#it’s just so domestic and fluffy and intimate and it’s NOT REAL
theotherbuckley · 1 year
Some aspects of fanon are so widely accepted that I just got really sad because I just realised that Buck hasn’t actually called Eddie “Eds”
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dumplingsjinson · 1 year
prompts for fwb/fuck buddies who have been in that arrangement for a relatively long time and get way too comfortable, to the point where they start actually acting like a real couple (like holding hands outside and shit)?? - it can be anything you want, smutty, fluffy and angsty, i want it all ahahah
thank you so much!! hope you’re having a good day <3
List of “we may not look it, but we’re just fuckbuddies” prompts 
“Intertwined fingers in public?” “What, you don’t like it?” “No, I do like it. It’s just…. Not very us.”
“You know, cuddling with you feels more intimate than anything else we’ve been doing.”
“Kissing me out in public like no one’s bearing witness to it all… I love it.”
“You’re a lot different under the sheets, aren’t you?” “How so?” “…You’re way softer. I like this side of you.”  
“What are you doing? Why are you moving away?” “I don’t know, I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable by being too, like… Touchy.” “You couldn’t keep your hands off of me behind closed doors, and I want that energy to be shown in public too.”
“This is starting to feel a little too domestic.”
“Do that again and I might just start falling for you.” “…Well, if I knew kissing the back of your hand was the key to your heart then I’d have done this way earlier.”
“You do realise we’re in like… Public right now, right?” 
“You ever wonder if other people think we’re like… A thing?” 
“Stop grabbing my ass in public, you horny shit.”
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steviewashere · 7 months
Everything and More
Rating: General CW: None Apply! Tags: Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Established Relationship, Wedding, Married Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Set in the '90s, Future Fic, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington Loves Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson Loves Steve Harrington, Vows, Dialogue Heavy, Happy Ending
For the @steddielovemonth prompt: "Love is going out of your way to do something you know will make them happy."
They laid in the quiet dark stillness of their Chicago bedroom. For once, it seemed like the bustling neighborhoods of the city were silent. As if the world slowed just for the two of them.
Eddie’s laying on his back. Steve’s wrapped around his right side, cheek squished to his shoulder, arm thrown over his waist, legs tangled, breathing slow and easy between them. He traces his right index finger down Steve’s spine, loving the way goosebumps mingle with his moles. He’s never been more in love in his life.
There’s a brand new silver band on Steve’s left finger. Purchased a week after his impromptu proposal. And he’s never been more sated in his life. He wakes up in the early morning, craving a hot cup of coffee, wandering into the kitchen. He comes around the corner to see Steve at their dining table, orange peeled and slices laid out, his hands wrapped around his mug. That ring shiny, so beautiful on his hand. Belonging. Not permanent, Eddie knows that, but it signifies the permeance he’s willing to share with Steve—and he doesn’t have to put up much of a fight to be loved and desired. Which is apparent in the way he sits across from Steve every morning, a freshly peeled orange set out for him and his own steaming mug of coffee waiting for him.
He splays his palm over Steve’s back, squeezing him in closer with his arm, dropping a chaste kiss to his head of unstyled and silky hair. Adoration surges through him at the realization that he’s the only one who gets to see Steve this way. Soft and sleepy and syrupy slow.
“I can’t wait to marry you,” Eddie whispers, gently tapping on the glass of their silence.
Steve hums on his shoulder, turning his head, kissing the bare skin there. He sighs into the hold. “Me too,” he murmurs, “I just wish we could have a whole wedding. Have it be real.”
“Weddings don’t make a marriage real,” he says in turn. “They just mark an anniversary, sweet thing. Our love is real. That’s enough for me.”
“Yeah, but—“ He sighs again, something a little sad. “Don’t you ever think about having a wedding? About wearing a nice tuxedo? Like…I could imagine you wearing a maroon one and I’d have a black one or something.” Steve nuzzles Eddie’s bare shoulder, squeezing his waist, bringing his hand up to trace at the edge of one of his nastier scars. When Eddie looks down, Steve is peering at his hand.
Eddie drags his hand up to Steve’s scalp, dully scratching the way he knows he likes. “Okay, I’ll indulge,” he mutters. “If we could have a wedding, what would you want it to look like?”
The smile to his bare shoulder is enough to know that it was a good question.
“The tuxedos would be the same, I think,” Steve starts. “And we’d have all of our friends and family from Hawkins. Nobody from Chicago. They don’t know us as deep, as intimately.” He hums, thinking. “The chairs would be classy wedding white, decorated with fluffy pink roses on the back. And it would all be outside. So that we could get married under the sun and dance under the moon.
“It doesn’t matter to me what kind of food we have. Or how big the cake is. Or who walks down the aisle. Just that my best man is Robin and Dustin officiates.”
“Why would Dustin officiate? I feel like Hopper would be the best person for the job,” Eddie states.
“Because he like—“ Steve’s hand leaves Eddie’s torso, instead fluttering up in the air. Landing down softly on his skin when the words come to him. “Dustin is really good at remembering things! He’d be able to remember the whole ‘do you take so and so to be your lawfully…’ Whatever it is, I can’t even remember.” He sighs and relaxes. Almost boneless in their embrace, definitely getting sleepy enough to fall asleep. “The words don’t even have to be the same. I just want to say ‘I do’ and kiss you and then slow dance with you. That’s really all I want,” Steve breathes.
“One day we’ll have that wedding, Steve,” Eddie promises. “We will and you’ll be so happy.” He squeezes at Steve’s own bare shoulders, dragging his hand down his spine again, lulling him closer to sleep. “One question I have is, what would our wedding song be?”
“I think,” Steve whispers. “Think I like ‘Just the Way You Are’ by Billy Joel. Doesn’t it match us?”
Eddie nods against his pillow. “Wayne has that record somewhere,” he mutters. “You think Robin works tomorrow?”
“No, why?”
“Just remembered something that I need to ask her. Has to do with Vickie, but she won’t be home tomorrow. Go to sleep, baby. I’ll call her tomorrow.”
Steve’s snores against his skin is like white noise to his ear.
This wedding is going to happen, whether it be legal or not.
——— “So, we have tuxedos to wear…for a simple dinner at the local Mexican place?” Steve asks, a confused scrunch to his eyebrows, holding up a black suit in the mirror. “I don’t see why—“
“Steve, just put it on, you goofball.” Eddie saunters out from their bathroom. Chest to Steve’s back. Hands on his hips. He presses a kiss to his cheek. “Just do this silly thing with me, it’ll be worth it.” Steve hums, giving in. “Oh, no margaritas while we’re there. I’ve got plans with you afterwards and you can’t be tipsy for them,” he whispers.
“Oh come on,” Steve whines. “But that’s like my favorite part of that place. You can’t get them that cheap like anywhere!” He eyes Eddie in the mirror, but sinks further into the hold. “Fine,” he grumbles. “I’ll put on the suit and we’ll get orange soda with our nachos. And I’ll see it through.”
“Thank you,” Eddie sings into his ear. “Gotta do my hair, meet me in the car when you’re done jazzing yourself up.”
Operation Steve in Suit is successful. Eddie sees himself to their bathroom once more, tying up his hair, curling his bangs slightly with Steve’s flat iron. Sprays on some cologne and rushes down to the car. Just in time to put in the new tape he picked up. The Stranger by Billy Joel. He is hoping with everything inside of him that Steve is oblivious today. That he doesn’t catch on immediately.
The plan is that Robin and Vickie are coming over to their apartment. They’re going to cut up some roses, take all their supplies, sneak back out to their place, and wait for everybody else. Eddie paid for chairs, the arch. Got Joyce and Hopper and Claudia from out of town, they’ll be there with Argyle to cater some of the food; barbecue and pizza. Dustin will be there with Suzy to practice officiating. Max and Lucas have the rings. Erica and El will throw some flower petals. Will’s painting them saying I do. And Mike is getting all the music equipment set up.
Wayne’s going to walk Steve down the aisle, give him away. Because Steve’s parents won’t be there, but good riddance. And of course, Robin is Steve’s best man. In her own matching black suit. Nancy is Eddie’s best man, also in a beautiful maroon get up.
It may not all go according to plan, but the vague outline and steps are there. And if he can just get Steve to not go detective mode on him, then Eddie’s going to get away with this dream. He’s gonna make this come true, determined to in fact.
——— The other night, Eddie asked Steve to draft up vows.
“Why?” Steve asked skeptically. 
Eddie had shrugged. “Well, gives us practice? I don’t know. I began writing mine.”
“You—What?!” Steve shouted. “You started writing vows? But we can’t even—“
“Doesn’t matter,” Eddie said simply. “It’ll be something we could share later.”
And he had watched as Steve sat at their dining table. Five different sheets of paper scattered about the surface. His tongue poking out between his lips in concentration. Scratching and scribbling and furiously writing things down. Some lines earned a lovesick grin on his face, others brought tears to his eyes.
When he was finished, he slipped the final draft between the pages of his intro to education textbook. He wasn’t very sneaky about it. Almost like he wanted Eddie to find them, but he held off.
Until today.
——— Nachos were exceptional. And Steve half-heartedly grumbled at not having his usual meal. But he was satisfied with a Fanta and his greasy chips. Turns out he can still pack it away without the alcohol. And he’ll offer up the last chip if there isn’t a slice of jalapeño on it. Eddie takes the chip from Steve’s fingers, lets it be fed to him, and gazes at his soon-to-be husband as his eyes go soft and endearing with the swallow.
“I feel like it’s always better coming from your hands rather than mine,” Eddie lowly whispered. “Lots of things are better with your hands, come to think of it.” He reached across the table and tangled his hand with Steve’s left. His mood ring clinking with Steve’s silver band. God, he can’t wait to replace that thing. “Like my hand is better with your hand in it.”
Steve’s face flushed pink. “You’re a sap,” he murmured. “What’s gotten into you today?”
Eddie shrugged. “Something must be changing, sweetheart. Maybe I’ve gone Grinch on you. Maybe your heart made mine three times bigger.”
“Maybe,” Steve whispered. “But I think you’re up to something.”
“Who said I was up to something?”
“Aha!” Steve exclaimed, before quickly covering his mouth with his hand. A few sets of eyes turned to him, but went back to their food almost immediately. He snickered. “Aha,” he whispered, “Knew you were doing something. Come on, what’s your plan? Why are we wearing suits? How come your hair is up and sleek? What are we doing, babe?”
“Not saying a word,” Eddie dragged. He pulled back and slipped his hand away, stuffing them into his pocket to pay for their check. With the card in his hand, keys in the other, he stood. “Come on, baby doll, we’ve got somewhere to be.”
And with his excitement levels through the roof, Steve bounced up onto his feet, wiggling in place, following like a happy dog on Eddie’s heels.
——— “Keep your eyes closed,” Eddie whispered in Steve’s ear. His hands were already pressed into his eyes, but he couldn’t risk a goddamn thing. They already struggled getting him up the few steps leading to Robin’s front door. All they need to do now is finish walking through her house, through the back door, and wait for Wayne to hook his arm with Steve’s.
That’s all they need to do.
“Smells like Robin in here,” Steve murmurs. “Like…Lavender and chamomile and…Saffron? Is that the other spice she uses in her tea? I can’t—Are we at Robin’s, Eds?”
Eddie chuckled. “Stop asking so many questions. Just focus on moving your feet.”
They took three more small steps before he spoke up again. “Your hands are sweaty,” Steve whispered. “Why are you so sweaty?”
“Baby,” Eddie sighed. “Just move your feet. It’s warm, I’m warm, so I’m sweating.”
Steve hummed, a little unsatisfied. His voice shook, a little nervous, “Nothing is going to jump out at me, right? You know how I get about stuff like that.”
He pressed a kiss to Steve’s temple. “I promise I wouldn’t do that to you, sweetheart. What we’re doing is completely safe, you’re completely safe. I wouldn’t do this if it put you or I in danger, sweet thing.”
Finally, they moved in silence. Steve moving sluggishly, but efficiently enough. And eventually, Eddie’s hand drifted to the back door, sliding it open, stepping out onto the porch. He nodded towards Wayne, his arm slowly wrapping with Steve’s as Eddie’s hands fell away. Quickly, Eddie sidestepped the both of them, walked by all their friends in their cute little seats, and stood at the makeshift archway. He cupped his palms over his mouth and shouted, “Open your eyes, sweetheart!”
In real time, Steve’s cheeks lit up bright pink, his eyes going misty and shiny and stunning. His lips wobbled minutely before stretching into the most glistening, brightest, sunshine like smile Eddie’s ever seen. He mentally pats himself on the back. Good job, Ed, Wayne’s voice echoes in his brain, Made a damn good choice.
Steve giggles. “What is all this? When did—How did—Everybody’s here!”
Beside Eddie, a little radio began to play. The cheesy, classic “Bridal Chorus”. He can’t stop the smile that plasters itself to his face. The pride surging through him. His warmth, his hard beating heart, the satisfaction washing over him in waves. “Come over here, baby, Wayne’ll guide you.”
The first few steps Steve takes are slow and curious and hesitant. But as he strides past the smiling faces of all the people who love him, the people who matter, he grows confident. Goes excited and wonderful. And with no time lost, he’s standing in front of Eddie. A dry kiss pressed to his cheek, pressed to Eddie’s from Wayne. And then they take each other’s hands.
“Said you wanted a wedding,” Eddie says, “So here’s Dustin to officiate it.”
It’s a lot of Dustin stuttering over his words, parsing through pages in his hands, confusion muddling part of his sentences. But the content gaze on Steve’s face is all that matters. Dustin could be reading pig latin and Steve would still be smiling.
Though, when it comes to their vows, Steve’s smile falters. “But I don’t have mine,” he murmurs, a bit sad and a lot defeated.
“Don’t worry, I got you,” Eddie whispers. He stuffs his hand inside his blazer, pulling out two folded, loose leaf notebook pages. He hands one off to Steve. A confused glance thrown at him. “You don’t hide things very well. Practically begging for me to read them. Which, I didn’t! That’s your job.” He unfolds his own and then gazes back. “You wanna read yours first?”
Steve grips his paper tighter. Hesitantly nodding, flushing darker on his cheeks. “Uh—I, they aren’t very good. Probably inadequate, honestly.” Though, he brings them closer to his face to read:
“Eddie Munson, you have been and continue to be the reason I believe in things like love and desire. Which, that sounds cheesy, I know. But you know me better than I seem to know myself most days. Every morning, you de-pulp my orange. And you press a sticky kiss to my cheek and tell me how proud you are of me.
“You’ve believed in me even when I thought I was doomed. You have been the reason I refuse to give up on myself. Because you show me, everyday, that I am worth the time. That I am worth the cause. And that I am worthy to follow what my heart needs, desires. 
“I can say, confidently, that you are what my heart desires. Everything I do has a little bit of you in it. In fact, on the morning I’m writing this, I listened to a Black Sabbath tape in my car on my way to school. And headbanged the entire time—It hurt my neck, but I understood why you do it. There’s something satisfying about it all. About the way you express your emotions, how you soften your hands when you touch me, how you fill a space both with energy and language.
“It’s funny, I think, that some almost ten years ago, I was jealous of you. Because you were encroaching on my friendships and being braver than I could ever be. But everyday, I realize that all I can do is envy you. Respect you. For being yourself, for teaching me how to be myself. For showing me what it’s like to truly be alive.
