#it's all about MeMeMe
So-Ho takes Nigeria on Mother's Day & w/the deception of duper's delight tried to SPIN the reality of 2 scamming grifters into a narrative that it's actually appropriate for her NOT to be mothering her caucasian invisibles in America because it's better for her to be at HOME in the MOTHERland. Only a master manipulator like THE Meghan Markled could contort so many lies into such a stupid explanation for her grifting lifestyle. 🤡
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"...and although we are missing our children----we are missing our babies..."
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"...it feels very appropriate to be in the MOTHERLAND..."
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"...and amongst family..."
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"...we cant wait to come back"
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swaps55 · 8 months
2023 Year End Fic Wrap Up
Tagged by @cr-noble-writes. Thank you!
Words written (published or not, WIPs totally count too!):
Published: 65,113 Unpublished:  41,773 Total: 106,886
It feels like I wrote a lot less this year than previous years, but I think it’s less about word count and more that my two big projects, Fugue and Mezzo, sucked up my entire mental bandwidth and I just didn’t have capacity to kick out one shots like I have in the past. I have a bunch of ideas for fun one shots, but not enough time or energy to realize them.
Also, this number is by no means accurate. My Mezzo Leftovers document is sitting at 11.3k, and Fugue finished up with a scrapheap of 28.3k. Gosh, it's hard to believe Fugue was actually 2023. It feels like years ago. Just writing it aged me 10 years. XD
Smut scenes written (if applicable): None. Did I daydream frequently and in great detail about how Sam and Kaidan reconcile in ME3? Yes. Could I write it in my sleep at this point? Also yes. Did I write a word of it? No.
New things I tried: 2nd person POV, Mordin POV, and EDI POV were all new and very scary things I tried, and think were largely successful (jury is still out on EDI and Mordin because only my beta has seen it, but I’m pleased with them).
Fic I spent the most time on: Probably Mezzo, because I wrote more of it than Fugue in 2023.
Fic I spent the least time on: Probably Capriccio, because it was short and mostly wrote itself.
Favourite thing I wrote: Well…I wrote so little outside of the long fics, because they have sucked up all my time and spoons. Fugue is something I am so proud of, but Mezzo has been so fun.
Favourite thing I read: A Sip of Serenity was a Spec Recs Kaidan & Liara treat fic for me by @screwyouflightlieutenant and I love it with an unholy love. Also, Madrigal and Volta by @dandenbo are PHENOMENAL stories you should drop everything and read.
Writing goals for next year: Finishing Mezzo sounds ambitious, but I guess I can be ambitious in January. XD
Tagging...I don't know! Who hasn't done this? If you haven't, please do it and tag me, because I wanna see. @stormikins? @otemporanerys?
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1ndz79 · 3 months
damn, that's actually poignant...
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liberalsarecool · 9 months
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The Right does not value emotional intelligence. It's all about self-interest. #MeMeMe
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chocsra · 10 months
"Playing with Balls are Not For The Weak (Pause on that.)"
15! basketball plyr! chuuya x gn! reader - HIGHSCHOOL AU, HEADCANONS + DRABBLES
a/n: as per request, thank you @sstarshroom my pookie ☺️, sincere apologies for the title its my toilet humor. next week will be dazai content im sorry my dear dazai fans
content: headcanons, drabbles, fluff, slowburn, pre-relationship,"in a world of boys, hes a gentleman", chuuya as them short hoopers, relationship of these two actually sucking at life, cheeky and smug chuuya, idiots in love, dumbass behaviour
as a classmate, chuuya would have a pretty big friendgroup but only really hang out with a few select people;
in class, he's quiet and focuses on school;
he's also naturally smart, a good 80s-90s student without much effort;
chuuya takes academics seriously but since he doesn't really have to work his ass off to study, he wouldn't be competitive in school, so sorry to all the academic rivals to lovers girlys
you know what he would take seriously though, sports.
and it's not even the serious shit, you could play dodgeball and he's sweating his ass off;
so certified hotshot of the school, short king energy, okay.
Your teacher tediously writes away on a few documents of paper, adjusting his glasses with the flick of his hand. "We have a few boxes from the food drive," he announces, catching the attention of your working classroom. "I need a strong person to carry them to the office, pleas-" a loud smack of a laptop closing can be heard, "MEMEME!!" the class goes silent, staring as your classmate, Chuuya Nakahara, happily voluneer to deliver a few boxes.
okay, okay, so as a classmate, people either think he's slightly irritating or alright, it's another story in gym class though, nobody likes him.
