#it would be SOOOO easy to just make it set NOT in highschool so the characters werent literally 15-17 but NOOOOO
medicasino · 2 years
the trend of grown adults in their late twenties to thirties making "adult oriented" shows featuring extremely sexualized teenage characters needs to die IMMEDIATELY i am absolutely fucking sick of it
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ruckis--rookie · 3 months
Ruckis, can you help me out by talking about OOTS real quick? 🥺👉👈
Okay so the thing is... I have a bunch of OCs lying around, and I'd love to write a nice story for them! The only problem is, that I never wrote a story from scratch before 🤨
Soooo... How did OOTS come into existence? How did you get the idea for the main plot and themes? How did you manage to tie the characters into the story? How did you make the rules for the world as a whole?
Please tell me I'm desperate and really like OOTS rip
Oooh that IS a really... complicated thing to answer, but an interesting ask nonetheless. One that I'm going to enjoy answering >:3c
You see, the reason it's difficult to explain is because I simultaneously have no idea what I'm doing and at the same time I have exactly every idea of what I'm doing, if that makes sense. I partially blame/thank my unmedicated severe adhd for my hyperactive imagination, I can pull a lot of stuff out of my ass on a whim just by sitting and thinking for 5 minutes. At the same time I used to love reading as a kid, I loved writing all throughout Jr. High and Highschool, and even now I love dissecting the plots of cartoons, movies, and games, guessing things before they happen. If I had to describe a fantasy story, furthermore making one, it's like.... building a structure, but that structure is made up of absolute bs.
It's easy if you start out with asking yourself a few questions. What do you want this story to be about? Who are the characters and their drives, goals, and aspirations? How do *they* play into the themes of the story? What *are* the themes of your story? Do you want to convey a lesson? Once you have those little details you can start branching out. A looot of it is world building and connecting the dots. Don't be afraid to take inspiration from other things as well! Whether that be from real life or fiction... I'll use OotS as an example.
Order of the Stars started as a theoretical question. I was going through a hard time in my life. I still am, but I'm working hard to get to a point where things can get better but that's besides the point. I mention this because I wanted to make something special. Something of my own that I could use as an escape. So I presented myself with a question... what if someone in the same position as me took an absolute nosedive for the worst? What would they do in response?
That's why in first chapter of the missing chapters version of OotS you can get easily drawn to the main characters presented currently. Her struggles are inspired from real life. They're taken from mine, albeit with some drastic liberties. Side note, That's actually why that, despite being a what if version of me I can't connect with her. She will never be a Sona, because she's someone I don't want to (and strive not to) become.
Anyways I presented more world building questions that would give me more opportunities to make the story more interesting. What if in this world magic and dieties, while obscure, did exist? All these questions combined were my starting point. From there I built out. Both backwards to explain more and solidify more of the story and the why's, and forward. Spoilers, it eventually lead to nuclear warfare that caused the near destruction of humans and the hastened evolution in animals. That may seem like it makes NO sense without context, but you just have to wait to read a little deeper. Everything is connected.
I gave myself a setting, several story themes, both overarching and some that you have to read deeper into. Order of the Stars literally reflects one of those themes. It has a double meaning. One of the themes is hammering down on the abusal of power from people higher up on the authority chain. Basically building this hierarchy, an "Order" if you will, that poses as one of the overarching antagonistic threats. It's also a nice little hint towards the involvement of dieties made from celestial and astral bodies. Kitsuneoctua is a god made out of a constellation, and what is a constellation but the order in which stars align?
Another theme touches on racist/xenophobic behaviors. I've never gotten how people can be like that. We're all people, it's honestly upsetting to see how people will fight each other just because of something like skin color and ethnicity. So I made not just an entire culture to reflect that, but the main characters from the heroic version of OotS reflect that too. You have Aleron, a human who grew up around an entire city of people who are xenophobic and racist towards what are called "Modern Animals" (the anthro animals that can walk and talk). Despite that he adores them. He sees them as equal. He's kind hearted and almost sickeningly sweet, if not a little inexperienced. And then you have the other hero, Roxie, who acts as a character foil. She grew up being taught that humans can't be trusted, only to have a human try and nurse her back to health and risk his life for her. The two vow to work together and embark on a journey, leaving everything they knew behind. They have to learn how to work through their differences and get along, all the while striving to make the world a better place. Hopefully the take away that people get from that is we can all get along and fight for better despite our differences. There's no need to fight each other.
Overall a lot of my story writing is cause and effect. Thinking about how people or objects will react a certain way. A butterfly effect, almost. And how I can connect the lines. It's like a tree. You plant a seed and when you supply it with things to grow it starts sprouting branches, and blossoming, all the while growing hardened roots underneath. It sprawls every which way until finally, you've made something beautiful.
As for rules... the rules are what you make them, really. It's your world. You're practically God, if you said that for whatever reason platypus have duck wings and can fly than goshdarnit they have wings and they can fly. I personally just like to provide explanations that seem like they would make sense to wrap it up in a nice little bow :> outside of that, the only other tip I can offer is simply a nitpick of mine in terms of story writing. Refrain from retconning too much. For me consistency is the best policy. I hope this provides some good insight, I tried 😅
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snailsbigrace · 1 year
Pre-trauma KEL Headcanons
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A/N: I posted this on my Wattpad but can't leave out the Tumblr users, hope you enjoy! ^^
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.1k
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- Calling it right now he tried to be like HERO. He at some point wanted to do everything that big brother did but obviously couldn't. 
- He'd try to be charming but would fail miserably, he wanted to go to highschool but couldn't, he'd try to cook and bake but couldn't and most likely accidentally set something on fire. Poor kid could hardly do anything that his brother did. :( 
- He was heartbroken when he found out that he couldn't be HERO, don't worry, he moved on pretty quickly, especially after HERO told him that he'd much rather hangout with KEL then another him. 
- The same applies to MARI. He wanted to be her too. But then he remembered she could play piano and he definitely couldn't so he gave up on that one pretty quickly.
- He was a troublesome kid who liked to cause problems, especially for AUBREY and HERO. He didn't find it fun to tease, pick on, or bug SUNNY, BASIL and MARI. He got a good giggle whenever he bugged HERO, as he knew that inside HERO probably found his antics funny... He hoped...
- He loved the reactions AUBREY gives him when he pokes fun at her, and he finds it even funnier to see what responses she would come up with. It was a game between the two of them.
- Likes to tease AUBREY about her crush on SUNNY the most, since it really gets to her. Though he usually ends up with a bruise afterward and is crying to HERO.
- HERO gets AUBREY to apologize but definitely tells KEL that he shouldn't bug her so much and that she had a good reason to be upset at him. 
- Likes to play tag with MARI! He does feel a little bad when her knee starts to hurt though... 
- He likes to climb on HERO, since HERO is so much taller than him it's pretty easy on HERO yet a challenge for KEL! 
- HERO doesn't really like it, he says that it reminds him of "a spider crawling up on me". This just makes it funny to KEL, he usually likes to tap his finger against his brothers back to imitate spiders while he climbs, loves it when HERO totally freaks from this.
- He also likes to climb on his dad who doesn't mind as much as HERO! He usually just ruffles KEL's hair, which KEL hates, because he finds it soooo embarrassing.
- Jokingly flirts with AUBREY, SUNNY, and BASIL (totally not because he sees HERO and MARI do it... P.S. IT IS) 
- Enjoys BASIL's confused, yet flustered, yet embarrassed, yet shy, yet disgusted, yet happy, yet excited, yet angry reaction the most. 
- Likes to mock HERO and MARI's relationship.
- Often encouraging them to kiss along with AUBREY.
- Lets out a mocking "awwww" whenever HERO and/or MARI are worried about each other. 
- Secretly wishes someone would worry about him like that
- He definitely worries for AUBREY in the same way HERO and MARI worry about each other. Doesn't have a crush on her though.
- When at BASIL's house he points at all the different plants and goes "what's this one?" "what's that?" "Ohh! This one looks cool! What's it called?!"
- Probably has diagnosed ADHD.
- He likes to show MARI and HERO things he's found. HERO usually gags if it's a bug, or if literally anything is covered in dirt, or is soaked, he'll gag. MARI's always "Ooh cool find KEL! :D"
- If he finds something he really likes MARI and/or BASIL will help him keep. If it's a bug or something MARI will buy one of those little Dollar Store bug enclosures and help him put things inside of it like leafs, grass and sticks. 
- SUNNY will also join in if it's not a spider, MARI will teach SUNNY a thing or two about bugs and nature if he helps. 
- KEL always lets SUNNY come up with the name for the bug. Though SUNNY usually only names the spiders scary. 
- He has a few of the cheap, crappy enclosures outside in his backyard. HERO reminds him to check if the bugs are dead or not so that if they are they can use the enclosure for other bugs.
- Holds funerals for the bugs. 
- If it's something that's covered in dirt or sand or something of the sort BASIL will help him wash it off and clean it.
- If it's something that can be named KEL will let BASIL name it, though BASIL always says "No! It's yours KEL! You should name it!"
- KEL will keep bugging BASIL until he names it. But to cheer him up after KEL always goes "Me and (name)! Adventure buddies forever! Me and him/her will go on so many adventures together! Thank you BASIL!"
- Is constantly asking his mom for snacks for his friends. He knows MARI and HERO could just make them but he knows that sometimes it must get tiring. His mom always makes little sandwiches with a side celery and cucumber. Maybe apple slices as well. 
- Tells HERO and MARI that it's just because he was feeling really hungry and couldn't wait for them to make food. But MARI knows that he really only wanted to help out and so she teases him for being embarrassed to help.
