#it’s set— just after Mui— got his memory back
ofmistnmoons · 3 months
@wystirea cont for ask; [ rescue ] sender carries receiver to safety ((for Muichiro .^.))
It took everything the youth had to survive this night. Ribs cracked and broken, his single arm shattered in multiple places, his body riddled with holes and deep lacerations across his frame. Discolorations range from sickly greens to raw and angry purples and red bruising mare his skin. His limbs were so painfully heavy, it felt like his skin was on fire yet ice to the touch. Newly formed markings of mist clouds crept across his cheeks bore from this fated encounter with the moon. No…
What the youth faced now was not a demon, nor man, it was death. Six eyes all fixed on him, saw through him, like he was nothing but the flow of his blood and the twitch of his muscles. He was acting as if he lived in an unseen world, not meant to be seen by mortal. The transparent world, the very same world, laid bare too to the broken youth before him.
It had never been so clear for him.
Throughout his life, for moments, precious few seconds, when he would need it most this mere child would peer into through the vail. See beyond this world, see the way the moon breathers blood flow and allow him to watch and accurately react to Kokushibo’s every strike. Follow, and dance along the endless circular stiles of his moons. Exchange moon breathing for his own mist breathing forms. And yet..
It was not enough. Not nearly enough.
Pinprick demonic claws caught around his throat. Held the child aloft, legs left to dangle uselessly beneath him his own fingertips dug into the demons grasp, a desperate yet feeble attempt for air. Caught in a vice, Yuichiro was truly helpless.
There was nothing the child could do.
Weak, bleeding uselessly on the ground like always..
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Rivers of pain, anger, and fear stung down the child cheeks. Droplets of his pain drip off the edge of the boys chin splatter against the moons wrist. The man’s grip, unrelenting, unflinching, uncaring grasp only began to squeeze down harder on his neck causing Yuichiro’s form to tremble and visibly shake under the pressure. Purple bruises of the shape of the upper moons clasp imprints across the child’s neck.
“You..have been chosen..”
Those words struck the child to his core. His gaze fills with terror, disgusted by what they mean, his fear quick turned to pure horror as he was forced to watch the demons spare hand raise, sickly black demonic ichor pools within the palm of his hand.
“N…no…! N-no—!” Nononono anything but that— he’d rather die!
He tried. He tried to will his long broken body to move, to fight, to loosen the demons grip on his throat. It was all for nought.
Pressure building in his ears as those claws continue squeeze, depriving him of air. Tighter.. tighter.. spots of white began to dot across his vision, the world spun together he’s losing consciousness. He’s dying.
Terrified. Alone. The last words that left his lips was no curse at the demon. But a cry.
A desperate, terrified cry out the one person who made him feel safe. Whole. The one person who, as long as he was with him, nothing could break them.
“M….Mu i ch…i ro…i…im sc..s c..ared…” a simple whisper, the prayer of a terrified child echoes pass his lips and his body fell limp. Dangling uselessly in the other grasp, his fate resting in the hands of the demonic ancestor of the child. However, with blood pooling in his palm, rose to Yuichiro’s lips. Tilt his head back to feed the boy his gift. A single slip of poison ready to touch the child’s lips, to coat his throat, to turn him into a demon like himself.
Mist suddenly fell upon the moon, with it a single clean cut ushered in by rays of the morning sun began to kiss across the land as a shining blade cut through the demonic creatures fingers wrapped around Yuichiro’s throat. The child’s limp form fell for only just a single second before his body clashed into the reliable, steady, loving arms of his younger brothers, his twin, his other half’s embrace. The youngers footsteps were daft and quick, nimble and his tracks were covered by the safety of daylight. The only thing that saved the pair from the embodiment of death following them.
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komoboko · 6 months
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𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫
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ft: Giyu tomioka and Muichiro Tokito ・mui implied platonic but can be read as romantic
I never wrote for giyu so I hope this is alright ! Also this was just a ramble about them and their hair mmnmjmjn
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# giyu !! ☆
While GIYU can’t say he doesn’t know how to do his hair, the boy just doesn’t know how to do it properly. After Sabito and Makomo’s death he stopped putting real time into himself. He’ll do the bare minimum to get himself through the day. In his opinion it’s just “the thought that counts” even though you both know not much thought goes into it at all.
It isn’t until you drag him into your bathroom to actually take care of his hair that it comes back into the picture. He’s heard from Mitsuri and whisper of other female slayers about the pain of dealing with “a disaster of a bad hair day.” Tomioka can only give you a look as if it was a silent apology that you were going to have to deal with his “disaster” when it came to the glob of hair on his head.
Giyu shifts in his chair as his eyes stay focused onto the ground. He can hear how you search for different supplies, different brushes and combs that would fit his hair. His mind reminisces on the whispers he heard from girls gossiping about their own experiences as now the guilt sets in.
“..I’m sorry”
Your eyes turn towards the male who seemed to stay perfectly still in the chair you dragged him to. “Giyu? Did you say something?” You ask the black haired male.
He hesitates for a moment before slowly shaking his head. His body still facing away from you as the only thing moving was his head. “I said.. thank you.” You can only shrug off the doubt that clouded his voice.
Much to his surprise, the feeling of his hair being properly washed is something he wouldn’t imagine he expected to like so much. He couldn’t tell if it was the actually feeling of cleansing his hair, or if It was your fingers that glided and ran through his hair with so much patience. His shoulders slouched as the tense feeling in his body was no longer presence. A sigh would escape his lips as his eyes slowly closed embracing himself in the comfort fully.
While you may of only done this once, it’s a moment that quickly jumps to Tomioka’s favorites. The moment brought a feeling of so much intimacy that he wasn’t expecting. For a moment he felt like he could breathe, the burdens of his comrades who have long pasted on, the burdens of serving as a hashira, the burdens of life for a moment fell from his shoulders. The moment was just between the two of you an everlasting peace that lasted for such a short time but felt so long. Something he needed much more than he can express.
It won’t be a surprise when he sheepishly comes back to you after you both finished your mission for the day. Mumbling something about “the demons put up a decent fight. Unfortunately it messed my hair up greatly. Would you mind.. helping me fix it.” You can’t help but give a cheesy smile before bringing him back to the bathroom where it all started.
# Muichiro !! ☆
Poor poor Gyomei who unknowingly got roped into helping MUICHIRO learn how to do almost a boy thing properly while he attempts to regain his memories. While Gyomei shouldn’t be underestimated for his teaching skills as he trained Muichiro “back into a boy” as he puts it. Once it came to tackling his hair, is the line Gyomei wouldn’t cross.
You’ve heard rumors about his hair. That it was “more tangled than one could imagine” or, “so natty that it was unfixable.” You’ve never believed them of course but you couldn’t help but be curious about them. You only stared back at the boys hair while you could expect he was staring off into space like usual.
Like you expected, the rumors were false. What surprised you were how far off they really were. The comb ran through his hair, while you did encounter other issues with it, it was way easier than you imagined.
Moving the comb through Muichiro’s hair, you can only admire how much smoother it was compared to all the small rumors spread across the corps. You couldn’t help but wonder why his hair smelled so strange, not that it was bad but oddly familiar.
“What do you use for your hair mui?” you mutter. Silence falls upon the room for a moment until Muichiro collects himself as he snaps out of his thoughts.
“Mitsuri showed me how she does her own hair, so I use the same products as her.” he replies softly.
Oh, so that explains the smell. Your face goes blank for a moment before a soft chuckle escapes your lips at the new found information. You open your eyes once more to see Muichiro face properly in the mirror, a small smile creeping up onto his lips.
Muichiro secretly like when you style his hair. He doesn’t voice his opinion directly but you can tell by his actions and expressions he likes it. His favorite style is anything that includes something half up and half down. He thinks it makes him look cool. Though he still very open to try anything as long as your styling his hair.
He tends to drift back towards you whenever he feels the need to get his hair done. He’ll shuffle towards your direction with a comb or another style in his mind for his hair. While he think he just enjoys getting his hair done, Muichiro just enjoys having some peace for a moment and spending time around you.
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reticent-writer · 5 months
Hello hello! Your writing has dragged me back into Demon Slayer(/vpos) and I got an idea, if you’re up for it! (This might be rambley so bare with me please)
What about (character(s) of your choice) with a music lover s/o or friend who gets turned into a siren-like demon? Physically speaking, maybe their skin becomes scales and they grow some fins here and there. And while they’re still mentally present enough to be themselves rather than a mindless cryptid, perhaps they become spacey, a bit more jumpy, and find a lot of solace near water/with music. How would your characters of choice handle these changes? Especially if s/o refuses to drink blood(or at least sources it like Tamayo does) and wants to fight by their side? (Maybe their Blood Art has something to do with their voice, like a Siren’s luring voice or a Banshee scream!)
I hope that’s not too much detail, feel free to leave out/add anything and have a wonderful day/night! Thank you!!
◡̈⋆ʜᴇʟʟᴏ(●’◡’●)ノ thank you for requesting, don't worry I love a lot of details.
sorry for the wait
I viewed most of these as platonic but it can go either way
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If there is anything that you need Tanjiro gotchu. If you do drink blood he'll offer his if you don't that's even better. Out of everyone here he notices the changes in your personality the most. He notices your likes and dislikes and changes what he does to accommodate you.
"Y/n? you alright?" Tanjiro taps your shoulder to which you jump and turn around. Seeing that it was just him and nezuko you smile.
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"
"We're on a mission and you were spacing out again." He sweatdropped as you took in your surroundings. It was the middle of the night, in a forest.
"Oh I'm sorry." You flush, "Did you kill the demon. I'm so sorry-"
"No no it's fine... it's just that I kinda broke my leg and I'm bleeding internally."
One minute you're both talking then the next Muichirou forgets what you were talking about and you are spacing out. When he gets his memories back the first thing he remembers about you is your voice. You never tried to eat him so why should he care if you are a demon or not.
After the battle in the swordsman village, Muichirou was transported to the butterfly mansion.
"Y/n don't shout this is an infirmary." Aoi scolded and you replied with a meek sorry.
the moment the two of you made eye contact, his eyes lit up. His best friend was waiting for him and he could clearly remember everything about anything.
You waited for Aoi to finish setting Muichirou in a room before you sat at his side and talked to him.
"Y/n can you sing the song that you're always humming."
Rengoku believes that if nezuko can be a non-human-eating demon then there is a chance for you to be one too. Once he knows you're harmless he brings you around senjuro.
You were a former demon slayer and or close friend(or S/o) to the flame hashira, Your families were close.
"Senjuro you remember Y/n, don't you?"
"Oh no did something happen to them."
"Well not exactly she um-" cue you (who was standing in the shadows of the Rengoku estate) stepping out into the sunlight and getting burnt.
You gave Senjuro a heart attack when he saw you.
Genya doesn't know how to react. It takes him days to figure out how to deal with literally everything. Man is walking on eggshells around you.
He literally just stares at you.
"Um genya... your creeping me out."
In the blink of an eye he snaps out of it and his face goes red.
mitsuri finds you absolutely adorable, she's glad that you didn't turn into a full demon. Obanai on the other hand is very skeptical.
"Obanai look it Y/n." Mitsuri enthusiastically presented you to the less-than-happy man.
"Another demon seriously."
"Oh Obanai don't be so
Tamao takes an interest in your changes. You being around is like a breathe of fresh air for her and Yushiro. Although Yushiro would never admit it.
"How are you feeling today Y/n." Tamao said as she offered you a cup of blood.
"I'm feeling fine thanks for asking.
"If you feel so fine would you mind getting back to work." Yushio butted in.
"Ah poor Yushiro having to cover for me for less than 2 days while I was out."
"Oh please you were only dying for a day you stayed down to be dramatic."
"Wow I-"
"Can both of you not argue please."
Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope this holiday season has been full of joy.
This is my FINAL post of 2023.
It has been a year of many surprises and has now ended.
I'm still accepting requests but I won't post until the New year because there is so much going on.
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Things I loved about In the Heights
-The sounds of the city are part of the music of the opening song
-The frame story is the only way this story should be told; the story only works if it shows the results of Usnavi's decision to stay
-Anthony and Lin shaking hands
-Yay to random mixed race couple asking for directions
-“I hope you’re writing this down I’m gonna test you later” only makes sense with kids
-Showing different residents of Washington Heights provides scale
-I’m not sure about the decision to cut Camila, but if it means less Nina drama, then I love it
-I love how Usnavi has his friends’ orders all ready to go
-LOVE how Usnavi announces Benny’s entrance
-Everything about Vanessa in this movie is perfect=> she’s given so much more depth, her beauty is downplayed, she’s kind of a nerd, but has a beautiful smile
-Nina’s heels=> metaphor for her reaching for the stars
-I love the actress that plays Nina; she’s the right age and her singing voice is so sweet
-Nina’s hair is straight when she’s at school; as soon as she comes home, it’s curly=>she can be herself at home
-When Nina turns around and sees the crowd of people counting on her=> I felt that
-I love seeing Nina get her acceptance letter; I remember what that was like for my brother
-Camila must have died while Nina was at college in this version; Nina lost her mother recently which helps explain her different reason for dropping out; she feels lost
-I don’t know why Sonny is using this deep voice, but I love it!
-Whoever decided to have 96,000 take place at the pool is a genius
-The graphics at the beginning of 96,000 are good for helping regular people understand the rap
-Pete just put his arm around Sonny=> are they dating?
-Sonny yelling 96,000 as he enters the pool=> the sound design
-Pete nodding along to Usnavi=> sucking up to the family
-Usnavi is such a proud cousin-uncle during Sonny’s part in 96,000
-Vanessa making her “I'll be downtown” walk down a ramp
-The dancer doing flips is now a diver doing spins into the pool
-On stage, the lighting was dark; in the movie, it’s underwater
-The circles of people in the pool reflect the zeros in 96,000
-Lin and Chris being rivals is perfect; their bromance is everything
-Nina and Benny being together before the events of the movie means they are the beta couple and have less drama than Usnavi/Vanessa which is how it should be
-Benny joins in during “on that fire escape”=> like West Side Story
-Benny’s “Let me in” against the fence is hilarious
-Nina and Benny are FUN, not angsty like in the original
-Nina following the little girl=> following herself, following her dreams which eventually lead her to the sea; all of this is done while she’s talking about her past
-Nina and Benny instrumental™ part 1 in the middle of “When You’re Home”, Benny interrupts=> their story isn't complete yet
-Benny says he believes in her without discounting her feelings
-Everyone loving Nina=> I finally get it
-Nina is home geographically and with people who love her
-Benny is Nina’s home
-In the Heights is about how dreams are great, but the life you have now can be so beautiful
-Nina’s hair during the dinner/club scene is great
-Usnavi is wearing his dad’s hat for his date with Vanessa; he knows that she is to him what his mom was for his dad
-Family dinners are the same in every culture
-Awkwardness of long-time friends going on a date
-Vanessa offers Usnavi his first drink of the night; he thinks that’s what she wants; because why would she want him and only him?
-Usnavi whispering in Vanessa’s ear is so sexy
-Love that Benny is on Nina’s side instead of being mad at her
-I wonder if they thought 5 years of Benny working for Kevin was too much or too little since they changed that line to "all these years"
-Benny’s reactions to Vanessa dancing at the club are hilarious
-Vanessa laughing at Usnavi dancing with someone else
-Nina is always smiling and laughing at the things going on around her; not as self centered
-Nina and Benny dancing at the club=> all of the yeses
-Usnavi is too nervous about being alone with Vanessa that he un-dated himself; he wasn’t quite ready
-Love that they consciously cut all the “Usnavi, help me” parts=> Vanessa is not a victim
-Fireworks are a romantic setting for Sonny and Pete, just saying
-Usnavi/Benny/Nina talking about the fourth member of their square gives me feelings; I need more of these four in fanfic, my dreams
-“I got to wait for Vanessa”=> the stuff dreams are made of
-Benny is such a good person; he’s even better than the original which is what he deserves
-Usnavi is relieved to have Vanessa call his name
-“Don’t walk away from us tonight”=> great addition
-To give Usnavi and Vanessa some of Nina and Benny’s original lines is to see the face of God
-The first time I saw this, I’m ashamed to admit, I thought Benny was going to steal money from the dispatch; I was a fool
-Dancer with fireworks on his shoes
-Benny is smart and good; he isn’t doing this for Kevin or Nina but for the people of New York
-Abuela was able to see stars again on the last night of her life
-I’m sad Blackout isn’t exactly the same but the orchestral parts that cover up what is unsaid is so beautiful it makes up for it
-Abuela’s family is her “fireworks”; they are what light up the Heights
-Sonny came to Usnavi instead of being with his dad during the blackout; his real family
-Abuela’s smile as she looks at her family while reflecting on her childhood is the most beautiful thing there will ever be
-Paciencia y Fe as a dream sequence is how it was meant to be
-The transition on the subway from reality to memory
-Paciencia y Fe is a mixture of cultures; like Abuela’s memories
-“Wide awake”=> stepping off the subway
-The same actress played Abuela on Broadway and in the movie
-Abuela may be in a musical, but she’s still an old woman
-“As I feed these birds”=> back to the present
-Calor means heat in Spanish but in English it sounds like color
-Abuela dying during the night of the blackout is perfect
-Usnavi saying “she was just here” twice: when she was literally just there and many years, maybe a decade, after the fact
-Usnavi’s daughter is the life that goes on after Abuela is gone
-Usnavi and Nina crying together
-Those closest to Abuela are inside and everyone else is outside
-Iris was sitting on the outside and now she’s in the middle; needed comfort from her friends
-“Should we take a break?”=> we’re past the point of an intermission
-“No daddy, keep going”=> does this look like a stage production to you? It’s a fucking movie
-There isn’t a clear point for an intermission; the action stays strong over where the intermission should be; this is a movie, not a play, and movies don’t have intermissions
-Everyone’s holding candles; like the stars Abuela loved so much
-Iris called Usnavi Daddy for the first time because that was the point in the story where he needed to hear that the most
-“I thought about the people I care about the most, I thought about you”
-Anthony makes Usnavi sexy in a way Lin never could
-So many people love Vanessa, but no one better than Usnavi
-Abuela paid to have Camila's napkins cleaned after all
-Usnavi is the kind of parent that doesn’t sugarcoat life
-Vanessa listed no emergency contacts even though she had people
-“That’s senorita to you”=> yes girl, get it
-Love Daniela for getting everyone out of their asses
-“Tonteria” means foolishness=> the more you know
-How fast Carla says no to “ask me why” shows how quickly she wants to please her love
-Usnavi’s Nueva York t-shirt=> I need it
-Daniela’s first effect being on a woman whose hair is terrible
-Carla pushing that man away from her woman with a bullshit excuse
-My friend was laughing at the parts that were meant to be jokes
-Usnavi’s entrance being announced in Carnaval del Barrio; just like Benny in the opening song
-“There’s nothing holding me down”=> assuming he was rejected
-The different communities dancing with their flags
-Nina being part of Carnaval del Barrio is great
-Even Kevin, kind of an old man, can get down
-Since Nina and Benny sex scene wasn’t shown on screen (praise Jesus), I have to assume Nina told Daniela even though she knows she’s a huge gossip
-Everyone stops because Sonny, a kid, starts singing
-Vanessa and Sonny are so powerful together
-Vanessa’s hand on Sonny’s shoulder
-A kid providing Usnavi with the “flag I’ve got in my hand”
-Usnavi and Vanessa dancing together is muy romantico
-Everything about Nina’s appearance in “When the Sun Goes Down”
-“Let me just listen to my block”=> peak Nina
-Abuela wrote “for Usnavi” on her lotto ticket 😭
-They cut so many songs but kept Champagne=>I love their priorities
-The pause before “you outta stay”
-Everyone has such great chemistry; especially Usnavi and Vanessa
-The choreography in Champagne is what I’ve always imagined
-Usnavi didn’t have time to cash in because Vanessa came over
-Vanessa and Pete friendship for the win
-“Best days of my life” is said thrice=> good things come in threes
-Usnavi staring at the room where Vanessa kissed him
-Iris knows he stayed; she loves her dad so much
-Usnavi looking out his window in Washington Heights and seeing his friends on his dad’s beach
-When Usnavi talks about Kevin at the dispatch, the camera flashes to an abandoned building
-“Vanessa at the salon”=> Usnavi sheds a tear
-Vanessa being front and center during Usnavi’s decision to stay
-Hearing the sounds of the beach during the unveiling
-It’s all about Vanessa=> perfection
-Lin being at the ending is perfect no matter the context
-“Say it so it doesn’t disappear”=> the sad reality is your neighborhood probably will disappear
-Usnavi telling his daughter “you’re it” is everything
-Iris understanding all of the little details of her father’s store now that she knows his story
-Iris is the goddess of the rainbow like the light that appears when water appears on a sunlit day
-“Man, you talk forever”=> that’s so “How I Met Your Mother”
-Iris has a necklace of seashells, like the islands
-Vanessa would sooner get wet than let go of Usnavi’s hand
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laketaj24 · 4 years
Author’s Note: Hey! This piece was requested, and I decided to make it a few parts. So here is the first, and this part is based on one of my favorite songs, Slow Dancing in a Parking Lot. I really like hometown, slow country ass romances lol. So this is what I am giving you! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Happy Reading! (My taglists and requests are open!)
