#it's all so fun and easy to navigate 😭
Should finally be able to restart the most important of my meds, providing there are no further issues with supply in my pharmacy and/or the psychiatrist not calling me back.
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areislol · 1 year
The morning after
►— pairings. genshin men x gn! creator! reader
►— warnings. some of the characters get clingy really quickly.
►— synopsis. albedo created a machine where it would bring back their creator, who was stuck in another world, back to where they belong. but instead of bringing you here to them, it brought them to where you were.
►— a/n. RAGGHH i was having so much trouble just trying to figure out the title 😭 i hope you guys enjoy this 🩷 I’m very sorry for the lack of action or if it’s simple.. next chapter will be more fun for you guys I hope 🙏🏻
►— wordcount. 4.2k
✧ part one | ✧ part two | ✧ part three | ✧ part four | ✧ part five | more tba.. NAVIGATION
recommended to listen to: needy - ariana grande or circles - post malone
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The next morning, you awoke to Childe’s hand slapped over the side of your face, snoring quite loudly. Groaning, you pushed his hand away and yawned, opening your eyes groggily.
You managed to sit up on the bed and rubbed your eyes, looking around you could see multiple men standing around in your room, Thoma and Kazuha looking out your window, admiring the view, while the others were looking around your room and pointing at the unfamiliar objects lying about your floor and talking amongst one another about what it could be.
“Hey.. see that thing right there on the floor? Do you think that could be used to whack a Hilichurl?”
“… Itto I doubt something as small, petite and cute looking would be used to hit a Hilichurl..” Zhongli heaved a great sigh from Itto’s stupidity (he couldn’t say that though) and pinched his nose bridge from disappointment.
It was a pink, light wand with a red lollipop at the top with a lid covering it. It was candy… not a weapon you can use against Hilichurls.
You could feel your heart skip a beat because ?! Why were all of these guys in your room?! But after remembering what had happened last night, you calmed down.
Right.. that happened.
Suddenly, you felt Childe cling to your side, burying his head into your abdomen as his arms wrapped around your waist. “Mmm..”
You were too tired to even fuss about why he was being so close to you so you decided to just ignore him and his actions. While stretching your arms and yawning, everybody turned their head to look at you.
“Oh, uh.. good morning everybody?” You said, stopping mid-stretch, almost subconsciously shrinking from their gazes.
A collective “good morning” could be heard from everyone as Neuvillette and Cyno walked towards the edge of your bed and started to question if you slept well or not (you did because it was warm), complaining about how when they woke up they found Childe snuggling close to your side and being so clingy towards you.
(Why were they complaining? Easy answer, they were jealous is what. They would rather bury their heads in the sand than ever admit it.)
Nodding your head slowly, you smiled sheepishly and waved your hand at them. “It’s all good, don’t worry about Childe he’s just.. maybe he just likes to hug people?”
Cyno glared at Childe and let out a sigh before nodding his head. “Sure..”
Neuvillette offered his hand for you to take—giving you a gentle smile. “I’m glad you slept well, Y/n. Shall we prepare you breakfast?”
You took his hands and thought about his offer before nodding, offering him a grateful smile. “That would be nice.. but maybe once I’m done getting ready because I’m not sure if you guys are familiar with how things work.”
Neuvillette gave you a simple nod and once you hopped off the bed and let go of his hands you made your way to the bathroom, slipping on your slippers as Kaveh and Xiao with a few others followed you into your bathroom.
It wasn’t so different to theirs but it looked more.. modern for sure. “It looks so.. white and grey. Oh wow! What is this stuff on the wall..?”
Kaveh pointed to the strange object stuck on the wall. It was a toothbrush holder.
“Oh, that? That’s a toothbrush holder, it holds toothbrushes... I mainly use it for my friends if they ever come over.”
Kaveh and Gorou nod their head. “Strange, but unique. I like it!” You smiled at them before turning around and began to brush your teeth before washing your face, all the while they (Kaveh, Xiao, Kazuha and Kaeya) watched you do your thing.
It was a bit awkward, to tell the truth. While you were doing your morning routine they were either watching you or looking around your bathroom.
After finishing everything you needed to do in the bathroom, you bent down in front of the sink and opened the cabinet, grabbing a few packs of toothbrushes and ripping them open before handing them to Kaveh, Xiao, Kazuha and Kaeya.
“Here, use these. I’ll have to go out and buy the rest as well..” you sighed, thinking about how much it would cost.
Making sure they grabbed one, you helped him apply toothpaste on their toothbrush and left them to do their thing while you stepped out of the bathroom and groaned.
Sleeping with Childe and Xiao wasn’t a bad idea but they squeezed you tight through the night. Especially Childe, he just kept on clinging onto you and your arm was sort of sore.
As you stepped foot into your room, you realised that everybody was gone, they probably were in your living room, and you also realised that Thoma was making your bed. When he saw you just standing there eyeing him he smiled shyly.
“Y/n! I decided to make your bed.. as you noticed. How do you like it?” Thoma questioned, patting your pillow down before standing beside there looking like.. a maid.
You smiled at him nervously and thanked him, “well, you didn’t have to do that but thank you, it actually looks pretty nice and neat!”
There was no reason to lie, the bed looked nice and clean. Your sheets were tucked under your pillows and everything looked so smooth and clean.. he even put your plushies aside on the wall!!
You couldn’t help but smile even more as you noticed him leaving your plushies on your bed. But you were snapped out of your thoughts when Thoma then spoke.
“Would you like breakfast now?” You hummed and nodded your head and walked out of your room with Thoma trailing right behind you. And as you moved closer to your living room you could hear the chattering of everyone.
You didn’t know why but just hearing everybody talking and chuckling in your room made your body relax for some odd reason. It made you feel good, it felt as though the burdens were lifted from your shoulders, how weird.
As you made your way through your living room and into the kitchen, the others started to notice you and Thoma following behind you.
“Oh, Y/n! You’re finally here.” Heizou smiled, waving hello at you. You waved back at him and also included the others (even though they didn’t wave first.), smiling so tenderly and waving at them made their hearts flutter—feeling heat rushing to their cheeks.
“Mhm, I’ll make breakfast for you guys.. if there’s enough that is.” Everybody’s hearts nearly burst at your hospitality. Their creator.. offering to make them breakfast? Oh someone please catch them they might faint!
Aether jumped up from the couch and walked towards you and Thoma. “I’ll help!” He chirped, giving you and Thoma a warm smile to which you two returned. “Sure, thanks!”
As you three rummaged through the cabinets, trying to find anything to make breakfast—you eventually settled on pancakes (how did you have so many ingredients for 28 people? No clue.)
It was oddly comforting that you had people in your house let alone help you out with cooking. It felt nice nonetheless, to have company over, even if it was unexpected.
You let the others stare at your TV in awe, wondering what it was. “See that remote thing on the table? Yes, the one that’s black and has multiple colours on it, yup, press on the red one at the top left—yes! Good job, now uh watch whatever you want?”
You could hear the “oohs”’ and “aaahs” s of the men to which you chuckled softly. They acted like toddlers who just found something new in their life. It was adorable.
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Breakfast was finally served after an hour or so, the voices of Itto and Childe could be heard thanking for breakfast being served now as they were starving.
“Oh finally!! I’ve been waiting for years for breakfast!” Childe groaned, almost drooling at the sight of the pancakes. “My stomach was growling so loudly..” Itto agreed.
“We could hear.” Could be heard from Dainsleif, Ayato and Capitano. They seemed to be fed up with him and his antics (so was everybody else.)
Everybody began to sit down in the most random spots, well, anywhere they could sit. Your table could only accompany only 8 people so the rest sat down near your coffee table in front of the TV and some eating at your desk.
They also made sure to sit away from people they didn’t want to sit next to. Diluc with the fatui (Capitano, Childe, Dottore and Pierro.), Wanderer from literally everyone else (he sat himself down in the corner like a little child), and Dainsleif from the archons—Zhongli and Venti.
It was a funny sight, to say the least, but, they had to do what they had to do, in this case—eat your pancakes.
As you and Thoma set down the plates and drizzled maple syrup on them, everybody said their thanks and picked up their utensils before digging in, some even moaning from how amazing it tasted.
“Enjoy your pancakes!” You happily said before standing behind the kitchen counter munching on your own pancakes beside Thoma. “Mhm.. it tastes so good! You and Aether are such good cooks!”
For Thoma hear you praise him and Aether made his cheeks flush red. He mumbled that it was “no problem” and quickly stuffed more pancakes into his mouth to hide his embarrassment, unbeknownst to the jealous glares coming from different directions of the room at him.
While you were still chewing and eating your pancakes, you were unaware of Ayato walking towards you and setting himself beside you.
“Y/n-“ Ayato began before you cut him off with a horrified yell. Turning to face Ayato you placed your hand on your chest and let out a sigh, everybody turned to look at you, their pancakes still half in their mouth as they stopped mid-eating.
“Ayato! You scared me..” you breathed, Ayato frowned and held his hand over his heart. “I didn’t mean to scare you, dear.. are you okay?”
You nodded your head and sighed. “It’s all good Ayato, I know you didn’t mean to.” You replied, giving him a reassuring smile to make sure he doesn’t feel bad, but he was already so.
“Did you need anything though? You must’ve come here for a reason..” Ayato nodded before averting eye contact with you, a noticeable pink blush appearing on his cheek.
He held his fist to his lips and cleared his throat. “Well.. this is embarrassing.. but I wanted to..” he stopped mid-sentence and looked back at you with a flustered face.
“Feed you.”
You stared at Ayato blankly, confused about whether or not you should be feeling happy or creeped out.. “wai- feed me?” Ayato nods. “Must I reiterate?”
Shaking your head “no” you looked down at your plate with pancakes, there was only a few left. Wanderer, Cyno, Dottore and Childe could feel their eyes twitching.
The sound of your fork clinking down onto the plate was heard and then your voice. “W-well.. I guess i don’t mind? I mean it’s a bit odd yes but why not? I haven’t been fed since I was a toddler.” You hummed.
Ayato’s lips curve upwards into a soft smile as he happily picked up your fork and stuck it in the cut pancake before placing his palm under your chin.
“Say aaaah~” You opened your mouth and said “aaaah” before chewing on the pancake, humming happily. Ayato slid the fork out of your mouth and smiled fondly at you. You were so adorable.
Thoma peeked his head out to look at Ayato feeding you, he was jealous. Why hadn’t he thought of feeling you before? It was too late now. The others stared at he fed you, suddenly a horde of men came running behind Ayato and chiming in, saying that they wanted to feed you too.
