#it was the beginning of one of the greatest on track battles ever
yeahperfect · 1 year
We all remember what happened after this pitstop 😏🤤😇
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dumbass-duo-showdown · 4 months
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I could rant about them for actual hours but like it's so hard to put thoughts down. But literally an actual quote was someone telling Zoro that "you promised you wouldn't cause trouble" and Zoro replies, EXACT WORDS, "I had no choice because I ran into Luffy." There was also an exchange where Zoro was giving Luffy food and Luffy warns him it might be poison while eating it and Zoro is just like "huh, so that's why my stomach was hurting". They also both swung from vines once and BOTH decided to Tarzan yell. They agreed it was a requirement. Also, Luffy once said he didn't wanna be a hero because heros would share their meat and he wants all of it, and Zoro entirely separately says the SAME THING BUT WITH BOOZE INSTEAD. There are so many examples of them sharing a single braincell. More than I could ever list. But those are the examples I thought of off the top of my head.
On the surface, Zoro seems to have some common sense, and only follows Luffy’s dumb schemes out of respect. Then Nami joins and you realize that Zoro’s seriousness IS his dumbassedness. He and Luffy have one track minds for their own goals and wants, and while they may clash, they have a decent amount of respect for each other.
haven’t finished one piece yet but one example: zoro when stuck figured cutting off his feet would be a genius idea and luffy is luffy. there’s never any thoughts going on in that head
When I first started One Piece I thought Zoro was going to be the badass smart counterpart to the dumbass protagonist just like Vegeta or Sasuke. Turns out I couldn't be more wrong. Him and Luffy are besties and share one brain cell and even thou Zoro uses it most of the time it's still one.
They share one single braincell at the same time: after being seriously injured in a battle, one wakes up to drink sake the other to eat meat. One almost cut a Noble (which means being pursued til death by the most powerful marines), the other actually punches said Noble. One gest stuck between buildings, the other inside a chimney for absolutely unrelated reasons
Their solution to everything is to fight it. They never have a plan and just rush into everything. Somehow they are technically the leaders of the group as captain and first mate. They have both at some point attempt to cut or tear their legs or arms off to get out something. They used the same metaphor to explain why they aren’t a hero without hearing the other say it (a hero would share their meat/booze I want to keep it all to myself).
they said let us cut/punch a hole trough a giant tsunami and they did it <3 also one time they were suppossed to lay low, but well they both immediately started robbing and attacking a town and being recognized and labeled as criminals in a new country. they don't even share a braincell, whatever braincell they had before immediately leave as soon as they both are together, also King of the Pirates and World Greatest Swordsman dreamteam, also for lasagne thing not only would the house be gone, the city be burning and they are fleeing the police while also fighting the police
They're just soooo stupid. Zoro can't walk to steps without getting lost. So Luffy will yank him miles through the air to land on wood. Or stone. Or some other hard substance. Luffy would fight someone on accident for meat. And Zoro for booze. And they have no brain cells between them. Zoro new Luffy for approx. 3 seconds before he decided he would die for him. And Luffy heard about this big scary bounty hunter who was captured by marines and went. I need him on my crew. They're perfect for each other.
I dont where to begin. One of their latest feats though is them going into the enemy base, Meaning to sneak in, Luffy went in after another guy, Zoro after Luffy, luffy then Announced himself, started a fight bc ppl wasted food on purpose, ZORO hearing a commotion, SLICED THROUGH A BUILDING TO GET TO LUFFY AND THEN REPRIMANDED LUFFY FOR FORGETTING THE PLAN AND BEING UNABLE TO BE QUIET. THEN. T H E N LUFFY SAYS HE SPILT FOOD ON PURPOSE AND ZORO IS INSTANT LIKE oh ok. They gotta die. (Theres more to it but thats the gist. And thats not even. Much. They r just so stupid together <33)
they both get lost very easily, they will throw hands with anyone, very stupid but very understanding, were a 2 person pirate crew that sailed around on a rowboat, motivated entirely by fighting, meat, and sake, neither is particularly literate one time luffy got his hand stuck in a bottle and zoro tried to get it out by cutting his hand off, yes this happened in a canon episode
look, I have a tag for them that's literally #pair of idiots.
Gus & Shawn
They’ve been friends canonically since at least 3 years old and at the start of the show they’re I wanna say 30 maybe? And yet these two grown men are THE most chaotic idiots (affectionate) in the whole show (and let’s be real anywhere). The entire show in fact hinges on the idea that they’re dumbasses and WILL get into carat shenanigans. Episode examples include the one where they are investigating an alien abduction, the one where they’re looking for big foot, the vampire one, all of these by the way they hundred percent believe to be true until they themselves unwillingly prove otherwise. And maybe the most dumbass moment of all time, when Gus finds his boss dead and instead of calling the cops he gets his dna ALL OVER THE CRIME SCENE, calls Shane to help clean up and Shawn gets HIS DNA ALL OVER THE CRIME SCENE AS WELL!!!! Truly cannot think of a worse reaction to finding a dead body. They’ve been sucking that single brain cell that exists between them dry for over 3 decades now and they show no signs of stopping.
they are such idiots (affectionate) and they can't live without each other
they are. so stupid. both of them can be smart in their own ways but when you put them together the dumb best friends energy is unmatched. they are platonic soulmates pretending that shawn has psychic powers and solve crimes by dicking around and somehow always coming out alive. they accidentally befriend the criminals they’re supposed to be investigating constantly. they’re always one step away from being fired or arrested bc of their dumbassery
the entire show is literally shawn pretending to be a psychic (← dumbass behavior) and gus aiding and abetting him and actively a dumbass as well
If you have seen even a single episode of this show, you know these two fools are the best duo ever. Constantly bantering theough 80s movie references and animal like noises, most often above a dead body, these two bring unique different dummy energy that both brings each other up and builds up their own skills along the way. I will love these two men until the day I die and they deserve an honest chance to be the best dumbass duo of all time!
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 2 years
You are born sixteen days apart. He has never known the world without you in it.
Neither of you remember meeting for the first time. Neither of you can remember a time where you did not know the other. You assume you met at a racetrack as anywhere else would feel wrong or inauthentic to you both. You both feel you belong there, on a racetrack beside the other, it makes sense that that would be where it all began.
So you met at a racetrack as children, as did countless others. You were all chasing the same dream. Through the years, they all flicker and fade in and out of you life, yet he remains constant. In some ways, they are all simply moths, drawn to the flames, fighting and yearning to catch a glimpse of the Sun, of the dream but not fall from the heavens as Icarus did. You know many burned by the dream. You and him, you were never moths. You become one with the flames and are reborn. Again, and again, and again. Whilst the rest burn, you both rise from the ashes. What crushes others, only seems to strengthen you.
You hold that same flame in your hearts, the same desire, the same dream. Perhaps that is why you clashed as much as you did. You were too similar. Stubborn and arguably reckless, you battle hard without thinking of consequences because you both want to win. Neither of you are willing to compromise or give the other even an inch. You push each other to the very limit. At times it's frustrating, to have someone as committed as you competing against you.
You learn that at Val d’Argenton. He pushes you. You push him back. He pushes you off track. You, in his words, then completely destroy him. You both get disqualified to your absolute annoyance, but it's the first time you take stock of his fearlessness. You can't help but admire it. Yes it's frustrating at times but you can't help but find that there's beauty in it too.
Slowly, then all at once, you both grow up. You move up in the world onto the next stage of chasing the dream but you know he'll soon follow. He is too good and to driven not to. Like you, he is never going to be one who gives up. You're not quite friends but you still choose to recommend him as your replacement. You're not quite friends but you can't imagine never racing with him again, and you know that your old team is the best path for him, because it was for you.
A few years later, you meet on a racetrack again. You're older and more experienced, still not quite friends but now there's an understanding between you. You know him and he knows you in a way that you doubt anyone else ever has or ever will. You can push each other in ways some will only ever imagine. There's a trust between you, you can push each other to the very edge but you know the other will not cross the line and go too far. You might not quite be friends but there's comfortable familiarity there.
Sixteen is the number he chooses for himself. It's a number he of course had his reasons for choosing but you can't help but smirk a little at the coincidence.
Sometimes it's like nothing has changed. You still meet at the track, you still battle for positions and are both still as stubborn and as committed as ever. Slowly you realize that you don't enjoy competing quite as much when it's not with him.
Sometimes it's like everything has changed. You've slowly become friends. You begin to share inside jokes and have quiet talks in the corner during race weekends. It's his face you look for across the paddock. Despite being rivals on track, you are also his greatest defender and he yours. The quiet, "nobody understands him quite like I do", remains unspoken but you both know.
You were too young to see the days of Prost and Senna. Still, you hear the stories. You both have been compared to them many times too. You wonder if one day, your names will be as irrevocably linked together as theirs are. Perhaps they already are. After all, for as long as there's been a Charles Leclerc, there has been a Max Verstappen. You've never been one for grandeur or for the mythos formula one creates but you don't seem to mind this.
You say that you grew up racing each other, that you'll gladly spend the next ten, fifteen years racing each other if you're lucky. Was that a promise or an oath? Or was it simply a truth?
You were born sixteen days apart. You do not remember the world without him in it. Still, you never want to imagine the world without him by your side.
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im-poe-dameron · 5 days
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by the blade that kills
a/n: oh i am having a blast with the @sithobiwanevent list. he is so much fun to write. it's also making me really want to begin working on my series i have stowed away for him. but for now i am hacking away at these prompts and pouring angst into the character's wounds. this one is by all means unhappy. it ends sadly, it starts sadly, and so please go into it with that in mind! again a massive thank you to @karasong who cheered me on as i wrote this!
sith!obi-wan events: a lightsaber tipping up someone's chin
summary: hidden away on a forest planet, you make a home of the place that once existed solely for you and him. but when the dark side of the force discovers where you are, he is sent to bring about his final duty.
word count: 3.3k+
pairing: sith!obi-wan kenobi x jedi!reader
warnings: UNHAPPY ENDING SO PROCEED WITH CAUTION, angst, so much angst it will hurt, past lovers, arguing, violence, lightsaber battles written awkwardly, the poetry of lovers to enemies, death.