- KEL hates it, how dare she >:(
- He's not actually all that mad though, he's just over dramatic like that
-  He likes to share his food with SUNNY! SUNNY doesn't eat all that much and KEL doesn't know why, so he hopes that by offering his food to SUNNY he'll eat more. 
- Other than MARI he's one of SUNNY's biggest encouragement providers, often trying to get SUNNY out of his comfort zone and try new things! But SUNNY usually only freaks out and runs to his sister. KEL can only pout at this.
- Has successfully convinced BASIL that he indeed has a watermelon for a head.
- Likes to go "You have a spider in your hair!" to HERO and AUBREY. He laughs when he sees them freak out. Though AUBREY always does it back to him, which KEL says is not at all fair.
- Doesn't like it when his brother teases or bugs him back, which happens a lot.
- "KEL screams like a girl!" Is what AUBREY likes to tease him about, and he finds that one to be the most embarrassing. 
- Is jealous of his brother sometimes, because HERO seems to be good at everyone which KEL doesn't find fair at all. 
- Often has scrapes and bruises all over himself, he seems like the type of kid to trip a lot because he's clumsy. 
- Definitely a scab picker, which both his mom and brother lecture him not to do. But he can't help it!
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YIPPEE I finished the first headcanons! I'm happy with how they all came out! ^^
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honeycoveredpaper · 11 days
2 7 9 32 36 for the dr asks
2) Least Favorite Game?
okkk i wont take the easy way out and pick a spin offff. its probably THH. dont get me wrong I LOVE THH i mean obv. i wouldnt be this obsessed with danganronpa if i didnt like it. i legit played it in one week while muting all my online highschool classes (it was 2020).
but i just didnt connect to the cast on an individual level like i did with the others. like i love the cast as a whole and do have some characters i really like, but for the most part i like the characters less than the other games. thats really the only reason i put it at the bottom of the 3.
7) Favorite Class Trial From All The Games?
well i like the 2nd games trials the most and this is probably gonna be weird butttttt probably chapter 4's trial. the funhouse one. when i played it i actually paused playing danganronpa for like a month or something in the middle of the trial and then came back to it. i dont remember why, maybe i was frustrated but i dont think that was the case? anyway that trial is just so self contained and silly because of the setting that it just really sticks out to me.
9) Favorite Execution?
ok this is a hard one. i love kaitos cause of how meaningful it is and the fact that it references literally the opening of the first game. i also like makotos cause of how crazy it is in the first game to be like "wait am i gonna die??" i think people forget about how cool that moment is because of kaedes death. but if we are talking about like the mechanics of the execution i really like pekos cause of how it represents her seeing herself as being a tool cause shes being controlled in her execution.
32) Favorite Culprit?
i meannnnn kaito? lol cause like THAT CHAPTER AND INVESTIGATION IS JUST SO GOOD YOU GUYS!! but lets say that doesnt count cause of the nuance in it. probably celeste tbh. her plan was really complex but like realistically complex? i like that about the first game, the murder plans were some what more realistic. and hers was so active and just fun to be involved in as weird as that sounds. like i kinda knew something was up cause she was so active in it but i still liked how she did it.
36) Favorite Antag Character?
god this is so hard... i go back and forth between nagito and kokichi so much. i think nagito is more of a looming threat and just works better in the overall game as an antag. cause kokichi isnt really a real issue until he makes gonta kill miu. like he causes issues before but they aren't that serious. which tbh is just the difference between their characters. cause i believe kokichis words that he didnt actually like the killing game and was just playing along to try and stop it. which makes sense why he would be more observant at first rather than active. nagito is just all about getting the ultimates to prove themself, the killing game is more just a tool for him rather than something he is focused on. so it makes sense why hes active from the beginning. soooo idk i cant choose lol they are both so good. i love byakuya too but out of the 3 hes at the bottom.
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shreddedleopard · 3 years
I am so excited for all the things you have coming but this one in particular
“Stains “ has me soooo interested
Well hey there @spacevoltrongirl!
Oh thank youuu! OMG don't do this to me ha! I've been having the urge to dive into this so much recently, but I gotta get ahead with other bits first. I'm trying to get myself back into some sort of rhythm with my writing again.
It is definitely getting written, and since I'm as keen on doing something for this as you are for hearing more, let me share some background for this (sort of?) AU under the cut - beware, it's long lol.
Highschool Caste setting, keeping things as close to Isayama's world as possible.
Historia and the gang are 18, last year of high school. Levi is 30 and of course the school janitor.
Hange and Erwin are there as head of science and head of history, but the rest of the crew are also around - disgruntled Moblit: science deputy, Nanaba and Mike teach sport, Onyankopon teaches math and has a huge crush on Hange (who is oblivious, much to Levi's annoyance - "can you two stop flirting in intellectual - I just cleaned and Erwin is gonna spew his lunch.”)
Queen Bee Historia has abandonment and self worth issues which drive her to comply with this perfect, 'It Girl' image. In reality, she's lonely as hell and just wants to have the courage to be herself and have real friends that value her for who she really wants to be. But she can't see that EVER happening, so her walls stay firmly up, her crown securely on and her mascara unsmudged.
Levi has a dark past that no-one except Hange and Erwin seem to know very much about, although there are rumours that he was once linked with notorious Ackerman mob boss Kenny The Ripper. Levi doesn't want to talk about it, he just wants to mop floors and empty trash cans. Don't ask him about it.
Eren is the outcast kid who doesn't fit in. An accident involving his parents has left him with pretty bad anger issues - Jean is normally on the receiving end, due to some jealousy over a girl Eren has a secret crush on, although he tends to get in trouble with the faculty sometimes too.
Gothkasa is just drop dead gorgeous but not interested unless you have green eyes, anger issues and your name is Jaeger, much to Jock Jean's heartbreak. Like Eren, she also lost her parents as a child in mysterious circumstances that no-one really talks about. Mikasa is distantly related to Levi. She doesn't know; Levi does. He tries to keep a subtle eye on her.
Armin, as ever, is a love. He's into anime and solving equations with Onyankopon on his lunch break. Oh, and he's best friends with beautiful Gothkasa. They're doing their best to take Eren under their wing.
Levi sees a lot of his younger self in Eren sometimes. Before he knows it, he's stepping in during a fight between Eren and Jean, which leads to him becoming some sort of big brother type figure that troubled misfit Eren latches on to. He ends up hanging out at Levi's store shed frequently during lunch, venting while Levi lets him steal his cigarettes and turns a blind eye.
Oh yeah, Levi's smoker. A habit that he picked up during his mysterious youth, although he fucking hates it. He's doing his best to quit - he sticks a nicotine patch on under his overalls every morning. It often ends up in the wastebasket of his shed, especially when Eren shows up.
Before long, others are approaching Levi for advice, much to Levi's horror. He literally just wants to mop floors and empty trash cans - did he mention this? But he doesn't have the heart to turn the kids away. "Gonna get a new sign for the shed - Janitor and Agony Uncle. Then you brats can pay me." He never does much talking of course. Just asks them blunt questions and spouts bullshit lines like "choose the path with least regret," or "you have to make that choice for yourself," or "fuck off now I gotta go clean some toilets."
Historia has her own group of disciples, the most clingy of which are Reiner and Ymir. They mean well - but Historia is well aware of the fact that they cling to her image, and not the real her. Stains begins at the point where Historia decides to take a chance and show a little of the real her to Ymir, who reacts in a way she wasn't expecting, but then suddenly she's moved away with little explanation, and Historia is left feeling rejected and even more determined to keep her guard up.
Historia is intrigued by Eren and his relationship with Levi, as well as Levi's easy-going rapport with all of the other students too. She finds herself becoming jealous of everyone's ability to go and offload to the cranky janitor, but she knows doing the same would ruin her pristine image. So instead, she watches from afar. A lot.
Levi notices her watching; the stuck up Queen who's never once approached him like the others. And he sees through her far more than she realises. Like Eren, she reminds him of someone.
Historia is fast approaching a breaking point in her life. Sick of being the golden girl, she risks her image in pursuit of something she knows a good girl would never do. But once the damage is done, and lines are crossed, there's no going back.
Levi knows all too well that some stains don't come out in the wash.
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domesticsns · 5 years
So we hear a lot about sasuke dealing with rude people in his line of work, what about Naruto? Any bad parents or coworkers?
Naruto has it soooo much worse! He teaches in a public school and some of the parents are just....The worse. 
People are afraid of Sasuke, Sasuke is rude aff. 
Naruto is in a position people think they can just walk over him and demand whatever they want. When Naruto calls in the parents of children that are acting out on school to get ot the bottom of it. It becomes pretty damn clear why they think they can walk all over people because their parents set the example. 
Another time a men came in his classroom right before Naruto was going to lock up and go home and then this guy just started screaming at him how he was giving the wrong example to his son and all the other children and how dared they let a gay men teach and corrupt the innocent mind of children and Naruto thought ...Wtf is happening... 
And instead of keeping out or talking back he was like, “I am not gay, who said I was gay?” 
And the man looked at him and said how his son told him he was married to a men. 
Naruto said that didn’t make him gay 
this guy gets so confused, like was he making fun of him now.
Naruto said he likes women. He has been with a lot of women. Hell they should have seen him back in Highschool he was going at it. 
The guy goes quiet and says, “oh damn I am sorry i thought you were a homosexual and married to a men.” 
