#it's a level 'i don't even want to bother asking and arguing there's no way i can go'
ceaselessbasher · 1 year
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mr-ribbit · 7 months
gonna rant again bc im seeing a lot of trans women on my dash having to carry the heavy lifting to argue for their basic respect and a lot of other queer people who want to ??? get mad about that apparently. for the record as usual: im tme, im not speaking for anyone besides myself and my perspectives, but I am trying to reach out to fellow tme people to level with y'all from inside the house.
i thought we all got past the 'calling people gendered terms when theyve asked you to stop' thing in like. 2012. i swear we were allllll on board with not calling women dude anymore, nerfing sir and ma'am, neutralizing collective terms for groups, and all of that was like, during the onceler era. that's how we got off-putting shit like folx into the mix - remember???? why are we here again.
to those who I've seen claiming that they REALLY genuinely don't want to offend anyone, and that theyre trying to understand the dude thing, and they don't want to be seen as transmisogynistic when they aren't: ok. let's talk about it. step one, stop sending that really loaded anon to a trans woman you don't know, and close that in-group hatepost with 100 replies from people name-dropping trans bloggers they don't like. try to open your mind and assume for the duration of this post that I am not cynically trying manipulate thousands of tumblr users into making Bro the next big swear word, but a fellow queer human being who thinks you're all being pretty intentionally obtuse about an upsetting trend in our community
to be clear: this post is about the issue of trans women being called bro, dude, man, etc., particularly in recent tumblr discourse about transmisogyny, and the backlash they face if they get upset about it. this is also maybe moreso about the shitty ass excuses I see tme people make for why they supposedly can't stop doing this.
so let's go through some of the things I've been seeing people say they don't understand, supposedly in earnest, about this issue
I'm not actually going to exhaust my list of reasons why dude/bro/man are not strictly neutral, but you should be pretty aware that all words have context. Dude might be seen as neutral in many contexts, sure, but 'woman who is frequently called a man by others' is a situation where the context adds extra meaning to your words, just like calling someone "sweetie" might be neutral in some cases, but if you've got the context of knowing that's your coworker who's half your age, it's a bit less neutral. If you're not capable of reading that context and being tasteful about when you say dude, then you need to at least be ready to respond gracefully when someone asks you to stop. This is the part I'd rather focus on.
I think you should consider broadening your perspective *beyond* your intention behind the word. people may already understand that you meant the word neutrally and therefore didn't have transmisogynistic intent, but that's not really the entire scope of what people are saying. if that's your only concern, you're just trying to clear your record, not actually listen to what they're saying.
there are lots of words people don't enjoy being called, and in most cases, when they say 'pls don't call me that', people respect that and move on. even if the word isn't a slur, if it hurts someone's feelings, we all as a society have agreed that it's pretty shitty to keep calling them that. if your friend asked you not to call them 'buddy' anymore because their dead grandparent called them that, or something equivalently personal, you'd probably respect that instead of telling them 'but I call everyone buddy!!' right? even if you didn't really understand why it bothered them so much?
there is a prominent tendency for trans women to be denied this privilege, and when they ask not to be called dude or bro, people don't seem to respect this request as much as they would in other situations. when I accidentally use a gendered word and someone tells me they don't like it, I try to respond with something like "my bad, I didn't mean it as misgendering but I can see you were still bothered by it, so I'll try not to keep saying it. sorry!" and most people are willing to accept that. when trans women ask people this favor, a lot of people get VERY defensive, and treat the request as inane or unfair, instead of just apologizing and moving on. this is why people are upset when this happens, and it's why people are calling your actions transmisogynistic
also like you might not be doing this, but a lot of people DO use dude and bro in an intentionally gendered way to make trans women uncomfortable. it's a power play bigots use to talk down to them or otherwise maliciously harass them. do you know what arguments they use to defend that behavior when called out on it? 'oh I call everyone that' 'dude is gender neutral calm down' 'dont overreact its just a word'. by acting like this, youre all just giving credence to those same arguments.
they can get as mad as they want!! also, are you sure they're 'mad'? or are they just expressing their feelings about a negative topic to you, and it makes you feel bad, so you have to make them out to be unreasonably emotional? how do you think they should have phrased 'dont call me that' to better spare *your* feelings?
also like, in most cases, these women do not knowww you. if your main response to someone saying you disrespected them is to say "I didnt mean it that way, I meant it in a friendly neutral way", well that's NOT YOUR FRIEND! she has no idea what your opinions are or what you think of her!!! she has no reason to assume you only upset her in a friendly way and not a bad unfriendly way! but she did get upset, and she did the one thing she can do which is *tell you what upset her* and your response is to say "well actually you shouldn't be upset at all"??????
and another thing:
it's not just the issue of using the word 'dude', it's because you're coming off extremely dismissive of women who have asked you to stop doing something that harms them, and because your argument is basically that they just shouldn't be so bothered by it. or that they're stupid, irrational, or otherwise crazy for telling you that it bothered them at all, just because you Technically used a gender neutral word according to Your Rules. be honest, does that seem fair? If people were calling you something that bothered you enough to ask them to stop, and they responded like this, how would it make you feel?
focusing solely on your intent and what the words mean when you use them is the same thing as saying "just get over it". no woman should need to Prove to you that 'dude' is gendered for you to care about what she's saying. the fact that you're asking people to do that sucks and makes you look bad, which is why people are arguing with you and calling you a misogynist.
especially those of you who are only doing this with trans women who are actively arguing with. you're wielding misgendering as a cudgel and we can all see it, grow up please.
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feltit-wroteit · 5 months
Spoiled and Loved
Art Donaldson x Fem!Reader
In every way, you were the person that made the college experience that much better for Art. You, on the other end, were still struggling to find your place at Uni.
Watnings: inscure reader, lost reader, small angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, reader has rich parents, one s3x joke
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There he was. In your usual spot in the cafeteria eating a lunch that his athletic nutritionist must've assigned him to eat. God was your boyfriend beautiful... "Baby?" He called you out of your trance and you smiled at him. "Come?" He motioned for the chair in front of him with his head. You walked toward it and sat down with your lunch that was healthy but certainly not planned. "Hey!" You said. You started eating and asking how his morning practice was and he smiled throught it all. After finishing his lunch and while explaining his morning, he drew mindless doodles on your left hand with a pencil. One was a tennis racket the other a heart and another a paint brush. Once he was done, silence had fallen and Art looked up at you, stopping his drawing. "Y/N?" Art asked while looking for your gaze. "Hmm?" You answered still looking at your left hand. "Look at me." He asked and lifted your head up with the help of his palm on your jaw. You looked at him and smiled. "How was your day so far, baby?" He then asked with certainty. You sighed and went to look down again, only to feel your boyfriend rubbing your jaw and hearing him hum no. When you met his gaze again you felt it.
The need to tell him the truth.
"Art?" He nodded at your interpellation, waiting for you to continue. "I don't think I belong here." You had felt like this for a while, but your boyfriend's joy at being here made that feeling simmer down a little.
That was until yesterday.
"That's Donaldson's girlfriend, right?" A girl said behind you during your history of the arts lecture. You normally tuned these type of conversations out, but today your ears decided that it was a mighty fine time to do as they wanted. "She play any sports?" The girl, Jenny from what you heard her friend call her earlier, proceeded to ask her friend, Luna. "Not that anybody knows of. Not to his level at least." The other girl answered with a certain turn in her voice. It wasn't a nice one at that. ""But she must do something else around campus for her to be with him, right?" Jenny continued her interrogations. "The only place other than her lectures that people see her at are Donaldson's games. She just does those two things that includes school life. People have said and know that she doesn't even have a major yet. She just does classes until she finally finds something that makes her spark. It's pathetic really." Luna said and chuckled with her friend who fired back : "Why would he want to be with her? If I were Art Donaldson-" And you never heard the last of her life hacks, because your ears decided you had been tortured enough as it was. The notes you had started taking were the only ones you took for the rest of the 3 hour lecture. Well, what was one more exam failed?
You would stay in this godforsaken place until you found a stupid major to work in life with.... Why bother studying right now? Your parents paid for your acceptance at Stanford. Your life was as corrupted as that.
"What do you mean Y/n/n?" Art asked with a concerned look and rubbed his tumb over your jaw. "I don't know what I mean by that. But that's also a problem, I never know..." you tried to explain but it was still unclear to him. He only wanted to comfort you and make you feel at ease at all times, but right now he couldn't understand you. That made him mad at himself. "I don't know what I am going to major in, I don't know why I went to college in the first place and I don't know what you find in me. Before you start to argue that point, I have to tell you that I don't doubt your love, I doubt my ability of being loved right now. I am a mess Art... I can't do it anymore! The only thing I do know, is that I'm going to end up like I always feared..." You continued to elaborate on your feelings while he was listening. "Baby... I love you for who you are. I'm sure what you feared for your future isn't even that bad-" you cut him off on that and laughed while letting some tears flow. "Oh yeah, it is. I will end up as every other rich kid who doesn't amount to nothing and will live off my family's money for my whole life." You said and removed his hand from your face. You didn't feel deserving of his touch right now. "Stop." He said sternly. How could he have left this go this far? How couldn't he have seen you were feeling like this? How bad of a boyfriend was he? "Y/n, you are not messed up. You are beautiful and intelligent and you are worth more than your family's wealth. You are important. Not only to me but to a lot of people. Listen, college isn't for everyone, baby. I know it 's easier listening than believing, but please don't pull away from me." He had tears brimming his eyes now.
What did you do to deserve him?
"I love you, Art. I'm sorry for upsetting you..." You explained and held his hand that had been squeezing the edge of the table. "Don't, baby. You do not have to appologize. I should appologize for not seeing how you had been feeling. Please... talk to me about these things. I want to be there for you like you are for me." He took your hand back in his to play with it lightly. "Okay." You said and smiled softly at him. "Okay?" He asked smiling softly too while looking into your eyes. "Yeah. I'll talk to you more about my feelings, baby." You nodded and affirmed.
As you both walked to your last class of the day that you shared, the girls of your history of the arts lecture passed you. They were looking at you and art with sadness. It was then you realized what they had been doing. Only wallowing in their jealousy because:
Art had chose you. Not them.
His heart was set on you and that made them mad. Some part of you felt like you could see them. Maybe you were loved by someone like they wanted to be, but you were also envious of how these girls would be graduating in Teaching in less than two months likw you wanted to be graduating.
Everybody was jealous of somebody in this world.
"Art?" You asked while going closer to his side. "Hmm?" He had answered when wrapping his arm around your shoulder to pull you in even closer. "I think I'm jealous of you." You confirmed while giggling. "Oh yeah? How come, y/n?" He smiled at your randomness. "You have a massive dick. I want that." You said in the most serious tone you could master in that instance. Art burst out laughing and admitted that he was jealous of you too. "How come, Art?" You copied his sentence. "Imagine being as pretty as the one and only Y/n Y/l/n under sun rays. I'll pray for that to happen one day." You looked up into his eyes and stopped walking for a second. You smiled at him and went up to kiss him on his lips. The kiss was slow and full of love, just how you prefered then to be.
"I love you, baby. Even if you are a spoiled little brat sometimes." He said and tried to cover his head before you shoved his head to the side playfully.
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jae-bummer · 1 year
Anytime, Sunshine
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Request: can i request a fic where you're secretly dating coups? and can it please be fluffy??
Pairing: Seventeen S.Coups x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Squeezing your eyes shut even tighter, you grumbled to yourself before flopping onto your stomach. Burying your face into the pillow, you let out a long exhale.
"Baby, I know you hear me."
"Hearing you and responding to what I'm hearing are two different things," you muttered, slowly lifting your head. Peeling open one eye, you glared at your sleep-worn boyfriend. How was it even possible for someone with that level of bedhead to look so attractive?
"Your alarm went off," Coups sighed, not even bothering to pick up that argument. "Multiple times."
"And yet, there I was," you said, plopping face down into the pillow again. "Still asleep."
"The last thing I want to do is kick you out of my bed," he continued, rubbing your lower back. "But-"
"But I need to get back on the couch," you complained. "Because I'm just your friend."
"Hey, hey," he huffed. "That wasn't my rule."
"I knoooow," you groaned. "It's mine."
Finally sitting up, you scrubbed at your eyes before looking moodily toward your boyfriend. "I'm the worst."
"You're not the worst," he smiled, cupping your cheeks with both of his hands. "I know you don't want to mess up the dynamic, but don't you think the guys would be happy to see us together? They'd still view you as a friend."
