#it’s not johnny being stupid it’s johnny not being able to express his feelings normally
krasnyel · 1 year
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angelcqre · 3 months
Statement of [Name Redacted], regarding her camping trip in The Grampian Mountains. Original statement given January Fifteenth, Two Thousand and Fifteen. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London.
Statement begins.
Now, before you say anything, I know how I sound. I know that it was stupid to go out into the middle of uncharted wilderness and get piss drunk. Believe me, I'm not interested, the park ranger gave me an earful when he found me and the cops did the same. Especially now. But.. something happened, something bad, and if I don't - if I don't say it, I don't know. I'll explode.
I'm not really an outdoors type. I'm an inside cat, I like to curl up with a good book and a cup of tea and my cat, but Farah insisted for her birthday that we go camping. She's always been like that - hiking, caving, camping, it's her thing, and when Farah wants something, she's set on it. Doesn't let it go, especially because she knows how to cash in favors.
So - we went. I didn't want to go, but we went. Me, Farah, her boyfriend, Alex, and her boyfriend's friend. John. I didn't really know him, but he seemed nice enough. We were supposed to spend a long weekend roughing it, three days and three nights for the holiday. We packed plenty of booze, plenty of food, all the proper first aid crap.. and we spent four hours hiking to what John said was the perfect spot.
He was strange from the get-go. A little too touchy-feely, a little too in your space, but he seemed… enthusiastic, I don't know. Eager. He was obviously passionate about it, kept stopping me to show me edible plants, poisonous mushrooms, whatever caught his eye. If it was notable, you'd best believe he was stopping to point it out. It was almost kind of cute, if it wasn't so.. feverish. [VOICE DROPS, ASSUMING SCOTTISH ACCENT.]
"Look, bonnie, look here," and he kept saying it, over and over. It felt like he was trying to prove something - like that he could take care of me, maybe? I don't know.
He just.. didn't stop. He had so much energy, kept moving, expression bright and eyes wild, kept insisting I call him Johnny. It wasn't.. flirting - I don't know what it was. Too familiar. He was so big, just this huge guy, looming over me, smiling with these insanely white teeth that..
Is it crazy to say they looked sharper than.. normal? I know, cliche, but they looked.. sharp. Like fangs. Whatever.
So we settle down on the first night, and of course we all start drinking, set some sausages over the fire, the whole deal. Farah is a clingy drunk, so she disappears with Alex into the woods as soon as she's got some booze in her, and then it's just me and John - Johnny. He hasn't drank a sip the whole time we've been there, just clutching the same beer bottle, nursing it for hours, just.. watching us, and his gaze is so intense. Like he's sizing us up.
At some point, he gets up. Says something about it being "about time", offers me this wink, and then he's strolling off into the woods, whistling to himself.
A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go…
He doesn't come back for naarly an hour. They don't come back for nearly an hour, and I start to get a little worried. I mean, look at me, I would not be able to, like, fight a bear if it came down to it, you know? I just keep feeding the fire, getting jumpier and jumpier, but eventually, he comes back, and..
At first, I don't know what it is. He just looks.. dark. His mohawk looks wet, and his clothes are stuck to him, outlining every muscle, but he doesn't step out into the firelight, stays in the shadows, so only his eyes and his teeth are visible, reflecting the light, and it feels wrong, feels sick.
He asks me, point blank, if I'm tired, and angles his head towards one of the two tents, and I tell him no, not yet, I'm waiting for Farah to get back, and he, uh.. he tells me she's not coming back.
When he steps into the firelight, it's like he's prowling, stalking more than walking, you know? He's moving like… like a predator, all smooth and uncanny, and now that I can see him, I can see that the wetness is.. blood, and he's covered in it, like, head to toe. It's worse at his mouth, his teeth are totally stained, like he was just.. ripping into something, I don't know. Biting. And his teeth are too sharp, and with the way he's moving, and the blood, and.. the look on his face, I just.. bolt.
And he laughs.
I can hear it echoing through the woods, bouncing off of every tree, but I don't hear him running after me. No, he just.. starts walking, and that scares me more, because he's so casual about it. Like he knows I won't get away.
But I run, and as I run, I can hear it, bouncing off of every tree, and it's December, right, so there aren't any leaves to block the moon or muffle the sound. I can hear him whistling as he walks, always seeming to be too close to me, no matter how fast I run, just out of sight, and eventually, I get to a clearing.
Everything feels too still. No nightlife - and there hasn't been any wildlife, no birds, no squirrels, nothing, and I'm realizing how bad that is.
And of course, I trip. My foot gets stuck in a gopher hole, of all fucking things, and then I'm dropping down, and he's on me.
His hand on my wrist, leaning down, and he's -
I don't know.
His eyes are blown out, manic, his teeth so large, ears.. pointed? I don't know, but he's drooling as he ruts against me, all but frothing at the mouth, mumbling about mates and calling me his little bunny, telling me that I had my fun, but that he's ready to have his prize, and-
And I have my bear mace still.
Because I can't fight bears.
He starts fidgeting with my clothes, and I just.. I pull it out, spray him, and he's so big, so unnaturally big, his muscles all.. I don't know, tense, wrong, and I spray him until he's howling and then I run.
I don't think the park ranger was happy to see me, but I was sure as shit happy to see her.
The thing is.. and why I came to you guys..
I keep.. getting this feeling.
Like I'm being watched. Hunted.
Like I never really escaped him.
Statement ends. We attempted to contact Miss [REDACTED] following a similar statement we'd received months ago, regarding a man fitting the same description, but when Martin spoke to her, she informed him that all was fine, and that she was happy now.
That she was expecting pups.
Knowing Martin, he likely misheard her. I'm likely to dismiss this as a hallucination; with the mushrooms she discussed, perhaps she ingested some. The police seemed to think the same, and administered a drug test upon her statement, which came back... clean.
There isn't much more we can do here. If Miss- er, Mrs. MacTavish, doesn't wish to aid in further investigation, we, unfortunately, are stuck at a standstill.
Recording ends.
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Entanglement (2/2)
PAIRING: Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x Medic F!Reader 
WARNINGS: allusions to smut || MDNI
A/N: I promised a sober part 2 for the 141 challenge by @glitterypirateduck || but it's very late because I am physically unable to get my shit together || but I made it softer and sweeter than the first part to make up for it :')
Prompts used: Secluded beach, pursuit (used literally as in one person chasing another), “I need a ride”, “Here, I’ll show you”
Part 1 || Part 2 || 
He ships out for a tour that keeps extending for some stupid reason or another and you don’t see him for three months.    
You tell yourself that your position as one of the medical personnel on base means that you must be present at the landing pad when the 141 arrive, you must check that they’re all okay and that no one’s injured and that you must search desperately, panic clear on your face, neck craning this way and that until you see him.  Until Johnny’s face comes into view, laughing at something, because of course he is, and then you can start to convince yourself that your finally being able to breathe normally is attributable to none of the boys being injured.  
Except…except when Johnny sees you, his brows shoot up to his hairline, and the smile on his face is beautiful, with just the slightest amount of smug.  Such a horrible, annoying, perfect man.    
He jogs to cover the last few feet between you, and stands in front of you, eyes just drinking you in—smiling, but pointedly not saying a word.  
“I just wanted to make sure you weren’t hurt.  Or anyone else,” you inform him quickly, eyes widening at your slip-up.  “It’s um…it’s why I’m here.”
“‘Course, luv.  No other reason, aye?”  His eyes sparkle in the afternoon sun, and glove-covered fingers lightly brush your cheek.  I can’t believe you’re here, his eyes tell you.
“Of course not!  Just wanted to make sure that no one needed emergency care,” you whisper, leaning into his touch.  Where else would I be?
“Thought about tha’ date yet, lass?” he says, and his attention is briefly drawn to Price rallying everyone to his office for the post-op debrief.
“Johnny,” you whisper, and his head whips around to look at you.  “I…I—”  You close your mouth quickly, too embarrassed to say anything when he stands there in front of you, looking like…well.  That.  
His brows are furrowed and concern floods the bright blue of his eyes.  “Wha’ is it?  I was only takin’ the piss, luv, dinna fash, it’s alrate if ye—,” 
“I have the next three weeks off.  I’m going to Scotland.  Edinburgh.”
“Edinburgh,” he repeats, his eyes wide and shocked.  And then his expression changes.  It’s subtle at first, but the smile that breaks over his face makes you feel like you’re looking straight at a sunrise, and you almost want to squint at its brilliance.  “Coincidence, lass.  I’m on leave m’self.  Might find myself in Edinburgh too, y’know?”
Johnny does finds himself in Edinburgh.  
And he finds himself equal parts impressed and happy and captivated when he learns of the hoops you had to jump through to arrange annual leave at the same time as him.  “So ye lied, eh?”
“I—no!  I didn’t lie!  I just withheld information, that’s all.”  You pause and turn to him, gingerly reaching out to hold one of his hands in both of yours and looking down at your intertwined fingers.  “I really wanted to be here with you.”
When you look up into his eyes, you’re met with pure, warm, melted lazulite.  His eyes hold you captive and you find that you want to drown in them, a prisoner by choice.  
When he doesn’t look away and you feel warmed by his gaze, you turn to look at the horizon, taking a couple of steps away from him and towards the water.  
It’s cold, so very unbearably cold, the freezing water and the frigid breeze it incites doing their jobs of keeping people out of the outdoors.  You’re alone with him on the beach, the tiny shops in the beach-town in the distance calling your names with the promise of warm food and an ale for your troubles.  But, the time for that will come…just, not yet.  
You turn back to Johnny and find that he’s moved closer to you, standing at the edge of the water with you.  “Ah’m glad ye changed yer mind,” he says.  “Ah’ve been…looking forward to this.”
“Oh yeah?” you challenge, grinning.  “What specifically have you been looking forward to?”
He shrugs nonchalantly.  “Pussy from the 141’s medic, obviously.”
Your gasp is dramatic and your eyes bulge at his words, too shocked to respond with anything but a bewildered  “What?  What?!”
But when Johnny doesn’t respond to you, doubled over in laughter, wheezing at your expression, you know exactly how to get him back.  You’ve barely even considered the consequences in your mind before you bend down and use both hands to splash him with the Arctic-temperature water, and he splutters, looking back up at you in shock.
You’re both frozen for a moment, before his expression narrows—“Oh, yer’ in a world of trouble now, lass,” he growls—and you make a run for it.    
The only sounds on the beach are the gentle sounds of the water on the shore, your shrieking laughter on the beach and Johnny’s occasional taunts as he chases after you.  You know he only lets you run away from him because it’s fun—the chase, the sound of your laughter, the adrenaline warming you both despite the cold winter air.    The man was a beast in the gym and on the track, could’ve caught you in a second if he wanted to, but this is fun.
Everything about being with him is fun. 
When he finally catches you, his large arms go around you and he lifts you, chuckling in your ear while he spins you around.  Your heart is full at that moment, so completely overflowing with your infatuation for him, so completely joyous at his cheesy actions that make you feel like you’re in one of your guilty-pleasure movies.  Being on a date with him is exactly like what you’d imagined—he’s effortlessly charming, naturally funny, attentive to you, and most importantly, he’s enjoying himself too.
You can’t believe you’d been saying no to this for months, denying yourself the pleasure of being with him for months.   The thought boggles your mind a bit and you forget all your reasons for doing it in the first place. 
So overwhelmed are you by your inner turmoil that when he finally sets you down, you turn around to face him, promptly put your palms on his cheek and kiss him full on the mouth.  He’s shocked, frozen for a second but seems to snap out of it, and kisses you back.  One arm goes around your waist to pull him flush to you, the other winds around you to rest on the nape of your neck.  There’s no escape from the intensity of his kiss, even if you wanted it.    
And you don’t want to leave his embrace anytime soon.  
His body shields you from the bitter cold, pulling you into his warmth until you’re left feeling like your bodies have been fused together.  Johnny is just as playful while he’s kissing you as he is at any other time.  He’s all enthusiasm and exploration, sharp little nips on your bottom lip, soothed by gentle licks.  When you hungrily open your mouth for him, you’re rewarded by the taste of what you will come to learn is just Johnny.  
He grips you even tighter, not even enough space for air to pass in between you, gets carried away by the way you sigh and moan into his mouth, and when he grinds into you, you freeze because you can feel him.  Hard, against your thigh.
Johnny whines when you stop kissing him back, your lips motionless against his, but releases you in a second when he realises that you’ve frozen against him.  “Bonnie, y’okay?”
“Erm, yeah, I—” you cut yourself off, because your cheeks are starting to warm and you don’t know where to look right now.  Definitely not at him, but you also cannot look down because what if your eyes wander to his crotch, and you cannot and must not be caught looking at his crotch and—
“Hey…y’alright?  What’s wrong, luv?”
Hm, how do you diplomatically and politely tell him that grinding against his hard cock had jarred you for a second and made you flood your panties with your arousal the next?  “N-no nothing’s wrong, I uh.  I was wondering…” you say softly, looking up at him from underneath your lashes.   “Do you want to go back to the hotel?  If it’s alright, I need a ride.”
His pupils contract to pinpricks. “Ah’ll give you a ride, bonnie.”       
Of all the things you thought would happen between the two of you in your hotel room after the first time you fucked, this wasn’t it.
“Ye wanted to know what I was looking forward to?  Here, I’ll show you.”
He proceeds to demand that you stay in bed while he sneaks into the bathroom and shuts the door quietly behind him.  Ten minutes later, the man emerges, victorious, with pink cheeks and looking mighty proud of himself.  He leads you by the hand into the bathroom, and helps you take off the fluffy, indulgent bathrobe he’d put on you.
The bath’s running, steam swirls around the room, warming it pleasantly, and Johnny’s managed to find a candle, somehow.  
“Get in, lass, come on.”
“Only if you come in with me,” you say, smiling.
If you were any kind of artist, you know your masterpiece would be your recreation of Johnny’s face in that moment—blushing, eyes downcast shyly, the perfect contradiction to the man who’d brought you to ruin only a few minutes ago.
You both take turns sinking into the warmth of the water, and when you’re finally settled, your back to his chest, your head leaning on his shoulder, you sigh deeply.  He brings your hand up to his mouth and gives your knuckles a kiss.  In quiet, hushed words you both decide on a strategy for keeping this thing you’ve just discovered private, just for the two of you at the moment.   
“And so when you say we’re not telling anyone, that also means you’re not going to tell Gaz?” you ask, sceptically.  
 “Naw, bonnie, we agreed.  I didnae ken what ye mean.”
“...yeah, okay, Johnny.  How about…three dates?  Three successful dates, and then you can tell your boyfriend about me.”
You hear him sputter behind you and it makes you chuckle.  “We’re gonna ‘ave more than three dates in the next few weeks, bonnie.”
“Oh?”  You turn around slowly, mindful of the water splashing out the sides of the bathtub and shift so you’re straddling him.  His eyes widen slightly at the sight of your wet body against his, and his hands grip the flesh on your hips immediately.  “Is that so?  What makes you so confident you’re going to get a second date?”
“I’m no’ a betting man,” he says, conspiratorially.  “But if ah were…the way you sucked my cock, bonnie?”  He leans back with a contented sigh and a look of overconfidence on his face.  “I’d say ah’m gonna get a second date.”
“Hmm,” you say noncommittally, and he leans forward to kiss you.
“And a third,” he says, smiling against your mouth.  “And a fourth.”   
“Maybe you’re right,” you concede.  “You’ll have to work hard for a fifth, though, Johnny.”
And when Johnny’s fingers touch you between your thighs at the words, his expression even and not betraying his intentions whatsoever, you’re convinced he’s going to work hard and get that fifth date.
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whatitshouldvebeen · 1 year
How do you think it would go if Johnny had like a longtime or at least stable girlfriend who somehow finds out the truth about him ?? Like maybe it would lead to him finally being able to show his true colors around her🫣
Johnny Slaughter x Reader
Contains; angst, humiliation, and death
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"J-Johnny?" Your voice cracked as you stared, transfixed on your boyfriend's Bowie knife you'd found in the couch cushions, covered in blood.
"What is it?" Johnny said as he came into the living room with a towel wrapped around his waist, fresh from the shower. He ran a hand through his damp hair that froze in place when he saw your face.
"Your knife. There's... It's..."
Johnny approached your side, and picked the knife up. Blood smeared over the couch.
"Who's blood is that?" You asked, trembling, still staring at the red stain.
Johnny was silent for a long moment.
"Dunno her name."
Your heart sunk.
"Why is her blood on your knife?" You ask, finally turning to meet Johnny's gaze. His eyes were the same; always calculating. Maybe even a little amused. There was no shame.
"Darlin', do you really want to know? Aren't you happy like this, believin' everything's normal?"
You blinked slowly. Sure, there were hints. Nights he came home late. Refusing to hug you before he took a shower. The way he'd fuck you like a rabid animal after those long nights; thrusting, biting, growling.
Did you really want to know?
You looked over your boyfriend's frame, shining under the light as rivulets of water drip down his muscular torso. Scars littered his body, you never really asked why. Maybe because you knew you weren't ready for an answer.
You swallowed hard.
"Yeah, tell me."
Johnny's eyes glinted. He was still holding the knife, and for a second you felt cold fear pool in your stomach.
But then he sat, laid the knife on the arm of the couch, and pulled you into his lap.
Surprisingly, the action soothed your racing heart.
"I got a compulsion, darlin'. I thought at first it was because I needed to provide for my family." His fingers trail up your thigh, and he met your hesitant eyes with his.
"Turns out, I need to kill. If I don't, I start to lose my head." He nuzzled into the crook of your neck. "I'm scared that if I give it up, I'm gonna do something I regret."
You can't help running your hand through his damp locks. What the fuck do you do in this situation? Here he was, almost child-like in seeking your comfort, because he was constantly resisting the urge to... Kill you? And why would someone as smart as Johnny hide his knife in such an obvious spot?
"Did... Did you want me to catch you?" You asked anxiously.
Johnny laughed, running his hand down your back. "You know, you're awfully stupid for askin' about the knife. You coulda just put it back and pretended you never saw it. You've always been a scared little mouse. Maybe that's why I like playin' with you so much."
"You need help, Johnny," you whispered. His whole body tensed in response.
"Don't you see? You are my help. I need you, baby, to keep me grounded. Can I trust you?" He pulled back, looking deeply into your eyes.
You hesitated. Ran your hand over his high cheekbone and cupped his angular jaw before nodding once.
"Yeah, Johnny. You can trust me," you responded in a low tone.
His eyes swam with what appeared to be tears before hardening, a sinister grin spreading across his face.
Faster than you could blink, he grabbed his knife and brought it to your throat, the cold and bloodied steel digging into your sensitive flesh. Your vision swam, showing you two images of Johnny's gleeful expression. All the blood drained from your face, and you whimpered, feeling warmth spread across the crotch of your pants.
"I don't believe you."
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ijustwant2write · 3 years
The Cheat-Thomas Shelby x Reader
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(GIF credit to @myimaginesworld​)
Summary: (Y/N) makes the biggest mistake of her life in one night, praying that her husband will never find out. But no matter how hard she tries to hide it, Thomas Shelby knows everything.
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
(Y/L/N)=Your last name
Warnings: Cheating, swearing, mentions of weapon, angst, arguing, divorce, threats, rape, violence, death
Why had I been so stupid?
I was a reckless woman, a cheater, a filthy, lying cheater. He didn’t deserve this. Not after everything he had been through. Not after everything he had done for me. Yet here I was, hunched up in shock whilst laying in another man’s bed, miles away from my own home.
My wedding ring reflected the light coming through the window, reminding me that I was indeed a married woman. My eyes shut quickly, blocking out the sight of it. It was a cruel tease, rubbing the salt in an already huge open wound. How was I supposed to get out of this? What was I going to do?
The truth is I’m not going to get out of this and I can’t do anything about that.
Everyone knew who I was. I wasn’t going to sneak away easily. If someone spotted me, Tommy would find out almost immediately. Sometimes it was scary how powerful he was. The stranger beside me was still asleep, giving me the chance to get away. Slowly shifting out of bed, I shivered at the coldness, my body covered in goosebumps within seconds. Our clothes were tangled up together, just as we were last night, meaning it was taking longer than it should have for me to escape. I hadn’t even put my underwear back on before I heard him stir. Freezing, my head whipped round to see if he was waking up, and much to my dismay, he was already looking at me, a smirk on his lips.
Without hesitating, I grabbed my purse from the floor, not even fumbling as I pulled out my gun, aiming it right at his head. His eyes widened, mouth falling open in shock.
“If you speak a word of this to anyone, or even think about it, I’ll have a Peaky Blinder take your eyes. Or I could get it all over with now and save you the pain.” I threatened.
He furiously nodded, not able to say anything.
“You don’t know me, you never saw me, and you were never with me. Do you understand?”
He repeated his actions, managing to squeak out a ‘yes’. I felt like I couldn’t move, that if I did, he would somehow shout out to the world that we had slept together. What the fuck was I supposed to do now?
(Y/N), you’re standing stark naked in front a man with a gun. 
“Where’s the best exit to sneak away?” I composed myself, slowly lowering the gun.
“O-out the back. It’s a tiny alleyway.”
Standing still for a few more seconds, I made sure he wasn’t going to do anything stupid, continuing to hastily change back into the clothes from the night before.
“You got a hat? A coat?”
“Good, remember what I said. It wasn’t a bluff.”
Rushing downstairs, I took the hat and coat he spoke of, glad that they were big, better to hide myself with. Finding my way to the kitchen, I spotted the back door to the tiny yard, which had a gate leading to the alley. Although I was quick in my step, I had to look normal, not suspicious. It was still very early morning, a slight fog layered the streets (good, another advantage for myself). My mind began to relax a little, seeing that no one was about, until a distinctive voice called out to me.
“No point hiding Mrs Shelby.” Johnny called out from down the street. 
He was leaning against a car, obviously borrowed from Tommy, hands in his pockets with one leg crossed over the other. I glared at him, quickly checking my empty surroundings before marching over to him. 
“Keep your voice down!” I hissed at him, worried that people would be spying through their windows. 
“He knows (Y/N).”
I hated the look on his face. It was a look of disgust, bewilderment, he couldn’t believe I had done such a horrible thing to the man I loved. Why would a woman who had it all, throw everything away in one night? I was married to one of the most powerful men in the country, he could give me anything I wanted, provide protection, money, anything I asked for! And here I was at the crack of dawn, in last night’s clothes and sneaking out like a teenager.
No more words were exchanged as Johnny drove me home. I could see why he was sent to fetch me. Perhaps he would try and get something out of me, or make me slip up. Any old bodyguard would have no effect on me. It also meant the staff knew less about the situation, though I knew word would spread around soon enough.
If I didn’t feel sick already, I surely did now. Johnny parked up all too soon in front of the house, the tires on the gravel making too much noise for my liking. The sun was only just peeking over the horizon, but I wanted to keep hiding in the darkness. Johnny opened the door for me, and I hesitated to get out, dreading what I could be in for. Would it be a screaming match? Would he be silent? Or would I be facing something more...violent?
