#it's about spaaaace
3cosmicfrogs · 8 months
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back to yelling into the void about my niexu(lan) bullshit
time is a circle you cannot escape (i am making it so)
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jcjenson-official · 4 months
Just making sure you’re only changing your logo in places were being LGBTQ is socially acceptable like us, right ?
Robcos posts,
Of course. As we do accept all LGBTQIA2S+ people, not all do which is sad. We will be safe this year.
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me when my favorite traumatized blonde boy has a mental breakdown and builds a tower straight up really high into the air and sits contemplatingly on the top of it
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richarlisonny · 1 year
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chaoswithcausation · 2 years
you guys science is so fucking cool and absolutely fucked up. we know so little about space, but it’s still more than we know about the deep oceans. glowing cats are a thing people made (whilst trying to protect against feline AIDS, no less). Space is fucktupling by the second. Have you ever seen Pluto’s orbit around the sun. We’ve launched shit into space that we’re never getting back. I love science so fucking much. I’m such a nerd. S p a c e.
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ben-drabbles · 1 year
Straight On 'Till Morning
One of the legendary human colony ships. Crewed by a variety of explorers and engineers, it was sent to boldly go as fast and as far as possible from the doomed Earth. Whatever reason drove this grand venture has been lost, along with the original colony ship - now, those who can trace their ancestry back to this fabled vessel are spread across the galaxy, left behind by the manic wanderings of one of humanity's greatest technological achievements.
Straight On 'Till Morning was - and theoretically, still is - a treasure trove of Earth transportation technology. What little remains of it is prized among modern scientists; fighter craft with impossibly compact Foldspace drives, fully AI-driven interstellar navigation, and even stable travel without a psychic pilot. The ship itself was said to even be capable of creating semi-permanent wormholes, allowing the movement of whole fleets with only a single jump. Truly, a legendary vessel, if a seemingly specialized one. Would that we knew more of its crew or purpose.
Some modern explorers report strange signals when travelling though Foldspace, seeing great hulking shadows in the tunnel of light; sometimes, a swathe of stars will be eclipsed as a remote astronomer watches in awe. The legend of the ghost ship lives on as we remember it, and hope one day to re-learn its story.
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fearidescent · 2 years
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drachenmagier · 1 year
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Something something smart comment about how this has a deeper meaning than just "spaaaace" and "wings".
Space and wings is a legit reason.
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mikkeneko · 5 months
Been putting some serious thought into what I want to do with (say hello to my) thirty million little friends  (aka The Untamed IN SPAAAACE! au.)
It's becoming increasingly apparent to me that I am not ever going to be able to finish the entire arc I had planned -- even if I could finish the current story, which is a big If given the fact that it's now been multiple years since I was able to progress on it -- this is only part two of four that would cover the entire rest of the story. I gotta be real with you, I don't have this in me, and just thinking about climbing that mountain is overwhelming enough that it's discouraging me from touching the project again.
So, I could just get to the end of the current story, right? Except that the end of the current story was intended to be a downer/cliffhanger ending that sets up a Big Problem which would only be resolved (kinda?) in Part 3, which as I said, probably won't ever get written, and even it did, that one also has a downer ending which would only be resolved by Part 4.
This is exhausting to think about, and I also feel like it would be a disservice to my loyal readers to lead them to an unhappy ending and just leave them there.
So my options are:
Stop writing right now, declare the series abandoned, and do nothing more with it.
Stop writing right now, declare the series abandoned, but add a bonus chapter with an outline of how the rest of the series was going to go.
Continue the current story to the next good non-cliffhanger stopping point (the secret to a happy ending is knowing where to stop, right?) and end it there.
Continue the current story to the next good non-cliffhanger stopping point, but including a bonus chapter with an outline of how the rest of the series was going to go.
Do none of these! Finish the damn story and write the next two books or perish!
What do you think, chat? (Don't call your readers "chat.")
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andrewmoocow · 29 days
You know, for a show about cute robots murdering each other for reasons titled Murder Drones, that series finale was happier than I thought it would be. Everyone is still alive (except for Cyn, and by extension Tessa. And Doll, sort of, though they keep her corpse around.), Khan is at least aware that Nori is still alive, we get a badass fight scene of Uzi, N, and V against Cyn and J, and they left the door open for any potential follow-ups.
I had convinced myself that I wasn't sure there was anywhere Murder Drones could go for a second season other than fighting JCJenson IN SPAAAACE, but I was genuinely surprised seeing the Absolute Solver live on as Uzi's wacky sidekick. I've only been a fan of this show for less than a year ever since MORO's Helluva Boss vs Murder Drones short came out, but it feels like even longer. So, to Glitch, Liam Vickers, Elsie, Michael & Nola, and everyone else, thanks for everything.
Khan: You want anything to eat, sweetie?
Uzi: A bagel.
Uzi: Two bagels.