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Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
In a galaxy plagued by the dark side of the Force, the light began to slowly bleed from the very sphere it once ruled. Thus the prophecy was written. One would come forth to bring balance. Restore what was brought into chaos. Yet you never expected they would drag everything into ruin.
You knew Anakin once. Watched as he grew alongside your greatest ally and friend. A man who now walked beside him; who chose which side to assist. The betrayal felt unreal at the time; as if you were stuck in nightmare with no chance of waking up.
You never believed that the two people you trusted most would bring the galaxy they protected to its knees. This was your greatest failure; never able to save one without the other's help.
Never able to remain the Jedi Knight they made you.
The wind kicked up through the forest as a ship flew overhead. This wasn't an unusual experience. People came and went on this planet, searching for others. Hoping to find treasures not yet unearthed by those that were forced to flee. You however hid in the shadows of what once used to a home—a small sliver of paradise that you shared with him.
The lightsaber at your side bounced against your thigh as you walked, hood drawn over your face, a basket of fruit tucked under your arm. Nights were warm here. Unlike other planets you'd been to, this one felt the most like home. It reminded you of the temple you once protected, the land that you'd grown up in.
But even that was brought to ruin due to the powers of the Sith.
Sunlight began to fade below the horizon, dipping behind the trees, as you entered your home. The flames of candles would have to do for now until you managed to fix the generator a mile out. Pieces from your old ship could be enough to keep it stable for years to come, but ripping a part your only means of escape left a sour taste in your mouth.
Bounty hunters were clamoring for their shot at what Jedi survived Order 66. Which left you—for the first time—as someone's prey. It was safer to have a way off planet, but surviving had to remain your number one option.
"Night again," you muttered under your breath, crossing off a tally with a sharpened stone.
Counting them all would leave you with a headache, but still your eyes scanned your own version of a calendar. A way to keep yourself on track if the day ever came where you were needed once more. The Sith may have taken over the galaxy, but the Jedi’s beliefs still remained true in your heart.
You would not die. Not until you were able to watch them fall to their knees.
"There is no chaos, there is harmony," you sighed, shutting your eyes as images of that night began to play in your mind.
His screams, the agony that befell them both. You could feel the mark of horror carved into your still beating heart. One that once echoed for them. Whatever remained of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi only lived within your mind. They made sure to wipe their memories from the galaxy; the tales that are only shared in whispered secrets served as warning to whoever would listen.
You dropped the stone into the pile by your front door, the shine of the moon slowly creeping forward as you prepared to eat. The meal would be a measly portion of fruit and whatever animal you found during the day. Barely enough to tide you over.
You could feel the hunger gnaw at your stomach as you sat at the table. The need for more digging its sharp talons into the flesh of your back. You swallowed the bitter flavors down with a wince, knowing that you wouldn't be finding better on a planet so barren with life. The Empire made sure to strip every home of what could be useful; stealing the riches the land had to offer for their own agenda.
"There is no passion." You sighed, shoving your seat back and wandering over to the open door. "There is serenity."
The code of the Jedi didn't mean much to the galaxy anymore. But you clutched it against your heart. Knowing that there would come a time when things were forced to shift once more and the tides of evil fell to the hands of good. You could feel it resonate deep in your stomach. The truth of what Master Yoda explained to you on your journey to the hidden depths of the galaxy.
Though the Sith ruled now...that would soon change.
One day.
A crack of wood echoed in the air, causing you to go still. You would have guessed an animal found it's way in search of something to hunt and happened across your home. It wasn't the first time this happened. It certainly wouldn't be the last.
Calling your lightsaber to your hand, you ventured down the path lined in broken stones—eyes adjusting to the darkness quicker than normal. After so long spent traversing the woods at night, you'd grown accustomed to the pitch black. At least when you were encased in it, you could hide from what predators still walked the planet's surface. Animals that might find you to be a nice meal.
You moved silently, years of training keeping you steady. It held it's advantages when the wildness of this planet didn't wish to be tamed. You couldn't fault it for accepting the true nature that lay within. After what the Empire already took, you refused to add to that tragedy.
A clearing sat in the center—a place you meditated at times when your emotions more often than not got the better of you. Preparing to flip the familiar switch of your weapon, you heard another crack.
That was not an accidental creature stepping on fallen leaves and twigs as they went.
Someone was toying with you. Purposefully making noise when they felt you were at a close enough distance.
This was someone hunting you.
"I wouldn't if I were you," you said lowly, the hum of your lightsaber reverberating in the air.
A laugh fell upon your ears. Dark, filled with a gruff nature you didn't recognize. Yet the lick of heat along your spine rang with memories that continued to skirt the edges of your mind. You knew this person. That much was clear as you stepped further into the clearing. The blue light of your blade glowing around your cloaked form.
"So strong. Even now."
You tensed, hair rising on the back of your neck. "No."
"Tell me my darling." A black cloak fluttered in the darkness, yellow eyes rimmed with red glaring at you as he practically melted from the thicket of trees. "Do you still follow their rules?"
He looked exactly the same. Yet felt entirely different.
A jagged scar ran along his right cheek, eyes overflowing with mirth that slammed into your chest. His hair was slightly longer, curling around his ears as he stood before you in obsidian robes. The lightsaber in his gloved hand remained the same. But even now you felt its power through the Force. A magnified darkness that seeped into your chest.
This was not the man you once loved all those years ago.
Not the Obi-Wan who used to promise a future of peace together; only for the darkness to rip at his soul the night Anakin turned.
"How..." you breathed, eyes wide in horror as you watched him step closer.
You longed to wake up from this dream. But the soft leather of his gloves stroking your cheek cemented the truth in your mind. This was indeed reality.
He finally found his long lost prey.
"I must admit. Master Yoda was wise to tell you to come here." He grinned—proud of the fact that he figured you out. Years of searching and he managed to connect the dots of where you settled; where you believed was the safest place in the galaxy. "Even I didn't ascertain that you would dare come back here."
"This is my home," you spit, eyes narrowed as you flinched away from his touch. "I belong here."'
He smiled. "Our home."
"Not anymore. You made your choice Obi-Wan."
His eyes darkened as you spoke his name; the sound of it so familiar from your tongue. He could recall nights he made you scream it. Days spent hidden away in this little hovel of peace you carved for yourselves. A hiding spot in the galaxy for two Jedi to fall in love; to hope for a future that would never come true.
"My choice was to protect my own," he snapped, advancing forward—the piercing echo of his lightsaber now filling the warm air.
"I was your own!"
Stepping away, you watched the crimson blade come free—covering him in a blanket of darkness you felt emanate through the Force. The strong cerulean blue signature you once twined with your own no longer existed. All you could feel when you searched for him—all that welcomed you—was the bitter twisted inky blackness that bled from his soul.
"I offered you a choice." He stood mere feet away, but you felt his touch caress your skin through the air. "I offered my hand to you."
You scoffed, biting back the tears. "That was no choice. A life of service to the Empire that destroyed what we built. I'd rather have you kill me."
His eyes flashed dangerously, lips curling into a grin that sent a thrill of fear down your spine. "I suppose it's only right my darling. After all...you deserve a Jedi's ending. A warriors death."
"Fuck you Obi-Wan," you spit out, hand gripping your lightsaber in the hopes of it stabling you. "Tell me. Does the Emperor know you're here? Does Anakin?"
"Darth Vader gave the order himself."
The title dripped with fury that could only stem from one place. A planet covered in pain that spilled into the Force. Even now you felt it leak to your heart. The grief that you could no longer handle. Anakin resided in a hell of his own making; a pit of darkness you couldn't save him from.
Yet that's not what made the bile burn the back of your throat. It was the knowledge that Obi-Wan remained with him. Forever stuck to the one place that burdened them with a path of agony.
"Maker," you gasped, forcing yourself another step back as he tried to come closer. "He's still there."
"That's none of your concern-"
"You kept him there?" you shouted, raising your saber. "In that pit!" The air burned with the anger you continued to fight back. Obi-Wan reared away from you, shock bleeding across his face as your emotions slammed into him. "I never thought you a monster Obi-Wan."
"I'd watch your tongue," he bit out, lightsaber raised as if to strike. "Don't test my patience Jedi."
The laugh that ripped from your chest held no humor. You could hear the sanity slip from your grasp as he watched you—weapon ready to retaliate if you decided to attack him. What hope you held for the man you once loved slipped from your fingers with ease.
All promise of a future gone from existence.
Sith ruled the galaxy with an iron fist. Jedi died by their hand.
What difference would bringing back Obi-Wan from the dark side make?
"I'll die anyways."
Somehow the admittance didn't scare you. The truth of what lay ahead was always something you knew in the back of your mind. He wouldn't be allowed to rest unless the ties to his old self were severed; you just so happened to be the final one.
The last unforgiving memory of the man he killed on Mustafar.
The nightmare that continued to haunt him even as he attempted to move on from it.
"I will do what I must." His voice was barely above a whisper, but you felt as if he shouted them loud enough for the entire planet to hear.
"You will try," you replied, your heart shattering at the resolute calm on his face. The final confirmation you needed in his stance.
His first blow was built on rage and he wielded it effortlessly. There was no shouting, no words offered, because below the surface of someone so cruel and lost...the last remnants of a Jedi still remained. You could see it in how he moved. Blocking his strike, you gave one of your own—the sparks of your blades igniting the air with a burnt flavor.
Years of training with him gave you the upper hand. You knew is steps before he even made them. His lightsaber curving and twisting in the air with practiced flourish. He still fought with the agility of a Jedi, yet faced you with the power and brutality of a Sith.
"You've grown." His words were a low gasp of air as you parried his hit with a twirl, shoving him back through the Force to watch him slide a foot away.
Taking your stance, you watched him circle you. The grip on your lightsaber tight enough to send pain through your knuckles. For a brief moment, you shut your eyes to the image of him and opened yourself up to the Force. It may have been a mistake, but the words of Qui-Gon still lingered in the back of your mind: mediation is a Jedi's greatest weapon.
