#it's good to know HE'S the sidekick and I'm the brains in this relationship
flowery-laser-blasts · 6 months
Ahem... so the polls came in. Turns out, I'm the blue one.
Drew this half a year ago but never posted it. Anyhow, it holds up... I go back to sleep 😂💦
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royboyfanpage · 6 months
Okay, let's talk about Ollie's experience with fatherhood.
I'm an Oliver Queen apologist forever, but I think that there's a tendency in fandom to go one of two ways- "absolutely perfect dad, no flaws whatsoever" or "evil abuser who shouldn't be within six miles of a child". This isn't an Ollie exclusive phenomenon, a lot of characters and topics do fall into that black-and-white mindset. But the thing is- Ollie doesn't have to be either extreme. Particularly with Roy, who most of the debate centres around, Ollie wasn't perfect! I think there's such a rich discussion point in terms of young Roy's relationship with Ollie, so much more than just That Panel. Because, in my interpretation, Ollie absolutely cared about him, absolutely saw him as a son, but also the idea of being a father is something that deeply terrified him. The idea that this literal child being dependent on him made it feel more real, if that makes sense. Coming to terms with the fact that he was responsible for another person's life was difficult for him, and so he put up this wall- hero and sidekick. A conceptual dynamic, one that's not based in reality. He can keep that distance between himself and Roy and decide what that means, he doesn't have to be a father because that word has so many strong connotations, but he can still express that he cares about Roy, in his own way. That's why he always calls Roy 'Speedy' even out of costume, that's why his first thought is that Roy's undercover in Snowbirds. He can focus on being a good mentor to Speedy, which will have a trickle-down effect to being a good guardian to Roy, right?
Unfortunately, kids' brains don't work like that! Especially not a kid who's already lost two fathers. Roy needed a stability in his teenage years that Ollie just wasn't able to give at that time. He didn't see "Ollie's nice to me as Speedy because he loves me and doesn't know how to show it", he saw "Ollie's nice to me as Speedy, which means I'm only good as Speedy". This, at least in my opinion, is a major factor in Roy’s later self-esteem issues. Roy’s constantly underestimating himself as a hero, constantly comparing himself to Dick, and pushing himself 24/7 to improve because he internalised the idea that if he’s good, if he’s the perfect hero, then he’ll be loveable. He can’t be bad, he can’t fail, he can’t back down because if he does, he’s nothing.
It’s absolutely not Roy’s fault, but also this doesn’t mean that Ollie’s an evil neglecting abuser, either. Even the best parents fuck up, and Ollie was by no means the best parent. He took in Roy as a sidekick, as a buddy, and then never really found a way to combine the ideas of sidekick and son. He assumed that Roy would be able to interpret meanings behind gestures, which is something that Roy seems to struggle with even into adulthood. I’ve talked about it a fair bit, Roy’s absolutely someone who relies on the explicit, but he’s also not someone who’ll ask for clarification, which has caused conflict in his relationships time and time again. And while it's something he has gotten better at as he's gotten older, a 12-18 year old Roy would absolutely not be able to read Ollie's motives.
And Ollie's fear of fatherhood isn't something exclusive to Roy, either. Sure, he'd gotten better at it by the time Connor and Mia entered the picture (speaking as an oldest child myself, we are the guinea pigs of parenting, I was my mum's sibling), he absolutely still expresses this with them. I mean, just look at his face when he finds out Connor's his son.
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That's the face of a man who's just had the crushing weight of parenthood slammed down onto him again, the moment Connor stopped being an ally and started being his responsibility. He's scared, because Ollie absolutely does not see himself as a good father for someone to have. This was very much present during Roy's teenage years, but particularly since this is post-Snowbirds. Both in terms of Roy developing a drug addiction and in terms of Ollie's own initial reaction to it, he immediately spirals. And, since we've already established he does not know how to process things, he lashes out at Connor.
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And as for Mia, he's definitely matured significantly by the time she comes into the picture, and compared to with Roy he's a lot more open with his feelings. However!
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He still won't explicitly accept the responsibility of fatherhood! Despite acting like a father to Mia in every way through his actions, he still won't use his words! Even though in the issue following, he expresses a paternal protectiveness over her.
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And I think Mia's HIV diagnosis is maybe one of the biggest examples of his distancing himself and hiding his feelings, particularly when Connor asks him how he's feeling about it.
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He's so fine, so totally fine, trust him when he says he's fine, totally not freaking out. He's absolutely not terrified for his not-daughter, no way.
Ollie has this fear that if he gets too attached to his kids, he's gonna end up failing them. If he keeps a distance from them, then he can't blame himself when they get hurt. Is this good parenting? No! Absolutely not! But this is also the man who dresses up as Robin Hood and who chose to die rather than lose his arm. This is not a healthy man.
But he tries, he tries so hard, even if it's in his own way. And he recognises when he fucks up! And he tries his best to mend it later on!
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He's not the best at showing his kids that he loves them, but he's so proud of Roy when he becomes Red Arrow. He comes back to life to save Connor. He stands by Mia's side when she gets diagnosed and becomes Speedy. He's not a great dad, but goddamnit he's trying to be.
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In conclusion, no, Ollie is not the perfect father. He's deeply flawed, and his own emotional incompetency has been and always will be a point of conflict between him and his kids. But he's not some uncaring abuser, either. He's trying.
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scrunglepaws · 2 months
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So, today my brain said Knux/Tails swap au. Aka Knuckles is Sonic’s young sidekick and Tails is the last fox guardian of Angel Island.
- Design-wise, Knuckles is a bit smaller and pudgier. I actually find it kind of funnier to skew him even younger than Tails was- like 4 or something, and give him an even more baby-ish look. Pudgy cheeks, his half moon pattern is slightly obscured because of his more baby-ish proportions, making it almost look like a bib. But he can still easily just pick up Sonic and chuck him, smash through obstacles with ease, ect.