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gravityglitch-blog · 12 days
Another Murder Drones AU
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"Uzi the Vampire Slayer"
I haven't seen the Buffy series in forever, and even then, I fixated on the early seasons.
This AU idea kept coming back to mind, so I had to write it out. It's not meant as a direct replica, just its' own thing that borrows elements from both shows. (Also, I apologize in advance if someone else has already done this!)
The Absolute Solver, an ancient horror awoken by the reckless greed of JCJensen In Spaaaace, now seeks to control and consume all life in the universe. It has created all sorts of monsters to be its' servants, none more feared than the vampire-like Disassembly Drones.
The Worker Drones only hope of safety is to stay barricaded behind the doors of their colony.
If only someone would slay the monsters, possibly even the Solver itself. But no one would be crazy enough to try that, right?
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Uzi as Buffy
The daughter of Khan, maker of the colony's doors, and Nori, Copper Nine's first Slayer.
Nori disappeared one night during a mission, along with her own best friend, Yeva, when Uzi was still in her early teens.
Uzi has been very lonely since then, with her father dedicated almost entirely to colony security. There's only one other person she could possibly call her friend. Most others consider her weird for wanting to get outside and battle the monsters herself. When she finds her mother's journals about life as the Slayer, her resolve only grows stronger. Her personality is much the same as we know it💜
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Doll as Willow
However, Doll's personality is very different in this AU.
Because of the close friendship between their families, she and Uzi grew up together, like cousins. Though both girls became more withdrawn and lonely when their moms disappeared, they still look after each other.
Doll's father is still alive here (calling him Adam, for now, because I don't know if he has an official name.) He is kind but very overprotective. She learns that her mother was also hiding a secret: she was trying to harness the Solver's own power to use against it, a practice that can overwhelm anyone who isn't strong enough to wield it.
She has faith in Yeva, and becomes obsessed with the idea that she, and possibly even Nori, are still alive somewhere. When Uzi takes on the mantle of the Slayer, Doll begins studying Solver magic to help in the fight.
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Teacher as Giles
(Okay, I could not find a name for him, but did learn that he was voiced by Liam Vickers himself. With this in mind, I'm choosing a name that starts with "L". He is Linus until further notice.)
Though he appears eternally bored, Linus was a good friend to Uzi and Doll's parents. He also wants to rid Copper Nine of monsters, but acknowledges that he's no fighter. Instead, he studies the different creatures, learning all he can about their strengths and weaknesses, to help defeat them.
He's felt like a failure ever since Nori and Yeva disappeared. When their daughters approach him with their findings, wanting to continue the battle, he makes a personal vow not to repeat his mistakes.
He might not always express it, but he really does care about all the kids in his charge.
Even when they make him want to rip off his helmet and any hair that might be underneath it.
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Lizzy as Cordelia
Lizzy was content to stay in her popular-girl world, until her own life was threatened by a Disassembly Drone (in this AU, there are many more than our original three) and she was rescued by Uzi. Ignoring the nightmares outside was no longer an option. She found that she had a talent for adventure and monster-fighting. No one was more surprised than she was.
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Thad as Xander
Normal guy with a good heart and lifelong dreams of being a hero. He finds it easy to befriend just about anyone, and has a natural courage that drives him to fight for his friends, no matter how scary the situation. He's the most optimistic of the group. Also has a sarcastic sense of humor, which can either lighten the mood or drive their enemies crazy.
And that's Copper Nine's "Scooby gang".
Moving on now.
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N as Angel
The only major change I see for N is that he's a little more serious and broody in this AU.
Deep down, he's still his lovable self. Along with J and V (who are more like his sisters here), they were pulled from their old lives on Earth by the Solver and transformed into one of the most feared Disassembly Squadrons on Copper Nine. Though he won't say it in front of them, he dreams of reclaiming his freedom.
When Uzi and her team start to become a real threat to the Solver, it orders N's squadron to destroy them. They clash several times, and despite everything, N finds himself impressed by Uzi’s courage. He soon realizes that she could be the key to destroying the Solver and setting them all free. But to help her would mean betraying his family and risking the anger of an ancient evil.
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I honestly couldn't think of good character matches for J and V. Their original personalities still fit pretty well into this AU, I think. Initially they just do their jobs. When they begin to question if they can or should change sides, this creates conflict. V is eventually willing to rebel against the Solver, J is more hesitant.
While J is a fierce fighter, she is terrified of disobeying orders, the consequences that could come from it. She knows she will have to make a choice between life as the Solver's servant, or a chance at freedom.
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Nuzi would still happen (because it's my favorite ship and I can't let it go), but it would be a slower burn.
And this turned out way longer than I intended.
Thank you so much for reading.
Like I said, this is only a rough idea for an AU, but it wouldn't leave me alone. With Halloween coming up, it might be a good time to re-visit both series again.
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babycharmander · 2 months
For the "Give me a character and I'll break them down" thing: Wheatley :)
Ah, my robot son!