Slowly stepping out of the car, I avoided eye contact with Johnny Dogs, trying to clear my mind before I had to face Tommy. My legs buckled slightly, and I couldn’t tell if it was from the after effects of alcohol or the fear surging through me. Going into this extravagant house felt wrong. I had decided to stay in a run down, tiny, dirty house squeezed in amongst other properties, rather than this luscious home last night. Now here I was, walking in as if I didn’t live here. This could be the last time I ever stood in these very walls.
If anyone else was here, they wouldn’t have to tell me where to go. He was going to be in his office, cigarette in his mouth and a glass of whiskey in his hand. He would remain silent as I walked in, take his time, maybe down the rest of his drink before speaking. I knew Tommy. He was my husband after all.
My hands were clammy as I opened the door, seeing the back of him as he stared out of the window. I was right about the cigarette and glass. I silently took in a deep breath, approaching the desk timidly, as if I was a child getting told off. That’s how meek I felt, he was practically going to do that, but instead of being sent to my room, I was going to be kicked out of the house. 
“This is late for you. You were never one to stay out that late.” he started, still not looking at me.
I struggled to think of a response.
“The only time you’ve seen the sunrise is when you waited for me, after that big fight. If I hadn’t married you before that day, I certainly would have then.”
I deserved that.
He turned to face me.“Maybe I should have held my breath.”
My voice was extremely shaky as I spoke, tears already rolling down my cheeks."Tommy, I could say this a million times but it will never express how deeply I feel this. I am so sorry for what I did. You know that I would do anything I could to change all of this-"
"You knew what you were doing."
"I-I don't know how to explain it-"
"You fucked another man, (Y/N). Plain and simple." he stubbed out his cigarette harshly, slamming down the glass at the same time.
"No, I ruined everything, I just...I don't understand why I did it!"
"I don't either. Come on then, let's figure it out together." I hated how patronising he was being.
"Tommy I-"
"It can't be me. I haven't slept with anyone. I've given you a good life, haven't I? Was there something you didn't like? Perhaps you didn't like the way the cooks scrambled your eggs in the morning? Or maybe the newest dress I bought for you wasn't up to standards for you?"
"Fucking stop it Tommy!" I raised my voice.
"Oh, you're raising your voice at me now? I didn't realise I was the one in the wrong."
"I know what I did was ducking stupid, and the most disgusting thing I've ever done. I've broken a promise from our marriage, I've deceived you, I acted as if I didn't love you, and for the life of me, I don't know why!"
"I'm not giving you time to figure that out."
"I want you out of this house."
"Tommy, please-"
"You knew this was coming as soon as you woke up this morning."
"Yes, and I've been trying to think how I could fix this."
I opened my mouth, quickly closing it when I had no idea what to say.
"Ah, nothing. That's what I thought."
"No, fucking enough. You've done the damage."
"But, why can't we do something to fix this?"
"Because it's a big fucking mess. And I don't have the time nor patience to deal with something like this."
"Y-you're not even going to try? Just give up on us like that?"
"Might want to remind yourself what you did last night. I want you out of the house by the morning. You can have a portion of money to keep you going, I won't put you on the streets."
"Tommy, I love you! I want to forget this happened, learn from this-"
"Learn from this? Fucking learn?!"
He wasn't listening, and it was making me angry."Oh, like you're a saint and haven't slept with multiple women!"
"Not whilst I was married! You can try to justify all of this to make yourself feel better, but it won't change what you've done."
"I know! And it's killing me!"
“So how do you think that makes me feel?!” he shouted.“You betrayed me! You were one of the few people I trusted.”
“You can trust me!”
Tommy’s eyes were wide.“Are you fucking stupid?! I am not going to stand here all morning shouting at you. There is no resolving this.”
“I can’t be with someone who goes behind my back. If this was the other way around, you would be thinking the exact same. So don’t tell me what we’re going to do, because we’re not going to do anything. It’s over (Y/N).”
I let out a heavy huff as I leaned back in my chair, staring at the numbers written out in front of me. After the divorce, Tommy stayed true to his world, giving me a big quantity of money. I had enough to buy a small house, I could live off of the rest for at least a year, maybe a year and a half. However, I knew I would have to start working again. I wasn’t against that, it would mean I could make friends at least. But it would be difficult to find an employer that wanted the ex-wife of Thomas Shelby.
Tommy was able to file for the divorce papers extremely quickly, meaning I was out of the house and his life much sooner than I thought. That didn’t stop me from trying. I apologised everyday, trying to convince Tommy nothing like that would ever happen again, even as the movers were taking my belongings out of the house. But hid mind was made up. I had lost him, I lost the man I loved. 
I heard a thud outside, as if someone had slammed the garden gate. At first I tried to shake it off, it was slightly windy. Perhaps I didn’t put it on the latch properly. When I didn’t hear anything else, I ignored it, looking back on my calculations. I didn’t have to panic about money just yet, though it was still a good idea to be prepared. I was about to redo my numbers, wanting to double check my answers when another sound echoed outside. This time I kept my guard up, heading to my purse on the side and getting out my gun. Turning off the lights, I peeked out of the windows, checking all around the house, but didn’t find anything. There were no more noises, no signs of anyone trying to break in. I was being paranoid, because I found myself lying awake, gun clasped in my hand and staring at the phone, debating if I should call him.
I had given in.“Tom, it’s (Y/N). Please don’t put the phone down!”
“What do you want? It’s the middle of the night.”
“You say that as if you have a regular sleep schedule.”
He didn’t reply.
“I’m sorry, this is going to sound stupid but I think someone is watching me. I heard noises earlier and just have a strange feeling, like the one I got when-”
“And what do you want me to do about that?”
I was shocked.“I...I had no one else to call. I just thought-”
“Go to bed (Y/N), there’s no one out to get you, not anymore.”
The phone was slammed down, and I couldn’t comprehend what just happened. Tommy may have hated me, despise me even, but what if I was truly in danger? Would he never be there to help me again? It seemed stupid to ask such a question, however, after having years of someone looking out for you. There was no rest for me that night, I couldn’t recall my eyes shutting for more than a second. Not only was I kept awake from the fear, I also couldn’t stop thinking about my ex-husband’s behaviour.
With heavy bags under my eyes, I dragged my feet along the pavement, arms aching from carrying all my food shopping. I hated how far away I was from my home on days like this. I wish I could have afforded to keep my car, another thing Tommy gifted to me. Trying to conjure up any sort of energy left from yesterday, I pushed myself onwards. But as I tried to keep positive, a man practically jumped around the corner of a building, causing us to collide, my food spilling everywhere.
“What the fuck?!” I snapped out of instinct.
“You can’t talk to us like that.” he snarled.
“Who? Actually, I don’t care.”
I bent down to pick up what I could, when someone from behind scooped their arms underneath mine, dragging me backwards. I screamed out loudly, making my body go limp and heavy to make it difficult for whoever had a hold of me. What made me more scared was the fact that there were at least three people walking by, all turning their heads away as if it made me invisible. Flailing around, my heart started racing as I realised I might not escape this, especially as we were met with more men. 
“What are you doing?!” I yelled out.
“Avenging those taken from us, by your husband.” one of them growled.
“I’m not with him anymore!”
“Too late to go back now.”
The two policemen fidgeted as they stood on the doorstep of Thomas Shelby’s house. They had no power over this man, he had somehow legally/illegally made his way up in the world, bought a huge house, multiple cars, lots of land...and always managed to cover up his tracks. However, today they had to forget about that, they were here on serious business.
Tommy sat at his desk, surrounded by a cloud of smoke from his cigarette. He was preparing for a family meeting, they had a lot of work to do. There was a knock at his office door, and he called for the servant to enter, not even looking up from his papers. 
“Mr Shelby, there are two policemen here to see you.” they explained.
Tommy wasn’t phased. He knew he hadn’t left any tracks from any recent plan of his.“Alright, let them in.”
The policemen timidly entered, approaching the desk. Tommy didn’t bother standing, putting out his cigarette and waiting for them to speak.
“Mr Shelby, I’m afraid we have some...unfortunate news.” one of them started.
“And what would that be then?” 
The officers glanced at each other, scared what could happen to them when they revealed the news.“It’s about your ex-wife, Miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N). She’s dead.”
Tommy felt like his heart stopped for a second.“What?”
“She was found dead in an alley way. It appeared she was...forced there, raped, beaten and killed.”
His gaze fell lower, shock filling his system. (Y/N) was dead. She had called him too. She was scared and he did nothing because of the spite in him.
“We’re sorry for your loss, sir. But, we also need to have someone come confirm the body is hers. It’s procedure and-”
“Get out.”
“Yes sir. We will arrange something at a later time.”
The officers scurried away and out of the house as quickly as they could. The servant waiting on the outside of the door had heard every single word, instantly rushing to inform their co-workers. (Y/N) had been a good employer, she didn’t deserve to die that way.
Tommy let out a painful yell as he swiped everything off of his desk. papers went flying, the glass full of old cigarettes and ash smashed along with his glass of whiskey. He kept screaming, not knowing how else to let go of his rage. He pushed over chairs, smashed statues and it still didn’t help. His chest raised up and down as he breathed heavily. His eyes were like saucers, hands gripped into fists as he debated what else he could smash. 
What would have happened if he had just helped her? She wasn’t asking for him to love her or take her back. He was the only person she knew that could protect her. She was alone, scared and asked for the smallest thing. Would she still be alive if he sent men out to patrol around her house? Could she at least escaped with a few bruises? Those men wanted revenge because of something he did, because of his killing. His worst fear had come true. (Y/N) was gone, and this was something he could never fix. 
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sparklingchan · 4 years
Mischief Managed || Kim Doyoung(NCT)
Pairing : Reader(fem.) X Doyoung
Word count : 7k+
Warnings : A few cuss words here and there, gets suggestive towards the end, not proof read I’m sorry :(
Genre : Fluff, a hint of angst , romance, Hogwarts au, fake dating au.
Description: You are forced to befriend Kim Doyoung under unexpected circumstances but as two lonely souls meet, you find yourself enjoying his company a little too much.
A/N : I had the idea for this fic while I was travelling but I was too lazy to actually write it until recently. Harry Potter aus just never seem to bore me no matter how many times I write them ( it’s fate at this point XD)
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Doyoung is bad at taking criticism. Not even sulky bad but angry, tantrum throwing bad. He'd rather be slapped than criticized. Metaphorically, of course.
"What do you mean she won't go on a date with me?" Doyoung hisses ,his voice an octave lower than usual. The bedroom consisting of three noisy boys suddenly falls silent at his words. For the first time in forever.
Jaehyun shifts in his place , the soft mattress dipping under his weight. He looks at his friend full of concern. "Look , you're not the only person trying to ask her out. I heard that some Gryffindor boys were trying to shoot their shot this morning. And that's just the beginning."
Doyoung clenches his blanket into his fists, "Claire is mine. They can't have her."
Johnny scoffs from his bed , his eyes never leaving the book he had been reading from the past one week, "Are you sure the sorting hat did a good job by putting you into Ravenclaw? That pride of yours sure does sound like Slytherin to me."
"Oh shut up. That's not even the point right now. I need Claire to go on a date with me. It's not a matter of interest anymore, it's a matter of pride. I will not back down just because there's competition." Doyoung shoots back.
The boys' room erupts with Johnny and Jaehyun's laughter, their beds shaking with vibrations and their voices probably disturbing the people sitting outside in the Ravenclaw common room. But it's been a long time since either of them have cared for what other people say. Ever since the three boys met on the Hogwarts Express six years ago , they've been inseparable, finding a home , a family in each other. And as time passes by, they're only formulating a stronger bond , unbeknown to the rest of the world.
By the time Jaehyun and Johnny come down from their laughter high, Doyoung is already throwing a fit , muttering under his breath , and clutching his blanket like his life depended on it. Typical angry Kim Doyoung.
"Everything else is fine, Dodo, but does Claire even know you?" Jaehyun asks, fanning his red face.
"Of course not , Jae. But in the sea of all the other boys ,she'd obviously notice our Doyoung first!"
Doyoung sucks in a deep,frustrated breath, reaching under his pillow to find his wand - Alder Wood, Dragon heartstrings core (11 inch) - his one true best friend.
"Aguamenti." Doyoung murmurs, ponting his wand at them. With a big splashing sound , a stream of water squirts out from the end of the wand , wetting everything that comes in contact with it - including Jaehyun and Johnny and everything else they possess.
That night , as the two boys try to dry themselves and the rest of their belongings, Doyoung stares up at the wooden ceiling, carved beautifully into swirls and waves and flowers ,he wonders why his friends think he wouldn't be able get Claire to go out with him, why did they make it seem so hard when it really wasn't.
His ego feels hurt, injured even. Maybe Johnny is right - maybe Doyoung is more Slytherin than Ravenclaw, but it didn't matter anymore. Because the Slytherin princess Claire would be his by the time Halloween arrives, no matter what and his ego and pride would be restored.
Or at least that is what he had initially planned.
 ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Everyone has that one subject they truly hate with every fiber of their being. They might not be particularly good or bad at it , but they often wonder the significance of this immeasurably disliked subject in their lives. For Doyoung, it is the potions class.
Brewing potions, remembering the recipes, knowing the job of each ingredient seemed too heavy a job for a divination loving man like Doyoung. Potions is way too practical, way too boring.
"Psst, Jae." The class must have been going on for about barely ten minutes when Doyoung decides he's had enough and that he would rather get in trouble for disturbing his friends.
"Jae, I'm bored. Johnny is in quidditch practice too." Doyoung pokes Jaehyun's back with the end of his wand. The latter squirms in his seat, subtle enough to not disturb anyone in the class, who unlike a certain Kim Doyoung were attentively listening to the professor.
"What?" Jaehyun turns back only enough to meet Doyoung's bored gaze.
"I think I'm going to ask Claire out today. During dinner. What do you think?" Doyoung whispers.
Jaehyun shakes his head , putting his quill down on the table, "Are you sure? You guys haven't even talked properly yet."
Doyoung stays silent for a few seconds because yes, Jaehyun is right. He doesn't even know what she likes , where is she from, who her friends are but he is willing to take the risk. For someone as beautiful as Claire, Doyoung would risk the whole world.
"I mean I can try, right?"
There's a sudden scoff escaping from your lips - whose name Doyoung never bothered to ask - sitting next to Jaehyun, the green of your robe hinting at your belongingness to Slytherin. "You're stupid, Kim Doyoung. Claire is not going to go out with you. Especially not when you're being such a creep." You say, your eyes fixed on the professor and your quill writing notes in quick movements.
Creep? Did you just call Doyoung a creep?
"Y/n, it's none of your business." Jaehyun rolls his eyes , "Stay out of it."
"Why? Is Mr.Snowflake here too egoistic to face the truth?" You turn around to look at Doyoung, a smirk finding it's way to your lips.
Doyoung clenches his fists, nibbling at his bottom lip as anger fills him up like water filling up in an empty jar; quick and to the brim.
"I don't remember asking for your opinion, " he says, then bitterly adds, "Miss Y/n ,who no one happens to care much about."
The sound of scratching of quills and quiet mutter of spells fills the air for a few seconds before you say something.
"I'm not giving you my opinion, it's just an advice. From first hand experiences. Many men have tried to win Claire over yet only a few of them have ever succeeded. " you say, "And boys like you often tend to seek her only because she's good looking so she actively makes sure to avoid your kind. ,"
Jaehyun looks at you ,stunned, "How do you know all that? Are you guys friends?"
Doyoung is not sure what to say anymore - he's as confused as Jaehyun is, maybe a tad bit more. For someone he'd properly talked to for the first time today, you sure do have a lot to say about his personal choices and ambitions. Big words do not faze him anymore.
"No , we're not friends." You giggle, "I'm her cousin. You almost couldn't tell, right?"
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
"It's finally Hogsmade weekend again. I thought I was going to suffocate in that stupid common room of ours." Johnny sighs , waddling towards his bed and slumping down like a little boy.
"Yes, I also need a cup of butter beer the first thing we arrive there." Jaehyun says, "What about you, Dodo?"
Dodo ,on the other hand is far too gone in the sea of his thoughts to pay heed to what his friends have to say. His eyes are on the patterns of the ceiling but his mind is with Claire and mostly with you, who he unintentionally might have offended today during potions class. Doyoung didn't have any particular interest in you per se but as Claire's cousin, it is important for Doyoung to be accepted by you first. You might be a know-it-all ,annoying and ghostly but he needs to befriend you again, start everything from scratch. And who knows ,if he got lucky enough, you'd put in a word or two on his behalf to Claire.
"What's he thinking about?" Johnny whispers to Jaehyun, "Did something happen?"
Jaehyun shrugs, "Usually, I'd say he's thinking about Claire but today,I'm not so sure."
The next morning is as noisy as all of their Hogsmade mornings have been. Doyoung only remembers hearing Jaehyun's yells and Johnny's giggles and the Hufflepuff girls singing a beautiful Winter song on the journey to Hogsmade village.
No matter how hectic it is, he has always liked these weekends the best.
"Have they changed their services to self service or what?" Johnny asks ,tapping the marble surface of the table in the Three Broomsticks, "Where's Madam Rosmerta?"
Doyoung shrugs ,his eyes scanning the unusually quiet room. He realises that the only company they have is the empty chairs and tables and the flying bottles of water emptying themselves into small glasses. "Should we just grab our drinks and put the money on the counter?" Jaehyun offers.
Before either of them could answer, the main door of the room slams open, urgent with force and the three boys see you rush inside, panting and huffing and murmuring. Your hair is messy and your clothes are disheveled, yet Doyoung thinks you look...different. Different from what you look like at school at least. Better ,even.
"I'm sorry I'm late. We weren't expecting guests so early. I hope I-" you stop mid sentence when you realize Doyoung and the other two boys were the only ones in the pub, "Oh. It's just you three."
"Yes,y/n, it's just us. Can you get us three butterbeers please?" Jaehyun says.
You sigh with disappointment. A 'hi, y/n, how are you?' would have been nice but then again when has anyone ever bothered to greet you with so much sweetness? Jaehyun and you are study partners , to say in a way. You never bothered to befriend him and he never bothered to do the same so that's just how its been since first year - studying together in the library and pretending the other person doesn't exist under normal circumstances. You liked it that way but sometimes, just sometimes you did wish Jaehyun tried to treat you in a more friendly way.
"What's she doing here?" Doyoung ,who is genuinely taken aback by your presence, asks.
"She works part time here. Madam Rosmerta is a family friend of hers." Jaehyun answers.
If Madam Rosmerta is a family friend of yours then she must be a family friend of Claire too, Doyoung connects in his head, and Claire's name somehow ignites a fire of enthusiasm within him.
He drags his chair across the floor and gets up , walking toward the counter where you're working. A little nervous Doyoung is , but he still manages to start a conversation with you, "Hey, y/n ,right?"
You swiftly twirl your wand around in the air , and ten cups of butterbeer and gillyweed water present themselves on a tray. You turn away from him to clean up the other plates , "What do you need?"
"I um..wanted to apologize for the insensitive comment I made yesterday. We started off on the wrong foot, I'm really sorry." He says, rubbing the back of his neck. Autumn is starting to set in slowly, but Doyoung feels the sweat sticking to his skin as if it were a hot summer morning.
You pause for a second. What was he apologizing for? You honestly couldn't recall and whatever it might have been, you are sure that it wasn't worse than what your other classmate have said before ; which is why you don't remember Doyoung's supposed insensitive comment.
"It's fine. Don't worry about it, " You say, "I've had worse, actually."
Doyoung's heart drops - there is no phrase more pain inducing than the one you'd just spewed out so carelessly. And for some god forbidden reason, Claire suddenly slips out of his conscience mind.
"No, no. I want to start anew. Be your friend." Doyoung insists, leaning against the cold wooden counter.
You sigh, "Are you sure that's what your intention is? Because I don't think so. "
Doyoung scowls, "Of course that's my intention. What else would it be, y/n?"
You swing your wand and three glasses of butterbeer arrive directly in front of him. His eyes widen for a split second but he bounces back quickly.
"Just say that you need help with Claire." You sigh.
Oh,right ,Claire. Shit how could I forget? Doyoung feels silly.
"I mean...in a way yes. But that's for the later part. Let's first be friends, yeah?"
You shake your head , "If I help you out with Claire ,will you stop trying to be my friend?"
You absolutely despise yourself at times like these - when you are trying so hard to push people away when they're only trying to befriend you (for whatever reason it might be). You're so lonely yet so afraid of attachments that you always tend to do this. The same repeated routine. You hate it. You sometimes wonder what it would feel like to be in Claire's place, to be loved by everyone, to have people lining up just to take you out on one date . But it would never happen, because Claire is Claire : the Slytherin Princess and you are just you..someone who has barely ever talked to more than one person at school.
Doyoung gulps and then nods, "Okay. I will." Because befriending a Slytherin outcast will never be more important than scoring a date with the Slytherin Princess.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
The Hogwarts Library is most empty during noon, something which you've concluded with years of experience and getting shoved out of your seat by your classmates who are way above you on the social ladder.
"So, " Doyoung finds a comfortable seat opposite to you , his hands fiddling with the pages of his diary, " how have you been?"
You give him a tired smile, "Can we get straight to point? I hate casual conversation. "
Doyoung snickers, "Wow, aren't you approachable today."
You lean back into your chair , eyes scanning Doyoung's face for any signs of regret . You'd never been the warm, bright sunshine kind of a person and you have accepted it without much protest. But of course, people take a lot of time to grow used to your sharpness and more often than not, people walk away even before you soften around them. It's a survival mechanism, you always convince yourself.
"What do you want help with? Do you want to know about her interests or past relationships or something else ?"
Doyoung pouts, his mind filling up with all sorts of ideas to impress Claire. It's like he's hit a jackpot by meeting you.
"I want to know what I have to do to gain Claire's interest. Be her friend and then eventually, a boyfriend, if I'm lucky enough." He suggests.
"First of all ,you need to stop gawking at her from afar. You need to start conversations with her ,no matter how short. She likes it when people approach her first." Talk about having a big ass ego.
"Okay, noted." One quick wave of his hand and his quill is immediately noting down sentences in his diary, " You seem to know her quite well. You guys are close, I am assuming."
You and Claire used to be close. Used to. In the past tense. As children you were inseparable, but as you slowly grew up, she realised how boring and uncool you were and that you belong to the shadows while she belongs in the spotlight. She's not tried to talk to you first for a long time now. But you weren't about to explain all of this to Doyoung, who is visibly smitten by your estranged cousin so you just shake your head , "No, not anymore."
Your ears perk up at the unexpected sound of approaching footsteps towards you and before you could ask Doyoung to relocate to a more secluded area, you hear her loud and clear voice.
"Oh, hey, Doyoung!" She greets the man in front of you, walking upto his side. Her shiny shoes creating a tip-tap noise against the floor, and the green of your robe almost feels dull as compared to her bright one.
