#it's been so long since i started this mess wow
ken-dom · 2 days
Currently thinking about Jacob Palmer x fem reader going through a dry spell becoming more and more desperate for anything that he is willing to do anything to go home with you he’d get down on his knees and beg if you asked
Sorry for taking a billion years anon! Hope you’re still thinking about it 😩 personally, I can’t resist this. This lends itself so perfectly to pathetic Jacob, and I’m a sucker for making them pathetic 😈
What Jacob considers a dry spell wouldn’t be a very long period of time at all. Imagine him going home alone a few nights in a row, having failed at picking someone up. Then it turns into a couple of weeks and he's sad and horny...
NSFW, gn!reader
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It’s happened before, it does from time to time, especially at the quieter times of year when the bars aren’t filled with potential matches for him.
But it’s not quiet right now. The bars are bustling, and he’s had plenty of chances. He just hasn’t actually managed to impress a single person he’s tried to chat up for almost a week.
And when going home alone bleeds into the second week, he wonders if he’s lost his charm, or his skill or — whatever that perfect combination of elements is that he’s spent years perfecting and has down to a fine art. Or, he thought he did.
He gives the bars a miss for a couple of nights. Maybe he’s just burnt out? But even his sex toys are boring him now, and the ache between his thighs is becoming unbearable. But he doesn't bother even trying tonight.
Laid in bed, lazily stroking his throbbing cock for the third night in a row, he feels a tear trickle down his cheek.
Enough is enough. Is this what he’s been reduced to? A sad, sobbing mess, jerking off alone on a Friday night?
He can't have that.
And so an hour later, he’s marching into the bar, the one he always starts at, and strides right up to you.
‘Hey,’ he nods, eyeing you. ‘You were here last week. You turned me down, remember?’
This time, he’s taking a more direct approach. He doesn’t have time to waste if he's going to change his luck.
‘Excuse me?’
‘I want you to come home with me,’ he says, plain, and then a little more seductive, 'I... I haven't stopped thinking about you.' It's a lie and you both know it.
‘No, thanks.’
‘A-alright. May I ask why?’ He might as well try and figure it out at the source since he’s dragged himself all the way here.
‘I don’t do one night stands. Not my thing. You seem very…’ your eyes drag up and down his body and he notices the way your lip curls at one side, ‘nice, but, no, thank you.’
They rarely do until they meet me, he thinks, but instead he says, ‘What if we don’t call it that?’
He turns to the bartender and gestures something, and you guess he must come here a lot because the man not only recognises him but immediately begins work on mixing two drinks.
Unfortunately, he’s so hot your general rule of no one night stands suddenly seems a stupid guideline to have placed on yourself. You begin to wonder, what if?
‘What are we supposed to call it then?’ you ask, with a sigh of resignation and a curiosity that slips though just enough to set excitement bubbling in his gut. ‘You won't call me after. I'll never see you again. Or, if I do, you'll pretend you don't know me. What can we call that?’
‘An adventure? Having fun? Whatever you want,’ he says eagerly, leaning in to follow up with a whisper. ‘One thing I can guarantee.’
‘And what would that be?’
‘Orgasms like you’ve never experienced.’ His voice has dropped low, breath hot against your ear, and your core clenches.
You didn't realise one night stands cared about a single orgasm let alone the plural. Fuck. You want him.
‘But I don’t even know your-’
‘Jacob.’ Wow that was too fast.
‘Okay, Jacob. Let’s say I come home with you. Hypothetically. What then?’
He’s never had to play desperate before, but your response to it is making his blood run hot. For the first time in his adult life he’s not sure what to say, dazed by his bodies reaction to you. Is he playing desperate or just plain pathetic? His cock twitches and he grips the edge of the bar, not going unnoticed by you.
The cocktails he ordered are placed on the bar in front of you and you turn to take yours, delighted at the taste. He has good taste. You could tell that a mile off, but feeling it against your tongue hits different.
‘Oh, this is good!’ you exclaim, wondering why he hasn’t picked up his drink. When you turn back, ready to accept his invitation after all, he’s not there.
Well, he is there. Just not where you left him.
He’s knelt at your feet, gazing up at you, and suddenly you understand the true meaning of the phrase puppy dog eyes. And it makes your heart race. You suddenly feel the need to slam him against a wall, strip him bare and watch him tremble.
‘I’ll do whatever you want me too,’ he promises. ‘Give you whatever you need. Thats what’ll happen if you come home with me.’
‘Anything?’ you ask, knees turning weak at how utterly needy he looks down there.
‘Let me get my coat.’
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rebeccathenaturalist · 6 months
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Welcome to my Tuesday morning PSA about plastics!
So--I was walking along the Bolstadt beach approach sidewalk here in Long Beach, WA yesterday afternoon, and I started seeing these little orange pellets on the ground that looked a little bit like salmon roe (but probably weren't). So I picked one up, and it was most definitely rubber. I went around picking up every one I could find, and while I didn't keep exact count I probably amassed 50-60 of them. I took this picture before depositing them in the nearest trash can.
These are airsoft gun pellets, and you can buy them in big jars containing thousands of them. That means that someone who decided that the beach was a great place to shoot their airsoft guns could easily litter the place with countless little bits of plastic rubber in less than an hour. We already have a huge problem here with people leaving trash, including tiny bits of plastic, all over the beach (you should see the gigantic mess after 4th of July fireworks when thousands of people come in from out of town, blow things up, and then leave again without picking up after themselves.)
But these airsoft pellets have a particularly nasty side effect. You know how my first thought was "wow, those look kind of like salmon roe?" Well, we have a number of opportunistic omnivore birds like crows, ravens, and several species of gull that commonly scavenge on the beach, especially along the approaches because people often feed them there. If I can catch the resemblance of an orange airsoft pellet to a fish egg, then chances are there are wildlife that will assume they're edible.
Since birds don't chew their food, they probably won't notice that the taste or texture is wrong--it'll just go down the hatch. And since they can't digest the pellets, there's a good chance they might just build up in the bird's digestive system, especially if the bird eats a large number of them--say, fifty or sixty of them dropped on the ground along the same fifty foot stretch of sidewalk. The bird might die of starvation if there's not enough capacity for food in their stomach--or they might just die painfully of an impacted gut, and no way to get help for it. If the pellets end up washed into the ocean, you get the same issue with fish and other marine wildlife eating them, and then of course the pellets eventually breaking up into microplastic particles.
You can get biodegradable airsoft pellets; they appear to mainly be gray or white in color rather than bright screaming orange and green. But "biodegradable" doesn't mean "instantly dissolves the next time it rains." An Amazon listing for Aim Green biodegradable airsoft pellets advertise them as "Our biodegradable BBs are engineered to degrade only with long-term exposure to water and sun and will degrade 180 days after being used." That's half a year for them to be eaten by wildlife.
I don't know, y'all. That handful of carelessly dropped rubber pellets just encapsulates how much people don't factor in the rest of nature when making decisions, even on something that is purely for entertainment like an airsoft gun. We could have had a lot of the same technological advances we have today, but with much less environmental impact, if we had considered the long-term effects on both other people and other living beings, as well as our habitats. We could have found ways from the beginning to make these things in ways that benefited us but also mitigated any harm as much as possible. Instead we're now having to reverse-engineer things we've been using for decades, and sometimes--like the "biodegradable" airsoft pellets--they still have a significant negative impact.
But--at least there are people trying to do things better, thinking ahead instead of just on immediate profit. We're stuck in a heck of a mess here, figuratively and literally, and changing an entire system can't be done in a day. Maybe we can at least keep pushing for a cultural shift that emphasizes planning far into the future--if not the often-cited "seven generations ahead", then at least throughout the potential lifespan of a given product.
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ervans · 7 months
Care for You (Mizu x F!reader)
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warnings: mentions of blood, wounds, and violence, soft sex, fingering (r! receiving)
a/n: wow. it's been a minute since i've truly sat down and wrote something. i'm absolutely obsessed with BES and mizu, i haven't felt so passionate about something since TLOU. this is my adaptation of what seems to be the most cliche scenario in this fandom so far: reader finding an injured mizu. i'm a bit rusty when it comes to writing so any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated, follows and notes as well. i have more ideas for works surrounding mizu (including a brothel fic muahahaha) so keep your eyes peeled for my posts :))
The sound of your sandals shuffling against the ground and your heavy pants were the only noises that pierced the otherwise quiet night. The moon, stars, and faint glow of your home in the distance were your only source of light as you trekked up the hill where the soft orange hue was coming from. The walk up this specific hill usually caused you no trouble, having done it dozens of times; however, this time was a tad bit different. Why? The limp, unconscious body that was currently draped over your shoulder.
Earlier in the evening you had heard a commotion down at the lake below the hill your home rested on. It was normal for stragglers, crooks, and opium addicts to travel through this part of Japan and mixing those groups of people usually ended up in some sort of fight. You had paid no mind to the noise, continuing with your cleaning. It wasn’t until you realized you needed more water for your tea that you made your way down the hill. As you reached the shore and saw the mess in front of you your stomach lurched.
Four bodies laid lifeless in front of you on the sand. From what you could tell they all had various stab and slash wounds across their bodies. Fifteen feet away from the tattered bodies lay another smaller one clad in baggy black trousers and stockings, a dark blue haori, and white scarf around his neck with a brown straw hat, round glasses with an orange tinted lens, and a sword, the telltale sign of a samurai on the ground beside him.
 From where you stood you could see his chest still moving as he tried to shallowly breathe in oxygen from the air surrounding his struggling body. That brings you to where you are now, struggling up a damn hill trying to save this unknown samurai’s life. Was he responsible for the four bodies you had pushed into the lake? It didn’t matter to you; you weren’t one to judge in a world where it was kill or be killed.
You push the door to your house open and lay the injured stranger onto your mat near the fire. You start to boil water to disinfect whatever wounds he had and open a drawer to grab a needle and thread just in case stitches were needed. They very much were. You quickly realized the source of what seemed like never-ending blood on the top half of his body as you stripped the bloodstained clothing away. A gash about 4 inches long and deeper than you’d like it to be starting towards the base of his ribcage, skin around it starting to turn a yellowish color. It almost distracted you from the way the stranger was wearing chest wraps. Almost.
You frowned looking down at the shallow breathing of the samurai’s chest. Why would he need chest wraps? You thought, fingers brushing over the once white cloth now stained. Unless? You slowly started to undo the bindings, telling yourself you needed to anyways to properly clean the wound. As the cloth unraveled in your hands your small suspicion was confirmed. Two small breasts sat atop the chest of the slender samurai that laid before you, nipples hardening as they became exposed to the air. Your eyebrows raised, head tilting slightly to the side. A female samurai? How? Questions began to fill your mind as you started to clean the wound, gently washing it with the now hot water. It was unheard of for a woman to even touch a sword as it was said to make the blade impure. Where had this woman gotten her sword? Who did she get taught by? Clearly from the mess on the beach she knew her way around a fight.
You finished cleaning and stitching the larger wound and got to work on disinfecting the smaller cuts and scrapes on the upper half of her body. Once you were satisfied with your work, you began removing the woman’s trousers and stockings, revealing another deep gash running from the top of her knee down to her shin. Sighing you started the same process as her chest and prepared yourself for the unknown amount of time you would be caring for this mysterious female samurai.
It took three days for the samurai to fully regain her consciousness. In those days you had changed the dressings on her wounds, forced broth and water down her throat for some form of sustenance, and carefully studied her whenever you found the chance to. You noticed small things others would easily miss. The way her face seemed like it was always in a permanent frown, her subtly toned muscles from what had to be from years of training, how her calloused hands would twitch in her sleep, stress being the cause of it you had concluded after watching her for a good hour whilst you sipped on your tea, and how insanely handsome she was. Wait what? Handsome? That thought scared you so much that you had refused to watch her for the remainder of the evening besides checking her wounds thoroughly before you went to bed. But you couldn’t ignore those thoughts that plagued your head as your touch lingered for more time than it should’ve.
You were sat cross-legged waiting for your tea to steep when you heard a thud from behind you. Quickly turning around to find what the source of the noise was, you were met with the samurai staring back at you, blue eyes shining in the dimly lit space. And oh, were they blue. You had never seen or known something could be as piercingly blue as the eyes that met yours.
“Who are you? Where am I?” The samurai demanded in a gravelly voice that sent a shiver up your spine. You couldn’t bring yourself to answer right away, mouth slightly agape with shock at the stranger who had, just minutes ago, been passed out. “I asked you a question, now answer it.” She said sternly after a beat of silence between the two of you.
You blinked, raising an eyebrow and rising to your feet. “Well that’s no way to talk to someone who saved your life now is it?”
The woman, stern frown never leaving her features, quickly looked around the room taking in her surroundings. She then looked down at herself, usual blue haori missing and replaced with a softer red one. You hadn’t wanted to leave her bare in the middle of your home and opted to dress her in one of yours while you worked on scrubbing the stains out of hers.
You saw her tentatively try to move, and the flash of pain the appeared on her face for just a second didn’t go unnoticed by you. She pursed her lips and looked back up at you. “Thank you for stitching me up, but I would rather not stay a hostage here any longer. I have more important places to be.”
Your eyes widen and you scoff. “Hostage? Are you fucking serious? By all means you can leave, makes my life ten times easier if you do.” You were lying, you quite enjoyed caring for the handsome samurai, but you would never admit that to her. At least not now. “Good luck walking on that knee by the way, I’m sure it won’t be any trouble for you though.”
You crossed your arms and leaned against the wall as the blue-eyed woman looked you up and down once more before attempting to get up. After a few minutes she was standing, hand against the top of the fireplace to keep her from falling over. You could see her chest rising and falling quickly from the struggle of just standing. She looked back over at you, still leaning with your arms crossed. “Where are my belongings?”
“On the table to your right.” You responded, eyes never leaving hers. You watched her glance over to the table. It was about five feet away; it should’ve been no problem for her to walk over and grab her things. Should’ve. It took her almost ten minutes to reach the edge of the table, her injured leg making it difficult to have a full range of motion. She opted to shuffle inch by inch over to the edge. By the time she got there she was out of breath, looking down at her hands placed on the wood in front of her. You hadn’t moved at all, the only change being your expression shifting from annoyance to amusement as you watched the fit samurai struggle.
After a moment she let out a shaky breath. You saw her knuckles tighten as if she was having an internal battle with herself. “Can you help me back to the mat?” She asked so quietly you almost missed it. You pushed yourself off the wall and walked over to where she stood, taking notice in the way her legs were shaking from lack of use over the past three days. She refused to look at you as you placed her arm over your shoulders and helped guide her back to the mat on the floor. “Thank you.” She muttered.
You looked at her, worry spreading across your features. “Of course. I’m here for anything you need. Consider me your personal caretaker.” You joked. “Although, a good caretaker should know her patients name.” Your words hung in the air for a moment before she responded.
It had been three weeks since Mizu had introduced herself to you. She didn’t talk much about her personal life, which you respected, instead filling the silence between the two of you with your own stories from your childhood. In that time her leg wound had been healing considerably quick, mostly due to the bedrest you ordered her to stay on. The only time she was allowed to move her legs was when she needed to relieve herself or when you would do small stretches with her to keep her blood flow moving. After some time, she was able to get up and walk for short periods of time on her own. The only problem with her quick recovery in her leg was the fact that her chest wound had hardly any progress to it.
Since Mizu couldn’t walk for some time, she exerted all her energy to her upper half, much to your dismay. She would sit up on the mat doing stretches on her arms and shoulders, sometimes raising them so far up you were afraid a stitch was going to pop. It did.
Mizu had been practicing arm movements with her sword, stating that “If I want to achieve my goals, my skills must always be honed and sharp.” Bullshit you thought. She just wanted to aggravate you. How could you tell? The small smirk that would grace her lips whenever she went to pick up her sword, even after you told her it was dangerous, and she could hurt herself anymore. Alas, she was a stubborn woman and it’s how you ended up rushing inside from chopping wood after hearing a sharp yelp from inside your home.
She sat on her mat, one hand clutching the spot above her wound while the other reached for the needle and thread you always kept close by. Once you realized she was going to try to stitch herself back up you rushed over to snatch the needle from her hands and straddle her lap, careful of the wound on her knee. She looked startled for a moment before her whole face turned a deep shade of red once she realized the position you both were in. You had a faint blush as well as you plucked the thread from her hand as well.
“I’m not letting you stitch yourself. You’re going to make your injury worse.” You said looking down at her. She looked up at you with those damn blue eyes you could get lost in for ages, cheeks still red but an amused expression on her face.
“You don’t think I know how to stitch myself up?”
You laughed awkwardly. “Well, no. I just…you just…you just popped a stitch by doing something I told you not to do! How can I be sure you’ll do it correctly?!” Mizu laughed. A sound so beautiful you were sure it would play through your mind for months to come. “I guess you have a point. C’mon then doc, fix me up.” She smirked. You felt your face grow even hotter.
Still straddling her you pushed her robe off her shoulders revealing her chest wraps with blood from the reopened wound soaking through them. You gulped. To stitch her back up you’d have to remove her bindings. And this time she was awake. And would definitely take notice in the way your eyes would roam her chest. Sensing your hesitation, she smiled looking up at you. “What? It’s not like you haven’t seen them before, obviously you have, or I wouldn’t have stitches here.” She was teasing you, you realized. “Here I’ll make it easier for you.” Her hand reached around to begin to undo her wraps. You sat there dumbfounded as they fell to the floor and her breasts were exposed to you once again.
“You just gonna stare sweetheart or are you gonna patch me up?” Mizu’s teasing question broke you out of your trance as you swallowed thickly and got to work on restitching her wound. You felt her piercing gaze on you the entire time and did your best to try and ignore the warm feeling in the pit of your stomach.
Later that night after the excitement of the day you sat sipping on your tea while Mizu slept next to the fire. You couldn’t stop thinking about her. Those beautiful blue eyes, the way her lips turned up into a smirk whenever it seemed you were flustered, and the sound of her laugh plagued you. You hadn’t felt like this in a long time.
Suddenly Mizu woke with a gasp, shooting up from the mat. You turned to her startled as you took in her appearance. Eyes wide with fear, chest heaving up and down, and her hands gripping tightly onto her blanket. “Nightmare?” You asked softly as to not startle her even more than she was. She just nodded as she looked at you, eyes bright in the darkness.
You softly rose to your feet, padded over to where was sat up, and sat down next to her. Her eyes had never left your figure as you made your way to her. You looked down at the blanket, then back up to her asking a silent question.
Slowly she lifted the blanket up and laid back down, giving you room to scoot in next to her. You wrapped your arms around her and brought her closer to your chest in the most intimate position the both of you had ever been in. You had never slept as well as you did that night.
It had been four days since Mizu’s nightmare, and every night since then you two had slept together, arms wrapped around each other. The dynamic between you had changed drastically, lingering touches and glances to each other becoming a new normal.
Tonight was no different to the past few. You lay facing Mizu while her back was turned to the fire, tracing circles into her rough and calloused hands. The silence was comfortable, but you chose to break it in that moment.
“When do you think you’ll leave?” A flash of hurt ran across Mizu’s face.
“I can leave whenever you want me to, I think I’m healed enough by now. Would you like me to leave tomorrow?” Your heart clenched at the sadness in her voice. You didn’t want that at all.
“No,” you whispered. “I don’t want you to leave me. Ever.” Her eyes softened, moving closer to you she brushed her nose against yours.