“And I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life, alive in your space and your memories and your words. Filled to the brim with your love and then some. I love you more than I thought I could every single day. You are a reason to keep moving, Eddie Munson, and I am dancing.”
When Steve pries his eyes away from his paper, he’s glistening like a diamond in the rough. One in a million. The beacon of light in Eddie’s shadows. They’re crying, but they’re smiling. And it’s all so wonderful, so darling. He didn’t think he’d get this.
“Shit, Steve,” Eddie wetly chuckles. “You’re a poet, ain’t you? No wonder your going to school for literature.” He giggles again. Lets Steve cup his cheek to wipe his tears. Snorts back a disgusting bubble of snot that threatens to leave him. Takes a few grounding breaths and brings his own paper up. “I don’t know if mine will be good, but here we go.” He clears his throat and reads:
“Steve Harrington, where do I even begin with the likes of you?
“You are sunshine. Golden, warm, beautiful. You bring life to things around you. I find myself in your orbit even when your body isn’t there. My clothes often smell like your cologne. And my hair is soft from your haircare skills. My head is filled with pop lyrics and a new sports statistic that I may hear in passing. Sometimes, when you aren’t home, I find myself reading each and every single one of your baseball cards. Just to know you impossibly more.
“Despite some of those silly things, the mundane in it all, I am so glad to be living the simple life with you. To even be alive because of you. Because we haven’t talked about it, I know, but that’s the case. Your hands started my heart, quite literally. You breathed air back into my lungs, also quite literally. But my heart beats the syllables of your name, my lungs inhale your words like oxygen. Every moment with you makes me feel more alive than ever. In every slow morning, waking up to your snores muffled in my shoulder, hair tickling my jaw, your limbs tight around my torso. I am reminded in every morning, having you by my side, that I am alive.
“Because of you. Your determination. Your strength and fortitude. I have you to thank for my life and liveliness. I have you to thank for showing me that there is more than prejudice and bias. I have you to thank for every aspect of who I am as a person.
“Where I would be without you, I don’t even want to know. I am so elated to live the rest of our long, long lives with you by my side. With your warmth in every corner. And your laugh like music to my ears. Your touch like honey on my hands, sticky and somehow always there, but for that I will be thankful.
“In my darkest hours, you are my light. In my brightest hours, you are the shade that protects my skin. And in every hour of every morning, you are the love that surges through my soul.
“I love you, Steve Harrington, and I am determined to show you in all the moments of forever what that means to me.”
Enamored is one way to describe Steve’s face when he looks up. Absolutely lost in the space between them. His hand is on his cheek once more, wiping away tears. His lips pursed to coo. Eyes soft, so damn soft, every ache in Eddie’s body dissipates.
The kiss they share to seal it all, it may not be any different from every single one they’ve shared. But the way their breaths mingle, they breathe forever between pulls of lip.
Eddie’s never been one to think of himself as a married man, but the beginnings of this wedded life—not much different than how he’s already been living—tastes good. He gets to brag about a spouse, that’s something new. Oh, the bragging rights he’s privy to now. What a wonderful, wonderful thing.
——— Steve’s not a good dancer still, Eddie realizes. He steps in time to their song. But he more so just sways in place while Eddie leads. His eyes are soft still like a glowing candle’s flame. Eddie’s chest is lit by a passionate fire.
“Stevie, baby,” he whispers. “Is this basically everything you hoped it would be?” He nuzzles his nose into Steve’s, kisses his cheek, and pulls back to gaze.
“This is everything I wanted and more,” he murmurs. “I can’t even tell you how happy I am. Like all I want to do is just jump in place or something. There’s no words to say.” He drops his forehead to Eddie’s shoulder, his hair silky against his neck. “You even got the pink roses for the backs of every chair, how’d you do that?”
Eddie shrugs. “Talk to Robin and Vickie about that one. They’re the creative geniuses here.”
“I still can’t believe you got everybody to come out here for us,” he whispers.
“Are you kidding, Stevie? When I called Robin to say that I wanted to have a backyard wedding, she screeched her excitement into my ear. She could’a blown up my eardrum,” he chuckles. “Everybody else was easy. Just called them and said we were having a wedding, that it was a surprise, and they were on board.”
A barely there kiss is pressed into his neck, Steve’s breath ghosting. “I love you so much, Eds. Thank you.”
“I love you, too.” He pulls Steve back a little as their song dies down. The last of Billy Joel serenading between them. “How about we go slice some cake? Hear some stories. We’ve got a honeymoon to go on.”
The way Steve bounds away from him, jumping on the balls of his feet, hands fluttering at his sides by the cake stand fills Eddie with glee.
Good job, his own voice echoes inside him, you made your husband really happy.
He didn’t think he’d ever get this. But by the side of the person who saved him, quite literally and metaphorically, he realizes he has the chance to have everything. Steve is everything.
Every word in the language of the universe and that still wouldn’t be enough to describe the love he carries. Love was a fleeting thing before. Before somebody like Steve Harrington.
💕—————💕 I had so much fun writing for nearly every prompt, sans the very first day. I hope this is a satisfying last fic to round off my writings for steddielovemonth. Thank you for all the support on every fic. Sorry if I made you cry, but I hope this soothes. Eventually, I'll have a whole folder where my fics are in chronological order. But for all of my steddielovemonth fics, you can them on Ao3: steviewashere
Love you all <3
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demonvibez · 1 year
Hmmm another character I think would be fun to write for a soft fluffy shower scenario would be Beel, Mammon or Levi!!!
I imagine Beel's quite happy and delighted when he gets to pat you down with a towel and occasionally eat the toothpaste when it's time to get ready for bed, which is cute and soft!!! He's just a fluffy man!!! He wants to be drowned in that domestic love for sure!!! He likes ruffling your hair down with a towel and drying you off in his lap after a nice hot shower.
I can imagine he's too big and bulky to move efficiently out of the way of the showerhead so usually the water cascades all over him and barely on you. But don't worry!!! He'll just rub all the water on him back onto you when he's got you against the wall.
Mammon would be interesting because he's super bashful but he doesn't turn his nose up at the chance to bathe with MC, he's a lil nervous and doesn't exactly know where to glue his eyes or where to rub you down with bodywash because he keeps getting distracted by how pretty and sweet MC looks like this, but he's got the right spirit!
Eventually I imagine he gets quite comfortable rubbing MC down with soap while humming to himself, he seems so blissful he keeps lathering more soap onto you no matter how many times he's already done it. He just likes being able to touch you and be there with you, he likes when you let him take care of you and of course he loves it when you wash his hair out with him! I imagine he loves a mixture of baths and showers.
Levi's also quite sweet because I can imagine he's so shy! Poor guy doesn't know what to do in such a scenario!!! He wants to enjoy this intimate moment with MC in the bath so bad but he's so fidgety and blushy he can barely put his hands on you without overthinking it. He lets you wash his back even when he squirms around from the touch, the water swirls everywhere and eventually he's the one sitting between your legs so he can hide away that blush on his cheeks.
It stays that way regardless of how much time has passed, he's always thankful to have such an angel taking care of him in such a vulnerable state :,,,((( Eventually I'd say he becomes quite cozy staring at you! His eyes always linger in places they shouldn't and his cheeks erupt into fire when he figures out that MC does not at all mind when he lets his eyes and mind wander.
Wawawawa I like the boys :,|
An honourable mention I'd say would be interesting to write for is Solomon!
His pact marks are everywhere and he likes when MC scrubs down his marks in exchange for your's. When he smoothes his hands over the marks on your skin with soap he feels strangely calm, he likes how when it's just skin to skin, the both of you aren't so different afterall. Stripped down to the barest parts of you, MC is almost like him. Human! With the help of a few demons.
Oooo, all of these are definitely worthy contenders! I definitely wanna write the full versions w/ allllll of them, and have some pretty devious ideas about each. Your honorable mention of Solomon has inspired quite a few ideas that I'll have to keep in mind 😈
Until then, love what you wrote above, so I put my lil reply/spin below. ♡ I left out Solomon because he's just gonna have to join the party later!
Edit: am realizing I may not have put as much softness into parts of this but, oh well, enjoy!
warning: no real smut but it's quite suggestive (minors dni)
I definitely see Beelzebub being nervous at first, seeing as he is so damn polite when it comes to how you feel, whether it's about consent or the breakfast menu. He might fumble about the shower the first go round, which you both still enjoyed quite a bit, but the second time he is ready with a plan. He'll tell you to step into the shower first, the water cascading over you and onto him as he hands you the soap with that innocent smile of his. Time to rub down all of those muscles with your tiny little human hands. A blush creeps across his face as you look up at him with a devious smirk, gently pushing him down to the shower floor so that you can finally climb him and have your way with him . . .
Always the greedy demon, Mammon would never miss the chance to bathe with you. The greedy part of him just wants to take you, to feel every part of you while you share the shower together - to make you feel as good as you make him feel. Sometimes he has to remind himself that you're both here for a reason, 'gotta get clean n get ta breakfast before Lucifer kicks both our asses!' and you both fall into the routine of helping each other scrub. Sometimes, on a day where you both have nowhere to be, you find yourself in a bath together. Mammon suddenly pulls you into his lap, his grip on you firm and the golden glint of greed in his eyes. He has you all to himself today, and he will not be holding back . . .
Bathing with Leviathan is a double edged sword - when it comes to being in water, he is in his natural element. Demon form or not, he loves water and it's his safe space. On the other hand, Leviathan is not only very shy, but also self loathing. It isn't until you come along that everything starts to change. It takes some time for Levi to bathe with you - even the idea initially had him shut into his room for three days. But who else but you, his Henry, could help him break out of his shell?! And after a few attempts, here the two of you were. Eyes wide and cheeks painted with blush, Levi was lathering up your shoulders when he heard you giggle. He noticed that his tail had wrapped around your leg, and was snaking it's way upwards. Mortified, he began to stammer when you placed your hand on his tail and assured him that you like it. Emboldened with a small wind of confidence, he let his tail continue on, wondering what else it can do that you like . . .
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devildom-moss · 1 year
Maybe just some nice Lucifer x GN!MC domestic fluffy headcanons? Thank you so much!
Thank you for the request! I got you. These are a little messy and unorganized, but I hope you enjoy them. I have them based more in the future/original game when MC and Lucifer live together.
Lucifer x gn!MC domestic fluff headcanons
MC is in the habit of brewing coffee or caffeinated tea for Lucifer and bringing it to his study for him when they know he has a lot of work to do.
Usually, he stops working for a few moments when this happens and asks you to join him for a minute. If his work is especially distressing, he may ask to kiss you for a while or hold you or have you hold him – he just needs a bit of physical affection to go on. Otherwise, he just likes to sit and sip his drink with you. Chatting with you always restores him and sets him at ease.
Sometimes, he barely mutters out a “thanks” when MC comes by. He usually feels like a dick the next day and buys them something to drink or eat as a proper “thank you.”
Just imagine him walking up after one of your classes with a pretty frappe, or other ice blended drink and handing it to you in front of everyone. He’d kiss your cheek, tell you “thanks for last night” (with no concern for how that sounds), and offer to walk you to your next class/home. Meanwhile, Asmo’s whining about not getting a pretty drink and how unfair it is that Lucifer’s kissing you in public and somehow also trying to get more details about what you did to Lucifer last night.
He asks you to come to his room to listen to music with him at least once a week.
Some people go to spas, some order a good meal, Lucifer asks MC to just chill and listen to music with him. Maybe they cuddle, maybe something a bit more intimate – who cares? It’s his form of self-care.
He is ready to commit homicide if someone keeps him out late on nights when you are cooking dinner. Someone dares deprive him of a fresh-cooked meal from his beloved? Absolutely not. Okay, maybe if it’s an emergency or a demand from Diavolo. But he’ll always text or call to give a heads up and ask (because he knows he’s not in a position to make demands) that you save some food for him. If you delay eating so you can eat dinner with him when he gets home, his heart will practically burst with affection. Expect at least two “I love you”s and multiple kisses when he sees you. He’s down so bad.
Whenever he gets drunk before bed, he immediately looks for you when he wakes up. His hand searches his bed for your warmth. He knows he gets a bit affectionate when he’s drunk, so he instinctively expects you to be nearby.
If you aren’t there, he’ll groan and force himself out of bed. He’ll check his phone for messages from you and head to your room. If you’re in bed, he’ll crawl in with you until you get up (even if someone else is already in your bed, he does not care, and he is not alert enough to care. He just wants to hold you.). If you’re somewhere else, he’ll search the whole house for you until he finds you. Once he does, he’ll walk over to you – cool and calm, as if he hadn’t been searching for you – and hug you.
If you are in bed with him, he’ll pull you closer and lie with you until you’re ready to get up.
Every once in a while, he asks to shower with you – which is hard to do without getting caught. Even if his mind wanders to all of things you could get up to in that shower, he’s usually just content to be there with you under the hot water. A real shocker with Horny 2.0 over here.
Don’t tell anyone, but he adores washing your hair and playing around with it when it’s all soapy with shampoo. He has definitely tried to turn you into a unicorn and had to stifle his laughter. (However, if you shave your head, he will, instead, draw swirls in the suds like he’s trying to recreate Van Gogh’s Starry Night.)
If he walks into a common room and finds you sitting or standing with your back to him, he will sneak up behind you and wrap his arms around you. This fucker demon will just chuckle if he startles you. “It’s just me, my love. Do I scare you that much?”
If you really hate him sneaking up on you and tell him to stop, he will – kind of. He’ll call out your name in a low, sultry voice before hugging you.
Errands that he used to run alone become opportunities to be with you. Did Beel empty the fridge? “MC, would you mind going to the store with me later?” Did Lucifer wear out his shoes? “I need to buy another pair of shoes. I was wondering if you could assist me with that.” Did someone steal your favorite body lotion and now you’re all out? “I heard. I’ll figure out which of those idiots was responsible. Why don’t I take you shopping later? We’ll pick up a new jar. Maybe you’ll find a new scent you like, too.”
He loves when he goes out with you and shop owners or random people assume he’s your partner. He pretends to think that being referred to as your boyfriend is childish and stupid, but he’s endeared by it.
Lucifer has an “MC’s stuff” drawer in his room. It contains spare clothes and other items you might need if you spend the night in his room (bonnets, pillowcases, a mouth guard, a stuffed animal – whatever you need/want). He also has a jar in there that has your favorite candies. The drawer is magically sealed so only you or him can open it.
Lucifer always offers to do your laundry with his – without fail. It’s not just your clothes, either. He’ll offer to wash your bedding or towels or curtains. I feel like laundry and cooking are the only chores he enjoys.
Lucifer leaves gifts on MC’s bed when they’re out – especially if he thinks they’re having a rough day or have been having a tough week.
He hates when MC is on someone else’s team when playing any sort of group games. In part because he can’t figure out whether he should let MC’s team win to see them smile, or if he should crush them so he can show off a bit.
Hidden in the depth of his closet is shirt of yours that he borrowed once and refused to return. If you’re gone for longer than a week, that shirt becomes his new pillowcase so he can feel closer to you before drifting off to sleep.
Lucifer has – at any time – at least 3 bottles of Demonus hidden throughout the house. One of them is always in your room somewhere. You know about half of his hiding spots.