It's what kept you going after so long.
"The Jedi's teachings won't save you," he spoke through the Force, echoing in your mind. The heat of his lightsaber tipping up your chin nearly made you flinch.
"Not me." Your eyes fluttered open, meeting his heated gaze with a familiar fierce glare he felt in his chest.
You siphoned through each sliver of darkness that shrouded him. Pulling back the curtain that he wished to remain in tact. Until the full force of his agony slammed into you; drowning you in the emotions you had yet to see. Images of Anakin brutally dismembered formed in your mind, his screams for help, for Obi-Wan to save the boy he raised.
You searched and searched until you finally settled on the truth. You caught his glare, your expression softening under the weight of his anger.
"You chose the darkness to save him," you whispered, tears pricking your eyes and blurring your vision. "Oh, Obi-Wan-"
He moved too quickly for you to retaliate or block his swing. A hand gripped your throat, hauling you close as tears spilled down your cheeks. The memories he tried to hide pouring into your chest with a vengeance that broke you in two. But that isn't what made his eyes grow wide in surprise, his chest heaving and lips parted.
You smiled. Placing small slivers of hope in his heart as memories resurfaced. Moments spent here with you, hidden away from the pressures of the Jedi Order. He gasped for air, loosening his grip as he watched them unfold before him. Pages of a story he ripped to shreds the night Anakin turned.
"My love," he murmured, dropping his forehead to yours. "Please."
Cupping his cheeks, you felt your lightsaber drop to the ground. "My Obi-Wan," you sighed.
Lips brushed against yours in a kiss that seared your heart. Severing you down the middle. He caught you in his hold, slotting his mouth against yours with a ragged breath. As if he was finally coming home after so long spent apart. A breathy moan of his name was lost to his kiss, his grip tight and unforgiving. You didn't care.
This was the man who still clung to your heart even through the darkness. The one you promised to die beside.
"I love you," you gasped, feeling his teeth bite at your throat. He sighed, shaky and unsure, but when you looked into his eyes you saw the promise of what was to come. "It's okay."
"I'm sorry," he rasped, clutching your waist as he delivered the final blow.
Pain split through your body and you screamed as his blade entered your torso. You'd suffered a cut with a lightsaber before, but this felt infinitely worse. As if he was severing your very soul from the confines of your body. He cut you open with the reverence of a lover; the hope of love still faint on his lips that brushed against yours.
He held you close, throwing his weapon to the side, as you gasped for air that wouldn't come. There would never be a version of your story where he could let you live; never a time for you two to fall in love again.
The man you once held was far too lost for you to find him again. This you could accept.
This you would carry with you onto the next life.
"T-There-" you gasped, clutching his robes, your eyes heavy with exhaustion.
He fell to his knees with a gut wrenching sob, his face pressed to yours as the pain began to numb in your body. The light of the Force wrapping itself around your form—offering solace after so much anguish.
This wasn't the end. You knew that.
Yet whether or not Obi-Wan Kenobi would join you one day remained a mystery.
"There is no death," he said against your cheek, the hot drip of his tears mixing with your own. "There is the Force."
A soft smile curved on your lips, your fingers brushing the scar on his cheek, as the breath began to slip from your chest. A familiar whisper of Qui-Gon's voice echoed in your ear. Beckoning you into a soft white light as Obi-Wan's cries pierced the air. His arms still wrapped tightly around yours.
You longed to comfort him, to make the promise of more. But that wasn't for you to reveal to him.
"I'm sorry," he whispered against your now cold chest. "My love. I'm sorry."
You stood over his hunched body, your form tinged in blue as Qui-Gon's hand lay upon your shoulder. He wouldn't be able to see you this way. Not as he remained now. Deeply entrenched in the dark side that it would be a fight to find himself again.
So you knelt beside him, lips pressed to his cheek as he finally let go of your body, laying you on the ground with the gentleness of the man from years ago. His eyes cast up to the moon that hung above him. The only light in this darkened space he once loved.
Getting to his feet, he ignited his lightsaber and walked over to the nearest tree, slicing it down with a scream that shattered the still air. You watched him drag it through the Force; pieces getting cut as he formed a familiar resting place. Though he stood before you as a Sith—Obi-Wan still echoed in his actions. Resonating in your chest through the Force.
He raised you upon the pyre, tears still falling down his cheeks, and with a cut of his lightsaber against the wood, it erupted into flames.
"A Jedi's death," he vowed, face illuminated by the glow of orange. Gathering your lightsaber, he clipped it to his side—his eyes fixed on the small house still lit with candles. He longed to see you waiting for him on the front stoop, eye alight with a welcoming smile.
"We will meet again."
This he knew to be true.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
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television-overload · 5 months
of our own making
(an X-Files fanfic)
Chapter 15/34 - nature/nurture
[Read on AO3]
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Krista is a lovely young woman. In her second year at Georgetown, with plans to get a Master's and a PhD after her undergraduate studies, having a child really isn't in the cards right now, nor would she be able to financially sustain the situation in a few years time. 
It turns out, the previous couple she'd selected ended up getting pregnant themselves and had to back out, which was just an added stressor for Krista who was trying to focus on her studies, knowing finals season would be approaching sooner than later.
Mulder and Scully are more than willing to step in, and by all accounts, their meeting with her went… well.
Really well, honestly.
Scully had bonded with her over their shared Alma Mater, and even happened to have taken the same introductory physics class as her with an ancient professor who is somehow still teaching after all these years.
Mulder, on the other hand, shares her interest in sports. It seems Krista had been quite the track and field athlete in her high school years, and also won State as the pitcher for her varsity softball team her senior year. 
They left the meeting feeling beyond hopeful, something they were unaccustomed to but were slowly beginning to come to terms with, finally.
“I think she really liked us, Scully!” Mulder says, glancing at her excitedly from the driver's seat of the car on their way home. “Can you imagine? If this works out, in less than six months, we'll be parents!”
“It's a scary thought, isn't it?” Scully asks, unable to suppress her own smile.
Scary, and about a million other things, Mulder thinks.
“The good kind of scary,” he says decidedly, and he delights when she nods in agreement, setting aside her skepticism for a moment.
The drive back to their apartment goes quickly. The place near campus where they'd met up for lunch isn't far from her building at all, and if it had been a little warmer out, they might have even walked. Mulder puts the car in park and circles the vehicle, holding out his hand for Scully after she closes the passenger door, and her hand slides easily into his.
This is something they do now—holding hands. At some point in this process, the occasional gesture of comfort had turned to a casual, almost everyday thing, and Mulder isn't going to complain.
Maybe it was the need to keep up appearances as a married couple that made them do it. After all, in certain areas of their lives now, it's expected. With the adoption agency, with the birth mother… Their relationship, while close, is not one that fits into the mold of the wider public. It's easier to express it in this way for the benefit of others, rather than their usual way of showing affection.
On the other hand, maybe something between them really had shifted. He wouldn't soon forget how Scully had leaned on him, both literally and figuratively, after Pfaster. A year ago, he's not sure she would have trusted him like that, and in hindsight, she was right not to. He hadn't yet earned her trust back, and he'd regret ever breaking it in the first place for the rest of his life.
But she trusts him now. She lets him hold her and care for her and believe in her—believe for her—like he's always tried to do.
He will always consider standing by her side to be one of his greatest accomplishments in life. More than anything he has gained from his time on the X-Files, he has gained a friend. Someone who truly understands him.
He doesn't know what he could have done to deserve her. 
Maybe he will always battle these feelings of unworthiness, thinking he could never be enough for her, but it's far too late for him to let go now. Losing her would end him. It's why he had been hesitant to accept her proposal to try IVF in the first place. Every curveball life throws at him is just another thing that could potentially rip their relationship apart. He tries his best to keep those “surprises” to a minimum, but every so often, the opportunity presented is too good to pass up.
Sometimes, he has found, it's worth the risk.
He hopes it will be, in this case. They're so close to achieving what she—they— have longed for for so long, but there's still room for error.
The best he can do is keep moving forward. Stay the course, and pray for fair seas up ahead.
He thinks her father might appreciate his sailing analogy, but then again, he probably would have hated him regardless of his use of sea-based figurative language.
In the hallway, an older woman smiles at the two of them, and Mulder forces a polite smile back at her. He knows what her neighbors must think. They've seen him around for years, and he's even met a few of them in passing. But now he lives here, and his name is even on her mailbox next to hers. There's not much he could say to dissuade their gossiping at this point.
Scully opens the door, turning on a few lights as they shed their coats and put them away. The adrenaline that had fueled them before in what was possibly the most important meeting of their lives has left them exhausted, and he happily follows Scully toward the couch in the living room.
A lazy day is just what they need. Things are out of their hands now. After weeks—months —of preparation, they have done all they can. Now, all there is to do is wait.
It's almost routine, at this point, when they share a couch. Scully curls up under a blanket, her head against a throw pillow, while Mulder fishes the TV remote out of whatever crevice he inevitably left it in last time. He has to move her feet a little to sit down, but as soon as he's situated, he lets her rest them up against his leg.
She's somehow always freezing, but he doesn't mind.
He sets a Knicks game on the screen at a low volume and leans back, his head lolling against the backrest.
There’s something about staring at the swirling patterns on the ceiling that lends itself to deep contemplation. The muffled sound of the TV does too, but maybe that's just a him thing. He closes his eyes, thinking through the day's events. Thinking of the future.
“I feel for anyone in her position,” he says, the thought escaping him and breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen. He can sense Scully is still awake though, so he continues. “It can't be easy to give up your own child, especially when the circumstances are out of your hands. But, in this case…” 
He's thought of this a lot, lately. About how one person's misfortune may well be another’s salvation. It's a hard dichotomy to grasp.
“Well, it's a good thing for us, anyway,” he finishes, placing a hand over Scully's ankle. “We might actually get a chance to do this.”
“I hope so,” she murmurs into her pillow.
He opens his eyes, glancing down at her in her restful state.