“Then I won’t.”
Your lips met her soft ones in a searing kiss, one that knocked the air right out of your lungs. You let out at soft noise as she titled her head, running her tongue across your bottom lip to deepen the kiss and ask for permission to enter. You parted your mouth for her, tongues running against each other as she rolled on top of you, straddling your hips. Her fingers ran down your sides and under your top, tips of them brushing the underside of your breasts as you pushed your chest up into her, silently asking for more.
She pulled away from the kiss, a trail of spit the only thing keeping you connected, and smiled. “I’m going to need you to tell me you want more. Tell me you want it and I’ll stay.”
You moaned at her words. “Yes! Mizu please I want it, I need you.” She leaned down to kiss you once those words left your lips, fingers moving up to circle and pinch your hardened nipples. You let out a gasp into Mizu’s mouth at the sensation and she smiled into you, moving her head to trail kisses down your face to your neck, sucking a purple mark just below your ear.
You raised your arms over your head as she stripped you of your top, eyes lingering on your now bare breasts. “Beautiful.” Was all she said. You let out a whimper at her words. She kissed down your shoulders to your breasts and licked a long stripe up your nipple, the sensation causing you to moan and buck your hips up into hers. As she continued her assault on your breasts, her hand traveled lower down your stomach and slipped her hand into your trousers to run a finger through your slick folds.
You were a moaning, withering mess below her at this point. Between her mouth on your tits and her finger slowly brushing against your clit, you weren’t sure how much more you could take. “Please Mizu. I need you, please.” You begged, grinding your hips up into her hand hoping she got the message. She did. Slowly she pushed her middle finger into your wet heat, savoring the noise that left your lips as she did. Experimentally she curled her finger, finding that spongy spot at the front of your walls.
It wasn’t enough for you. “More, I need more.” You whimpered. Smiling against your breast, she pushed another finger in, thrusting at a quicker pace. You were close, she could tell by the way your pussy clenched around her digits. You just needed one last thing to push you over the edge. Removing her mouth from your nipple, she brought her forehead against yours admiring the way your mouth was slightly agape and the furrow between your brows.
“Open your eyes. You’re to look at me when you cum.”
At her words and her thumb suddenly circling your clit matching the pace at which she thrust, your eyes shot open meeting her icy blue ones, the last thread keeping you from falling snapping.
“‘m gonna cum Mizu, fuck m’ gonna fuckfuck-“ You were sent over the edge, cunt clenching and gushing around her fingers while your back arched off the mat, eyes never leaving hers as she guided and talked you through it.
As you caught your breath, chest heaving, she peppered soft kisses all over your face causing you to giggle breathlessly. She smiled down at you as you looked up at her still panting. “Give me a second, let me return the favor.” She leaned down capturing your lips once again as she removed her fingers from your core, wiping the slick on her pants and rolling to lay next to you. She pulled you into her chest and nuzzled her nose into your hair.
“You’ve taken care of me these last few weeks, let me take care of you. We have all the time in the world, I promise I’m not going anywhere.”
And Mizu always kept her promises.
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plistommy · 1 month
Eddie thought Steve wouldn’t want to bottom since he’s only ever been with girls before, so he’d be more comfortable being the one on the top.
And Eddie was totally fine with that.
But then when the moment came, both of them naked and making out on top of Eddie’s bed after a long day without seeing each other, Steve had nervously rushed out the question.
Or more like the plea.
A plea of Eddie fucking Steve.
And Eddie?
He had been so close to start screaming out of pure joy as he dove into to give Steve a deep kiss, making the younger boy melt under him.
”I would love to fuck you, sweetheart. I can’t think of anything better.”
Steve had blushed so prettily under him, big eyes filled with lust as Eddie had kissed his neck, leaving marks there before he moved down Steve’s body to between his long and spread legs.
He had opened Steve slowly with his fingers, made him a trembling and moaning mess as Eddie kept his dark eyes on him. He wouldn’t dare to look away, not when Steve was so beautiful.
When he had his cockhead against Steve’s hole, he leaned down and gave Steve a long and deep kiss, swallowing all of the boy's moans as he finally pushed in.
They held hands as Eddie fucked Steve. Moaned and whined together when Eddie thrusted deep inside Steve, making the younger boy cry out as he felt overwhelmingly full by Eddie’s cock.
”You’re perfect, Steve. So gorgeous.”
Steve had whined for his name and arched his back as he came all over their sweaty bodies.
Eddie had tucked his arms under Steve’s shoulders and held him close to his body as he chased for his own release, whispering praises against Steve’s lips.
When he came too, moaning and kissing Steve, he couldn’t believe how lucky he was.
”Just…. Wow. Eddie, you’re… wow.”
Eddie let out a breathless laugh as he leaned back a little, looking down at Steve and his messed up hair.
”Uh-huh.” Steve nodded, smiling up at him, ”I’ve never felt this good.”
Eddie kissed Steve’s cheek and chin, giving soft and teasing nips as Steve giggled under his weight, legs still wrapped around Eddie’s hips.
”So, a success?” Eddie grins, feeling really good and so freaking happy that he gets to have Steve like this.
Steve snorts and pushes Eddie’s hair back so his bangs are out of his face, leaving his forehead visible that Steve wants to kiss. And he does, making Eddie grin even more as his necklace dangles between their bodies.
”Yeah. Definitely a success.”
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
Was inspired by bambygourl’s fanart and a TikTok I saw. Dressing up as Roger and Jessica Rabbit for a costume party with Lucifer. I think he’d be all pouty and grumpy about dressing up as such a silly character and not a suave charming character. Tho his mood is sufficiently uplifted when he sees the reader dressed up as Jessica Rabbit. Pulling on his suspenders or bow tie for a kiss, getting lipstick on his mouth and face, and cooing over how adorable and handsome her honey-bunny is.
BYE I WENT AND LOOKED AT THE ART TOO THIS IS SO GOOD!!! Thank you for the request! And enjoy 😘
Notes: fem!reader, suggestive themes, just a short little drabble
Lucifer x reader- Honey Bunny 🤍
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“(Y/N)…I look stupid.” Lucifer grumbles through the bathroom door to you, looking at himself in the full length mirror in front of him. He hated the way he looked in red pants and suspenders?! Like come on…and this ugly blue bow tie that clashes horribly with the rest of the outfit. “I’m not wearing the bunny ears. I’m not!” He complains loudly, pouting a bit when he hears you laughing on the other side of the door.
“I’m sure you look adorable, babe! Come on, it’s a costume party. Everyone will be in silly costumes!” You call out to him as you are finishing up your makeup. “Yes, but I’m the king of hell. I don’t want this to make me look bad. I dunno…just haven’t been out in a while. I’m feeling quite anxious, love.” Lucifer confesses in a soft and worried tone, still staring at himself in the mirror. He usually wasn’t such a poor sport when it came to these things but it’s been way too long since he’s attended a party, especially one thrown by one of the deadly sins. Luci is feeling the pressure.
A few minutes pass as you perfect your lipstick and check your hair in the mirror. Finally you slip your heels on, layer on a couple sprays of your favorite perfume and exit the bathroom. As soon as you pass the threshold of the door way, all of Lucifer’s worries dissolve away in seconds. A wicked smirk finds your lips as Lucifer feels himself becoming nervous for a whole other reason. He couldn’t get any words out, not one little whimper would even leave him. He was star struck by you in that gorgeous low cut dress with all that glamorous makeup on. Fuck, he knew it would be impossible not to stare at your chest nearly overflowing from your dress all night.
“Aww, baby! You look so cute.” Lucifer huffs at your cooing. “Pleeeaasssee put the ears on, I wanna see.” You plead as you slowly close the distance between you two. “Come on, Luci. Wear ‘em for me~” You continue your advance on him, getting so close that he has no choice but to stumble back onto the bed behind him. Putting on your best pout and prettiest puppy dog eyes, you lean down to get nice and close to his furiously blushing face. Without saying a word, Lucifer puts the white fuzzy bunny ears on his head, still staring up at you with stars in his eyes. Immediately, you perk up with a bright smile.
“Yay! Oh my goodness, you are too cute! Ugh, I love you.” Quickly, you lean in and kiss his lips, lingering there for a second before pulling back. “Oh, my dear, you are so beautiful. Wow.” Lucifer mumbles quietly as he looks you up and down. You couldn’t stifle your giggles as you admire your lipstick stamped so perfectly on his own lips. “You know…” You start before slowly slipping your fingers under his suspenders and gripping them tight in your fists. “We don’t have to go.” Teasingly, you crawl into his lap, now straddling him on the bed as you use his suspenders to get him closer. “We could just…stay home.” You kiss his cheek. “I could ease your anxiety.” You kiss his other cheek then his forehead. “And you can mess up my makeup all you want~”
You sit up straight now and Lucifer looses all his self control as his hands come to your waist, fingers digging into your skin as he finds himself perfectly face to face with your busty chest. His entire face from neck to ears is rapidly turning darker shades of red as a dopey smile widens across his cheeks. Bitting your bottom lip, you shimmy your chest in his face. “Whatdya say, my little honey bunny~?” Lucifer becomes weak and flops back on the bed, laying on his back as you straddle his lap still, enjoying seeing him in this state of desire and embarrassment. He puts an arm over his face in hopes of hiding from you but of course, you pull his arm away and look down at him with a loving gaze. He looks so precious right now- in this silly costume just for you, blushing and sweating and speechless all for you, and covered in your lipstick too.
“No, no…” With a loud and exaggerated sigh, Lucifer sits up and gives you gentle hug, now letting his head rest on your plush chest. “We should go. It’ll be good to make an appearance, catch up with some friends.” After a tight hug, you happily hop off his lap and grab his hand, pulling him to his feet. “Great choice, my love. This will be fun! And I’ll be with you the whole time.” You assure him before leaning over and straightening out his bow tie. Without warning, you use the fabric around his neck to pull him into another heated kiss, this time Lucifer’s hands come to your hips as he hums against your lips.
“Fuck, you’re so cute. Promise you’ll mess up my makeup later then?” You nuzzle your nose against his face as you await his reply. He hesitates, obviously flustered and trying to keep his dick under control. “Anything you want, my love.” And now you’re giggling again, pulling him by the hand out the front door. “Oh! I forgot, lemme get something to wipe your face. You’ve got lipstick every-“
Lucifer pulls you close, wrapping his arm around your waist as he smirks devilishly. He continues to pull you along out the door. “I already look silly, right? Eh, just leave it. It’ll let everyone know that the babe in the black lipstick beside me… Yeah, she’s mine and I’m hers.” It’s your turn to blush and oh boy, do you turn red.
And the whole car ride there, you’re just covering him in more and more kiss marks, even leaving a hicky or two on him as he fondles your chest and slowly becomes drunk off your lips. You two walk into the party looking disheveled but happy, Luci covered in lipstick and sweat while your hair is a bit of a mess now and your lipstick is almost completely wiped off. Hes really glad he decided to wear the bunny ears after all because he loves the way you keep looking at him tonight.
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hazbinwhoree · 4 months
Guardian Angel
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Part 1/3 Part 2
A/N: Starting a series where f!reader is the child of a demon and a human and Adam’s been tasked with keeping an eye on her. Please leave requests!
“It has recently come to my attention that a demon and a human have reproduced,” Sera announced. 
Adam cocked an eyebrow. “No shit. For real?”
“The spawn is already grown. So far she hasn’t caused any trouble so I do not see the need for actions further than simply keeping an eye on her.”
“Okay and what does that have to do with me?” Adam asked, taking a long sip from his drink.
“You’re going to watch her.”
Adam spit out his drink. “Sorry, what?”
“You’re going to be her guardian angel,” Sera smirked. Adam’s jaw dropped idignantly. “Do I have to?” He whined.
That’s how Adam found himself on Earth, stalking some random demon/human hybrid.
Although despite his apathy, she wasn’t just some random, a demon/human hybrid was almost unheard of. She was the third documented instance of that happening.
But as far as he could tell, she led a boring, painfully bleak life. Adam almost felt bad for her. She seemed really depressed. But his job was getting boring. Her routine was always the same. Work, sleep, eat, shower. It seemed that the hybrid was completely unaware of her origin and the powers she possessed. It made Adam’s job easy. Easy and boring.
He started fucking with her, using his ability to be invisible to the human eye in order to fuck with things in her apartment to mess with her head.
One day, while her roommate was out, she stood in the middle of her room, staring at nothing. “Come out you annoying fuck!” She called out. It took Adam by surprise. “I know someone is here,” she hissed. “And you’ve been fucking with me, and it’s pissing me off, and I know you’re here right now, so show yourself!”
Adam debated for a moment. Sera had just said to watch over her, she’d never said it had to be no contact. In fact, Adam was pretty sure Sera would prefer he try to bring the hybrid to the light, but she chose the wrong angel for that task.
Tired of watching her while she was unawares, Adam let himself appear to her. He appeared behind her, just to fuck with her one more time. She turned and jumped, and Adam snickered. To his surprise, she recovered rather quickly.
“What the fuck are you?”
Adam was once again taken aback, and then offended. “I’m an angel, babes, could you not tell by the halo and wings?”
“Well you look like a demon," she replied.
Adam scoffed indignantly. “Fuck you.”
“Fuck you! Who are you and why have you been following me?”
“I’m Adam. Like, first man ever, Adam.”
“Wow, I’m so impressed.”
“And who the fuck are you, bitch?”
“Shouldn’t you know that since you’ve been following me?”
Adam was seething. “Yeah well I didn’t give enough of a shit to remember your name when Sera told me.”
The hybrid narrowed her eyes. Adam narrowed his. The attitude on this bitch! He hadn’t seen such life in her in the weeks he’d been watching her. He definitely didn’t enjoy seeing her come to life like this. Totally not (he did).
“Well you might as well tell me cause you’re stuck with me now that you can see me.” Adam smirked.
She huffed. “(Name). I’m (Name). Why am I stuck with you?”
“Because my job is to follow you, babe, orders from the Seraphim herself.”
“But why?”
Adam thought about fucking with her for a moment, before spitting out the truth. “Because you’re a Cambion, and Cambions are dangerous.”
(Name) blinked at him. “The fuck is a Cambion?”
“A demon/human love child.”
“What, so you’re saying one of my parents is a demon and I’m like, half a demon?”
They stood in silence for a moment while (Name) processed this information.
“So,” Adam broke the silence. “What’s for dinner?”
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keerysfreckles · 4 months
Okay hi I don’t know if I’m doing this right and this is how you rqs something, I saw your cry for help for a luke Castellan fic,
could I pls request something like a daughter of Poseidon reader and her and Luke have been friends for years but haven’t never really seen each other as more than that until some guy starts to hit on her and Luke gets jealous asf and then the Luke starts a fight with him because he said something nasty about reader, and rewarded gets pissed off that Luke’s fighting and it’s super angsty and jealous and they fight and make up and realise their feelings and maybe a kiss?????
Hope that wasn’t too long xx
someone gets hurt — luke castellan
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pairing: luke castellan x poseideon fem!reader
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns, a couple swear words, character sexualizing reader
masterlist !
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
the sound of swords clanging against each other echoed in the empty field and through the forest.
"luke, how many more times do we have to do this?" y/n was out of breath. her right hand was red from gripping her sword too hard for the past hour, her hair has been tied back by now, and sweat coated her cheeks and arms.
"no offence, but your dad is into water, not swords," luke responds.
"what? you're saying i'm not the best swordsman in camp?"
luke chuckles, "obviously, because i'm here."
y/n only laughs at his response.
"what?" y/n's more than confused.
"you wouldn't be the best sowrdsman at camp. swordswoman would be the correct term."
instead of responding y/n shoves her sword inbetween luke's wrist and hip, skillfully pushing her own sword to make his fall to the ground.
"yeah, yeah, miss one time champ. go get some water," luke laughs.
"you know, after being your friend for so many years," y/n starts, but takes another sip of water as luke walks over to the bench she's sitting on. she continues, "you would think i'd learn your fighting patterns, and actually beat you for once."
"that's the thing y/n. my fighting strategies always change. once you find them out, they'll just change again," luke replies.
"you ready to go again?" luke asks for a few minutes, letting the girl have time to rest.
y/n nods, and gratefully takes luke's hand to help her up off the bench. she walks over to the dirt area with a slight limp. luke had cut her leg earlier, on accident of course, and y/n insisted she was fine. after pouring half her water bottle on it, there was nothing more than a light scar. however it still hurt.
"wow! with a limp like that, you'd think i was with her all night!"
corey andrews stepped into the clearing of the woods, with his ares brothers right beside him. ever since he got to camp a year ago he'd been harassing y/n. he always found a way to call her out in front of others. and it made y/n's blood boil.
she was about to walk over to the idiotic camper and punch him, but luke grabbed her wrist.
"leave it," his voice was soft, yet firm.
y/n gives in, and goes back to sword fighting with luke. the pair ignore corey and his friends.
corey on the other hand dislikes the silence. he walks over to y/n's side, and pokes her in the sides. it causes her to let out a small shriek and drop her sword.
"what the hell is wrong with you?" she turns and scolds corey, punching him in the shoulder.
"dude, you never mess with someone while they have a sword in their hands," luke picks up y/n's sword for her.
"oh that was nothing. we're just playing, right babe?"
y/n's stomach drops at the name coming out of corey's mouth.
"what's your problem andrews?" luke gently pushes y/n behind him. a motion the girl would soon be thankful for.
"my problem is that absolute babe, with that kinda body isn't in my bed right now," corey gestures to y/n. she's fully behind luke, holding onto his arm. was it out of comfort? or in order to keep luke from lashing out? y/n didn't know, but luke didn't mind her touch.
"she's busy," luke answers for her, feeling her grip tighten, "we're busy. so if you could leave, that'd be great."
luke needed corey to get out of his sight before he punched him. he couldn't stand what the ares boy was saying about his best friend.
"not before i get a piece of her," corey snickers and lunges to try and get to y/n from behind luke.
"corey!" luke scolds, throwing his arms out to block corey.
"don't touch me!" y/n yells in fear, now holding luke's shirt tighter than ever.
finally one of corey's friends speaks up, "corey, come on, they both asked you to leave her alone."
the other friend can't help but agree.
"y/n, go find chiron and tell him about corey," luke whispers. with a nod, y/n's running in the direction of the big house. anything to get away from corey.
before the harasser can get a gain on y/n, luke's grabbing him by the shirt. he lets go, but only to punch him square in the face.
blood instantly seeps out of his nose, and luke swore he saw fire gleaming in corey's eyes.
"why are you so protective of her? what? you sleeping with her or something?"
luke's expression doesn't change.
"if you say one more thing about her, i swear i'll punch you into the ground."
no words were spoken, making luke release his grip on corey's shirt. corey however takes the opportunity to shove his head into luke's knocking him back a few steps.
corey gets a few punches in before luke regains his balance. a few more punches land on luke's arms, before he shoves corey back, and punches him one last time before the asshole is laying on the ground.
luke's breathing heavily and corey's catching his breath on the groun as chiron speaks up.
he walks fully out of the woods now, with y/n climbing off his back. as soon as she told him what happened, he directed her to get in his back as he ran towards the arena.
y/n ran to luke as chiron started scolding corey and his two brothers, mostly corey though.
y/n holds luke's face in her hands, running her thumbs over the fresh red patches on his cheeks.
