#it wasnt until the very end that he turns me off completely
yiangchen · 1 year
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serejae · 2 months
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pairing : idol!bnd x idol!reader
genre : fluff
WHAT ! - idol bnd meeting a idol that caught them in love at first sight based on this anon <3, this lowk sucked bc i never wrote a idol au before buttttt
w.c : 1241 | @onedoornet
as jaehyun started to announce the m countdown winner, sungho silently hoped that boynextdoor would win but your group won. he was a bit disappointed but was happy another groups efforts were appreciated. he turned around and spotted your group bowing to everyone around them as you started singing. as your group made it to boynextdoor he bowed quickly but looked up slightly to take a better look at you. you were something he had never seen before, taking his breath away and also taking notes that you could sing very well, but as you bowed your headpiece to your outfit fell off. his mouth went to go form a :0
as he got down to pick it up and hand it to you. you thanked him and he nodded walking off stage and taking some last glances at you (you looked back at me once, but i looked back two timessssss)
as he got out of frame from the camera he watched you from the sidelines and smiled slightly. once your group finished he left quickly, but when he saw you walking in the hallway as he was sitting in boynextdoor’s lounge room he smiled and searched you up on google to watch your fancams and know more about you to hopefully start a conversation next time
riwoo was told he would have a duet dance performance but was never told what idol. he sat on the practice room floor as he waited for you, rather annoyed that you were late all he could do was sit there and huff. when you ran in through the doors riwoo looked up and as he was going to say something about you being late but he paused. he looked up with mouth agape as you bowed apologizing profusely. the boy shook his head and stood up to bow to you “its fine” he said as if he wasnt bothered 2 minutes ago. you both continued the practice and helped each other at parts you guys lacked, and after a bit riwoo and you got the dance down. “just a couple more practices and it’ll be perfect” you spoke up drinking your water as he nodded. he knew you were a good dancer seeing some of your performances but seeing it upclose made riwoo admire you more as he got a upclose of your face. the expressions you make when youre happy, focused, or stressed.
watching you pack up your things he didnt want to wait until the next practice to meet you again “hey” he spoke up catching your attention, his face was fully blushed at this point but he managed to kick the words out “do you…wanna join me for dinner? its late and we worked hard today”
jaehyun was interacting with onedoors in the crowd in his mc costume when suddenly they started looking at the screen behind him in awe. he turned around to look at the big screen projecting the videos the idols performances that theyll interview today. thats when he saw you, he paused as the cameraman zoomed into your face for the ending fairy and did his little smirk, you were perfect. he turned the door that he expected you and your group to come out in in a couple minutes before taking his spot as the cameras start rolling. jaehyun cheesed at his having the thought of being able to talk to you in his mind, he played out the whole interaction hoping that itll be you that he doing your groups choreos to on the stage with. as the doors opened he leans slightly to get a sight of you, grinning he stepped back and started the interview.
jaehyun wanted to impress you and look cool making a good first impression but he completely blew it and made a fool of himself in front of you. he stuttered over his lines, he did get to do the dance with you on stage but tripped, and when you sang live he opened his mouth to go ‘wow’ but burped making everyone laugh and left him red. afterward when your group left, he excused himself to go to the restroom but chased after you hoping to start a conversation, he wasn’t gonna let the love of his life leave like that (he just met you)
koz finally allowed taesan to have his own solo song on boynextdoors new album but decided that only under the condition that he has a feature of their choice. other than that he had free range, and he wasnt complaining. the company had told him that you would be his feature the morning of and he hasnt stopped sweating since. all the keys on the recording studio's desk had been sweating as he adjusted them to make it perfect for you. he had admired your work and effort ever since he was a trainee and to record a song with you? please his blood pressure is going up. as the receptionist lets taesan know that youre on your way up he pats off the sweat on his hands and took some deep breathe. as you walk in he changes to his calm persona and greets you like he wasn’t panicking. he bowed to you and brought you into the recording box making a mental note in his head how beautiful you look in person. you start getting situated, adjusting your headphones and moved the mic closer to you. taesan sat back and tilted his head getting a good look at you. hes only ever saw you on the screens or in ads but never in person. he was lucky enough to get this close to you.
he listened to you sing with a faint smile on his face. taesan saw the time go by and realized that you were almost finished. not wanting to let go of you yet he kept asking you to redo certain parts, but after he saw how tired you were getting he shyly asked “can you help me edit this? im not sure if it sounds good?” knowing damn well he knew it sounded good
leehan stood by you awkwardly taking some glances at you ad the cameraman adjusted the camera. when leehan first met up with you he paused when he saw you. you were like a ray of sunshine, his eyes fell into their boba position as he looked at you and realized a few seconds later that you were bowing to him. he caught himself quickly and bowed as well, “its an honor to work with you” you laughed making his cheeks go pink. anything you say is just lalalalalove to him, he thanks you and starts teaching you the dance. he saw you struggle to hold your shoulders in place as you did the footwork and chuckled slightly. leehan walked over to you and held your shoulders down for you as you did the footwork “better?” he said softly with a pink hue to his face to which you nodded thanking him.
as you guys filmed the video he kept glancing over at you and at the end threw an arm over you while pointing at the camera. as you rewatched the video and were satisfied he kept his eye on your reaction and smiled
“lets work together next time hm?” leehan said as you both walked your separate ways hoping he’ll get to film with you again
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mythicmanuscripts · 23 days
Hey! I love your writing so much and I’m always so excited when I see updates! I think you just get these characters so perfectly.
I was wondering if you could do something about how they fall asleep with someone. Like, what’s the process of sleeping and how do they like to lay and wake up. Especially if it’s been a bad day or they’re sad about something.
Either way, you’re incredible!! 💕
Aw I love this question so much!! I wasnt sure if you wanted me to include poly!Daemon and Rhaenyra so I decided to just include it anyway cause I want to write more for them.
I'm gonna add a cut just to be safe because because there's definitely implied sexual activity in the answer.
I don't quite know why but I think that Aemond would have problems with sleep and definitely battles with insomnia? He will often spend nights sitting in his chambers, just staring out the window and being unable to sleep. Sometimes he'll even take a ride to wherever Vhagar is and spend the night there, still not sleeping but at least he's not alone.
His troubles with sleep is something he manages to keep from you for quite a while, because you didnt actually share a bed with him until a few months after the wedding. However, I think you actually end up finding out because he falls asleep around you? Like maybe once he's more comfortable around you and you can see how stiff he is, you offer him a back massage, promising he can keep his shirt on the entire time and he's asleep within 5 minutes. You let him sleep of course, and he's so flustered when he wakes and realises how easily he fell asleep and how long he was asleep for.
After that he starts falling asleep around you quite often. He does it enough for you to realise that he clearly has some issues with sleep but when you bring it up he just blushes and changes the subject.
Once you do start to share a bed (which by the way, he falls asleep in your arms one night and after that he literally never spends another night in his private quarters ever again), you start to realise how he's always awake if you wake up during the night. Eventually you manage to convince him to explain to you what he struggles with.
Anyway this is my `VERY long winded way of saying that I think developing a routine with him is imperative? He thrives off routine and guidelines, so when you start to tell him when to change into his sleep clothes and what book to read before bed, he actually relaxes so much easier. Pretty soon you fall into the routine of reading to him before bed.
Even if he comes to bed late, you always read to him when he gets to bed. Even if you have sex, you always read to him after. You've yet to make it more than 10 pages without him falling asleep.
You don't start the marriage sleeping in the same bed as him, but as you slowly start to get closer and start to take on the dominant role in the relationship, he starts to just completely melt into you. He's so clingy and needy and he's shameless about it once he realises you won't ever turn him down or humiliate him.
The first night he spends in the same bed as you was the first real cold night of the season and he knocked on your door with a blanket wrapped around him. You let him in of course, and after that he always comes to your room until you just decide to move into your official shared living quarters together.
Aegon manages to become an octopus while he sleeps. Even if he falls asleep on the opposite of the bed, you will wake up completely intertwined with him.
He also HATES going to sleep without talking to you. Originally this started because you began to ask Aegon about his day before bed, letting him vent to you and offering your opinions. Aegon absolutely thrives on structure and routine, and so he once the routine of him venting about his day to you has formed, he'll actually feel unsettled and uncomfortable if he can't do that before bed?
(Slight aside: when you have to be away from him for a few days you tell him to write whatever happened that day and then he gives you the letters when you see him again and he's always SO proud to hand over the letters and refuses to send them via ravens because he wants to physically hand them to you)
You sleep in the same bed as Jace from your wedding night, because he's a proper gentleman and would never want you to sleep anywhere else after you and him are officially married. Throughout your engagement you get to know each other and Jace falls HARD for you. So when you can finally actually sleep in the same bed he is so so happy and thankful.
(Sidenote: You don't actually sleep together that first night and instead you just sit together and talk about the future and fall asleep together)
Jace is most certainly old fashioned and a gentleman when it comes to literally everything with you. (I have a personal headcannon that one of the only things he remembers about his real father is the things Harwin taught him about honour and duty and how to respect his future love? Harwin taught him to never ever let his beloved retire to the bedroom alone, to always pull out chairs for her, to never ever talk bad about her, to offer her his arm every time they walk together, etc) and he remembers all of it.
Anyway point is, when you retire to the bedroom he always comes with you. I think he absolutely loves the whole process of getting ready for bed together? You'll often bathe together, and it actually never turns sexual. Instead it's just this gentle intimacy he absolutely adores.
(final sidenote: Jace wakes up with morning wood so often, like at least 3 times a week and every time you can't resist helping him with it cause he's extra sensitive in the mornings)
So I know we've said this before but I'm gonna repeat it here quickly so that we're all on the same page before I get onto the actual content of my answer: it takes months of Daemon and Rhaenyra both being in love with you before anything actually happens. Once you finally come into their bed, you are simply never allowed to leave, ever. You'd think that there being three of you would mean there's less clinginess because there's a whole other person they can also be with, but nope. Instead they are BOTH very clingy with you, good luck.
Daemon tends to come to bed the latest of the three of you. Even if all three of you have been laying in bed together for a while, when it comes time to actually go to bed Daemon likes to take a walk around the castle before bed to ensure all the guards are were they're supposed to be.
So while Daemon does that, you tend to take some time to spoil Rhaenyra? Rhaenyra LOVES when you offer to rub her shoulders or brush her hair and bathe with her and dry her after. She's always so sweet and blushy about it, always insisting that you don't have to do it while actively leaning into you. Often when Daemon gets up to do his nightly stroll you'll tell the handmaidens to leave at the same time and immediately Rhaenyra will try and fail to stifle her smile because she knows that means you're going to do all the things the handmaidens usually would for her.
I also think Rhaenyra falls asleep quite quick? She's almost always asleep by the the time Daemon returns, usually cuddled against your chest. Every single time Daemon walks into that scene, he always stands there and just smiles for a moment, unable to take his eyes away from you and Rhaenyra. He only moves when you motion him over and then he quickly changes and climbs into bed on Rhaenyra's other side. He always give you a kiss and the kisses Rhaenyra on her forehead before blowing out the candles.
Rhaenyra tends to be the one that's up first, and so most mornings are spent either with her trying to convince Daemon to get out of bed or with you trying to convince Daemon to let you get up.