“We will. I have a good feeling,” he says with all the confidence he can muster. It feels odd, this hope, but it's as real and true to him as the love he carries for his partner. “Wow, it's been a while since I've said those words.”
She breathes out an amused chuckle, curling further into the cushions before she responds.
“For once, I'm inclined to believe you.”
His lips curl in a smile and he playfully tickles her foot. 
“I've never been so happy to hear you say that, Scully.”
He knows he should let her sleep, but there are just too many thoughts running through his head that he can't restrain himself. There's a whole world of possibilities about to open up for them. It's exciting and terrifying all at once, and she knows he’s a compulsive talker in those kinds of situations.
He's thankful that she hasn't grown tired of him already and moved to her bedroom to take a nap instead. If they were really husband and wife, that wouldn't stop him. He'd still be able to talk her ear off all night long if he wanted, or until she kicked him out on the couch.
“I can tell you want to say something,” Scully says knowingly, smirking up at him out the corner of her eye.
She knows him so well.
“You think I could coach little league?” he asks, speaking his thoughts aloud. “I mean, I know the kid’s still like the size of a banana, but in a few years’ time—”
“I think that's a great idea.” She turns slightly, adjusting her position so she can see his face properly, and the ridiculousness of his own question causes his cheeks to redden. But Scully takes him seriously. She always does. That's what makes her different from everybody else.
“We have a lot in common with her, you know,” he says, his fingertips massaging unconsciously into her lower calves. “With Krista. Brainy and athletic, all rolled into one. It'll be like having our own little über Mulder-Scully.”
“Don't make me start a nature versus nurture argument with you,” she says, rolling her eyes.
“I'm a psychologist, Scully. I could make a pretty strong case either way.”
She smiles, shaking her head in what he likes to think can be called fond annoyance. They fall silent, eyes locked in a gaze so heavy that he starts to feel a little drunk. The way she mesmerizes him might be worthy of opening an X-File someday. Just to investigate.
“We might have just met our baby, Mulder. Isn't that crazy?” she says, shifting the conversation suddenly in a more serious direction. There's awe in her voice, and he feels it too. “To have been within five feet of this person we'll know and love for the rest of our lives?”
It isn't like Scully to be so optimistic. She's always lived her life believing that to speak your deepest desires aloud is to make yourself vulnerable. Part of him is surprised that she's not being more cautious now with getting her hopes up, but seeing her this way?
He likes it. He likes it a lot.
Maybe he's finally rubbing off on her.
Her arm pops out of her blanket and she reaches for him, drawn to him like a magnet. He happily entwines his fingers with hers, his thumb stroking over the back of her hand.
“I can't wait, Scully.”
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lovestuckyhatemarvel · 4 months
Apologies, but I’m about to over analyze a very old meme in the middle of the night because I can’t sleep. And I’m about to talk about the lord of the rings movies more than the books because even though I’ve read the books, I’ve watched the movies more. Also, the meme is about the movies, so leave my tired ass alone.
So I kind of hate the fellowship at 100% vs 99% strength meme because I’ve seen people talk about it seriously and I think that’s a fundamental misunderstanding of the way the characters function in the story. Like I’m sorry but if you think any single character in the fellowship is more important than the others instead of just a personal favorite, you’re just textually wrong. And this is about to get long so brace yourself. But also if you hate long things, why the fuck are you here?
Aragorn and Sam are spectacular characters that are necessary to the success of the mission but not disproportionately to the whole. Because the whole is the point. The fellowship is the point. Even Boromir, whose direct actions are arguably the least due to dying early, has long reaching effects even after his death. If Boromir was never there, things don’t go the same and may not even go as well long term. Does Aragorn even accept his role as much or as quickly if he doesn’t have Boromir’s dying breath calling him his king? I’d argue no. However I will admit that this character is the one I have the least arguments for other than ‘trust me, bro’ and ‘that’s my baby, and I’m really proud’ while exhausted.
I feel silly even pointing out what Gandalf’s impact is since he’s the reason the journey can even start to begin with. Without him, Frodo gets a weird ring from Bilbo and then dies before he’s 50 because he treats it like a random trinket and is the easiest target the Nazgûl have ever tracked. Gandalf also saves the entire fellowship from the Balrog and is the reason King Théoden becomes available as an ally instead of being God’s crustiest hindrance. In general, the intricate removal of Saruman’s direct impact requires a wizard. Also, if he’s not there, who gets that world’s greatest grandpapa mug I made?
Legolas and Gimli are married so I’m talking about them together. Beyond the fact Gimli almost becomes Galadriel’s favorite side ho, the two don’t have a ton of solo story beats in the movies. However, what they lack in specific moments they make up for by being absolute monsters on the battlefield. Aragorn can’t do most of the shit he does without my gay uncles backing him up. There are literal battles that would have failed and in a war where they’re already outnumbered and outmatched, you actually can’t afford more loss.
Merry and Pippin are eternal besties so they’re also getting talked about together. Initially they’re treated as comic relief and at times even a hindrance in the movies, but they do step up. The Ents go to war because of Merry and Pippin. And the Ents are necessary for dealing with Isengard. Take them out and the war still has an orc factory that can just overwhelm the war with numbers alone. They also have direct impacts on Gondor and Rohan in ways I’m too tired to get into. Also, Pippin sings like an angel even when a gross old man is eating in grossest way possible. Talent. He has the range.
And now we’re down to the main crux of serious arguments I’ve seen. Sam and Frodo. Both of them ring bearers. Is Sam way more important than Frodo? Absolute not.
So Sam is arguably an amazing character, but don’t get it confused. Sam would have never volunteered to take the ring to Mordor, didn’t actually handle the ring’s direct influence well, and also would have gotten rid of Gollum.
Because psych!!! This next part is actually about how Gollum, Frodo, and Sam are three sides to a triangle you can’t remove any part of lest it falls apart completely! Take that, M Night Shyamalan, there’s a new mediocre and fully telegraphed twist in town!!!
Frodo has the initial willingness to take the ring to be destroyed and endures the ring better than literally anyone else. Basically everyone else either gives unhinged talks about what they’d do with the power before they ever touch it or they touch it for 10 seconds and go full Rick Astley. Frodo carries it for days and even wears it a few times before he sees Galadriel and is still capable of trying to give it away. That in itself is extraordinary and cannot be understated. Like that’s the willpower of a god. Put some respect on that.
Frodo, because of his connection to the ring and awareness of its impact, desperately wants to believe Gollum can be saved. After all, that means that he can be saved, and so he does everything in his power to keep Gollum around and get him better. This means they have a guide and when it comes down to it, the reason the ring is destroyed at all. Because Gollum is the one to ultimately, if by accident, destroy the ring. You need Frodo to carry the ring and get Gollum there, you need Sam to get Frodo there, and you need Gollum to destroy it.
And another plot twist that’s not a twist at all at all, but while there’s no part of the fellowship that you can remove and still win, the fellowship itself cannot succeed without 1246885356 other moving parts. Elrond, Arwen, Galadriel, Théoden, Éomer, Éowyn, Faramir, Treebeard, Grima fucking Wormtongue, and dozens of others, some who don’t even get directly named in the trilogy, are all important. They’re all necessary. And there are even more moving parts in the books. Pour one out for my very good friend, Forest God Tom Bombadil. He’s not dead, I just think him and his trees would like a drink.
The point of the whole goddamn thing is that no one can do this mission alone. None of them. Yeah, not even Sam or Aragorn. It’s a fellowship and it’s about that connection and that community. There are themes.
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fantasticalbiology · 5 months
The Amazing Digital Battle Circus ep 2 Aftermath
For more context on this here The Amazing Digital Battle Circus Pilot. For those of you who don't want to read that in short The Amazing Digital Battle Circus is an au idea in which the Amazing Digital Circus is a blood sport watched on by millions. The cast fight die and respawn all the time
Gangle is the most deadly person and takes no shit especially from Jax
Kinger is crazy but battle hardened
Jax has the same personality and gets the crap beaten out of him by everbody for it
Caine is more blood thirsty because he in this AU has acess to all the internet. Whenever he says the boys at C&A he talking about the company behind The Amazing Digital Battle Circus Caine and Able
Ragatha while nice is cold blooded
and Pomni is still a nervous wreck, but is just as deadly as everyone else
Now what this post is about
Caine: Hello, Hello and welcome to the recap of the Amazing Digital Battle Circus, as always I’m Caine, host and commentator of the greatest blood sport on the internet. For those who don’t know this is a way to decompress and tell you about everything even the unseen stuff of our little show here, so lets begin.
Caine: The most dangerous woman in the ADBC suffered her first lost in the Candy Canyon Kingdom arc at hands of THE FUDGE, but she got her run back as she filled Jax with explosive and turned him into a chocolate rabbit and you can guess the rest.
Caine: The rising star of the ADBC [Laugh track]. Who am I kidding she is not, losing fight after fight, she has a worse record than Zooble. However a bleak light has opened up as Pomni is now able to summon the gummy gator gang. The boys at C&A however had to make some room for these summons so say goodbye to the abstracted long arm mcgee and Jummy, they will not be missed, I mean seriously they only ever talked to Zooble so what is the point of keeping their memories alive.
Caine:Thanks to the beautiful freaks that watch the ADBC, the Ragged Ravenger Ragatha due to popular demand now has the ability to summon Princess Loo. This is the only time were doing this so don’t expect the Amazing Digital Battle Circus to become the Amazing Digital Love on the Battlefield Circus because that is already a registered trade mark somewhere else. I do however think she threw the token for Princess Loo away as most npc are useless against human combatants in a direct fight anyway
Caine: Jax can now add drowned in chocolate and fed to The Fudge as one of the many ways he has died in the ADBC. However before he died he saw Gangle lose to The Fudge so his Moral should go up and he’ll keep fighting. [Looks off screen] Nevermind he is currently being made into Gangle b**** all is right with the world
Caine's announcement
Caine: As you all know I made Kinger the war commander for the Candy Canyon arc, and he did wonderful so Kinger has won the MVP award for most amount of candy guts spilled. He has also gained army of candy men,
Caine: Gangle… was there, and that’s all I can say
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trmpt · 1 year
SEPTEMBER 28, 2023
Remarks by President Biden Honoring the Legacy of Senator John McCain and the Work We Must Do Together to Strengthen Our Democracy
Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests — (applause) — in the end, John McCain thought about the beginning. Five years ago, as John was dying from brain cancer, John wrote a farell- — a farewell letter to the nation that he said — that he served so well in both war and in peace.
