#it’s like a boulder has been lifted off of me
inejghafawifesblog · 1 year
the way i convince myself i’m pregnant when i get the slightest symptom of like nausea or one of the big ones before i remember
and then i mentally celebrate 😮‍💨👍💪
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sucktacular · 3 months
you know what? fuck you. [pays off my credit card]
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 days
Date Night
Pairing: dbf!Bucky X Reader
Summary: Bucky makes a big mistake.
Warnings: Angst, Language, yea sorry
Word Count: 1.7K
A/n: teehee whoops. im gonna have a ghost one coming out soon for you guys, and then maybe some more teddy bear picnic but we'll see
"Hey kid, wanna grab a beer and watch the game with your old man? Or are you too cool for that?"
You grin at your dad and slow your steps, glancing at the hockey game on TV.
"Where's Bucky? I thought he was your game night date? He finally realize hockey sucks?"
Your dad gives you an offended look then rolls his eyes playfully.
"Nah, he had to cancel last minute - he's got a hot date tonight."
He wiggles his eyebrows at you, unaware of the fact that those six words have flipped your night upside down and caused knots to form in your stomach.
You don't remember having plans with him tonight.
As casually as you can manage, you head into the kitchen, pulling out your phone and tapping a quick text over to the man in question.
'Not coming over tonight?'
It's read within the same minute, and then the telltale three dots pop up before his message spawns.
'Sorry baby, not feeling too hot.'
The knots in your gut are quickly crushed by the boulder that settles there, and you need to take a few careful breaths to stop yourself from crying in the middle of the kitchen.
"Everything okay, James?"
He huffs out a sigh and glances up from his phone, smiling weakly at the woman across from him.
"Listen, Dot... I can't tell you how grateful I am that you managed to make such a beautiful cake in such a short amount of time. And, while I'm flattered that you'd want to go out for dinner, I had you make that cake for a woman who means... quite a bit to me. I don't want to make things awkward but I do want you to know that I'm out with you tonight as a friend and nothing more."
The woman across from him blinks blankly a few times, then takes a sip of her martini, stands up, and leaves the table.
Bucky watches helplessly as she leaves the restaurant without another word, dropping his head back for a moment as he feels onlookers stare.
It takes a few minutes for the waitress to come back, but by the time she does, he's got a wad of cash ready for her and his keys in hand.
He all but runs out of the restaurant, a new lightness in his shoulders like a weight has been lifted from his chest.
Immediately, he grabs his phone and shoots a quick text off to your dad.
'Room for one more?'
It takes a few minutes for your dad to respond, which Bucky uses to put on his helmet and straddle his bike.
'Date not going well?'
Bucky chuckles softly.
'Something like that. I'll be there in five.'
He swipes out of the conversation with your dad and then clicks on the only pinned conversation on his phone.
'I'm feeling a bit better now, gonna pop by for a bit.'
With that, he locks his phone and brings his bike to life, eager to be in your presence again.
Your phone vibrates, pulling you from your pity party, and you frown at the text on it.
You turn your phone off and drop it face-down on the carpet, ignoring this text the way you've ignored the last three from him.
You can hear him downstairs chatting with your dad as if he's done nothing wrong. As if he wasn't out with another woman less than an hour ago.
Grinding your teeth together, you decide that enough is enough, and it's time for bed.
At the very moment you open your door to head to the bathroom to get ready for bed, Bucky decides to raise his fist to knock.
Your eyes meet his and, for a moment, you forget that you're mad. You forget everything.
And then he opens his stupid mouth.
"Hey, what's with you tonight?" He asks gently, reaching forward to grab your hand.
You yank away from him and take a step back, levelling him with a steely glare.
"How was your date?"
You watch as he deflates, as his face falls and his shoulders slump forward the tiniest bit.
"Sweetheart, it's not what you think, I swear."
"Oh Jesus Christ," you murmur, pushing past him and heading downstairs to watch the game with your dad. At least down here he can't talk to you.
He can't try to justify him willingly going on a date with another woman.
Well, not until the game's over, at least. And it seems like it's only a few minutes before your dad is yawning, turning the TV off and heading upstairs to go to bed himself.
This leaves you alone in the living room with Bucky, tension building with every silent second that passes between the two of you.
"Honey, I had to," he finally whispers, breaking the silence.
You whip your head around, mouth dropping open in disbelief.
"Excuse me?"
He holds his hands up, a desperate and pathetic attempt at pleading with you, begging you to hear him out.
"It was the only way for me to get your birthday cake. Dot is an old friend from high school and... she wanted a date as payment for the last-minute cake," he explains quietly.
You purse your lips, nodding as if it all makes sense now.
"Oh, I see! So, not only do you admit to forgetting my birthday, but you also agreed to go on a date with a woman who has had a thing for you since high school! Buck, that is so not okay on so many different levels!" You exclaim in a whisper.
The last thing you need is your dad overhearing any part of this conversation.
"I know. That's why I left. I told her I couldn't, that the cake was for someone important to me and that I was only having dinner with her as a friend."
You shake your head at him and rise to your feet, unable to stay still while he spews nothing but nonsense at you and expects you to forgive him.
"You shouldn't have even gotten me that cake if that's what she wanted as payment! You should've told her to stick it and then you literally could've gotten me a Starbucks cake pop. I don't need fancy cakes or expensive things, James, I thought you knew that." Your voice gradually loses its anger, disappointment and exhaustion taking its place.
"I know but... I wanted to do something special for you." He looks like a kicked puppy, and it takes a serious amount of self-control to hold on to your anger.
"My birthday was special. Even without the cake it still would've been special. Especially if I'd've known it would mean that you would be going on a date with another woman in order to get it."
"Sweetheart, I'm sorry," he pleads, reaching for you again only for you to shake your head and step away.
"No, Bucky. Sorry doesn't fix this. Can you imagine if the roles were reversed? What if I had to go on a date with a guy who's been wanting me for over a decade just for the perfect steak? And then, what if I lied to you about it and you found out from my dad that I was out on a 'hot date'? A date with someone that the general public would deem more appropriate for me to be with? Someone who would fit me better. How would that make you feel?"
He stands there silently for a moment, fists clenched tightly as he imagines everything you just said.
He imagines you laughing on a date with another man, a young man, a man far more appropriate for you to be with. He imagines sitting waiting for you, only to find out that you're out getting hit on by some young punk who wouldn't know how to please a woman like you. His imagination runs wild, to the point where he can almost feel steam billowing from his ears, but all he says is
"Shitty?" You laugh, "Try worthless. Embarrassed. Humiliated. At least that's how I felt. And-and maybe I'm just reading too deep into this. Maybe this 'exclusivity' that I thought we had is one-sided."
"It's not," he interrupts quickly, taking a step forward only to pause when you step back again.
"Maybe I just thought things were more serious than they were," you continue, eyes stuck on the ground as your thoughts spill out before your mind has a moment to realize what you're saying.
"They are serious-"
"Maybe we should just stop... whatever this is that we're doing."
Silence hangs heavily in the air when you finish speaking, and you feel tears sting at your eyes when he says nothing.
You count thirteen heartbeats before he finally says something.
"Is that what you really want?" He asks softly, his voice discouraged.
Slowly, you raise your eyes to his.
"What even are we?" You ask breathlessly, a single tear sliding down your cheek. "What are we doing?"
"You're my girl."
You sniffle and shake your head.
"No, I'm your dirty little secret, that's what I am. And I'm tired of it. I wanna be something you're proud of, not something you have to hide," you whisper, your chest aching with the weight of your confession.
Bucky's heart breaks at your words, and he wants nothing more than to scoop you up in his arms and kiss away any insecurities you have in your relationship. If you can even call it that.
"I am proud of you, sweetheart, beyond proud. I can't even put into words how I feel about you," he whispers, desperate for you to understand just how much you mean to him.
"Why haven't you told my dad about us yet?"
The silence that follows your question is answer enough for you, and you nod.
"I... I think you should leave," you finally whisper, hugging yourself and keeping your gaze locked on the ground.
He stays rooted in place for a long moment, testing your resolve, waiting for you to break. When you don't, he takes slow steps toward the door, waiting, praying for you to change your mind.
But you stand firm.
Never able to deny you, he leaves you standing alone in your kitchen, your dad peacefully asleep upstairs while your entire life gets turned upside down.
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forsworned · 5 months
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Warning(s): Sexual Content, Grinding, AFAB!Reader, Mentions of Narcotics
Synopsis: Simon is high off of morphine and it reveals his true feelings for reader...
Author's note: Idk because @dmitriene told me to do it and i <3 her
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"I don't wanna be alone."
His voice breaks as he reaches out to you. His usual stoic demeanor had completely diminished in your presence. For the first time, Simon was needy. You gaze down at his hand gently gripping your hand, "I need you." He says. Pleas even. Dark, stormy, and now conflicted eyes are peering up at you and he tugs you toward him. You didn't know how to react. Seeing Simon so injured and broken makes you feel some type of way. Somewhat wrong, but somehow...powerful?
"You need me?" You finally spoke up. His Adam's apple bobs up and down.
"Yes.” He croaks out.
The morphine that has been coursing in his system finally kicks in and you were experiencing the lowering inhibitions of Simon Riley, not Ghost.
The Simon Riley laying out on the infirmary bed before you at this moment was vulnerable, desperate, and reliant on your presence and aid--insistent even.
But naturally, you're hesitant. A situation like this is compromising and delicate. Given the nature of the circumstances and his stature, he is obviously still at an advantage, but it feels wrong to pounce at the opportunity. You don't want to feel like a predator skulking about as he studies you with reliant, onyx hues.
You look at the time on your watch.
12:38 AM
It was quite late, but the tugging of his hand over yours disrupts your train of thought.
"C'mere. I want you by my side." He susurrates and you're in a bit of a trance at the resonance of his soothing, sleepy tone. It's not its usual gruff and gravelly, but instead a lulling rasp that pulls you in.
"It's late, Lieutenant." You gently chide as you attempt to pry his fingers off your wrist, but he takes his free hand over your own and pulls you flush against him. Goddamn, he was strong. Even in his dazed and confused state, he is built like a fuckin' boulder.
But he's not listening to you as he fiddles with your fingers, tracing over the skin and where it creases and finely wrinkles. Over the nail bed, and the unfiled ridges, down to the chip that you earned from earlier when you reached for your gun in your holster too quickly. He's thumbing over the half-moon on your thumb and then the scar on the meat of your palm before he brings it to his masked lips as if to kiss it over the fabric.
A small, shuddering breath escapes you, and your eyes are glazing over before you swallow thickly. He cups your hand over his jaw and inhales sharply as he closes his eyes.
"Don't care." He replies, curling his bicep around your waist and secures you so have nowhere to go.
Your heart thuds at the contact and your cheeks are teeming with warmth. And suddenly it feels like the heat in there is turning to the max because you're sweating like a dog under his keen gaze and snug hold on you.
"Want you to stay." And it's as if he's speaking purely from the heart when he looks at you like that. You want nothing more but to crumble into his arms and cave into whatever feelings are lurking within you, but there's an urge to maintain your professionalism. And Simon senses that. He wants you to let go.
Why? He didn't know. Be it the drugs, the near-death experience, or the fact that you look utterly gorgeous under the strong moonlight or all of the above; he wants you with all his being.
His bandage-wrapped fingers loop around the bottom of his mask and he's lifting it up to expose just his lips as it scrunches up under his nose. Even if you have seen the sight a multitude of times over the years of knowing your Lieutenant, it is always as awestriking as it was the first time you saw it. His pretty rosy lips kiss at your wrist and you're stunned.
"Stay." He croaks out.
"And then what?"
You can't help yourself from asking such a silly question. You just need to feel needed by him because there is just something about the clinginess in his body language that pulls you in for more. If Simon is being honest right now, he's on cloud motherfucking nine. He's so high that everything feels like tunnel vision right now and you're the only damn thing he can focus on, not that he would want to focus on anything else.
So when he's telling you to stay, he damn well means it. But he also wants more. He's telling himself not to be too hasty, at least the logical part of him, though he is following his heart's desires. And his heart is conveying to him that he yearns for your closeness, for all your regard, and selfishly enough, your own heart.
At this point, all reasoning is being tossed out the window when he fixates on your trembling, shimmering eyes and your quivering glossed lips that are slightly chapped. But he's thinking to himself, one kiss. One kiss would fix that for you.
Simon is no longer struggling to sit up when he's tensing you closer to him feeling the sweat wetting the small of your back. His brows slightly raise and you feel your cheeks flush at his little observation, but he's not halting his motion to close the short distance between you two. He's bringing his hand over the nape of your neck, carding his scarred fingers through the tendrils of your hair and a soft sigh leaves your lips.
And the way you visibly relax draws out a small smile onto his lips as your foreheads collide. You don't even dare to open your eyes. You swallow thickly as you feel your breath become shallow and sharp. It fans against his lips and he's feels even more enticed to just kiss you.
"Dammit, [name]..." He finally breathes out. And you're eyes are on him and he can feel a thrill creep up his chine when he sees the flash of longing overcome your half lidded gaze.