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- Sonic knocks away some other echidnas that were bullying Knuckles… For his weirdass knuckles? I don’t think other echidna have those? I was going to say his tail, but I guess they all have that bent up funky tail. ((Can you tell I'm lore deficient on this subject,,, girl help)) ANYWAY- Knuckles is peeved because HE COULDA TAKEN THEM >8C and flies off after Sonic.
- Knuckles follows Sonic around to prove himself and acts all tough and Sonic’s just like: “Sure, okay. As long as you can keep up with me, kid. :D” And Knux is just constantly like I’LL SHOW YOU!!! WIPE THAT SMILE OFF YOUR FACE! >8C and is just a little firecracker.
vvvv Mucho ramblings under the cut!
- Ye, I guess it makes more sense for Knuckles to get bullied for his namesake, since Tails was bullied for his. … Does that mean Knuckles used to have some goofy pun name before Knuckles? Oh no. xD
- Sonic keeps having to fly his own plane because Knuckles can’t be bothered to learn to do that. So it’s Sonic flying and Knuckles hanging on the wing? How weird. xD
- Knuckles acts like he’s so tough, but secretly does look up to Sonic a lot and genuinely seeks his approval after a while. But even so, he never gets to the point of idolization that Tails does.
- They have more of a competitive brotherhood rather than the more complimentary one of Sonic/Tails. I feel like that’s just an innate aspect of their relationship due to their differences. There’s a bit less of Sonic rubbing off on him due to admiration (ie: Tails), and more of Knuckles staying true to his nature and being stubborn to purposefully clash and compete with Sonic. In a good-natured way, of course.
- Knuckles is uncouth, feisty and whatnot- but at the end of the day, still introverted and a loner by nature. He prefers to just hang with Sonic (or alone) rather than others. Despite tagging along with Sonic all the time and helping people, his social skills are basically the same as normal Knuckles (but also, he’s baby). He’s generally quiet and stoic around others unless provoked. Sonic just knows exactly how to push his buttons, so he can be easily riled up by him.
- Even though he’s glued to Sonic like Tails was, he’s more… Distant. When he’s not making a show of his worth/strength/ect, there’s a bit less of the… Idk, I guess sweetness between Sonic/Tails? It’s still brotherly, but like… Understated.
- He’s strong enough that he can glide Sonic around like how Tails would fly him around. It probably looks a lot more awkward. Especially since Knuckles is smaller now. xD
- Design-wise, Tails is just… Taller, and I guess a bit less bean-shaped since he’s a teen (16). I imagine him being taller than Sonic, actually. Maybe some goggles, different shoes. Give him brown instead of red so he’s less match-y with Sonic? Or maybe even silver/grey… Brown and silver? Idk, my brain associates Tails with steel for some reason, so.
- Tails grew up isolated on Angel Island.  He uses the whole island as a space to lay out his various inventions and stuff. Probably built a whole ass technologically advanced city up there. The master emerald shrine is decked out with defenses.
- Despite being older, he’s less confident and outgoing without Sonic’s influence growing up. Living alone for so long, he’s even more shy and reserved. But unlike Knuckles who was generally cool with the isolation, I feel like Tails might be kinda sad, or at the very least lonely? D: Maybe he built some robot friends to inhabit the city he constructed. Give the illusion of not being completely alone. And it helps… Somewhat.
- So when Eggman comes to dupe him the first time, Tails totally falls for it just because he’s so desperate for some real company. Also, he’d be just as naïve despite his intelligence, so yeah. He might even go harder into the alliance because he thinks Eggman is really cool for also being a genius roboticist. He might even be legit heartbroken by Eggy’s betrayal- thought he legit had a friend on his level of intelligence to hang with. :c
- So, Tails and Sonic would be rivals instead of bros. So weird. But I dig it. Sonic’s rival being similar to his main enemy (Eggman) is kind of interesting?
- Since Tails has built a lot of automated defenses, basically a wholeass fortress around the master emerald, maybe he can actually leave the island more often than Knuckles was able to? But… maybe he still doesn’t as much because he’s really shy and unsure of himself around other people. And feels like an outcast not only for his tails, but also for being the last fox. And that’s some whole character arc he has to overcome or something.
- I imagine he gets excited when people come to visit him though, and he wishes they’d stay longer. Namely Sonic and Knuckles. I feel like he’d still have some innate need to impress Sonic despite having a rivalry rather being bros. But I mean, they’re still BROS, just not /brothers/. Maybe Sonic visits a bit more frequently than he would have visited Angel Island otherwise because there’s no one he trusts more than Tails to maintain the Tornado. Awww, can’t escape the wholesome Tails/Sonic shit. =3
- … Augh, it’s so weird to imagine Sonic just having friendly fist bumps with Tails, rather than hugs. The hugs are all for his little pudgy echidbro, Knux. WEIRDDD. Unless, of course, Knux is in a tough guy mood and will only accept fist bumps. … I feel like Sonic would still hug him anyway. And Knuckles would be actually cool with it after putting up a fake resistance for a few seconds.
- Cream is Tails’ rival in the same manner that Rouge was to Knuckles, and thus… is… 18?? Or maybe his age. Idk. Either way, she’s a teen. She’s still generally very sweet and polite in personality. But, to put her on Tails’ level, the biggest change to her character is that she has a comparable intellect to him. But, seeing that canon Cream does not show any leanings towards this aspect, I’m going to say that it’s very different from Tails’. By that, I mean it didn’t initially come naturally to her as a kid and she really had to work towards it. Like, very studious and booksmart or something? She  just generally has a very different thought process on techie stuff to Tails- somehow like, equally genius, but opposite? I CAN’T DESCRIBE IT. >8C;;; ??? But it’s how she continuously manages to get past his defenses and be a thorn in his side. But then he can’t even hardly be mad at her because she’s SO GENUINELY SWEET DESPITE IT ALL? AND SHE’S REALLY CUTE AND EMBARRASSES THE SHIT OUT OF HIM BECAUSE HE SORTA KINDA REALLY LIKES HER? SHIT. Anyways, they’re cute.