Warnings: Public Sex, Fluff, Language, Dubcon, OMEGAVERSE
Pairings: Alpha!Henry Cavill x Omega!Reader
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“Hi.” You waved at your new neighbor. The small family of four seen you a total of seven times and still had not introduced themselves once. Where was the small-town charm you’d seen in all those movies?
The man looked to you first, tall and muscled he waved. “Good morning!”
“Morning!” You yipped, finally, some interaction. “Your family is beautiful.” Those were the only words that you could think of besides saying something about the weather.
“Thank you, how are you liking Longview?”
“Love it.” You lied. It had been two weeks, you’d left the house a total of three times and each time you got lost. “It’s beautiful here.”
The drizzle of rain started overhead, it always rained in Washington, maybe that’s why you stayed in all those days without hesitation. It was sunnier in Southern California, and there was always something to do, here it was the opposite.
“That’s wonderful,” he yelled before ducking into his blue minivan. Your neighbor waved quickly as he backed out of his driveway and onto the road.
The family next door was the only one for about five miles, besides the one across the street, and he never really made an appearance other than coming home from work. You liked to people watch, it was easy to do when there were only two houses to watch. You made your way back into the house, nursing the warm cup of coffee.
When you moved here, you were no stranger to the place. Summers had been spent here with your uncle, sometimes holidays, and upon his death, you inherited the house that gave you some of your fondest memories. Building a life here was what you were intended to do, and you didn’t really have a choice, it had all fell apart everywhere else you went. This inheritance was your one get of jail free card, and it came right on time.
Longview didn’t hold much, two grocery stores on each side of the town, one bookstore, three churches, and one bar called the Sly Tree. These things you’d remembered because they held an interest and you had planned to visit them all. Tonight it was Sly Tree.
 The yellow crop top looked good against your honey-colored skin and with the slight inch of your mid-drift showing it gave the illusion that you were a good girl who’d come to play, or at least that's what you wanted it to mean. Who knew if they took it that way, you sat at the bar. There were a few more people in the place, but none that piqued your interest. The bartender tapped your glass. “Refill?”
“I can’t.” you shook your head, there was no hope of you getting home safely with another drink in your system. “But thank you.”
“You moved into Harper’s old place?”
“Yes, he was muy uncle.”
“Good guy, he always came in here on Sunday’s spreading lies about wolves.” The bartender was friendly enough, the cute smile and wide eyes caught your attention, but he was young.
“He told me about those damn wolves.” You giggled. They were all around the property. Hence the reason you opted to not have a dog, coming home to a missing dog was not your intention.
“crazy man, good, though.” He handed you a sprite. “Drink this.”
“Thank you... what’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you, Cody, is there anything fun to do around here?”
“A few towns over, maybe.” He shrugged a matter of fact and exhaled. “Hunting is pretty cool, though? You should come in one day?”
“I’m certain she doesn’t mean killing deer.” The smooth voice came from the right of you, the familiar face of your quiet neighbor actually brought some light to your life. Maybe you wouldn’t have to feel alone after all.
“Hey, neighbor,” he smirked. “A beer, please.”
You’d never talked to him, only observed from afar, and there was much to observe. He was tall, strapping with broad shoulders, a body that made you think unsavory things and, unlike the family man across the yard, unattached. “So, you do know that I’m there?”
“How could I not?”
“You never speak.”
“Haven’t had the opportunity.”
“Opportunities have been available, Cavill.” You said his last name thinking of the gray mailbox it was engraved in.
“Hmmm.” He placed the bottle cap of the beer on the table and took a swig of the beer. “You like to hide in that house of yours, I didn’t want to bother you.”
“I could say the same about you.”
“I’m Henry, and if I am not mistaken, you’re Y/N.” Henry swiveled in his chair to face you. “Your uncle spoke highly of you.”
“That’s good to know.”
“So, you’re in a bar on a Wednesday at eight, cabin fever must’ve set in?”
“It did.”
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His car smelled of cedar, and you loved it. You sunk back in the passenger seat and kicked your feet up on his dashboard. The small city passed by, and for once in your unsettled roused life, you felt at ease. There was only one red light but about five intersections that lead you in a circle.
“Where are you from?” Henry asked with his arm hanging out of the window, his fingers waving as the window passed through them. “Technically, I’m from Georgia, but I lived in California for almost four years.”
“So. Cal?”
“Yeah, how’d you know?”
“I didn’t.” he laughed. “But I’ve always wanted to use that abbreviation.”
“Good sentence, no one calls it that by the way.”
“Then how was it a good sentence.”
“I just didn’t want to diss you all the way.”
“Ah, the courtesy country girl, I lucked out.”
“Thank you.” You bit your lip. “You go to the gym often?”
“Never.” Henry laughed. “I run and lift trees.”
“All this comes from that?” It was impossible not to touch his arms, they looked terrific through the tight-fitting grey shirt.
“Five years of it, yes.”
“I guess I lucked out.” You whispered with a small grin on your face. “Where are we headed?”
“Right over there.” He pointed to the grocery store parking lot, and the car headed that way. You had never been parking, but you’d heard of it just not in a place this obvious.
“There are no lights in that parking lot.” You chuckled. “Choosing dim-lit places like this on purpose?”
“Definitely.” the half cocky answer was coated with sarcasm. Henry didn’t seem like that type. He parked the car and turned the music down. “Now, you tell me one of your favorite songs.”
“Does it have to be fast?”
“It’s totally up to you.”
“I’m drawing a blank here,” I said after a few seconds.
“I’ll pick one, you keep thinking.” He strolled through his phone, and then the slow music came through the speakers. henry climbed out of the truck, walked over to your side, and opened the door. “Dance?” He asked.
“I suck at it.”
“Good, I don’t have to whip out my Footloose moves.” He winked as he helped you from the truck into his hands. Sweet guys like him never seemed to come your way, not in Georgia, California, or any of the other places you’d been. He was novel.
He moved as if he actually could dance, pulling you against his chest and swaying playfully to the music. The song was lulling, complementing the atmosphere of the night.
“So, where’s your girlfriend?”
“Someone as perfect as you have to be in a longterm relationship contemplating marriage.”
He laughed, shaking his head, his eyes flickering amber in the light for a moment and then back to their normal state. Henry’s fingers intertwined in yours. “I have no one, and if I did... I am certain you’d of seen her by now.”
“Just checking.”
“What else do you want to know?”
“What can you tell me?”
“I drink every Saturday night. I get in lost in the color brown, it’s the prettiest color... Trees, dirt all beauties often overlooked, but they’re the most important ones. I sleep with the air on me. I wake up super early, walk to the river and piss every morning. I like to sing in the shower, but I suck at it. I like you.” The vomit of words was the most alluring thing you’d heard since you came here. Henry twirled you around and pulled you back to him.
“You tell every girl you take home these same lines?”
“Just one.”
“You’re smooth with your lines Henry...”
“I can still break out my footloose moves if you want?”
“No need to...” You smiled. “This is better.”
“Good. I haven’t stretched just yet.”
You shouldn’t have kissed him, your hands shouldn’t be gripping his curls, and you definitely shouldn’t be hoisting yourself upon him, but here you were doing all of it and importantly enjoying it. Your tongue lightly swiped his lips before it was met with his and a small groan. Five hours ago, you met him. You didn’t know his last name or if even shared your beliefs, but you wanted to fuck him.
“How are the public indecency charges around here?” You whispered.
“I haven’t been charged with that one yet.” He carried you to the passenger’s seat.
“There’s a first for everything.”
“I know the sheriff.” he laughed. “I think I can get us out of it.”
Everything was rushed, but it didn’t stop you from deepening the kiss and tugging on his belt buckle.
“You sure you want this?”
You press your palms into the leather seat, and he pulls your pants down to your ankles. “I haven’t been sure of anything else.” You giggle as you rock your hips against him, grinding your mound against his hardened cock. He pushed your panties aside, rubbing the head of his cock against your lips and hoisted you up.
“You’re already wet for me, sweetheart.” he pushed inside of you, throbbing and suppressing a carnal growl.
You sunk your teeth into his shoulder when he pulled you down on his cock and began to fuck you. Then his eyes met yours, and they glowed in the dim light of the parking lot, it was surreal animalistic. “I’ve been thinking about this ever since you moved in...” He fucked harder, bouncing your tits in your bra. “How I wanted to fuck you and make you mine...” he grunted.
Your head fell back in ecstasy, and he rubbed his nose down your face before his tongue licked down your chest.
“Your fucking scent.” He growled, rutting into you. “You don’t even know what you are... sweetheart.”
“What am I?” You whispered.
“Mine.” Henry’s teeth bit into your skin, and you squealed. “Omega.”
His eyes shifted again in the light, and his teeth were still in your flesh.
Your uncle used to talk of omegas, again when he was drunk... You pull away from him, but he continues to fuck you. “Henry.” You moaned. “Fuck! Henry!” You feel him swell inside of you.
Henry’s bitemark was fresh on your chest as was this inflamed urge to ride him harder, your body willed as if it could not stop. “Feel it.” He commanded. “Your body knows you’re mine too.”
“Ohh, fuck!” He grew bigger, swelling as he thrust faster and then locking into you. “Don’t cu-.”
Henry’s hand clamped down over your mouth, and he shuttered, your body shuttering, joining his climax. The warmth of his cum was soothing, fucking made you want to cum again. “Get dressed.” he kissed your lips. “Now.”
Henry Cavill Taglist: @oddsnendsfanfics​ @taytayize123​  @my-rosegold-soul​ @titty-teetee​ @sparklemichele​ @imgoldielikehawn​ @therandomthoughtsofmsparker​ @therealcalicali​ @rhys108 @shut-up-broccoli​@peculiar-monstar​ @sincerelysinister​ @xxpapasfritasxx​ @brexrif​  @sheismycherry​ @justgrits​  @angelic-kisses13 @ikeepforgettin​ @persephones24​
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dreamlover31 · 3 years
Love Will Find a Way: Chapter 4
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Normally wintertime was Alexa’s favorite time of year, seeing New York covered in a blanket of snow brought back fond memories of her childhood. There were times where she engaged in snowball fights with friends in Central Park when school was cancelled, and when her parents brought her to Rockefeller Center for the lighting of the tree and at one point, an old boyfriend took Alexa to the ice skating rink there for a first date. Even as an adult, she enjoyed the simple pleasantries that come with the season, however, today was not one of those days. 
Alexa had seen on the news that a freak snowstorm was going to bare down on the city and on top of that, the furnace in her building broke down so she had to resort to wrapping herself in layers upon layers of blankets and running some heavy duty space heaters. As she looked out the window, the snow was starting to come down and the wind was blowing pretty hard, essentially it was like being in a city wide snow globe. While the lack of heat in the building was a bit of nuisance, the sight of the snowfall was just so enchanting and mesmerizing, then at that moment she felt an arm wrapped around her waist only to find that it was Rafael’s. He stopped by earlier that day, before the storm made landfall, because Alexa invited him over to dinner and binge watch her favorite show on Netflix, although he hadn’t counted on walking into a cold apartment building.
As soon as he made it to Alexa’s apartment, she explained the situation and when the subject of rescheduling dinner for another time was brought up, both of them thought it would be best for him to stay the night given how bad of a storm was heading their way. As he slinked his other arm to interlock himself with her, he buried his face into the crook of her neck and gently rocked her body from side to side, Alexa let out a soft moan as she smiled up at him.
“Man it is really coming down out there”
“I know, and yet it’s a beautiful sight…as the song goes, it’s like walking in a winter wonderland”
“I’m not sure the rest of the tenants in this building would agree”
“Yeah…mother nature picked the perfect day to bring about a snowstorm”
“Come on, let’s finish watching the rest of the show”
Rafael and Alexa walked back towards the couch, she grabbed the remote from the coffee table and pressed the play button to resume the show. As they both sat there covered in quilted blankets, Rafael couldn’t help but comment on Alexa’s fascination with The Walking Dead Series, she tried to make the argument that if ever a zombie apocalypse occurred, that this was a necessary tool for survival. He rolled his eyes at her defense of the show, to which she counteracted with something to the effect that it was her apartment, she can watch whatever the hell she wants. 
Ultimately, Rafael held his tongue the rest of the way seeing how he was not going to convince her that the show was tedious at best, at the end of the episode, Alexa headed into the kitchen where she grabbed some pots and pans to prepare for the meal she was going to make. After setting the water to boil, Alexa grabbed the linguini from the cupboard and dropped it into the pot, as she began stirring it she felt Rafael at her side once again. He used his blanket to wrap himself around her and was starting to place small kisses on her neck when she lightly elbowed him.
“Hey come on, I need to get dinner ready”
“But carino I’m freezing,” Rafael playfully whined. 
“How can you be freezing, you have a blanket around you and I’ve got a couple of space heaters running. I don’t see how I can make it any warmer in here”
“I do”
Before she could even answer, Rafael pressed his lips upon hers, Alexa cupped his cheeks with both hands as her blanket fell on to the floor. As Rafael placed his hands on her hips, the blanket covering him would join hers on the floor as well, and then as if their bodies were on autopilot; the two of them slowly made their way back to the couch. Alexa backed into the armrest causing her to fall backwards, Alexa giggled as Rafael climbed on top of her, the both of them continued to passionately kiss each other; tongues intertwining as he made haste in removing Alexa’s black wool sweater and jeans. As she laid there in her matching white lace bra and panty set, she watched as Rafael lifted his grey sweater over his head and slipped out of his jeans until he was only in boxers, Alexa smiled in admiration at his physique. 
The very sight of the dark patch of chest hair was enough to make her body squirm and while he would never admit it, the size of his pudgy belly always gave her a run for her money; she loved the way it made him feel when she glided her hands along his midsection. He then gently lowered himself on top of her and continued to pepper her with kisses, trailing a line from Alexa’s lips to her neck to all the way down to her stomach. The feel of his mouth on Alexa’s body was invigorating, it was if her senses had gone into overdrive, the sound of her heart beating amplified, the scent of his cologne so overpowering that she could almost taste it. As he made his way back up to face her, the two of them locked eyes for a moment as she brushed his cheek with her knuckles while he gently stroked Alexa’s long, sandy brown hair.
As he lifted himself up, she placed her hands along the pudge she had grown to love so much and slid them up to his chest, soft moans and sighs escaped his lips as she rubbed his pecs. His hands did a little maneuvering of their own when they unhooked Alexa’s bra, and then with his fingertips, traced a path from her rib bones to her hips; all the while her body lightly bucked at his touch. When they reached the elastic waistband of her panties, he crooked them inside and slid them off, after the last article of clothing was discarded from Alexa, he took a moment to admire her naked form.
 “Tienes un Hermosa cuerpo”
Although it had been a while since she spoke Spanish or at least heard it, the sound of his native tongue nearly put Alexa over the edge. Her hands left his pecs and made their way down to his boxers, but not before her nails gently raked his chest hair causing him to whimper, once she pulled them off and tossed them aside, Rafael kneeled on his feet as he lifted her legs over his shoulders. He kissed both of her inner thighs before he put his mouth on her center, Alexa tilted her head as the feel of his tongue enveloped her clit, the sounds of panting and moaning filled the lukewarm room as he continued to lap at her core.
“Oh god Rafael…Ohhh yeah”
With every single sensation, Alexa’s body was grinding upwards against his mouth and as he hummed at her enthusiasm, she reached back as her fingers gripped the top left side of the couch while her other hand slinked down to tangle her fingers in his hair. As he teased Alexa for what seemed like an eternity, she could feel herself teetering on the edge and Rafael could sense that she was getting close so he stopped against her objections, he smirked at the look of disappointment on Alexa’s face but reassured her that the best was yet to come. 
 After he re-positioned himself to align with her opening, Rafael slowly entered his hardened member into her, she gasped and then clutched his back. Alexa’s fingers gently grazed up and down his back as she kissed the side of his neck and shoulder, Rafael and Alexa moaned into each other’s mouths as he slowly thrusted into her. His thrusts sped up when she wrapped her legs around his waist signaling him to go faster and deeper, her muscles clenching up against his erection in the process, the sounds of their panting and moaning were so intense it was almost deafening. 
“Oh Rafael…Oh god yeah, right there”
“Te sientes muy bien”
As they continued their rhythmic gyrations, Alexa thought: I swear if he says one more thing in Spanish, I’m gonna lose it. She felt herself on the edge again, and this time Rafael didn’t stop.
“Rafael…I’m so close”
“Llegado para mi mi amor”
As soon as those words left his lips, Alexa’s body shook as her orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave, then with a few more thrusts, Rafael’s release soon followed. He again gently lowered himself on top of Alexa and rested his head on her chest, she then kissed his forehead while stroking his damp and matted hair, after the last ounce of energy was drained from their bodies, they were startled by the screeching sound of the smoke alarm, so much so that Rafael had sprung up from the couch and fallen to the floor. Without thinking, Alexa jumped over the side and made a beeline for the smoking pot on the stove, after putting on some oven mitts, she grabbed the pot and dumped its contents in the sink. Smoke continued to fill the room until she decided to crack open the kitchen window, while using the mitts to fan out the smoke, Alexa suddenly realized that she was still naked.
Alexa quickly looked around for something to cover herself with until she noticed that hers and Rafael’s blankets were still on the floor, after she picked it up and proceeded to wrap it around her body, she heard a groan coming from the couch and saw Rafael rising up from the floor rubbing his head. Alexa tried to stifle a laugh but failed, she then grabbed the second blanket while making her way over to him, once she handed it to him, he wrapped it around his waist and sat back on the couch. After Alexa plopped herself alongside him, she leaned in on his shoulder as the two of them shared a laugh.