When her eyes fall on you,  her mouths twists as if she had one of those stupid vomit flavored chocolates. "What are you doing here, y/n?" She sneers at you.
If you could ever get a hold of the invisibility cloak, the first thing you'd do is slap this bitch right across her face. She has always had this sense of superiority , even when she's never done anything quite as heroic or deserving of that fame. And it infuriates you even further when you see Doyoung freeze in his seat, eyes glued to Claire's face.
"We were studying. I was about to leave now anyway." You mumble , gathering your books and tucking them under your arm.
When Doyoung hears your chair drag across the floor , he snaps out of his trance.
Why were you leaving? You promised you'd help, why couldn't you put away your past tensions and deal with it?
"Hey, where are you going?" He grabs your arm out of the blue, sending a wave of shock jolting through your body.
You immediately pull your hand back, "I'm hungry. I want to eat something."
Claire glares at the two of you and how suspicious your behavior is , you'd always been weird but she never took Doyoung for the weird kind at all.
You quickly jog away from the scene , cheeks tinted red.
Doyoung suddenly comes with a horrendous idea and he knows you'd hate it but in the heat of the moment, this feels like the only sane idea to make you stay and help him . He looks at Claire directly in the eye ,making sure to keep his voice as loud as possible so you could hear it too,
"Y/n and I are dating."
 ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
The red, orange leaves rustle under your feet , disrupting the otherwise silent walk back to the Slytherin dormitories. A cold wind blows and you tighten the muffler around your neck.
"Y/n, I've been looking everywhere for you. "
And there is that leech again, making sure you don't come to have a single second of peace in your already hectic daily lives. For the past one week, Kim Doyoung has latched himself onto you like a leech latches to it's host. Wherever you go, he goes. It's maddening.
"I told you to stay away from me, Doyoung! Our deal is over. " you yell at him , your feet picking up a faster pace.
Without even looking back, you know that he is groaning under his breath, the look of hopelessness evident in his otherwise sparkling eyes.
"Our deal was that you help me. You're not helping me out at all! You're treating me like I'm invisible." he replies.
Just how I'd been invisible for years to you, you think.
"I didn't agree to be a bait in this stupid love game of yours. You literally pushed me down the cliff to save yourself. " you say. You feel a sudden gush of wind on your face and Doyoung is standing right in front of you - inches away, instead of a few feet behind you.
You gasp, "You apparated! Kim Doyoung, this is against the school rules."
Doyoung bites down on his lower lip, throat growing dry with anxiousness. He couldn't explain why - he'd apparated before within the school grounds and it's been okay then why is he feeling dizzy all of a sudden? But on second thoughts, maybe it wasn't the apparition that caused the dizziness, maybe it was the spooky possibility of you hating him for lying about you two dating that triggered it. And like salt dissolves in water and disappears into the liquid, Claire- who is the original cause of all of Doyoung 's concern, disappears from his thoughts. All that matters to him now is that you speak with him again and forgive him for his impulsive words . He wants to assure you that you aren't a bait , at all.
"Just hear me out, please. I promise. " he says, "if you don't talk to me, I'll try to be your friend. I assume you don't want that."
You sigh , pressing a hand to your face, "Okay, spill. And be quick. I have club work."
Doyoung nods, a small smile forming on his lips. He leads you under a bushy tree nearby, sitting down on the stone bench constructed there. You follow suit. "I'm sorry for telling Claire that we're dating but I was in a critical situation at that time, okay?"
You frown, "That's all you had to say? You aren't here to persuade me into fake dating you so you could make Claire jealous?"
Gosh , Doyoung , why do you keep forgetting your main motive of talking to y/n?
He blinks at you awkwardly, "Primarily, yes. But now that you've said it...it does sound like a good idea. "
You deadpan. Your eyes close as your lips heave out a tired sigh. Just when you thought he was here to actually talk to you and not about Claire.
"Fine ,whatever. Just don't be a creep or I'll bury you alive." You huff.
Doyoung giggles as his eyes curve into cute little cresent moons.He has a pretty smile , you catch yourself thinking.
He scoots over closer to you ,pinching your cheek. "Okay ,madam. I won't creep you out but I cannot guarantee that I won't flirt with you . I have a thing for Slytherin girls, you know.", He winks.
Your cheeks heat up involuntarily.
"Bye. I have work." You get up, walking away hastily.
"Bye! See you tomorrow at The Three Broomsticks," he calls out behind you,"Babe."
You'd never smiled so wide in your life.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Your part time job at The Three Broomsticks has never felt so much like a blessing than right now - when Kim Doyoung casually sits on the floor with you and helps clean the utensils.
"Are guests rare on weekends?" Hs asks as a white cloth floats around in the air, drying up the freshly washed utensils.
"They're less in the morning but it gets very crowded by sun down. Aunt Rosmerta joins me by that time." You reply.
Doyoung nods ,his eyes glaring at the white cloth when it falls at his feet. "Wingardium Leviosa. " he mutters and the cloth goes back to doing its work, while Doyoung carefully guides it using his wand.
"When do you have to go back?" You ask, purely out of curiosity as to why he is so into the role of your boyfriend when no one is even watching. You would rather die than admit it , but you liked this attention. A lot more than you thought you would.
"Whenever you're done. A good boyfriend accompanies his girlfriend ,right?"
Oh, the beating of your heart that suddenly picks up its speed at his words. A combination of words you'd never thought you'd hear in this lifetime, from anyone at all.
"Yeah,whatever. " you whisper under your breath.
Doyoung giggles ,leaning forward toward you , "Why are so shy ,y/n?"
"I'm not shy." You smack his forehead, "You're just being a creep."
Doyoung fake gasps, clutching the left side of his chest and blinks his eyes as if he were tearing up. "Ouch ,y/n,how could you say that to your own boyfriend?"
You roll your eyes but the smile on your lips doesn't disappear.
Before either of you could reply , the door of the pub clicks open and you immediately get up , dusting off your clothes , ready to welcome guests. Doyoung, who is very new to this , tries to mimic your careful, calculated actions.
"Hello, welcome to the Three Broomsticks-" your words are cut off when you see Claire , as glamorous and confident as ever, walking toward the both of you. Your heart sinks. You feel betrayed , annoyed even ; just the way little children feel when their favorite toy is taken away from them and given to someone else and Claire has, in fact, had a history of taking away a lot of your favorite toys when you were kids.
"Good morning, Doyoung," she greets him with the prettiest smile but it fades away as she turns to you, "You too ,y/n."
"What do you want?" You ask her, rather terse in tone.
She tilts her head , her bright red tinted lips sending a flirty smile in Doyoung's direction, "I'm here to see my friend Doyoung and well ,his new girlfriend. "
You scoff - since when has Doyoung become her friend? Last you checked, Doyoung wasn't even sure she knew him.
"Since when have you and Doyoung been friends, Claire? That's some news to me." You say.
Claire glares at you, "Well, I've always liked Doyoung. Too bad a dumb girl like you got to him first. I shouldn't have waited for him to approach me first , right?"
Doyoung - who until a minute ago was genuinely mesmerized by Claire's unexpected visit is now turning to frown at her. "You can take him if you want. I don't mind." You suggest ,turning away from them.
"Yayy, Doyoung ,you heard your girlfriend? Come on , let's go to the candy shop and enjoy there! It'd be so much fun!" Claire pulls at his blue-black muffler. He backs away a little. The image of Claire he had in his head was ..well, different from this arrogant , possessive woman in front of him. He feels disappointed but also relieved?
"Um - actually I'd rather stay here and help y/n, " you snap toward him faster than light , "I dislike candies anyway. Sorry, Claire."
When Claire's mouth gapes with surprise, Doyoung leans backward and pulls you into him , arm wrapped around your shoulder and chin resting on your head. Your heart hammers hard against your chest as all your senses blur away , only the feeling of Doyoung's warm body pressed against yours is what keeps you grounded to reality.
Its fake, y/n , get yourself together.
"Fine. " Claire growls and stomps away, mumbling curses under her breath.
The moment she walks out of the door ,you shove Doyoung away , "What the hell are you doing! She invited you to hang out with her and you let the chance go!"
He blinks at you , puzzled as if he is finally coming back to his senses. "Oh - oh ,its okay. I'll get another chance since she apparently likes me too. Don't worry about it."
I'm not worrying about it , you idiot , I'm happy about it , you want to say to him. But there are some words you'd rather never say out loud.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
"Where are we going?" Doyoung huffs , jogging down the lush green hill leading straight to the Forbidden Forest. Fear is evident on his face , and it's rather amusing to see him like this.
"The Forbidden Forest, obviously," you say , pointing at the tall, strong tress that patiently await your arrival into the forest.
"What? Y/n, that's against the school rules. It's way past sun down now!" He hisses but still keeps jogging beside you.
You grin at him, "Says the man who apparates in broad daylight!"
The woods are as cold and spooky as ever , but not unfamiliar. To you atleast. You often come here when you need to get away from everyone else. You would sit at the top of the tallest tree, the soft breeze blowing away all your worries along with it. And the creatures in the forest have never bothered you anyway. You don't know why you are bringing Kim Doyoung - your pretend boyfriend- to a place that holds so much importance to you and is like your escape from the world, but this place was the first and only one to come into your mind the moment Doyoung said you should choose the location for your next 'date'.
"So how do we get up there?" Doyoung and you stand at the roots of the tree. He looks up at the branches in awe and you look at him with admiration - when he's not running his mouth around uselessly everywhere ,he's not that bad to be with , you realize.
"We apparate , you idiot." Wrapping a firm hand around his arm, you apprate to the topmost branch of the tree, the wind suddenly knocked out of your lungs at the sudden shift. You laugh a little.
"Wow, you're breaking rules." He comments. He doesn't bother to remove your hand from his and neither do you - so you end up sitting there , shoulders touching and breaths matching.
"You know when I first met you , I almost took you for a Ravenclaw. If it hadn't been for your robe, that is." He says , looking at the beautifully lit school building that seems to be floating around near the horizon. This is more magical than any magic he's ever been taught , he thinks , he'd never seen Hogwarts this way - so far away yet so close, so peaceful, so breathtaking. The starry sky acts like a beautiful backdrop and your soft hand wrapped around his arm makes him ten times more attentive to every sound and every sight. He wants you to never let go - even if Claire or anyone else somehow appears out of nowhere.
"I get that a lot, actually. " you chuckle , "and ironically ,I almost mistook you for a Slytherin."
Doyoung looks at you in amusement. What a peculiar coincidence!
"But now that I think about it, it doesn't matter what kind of traits you show. The sorting hat doesn't put just traits into consideration- it puts in your will too. You belong where you want to belong. Nowhere else." He replies.
You stare at him, and get embarrassed at how wonderfully close he is to you right now. All your life ,this is what you've craved; this warmth , this closeness and fake or not, you're thankful for it.
"Wow, that's some deep words, Kim Doyoung. I didn't know you had them in you." You comment.
"Hey, why can't you call me something cute?" He whines , "Kim Doyoung is too formal."
You pinch his cheeks, adoration pumping through your veins for the man in front of you. "Okay, I'll call you Dodo then. "
He is left wide eyed again, his face red with embarrassment. He never took you for the observant type at all.
"I heard Jaehyun call you that."
The moon shines at your face , highlighting your features like no make up ever could. He notices your hooded gaze and the happy stretch of your lips and the strands of hair that sway with the wind. He leans in closer , "Hey, now that I look at you up close , you're not that bad to look at."
You're not that bad to look at either, Dodo.
 ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Jaehyun has this annoying habit of tapping his wand against the table when he is studying , and he has never even tried to rectify himself whenever you call him out several times.
"Can you stop that? I'm trying to study. " you groan in a quiet voice.
The library- much to your dislike - is packed with people this afternoon. Yellows and reds and blues and green , all of them seem to have decided to use the library in the afternoon today of all days.
"Yeah. Sorry. " he says and puts his wand down, flipping the pages of his notebook carelessly ,"but um -y/n, can I ask you something?"
Looking up from your Potions book , you nod , "Yes, of course. "
Jaehyun shifts and gulps ,visibly worried and anxious about whatever he is about to ask you. It's not like him to ever be so nervous around anyone. He was usually very uptight and spoke only when spoken to. This is very new.
"How long are you and Doyoung going to continue this fake dating thing on for? It's been half a month already." He asks.
Now it's your turn to be nervous.
"I-I don't really know. It depends on how fast Doyoung is able to get Claire to go out with him. I guess." You reply with an awkward laugh, "I hope the day comes soon."
You'd been so immersed in fake dating Doyoung all along, trying to spend every waking hour with him , taking care of him, laughing at his stupid jokes that you almost forgot everything was just a show to get Claire to go out with him. And as Halloween comes closer , you are sure the end of your supposed relationship is coming closer too. Your heart breaks at the sudden reality check. Like a glass vase thrown on a hard ,wooden floor.
"Okay, don't tell Doyoung I asked you about it - " he pauses when you both hear a woman's voice from behind you , startling the two of you.
"Hello, dear cousin. " Claire says with a big smile. Her arms are crossed in front of her chest, robe loosely tied around her body,"What are you doing in this stupid library on your birthday, y/n? Shouldn't you be celebrating with Doyoung ?"
Her words have never slapped you as hard as they do right now. She's been mean to you for almost half your life , but this time it hurts worse. You've always been insecure about your birthday, and Claire knows it. She knows how much you hate bringing attention to yourself and you'd rather get some small gifts from your parents than big gifts from people who you barely know. And she's now using all that against you.
"Or did he not bother to ask you, just like all of your former friends?" She smirks.
You know that feeling when there's a small wound on your body and a single contact to the wounded area hurts unbearably? That's what her words made you feel like. Sick and pathetic.
But you don't let it surface on your face. You muster up all your courage before speaking up, "Claire, are you so jealous of me dating Doyoung that you're bringing up past incidents to make yourself feel good?"
Claire is left astonished by your new found boldness and for the first time in forever, she doesn't comment back at you after you turn on your heels and walk away from the scene.
You are far too weak and slow to actually walk down to the Forbidden Forest, so you settle yourself on the top floor of the astronomy tower. The cold ground under you feels weirdly comfortable and the ticking of the grand clock helps you calm down your nerves.
Claire has never treated you like an equal in your entire life and you've tried so hard to ns like her always . To fit in to her ideas of an interesting person. She was your sister, she is your sister yet you've never despised anyone as much as you do now. And to imagine that Kim Doyoung, your Dodo might end up dating her just makes you feel sick to the stomach. Jealousy is an intense feeling but so is hatred.
You hear quick footsteps walking up the stairs and by impulse, you point your wand in that direction,"Expelli-"
"Hey, hey. Don't 'expelliarmus' me. I'm just here to celebrate my best girl's birthday. "
Kim Doyoung stands in front of you , hands occupied with bags of delicious candies and sweets. He smiles at you sheepishly as you call him over to sit beside you.
"Why didn't you tell me its your birthday today? This is all I could manage in a span of fifteen minutes." He complains ,placing the bag softly in your lap, "Happy birthday, y/n."
You smile , a little embarrassed but thankful still , "Thanks. Jaehyun told you?"
Doyoung nods ,scooting over closer to you. In presence of so much space on the floor, he somehow manages to almost cuddle with you in a small corner of the place. Your heart is no longer sitting in the cage of your chest ; it's escaped and landed onto Doyoung's palms ,giving him full freedom to do whatever he wanted with it.
"Doyoung ,I..um.."
Words , oh ! words have never been your forte. The only thing you were good at was actions - to express, to show , to communicate . That's all you've ever known.
So you lean in towards his face and place a chaste kiss on his lips. It lasts for a fraction of a second but your lips are left burning with the desire for more. More of him, more of this.
But when you see his face once you pull away, your blood runs dry. For a moment, you think so you see a flicker of happiness which quickly gets replaced by coldness, frustration, some degree of anger.
"Y/n, you know I like Claire!" He says , separating himself from you. Your body feels bare, "This was all for her. How could you ever think doing this would be a good idea?"
No,it wasn't for Claire. It was barely an excuse to bother you more, to see you roll your eyes at him , to spend time with you, but as Johnny says , his ego is too big to accept his liking towards you and not Claire.
He gets up.
"I-I will be leaving now."
He hasn't completely put a full stop to your fake relationship, he hasn't even said anything much yet but you know that he's left not just the astronomy tower, he's left you. All alone. As they always do.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Only the heavens know how you've barely managed to make it through a whole week avoiding Doyoung. The tear stains on your pillow , the muffled sobs in the washroom, the torn pages of your notebook are the only witnesses of your turmoil. For everyone else, you were still y/n, the girl who barely talks to anyone . And maybe, that's everything you'll ever be no matter how hard you try.
It is Hogsmade Weekend and Halloween which means you'll be packed with guests at the Three Broomsticks. It's a good thing ,you hope, it'll help keep you distracted from any painful thoughts and memories.
The cups and glasses and bottles dance around you as you put the chairs in place, your wand doing most of the work while you quietly murmur spells. It feels rather abnormal not having Doyoung around to help you. It feels too quiet ,even though the quietness is familiar to you.
A faint click sound echoes in the room and you immediately snap to look at the main door.
"Y/n?" Doyoung's head gently pokes in through the small gap in the door, “Happy Halloween.”
Your heart stops beating for a solid second, brain going fuzzy with a mixture of fear, excitement and relief. You want to run towards him and jump into his arms like how people do in those muggle movies but you restrain yourself; since it's not your place to do that. Not after you'd kissed him out of nowhere a week ago.
"Y-yea?" You stutter nervously, dragging a chair away from the table just to make it look like you are busy with work.
"Can we talk?"
Doyoung has always been very persuasive and he knows exactly what to say at a given instance. He's a Ravenclaw, after all. So he finds his way towards the table ,shyly so , and he pulls a chair for you to sit on ,"I won't take long, I swear."
You nod and sit. Better to be done with it than avoid it. "What is it? Shouldn't you be at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop? Enjoying with Claire and the other cool people?" You ask.
Doyoung gulps ,"Yes, I was there a minute ago. But it's too noisy there. I don't like it." And it's too dull without you.
"Okay. What did you want to talk about ?"
He plays with the buttons of his warm looking purple coat, his eyes shifting from the tablecloth to the glasses of gillyweed water to his fingers - anywhere but you.
"I'm sorry about running away that night. It was wrong of me," he begins, "And I regret it. I really do." "When I went back to the dorms, all I could think about was you and how much I loved hanging out with you and how pretty you look even when you're not trying and how desperately I wished you'd kissed me a second longer that night so I could have kissed you back. Because I really wanted to. "
When you start to reply , he shushes you, "No, it's not Claire that I want. Maybe it never had been because I don't even know her! But I know you and I think you're the coolest person in Hogwarts. I cannot love Claire, who I know nothing of but I can love you. I want to love you. If you'd let me."
You stare at him , your tongue suddenly losing all it's sense of functioning. Your eyes bore into his ,and you see it - the sincerity, the adoration, the desire. And you realise it has always been there. Just the two of you were too stupid to see it earlier.
"Okay. I guess." You reply , rubbing the back of your neck shyly. Your cheeks are tinted red but you put no effort in hiding it anymore, " I'm sorry, I don't know how dating works. What am I supposed to do?"
Doyoung giggles , tenderly taking your face in his hands, "Just do whatever you want to. It's just me."
"I really want to kiss you. " you whisper and he immediately tilts his head such that his lips easily captures yours. The kiss is warm and cozy yet fierce. His hands are locked on either side of your face while your lips perfectly mold around his, as if they were meant to be that way since the inception of time.
You don't believe in miracles , given your magical allegiance but you do believe in fate and soulmates. You believe that there's someone for everyone out there - no one knows how or when they'll cross paths with you, but they will surely do it one day. Because no force can stop one from getting the love you deserve. It's just like a string - there's one person at each end and you're so thankful that it is Doyoung that happened to be at the other end of your string.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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thenamesseven · 4 years
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Plot: Chenle really regretted saying all the things he said during that argument with you. Your relationship wasn’t something to hide and he would make sure every single person in this world would know the two of you were dating after his live stream.
Word count: 5k
Warnings: Some swearing during the argument but nothing more!
Pairing: Chenle x reader!
Genre: A little bit of angst but some of the fluffiest fluff!
A/N: Another oneshot for another event I signed up to! I was finally able to write something for NCT 😭 Hope you guys liked it! And shoutout to @dearncityy​ for letting me participate in this! Thank you!
Event’s Masterlist!
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Laying there in bed with Chenle besides you, the words you've been dying to say all these days burn in the back of your throat. 
The two of you have been playing this push and pull game forever and even though you knew you stopped being best friends a long time ago to become something else, the fact that none of you had referred to it as a relationship made the alarms in your head ring.
Your careers didn't get along too well with public relationships, being an idol was difficult for various reasons but the dating subject becomes taboo as soon as you sign your contract with your company. Some were okay with couples working together, some were completely against it and fired the idols as soon as they found out what was going on but Chenle was that important to you, that you wouldn't kind of lose your job because of him. 
The two of you were incredibly good when it comes to performances, you were sure another company would hire you if anything like that happened. 
However, in a soju night with your manager and closest person to a sister you had, you confessed your situation with Chenle and her with a total clear mind explained the options the two of you had. 
"Wouldn't we get in trouble?" You asked, forgetting about your soju shot, eyes glued to your manager's expression as she thought about it. 
"They won't be happy about it" She muttered with a shrug, leaning back against her chair, crossing her arms on her chest "Dating scandals are always a pain in the ass to deal with" The small pout that appeared on your lips squeezed her heart and she quickly added the following words "But Chenle and you wouldn't be fire, it would just take some time to reveal your relationship little by little"
"You think so?" You asked, eyes wide open, hope blooming in your chest. 
"I believe so" She said nodding once "Chenle and you are too good to let go"
"(Y/N)?" Chenle's sudden voice interrupted your train of thoughts, snapping you out of the hopeful memory that replayed in your head. 
"Yeah, it was good" You automatically replied, thinking he was just probably asking about the movie the two of you had been watching. The credits rolled up the screen and you realized you've been more than thirty minutes spacing out. 
"What?" He asked with a chuckle, looking at you incredibly confused. 
"The movie, weren't you asking about that?" You asked feigning confusion, staring at him. 
"I was just saying how I didn't feel like going to the company's Christmas party this year" He explained, scratching the back part of his head as he snickered, obviously realizing you've been ignoring him and the movie for the entire time. "I didn't know you liked it so much" He said teasingly, making you smile as you shook your head. 
"I hate it, specially because we can't even look at each other" You complained, whining as you leaned closer to him, resting your head onto his shoulder. 
"Well, we can always sneak out and-"
"Too dangerous" You suddenly cut him off. The idea of sneaking around the higher ups to just share a few private minutes with him was exciting, too enticing but you've finally found a way to bring the subject that's been keeping you awake for nights up. 