"When friends date friends in the friend group, something always gets messed up," you pouted. "I told you that when you asked me out."
"And then you told me again after we slept together," he gave a shit-eating grin this time. "Didn't stop you from doing it though."
"Choi Seungcheol," you gasped, pushing his wrists away from your face. "How very dare you."
"We're dating, Y/N," he sighed. "Why hide it from the people we love?"
"Cause it's going to make it weird," you argued, wiggling your arms on the word "weird" for emphasis. "They're not going to know how to act around us and-"
"I don't think you give them enough credit."
"I think you give them too much."
"Okay, that's valid," Coups chuckled. "I should probably know better, but it's getting harder keeping this a secret."
"Says you," you grumbled, struggling up and out of his bed. Wrapping yourself in a thick blanket, you began to waddle out of the room. "I'm obviously loving this arrangement."
You were getting really tired of being woken up this morning.
Popping your head out from under the duvet you were using, you tried to focus your sleep-drunk eyes.
"I want to sit on the couch and eat breakfast," Seungkwan pouted with a small foot stomp. "All of the spots at the table are taken."
"Sit on the floor," you croaked, pulling the blanket up again.
"Y/N," he whined. "You're so mean to me and for what?"
Without bothering to uncover yourself again, you grumbled, "Bring me a waffle and I'll consider your demands."
"I got it," you could hear Coups laugh from the kitchen.
Worming your way out from your warm, little cocoon, you narrowed your eyes at Seungkwan who stuck his tongue out at you in response. Rolling your eyes, you pulled yourself to the corner of the couch, allowing room for him.
"I would say thank you, but I won't give you the satisfaction," he muttered, sinking into the cushion beside you.
Your mouth pressed into a thin line, trying to stay closed rather than say something that would hurt his feelings. Instead, you buried your toes beneath his thigh and relished in the newfound warmth.
"Here you go," Coups cooed, reappearing with a plate and coffee mug in hand.
Gratefully taking it from him, you tried to remind yourself, to the world, you were still just friends. "Thanks."
"Anytime, sunshine," he grinned, patting you lightly on the head.
You took a large bite of your waffle as you watched him saunter away. God, how was his back just as good looking as his front?
Looking down to your breakfast again, you almost didn't notice the side-eye Seungkwan gave you.
"Nothing," he chirped, shaking his head with fake innocence.
"No, what?" you groaned, dropping your food to your plate.
"I just think," he began a little too calmly. "That you two would make a cute couple."
Ice shot through your veins. Surely, he hadn't picked up on anything from you and Seungcheol's interaction. He couldn't possibly know what was going on...
Could he?
Trying to stifle a surprised cough, you ground out, "What? Why? Coups? No!"
"Don't think you're fooling me, Y/N," Seungkwan hummed knowingly. You felt your heart skip a beat. There's no way he would call you out in front of everyone. Boo was dramatic, but he also had some level of common decency.
"Fooling you?" you asked, lifting your brows. "There's nothing to fool you about."
"Yeah, right!" he gasped. "You have the biggest crush on our leader!"
You tapped down on the panic that had been disseminating itself across your chest. He thought you had a crush on Coups. While not untrue, he hadn't figured out the bulk of the situation after all.
Letting out a sigh of relief you tried to mask as one of frustration, you shook your head. "It's not like that, Kwannie."
"I call bullshit," he said with a small shrug. "Your attention was glued to his ass as soon as he turned around."
"Whose attention was glued to my ass?"
Looking up with wide eyes, you were so wrapped up in Seungkwan's accusations, you hadn't noticed Coups appear in the doorway.
"Seungkwan's," you said quickly. "He was admiring your cake."
Rolling his eyes, Seungkwan laughed. "Y/N has a crush on you and it's so obvious that it causes me physical pain."
"Seungkwan," you hissed, teeth barred.
"Do they now?" Coups hummed, setting his own coffee cup on the table in front of the couch. Taking a spot on the rug in front of you, he quirked his brow. "Is that true?"
"What?" you muttered, looking rapidly between the two men. Why was your boyfriend (albeit secret) playing into this?
"Answer the question, Y/N," Seungkwan grinned, obviously enjoying himself.
"I, well, we-" you stammered.
"It's okay," Coups sighed, looking away from you dreamily. "I have a crush on you too."
You bit back a groan as Seungkwan sprung from the couch, pointing an accusatory finger at his member. "I knew it! You were making lovey eyes at each other from across the room at the restaurant last night."
"We were doing no such thing!" you gasped, attempting to salvage whatever small bit of privacy regarding your relationship that you could.
Looking over to Coups, you tried to ignore the outright mirth dancing across his face.
"Maybe I was," he hummed. "I just can't help it. You're so cute."
"Does this mean you two are going to date?" Seungkwan all but shouted, clutching his imaginary pearls. "Oh my god, did I just get you two together? I'm a love genius!"
"You are!" Coups smirked, completely playing into this whole charade. "I never would have had the courage to confess without you!"
"Remember that when my birthday comes around," Seungkwan oozed, pleased with himself. "I brought you two together. Where'd everyone go? I have to tell them immediately."
"Kwan-ah," you moaned, completely defeated. He was out of the room before you even had a moment to digest what was happening.
Turning slowly toward your boyfriend, you leveled him with the most serious death glare you could manage.
"Whoops," he grinned. "Looks like everyone found out after all."
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atarathegreat · 6 months
Hello! May request a Draken sibling!Reader x Mikey. Any scenario and/or headcanons will do! Thx♡
No one knew what the hell was wrong with the commander. For weeks on end Mikey had been acting weird, not acting as childish or as ruthless. Even in fights, he was more inclined to let people at least have the ability to walk away, which was a little concerning to Draken. All the founders and captains were used to Mikey absolutely destroying his opponent, and he just suddenly...stopped.
Draken leaned back on his bed, watching his friend. "The hell is up with you recently, man?" Kenny couldn't take it. Especially when Mikey was over to hang out, he wasn't acting like himself. "What do you mean, Ken-chin?" Mikey looked up from the comic book in his hand. "Dude, you've been acting strange as hell." Draken threw a pillow at him. Mikey was the only one who hadn't noticed this change. He thought he was the same as always.
"Kenny!" Mikey straightened up at the cute voice, "I brought you and Mikey some drinks." Draken's little sister came in and set down a couple of drinks. She was only a few months older than Emma, and Mikey figured that if Kenny had a crush on Emma, then he could have a crush on Y/n. Dark eyes watched as she plopped down next to her brother, "And the ladies said that, when you have time, they need help moving a couple boxes."
"I'll get to it when I get to it. Damn." Draken rolled his eyes, "Don't they know I'm busy?"
Y/n giggled, and Mikey felt like his heart was going to implode. She was adorable. Unlike Emma, she had no desire to grow up fast, be more mature, or even dress like she had something to show. Mikey loved his sister, of course, but this girl... she was everything he wanted, and he couldn't help but compare and contrast the two the same way he did to himself and Kenny. Draken was mature and careful where Mikey was childish and impulsive. Was Y/n the same as him? He really hoped so.
"What about you, Mikey? Can you help?" Y/n turned to the shorter blonde.
Draken tugged on her ponytail, "Hey, don't start asking my friends to do your chores!"
"I'm asking for help, you overgrown lima bean!"
"Watch your mouth, you underdeveloped mouse!"
It was always weird when the two argued, hurling meaningless insults at each other that Draken would apologize for later.
For a second, Mikey wondered if she'd even be into a short guy. He was just around below average, but she grew up staring at the ceiling to talk to her brother. What if she couldn't stand looking eye level at him? Or what if she wanted someone with a deeper voice? Mikey wasn't exactly...gruff.
"Stop being a brat!" Y/n was pinning Draken down and jerking on his shirt, "I'm only asking for help, not for him to do everything for me!" Kenny could've easily thrown her off, but she was his baby sister. So, he yelled to Mikey for help. "Mikey, grab this deranged dust bunny!"
Mikey was careful to grab around her waist, no higher and no lower, to pull her away from her brother. He liked carrying Y/n, but he didn't want to hold on for too long and risk Draken seeing that he had a crush. "We should bring her along to our next fight and set her loose on the guys!" Mikey laughed, though he wouldn't actually let her anywhere near a fight. "I'll help you with whatever it is." Mikey smiled, ignoring the way Draken groaned and told him not to bother.
Despite her brothers' warnings to not help, Mikey followed her through the brothel and to her own little room. "I just need help moving these boxes to the room across from Kenny's." She crouched down and picked up a box, a box that Mikey quickly grabbed from her. "Alright." He grabbed another box underneath it, "Lead the way."
Maybe he would just confess to Y/n when Kenny confessed to Emma...
yes, the parallel is on purpose :)
Part 2
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nihilo-sensei · 7 months
The Infamous Chuuya-SSKK Car Ride
Two. Fucking. Hours.
Akutagawa and Atsushi have been arguing for two hours almost non-stop and there's still an hour to go in the trip. If you had asked Chuuya before he climbed into this four-wheeled prison what the most annoying thing on Earth was, he would've said without hesitation that it was dealing with Dazai. That was a more innocent time, a time before life had decided to punish him for his every felony, misdemeanor, and wasted gallon of milk. He wasn't sure if these apparently nuclear-powered bickering machines being confined to the backseat was better or worse for him. Probably better; at least one half of the invective wasn't being spewed directly into his left ear.
As much as he wanted to blame a member of the Armed Detective Agency for all of his misery, he was disappointed to say that it had been his subordinate and fellow mafioso who started this. Granted it hadn't taken much to get the weretiger to dive down to Akutagawa's level, but he was just trying to make conversation, asking if Chuuya listened to much music. Honestly, the gravity manipulator would've been delighted to spend a three-hour car ride talking about music, even with an ADA member. It was kind of nice that the kid had reached for some common ground between them. Akutagawa really hadn't needed to cut Chuuya off before he had a chance to answer by saying, "No one cares, weretiger." That one admittedly rude remark had sealed Chuuya's fate for the rest of the ride out to the countryside. Thanks, Aku.
"You better not get in my way when we get there, weretiger. The Port Mafia doesn't need Least Beneath the Moonlight."
"I guess I'll leave the job to Brash-ōmon, then. Get over yourself."
How are they still coming up with new insults? Chuuya hadn't even had the energy to tell them to shut the fuck up passed the 35-minute mark, about 25 minutes after his throat started to hurt from trying to match their combined volume. It was like they didn't even hear him. They were in their own little world together.
That was what he'd been warned about, though, wasn't it? Akutagawa and the tiger boy had… tension. He had heard about it from Dazai, but hadn't given it much thought. After all, why would he bother listening to anything that mummy's asshole says off the battlefield? He would happily throw Dazai off a building if he wasn't sure it would make that freak even happier than it would make Chuuya. Something about this train of thought makes Chuuya feel like a hypocrite for some reason. Where was he?
"At least I don't dip my bangs in Wite-Out!"
"Your impoverished ass could only afford one bang!"
Oh right, this thick fog of something making itself at home in Chuuya's backseat and inside his pounding skull. He had thought it was just a joke or an exaggeration, but this much passion for each other? Could all of that really just be simple hate? No, this doesn't really feel like hate. But if they don't hate each other why tell themselves that they do? That's so self-destructive. They should just confront their feelings like adults. Even if those feelings aren't romantic they could still find themselves good friends, they have a lot in common. At least they'd stop making their sexual tension or whatever everyone else's problem.
Why does Chuuya feel like a hypocrite again?
Chuuya stares into the rear-view mirror. The new Double Black had practically passed out five minutes into the drive to Yokohama. Not surprising after the mission had turned out to be far more complicated then they had anticipated. He wasn't complaining, he really couldn't deal with another three hours of angry sound waves bouncing around an enclosed space. Truthfully, they'd earned the rest. Even when the situation was going to shit they'd worked well together. Atsushi kept Akutagawa's mind on the civilians while Akutagawa's support kept Atsushi calm and focused. Chuuya sees now why Dazai put them together, not that Chuuya would ever openly tell the man he was right.
So he'd let the pair sleep, only debating whether he should wake them up after the blessedly silent car had crossed the Yokohama city limit. He had glanced into the mirror and caught sight of something that made him suddenly redirect as much attention as he safely could to it. The Sun had set halfway through the drive so he had had to wait for the car to pass the next street light to get a good look at it, and sure enough he saw exactly what he thought he had. At some point in the drive Atsushi and Akutagawa had leaned into each other while they slept. Atsushi's head was now resting on Akutagawa's shoulder while the mafioso's head rested on top of the weretiger's. Chuuya smiled. Definitely not hate.
