#this bad boy can fit soo much gender in them
houseswife · 9 months
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transgender detector going haywire rn…
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opossumloverr · 1 year
Just some silly lil headcanons to start of the summa❗️🫶🏾
None! all fluff up in here
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I would like to start by saying this man loves you very much and would drop almost anything for you
You need help with a school project? Big red is on his way, you don't know what shoes will match the outfit you picked, oh what a coincidence! he just so happens to have a matching pair of shoes that fits you perfectly, you just want cuddles? lock and loaded baby, come at him
I think I can speak for everyone when I say we all need a Raph in our lives
He protects you from his brother's teasing, even if it's just playing or goofing, he is NOT taking any chances.
He loves to scoop you up randomly, you'll get used to it don't worry
Very cautious when picking you up though, doesn't want his spikes to hurt you, he will feel mad guilty if he was the one who caused you even a little bit of pain, even if it wasn't attentional (please comfort the man)
Appreciates the little moments he shares with you, oh my gosh I actually have the perfect scenario, just imagine...
After a long day full of fun cahoots and mysterious adventures, you two finally decided to go home, you usually go your separate ways after a day like this one, but it was rather late at night, and New York lets the creeps roam at this time, so he offered to ride the subway train with you, even though you were a bit hesitant but agreed cause there's no way your gonna allow yourself to get mugged in the middle of the night and like I said it was late at night so the subway cart that you guys were on was empty, he did wear a Hoodie and mask, just in case, the ride was silent, no noises but the constant screeching of the train tracks, but other than that it was just comfortable silence, Raph was lost in his thoughts, thinking about how the next day will be and how it will end, will it be a good or bad day? or something in the middle; what's the meaning of life? and what happens after death? Where does your soul go to, to heaven? or is it just pitch black forever, will today be his last day-- suddenly, he felt a lightweight on his shoulder, the thoughts that were coming in like a rapid wave started to smooth down to a calm stream of water, he glanced down at your sleeping figure, apparently you thought it was a perfect time to take a quick power nap, how cute! he coos softly at you, loving how you're so comfortable and calm around him. god, he loves you so much ♡,
"I promise I will always be here when you need me, you're my everything, sweetie"
Sorry guys I just felt a little kooky at the moment
If you like to play fight he's totally down, doesn't fight too hard obviously, and lets you win all the time, what a gentleman
He'll hold doors open for you, push your seat out, and then push it back in, hell, he would even do that thing where a guy puts his coat on a puddle so the lady could walk through it even though she's fully capable of walking around it
Takes so many pics of you and him at places, and has a particular folder on his phone with pictures of you guys
When it's family game night or movie night, he always invites you, you are practically a part of the family so why not? (The others don't mind)
It's so common to find you in the lair with how much you go down there on a daily basis
Yall have to do lovely dovey things in a private area cause of his brothers (mostly Leo, his bitchass) constantly changing the mood
Likes it when you watch him workout, it motivates him so much, sometimes he uses you as a weight
Loves to give you piggyback rides for some reason
He likes pickles, LISTEN LISTEN, if you don't like pickles in your burger you'll pick them out and give it to him cause you know he loves em (THE OLIVE THEORY ♡)
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I GOT SOO MUCH MORE BECAUSE OF HOW MUCH I LOBE HIM BUT ILL KEEP IT INSIDE, FOR NOW, CAUSE ITS 5:08 AM RN 💀 sorry for being dead for 5 months, AGIAN, but imma be back on my grind now 🙏🏾 and I'll try to complete all of my 15 drafts 😓 and if you see any grammar mistakes, no you didn't.
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Kroe Wyse
"This bad boy can fit so much gender apathy in them. Kroe never swims and literally cant? Trans, I can't swim because dysphoria. On top of that, they have a shell that literally creates water. Don't tell me that is not a metaphor for gender and how you go nah but it is still forced upon you. Also Kroe has a shitty relationship with their father so…" - Submitted For Transmasc + Nonbinary Swag
"shes PRETZEL. shes literally soo transgender. id die for her. shes too gendered. that fucking frogtopus." - Submitted For Secret Fourth Option Swag "lol. lmao, even." - Submitted For Secret Fourth Option Swag
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Making Bets | Seo-Joon [True Beauty] x Gender Neutral!Reader
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summary: making bets with your boyfriend Seo-Joon was NEVER a good idea, but when a no kiss bet with a promise of a week of dates comes up, how could you refuse?
word count: 2280
a/n: sorry i’ve been so absent! it’s been really hard to finish writing anything i’ve started recently but i’ve got something in the works i hope you all enjoy! :D <3
Making bets with Han Seo-joon was never a good idea. But, when the prize was a full week where the winner gets to choose a week of dates… how could I say no.
“y/n I don’t get why you said yes to this bet, we all know you can’t even last through first period without a kiss from Seo-joon.” Soo-a said as she cuddled further into Tae-hoon’ side on the bench across the lunch table, “yah, we all know you guys are all over each other whenever possible,” Tae-hoon groaned out leaning his head on Soo-a’, “speak of the devil.” looking up from shuffling food around my tray I saw Seo-joon approaching the table trailing just behind Ju-kyung and Soo-ho’s linked arm forms looking a little more than disgruntled at the couple walking in front of him.
“Hello love birds, how nice of you to grace us with your presence on this fine monday morning.” Tae-hoon teased as the other couple sat next to me, Seo-joon taking the last spot to the right of Soo-a, across from me.
“What Seo-joon, not going to kiss your partner hello?” Soo-ho joked as he kissed Ju-Kyung’ cheek before picking food up from his plate and feeding her.
“Morning.” Seo-joon whispered, barely sparing me a glance before looking back at his tray. “Morning babe.” I whispered back.
“So y/n...I heard you and Seo-joon made a bet over the weekend. What’s up with that?” Ju-Kyung asked pushing her hair over her shoulder and turning my way, “oh,” clearing my throat, “Well, Seo-joon's friends were complaining over the weekend about how much we kiss each other in front of them, so we decided to make a bet on how long we could go without kissing each other, and whoever caves in first loses. But, the winner gets to decide a full week of dates the loser has to pay for.” I stated.
“OOO! That sounds fun! We both know you guys though, and we know you both wont last 3 days!” Soo-a joked, causing the rest of the table to laugh, “what plans do you have to win?” she continued.
“Well, I’m not sure to be honest,” I chuckled running a stressed hand through my hair, “I think I’m just going to try and focus on something else other than kissing him, even though that’s going to be hard.” I said laughing a little, sticking my tongue out at Seo-joon just to tease him.
“Well if you need any help y/n just let us know, Ju-kyung and I would be happy to help!” Soo-a said, as everyone returned to their lunches.
“y/n it’s been 2 days and you’re already starting to annoy us with all your whining about missing your ‘sweet precious Seo-joon’” Soo-jin joked, making a silly whiny voice at the end causing the other girls around the table with us to laugh at her terrible impression of me.
“Ya Soo-ho has been telling me about how annoying Seon-joon has been about this whole bet thing and he’s just about ready to kill him.” Ju-kyung laughed.
Sighing I took a sip of my milkshake, “I know, we’re so annoying but I don’t know what to do, I really miss him, but I don’t want to have to pay for all the dates we’d be going on.”
“Well why don’t you try to seduce him?” Soo-jin started, “I mean you’re closing at your work tomorrow right? Why don’t you invite him over for a late night swim after you close? I mean your boss shouldn’t mind if you don’t tell them right?”
“That’s,,,that’s not a bad idea Soo-jin.”
“Ya! And you can ask him tomorrow at school in front of all his friends! He’d be crazy to say no in front of them! especially to a makeout session in a pool!” Ju-Kyung reasoned, Soo-a shaking her head in agreement at our master plan.
“Alright then! Tomorrow at school.” I stated, taking the last sip of my milkshake.
“Hey baby.” I said walking right up to Seo-joon in the hallway, effectively stopping Seo-joon and his posse in their tracks.
“Oh, uhh, hey honey, how’s it going?” Seo-joon said, startled by my sudden appearance in front of him.
“Hey y/n!” one of Seo-joons friends said cheerfully. Paying his friend no mind I started to lean in closer to Seo-joon, causing him to lean his head back to avoid mine.
“So listen, I was thinking about going swimming at my work later? My boss is letting me close alone tonight since I’ve got the late shift?” I said leaning in closer with each sentence. Looking into Seo-joon's widened eyes at my statement.
Hearing his friends muffled laughing from behind him, he cleared his throat composing himself, “thanks for the offer baby but uh- i'm busy tonight.” he said hurriedly, before pushing past me and making his way into the classroom behind us, sitting at his desk hiding his flushed face and trying to ignore his friends teasing.
Looking over to Soo-a and Ju-Kyung I shook my head. Soo-a's expression turned to one of disappointment and Ju-Kyung letting out a hufft that our plan hadn’t worked.
“Soo-aaaaaa, our plan didn’t wooorrrrkk.” I whined, placing my head on my hand and leaning against the lunch table, “I don’t know what I'm supposed to do anymore, it’s been 6 days and I miss him.”
“y/n dude we know you miss him but you gotta stop talking about how much you miss him, it’s all you’ve been talking about since this whole bet started.” Tae-hoon complained.
“Listen, it’s not my fault that he’s so perfect and that every time I see him I just wanna kiss his perfect lips.” I whined my head slipping down my arm as I stared at Seo-joon from across the lunch room.
“Well if I were you and I wanted to avoid kissing my boyfriend I would just ignore him until he gives in.” Ju-kyung said between mouthfuls of rice and meat off of her lunch tray, “thanks babe.” Soo-ho said sarcastically as he looked at Ju-kyung blank faced, “no problem honey, only telling you the truth.” She joked before giving him a quick kiss on the lips, which he gladly accepted.
“I hate you guys and your cute-and-able-to-kiss-each-other, relationships.” I sighed, “well I guess ignoring him until he gives in isn’t such a bad idea.”
“Hey baby.” Seo-joon whispered as he placed his arm above me on the wall leaning in. “h-hey Seo-joon, how-how’s your day been?” I stuttered out trying to look him in the eyes, “My day’s better now that I've seen you.” He stated, gently lifting my face to properly look him in the eyes. “Listen honey, I have to get going to class but how about after school I take you to that book store you’ve been begging me to take you to”,
“Y-yeah, that would be nice thanks.”
“Good.” He leaned in to kiss me, feeling his warm breath fan across my face, causing me to flush. Closing my eyes I waited for the final push of his lips against mine, but instead felt the cold take the place of his warm breath as he suddenly pulled away his light laughter mixing with the small snickers of his friends watching the interaction, “see ya later baby.” he stated walking off down the hallway, his friends chasing after him, congratulation him on the little stunt he pulled on me. Seeing Ju-kyung, Soo-a and Soo-jin shaking their heads out of the corner of my eye, Soo-jin tutted “using your own tactic against you, that’s evil. but, man, you’ve got it bad for that boy. Good luck paying for all those dates.”
“I’m gonna have to try a lot harder to ignore him if he’s going to keep pulling stunts like that.” I sighed.
It’s been 8 days since the bet had started, and it hadn’t gotten any easier to not kiss him. We’ve been effectively avoiding each other, this afternoon at school being the first time we’ve spoken since last thursday.
“Thanks for paying my bus fee. You didn’t have to do that” I thanked Seo-joon awkwardly as we took a seat at the very back of the bus.
“Of course, you’re my partner, you think I'd make you pay your own bus fee?” he laughed lightly, reaching out for my hand. Quickly yanking my hand away from his grasp I cleared my throat fixing my uniform shirt, looking away before I could get drawn back in by him.
“How was your day? You know besides great because now you’re seeing me.” he joked trying to drag my gaze away from the window to my left, “it was fine thanks, boring but you know how it is, stressed for the test on friday though.” I tried to joke, switching my gaze from the window to my fingers, playing with the hem of my dressshirt.
Sitting in awkward silence for the rest of the bus ride, we finally arrived at the small corner bookstore Ju-kyung recommended I check out.
“You know I could have just driven us here on my motorcycle right?”
“Well yeah but you know how I feel about your motorcycle, you’re gonna get killed on that think Seo-joon.” I joked, knocking his shoulder lightly, trying to lighten the mood from the tense bus right here. “Here let me get that for you.” Seo-joon said softly as he grabbed the door handle pulling it open for me to enter the warmth of the small store.
“Ah welcome!” the man at the front desk said as he pulled his headphones up from his neck to cover his ears, “FEEL FREE TO LOOK AROUND.” he yelled over the blasting rock music coming from his headphones.
Seo-joon and I quickly thanked him before walking further into the winding stacks of manga, making sure to be well out of earshot before bursting into fits of giggles over the yelling of the man at the front desk, calming down slightly before hearing him knock over a drink and letting out a few loud curses, throwing us back into our fits of giggles, leaning in Seo-joon's warmth trying to calm down.
