smile.
He took his napkin and drink back to the ledge after returning the pen. Holding up what he had written in front of him, he engraved the new sight of it into his memory instead.
"August 26th, 1988:" the cloth read, "Our lives are about to change forever."
He was immensely satisfied with it; the last object to be created in what would soon be his 'old' life.
"Oh, when it's love... you can feel it, yeah!"
Joe repeated his own written word, and the word the mirage of you had told him, "Forever... yes."
Lowering the napkin, Joe was face to face with the horizon. It was constantly changing color, but each transition was more and more radiant. The evening was perfect; nothing could've gone more correctly for him.
Well, maybe one more thing could still go correctly for him.
"Nothing's missing, yeah!"
A simple yet powerful guitar solo reached the far edge of the roof where he stood. It was rather funny to him. It reflected his plan a little too well; simple, yet powerful.
You both had always ended your meals at this restaurant by going up to the roof for a drink. No other place on earth screamed of you and Joe more than that rooftop did. Your dinner was over, so it was almost time to head up. It was routine, and it was unquestionable. It was simple; it was powerful.
There was a sudden burning in Joe's pocket- a burning sense of raw and extraordinary power. Joe quickly reached his hand back inside to pull out the object he'd placed on the ledge before.
“Yeah, you can feel it! Oh, when it’s love...”
He held it in front of him and fixed his eyes over its whole surface area. He found it hard to believe he was given control of such heavenly power, all delicately concealed within the case in his hand. It was the sword in the stone, but only you could wield it.
And that moment when you wielded it had to be perfect.
"Can't waste any more time," Joe gasped. His fingers clasped over the piece in his hand, he closed his eyes in reverence, and slowly touched it to his lips.
"When nothing's missing!"
Joe privately declared with his lips against the small, soft surface, "Nothing's missing."
"How do I know when it's love? I can't tell you, but it lasts forever..."
Joe re-filled his pockets without looking at any of the contents. The napkin and the soft-covered object both disappeared into the scarlet suit, and the remainder of his brandy disappeared into his mouth. Before he took the finishing sip, however, he raised his glass to the sunset in a private toast accompanied with a wink. Only one word was needed to make such a toast.
"Ooh, how does it feel when it's love? It's just something you feel together, hey!”
The glass was returned, and all things were finally in place.
“How do I know when it’s love? I can’t tell you, but it lasts forever- when it’s love...”
Just as Joe turned in the direction of the door he came from, he stopped dead and reached back into his pocket. There was one last thing he didn't take a final look at; one very small thing.
"Hey! It lasts forever...! When it's love..."
He pulled out the deep-colored item yet again. Only this time, instead of admiring its surface, he opened it.
The glorious star within was now admiring him.
"You and I, we're gonna feel the same together- when it's love..."
Each twinkle and every finest detail of it was, in every way, flawless. It matched the very twinkle in your eye Joe knew you'd bear once you finally witnessed it yourself.
"Ooh when it's love, baby..."
Joe believed it bittersweet that this would be his very last chance to gaze upon the raw, divine power before he decided to activate it.
"You can feel it, yeah!"
The second Joe would conceal the item again, he knew he would not be allowed to look at it anymore. There was a destiny for this particular object. It beheld a future so great, so magnificent, that Joe himself would not be able to look directly at it when the moment came. He wasn't chosen for an honor such as that.
The only person who was destined to see this divine piece in action... was you.
It was you, and only you; forever. And the greatest part- you did not suspect a single thing.
Sucking back the happy and nervous tears he felt coming on, Joe closed the small box and put it back into his pocket. His hand remained on top of it as he turned away from the sunset to go back downstairs. His fingers continued to rub over its surface, and he could feel the radiant force within it. It had the ability to permanently change your lives, and that's the exact power he was about to bestow upon you.
As he opened the door to head back down to you, his nerves threatened to make him freeze again. His heart vibrated in his chest as the magic of the item within the box engulfed him.
"We'll make it last forever!"
Joe's hand squeezed the edge of the door as he just barely glimpsed the now-radiant sunset. He was aware that the time had come.
It was, at long last, about to happen. Your lives were about to change forever. It was becoming real; it was becoming perfect.
Finally, after so long, Joe could say with complete confidence that he knew the name of the strongest feeling that had ever engrossed him.
Oddly enough, that feeling also shared your name.
"Ooh, it's love."
Joe squeezed the tiny, sublime box in his pocket. He whispered to himself just before he shut away the glory of the impending dusk:
"With this ring... I thee wed."
The end
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(When It’s Love by Van Halen)
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
Thoughts on the Shadow's Doppelganger, Lamont Cranston
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The funny thing about Cranston in the original stories is that, yeah, one of the most famous scenes across all Shadow media is the “Lamont Cranston Talks to Himself” chapter in The Shadow Laughs, where we learn that The Shadow is not Lamont Cranston, but has usurped his identity, and now shows up at his bedside looking like him, talking like him, knowing more about his own life than he himself does, and ordering him to leave town, effectively blackmailing him into letting him use his face. It’s a very iconic scene that exemplifies a lot of what makes The Shadow unique as a character, and you can imagine why so many adaptations have gone with the idea of Cranston being either a hapless stooge bullied into submission, or an actual villain, because that whole scene is very much a horror movie scenario. 
Thing is, none of them seem to remember how Cranston and The Shadow’s relationship developed past this. I’ll post this excerpt from Atoms of Death:
"Good morning, Cranston," came a quiet tone from the foot of the bed.
"Good morning, yourself," returned Cranston, rubbing his eyes without noticing the visitor.
"You should say: Good morning, myself," chuckled The Shadow, dryly.
Cranston was pulling down the sleeves of his pajama jacket. He sat bolt upright, staring. Then a slow smile showed on his lips; one that was almost a replica of The Shadow's.
"So it's you," remarked Cranston, sleepily. "Well, I knew that last night. It was about time we crossed paths again. Well, old man, you landed me in for plenty this trip."
Cranston shoved bedclothes aside and perched on the edge of the bed. He found cigarettes on the telephone table; The Shadow supplied a flame from a lighter before Cranston could ignite a match. The millionaire noted that The Shadow's lighter bore the initials "L. C." 
"You handle every detail, don't you?" questioned Cranston in admiration. “Jove! I remember the first time I met you. In this very room. You dropped cloak and hat and left me looking at my own face as plainly as if I had seen it in a mirror. Just as it is today."
"And I advised you," recalled The Shadow, in Cranston's own tone, "to take a trip abroad, while I used your identity. You were a bit exasperated at first."
"I must admit that I was. I threatened to have you arrested, as an impostor, until you proved that you knew more about my affairs than I did. I really believe that if it had come to a showdown, I would have been proven the impostor and you the genuine Lamont Cranston. Jove!"
"Jove," repeated The Shadow, quietly, "You have acquired that expression recently, Cranston. I shall remember it for future reference. You have a penchant for acquiring anglicisms during your sojourns in British colonies. Jove!"
"Bounder and blighter," laughed Cranston. "Don't forget those. I still use them occasionally."
Or this excerpt from The Hydra, which is an incredible book where the chemistry between the two really shines:
Lamont Cranston woke up and wondered why his head still whirled. It took him about half a minute to learn that the motion came from the fact he was riding in his limousine. Someone must have put him back in the limousine and Stanley was driving him home. 
He didn't have to guess who had helped him on his way, for at that moment Cranston heard a low-toned laugh beside him. He turned to see the black-cloaked figure of The Shadow.
"What did you hit me with?" asked Cranston. "All four of your automatics?"
"I'm only carrying a pair tonight," replied The Shadow
Look at these two dorks, just palling around and getting into shenanigans and The Shadow outright joking around Cranston, like they are just two old chums having a laugh at the weirdness of their lives. The “real” Cranston didn’t show up very often in the original stories, especially in the last stories when Lamont Cranston essentially became the real identity of The Shadow, but when he did, part of what makes him stand out as his own character is that he’s funny. Gibson gets a lot of mileage out of Cranston as this guy who is completely nonchalant and chill about all the weird shit that happens to him, even in The Hydra after he kills a man with an elephant gun, he’s still more or less the same, he largely just walks out of it with a newfound realization. 
Relieving Cranston of the elephant gun, The Shadow steered his friend into the closet. Hauling the big weapon with him, The Shadow opened the door to meet and dismiss arriving servants who had dashed upstairs when they felt the house quake. 
"Whenever I see this gun," began Cranston, coming from the closet, "I'll remember what I did with it -" 
“Quite right," interposed The Shadow approvingly. "What you did to Mance will make amends for any elephants you may have killed. Too bad Mance didn't bring along a few more Hydra Heads.”
Slowly, understanding dawned on Cranston. He'd never compared his big-game hunts with The Shadow's quests for men of crime. He felt that The Shadow's cause was justified, but it had seemed outside the field of sport. It still was, but Cranston, now that he had dealt with a murderer who deserved to die, was realizing that his game hunts were more deserving of rebuke.
His encounters with The Shadow gradually changed Cranston from a useless millionaire wasting his resources and talents on idle pursuits, to...still largely a useless millionaire, except his resources and talents are no longer wasted and he’s gradually grown into a useful ally and friend to The Shadow. The Shadow tends to have that effect on people who work by his side and even Cranston, the guy whose main role in his organization is to just stay away and be useless somewhere else, can’t help but change a little into a better person when he appears. 
There’s an interesting article written by Bob Sampson called “The Third Shadow” which refers to the Bruce Elliot run of The Shadow Magazine, which is incredibly maligned by fans and not without reason, the stories all largely suck and the Shadow bears little resemblance to his former self, instead mostly feeling like a diet take on the radio show Lamont, more of an average detective. The theory Sampson puts out is that, during this period, it was actually Lamont Cranston who became active as The Shadow while Allard was busy overseas, and I definitely like this theory. It makes sense specially considering The Hydra sets up for Cranston to become more pro-active and serious:
While not the towering master-mind of Allard, he does become the next best thing: A post-war sleuth. He even indulges in wearing the cloak and slouch hat from time to time (to varying degrees of effectiveness), while trying to laugh like Allard (also to varying degrees of effectiveness) as if to fulfill that forbidden fantasy until he finally gets it out of his system. After all, The Shadow pretended to be him, why not the other way around?