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freakinator · 28 days
funny thing about how i view the conflict in todays stream is that i view flame and wemmbu in very separate ways despite them doing essentially the same thing
in flames case:
i view his betrayal as ultimately a tragedy, their history all thrown aside due to a combination of wounded pride and genuine upset
if yall didnt see his chat for this stream it was actually really, really bad, like his chat is genuinely so fucking annoying oh my god and is a really good demonstration of why i think streamers should be mean to their chatters sometimes to so i actually wasnt at all surprised that he was so upset but i thought hed log off instead of acting out like this
he wanted respect but literally ruined the months long work of one of the few ppl that were willing to trust him over something that couldve been resolved if he just waited until september, but at the same time i can kinda understand why he was being so impulsive considering again his chat is Really bad, but at the end of the day that really shouldnt have been something you took out on one of your few allies like???? bruh even mocked zams storytelling as if he didnt do thee same shit as well 😭
honestly one of the reasons i was sad about his betrayal is cause it kinda sounded to me like he was genuinely about to cry at first??? maybe im just making shit up tho and he def stopped sounding like he was gonna cry after blowing up the spacewaffles tower lol
in wemmbus case:
i feel no pity for this man, he wanted conflict wherever he can get it and he got it! i think hes a lot like zam in that he just wants some attention and most importantly something to do but whatever happens to him next is his own fault lmao, i respect his honesty tho like hey he sucks but he knows what hes about at least lol
the fact that he still kept trying to get a commission from zam (or at least guilttripping him about it for lack of a better word) like bro i know you wanted to do a capitalism morality dilemma arc with zam but read the room my guy 😭
maybe hes at least a little mad that zam kept turning him away despite the fact he accepted a commission from mapicc of all ppl but like. bro. theres a reason zam called him a nightmare customer lmao
that being said you can tell hes not used to going this overboard considering he offered to help repair the tree when zam got upset lmao
idk i just thought his evilness was kinda funny, still hope he gets his shit kicked in spectacularly tho!
its funny, despite being acting like the shitty no reading comprehension version of abyss he gives me the exact same feeling of schadenfreude i did for minute back in s5 and i believe part of it is his mockery of lore and weird complicated dismissal of moral conflict particularly regarding zam
by weird complicated dismissal of moral conflict i mean both he and minute both tried to convince zam to see ''their side'' and ''reason'' but coming at it from an angle that completely misunderstands zam and when zam points it out they dismiss it and act like it means nothing because of their ''objective'' view of reality, spoiler alert! its not objective at all and they refuse to understand things from zams perspective cause they think hes just being unreasonable or something
idk overall i think their motivations for doing things are just kinda... shit lol
like ik theres some pretty obvious parallels that can be made with s5 here but the difference between the og players and flamebu aside from the lack of style and drama is that the og players waited several months before they started acting out the way they did and when they did start acting out tgey always made sure evryone who wanted to get involved Actually got involved rather than doing it while everyone was away plus their opps werent their own allies (except maybe pangi depending on how you look at it)
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livlaughloveluke · 10 months
𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬- 𝐞.𝐥
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: ethan doesn’t believe in love at first sight until he sees you
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: lil cursing, non!ghostface ethan, a short lil fluff
𝐚/𝐧: hopefully this one is a little cuter since the last one was kinda sad 🥴💘 not proofread either! also should next imagine be jack or another ethan?
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ethan was sitting in the kitchen, scrolling through instagram on his phone. it was a friday night, and while most college kids were out partying, he was alone in his dorm. he had recently moved from california to attend the university. since he had moved on his own, he didnt know anyone in new york.
he had met his roommate , chad, the previous week. chad was friendly, but he was out with his friends most of time. speaking of which, where was chad tonight? 
while ethan was brainstorming possibilities, the door handle started jiggling, and chad and a group of around six entered, all laughing. 
however, the first thing ethan noticed was you.
your luscious hair slightly bounced as you walked inside with the group, and your bubbly aura immediately filled the room. 
ethan was completely unaware that chad was returning with friends, and was severely caught of guard by their presence. panic filled his mind when he realized what he was wearing. he thought he looked so childish, with his pajama pants and white wife beater. 
you however, thought he look amazing. he was so effortlessly gorgeous, with long, curly brown locks that draped over his forehead beautifully. 
when chad saw ethans freaked out look, he immediately started apologizing for not warning him. 
“holy shit man, im so sorry! i totally forgot to mention that they were coming over for a movie tonight.” chad says, panicking a little. everyone in the room was now fully aware of ethans awkward presence, and glared at him. 
“uh- its no problem. i can go hang out in my room or something. or if you want me to leave the dorm, thats okay too! i can maybe go the store or to-“ ethan stuttered out, now embarrassed and looking at the floor, before he was cut off by another voice. 
“ethan, right? you should join us! we were thinking about watching a horror movie, if you wanted to watch with us.” you say to the shy boy, who lifted his head up, now looking at you.
holy shit. he didn’t believe in love at first sight until he saw you there, the dim lighting somehow enhancing your features. cheesy, i know. but how could he not fall for you? you were caring, and not to mention, absolutely gorgeous. 
“yeah i’d love to!” ethan exclaimed, quickly realizing how desperate he sounded. you only giggled, settling his nerves.
the group was now spread out in the living room, debating what movie to watch. everyone had introduced themselves to ethan, and from listening to them, he concluded that everyone seemed pretty chill. 
anika and mindy were cuddled up together on one side of the couch, with tara and chad on the other side, also snuggling. sam was in her own recliner, which left you and ethan on the floor in the living room. you both sat in beanbag chairs that were very close together, making his heart speed up. 
everyone decided that The Conjuring was a good choice, so chad turned it on. it was around midnight, and with every minute you could feel your eyelids getting heavier and heavier. 
as the movie played, you started to subconsciously close your eyes and lean your head on ethans shoulder. 
your simple actions nearly caused the poor boys lungs to burst, butterflies swarming his stomach. he could no longer focus on the movie, for he was concentrated on keeping you asleep and comfortable. 
however, he wasnt a big night owl, and started to drift off into sleep, too. he rested his head on top of yours, and quickly fell into a deep slumber.
by the end of the movie, you both somehow turned in your sleep, and ended up on the same beanbag, cuddling. your head laid on his chest, and his arms were wrapped loosely around your waist. both deep asleep, probably dreaming about one another.
while the credits played, the group shifted their attention from the screen to you and ethan. well, everyone except anika, because she too had fallen asleep on mindys shoulder.
quiet “awws” echoed from most of the friends, besides mindy, who wasn’t big on other’s relationships. tara was busy thinking, and came to the conclusion that you and him would make the cutest couple.
chad however wasn’t big on thinking, and whipped out his phone to take a picture of the pair. everyone looked at him, a little confused, while he held the biggest grin on his face.
when he noticed everyones facial expressions, he explained his reasoning.
“what? this will be a cute photo for when they start dating!” he blurts out.
the group laughs, and they decide to all spend the night at the boys dorm, because of how late it was, and how tired they all were. 
chad was right. when you and ethan made it official a few months later, the photo never failed to stain his cheeks with a bright red hue.  
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skullvgirl · 5 months
a strange dream | barou
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incl. barou 🎀 ( he would kill me )
warnings. completely sfw, fluff, school!au, fem reader, very much ooc, slow burn
an's. i missed him so much i had to revisit
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BAROU probably hasnt got any interest in you before your relationship, not in a bad way but lets be honest—he's a soccer addict, he definitely wouldn't notice you until well, he did.
you're both sitting in math class (which did i mention had one hell of alot of students) and someone from the other side of the room asks to pass a note to you, rumor has it they've got a crush.
eventually the note ends up in the large hands of Barou Shouei and he's of course expected to pass it along to you but doesn't see anyone ahead of him expecting to receive it from him. he's confused—who the hell was yn ?
its his bad—he really wasnt to familiar with anything not soccer related.
he looked around, then finally decided to give the piece of paper back to the person he got it from—whoever that was.
you look at barou confused, so the paper was for you? you had originally gave it too him because you weren't sure if the people mumbling in the back of the classroom were really talking about you or not.
you opened your mouth to whisper-yell at him, but he wasn't paying attention to you anymore, his eyes trained on the teacher once again.
you uncrumpled the paper, trying to be as quiet as possible in the dead silence, but with no luck.
"yes miss?", you hid the paper under the desk, trying not to make eye contact with the 28 other students that had eyes on you.
"care to share with the class whats so important that you need to be passing notes in my class?"
reason #1 why you really hated this class, your math teacher was a fucking bitch.
'mean girl giggles' echoed throughout the room, barous eyes paying special attention to what you were about to do.
you dreaded the feeling of being forced to stand up in front of the entire class and read aloud whatever was written on the small note.
"get to it missy"
oh fuck off
you looked around the classroom trying to assess anyone who may have been distressed or embarrassed but with no luck, everyone seemed to be waiting on you.
"im serious yn. if you dont start reading in the next 10 seconds im going to—"
"no, no thats okay—i-im reading"
for whoever wrote me this, i am so sorry.
you cleared you throat in preparation for the humiliation you were about to face, curses be upon you miss peterson.
"hi, i think your really cute, we should go out sometime together, from..."
your heart stopped.
oh no this cant be right
"thats it."
"thats it?" the teacher probed, slowly making her way towards you.
"that it. i-it just says from your secret admirer after that nothing else".
your math teacher narrowed her eyes, looking closely at your expression—she didn't buy it.
dont breakeyecontactdont break eye contactdont breakeyecontactdontbreakeyecontactdontbreakeyecontact—
"really!" you broke eye contact.
she pointed her nose upwards, probably as high as possible and began walking towards your desk.
"alright then i wanna see it, i need to have it confiscated"
"what?!, why?" oops you said that kinda loud. the class whom had previously lost interest when you finished reading turned back towards you and miss peterson now intrigued.
"well why not?! it was a distraction in class and now it needs to be taken away to make sure it wont be a distraction again...!"
but that doesn't make sense, if you care so much about us passing notes you should take our notebooks not the gosh dang note !
"but that doesn't make sense—" but you didn't get a chance to finish as the teacher viciously snatched the paper from you and spun around back towards her desk.
you sat down and burried your hands in your face, you couldn't watch this.
"oh this looks fun...says it's from barou shouei, not what i was expecting...not what i was expecting at all..."
fucking kill yourself, PLEASE
the class, which had previously been dormant erupted in a series of raging giggles and screams—shocked at the reveal of who the note was from.
a soccer player.
it was no secret in BLLK High that nobody—under any circumstance—was to mess with a soccer player. they had a bit of a reputation going on. even the nice ones.
" 'cuse me?" a commanding and masculine voice emerged from your left side and you turned as quickly as possible to the over 6 foot ( 182 cm ) tall man trying to explain yourself.
fuck, one day you were seriously gonna kill your math teacher.
"no, no no i promise it's not like that—i seriously don't know who made this i promise it wasn't from me and i know it wasn't from you—"
"you're yn ?" he cut you off smoothly, leaning back in his seat ever so slightly.
his knees were facing yours now. "you're yn right? been wondering who that was for the longest, guess i know now, cool."
okay now you were confused—about multiple things actually. #1, barou shouei, the man you'd been sitting next to for almost a full year now had yet to learn your name untill just now which is—gosh, just outrageous even for a soccer player
and #2 he wasn't toltally angry and going to kill you like everyone said he would have, should you make a fool of him?
no seriously someone explain what was happening.
you didnt get a chance to ponder on your thoughts much longer however, the bell rang loudly in your ear and soon everyone including yourself was making way for the door out the classroom.
what the fuck just happened, what the actual fuck just happened.
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"heyy ! yn over here !" you didnt realize it but you apparently had auto-piloted your way all the way through lunch and was now being called over by people you've never talked to a day in your life—and you knew exactly what it would be about.
could this get any worse
you were about to find out. "yes...?" you asked, tray still in hand while you stood awakwardly by the trash can near the lunch table who called you over.
"soo—wait first sit down, we're friends we're friends, sit down first" one of the girls said, patting a seat next to herself eagerly.
you looked at the eyes on you and quickly made a decision to move.
there definitely here to ask me about him. it can't be that bad right? i think her name is ashley? i don't know maybe this'll be fun, maybe they'll be nice.
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"so have you guys had sex?"
"what?! no—"
"have you guys even ever kissed yet?"
"we used to talk you know", this one was from ashley, a pretty blonde haired girl who's blue eyes sparkled like marbles.
she was attractive that for sure but and you could definitely see why some people would wanna date her but barou? not so much.
like in what world would some super macho super mysterious soccer guy get the hots for some popular pretty blonde girl? not to mention an obnoxious pretty blonde girl.
gosh i sound like a pick me right now, who knows maybe they really did talk
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"didn't even know her name" barou said, cracking his neck from side to side.
"seriously man?" asked isagi, popping a fry in his mouth.
"dead serious"
this was the soccer table, a table where only the best of best players would sit for lunch, not that it was official or anything—but new students were warned not to go near The Table anyway.
"so you did ask yn to prom?"
"no bachira, i didn't ask her how many times to i have to say that, i barely know her anyways"
"untill today" kunigami confirmed.