Pulling away from him I cleared my throat before making my way further into the store fixing my uniform sweater to try and calm my warming face. Hearing Seo-joon clear his own throat before following a few steps behind me.
Running my fingers softly over the spines of manga looking for a title that grabbed me, I scanned the bookshelf spotting a title I recognized. “Seo-joon look!” I spoke excitedly pointing to the book I recognized on the top shelf, “My sister and I used to read them when we were younger, we would fight over our single copy for hours trying to read it before the other was able to.” I laughed lightly at the memory, not noticing Seo-joon's soft gaze watching me ramble about my childhood. Reaching up to try and grab the book I switched to standing on my tiptoes stretching my arm up as far as possible mumbling to myself, cursing my parents for making me so short. Just as I felt my finger tips brush the cracked spine of the manga a large hand came out of my right field vision grabbing the book off the shelf for me. “Ah thank you baby.” I thanked Seo-joon turning to him, reaching out for the book he still held in his much larger hands, however being slightly startled at how close he was actually standing to me.
Standing still for a few moments just looking at each other I broke the silence, “thanks for grabbing that for me. Could I please have the book now?” my voice coming out in barely a whisper. Not getting any sort of response from Seo-joon I asked him, “Seo-joon? What’s wrong ba-” not being able to get through the full sentence before feeling the breath knocked out of me as Seo-joon pressed his lips against mine, effectively ending the bet in one, beautiful, breathtaking, sweet kiss.
Pulling back after a few moments to catch out breath I looked up at him, eyes slightly closed still relishing in the feeling of the kiss we shared, a soft warm light coming from the shop's eclectic lighting fixtures, haloing him making him look more ethereal than I have ever seen him. “Sorry I didn’t ask you if I could kiss you, but I just saw you rambling about the book you were passionate about, and you look so cute with your hair falling in front of your face like it is,” he whispered lovingly pushing a strand of hair out of my sight, “and I just realized. I love you.” he stated, taking a deep breath in waiting for my reaction to his first confession.
Looking at me worriedly waiting for my reaction. “I love you too Seo-joon” I whispered, standing on my tiptoes, burying my face in his neck embarrassed at the first proper confession of our love for each other. Feeling Seo-joon smile into my neck he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer into his warm body, standing back, flat on my feet he buried me further into his chest, the both of us relishing in the warmth the others love provided.
“You know, I think our first date this week should be the movies tomorrow.” I started to laugh, feeling his chest rumble beneath my head he sighed lightly,
“You’re going to drain my bank account dry this week with these dates aren’t you?”
“Hahaha! Maybe I am. It’s only because I love you though.”
“I love you too”
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clonewarslover55 · 3 years
hello do you think you could write soft echo smut please🥺
Playful and fluffy couch "fun" with Echo
Echo X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
Absolutely!! I am soo sorry this has been sitting in my inbox since like November. I loved this request btw and I am soo sorry I didn’t get to it before I took my break.
Notes: I hope this isn’t bad! I am a little rusty lol
I did a Fem!Reader instead of a gender neutral one, I hope that’s okay!
Also! I know you asked for soft smut….but I made it a bit more playful! Still soft though! (if none of these are what you wanted in this request please request this again so I can write you another!)
Warnings: Before the Bad Batch era by a lot, fluff, established relationship, smut, playfulness, Echo is a considerate angel, unprotetced sex!!!BE SAFE!!!
You sat on your couch beside the love of your life, gently teasing his thick curls of hair. Echo had his head on your shoulder, enjoying your soft touches. He was so relaxed, his eyes half lidded as he struggled to stay awake.
A thought popped into your mind. You glanced at his relaxed face one again, a grin pulling at your lips. Shame…..He was adorable when he was this relaxed.
You gently scraped your nails down the back of his neck, a feeling you knew Echo loved. He shivered, his whole body seeming to twitch in excitement. He huffed, sitting up quickly, a glare on his handsome face.
Echo’s scowl got bigger when you began to laugh. He was too cute! Echo was definitely planning revenge already, but you were too busy laughing to notice.
Your mistake.
Echo grabbed your legs which were curled on the couch, and yanked. You screamed in surprise when he dragged you down flat on your back, Echo quickly crawling on top of you to pin you down with his body weight.
You struggled in a playful manner, shouting his name and pathetic pleas of ‘I’m sorry!!’ None of which worked. Echo flopped on you like a loth cat would, all of his weight was on you. He was heavy!! You gasped for air dramatically, swatting at his sides.
“You’re a butt Echo!” He gasped in mock offense, looking at you with wide eyes. “Me?? A butt? Never.” He scoffed, smiling when your glare grew more intense.
“I’ll….” You paused to think about a good way to get him off, “I’ll…...I’ll tickle you!!” Echo laughed, nuzzling his face into your neck. “Go ahead. I’m immune.” You sighed loudly and stopped struggling, giving up.
Ugh, you loved this fool so much.
You both sat there in silence, Echo’s hot breath on that one really sensitive spot on your neck. He was doing it on purpose, the ARC trooper knowing exactly what turned you on.
Echo smirked against your skin when you squirmed a bit, your underwear growing damp and uncomfortable. “What’s the matter honey?” You scoffed at his sweet deep voice. How he said that drove you insane, and the bastard knew it!
“You know what!” You squirmed more, finally hitching one of your legs around his hips, pulling him closer. Echo’s eyes widened, his pupils blowing out in lust. You brushed your nose playfully against his, drawing him in for a sweet and deep kiss.
Echo pressed his body firmly against yours, slotting his hips with yours. He stroked a calloused hand along your thigh, grabbing it and moving it over his other hip. Echo loves to be as close to you as possible, he just enjoys your warmth and the intimacy of it all.
He was also very careful as well, moving one of his arms beside your head so he could take some of his weight off of you. Echo was very considerate of your needs.
You nearly purred against his lips, your arms wrapping around his neck so you could play with the hair at the base of his neck. A small giggle left your lips when he shivered, Echo pulling away slightly so he could glare.
He made you laugh more just with a look. “I’m sorry!” You spoke through your laughing, Echo rolling his eyes in mock irritation. He sat up and pulled off his shirt, tossing it on your face. You continued with your fit of giggles, tossing the shirt onto the floor.
“You’re lucky I love you….” You smiled at his words, your laughing finally coming to a stop. “Oh I know.” You grinned cheekily, Echo helping you with your shirt and bra. Well it was technically HIS shirt……...
“Always straight to business.” You spoke, trying your hardest to mock his sexy voice. He chuckled, pressing a light kiss to your throat. “The ARC Trooper way.” He purred in your ear, his lips attacking your throat.
You threw your head back, exposing more of your sensitive throat to his incredible lips. You put one of your hands on the back of his neck, teasing the sensitive skin while your other hand ran down his side to the waistband of his sweats.
The sweatpants were dark blue with little white republic logos on them. You had bought him and Fives matching sets a while back. You yanked at his waistband some, Echo getting the hint and helping you slide them down his thin hips.
He awkwardly kicked them off and onto the floor, huffing with effort. He didn’t have on any briefs underneath, which made things quicker for you. Echo was already hard and ready, his cock head shining with pre-cum
Just looking at his cock made more wetness rush between your legs. He quickly distracted you by moving his lips to yours once again though, his cock pressing into your thigh.
His lips moved perfectly against yours, his tongue eagerly slipping between your lips to wrestle with yours. You moaned into the kiss, your eyes closed in bliss. Echo smirked against your lips when he removed your thin pajama shorts.
Both of you were very excited and ready now, so he didn’t do his usual teasing trick with your underwear. He just slowly removed it with his thick fingers instead of his teeth this time.
Once you were both finally naked Echo ran a finger through your drenched folds. He grinned, pulling away from your lips with a smirk on his face. “Don’t look at me like that trooper.” You smirked back, playfully biting his bottom lip.
Echo chuckled, nipping back at your lips as he slowly pushed a finger into you. Echo always checked to make sure you were ready and could take him. You moaned, throwing your head back once again.
He had been on Coruscant on leave for the past two days and wasn’t to return for a few more, so you two had been very….busy…. Whenever he had a long leave like this you two made sure to take your time with one another. Echo was a very fast learner.
You gasped when Echo found one of those spots that made your toes curl. He had a very good memory, and boy did you love it.
Echo quickly removed his finger, bringing it to his kiss-swollen lips to lick it clean. Your walls clenched around nothing at the erotic sight. You whined loudly, glaring daggers into your lover. Echo chuckled deeply, the sound sending waves of pleasure down your spine.
You scoffed, Echo quickly cheering you up with a kiss. You gasped into his mouth when he pushed the head of his cock into your heat, pressing your body up into his. He groaned out your name as he slowly pushed all the way into you.
Echo pressed another soft kiss to your lips as he began to slowly and deeply thrust into you. He moved his head to your neck, burying his face into your skin. He pressed a soft and sweet against your hot skin with every thrust.
“Oh Echo.” You moaned softly, your nails softly gripping his shoulders. You always tried to not scratch him up too much; but when he hit that certain spot only his cock could ever reach you lost a bit of control.
You saw stars, cries of pleasure leaving your lips. Your walls clenched him tightly, Echo moaning loudly at the feeling. He picked up his pace some, both of you getting closer and closer to the edge.
“I love you.” He panted, pressing his damp forehead against yours. You smiled, looking up into his beautiful eyes, “I love you too.” Echo kissed you again, his kiss making you feel even more excitement.
His pace started to become a little messy as you both got closer. Echo reached down between your bodies, finding your clit. His lips stayed on yours as he brought you over the edge, swallowing your cries of pleasure.
You saw spots as you came, your fingers and walls gripping Echo tightly. Echo gasped when he came, his eyes squeezing shut with pleasure. You laid your head back as he came, the feeling of him painting your inner walls causing you to shiver more.
You rode out your orgasm together, Echo weakly thrusting until he had finished. He held you tightly as your body shook with little aftershocks, pressing soft kisses to every little bit of available skin he could reach.
“We should take a bubble bath in a few.” He mumbled into your neck, his body relaxed and fit perfectly against yours. “Mmmmm…...Good idea baby.” You muttered back, the soft cloud of bliss keeping you from opening your eyes.
Taglist: @leias-left-hair-bun @iamassbutkingofhell @catsnkooks @azem-thefourteenth @colorfulloverbatturkey @blueberrybubblesandboba @ahsokatano-thetogruta @jedi-mando @peacefulwizardfox @hounding-around @julyzaa @feathersforclones @chr0nicbackpain @strangebroadwaykinks @jedi-nila-rhyn @fyrepen33 @mistflyer1102 @kamino-mermaid @cherry-cokes-world @cherry-cokes-posts @darmanfi @silverinkandstardust @chewychewyque @majorshiraharu @ravenpuff01 @808tsuika @commanderrivercc-3628 @captainrexstan @girlvader @ct7567329 @just-some-girl-92 @valkyrieofthehighfae @my-awakened-ghost  @escapedthesarlacc @katethecrazy @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @lightning-wolffe @dominhoe-squad @qui-gon-jinn-and-tonic​
If you’d like to be added to my taglist its on my masterlist! 
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Episode 8 is one hella packed episode and it is an absolute joy to unpack it, beginning with this:
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Clever, clever idea to have Ji-Woo repeat the line that Mi-Joo just said to indicate Ji-Woo is taking charge of things as far as Assemblyman Ki is concerned. It's also a good reminder of how tone and intent can change the meaning of a sentence even if the words are exactly the same (which is why we need good translators).
Seeing Mi-Joo stride across the screen with Seon-Gyeom behind her, it struck me that we've seen a variation of this many times before, beginning with the credit titles. While Seon-Gyeom is the sprinter, the one we see constantly trying to up the pace and charge ahead is Mi-Joo. She's always intent on moving ahead faster — perhaps to outrun the past that she finally makes peace with during the marathon? — while Seon-Gyeom moves at a slower pace, disentangling himself from the constraints of his troubled past and troubling father. The only one time we see him race ahead (in episode 2), we also see him come back and slow down.
What I particularly love about Park Shi-Hyun's writing is that in addition to all the layers and complexity she's written into the scenes and characters, she's also written a very, very funny show.
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Both Shin Se-Kyung and Kang Tae-Oh do such a fantastic job with both the physical humour (without being over-the-top) and the timing that's needed to play up the wit in the dialogues. Not that Siwan and Soo-Young do a bad job — the scene in which Dan-Ah proposes to Seon-Gyeom is hilarious. My favourite is still May, who is very funny throughout this episode (the shot in which we learn she sleeps with her eyes open! GOLD).
The transitions in this episode are so well written. The insights from one scene ricochet off the next. For example, Dan-Ah in the scene at the bar — where she tells the bartender she can't risk keeping the book in her own study because she can't risk people guessing she has anxieties — gives us a look at the problems of the privileged. This is followed by a scene in which Yeong-Hwa and Mi-Joo discuss student debts, which is a relatable middle-class problem. This in turn is followed by Tae-Woong saying that he takes selfies because he's addicted to the validation he gets from the likes each of those photos gets him — a Gen Z problem. And so it is that we get a spectrum of problems that people face and hide behind performative façades.