“You’re letting the heat out”
“Once the smoke clears, I’ll close it…besides we could always do it again”
Rafael smirked as he wrapped an arm around Alexa, he kissed her temple as he said:
“What are we going to do about dinner?”
“I got some leftover pizza we could nuke”
“Better than nothing”
Tagging: @madpanda75 @laceybellerain @madamsnape921 @southern-magnolia @misssirenlove @tropes-and-tales @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @karens-imagined-world @teamsladsandgents @youreverycolor @glimmerglittergirl​ 
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QTVW Chapter 21
Showbiz* Sexy Queen (VIII)
After this incident, Bai Jieying's gaze on Mei Mu Lan took on a vague disdain and condescending arrogance, and she was smart enough not to confront the crew with this attitude, but to specifically target Mei Mu Lan.
And after recalling the memories of the original owner, Mei Mu Lan found that this kind of contentious situation was actually the form of daily life between the original owner and Bai Jieying. After analyzing the Bai Jieying in her memories and the eyes of Bai Jieying now, she compared them and came to the conclusion that the eyes and expressions of Bai Jieying's original owner and the Bai Jieying after crossing over were exactly the same when she looked at Mei Mu Lan.
In this way, it seems likely that the traveler in front of her has obtained all the memories of the original Bai Jieying. Now, Mei Mu Lan and her situation are completely similar, both have lived in real life and both know the plot, and most importantly, they both have memories of the original owner who crossed over.
And the only difference is that the informed part of the plot is different.
Mei Mu Lan is right here in the plot, in a dominant position, but in other areas, the two are actually evenly matched.
Thinking of this, Mei Mu Lan would glare back with the same glare when she encountered Bai Jieying glaring at her again, and this behaviour of hers completely reassured Bai Jieying, dispelling the idea that this Mei Mu Lan in front of her was also a traveler.
And when Bai Jieying went to the director's side for her second audition, Mei Mu Lan secretly made a plan in her mind: next she had to spend a long time to observe this traveler's behavior, and the current image of Bai Jieying in the cast was all finely crafted and acted out, not real.
Then in order to see what she was really like, she had to get into Bai Jieying's daily life in order to do so.
When Mei Mu Lan thought of this, she decided to move out of Aunt Wen's house and go back to the Mei family for a while to see how she acted in her daily life and how she behaved in private, and once she was familiar with Bai Jieying's style and behaviour, she could plan for her subsequent task of "solving the travelers".
So, Mei Mu Lan waited until the day's filming was finished, then she immediately said goodbye to Ling Yi Yao and ''made out'', then drove back to Aunt Wen's villa. By the time she got home, Aunt Wen was not at home because she had a design job and had gone abroad to get some experience, so after thinking about it, Mei Mu Lan left a note which said,
“Aunt Wen, I've been out for so many years and I understand somewhat what my father did, so I'm going to move back in with the Mei family for a while and thank you for taking care of me, all these years!”
After writing it, she read it out a few times and found it to be quite fluent, so she left the note on the dining room table, turned to her room, packed her few bags and left the Wen family home.
Mei Mu Lan followed the route she remembered and drove back to the Mei family mansion in the wealthy residential area of the Second Ring Road.
Because the Mei family is a family of scholars that has been passed down for hundreds of years, the Mei family's mansion, which maintains the style of hundreds of years ago, is the modern well-known courtyard, in the modern world, such a set of courtyard, in the outside world can be sold for hundreds of millions of dollars, but this is really nothing for the Mei family.
The Mei family's family ethos pushes the boundaries of money and dirt, and the Mei family's family wealth ranks among the best in the world.
Mei Mu Lan drove back outside the Mei family home, she walked inside the old mansion and as far as the eye could see there were flower pots, water tanks, recliners…… and other furniture, all of which are relics of hundreds of years old, is an expression of the cultural heritage of the Mei family.
Mei Mu Lan casually swept a glance, and then saw that a middle-aged man wearing a Republican tunic greeted her, with a warm and kind smile on his face, the whole person gave people a feeling of a gentleman as gentle as jade.
He took the luggage from Mei Mu Lan and handed it to the maid who was waiting with his head down, then called out affectionately,
“Missy, you're back at last.”
Mei Mu Lan knew from memory that this man was the butler of the Mei family, the child of a friend of Grandpa Tai, and had been given the surname Mei after being brought back to the Mei family by Grandpa Tai when he was three years old.
He grew up in the house of Mei and was always brought up by the great lord of the Mei family. Although he was called a butler, his status was not that of a servant, but that of one of the rulers of the Mei family, managing the internal affairs of the house as well as some of the external affairs, a man of great means, loyal and intelligent.
He has a high status in the Mei family and most of the Mei family are close to him. Even Mei Mu Lan's father, who was the current head of the Mei family, would adopt a slightly friendly attitude when facing him.
When Mei Mu Lan thought of this, she lowered her eyebrows and smiled slightly poutingly,
“Butler Mei, it's been a long time, you're still as handsome as ever.”
The smile on Butler Mei's face deepened a little as he said,
“Miss, I am relieved to see you in such good spirits. No matter what happens at the Master's place, you will always be the Mei family's Miss in my heart, and as for that one and her daughter, you need not bother at all.”
Mei Mu Lan heard his concern for herself in his words, and she was moved to say,
“Thank you butler, I understand, I just want to go home for a while, no matter what, I am my father's own daughter, before I did not know what to do, and made my father and butler worry about me.”
With a relieved smile, Butler Mei said,
“It's good that you've figured it out. There's nothing in life that you can't get through. All external things are false, only blood is real. Now, I have ordered your room to be taken care of, you are tired today, go and rest, I will order someone to call you at dinner time.”
“Thank you, butler. I'll go to my room.”
After bidding farewell to the butler, Mei Mu Lan went back to the original owner's room.
When she opened the door, she saw a literary and elegant room, which was decorated with a combination of Chinese and foreign elements, which matched her imagination of a woman's bedroom from a scholarly family, whereas the original owner's room at Aunt Wen's house was filled with Ling Yi Yao's photos and dolls, which made Mei Mu Lan's heart feel creepy, but for the sake of the mission, she had to maintain this style, which was really depressing.
And this time, finally, she could stay in a normal room, whatever the purpose of going home this time, at least she slept much better and was sure that she could sleep well for the next while.
When she thinks of the original owner, she can't help but think of Ling Yi Yao. She is now numb to her "obsessed" state and as soon as she sees Ling Yi Yao, her whole being will automatically switch to another channel.
Fortunately, the villain this time, Ling Yi Yao, although ruthless and with blood on her hands, is a very nice person to be around when she is in normal society.
In the face of her own obsessions in and out of the film, she has not even expressed her displeasure verbally, which makes Mei Mu Lan often exclaim that the villain is really well brought up. If it were up to me, I would have taken such a character to the ends of the earth.
And Ling Yi Yao now, apart from a vague, emotionally unstable expression on her face as soon as she saw her, there was nothing else on her face, which reassured Mei Mu Lan and made her even more aggressive at the same time.
I feel like I've suddenly gone feckless, and it's definitely the fault of the cannon fodder girl!
When Bai Jieying returned to the house in the evening at the time the Mei family had set for dinner, she saw Mei Mu Lan sitting on the sofa, sipping tea in a dignified manner, and then gave her usual snide remarks, it was only when her mother made a glib remark to stop her that she skipped away and walked over to her mother and sat down affectionately.
Mei Mu Lan watched coldly, this Bai Jieying was gentle and kind on the set, pouting and half-angry at home, and in front of her stepmother, she was like a real child, chattering about what had happened on the set today.
Her mother learned from her that she and Mei Mu Lan were filming in the same production, so she glanced at Mei Mu Lan from top to bottom.
In a lighter tone, she said,
“Mu Lan, you are from a scholarly family, the family style of your Mei family is to despise the lowest class such as opera singers, if your father finds out about your acting, he will definitely be angry, so think again, change your job, I remember that you sang Peking Opera very well before, you can continue to go into that profession, it is after all something your mother taught you, it is always bad to leave it behind.”
Mui Mu Lan, with her long, narrow eyes, said with the aura of a Peking opera, singing and chanting in a long, short voice,
“You know, I don't know what this lady is to me. What does the affairs of our Mei family have to do with you, a second-married woman? You claim to be a member of the Mei family, but in the olden days, you would not have been worthy to carry the shoes of a Mei family servant.
You think that just because you have my father's help, you can really do whatever you want. The Mei family has been passed down for a hundred years, and although my father is the patriarch, he has less resources at his disposal. And who are you to talk to me like that? I have a good temper, otherwise I would have asked someone to slap your mouth!”
Her stepmother's brain ached with anger at her sharp, eloquent tongue, and she trembled, raising her hand and pointing, unable to say a word.
And Bai Jieying, at this moment, had a weird smile on her face, looking straight at Mei Mu Lan without saying a word.
Mei Mu Lan put down her cup of tea in bemusement, then said to Mei's butler who was beside her, watching the show as an invisible person,
“I'm also the recognized next head of the Mei family, so if I don't show them what I'm made of, they'll think I'm a paperweight.”
With that, she stood up, glanced scornfully at the two women with different faces, tilted her head proudly, and turned to leave.
In the days that followed, Mei Mu Lan went to the film set during the day and flirted with Ling Yi Yao; at night, she returned to the Mei family to anger her stepmother, and lived a very happy life.
Although she and Bai Jieying live under the same roof and work on the same set, they are never together, always staggering their time and appearing one after the other in full view of others. This also made the crew aware of the fact that the two sisters were not on good terms.
Even so, Mei Mu Lan's concern for Bai Jieying did not diminish by half.
She was following the movements of Bai Jieying every moment, and she found that Bai Jieying was now a queen of all changes, her acting skills were perfect, in life, in acting, in and out of film, and she was showing her superb acting skills all the time.
While watching Bai Jieying act, Mei Mu Lan secretly instructed the detective to continue filming and tracking Bai Jieying's whereabouts.
She put it all together and waited for the day when it would come in handy.
Three months later, the crew of 《The Burial Man》had completed all the indoor filming and it was time to shoot outdoors.
After much deliberation, the director decided to head immediately to the Kunlun Mountains for a real outdoor shooting.
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rexcoatlarchive · 3 years
Welcome to chaldea
Time to explore how the hell Rex even got to chaldea in the first place.
*in a suburban home somewhere in Kansas, laying in his bed was the man who would eventually be thrown into some magical bs*
*phone rings*
Me: *picking up the phone* hola?
Gramps: Hola mijo!
Me: oh hey gramps
Gramps: how are doing today?
Me: I'm fine, and you?
Gramps: bien , muy bien. Hey, you think you can come over? It's kind of important.
Me: uh sure I guess I could.
Gramps: and make sure you come alone
Me: oh... OK.
*later on right outside a pretty dingy looking house*
Me: *driving up to the building*
Me: here we are. Wonder what he needs
*enters the house*
Me: gramps! You in here?!
Gramps: *from another room* over here mijo!
*Rex walks to a room that looks a bit like an office. And there at a desk sat an older kinda short looking Mexican man*
Rex: hey Gramps. You wanted to see me?
Gramps: si mijo! There's something I need to tell you about.
Me: uh sure thing, what is it?
Gramps: ...you ever heard of magic mijo?
Me: *already concerned* uh.... yeah.
Gramps: you think it's all just nonsense and fairy tails don't you?
Me: well all evidence I and the world at large have seen points towards it being bs, yeah.
Gramps: well what if I told you it was all true, and all magic users have been keeping it a secret from the rest of the world?
Me: what like Harry Potter? Well first off I'd be concerned about your mental health somewhat.
Gramps: hahaha, yeah I imagine that's an appropriate reaction. But what if I showed you this *just fucking makes fire appear out of his hands*
Me: .....well then. Is it real?
Gramps: course it's real. Try to feel it
Me: *reaches hand out, it's actually warm* ...how the fuck?
Gramps: like I said, magic! Well we call it thamaturgy, we don't consider it true magic.
Me: then wtf is true magic?
Gramps: the stuff of dreams! The things some true magicians can do are beyond imagination and even comprehension!
Me: well then... why are you telling me all this now? Who else knows?
Gramps: no one else in the family. I've kept this a secret for ages.
Me: ages?! How old are you?
Gramps: oof! I don't even remember! But I will say my earliest memory is of some Spanish fools asking about a golden city. And even then I wasn't exactly a spring chicken
Me: *thinking about how old that could be* holy... so you can keep yourself young with magic?
Gramps: yeah, most mages don't but a few dabble in it.
Me: why keep it a secret for so long? And why start talking now?
Gramps: well to answer your first question, it's because most of mage culture is horrible and lacks morality almost entirely.
Me: ...huh
Gramps: and almost all mages are fools, refusing to adapt with the times. They're obsessed with the old ways, it can get downright pathetic honestly!
Me: interesting... again why now?
Gramps: well I figure it's time to stop extending my life so damn much and open the way for the next generation, as in you!
Me: Me?! You want me start doing magic?
Gramps: yup!
Me: why me? Why not dad or mom or someone?
Gramps: because I've been specifically getting you ready for this. Your magical circuits are the best in the family, the only ones that compare to mine.
Me: ...my what?
Gramps: they're called magical circuits. It's the part of the body that allows people to practice thamaturgy in the first place.
Me: so it's genetic?
Gramps: yeah, almost every generation after me had subpar circuits. Slowly over the generations I did small experiments to ensure that eventually I will have a proper successor. Nothing too bad, no one would've noticed. And you are the culmination of that work.
Me: feels really weird to be called the culmination of your work.
Gramps: yeah, that's an understandable reaction. Don't worry, I never needed to do anything to you. You were born ready to go. I just needed to wait until you were old enough.
Me: alright. So how do we start this? You start teaching me how to do this?
Gramps: early on I did have that in mind, but then a friend of mine starting working on something that I think would be better. You see, in the world of magecraft I'm actually kinda infamous. I'm a bit of a black sheep compared to the rest of magus society. Instead of focusing on 1 type of magecraft I decided to travel all around and learn as much as I could.
Me: so you're a bit of a jack of all trades?
Gramps: yeah, that's a good way to put it. I made many friends and enemies in my travels. And many want to know all the secrets I have, because I know forms of magecraft that many would love to get their hands on. For example, I'm ages old but don't look a day over 80 right?
Me: yeah.
Gramps: usually for other mages to achieve this many sacrifices are made, like sanity or their bodies start to deteriorate. But not me! I have access to magecraft that's long since died out.
Me: damn
Gramps: and all those secret will go to you. Or atleast most that I can give. And automatically once I die, all my enemies will be your enemies.
Me: WHAT!?
Gramps: but! Then I heard a friend of mine, from the animusphere family started working on something called the Chaldea security organization. And he needs mages, I talked to him and ensured that you'll join. And in return he'll ensure no one can get to you.
Me: so I'll go their to learn instead of you?
Gramps: yup! Soon enough I'll transfer my crest, which what'll you need to get started, you'll receive a phone call to confirm your participation. Then eventually someone will come get you, and you'll get started from there.
Me: so it's like a job? And is it OK for them to get someone so new to this?
Gramps: they just need bodies, and yeah it's basically a job. But you'll be staying there. So I'm basically forcing you to finally be independent and move out of your parent's home
Me: I'm only 20, it's not that bad.
Gramps: still, this has been set in motion. Are you prepared for what's coming?
Me: not even remotely! But I have very little say do I?
Gramps: nope!
*eventually after a few days, Gramps transfered his crest over to Rex. Eventually Gramps passes, and Rex just waited*
*phone rings*
Me: hello?
*a female voice is heard*
Olga: hello, this is the director of the chaldea security organization. I have a note from the previous director to call this number on this day. Are you the successor of that... unique magus who passed recently?
Me: yes I am.
Olga: and am I correct to assume that you've been informed of your involuntary recruitment into this organization?
Me: yup
Olga: ok, I'm not going to force you to join but I will say it is in your best interest to join. Once other magus find out about you, and they will, you will likely not be safe.
Me: yeah, he made that clear. I've already prepared myself to join
Olga: excellent, a car will be coming tomorrow to take you to a plane. From there you'll be taken here.
Me: alright then. Is that it?
Olga: that's all, see you soon enough
*the phone is hung up*
Me: kind of annoying being thrown into this. But from what I've heard it could be worse. *looks at an envelope left by gramps*
*on the envelope it says "don't open until you get there, and make sure to bring the feather"*
Me: *holding said feather* he gave me this thing ages ago. So I guess this was him getting me ready for all this? Wth does a feather have to do with magic anyways?
*the next day on the plane*
*Rex is seated next to a pair of twins*
Rikka: *trying to start conversation* hey there!
Me: hi
Rikka: what's your name?
Me: you can call me Rex
Rikka: well hey there Rex! You can call me Rikka, and this is my brother Rikko!
Rikko: *is sleeping*
Rikka: *elbows him* wake up bro!
Rikko: huh? What?
Rikka: so why'd you decide to join up?
Me: was kinda forced into this by gramps
Rikka: your grandpa forced you to join?
Me: oh, he's not actually my grandpa. Everyone in my family just called him that because he's older. And yeah I was forced essentially, because a lot of magus don't like him apparently. And as his successor I'm apparently going to have a target on my back. But he said the director would promise my safety if I joined so... yeah
Rikka: well that's kind of messed up! But that's mage culture for ya!
Me: man every time I hear about mage culture, it's non-stop misery and dread
Rikka: do you not know much about mage culture?
Me: no! Just a month ago, magic would've been considered fairy tale nonsense to me! But now I'm being thrown into something I barely understand to stay safe from who knows what!
Rikko: that's very weird. Normally it's driven into your head from birth
Me: but not me! Even the rest of my family knew nothing until I showed them some of the basic spells gramps taught me! He's left me with very little while throwing me into this crazy world. It's kind of weird because he was always that cool relative that was a blast whenever he visited! But now he's the man who threw me into this magic hell and then died! All he's left me with is this journal to figure out basic magecraft and this bite and feather
Rikko: feather? Why the feather?
Me: good question. The note might explain but it says to wait until we get there.
Rikka: well when you do open it can you tell us?
Me: sure I guess
Me: but I've gone on long enough, why are you guys joining?
Rikko: well we just needed some work and independence, and our parents heard about this place and said we should join up
Me: that's it?
Rikka: yup!
Me: huh, ok then
*eventually once at chaldea and after the huge presentation at the beginning the 3 are walking towards their rooms*
Me: man you two kept falling asleep, if I weren't there to keep you guys awake who knows how the director would've reacted. And also thankfully that Mash girl told us the right way to go to our rooms
Rikka: *still sleepy* yeah, thanks for that. And thanks Mash
Rikko: *also sleepy* so where's our rooms anyways?
Me: *stopping at a door* right here it seems
Rikka: cool! Let's get in to read your note already!
Me: don't you want to get into your rooms first?
Rikka: that can wait! I'm too curious right now!
Me: alright then
*the door opens and sitting on the bed is a man with long red hair tied in a pony tail is seen eating cake, along with him is a dark skinned woman with dark purple hair*
Me: uh...
Rikka: hey there?
Rikko: did you get the wrong room?