As the car nears the ADA office, where Atsushi was to be dropped off, Chuuya pulls into a gas station with a new mission in mind. After he puts the car in park he takes out his phone and hopes that fatigue keeps the pair asleep and unaware while he does what needs to be done. He gambles on using the flash and wins a nice, clear picture that's going to absolutely make his fucking day the next time Akutagawa decides to make him sit through another "that goddamn foolish weretiger" rant. But was it really fair to make just Akutagawa suffer when Atsushi was about as responsible for Chuuya's three-hour ordeal earlier? No. And isn't the ADA all about that justice shit?
Chuuya opens his text thread with Dazai, taps his thumbs to the screen a few times, and hands down Atsushi's sentence with the push of 'Send'. He only has to wait a few seconds before the weretiger's irritating superior responds.
Mackerel (21:04): Oh my god, thank you so much for this! How useful my dog is becoming!
You (21:04): I seriously can't do this with you right now, Dazai. Those little bastards almost wiped me out on the way to the mission. They argued the entire time. I'm fucking tired.
Mackerel (21:05): Impressive, isn't it?
"Impressive" was one way of putting it. "Never gonna happen again" was another.
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tonyspank · 1 year
Warnings: Swearing, Frankie, bad writing and a taser?
A/N: Currently writing the next chapter for The Party & The After Party, also this could be read as GN! , there's a few mentions that you're a female tho
Words: 2.7k
Tara Carpenter x Female! Reader
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Being Chad Meek's best friend had a lot of benefits. Including, knowing when a party was happening. This is exactly how you found yourself at this house party, dressed up as Spider-Man.
You knew Chad from your football team, he was your quarterback and you were the first female wide receiver to ever play in Blackmore University or the NCAA division in general.
Due to that everyone knew who you were, but you didn't care about the fame or the popularity, you just wanted to enjoy college and get to play football alongside your best friend.
There had been times when people would try to befriend or even date you for your name instead of your actual personality, and it made it hard for you to truly make friends or fall for someone.
Your trust issues began when your ex-girlfriend cheated on you with Frankie. She was the first person (other than Chad) to introduce herself to you and show you around campus.
The two of you started dating about three months after your friendship, and something always felt a little off. It felt as if you were on the same page but on different levels. You wanted to stay out and watch stupid thriller movies and cuddle on the couch while she wanted to go out to parties and show you off anytime she could.
You and Kayla did have a couple of things in common, you got along well, but if anything it was intuitively that you were more like friends or whatever. Sure, you guys were intimate but it still didn't feel right, you were never in love.
And you surely knew she didn't love you.
Especially, after seeing her under Frankie in your own dorm room.
Yeah, that was very disrespectful.
She then proceeded to tell you that she never liked you and only used you for Instagram followers and more friends. Yes, it hurt. But it was better to have her out of your life than to be living with a lie.
After your breakup with Kayla, you thought you'd be sad, but in reality, it just opened up your eyes a bit more. You felt more at ease.
"What's wrong with my sweatpants?" You ask, your voice slightly muffled through the Spider-Man masking over your face.
"I'm telling you I've never seen Spider-Man wear sweatpants," Chad tells you, taking a sip of his drink. You playfully roll your eyes looking over to Ethan for his help, noticing he speaks up.
"Actually, he does in the Miles Morales Spider-Man and Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man did behind the scenes."
"But none of that is live action," Chad argues his case causing you to let out a sigh.
"Regardless of how uncanon my Spider-sweats are." Chad furrows his eyebrows shaking his head as you continue, "I still have the best costume here."
"I think Ethan's outfit is pretty cute," Chad says, motioning to Ethan who smiles in response. You jokingly pinch the curly-haired boys' cheeks, "Yeah, but Ethan's just cute in general."
Ethan slaps away your hand while Chad shrugs nodding in agreement. "I'm going to go bother the lovebirds!" You quickly announce, patting Chad's shoulder before leaving.
You make your way through drunk college students and sweaty bodies before noticing Mindy and Anika cuddled up on the couch, walking over you softly push them apart, sitting right between them.
Mindy sends you a playfully fake smile leaning in close to whisper, "I'm going to fucking beat your ass after this party." She fake laughs afterwards noticing that Anika is watching. You fake laugh as well, but side-eye Mindy in slight fear which she can't see due to the Spider-Man covering your face.
Anika is about to say something but her eyes wander off, worry filling her face. Both you and Mindy follow her view, and you notice a female pirate walking alongside Frankie.
You clench your jaw as Anika voices her worries, "Ohhh, I don't love that." Mindy hums in agreement, Anika quickly gets up, softly grabbing the pirate's arm. She turns around with a smile listening to her friend. "Hey, wanna call it a night?"
The smile is still prominent on her face she looks around before answering, "No, uh. I actually think that I'm still going to hang, but you guys don't have to wait for me."
Frankie speaks up with a smirk on his face, "Don't worry. I'll take care of her, I'm Frankie."
Anika shakes her head, "And I'm spectacularly uninterested in knowing anything about you." Frankie scoffs in response while the female Captain Hook laughs, leaning in as she lowers her voice. "No, dude. Anika, I'm not that bad."
She takes a few steps back, slightly walking away. "But I appreciate you looking out for me." Frankie sends Anika a cocky smile before following the dark-haired girl.
You decide now is the time to step in, "I'm going to go help her." Mindy nods her head, sitting up on the couch as you walk over to Anika.
"I'll follow her. You get Chad." You instruct, Anika mumbles, "Okay." And you both walk off in different directions.
"Aren't you that girl involved in that 'Stab' shit in California last year?" You hear Frankie as, she lets out a chuckle, "No. That's a different pirate."
Standing at the end of the steps you speak up, "Frankie! Hey, why don't we keep the party down here? I'd hate to miss out."
Frankie and the pirate turn around at your voice, and you feel Chad beside you. "I think we're good Y/L/N." He replies, recognizing your voice through the mask.
"Well, Tara's good down here." Chad joins in, and immediately Frankie responds. "I'm sorry. I didn't catch that."
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, you did." Chad remarks, trying his best to stay calm. Tara walks down a couple of steps, standing in front of you and Chad. "No, Chad it's fine. I want to."
Frankie walks down too, getting close to Chad's face. "Yeah, see Chad? It's fine she wants to." He turns back around but not before roughly grabbing Tara by her arm, she lets out an, "Ow." and you swiftly grab Frankie by his shirt, pulling him down the stairs.
"Don't fucking grab her like that." You push him away into the wall and a crowd suddenly appears, you don't notice Chad checking on Tara as you're focused on the Frat boy in front of you.
He pushes you back, "Get the fuck off me!" Tara removes herself from Chad's grip walking behind you and gripping your Spider-suit as much as she can, using all of her drunken strength to pull you away from Frankie. "Guys! Guys stop."
Chad angrily steps in, grabbing Frankie by his shirt, and pushing him onto the ground. And as you're being pulled away by Tara, Mindy walks in waving a hand basically telling you to go help Chad.
You glance at Chad then Tara who's shocked at the sight going on in front of you, then at Mindy. You knew Chad could handle himself for a couple of seconds until you got the drunk pirate out of the situation before she hurt herself trying to split up another fight.
"Excuse me!" You shout at the crowd, nearly everyone steps out of your way as you slightly and as softly as you can pull Tara away. Your heart drops when someone suddenly appears in front of you, "Hi! Sorry to interrupt, I'm just going to tase you really quick." Before you could plead your case, you feel a sharp pain in your stomach causing you to drop to your knees.
"Fuck!" You yell out, slapping your hand against the wooden floor. It felt like every muscle in your stomach had a Charlie horse, and you couldn't help but stay curled up on the ground even while Mindy rushed to your side, alongside Tara asking you if you were okay.
Chad was also there too, with a bloody nose. He takes off your mask, showing everyone your squinted eyes, furrowed eyebrows, and your parted lips.
Sam stands there, confused and guilty. Did she tase the wrong person?
"Sam! You tased the wrong person!" Mindy shouts at her. Oh. She did tase the wrong person.
You roll over onto your back, your hands on top of your stomach and you sit up. The group is silent, waiting for your reaction. "Fuck... that really hurt." You mumble, letting out a small laugh after.
Chad smiles, confused but begins laughing with you and everyone soon joins in, helping you up from the ground. As Chad and Mindy both have your arm making sure you were okay Sam walks up, and her face is filled with guilt.
"Holy shit! It's that psycho girl!" Someone yells out from the crowd. Sam sends a slight glare before turning her head back toward you.
"Shit. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to—" You cut her off with a wave, "It's okay." You then tell the twins you're okay, and they reluctantly let you go.
You look around looking for Frankie who definitely deserved the thirty seconds of pain you went through. Noticing he's gone you now focus on Chad, who whips his nose with a smirk on his face.
"I won the fight." He informs you with a jolly smile on his face.
Tara storms in front of the group, in embarrassment and anger at her sister.
"Tara! Will you stop!" Tara doesn't stop but only slightly turns her head to speak to her sister. "I cannot believe you did that, you embarrassed me!" Tara faces the front again, continuing her struts.
"I was trying to help you!" Tara turns around, upset if it wasn't obvious before. "And look what happened!" She raises her voice, motioning to you. Your face heats up in embarrassment, as you scratch your nose.
"You're out of my life for five years then you can't even leave me alone for five seconds!" She shouts, throwing her arms up.
"Because you're not dealing with what happened to us. Have you ever gone to see the counsellor at least once?" You look around the group, seeing Mindy let out a sigh watching the scene unfold in front of her.
"No, and I'm not going to." Sam shakes her head, "Why not!"
"Because I'm uninterested in living in the past like you are." Sam furrows her eyebrows, "What's that supposed to mean?"
Chad then takes in a deep breath, tired of the back and forth between the two siblings. "Hey, guys, come on—" He's unheard or ignored as Tara continues. "It means I'm not gonna let what happen to us for three days define the rest of my life!"
"So you're just going to pretend it never happened?" Tara closes her eyes, trying to calm down, and when she reopens them her tone is softer than before.
"What are you doing here Sam? In New York." Sam scoffs, as Tara continues. "I mean y-you're working two shitty jobs to help with.. rent, whatever, but what's your plan?" She stumbles a bit on her words, and you think it's due to the alcohol in her system.
Sam slightly shakes her head, not knowing what to say as Tara proceeds with her point. "I know what I'm going to do. Okay? Because I'm going to keep going to college, I'm going to get my degree, and I'm gonna live my life."
You twist your lips and shift your weight from one foot to another.
"My life," Tara says, slapping her hand against her chest. "That I know." Sam eyes her sister with a slight furrow in her eyebrows. "You just follow me here and you won't let me out of your sight."
"Just trying to look out for you." Tara speaks up, "I—" but cuts herself off, letting out a sigh as she runs her hands down her face. "I know. I know you are."
"You can't do it for the rest of my life though, you have to let me go." There are footsteps heard coming up, Tara turns her head and before anyone could react or say something, Sam is getting a drink splashed onto her.
The girl yells out, "Murderer!" as her one of friends records. Sam gives the girl a shove causing her to slightly stumble back, quickly Chad and you hold Sam back not wanting her to do anything rash. "Fuck is wrong with you, bitch!"
The girl points at Sam, "You guys should stay away from her. She knows what she did!" Sam pushes Chad away, and Tara joins in with you trying to hold back her surprisingly strong sister. "I didn't fucking do anything!"
"Sure, bitch." The girl says, walking away backwards with her friends.
As the group walks away you stand back waiting for Sam as she rings out her shirt, Ethan takes notice of this, walking back and offering her tissues. She eyes the boy before taking the tissues out of his hand. Ethan walks off once Sam looks at him.
You walk to Sam, offering her your Spider-Man mask, "Uh, it's not a tissue but I'm sure it'll help?" She shakes her head waving it off.
"Also, um. I'm Y/N, and for what it's worth I think you're a good sister for trying." She stares at you a bit before nodding, and you begin walking away following the group.
Before you know it you're standing in the middle of the Carpenter-Bailey's living room, awkwardly. Chad is settling down, taking off his jacket and hat and putting on a t-shirt.
Sam, Tara, and Quinn were all in their selected rooms as the rest of you were in the living room.
"Chad?" He hums in response turning around to face you, "I think I'm going to leave."