Goodness.. but it was fun to see them all fight to feed you, you had never gotten so much attention before so this was something and, to your shame, you enjoyed it.
Unfortunately, they could not take turns to feed you as that would be time consuming. They all went back to their spots and finished eating their food while sulking. After everyone had finished their food they set it inside your sink, Thoma offered to clean them and you thanked him.
You felt bad for Thoma just cleaning the dishes by himself but even when you offered to help him he shushed you with his finger pressed against your lips and told you it would be okay.
To even lay a finger on their grace without their consent was simply unforgiving. But for some reason being by your side made them so comfortable, as if you had been their friends since childhood. Was this the many affects you had on them?
After all of the dishes were washed and Thoma joined you all in the living room, you were sitting down on the couch sandwiched between Cyno and Al-haitham. Thoma noticed how majority of them looked tense and irritated, he eyed them down before seating himself down on the floor beside the others.
What Thoma had missed (somewhat as he could still hear the commotion from the other side) was everyone fighting to sit next to you. They were threatening each other and the taller and stronger men would be holding the smaller men, laughing at them.
Like how Capitano was holding Wanderer in his hand, chuckling as he found Wanderer spitting insults and threats at his face, funny. Which he did not like at all.
And in all honestly they could’ve started a war and use their powers if not for the fact that Childe had pointed out that Cyno and Al-haitham had sat themselves down by your side without them noticing.
Before anyone could’ve gotten hurt or broke anything in your house you calmed them down, telling them in a stern voice that if they broke anything you would never talk to them ever again, and it worked because they were all scared of that happening so they sat down obediently.
Wanderer and Lyney sat beside your legs and somewhat hugged them, almost scared that if they did you would scold them or find them creepy (they just wanted to be by your side).
“Hm.. what should we watch? Is there anything in particular you guys enjoy?” You hummed, skimming through Netflix, trying to find a movie for you guys to enjoy and bond over.
But there was a problem. Everybody had their preferences, some wanted horror while the others furiously shake their heads no. Some wanted rom-com but the others immediately shook their heads no.
“Oooh how about some action and adventure? Like Ant-man?” You said, pressing on the Ant-man movies as they read out the summary.
Everybody agreed on that movie and you weren’t sure if they agreed because you chose it or what.. they did choose it because you wanted it.
Not only that but it also sounded interesting. “Ant-man.. that sounds interesting! Why does he have to be an ant..? Why not a tiger or something?” Gorou questioned, looking up at you as he cocked his head to the side.
God.. he was so adorable!! Even if he didn’t mean to do the puppy-dog eyes, he still did them and he looked so squishable!
“Well I have no clue, but it sounds interesting doesn’t it? That’s why we should watch it!” The others surrounding you hummed in agreement. Standing up you walked towards the wall.
“Where are you going?”
“Turning off the lights to get into the mood.”
After turning off the lights Itto ooh’ed and got all giddy, to which wanderer gave the stank eye to him. You plopped down beside Cyno and Al-haitham and pressed the play button on the remote and set it down on the table in front of you.
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During the movie there were tons of reactions, some were laughing from the comedic lines, some were nonchalant and unbothered by everything but they would sit up and lean forward a bit whenever the action would come on.
Some even teared up or straight out sobbed during the sad scenes (ahem you and Kaveh were crying and he just wanted to cling onto you crying but he was so far apart, Cyno and Al-haitham were unsure whether or not to comfort you but you weren’t in your sad feels just.. very emotional over the mother and daughter scene but they still pat you on your head and offered you tissues ahem ahem) while Xiao teared up a little bit but swiftly wiped it away before Zhongli could tease him.
Al-haitham, Dainsleif, Capitano, Pantalone and Diluc were nonchalant during the movie, only moving to get up to get more snacks. Lyney, Childe, Itto and Gorou were somewhat commenting on the movie and only got a smack from Dainsleif when they got loud.
Ayato, Kaeya, Kazuha and Freminet were all very invested in the story, plot and action. Even wincing and laughing when the characters did so too.
Baizhu was coughing every now and then with Neuvillette offering him water to drink to soothe his throat. Unfortunately many did not like how the dialogue would be interrupted by Baizhu’s coughing but before they could yell at him to shush, you would tell them to be quiet and that it wasn’t his fault—Baizhu was grateful for you and almost started to cough even more loudly from gratitude.
Aether, Heizou and Albedo were super into the action and fighting scenes. Occasionally scolding the characters in their head and planning what they would’ve done.
Venti asked you if you had any wine to offer him, you shook your head no telling him that you didn’t drink. Zhongli and Neuvillette’s urge to slap Venti was large but they thankfully restrained themselves.
Wriothesley was the only one that was watching everything going down, and always missing the part that was big in the plot. Reason why? He was watching you in awe of course, as your eyes widened and your mouth formed an “O” at an intense fighting scene or how you gasp or yelp at a jump scare.
But to tell the truth everybody was watching you like how Wriothesley was watching you.
And after one movie after another, you grabbed your phone and looked at the time, thinking you were going to see maybe 1 pm or somewhere in the afternoon, it read 8 pm.
“Already? How quick..” you mumbled under your breath, Cyno sneaked in a glance at your phone and realised it was already 8.
“Should we end the movies now? I mean I think everybody is getting a little tired now..” Cyno states, you peep your head forward and look at everybody on the floor and around you, they did seem sleepy.
“Mhm, okay, I’ll go get the guest bedroom ready and more mattresses.” You got up from the couch and began to get everything. “I’ll put everything away!” Thoma chimed in, standing up as well before putting everybody’s snacks and drinks away.
Cyno and Al-haitham got up, followed by Wanderer and Kaveh, and soon everybody got up, stretching their arms and yawning. “Geez, we watched for so long..” Childe mumbled, blinking his eyes tiredly at the TV.
Soon, Al-haitham began to walk towards your room hoping to find you there to which he did. “Y/n. Do you need any help?”
You turned around and smiled at Al-haitham sleepily. “Sure, I think I need a little help..” you mutter, holding the matter but higher to indicate you needed help with settling everything down.
Al-haitham nodded and walked towards you, grabbing the mattress and setting it down before grabbing the pillows and blanket, placing them on the mattress before glancing at you.
You seemed so tired after watching so many movies in the dark, it’s a wonder how you didn’t manage to fall asleep. Al-haitham sighs.
“Here, let me do everything okay? You get ready for bed and rest, alright?”
You glance up at him as he was much taller than you, you blink at him before furrowing your brows. “You sure? You don’t need any help at all?” Al-haitham shakes his head.
“Well alright then, thank you!” Smiling, you move towards your bathroom and as you stepped foot inside you closed the door shut.
While you were getting ready for bed, Al-haitham was making sure there were enough mattresses for everybody while keeping sure in mind that there was a guest bedroom as well.
You finished getting ready and opened the door, leaving the bathroom and found two mattresses down on the floor that could at least have two people on them. Al-haitham was truly kind and you wanted to reward him for doing something he didn’t have to do.
“You’re done? Well I finished everything so I’ll go call them to come inside. I’ll make sure they don’t make a fuss over who sleeps with you and sleeps on the floor.”
As Al-haitham was about to leave you grab ahold of his muscular arm. You didn’t expect it to be so muscular despite your eyes ogling at it since his release and arrival at your place.
“U-uhm, if you want.. since you’ve helped me how about you sleep in my bed? You don’t have to say yes! I just want to do something in return for you helping me.. I mean you really didn’t have to.”
Al-haitham stared down at you as you continued to hold onto his arm only to release your grip when you realise he wasn’t responding. “Oh, whoops my bad.”
You almost take his silence as a no when he speaks abruptly. “I.. thank you, I’ll take the offer, thank you again.” He replied softly, his eyes focused on you before averting eye contact and clearing his throat.
“I-I’ll Go get them now.” He mumbles, walking off into the living room to go grab them. You sighed and flopped down onto your neatly made bed.
All you were wearing was a tank top and shorts, it was what you normally wore and now that you were sharing a house with men it made you feel somewhat insecure, but still, the best thing in the world was feeling your bare skin touching the cold sheets.
You soon covered yourself with the covers and made yourself comfortable, grabbing one of your plushies and cuddling it, waiting for the men to come flooding in your room.
When are they going to com..
Just as you thought about them, they came through the door like a horde, all fighting over who was going to sleep next to you before Al-haitham stopped them from trampling over the mattresses with his hands like it was nothing.
“One at a time. And Y/n already said I was going to be sleeping next to her.” He said, almost in a smug tone like he was proud of you choosing him and decided to show it off.
“Okay and? There’s still one more slot!” Childe scoffed before Wanderer groaned. “Childe you literally slept with Y/n yesterday you ginger-“ “watch your mouth you purple mushroom head-“
Al-haitham sighed deeply and walked towards your bed, watching as you peeped your head to the side to see Childe and Wanderer yell insults at one another.
“Don’t mind those idiots.” Al-haitham states bluntly, sitting on the edge of the bed. Kazuha, Aether, Heizou and Ayato makes their way around everybody and begins to make themselves comfortable and take off a few of their article of clothings before lying down on the mattresses.
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Finally, everybody sorted themselves out and figured out where they would sleep. With you blind choosing whoever would be the other people to sleep next to you which was Dainsleif.
Kaveh, Baizhu, Itto, Wanderer and the rest would be sleeping in the guest room much to their sadness. While Kazuha, Aether, Heizou, Ayato, Zhongli, and all that weren’t sleeping in the guest bedroom made their way to each mattress.
Everybody settled themselves on the mattresses and some even turned on the fan as they complained about it being too “hot”.
Dainsleif climbed onto the bed and took off his cape and a few other things. Al-haitham removed the covers and covered himself with the blanket.
You glanced over at Dainsleif and raised your brows. “I don’t want to be rude but aren’t you going to take off your mask?”
Dainsleif looks over at you before smiling softly, “well of course, I’ll remove it later on don’t worry. Just try and get some rest okay?” You hummed and sank down into the bed, sighing in content from being surrounded by the warmth of two very handsome men.
It’s silent and dark with only the sound of the softly humming fan. Everybody was awake and you knew it. You could hear the soft breathing of Al-haitham and Dainsleif coming from both sides of you. Soon, a thought and realisation pops in your mind.
“Wait, you guys didn’t go shower yet.. right?”
“…. Yeah..”
You sighed, knowing that you would probably have to go shopping tomorrow for clothes and sanitary products aaaand probably go broke.