"are you okay?" there's nothing but concern filling her voice.
luke dryly chuckles, "you should see the other guy."
y/n leans up and wraps her arms around luke's neck to fully pull him into a hug. in seconds his own arms wrap around her waist.
as they pull away, luke watches chiron walk off with the three ares brothers.
"are you okay?" luke finally asks y/n.
she nods, "yeah, it's uh, nothing he hasn't said before. he's just never lunged at me before."
luke leans over to kiss y/n's forehead, before talking back to their swords. he was going to put them away, with the other dull fighting swords, but y/n's voice stops his movements.
"thank you," luke turns to the girl, "you've saved me a lot from corey, and i've never really told you thank you."
"what are friends for?"
luke's words hurt y/n, not on purpose. y/n can't help but see luke differently recently. she wasn't sure if he grew into his looks, or maybe it was just her hormones messing with her, but she started falling for luke castellan.
"you okay?" luke walks back over to the girl.
she only nods, "yeah, yes i'm okay."
luke notices the shake in her voice and her emotions changing from one to another.
"are you sure?" luke's hands rubs up and down her shoulders.
y/n only nods again, but after a moment her eyes drift down to his lips subconsciously.
luke noticed.
the boy smirks slightly, making y/n confused.
"you look like you want to kiss me."
y/n's cheeks change to the brightest shade of red, and she immediately starts shaking her head.
"no! no, no that's ridiculous," she denies
"what if i said i want to kiss you too?"
y/n's breath catches in her throat. she must've heard luke wrong.
her thought was disproved when luke leaned in slightly. he stopped, wanting to make sure y/n wanted this just as much as he did. the girl simply pulls luke to her by his neck. a small groan emits his lips once they connect with hers.
the kiss was full of force, and pent up emotions. they could both tell, and they knew how long they needed this kiss to happen.
"you guys done sucking face?"
luke and y/n break apart at clarisse's voice.
"we need the arena to practice," she states, motioning to a few of the ares sisters behind her.
"yeah uh," luke coughs, "we'll go."
and with that, he pulls a very giddy y/n out of the arena and toward the direction of his cabin.
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lizzieisright · 6 months
She looks like fun
dom!reader x sub!Abby
Summary: During the patrol you find a pretty pleated skirt. In Abby's size.
Tags: okay, here we go fingering, oral, strap usage, strap sucking, Abby wears a skirt and a collar for sexy purposes, scene negotiation, safewords (traffic lights), aftercare, Abby and R are switches.
wc: 6.5k (it's a huge bitch, but 1.5k is a sfw part in the beginning)
a/n: listen I love when girls wear short pleated skirts, and Abby is not an exception.
MINORS DON'T INTERACT I'll hunt you for sport 
It’s rare to find something worthy when you’re out on the patrol, and you try to contain your disappointment every time - mostly because you hate losing and you and Abby have a rivalry going on who can bring more cool shit for the other. It’s romantic and sappy and also it drives you both crazy since you’re competitive. (people said hate sex was hot - have you tried sex after your super competitive partner loses to you? The best thing ever). So usually you won’t be happy at the end of your patrol.
But today you manage to get into a store that hasn’t been raided yet, so you start taking everything you see - people need clothes all the time, and it’s valuable. You put a mark on your map so others can go there later to take the rest and you go to women’s section, not feeling optimistic: the fabric is worse, the sizes are fucked, and even if you find something nice it tends to not last long.
But then you see it. 
On the rack next to jeans there’s a rack with skirts - and why the fuck you’d stop to look at them? - but the skirts are pleated skirts. Short pleated skirts that cover ass just enough to be socially acceptable. 
You can’t stop looking at them - you’ve seen before how nice they flow and how absolutely delicious girls look in them. 
But it’s so not Abby’s style. 
But she’ll look so good in one of these skirts.
She will probably tell you to go fuck yourself if you show it to her. 
You pack it in your backpack anyway. 
“Found something?” Abby asks as she comes inside the shop. “Oh wow. This is nice.”
“Choose whatever you want, my treat.” You say with a cocky smirk and Abby rolls her eyes.
“It doesn’t count.” 
“You’re being unfair.” You whine as Abby makes her way to you. 
“No, I’m not.” Abby murmurs. “This store is a public service, where is your personal touch?”
“You’ll talk shit just to keep your score, huh?” You smirk and Abby gives you a peck on your lips before diving into the racks to find something for herself.
The skirt gets a buddy in the form of a tight cropped white t-shirt and you don’t tell Abby about it. 
The week passes and you still don’t talk about that damn skirt even though you can’t stop thinking about Abby wearing it: how it would hug her round butt and how her thick thighs would be so shamelessly out for you. You think about how cute she’d look walking around your shared space, the skirt bouncing and almost showing you everything. You think about the possibility of Abby not wearing any underwear under it, and how hot it would be to lift the skirt up and touch her and make her moan. You think about Abby all sprawled out with your head under that skirt, making a mess out of it. 
Abby is not an idiot, so she notices the change in your mood for the last few days. She knows something is on your mind, so she catches you off guard, with her fingers buried deep inside you. 
“Come on baby, tell me what’s been bothering you.” Abby murmurs into your ear while her fingers relentlessly hit the spot that makes you see stars.
“Shit- what?” You ask, totally lost in your pleasure. 
“You’re keeping something from me. So share.” Abby kisses your neck and you try really hard not to cum, but your thighs start to shake.
“Fuck- the fucking skirt-”
And you see Abby in that skirt, all cute and shy, and you spasm around real Abby’s fingers, cumming with a groan. Abby is too distracted with watching you go through your orgasm, still fucking you, and you both forget about the topic. 
Until you’re calmed down and Abby is satisfied with how fucked out you are. Then she remembers.
Shit, you think. Now you’ll have to explain it to Abby who definitely will tell you to fuck off. 
“I took a skirt from that store we found. It’s a pleated skirt, a cute one.”
“So? You want to wear it?” 
“I want you to wear it.”
Abby is silent, and you expect it, so you already drop the subject in your head, letting it go. But Abby is not letting it go.
“You want me to wear a skirt?”
“If you want to, obviously. I think you'll be so hot in it. But I know it’s not your style.”
“It’s really not.” Abby chuckles. “So that’s why you’ve been so spacey lately? Thinking about me in a skirt?”
“Yeah. Can’t stop thinking about your pretty butt in it.” You kiss Abby’s neck and flip her on her back. “You’d look so cute.” You kiss Abby’s abs as you make your way down. “I’d run my hands under your pretty little skirt and you’ll just take it like a good girl, yeah?”
This shift is always beautiful: she just fucked your brains out, but a couple of words and your head between her legs makes Abby go pliant and soft, her big blue eyes giving you a Bambi. 
“Holy fuck.” Abby sighs and you smile into her pussy. “I’ll wear it for you.”
The hungry monster inside you roars and claws at your chest. 
Abby walks funny the next day.
You don’t actually expect Abby to wear it - after all, what is said under horny subby fog can’t be held accountable. Abby is really not a girly girl - fuck, it’d be easier to make you wear a skirt (after getting shot and stabbed repeatedly, mind you), and you understand that Abby might not be comfortable with this idea. 
But you leave the skirt and the t-shirt on the bed one day to give her the choice. When you come back, it's gone. 
Next time the skirt topic comes up when you're taking a bath together - a rare luxury, so you enjoy every second of feeling Abby's warm skin against yours.
"Do you still want me to wear a skirt?" If you were relaxed a second ago, now you're suddenly alert. 
"Only if you want it too." You kiss her shoulder. 
"And if I wear it..?" Abby gives you space to finish the phrase for her. 
"I'll fuck you on every surface in this apartment." Abby laughs, but you know what she wants to know. "Yeah, I want it to be a scene." You take a second. "Do you want me to plan it?"
You freeze for a second, not really believing your luck - Abby doesn't ask for a scene plan unless she wants to do it, and right now it means she will wear a skirt for you. 
"Fuck baby, you're going to wear it for me?" You ask excitedly, squeezing her in your arms. "With a t-shirt too?"
"Yeah, yeah. Don't let it get into your head." 
"We have a few free days next week, right? Is it okay?"
"Yes, you horndog." Abby laughs and you bite her gently. 
So you spend the next days planning what you would do with Abby, writing a short list of kinks so she could veto whatever she doesn't want to happen or add something she wants to happen (the ropes last time? Her idea). She still won't know in which order everything will happen or where exactly, or even when in some cases, to save the magic of the moment, but in order to feel safe with each other, you write your lists every time, unless you both get spontaneously in the mood and have to negotiate on the fly. 
You pass your list to Abby and as she reads it, her face warms up in a pretty red colour, just like apples in the garden. 
"Okay." Abby smiles at you. "This sounds good. But I pulled my shoulder today, so I won't be able to get on my hands and knees."
"Fuck, I'll give a massage later." You say, worried. "Okay, that's fine, no doggy." 
"We can do that one, when you push the pillow under me?"
You swallow in horny, the pictures flying through your head, as you scribble it down on your list. 
"Fuck yes. Are you going to be fine like this? You still put your arms up." 
"It's not that bad." Abby shrugs. "I want to add something." 
You nod eagerly, always ready to give Abby whatever she wants. Abby walks away to go through her backpack and comes back to you, giving you a piece of small leather belt. It's too small for any human, and just as your brain starts to catch up, Abby drops the bomb on you.
"Collar me."
You blink a few times, not believing your ears.
"I'll fucking destroy you, Abs." You say, your voice low and dark. 
You had this talk before, and Abby was honestly weirded out by the ritual of collaring, so you decided not to add it, especially since you weren't in a 24/7 dynamic and not in fixed roles either. And you know Abby doesn't mean putting this collar as the collar, but it is still so hot. The whole thing is not done by the book or by rules, but you really don't care: whatever Abby wants, Abby gets. 
"I will want to tug on it." You tell her, honestly, and Abby thinks for a second.  
"Yeah, okay. Traffic lights, then." 
You nod and add "collaring" in your messy handwriting. 
You know Abby will wear this skirt, it's not a surprise, but you're still not prepared when you walk into the kitchen. 
Abby is standing there, and you trail her bare legs up until you see the edge of the skirt and holy fuck. Holy fuck she looks good in it, her trained perky ass making the folds of the skirt to look especially delicious. You lick your lips as your fingers twitch, because you want to lift it already and get a look at her pretty little pussy. 
And your eyes go up and you see this tight t-shirt that shows all the muscles in Abby's back and shoulders and you want to bite her and mark her. 
"Wow, princess." You sigh and make your way to her, squeezing her waist. Abby jumps, surprised, but relaxes against you. "You look so fucking pretty." 
"Thank you."
"Give me a twirl, will you?" You step away to give her space.
Abby is clearly embarrassed, but she does the cutest twirl in the world and yes, you can see her ass. And she is not wearing underwear, just as you told her. 
"Beautiful." You murmur and run your hand up her thigh, lifting the skirt just a little. "You wanna watch something? I brought this from the library."
You show her the dvd and Abby is still tethered to reality, so she reads the summary carefully. 
"Sounds okay. Not like the last time." 
"Fuck you, baby." You pinch her side in revenge. "Let's go."
It seems so normal. It seems like any other day off, you and Abby sitting on the couch, but even as you pretend to watch the movie, you see how twitchy Abby is getting. 
She plays with the ham of her skirt and it's so fucking cute - but then she smooths the fabric and you feel like you're going to explode: Abby enjoys wearing it. Abby likes it in a way that a girl who was forced to grow up in a horrible fucking world would enjoy doing normal girly things. 
Maybe Abby is not not so girly after all. 
Your heart feels tender right now and you can't help but to put your hand on her thigh, drawing little circles on her sensitive skin. 
"Do you like it?"
"A little predictable, but still better." Abby shrugs and squeaks when you squeeze her thigh. "Yeah." She is shy now. "I feel pretty." 
"You are pretty, princess." You whisper in her ear, making her shudder.
But you don't do anything else. You keep watching the movie, caressing Abby's thigh and pretend not to notice the change in her breathing. Then Abby starts shifting a little and you look down to see her nipples perked up. The fabric is rubbing against her sensitive skin and you just wait, because in a minute you feel how Abby tries to press her thighs together, thinking she is sneaky. 
You chuckle and move your hand under the skirt, slowly parting her folds. Abby tries to keep her whimper to herself, but you feel how wet she is. 
"What's got you so worked up, pretty girl?" You ask innocently while you brush your thumb over Abby's clit. 
"Nothing." Abby breathes out and you chuckle. 
"Really?" You wonder and pick up the speed, flicking Abby's clit until she presses her thighs together.
It's such a pretty sight: your hand under Abby's skirt, squeezed by her warm thighs, her knees pressed together. Abby is biting her lip and you watch her while your fingers tease her relentlessly. She looks desperate and helpless, and you live for it.
"Were you thinking exactly about this? How good I will make you feel under your pretty skirt?" You gently bite Abby's neck and she joists. "But we are watching a movie, princess, and I'm really interested in it. So you will give a narration while I play with your pretty pussy." You can't give less fucks about this movie, but making life harder for Abby is your favourite game.
"Yes, ma'am." Abby is not fully in the subspace yet, so she feels a little shy, but she crumbles completely when your eyes meet. 
You slide down to the floor and make Abby put her feet by her sides for better access. The skirt falls between her legs and covers her cunt, and you lean back to look at her. Abby is blushing and frowning in desperation, her nipples are perking through the t-shirt and her plushy thighs are open so shamelessly for you. 
"You stop talking, I stop touching you." You warn Abby and she nods. "Now lift your shirt up." 
Abby does as she told and now this is a sight, her small tits squeezed by the t-shirt, her abs flexing as she breathes deeply. Abby already looks ruined and you haven't done anything yet.
"What is happening there?" You ask routinely and lift Abby's skirt up, revealing her soaked little cunt. You spread her lips open and circle her clit with your thumb. 
"She is- she is at work again." Abby sighs and you hum, encouraging her. "She is talking to the cigarette selling woman." It sounds like Abby is relieved when she finishes her line and you laugh to yourself: your poor baby is trying to be good for you.
You leave her clit alone and push two fingers in slowly, watching her body react to you as beautiful as always. Abby freezes and instead of watching the movie, watches your fingers disappear in her.
"I'll take them out." You threaten and Abby snaps back into watching. 
"There's this creepy guy," Abby swallows hard when you start slowly pumping your fingers in and out. "And she has an idea- fuck." You just curled your fingers and Abby stops watching again, but quickly opens her eyes.
"What's the idea?" 
"She wants the sell- ah, fuck - selling lady and the- the-" You pick up the speed of your fingers and Abby clutches to your shoulders. You reach with your free hand and pinch her nipple, and Abby twitches in response, her pussy clenches on you. "Fuck, it feels so good, ma'am."
"And I'm yet to hear about her idea." You say with a hint of a threat, but your thrusts only get rougher. 
"She is playing matchmaker, ohmygod!" Abby whimpers and in reward you lick the long strip from your fingers buried in her pussy to her neglected clit. You suck on it and Abby lets out a shriek as her knees are closing up above your head. "Fuck, oh god- I can't-" 
You keep sucking on her clit until she is shaking and moaning, but then you move away and take out your fingers. 
"Is she still playing matchmaker?" You ask sternly.  Abby blinks and checks the screen. 
"That's what I fucking thought." You knead Abby's thighs a little painfully and keep her legs open for you. "Keep talking, princess."
Abby nods feverishly and swallows. Such a pretty fucking sight, you think as you look up to her: Abby's mouth is open and she really tries so hard to watch this stupid movie, but you push your fingers inside again and all her efforts go to waste as she twitches and blinks very fast in a attempt to not close her eyes.
"She is telling the selling lady that the creepy g- fuck-" Abby sobs when you put your mouth back on her. You play with her clit and suck on it again, making Abby buck her hips into your face. "The- the creepy guy is in- ma'am! - is in love with her!" 
You push Abby's legs together and up, almost folding her in half and push your tongue alongside your fingers, getting drunk on her taste. Abby is a smart girl, so she holds herself under her knees to help you and moans when she feels your tongue and your fingers inside.  Abby always tastes and feels like heaven, and you never want to leave her pussy alone. 
"Ma'am I'm gonna cum." Abby whimpers and you get rough, every push of your fingers is moving Abby's whole body with the sheer force of it, because Abby is not behaving.
"Is her idea working?" You suck on her clit again and Abby whines and sobs while forcing herself to look at the screen.
"Y-yes!" Abby shouts and cums on your fingers, sucking them in on every spasm. You pick up the pace and Abby tries to fight you off, but you slap her hand away and fuck her through her orgasm until her thighs are shaking uncontrollably. Abby is whimpering on every exhale, her abs are twitching, and you smile wolfishly.
"You did so good, princess." You let Abby's legs go gently and fix her skirt, smoothing the fabric. Abby looks at you with pleading eyes and your heart swells, so you straighten up and kiss her slowly and delicately. Abby relaxes and caresses your neck, chasing your mouth, and you can’t help yourself as you pinch her nipples playfully. 
“You want your collar?” You ask softly and Abby nods eagerly. “Show me how good your throat is first.”
Bratty Abby is fun, and you like the back and forth of it, but good girl Abby makes you feral: you just told her what you want and she is already opening her mouth for you, sticking her tongue out.
“Good fucking girl.” You growl and push your fingers down her throat. 
You fuck Abby’s throat until she is gurgling and her eyes roll back into her skull: you know she likes it, likes to relax her throat and let you use her as you wish. Abby is not even gagging now, so used to it, but you can feel how her throat clenches on you sometimes. Abby looks so cute like this, her tits out, her eyes closed and her thighs pressed together under the skirt as it spreads so prettily around her hips. 
“Beautiful.” You murmur and clean up her spit from her chin. Abby smiles at you, clearly pleased from praise, and you kiss her again as a reward. Abby likes kisses, especially if she is needy, as if it keeps her tethered to you. "Show me your neck, princess."
Abby straightens up and proudly shows you her neck - she is so cute you can't help your giggle. You take out the small belt and Abby looks at you with wide eyes as if you’re her god. 
"Mine." You tell her when you tighten the collar around her neck. "You're mine." 
"Yours, ma'am." Abby answers in a small voice and you see how any rational thought leaves Abby’s head as her eyes get cloudy. "Can I touch it, ma'am?"
"Go ahead." You nod and watch her strong fingers that leave bruises on your thighs brush over the leather with such care. "We're not done, princess." 
Abby nods and you tug on her collar until she stands up on her shaking legs and follows you to the bedroom. There's enough space for your fingers to fit in under the collar, but you're still careful with it: it's a new thing and you don't want to hurt Abby in a way she doesn't want to be hurt. 
You lead Abby to the bed, but instead of getting her to lie down, you sit on the bed and tug on her collar to get her down on her knees. Abby slowly sits on her thighs and fixes the skirt again, and you just can't. She is so fucking cute in it, and you can see the curve of her hips in the mirror, her waist looks tiny and the dips along her spine are so fucking hot. 
You caress Abby's cheekbone with your thumb, adoring her, and she blooms. Abby likes subbing because she's loved so fully at her weakest and most vulnerable like she's never been before - she's literally on her knees, with a collar around her neck and in a skirt and you look at her like she is divine.
"Is your throat good enough for my cock too, princess?"  You ask with a teasing smirk, palming your strap through the fabric of your pants. 
"Yes ma'am. I'll be so good for you." Abby pleads and grabs at your thighs before she remembers herself. 