Even though he’s possessive, he still appreciates seeing you spend time with his brothers. He’s struck by your patience and affection for his precious brothers. It is endearing how well you’ve settled into his family. Likewise, Lucifer is adorable when he gets along with his brothers, and they dial back the drama and chaos at least 50%.
Lucifer loves when you give him a once over before he leaves the house or if you help him get ready. He likes letting you fix his tie or put cufflinks in for him. He enjoys your soft touch as you smooth out his collar or fix his hair. Asmo still gets to do his nails because of tradition, but he’ll let you do his makeup or pick accessories for him.
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staryuee · 2 years
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Lotus Rib Soup — Domestic Genshin Hcs ⸝⸝
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— [warnings]. as always , not proofread and also written by sleep deprived me at 7am
— synopsis . . . some simple fluffy domestic headcanons
— characters . . . ayato , ayaka , zhongli , ningguang , xiao
— notes . . . these are just general domestic things i can imagine them doing :) not necessarily after marriage (but u can ofc interpret that they r!)
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— now if you thought he was clingy and overbearing before, be prepared for that to TRIPLE once you start living together
— you tell him constantly to ‘not go overboard’, but this is the head of the yashiro commission we’re talking about so of course he won’t listen
— he S P O I L S YOU , you simply gazed at some pretty jewellery on your walk today ? it’ll be sitting on your vanity desk the next morning, said you were craving some food ? he’s having it prepared right away
— now this man is a classic and dare i say traditional romantic, so you will get the sappy ‘breakfast in bed with a kiss on the forehead’ treatment every morning before he heads off to his duties
— every single day no matter how busy he is, he will give you a bouquet of flowers accompanied with some kisses, because hey who doesn’t enjoy some flowers (me, i have hayfever)
— before you he just let thoma clean up around the place, but now with you it feels rather intimate to him to complete some chores together , it just makes him happy
— overall 20/10 , wife husband material !!!
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-- another one that completely spoils you rotten, but in a much more subtle way (at least she hopes because if she comes off as clingy she’ll probably hide herself from you until the next century)
— one thing she will absolutely never get tired of is hand holding , to the majority something like handholding is just a normal custom to any sort of relationship
— BUT !! to ayaka , it’s something that she finds to be a form of comfort, it makes her feel so much more comfortable and safe knowing that you won’t be leaving her any time soon
— what she loves even more than that is kisses, the passionate and chaste ones are always lovely and welcome however the ones she really prefers are the ones where you’re both laughing over something stupid - it makes everything seem so much more real to her
— she literally loves the random moments where you just twirl her around, it could be simply to give her a greeting or even a hug , but for some reason it makes her heart flutter
— your anniversaries would be so nicely organised and beautifully done , she’d probably plan months in advance because she just wants you to know that she loves you much more than she can show
— ayaka is very prone to loneliness, and having someone with her who she’s able to cherish and be so close with makes every hardship she faces worth it, every day when she’s done with her duties or even while she’s still performing them, she’s dreaming of being there with you
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— this old ass man istg (affectionate)
— he will pester you SO much about your physical and mental well-being , always telling you, “ai ren, you’ll strain your eyes if you keep looking at those papers in the dark, come to bed,” OR ,”darling, i’m not sure venting your frustrations on some hilichurls will solve your problems, but im always free to listen.”
— now that he’s trying to live out his ‘mortal life’, he’ll definitely start appreciating and noticing minor details about you; whether that be your mannerisms, your tonal shifts, to your laugh or even your posture
— since he’s still technically an archon he just sorta ditched his job because he couldn’t be asked, he doesn’t necessarily need sleep BUT he absolutely adores the nightly routine you two have (once he finally coaxes you into going to bed that is)
— cooking is most certainly one of his favourite activities to do with you, not only is it enjoyable he gets to see you dance around the kitchen trying to find utensils and ingredients - honestly just looking at you doing anything makes him have the most love stricken expression on his face.
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— now if you thought the kamisato siblings spoiled you, the tianqian takes that to the extreme
— if your gaze even lingers on an object for a second ningguang will have it in your possession in the next minute or so , ‘anything my dearest wants they’ll get’ that’s basically her motto
— she literally creates a room just for you in the jade chamber that she allowed you to decorate however you wished (most of the jade chamber has your touches added to it anyway)
— early mornings with ningguang don’t last long but they’ll always leave an impact on you both for the rest of the day , you’ll wake up with limbs tangled together and with your bodies pressed closed together, ningguang will give you special morning kisses to help boost your energy for the day but it honestly makes you just yearn for her more and distracts you
— she’s a rich and powerful chinese auntie ok, and she absolutely adores little kids she wants nothing more but for them to be happy and healthy - so when she sees you with kids her heart just simply explodes (crystallises? lol)
— “how can just a singular person be so precious and adorable … rex lapis thank you.”
— will ask about your thoughts on starting and raising a family, nothing too major of course maybe just one or two kids. anything you’re up for, she’s more than willing !
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— he’s been through way too much (especially after that new quest..) and being able to come to you and safely say “i’m home” genuinely makes him feel so loved and happy for once
— one thing he really enjoys while staying at home with you, is being cared for. you always reassure him that it’s just what he deserves, and your not doing any of this out of pity but out of love, and he absolutely knows that and cherishes that fact.
— wether it be back massages to relieve stress, cute little at home dates, intriguing conversations at three am as neither of you can fall asleep - xiao holds it all dear in his heart
— xiao doesn’t really have much of a morning ? i mean he doesn’t sleep and if you try to coerce him you’ll get turned down with the “i’m not mortal, i’ll be fine.” - but as soon as he says that line you respond back with the “but i’ll be so lonely without you” and he is dragging you to bed with you
— when you finally wake up together it’s the prettiest sight anyone could bear the witness of seeing, both of your bodies entangled together with xiao’s arms strongly hugging your waist in attempt to close the non existent gap between you
— he insists that this is all “useless” and that he’s waiting precious hours of the day, but with the loving way his eyes gaze at you ever morning and the way he tucks locks of your hair away from your face to look at you - it’s impossible to believe him
— your nighttimes are usually just spent with you coddling him and perhaps singing or humming a sweet melody to him
— kids are out of the question with him btw , buuutttt maybe if you begged enough times-
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©IHEARTGANYU do not copy, steal or repost <3
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inadaydream99 · 2 years
Their Protectiveness Over You
OT7 NCT Dream, very fluffy, mildly suggestive, gender neutral reader
A/N - When inspiration strikes! I’ve also been contemplating doing this for 127 - let me know if I should!! ☺️
Disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only and does not represent any of the members in real life. Some possessive behaviour which may be triggering. Any warnings I’ve missed, please let me know!
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He’s pretty chilled when it comes to you. He knows you can handle yourself. And doesn’t want to be that overbearing, overprotective boyfriend. Besides, he trusts you. With all his heart.
…So why does he feel the need to wrap you up in cotton wool?
Literally. There was even a time when you were unwell and Mark actually wrapped you in layers and layers of blankets until you were practically held hostage by the cocoon your worried boyfriend had secured you into.
The whole time, Mark was by your side making sure you were hydrated, fed and comfortable until you were better.
And the don’t-lie-to-me look he gave you when you tried to convince him you were feeling better, even though you clearly weren’t, had you simultaneously feeling incredibly guilty for trying to lie to him and your heart doing summersaults in your chest.
One thing you should know about your relationship with Mark is that while he may come across as naïve, he can’t be fooled easily. At least by you… And he WILL NOT stop pampering you until he is sure you’re 100% better.
“Dude, I’m better already!” You hide your sniffle through a laugh.
“Don’t dude your loving boyfriend like that,” He’s unable to hide his cheesy smile. “And come cuddle me, I saw you sniffle just then.”
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An adoring protective. And by this I mean like he’s never more than a few steps away from you when you pay him a visit. A little because he knows how overwhelming the others can be. But mostly because he just adores you so much.
Renjun won’t admit it publicly, but he revels in being able to take care of you and give you lots of affection.
Loves to run you hot baths filled with bubbles and wash your hair for you. And insists on combing your hair afterwards. He makes every domestic act so intimate by the lingering touches and soft kisses he presses to your skin.
He looks at you like your his whole world and makes sure that everyone knows you’re his love.
He hates anyone making jokey comments about your relationship, particularly the Dreamies (more often than not it’s Haechan because he is jealous of you and wants Renjun all to himself).
“Gorgeous calm down, it was only a joke.” You cling onto your boyfriends arm to keep him weighted to you. He looks like he’s about to launch himself at the group of his laughing friends after they had been teasingly questioning you on how romantic Renjun is. It was all in good nature after all.
“At least I have someone to be romantic with.” He grumbles, his anger slowly subsiding the longer you cuddle into him.
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Protective when provoked. It’s like Jeno is just waiting for the right moment to spring up from the sofa where he watches you in the kitchen, so he can jump in and take the knife away from you and cut the remaining vegetables himself.
He’s doesn’t do that, of course. You’re more than capable of using sharp and potentially very dangerous utensils to prepare the meal that you so lovingly insisted on making for your boyfriend.
But then Jeno hears you swear under your breath, hissing at the stinging pain that courses through you. Yes, you’d accidentally cut your finger.
“I told you to be careful baby.” Jeno mumbles as he focuses on securely wrapping the bandaid around your finger, bringing it up to his lips and pressing a delicate kiss there afterwards.
“I was being careful, it just slipped.” You pout up at him, sending your best puppy eyes towards him in order to ease the guilt that radiates from him. You know he’s blaming himself for your mistake.
“Well, I’m going to finish dinner now.” Jeno presses another kiss, this time to your temple, his hands securing your waist in his hold.
And once you’ve eaten and settled down for the evening, Jeno will coerce you to lay on his chest so he can give you loads of affection.
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Smug protective. And Smug Haechan is the worst. Particularly when it’s because you’ve proven him right.
There he sits with the most irritating smirk resting on his lips, arms folded across his chest and one eyebrow raised. He knows he was right, the I-told-you-so look already pissing you off more than you would like to admit.
Nor do you want to admit you need his help right now… but this game is way harder to play than it looks and now you’re stuck in a vulnerable position where the opposing team could strike you at any moment.
“I know how to get you out of this mess…” You shoot him daggers, warning him to speak another word.
“I’ll cut off your tongue if you don’t- nooooo!” You cry out, the screen going grey and your controller no longer being able to control your character… no matter how many times you angrily press every button…
“It’s ok baby.” You remain still as your boyfriend envelops you in his arms, forcing you into his chest and tucking his face into your neck. “I’m still proud of you.”
You have no words for his supposed comforting. Instead you sigh, letting yourself cuddle into him and relax. After all, it doesn’t really matter that you are terrible at video games when you’ve got such a snuggly boyfriend.
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So laid back half the time he doesn’t realise that he should be paying more attention to you.
He’s not really phased by much. But, oh boy, does he get riled up and incredibly protective over you if he ever sees you upset. Jaemin is very good at reading your emotions and knows how sensitive you can be at times.
Which is why, when you were out together for dinner and bumped into a colleague of yours - that Jaemin knows for a fact you haven’t had the nicest experiences with - he becomes quite serious and protective of you.
Not only did he have his hand outstretched across the table, holding onto yours. But he also decided to play footsie under the table as a form of subtle distraction for you.
However, despite his ministrations to soothe you, Jaemin remains stoic.
Long gone is his soft smile and lighthearted jokes. In their place is his stern frown and displeased gaze, watching your colleagues every move.
“Jaem, it’s ok.” You whisper to him the second your colleague has gone, pleading him to relax.
“Sorry, but I can’t stand them knowing they have caused you so much stress and upset at work.” Jaemin sighs, his expression softening when he takes notice of how worried you look.
You simply rub the pad of your thumb over the back of his hand, still holding onto yours like his life depends on it. And while it makes his loving smile return, it’s obvious that your boyfriend is going to be a little more protective of you for the rest of the evening.
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Protective as a warning.
It’s like a switch is flicked when Chenle gets protective. Gone is the giggly and smiley boyfriend you know and love and in his place is his serious words and predatorial gaze.
ALWAYS makes it publicly known that he is your boyfriend. Seriously. Whenever he meets someone new he will introduce himself as (Y/N)’s boyfriend before actually saying his name.
And don’t even get me started on if another person so much as makes eyes at you, let alone flirts with you.
Chenle is immediately there, grabbing your hand and pulling you away from your admirer. He doesn’t take you anywhere secluded though. No. He doesn’t care who else sees, just pushes you up against the closest wall and crashes his lips onto yours.
“There’s too many people here that want you tonight,” he pulls away with an evil smirk. “So I need to mark my territory.”
“Don’t be so jealous!” You giggle, accepting him as he delves back in for another kiss.
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Quietly protective. Like he does it in a way that doesn’t immediately scream protective, but it definitely is.
When you’re with Jisung, he always finds a way of holding you. Whether that’s holding your waist, back hugs with his chin resting on your shoulder, hand holding or subtly linking pinky fingers, he’s there by your side.
There was even one time when he resorted to putting his hand in the back pocket of your jeans because you were walking along the street together and both of your hands were carrying things. He didn’t know what else to do and the anxiety of not keeping a protective hand on you to keep you from falling over if you tripped was eating him alive.
Of course, that then started off his obsession with your butt. It’s like his hand gravitates there automatically. He’s so shameless about it, that even if you’re wearing pants that don’t have back pockets, he’ll just hold your ass in his palm. His intentions are innocent more often than not though. However sometimes…
“Your butt looks great in these pants.” You hear his voice whisper into your ear as he steps up behind you, his hand giving your ass a good squeeze.
“Sungie, anyone could walk in.” You whine. Although, you don’t try to move his hand away…
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frankcastlescumslut · 2 years
Come in the Water
word count: 3.9k
warnings: language, absolute tooth rotting fluff, domestic Frank Castle, lots of happy emotions
synopsis: Frank just basks in your beauty, completely content if you never leave this bed. except, it’s your birthday.
comments/feedback/reblogs/likes are always welcome <3 thank you for reading!
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a/n: this is so self indulgent i do not even care. i want this kinda love, especially from big bad Punisher. the dancing was inspired by this. here’s the song mentioned!
the room was filled with a cacophony of deep, even breaths and artificial rain from the sound machine. moonlight slipped through the curtains and kissed your bare skin, illuminating the soft curvature of your body and silkiness of your hair. blankets were trapped between your legs, and your arms wrapped around a plush pillow. your face was nestled into the crook of your arm, hair lightly scattered across your forehead.