- But yeah, she’s always… Uhhhh… Why WOULD she try to steal the master emerald? She doesn’t have a thing for gems- that’s still Rouge’s thing. REQUIRES FURTHER THOUGHT. But on top of that, maybe she just in general tries to make Angel Island more home-y in some way while she’s there and it further flusters Tails because it’s also kind of sweet.
- Okay, I got an idea for Cream and the Master Emerald. It’s KINDA SILLY, but oh well. No one said this had to be serious, just fun. :3 Anyway- since Cream is a sweetheart, empathetic, and whatnot: Maybe she feels a special connection to the emerald and can sort of... Feel its… feelings…? I dunno how to describe it. But basically, she feels that, despite appreciating Tails’ devotion and protection, being cooped up in a dark, secluded box is just a bit. Sad for it. So she’s trying to free it for just a bit so it can like, “breathe” so to speak. And Tails, being as practical and scientific as he is, just cannot wrap his head around it. It’s a rock. What is she even talking about? It’s safer this way! Stop busting down all of his defenses just to “be kind” to a nonsentient rock! Wtf!
- Speaking of Rouge, she is now a little kid. She travels around with her unscrupulous mother and they con/rob people. Rouge understands exactly what she’s doing despite her young age and loves it. Idk Rouge’s mom’s name, but they’re like anti-wholesome. And they’re awesome. Rouge does some solo stuff away from her mom also (namely, messing with Knuckles? :D).
- I imagine Vanilla still exists, too, but she’s less present because Cream is independent now. She still loves her mother and visits her often, of course! Always a good daughter in any universe.
- Rouge needs some damn reason to still be coming at Knuckles repeatedly, uh… Maybe he keeps some sort of gem accessory special to him that she tries to steal, but idk man. Kinda lame… I’m running out of steam! qAq And there’s still some goofy, kids version of the flirting sorta going on. But it’s very EW COOTIES and silly because they’re LITTLE.
Sonic: Dangit, I can’t figure out what’s wrong with the Tornado! And ideas, Knux? Knuckles: *gets frustrated very quickly and punches a giant dent in it* Did that fix it? Sonic: *SIGHS as a random unrelated piece comically falls off* I’ll see if Tails has time to come and take a look at it.
This is just pure, unedited brain leakage, so pardon the… Everything. ._. Just figured I’d throw it out in the void because I bothered to write it all down! I don’t think I’ll do anything with it myself, but it’s pretty fun. I wish I didn’t suck at drawing Knux because the lil pudgy version of him is so cute in my head. I also sorta dig this dynamic between Tails and Cream and am a tad tempted to maaaybe… Idk… write a little something for it. Probably not with all the other things I need to write first, though. :T
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
I need your honest opinion on Jace! He's one of my favorite characters in the story
He's so smart but also so cute at the same I just love him!
Well let me tell you!
✨ Jace Park Appreciation ✨
Jace isn't necessarily underrated though he hasn't been utilised properly for absolutely ages. He's really become underused in recent arcs, much like most of the original cast to be honest. But he joins my legion of green flag kings 💚
Jacedaichi Case Files
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This is probably one of my GOAT arcs in Lookism. The humour? The insight into characters? The references that I don't get
We all know Jace is the brains behind Burn Knuckles but he is absolutely goddamn adorable in this, especially with Woong as his sidekick. Actually, the whole of Burn Knuckles are crazy endearing in this arc. I love them all.
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A romantic at heart. Intelligent and smart. Patient as hell with all of Tabasco's silliness. Super loyal with a strong moral compass. I'm not sure what more you could ask for. He even won Johan over! And Queen Mary with his ears!
Sure, he shouldn't have slipped Vasco laxatives daily, but it came from a good place.
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LOOK AT THEM!! In this arc, he's probably the more realistic depiction of childhood growth we have seen in the series, at least in my opinion. He started as Euntae's friend, and then sided with the bullies. But he's a stupid kid, and I'm not sure if I would have made a better choice under the circumstances and at that age.
Since then, he has stuck by Vasco through thick and thin, and helped him to get over his phobia of needles.
Relationship with Vasco
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Is there a stronger bromance? Are there better partners in crime and friendship? The care, respect, and love for each other is SO pure. They would move heaven and hell for one another.
Jace is the perfect fit for Vasco. Tabasco may be stronger, but Jace counters a lot of his weaknesses. Unfortunately, intelligence, common sense, and dealing with technology are frequent issues. But that's fine, because Jace is there.
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contritecactite · 1 year
Revisiting book omens via audiobook as I drive halfway across the country and here are some personal, subjective observations and highlights so far (Newt and Anathema have just met):
- Crowley tells Aziraphale everything as soon as he can. He's so absolutely genuine and knowing that that's exactly the quality that got him into trouble in the first place has me tearing curtains and yelling at the sky because it's not like it's any safer for a demon but he's being himself anyway!
- Crowley really reads as the brains of the operation and Aziraphale largely reads as sidekick (caveat: up to this point!). I felt the opposite about TV omens, oddly. Maybe Michael Sheen just gives leader vibes idk.
- Adam Young is so casually mean to his friends in the way I absolutely remember my friends and I being mean to each other around that age and it's somehow both hilarious and sobering.