How I feel about this character: I still wear my Wheatley necklace. I don't think I need to explain any further, haha.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: None! I don't ship any of the Portal cast romantically.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Wheatley & Chell being friends is excellent (like, building up a friendship again post-canon) and Wheatley & Space Core friendship is also excellent.
My unpopular opinion about this character: He was at fault for like 95% of the stuff he did. I don't blame him for getting addicted to the test euphoria because I don't think he realized how addiction works. (Though even knowing how it works doesn't prevent people from succumbing to them! Addiction's a scary thing.) That said, he's still at fault for all the awful stuff he did while dealing with said addiction. He's not some innocent little baby; he was genuinely, inexcusably awful. (And he's one of my favorite characters of all time, so no one come at me for "hating" on him or whatever.)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: COME BACK FROM SPAAAAAAAACE PLEASE COME BACK FROM SPAAAACE IT'S BEEN SO LONG
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liminal-zone · 5 months
Oh look, it’s 2024 and I’m still yelling on the internet about Trinity. Can’t stop, won’t stop.
SO, IN RELATION TO THE NEW ACOLYTE SHOW AND THE FILM PODCAST ESCAPE HATCH’S DISCUSSION/LACK OF DISCUSSION ABOUT TRINITY WHEN THEY TALK ABOUT MATRIX FILMS, I am sitting here trying to parse my ocean of feels about Trinity generally and Trinity in relation to how pop culture sees her or doesn’t see her. 
Star Wars, in this lead up to The Acolyte, is relying on you knowing and loving Trinity from the Matrix. They are intentionally copy/pasting in Trinity in a scene where you can’t not think “omg, that’s Trinity!!” I watched the scene last night in the movie theatre after TPM, and afterwards, I heard so many movie goers talk about Master Indara as Trinity shorthand. That is a cultural touch point. SHE IS A CULTURAL TOUCH POINT. It’s real, she exists, and people like to see her. 
WTF then that it’s taken us so fucking long to get here and that she’s been dismissed or sidelined from the pop culture discussion for decades. The cognitive dissonance of a whole company of girls gays and theys online talking about her since 1999, and how much she's been DISMISSED by ::handwave:: everyone else. That she’s not really been a character folks talk about more generally like you’d talk about your Ellen Ripleys and  Sarah Connors, your Buffys and Xenas, your Reys and Natashas and Ahsokas and lol even your Galadriels. IDK MAN, I’M SAD. TRINITY RULES. SHE’S SO INTERESTING AND WORTHY OF DISCUSSION.
AND I’M VERY EXCITED TO SEE TRINITY IN SPAAAACE IN THE ACOLYTE. The copy/paste of it all is wild to me and I’m looking forward to it AND FURTHER DISK HORSE. 
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phoenixyfriend · 1 month
Related to my previous ask, i feel like Star Wars being Epic Fantasy IN SPAAAACE is why the New Mandalorians feel so off to a lot of people. The issue of "should we train every member of our society to be able to fight" takes on an entirely different light. It's less that it's not interesting and more that it's like seeing, say, Thorin Oakenshield singing ethereal ballads about peace and love.
The satine arc is by no means bade, just jarring to anyone who was previously a fan and diesnt quite xlick with genre conventions.
I mean I guess idk
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yourlocalspacecryptid · 8 months
alright Valentines which means… podcast recommendations!
only two
first of all for the valentines lovers out there we have Kaleidetrope!
This show is so cute and fluffy and the most allo show I have ever seen, but it’s really good so idc, it’s a radio advice show run by two college students, Harrison, the optimistic romantic who came up with the show, and Drew, who just wants to talk about music and did not sign up for this. It’s very underrated and also very short so you can probably finish it in a day or two
And for those of us who are either aro, ace, or just tired of all the romancy stuff…
Wolf 359
no I’m not kidding
One of the only podcasts where the whole cast is pretty much platonic, it’s not the only one, (Midnight Burger is another, and you can make arguments for Malevolent) but it is my favorite so that’s what I’m recommending. sitcom turned character drama set in spaaaace, you’ve heard of slow burn romance, well this is slow burn found family! (I stole that line but it’s accurate) veeery long but it’s good all year round so it’s good
And an honorable mention goes tooooo
Rita Minute 4: 4-ever love
it’s just a fluffy little Valentine’s Day episode about bein aro allo and some Rita and Jet friendship which I adore
Anyways, happy Valentines/Palentines to y’all, have fun… going on dates and stuff idk what you’re supposed to do on Valentine’s Day
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chaoticevilspacewitch · 4 months
New story dropped for @powertaco tonight! It's Maria, Ruby, and Weiss... in spaaaace!
It's got a bit of Deep Space Nine's space station homeyness, WH40K's perils of warp travel, and a big heaping serving of 'The Forever War' s sense of being adrift in time and overwhelmed by the futility of war. And strawberry boba and 1950s American unfortunate jello food experiments.
I love writing scifi AUs. You can create a vision of a unique world by just making a few decisions about things like FTL, artificial intelligence, and things like that.
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