Frank committed this view to memory.
he so desperately wanted to reach out and touch you to make sure you were real- tangible, his- but fought himself to buy a few extra minutes of the sublime view. his mind wandered to the probability of the existence of angels, quickly settling that they must be real as long as you were still breathing.
these sacred moments were what kept Frank alive. your deafening laugh when he jumped at a spider that crawled across the floor I ain’t scared! that thing was just big as shit! your selflessness and gentle eyes he finds with a sniffle after another father’s day you are so loved. your patience and calming presence soothing him when he comes home looking worse for wear I’ll try to stitch as fast as I can, but this may sting, okay? your unwavering trust and submission as you bare the most intimate parts of yourself to him with a pleased sigh you feel so good. your ability to effortlessly love him, you are my life.
he fought tooth and nail to give you the world, even though he believed you deserved the heavens. there would never be a moment where you would doubt his love for you, he made sure of it, which is how he was able to pull away from your sleeping figure.
staying mindful of the way the mattress dips, Frank adjusts his body so his arms apply steady pressure. he holds his breath as he shrinks away from your frame, careful not to disturb your rest. the bed creases slightly before his arms join his side and he takes one last glance at the ethereal sight of you curled into the covers.
quickly pulling on a sweatshirt that hung off of the couch, he slipped on the nearest pair of shoes- which happened to be your fluffy slippers. he’s too excited to care.
the front door to the apartment clicks shut as he jogs walks to the van. a billow of red balloons emerges from the open door, desperate to fly away. Frank ties the balloons together in a knot before holding it with his teeth as he reaches for your gifts. his stomach growls when he smells the cupcake.
everything has to be perfect he thought as he shuffled throughout the quiet apartment, arranging the gifts and balloons meticulously. his hip catches on a chair and he curses as it scuffs against the floor. he holds his breath in anticipation, praying you don’t wake up. a moment of silence passes before air fills his lungs again.
Frank tiptoes to your room when the clock reads 11:59.
you’re still there, snuggled deeply into the soft comforter. your figure is illuminated by the cool light; you’re practically shimmering. Frank has to take a minute to admire your beauty. a beautiful smile frames his face and he doesn’t try to hide the tears that threaten to spill as he admires the love of his life. he will never not be the luckiest man in the world as long as you’re with him.
the bed dips beneath him as he gingerly sits on top of the blanket, scooting near your frame. small kisses pepper the soft skin of your back and shoulders. he chuckles when you don’t stir this girl could sleep through a god damn hurricane.
it’s not until he kisses near your neck and ear that you begin to wake.
you heave a sigh as you turn to lay on your back, your arms following to rest beside your head on the plush pillows. you refuse to open your eyes, even when you hear that familiar chuckle. Frank just basks in your beauty, completely content if you never leave this bed. except, it’s your birthday.
you can feel his gaze, so you blink slightly before opening one eye to find him.
“I saw that” he smiles from his place by your side.
you can’t help but close your eyes and give a sleepy smile in return.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” you playfully turn your head into your arm to hide from him.
a large hand brushes the hair from your face, the moonlight highlights the bridge of your nose and lips. he places a sweet kiss to your warm cheeks.
“hey sleepyhead” he kisses your forehead.
“hi” your eyes finally meet his, and you can’t help but smile.
he looks beautiful. celestial. the gentle light showers over him and he looks like he’s glowing. your arms move on their own account and reach out to him.
you exhale into his hold as your arms wrap around him and he hooks his underneath your bare skin. his hair tickles you as he rests his head into your neck, placing a small kiss. he’s careful not to rest all of his weight on you, but it’s nearly impossible with the way you squeeze him, practically begging to mesh into one. you relish in his warmth and embrace.
“happy birthday, sweetheart” he raises his head to meet your gaze. his puppy dog eyes cause your heart to skip a beat.
you can’t help but dramatically throw your head back against the pillow to mask your affinity for him.
“Frank, what time is it?” you do your best to sound annoyed.
he cranes his neck to find the alarm clock.
“12:04” he says facing you, a shit eating grin plastered across his face.
“that’s why you woke me up?!” you can’t help but mirror his smile.
he plants a wet kiss against your lips before sitting up. you pout at the loss of warmth.
“‘course I had to, it’s my girl’s birthday!” he retorts as if you weren’t aware it was his favorite day of the year.
he smiles as you try to hide a blush and roll your eyes. his hand cups your radiant face and lightly strokes your cheek with his thumb. your eyes are still heavy lidded and your lips are full from sleep. you could’ve fallen asleep just like that if you tried, but you couldn’t look away from his beautiful face. you reach a hand out towards him, and he eases his head into your small touch.
you stay like that for what seems like eternity. there will never be enough time in the world for you to love him, but that doesn’t stop you from trying. it’s only when your arm grows tired and drags across his chest that you realize he’s wearing a sweatshirt.
“where did this come from?“ you ask, lightly pulling on the collar.
“don’t worry about it. come on,” he pulls back the covers and goosebumps litter your body. you hiss at the sudden chill.
“Frank,” you whine with furrowed brows as you wrap your arms around yourself, trying to warm up.
“sorry baby, here,” the sweatshirt is off before he ends his sentence.
“arms up” he taps your sides and you follow his orders. you hum in content as your body immediately warms and you are smothered in his scent. you also don’t mind the way he’s clothed in boxers that hug him just right. he looks like he was sculpted by the gods.
“better?” he asks with a raised brow, pulling you from your lustful trance.
the bed dips as he stands and holds a hand out for you.
“mhm.” you take his hold and carefully crawl out of bed.
“cute shoes” you can’t help but chuckle at the sight. the slippers are half the size of his foot, and they practically smush under his weight.
“yeah yeah, shut it” he slaps your ass to save himself the embarrassment.
you stand in the middle of the room, waiting for directions as Frank plunders through drawers. you don’t ask questions, more so for your sanity rather than the sleep that still lingers in your mind. gotcha! he looks triumphant as he holds up a black tie. well… not quite what you were expecting.
“c’mere” he beams and turns you around before you can protest.
“Frank, what are you-“ your world turns black as he wraps the fabric over your eyes.
“it’s called a surprise, sweetheart” you can hear the smile as he ties the knot.
“alright,” he shuffles in front of you.
“how many fingers am I holding up?” you can sense a hand in front of your face but have no visual.
“uhhh, two?” you guess before blindly reaching for his hand. he laughs as you feel one singular middle finger.
“hey!” you attempt to smack him at his childish humor, but fail to hide your own laugh.
“be nice to the birthday girl” you say matter of factly through a yawn.
you nearly topple over as he places a rough kiss to your lips, catching yourself on one of his sturdy arms.
“c’mon then, birthday girl” another smack to your backside signals you to start walking.
he really does debate allowing you to take the blind lead, but quickly catches your hand and guides you away from the doorframe you were about to collide with. you shuffle carefully behind him as you’re lead into what you assume is the entrance to the living room. nothing seems off, as far as your senses can tell.
“okay, before I give you your sight back, just know I’ll clean everything up. swear it” he prefaces your surprise. your interest is piqued, but quickly reserved as you notice his body tense and his lack of breathing.
“I’m sure whatever it is that I will love it” you attempt to face him for a kiss but are turned the completely wrong way. he laughs at the gesture before pecking your cheek.
“alright, hold on-“ his fingers fiddle with the knot.
you blink slowly as the world around you suddenly reappears.
warm light floods the living room. shadows dance across the walls as candle flames flicker in different directions. red balloons scatter across the ceiling, nearly covering it completely. rose petals lay sprinkled across the living room floor, save for a circle in the middle of the room. a blanket replaces the rug, a bottle of wine and a plated cupcake carefully placed on top. you took in the sight for what seemed like forever.
“Frank,” you can barely whisper.
“I, uh, I know this year it’s a bit different” you hear him close behind you, hand brushing his hair back nervously.
you can’t help but shake your head, unable to process your view. he catches the way your head moves.
“I’m sorry if it’s not what you were expecting, I’ll clean it up, I promise, I just know how you like roses and-“
a tear falls from your eye and your lip quivers automatically.
“it’s perfect.” another tear hits your cheek.
“I know you always tell me not to ‘be flashy’, so y’know I just thought something like this would be better-“
“it’s perfect.” you whisper, blinking away the wetness.
“and I know you hate the color red, trust me sweetheart, I wanted to strangle the guy, but didn’t want to ruin your birthday and-“
“and so I had to go with the red ones because it’s the only ones that were actually heart shaped, ya know-“
“but I got your favorite cupcake from-”
“Frank Castle!” you surprise the both of you at your volume, and he quickly notices the tears and flushed cheeks. his eyes become frantic, scanning your face for an answer.
“honey,” you practically throw yourself at him. your
arms wrap around his sturdy frame and he wobbles at the forceful affection, eyes wide at the urgency.
“it’s perfect.” the warmth of his skin burns against your already red cheeks, but the tears soothe the sting. his arms snake around your body as he holds you, gently pressing your head into his chest to draw nearer. his brown eyes close with a sigh of relief.
Frank, of course, loves to spoil you any chance that he can get. whether it was the time he slammed on the brakes and pulled the van over, what’s wrong?! just to illegally pick some wildflowers, here. for you, or the way he would buy you the most beautiful editions of your favorite books, FRANK! that’s too expensive!, or the delicate pair of diamond earrings to celebrate your anniversary together, what if it was a ring, woman! that you wear every day.
Frank, of course, loves to spoil you. but more importantly, he loves being able to love you. he knows you are grateful for the tokens of love, but he also knows the way your heart bursts at the thoughtful gestures. like when he picked up the correct brand of shampoo and conditioner while out grocery shopping without being asked, and the way you looked like he had grown an extra head when it showed up in the shower what- how did you- what?! or when he purposefully didn’t eat the stuffed crust but it’s your favorite, Frank! so you could have another bite. or when he completely rearranges and decorates the living room with dozens of roses and rose petals, white candles, heart shaped balloons, and your favorite bottle of wine and cupcake.
you have never felt more seen and loved than in this moment. you wish you had the words to describe the way you were feeling; the tears were the only way your emotions could manifest. soothing circles against your back brought you from your moment of reminiscing. your head lifts to meet his gaze.
“hi” thumbs swipe across your soaked cheeks.
“hi” you croak out.
“you’re a lil snotty, sweetheart” the creases around his enhance his smile.
“sue me” you mirror him.
the kiss was wet, obviously. the way Frank was willing to kiss you amidst your mixture of tears and snot only confirmed that he did, in fact, love you. it was short, wet, and sweet.
“I love you” you whisper, tears threatening to fall again.
“thank you,” you bury yourself into him.
“for loving me so well.” you bite your lip to keep it still.
“I’ll always love you, sweetheart”’ he places a kiss to the top of your head.
“but c’mere, wanna show you something.” he reluctantly untangles himself from your grip.
you sit with crossed legs on the soft blanket that’s surrounded by rose petals and candles, wiping the tears that seem to have a mind of their own. Frank frantically grabs two wine glasses and a bag hidden behind the arm of the couch before sitting in front of you.
“I’m not proposing yet, don’t worry” he squeezes your knee as he reaches for the bag. your ears perk at the mention of an engagement, but you, somehow, remain composed. you can’t help but laugh at the two triangle shaped party hats he pulls from the bag before putting one on your head.
“how do I look?“ your hands fold and land under your jaw as you frame your face.
“even more beautiful than the first time i saw your ugly mug” he smiles as he puts his own hat on.
“that doesn’t make any sense you know” you laugh and lean back on your hands.
the moonlight shines through the curtains, illuminating Frank’s frame. he’s sturdy and capable of gruesome acts, yet he sits in front of you with puppy dog eyes and a birthday hat on his head. your heart softens at the domesticity of the Punisher.
he catches you staring and his cheeks burn in the shadows. today was about you, yet you still made him feel like the center of the universe. he tries to hide his smile as he digs around the bag for the rest of your gifts.
“alright sweetheart, listen to me” his eyes are soft but his voice is stern.
“I’m gonna give this to you,” he holds up a rectangle shaped item.
“but you can’t read it right now. not after how much you just snot on me” he jokes with warm eyes.
“fine,” you huff.
your fingers gently open the envelope
“god dammit” you shakily exhale, the lump in your throat is painful as you attempt to stifle a sob.
“oh come on! you haven’t even opened it!” Frank’s in shock at how easily your emotions flow.
the card, if you can call it that, is simple.
a giant, uneven red heart adorns the front of the folded piece of copy paper; the individual strokes from the marker are evident under the limited light. you can tell he tried to take his time when drawing the shape, the tip of the heart curved to the left just a bit.
you brave a peek at the contents inside but quickly close it when your eyes read over the words: to my love.
“Frank, I-“
“you don’t have to say anything, sweetheart.” he rests his hand on one of your knees.
“got one more thing, though- hold on” he reaches into the bag again.
“no, no. no more presents, please. this is more than I could have ever asked for-“ you’re silenced with a quick kiss.
“yeah, yeah. I knew you would say that. open it.” he hands you a heavy box.
you are surprised when it’s a book with no title on the front. you carefully pick it up to inspect it, but are shocked to find yourself on its pages. your hand flies to your mouth as you look over the dozens of pictures of you and Frank that fill the book.
you laugh at the image of Frank trying on one of your “I <3 NY” shirts, and the way it barely fits over his head. you laugh at the image of you “holding” your first fish from when he took you out to his favorite spot on the river. you laugh at the image of Frank dressed as an angel and you dressed as the devil from last year’s halloween party.
you smile at the still of the selfie you took underneath the bean in Chicago- it came out terrible with the wind. you smile at the picture from a few weeks ago where he insisted on taking a selfie, pointing while you eat the biggest hot dog you’ve ever seen. you smile at the picture you took of the both of you wearing face masks on the couch for a spa day.
your vision blurs at the last picture. it’s you, from last year’s birthday, blowing out a single candle on your favorite cupcake. underneath, written in tiny letters, ”here’s to a lifetime of celebrating my girl”
it takes you a minute to compose yourself before you can meet Frank’s face. you were giving yourself an internal pep talk to take it easy on the tears, but it felt impossible while you were surrounded by extensions of Frank’s love.
“hey!” you gasp as you catch him wiping his own tears.
“oh shut it!” he begins to stand, arms extending to help you to your feet.
“Frank, I really-“ he cuts you off by stepping away. your brows furrow as you watch him head towards the record player underneath the side table. the moonlight catches the way his muscles move as he bends to put on a familiar song. your head instantly falls to your shoulder and you smile up at him as he makes his way back to you.
come in the water
there ain’t nobody else here
feel it still when the planes are coming
i just want to lie here
your arms raise and reach for him. his hands encompass yours as fingers gently intertwine. remaining arms lengths apart, you begin to gently sway with the beat. your arms push against each other rhythmically. the candlelight glows beneath you both, illuminating your faces.
spread out along the road
and i’ve been weak
when my Lord was calling me
the water will take our load
his smile is infectious, and his touch is addicting. he pushes into you and you’re suddenly twirling underneath the arc of his arm and landing against his chest. large hands find your waist and your touch rests on his muscular chest.
on the day that you were born
legions laid down their arms
on the day you lost control
legions leapt from your throat
you smile at the lyrics and rest your head against him, basking in his protective hold. his arms wrap around you as he places his forehead on the crown of your head, swaying your body in unison.
“I love you” your eyes close in finality.
“I love you more” he hums.
you push against him gently so that you’re able to wrap your arms around his neck and meet his eyes.
“I don’t even know how to thank you for this,” you confess as your eyes wander over every detail he planned.
“are you happy?” he asks, studying your face. you’re shocked that he could think you were anything other than elated.
“happy?” you nearly laugh.
“honey, I’m over the fucking moon right now.” you reach a hand to the nape of his neck, tugging his forehead to yours. he breathes a sigh of relief and melts into your touch.
come in the water
or is there somewhere you have to go?
we’ll keep a lantern open
in case you lose your way in the cold
his arms trail up the side of your waist, ribs, and tickle the outsides of your arms before pressing a kiss into the inside of your elbow. his fingers linger to the nape of your neck and into the roots of your hair, gently tugging, so your head is forced back to look at him.
on the day that you were born
legions leapt from their arms
“happy birthday, baby” you felt the warmth radiate to your cheeks.