- A lot of specific lines have made me say "oh fuck" out loud. Many others have made me say "oh sweetheart noooo" (this second batch is entirely directed at Aziraphale).
- I don't think I stopped smiling for the first three hours because the writing is just so engaging on the whole. After three hours I had to shift at least some of my attention to traffic because, unlike Crowley, I can't just go 90 unnoticed and slip around other vehicles at incredibly close margins.
- I would like to consider the character of Mary Hodges much more closely now that I've read her again. I think she's so interesting.
- Crowley tried and failed to hit a hedgehog 😭
- The weight the authors managed to add to some lines really is just !!! It's the way I've always wanted to write and can only ever mimic.
- I always misremembered the line about Dog going into Jasmine Cottage as something like, "Dog went inside. The horseshoe above the door went white hot, and a little more of Hell burned away." BUT IT'S: " “There,” said Adam proudly. “Good boy.” And a little bit more of Hell burned away . . ." and that. Has so many more implications to me. Posts going around lately about Beelzebub asking another demon "what would you think I told you you did a good job" or whatever and someone "who would do anything for a kind word" etc. If you're here you've probably seen me yell about how one of the points Good Omens makes, to me, is that you are what you're told you are (unless you decide to be something else). And I'm YELLING MORE NOW.
- Aziraphale, of course, does not share anything with Crowley about the Agnes' book until it's too late, but he also just. Straight up chooses reading through it over sticking with Crowley, who "suddenly feel[s] very alone." (This was a nooooo moment.)
- For context, this was an "oh fuck" moment (also a "this line weighs a lot" moment): "Aziraphale was an angel, but he also worshiped books." It just. It says so much about both who Aziraphale is and what he's capable of. I think I could write an essay on what this line alone says about Aziraphale's relation to heaven, to the world, to knowledge, to materials things, and a bit by extension about his relationship with Crowley. But I have too many things to do, so I won't.
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popponn · 4 months
hi dear, hru? if i could eat your theme for breakfast, lunch and dinner I'd die a happy human it's super cute and crunchy even though i forever will memorise the green themes you'll still manage to pull it off
BUT i genuinely need your opinion on bllk side characters (shidou, ness, aiku, barou and maybe karasu) rate them spell your favourite and last favourites because I'm ready to set up a chair with side of tea and listen to them rambles :3
im currently running away from deadline hello. pls don't tell them im here bae : D (i really need to lock in);;;; my love, as someone whose country is full of sour strawberries you kinda scare me. but i heard overseas strawberries are sweet tho so!!! also girl :(( im :((( wait im bad with praises but pls know i love ur themes and u especially skskdhfsf
now. to my bullshit. (please do know YOU are asking for this okay ^^) so while i put my yappings down the read more to spare some poor souls, tldr: honestly i cant really pick faves simply because my ass is indecisive as hell and i constantly switch rankings lololol and like when it comes to fictional character honestly as long as they manage to catch my eyes (whether by being amusing, complicated and so on) they are immediately an okay to me. and bllk is pretty good at making entertaining charas no matter how much of an asshole they are. so, yeah, this ranking rn is more of "what i can see from whatever spotlight was given to them and how much it makes my personal taste raises an eyebrow character-wise rn": aiku > shidou > ness = barou > karasu (give crow man more spotlight im begging)
shidou: honestly he is like. a force of nature himself. and also remember that one trivia on why he cries? yeah, that trivia honestly raise him up so much in my eyes it's kinda insane. but he is hard to write because i do n o t get him. i wish i do tho, he seems interesting and he praised isagi. already a pretty cool guy in my book, if we ignore the whole other package on the side but hey what is someone without spice. solid 8/10. the fact the first person he really kinda gets on with was sae is also hilarious. like talk about not seeing it coming. common knowledge that bllk side charas deserves more screentime bUT BOY. does this guy really deserve and need it (going back to isagi for a bit but i really want to see isagi work with types he really clashes with like shidou and reo. not even as a simp, but isg is our main pov so. like. isagi dissect this guy's brain pls. or hey light novel pls)
ness: despite his whole relationship with isagi i don't wanna deck him the same way i do to kaiser. absolute soggy wet meow meow to me, whoever calls him babygirl has taste. if i have to say anything is that i really hope his growth will be outside of kaiser. when a character is connected to much to another character in a canon setting, let's just say i can see why people like it but i prefer it when the narrative forces them to face the horror and save themselves in one way. honestly, a goofy guy who i wish to see develop more in the same way barou did. like we know kaiser will (unless the plot twist is twisting) but seeing a character like him who gets stereotyped as a "masochistic, dependent sidekick" by most getting more dimension and spotlight? yeah honestly i really want that. but for now... yeah im sorry but my personal score is 6/10 (but i really hope he will rise up because him being a dark horse in the narrative will be a breath of fresh air honestly)
aiku: i left bllk the first time right before u20 so let me tell you how amused i am when this guy is more than what i expected. if bllk wc team doesn't have him as captain im asking ego WHY. like as a captain? aiku really got my respect. like his canon cheating aside, one of the most decent dudes who can admit their faults out loud. if bllk was about defender instead of striker he would SHINE as a main rival. he kinda already does tho. the whole cop roleplay with isagi was so funny in an amusing way. honestly i really like his writing as a character. very mature, but his selfish bet was really telling of the another side of his character too. 7.5/10. minus point because i cant write him and im mad about it!!! (aka in all serious: 8.5)
barou: first time reading bllk, when isagi chose him i think it becomes one of those moments that really cements bllk. like?? the canon fodder villain who usually was just relevant in the first arc???? become one of the main rivals now???? also he is so housewife and why lmao. also put him and rin in a room. it will either end with a massacre or just them ignoring each other. honestly tho, he is funny to me because this guy has the Deep Voice but then he opens his mouth, call himself king, also dye his hair before uber vs bm match, and i remember how he truly is lmao. also the bowling and his whole dynamic with nagi are so entertaining. like nagi doesn't have to try to piss him off. hilarious. as a chara, 7/10, minus point simply because while dating him in rl sounds like a healthier option, i like my man a blaring red flag. on field a 9/10 because his whole asshole personality comes out and things get interesting
karasu: this guy is like. i am really mixed about him because i think fanon give him more dimension and raises more interesting points than canon has done him so far. but honestly, considering self aware he was and the rare moments the series gave him? he is an interesting character to have in a sport manga. this guy is realistic as shit, and he is also very self-aware of his own downsides. like. read his trivia. this guy is interesting honestly. another one i wish will work with isagi simply just to see more of him. also he is such a little shit but he is funny about it so it's okay. so, yeah, canon wise i don't really can say much about him (yet? idk). but there is this version of him i seen in a gen fic from the red white holy websites of fanfic that just makes me: yo. i wanna see more spotlight on this crow. so uhhhh 6/10 too?