And now you're yearning to bridge the distance, creeping closer to him, nudging your nose against his, and faintly brushing your lips over the stubble on his philtrum. You notice how his chest huffs out, stuttering as it leaves his lungs.
Long blonde lashes tickle at your own as your lips graze and you're heart is thumping out of your chest. You feel yourself holding back from your own hankerings but the moment that Simon brings his thumb to skim over your bottom lip, you feel the tension snap like a rubberband and you're crashing your lips against his. To hell with ethical conduct and decorum, you want nothing more than to satiate your thirst for him.
And with every kiss, you feel like your hunger is being appeased. The ferocity that grows in the depths of your groin is clawing out as you clamber on top of him and you're tuning out the noisy heartbeat monitor that's becoming rapid. And it cuts out, thanks to the swift movement of Simon pulling out the cord so he can nestle his hands under your shirt and slip his tongue between your open-mouth kisses.
He's losing himself in you and he doesn't care because the feeling of your nails digging into his abdomen is more than pleasant. As if the morphine wasn't dizzying enough, he was starting to feel like he was reaching some sort of seventh heaven. Especially when he hears the soft whimper that leaves your lips when he thumbs atop your hardened bud and gently tweaks it between his fingers.
The tent that's starting to feel like it's pitching between his legs is getting ground upon and he shudders at how fucking good it feels.
"Fuck." He murmurs as he lifts your shirt up to expose your breast to him and he's latching his lips to your sensitive nipple. It's a soft probing of his tongue against the erogenous zone and you're instantly arching your back and he grasps at your hips to abrade your clothed sex against him. And it feels so fucking good.
So, naturally, you're not stopping. And Simon can't help but become absorbed in your pleasure. Your milky moans are like music to his ears as he switches over to your other nipple. The friction builds in your lower belly as you get into a good rhythm and it becomes increasingly euphoric with every roll of your hips. And fuck, it's not even much but the way you are so touch-starved makes it all the better.
"Simon, I—hah—gonna—" You moan out, throwing your head back in ecstasy as his tongue swirls around your bud. He's already addicted to the way you're saying his name between your whimpers.
"Cum." He commands, as he clutches your hips to help achieve your oncoming orgasm. His sexy, raspy voice is enough to send you over the edge and a terrific gasp escapes you as you bury your face into the crook of his neck. Your breath is gone and you feel like your voice melts into a deep, hot sweetness that soothes your electrifying nerves.
There is a brief pause of silence as you catch your breath and the embarrassment skulks in and you don't want to withdraw from him. You only focus on his heartbeat which slows and his breath that levels. Your throat tightens as you shift awkwardly and his hand on your hip feels a little limp. You take another moment to memorize how he smelled to help you calm your nerves.
The aroma of his natural musk enmeshed with the faint scent of cypress digs into your brain as you try your hardest to engrave his essence before it slips away. With one more breath of courage, you withdraw from him to face the music but it seems he's fast asleep. His thumb is still hooked into the belt loop of your jeans, and you can't help but giggle at him.
A small sigh leaves your lips as you calm down from your climax and your shaky fingers, lower his mask back down so it's stretching over his neck. Maybe if you slip away right now he'll think that it was just a nice little wet dream...
But you feel his hand cling to you as you try make your sweet escape.
"Thought I told ya to stay." He mumbles under his breath while he wraps his arms around your waist, securing you and making certain you're not leaving his side anytime soon.
There's a feeling of assurance that fluxes over your edginess and you can finally breathe again. Simon's body feels weightless as he lays in this infirmary bed with your toasty form atop his. It feels heavenly to have your figure pressed against him and he hums in contentment. He's replaying the sound of your moans and the way your body writhed under his touch. And you're starting to feel the rigidity of his dirty thoughts against the zipper of your jeans.
"You sure?" You murmur back, feeling the warmth sidle back into your cheeks.
His grin grows under his mask and you can feel it against your forehead. Sleep overtakes him, but he gives you one last squeeze.
"'m sure."
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obsessedwithceleste · 3 months
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Lorenzo Berkshire Headcannons
©️ obsessedwithceleste. all works posted here belong to me and should not be reposted or copied in any way or form.
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Growing up, Lorenzo is constantly neglected by his mother
He's also very often compared to Mattheo or his cousin Draco
Despite the open disdain from his mother, Lorenzo remains rather bright and good-natured
He gets branded as "the weak link" pretty early on
Still he remains extremely close with both boys as they grow up together (just because they're treated better, doesn't mean they're treated well)
As he gets older, he develops a certain bite to him
There's power that comes with being constantly underestimated and overlooked
Of course he might seem like the softest among the three, but how soft can you really be when comparing three stone cold boulders?
Lorenzo is sweet, charming, and charismatic with a dazzling smile
But that's just to lure you into a false sense of security
Like Draco, Lorenzo also has a tendency to preen
Because he never really received any type of validation from his mother, he has to get it from somewhere
He especially likes the attention he gets from the female population of Hogwarts (he's always been a bit of a romantic)
Lorenzo is openly flirtatious
And he quickly earns the label of "heartbreaker"
It might not be him, but the labels give him some kind of identity at least
While he was no one's first pick at home, he gets attention here
And he likes it
He also becomes very close with Theodore Nott very quickly
He admires his intellect and his preference to hide in plain sight
There might be a bit of jealousy boiling under the surface at his friend's indifference towards the spot light
What Lorenzo lacks in intellect and book smarts, he makes up for with grueling hard work
People often assume that he wouldn't be one to lift so much as a finger
But there's a lot of work that goes into being seemingly perfect all the time
Maybe that's why he grows to love herbology
An unsuspecting choice for Hogwart's resident "pretty boy"
But it's messy and dirty and surprisingly complex
And Lorenzo loves it
He loves pouring all of his focus and energy into growing something beautiful (and preferably deadly)
Because if there's one thing he knows, it's the endless pitfall that comes with trying to please someone you'll never truly be able to win over
That's probably what initially attracts him to you
He's not interested in games, in girls playing hard to get, or any of the emotional whiplash
But he's not overly invested in any of the girls throwing themselves at him either
You see him, and you're simply you
You don't make him jump through hoops, and you don't giggle lifelessly at every word that comes out of his mouth, and he simply adores you for it
It takes a bit for him to convince you that he’s serious about you
But once he does, he treats you like the perfect gentleman
100% wants to sweep you off your feet
Also VERY overprotective/territorial
Secretly terrified that you’ll leave once you find someone better
Once you realize it though, you make certain that he knows that he’s the only one for you
And he revels in it
He’s normally a social butterfly, except with you
He’s content to spend hours, days with just you
He’s just happy to have found someone to love him unconditionally
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Don’t stop
Pairings: FP Jones x reader
Warning: 18+, Smut, unprotective sex and dry humping.
Summary: you are a proud serpent and always will be no matter what. But the thing is, you have had a big crush on FP Jones since you were in high school. But since youre 32 and he’s like 50.. Everyone has been telling you that you shouldn’t, but to them you say "fock you"
Author’s note: I have been watching Riverdale and didn’t find any smut about FP Jones that screamed sex, so I thought screw it I’ll just write one myself!
A/N: masterpost & links are pinned on my tumblr.
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You stepped off your bike and walked over to the trailer. You knocked a couple of times before you heard FP Jones footsteps closing in. He opened the door and tried to hold back a sigh “what do you want?” He asked before he exhaled. “Just here to update you in person that everything wen’t well” you said. He shakes his head “you didn’t have to do that, Tall boy updated me” he assured me “you can leave now” he said while he walked into his trailer without closing the door. You sighed and walked inside closing the door. “What?” You asked, He turned around with a cup of coffee in his hand. “Yeah, I’m done talking about this.” He sighed and warned me “You know what’s up and we have it all under control.” He walked up to you, slowly took up his free hand and gently stroking your arm. “I know how loyal you are and you’re appreciated.” He said and smiled, he looked at his hand and froze. He just stood there, it looked like he was trying to not breathe uneven. "FP" you whispered, he finally looked up at you and gave a reasuring smile as his hand fell and walked over to the couch and drank his coffee.
You turned around on your way to leave, but stopped yourself. “Can I grab a cup of coffee before I leave?” You asked. “Sure” he answered. You were kinda surprised that he didn’t bite your head off, like he usually does. Honestly you’re kinda in to it when he does that, makes you hot and bothered. You have an inkling that he kinda likes it too, that he does it on purpose. Everyone says to you that it’s not going to happen or that you should find someone on your own age. You always answers with a witty comment or just make them shut up, Depends on the mood really. You just want FP to continue pushing your buttons, even tho you tell everyone that you hate it.
You sat down with a cup of coffee in your hand. “How are you?” You asked curiously. “Why?” He chuckled. “No reason, Just curious” you asked and took a sip of your coffee. He inhaled and answered “I’m good, everything is shit but I’m good” he chuckled and shaked his head as he leaned forward with his body, with his head in his hands.
You placed the coffee on the table and felt butterflies in your stomach. “Can I help with anything?” You asked and raised up, walked over to him softly grabbing his chin and guiding his head up to face yours. “Please don’t” he protested and looked up at you. “Please don’t, what?” You whispered. Your hand slowly moved to his cheek which felt like he was burning up. He closed his eyes and leaned into your hand, beginning to breath slowly but deeply.
“You want me to stop?” You asked and moved your hands softly to hold his shoulders, slowly you straddled him. Being so close to him felt euphoric. You legs was safely on each side of him, hugging into his legs. You haven’t sat down yet but wanted to so badly. You slowly grabbed his chin, guiding your nose feel his nose, wanting to closely listen and see his reaction as you sat down slowly on his private. He took a bite at his underlip and began slowly panting. His hands was gripping tightly at the coach, as he was trying to not engage. “You want me to leave?” You asked as you lifted your ass up from him.
He finally made a move by grabbing your thighs, making you thrust down on his big boulder, which made your core burn up. “Some part of you don’t want me to stop” you chuckled, and began slowly riding him, feeling some friction felt so good.
He took a deep breath as he couldnt help himself but to slowly begin to thrust back in a slow rhythm. He looked up at you while thrusting, watching how much pleasure he gave you. Which made you crazy, You closed your eyes and bit your lip trying but failing to hold back a couple of moans. He closed his eyes and panted heavy as he tried his best to not want more but failing so bad, his large shaft was burning up into your core, even if you had clothes on.
You opened your eyes only to listen in on all these sounds he was making, this turned you on so bad. You let out a moan and grabbed his chin as you kissed his neck, near his ear which made him moan out loud. You kissed once more and threw off your jacket, revealing your top with cleavage. He couldn’t help himself but to stare in awe. You smirked at his reaction, so you threw your shirt off and grabbed his hand, placed it on your breast.
You stood slightly up so that his face was inches away from your breast whitch was a layer away from eachother. he exhaled and looked up at you while he took one hand behind your back near your ass and the other he gently grabbed your bra strap, as he guided it down your arm.
When he saw your nipple he let out a moan as he began to suck on it. Taste it and lick it. You couldn’t stop making all these sounds, which made him more horny. He grabbed your ass with his other hand.
“Wait” you said as you raised up on the floor taking off the rest of your clothes, he took off his shirt in return but asked “What are you planing?” He then began breathing heavy as he looked at your body "fuck" he said as he eyefucked your body, you just gave him a smirk. You opened his belt dragging his pants down to his knees, except of his underwear.
You felt your core burn up when you saw his big boulder in his pants, you began mentally drooling of the thought off tasting him. You instead kissed his shaft, feeling his underwear being in the way. You looked up at him and gave him a smirk before licking where his shaft was. He threw his head back and thrusted lightly onto your lips.
You slowly took down his underwear slightly to only taste him, his large shaft bounced out as you finally got to taste him. You let your animalistick side take over as you tried to take him all in.
He panted and moaned, his hips began to join in on you swallowing his length. You moaned as you looked up at him and licked his long shaft. He grunted "please" as he kept thrusting himself into your mouth, you leaned away from his shaft to only lay it back in his underwear. He grunted and bit his underlip as his head flew back. "Why are you teasing me so bad?" he asked and kissing you deeply.
You sat back ontop off him, right on his boulder. At the contact of feeling just a thin layer between you, resulted in him moaning. You bit your lip, wanting to hear more so you began slowly thrusting. "Youre so fucking wet" he grunted and leaned in to kiss your neck and began messaging your nipples.
Your wet core had made his underwear soaking wet, where his dick and your clit was touching. Feeling your core and his shaft perfectly touching each other. “Y\N” he moaned as he grabbed your waist guiding you to thrust him. “You want me to stop?” You teased and placed your hands untop of his shoulders and slowly grabbing his hair, holding you close to him with your other arm. “You want me to stop?” You asked again as you began to find a slow-paced rhythm.
You leaned into him as you felt your bodies was tight into eachother and crashed your lips into his soft lips. You couldn`t believe how soft and good his lips felt like. He tasted like pancakes and maple syrup. You looked at him with awe as you stared into his eyes as you couldn’t help yourself but to let out these sounds which made his dick harder.
Suddenly, As if he had been holding back, he suddenly crashed his lips hard into you. He tasted your lips and you tasted his, you opened your mouth to taste his toungue and moaned loudly. “FP” you couldnt hold back anymore and finally neither did he.