Naruto said, “Yeah I am married to a men, he is really handsome. You wanna see a picture?” He he pulls up the screen saver of his phone and goes, “We’ve been married for five years,but we were together for five more before that. Funny story how we got married-” 
The man starts flipping out again and thinks Naruto was making fun of him  and Naruto said he was bisexual he likes women, he likes men. But at the end he was in a monogamy relationship with a men...His husband..He shows the picture again and says again he is very pretty. 
The guy grabs him by his collar and pushes him against the wall screaming and spitting in his face and Naruto is like, “Oh calm down! I never said you had to suck his dick or my dick for that matter. I not telling you child to go suck dick either he is like eleven years old. He shouldn’t even be thinking about-” the guy is raising his fist and Naruto is like, “Ya you really don’t wanna do that” 
the guy shouts why he shouldn’t beat up a faggot and Naruto said that for starters...He will press charges and he will get arrest. Secondly, his husband is a detective in Konoha City police department. Thirdly his husband went to the All boys military boarding school of otogakue and he is not the kindest person out there and he is very protective of him and Naruto won’t be able to protect him if he would punch him in the face. 
The guy said he isn’t afraid of some faggot and then he hears a cough at the door and he turns his face and sees Sasuke standing there, looking pissed as shit. Naruto just goes “Hey babe~ So this is Kyle’s dad!”
The guy lets Naruto go and Naruto picks up his phone from the ground and he ends the call to Sasuke he had made. Yeah he was not just showing pictures he was showing the caller ID photo before calling his husband. He puts his phone away and goes, “Go easy on him babe, he doesn’t know any better. His son is actually okay..Oh you..Just don’t ...Don’t break his neck...Oh dear. Babe, I don’t think that counts as self-defence anymore.” 
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yamino · 6 years
Hi I really love your comics the Voyd ones got me interested and I followed every time they'd pop up on my dash But I just found your elastigale stuff and I love it soooo much (I want to sketch some stuff using your designs if that's okay I'm gonna include frozone and mr. Incredible too) I was wondering what you think the age differences between all of them are if there is one And do you think stratogale's death was the one that finally made Edna swear off capes considering how young she was?
I’d be really excited to see your take on them! I don’t mind at all if people want to draw anything using my AU designs, it makes me happy to see them. :)
I think Mr. Incredible is in his early 40′s in the films, and Helen looks to be a younger, I’d gauge her to be around 38. (That would have made her around 24 when they had Violet.)  Who knows how old Frozone is, man…he looks the same as he did 14 years ago! But he’s probably also around 40-ish, since he seems to be a longtime friend of Bob’s.
Canonically Stratogale was significantly younger than Bob and Helen, and died as a teenager.  But for the purposes of my AU I put her at the same age as Helen (my comics are set in highschool, so late teens) and although people remember her most from her teenage years of super work, she actually died when she was around 22 years old.
Regarding Edna’s swearing off of capes, I’m pretty sure Edna never was fond of them anyway.  She clearly puts a huge emphasis on function and hates pointless nonsense, which is what she probably imagined capes to be even BEFORE all the accidents.  But since them, she has an easy excuse to refuse capes for Supers who request them. :P
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vldadvice · 6 years
1/2 So my friend and I are both freshmen in highschool, and she's been one of my best friends; we told each other everything. A couple of months ago, she got a boyfriend. He happens to be a senior, and the problem here is, I really don't trust him. He seems nice enough on the outside, but he's a SENIOR, and ever since she met him she hasn't talked to me, she dresses differently in a way that I feel is just for him, and she'll disappear at the same time as him for long periods of time to go to -
-p2/2 -the ‘bathroom’ and when she’s around him, she doesn’t actually talk… At least not to me. I’ll ask a question and he’ll answer it and she’ll act like I’m not even there. I can’t stress how unlike her all of this is, and I’m terrified. Am I overreacting? How can I fix this without being invasive? I don’t want to mess with anything, but at the same time, he’s soooo much older than her for highschool(she’s a 'young’ freshman and he’s an 'old’ senior) and I just don’t know what to do.
i absolutely agree with you that something is wrong, and i do not think you’re overreacting. all the things that have changed about her are signs that he could be controlling and manipulating her. what you said about her changing her style and especially how she acts towards you when he’s around set off huge warning signs to me. when you’re dealing with a potentially abusive relationship like this you have to be careful. my advice:
if she has a good, healthy, trusting relationship with her mom, talk to her mom about it! do not do this if their relationship is bad. involving someone your friend doesn’t feel she can trust would be a huge mistake.
i asked my own mom about this since she has experience with this sort of thing, and she says if not her mother, it would be best in this case to go to a school counselor you trust or the vice principal of your school. most people get into academia because they actually want to help, so they’re very likely to want to help you and her as much as they can.
if neither of those things are an option, then it’s best for you and the rest of her friends to help. this is the trickiest way to go about it because it’s so easy to endanger her where people your age are concerned. she might tell her boyfriend about it and that could endanger her even further. make sure if you choose to talk to her about it, you’re doing it in a place that she feels safe and that the two of you are completely alone. then do your best to convince her to talk to an adult.
no matter what, it is important she feels safe with the adult or person you go to. if she’s uncomfortable, it’ll make everything worse. please be careful no matter what you do! 
lastly, if you need anything else, don’t hesitate to come back into our inbox. i’ll do everything i can to help make sure you and your friend are safe. good luck! -rina
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sinewho · 7 years
No.6 major fic rec list
Hello people:D
It seems 2 (two) human beings might be interested in a recommendation fic list. SO HERE IT IS   Things to have in mind:   .It was supposed to be short but I ended up mentioning 97 fics, sorry   .I used 10 categories (highschool, college, modern setting, Kingdom / Fantasy Au / Magic, Miscellaneous Aus, Post-series, canon, reunion, Life Swap and Gender Bend) . Links in bold are fics that are definitely a must. You MUST read them because of how good they are, I tried to highlight 2 or 3 in each category and rating, so you can go to those first   .The rating of the fic is next to the name for easy choosing. Plus some small commentary I added on my favs. .Have in mind that some of this are not finished and a pretty large amount might be abandoned, but read them anyway because they are still great   .There’s a little list at the end with my favorite authors, I would recommend everyone to read ALL of their work, but some of those works might be in other categories. . Feel free to reblog with your own contributions!! I definitely need more awesome fics to read :3
Keep reading for the long-ass list
High School:
Reminiscing on the Past, Looking Forward to the Future (Not Rated)
Shion was digging through a box when he found a small teddy bear and note that Nezumi had given him, many years ago. He reminisces on the past, and decides to finally let Nezumi know how he felt. 
My Gypsy Boyfriend (Not rated) This is MY FAVORITE hs au, go for it, no regrets guaranteed
Shion is drawn to the new kid. Nezumi is both beautiful and intriguing. He's also a gypsy, and a loner that most people avoid...But Shion isn't most people. He’s a persistent airhead who won’t take no for an answer. 
locker notes (Not Rated)
Shion and Nezumi are in their last year of high school with unspoken crushes that only come to light when Nezumi slips a note in Shion's locker. 
shall i compare thee to a high school play? (Not Rated)
Shion is Romeo, and Nezumi is Juliet, and maybe it's just a high school play, but Shion means every single one of his lines to his best friend and only hopes he can keep his true feelings disguised as an act. 
that one where nezumi's an idiot and shion has a cute laugh (G)
“Literally all I wanted was some fucking Doritos.”
Love All, Trust A Few, Do Wrong To None (T)
Shion is the perfect student. He is currently attending a prestigious academy and leads a comfortable, quiet, ordinary life with his mother and best friend in Lost Town. However, a mysterious and dangerous transfer student lurks on the horizon, and little does Shion know his life is about to be turned upside down.
Re: 2 a.m (T)
To: Nezumi
Sub: Sorry in advance
Sent at 1:44 A.M.
Are you awake?
Eyes only for you (T)
This is a world where people are born with two different colored eyes, one is their natural eye color and the other is their soul mate’s natural eye color. When a person makes eye contact with their soul mate, each person's eyes lose their soul mate’s color and become a pair of their own natural color.
Melodic Minor (M)
Rock Band AU set in 1997
School Bells (M)
In an AU Nezumi is a third year who goes to a rich boys school where he aimlessly waits for when he can leave. When he meets a mysterious boy with red eyes named Shion he thinks, maybe, he has something to look forward to everyday.
Meet Me At The Stage Door (M)
Theatre geek Nezumi doesn't think he'll enjoy watching ballet. Boy, is he wrong.
The Rat and Red Eyed Boy (M)
Shion didn't expect for this year to be any different from his others. He had always been the 'weird' kid and got teased for the red mark that traveled along his body. Little did he know his life would change after meeting a certain boy. Nezushi high school AU where Shion's scars are also sensitive to touch.
College / Roomates
drunk and smitten (Not Rated)
Really just a drabble - Shion breaks into Nezumi's apartment in the middle of the night, completely drunk and thinking it's his own home that he's let himself into. 
no more nor less (G)
Nezumi has decided to confess his feelings to Shion after Safu suggests he should. He meets Shion in the library to study Shakespeare, and...?
In Which Shion Is Found To Be Gay (G) soooo cute omg
Exactly what it says on the tin.
I Might Just Love You!  (T)
Nezumi was the first to bear witness to his roommate's dilemma. He knew this was going to be an issue-Not everyone was capable of knowing a beautiful sight once they've seen one, and Shion surely was a beautiful sight, but nonetheless. No one ever said dealing with an infectious disease as a college freshman was going to be easy. Luckily, Nezumi's there every step of the way.