"It wouldn't be the first time we did it" He shrugged, casually wrapping one of his arms around your body, letting you cuddle up to him. 
"I mean" You cleared your throat, keeping your eyes down on your hands as you fidgeted with the hem of his hoodie, too scared of how this would all turn out to look him in the eye "Wouldn't it be easier if everybody was aware of….Us?"
You felt Chenle's hands froze in your hair when he heard your words, his hesitance loud and clear even though silence filled the room "The guys know about us, they'll cover our absence" He replied, looking down at you when he felt you shaking your head against his chest. 
"I meant, it would be easier if we didn't have to hide" You said in such a small voice that if the television hadn't been turned off,  Chenle wouldn't have heard you. 
"I still don't get what you're saying" He said with a nervous chuckle, giving you the impression this was not going to end well. 
'I should have stayed quiet' You thought 'This is about to go worse'
"What if" You stopped yourself, knowing you still had one more chance to stop the upcoming storm but now that the subject had been brought up, why would you drop it once again? "What if we just told everybody? So we could like… . Stop hiding as if we are doing something wrong?"
Chenle's silence was not a good sign, the way his muscles tensed a little told you he wasn't happy with your proposition. You couldn't blame him though, he was scared of the consequences just like you had been before talking with your manager. 
“That’s because we’re doing something wrong” Deep down, you knew that wasn’t what he wanted to say. You’ve known Chenle for long enough to know he loved you as much as you loved him and that he would never ever refer to you or your relationship as a mistake but that afternoon, you were feeling a bit more sensitive and it would be stupid to deny his words hurt you.
“This is wrong?” You asked, instantly moving away from him. Your eyes looked up at him and you saw Chenle panicking, his mind desperate to find the right words to excuse himself as he sat up behind you. 
“That’s not what I meant to say” The door of his bedroom was opened and the two of you heard some of the guys were back from practice, in a normal occasion, you would have stood up and closed the door so Chenle and you could have a bit more privacy while having the conversation but you were too impatient for his answer and didn’t even attempt to move. “What we’re doing it’s not alright, you know it” You blinked, not really understanding why he thought saying the same thing with different words would somehow improve the situation.
“So our relationship is not alright? Which is exactly the same thing as saying it is wrong” You repeated, making him sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair stressed. He could hear the pain in your voice, he too was hurt to crush your hopes like this, so carelessly when it hadn’t been his intention. He should definitely start thinking before talking.
“You know relationships between idols don’t turn out fine” Chenle added, trying a different approach, seeing by the corner of his eyes how Johnny and Yuta entered the room in order to get some clean clothes so they could shower, their smiles instantly vanishing as soon as they heard what the two of you could talk about.
“You don’t know that, some of them did turn out alright” You argued, looking down at your hands, rage vanishing to be replaced by sadness instead.
“Yeah, three out of one hundred” Chenle scoffed, leaning back against the headboard, ignoring the daggers his hyungs were throwing at him with their eyes.
“We could be the fourth one” You shrugged, not giving up “I actually talked with my manager about-”
“You did what?”
Everyone froze in the room. Johnny and Yuta stopped rummaging through their wardrobes for comfortable and clean clothes, even Haechan, who had poked his head inside to greet the two of you stopped right in his tracks before he decided to turn around and walk away. 
Chenle stood up suddenly, too nervous, too anxious to stay still on the bed besides you. “(Y/N), WHAT DID YOU DO?” He was scared of his career, not only would you screw Chenle’s idol job with your relationship but the whole dynamic NCT had would also be damaged if your relationship caused trouble in the company. You could ruin another twenty two careers and he definitely didn’t want to be guilty of that, Chenle wasn’t that selfish, you weren’t that selfish, you loved the guys as if they were your own brothers and you would never do something that could hurt them in any way. “(Y/N)!?”
Unable to look at him, you just kept your eyes down on your hands, shrugging silently when he called your name for a second time, you just looked like a kid who was about to cry while being scolded by her mother. “She said we would be fine” You said quietly, ignoring the way your voice shook with every word, tears threatening to fall.
“She said we would be-” Chenle repeated your words but instead of being more calm, he only grew more angry “What if things had gone wrong (Y/N)?” He asked, looking down at you so disappointed, so genuinely mad that you couldn’t help but feel incredibly bad “What if, I don’t know, what if we would have been fired!?” His voice started to raise again and you flinched, he had never been this mad to you and you definitely didn’t know how to deal with this side of Chenle.
“I wasn’t thinking and I just wanted to-”
“You wanted what?” He asked when you finally looked up at him “To go public? To let everyone know we’re together!?” Chenle was just rambling, letting his frustration out and he wasn’t realizing how much he was hurting you. His hyungs on the other side, that were watching the entire argument unfold from another perspective were getting ready to calm him down “Well we can’t! You said you were okay with us being like this!” 
“I didn’t want to sneak around anymore” You shrugged avoiding his eyes again, noticing Johnny approaching “We’re doing anything wrong, we shouldn’t be in trouble for-”
“You didn’t even ask me if I was okay with you talking with your manager!” He said frustrated
“Chenle breathe” Johnny was quick to reach out and place his hand on his back, looking down at you, noticing how upset and sorry you probably felt “You should calm down and talk with her, not shout it out so the whole dorm hears you”
“What’s going on?” Hendery poked his head into the bedroom too and you couldn’t help but feel even more ashamed.
“Apparently we’re going public thanks to (Y/N)! That’s what’s going on!” He shouted, making the older look at Johnny confused before his eyes landed on you.
“Did someone leak rumours or something? Was it dispatch?” He asked innocently, walking into the room too, willing to help in comforting the two of you.
“She decided it was a good idea to tell everyone that we’re fucking around!”
As soon as the words escaped Chenle’s lips he knew he had screwed up. The fact that he had described your relationship in that way, the feelings he supposedly had for you as just “fucking around” broke your heart and the embarrasment you felt thanks to the rest of NCT hearing your conversation made everything worse.
“I’m going to be late to practice” You mumbled quietly, lower lip shaking and vision blurred by tears as you stood up from the bed, stumbling when one of your feet got tangled up in the sheets but Yuta reached out and held you up before you fell down “Thanks” You said quietly, not meeting his eyes as you looked around, searching for your phone, purse and jacket.
“You didn’t say you had practiced” Chenle muttered looking at you, feeling extremely bad but knowing reaching down to you wasn’t a good idea right now.
“Studio, the album is not going to record itself” You answered, it was obvious you were using it as an excuse to get out of there, everyone knew it but nobody dared to say it out loud.
“You’re joining us for dinner on Thursday before the Christmas party? We might not be able to hang out there but-”
“Can’t” You cut him off, after knowing his true opinion about everything your will to go to the Christmas party had completely vanished, you didn’t even feel like hanging out with him anymore. “I’ll have a comeback soon, there’s a lot of things to plan” 
“Everyone will be at the party though?” Chenle asked hesitant, hands itching to hand you your jacket but staying still inside his pockets as he watched you getting ready to leave.
“I won’t” Chenle looked at his friends for help, quietly begging them to say or do something that would stop you from getting out of that door. He knew you weren’t going to listen to his apologies right now, the two of you had a few fights before and the best thing to do was let you cool off for a few minutes before spoiling you with some love and affection. However, this seemed to be way more serious than anything the two of you had argued about and he was feeling uneasy, afraid to lose you for something he had said without thinking twice about it “(Y/N) I-”
“It was nice to see you guys again” You said forcing up a weak smile as you faced the older males, seeing the same hesitant yet serious expression on their faces when you ignored Chenle. It was obvious you didn’t want to hear him out.
“Do you need a ride home?” Johnny asked, not feeling well by letting you go back home alone in this state, what if something happened to you? “I don’t mind, can use the drive to clear my head”
“It’s alright, Mina is on her way here” You said looking at Johnny, feeling one tear roll down your cheek as you quietly yet quickly reach out to wipe it, not wanting to cry again “She’s coming to the studio with me” Johnny nodded and took a step back, letting you walk through the room’s door if you wanted to get out of there.
“Babe, let’s talk this out” You heard Chenle plead but you were already walking out of the room, refusing to listen to him.
“Hey (Y/N)!” Yangyang’s happy voice echoed down the hall as you walked out of Chenle’s bedroom, eyes down on the floor when more tears started flooding your face “I didn’t know you were-Hey...What’s wrong? What happened?” You shook your head, words stuck in your throat as you just walked past him.
“Bye Yang” You simply whispered, barely able to hold your sobs as you ran out of the dorms.
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Almost an entire week had passed and you had locked yourself into the studio, focusing only on the lyrics and beats you still had to finish for your upcoming comeback. The group had already started to record the tittle track and some of the solos that the members would do, but there were some songs that still needed some editing and the sooner you finished them, the sooner you could stay in bed being lazy and binge watching all the k-dramas you hadn’t watched yet.
NCT hadn’t stopped contacting you or trying to at least. You constantly got calls from the guys at random times, some of them were picked up and they just told you to take care of yourself, to drink water and eat healthy and to please answer Chenle’s calls and messages that were being ignored. You didn’t want to talk to him, you didn’t feel like seeing your boyfriend because every time you thought about him, you could only remember the way he had thought your friendship was a simple hook up. He surely wouldn’t have said that if he truly thought it was like that, didn’t he? Guess the two of you weren’t on the same page after all….
“(Y/N)!” One of your group members, Chanmi, slammed opened the studio’s doors, not even knocking first to give you a warning and almost resulting in giving you a heart attack “Oh god, stop whatever the hell you’re doing right now, you have to see this!”
Frowning, you took off your massive headphones and looked up at her phone, taking a few minutes to bring your brain back to reality and out of the little bubble you put yourself in when you focused on your music. The only thing you could read was a Vlive notification on her screen that said Chenle was doing some live streaming since a few minutes ago “What? It’s not the first time he goes live”
“Watch it” She whined frustrated with you for being so slow, stealing the mouse from your hands to close all the windows and programs you had opened so you would only focus on her “Come on!”
“Alright, alright! I’ll watch it”
Sighing, you searched for the web page on your computer and a couple of minutes later Chenle’s face occupied most of your screen. Your heart broke again when your eyes met him through the screen, noticing the little black bags that were badly covered with makeup under his eyes. His messy hair was hidden by his hoodie and the nervous smile on his face told you he wasn’t really comfortable with what he was doing.
“Ah, yeah, we’re going somewhere in a couple of minutes, I’m waiting for Xiaojun to drive me there” He said softly, smiling to the cameras as he read the messages that were being spammed in the chat. You didn’t pay attention to it because as always, you expected them to be fangirls thirtying over your boyfriend, something that wouldn’t be too nice to read considering the situation the two of you were in at the moment.
“Didn’t he realize it or what?!” Chanmi screamed from behind you, absolutely horrorized, you frowned, watching the screen harder, more focused as you tried to see what she was talking about.
There, behind your boyfriend, it could easily be seen some pictures which captured some random moments the two of you had had during the different dates he had taken you out over the years. The little sneak out excursion the two of you did to the amusement park, that time you travelled to Europe together during one of your tours, the night he officially asked you to be his girlfriend, the late night picnic by Han river….Chenle knew really well the pictures were there.
Just what was he doing?
“Everyone is going crazy in the chat” Chanmi muttered, leaning closer to the screen as she attempted to read some more of the comments, your stomach turned into a thousand knots at her words, not even trying to read some of the chaos that there was in the chat. “Are you going to get in trouble?” 
“I don’t know?” You said hesitant, scratching the back part of your neck anxiously.
“Who’s her?” Chenle suddenly said, reading out loud one of the questions that had been thrown in the chat “Come on, you surely know who she is” The smirk on his lips was playful, amused even as more of then fans started freaking out about his reaction “Let me tell you though, she’s the most wonderful, sweetest person in the universe….She’s amazing”
All the following messages were full of hearts and crying faces along with compliments and some other words in different languages that you couldn’t comprehend but were hoping that weren’t insults or hate being thrown at him. Chenle kept talking, explaining something about their latest comeback but you had zoned out, trying to see if your boyfriend had gone nuts or if this simply was a twisted prank he was pulling on you to get your attention.
Xiaojun came into his the live and Chenle instantly stood up, picking up a plastic bag from the floor before the two of them started walking out of the dorm. Everyone kept asking where he was going or what the content of the bag was but Chenle skillfully ignored the questions and kept making small talk with his older friend, he even did some carpool karaoke, stealing laughs and chuckles from you and his fans.
It was all fun and games until you recognized the road Xiaojun was driving on, you knew where Chenle was going.
“Oh hell no” You muttered standing up, scaring Chanmi as she looked at you confused “Oh hell no” You repeated looking around the studio, not knowing what to do with yourself or your own thoughts, heart pounding hard against your chest “He’s coming” 
“WHAT?” Your friend asked, eyes frozen on your computer’s screen as she too realized they were almost at the studio parking “OH HELL NO” She screamed, looking at you with her eyes as wide opened as plates “I'M OUT OF HERE”
“CHANMI NO” You screamed, surprised at her sudden betrayal as you stared at her.
“CHANMI YES, GOOD LUCK!” Right before you could reach out and stop her, Chanmi ran out of the studio, closing the door behind her and speeding up down the hall towards the elevator that Chenle would soon use to get there.
Taking a peak at the screen, you noticed their car was already parked downstairs, both of them just sitting there as they read comments. Chenle seemed to be nervous, his hands were fidgeting with the bag he kept holding carefully while he let Xiaojun do most of the talking.
“Where are we?” Chenle read out loud, Xiaojun smirked besides him.
“Yeah, where are we, Chenle?” He asked looking through the window, staring at the building in front of him.
Chenle took a deep breath, keeping his tense yet sincere smile up as his eyes scanned his phone camera “This is where my favorite girl works at” He explained sweetly, a small blush appearing on his face as soon as Xiaojun started laughing incredibly loud, making fun of him for being so sweet and cheesy “We’re going to visit her” Your boyfriend added, opening the car’s door to abandon Xiaojun’s teasing.
Your heart started beating too fast and too hard as you sat there, waiting for what was inevitably going to happen now that Chenle was out of that car. Your eyes kept drifting down to your phone, waiting to see your manager or somebody from the company call you to fire the two of you for the little scene Chenle was making, you were sure this was definitely not the right way to go public and that the two of you would get in trouble for it.
“Why?” His voice brought you back to the live retransmision, your hands tapping the desk nervously “Cause I was an asshole a few days ago, we had this argument and I lost it, she didn’t deserve to be treated the way I treated her and now I’m here to apologize”
How could you not love him? How could you stay mad at him if he did these kinds of things?
“Yeah” He laughed at something one of the fans said as he walked into the building “I’m hoping you can all pressure her into apologizing to me and we fix this as soon as possible, I miss her too much, you know? I hate it when we argue”
“I hate it too” You whispered as if he could hear you, tears already appearing in your eyes just by the thought of seeing Chenle once again.
The couple of knocks on your door make you flinch on your chair surprised, he sure had gotten there fast. Glancing at the screen, you saw Chenle was already standing there, signaling for his viewers to be quiet as if you somehow could hear them freaking out in the chat.
“Jagi?” His voice sounded insecure, nervous and scared. Chenle knew the things he had said during your argument had been horrible, in fact, he knew he would have to do something pretty big this time if he wanted to be forgiven.
That’s why after a long talk with his fellow band members and his manager, he talked with everyone in the company about the relationship the two of you had, about the feelings you two shared and how you would make sure to act professional even if they let you make your relationship public. There wouldn’t be any scandals, there wouldn’t be any problems and after some begging, he finally got the green light to do what he was doing today.
He was sure no idol had leaked his own relationship like this, he was surely the first one to do something like this.
“I brought food”
You had to bite down onto your lower lip to not laugh at his words, a small smile came up to your lips when you saw the people in the chat laughing, most girls relating to Chenle’s small incentive to make you open the door. “You’ve gone crazy Zhong Chenle” You said loud enough for him to hear without opening the door.
Your heart skipped a beat when you saw the smile on his face, the tone of your voice telling him you were watching the live right now “Who told you? I asked everyone to be quiet about this, I wanted it to be a surprise” He whined, resting his forehead against the door, acting as if thousands of fans weren’t watching the two of you, as if he wasn’t doing this.
“Chanmi, you forgot about her” You said with a quiet chuckle, looking at the door before you checked his reaction on your computer, seeing he was laughing quietly.
“Damn it, I forgot about the maknae” He mumble softly, shaking his head as he looked at the camera “Our surprise was ruined, (Y/N) had been watching us this entire time” Everyone started laughing in the chat at Chenle’s defeated face and you couldn’t help but laugh softly “Open the door? Please?”
You stayed quiet for a few seconds, thinking whether you should let him in or leave him outside but how could you after everything he’s done? You surely were in trouble after this, why wouldn’t you want to spend your last minutes alive together?
“We’re so dead after this” You mumbled, hearing your own voice in his live streaming as you stood up and opened the studio door. You found Chenle standing there, wearing a Christmas hat and the brightest smile ever, shoving his phone’s camera close to your face so your viewers could see you well.
“Yah, Chen!” You exclaimed blushing, moving back so he could walk inside and you could hide from the camera “What are you doing?” His question made him laugh as he shrugged, not really knowing himself what he was doing.
“You mean what am I doing here? Or what are they doing here?” He asked pointing at his phone before he placed it down on your desk so the camera could capture the two of you perfectly “They’re here because I finally got the green light to make our relationship public and I’m here because…” A pink shade started appearing across his face, stealing a smile from you.
“Because?” You asked quietly, looking at him, avoiding to look at the phone.
“Because I was a huge asshole and I really want to apologize and oh god, I’m so sorry about what I said” Chenle started rambling once again, he always did that when he felt anxious about something “I was scared we would both lose our careers and I would ruin NCT and we would both get in awful scandals but I love you so much and I love what we have so much that I didn’t want to lose it and-”
There was only one way to make your boyfriend stop talking and that was by cupping both of his cheeks and pressing your lips against his in a gentle kiss, silencing his rambling and his verbal diarrhea. The two of you looked into each other’s eyes, chuckling shyly as he rubbed his nose against yours, pressing gently kisses against the corners of your lips.
“We have an audience, you know that, right?” He asked quietly, making you hit his chest gently before you buried your face into his neck, hiding your red face “Does this mean I’m forgiven?”
“What food did you bring?” You asked quietly, seeing everyone in the chat laugh at your question.
“Fried chicken” He said proudly, knowing that it was your favorite food.
“Damn, you really do want me to forgive you huh?” Chenle couldn’t help but laugh at your words, nodding quietly as he kissed your cheek.
“Missed you too much, Christmas holidays sucks without you”
“Why the Santa hat though?” You asked amused, leaning back to get a better look at his entire face
“Because it makes me look cute? This would surely give me some points to be forgiven” He said winking at you, totally forgetting the live was still on.
“Yeah as if declaring your undying love for me in front of the entire fandom wasn’t enough” You rolled your eyes laughing, pushing him away as you went to dig inside the plastic bag he brought, noticing that apart from the fried chicken he had also brought some Christmas lights to decorate the room. “No”
“Yes” He said grinning, turning to the phone “We’re so decorating the studio”
“You’re so annoying” You complained, plopping down onto your chair, looking at the camera “Don’t get tricked by his cute face, he’s the most annoying person in the world, trust me”
“She loves me, don’t listen to her” Chenle said, sitting beside you, ready to devour the fried chicken he brought.
There, talking to his fans and playing fighting with you while reading all the supporting messages they all sent, Chenle realized that despite his initial fear, going public with your relationship had been one of the best things he’s ever done in his entire life.
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emwritesfootball · 3 years
Sotto Voce: Chapter Five | John McGinn
Word Count: 1,815 Warnings: overheard masturbation, teasing, oral sex (female receiving) A/N: Since this is the last chapter, I just wanna give a HUGE shoutout to @sammisze for encouraging me to actually post this (I wanted to keep it for myself but she made me realize I shouldn't), @meteora-fc for beta-ing this and loving Meatball as much as I do, and @lawsandother for just reading this and telling me how much she loved it before I ever put it out. I hope you've all enjoyed this as much as I loved writing it <3
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John knows something is off the moment he steps through the door on Monday after training. He doesn’t know what it is until he hears voices coming from her end of the house, and he doesn’t think as he follows the noises.
Her bedroom door is open, but he doesn’t go in when he doesn’t see her. The voices seem to be coming from her bathroom and John can’t help but be a little jealous when he thinks she’s got a man with her, until he recognizes the sound of his own voice from one of his audios and his blood runs cold.
He pauses, the muted sound of a vibrator in the bathtub mix with her throaty whimpers and John’s dick twitches. When she moans his name, he doesn’t know what to think - does she actually know it’s him or is she just imagining the man speaking on the audio is him? - but he intends to find out when she comes out.
She hides her surprise well when she sees John lounging on the sofa after she gets out of the bath. She hadn’t heard him come home but she’d sensed his presence while she was having her soak, making sure she’d turned the volume up on TheScottishLad’s audio while she masturbated to his voice. It hadn’t done much for her except leave her more sexually frustrated than before, and she hated that her body craved an orgasm specifically from John at this point.
“Mental health day?” John asks nonchalantly when she emerges from her bedroom in short-shorts and one of his Scotland kits.
She’s acutely aware of how his eyes graze over her body in the outfit she’s chosen, breaking out in goosebumps as a thrill races down her spine and her pussy clenches around nothing. “Yeah.” She takes a seat next to him, and John instinctively moves her so that her legs are laying across his lap. “Sometimes you just need to sleep in, have a bath and a nice wank, ya know?”
John blushes, his ears tinging pink as his grip tightens almost imperceptibly on her knee. “I, uh, I heard.”
“Oh?” She feigns surprise, looking at him innocently. “Sorry - I can get loud sometimes.”
John clears his throat, swallowing hard at her innuendo. “I-It’s okay.”
“How much did you hear?”
“Enough,” he replies, not meeting her eyes.
“You’re gonna have to be more specific, Johnny,” she whispers in his ear, reveling in the power she holds over him right now. “Did you hear me cum?”
His eyes are glazed over with lust and she knows she has him right where she wants him. “I m-might’ve heard you, uh, moan my...name.” His accent is thicker now and there’s no doubt in her mind now that TheScottishLad is him.
“That’s because I was thinking about you when I got myself off,” she murmurs, dragging her nails down his chest. His breathing is ragged and she can feel his heartbeat under her fingertips and it drives her wild.
“You...you were?” He sounds stunned.
“Mmhmm,” she hums, nodding. “Besides...you’re TheScottishLad, aren’t you?”
John pauses, his eyes searching hers. “How did you find out?”
“Oh, Johnny,” she tuts, smirking. “You’ve got to learn to be more subtle.”
“I thought I was,” he pouts, and she resists the urge to lean down and kiss it away - they’re not there yet, even though she desperately wants to be.
“Actually, you were,” she amends, thinking about it. “I just know you too well. It took me a while to figure it out.” She pauses, leaning in. “So...do I get to see where the magic happens?”