He continued making out with you, making you feel your core burn hot. You stopped and pulled down his underwear fast, He was shocked at how fast you were and you were still shocked at how big he was. “Should I stop?” You asked and grabbed his shaft and placed into your folds “you want more?” You whispered into his ear and then licked his upperlip playfully.
His head flew back, as he shamelessly began to moan and not hold back any more. "You have to say yes” you whispered and then playfully placed his shaft right outside of your entrance, ready to let him fill you up. His head flew back as he let out a moan. “Yes, don’t stop” he finally said and thrusted his hips into you as you both moaned of the pleasure and pain of his large and thick shaft, trying to fill your tight core.
You grabbed his shoulders and held you steady as you placed yourself more comfortably to begin riding him. “I’m going to make you feel so good, Fp” you moaned and began a nice pace, your hips moved more easily. “You feel so good” he moaned. You began thrusting him in a faster pace, harder and moaned of the pleasure and pain. “Tell me more” you whispered as you raised up and thrusted yourself down on him making him moan higher, you repeated this for a while, only to listen to the sounds he was making.
He moaned “You feel so good, y\n” he began as he licked his lips and kissed you deeply. Your core and his shaft was making wet sounds, which turned you both on even more "I want to you to cum on my dick” he whispered into your ear. ”Fp” you moaned as he grabbed your breasts, massaging your nipples. You began feeling your breath become heavier as you kept thrusting on him “Im-” he grabbed your waist and began thrusting himself harder into you and you thrusted back in a perfect motion.
“Fp” you moaned loudly and crashed your lips into his. “I wanna cum on your dick, FP” you moaned as you thrusted harder on his long shaft. “Cum on my dick” he groaned and grabbed your ass. “I love that your is dick inside me” you panted, he had open his mouth to taste your tounge as you leaned forward so your bodies was tight into eachother, your both arms was holding eachother tight as you climaxed loudly, grabbing his hair. “FP” You moaned and kissed his soft lips, he roughly made out with you which made you want more “You make me feel so-“ he moaned and began thrusting himself hard into you "cum for me" you panted, he kept thrusting hard into you until hit his climax. He threw his head back and climaxed inside you.
He panted as he looked into your eyes. “That was” he began, you smirked and said “euphoric.” You chuckled and then you raised up to go and clean yourself off, when you turned around to go find him he suddenly stood right behind you. “That was not enough” he said plainly and grabbed you, holding you tight into his bare chest. “I want more” he smirked and kissed your neck softly.
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mayhems-cannon · 2 months
god i just replayed 6-2 for no good reason and hearing Gabriel be so, so genuinely happy and elated made my heart soar, you can hear him smile, feel the joy and relief he feels, how catharsis it all is to him, the laughter, the frantic teleporting
and oh, oh god, the way he speaks at the end, how he sounds, you can feel the way the weight has been lifted off his shoulders, the little chuckle between “May your woes be many… and your days few”. I know you can feel it and interpret it as resignation, but Hell almighty it just feels so? Genuinely at peace, a sort of gratitude, his own way to look at V1 as the one who shed the boulders off his shoulders, make him realize what happiness is, finally. It’s not (just?) masochism, there is a love for the fight, for the spar, for the hits and metal scraps and nails in his skin, there is a love for slashing and the struggle, and he finally found it with V1, and you can hear it, the laughter, the tone of his voice. “show me what you were made for” he says holding his swords, whether he would instead be laying fully undressed in a bed or fighting, to him this would be the same. the orgasmic end of the soundtrack version of “The Death of God’s Will”, the same as when he is shown brandishing the decapitated head of the Councillor while his wings shine with ecstasy, the tone of his voice as he realizes he’s finally free, finally knows what bliss is, there’s so many in-game elements that just state the facts and how he feels
6-2 for me feels like megalovania in the way that i keep forgetting how good it actually is and sort of “flanderise” it in my mind until i experience it again and realize why i admire it so much
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whatwooshkai · 5 months
for the smoke & mirrors ask - have you had 16 yet?
"You do it! You're the leader!"
"I am not asking! Boulder, you ask."
"Actually, nevermind. This is stupid. I'll just use my hoses-"
"No! You are not spraying me in the face again, you almost broke my optics-"
"Oh shut up, you were fine!"
"Blades is correct, that level of pressure-"
"Stay out of this, Chase!"
"Seriously, guys, I don't mind asking-"
Cody sighs, lowering the lift all the way down before the rescue bots break out into an all out brawl. Five minutes of listening to them bicker and yet he still has no idea what they want.
"Hey guys!" he announces, and every helm snaps over. Cody is suddenly aware of the size difference. "Whatcha talkin' 'bout?"
The rescue bots' gazes flit between Cody and each other, seemingly having a silent conversation before Boulder pipes up and says, "We want you to wash our faces."
"Our faces," Chase repeats. "We would like you to wash them."
"Yeah, I heard," Cody says, giving them a lopsided smile. "I just wanna know why."
"Well, back on Cybertron you'd have to go to a detailer to get your face properly cleaned," Blades explains. "Lots of small seams, big servos, it's not exactly easy to do it yourself. But we figured, since your servos are so small...?"
None of the rescue bots are looking at him. Boulder is very interested in their hands, Blades is scuffing his feet, Heatwave is tapping a beat on his arm that makes Chase's finials flick in time.
Oh my god. Are they... embarrassed?
Cody coughs into his fist to stifle a laugh. His dad says it all the time: "For a race of advanced alien robots, they're just as bad as us."
"I can wash your faces!" Cody assures them. "Frankie'll be here soon, and she'll be happy to help too!"
There's clear embarrassment radiating off the bots, but Cody decides not to let them stew in it and runs to the storage closet to grab the supplies, fumbling with his comm link at the same time.
"Hey, Frankie," he says, pressing his cheek to his shoulder as he puts the car soap in a bucket with some sponges and towels. "How far are you?"
"Walking in now," her voice crackles over the comm line. "Why?"
"The bots asked for their faces washed, so we're doing that," he explains, grabbing a second bucket.
Cody shrugs, then realizes she can't see him. "Because they asked. Isn't that a good enough reason?"
Frankie sighs, but there's a smile in her voice. "I guess so. Coming down the lift now."
"Don't get off, we'll need some height." Cody carries his supplies out of the closet, past the bots who are currently greeting Frankie, up onto the lift beside her. He sets down their supplies and they divide them between each other, and Heatwave fills their buckets when prompted.
Boulder and Blades come forward first, sitting down and letting Frankie adjust the lift so they're at the perfect height.
Cody has been close to the rescue bots before. He sits on their shoulders, they carry him around in their hands, sometimes they sit him atop their helms! But he realizes that he's never been this close to their faces, and now he understands why they wanted this.
Boulder's faceplate isn't perfectly smooth, there are small grooves and seams and scratches and scuffs, there's little divots under their optics that almost look like tear ducts. Cody dips the sponge into the soapy water and starts on Boulder's cheek, but nearly drops it when the rumbling starts up.
Blades had slumped over immediately, leaning his chin onto the railing of the lift, and while Boulder was doing a better job of keeping themselves upright, twin rumbling rises from their chests, the unmistakable purr of an engine.
Frankie and Cody exchange looks, not wanting to ruin the moment. Like cats! Frankie signs excitedly, and Cody can't help but grin, because they are.
There's a shocking amount of dirt on Boulder's face, so it takes almost two hours to get the towel to come out clean when he wipes it across their cheek. Blades has fully fallen asleep.
Heatwave's tapping his arm impatiently while Chase has busied himself with a book, but his tapping foot is giving him away as well.
"All done!" Cody announces, clapping his hands together, and Boulder blinks sleepily, before giving him a big smile.
"Thank you!" they say brightly, standing up shakily and picking up Blades with them, making room for the other two.
Chase takes a spot in front of Frankie as Heatwave sits in front of Cody. He leans onto his hands to brings his face close enough for Cody to reach it.
Heatwave looks exhausted already, and far worse for wear than Boulder did. It almost seems like there's dark circles under his optics, there's dirt crusted into the scar on his cheek and in the seams of his jaw, and there's a dent just below his left optic.
He's asleep in minutes.
All four rescue bots' engines purr in time.
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howlingday · 9 months
White Knight Marital Bliss
Setting - Jaune and Weiss have been married for decades and their chemistry is pretty much Mung Daal and Truffles from Chowder.
Jaune: She wants to go out with me?! Well, come on, out with it! Who is she? Is she cute?
Adrian: No, she's icky!
Jaune: Icky, huh? Well, it's a good thing I'm a married man.
Adrian: What if you weren't married?
Jaune: If I wasn't married? (Starry-eyed, Giggles)
Weiss: (Summons glyph)
Jaune: (Whacked in the head) I LOVE YOU, BABY~!
Jaune: Weiss, mind the home and hearth! I'm heading into town. We need more spice!
Weiss: ...Well, I'm glad at least one of us is willing to admit it.
Weiss: What's with all the yelling?!
Jaune: Not to worry, my beautiful snow angel, your knight in shining armor is on the case!
Weiss: Ugh! I don't have time to wait for him! You do it instead!
Jaune: Providing support is Weiss, better known as "The Mouth".
Weiss: "The Mouth"?! What is that supposed to mean?! YOU SAYING I'M LOUD?! I'M NOT LOUD, YOU'RE LOUD! (Barking)
Jaune: I'll do whatever it takes for you to stop ruining Griffball!
Weiss: We'll see about that! You're going down, old man!
Jaune: No! You're going down, older woman!
Weiss: No, you are!
Jaune: No, you are!
Weiss: NO, YOU!
Jaune: NO, YOU!
The two then proceed to furiously make-out in the middle of the playing field. They then shove each other off, simultaneously shouting "Get off me!"
Weiss: Is everything ready for my elegant Atlesian lady debutante association luncheon, my big, strong, cuddly-wuddly, poopsy-woopsy yummy boo-boo bear~?
Jaune: Ready and able, my lovely snow angel~! No need to worry because everything will be perfect!
Weiss: (Sobs into his chest) Oh, thank you~! You have no idea what it's like to be surrounded by ugly men all day, every day!
Ren: (Stops, Stares at Weiss)
Adrian: (Stops, Stares at Weiss)
Weiss: (Pulls away) So, my wonderful knight, just for today, don't make me come into this kitchen for any reason at all. OR I'LL RIP YOUR HEAD OFF.
Jaune: ...Uh, I love you, too?
Weiss: (Kisses him, Skips away giggling)
Jaune: ...Oh god, they're here. REN, RUN OVER THERE! ADRIAN, PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON!
Jaune: Remember, if Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy! (Points at you) NOT EVEN YOU!
Weiss: Oh, and one other thing. If I hear any of you say anything bad about my husband or his hard work, so help me, I will hunt you all down, rip your arms off and poke you with them until you cry for mercy! NOW GET OUT!
Jaune: Oh! Oh! You did not just give me the hand! Ooh! Ooh! It's on now, GIRL-FRIEND! (Picks up rock, Tosses a few feet)
Cinder: Ha! You throw like an old woman!
Weiss: That is not true! I throw MUCH better than he can! (Uses glyph to lift boulder, Bullseye)
Weiss: Jaune?! WHY YOU...
Jaune: Um! Uh! This is a dream!
Weiss: No... You're NEVER in my dreams!
Jaune: Great... She's using fireworks.
Weiss: I completely forgot what fireworks are.
Weiss: In my marriage!
Jaune: No.
Weiss: Yes!
Jaune: No!
Weiss: Yes!
Adrian: Fight! Fight!
Jaune: (Limbers up in one corner)
Weiss: (Barking in the other)
Jaune: (Pinned by Weiss)
Weiss: (Spider-Man kicks him)
Jaune: (Broken over her knee)
Ren: (Holding Weiss' hand high)
Weiss: We will do the mission!
Adrian: Uncle Jaune, are women always this emotionally draining?
Jaune: No! Of course not!
Weiss: (Opens big faucet in Jaune's chest, Filling cup with emotions) Ah~!
Adrian: (Watches in horror)
Adrian: I'm back! Here's the white-haired melon you needed!
Jaune: But we already put in the white-haired- Uh-oh... (Opens oven)
Weiss: (Inside the oven, Growling)
Jaune: (Slams shut) Not done yet! Adrian, we need to talk about your shot attention span-
Ren: Mhm.
Weiss: (Inside the oven) OH, DARLING~!
Jaune: RUN, MAN! RUN!
Jaune: Oh hiya, Weiss! Did you have a good trip to the store?
Weiss: Mhm. Yup. No problems at all.
Jaune: Your what did who know?
Weiss: Jaune, be honest with me. Have I become a little... PLUMP IN THE RUMP?!
Jaune: ...Adrian, cover your ears. Um... No?
Weiss: Was that a question?
Jaune: N-No.
Weiss: So I put on weight?
Jaune: I didn't say that.
Weiss: So I need to go on a diet?
Jaune: I didn't say that!
Weiss: Come on, out with it! Have I become
Weiss: FFFFAAAAA...?
Adrian: Fat? Yeah!