"Pass the ball- PASS THE BALL!" Chuuya yells, you couldn't lie; him wrapping a piece of red cloth around his head like some kind of warrior was sorta concerning? No, really concerning. The small boy leeches his arms out as defense, concentration written all over his face. You dribble the basketball a few times, about to pass it to him. "I said pass it!!" he shouts, rude. You furrow your brows in offense before harshly throwing the ball in his direction, aiming for his head.
Unfortunately, throwing basketballs at your own team player's forehead didn't result in an instant win. As you two sat on the bench, watching the current game along sidelines as Chuuya rubs his temple with an icepack, his red headband cloth resting atop of his knee, focussing intentively. When your team has been declared lost, he clenched the icepack in his hand and starts profusely running around the gym, mourning a gym class basketball game.
I mean, it's not like he's a terrible person though, you've seen the guy, he can be nice, he's got it in his system. Like one time in gym class, dodgeball specifcally.
"Ow! The fuck?" yet another dread of gym class was at your service, the heated air of dodgeballs flying left and right through the air overwhelmed you to say the least. And one of those balls just hit you right on the head, you pensively rub your temple, hearing a loud "You're out!!" from the opposing team.
Curse words roll off your tongue in embarrassment, about to do the walk of shame to the bench until a hand rests on your shoulder. "Hey," you twist your head around, seeing Chuuya approach you, as everyone else fights like their damn lives depended on it. "Did the ball hit your head?" he asks, the boy had short copper locks that framed his face pretty nicely, this time there wasn't a red cloth tied around his head.
"Yea," you quip, turning away from him, the hand on your shoulder lifts as you feel soft fingers brush away some of your hair from the side of your face. "Yeah, that's not allowed, you're still in the game, okay?" the redhead assures you as he casually takes a quick look at your temple. You nod releuctantly, as he pats your shoulder again a few times before smugly continuing the game. Since when did Chuuya Nakahara abide the rules?
You know, there seems to be a reaccuring pattern between you two. Everytime you're near each other, someone always get hit in the face with a ball.
But, there seemed to be more casual conversations, ones that didn't include violence with sports equipment.
As a friend, Chuuya was teasing, he always said no to what you asked him to do, but ends up doing it anyway.
"Can you hold my bag?" you ask, "No." the redhead says as he grabs your bag anyway
but as a friend, he came with more benefits. a trustable walking partner.
It's that time of the season, December, where snow engulfed every pathway you walked on. It was one of those days after school, walking home in the freezing cold; but today was unlucky, you were caught in a snow storm. And apparently, your friendgroup is nowhere to be found.
To be honest, walking alone is kind of scary, intimidating, terrifiying. You would run, but ice was everywhere, tripping in public wouldn't be any better than fear.
You saw a black jacket, red scarf, and a backpack with soccer keychains and a massive waterbottle. Most obvious feature, was the black gloves the figure wore. "Chuuya!" you call out, the boy almost immediately spins around, nodding to you as a greeting. "What's up?!" he flashes a cheeky smile, the redhead was pretty far away from you, and you weren't just interested in a simple 'hello'.
"Can you walk with me?" you ask, shoving your hands in your pockets from the cold. The redhead doesn't falter his smile, not hearing you as he had earphones on. "What?" he asks, communicating with you whilst walking backwards; some assholes just don't care about splitting your head open on ice.
"Can you walk with me?!" you repeat, the ginger stops in his tracks, muttering an "ohhh" as he speeds towards you. Again, some assholes just don't care about their life. And so, Chuuya doing a quick slip and drop onto the sidewalk, in a snowstorm, whilst running to you would be the outcome of this story.
You immediately start laughing your ass off, watching as any smugness on his face completely disapates. Accepting defeat in every form. "Fuck!" you cackle, slapping your knee. You attempt to skedaddle to him, still laughing before.. Slip. You fall onto him, your elbow piercing his ribs, the boy chokes out a cry of pain before you laid together on the ground in pure defeat. You know what passing by cars thought of when they saw you two? Two teenagers laying on the ground, 'X' style, in the middle of a fucking snowstorm.
You made it home safely, having to make your friend and classmate, Chuuya Nakahara, hot chocolate as an apology.
yeah, having chuuya as your friend can get pretty hefty, and violence is all that seems to be thrown at your friendship;
as a friend, you and chuuya didn't feel like friends sometimes, it was weird;
he constantly asked you to come to his games, in all honesty - you were too busy or just felt like staying home;
there was one day though, you did come to his game, out of pure curiousity
and when he saw your face, accompanied with a wave, the teenager knew; he was inlove.
he was really bad at showing it though
After enough convincing, you finally showed up to another one of Chuuya's games, you've already once; but apparently this one was really important.