"Oh, okay. Need me to walk you home?" He genuinely asks, you shake your head. "Nah, it's fine. Tell Tara and Sam it was nice to meet them."
You wave goodbye to Mindy and Anika who are sitting on the couch in front of you before exiting the apartment.
Moments pass and Tara's back in the living room, looking around. "What are you looking for?" Mindy laughs confused, Tara looked like a lost puppy as she searched around the small apartment.
"Where'd she go?" The two girls and Chad furrow their eyebrows. "Who?" Anika asks.
"Uh, Chad's friend." She utters, embarrassed. Mindy immediately noticed how pink Tara's cheeks were and the paper in her hand. Mindy shoots up from the couch, "What's that?"
Tara's eyes move to Mindy's view, she quickly pockets the folded note. "Nothing! I just felt bad that Sam tased the fuck out of them when they wanted to help me."
Mindy turns her head at Anika and Chad, raising her eyebrows and they instantly get the message. Tara thinks you're cute, and that note would confirm it. "Oh!" Chad says, standing up from his chair. "I could always give it to her."
Tara's eyes leave Mindy and go to Chad, "Really?" She says hopefully, "You wouldn't read it right?"
Quickly he shakes his head, "No. No. No! Of, course not!" He holds out his hand so Tara can give him the note, and she does. Anika watches this from the couch, but her jaw drops when she sees Mindy's hand snatch the note and runs to her with it.
"Mindy!" Tara shouts, trying to run after her but Chad grabs her, and all Tara can do is watch Mindy open her note in, reading it out loud.
"hi! this is tara, the pirate from the party. sorry that we had to meet on such terms, please let me make it up to you, from tara. HEART!" Mindy reads, shouting the last bit.
Chad lets Tara go with a shocked face, and Tara covers her own face in embarrassment.
Everyone's head turns to the door, noticing you standing there. "Hi..." You awkwardly, mumble out. "I forgot my mask." You tell them, pointing at it beside Anika on the couch.
Mindy looks at the mask, then at you. "How long have you been here?"
"Um.." You scratch your eyebrow. "Long enough to accept Tara's proposal." You laugh, with a cheeky smile.
Tara smiles widely, her face nearly as red as a tomato.
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an-au-blog · 11 months
Omg i have an idea - Sanji prince set to marry the princess of Wano arc but she is in love with her bodygaurd Zoro. This makes sanji jealous of him and he in his free time does everything in his power to piss off zoro but zoro starts liking it. In reality he had never had hots for the princess, but the day he saw Sanji and his fighting skills, zoro was inexplicably drawn to him. So they start sparring together and arguing but they find it comforting in a way.
Will u elaborate this au ?? I would love to see you enhance it
Yesyesyesyes! I saw that (I just hate replying from my main and as far as ik I can't respond from a secondary)
This reminds me of a royal au art post that I see or come back to every so often like "I should probably write a royal au"
(anyways here i go... this turned out longer than intended lol:)
At first, Sanji would be so happy and anxious about meeting the princess. He's never seen her, it was an arranged marriage, but he heard that she is the most beautiful and elegant woman. So it was a huge shock when he arrived and all she would do was try to tend to her bodyguard or try chatting him up. Emphasis on the "try". The most he replied with was a huff or a grunt. Most of the time he acted like she wasn't even there. Even when she did talk to Sanji, the conversation somehow always circled back to her body guard.
It was all "Zoro this," and "Zoro that," and admittedly, Sanji could hesitantly agree that if what she was talking about him was true, he was a man of pride and honor. It still pissed him off.
Sanji was a bit disappointed on many levels. He wanted a nice date with his future wife. What was he thinking? The mossheaded brute? She could do so much better than that swordsman. What does he have that Sanji doesn't??? Not to mention that the guard was staring daggers into him the whole day.
At the end of their "date", the swordsman insisted on sending him off to where he'd be staying. He even offered to give him a tour of the city.
Sanji responded with a "I'd love to get a tour from miss Hiyori, but I don't want anything from you, mosshead."
They end up going anyway because the very next day...
Zoro to Hiyori: I should take him into town for a tour.
Hiyori: Yes that's a great idea! I could come too,
Zoro: No
Sanji: Yes
Zoro sweating: it uh... it won't be safe.
Through out the whole walk Sanji would keep saying things like "oh, how I wish my FUTURE WIFE could be with us now," and "do you think my FIANCE would like this if I bought here one?" to make sure Zoro knew that Sanji was the one who would marry her.
Zoro seemed irritated at first but it slowly started seeming more like sadness than anger. At one point Zoro turns and interrupts him, telling him that they're lost. Turns out not only were they lost, Zoro didn't know where they were going for a while now.
An insult turns into a snarky remark in return, which turns into a kick, turns into a fight. After they were all worn out from the fight, Sanji begrudgingly realized that he enjoyed sparing a bit too much. It was the most fun he had since he arrived. He would never admit it though.
Once they found their way back Sanji decides that he would try and be as close to his fiance as possible. If he flirted with her enough, the Marimo would get the hint.
On one hand it worked. Zoro seemed to get really angry whenever he flirted with her. Which usually ended with them sparring. Zoro would say some questionable things during their fights... so Sanji responded. It escalated to the most fucked up and homoerotic shit, to the point where people got used to leaving the room to give them privacy.
As the wedding approached, Sanji started seeing less and less of Zoro. When he asked Hiyori about it she always gave an answer that sounded extremely fake.
It didn't bother Sanji... until it did. He stormed every room until he found the mosshead meditating under a tree. Sanji didn't know what he was going to do, but it would definitely going to include a confrontation.
Sanji: Are you avoiding me shitty swordsman?
Zoro, not even opening his eyes: ...
Sanji: At first I thought you had left or that you were avoiding both me and Hiyori, but then I find out you were with her daily.
Zoro still not answering pissed Sanji off and was his sign to continue talking.
Sanji: I can't believe you'd try to seduce MY future wife behind my back like that! For all that talk about honor, you sure are dishonest!
Zoro finally snapping: I avoid you because I know she'll marry you, I'm doing this for her sake. I don't want to ruin her wedding.
Sanji: Oh, right you're stealing her from me for her sake.
Zoro: I'm avoiding you because if I see you I can't guarantee I can hold myself back from ending the engagement and running off with you.
Sanji, absolutely baffled with this answer. That was so much new information, he didn't know what to ask first. After a minute of gaping like a fish, Sanji started talking on auto pilot. An apparently "autopilot" was "bitchy": What makes you think I'd want that?
And when he thought Zoro would spit something back, Zoro looked up at him with the saddest most heartbroken look in his eyes: I don't.
It sounded more like an apology than an answer.
Sanji felt like his world shattered.
The swordsman stood up and paused for a bit. As if he was ready to do something that he would regret but stopped himself. Sanji would have done anything to know what he was going to do or say. But alas, felt frozen.
Zoro: It's okay, I told Hiyori I'm leaving after the wedding. I won't be bothering you and your wife anymore.
Walking away, Zoro couldn't help but think how much he wanted to rush back and give him a kiss farewell. One filled with all the passion, frustration and despair he'd be harboring until now.
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whateverisbeautiful · 8 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#20: I Don't Have A Problem (S3E12)
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Clear. 🤩 One of The Walking Dead's best episodes for many reasons, but especially for the beautiful seeds it planted between Rick and Michonne. The fence is where their lives became interlocked, and Clear is the start of where their hearts became interlocked. And in this scene right here, Richonne became absolutely inevitable...
This whole episode is something special, and I love Rick and Michonne's every interaction, with an honorable mention to their “the mat said welcome” scene. 😋 From the moment they met, these two had some romantic tension brewing, and it nearly boils over in this scene that just had to make the top 20.
Rick has brought Carl on his first run and decided to bring Michonne along to help and to see what she’s about. It'll forever be telling to me that Rick felt comfortable enough to have Michonne on this run alone with him and his kid.
Despite some arguing that Rick was strictly skeptical of Michonne during this era of their relationship, I think the fact that he brought her out here to his former neighborhood and then, even more, let Michonne go out unsupervised on a crib run with Carl showed that there was some level of trust here that I don't think Rick would give to just anybody. Like while Rick initially tried to fight how drawn he was to Michonne in season 3, his behavior with her still painted a clear picture that to him...
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And Michonne shows both Rick and Carl just how special she is and proves that she’s the real deal in all aspects throughout the episode. Especially in this scene here. 
So what I love about this scene is that in a moment where Rick is feeling visibly frustrated and disappointed, Michonne’s regal calm spirit practically tames his defensive energy. He asks if she has a problem with the new approach they have to take, despite her showing no signs of having an issue. And Rick asking this will just always make me amused because no one got him hot and bothered quite like Michonne just existing.
Like she was silent for a literal second, but that was enough to evoke a reaction from him. And Andy, to me, found the perfect way to ask where it was defensive without sounding overtly challenging or particularly offputting.
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And then Danai just makes all the right choices in this scene cuz Michonne knows that she doesn’t need to match that testy energy. Instead, she turns slowly and looks right at Rick and sets the tone by gently saying, “No Rick, I don’t have a problem.” 👏🏽👑
Something about even just her saying his name has some weight to it. And I love that this is the approach she takes. This is genuinely me every time I hear Michonne perfectly deliver that line...
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Michonne had been a bit quieter and apart from the group prior, and this line is her elegant offering to let Rick know she isn’t his opponent and wants to help - that she isn’t a problem and doesn’t have a problem, not with his approach, or just doesn’t have a problem in general that he has to worry about.
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And then to make that verbal offering of her alliance even more physical, Michonne hands Rick the lone bullet she picked up. Rick takes it and the way they focus on their hands again feels like it’s an important exchange. It’s like their first peace offering. And it’s one of the first of many things Michonne and Rick will hand each other, including a very special pack of mints that parallels this scene a bit. 😊
I love that Carl is visible in this scene and noting this exchange between his dad and the woman who will become his mom and his best friend. Carl knew something was up here and that something was different about this. He was still skeptical of Michonne at this point, but I think it was at this moment he began to tell that Michonne has some sort of unique impact on his dad. 
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This scene is also special because this is Rick in the freshest stage of being a single dad. He has to raise his son, who went through the trauma of having to put down his mom, and he also has a newborn to take care of, who he knows is actually Lori and Shane’s baby. And he has to deal with all this madness with the Governor. The weight of the world was on Rick's shoulders, and you see him really frustrated that the lack of guns at the station is yet another L. But Michonne is just so calm about it which is the energy he truly needs in his life. 
She just asked if there’s a new solution cuz she only envisions winning. Even just when hearing Rick earlier explain how he was the police in this small town and there are other places to check and all that you can tell that he’s used to being second-guessed and challenged by people, and having to prove himself...But Michonne isn’t other people. She gets him, and she’s not rattled by their situation, so he doesn’t have to prove himself.
I also love how, even as they speak, it’s tense but not harsh. There’s just always this passion pulsating between them, even as strangers.
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There’s so much power in the fact that Michonne wasn’t hostile back, but rather calm, collected, and compassionate. The way she looks at him here just says she sees Rick in a deeper way than most. Even that early in their relationship, she understood him.
So even with Rick bugging out, it doesn’t intimidate her or put her off, Michonne gets it and she handles it beautifully. If Rick and Carl didn’t know they were rocking with a queen before then, they knew now.
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And y’all, I know Rick knew they were with someone special because of his reaction after this exchange.
Rick’s reaction to Michonne after she hands him the bullet and looks right in his eyes with that soft knowing expression before walking away is the cherry on top of this golden scene because homeboy looks like he’s been fully enchanted. Like Rick's whole energy is giving...
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Rick pockets the bullet and takes a whole moment to collect himself after the way Michonne looked at him. His look up to the sky was a 'dang, can Lori see me falling for another woman in just a few short days?' look. #DirectMindQuote 😂
Rick and Michonne felt a spark right then and there. I know it. And no characters would have an exchange like this unless it was a seed toward something romantic growing. 
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Even deeper than that, I love that this moment was an insight into so much of what makes Rick and Michonne's relationship special. They can speak to each other and reach each other in any state. They can be a calming presence. They can enchant each other. They are so clearly the exact type of person the other needs in their life. They have such a unique and positive influence on each other, and this was the beginning of many moments that show that. 
I love that it was this moment that had even Danai wondering if Rick and Michonne were endgame and that it was then confirmed that for Gimple, Richonne really was in the works during this episode. I mean after an exchange like this, the road to Rick and Michonne falling in love was pretty much guaranteed. 