As Bob Sampson put it: “It is always Cranston who explains all and takes the credit”. 
Probably very cathartic for Lamont, who for the last 18 years was relegated to being a distant supporting player in his own life. Cranston is still in contact with the agents however. He even receives "assignments" from Burbank. 
This entire arrangement could only be with The Shadow's tacit approval. Let us remember, Cranston was not merely some insipid fop. He certainly had done his own share of exploring and was indeed a hunter. He could handle a variety of firearms, was familiar with exotic peoples and their customs, knew how to stalk dangerous animals through the jungle and veldt, but he was not, nor ever claimed to be, a master secret-agent and soldier.
I think it is fitting that the writing is completely different for this period as well. Not the enigmatic journalistic style of Allards exploits, but the witty, modern champagne fizz of Cranston's odyssey in a Post-War world. He feels a full range of emotions. In the Gibson stories, The Shadow is at arms length. In the Elliott stories, Cranston is sitting right next to you on a train or an airplane or roadster. 
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It’s also interesting to consider how Lamont Cranston has basically become the true name of The Shadow in pop culture. Often times it’s the name people use when they specifically want to reference The Shadow, the supposed “Ghost of Gay Street” hauntings in Gibson’s former apartment took the form of Lamont Cranston, and even in the stories, more and more people became aware of it as the years went by (which also helps reinforce the idea that the “real” Cranston eventually took to acting as a fill-in for The Shadow, to draw attention away from the real Shadow’s operations), and Gibson even mentioned a few times that Cranston was The Shadow’s “favorite” identity along with Arnaud. Which is kinda fascinating to think about and does hint at some weird underlying aspects of The Shadow’s psyche, that his favorite identity is one not his own.
And at last, there’s these passages from The Whispering Eyes, a book that does not mention Allard once, and the very last Shadow novel: 
From beneath the seat he was taking his black garb. Cloaked and hatted as he stepped from the cab, Cranston merged immediately with the darkness. He had become The Shadow. 
Cranston's switch to his other self could well be attributed to a hypnotic mood. The mental lapses produced through hypnosis were the sort that would often cause a subject to revert to habit. Now, as The Shadow, Cranston was still in what might be termed a haphazard mood. He was skirting through darkness, pausing, changing direction, behaving generally as though avoiding something that did not exist.
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Lang had flung away his glasses; his eyes now showed the shining, hypnotic force that the lenses normally softened. He recognized the eyes that met his above a leveled gun muzzle.
The Shadow's eyes, yet strangely Cranston's, for this was one time The Shadow did not care to disguise them.
Which begs the question: Did Cranston succeed in fully becoming The Shadow? Or did The Shadow succeed in fully becoming Cranston?
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patricksmusicblog · 3 years
DMX Discography Overview
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It's Dark and Hell is Hot(1998): DMX's distinctive growl, aggression, and arresting flow is fully formed and at its highest potency here on It's Dark and Hell Is Hot. It's Dark and Hell is Hot is, for the most part, a dark menacing and street-orientated album. Some tracks even lean toward a horror-core vibe, "X is Coming" being the bleakest and most unsettling of the bunch. Still, there are deeply emotive tracks like Let Me Fly, Look Through My Eyes, and Convo, where DMX gets introspective and lets us in on his struggles internally and morally/spiritually. There are also hits here, like the hard but catchy "Ruff Ryders Anthem" and the chill summer jam "How's It Going Down." The album's production is handled by PK and Dame Grease, with the album's calling card produced by Swizz Beatz. On a broader level, DMX was a presence in the rap game filled some of the space that had been vacant since Tupac Shakur was murdered, passionate, aggressive, and visceral only specifically representative of the east coast. He also was the answer to the shiny suit luxury rap era Puffy was dominating with in 1997. The album is pure classic and certainly a top-tier album of 1998. Rating: 9.0/10
Favorite Tracks: Rough Rydahs Anthem, How's It Going Down, Intro, Crime Story, Look Thru My Eyes, Let Me Fly
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Flesh of my Flesh Blood of my Blood(1998): Flesh of My Flesh Blood of my Blood was released in late December of 1998 cemented DMX as the biggest rapper of that year and late 90s in general(Jay-Z notwithstanding). Aside from the Beastie Boys, the album had the highest first-week sales in a highly competitive year. As for the quality of this one, It's more of DMX's burst of rough and jagged rhymes. When he's not menacing(which is most of the time), he's as introspective and pain-stricken as he was on It's Dark, and Hell Is Hot. The apex of that would be "Slippin," an iconic song that is amongst the saddest tracks in hip-hop history as DMX open shares the trauma of his upbringing, being an addict and struggling to get out of it only to find its way back in it and everything that surrounds that in his past. It's really the fight in the song that makes the song his willingness not to quit and keep trying that makes the song "I got to get up, get back on my feet so I can tear sh*t up." What keeps the album from being the classic his debut was is that Swizz Beats takes the helm on most of the production here, which is hit or miss. DJ Shok, PK, and Dame Grease have a lot of the best beats here. They bring out that dark energy and tone that makes for X's best work. All in all, it's still a great project and amongst his best work. Rating: 8.0/10
Favorite Tracks: Slippin', Dogs For Life, Coming From, Black Out,
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...And Then There Was X(1999): ...And Then There Was X picks up were DMX previously left out brutal, pummeling bone-crushing violence come is to be expected. "One More Road to Cross" and "The Professional"(one of the albums hardest tracks) are early highlights. Then there's the heartfelt but mature writing of "Here We Go Again," one X's best tracks, and "More 2 a Song," the ladder of which speaks to DMX's avoidance when it comes to rapping about the flashy materialistic side of things. While this is DMX's third full length album, it sounds more like a full-fledged sophomore effort to It's Dark and Hell is Hot while Flesh of my Flesh' plays more as an extension, too, or a very good b-side to its predecessor. This album contains some of DMX most well-known hits it including his biggest "Party Up"(Up in Here), a high energy track produced by Swizz Beatz that finds DMX being peak DMX, the chorus is both funny and little corny, there's a good touch of humor in DMX's bars on the track that give it charm. Another well-known X track is "What these B*tches Want" ft Sisqo, a silly and misogynistic track that has its charm and humor but is a bit lacking as far as the chorus in my opinion. "What's My Name?" however, is a banger that's one of DMX's better singles and meant to be played at a high volume out of your car. ...And Then There Was X is another strong album from DMX, and its more consistent than Flesh of my Flesh' less visceral and hungry than It's Dark. 8.5/10 
Favorite tracks: Party Up(Up in Here) Here We Go Again, What's My Name, The Professional, Angel, More 2 a Song
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The Great Depression(2001): DMX's fourth straight #1 album finds him trying new things. There are the rap-rock efforts like Bloodline Efforts, and I'ma Bang which will always be hit or miss depending on the kind of music listener you are. To me, they're listenable but amongst the corniest of DMX records in his catalog. The worst is the silly/sad "She Was Da Bomb" where X writes a track about basically impregnating a woman and threatening to be a deadbeat. Yeah, the lows here are amongst the lowest of his career. Transversely, "Who We Be," a socially conscious record, is one of DMX's best tracks ever, and "We Right Here" has a great beat and is amongst the best on the album. Aside from the hits, you get the heartfelt "I'm Missing You" and the thoughtful "When I'm Nothing". There are also more R&B sounds here which I think is a nice change of pace. The Great Depression is solid; it's less aggressive and consistent than any of the three albums before it; some songs really work, and a few don't. I think it's worth listening to; there are essential DMX tracks here, but I wouldn't consider the LP quintessential as a whole. 7.5/10
Favorite Tracks: Who We Be, We Right Here, When I”m Nothing, I”m Missing You,
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Grand Champ(2003): DMX's fifth straight #1 album is even more boom or bust than The Great Depression is. Where The Great Depression had weird moments and tracks that didn't quite work. Here X doesn't sound quite as passionate as he does early in his career. In an interview he did on 106 n Park around the time of the album's release, he'd spoken about not making what he should off his music, and I wonder how much that put a damper on writing and recording for this album. When it comes to what's here, the menacing brutality and growl is here, but it isn't as consistently visceral as it was early on. At 24 tracks, it's also a long, over-bloated album but even shorting it; I don't think the bulk of the music here holds up through time. "Get it On the Floor," has a terrible chorus, and most tracks between 13-23 are forgettable. As for the best of what's here "Where the Hood At" Produced by Swizz is a classic DMX track it's hard and has a great beat and hook. "Dogs Out" Which features Kanye on production. Then you have "We're Back" ft Eve and Jadakiss, another highlight and features pretty good verses from all three, but I believe Jada had the best performance. The international version of the album features the track "X Gon Give It To Ya" another very good single from X. This is an interesting listen, and depending how die-hard an X fan you are you may still enjoy this. I think there are tracks worth salvaging, but it isn't an essential listen. 6.5/10
Favorite Tracks: Dogs Out, Where The Hood At, X Gon Give it to Ya
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The Year of the Dog(2006):This is the point where the bottom really fell out on DMX's music. The highs here aren't amongst the highest of X's career, and the lows are certainly amongst the lowest—tons of generic and lackluster production, mediocre choruses. A weird rap/rock crossover. DMX's tenacity isn't as urgent or visceral, and a lot of what's here (tracks 2-10) sounds, sadly, like a caricature of himself(with "It's personal" as the exception). The best tracks on the album are sneak in at the end where you find songs like "Blown Away" and "Goodbye"; those are the most soul-bearing tracks on the album. As a whole, it's a below-average album that, aside from a few moments, The down turn reflected itself culturally and sells wise it was his first album not to go #1 and only to go gold, and by the mid 00s DMX wasn’t in most conversations when comes to being amongst the best . 4.0/10
Favorite Tracks: It’s Personal, Blown Away, Goodbye, Life Be My Song
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Undisputed(2012): Undisputed was a well-intentioned, admirable comeback album for DMX.  There are some solid moments here "Cold World" Speaks on what he perceives as the rap game getting weak.  "I'm back" is one of the better tracks on the album. You can hear the pain coming through on "Have You Eva."  I like "Y'all Don't Really Know" because it comes close to some of his early work. Still, it just isn't enough; there are quite a few missteps on this album, whether it'd be the awful "Sucker for Love" or "I Get Scared" X sounds weaker vocally, and the production is lacking. There's some charm to "I Don't Dance" with MGK but it's somewhat awkward and not among his strongest singles.  It's better than Year Of The Dog but still far from the level of X's heyday.  5.5/10
Favorite Tracks: I‘m Back, Have You Eva, Ya’ll Don’t Really Know
DMX is an undeniable legend and quintessential to late 90s-early 00s hip-hop. His music and voice, and passion transcends its era and is easily felt now. His apex from 98-00' is highly recommended. Past that, it's a lot more hit and miss, but both the Great Depression and Grand Champ have some gems worth grabbing. Past that, it's even spottier but given X's internal struggles it was great we were even able to get those LPs. Fortunately, DMX seemed to be doing well and had finished an album before passing away, so I'm eager to hear what he'd been working on.