"until today" barou repeated.
"would you though?" chigiri asked, he glanced over at your table—you were pretty that much was obvious but it was barou we're talking about, who knows what he thought of you.
"nah, couldn't."
"why not? shes not ugly" nagi questioned albeit a bit insensitively.
"shes not but..." he trailed off, stringing his eyes from nagi to you, she looks kinda...
"but what"
"i don't want her thinking we're dating after prom or somethin', gotta focus on the game."
"what if i did then, think she'd say yes?" it was reo speaking now who was now also looking at your table.
"nah, your uncanny resemblance to a donkey might turn her off"
The Table laughed as reo scowled at the other players, he didnt find it very funny.
"shut the fuck up shouei, i didn't hear her accepting your undying love now did i?"
"thats because i never really asked her dipshit"
"your point! still better than knowing your rejected as a default"
"is it though?" barou was almost smiling at the purple headed boy.
"oh really? watch me"
the table made boyish "ooo"-ing sounds and reo stood up confidently.
shouts erupted from the table, causing the whole cafeteria to turn towards the players, they payed them no mind however, only staring intently at where reo was walking.
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"look, look, look! one if them is coming over here right now!"
you whipped your head around towards where the whole cafeteria's attention had been directed.
nononon, this cannot be happening. you seriously did not need another soccer players thinking you were some freak weirdo because someone else wanted to be messy!
"thats reo, he's super fucking rich, i heard he has a whole two backyards !"
"and an a theater room!"
great, and it was a rich snob kid too.
"does yn sit here?"
your table said nothing, even the loud ashley kept quiet while he was talking. everyones heads turned to you, waiting expectantly for you to say something.
"yeah thats me..." you said meekley.
reo smiled and curled his finger towards himself a few times, asking you to come to him.
this is so awakward
you stood up silently and walked over to where reo was. he didn't stop directing him towards you until you were standing right up against him, close enough to where he could grab your jaw and yank your ear towards his mouth.
"you're hot, go out with me"
your eyes bludged, and your heart accelerated way more than it should have. that was NOT what you were expecting.
reo let go of your face, his hands were in his pockets as he waited for your answer, he looked confident tou would say yes. and most people would, but this was a soccer player we were talking about—and this one specifically was known for being super rich, super smart and a super hoe. three things you couldn't be bothered to even try giving a chance with.
you glanced behind him trying to peer at the damage that had been done.
holy shit the whole fuking cafeteria is looking
you were snapped back into reality as reo looked at you, still waiting for an answer. it was pretty obvious what you were going to say.
"no. im sorry but no, i hardly know you and you're really not my type, sorry."
your table made all types of noises as they watched the now humiliated boy bite a scowl and walk back too his table.
you quickly sat back down and watched as The Table made fun of reo's rejection. all the players were laughing but you were only looking at one.
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"said i wasn't her type". The Table erupted in laughter, all the players except reo cackling like animals.
"fucking told you so, at least get to know the girl before you start trying to hit on her" isagi joked, slapping reo on the back repeatedly.
"no for real, dont know what made you think she would fall for you in a day, not all girls are so easy you know" kunigami shook his head.
"what did you say too her anyways?" nagi asked now curious as to what got him such a harsh rejection anyways.
"didn't say nothing, js asked her if she wanted to go out, said no, that's it." reo reiterated bitterly.
"knowing him it was probably something like 'youre hot, lets go out'" barou said offhandedly, distracted by the feeling of eyes on him.
"you could hear?" reo asked, now confused.
The Table went silent for a moment and isagi burst out laughing when he realized what reo had just said.
"so you did really say that?!"
the emmbarassment for reo only cotinued further but barou wasn't paying attention to that. the eyes from before were still on him.
it was you.
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BAROU isnt really much of a romantic either, he hasn't got the headspace for it like he does for soccer, so of course—he's not seeking the love. the love is seeking him.
1 week later
you sat quietly in the school library studying like a madman for finals, it was just near the end of the school year and you were determined to get good marks on all of the subjects.
the library was the most perfect and quiet place to relax and work at the same time—without any distractions or problems to bother you from your job.
"excuse me?"
you glanced up to where the voice was coming from and your heart felt like it was going to explode.
it was none other than barou shouei in the flesh.
a whole week, a whole week you had managed to somewhat avoid his presence and pretty much ignore him during math ( your teacher denied you request to switch spots ) it was going fine untill—well, now.
"can i borrow your computer charger? mine just died and a left mine at home"
that was it?
you didn't really know what to expect from the man though. he was known to be pretty brutal on tbe field maybe you were assuming he'd be the same in real life.
although i guess i shouldn't think that considering how chill he was over the fake confession and all of that...
"oh yeah sure, I uh can let your borrow it no problem"
barou took your charger without another word and walked back over too his seat.
the racing in your heart was begining to subside, that wasn't so bad...
you shifted to get comfortable in your seat and began studying once again, right now where was i...
"excuse me?"
and just as you were getting comfortable. barou shoei again.
"sorry im back so soon but, could i sit here for a little bit. the outlet by my table isnt working for some reason" he said it in a polite tone but seemed eager for an answer, he was probably in a rush to get as much study time in before practice like most athletes were.
he really isnt as scary as i thought he'd be...
"yeah of course that's fine, it's better this way anyway, wont forget you had it in the first place ya know" you smiled moving your belongings over to make room for his.
barou set his things down and soon enough a static silence ensued over the both of you, not that you minded though. you still needed to get work done and it was better he wasn't attempting to make conversation with you. it is a bit awkward though...
"you color coded your pens"
the voice that emmited from the other side of the table almost made you forget who was there.
"i did, why?"
"nice, i did too"
barou didnt wait for an answer, but instead pulled out a all black pencil pouch to reveal all seven colors of the rainbow line up in order.
jeez, i just think it looks cool, his has all the pen hooks facing up too, ocd much?
that wasn't the main point though, what was more important was his sticker—on thst rested sturdy on his bag. "you watch graves anatomy too?"
he looked surprised when you mentioned the show, and nodded his head appropriately. "yeah, and im all caught up too, all 22 seasons and counting."
"holy hell, im only on season 12 how to even time for that—aren't you always having games and stuff, scince your on varsity and all..."
barou quirked an eyebrow, "mm you know your stuff—i make it work"
now it was your turn to make a face "you make it work...really, its that easy?"
no. the absurbant amount of school work i have is fucking killing me right now plus i've got sisters too take care of so no, it's definitely not easy
thats not what he said though.
"yup, real easy." he nodded his head and although you didn't buy it, it was hardly your place to nag. he didn't seem like someone you should nag.
"uh huh.." you shook your head up and down slow and repeatedly, "for sure, for sure"
"what you don't believe me?" barou moved his chair closer to yours, so close in fact you think your knees were touching, his arms bulged as he rested his hands on his head ; it was hot nice seeing him in a position that wasn't so straight .
"no i do, you seem really responsible im sure you're great at 'making it work' " you put a thumbs up.
gosh, could you be anymore awakward...
"oh im responsible ? you would know that im responsible?" barou questioned, leaning even closer on his arms towards you.
is he...flirting with me?
you laughed and covered your mouth with your hand leaning slightly away as he got closer.
"i mean yeah" you paused to swipe away the nonexistent dust from your eyes, you just couldn't hold the eye contact.
come on, dont get shy now yn.
"people talk, i guess."
"do they?"
"they do" you nodded your head firmly up and down, since it was the only thing you were sure you could do at the moment.
mmh?!? the fuck does that mean ??
"so yn i wanna ask you a question" barou leaned back as he said this, finally returning to his normal position.
holy shit my heart was beating so fast, somebody get me on a stretcher and to the hospital NEOW, i am about to blow!
barou stayed silent for a few moments, thinking deeply about what he was going to say.
"hypothetically..." he paused, staring directly at you.
"hypothetically..." you confirmed.
"hypothetically if someone, other than reo from the soccer team—just as an example lets say...yoichi ! remember hypothetically speaking—asked you out on a date what would your answer be?"
"what kind of question is that?"
"a hypothetical one" he said matter of factly.
"a hypothetical one, right, well if—hypothetically of course—i was asked out by isagi, om a date that is...i don't know...yeah? I guess i'd day yes?"
"really, you would?" he looked surprised and you suddenly felt alarmed, was that a bad thing or something??
"yeah? i mean no, not really—maybe not if he asked the way your friend did..."
??? again, what does that mean?
A moment of silence passed between the two of you and you tried and failed at going back to the work you were supposed to be doing in the first place.
"what about chigiri?" he said suddenly.
"chigiri? what do you me—"
"chigiri. pretty, has red hair, plays on varsity and is super fast? chigiri. would you say yes too him?"
"i mean, maybe, yeah he's definitely not ugly and i guess if i knew him well enough I would probably say yes—why are you asking me this?"
barou said nothing and suddenly, the strangest thing began to happen—he looked at you smiling—a large, uncanny smile resembling a creepypasta monster formed from on his face, your heart began to beat but for the wrong reasons.
"wake up yn" it was definitely barou's voice but it sounded far.
"huh?" you couldn't move, and you now realize you probably couldn't move for a while.
what...is happening...
"wake. up."
your head shot up from your arms, ans you looked around disorientedly.
up untill about the last 30 seconds you were a bit disappointed it had to end. your dream that is.
"yn", a voice—much deeper than you recall im your fantasies spoke out to you as you felt a tap on your shoulder.
it was barou. the real barou.
"i baroued your charged?" he said holding it out towards you. (an's. IM HALARIOUS LAMOSJKWIS)
"oh. right sorry, thanks." you took the cord from him. but he didn't leave, still looming over you in his tall stature he spoke again.
"uh, you got a little.." he pointed to the corner of his lip, scratching at it in expectation for you to do the same.
you did, softly at first, not really sure what is it he was implying but quickly realized what he meant after you felt a crusty dry substance still left from your unconscious.
oh !
"ive got drool on my face haven't i" he nodded his head, and you swore you saw grin appear on his face—a real one but he turned and walked away before you could make confirm.
"thanks for the charger yn, see ya later"
his back was facing you now, slowly getting smaller and smaller at he walked away from you.
seriously ! could i be anyless embarrassing for even a second!
im afraid not yn.
because according to barou, he thinks your little moments of embarrassment and humiliation were pretty damn cute.
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BAROU is never scared. he hardly ever get worried, he's king and one of the best players in his school, he's top of his class always and struggles—never. so why? why was it now, over some so trivial that he was all thoes things he never gets all at once?
1 week later, in the classroom.
barou felt weird.
the truth is, he didnt need a partner for the social studies project. his teacher was allowing groups of two or singles all the same. his reasoning behind why he wanted a partner is what was scaring him.
after almost an entire year, barou realized that you not only were in his math class, but his social studies as well. and his history, and biology—even his orchestra ( he plays cello in case you were wondering ).
he realized that you were everywhere.
barou, for the first time was recognizing someome else, not on the team, not an adult, but a girl, he was acknowledging a girl, as more than nothing.
it was weird.
you peered up at him, wide-eyed and adorable. "work with me on the project"
your eyes, (e/c) and beautiful, got impossibly larger.
"yeah—uh—sure we can"
he gave a thumbs up, and went back to his seat.
what am i doing?
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"i dont know, maybe we can exchange numbers instead?"
"yeah thats better, since im hardly on social media anyways"
even though you've got so many followers..
"alright cool"
you and barou were in the library, again. instead of dreaming about his muscles however, you were watching them in real time move for your phone and yours the same.
there wasnt mych said after that, only short words to communicate what part of the project you both were supposed to work on, untill...
"yes" and once again, you were looking at him, wife eyed and adorable.
"i've got a question to ask you"
no way, did i fall asleep again?
you sucked in a breath, and pinched your cheeks, not paying any attention to the words that might come out of his mouth.
"ow!" nope, you were definitely awake.
barou raised an eyebrow and couldn't hold himself in. he burst out laughing and you we're glad the library waw empty, because in all his seriousness—barou's laugh was loud. like the sort of thing you'd been holding in for a while.
"what yn, afraid you're gonna fall asleep again?"
your cheeks heated up an intense amount.