> ✧ part three
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note: THIS TOOK ME LIKE A COUPLE HOURS TO WRITE?? ALSO SPARE ME WITH ANYTHING RELATED TO GRAMMAR AND SPELLING I PROOF READ IT BUT AT THE SAME TIME I WAS TIRED SO.. ALSO. Im glad that you guys are enjoying this series so much 😭😭 honestly didn’t expect so many liking this so thank you guys so much!! I hope I continue to reach your expectations.
(also guys drop some suggestions or scenarios in my inbox that I could possibly add to the next chapters!)
taglist: @tomansimp @one-offmind @miitchijii @dainsleif-when-playable @momoewn @stygianoir @irethepotato @v4an @imetsk @fiannee @sunnyf4lls @goldenglow149 @rhwm @urlocalheizousimp @hex-vx @saltylovetale @backintomykpopphaseagain @toramune @oreo-ren @serenity-loves-red @flooofity @minteasketches @amaizverydum @lovelive-animequeen1029 @roseapov @yuraasia @chellazhef @fulldoves @kateybuggi @wanderingconstellations (if the usernames aren’t highlighted that’s because I can’t tag you so I’ll dm you when I post a new chapter!)
if im missing anyone please tell me because i have an inkling feeling i missed a few
liking + following + reblogs are greatly appreciated!!!
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iovebarca · 4 months
Hello!! I was wondering if I could request Marc guiu X reader? Maybe they could be shopping? Grocery shopping, Clothes shopping, really anything! It’s totally okay if you can’t write this, I understand! And don’t pressure yourself to write it, take your time and have fun!well that’s all, thank you if you do write this, have a good night :))
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A Dress and a Kiss - Marc Guiu
Authors note: Finally had the time to write something😭 I hope I did your request well !!!❤️
Warnings: incorrect grammar (probably), my first language isn't english so if you notice any mistakes please tell me, just fluff!
WC: 800+
Summary: You and Marc spend the day running errands and shopping together. You surprise him with a beautiful dress and share a tender moment when you reveal it to him at home.
You and Marc stroll hand in hand through the bustling streets, the sun casting a warm glow over the city. Today is a day for errands, but with Marc by your side, even grocery shopping feels like an adventure.
As you enter the grocery store, you grab a cart and begin weaving through the aisles, Marc trailing behind you. With each item you toss into the cart, you exchange playful banter and stolen glances, reveling in the simple joy of being together.
"Hey, do we need more eggs?" Marc asks, holding up a carton with a mischievous grin.
You laugh and shake your head, swatting his arm playfully. "No, we're good on eggs. But grab some milk while you're over there."
Marc nods and heads off to the dairy section, leaving you to navigate the maze of shelves on your own. But it's not long before he's back by your side, a carton of milk in hand and a goofy grin on his face.
"Got it," he announces proudly, depositing the milk into the cart with a flourish.
You roll your eyes affectionately and continue your shopping, enjoying the easy rhythm of your time together.
After checking out at the grocery store, you and Marc make your way to the nearby clothing boutique. As you browse the racks of clothes, Marc offers his opinions on various outfits, his eyes lighting up with excitement as he helps you find the perfect pieces.
"That dress would look amazing on you," he says, holding up a flowy sundress in your favorite color.
You smile at his suggestion, grateful for his input. "You think so?"
"Definitely," he replies, his gaze soft and sincere. "But honestly, you could wear a potato sack and still look beautiful."
You laugh at his cheesy compliment, leaning in to press a quick kiss to his cheek. "You're too sweet baby."
As you continue to shop, you spot a gorgeous dress tucked away on a display rack. It's perfect for a special occasion, and you can't help but feel a flutter of excitement as you imagine wearing it.
But when you pick it up to inspect it further, you realize that Marc is hovering nearby, trying to catch a glimpse of the dress.
"Hey, no peeking!" you scold playfully, holding the dress close to your chest to shield it from his view.
Marc pouts in mock disappointment, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Aw, come on, just a little peek?"
You shake your head with a grin, tucking the dress securely under your arm. "Nope, it's a surprise. You'll have to wait until I wear it."
Marc laughs and relents, knowing better than to argue with you when you're determined. But as you continue to shop, he can't help but steal curious glances at the hidden treasure tucked safely away in your arms.
After a day of errands and shopping with Marc, you return home with a secret treasure tucked away: a beautiful dress you couldn't resist buying. As you step through the door of your shared apartment, excitement bubbles within you, eager to unveil your surprise.
"Close your eyes and wait right here."
With a chuckle, Marc obliges, closing his eyes and standing still as you slip away to change into your new purchase. As you carefully unzip the bag and slide the dress over your head, you can't help but feel a surge of anticipation. This dress is more than just fabric and seams—it's a symbol of your love and the excitement of sharing special moments with Marc.
Once you're ready, you take a deep breath and step out into the room, the skirt of the dress swishing softly around your legs. "Okay, you can open your eyes now."
Marc's eyes flutter open, and as he takes in the sight of you standing before him in the new dress, his breath catches in his throat. "Wow," he breathes, his gaze roaming over you appreciatively.
You twirl around, the skirt of the dress swirling gracefully around you, and a smile spreads across your face at Marc's awestruck expression. "What do you think?"
"Wow- I think you look absolutely stunning," Marc says, his voice filled with genuine admiration.
But before you can respond, he's crossing the room in quick strides, his hands reaching out to pull you close. "And I think I'm a very lucky man."
In that moment, bathed in the gentle moonlight, you lean in and press a tender kiss to Marc's lips. It's a kiss filled with love and gratitude, a silent expression of everything you feel for him.
His arms wrap around you and you melt into his embrace, the warmth of his touch sending shivers down your spine.
"I love you," he whispers, his voice barely more than a breath against your skin.
"I love you too," you reply, feeling a warmth spread through you at the simple truth of those words.
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raythekiller · 1 year
hi there, i just wanna say i really love your writing 😭😭 i hope u’ve been doing well too!
cld i request.. your hcs on what u think the creepypastas’ ideal S/O’s wld be like? maybe hobbies, or mbti types, or stuff in detail.. hehe
🗒 ❛ Their Ideal S/O ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Jeff The Killer, Ben Drowned, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Masky, Hoodie
#Notes: ty!! I don't think any of them would care for hobbies, so this is more personality wise. I also added the MBTI's :)
pronouns used: they/them
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jeff The Killer
Honestly, he's a little complicated to figure out, and I think he doesn't even know what he wants. While he would love a partner that is completely dependent on him and pays attention to no one else, he hates partners that are too clingy and need a lot of attention. If you need reassurance that he loves you or get offended easily, it's a hard no. He wants someone easy to manipulate and who'll do whatever he says, almost worshiping him, but also has tough skin. An introvert would also be best, as it would mean they don't have many other people they are close to. As for MBTI, maybe an INTP would be best suited for him.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ben Drowned
In all honesty, he doesn't take dating very seriously and would prefer a partner that doesn't, either. He hates having to be deliberate about pretty much anything, so someone who's all about fun and not afraid of letting loose would be perfect. Also, someone a bit pervy. I said it before that I think he got stuck in that pre pubescent boy mentality after he died, and we all know how those kids are. Basically, he's looking for a copy of himself: someone generally fun to be around and a bit out of pocket. For MBTI, a xNFP would be best (either introverted or extroverted, he doesn't care).
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ticci Toby
He needs someone gentle, caring and understanding, not only to him but to others as well (mostly to him, though). His partner must feel like the light at the end of the tunnel, the Sun after a storm, someone who gives him hope that maybe, just maybe, things could be better. He didn't have much compassion in his life, both growing up and now in the manor, so someone who gives him that will undoubtedly become the love of his life. Also, preferably they won't mind being suffocated by his affection a little. He's quite clingy, so you won't get much alone time. For MBTI, his ideal type would be an ESFJ.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Eyeless Jack
He would like someone a little like himself. Quiet, a bit nerdy, calm and collected. Someone to give him a little bit of the peace he's been craving for so long. Most of all, though, he needs someone that can reassure him. To tell him that he's not a monster and that he's loved and cared for, not only say it but show as well. He can get quite self conscious at times, so a person that is patient with him and his insecurities would be perfect. Also, he doesn't show it, but he's severely touch starved, so someone a bit too cuddly would steal his heart in seconds. As for MBTI, an ISTJ would be perfect.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Laughing Jack
Not gonna lie, he needs someone a bit bossy. He's used to just doing whatever he wants when he wants, so someone scolding him and putting him in his place would catch him off guard, but in a good way if that makes sense. Like EJ, lots of reassurance. He needs you to tell him you're not going anywhere almost constantly and gets insecure quite often, so please be patient. But back to the bossy thing, telling what to do goes a long way with this guy for some reason. Generally, someone who's more dominant but can still be gentle. Also, they should probably be okay with PDA, because it's gonna happen whether they like it or not. For MBTI, an ENFP.
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Weirdly enough, pretty similar to LJ. He thinks he would like someone obedient and submissive, but his last crushes say otherwise. In reality, he needs someone who can stand their ground when he gives them some shit, not just sit there and take it. Someone opinionated and who's not afraid to speak their mind. Hell, kick his ass if you have to, he'll be into that shit. Also, they have to be kind of a ride or die. Tim doesn't do relationship lightly, and he expects you not to, either. Someone who's willing to give him a lot of praise also goes a long way. He has a massive ego, so feeding into it is definitely going to earn you some affection points. For MBTI, an ISTP.
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Now this motherfucker has the biggest corruption kink known to man, so he normally goes after people he considers cute and fragile. Being patient while trying to communicate with him is a HUGE bonus. If you try to learn ASL because of him he's getting on one knee right then and there. Likes people who are chatty, but also thinks quiet people are adorable, so it's a win-win for either. Wants someone who wouldn't question him much (the phrase he tells them most often is "Come on, don't you trust me?") and is a bit naive and easy to manipulate. As for MBTI, a xNFP.
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traceyc-uk · 2 months
Hiii tracey!! You know I absolutely adore your arts!! Seeing your comics made me wanna try drawing one too, but the idea scares me. I feel like i have to know how to do compositions, backgrounds, effects, choose the right panels etc etc (tho ofc i really just have to try it). Do you have any tips or resources on how to make it less intimidating 👉👈
What?! no way because I can have a rant about how much I love yours! You better keep an eye on your ask box because I’ve got questions for you too missy, ok deal? DEAL 🤝
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I find backgrounds and panel layouts tough too and effects takes me longest but there’s no right or wrong way to approach it and all I can suggest is go easy on yourself and just go for it! Honestly there’re some pages in my past comics that are painful to see because I’ve forced panels around to fit in exposition or set up for something later but who’ll know apart from myself
Your figure drawing is so gorgeous too! So good at illustrating movement! just being able to tell a story through body language I like to do too and just doing that is a great way to start. Forget about backgrounds and everything else if it’s putting too much pressure and go at your own pace. Like Calvin and Hobbs if you’ve ever read any of that?