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thelanguageoflovers · 3 years
so you’re trying to understand sophia and i’s jatp universe
@localspacelesbian​​ and I never intended for this to get so out of hand, but then it did, so here we are. We’ve got a few wips going, so I figured it was about time to get around to one of these.
it’s okay if you’re lost, because so are we! here’s a little guide to help you out (:
The Lacrosse Team:
Spencer Montgomery-Wright: Our pride and joy. He’s on the lacrosse team, and can be seen being bewildered with Nick when the guys show up during ‘Bright’. Some have referred to him as the guy who is called ‘Letterman Jacket Guy’ on IMDb - these people are wrong. Letterman Jacket Guy is a white blonde guy. Spencer is black. He’s in the design program at their school and designs costumes for all the ballets. 
He and Nick have been best friends since they were little, and have exchanged stuffed animals (Nick gave Spencer a stuffed penguin named Texas, and Spencer returned the favor with a stuffed elephant named Oklahoma). They’re total astronomy dorks (Spencer calls Nick ‘Tor’ after Copernicus, and Nick calls Spencer ‘Cass’ after Cassini). They’re also in love, but they’re still working through that. 
Connor Nesbitt: The aforementioned ‘Letterman Jacket Guy’. He’s the captain of the lacrosse team, the very definition of a himbo. He’s in the cinematic arts program, but, like, really likes history.
Nick Danforth-Evans: Pretty self-explanatory, but the Danforth-Evans theory is canon in the SACU (Sophia and Adalie Cinematic Universe).
Chris McMillan: Chris is a sweetheart. He’s in the theater program but wants to be a farmer and raise sheep when he grows up. He just really likes farm animals, okay?
Barry O’Hara: A good dude! He’s in the dance program, and his Special Interest is linguistics and communication.
Rasheed Bakir: Rasheed!! He’s a bit of a running joke in our work, as he constantly hurts his legs and feet. He’s been known to ride in Connor’s car with a broken ankle hanging out the window. It’s fine. He’s in the theater program, hates Shakespeare more than anything, and is dating Ari Price.
Ari Price: Just a lil visual arts program kid. Constantly so worried about Rasheed. The Ultimate mom friend; his backpack is the equivalent of Alex’s fanny pack, and he makes a very good soup when one of the guys is sick.
Leo Montgomery: He’s Spencer’s cousin! Very buff and a little bit scary but is a whole teddy bear. He’s in the music program, and is so tired of watching Nick and Spencer pine. He’s a science nerd, except for biology. Fuck biology. All his homies hate biology.
Percy Mayer: We love Percy so much. He’s a Ballet Boy, and he’s fake dating a girl in ballet named Constance Hansen. He’s probably aro, but is still a little confused about that.
Oren Summers: Oren is a freshman in the visual arts program. Kind of just one of those nice guys you meet in school who are just cool to be around.
Grayson Radcliffe: Grayson plays the french horn in the music program, and is in our token heterosexual relationship with Jennifer Brickaday.
Dirty Candi
Kayla Lavelle: Y’all know Kayla. We named her ‘Lavelle’ because we went with a color based system and, yk, lavender.
Jennifer Brickaday: Yellow Candi! Dating Grayson, and we just don’t deserve her. Brickaday is a reference to the yellow brick road.
Andrea Turkis: Miss Turquoise Candi! Probably our favorite candi - she’s a lesbian and just gives the best hugs. (Turkis means turquoise in several languages.)
Velma Williams: Orange Candi! Straight up the coolest person alive. She’s aro, and helps Percy sort out his sexuality. Just really likes dinosaurs, you know? (Williams is for William of Orange)
Mary Brooks: Not a member of Dirty Candi, but their manager. Totally not in love with Julie what are you talking about that’s bananas (Mary - marron (brown) and Brooks is just a slightly less on-the-nose version of Brown).
Those Done Dirty:
Flynn Chadwick: Chat means cat in french, but we wanted Chadwick because it sounded neat.
Willie Greenwood: He just gives us green vibes I don’t know what to tell you
The Families:
The Danforth-Evans Family: Nick, Ryan, and Chad are a given. Nick also has a little sister named Phoebe Danforth-Evans. Phoebe is a gymnast and general rascal.
The Montgomery-Wright Family: Buckle up, y’all. Spencer has seven pets. - Laura Montgomery: Mom #1. Very chill, but very protective. - Francesca ‘Franny’ Wright: Mom #2. Just the sweetest, but is willing to cause harm to a bitch if necessary. - Dog: Herbert Fitzhoover (the light of all of our lives) - Cats: Tongs, Spoon, and Spatula. They’re just like old gay men. No further comment. - Bird: Chicken the parakeet. Spencer found him at the airport and just... brought him home. - Roomba: BoBo. Very Good Boy. - Kinda Penguin: Texas (a lesbian icon, married to Oklahoma)
The Chadwick Family:  - Dad: Nico Chadwick. Just, like, a really good dad. Living the life. - Older Brother: Andrew Chadwick. Absolute nerd, away at university, drinks his respecting women juice every day. - Younger Sisters: Rachel & Eliza Chadwick. Twins - they love tormenting Flynn. - Cat: Snoopy. The love of my life.
The Wilson Family:  - Cat: Peanut!! love him
The Mercer Family: - Alex’s Younger Sister: Annabelle ‘Annie’ Mercer. Deaf, has a bright pink hearing aid. Wants to be just like her big brother (is already halfway there, being that she is wildly queer).
Octoslashers III: Octoslashers shows up as some form of media in every fic we write. Every single one.
Twister: Alex is a GOD at Twister, and there’s no debating this.
Rasheed’s Leg: Rasheed breaks his leg, foot, or ankle somehow in every fic. He’s trying.
The Caleb Chew-Out: Let’s just say I’m making it my mission to write a scene into every fic of ours where a character yells at Caleb, and everyone is going to get their turn. 
Oklahomas: Oklahoma and Texas are soulmates in every universe. 
questions? let me know! i’ll add the answers (:
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iheartsunset · 4 years
Papa Louie Scarlett HCs
-Rosabella Ocampo is a 23 year old singer/songwriter and graduate school student who lives with her fiancé, Rudy, in a Powder Point condo. She is widely known by her legal/stage name, Scarlett Heart and is the lead singer/songwriter of Scarlett and the Shakers. While punk ska and playing gigs with her friends are her true passion, Scarlett plans to become a game theory professor in the future. She can mostly be seen writing lyrics for a new song, riding roller coasters with Rudy, climbing trees with Clover, and just vibing with Marty.
-Scarlett is rather bold and seductive, often playfully flirting with others or making jokes about inappropriate topics. I stole this from Rouge, thanks SnapCube fandub for revitalizing my love for Sonic. Alongside her flirtatiousness is her intelligence and desire to succeed, using rules and lessons that she learned from various games to apply to her daily life. Thanks to her love of poker and mahjong, Scarlett has grown to be very analytical and sly in her motives. Out of the shakers, she is undoubtedly the big sister friend as she’s kind of a bad influence on the rest of them and is always subjected to scoldings by mom friend, Janana.
-Rudy calls her “Princesa” because of her Cinderella-like backstory. Her mother was a very kind woman and Scarlett lived happily with her and her father. Her mother died in a roadside construction accident when Scarlett was only 9, leaving Scarlett heartbroken. Her father then married a woman named Moira with two sons, Graham and David, who was emotionally abusive towards Scarlett until she moved out at age 16. Scarlett’s relationship with her dad deteriorated over time and she’s basically disowned them since. She finds solace in Marty and Clover’s parents, who think of Rudy and Scarlett as their own. She also got along with the other Frostfield residents and helped Willow get back into hockey after her infamous car accident (the first one).
-Stan Twitter often makes memes of her because she’s so iconic and quotable. One of her most iconic moments was when she screamed “I wrote this next one about my bitch ass stepmom. Moira, if you’re listening, your hair is limp and you fucking suck!” at the VMAs.
-Music was her escape as a child, hence why she learned to sing and play multiple instruments. However, her stepmother made her play the violin in the school orchestra as opposed to being allowed in a punk rock band. Even though she was concertmaster and first chair, she hated life so badly. Scarlett can play the guitar, bass guitar, violin, cello, drums, the trumpet, the saxophone, the bassoon, the piano, the xylophone, the harp, the flute, the recorder, the French horn, the clarinet, i didn’t even list all of them and I’m tired already. When one of the other shakers has lead vocals on a song, she’ll take over playing their instrument.