"you're funny you know, really funny"
"huh?!" you squeaked, shifting all over in your chair. "what does that mean"
barou leaned in close to your face, so close that your noses were touching.
"it means..." he tilted hid head sidewards, waiting for your permission.
"i think you're the stupidest most adorable person to exist..." you didn't move away.
and like a shock, barous lips were on yours so softly it made it feel very much like a dream, but it wasn't.
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an's. i know this is not himmm, he wouldn't even look at you after a supposed fake letter i knooow, i couldn't think of a better way to force it ( i was lazy ) and he's cute let me live.
an's. i rushed the end i knoww, leave me alone. i like writing for personal enjoyment shhhhhh.
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woncherie · 2 years
hello!! it took me a bit more than a week to post part 2 of my fic, im so glad i got so many nice comments on my previous part :(( yall made me so happy omg i hope you enjoy this part too.
part 1 / part 2 / part 3
warnings: afab!reader, no pronouns used, bully!scara, bullying, sub!scara, reader makes him a sub lol, nsfw, finger sucking, spit play, thigh riding, degradation, blackmail, ass play. (please tell me if I missed something)
wc: 4.4k
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what have i done? you were currently turning and tossing yourself around your bed, trying to proceeds yesterdays events, burying your head into your pillow. what have i done?? you always wanted to press a pillow onto your head until you couldnt breath anymore, why not do it now? This would definitely be a better opportunity than go to your lectures right now and get yourself killed by a certain violet haired man.
how did you even get this confident? you tried to blame everything to the alcohol you drank yesterday, your head hurting in approval. sober you would've never done that this smoothly.
you were a bit proud of yourself though. you showed him who the boss was, even if it was just for a night. maybe, just maybe, he will leave you alone now?
curiosity took over you and you grabbed your phone, opening your gallery quickly, being greeted with a very special photo you took the night before.
scaramouche right before you on the screen, eyes teary, mouth wide open with your spit on his tongue, waiting patiently like a good boy. you could clearly see the bulge he had in his pants, grinding steadily against your leg. you can still feel the way he grinded himself on your thigh, and just thinking about the night before made your mouth water and pussy clench. for fucks sake. he really was gorgeous like this.
your timer went off again, reminding you that you should be leaving your bed and getting ready, and the urge to just turn it off completely was very high, but you decided to fight these feelings and stand up slowly instead. you cant hide forever. at some point you will have to meet him again. you aint no pussy.
your head was still hurting like a bitch, but you tried to ignore it. you took a quick shower to get rid of the remaining alcohol and cigarette smell you had on your body and hair, stepping out of the shower and drying your hair properly before changing into you clothes.
after a few minutes you heard your doorbell ring, so you walked up to the door and opened it for a certain blonde guy who stood in your doorframe.
"morning." albedo said in his typical monotonous voice, carrying two small bags with breakfast for the both of you to eat on your way to uni.
"you are absolutely saving my ass."
"my specialty" he answered, handing you your sandwich after you put on your shoes and closed the door behind yourself. you could see that he also wasn't feeling too well right now, still hungover from the day before. but you werent feeling one ounce better.
on your way to uni, you kept thinking about the night before. you have absolutely no idea how you ended up like this. this definitely wasnt your first sexual experience, and you do get your fair share of fun every now and then, but you have never been this controlling over anybody, but fuck, did it feel amazing.
"are you feeling alright?" you heard albedo ask next to you, looking at you through his glasses. he must've noticed that you were sunk in thoughts. "huh? yeah. was just thinking about the party yesterday, my head hurts like a bitch. how did i even get home?"
the intelligent man next to you smiled a bit against his cup of coffee. "apparently yanfei brought us home, we certainly did drink a lot yesterday. she really is a responsible person. need to thank h..."
you werent really listening to him anymore. its not that you couldnt, your mind was just racing right now. does he know what happened? you asked yourself. scaramouche and you werent really in a private area yesterday. did anyone see us?
"wow, y/n, you really seem to be lost in thoughts. care to share?"
you instantly moved your head to him, looking at him with wide eyes before coughing a bit and shaking your head. "im sorry, im just.. really tired, thats all."
"Well, at least we dont have many lectures today. you can go back home quickly and nap some more." he worried about you. albedo always cared about you, just like you cared about him. it was a really nice friendship you two had, but you just didnt feel like telling him anything. he would beat your ass once you told him what you did.
after a few minutes of a silent walk, you arrived at the campus. you threw your empty wrappers away and headed straight to the lecture hall, your heart beating faster and faster with every step you took. fuck. he's gonna kill you.
you opened the door to the lecture hall, letting albedo enter first before following him into the room. it was quite full already, and your eyes immediately scanned the crowd. you easily spotted childe, columbina and dottore, their unusual and fancy clothes catching your eyes quickly. but no scaramouche yet.
you sat down with albedo somewhere in the back of the hall, hiding from the view of others. well, that was your goal at least. you expected a furious little man to storm into the room and peel your skin of alive of your body, but.. he never came?
you heard the girls in the row in front of you talk and couldnt help but listen to their conversation.
"Scara is not here yet.."
"Yeah of course. did you see how he hit the bottle yesterday? couldnt stop drinking, especially at the end."
"he seemed a bit anxious, im worried.."
"nah. probably just couldnt tolerate the weed properly."
The first girl really seemed to be concerned about him, and you couldnt help but suppress a gag at her attitude. just wanted to get into his pants. oh if she knew.
at some point the professor came into the hall and started the lecture without scaramouche joining the class, and you sighed in relieve. you were save, at least for now.
You didnt have a lot of lectures today, so you went back home rather quickly that day. albedo joined you once again, and you two walked into your apartment, immediately throwing yourself onto your bed. it wasnt just your head hurting like a bitch, albedo also felt really exhausted, so no one was surprised when you both just fell asleep right then and there.
after a few hours you opened your eyes again, a snoring blonde still sleeping next to you and your head still woozy from the nap you took. you noticed how your stomach grumbled and stood up slowly, going into the small kitchen that your 25 m² apartment had to wash your face.
you didnt wake albedo up yet, letting him sleep his hangover away. instead, you started making some food for the both of you. you didnt have a lot of food in your fridge. of course not, you are a busy student in their last year, all you survive off is noodles and toast.
you really were hungry, and a normal sandwich wouldnt make anyone of you two feel satisfied, so you decided to make some pasta with tomato sauce. simple and easy.
while cooking, your thoughts wandered once again to the night before, but before you could form any proper thoughts, your phone lighted up. you dried your hands and took a look at it. a new message from.. unknown number?
+76 628 ×××××××: delete the picture.
...oh. it wasn't hard to guess who this message is from. your stomach dropped a bit and you gulped, your heart beating a tiny bit faster.
you: where do you have my number from?
its not a perfect reply to him, but at least you had a few minutes time to collect yourself and not be this nervous anymore. he's not here right now. he can't do anything to you. you are save. you saved his number into your phone.
scaramouche: ask me something more difficult next time.
scaramouche: delete. this. picture.
you licked your lips, stirring the food on the stove before it might burn, collecting your thoughts. he's not here right now. you can do whatever you want.
you took another look at the picture you took of him, smirking, unable to control or suppress it.
you: no.
it didn't take him long to answer, probably being active on his phone to reply to you as fast as possible.
scaramouche: im gonna fucking end you myself.
at this point you were used to his threats. wasn't the first time, nor will it be the last time it'll happen. every time you fucked up a lab report, a presentation or anything college related that might affect him negatively, you got tripped, your property destroyed and a few insults thrown at you. it was nothing new.
you: *attached image*
you: oh look how adorable you look. wish you'd always be this much of a good boy for me. my spit suits you.
you heard a few broken and hurtful moans at the other end of the room, so you looked up from your phone. albedo woke up and streched himself, scratching his stomach and rubbing his eyes open.
"..morn'ng" he mumbled, and you put your phone back into your back pocket. "its not quite morning, albedo." you answered while he tried to get used to the light that shined in your room. he took a look outside of your window and saw how dark it was. "what time is it?"
"7:16 pm" you answered while you set the table for the both of you. "made some food."
you could feel your phone vibrate in your pocket and you bit your lip from the inside in response. it was scaramouche again, but you couldnt check your phone now. albedo would ask, and you didnt feel like telling him anything.
"thank you, really sweet of you." albedo said before excusing himself into the small bathroom you had. your apartment really was small, but that was all you could afford with your part time job.
the second albedo closed the door you had your phone in your hand again, checking the message you got.
scaramouche: ...
scaramouche: dont do this now..
scaramouche: delete the pic. fucking bitch
you giggled a bit at his reply, quickly typing in your reply.
you: i really love coffee, do you know that? why dont you bring me one tomorrow and ill think about it.
scaramouche: you cant be forreal now.
you didnt answer him anymore, putting your phone away and finish setting the table before putting some food into albedos and your plate, right before he came back from the bathroom. you hoped he didnt notice your more-than-usual happy mood, nor the slightly red blush in your face.
"washed ur hands?" you asked.
"no, ew." he answered jokingly, finally awake again. you just laughed at his reply before you both sat down and ate together.
the next day you were even excited to go to uni. you felt completely different than the day before. there is absolutely no way scaramouche will do anything to annoy you, too afraid of you to post the picture.
last night, you thought a bit. would you really post a picture of scaramouche on your lap, horny and full of your spit? probably not. you wouldnt have the balls to post it. but scaring him? oh yes. you like this. you let him believe you would do it. maybe he will stop bullying you now in uni? that would be too good to be true.
you ate your breakfast on the way to uni. albedo left later the night before, and you agreed with him to meet up on campus right before the lecture started.
"hey!" you could hear someone say behind you rather aggressively, and you looked behind you before slowly standing still. of course it was your favourite indigo haired man.
you could tell by the look on his face that he'd be everywhere else than here, in front of you, with a fucking coffee in his hand that he might throw all over your face and hair (like it happened quite a few times already.)
but instead of humiliating you, he passed you the coffee while biting his lip furiously, trying not to burst out in a tide of various creative insults.
"well that was easy." you said mockingly, looking down on the cup he handed you. it was warm and looked good. you opened the lid of the paper cup, checking the content.
cappuccino and... spit.
"thanks for that i guess." you chuckle and looked at him again, his face completely red from embarrassment and shame. how did he fall so low to bring you coffee?
"you know what to do now." he demanded, but you only shaked your head. "dont feel like it. you are being really nice to me. i guess ill keep the picture for a few more weeks."
you started walking away slowly, heading to uni, but scaramouche didnt let you go this easily, following you like a desperate man. he knew you wouldnt delete his fucking downfall of a photo just like that.
"i said, delete. the. picture. you will fucking regret this." he threatened you again, but you acted unbothered and took a sip of the cup. you could feel scaramouche cringe next to you, weirded out by you drinking the mixture in the paper cup. "you were humping my leg like a bitch in heat, im not grossed out by a bit of your spit."
"DONT SAY THIS out loud" he yelled at you at the beginning but then lowered his voice, noticing how people around the both of you are looking over. "please." he then said defeated. "just tell me what you want and ill fucking give it to you. why do you wanna ruin my reputation this badly?"
you couldnt help but roll your eyes and continue walking. after all these months and years of him humiliating and bullying you, he dares to ask you for something like that? how bold.
"just write the next lap report for our project like a good boy and the picture will be save with me." the violett haired man next to you blushed at the weird compliment you gave him but tried to hide his face in his jacket. cute.
getting close to campus, scaramouche stopped following you like a lost kid and instead turned into another street. he really didnt feel like being seen on campus with you.
when you arrived, you already saw albedo standing near the building, and you smiled at him while walking to him. you threw the coffee away before hugging him. "morning."
"morning. didnt like your drink?" he pointed out the drink you threw away while still being half full.
"yeah, the barista fucked it up i guess." you lied while heading into the lecture room. poor albedo, you've been so insincere to him the past few days. you did feel bad, but you already knew about the lecture he will give you once he'll find out.
the room was only half as full as yesterday, todays course only taking in half as many students as yesterdays. but of course a special bully is still sitting in the crowd. you could feel the eyes of him following you on your way to the back rows, but you tried to ignore him.
scaramouche was sitting in the middle of his friend group at the front of the hall, everyone but him happily talking and laughing. he just sat there and sulked angrily, scribbling on his tablet.
you sat down with albedo next to yanfei, and she smiled and started some small talk with the both of you (you didnt actually listen to what she said) until the professor came and started his lecture.