The likes that Tae-Woong talks about pop up with manic frenzy at the end of the heartbreaking scene with Dan-Ah in the parking lot, presenting the viewer with a terrible contrast — driving away from him is the love and acceptance that he yearns for from a sister who (he hopes) knows him. All he has to hold on to is the superficial attention of the love professed by a fandom that doesn't really know him at all. Soo-Young's performance is fantastic in this scene, especially when she asks in a voice tinged with desperation why Tae-Woong keeps coming back to her despite her treating him so badly. For the first time, you realise how much it takes out of her to lash out at this desperately-sad boy. "It takes effort to hate someone," Tae-Woong tells her. My heart!
Another fantastic set of transitions comes later on in the episode, when Mi-Joo and May are unwinding at the end of a long day at the film shoot.
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This is such a great example of writing inter-generational female friendships. When May remembers not being paid for working overtime, it's an acknowledgement that things are better for working women (especially in film) than it was before, but as Mi-Joo's experiences show, there's still a lot to be done because women are still driven by a certain insecurity and anxiety to push themselves way too hard (as we see a sick Mi-Joo do later in the episode).
Of course a man tries to break this gathering up — because he wants to go to bed. Superb excuse, particularly because these women are talking how much they have to work — and it is deeply satisfying to watch all three of them shut him down and establish their right to unwind.
This scene of female friendship is followed by one that shows the friendship between the three runners. Then we get to see a fight scene full of male actors. The machismo of that performance is a sharp contrast to the awkward tenderness of Woo-Sik and Yeong-Il's conversation.
While on the subject of toxic masculinity, this is the episode in which we find out Dan-Ah's father forged Myeong-Min's birth certificate to make him legally older than Dan-Ah even though he's actually 10 months younger than her. All to ensure he has a male heir. It's a nice detail that Myeong-Min's mother is the one laying out the memorial service for Dan-Ah's mother because it hints at a sense of solidarity.
Also dismantling traditional notions of masculinity is Seon-Gyeom, whom we see at his most domestic as he cooks and packs meals for May and Mi-Joo, and does chores around the house once they're gone. It's very much an inversion of the standard male-female gender roles with the woman going out to work and the man as the homemaker. To underscore this point, we see Seon-Gyeom consider the leopard-print shirt (that May and Mi-Joo hang to give strangers the impression they've got an alpha in the house) for a second before putting it away.
Speaking of alphas, Mi-Joo's really got a thing for wild cats. In addition to that shirt, her blanket is also a leopard-print and when we see her calling Seon-Gyeom, she's standing in front of a painting of a tiger. All these seem to be digs at her posturing that she's strong and invulnerable and I burst out laughing when Seon-Gyeom folds the leopard-print blanket while muttering, "I'd have guessed this is hers even if she hadn't told me."
As disinterested as Seon-Gyeom may be in films, they play a big role in sustaining him emotionally. In this episode, it's the film set that helps Mi-Joo and him come together after their stupid disagreement. Equally importantly, the film set is where he gets the time and space to reconnect with his mother.
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Run On has so much fun being meta with the film bits. The film shoot within a drama is indeed an old fake.
There are two film sets we see in this episode — one with Ji-Woo and the other with Mi-Joo. While Ji-Woo's set feels relaxed, the one Mi-Joo's working in is chaotic and taxing. The two women are also at different ends of the professional spectrum. Ji-Woo is a star while Mi-Joo is not just working behind the scenes, but she's come to fill in for the person who was the juniormost member of the crew.
When pointing out the main players of their film crew to Mi-Joo and May, Hui-Jin describes the cinematographer as "a bit racist, but still a gentleman". (Mi-Joo's response is superb: "Weird.") It's an interesting choice to make the cinematographer racist because that's the crew member who decides how subjects and scenes will be framed. "Racist but a gentleman" feels like a precise summary of the orientalist perspective which (aside from being overwhelmingly masculine) shows the East through stereotypes that are often superficially beautiful, but also reductive and damaging. Not surprisingly, this cinematographer is the reason Mi-Joo flounders while translating on set.
The film set is also the first time that Seon-Gyeom sees Mi-Joo's vulnerable side when she falls ill. It's such a clever choice to have Mi-Joo stop performing in a setting that's all about performances. Not only does Mi-Joo give up the alpha act when she's sick, she admits to Seon-Gyeom that when she's feeling helpless, her instinct is to resort to a performative lie — calling out for mom because that's what she saw other kids do as a child in a sick ward (imagine how isolated and neglected she must have felt to do this. Also, she's felt this way so many times that this performance has become second nature to her).
The anecdote suggests Mi-Joo's mulish championing of her self has its roots in past incidents when she tried to fit and either failed or was rejected. And yet, for all her strength and confidence, she's chasing phantoms and has been doing so since she was a little girl. All because she was alone and didn't have anyone she could reach out to for help. Which is why what Seon-Gyeom tells her at the end of the episode is so relevant. He helps her to reorient.
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To which Mi-Joo, bless her leopard-print-loving heart, responds with
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But my favourite part of this episode is the conversation that Ji-Woo has with Seon-Gyeom when he visits her set. First of all, Ji-Woo is playing a "vegan murderer", which is brilliant as ideas go and it's adorable how delighted she is about her violent roles.
I love how Run On doesn't punish Ji-Woo for sacrificing her family life for her work. Instead, it holds out the possibility that it is ok if you have that imbalance. In this scene, we see Ji-Woo's family reforming at the film set with Eun-Bi sending the coffee truck and Seon-Gyeom showing up just because Ji-Woo asked him to be there.
The mother-son conversation gives us a glimpse of Seon-Gyeom's bleak childhood and we learn that everything Seon-Gyeom did for his father was actually him doing what his mother had asked him to do. It comes as a surprise to Seon-Gyeom that his mother has noticed what he's suffered and that she understands how he'd hoped silently suffering would keep the family together. It's almost as though he's feeling seen for the first time.
Much like Dan-Ah, Ji-Woo may seem self-centred because of her ambitiousness, but she does notice what's happening beyond the obvious, especially when it comes to people she cares about. Both women are up against the worst of patriarchy. Also, I love that when she's talking about motherhood, Ji-Woo is blood-spattered — after all, being a working woman and a mother in a patriarchal is nothing short of fighting a war.
In previous episodes, it seemed as though Ji-Woo was the 'bad' (or at least not ideal) mother while Director Dong was the ideal, modern mother. Yet in comparison to how Director Dong later reacts to her son coming out, you can't help but feel Ji-Woo, with her unconditional support for her kids, might just be the better parent. What is great about Run On though is that that the script doesn't pit the two older women against each other as competing examples of motherhood or femininity. The point is that everyone's struggling, making mistakes and trying to learn from them. Ji-Woo is doing that and so will Director Dong eventually.
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Love that the scene ends with Seon-Gyeom effectively declaring himself his mother's son. Take that, patriarchy.
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themysteryofwriting · 3 years
5 Times Something was Wrong with Pidge and the One Time they Realized what it meant
TW: Dysphoria, Self-Doubt, Unintentional Misgendering
(A/N:This is dedicated to the person in the enby pidge tag who told me I couldn't headcanon enby Pidge. You filled me w/ enough rage to write this.)
How ironic was it that it was the announcement to the team telling them that she was a girl that started Pidge’s realization.
She thought it would bring a weight off her chest, the secret she had been keeping from most of the team finally revealed.
And yet...that wasn’t the case.
All Pidge could feel was this...sinking feeling as she told them. Like there was something wrong in what she was telling them. And that sinking feeling only got worse as everyone except Lance told her that they already knew.
Pidge could tell something was wrong but she couldn’t tell what. Shouldn’t she feel better after telling them? Why did she feel so much worse instead? Pidge wasn’t a boy so...why did it feel so wrong being called a girl?
Pidge..didn’t want to think about it. She was probably overreacting. After all she had been living with nothing but guys for months and pretending to be one, that was bound to mess with her a bit.
Pidge tried to push down the feeling she was getting in her gut that something was off. And for the most part she succeeded.
At least she did until she walked in on Hunk and Lance talking about her.
“...I still can’t believe I didn’t realize Pidge was a girl Hunk,” Lance groaned, complaining to his fellow Paladin, “I mean it’s soo obvious now, I should have realized she was a girl back in the Garrison.”
Lance clearly hadn’t noticed Pidge yet, as Pidge was pretty sure he wouldn’t be saying this if he knew that she was right behind her.
But as she heard Lance talking, she froze as the sinking feeling returned with a passion. If she had thought it had felt bad telling everyone she was a girl, that was nothing compared to hearing Lance call her a girl.
Pidge had planned to get a drink from the kitchen, but they had to go through the common room to do that and they just...couldn’t. Not with this terrible sinking feeling in her stomach.
Pidge quickly walked away, not even noticing the two had stopped talking and someone was calling out to her.
Wanting to ignore the weird feeling in her chest, Pidge threw herself into some projects. It was easy to forget about what she was feeling when she was working on things.
It was maybe too easy sometimes that she tended to forget to keep track of time when she was working on stuff.
She hadn’t even noticed how late it was until Shiro came into the lab.
“Pidge, how long have you been working,” Shiro called as they walked in, making Pidge jump a little.
“Uhhh I think it’s only been an hour or two,” Pidge lied, hoping Shiro would buy it.
But glancing back at Shiro, Pidge could tell that wasn’t the case.
“Pidge, it’s late, bedtime.”
Pidge groaned, but listened, knowing Shiro would make her if she didn’t, and headed to her room to get ready for bed.
Pidge sighed as they went to change into some more comfy clothes to sleep in. As the started to change they glanced over at the mirror and the weird feeling they had started moving on from their stomach, instead crawling all over their skin.
Wanting the feeling to go away, they quickly shoved the hoodie they were planning on sleeping in.
Immediately the feeling went away, leaving Pidge with a question as they headed to bed.
How long had it been since they were last able to look at themselves in the mirror?
Pidge shook it off, it was probably nothing, and besides she needed to head to bed before Shiro actually came in to check on her like he tended to do when he was worried people weren’t taking care of themselves.
The next day, Pidge was planning on heading back to the lab, after all they didn’t want to think about...whatever happened yesterday anymore than they had to.
And it wasn’t like anyone was going to treat her differently now that she had told them she was a girl right?
As it turned out, the answer to that was a no as Allura came to talk to her while she was eating breakfast.
“Oh Pidge! Good you’re here!”
Pidge flinched a little, having not heard Allura approach. Why did the Alteans have to be so fucking quiet all the time.
“Is there something you need Allura,” Pidge asked, then wincing slightly at how blunt that was, “Sorry I didn't get much sleep last night.”
Wasn’t a complete lie. Pidge had tossed and turned a bit last night, thinking over the weird feeling they kept getting.
Allura nodded in understanding. She probably thought it was nightmares, not whatever Pidge was dealing with.
“Anyways I was thinking, I saw in some of your pictures that you liked to wear dresses when you were younger. I was wondering if you’d like some of my old ones.”
Pidge hesitated for a second. Something about the idea of wearing dresses again felt...wrong to them.
But Allura looked so hopeful and Pidge didn’t want to let her down. Maybe she could just take them and wear them later if she was in the mood?
“Uh sure, I don’t see why not,” Pidge said after a moment.
Allura seemed to light up. “Great, then you can try some on real quick to see if they fit?” Fuck. Pidge couldn’t help but feel like she didn’t have a choice here. “...Right.”
Allura beamed and dragged Pidge along to grab the dresses. Pidge had a sinking feeling that there wasn’t going to be an easy way out of this.
Once they got to Allura’s room, Allura dug out some of the dresses that she had been talking about and handed them over to Pidge. “Hoefully these will work for you, you can try them on in the bathroom over there.”
“Right,” Pidge said, muttering under their breath slightly as they headed to the bathroom. Hopefully just one would appease Allura so Pidge wouldn’t be here all day.
Pidge sighed as they quickly got changed. Just one to appease Allura and then everything would be fine.
At least that’s what Pidge thought until she actually got the dress on and suddenly everything felt so wrong.
She glanced in the mirror after getting the dress on and could feel her skin crawling. All she wanted to do was get this damn dress off.
But why? She had been fine wearing dresses before? Why did she now just want to tear this dress off and never look at it again?
Pidge flinched upon hearing the knock on the door. “Pidge, is everything okay in there?”
“Sorry, I just got a bit distracted,” Pidge called. She hesitated for a second before adding something on. ‘I think this dress is a bit too small for me.”
Pidge hadn’t even realized that as they put it on, but it was clear now. Why else would it feel so tight? Plus it would explain why Pidge wanted to get it off as soon as possible.
“Well I’m sure I have some bigger dresses.”