“thank you. thank you for loving me.” your body sways, head resting into the palm of his hand.
“thank you for letting me love you.” his eyes twinkle from the flickering flames.
you stay like that for a while, just relaxing in each other’s hold, watching the shadows dance across your faces. the drum provides a steady beat to sway to, and you eventually close your eyes to lose yourself in the rhythm. your breathing falters as you’re pulled tightly against Frank, finding yourself nearly on your tiptoes as you rest your head on his shoulder.
“did you mean it?” you prod gently.
“hm?” he hums, eyes closed, enjoying your closeness.
“you said ‘yet’,” you hold your breath.
“did you mean that?” you secretly hoped you wouldn’t have to elaborate.
you feel his chest vibrate as he silently laughs to himself.
“yes, I mean it.” your heart races at the confession, but you’re thankful for the lack of ambiguity.
mrs. castle.
you don’t miss the way he sighs into you, the name seems to silently bounce between you both, telepathically confirming your desires.
balloons gently bounce against one another. moonlight collides with candlelight. shadows dance across the walls. the smell of roses fill the space. your heartbeats align.
eternity passes and you completely miss it, you’re too enthralled by the sun you orbit. time stands still and he’s oblivious, too enchanted by the heavenly host in his grasp.
sigh. thinking abt making a nsfw pt 2 to this one… much to consider.
thank you for reading <3
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jalapenokpoppers · 2 years
Stray Kids reactions to S/O being an animal lover.
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Fluffy fluffy fluff.
Warnings: none. Not proofread I guess.
A/N This. was. So. Cute.
(D/N=Dog’s name)
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Chan: Berry, Cavalier King Charles spaniel.
•He’s literally this 😍 emoji whenever he sees you playing with animals.
•Let’s say you two are walking through a park, when a loose dog comes running towards you.
•Not in a mean way, it just wants to play.
•The dog comes up to you, and starts licking you, and nuzzling you.
•*Cue the 😍.*
•The owners come up and start apologizing, while you assure them it’s all right.
•When you’re done talking with the owners, Chan grabs your hand.
•”Where are we going?”
•”Australia. You need to meet Berry.”
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Lee Know: Soonie, Doongie, Dori.
•The minute he sees you playing with his cats, you’re going to need to call an ambulance, because boy is dead.
•Just watching the loves of his nine lives life, playing together on the floor.
•Takes so many pictures.
•Buys you all matching sweaters .
•Apparently Doongie is kind of a brat, and Minho would be so jealous if you got the kitty to snuggle with you.
•”B-but Doongie? Don’t you want to sit with daddy instead?”
•*Cue Doongie hissing from your comfy lap.*
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Changbin: none.
•Binnie doesn’t have any animals, but he takes you to Seoul’s bunny café!
•Loves watching the bunnies swarm around you.
•Just watches you coo over the bunnies with a 🥺 face.
•Bends his head towards you.
•”I’m half bunny too.🥺”
•When you pet his head, like you do to the bunnies, he melts.
•He loves to spoil you, so if you ask if you can have a bunny, he’ll buy two for you, since bunnies should be in pairs.
•He acts like he doesn’t really like them, when they’re actually his babies, and he’s so soft for them.
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Hyunjin: Kkami, long haired chihuahua.
•Oh boy, oh boy.
•You know that video where Hyunjin is trying to get Kkami to give him a kiss but Kkami is like. 😑
•Yeah, he gets jealous when Kkami gives you kisses, but not him.
•But is also like.
•”Well if Kkami loves them, that means they’re my soulmate.”
•Honestly gets so emotional, because like. Look at his S/O playing with his doggie.
•He finds it so intimate, and domestic.
•If he’s being serious, that’s the moment he realized you’re his forever person.
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Han: Bbama, bichon frise.
•Poor guy is allergic to animal fur. :(
•BUT. Good thing bichon frises are hypoallergenic.
•Sits on the floor, playing with you and Bbama.
•Why do I see him as one of those people who loves to smack dog’s bellies.
•Lots of snuggles with the three of you.
•Gets jealous if you spend too much time with his doggo though.
•”Can we cuddle without Bbama for once, Y/N? 🥺”
•”HoW dAre yOu. He iS oUr cHild-“
•Let’s it slide, but doesn’t let Bbama sleep with you two. :(
•He might let him sleep with you guys every once in a while, if you ask him nicely.
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Felix: none.
•Two words.
•Puppy cafés.
•Unlike Changbin though, he WON’T buy you an animal.
•He’ll take you to puppy cafés all you want though.
•Just makes that 😁 smile he does, watching you drink your beverage, and play with doggos.
•Loves to pet one on his lap while watching you.
•Buys you all the animal plushies.
•Names them all for you.
•Your bed is just completely taken taken up by animal plushies now.
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Seungmin: none. Daengmo, IKEA golden retriever dog plush.
•Ok but. Cuddling with Seungmin, and his dog plush.
•I know it’s not a real animal but still.
•Seungmin is also a puppy himself
•Pet his head.
•You’re literally his biggest weakness, so if you ask for a puppy he’ll get you one.
•He tells you the dog is all yours, and he’ll have very little to with it, but in the end Seungmin ends up loving the dog more than you love it.
•You didn’t think that was possible.
•Jealous of the attention you give a new puppy though.
•”I need a kiss for every kiss you give the puppy. 🥺”
•Calls it your child.
•omg he’d call you D/N’s mommy.”
•Another dog belly smacker.
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Jeongin: none.
•Also won’t buy you a pet, sorry.
•He tells you he’s already your baby who needs lots of attention, so why would you get another one.
•Kitty cafés though.
•Loves the sound of cats meows.
•He can’t explain it, it just calms him.
•Is literally like. 
•“That’s my S/O!!”
•Whenever all the kitties swarm to you.
•Tells everyone how good with animals you are.
•Might promise to get you a kitty when you get married.
•And you’re all like. 
•”When we what?!”
•And he’s just.🤗
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slasherhaven · 3 years
Holy shit your insecure Michael fic woke something up inside of me 😂 I absolutely love this softer side of Michael. I was wondering if I could request a piece on michaels conflicted feelings about falling in love and opening up to his s/o? Like just really soft and fluffy, maybe him noticing that he leans into her touch and craves intimacy more etc. I’m just a slut for our big slashers being soft just for their s/o. Thank you so much I loooove this page and how you write for these tough guys 🥰🥰
Michael Myers feeling conflicted about falling in love and opening up:
He couldn’t place when it started...probably when he started coinhabiting with you, when he decided not to kill you. Yeah, that was probably the start of it, right at the beginning, but realisation settled too late, it was unavoidable. 
He could kill you...technically that would end the problem, right? No more new and strange feelings, no more conflict, it would be over. However, the thought of you being gone did not settle right with Michael at all, it made his fists clench at his sides and his jaw tense behind his mask. No, that wouldn’t solve the problem, it will only bring a multitude of new ones.
It started when he spared you, he decided. Then when was the turning point? When did he realise that there was no turning back? He knew the answer to that fairly quickly as well, when he removed the mask around you for the first time, letting you see his face, letting you see the real Michael. The man, not the monster.
It was all unavoidable. You and these feelings...unavoidable. At least that was what he told himself to avoid thinking about why he made each individual decision that led him here.
You had become his partner, you cared for him and he cared for you even if you both showed it in very different ways. You meant something to him, he was somebody to you. You saw him. All of this had been true for a long time, even you had known it, but Michael had refused to open his eyes to it. Hoping that ignoring it would avoid the realisation forever. 
He could let things continue, let things be, but he couldn’t actually wrap his head around it. So, he supressed it the best he could.
The moment he knew he couldn’t ignore it any longer, when the conflict rose to the front of his mind and planted itself there, was when you were tending to his wounds.
It was an intimate act, though you had been intimate together various times before this felt different. It was a soft, caring act on your behalf.
He couldn’t ignore the way your touch slowly eased the tension in his body, how he allowed himself to trust you at all when he had never trusted anyone. What really caused him to linger on his internal conflict was the way he lent into your touch without even realising it at first. How could you have so much power over him?
The thing that really gets him is when you’re in bed and you move closer in your sleep, cuddling into his side, like you trusted him. Hell, you did trust him against your own better judgement. He allowed it...he liked it.
The only reason Michael didn’t end it all was because he...enjoyed it. It was a nice, warm feeling. Of course he liked that...he just wasn’t used to it.
The conflict wasn’t whether he enjoyed having you around or not. It was about whether or not he would accept it. 
Letting you in, opening up to you, it felt good but it made him feel vulnerable, something Michael never wants to feel. He hates it.
It was late but you were cooking, making something for Michael to eat when you noticed that he hadn’t eaten much that day. Caring, just like always. Normally Michael enjoyed your cooking and would eat anything you placed in front of him, but he was starting to feel that itch, the one that could only be satisfied by going out for a hunt.
“Michael” you smiled, turning when you heard his footsteps enter the room. “I guessed you were hungry so I’m making you something to eat” you informed him, he hated the way it make his heart twinge. “Sit down” you kindly gestured towards the table, seemingly not noticing the mask clutched in his hand.
Michael just shook his head, pulling the mask over his face before heading for the backdoor.
“Oh...okay...” you frowned a little when you realised he was leaving for his...nightly activities. You had become used to it, loved him despite it, but it still hurt a little when he left you like this. “I’ll uh...put it aside, you can heat it up when you come back if you’re hungry” you offered, forcing a small smile, “oh, and try not to get blood on the sheets when you come to bed, alright?” 
It was...oddly domestic, the things you requested of him, the bare minimum honestly.
He responded with the smallest nod and a quiet grunt of approval, though it sounded a little dismissive. 
You sighed as he left the house, turning back to the food you had been cooking. You would put it in the fridge for when he returned, you wondered if you should try to stay up for him or if you would tire before he came home.
You jumped a little when you heard the door open again, turning to see Michael striding towards you. You paused, blinking up at him curiously. You knew that he couldn’t help when he needed to go out like this, so you wondered why he decided to return.
You didn’t speak, you just waited. Surely he wanted something. 
It was incredibly surprising to you when he lifted the mask up to just above his nose, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead. Your face flared up in a warm blush, definitely not expecting the affection. Without anything else, Michael lowered the mask, turning on his heel.
There, affection. It wasn’t a lot but it was a step in the right direction, enough to express some of the things he was feeling.
“I love you too!” you called after him as he disappeared out of the house, leaving you smiling brightly to yourself.
Those words. They just started a whole new conflict. You loved him, you loved him too...you knew how he felt about you even if he couldn’t completely comprehend them himself.
For now, this was okay. He was slowly coming to terms with his new feelings, and it seemed that you were willing to wait, finding the small achievements satisfying.
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hotch-stufff · 3 years
hiii 47 and 7 for angst hotch
i love ur writing btw <3
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gif by hoe-tchner
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Warnings!: mentions of abuse, stalking, and death, past abusive relationships, normal criminal minds things, angst, crying, pining, but a fluffy ending
Promtps: Angst #7 "Are you drunk?", Angst #47 "You flinched"
Author's Note: Thank you so much <3, hope you enjoy reading!!
In hindsight, it probably wasn’ the best idea to get drunk at a bar. Especially alone. But you weren’t exactly thinking straight when you had stepped off the jet after a long case. And it had been a LONG case. Nearly a week of going through the same evidence over and over again scouring for a lead. Finally finding a lead, and coming to a dead end. 
The eventual lead that you did catch, led to the unsub already standing over her next victim’s body. At least you got a full confession. But you had been the one that had found the unsub. If that wasn’t enough, this case had already been hitting way too close to home. 
A woman was murdering victims of domestic abuse to “save them” because her mom was never “saved” from her father’s abuse. She had grown up watching it. Her victims had all had y/h/c hair, with y/e/c eyes. The same height as you, same style, just overall very similar. The only difference the team saw had been that you were never abused. At least that was what your file had said.
You had been able to keep it on the low for as long as you had been at the BAU. But you were terrified one of them would figure it out. That you would flinch at the wrong time, or you would do something to give it away.
You had gotten lucky and no one seemed suspicious. You ended up hiding in the back of the jet, curled up. No one bothered you. They all assumed that the case had just hit you harder. The one thing you hadn’t known though was that Hotch had been keeping a very close eye on you.
You two had become close, and would often hang out at each other's apartments. Spending tjme just talking about nothing and everything for hours. He had quickly become one of your best friends. You always went to him when you were upset.
But tonight, you just needed to get away.
Which is how you found yourself in this bar, downing your fifth drink. In the back of your mind, you knew that you wouldn't be able to drive home, or even walk without tripping over your own feet. You needed to call someone, and your drunk self called Hotch. While the phone rang you checked the time. 3 am. He was going to kill you.
“Hotchner.” You giggled drunkenly at his formal response.
“Why so serious bossman?” He recognized your voice immediately. 
“Y/n? Are you okay?” 
“M’great. Havin a blast.” You slurred.
“Are you drunk?” He asked and you giggled again.
“Mayyybe.” You slurred, concerning Hotch even more.
"Where are you?”
“Mabel's I think. But let me tell you. I think you need to come get me because there is no way m’drivin home.” He huffed as you heard noise coming from the phone.
“I'm on my way, stay there!” But you hung up. You were so excited to see him. Truth was you had definitely developed a crush for the man. Telling him that was going to be difficult, mainly because of your past, but also because he was your boss, and about 12 years older than you.
You waited for about 10 minutes before you heard the door ring as it opened and Hotch ran inside, frantically searching around. He found you and was quickly at your side.
“Y/n, are you okay?” You nodded sleepily. You always did get sleepy after your sixth drink. He gave you a concerned glance before reaching for your arm. You flinched slightly, but Hotch didn’t say anything about it. He picked you up because there was no way that you could walk, and carried you out to his car. 
“You’re staying with me tonight.” He had said once on the road. You lazily watched  out the window as buildings went by. 
“M’kay.” You mumbled. Hotch sent you another concerned glance. Something was wrong, but he couldn't quite figure out what. Usually when a case hit you hard, you would spend the night talking with him. He had been surprised when you hadn't shown up at his apartment. Even more shocked when you had called him drunk. He cared about you and it hurt him to see you like this.
Soon he found himself pulling into his driveway. He parked and quickly ran to your side of the car to help you out. He opened your door, and reached his hand over to unbuckle you when suddenly you shifted back. Your arms came up as if to block a blow and a whimper escaped your lips. 
“I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. I promise!” You let out, sounding much more sober now. Hotch stood there dumbfounded, not knowing what to do. 
“Y/n, it’s me, can you hear me, its Aaron?” You moved your arms from your face, peeking out wide eyed. You pulled your arms the rest of the way down. 
“Sorry Hotch. That was just, um, that w-was-” But he cut you off.
“You flinched.” He paused looking at the tears in your eyes, realizing that he needed to get you inside before you broke down in the car. “C’mon, let's go inside.” You bowed your head and nodded. 
“Okay.” You said softly. He helped you out of his car slowly, and walked you up to his apartment. Once there, you plopped on his couch, sobering up for the conversation you knew was going to happen. He walked in the room, a glass of water in hand. He handed it to you, sitting next to you. he waited a few moments before beginning the inevitable conversation.