"hey, y/n?" albedo asked you in a low voice, trying to not bother anyone around them during the lecture.
"wanna head to the library later today? i have a few things to study for and protocolls to prepare"
you looked at the professor but nodded at albedo, thinking it was a good idea. you'd probably still do the lab protocols that you just told scaramouche to do, unsure if he will do them himself. you didnt feel like failing classes just because he didnt hand in the work you both were supposed to do. "sounds like a plan."
you were currently heads deep reading into a few books which laid on the table, albedo sitting in front of you with the exact same book, trying to answer the questions on the reports. "..identity test and purity test of lidocaine hydrochloride?"
you were both searching for the answers in the books that laid all over the wide library table, but no answers. you sighed defeatedly, not even trying to be silent.
it was pretty late at night, 10:37 pm the watch on the wall told you, and you still werent done yet. it felt like you two were the only people in here, everyone else already left. if you two wouldve been more productive, you'd be done by now too, but instead you decided to spend extra time in the cafeteria to talk about anything and everything.
you rubbed your eyes before closing the book, standing up and stretching yourself while your blonde best friend followed you with his eyes. "im trying to find a better book. ill be back in a few minutes."
he nodded and you headed to the tons shelves, getting lost in different publications and works by different authors. you needed to walk quite a while to arrive at the section you needed, putting the old book back into the rack, your eyes scanning the book spines, trying to find a better one.
but between the publications and books, of course, you saw a special pair of indigo eyes and hair on the other side of the shelves. you couldnt think straight, and before you realized it yourself, you headed to the section where your favourite bully was standing.
a book in his hand, eyes buried deep into the book before he looked up with them, seeing your face and rolling his eyes immediately. "how the fuck are you everywhere?" scaramouche asked you.
"i should be asking you this." you answered and leaned against the shelf. "first time that i see you in here. what are you doing?"
scaramouche closed the book and put it back where he got it from. "writing my lab report. last time you told me to do it, didnt you?"
wow. you were surprised that he actually was doing his share in the project. and that he just said a whole sentence without cussing you out. you felt proud of him.
"thank you, i guess." you say, scratching your head, but scaramouche immediately turned back to you and grabbed your arm, pressing you into the shelf with full force.
"if you really feel thankful, maybe think about deleting the picture from two days ago, you fucking bitch." he spat in your face.
oh wow. welcome back, old scaramouche.
a special thought appeared in your head, and you looked at him with a small grin plastered on your lips. he just looked at you confused.
"the fuck is so funny about this?" he spat again, and your grin started growing on your face. "dont feel like it.", you answered, "but i can maybe thank you differently." you moved your leg between his, lifting it to meet his crotch softly.
scaramouche gasped quickly, probably from shock, and he let your hand go. it was an easy opportunity to shove him away from you, now you being the one to press him against the reck of books, caging him in with your hands.
you could easily see the pure flustered shock on his face, eyes wide open and face tinted in red, and you enjoyed it.
"not so bold now, are you?" you asked him, getting closer to his neck and pressing a few light kisses on them. you could feel him inhale in shock, holding his breath in and biting his lip as you attacked his neck with bites and kisses. "we can continue off from where we stopped last time?"
scaramouche felt like he was on fire, body moving on his own once again. he used your thigh to get himself off, getting hard embarrassingly quick. "see, you seem to like it?" you whispered in his ear, but all he could do was bite his lips and trying to stay silent.
yes, the library wasnt full, but it wasnt completely empty either. he didnt want anyones attention on the two of you, so he tried his best to stay silent.
you didnt appreciate this behaviour though, and pinched his ass from behind, a gasp leaving his mouth louder than he intended to.
you let go off him for a second, grabbing his small waist to turn him around, his chest pressing against the books and yours against his back. he looked back at you with wide eyes, visibly shocked. "what are u-" he started his sentence, but your hand on his boner made him lose his train of thoughts.
you opened his pants and slid in with your right hand, playing with the hem of his boxers. "st..stop this, not here.." he mumbled aroused, his pleas not sounding too serious. he didnt wanna stop now, he started to feel incredibly good again. how are you doing that to him?
your hand grabbed his dick, pumping it twice in his pants and scaramouche let his head fall back in his neck, a silent moan leaving his lips. fuck, your hands were cold, but they felt so good on his body.
but how can he believe you would get him off this easily? you giggled silently while watching him enjoy himself before taking your hand back again and kneeling behind him.
he started to get really frustrated with your behaviour and tried to glare back to you, but when he saw you on your knees behind him, face right near his ass, his eyes widened in shock (once again.)
"what are you doing?" he asked you. you didnt answer him though. all you did was pull his pants and boxers down, here, right in the middle of a library between a thousands of books.
the cold air hitting his skin made him shudder, his face turning left and right, trying to check if anyone was close. if anyone would catch you two in here, he'd absolutely go apeshit.
"ever got your asshole licked, scara?" you asked him, and your direct way of asking him made his whole face flush red. "what the fuck are you on again??" he asked, but you didnt answer once again.
you spat in your hand and moved it back to his dick, stroking him a few times to get him more obedient again. his eyes closed in shame and lust as he rutted into your hand, biting down on his hand to stay silent.
you, once again, let go of him, but this time you decided to play with his backside, massaging his ass and getting him more riled up. after a few seconds you used one of your wet fingers to get close to his hole, circling it with spit to get it wet. the moan scaramouche let out in that moment was godlike.
fuck, you wanted to hear more of that. more of his angelic voice. you can't deny that his means and whimpers do something to you, your panties getting a bit wet, heart beating faster.
you couldnt control yourself anymore and grabbed his waist, pulling him close to your face and holding him in place while you devoured him right then and there, tongue circling his hole, moving up and down close to his balls.
scaramouche felt weird, scaramouche felt good. he never felt something like this, his body never felt this good. you didnt even need to hold him down anymore, he was drunk on the pleasure, shoving his cute ass right into your face, chasing the pleasure.
he tried to stabilize himself on the shelf with his hands, head falling back into his neck and tears pooling in his eyes, so close to spilling. usually he was the one pleasuring others, and being on the receiving side this time makes him feel so small and incredibly good. he can't think of a day where he felt like this with another person pleasuring him.
he couldnt help but choke onto air, not a single word coming out of his mouth other than silent whines, tears and mewls of pleasure, so close to cumming.
at some point you switched to your fingers, a spit covered one circling his hole before slowly pushing in, and scaramouche became putty in your hands.
you took your phone from your pocket and opened your camera in one swift motion, but this time you gave the tall man in front of you some time to react.
"say cheese.." you said, and scaramouche turned his head back to you, cheeks red and wet from his tears, lip swollen, tongue out and eyes big. but he didnt care, fuck he really didnt care right now. all he needed was this pleasure that you gave him, so he just looked in the camera with angry eyes which made him look just so much more adorable. just take those stupid pics. he thought.
"y/n?" you heard a familiar voice call out your name.
oh. you completely forgot that you werent alone in the library, albedos voice somewhere near you and scaramouche. you both immediately jumped up, you on your feet and scaramouche crouching, pulling his pants up, both of your eyes wide in shock and fear.
scaramouche knew that if anyone would see you two here it wouldve been easy to guess what you did, so he pulled his pants up rather poorly and jumped away from the other side of the aisle to the other direction from where albedo came from.
fucking hell. he got blue balled once again.
"im here." you said after fixing your clothes, taking any book from the shelves and opening any page, trying to look busy as albedo walked into the aisle. it was so hard for you to contain your smirk after what you just did, but you tried your best. "i was just wondering what took you so long." he asked, fixing his glasses on his nose. "i already have the solution, we're done for today."
"oh god thank you."
"wanna get some food?"
"yes please, i was just getting tired of being here." you said and put the book away, scaramouche a few aisle away from you, listening to your conversation, hiding his face in his hands.
how did you wrap him around your finger once again?
NYAHAHAHA hello i hope you liked part 2!! i feel like i did a bad job overall but whatever take it as it is <3 im sorry it took so long.. part 3 maybe?? yes or no??
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max-the-many · 9 months
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Start here:
'body a day' #19: dad
Took me quite a minute to figure out his adress. Couldn't ask as I was his son. Luckily his phone got face recognition. So an hour later I was on my way out of the city to meet his, or may I say my dad.
He greeted me at the porch as I arrived at a nice little house in the outskirts.
"Almost thought you might skip it!" he chuckled, giving me a hearty half-hug grabbing my shoulders before heading towards a big heap of uncut wood that wouldn't be all of what had to be prepared for the winter. Much time to get to know him while getting to know my new body at the same time, working, sweating, seeing his older version doing just that.
Turned out, he lived alone, beeing one of those weel known, but independent wolfs after his wife left feom one day to the other.
The way he treated me, his son, though, really spoke for a big heart, making me even more horny than in the gym at the same time.
It was pretty late when we finally headed in, going for a nice clunk of golden juice infront of the fireplace.
"Don't you wanna get your stuff in" he wondered.
"My... ah, ehm..."
"You will stay for the weekend as planned, don't you"
"I... sure!" I collected myself "I... damn, totally forget to pack some"
He just laughed it off "Guess it is ur old stuff then. Gonna head for the shower, though. If you wont first"
I didn't. I was just too curious to look around while he was away. When he was, though, my thoughts had another focus. To know, that he was undressing now, getting out of those dorty, sweaty cloth, stepping under the hot shower just got the best of me.
Eventually I gave into it, went up the stairs and ended up infront of the bathroom. The sound of the water, the smell of soap and man oozing out of the slightly opened door... It didn't take long for me to open the door completely, taking in the sight of him behind frosted showerdoors.
"Sorry... dad. Cant find any matching clothes. Where did you put 'em" I improvised.
"Didn't move anything" he replied "let me just finish. I'll show you"
I left. That little sneak really got me going, longing for me. His clothes alone, laying on the counter, screaming to be sniffed, to be worn even.
Worn... my mind went for his closet. So I looked around until I found the bedroom. To open the dresser, seeing all that stuff that he wore at some time really was a sight of it own. I almost grabbed some underwear when I saw a basket of dirty ones, going for it at once, fishing out some tighty whities to dive in when I heared the water stopping.
So I rushed back downstairs, chucking the underwear right into my crotch.
"Free to go!" I heared the old one shortly after, so I did, still having a major twitch against that whity if his. At the showers though it wasnt only that. Seeing myself, looking back as his son gave me the rest, sniffing his well-worled pits, injoying his shape under the shower, thinking of his old man while pumping out a major one.
The evening went pretty relaxed, chatting, sitting infront of a nice fire with some nice rye. I couldn't keep myself from reaching down every once in a while, partly out of pure horny, partly out of curiosity on his reaction.
Other than that I broad up some rather particular topics like jerking of. I planely asked if he caught me, as his son, doing it, going further about his own experiences which he answered surprisingly open. My handling though didn't get less at those instances, but he kept chill about it. He never saw his son or crashed into such occations, but as we talked I figured, he would have been totally fine with it. Even as I constantly reached for my crotch now, which he couldn't really ignore, he didn't loose a single word about it.
And I left it like that, injoying my little game, hightened even since I wore the very underwear I took from his dirty bin underneath.
Eventually we went for bed. There I layed, strippee down to just that tighty white brief of the hunk of a dad, laying mere meters away, twitching right there, thinking of him, of me, that dad-son-couple I encountered st the gym, now beeing all in, dying go make a move.
And after slumbering away a little I got up. I just had to, beeing driven over in thar early night, step by step, taken just wearing tjose briefs, eventually Peeking through the bedroom door.
The dad seemed to be asleep as I saw his broad, naked shoulders under the blanked. Quietly I stepped in, slowly, with a pulsing heart, staring at him with tenting groins. I couldn't do otherwise nut getting even closer. He appeared to be deeply asleep.
"Dad?" I whispered. Nothing. So I stepped closer already recognizing the smell from the bathroom if not imagined. My hand reached out like moved by it's own.
Suddenly a twitch!
But i moved on, clearing my throat to further test his state.