“Thank you for the offer Allura,” Pidge said, quickly changing back into some more comfortable clothes, but I have work I need to be doing.” As she said this she handed the dresses back to Allura and got out of there as quickly as she could.
Alright enough was enough. Something was up with Pidge. She wasn’t sure what it was but enough stuff had happened in the past few days that she could tell something wasn’t right.
After some pacing, and trying to see if she could figure out what the fuck was going on on her own, she turned to Google.
Well it wasn’t technically Google, giving they were lightyears from Earth and most certainly not close enough for Google to work
It was more like a Space version of Google that Pidge had worked on to make sure it was a language she could understand.
She wasn’t sure exactly what to look up at first, so many different things had been going on recently that she wasn’t sure exactly she was looking for.
After a bit of debate, she decided to just look up everything she’d been feeling recently and hope that something clicked.
After a wild goose chase that Pidge had needed to take a break to eat in the middle of, she found something.
It was a single word but it kep popping up so Pidge figured she should look it up.
“Nonbinary,” she muttered to herself, reading the definition out loud. “an umbrella term for gender identities that are neither male nor female‍ or identities that are outside the gender binary.”
That had to be a coincidence. Pidge had been a girl for the longest time, she would have realized by now if she was nonbinary.
And besides she had been fine getting called a girl before this. She was just being weird now, nothing more than that.
Pidge closed her laptop and walked off, needing to get some fresh air. She really needed to figure out what was going on with her before it started interfering with stuff.
Pidge probably should have realized that people would start to worry about her when she disappeared all of a sudden. She had just needed some alone time to figure stuff out.
That was kind of ruined when Shiro entered. “There you are Pidge,” Shiro sighed in relief. “Everyone’s been looking for you.”
Had it really been that long since she had come out here? “Sorry Shiro, I didn’t mean to worry you guys.”
If it had been anyone else, they would have brushed it off and just let the others know where Pidge was.
Shiro wasn’t just anyone however, and he could tell when people weren't okay.
“Katie, is everything alright?”
The second Pidge heard her real name leave Shiro’s mouth, she flinched. She didn’t understand why but it was...instinctive.
Katie was still her name, even if she preferred to go by Pidge so why did she flinch?
“What’s wrong with me,” Pidge muttered to herself.
Shiro, if he hadn’t been worried before, was definitely worried now.
“K-,” Shiro stopped himself before calling Pidge Katie again. He probably had noticed her flinch when he called her that before. “Pidge, you know you can tell me anything.”
“If I knew what was going on with me, you’d be the first to know Shiro,” Pidge said, “But honestly, I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me.”
Pidge was half expecting Shiro to call her out on her cursing. But apparently Shiro knew she needed to get it out.
“Why don’t you explain to me everything that’s been going on recently and maybe I can help.”
Hearing Shiro’s words, Pidge spilled everything they’d been feeling recently. All of the weird feelings they’d been getting for seemingly no reason and how everything just felt so wrong.
Shiro paused before speaking. “Pidge, I know you dismissed it before, but what you’re describing sounds like you might be nonbinary.”
Pidge wanted to dismiss it but she (they?) hesitated. It was one thing for Pidge to think that but for Shiro to think so to. Could she….could they be nonbinary?
“..I’ll let the others know you’re okay Pidge, I know you’ll need some time to think this over.”
If Shiro’s talk with Pidge led to them coming out to the team a second time, well that was no one’s business but Pidge’s.
Pidge was on their way back to the lab after finally getting that weight off their chest. The others all accepted them, though they had to explain to Allura and Coran exactly what nonbinary meant.
Before they got too far though, they heard someone calling out to them. “Pidge! Hold on a second.”
Pidge turned around to see Lance running to catch up to them. “Hey Lance, what’s up?”
Lance took a second to catch their breath before speaking. “I wanted to apologize for earlier, when you overheard me talking to Hunk.”
Pidge hadn’t even realized Lance had noticed them standing there. Then again, thinking back on it the two had gone quiet right before they ran off. “Lance it’s fine you didn’t k-”
“Pidge, it's not fine, it really hurt you. I know if I had been in your position, someone complaining about not realizing my gender, it would have really hurt me.”
Pidge blinked a bit at that, the way Lance had said that...it sounded like he was speaking from experience.
“Lance...are you?”
Lance hesitated slightly. “Kind of? I’m not cis if that’s what you’re asking. But uh...I’m trans ftm, not nonbinary. And I know how much it hurts to be misgendered.”
Pidge thought about how weird it had felt being called she and nodded. “I forgive you Lance. Besides I know you couldn’t have known so you didn’t have to apologize.”
Lance grinned. “What can I say, us non-cis folk have to stick together.”
Pidge snickered a bit at that. “I guess you’re right.”
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saladbabyowo · 3 years
ACNH new villager personality headcanons
Sasha - jock
Such gender i love them baby boy
i love them so fucking much i gonna dieee
(if they have a bad house exterior i gonna cry)
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Ione - Snooty
They are pretty. Not a big fan of squirells though. Probably lives in a space themed house. Makes them that much cooler
Tiansheng - smug
honestly mostly because of this asshole:
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(also there are no smug monkey villagers jet) i want their crown soo bad tho
Shino - peppy
meh don't really understand the hype
Marlo - cranky
love the maffia boss vibes tbh
i want to slap him i the face soo bad thought
also he has those tiny glasses that is just soo *chefs kiss*
Petri - normal
source: yust trust me bro
also sience girls supremacy
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Cephalobot - lazy
he is kinda boring ngl He'll fit in perfectly with the other lazies.
Quinn - sisterly
They give off that tomboy energy. Honestly good for them
Quinn is proof that they can make good looking eagles
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moonsubinpr · 3 years
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[Lee Soo Hyuk — 35 — he/him] Introducing MOON SUBIN. Word on the street is they are a PRESS SECRETARY FOR THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY affiliated with the DEMOCRATIC PARTY. Though they are RESERVED and INTIMIDATING, they can also be DEPENDABLE and HARDWORKING. In the chaos of New York City, they’re sure to fit right in.
Biography. Ask. Wanted Connections. 
First of all, I want to introduce myself. You all can call me Jackie, and I am a twenty-one year old graduate student residing within the Eastern Standard Timezone (EST). I have been roleplaying for about 10 years now, however, I took a hiatus from writing on Tumblr due to migrating to other platforms that are more mobile friendly in terms of writing. Now that I have a greater availability, as well as not fond of the newfound style of roleplay on platforms such as Twitter or MeWe, I have returned in hopes to better develop characters and build better connections with other writers. Aside from writing, I enjoy spending quality time with my cat, going out to explore newfound areas, thrifting, reading, and watching random reality television shows. I look forward to getting to know everyone! Feel free to message me for plotting, headcanoning, or for a casual conversation. 
Moon Subin was born into a rather average household in Heukseok-dong, Seoul, South Korea. His mother, a down-to-earth woman with a contagious smile, worked alongside her mother as a food vendor in one of the city’s largest market. The two were acutely known for their blood sausages as well as jangeo-gui (grilled eel). In fact, this is how the young woman met the young businessman. Running from a class with only a few cash in hand, he stopped at mother’s spot, asking for anything he could get with the amount of money available. She laughed at his lack of time management, and he only stated that he’ll make time to see her better next time. The following day, he returned and sat to chat with the woman. 
Subin was unplanned. The two were not yet wedded when discovering that the woman fell pregnant. However, never did the young couple refer to the baby as a mistake. Rather, they saw Subin’s life as a blessing to better plan for their fast approaching future. During the time in which the woman was pregnant, the man was offered an opportunity to continue his university studies abroad. Sent to Iowa City, Iowa, the young couple packed their belongings and settled within the United States. It’s in this city where Subin would be born, granting him American citizenship despite his parents yet to become naturalized citizens. 
Falling in love with the environment, the mother and father went through various means in order to further extend their stay within the country. From a student visa to a work visa, the father was granted more time to better prepare for the examination of becoming U.S. citizens. While his father began to work in a local company specializing in medical prosthetics, his mother worked at a local Chinese restaurant where she befriended Chinese immigrants who helped her with assimilating into the culture. 
Subin grew up in an environment where he witnessed the benefits of hard work. His parents worked many hours in order to provide for him as well as to their community. He found this to be admirable, and this encouraged the young boy to succeed in his academics so that he could provide for his parents in the future. 
He became interested in the field of communications due to constantly acting as the translator for his parents when making doctor appointments or trying to pitch the best deal at a cars dealership. Words were fascinating, and he especially thought this was the case after reading a number of novels written by authors such as H.G. Wells and Amy Tan. His interest in communications got him involved with the morning news at his middle school and high school. During his four years at high school, he also participated in Model UN and the Debate team. These involvements were the result of his great achievements in social studies courses, and his teachers encouraged him to get involved with these extracurricular activities. 
Due to awards achieved in high school, he was granted a scholarship to attend New York University in New York City. Although his parents did not want him to leave their home, they eventually came to terms that this would be good for his future successes. Thus, he went to attend NYU for a Bachelors in Journalism with a minor in Politics. Thanks to amazing professors and establishing connections through networking events, the young man was able to maintain a number of internships---such as volunteering for the current Governor’s former campaign in the creative team for marketing. He later volunteered alongside CNN professionals, and he gained an internship experience with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office as Press Office Intern. By the time he graduated from university, he’s already met a number of influential, powerful people of the big city. 
 Upon graduation, he was able to get a job at the Manhattan District Attorney Office as Press Officer due to his wonderful performance during his internship with the office. He held this position for two years before being promoted as Deputy Press Secretary for the office. However, in less than 2 years, he was able to maintain the Press Secretary position due to the former Press Secretary’s leave to another office. In another year, he was granted the position of Deputy Director of Communications for the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. Subin held this position up until he was given the opportunity to work as the city’s District Attorney’s main Press Secretary. 
During his years working for the city and learning about the mishaps behind the scenes, Subin has been able to learn a lot about the dirty truth. He is aware that some of the crimes dealt with in the office are a result to the existing gangs within the city. Although his DA remains slightly oblivious to the people surrounding them, Subin maintains awareness due to the connections he’s established during interviews as well as conferences. They threaten Subin to keep quiet. They ask Subin to twist the truth. He does what keeps him safe, but he holds the knowledge close to his heart. The quiet man knows a lot----perhaps more than what the gangs wish for him to know, and this can be dangerous. One never knows what he can do with all of this knowledge. He could expose them to the public whenever he dares to do so. If he really wanted to, of course.
But, for now, he keeps quiet. He does his job and remains cordial with those he establishes some sorts of connection with. If someone he cares about, though, ever gets hurt, he’s not sure what he’ll do. No one knows.  
Any and all possible connections within the Government. I would love to further develop and establish connections within the affiliation in order to better understand Subin’s position in the government as well as with Law Enforcement, for he works within the District Attorney Office; therefore, he has connections with lawyers as well as officers. This can be good or bad, I am open to all possibilities. 
For those in Media, Subin is responsible for addressing those in Media in order to report information given by the DA. Those in media could have interviewed Subin, have gone to a number of his press hearings, as well as questioned his intentions or morales within this position. Anyone who does not trust him is very much wanted. A person who trusts him a lot is also wanted. 
To those in any gang, people who has paid him or threatened him to withhold information from the public is very much wanted. Give me some angst in regard to perhaps threatening his family. Perhaps people question how Subin can offerd such a luxurious home or car, and this could be due to payments accepted from those within these organizations. I am open to anything.
I am also interested in a secret relationship that should not be a relationship, however, the two continue to pursue one another in sexual and romantic rendezvous. Subin is not entirely the most relationship-orientated person, however, due to a lot of stress within his career, some fun would be favorable. 
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isabeaued · 4 years
           hello  ,  world  .  i’m  so  stupid  &  it  took  me  too  long  to  write  this  &  it  ?  still  didn’t  turn  out  good  anyway  ,  so  that’s  just  where  i’m  at  .  i’m  cc  ,  nineteen  from  the  cst  w  she  /  her  pronouns  &  this  is  isabeau  ,  who’s  a  brand  new  muse  that  i’m  ?  already  loving  sm  &  i  can’t  to  develop  her  here  ,  i  think  she  deserves  a  little  growth  fjdslkfjdslfsj  .  but  please  like  this  &  i’ll  come  to  you  ,  or  let  me  know  if  you  prefer  d*scord  !