I don’t often draw backgrounds either, I’m not sure how much detail you want to go but my last comic I drew an establishing environment to set the scene and that’s it
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One saving grace in making HL comics is it’s already set in a well established world and most would instantly recognise places if given the right prompts (four long tables = great hall) I play on PS5 and I’ve got so many screenshots of place references 😅
Some panels are literal trace overs of screenshots and I do anything and everything to make life easier (the Beast class bullies had the most backgrounds as it jumped around scenes so much) i find filtered images too jarring against my drawing too
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My comfort approach is rule of thirds for composition and is I think a great way to start establishing frames and once you get more comfortable you can start playing around with it
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Effects I’ve copied from comics I liked as I had no idea where to start too, I have no consistency either it changes because I’ve forgotten what I did before 😅
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Panel layout I’m still finding my way too, I often don’t plan linearly, I’ll have keyframe panels (in green) and is finding the rhythm getting point A to B is loose and fun to navigate. and there’s so much of my earlier comics I’d like to change with what I learned now but I digress
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This is just my approach and I’m definitely no expert but am happy to help anyway I can. I’m always copying or taking reference from films and comics I like too, taking elements that I like so much about it and let it influence and inform my own style.
If anything I’m nervous for the next one I’m working on now, emotional angst is definitely out of my comfort zone 😭 and I’m no writer like you are
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quack-quack-snacks · 28 days
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Time Will Tell - Chapter 19
My Time Will Tell Masterlist
My Cha Hyun-su Masterlist
My Navigation and Masterlist
The Time Will Tell Glossary
Warnings: Periods and bleeding through clothes (its so traumatic omg 😭). Word Count: 1,266
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You heard the whistle blowing as you sat on a pillow on the ground reading your book. It blew over and over again and you groaned in annoyance. You knew this was a drill the group was practicing but it was honestly something you weren’t interested in. It was even more annoying when you realized the room you were in was the room they were using to practice.
Ji-su came into the room, growling and acting like a monster while Hye-in screamed in terror, crawling away from her. You tried to refocus on your book but it was hard with all the screaming and banging.
They suddenly were able to catch her in a net and have her hanging in the air.
Eun-yu clapped her hands sarcastically. “Whoo! This is just great. You all seemed to be having fun.”
She walked out and passed by Jin-ok and your siblings as they walked in. They saw you on the ground and you waved at them with a smile. They waved back and smiled before Jin-ok redirected them to the nursery again with the chaos all controlled.
You walked out of the main lobby room with conflicted emotions. Eun-hyuk had just announced the Green House Rules of Survival.
Move in groups of two or more. Report anything unusual immediately.
Your assigned buddy was Jin-ok, a pairing you didn’t mind all that much.
Eat once a day. Only the prescribed amount is distributed.
Luckily, Eun-hyuk had already thought about child growth and agreed to up the ration size for Su-yeong and Yeong-su whenever they ate.
Check everyone’s temperature every night at 8:00 p.m.
You were okay with this one. It was an easy way to check and make sure everyone was healthy in general but also a way to see if they were having any symptoms.
And the last one. The one you hated the most and weren’t afraid to show how much you hated it.
Quarantine the infected.
You despised it. It was terrible and inhumane and cruel. You knew Seok-hyeon wasn’t good company in that room and it got on your nerves that Eun-hyuk had started doing everything he could to stop you from going in to see Hyun-su. You hated it. The affection you held for the boy grew stronger with each day you saw or even didn’t see him. You didn’t know if it was reciprocated and to be honest you didn’t really care. You just wanted to protect him and keep him safe, but it seemed like you were the only one who thought that.
You watched as Jae-hwan slid a piece of paper through the crack of the gate of the arcade room.
A grocery list.
They made him a fucking grocery list. With stupid items like sunscreen, and nail polish.
You hated most of the residents you were living with.
It was infuriating to you and you couldn’t believe how selfish they were being. They hardly even said a word, they just handed him the paper and walked off quickly, like being near him would infect them.
Honestly, you sort of wished it would, that way they can experience the way they’re treating him and understand their wrongdoings.
Later on, when Eun-hyuk led Hyun-su to the staircase entrance for his next trip, you ran up to them. While you wanted to argue against him going with Eun-hyuk, you knew it was pointless so you looked at Hyun-su instead.
“Stay safe, Hyun-su. Please,” you begged quietly.
He stared at you with a hurricane of unreadable emotions swimming in his eyes. With a nod, he assured you he would be. You reached out to grab his hand but hesitated and pulled away at the last second. You noticed the way he seemed to feel about your touch whenever you touched him so you started to stop yourself from doing it. It was hard though because you were so used to touch.
He looked disappointed by you pulling away but gave you another nod before turning and ascending the stairs. You didn’t even look at Eun-hyuk as you turned around and walked towards the daycare where your siblings were playing around and laughing loudly.
A few more days passed and Hyun-su continued to be an Uber Eats delivery boy for all of the residents, and it pissed you off to no end.
Each day, the boy would come up to you before he left and ask if you needed anything, anything he could find and bring down or help you with; and each day, you turned down all his offers. You refused to use him like everyone else, refused to make him a puppet to do everything you asked. You turned him down day after day, and you made a promise that you would continue to turn him down every day.
That is… until today.
“Fuck! No, this cannot be happening,” you complained quietly in the bathroom. You were just using the bathroom as usual when you pulled down your underwear and saw them soaked with blood.
The apocalypse happened and every living thing in the world was slaughtering or being slaughtered but your body still had a functioning uterus.
You groaned in frustration, grabbing an unnecessary amount of toilet paper on a normal basis, but a very necessary amount for this situation, and wrapping it around your underwear. It would do for maybe a few hours, but you knew you would need some other sanitation products soon.
Periods sucked.
You did the rest of your business and stepped up to the sink to wash your hands.
“Holy shit,” you heard Eun-yu say from behind you and you jumped. You had no idea she was even in the bathroom, let alone right behind you. You finished washing before turning to face her. “You completely bled through,” she said somewhat regretfully, pointing to your pants. You groaned with your head in your hands, not even wanting to look but knowing you should.
She was right. It was bad. It looked like you sat in a bloodbath and you sighed in exhaustion. You assumed the stress from all that was happening was causing your flow to be heavier than usual. “Fuck,” you said under your breath. You were thankful you got your jacket back from your siblings when you gave it to them as a blanket and could use it as a coverup. You shucked the jacket off your arms and wrapped it around your waist, doing a little spin to make sure everything was covered to the best of your ability. Afterwards, you turned to Eun-yu with worried eyes. “Does it look okay?”
She placed her hands in her pockets and leaned against the wall. “Yeah, it looks fine now. You’ll get blood on your jacket though.”
You shrugged. “Part of the process, I guess. You wouldn’t have any pads by chance, would you?” She shook her head, giving you a remorseful smile. You nodded, returning the smile in thanks.
You walked around the lobby, going to all the girls and asking if they had any period equipment but none of them did. You got more and more hopeless after each person you asked, finishing up with Hye-in.
“Why don’t you ask Hyun-su to get some on his next trip?” She suggested. Your eyes lit up, but not for the suggestion she made.
“I’m never going to ask him to do anything like that for me. It’s using him and I refuse to do that. You did give me an idea, though, so thank you.”
She nodded in acknowledgement but her face showed confusion.
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dolskele · 3 months
Playing Course of Temptation for funsies, super fun so far! Here's my list of pros and cons so far (not tht deep into the game yet btw)
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·Similar concept/idea for DOL but it's college!
·OMG TRANS/NONBINARY OPTIONS FOR PC AND NPCS!!!!!! I finally got to make Luca trans😭😭
-> People actually acknowledge that you're trans! From what I've seen, the PC corrects when someone calls their privates something they don't prefer (ex. calling it the "front hole" instead)
·Main character creation is SUPER interactive! What u choose for their highschool experience affects their stats!! Super cool
·College life is more focused on, and earning money. DOL is fun for how many options there are to do other shit, but the stability is nice lol
·All kinky shit is similar to DOL, interactions and sexual encounters are easy to navigate
·Theres a goddamn opportunity to do cam shows. U need exhibition 4/6 or whatever for it but I NEED IT
·I love that we can customize our best friend! I named mine Robin Hayes... because it felt right to transfer him from DOL-> COT lmaoooo
·The interactions between characters are fun! I esp love tht when u go eat, u can choose what table u sit at and talk to the people there! And ur interests matter, esp if u wanna befriend them
·NPCs are very interactive and memorable! If u interact w/ them enough, u can learn their name and even upgrade them to friend/rival/enemy!!
·U can develop crushes unprompted/others can have crushes on u! It's not so important, but it's cuteeeee😊
·PARTYS ON FRIDAYS!!!! Most fun shit ever, u can eat as much u want, drink as much (u don't have to drink alcohol unless someone offers and ur willpower isn't high enough)
And now for the 🥊CONS🥊:
·I said NPCs are more memorable, but now I'm more attached to them than the Special Characters😭😭😭
·Sadly, the Bailey grind is back. But so far it's just been $100, and it's just ur mom asking for it as compensation for living on the dorms and going to college¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so that's fair (and if ur grades are high enough, u only pay $80!)
•You have more stats to take care of!! Rest, relaxation, hygiene, food, bladder, release (aka horniness)
·I love money too much and I'm a hoarder, so I've been grinding on my job @ the burger place in town😭
Aaaand that's it. Yeah idk much rn since I've just started, but it's promising so far! And just to catch more attention, here are a few screenshots I took!!💗💗Enjoy💗💗
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katy-l-wood · 9 months
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New year, new branding!
Well folks, here we go! Big announcement time! After a lot of thinking over the last year about myself and my art and writing and where I want to go with everything, I have decided to stop operating under just my name and rebrand everything under a shiny new umbrella! The name Aspen & Copper is inspired by my favorite trees and the place I grew up, which has copper in the name. And, as you can see, it's a very outdoorsy theme with topography and mountains and camping and such. I'm stupidly in love with it, honestly.
As for WHY this is happening, I needed a more clear dividing line between who I am and what I do, and operating under just my name wasn't allowing me to do that. But a big rebrand like this is no easy undertaking! It is, in fact, still in progress and probably will be for awhile yet given how busy I am. But the new website is officially done, and that was one of the biggest pieces. If you have time, please go poke around the new site. I'm quite proud of it!
What this means for YOU, my lovely subscribers and fans, is the following:
My books will still be by Katy L. Wood, but they'll be under the umbrella of Aspen & Copper.