Roommates Before Lovers (T)
Shion needs a place to stay while attending university, and who better to room with than Nezumi, the kid he remembers from that bus ride all those years ago? But things in their apartment don't go as smoothly as expected, because both are hiding secrets about their past from each other, causing things in the present to get...complicated.
The best laid plans (T) ok listen, this fic is great ITS SO GREAT
In which Shion doesn’t know how to meet people, and Nezumi is a Shakespeare snob. Also road trips. 
A college Journey (T)
Nezumi and Shion are randomly assigned to be roommates in their first year of college. Their first meeting goes pretty roughly, but romance soon develops between them. But will it be able to last through the tough times ahead of them?
College Clusterfuck (M) 
Shion's a stoner. Nezumi's a drunk. Inukashi understandably kind hates them both. (High)jinks ensue. College AU.
More than Enough (M)
The lives of Nezumi, Shion, and their friends in college. Or, just another NezuShi College AU with too much fluff.
Corruption (M)
"You're going to be fun...to corrupt." Nezushi AU. Street musician Nezumi, college student Shion.
Who said college life wasn't fun? This is a ongoing series of at lest 14 works -as of today- rating from G to E and my favorite college au, for real, its great. Please read it. PLEASE READ IT ITS AMAZING 10/10
Just one week had passed since the first lectures and already he had two assignments due for the next week so that meant that there was only one place for Shion to go, the library.
Modern Au / or more things that are not precisely high school or college
You are My World (Not Rated)
Have you ever loved someone with a fierceness you didn't know about until something happened that made you realise just how much it would affect you should that person be taken away from you? Shion was just about to find out what that felt like. 
Smile (G) (13 y/o cute dorks)
Shion won't smile properly with his braces and Nezumi notices. Middle School AU.
Paperback Lover (G)
Nezumi doesn't visit the local bookstore for the cute white-haired boy that works there. He's only here for the books. No, really.
Dance with me (G)
All it takes is a club and a lot of alcohol, and Shion becomes a regular Casanova.
MotherTruckers (T) nezumi is a mean trucker, how great is that?
Living in Alaska is difficult for recent college graduate Shion, especially considering his degree's emphasis in... plants. But when he stumbles into a job as an ice road trucker and finds himself partnered with a grey-eyed man named Nezumi, Shion decides maybe Alaska isn't too bad after all. Nezushi, Trucker AU
Im in love with my Bodyguard (T)
The year is 1947. Nezumi had just gotten fired and is given a job as a bodyguard.But who does he need to protect? and who is this Shion?
Our Day In Summer (T) Super lovely, full of fluff
Shion is stuck in a monotonous job as a simple company employee, and has no real aims in life. One day, he meets Nezumi, a street musician and aspiring artist, and things in his life begin to change.
Codex (T)  (trans!nezumi)
Shion finds a rat in a bookstore.
Any Helpful (T)  (trans shion and trans nezumi)
Safu is asked for assistance by Shion. She ends up helping Nezumi too.
The Visitor (M)
Shion was just about to leave him. Not for good, but at least to teach him a thing or two. The only problem is, he's sure they can reconnect after the accident damages his lover.  
Empty Fantasies (M)
Eve is the best drag queen in Tokyo. When Shion is dragged to his show for Safu's birthday, he finds himself drawn to the man. When they keep running into each other, they can't shake the feeling that they've met a long time ago.  
A time for everything (M)
Shion will never fall in love again. 
All the Pretty Little Animals (E)
"Shion is dragged by his friends to a strip club. There, he meets Nezumi (bonus for drag!)"
Kingdom / Fantasy Au / Magic
the lost prince (Not Rated)
The royal family was massacred 15 years ago, but the kingdom has always held out hope that the lost prince would return. Meanwhile, Nezumi has been acting strange, and Shion isn't sure why his best friend of 14 years keeps giving him these looks that escalate one night to more than just an expression Shion cannot explain.
three wishes (Not Rated)
Shion finds a genie's lamp, and when he rubs it, he's more preoccupied with falling for the cranky genie that comes out than making his allotted three wishes.
Evening Song (G)
A continuation of the centaur AU for all you perverts out there who wonder how Nezumi and Shion are gonna get together even though Nezumi is a centaur and Shion is an elf. Written in the style of a classic fairy-tale by Andrew Lang.
A Centaur Named Mouse (G)
Nezumi is a centaur. Shion is a wood elf. They are dorks. Kissing happens. It's cute. The end.
Yes, your majesty (T)
There once was a king. There once was a prince. There once was a curse.  Now there once was a mouse. Fairytale 
darkness as it turns into light (T) (harry potter crossover)
Safu always says Nezumi appositely asked the Sorting Hat to put him into Slytherin, to better uphold his bad boy looks and his look-at-me-in-the-wrong-way-and-I-will-take-your-eyes-out attitude. Most of the time, Shion can’t but agree.
The Prince and the Rat (T)
 Shion is a prince in a castle, waiting to be rescued, Nezumi is the handsome knight in shining armor, Safu is a sassy tag along friend (like donkey), and Elyurias is an overprotective wasp mother. (The Shrek AU nobody asked for)
cognitive dissonance (M)
A strange night in the rain at twelve years old was the beginning to a future Shion never could have imagined. A future which involved foreign promiscuity, betrayal, dogs, love, loss, and a whole lot of bravery.
Shion can't remember how he died and Nezumi doesn't want him to. Everything seems fine until a plague is mentioned and Shion becomes determined to find out. Will it bring them closer together or part them even more? ... Song fic, but actually it's more of a poem but yeah, hmm character death?
i begin to understand why god died (M) the angel thing is really cool
I was human when my heart was stolen by him, and I was human when I longed to be by his side. This fact won't change, no matter what name I decide to give to these feelings.  --It was sometime around 1,200 A.D. when he met Shion. 
Be Cruel to be King (E) The best kingdom au, 71k words full of fluff and some fights and great things haha
In the kingdom of Seis, King Rikiga rules cruelly. When he takes a former baker as his wife and makes her queen, her son Shion is named as heir to the throne, with one ultimatum; become a good leader before he turns 18 or be banished to"West District" to live forever in poverty and exile. Sadly Shion has no idea how to be cold hearted like Rikiga, but he meets someone who can help.
Miscellaneous AUs
books and mind reading (Not Rated) From all 27 Danielle’s work in my opinion this is the best, full of angst and fluff. Top 5 best fics ever for sure
Shion can read minds, an ability more overwhelming than he was prepared for when he moved from his small hometown to the city for university. In the city, he meets Nezumi, whose mind is much different than anyone's Shion has read before. Shion breaks his own rule by telling Nezumi he can mind read, intending on never seeing the man again - an intention that, of course, does not quite pan out. 
The Dead Horse Shanty (Not Rated) 
"Oh, poor old man, your horse will die, we'll drop him down to the depths of the sea. We'll send him down with a long, long roll, where the sharks will have his body and the devil have his soul." Nezumi, pirate ship cabin boy, is unprepared for the addition of a hostage onto his to-do list. He is even less prepared for the raging storm that will maroon them on an island together.
their wicked minds (T)
Shion is a Senator in the Intergalactic Imperial Senate, and Nezumi is a bioengineered super soldier assigned to be his bodyguard.
The Forest of Tranquility (M) 
Shion, a young ecologist, is allowed to leave No.6’s protective wall for the very first time in his life. During his research the young man rescues a silver-eyed beauty, unaware that this fateful encounter will hold him captive in the core of the Northern forest. “You shall not leave again!”
Courtship Rituals (M) 
Nezumi is a courtesan in the West Block, Shion is a student from Lost Town who conveniently loses his way and gets caught up in Eve's graces. She offers him possibly the most memorable moment of his life, and he's so close to giving in, but Eve is too much for an innocent Shion to handle. But can a relationship blossom between two that are so different?
On the Clock (Not Rated) 
Post-series bakery shenanigans. Warning for general offensiveness on Nezumi's part. 
We Shall Dance Again (G)
A journey forward; a journey back. This was how Nezumi had changed.
Quietly (G)
In which Shion has a surprise for Nezumi and Nezumi plans for the near future.
Communication Breakdown (T)
[Post-series, post-hypothetical future reunion.] Shion has issues maintaining a work/life balance. Nezumi takes issue with these issues.
First Snow's Kiss (T)
After a fight with Shion, Nezumi sets out to make it the Christmas Shion always wanted.
Statistical Outlier (T)
[Post-series] Shion, sex, and statistics. And Nezumi.
Together (T)
Shion isn’t really sure how to act now that Nezumi’s returned. There’s time between them that won’t ever return, but he’s so glad to have him back. Domestic as hell.
Junior is curious (M) Funny and cute and sexy, this one has everything
"Ah, so you've seen them making a baby too?"
Shion's Birthday (M)
Nezumi has planned the perfect evening for Shion's birthday. It will be romantic, thoughtful, sweet, and most importantly, it will end in mind-blowing sex! Of course, even the best laid plans rarely go accordingly.
Good morning, Love (M)
All pretence of sleep was gone from his voice hearing the excuse Shion made to get up this early on a Sunday sounded ridiculous enough to get most of his attention. There was no way that Nezumi and their warm bed was going to be abandoned because of some damn sewer pipes. He was going to make sure of that!
nothing gold (M)
if Nezumi stayed.
Captivate (E)
"He pulled his brows into a frown and twisted in his seat to regard Shion with one slate-colored eye, noting the soothing, benign curve of his pink lips and how it was utterly belied by the stark heat in his eyes." In which Shion Insists and Nezumi is doomed to fail.