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                                                               stats  /  pinterest
*  muse  3  seems  like  isabeau  hwang  ,  a  cis  female  from  edinburgh  who  graduated  from  oxford  with  the  class  of  2019  .  apparently  she  is  a  twenty  -  one year  old  economics  &  business  administration  student  at  st.  astor  ,  so  they  must  be  pretty  smart  ,  or  just  pretty  damn  lucky  .  i  heard  they’re  a  taurus  &  quite  hedonistic  &  gallant  ,  which  kinda  makes  sense  ,  but  i  also  hear  that  they  can  be  habituated  &  fleeting  ,  which  puts  me  off  a  bit  ,  to  be  honest  .  what  do  you  think  ? i’m  not  really  sure  how  i  feel  about  them  .  the  fact  that  they  resemble  jeon  heejin  sorta  helps  ,  though  .  three  things  that  immediately  come  to  mind  whenever  i  see  them  are  hiding  hot  tears  while  being  ankle  deep  in  ocean  water  while  clad  in  expensive  silk  ,  champagne  stained  dresses ,  &  redacted  ;  but  keep  that  last  one  between  us  ,  yeah  ?  
𝓲.     𝕒𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕘𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥   .
birth   name   :   hwang  soo  min  current   name   :   isabeau  hwang nickname(s) :   not  a  nickname  person  . age   :  twenty  -  one gender   /   pronouns :  cis  gendered   female   /   she  /  her  /  hers orientation   :  pansexual   /   panromantic hometown   :   edinburgh  ,  scotland faceclaim :  jeon   heejin muse  :  3  ,  who  is  stuck  in  an  arranged  engagement  .
fun facts  :   daughter  of  two  business  moguls  who  combined  their  talents  &  business  into  one  big  company  (  HHW  –  a  global  financing  company  )  ,  was  hauled  all  over  the  world  as  a  kid  but  still  sports  a  SCOTTISH  ACCENT  ,  annoyingly  good  at  drawing  &  art  –  but  it’s  just  a  hobby  ,  has  a  closet  full  of  designer  &  still  prefers  ratty  old  clothes  that  smell  like  home  ,  always  smells  like  a  mix  of  jasmine  &  orange  blossom  –  but  doesn’t  wear  perfume  ,  skipped  a  year  of  school  &  was  usually  a  year  younger  than  her  peers  in  her  class  ,  currently  spiraling  VERY  badly  .
aesthetic  :  hiding  hot  tears  while  being  ankle  deep  in  ocean  water  while  clad  in  expensive  silk  ,  waking  up  alone  on  cold  silk  sheets  despite  a  full  list  of  contacts  ,  floating  face  down  in  an  infinity  pool  to  see  how  long  she  can  hold  her  breath  ,  the  wind  picking  up  raven  locks  that  blow  around  her  face  as  she  regains  her  control  ,  an  ever  present  lump  in  her  throat  that  she’ll  never  get  to  rid  herself  of  ,  a  cursed  engagement  ring  she’s  already  thrown  over  a  cliff  just  for  it  to  reappear  on  her  finger  &  dimming  the  sun  with  every  step  taken  toward  a  future  she  can’t  escape  .
playlist  :  pan!c  by  audrey  mika  ,  to  die  for  by  sam  smith  ,  cautious  by  max  leone  ,  modern  loneliness  by  lauv  ,  kings  &  queens  by  ava  max  ,  wicked  game  by  grace  carter  .
𝓲𝓲.     𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕝𝕖   .
             oh ,  how  the  birds  sang  the  morning  of  her  birth  .  with  aphrodite  &  hera  as  witness  ,  soo  min  is  born  with  a  strong  cry  ,  her  mother  exhausted  after  an  extensive  labor  .  the  first  thing  her  mother  does  is  cry  –  because  she  didn’t  want  a  daughter  .  what  a  cruel  world  to  be  born  in  as  a  female  ,  what  a  barbaric  father  to  be  raised  by  as  a  daughter  .  but  ,  soo  min  is  born  &  she  is  blessed  by  the  ANGELS  ;  the  cherubs  that  linger  over  her  as  she  grows  from  baby  to  toddler  to  child  .  hair  in  pigtails  ,  soo  min  adopts  the  name  isabeau  from  a  caretaker  –  a  nanny  in  gray  who  speaks  with  an  accent  she’ll  soon  acquire  for  herself  .  her  parents  try  to  teach  her  how  to  drop  the  scottish  ,  but  it’s  her  mother  tongue  –  if  they  didn’t  want  her  speaking  that  way  ,  they  should’ve  stepped  in  &  raised  her  themselves  .  but  isabeau  knows  ,  even  at  a  young  age  ,  that  her  parents  are  busy  .  mother  is  starting  careers  ,  sending  young  stars  onto  stages  while  father  is  content  with  giving  out  loans  to  the  most  corrupt  of  companies  .  she’s  seven  ,  blowing  out  her  birthday  candles  while  her  father  makes  a  deal  to  give  money  to  the  devil  –  one  million  dollars  to  destroy  a  couple  of  lives  .  is  there  a  price  on  life  ?  yes  ,  it’s  the  first  thing  she  remembers  .
             but  not  even  the  devil  can  dim  the  starlight  that  shines  within  her  .  pure  sunlight  ,  isabeau  is  raised  with  a  quiet  glee  in  her  system  .  she  skips  down  sidewalks  clad  in  yellow  dresses  ,  her  hair  is  pulled  back  by  ribbons  while  she  holds  hands  with  her  nanny  ,  excited  about  her  life  &  everything  the  world  has  to  offer  .  the  older  she  gets  ,  the  less  she  smiles  ,  the  harder  it  becomes  to  see  the  sunshine  through  the  gray  clouds  called  in  by  her  parents  .  her  mother  works  with  father  now  ,  they  swindle  the  poor  with  promises  of  a  better  future  ,  they  invest  in  corporations  who  shoot  bullets  at  the  atmosphere  ,  they  dip  their  hands  in  blood  as  long  as  it  gives  them  a  hefty  paycheck  .  isabeau  lacks  the  same  fire  she  used  to  equip  ,  scarred  &  hurt  by  parents  who  tried  to  teach  a  rabbit  to  be  a  wolf  .  she  goes  to  sleep  with  her  nanny  stroking  her  hair  ,  crying  over  lives  ruined  by  money  ,  greed  &  corruption  .  isabeau  is  GOOD  at  heart  ,  she  wants  the  sun  to  shine  on  everyone  that  walks  the  earth  .  so  while  she  puts  on  a  mask  ,  becomes  a  predator  the  way  they  want  her  to  be  ,  isabeau  never  loses  her  soft  heart  .  
             &  they  should’ve  chosen  their  wish  carefully  .  every  wish  has  a  price  .  she  can  maneuver  her  way  around  a  conference  room  before  she’s  eighteen  ,  can  close  a  deal  with  men  who  look  down  on  her  before  twenty  -  one  .  her  words  masked  with  honey  while  her  parents  look  on  with  pride  ,  unaware  that  she’s  not  on  their  side  .  deals  she  makes  that  harm  the  company  ,  but  nobody  will  know  until  it’s  too late  .  isabeau  is  talented  ,  manipulative  for  the  good  –  not  for  the  army  of  evil  she  was  raised  in  .  then  ,  slapped  across  the  face  on  the  day  of  her  graduation  with  an  announcement  .  marriage  ,  at  twenty  -  three  when  she  finishes  her  master’s  ,  an  engagement  ring  she  doesn’t  want  to  wear  ,  betrothed  to  a  boy  of  evil  .  he’s  a  remnant  of  everyone  isabeau  knows  ,  corrupted  by  the  devil  ,  blessed  by  the  demons  &  she  is  to  join  hands  with  him  ,  join  their  families  so  they  can  continue  a  path  of  wickedness  on  earth  .  she’s  never  felt  so  hopeless  ,  quiet  &  small  while  being  fitted  for  wedding  dresses  at  twenty  ,  hiding  her  tears  while  she  throws  a  damned  ring  into  the  sea  –  only  for  it  to  be  fished  out  hours  later  .  she  runs  as  far  as  she  can  for  higher  education  ,  hiding  behind  rehearsed  smiles  &  her  wealth  .  the  closer  she  gets  to  twenty  -  three  ,  the  less  the  sun  shines  .  isabeau  becomes  less  like  herself  ,  waking  up  in  clothes  that  aren’t  her  own  ,  acting  out  of  character  ,  losing  time  .  but  ,  a  sliver  of  hope  ;  because  it  doesn’t  matter  how  far  gone  she  is  ,  isabeau  was  blessed  by  the  angels  –  hope  is  always  with  her  .
𝓲𝓲𝓲.     𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟   .
             exterior  .  almost  mirrored  to  her  parents  ,  people  know  isabeau  from  her  parents  –  the  ruthless  ,  cold  financial  company  holders  who  are  famous  for  funding  the  most  corrupt  companies  .  equipped  with  a  resting  bitch  face  (  taught  by  her  mother  ,  of  course  )  exterior  wise  isabeau  is  unapproachable  ,  unattainable  .  her  wealth  holds  her  above  ninety  -  nine  percent  of  the  population  &  people  know  that  –  from  the  way  she  talks  &  walks  ,  how  she  holds  herself  ,  how  she  behaves  at  social  gatherings  .  almost  royalty  ,  she’s  cut  herself  off  from  many  friends  –  most  leaving  anyway  when  they  find  out  who  her  parents  are  &  what  they’ve  done  .  
even  so  ,  a  girl  who  always  knows  where  the  fun  is  –  she’s  clearly  stuck  in  a  spiral  ,  falling  deeper  into  a  hole  that  she  seemingly  doesn’t  want  help  with  .  isabeau  is  friends  with  a  lot  of  people  ,  but  not  many  people  are  friends  with  her  .  stuck  in  a  path  of  self  destruction  ,  she’s  lost  the  sunlight  that  used  to  lead  her  life  .  often  found  at  night  ,  kneeling  by  the  waterside  shedding  drunken  tears  because  she’s  losing  control  of  her  life  .  isabeau  knows  she’ s  worth  so  much  more  ,  but  in  every  way  –  she’s  trapped  &  locked  in  for  a  fate  she  doesn’t  want  .
             interior  .  she’s  sharp  &  witty  ,  remnants  of  the  brightness  still  remain  when  focused  .  she  excels  at  classwork  ,  top  of  her  class  while  she  sits  front  row  with  glasses  on  ,  answering  questions  &  befriending  professors  .  it’s  evident  that  there’s  so  much  more  to  isabeau  than  just  the  daughter  of  two  bringers  of  evil  ,  but  heartbreak  &  lost  friendships  hold  her  back  from  making  new  friends  easily  .  a  girl  who  longs  for  GOOD  ,  there’s  no  other  way  to  explain  that  isabeau  is  good  at  heart  .
she  will  always  fight  for  the  light  ,  stand  up  for  the  underdogs  in  the  most  elegant  ways  .  her  mind  is  always  running  ,  schemes  playing  out  in  her  head  when  it  looks  like  she’s  spacing  out  .  she  is  manipulative  &  always  calculated  ,  does  nothing  without  a  motive  ,  without  a  deeper  meaning  behind  it  –  but  there’s  no  malice  behind  her  intentions  .  isabeau  does  bad  for  good  ,  fights  for  the  just  cause  by  fighting  the  way  she  was  taught  .  not  to  be  trifled  with  ,  but  not  to  be  worried  about  lest  you’re  as  evil  as  the  devils  she  was  raised  with  .
𝓲𝓿.     𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤   .
these  are  all  most  wanted  !  
             betrothed  (  m  /  nb  )  ,  which is  a  long  shot  ,  i  know  –  but  please  give  me  the  dude  who  isabeau  is  engaged  to  .  he  doesn’t  have  to  be  as  evil  as  described  ,  but  his  parents  aren’t  good  people  either  &  he  doesn’t  exactly  give  off  the  image  of  a  pristine  person  (  not  ,  that  isabeau  does  either  –  but  ...  you  know  )  .  give  me  the  drama  &  the  angst  of  “maybe  i  do  care  ,  but  i  shouldn’t”  while  she  spirals  &  the  “you  think  i  wanted  this  ,  isabeau  ?”  &  all  the  fuckin  PAIN  !
            rich  kid  trio  (  any  ,  2  )  ,  people  as  wealthy  as  isabeau  that  she  knows  of  due  to  family  dinners  ,  event  galas  &  being  products  of  the  dirty  ,  rotten  rich  .  sure  ,  they’re  really  only  acquaintances  ,  but  nobody  protects  their  own  like  the  one  percent  ,  so  these  three  have  joined  forces  &  have  had  each  other’s  backs  since  arrival  at  st  .  astor  .
            everything  else  ,  a  roommate  (  probably  in  some  high  end  house  they’re  renting  together  )  ,  a  business  partner  ,  a  study  buddy  /  someone  she  tutors  ,  party  buddies  ,  someone  who  pushes  her  further  into  her  spiral  ,  anyone  else  with  a  funky  accent  that  she  likes  to  hang  out  with  &  their  accents  get  stronger  together  ,  anything  with  angst  please  !
𝓿.     𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕔𝕝𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟   .
i’d  love  to  get  all  these  plots  filled  up  ,  or  any  ones  that  you  might  have  bc  i’ve  got  sm  fuckin’  muse  for  isabeau  &  this  !  but  if  you’ve  read  this  whole  thing  jesus  ,  you’re  amazing  &  i  love  u  sm  .  please  like  this  &  i’ll  come  to  u  or  lmk  if  u  prefer  disc  &  we  can  go  there  !