"Too eager for your own good, huh?" You weave your fingers through her hair at the back, right under the braid, holding her head up. "Come on, get to work."
Abby tugs your pants down and you can see in the mirror how she presses her thighs together when she sees your strap, and that won't do. 
"Spread your legs and arch your back, I wanna see how wet you're gonna get." 
Abby does exactly as she is told, even lifting herself up a little so she could reach your lap, and you see her skirt covering everything. It's a downside, but Abby is smart, so she pushes the skirt to the front just enough for it to go up and your grip in her hair tightens from how sexy she looks. The edge of the skirt is now reaching to the middle of her ass and you see her wet pussy glisten; the contrast of her waist to hips ratio makes her ass look even better, and you feel like you're gonna cum just from watching Abby getting wet. 
"Fucking beautiful." You growl and Abby even shakes her ass a little to make it jiggle. "Focus, princess." You tell her sternly, and Abby arches into you even more. 
You tug Abby's head back and she opens her mouth automatically, so you push your cock inside just a little - Abby wraps her lips around the head and you let go of her hair, letting her run the show and have fun. Abby leaves wet open mouthed kisses along the length of your strap and you hum in approval, petting her head. She is blushing and her freckles look so pretty on her pink cheeks, her eyelashes flatter when she closes her eyes and licks the whole length of your strap. The movements cause the harness to move against your clit and your breathing gets heavier - you didn't expect it to happen, you must've put the harness in a different way - and Abby notices how tense are your thighs under her hands. She makes eye contact with you to check in, and you smile at her. 
"You're doing so good princess, you might make me cum if you keep it up."
Abby whimpers when she hears it - it's very rare for you to even allow her to touch you when you dom her, let alone make you cum, but Abby wants to. She always wants to please you in any way she's allowed to. 
"Please let me make you cum, ma'am." Abby begs, looking at you with her big doe eyes. 
"You can try, princess." You chuckle, not very sure that she can, but Abby seems determined. 
Abby lifts up a little again and lowers her head on your cock, taking as much as she can while she still can breathe, and when she comes back up, the harness grinds against your clit, making you hiss. Abby wiggles in excitement and starts to bob her head up and down, getting dizzy from hearing your panting and hissing above her.
"Just like that, babygirl." You pant and put your hand on Abby's head, slightly pushing the strap deeper. "You can take it, right?" You coo and Abby moans in agreement. "Good girl. Relax for me."
You hold Abby's head by her braid and push your strap deeper and deeper while Abby's eyes roll back into her skull. There is something so comforting about having her throat stuffed Abby can't help herself but to go absolutely slack while you fuck her throat, grunting and panting as your own pleasure builds up. 
"Ride your fingers, princess, I know you want to." 
Fucking hell, you think as you watch Abby pump her fingers in and out in the mirror, her thighs and ass look so delicious with the skirt on. Abby moans and whimpers as you fuck her throat and she fucks herself, and you know you're not going to last long. 
Your grip tightens in her hair and Abby whimpers, and you can see in the mirror how rough she is being with herself, desperate to cum. 
"Fuck-" You whimper and buck your hips up to get more friction and the same time as Abby swallows you down, and the pressure ticks you off right away. 
Your thighs shake and your hips buck, chasing the aftershocks of your orgasm while Abby watches you with wide eyes, her own fingers forgotten. She is not even breathing, absolutely mesmerised by your reactions - she made you cum, she made you cum without even touching you. 
You pant, still twitching from your orgasm, but you find the strength to move Abby away from the strap despite her whining. 
"Come here." You tug on her collar again to make her move and Abby straddles you. "Holy fuck." You whisper when you look at her. "My best girl." You kiss Abby's shoulder and she giggles.
"Thank you, ma'am." 
You smile at her and then lie down on the bed, tugging on Abby's hips so she would move. Abby is bright red - for some reason she is still so shy when you make her sit on your face - but she moves up, until her thighs are by the sides of your face. Abby can't even look at you, her eyelashes casting shadows on her cheeks.
“Look at me.” You tell her and Abby steals a glance at you, which is not what you wanted. “I said look at me.”
And Abby looks, tries her hardest to maintain eye contact with you as you push her down on your face, burying yourself in her soaked pussy. 
Abby whines when you suck on her sensitive clit since she's been close after fucking herself earlier. You don't waste any time and eat her out messily, getting her wetness all over your face as you devour her, fucking her with your tongue, rubbing and sucking her clit, while Abby writhes on top of you. 
“Oh god-” She sobs and you grab a handful of her hips, pulling her skirt up so you can see her. “I'm gonna-”
And that is exactly your cue to stop, leaving Abby panting and whimpering on top of you. You watch her pretty clit throb from being so close to orgasm and smirk. 
Abby is confused and there's a tiniest hint of hurt on her face: she did such a good job and you are not letting her cum?
You chuckle and signal her to move. 
“Lie down on your stomach.” You tell her and while Abby does as she is told, you fix your harness and grab a pillow to put it under Abby's hips. 
Seeing Abby's fat thighs pressed together with her wet glistening hole between them makes you want to ruin her. The sight of your strong, dangerous girlfriend all shy and pretty and in this damn skirt makes you froth at your mouth like a fucking dog. Abby makes you feel like the most unhinged obsessed creep and the way she welcomes your dark side - as you think of it - is why you would die for her at any moment. 
You can't help the possessive bite you leave on her neck, practically growling into her ear.
“You're mine.” You tell her and Abby nods, shows her neck with a collar on it. 
“Yours.” She whispers and bucks her hips into you, presenting herself for you. 
You line your strap up and push inside, feeling how tight Abby is from being so close to an orgasm. 
“It's a pity you can't see yourself, princess.” You tell her as you watch the head of your strap slowly disappear in her hole. “You're close, aren't you?”
“Please, ma'am.” Abby whimpers and you part her ass cheeks to give yourself a show. 
“Please what?”
“Please fuck me.” Abby says and you smile. 
“You can do better than that.”
You're not usually the “beg me” type, but now you want Abby to be desperate. You keep pushing extremely slowly, teasing Abby and moving away when she bucks her hips. 
“Please, I need you.” Abby starts shyly and oh, what a great idea it is. “Ma'am, I need you, please fuck me, only you can make me feel good, please-”
You push all the way in in one go and Abby moans loudly.
“Good fucking girl.” You growl and pick a hard pace right away, slamming into Abby so hard her ass jiggles. Abby sobs and her back tenses: she feels you so deep and she is so tight in this position, and she is so fucking close. You knead her ass through the skirt and just watch your strap disappear in Abby, fucking her mercilessly. 
“Ma’am-” Abby whimpers and holds the pillow under her head for dear life, trying to hold off her orgasm. “Can I-” Abby doesn't get to finish her sentence as your next thrust knocks the air out of her. 
“Cum, babygirl.” You tell her gently while you thrust into Abby's tight little pussy with force, grabbing her hips for stability. 
Abby coils and lifts her ass as her orgasm rips through her body like an electric shock, and you chuckle, satisfied, your movements slowing down. You're not stopping, still moving inside her, and Abby squeezes her thighs together under you, whimpering. 
“Relax, princess, and let me have you.” You murmur into her ear and continue fucking her slowly, watching your strap come out of her covered in her cum. 
Abby genuinely tries to relax, but she is sensitive right now and your cock drags along her walls so slowly it drives her crazy. She likes feeling so stuffed, so full of you, but now she wants to cum again. 
“Ma'am, please go faster.” Abby asks you and you chuckle. 
“You're so impatient.” You tsk and slap her ass cheek lightly, watching it jiggle. “You're gonna cum like this or not at all, understood?”
“Yes ma'am.” Abby says, humbled, but her voice breaks in a moan when you push inside to the hilt. “Fuck.”
You smile and pull out just to push back and Abby clutches to the pillow, her whole body feels like she is on fire. You don't make it easier as your lips travel over her sensitive back, every touch of your hot tongue makes her tighten around your strap and moan pathetically. 
Abby is so close and so, so fucking far away from her orgasm and you know it, so you continue thrusting into her slowly until Abby starts to squirm and misbehave as she pushes back, chasing your strap. 
“Stop it.” You tell her sternly and push her lower back into the bed to stop her from moving. 
“Ma'am, please!” Abby whines.
You tug on her collar quite roughly and press your lips to her ear. 
“Such a brat.” You growl and slam into Abby roughly, making her squeal. “Turn on your side.” 
And that's how Abby ends up being fucked roughly from behind while you squeeze her throat and play with her clit relentlessly, bringing her to the edge immediately. Your pelvis hits her ass at every thrust and Abby whines and whimpers, her eyes rolled back, her head absolutely empty. Abby feels like she doesn’t exist anymore, only your hands and your voice and your cock do - and she feels so fucking good. 
“Ma’am-” Abby moans frantically. “It feels so good, you feel so good, thankyouthankyouthankyou” Is all you can hear between Abby’s sobs. You smile darkly and fuck her harder until she shrieks and cums again. 
But you don’t stop. You keep fucking Abby through her orgasm, you keep fucking her when she whines from being too sensitive, you keep fucking her even when she tries to move your hand away from her clit.
“Ma’am, it’s too much- I can’t-”
“You can take it.” You pant into her ear. “You wanted to cum so much before, so keep cumming.”  
And Abby does, with another sob. She cums again, and again, until it becomes too much for real, and her face is wet with tears. She feels like overstimulation now hurts more than pleases, and maybe you’re right, she has another one in her, but Abby feels exhausted. 
“Yellow.” Abby sniffles, and you stop moving right away, carefully letting go of her tit, but not removing the strap yet in case it will hurt Abby.
“Too much?” You ask her gently and Abby nods. “Does something hurt?” You ask her with such care in your voice Abby wants to cry, because she feels like she could’ve gone longer and now she’s disappointed you. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” Abby sniffles, and you get more alert than ever.
“Abby? Can I hug you?” Abby nods and you carefully wrap your arms around her and bury your face in her neck. “Talk to me, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Did I say something?”
“No- It’s just- It started to hurt and I’m tired- fuck, I’m sorry.” 
“Baby, why are you saying sorry? It’s okay, you did good by using the safeword.”
“I just feel like I could go longer, I should not have stopped you.” Abby admits and sniffles again, ashamed - her emotions skyrocket in subspace.
“I don’t want you to push your limits to please me. How about we stop now, get clean and then cuddle and talk, if you want? How does it sound?”
“We can continue, I just need a moment.” Abby pleads as her guilt grows.
“I don't think we should, sweets.” That pet name makes Abby squeeze her eyes: you only use it when she is not allowed to argue. “It's okay. You're okay. You didn't do anything wrong.” You kiss her shoulder and Abby's head gets a little clearer. “Thank you for telling me, you did so well.”
This makes Abby feel a little better; she nods and squeezes your hand in return. You carefully remove the strap while Abby winces and then you help her get up and go to the bathroom, to shower. 
You take her clothes and collar off, and Abby doesn’t look at you, still beating herself up, but you won’t have it. So when you two get into the shower and water starts to wash the sweat and cum off both of you, you take her face in your hands and kiss her cheeks, her nose, her eyes and forehead, everywhere really. Just small gentle kisses, until Abby smiles and looks at you bashfully.
“You have the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen.” You tell her honestly and Abby blushes, but her mood seems to go up. 
You wash both of you gently, carefully going over Abby’s crotch, and she relaxes under your arms. You dry both of you after and help Abby change into her pjs. She gets under the blankets and you kiss her forehead before going to the kitchen and getting some food for both of you. 
When you return with two plates and a big cup, Abby looks sleepily at you, seemingly calm. But you know her, you know how guilt can eat her alive, so you keep being alert. 
“Drink this first.” You give Abby warm water with honey and she drinks it, scrunching her nose from the sweetness of it. Then you eat in comfortable silence, both noticing with surprise how hungry you were - which should not be a surprise by now, really. You finish your food and clean up so you can cuddle Abby and sooth her. Abby gets on top of you and you caress her hair and shoulders absentmindedly.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better.” Abby sounds more sober now too. “I just-” She huffs, annoyed at herself. “I dunno how to explain. I could've gone longer.” 
“I don't want to hurt you. Not in a way you don't enjoy.” You remind her. Abby loves you so much she is scared to fuck everything up, and it led to some problems before, when she put your needs above hers. You talked about it, but sometimes, especially if Abby subs, she slips and does it again. This is exactly why you have a “sweets” rule: to stop her before she hurts both of you with her sacrifices. 
“I just feel like I'm..weak.” Abby admits and you chuckle. 
“You're not. You're a grownup who can tell their limits, and I'm so happy you did.” You say kindly. “I trust you. You were so good for me today, including using the safeword.” You kiss the top of Abby's head and she hugs you tighter. “I'm sorry I didn't check in with you.”
Abby nods and looks up to you. 
“We both agreed to this, right? We literally fucked around and found out.” You chuckle and reach out to grab the honey water for Abby. 
“I know you hate it, but your throat needs it.”
Abby groans and drinks it, absolutely despising the honey: this is the only drawback of getting her throat fucked.
“Did you like the skirt?” Abby asks playfully. 
“Yes. You looked so good in it, god. I got a little crazy.” You kiss her honey lips and Abby smiles into your mouth. 
“Well, next time it's your turn.” She says seriously and you laugh. 
“If you promise to not rip it apart.” 
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aestrayla · 3 days
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cherries or peaches? pt. 2 ft. obey me! datables
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summary: do they prefer ass or boobs? ft. obey me! datables x f!reader
cw: HIGHLY suggestive, mdni, fluff??, pet names (sweetheart), fondling, groping, grinding/humping, semi-public but no sex, licking, stripping, MY HUMOUR..
word count: 1.4k
a/n: thank u so much for the love on the first part, im so happy to be able to write these hcs, they’re such a fun idea. i got a bit carried away and some of these turned into half-ish fics but i hope u enjoy this version just as much as the first ♡
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diavolo loves ass. the end.
just kidding.
ever since arriving in the devildom, student council meetings had always been a bore to you. you were never able to understand the complex topics of the “worldly problems” discussed, which often led to you staring out into space.
but ever since you got close to diavolo, things had changed.
“keep it down, y/n,” diavolo whispered through clenched teeth, as he kept a beaming smile glued to his face.
you let out a peeved groan. how the hell were you supposed to keep quiet when he kept rocking you back and forth on his lap like this?
despite your squirming, his hands never left you as he pushed and kneaded at your ass under the table. his hard-on evident as it ground against your clit, eliciting hushed whimpers from your lips.
in many ways, doing this was beyond worse than just zoning out, one wrong move and the whole student council would probably never look you in the eye again.
to make matters worse, diavolo insisted that meetings can’t start unless you were up here, in his lap, at all times.
“dia, i can’t do this anymore,” you whimpered under your breath.
“it’s almost over soon, sweetheart. just a little longer ‘n then i’ll make you feel good, hm?”
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it might not be obvious at first, but barbatos loves boobs.
hearing that he was the “greatest pastry chef in all three worlds” has always been something that intrigued you. it wasn’t until you tried them for yourself that you realised that this statement was far from being a lie.
it was only a few weeks ago that you asked him to teach you a few of his recipes, you had never seen so much delight in his eyes. “oh that would be great, y/n! i’ve always been looking forward to the day you’d ask me so.”
as you slam the door to the oven, a gust of the hot air blows against your face, “how long should these be in the oven for, barbs?”
“thirty minutes should be fine. do you mind adding some of that sugar over there into this bowl?” you set the oven timer to thirty minutes before scurrying over with a measured bowl of sugar, pouring it into the bowl of fresh cream.
“perfect, could you whisk up this cream for me while i go find the vanilla?”
“sure.” he hands you the whisk before poking his nose through the cupboards in search of vanilla.
as you were whisking, you let your mind wander. gosh, i can’t wait to try this when it’s done… but dang i lowkey wonder when he’s gonna let me in his pants already… a few wet splatters across your chest had snapped you back to focus, “oh shit— i spilt it on me!”
the clank of the whisk dropping to the countertop had barbatos rushing towards you.
“oh goodness me, you’ve made a mess!”
“i know… fuck i’m sorry. i’ll just get a tea towel and wipe—”
before you could finish your sentence, barbatos had stopped you. his body crowding up against yours as he leaned in. holding you by your waist, you could feel his kitten licks swipe against your chest, even reaching as far down to the cleavage of your boobs.
you started to feel hot and dazed as the sweet aroma drifted through the kitchen, while he started to suck harshly against your skin, fingers creeping up to caress you’re boobs. soft pants began to leave your mouth as his tongue worked across your chest, but before it could escalate any further, he had pulled away.
as he stepped back, wiping the corner of his lips, you were left completely flustered, “oh wow, the cream without the vanilla tastes really good, you might just have a talent for baking y/n!”
“uh-huh…” you muttered, staring at him dumb-found and wide-eyed.
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simeon is secretly a big fan of boobs, so today was a big treat for him.
it was the weekend, he had scored a pair of free tickets to the amusement park, and of course decided to bring you along. it was a leisurely day however, the rides and attractions he decided to do were almost too tame for your excitement.
dragging him along, you spot an attraction that seemed to catch your eye. handing two tokens to the employee, you quickly rushed into the tank, simeon freezing, clearly stunned and confused about what was about to happen. “hey y/n, what’s going on?!”
taking a seat on the tiny platform you point to the target beside you, “can you hit a bullseye?” you winked.
the employee hands simeon a ball, “you’ve got three tries, buddy.” after a moment of hesitation, he throws the ball, hitting the center of the target with a loud smack.
you let out a small shriek before getting submerged into the tank of water. “oh my— Y/N!” simeon rushes towards the tank, quickly pulling you out from the water. you let out sharp breaths before giggling, “your aim is amazing!”
“is this your idea of fun?!” his hands reach up to hold both sides of your face, turning it from one side to the other. “you’re not hurt are you?”
you smile sweetly, flattered by his concern, “i’m fine simeon, it was fun, really.”
he sighs, “good, alright.” his eyes travel over your body checking for any scrapes before widening at the sight of your chest. the water had soaked your white shirt completely, revealing that you were wearing nothing underneath. your round nipples were perked up from the cold water while your shirt was clinging onto your wet skin.
gasping even louder than before, in a flimsy last-minute attempt to cover you up, he slaps his hands over each of your boobs and although it works in his favour, you couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
“don’t laugh y/n! we need to get you a new shirt, or at least a sweater!”
you pull him towards you by his collar, your lips mere inches away from touching, “so are you gonna help me take this one off first?” your purr.
his hands race to cover his reddened face, “w-wait that’s not what i—!” upon realising your boobs are on display again, he slams his hands back over them, “y/n!” he whines.
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two hours in, and it was blatantly obvious to solomon that this tutoring session was going nowhere.
you weren’t understanding any terms or concepts of the topic at hand and with a week to go before your final, it seemed like solomon was more worried about this than you were. surely it isn’t because you’re too distracted sitting in his lap, right?
he clears his throat, “how about this…” you slowly lift your head up from the palm of your hands, clearly distressed about your upcoming failure. “for every question you get incorrect, you remove a piece of clothing.”
you raise your brows, intrigued, “and for every question i get right, you remove a piece of clothing?” you stare back at him.