You were actually concentrating, it was getting really heated, time was getting thiner, and the scores were relatively even.
The crowd roared as Chuuya took the ball, running through the court with a focussed but cheeky look on his face.
Just as he reached the net, he yelled out the loudest, unexpected sentence.
"[Y/N]! This one's for you!!"
The crowd's jaw drops in shock and anticipation, whoosh, he missed miserably.
damn, you guys really suck.
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junkdyke · 10 months
✨ Pinned Info ✨
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❤️‍🔥 Hii I'm Sam! 28 she/her black femmedyke lesbian ⚢
❤️‍🔥 I've had this blog forever but as of now, it's a diary for me to document my dating experiences, talk about being a tattoo artist, other shenanigans I get up to, and is an inspo/moodboard for myself.
❤️‍🔥 This is the only social media I use now fully just for fun, so that being said;
🔪 I do not want cishet men following me.
I post for weird black girls, women, dykes, and adjacent. I've had a large part of my time on social media having large followings of men, and I do not enjoy it, especially not here. I want this to be a place I'm happy to share my experiences and have people relate or laugh at.
❤️‍🔥 Do Not Follow: Cishet men, transphobes, porn blogs (NSFW blogs fine, exclusively all porn reblogs please don't), minors
❤️‍🔥 My blog is occasionally NSFW, I do not tag titties, but I am not a horny blogger.
❤️‍🔥 Main tags I use:
WLW / Lesbian Dating - I use both pretty much the same, but this is where my dating experiences go, and any related ramblings!
mememe - that's what I look like
tattoo stuff - anything tattoo related
mine - everything goes in here idk lolll
❤️‍🔥 I'm pretty open about most things so you can ask me whatever you want (though I may answer late lol) just don't make it weird!
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
Trying to understand the implications if the children are anything other than 'naturally' conceived and H&M have lied about it by u/Economy_Stock137
Trying to understand the implications if the children are anything other than 'naturally' conceived and H&M have lied about it Lurking or a member since the sub was just a couple thousand. First post!I've been thinking about the things Lady C and Tom Bower have said about the children and the implications behind it. Based on what they have said, what would it mean if the children ARE genetically Hank's but not Mememe's? Donated eggs fertilized by Hank sperm and either carried by a surrogate or Mememe. As noted by others here, if it was a surrogate for Aldi, UK rules would require the gruesomes to adopt him. US surrogacy rules are different so adoption may not have been necessary for Lidl. According to the Settlement Act of 1701, an adopted child is ineligible for LOS. So if Aldi was born to a surrogate, he's out of LOS. Whether Lidl is out might depend on the surrogacy agreement.What if Aldi was born with a donated egg but carried by Mememe? In the US I'm pretty sure the child would legally belong to her and not need to be adopted. Any idea what the UK laws are on this? Then it occurred to me- if it was a donated egg and not genetically related to Mememe, would the child be considered legitimate or illegitimate? If the child born with a donated egg is not legitimate, it is also not eligible for LOS. I don't know anything about the laws in either UK or US about this. Anyone have any insight?Then the legitimacy question made me wonder- if the children are genetically Hank's but considered illegitimate because they are NOT the result of the married couple, are they still eligible to be Prince/Princess? There have been many royal bastards in the UK past and I don't think any were called Prince/Princess. These two have pulled so much crap, I don't put anything past them. So many questions, no straight answers anywhere. What do you think? Related- if they have deceived the RF over the origin or birth of either child, is it treason or fraud? post link: https://ift.tt/mf2UJiF author: Economy_Stock137 submitted: May 02, 2024 at 11:11PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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sahonithereadwolf · 5 months
I’ve been sitting here thinking about the flowery words to describe my ttrpg, Protect the Sacred. I’ve used a lot of them. Comes with being an author I suppose.
It’s a pulp as an adventure in the trappings and emotions with high grit action, big melodrama, and the push and pull of stakes.
Protect The Sacred started as “inverse indiana jones” on the corkboard years before that became a flippantly mememable thing passed around, with no consideration of what that means, or the work it requires, or the agency of the peoples these valuable treasures belong to or what is even valuable.
I’ve called it urban fantasy, weird sci-fi, a comparison to a million different properties. Though personally, at the moment, I think it’d be most accurately described as a wonderwork as described by Danial Hearth Justice
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But on perhaps a selfish level, for me Protect the Sacred is a game about stories and storytelling. I come from a storytelling people, even before we were musicians and dj’s. Tabletop has always been a way for me to connect with storytelling as a tradition. All ttrpg, at some level, are about you telling a story, often in a very accessible way. The best leave you with stories to tell once you leave the table. I want that to be the experience.