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sadncssfossilized · 5 years
sexuality troubles.
i’m so fucking confused. being non-binary/trans makes everything so fucking hard. i don’t know where i fit... anywhere on the sexuality spectrum. i have no idea if all of my attraction to men is real or if i’m forcing it on myself bc im afab. i don’t know if i’m bi. ive always wanted to be attractive to men ever since i was small i think as a coping mechanism because of trauma. but i’m also extremely scared of older men, even if i do find celebrities attractive. but a lot of male celebrities i straight up DONT find attractive at all, they’re like cardboard to me. i don’t know if that’s because i think a lot of hollywood white men hearththrobs look extremely bland/the same bc white society or if there’s something genuinely off with my attraction to men meter. ive heard people say that not being able to process whether a man is attractive or not is a lesbian thing. but i don’t feel like a lesbian. i don’t feel female. i love women, i have always known that, but i don’t feel like a woman and i don’t want to be a woman. i want to look masculine. i want to be masculine. i don’t want to be a girl anymore. i don’t want to be a man, completely, i just want to be.... not a woman. not a man. a nothing.
is it a preference or am i only attracted to women?? i loved being bi. i love the flag i love the options, and i don’t really process people’s gender’s except on a social level. ive never been close with ANY boys across my life, or even more than acquaintances because of my shy and reserved nature and i’ve never connected with any on a personal level both because of fear, being flustered, and feeling like they’re cooler and more superior to be and genuinely a different species so to say, so i don’t know if that has to do with my fear of being sexually involved with them. i’m always afraid men want the worst from me, and i always get the feeling that they are judging me based on my attractiveness to them and discard me mentally as soon as i am not and i hate that so much. i think because i’ve never known a boy truly and deeply, i keep prejudices against them and don’t think that they are as compassionate or HUMAN as non-men. but at the same time, i’ve always felt called to get self worth from their attraction to me. literally since pre-elementary. even if i think a guy is ugly i still base my worth off of if he’s attracted to me?? it’s automatic, and fucked up. i’m scared to go further than flirt with a boy. i’m scared to mess up conversationally , i’m scared of entering a relationship with one especially because i’d be the “woman” in it, and i don’t want to be fucked like a man fucks a woman. i want a queer man so i can feel safe and normal around him. straight men are an enigma to me. they scare me so much with their lack of societal awareness and cruelty. i feel like they don’t GET IT you know? but if i ever was to date one, since i’m pre transition and in the closet i’d have to pretend to be a woman and pretend to be okay with that. the idea of a man taking me like i was a woman makes me want to hurl.... that’s not the relationship dynamic i want at all.
all of my emotions toward men are so fucking conflicting. ive dreamed of kissing men before, fantasized about being soft with them, holding their hand, cupping their face and kissing them gently, but if they’re an irl i never fantasize about what they would be like sexually, land the idea kind of off puts/repulses me in a way. thinking of my irl women crushes kind of makes me feel the same way, but i’m more open to the possibility of that? ive never had a relationship with a man and only probably had like 1 male friend across my entire life, so my fear could be because of trauma + fear of the unknown + bc of my prejudices bc of my lack of experience + dysphoria. meanwhile, i’ve had 1 girlfriend and all of my friends have been female my whole life. ive just NEVER been comfortable around boys/men. which i feel like is less indicative of lesbianism and more of like. trauma haha. i sexualized myself at such a young age to cater to the boys around me and even to the adult men around me, it hurts to think about. i hate how trauma complicates everything. i don’t know why i have that impulse, i don’t know why it started. ive just never felt safe around a boy. i feel like they always want something from me. ive been attracted to them but i’m soo scared o f them. like, i always have something to prove, whether it be my personality or humor or attractiveness, just to stay in their presence.
nsfw incoming.
ive tried to jack off to a lot of gay porn and i think my men attraction meter is broken because so many of the men in gay porn are ugly/unattractive to me. straight up. in their face, and body. and the body ideals in the gay community, where i would fit in post transition, don’t.... resonate with me. like not to be crude but a lot of the body types of the men in here are unattractive to me, but then again it’s white dominated and caters to a very specific vision of a huge bubble butt, way huge thighs, overly ripped chest, bland ass white boy faces paired with ugly haircuts. is this what i’m supposed to be attracted to? the men i’ve been attracted to irl do not look like that. the men in gay porn are all so passionless too. (which is honestly an issue i have that makes jacking off to women in porn sort of difficult too??) i don’t know. i don’t feel like i’m attracted to men the same way gay men are. but then again, how would i know that? i don’t know any actual gay men. i just know from some porn blogs? some pornhub videos? i don’t fucking know. i jack off to images/videos of men very few times compared to how much i get off to women bc of my particularity . it’s more difficult, but it’s easier by when i think about how the man feels, like his pleasure, his sounds, his expressions, rather than the aesthetics of it all. not to say i don’t appreciate the aesthetics of some nice men- chris evans, frank ocean, rob mcelhenney, taika waititi, nice. which sounds like a very non-lesbian thing to say i would think, but i know a ton of lesbians who talk about celebrity men super raunchily and stuff, so i don’t know anymore and i don’t think i know enough about lesbianism to know whether these are lesbian experiences or not. the majority of men content ive jacked off to has been gay fan fiction, and that has actually been easy to get off to bc of the descriptions and the i can visualize characters and passion the way i want. it’s harder to do it with actual videos/images of men, because it’s so different in my mind and imagination m, but that may be bc gay porn can involve a lot of roughness/impersonal-ness? also i feel like i still have a certain degree of internalized homophobia toward both wlw AND mlm despite working through my acceptance of my sexuality for a number of years.
i just want a person. but i don’t know if it’s beyond my control who i’m sexually attracted to. my sexual attraction to men is a lot lower than to women, and it’s a lot easier for me to make them bland in my head and not be able to point out a unique thing about them . i feel like girls are more... distinct/easily alluring to me than most men you know. that may also be affected by how women actually know how to dress and look unique and men don’t really shift from 1 bland societal style, i don’t know. i don’t know. i want to be attracted to men. as a transmasc, i want to be gay. i don’t want to be straight. ive been gay all my life, and i don’t want to leave that label. i want softness and love. but men scare me, and i don’t know if it’s because of a tragic coalescence of bad life experiences (or lack thereof) or because of genuine lesbianism. ive talked so much about being bi, and even been called a confused lesbian before by transphobes, and ever since they said it i cant stop questioning. i feel like at this point i HAVE to be a lesbian or something, bc that’s how this shit goes in movies and stories. i don’t want to be a lesbian. i want to be attracted to men, i wanna be bi and be equally attracted to both, i want experiences with both in my mind, but irl i get so fucking scared and i don’t want anything to do with it. i don’t wanna be a straight transmasc and i also don’t want to become what transphobes have spent their time telling me i am. i want to be what i’ve always thought i’ve been, bisexual and transmasc. i was comfortable with bisexual, until everybody else kept telling me to question and it’s been eating me alive since. fuck. i don’t know anything. is this a preference and bad combination of a huge number of deeper factors or am i straight up NATURALLY not attracted to men? have i been lying to mhself? have all my attractions in the past been fake? this is gonna sound terrible but i don’t want to be a lesbian. it doesn’t feel right. and id be proving the horrible people right, and have to retract everything i’ve ever said about being bi to my following on my other social media. and i’ve said a LOT. and i’d also have to give up my admiration of my irl men crushes and male celebrities and their sexiness. all of this shit is so ridiculous but at least i’m being honest with myself with this post. someone help me haha
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askmyboys · 3 years
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Abuse, used for fighting, etc- Noxis was not treating too nicely
also whoops, i projected some shit onto him myself kldsdjfkslf lmao
sometimes angers, sadnesses, and traumas are projected o n t o the ocs
| Name: Maddox used to be his name but it was changed to Noxis
| Nickname: Nox
| Gender: Trans FTM (but he also uses It/Its pronouns too, those sound cool to him)
| Age: Definitely mid 20s somewhere (I’d say like 25 or 26 p much)
| Height: 6’3”
| Species/Race Anthropomorphic Dog (he’s pretty much a mutt)
| Fur Color/Body Type: His fur color is dark brown and he’s pretty skinny tbh
| Hair Color: His hairstyle is a mullet first n foremost and he’s dyed his hair a Emerald Green color
| Eye Color: Left eye is Prussian Blue and the right eye is a Dark Green color
| Appearance: He wears a black t-shirt first of all, some black ripped up and distressed looking skinny jeans with chains hanging down them, he also wears combat boots as well with dark green laces. He also wears a black spiked collar with a ring in the middle amongst all the spikes, he wears spiked bracelets on his wrists, his left ear is folded and his right ear is kinda half-pointing, he has some piercings in his ears, a piercing on his tongue, and an eyebrow piercing, likewise he’s got black claws (he used some nail polish and painted some claws dark green), his toe beans are an Emerald Green color as well with his middle ‘fingers’ essentially being that Prussian Blue coloring (wow going bold for the colors here ooo), his nose is also a dark green color as are the insides of his ears and his tongue as well, he’s also got razor sharp bear trap like teeth.
He’s got a few scars here and there, most can be VERY easily seen, others are pretty much not easily seen unless you get close to him, the most PROMINENT scarring are around his mouth, his face/head, nose, and a few more prominent looking scars are on his arms, legs, body, etc- he’s… Been through a LOT…  (also top surgery scars too don’t forget those- he’s also got a long bushy tail (he cut a hole in the back of his jeans for his tail to fit and move around a little bit)
| Personality: Oh b o y… This boy is VERY angry, aggressive, and practically almost feral at this point, he can still talk technically speaking but still, he’s very snippy/snarky, sarcastic as all hell, e d g y edgelord on our hands but eh there’s a reason for that even if it is not an excuse for him treating all humans like he does, speaking of those fuckin shitheads- he HATES humans absolutely DESPISES them, he won’t attack them or anyone unless they attack first, despite all the bark, he really is no bite… He doesn’t even LIKE fighting.
He doesn’t wanna hurt anyone really! ...He just wants to push people and others like him away because secretly? He’s fucking TERRIFIED of EVERYONE… He’s been hurt and betrayed by strangers before but what’s REALLY hurt him? He’s been betrayed and hurt and p much damaged SEVERELY by his own family! Those people were supposed to love him unconditionally! Those people were supposed to support him and take care of him! Not fucking abuse him, not fucking lie to him and tell him ‘everything’s going to be okay’ that ‘I’ve got your back’ and then turn around and hurt him so badly! Parents are supposed to care for you and love you unconditionally! He just wanted them to love him! He just wanted them to care, to be there for him!
(oops I put my own traumas, anger, etc onto my oc and I OOP-) anyways- He h a t e s his parents for how they’ve treated him, for how much they’ve betrayed him, for e v e r y t h i n g they’ve said and done to him, while they never PHYSICALLY abused him there was a lotta mental and verbal shit that happened, so now he tries to push everyone away so he doesn’t get hurt anymore, he wants to keep others away with anger, aggression, snarky and sarcastic remarks, he makes others think he’s just a straight up asshole but it’s to protect himself really, it’s all a defense mechanism in a way, deep down he just wants to stop the hurting, he wants to stop all the anger, the sadness, everything- He just wants to feel safe and happy, hell just OKAY in general! But, eh, he has a feeling its too late for all that now- might as well just keep up the act.
He’s also got a LOT of anxieties, depressive episodes, etc- Overall he’s just been through a LOT and I mean a LOT of shit-
| Side Facts: He usually stays in his home and keeps to himself, sometimes he’ll go out in order to get necessary items n shit like food/drinks, etc- But usually he’s at home, writing, playing video games, listening to music, or just- Watching random shit online, music, games, writing, videos- it takes his mind off a lot and can ease his stress immensely.
He owns a collection of various knives (is this just me in furry form? Lmao-) not for anything in particular but just because knives are fuckin cool- he is trying to learn witchcraft tbh because he finds that super cool, also wants to learn Irish Mythology and Greek Mythology a HELLA lot, he LOVES a good book from time to time, especially horror- like y e s please, he loves to watch horror movies too (...i sw e ar, im not projecting haaa)
Also, aside from putting my own traumas and feelings onto this boy, he IS his own character and he’s been through a LOT more than just parents- let me explain! So despite being a mutt/mixed breed/etc Noxis or Maddox more formerly known as was considered a VERY rare species, his colorings were unnatural compared to p much everyone in his area, they all had typical normal colorings, so of course people treated him weirdly as did others of his species, they essentially treated him like an outcast almost while others…
Well, people would pay a HIGH price for something like him… But I’m getting ahead of myself here, Noxis eventually ran away from home and that’s caused him to get into pretty bad situations, he’s been kidnapped a few times and sold as nothing more than a pet really or just something to look fancy in a home, basically a trophy/show-off item for the people in question, or in others cases he’s p much been captured and used for fighting because he looked like a tough breed who could hold his own, evidently this is where most of his scarring came from was from being put and used for fighting.