Me: no... it says right on the paper
*the two on the bed stand up*
Romani: oh sorry about that we were just kind of taking a quick break, this room had been empty for so long we just used it to hang out.
Me: huh... well sorry but I've been assigned to this room.
Rikka: who are you guys anyway?
Romani: I'm Romani Archaman, the head doctor around here though most people call me Dr. Roman. And this lovely woman is my wife, and assistant
Mrs. Archaman: hello there
Me: oh the head doctor huh? Interesting
Rikko: nice to meet you doc
Rikka: ...you guys both have fluffy hair
Roman: yeah we get that a lot
Mrs. Archaman: mostly me though. People always want feel my hair
*out of nowhere comes a little white animal*
Roman: oh is that the fabled mystery creature Mash told us about?
Mrs. Archaman: oh how cute!
Me: wtf is he?
Rikko: squirrel?
Rikka: cat?
Roman: no idea, my first time seeing him
Roman: come here little guy, I'll give you a treat
Fou: fou fou!
Roman: wait a minute, what's with the pitying look in his eyes!?
*all of a sudden the lights go out, thanks to the explosion*
Well that's the pretty much the story
Really wanted to finally show how Rex got into chaldeas in the first place.
Tagging some folks @panyum @grievouslyxorvia @gxymlky @hasereshdoneanythingwrong
Kinda wonder if people will realize who the mysterious wife is
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sun-daddy-yoriichi · 4 years
Hii! May I request Mui with "you can tell me anything" and "you're important too" from the 100 ways to say I love you? Maybe with a reader who's breaking down but won't ask for help ahaha. Thank you and have a lovely day! ❣️❣️
Warning(s) : Mentions of anxiety, spoilers
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Muichiro Tokitou x Reader "You can tell me anything/You're important, too." [ILY Prompts #86 & 90]
Standing at the edge of the Mist Pillar’s Estate was far more stressful than (Y/n) had first expected. It was barely morning, the sky lightening slowly, piercing through the morning fog.
After they had received word of a demon attack on the Swordsmith Village, she almost didn’t believe it. Nobody knew the whereabouts of it, not even the Pillars. So for the demons to know where it was. . .
The girl didn’t get a minute of rest for the entire night, waiting for the Mist Pillar to get back from their emergency Pillar meeting. After he was released from the Butterfly Estate, Muichiro didn’t even send a crow home. (Y/n) knew that she would have to be patient - he was a Pillar, and she was only a Kinoto - but she couldn’t help but bite at her nails, Nichirin blade resting in her lap while she waited for him to come home.
Silently, she wondered if he hadn’t made face yet because something terrible had happened to him. The thought alone was enough to stir up even more bad memories; memories that the girl often kept locked away, never to see the light of day. They were relentless, and eventually crowded her mind and buzzed in her ears, taking her full attention away from the Mist Pillar’s endeavours.
Of course, the kakushi eventually came to get her, possibly seeing how distraught she was, though they didn’t attempt to move her at all. It would end badly if they did. Instead, they brought her green tea, and steaming hot dumplings, obviously just made, encouraging her to eat and rest. Demon Slayers were nocturnal creatures, and worked often during the night. Their sleep schedule leaned more towards sleeping during the day, but it was normal for a Demon Slayer to sleep simply whenever possible, if they had the chance or not.
Still, (Y/n) wasn’t tired. She still ate what was brought to her, as she hadn’t noticed hunger seeping in until the prospect of food came up, but her mind simply wouldn’t allow herself to shut down so easily.
“You look like shit.”
The voice from behind her surprised her, and the girl turned immediately to see Muichiro standing behind her. His eyes were the same as they ever were but...different, somehow. Lighter, less serious. He smiled, and (Y/n) felt her heart jump in her chest.
“Have you been sitting out here all night?” he asked, offering a hand to help her up, which was taken graciously by (Y/n), “You didn’t have to do that.” (Y/n) shook her head, letting him pull her into the mansion by her hand.
“Don’t worry. I wanted to wait for you. You’re important to me.” It seemed as though it all went over Muichiro’s head, as he dragged her into one of the spare bedrooms not being used. (Y/n) realised that it was right down the hall from his, and was already set up when they both arrived.
“Yeah, I know that. You’re important too, though,” Muichiro grumbled, slipping her haori off of her shoulders to fold it neatly. (Y/n) paid him no mind, mostly focused on the words he had said to her.
“But I’m not really-”
“Shut up. You’re important to me, at least. Nobody else is staying at this Estate, you know.”
“Yeah, I get that...”
Slowly, Muichiro stopped his ministrations, a spare kimono clutched in his hands. An unreadable expression crossed his face, before it was gone just as fast. He handed the kimono to (Y/n), before grabbing her shoulders.
“You would tell me if something was wrong, right?” he questioned, staring so hard at the other Demon Slayer that (Y/n) felt as if she would spontaneously combust right there. Reluctantly, she nodded, though that didn’t seem to be an acceptable answer for the Mist Pillar.
“I’m being serious, (Y/n). You keep a lot of stuff secret, but bottling it up isn’t healthy. You can tell me anything.”
Almost embarrassed, (Y/n) nodded, waiting for Muichiro’s face to move back from hers to look at him head on.
“Since when did you get so good at philosophical stuff, Mui? Just for me?”
She could almost see him tense up, turning a dark shade of red at her statement.
“It’s not for you, stupid girl! Tanjirou just got to me, is all!”
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tatratcoon · 4 years
School days TokitouTwins x ChildhoodFriendReader
Summary:You and the Tokitou twins have always been close until you went to middle school, with you creating distance between the three of you. 
Warnings: none really, fluffy ending?
You felt awkward between the twins, this was the worst scenario you could think of being in right now. You were in the middle of them like a sandwich, no one was talking and the feeling of dread was prevalent in your stomach. You then began to retrace your steps on how you got in this troublesome position.
"Look! Here they come!" your friend says with enthusiasm as two people made their way into the lunchroom. You looked indifferent to the situation just trying to eat your food in peace. However, you were curious as to what she was referring to even if you knew she was talking about those two. You could hear people making their way to them and trying to converse with them. "this is dumb" you thought as you took a bite from your food. You turned around again only to see them more clearly, the Tokitou twins.
"Man I wished they would notice me, being friends with them is like finding gold," your friend says with a defeated sigh.
"Yeah right..." you said under your breath with a sarcastic tone, not long after you and Muichiro made eye contact.
"shit," you thought as you quickly averted your eyes from him. You felt awkward when you would see one of the twins, or make contact with them, it felt even more awkward since you three had the same class, and sat by each other afterward. You knew you shouldn't be feeling this way when you knew the two so well and was their childhood friend. However, you choose to ignore that and keep escaping them.
Lunch was soon over and you walked into the chaotic hallways, trying to walk to the next class with a dreading feeling in each step.
The class was in session, boring as usual, and not a thing had changed. The outside looked nice, however. That blue hue had filled the sky with the sun shown brightly across the land. Clouds were nice and full, and the cherry blossoms looked as if they were about to fully bloom this time. "It would be nice to cloud gaze and sleep outside," you thought.
Your thoughts were soon interrupted when the teacher gave out pieces of paper to each of the students and said to complete the given questions that were on the sheet. You lazily took out your pouch and tried grabbing a pencil.
"wait....i...i don't have a pencil" you mentally facepalmed your self forgetting a pencil. You looked down to see if there was a pencil nearby or someone had just dropped once since the last class. Unfourtiantly there was none.
"Gosh, how am I going to get one now! The guy in front of me is stingy with his pencils and the person behind me is gone for the day. That only means...." you looked to your right.
"This can't be happening right now...but I need to get this over with"
You mustered any courage you had and tapped Yuui lightly on his shoulder
Yuuichiro turned and looked at you, a bit surprised but then went back to his normal face.
"Tokitou can I borrow a pencil?" you nervously asked. You knew Yuui to be quite stingy with his belongings except with Mui and you. Though you did expect him to not give you one since you haven't talked to him after your first-year in middle school.
Yuuichiro stared at you for a bit then reached down and grabbed a pencil
" Here," he said as you happily take the pencil with no hesitation.
"Thank you!" you replied as you began to work on your assignment with ease.
Little did you know that Yuui gave a small smile when you said thanks.
It was time to go home, you started to pack up your stuff when you heard a conversation with some people and the Tokitou twins
"Hey you guys want to go out to eat with us," one of the boys asked.
"Yeah, it would be soo~ fun with you two," a girl said while inching closer to Mui's face. You couldn't help but gag at her advances.
" Yuui is probs gonna make sure that she won't do that again," you think as you let out a small chuckle grabbing your coat.
Yuuichiro pulled Muichiro away from the girl
"Sorry we can't come, we have a club meeting," Yuui said with an awkward expression on his face. He looked like he was trying to be polite without hurting their feelings.
"don't you two only have shogi on Tuesdays?" one of them asked questioningly.  
"We have a competition coming soon, so we need to practice, plus we have an interview " Mui replied
"wait...all week...Ah then this means I'll be good for the rest of the weak"
you relax a bit more with that news.
you quickly went around both of them and the group and went on your way to your house. You wondered if you should go take the way you used to go on since the twins were at the club and it was easier, but you decided that you weren't going to take any chances. You took the other way which took you to the train station. The trains were packed as usual, and the sun was setting. you knew you weren't going to back home for a few hours now so you decided to take a rest for now.
"Just a few minutes won't hurt," you say as you then drift off to sleep.
Spring was in the air, and it seems as life was growing again. The flowers seemed to be in full bloom where you were, and you were sitting in a patch of your favorite flowers that seem to always grow in this place. As you began to pluck the petals from the flower, you heard two familiar voices.
"(Y/N)-chan!" The twins called in unison. You gave a bright smile as they came closer to you, you couldn't contain your joy any longer. "Hey, you two-"
Before you could even finish, the two boys had pounced on you you like prey. The three of you fell on the grass, luckily it was soft and neither of you guys got hurt. Soft laughter could be heard from the three of you, it seemed as if you were the only people in the universe.
"what are you two doing here?" you asked. The twins both looked at each other, then a smiled appeared on Muichiro's face as he hugged you. "just felt like it" Mui replied, with Yuui nodding along. "our dad was busy helping mom get better, so he allowed to come to your place" Yuui added.
The tree of you sat there, Mui clinging on to you and Yuui talking with you. "(y/n)-chan, will you walk with us to school tomorrow?" Mui asked while finally letting go of you. You smiled and nodded, "why wouldn't I? You guys are my best friends." The two of them smiled at your reply and both said in unison "(Y/N)-chan your the best!"
You couldn't help but blush a bit at their compliment, still, you smiled at them.
"both of them seem to know what's going on in each other's mind, I wonder is it some type of twin telepathy. Could it be something more or just a coincidence" you wondered? Your thoughts were interrupted by Muichiro tugging on you and Yuuichiro's sleeves. "Lets cloud gaze!" Mui said with a bright smile neither you nor Yuui could say no to.
You both happily watched the clouds with Mui without a care in the world, this memory felt nice and you never want to lose it.
You woke up immediately as you felt you were by your stop, without hesitation, you checked your phone to see that you had some miss calls from your friends. You gave out a tiered sigh and rubbed your head.
"what was that," you thought as you begin to recap your dream. You then realized it was a memory from when the three of you were young. Sometime in grade school, you believed, but why did you just have that memory now.
You arrived at your house, it took you a while but you still got home."(Y/N), finally your back. I feel like you've been coming home late on purpose, it's dark now!" your mom said with a worried expression
"Sorry mom, I blame the trains," you said with a bit of a chuckle." dear, I'm being serious, why don't you go the way you used to go..."
"Hey mom I'm feeling tired right now"
she sighed at your response and lightly shook her head" look that's fine and all, but eat first please"
you give out a tired sigh but nodded to her request, you were hungry as well, and you didn't want to sleep on an empty stomach.
The moment you got on your bed you turned on your T.V, you wanted to see what was on before you rested. Flipping on the channels you landed on an interview with the twins. They were talking about shogi and how they got good on it, you just looked at the screen with a pained expression wondering why are they always popping everywhere. you turned off the T.V and fell on your bed, while you suffocated yourself with your pillows. You turned your head to find the plushy the twins gave you when you were in grade school. You looked at the kinda pathetic face and gave a small smile, "where did this all start" you whispered to yourself.
You guys were super close and there was nothing that could get in the way of the three of you. Muichiro and Yuuichiro were opposites when hanging out with you, Mui was very affectioned while Yui wouldn't dare to show you his soft side, he was always a bit irritated however when Mui would not stop hugging you because he didn't want unnecessary rummers spreading between the two of you when they were not needed. Mui didn't seem to care and just kept on doing it only fueling up Yuichiro. You would always laugh and pat Yui on the head, which he may not have admitted, loved, and always kept him calm.
You three would always eat together, walk, and do activities, and that's how it was until middle school.
At first, it was nothing, you guys were still close
"let see, I only have one class with both of you, one with only Mui and one with only Yuui. " you said looking closely to your schedule. "aw, I thought I would have more with you~," Mui said in a whiney voice while hugging your arm. You didn't seem to mind since Mui is always like this with you, and it's not like he's harassing you.
"Yeah I would want more with you as well," you said with a sigh. You looked towards Yuui who seemed a bit aggravated, Mui looked at his brother and gave a small smirk as he proceeded to hug you. "Bro, are you perhaps  jelly that (Y/N) didn't say she wanted to have more classes with you as well?" Mui said with a smirk. Mui's face showed a hint of red, but not too much. "now that's a lie" Yuui said facing both of you, "now can you stop doing...that" his hand pointing at how Mui was hugging you.
"hm~? This?" Mui pulled you closer in his embrace, your face now buried in his arms. You glanced at Yuui, he seemed to be even more frustrated than before, Mui just gave a cheeky smile. You gave a defeated sigh and patted Yuui on the head. "Hey I want to have classes with you as well, after all, we're best friends," you said as small giggles escaped your lips, Yuui looked at you and gave a defeated smile.
You guys still kept hanging out and caught up on each other's day when walking back home together. However, the twins started gaining more popularity, more people would try to talk to them, get then to do activities with them, and eat lunch with them. You were delighted to know your best friends were getting attention; after all, they did deserve the best. The boys were smart, pretty athletic(despite their small bodies), and not that bad looking. The twins then started to attract secret admirers, especially girls.
You weren't bothered by that, you still hung out, but it was when bullies started to arise about you not being good enough for them, and claiming you were using them. Somehow there had been many times you wanted to hang out with them but so many others grabbed their attention it kinda left you feeling useless. Whenever you would talk to them, others would butt in and shove you to the side. The twins noticed and would always get mad about how these people treated you, but you told them to ignore it.
slowly you started to drift away from them
"Hey (Y/N) do you wanna be partners-"
"Sorry I'm working with my friend on this project"
"(Y/N) wanna hang out"
"Sorry guys got to study"
"(Y/N) why don't you walk with us anymore?"
"My mom says to now take the train"
you would quickly turn the other direction, not daring to look at them. By the second year, you managed to become a stranger, no longer calling them by their first name. You made sure to avoid them at all cost, it hurts you, but you believed that they would be better off without you.
You're now in the middle of your third year, its become tougher now since you have most of your classes with them...
It was morning now, now it has become a routine, train, school, classes, classes, lunch, even more classes and the end of the day. You packed all your stuff, this time not rushing like usual. The twins would be doing club activities so you were safe.
Finally, at the entrance you looked at the cherry blossoms, the petals danced as they fell in your hands. They seemed to be everywhere now, "this is beautiful...." you said as you caught a petal that seemed if it was trying to get close to you. You smiled at the sight before you
"it would be nice to share this view with someone though," you thought as you heard a voice behind you
"(Y/N)?" you turned around slowly to meet the sight of the Tokitou twins before you, "crap". You mentally cursed yourself as you then began to run. You ran as fast as you could so you could at least not see their faces, only to hear both the twins running after you now. In the end, they caught you and made you walk with them. Thus here you are now, wishing you hadn't taken your time admiring those petals.
On your way home it was nothing but silence, it was extremely awkward for you as you didn't know what to do but mentally scream at yourself.
"so...I thought you guys had club today" you asked a bit sheepishly.
"We canceled it today" Yuuichiro replied, "oh christ what do I do now?!?!?" you thought
The silence lasted a bit longer until Muichiro decided to break it
"(y/n) do you hate us"
"eh?" you looked at him with a confused look" I could never hate you, why would I do that when I care for the both of you a lot" is what you wanted to say but you wouldn't allow yourself to do so.
" I don't hate you, why do you say that, " you asked with a nervous smile. The twins looked at you, and you could tell they weren't buying it. You could see their house and so you decided it would be a good time for you to rush your way home. As you approached the house you let out a sigh of relief.
" Well, it looks like we need to go our separate ways good-"
Before you could finish your sentence Muichiro pulled you into their house and pushed you to sit on their couch. It startled you how strong Mui was to push you with that amount of force but you quickly forget about it when the brothers started to interrogate you
"Do you hate us?"
"I don't"
" Liar" Yuui said with a sour tone. You could tell he was angry at you, and he the right to. You've ignored him and his brother for the past 1 1/2 years and not even spoken a word to them. You felt guilty as you looked at the brothers.
"(y/n) why have you been ignoring us?" Mui asked with concerned filled eyes
"Did we do something, have we said something?"
"no, it's not that..." you look at both of the twins, they were ready to hear what you had to say. You took a deep breath and began to speak.
"I don't deserve you two, you guys are so popular that you don't need someone like me. I feel like a shadow in the midst of you two and it feels overwhelming. Whenever I would even try to talk to both of you, I've always been pushed away. I care about You two and I didn't want to tarnish your reputation "
It was quiet for a while until you heard Yuui laughing, at this point you wanted to punch him. You spilling your feelings and he was laughing.
"Oh god (y/n) you haven't changed one bit, you're still an idiot," he said as he continued to laugh.
Nevermind, you wanted to kill him
As you were about to shout at him, you felt a familiar warmth on your hand. Mui was holding it as he looked at you, "Is that true, is that really how you've been feeling?" You let out a sigh and nodded your head. Then before you knew it, Mui hugged you, it felt nice as you began to remember the times your friend hugged you before and feeling it now was better than those memories.
You then heard Yuuichiro's laugh die down as he was now looking at you, he bent down making you look eye to eye with each other. "Idiot, do you think we care about some popularity status over you. Either you have lost your mind or you're just really dumb"
You looked at him now with irritation, you knew he meant his words but the way he phrased it made it seemed as if you were a stupid child. None the less it felt nice to know he cared about you.
He gave a cocky smile as he began to pat your head, "plus without you here, Mui would be depressed and miss you a whole lot."
Mui looked up at you and gave you a cheeky smile, "He says that, but he's over here being all giddy about the other day when you asked him for a pencil and thanked him. He was overjoyed that you finally spoke to him and he wouldn't stop smiling about it."
You could see that Yuui was extremely embarrassed as to what Mui said about him since his face had a tint of red to it now. He was pretty quiet now and looked away from you and Mui, this was all so nostalgic to you. The way they both acted, it felt nice, and you wondered why you left this behind.
You began to laugh now as you felt an overwhelming sense of joy fill you up.
"Why are you laughing," Yuui asked
"Because I've missed this, being with both of you," you said as you finally gave a warm smile, the both of them looked at you for a while since you haven't smiled at them for a while now. Like you, they were filled with joy and the three of you began to talk more with Mui hugging you and Yuui and you insulting each other but having fun with it. As the cherry blossoms bloomed again, so did your friendship.