-Scarlett met Rudy during their shared freshman year of high school. Hazelnut High’s orchestra department had its annual field trip to Powder Point (based off my actual orchestra field trip!). Scarlett decided to sneak away from her snobby classmates and teachers and have the time to herself. On one particularly large roller coaster, she sat next to a boy with a Mohawk who told her that since he was a Powder Point native, he could more than handle it. He then proceeded to cry the entire time while holding her hand. They realized how much they had in common and kept in contact even after her trip was over. Their relationship is super lovey dovey, yet chill at the same time. Couple goals, but not on the level of Prudence x Cooper x Taylor.
-The shakers got together during the 23rd season of Flipline’s Got Talent. After the shocking elimination of Taylor Morales in the quarterfinals, the remaining acts were merged together. Scarlett and Rudy and Marty and Clover were two sets of pairs merged together. They all got along beforehand and loved Scarlett’s songwriting, so they all wrote an original song together for the finals. Even though they were fan favorites and had lots of support from the audience, Bill and Boopsy’s amazing ventriloquy act was what won the show, with the upset Shakers coming in second place. Afterwards, they were approached by Janana who offered to become their agent, and all they’ve known since was success. Fun fact: Rudy wouldnt accept Clover and Marty into their act unless they beat him and Scarlett at poker. They did.
-The shakers each can speak multiple languages, with Scarlett being able to speak fluent English and Tagalog, Tagalog being her native language (Filipino gang!). She can also speak some Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, Hindi, and Gaelic because she hangs around the other Shakers and Janana so much.
-All of the food, drinks, clothes, and personal belongings Scarlett loves are various shades of red. Cherries, longanisa, red wine, and candied strawberries are her favorite. Her entire wardrobe? Red. Her LED lights? Red. It honestly scares Rudy how red everything is.
-Her voice would either be Jessica Sanchez from American Idol or Gwen Stefani from the No Doubt era. She also covers a lot of No Doubt songs during their concerts. Speaking of covers, the shakers like to sing classic rock songs as well as modern day hits. Scarlett has the vocal range to do Ariana and Mariah Carey justice.
-Her and Marty are best friends. They’re both on the same wavelength and will most likely have the same reaction to memes, like word for word the same reaction. They usually have to get Rudy and Clover out of trouble most days. I love their chaotic, yet chill energy, like the types that just sit and observe and quietly make funny comments to each other.
-She determines whether she likes you or not based off of how good you are at mahjong or poker. If you suck enough to let her win, she’ll love you forever but if you match her in ability, she’ll respect you but kinda fear you as well. If you refuse to play altogether, she hates you. She’s a game theory student, so playing any board game with her is grounds for disaster because she’ll use her weird psychology and tricks to win all the time. Ironically, she sucks at video games. Even though she loves games of chance, she’s hugely against casinos and betting, instead trading small trinkets like food or makeup.
-At the Cheeseria, she set up a poker table, a mahjong table, and a pool table for the entertainment. They unfortunately had to get rid of the Uno table because somebody (ahem, Jojo) got a little too heated over a match with Papa and Wally. And by “got a little too heated”, I mean that Jojo literally got in a fist fight with Papa and lost.
-All she watches are telenovelas. Don’t ask about The Office or Game of Thrones, all she knows is stuff like Rubi and Maria la del Barrio.
-She doesn’t like musical theater except for Phantom of the Opera. She has taken a few roles as Kim in Miss Saigon, but secretly regrets it because musical theater is so much harder than just a regular concert. She still respects theater actors, but will never again sit through Anything Goes.
-She is the only one of the workers who has managed to successfully punch Guy Mortadello. Koilee and Rudy came close, but Scarlett landed an especially hard punch to his nose. Next to being engaged and forming Scarlett and the Shakers, she says it’s the third happiest day of her life. Now, Guy Mortadello is extremely scared of Scarlett and will cry if he sees her or hears her song on the radio (which is all the time).
-She has a tattoo of a heart of her hand along with a crown. On three of her fingers are a yellow Diamond, green clover, and blue spade.
-Scarlett is absolutely gorgeous and badass, I always kept rewinding Papas Cheeseria just to see her and Rudy in the opening because I had crushes on them both. Anyways, stan Scarlett for good grades (it’s not working though I’m still failing two classes)
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mobius-m-mobius · 3 years
Have you seen the French Dispatch yet? If you haven´t just stop reading and forget this ask. If you have ... are you just as disappointed with herb´s 5 minute screen time as i am? i mean i knew it was a small part but that small? that little baby deserved more
Thank you for the ask and apologies for the v late reply anon, idk if you saw the post I made when you originally sent this but wanted to wait until after wide release before mentioning anything about his screen time. The official answers are that I finally had time to watch last weekend and wasn't surprised but BEYOND disappointed because I love him and he deserves the world :(
(Feel free to stop reading at this point because I'm about to ramble waaaay too much about love of my life Herbsaint Sazerac to the point that this is going behind a read more since there's a whole damn essay coming y'alls way right down to how charming his cute dumb socks are and yes he could leave them on 😔)
SO I'd actually heard about all his scenes / screen time right before the release so going in knowing what to expect helped but even then disappointed's a major understatement :(
Tbh considering the size of the cast and the fact that his roles in Wes movies clearly aren't ever going to be what they were I wasn't expecting more than 10-15 minutes tops but it did feel like a waste of a character with limitless potential, y'know? Not to mention Owen being so prominent in all the trailers and promo...
I guess for me the real letdown was expecting Herb's (hadn't thought of calling him that and LOVE it so thank you again anon 😂) contributions to be scattered more throughout the film rather than basically all at the start and therefore involving a little more interaction outside the newspaper office which was sort of a selfish wish just because Herb's unique, utterly beautiful, and Owen has chemistry working with everyone which is just plain fun to watch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Maybe I just wanted more Herb scenes to look forward to but the genuine feeling overall was that the film was a fun watch but would've flowed better as a look at a typical, everyday print that happened to have those three stories simultaneously going on around town in between his travel interludes. Keep the opening as is then add in bonus intros to each new plot. Idk, say maybe before part 2 he's meandering around town talking about something lovely but mundane then swerves to avoid some protestors which segues into Revisions to a Manifesto, etc. Eventually the staff gathers and each of them think they've obviously got the lead story except Herb who's cool chilling out in his own world slightly perplexed there was so much going on around town that day or something.
Then you have throwaway lines like how he hates flowers which for whatever reason lives in my head rent free, somehow the character has soooooo much style / depth for the little content we got which makes the low screen time hurt that much more because he could easily carry a whole film. Look at that soft travel bb give him a series of specials asap and let him tour the world 🥰 Everything about him's immediately distinctive from the outfit (those socks AND the beret??? okay icon go on) to his approach around town and the fact that this is the only character Owen's played in a Wes movie that doesn't jump to please people or lean into a more social disposition which I'm choosing to look at as kind of an acknowledgement Owen's been looking for a fresh take on a lot of his recent roles (like his approach to Mobius) and that their irl creative partnership is currently in a similar form of maybe not necessarily being on the same page, kind of begrudgingly so, but there's still respect and appreciation to continue collabs however limited 🙃
(This is already the online equivalent of me talking nonstop for a year or something so giving it a rest but please know I could easily keep going 😂😂)
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tanoraqui · 4 years
Grave dirt baby... 🥺✨
me, procrastinating my actual fic? no... GRAVE DIRT BABY A-YUAN
Wei Wuxian has been in the Burial Mounds for like 2.5 months out of what he doesn’t yet know will be about 3. He’s not even sure he’s going to survive yet. But he has managed to manifest an evil sword - the evil sword - out of the aether/ambient resentful energy/an attunement set with an unwise touch in the belly of an evil turtle
and he does know that he’s not going to survive if he doesn’t get the power of the Burial Mounds under some sort of control
so he cuts his arm and with blood running down the blade, draws something adjacent to the first demon-summoning flag but as an array in the dirt. He stands in the middle and - keep in mind that he more or less hasn’t slept in 2.5 months - plunges the sword into the center, still coated in his blood, and draws in all the resentful energy of the Burial Mounds
was it supposed to go into the sword? Into himself? Into just the single 4ft diameter array area, a column of bound death? who knows, not Wei Wuxian! it’s pure gut instinct
u know what else works on gut instinct, thought? Fairy tales.
And in a fairy tale, why, clay of the earth plus iron enough for a blade plus still-warm blood to show the way...
There’s an implosion and Wei Wuxian is standing - somehow still standing - in a small crater where the array used to be, and his evil sword is plunged into the belly of a baby
He yanks it out in horrified reflex, and realizes a moment later that the baby seems unfazed by this. If there was even a wound, it closes before his eyes, and the glimpse he had showed something more bloody clay than flesh beneath the skin
the iron sword crumbles as he pulls it away, as though rusted a thousand years. the baby turns its head from the iron shavings that falls on it, but then reaches up for Wei Wuxian with a cheerfully demanding cry
he picks it up, of course. (he’d think he was hallucinating if he wasn’t absolutely and utterly aware that he’s not)
it is, as far as he can tell, with physical and spiritual resentful inspection, an absolutely normal baby
oh, except when he looks really closely. Then he can sense the neutron star–dense knot of resentful energy where a golden core might (but will definitely not have room to) form. Also, it can command the dead, and when he holds it, so can he. He’s not sure if it’s a proximity-based power share or if he’s passing his desires through the baby, but even Wei Wuxian, at about 3 months with no food save the rage of the dead and no rest save the promise of final release, has to stop investigating at some point. He has things to do!
specifically, he has Wens to kill
so instead of the iconic shot of the dark flautist in the moonlight, we get the dark, uh...man singing a very spooky lullaby to his baby in the moonlight. It is still deeply creepy. It’s a making-it-up-as-he-goes tune based on a Yunmengi lullaby that he certainly learned from neither of his foster parents, and the lyrics are along the lines of, “let them remember what they did, sweet little potato, let them remember why they’re dying”
yeah he’s been calling this child “Little Potato” for 2 weeks 
is that not how you name a child
sometimes when he’s more annoyed at it, he calls it “Little Radish”, or even less appetizing root vegetables
by the time he walks in, the baby is asleep in his arms and he’s not singing anymore, just letting the dead do his will. This is what Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji see. The subsequent conversation, Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu at their feet, goes like this:
LWJ: Wei Ying. You have a baby.