After all the fighting he eventually managed to escape from there and he honestly, while he does have a new home now VERY VERY far away from where all the bad shit, all the traumas, and of course he lives far away so his parents won’t ever find him, where nobody knows who he is or what, but he still doesn’t trust these people and shit either way- Like I said, he’s been through a L O T of shit, and it’s some pretty heavy stuff, likewise- Noxis fucking H A T E S being touched, anytime someone gets close to him you’ll definitely notice a flinch but he’s gonna hide it behind anger and aggression and just tell you to fuck off or something like that, now if someone raises a hand… That causes much more than just a flinch, his whole body language changes (the owners who d i d have him for a prize and the fighter dog owners ESPECIALLY weren’t kind or nice to him in the slightest soo yeah) say its a species like his own, another dog- if they bare their teeth that p much just brings back those flashbacks- while he usually runs away if they start charging him well he’s going to have to fight, despite hating confrontation and fighting he WON'T let himself be killed.
Noxis honestly definitely needs help, he needs someone to show him not EVERYONE is out to get him, that the world isn’t an ENTIRELY shitty place, he just needs someone to show him love, compassion, and understanding ...And a therapist, y-yeah- definitely needs a therapist, on the bright side at least he got his top surgery and bottom surgery! Hooray for trans doggo!! That’s a positive plus and a big fuck you to his parents and a lotta others, so there has been t h a t good around for him ...even though he didn’t trust humans and still doesn’t, I mean… He took a chance essentially, for all he knows they coulda dissected him ….eh- it’d be better than being owned as a prize or fighting mutt he supposed- either way, he’s pretty content with his body now so that’s a definite plus, i just didn’t want to end on a sour note!
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immoralrpg-blog · 7 years
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Congratulations, LEX, you have been accepted for the role of SEVERUS SNAPE, with the faceclaim of LEE HYUN JAE. It is both an easy and common mistake to portray Severus as the villain --- however, your portrayal gives us an insight to the reasoning behind those actions, and the subsequent, sneaking guilt that follows. Wherever you decide to take Severus next, I have no doubt that it will be a complex and interesting ride! Please head along to the CHECKLIST for your next steps.
CHARACTER NAME: Severus “Sev” Snape GENDER & PRONOUNS: Genderqueer (closeted), any pronouns (he/him default) FACECLAIM: Lee Hyun Jae, Go Sang Gil, Lee Soo Hyuk BIOGRAPHY: (cw for abuse) You levitate the silverware on the dinner table when you’re three. It’s harmless, and wouldn’t be a big deal if your Muggle father had been aware of his wife’s magical talent. Later, you’ll wonder when exactly Eileen was planning on telling Tobias, but you can never quite get the words out; either because you know deep down that wasn’t what really started the fighting, or because your mother is the only person you can’t bring yourself to hurt. Still, your earliest memories are of your parents fighting. there’s always yelling, and things breaking, and then by the time you hear the dull thump of your mother being thrown down the stairs it isn’t just fighting anymore. Most kids learn the difference between good and evil through fairytales, but your mother never has enough bedtime stories and Tobias Snape is worse than any imagined villain. It all goes back to your father. It’s hard to learn the difference between right and wrong when the only example you have to learn from is him. Because by the time you meet her, it’s too late. She’s good and wonderful, but by nine years old you know this: Poor, creepy little kids like you don’t deserve girls like her. You still latch on, maybe too tightly - how could you not? Lily is the best thing in your life right now, the best thing you can remember - but it’s with the knowledge that she could choose to give up on you at any point, decide she doesn’t want to be friends anymore, and that will be it. No contest. Class segregation is a bitch. That you both have magic doesn’t make much difference. Because as much as you talk about Hogwarts, there is a very large possibility you may not be able to go when your letter comes, if your father chooses to put his foot down. As it turns out, he’s too drunk out of his mind to put up much protest, these days. Truth be told you don’t remember much from that day; there was shopping at Diagon Alley you’re certain, because there hadn’t been enough money for books and you’d quietly pocketed The Standard Book of Spells while your mother wasn’t looking. Then there was the train station, meeting up with Lily, but that isn’t what eclipses the rest of the day. No, then you meet them. Funny how that first day on the train, being teased by those boys, essentially determines the outcome of the rest of your Hogwarts career. Incidentally, that’s also part of the reason - besides Lily, of course - that when the hat goes on your head you wish and wish for Gryffindor. In Slytherin, you learn to keep your head down. For a long time, you hate the Sorting Hat, can’t fathom why it would put someone with your blood status and socioeconomic background in Slytherin. Then, you start to hate yourself instead. It’s clear, after a few years if not immediately, that you’ll never belong anywhere. That group of Gryffindor boys picks on you and most of the rest of their house follows suit. Meanwhile in Slytherin, your classmates tolerate you. Tolerate might be too strong a word. People like you should be seen, not heard. The only time your presence is required is when someone needs a potions tutor, or to copy homework. The situation with the Marauders worsens, until ultimately Sirius Black tries to kill you and you walk out of the encounter with nothing but an acute phobia of werewolves and a life debt owed to James Potter. You still aren’t sure which part is the worst. But as hard as the school years are, the summers between are worse. Having Lily as a friend eases some of the pain, and maybe you lean on her too much, but you don’t exactly have anyone else to depend on. And by June 1976, you don’t even have her. One summer passes in near isolation, then the school year. You still talk to Lily, sometimes, but the distance between you isn’t easily closed. She keeps you at arm’s length, and you’re the first to admit (after you’re done begging for forgiveness) that you deserve it. Because people like you don’t deserve people like her. It’s not nice and it’s not fair but it’s how the world works, and you’ve given up on fairness a long time ago. That isn’t to say it doesn’t get to you, though. The anger and resentment (at yourself, always about yourself) builds up to a breaking point. And at that point? It isn’t even about Potter, even though it’s him you almost killed. Trying to relieved some tension, but was it worth it? You haven’t figured that out yet. You’ve had other things to think about. The summer is long, and you’re running out of places to go to avoid your father. At least, a sweatshirt covers most of the bruises.
expand on one ( or more ) of your connections. tell us about them. your relationship with them.
There’s a part of him, a rather large part of him, that doesn’t know if he wants her or wants to be her. Severus doesn’t know how to talk about Lily without accounting for that part, so most of the time he just doesn’t. He’s uncomfortable even thinking about it - see, how he hides his face behind his hair, how his eyes skirt around the room to find something, anything else to focus on. It’s time to grow up and stop focusing on what ifs (what if I was pretty/popular/nice/good like her). In contrast, the stupid crush that isn’t a crush anymore, is an easier pill to swallow. At least the heartache is something he knows how to deal with. He taps his fingers against his leg, restless, movements jittery. “It is, perhaps, too cruel to say I resent her. I know I am well overstepping my boundaries to say the hard feelings go both ways. Still, if tomorrow she decided she wanted my friendship back, I wouldn’t even have to think about it.” Then, lower, a barely audible murmur: “I miss my best friend.” It’s the most juvenile thing he’s said in a long time.
pick one word to describe yourself. why that word?
Well, there are a lot of words Severus can think of to describe himself, and none of them are very pleasant. Some were learned, and none apply to the entirety of his situation. He doesn’t want to parrot back any of the words his father threw at him either, nor the teases repeated by Potter and his little entourage. His voice is cold and impassive when he settles on one. “Unfortunate.” Severus looks away. It’s true, and whether the term is self-deprecating starting from his very birth, or simply a statement on his bad luck, is up to the asker.
why were you sorted into your house? do you think you belong there?
To be perfectly honest, he doesn’t know. Sorting usually runs through family lines but… was that enough to put him in Slytherin, half a wizarding bloodline, a family he hasn’t met, a household he wasn’t brought up in? And then, would he fit with any other house in the first place? Severus may not exemplify Slytherin’s traits, but would any other house have taken him? Ravenclaw, maybe. The house he really wanted is out of reach, or at least he thinks so. People tend to be blind to their best traits, and Severus is certainly no exception. He doesn’t answer the question truthfully. “My mother’s family were all in Slytherin, so since it’s a matter of blood, of course I belong here.”
what side are you on? order of the phoenix? death eaters? neutral? why?
He doesn’t have to reason through it in his head, although maybe he should. This is war they’re talking about, after all. Joining up one side or the other incites the distinct possibility of getting caught on the battlefield, but then again, staying neutral doesn’t leave much more hope. It isn’t about his personal beliefs, or which side is more likely to win. Severus’s voice is carefully measured, tone sharp but even. For the first time, he maintains eye contact. He doesn’t mince his words. “I am on whichever side will put a roof over my head and food on the table. Those are not things I can take for granted.”
what do you smell in amortentia?
An easy question, finally. “A clean scent, like soap or laundry detergent. The cheap shampoo my mother always used. Freshly mown grass, like the field near the park where Lily and I spent so much time as kids. Old books and dust, the far corners of the library where I study on a near daily basis… Underneath it all, a hint of aftershave.” And that’s what makes him pause, the part he can’t quite make sense of. The aftershave is bold and spiced and distinctly masculine. It’s undoubtedly expensive, but a scent his fellow Slytherins likely wouldn’t be caught dead wearing. The aftershave is always mingled with pine and something earthy, the woods just after it’s rained. Severus can never place quite what it is or who would have worn it, but it’s achingly familiar nonetheless.
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identity ask
I saw this and thought it was cool! 
 1. If someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to? 
I would say my youtube liked videos, playlists, and watch later list. A lot of my favorite songs and videos are on there, and I’m on youtube a lot haha
2. Have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? If so, who?  
I don’t really think so? But I really love Kathryn Lasky, C.S Lewis, and Tolkien
3. List your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with. 
Oh boy. Well, I guess my biggest fandom right now is Gravity Falls (I know I’m a little late, but it’s so good!) and I would probably identify with either Dipper or Ford the most. They’re both bookworms and like solving mysteries.
Another would be Steven Universe. And here I don’t really know who to relate to. Maybe Lapis bc she’s pessimistic and doesn’t like new people all that much.
 4. Do you like your name? Is there another name you think would fit you better? 
I’m okay with my name, although I never see it on those souvenir keychains or pens haha. I do go by Sam sometimes, because it’s similar to my name, but more gender-neutral. 
5. Do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? Do you identify yourself by the things you do? 
Haha I’ve never really thought of this. But I guess I’d be a human being because at the moment I’m just trying to make it through. I do identify by the things that I do and love, like band, or writing.
6. Are you religious/spiritual? Do you care about your ethnicity? 
I am a Methodist, so yea, I’m religious. Although my beliefs differ from church conservatives, for obvious reasons. And no, I don’t care about my ethnicity. But I am a quarter Czech, so that’s neat
7. What musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime? Are you an artist? 
I’m really connected to Fall Out Boy. Their music has saved my life, comforted me, given me courage and hope. Music inspires me, and I get stressed when I don’t listen to it. I play the trumpet, trombone, and euphonium, and I want to learn guitar.
8. Do you have a creed? 
I don’t really know. I have a moral code that I don’t stray from.
9. Describe your ideal day. 
Being out in the woods with some friends, reading a book, perfect weather, watching the stars that night. 
10. Dog person or cat person? 
Cats!!! I like dogs, but cats are just soo cute. Like seriously. So cute
11. Indoors or outdoors?  
Outdoors! There’s nothing more incredible than the beauty and power of nature.
12. Five most influential books over your lifetime. 
Harry Potter, Guardians of Ga’Hoole, What Every Body Is Saying (it’s a book on body language. It changed the way I watch people, and really intrigued me. It also helped me identify different behaviors in people), The Murder Room, and The Virals series.
13. If you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same? 
No. I think my environment, and therefore my experiences, have really shaped me as a person. I don’t know who I’d be if I hadn’t been raised like I was.
14. Would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”? 
Actually, yea. I’m a lot more open on the internet than irl. Here, I can truly express myself and find people that share my interests. That doesn’t happen much irl.
15. What’s your patronus? Which Harry Potter house would you be in?  
My patrons is a pine martin, and I’m a proud Hufflepuff!
16. Would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else? 
I’d go to Narnia. I mean, that’d just be so amazing! Aslan, talking animals, sign me up.
17. Do you love easily? 
No. I’m very pessimistic. I don’t trust people easily, but when I do, I love my friends with my whole heart. I love a lot, but it doesn’t come easily or quickly.
18. list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order. How often? 
1. On my phone, alternating between pinterest, tumblr, Facebook, and discord.
2. Daydreaming
3. Youtube 
4. Having an internal battle to try and banish my toxic thoughts
5. Sleeping
19. Would you want to see your family every year? 
Yes. I do love my family, however hard it is, and I couldn’t live without them.