Jaune: (Covers Adrian's mouth)
Weiss: S-So it's true! (Runs off crying)
Jaune: Adrian, life lesson number one; never tell a woman she's fat.
Jaune: Well... I give up. If anybody needs me, I'll be spending quality time with Weiss.
Adrian: It's that bad, huh?
Jaune: Yup. That bad.
Weiss: And here I thought I married a huntsman, not a crybaby!
Ren: Ooh~!
Weiss: I love you, darling~.
Jaune: I love you, too, pumpkin~.
Weiss: What do you mean pumpkin? You sayin' I'm orange and round? Is that how you see me?
Jaune: No! Of course not, dumpling!
Weiss: Oh, so now I'm a dumpling?! I'm puffy and stuffed with meat and cheese! Is that it?!
Jaune: No, honey, that's not-!
Weiss: (Readies glyph) HONEY?! OH, SO NOW I'M ALL STICKY AND GOOEY?!
Jaune: No! You're, uh, my dilly-dally-daloo!
Weiss: ...Aw~! You're lucky I have no idea what that is.
Jaune: I've got the blueprints right here! (Opens scroll, Shows off lewd Weiss)
Adrian: My eyes! (Screaming in pain)
Ren: Jaune!
Jaune: Oh, right! Heh heh! Wrong picture! (Taps) Here we go! (Shows off lewd Ren)
Adrian: MY EYES ARE BLEEDING! (Screaming louder)
Ren: JAUNE-!
Jaune: I know, I know! I said I'd deleted it.
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
A Beloved Tradition
Pairing: Luka x reader
Fandom: Honkai Star Rail
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: This piece is a bit more worldbuilding-heavy than the others I’ve done! I enjoyed writing it though, so I hope you like it too!
A paper marriage in Belobog isn’t the only way to show off the love between a couple.
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According to the laws of Belobog, a marriage would have to pass through the Bureau of Civil Affairs in the administrative district before it could become official. But as history would have it, those in high places would often ignore the needs of those below. The Underworlders of Belobog, fed up with having their marriage requests delayed or even outright denied, came up with their own ceremonies to acknowledge the love between couples in their community.
A traditional Belobogian Undergrounder’s wedding consists of preparing and seasoning an olm frog, roasting it over Geomarrow ores, and sharing the meal in the heart of town.
- Excerpt from The Heart of Jarilo-IV: Belobogian Customs and Traditions
“I don’t think this is what anyone had in mind when they said to prepare the olm,” you laughed, shaking your head.
Your boyfriend and soon-to-be husband Luka grins at you. “What, you’ve never seen a frog wear a hat before? Expand your mind, sweetheart! This is gonna be the prettiest roasted olm Boulder Town has ever seen.”
In his hands is the main ingredient to a traditional Belobogian miners’ dish- an olm frog. He fiddles with a napkin, folding it into a cap to put on the amphibian’s head.
“Well, he certainly is a handsome olm,” you concede with a fond grin. You lift it up, surveying Luka’s work. Despite the seeming unwieldiness of his mechanical arm, Luka had been able to fold the napkin into surprisingly neat creases, balancing it delicately on the frog’s head. “Still, he’s not as handsome as my fiancé here.”
“Awww, you flatter me~”
A gag from behind you interrupts the sweet moment. Seele and Natasha stand a little ways back, the former holding tongs and turning pieces of geomarrow ore in the stove, keeping it red-hot. “Get a room,” she gags, “You two are sweet enough to make me barf.”
“What Seele means is that it’s good to see the two of you so in love,” Natasha adds, with a meaningful glance towards her adopted daughter. “But we shouldn’t keep your guests waiting. The other dishes are already done- only the olm is left.”
“Sorry, Natasha,” Luka apologized, but it was clear that he wasn’t abashed in the slightest.
“No worries,” Natasha replied. She smiled warmly at the two of you. “I don’t think anyone would blame you for wanting to drag on the festivities for a little while longer. Goodness knows we’ve had little else to celebrate since the blockade”
The four of you were silent for a moment. The halt of trade and transport between the overworld and underworld was a touchy spot for Underworlders- some of them wanted to maintain their pride and wait it out, while others proposed they fight back against the tyranny of the Supreme Guardian in the streets above. The divide caused a lot of trouble for Wildfire, who struggled to keep the peace between two sides.
“… It feels selfish to be celebrating in a time like this,” you admit self-consciously, breaking the silence. “There’s so much else to be thinking about; to be fighting for. But here we are, taking up Wildfire’s time for something that isn’t official business.”
Luka nods, echoing the sentiment. “It feels a bit weird to be off duty for the first time in months. I hope it’s not too much trouble for you.”
“Of course it isn’t!” Seele shakes her head. “We wanted to be here for you guys. Don’t get all sappy on us now, just because we’re being nice.”
“Everyone was so excited for you guys when they heard the news,” Natasha confirms. She takes the tongs from Seele, turning over the geomarrow in the belly of the stove. “Wildfire takes care of our own. And besides, it isn’t just for the both of you. Morale has been high ever since the planning began. It’s good for everyone to see that life goes on, even when times are hard.”
Between Seele’s fierce encouragement and Natasha’s kind words, it’s hard to stay doubtful. “Thank you, both of you,” you say to them, and you mean it.
“Gather round, everyone! Master Oleg would like to say a few words.”
The settling murmur of guests around you roils in your belly as you sit at a table set up in Boulder Town’s square. Luka is lounging beside you with his normal arm flung over your shoulder. The roasted olm rests on the table between you, no longer sizzling hot but still pleasantly warm.
“How much longer before we eat? I’m starving,” he whispers to you with a grin. You nudge him back, shushing him as Oleg begins to speak.
“I’ll try to keep this short, seeing as the groom is getting a little impatient.” He shoots a smile at Luka, then coughs once before clearing his throat. “It’s great to see you all here today, in support of two of our dearest members of Wildfire. There’s a lot to be said about the state of the Underground right now-“ Oleg waits for the murmurs to pass through the crowd to continue. “But I think it’s safe to say that this union between our happy couple is proof that life goes on, both on the surface of Belobog and below. No matter the circumstances, we will find ways to thrive.”
Oleg nods to you. “On behalf of Wildfire and the entire Underground, we wish you two a happy and loving marriage.”
That’s your cue. Picking up the fork from beside the roasted dish, you use it to tear a piece of juicy meat from the side of the olm and hold it out to Luka. He grins and does the same with his own fork. You exchange them, taking the bites off of each others’ utensils- sharing your first meal in the town square, just as couples did for hundreds of years before you. The crowd erupts in whistles and cheers- and just like that, you’re forever bonded to the love of your life. Luka pulls you in for a kiss and you reciprocate, smiling into his lips as he leans his forehead against yours.
Roasted olm is said to taste like chicken, but there’s no way for you to make that comparison. After all, as an Underworlder you’ve spent your entire life by the glow of a Geomarrow furnace. You didn’t have the luxury of the sun or the sky or a grand Overworlder’s wedding. But today has proven that you don’t need any of that to thrive- or to love.
Taking your new husband’s hand in yours, you look around at the people surrounding you. Miners and their families, Natasha, Seele, Oleg and the members of Wildfire, residents of Boulder Town, Hook and the Moles- and of course, Luka.
“There’s more than enough food here for everyone. Please, join us! Let’s eat!”
How very loved you are.
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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littlemessyjessi · 6 months
“Couple of Chaos” : A Kim Namjoon/RM Commissioned Request: Plus Size Reader, Messy Reader
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Kim Namjoon x Reader, Plus Size Reader, Messy Reader, Established Relationship
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Prompt: Namjoonie and his partner who is just as much of a mess as him. A darling. A lovely person. Love of his life. But just as much of a chaotic mess as he is, lol.
“Life is the messy bits.” - Lisa Friedman
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Headcanons:  How Namjoon and Reader deal with the both of them being messy as hell. 
First and freaking foremost, you’re both disasters
just full on
You’re both equally chaotic
one as bad as the other
and yet ya’ll will get on each other’s nerves so bad with messes
like…. ya’ll both do it and yet when it’s the other person it’s somehow terrible
hypocrites, the both of yuns
that being said, in a way, ya’ll kinda complete each other
Namjoon is a perpetual passport loser right? 
And I’ve lost count of how many times he’s lost his air pods
Well, cue…. you
His personal storage locker… or purse.  Whichever you want to refer to it
If you carry a purse, just snatch his shit from him and keep up with it so this man can actually board a plane
If you don’t carry a purse but wear a bra, stick it in the boulder holder
If you don’t do either, put it in your pocket for him
If you don’t have pockets then you have bigger problems to worry about that Namjoon-ah and his lack of ability to keep up with his shit
Now, assuming that you do have these things, you do this so often that Namjoon just knows you have them. 
Needs chapstick? If you’re in a relatively private company, he just goes into your pocketeses for it
Passport? Ok, so Namjoon is smart as fuck. We get it.  However, he do be having some primo himbo energy at times.  
Picture this: Airport.  Namjoonie lost passport.  “Oh, wait a second.  I know where it is!”  Just turns and sticks his hand in your bra and deep sea dives in the titties until he has found what he’s looking for. Assuming that you have titties. If you don't, well again- homeboy is just deep sea diving in whatever area you're currently keeping his belongings.
meanwhile, the eyes of everyone around him have been scarred and you’ve just been violated in front of the entire airport 
he realizes this in about 3 seconds and all he can do is give you that cute dimpled smile
of course he’s forgiven.  It’s Joonie.  If you don’t forgive him then I’ll be along directly to deliver an ass whoopin'. Let's not play with sweet Namu's precious feelings. He's an angel and a perfectly wonderful person. Fuck with him and you fuck with me. And I have raged stored from the age of three. I am now in my 30s. I have it and I will use it.
so yeah
and going back to ya’ll getting on each other’s nerves
doom piles
There.  I said it.   
Ya’ll both got doom piles and junk drawers and whole ass closets just full of random crap
and you nearly kill each other over it on a regular basis
“Jagiyaaaaaaaaaaa! Come on! There is a full on mountain of stuff here and you can’t even close this drawer.”  
“Namjoon, would you like to discuss the entire guest bedroom full of figurines? Or perhaps, the closet full of books?  Or maybe, just maybe, you would like to explain to me why there is an drawer in our bedroom full of baby things when neither one of us has any plans of having children anytime soon?” 
“....” *Joon bites lip and narrows eyes
“....” *you lift a brow*
“Alright, jagi. My mistake. You hungry?” 
“Yes, I’m starving.” 
“Wonderful.” he smirks.  “Where would you like to eat?” 
Your head slowly turns around. 
You narrow your eyes at his smug ass face. 
“How fucking dare you, Kim Namjoon?” 
And he has the audacity to smirk at you because he knows he bested you cause you can’t decided where to eat to save your life.
Jokes on him though because you just needed a project.  It was sorting through your doom piles but now that he’s pissed you off it quickly changed to annoying the ever living hell out of him. 
Lowkey though, jokes actually on you because Joon loves it when your fiesty and sometimes purposefully does this shit just to rile you up. 
You also know this about him though.  Which is why you left the junk drawer open and also why you got sassy.   
He likes that you’re a mess and you love that about him too.
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"This is the stuff that drives me crazy This is the stuff that's getting to me lately In the middle of my little mess I forget how big I'm blessed"
- This is the Stuff, Francesca Battistelli
Members Reaction to the Deities of Destruction and Disaster: 
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Seokjin:  (A/N: omfg Seokjin you did not have to be so aggressively attractive. And that goes for you too, Namjoon)
Long suffering sigh.  The hyung energy is strong here.   It’s part frustration and part pure bewilderment as to why, how and what even is he going to do with the both of you.  That being said, Seokjinnie thinks the two of you are super cute together.  You definitely get scolded but also, he cracks easily because come on.  Look at ya’ll.  Thanks God every day that Namjoon uses you as his purse though.  He is so tired of standing around in an airport, lol. 
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Yoongi:  (A/N: Cue the dreamy sigh. Just look at them. Look at the smiles. Look at the damn ARMS!)
I’m gonna be so for real with you right now.  He does not give a shit about the mess. I mean, don’t get his things in a mess but if you roll up in a 2003 lifted Tacoma, open the door and a bunch of shit falls out… I mean, maybe he might give you a little bit of a lecture but honestly?  That’s ya’ll’s problem, lol.   But also stop losing ya’ll fucking airpods, the both of you.   If a bra works then do that because he will not be loaning you another pair ever again.  And he refuses to talk about why. 
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Hoseok: (A/N: Mother of God. I have the fattest crush on Hoseok. Also peep that cute little Kookie. And how DARE you attack me like this, Namjoon?!)
Never in the history of ever was anyone annoyed more by this than Hoseok, lol.  However, he doesn’t bitch.  Oddly enough, he never complains about it.  He never bitches.  He never lectures.  He does, however, come over to hang out and help the both of you clean your mess.  Hoseok is great for body doubling if you have ADHD.  However, if you have an issue with him doing the cleaning it might be an issue.  It makes him itch and he needs to scratch it.   
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Jimin:  (A/N: It's unspeakable how much handsomeness is in this gif.)