“Depends on what you want.”
“I thought I made it pretty clear what I want,” she says, her hand drifting down his torso to cup his erection over his joggers. John’s eyes flutter closed and he lets out a low moan at her touch, the sound going straight to her clit.
“You’re being a tease, love.”
Those are the words she’s been waiting to hear directed at her since the moment he used the phrase in one of his recordings. “What are you gonna do about it?” She challenges, letting out a squeal when he abruptly gets up and drags her to his end of the house.
Her eyes go wide as she takes in the bedroom he’s transformed into his mini-recording studio. To anyone who doesn’t know better, it just looks like an elaborate gaming setup or some Twitch thing; to her, all she can picture is him getting himself off as he speaks, all those audio recordings reminding her exactly what he sounds like doing so.
“Wanna record with me?” He asks, suddenly seeming shy.
“What about the other girl?” She retorts, the jealousy popping back up inexplicably.
“What other girl?”
“The one you record with.” It sounds stupid now that she’s said it out loud, but John doesn’t make her feel stupid for it.
“I don’t have anyone else that I record with,” he explains, stepping towards her until he’s pinned her against the wall. “I always picture you when I make these.”
It’s her turn to be stunned. “R-Really?”
“Really.” He runs a hand up her arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. “I’ve wanted you for months now - I’ve just been using these audios as a way for me to take care of some of my more sinful thoughts.”
“Does this mean you wanna tie me up?” She asks, her mind going to his most recent audio.
John smirks. “Guess you’ll just have to find out.”
“So,” she starts, looping her arms around his neck as she pulls him closer, “are you gonna kiss me or not, Johnny?”
He responds by finally capturing her lips in his, and she can’t help moaning into his mouth at how good it feels to finally be able to kiss him the way she’s wanted to for months now. His hands find her hips, pulling her flush against him so she can feel how hard he is for her.
They’re both breathing heavily when the kiss ends, and she knows she’s never been needier in her life, especially now that her body knows John’s going to give her an orgasm. “Are you going to let me record you?” He asks again, his expression serious.
“Yes,” she breathes, nodding. “Now?”
“If you want - or we can wait until-”
“Now. Now is good.”
John smirks. “You know, if we record, you’re going to have to be quiet for me, right?”
“I know.”
“Let me get everything ready.”
When the equipment is all set up, John picks her up and sets her down on the table. His hands reach under her shirt and she gasps when they slide up her bare torso.
“Can’t believe I finally have you like this,” he starts, and she instantly recognizes his recording voice. There are similarities to his normal speaking voice, but the timbre and cadence has changed just enough to be unrecognizable. “Your body feels just like I imagined it would. All those late nights stroking my dick and pretending it was your pussy but now I get to have you like this? Truly mine. Are you going to let me do everything I’ve fantasized about?”
“Y-” she starts to say but remembers she can’t so she just nods.
John visibly softens, tucking a lock of her hair as he leans in. “I can edit this out.” A pause as he switches over to his vocal personality again. “I want your verbal consent, love. Are you going to let me do everything I’ve fantasized about?”
“Yes, John.” She groans, biting down on her bottom lip. “Make me cum so many times I forget my name.”
His grin matches as hers. “With pleasure,” he replies, leaning in for the last kiss before TheScottishLad takes over once again.
“Oh, God, I love your body,” TheScottishLad says as John kisses his way down her neck, his hands sliding up her torso again. “I could spend days touching you and not get tired of you. You’re perfect.”
His words made her melt, and she knew he wasn’t speaking just as TheScottishLad - he was speaking as John McGinn, her friend and now-lover who she now knew had been thinking of her the entire time he’d been making these - and the knowledge made her heart race and her pussy drip.
“Perfect neck,” he continues, kissing his way down to her breasts. “Perfect tits.” More kisses down her stomach as he cups her pussy and she resists the urge to moan. “Perfect pussy. And it’s mine - all mine.”
All she can do is nod, arching her back as she spreads her legs for him. “Let’s get you out of these clothes so I can start making you feel good.”
He takes his time, making sure every sound of him undressing her is captured on audio. When she’s fully undressed, he steps back, his gaze raking appreciatively over her body. She feels so exposed yet so sexy at the same time, and it turns her on more than she thought it would.
“Are you gonna let me taste this juicy pussy?” He asks, kissing his way up from her knees to her thighs as she nods. Her hands find his hair and her hips buck involuntarily, the gasp that leaves her lips when his stubble scrapes over the sensitive skin barely audible. She mouths his name when he finally gets a taste of what’s between her legs. “Mm...addictive. You taste like honey, love, and I’m gonna need all that I can get,” he murmurs, his breath fanning out over her clit and making her walls clench around nothing.
“I’m gonna make you cum on my tongue,” John promises, slipping two fingers inside her slick entrance. “And then I’m gonna make you cum on my cock.” He pauses, placing a sucking kiss to her clit that has her grip in his hair tightening. “And then...I’m just gonna make you cum until you can’t anymore.”
She brings her hand to her mouth, biting down hard on her palm so she doesn’t make a sound when her eyes roll back and her body spasms through that first orgasm.
“Good girl,” he praises as he slides his fingers out of her pussy, smirking as she lets out a breathy whimper both at the loss and the praise. Her eyes lock with his as she watches him suck his fingers clean. “What do you say we take this to the bedroom so I can really make you scream?”
In seconds, he’s flipped off all the recording equipment and saved a copy of their audio for him to edit later. She’s growing impatient, but only because she wants to finally have her way with him. “Done?” When he nods, she takes his hand, leading him to his bedroom. “Good, because it’s my turn now.”
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libsterslobsters · 4 years
What Is and What Should Never Be: Part 3
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Summary: As the Reader and Bucky adjust to the latest change in their lives, the age old question surfaces: when is the right time to tell your friends that you're having a baby? Or in this case, how long can you keep it a secret from the Avengers?
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x fem!enhanced! super-soldier! reader
(Reader can see pieces of the future in visions and understand every language)
Warnings: Language, fluff, maybe a tiny bit of angst, mentions of body image issues, pregnant.
Author's note: Fun factoid: I'm a mom in real life. I experienced pregnancy and childbirth. As such, I pulled from my personal experiences (and my wonderful husband's support) to write this. That's in no way me saying that my experiences are standard for every pregnant person. As always, the reader is unnamed for those of you who prefer to read this as a self-insert, but for some reason, I've named her Violet in my own mind.
“I want to keep this between us for as long as possible.”
He’s been away on a mission for the past week and a half, living on little to no sleep, so she feels bad for bringing this up now, while he’s trying to rest, but if she doesn’t get it out of the way, she’s afraid she’ll chicken out.
“Hm?” He doesn’t open his eyes, doesn’t move a muscle from where his body is casually draped around hers, both of them in bed even though it’s one o’clock in the afternoon.
“You know.” She places her hand on top of his. These days, if there’s any way at all he can manage it, he’s got his palm resting on her middle, even though there’s nothing there to feel except a slight bloating.
“Thought we were safe.” It’s said with a yawn, the words more slurred than spoken.
“We are.” Relatively. They’re at thirteen weeks now, outside the treacherous first trimester. Still… “I know we’ll have to tell the team eventually, but I’d rather that wait until it’s an absolute must.” She’s in the reserves, a last-resort Avenger, and thankfully she hasn’t been called up yet and had to lie about why she’s rejecting a mission. That luck will run out one day, but until it does…
“We’re always gonna be on guard, from here on out. The child of two super soldiers, one of them with…” She still doesn’t know quite what to call it. “…strange abilities…”
His eyes open, a look of immediate understanding forming on his face.
“We could retire.”
She’s thought about it, but she shakes her head.
“No. One of us has to stay in. We’ve got a better chance of keeping her safe from the bad guys if one of us is on a team with the good guys, and if the choices are you staying in or me-”
“I’m the better option.”
He is, as much as she hates it.
“Okay.” He nods. “But we’re on borrowed time here. It’s not as if we can hide the fact that one day, we’re gonna have a kid living with us. And even before then-” Time to lighten the mood.
“Buck, you’d better not be about to insinuate that I’m going to get fat.”
He snorts.
“God, no. Do I look stupid to you?” She raises an eyebrow. “Don’t answer that.”
“You know, your hair does stick up in the mornings-”
“Don’t answer it, Doll.”
“Sgt. Barnes!” Bucky stops in his tracks. He’s running a little late, yeah, but surely that’s not enough for Rhodes to come running after him, literally chase him down through the Avengers compound. “Hold up, Soldier. I need to have a word with you.” He thinks he knows what this is about, but still, he’s not going to say anything until he absolutely has to.
Rhodey stops in front of him, arms crossed, scowling.
“Barnes, would you happen to know why I got an email this morning from your wife, handing in her resignation?” It’s exactly what he thought.
“Yes.” It’s clear from Rhodes’ expression that he’s expecting Bucky to say more, but he’s not going to give in. She resigned. They talked about it, and not only is it her right to quit this job, it’s also a damn good decision all things considered.
“That’s it? ‘Yes’?”
“That’s right.”
Rhodey sighs.
“Barnes, I need a little more information here. Why in the hell would she suddenly quit, straight out of the blue?”
“It’s not my place to say. You’d have to ask her.”
He could say. Of course he could. But, she made some good points about keeping the baby a secret, and he’s in total agreement (in theory; in practice, he doesn’t think they’ll be able to pull it off for more than another month or so, considering who they work with).
“I’m not gonna get anything out of you, am I?” Rhodey’s doing his very best to stare him down, but it’s a lost cause.
“No, sir.”
“Alright.” Finally, he’s waved off. “You’re dismissed, Sergeant, but there’d better be a good explanation for all this.”
He thinks that’ll be the end of it. Unfortunately, when he meets up with Sam for a debrief, the questions start all over again.
“What’s up with you lately? You and the Mrs. on the rocks or something?” Or something. The opposite, really, but it’s definitely something.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Come on.” Sam narrows his eyes at him. “You never let your phone go past the first ring, even if it’s not a saved number. You can’t wait to get out of here at night and you’re late in the mornings. It’s clear your mind’s somewhere else.”
“I’ve had your back, same as always.”
“Sure.” Sam nods. “You’ve had my back, but your heart’s not in it. So what gives?”
This is one where he’s not sure he can just go with, “I’m not telling you” and get away with it. They’re partners, after all. Sam deserves some reassurances.
“I swear I’ll tell you eventually, but not right now. It’s nothing bad, though. Nothing that’ll affect the team.” He’s not sure of that last part, but at least it seems to reassure Sam somewhat.
“You’d better, or else I’ll kick your serum-ed up ass, metal arm or not.” Uh-huh. Sure. That seems likely.
The rest of the day is pretty quiet (well, except for his phone dinging with a text alert: “Just dipped a carrot in melted chocolate ice cream for some reason and ate it. I’m disgusted with myself. Also, it was really good.” which made him have to bite his tongue so hard he tasted blood so he wouldn’t laugh during a meeting). He thinks he’s survived it, gotten away with having a gigantic secret (that’s actually the size of a lemon currently according to one of the books he’s reading). That is, until he’s unlocking his car, and a hand comes down on his shoulder. Without thinking, he goes on the defensive, pinning the other person to the car opposite him, only realizing once he’s got one hand around her throat that it’s not an attack. It’s Wanda.
“Sorry.” He lets her go, briefly checking her over for injuries. None, although she looks a little ruffled.
“My fault. I should know by now not to sneak up on you.”
He nods and pulls his car door open.
“Congratulations, by the way.” And, he’s frozen to the spot. “About the baby.” How does she… she touched him. That means she probably got a good read on him.
When he turns to look at Wanda, she’s wearing a knowing smile.
“I knew it had to be something. Either your marriage is in trouble, or she’s pregnant.” She chuckles. “Well, if you two were having a fight, you would be walking around like a kicked puppy, so that leaves the other. It only took a touch to find out. They’re both at the forefront of your mind.”
What the hell does he say to that? It’s not like he can tell Wanda she’s wrong. She literally looked inside his mind. There’s no coming back from that.
“How many weeks is she?” He keeps his mouth shut, which apparently amuses the Scarlet Witch. “You know I’ll just find out for myself if you don’t tell me.” Fine. He knows when he’s beaten.
“Fourteen.” Or will be in another two days.
She frowns. “Why the big secret? You’re safe, aren’t you?”
“As safe as anyone can be in this line of work.” That seems to satisfy Wanda.
“Tell your better looking half that I’m sending my best wishes. Oh, and that if anyone tries to touch her or the malysh, I’ll kill them myself.” She’ll have to get in line.
“You’ll keep this to yourself, right?” She smirks.
“Of course I will. The perfect picture of discretion.” The funny thing is, he can’t tell if she’s joking or not.
The familiar chorus of Johnny Cash’s “Man In Black” sounds from her phone just as she’s about to head towards the fitting room. Normally, it’d make her smile for two reasons: one, it’s him calling her, and two, she always pictures the scowl on his face whenever he hears the song because he hates it and, “I’m not seeing why that song reminds you of me, Doll. There’s no similarities whatsoever.” (never mind that every single one of their friends has heard it once, and cracked up because it’s so damn on the nose, it’s hilarious), but right now… well, she wishes he could’ve held off another fifteen minutes.
“Hey. Where are you?” She holds the phone away from her ear long enough to check the time. Five forty-five. Well, at least he waited a solid five minutes after he arrived home (yes, she knows the length of his commute down to the minute) to call and make sure she’s not dead in a ditch.
“I’m…” She’s not ready to tell him exactly what she’s up to. It’s too embarassing. “Running errands. Shopping.” It’s the truth; she’s just choosing to omit for what.
“Oh.” There’s a brief pause, then- “I got into a debate with Sam today, and I was wondering if you’d be the deciding vote. Who’s the better singer: Frank Sinatra or Bing Crosby?”
It’s their designated question, a signal for, “Are you being held against your will/is someone listening?” For a moment, she’s so frustrated (normal people don’t need a signal for “have you been kidnapped”) she considers shooting back, “Well, Sinatra was a wife beater and Crosby was a philanderer. That’s not even to mention the mob ties, so no matter what, they were both dicks. ” but swallows it down. No need to snap at him, or worse, scare him.
“Sinatra, but in my opinion, he’s overrated.” There’s an audible sigh of relief, and that melts some of her irritation. Some, not all. “I’m sorry. I should’ve texted, but I thought I’d be home before you noticed.”
The whole ‘overprotective’ thing has always existed (how could it not in their line of work, and in the past, it’s as often her sending a “you okay?” text as him), but in the past two months, it’s gone into overdrive. This is the fourth time this week she’s received a worried call, and it’s only Tuesday! It’s sweet how much he cares, but she’s starting to suspect that by the time nine months are up, she’ll be under constant surveilance.
“It’s okay. I’m being a little…” He trails off (well, at least he’s self-aware). “I could’ve stopped by the store and picked up whatever you needed on my way home, Doll. Saved you a trip.”
“Not this, you couldn’t have.” It slips out before she can think better of it. Dammit. Now she’s going to have to answer-
“What is it?” -that. Fuck.
“Can we talk about this later?”
“I guess, but I’m still confused. Are you sure you’re okay?” Ugh. Fine. It’s not like she needed that last shred of pride anyway.
“This is humiliating, but-” She takes a deep breath and spits it out all in one go, “-mystupidpantsdon’tfit.”
“What?” He has enhanced hearing. Not to mention he speaks several languages, and he couldn’t decipher that? She pinches the bridge of her nose to keep from losing her cool completely. None of this is his fault. Well, except the obvious.
“My pants. They’re too tight in the waist. I can’t breathe in them, so I decided to go and get something-” She examines one of the ugly pairs of nondescript yoga pants in her cart. “-more forgiving.”
There’s no real bump yet, but she’s at the awkward point where she’s too big for her normal clothes, and too small for maternity. Hence, workout wear. Workout wear and loose shirts that, despite their design, don’t fool anyone into thinking she’s still the same size.
“Okay, but why is that humiliating?” In that moment, she hates him almost as much as she loves him.
“It just is. I’ll see you at home in another forty-five, tops.”
She’s about to just hang up, when-
“Take your time. Just text me when you’re on your way so I know you’re safe.” Dammit. And, now she’s tearing up in the middle of a department store because no one has ever cared this much about her before, my god she’s lucky to have him, and he’ll be a great father.
“Will do. Love you.”
A trip to the dressing room confirms what she thought: there’s absolutely nothing flattering about anything that’ll fit her. She looks oddly reminiscent of Thor when they contacted him to try, once again, to defeat Thanos; too many days skipped at the gym, an over-indulgence in beer and pizza. Not pregnant. Just letting herself go. Still, she can breathe, sit, and as she finds out once she’s loading bags into the back of her car, bend over in her new clothes, so she bites the bullet and buys the items that, once this is over, she’ll never wear again.
She’s still in a bad mood when she gets home, and it’s not improved when she remembers how many papers she has to grade before tomorrow morning. The scent of a frozen lasagna (she had enhanced senses before, but now her nose is going bonkers) wafts from the kitchen, letting her know where he is, and since it’s a guarantee he will have heard the door open and close, she doesn’t bother to call out an “I’m home.” before heading up the stairs to see if her purchases look better in different lighting.
Short answer: no, they don’t. Long answer: “I look like an overgrown toddler.” As she mutters it to herself, she pulls on the hem of her oversized shirt. Nope, still not a great look.
“Where’s the glow?” She asks the woman in the mirror, who’s peering at her in mild disgust. “I was told there’s supposed to be a glow.” Of course there’s no answer. Completely discouraged, she peels off her clothes and replaces them with a pair of his sweatpants and a tshirt, then, finally feeling the effects of her long day, climbs into bed for a quick nap.
She has no idea how long she’s been out when she feels the mattress shift, signaling that she’s no longer alone. For all she knows, she could be dreaming it. But, as a cool metal hand brushes back a few tendrils from her cheek, she knows she’s having no such luck. He’s here. Time to play “I’m just fine”.
“Hey. Sorry to wake you up. Especially when you look so damn cute, curled up fast asleep wearing my clothes.”
Her eyes are still closed, but she rolls them.
“There must be-” A yawn cuts her off half-way through. “-something wrong with your vision, Barnes, because I wouldn’t exactly call this ‘cute’.”
“You’re right.” She blinks up at him, confused. “More like beautiful. My mistake.”
She knows better than to do it, but she scoffs.
She attempts to sit up, but it’s no good. He catches her shoulder and gently pushes her back down.
“It’s not nothing. Talk to me. What’s going on?”
She studies his expression, analyzing the slightly confused pout, the furrowed brow. No way he’s gonna let this one go. She’ll have to explain.
“I just….” What’s the best way to put she hates everything about herself physically? “...don’t really like how I look right now.” And now, he looks even more confused.
“Why not?” Honestly, how dense can he be?
“Let’s see: I’m bloated, I’ve gone up a cup size but instead of it being fun and sexy, it hurts, all of my clothes either don’t fit or they highlight that I’ve gained weight, and no matter how much I shave, it looks like a damn thicket!” Her frustration gets the better of her, and she’s nearly shouting by the last word. Feeling guilty, she rolls over so that she won’t have to see his face.
“Oh.” Oh? That’s it? What does it matter? It’s not like this is something you can kiss and make better. She’s grateful to have made it out of the first trimester, truly she is. And this baby that she never thought would exist, this little piece of both of them? She loves it with her whole heart. But right now, she really feels shitty.
“I hate to break it to you doll, but I think you might be the one with the vision problem, because that’s not at all what I see.” She opens her mouth to tell him she’s really not in the mood for platitudes, but then his fingers are in her hair, pulling it back from her face, and she decides to shut up.
“I haven’t noticed if it looks like a damn thicket anywhere on your body.” She rolls her eyes.
“Not noticed, my ass.”
“No, I always notice your ass-” She left herself open for that one. “-but if there’s any stray hairs, I haven’t noticed, and I don’t care. Not at all.” But she does. This is supposed to be a beautiful time in her life where she’s getting more in touch with her feminine side. Well, right now she doesn’t feel like a delicate fucking flower. She feels like a walrus, and it’s only going to get worse.
“This, though-” he tugs lightly at her hair. “-it’s gotten thicker. Whenever I wake up and you’re still out, I kinda have to resist the urge to just run my fingers through it, ‘cause it’s just begging to be touched.” He places a gentle kiss on her hairline, trailing down her cheek, her jaw, the side of her neck, and finally her collar bone. “It may not be fun, but it’s definitely still sexy that you’ve gone up a cup size. Even more than that, it’s incredible. You’re body’s going through so many changes to make sure that she gets whatever she needs. I can’t wait to see what else happens.” It is pretty incredible, when she thinks about it. But she still can’t help feeling… off.
They’re side by side now, his body curled around hers, and as per usual, his hand has found it’s way to her middle. “She’s growing, getting stronger every day. That’s thanks to you, Doll. You’re already taking care of her, and she’s not even here.” Her eyes close again as the soft words are spoken against the back of her head. “She’s lucky to have you as her mom. I’m lucky to have you. And it’s okay if you don’t like how you look right now. I’ll keep reminding you how amazing you are until you can see it on your own.” As she drifts off again, she can’t help that think how she’s pretty damn lucky too.
He can’t really explain it, not even to himself. When Bucky was a young man, fatherhood, or rather the months leading up to it weren’t talked about. Pregnancy in general wasn’t. A woman started getting bigger around the middle and after a few months, there was a baby. Of course he knew it was a little more complicated than that, but he never heard his dad or uncles talk about what they experienced as they waited for the day they’d become someone’s father.
Maybe that’s why he has such a hard time connecting to this whole experience in any other way. His wife is pregnant. They’re having a baby. He’s got that. Hell, they’ve even heard the heartbeat, and there’s a picture stashed in the back of his wallet from that first ultrasound. He loves this kid, who at this point, could fit into the palm of his hand, but since it’s not happening to him, he’s not the one physically going through this, in some ways it’s still distant.
However, the one thing he can do, the one thing that has made it feel more real, like he knows this someone he’s never seen before, is having his hand over where she’s currently residing. He doesn’t know where the exact location is (sure, he’s done googling, and there’s just common sense, but he’s not a doctor), but for a reason he can’t quite work out, it somehow feels like, in that way, he’s in tune with her. She’s tucked away safe already, but he can give her that extra barrier of warmth, and maybe in some untangible way that science can’t explain, love. It’s as close as he can get until she’s here in his arms, and for now, it’ll do.
That’s why, when he becomes half-way conscious, the early morning sun peeking in through the blinds, he doesn’t have to wonder what he’s touching. He already knows. However, this time, there is something different. Moving slowly, trying not to wake his sleeping wife (goodness knows she need the rest; she’s making an entire other person), he readjusts his palm. That’s when it hits him. There’s a certain roundness, a slight firmness, that wasn’t there yesterday. If he had to venture a guess, he’d say-
“Morning, sunshine.” As she says it, she yawns, stretching so that her shirt rides up and he gets a good look. He’s right. That’s exactly what’s going on.