20. Have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone? 
Like thinking the same thought? Yea, I do that a lot with my closest friends.
21. Could you live as a hermit? 
Yea, I’m okay with being alone. But being with like one or two others that I really like would be great as well. I’m totally down for living in the forest tho
22. How would you describe your gender/sexuality? 
I’m asexual and agender
23. Do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”? 
Kinda? I never really dress up, so I always wear a graphic tee and jeans. So I guess my clothes show my lack of motivation haha. I do wish I had enough self confidence to dress and appear like I want to, but that’s daunting and also a lot of effort I don’t have time for
24. On a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin? 
like a 3. I’m bothered by a lot of things, but I can recognize when I’m being irrational
25. Three songs that you connect with right now. 
Golden by FOB, Untitled, and Perfect by Simple Plan
26. Pick one of your favorite quotes.
“When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you,” -Patrick Stump
Feel free to do this, guys! It’s very interesting!
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Quotes from theluckdragons blog
(not neccisarily from the person)
And men generally are bad at everything but somehow casting directors manage to cast buff men for superheroes lol
Creepy pieces of shit all of them.Typical male behavior
Men are so gross & nasty, as are their penises which they know are gross.
it’s okay to beat up girls uwu it’s alright to be abusive ^_^ nothing is wrong with constantly hurting women! <3 you are not inherently bad if you’re a violent misogynist :3
thought y'all might need this ‘cause girls on tumblr say the truth about you and that’s bitchy! in conclusion…. you. are. ✨🌸VALID🌸✨
this is literally a large chunk of male positivity just in less direct wording, but nah, i’m a liar
i don’t believe males aren’t all going to rape because listening to women talk about how many times males have pressured or manipulated them into sex or hearing men talk about ways to trick women into bed, it seems unlikely that there’s that many guys that haven’t done that. like obvi, i know some males don’t and won’t rape, but female safety is more important than male feelings.
no matter what they call themselves, male bodies do not face sex based oppression.
Pornography tells lies about women. But pornography tells the truth about men.
poc can be racist (just not toward whites)
i don’t care about males. so nah, i also don’t care about people trying to make us victims. like why are people trying soo hard to pretend we have it just as bad or worse than women? newsflash: we’re not discriminated against because we have a penis between our legs. we’re not treated as less than. we don’t have beauty standards placed on us. we hardly have any standards placed on us. we’re encouraged and praised, any bad behavior is ignored, excused, rationalized, or diminished. male positivity is at best just useless and pointless and at worst very harmful.
Men only care about getting custody of children as a means of hurting mothers
there’s no such thing as sexism against males, we don’t experience discrimination based on our sex.
male positivity is a cornerstone of patriarchy. ah, yes because a bunch of posts about how it’s okay to be masculine, there’s nothing wrong with being masculine, there’s nothing wrong with males only wanting to date masculine males is totally about helping those of us that don’t fit into masculine stereotypes…. and yeah, posts about straight men being perfect and awesome and how their behavior is perfectly fine is totally about males that don’t fit in….
kill all men is in response to males treating women and children horribly, cry me a fucking river who cares. men are horrible rapists pigs, maybe tell males to stop raping women, also never actually heard that phrase except mras claiming it’s said with frequency, but i’ll pretend it is. male tears is in response to men trying to silence women by whining that we’re being unfairly criticize, how about men stop being fucking babies and take responsibility for how they perpetuate misogyny, cry more…. we face zero discrimination based on our sex, but whatever. lmao maybe men shouldn’t be giving off creepy vibes? i have literally never been given anything but praise and adoration even with it’s someone else little boy, so…. lmao, nah brah men are more likely to get custody if they ask for custody, problem is men don’t want fucking responsibility, nice try though. lmao yeah okay, except a) women hit men in response to how they’re being treated, it’s rarely as a control method b) everyone literally supports women getting the shit beat out of them if they so much lay a finger on males, but whatever. it’s almost like men actively go out and get women drunk for the sake of raping them…. gee ~what a total double standard~  lmao that’s the stupidest response to what patriarchy is and you’re a fucking idiot if you believe that…. lmao literally all the time…. just fucking look at society’s response to literally any criticism of males…. look at what idiotic male positivity peeps post. anyway, society already does that. it coddles us (just like how y’all are all doing right now on this fucking post that was about something specific that happens a lot), it excuses our behavior just like how you’‘re doing now pretending ~misandry~ is a thing, it ignores the ways in which males perpetuate misogyny just how you’re doing now in pretending patriarchy is a “sexist” invention,
but i’ll pretend that in society and as a movement, the sole purpose of male positivity isn’t to combat the real discussions women particularly feminists try to have about male violence and male socialization.
no offense but if male positivity posts are helping you on days when you’re clinical depression hits you hard, your clinical depression can’t be all that bad
men don’t feel enough guilt and shame imo
everytime i hear “the men i know arent sexist at all” or “noo im not like that none of my friends are sexist!!” i just
dude bro you have probably no fucking idea how to spot msiogyny and woman hating
just go onto any male posi idiots blog or their followers for proof.
A tef magazine?Outrageous!!!! …SIGN ME UP
what magazine is this? and i’m incredibly poor, but i will donate whatever i can to help this magazinee.
This is why men shouldn’t be involved in feminism–they eventually just make everything about themselves and destroy and ruin the progress that women have made.
male positivity is so prevalent and detrimental that even when he identifies as anything but a man (a woman or some made-up gender), the fact that he’s a pedophile or a rapist still doesn’t matter. people still gotta protect him, excuse his behavior, forgive him for ~a simple mistake~ or even downright lie in the face of evidence,  at what point does harming girls/women stop being a “mistake” and start being a problem?
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almondbiscotti · 4 years
Week 2 - Keeping It Up
Week 2, let’s go! 
Has been an odd week. Have been feeling extremely lethargic workwise. Can’t seem to concentrate and I keep procrastinating things. Only small bits of work give me inspiration and sparks joy and I’ll ride on the energy wave for a bit and it just flickers out. 
That said, on the personal front, things have been not bad. Sticking to my goals, feeding my soul. Issagoooood. 
Reads This Week
If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha (3/2021) When I finished If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha, I felt such a sense of grief. That it had to end, that I could no longer be part of the tight quartet in the book, at the sorrows of each character. Ah, the deep, unsettling sense of despair this book left me. I was scrolling through Instagram and was mentally yelling at every Instastory “HOW CAN YOU GO ABOUT YOUR LIVES SO APATHETICALLY WHEN I’M COMPLETELY DEVASTED BY THIS ONE WOMAN’S WORDS?!
This is how I want a read to leave me, despairing and desperate for more. Though I have to say it doesn’t really have a plot, no major plot development, no typical “cleverness” in storytelling. And you have to accept that the 4+1 girls you’re introduced to in the book will remain vague and blurry, like silhouettes in the rain. There is no resolution, though there is hope. (And dread actually, now that I think about it, funny how those two come together so often, Hope and Dread.) 
But the language, it was so well written! Cha is wonderful at conveying sentiments of female friendship and made me ache for my girlfriends. I could relate so intensely to the frustrations of her characters, seemingly frivolous issues about ridiculous intense admiration (obsession?) for Korean idols, other girls who look better than you, but also deep-seated scars, embarrassment at one’s childhood, monstrous guardians and care givers, a desire to be more. I could not recommend this more. I’m glad I picked it up. I will re-read this again.
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig (4/2021)
“Between life and death there is a library. And within that library, the shelves go on for ever. Every book provides a chance to try another life you could have lived. To see how things would be different if you have made other choices”
This was a strange book for me. I thought I liked it. And I think I do, just not as much as I thought I would have. It’s really strange for me to say this because this is literally a book about possibilities. About choices you make that lead you to completely different lives. And I’m ALL about possibilities. This book was dripping with potential and I feel the disappointment of unrealised potential so very acutely. 
I liked the first half more than the second half. Haig spends a good amount of time world building in the first half, talking about loss, about disappointment, about consequence of action and outcomes that don’t always meet our expectations. The premise is MAGICAL, so beautifully clever. A Library of possible lives, my heart aches at how poetic that is.
The second half just went into weird philosophical town. “The only way to learn is to live.”, “But now you’re lost within your lostness.” It got a bit… The 5 People You Meet In Heaven-ish. Which for some people is probably great, for me… it felt a bit preachy. Perhaps if you share similar regrets as the protagonist, Nora, you might like this book a lot than me.
Still enjoyed it though. For the love of the language. Haig is quite a virtuoso at wielding language to break your heart. Maybe it’s just personal preference, but I wish Haig took a more fantasy route, instead of a philosophical, Life Is About Living, approach. 
Kim Ji-young, Born 1982 by Cho Nam-ju (5/2021) I first heard of this book some time in 2019 I think, reading a SCMP article about how there were Korean couples breaking up because they could not agree on their feelings towards the movie adaptation. (Seriously, fucking Koreans wtf?!) Apparently there was great division on how women are treated in Korea, tensions on gender discrimination and The Patriarchy was rearing its ugly head, calling foul on attempts of the feminist movement in Korea.  
At that time, I was more intrigued by how ridiculous Korea can be (seriously, there were people sending death threats to female celebrities who even mentioned they read the book, what in the world?!) so I got a little swept away reading about how intensely chauvinistic Korea is. For all the shine and beauty of Kpop, Korea is really quite fucked up. 
I’m about 20% in and I quite like it so far! It’s translated so there are some awkward moments but overall, the language is easy and regular, highlighting how normal the discrimination and injustice Kim Ji-young faces is. 
Writes This Week
I.. haven’t finished my Kang Trilogy. Heh. I think I need some time away from it and will come back to it soon. I’m noticing that the Kang in my writing and the actor that kind of inspired him are becoming increasingly different. I think the Kang in my writing is becoming more like... me. I hope that one day, I’ll be able to write about things that I’m not familiar with, experiences that I’ve never had before. Practice, I’ll practise till I get there. 
I did finish a piece on Instagram woes, one that I started some time back but came back and finished in like... 10 mins. (Time away really does help.) It’s the first piece I’ve ever sent to a friend for critique and I’m so so so glad I did! I hope this is the start of something between AG and me, writing, reading and critiquing each others’ pieces. :) 
Reading more really does help with writing better! 
Watches This Week
MiChuRi  미추리 Season 1 & 2 on random website I googled out A Korean variety show I started on because Song Kang was in it. Premise is that the participants of the show have to solve clues to find a sum of money hidden somewhere in this “village”. It has elements of 2 Days 1 Night and Running Man. Yoo Jae Suk hosts so you already know it’s gonna be good! 
IT IS SO FUNNY HOMG WHAT. 10/10 will recommend for crack lols. I actually found myself learning quite a bit about the Korean language through this show. Also conclude that Song Kang looks great but he is severely lacking in the reasoning department. Boy is not what we would typically deem “intelligent”. But God Damn his beautiful face! God is fair, God is always fair. 
Extracurricular on Netflix About half way through it. It is really very good but in small doses please. Sometimes I forget that our main characters are just high school students but when I do, I feel almost physically sick watching what they have to do to survive. 
Kim Dong Hee is perfect as the incredibly introverted and troubled Oh Ji Soo. I think he carries the show. Some actors act with their eyes, Kim Dong Hee acts with his whole body. You can feel the desperation rushing out in waves from him, from his eyes to his shoulders to his frickin hair. I feel so much for him even though he essentially is pimping out underage escorts. Ah, CHEF’S KISS! 
The Uncanny Counter on Netflix 3 episodes in and it’s not bad! Though the amount of bullying that happens in Korean schools... is it normal?! I hope it’s just dramatised for shows... Now that I think about it, Extracurricular had lots of school bullying.  Ya... Korea, what the hell is up man?!
Also, none of the actors playing high school students look like high school students. Seriously, some of them could pass off as 40 year old uncles. Especially the bullies. Maybe they retain every year for the past 10 years? Is that why? 
Okay, don’t let me put you off The Uncanny Counter. It’s really quite good. So far at least. Excellent storytelling, great world building, above average cast. A solid 7.5/10 in my books. 
My main problem with it is that the characters are very one dimensional. I wish there was more nuance? Like you can fit every character in typical Kdrama tropes almost immediately and it makes the show very predictable. I LOVE the little friendship trio that our protagonist is in though. Is a rare thing, to find such precious friendships in Kdramas built on just pure friendship with no weird love triangle thrown in to complicate things. 
Listens This Week
Rediscovered some of IU’s old stuff. Like really old, like 2008, 2010 old. I really like her duet with Na Yoon Kown called First Love, and of course, Good Day is great. 
Been listening to quite a bit of Twice this week too. Well, just 2 of their latest singles. I really like I Can’t Stop Me and More and More. 
Kpop still dominates my listening charts this week. Heh. :) 
This week was not bad to me but I think I really need to pull my weight a bit more. May week 3 continue to be kind to us all! :) 
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