An actual ANGEL for body doubling if you have ADHD and you’re trying to handle the depression hoarder situation in your bedroom.  Super respectful and understanding.  He just enjoys spending time with his loved ones so he would gladly come help if you want it or just keep the both of you company.  Because clearly body doubling does not with you and Joon together. You just make it a bigger mess.  Acknowledging this: Jimin finds this chaos hilarious and doesn’t do anything to stop.  Ya’ll are wild and unkempt and honestly? Jiminie is here for it. 
Side note: I am particularly attached to Jimin in this gif. Look how beautiful. Look how handsome. I swear, that man is dangerous. We are all very, very, very lucky that he's such a sweetheart because don't act like if he asked you for a kidney that you wouldn't immediately start looking for something to carve with . And if that happened to be a spoon, we'd all just accept our fate. Don't lie.
Extra Sidenote: Namjoon be looking extra delectable. *chef's kiss*
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Taehyung:  (A/N: First of all, damn Namjoon. Those arms. Sweet lord. I'm looking, Joonie. Respectfully, of course..... but I do be lookin. Second, does Taehyung not look like the most precious creature in all the land?)
A precious darling. He does not give a shit about the mess.  He just loves his hyung.  He loves his hyung’s love.  Ya’ll are special to him and that’s how you are.  He thinks it is part of ya’ll’s charm and your charm as a couple.  Ya’ll are a messy couple but not in the having your dirty laundry out for everyone to see way. In a “aw, Jiminie, look at them.  They are such tragic disasters but they’re disasters together.” kind of way.  He will find a way to make it romantic no matter what. 
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Jungkook:  (A/N: Just Jungkook out here living his best y/n life, honestly, lol. )
Ok, so here’s the thing, lol.  Jungkookie has had his own issues with messes here and there. Also, let's be honest.... he's got the fattest crush on Namjoon, lol. His crush on Namjoon may even rival the crush I have on Hoseok. Like, I kinda doubt it because there ain't much I wouldn't do for that man but still. Jungkook loves him's Namjoonie. He loves all that Namjoon-ah is associated with. He's his biggest fan, lol. With you, it is honestly the same. Like... his hyung is in love? Who is this person that has captured the heart of the most magnificent Namjoonie? If you managed to do that and Namjoon is happy.... honestly Jungkook adores you. Regardless of the hopeless fucking messes that the both of you clearly are. He and Taehyung share this but in addition to this, Jungkookie will literally help you with anything you need. He just wants to hang out with you both so he'll do like his Jimin hyung and either just chill while you sort or he'll help you. Or just hang out in the chaos and not solve anything, lol. He just loves his hyung and he loves his hyung's love as well. It's as simple as that.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading my content and thank you so much to @alisoncdariel for commissioning this piece! I hope you enjoy it!
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meowsgirldrawing · 9 months
Dhampirs cause I said so~
(Astarion+Tav Kiddos)
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Axel is older by 16 minutes
Fucking troublemakers to the max, even if they aren't really trying.
"Only I can fuck with them(each other), no one else" vibe
Purposely trips the other twin with their tail, Ama more than Axel.
Takes after Tav(Reese) more in terms of being soft and a worrywort.
Is a bard, loves singing and dancing at Baldur's Gate local bars. Astarion comes with her to watch over and support.
Literrally a ducking sunshine energy-
Ofc Astarion is her go too for alot of things, father-daughter duo.
Ofc she loves Tav, she just has a special bond with Astarion
Gets mistaken for the older sister, keeps up that image simply to piss Axel off.
Looks like a cinnamon roll roll/can kill you-is a cinnamon roll
Possibly more vampire than Axel.
Can and will go full bloodthirsty mode if Axel has been fucked with.
Serisouly, it's terrifying. Even Astarion says "Outtie peace✌️"
"Come with me" By Chxrlotte theme
When she was little and found out why Astarion couldn't go out into the sun, she was noticalbyl trying to stay in the dark with him more.
Tav and Astarion found it sadly adorable until they realized she was terriefied of being in the sun, thinking she'd burn too.
Wasn't until Axel dragged her out on the hottest day of Baldur's Gate did she finally stop the habit Astarion still recounts it infront of his and Tav's buds, makes her blush so bad.
Somewhat Amaryllis's opposite.
He tries to keep the one braincell they share going
May or may not have the biggest crush on Gale's kid who he sneaks out with alot.
He doesn't need blood ofc, but likes to go hunting alot.
Tail is smaller than most tieflings his age and hates it. People mistake him for an elf all the time and the only thing keeping him sane is the "Technically they aren't wrong" Thanks Ama.
Love-Hate relationship with Astarion, sticks to Tav alot.
Acts like he wants to do things solo but is always dragging Ama with him wherever he goes.
He also may not be as naive as Ama at face value, but lets just say he'd never be a leader with how much shit he pulls.
Pranks the nobles at Baldur's gate alot.
Very much like a hissy cat, just more hissy and more cat
Looks small to others but got that hybrid blood that makes him able to lift a boulder like no big deal
More resistant to fire compared to Ama, so tends to set himself on fire alot with rouge shite
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itsscromp · 11 months
Syzoth/Reptile x reader
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Apologies for the delay on this one, Outside stuff has been kicking my butt as of lately. But now I am here, I am refreshed and ready. So have some syzoth Platonic fluff !!!!. Word count:1K
Syzoth wanted to show his best friend y/n his Zaterran powers for a long time, He really did, But the back of his mind always feared how you would react.
"Get away from me freak !!!"
"Please don't hurt me"
Those words play in his mind every time he thinks about wanting to show you his true form, It scares him beyond belief when he thinks about it. That an amazing friendship would be broken for being himself. He even had nightmares about it.
Like one time when he showed you his powers and you ran off scared, As he tried to find you, you knocked him out and then yelled many profanities at him. He jolted awake, the cold sweat sticking to his pillow. He was so scared by how you would react.
You noticed how anxious and sad he looked for the past couple of days, you originally thought he was thinking about his family, but decided to check on him none the less. You walked inside and found him sitting by the steps as if he was deep in thought.
"Syzoth, Is everything ok ??" You walked up to him
"Oh, hello y/n..." He greeted but looked down again.
"What's wrong ??" You sat down next to him.
He went quiet for a while before standing up and offering you his hand.
"Come with me, I want... to show you something." He said hesitantly.
"Oh, Ok ??" You took his hand, helping you up and then began walking deep into the forest.
"Where are we going ??"
He remained quiet, and he also kept looking down and fiddling with his hands, You sensed then he was really anxious about what he wanted to show you. You could see it all over his face.
"Y/n... I've always wanted to show you this for a long time now, Will you let me show you ??" He looked at you with anxious eyes.
You tilted your head slightly in curiosity but none the less nodded "Ok"
He took a deep breath and stopped, Before transforming into his true Zaterran form, A hulking reptiloid creature, Your eyes went wide seeing him transform from a human form to this form.
He could see it and his nerves and heart started to race, He looked away in shame.
"It is okay if you don't want to be friends with me anymore, I understand y/n..."
"Syzoth" You politely interrupted him "It's ok.."
He shook his head.
"No it's not okay, I'm a freak, a monster, the very being that earthrealmer's and outworlder's despise every second I breathe" You could see tears of anxiety fall from his eyes. He looked so scared. "Just say it..." He looked down again in shame.
You grew sad for him, Not only was he hurt and ridiculed his whole life, He really thought you would stop being friends with him and and you would call him all those nasty words as well, Which was not true at all. You would always will be Syzoth's friend, You cared for him a lot.
Gently walking over to him, You wrapped your arms around his scaley body, Hearing his anxious heartbeat.
"Your my best friend syzoth... I would never call you a monster." You squeezed him a little tighter.
He was taken aback by your kind words and gesture before slowly moving his arms to wrap around your tiny form. "Thank you y/n" He looked at you.
You gave him a soft and kind smile before gently helping wipe away his tears. You then noticed something from behind him. His tail was swishing from side to side gently, He was happy again. This caused you to giggle slightly as he looked over and chuckled.
"It does that sometimes"
"Hey it shows you your happy" You smiled brightly.
"Now I have to ask, What does your true form do ??" You asked curiously.
He perked up and gave a sort of reptilian smile, He was eager to show you his powers. He looked around and then found a heavy looking boulder.
"Zaterrans have increased strength compared to most Earthrealmer's and Outworlder's" He walked over and then lifted the boulder with ease, before then gently tossing it and catching it with one hand, still keeping it in the air with one while flexing his free arm.
"Why do I feel johnny cage taught you that" You smiled and chuckled.
"He might have" He smirked and tossed the boulder halfway across the field.
"Holy shit !!" You were very impressed.
"What else you can do ??"
He then began to form some form of giant green ball from his mouth and then tossed it at a nearby tree, the bark dissolving and the tree gently tumbling down.
"Acid saliva ??"
"It is a strange ability yes, But a very useful one in Kombat situations that are worse case scenario" He nodded.
He then perked up again and began to climb the trees at record speed, Something that you have never seen before. It was an amazing sight to see him jump and climb from tree to tree at breathtaking speeds before landing back in front of you.
"That was amazing syzoth !!!" You smiled brightly.
His tail started to swish a bit faster.
"Thank you y/n, It means a lot to me that I can be my true self around you."
"Hey, Humanoid or reptiloid, You'll always be my best friend OK??" You smiled wrapping an arm around his side as he transformed back into his human form and did the same.
But you also noticed his tail was still there as it wrapped around the two. Making you chuckle.
"And I can also control certain parts of my form to coincide with my human form" He then showed you his arm transforming into its reptiloid form before transforming back.
"Your full of tricks syzoth, And that's what makes you amazing. It's what makes you, you" You playfully nudge him.
He smiled so brightly and turned to hug you tightly, Sighing softly in relief as his best friend accepted him for him, No matter what.
You leaned into the hug and then saw his tail gently swishing again from how happy he was with you. You couldn't help but smile.
Syzoth will always be your best friend, Humanoid or reptiloid.
Taglist @callofdudes @fun-k-board
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ovobawrites · 10 months
𝐵𝑒𝒶𝒸𝒽: 𝐸𝓅𝒾𝓈𝑜𝒹𝑒 𝐸𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 ♡ 𝐹𝒷𝑜𝓎𝓈 𝒜𝓃𝑜𝓃𝓎𝓂𝑜𝓊𝓈
disclaimer: this has already been posted on ao3 and quotev, i'm just reposting this beach episode special as a promo for the fic. after this is all my previous author notes.
this is a fem!reader and also a half chinese!reader insert.
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It took thirty minutes for you, Ruggie and Silver to convince Malleus that lifting up the villa was not, in fact, a good idea. It didn't help that Leona kept egging him on, smug grin on his face as Ruggie glared at him. Lilia was no help at all, too busy finding amusement in the chaos, while Kalim simply watched everything go down with a bright smile on his face. Too bright. Just what did he want with that boulder?
Jamil kept an eye on Kalim with a wary look, but seemed distracted enough by Azul and Idia's pain. You think you saw him smile when Azul was moved to tears by the crushed sandcastle. You took the opportunity to get closer to Kalim, and tilted your head imploringly when he made eye contact. 
"Hm? There's nothing to worry about (Y/N)!" He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "I just wanted to see how big this boulder was! Plus, it was sooo cool when Malleus brought it over with his magic!"
He was definitely up to something. "Why do you need a boulder?" You confronted him, straightforward enough to catch him off guard. "Is it for a prank of some sort?"
Kalim paled at that. The last prank that went down in NRC was... something to say the least. Riddle still hasn't uncollared that one brave Heartslabyul boy who participated in it. "No! Never!" He looked around nervously. "How could I after... that incident?!"
"So it isn't something completely foolhardy, then?"
He chuckled at that. "Nope! I just wanted to prepare a surprise for everyone." Kalim's bright smile morphed into a much softer, kinder, real expression. "Everyone's been getting along so well... so I figured I might as well do something to celebrate!"
You could see why. You still were shocked that Riddle hadn't tried to kill Floyd in his sleep yet. Or that Azul hadn't been tossed into the ocean by Jamil. Or that Rook and Leona and Malleus hadn't gotten into a blowout fight-
Okay, so maybe your brother was right when he said that your friends were completely dysfunctional a week back. 
You nodded slowly, implying agreement to Kalim, and resolved to distract everyone else from what he was doing. "Do you want to move it somewhere else for now? So that you can prepare, whatever it is, in secret?"
Kalim brightened up at that. "That'd be perfect, thanks! Maybe we should get Malleus to-"
He popped up next to the two of you immediately, eyes glowing with subtle pride. "Do the two of you require me for a task?"
Kalim nodded excitedly and started to animatedly describe what he wanted Malleus to do for him, complete with rapid motions and hand gestures. Everyone else was too distracted to notice, thankfully. Leona and Ruggie were laughing amongst themselves, sly looks on the pair's faces. Vil, Rook and Cater were still distracted by their photoshoot. And Lilia was carrying a sleeping Silver while trying to help Idia and Azul resolve their differences enough to rebuild their sandcastle. Ortho had moved off to talk to Jade about the meal prep, most likely. And the splashing from the water was definitely Riddle being almost drowned by Floyd. Poor Trey.