I'm in the process of switching most of my socials over to Aspen & Copper. (More info on Tumblr specifically here in a sec.)
I'm retiring my old email address and switching over to [email protected], so if you want to reach out to me about projects or anything else, that's the spot to do it! The old email still works, but if you reach out to that one you'll be redirected to the new one.
The www.Katy-L-Wood.com URL will now redirect to www.AspenAndCopper.com.
That's about it! All my projects are still going ahead as normal, just with this lovely little new brand leading the way.
What this means for tumblr specifically:
This blog isn't going anywhere! But I do have a new blog, @aspenandcopper, (which isn't fully set up yet, shhhh...) which will eventually JUST be my art and writing so there's a (somewhat) cleaner way to navigate all that stuff just on Tumblr itself.
Also, I am toying with changing the name of this blog at some point, but I haven't found anything I like enough yet so for now it shall stay my name. Don't worry, if I change it I'll make sure to make the change very clear to everyone!
I swear I'm going to get better about sending out my newsletter. 😭 To make it more fun for anyone who signs up, I'll be including an exclusive look at new art and writing stuff in each one! The most recent one had a sneak peak of a little doodle of Royal and Shiloh that I'm cleaning up and finishing, and a piece with Dustin and Vivian I've been working on for awhile! Plus a fun snippet from my book, Camp Daze, which is (finally) launching on Kickstarter very, very soon!
You can sign up for the newsletter super easy on my website.
Speaking of Kickstarter
Like I said above, Camp Daze is FINALLY launching soon, so be sure to sign up to be notified about the launch. More info about that coming soon.
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skiiyoomin · 1 year
teruhashi X fem reader pls 🙏🙏🙏 can be anything from a proper fic to just headcanons I'm so desperate 😭😭😭💥💥💥
ღTeruhashi as your girlfriend
ʚContent: fem! reader, fluff
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a/n yo schools been kicking my ass but FINALLY its here!! i did a little mix of both headcanons and small fics, hope you enjoy!! :))
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Teruhashi is literally so so so sweet
sweetest gf EVER
she gives me "best friends to lovers"
literally connected right away
you know the classic, you're new to school and need to make new friends, well Teruhashi being the open and friendly person she is, walked up to you!
You're sitting at your new desk when suddenly the most stunning girl you had ever seen stood in front of you. "Hi there! I'm Teruhashi, let's be friends!"
And obviously how could you say no to someone like her. To your surprise, you both connected almost immediately, whether it was because you had similar interests or because you complimented each other. Either way, you became attached by the hip!
Being around Teruhashi naturally made you a pretty popular person and by the week everyone knew who you were.
With this popularity, you were prone to constant love confessions
which made Teruhashi jealous but she didn't know it yet
at first she thought it's because she's jealous of the confessions you receive
but it's not until you go on a date with a guy that she realized it's because she wants you for herself!
she had a little bit of a hard time accepting these feelings but once she did, she became 10 times more attached
though now, everything you did flustered her
she definitely confessed by accident, while she was thinking about doing it for a while now, she never had the guts to do it until it accidentally slipped out
"How come you never go on dates Kokomi? I'm sure there must've been someone who's caught your eye by now"
"There is someone, though I don't think they like me"
You were baffled at this, someone not liking her? Impossible!
"No way! I don't believe that, there's not one person who could possibly not like you"
"It's true!"
You kept it going until Teruhashi snapped, taking you by surprise.
"I know they don´t like me back because that person is you!"
She seemed surprised by her own words as well because she quickly covered her mouth, her eyes as wide as saucers. Though yours probably looked the same.
"I...I´m so sorry I did not mean to say that, I -"
You cut her off by pressing a tentative kiss to her lips.
You can imagine how the rest goes
After this y´all started dating and became THE couple of the school
for the most part your relationship stayed the same expect you were much more affectionate with each ohter!
LOTS of shopping dates
Teruhashi is your number 1 hype girl
her love language is physical touch, it doesn´t matter where you are, she always has her hand somewhere on you
if you have a similar size, you´re ALWAYS sharing clothes
your fashion styles end up mixing up
now you have your own unique styles!
in general all of your dates are super cute and fun
there´s not one single moment where either of you aren´t having fun with each other
her brother definetly had a hard time accepting your relationship BUT, once he did you were basically a part of the family
also, your periods sync up
because of this, you both spend the day cuddling each other and being each others warmth
it may not seem like it, but shes super attentive to your wants and needs and basically knows you like the back of her hand
always has the things you like in her backpack in case you ever crave them!
SO SO SO many cute nicknames and sweet words!! never fails to make you feel flustered
but shes just as easy to fluster
it doesn´t matter if you´ve been dating for a couple months or years, the butterflies never go away
she´s both your best friend and lover and your biggest supporter and confidant and there´s nothing as perfect and wonderful as that
Teruhashi supremacy >>>>
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eluxcastar · 2 years
Soft Dottore with his cold assistant 👀
── ୨୧:il dottore x reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: observation in snezhnaya is always a pain, and it's not out of character for you to underestimate how thick a coat you'll need while outside during the winter
୨୧﹑genre :: fluff
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, more soft dottore content, possibly ooc, I did not proofread a word of this but I noticed I wrote goat once instead of coat sorry if that happens again 😭
୨୧﹑words :: 1072
atp I don't think I can function without fluffy scenarios (send help) I wrote this while David Hobson was allowing Christmas to start with The Holy City (I don't even celebrate Christmas 💀) it's so late rn Merry Christmas Dottore nation ❤️
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you hate these kinds of researching days, the dead middle of Snezhnayan winter when the Doctor decides there's an urgent sample he has to collect, something to study, today it's something he simply wants to observe - the functions of an automaton Sandrone had given him to play with. he certainly was fulfilling the 'fun' part of that equation, dragging you out at the break of dawn just to see how this machine works in snowy climates. in his own words, it is to go while the snow is still falling. the early morning hours would provide more time, he could be meticulous without the threat of time and the dastardly sun looming over his head threatening to melt all of his snow.
you expected to stay inside all day considering the cold, not even thinking to grab your good coat as you left home, and now you shiver under only the cover of a coat far too thin for the job. the sky is dark, no sun out to warm you even slightly. that's your only problem with the dark, finding it easy to navigate with Dottore only a few steps ahead of you brimming with confidence in where he's going. you should've known better than to think Dottore would be bothered by the cold. he isn't. he's pointing out things he can already picking up even when you weren't even at the spot he wants to test it.
you're not sure he can notice your shivering as you follow behind him. you wish you were with just about anyone else right about now, preferably one who wouldn't mind you standing close and cuddling up under their hopefully warm coat so that you could warm yourself right up with their body heat.
the Doctor would never allow such silly things, more importantly he'd scold you for your carelessness.
so you carry on until you reach the clearing, no less cold as when you first set out, though you have become somewhat numb to it. it doesn't help you at all. you sit down in a clear spot of snow while he sets his new toy down a small way away. he's fiddling away with that while you're fiddling with your coat, trying to find a way to cover all the cold spots where the air is making your skin prick with goosebumps. it's an impossible task.
your focus shifts at the sound of footsteps, the rustling of fabric coming from the same direction Dottore was in. you look up, thinking the Doctor must be coming to join you only to see him removing his coat. it takes you a moment to process the why and in that moment he's stopped right in front of you, coat bunched in his hands.
"You always forget to bring a proper coat." he places his coat over your shoulders, wrapping you quite snugly in it in fact, though you refrain from telling him that as you pull it taut around you in hopes of perhaps gleaning some extra warmth from it. it smells like him. it's like the warm hug you know you will never receive from him.
"Won't you be cold, Doctor?"
"You are on the verge of freezing to death. I'm surprised your teeth don't chatter." he says, a somewhat firm statement that shuts you up by pure accuracy as you didn't expect him to have noticed when you were tucked away just behind him the whole time. "For an assistant working toward the pursuit of knowledge, it makes me wonder how you don't ever learn."
there's a sense of embarrassment that settles in you as silence overwhelms the conversation, finding nothing that you could say in response that would disprove any of that-- inadvertently, you suppose that simply proves what he says. you don't learn. you bury your face in the fur lining of the collar. you recognise this coat as the one he wears to Harbinger meetings, as well as while he's out during the winters. it's quite a thick coat, you realise, perhaps explaining why he would take it out to what was only a field trip by comparison to your usual work.
you feel awkward as he takes a seat by your side, feeling cold in his place even when you're wrapped up in his coat and being practically insulated by it. his lack of covering is a lot more apparent now, sticking out like a sore thumb and it hits you that he likely knew the second he laid eyes on you in only a thin coat not made to withstand harsh winters that you were cold. it was obvious to you now.
as the minutes pass, you begin to realise you aren't staring at the automation like he instructed but at him, a wave of guilt overcoming you and you scoot closer to his side until you feel the warmth that radiates off of him as you part it to reach out for him.
"Are you still cold?" he remains unwavering in his focus on that machine, doing something you pay no mind to. whatever it is is mesmerising him, a state you've noticed happens most frequently when things work out, especially if they work out in a particularly interesting way. this looks like things are just working out though.
you shake your head, finding yourself easing back into the comfort his coat provides, "It's better," you add, "the wind isn't so bad."
you feel it again, the guilt that you felt taking his coat. it was the reason you had gotten closer at all. had he noticed that at all? you're hesitant to move again, wondering how-- if he would react if he was to catch you. knowing him he'd ignore it just to toy with you, even when he was watching you the whole time. he's distinctly mean in that way.
"Aren't you cold, Doctor?" you try to ask again, thinking he won't answer like last time. "We'll be out here for some time if it can keep that up." a brief glance to the automaton and you're not sure what exactly it's doing - likely the result of not looking at it for some time - but the way Dottore hums in agreement makes it sound as if he understands the sentiment. you make a good point it seems.
"We'll simply be forced to share it, since you didn't bring a coat of your own, silly little thing."
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marshmallowprotection · 4 months
Hey, I've recently discovered your blog and I've been binge reading almost all of your writing lol. I love them and I honestly admire your dedication and love for MysMe, thank you so much for all your writing! Though I hope you aren't pushing yourself or anything 😭💗 I'm wondering if you have any HCs of Jumin and V during their childhood/teenagehood?
Jumin and Jihyun recount many events throughout their childhoods now and again, and sometimes I find myself laughing because there's things you don't expect them to say. Like, when they were both in the church choir and had a singing contest between one another! They're poking fun at each other because of it, and it reminds me that they're childhood friends without a doubt and even though there's a lot we're unable to see, they've always been there for each other to see this or that.