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argisthebulwark · 1 year
Syd!!!!!! Ohhhh my gooodddd I’ve been playing BG3 for the last week and I’m in loveeeee!!! I’ve spent 32 hours in act one alone (still playing through it, I’m going over everything with a micro vacuum as to not miss anything) and I still don’t know who I’m going to end up romancing, so far Astarion and Shadowheart are the contenders but I love the walking tragedy that is Gale… I was devastated to learn that we can’t be in a throuple with Shadowheart and Astarion, but alas the baby girl wants me all to herself!!!
Who did you end up romancing and why?!?! I’m so curious to hear who all of my friends ended up with, so far they’ve all been so different!
YESSS same!!! it's totally taken over my brain and i've become sooo normal about like. all the characters. i've been looking at the charts about who will allow you to have relationships with other characters because i want to eventually kiss them all i'm just choosing in what order. it sucks that the origin characters won't let you be in relationships with other origin characters, Shadowheart and Astarion would be perfect for an edgy throuple. you'll have to tell me who you choose!!!
My first romance was Gale by pure accident. I thought he was a fun sidekick and then when i got deeper into his story i just liked him more and more, i loved Astarion but since my first Tav made good choices he is not a fan of her lol. Gale was easy to fall for after having him in my party for so long, he's so sweet and caring i just want him to hold me. his voice actor is def a huge part of why i love him so much. the fact that he's just a walking tragedy definitely added to how much i enjoy him, like babygirl stay with me i can fix you <3 My second character is making all the evil fucked up choices and she's def gonna romance Astarion. Her name is Ratt and she sucks and i want them to be fucked up together. I want to get to Halsin too because ohhhh my god he's so big and large <3 the voice actors went insanely hard and i want to hear every dialogue option with all of them. larian killed it with these characters i can't decide which one i want more.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
Kaito Tenjo
OK TO PREFACE im only about halfway through zexal rn (on about episode 82) so I don't have the full Kaito spectrum on my plate just yet, but here's my thoughts with what I've got from him so far:
favorite thing about them: like looking at everything about Kaito/Kite on the table, he is....an extraordinarily silly yugioh character, and I adore that about him. He's this weirdo 18 year old beefing with middle schoolers AND he has turbo bad dad problems AND he has a funny little robot sidekick AND he flies around on the robot AND he's a very very sweet big brother (I love his interactions with Hart especially, the way his whole demeanor shifts...really really good.)
least favorite thing about them: ok this one isnt really Kite's fault but oh my Fucking god galaxy eyes decks on duel links are an absolute un-nerfec NIGHTMARE to deal with to the point that every time i run into a Kite main i groan internally because I know the next eight minutes or so are going to Suck. konami nerf that fucking skill PLEASE.
favorite line: ok so in the dub which is what i watch, he only ever calls his father "Dr. Faker", like, exclusively. Except towards the end of zexal I when Faker's about to fall into the Barian Wormhole Black Hole Fuckery Whatever, and Kite says "Now where's my dad?" And that's just such a lovely subtle little choice there with the language, I really like it. I love ygo families so much.
brOTP: I love his relationship with Hart so much, but I also ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO BITS the dynamic he has with Quinton/V/Chris Arclight....like they really clocked me over the head with Surprise Surrogate Siblings Moments with the kite/quinton duel during the WDC and that has me BARKING AND HOWLING!!! MY TYPE OF CONTENT
OTP: idk if i have one rn?? Kind of vibing with aro Kite in general tbh. firing my beam attack (aromanticism)
nOTP: kite/yuma...... nnnnot a fan. You Are 18 Go Date Someone Who's Not a Middle Schooler. Please.
random headcanon: I feel like this guy definitely forgets to eat and will routinely keep like. a granola bar or jerky in his big stupid coat that he inevitably forgets is in there until it's been pulverized to crumbs post-flying around on Orbital adventure.
unpopular opinion: again dont really know whats popular and whats unpopular but kite's like....role in the story does perplex me a little (not in a bad way. just in a I'm Thinking About This Way). Like it's not uncommon for ygos to give the protag secondary rivals (hi jaden) but Kite and Shark are really like BOTH jammed into the Designated Rival slot and it's an interesting choice. wait hang on as im typing this im having the brain blast---is kite supposed to be ASTRAL'S rival, not yuma's??? HANG ON. SECTION CANCELED I NEED TO THINK ON THAT ONE.
song i associate with them: dont have one. maybe sometime after i finish the series....
favorite picture of them: i just really like how he looks here. luv when zexal characters have really tiny irises. <3 reminds me of my art style.