"Oh- that's right! (Y/N), wanna come help us out?" Kalim turned to you, Malleus and him pleadingly staring with begging eyes for you to join them.
"Sure." You smiled placidly, mind spinning with thoughts and predictions and-
Malleus placed a hand on your shoulder and Kalim grabbed your hand. "Shall we depart?"
"Yeah, let's start!"
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It was. An effort. On your part that is. Usually Kalim and Malleus's excitement wouldn't have had you so off kilter but... You weren't at your best today. That was all. 
"Then we just need to trim this part down here and-" Kalim wiped the sweat off his brow. "We'll be finished for today! This is gonna be so cool!"
You nodded absentmindly, floating with the help of Malleus's magic to chisel down the part he just pointed out. "I think we should cover it in some sort of sealant or resin though." You remarked absentmindedly. "I'm afraid the stone might be too soft and our work will be washed away by the water."
"There is no need for worry," Malleus smiled, "I have all ready casted a spell that should mitigate the effects of any of the natural world."
"It won't be too much of a drain on you?" Kalim fretted, "I don't wanna knock you out! You've already helped so much Malleus and-"
"This is nothing to me, Kalim. Fret not." Malleus said in reply, lowering you to the ground with a wave of his pen.
"Thank you." You nodded at him and brushed the dust off of you. "We must leave now. Before the others get suspicious." You reminded Kalim and Malleus gently. 
"Right!" Kalim hissed at that, "Jamil's probably gonna kill me- oh god."
"Then we better start to hurry." You smiled, and then a thought. "Race you there!"
A laugh and you were off, blind to Kalim and Malleus's shocked and joyful smiles behind you. Laughter bubbling up as they chased you down the shore to the group.
"Catch me if you can Zhìzhi[1]!" A childish laugh and the patter of footsteps down the long hallway. Servants moving to the side, silent as always while the chase ensued.
"You can run, but you can't hide sister!" A burst of speed and a shriek of joy. A warm hug and rough hands messing up your hair.
"Hey- wait that's not fair!" Kalim laughed, bright and cheerful. "You got a headstart!"
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"There you are," Jamil raised an eyebrow at Kalim, preparing to scold him if necessary. "what were you doing?"
You sighed. Looks like you were gonna have to take the lead on this one. Neither Malleus nor Kalim could lie very well, and Kalim's nervous laughs were not helping to assuage whatever Jamil's suspicions were. 
"We were just seeing how strong Malleus's magic is!" You remarked in a lilting voice, swaying to and fro with your arms behind your back. "We wanted to see him drop boulders into the water to create some big waves and..."
"We didn't want to risk Riddle drowning if we did it over here!" Kalim chimed in, looking awfully proud of himself.
"Are... are you implying I'm short?" Riddle started slowly, already starting to flush a violent red.
"Hm? No?" Kalim tilted his head. "I just thought, 'cause Jade and Floyd can breathe underwater they'd be fine. And I-" He paused for less than a second, unnoticed by everyone but you. "I wouldn't put it past Floyd to drown you..." He looked away for a second at that, hiding the glimpse of the smile that threatened to spread across his face. Redirection was Kalim's specialty, after all.
"Sea Otter's right~" Floyd threw an arm over Riddle's head, using him as an armrest. "I would totally let Goldfishie sleep with the fishes." 
Jade grinned. "Maybe don't reveal your intentions so early into the game, Floyd." 
The two laughed amongst themselves, turning into straight up howling when Riddle launched himself at Floyd in an effort to pound him into the ground. It did not work, only forcing Trey and Cater to try to temper their Housewarden's mood once more. You turned your head away from the scene, a complex mix of feelings flooding your chest. Muddy browns made from greens, reds and blues made your heart pulse painfully.
You walked away from the scene to instead inspect the sandcastle Idia and Azul made. It was sprawling in magnitude, elaborate with each detail planned to the t. Something about the temporary state it lived in made the structure even more beautiful. Before you knew it, you had unintentionally crouched down to look upon the tiny city the two had made.
"I-it's amazing, isn't it." Idia stuttered for a moment, avoiding eye contact, hair tinged pink. "You know, I based the entire thing off of the map from Star Rogue. It's this old game Ortho and I used to play and-"
Azul interjected Idia's rambling, smirk on his face. "Please, Idia. Would it kill you to stop such long winded rants? Don't you think (Y/N) is more interested in the process of making this, anyways? She is a student of the arts."
"Oh, I don't mind listening to his rambles," you remarked offhandedly. "I enjoy listening to what Idia's passionate about." You moved in closer to the small town, an unbidden smile on your face from the remarkable care put into the piece. "...I think it's rather striking how you made such a beautiful piece, all while aware of the futility of it all. Tomorrow, this sandcastle will be knocked down by winds and the night, yet you built it anyways. It's a wonderful example of how, at the end of the day, the only thing that separates us from animals is our desire to create. To make something so meaningless, simply because you wanted to," You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, glancing up at the two boys with a warm gaze. "I think it's rather lovely."
"I-it's a s-sand empire actually-y" Idia choked out, hair weaving pink trails of light in the darkening evening. He reached for the hood of his pale blue sleeveless hoodie with shaking hands, fiddling with the strings. A small smile on his face.
Azul blinked, the tips of his ears a deep red. He opened his mouth uselessly, flapping it like a fish before simply walking away with a muffled shriek. The tweels rushing over to him at his embarrassment like sharks to blood.
"Oh- sorry, sand empire." You blinked, a little shocked at their reactions. 
Idia looked away in reply, hair still in that shade of fuchsia. But he still leant down to offer you a hand up. 
You took the proffered hand, slightly bashful from the look Idia was giving you. It was an intense stare, only present when you looked away from him. You think you might be...
No. You can't afford it right now. Or ever.
You still held his hand for the entire walk back.
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The group had walked back to the villa for showers, leaving only Jade and Ortho to prepare the food of the night. After last night's fiasco, it was a welcome change. Not even Leona had a negative quip when the two chefs left for the kitchen, though that might have been from Ruggie's stern glare. And so you all parted ways, though you couldn't help but miss Idia's hand in yours.
Even if your isolated dorm had running water and working showers, it couldn't compare to the luxury of these bathrooms. Seems Crowley really splurged on this villa. How kind of him!
But you had heard rumors of him wanting to go on this trip himself, held back by only the mountain of paperwork he needed to complete.
That might explain why Crewel was so ecstatic about the trip. The staff likely held a raffle of some sort, you knew Trein would have killed to be in Crewel's place.
You snickered at that thought, toweling your hair softly and finishing up your nighttime routine. It'd only been an hour since the group had gotten back, but you still wanted to know how Jade and Ortho's cooking was going. You wanted to see the harmony present from Trey's morning cooking. You had no doubt the two would practically dance around the kitchens and- 
You missed Zhìháo, just a little. 
Even when you had turned 10, Zhìháo 14, you had still cooked and baked together. It wasn't as filled with childish chatter like before, your mother had made sure of that. But the silence was comforting nonetheless. Something about simply existing with the one person you'd ever loved in the room was just perfect. It had filled you with blooming pink and yellow flowers, hummingbirds and butterflies buzzing in your stomach to create a warmth that you could only ever attribute to this nebulous feeling of home. You had wanted to stay with him, in your private little sanctuary. Just the two of you, together, until the end of time.
(It didn't last forever, though.
At some point, when you had turned 13 Jiànhóng had joined you both, when he wasn't busy with paperwork and his own retainer duties. He'd lightly bump Zhìháo's shoulder and laugh loudly when there was a smear of flour on his liege's face. Jiànhóng would teach you how to cook french toast[2], the streetfood greasy from oils and the peanut sauce. Yet it had still been the happiest moments in your life. Eating horribly unhealthy food. Just you and your two brothers. The only family you've ever known.
And then-)
You shook the memory from your head, not wanting to dredge in those dreadful days. Instead, you walked down the stairs and went to enter the kitchens. 
Whirring from the ventilation fans and from Ortho's cooling system could be heard from the bottom of the staircase. But the noise was overwhelmed by tense voices, raising in volume, only interrupted by the dinging of egg-timers and the clanging of pans. 
This probably wasn't good.
You slowly walked into the kitchen, making sure your footsteps could be heard as you peeked past the door frame to see Jade and Ortho. The two of them were obviously upset, Ortho making snipping comments at Jade who retorted with cutting remarks. While Ortho's anger was clear from the red flames, Jade's was only belied by his strong grip on the cooking utensils, practically bending pan handles and spatulas. It was almost funny, but the anger had you scared.
Sure, NRC was filled with testosterone and the fury of the students within, but something about seeing your friends truly angry, to the point where they looked ready to snap and hurt those around them-
It had a black snake coiling in your guts.
You had stood there, frozen and pale (unnoticeably so, the jade of your mask containing not even one crack) until you were noticed by Ortho. 
"Oh! (Y/N)!" He brightened up immediately, hair turning back to its usual blue. "What are you doing here? Did you come over to help?"
You smiled placidly. "I'd like to, but I doubt I'd be of any help. But, forgive me if this is too forwards, is something wrong? You and Jade seem rather-"
"Nothing's-" Jade lowered his voice at the slight flinch you had made from the yell. "Nothing is wrong, Ortho and I... simply disagree on a few things."
"It's not my fault you're mathematically inferior to me, the numbers prove it!" Ortho pouted and crossed his arms, "Besides, if you had just listened to me-"
"Maybe you should listen to the experienced chef, hm?" Jade interjected, hand on chest while the other seemed to have tightened its grip on the pan.
"And maybe you should listen to the chef with more knowledge!" Ortho replied snappishly. 
Jade opened his mouth to retort but you cut him off, injecting just the slightest hint of timidity in your voice. "What were you two disagreeing on, exactly?"
"Cooking techniques." The two spoke mulishly in unison, glaring at each other. Ortho jumped at a timer going off and returned to a pan on the stove top right by Jade.
"I see." You didn't. "But how come you two are both so angry?"
"I'd be calmer if there wasn't this tinny, robotic voice in my ear critiquing my every move." Jade spat out in a rare display of true frustration.
You turned to look disapprovingly at Ortho. "Ortho, is this true?"
He shrank back a little, looking put off. "Well- yes but," he gathered up confidence and raised his voice once more. "Jade kept on ignoring my suggestions for meals and told me to just follow his lead! I want a chance to cook something other than Mostro Lounge recipes-"
"Well, you can do that on your own time. Preferably far away from me-"
"Anyways why should I listen to someone who can't even baste properly-"
"Not that you even need to cook for yourself as someone who doesn't even have tastebuds-"
"Well at least I can-"
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. You were going to get a headache from this fighting. "How about... the two of you compromise?"
They both snapped their heads towards you, fierce looks on both of their faces. 
"No way!"
"Absolutely not."
"How could I collaborate with a creep like-"
"This child can't even-"
"Enough." You didn't raise your voice, but there was no need to. The two froze just from your tone alone. "Either compromise or have one work on the main course and the other on appetizers and desserts."
"...I wanna do desserts!"
"I'll gladly work on the main course, then."
Figures neither of them could even force a compromise. NRC boys. No matter. It wasn't your job to teach them how to work together anyways. You walked out of the kitchen and settled on the couch.
"(Y/N), you look... haggard." Vil looked up from his phone, face mask on while he lay down on the couch opposite you.
"Jade and Ortho don't get along well at all." You groaned, "Surprising, no?"
He stared at you flatly. "You thought two people from different dorms would get along?"
You giggled at that. "Well- I had hoped-"
"The first step is to not hope at all. Keep your expectations low." He glanced back at his phone and tapped on the screen for a moment before focusing his attention solely on you. "But that's not all that's bothering you, is it?"
You almost snapped to attention at that, the only thing stopping you being months of training on composure and masks. "Hm? What makes you say that?"
"I'm an actor, remember?" Vil sniffed disapprovingly. "Besides, you have a crease between your brows."
"Oh, I didn't realise," You looked away, off into the distance as you considered what to say, scratching your arm. "It was merely a bad memory, that's all."
Vil's stare pinned you to the couch, a warmth in it similair to the passion of the sun. "Do you want to talk about it? It apparently helps with," He finger quoted, "bad memories."
You didn't know what to say. You couldn't talk about it and even if you wanted to it was-
"You don't have to, you know. Just say no." Vil jolted you from your thoughts. His brows furrowed in slight worry before he smoothed his expression out once more. "It was a suggestion, you don't need to."
You nodded stiltedly. You hadn't realised how affected you were by the thought of that time. Even now it rested in the back of your mind, a viper ready to strike.
"Listen," Vil sighed. "You don't have to tell me what's going on with you- would you rather I talk about something to distract you from," he gestured his hand up and down at your form. "whatever is bothering you?"
"I-" Your voice almost broke and your throat felt thick, tongue heavy. "I'd appreciate that."
Vil stared at you appraisingly for a moment, searching for something you didn't know of. He looked satisfied when he found it and then launched into an elaborate rant featuring the problems with makeup brands, celebrity endorsements and... Neige? Whoever that was. But either way, his soothing voice helped to calm you down, matching your shaky breathing to the rhythm of his speech and-
Eventually you locked those thoughts away. The nails against your arm soon turned into a comforting rub of hand against raw skin. And in that moment, you once more wished for a forever that would never stay.