“exactly, and for that answer…” he slowly shrugs off his blazer and places it behind his chair, “i’ll remove this.”
in hopes of this becoming a motivation for you, he began to quiz you with a mini questionnaire. “what are the three ingredients used to make the elixir of cerebral stimulation?”
you internally face palm because you knew jack shit about brewing potions, “uhhh… newt legs, unicorn hair, and frog mucus?”
solomon clears his throat ubruptly. “um, no. the correct answer is powdered unicorn hoof, bittergrass root, and caladrius blood.”
you look down in embarrassment before removing three pieces of clothing. only four minutes in and you’re left in nothing but your underwear and bra.
“last and final question, what covered the devildom when it was first created?”
“…unfortunately, that is incorrect. the correct answer is a forest.”
you groan. you haven’t gotten a single question correct and embarrassment was evident as your face was flushed. you turn to face solomon, “at this point, why don’t you choose what i take off?”
your pretty face staring up at him, teary and doe-eyed had him swooning. slowly standing up and pushing your back down onto the table, he stared deliriously at you. papers were scattered everywhere and textbooks were crumpled open. your legs were wrapped around his waist as his hands gently pulled the straps of your bra down your shoulders.
staring at your bare chest he murmurs, “i’m obsessed with these,” before diving straight in.
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a/n: haven’t written in about 5 months so excuse how rusty my writing has gotten.. but nonetheless, thank for reading this far, luv you all ♡
©2024 aestrayla. do not modify, copy, translate or share.
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arminsumi · 10 months
can i get an eager, inexperienced gojo? he is probably so silly and loving during sexy time but he still acts like a horndog, not sure where to touch, kinda nerv but tryna cover it up bc he’s the strongest sorcerer, ofc he’s been with so many ladies before!!!! (he hasn’t but he doesn’t want YOU to know that)
love your works as always stay safe💗💗💗
𝐆. 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 — 五条悟
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NOTE: this made me think of that j. cole song so i looped it while writing all 2.3k of this fic 🥴 i hope u like what i did!! mwaaa smooches!! hope ur well <3
🔞 mdni / 18+ content
SUMMARY — Gojo's saved up his virginity ever since he met you, savoring every wet dream through the years until he finally got the real thing in a hotel room in Okinawa.
WARNINGS — fem reader, n.sfw content, profanity, pre-established relationship
SMUT WARNINGS — virginity loss, light dirty talk, nicknames (good girl, sweet girl, daddy), Gojo's so nervous and inexperienced wheee😩💗, protected sex/condoms used, multiple rounds (2), kitty eating, giving him head, fluffy ending scene, lmk if i have missed smth and pls overlook errors i'm slepy asf it's 2am
Wordcount ≈ 2.3k
Playme ♪ wet dreamz
🍒 𝐉𝐚𝐲 — サクランボ ⋅ 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧���𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 !
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You can’t miss the way his Addam’s apple shifts up and down when he swallows, or the way he gawks when you wiggle out of your clothes and toss them off the side of the hotel bed.
Where are my hands supposed to go?
He’s thinking that while haphazardly squeezing a large handful of your hips and hotly kissing your neck.
This has been his long-anticipated dream come true… see, Gojo Satoru met you in high school. And the first thing he thought to himself was I want her to take my virginity. So, he had promised himself that one day, when he was older, he was gonna give it to you.
All his cheeky flirting and dirty jokes got him here, in this room of some dreadfully expensive hotel in Okinawa. Yes, he’s cheesy, as cheesy as he was when he used to lean over his desk during high school to whisper dumb pickup lines into your ear; he requested rose petals and wine. He had the lights dimmed. He laid you down with kisses right on top of those strewn petals.
Crazed, feverish, eager, overwhelmed; he was bursting with a bunch of feelings – predominantly horniness. He’s always had that horny twang about him, he was unashamed about it around you – it’s what got you hot for him in the first place, the fact that he was so bold with his dirty jokes and naughty hints.
But now he’s struggling to find his words. Now that smart mouth is sparsely throwing out witty remarks. Now he was heavily relying on comedy to ease his nervousness and mask his inexperienced movements.
He let you roll on top and savored each kiss that you pressed down his chest – heaving, he was heaving and hot already and all the two of you had done so far was romantic French kissing and tentative touches across each other’s bare skin.
The heat of your flushed cheeks seared his lower abdomen.
How low is she gonna go – oh my god what do I do – play it cool – oh my god is she actually – wow this is really happening.
Such a mess of goofy thoughts passed through his mind when you pressed a testing kiss to his glistening cockhead. Giving the slit a lick made his shoulders scrunch up, and his voice shook a bit, “Shit, baby, you don’t have to do that if you don’t w – want to… oh fuck…”
“But I’ve wanted to suck it so bad, I’ve thought about it so much.” You batted your eyes at him.
His stomach flipped.
“O-okay… ” he breathed. In the back of his mind, he was self-conscious about sounding like a virgin… because he totally was. And he wasn’t masking it very well when you started kissing and licking on his cock.
Feling your tongue swirl circles around his bulbous head, then swiping the underside, nearly made him bust right there. It took every bit of this strong boy’s strength to hold it in. And there was a lot to hold in.
“Oh that’s so fucking good.” He moaned.
You lowered your lips down his slickened cock, the warmth and texture of it delighting your tongue. Taking in his scent, his taste, his sounds – when you hollowed out your cheeks and suctioned your lips around him, he let out an uneasy moan. He was really gonna bust right there in your mouth if he didn’t tell you to ease up.
“B-baby, you’re so good at that – but – but fuckkk – slow down f’me…” he pleaded, big hand coming to the back of your head as you slid off his cock – that also almost made him bust. Oh god, you unknowingly edged him. Maybe you knew that, because you giggled at the way his cock jumped and visibly twitched after popping your lips off of it.
“Sorry, you good?” you asked him sweetly. He looked at you through lust-glazed eyes, his lower lip glistening with a bit of drool.
“ ‘m okay – fuck come here and get on your back. ‘Wanna do that to you too.” He commanded you, eagerly shuffling positions.
He lowered his face between your legs, marvelling at the shiny wet sheen smeared across your inner thigh. A thin web of juice connected from your hole.
“Sorry, I know it’s rude to stare.” He chuckled, joking to lighten his nerves. But earning a laugh from you made his heart flutter before he dove right into it – now here’s where you realized something.
He was inexperienced. Totally. Sweetly so. His tongue flicked and darted around, swiping along your slit, gathering your juices like he was thirsty. The way he licked you up felt like he was some college boy giving his crush head in a lucid dream.
But if there’s one thing you know about Gojo Satoru, it’s that he can do anything he tries. You started out giggling and squirming on his face, and ended up squealing his name and arching your back. Switching between suckling at your clit and lapping at your folds and slipping his buttery tongue into your hole – he was having fun figuring it out.
And my god, he had the biggest, smuggest, most smackable grin on his face when he made you cum.
“W-wipe that grin off your face.” You panted, half-dazed from your orgasm.
His grin only grew wider. Now he was feeling a bit cocky, a little high on a sugar rush of confidence because he just made the girl of his dreams cum from a little amateur tongue-fucking.
“You musta really wanted it bad, huh?” he teased, crawling up to meet your face and pressing a few wet, sloppy kisses to your awaiting lips. You could taste yourself, and he was conscious of that – and it made him almost bust on your tummy. You felt his cock jumping and twitching and throbbing against your skin.
“Don’t get all smug now…” you muttered.
His plumped, flushed lips hovered over your face. “Thanks for the meal.” He whispered jokingly, wiping your juice off his cheek with his thumb and suckling it off.
“Hahaha what!” you broke out laughing. “You’re ridiculous!”
He ran his tongue over his lips to tease you, “Tasted better than in my dreams.”
Now that made you flush hotter underneath him. Because for some reason, it hadn’t occurred to you that he had wet dreams of you. But he did. And he was too embarrassed to admit the number – it was big. He dreamed of you a lot. Especially taking you from the back… so naturally
“Turn around f’me, please?” he asked, “I wanna see you from the back.”
Your lack of hesitation to switch positions for him made his heart thump.
“Good girl…” he muttered under his breath, unsure of how you’d take the nickname. But hearing your giggly hum and seeing your hips wiggle up to his pelvis reassured him that you liked it.
So he engulfed you from behind, “You like that?” he whispered into your ear, big hand smoothing over the curves of your body to get a good feel of it. “Want me to call you a good girl?”
You nodded into the plush pillow, “Yes please. I like it.” You mumbled into the fabric.
“Can’t hear you, speak up.” He smiled against the shell of your ear teasingly. “Daddy’s hard of hearing.” He joked.
You rolled your eyes at his dumb goofiness. For some reason you thought it would switch off in the bedroom, but no – he was just as much as a dumb good in and out of bed.
“ ‘call me your good girl, please. I like it.”
His cock twitched. He’d started rubbing and pressing his cock into you from the back. The way your thighs and plush little pussy hugged him was better than any dream – lucid or not. And he’s had a lot of lucid wet dreams of you. Of this, specifically; taking you from behind. In his dreams, he’s pounding into you so good that you cream and cream and cream all over him. He just hopes he can actually achieve that in reality.
When he lowers his hands and fists his cock a bit before running the head between your folds, a pang of nervousness strikes his chest. That feeling came over him – that realization that oh, I’m gonna have my first time.
“So pretty…” he compliments, one hand soothingly caressing around your pussy.
To you, it almost feels like he might have done this before – you’re not sure – with the way he lightly smacks his cock on your hole, and the way he tests your smallness by slipping his tip in and out, you think he’s probably got at least a bit of experience under his belt.
But no. No, not at all. Not even a little bit. In fact, before you, he only kissed two people – and the first didn’t count to him because he hated it, and the second also didn’t count apparently because he was just practicing with Suguru in anticipation of kissing you one day.
“Fuck me…” he hissed through his gritted teeth when he finally sunk more than his tip through your hole.
“Fucking didn’t expect it to feel this good…” he thought out loud. “Might bust right here… fuck.” He blurted, then proceeded to boyishly blush.
Little hole squeezing on his virgin cock, hips wiggling back to meet his pelvis and take him deeper, you pawed behind you to feel him. “Baby, I-I gotta tell you something.” He begins embarrassedly, the nervous twang in his voice is so unfamiliar that you look back at him. “I’ve never done this before…” after he said that he sucked in a breath through his teeth at the feeling of your hole tightening and untightening.
You blink at him, and he’s worried for a split second before you smile sheepishly and tell him that he’s your first, too. Well, that little fun fact is what made him snap his hips against your ass and start fucking into you like he was some sort of crazed animal. He felt dizzied with the rush of pleasure, so stirred by the feeling of your pussy sucking his cock – there was no comparable thing in the world to him right then. He was definitely gonna become a sex-crazed fiend after this night, he thought. Absolutely. How could he not?
“S’toruuu – right there right there!” you cried out his name with such a pretty, strained voice that it made him want to tell you he loves you.
“Here? You like it here?” he hit that spot harder and harder, the squelching sound so dirty that you almost felt ashamed for a second. “My good girl gonna cum like this? Yeah? F-fuck t-t-tell me when you’re close ‘cause I’m close – really fucking close – fuck fuck fuck ahhh ‘gonna cum!”
He’s driving into that sweet spot while he cums, spilling a warm creamy mess into the condom – completely falling to pieces. Gojo’s always been inclined to obsessing over things, and he knows right then – when he cums with your quivering pussy sucking him in – that he’s gonna be obsessing over sex with you after this.
“Keep goinggg ‘m gonna cum too, please!” you whimpered from underneath him. He heard you, he was attentive even though he was panting and dazed. His thrusts got sloppy and he weighted on your body more heavily, you could feel his heartbeat.
“Good girl – g-good girl, rub your pretty clit. Want me to do it for you? M’kay sweet thing, lemme get you there – ah yeah? That feel good? You like daddy’s fingers toying with this pretty pussy? Oh fuck you’re gonna cum aren’t you?” he breathed all that into your ear and it absolutely destroyed you, especially with how those intense blue eyes piercingly stared down at you from behind.
“Get that relief, pretty girl – cum all over me. Fuck, there we go – oh wow…” he hit another sweet spot, feeling you gush and writhe under his imposing frame got him close again. “Fuck, baby – just a second, j-just a second ‘m gonna get ‘nother condom, n-need to fucking cum in that pussy again.” He pulled out quick, fingers struggling to free his cock of his already filled lil’ rubber. Squeezing into another one was one of the fastest yet most frustrating things he’s done in a while – oh, you just know that he’s gonna ditch the condoms as soon as you give him the green light to do so. Patience, he thought. He��s gonna need patience and a lot of rubbers.
“Ah fuck me! Satoru!” you arched your back when he re-entered.
“ ‘m gonna cum again, baby – fuck – s-sorry is it too much?” he breathed into your neck. Sweat beaded down his torso, down his thighs – both your bodies pricked with just enough sweat to make it erotically uncomfortable.
You barely managed to tell him that it wasn’t too much because of the way he was sloppily hitting his cockhead into your pussy. Feverish, dazed, pussy-drunk and love-drunk, you felt his hot lips nibbling at your shoulder, then he unexpectedly sank his teeth into your skin. It wasn’t sore, but those canines were a bit sharp.
Muffled moans on your skin sent a shiver down your back, one that travelled to your ass and thighs.
Rolling off to the side, panting and laying exhausted and unmoving.
“Fuck.” He muttered as if to say that was mind-blowing.
“Fuck.” You agreed.
“And ya didn’t even tell me you were a virgin!”
“You didn’t tell me, either!” you giggled, rolling into his embrace.
“But it’s hot if the girl is a virgin!”
You laughed with him.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you asked.
He stayed silent for a little while, pulling you closer and caressing your shoulder. The two of you stared up at the ceiling.
“It’s embarrassing.” He admitted. “There was a time I wanted to lose my virginity just so that when I finally got to you, I’d be able to please you better. But I’m glad I waited…”
“Mmm really?” you hummed, he felt your smile print on his chest.
“…yeah.” You could hear his little smile in his voice. “I’m glad I gave it to you.”
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
I can’t stop thinking about the idea of Reader playing video games and Vox is just watching like it’s a twitch stream and judging their gaming skills and even backseat gaming 😭😭
It’s like my brain is working overtime thinking of this AU
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Oh Shut Up Vee!
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: Yeah- I'm pretty sure Vox would literally dunk on the non-gamer Readers out there, hell- he'd probably find our concept of horror games pretty tame compared to what he sees and deals with daily in hell. Though I'm pretty sure Vox himself would backseat game the fuck out of you- he's not that great at video games either. He just doesn't have the time to really get into them aside from the basics HAHAHAHA- I'll still be writing scenarios and just adding them into the masterlist if you guys think of any. As always, I hope you guys enjoy and happy reading!
"Wow, doll- you... kinda suck at this."
"Vox shut up and let me focus."
You cursed under your breath as you continued to mash buttons.
The loud repeated clicking from your incessant spamming kind of made Vox cringe.
He didn't even want to imagine what you'd do to your keyboard when you were fuming-
Your poor controller was just not having a good day-
So... how did you end up like this?
It was another long weekend for you with the back-to-back holidays around the corner.
So of course you kind of spent it doing whatever you could possibly think of.
Productive or not you didn't really care.
In this instance-
You chose to play some fighting games with a friend online.
It wasn't your preferred genre of game, but it was better than boredom.
So you plugged your computer into the TV to get a bigger view of the game-
Only for Vox to end up popping in at some random point in your session.
He could see your game like a stream from his end, moving it to a separate screen so he could still watch your reactions.
You on the other hand had to deal with a slightly obstructive minimized box on the screen at all times.
At least he tried to stay out of the way-
"Aaaaand you're dead again-"
You wanted to chuck your controller into the ground at this point-
But those things were expensive so you just put it down on the coffee table and started violently punching the shit out of a nearby pillow.
"Seriously, you've just got to punch the dude and block- it's not that hard."
Vox had been watching you play for a little over thirty minutes by now.
And you've probably won like... thrice?
Out of twenty matches?
Not a great looking statistic in his opinion.
You glared up at his minimized face on the TV and huffed.
"If it's so easy why don't you face me head on then huh? Coward!"
"Fine, but don't cry if I end up kicking your ass!"
Vox ended up shooting back, already messing with your computer settings to make way for a local player 2.
Of course most games had that option anyway, it just wasn't immediately recognized by the game since you didn't plug another controller in.
Vox wasn't exactly being arrogant this time either.
He knew his way around video games, and given his profession and work-
That wasn't really surprising.
Though, he wasn't an avid gamer or anything like that.
Lord knows he's too busy to even try-
But he wasn't going to be dumbfounded simply because of complicated controls.
So here's the hilarious fine print our tech savvy TV man didn't realize.
You weren't actually a bad player when it came to 2D fighters.
It just so happened that your friend was quite well-versed in that kind of game.
In reality- you were losing because they were just that good.
And it easily showed when you fought against your overlord buddy.
You laughed upon seeing Vox's minimized face on the TV just glitch and fizzle as he continued to swear up a storm.
Serves him right for underestimating you, but it was still hilarious seeing him just completely lose it after only five rounds.
Well, five rounds where your game character royally kicked his shins in but who's counting?
He continued to just lag and glitch while possibly exhausting every expletive known to the English dictionary.
You on the other hand-
You just calmly and smugly drank some water and watched the chaos.
Who was the raging pissbaby now huh?
It only made you laugh so much harder when his face disappeared off the TV and you realize he'd disconnected.
Bro really just left because he got extremely skill-issued.
You continued to play for a little while longer-
Without any spectators this time-
Before your phone buzzed with a message.
You were initially a little excited before realizing it was just a friend inviting you to go out.
That hope was pretty short-lived.
A part of you kinda wanted it was Vox, and that he would've forgiven you for sort of hurting his ego by now-
Honestly he was asking for it with the backseat gaming earlier so you weren't really sorry-
But it wasn't and you reckoned it probably won't be him for another few hours.
Taking up on your friend's offer though, you figured it wouldn't be so bad to just go shopping or something.
Maybe you could even bring back a gift for your pissy TV companion.
Vox spent nearly the entire day just trying to calm down by throwing himself into his work.
He was so confident he would be able to beat or even match you, only to lose fucking spectacularly.
He slightly wondered if the whole reason he was even this irritated by it was because he wanted to show off to you.
Ya know, make it seem like he had the skills to pay the bills and all that jazz?
It was just a video game but still-
The embarrassment and your laughing at him didn't help.
That and his continued losses reminded him of that one time Alastor bullied him so badly that the entire pentagram city lost power.
He was glad he didn't really get to that point this time, even if he was already on the cusp of it from anger.
His phone buzzed to life from where it was on the coffee table in front of him, snapping the overlord out of his thought train and back to reality.
Vox slightly glared at his phone, he wasn't over his losses quite yet and chose to ignore it.
"Aren't you gonna answer that?"
"I'll get to it later."
Velvette was just sitting on the couch next to him, raising an eyebrow at her colleague's more than peculiar behavior.
Especially when Vox looked at his own phone like it had personally scorned him.
First it was him brushing both her and Valentino off because of some living person who'd apparently caught his fancy.
Then it was him totally careening off the rails when said individual went and got themselves into a relationship.
Eugh- the amount of times she's had to drag his drunken ass into bed otherwise he'd fall asleep anywhere else when it happened-
Not that Valentino helped much, constantly singing a tune of "I told you so" only rubbed salt into the wound.
Only for Vox to eventually be okay again, or at least tolerable and stable.
The fact he kept swinging so far left and then so far right whenever this living person got involved was both hilarious and exhausting to watch.
