#it's fucking evil
sasswonfp · 1 year
Truly u can never feel more disgusting than when u have to use random paper esque shit for tissue bc u dont have any/cant get any when u need too. Use a post it note to blow ur nose even once and you will understand what it is like to be in the 9th circle of hell
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wewontbesleeping · 10 months
the tmj migraines are conspiring with the eye strain migraines and their end goal is to get me to scream forever
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redemptiionss · 2 years
the fact that in Canada, there are people out there who are legally allowed and able to tell other people that yeah, their life sucks and that’s precisely why they should die as soon as possible because it’d be better for them, but really it’s because they don’t actually care enough to help them is horrifying enough, and
the fact that a man was literally euthanized with the reason being hearing loss, is doubly horrifying for me personally. Fuck Canada.
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fagtainsparklez · 5 months
having such an obvious favorite character trope is life ruining bro
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youdontknowwhotfiamm · 3 months
Help Hamza get his family out of gaza.
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tomi4i · 3 months
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How 💔
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crabussy · 3 months
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sailoreuterpe · 8 months
Using the bathroom in general is a human right and should be enshrined as such and I'm not joking. Too many groups of people are denied bathroom breaks or the use of bathrooms entirely--disabled people, blue-collar workers, children, homeless people, prisoners, students, the elderly. I'm surely missing other groups. Not using the bathroom when needed can cause serious, long-term damage, not to mention death. Free, clean, accessible bathrooms should be available everywhere. It's fucking cruel to deny someone the use of the bathroom, regardless of the reasoning. I'd rather every student in the world goof off and every homeless person make a mess and every worker "steal company time" than let one person suffer because they're denied the right to fucking pee in peace.
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embraceyourdestiny · 8 months
to any americans who feel "paralyzed" and "dont know what to do" to help with gaza:
reading a fucking book. i beg of you.
in a time of knowledge suppression is it your duty to arm yourself with knowledge.
read about americas occupations in the middle east.
read about 9/11 from outside of america and see how they inflicted senseless harm and violence to countless amounts of people and have been suppressing your rights for the past 2 fucking decades.
read about any of the countless wars from the past 30 years. especially from a civilian's. and the victims and survivors' perspective. listen to the horror stories and do not plug your fucking ears as to what your country is doing.
and read about fucking gaza and palestine and keep up with what is happening no matter how "sad" or "uncountable" you might get.
dont look away from this.
you dont have the right to be comfortable during countless active genocides.
if you're knowledgeable, you're powerful, and our current state doesnt fucking want that.
you have the power to change things if you open your eyes and scream to the world.
wake the fuck up.
Edit: please check the reblogs there are readings and ways to help
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aichabouchareb · 5 months
Did you see the video where Israeli soldiers dressed up like Muslim women and doctors and stormed the hospital in the West Bank and assassinated 3 young Palestinians?⁣
Did you see the bloody pillow with the bullet hole in it?⁣
This video was taken just one day before Israel literally shot him in the face in his bed. ⁣
Just when you think they can’t get any lower, they do. I don’t care what lies they tell about this child, it is illegal EVERYWHERE to do what they did. ⁣
This kid had nothing to do with October 7th. And anything else he did, you simply aren’t allowed to go into a hospital and murder a paralyzed child. ⁣
It’s CRAZY that we even have to say this. ⁣
And the White House actually defended this today, but it was before this video was released. ⁣
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thebigcomed0wn · 1 month
im so serious if you cant imagine a single female character u like or you coincidentally only care about men or imagine that women are a different species of human that are impossible to draw or write about or relate to, You are the problem. its not because you’re gay it’s because you do not like women
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stil-lindigo · 5 months
Ahmed Saad, a Palestinian man who had to jump through an insane amount of loops to get the funds necessary for escaping Gaza, is asking us all to donate to his friend’s family fund.
Mohamed is a hemophilia patient who needs access to medicine and to do surgery on his knees, his 11-year-old daughter also needs thigh surgery (she was supposed to do it outside Gaza in November but couldn't travel due to the border issues). Mohammed’s condition is worsening rapidly and, with Israel destroying the last functional hospital in Gaza, things are looking dire.
Please donate generously!
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tooquirkytolose · 3 months
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Dark Magicks
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inkskinned · 11 days
it is hard to explain but there is something so unwell about the cultural fear of ugliness. the strange quiet irradiation of any imperfect sight. the pores and the stomachs and the legs displaced into a digital trashbin. somehow this effect spilling over - the removal of a grinning strangers in the back of a picture. of placing more-photogenic clouds into a frame. of cleaning up and arranging breakfast plates so the final image is of a table overflowing with surplus - while nobody eats, and instead mimes food moving towards their mouth like tantalus.
ever-thinner ever-more-muscled ever-prettier. your landlord's sticky white paint sprayed over every surface. girlchildren with get-ready-with-me accounts and skincare routines. beige walls and beige floors and beige toys in toddler hands. AI-generated "imagined prettier" birds and bugs and bees.
pretty! fuckable! impossible! straighten teeth. use facetune and lightroom and four other products. remove the cars along the street from the video remove the spraypaint from the garden wall remove the native plants from their home, welcome grass. welcome pretty. let the lot that walmart-still-owns lay fallow and rotting. don't touch that, it's ugly! close your eyes.
erect anti-homelessness spikes. erect anti-bird spikes. now it looks defensive, which is better than protective. put the ramp at the back of the building, you don't want to ruin the aesthetic of anything.
you are a single person in this world, and in this photo! don't let the lives of other people ruin what would otherwise be a shared moment! erase each person from in front of the tourist trap. erase your comfortable shoes and AI generate platforms. you weren't smiling perfectly, smile again. no matter if you had been genuinely enjoying a moment. you are not in a meadow with friends, you're in a catalogue of your own life! smile again! you know what, forget it.
we will just edit the right face in.
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tomi4i · 3 months
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