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[1] Zhìzhi here is just a cute nickname (y/n) used when they were younger. very childish but it was theirs? you know. [2] So chinese french toast (that's the name I know it by) is a fried bread sandwich sort of thing? Stuffed with this salty peanut paste sauce and coated in condensed milk. It's absolutely delicious and a comfort food for me! Even though it's really greasy and probably super unhealthy haha...
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Mini Theatre Jamil: Wait where's Kalim- Azul: NOOOO THE SANDCASTLE Idia: NOT AGAINNNNNN Jamil: Nevermind, I've got more pressing things to pay attention to Silver, in a pile of sand: Oh, did I fall asleep again?
Idia and (Y/N)'s relationship is essentially: Idia, ranting passionately about some game franchise while (Y/N) is nodding along and either resting against his shoulder or drawing Couple goals lol
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and here is the eighth part of the beach ep. if you'd like to read the rest of the fic, you can read it on ao3 here, and on quotev here.
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dullgecko · 1 month
Also to go with your fic I’m just picturing the surrounding goblins going about their business, when all off a sudden the sweet half orc launches Tiktik 30 feet up a cliff.
Like what would be going through their minds, before just shrugging and carrying on with the days task cause, yeah, that’s definitely weird but Tiktik seemed to be ok with it and is already scaling the cliff…. Wait how does she plan on getting down, do they need to have a rope and net ready or something? ha ha xx
The hunters needed to ask the group of tall-men a question. Hunting in the area had been hard lately due to the wyverns scaring away most of their prey. Apparently this strange little horde had been out killing them, which was appreciated, but had left the carcass behind while searching for somewhere to recover. The hunters wanted permission to recover it. It would be a waste of meat to just leave it to rot but they weren't about to /steal/ their guests kill. The only problem was, the only goblin among this group of tall-men had hidden himself half-way up the cavern wall HOURS ago and hadn't come down yet.
Tiktik had been the one to volunteer to try and get to him, but the solution to getting up the wall would have to be a novel one. They didnt climb all that much and the height Riz had scrambled to like it was nothing was ridiculous. Sure they could climb a bit, and slowing their decent down cliff faces was easy enough, but going UP forty feet would be exhausting and dangerous. This was how she found herself standing among the group of just-waking tall-men, trying to get the attention of their strongest looking male.
The half-orc had crouched down to her level when Tiktik touched his leg to get his attention. He still had a whole head on her but the gesture was at least appreciated, it was surprising how /nice/ these tall-men were but she supposed Riz had taught them manners by force. He was even tilting his head to the side in what she supposed was his estimation of a questioning pose, it was hard to tell without ears, but he certainly managed to elaborate with a surprisingly well pronounced if not heavily accented /What?/ in goblin. That was probably a word this group heard constantly from Riz, if the cliffside horde twang to the word was anything to go by.
//Greetings// Tiktik gave a small wave, having to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing when Gorgug tried to repeat the word back to her and butchered the pronounciation into a swear word. Okay, he definitly didnt understand a WORD she was saying. How was this going to work. She thought for a moment, tail flicking from side to side behind her, before she settled on an idea.
//I need you.// She gestured slowly, pointing at herself then at the half orc, then at herself again before miming a throwing action towards the wall //To throw me. Up there. Please.//
The half-orc gave her a very confused look, eyes darting backwards and forwards as he looked like he was trying to process something before he stood back up to his full height. Taking a few steps away, he bent down and hefted a boulder that was nearly as large as she was while giving her a quizical look.
//Nono not the rock. ME. Throw ME.// She gestured again, looking over when one of the tallmen females laughed at the spectacle and said something to the half-orc in common. He at least put the rock down, saying something back to the female as he head over to their things and started lifting bags slowly. "asterk tewala non *Riz* tel aplak" She heard him say to the female, the teifling laughing and biting her knuckle to stop herself from saying something.
Tiktik hadnt understood most of what Gorgug said, but she'd caught the word Riz in there so he was probably looking for their translator. The only problem was their translator was who she was TRYING to get to and the little shit had fled to a ledge forty feet up the wall hours ago. She was honestly wondering if he was still up there or not.
Tiktik settled for pointing emphatically at the half-hidden ledge, tail flicking behind her in amusement. //Riz. Up there. You THROW me up there?//
The tall-man female said something again, the half-orc making a noise of understanding finally as he put down their bags. Heading back over to Tiktik as he crouched down and offered his hand to her.
Good, okay, he seemed to get it. Tiktik clambered onto his palm and crouched, holding his shoulder to keep her balance as he stood up again and wandered over closer to the wall. The half-orc pantomiming throwing her at the ledge in the wall with another quizical look which she nodded at enthusiastically.
Gorgug just shrugged, rearing his arm back with its goblin passenger before suddenly LAUNCHING her at the wall. Tiktik cackling with glee as she thumped against the rock and dug her claws in to stay put. His aim had been good, this was close enough to climb the rest of the way and Riz was still up there. She could see his gold eyes, wide and confused, peeking at her over the edge.
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erimeows · 5 months
Against His Better Judgment
Obito Uchiha has been ‘dead’ for years now- at least according to his last surviving teammate and the poorly done carving of his name on the memorial stone that sits in the middle of the village. Tonight, however, he’s very much alive, stalking aforementioned teammate to bide the time. Why he’s been doing it, he isn’t quite sure.
Most days, Obito’s feelings for Kakashi alternate between hatred and indifference. On nights like this, however, he wavers. He remembers the way Kakashi protected him when they were young. He remembers soft silvery hair grasped between his fingertips when they’d get into particularly nasty fights; and hard gazes from beautiful charcoal eyes when Obito would show up late every day. 
Worst of all, he remembers those things fondly… And he misses them enough to forget that it was Kakashi’s arrogance that landed him in the clutches of Madara Uchiha. He forgets that it was Kakashi’s chidori that Rin impaled herself on. He forgets that, at many points during their years together, he hated Kakashi with a passion that made fire burn in his throat when the man so much as looked at him.
Back then, though, they were mere children. Now, they’re adults. Kakashi is in Anbu, consumed by the darkness of Obito’s death and everything that has followed. 
Obito lets out a small sigh and adjusts the orange mask on his face. Right now, they’re a mere mile or two from where Minato and Kushina died. A few miles away from where they used to train together. 
To reach his goal of unleashing the Infinite Tsukuyomi, Obito has to let go of his bonds. But until his plan comes closer to fruition, he supposes he can hold onto them, if only for a little longer. The only one he has left is Kakashi, anyway.
Minato and Kushina are dead because he killed them. Rin is dead because Kakashi killed her. And, his grandma and the many elderly in the village that he bonded with during his youth have been stolen away by time.
So, he lingers on the outskirts of Konoha often, clinging onto the one bond he has left. Every once in a blue moon, he hears whispers of the Uchiha trying to stage a coup; whispers of rebellion that he knows Danzo will hush before they can turn into full on screams. How Danzo will do it, Obito isn’t sure yet, but he lies in wait for the details. He doesn’t care if any of them die. They were never kind to him after his own parents died, anyway. 
In the meantime, he watches Kakashi. The man trains near the border of the village every single night, close to where he used to train every day with Team Minato when they were still alive. Now, he and Obito are the only ones left. To Kakashi, he’s the only one left.
Obito crosses his arms over his chest and peers at Kakashi with interest as he leans back against the trunk of the tree he’s sitting in. The branch he stays on is high up, and the tree is lush with leaves, so he has good coverage. It seems as if Kakashi hasn’t noticed him- at least not yet. He’s been doing this on and off for a week now and Kakashi is none the wiser. Or, Obito thinks that’s the case. Then again, Kakashi is always full of surprises.
Kakashi, the poor fool, keeps lifting the heaviest rocks and small boulders he can find and throwing them as hard as he can across the forest. He crushes patches of healthy grass and wildflowers in his wake.
“Come on out,” Kakashi says after chucking a boulder almost as big as the one that crushed Obito all those years ago, apparently aware of Obito’s presence. Obito knows he should leave, but he doesn’t. He waits to see if he can convince Kakashi that he’s simply imagining someone watching him by lowering his chakra and remaining quiet. Kakashi, however, doesn’t drop it. In fact, he’s looking right towards where Obito is hiding as he raises his forehead protector off of his Sharingan- off of Obito’s Sharingan. “Why have you been following me?”
“So you noticed me, hm?” Obito asks, hopping out of the tree and smoothly landing on the ground.
Thankfully, he looks much different. He’s masked, his hair is longer, he’s taller, and he’s learned to impersonate Madara’s voice perfectly. If he plays his cards right, even someone as astute as Kakashi shouldn’t be able to identify him, especially while under the impression that he’s dead. 
“Answer me,” Kakashi demands. He weaves some hand signs and forms a ball of lightning in his right hand. “It’s been weeks now.”
“You’re more observant than I thought, Kakashi Hatake,” Obito smiles beneath his mask and activates his own Sharingan. Behind his mask, in the darkness of the cloudy summer night, Kakashi doesn’t seem to see it. “Trust me. I’m simply here from Konoha’s security division to work on the barrier system. I’m not following you.”
Kakashi softens, but not fully. The chidori remains in his hand, chirping with energy, waiting to be unleashed on some poor soul. 
“Then what’s your name?”
“I can’t tell you that. This mission is classified.”
“Hm… You seem to know who I am, but if you won’t reveal your name, I’m not sure I can trust you,” Kakashi says, though he diffuses his chidori and pushes his hands into his pockets. It’s a gesture that he never would’ve done when he was younger, citing bad posture as ‘improper’ and stiffly keeping his hands at his sides. Oh, how he’s changed since they were little. “How can I confirm that you’re someone from this village who can be trusted?”
“I know how to unlock the village barriers. No outsiders are provided with that kind of information.”
“Do you think I’m stupid?” Kakashi snaps. Obito sees him grip something within his pocket- probably a kunai or a shuriken. “A spy could’ve leaked those to you easily.”
“Wow. Your faith in your comrades must be poor if you think there’s a spy among the lot of you,” Obito laughs, but Kakashi isn’t necessarily wrong. All of the ninja villages are ridden with spies right now. He decides to use his knowledge about Kakashi to his advantage. “Fine, then. You were in Anbu with me. I worked with you before moving to the security division. What do you want to hear about yourself?”
“...What’s my go-to food order after a mission?”
“You don’t have one go-to order. If it’s a difficult mission, you get eggplant-mixed miso soup since it’s light. If it’s easier and you return to the village hungry, you get saury with rice instead.”
“It’s odd that I worked with you at some point and don’t recognize your voice, but very well. No one else could possibly know that information about me aside from another comrade. I’ll leave you be.”
With that, Kakashi turns to leave. Obito lets out a sigh of relief, though he can’t help but wonder if his encounter with Kakashi is some sort of sign… Whether it’s a sign to leave Kakashi alone or a sign to play with fire, he isn’t sure.
Against his better judgment, Obito returns to the outskirts of the village the next night to watch Kakashi train in the field of wildflowers. This time, Kakashi arrives before him, so he doesn’t have much time to hide. He addresses the man with his arms crossed.
“Kakashi Hatake. I thought you’d steer clear from here after last night.”
“No. If you’re doing this type of work alone, I figured extra protection wouldn’t hurt… In case someone tries to stop you. Even if you’re not in any danger, having a teammate doesn’t hurt.”
“How odd of you… To say something like that, Kakashi,” Obito laughs. He thinks back to when his old teammate would complain about being on a team and insisting that he’d be better off alone on dangerous missions. “Don’t they call you the friend-killer these days?”
“Sometimes, but those who call me ‘friend-killer’ weren’t there that day,” Kakashi shrugs. It’s as if he’s so used to it that the insult doesn’t bother him anymore. Kakashi glances towards Obito, who stands across from him. His eyes are dark but curious. “Do you think I’m a friend-killer?”
“Do you truly care what I think?”
“I don’t know who you are, so I suppose I shouldn’t, but if you really are my comrade… I do,” Kakashi answers before sitting down on a nearby log and pulling the backpack off of his shoulders. He reaches into it for a lunch box, and then another. He looks back up at Obito and smiles underneath his mask. “Have you eaten?”
“No,” Obito responds, baffled. The Kakashi he knew back then would never bring food for anyone else- not even Rin, Minato, or Kushina- who all made him lunches regularly. “Don’t tell me you’ve brought food for me.”
“I have. Would you like to come eat with me?”
“Did you forget the fact that I’m working?” Obito hisses, though it isn’t really true.
“No, but a break never hurts.”
“Very well,” Obito sits next to Kakashi on the log. It’s far closer than he’s comfortable with, but he can sense that Kakashi is relaxed and that neither of them are in danger. Kakashi hands one of the lunch boxes to him. Much to his surprise, he opens the lunchbox to see three sticks of dango. “I was under the impression that you hated sweets.”