When I touched the blanket I felt my heart with every breath, his presence, his warmth. Then I slowly pulled on it. No reaction. Pulling on, bit by bit, revealing his back, inch by inch until... a clean, white waistband got visible. No way. As I pulled further, it got confirmed. He too was only wearing one of those tight, white briefs spanning my hips, moving under heavy twitches from his sons pulsing tool.
I couldn't stop, reaching ever so slowly towards his hairy chest, barely touching it when he suddenly churned, along with deep, sleepy moans. My hand remained. And he remained sleeping, allowing me to fully cup those meety pect, even massaging them the slightest bits while shivers ran theoughout my whole body.
I was so captired by the whole situation that I even didn't realized my hand touching my crotch, massaging it through the aalready damp fabric. His pleasant sighs didn't affect me less. So I continued fondling him, fondling me, getting down over his stomach to his soft but well packed crotch, feeling it while unpacking mine, breathing heavily until I suddenly began to erupt, barely able to contain heavy moans and even heavier grips to his package.
I almost forgot what really was hüpeningat that moment until I snapped concious of it again, a surprised to see that musky man infront of me still asleep with a satisfied smile, my juice spread all over the floor up to his blanket.
To be continued...
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How would the rouges (like BM, TF, Penguin, Scarecrow) feel about an S/O who loves plushies, and, owns a GIGANTIC plush of a mascot character they like (Sanrio) and sleeps with it in bed when the rouges are busy late night doing crime?
Bonus: If they had a plush made in their own image later on, like imagine a tiny Scarecrow or Black Mask plush 😭😭, and, sleeps with it in bed when they're out instead
Black Mask: if the gigantic plushie stayed out of his sight, he could live with it. What he couldn't deal with was the life size plushie of himself you were cuddling in bed with when he got home from the club. At first he freaked thinking it was another man in his bed until he turned on the light...and promptly wished he found another man in his bed when he realised what you were cuddling. "Darling I'm going to have to ask who made that for you so that I can kill them." You didn't give away anything and Roman was too tired for now and would drop it until the morning. "Well get it off the bed, I'm here now." Roman stripped and got into bed thinking you'd comply only to find you still cuddling the plushie of him. "Come on, you have the real thing!"
Scarecrow: Jonathan stared at the gigantic stuffed toy on the bed and said ine sentence. "And where are we going to sleep?" It's very difficult to surprise him, and seemingly, he wasn't phased by it. Although in the end didnt let you keep it saying it was completely ridiculous to keep thar in any home and made you get rid of it. However, when he came home to you hugging a plushie of himself- you seemed to actually catch him off guard. "What on earth? How did you even get that?" Jonathan was bewildered at how you were spooning the plushie of himself. It didn't help when you gave a vague answer of "I have my ways." Then you justified it because "He wasn't home much."
Penguin: He had came home late from the Iceberg Lounge when he found you curled up in bed with a tiny plushie version of him. "...I knew this day would come." Oswald sighed rather amused but at the same time a little disturbed. "Sweetheart, remember when i said having that gigantic chipmunk taking half of my bed was too much? This is worse. Don't get me wrong, your taste is excellent but this is too much."
Two-Face: Harvey practically forced his alter into silence so Harv' wouldn't lose his shit at the giant plushie but eventually Harv' won, insisting it wasnt staying which the two later regretted when they saw you now had a plushie of them. "You know I always asked myself when I'd draw the line but here it is. This is where I draw the line." Harvey nodded to himself. "What the hell?" After a moment Harv' spoke. "Good thing there are two of us...we're gonna need the advantage in numbers with this one."
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @dreatine - thanks so much!! ♡
Spencer Reid x gender neutral!reader
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Never Really Over
What you and Spencer had was unlike anything either of you had ever known. The second you introduced yourself and held your hand out to him, and he immediately shook it without hesitation or his usual complete refusal, the team knew something was beginning, but they could’ve never foreseen what it would become.
From the first day you began working with the BAU, there was this unspoken bond between the two of you. Nobody laughed harder or more genuinely at his jokes than you did, and it was you who made the effort to sit next to him on the jet to and from every case. He was so grateful that you made your affections for him so obvious that he didnt need you to admit them to him, and that gave him the confidence to return affections in the same way. He started racing to the jet to get there first and save you a seat, he memorised your favourite drinks and snacks and brought one to work with him everyday just to hear the same surprised gasp and see that same gorgeous smile you reserved only for him. On every single special occasion, whether it be Valentine’s Day, Easter, or some obscure holiday you didnt even know about, Spencer would buy you a bouquet of flowers.
The two of you began a tradition of passing notes to each other during cases. It was Spencer who started it, the idea of writing “hi” on a piece of paper, folding it up, sneaking it in your pocket and waiting for you to notice it, made him laugh so hard when he thought of it that he simply could not stop himself. You didnt find that first note until the end of the day, when you took your blazer off and it fell from your blazer pocket to the hotel room floor. Spencer heard your laugh from down the hall, and soon after he heard hurried footsteps before you pushed a piece of paper under the door of his hotel room and ran back to your room, despite being fully aware that he was waiting. When he turned the paper over, on the back of his note you’d written “hey handsome ;)”, and that was how it started. The two of you snuck notes to each other on every case and waited for the other to notice and sneak a reply. You tried to be discrete about it, but of course a team of profilers could figure out what was going on.
All of that could almost be excused as just very friendly behaviours between two people who are simply very close friends, but you and Spencer were very much not that. It took a month for him to show up at your door in the pouring rain, with a jacket over his pyjama shirt and no words able to make their way past his lips; you grabbed his jacket and pulled him away from the rain and towards your lips. Needless to say, kissing was not the only first that night. This happened often, but it was always unplanned. Sometimes at 3am he’d receive the infamous “hey, are you awake?” text, sometimes one of you would show up at the other’s door, sometimes one of you would offer to drive the other home from a case despite both of you having your cars parked outside the building, sometimes you’d walk up next to him ever so casually at the beginning or end of a day and ask “wanna get out of here?” which always resulted in a makeout session in one of the store rooms. It was an unspoken, beautiful, wonderful, perfect thing.
And this unspoken, beautiful, wonderful, perfect thing lasted just over a year. Then, things changed. The change wasnt entirely unexpected to Spencer, you had often confided in him about how emotionally straining you found your job as a profiler, and he empathised with you. He was a lot better at disconnecting than you were, and that said a lot considering Spencer was far from an expert at leaving work actually at work. Cases haunted you, victims you didnt, couldnt save, the scars people got because you didnt save them quick enough. It weighed you down, a lot, until you couldnt do it anymore. You spoke with Hotch and he agreed that taking a break was what you needed. So, you said your goodbyes to the team, who were all shocked, but understanding. When it came to saying goodbye to Spencer, naturally you cried into each other, because he knew better than anyone what your plan was. The rest of the team assumed you would still be close by, you’d still hang out with Spencer regularly, you’d still make an effort to see them all, but Spencer knew better. One of your biggest dreams since you were a kid had been to just up and leave, start over somewhere brand new. You didnt know if you would enjoy it or stay in the new place, wherever it was, but it was an aspect of the unknown that you were so, so desperate to experience.
And you did. You packed up your stuff and moved to a little apartment in Oregon, on the other side of the country. You got a job in a flower shop, and on your free days you volunteered at various animal shelters. Obviously, you stayed in touch with Spencer, the two of you texted back and forth daily and called whenever you were both free, but with the time difference and his busy schedule, there was definitely a distance. But there were no ill feelings, none at all. Spencer didnt spend months mourning you, missing you, he wasnt even sad, and neither were you. The two of you had such a wonderful relationship that whenever you thought of each other, all you could feel was happiness, there was no room for sadness or pain once you’d ventured into his mind, or he had ventured into yours. You talked in the same way you always had, the connection stayed as strong as it had always been, and you told him you always intended to come back, so he just stayed patient.
On his next birthday after you’d left, he arrived at work to found a gift already waiting on his desk. He approached it with a smile on his face, turning over the label to read who it was from as the team watched on knowingly.
“Dear Spencer,
Happy Birthday you sexy hunk of man meatloaf ;) Im sorry I couldnt stay long enough to give this to you directly, but you might wanna check the security cameras...love you! See you next year!
(Y/N) x”
Without a second to spare, Spencer sprinted to Penelope’s office, shouting about the security camera footage from that morning. Penelope got it up on her monitors in a confused rush as the team filed in and formed a crowd around her. The camera captured you running into the building, holding the wrapped gift in your hands, and running back out again a few seconds later. Except that time, you stopped and spun on your heel. You looked around for the camera and when you found it you pointed at it with a bright smile, then you started waving frantically and blowing kisses at the camera, at Spencer, with a beaming grin on your face, before you ran out of frame. That, coupled with the box of handwritten letters you’d written Spencer and put in a box for him, made the best birthday present he could possibly imagine.
He still had bouquets of flowers delivered to your apartment for every special occasion, and for your birthday he sent you a wrapped box filled with pictures of him doing various stupid things to make you laugh, each one with a thoughtful note or joke on the back. There was also a memory stick inside that had a single video file on it, when you played it you found it was a video Spencer had recorded of him running up to everyone on the team and asking them to say something to you. It ended with a picture of Spencer pretending to cry over the empty jet seat beside him. You really did cry over all of that.
On Spencer’s next birthday, it was officially over 2 years since he had last seen you in person. He missed you a lot, of course he did, but you were such a constant, happy force in his life even when you werent physically in it, he was okay, he really was. But still, he would’ve done anything to see you.
Spencer arrives at work expecting to see a similar box to last year waiting on his desk, but instead all that’s there is an envelope. He approaches it with a curious frown instead of a smile, but just like last year, the rest of the team watch on with knowing smiles. Opening the envelope with more care than any other envelope he’s ever held, Spencer wonders what you could have written for him.
“Dear Spencer,
Wanna get out of here?”
That is all that is written on the page, and it is all Spencer needs. He bounds towards the store room that the two of you favoured for your makeouts, they always made you both feel like you were two teenagers sneaking off to enjoy your forbidden love, but right now he feels like a man running to the love of his life. Spencer barges through the door and looks around frantically, desperately trying to find you. After a few seconds, you walk out from behind one of the shelving units with a rosy cheeked, shy smile on your face.
“Hey Spence, miss me?”
He shakes his head in disbelief and takes the two steps necessary to reach you, picking you up and spinning you around in his arms as you squeal with delight. Spencer puts you back on the ground, but he doesnt let go of you, he holds you close to his chest and closes his eyes, unable to comprehend how he forgot the most wonderful feeling in existence.
“Are you back for good?” Spencer asks, still in utter shock at being with you again.
You nod into his chest, chuckling at Spencer’s reaction. “Hotch gave me my job back, yeah.”
“What made you change your mind?” Spencer questions curiously, in all the time you’d been away you hadnt mentioned anything making you want to come back.
“Nothing changed my mind, I just needed some time to admit that my mind was already made up, because my heart never left you.” You tell him, and it’s the first time that the unspoken has been spoken.
“Your heart stayed with me to make up for the fact my heart left with you, that makes a lot of sense.” Spencer clarifies, and you both laugh before he continues. “Do you think we skipped an important step? We’ve said we love each other, we’ve exchanged hearts and done everything that people in relationships do, except given ourselves a label. Why is that?”
You take a moment to think it over before you answer. “I guess our hearts didnt think the trial phase was necessary, we went straight to the practical exam.”
“Was that an innuendo and a metaphor?” Spencer asks, absolutely taken aback, to the extent where he actually pulls away from you a little to read your face and see if you meant to say exactly what you just said with an intended double entendre.
“Yup.” You say simply, smiling up at him.
“Okay, yes, soulmate, will you be my girlfriend?” Spencer blurts out, amazed by you for the billionth time.
“Im so glad you finally asked!” You grin, leaning back against the wall as you nod at him, suddenly feeling shy.
Spencer melts at your reaction, and be gently cups your face with one of his hands as he leans down and kisses you ever so gently. When he pulls away, you laugh and shake your head, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him back into a far more passionate kiss. After a minute of solid making out, Spencer breaks away breathlessly for a few seconds.
“I’ve definitely missed you.”