Étude (E)
"I'll show you," Nezumi grins. He disentangles his arms so he can cup Shion's head with both hands. "Again."
Still (E)
Nezumi decides to give up a little control.
To The Simple Two (E)
Shion has a proposal. Nezumi has a counter-proposal. Fluff and porn ensue.
Here's Everything I've Always Meant to Say (E)
There's a first time for everything.
In Knots (E)
Shion had never seen Nezumi wear a tie before.
Akame (E)
Stage Fright (E)
Sion lacks appreciation for the finer points of playing dress-up.
About Shion's topping and embarrassed Nezumi (E)
Little humor story from Nezushi daily life. It can be treated like a standalone story or part of my "Not Perfect" universe. It's about idea of Shion getting banned from being on the top by Nezumi.
Chances and Choices (T)
After the fall of No. 6, Nezumi left Shion with the promise of coming back. After ten years, fate decided to let their paths cross once again.
Revolution (T)
Six years have passed after Nezumi's departure. Even though the progress of the Restructural Committee is like an untamed wave of changes and improvements, some people are unsatisfied and more than tired Shion thinks he has failed. Will he ever be able to look in these beautiful grey eyes again? Or will his guilt consume him?
Revolution EX: In a starlit night (M) (tecnically postseries but oh well)
It’s a starlit summer night. A busy one at that, since Nezumi and Shion move into the attic of an old ivy-clad red clinker house, which is completely surrounded by nature. What a perfect place to care for their deep, invisible scars the past had carved into their souls… A sequel to Revolution.
When Constellations Collide (M) (this is actually in evey categroy)
Everything felt easier in the dark, Shion thought. Now he was starting to understand why Nezumi preferred it. 5 + 1 times Nezumi and Shion share a bed.
Summer Days (M)
Four years have passed since Nezumi left Shion behind. Both of them are living a solitary live… Will they find their warmth again? - This is a story about hot summer days in the Western District. Reunion. Home, Sweet Home. And of course lemony boy's love!
The Sun in Jericho (M)
Ten years have passed since Nezumi left No. 6 at his back. He's seen much of the world and even found a place to call home, but his thoughts keep returning to a promise he made when he was too young to be making such heavy promises. So he decides, somewhat on a whim, to keep it. It's only to appease his conscience, of course; this decision has nothing to do with his curious inability to get a certain person out of his mind. Nothing at all.
No Man is an Island (M)
It's been 4 years, 22 days, 5 hours, and 21 minutes since the last time he kissed Nezumi.
Redeemed  (M) 
Their Five Stages (M)
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Where the five stages of grief become the five stages of reunion for Shion and Nezumi. Rated M for the last chapter. 
Not Perfect (M) I actually had to edit the post to add this one bc I FORGOT wtf is wrong with me I love this fic im officially the worst, however i dont think there's anyone in the fandom that haven't read it. SORRY DEAR AUTHOR 
 The four years passed after Wall fell. Shion is losing fight with his health and loneliness. Will Nezumi's return help him? It’s been said that life is full of ups and downs.
In Memory Lock'd (E)
I Loved Ophelia (E) I love this one, my favorite reunion so far
Some things are found where you least expect them. Shion and Nezumi are challenged to deal with their feelings for each other and live with the scars from their pasts.
And so we meet again… (T)
Incandescence (M)
Shion is drawn to sharp things.
affectionate (G)
Shion can’t be entirely certain on whether or not Nezumi is, or has ever been, affectionate, but he can say with confidence that he has a way to check.
Beside You (T)
Shion gets worried when Nezumi catches a cold, much to the other boy's annoyance.
but let's not talk of love or chains (M) This one is so incredible good, im not even kidding
Nezumi promised Shion they would reunite. He never said when, or how long he would stay. Five years later, he’s still figuring that out himself. Nezumi returns before he’s ready and finds that Shion has grown up without him – but for some reason, Shion still welcomes him back. In which Nezumi is forced to reconcile his conflicting fear and love, the pain in his past and the uncertainty of his future, and decide if freedom is worth the price of belonging nowhere at all.
Surrender (M)
Shion & Nezumi have a fight that leads to a very memorable night. Their emotional connection is so beautiful, I thought their physical one should be too. <3
The Most Beautiful Thing That Ever Was (E)
After everything has happened, we are left wondering what Nezumi and Shion's relationship has become. Nezumi has always teased Shion about being naively moronic, but what if Shion ends up teaching Nezumi a thing or two about the matters of the heart? And what about the way in which he presents his lesson?
Life Swap
In the Shadow of No. 6 (T)
No. 6 is no utopia. After twelve years suffocating under the city's constant surveillance, Nezumi is determined to escape. But just when he manages to crawl out from under No. 6's watchful eye, he finds himself the captive of a West Block terrorist group. 
Beyond the Shadow of No. 6 (T)
Continuation of In the Shadow of No. 6; a glimpse in the days of those left behind, 4 years later.
Fateswap (T)
Nezumi grows up in his village... sort of... while Shion is captured and taken to the Correctional Facility at a young age. How will events play out with the roles reversed? And what will happen to the third option? 
Fateswap Beyond (T)
The post-script to the Fateswap universe you've all been waiting for. Contains light smut.
Gender Bend
Inner Beauty (G)
It starts with a question that's innocent enough: "Can I braid your hair?" 
Small Mercies (T)
Rikiga dotes on Shion. Nezumi does not approve.
Behind Closed Doors (T)
Shion has no fashion sense. Nezumi decides it's time to go shopping.
Domesticity (M)
Shion makes hamburgers and fries, she's pretty tired of soup afterall.
Authors (with a lot of amazing works that Im to lazy to list)
There are some authors that I’ve read and loved but I cant for the life of me remember their name, I will edit this post if I remember 
I hope my long-ass list is helpful :D
265 notes · View notes
imfucking-magical · 7 years
Only a recruit pt 2
A/n Hello my peoples my lovelies! Thanks for the awesome feedback on part 1. I have been having more interaction with you guys and I honestly love it. Like hit me up about your day if you want =) 
Warnings: Mentions of injury and cursing
Permanent tag list: @softbbyboye @kisshuggay, @gothamsblackqueen@frostbitten-desires, @frostbyte-horan, @allison0609
Temporary tag list: @konomoma, @peter-pan-hoe, @parkermanparkercan @mae-shower
Originally Mr.Stark wanted to fly you out to the tower since you only had a single bag of clothes, but when he saw you shaking he decided to call a car. He walked you down and out of the building and into a flashy car. The suit came off of him and went neatly into a carry on.
“That was cool” You told him pointing to the bag. He didn’t say anything and sat the whole trip silent.
“Soooo... where are we?”
“We are at the Avengers tower.” He said getting out of the car and I followed him.
“Because I’m recruiting you.”
“Because you’re smart beyond your years and we could use someone like you.”
“How did you...”
“Look kid I’m Tony Stark. I can find anything out about anyone or I have people that can. You’re just a high school student, it wasn’t that hard to see your character. Now if you’re done asking questions. You’re room is around the corner and here is a card so you can get whatever you need for your own lab or if you want new clothes or something.” Mr.Stark handed me a credit card.
“Is there something you want me specifically to work on or do I have free reign?” You asked holding the card and trying not to show how excited you are. You could hardly believe it was real.
“Just don’t blow up the building. Try to make useful stuff. Help whenever its needed. Other then that free reign. No illegal stuff tho. You’re still what 14?”
“Anyways. Yea and also watch out for the rest of the Avengers. They don’t know about you yet.” Mr.Stark said walking away to another part of the tower. You walked into your room and dropped your stuff down.
The room was huge. “Hello Miss Y/l/n.My name is F.R.I.D.A.Y. Would you like a tour of the tower?”
“Sure, but first is there a lab already here or is there a room where I can set up and order stuff?” You asked taking out your notebook of inventions you have yet to try.
“Of course Miss Y/l/n. There is a room connected to this one that can be set up as a lab or you can work with Mr.Stark and Mr. Banner in the big lab.”
“I’ll set my lab up in the other room. I don’t wanna bother them. Can I have that tour now F.R.I.D.A.Y? You also don’t have to call me ‘Miss Y/l/n. Y/n is okay.”
“Ok Y/n if you follow the arrows to outside the room you will find the kitchen.” Blue arrows lit up on the ground and you followed them to the kitchen. You saw a red and blue suit with curly brown hair in the kitchen. The first Avenger you were going to meet was going to be Spiderman. No one except the Avengers knew who he was.
“Hi.” He jumped and turned around revealing a familar face. “PETER???!!!” 
“What are you doing here?” He asked you.
“Me? I’m offended you didn’t tell me! Come on you know me better than anyone. I would not have blown this kind of secret like Ned would.”
“Um....Ned already knows...” You slapped his arm.
“I’m even more offended now.” You joked with him. 
“Oww I’m sorry. Now what are you doing here?” He asked. 
“I got recruited. Well.... Iron-man destroyed a wall at my old apartment after Jake had shoved me into my experiments and spilled acid onto my arm.”
“WHAT?? Are you ok? Do we need to get you to the medical bay? WHere are you hurt???” He asked looking frantically for any injury.
“Peter.. Peter Im fine I took one of my tablets. My stuff is in my new room. I still can’t believe I’m here. Like this is the Avenger tower. This is where I’m suppose to live now. I don’t think I have to pay rent. Its amazing.” You’re face hurt from how big you were smiling. You no longer had to worry about Jake.
“You’re still gonna go to highschool right?”
“Duh. I have to keep an extra eye out for you now. Can’t let any bad guy hurt my Peter” You said ruffling his hair.