Velvette tried to pry sometimes, now that Vox had nothing to hide-
Only for him to still be uptight with what he knew and where his stance was.
What a killjoy.
"What if it's your girlfriend?"
The tech overlord just sputtered and looked at the other Vee next to him with a confused and slightly embarrassed expression.
Meanwhile Vel simply had a deadpan at her currently glitching companion.
"I- zZzST- They're n-N-not my girlfriend!!!"
Vox cursed his systems for nearly overloading from just a simple tease.
Immediately glitching and buffering as he tried to calm himself back down.
It wasn't like him to lose his cool so quickly-
That slightly worried him.
"Oh yeah? Maybe stop gushing over anything on your phone and I'll believe ya."
"F-f-FuCk you Velv-vVetTe."
Vox just grabbed his phone and left, heading towards his monitor room with a grumble.
His colleague's words just replayed in his head as he traversed the halls.
As fucking if.
It didn't explain why he felt a sense of dejection though.
His phone buzzed again, this time he checked it.
"You didn't reply so I dunno if you saw my message but I wanted to say I just went out for a quick trip to the mall earlier. I'm back home and the computer's connected to the TV again if you wanna talk."
"Yeah, I'll be there in a bit."
Staring at his phone after he hit the send button-
Vox felt a little annoyed with himself for agreeing so quickly.
It was like he couldn't even stop himself from wanting to be near you.
He must've been really just fucked up over earlier.
By the time Vox had connected once again to your TV, you were on the couch messing with something in your hands.
"Ah- Vox! Look, about a while ago-"
"If you're going to apologize because you beat my ass at a game, don't bother. You won fair and square, I just have to get better at it to beat you next time."
"Sooooo... you're not mad?"
"Irritated, but not mad."
He swore he heard you mumble about there not being much of a difference but didn't bring it up.
"Well either way, I made a thing for you."
Vox had to kind of squint to understand what you were showing him.
At first he just thought it was a crocheted mess, just a bunch of tangled yarn and threads.
Though upon closer inspection, it wasn't difficult to notice what it was.
Was that meant to be a plushie in his likeness?
Valiant effort, but was it supposed to look so...
"What even is it?"
"Ehhh??? You can't tell? It's you!"
"That's- huh??"
You seemed to pout at his bemused expression, shifting your gaze to the plushie you made instead.
"My friend knows how to crochet so I asked her to teach me, this was the first thing I ended up making."
"Shouldn't you have gone for something easier first?"
"Well yeah, but I wanted to make a gift for you to make up for earlier's fiasco."
Vox's eyes softened, he'd be lying if he said your words weren't endearing to a degree.
And... you got him a gift-
Kind of, he couldn't actually get it but it was the thought that counts.
You wanted to make him feel better because you thought you upset him.
That- that realization made Vox feel a little funny.
When you looked back towards the TV, you were surprised to find the screen tinged a baby pink instead of blue.
"Cute, still looks shitty though."
Vox's words immediately got you to stop focusing on the color of his face and instead get grumpy.
"Hey, at least I tried!"
You'd probably bring it up eventually, if you didn't forget it along the way from the ensuing word war.
Or, well- maybe it would be wise to forget it anyway.
You've just got to make it happen again.
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hees-mine · 8 months
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫! - 𝐋.𝐡𝐬
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𝐇𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠 ⚥ 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: smut, unprotected sex, stalking.
Sorry for late updates. I'm feeling under the weather. I’ll finish Kinktober and then start updating regularly again! Hope you like this one. The plot isn’t my strong suit, but I tried. Also I’m not posting in order since I missed so many days :/
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫! 𝐇𝐞𝐞 who sits on the bench at the dog park with binoculars pretending he’s watching the birds, but he’s actually watching you the whole entire time cause ever since he laid eyes on you at the one coffee shop down the road, he couldn’t stop tracking your every move unbeknownst to you of course.
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫! 𝐇𝐞𝐞 that approaches you pretending he’s interested in your dog, but in reality, he just wants to get closer to you, and you, being completely unaware of his motives, welcome him with a smile, letting him pet your puppy while you make small talk.
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫! 𝐇𝐞𝐞 Before you leave, he’ll pretend to be all shy, mentioning the fact that he’s seen you around before and he thinks that you’re really pretty and would like to get to know you more and so when he asks for your number, you give it to him cause he was sweet and cute and you were actually looking for a boyfriend so why not.
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫! 𝐇𝐞𝐞 who puts his number in your phone and quickly checks the names of all your socials so he can stalk you on them later.
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫! 𝐇𝐞𝐞 sets up a date for you two later that weekend, and the whole time, he was nothing but the perfect gentleman opening the door, paying the bill, treating you to dessert. He’d excused himself to open a “text from work” on his phone, telling you that he’s in business and that he’s very busy, to which you understood and it’s actually true he is a very busy CEO, but the reason for checking his phone was not to answer texts it was so he could take multiple pictures of you to save in his collection for later.
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫! 𝐇𝐞𝐞 later that night, wows you to his bedroom, and even though it’s the first date you feel safe with him enough to remove your silky red dress, revealing your body to him as he hungrily licks his lips at the sight and good thing, he has cameras set up in his room so he can relive this moment over and over again when you leave in the morning.
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫! 𝐇𝐞𝐞 wastes no time taking off his clothes, dick so hard its uncomfortable cause he’s been waiting for this for so long, and his dedication finally pays off when he has you under him, a wet moaning mess while he eats you out like a starved animal to then later taking you raw on his silk bedsheets fucking into you slow and sensual so he can memorize every inch of your tight and smooth walls.
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫! 𝐇𝐞𝐞 that’s moaning uncontrollably because you feel too good, and the idea of having you all to himself after all this time makes his dick twitch before a flood of cum invades your pleasured walls. Your back arches, and you grip his waist, bringing him closer to your body, forcing him to go as deep as possible until your tiny cunt is brimming over with his thick creamy load, and you panting his name helplessly as he massages your clit to bliss.
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫! 𝐇𝐞𝐞 who gives you the best after care a man has ever given you, praising you down from your high with delicate kisses and soft whispers about how good you were for him and nearly slips up about how long he’s been waiting for this night.
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫! 𝐇𝐞𝐞 who cleans you up, lets you wear his clothes, and cuddle on his chest all night telling you he’d like to take you on another date if that’s okay, and of course, you say yes because who wouldn’t want to go on another date with him, he’s literally perfect.
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫! 𝐇𝐞𝐞 that smiles from ear to ear when you say yes, and as you slowly drift off to sleep, he takes multiple, if not hundreds of, pictures of you while you sleep to add to his collection, which is in the floor bored right beneath the bed where you sleep.
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Thanks for reading please reblog and leave feedback.
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greynatomy · 6 months
falling for mccabe
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lia wälti x reader
don’t really know how to feel about this
You and Katie were like two pease in a pod. Growing up, you had different interests, but that didn’t stop you from supporting one another. You moved away from Ireland first, wanting a change in scenery, be more independent. So when you got hired at a hospital in London, you accepted right away. Telling Katie was the hardest part of leaving home.
Just two years later though, Katie signed for Arsenal, the choice was a no brainer for her. She got herself her own apartment but came over to yours as much as she can. Her team, once they were all comfortable and got to know each other better, would tease her, saying that she needs her big sissy cuddles. Katie, however, was never once embarrassed by the teasing. She loves to be able to call her her big sister.
You never really got to know any of her teammates from Arsenal until after the lockdown. Katie’s teammates told her to invite you over to the club. You got along with the team, some more than others, and maybe got to bring one of them home with you.
The same person you brought home was now your very secret girlfriend. You were going to tell Katie the moment it became official, but you found out from your girlfriend that your sister’s girlfriend was her ex-girlfriend and became stuck.
You and your girlfriend were still fast asleep, your arm slung over her waist, holding her close that you didn’t hear your front door opening and steps coming closer to your bedroom. 
“Rise and shi—WHAT THE FUCK!”
You shoot up from the bed, falling over the side, bumping the side of your head on your bedside table. Lia gets out of bed just as fast.
“Oh, baby.” Lia crawls over the bed to you, her hand replacing the side of your head that you were rubbing.
“Baby?” Caitlin speaks for the first time.
“Couldn’t you fucking knock. Fucking almost killed me you cunt.”
“Oi! I don’t appreciate that tine, missy!”
“I’m older so I can talk to you how I want.”
“Woah. Okay, sassy.” Lia covers your mouth with her hand. “Why don’t you both wait in the living room while we put some more clothes on.”
Caitlin drags Katie out to the living room by her arm. A minute later, Lia comes out and Katie walks back towards the bedroom, leaving the two exes by themselves.
“Would you like something to drink?” Lia asks.
“A coffee would be good. One cream—”
“—Two sugars.”
“You remember.” Lia gives her a tight lipped smile, not knowing how to reply. “So… how long has that been going on?”
“Uh, a year or so ago now. Since that time at the bar after lockdown.”
“No way.” Caitlin states in disbelief.
“That’s when Katie and I started seeing each other.”
“Wow.” Lia whispers, shocked with the information. “Who would’ve thought we’d fall for a McCabe at the same time.”
“Don’t sound so shocked baby. I’ll have you know that I am quite the catch.”
“It’s the Irish genes I tell you.”
Both of the sisters’ girlfriends roll their eyes at their cockiness.
“Know what’d be funny?” Katie looks at you and you smirk in understanding.
“What is it?” Caitlin asks impatiently.
“You and Lia are still friends right? No hard feelings?” You ask.
“Yeah…” They were both now skeptical.
“Why don’t we mess with your fans for a bit.”
“What do you have in mind?” Lia wraps an arm around your waist, now very curious.
“Nothing too crazy. Just start interacting more. Be best friends. You’ll be in-laws sooner than later anyway.”
The next few days, the fans have been gong crazy over all of the Caitlin and Lia interaction they were seeing. Walking out of the coach together, walking to the locker room together, walking out to the pitch together, celebrating goals together, signing/taking photos with fans together. Are they together? Everyone was confused, including their teammates and national teammates, but they both simply ignore all questions.
You had a very rare day off from your job which lined up with Arsenal’s off day, so what better way to celebrate than to stay home and get drunk. Katie has been known to be a crazy drinker and knowing you just a short time, its safe to say where Katie got it from.
You and Katie were drunk, at the phase where everything is funny. Lia and Caitlin are a bit tipsy, still in control of themselves. Ever since catching you and Lia in bed together two weeks ago, the two became close again, like before. No romantic feeling left for each other and care now very good friends, you and Katie being a common denominator.
Caitlin and Lia were in the living room when they no longer heard the two of you. A silent McCabe meant something was wrong, but two silent McCabes… they knew you were up to no good. They slowly crept into the kitchen, hoping to catch what the two of you were up to, going unnoticed. They were both greeted by the sight of the siblings focused on something on Katie’s phone, identical furrowed eyebrows on you faces.
“What are you two up to?” Lia asks cautiously.
“Hey!” You perk up from the sound of your girlfriend’s voice. “Katie is doing this instagram thing and I’m just a bit confused.”
“Yeah, cause you’re old and don’t know how to use social media.”
“Well, what would I post? “‘Hey, instagram! I’ve just finished fixing up this person’s brain for ten hours.”’ You like have to be on it.”
“Are you allowed to take pictures while you’re in the operating room?”
“I’d probably have to get some consent forms signed.”
“You should facetime me sometime.”
“Wait. What is it you don’t understand?” Caitlin now asks.
is that caitlin? did i hear caitlin’s voice i heard lia’s earlier caitlin and lia together again??
“It keeps saying your names now. How does instagram know your names?” You were very confused now. Your drunk self couldn’t make sense of anything.
“Give me that.”
Lia grabs the phone off the table, Lia looking over her shoulder to take a look herself.
“Ohmygod.” Caitlin was quick to move the phone away from her face, setting it on the table face up. “Katie!”
“Yes, sugarplum?” Katie answered at the same time you asked, “Did you figure it out or not?”
“You’re on instagram live!”
People watching the live are now freaking out. Some confused, but most are freaking out at the quick sight of Caitlin and Lia together.
“Okay, um, we have to go. Bye guys.” Lia quickly ends the live.
Just second later, both Caitlin and Lia’s phones are ringing from calls and messages from their friends.They looked at each other and silenced their phones, making sue to turn off the tracking privileges for some of their friends. No one would be able to find them as you were all at your house.
“Want to just post something to freak people out more?’
“Great idea.”
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liked by leahwilliamson, caitlinfoord and 48,738 others
liawalti from exes to in-laws
view all comments
leahwilliamson huh?
kyracooneyx PARENTS!
katie_mccabe11 hi sister in-law
↳ caitlinfoord how’d you get your phone back?
↳ katie_mccabe11 a magician never reveals their secrets
ynmccabe hi, honey!
↳ liawalti since when did you get instagram?
↳ ynmccabe right now. katie did it for me
user now that’s gold
user not everyone freaking out that they got back together
↳ user me… i was everyone
user not you two falling for sisters
625 notes · View notes
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Feeling Like I Do
neighbour!yunho x reader
best friends to lovers au
word count: 5k (bulletpoint headcanons this time)
genres: fluff, absolute fluff, a little crack, a little angst, some suggestive jokes thrown around, just wholesomeness and yuyu
synopsis: you and yunho have been best friends since forever and neighbours for a while, and you find it harder with each passing day to hide your feelings for him.
manager-nim: @eightmakesonebraincell (this took way too long to finish considering the deep yunho brainrot we've been in)
special thanks to @hwaightme your guy.exe triggered this hehe
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being best friends with jeong yunho was not as simple as it sounded
especially when he was your neighbour
like, right next door. the very next apartment
so you couldn’t avoid him even if you wanted to
honestly, you brought this upon yourself, if you think about it
ever since you were kids, you had been inseparable
from going to the same school and bonding over a similar sense of humour 
from pranking the rest of your friends together to making fun of each other
to knowing each other’s deepest secrets
except for the one that really mattered- that you had the biggest, fattest crush on your best friend
honestly, you do not recall when exactly it happened
if you think back, you can’t pinpoint it to one moment
it is a number of moments, the years you spent together, the memories you shared that you are now a grown up and still hopelessly in love with him
though you would not admit it
never. ever. over your dead body.
you just have one fear that has stuck with you and it is that you do not want to ruin things between the two of you
he has known you since forever. he knows you inside out. 
he’s too precious to lose over something as stupid as your feelings
because if he does not feel the same, you will never be whole again
but if by some small chance he does and you mess things up later? you would never recover
this is why you think having feelings for your best friend is so messed up
and this is the reason you always dismiss his flirty actions as jokes between two best friends who are super comfortable with each other
like when he casually enters your unlocked apartment and asks for a pinch of salt and spots you in the ugliest fit you’re wearing
he will go “wow you look beautiful”
and you will make a face, knowing he is joking, and ignore the butterflies in your stomach
and you respond with “you don’t look too bad yourself” when he himself looks like he nests a squirrel in his hair
his casual touches and occasionally flirty gazes do not bother you anymore
you’re made of steel now
so when he hugs you out of nowhere or swings you around just to hear you squeal, you know it’s just what friends do
or when he finds you too adorable and kisses your temple, you let it pass. you don’t read too much into it
though occasionally, you like to blur the lines too. he might know at this point
like what friend runs to their other friend only to jump in their arms and bury their face in the crook of the other’s neck?
what sort of friend casually zones out while staring at the other and wonders what they did to deserve them?
perhaps, this was a teenage crush that would have quelled with time- but that was if you had parted ways for college
by some evil play of the fates, you two ended up in the same city, quite close to each other
and as soon as you two had enough savings, you both decided to be neighbours
you just didn’t have it in you to be apart from each other
and funny thing was, no one batted an eye. it was so natural
though they did question why you weren’t housemates 
you and yunho would always share a grin and respond with ‘to protect the last shred of privacy’
which was an inside joke now
so when you both started living together- because that’s exactly what it was
from going grocery shopping together
to knowing each other’s door locks 
dropping in stuff for the other without their permission
privacy? ha. what privacy?
sure, you almost once walked in on him showering
and he almost walked in on you changing your clothes (your fault you didn’t shut the door, right?)
but that wasn’t a big deal at all
you would slide notes under each other’s doors- cute reminders to take an umbrella or a good morning/good night
or an ugly doodle or a ‘u stink’
you did not collect all those notes in a jar. you did not
he once bought 10 rubber duckies and hid them around your apartment and you would find them in the most odd places
like inside a pot you rarely use
one was even in your underwear drawer
whenever you’d find one, you would take it with you whenever you went to yunho’s and hide it somewhere there
and so the eternal game of hide and seek began
you have never talked about it out loud by the way
the more memorable things were just making yourself at home at the other’s place when one of you did not feel like being alone
which was most of the time, if you were very honest with yourself
you would watch tv together while you had dinner and have a heated discussion about whatever you were watching
or you would play games with him
or he would help you pick out your fit for the night
or you would style his hair
or you two would stay up all night talking about stuff
about anything and everything
emptying out your hearts
yet still you would always have more to talk about
it was never a boring moment with yunho
and you could go on about why you loved him forever
every day, you woke up glad that he was so close to you and still with you
he was the only person who did not judge you
you could say something nasty and he would still try to understand your perspective
which just made him 100000x more precious
but he would call you out when you did or said something wrong/bad but in a very gentle manner 
which you appreciated so much
and the best thing was, he always stayed. he was always there
his arms were your eternal safe space
and he knew
it was like he knew the look in your eyes, whenever you needed a hug
and he would spread his arms and you would walk to him and wrap your arms around his waist while he embraced you 
and tell you that it would be okay, no matter what was going on
he would always offer to hear you out or simply be there, physically
he was just… so easy to be with
he was your personal ray of sunshine, your little fluffy cloud, yours
he was yours- oh, how you wished he could be yours in all the ways
because whenever he talked about someone he noticed with you
or just looked at someone different and then find you staring at him
he’s respond with “i just like their outfit” or “i think their hair is nice”
and you would wonder if it’s really just that
you two do have an unspoken promise to tell each other whenever you start dating someone or fall in love
but that’s mostly because you both know your dynamic would have to change a bit 
because you two wouldn’t be each other’s priority anymore- not like you are now anyway
and it hurts to just think about it
you asked him, “what would really change?”
and he responded with, “i would appreciate it if you do not connect your bluetooth to my speakers when i have someone over and play some unholy audio”
which turned into an argument because he has literally done the same to you and you had a friend over
you had to explain yourself and explain yunho and tell the traumatised friend that this was just him pulling a prank on you
but you responded with “you know what i will also appreciate if the person does not find a potato instead of a soap in the sink”
you two are always out for each other and after all these years… you two never know each other’s next move
but you both know your dynamics would change in more ways than that
you wouldn’t be able to stroll in his apartment so casually and make breakfast for the two of you because you ran out of ingredients
neither would he be able to come and take a shower in your apartment because “i ran out of hot water” or “i want to smell like strawberries today”
you wouldn’t be able to go and sleep on his couch or bed because you felt lonely
neither would he be able to do the same
and you both would have to tone down the physical affection because you two have heard enough about people mistaking you for a couple
honestly, sometimes you wonder if those people gaslit you into seeing him as something more
but… it was yunho. how could you not?
especially when he cared for you like no one else?
and maybe, maybe, just maybe
he thought of you like that sometimes too
it was probably wishful thinking but oh, how you wished he did anyway
because you couldn’t take it sometimes
you couldn’t take how he would zone out while listening to you talk and look absolutely adorable
you couldn’t take how when you’d hold hands while walking he’d caress them absently
and you couldn’t take how he’d play with your hands when you’d tell him about your day or some gossip
you couldn’t take it when he’d sneak up on you and wrap his arms around you in a back hug and make you feel so small and safe
or when he’d rest his head on yours as you hugged
you couldn’t take it when his gaze would linger on you a fraction of a second longer when you were too close
or when he would always search your eyes before he would plant a chaste kiss on your cheek or forehead
you really, really couldn’t take it anymore
perhaps you needed therapy now
you couldn’t afford slipping in front of yunho tho
or anyone of your mutual friends for that matter
because you knew if someone found out they would somehow let yunho know
and you weren’t ready for his answer
what if he distanced himself from you if he ever found out? you couldn’t have that
perhaps you should have physically distanced yourself from him
perhaps being neighbours made it worse
tho, could you call it worse when it was literally a blessing to have him so close to you?
you’re starting to question it tho
bc one night when you were out drinking late with your friends
you came back to your apartment complex, feeling so low
and when you were about to cross yunho’s door to get to your own, you paused
you paused and stood outside his door for the longest time
and then you sank down and rested your back against his door
wishing he wouldn’t find you
you just needed to cry a little and lighten the weight on your heart
except, another evil play of fates and yunho somehow just knew to look for you
he almost opened his door but heard the faint sound of your cries
at first he thought it was a lost kitten or something but then he opened his door a fraction and found your figure on the floor
and his heart broke
“y/n? can you please move a little so i can open the door?”
you froze
until he called your name again and you wished you could dig the ground and bury yourself under it
but you moved and not a few seconds later, he was next to you and rubbing your back
“what’s wrong?”