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jovialyouthmusic · 4 years
Special Delivery
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I make plans to take in a lodger, and we discuss living arrangements. Ginger chafes at being kept inside.
Word Count 2839
A/N no warnings, just fluff and a little frisson of excitement. No under 18s please
6 Working things out
It was the day I had booked the removal company to move my belongings to my new home, and take some other items back to my terraced house ready to rent out in a month or two. I also had to put Ginger in his cat basket and take him there. The house had a porch, and the main door lead into the kitchen with the dining room just off it. There was a hall beyond the kitchen, with stairs leading to the first floor. The lounge was to the right of the kitchen, and to the left there was the bathroom and a good sized downstairs room that could be a study, but which I had decided would be Fabio’s bedroom. Upstairs there were two more rooms, one of which was to be my bedroom, and the other I would use as a box room or study. There was a tiny ensuite bathroom for my use.
Ginger was confined to the upstairs spare bedroom while the removal men brought in the furniture. I planned to keep him inside for a week before being allowed the freedom of the garden and the fields beyond, so he knew it was his new home and wouldn’t try to find his way back. I felt sure he would be very happy with the countryside behind the house and wouldn’t stray, but thought it best to get him familiar with the inside of the house.
The day was difficult, directing the men as to what went where, and making sure Ginger was safe and undisturbed upstairs. We all stopped for a lunch break and I took a look at my phone for missed messages, which I had put on airplane mode. I stared at the number of text messages from Fabio, and opened the first.
Lisa, I was bad last night
Are you busy? Call me?
Please answer, I’m sorry
I dialled his number straight away, and it was answered in a flash
‘Fabio, it’s me…’
‘Senora – Lisa’ his voice was raw. ‘I was bad, I drank too much…I didn’t go to the gym’ I interrupted before he got any further
‘Fabio, all you did was throw stones at my window’
‘I’m sorry’ he said faintly
‘It’s fine, we all make mistakes. I told you to go home, that’s all’
‘What did I say to you, senora?’
‘Just that you think about me a lot’ He was silent for a moment
‘I do. I’m sorry Lisa, I can stay in my flat, you don’t have to have me at your house’
‘It’s fine, really’ I assured him. ‘Look Fabio, I’m still busy, but when I’m settled you can come and see me and we’ll talk. Is that okay?’
‘Yes. Thankyou, you are kind’
‘Do you have a hangover?’
‘My head hurt. I’m better now.’
‘Good.’ I answered ‘Next time we get drunk together.’ At last I heard him chuckle
‘Perhaps. We talk later, yes?’
‘Yes, I promise.’ I rang off, and took a deep breath. It would be a good idea to lay some ground rules with my new lodger – presuming that we went ahead with him moving in. I wanted him to come, of course, who wouldn’t? He was my Instagram crush made flesh. But meeting him in person was different. He was genuine, inquisitive, and funny, and I enjoyed his company. I knew he wouldn’t be around for long, so I was going to take things as they came.
‘Hey – Miss?’ The removal foreman was trying to get my attention. ‘We’re good to go now – what next?’
By the time I had everything where I wanted it, checked on Ginger and had something to eat, I knew Fabio was working, and I was exhausted. I made sure all the windows were closed and the door locked, and let the cat investigate the house. He was hesitant at first, and went round sniffing everything. He wolfed down his kitty kibble when he saw it, and cast a disdainful eye over his litter tray. I was too tired to do anything but go to bed, so that’s what I did, leaving the door open so Ginger could join me if he wanted. Before I put my head on the pillow I sent a text to Fabio.
All moved now. Tired, will call you tomorrow.
You don’t want to order pizza?’
Not now thanks, going to bed.
Sweet dreams senora x
I stared at the little kiss at the end of his message, and found myself kissing my fingertips and placing them on the screen before I put the phone by the side of the bed and laid my head on the pillow. Ginger jumped up on the bed and nestled into the crook of my knees again as I drifted off to sleep.
The next day dawned with sunlight creeping around the edges of the curtains. I had slept well as it was so much quieter. That would be different in the spring and summer when the dawn chorus was at its height, but in late autumn it wasn’t light until a decent time anyway. Ginger raced in from whatever place he had moved to and butted his head against me to tell me his dish was empty.
‘Okay Ginge, breakfast it is. Do you like your new home?’ He wound round my legs as I pulled my dressing gown on, and yowled at me to hurry up. As I sat in the dining room eating toast he jumped up onto the windowsill and chittered at the birds outside.
‘Not yet, Ginger.’ I told him. ‘you’ll have to stay inside a week or two, can’t have you going back to Jackson Street.’ I scratched his head and he huffed at me in surprise before breaking into a purr. I looked at the time and thought that perhaps he would be up and about after a long night shift.
Morning Fabio
He didn’t answer straight away, so I went outside, making sure Ginger was shut out of the kitchen, effectively meaning he couldn’t slip outside when I went back in the house, which didn’t please him at all. I hated being unkind to him but it was for his own good. My phone rang and I sat on a bench looking over the lawn, still neat from Martin’s good deed the other day. It felt strange to think it was my home now.
‘Buenos dias senora.’ His voice was sleepy.
‘Oh, I’m sorry did I wake you?’
‘Yes, but is okay.’ I wondered if he was still in bed, and thoughts of his toned and bare chest and belly filled my mind. ‘It went well?’
‘Yes, all to plan. We should meet up and talk about things.’
‘Si, si – ah yes. We go for coffee after the gym?’
‘Yes, where would you like to go?’
‘You choose, senora – somewhere English.’ 
‘Okay. How about the coffee shop under the town hall – Suzie’s Pantry?’
‘I find it – I call you after the gym?
‘Okay, see you later.’
As promised, I arrived not much later than I had planned, to find him sitting waiting with a cup of black coffee. He got up and greeted me with his usual kiss on the cheek and a warm smile.
‘Hola Lisa’ he said ‘Tell me, what would an Englishman have for a late breakfast?’
‘How hungry are you?’ I asked.
‘Not too much’ he replied. ‘I know about your ‘full English’
‘You could perhaps have a bacon butty if the full English is too much’ I suggested. Typically, the full English breakfast was a bit of a belly filler, consisting of bacon, sausage, egg, and other things such as baked beans, tomatoes and black pudding depending on where in the country you were and what was on hand. He raised his eyebrows in query ‘a buttered bread roll with bacon inside’ I explained ‘and you can have sauce – you know, like we had with chips – ketchup or brown sauce’ He nodded, and I called the waitress over to order.
‘I pay’ he offered ‘you are hungry?’
‘It’s a little early for lunch but I’ll have the same as you.’ I called the waitress over to order, and she went off behind the counter to talk to the cook.
‘I am embarrassed, Lisa.’ he said as she disappeared. ‘I came to your house and threw stones at the window. I think I only wanted to talk – but it was wrong of me. Can you forgive me for being stupid and drunk?’
‘Of course I can, Fabio.’ I said gently ‘But I came here to talk about you moving in with me.’
‘You don’t want.’ he said sadly. ‘I understand.’
‘’No, it’s okay. We should just probably set a few ground rules.’ He looked puzzled again, and I thought perhaps that wouldn’t translate properly. ‘What I mean is, decide how much you pay, how much you help in the house, that sort of thing.’
‘You want me to move in?’ he asked.
‘Yes Fabio, I do.’ He reached across the table and took my hand in his, his gaze intense.
‘Eso es muy, muy bueno - maravilloso – it’s good.’ he said earnestly. ‘I tell you now, the person below me, he called me bad names. Is not a good place.’
‘Oh Fabio, why didn’t you tell me?’ He shrugged.
‘It is no big deal, but I want good memories of England. Staying with you will…’ he smiled at me ‘I will remember it well’ I noted that he had not said like a brother again, and drew a shaky breath. The waitress brought our order, and I asked for more coffee. Fabio put sauce in his bacon butty and tucked into it with relish. I smiled and took my time with my butty. The window seat we had was good for watching people outside walking from shop to shop in the autumn sunshine.
‘I try to get some modelling work.’ he said ‘Fly from Newcastle or Glasgow to Germany or Spain.’ I quirked an eyebrow at him. ‘Is easy, no? I go and work for a week, come back here, rest, another shoot until I have money for the flight to Argentina and more.’ I shifted uneasily in my seat. The idea that I could lend him the money to go home was at the back of my mind, but the truth was that I didn’t want him to leave – not yet.
‘People think the life of a model is glamorous.’ he went on, taking another sip of his coffee. I carried on munching my food. ‘I told you – there is much waiting around, sitting in makeup, waiting for the right light if you’re outside. The pay sometimes is not good, but if I don’t work, people don’t see me and it’s hard to get more work. So this winter I look in Europe for the summer shoots. If I am lucky, it will still be summer when I go back to Argentina, and then I work there.’ He grinned ‘Some times I don’t know if it’s summer or winter. I model winter clothes in summer too, that is hot work’ Inwardly I breathed a sigh of relief that I had not offered to help him pay as evidently he had been expecting to spend some months in Europe anyway.
‘Your Instagram account must help raise your profile.’ I commented.
‘Yes, I must take some more photos soon. Perhaps I drink tea in your garden.’
‘If you like, you can move in tomorrow on your day off. How about you pay half the rent you’re paying now, and do some work in the garden – and maybe some housework – washing up and so on? You don’t have to give me any money until you’re settled up with your landlord.’
‘Yes. I like. We should write it down.’ His face brightened ‘I can cook for you – my paella is muy bueno’ He made a gesture with his fingers, pressing them together with his thumb, kissing his fingers and gesturing upward with his hand.
‘You might struggle to find good ingredients. We can go shopping and take a look in the supermarket.’ Something struck me just then as he went back to finishing off the muffin.
‘I have a bicycle in the shed. You could use that to get to work – I don’t have to drive back and forth, you don’t have to wait for the bus or call a taxi – and you keep fit.’
‘Marveloso!’ he grinned. ‘I ride your bike to work.’
‘It’ll be easy going in.’ I remarked. ‘It’s all downhill, but coming back will be hard in the dark, and if it rains…’
‘There is an English saying for this – we cross the bridge when we reach it?’ I smiled.
‘Well done - we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.’ I corrected him. He had a good vocabulary, only the word order and some tenses were not quite right, but I reminded myself again that I would do no better with a foreign language. Besides, it was adorable and added to his charm. I suspected that unless one learned a language very early on in life, you would be unlikely to be fluent, and the matter of accents added to the complexity of language.
I decided we should go back to the house to take a look and see if he needed anything else and work out a few details, so Fabio paid and we walked to the car and drove straight there. Once there I greeted Ginger again, who baulked for a moment at Fabio, then remembered who he was and rolled over to show his belly, stretching luxuriously before leaping up and rubbing round his ankles for a head scratch. I showed my guest the downstairs room and its layout and briefly showed him the two upstairs rooms.
‘If you have the downstairs room, I’ll have these.’ I explained. ‘And we can share the other downstairs rooms – lounge, kitchen, dining room.’ I had my own tiny ensuite bathroom upstairs with a shower and toilet, and the downstairs bathroom had a bath with shower over it. He was happy with the room, and we sat down and wrote out a rough agreement.
After that, we went outside to the shed, which was full of gardening tools, the lawnmower and various DIY tools that my father had used in the past. Fabio helped clear a way to get the bicycle and took it out onto the lawn to check it over and give it a test run while I lingered in the shed and smiled fondly, remembering my father showing me how to saw wood or hammer in a nail. I was an only child, so he had no sons to pass his skills on to, but he taught me all the same.
After making adjustments to the saddle and checking the brakes and tyres, Fabio declared that the bike was roadworthy. However, if he was going to ride it after dark he would need lights, and I made a note to visit a bike shop in town to get them.
‘You offered to make paella some time’ I reminded him ‘I need to do some food shopping, so we can go and see what the fish counter at the supermarket is like’
‘But yes.’ he grinned. ‘We go now?’
‘Sure, we just need to put the bike away and get some bags and we’re good to go.’
‘Good to go.’ He gave me a thumbs up ‘I know this one.’
‘Great – you see to the bike and I’ll lock up the house.’
A little while later, I dropped Fabio off at his flat. He had decided to get fresh ingredients when he cooked, which wouldn’t be for the next couple of days, and I had done some food shopping for the next week or so. Once home, I had pasta with pesto, and a glass of white wine. We had agreed that he would move in the next day, as Mario had allowed him to quit the flat straight away – Fabio thought he had a couple of tenants waiting and would be glad of the income. It did mean he lost his deposit, but he thought it was a price worth paying, and he said he was looking forward to sleeping somewhere quiet with plenty of fresh air and outdoor space. I could understand that, as it was a major reason for me quitting the other house.
I went to bed after washing the few dishes I had used, realising that I’d have to tell Martin at some point what I had done. He would probably give me more dire warnings, but I was happy with things as they were – or would soon be. Everything had happened so fast, but then, I told myself as Ginger snuggled up behind my knees that I deserved some excitement and romance.
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sisterpiranha · 4 years
The Art of Snake Charming, ch. 8
Pairing: Lawrusso, Daniel Larusso/Amanda Larusso (at the start, I mean, they are engaged)
Summary:  Johnny is a stripper. Daniel has a bachelor party. Louie is an idiot.
(translations for the Spanish text at the end)
“Your son? How?” Daniel asked, still finding it difficult to comprehend the situation.
“Are you still a virgin, Larusso? How do you think?” Johnny said mockingly.
Daniel rolled his eyes. 
“I mean, how come he’s with you? Where’s his mother?” he insisted, hearing his voice going louder and louder.
One of the other doors from the hallway crack opened slightly. Johnny looked up and frowned.
“Let’s go inside,” he said, grabbing Daniel by the shirt and pushing him into his apartment. “Goodbye, Mrs Doherty“ he called before closing the door. “She’s nosy. And doesn’t approve of my lifestyle or some sh… or something. Like I didn’t see his nephew stuffing singles down my pants in the club the other day.”
Daniel looked around. Johnny’s apartment was small. There were toys and clothes everywhere, and just random things strewn on the floor. Every single available surface seemed to be occupied by one thing or another. 
“Sorry for the mess, I guess. Robby likes to take things out of drawers. He has a lot of energy, so it’s difficult to keep up with him sometimes,” Johnny said when he noticed Daniel looking around. 
He placed the little boy on the floor in front of a few car toys, then grabbed a pile of clothes that was covering the sofa.
“Take a seat,” he said, self consciously “I’ll just go and put in a shirt.”
Daniel was going to tell him not to bother but managed to stop himself just in time before he could make a fool of himself. When Johnny came back he was not only wearing a shirt but also shoes. He took a seat next to Daniel on the small sofa.
“So, you have a son.”
“Johnny, why didn’t you tell me? Why did you let me think that he was your boyfriend?” He didn’t mean to sound desperate, but he was truly confused as to why Johnny had kept this from him. 
“I don’t know, I liked messing with you at first. But then, I guess didn’t say anything because I wanted to protect him.”
“Protect him? From me?” Daniel said full of indignation. He felt wounded that Johnny thought that he may hurt Robby somehow.
“God, no! Not like that. It’s just… Look, you represent the past. A past I’m not… really proud of. When Robby was born, I… I wasn’t there. I was a mess, too much of a pussy to face my responsibilities. And when Shannon died, there was no one else for him, only me. So I had to step up my game. I made him a promise, even if he couldn’t understand it then, I promised that I would change. I wouldn’t go back to how I was before. And then you come back into my life, and suddenly, it feels like I’m back in high school again. And I don’t want that anywhere near him. I don’t think it really makes sense, but when it came to it, I just couldn’t say anything.” His blue eyes were shining with unshed tears that he was trying to control. He was looking down at his hands, clamping down nervously like opening up like that had been physically painful. 
“Johnny,” Daniel said softly, taking the man’s shaking hands in his own and forcing their eyes to meet, “it’s fine, I’m not mad. It’s fine.”
Johnny just nodded and looked away. Daniel could tell he was trying to control his breathing and will away the tears, attempting to hide his weakness and, maybe, already regretting having shown it to the other man.
“Dada?” A small voice said next to them. As if sensing his father’s agitation, Robby appeared next to Johnny holding a small red car in his hands.
“Hey squirt, what do you have there?” Johnny asked, letting go of his hand and taking Robby into his lap. The gentleness and care of each of his movements stirred in Daniel a set of emotions that he didn’t care to analyze too closely.
The boy raised the car to his father smiling. 
“You should show it to Larusso, he works with cars.”
“L’uso,” the boy said proudly and extended the car to Daniel. Daniel took it awkwardly. He had never had much chance to be around children, so he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say.
“It’s nice,” he commented and then smiled when he looked at the car closer. “You know, your dad used to drive a car just like this one years ago. It was a beauty.”
“It was,” Johnny agreed, smiling.
“What happened to it?”
“My stepdad kept it after he threw me out. He was a…,” he covered Robby’s ears with his hands for a moment and finished whispering “piece of shit.”
Robby giggled.
“I’m sorry,” Danny said, thinking how much of Johnny’s story he didn’t know.
“It’s fine. I drive a Firebird now, much more badass. Right squirt?”
“Badass,” Robby repeated happily.
“That’s right! But don’t say that in front of aunt Carmen or she’ll kill me.”
A knock on the door interrupted their conversation. But before Johnny could stand up, the door opened and an elder woman entered the apartment. She was carrying a child about Robby’s age.
“Migui!” Robby cried and jumped out of his dad's lap and into the woman’s direction.
“Robby!” The other child, Migui, screamed excitedly. The woman let Migui on the floor and smiled at Johnny. 
“Hola Johnny, siento interrumpir. La señora Doherty me dijo que tenías un hombre aquí y quería venir a ver si era cierto.”
Johnny jumped from his seat and Daniel stood up as well, giving the woman the opportunity to look him up and down.
“Buen trabajo, este me gusta.” She said smiling.
“Solo amigos,” Johnny said with some difficulty, a blush appearing on his cheeks. “Mrs Doherty, muy chismosa.”
“I didn’t know you spoke Spanish,” Daniel said surprised.
“Only a little. They have been teaching me. Larusso, this is Rosa, she’s Carmen’s mom. And this is Miguel, her son. Rosa, este Larusso… Daniel.”
“Daniel! Por supuesto, igualito a las fotos que nos mostraste. Es muy buenmozo,” Rosa said pinching Daniel’s cheek.
“What did she say?” Daniel asked.
“That you look like a girl with those big eyes of yours.”
“I don’t! And she didn’t say that!”
“How would you know?”
“God, you’re such a d… Uhm.” Daniel stopped looking at the boys. Johnny just laughed. When he looked to Rosa, she was looking at them with the same calculating look Rosa had given him earlier. 
“Me voy a llevar a los niños al parque, así puedes quedarte solo con tu amigo,” she said giving him a knowing smile.
“Solo amigos!” Johnny exclaimed, exasperated.
“¿Y yo que dije? Migui! Robby! Vengan acá!” Rosa shouted and both boys came running towards her. “Saluden, nos vamos un rato al parque. Adiós Daniel, un placer conocerte. Espero volver a verte pronto.”
Rosa winked and Johnny groaned loudly, making her laugh.
“Bye Bye!,” said both Robby and Migue in unison, and soon the boys and Rosa have left the apartment, leaving Johnny and Daniel completely alone.