WWX: Oh, uh...
WWX: What baby?
WWX: Oh, this baby! Haha yeah. I...found it.
JC: What the fuck
WWX: Yeah, weird, right? Right near the, uh...
LWJ: They said you were in the Burial Mounds
WWX: Yyyyup. Yes that is. I found this baby by the side of the road after I walked out of the Burial Mounds.
JC, briefly too morbidly fascinated to think about either the demonic cultivation they just watched or the fact that he wants to hug his brother like he’s never wanted to hug another being in his life: What did you name it?
WWX: ....
JC, desire to hug intensifying together with exasperation: oh my god
Sometime in the next couple days - after sleeping a bit, maybe - it occurs to Wei Wuxian that his raw instincts were right and things will go very badly for little A-Yuan (his siblings insisted he name it) if anyone finds out that he’s a not-yet-walking, not-yet-talking little neuron star of resentful energy. So he takes the iron shavings that are all that remain of the Stygian Turtle Sword and forges them into a Tiger-shaped Seal. He also carves a bamboo flute, like he’d been thinking about before the whole...baby thing. He loudly proclaims both to be dark and terrible weapons
(it really is helpful. The sword was...kind of A-Yuan’s other parent, after all, in addition to their third partner, the Burial Mounds. Chenqing gives him finer control of whatever stray resentful energy he chooses to pick up, and the Stygian Seal lets him channel A-Yuan’s power at need, even when not touching him. Which is good - a battlefield is no place for a baby)
even if that baby thinks ghosts and ghouls exist to pick him up and rock him or toss him around (babies like to be tossed)
Wei Wuxian puts so many goddamn spirit-repelling charms on that child, and lets it be marked down to the paranoia of a survivor
using whatever resentful energy he picks up is generally more effective, actually. Less strong, but it quickly becomes clear that the way this works does, in fact, involve Wei Wuxian communicating his desires through A-Yuan, or at least A-Yuan has to put up with the loan of power. There’s nothing quite like abruptly losing control of a field of corpses because the baby got abruptly uncooperative with anything that wasn’t barfing
the baby does eat, for the record. As far as Wei Wuxian can tell, he doesn’t actually need to, but once WWX fed him once, when they first left the Mounds, he wanted it all the time
he still takes A-Yuan with him when he can. That is the paranoia of a survivor. A-Yuan is...
“A battlefield is no place for a baby, A-Xian,” Jiang Yanli says gently, as he sets out from Carp Tower after another stolen visit, another failed attempt to convince Jin Guangshan off his ass. “And you are...so busy. LanlingJin takes in orphans, you know...”
“A-Yuan...he’s my blood,” Wei Wuxian says quietly. He’s never been good at lying to his shijie
Whatwherewhenhowwho, he’d see on her face if he was looking at it. But he isn’t. It’s not shame, though, she can see (it really never is, with Wei Wuxian). Fear of disappointing her, slight resignation...but mostly acceptance. Determination. Something almost like contentment.
(When Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangj first took him back to whatever resembled a base camp - somewhere in Qinghe, probably, or maybe Lanling - he had to let a trained healer look at A-Yuan, physical and spiritual examination, and he held his breath and calculated how many people he’d have to kill to get out of here, how fast he’d have to move to not hurt his brother or any particular friends; thought, oh, he’s mine, in a way he hadn’t before - as a child, a son, not just a very strange weapon - 
“He’s quite healthy,” said the doctor, mildly surprised, bouncing A-Yuan on one knee. A-Yuan gurgled happily. “About three months old?”
the longer Wei Wuxian took to answer, the more disapproving her stare got. But that did make sense)
Then all else can be dealt with later. “You should still leave him here,” Jiang Yanli says firmly. “You need to look after yourself and A-Cheng out there. I can look after A-Yuan.”
It takes a bit under two years to win back the lost and burnt territories, scour the Wens out of every crevice, corner Wen Ruohan in his precious Nightless City and bring it tumbling down. Nobody will know the timing but A-Yuan sleeps through the final battle, smiling at dreams that would make a grown man weep in horror. Somewhere, his father is playing a lullaby
About a week later, Jiang Cheng stalks into Wei Wuxian’s bedroom, which he shares with A-Yuan. One of the first rooms rebuilt in the new Lotus Pier. A-Yuan is there, too, playing with blocks while Wei Wuxian idly drafts talismans
“A-jie said the kid is yours,” he says, crossed arms. “Like, yours-yours. When the fuck did you do that?”
(Wei Wuxian has thought about this, by now; gone over the pros and cons of every possibility, the politics and potentials and maybe even the giddy possibility of telling something like the truth)
(the guiding principle is: he has no interest in drawing on the “Stygian Tiger Seal” ever again. The Sunshot Campaign is over. His loved ones are safe, and he sees no reason why they shouldn’t all live long, happy, normal lives)
(also/though, he will burn Jin Sect, Carp Tower, and all of Lanling to the ground before the new Chief Cultivator should touch his son)
“In Caiyi,” he lies. “Right before I got kicked out. I, uh, snuck out a lot more often than you noticed.”
His brother squints at him suspiciously. But Wei Wuxian can also watch him do the math in his head and reluctantly admit that it works.
“So are you claiming him or what?” he challenges. “’Wei Yuan’? You have a courtesy name - wait, no, you are not naming that kid again. You’re going to make his courtesy name be Carrothead or something.” 
“Should I let you pick it, oh wise and noble shidi - no, shushu?!” Wei Wuxian teases, as A-Yuan gets tired of his blocks and starts climbing up him like a jungle gym
Jiang Cheng sighs like the north wind - gusting long and hard, with just the faintest chill to suggest that the skies will be weeping, soon
Despite some evidence to the contrary, Wei Wuxian is generally fully aware of when he’s about to cross a line that cannot be backtracked over. So he meets Wen Qing in the city, and before going to Lanling, he nips into Lotus Pier and picks up A-Yuan
He might leave A-Yuan with Wen Qing in the city when he goes to Glamour Hall, but Qiongqi Pass happens with a toddler watching silently from Wei Wuxian’s hip. Does Wei Wuxian tell him to look away, bury his face in baba’s shirt, or does he not bother, knowing the sort of song that makes up A-Yuan’s sweet dreams?
The Wens become the second through 51st or so people who learn what A-Yuan is. Wei Wuxian briefly considers trying to hide it, but, honestly, there are dead things everywhere on the Burial Mounds, and despite his genuine efforts, he cannot convince A-Yuan that a fierce corpse is anything but the ideal patty-cake companion. (They’ll play with him for hours! It’s a two-nearly-three-year-old’s dream!)
(he doesn’t want to convince him, not really. The last thing he wants to do ever is give A-Yuan anything to be scared of)
nor could he possibly wish that A-Yuan not be...obviously hale and hearty, running rosy-cheeked and strong around these hills of death that slowly seep the energy from any humans, animals, or even sturdy root crops
“So, uh, this is actually my demon baby,” said Wei Wuxian as they all settled in
“this day has been so weird already, this might as well goddamn happen”, said the Wens collectively
“You created a living child out of dead earth, so I’m going to take that as a yes that you can bring my brother back,” said Wen Qing specifically
“...fuck. I mean, yes. I mean - fuck,” said Wei Wuxian. “I- of course I will.”
(it doesn’t work like that, though)
The 52nd person to find out what A-Yuan is is Lan Wangji. Wei Wuxian very much does not tell him. They have a pleasant toy-shopping trip and lunch in town, and then the alarm talisman goes off and Wei Wuxian grabs A-Yuan and Lan Wangji tugs them both onto Bichen and when they arrive, Wen Ning is roaring. Lan Wangji knows what’s important; he takes A-Yuan so Wei Wuxian’s hands are free and he doesn’t have to worry about his son
except Wen Ning, black-eyed with rage, throws Wei Wuxian into a tree hard enough to crack a rib, and even as Lan Wangji raises Bichen, A-Yuan shouts,
“Uncle Ning, stop!”
and Wen Ning stops
(as a rule, Wei Wuxian can’t take over with himself and Chenqing anything A-Yuan is controlling, unless A-Yuan lets him, and vice versa. To eliminate variables, Wei Wuxian had made sure that any reins on Wen Ning were his (Wei Wuxian’s) alone. But in that moment, before Wen Ning came fully back to himself, his reins were swinging free - and they were back within the bounds of the Burial Mounds, where A-Yuan was always strong)
and Lan Wangji puts several pieces together at once and prays to every single god in heaven and every ancestor he’s disappointing right now that this was a miracle of love and a very cute child piercing through a fierce corpse’s mindless rampage. That he simply...hallucinated the burst of resentful energy he just felt from the child in his arms
but he’s absolutely, utterly aware that he didn’t
Wei Wuxian explains, stilted and awkward at the bottom of the hill. Challenging and terrified. Holding on to A-Yuan. 
Lan Wangji promises to keep the secret. 
Wei Wuxian takes Hanguang-jun’s word
Remember, oh, remember, that Wei Wuxian walks A-Yuan back up the hill until A-Yuan gets tired and Wei Wuxian picks him up, on their one-and-a-half–man plank bridge through the dark. Remember remember remember that before he can finish speaking that line, there is light - the clearing is lit with lanterns and secret-keepers 2 through 51, and I suppose 53 now that Wen Ning is awake, are waiting with dinner and warmth and welcome. Reader, remember this.
But then...