So I love seeing Rick and Michonne in this early stage, especially knowing they will go on to become beloved family to each other in the fullest sense. #Husband&Wife 😌
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mimi-cee-genshin · 2 years
Just a kid - Alhaitham x f!reader
Summary: It was getting harder to deal with Alhaitham's crush on you.
Other info: fluff, childhood friends to lovers, pre-relationship, prequel to Friend-zoned? but this drabble spoils it a little, occurs after and spoils his story quest, 0.8k words
You were taken out of the world you were exploring when Alhaitham sat beside you. The patch of grass was worn underneath him and you were surprised the spot hadn't given way into the soil.
He pulled out a textbook from his bag and removed the bookmark you had made for him. It was a keepsake made from his grandmother's flowers. Periwinkle blue was her favorite color.
The scowl on his face remained even though he was seemingly engrossed in his book. From the years of experience of reading his face, you knew better than to think he was fine.
"What's wrong?" you asked. Many things had been bothering him with his new role as the Acting Grand Sage.
"It's been a long day," he said, eyes not leaving the page. "Apparently I made another enemy by pointing out the flaws in someone's project."
"Did you need my help again?" you said, laughing and rubbing his hair. He rarely got along with the other kids in your neighborhood.
"No," he said, shooing your hand away. "I had to deal with it right away. This hivemind case wouldn't have been resolved if I had simply ignored it. I was the target after all."
"Hivemind?" you asked. "You mean like in the book Giants of Heaven?"
He raised a brow. "Is that the light novel you kept trying to get me to read?"
A smile tugged on your lips. "Are you interested in it now?" Maybe he'd finally read the stack of books you wanted to share and enjoy with him.
"Not really," he said curtly, continuing to read his textbook.
"Fine…" you complained. He never looked down on you for taste in books. He just didn't enjoy light novels. "But who in their right mind would create a hivemind? It turned out horribly in the novel."
"Akademiya scholars aren't exactly the brightest bunch," he said. "You'd be much better for the position."
There he went again with the flattery. "Maybe if it were possible to get a degree in light novels," you laughed. He thought way too highly of you simply because you grew up together.
"You know I'm being serious." He closed his book and turned to you. "You'd teach them to get out of their own heads. Like you did with me."
He used to be a know-it-all as a kid, often arguing with you when what you said didn't match his book. At least now, he was more level-headed and thought through things rationally while keeping an open mind. Not to mention he learned how to discern information better.
Yet there were moments where he'd act like the child he was all those years ago. It was always so funny when he'd pretend he wasn't excited about the books you brought home from your travels. That didn't change one bit.
"Meh. I'm not that great," you told him. "I don't really want to give my life away to the Akademiya anyway."
"You've gotten better at rejecting my compliments," he stated, crossing his arms. "Did you get that from the female lead of your current book?"
"Actually, that book went on hiatus, but it's coming back later this year and–"
Alhaitham raised his brow. Cheeky kid.
"You think you're sooooo smart, don't you?"
"Apparently not smart enough," he replied. "You still haven't accepted my feelings for you yet."
He was so casual about bringing them up that it had almost caught you off guard. You lifted up your book and turned your face away from him. Water continued to trickle over rocks and down the stream.
The longing in his eyes was still the same as when you were young. Avoiding them with this book was a lost cause. You didn't understand why he was so infatuated with you, but the adorable and cute little Alhaitham you knew was now grown up and sitting inches away from you.
"I think I'm feeling hungry now. Did you want to head back?" you asked.
Alhaitham rubbed his temples. You knew he'd be annoyed since he just got here and had no intention of moving from his reading spot.
"No. But I'll be here again tomorrow."
Translation: Retreat for now and try again later. Just when was he going to give up on you?
You scaled up the small cliff using the rope he replaced last year. Maybe a drink at Puspa Café would be nice. Another trip away from Sumeru might be good too.
He was making it harder to keep on rejecting him.
I hope you liked it.
This was a mini spin-off of Friend-zoned? lol. I wanted to explore Alhaitham and the reader's interactions more. I actually have another drabble idea for them but we'll see if I actually like it enough to post it. lol.
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moliathh · 4 months
This had been irking me so i have to say it. I know Hellsing is a horror media with a LOT of flashy action scene, however, it is unjust to see it as solely gore and fights. I've seen complaints about how adding a "romance" in will reduce the quality of the story as an "action horror". (specifically speaking is between Alucard and Integra because of course in the end of the day this is just ship war, not a serious discussion whatsoever) I would argue that Hellsing is never ONLY about the actions. Yall might have already noticed how Alucard is too OP, and it was not even because he got any tricks up his sleeves. He is simply invincible, his mechanism is just that hes a "deus ex machina". He did NAWT need to start out with zero and levelling up like your common action anime protagonist. It's not a first time a central character is overpowered in an unreasonable way. A way you could interpret this trope is that it was not about battles, not the physcial one, but the development in their characteristic, their thoughts and emotions and ideology all that stuffs. A classic example is Sir Gawain and The Green Knight (TGK), where all of their (physical) battles are nonsense and did not mean anything in terms of combat, they dont even fight each other, even the climax (the decapitation of TGK) was dismissed into a looney tunes moment. BECAUSE OF COURSE IT WAS NEVER ABOUT THE BATTLE NOR PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT, it was the internal struggle and maturing in character. THAT is what's happening in Hellsing IF yall look pass the very flashy facade of gore scenes Hirano put up. READ BETWEEN THE LINES, because he's not gonna hand it out to you on a plate. If you want to see how each character developed you have to look closely at their reactions and dialogues, not how they fight.
SO, imo, it's reducing the quality and message of Hellsing to interpret it solely as an action horror media, not the other way around. AND MIND YOU, romance subplot and action horror can coexist. For what does the character fight? A higher ideal? Power? Fun? Love? All that is noteworthy to think about when you engage in a media display many fight scenes. DONT YOU WANNA KNOW WHY THEY FIGHT THAT HARD ???? and in this case it is VERY obvious that Alucard is motivated by Integra. LIKE it cant be more obvious
And I'm so tired of seeing "Alucard only listen to Integra because of the seal and shes a Hellsing". Bestie, he literally ripped Richard's hand off, we dont even know the extent of the seal, like how far? or can it REALLY control Alucard? Besides, if you have read The Dawn you would see what a damn lazy ass Alucard was, Arthur sent him on a mission and he didn't even bother to walk on his own and just sleep safe and sound in his coffin until he felt like waking up??? Compare that to his enthusiasm to beg Integra on four just for her order and even purposefully tick her off by asking about her enthusiasm for war, oh and did we collectively forget this
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(This is the Dark Horse eng scan if i remember correctly? i might be mistaken idk)
Sure it could just be a mere parallel, "The woman he personally desired" might only means Mina Harker and not directly Integra herself, I see. But, why bother choosing this parallel, and RIGHT after this panel he went STRAIGHT to Integra to ask for her order.
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You know how enthusiastic he is with a fight and everything was already laid before him, worthy enemies and all. Yet he would not act without her words? I did not see him needing permission before ripping Richard's hand off... Also the seal did NAWT ask him to do all this
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There are more of his sickening and excessive display of obedience but i don't have time to pull the panels out yet, but we all know its there since Alucard's submissive attitude and Integra's bossy demeanour is one of their most appealing traits, I know, because it is literally one of the BIGGEST selling points and running joke of the fandom, funnyyyy how people always love to call Alucard a sub and use words such as "freaky" and "slutty" to call him as if he didn't reserved this treatment for ONLY Integra. Sure Integra is a demanding boss to even her enemies, and it works like wonder everytime, because she's Integra, she mastered Alucard, others are just piece of cake to her. But that's not the same case with Alucard. Major literally said "She is the only authority Alucard recognizes". And have Alucard extended the phrase "My master" and all the begging and insinuating jokes to anyone else? It's so convenient isnt it, to just take one specific trait of Alucard's personality and make it his entire character without considering to WHO he directed those innuendos to.
Oh and I haven't walk us to the final chapter yet, like the seal did NAWWWWWTTT asked him to call her "Countess" (or Count, depending on the translators) and literally he could accept his death becoming a paradox? Wasn't Alucard had been craving an end for a long while now? Why the need to return just because Integra asked him to??? Be serious for a moment here
Also a personal interpretation of mine that could be a stretch or just pure delulu is that, in the manga AND the anime adaptation, the last word Alucard said after goodbye is "Integra" (In both Japanese and English dub, the word order is exactly the same), not "Master" or "Integra HELLSING". The same goes when he addressed how he can kill without remorse but the decision is in her hand, he also said "I am a monster, now regarding you, Integra". To me that is an indicator for how he CARED for her not just because she's a Hellsing or his master but she's Integra, from the first of their meeting it was very clear, that Alucard wounded A HELLSING to protect Integra.
So... even non-romantically, you cannot deny that Alucard voluntarily worked for Integra. They DO care about each other a lot, even platonically, their bond is almost like soulmates with how well they trust and understand each other. I just don't like it when people keep side-stepping the depth of their relationship just because you don't like to ship them romantically. These are the canon informations you can't just seriously unironically say that there was nothing there.
And oh don't even get me started on the "But he is a vampire, the enemy of her family and he hates Hellsing because of Abraham something something stockholm syndrome something she's ace coded she's lesbian coded she swore to be a virgin until death she wouldnt throw it away for the enemy of her family etcera etcera" you're saying it as if ace people aren't allowed to date or have sex and you're saying it as if Alucard isn't canonically genderfluid. Why always view the ship as solely heteronormative while they were never conventional to begin with. And MIND YOU, i thought everyone love the enemies to lovers trope?? they were BARELY stockholm syndrome at all did we forget about the Bird of Hermes analogy as a metaphor for loyalty voluntarily given.
If you care so much about "monsters and humans are forbidden" and "they are not canon" maybe treat every ship with the same attitude since MOST of hellsing most popular ships fit into that exact two sentences above, maybe except Pip x Seras is canon, but they're also human x monster, so what now???? Just hate on a ship all you like, I hate ships too and I hate them because I don't like them, that's all, no need to do extra mental gymnastic to prove the ship is "wrong" or their shippers are "wrong".
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melminli · 3 months
𝗡𝗼 𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲𝘀 - 𝟬𝟭
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pairing: jujutsu kaisen x fem. reader
summery - nothing lasts forever, and all that remains are the memories and the question of what could have been. sometimes you closed your eyes and imagined a different future, one in which you graduated together and still bought stupid expensive coffee sometimes.
word count: 1.4k
contains: x reader, pre canon au, fluff, crack, genshin impact inspired themes
series masterlist | next chapter!
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tokyo, june 26 2005
the day you were born was the day your fate was sealed. the life you had just begun had ceased to be yours before you even realized you were living it. it wasn't some god that imposed that fate on you or some other higher entity that may exist somewhere.
it was your parents who had done it. it was your whole family and their stupid traditions that determined your position in this world. you had no right to your own life from the very beginning. it was in the hands of greedy and foolish people. people who want to shape your soul and body according to their will.
"the birthmark you possess is a gift. wear it with pride." your mother would always tell you while putting your hair up so that the mark on the back of your neck could be seen. it was three lightning-like blades that together formed a circle and the reason why you were born with weight on your shoulder.
it was the sign that showed you where you belonged to.
you were not aware of all of this as a child. all you knew was that you had to fulfill expectations in order for others to love you. there was no such thing as unconditional love in your book. you had to do something to get something, so you always tried to do what was asked of you to the best of your ability. you didn't question your elders because they seemed to like it when you didn't, you were quiet and obedient because your father praised you for it, and you always dressed the way your mother would approve of.
you only did these things to get at least some kind of affection. you just didn't know any better, how could you? you were just a child.
you soon realized that the love these people would give you had no value.