“What was that about?” Daniel asked, confused.
“She’s taking the kids to the park,” Johnny answered simply, but didn’t elaborate further.
“She seemed to have said other things, too.”
“Nothing important. Do you want a beer?”
Daniel looked at the clock on the wall, it marked a few minutes past eleven.
“Sure,” he said, sitting back on the sofa. 
Johnny disappeared through a door that must have led to the kitchen, and came back with two cans of Coors Banquet. He opened them and handed one to Daniel then he sat next to him again.
They both sat silently for a few minutes, sipping the beer. Then Johnny spoke.
“You said you wanted to talk to me.”
“Yes, I…,” he tried, but no words really came out. He didn’t know how to say what he knew he had to say, how to explain it. Suddenly, the idea of losing Johnny seemed unfathomable. Before this past few days, the blonde had been like a ghost, a figure fixed in time that haunted his memories. But now he felt like so much more, now he knew his apartment, he knew his son and his work. He knew the music that he liked, and the soft smile that lit up his face when he looked at Robby. He knew how tender he could be when he let his barriers drop and what his lips tasted like. How could Daniel live knowing all of that, but never seeing the man again? How could he explain to Johnny how difficult it was to do what he had to when there was this unnamed thing between them inexorably pulling them together? How can he give Johnny up when being with him felt so right?
It turned out, he didn’t have to.
“Look, man, it’s fine. I know what you’re going to say. I understand.”
“Don’t say it’s fine. It’s not fine. I’m so sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologise, it’s not your fault.”
“Of course it is! I led you on, made you stay when you wanted to go. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“I’m a grown man, I decided to stay because I wanted it because you look at me with those Bambi's eyes and I can’t resist you. I never could.”
“Still…” Daniel said, he felt a lump forming in his throat, so when he spoke again, his voice was hoarse. “Do you think we could have been friends then? Would it have changed things?”
“Maybe, but it doesn’t matter now.”
“I wanted to find you so bad after the tournament. I wanted to check on you, see if you were alright. And then you never came back to school, I never got the chance…”
“You dodged a bullet. I was a mess back then, I’m barely less of a mess now,” he laughed mirthlessly. 
“Maybe I don’t mind messes,” Daniel whispered, looking at the man earnestly.
“I think you should go,” Johnny said firmly, looking away.
“Of course.” He was about to stand up when he looked at Johnny again, “Could I…?”
Johnny looked at him quizzically and Daniel knew that the sadness in his blue eyes would be seared in his memory for the rest of his days.
“Could I kiss you? Just once, for the last time. Please, then I’ll leave.”
Johnny looked like he was about to say no, and Daniel understood him. He knew he was asking too much, and he was about to take back his request when Johnny nodded.
Daniel’s heart started beating fast as he got closer to the other man. He placed his hand on his cheek, revealing how soft the skin was. And then his lips were on Johnny’s. The kiss was short and chaste, barely more than a peck. When he opened his eyes, Johnny was looking at him. But now, there was a fire in the other man’s gaze. He felt a hand on his own cheek as Johnny dived for a second kiss, this time longer, and much less chaste. He moaned as he felt the kiss deepen. He felt a fire at the pit of the stomach. He felt engulfed by Johnny’s touch and taste. A hand on his hip brought him closer. He could feel Johnny’s chest hard against his, and the heat radiating from it almost enveloping him whole. 
All of a sudden, a loud bang sounded from outside, and the two men jumped apart, out of breath. He looked at Johnny. His lips were red and bright, his cheeks flushed, his hair fell messily over his shoulder. He looked more beautiful than anything Daniel had ever seen. But it wasn’t enough, reality came crashing down to his mind. This had gone too far. He saw understanding and resignation in the other man’s eyes when he stood up and, with one last look, left the apartment without saying another word.
“Hola Johnny, siento interrumpir. La señora Doherty me dijo que tenías un hombre aquí y quería venir a ver si era cierto.” Hi, Johnny, sorry to interrupt. Mrs Doherty told me you had a man here and I wanted to see if it was true.
“Buen trabajo, este me gusta.” Good job, I like this one.
“Solo amigos, Mrs Doherty, muy chismosa.” Only friends, Mrs Doherty, very gossipy.
“Daniel! Por supuesto, igualito a las fotos que nos mostraste. Es muy buenmozo” Daniel! Of course, he's exactly like the photos you showes us. Very handsome.
“Me voy a llevar a los niños al parque, así puedes quedarte solo con tu amigo,” I'm going to take the boys to the park, so you can be alone with your friend.
“¿Y yo que dije? Migui! Robby! Vengan acá! Saluden, nos vamos un rato al parque. Adiós Daniel, un placer conocerte. Espero volver a verte pronto.” And what did I say? Migui! Robby! Come here! Say goodbye, we are going to the park for a while. Bye, Daniel, it was a pleasure to meet you. I hope to see you again soon.
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skewed-logic · 4 years
DRABBLE ★ the Third Party Conspiracy
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Title: the Third Party Conspiracy Word count: 1269 Characters involved: Escargoon and Meta Knight
Summary: Meta Knight finally talks to Escargoon about the Nightmare situation. References RPs / shared HCs with @nightmaresindreamland​
“Escargoon,” Meta Knight’s voice sharply interjected into Escargoon’s thoughts from seemingly out of nowhere and he paused in his step, staring hard into the surrounding darkness of the hall. He’d been on his way to his room for the night, after having snagged a cup of chamomile tea from the kitchens, and held his cup in one hand and his candle in the other. He’s even wearing his nightgown.
Meta Knight’s form materializes soundlessly from the shadows to his left; and Escargoon very nearly startles enough to drop his tea.
“STARS, Meta Knight, are you trying to give me a heart attack!? What d’you want!?” he’s stage whispering so as to avoid waking the rest of the castle.
“Forgive me for startling you, it was not my intention,” said Meta Knight softly; he doesn’t have to whisper as much as Escargoon, when his voice was naturally this quiet.
“I do not mean to interrupt your nighttime routine, but I have something important I’d like to discuss with you, if it is not too much trouble.”
Such a request seems to give Escargoon a moment’s pause. Since when did they know one another well enough to be asking favors? He wants to cross his arms but he can’t exactly do that, given that he’s got both hands full. Instead, he’ll favor him a particularly unimpressed and somewhat wary look.
“Sure, I guess... What’s this about?”
“Not here,” Meta Knight all but hissed, and Escargoon drew back from him in surprise. He’d never heard such urgency in his voice. Well... not in a very long time, anyway. The last time he’d sounded like that had been literally hundreds of years ago, in that far-away and long-destroyed Realm of Evil. A place that was dead to most folk’s memories, but which Escargoon couldn’t seem to let himself forget.
“Uh, ok? You uh, wanna step into my quarters then?”
“If you would allow me the intrusion. Please.”
A few minutes later, they’re standing in Escargoon’s living room. Rather, Meta Knight was standing and Escargoon was sitting bewildered on his couch, sipping from his tea and staring at Meta Knight like he was some kind of specimen. The knight had personally insisted on checking the locks after them, making sure the door was double locked and bolted. This task done, he’d whirled upon Escargoon, quickly withdrawing his hand back into his cape which he then bundled tightly back around himself. So tight in fact that it seemed to Escargoon that the fabric was straining.
He couldn’t help but be somewhat awed by this whole charade. He’d never seen Meta Knight nervous before, yet here it is right in front of him. It’s evident not only by the unsettling stillness of his posture but also by the searching quality and intensity of his gaze. It’s clear that whatever he’d wanted to speak with him about was incredibly important.
After a few moment’s silence Meta Knight seemed to remember himself, and the cape slackened a little as he reached forth once more. He held out a single page of notebook paper with writing on it, and a hefty hardbound book. Escargoon set down his cup of tea and reached forth to accept them. He set the book on the couch beside him after he gave the title a bemused cursory glance. ‘Spanish All-In-One for Dummies’? What in the world??
He turned his attention to the paper now and that confused expression deepened to one of absolute bafflement. Rows and rows of tight, neatly written cursive. All of it in Spanish. There’s no way he’s going to be able to read this tonight.
Escargoon blinked. “Did you write this?? Why?? Is this for me??”
“Yes, I wrote it; but I cannot tell you why. At least... not aloud. That information is sensitive.”
“Uh.. okay... Well... why did you feel the need to write this when you could just tell me what it says??”
A sharp sigh. Perhaps of impatience. “You’re a smart man, aren’t you Escargoon? One of the smartest in the Kingdom, I would dare to say. If I felt I could speak with you directly of the matters I wrote, then there would be no need for a note. The information is encrypted so long as I write it in Spanish. And I expect you to translate this note with the resources I just provided you.”
Escargoon leveled him a blank stare which quickly grew irritated. “Or, alternatively, I could just feed this to my papershredder and pretend you didn’t barge into my room at midnight. Either you tell me what this is about or I want no part of it!”
There’s a beat of silence.
“Pesadilla,” said Meta Knight seemingly at random and he stepped closer, bending the paper towards him so he could tap the spelling of the word on the page.
“’Pesadilla,’ huh. That’s your answer.” Goon sounds less impressed by the minute.
“Jes. It is a noun. Why don’t you look that word up first. Then you will know what this is about.”
And without waiting for Escargoon’s reply, he turned from him and opened the locks on his door, letting himself out as quietly as he’d first let himself into the room. Escargoon can’t hear his footsteps retreating down the hall, but he senses rather than perceives his absence by the tension fading from the room.
After a long few minutes of stunned silence, holding that paper in front of him with numb fingers, and not really reading what it says... he remembers his tea. He reached forth and took a slurp from it, then set it back on his living room table with a clatter. Then gave the paper a closer look. He didn’t think Meta Knight to be the kind to communicate with letters like this, but there must be something really important at stake for him to want to speak in such a roundabout way.
Without even knowing what the words say, Escargoon tries to read the letter anyway.
Perdóname por comunicarme contigo de esta manera, pero no vi otra forma de hacerlo de manera segura. Trataré de que esta carta sea breve y con una redacción simple para minimizar el largo proceso de traducción para usted. Eres un hombre muy inteligente. Sé que podrá leer esto con algo de esfuerzo. Por favor, no ignore esta nota.
Te escribo para pedirte un gran favor. ¿Recuerda esos muchos años atrás, cuando forjamos las estrellas en mi nave, la Alabarda? ¿Recuerda también esa gran fuerza del mal que pensamos haber destruido? Pesadilla está de vuelta. Sabe dónde estamos, gracias a las recientes compras monstruosas de Dedede y tú; solo será cuestión de tiempo antes de que venga por nosotros.
Me visita en sueños todas las noches, para hablar conmigo extensamente en un intento de descubrir mis planes para encarcelarlo una vez más, esta vez, con suerte para siempre. No le pediría esto si no creyera que sería un asistente capaz en este esfuerzo.
Necesito que me investigues un poco en las bibliotecas del castillo sobre algunos temas diferentes, el primero de los cuales son las propiedades antimagia. Lo haría yo mismo, pero los libros están en inglés y, por lo tanto, si Nightmare ve el recuerdo de mí leyéndolos, entonces sabrá lo que estoy planeando. Busco liberar al Universo de este gran Mal, pero no puedo hacerlo sin tu ayuda.
Por favor, piense en mi solicitud. No es para mí. Es por el bien de todos. Estoy dispuesto a negociar el pago de sus servicios si es necesario.
Stars, thought Escargoon as he set the page down on the book and cradled his head in his hands. This is going to be a long week...
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lunaschild2016 · 4 years
Belief - Part 2 (Edit)
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Rating: M
Devi is Dauntless. Through blood sweat and tears she made a place for herself three years ago when she left her life in Amity behind. Not once in that three years has Eric Coulter even deigned to look her way. Not until that night. Now she has nothing but his attention. Eric/OC AU [Smut, Language, Romance]
Part 2
 There is pounding.
That’s how I wake up. To pounding. That and to a bright light being directed straight at my face as curtains are ripped away from a window somewhere in the room.
I grab the nearest item that can help me make the evil light go away and muffle the pounding in my head, then I stuff it over my head. It’s promptly ripped away and then my senses are being offended by something else.
“Oh no, you don’t! If I have to deal with his rampaging, and judging by the sound of that knock I will be, then you sure are too. You don’t get to play the hangover hell card here when I’m up well before I even need to be!”
During this onslaught, of what feels like a banshee shrieking, I managed to get my eyes open and focus through the blinding light to see Tori hovering over me. Once she was done shrieking whatever she had to say at me she was gone in a whirl and I could only watch her bleary-eyed as I tried to figure out what the hell is going on right now.
Obviously, I ended up at Tori’s, but I have no clue how the hell that happened.
I’m still laying there looking around as she wrenches her door open and stands there for a second in silence. While she greets whoever is at the door I continue to look for clues as to what led me here.
I’m on her couch.
The coffee table has a bottle of pain relievers and a glass of water that hasn’t been finished.
There’s a bucket beside the couch too.
So, I got drunk, obviously, and it was enough that she thought I was going to be sick. Which, hardly happens but then again I hardly drink like that.
“Is she here?” I barely register the angry words from the other side of the room as I dig in my mind for answers.
I remember that my friends started the night out with me. The plan was to let me be the one to get drunk out of my mind for once in my life so that I could forget for a little bit what had me so livid I was spitting mad.
So, where were those friends that were supposed to have my back and how did Tori get involved?
A shadow falls over me and I look up to see who it might be because I know that this is not Tori and it's whoever is pissed off enough to be knocking her door down. When I see the person my mind switches gears in trying to figure events out.
Better question, Nunez. Why is Four staring at me like he doesn’t know whether to hug me or slap the crap out of me?
“Uh oh,” I mutter with wide eyes as small and distant parts of the night filter through the pounding that’s still going on in my head. I raise up slightly on my elbows and pull the blanket back up that slipped slightly at the action.
“Well at least he wasn’t lying about this,” Four mutters darkly as he looks me over while squinting down at me. “You don’t remember a thing about last night, do you?”
“Muy poco,” I reply with a sheepish shrug and wince before laying back down and covering my eyes with the throw pillow from the couch.
“You know I don’t understand when you…”
“She said very little and you aren’t going to get more out of her if she is going to Spanish, Four. Look, I don’t know what she did and I don’t care because you’re going to cut her some slack, yeah?” Tori had that tone in her voice, the one that left no room for misunderstanding. The words were a request but it’s more like a threat. Telling Four he better or he would deal with her.
“Fine. We’ll be talking later, Devi. You can’t just do that to a leader in the middle of…”
“Oh, ahora arrojas el estado de tu líder. No ... aw shucks, solo hago lo que puedo ahora ¿verdad?” I grumble into the pillow and tune out what he’s saying.
The night after I left work might be a blur but not everything that happened before that. Remembering it brings a fresh wave of everything I left feeling. Angry, frustrated, grief-stricken and so damn full of guilt.
“Just go Four. I’ll talk to her.” I hear her tell him after he finally finished his mini-lecture. He goes without another word leaving only the sound of their moving away towards the door and finally it closing.
For a time it’s quiet in the apartment. With faint sounds of Tori moving around in the kitchen. The silence brings me the time I need to gather my strength and courage for the hell moving from this couch is going to be. I clench my eyes shut as I brave moving the pillow from them. I slowly open my eyes and move to sit up even slower. I succeed in sitting up straight without dying but my head is killing me and making me feel like I want to. I spot the pills again and grab the bottle to shake out a couple then use the rest of the water from the glass to swallow them quickly. Next, I use a little trick I know from doing adjustments and massages of applying pressure to certain areas that can help to relieve tension or pain. I concentrate on areas along my scalp, neck, and face. This isn’t going to be much help with a hangover but it will help some.
The rest of my recovery is going require time, my darkroom, and a comfy bed. I groan as I stand slowly, thinking that I’m thankful I at least didn’t pull this stunt on a day I have to work. I join Tori in the kitchen area where she is currently brewing her favorite tea by the smell of it. She moves like liquid with her silk robe swishing around her. She glances at me as I gingerly slide into a stool, wincing and moaning.
“Eric will be here shortly so you might want to get that tea,” She says and places a cup in front of me then whirls around when the toaster pops up to snatch it out and onto a plate “...and that toast in your system before getting cleaned up.”
I frown and reach to where she has butter and honey already on the counter. “Jeez, Tor. I didn’t realize you had guys coming over for morning house calls now.” I spread the butter onto the still-warm toast and watch as it melts then pause and look at her when I realize whose name she just said. “When did you and Eric become a thing, or is this you guys starting it up again?” My lips tilt slightly in a smile and I resume applying butter and honey.
Tori glares at me as she slides onto a stool and lowers her cup. “You know very well those rumors were short-lived and untrue.” She snorts and shakes her head as she raises her cup back to her lips. “Dauntless is just one big ball of gossiping old women.”
I smirk and take a sip of the tea slowly. “Yeah, but it was funny while it was going around. Who was it that started the rumor again?”
Tori groans and shrugs. “Who’s usually at the center of pranks and gossip around here? Pick a Pedrad they were both equally as guilty, deciding to play Chinese whispers using mine and Eric’s names.”
I laugh then grab my head and wince. “Fuck! I really have to remember why I don’t drink like that in the future.”
“About that...tell me what happened. I need to know to be able to handle whatever drama is going to go down with Eric and Four from this.”
I frown as I look into the cup, drumming my fingers against it and searching my fragmented memories of the night for anything about Eric. Finally, I shrug and answer.
“Look, I’m drawing a complete blank here as to why Eric would even be involved in this at all. I was pissed as hell at Four about what happened with Rain,” I say meaningfully to Tori and she nods then motions for me to continue “My friends decided to take me out to blow off some steam and have a few drinks. I vaguely remember that I spoke to Four about it but I don’t even remember what I said. I don’t remember Eric being there or involved at all. Even if he were there, I don’t really see him giving a shit that I said anything to Four. Hell, he would have probably been amused about it. So, you tell me why he would be coming here if it isn’t to see you?”
A slow grin spreads across her face and she shakes her head at me. “I don’t think so. I think I’m going to sit back and watch all this unfold.” She laughs at my confused expression and motions with her hand to my cup. “Drink up, time is ticking.”
Then she sets her cup of tea down with a chuckle and swishes away from me into her bedroom, her silk robe billowing out behind her.
The tone of her voice, the words, and her smile all have chills of foreboding going down my spine. Tea had sounded good but what's sounding better is the idea of me getting there hell out of here fast.
I can’t be good that Eric is coming here for me specifically. I mean, what could have him so pissed off at me?
Seriously, what happened to my friends having my back!
I do take a few gulps of tea as I make my way over to where I spotted my discarded dress, heels and clutch laying in a heap beside the couch I slept on. At least I have the purse and its contents. That means I have a way to get into the apartment if my roommate isn’t there to let me in. With the way I’m feeling right now she better not be there.
There is no way in hell that she wants to deal with the aftermath of leaving me to do the walk of shame while hungover as hell and running from Eric for something I don’t even remember doing.
Tori’s shower water is turning off about the time I’m dressed and I scowl in irritation towards the closed door of her room. An idea hits me and I rummage around in my clutch then laugh giddily as I grab the lipstick.
I use it to scribble a note on her entryway mirror using the bloodred makeup. I give a nod of satisfaction and slip out of the door with a smile.
She had been so willing to leave me to deal with Eric on my own, was even looking forward to it. Well, let’s see how she likes being left high and dry with Supreme Leader Stick In the Mud.