Aunt Qing and Uncle Ning had gone, and then, with a terrible expression on his face, so had A-Yuan’s baba. Now his baba’s anger and sadness is so strong that the weight of it makes A-Yuan cry from hundreds of miles away, and he curls into Granny’s arms and sends his baba everything he can. Will everything be okay, then? Will everyone come home; will they be able to smile again?
(oh, A-Yuan...)
A-Yuan - Wei Yuan, Little Potato (when he’s good for baba or bad for Aunt Qing) or Little Radish (inverse); one day to be Lan Yuan, Lan Sizhui - was born in the good old fairy tale way of earth and iron and blood. It’s a hard thing for any child to lose even a single parent - in one day, in one minute, A-Yuan loses two of three, as the father of his blood burns away in hand the last shreds of Stygian iron, and promptly loses control of his own resentful energy
(the Tiger Seal does nothing like explode, in this world. It was never more than a prop - but a vital one. the benefit of proving it destroyed would be worth the loss of a parent, if only a second didn’t follow on its heels)
A-Yuan has been a dead thing (or close enough) come to life all his life, and both dead and living have been his friends and family. But he’s never felt the transition the other way: from life to death
It’s no wonder, really, that he can’t remember it afterward. No wonder that even on the land that was the last part of him, he was feverish and barely conscious when Lan Wangji stumbled, bleeding, off of Bichen, and took in his arms. No wonder that he remembered very little at all, including the dead. 
But he would be okay. Under physical and spiritual inspection, he’s a perfectly normal boy. He may not be able to form a golden core (there's something in the way), but there are...workarounds. He’ll grow up in one of the most heavily spiritually warded enclaves in the world, safe and loved as he relearns (mostly in secret) what he can do
(For the sake of this story, and A-Yuan’s survival as something close to canon, let’s say there are some truly dark things in the forbidden section of the Lan Library, that could only be used for nefarious purposes - though, I suppose we already knew that. Let’s say there are talismans that will disguise the very nature of qi, so resentful energy may appear spiritual. Let’s say, Lan Xichen becomes the 53rd to know the truth, because his brother needs help - and it’s Wei Wuxian’s child, okay? It’s just Wei Wuxian’s child, quiet and unsure rather than laughing as he always was. If you were in the inner circle of leaders of the Sunshot Campaign, you have absolutely met this child, probably held him and bounced him on one knee)
(What keeps Lan Xichen up at night isn’t the concealing amulet he helped his brother make, which Lan Yuan wears at all times around his neck. It’s the silence he keeps every time he meets Jiang Wanyin’s eyes over a diplomatic table. If anyone had the right to know Wei Yuan survived... But Sandu Sengshou killed Wei Wuxian, everyone knows that, and now he hunts demonic cultivators - what might his pride drive him to do to his nephew, if he ever learned the truth? (Selfishly, Lan Xichen know that if Lan Wangji lost A-Yuan, even just to living at Lotus Pier, Lan Xichen might lose his brother. That fear ebbs with time passing, but the the longer he hasn’t spoken, the worse it would be to do so...))
They don’t restrict Lan Yuan to the Cloud Recesses, no more than any other novice. For memory of their mother, neither of them could bear that. Jiang Cheng does eventually see him at a conference, and stops dead. Years have passed, but that is an entire goddamn nephew, right there. But - how? No, it can’t be. That’s...everyone knows Lan Wangji hated Wei Wuxian. It’s just...and someone would have told him. The Lans value propriety above all, after all.
Anything that can be done with spiritual cultivation can be done with demonic cultivation, save heal. Lan Sizhui makes up for it with an encyclopedic knowledge of undead and monsters, and a prodigal talent for Inquiry
On their first night hunt, the young juniors face ghosts. Unfortunately, this is when Lan Jingyi learns that he’s terrified of ghosts. He’s hiding behind Lan Sizhui and panic is contagious, and the senior accompanying them is in a different room of the abandoned house, and Lan Sizhui forgets that he’s holding a sword and just shouts, “Stop! Go away!” 
the ghost, of course, obeys
Lan Jingyi peeks out form behind him. “Did- did you do that?”
“I don’t know,” Lan Sizhui admits (except that he’s absolutely sure he did)
There’s another flicker of movement, just the wind blowing ashes but Jingyi whips around with wild eyes. “Can you do it again?”
[friendship. my point is, he’s a demon baby but he has family and friends who love and accept him.]
And one day, some absolute fucking morons are going to bring him back home, where he can never be anything but strong, and threaten his friends and family? And the threat is an army of his old playmates, commanded by an attempt at recreating some combination of Chenqing and the Tiger Seal? He couldn’t manage it in Yi City, but now A-Yuan, Wei Yuan, Lan Sizhui stands on earth that has never stopped being part of him, or maybe he’s never stopped being part of it. If he closed his eyes he could feel every foot on it, living and restless dead. And they’re threatening his baba - who he remembers, as the earth remembers its old partner, even though the blood is changed - and his father Hanguang-jun, and his extended family and friends?
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Episode 65 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 318 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here.
RATE THE EPISODE 309 Responses
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Overall the episode was a hit with viewers, with the majority ranking it a 4 or higher. Over half of all respondents rating it a solid 5. The hype is real!
I thought this was a great episode. A lot of hype moments and the CGI worked for me, for the most part. Looking forward to the next episode!
All around exceeded my expectations if mappa keeps this up this will go down as the best anime in history
Chef's KISS!!! 10/10 episode, i was extremely hyped the entire time. 
It was amazing and I hope MAPPA keeps up with the same quality for future episodes
Amazing episode really hype
I thought the voice acting was amazing! :)
Great episode, not perfect but neither was WIT. No adaptation is perfect. This was fantastic.
It was pretty good just maybe good have been done better but I’m just happy it was done at all.
I’ve lowered my expectations to rock bottom at this point
An enjoyable time.
I think it was great! I was very excited and left me wanting more tbh
It was a very good episode!! I'm so happy to see the survey corps again!
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Mikasa’s reintroduction to the series takes the largest piece of the pie, with 31.6% enjoying the scene the most. In second comes the coordinated attack from the Survey Corps against Porco, with 14.8% feeling that scene really brings the hype. At 10.3%, Levi’s first appearance in the season takes 3rd place, and with 9.7% is the overall fight between Eren and the War Hammer Titan.
Ackermans ran this episode as they should. They're on a whole different level. 
Why isn't the Sasha-Gabi moment in the list of favourite moments? That's my actually favourite moment. Gabi seeing Sasha through the fire and smoke, Sasha's reflection in her eyes...chilling.
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In general, the fandom appears to be understanding of MAPPA’s usage of CGI, with 38.2% being completely unbothered by it, 20.1% feeling that while it’s not ideal, it could be much worse, and 18.8% not particularly caring for it but not faulting MAPPA for it either. A handful of people just wish that there would be more appreciation that it’s getting animated at all, while others continue to be a bit salty about the usage of CGI this season.
Did people forgot the god-awful Colossal titan's CGI from WIT? Well, I didn't so I wasn't surprised by the same level of CGI in Eren's scene (thankfully just one of them). I rarely have issue with CGI in SnK except for truly awful looking ones so like couple of times in the season, usually. 
I honestly wouldn't even know there's CGI if everyone wasn't complaining about it. I honest to god can't see where they use it.
It's mostly fine
I thought the war hammer titan looked AMAZING, the only CGI that looked odd was the scouts in the background, but that’s really it...?
A few sore spots (e.g. Erens titan looked kinda off this ep), but it's not season-ruining yet. 
CGI Titans >>>>>>>> CGI Survey Corps
It works fine for titans that already look somewhat mechanical (Armor, Jaw), but it looks incredibly awkward for the others, to the point of taking me out of the story. 
Sometimes great sometimes shit
Maybe I've been spoiled by studio orange and the previous seasons, but I know for a fact that they can do better. This is not a new anime, this is the final season of one of the greatest anime of all time, so yeah I expected much better CGI, it was poor and unecessary.
i think it’s gr8/unnoticeable,,,,,like we all put up with the colossal titan in s1-3 lmao
Some Titans like Eren and Beast look a little weird but I just really like how they made effort to make it blend with the art style. Maybe if they had found a way to cut the animation down to 12fps it might not look so bad? Anyways I think it’s good for what it is, MAPPA is doing their best!
I barely noticed it. The animation looks BOMB. Top 5 episodes of the whole series for me and BEST action episode of AOT easily.
I'm always going to prefer 2D but I understand why they're using it. Still sad about what could've been if they were given enough time to work on the season. Definitely going to lower my expectations.
My dumbass wouldn't even notice, I just want to see the pretty people
I think the CGI for the Titans is completely fine. It's the CGI for the Scouts that was a bit off putting for me. Still, not enough to ruin the episode. And if we continue to get animation of this standard I will be fine with it. 
At this point after episode 7 onward eventually AOT CGI is going to be worst than EX-arm's CGI 
I love it because it makes the titans scarier and more eerie? I also miss the 2D ones because they feel more natural. Overall, I think it's fine!
I think the CGi is well executed (for the most part), I just don't like that they had to use it so much.
It's a great job. They manage to execute it very well and go to a normal animation when it's needed. It doesn't bother me tbh
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Eren’s dive in the anime was a bit different than in the manga, but it seemed to get a few laughs out of the fandom, so we asked you all to rank it. 58.3% felt it was the most beautiful dive to have ever dived, while only 5.5% think Eren really needs to work on his form. He did his best.
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Mikasa stole the show this episode, with 53.5% enjoying her entrance the most. Levi wasn’t too far behind though, with 29% of respondents hyped over his return. 11.6% were very happy to see Sasha again, while smaller chunks were glad to see Jean and Connie.
They massacred my Jean-boy’s entrance 🥲
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We got a more colorful and evened out pie for this question. Overall the largest chunk, at 24.3%, are enjoying MAPPA’s take on Eren’s iconic “hobo chic” look. 21.1% think Sasha looks the best out of all of them, while Mikasa trails just behind her at 20.1%. 16.1% are grateful for Connie’s design, leaving 9.5% favoring Jean, and smaller handfuls appreciating MAPPA’s take on Levi and Floch.