Sometimes, I like to think about Jihyun and Jumin doing homework together! It wasn't easy to do it when they were in elementary school because their families likely had them with tutors and in cram classes most, if not all of the time, on school days. But, as teenagers, I like to think Jihyun is glaring at his art history homework while shoveling his tiramisu down, and Jumin sipping tea, casually tearing through much of his calculus homework.
You'd think they would talk while they work, but that's not always the case. They enjoy each other's company, and if you actually hear those two talking, it's because Jihyun couldn't handle the way the way all of his books phrased the wrong information about something, and that presses Jumin to discuss why he thinks the information is wrong and why incorrect information would be published.
Those two could be talking for hours while continuing their work, but if you get them talking about something, they're never going to shut up. Which, is good, I don't want either of them to feel like they aren't allowed to talk at length when they feel comfortable with someone else.
But, that does lend itself to their life later on, when you hear about how casually they speak to each other when they have an evening purposefully set aside for drinks. Rika used to tell them to go to bed because they would spend hours discussing the universe and then not only would they wake up with a hangover, they wouldn't get to bed until sunrise.
The good thing about their friendship is that they find a sense of kinship in each other. Those two have the tendency to hold back unless they're with each other or their respected MC. I don't know why they feel like they have to hold back when it comes to their passion and enjoying the fine art of having communication be of language... but it's nice to see open up. Jumin and Jihyun are the type of people I would love to talk to for hours because so much of their friendship is built on the fact that they've always been able to talk to each other about anything.
That's why it hurts so much when Jihyun stops confiding in Jumin, after all.
Here's a light-hearted theory before I tell you the most painful thing I can imagine, Jihyun would drive Jumin around in his little toy car after the accident because Jumin was never allowed to drive his car again after he snuck onto the Kim property and smacked his car into the wall. That’s okay, though, Jihyun loves the wind in his hair and Jumin prefers to be a navigator. 
After the house fire, Jumin is the only one who visits Jihyun regularly. Mr. Kim doesn't bother to visit his son that often, sure, he's there if he HAS to be, but outside of that, he doesn't visit. Jihyun is in pain, he's experiencing the agony of loss after his mother sacrificed her life for his. He wishes he listened to Jumin earlier, he wishes he tried to a lot harder to listen to his Mother and do the right thing, and he wishes... the darkest thought of all, that his mother was still alive instead.
He's hurting, and that hurt silenced the once pretentious teenager who was ready to fight his professors about the meaning of modern art.
He becomes a shell of himself. He doesn't talk to people, he doesn't want to be around people, and it doesn't seem to matter how much people try to take his mind off of things, nothing makes it better. He is in so much pain all the time and it doesn't seem like the painkillers are going to make it any better.
I have always run with the assumption that his back is covered in burn scars and that's one of the reasons why he refuses to wear any clothes that reveal his body. The burns hurt a lot, and no amount of money can heal him, because it really doesn't matter if you have all the money in the world— you are not immune from death and injury. 
That being said, there's only one person who comes to visit him every day, one person who always wants to talk to him even if he's not in the mood, and one person who has always promised to be by his side no matter what's going on. It’s Jumin Han. Jumin reads to him when he visits, he tells him about what he's learned that day, he tells him a lot... anything he could think of to help. Jumin isn't the best at being comforting, he always judges if what he's saying is right, but he can't do nothing when Jihyun needs him.
I sincerely think one of the reasons why V was able to get through the brunt of his Hospital stay has to do with the fact Jumin was there for him. Jumin refused to let his best friend be alone. He was the one who told Jihyun to make things right with his mother, and he knows that no matter how difficult things were in the end, that woman was everything to Jihyun. His Mother was a kind woman, and she loved her son more than anything... enough to give her life for his. That's a sacrifice Jumin understands on some level.
It's the kind of familial love he's always read about in books because he isn't getting love at home.
Not that you should be willing to throw your life on the line at every corner for your loved one, but there is something to be said about the willingness to jump in the line of fire to protect somebody you care about in the heat of the moment. I don't know if the two ever communicated with each other about this at length, in fact, I have a feeling they didn't, but—I do believe Jumin had it in his heart that he needed to be there for Jihyun because that’s what his mother would’ve wanted.
She didn’t want her son to be alone. 
He is a family-oriented person, and I know he always tries to see the best in someone's family, including his, even if it's not easy. He is the one who tries to reach out to Mr. Kim... even as they're adults. Jumin can't help but want better for V's family. It's just like how he wants his family to be better as well.
But, I know that no amount of Jumin talking to Mr. Kim would make him visit his son more… and Jumin did what he could for his friend back then.
I've always had this mental image of V laying face down in his hospital bed and Jumin sitting by his bedside, reading a book to him as the soft hum of cicadas and heart monitor beats linger between them. It's not perfect, not by any means, but they're together and that counts.
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rachi-roo · 11 months
Fic request open? Hello ??? Jdjdhsksks *Dying*Sorry for being so sudden, I sure hope your day is as great as you are!💙
Do you write x readers ? Sorry if you already mentioned that and my stupid self didn't notice. I always liked your blog but was a tad too shy to actually interact or send an ask 🥹
Maybe a Tachihara x male (or gn, whatever you feel more comfortable with) reader? I let you choose the summary and all that stuff cause I know whatever you write is amazing 🫂
And if you don't write for x reader then maybe a little Fyolai? Or whatever pairing you enjoy from Bsd? Or even another anime you'd like to write for, I'm not picky!
Of course you can always refuse or ignore this, I'll already feel honored if you just checked this ask ! If you're too busy or don't feel like doing it it's alright your well-being comes first! And if this ask somehow made you uncomfortable then I'm terribly sorry I didn't mean it 😭
-blue anon 💙
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Bungo Stray Dogs: Little Pastry!
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Hi, hi, hiiii! Waaa that's so sweet of you! 😭 I'm having a lovely day so far! Thanks you for asking, buddy! Honestly, I haven't done much x reader stuff before, so this was a nice change and a little challenge for me! Don't ask, don't know, Blue! 💕(*^▽^)/★*☆♪
Tachiharaaaaa!!! I need to know what's happened to him! He's such a good character, and he's fiiiine too~ σ(≧ω≦*) This was a fun little write, thank you so much for the ask! Have a fantastic day! \(^-^)/🩷💕
Summary: Reader thought it would be a good idea to prank the metal welding Tachihara!? What a silly thing to do. Obviously, he's not impressed and has to punish you for your actions!
Ler!Tachihara x GN Reader
Tw: Lil bit of flirting
--------------------☆ ☆------------------------
"SQUIIIRT!" You heard Tachihara yelling your nickname as you sprinted down the hallway away from his room at the Port mafia HQ, skidding around the corner and almost knocking over a priceless vase.
You knew your fate was sealed, yet you thought it best to at least try and escape. After all, you probably deserved whatever the metal bending PM member had in store for you as punishment.
Hearing the heavy footsteps of Tachiharas boots coming from the hallway to your left, you suddenly dived into the nearest room available to take shelter. It was dark, making it difficult to navigate as you tried to listen for your pursuers approach.
"Squiiiirt~" You hear his voice chime outside the door, sending your heart into a panicked frenzy as you immediately ducked under a table, bonking your head a little as you crouched.
The sound was loud enough for the red head to hear. He turned to the door, smirking sinisterly as he pushed it open, letting the light from the hallway illuminate the room as he looked around for his victim. You.
"I know you're in here, Squirt. Are you going to make this easy and come out? Ooor-" He stilled, spotting you beneath the table. "Haha, found you~"
He let the door close behind him, concealing his whereabouts in the darkness. You squinted trying spot him and brace yourself for an attack, but he blended in so well with the shadows.
The occasional footsteps could be heard in the darkness, circling you like a shark to a ship. The sound of metal shifting made you jump and squeak before silence fell again. Damn Tachihara, he always loved building suspense!
"Shit..." You whispered under your breath, deciding to try and make a break for the door. You scrambled for the handle in the dark, ripping it open, tasting your freedom!
"Fooound youuu~"
Tachihara breathed over your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your waist, picking you up with ease and dragging you back into the dark room.
The two of you struggled in the dark, tussling and wrestling as your attacker tried to pin you down.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait! Tach-IHIHIIII-!" Before you even ad the chance to protest, Tachiharas hands found their way to your sides, latching on and kneading into your warm flesh.
"No time for waiting, Squirt~. You knew this would be the result of your mischief making. Now you gotta face the consequences!" He purred, leaning down and blowing a raspberry on your neck.
You bucked your hips, squealing and kicking your legs helplessly. The dark meant you couldn't see his attacks coming, but at least he couldn't see how flustered and red you were!
"Haha, listen to you. Squeaky lil guinea pig." He teased. You could hear the cold sheene of metal moving near by, your sleeves were suddenly tugged upwards by a set of forks and held up over your head, keeping your arms pinned.
"Now my hands are more free for this-!"
"Dohon't you dAHARE!" You yelp as a set of slender and dexterous fingers started skittering over your ribs, up to your underarms.
"Stop? Ahawww, but Squirt, you have such a cute giggle." He chuckled as he rolled your shirt up, dragging his nails in slow, big circles over your stretched out tummy.
"Coochie, coochie, cooo~ Oooh, see? The way you tremble when I tickle you slow like this - Ugh, it really makes my day." He teased, tracing smaller circles around your belly button, grinning in the dark as he felt the warmth from your skin.
Your breath hitched as you bit your lip, cheeks puffed as you tried to stifle the chuffy giggling that was building in your throat.
"Squiiirt~ If you don't let out those sweet, sweet sounds, I'll have to use that method."
"You wouldn't!" You blurted out, trying to find his eyes in the darkness as a little panic showed in your tone.
"Oh but, Squirt, I would~." Once again, you hear rattling somewhere near by. "And, unfortunately for you, we're in the kitchen."
"Don't! Tachihara, please! I'm sorry! WAH!" You gasp, feeling several bristly brush heads dragging and flickering over your exposed sides, tummy, and ribs. Pastry brushes. With metal handles. Tachihara's greatest weapon and your downfall.
As he manipulates the brushes with his ability, the red head also kneads into your thighs with his nimble thumbs, smirking as he feels the muscles tremble and clench beneath him.
"Tickle, tickle~ Oho, isn't this fun? You're like a yummy little pastry that needs buttering up!" He jeered, taking a gulp of air and blowing another raspberry on your neck. "Mmhm-! A tasty pastry too~."
"StAHAaaaa-... *gasp* NOHO! Aaaha!"
"What's the matter, little raspberry bun? You sound a little flustered~ Are you?"