I have mechanics and narrative ambitions set around this. So much of the game asks you to consider the stories you know, what they mean, and why we tell the stories we tell. Something beyond the sometime cold or cynical lens of analysis and into the human. Why is this something worth passing on?
It’s about seeing people grow more powerful as they get out and do thing, touching the lives of others and becoming a story they tell in turn. A stranger who grows into a heroic epic. Me stopping you to ask how your action will affect others. The memorable or cool moments you’ll take with you or tell to others. I want you to tell stories. Me stopping you to ask how your action will affect others. The memorable or cool moments you’ll take with you or tell to others. I want you to tell stories.
I start playtesting Protect the Sacred tomorrow.
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chaosteddybear · 1 month
6 Song Soundtrack: Hexx
Thank you so much for the tag, @spyridonya and @dmagedgoods! Hexx is dying to meet Zophus by the way! Mix is on his way too so don't worry I'm not cheating; just don't know how long it'll be until he's posted.
Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following: 1. An event that defines your character's past 2. How your character sees themselves 3. How others view them 4. Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic) 5. A major fight scene 6. End credits song
Hexx this time! My runaway Haarlep....
1. An event that defines your character's past: Havana
He took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-na Oh, but my heart is in Havana There's somethin' 'bout his manners I knew him forever in a minute That summer night in June And papa says he got malo in him He got me feelin' like… I knew it when I met him, I loved him when I left him Got me feelin' like, ooh, And then I had to tell him, I had to go
Hexx was plucked from paradise by Mephistopholes and dropped into the House of Hope. While there, they quickly fell in love with Raphael, but if the song is about the event itself from their past, it would be their feelings while it happened.
2. How your character sees themselves: (Don't Fear) The Reaper
I won't spam with the lyrics to this one - it's pretty straightforward hehe. But ultimately, Hexx focuses a lot on the pain they bring others. They see themself as a villain mostly due to their hunger, their insatiable need to destroy. This song oversimplifies it, but I ran out of energy to really find a perfect one that also adds in the sentiment of both hurting and disappointing your loved ones?
3. How others view them: mememe
But I'll laugh too fucking hard, you probably think I'm so mean But I don't even know you, and now you'll never really know Know-know-know, know-know-know Anything about me, me-me-me, me-me-me
Ok ok ok ok I cheated. It's obvious how others see Hexx, and you all probably also have your own ideas since you would only see them in Haarlep form anyway! So here is Hexx's response to that, hehehehe.
4. Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic): You Make My Dreams Come True
On a night when bad dreams become a screamer When they're messing with the dreamer, I can laugh it in the face Twist and shout my way out and wrap yourself around me 'Cause I ain't the way you found me and I'll never be the same
During their time with Raphael, for thousands of years, Hexx mostly watches Raphael live his life and tries to help however possible. Using their skillset. Advising indirectly through quips and snark, which Raphael doesn't acknowledge the usefulness of. They get to a point where Raphael tolerates them, but they're madly in love with him. Quickly having betrayed Mephistopheles (they outwitted him in their contract), Hexx is fully Raphael's and ultimately becomes comfortable at his home, fully devoted to him, though not fulfilled.
Until Cian shows up. Hexx falls in love with him quickly, admiring his relationship with Raphael as well (Hexx doesn't really feel jealousy). After a complex beginning, these two ultimately get to a point where Cian actually breaks down their walls (!!!!!). Raphael and Cian are the loves of their life, and they'll never be the same again.
5. A major fight scene: DONTTRUSTME
She wants to touch me, woo-oh She wants to love me, woo-oh She'll never leave me, woo-oh, woo-oh-oh-oh Don't trust a hoe, never trust a hoe Won't trust, 'cause a hoe won't trust me
Well, a fight for them is usually consuming someone as an incubus.... I think most of it speaks for itself. Ultimately, don't trust an incubus LOL. But also pay attention to how Hexx also feels not cared about by the world either. Also this song is so problematic just like Hexx hehe
6. End credits song: On Top Of The World
I've had the highest mountains I've had the deepest rivers You can have it all but life keeps moving Now, take it in but don't look down 'Cause I'm on top of the world, hey I'm on top of the world, hey Waiting on this for a while now Paying my dues to the dirt I've been waiting to smile, hey Been holding it in for a while, hey Take you with me if I can [...] I could've gave up then, but Then again, I couldn't have 'cause I've travelled all this way for something
Hexx, after going through all their shit, when they land in "today" they really feel on top of the world. They've seen everything. Been everywhere. And they're exactly where they want to be, with the ones they want to be with.