Chubby Floch
Here I am watching the trailer all over again because that's probably the only way to see Jean animated handsome and with his actual manga face. MAPPA what happened?
Levi has a thicc ass
I’m a big fan of all the time skip character designs, it was hard to pick just one favourite :) 
Jean looked stupid... Floch too but that's not important.
OG characters designs feels a bit off to me. I understand why they use CG for some parts and I have mixed emotions about it. I hope they won't rely on it too much on the upcoming episodes.
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One of the most anticipated scenes of the Marley arc was the return of the Survey Corps and the way Mikasa paves the path for their reintroduction. The fandom appears to be very happy with MAPPA’s execution of the scene, with 60.9% of respondents rating it with a 5, with 27% rating it a 4. 
Mikasa! Mikasa! Gosh love her!
im so glad mikasa is back owfejgrnrkdfs
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The series isn’t known for having too much filler, but typically what filler does exist seems to be appreciated by the fandom, and this was no exception. 56.8% of respondents were happy for a little more fleshing out of Willy’s character (also learning that those kids were his!) and being able to sympathize more with him. 19.7% appreciated the more sympathetic addition until they remembered he was willing to throw Liberio under the bus for his plan. 13.5% are appreciative of any and all additional Willy content. A small amount didn’t like the filler and would rather have had MAPPA put their effort into other things. 
I liked it. Got to see more of his fine ass. lmao
Don't add extra 2d animation if You can't even handle what's in the manga
It would've been better to show before he was dead. Fleshing him out after the audience already know he's dead doesn't hit as much imo
Wasn't one of the scene itself, but then again I'm always interested in scenes I haven't seen yet.
I am so grateful, willy for is one of my favourites and omg we got to see his family and how is he a lovely papa 😭💕 I can't ask for more bless you MAPPA🤘
fuck them kids
Why should we feel bad for him? He tried to unite the world against Paradis. He got what he deserved.
this was a benefit. as manga readers, we had time to know willy. anime onlies will only ever have these 2-3 episodes and it was very humanizing
How is that possible that Tybur little kids in few seconds were louder nad more chaotic than THE WHOLE CITY DURING THE ATTACK??
It's very regrettable he left so many children fatherless because of what he chose to do. Really saddening..
I’d have rather seen more of the manga animated 
I knew why they added it, but I (personally) think willy is crud. Not mad it's there tho!
He did his duty as a Tybur to the very end. Honestly I wish he could have lived longer, he’s a really compelling and interesting character.
I feel like some viewers have carelessly misunderstood Willy because of that scene in the carriage. They're like 'wow, he really hates and shames his own people huh?' but at the beginning of the episode we all saw his abundance of children. Would it not have been extremely contradictory if he had truly wanted the extinction of all Eldians and then at the same time did the complete opposite by mass-reproducing a small army of Eldian children? Maybe that's why that scene was added to the start of the episode, to keep people away from mischaracterising him. Unfortunately, this may have simply been missed or overlooked by some. 
they should had polish the damn episode instead of fillers.
Loved it! Mappa is killing it with the episode additions 
Reading the manga, I truly didn't even consider the possibility that these were Willy's children because he is so obviously a ~*bachelor*~. Like, it didn't even cross my mind that those children weren't his little nieces and nephews because he is suuuuch a Theater Gay. Nothing can change my mind.
Wait a minute, are these the kids in that ending slide from season 3?
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A minor dialogue change didn’t seem to have much of an effect on nearly half of respondents, with 47.5% saying they’re indifferent to the change. 43.3% like the change much better, feeling that it works a lot better with future story developments and makes more sense. A handful didn’t care for the change and felt it tampered with Magath’s overall characterization. 
I think the change was logical and more consistent with the story, but I'm naturally skeptical of any AOT manga-to-anime change.
I forgot this.
It ovewrites the flaw of Magath's original plan. Even if I think its unfitting of him, it makes sense.
I'm not sure what I feel about it. Kinda like how they added Falco having a dream back in episode 1. For now, let's just see.
I suppose the new change is a little contradictory because Magath dislikes Marley’s reliance on Titan power and rather just wishes th ey had prowess in other ways. 
Realistically eating him makes more sense for them to eat Eren so they gain control of the Founder but I think Magath accepting the age of Titans is now done for is more in character.
It obviously makes more sense logistically, but I think it's important for Magath to stand opposed to Marley national policy on this front, like, symbolically.
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Though they are minor characters, the anime seems to have made some of the fandom a bit more fond of them. Still, 38.5% wouldn’t change anything about their fates, stating that they were necessary for Gabi to develop further as a character. 28% would rather neither of them died and are curious about how they would have developed if they lived to see another day. 23.7% say if they had to pick only one of them, it would be Udo due to his relevant commentary. A handful leaned toward Zofia, wishing they could have learned more about her. 
Udo. But at the same time Isayama can barely handle all the characters that are still alive so Udo probably wouldn't get a lot of screen time anyway.
Zofia. I didn't care about her while reading the manga, but in the anime she was more unique. I liked her stoic voice a lot. Zofia and Gabi should have switch the places. 
None cus i don't like Gabi
Both or neither. One would be just a third wheel to Gabi and Falco. I would love to see more of Udo and Zofia but I think their deaths were important
Udo and zofia's deaths hurt so bad. I didn't particularly care for either of them when reading the manga but i grown attracted to them in the anime. Udo's in particular breaks me. He was such a energic kid and he... got trampled to death. I'm just...
Neither. Both were serving an enemy nation and deserved what they got.
They weren't important to me so I don't really care
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47.1% of respondents didn’t want to pick sides, stating that the attack was tragic in both mediums of the story-telling. 25.8% felt that it was much more devastating in animated form alongside the sound, music and voice acting. 18.3% felt a bigger impact while reading the manga. 
Both versions are devastating, but Manga hit harder bc I just was so confused and couldn't stop trying to figure out wtf Eren was doing and why. Watching it knowing what I know made it somehow more devastating and yet also more palatable (bc I have a better understanding.)
It was more devastating in the manga. Especially Udo's death scene 
I think I have to wait until the battle is over. So far it's alright.
Loved it
It gave me more emotions in the manga. 
They got what they deserved
It was far more devastating in trailer 🙄
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One of the few characters left with no name after the large guidebook released a few years ago, Lady Tybur was all we could call her (aside from fan-given names). Now she has an official name! 26.7% found it neat that we finally got this official detail. 25.4% feel that now they can finally sleep at night. 17.6% are forever grateful for the name drop and hated waiting so long for it. 15.3% don’t care at all and 11.7% feel this confirms that Isayama is a fan of Tomb Raider.
Not what I was expecting and wasn't expecting her to get a name. At least people can stop calling her Emma or those other dumbass meme names.
Cool. Next up: names for the Blouse kids, right? Right right?
I'm not kidding when I say I literally jumped up and screeched "SHE HAS A NAME!!!"
she didn't need it. she was the mysterious lady t. 
Lara was more lucky than Traute, who got more panels in the manga but her name was mentioned only in the guidebook. 
Still died
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Of all the shots in the preview, 45.1% of respondents were most looking forward to Levi’s staged attack on Zeke. 17% favored seeing Mikasa assist Eren, 15% were most looking forward to seeing Falco emerge from the basement to see the carnage outside. 10.1% were stoked to see Pieck enter the battlefield. The episode has aired as of the publishing of these poll results - we hope these scenes lived up to the hype (even though we guessed one wrong lol).
I enjoyed the episode very much. I felt that the CGI was handled fairly well given the time restraints. However, there were a few instances where it was a bit jarring like Eren eating Willy, Eren pulling the WHT's cord, Mikasa landing on Eren, and Jean climbing up on the roof. Also some of the CGI models looked a bit weird for the scouts. I'm hoping some of these issues can be improved on in the Blue-ray version. Overall, these issues were noticeable but didn't take too much away from my enjoyment of the episode.
As much as I don't like the CGI, episode was great.
Just that it was fantastic and I can't wait for the next one!
The music is top notch. I love it. Especially the new version of XL TT near the end
After re-visiting the trailer we got for this season, it's just....saddening. Everyone was wondering how Mappa was gonna animate AoT and after seeing that trailer, all that effort by the animators, I thought "it's in good hands!". Now that we're getting the episodes and it's underwhelming. I don't blame the Mappa animators at all and cgi is unavoidable at some moments. But whoever are the higher ups who said "animate this in the shortest amount of time" ARE the assholes. It's so upsetting for this anime and the workers of it to be brought down like this :'(
Continuing to enjoy the pictures on the page come to life in the anime.
It was pretty amazing, I was waiting for so long to see this part animated! Aaand I'm so happy I got to see again the scouts! (expecially Connie, my personal fav)
Erwin should had lived instead of Armin, so Erwin can nuke Marley dropping from a blimp
I really liked it! I don't understand all the critics about the animation. It looks really neat and smooth
the SC backlit in that final scene was sickkkkk
It was different from the manga, but all the differences just improved the storytelling and fleshed out the people in Marley. Well done, MAPPA!
I’m just grateful Mappa actually gives a shit about adapting the story properly. That alone makes this season a 9/10 for me cause that’s rare to see in the anime industry these days.
Gabi's voice acting was amazing this episode ! Also, it feels good to hear the ODM gear sound effect again. The CGI didn't keep me from enjoying the fight, we got awesome camera movements and good choreography, I'm very hopeful for next episode ! Also best boy Onyankopon might appear soon ?
I seriously do not know why people are complaining. It was amazing! Can't wait for the next episodes, it's going to be action-packed and intense!
I don't know if I liked the episode or not. I usually prefer manga so even episodes I like I prefer their manga versions but there is something in off with the episode and usually, Titans fight are more excited but this one Nah it was not at all. War hammer was great in animation it served a better understanding of its powers but the fight, in general, was like boring?? idk maybe because I am a manga reader so the titan power/character's introduction was not as thrilling as they were when I've read the chapters. anyways, there is still more of the attack on liberio in the next episode so I'll give my final thought when we conclude the arc
I really enjoyed and the CGI doesn't bother me.