I make it into my apartment and have every intention of showering, taking more medicine, getting more water in me, and then passing out again in a darkened room.
Work has other plans.
I’m dripping wet and wrapped in a towel when I hear my phone going off. I know from that first ring who the caller is. The ringtone is one that I have specifically for the extension in the clinic.
As usual, someone got called out to work medic with the patrols and I’m being called in to cover for them.
Dauntless has few trained medics or nurses. Most of the qualified nurses we have come from Erudite. They work set hours during the week and generally only a few of them at that, leaving am our already short of staff during the week that only gets worse on the weekend. Should anything happen and even one single nurse not be able to make it in things get backed up and in a hurry. Especially on a weekend. The patient turnover rate is insane.
I let them know I'll be in and am already pulling on my black scrubs as I say this. I toss my hair up into a messy bun, pull on the shoes that make being on my feet all day bearable; then grab my regular bag and rush out of the door within ten minutes of getting the call. I don’t even have time to stop and grab anything to eat or drink. When I get there I hit the ground running.
Most of the time our clinic sees minor wounds coming in. Things caused from training injuries or even from the entertainment fights that go on. Most of those entertainment fights don't have really serious crap happen because they are heavily regulated. Broken bones, head injuries, and split lips are all just par for the course and regular in Dauntless regardless.
There is a bar though, that serves a rougher crowd and allows some dirtier fighting. It's aptly named Big Shots. The name coming about because that's what frequents there.
The big shots.
The big bad fighters that crave a little more in the action. It's the only place that fights can be wagered on and apparently last night business was booming.
“What the hell went on last night?” I growled out to my Med Aide. She's rushing beside me with charts that are filling her arms and struggling to juggle them around as we go through them.
Dauntless is mostly old school, preferring to use paper over electronics, but there are departments that are fully electronic. My clinic isn’t one of them and not by my choice or preference at all. The amount of paperwork 
“There was a brawl at the bar just before shut down a few hours ago. Not sure what happened but it was bad enough leadership was called in and they had to bring some guards to sort things out.”
“Jesus,” I sigh and start taking a few of the charts while I resign myself to a long day. “Well, let's get a triage set up. Whoever hasn’t been gotten to yet will go in order of priority. I know that there are a few appointments for regular visit crap scheduled for today but those are going to have to be pushed back until we get a handle on this. Try and contact them and see if we can reschedule them and I will get started on the worst cases we have right now.”
She nods and gets bustling as I walk into the curtained off area where the first of many patients wait for me.
A story starts to unfold for me with each person I see.
There was indeed a brawl. The guy that had been the current champion of Big Shots got taken down, ending a four-month-long streak. Which, considering this is Dauntless, is pretty damn good. Anyway, this caused an uproar and things got out of hand when people claimed that it was rigged or he lost the fight on purpose. Either way, it got bad enough that both Eric and Four showed up to get it under control.
Some of the injuries I treated were from one or both of the leaders and it had me shaking my head. I've said before that the two of them are more alike then either one will admit. There are differences, of course. Major ones really, and this is really only going by what I've observed of the two during training or other various encounters. It comes down to them having the same goals but just going about achieving them differently.
I don’t have time to reflect on more about either Four or Eric. I don’t have time to wonder what Eric could want with me when he hadn’t seemed to even know I existed for all of the three years I've been here. And he certainly hasn’t seemed to care or consider the multiple requests I've submitted for the improvement to the med services that Dauntless provides or even the many requests for the much-needed equipment and supplies we are always short of. Thinking about that particular subject always fans the flames of temper but add it with my thoughts of Rain and her leaving and it has made me into a simmering mess at the moment. Which is a really bad time to suddenly be faced with one of the sources of that anger.
I open the door to one of the private rooms with a chart in my hand looking it over. It appears the patient has a knife wound to the ribs that will need to closed. Whoever the patient is was apparently part of the brawl but only just now strolled in. He also got himself bumped up to be seen immediately. I blame the fact that I still have a lingering hangover, in addition to little sleep and no food, for completely missing who that most likely meant it would be. I doubt the few seconds of preparation would have helped me from coming to stop or the muffled squeak I cut, barely, cut off. Thankfully.
Eric is leaning against the table in the room with his arms crossed over his chest and wearing a pissed-off expression that is completely marring his normally emotionless features. His eyes narrow when I come in and they sweep over me from top to bottom very quickly before reversing course and doing it one more time, but much more slowly.
“About time.” He drawls out, not moving even a little while he continues to study me leisurely. “I got your note. Real cute. You’re lucky I had shit to do and didn’t come to find you sooner.”
“I….” I swallow and take a steadying breath then square my shoulders and lift my chin. “You aren’t the only one that had things to do. As you can see I'm busy handling that mess from Big Shots.” I wave my hand in the direction of the waiting room which is still full. “Is there something medical you need or is it just your pride that's wounded? Because I’m afraid I don’t have anything to help you with that.”
There goes my temper, making me talk out of my ass again. I was a little careless in how I’m talking to the feared leader but I also know I’m the one in charge here. He might be a leader but the health and well being of faction members trumps whatever personal slight he might think he received.
Regardless of knowing that I’m still waiting for an explosion. After all, he has and will always have a short fuse for disrespect. But I never get one. What I get instead is a deep chuckle while he reaches down for the hem of his shirt then starts a slow lift.
It’s impossible to deny the man has a spectacular body. It’s also impossible for me to deny that Eric has been the subject of a few fantasies of mine in the past. There was and always has been a passing attraction or fascination with him for me. But after a few years of it being made clear that there wasn’t a chance he would look my way it was also something I moved on from.
So you thought.
Going by the way my body starts to tingle in the slightest and it felt like the temperature in the normally cool exam room seemed to get significantly warmer as I watched him slowly ease his shirt up, it’s clear I might still harbor some of the fantasies for the man.
He's moving extremely slow and I feel a flash of irritation at that thinking he's doing it on purpose. Until I notice that Eric is wincing, even as slight and barely noticeable as it is, letting me know this isn’t some kind of show or cocky tease on his part. He’s actually hurt in some way. I move immediately and without thought. My hands push his away and I whip the shirt off and over his head. Accomplishing this is rather a feat because I have to do a very slight jump from my tiptoes.
Damn my height.
He mumbles thanks while I’m already looking him over.
He’s definitely my knife wound. Thank god it looks to be more of a slash instead of the knife actually stabbing into his side, but even that is bad enough. Whoever it was used one of the serrated blades and it left the flesh a jagged mess.
“Table.” I hiss out the order with narrowed eyes, evaluating what will need to be done and what I will need, then I spin on my heel to start gathering everything.
“You are a  bossy  little thing aren’t you?” He mutters behind me but I hear him sliding on the table, so he at least followed the order. “Can you take orders as well as you give them?”
I’m turning back towards him as he says this with a cocky smirk and tone full of innuendo. I carefully ignore both and move back to the table then lay out all the supplies to the side of him. I take another inspection of the wound. It looks like he might have tried to clean it up before coming in, maybe even started to stitch himself back up as well but thought better of it. All he ended up doing was making it bleed and tearing the edges a bit more. He’ll need to be cleaned up again and I'll need to make sure there isn’t anything in the wound before I can start patching him back up.
I started to prep a needle for anesthetic but he grunts out that he doesn’t need that shit.
“Okay, Dalton. Let’s see if that ‘pain don’t hurt ’ philosophy pans out for you.” I reply with an arched eyebrow and a smirk on my lips.
I shake my head with a smile I can’t help after he gives a full-on laugh and grins at me. “Well aren’t you just a fun-sized package of surprise. The question is, was it the remake or the original you watched?”
I scoff and move away to get something to clean the wound. “That isn’t a question. There's no replacing Swayze and Elliot.”
Once I’m away I take quiet slow breaths to get myself under control and to scold myself for letting him have any kind of effect on me. I use this time to prepare a small bowl with, not only the disinfectant soap I will need, but also add in a few things that will help with the healing of the wound and to keep infection at bay.
I go to the case that all of the private rooms have where certain supplies are kept under lock and key and quickly enter in my code. I pull out a few small vials and take them back to the bowl, then add them to the mix.
One vial is a mild numbing agent that I often use for the younger dependents when they have to come in and have their own wounds tended to. The other is a serum provided by Erudite and that I only use in cases where I know the healing process will need to be accelerated. Generally, I save them for gunshot wounds but Eric’s knife wound is bad enough that I feel justified in using the normally expensive serum.
Sure, keep telling yourself that.
I scowl at myself and the thoughts in my head as I make my way back over to him with the bowl, an irrigation bottle, and a sponge.
I’m completely off balance right now and I want to blame it all on the night I had and my morning hangover but I can’t. Not when I feel Eric’s eyes on me the entire time I’m moving around the room. Not when being near him and feeling how he's looking down at me with such intensity as I start to work on him has thrown me so off that I've completely lost the ability to keep this impersonal and professional.
It isn’t just my choice of using the serum I usually reserve for much more serious injuries. It’s also the fact that I completely forgot to put on gloves before I started to tend to him. I don’t even realize this major blunder until I’m doing using the irrigation bottle to flush out the wound. I set it down and then pick up the sponge to do a light cleaning and notice that something is off.  It takes me a second to realize that my hands aren’t gloved as I run one of them along the bare skin of his ribs.
Fuck! Well, it’s too late to put them on now.  
I avoid looking anywhere but at the area that I'm working on as I continue cleaning then patting it dry with gauze pads. Once I’m done with that I dump the bowl of water and make to put on gloves finally.
“No gloves.” Comes his gruff command as I'm about to slip one on, making me jerk my head up to look at him finally.
His eyebrow is raised but otherwise, there isn’t much of an expression on his face to tell me what the hell he’s thinking.
I put a hand on my hip and shake my head. “I’m afraid that I’m required to wear them if I’m going to have to close that wound. Unless you have some medical reason for not wanting me to wear them?”
Oh, Dios! Why in the hell did I say that? I know very well he doesn’t have one or it would have said it on the chart. And I just gave him an excuse and from the look of that slow wicked smile that’s crossing his face before he wipes it away and gives a nod….
“Yeah. Allergy.”
I hesitate for a second. I could call him on it but I decide not to. Calling him on that could bring about him calling me out and I don’t need that. I snort and push down the flutter I feel when I get close to him again. “Well, that must put a damper on your love life.”
Of course, I would pick saying this when I’m between his legs. I curse myself for not being able to just let it go completely. One of his arms is raised over his head to allow me access but I feel his legs squeeze just a little bit. As if he knows I realize where I am and he isn’t letting me go.
“I seem to manage just fine.” His words are purred and made all the more unsettling because the other arm moves so that his hand is resting against my hip.
I have to bite my lip to manage not making another comment and choose to just ignore all of that and work.
I feel him taking a breath, holding it slightly and releasing slowly as I start to use the staples that I’m using to knit his flesh back together, but otherwise, he doesn’t make a sound.
That is until he decides to start talking.
“So what was all that about with Four? Last I checked, you’re pretty good friends with his little posse.”
I steal a glance at him and his expression but he isn’t looking at me. His forehead is wrinkled and he's looking straight ahead, eyes squinted slightly. I recognize what he’s doing. He’s trying to focus on something, anything, other than the pain.
So the fearsome leader is human after all.
The thought that he’s feeling pain and that I’m causing it makes me frown. I shrug and hope that giving him what he needs will help some.
“I was…” I stop and squint while taking a breath. “Scratch that. I  am  angry about what happened with Rain.”
“You’ve seen others leave or get cut before. So why was it different for you with her?”
“It isn’t like I love seeing it with the others. Even in our initiation when those two girls dropped out I didn’t like it.”
He huffs forcefully, causing me to look up and see he has an expression of dark anger. “You mean the girls that were also your terrorizers?”
I shrug not liking the memory of that or them really. I’m honestly surprised he even remembers that.
“I didn’t think we were going to be best friends and I would have been happy to never have to see them again. I still don’t wish being factionless on anyone, Eric.”
“Okay. I can…” He stops speaking and I shakes his head before going on. “No, I can’t get it. That’s not my style, but whatever. So, what made Rain the person that set you off on Four? Was it just something that was building for a long time?” Damn, he's persistent. I can tell I’m not going to get around telling him what upsets me so much about it. “Tell me, Devi.” He barks out the order.
“Because it could have been me okay!” I stop what I’m doing, slam the tool down on the table and try to shove away but his legs lock around me. “Rain was from Amity, Eric.” I put my hands on his legs to try and pry them from me but the damn things are like the jaws of a locked bear trap and I look ridiculous the longer I struggle.
I finally give up with a huff. Exhaustion pouring through me and I look up to find him studying me quietly.
“She told me that she only chose Dauntless because of me,” I whisper finally and see his look of surprise. “They talk about me there apparently. Talk about how I was the perfect Amity and that it was such a shame I left. She also said there was always a good amount of surprise that I made it through initiation. When her test came back Dauntless she wasn’t going to transfer. Then she remembered hearing about me and thought that if I could do it so could she.”
Understanding flashes in his eyes and he sighs heavily, his hold loosening on me a little as he looks away. “So everything you said to Four, was just because of you feeling guilty?”
I shake my head and trying to think back to what all I might have said. Faint remnants of it come forward.
“No,” I say softly and firmly. “I was and still am very angry at him. It wasn’t all guilt. I don’t remember everything I said, but whatever it was...I meant it. I don’t do it often, but when I get drunk I become more honest. Less likely to just hold it all in.”
“Hmm.” Is his only reply as looks down at me again, a slow small smirk appearing on his lips. “Good to know.”
That’s all he says and I squint waiting for something else but he just shrugs. I roll my eyes, look at his side and see I still need to finish. I pick up the stapler and resume my work. The silence in the room resumes while I work. The only sounds are his slightly more noticeable breathing, the hum of the fluorescent lighting and the click of the stapler as I work.
When I get to the last few ones that need to be done I feel his hand that’s on my hip move so that it just barely skims the hem of the scrub top. I don’t really register this or what he could be doing until I feel his fingers grazing bare skin and I realize he just slipped his hand under the material.
This causes me to jerk as I put the last staple in with much more force than I had been using.
He winces and curses but I don’t bother apologizing as I slam the tool down once again then push his hand away then yell at him.
“What the hell?”
He frowns at me and tilts his head. “You didn’t seem to mind last night when you were basically begging me to take you home?”
My stomach lurches into my throat and I shake my head.
I wouldn’t have...would I?
No! I’m sure I didn’t do anything like that. Yeah, I can be more aggressive when drunk but I also don’t go around throwing myself at random people!
Eric isn’t exactly random though is he?
I back away from him scowling and feel my heart in my throat as I see that, despite him letting me go, he is also following me closely. He slides off the table smoothly and matches me step for step. Catlike and advancing slowly and with a smirk.
“If that’s true then how did I end up at Tori’s?” I ask just as my back hits a cabinet.
“I know I’m a bastard and all, but even I won’t engage in sex with a drunk girl. What’s the point if she can’t sing my praises the next morning?” He gets in close as he replies in a soft voice. There is a teasing quality to his words, brushing off that he would be doing anything that can be considered good or noble.
“So you think it’s ok to just try to come to pick up something that you are assuming I even wanted in the first place? Coming in here thinking that just because you lift your eyebrow my panties are going to get all wet and I’m just going to spread my legs for you? That might work for you with the other girls, but I’m nothing like they are.”
I spit the words out at him with venom. Hoping that they will piss him off and push him away so that he will turn around and walk out of here before I do something I know I'm going to regret. Whether that's slapping that smirk off his face or....somethings else...I'm not sure.
He doesn’t though. Instead, he moves in closer making my chest start to heave as my breathing becomes labored. The heat coming off his body seems to be shooting straight through my body and making me want to squirm. I claw at my willpower to keep it together as his nose brushes against me and he presses even further. I can feel the tip of his nose brush against the tip of my ear first and lose my breath as it starts to ghost down further.
This seems to take an eternity until his lips are near mine.
“I’m counting on that, little Devi.” He whispers this, just a hair's breadth away from my lips. My mouth goes dry with anticipation and despite my words, I think I really do want him to kiss me. “I’m very much looking forward to finding out exactly what you’re made of.”
He moves in and I feel the slight skim of his lips against mine before he pulls away. I sway forward a little because I had been following him to complete the kiss that never came. He smirks and steps back still looking at me as he rolls his bottom lip in, almost biting it before he turns away from me and walks over to the table to grab his shirt.
He whips it on while I feel like I want to slap the shit out of the smug look on his face. I stand with my back against the cabinet, just watching him with a growing scowl on my face. His jacket is laying over the chair in the room and he grabs that, revealing a brown paper bag that was underneath it. He grabs that bag up after pulling his jacket on and then walks back over to me.
The smirk is gone as he presses the bag into my hands.
“You’re right. You are different. But there is no escaping this" he uses one finger to move between the two of us, "or me now, little one.” He looks to the bag and smiles. “I expect you to eat all of that before you go see another person. Your staff will be informed that you’re busy.”
I start to tell him off for what he’s trying to do but he leans forward and before I can utter a word his lips seal around mine. It’s so fast and forceful that I don’t have time to process that it immediately has me mewling for more before he pulls back and turns towards the door.
He pauses as he gets the door open and looks over his shoulder, letting his eyes linger on me in a completely heated way. “I will be seeing you very soon, Devi.”
The door closed behind him and I sunk to the ground right there.
My hand shakily presses to my lips as I try to figure out what the hell just happened.
What the hell made Eric even look my way when he hasn’t before in all my years here?
Remembering the bag I still have clutched to my chest I open it to find a sack lunch from one of the best delis here. My favorite deli. Not only that but inside is the sandwich I prefer made exactly the way I like it. Roast beef with extra pickles and spicy mustard.
How does he even know about that?
It left me wondering if maybe Eric wasn’t as oblivious to my presence as I once believed?
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soultosell13 · 4 years
Welcome to Winston!
Population: 23.458
Creatures: 2.689
Likelihood of injury or death: 43%
We hope you enjoy your stay!
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Winston is your average small town hiding in between the corn, with all it’s small lost town quirks. For starters, everyone knows eachother, you think you’ve “met” someone new? They’re either your cousin or one of your friend’s cousin. All the citizens have been here since, well forever. The road to get anywhere else is endless, so no one leaves often or for too long. It’s not necessary anyways, we’ve got all the essentials covered, plenty of home-grown food, a small but efficient hospital and someone always ready to offer a helping hand. We solve everything ourselves and then thank the Higher Being. Because of course there’s also an official religion with a picturesque white church set a little to far from the rest of the town. Somehow it manages to fit a good part of the town who goes every Sunday to listen to the Pastor preach about the divine and it’s morality. Ancient stories about a deity that’s older than the universe that were in fact created less than a century ago by the Pastor’s grandfather. He was the one who founded Winston, so it’s his descendants who now rule it. Although, nowadays there’s more players in the tug and war for the money, power and control. Like that weird family up in North Street, 13 mysterious women of varying ages who live in a huge gothic house, all known to be witches. They also have a say on every important decision. However, the creepiest place is the abandoned manor up in a hill on the outskirts of the town. The urban legends say it’s haunted. It’s definitely haunted, believe me I talked to the ghosts myself, and in fact they are quite lovely. And the place, even though it’s quite run-down and overall kinda terrifying has a certain charm to it. Especially the garden which is stunning but out grown and unattended, it gently brushes de edge of the forest, as if creepy things got along well. The forest is another story, you could even say it’s a town of itself, one whose inhabitants come alive at night. That’s why you only go for a walk there at noon. Although, perhaps the most unsettling thing that happens here is when the Visitors come to town.