His words tracked back centuries to America’s founding and then toward a triumphant future. Here’s what John wrote, and I quote, “We are citizens of the world — the world’s greatest republic. A nation of ideals, not blood and soil. Americans never quit. They never hide from history. America makes history.”
And John was right. Every other per- — every other nation in the world has been founded on either a grouping by ethnicity, religion, background. We’re the most unique nation in the world. We’re founded on an idea — the only major nation in the world founded on an idea. An idea that we are all created equal, endowed by our Cr- — in the image of God, endowed by our Creator to be — to be able to be treated equally throughout our lives.
We’ve never fully lived up to that idea, but we’ve never walked away from it. But there’s danger we’re walking too far away from it now, the way we talk in this deba- — in this country. Because a long line of patriots from — like John McCain kept it from ever becoming something other than what it is.
I often think about our friendship of 40 years. The hammer-and-tong debates we’d have in the Senate. We’d argue — we were like two brothers. We’d argue like hell. (Laughs.) I mean really go at one another. Then we’d go lunch together. (Laughter.) No, not a joke. Or John would ride home with me. I mean, we — we traveled the world together.
And, by the way, when he found this magnificent woman and got married, I’m the guy that convinced him to run in Arizona as a Republican. Bless me, Father, for — (makes the sign of the cross). (Laughter and applause.) No, but it’s — you’ve got to admit, Cindy, I did. I talked to him, and I said, “John, you can do this job. My only worry is you’ll do it too well.” (Laughter.)
But, look, running on opposite sides of the nation’s highest office when — when he was running for president and I was on the vice presidential ticket — we still remained friends.
The conversations we had — he had with my son, Beau — the attorney general of the state of Delaware, a decorated major in the U.S. Army, was a guy who spent a year in Iraq — about serving in a war overseas, about the courage in battle against the same cancer that took John and my son.
Two weeks ago, I thought about John as I was standing in another part of the world — in Vietnam. I don’t want to be — I — excuse me if I — it was an emotional trip.
I was there to usher in a 50-year arc of progress for the two countries, pushed by John and, I might add, another John — this is the former Secretary of State, John from Massachusetts, won the Silver Star as well.
Once at war, we are now choosing the highest possible partnership, made possible through John’s leadership. I mean that sincerely. Think about it.
While in Hanoi, I visited a marker depicting where John — what John — where John had endured all the pain. Imprisoned five and a half years. Solitary confinement for two years. Given an opportunity — an opportunity to come home if he just said a couple things. He was beaten, bloodied, bones broken, isolated, tortured, left unable to raise his arms above his shoulders again.
As I stood there paying my respects, I thought about how much I missed my friend. And it’s not hyperbole. I — from the bottom of my heart, I mean this.
I thought about something else as well. I thought about how much America missed John right now, how much America needed John’s courage and foresight and vision. I thought about what John stood for, what he fought for, what he was willing to die for. I thought about what we owed John, what I owed him, and what we owe each other — we owe each other — we owed each other as well — and Americans as well.
You see, John is one of those patriots who, when they die, their voices are never silent. They still speak to us. They tug at both our hearts and our conscience.
And they pose the most profound questions: Who are we? What do we stand for? What do we believe? What will we be?
For John, it was country first. Sounds like a — like a movie, but it’s real with John: honor, duty, decency, freedom, liberty, democracy.
And now, history has brought us to a new time of testing. Very few of us will ever be asked to endure what John McCain endured. But all of us are being asked right now: What will we do to maintain our democracy? Will we, as John wrote, never quit? Will we not hide from history, but make history? Will we put partisanship aside and put country first?I say we must and we will. We will. (Applause.)
But it’s not easy. It’s not easy
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therecordchanger62279 · 10 months
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I'm all for the return of vinyl records. I'm not crazy about the prices they're charging for them, but my biggest complaint is that record labels are not pressing the right titles. They're overlooking some of the best vinyl compilations ever made, and because of the passage of time, these are records that are not likely to see a reissue ever again. But all 10 of the titles here deserve another look.
The Very Best of Bird - Charlie Parker. A 2 record compilation of Parker's work for Dial Records. Warners issued it originally, and it was, and remains the best distillation of the music of the greatest genius in the history of Jazz. There are countless Parker collections and box sets. But this is the best of them all.
Winwood - Various Artists. Originally on United Artists, this 2 record set featured The Spencer Davis Group, Powerhouse, Blind Faith, and Traffic - all bands that featured Steve Winwood. It only goes as far as Traffic's first breakup, but track for track, it's perfect.
Directions & Circle In The Round - Miles Davis. When Miles Davis retired in the mid-70s, his record label, Columbia decided to raid the vaults for some records that would keep Miles's name out there in case he ever decided to un-retire. These two titles - both double albums - span Davis's first two decades with the label, and are the best overview of his most influential period.
Weird Scenes Inside The Goldmine - The Doors. The quintessential Doors on 2 records. It finally got a CD pressing a few years ago. So, I'm not sure the vinyl isn't out there now. But, if it is, it should never be allowed to go out of print.
Time Peace - The Rascals Greatest Hits. Atlantic's only mistake in issuing this was that it came a bit early. The band had a few more hits in them. There are other, generic looking Rascals collections out there, but this one - with its classic cartoon style cover needs a repress, and the four extra tracks that charted after it came out could be added.
The Road Goes On Forever - The Allman Brothers Band. If I had a dollar for every Allman Brothers Band collection out there, I'd be rich enough to afford to date Taylor Swift. But this 2 record set has all the essentials, and a gorgeous cover as well.
Purple Passages - Deep Purple. Warners issued this 2 record set when it obtained the rights to the three LPs the band cut for the Tetragrammaton label. They distilled the best of those three for this collection, and it's the perfect set to represent the band's early years. Cool cover art, too.
The History of Eric Clapton - Various Artists. This 2 record set was issued when it looked as if Eric Clapton might not be with us much longer. He was holed up battling heroin addiction, and his record label kept the product flowing hoping to keep his name out there while the world awaited his return. (And if he didn't return, they had plenty of titles in the pipeline to sell when the demand came in the wake of his passing.) Of course, he did survive, and continued to make records for more than 50 years. But this set is the perfect overview of his first eight years, and includes his work with The Yardbirds, John Mayall, King Curtis, Delaney & Bonnie, Cream, Blind Faith, and Derek & The Dominos along with some solo stuff, and some session work. As with Winwood, it's a great place to begin your collection of Clapton on record.
Michigan Rocks - Various. Originally on the Seeds & Stems label, this single LP captures the excitement, and the brilliance of the Michigan Rock scene of the late 60s, and early 70s. Seger, Nugent, Iggy & The Stooges, Mitch Ryder & Detroit, Frost, SRC, The Rationals, MC5, and Third Power - they're all here. This one cries out for an expanded edition. A second LP could add Grand Funk, Frijid Pink, Suzi Quatro, and many more. A hard rock classic.
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lostmykeysie · 2 years
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just wanted to share your impact on my life.... that scene in the horcrux hunt never leaves my brain
babe….. this is so sexy and true of you……..
i know i say this on like a weekly basis but that album is one of the greatest ever made and crime of the century as a track specifically has just always seemed so perfect for the harry potter universe to me!!!! before i wrote that scene i used to imagine it playing right at the beginning of some sort of order battle, with death eaters apparating in on each beat in that bit of the song, and i used to think about it all the fucking time and i just knew i had to put it in c&tw!!!!!!!!!
i low-key wish i could physically be present for the scene like!!!! regulus panicking as soon as he hears the knock, completely unprepared for the confrontation, choking on a heavy swallow with one hand still on the door watching barty’s eyes look him up and down, the hairs at the back of his neck raising when he looks away and around the flat, the record player, then looking back at regulus…. the panic, the drama, I WANT TO BE THERE !!!!!!!!
anyway this is my little record wall in my flat where i put my faves, as you can see crime of the century is up there like the queen she is, of course she is. my babe. fun fact that copy is literally from 1974 and it plays like a dream
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Act III, Track 12 - Seeds of Time
Song links: Spotify - YT Music - Apple - Tidal
Johanna and Seth are dying side by side. Surrounded by silence and dead bodies, with the all-deciding battle both won and lost, they contemplate their actions and for the first time see things from the perspective of the other.
The instrumental last 40 seconds of the preceding track are probably supposed to already set the mood for this song and give the characters time to think about their situation, because they start expressing their thoughts the moment this track starts. So picture them lying in silence for a while first.
Seth "regrets letting vanity curse his mind" when he could have been the greatest leader the world has ever known. Maybe paying lip service to Jesus would not have been such a big sacrifice if in return he could have had the utopia he had created instead of a horrible war that killed nearly all his adult citizens? And seeing how everything has fallen to ruins now, was he really better than Jesus? He had planned to unite humanity instead of dividing them, but the opposite has happened. Perhaps he even realizes how his "vanity" caused his relationship with Helena to be void of real mutuality.
Johanna is able to admit to herself that Seth really did make a lot of things better, even if he was the Antichrist. For the first time in her life she questions her faith and realizes that abstract notions of piety and lawfulness aren't all that matters. Was it really worth it? Johanna, who along with her friends pointed out to Seth that results aren't all that matters just before he showed himself to be the Antichrist, is now beginning to understand the opposite perspective as she sees the disastrous effects that her insistence on abstract virtues and God's non-negotiable law is partially responsible for.
"Attraction arises between them." Really, that's what the scene description says. Is this the most dramatic enemies-to-lovers ever? Is it more of a spiritual attraction? I'd say that's open to interpretation.
Johanna takes Seth's hand as they bleed out side by side.