I think the reason Attack Titan looks a bit off is it looks a bit thinner! Warhammer looks amazing because it's a true copy of the manga. If Attack Titan was a bit buff, I think nobody would have that much of a problem. Overall the chapter is amazing!
as much as i adored everything else i must admit... what is wrong with the character design? what happened to everyone's jaws?? i think jean, mikasa and pieck were the worst drawn. in the manga, they look flawless. 
I just hope we would get actual discussions in the sub instead of circle jerking or bitching about the cgi/ost etc.
The soundtrack was epic as hell
Mappa is doing a good job, with the little time they had. But sadly, they had the capacity to do way better and I will always regret this situation. And the Jojo memes on Mikasa are on point: in that specific panel, she looks ugly and unlike her cute face in the manga. For the rest of the episode, she's well portrayed
I think this episode is a taste of what is to come. It’s one thing to read still, silent pictures of complete devastation, and it’s another thing to hear the explosions, the screaming and crying. Seeing the blood painted red instead of black and white. When Eren rumbles the world, more people will realize how evil it is, how completely irredeemable. Less people will be #teameren once they get to see it in the anime. I can’t wait to see what MAPPA has in store.
So many nice details in the battle that weren’t there in the manga, the war hammer animation was particularly great
I feel bad complaining, but this was the first episode of the season that has disappointed me at all. Every other episode I feel has elevated the manga. I don't want (and never expected) to be that person, but the CGI, especially on the humans (WHY??) was so awkward it was distracting. We also lost a little bit of expressiveness from Eren, which is kind of a big deal when there's so little from him to begin with. 
Soundtrack was lit!!!!
It is what it is. But after I finished the episode I went back to watch the trailer and got sad that the season just isn't going to look like that. It's not bad by any means and I understand that these are people, not robots working on this with an extremely tight schedule. This entitled fanbase is super embarrassing with it's behavior and harassment of the people working on it. I kind of hope the final arc doesn't get animated now because these people don't deserve it. 
Awesome! I was a bit distracted how the pacing was, cutting a bit weirdly from one episode to another, but I really enjoyed it!
That closeup of Eren's Titan after he nom'd Willy is NUTS. 
It was emotionless and almost boring. The sound director keeps fucking up big time. I didnt feel anything close to the hype I felt watching the Armored/Colossal reveal animated. There were no exciting goosebumps, or tears. Nothing. Also the CGI was terrible. There were good things, but I expected much more for suck a climatic episode
It was a good episode after all, graphic was ok but i think that if they continued with the same titan 2d animation of first episodes and maybe changed a bit some sound it would have been waaay better. Still a good episode imho
The episode was very average. I'm not trying to complain, I know that the anime is mostly for anime-onlines, while we have a manga, but I expected better. I imagined the titan fight to be smooth, but in reality both - WHT and AT - moved like two, fat elephants. In the manga I felt that WHT was fast like a wind. In the anime Lara was slow, she looked like she had a hard time to even hold her hammer. The moment between Eren and Mikasa was disappointing. In the anime when Mikasa was upset about Eren's actions, he was completely unfeeling, while in the manga we see him being full of emotions and almost crying. I know he will turn into a cold bastard but MAPPA shouldn't dehumanize Eren so much now. I was surprised by Connie's glow up. MAPPA has done better job with him. In the manga he still looks like a kid, while MAPPA made him more mature-looking and masculine. That's good for underrated Connie. I'm grateful for the scene between Willy and his children. This way he feels more sympathetic and isn't ""just a guy who declared a war and was eaten by Eren"". 
I really like how the warriors and Marleyans seem to be getting a somewhat equal amount of screen time as the scouts have gotten after they've come into the picture. I hope this helps to make clear for the anime-onlies that understanding the experiences, emotions and the development of the other side is just as important as understanding those of the scouts/Paradis.
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Thank you again to everyone who participated!
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
no-sleep 1x09rewatch ramble-essay (all content warnings for the episode apply here)
i was just like. oh i’ll watch a feel-good episode of gossip girl! s1 thanksgiving ep is great isn’t it! blairenate family feels!!! ruflyson love triangle drama!!! vdw siblings AND humphrey siblings hanging out!!! dan’s “see you later waldorf” *salutes & closes the cab door* !!!
& like. yes i DID remember serena’s whole not being sober on thanksgiving thing, and yes i DID remember blair’s ED relapse - which is heavy, but eating disorder content isn’t particularly triggering for me personally (i find it kind of cathartic, if we’re being honest) BUT . i somehow forgot. that THIS was the episode which has howard’s suicide attempt?? and now i have some of the most painful nate feels in the world. 
blah blah blah, leight’s acting brought me to tears, which probably doesn’t sound like a very big deal but sort of is, for a variety of reasons (watching things doesn’t usually make me cry, it’s happened maybe a single-digit number of times before + also just my blair feels in general --> she’s a really interesting character but i don’t find her AS relatable as i do dan, or nate, or vanessa, or maybe even serena at times --> so i usually do have a bit of a disconnect re: watching her, which i really do not have for like. dan, for instance.) 
i just cannot divorce that very cute outfit blair wears with her ED relapse - which brings me to the next point, which is that blair is maybe THE only character ever for whom her clothing choices and her plotlines are so interwoven in my head (lemon yellow shirt and funky little hat is her mean bridesmaids competitive game day, yellow-&-orange dress is her choose chuck over dan moment, genderqueer plaid skirt and grey shirt is her “dan loves me for me” moment, white shirt with the pink flowers is her get owned by nelly yuki moment, etc etc)... the only other time i noticed outfits is derena cotillion, but that’s just because i LOVE derena cotillion, and date matching shirts, but that’s because i am tuned into all things date and couldn’t possibly tell you what those outfits actually symbolise, with the exception of dan’s pink flannel shirt from when he’s holding milo. or any of the outfits from 2x06 because that is my episode hands down. oh hey would you look at that, i do actually form associations. but you gotta believe me on this, blair’s the one it happens most naturally for, which is very strange. i think it’s because her outfits are always Statements in a way that the other characters never do, except for jenny, who is a fashion designer, so it’s Different for her. what am i trying to say. 
oh yeah another iconic outfit is serena’s golden jacket and bright blue pants to the morgue to identify what might be chuck’s corpse. she literally dressed like she was going clubbing and i respect her so much for that. 
anyway. gosh. nate just - getting gaslit by his mom, getting reprimanded by his dad for telling his mom to stop being rude/petty... howard was like “don’t fight my fights for me” but nate wasn’t even doing that?? he was just asking his mom Not to be rude, and the fact that nate got told off at the end of that interaction... uh. it shows a lot about the archibald family unit in general and just. how nate is sort of treated as ... i don’t have the right word, but my brain is like “second class citizen”... which is absolutely NOT the right concept for nate but like. he is treated like he is Less a part of the family than his parents are....... RIGHT until one of them (or both of them!) fuck up in a big way and it’s down to nate to fix their mess. i haven’t read “adult children of emotionally immature parents” but from whatever i’ve heard about it, i think nate could do with reading it. or not. maybe it’d just make him sadder.
and fuck - nate’s whole talk with his dad and his dad telling nate that he doesn’t know how he can go on, etc etc... idk what to say or where to draw the line but i have really complicated howard & nate feelings. i really truly think anne was the worse parent (not like it’s a competition of course) and i sometimes seriously wonder if maybe howard archibald had a more supportive life partner, maybe he wouldn’t have ended up being ~like that~ to nate (doesn’t justify anything of course). anyway nate’s sitting by the hospital bed and his dad is denying his suicide attempt at first and nate’s just like, no, stop. this is also making me think now of nate sitting by serena’s hospital bed after tripp, and nate possibly sitting by blair’s hospital bed some point pre-series (eating disorders are serious and i really do think, esp with eleanor being eleanor, that it must’ve gotten pretty bad for blair before she got help - which. sorry. i know, it’s sad but i’m just putting together pre-existing implications.) all i’m saying is some point in the future i wouldn’t be surprised if nate’s just. uncomfortable in hospitals and unable to piece together why. oh yikes i just remembered blair’s miscarriage. at which point do hospitals become overly suffocating for natie, remind him of his own helplessness, etc... because i really think they would. anyway. 
anne archibald chills me because she is such an accurate representation of a very specific kind of mother and. i hate it for nate obviously but i struggle to remember a time i’ve seen a tv mom who i can 100% relate to so hard. as in. fuck. worded that wrong. whose SON i can relate to so hard. ouch. this may be a moot point because i don’t watch much tv, but honestly anne & nate is just. a Lot. in a way that is significant to Me, specifically. this is part of my pet peeve (not enough to fight with anybody don’t worry) when people make edits about mothers & daughters, as if what was happening between nate & anne, somehow didn’t have the same complications - i honestly think there’s some solid eleanor & blair/ anne & nate parallels to be drawn. and we’ve been over this somewhere else, but lily & serena / rufus & dan / rufus & jenny definitely have a lot of the same specific issues (parent projecting on child, etc.) again - everyone engages w the show differently, im ready to admit that like... maybe 65% of my problems with the ‘mothers & daughters’ reading probably stem from gender dysphoria, lol. but whatever.
i have feelings about dan & alison, too... i really do think dan was closer to his mom than to his dad for majority of his childhood, and this ep really cements it. anyway. i don’t have any more words and i’m tired. and i might just watch derena cotillion episode because . derena cotillion episode my beloved... 
wait wait before i forget. venn diagram of humphrey family & van der bilt family & playing american football. i know this has come up before but like. here we go i;m thinking about it again. both dan and nate have been competitively thrown in the grass by a family member in the name of sports. no wonder nate chose dan over chuck in 2x06 (i would put a tone indicator but even i can’t tell if this is /gen or /j) 
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