"you should leave this place. it's dangerous here." a young boy's voice sounded next to you while you watched the sunset.
you turned your head to the one who interrupted your peace. you were in a really bad mood today. "shut up before i kill you." you threatened him with a slightly annoyed undertone.
you hoped he would disappear after that, but you only heard him trying to suppress his laughter, which honestly pissed you off even more. you looked at him with a dark look on your face until he took his hand from his mouth to speak. "you are welcome to try, but i doubt that someone like you would succeed at it."
you could feel his extraordinary cursed energy, but he couldn't feel yours. that was the most likely reason why he looked down on you like that, yet you couldn't help but perceive narcissistic tendencies from him. you had never seen him before, and you didn't know him, at least not on a personal level. though, you would argue that you could judge people pretty well.
you rolled your eyes. "whatever, i certainly don't need to hear shit from a ten-year-old." you stood up, and you weren't going to lie. you felt some kind of sick satisfaction when it turned out you were several inches taller than him.
from the looks of it, it bothered him a bit. even if he didn't let it show directly and continued to speak in a cheerful voice, you could still hear something different with the way he spoke out his next words. "i don't look ten, and you know it. now go before i stop being nice."
he was definitely full of himself, but you wouldn't have expected any different from someone like him. "sorry, mister nice guy." you answered him sarcastically. you didn't know yourself where all this attitude came from, to be honest. you weren't usually like this, well, at least with strangers. "if you are looking for the curse that was around here, i am afraid to tell you that someone else beat you to it. so you can stop trying to scare me away now."
he raised his eyebrows in confusion. he hadn't expected you to have anything to do with the jujutsu world since you looked like a complete normie. "huh? who exorcised it? it definitely wasn't you. there is not an ounce of cursed energy in your body, and we're talking about a grade 2 curse here." he said calmly while he degraded you by undermining your abilities just like that. he suddenly realized something when he heard his last sentence out loud. "wait a minute! how can it be that you don't possess cursed energy! even normies possess a certain amount, right?"
you waited a while for him to realize that. "you are from the gojo clan, aren't you? do they not teach you common sense or something? you should pay more attention to your surroundings." you said, not knowing why he reacted so surprised. probably for dramatic effect or something since it was pretty hard to miss with the white hair and his sunglasses, making his blue eyes visible from some angles. then add to that the way he presented himself, and it was easy to guess who exactly he was. the fact that i do not emit cursed energy should be the first thing he noticed.
"so you know me!" he happily expressed, and you probably tickled his ego a bit by knowing who he was without him having to say it. now that the conversation revolved around him, he was no longer interested in the topic of your cursed energy.
"with the way you act, it is not hard to guess." you said direct and walked away a little in the hope that he would leave you alone, but he followed you.
"huh?" he didn't know what you were talking about. "how am i acting?"
you stopped walking. you could come up with a few things to describe it. "it is hard to put into words." you said.
"so that's how good i am?"
at this point, you didn't know if he was just trying to get on your nerves or if he was being for real right now. you decided to lay down on the grass cause you didn't feel like continuing to stand around without a purpose. especially if he wasn't going to leave.
he introduced himself. "my name is gojo satoru."
you looked at him as if he had brain damage. "i know. we were just talking about that."
now it was gojo who thought you were being dumb. is this your first conversation? maybe you were an introvert who didn't interact much with other people. "i wanted you to introduce yourself. never heard of social cues before? i thought that i knew all jujutsu sorcerers around my age. there aren't that many to begin with, so i wanted to see if i would maybe recognize your name." he stopped himself when he saw the look on your face. "you are a jujutsu sorcerer, aren't you? what other reason is there for you to have exorcised the curse?"
he talks so much. how many questions had he asked you by now? you really didn't have the energy for an interview. besides, why doesn't he just ask me to introduce myself if that's what he wants? weirdo. "...do you have to know everything? i just came here to shut my mind off for a bit, and now i am being babbled at by you. everything you need to know has already been said, no?"
well, you weren't wrong. he was here for the curse, and you told him that it was already taken care of. "you're pretty mean, you know that?" he pouted a bit as he sat down next to you on the ground.
you just kept looking at the sky with your head on top of your arms. "are you into it or something? i was hoping it would make you leave, but you are still here."
gojo thought about it for a while. i never thought about my type. am i into mean girls? nah, that can't be. who would be into that? sounds like something perverts would like. "of course not! i just happened to want to watch the sunset for a bit..."
you couldn't bring yourself to believe that. he seemed like a weird guy. "sure."
to be continued...
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next chapter!
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jinisnuggets · 3 months
ೃ࿐ 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐄𝐥𝐬𝐞'𝐬
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ᴾᵃⁱʳⁱⁿᵍˢ: ᴹᵃᶠⁱᵃ ᵐᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ ᶜʰᵃⁿᵍᵐⁱⁿ ˣ ᴳⁿ ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
ᵂᵒʳᵈ ᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗ: ¹.⁵ᵏ
ᴳᵉⁿʳᵉ: ᴬⁿᵍˢᵗʸ, ᶠˡᵘᶠᶠ
ᵂᵃʳⁿⁱⁿᵍˢ: ᴹᵃᶠⁱᵃ ᵐᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ ᶜʰᵃⁿᵍᵐⁱⁿ (ᵀʰᵉʳᵉ ⁱˢⁿ'ᵗ ᵐᵘᶜʰ ᵐᵃᶠⁱᵃ ˢᵗᵘᶠᶠ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰ), ᵇʳᵉᵃᵏᵘᵖ, ᵉˣ ᵇᵒʸᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈ ᶜʰᵃⁿᵍᵐⁱⁿ, ˢᵃᵈ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵘᵖˢᵉᵗᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵗᵃˡᵏ, ˢᵐᵃˡˡ ᵇʳⁱⁿᵍ ᵘᵖ ᵒᶠ ᵈᵉᵖʳᵉˢˢⁱᵒⁿ
ˢʸⁿᵒᵖˢⁱˢ: ᴬᶠᵗᵉʳ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵇᵒʸᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈ ᵇᵉᶜᵃᵐᵉ ᵃ ᵐᵃᶠⁱᵃ ᵐᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ, ʸᵒᵘ ʳᵉᵃˡⁱᶻᵉᵈ ᵃ ⁸ ʸᵉᵃʳ ˡᵒⁿᵍ ʳᵉˡᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿˢʰⁱᵖ ᶜᵃⁿ'ᵗ ˡᵃˢᵗ ᶠᵒʳᵉᵛᵉʳ.
ᴬ/ᴺ: ᵀʰᵉ ᵐᵃᶠⁱᵃ ᵖᵃʳᵗ ⁱˢ ʰᵒⁿᵉˢᵗˡʸ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ ᶠᵒʳ ᵃᵉˢᵗʰᵉᵗⁱᶜ, ᴵ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ʷᵃⁿᵗᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ʷʳⁱᵗᵉ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ˢˡⁱᵍʰᵗˡʸ ᵐᵃᶠⁱᵃ ʳᵉˡᵃᵗᵉᵈ ʰᵉʰᵉ...
ᴺᵉᵗʷᵒʳᵏ: @deoboyznet @starlit-network
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“This is interesting.” You heard a voice call from afar, it was a voice you were more than familiar with. One which you would normally consider comforting…
But right now it was everything but comforting. Why was he here now? What were the chances that out of the 8 billion people in this world it would be him who entered this very place at this very moment.
“Didn't expect to find you here.”
You shut your eyes, trying to gain all the necessary courage needed before turning around and looking at him face to face for the first time since a year ago.
“I don't want anything to do with you.” You responded, attempting to get out of this situation as fast as humanly possible, however that probably wasn't the best thing to say to him ever since your breakup. You were too anxious that you didn't even think twice about your word choice.
“That's a little rude, I was expecting a little more from you… at least a small greeting.”
You gulped seeing his expression change to a tiny frown that could be argued to be a pout. It took everything in you to not react to that expression, it almost felt intentional… like he knew you couldn’t take it. You hated that expression. Despised it…
“What the heck!? Why didn't I get a scholarship?” You heard your boyfriend say from the other end of the hallway.
Both of you had decided (more like been forced) to volunteer for after school cleaning of the auditorium since the graduation ceremonies were coming up later this month.
You were among the top students of that year unlike him…
“That's what you get for goofing around during class.” You exclaimed, making sure he would be able to hear you despite the echo in the empty hallways of the school.
“You make it sound as if I don't pay attention to class-” he frowned, catching a glimpse of you chuckling in a teasing way, making him react with an offended stare. “That's because most of the time you didn't.”
He frowned once again, “You're exaggerating, we've never even had class together so you wouldn't know.” He was quick to defend. You smiled at his reactions and nodded.
“Whatever you say.”
“Hey Y/n? Are you and Changmin still together or…?” Sunwoo muttered over to you, slightly whispering to which Chanhee was quick to react by hitting Sunwoo in the back.
In reality, you knew that he tended to be a good student with a few exceptions. Other than his obsession with creepy dolls and horror movies he tended to be normal. His friend group was large and you happened to be close with every single one of his friends, especially the main trio he had between Chanhee and Sunwoo. Because he hung out with them so often, you also began to hang around them.
“What the heck Sunwoo?” Chanhee was quick to add, attempting to excuse him. You were quick to shrug it off and say that it wasn't a big deal and it didn't bother you, you looked back at Sunwoo. “Yeah, we're still together. Why do you ask?”
“Would you date him even if he was a part of a cult? You both seem inseparable.” Sunwoo asked, Chanhee had been eating his food peacefully and looked over at Sunwoo confused by the question.
Sunwoo sat back and thought for a moment, hand up to his chin as he stayed in a thinking position, it was part of his goofy nature.
“Sunwoo, they're both on another level of bonded, what are these questions?” Chanhee said in his regular sassy pitch.
“Curiosity kills sometimes.” Sunwoo shrugged. You turned back and saw Changmin was distracted talking to Hyunjae.
If you knew how dead wrong you were, you would've never said it in the first place. It looks like being a mafia member was enough to get you leaving your almost 8 year boyfriend.
“Honestly, I probably would break up with him if he was in a cult… But I don't think there'd be any other reason unless he cheated on me, I don't think Changmin is that type..”
Sure. He didn't have time to explain his situation and why he became a member in the first place, but the fact that he carried a title with the word mafia in the first place was enough. If he was harming innocent people then you wouldn't put up with it.
“Changmin… please live your life and let me live mine.” You managed to mutter. It hurt. It hurt so bad to see your ex boyfriend in front of you, seemingly sharing the same sadness as you. You wanted to burst into tears and go into the warmth of his arms, the way you would back then when you had any sort of doubt.
His eyes… his eyes didn't shine the same way as they used to, that's not only now, it's been a while since they lost their spark. How much you missed staring into his hypnotizing eyes back when everything was right.
“Take this as a promise.” Changmin handed you a small box, you stared confusedly and chuckled lightly, partly in disbelief.
“If I knew I'd be with a sugar daddy then I probably wouldn't have waited so long to confess to you.” you proclaimed, making him chuckle nervously.
“I told you countless times that you don't have to buy me gifts-” you started, before being silenced at the contents of the box.
“Oh-! Don't cry!” He immediately said, pulling you into a hug and comforting you in the place he knew you loved best. His arms.
It was a small ring, nothing too big yet something that brought you up to the moon, this was what you had waited for. You immediately looked up at him in shock as you felt your vision begin fuzzing. Your eyes watered.
“You mean it…?”
You asked, to which he simply nodded.
“I'll make you my wife someday, I don't need a ring to confirm that. You're mine, not anyone else's.”
You looked back up at your boyfriend who felt your head moving and decided to look down at you.
But now, it wasn't the same. His eyes were like staring into an empty pitch void of emotions. His signature smile wasn't the same without the white in his eyes, he looked so depressed now… so upset at everything.
His eyes… it was one of your favorite parts of him. His eyes which shined in the dark and were shaped like fine almonds. Those eyes which dragged you into his world and you weren't complaining, you felt comfort in his eyes..
“So that's it?” He muttered, “You think I'll just let you go that easily?” He gripped your arm tightly, he didn't intend to make you feel threatened or unsafe, let alone hurt you… this was a grip of desperation, if he needed your attention right now and he successfully had it.
“Changmin please-”
“Don't call me Changmin… call me Q.” he muttered, his eyes were teary as he revealed another small box, much nicer and higher quality. You could only assume the contents of this one as you fought to hold back the tears that wanted to come out so very badly.
“I'll have your code name be Q, if you hear me call you that then just know that it's my way of me conveying deeper emotions into our relationship” you muttered, taking out a small notepad and writing something down, tearing the page shortly after and giving it to him.
Smirking, you grinned and looked back at him.
“Why Q?” He expressed, finding the nickname of a singular letter confusing and meaningless.
“The letter Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. The number 17 represents new opportunities, so I'll take our relationship as a fresh start no matter how many years we've been together in the future. Everyday with you will be like a new awakening. I also wanna add deeper meaning to our relationship, make it unique.” You smiled.
Only then did you both notice the door to the shop slide open, it was an old friend of yours whom he remembered you not speaking highly of in the past.