[Seth:] Everything we held so close is lost A lonely world has long since gone to dust A weightless word, a rain of light A silver tear will fall on fields of gold [Seth:] If you touch my hand you'll seize the dark And reach the sadness of a woken heart [Johanna:] In the earth I dig to feel you near Your soil is black but I no longer fear [Seth:] A place that we can call our home... [Seth & Johanna:] ...will rise within a star and lead us there [Johanna:] Your hand in mine. [Seth & Johanna:] You and me. Who are we? Who is God? [Seth:] War of man is over [Seth & Johanna:] No one has the answers Of who will keep and Sow the seeds of time
Maybe it is at this point that both realize for the first time that the other one meant well. Their mutual hate has dissolved into understanding, self-reflection, and a kind of gentleness. They realize that in a way they wanted the same thing, were trying to answer the same questions. Johanna says that she does not fear Seth's "darkness" anymore and likens it to the black soil, which not only fits the titular "seeds" concept but also has far more positive connotations than the dark things she likened him to in the past. It's also an interesting parallel to how Seth likened his heart to a garden into which the seeds of time had been sown in "The Wasteland of my Heart". One could say that Satan sowed a seed in Seth and Helena, the gardener, tended to it until the world could eat its fruit - until she died, the garden fell to ruin and humanity was banished from its bliss. There are clear parallels to the story of the Garden of Eden as well of course.
The earlier version of this song called "Sad End", which has completely different lyrics but very similar content, is also interesting to watch once or twice - and then another time just for Thomas' and Lori's wonderful stage chemistry. Keep in mind though that Lori plays Helena in the recorded version (afaik there is no live version of this song with Chiara) and personally I think the live video shows very well why this role suits her. Caring and love seems to speak from every movement and glance while she sings.
The only line that both versions have in common is "Who is God?" A good question, since God does not appear at all in this work while Satan plays a very active role.
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Propaganda for Zoro & Luffy
I could rant about them for actual hours but like it's so hard to put thoughts down. But literally an actual quote was someone telling Zoro that "you promised you wouldn't cause trouble" and Zoro replies, EXACT WORDS, "I had no choice because I ran into Luffy." There was also an exchange where Zoro was giving Luffy food and Luffy warns him it might be poison while eating it and Zoro is just like "huh, so that's why my stomach was hurting". They also both swung from vines once and BOTH decided to Tarzan yell. They agreed it was a requirement. Also, Luffy once said he didn't wanna be a hero because heros would share their meat and he wants all of it, and Zoro entirely separately says the SAME THING BUT WITH BOOZE INSTEAD. There are so many examples of them sharing a single braincell. More than I could ever list. But those are the examples I thought of off the top of my head.
On the surface, Zoro seems to have some common sense, and only follows Luffy’s dumb schemes out of respect. Then Nami joins and you realize that Zoro’s seriousness IS his dumbassedness. He and Luffy have one track minds for their own goals and wants, and while they may clash, they have a decent amount of respect for each other.
haven’t finished one piece yet but one example: zoro when stuck figured cutting off his feet would be a genius idea and luffy is luffy. there’s never any thoughts going on in that head
When I first started One Piece I thought Zoro was going to be the badass smart counterpart to the dumbass protagonist just like Vegeta or Sasuke. Turns out I couldn't be more wrong. Him and Luffy are besties and share one brain cell and even thou Zoro uses it most of the time it's still one.
They share one single braincell at the same time: after being seriously injured in a battle, one wakes up to drink sake the other to eat meat. One almost cut a Noble (which means being pursued til death by the most powerful marines), the other actually punches said Noble. One gest stuck between buildings, the other inside a chimney for absolutely unrelated reasons
Their solution to everything is to fight it. They never have a plan and just rush into everything. Somehow they are technically the leaders of the group as captain and first mate. They have both at some point attempt to cut or tear their legs or arms off to get out something. They used the same metaphor to explain why they aren’t a hero without hearing the other say it (a hero would share their meat/booze I want to keep it all to myself).
they said let us cut/punch a hole trough a giant tsunami and they did it <3 also one time they were suppossed to lay low, but well they both immediately started robbing and attacking a town and being recognized and labeled as criminals in a new country. they don't even share a braincell, whatever braincell they had before immediately leave as soon as they both are together, also King of the Pirates and World Greatest Swordsman dreamteam, also for lasagne thing not only would the house be gone, the city be burning and they are fleeing the police while also fighting the police
They're just soooo stupid. Zoro can't walk to steps without getting lost. So Luffy will yank him miles through the air to land on wood. Or stone. Or some other hard substance. Luffy would fight someone on accident for meat. And Zoro for booze. And they have no brain cells between them. Zoro new Luffy for approx. 3 seconds before he decided he would die for him. And Luffy heard about this big scary bounty hunter who was captured by marines and went. I need him on my crew. They're perfect for each other.
I dont where to begin. One of their latest feats though is them going into the enemy base, Meaning to sneak in, Luffy went in after another guy, Zoro after Luffy, luffy then Announced himself, started a fight bc ppl wasted food on purpose, ZORO hearing a commotion, SLICED THROUGH A BUILDING TO GET TO LUFFY AND THEN REPRIMANDED LUFFY FOR FORGETTING THE PLAN AND BEING UNABLE TO BE QUIET. THEN. T H E N LUFFY SAYS HE SPILT FOOD ON PURPOSE AND ZORO IS INSTANT LIKE oh ok. They gotta die. (Theres more to it but thats the gist. And thats not even. Much. They r just so stupid together <33)
they both get lost very easily, they will throw hands with anyone, very stupid but very understanding, were a 2 person pirate crew that sailed around on a rowboat, motivated entirely by fighting, meat, and sake, neither is particularly literate one time luffy got his hand stuck in a bottle and zoro tried to get it out by cutting his hand off, yes this happened in a canon episode
look, I have a tag for them that's literally #pair of idiots.
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 1 year
You were both born under the same stars. You don't particularly like to think about that fact often as it does come off far too sickeningly sentimental, yet it is true. Just sixteen days separate his date of birth from yours, you have never known the world without him in it.
There is an irony in those stars, one you cannot help but smirk at. You both share the same star sign; Libra. Libra, you learn, is the sign of balance. Represented by the scales, Libras are obsessed with symmetry and equilibrium. You and he have been things to each other through the years; enemies, rivals, competitors, dare we now say friends?, yet through it all he has always remained your one true equal. It takes everything in you not to laugh out loud when you both set the exact same time as you battle to secure pole position. Sixteen days may have separated your births but it seems that when you race each other, nothing can keep you apart. Not that you mind now, now that you are both are grown and have grown past the petty squabbles of adolescence, now that you understand that you'll never race anybody the way you are able to race him. You have come to love the way you can battle each other and cannot help but crave the high that comes as you race each other to the very limit and push your cars beyond what their creators thought possible.
You're not quite sure if you believe in fate but you do feel as though that the universe likes to point and laugh at you specifically. His name translates to "the greatest rival", which is who he always been to you, he has always been your greatest rival. It's foolish and unrealistic but you can't help but wonder if his mother somehow knew, as she held him for the first time, who he'd eventually become, as if she had any idea that sixteen days later and over 800 kilometers away that other born racer would come into the world and that her baby boy would be his - your - greatest rival. You decide eventually that the universe simply likes its' jokes.
Neither of you have ever done anything by half's. Even when you hated him, you knew he hated you just as much. You share the same convection, the same drive, it's little wonder that you clashed so often as children. Yet, even then, he was the one you wanted to battle, to beat. It somehow mattered more when it came down to the two of you. It still does. Back then you hated being compared to him, just as he hated being compared to you. Ironically now it is you two who are drawing the most comparisons between yourselves. It's only now, now that you've grown, that you both understand and appreciate just how similar you are to each other.
You don't remember meeting for the first time. Sometimes it feels like he just appeared next to you, lining up to take his place on the grid and then never left. You know they'll ask you one day, where did the story start, where did the legendary rivalry begin? You already know your answer. Once there was an incident on a race track called Val d'Argenton. It's an incident immortalized by both of your unique post race debriefs caught on film, it's a story you can't help but smile at when you think of it. Perhaps that was the first time you both saw how similar you were, that you understood that you could push but that he would push back and that you both would do that for however long as was necessary because you both wanted to win so badly. You were both infuriated by each other, he was especially frustrated by you. You wouldn't or couldn't even say goodbye to each other for years. You have to laugh as well when you think back to Austria 2019, your first F1 podium together. This time, it was you who was especially pissed at him. In a fit of anger, you unfollowed him on Instagram and then had to spend the next two hours looking across at him on his private jet as you both flew home. Deep down, perhaps you both are still the kids you used to be. You wonder how your child self or even how the Charles of 2019 would react to the relationship you now have with him, how you not only wave goodbye as you leave the track but how you chat and joke with each other and how you have post race debriefs with each other... You think that they'd probably look at you like you have two heads. Maybe that's a good thing, makes you value how much you've grown more.
Neither of you are old enough to remember the days of Senna and Prost but that's the expectation people have placed on you both for years. Since you were children they have all marked you for greatness. You, the predestined one, while he was the inevitable. You're not one to obsess over the mythos formula one likes to create but, as a Ferrari driver, you cannot help but lose yourself in the story somewhat. Two boys are born sixteen days apart. They meet on a race track as children. They race each other with everything they have. They meet again on a race track, this time they're grown and chasing the glory they could only dream of as children. They'll spend their whole lives racing each other, if they can. You don't seem to mind that perhaps it's a comfort, to have at least one constant in your life. You've never known the world without him in it, you hope you never do.
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james5-doe · 2 years
Defenders of the Earth: This Is Their Side Story (fan-fan fiction)
Chapter 1, "Those Three Seconds"
Bandar Village -- 5:20 am
"Get dressed," she said, shaking his arm.
Krotan opened his eyes slowly.
"We have to run. They've tracked us down." Jedda moved away from the boy on the bed, clutching a cover to her naked frame. She took another gander outside of the hut, casting her gaze toward the twinkling stars.
The huge spaceship hadn't gone anywhere.