“Not that I don’t enjoy you ogling me, but what’s got your attention?”
Taking a deep breath to try and keep his excitement down, he pulls her just a little bit closer and murmurs. “Doll, I think you’re showing.”
“What?” She’s still sleepy, he can tell from the way her eyelids flutter. “No, I’m just bloated.
“I’m serious. Go take a look in the mirror when you get up.”
“Which will be right now, because…” Feigning an over-dramatic sigh, she extracts herself from the tangle of limbs they’ve formed in their sleep. “… I have to pee for the first of at least thirty times today.”
He thinks about joking that at least it’s not morning sickness (for a few weeks there, she informed him she was going to start just sleeping in the bathroom since that’s where she spent most of her time), but decides that’d probably be a stupid decision. His research had forewarned him that heightened emotions would be a part of this, and so far it hasn’t been too extreme, but there was the one time he came home and found her crying over an ASPCA commercial (it took a solid half-hour for her to completely recover, and when their dog licked her hand later that night, she started tearing up again), so it’s probably best not to risk it.
The toilet flushes, quickly followed by the door reopening, and she appears. He studies her face for any sign of what she might be feeling right now, but comes up empty. Finally, he has to ask.
“So, what’s the verdict?”
She climbs back into bed, rearranging the blankets over her bare legs.
“The verdict is that it’s too damn early to be awake on a Saturday.” Okay, drop the subject. That’s okay. He’ll just work harder on convincing her that she’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen until she believes it too.
“And, I think you’re right.” Her hand travels down to the small swell of her middle. “I think I’m showing.”
“Are you…” he’s not sure how to put it. “...do you feel okay about that, Doll?”
She nods, smiling.
“Yeah, I do. In all honesty, it’s kind of a relief.” He frowns, confused. “Well, now I feel a little less awkward. I look less like I ate something funky and now I have bad gas, and more like I’m pregnant.”
Despite his best efforts, he snickers at her description.
“Barnes, it’s rude to laugh at the mother of your child.”
“Really?” He does his best to feign confusion. “Well, is it okay if I kiss her?”
“Nice save.” She leans towards him, pushing a few tray hairs back from his forehead. “And yeah, I think that’s acceptable.” He doesn’t need to be told twice.
It’s a practiced routine at this point. Their lips meet, his arm circling her back, pulling her closer. Her hand travels up his back, tracing lazy patterns, as her heart begins to beat faster against his chest. Someone (he’s never quite sure who) lets out the first telling moan, and then he’s pressing her back against the pillows, hovering over her, fingers toying with the hem of her shirt. Normally this would lead to her shedding it altogether and him following suit, but just as he rucks up the material past her waist, his phone goes off. From the ringtone, he knows it’s Sam. Can’t be ignored, then.
“I swear, he has radar.” She murmurs it against his lips as, with one final peck, he rolls over and sits up.
“That or he’s sitting outside with his binoculars waiting for the worst possible moment to call.” As he says it, he presses the phone to his ear. “What?”
“Good morning to you too.” He almost shoots back that it was gonna be, but swallows it down. “Meet me at the compound in thirty. We’ve got to go. Briefing once we’re in the air.”
“For how long-”
“I don’t know, man. A few days, at least.” It’s silent for a moment then- “If the missus wanted to join us on this one, we could use her.” He glances at the woman in question, now out of bed and going through their shared closet, packing his bag.
“Yeah, I don’t think so. See you soon.” Not waiting for a reply, he hangs up.
“You’re going someplace warm.” As she speaks, she adds a few short sleeved t-shirts to the black duffle bag he always carries when he has to go away. “And from what I saw, you’ll end up using knives as opposed to guns at least once.” Seems like this time around, her visions have decided to be helpful instead of random and vaguely annoying.
She glances back at him over her shoulder, offering him a small smile. “Get a move on, Buck. Sounded like Sam’s not in a mood to wait.” That he can agree with.
By the time he finishes brushing his teeth and making sure his hair won’t fool people into thinking he received an electric shock in his sleep, she’s already got his bag packed, weapons case by the front door, and a breakfast burrito heated up. It’s not the first time they’ve done this; said a hasty goodbye when one or the other of them had to answer the call, but this time as he holds her close and promises, once again, to come back in one piece, he can’t help but feel like he’s doing the exact opposite as what he should. It’s never a matter of wanting to go, wanting to fight. That’s never something anyone wants. But usually, he has a sense of peace about it, like in some small way, he’s making up for all the things he’s done in his past that he wishes he could forget. This time, as he drives himself to the compound, he can’t shake the feeling that the greatest good he’ll ever do in his life is in that townhouse, promising to wait for his return.
The briefing is short. It’s a dangerous situation, one that’ll require their presence for several days, if not a full week, but it’s nothing he hasn’t done before. After all he’s seen, he’ll never take it for granted again that a mission will be routine, run smoothly, but over all, he’s not unduly worried. Sam, however? The man hasn’t stopped frowning since they set foot on the quinjet, and there’s no sign that it’ll let up anytime soon.
Finally, he doesn’t have any other choice. If he doesn’t address the elephant in the room now, it’ll hang over the mission, and that won’t be good news for anyone.
“Say it.”
For a second, he thinks Sam is going to keep mum, but then, with a sigh, he asks,
“Man, what the hell is going on with you lately?” Oh. This again. “I know you said it wouldn’t affect the team, but we’re partners. If there’s something going on in your life that’ll impact how you handle this mission-” He starts to interrupt, but Sam is quicker. “-and don’t give me that bullshit that it won’t, I know a big fucking deal when I see it. I need to know.”
This is it. They’ve had a good run, but this is one secret he won’t be able to keep anymore.
“I get it. Couples split up. Divorces happen.” Wait- “But keeping it to yourself won’t help anything. Plus, since we all know her and work with her-”
“We’re not splitting up.” Never will, if he has anything to do with it.
“Okay, well, marriage troubles are part of things. Maybe you two could try therapy-”
“She’s pregnant, Sam.” So that’s how you make Sam Wilson go dead silent. He’ll have to remember that for future reference (although this seems like something you can only use one time).
“Not doing much. She’s the one with the hard job.”
Sam’s mouth opens and closes a few times before he manages to get out, “You’re gonna have a baby.”
“Actually, she’s the one-”
“You know what I mean.”
He nods.
“Yeah. We are.”
“Damn.” Sam sinks into the seat next to him. “You’re gonna be a dad. That’s not something I was expecting to hear when I got up this morning.”
He chuckles.
“Wasn’t exactly something we were expecting to hear either, but there it is.” In another four and a half months or so, they’ll be parents.
“So, um-” Sam clears his throat. “-are you guys good? Happy about it and all that?”
“We’re good.” He nods. “Still getting used to it, but we’re good.”
“What about you? Are you happy about it?”
This is one he can answer without any hesitation or second guessing. It’s a simple fact, one he’ll admit every time.
“Yeah. I’m happy.”
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unluckyopossum · 4 years
I Need A Place I Can Rest- CH 2 
Viktor Vector x Fem!V
Vik wants to fix things for V more than anything. V just needs somewhere to feel safe.
This chapter romance is acquired by the two idiots who struggle to appropriately discuss feelings.
Read on AO3
A jarring electronic ding broke the silence in the cramped elevator lobby. Vik had been waiting, shuffling back and forth anxiously, for what felt like an eternity. Desperately hoping he was being led to V and not a pointless chase by his guide. His only company was the small hairless cat sitting patiently by his feet, occasionally looking up at him in a way that made Vik feel the cat knew more about his situation than even he did.
The lift doors finally creaked open and the ripper darted inside slamming the roof button as soon as it lit up, the doors closing slowly again behind him. As the elevator began it's achingly slow ascent he glanced down, surprised to see the cat again. He hadn't even noticed it come in, or move at all for that matter. Maybe the little guy was just as worried about V as he was, V always being one to give the alley cat a scratch and a snack. As he bent down to give his little helper a scratch on the head, he realized he hadn't even taken off his exo-glove in his rush. Taking a moment to finally pay attention to what he was wearing he felt he looked a little disheveled. Exo glove on, shirt loose from where v had grabbed it, sunglasses on in the dark; But V had seen him like that plenty of times, and there was no time to feel self conscious now. No time to worry about how V would feel about an old man confessing to her. An old washed up legend no one even remembered. The cat mowed again sounding almost stern. “Right, now or never, nothing to lose” he said aloud, clearly only for him .
Another ding sounded and the elevator groaned to a halt, shuddering slightly. The tightness in his chest and urgency with which he scaled the last flight of stairs to the open rooftop felt like his old boxing days. Entering the ring for a fight he wasn't prepared to win, but he hadn't backed down from any of those fights either. V was higher stakes than any of those matches had ever been, more important to him than his pride, that was for sure. Rounding the corner to Misty's special retreat he heard a familiar voice, but an unfamiliar sound coming from it.
A soft whimpering fluttered through the air, barely audible over the street noise below the building. Vik was halted in his tracks by the scene in front of him as he started to exit the stairwell. V sat in one of the red plastic porch chairs Misty had set up, staring at the roof edge in front of her, lips moving and occasionally gesturing to empty air. Red neon reflected off the tracks of moisture in lines down her cheeks. She hung her head, back hunching and shaking as the sounds of a few sobs escaping her lips. Before Vik was able to move forward her head lifted back up out of her hands and she looked back at the empty space at the edge of the railing.
" God I'm so fucking stupid Johnny, what if he hates me now, or thinks I'm dumb, and a waste of his time. Just some stupid gonk brained kid." her voice was shaky in a way he had never heard before. Even with all the injuries and pain she had shown up in at his clinic, her voice had always stayed steady. Even after the news of the relic… losing Jackie... he hadn't ever seen the merc cry.
" I know, I know, 'just grow a pair V, if not now when.'" she says in a deeper almost mocking tone.
" Well there's no way he is interested in me Johnny, that's why" an exasperated sigh escaped her, a frequent occurrence in her conversations with Silverhand.
" Well I at least wanted to be his friend for the little time I have left you ass, and I blew that too" between each sentence a pause hung that Vik could only assume was Silverhand’s response. Her voice seemed to be rising slowly as the conversation moved forward and the ripper didn't know if it was his place to interrupt them.
" Not everyone thinks like you Johnny, that only works in BDs and I highly doubt Vik would be into something like that"
Like what? … whatever the rocker was telling her he wasn't sure he wanted to know, but couldn't help but be curious.
" Look Johnny, you can tell me not to care what he thinks as much as you want but I can't help it, you know as well as I do how I feel about him and... fuck I just don't want him being disappointed in me "
Finally seeing a place to step in Vik stepped out from the stairwell overhang walking towards V, trying to convey confidence with his gait.
"Could never be disappointed in you sweetheart" he passed by the empty chair next to V, instead kneeling in front of the merc. Obscuring her view of Johnny if he had judged his location right, hoping to have her focus solely on himself. She sat lips just slightly parted, eyes wide in surprise ,and a startled sputter all she managed to respond with. Vik pushed his shades up on his head, wanting to see her without anything getting in the way.
" V your the strongest woman I have ever known, how do you think I could be disappointed in you" he smiled up at her, green eyes shining so bright she could almost see her reflection in them. His gloved hand came up to her knee giving her a gentle squeeze, one that could normally be taken as supportive or just for comfort if he had moved his hand after. But he didn't, he left it firmly in place, the skin under it felt surprisingly warm for the cool night city evening.
“Scared? now that I could be… not that it’s easy for me to say sweetheart. I don’t want to lose you V, and I didn’t want to put more weight on your shoulders by making you worry about my feelings.” his bare hand reached up to wipe the streaks of tears off her cheeks. It was hard to tell with only neon illuminating her but he thought they were a bit more flushed than they had been.
“Look V you clearly know I’m no good at this, and I’m real sorry about that. I’m going to do my best though and try not to fuck this up.
“ Vik what are you” She stuttered out trying to wrap her head around everything that was happening. Still stunned that the ripper had come after her at all after she had thrown what she considered to be a childish tantrum in the clinic.
“ First I need to apologize V. I know I was mad about Silverhand, maybe even jealous, but I didn’t need to take that out on you.”
Jealous… she caught onto that word, latched on even. She couldn’t quite grasp what Vik could possibly be jealous of Johnny for, the gonk was dead and stuck inside her head with a terrible personality. She didn’t even consider that it could be all the time Johnny got to spend with her, the quiet moments at night, even waking up and feeding the cat together.
“Not being able to fix this, well it kills me V. I just want to protect you, keep you safe and not being able to do that is harder than I ever could have thought. I thought not saying anything would be part of protecting you, making your life a little more simple when things were goin crazy. Looks like I was wrong though and I should have told you how I feel a while ago.”
A pained expression came over her face as it crumpled up with a loud sniffle from her. “Vik… I have wanted to say something for so long, but you shouldn’t… you should want to be with me.”
“V why, I know it’s not my strong suit but I want to listen. I know the two of us have had a hard time speakin about these things but now sure seems like the time” He had given her knee another squeeze and placed his free hand on her forearm resting in her lap. Partially because he just wanted to touch her, but also due to the look of cornered prey she had as the concept of having to share her feelings and be vulnerable for once. He hoped the touch would be some comfort and connect them in a way. That squeeze seemed to be the only thing needed to break down the floodgates as tears began to slowly run down her cheeks again as words started to tumble out of her mouth with barely a breath in between.
“ Vik we both know I’m basically living on borrowed time with my own body as a death bed, stuck in my own head as I lose myself, even though Johnny wants out. He’s the only one I can even talk to about all this because when I have tried to bring it up I can't make myself speak. I’m so scared of pushing you away Vik, so scared of telling you too much and you deciding you can’t be around me. Because who would want to be with someone who might be Johnny Silverhand at any moment. I’m so scared to love you Vik but it’s way too late for that, I want you so much, and it makes my heart hurt constantly because I try to keep away from you, which you know doesn’t last any time at all. Even in the worst times I have when all I can see is my own doom, I'm thinking about you Viktor Vector, and it's just not fair of me to put this on you. It’s fucked but I just want to spend the little time I have with you” She finished with another loud sniffle having to take time to catch her breath.
Vik took the pause as the perfect opportunity to stand and lean down to wrap his arms around the smaller woman. His impressive size may not have been as useful for his ripper work as it was for boxing, but her frame being completely enveloped in his arms made her immediately lose some of the tension she had in her. That he thought was more important than anything else.
“V you aren’t putting anything on me I don’t want, wish I had realized we felt the same way ages ago. I think I’m old enough to decide if it’s worth it to be together too, and for me it is V. It’s going to take way more than the relic to keep me from being into you V, but I’ve known that for a long time.”
He stepped back giving her a little space as he rubbed the back of his head, embarrassed to admit how long he had wanted her and not said a word.
“ We’re going to figure this out V so you better count on that ‘little time you have left’ being a lot longer than you think.” A familiar smirk spread on his lips “ but if you’ll have this old man I’d spend every second with you that I can”
That finally got a smile to lift her wet cheeks as she stood to meet him, throwing her arms over his shoulders and around his neck. He head buried in his chest momentarily before looking up into his eyes, caught by them again, a frequent occurrence for her.
“ Vik you do know you aren’t even that old right? I mean just look at Johnny and Rouge, you don’t even want to know what Johnny tried to get up to with her… oh that was supposed to be private apparently.” Vik let out a deep chuckle, his hands moving into place on her hips, fingertips idly playing with the edge of her pants.
“ So Vik, even if I’m right and I don’t have much time left… would you spend it with me?”
“You don't even have to ask sweetheart, you know I will, and I’ll be here to listen even on the worst days”
“ you do know Johnny is gonna be with us every step of the way until we get this sorted right? Well of course you know.... But is that okay?”
“ Well maybe he could give us a bit of private time” He said with another smirk as she blushed furiously” V, dealing with Silverhand is a very small price to pay for being with you”
“ He said it should be an added bonus.” she giggled and smiled at him, the blush still lingering on her cheeks '' Johnny promised he would figure out a way to fix me so you can keep patching my dumbass up forever” the widest smile graced his face since he had found her, the idea of dealing with V forever was much more appealing than she could know.
” Fine, I'm holding you both to that sweetheart. Though as your ripper i could recommend being a bit more careful in your next fight.” The deep rumble of his laugh shook through his chest with her head still resting gently on it.
A tug at the back of Vik’s neck pulled his head down slightly as V stretched up to reach him. Her lips brushed his so lightly it took him a moment to register the kiss. Once it fully clicked a soft groan escaped his lips and his fingers tightened holding her waist firm and he met her lips once more. This time he met her lips passionately, firmly pressing their lips together and pulling her hips towards him so their bodies were flush against each other.
A meow at their feet broke them apart to look, both panting and flushed. The cat looked impatiently up at V clearly wanting something from her, as she shuffled her feet feeling suddenly rather embarrassed for initiating the kiss as reciprocated as it was.
“ Shit Vik, I gotta feed Nibbles, and I’m still covered in blood. I should probably head home for the night… feed this one on the way out.”
She stepped back, having to look away from him now or she didn’t think she would be getting off that roof tonight. She was clearly about to make a move to leave when Vik caught her wrist.
“ dinner tomorrow” he said, still sounding almost out of breath.
“Let me make you dinner tomorrow, like you know… an actual date”
A grin popped onto V’s face immediately, never thinking those were words she would get to hear the Viktor Vector say to her. Words she had wanted to hear so badly.
“Deal, my place after you close up” She leaned up once more giving him another quick kiss before practically skipping to the elevator, cat on her heels. She was practically unrecognizable as the woman he had watched sobbing not much earlier, her mood clearly turned completely around.
Vik sunk down into the plastic chair letting out an exhausted sigh, still stunned at everything that had just happened. He tried to wrap his head around V actually being into him and trying to calm down from how flustered V had made him with their kiss, glad she hadn’t seemed to pick up on it.
The fingers of both hands rubbing his, he had suggested making dinner for V but definitely had blurted it out before really coming up with a plan. Figuring out what to make was his first order of business as he got up to head home and begin his recipe research. Next would be what to wear, and that would require a consultation from Misty. He had almost forgotten about her, she would be overjoyed after pushing him to say something to V for months, probably even more so when he told her the rooftop retreat had been the spot where the tell finally happened. The elevator dinged to let him know it was time to head back down to the streets and he stepped in, happy to be going home for the first time in a long while. In fact, he realized he hadn’t been this happy in longer than he could remember, finally feeling optimistic about what was to come because him and V would be facing it together.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
1. What would you do if your pet suddenly started to talk to you, but nobody else could hear it? Would you assume you'd gone mad or simply be happy for the company? Would you try to convince your friends and family or would you be satisfied keeping it to yourself? Omggg, that would be so trippy. I’d definitely be freaked out at first and think someone slipped me something haha. I think I’d keep trying to talk to her and get her to respond before it really set it in that it was really happening. I’d have so many questions and things I’d want to say. That would be so cool. Hopefully, she wouldn’t have anything bad to say... ha. What if she just started going in on me about everything I’ve said and what she has observed. She’d be like, “girl, you need to get your shit together.” haha. What if she wasn’t as sweet and loving as I think she is? :O lol. Nah, we’d have an even closer bond. (: Anyway, I honestly don’t know if I would tell anyone. I’d certainly want to. I’m positive I would try and record her talking for proof. If not, then maybe I’d try to prove it another way. Like, have my family say or ask her something without me hearing and then ask her about it and tell them what she said. I’d find some way!
2. When you answer the phone, what do you typically say? Is it different depending on whom the caller ID says it is (if you have caller ID)? Generally, just a typical “hello.” Sometimes I’ll say something else when my mom calls. Like, jokingly I might act annoyed and say, “What do you want?” or “Hey, boobala/boob” lol. My family and I call each other those nicknames. 
3. Is there a food that you only recently started to like? If so, what is it and when did you start liking it? How often do you try again foods you don't like to see if your tastes have changed? Prior to a couple months ago I didn’t eat breakfast sandwiches very often and the addition of cream cheese was something new for me. It’s not that I didn’t like breakfast sandwiches before, it just wasn’t something I had too often. My brother got me hooked on this local place that makes ‘em and then we started making our own. I also started eating guacamole with my scrambled eggs. I don’t retry foods I don’t like. If I don’t like something then I just don’t eat it again. 
4. Who would you NOT want to read the surveys you've posted on here? What would most likely happen if they did read it? Is there anyone you actually wish would read your survey answers but whom doesn't? I’m really open on here and share stuff that I don’t express or open up about in person. I can get deep and dark sometimes. I wouldn’t want my family to see some of my responses because I wouldn’t want them to worry or know certain things. There isn’t anyone I know that I want to see my surveys. These are like my personal journal entries. ...that people I don’t know can read... ha.
5. What three things do you think will become obsolete in the next ten years, and why? Hmm. I don’t know. That requires more thinking than I can be bothered to do.
6. Do you watch Glee? If so, which song do you want to hear on there that they have not yet done? If not, which TV show do you think has the best soundtrack? No, I never got into Glee. I’m not sure about which show I’d say has the best soundtrack. I don’t really pay that much attention to that.
7. What do you find to be the most irritating piece of clothing to wear wet? Are you the type of person to go to great lengths to avoid getting your clothing wet? What about your hair? Jeans for sure, but I don’t like wearing wet clothes of any kind. It’s just uncomfortable and makes me cold. I don’t feel I have to go great lengths to avoid getting wet, though. I don’t encounter situations where that could happen all that often. I don’t mind if it’s raining and I get a little wet, but I don’t want to get drenched. I don’t really care about my hair getting wet anymore, but I used to hate it when I actually attempted styling my hair because my hair gets very frizzy and flat when it gets wet. 
8. How often do you witness discrimination? Do you ever speak up about it when you do see it? Or would you only speak up if the discrimination was directed toward you or someone close to you? >> I don't often witness anything, to be honest, since I'm home so often. I don't really have significant experience with blatant discrimination, despite my myriad marginalities. <<< 
9. Do you think you would be able to pull off a crime perfectly, without being caught? What about other lies? For example, cheating on your partner without getting caught? Would you be able to get away with it? No. Not that I have any desire to try, but I know I would be too scared and anxious and make mistakes. Not to mention the guilt. Something would give myself away for sure. 
10. Are you the type to get embarrassed if your parent/parents acts/act your age? Do they do this often? Or do you think it's stupid to put an age on the way one can act? Pfft, my parents are awesome. My mom especially is a lot cooler than me. People love her.
11. Do you know anyone who has divorced and remarried the same person? What do you/would you think of someone who does that? No, not personally.  12. Do you say goodnight to anybody before you go to bed? If so, does it feel weird if you go to bed without saying it to them? My family and I say it to each other and yeah it does feel weird if for some reason one of us doesn’t. 
13. How do you react when you're scared? Do you scream, jump, cover your eyes, etc.? I’m really jumpy and skittish. If it involves a bug, I really freak out and it’s super embarrassing. 