At first he found it confusing, it wasn't until now that he realized the amount of thought that went into a nickname that seemed effortless. Even though to others it was words of affection that made the gloomy days brighter, names like babe, love, and blossom… to him it was Q, and he wouldn't change that for anything.
You nodded, looking back at Changmin and speed walking away.
“Y/n, there you are. Come’on let's go.” He muttered, seeming annoyed, Changmin knew that this was your doing. You had probably called him to come pick you up before this entire conversation went down.
He sighed, catching up to you fairly quickly after you finished paying for your items, taking you by the shoulder.
“Come with me, I promise to make it worth it.”
Shaking your head, you pushed him back. “I don't want anything to do with you. Don't make me repeat it Changmin, let me go.”
His patience was coming to an end, he gripped your arm tightly and prepared to snatch you away after receiving your consent.
“Don't forget who you belong to. You're mine and not anyone else's. You weren't supposed to forget that.”
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deer-carcasses · 7 months
somewhat an analysis of Alastor
I've been going over this multiple times while it was just some rambles in my notes, but I finally decided it might as well see the light of day. if you do read this all, thank you. if not,,, understandable. it's a lot.
if this whole things is not coherent at all and does some weird jumps, I'm sorry. I took multiple breaks writing this over the span of the whole day. it was even more of a mess, I promise this is the slightly cleaned-up version.
especially the later parts get less cohesive in my eyes since I had to take longer breaks in between them. they also might jump around more. but now, in case you do want to read this; enjoy.
obvious spoilers ahead
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let's start with the most interesting aspect for me: we barely know Alastor. sure, we know a little about his backstory, and get snippets of interactions here and there, but it wasn't until well into the show that we got to know his character better. ep.5 was where we see something deeper than the shallow persona he puts on for everyone. he's been more of a helping hand to make the plot progress in an interesting direction than a character with obvious deeper meaning. I don't mean to say that he was not well-written, quite the contrary, I mean to point out that he seemed more like a tool in the story than a character we are supposed to connect with on deeper levels.
we all as viewers had no idea why exactly he was there, to begin with, he said it was for his own entertainment but even then, this seemed like an awful lot of work for him to come out more or less empty-handed most of the time. it's an unfair deal for Alastor if you ask me. and honestly, he does bring little less than "entertainment" to the table until then. being used to show that he is helping yes, but mostly doing it so he can pull someone else down with his help. double-sided blade. he loses, but whoever he helps also doesn't win.
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let's talk about ep.5 though. in this episode it's the first time someone truly irritates him. he didn't really care much for Vox - seemingly finding his entire obsession rather funny and never seeing him as a true threat. and Sir Pentious he didn't even truly remember. but with Lucifer that changes. Alastor doesn't just see him as bothersome, he sees him as important enough to go out of his way to prove he is better than the literal king of hell himself. at first, you could argue that he's once again doing it for his entertainment. seeing how much he can push before he needs to get back in line. but looking closer, his body language betrays him.
the way Alastor holds himself shows a true disdain for Lucifer that is, from a viewer's perspective, totally unjustified. Lucifer did not start their weird rival dynamic, it was Alastor who from the beginning on looked down on the king. maybe it's a personal reason, maybe it's just the fact that Alastor is more than well aware that no matter how much power he gets, there's no way to get above Lucifer. his omnipresence might simply be an annoyance to Alastor because he knows as well as Lucifer that the king hasn't shown his face in a long time and his reputation and power over all of the pride ring, over all of hell, still stays in place. no real threat could shake Lucifer's power into crumpling and this thought alone might bother Alastor because he had to fight for his power, to keep his power. (see Vox having presumably more power with the modern media and all that before Alastor disappeared)
and there's also of course the whole bantering going on in Hell's greatest Dad. Are Alastor's words genuine when he speaks to Charlie, or is it just a tactic to get under Lucifer's skin, maybe not seeing his powers crumble but seeing the king's nerves being reduced to nothing by his hands.
I personally don't think he was being entirely truthful. he might not have straight up lied about everything, but I don't think he truly wishes Charlie to be his daughter. Charlie herself is more than a little surprised by how Alastor suddenly treats her, and that alone is proof enough for me that he wasn't being honest in his words. if it were true, wouldn't he have at least a slight fatherly touch towards her all the time? Later on, Angel Dust even somewhat points out that Alastor has never acted like this by asking what his [Alastor's] deal is. It shows me that no matter how badly he tries to make it seem real for Lucifer, it's not real for anyone else simply because they all know how he normally acts around them.
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continuing to Mimzy for a short moment; she is proven to not be a reliable narrator at all so I don't want to really take what she tells about Alastor all too seriously. she even concludes her little tale about the radio demon with "That's the story most people know." which does not make it any true. something I thought is very interesting is that the only two people who might have any idea of how truthful Mimzy is in her story are both gone. Niffty, though she also does not seem like the most reliable narrator, is not part of this conversation, and Hus kates himself out of the scene almost in the same moment Mimzy starts talking about. Husk leaving is more important since he obviously knows more about not only Alastor but also the deal Alastor is bound to. Husk and Alastor might equally hate it, but Husk does seem to care about Alastor at least a little. warning the overlord about Mimzy and how she is known for only showing up when she needs something, and I'm sure Alastor is more than aware that Mimzy wouldn't show up simply to catch up with old friends, but still. the sentiment of Husk seeking Alastor out to warn him, and even mentioning how he [Alastor] has been gone for a while now, is in itself caring, especially when moments later the viewers find out how much more Husk seems to know about Alastor. it even seems as if he is aware of limitations, mentioning how it's "Big talk for someone who's also on a leash." coming from Alastor's deal, even if Alastor himself is ignoring them [see the line "Who in their right mind would cross me?"]
the whole fact that Husk even seems to know so much about Alastor's deal is confusing in a way. I can't see Alastor willingly going to Husk and telling him about not only the deal he made with someone above himself but also about the limitations of said deal, it just doesn't make sense for the character we know Alastor to be, and even when finishing the show my opinion doesn't change. it's even more prominent how he later hides away.
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after this scene, Alastor isn't seen catching back up to Charlie, Vaggie, and Lucifer to continue annoying him simply by his presence. his outburst having left him apparently on edge - showing that he isn't as calm and calculated as he likes to pretend. he obviously struggles with his own anger, be it at Husk for bringing up that he knows about Alastor's deal, or himself for ever getting into the situation in the first place.
later we see Alastor taking care of Mimzy's problem -the loan sharks. he's not seen using his powers like he did when Sir Pentious attacked though, he willingly transforms into something eldritch to devour the threat instead of simply using the tentacles, which would've been just as easy for Alastor. in my eyes that's him getting rid of the last restlessness about his outburst at Husk. choosing to do it himself, showing he still has free will over what he does and doesn't do. if not proving it to Husk then proving it to himself that he can choose to do this. he goes all out, he even comments on it himself how he needs to let off steam and later on how he's important here and willingly choosing to be here, helping ["It's time to remind everyone [Husk] why I'm here."] Alastor needs Husk to know what happens when you cross him, and when you doubt him. because he took the comments about how long he's been gone and that he's also on a leash personally. I don't even think it's necessarily because Husk said it, it's that someone in hell said it. not a soul in hell is allowed to think that Alastor, the radio demon, is not strong enough to win every fight he chooses to start.
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let me come back to Mimzy once more, as if this one scene scratching the surface of what lies underneath his smile-bright persona revealed by Husk wasn't enough we get Alastor being all buddy-buddy with Mimzy, who is not only acting like a friend to him but is also introduced as such. a normal friend to someone who is so obviously not normal.
but even with his more friendly behavior towards her, he ends up sending her away after the hotel has to suffer under the problem she brought along. ["I can't have that here."] If he was genuine with what he said then, why did he phrase it like that? I might be reading too much into it, but Alastor normally picks his words wisely enough to not let too much slip, and the sentence "I don't want this here." would've been better fitting for the situation, but he says can't have that here. new question, what can't he have here? Mimzy herself? someone who knows him better than the residence with maybe a habit of blabbering? or was it just the fact that it's her problems that he needs to fix? that he can't have her bringing more work than there already is at the hotel?
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now making a bit of a jump, going from ep.5 to ep.7 this episode makes me mostly wonder about what Alastor could ask from Charlie later on based on the deal the two of them made. in terms of character, it gave us little besides his dynamic with Rosie and the entirety of cannibal city. though this was also not really anything new, more just what we already knew about Alastor in a new dynamic
there is one scene I do want to talk about though. his whole little speech around smiling. him actually standing by and admitting that he is hiding behind his smile did take me a second to actually realize what just happened, I did skip back to it because I was a little stunned by the absurdity of it all. after some thought it made sense that he might not mind it, Charlie does not know him well enough for this off-hand comment to truly affect anything for him, still it made me wonder. why would he reveal it to her? was he simply so sure that she wouldn't use it against him or did he think she wouldn't even think of using anything against him in this kind of way?
so it confirms that yes; Alastor uses his smile as a facade and also as a way to show he is above others who cannot hide behind a smile like he can. his smile means indifference to himself, neutrality. for him showing anything but the indifference that his smile represents is vulnerability. weakness.
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let's move on to the actual "highlight" episode of "What We Learn about Alastor" ep.8
this surely was not the first time he got humbled badly by someone in a fight. it's what he wants to avoid most, the mask slipping, everyone seeing that he can be defeated, that he is not this otherworldly powerful being that not a soul in hell [or heaven] can touch. there had to be at least one very significant moment where he was powerless in a way. where he had to strike up a deal with someone higher, the one now binding him, now having him on a leash.
Alastor went into the fight with Adam overly confident, underestimating Adam's powers to the point he barely got away. he is, after all this, still a mortal soul. a sinner. Adam on the other hand was the first man which gives him roughly the same power Lilith must have. that in itself makes me think Alastor lasted a good deal longer in the battle than I would've thought. pure angelic powers far surpassing his own and he still 1) got away in the end and 2) was able to get in a few hits.
let's quickly touch on the fact that when Adam broke his microphone he seemed to be completely stunned, apparently not having thought that he could easily break his possession without any real resistance. I personally don't think his power is necessarily in the microphone [the was the simply gave it away to Charlie in ep.7 being my proof for why it can't be. he would never abandon his power just for Charlie to sing a song for a few cannibals] but what if it maybe is some kind of amplifier for it? maybe it's also pure placebo and Alastor was simply too stunned that Adam would go for the piece of equipment instead of for a deadly blow right away. the microphone surely was a confidence boost, feeling of being 'on air' the feeling of having his broadcast behind him while doing his everyday tasks giving him the boost he sometimes needs, his ego being constantly stroked by the knowledge that there would be countless sinners bowing to him if he simply said the words into his microphone. no longer being able to do that made him stutter in more ways than one, being momentarily careless, not prepared for Adam to strike again, deadly this time. he lost where he was in his performance, in his own show, and it made him mess up.
one interesting sentence is when Adam comments on how Alastor is just a mortal soul. "You should know better than anyone what a soul can accomplish when they take charge of their own fate." which makes me want to believe that's exactly what Alastor did, taking charge of his own fate. but the thing is that we know he did not. he made a deal with someone, and he doesn't have the ability to take charge of anything about his own being anymore. he's as much on a leash as he has Husk on one. that would only mean that he isn't at his full potential, held back by the deal he so desperately wants to get out of, and is actively looking for a way to get out of it. which turns this line into something else completely. Alastor reveals that he knows what he is capable of, but cannot parade his power due to his deal.
another interesting detail is his ears before he dissolves into his shadow. they are pinned back, showing not only agitation or fear but disorientation. he opens his mouth for no sound to come out and it frightens him to have come into this situation at all.
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a big part of his mental disintegration in this moment surely is also the fact that if he had died at this moment, if Adams's hit was slightly more fatal, he would've died bound to the deal still. Alastor would have gone without being able to fulfill his own goal - getting rid of the chain around his throat. getting control back over his own afterlife. if he had died at Adam's hands, he would have died being possessed by someone else which we can assume is what Alastor sees as the lowest he can fall. the people bound to him by a deal mean nothing to him as it seems, we only ever got to see those who were needed for the Hotel.
while also, dying in this moment would have proven to everyone that he stayed to protect the hotel, his friends, but retreating and not being killed in a heroic death-wish battle be had proven to especially the audience that Alastor is not ride or die for these people.
in his breakdown ballad, we can finally see where he went to to lick his wounds. his entire breakdown also shows once again how scared he truly is of being inadequate. this wasn't just a reminder from Husk that he is indeed also on a leash, being pulled to where whoever holding it wants him to go, this is a rendezvous with death, barely escaping the situation that would have proven that he is too weak, at least while being bound by this deal he is [no longer] profiting from.
the place not only reeks of death for him, like he says in his song, but it also reeks of shame at the fact that he had nearly not made it out alive. it would've been seen as a noble act had he truly died in this scene, he had not died protecting himself, he had died protecting others. it is worse than dying on a leash even since at least almost no one knows about that, it would allow him to save some face. but dying for these people? he cannot even stand the thought of it.
in his mind he needs to keep up the smiling facade, the indifference in this smile he holds obviously so dear, for eternity. him dying should not allow the indifference he stands for to evaporate, he needs to play the act even after being killed in his afterlife.