Even here, from her distant spot, she could discern where the craft was from: Ming's finest troopers were aboard that thing.
Other villagers were beginning to notice, gazing at the cruiser with stares of awe. Krotan took a peek at the vehicle too, then he released a frustrated sigh.
They stepped back in and proceeded to dress. Jedda couldn't help but to scold herself. What was she thinking when they chose the village? She and Krotan had made a grave mistake.
All they had wanted was some time alone -- away from her father, away from Ming, away from everybody who'd forbidden their bond. Most of all, they'd wanted to flee from the throes of battle, to run from the war gripping Mongo and Earth, a struggle that was meant to end Ming's rule.
Jedda was the one who'd suggested the jungle. She didn't think that anyone would locate them.
Now she realized how dumb that was. Krotan was a leader of Mongo's rebels. He was being tailed by his father's men -- agents who possessed great hunting skills, along with that blasted technology. By choosing this place for their night of passion, she had endangered the villagers.
She never, ever should have brought him here.
"Just follow me," she said as they moved. They tore from the hut and made a run for a cliff. Then she heard what sounded like a crack of thunder, followed by a grunt from the boy at her back.
Jedda spun around, horrified.
A glistening beam had shot out of the ship, pulling Krotan up toward the craft.
"Go!" he yelled. "It's me they want!"
She wasn't surprised that he'd told her that. It wasn't a shock that he'd put her first. Jedda had seen a new side of him, a side that he rarely showed anyone. Krotan was once an abusive prince, but he was beginning to change his ways. He was the boy who she just might love. There was no chance she would walk away.
As though he was actually reading her mind, Krotan attempted to shoo her off, swinging his hand repeatedly. "There's nothing you can do. Go and find help."
Reluctantly, she turned around, making her way toward the distant cliff, the one with a body of water below, the ledge that she'd grown up jumping from.
Jedda was about to make the leap -- the leap that would spawn a three-second fall. That was the moment she always craved, the one that had come to define her being.
For those three seconds, she had peace -- the greatest form of peace known to humankind. No one could bug her. No one could touch her. No one could rant about anything.
For those three seconds, she was alone. She didn't have to fill any kind of role. She wasn't a soldier. She wasn't a lover. She didn't even feel like a daughter at all.
For those three seconds, she was Jedda. For those three seconds, she was free. That was the way it had always been. That was the way it would always be.
And then came the moment when it no longer was.
Around one second into Jedda's leap, the alien beam shot down on her, pulling her up toward the craft as well. It had interrupted her purest peace. It had invaded her privacy.
As she was hovering above the cliff, arms suspended quite helplessly, a dark realization crept into her mind. Jedda's whole world had forever changed. She was no longer a jungle girl. She was no longer a village kid -- despite her efforts to reclaim that life.
Now she was entwined in galactic struggles. Now she was engaged in royal strife. Being a Defender was to blame for that.
She'd never again have what she desired. She'd never again have normalcy.
* * * *
The moment they entered the bridge of the ship, she and Krotan began fighting back. He threw a palm thrust into the first man's face. Jedda spun into a fast crescent kick.
Both green guards tumbled onto the floor.
"Enough!" called a woman.
Jedda turned around.
Krotan froze in a state of shock. "Castra?" he uttered.
His sister stepped forth, her dark cape flapping.
"Why are you here?" Krotan asked.
Jedda had to wonder the very same thing. Had Ming somehow tricked Castra again?
"Me and my men have seized this ship," Castra announced. "Our force is rebelling against Ming too. People are calling us the Brotherhood."
The name sounded vaguely familiar to Jedda; she was pretty sure that she'd heard about them. Absolutely everyone was battling Ming. Along with the Gordons and others from Earth, Ming's own children were leading rebellions. "Why did you bring us here?" she asked, helping the man she'd struck to his feet.
Castra lifted a hand to her hip. "It's obvious that you two have gotten...close." She looked them over. "The problem is, you're keeping it secret. That's the opposite of what you should be doing."
"What do you mean?" Krotan asked.
"We want the two of you to make things official. That's the quickest way for us to end this war. The Brotherhood will take Ming out today -- using this ship as a means of cover. Then Krotan will inherit the crown. But people need to see that a change has arrived, or they'll rebel against Krotan next. They need to see a symbol of peace on the throne." She looked at Jedda. "You gained a following when you were Interim Queen, back when my brother tried to marry you. Now that your feelings are mutual, I want you to actually wed Krotan. I want the two of you to get married for real."
Jedda was stunned. She turned to him. Krotan looked absolutely staggered too. She had always hoped that she would wed one day, but she had never figured it would be like this. She didn't want things to be political.
"It's for the good of Mongo," Castra stressed. "It's also for Earth."
* * * *
"We're minutes away from Mongo now," the captive pilot told the Brotherhood.
Castra called out from across the bridge. "Send the proper code to those robo ships."
Jedda looked out at the view of space, seeing a collection of fighter crafts. According to Castra, the pilot had to radio them with a signal, a message indicating that all was well. Only after they heard his voice would the robots allow this ship to pass.
The pilot spoke up. "Attention, Squadron 2-7-4. All hands, stand down. All hands, stand down. Situation 10. Situation 10."
The fighters parted, letting them through.
There were 20 soldiers on Castra's team. All of them readied their rifles with clicks.
Castra turned around to one of her men. "Take the pilot to the back, and execute him."
Jedda flinched. What did she say? They were about to shoot this guy? "Wait a minute. What do you mean?"
"He's served his purpose," Castra said.
One of her guards yanked the man to his feet.
"Wait!" Jedda yelled. "This isn't right."
Castra pointed over to her man again. "Take him away."
"Stop..." Jedda ordered, concentrating, holding the man telepathically.
The soldier didn't budge.
"Why are you waiting?" Castra asked, frowning at her man in a bit of frustration. Then she glanced over at Jedda again, as though she'd figured out what was going on.
Seizing his chance, the captured pilot broke free from the man, hitting a button at the ship's controls. A soft alarm blared repeatedly.
Two more soldiers took hold of the pilot.
Krotan turned to his sister now. "What happened?" he asked, trembling.
Castra growled. "Thanks to your girlfriend's interference, the robots are coming to blow us away."
Jedda turned around to a back window. Sure enough, the ships were approaching. Their speed made it clear they were going to attack.
A trooper called out. "Battle stations!"
"We don't have time!"
All of a sudden, one of the robo ships exploded. Then another one burst into flame.
"Someone's attacking the enemy."
A new craft had entered the area, a small blue ship moving by in a blur. The five robots began firing back. The blue ship dodged with a series of twirls.
Krotan flinched while looking on. "I'd recognize that flying style anywhere. There's a Gordon pilot inside of that craft."
Moments later, the ship dispatched the remaining machines, blowing them up with well-paced shots.
A part of Jedda was deeply relieved. Another part of her grew nervous again. She hoped the craft's pilot wasn't who she thought.
"Attention, Castra," a voice said on the speaker, a voice clearly coming from the small blue ship. "This is Rick Gordon. Do you read me?"
Based on Defenders of the Earth: This Is Their Story, by Marzena
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kibutsujidemon · 2 months
Title: The Unlikely Bond Tanjiro Kamado x Aoi Kanzaki kaito kamado The adventures of Kaito, the young and ambitious demon slayer! part 1:
Kaito had always been driven to prove himself as a worthy successor to his father's legacy. He had trained tirelessly, honing his skills and building his strength, determined to become the greatest demon slayer the world had ever seen.
One day, he received a message from a mysterious informant, claiming to have information about a powerful demon lurking in the shadows. The demon, known as "The Shadow Weaver," was said to possess the ability to manipulate reality itself, bending the fabric of space and time to its will.
Intrigued, Kaito set out to track down the demon, accompanied by his trusty companion, a skilled demon-slaying ninja named Akane. As they delved deeper into the darkness, they encountered countless challenges, from treacherous terrain to treacherous foes.
Finally, they arrived at the demon's lair, a twisted labyrinth of illusions and deceit. Kaito faced off against The Shadow Weaver, his sword flashing in the dim light as he battled to claim victory.
But just as he thought he had gained the upper hand, the demon unleashed a devastating blast of reality-bending energy, sending Kaito flying across the room. As he struggled to regain his footing, he realized that The Shadow Weaver was not just a powerful demon – it was a master of manipulation, using its abilities to bend reality and deceive even the strongest of warriors.
Determined to outwit the demon, Kaito used his quick thinking and cunning to outmaneuver The Shadow Weaver's attacks. With each passing moment, he adapted and evolved, using his agility and intelligence to stay one step ahead of the demon's tricks.
Finally, after a fierce and intense battle, Kaito emerged victorious, striking the final blow that banished The Shadow Weaver from the mortal realm. As he stood victorious, he knew that this was only the beginning – there were many more challenges ahead, and he was ready to face them head-on.
The people of the land celebrated Kaito's victory, hailing him as a hero and a champion of justice. His father, Tanjiro, looked on with pride, knowing that his son had grown into a true force for good in the world.
And so, Kaito's legend began to spread, as a young and ambitious demon slayer who would stop at nothing to protect the innocent and defend the world from darkness.
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maguro13-2 · 3 months
Legacy of Shinra Reboot ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 1 Remake Pt. 10.5 ~
[Echo Night - Beyond/Nebula : Track 15 (Opening/Ending 4)]
"Ages ago the Ink Demons were a prideful race of powerful beings that has been born from the powers of darkness. Your relatives, the Phantonians are a race of warriors that demanded to bring planetary conquest on all terms and they like to be brutal as ever."
"It is also stated that the Phantonians were one of the Solar System' greatest rulers of the Galaxy."
"Our civilization was outmatched by them and they had the guts to make the moons as their creative type of civilization. However, your relatives have conquered the three planets; Jupiter, Mars, and Earth. However, the blood of our ancestors have been going at it for quite sometimes in each confrontation whehter that they bring peace to each the race. So finally, conflicts after conflicts, and battles after battles, we the Phantonians and the Ink Demons set asid our difference when humankind and witchkind began to establish an long of era peace, prosperity, and a brighter for to head of us."