"Y-You knowhow damn well I-YAAHAHAHAM!"
"You are?" He grinned in the dark, you can feel his breath on your chin as he leaned in close, softly tracing up and down the back of your ribs.
"Good~ I'd hate to think you're not flustered by my actions, my words~" He purred, briefly pecking your cheek before unleashing a cruel attack upon your torso, sending you into a flurry of helpless breathy laughter as your legs beat and kicked on the kitchen tiles.
He was relentless. Squeezing from your ribs down to your hips, using the pastry brushes to follow his fingers, not giving your skin a break from the tickly sensations.
"Plehehease! T-Tahach- *wheeze* AAAHA! StAHAahaAAA-! Dahamn it! I-I'm gohonna dihie!"
"Aww, well, we can't have that now, can we? My lil' pastry." At once, the tickling stopped. You lay there panting with a smile on your face.
"Okahay... Okay... I-I'm sorry... Oh-" You flinch, feeling a hand cover your eyes, hearing the click of a light switch.
"Just didn't want to flashbang you." Tachihara chuckled, slowly removing his hand letting your eyes adjust to the lights, revealing his face, smiling down at you with that cheeky, toothy grin of his as he stayed kneeling over your waist.
You stare at each other for a moment before Tachihara gasped.
"You are so red! Oh gosh, I almost burned my little pastry!" He chuckled, sitting you up and wrapping his arms around you comfortingly. "I'm sorry, Squirt. Revenge has been served." He chuckled, tussling your hair.
A content sigh passes your lips as you share this moment before a feeling of dread fills your gut.
.... What about the other prank you've left for him?...
--------------------☆ END ☆-----------------------
Thanks for reading!! 🥰
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 6 months
The story was so good!!❤️
Why did they break up?😭
Okayyy so this is in regards to the Lemme Take Care of You couple. Thank you for the compliment babes hehe I'm glad you liked the story 💜
Basically oc and Jungkook got together and their relationship progressed really fast because oc was in the mindset of "I'm dating you because I wanna be with you and build a future together".
Jungkook was on board with that too and he still is but he's a few years younger than her (like four ish years) so he was still in the mindset of "Yes I wanna be with you but I also wanna be young and wild and free".
She got pregnant during his final year of college and it wasn't planned but they were both really excited. Things unfortunately went downhill fast.
Jungkook still wanted to have the lifestyle of partying with his friends and stuff so he was outside of the house a lot while oc was at home trying to take it easy.
They would fight a lot and Jungkook would always say he just wants to have fun before the baby gets here. He has a right to do that but in moderation. Jungkook wanted to go out and even when he told his friends no he still ended up getting roped up in something.
Oc with her hormones would get upset because he doesn't want to spend time with her and navigate through this new experience together.
She had every right to feel that way because he really was neglecting her but sometimes it was blown out of proportion and so eventually she kicked him out.
They were kinda on again off again all throughout her pregnancy but towards the end things were going well and Jungkook was being attentive to her and eventually the baby after oc had birth.
After the baby came the first month or so was fine between them and oc was starting to get hopeful but again things didn't stay that way for long.
Jungkook got restless and his friends didn't understand that things were different now that he was a father and that he needed to take care of his family. He eventually went back to that same lifestyle he promised he would leave behind once she was born.
Oc got upset and kicked him out for good (it's been about five ish months) and she's trying to navigate life as a single mom but Jungkook isn't gonna let that happen.
He comes over whenever he has free time and every time they end up in bed together and oc always tells herself this is the last time but it never is.
She can't keep Jungkook from coming over and seeing his daughter so whenever he comes she always lets him in. She knows she's setting herself up for failure when she does that but she just can't say no to him.
They still love each other so it's hard to stay away from each other and if oc happens to swerve him at first she always loses the battle once the baby is asleep because she loves seeing how great of a father he is.
I hope this answered your question and maybe even a bit of other things you might've been curious about. I tend to go overboard on these explanations but hopefully you enjoyed it haha.
Feel free to send in any more asks you might have about this couple or even drabble requests hehe
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cyberdragoninfinity · 9 months
I would love to hear your Indigo Disk thoughts
YES!!!!!!! 💎🐢💥 full disclosure I only just finished Indigo Disk's main storyline like....less than 24 hours ago so I am still RIDING HIGH FROM THE RUSH OF IT ALL. will probably be spoilers ahead, as a head's up:
first off I love that like. right off the bat youre getting hit with cyrano and cavell old man yaoi. busting out the cute little nicknames like HELLO!!! AND then you have geeta showing up and rika is there for no reason whatsoever and it's like. well ok i think they were having lesbian activities on the plane over you love to see it!
anyway setting wise, the Big Ol Blueberry is pretty fun! I love running around and the Synchro Machine is SUCH a ridiculously fun feature (FINALLY, TRUE GAMING: Dana can run around as a Ninetales and smack a big ball around.) I love all the Unova callbacks and I LOVE THE DIFFERENT CLUB ROOM LAYOUTS!! The monochrome one made me tear up and SEEING THE FUCKIGN. POKESTAR STUDIOS ENEMIES. IN THE FUTURISTIC ONE. MADE ME FEEL SOMETHING. pokestar studios my beloved i miss it sooo much 😭 My buddy Snap was talkin about how the Terarium really kind of lacks... yknow, landmarks and points of interest, though, and god I agree so hard. I love that Kitakami had its own little set of interesting features and places to go and use as landmarks and the Terariuam kind of. Doesn't really have those. It's a bit of a pain in the ass to navigate and easy to get lost but not in a fun way.... even though you have these little neat natural features like The Pride Rock and Chargestone Caves, I wish we coulda had a little bit more :( For such a widely used part of the school it doesn't feel very 'lived' in by the students there. It would've been fun to see more gathering places aside from the Very Sterile Outside Classrooms.....
The Area Zero Underdepths, though...hooouughhHHHhhh. I just. I really have to admire the fact that Indigo Disk said "ohhh you want answers?? you wanna know what's going on in this place? fuck you, youre gonna have MORE questions after this, and theyre gonna be even CRAZIER ones." YOU GO IN THAT HOLE AND LEARN NOTHING AND IM NOT EVEN MAD ABOUT IT. GO LOOK AT THE CRYSTAL TREE DOWN THIS RANDOM PATHWAY. i neeeed to make a terapagos post sometime and talk more about it i cannot stop thinking about this little freak. POKEMON THAT SCARE ME A LITTLE I MUST SAY. POKEMON I DO NOT FEEL IN CONTROL OF. i Know they didnt make its charged terastal form look like a dream catcher for no reason. I Know its Stellar Form Looking Like That isnt for no reason. I know its borderline dangerous power and THAT LITTLE STUNT IT PULLS. AT THE CRYSTAL POOL. THAT'S INDICATIVE OF SOMETHING I THINK. >when Terapagos's cry was the sound Terastalizing has been making all fucking game. SCREAMS.
also again oh my god if you beat the main indigo disk storyline go to the crystal pool right now GO. GO FEEL SOMETHING. GO!!!!
ok well that's. less about setting and more about story though huh. well!! story wise, absolutely loved it! I know there was a lot of apprehension when the DLCs got more properly announced and we found out they didnt really center on Our Dear Paldea Friends as scarvio proper did, and yeah I definitely can see why that's a frustration and a deterrent for some (and I'm soo so excited to hang out with Nemona and Arven and Penny in the epilogue next month....peach time (: ) but for me in the end I'm really just so enamored and delighted with all the new friends you get to make in the DLC and they more than carry that little narrative's arc on its own. The Elite 4 of the BB League are all GREAT, they got nonstop autistic girls out here in gen 9 (nemona, amarys, briar ?!??!) and it ROCKS. and i LOVE Carmine so much, everyone always wants mean rivals and mean women and folks cant even handle Carmine 🙄 you can tell she genuinely has such a big heart and cares about her friends and her brother!!! and Kieran wahhh wahh kieran my newest Little Guy ;____;.... he is SO fourteen and I did not expect to go into the DLC getting really invested in a new character's arc but it's just GOOD. He REALLY feels like a loose yugioh character in Indigo Disk, he's so angry and obsessed with victory and ultimately under it all still capable of so much kindness and regret and he's just GOOD. And his champion battle was terrifying and a BLAST!! THE MUSIC RULES. HE EVEN HAD INCINEROAR.
god and all the music in Indigo Disk was a banger. gen 9 music save me. gen 9 music. save me gen 9 music.
i'm SUPER hyped to do more BBQs with my bestie and do more postgame stuff with the "hanging out with Gym Leaders" thing and the Legendary hunting and such... lots more to roll around in and have a good time with. All in all had just a great time with it, I genuinely might put Violet as my favorite Pokemon game of all time at this point! I do grow very sad thinking about just how even more fantastic this game couldve been if it had 1-3 more years to cook properly though, like..god damn. I was getting some LAG on those cutscenes, and I know I made out pretty alright in the bugs department!!
but for now i'll just be thinking about the shit that happens at the crystal pool for the rest of my life. also Indigo Disk gave me the best possible trainer ID photo i never need to change it again
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starakex · 2 months
Otakuthon 2024 Cosplay Recap
I used to do con recaps and I kinda miss it. I'm still writing down post-mortem entries on costumes offline to keep track of the good and the bad of a costume's first wear, though. It's helped me learned from mistakes and apply solutions to future builds to avoid issues.
While I don't really wanna review the con itself, I think making these logs public is very relevant information to pair up with Build Logs, so it's time to revive the tradition.
So, let's set the stage real quick. This is at Otakuthon, and it's a 35k+ people convention that keeps happening in the middle of a heat wave almost Every. Damn. Year. Also, 35k+ people is very much over the limit the convention area can comfortably take. Also it was humid as all hell. And so, so hot.
On a personal level, I've been dealing with general hobby exhaustion from things like wig burns, The Sensory Bullshit That Is Stage Makeup, and spending too much time stressing over keeping a costume intact for photos. So this year, the goal was "Silly, Casual, and No Bullshit." No wigs, no makeup, and everything has to be carry-able in a bag or two on public transit. Having begun this philosophy shift after last year's Otakuthon, I made three costumes during the year, leading to debut them during the 2024 edition.
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Friday was Robed Man from hit video game Final Fantasy VII Remake/Rebirth. I made Cloud many years ago, but the exhausting perfectionism bullshit I was carrying within me was keeping me from feeling like making another named character from the series. Figured this would be a silly idea that could be re-worn for future Final Fantasy events. Friday was the perfect day for it since there was a Distant Worlds concert in the evening.