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even if this now ends rather abruptly, my work here is done. see you next time I start writing and simply don't stop for a while.
it truly is "Good to be back on the Air." with a newly cleaned-up space to talk about fandoms
this might be edited later on, nothing major, maybe just to have some actual continuity in it.
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kitorin · 11 months
11:47 pm - a.touya
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warning for underage drinking, but it's not extreme + unrealistic depiction of alcohol (getting drunk super easily)
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"I think he's drunk."
An comments on Touya's current state, exhausted yet blissed out, silver irises zoning out and paying no heed to everything surrounding him.
"Probably." Akito agrees with her, blinking with confusion. Him and Kohane glance at each other, evidently concerned and soon frowning at An.
"You can't blame me— he's never tried alcohol before and asked for it." She retaliates with her arms crossed. "How was I supposed to predict this?"
Akito sighs at the ludicrosity of the dilemma.
"To be fair, you wouldn't really expect someone to get drunk that easily." Though you're defending An you can't deny that it was a stupid decision, this is exactly why Ken looked reluctant to leave the five of you at their place.
Touya finally speaks. "What? 'm not drunk."
Scoffing, Akito responds first. "Says the guy zoning out at his drink and gettin' flushed red."
"... the bubbles look pretty." Only proves Akito's statement.
"You're an idiot at times." Akito mumbles.
And for some reason Touya only bothers to acknowledge that. "But look!" He points the glass to his friend, almost spilling it, Akito reacts faster and pries it out of his hand.
"I'm sure they look very pretty, Touya." He grumbles under his breath, placing the glass out of his reach. Another glare is shot at An, who raises her hands in defeat.
"He wanted to try it!"
"None of us are over eighteen." Livid yet worried, Akito sighs. "Oi, what's the best lie for this situation. He can't go home like this."
"We could tell Ken that he fell asleep? And it's quite late already."
Silently, you thank the gods for Kohane's idea. "Ken's fine with us sleeping over without notice too. We'll be fine."
But An objects. "We are not lying to my dad."
Akito scowls, irritation overpowering concern. "Too bad."
She crosses her arms. "But that's unethical."
"You know what's unethical? Underaged drinking."
An shrugs, as if she weren't the cause of all of this. "It's legal when it's at home."
"With an adult." Touya still seemed dazed out, not heeding mind to the way both An and Akito were yelling. "Your dad wouldn't've let this happen."
"Kohane's basically an adult with her maturity?"
"Don't even try saying that. You let him drink while she was showering and while y/n and I went out to buy snacks."
As the two bicker, Kohane pinches your sleeve for your attention. "Should we stop them? Whether Aoyagi's okay or not is a priority."
In agreement you nod, accompanied by an exhausted sigh. "How about we bring Touya upstairs, to one of your guest rooms." Both An and Akito halt their arguing, intently listening to you. "He's probably just tipsy. He should be fine by the morning." Kohane nods, leaning down to eye level with Touya, who was slumped in his seat.
"Aoyagi, let's go." But he doesn't oblige, whining with soft incoherency instead. "Please?" Her plead is futile, as it goes completely ignored by Touya.
Akito steps forth. "I'll carry him." Toned arms reach for Touya's, the action only being reciprocated by a lazy slap.
He sighs for the nth time. "'m not mean, c'mon." It's futile though, Touya fights back, messily, his sloppy movements were enough to prevent Akito from being able to pick him up properly.
"I'll carry him." You volunteer, and thankfully Touya surrenders to you, relaxing as you haul him onto your back. "First guest room right?"
After nodding and beginning to clean up, An breathed out an apology and thank you, Akito gives up on scolding her, settling down on a seat next to Kohane.
Despite how tall he is, Touya was ridiculously light, allowing you to effortlessly carry him upstairs.
"You need to eat more..." And of course he doesn't respond. Soon you're carefully placing him in bed, searching for any signs of something wrong. You shield him from the cold with the blanket, watching him instinctively curl up into a ball.
"Are we alright now?" Everything seems to be fine, his face is still flushed red and he's basically unconscious, but he's not whining nor complaining. A lack of an answer tells to you to hurry up and leave, even if you already know he's unable to reply. "I'll go then. Good night Touya."
A tight grip on your wrist prevents you from leaving.
"What's wrong?"
"I need you here." He hiccups, now fully conscious.
"Because you're the best." He hiccups again.
"You're just saying that because you're drunk." You redirect his hand to himself, placing it by his side.
Pearly irises of silver stare at you, pleading for you to oblige his request. "No. It's because I like you."
You choke on your own spit at the declaration. "That's enough, just sleep." You've never encountered a drunk person, and it's unfortunate that Touya's the first because of an immature decision An made.
"Only if you'll stay."
Even when he turns eighteen, you note to yourself to never let him get drunk.
But it was refreshing to see Touya behave so childishly. For the time you've known him he's always been so adultlike, stoic and cold—juxtaposing the way An and Akito bicker, or Kohane's tendency to remain glued to a window whenever something piques her interest. The question has always plagued your thoughts, was it simply his personality or did his household not provide the luxury of being a child?
With a sigh you indulge in his request, sitting down on the bed. "You're kind of silly when you're drunk, you know?"
"'m not drunk! You're being like Akito."
"Like Akito?"
You remain silent, but you're stifling a laugh. It doesn't take long for you to give in, bursting out into laughter. "I promise I'm not mean. That's always going to be Akito's job."
"Then stop ignoring my feelings."
The first time it seemed like drunk non sense, drowsy and mindless. But the second time feels different, whether it be the genuine pout of his lips or the solemnity intertwined with his tone.
"It's not fairrr." Touya doesn't bother waiting for a response from you, rambling on while you listen carefully. "I like you so much but you're so far ahead. You're too pretty, how am I supposed to live without you? You're my safe place where I don't have to think about piano or dad. You're so good at sports, and smart, and speaking to people, you've even had alcohol before already."
Is that why he wanted to try some today...?
"You've had alcohol before too, dumbass." He only throws the blanket over his head, out of embarrassment.
"Do you like me too?"
The question repeats in your head, and the answer is obvious to you.
You arise from the bed, kneeling next to it where Touya was cowering underneath the blanket. "I do."
He peeps out of the covers, face wrapped in the doona, silver eyes wide with surprise. "Really?"
"Yes, but I'm not talking to you until you sleep properly, okay?"
Like an eager child, he falls for the bribery, closing his eyes and mumbling out a 'good night'. You reciprocate it, carefully tip toeing in order to let him sleep undisturbed— and on your way to deal with another problem, this time in the form of a certain musician who has a thing for drama.
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"And then, you confessed! We got curious and listened through the door."
Touya averts his gaze, instead staring at the cup of black coffee warming his palms. Rose is chalked all over his cheeks as he listens to An recounting last night's events.
"By 'we' she means her." Akito grumbles while sipping from his hot chocolate. "I don't get why she's so obsessed. Congratulations though."
An throws an arm around you. "You should've seen the look on his face when Touya called him mean."
Akito opens his mouth to object, but Kohane speaks first.
"That must've been amazing though, if drinking gave you that much confidence to confess like that."
"Well it wasn't really confidence if I wasn't thinking at all, is it?" The conversation only permeates his cheeks into a darker pink.
"Did you like how alcohol tasted?" Legitimate curiosity is scrawled on her expression and traced onto her tone. "What's being drunk like?"
This time, Akito interrupts Touya. "Who knows? Wanna test it out? Maybe then you'll have the courage to confess to Shiraishi?" The comment leaves you and Touya shocked, eyes flitting between the three of them. An stares at Kohane, whom is already running away with her bag.
"Oi Kohane—come back!" With haste she pulls off her apron and sprints around the counter, tossing it god knows where. "Wait—"
Akito chuckles at the ordeal— the chaos he caused. "Oops. My bad."
(you both know that was damn intentional)
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taglist (send an ask to be added) : @yuzurins, @pokkomi
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© kitorin : do not repost, plagiarize, change, or translate
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tedcicle · 9 months
Official Palcove Propaganda Post
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[ID: Text with a fire effect that says "WATCH PALCOVE NOW" in red capital letters. /.End ID.] Now you may be asking... Who?
Palcove is both the name of the iconic duo of Ted Nivison (of Rainforest Cafe/Margaritaville/400mg edible fame) and Charlie Slimecicle (professional gay sex roleplayer, at least that's what he should be known for) and the area they lived in during their brief time on EpicSMP (a modded SMP created by, uh... *cough* Matt SuperMega *cough*. You can hazard a guess as to why this SMP didn’t really take off.)
Okay, why should I care?
I shan't lie and say EpicSMP is like, crazy good, or a hidden gem, or YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS — really, it's basically TekkitLive but there's way more people on it. It's a largely forgotten SMP, overshadowed by more popular and successful SMPs that happened before or around it. (OriginsSMP, for example.) There's a bunch of interesting duos trying to start their own businesses, and while nothing happened happened, at the end everybody died, which is interesting to think about. (Actually, wait... yeah, it’s just like TekkitLive.) But it was fun. There were some good bits, some light roleplay, and enough seedlings of a plotline to get an average viewer Andy like me invested in. There was some kind of season 2, but it never took off. I'm sure MCYT fans are accustomed to the disappointment of non-existent fandoms, unfinished stories, or lacking narratives by now (Shadow of Israphel was my first heartbreak, but maybe yours was something else). Another one wouldn’t hurt, right? Why Palcove specifically? Well, as a former SMPLiver— (I am escorted off the stage to a chorus of boos) I just really like Ted and Charlie's dynamic. They’re the perfect comedy duo. Charlie works best when he has someone to bounce bits off of, and Ted knows exactly how to pick up what Charlie is putting down and elevate it to the next level. (The adverb and adjective bit in the first VOD had me DYING.) Story-wise, Charlie had a satisfying character arc. He’s a pivotal character and I liked how he plays off of Schlatt and Swagger, too. Not to mention, this is the last time Ted has uploaded or streamed any Minecraft content... I miss him, chat. Also, it makes me happy. Isn't that enough?
Well, okay, you got me interested. How do I watch?
I'm glad you asked (even if you wouldn't fucking say that, I don't care). Firstly, a primer. Sometimes we start a new thing, but it ends up not being to our liking, and that's fine. Maybe you want to walk around and see how it fits before you commit. That's fine! All I ask for is 14 minutes of your time. That's like, 4 songs.
This video is the first day edited down into a nice, palatable, taste-tester, courtesy of unknown energy on YouTube. It's so nice and cozy and comfy, it's the equivalent of a mug of hot chocolate curled up in an armchair with a warm blanket wrapped around you. As for continuing, I highly recommend starting with Charlie's POV. It's probably who you're most familiar with, and he bothered to edit down his streams (even if the videos are like, an hour long). If you like listening to men argue and make the unfunniest jokes imaginable, then definitely try the full VODs. All of these have been archived by the channel EpicSMPVods.
Charlie's POV Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 VODS Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | End of S1* Ted's POV Episode 1 (Yes, he really only did one episode) VODS Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5
*This VOD is Swagger's POV, as Charlie didn't upload the finale at all, and the VOD of it either doesn’t exist or wasn’t archived. The relevant Charlie section starts around 15 minutes in.
And if you want more of the story, well, Swagger has one of the most comprehensive EpicSMP POVs.
Final Thoughts
Like many other “stream only” SMPs, a lot of content regarding them simply gets lost and forgotten. There's plenty of reasons why EpicSMP wasn't very successful (in-depth analysis post pending). I’m just glad that not only did Palcove exist, but it's archived. It just so happened to survive against surmountable odds and even have what I consider a satisfying narrative ending (in-depth analysis post pending). And I’m insane about it. And everyone else should be, too.
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[ID: Text with a fire effect "WATCH PALCOVE NOW" in red capital letters. /.End ID.]
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