“Y/n, why did you flinch?” He asked hesitantly. He didn't want to push you, but he was concerned and he wanted to know. So you told him. Every detail, every heartbreaking moment. The bruises, the scars, the hospital trips. Everything. The reports, the disbelief, the arrest, the divorce. Then the even worse parts. The escape, the stalking, the attack, the death. Every little thing. You could feel the tears falling down your face as you spoke about your ex-husband. 
Hotch sat as he watched the beautiful woman sitting in front of him break down. He didn't know any of this, none of it was in your file. He knew that Strauss had to know though, because you never would have been accepted without background checks and psych evals. 
His heart broke a little more every time you shared another detail. On one side it felt so nice to get it off your chest. On the other hand, it was weird opening up to Hotch like this. He was seeing so much more of you than you had ever allowed anyone since your husband. He sat in silence once you finished speaking. 
“Y/n. I'm so sorry. You never should have had to go through that.” And the tears came even faster, until they were silent sobs. Hotch, well he was more Aaron in that moment, brought you into his arms holding you tight, bringing you a comfort you hadn’t felt in a long time. “Shh, shh. It’s okay. I’m right here. It’s okay to cry.”He silently whispered into your hair. You looked up at him then, sighing softly at the beautiful man before you. 
“Thank you Aaron.” He loved the way his name sounded coming from your lips. But before he could tell you, he looked down to find you asleep in his arms. And that's how he stayed until morning. 
                       * * *
The next morning you awoke to a strange bed, with strange sheets, in a strange room. But one sniff and all you could smell was Hotch’s cologne. You soon recognized that there was a warm body behind your own, an arm wrapped around your middle. 
You almost didn't remember what happened last night, but once you did, you began to panic. What if he hated you? What if he was disgusted by you? He probably had just pitied you.  
He must have felt you shift, because he was waking up. His arm tightened around you, and he leaned up looking you in the eyes. He saw your panic and was alert rather quickly for someone who had just woken up. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked quickly, eyes scanning you frantically. 
“You must be disgusted with me.” You paused taking a deep breath. “I'm sorry Hotch. I ruined your night and then cried all over you with my pathetic life story. And you probably just pitied me. I'm sorry.” He shook his head. 
“Y/n, look at me.” You looked into his eyes. “I am and never will be disgusted by you. I am amazed by you. You are so strong and beautiful and you never deserved a thing that disgusting man did to you. I don’t pity you, not at all. All of this has just made me fall more in love with you than I already was.” You looked at him wide eyed.
“You love me?” He leaned a little closer.
“Of course I do. It's impossible not to.” You dared closer still as he moved a piece of hair from your face. The loving gesture warming your heart. 
“Thank you. For everything. I love you too Aaron.” And he sealed your lips. It was intimate and explosive at the same time. And in the most cliche way, fireworks exploded as you kissed him. 
You moved together passionately. Your noses bumped ever so slightly as he kissed you deeper than you had ever been kissed. He was an amazing kisser, to say the least. He broke away a moment later, smiling down at you. 
“Give me a chance to show you what real love is, what it's supposed to be.” You nodded.
“Of course Aaron.” And you kissed him again, sliding your hands around his neck into his hair. It was the happiest you had been in a very long time. 
So in hindsight, maybe getting drunk wasn’t such a bad idea after all. 
Thanks for reading! Requests are still open, so ask away! If i don't get to yours, I'm sorry!! If you would like an idea of what to request, here is my prompt list, and if you would like to read more of my work, here is my masterlist.
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sekceesimps · 3 years
Shimmering Through Darkness (a Zhongli x reader oneshot)
summary:   Rex Lapis finally retires and allows for Zhongli to spend time with his darling. Basically just tooth rotting Zhongli retirement fluff with a lil spice!  (tried to make reader GN)
a/n  Schlongli is so sexy I can’t. This man is literally my entire reason for shifting. Hope all of you enjoy some fluffy Zhongli. Leave some feedback and drop a request! 
Sincerely Coffee 
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Rex Lapis had been tired for so long. His responsibilities over the thousands of years in existence had drained him of strength and the will to continue his rule over the land of Liyue. 
He had been wandering the lands and been practically stripped of all purpose in his life. At least, that was until he met you. 
Your meeting had felt fated and arranged by powers far more powerful than him. Zhongli truly believed that the two of you were soulmates and quite honestly he was probably correct. He was ready to spend the rest of his entire life with you, however long that may be. 
Now the two of you had met by chance on one of your work ventures. He had been off at Wuwang Hill for funeral arrangements, a task that he found needless, but was thrust on him by the lack of workers at the parlor. You had gone there to investigate a slew of ghostly sightings, a task which you were loath to do alone. 
He had run straight into you while you were wandering around the houses looking for clues from a mysterious particle. Instantly, he had been captured by your stunning E/C eyes, eyebrows furrowed in concentration, and body alert, but still relaxed. You had apologized for bumping into him and all he could do was stupidly stare at you open mouthed as you bashfully rubbed your neck with your hand. Ever the gentleman, he aided you with your commission and accompanied you back to Liyue Harbor. Well, next thing you know he’s inviting you to dinner and a few months later you’re living together. 
Your relationship blossomed much faster than either of you had expected. Zhongli was not going to complain though, every action of yours, as simple as it may be, seemed to spark something within him. Your very existence gave him reason to live and to plan a future that wasn’t a dead end one. 
He had been with many lovers over his years of existence, but none of them made him flustered or dream of keeping them close at his side. Zhongli prided himself on his calm composure, but when you gently ran your fingers across his knuckles or through his long dark hair, he was a blushing and speechless mess. To think that he was once the most fear striking and rageful Archon as you wrapped your arms around his lithe form and rested your chin on his head. 
You hadn’t really been shocked when he had told you that he was Rex Lapis. He was probably more surprised than you when all you did was shrug and leave kisses across his jaw. You truly are perfect for him, he thinks as you pull him to your side on the bed and shower him with love that he had not experienced in thousands of years. 
One of his favorite things to do with you is grasp your hand, lacing your fingers with his, and take you to all his favorite locations in Liyue. Really, his dates are just adventures of their own. He finds so much joy from being able to watch your eyes sparkle as he tells you a tale of a battle or an event that happened at a certain ruin or cliffside. His heart never fails to race when you rest your head on his shoulder and let him hold you close to his side. 
Living together was not something he wanted to ask of you, as you had yet to be married and his traditionalist ideals feared offending you. The concept of marriage was one of which he was beginning to entertain more and more. However, when you begin to stop accepting commissions in faraway regions, choosing to instead stay by his side more often, it leads to you not really being able to have a stable place to lodge. 
He was quick to use the Northland Bank’s funds to purchase a beautiful home slightly north of the bustling harbor. You were a little annoyed that he hadn’t consulted you and you could have paid for it yourself, however the pride in his eyes of being able to provide for you (ahem Childe provided for you, but neither of you say anything) just filled you with acceptance over the new developments. Shortly after, you decide to invite him to stay with you, not really knowing if he had even had a place to sleep in the first place. 
Zhongli preened under the attention you gave him at home. Almost every night, the two of you had accustomed yourselves to wrapping in eachothers arms and basking in the warm embrace of the other. These wonderful moments in your shared home gave him more meaning than he’d ever had before. His existence was now only to please and provide for you and your happiness. 
Retirement was an idea, just a faraway dream, that he could never be able to accomplish. He had his duties in Liyue! The people needed him to stave away threats and preside over the land. Yet, Zhongli no longer wanted to have dominion over Liyue, instead, he wanted to finally rest at your side. As the people of Liyue began to grow more self-sufficient, he began to see it fit to depart.
He had let the idea simmer in his mind for years, but now his plans could possibly reach fruition. He wasn’t like the Mondstadt Archon, Barbatos. Freedom was not his forte, he was the Archon of contracts. The great Rex Lapis had sworn to protect these people in the place he called home. As his definition of home shifted from the vast and diverse lands and mountainscapes of Liyue towards you and the warmth and love that you provided, his decision became clear. These people could care for themselves for the time being, and he wasn’t going to be going too far. 
When he broke the news to you, he had blushed at the way a smile broke across your face and you embraced him with fervor. He had planned for you two to live in your small home near the Guili Plains, but your begging to live somewhere with a few more people prompted him to decide to move to Qingce Village. After all, his home was wherever you were. 
You were the one who had to do most of the working and wage earning as he had no mora. He felt a bit guilty when you would come home exhausted every few days and he was just brewing some tea for the two of you. To be fair, the tea he made was very good and he was trying to master how to cook certain dishes so he could please you. 
Traditional husband and wife roles had shifted considerably as Zhongli was staying home and cooking and cleaning while he waited for you to come home from work. Your home itself was located in the outskirts of the village, allowing for a slightly longer travel, but privacy that Zhongli now desired. He was more and more relaxed and trusted you enough to mostly shed his troublesome human form. 
His draconic features were more apparent as he relaxed by your side in the spacious home. His golden eyes had a more prominent glow and two sharp curved horns protruded from his head. His nails were longer and more sharp and some days, parts of his skin would be shiny with scales. He was still in a human form for your convenience, however it helped him rest when he showed parts of his real body. Perhaps one day he’d show you his true self, but he’d have to do it in a secluded area, he is supposed to be dead after all.  
Zhongli in retirement was far more interested in children than he would have thought. While you might not have been technically married yet, something which he was eager to fix, he still wanted to start a family with you. After several long talks you decide to hold off for the moment, whether you want to have children or not, Zhongli is anxious to one day expand the home the two of you have created. 
Truly, he is much more domestic and eager to help you in any way he can. Especially in the bedroom. As he is slightly more dragon like now, those features seep into your more intimate moments. He’s more keen on marking and claiming you than he was before. Probably because he views you as his and is loath to allow others near you. He’s definitely more soft than before and prefers to have you guide the way. His yearning for that domestic life has really give you more control. It’s also given him a renewed focus on your pleasure and on taking care of you afterwards. 
Zhongli is glad that he found you. You’ve given him a sense of normalcy, a home, and love which he has never really felt before. You are his guiding light, his reason for life, and person he  wants to protect above all else. As his soulmate, you’ve cut through the darkness of the past several hundred years and provided him with everything he never knew he needed. 
a/n I’m currently writing Genshin NSFW HCs and I elaborate more about Zhongli there, so keep your eyes peeled! Hope you enjoyed this piece though. 
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after-witch · 4 years
Baby Mine [Yandere Overhaul x Reader]
Title: Baby Mine [Yandere Overhaul x Reader]
Synopsis:  The first time you laid eyes on your child, you knew: You had to get out. Set in the ‘White Picket Fence’-verse. 
For request: Something with Overhaul + the reader’s children and manipulation (I’m sorry I accidentally deleted the original message so I don’t remember the exacting wording!)
Word Count: 3328
notes: yandere, stockholm syndrome, abuse
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From the instant you laid eyes on your daughter, the moment your gaze took in her fresh, wet skin and her small, blinking, uncomprehending eyes, you knew: you had to get the fuck away from Chisaki Kai.
The realization was instant, like a flash, peeling away years of manipulation and training and forced self-acceptance of your situation. Years of justifications and excuses that had wormed their way under your skin, forcing you to see the bright side, to see his side, and let yourself get wrapped up in its candy-coated, fluffy cotton bullshit--gone, ripped away with brutal, exacting force. All that was left was the stark realization, a single driving force shoving you forward: you and your daughter were going to get out.
That was four years ago.
Four years of agonizing pretending. Of forcing yourself to put back on the coat you'd worn before, the false version of yourself that loved him and accepted him and excused everything he ever did to you. It was hard. It was harder to pretend that you accepted this than to actually accept it, to indulge in his control. But every time your resolve weakened, it only took a glance at your child to remind you of why you couldn't just give in.
You had to get out, not for yourself, but for her. To give her a normal life. A life where she could be free, where she could have friends, where she could run outside and not be limited to the house or, if the weather was nice, the secure, high-fenced backyard that Kai had only built within the last year.
Four years of pretending. Four years of planning. And, most difficult of all, four years of waiting. Trust was not easily given by Chisaki Kai, even to the mother of his child.
So you waited.
You waited for Kai to move you two--no, three now--into a house, a real house; not in a populated suburb (another broken promise that you swallowed deep, deep down) but an offshoot of some protected compound in a remote area, where it could be secure and guarded. But what mattered is that its doors connected to the outside, not to some unknown underground bunker.  You could manage, if you were connected to the outside.
You waited for Kai to ease up on the restrictions that built up around you during your pregnancy, rules to keep you under a far more watchful eye, rules that made it harder to find a way out. Inches of trust, gradually earned, which made it possible for you to think concretely about escape.
You waited for your daughter to get old enough to run, old enough to survive without needing to be fed every few hours, old enough to know how to stay quiet when told. Watching her grow up only made you want to leave, more. She had a personality now. Stubborn but accepting when she knew she wouldn’t win; sweet in her own way, an unusual way, likely one that came from a lack of interaction with anyone but her parents and a handful of trusted Shie Hassaikai members.
It was one of those trusted members--you never have learned their name, a secret Kai (nor they) were willing to give--that would be your key to escape.
 They loved your daughter, too, in time. They were drawn in by her precociousness, her insistence on formalities and pleases and thank-yous. But it was her bubbliness and inherent interest in the world and people around her that made them decide to love her, too.Her big eyes and bubbling laugh when you two were allowed in the yard, sometimes under this member’s supervision. 
To your daughter’s delight, they didn’t simply watch you like the handful of others did; they joined in the fun. Just a few weeks ago, she’d convinced him to push her so high on the swing set that she’d gone all the way around--even your heart briefly froze until she’d emerged on the other side, cackling with delight, safe and sound.
They were loyal to Overhaul. Of that there was no doubt. Had they killed for him? Maimed? Tortured? You tried not to think about the things that were done in Overhaul’s name.
Yet they’d betrayed him, all for the sake of your daughter. Part of you feels bitter that they wouldn’t betray him for the sake of you--but then, what was that saying? Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
It was with their help that you were finally able to secure that last necessary piece of the puzzle for your escape: getting out of the secured, monitored gate surrounding the house unnoticed. He told you in hushed, intense tones that he would be on watch duty the night of your escape, that he would take care of the other member assigned that night, and that all you had to do was get out the door at the agreed time with your bag, your daughter, and a good pair of walking shoes. He would drive you as far as he could, and then you two would run, run, run after that.
It was going to work. Your daughter was going to live her life, a real life, not one carefully constructed in captivity. What would you do first, once you were free? The thoughts sometimes made you so giddy that you pinched yourself to calm down. So close, so close to the finish line, and you must be vigilant.
Tonight. You and your daughter are going to leave tonight.
Your daughter is in her bed, tucked in safe and secure. Her eyes are already closed, and Kai is sitting at the edge of the mattress, as always, smoothing down her hair and pressing a chaste kiss to her forehead. You watch from the doorway with your arms casually crossed, a small, tired, end-of-the-night smile on your lips. It's all so normal, so domestic, isn't it.
"Good night," he says, so soft and sweet that, if you hadn't been pulled out of your deluded coping mechanism, you might find it endearing. Instead, your thoughts scream: This will be the last time you ever see her, you fucked up piece of shit bastard. Oh, do you have a potty mouth when your 'husband' can't hear you...