The 9th of every month at 7:33 the whole town shuts down. A siren goes off ten and five minutes before and remains ringing for the last sixty seconds. That’s when you lock the doors, turn off the lights and shut down the blinds. For the next fifteen minutes no one is allowed to make any kind of sound, let alone look out the window or even dare to leave the house. Eventually you’ll hear a stumping noise aproching where you are, it’ll slowly get louder. They’re are getting closer, you might want to say a silent prayer by now. On one of the worse cases they’ll stop for a second, it won’t be long but i’ll feel like an eternity, they’ll keep moving though. At least most of the time. Before you know it’s over, everything goes back to how it was and everyone pretends it’s not as weird as it should be. We are used to it by now, it’s a habit, you don’t think to much about it. No one knows what happens exactly or what the Visitors are, but they don’t ask. The real danger there is with the kids, they are naturally curious and hard to keep quiet in the house. That’s when things go really really wrong. When I was in 3rd grade Molly Jenkins didn’t come to school on March 10th, but no ones said anything and the teacher dismissed the few questions about it. Her desk was just empty and we pretended it had always been that way, like she never went to our school, like she never even exsisted. That’s when I learned that things don’t go entirely back to normal after each visit, we just have to act like it does. No searchs are conducted for the people that go missing on 9ths, we know they won’t be found. That why no one wants to know what visits us every month, but today i’m gonna find out.
I put on my best running shoes and tied my hair in a tight ponytail, already anticipating what my fligh-or-fight response might be. I took one last breath before I left my room and went downstairs. The rest of my family was already locked away in their respective rooms, so I tried to not make any noise. I grabbed the box I had left by the entrance and opened the door with shaky hands. Before I knew it, I was out.
The streets were obviously deserted and silence ruled over the town. It felt so eerie, so wrong. I started walking, without really knowing where I was going. Truth is, I have no idea what to look for exactly. Eventually I reached the town center, but only stood alone surrounded by empty stores. At least five minutes had gone by and I still hadn’t seen or heard anything. However, I had to keep going so I did for a little bit. The fifteen minutes were almost up and I was starting to think that maybe they hadn’t come this month. Maybe I’d gotten lucky and I could just go home. But luck has never been on my side and it wasn’t long before I started hearing footsteps behind me. At first I hoped it was just my imagination but as they got closer and closer the thrumming sound became so loud it was impossible to ignore. I wanted to run away as fast as I could, I really did but chose to slow down my pace until i stopped completely instead. The footsteps ceased right behind me and i could hear a heavy breathing. For a few seconds we remained like that, I could almost feel my heart bouncing around in my rib cage and only picking up speed as time progressed. The tension was excruciating and I knew I was gonna have to turn around and face them at some point. So I gathered every no existant inch of strength I had and did so. At first I just saw a pair of boney legs with just some strokes of brown fur attached to it. Already I was regreating this, so I had to force myself to look up further. The creature in question was several feet taller than I, making me bend my neck in an uncomfortable position. First, i saw it’s ribs, similarly to the legs they stuck out horribly only covered by odd patches of skins. Then I focused on the arms, the were long and bony, and by it’s tips hanged sharp claws that were tinted crimson. Every cell in my body was begging me to run at this point, but I knew I had to stay. It’s not like my legs weren’t practically paralyzed anyways. Lastly, with much strength I diverted my eyes towards the head. Oh and how i wish I hadn’t done that. The mare sight of it made every single one of muy muscles tense and i couldn’t even move my head and look away. I was static, but wanted to desperately run. Only my heart was moving, picking up more and more spread by the second, so much that I thought it would stop when I saw it. Staring above me was what looked like a deer skull, yellowish in color and with huge but in places broken antlers. Although what had struck me the most were it’s eyes, or lack there of. The sockets were empty, though it looked like it could see perfectly fine. It even seemed like those pitch black hollows pierced right through my soul when they looked me in the eyes. Scared I broke my gaze away, even though what I saw then wasn’t any better. Behind the creature in front of me there were about five more, all identical and horrifying. However, those ones were too entertained to even notice me. They were agressiblly feasting on something on the floor, I thought it was some kind of animal maybe one of the cows, but then i saw the scraps of fabric. Red and gold to be precise, just like my high school’s color, just like the varsity jackets the football team wore. Then the memory of last Friday came to me, when I overheard Kyle and Russel talk about going out to see the Visitors while they were leaving practice. I didn’t think they were stupid enough to do it, but clearly I was wrong. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and looked back creature in front of me. Quickly I handed him the box like I was instructed to, hoping Icould get out of here as soon as posible. The Visitor opened it and upon further inspection decided it was pleased with it. Thank God. Before leaving it extended it’s hand, if you could call it that, which took me aback. Was it doing what i thought it was doing? I cautiously shook it’s claw, which was big enough to fit in my entire hand. The creature then opened it’s mouth, showing off it’s sharp crooked teeth, but it’s was almost like a smile. We’re we friends now?
I didn’t get an answer, right after this strange exchange the Visitor’s left. I watched them crawl back into the woods as the town came back to life. Walking back to my house I started seeing people come out of their homes and stores opening their windows. It’s like nothing had ever happened. As much as I tried not to, I couldn’t help but think about Kyle and Russel. How about now their friends and family should be finding out now they are gone. But then again, tomorrow morning it’ll be like they had never even exsisted. So like everybody else I had to forget them. Finally, I arrived on North Street, where I lived. My neighbors were already out and some of the children were even playing on the street. I went into my house, where my aunt and cousin were waiting for me.
“Lydia!!” My cousin Cali jumped out to hug me “I knew you’d make it”
“Of course she’d make it” Aunt Clementine said.
“I doubted it for a second there” I told her but she just laughed. After a few seconds I decide to finally ask about something that had been on my mind for a while. “What were they exactly?”
“Wendigos” My aunt answered casually “Get used to them, you’ll be seeing them a lot when you become the next Supreme”
I opened my eyes wide as plates. Again?!
“Don’t worry, to us they are more harmless than you think. There have been a few mishaps... but nothing to worry about!” She just shrugged it off. I mean she had been dealing with them for years, I guess they didn’t scare her anymore. Maybe the the same would happen to me eventually, but I can only hope. For now i’m just relieved to be home.
“Come on, we’re practicing spells in the garden” Cali changed the subject. I followed her outside laughing like any regular day. Like the last 15 minutes of my life had never happened. Like everyone does in Winston.
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bakudekuficlibrary · 6 years
BakuDeku: Smut One Shots Part V
52 Works.
Click here for: Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV!
a quick lesson by Birdschach  ( E | 1,270 | 1/1 )
“Hm, so you’re sure I don’t know what I’m doing?” “Yeah. Wouldn’t fucking say it if I weren’t. Geez, such a nerd.” “So why not give me a lesson?” “T-the fuck!? A lesson!?” “Yeah. Maybe if I had an example of what was really good then I’d do better. I mean, you’d win in the end, y’know?”
You Can Bet On It! by SilentJo  ( E | 1,801 | 1/1 )
Working at the same hero agency after high school, Midoriya and Bakugou are still as competitive as ever. Bakugou's latest punishment embarrasses Midoriya, but he has an idea on how to turn the tables as he makes another bet.
I've Loved You Always by magnificent_catastrophe  ( E | 3,622 | 1/1 )
After Bakugo is rescued from the League of Villains by Midoriya and his pals, he decides he needs to have a talk with his childhood friend.
God You Suck by tickertocker  ( E | 453 | 1/1 )
Bakugou sucking Midoriya off in a bathroom.
Happy New Year by chikanny  ( E | 2,097 | 1/1 )
Something in my drafts that I finally decided to type up on my lunch at work. I'm not a writer, but it's been stuck in my head, so I thought I'd share.
The two of them spend New years together, just some mindless smut. Let's just go ahead and say they're aged up to their early/mid twenties.
Cake By The Ocean by homojaku  ( E | 3,861 | 1/1 )
Katsuki and Izuku have Momo's beachside villa all to themselves for a week. What are they to do?
Office Sex by aprettyboy  ( M | 3,468 | 1/1 )
In which Bakugou misses their anniversary date, Midoriya ignores him, and it somehow turns into office sex.
A/N:I haven't wrote smut in so long so please bare with me but,I'm actually quite proud of myself, but thank you for reading
Nut Job by Fourty_Six  ( E | 2,993 | 1/1 )
Midoriya got drunk on a work night. Being completely wasted, Katsuki found him on a park bench, now he has to deal with his drunk ass boyfriend ;)
Look at me and at you and at us by guar  ( E | 2,289 | 1/1 )
Midoriya and Bakugou are finally going to have sex in this new way they’ve been meaning to try for a while now. Extra extra, this just in: childhood friends have sex, call each other by childhood nicknames the whole time, and cry. And none of that is the new part.
mirror, mirror on the wall by dekuberry  ( E | 1,601 | 1/1 )
He doesn’t even remember the last time they were able to spend some time alone and Katsuki missed his nerd terribly.
Yes, Sir by Backgroundkun  ( E | 1,402 | 1/1 )
Kacchan gets in trouble.
complicated by Birdschach  ( E | 949 | 1/1 )
Katsuki Bakugo is complicated, and Izuku Midoriya has come to adore the moments when they're so close he can't be complicated.
How Things Change by Markovia  ( E | 2,460 | 1/1 )
There’s one particular memory that has always remained in Bakugou’s mind, no matter how much he’s tried to erase it. It was a long time ago, during their final school festival at U.A., cloaked by the dark of the evening. But somehow the memory is a clear as day, he can almost smell the blood from Izuku’s split lip, almost feel the adrenaline that pounded heavily through his veins. He’s still not sure if he made a mistake that day or whether he should have walked away, shouldn’t have responded.
Four A.M. by KillJoys  ( E | 1,729 | 1/1 )
Izuku is horny, there is no where to go to jerk off... except Baku's empty bed.
The Heat of You by homojaku  ( E | 1,163 | 1/1 )
Katsuki lets Izuku do what he wants to him, and it's a lot hotter than expected. Small NSFW drabble.
Click by Leticheecopae  ( E | 1,500 | 1/1 )
Six tries, six clicks, who knows which one will make Bakugo go Boom.
To Love All of You by battle_goats  ( M | 1,305 | 1/1 )
Izuku and Katsuki want a date night, so they send their daughter off on her first sleepover as the perfect excuse.
Belatedly by beebuzz  ( E | 4,911 | 1/1 )
"It wasn’t a preposterous question. They’d done Things, plenty of things after years of pining and tension abruptly vanished, but never this."
The boys fumble through their first time together with a lot of uncertainty and a heavy amount of taunting.
Series Part 2 of Steadfast
i will never not think about you by nicolet  ( E | 2,558 | 1/1 )
When I kiss you, flowers fall from my lips, and they're suffocating me. I know you don't love me, and yet with every breath that I take, I am still drawn to you. I cannot help myself, even as blood drips down my chin, I need you. I love you.
Won't you love me back?
(Bakugou Katsuki suffers from Hanahaki Disease, and he knows who it is that he loves. Deku, his childhood friend who has become a villain. He's a hero, he's always victorious. Yet this is a fight he cannot win.)
Taming the Fire by Lizardbows68  ( M | 921 | 1/1 )
Izuku is a little fed up with his boyfriend Bakugou's anger. He gets it taken care of and then him.
4/20 is a national holiday by Ereri_Garbage  ( M | 5,697 } 1/1 )
Izuku is a drug dealer that doesn't really accept the fact he's a drug dealer, Katsuki is hot as hell as shouldn't be allowed a facebook.
Happy (Late) birthday Katsuki and happy (late) 4/20. I actually half assed an edit on this one so it took longer to post than I thought it would.
Worth the Embarrassment by Zeekcat101  ( E | 2,771 | 1/1 )
Bakugou wants Midoriya to train NOW! Midoriya doesn't even get to use the bathroom before he's being dragged away, which ends up being both a curse and a blessing.
One way or another to spend Valentine's Day by SoraeMina  ( E | 5,080 | 1/1 )
It's Valentine's Day and Izuku can't wait to spend it with his boyfriend Katsuki. Unfortunately work calls and as a hero, he's not in the position to object. Furthermore, Katsuki doesn't seem to be as interested in spending Valentine's Day together as Izuku hoped he would be. At least that's what he thinks, until Katsuki proves him wrong.
No More Lonely Nights by SecretKiwi  ( E | 2,803 | 1/1 )
Izuku longs for when he can see his boyfriend on a much more regular basis, and Katsuki finds the solution to their problem.
My gift to you by TsunaidaMay  ( E | 1,442 | 1/1 )
Beta Deku always gives Omega Kacchan what he needs, but never taking the one thing he wants the most, until Kacchan gives it to him.
Headache by Helalo  ( M | 591 | 1/1 )
Bakugo hits his head, Midoriya tends to it.
An Unexpected Situation by badmachine35  ( E | 2,578 | 1/1 )
ok so basically this is poorly-written smut with a power bottom aggressive katsuki for my personal needs,i apologize for any mistakes (there are probs hella lot of these) in advance,hope at least someone enjoys it lmao.first time posting such a fic,i don't write that much usually:3
Choke by mahaute  ( E | 1,144 | 1/1 )
Bakugou fuck his boyfriend throat until he puke. That's it. That's the fic. Written for the BNHA kink meme
until our strength is gone by peredhils  ( M | 622 | 1/1 )
Bakugou tries to think of things he’d felt that were softer than Midoriya’s skin, the softness around his hips that molds between his fingers when he squeezes. The blooms of a grey sallow, Midoriya’s warm comforter, his favorite sweater—they all pale in comparison. They might as well have been sandpaper. He runs his hand up Midoriya’s sides and feels his tremor move through his body from his chest to his thighs.
—Bakugou and Midoriya spend a morning in bed together.
Vulnerability by LunaaHawke  ( M | 4,278 | 1/1 )
Izuku closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, obviously trying to gather his thoughts. Bakugou isn't angry at Deku, not really. He's more angry at himself.
For being weak. Useless. A burden.
Like always.
"I don't think you're weak, Kacchan."
The statement is said quietly - like a gentle brush of a feather-light caress across Bakugou's heart. Bakugou turns his eyes back to Izuku and Izuku is looking at him with a look of such timid tenderness that Bakugou feels his knees go weak. It's moments like these - when they're alone, without anyone else around - that makes Bakugou love Deku most. He'd never admit it to anyone, but he loves him.
Loves him so much it hurts.
One's true feeling by SoraeMina  ( E | 3,893 | 1/1 )
After fighting a villain with the ability to poisen people and loosing, Katsuki finds himself in his bed and out of some reason Deku is in his room too. And somehow, this time around, he cannot hide his true feelings. Besides, it seems like the drug has an interesting side-effect.
If you wanna fuck me I won't say no by EctoYasai  ( E | 3,253 | 1/1 )
Bakugou pasa una tarde en casa de Midoriya obligado por su madre. Puede que la idea sea mejor de lo que suena... / One-Shot / R-18 / Katsuki Bakugou Pasivo.
Kitty's Milk by Fangirlrose  ( E | 4,377 | 1/1 )
This is just something my unnamed friend and I wrote for fun, inspired by the relationship of Zero (Katsuki) and Deku (Izuku) as portrayed by the @the-wonder-duo tumblr. It's set shortly after the Duo finally get together.
Out in the Open by Purplemerald  ( Not Rated | 2,786 | 1/1 )
A quirk that intensifies people's emotions towards another made both Izuku and Katsuki in trouble.
Feeling of simple hate will turn deadly. Love into possessiveness.
But how about our wonder duo? Their complicated feelings will be out in the open and will soon open each other up.
Be still my beating heart by DemonufSans  ( M | 1,095 | 1/1 )
I told myself that I should put it in a box so I did but it’s hard to lock those emotions away in the smallest box and my heart
Series Part 1 of My hero Academia fanfic and Request
lazy morning  ( E | 1,475 | 1/1 )
BakuDeku Week, Día #2: Cotton Candy / Childhood / Sloth
Lograr que Bakugou Katsuki saliese de la cama durante sus días libres era una tarea muy complicada.
Happy Birthday Deku! by LionellLim  ( M | 3,566 | 1/1 )
15th of July was the day of our hero special day but can he celebrate it with his lover without getting interrupted with his work?
Series Part 4 of Katsudeku compilation of one shot
She's in Love With the World by babypinklips  ( Not Rated | 1,528 | 1/1 )
Prequel of I Fell in Love With a Girl. Bakugou gives Midoriya a boob-job.
Series Part 2 of Once and Almost Completely
Oniros by Kaith_Jackson  ( M | 1,165 | 1/1 )
Y ahí está Deku. Acostado, inmóvil, con sus ojos verdes esmeralda brillando en la oscuridad absoluta, con su cara de imbécil redomado y ese cuerpo diminuto que tantas ganas le daban de golpear hasta que sangrase por los cuatro costados. Pero no lo hace. No ahí. Ese lugar era el único que está libre de golpes, de cortes, de insultos. En ese espacio están a salvo los dos.
Fic escrito antes de la segunda temporada.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
8 by Fearthepoptarts  ( M | 523 | 1/1 )
they better make the most of it
Series Part 1 of Bakudeku song fics
kiss me, kiss me, kill me  ( E | 946 | 1/1 )
BakuDeku Week, Día #7: Popsicles / One More Night / Lust
"Si fuese a ser asesinado por ti, eso tampoco sería tan malo."
[Major Character Death]
random #4 by Calico_Neko  ( M | 268 | 1/1 )
Katsuki sudah kebelet...
Series Part 25 of FAVONE
Один и три комплекта by Juri_terminator  ( M | 1,202 | 1/1 )
Мидория и Бакуго пытаются нормально разговаривать, и вдалеке неутомимо сияет улыбка Всесильного.
Ace Problems by Maaiika  ( E | 2,157 | 1/1 )
Kacchan ist ace. Das findet er gar nicht gut. Zusammen mit Deku geht er auf Problemlösungssuche.
DRIP by Smut_Poet  ( M | 83 | 1/1 )
Inspired by FeelsLikeFire ‘s chapter 3 of Vicious
Midoriya and Bakugou.... is it hatred, admiration, or lustful thoughts?
A day like any other.... by Smut_Poet  ( M | 115 | 1/1 )
For my girl, FeelsLikeFire's birthday!!! a little of this a little of that... spicy poetry based story-telling of young love or hate, depending on who you talk to. Midoriya and Bakugou.... is it hatred, admiration, or no lustful thoughts?
【出勝】病從口入 by lovetitle  ( E | 432 | 1/1 )
Victima by Explodocat  ( M | 2,239 | 1/1 )
Сделать Богу больно.
Как море by Explodocat  ( M | 2,350 | 1/1 )
Чем еще заниматься на каникулах на пляже.
【出勝】Train of Thoughts by tenpastfour  ( E | 170 | 1/1 )
Smoke by Explodocat  ( M | 2,128 | 1/1 )
Не воздух. Дым.
Unabashed by Nereisi  ( E | 2,831 | 1/1 )
Katsuki torna a casa con delle calze, pronto all'azione. Izuku è più che felice di dargli quello che vuole.
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