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transcendence-team · 2 months
Scarypasta commentary!!!!!!!!!1
Talkin' bout my april fools-but-not-actually april fools story in full. I'm gonna go through the story and explain some choices I made, as well as lending context to the unused stuff in the previous post. I'll be talking about the second part, mainly cause I don't have much to say about part 1 other than "I enjoyed making it". Let's get started!
Firstly, I wanna mention this second part's inspiration. It was very influential in this part's theme. I ain't saying it because I like leaving unsolved questions, but if you pay attention to the music choices, maybe you'll figure it out?
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAMQxri9v78
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I had this exact recap gag in my head from the first screenshot to the actual narration. Even the "What's up - Video game - cough cough - (death)" I had thought of far in advance. It's not a super big deal, but it was hella satisfying to get done.
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Here's an early design of Satan I forgot to show last time. He was later redesigned to
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As for Satan himself, I honestly don't have much else to say other than he was super enjoyable to write. Interpretations of the guy have been done to death, but honestly, I think it's because he's just hella fun to write. Writing him completely straightfaced as opposed to Tom being... Tom, was also very enjoyable.
I do wanna clarify something about Satan's character, though: He's not evil. Yes, he's cruel, yes, he revels in suffering, but he only revels in it when terrible people are on the other side of it. On the whole, he just really detests flat-out terrible people. He even has a distaste for the layer of Limbo simply due to the fact that it's used to punish perfectly good people. Maybe I'll make a fuller disclosure on Satan's bio, but that's a grill for another BBQ.
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Here's defricladus' full board, never shown in full. Not much to say about it, so here's a fun fact: The name is derived from the latin word for piss (defricatus urina) and (cladis). Because haha piss
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I'm really happy with how pretty this stage turned out. I used to suck real badly at sprite edits, but I think this turned out super well. Years of experience finally matter. I'll hold off on discussion of Groudin for later.
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So, the interesting thing about inferna isn't the obvious. That being, they're a demonspawn inferno craft but is rather nice despite still being murderous. Nah, they're actually kind of a leftover of an idea that never reached true power.
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Originally, tom was gonna get partner characters throughout the world who would assist him until the end where groudin would kill all of them. The ones pictured here are called "The umpire", and "Fake El Wawi". I tried to visualize how I could fit them into later events I had planned up to their deaths, but I came up short and decided to just stick to inferna. Also making full on sheets for them scared me
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No, Benjamin wasn't gonna be used in this story. I just needed a good background asset that could serve as a radio tower.
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turns out i just needed to be normal and use radio towers
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Pizza tower is my favuorite gamezing!!!!!! but a part of my brain said to not use the pizzamart so i complied and used wily's fortress from MM7 instead.
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Umpire's actually still somewhat represented in this story. Also, that siivagunner statue was originally gonna be used for chaospasta, if you can believe it.
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man if only groudin could fly huh
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That specific render of gigan here is actually from a godzilla mobile game where there's an emote of Gigan saying "Damn it". See, I'm a fan of godzilla! Who else would reference this classic mobile game called ummm.... uhhh
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what is there to explain?
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Oh, I guess there's this. The little faces to represent Gigan's emotions are carried over from a cancelled NGC remake made by yours truly. The emotions were a mechanic that would tell you how your monster was feelings and do.... things....... yeah it wasnt really a super deep mechanic. at all.
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All of the enemies here are Ultrakill references (Solomon's a maurice, Anguirus a husk, Rodan a drone, and Mothra a Mannequin). You could probably tell I was fond of the game from the reference earlier, but I'm still bringing this up.
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Oh yea and Goji2 is V2
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I killed Inferna because I like making people sad :))))
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This didnt get used cause i forgot to use it. lol
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Bridirsom!!!! Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii had funnnnnn wriiiiitiiiiinnnnggg Bridirisom@!!!!
hes just a really goofy dick dastardly like antagonist..... but is somehow sane enough to call Tom out on his bullshit...... man i had fun writing about him
This is where I bring up groudin. its not super deep commentary here but groudin is basically what happens when you give a fucking idiot a nuclear bomb. groudin literally gets stronger from pure hatred. He was spawned from the essence of Tom being a shitty person and even after Tom dies he will only continue to get stronger because his hatred is stronger than the human soul. even then groudin has become independent of Tom's essence due to being so powerful. i know hes basically rodan.exe but maaaaaaaaaaaaan i had fun with him.
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Yes, we did sprite an entire army of Godzilla reskins for Bridirsom to use. Like godzilla5 in the front there
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I even made this sheet of godzilla using a coal texture! but i forgot to use him oops.
now for the escape sequence; i cant stress enough how hard it was to not use it's pizza time. Hurry up sufficed, but like. Man.
And yes i did in fact meticulously craft a timer for the way back. Three. god damn. minutes. that is 180 frames in total and i had to compile the whole thing in aseprite. the last minute was barely even used. fuck. do i have a problem
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Here's the thing about Tom's deal with Satan I didn't mention: The layer of foolishness never existed. There's a lot of people it could be used for, but why dedicate it to one guy? No, Satan brought this up to Tom beCAUSE he knew this would provoke a reaction. Satan wanted tom to try to weasel his way out of punishment because no matter what, whether tom would succeed or not, he would get punished forever. Even if Tom were to have an epiphany that he's a terrible person, nothing could be done to prevent the punishment that would follow.
All of this is to say, the pasta was truly scary from the start.
by the way two things: the cactus is a reference to buddhist hell, and Tom bringing up his love for eating charcoal was a way to setup the punchline at the end where he's burned by fire that's fueled by clean burning propane. Bwah haha hahahah
That's all I got to say, I think. This was kinda scrambled and i said whatever I wanted but honestly this was super fun! Maybe I'll do this for a future project, but for now. this is the end. I love you
"but Dizzy why is this in the same playlist as insolvent are they canon to each other or some-" *kills you with my laser eyes*
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cloudystrwbrry · 2 months
So I recently finished playing Dangonronpa v3. @sapphictigress was watching and we make it a tradition to do a “first impression” Tier list and then an end of the game tier list. V3 I feel like I had pretty strong feelings about afterwards
First Impressions:
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No one is in S+ at this time because I don’t know anyone yet. This was after meeting the cast for the first time so the only reason Gonta was in F is because all I knew is he liked bugs a lot and I have a big fear of bugs.
Big spoilers below this be warned
AFTER the game ended:
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Tbh most people in C or below I don’t really care about. But I’ll be talking about the people I have any opinions on now so if you are interested then here it is:
Korekiyo: I was SO ready to like Korekiyo considering he has one of the more interesting Ultimates. And then he had to go and betray me by being a sister lover. Unforgivable I can’t even pretend to like him. Even though I know it’s not his fault since none of their personalities were actually them but simulated feelings are still real feelings because he has to feel them into some extent to act that way.
Kaito: I’m sorry Kaito lovers he was just SO annoying and not helpful in the slightest until his trial, AND THAT WASNT EVEN HIS IDEA! He was trying to be a Kaede replacement type but it just wasn’t working and instead came off like he didn’t know what he was talking about and trying to make everyone else be the hope pushers.
The C’s: I probably should’ve put Rantaro in C because he didn’t do anything wrong. Himiko and Tenko are there because I don’t really have much to dislike about them other than they were just a little obnoxious at times.
Tsumigi: Tsumugi was just annoying with “I’m so plain” and I’m sure it was to help hide the fact that she was the Mastermind but she could’ve been more interesting. I mean she’s the ultimate cosplayer! That’s such a cool one! But she sucks! I wish she did more throughout instead of coming in at the last minute to be revealed. I think it would’ve been cool to make her super likable just to have it turn around and be like “hahaha she’s the one who does the evils!”
Kokichi: Kokichi was a little shit but if he wasn’t there the game wouldn’t have been more interesting at times and I can appreciate that in a character. Unlikable yet does things throughout the story to help it progress. And then also turns out that he’s not a complete shithead because in his motive video you find out he’s basically just ultimate leader of the prankster squad and they don’t do violent crimes.
Gonta: the ultimate Gentleman. Very good boyo I just don’t like the bugs that’s why he’s as low as he is
Kaede: I miss my wife tails… I miss her a lot… I’ll be back…. I’m a little pissed off we didn’t get a female protag tbh. She was also so cute and awesome!
Shuichi: he’s a good good boy I have no issues with him for the most part. He was a little stupid at times but it made sense at the end when we found out he was just a regular guy
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yeahmiknight · 2 months
My system is so weird because....its got a really weird way of operating and people say im faking DID because of it which...im not I dont think??? Eh I guess ill go into more detail proceeds to dump life story Gonna make something clear: Im not an Endo(?), I did not choose to be a system. My system came from trauma and even if we have stuff like fictives and all that, this is a real thing. Im not being a system for any type of gain, people dont understand how painful it is to be this way sometimes. It hurts sometimes. For the longest time I denied being a system because of some online drama stuff. Mainly because I thought people would just assume it was an excuse when I started acting completely different and I always just assumed I was broken in some form of weird way, which I ended up calling BPD which was HALF RIGHT?? Before I truly came to terms with the fact I was a system, I had 2 beings who I now understand are alters who would talk to me- well only one of them would really talk to me the other would talk AT me in a sense or just force front. One of them I now know is a/the persecutor. For about a few years of my life up until very recently my persecutor had been one pulling most of the strings because I had no idea this guy was co-fronting or just fronting in general and assumed that it was just me being a terrible person, so I always made sure to say it was my fault when anything happened, I never fought, I never really defended myself, I just took everything. My persecutor would always start stuff and then back off when the aftermath came up so I would have to try to figure out what was going on while I had people yelling at me for saying things I didnt even know or doing things I wasnt aware of. It wasnt until one of my good friends came to me while I was questioning something about systems and let me talk to a guy who actually was a system and it turned out I checked almost every single box for being a system. Of course I continued to deny it like an idiot and even tried to repress my own thoughts out of fear that I truly was in an effort to try and get it to go away???? as if that would work??? hello what was I thinking. Eventually I started coming to terms with the fact I was a system and thats when more alters started popping up. Now for about the part of my system experience that people try to get at me for. Me and my alters can communicate really well, I can talk to them, they talk to me (for the most part) they talk to eachother and its lalalalalala. I barely have any memory fog and when I do the intensity seems to be weirdly fluid? Sometimes ill remember most stuff but other times my memory will just be blanker than a white sheet of paper. Ive tried to develop a way for my alters to be able to front when they need/want too and let other people know through emojis as my alters sometimes wanna pop around discord, this doesnt work all the time of course as sometimes we just forget or they dont want to change the emojis but its how we do it. After figuring out I was a system we all kinda...collectively banned together to not let the persecutor front? Hes a really bad guy im talking....really....really bad guy, we know we cant just hold him down forever but we try I guess. My fictives are an odd. Considering the fact they are almost all objects because thats the main type of media I consume? They all formed under very weird circumstances for some reason. Four of them just started developing randomly, one was spawned because of the stress of RETAIL apparently? And one spawned because of a lady at Walmart tryna square up because I scanned her item twice and she was tryna beat the life outa me r something. They dont act exactly like their sources and I mean thats fine they can do what they want. The weird thing I guess is the one that spawned because of the lady thing didnt even do anything when they arrived, the minute they kinda showed up they immediately backed off. I dunno where this post went I just wish there was a place I could talk freely about these guys and their antics.