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icycream24 · 5 months
Tails and Eggman
For the Ask Game, please
Tails ✨
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Canon did Tails so dirty 😭💦 he's not a character I'm particularly into, but I do enjoy his setting of being a young genius fox with his self-doubt & insecurities sometimes, and looks up to Sonic for all the reasons. In SA1, he tried to prove himself through various means, at least in Lost World he's still trying his best to help Sonic. (even tho the drama between him & Sonic came out of nowhere, it's not like Sonic looked down on him? 😭) But later on in Forces, Tails only looked pathetic when they kept on enhancing the incecurities into straight up "inability to fight", I get that they're trying to make a very kid friendly story where the concepts of good and evil, hero and sidekick(s) are very clear and simple, but they can definitely do a much better job, such as having Tails stand in a defensive pose, cautious of the phantom-made Chaos before Classic Sonic came? Heck, standing there would be easier for the animators to do as well. If they don't wanna do the characters justice, they might as well skip doing them at all. 🥱
But Tails as himself still has lots of potential! A game character doesn't always have to be top-notch in fighting and saving the day, and I think Tails's abilities can definitely give him lots of advantage in any aspect. It's like an engineer creating all kinds of gadgets and tools and have your creations do all the work for you, you can do fighting/healing/defending/buffing etc... that's the badass part I wanna see from Tails more ✨
Eggman 🥚
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Particularly indifferent to Eggman except my thoughts of animating him doing sexy pole-dancing lives rent free in my head 👀💦
He does have a very iconic look tho, helps with inspiring me on art related fields... But let's talk about his character 😅
Despite not being into the movies' portrayal 100%, they did help me gain a better look on Eggman. His motivations for world domination & Eggmanland were established to be linked to his past, developing this twisted mindset of a villain. While 'turning evil due to past events' leans more on the cliche side, it does work in having Eggman became more believable in my head. He got his brain, and his ego that motivates him in wanting to make use of his smarts to the fullest, while also taking revenge on a world that does not stand with his supiority over the rest of them. He's evil & he'll take every opportunity to prove so 💨
Eggman might be the one I enjoy more in Frontiers, even tho I did not get his relationship with Sage. Him taking that giant pistol and shot Sonic to the moon was pretty badass to see, definitely carried much more charm than simply holding out their hands to hold the shield like the other characters. It showed him as someone with ambitious ideas when in comparison.
But still, I don't have that much opinions about Eggman, except that he should lean more into the evil side than the 'relatable' side. Imo, he would not have the "what have I done to you?😭" "I did not ask for this🥺" mindset, he should already know what he's doing & is having fun with stirring up shit when he wants to. He only victimizes himself when he needs to convince ppl to do evil with him. (eg Knuckles being told Sonic was attacking him & was planning to steal emeralds)...and the reason why he hates Sonic so much is not too much on Sonic's motivation to defeat him, but the fact that he actually got defeated. See it as a huge toll on his immense ego.
Also, fans getting the toxic relationship between Eggman and Sage as heartwarming & wholesome is a huge loss. It's straight up ppl getting core values of what makes a family wrong. The effort of trying to appeal to the 'found family' trend is also not enjoyable to watch, almost felt like they have a whole checklist of gimmicks when writing the dialogues. Don't get me wrong, I like Eggman and Sage as their own character. They work together good as well, even when Sage do think themselves as a family deep down. But trying to drive the 'they're a wholesome family!✨✨' mindset into the audience is mockery towards Sage's complicated emotions towards Eggman who did create her, but did not give her validation as a living being, but treat her as a tool, and then the potential manipulation when Eggman did say she was his daughter, straight up. Idk, I wished that ppl see them as family in a skeptical way than actually rooting for their father-daughter dynamic. At this point I can only try convince myself that found family is only a funny meme. 😐
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le-souriant · 1 year
#MusicMonday Review - October 2022
#MusicMonday is the hashtag I've been using for quite a while to share music recommendations from up-and-coming artists. Always fresh, and always different, trying to look for trends before they become one. You can check September's review for more music.
This month's music will take you to a journey to the dark side of matters. Regardless of genres, prepare yourself for a brilliantly apprehensive good time. Let's have a listen, with a word from the artists themselves. 🎧
Teen Angst – Kissless Virgin
There’s a lot I’ve done I’ve lost, drawn and I’ve won But only by myself Never with anyone else
A dirty kind of pure Just waiting at the door I’ve been close for sure But I’ve never been kissed before
Cause I want to feel right For once in my damn life
Yes, Antisocial-pop is a real genre, and this band from Perth, Western Australia, shows us how does it feels like. Doesn’t it feel nice?:
"The phrase Kissless Virgin was used by a friend of mine to describe a Dungeons and Dragons character he was playing, and it immediately stuck in my brain as an interesting title for a song.
I already had the rough idea for the music of the song but the only lyric I had at that point was the refrain “What does it feel like?”. Once I had the new title of ‘Kissless Virgin’ I was inspired to finish the lyrics.
The lyrics explore the theme of feeling a yearning or regret about missing out on life experiences out of fear or anxiety."
Spirits of Leo – Asylum
Ash in hearth, I seek your shelter Storming, rushing, bounding, assailing me Entering my spine and crawling out my palms The spirit is now ascending me Commanding motion
From New York City, NY, get ready for a Shoegaze track as it should be: somber, yet energetic. Don’t fight, nothing ever comes if you won’t believe it:
"The song Asylum is about anxiety, obsessions/compulsions, and intrusive thoughts.
Essentially, the song is about finding safety and shelter from oneself, or specifically, one's inner demons.
It started out as a composite of meanings in relation to feelings of anxiety, but ultimately the song formed as a personification of inner demons."
