#humans rights
tomi4i · 6 months
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How 💔
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zahrabasiri · 2 years
Could I ask you guys to do a favour for me? I don't know if you've heard it or not but there is some news going on that our protests have succeeded and morality police has been shut down. This is a half truth. And half-truths are worse than lies. Let me explain.
While it's true that it has been "shut down" (at least in theory) it's nothing to celebrate about. As it's just a strategy to calm the people (the gullible ones at least) and show themselves as good people to the outside world. As soon as they feel the protests are dying down they will bring it back tenfold.
Hijab is still a law in the constitution. You will still not be serviced anywhere if you're not a hijabi. there are still polices and extremists who will crackdown and arrest women who are not wearing their hijab. So just because the morality police is disbanded doesn't mean that there is a freedom to choose at all.
Furthermore, simply the shutdown of the morality police is NOT the Iranian people's goal In these protests. We don't just want the morality police gone. We want THE ENTIRE REGIME gone.
So I want you guys to once again be our voices and let everyone know that this war is still not done, and ask them to not turn their attention away from us. I will now copy and paste the text you will need to tweet (or you can use your own words) and the organizations you need to tag. Remember the hashtag #mahsa amini as well.
*Some international news sites are talking about the Iranian people winning the revolution because the morality police has stopped working. The work of morality police has not been stopped and only its name has been changed*
*This is a PR move by the regime to quiet the upcoming nationwide protests. After 3 months of violence, rape, imprisonment & murder of protesters, it’s too little too late. This uprising is no longer just about draconian dress codes. The Iranian people want democracy.*
@wolfblitzer @ABaerbock @CNNPolitics @CNN @cnnbrk @CNBC @Europarl_EN
Please do not turn your attention away from us. Do not allow them to slaughter us in silence.
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wordswithloveee · 2 months
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estoy-full · 2 years
Cutting hair is a very old and traditional way of grieving in Iran so fuck you.
Not everything is about you. For years women have been oppressed and forced to wear hijab so fuck you. If we don't wear it properly we end up in jail, get lashed or beaten and in cases we end up dead.
Mahsa Amini wasn't the first woman to be killed because of such rules so FUCK YOU.
If we have to, then we will burn our forced hijab. We are oppressed and we need people to be our voice. So for once shut the fuck up and go fuck your selves.
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nerdyechos · 5 months
While informing yourself don't forget to Boycott, repost, email/call your representatives, and speak up! Do anything you can.
Here's a basic boycott list! I would suggest researching about more companies to boycott!! Be mindful of mother companies.
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belleandre-belle · 9 months
We have been receiving many reports about field executions in the north of Gaza lately. Now, this is a Horrifying testimony of the 11-year-old Ahmed Khatab, whose home in Gaza was invaded by the Israeli army during lunch, executed his parents, injured his little brother, interrogated him & left him to escape with his brother and sister. Ahmed witnessed the brutal assault on neighborhood youth & abuse of women!
Report from @aljazeeramubasher, I've only translated it to English so we can share.
This had been happening since 1948, we have heard hundreds of stories like this, but there was no social media then.
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sanctiphera · 3 months
Kudos to the Israelis for continuing to find and fight for their kids despite such unbelievable pressure from the international community. I have to ask myself, would our government and army EVER go to such lengths to rescue our kids? The question is rhetorical.
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kingscrown666 · 1 year
Things are gonna get worse before they get better and I'm terrified of the "worse" cuz things are already so so so so bad
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lets-make-light-now · 6 months
Remember when Germany liberated the Jews from death camps in Auschwitz and Buchenwald in 1945?
No ?
Because Germany did the Holocaust!
Germany now supports the killing of civilians and Claims it is not genocide.
Germany is killing Palestinians with it's support for Israel.
Every second you are committing genocide, over and over again!
Genocide is a choice, not a mistake that happened.
Wake up! Stop genocide.
Ban tik Tok = ban on freedom of speech!
No social media no news.
Western news are fake.
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the-lady-maddy · 8 months
⚠️Dead child⚠️
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tomi4i · 6 months
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zahrabasiri · 2 years
Mohsen Shekari was the first protestor to be executed today.
His name must NOT go unmentioned. If the government realizes they can execute people under the world's nose, they will do it by the thousands. Please spread the word. Say his name. We must not allow them to senselessly kill our people.
These are also the names of eight people who are set to be executed. For killing one armed basiji who would've killed tens of people and injured hundreds had he remained alive. We must be their voices.
Sohail khoshdel
Manoochehr mehmannavaz
Mohsen rezazadeh gharaghloo
Saman seyyedi
Sayeed shirazi
Mohammad borugheni
Abolfazl mehri hossein hajiloo
Mohammad ghobadloo
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wordswithloveee · 2 months
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estoy-full · 2 years
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whore-tothe-core · 10 months
This is the humane Israeli army? The one that announces to gazans they should evacuate before their houses get bombed? The ones who provide the "safe" routes they should evacuate to, only to bomb them as well? The one who has the most precise weapons in the world, yet 99% casualties are civilians (8000 of them being children)? The army that would NEVER target hospitals? The army that kidnaps literal children and tortures them?
Israel doesn't have one ounce of humanity. It's a war machine made to destroy any reminder of its illegitimate existence.
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rdqt · 2 years
We need make this tags go viral EVERYWHERE
#stop exectuions in iran
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