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fangirlstorycreator · 2 years
Terry CK X Reader
Context: Yours and Terry's daughter has a nightmare, and Terry tell her a story to get back to sleep 💚
You were fast asleep in bed with Terry, when a noise slowly starts to wake Terry up. He can hear crying from his daughters room, and he instinctively gets out of bed to make sure shes ok. He gently opens the door and sees his little girl crying in her bed. "Hey princess, what's wrong?" She runs out of bed, jumps into Terry's arms and he gives her a hug. "Daddy, I had a bad dream, I was scared. It was dark and I couldn't see you anywhere" "shhh its alright princess" he says stroking her back and sitting down on her bed. "It was just a nightmare. It wasnt real, I'm right hear honey. I'm not going anywhere" he says as he wipes away her tears. "How about I read you one of your stories to help you get back to sleep?" "Yes please daddy" he sits her on her bed, and makes his way to her little book shelf. However, its then that he remembers they have read all of these books, and he was already going to take her to get more tomorow for their daddy and daughter day. "Well sweetheart, we have read all of these already, I'm guessing you dont want me to read you one of these?" "No daddy. I want a new story" its then, Terry gets an idea. "How about? Instead of me reading you and old story, I tell you a story you haven't heard before?" She looks exited, she always loved hearing new stories. So he sat down next to her on her bed, and she snuggled next to him. "I'm going to tell you a story about a lost prince, who fell in love with a beautiful princess" she watches him in awe, and he loved watching her reactions. "Once upon a time, there was a very sad and lonely prince, who found it very hard to feel happy. He tried to make everyone else around him happy, but he never had anyone to make him smile" "aww the poor prince, will he be alright daddy?" "Dont worry honey, this story has a happy ending. So as the prince got older, he had to fight many bad guys, help his friend get back at an old enemy, and all through that time, he wasnt happy. He didnt like who he was. He didnt want to be mean, he didnt want to be bad to people. So he left all of it behind and moved away to start a new life" "is that the end daddy?" "No honey, not yet. He was away from all those bad memories and mean people, but he still didnt feel happy. Until one day, someone turns up as his lonely castle, and she was the most beautiful princess he had ever seen. She was so beautiful, he fell in love with her just like that" "wow! She must have been really pretty" "she certainly is. The prince and the princess start talking and laughing together, and they even make their own castle, and teach other people how to look after themselves" "ooh ooh like you and mummy do at your doojoo?" He chuckles. "Dojo honey" "do...jo!" "That's it. The prince knows he is completely in love with the princess, and instead of feeling very sad all the time, he now felt happier than he ever did, when he was around the princess. One day, the princess tells the prince that she is in love with him, and they get married on a beautiful sunny day. They were now king and queen, and loved eachother very much" "I really like that story daddy" "it's not quite over yet sweetie. Just when the king thought he couldn't be happier, the queen told him that they were going to have a baby. And before they know it, they welcomed a beautiful baby girl. A princess" she start to rub her eyes and feel sleepy. Terry lies her back down and tucks her into bed, and kneels down beside her. "I like that story daddy, and it has a princess in it too" "do you want to know a secret sweetie?" "What is it daddy?" "The baby princess in that story...was you" he kisses her forhead, she was almost asleep when she said "so, mummy was the beautiful queen who saved you? The lonely king?" "Yes princess, your mummy saved me, then we had you. Making everything perfect" as he finishes his sentence, she drifts off to sleep. Terry smiles and brushes some hair away from her face. He walks to the door, leaves it open a little and before he goes back to bed, he whispers. "You were my happy ending. I love you princess"
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angstics · 2 years
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a long introspective post because i know with time i will forget this and i want to remember it all.
night of june 30th, technoblade's death was announced. i didnt believe it for a few minutes because i couldnt watch the video (i still havent). but it was true -- he passed away age 23 from cancer he discovered *less than a year* before his death. i keep quiet about how much i liked minecraft youtubers 2020 - 2021 because that turned out to be a DISASTER. but technoblade was one of the shining beacons. genuinely always the best, completely outside of post-death rose-tinted glasses. always.
before that, i was kind of getting into my chemical romance. id known of them my whole life. from dan and phil references to annoying ass g-note jokes to the twenty one pilot's cancer cover. i heard the Big Three hits but couldnt tell you what they were (except for "welcome") before listening to three cheers for the first time at the end of june. i dont know why i decided to start them. i wasnt really into music -- my top albums the last couple years included burnham's inside, starkid's twisted, and falsettos (2016). i wish i remembered better. if listening to them for the first time isnt a core memory, this is:
after 6 months of relative stability, i understandably hit a depressive episode in july. i would lie on my couch into the early morning for no reason. i wasnt trying to distract myself from his death ... there were no thoughts to be distracted from. it isnt a headspace i understand, especially since i never left it.
but for another unknown reason i thought to watch those mcr live shows. mind, at this point id only listened to three cheers. no exaggeration, i was betwitched by their performance. i most vibrantly remember gerard's eyes. crazy fucking eyes.
i'd forgotten cancer was an mcr song. when top released their cover, i listened to the original. i decided i liked twenty one pilots' more. i switched on that when i saw my chem on snl (i didnt watch BPID all the way through til a week later). it's the stripped down song, it's the direct lyrics, it's the crazy eyes. like he's trying to communicate EVERYTHING through his eyes.
the intro to BPID was like that too. when he ripped the hospital dress off and did the ghoul scream. had that feeling when i saw frank perform vampire money in glasgow. just. completely uninhibited. performace to say something truthful. unlike anything ive ever seen. from someone who wasnt very into music or live performance or theatre, much less the mechanics of it, i suddenly understood it all.
that screenshot is an abridged version of my actual search history. this is how it went.
june 26 i watched ->
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side bar, thinking about it now, my interest in pink floyd directly lead to my interest in mcr. early morning july 1st, this is what i was watching (alan parsons project great reccomendation from my friend bink bonk):
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july 2 i was watching videos a friend of techno's publicized to commerate him. the mcr video was in the reccomended tag -- a combo of the live pink floyd video and the im not okay mv. crazy how influenced my life is by where youtube leads me.
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then i saw a LITTLE bit of BPID before seeing my chem in 2022 for the first time. this was just weeks after bonn. i didnt watch the full eden either. but i did watch all of "welcome" at milton keynes, based on the time stamps
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this whole fucking day spent watching mcr videos. reading 2011, zack sang clip frank iero explains reading 2011 drama, mcr iceberg explained, "mcr best perfomance", "mcr best moments", mcr on letterman, mcr snl, "understanding the black parade" (i had not listened to black parade) -- then i left at 4pm. probably to sleep.
july 2nd was The day. i remember while watching these videos a realization hugging me. i knew that i was struck. from july until november, the majority of my conversations had something to do with my chem.
at the very beginning, i texted people about them to gage modern attitudes. growing up, they were adjacent to bands i thought sold out or lost their spark -- panic!, twenty one pilot, fall out boy. as ive said a million times, there is a Reason i didnt get into my chem earlier. just the other day on a SPECIFICALLY EMO SUBREDDIT there were people talking about how they "weren't ashamed to like mcr". where does this shame come from!!!!!! too mainstream for punk, too punk for mainstream. everyone knows this.
well anyway, july 2nd was just the first layer: the performance. july 11 (/early july 12) was another big day. the second layer: gender and sexuality. literally my tags on the first mcr post i reblogged ->
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then i saw the great collection by flockofdoves and. well.
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same day i found out about "i wanna be your joey ramone" and sleater-kinney, though i wouldnt listen to the song for a short while. that's layer 4: branching out to other music.
layer 3 was music appreciation. i listened to each of their albums in full sequentionally (KIND OF since i relistened to bullets 3 times were i only listened to the others in full 2 times max), purposuefully holding off for weeks between each album. i remember the first time i sat down to listen to black parade. i was buzzing at like 12:30 am because id decided that was the night. the end -> dead rocked my whole world. never got the instinct to bang your head around til those songs. the whole album was fucking amazing but something aboout famous last words got to me. id be sitting in the car with my sister and singing the bridge over and over. the perfect string of words -- with words i thought id never speak: awake and unafraid, asleep or dead.
i used to hate live performances because the music sounded worse than the studio version while giving me nothing performance-wise. id never wanted to go to a concert in my life. but not only did they sound GOOD live, it was a whole different experience. an adaptation that added to the experience in ways entirely different to what is lost. like i said, crazy eyes. and smiles like flowers and the audience louder than the amps and movement led by sound and memory. like. like nothing else. you cant understand this unless youre in love -- completely dedicated to it.
sometime in august i discovered they were coming to my town the next month. the first concert i ever wanted to go to. my parents were a nightmare about it the whole month until i got the permission to go. ive said also said this a million times: it was like rapture.
i dont understand why you would want to do anything that doesnt work towards that same feeling. my parents didnt get that feeling and i couldnt go to another show. it's been months and it still drives me insane. it drives me fucking insane. it drives me insane.
so those are the core memories related to my chem that got me here. it's a lot of love. love so big i cant even hold. it's belief. something close to religious. it's a lot of fear too -- fear the feeling will go away, that i'll "wake up", fear that they'll be taken. one reason i dont like music is the feelings i attach to it are so profound that i cant listen to it without feeling what i felt in the past. it's why i limit how much i listen to my chem. that's another fear -- though i attach positive feelings to the band, im engaging in it while depressed. more than engaging, obsessing. i cant focus on much else.
i hope as i get better mentally, this doesnt leave me. i got into it to cope. it showed me another dimension of art and life and emotion. it's a hard thing to navigate. i want the good, healthy parts of this to be my life. i hope i can figure that out. i hope it works out.
july 26 2020, i looked this up:
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i have no memory of this at all.
the night before, i was on a technoblade binge that ended with me watching one of his seminal videos that i remember beat for beat.
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i love technoblade forever. i cant watch his videos right now, but i hope i can someday. i love my chem forever. i hope-
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bigbadwolfy · 1 year
So I had a weird ass dream that kinda gives me an idea for a FNaF AU
It started with me and my family going to a really big restaurant. It WASNT the pizzaplex, but it was right beside it, which looked like a strip mall btw, and we go inside, we have a great time and it’s packed n stuff, but then we leave to go to the pizzaplex for the arcade cuz I guess we didn’t like the food at fazbear’s. Theres this guy outside who stops us and is like “Bro wtf were you guys doing in there it’s been abandoned for years” and my mom was like “Wtf no there was just a shit ton of people in there” and I look back at it and there’s this little girl staring into the window of the restaurant and she turns to me with this CREEPY ASS MOTHER FUCKIN SMILE THAT CHILLED ME TO MY CORE. I turned around like “oh actually fuck that 😃” and the guy was G O N E and my mom and dad were leading us to the pizzaplex. I’m like, “BRO DID YOU NOT JUST SEE THAT CREEPY ASS CHILD BY THAT RESTAURANT WE JUST WENT TO?” and they’re Like “bitch we ain’t gone to no restaurant yet now get ur ass in that Freddy Fazbear restaurant y’all begged us to take you to” (they literally talked like this in the dream, it was very unusual)
Anyway so my job isn’t like, the manager or something (even though I WAS THE ONLY FUCKING PERSON THERE DOING ALL THE WORK THAT THE ROBOTS WEREN’T) but I was like a technician or something. My job that day was to give maintenance checks on the animatronics. (Side Note, their main function was that they could be piloted like Freddy in the game (which is SUPER destructive DON’T GIVE KIDS MECHS PLEASE), but in the actual game Freddy states it’s for birthday cakes and oversized piñatas??? What???) so I get through all the animatronics pretty easily, until the daycare attendant. (Another side note, this is the middle of the day and the pizzaplex has a completely different layout and the animatronics look way different and so Are the charging stations) I get there and Sun tries to ATTACK ME so I turn off the lights and Moon is like TERRIFIED of sun and reveals he has a virus. Fun. So I do the check but suddenly Monty comes in for a ✨CHASE SCENE✨ (ANOTHER side note, this particular part was a reoccurring dream I’ve had) Monty chases us through the halls and we die and respawn a few times (WHAT??? THIS WAS LIKE A VIVID REALISTIC DREAM??? WAS NOT A VIDEO GAME???) but finally we end up hiding in a recharge station (which are like little spaceship pods n It’s really cute looking! :3) and when we get out, IM BACK IN THE FUCKING JR HIGHSCHOOL???? HOW?! AND LIKE, I GO THROUGH A NORMAL SCHOOL DAY PILOTING MOON??? AND NO ONE QUESTIONS IT??? Anyway, I’m waiting for the bus when I realize that ✨OH SHIT✨ I’m still ✨ON THE FUCKING CLOCK✨ and run back to the pizzaplex. Then it starts to rain so we’re like “✨OH SHIT✨” again and run inside at light speed. As soon as I step inside FUCKING VANESSA starts yelling at me and saying I don’t work there WHEN I CLEARLY FUCKING DID. Moon defends me but I can’t finish the dream because my dog’s whining woke me up. What the actual fuck was this dream 🫠
(Also my dog was fine, she just wanted to go outside)
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