He leaves your daughter to her dreams and clicks off the little lamp on her nightstand. When he crosses the doorway, you make room and he lets you slide your arm around his, linking yourselves together for the walk to your shared bedroom.
"Tired?" He asks, and you nod. You are tired. Not for the reasons he thinks, and not for the reasons you'll give, but the telltale darkness under your eyes belies the stress of planning your escape from a years-long ordeal.
You sigh, as soft and sweet as his voice was earlier. "Mmhmm. She didn't want to focus on her lessons today. I got a bit frustrated. Sometimes I don't think I'm cut out to be a teacher." By now you're in your bedroom and you casually take off your day clothes, dropping them in the labeled hamper in front of the closet. Your stomach twinges with the memory of how he used to look away when you took off your clothes.
But that was long ago, and now he continues the conversation casually as the pair of you strip and change into your respective pajamas. You slip a pink nightie with ruffled bottom over your head as he
"You just need more practice. Are you reading the lesson books before you start class?"
I wouldn't have to read any lesson books if you let her out of this house, if you let her out of school, if you weren't--you stop your thoughts, afraid that they might show on your face. Afraid that you might lose everything at this last, crucial moment.
But you know you look frustrated, so you roll with it. "Yes," you say, voice just the right amount of annoyed in retort. "But if she doesn't want to sit down and focus, me reading the lesson beforehand isn't really going to help, is it?"
He stares at you, and you wonder in a flash if you went too far. But in the next moment, he's simply continuing to button up his shirt. "Is it going to help our daughter learn if you take out your bad day on your husband?" His voice is dripping with the natural condescension that once had you questioning whether or not it was okay to be upset that he'd kidnapped you, and you hate it. But at least it's a sign that he bought your excuses.
You feel a warm flush of shame at the way his condescension still makes you feel less-than. You slide yourself into bed, under the covers, instinctively grabbing the book on your end table and staring down into it like you could simply disappear inside the pages. You can't mess up anything right now. The weight of what you need to do tonight feels so heavy and you can't stop your hands from trembling slightly.
"Sorry," you whisper, voice thick with emotion. "It's just hard sometimes. I feel in over my head."
It's Kai's turn to slide under the covers, though he doesn't bother grabbing his own book. Instead he gently pushes on your hands until you set the book on the covers. You know he wants you to look at him, so you do. He looks so gentle, so calm. Did he kill anyone today? Did he insult some hapless victim who crossed his organization, spewing venom with his words, before kissing your daughter goodnight hours later?
His gloved hands tip your chin up and it's a familiar feeling, an intimate feeling, when he pulls you in for a kiss. When he pulls away, he's smiling softly, indulgently. You aren't in trouble. You're good.
"I'll come home for lessons tomorrow and see what I can do. Would you like that?"
I'd like you to drop dead and make this easier on us, you think.
"Yes, Kai."
You smile. You nod. You let out a shaky sigh and lean your shoulders against his, picking up your book and signaling an end to the crisis. He lets you read quietly for a while before turning off the lamp on his side of the bed; it's a wordless signal that you already know: time to sleep. You're a dutiful wife and you put your book away and turn off your lamp and then turn back to your husband and whisper,
"Good night, Kai."
You wait until he's deep asleep to ease your way out of the bed. Every step you take in your padded socks makes you cringe. Will the floor creak? Will you make too much noise? Will you have to come up with a half-assed excuse as he comes to, groggily asking what you're doing? You feel like you can't breathe, but you do breathe, soft and shallow as you make your way to the bedroom door.
 You didn't dare keep anything related to your escape in your shared bedroom. The door feels like it weighs a thousand pounds as you ever-so-slowly open it, keeping your head turned towards the man sleeping on the bed all the while. He doesn't stir. He simply continues to snore, even as the door opens enough for you to slip out.
Your heart is pounding in your chest as you cross the hallway and into the spare room that you used as a playroom and, lately, a makeshift school. The bag you packed is in the closet, tucked behind bags of school supplies that you'd asked Kai to pick up in order to make sure that your escape bag didn't stand out. You grab it swiftly, along with your daughter's outdoor shoes, and make your way to the most dangerous element of your escape: your daughter's room.
She did so well. You remind yourself to praise her once you're away from the house, once you're in a car and making noise isn't a life or death dilemma. You built up the idea of your escape bit by bit over the past few weeks. You couldn't tell her that her father was a monster who kidnapped you, but you could prey on her desire to see more, to go beyond the rules established in her father's domain.
Don't you want to meet other kids? Go to the beach, feel the sand underneath your feet? Meet... your grandma? We'll just take a secret trip, you and me, and then come back to Papa when we're done. Then he'll see that it's safe to leave and come with us next time. But you have to keep it a secret. You can't tell him a thing, or we won't be able to go. You can keep a secret, can't you?
You kneel next to your daughter's bed and gently wake her up, whispering her name and stroking her hair, so she slowly opens her eyes in confusion before her gaze lands on your face and ah, a smile--it's just mom.
"Mama?" She asks, a bit too loudly for your liking.
"Shh baby," you say. "Yes, it's mama. Are you ready to go?" You see the tentativeness, the childish confusion in the way she nods. She doesn't know what real life is yet, she doesn't have an inkling of the freedom that she's lost, but she will.
You don't bother changing. You have a pair of clothes in the bag and you'll change when you're in a safer space. For now, you take her hand and lead her down the staircase, your chest tightening with every step. You can't help but glance back at the still-open doorway leading to your bedroom. You pray to whatever is listening that he won't wake up. Each step is a step closer to freedom. Each step is a terrifying risk that you or she might slip, might make noise, might wake him up.
Your spirits lift when you reach the bottom of the stairs. All you have to do is get out the door and he'll be waiting there with the key and a getaway car and freedom.
You clutch your daughter's hand, your own palm now sweaty; you nearly trip on a toy you forgot to pick up earlier, but thankfully the light in the entryway was turned on (you must have forgotten to turn it off) and you see it just in time to avoid disaster. You squeeze your daughter hand and turn the corner that leads to the entryway of your home--
Where Chisaki Kai is standing, waiting for you, his eyes practically illuminated by the glowing lamp light.
You drop the bag.
"No," you say. "No." Your mind suddenly feels fuzzy, like its buzzing, drowning out all of your thoughts with a pure denial of what you see in front of you.
"How--how did you--" you sputter, unable to continue voicing your question. It was all planned. It was all practiced. You pretended, you waited, you planned--for four years. How? How did he know?
He doesn't have to answer. You know the moment that your daughter's grip slips out of your hand and she runs up to her father, feet thumping on the floor. She clings to his side and doesn't look at you, and he runs a hand through her hair without taking his eyes away from your shaking form.
Of course she told him. Of course she told her papa that you wanted to leave. She loved him. Why wouldn't she? It was all she'd ever known. You were breaking the rules, breaking the structure that dominated her life since she could remember. 
"Please don't be mad at me, mama." Your daughter whimpers against Kai, and you can hear the tears in her little voice, and your heart aches for her in so many ways.
"I'm not," you whisper. "I'm not mad at you, baby." You're just sad, so sad. It hurts. All of it.
"Sweetheart," Kai says, voice surprisingly calm despite the events, "go back to bed while I help your mother unpack your things, all right?"
Your daughter nods and suddenly she's against you, hugging you in a tight, childish way; you only have enough energy to pull your arm around her, limp and heavy, patting her back without really feeling it before she scampers up the stairs.
You're left alone. With him.
He approaches you slowly and you feel like an animal. There's wildness hammering in your heart and the thought comes up, unwillingly: could you still run? Escape on your own? And hope that some day, your daughter escapes and finds you? But the thought of leaving her behind is impossible to indulge in for more than a second, and you know that without her, your life isn't worth living. The thought of abandoning her to Kai Chisaki brings up an immediate sense of revulsion and guilt and shame.
"What were you thinking?"
You aren't looking at him, but you don't have to be looking at him to know that he's glaring at you. Looking down on you with his gaze filled with righteous justifications. You glance and--yes, he is, but there's something darker, something you’d forgotten, underneath. Your stomach suddenly feels loaded with weights and your legs move backwards, pulling you away from him, away from the anger that feels like it's radiating off him in waves.
He suddenly grips your chin with brutal force and yanks your jaw forward, forcing you to look at him.
"I had to kill one of my most trusted men today because of your..." His eyes dart back and forth for a moment, before he spits out the apparently perfect description of your escape attempt. "Hysteria. An absolute waste of potential, all because of your ridiculousness."
Your mouth is dry. Your voice is hoarse. But you speak up, anyway. You've already lost everything.
"It's not ridiculous to want to get out of here." 
The weight of the years seems to press down on your shoulders, pounding into your bones, screaming in your ears. 
"It's not ridiculous to--to want to take my daughter away from the man who kidnapped me and forced me to pretend like I was happy here, like I was happy living in some--" you cough, needing moisture, but not daring to stop to swallow lest you lose your courage. "--glorified dollhouse while you tell me what to do and what to wear and how to act and when to fuck you and when to have a baby and fuck you, fuck you, just fuck you Kai. I hate you. Oh I fucking hate you."
You don't notice as your voice gets louder, emboldened by the adrenaline that's been crashing through you since you opened the bedroom door, until his hand is gripping your upper arm in a show of brute, vise-length strength.
"Lower. your. voice." 
His grip strengthens until you cry out, and then it gradually loosens without letting you go completely.
For the next few moments, you do nothing but stare at one another. Your mind feels hazy, darting from thought to thought. It was all for nothing. The last four years, all for nothing. But you think about your daughter, about what she may have been able to accomplish outside of these walls, and even the fantasy of a free life for her made it worth something--didn't it?
It's his voice that lowered, now, as he lets you go completely and straightens himself up. All business now. But what business will he engage in, this time?
"Perhaps you do need a vacation," he says, finally. Firmly. He's made a decision.
You wonder if he's lost his mind and you're about to ask as much before he continues.
"Did you know this house has a secret room? It's nice and quiet. The perfect place for you to recuperate until you've regained your senses."
The room, the room, the room.
Your hand instinctively claps against your mouth as you cry out.
After all, you don't want to wake your daughter up with your screams.
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toast-is-ticklish · 3 years
Sweet Dreams
Ler Hypnos and Lee Zagreus tk fic
Hypnos sees something interesting in Zagreus's dream.
Oops Hades hyperfixation go brrr
Hypnos loved to watch other people's dreams.
Most anyone was capable of creating the most fantastical and creative worlds! As it was his domain, he got to see things most others could not. Magic, illusions, adventures, and impossibilities of all sorts. It was an amazing thing to be a part of! 
But he also knew that dreams could be deeply personal, and had gotten quite skilled at realizing when it was best for him to leave.
This was probably what he should be doing with Prince Zagreus right now.
The prince didnt sleep nearly as much as he needed to, and when he did Hypnos most likely had a hand in it. But Hypnos understood why the boy didnt want to sleep, considering that fact that all his dreams, well, sucked.
Hypnos couldnt remember a single good dream Zagreus had ever had. Most all that he witnessed were amalgamations of the princes father berating him for something or other, and Hypnos was trying desperately to stop himself from meddling.
'Nope! Nope! None of my business at all, I'll not be intervening in the slightest! I'm not even looking! Nope nope nope.'
But the memories were particularly insufferable tonight and Dream-Hades would not shut up calling Zagreus a failure and a disappointment and a burden or whatever else when he was actually possibly the best thing to happen to the House of Hades ever.
So even though he knew he wasnt supposed to Hypnos tried to make the dream a little better.
First off was a change of setting. The Administrative office was just Ew and definitely did not inspire any good feelings.
He thought about what Zagreus might like. He wanted to see his mother right? Persephone...Spring...Flowers and...stuff. He fashioned out a flower field. Added butterflies and fluffy clouds and a sunset! The whole nines!
Yes this would fix everything right up! Hypnos watched as the old oppressive atmosphere faded away and Zagreus's subconscious filled out the rest of the context for him.
Hmm..looks like he was having a picnic! And Zagreus looked happy! So Hypnos's job was done! Yay!
But it looked like someone else was appearing... wait was that him? Zagreus was dreaming about him? Once again he knew he shouldnt stay.. but his curiosity was thoroughly piqued. Hmmmm... well just staying for a little couldnt hurt right? Yeah, just a few more minutes!
"I've got to say, this is not how I expected the sun to look like. Its...quite beautiful."
Dream-Hypnos was dual wielding mini sandwiches.
"Mhm! It's pretty cool right?"
Zagreus laid back on the quilt they were situated on. A smile grew on his face.
"Yeah. It really is."
This genuine look of pure content was making Real-Hypnos's stomach fill with a feeling he didnt want to name. All he knew is that he really wanted to see Zagreus smile like that again.
The dream version of himself flounced down next to Zagreus. A moment of comfortable silence passed between the two of them. They soon started chatting about nostalgic memories. Real-Hypnos found his face heating up at the domesticity of the scene.
Something had changed while Hypnos was distracted and now there was a playful glint in alternate hims eyes. And-oh okay I guess Zagreus is getting tackled now?!
Hypnos jumped and almost left the dream immediately, scared that the two in the dream were about to do something... intimate
But he found himself even more confused when Zagreus started laughing? He watched himself talk.
"Oh, I almost forgot about your long fought battle with the tickle monster! Have you not gotten any less ticklish since when we were kids? Haha!"
Ohhhhhhh. That made more sense. Actually wait no nevermind no it didnt?? Why was Hypnos tickling Zag as a part of his ideal dream? Did Zag want Hypnos to tickle him?
"HAHahahahaAh! Nahahaha! Nohoho Hypnohohos StAAhaAap! Eek!"
"Hey! Dont act like you dont like this! You know it's bad to lie~ What if I made you admit it?"
The princes face flushed bright pink and he immediately covered it with his hands.
"Mmmhmhm! Pleheheahahes dohohont teheahahes mehehe I-I cahahnt!!" He giggled out through muffled hands.
Hypnos's stomach had apparently decided it wanted to be an acrobatic now, based on how it reacted to Zagreus.
Is this something he wanted Hypnos to do to him? Tease him? Thinking about that made Hypnos feel more emotions he didnt want to address.
He knew he definitely should have left by now. But seeing Zagreus happy and giggling like this, it was, it was, it was um, definitely something! He felt a little guilty for sticking around, but told himself he needed to make sure it didnt shift back into a nightmare even though he knew that definitely wasnt happening at this point.
Hypnos watched contentedly as the dream version of him started drilling into Zags hips, inducing loud, full, belly laughs from his friend. A strange feeling was blooming inside of him, seeing Zagreus so happy like this. He wanted more. He thought he wouldn't mind staying like this forever.
"HYPNOS!" a deep voice bellowed angrily.
Okay that definitely wasnt Zagreus.
Hypnos's eyes shot open, and he glanced at his hourglass next to his bed.
Shit shit shit shit shit shit hes late
Hypnos literally rolled out of bed and sprinted down the hall.
He was met face to face with a very angry god of death.
"W-well hello master! I hope you are having an absolutely swell morning, I-"
"You are two hours late."
"Yes, well, it's actually funny you mention that, you see, it seems that some foul fiend had taken it upon themselves to steal my trusty hourglass! However am I supposed to tell the time now? I positively overslept but you know once I find that awful, terrible, villain I will-"
Hades let put the most exasperated sigh Hypnos has ever heard.
"Just get to your post. I will situate your punishment at a later time."