"This kind of peace between the other species or races, would lead to the biggest jerk of our kind, a heartless who wanted to be the ruler of the cosmos, but the cosmos would never have ruler like that even if it means to have title that is nothing about Galactic Conquest, that conquest was the Dream of the entity Demon Vibe that determined to be ruler of the universes."
"But to restore the peace between Ink Demons and other races, we are going to bring another conflict to us all, conflict between other races and a new race called the heartless, that could effect the Phantonians dream of Planetary Conquest. But the effect would not over do it. The Kings of the Phantonian race ordered his people to protect Earth from being in danger and the Galaxy itself."
(scene changes back to the present)
Inky Albarn : And expose the foolishness that Shinra caused all these years from the Ohkuboverse's demise. The only thing left for him was his legacy--His love, his life, him being a hero to the Ohkuboverse, everything. That is what the legacy of Shinra, spreading his influence which you inherited from.
Maka Albarn : So that is why I was chosen as the hero of Soul Eater. Why could the world of Soul Eater choose someone that is a boy or a guy?
Inky Albarn : Not all heroes that are equal, boys and girls can be heroes as well. A guy can be a hero or a girl can be a heroine, a hero who's life is a story that goes beyond from the beginning and to the end of his or her tale.
Maka Albarn : A hero's life is a story? How does a hero's story goes beyond from the beginning and reach the end of his or her tale?
Inky Albarn : To reach the end of the tale, we heard that a genie who lead the Traitors army request a girl name Tsugumi offering the Seven World Rings, mysterious items that are the hearts of the stories and the collector shall have the seven rings in hand to make the make-believes reborn.
[Echo Night - Beyond/Nebula : Track 14]
Maka Albarn : Make believes reborn. What are you saying? Are you saying that these rings are equivalent to the Chaos Emeralds.
Shinra the Devil Chaos Chao : Hey, those were the jewels that I was resurrected through my stages of reincarnation. I remember them, Dr. Robotnik gave them to me in order to regain my memories, my heart and soul, but this is what my body looks like. No, this is my resurrected form from reincarnation.
Maka Albarn : You think so, Shinra?
Shinra the Devil Chaos Chao : Of course. I had it in ya. Who cares if hunanity would corrupt their selves into unwillingly dangerous people. I don't mind about humanity's arrogance! Corruption or not! You're just too worthy to be a hero for you, queen of demons. So what do you want from humans, witches, and other species that you want to deal with?
Inky Albarn : There's only one object that we needed from the other races. The Demon Eye.
Shinra the Devil Chaos Chao : You some kind of scavenger looking for a lost item or do you know about the eye that Mabaa, used it.
Inky Albarn : I know it, it's the powers of a pentagram to used the powers of the royal bloodline. With the demon eye in my son's powers, I'll lead you and everyone out of the shadows. So...Let's just say that who is the tragic figure with a noble cause. Inky Scouts, do your thing! That's an order!
Shinra the Devil Chaos Chao : Inky Scouts. Are they group of boys that were going to have a bonfire to sing kumbaya together?
Inky Albarn : Just these five that are the Ginyu Force!
[Z.C Enemy 2 - Fumie Kumatani]
Inky Moon : So, this is the kid that you've been talking about.
Inky Mercury : You're the hero of Soul Eater? That world is not a place for a school kids, get yourself a real world to live in.
Maka Albarn : I'm only 13 years old! I'm a pre-teen!
Inky Mars : There's a proof from your existence that you're still a little kid. I thought the queen would prettier to handle you herself.
Inky Albarn : No need for things to hold them barred. Do whatever pleases you to make Maka Albarn feel a little greater, I want to prove this to be entertaining.
Inky Venus : Well, guess that's your ideal. [To Maka] Anyway, We'll be your targets.
Inky Jupiter : I won't hold back from a kid like you! Let's settle in our showndown.
Inky Moon : Get ready kid, you're about to get wrecked!
Maka Albarn : Hmph! Alright. *does Scythe-wielding skills*
[Weed Out by Kenichi Tokoi plays]
Maka Albarn : We'll take you on, all of you!
Seto : Hahaha! This is gonna be exciting! So let's see what you got!
Solva : Don't even get too cocky with you Superhero wannabes get the ideas wrong.
Ashley : (to Kimial) You're ready for this, Partner?
Kimial : I was born ready...Ready to kick your asses! It's go time!
Inky Moon : Let's get this stuff over with! Four of you! Let's show this kid what it means to be hero or a villain! I'll be starting with you!
Ashley : We'll start with the others!
Maka Albarn : I won't miss this out. It'll be three strikes and you're out.
Shang Tsung (offscreen) : Just fight, ya sissies.
(battle begins)
Maka Albarn : So now...You're gonna tell me everything about my life as a hero don't ya. I bet you're the ones who took out the real Sailor moon and as well the Real Sailor Scouts.
Inky Moon : Relax, Kid. The real ones are taken care of in secrecy and most of all, they're on the moon being healed at a facility. You'll be fine too as long as you keep this up, you will begin to cooperate with the queen in an exchange with that matter.
Maka Albarn Oh really? What else she has in mind?
Inky Moon : We'll make this far out. You'll give exchanges from this excursion of ours and we'll might keep this to your selves.
Ashley : Do you think you have an ideas of what's gonna happen to the planet from ourselves with this excursion?
Inky Mars : Heh! I bet you wouldn't even noticed!
Kimial Diehl : Not gonna lie, but I do all the fair shares and you're gonna explain this to me.
Inky Mercury : Don't ever catch it stupid, buddy! You'll might catch yourself a cold!
Kimial Diehl : Sorry, but I gotta fly! But make it snappy! Don't get too disappointing! Otherwise you'll go out in style!
Ashley : Is that the best that you can do?
Shinra the Dark Chaos : Don't way laste on my time, but this is my time to battle! (converts into his Chaos Zero form) Hope you're ready for a special surprise!
Inky Albarn : I thought I was going in style and I never imagined you could able to move or able to walk on your feet again! You are one tough bastard to be a hero, Shinra! Let's see if you could really entertain me.
Shinra in Dark Chaos 0 Form : Hehehe! This is going to be fun!
Inky Moon : I thought that you would be the hero of Soul World, but not anymore. If you're ready to face your fears then show me what you got. This is really to starting to wear you down!
Inky Venus : I never imagined that a kid like you would understand the true meanings of pain, but if your'e pain, how does that make you feel, excruciating or unbearable?
Inky Mercury : That's a real fascinating feat! Let's just say that you would easily handle us with power! I never fought of that you were this strong.
Inky Mars : Perhaps we could use a little light to destroy you, Are you ready!
Inky Jupiter : It'll be hotter like a bowl of boiling hot soup, but this soup is about to get extreme!
Inky Moon : And it's going to make your salad cold! Behold the power of Ink Demon's potential!
*DBZ SFX : Powering up*
Inky Moon : This is the power of the Moon's dark side, a black crescent shaped in the form of my presence given the powers of both moon and demon together. So with these two powers combine, I shall become the ultimate superhero in the entire country!
*DBZ SFX : Transform*
Shinra in Chaos 0 Form : What the-!?
[Vitrification Fire - Michiru Yamane]
Inky Moon (?) : Now then, You wanna come again? Cause I'm willingly ready for a round 2!
Inky Mars : You're not the only one around whoever seen with a pack of beef in her systems, this is what we like it call it a Beast.
Maka Albarn : This...This is the power of a "Beast"?
Kimial Diehl : Woah! No way, that thing is huge!
Red the Demon : And it's bulk!
Ashley : What the hell have you been feeding her?
Inky Albarn : (claps calmly) Surprise to see, Maka. I'd like this call this Beast Moon, it's the power of the Ink Demon's full potential. Once we demons unlock that potential, they shall become unleashed! It's a long story of how unlock it's full potential before I Imprisoned by the witch Drawcia. This still brings me back good old memories of mine.
Maka Albarn : A beast.
*flashing images showing beast bendy*
Maka Albarn : That's what attacked the public in America and the people of Tokyo as well. I was framed by a demon who went beast mode?
Ashley : So that thing has the power to turn into a beast.
Seto : But how on earth are we going to stop this thing! She's going haywire in that form!
Solva : Such a sod that we came all the way here to fight this thing. Hope we better come up with a greater plan!
Kimial : I hate to say it, bud. But this demon is more beast and than man. It's not as the beast inside the beauty, this is how it not goes when it comes to transformation.
Inky Moon in Beast Form : Now then, I'll make myself to punish the likes of your kind by opening a fresh can of a paint, a can paint that is red with your blood! PREPAPRE TO BE SMASHED LIKE A TINY BUG!
Maka Albarn : No!
*DBZ SFX : Energy Glowing*
Inky Moon in Beast Form : GAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! TH-THIS IS POWER! IS THIS THE POWER OF LIGHT SHE IS USING!? I see, so this is what she has been hiding all along. The powers of Light fittingly matches with the powers of Darkness itself. I understand why we the Ink Demons have framed you for all of these crimes that you did not commit! Was this a sign from Angel Vibe itself?
Maka Albarn : Yeah, and guess what? This is also a sign of me kicking your ass! Eat this!
*DBZ SFX : Energy Wave*
*DBZ SFX : Body landing*
Inky Moon : (reverts to her human form) Darn it! How can we lose to the power of light itself? We thought that you're just a kid. But how can a little brat like you hide this much power?
Shinra the Devil Chaos 0 : Incredible. It was that power that I was gifted from Angel Vibe. Yeah, that's right. Hope was really the gift of light after all. That's when I helped Angel Vibe to stopped Demon Vibe from taking over the Galaxy to become the universe's ruler.
[Act Clear by Jun Senoue plays]
Maka Albarn : Uh-huh! That's right! Who da man!?
Gum : You go Girl! That was awesome of you! I can't believe you pulled that off!
*RANK : A*
Maka Albarn : (whistles) THAT WAS PURE PERFECT!
~ Special Scene : Beasts of Darkness Unleashed! ~
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