14. Who is the best storyteller you know? What do you find best about their storytelling? Is there an interesting story of theirs you'd like to share? My grandpa was. He always told the best stories and he had a lot of ‘em. They could be quite long and go off on tangents at times, but they always came full circle. And he was really funny, too. 
15. When you check your e-mail account, how much of it do you delete without even looking at it? Do you have a separate account for junk like this? A lot of it, honestly. Some I can tell by the subject line if it’s something of interest to me like a particular sale. 
16. Do you strongly dislike (or even hate) any bands or musical artists? If so, what caused such a strong negative emotion towards them? No, I don’t have any strong negative emotions towards a band or artist. If there’s one I don’t like then I just don’t listen to them, that’s really it. 
17. What are you listening to? Is it something you would normally be found listening to, or just something you've started listening to recently? Yeah, I listen to a lot of ASMR.
18. Does/did your school bus stop directly in front of your house? If not, where does/did it stop? I never had to take the school bus, but no there isn’t one that stops in my neighborhood that I’ve ever seen. I’m not sure where to be honest. I did take the public bus in college sometimes, though. The bus stop isn’t right by my house, but it only took me a few minutes to get to it. 
19. Do you parents have any collections? If so, what do you think of those collections? My dad has his various sports memorabilia and shoes, my mom has a lot of stuff for her favorite football team, shoes, books, Baby Yoda stuff, Disney Loungefly backpacks, and some other knickknacks. 
20. Are there any movies you watch when you're feeling anxious or depressed? If so, what are they, and what about them calms you down and/or lifts your spirits? No, I don’t tend to turn to movies for that. I turn to ASMR and/or another one of my distractions. If I do decide to turn to TV, I just put on something mindless that I’ve already seen that doesn’t require much thinking or paying attention. 
21. Would you rather see a band/artist perform in a small club, an arena, or at an outdoor venue? Why? Which one have you been to most recently? I enjoy arenas, personally. From my experience, I’ve never had to be hugged up on people or feel claustrophobic in an arena. Since I’m in a wheelchair, I’ve always just sat up in the nosebleeds and there’s plenty of space and not a lot of people. I can also see better. At a small club or outdoor venue, people would be standing and I wouldn’t be able to see at all.
22. Do you have a favourite role of Johnny Depp's? If you don't like him, what is your favourite role of an actor you like? I’ve always thought he was a very talented actor. My favorite role of his is Sweeney Todd.
23. If you were in a competition to win your dream prize, and you were allowed to decide what the competition would be (trivia about your favourite band, a foot race, singing, etc.) , what would you choose and why? Uhhh. I feel like I’d still end up losing somehow even if I got to choose the competition, ha. I don’t feel like I’m super knowledgeable or especially great at anything.
24. What is your least favourite thing about the English language? Are there any other languages you prefer besides English? Just how we have words like “read” that can be pronounced differently depending on how its used and silent letters. Like why are silent letters a thing? 
25. Would you be upset if a long-term partner confessed that they had committed a serious crime before you met? How do you think it would affect your relationship? What type of crime are we talking about and did they already serve their time or whatever was required? That would be a very difficult situation to be in to say the least. If we were in a long-term relationship I couldn’t just drop them and end things like that unless they told me they committed a murder. That would cause a whirlwind of emotions and confusion and shock and gah it would be horrible. It’d be difficult because I would know a different side of them and still have feelings for them, but I wouldn’t able to get past something that serious. 
26. Who, out of the people you know, do you think has the most messed-up relationship? Have you ever spoken up about it or do you stay out of it? Have you ever been in a relationship that was really messed-up? No one I know currently. 
27. What emotion have you been feeling most commonly lately? Do you like feeling this way? If not, have you done anything to try to change it? Depressed, moody, irritable, frustrated... that’s been ongoing for years now, though. I hate feeling that way, yet I haven’t done anything to try and change it. :/
28. Why did you/your parents choose to live where you do now? Would you move right now if you were able to? Why/why not? If so, where would you like to go? My mom was born here and majority of her family lived and still live here. I’m not quite sure when my dad and his parents came here. My paternal grandparents lived here for awhile until they moved out of state about 20 years ago. My mom was very close to her parents, but they’ve both passed away 10 and 15 years ago now. But yeah, being near family and already living here was the main reason. There was other stuff, too, like not wanting me or my brother to have to change schools and then we both went to the local UC, which is a really great college. And stuff like my parents’ jobs being here and not being financially able to move. So yeah, it’s a lot of different factors, but we’ve honestly been wanting to move for a very long time. We don’t care much for the city itself. I don’t feel tied here despite living all my 31 years here so far. The last year we’ve gotten a little more serious about it and have taken some necessary steps. My brother is graduating soon and I think after that we’re going to finally do it.
29. Is there a song that you think, lyrically, describes your childhood? Have you ever had a song describe your life perfectly, each and every word? How does it make you feel when you come across songs like this? Not my childhood, but yeah there’s several songs that I just really relate to where the lyrics seem to speak right to me. I like using relatable quotes and lyrics to try and express myself or describe how I’m feeling because they do it much better than I can.
30. Do you tend to befriend people who are of a similar, smaller or larger weight than yourself? (Even if it doesn't matter to you, you can admit it.) Has it always been this way? That has honestly never been a factor when befriending someone... like, that doesn’t matter at all. I don’t know why it would. I’m concerned about a person’s personality, who they are as a person, or whether or not we connect.
31. List a random fact (each) you know about 5 of your favourite survey takers: Lane (@inchoate-surveys) has a dog that looks so much like mine named Finn. Elisabeth @bionic-beth) is a teacher in New York. Robyn (@ssurveys) likes Paramore. Lina ( @iaintgotcontrol) is from Sweden, which I think is really cool. I’d love to visit someday. Lauren (@brilliant-bloss0ms) is into interior design. 
32. Whenever you have a question about something random, are you more likely to ask Google or someone you know? Does it depend on what exactly you want to know? Do you do both? I just Google it real quick.
33. How old were you when you went on your first date? Was there anything you would change about the experience? How do you think it shaped your expectations? If you've never been on a date, what did you like best about the last meal you ate? I was in my early 20s. We went to dinner and a movie, which was how I thought a first date should go. It was nice.
34. If you had to serve a meal to an ambassador from another country that symbolized your country's culture, what would you choose? Do you think s/he would love it as much as you do? Hamburgers, fries, and apple pie. ha. That’s not my favorite meal, though. If I served my favorite food it would be boneless garic parm and lemon pepper wings, ha.
35. If someone broke into your house and robbed you, what could they take that would piss you off or upset you the most? To what lengths would you go to get it back? Has something like this already happened to you before? My laptop, definitely. There wouldn’t be a whole lot I could do to get it back. I mean yeah, I could file a report but I wouldn’t expect to ever get it back. No, thankfully nothing like that has happened before.
36. Do you enjoy watching the special features found on most DVDs? What do you usually enjoy more: the deleted scenes, the bloopers, the audio commentary, or the behind-the-scenes footage? I very rarely ever watched those, but if I did I checked out the bloopers and maybe the behind-the-scenes footage.
37. Do you care at all about the Stanley Cup playoffs? If so, which team are you rooting for, and is it different than the team you're sure will make it to the cup? If you don't care, is your family the type to get right into a sport, or is the topic of sports rarely spoken about in your house? My dad loves sports and my mom has her favorite football that she gets really into, but I have no interest in sports at all.
38. Have you ever had your own flower garden? If so, what are/were your favourite flowers to plant? No.
39. Would you ever date someone who is exactly like your youngest (or oldest, if you're the youngest) sibling? Why/why not? Some of the same qualities, yeah, such as intelligent, hardworking, ambitious, responsible, funny. 
40. Was there something you were afraid of as a child that just seems silly to you now? I was terrified of Ghost Face as a kid and now Scream is one of my favorite scary movies.
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toxiccaptain · 4 years
You’ve got some nerve.
Warnings: strong language, violence, slight sexual themes (its nothing graphic dont worry, just like,, one reference to sex)
Characters : Johnny Vincent and Gord Vendome (mentioning of other clique members)
Johnny Vincent was exhausted, the day had been extremely draining with the run-ins he had with the preps thanks to Lola, only for her to break yo with him- great... all the man wanted to do now is relax and smoke, he didn’t care about what was going on around him for he didn’t think he had the energy in the first place. For the most part it was quiet, getting darker and darker out by every minute that passed him by even getting colder as it did, it was winter after all. As the man inhaled and exhaled the cigarettes light brightened and dimmed down, smoke rose to the sky fading the higher it got-
‘Finally, peace and quiet’
He thought to himself tilting his head left, right, back then forward stretching his muscles taking a glance at the cigarette between his fingers, remaining silent for what felt like a just seconds before huffing out air at the thought of Her. “Why you gotta be this way Lola?” He quietly, softly spoke out lowering his head in shame at his own stupidity. As the cars passed, the tunnel he was in echoed back the sounds with both the engine and the sound of the tires against the street. Johnny listened in to the environment sounds hearing footsteps coming up beside him but didn’t bother looking at who the hell it was, he just wanted to be left alone so he hoped it was just some adult. Until the footsteps stopped, just a few feet away—
He looked at their shoes frowning his brow just before looking at the person who stood there. “The hell you want runt?” Vincent’s tone grew aggressive as he threw down his almost finished cigarette and stepped on it shifting his body to face them. “Now now Vincent, let’s not get too excited-“ the boy said holding his hands up to show he wasn’t a threat “tell me what the hell you want before I break your face in gord.” Johnny stepped closer causing the prep to step back “I’ve come to- talk.” Gord announced keeping his distanced from the greaser. “Talk eh? The fuck you wanna talk about with me, huh? I’m not your little friend to be chit chatting up storm with.” Johnny kept walking towards the prep cracking his knuckles which were muffled by the leather gloves he had on to keep warm “it’s about Lola.” Gord told him which caused Vincent to stop walking and to stand there, mixed emotions ran through his head but anger slowly began to take over everything. Gord shivered a bit from the cold air just gettingnside tracked for a bit thinking how Johnny could just stand out In the cold before being cut from that thought when Johnny grabbed him and slammed him against the tunnels wall “What About her!?” Johnnys voice grew louder with clear signs of nothing but anger and aggression towards the small prep.
Gords back was being pressed against the wall by Johnnys weight as he was just held there with a strong grip breathing in the cigarette scent the greaser leader gave off “I swear if you just came here to rub it in that we broke up you’ve got another thing comin’. She’ll never be yours, Never!” Johnny nearly yelled causing gord to flinch from the fear of getting hit shaking his head quickly “If you would just listen to me-“ gord tried to speak but Johnny has pulled him forward only to slam him back against the wall but had him lifted off the ground by an inch. Gord slightly hung his head having hit it against the wall with the quick motion but he kept himself composed and spoke again “listen to me- I’m through with that whore of a girl.” Gord looked Johnny dead in the eye which caught Johnny off guard a bit. Hearing that made Johnny’s grip weakened causing gord to slightly lower from where he was just until he was able to stand on the ground again “w- what are you saying..?” Vincent questioned slightly narrowing his eyes at the prep still not fully trusting him and not breaking eye contact with him. “I don’t want her anymore Vincent, I came to tell you my days of going after her are over. She’s a more waste of time than you’d think-“
Johnny quickly slammed his fist across gords face upon hearing him say that causing gord to fall out of his grip nearly knocking him to the floor. Gord managed to keep himself up from the painful swing that was brought to his face but continued what he was saying rubbing his cheek “ you’re getting..worked up on someone.. who problably only uses you ..for the sex.” Gord looked at Johnny lowering his hand from his cheek to his nose wiping off the blood that has just began to run down “it’s very pathetic. Not that I expected more from you.” He continued letting the blood run down his face and into his expensive scarf and sweater. Johnny kept his eyes on gord with his fist clenched and his breathing getting heavier and heavier as could be seen from the cold air the more his mind ran with thoughts “and what the hell would you know?” Vincent snapped back gritting his teeth. Gord just stayed there stretching his arms a bit telling him keeping it casual “look at it this way, you’ve been fighting for her for how long? Haven’t you questioned what you’re even fighting for anymore? Clearly the more things happen the more she just gets worse for you.”. Johnny felt something tug at his chest when he heard the prep speak in such a way- was it because he right..? Johnnys fist slightly released from how he had them before and continued to listen “ Lola is old news honesty. Your friends even say how much you don’t deserve the treatment. They’ve seen you chase your own tail for this girl, but do you even know for what?” Gord questioned. Johnny thought long about it, he thought he knew the answer but only managed to come out with “because I-“
“You don’t love her. Don’t give me that crap. You know this isn’t love.” Gord stopped Johnny from finishing that thought glancing down at Johnnys hands watching his fingers twitch slightly just before looking back up at him “you know she doesn’t truly love you, and if she says so it’s not you. It’s the idea of you.” Johnny got closer clenching his fists again getting in gords face “You Know Nothing!!” Johnnys voice was loud, very loud— gord just watched him gritting his teeth snapping back at him "I'm not making this up! I’m not just some Dumb Rich Prep you all see me as!” Gord spoke louder but kept himself as professional as he could only giving a bit of attitude back. “And what would you even know?!” Johnny just towered Over gord at that point making gord slightly stumble back but kept himself up “Because Vincent, unlike you I’ve been studying psychology and I see the patterns. How dedicated you are to her, and how much she never truly liked you, how you dont truly love her back-” Johnny shoved gord back and kept doing so multiple times with each getting harsher and harsher having gord almost reach the other end of the tunnel which was the new Coventry territory and repeatedly told gord to ‘shut up’ getting louder and louder. Gord continued “I’m telling you the truth. I know me and you aren’t on good terms as of lately and that I'm suppose to hate you but do you really thing I’d be telling you this if I really hated you? Sure you’re a pain in the ass and you along with your clique are low-class but c’mon, I know you’re not that thick minded of a man to be This blinded.” Johnny eventually stopped shoving gord back and just stood there watching as gord almost fell back but kept himself balanced but never stopped listening “and why are you telling me this?” Johnny asked huffing
“Because I feel bad, okay?” Gord snapped at Johnny which created silence between the both of them for a minute or so. Johnnys hands twitched , as his whole body shivered with rage because deep down he knew gord was right, he didn’t wanna admit it, he didn’t wanna admit that it hurts but it deeply did and hes tired of it all. Johnnys breathing was heavy, extremely, his chest rising and falling as his expression of anger began to break slowly into more saddened ones from the realization. He got close to gord, qiickly grabbed the preps collar pulling him close with his eyes tearing up, his teeth clenched together “You don’t know us, you don’t know me..” he said quietly between them “you can keep telling yourself that but, I can see differently, I could've kept this to myself but I thought this would bring more good and have these childish games come to an end.“ gord softly said keeping his eyes locked with Johnny's, right before Johnny finally broke down. Vincent lowered his head keeping his grip on gords sweater, gord watched feeling Johnnys body shaking as he slowly touched Johnnys arms. Johnny couldn’t restrain himself from letting the tears fall so they did, his breath hitching as he tried his hardest to keep himself together not wanting a prep from all people see him this way but the emotions were too much and he ended up crying.
Gord has just stood there holding Johnny feeling bad for him once more knowing how much he’s held back and is just letting it out. They stayed that way for a good 5 minute, maybe more before Johnny eventually calmed down and lifted his head letting gord go, stepping away from him which made gord let go of him, and allowing his hands to drop to his sides. His breath went from being heavy to light for the time being which was good, but gord didn't know how long it would last giving Johnny's high temper.
“You may see me as some stupid rich asshole but I’m not as stupid as you think I am. And I know the only real history we have is me messing with lola, but—“ he cut himself off holding his arms still shivering from the cold weather. He was sure of himself and felt like it wasn’t right to just tell the man his reasons for doing what he did.
“But what..?”
Vincent’s tone was normal at first but the longer gord just stood there the more he began to grow impatient, gord knew this and grew slightly paranoid at the man that could knock him out right then and there, maybe even kill him- but gord exhaled deeply, he breathed in the iron scent the blood dripping down brought him and stared directly at Johnny “but..because i enjoyed messing with you.” Gord spoke out after what seemed like forever. Johnnys hands slowly twitched once more he walked to gord close to hitting him again and gord backed up quickly putting one hand out out of fear “Wait! That’s not all.” Gord spoke louder but covered his mouth soon after “what more can there possibly fucking be..?”
“I’ve actually been watching the way you are Vincent, and I gotta say you’re more than just a handsome face.” Gord chuckled softly swaying his body side to side. Johnny stood there in silence for a good minute, stunned at the response he was given not knowing how to take it “what are you getting at-?“ gords eyes looked tired as he glanced at the ground keeping his gaze there “I’m just saying Johnny boy, you’re big tough outside is very attractive to watch from a distance but I’ve also notice how easy it is to bend and break your mind.” Gord spoke as he normally does, with a posh tone that irked Johnny but kept him listened to the prep, then gord continue “trust me I’ve thought about ditching Lola long before and focusing my attention to a Real man but the way you drooled over her just brought me more enjoyment. More excitement. You can really put on a show for that girl and I really, really, Really enjoyed seeing you get that way. It gave everything a more of a thrill knowing you were so focused on me, even if it was hostile.” Gord walked up to Johnny and looked up at him with his head slightly tilting to his right.
Johnny just watched gord get close but didn’t bother moving, he didn’t feel like he needed to. His hands were in a fist by than point but he wasn’t as angry as he was in the beginning of the conversation, he was honestly relieved— surprisingly
“Long story short Vincent. I like you. A little more than I anticipated.” Gord smirked, feeling accomplished as if he won some game. Johnny remained silent, for a while now processing what he was hearing, he knew gord was bisexual because hopkins showed the other side of that prep but the idea that gord actually liked him and not Lola is what throws him off a lot. Johnny didn’t know how to feel at that moment staring in gords brown eyes as if he was shearching for an answer there, somewhere. Gord wiped his face from the blood that had stopped ripping down now it being dry on his face before just getting closer to Johnny and asking “have you ever wondered what it’s like to kiss a rich boy?”
Johnnys expression went from serious to surprised, his brows rose and his eyes slightly widened but he didn’t breaks eye contact “I- I’ve- I-“ he was trying to find the words but nothing much came out but a stuttering mess. Gord just said fuck it, placing his hands on Johnnys arms slightly leaning up to him closing his eyes easing into it. Johnny watched, but didn’t pull away- instead he thought he’d just try it out, to see what can happen and hie far it can go. So Johnny placed his hands on gords waist when he came close, closed his eyes and leaned down slightly until his lips met with gords.
This was new to Vincent, hes never kissed a boy and he never saw himself doing it before but there he was, a prep in his arms pressed up against his chest just, making out with him for what seemed like forever. But forever only really lasts for so long.
Gord pulled away opening his eyes and looked into Johnny's eyes when he opened them as well. They were quiet, things between them seemed to lift away, and this was more like a dream to him, a dream he sure as hell has had before in the passed, a couple of times. Johnny slowly looked away and let gord go awkwardly saying that he should go, just leaving the prep alone in the cold dark winter night.
As johnny walked into his apartment he closed the door and held his chest leaning against it feeling his breathing quicken thinking to himself if that actually happened. He battled in his mind if he enjoyed it or not being so confused with himself and these new found feelings that he might be gaining. He slid his back on the door and sat on the floor staring into the dark corners of the apartment, eventually he closed his eyes and grinned to himself, taking off his gloves and pulling his hair back running his fingers through his hair-
'You've got some nerve'
((I'm not an expert at writing so here is something I had a dream about and I hope you enjoyed-?))
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taliel-strykidz · 4 years
Fatality Pt 3
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Eventually a surgeon did emerge.
"Hyung, Jinyoung." Taeyong whispered hoarsely standing quickly. The latters head snapped up from his hands and drifted over to put his hands on Mark's shoulders, the boy had arrived three hours ago and had been wallowing in self guilt the minute he saw the amount of people waiting outside the room.
"Ai-Huan is now in recovery. She'll be moved to the ICU where you'll be able to see her once we have her settled."
"So she... I mean is she okay?" Bao asked wobbly next to Jackson.
The doctor tightened his lips into a thin line, she knew that the look he gave her was bad news. Jinyoung felt like his lungs were filling with water, the only thing keeping him afloat being his hands on a shaky Mark Lee's shoulder.
"She developed an extensive amount of trauma. Mainly in her chest as her ribs took most of the blunt force with the steering wheel. Her spine was crushed, resulting in a big fracture in her fifth rib which tore her artery-"
"Yeah but no offence, what does all of that even mean?" Lily snapped sick of all the doctors using terms she didn't understand, she wasn't stupid but this was too advanced for her. Normally when it came to medical terms Huannie would usually dumb it down a little to sound less intense. Eunhyuk ended up moving her away from the doctor, somewhat scared that she would try and fly kick the doctor.
"Miss Huan's coronary artery was torn by her rib cage - it means that once we repaired it her heart wasn't distributing the blood around her body efficiently enough. So she's developed what we call cardio-myopathy."
"Isn't that basically heart failiure?" Johnny voiced hoarsely for the first time in three hours, he remembered his and Huannie's medical lessons she used to give him and his mind began racing thinking of all the possibilities she had told him.
"It means we had to fit a pacemaker which will regulate her blood pumping around her body. To make sure that it's doing it's job we will put her on a cardiac event monitor so she can keep track of her condition. We will put those closest to her through training on how to use it once she wakes up-"
"When will that be exactly? When the anesthesia wears off?" Yesung asked finally, he'd been trying to wrap his head around the whole conversation but everything was just blurring together at this point.
The doctor looked down, clearly trying to think of a way to explain it without causing a load of panic that he could already see rising, so he instead only looked down at his hands, another bad sign.
"Answer him god dammit!" Yang Bao erupted from the back of the group, she'd been quiet the whole time they'd been in the waiting room, solely focused on reassuring the group of Idols around her.
"We aren't entirely sure of when she'll wake up. The MRI showed sign of swelling on the left part of her brain, her head took a heavy hit from the crash."
"Oh my fucking god, I can't be here..." Bao turned away, a hand over her mouth to stop anyone from noticing that she was sobbing quietly. Bao and Huannie hadn't known eachother for as long as those around her, but the little time they had known eachother Bao had really found a sister in Ai-Huan that she really cherished. Especially after the incidents they had run into, Bao couldn't process the idea that the NCT member wouldn't wake up.  No one did.
"But I can tell you that she did manage to save Mr Kim's life, the medical knowledge saved him from bleeding out. Her seatbelt saved her." The doctor had added as if it would consolidate them a little more, but judging by the sobs and the scoffs around the group he did nothing but add feul to the fire.
"Did it though? You're telling us she might not wake up!" Jackson rounded in on the doctor.
"Jackson, he's trying his best Ge." Bao said softly giving the doctor a respectful nod to ease the tension a little, this doctor just sat in a surgery for three hours to maintain Huannie's quality of life- it wasn't fair for them to be taking their frustrations out on him.