No pressure tags: @loveless-nameless-graceless-two, @cerudinae, @elonianmisfit, @twistedapple and you, dear Reader!
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celticcrossanon · 8 months
Celta-- did you hear that several members of SUITS are going to be a part of a Super Bowl commercial? (The Super Bowl is the final game of the NFL season so it's a very big deal. NFL means "National Football League" a.k.a. American football.) Advertisers spend MILLIONS to get a commercial spot during the SB game. There are people who'll watch the SB for the commercials alone, lol, as they can be hilarious and funny! That's how big of a deal it is. Guess who didn't make the cut! MeMeMe!
Hi Nonny,
I just heard that news. It sounds like a very big deal. Well done to the members of Suits who are in the commercial. As for Meghan missing out, that is all on her and her behaviour (and her bad acting, I presume).
I can feel Meghan burning up about this from where I sit at my computer, several continents away. No matter what she says in public, she is furious about being left out.
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bluebellhairpin · 7 months
ME. ME. MEMEME. SHAMELESSLY RUNNING into this event while the bf fixes the minecraft server <3
umm umm umm
Levi Ackerman of SNK
She/Her - Anlian
and 2024 has been rough, so may i please order half sfw and half nsfw (plus extra shot of espresso and sub oat milk)
Thank you Nemooooooooooo
It's no problem baby (and you other ask, I'm keeping it to get a reminder every time I open my ask box from now on LMAO) PLEASE ENJOY <33
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Dearest Anlian,
Can you believe it’s been another year already? Time goes by too fast. It’s been tough for both of us, but I wouldn’t rather have gone through it with anyone else. 
I just wanted you to know how grateful I am to know you. I’m gonna get all sappy and shit, you bring it out of me. I’m not sure why, I guess I just love you that much. 
I’m not entirely sure what else to say, but my heart is so full. What’s that quote? “If I loved you less I might be able to talk about it more”? That sounds right, at least to me. Whenever I think of you I just get so consumed by the weight of it - it leaves me outwardly looking like an emotionally constipated mess (so Hange says) but I can’t help it. It’s a good thing you’re not around all the time, otherwise I’d never get shit done, and we both know I’m one of the only ones around here who does. 
This letter’s less of a confession, more of a reminder. I know I don’t say it often, but I love you. So much. 
Even when you’re not around your touch haunts me. I have to stop myself thinking of you otherwise my mind wanders so far that I cannot stop it. It reminds me of the nights we spend together, the kisses shared, the things we do that are only seen by closed doors and each other. Even now the thought of what we do - what we most likely will do later - is making it hard to keep my writing legible. 
I’m thinking of how hard it will be to keep my hands to myself later - when we meet later for afternoon tea, before you read this - just being reminded of the care you put into making sure my tea is right, let alone seeing you do it, has me filled to the brim once more with the desire to show you how much I appreciate your choice in choosing me to love. 
I would tell you, but I’d much rather show it. I always do, but now more than ever.
Yours, Levi
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swaps55 · 2 years
From the writers asks: 🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn’t think it would take you, and 🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn’t think it would take you?
Fugue. Without question. That fic was so brutal to work on that when I hit the roughest point in Kaidan’s grief (chapter 7), I took over a year off from it to recover. That fic has made me live and breathe grief in ways I am very proud of, but very grateful to be done with. Working on it meant I had to give myself time to ramp into that headspace, and then time to ramp down out of it. So it took time, and so much emotional energy.
Sonata was the fic that took me to places I didn’t expect to go. It was supposed to be a silly AU one shot, not a 78k novel that became the cornerstone to my entire canon ‘verse. It became my ‘breakthrough’ fic and is one kudos away from a milestone number I never dreamed of hitting in a fandom this size.  
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
I wheel and deal in multiple POVs, and you can pry them out of my cold, dead hands. It is my favorite tool in my toolbox, and there is no limit to the POVs I am willing to write from if I think it will get me what I need (except Sam, ha). At this point I can’t imagine trying to write from a single POV for a longfic. I love seeing things from multiple perspectives, seeing how the same event changes with a different set of eyes, etc.
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creatress-corruption · 6 months
Some more headcanon type stuff... in a somewhat story-like way... Admin edition!
(I'm still alive!! I just lost my hyperfixation... but I've had this in my drafts since forever, so I decided to publish it now! ... very late)
As an Admin, there were some things one had to know.
When they had been chosen, there had come a day when their mentor, the previous Admin, sat the three of them down and told them a piece of their history. Something which they would inherit upon becoming Admins.