Desert of Talking Shadows – Empty Hearts
You cannot hide So darling don’t try You wrap yourself around a heartbeat or a pulse, you call that love? I wouldn’t know I’ll love myself one day, but til then, I’ll just let you do it for me Til you run out of it yourself
Switching gears, have a listen to a Rock track from Orange County, CA that takes elements from 70s bluesy attitude to ask the question broken hearts have:
"This song was inspired by a person and a specific experience I had in a past relationship, I don’t like to get into details as it’s best for the listener to interpret it how they like.
The track itself is inspired by Arctic Monkeys “R U Mine?” “Pretty Visitors”, and Royal Blood “How Did We Get So Dark?”"
Machine On A Break – Things That Go Bump
Be afraid, even be angry, but be careful not to hate, because blame is such a dangerous game, and there will never be a change if no one is listening.
From Sydney, Australia, this Alt Metal track combines the anger and frustration from the inequities that exist with the pain of possible inaction:
"I wrote it one night when I was angry after a conversation with someone. They'd been saying it's my responsibility to stay safe from the bad people in the world and I didn't think that was fair. We tell women to cover up and not go out at night by themselves but we should really be teaching people not to be creeps."
Bad Sidekick – Daily Lottery
I'm starting to feel like my life's on a runway and you're all invited
We finish off this month's ride in Bristol, UK for an impressive mix of gritty hooks, relentless beats, and uneasy vocals that will leave you breathless, but asking for more:
"I have an auto immune disorder and wrote the track about my experience with being in physical pain and what that meant for my future life and day to day living :)"
Listen to them and much more on the Playlist
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danny-chase · 3 years
I wanna pick ur brain abt this ❤️
I don’t like JayRoy primarily because of the age difference and how during the few times Jason met the Titans, he was very much a kid and that doesn’t sit right with me.
It makes me upset how removed Roy became from Dick’s character because of RHATO. Roy and Dick are best friends and have been in previous canon but N52 and RHATO completely destroyed their relationship and it makes me want 2 hit something.
I will never understand why JayRoy is more popular than RoyDick 😭
I personally don't get the appeal of JayRoy, even after reading rhato 2011, I never shipped them. Because Roy's so clearly there only to prop up Jason, Jason literally calls him an idiot the first time they meet. In canon they're just genuinely so boring together to me. Jason is there to look smart and cool and Roy is there to praise him for that. The age difference definitely squicks me out, but ignoring that, in rhato itself it's not a dynamic that I like... at all, there's a power imbalance between the two where Roy is constantly labelled and viewed as a fuck up to service Scott Lobdell's Jason Todd power fantasy. Basically this dynamic:
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o[Image ID: Roy standing out side a cabin with his arms crossed. He's wearing a trucker hat and green jacket. Roy: "'Hey, Roy-- wait out here a sec? I'd like to talk to the sheriff privately-- about our little problem that brought us here in the first place.' Sometimes he treats me like a kid instead of his partner. Who does that sound like?" End ID]
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011) #4
The entire comic treats Roy like a fuckup who barely gets away by the skin of his teeth. He's a loser that gets insulted while Jason looks cool and gets magic powers that have never been shown outside this series. The only thing Roy's allowed to be good at is making tech for Jason. Everything about this comic is stacked in Jason's favor. Roy's only purpose in this comic is to prop up Jason.
I guess if this is your first comic and you haven't read anything else with Roy, I can see why you'd ship it because of how many times Roy in his internal monologue is like uwu Jason is so cool, the red hood is so badass and great, he's my best friend and is just the coolest. But like. To me that's not a good relationship dynamic at all, standing on it's own without taking into consideration Roy's previous characterization. And the age gap is still weird, because Dick and Roy are the same age, and in flashbacks Jason is still very much a child as Robin which is when Dick and Roy were teammates in their late teens/early twenties.
When you do look at Roy's previous characterization, things make even less sense. Roy never had this unbalanced relationship with Dick, sure they had issues, 100% they had issues, but Roy's allowed to have feelings and develop.
Like taking this for instance:
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[Image ID: Connor Hawke stands behind Roy Harper, who is in his Arsenal costume. Connor: "Roy, I may be Oliver's son biologically, but he raised you. It's clear that you're--." Roy: "Do you know Nightwing, Connor? Guy's got this sidekick-hangover thing about being in second place to Batman. Well check me out. I'm second place to Ollie, and to you, and to Nightwing..." Roy kicks his quiver of arrows and they fly out all over the place. Roy: "So Nightwing feels a little inferior to Batman sometimes, huh? Well, so what?! Ge over it already!" End ID]
Arsenal #2
In rhato, Roy is like uwu look how cool Jason is, but in preboot? Roy is keenly aware of how hypercompetent Dick is and he doesn't go around kissing Dick's ass for it! He's angry! He's jealous! He gets upset about it and loses his temper. He's much much more relatable here - it freaking sucks to have someone around that's powerless, just like you, but to you seems better in every way. And that's his own warped perception of things - Dick doesn't feel this way at all.