The Good:
Super quick to set up in the morning. Just a little bit of eye shadow to accentuate the dead fish look, throw the whole costume in a bag and it's good to go. More sleep, yay!
My purse fit under the whole thing for a seamless, accurate look, which was unintended but neat.
It was super easy to pull off and put back on within seconds whenever it got too hot.
The Bad:
It's supposed to be lightweight and breathable, but even with a tank top and shorts underneath I was sweating up a storm. The cloak is so big that it became too heavy to catch any air flow.
Despite pre-washing the fabric, the fabric's dye rubbed off on a couple things, notably the silicone on my water bottle and the rubber backing of some pins. Not on skin or clothes, thankfully.
Verdict: Worked as intended. a snap button's stitching broke on one of the scarves but the button stayed in place, so I quickly fixed it when I noticed it. As for the fun factor, it was great. It made for hilarious candid photos, and there was only a smidge of eye shadow to watch out for instead of the whole face being covered in makeup. It's absolutely unrecognizable IRL from the front though in a large convention setting full of costumed people, so not even FFVII cosplayers said anything 😭 It was fun to bring out for the concert, but I'm mostly looking forward to pulling it out for other small events now instead of cons.
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Sonic was the costume for the big day. He was one of my dream cosplays when I first got into the hobby as a teen, so finally having it as a mascot cosplay was, well, SUPER HYPE. I was apprehensive bringing in a full-body mascot after sweating my ass off with just a cloak, but then decided I wasn't going to skip my chance to be Sonic and just go for it. I needed to do it at least once... The Good:
It was reasonable to carry in public transport with large enough bags. Not the most optimal, but more than acceptable. Two bags just so the shoes aren't rubbing on everything else.
I could put it on and remove it quickly without help, and wear it partially when I needed to cool off (arms tied at the waist and head in hand)
Surprisingly easy to navigate with. I didn't need a handler at all times, and spent most of my time fullsuiting by myself. Performing was comfortable, vision was very good straight ahead, and range of motion was excellent outside of the head spikes.
Against all odds, this was super comfortable despite the heat wave! The underlayer carried this entire experience. I could wear the full thing and perform in short hour bursts, then remove the head and pull the suit halfway down for a break with a neck fan, often while going to a panel or something like that. I was still sweating (drenched, even), but the underlayer just made it feel hot instead of sticky and disgusting and cooled down very quickly during breaks.
Sidenote, but I think I look really fuckin' cool with the head off and my badass disheveled hair. Like I felt REALLY COOL instead of worrying about ruining my makeup or whatever stressors I'd have with other costumes.
The donut-shaped support inside the head was great at redistributing the weight comfortably. Didn't have have neck or head pain the whole time.
Batteries for integrated head fans and neck fan did not run out with a whole day of wear.
The Bad:
The integrated head fans didn't seem help much. They didn't cool things to any noticeable degree, and the lack of mouthhole makes this a very sweaty head (especially compared to Wurmple; more below). They might've kept the head from being absolutely dogshit to wear, but it's hard to tell if it actually moved air around. Not a massive issue with the regular breaks, however.
Minor gripe, but the fan system I bought didn't have a on-off switch, so I had to dig in the battery pocket to unplug the fans every time I took a longer break.
The shoes, while easy to walk in, force longer strides that gave me quite the calf workout by the end of the day.
No major breaks during the day, but the shoes' rubber soles slightly peeled off in a few spots by the end of the day. Nothing a little contact cement can't fix., and technically "good" since it means I can safely remove and replace it if it gets too worn out.
I need someone to hold the head if I want to go to the bathroom, otherwise I'm having a really bad time.
Sonic looks kinda booby unfortunately but that's the perfectionist talking and I've vowed to destroy that mindset
Verdict: Holy shit this was worth braving the heat wave, worth all the hours trying to get the build looking just right, worth EVERYTHING! The reception from the people was awesome; I haven't talked to this many people in years, and everybody loved the mascot so much. I got to nerd out about Sonic, nerd out about the build, fist bump people and make them smile. It's my first fullsuit and it turns out I also love the performance aspect of it. The build lasted throughout the whole day with no damage (outside of the rubber soles, but I was expecting more than the small amount that began peeling) The perfectionism mindset I've been fighting with for years wasn't an issue because all the things I spent time getting just right are actionable design decisions like scale and material choices, not just "welp, I don't look like what I had in mind wearing this because I'm a real human and not a stylized 2d character."
Sonic re-ignited my love for cosplay and gave me a whole new style of costume I want to keep exploring and working on. Obviously planning to take Sonic out to other conventions if I can troubleshoot how to fit him into a suitcase.
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Wurmple was my official first foray into fursuit making proper. I wanted to make a suit for years and finally committed, but I wasn't super interested in making an OC/fursona at the time so I picked a Pokémon I liked that looked interesting to make (I really wanted to sew the grub butt). I made him all the way back last August; he's the first costume from the "fuck wigs and makeup" era. I wanted to go for a bug-catcher summer look, complete with a little bug "cage" and a net. (I was genuinely worried someone might get full size nets a bad rap at the con with the gnome meme currently going on, so I just went with a tiny shrimp net instead.)
The Good:
The head is actually really breathable. Partialing plays a major part in the overall comfort, but the breathing hole is positioned in such a way a neck fan blows straight into it. The only sweaty area is the contact spot between my back and the tail.
It's easy to bring to the con, like the other costumes. Just stuff the parts in a small bag and go.
The dang thing is basically indestructible, so there's no worries navigating crowds or squishing the tail to sit down or whatever.
The Bad:
The vision is terrible. I absolutely need to hang onto a handler or remove the head if I'm doing anything more than standing around and talking. It's so narrow it messes up with my depth perception. The curse of trying to engineer vision out of a weird character design...
I can't really sit down on a chair with this tail unless I shove it to the side or remove it entirely, which is cumbersome since I thread the tail belt to my shorts for extra stability.
The tail is kind of dumptrucky enough that it got caught in the crowd more often than Sonic's whole costume did overall. Probably because Sonic is so massive he commands respect of personal space and Wurmple's bugass is very subtle in some angles, but it's enough of a concern to point out.
People got a good laugh out of Wurmple and more attention than I've gotten for costumes on average in the last couple years, so that was fun. No breakage either, but I expected these results since I've worn it outside a few times now. It was also by far the least sweaty costume of the weekend, being "regularly" comfortable despite the heat wave (in part thanks to the smaller Sunday crowd.) But the vision really dampens the experience enough that I'd rather keep it for furmeets or other less active events than a full-on convention. Enough workarounds to still be worth bringing around, but I'd love making another Pokésuit that doesn't have this glaring vision issue to rep the series!
Overall, if you ignore the massive crowds in a tiny space and the debilitating heat wave, Otakuthon went super well! It didn't stand out much event-wise to the other years (though getting to meet Shota Nakama and seeing the Distant Worlds performance were two standouts experiences), but the personal end of it, cosplay-wise, was a huge success. The people I got to interact with were all wonderful, and I got to figure out a new costume niche I want to explore more (hint: less wigs, more mascots). I'd say it was one of my favorite cons to date for cosplaying. I'm writing this as the costumes are drying, and my last observation is that save for the fursuit heads and Sonic's shoes, these costumes can survive the washing machine (something I always try to account for) and I'm so very thankful for that. Washing the heads by hand was a wholeass workout in in itself though, but thankfully Sonic's eyes are waterproof and the electronics are remove-able so I can deep clean him for the next event! On the menu for future events: repair Sonic's shoes, implement a on/off switch in Sonic's fan systems, and start planning out a new Pokémon fursuit. Hope this might've shed some light on the kind of post-mortem observations I note down after wearing new cosplays to a con! Thank you for reading.
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sparklingchim · 2 months
told you i had a darly sixth sense! read the chapter and scanned the asks so i have a couple of thoughts!
first of all ylm jk you frustrate me so!!! he so effortlessly shows how much he loves oc and how attentive he is and can be, so i'm sure he's realized that she's not so fulfilled nowadays with how their relationship is going but he's just choosing to ignore it for now. my brother in christ grow a pair!! love's starting to not be enough!! and you've got a baddie at your side who's slowly but surely growing tired......
i know we barely know our mc so i guess opinions on her might be a bit mixed rn but i'm definitely on her defending squad and i didn't appreciate that some of you weren't putting respect on her name.... like yeah we all see how privileged she is and that "she knew what she was getting into" but that's the point, he clearly once knew how to handle everything but now he is not as careful with striking a work-life balance and she is entitled to be upset about this relationship becoming something she did not sign up for, he set expectations up and i don't think we can blame her for being disappointed (oooh darly isn't it fun how your work generates discourse!)
i just had a silly little thought/an au for this story that since yk pregnancy/motherhood is a topic here and this last chapter was so focused on how easy it is for oc to be with yumi so maybe they separate but she's pregnant (obviously in this scenario both of them are in agreement in terms of keeping the baby no matter the circumstances)..... it'd be so interesting to see how they would navigate their separation, since it would be a kind of death occurring at the same time as a birth. i don't know, just something that came across my mind!
i think all that's left are some questions i have! i'm sure you've said it before but i just can't remember: will they only be separating or actually going through with a divorce? aaaand two parts??? we're in for a ride! will it be pre and post separation or is it still all going down in part one? (maybe you can't answer any of these and that's totally fine!)
anyways, my heart becomes achey with these two no matter how sweet some parts may be so i think we'd all do good with ego season next, if that floats your boat (as always, no pressure at all, managing one story is already hard, your pace deserves our respect and whatever you prefer to work our appreciation)
it's always lovely reading you, sorry for the essay i just dropped in your inbox; lots of love,
bloom 💐
omg everyone shush miss bloom is here !!!!!
ur so right ! he knows her so well and notices everything abt her, there's actually no way he hasn't noticed oc's unhappiness </3
(oooh darly isn't it fun how your work generates discourse!)
i actually blushed like a little girl !!! 😭 it's always pretty unexpected, but it's so fun seeing people share their thoughts and read all of them, especially ones i don't rlly agree with !!
ur little au idea !! v intriguing bestie 🫢 "it would be a kind of death occurring at the same time as birth" oh bloom, i love ur mind so much <3 i love the idea <3
to ur questions, they will actually go through with a divorce 🫢 </3 and yes, there'll be multiple parts !! three in total !! the second part is post break up !! right after they separate !
teehee the way u also sensed that ego season would be next ?🤭 i'll try my best to post the next chapter for that soon <33
i love u n missed u so much bloom!! n don't apologise !! i loved reading every single word u wrote 🫂 thank u so much for taking ur time to write all that down <3 mwahh mwahhh 😙
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