“Staaawwwpp I’m sweaty.” 
“Like I care?” 
“PETER GET BACK HERE WE STILL HAVE TRAINING!” Captain America yelled walking into the room
“Hey I gotta go, but I’ll catch up with you later yea?” 
“Who is that?” He asked.
“Hey I’m Y/n Tony recruited me for science stuff.” 
“Is he having you train in fighting too?”
“I don’t know. He didn’t really say much.”
“Might as well join us because you’re probably going to have to learn to fight if you’re part of the team now. You can just watch for right now. I’m Steve by the way.” You followed them into a training room and sat on the floor leaning against the wall.
“You ready for this kid? I’m not gonna go easy on you this time.” Steve said putting his helmet on.
“Bring it.”
Sad to say Peter started to get his ass handed to him, but as you watched you realized that Steve never protected his legs. Well he never protected them because Peter never went for them. 
“I thought you said bring it kid?” Steve said laughing.
“Ha ha..” Peter said sarcastically.
“Wait time out Steve.” You told him before Peter got his ass handed to him.
“There are no time outs in a fight.” Steve said and you walked over to Peter who was now standing confused.
“Go for his legs.” You whispered to Peter.
“Just do it. Fake him out then take him out with his legs.” Steve looked at you suspiciously as you whispered to Peter. Peter nodded and you went back to your spot on the floor.
The fight continued and Peter did as you said knocking Steve on his ass.
“You want me to ease up a bit Cap?” Peter asked laughing.
“I don’t know what she told you, but I know she helped somehow.”
“I’m an innocent bystander I don’t know what you mean.” You told him smiling.
“What did you tell him?”
“I just told him the one spot you never seemed to guard. If its any consolation Peter never guards his face so you could probably get a few head shots in.” 
“WhAT? You need to learn your weaknesses.” You told him.
“Don’t you have some sciencey shit to do?” He asked you
“What you don’t want me around anymore?” you fake pouted.
“You still haven’t even met the rest of the team. I also don’t need you to see my ass get kicked anymore by Steve.” Peter told you.
“Steve don’t hurt him too bad. We still have school tomorrow.” 
You wandered around the rest of the house and ran into someone. “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.” You bent down and started to pick up the books and papers that you had knocked out of their hands.
“You must be y/n. Tony said I might run into you. I’m Bruce otherwise known as the Hulk.”
“Yea he kinda just took me in a few hours ago. Quantum physics?” The book you held in your hand was very colorful and heavy.
“We’re working on new weapons for everyone. Tony also told me about your wonder tablet. How exactly does it work?”
You followed Bruce to his lab he shared with Tony and explained how your tablet worked. In short terms it sped up the metabolism to heal wounds. Bruce leaned against one of the work tables and took a sip from his mug.
“I don’t know where Tony is at. We were suppose to finish the project today.” 
“Well what does he normally do?”
“He is normally in here or going out to eat.... what time is it? Yea he hasn’t eaten in awhile he probably went somewhere for food.”
“Soo do you know if there is food in the house or do we have to go to a fast food place?”
“We usually have fast food delivered. Now that you mention it I don’t know if we actually have food in the house other than eggs.” Bruce told you.
“Wellllll I want mac and cheese for dinner soooo Imma go to the store. You should come with so we can get actual food in the house instead of take out.”
After about a week you had met everyone on the team and bonded with everyone well. You were also trained for months and worked with Bruce in the lab, but Tony kept his distance. You had gotten used to it thinking he didn’t want to have to deal with another kid since he already had Peter. You didn’t expect much from him, but he still took you in and for that you cared about what he thought. Tonight wasn’t suppose to be any different then every other day, but you decided you would make one last attempt to make nice with him and since everyone else was out doing stuff you were able to go and talk with him. His door was open when you walked around to go find him.
“Tony?” You asked him and he just let out a strangled noise and falling to the ground and crawled away from you. His harsh breathing rang though your ears. He was having a panic attack. Cautiously you walked towards him then sat on the ground in front of him. 
“You’re safe you know. What ever you just saw or heard, its not what you thought it was or its not happening now if it was a memory.” You told him, but he didn’t look me in the face. 
You took out your phone and put it on your breathing app then handed it to him, he surprisingly took it. His breathing slowed down into an even pace. You left to grab some tea and came back with two mugs.
“Here drink. It’ll calm your nerves.”
“Thank you.” He said taking it with a shaky hand.
“Do you wanna watch a movie or cartoons or go to bed?” You asked and he looked at you skeptically.
“Why are you here? Why aren’t you in bed? Why?” He asked snapping at you.
“Why not?” I asked him.
“No seriously kid why are you here? Why aren’t you with Pepper or something?”
“Can’t you just accept my kindness? You gave me a home.”
“Is that why you’re doing this?”
“No. I know how much a panic attack sucks and how after every one I wished I had someone there to make me not feel so alone.” 
“I didn’t have a panic attack.”
“Tony you are shaking for fucks sake. Just stop. Everyone else around here including you acts like your ok. You’re a human being you’re allowed to feel scared, get mad and cry. You had a panic attack. Now do you wanna watch a movie or something or sleep it off?” Tony stared at you dumbfounded.
“....It was Peter...” he said softly.
“What about Peter?” your voice softened.
“He had died before I got to him. I couldn’t go fast enough I couldn’t get to him quick enough...”
“Why don’t you call him?”
“And tell him I had a dream about him dying?”
“No just talk to him. Just so you know he’s ok.”
“If I call him then he’ll know something is wrong.” You rolled your eyes and called Peter on your phone.
“Y/n? What are you doing up so early? Is something wrong?” Peter asked as you put him on speaker. Tony watched the phone as you held it in front of you
“No nothing is wrong I’m sorry for waking you I just wanted to talk to you and see how your day went today since I didn’t go to school today.” 
“Nothing much. Flash was asking around for you though. Honestly Y/n you should stop trying to pick a fight with him. He might deck you one of these days.” Peter said.
“Peter no one else is standing up to him.I’m not scared of his fake ass tough guy show.”
Tony looked like he wanted to say something, but closed his mouth. Peter sighed. “Other than that all you missed was Ned laughing to hard he had milk come out his nose because of a joke I told him.”
“What did you say?”
“He had guacamole from cooking class and I told him that his one guacamole was equal to 6.022x10^23 guacas.” Peter gave out a small laugh and you tried to not smile, but couldn’t help it because he was so bad it was good. Tony was smiling too
“Geez Parker is that the best you could do?” You asked
“ Whatever hater I know your smiling on the other side of the phone.” Peter said.
“Ok well I’ll let you get some sleep and I’ll see you at school tomorrow ok?”
“Yea. You should probably get some sleep too.”
“What are you talking about I can totally sleep in class.”
“Sure. Good night Y/n.” You heard him yawn.
“G’night sleepy head.” You told him and hung up.
Tony had finished the rest of his tea. 
“Maybe you should get some sleep kid.” Tony said.
“Nah. I’m going to the main room to watch cartoons.” You told him and walked out. 
A few minutes later he came and sat in the opposite recliner.
“Tom and Jerry?”
“It was the first cartoon I could find that was on and wasn’t trash.”
It was about half an hour before we talked again.
“Do you have panic attacks often?” He asked you catching you off guard.
“Sometimes yea. Just depends on the day I’ve had. I don’t know what Peter’s told you, but from what he knows my parents are dead....”
“But they’re aren’t” He said and you nodded. He had looked them up.
“They might as well be. ‘We’ll be back in a few days.’ A postcard shows up about a week later they moved to a different country. I sold most of the stuff they left behind for rent money. I filed for emancipation and the government gave me some money for help and helped me get a job.” You told him watching the tv. He didn’t say anything else and about an hour later you fell asleep.
After that encounter Tony wasn’t as distant as he used to be and actually talked with you and you guys joked around while messing with the stuff in the lab. One night while you guys were working on improving your tablet Steve came barging in.
“There is a situation a few miles from here. Person has been noted as armed and dangerous.”
“Are you up for a mission kid?” Tony asked you
“Tony she’s just a kid.” Steve said butting in
“Steve have you seen her? We need her out in the field. Even with her age.” Nat told him walking in behind him.
“I got a suit for you kid.” 
“You’ve already put thought into her going on a mission with us?” Steve asked.
“She is part of the team Steve. Check it out kid.” A futuristic suit appeared in purple and black. It wasn’t metal like his, but like Spiderman’s suit which was a spandex like material.
“Go try it on.” 
You came back with the suit on and it felt awesome.
“Lookin good Y/n” Nat said 
“It has all of the weapons you created in it plus other things that we will review in the jet.” We started walking to the top of the tower and met up with everyone else.
“Y/n?” Peter asked looking at the suit.
“In the flesh.” 
“Wow ummm are you going on the mission with us?”
“Yep lets go!” You said excitedly getting on the jet.
“I still don’t think she’s ready.” Steve mumbled.
“Steve come on she’s pretty kick ass” Peter said making you blush and Tony started to go over what was in your suit.
“Ok everyone ready to drop?” Steve asked.
“What?” You asked and soon everyone was jumping out of the jet. A pair of arms wrapped around you and felt the ground disappear from under you. Peter had grabbed you and he swung from building to building until you guys were finally on the ground.
“Thanks for that.” You told him
“No problem.”
“The news said there was an explosion in this building over here.” Steve said pointing to the worn down and closed building that was falling apart.
“Split up and stay on the radios.”
We split up and you headed to the basement of the building. The thermal vision in the mask showed that there was someone in the room. Slowly you walked up and they turned around.