“I do- or, I did- but these were the favorite of a close friend. He would eat these nonstop no matter how much I’d lecture him about it,” Kakashi says, staring down at the sticks within his own lunchbox. “He’s gone now, so I eat them when I find myself wishing he were still here… To remind me of what it was like to have him around. Sometimes, when I eat dango, I’m able to close my eyes and imagine that he’s sitting next to me enjoying them as well.”
“I see,” Obito frowns. While he would never admit it, regret flutters in his stomach, if only for a moment. He briefly considers ripping the mask off of his face and telling Kakashi the truth. Breaking down in his lap and crying his eyes out about everything he’s gone through since Kannabi Bridge. It’s just too late, though. He’s killed so many people, done so many terrible things, all in the name of this plan of his. Obito takes a deep breath and reminds himself why he’s doing all of this; to give people like himself and Kakashi a better world where none of those terrible things can happen. He glances over at Kakashi, watching for changes in the other man’s facial expression as he asks- “Do you miss him?”
“Do I miss him?” Kakashi asks in an incredulous tone- as if the answer is obvious. After years of Kakashi scolding him, beating him down, and tearing apart every single thing he ever believed in, it’s hard for him to comprehend the idea of Kakashi… Missing him. “Of course I do. I can’t even begin to describe how much I miss him. I was in love with him for the longest time, but I never had the guts to tell him… He was in love with this girl on our squad, so I didn’t think he’d return my feelings. I was mean to him because I had my own issues… I was afraid that if he knew I had fallen for him, he’d make fun of me and hold it over my head. Now, he’s dead, and it’s my fault. I guess I am a friend-killer after all… If I had just been better to him back then, everything would’ve worked out. Maybe I would’ve even been able to tell him the truth.”
Obito’s eye widens beneath his mask. 
Was in love with him?
“Maybe… It’s better that you didn’t get to tell him in the end,” Obito frowns. They fall into a brief silence, both turning to face away from each other and pulling their masks down to eat the dango. Desperate to leave so he can reflect on the bombshell Kakashi has just dropped on him, Obito pushes the lunch box back into the man’s bag and stands up. “I should report back… To the security division.”
When he turns to leave, Kakashi reaches out and grabs Obito’s gloved hand. 
Obito looks over his shoulder to see Kakashi looking up at him. 
“Will you be here again tomorrow night?” Kakashi questions.
Obito pauses.
“Will you be here?”
“If you are. I don’t know why, but I feel… Connected to you. Maybe I do remember working with you, at some point. Even if you can’t reveal your identity to me because of your mission, I’d like to keep meeting you here until you’ve finished it.”
Obito shakes his head, yanks his hand away from Kakashi’s, and leaves.
The next night, Obito inevitably returns. This time, Kakashi isn’t training. Instead, he lies on the field of wildflowers with his mask hanging loosely around his neck and a cigarette between his lips. The wind gently blows by, 
Kakashi pulls his cigarette out from between his lips and speaks, his eyes shut and lashes fluttering against his cheeks.  
“You’re back.”
Obito sits next to Kakashi on the grass. 
“Are you shocked?”
Kakashi shrugs and, with his eyes still closed, holds his cigarette out. Obito takes it and stares down at Kakashi, baffled. The man is still holding his eyes closed and turning his head the other way to show that he won’t look… So, Obito pulls his mask to the side just enough to take a drag off of the cigarette. The smoke in his lungs reeks of tobacco and bittersweet regret.
“You didn’t answer me last night when I asked if you’d be here.”
Obito blows rings of smoke into the air, pulls his mask back over his face, places the cigarette back between Kakashi’s lips, and answers.
“I didn’t have to.”
The leaves of the trees in the forest rustle with the rhythm of the breeze as Obito stares at Kakashi… And stares, and stares, and stares. Kakashi opens his eyes and stares back. Obito meets his gaze, even behind the mask, sure to keep his Sharingan deactivated so his eye remains pitch black. It feels as if Kakashi is staring straight through him. Obito wishes that he could stare straight through Kakashi, too, because after last night, his perception of the other man has been flipped upside down.
“You must be part of Root. I’ve been mulling over everyone I’ve ever worked with and I’m certain I haven’t actually worked with you directly, so you must be a Root member,” Kakashi explains, though it sounds like he’s trying to convince himself more than he’s trying to inform Obito that he knows. Kakashi has always been unsure of himself- Obito can tell that much. “Are you telling Danzo about me? …About this- I mean, about what we’ve been doing the last couple nights?”
“Don’t worry,” Obito says with a dismissive wave of his hand. “I’m aware of the fact that Danzo has it out for you, but you’re not my mission, Kakashi.”
“I appreciate that.”
“Don’t make it out as if I’m doing you any sort of favor.”
“But you are.”
“I’m not.”
“You’ve been trying to act cold these last few days, but I can tell you’re not like that,” Kakashi murmurs, his tone low as he burns his cigarette out on the front of his Anbu armor. “Your presence feels very warm, like an old friend.”
“What exactly do you mean by that?”
“There’s no double meaning. The words are as clear as day,” Kakashi shrugs and crosses one leg over the other. “I feel connected to you. Being around you gives me a sense of warmth and familiarity that I really don’t get to feel anymore.”
“Then your perception of me is wrong.”
“Or maybe the way you perceive yourself is wrong,” Kakashi corrects, then rolls onto his side to face Obito. “I want to see your face.”
“I just…” Kakashi trails off, then reaches out to try to touch Obito’s mask. Obito jerks back. “Imagined you’d be pretty.”
“I’m far from pretty,” Obito argues.
Unlike Kakashi, who’s sitting here unmasked with his beautiful sharp eyes, perfectly chiseled jawline, soft-looking lips, and gorgeous silver hair, Obito is not, in fact, pretty. His long, dark hair is a mess, over half of his body is scarred from the battle on Kannabi bridge, and even if he weren’t half-mangled, he never thought he was attractive to begin with. There was a reason Rin always preferred Kakashi back then.
“I don’t believe you.”
“Do you think you’re pretty, Kakashi?” Obito demands to get the attention of of himself, knowing that Kakashi has never had the best self-esteem.
“I’m not hideous,” Kakashi hums. “I’d say I’m a very average looking man.”
Obito rolls his eyes.
“Then why do you wear a mask to cover your face so often?”
“Well, I’m not self-conscious. The mask is only there for a practical reason. I inherited the strong sense of smell from the Inuzuka clan thanks to my mother, but not the ability to tolerate it without getting overwhelmed, so my father put me in a mask when I was little to keep me from having public meltdowns. I’d get seriously overstimulated. I don’t mind showing people my face if they just ask.”
“...You undersold your looks. You really have gotten handsome in the last few years, Kakashi.”
“You think so?”
“Yes, definitely,” Obito answers. He saw Kakashi’s face a handful of times when they were children- once by accident, a couple times when Rin had to heal a facial injury, and another time when Kakashi was sick. “I hope you don’t think that I’m going to remove my mask now that you’ve shown me your face...”
“Of course not. You said your identity has to be confidential for your mission, right? I knew seeing your face would be a long shot, but I feel like we’ve made some progress tonight,” Obito becomes uncomfortable at those words. If he isn’t careful, Kakashi’s going to make him… No, he doesn’t even want to think about it. Heart fluttering against his chest, Obito stands up and dusts the grass off of his outfit. “Are you leaving now?”
Obito doesn’t answer directly. Instead, he asks-
“See you tomorrow night?”
Kakashi grins.
“Yeah. See you tomorrow.”
The next night, Obito shows up earlier than he’d like to admit… Before the sun sets, in fact. The amount of risks he’s taking for this undeniable urge to see Kakashi is ridiculous if the two dead Anbu near the village barriers are anything to go by.
He waits hours in the same field on the outskirts of the village, sitting in the grass and dwelling on everything that’s happened over the last few days. It takes so long that he starts to think Kakashi might not show up. Right at midnight, however, Kakashi comes running to the field with sweat dripping down his face and a lunch box in his hands. 
“Sorry I’m late- I had a mission that kept me,” Kakashi apologizes and sits down next to Obito on the grass- far too close for comfort, honestly. Their shoulders brush against one another as Kakashi moves to open the lunchbox and pulls out a stick of dango. “Hope you don’t mind.”
“Dango again?” Obito quirks an eyebrow, though he knows Kakashi can’t see it behind his mask. 
“You seemed like you liked it with how fast you scarfed it down last time, so I brought it again, but I can eat it by myself if you’d like.”
“No, no, I don’t mind… I’ll have some.”
Obito reaches into the box and pulls out a stick for himself. Kakashi does the same. They turn away from each other and pull their masks down to eat before fixing their masks and turning back to face each other. 
“Did you like it? I learned how to make it pretty recently.”
Obito nods. 
“Yes, it’s better than the kind you can get from the dango shop next to Ichiraku.”
“Good. I’m glad you don’t hate it,” Kakashi reaches over and pats Obito’s back. Obito flinches at the touch, but doesn’t do anything to make Kakashi stop. “You have to eat well if you’re going to be out on a security mission like this all night every night.”
“That’s true. Thank you for feeding me, but why do you keep doing this?”
“Doing what?”
“Coming here… Meeting with me, talking to me, treating me with such kindness, even though I can tell you’re unsure if you can fully trust me or not.”
Kakashi pauses, looking wistful as he closes his lunchbox and puts it in his bag. 
“Doesn’t everyone deserve kindness?”
“No,” Obito answers, baffled by the person Kakashi has become. “I would argue that most people don’t- not in this cruel, vile shinobi world.”
“It’s sad that you think that way. Even a lot of the worst people have goodness in them,” Kakashi argues. “And, you know, forgiveness is important. If you don’t forgive, putting things behind you so you can move on is still important. You never know what someone is going through now, or what someone has been through previously. Bad experiences don’t excuse bad behavior, but if you can treat someone who’s lashing out because they’re struggling with some grace, you’re bound to make the world that much better.”
Obito rolls his eyes at Kakashi. 
“You’re far too forgiving.”
Kakashi, as always, seems unbothered.
“You’re allowed to feel that way.”
“Do you think I’m wrong?” Obito questions.
“No, not at all. We’re both right to feel the way we feel. Us shinobi don’t have the rights to much these days- the least we can have are the rights to our feelings. It’s imperative for us to have a variety of people with differing perspectives or the big problems with the shinobi world will never get solved.”
“And you think that people such as myself can solve those problems?”
“Sure you can… Especially if you’re working together with others to do it, like me.”
Kakashi reaches for Obito’s face. Obito catches his wrist in one hand and shoots a glare in his direction- not that Kakashi can see it behind Obito’s mask, anyway, but Kakashi seems to feel the heat of it just fine.
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” Kakashi jerks his hand away as if he’s scorched it on hot metal and averts his gaze, embarrassed. “I’m sorry for touching you without asking first.”
“Stop apologizing,” Obito grabs Kakashi’s chin with one gloved hand. “Did you… Want to touch me?”
“I’d like to. I feel like we both need it.”
“Do you trust me?”
“I don’t know yet,” Kakashi honestly answers after a moment’s hesitation. “Can you prove to me that I can?”
“Do something for me and I think I’ll be able to.”
Kakashi tightly swallows.
“Anything you want.”
“Pull your mask down, then pull your forehead protector over both eyes to cover them.”
“I see,” Kakashi sighs, seeming disappointed, but he does as Obito says. He drags his tilted forehead protector over both of his eyes and ties it in place so he can’t see, then pulls his mask down to expose the lower half of his face. “You’re going to take your mask off, but you don’t want to reveal your face to me.”
Obito confirms Kakashi’s suspicions with a low hum and places a gentle hand on Kakashi’s face. Kakashi leans into the touch, his cheeks burning bright red underneath the moonlight. Obito uses his other hand to push his mask to the side. Against his better judgment, he leans in and presses a kiss to Kakashi’s lips. They’re sweet like sugar but bitter like coffee as Kakashi tilts his head and leans in to kiss him back. Obito isn’t sure why he’s doing this. Does he love Kakashi back? The way his heart is slamming against his chest right now, the way his lips are moving against Kakashi’s, the way he sighs when Kakashi’s fingers land in his hair and pull at the long black locks- they all say yes, he does.
But then, why do this at all? When the Infinite Tsukuyomi comes to fruition, he can do this whenever he wants without the risk of his identity being revealed. Better yet, he can do it as himself.
‘Because this is real,’ he thinks before quickly shoving the thought to the back of his mind and pulling back. He yanks his mask over his face and stares at Kakashi with intense… Something. Longing? Regret? Relief? He can’t tell. 
 “I should go before this gets too intense,” Obito chokes out the words, still tasting Kakashi on his lips as he talks. 
Kakashi fumbles to pull his forehead protector back over his forehead and his mask over his face. Still, Obito can tell that the poor guy is red from the tips of his ears down. 
“Will you be back tomorrow night?” Kakashi asks, twiddling his thumbs like a teenager.
“I’m not sure yet,” Obito admits. He shouldn’t come back… Not again, lest they take this too far, but he wants to continue this so desperately. “Don’t wait up on me.”
“Okay,” Kakashi smiles, waving. “See you later.”
“Yeah,” Obito waves in return. “See you later, Kakashi.”
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