Jinyoung along with Eunhyuk just stood in silence, not knowing whether to scream or sob- both. Jinyoung couldn't breathe, it felt as if someone was choking him. His heart was racing and all he wanted to do was storm in that room and curl up into a ball next to her and pray for her to wake up, as if something divine would save her. But there wasn't, there was no such thing as God in his eyes anymore. A choked sob for his 'virtual wife' forced itself up his throat, and he felt a drop run down his cheek.
"We are doing the best we can I assure you." He smiled sympathetically at them before taking his lead to sort the arrangements out.
Leaving behind him shattering Idols as they all grouped or isolated together and thought out what to do next, it was first Lily who had peeled away from the group to crouch in the corner. She wished that the doctor would come back and say it was all a big joke. Until then she was determined to analyse everything that she would need to bring for her bestfriend for when she wakes up. The floor was cold, but she was burning in rage and her fist clenched in a flurry of devastation and fury thinking that this was because a woman was driving under the infulence.
"Where's the woman that did this?" Lily stood up only to get blocked by Jae, Lily's emotions filled her chest, feeling her ears start to burn. She glares at her sub-unit leader then got into the womans face to spit out "DON'T START WITH THIS JAE!"
Jae only scoffs and knocks her further back only adding fuel to Lily's outburst.  "Are you telling me you don't want to find her either?" Lily snaps as if it was justifyed.
Jae glares at her with disapointment lingering in her sad eyes. "You're extremely stupid sometimes. Imagine us storming through a hospital and we find her. What are you going to do then Lily huh? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO THEN?" Jae screamed back, though it came out more of a dull exhaustion than pure rage, like they'd been over this somany times in the car.
"I'm going to put her in her own hospital bed, maybe she'll learn not to drink and drive-"
The arguement was cold. Every word pronounced, slicing rather than tumbling through the tense air. The love and desperation they held wasn't gone, it had been distorted into a close mimic of hate for the woman that caused it.
Someone got in the middle of them, a sort of disgruntled figure, irritation in his stride. The others watched as his brown hair moved over his forehead. His eyes were peircing into the girls, as if he were afraid that if he didn't they'd begin fighting in the hospital waiting room. His expression had changed three times in the few seconds he stood in between them, from a scoff to pure disapointment. "Both of you go home." He spat and motioned for Jackson and Yesung to take them.
A scoff of disbelief left Lily's mouth until she realised he wasn't playing around, Park Jinyoung was crumbling in front of everyone and the two girls words unravelled the last piece of string on his heart.
"Don't get involved like you care Jinyoung, you weren't caring when you were off at restraunts with you're co-host." The words flew from Lily's mouth, something she never though she'd even think, let alone say out loud. She knew instantly from the look in his eyes that they'd hit their mark. In that instant whatever was left keeping Jinyoung together shattered into glassy shards. Jinyoung wouldn't meet her eye as Jackson and Yesug angrily escorted the girls out of the hospital.
Things had changed.
And Jinyoung sat outside the hospital crying into the cold brassy Seoul sky for his love to wake up.
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heathermcnamara3628 · 4 years
This is a cursed crack ship known as Sodabob
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Bob's POV
     I pulled up to the DX with high hopes on my mind. My mother had always told me to never get too ahead of myself, romance being one of them, but I didn't care. I wasn't even going to flirt this time. I was just going to go in, make sure no one was around, and then state my feelings.
     I sat in my old blue Mustang, looking at the door to the DX. I was waiting. I knew that there was a crowd in there right now. All the ladies would go in to see him, and I didn't blame them. He was handsome with his honey blond hair and his soft blue green eyes. He was so handsome in fact, that no one, not even myself, cared that he had a strange name, or that he was a dropout working at a gas station, or even that he had nothing to his name. He had plenty when it came to what his admirers thought of him. He was good looking with a good personality to match. Sodapop Curtis was the definition of perfect.
     I watched as a rush of girls came out the door, some looking flustered and others with smiles. They all got in their cars and drove off. I watched all of them go. Not all of them were Greaser girls. Some were Middle Clas girls, and others were Soc girls. 
     After all of them had come out and driven off, I got out of my car. I walked slowly because no matter how excited I was, I was always even more nervous. This time though, it wasn't just nerves. This time I was scared out of my mind. It was 1965 after all, and gays just weren't accepted to often. 
     Walking into the DX, I found that it was the same as it always was everyday after the rush. Things looked messier than when they normally do, whenever you've gotta get gas and go in to grab a Coke. Soda sat at the front counter, getting money into the cash register. He was so focused that he didn't even notice me walking in. I looked through the isles for a bit then grabbed a Coke, waiting for him to finish. When he did, that's when I went up.
     "Hey Soda. Got any spare time real quick?" I asked him. He looked at me with his eyes glittering.
     "Yeah I got time," he said. "Right after you pay for that Coke."
     I reached in my pocket and handed him two quarters, as that was all it cost. He put them in the cash register, looking back up at me. He walked away for just a bit, yelling to his buddy in the garage that he was taking a break. He came back to me after. I started to walk outside, almost grabbing his arm to get him out faster.
     As soon as he got out he headed for my Mustang, whistling. I followed behind him, not really getting why he liked it so much. It was at least three years old, and the paint was starting to chip. I hated it and wanted a new one so bad it was killing me. Soda let out a small chuckle.
     "Put this little thing up on the market and us Greasers still wouldn't be able to afford it," he said. I found myself staring at him. I felt as though I had just gotten to see my life in another view.
     "Really? There's no way. Scrap metal like that should be affordable for anyone."
     "That's what you think. Greasers have it bad. I live with my brothers. My older brother's twenty and has two jobs, and my younger brother just turned fourteen last month. Our parents died in an auto wreck eight months ago, so my older brother an I to make ends meet. We get to stay together so long as we stay out of trouble. Steve's dad hates him and his mom up and left. For Two-Bit it's the other way around except he has a little sister. Dally's mom left when he was eight and his dad is drunk all the time, and he doesn't care about him. Then theres Johnny Cade... his dad beats the kid whenever he goes home, and all his mom does is yell at him. Yet he still loves em. He does because he has to. He doesn't have any other real family if he hates his parents."
     I was in shock. I'd always known that Greasers were poor, but I'd never once known about all the things they went through. Looking at Soda, I noticed that there was something different about him now. He didn't look like his usual happy-go-lucky self. He looked like he had just watched someone run over a dog. I don't know what I was thinking, but I hugged him. Then I told him.
     He froze, and I felt his heart speed up. I looked up at him to see his expression. He looked happy, but there was something else. He looked down at me, and ducked us down behind the Mustang. Then he kissed me. He actually kissed me. I panicked, but kissed back. I felt happy.
     After we pulled away, I had a smile. We were both just looking into each other's eyes without a care in the world. He moved away suddenly, looking back to the DX. There was no one there, and I knew that without taking a glance at it, so I don't know why he'd look at all. He shook his head silently.
     "That was real stupid of me to do," he said quietly. He had this look on his face like he'd just done something wrong.
     "Why not?"
     I was curious as to why he thought that. It was just a kiss. It wasn't like he was asking for my hand in marriage or something. He started to make his way back to the DX, but I didn't follow. I figured it'd be better if i left him alone with his thoughts, even if it was just until tomorrow.
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danddymaro · 4 years
Johnny Storm x Reader x Steve Rogers
Part 1: The Boyfriend
Word count: 1861 
Seriously, I’d been wanting to do this for a long time. He played them both well, and I thought it’d be pretty fun. I mean I  like messy triangles.(for my sake they won’t be too long of parts, maybe just 4 in total.)
And yes, yes, I have other shit not continued, but I honestly plan on doing it... 
Its just work... and so much more Shit I have going on. I’m so worried about disappointing people, here and in Real life.
Oh well...
Everything is the same with reader inserts.
Italics are Flashbacks = Example
Italics with quotations are thoughts = ‘Example’
She’d only agreed to have him visit because she assumed no one would be home.
She wanted to avoid questions at all costs, not until she was certain,
‘ Great, ‘ She thought to herself , knowing how it seemed to have some guy over while everyone was out...
She wasn’t ashamed of him, just unsure of what to tell everyone, especially the man before her,
“Hey Steve...” she said dumbly, nervously taking a soft chew of her inner cheek.
“Hey...(f/n) ,” he said awkwardly, “ (f/n) , and...” trailing off giving the two other people an opportunity to introduce the new person,
“Oh... Johnny,” (f/n) started, sounding less than enthusiastic to continue on with an introduction, stiffly standing in between the two men, “Steve, this is Johnny,” she said lowly, stepping aside to let Steve get a good view of the younger male who waved amiably . 
“ And Johnny, This is Steve.” She said smiling crookedly, holding out her hand over to the elder male in order to present the first Avenger. 
With a glorious grin, the hot-headed male looked over at the other man, eyebrows raising up high as he got a close-up look of him. “Wow, you’re really jacked up,” he commented. “Way bigger than I imagined,”  he added, holding out his right hand out towards Steve in order to properly shake. 
“Johnny Storm,” he said introducing himself, “ It really is a pleasure to meet THE captain America,” he added with the same widespread smile, linking his hand to the other male with a hearty shake as Steve extended his own arm to him.
“Johnny Storm? “ Steve repeated uncertain, but with a nod to indicate the name had stuck. 
During the interaction he strayed his eyes to  (f/n), giving her a brief look of the same uncertainty and question. 
 And sure enough, she could tell just what he wanted to ask,
“Oh, well...Johnny...He’s... “ She started off uneasily. 
‘What exactly is he?’ she asked herself. 
‘I could say he’s a friend... but .. he’s not really a friend,’ she thought to herself.
‘We have hung out a lot lately ... but he’s not my boyfriend either,’ she also went on. ‘I think we’ve well established nothing’s really there,’ she went on.
 For just a fraction of a millisecond her (e/c) colored eyes drifted off to Storm, a purse to her lips taking form, ‘Correction, I’VE well established it, and he’s being the same idiot as always,’ She thought with exasperation.
They'd been introduced with the intention of ending up as a couple, but from the young woman’s standpoint it wasn’t a match. 
Johnny was handsome, as well funny, being overall a charming guy when you look past his ego. He wasn’t a bad guy, but she had already set her eyes on someone else, which just so happened to be the man standing before her, waiting for an answer,
‘This is all so confusing,’ She told herself. ‘Messy and confusing,’
Admittedly, she had grown attached to Johnny, and was intent on continuing to see him, but only as a buddy. 
‘Only as a friend,’ she reminded herself, having to do so far too often.
“ I’m willing to accept it,” Johnny said nodding, “for now,” he added, making her drop her shoulders, because he had assured her there was something there. 
Because he was convinced otherwise,
“You’re just hung up on someone else,” he pointed out, surprising her with the statement. 
Because she hadn’t told him, not even mentioned a name...
“It’s pretty obvious, “ he replied, shrugging with a soft sigh, “ Otherwise you'd see how prefect we are for each other,” He added, managing to hit her with doubt.
For a moment she bit her lip, thinking that perhaps that was the problem, Maybe she was to distracted with Steve to actually give Johnny a try.
‘Between these two...’ She started, ‘ I’m really staring to have doubt,’ She told herself, taking back her earlier musing, because she hadn’t really made it clear to Johnny. 
She didn’t downright reject him, and had in actuality given him a maybe. 
Her fickle behavior was partial to blame...
“ Judging by you’re expression i’m guessing your thinking about it right?” he asked her, sounding just a smidge too smug. 
“So who is it?” he asked her, leaning onto the table with open ears, waiting in expectancy.
“Why do you want to know?” she asked him, turning from him, looking elsewhere, feeling her face heat.
Leaning back onto his chair he chuckled, tipping his head back just a bit as he laughed, “ I want to know what guy is trying to steal my girl,” he said while grinning.
He’s never serious, and she’s never certain,
“He's my...” 
‘My what?’ She asked herself again, feeling butterflies as the two men gazed at her.
It was then that the younger male interjected, 
“Boyfriend,” Johnny answered for her, cutting her off immediately with that single word, making her snap her eyes over to him instead, peeled so wide open that they could very well simply pop out of their sockets. 
‘Boyfriend...He’s my boyfriend?’ (f/n) thought swallowing down hard.
‘He says...
He thinks...
He’s my boyfriend,?’
While she did feel anxious and annoyed... she also felt tickled pink.
‘Only a friend.’ (f/n) argued with herself. ‘I see him as only a friend,’
“Boyfriend?” Steve repeated, his grip instantly tightening onto the other man’s hand, but as he realized what he did, he released his hold entirely, letting his arm fall back in place. 
“You two are dating?” he asked them both, but more specifically focused on (f/n), wanting to hear it from her. 
But again the other man spoke, this time putting his arm around her, bringing her close to him with a strong snuggle. He gave her a kiss over the crown of her head, the sound of his lips smacking together coming out exaggerated as he did so, “She’s so cute,” Johnny said amused, “ You know I just love seeing you blush like that,” he added, in a low tone, his hot, minty smelling breath touching her ear, worsening her flushed face and making it grow darker with rouge.
involuntarily she shuttered, feeling him so close, having his arm wrapped around her and his lips almost on her skin.
“Anyways,” Johnny started, placing his attention back to Steve, “ We’ve been seeing each other for a couple of weeks now, “ he added, “Right babe?” he said addressing (f/n), staring down at her with his pretty blue eyes. 
Panicking she gave a weary chuckle, “ O-Oh yeah! We had met a while back... “ She answered back, which hadn’t been a lie. She had met him about three months ago, being introduced by Stark himself. 
“ Yeah...we've been dating for a couple of weeks now,” she informed Steve, which of course was a big fat lie.
“ what would it be?  like about three... No...Four weeks ?”  Johnny asked her, questioning her and putting her more on the spot. She began to gnaw at the tip of her tongue, “ oh...” she said softly, “ Three...  I would say three,” she chatted, adding more to their lie.
‘Why am i doing this?’ She asked herself, mentally kicking herself.
“ That's quite a while now...” Steve commented rather blankley. “ yeah,” Johnny answered back “ it is isn't it ?” he said with a chuckle, “ but you know when you're with the right person...well time just flies by, right babe?”  he asked (f/n). 
“ Yeah, “ she breathed, looking right at Steve.
‘The right person...’
 Catching herself gazing too long she shook her head, batting her eyes, trying to force herself from eyeing him for too long.“ I'm sorry Steve,  we kind of have to go,” she said softly, giving him an apologetic smile.
She hastily grabbed the other man's hand within hers and pulled him along behind her,  briskly walking and leaving Rogers alone.
 “ Have fun...” he muttered non-enthusiastically,  his lips pressing together tightly, not even able to form a  false smile. His right hand lifted up in a  lifeless manner, not even having the will to wave at them.
Once in the closed elevator (f/n) pushed Storm back, her face completely overtaken by the color red as she glared at him, “ what the hell is wrong with you ?!” she exclaimed. “ We are not dating!”  she said to him,  her voice rising just a bit into a squeaky tone with how completely taken back by his claim she was.
“Relax, Relax,” he coaxed her putting up both his hands in defense as he tried to calm her.   
He then placed them on her shoulders, almost crushing them in his hold, bringing her close. “ come on babe, calm down!” he told her, making her stare at him like as if he had gone completely insane.
“babe..” she muttered.
Normally she’d brush off the little endearment , but in her current shame filled rage she shook at it,
“ you can't be serious!” she said in disbelief, “ you don't think we're actually dating right?!” she questioned him.
‘DO you even know if your dating?’ Her inner voice argued back in a sassy fashion, causing the woman’s teeth to tighten.
 “Well then why did you go along?” He asked her cheekily. “ Maybe perhaps you actually do like me, right?” he said coming down towards her, nearing her in a dangerously close manner, his nose grazing hers. 
He could see all the little specs in her eyes with his proximity and continuing on playfully he smiled at her, his hands landing on the side of her cheeks, ignoring the wild flame in her eyes.
 The part of him that loved playing with fire was drawn to the dangerous gleam, wanting to melt along with her.
And for just a moment her breath hitched, her lips trembling as she slipped into a lightly drunken state,
‘He’s so stupid...’ She told herself, ‘He’s so annoying...’ 
“But so sexy...” she muttered, unknowingly leaning into him more, just a hairline from smashing lips, 
“See,” he muttered, “ I told you you wanted me,” he said while giving her a quick , rushed peck.
Falling back from her high, her right hand swung, whipping above him and missing as he ducked. “ Chill! Chill!” he said continuing to laugh, being quick to grab both her wrists. 
“Why are you so stubborn?”he asked her, quick to pin her against the wall. 
He could easily melt her, knowing he had his effect on her. Well aware of the attraction they had for one another, it bothered him moreso to know what stopped them was one person,
‘Just one person,’ He thought to himself, knowing that if she would have laid eyes on him instead, she wouldn't have had the will to fall in love with anyone else.
‘I would have never wasted time,’ He added, biting his lower lip as he resisted the urge to dive down again and get an actual kiss.
‘But we’re just friends right?’ He silently asked her, 
‘ That’s what you say...
That’s what you want to feel too...’
Sighing , he released her, 
‘That’s why I have to go along with it and pretend...
If it will keep me close to you I can pretend,’
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Diego Week: Rivalry!
@jjba-arni-reblog and I have been having a lot of fun with Diego week, so here is some self-indulgent “Diego harassing Johnny but not entirely hating Gyro because he has coffee” shit 
There it was, that unbearably wonderful smell of coffee. Diego let his nose blindly carry him towards the source of his favorite drink. There was a little warning in the back of his head that this didn't quite smell like the usual American coffee, but god it just smelled so much better he couldn't resist searching for it. 
The closer he got the more his nose twitched, there was another, much more annoying smell mingling with that of his beloved coffee. It smelled like a spoiled brat. No, there was something else there too, he sniffed again. Ah a spoiled brat with daddy issues. Joestar.  
Diego sneered thinking of the annoying blonde. No way that incompetent little thing could make something that smelled so delicious. The Neapolitan had to be there with him. Though he had an odd style and sense of humor he was more bearable. His most redeeming quality being that he made Johnny mildly more tolerable. 
That duo of men were disgustingly close. Always talking and laughing with each other. Absolutely revolting. In no way would he, Diego, ever want to involve himself in something like that. With people like that. But he hadn’t seen another human being in nearly a week, and certain concessions must be made for the sake of a good cup of coffee. 
Slowly Diego approached their little makeshift camp. Valkyrie and Slow Dancer were sleeping a few feet away from a little fire in the center while the boys ate and drank on a blanket. It looked warm and cozy, creating an overall atmosphere that made Diego want to vomit. He took a deep breath, allowing his senses to be overwhelmed by the smell of the Neapolitan’s coffee and made a small grunt to announce his presence. 
The Joestar was the first to respond, his teal lips curled in disgust. Diego scoffed, as if he would deal with that one. Instead he turned to the less obnoxious one, who offered up a full view of his monogrammed grill. It looked like he was trying to smile, but anytime he opened his mouth he looked like a distastefully wealthy monkey flashing his teeth. He tried not to grimace too much.
While these two ruffians clearly had no sense of manners he would still try to act righteously. “Good evening-” He offered before the Joestar cut him off. 
“Gyro tell him to fuck off.” The Joestar maintained full eye contact with Diego as he made his demand. Diego could feel his eye start to twitch but he would remain civil. 
“Oh come on Johnny, he can just have some coffee and then go on his way. He hasn't even tried to kill us yet!” 
Johnny’s eyes blew up in outrage, “How can you say that! What about those giant scaley chickens? WE almost BECAME lizards!” 
“But we didn't.” Gyro just shrugged his shoulders and rose to grab another coffee cup, “And he probably could have done that now if he wanted to.” Johnny just looked up at him incredulously.  
“I suppose it would have been easier to use Scary Monsters and just take the coffee…” Diego pondered out loud, mostly to himself. Though he did relish the way the Joestar’s face contorted. 
“Espresso.” Gyro corrected. “Aside from lacking culture he’s not all bad Johnny.” To that, Johnny could only roll his eyes, annoyed at the seemingly friendly nature of the comment. Gyro gestured for Diego to take a seat next to him. How odd, the Neapolitan managed to mock and defend him within a breath of each other. He was smarter than he looked. 
Slowly he lowered himself next to Gyro, and away from the Joestar. 
“Espresso?” Diego ventured trying to start a conversation only to further annoy the Joestar, not because he was actually curious or found the Neapolitan interesting or anything embarrassing like that. 
Surprisingly, Gyro seemed interested in talking to him, avidly describing different types of coffees, and various ways to prepare them. Diego was still slightly confused on the difference between a cappuccino and a macchiato, but as far as he was concerned anything with milk was for those who lacked resolve. 
While yes, he was learning things and not entirely hating his time there, the thing he hated the least and possibly almost enjoyed, was seeing how Johnny reacted to him talking normally with Gyro. Diego could almost see his little thoughts, he was clearly weighing if this was somehow a clever plan to get closer to them to then suddenly attack or if he was a decent human being. The pout on his face suggested that he liked neither of those theories, and Diego loved watching him struggle. 
It looked like Johnny was actually becoming slightly jealous, not being able to participate in the discussion. Instead he just sat there, watching the campfire as the two men spoke somewhat enthusiastically. He pouted to himself, avoiding the conversation like a child
As if Diego could perfectly read Jojo’s emotions, he smirked at the perfect opportunity to harass that annoying little man. His sweatshirt had shrugged far enough down to see a little star shaped tattoo that was very similar to a birthmark on Silver Bullet. 
“Hey Johnny” Diego leaned over Gyro to look at Johnny. His grin was met with a glare of blue steel. Oh this was so fun and he had hardly even begun. 
“What.” Johnny spat out the words as if ‘do you want’ was too much of a hassle to tag on. 
“You know, I just so happened to notice that you and Silver Bullet share so much in common.” Diego was nearly on Gyro’s lap at this point, so when the Neapolitan interjected he jumped a bit. Honestly he had forgotten he was there. 
“Because they’re both so pale?” Gyro interjected. That was what he was interrupted for? What a stupid response. Diego was about to express that exact sentiment, but Johnny spoke before he could open his mouth.
“I'm not that pale you asshole!” Johnny was seething, but Gyro broke into hysterical laughter and nearly doubled over in his seat. “Not all of us were ‘blessed’ with Mediterranean skin you tan fuck.” Diego snorted, so this was clearly a conversation they had had before. How, interesting. 
“Well I was going to say it's funny that you have a tattoo of my horse’s birthmark, but I guess Silver Bullet is white and Johnny doesn't really look like he’s ever been in the sun…” Johnny’s mouth twitched. 
“You’re brIt's not a tattoo, don't flatter yourself.” 
“Wait,” Gyro who was quite literally caught in between their discussion interrupted, “Does that mean you and his horse have the same birthmark?” 
“To the naked eye it would seem like they are related.” Diego pointed out wistfully while Gyro cackled in laughter and Johnny yelled at him for agreeing. 
Diego was very satisfied with himself as he turned to get up and leave. He had some coffee, Gyro had given him some of his espresso, and he had agitated Johnny to the point of physical violence. By all means this was a successful trip.
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