Before, they had not understood just why the previous Admin had been so… vehement about it, but upon becoming Admins, they learned why.
"All powerful it may be, but the Terminal is not perfect. It makes mistakes, miscalculates, makes… failed attempts, from time to time." 
Xara had been the first to see Him.
"We, as Admins, govern the Universe as the Terminal sees fit. We rule and create and destroy, are gifted and raised up by it, all because it deems it so." And the Terminal does not interfere, goes unsaid. For all that The Terminal is sentient and powerful and All, it does not feel like them, does not care like they do. When the Terminal makes mistakes, it-
Xara's hair stood on end, her blood pounding in her ear as a low static rang out; whether its cause was her or The Other was unknown, but Xara did know that whatever was there, wanted her dead.
"The first attempt at an Admin was… a failure. The form gifted to it became twisted, its power and mind corrupted, it's heart and soul shattered… the Terminal knew this being would not deal in equality, would only cause destruction and death and chaos, and so, it locked it away."
Xara turned slowly, eyes shining bright like an End Crystal's core. Her nails slid out further from her fingers,  lengthening until wicked blades formed similar to an Enderman's paws. Her teeth, layered in thin rows like an Endermites, glimmered faintly as her eyes emitted a powerful glow, lighting up the dark area.
"It was placed in an eternal sleep, as the Terminal could not bring itself to harm its first creation." (Romeo feels haunted by those words, and the ones that followed. "The Terminal is good, the Terminal is kind, the Terminal is-" The one who let him kill Fred and bury an entire world and stood by while Xara begged and pleaded for the release of death and Romeo suffered further and further until there was no going back and-)
A man watches her. His face is solemn, and Xara's hackles rise. White eyes, bright eyes, eyes of light, that is the first sign.
"But the Terminal misjudged how powerful it had made it. For all that the Terminal can give power, taking it is another thing. And after centuries of sleep, He began to wake."
The sudden all consuming Come MeMeMe To Me Now! That envelopes their minds has them freezing, but they snap out of it, and Fred and Romeo teleport and-
"Hatred filled his heart from birth, so when he found he'd been replaced? That there were others, more perfect than he?" (Romeo still remembers the haunted look on their face, as the Admin leaned closer) "He began to hunt."
Snarls, animalistic and beastly, showing just how inhuman Admins truly were, filled the air. Fred's was a deep snarling rumble that shook the earth, like a tsunami or earthquake; Romeo's a sharp noise, draconic and metallic, bird-like, even, a Creeper's hiss mixed with Wither's ghoulish cry; Xara's joined them, equally draconic yet higher pitched, screeching techno-glitch and static buzzing, a sound similar to a Phantom's edging the cry.
"We fought back, but the loses were… many. There were others, similar to… him. We know not why the Terminal made more, perhaps… nevermind, it's not for us to question the Terminal. But it has become custom to pass this tale along, as a warning, a tradition, our history."
The man, plain and dark skinned and wearing normal, human clothes, stares. He utters not a word. And yet the three can feel it, the malice, the hatred, the need to rip and tear and crush and claw and-
(As The Admin, Romeo has a lot of time to think. To reminisce. And his mentor's words haunt him. Because why. If it is so powerful, then why? Why why why whywhywhywhyw- but he knows why)
"So, if you ever come across him, do not hold back. The Terminal does not kill its creations, that is known, but we may carry out this act of justice. So, should there come a day when you are able, end him."
And then he leaves. And the air becomes empty when their snarls quiet. They never see him again (that's a lie).
Fred looks up at their mentor. "What… what is he called?" He whispers, as if afraid the monster will appear if he speaks too loud. The Admin smiles, "We have many names for him, but there is one he refers to himself by." Xara glances at them, "Which is?"
(Romeo knows why. He knows why the Terminal does not interfere, why it creates monsters and yet does nothing about them, knows why it created more and more "glitches", more failures, only for them to be culled and hunted and feared.)
"He calls himself-"
"Herobrine," Romeo tests the name, ears twitching at every minor sound, his eyes trained on the figure before him. The man- the glitch, the failure- nods once, but says nothing. "Why?" He asks the burning question because he doesn't get it. He doesn't understand how someone could be so… hateful and destructive. It doesn't… he doesn't get it.
(He does he does he understands now is that it?? Is that the grand joke the reveal the lesson??! He finally understands!)