“Who are you?”
“The name is Jenny.” She said turning around.
“Not much of a super villain name.”
“Because I’m not a super villain. I’m just smart I use to be a scientist at Stark’s company. I was hoping the Avengers would show up. I wanted to tell you guys that I see what’s wrong with the world.”
“Poverty, racism, and the government?” 
“The male species.”
“I don’t think you can blame a whole gender for the issues of the world.” You said leaning against the wall.
“You’re female are you not a feminist? How do you not see that the oppressors are the male species?”
“First of all yes I am a feminist and your definition of feminist is actually  misandry.” You told her.
“Doesn’t matter its most of them anyway. This serum is going to have them destroy each other. My first test subjects are your friends. All of your other male friends have tripped the wires and been shot. He’s the only one who I haven’t hit yet.” She aimed her gun behind me,I turned seeing Peter was behind me, and fired hitting him right in the shoulder.
“WHAT THE FUCCK LADY???” You shouted at her and went over to see if Peter was ok.
“Peter?” You bent over him only to be socked in the stomach. “Ahhh the hell? Its me???” You held your stomach. He flipped back onto his feet and started swinging.
“Uh oh.” 
“You screwed up big time Jenny!” I yelled as I started to dodge Peter by running through the building.
“Peter come on dude its me.” You yelled as you avoided getting webbed going into a bigger room where you saw the Hulk and Steve fighting Wanda and Natasha. Steve saw you and threw his shield at you just missing by a few inches.
Peter had the Hulk throw him and ended up slamming into you and knocking you over. He ended up on top and you kept your arms up to protect your face. When he wouldn’t let up on the punches you socked him in the mouth and got up.
“Peter.... please.” You said backing up. Natasha and Wanda were in your peripheral view fighting off Steve and Bruce. Who knew where the rest of the team was.
“Instant kill mode Karen.” The suits eye’s glowed red. Well shit. You ducked behind a pillar of the run down building. 
“Peter this isn’t you. You can snap out of it anytime now.” Slowly you started crawling over the rubble going deeper into the building.
“You can’t hide Y/n.”
“Guys have you had any luck trying to get them back to normal?” you whispered over the radio. 
“No not yet. Bruce is putting up a good fight though.” Nat said.
It got eerily quiet. You looked around and there was no sign of him. All of a sudden you were lifted out of the rubble by your neck and thrown. Your body slammed into the wall and was held there by webs as Peter walked over to you.
“ You wouldn’t kill me Peter. I have a hard time believing you would kill one of your best friends who you have Star Wars marathons with, brings you cookies when you have a bad day at school, and who you take frequent naps with?” 
“Shut up.”
“ Alright fine. Do it Peter. Come on kill me. Since you have no issue with killing someone who loves you come on and kill me.” You told him and he swung his fist and it impacted next to your head sending your heart pounding.
“Oh my God.”
“I swear to fuck Peter don’t scare me like that.” He chuckled and undid the webs around you. “When did you...”
“Like midway through that punch. I could’ve killed you.”
“Thank God you didn’t.” You told him with your heart still racing and you wrapped your arms around him.
“Y-you love m-me?” He stuttered out and it sent a smile to your face.
“You didn’t know?” 
“Guys this isn’t the time to proclaim your love for one another. We have bigger issues on our hands.” Nat said as we heard a thump on one of the other walls.
“Talk about it later?” 
“Y-yea.” You knew Peter was blushing hella hard under his mask, but so were you.
You found Tony on the roof with Jenny fighting.
“Looks like your plan backfired on you.” You told her as he dragged her across the roof, but he stopped when he heard your voice.
“You.” He dropped her and started advancing towards you.
“Tony...” You warned him.
“You took Peter away from me.” He swung at you.
“Peter is downstairs fine.” You moved out of the way.
“You had to come and ruin our lives” There was a blast that missed.
“Your parents deserted you because you were unlovable. You weren’t good enough.” He landed a punch into your side.
“We didn’t even want you.” His foot landed in my ribs as you tried to get up.
“ I should’ve left you where I found you.” He hit you again and sunk deeper into the roof. Everything hurt. He started to walk away.
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you held your side in pain. Words came out of your mouth that you never expected to say.
“Dad please stop.”
“I’m not your dad. You were only a new recruit kid. You weren’t that important.” Tony said coming back to stand over you.
“Stupid me then I guess.” 
Lol the joke that Peter made came from someone on Tumblr and I love it so much!!! Also I’m sorry this came out later than intended you guys. I promise to be more ontop of it. I didn’t edit this either so lol ik its not that my best. Also let me know if you want to be on the tag list or if you have an imagine/oneshot you guys want me to do. Have a good rest of your day lovelies <3
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aether-asterisk · 7 years
Tumblr media
i’ve been thinking about veronica and sans, by association having a friend named tess.......i mean it’s easy to get so focused on caffrin and her friends/family that u never really get to explore veronica’s outside life and any friends she might have
backstory/how she and veronica met under the cut
soooo we can’t really go into this story without going into veronica’s backstory a little. basically, she and caffrin got separated when they were 5 and 3 respectively. she still got to go to school and fit in with society, despite the heavy burden of guilt over losing the last bit of family she had left. eventually that guilt ate away at her and she barely graduated highschool and didn’t even bother with college. she instead went on to make a short web series in which she reviewed classic vintage board games with her two school friends: jen matthews and sharon chambers. after a few episodes, though, while they gained a steady following, veronica started to get....annoyed with her friends. it’s one thing to share classes with them, but spending hours with them playing a dumb board game, with jen constantly interrupting her and sharon not understanding how any game works and ultimately end up ruining the whole game.....oy.
then came the day they reviewed a game called “rap rat”. the episode, while it was announced and a trailer was posted, never saw the light of day. days after it was set to release, all three of the girls had gone missing -- two of them turned up dead. veronica was the prime suspect, but she refused to believe it was her -- it was the rat. she swore she saw him stabbing her friends to death, in the dead of night, looking at her with cold, dead, fish eyes. since then, she’s had a MAJOR fear of rodents (though she got over recently). whether she truly was going insane or the extra guilt weighing her down, she saw a vision of her sister in the mirror, explaining that she was still alive and living in a town called “thistlewood” (she wouldn’t break the barrier syncing her soul to the timeline and as a result move to ebbottown for another year). veronica sets out to the other side of the country to reunite with the sister she lost so many years ago, and makes a few friends along the way.
one of those friends is tess.
tess was already on her way to another town that thistlewood just so happens to be en route to, so she offered to give veronica a ride and they stuck together throughout the entire journey (which of course, has plenty of ~wacky antics~ in it), and once they made it to caffrin’s old house, tess reassured veronica that she’d be more than happy to see her again despite having a life and family of her own now, and promised her that someday they would cross paths again (tess was pretty big on puns -- that’s how veronica discovered her true passion, realizing her calling was not with board games, but with comedy. like maybe be the sassy/diva friend in a sitcom.)
and they would, indeed. in ebbottown, at a familiar bar that veronica and her new friend are regulars in, reuniting with an old inside joke they had during their trip:
Provolone Baloney Ravioli Cannoli Pizza Pepperoni
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Hey guys, I haven't been on in a while, but I have something to tell you. I got a 4.0 with 18 credits this semester in college for the first time ever. I literally cried. I have never be able to that. With that being said, I would love to share the things I have learned about college with the ADHD mind
Yes I was on medication, but I also was my freshman and first semester of sophomore year and I definitely didn’t get those grades.
Another message is I didn’t come close to these grades in high school. Even when I finally got medication. You highschoolers can certainly do it, but just remember that it gets easier in college. The work may be harder, but the college environment is just magical for the ADHD brain.
So here are the things I’ve learned to help me boost my GPA 
1. The classes you take and in what order matter. Sometimes you don't have a choice, but try to plan your classes the best you can. My lowest GPA semester was when I took anatomy, physics and a level 3 Spanish class i was forced into when i wanted level 1. Three heavy classes was bound to take a toll on me. Try to mix "easy" and hard classes. Or a hard class with a great professor. Try to check rate my professor before picking a class. Some professors just don’t want to see you succeed
Always do the best you can do, but if you don't do well remember you tried.
Make sure to always keep in contact with your dean to make sure your on track to graduate.
 2. *HAVE A STUDY GROUP* !!!!! Soo important. I have a main group, but within that group is my main study friend. We set goals together and try to take most of the same classes together. This semester we said we were going to get a 4.0 and we pushed each other till we both did. And that leads me to point 3.. 
 3. Always organize study materials! My study group makes a google docs and we put definitions, diagrams and notes in an organized, highlighted way. Some of our study sheets for one test can be 30 pages long. It's hard to do that alone. If you don't have a study sheet to learn from, your going to be stuck flipping through your book and that can waste time. Yes read the textbook if that helps you or your instructed to do so, but when it comes down to crunch time and you have 2 days left to study, you have to just study the main points.
 4. Organize your study plan ahead of time. Make all flash cards, Quizlets( my go to) , notes before!! That could take hours and your stuck with perfect materials but no time to learn them. I try( doesn't always happen) to make them after each lecture, or hw. Ask your prof how the format will be because you don't wanna start too early and find out is not even on that topic. 
 5. Know what works best for you when it's time to study- If a quiet environment works do it, if you need to be around people to keep you focused do it! Although I have a study group, I definitely need time to review on my own. I need hours alone with just my notes to memorize.
 6. Figure out of the Mozart effect works for you-  for the longest time I didn't like music when studying. Music was very distracting, but then I found this ! Binaural beats! I thought it was fake, but it really helped me retain soooo much and it helped me keep my focus. 