“nothing,” you replied
except there was a lot
you just couldn’t tell him
just like the various times he found you crying alone and no matter how much he insisted, you wouldn’t tell him
he wondered who hurt you sometimes
he wondered who it was so he could punch that person or do anything, something, to make it all right
because he hated it so much when you cried
it made his chest feel tight and he’d always get confused about what he was feeling
a number of things is what it was- anger, longing, pain, confusion
but this time? he wasn’t going to let you go
because just how long had you been crying like this? why didn’t you just come inside? why didn’t you find him?
he asked you that
you couldn’t reply yet again
so he decided to bring you inside
he made you drink some water
he wiped your face with the sleeves of his black shirt
and you finally looked at him
oh goodness. he was wearing those black rimmed glasses again
the ones that made him look so, so good.
but he looked angry
“you’re going to tell me who made you cry. or else we’ll be sitting here just like this all night while i wait for your answer”
you bit your lips, looking away and cursing yourself internally
you should have cried in the shower or something
“can i rest? my head is spinning- i might have drank too much-”
you locked eyes with him and he didn’t look away
“do you have any idea how much it hurts me to see you like this? and how much it hurts me that you stayed outside? why didn’t you come to me?”
you looked away again, wiping the fresh stream of tears
it was getting harder now, to not give in. to not answer his questions and put an end to this once and for all
especially with yunho so close to you and caressing your bare knees that you put between the two of you
“tell me”
“i can’t”
“why not?”
“because…” you sighed deeply. you looked at him
if you weren’t drunk, every cell in your brain would have screamed at you to shut up
but because you were, it was now your heart tugging that did it for you
“don’t look at me like that, yunho.”
yunho only cocked his head, refusing to look at you any other way
you snaked your hands up your knees to meet his hands, locking your fingers
“you can’t distract me this time-”
yunho’s words got caught in his mouth when you started to lean forward and he drew back reflexively, looking at you questioningly
but you weren’t going to stop
he wanted answers? he would have them
so you continued to lean forward until you were on your knees and almost in his lap
you looked down at him, meeting his very confused eyes
“do you ever think about why i don’t come to you at these times? do you really not know the answer?”
you watched his ears flush
he knew
he must know
he must have a hint, at least, of what you felt for him
“is it really me?” he whispered
you didn’t answer this time
you couldn’t
you simply dropped down with a sigh and pulled your hands from his
he was so confused- he had no way to navigate through this without your help
but you were drunk right now
he decided you should at least be sober when you talk
and perhaps, you decided that too
so you resorted to climbing in his lap and holding him in a hug
he didn’t waste any time wrapping his arms around you
and planting a kiss on your head
just like he had done a thousand times now
“i’m sorry for making you worried,” you mumbled, burying your face in his sweatshirt, hearing his heartbeat
“i’m sorry for sounding angry- i didn’t mean to.”
“i know,” you assured him. “can i sleep here?”
“of course-”
“right here?”
yunho wished you would say such things with a warning because his heart dropped dangerously and he couldn’t help but let out a flustered laugh
“am i that comfortable?”
“you’re literally my human pillow”
and just like that, you were both back to normal
but yunho made sure not to let you forget about this
in the morning when you woke up before him and noticed him sleeping in a painful position to accommodate you on the couch
you watched him for the longest time
and snuck out to go back to your apartment and really panic this time
because boi, did you mess up this time
and it was the weekend. yunho would be up and asking questions in no time
you had nowhere to hide
perhaps, you should stop hiding now
the doorbell rang and for a moment you wondered if it was someone else
but when you opened the door to yunho with a bowl of soup in his hands, you knew he rang the doorbell for a reason
he would be asking you questions today
so you let him in, wondering how he would initiate the conversation
“i bet you have the worst headache now,” he goes, grinning like everything is normal
you didn’t realise he was being normal so you would lower your defences while you ate and chatted like normal
until he finally asked, “are we going to talk about what happened last night?”
“what happened last night?” you ask back
it was perhaps the wrong thing to say
because you see yunho’s gaze darken
you immediately sigh to let him know that yes, you know exactly what he is talking about
you did not like to see him angry so you decided to face what was next
but… anxiety started to creep in your chest as you looked at him, waiting for him to say something
“can you please tell me why you were crying last night? why did you not come and find me?”
you sigh deeply again, pursing your lips as you look at him
because you could feel it
this was it
it would never be the same again
you spend a few minutes staring at him, opening your mouth to say something but stopping, and then looking away and recalling exactly where you fucked up
and he’s so patient. he keeps waiting
he’s not even fiddling with anything right now. he’s just… there and watching you and waiting
you finally lock eyes with him and say, “have you ever wanted something so bad that in order to gain it, you risk losing it completely?”
yunho thinks it’s really cryptic, what you just asked him
because… yes, he’s wanted something that bad too
he didn’t realise it until the first summer he did not spend with you a few years ago
and he felt so lost until he saw you and everything started to make sense
and everything has made sense since
he’s wanted to make you smile every moment you spend with him
he’s wanted to embrace you eternally every moment you find home in his arms
he’s wanted to make you laugh because of all the sounds in this world, your laugh was his favourite 
even tho it sounded like windshield wipers
he’s wanted you so, so bad
but how could he ever admit it
suddenly, he understand you
and he finds himself nodding slowly, his heart beating with an urgency indicating the arrival of a change
it could make or break you both
so he says, “yes… yes i know exactly how that feels”
you both watch each other for a few moments, afraid to take the next step
but yunho won’t give in now- he doesn’t want to see you cry like that ever again
“is that why you were upset? you’ve been mulling over something like this?”
you’re hesitant but you nod
so he leans forward as if to hold your hands from across the table but he stops himself
and asks, “why have you been so afraid to tell me this?”
it’s silent. very silent
only the sounds of your breath in the room
and the sound of your heart in your ears
with a gulp, you manage to say, “because… because i’m afraid of being selfish and losing you in the process.”
for a few seconds, yunho is frowning in confusion as he tries to make sense of what you said
and you see exactly when realisation hits him
when his features relax and his gaze clears and his mouth parts as he look at you
you don’t look away. you’re waiting for him to say something, to respond, to hurt you with what he’ll say next, anything
but he looks away and lets out a flustered laugh and you can’t help but let out your own nervous laugh as well
you watch his ears flush and his lips curl downwards as he stifles a smile
and you finally cry out, “say something, you idiot.”
yunho puts a hand over his mouth as he stares at you
and suddenly, you feel hot all over. the embarrassment is catching up to you
“are you telling me, y/n, that you like me? that you… actually want me?”
you blush furiously and you’re almost sweating now but you manage to nod
and yunho is laughing in disbelief again and you’ve had enough
you get up, muttering about getting a drink but yunho is quick to catch your wrist and pull you towards him
and you’re suddenly too close
he’s searching your eyes
“you want me?”
you give him a pleading look and he understands
he brings an almost trembling hand to your face, tucking your hair behind your ear first
“i need you to say it, y/n. because i-”
“yes,” you nod, “yes, i want you. is it too much to ask for? have i ruined things?”
yunho shakes his head and lets go of your wrist only to cup your face and you try to decipher the look in his eyes
it is not the first time he has looked at you this way but this time it’s a bit different
“do you have any idea how much i’ve wanted you since forever?”
you think you’re hearing things
because there is no way
there is absolutely no way
that jeong yunho- your best friend- wants you
“you’re not joking, are you?” is your response and yunho laughs a bit before he leans in, watching your breath get caught in your throat when he gazes at you
and then his gaze is stuck on your lips and he’s waiting 
and now your hands are moving out of their own accord, snaking up to his chest to fist his black sweatshirt
his nose brushing against yours undoes something in you
“yunho, please,” you manage to whisper
and then he finally pecks your lips
it’s cautious, it’s soft, and it’s nothing like you imagined it to be because you’re feeling a number of things
he scans your face briefly before he pecks your lips again, this time longer
and then he does it again and you’re finally moving your hands and tilting your face up so he can properly kiss you
and there’s no need for words anymore
the unspoken actions are enough
you open your mouth and he dives right in, kissing you eagerly
your knees were already weak so you struggle to stay upright but he’s quick to catch you
his arms are holding you to him and you’re the one cupping his face now as you kiss
it is years of longing and love poured into this kiss and none of you want to stop
but you eventually break apart for breath and then you realise exactly what position you both are in
and suddenly, you’re both laughing, too shy to look at each other and you hide your face in his chest
he’s caressing your back while you recover and when you look up, he’s got the most loving look in his eyes
“what took you so long to do that, y/n?” 
“i could ask the same,” you respond. “i could cry right now.”
yunho laughs, planting a kiss on your forehead. “well. how do you feel?”
you hug him, taking deep breaths
“i think we should really talk,” you laugh 
he steers you to the couch but he makes you sit in his lap so he can caress your face or play with your hair while you talk
and you can’t because he’s looking at you with the softest gaze ever
so you just ask him since when he started liking you- does he like you?
he tells you about how he, too, has been afraid to ruin things
and talks about how he thought you liked someone else
you ask him if he never got the hint
but you both know how wary you two have been, especially lately
never reading too much into things
perhaps one of you should have
“i’m sorry i made you suffer like that,” yunho finally says to let the weight off his shoulders. “i never realised you were hurting because of me.”
you tell him it’s not his fault and that if he did not like you back you would have been hurt, yes, but you would have dealt with it
except you are so lucky that he feels the same way about you
you can’t believe it, actually
you trace the curves of yunho’s face
it’s like you’re looking at each other for the first time now
“i’m yours,” he whispers when you finally look him in the eyes. “i’ve always been yours.”
you can’t help the tears now
they are tears of relief and sheer happiness
and yunho understands because he’s pretty sure he will cry soon too
he lets you pepper kisses on his face
and holds you when you hug him again
“good thing it’s the weekend, right? we can stay like this all day long.”
and you do
you have nothing you’d rather do
you stay in each other’s arms, talk about everything and anything, caress each other’s hands (mostly you bc you love his hands), makeout in between
and it’s so natural
nothing has changed- it’s just like before but better
you’re still joking around and teasing each other like before
he still passes a ‘ur ugly <3’ or a ‘what a mess’ note under your door
and you still respond with an explicit drawing
the suggestive jokes have levelled up tho
he always catches you off-guard with them and you either blush furiously or send something flying at him
a few things have changed tho
like when he finds you in the kitchen and gives you a back hug 
this time he’s quick to sneak in a kiss and maybe nibble at your neck
sometimes it turns into a heated makeout session
other times you ask him to stop so you can focus on cooking but he keeps distracting you until you’re running after him with a wooden ladle
and you two can’t stay away from each other now- you couldn’t anyway but this time it’s different
this time when you crawl in his bed at night time, he is quick to spoon you
and now he does not hesitate to find you in your apartment too, at night
earlier he used to keep a distance for the sake of you both- you realise how now
now he doesn’t sleep in the corner of the bed with the excuse that he likes it
he has to hold you while sleeping
and he has to mutter dirty little things to rile you up too
when your friends find out, they’re not surprised at all
they’re disappointed it took you two this long
they call you both dumb and dumber and perhaps, they’re right
but perhaps… this was the right time
there is a time for everything, you realise
and it took you and yunho years of being together to realise that yes
you are meant for each other and no one else :’) 
he’s your best friend, your other half, and your soulmate
he is yours <3
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the-writing-pigeon · 4 months
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Singing In the Shower
Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, showering, nudity, Bucky sneaking into the shower, physical touch, pet names (doll), suggestive/slightly dirty talk (if there is anything else let me know!)
A/N: This is something that I came up with, and since I am revamping some of my old stories, there will be some changes. It’s short but sweet, so I hope you like it:) Again, If you recognize some of these stories, I ask that you please do not interact as if I am the same person. I am trying to stay anonymous.
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Ever since you were a little girl, you have always loved to sing. You would make a tune or rhythm out of anything. Whistle, drum, hum and most prominently, singing. Your family loved the concerts you would put on, your little plastic microphone in hand. All of those memories come flooding in when you start to hum your favorite childhood song: A teenager in love. 
“One day I feel so happy, The next I feel so sad.” 
You continued the song and smiled when you sang the lyrics that followed. 
“Why must I be a teenager in love?” 
You tried to be as quiet as possible with knowledge that Bucky was sleeping in the room right across the hall. He had a very long mission today, and waking up to a grumpy Bucky was not on your to-do list today. 
Your lips pulled up into a smile once again as you sang the chorus. You couldn’t help being a hopeless romantic, and you were so lucky to have found Bucky. The time you met, was a silly incident on a trip to Romania. 
You thought about the first time the two of you met. It was a silly incident while you were on a trip to Romania; 
You had tripped over your own feet and spilled coffee all over the ground. When you went to get napkins, you turned around and a man had come to help you with the mess. 
You smiled brightly and said, “Oh you don’t have to help me. It’s my own clumsy self coming out.” 
The man shook his head and replied, “It’s alright miss. It’s just some coffee.” 
Let’s just say that you haven’t ordered coffee in public since then. You shook off the funny memory as you rinsed your (length, color, and texture) hair. While humming to yourself, you didn’t hear the bathroom door creak open, your boyfriend entering the steam-filled room. 
The shower curtain barely shuffled open, and you could feel the warm presence of your loving, hunky boyfriend behind you. He had taken his metal arm off before hopping in, making sure the technology didn’t get ruined. His lips pressed soft kisses along your shoulder and up your neck, his right hand resting on your soft tummy. With his skin pressed against yours, everything felt right.
“I didn’t know you could sing doll.” His voice is low and groggy, most likely just from waking up. 
The butterflies in your belly fluttered, and a smile grew on your face. “Only in the shower.” You say, leaning back in his warm embrace. He gives your forehead a gentle kiss, and the two of you sway as you continue to hum your favorite song. 
“You know, I bought this album on vinyl when it first came out, it was my mothers favorite.” Your brows raised, almost forgetting that the man you love was born much earlier than you were. 
“Wow… it must’ve been a hit if it is still popular today, hm?” You turn, looking up at Bucky, his blue eyes crinkling with joy as he smiles. 
“It was,” He pauses and cups your cheek, his thumb grazing over the soft and textured skin of your face. “But I think it sounds better when you sing it.” The burly man leans down, peppering your face with kisses until he finally presses a soft kiss to your lips. Even though you have known him for a while, and you live with him, you still get nervous around Bucky. And every kiss feels like the first; Magical. 
His gentle hand helps you scrub your body, and he helps you condition your hair, turning off the faucet once he finished. He reaches out of the shower and grabs your soft towel, wrapping it around your body with his arm just like a big hug. 
“Do you promise to sing more often, doll?” He asks, smirking as adds, “Maybe on my cock next time?” 
With a gasp and a light slap to his chest, you giggle and press a sloppy kiss to his lips. 
“In your dreams!” You say, laughing with Bucky as you both exit the shower, feeling clean and happy. 
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icequeenbae · 8 months
Translucence (m) | Astro LDM
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Pairing: Cha Eunwoo x Reader (Lee Dongmin x Reader)
A Jinjin cameo? hehe
Established Relationship, slice of life, fluff, PWP, smut
Warnings: glass bathroom you heard me lol, explicit content, unprotected sex, this is smut with minimal plot (it’s becoming my style), a sprinkle of voyeurism, maybe a noona kink, maybe Dongmin's splendid ass is mentioned more than once
Word Count: ~4.2k
Author’s Note: Heyyy~ Finally posting my first ASTRO fic! This has been waiting to be released for a while now, but the timing wasn’t working out… But now that it’s done, I hope that you enjoy this little story! Let me know what you think~ And a special thank you to the lovely @the-boy-meets-evil for looking over my story, I really loved your comments, Jess <3
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Summary: It’s your first short vacation with Dongmin since you started dating, and you get a chance to stay at an extremely fancy hotel in Jeju. The ocean-view suite is perfect, yet there’s a small inconvenience… or a genius design?
Network tags: @superm-net  @exo-writers-net  @bbh-net  @k-vanity @ksmutsociety ​
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It was your first time taking a vacation together.
With the type of hectic schedule Dongmin had to maintain, you barely managed to book the hotel of your dreams for this weekend, which was actually your one-year anniversary. Two days was all you had, and you planned to enjoy them to the fullest, start to finish.
Which was why you’d surprised your boyfriend by appearing clad in a white sundress with a stylish wide brim hat to match. It was a simple feminine look, yet it set the mood from the start.
‘Wow, I’m suddenly looking forward to our flight…’ He smiled at you softly before murmuring, ‘You look beautiful.’
Avoiding his eyes timidly, you chewed on your lip to contain a silly grin. Dongmin took the handle of your suitcase to put it away in the trunk of the car.
‘Let’s get going, we have to be at the airport in thirty,’ Jinwoo’s voice startled you as the window on the driver’s side rolled down. ‘You’ll have a whole hour to exchange your lovey-dovey stares on the plane, children.’
‘Hyung…’ Dongmin mumbled in embarrassment, and you coughed, sliding into the backseat while your boyfriend’s palm hovered above your head protectively.
‘I’m older than you, Jinwoo-yah,’ you scolded, and he hummed in response.
‘Barely!’ He glanced in the rearview mirror, meeting your eyes, and added. ‘Noona.’
You shook your head in disapproval, and turned to Dongmin, who settled in the backseat with you and moved to buckle you up.
‘I can do it! Let’s not make Jinwoo cringe.’
‘Why would he cringe…’ Your boyfriend pouted, watching you tug at the seatbelt.
‘I’m fine unless you start the funny business,’ the leader announced nonchalantly from the front seat.
‘Have you ever caught us doing anything?’ You huffed, and the car was silent for a few long seconds. ‘Have you??’