Herobrine doesn't say anything. He never does, Romeo reads in the history books in the Terminal Library. And that is the last he sees. He doesn't mention the sighting to Fred or Xara, can't find it in himself to say anything. Not when things are… tense between them. Not when they're arguing. Not when he-
(And Romeo understands. He gets it. He finally finally gets it. Why did he create the Sunshine Institute? Why did he make his mob hybrids? Why imprison people and force them in his challenges and force and push and hurt-)
The Admin, Romeo, will admit he is cruel, needlessly so. As an Admin, in those days when nothing else mattered but him, he'd enjoyed it, feeling that thrill of having power over others, that dismissal of his people and those lower than him. He enjoyed it. Immensely so. Afterall, why not? Who'd stop him? Who could stand up to him? And finally, he understands. 
When Jesse lands the final blow with that Golden Gauntlet, Romeo thinks that is where he will die; it would be perfect, the last Admin, dying in the place- the being- that made him an admin. That raised him so high and yet ignored his pleading begs before it was too late. He expects it, waits for it, because The Terminal is cruel enough to make that his fate. 
And then he lives. That's the odd thing, because if Romeo had all the powers of the universe like The Terminal, then he'd let him die. He tries to figure it out, mind reeling, as they dodge giant prismarine fists, rush through a portal as lava drips from above and as the Terminal forces them out. It isn't until weeks later when it suddenly comes to him: The Terminal did not care.
If fate is predetermined, or The Terminal determines it or knows it, then did it know? Does it know, from the moment the three are chosen, what will happen? Does it see Romeo, day by day, fall deeper into madness and hatred and corruption? Does it see Fred, blood spilling from his mouth and nostrils and eyes and eyes, staring with petrified, terrified, betrayed eyes? Does it see Xara, crying and screaming and going mad as she fights one friend above another's corpse, only to lose everything that she'd become in one swift move? Did it watch as an entire world was buried?! As Xara and dozens, hundreds of others suffered in a sunless prison for thousands of years, unaging and frozen- as their people were frozen in time, staring up at the bedrock where once a brilliant star shined and coloured the sky a hundred different hues?! 
Romeo's life and sins and fate did not matter enough- The Terminal did not care enough to interfere. It watched, as it always did, as someone else decided, someone else cleaned up its mess. The Terminal made them, and it did. Not. Care.
As Romeo fixes up the damage he caused, his mind will go back to their predecessor's words, and he won't be able to stop thinking them over and over until the truth stares him in the face.
The Terminal could, in fact, take power, it just hadn't bothered to. Because if an Admin can take another Admins power, could make a Gauntlet capable of such action, then why couldn't it? But it could. It just… didn't. Just like how Romeo didn't just leave, like how he destroyed Champion City when he could've just left it be, just like things might've, could've been avoided between the three if they had just- if only-
He understands now. The Terminal created a being that swayed more towards destruction and saw possibilities and acted on them; The Terminal created more "failures" to join the first, to be hunted down and killed, created Admins to be their "betters", to do what The Terminal wouldn't. And obviously, the failures- the glitches caught on to that fact, something the Admins didn't. 
Romeo… isn't sure how to feel. He almost tells Xara his thoughts, his revelations, but- he can't bring himself to say it. What will it change? It would only make things worse, either by making her think he was lying or that Fred was always meant to die. That there was no other way, no happy ending. It would break her heart.
He sees him, once again alone, when he's at the cabin. Herobrine stares at him with that ever-bright stare of his. Romeo isn't sure what to say. There's always a chance he's wrong, that he actually is dangerous and- "No, you arrived at the right conclusion." 
His jaw falls open. The being had never talked before, as far as he was aware. And he- wha- Herobrine chuckled, a deep baritone, "I'm glad at least one of you has a brain. Do you know how many Admins over the millennia I've watched, how many ignored the signs right in front of their eyes?" The glitch tsk's. Romeo isn't sure what to say.
Hours pass and Romeo is in a daze. The bookshelves are in disarray, Herobrine having gone through them as he talked. "I'm actually really glad for this meeting," he confessed, "It's been ages since I've last had a conversation." "What will happen?" Romeo butt's in, "Another Admin will be chosen, right?" Herobrine stares for a moment, before nodding. "Yes, soon enough. Terminal likes its little toys too much to not make more."
It's insulting to be compared to a toy, but hadn't he compared mortals to toys once?
Another book is placed haphazardly, Herobrine glancing through them. Romeo sits on his bed (he hasn't slept in so long, he's kinda missed it) and watches him. "So, what will you do?" The glitch glances at him, "Oh, that- well if I'm being honest… I'll probably stick by you, I've done the whole lone-wolf thing, and I already know all the others like me, so," he closed another book, pages falling out, "instead I'm going to try being an ex-Admin's friend."