  Do your research on it see if there are any side effects for any special cases.
7. USE YOUR ACCOMMODATIONS- if you don’t have them yet, you should get them. Do not be embarrassed, people will wonder where you are during every test, who cares. Get the extra time or a quiet room you deserve. 
8. Sit in the front in every class- You will be less inclined to go on internet and zone out your professor is right in front of you being super loud. Get to class early to get your seat until it becomes your ‘unassigned, assigned seat’ or use your accommodations to have that seat saved for you.  
 I know my other points were mostly about studying and less about the other parts of class that can get you to your grade goal. But some general tips for that is always start work ahead of time. Always leave time for procrastination and other assignments,When you get your assignment, plan the essay or start looking for the answers in a relaxed area. You will feel more inclined to do it if you don't feel pressure. I like to sit with coffee or snack and just highlight the stuff that might help me, or find some citations for the paper. Just the really basic stuff. Then the next time,I  just start the introduction. The hardest part is to find a direction for the paper. Then do it by pages or paragraphs. Divide it for how ever many days you have till it's due. Try to have it done at least 3 days before the deadline so you can get some one to check it and you have time for corrections. I hope someone can find something useful from this. if you want for info on anything or a part 2 to this post I will certainly do one. 
I know it's summer time but I'll share it again when school rolls around in August/September. I hope everyone enjoys their summer
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jesliey · 8 years
The Many Ask Thingymabob
Second times the charm...
Tagged By: @caramiathegreat
Spoofy Soundcloud or Pandora? Im a spoofy kinda man
Messy or clean room? I think my room is comparatively clean
What colour are your eyes? Bluest blue to ever blue
Do you Like your name and why? Its alright. It always seemed a little lackluster to me
Relationship status? The running joke in my friend group is my 3 year dry spell. It isnt a very funny joke.
Describe your personality in 3 words or less? Distanced pragmatic dumbass
What colour is your hair? Golden and luscious
What kind of car do you drive? My moms PTA-mobile
Where do you shop? Bad Dragon
How would you describe your style? Dying, yet fashionable college student
Favourite social media account? We all know timboblr is utter trash, and i picked up natter a while ago and its honestly pretty fun
Bed size? Queenie my man
Any siblings? two older stepsisters and a wee lil half sister
Anywhere to live in the world and why? GERMANY OR POLAND. BECAUSE HERITAGE
Favourite snapchat filter? I really like the flower crown an butterfly ones but my phone is being dumb with snapchat and i cant get them
Favourite makeup brand? I mean i dont wear it, but im definitely not opposed! i dont know anything about brands and i am ashamed...
How many times a week do you shower? I go by how my hair feels. Usually its every other day, or every two days.
Favourite TV show? Currently? Gotta be that weeb and say Jojo...
Shoe Size? Depends on where i go, but like 12 - 13
How tall are you? Very
Sandals or sneakers? I like wearing socks and sandals feel weird on my feet
Describe your dream date? Existent... T-T
How much money do you have in your wallet? I dont carry cash!
What colour socks are you wearing? Black
How many pillows do you sleep with? Like 6. Ones a memory foam body pillow its soooo nice....
Do you have a job? Nah...its not for lack of trying though
How many friends do you have? Like...sooo many duuude...not really...
Whats the worst thing youve done? Cut someone who was bad for me out of my life. Bad for them, good for me.
Favourite candle scent? I mean i dont do candles but i love lavender
Favourite boy names?
Favourite girl names?
Favourite actor? Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
Favourite actress? Ashley Johnson
Celebrity crush? theres a lot...
Favourite movie? The Boondock Saints. Easy question.
Do you read a lot? Whats your favourite book? I dont read as much as i think i should, but i loved 1984. I wanna try David Foster Wallaces Infinite Jest and i have the first book in Baccano that i borrowed from a friend and havent touched yet :/
Money or brains? Ignorance is bliss and im filthy fuckin rich HOLLA
Do you have a nickname? Jesliey is an old one. People also call me J a lot. Very briefly in highschool someone called me J-Money whenever he saw me
How many times have you been to a hospital? Not very many. I went in a few years ago for a tonsil infection but that was it in recent history
Top 10 Favourite Songs? Ok this is in no particular order and also limiting to 10 is blashpemy
Subdivisions by NSP
Everybody Wants to Rule The World by NSP
Resist and Bite by Sabaton though if im honest most of Heroes belongs here this ones just my fav
Winged Hussars by Sabaton POLISH PRIIIIIIDE
Wrong Side of Heaven by Five Finger Death Punch
All of Pendulums Immersion album im not picking one
Come with Me Now by KONGOS
History Maker by Dean Fujioka
Setting Sail, Coming Home by Darren Korb
Sonata For Whitestone Castle by Aiden Chan
Do you take any daily medications? No, but i probably should have...
Whatis your skin type? on a good day, slightly dry. on a bad day, cracked bleeding sandpaper.
Whats your biggest fear? My man i used to battle almost daily with some quite hefty anxiety. I could stare down the Grim Reaper and say “I served my time you come and take me”. Wasps and needles are pretty bad though i guess
How many kids do you want? Id be lying if i said i didnt want a daughter at some point...but theres no way im passing on my genetics. im adopting if i ever want a kid.
Whats your go-to hairstyle? Either free flowing and glorious, or ponytail if i need it out of my face
What ype of house do you live in? Moms house is pretty decently sized i suppose
Who is your role model? I dont really have one...
What was the last compliment you received? I dont know I dont really get those often...this is getting kinda depressing....
What was the last text you sent? “Well i hope shes alright”
How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa? Like 10 or 12
What is your dream car? Oh god i want a 1985 Pontiac Trans Am so bad you have no idea...
Opinion on smoking? I dont get the appeal but everyone can make their own choices
Do you go to college? Yes and im dying
What is your dream job? Metalworking and blacksmithing has lowkey been a huge fascination of mine for like 2 years now. i would love to be able to do that for a living
Rural area or life in suburbia? I like the idea of both, but rural areas have space for metal workshops
Do you take shampoo/conditioner bottles from hotel rooms? Nah i bring my own
Do you have freckles? A few spread sporadically all over my body. no noticeable patches though
Do you smile for pictures? Yeah but most of the time it feels so forced
How many pictures do you have on your phone? Somewhere between 1 and 2 hundred. Im not adding them up among all the folders...
Have you ever peed in the woods? Bruh the forest has seen every bodily fluid ive got
Do you still watch cartoons? ANIME IS NOT A CARTOON DAD. also yes quite often.
Wendys or McDonalds nuggets? GIMME DEM CHICKIN MCNUGGiES
Favourite dipping sauce? Sweet chili thai!
What do you wear to bed? Pajama pants, a shirt, and socks usually. Occasionally whatever i wore during the day. Ive been known to ditch my pants and socks in my sleep.
Ever won a spelling bee? Never been in one, but i think i could have if i wanted to
What are your hobbies? I wont as long as i live under my mothers roof, but i would hella get into amateur blacksmithing!
Can you draw? yes. should i draw? no.
Do you play an instrument? I can play trumpet, but i would really like to pick up playing cello
What was the last concert you saw? If i remember correctly it was the Scorpions
Tea or coffee? Both. Simultaneously. I like to remain calm while containing the energy of a god.
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Fuck you america! Tim Hortons!
Do you want to get married? I wont oppose if a future partner wants to, but if i love someone enough to want to spend the rest of my life with them, then it wont be necessary
What is your crushs first and last initial? Which one tho?
Are you going to change your last name when you get married? Im indifferent
What colour looks best on you? Blue and red are my standard colours
Do you miss anyone right now. If i think about this at all the answer is usually yes
Do you sleep with your door open or closed? I have the lovely habit of losing my pants in my sleep. for the sake of everyone else in this house, closed is best
Do you believe in ghosts? Call me a skeptic
What is your biggest pet peeve? Im pretty laid back about a lot of things. Only thing i can think of now is more of an anxiety thing but i cant stand people randomly touching my hair without me knowing
Last person you called? My mother
Favourite ice cream flavour? Butterscotch ripple
Regular or golden oreos? Golden
Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Rainbow
What shirt are you wearing? An old white one with some brand graphic on it
What is your phone background? Lockscreen is Goku from DBZ if he were done as a Jojo character, and home screen is a cr1t1kal quote
Are you outgoing or shy? Im not overly comfortable with just meeting new people and striking up conversations without some kind of help
Do you like it when people play with your hair? I mean i used to...theres a girl at my college who has absolutely no concept of personal boundaries who has at least partially ruined that for me now. Like i said earlier, i cant stand people touching my hair now without me acknowledging it
Do you like your neighbors? Ive lived her about 8 years and im still learning their names
Do you wash your face at night? In the morning? lmao
Have you ever been high? Hella my dude
Have you ever been drunk? Also hella my dude?
Last thing you ate? Coscto chicken penne and a salad.
Favourite lyrics right now? “Light up the night./ There is a city that this darkness can’t hide./ There are embers of a fire that’s gone out,/ but I can still feel the heat on my skin./ This mess we’re in, well you and I,/ maybe you and I,/ we can still make it right./ Maybe we can bring back the light!” Light Up the Night by The Protomen
Summer or Winter? Autumn fuck that noise
Day or night? Night
Dark milk or white chocolate? White!
Favourite month? October
What is your zodac sign? League of Legends Cancer
Who was the last person you cried in front of? I legitimately dont remember...probably @vocoterra
If anyone wants to do this feel free and say i tagged you!
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