‘Does hearing count?’ He asked, and your boyfriend’s eyes almost bulged out of his head.
‘Shut up,’ you laughed nervously, only half-assured that it was a joke.
‘It’s actually true. It was when we all stayed at the dorm for a sleepover. You rustle like mice,’ Jinwoo recalled.
‘What?? We weren’t doing anything fu-’
Dongmin’s hand suddenly squeezed your thigh, putting a stop to your protesting speech.
‘Please, just… change the subject, noona.’
Teasing you and Dongmin was Astro members’ favorite pastime, and you noticed from the very beginning. They simply loved making him a flustered mess. Not that you couldn’t relate – the face genius looked almost unbearably cute when embarrassed. You weren’t a stranger to teasing him yourself, just to get your fix of his adorable shy smile and his extensive nagging about how you never let him breathe.
In fact, he loved to nag. It was his way of showing affection.
‘Ah, noona… Your dress is so revealing,’ he kept whining while you were on the plane. ‘D’you know how active the sun is in Jeju? Did you apply the sunscreen thoroughly?’
‘Yes. But you can reapply it if you want an excuse to touch my chest,’ you murmured, making him flush red and lower his voice to a scandalized whisper.
‘That’s not what I meant-’
‘I’m sure it isn’t.’ You hummed, laying your head on his shoulder. ‘But I’d still let you.’
The flight from Seoul to Jeju Island was rather quick, about one hour in the air. And it seemed to be over even faster since you were too busy whispering, giggling like lovestruck teenagers, and ‘oh’-ing in excitement as you looked out the illuminator.
Going on a trip with your boyfriend was something you’d been dreaming of for months now, so your mood was through the roof from the moment you woke up. It kept gradually increasing while you were on your way to the dream destination, and reached its peak when Dongmin rented a car to drive the two of you to the hotel.
‘If anything is better than this view,’ you turned away from the window to look at your boyfriend’s relaxed form. ‘It’s probably this.’
‘What?’ He glanced at you, not catching your meaning.
He huffed, scolding you for being cheesy.
‘What, I’ve told you this before! You look most handsome either when you’re driving or when your hair gets wet.’
‘I shall try driving with wet hair someday. Will that make you explode?’
‘Is that your goal?’ You asked, tracing your index finger down the side of his neck, which made him squirm.
‘Stop it, you know I’m ticklish…’
‘You’re not ticklish, you’re sensitive.’ You corrected, running the pads of your fingers over his skin again to make him shudder. ‘So, who’s exploding now?’
He gave you a reproachful look, and you chuckled, pinching his cheek to annoy him further.
‘Why do you have to be so shameless, noona…’
‘Don’t you love that about me?’ You asked playfully.
‘I do,’ he was quick to admit. ‘I love everything about you.’
Caught off guard by his sudden confession, you fell silent. Dongmin didn’t say things like this often, he was a bit reserved about his feelings. You actually recalled that he’d only said ‘the three words’ twice in the span of your relationship. And on one of those occasions he was actually drunk, so… yeah. He was strangely tight-lipped about it for the romantic that he was.
But you’d learned to accept it. You wouldn’t push him to do something he didn’t want to or wasn’t ready to do. So, you just said nothing before your hotel was finally visible.
‘This is great, we can just drop everything and head out to the beach! I’m living for this weather,’ you said, clapping your hands in excitement.
Dongmin nodded in agreement.
As expected, the hotel was splendorous. You noticed that while your boyfriend was checking you in. Taking those few minutes to look around, you found yourself ogling the crystal-clear glass constructions that separated the lobby and the waiting area. The outer wall was also steel and glass, so you could enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Jeju even from there.
‘Let’s go,’ a low voice called, and you followed the tall figure to the elevator.
You really wanted to give him a back hug as he pressed the button, but decided to at least wait until you were on your floor.
Dongmin took your suitcase, which made you pout, unable to hold his hand.
‘I think it’s here,’ he guided you to the door and used the card to open it. ‘After you.’
And there went your plan to give him a back hug. Up in flames.
You sighed and stepped into the room.
‘Oh!’ You exclaimed, rushing to get rid of your outdoor shoes in favor of slippers. ‘Let’s check the view! Come on!’
Surprised by your eagerness, your boyfriend shook his footwear off as well, reaching out his hand to allow you to tug him towards the balcony.
‘Oh my god, this is even better than I expected!’ You squealed, almost jumping in excitement, and squeezed his palm. ‘My hands are itching to take pictures! Come on, lean on this railing.’
Knowing better than to argue with you, he did exactly as he was told, and posed for you.
‘Ah, so handsome,’ you kept repeating, while preserving this moment in the form of a photograph.
Dongmin lost his patience in about a minute, pulling you closer to his body.
‘Are you interested in the view or in spending time with me?’
‘I see you every other day, and it’s my first time in Jeju, of course I’m interested in the view!’ You exclaimed. ‘Especially when you’re making it even better.’
He allowed you to kiss away his pout, and held you close for a selfie.
‘No, my head looks too big like this!’
You jumped in place to reach the phone, because your partner refused to take likable pictures.
‘I got it, I got it,’ he assured you, angling it to make the two of you look disproportionate again.
When you pinched him angrily, he laughed in the cheekiest way possible, begging for mercy instantly.
At least then you’d managed to finally take presentable photos.
Leaving you to admire the ocean some more, Dongmin headed back inside to unpack your belongings. You needed to change into your swimsuits if you wanted to enjoy the rest of the day on the beach.
‘Uh- noona?’
‘Did you… see that?’
His voice sounded confused, so you followed it back into the room.
‘See wha- Omo! Is this..?’
You turned to your boyfriend, who denied you eye contact.
‘Glass bathroom.’ He noted blankly, without showing what his actual feelings about it were.
Was he shy? Anxious? Excited? Uncomfortable? You couldn’t decipher his expression for the life of you.
‘Yeah,’ you agreed.
It was a simple yet exquisite design, no one could argue that it looked good. But the problem was that the bathroom here had no wall separating it from the main bedroom space. Which could only mean…
‘Well, I’m sure we’ll manage,’ you shrugged, walking past Dongmin to find your change of clothes. ‘Get your swimwear out while I change. And don’t peek!’
He grumbled under his breath and you snickered faintly. Damn, you were going to have to face the bathroom issue at some point today. And you should mentally prepare.
It wasn’t on your mind for long though.
As soon as you hit the beach… The beautiful clear sky, the warm sand under your bare feet, the lagoon blue water – all of it occupied your head and made you forget all of the possible inconveniences.
‘Don’t swim away,’ Dongmin nagged, stretching out his arms to reach you.
‘Why, scared of going in deep water?’ You teased him, splashing him lightly with your foot.
‘Noona,’ he sulked, and you allowed the waves to push you towards your boyfriend.
As soon as you were within his reach again, he pulled you closer to his body, not caring too much about the spectators.
‘What now, giant baby?’
‘Don’t call me that,’ Dongmin murmured, and you instantly knew he wanted a kiss.
‘There’s too many people, Min-ah,’ you responded, placing your palm on his chest, covered by the soaked white fabric of his tee.
‘Just once,’ he badgered, stepping closer to you.
Of course, his feet were still grounded where you were floating.
‘Why should I?’ You feigned a complaining tone, glancing at his plump lips.
Dongmin’s hands seized you by the waist, and your forearms prickled with goosebumps.
Staying still while he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, you’d allowed him to steal this quick kiss before swimming away again.
You had literally spent all day in the water, taking short breaks to let your wrinkled skin get back to normal. And reapply sunscreen again, of course, with your boyfriend being a total worrywart.
‘I don’t want you to get sunburnt. Your skin is so fair and delicate, it’s important to make sure it’s protected. Did you know getting sunburned increases your chances of skin cancer?’
A worrywart and a smartass.
It was hard to be mad at his smart (and round) ass though, when he had brilliant ideas like tonight. Dongmin had suggested ordering a fancy dinner to your room and having it on your balcony to enjoy the view.
‘Wah, the sunset is perfect today,’ you said.
‘Your dress goes well with it. Very chic and minimalistic.’ His eyes followed the curve of your waist down to your thigh.
‘I’ve had it forever, but I have no clue where else to wear a red silk gown.’
‘Don’t.’ Dongmin’s cheeks and lips were both red from the wine. ‘Only wear it for me, noona.’
Chuckling, you rose from your seat and stepped closer to your boyfriend. Using just your index finger, you tipped his head up to meet his eyes, and then you put your right knee onto his chair, right between his thighs.
‘Are you telling me what to do now, aegi?’ You asked, enjoying the sensation of his gentle fingers ghosting over your thighs.
‘It’s your decision, but why would you deny me this request?’ His hand became more confident, creeping up your bare skin now. ‘Are you hungry for someone else’s attention?’
‘How drunk are you, Dongmin-ah?’ You asked, brushing your lips against his. ‘Because it seems like you could do something right here, where people might see us.’
Straightening up, you smiled angelically at him.
‘We need to shower and cool off. I’m pretty sure I have sand where it shouldn’t be.’
It was obvious that he was disappointed, but the night was young, and to fully enjoy the experience you had to sober up a little. But it was nothing a quick shower couldn’t fix.
‘You go first, I’ll get rid of the dishes. Don’t argue,’ you cut him off, nodding at the entrance to your room. ‘Go.’
It took you only a few minutes to tidy up, so when you walked in Dongmin was just starting out. The water was on, and he was in front of the glass door, almost ready to step in.
The realization hit you right then. You were going to see all of it. And you didn’t hate the idea.
You’d watched, as if in slow motion, how your boyfriend shoved his underwear down, revealing his plump butt, and got into the bath. Feeling no shame whatsoever, you stood your ground, staring at his bare back.
The water hit his body, languidly running down his smooth skin like a dozen forest streams. From where you were standing you could see the enticing flex of his muscles and the breathtaking curve of his waist. As he leaned in to wet his hair, you pressed a palm to your mouth. This slight voyeurism was making you quite… hot. And bothered.
Swallowing hard, you took a step towards him. You were a bit uneasy with the thought of how he might react. At least you’d hoped that he wouldn’t consider you a complete pervert. But you couldn’t resist the obvious temptation; it was most likely what this bathroom was built for. After all, you still owed him a back hug in your mind from earlier… Surely, he wouldn’t mind that you decided to give it to him now, you thought.
Easily sliding your dress and underwear off, you stopped in front of the glass that was getting foggy already.
‘Dongmin-ah,’ you called, opening the glass door to join him. ‘Noona doesn’t have to wait, does she?’
There was no way you could get a coherent response to your question as your hands wrapped around him and your cheek pressed to his shoulder blade. You felt him freeze for a moment, probably startled by your actions, and then he sighed under his breath.
‘What are you up to now? I thought you wanted me to cool off.’
‘Did you now?’ You hummed, pressing a quick succession of kisses along his spine. ‘Would you like me to stop?’
He pressed his palm to the wall in order to maintain his balance under the attack of your tantalizing hands.
Snaking your hand down to cup his balls, you smiled at his gasp of surprise.
‘That’s what I thought.’
With your body pressed so tightly to his, you didn’t even think twice before grinding on his ass and urging him to moan out loud as your fingers wrapped around his semi-hard penis.
‘Noona…’ He gritted, glutes flexing against your pelvis impatiently. ‘What are you doing…’
‘You don’t like it?’
Dongmin glanced at you over his shoulder before turning to face you. His hands gripped your sides and pushed you into him.
‘Were you watching me this entire time?’ He scolded in his low, velvety voice.
‘It was just a couple minutes,’ you defended weakly and wrapped your arms around his neck, ready to purr as his palms stroked up and down your back.
‘I see.’
You stood like that for a few moments, soaking in the warmth of your entangled bodies while the water splashed you from the side.
‘Didn’t you mention having sand in places it shouldn’t be?’ He murmured, hands dipping lower to squeeze your ass. ‘Want some help with that?’
‘How naughty,’ you snickered, messing up his wet hair even further. ‘Would you rather help me clean up, or...?’
He responded in a heartbeat, gripping you tight before lifting you up to settle you in the bathroom wall niche.
‘But I can always do both,’ he said, readjusting the shower head to splash you with water again.
You squealed and dragged him in the line of fire as well. Inevitably in ten seconds you were both properly soaked.
‘There was no need to get my hair wet. You look sexy like this, and I look like I need to use a hairdryer real bad.’
He ignored your complaints, leaning close and nearly grazing your lips. With your eyes shut, you waited a few seconds but nothing happened.
‘Were you expecting a kiss?’ He grinned in your face, eyes crinkling in mischief. ‘Aw, what a tiny baby…’
Recalling your earlier interactions in the water, you rolled your eyes at him.
‘So, this is your revenge?’ You asked, not resisting as he wrapped your legs around his waist to move even closer. ‘I don’t find it fair since I did let you kiss me. In public.’
He huffed in response to your statement.
‘You call that a kiss?’
Dongmin’s lips suddenly found yours, and you couldn’t avoid the contact. Tilting your head back you hit the tiled surface, but, thankfully, your boyfriend could predict this move. His palm on the back of your head cushioned the hit, and you could only squeak in surprise, parting your lips invitingly.
He wasn’t the type to waste an opportunity like that. And once Dongmin’s tongue was in your mouth, there was no point in fighting him. Your partner was a little too good at French kissing, and you could easily admit to being hopelessly weak to his talent. He was also a toucher, so whenever a makeout session started, his hands would be all over you.
Moaning as he squeezed your breast gently, you pushed against his chest to break the kiss. Your lips were moist, and you were sure it wasn’t because of the water still running, and you licked them in a failed attempt to gather your thoughts together. Dongmin used your momentary struggle to tease you.
‘That is what I call a kiss, noona. You know this.’
You gulped, trying to think of a good comeback. At this point, you really just wanted to surrender. But him being smug about it was an obstacle: you had no intention of pleasing his ego with instant capitulation.
Grabbing a handful of his hair, you pulled hard. His head whipped back, and you didn’t think twice before latching onto his neck hungrily.
Dongmin’s grunt was the single sexiest thing in the entire situation, not even the sight of his broad shoulders that you were holding onto right now or his curvaceous butt that you loved so much could compete with the sound he produced. It was both surprised and pained, loud and husky with pleasure. You could tell he was conflicted about it just from the way his fingers dug into the skin of your sides, almost scratching at your ribcage, while his cock twitched, pressed between your bodies. He needed to get you off of himself but did he want to?
Pulling away from his flushed neck, you tugged at his hair again just to hear him groan beautifully before he used his strength to tear your hand away from his hair.
‘Noona. You know how heavily it bruises,’ he rubbed his neck with the pads of his fingers. ‘Why would you?’
‘On a scale from one to ten,’ you murmured, brushing wet hair out of his eyes. ‘How much did you hate it?’
You touched the tender skin of his neck, just where the redness was growing, and his breath seemed to get shakier.
‘…s-seven,’ he mumbled.
Dongmin cleared his throat, staring at you through his dark eyelashes.
‘Three point seven,’ he offered this time, and you couldn’t help but smile.
‘That’s more like it,’ you hummed, finding his frowning lips in a quick peck.
Meanwhile, he reached down to wrap his fingers around his rock-solid cock to guide it where you both wanted it.
‘Ough-’ You gasped as he bottomed out in one go. ‘Don’t be impatient.’
Your boyfriend’s hips didn’t slow down one bit, although his next thrust seemed slightly more careful. He loved you but he was also damn stubborn.
The glass wall behind Dongmin was getting cloudier from the hot water, which you didn’t hate. The enclosed space seemed snugger now that you were isolated from your surroundings in a way, holding so tightly onto each other. Your skin was slippery under your partner’s fingers, yet he made sure to secure you in his arms. He liked to make it known that once he got you, he wasn’t letting go.
‘Mm- Dongmin-ah,’ you moaned, clutching his shoulder to ground yourself as he kept thrusting quickly.
‘There,’ he finished for you, already knowing what you wanted to express from the way that you tightened around him.
‘Yes, fuck-’
‘Don’t you wish you were more compliant earlier?’ He chuckled darkly, knowing damn well his hips were steadily pushing you towards your release.
The curses you muttered only spurred him on. He got fired up easily, and wanted nothing more than to see and hear you come undone. Especially when he felt he was denied something – like access to your body.
‘I’m… so close, Min-ah, please- You feel so good.’
You knew he liked to stay in control, so instead of bickering with him mid-sex, you just let him know how great he was at what he was doing. A tiny smile that he couldn’t contain revealed that he was pleased with the option you decided to take. With that, he got slightly more determined and aggressive in his thrusting. Patience was not the virtue that he possessed, so you simply closed your eyes, focused on the grind of your bodies.
‘God, I love you so much,’ he gritted, letting out a curse under his breath.
The words were muffled, but you heard them loud and clear. A pleasant shiver ran down your spine, and you moaned, muscles clenching around his cock. The smooth sensation of his length sliding in and out of you made your legs start to tremble.
‘Dongminie-’ You wailed as his hips kept up the brutal pace that brought you to your release so quickly.
He was still going fast and strong while you yelped, on the verge of pushing him away.
‘I’m there, I’m there… Y/N! Agh-’
Dongmin’s voice reverberated from the walls, not even absorbed by the thickened fog around you that you barely noticed. He groaned loudly as he came, and your pussy quivered while you took all of what he was giving you.
Resting his forehead in the crook of your neck to get a breather, he ran his hands up and down your damp waist. You allowed him a moment to gather his strength, finding his slumped shoulders and stroking them along with his back. There were still butterflies in your stomach – either from your recent orgasm, or from him sneaking in the words you cherished so much, or both.
His hands soon reciprocated.
‘Dammit.’ He cursed, turning his head to kiss your neck that was in close proximity. ‘I feel like I could go again.’
The announcement made you squirm. Going several rounds was more than fine with you, but the bathroom wasn’t really suited for his appetites. You could barely hold your balance on wet tile, and it was also getting too hot and humid for your taste.
‘Are you cold?’ He asked, breaking you out of your thoughts.
You realized his palm was slowly caressing your back, feeling almost scorching against your skin.
‘Not too cold. But I’d still prefer to continue after we finish the shower.’ You suggested, hoping that he wasn’t dead set on milking the bathroom thing further.
‘Noona needs to lie down. I got it.’
You were both grateful and annoyed at his answer.
‘Noona can very well be on top if someone lets her.’
He quickly let you down from the niche you were occupying. Just to remind you how much taller and broader than you he was, for sure.
‘Someone prefers to have noona underneath. Nice and pliable.’
‘It has to be your way, doesn’t it?’
You exchanged naughty chuckles.
‘Come on. Haven’t you been imagining exactly this since the moment you saw the bathroom area? I’m not entirely convinced it was my way just now.’
‘Oh well. I guess I’ll have to convince you once we get to the bedroom.’
‘Who said I wanted to relocate?’ He asked, eyes narrowing at you cunningly.
You were positive that next time you should go for a glass jacuzzi to get the best of both worlds. It’s bigger, warmer, comfier… And still see-though. And hot as hell.
Dongmin snorted, inspecting the pensive expression on your face.
‘I’ll give you a five-second head start to reach the bed. If I catch you on the way… We’re doing it here.’
In any other situation you would’ve called him out for his childishness. This time, however…
You were out the glass door in a heartbeat.
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A/N: Thank you for reading!! Please comment and reblog if you'd like to support me ✨ I don't write for fandoms other than EXO often, so feedback is important to me~
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