Well that didnt go as bad as it could've.
As Hypnos settled into his usual spot, he thought back to Zagreus's dream. He couldnt stop thinking about his laughter, and the expression on his face, and, well, everything in that whole interaction.
He had...ideas.
But there was no way he could push boundaries like that!
He tried not to think about how it would feel to have a giggling Zagreus underneath his fingers. To not just be a bystander but to know he was the cause of the princes sweet laughter and flushed face.
And utterly failed.
Okay maybe he could push some boundaries.
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
c, n, and t for kurofai plss :0
I'm progressively getting more kinky on main I adore it. Kurofai is one of those ships that has a day/night switch - outdoors they're cute and domestic but behind closed doors it's anything but 'by the books'. Fai doesn't call Kurogane daddy for nothing after all.
Just like with previous ask, since NSFW I'll keep it all under cut:
Cuddle (how they cuddle): Outside of sexual activity they have two types of cuddles. First one is fluffy and playful: Fai cuddles up to Kurogane's side, nuzzles up against Kurogane's chest like a kitten and flirt-teases him. Kurogane fake-groans in irritation (but both know he enjoys moments like that just as much as Fai does), gathers Fai closer, embraces him with arm around waist and back. Then kisses his forehead while combing through hair and bangs. Kurogane has silent love language when it comes to affections, he'd much rather show it with gestures and touch. He wouldn't admit to loving how soft and feathery Fai's hair is to touch, especially now when it's gotten longer. Still, Fai is aware of that so he lets his hair grow out on purpose.
Second type of cuddles are silent reassurance one - one of them gets a reminder of their pasts and what they've been through. Fai stumbles upon random twins outside (maybe vampire twins?) or gets reminded of real Fai when he sees his own mirror reflection. Or sees Kurogane's prosthetic arm and feels guilty once again. Kurogane may not always be able to know the source behind mood-shift, but can sense said mood-shift in spite of Fai trying to act like his usually cheerful self. He walks behind Fai and wraps him in his arms, then brings closer into his chest just so strands of Fai's hair tickle beneath his jaw. They stand like that in silence for a while, but no words are needed for Kurogane to pass the message of "I'm there for you, you're not alone anymore even if you sometimes still feel like you are" and for Fai to feel understood by him. Similar thing happens when Kurogane is reminded of his family and tragedies that came to pass. He retreats in isolation to endure pain on his own but Fai senses he's in pain. So he kneels on bed beside Kurogane, pushes his head against his chest, then strokes Kurogane's hair and shoulders in comfort. "You shouldn't endure pain on your own Kuro-sama. If it hurts, say so" - whispers and nuzzles yet Fai doesn't prompt Kurogane to share his intimate thoughts, just lets him know he's not alone. After some time Kurogane responds to embrace by wrapping arms around Fai's waist in return - silent indicator that he too, understood the message.
Before and after sex however, it's a different story. First time they had sex was in Infinity. On their third time, Kurogane seized Fai around waist after they were done, preventing him from leaving right afterwards like he did previous two times. Fai lays on very edge of bed, clear indicator he doesn't want this form of intimacy (Infinity casual angst), especially when both of them are naked (bare and exposed) and nothing sexual is occurring any more. Kurogane, in desperate wordless attempt to erase emotional distance between them, embraces Fai from behind: legs entangled with Fai's, chest to his back and arm wrapped around his waist as to drag Fai closer into his chest and to himself metaphorically. Fai doesn't yield but he doesn't protest vocally either; however he does tense up - knows this is both what he wanted all along and feared (fear of intimacy and letting someone 'in').
After they make up in Nihon their post-sex cuddles take on a different tone. Since Kurogane saw how Fai sleeps (head shoved into pillow almost like he's subconsciously trying to suffocate himself), Kurogane decided he won't lay over Fai as he'd envelop him completely due to body size difference. So instead Kurogane lays on his back while Fai is on top of him, teasing and giving praises how good sex was while drawing meaningless patterns over his chest playfully. It's a double win since cuddles where Fai feels like he has total control occasionally arouse him again, so he grinds down on Kurogane in clear attempt to urge him on for round two. He never refuses. Similarly, sleeping in that position sometimes arouses both of them, so Kurogane is woken up not only partially hard, but with Fai sliding down his body, stroking into full-blown hardness and then taking tip of his erection into mouth. Quite a sight to wake up to.
Night (which time of day they prefer to have sex): Kurogane is utilitarian about sex since he always viewed it as 'night time' activity. Eventually morning sex if they woke up with 'morning wood' or got into mood while sharing a morning shower ("gotta be practical about ecology and water usage Kuro-rin!", Fai you're such a hypocrite you wasted more water during that 20 mins shower tryst than separate 5 mins showers). So Kurogane is threw of loop when Fai cuddles up to him all coyly one day and hushedly asks him if he has half an hour to spare. Shouldn't he wait for few more hours, it's what? 3 PM? Fai himself loves having sex late at night because there's no obvious end in sight to their love making. They do it slowly and passionately, for hours and hours long. However there's something about stolen 10 mins quickies during daytime when they should be working that gets him heated up at mere thought. So Fai is trying to make that a mutual kink between them instead of exclusively his.
So post-series gang lands in one of domestic type worlds. They settle in miniature house where all three of them (and Mokona) share a room. One day Sayoran goes out to run a small errand in afternoon and Fai insists Mokona goes with him. Moment door snaps Fai is urging Kurogane into fucking him quickly and hastily on couch while they're away. Sexual frustration gives in and so does Kurogane when Fai lowers hand down his pants and palms him into full hardness in less than a minute. Fai just removes his pants and Kurogane unzips his, they're urged on by time limit and raw carnal desire, not time for sensual undressing. Somehow they manage to find lube, and after two minutes of rushed preparation (Fai pleaded Kurogane to just enter him without fingering but Kurogane insists it's needed; caring and patient even in such desperate moments) and sloppy making-out, Kurogane finally pushes himself inside of Fai; they both groan and are unable to hold back. After few minutes of scratches, deep thrusts and combined moans, Fai pushes Kurogane in sitting position and starts riding him instead. It turns Fai on to watch lustful look in Kurogane's eyes while he grinds down on him and in turn Kurogane secretly loves seeing Fai's more dominant and bold side where he doesn't hold back on what he wants.
In the end, they last for 10 mins when Kurogane strokes Fai to his orgasm and they simultaneously come with low groans. They swiftly clean themselves but there's no quick remedy to semen-stained couch - so they throw blanket over it. Just in time when Sayoran and Mokona returned five minutes later, unsuspecting how Kurogane and Fai made use of time while they were away (it's not that they're hiding their relationship but it's awkward to ask them to go away so they could fuck...). Fai sits over said blanket both to prevent Sayoran from accidentally moving it, and to not show off his newly formed limp. Of course, he doesn't pass the opportunity to crack few innuendos about what should be day and what should be night activity, just so he could see Kurogane gruff out in ashamed-irritation with faint color to cheeks; bonus is that whole exchange flies over Sayoran's head (ofc Mokona gets it all).
Much to Kurogane's surprise, said quickie turned him on far more than he expected, so whenever Fai instigates sex during daytime he's implicitly reminded of urgency and passion back then, so his body gives in before mind does (read: Fai founds a way to make him aroused rather quickly, sly like that). Fifteen min quick make-out, then either penetrative sex or mutual handjobs/oral became a regular thing for them. In whichever world they land Fai manages to find a way to make that perversity reality. No one caught them.... yet.
Trust (how they have rough sex): their sexual relationship during series matches nature of their relationship at the moment. Their first time was sexual frustration and teasing overtopping the edge during one of Fai's blood-drinking in Infinity. Kiss is clash of teeth accompanied by rough bites to neck and jaw and ripping clothes from one another. Something in Fai finally snapped, or so Kurogane thought, so he let Fai shove him down, cover his shaft with saliva during quick blowjob then climb on top of him and lower down on his erection in one swift motion, without preparing himself at all. Unsystematic and ferocious way Fai thrust down on him hurt both of them, but Kurogane figured out that was what Fai perhaps desired at that very moment - to be hurt. So he dug fingers into Fai's thighs and backside as Fai raised up then lowered down in relentless forceful manner. Then Kurogane encircled one finger around O-ring on Fai's collar, dragging him on all fours so Fai would finally look at him instead of anywhere else but his eyes. Fai took that chance to sink teeth in Kurogane's neck instead; then began sucking on bite-mark as to finally feed. That raw stab of pain sent Kurogane over edge, and Fai followed shortly afterwards when he came untouched. Without uttering a word Fai left afterwards; both of them used roughness to ease bits of tension between them, at least temporary.
After they got together for real sex became more love-making than brutal fucking with only orgasm in mind. Passionate, caring with needs of each other in back of mind, tender and lasting. They weren't always gentle but sex wasn't as rough and brutal as it was in Infinity. Still, mutual consent to roughness and kinks in bedroom is healthy outlet for daily - life frustrations so it's no wonder they began craving some of rough play. In one of worlds they landed some issues occur that frustrates both of them. So that night Fai asks Kurogane to not hold back in anyway, to which, surprisingly to Fai, Kurogane instantly agrees to. They mutually trust each other after all. Rough bites, forceful grips, hold shy away from bruising, breathless kisses all teeth and tongue, hair pulls and clothes being stripped from him in rushed fashion - Fai instantly found himself being utterly dominated by Kurogane; something he instantly loved, to let go of control and let his lover take care of him since he knew he is in safe hands. Finally stripped bare, Fai is shoved on all fours where Kurogane goes down on him from behind in preparation. Being sensitive on entrance's rim combined with Kurogane stroking his erection along with licks make Fai finish rather quickly. Nonetheless, for once Kurogane doesn't wait for him to catch up (as they agreed on rough sex) so he enters Fai instantly after his orgasm. Both of them are turned on beyond help by body size difference and how Kurogane can enfold Fai completely during sex, especially when on all fours above Fai (or when he fucks him into oblivion in missionary position while he covers Fai completely and pins hands down on both sides of head). Neither of them hold back; moans, screams and groans echo through room; they change positions few times (so they're face to face), finally end up with Fai pushed against the wall, legs wrapped around Kurogane's waist and hands scratching over back and pulling hair strands, all while Kurogane thrusts into him relentlessly, speed and force of his slams maximized while placing sucks and bites up Fai's neck. Moments like these are once where Fai goes all-out with dirty-talk and his daddy kink; it turns them both on. Once doesn't turn out to be enough that night - they go for few more rounds until Kurogane realized birds are chirping outside already. Then it's - "how are we going to explain to kid why we're both dead on feet in two hours huh?"
He'd joke-curse Fai for tricking him into trading full-sleep hours for four rounds of rough sex but he feels more relaxed and less pent-up than he would if he slept instead. Then next morning both their brains are going miles per hour as to how to hide all those hickeys, scratches and bite-marks. Once per month or two they settle on passionate night of rough play, kinks and eventually sex-toys instead of regular version of love-making. Break in ordinary, only spices things up, both fast and ferocious sex and gentle loving ones afterwards.
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Masterlist of Masterlist
Active - ✅ Want to work on - ⏸ Not active - ⭕
Nik [Masterlist] ✅
Ever the one to sacrifice himself, Nik makes a deal with a sorcerer to keep his people safe. Little does he know that his cooperation was never required; just the magic that runs through his veins.
- Magic Whump - Captivity - Magical Exhaustion - Emotional Whump - Angst -
Hilton [Masterlist] ⏸
Anything can be warped, including self-preservation mechanisms. Hilton can see the future when in pain or distress, but the Southwest Crime Syndicate has their hands on him now, and they intend to use him however they see fit. Undercover agent Griffin Marshalls is there with him, but how long can he protect him without hurting him, too?
- Superpower Whump - Magical Exhaustion - Reluctant Whumper/Caretaker Forced to be Whumper -
Parker [Masterlist] ⏸
Safe havens can still be conquered. Parker, a person with regenerative powers, was taken and forced into unethical experimentation against their will.
- Superpower Whump - Lab Whump - Healing Whumpee - Medical Whump - NB Whumpee -
Brody [Masterlist] ✅
Brody is a pet, and he’s trying his hardest to be good. So much happens to him - kidnapping, a found family, recapture, retraining, a road trip, and many many Au's.
- Pet Whump - Touch-starved Whumpee - Conditioned Whumpee - Multiple Whumpers -
Rudy and Clyde [Masterlist] ✅
The stories of the personal pets of a pet trainer.
- Pet whump - Fully conditioned Whumpees -
Silver [Masterlist] ⏸
Only about 8 inches tall, but ready to defend himself from whatever is thrown at him. Captured from his forest home and used as a prize in a carnival game, Silver tries to bit his way out of his circus situation.
- Tiny Whump - Non-human Whumpee - Circus Whump - Multiple Whumpees -
Tool [Masterlist] ✅
JJ Was a Star student, head of every club and every class. They were the last person you'd expect to be taken and stripped of everything that makes him themself. But the Mechanic, a twisted mind obsessed with control, saw them as the perfect test subject for his newest invention...
Major warnings for a more intense story. Please heed the warnings on the masterlist and the individual pieces.
- The Machine - loss of bodily autonomy - controlling Whumper - Sadistic Whumper -
The Lonely House [Masterlist] ⏸
Teddy is kept alone in the attic by a man who wants to replace what he lost. But one boy is not the same thing as another, and the isolation is the heaviest pain of them all.
- Isolation - Kidnaped Whumpee - Parental Whumper -
Domestic Apocalypse [Tag] [Shared Masterlist] ⏸
When the world goes to shit, the real assets are the domestic people that make it run behind the scenes. Cooks and farmers and electricians. A group makes their way across the wasteland under armed guards - who are more than thrilled to find community with them. (Bad things will eventually happen but it's really fluffy for now)
Current: - Fluff -
Future: - Group of whumpees - forced labor - captivity -
Jordan [Tag] [Shared Masterlist] ⭕
What do you do if you really want to be an artist, but have no skill? Kidnap one and take credit for the work you force them to do of course! But Jordan won't make it so easy for you.
- Captivity - Forced Labor - Defiant Whumpee -
Fish Outta Water [Writing Tag] ⭕
This Mer is curious about humans. What better way to learn than take one for himself? It doesn't hurt that with his telepathic powers, every aspect of Kai's mind and free will is under Callaghan's control.
- Magical/Non-Human Whumper - Hidden Whump - Intimate Whumper -
River and Luke [Masterlist] ⭕
River, a vampire, finds out where their food supply had comes from and is appalled. They take the poor thing, Luke, home with them for healing. But how can Luke trust them after everything the others have already done to him?
- Vampire Caretaker - Bumbling Caretaker - Conditioned Whumpee - Recovery with some flashbacks -
o2 [Masterlist] ✅
Len likes little lap pets. The soft ones that don't struggle or squirm or move. Or Can't, in little o2's case. With constrictive collars and corsets and straps, every second of o2's existence is spent struggling for air.
- Suffocation - Intimate Whumper - Captivity -
Mark Davies (Not active) [Masterlist] ⭕
World famous popstar, Mark Davies seems to have the perfect life. Perfect, apart from the constant pressure to be perfect, to act like a person. The headaches, the itch from where his collar should be, the exhaustion when he just wants to be the pet he was trained to be.
- Box Boy Universe - Referenced Implied Noncon - Pet Whump - BBU
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