It's with hope that Romeo leaves the cabin later on, the (annoying) glitch following him. It still haunts him, what he's realized about The Terminal, knowing it all is… it's something. Maybe he'll have a breakdown later on about it, but now he's… he needs to figure out an explanation, he supposes. He doubts Xara will just accept him, saying he's really good at making friends. Since that's. Not true. At all.
"So, do you have any ideas on who might be selected to become an Admin?" Herobrine hums, avoiding Romeo's eyes. "Well?" "Maybe, but for now I want to forget about potential future-killers and whatnot." It takes a moment for Romeo to remember that, oh yeah, Admins are kinda encouraged to hunt the glitch down. And by then he's being pressed up against said glitch who has thrown his arm around his shoulders, "For now, let's go bother that purple haired Endermin, shall we?"
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f0point5 · 8 months
Lbr Kimi would not be a thing in this era, that attitude would not fly. But that straight talking deadpan//
Do you think so I feel like Kimi is really popular with the younger generation bc he doesn’t give a fuck about his job it’s just a hobby for him probably the reason why he won a championship with Ferrari they could not destroy is will to live. He is so mememable and people keep saying that they relate to him idk maybe it’s just me + he has a bad attitude but always brings good results everywhere he was so idk
I think he’s popular now but I feel like he’s popular in a nostalgic kind of way, like so many people came in and he was already older, and a staple in the paddock, and had kind of “earned” the right to be like that.
I think if a rookie came in and that was just their personality they would be called arrogant, thinks he’s better than everyone, rude, etc., and people wouldn’t respond to it.
I don’t think he had a bad attitude at all, but I think people have a really low tolerance for people who don’t engage in a the way it’s thought that celebrities/sportspeople “should”, especially when it seems like they haven’t “earned the right” to just be themselves. People eat Max alive for speaking his mind, and bash Lewis for not participating in F1 PR like secret Santa, Lando’s humour is constantly misconstrued…I don’t think if Kimi had been like, a rookie in 2018/19 that he would have been well received at all. That’s just my observation.
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favterukanes · 3 months
Ok I got TERU SONGS!!!!!!
a lot are sad/angsty sorry not sorry- again the songs are sad, angsty, and just songs that reminds me of him for no reason ^^
Numb little bug by our last night (one of my personal favs)
Juliet by cavetown (this song is also in my Terukane Playlist-)
Fight fire with gasoline by self deception
Straight to hell by dead things
People I don't like by UPSAHL (this one also reminds me of the sunflower trio)
Purgatorium by awake at last
Hostage by no resolve
Graveyard by our last night
Daddy issues (remix) by the neighborhood & syd (YES OK- )
My way by NEFFEX
In fact (the carousel remix) by Gregory and the hawk (this would actually be a song about Kou-)
Family line by Conan gray (I literally love this song-)
Look who's inside again by bo Burnham (the ultimate Teru song in my opinion-)
Like a villain by bad omens
Kate's not here by girl in red
Scars that I'm hiding by from ashes to new
Mouth full of razors by memory of a melody
Hell and back (remix) by Jerome the prince
Darkest days by becko
Rät by Penelope scott
Mememe by 100 gecs
There are some hard bops in here (tho I love all of them) so I hope you enjoy!!! ^^
HAHAHA u cant have a Teru playlist without angst. Its impossible!!
At this point the entire lyric matches with him!! And its such a great music too. I wish i could pick a single bit of the music to put here but it all matches ??!! Σ(°ロ°)
I'll always love cavetown & his musics, no matter the hate ppl give to him!!
And i have such a soft spot for this music, and how poetic it is ugghh!!
HAHAHAH couldnt miss daddy issues in a Teru playlist.
i loved "in fact" thats exactly the type of music i like to listen to!!??!? And it is so amazing im flabbergasted!
FUCKKK, FAMILY LINE IS SO GOOD. Totally shocked with this playlist now, just woah.
With Teru's prideful self, aahhhh !!!
I dont even have anymore to say!! Just that i loved ur whole playlist !!
funny how this playlist show how badass Teru is but at the same time so pathetic, THATS IT!!!
Big bops here, i had fun listening (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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junkdyke · 2 years
💖 all the info for the pinned 💖
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✨ Hi, I'm Sam!
I'm 27!
black lesbian, lover of women 💕💖✨
i'm a tattoo apprentice and an animation student
i've had this blog for 1,000 years, but just recently came back to it!
using this as a bit of a diary, posting about my dating life here and there
selfies under #mememe, my Looks™️  are always changing 🌸
#WLW for my dating and romance ramblings
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