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[Image ID: Dick speaks to Roy who is off panel. Dick: "But if you're asking me if I think you've lost your edge. Or if I think you shouldn't be on this team, or... if I wouldn't put my own life in your hands-- man... there is no one... no one I'd rather have fighting at my side than you." End ID]
Outsiders (2003) #11
Where rhato Roy never questions Jason, when Dick's in charge, Roy doesn't hesitate to voice disapproval or call Dick out. Context for the following scene is they're stuck in limbo and Dick was like okay we can get out through working through our problems and talking things out 🙏🙏🙏 And Roy has other ideas and acts on them:
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[Image ID: A series of panels showing Dick and Roy as Robin and Speedy arguing with Donna, Wally, and Garth in costume aside them. Roy: "And in case none of you warm fuzzy devotees have noticed-- we're going in circles! Literally!" Dick: "Roy, calm down! You're getting really negative!" Roy: "I'm getting 'negative'? I'm getting 'negative'? I'm in mother-loving limbo, you idiot savant! Of course I'm 'negative'!" Wally: "Hey, you could be keeping us here, you jerk! You don't think we want to go home, too?!" Garth: "Yeah, hot head-- knock it off! You're blowing everything!" Donna: "Roy, please!" Dick: "Rein it in, Harper! I mean it! We're all friends here, and if we can't manage to--" Roy: "Aw, stuff it, Grayson!" Roy grabs Dick by the front of his cape. Roy: "Real friendship is about spurring your friends on. Givin' em a little push sometimes. You know? --helping them through!" He pushes Garth back. Roy: "Sometimes it's even about conflict!" Dick: "You know, if I'd ever tried a fit like this on Batman--" Roy: "This is what I'm talking about! We love ya man, but enough with the bat-trash already, alright? Can't you see that you're driving us all--" ]
He proceeds to punch Dick and it breaks them out of limbo, and he goes on to say "I mean what is limbo, anyway? Limbo is all about getting nowhere, it's about being stuck! And you don't unstick by surrounding yourself with people who applaud your every move, do you?!" So yeah, Roy being chill with sitting back and kissing Jason's ass and being along for the ride? Yeah no way. That's not what being a friend of Roy is about. Dick and Roy kick each other a lot. It's rocky as hell, it's dramatic as hell. They trust each other 100%, aren't scared to step on each others toes, take things too far in arguments with each other, they're messy af. There's a lot of sexual tension, enough that other characters pick up on it
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[Image ID: Grace Choi talks to Roy saying "...But y'know, it's better to have you around pissing him off. Without all the sexual tension. At least the obvious sexual tension. I always thought you boys would make a swell couple in an erotic butch and sundance kind of way. But if--" End ID]
Outsiders (2003) #11
And if DickRoy has all this messy complexity and sexual tension explicitly laid out in the comics, as to why is Jayroy more popular? I think a lot of newer batfam fans came from the New52. Plus Jason doesn't have any prominent love interest in canon, so like who are his fans going to ship him with? It's pretty common to, if you read comics, only read the comics your fave is in. So I'm guessing people just read rhato and some other stuff surrounding Jason, never explored out into Roy's comics and ended up shipping it. As to why it became more popular than DickRoy? Idk i've only been here a year, I'm guessing fans of the ship dwindled due to lack of content. Even though they went back to being friends in recent comics, there's not the same passion between them as there once was.
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kissbirdboy · 3 years
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request: Hello, and happy new year ❤️🎆. Idk if you still taking request on mha. Would you mind some headcanon or mini story on aHawks catching feeling for his student (reader)during their intership at Hawks agency
Hello!! Thank you so much 💛!
pairing: Hawks/ Keigo Takami;
genre: fluff!
warnings: none, actually! Hawks is 22 and Reader is 18-19 years old.
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Working with the Pro Hero N°2 'Hawks' wasn't easy, probably would never be. He is fast, kind pragmatic, always going and going, it wasn't easy to be only with him.
Eventually, you and Hawks get a bit closer by the years. He is such a nice person and even nicer teacher; helping you with your quirk, even managing a way to get you faster and faster by the time, respecting your limits, obviously. Also, hanging out with him always means good food, so it's always a good time.
By the time, you were almost as close as a sidekick, maybe... a friend? He is always looking out for you, taking care of you. And well, falling in love with him was really easy.
The first time you thought of that, you thought that you're going crazy! He is always busy, a bit older, kind charming, has the prettiest smile, his eyes... The thing that he is a Pro Hero, he isn't looking for love, you thought.
Every day, every single second, your heart beating so hard. You tried to hide it, AND LET ME TELL YOU IT IS HARD.
Hawks wasn't dumb either; the way you looked at him was... kind of different? Kind new, he felt something new with you. This made him worried. Every smile of yours, every laugh, it was like something punched him so hard that his brain was dumb.
So it was awkward, really awkward. Every phrase, even the little winks that he gave you like a flirty type of joke changed. And with that, you decided to avoid him for a while, it was the best option, but you needed to put your mind together.
He felt it, like a train, his mind was tricky, he couldn't stop thinking that he did something wrong, you didn't like him anymore and-
You looked at him scared, he was caring your arm a little too hard.
— We... We need to talk! — He said, kind loud — please. — murmured.
You agreed and followed him to this meeting room. The dark floor contrasts the beautiful purplish skies, reflecting on the shiny table. Hawks reached a handout, indirectly telling you to sit down, your knees shaking a bit. He stands in front of you, awkwardly sitting in the chair in front of you. His hand stopped on his thighs, feet shaking.
— So...— you started.
— Well... — he coughed. — Did I say something that hurt you? Maybe done something? — He was sad and that broke your heart in a thousand pieces.
— No! What? No! Of course not! — You answered, a bit too fast and loud.
— So... Why are you avoiding me?... I know I'm kind of childish sometimes and I know my bird puns are terrible sometimes, but... I don't know... — God, you wanted to die, jump off the big stupid window behind him. The lights were kissing his hair so beautifully, he is so handsome.
Your mouth opened and closed for a bit. You didn't know if it was a good time. He sighed and got back at rambling.
— Hawks-
— You are so amazing, I really appreciate your company-
— Hawks-
— I don't know what can I do without you, I really miss patrolling with you and-
— HAWKS! — you called loud, he looked at you a little surprised.
— Look! I-I... Well... I mean — you rambled a little, his eyes were pleading for your answer. — I, well... I like you more than a should. — You said, looking down. — And I knew if I stayed more time with you, I couldn't separate you and me, you understand? — you were shaking your hands and laughing kind of awkwardly. God, you wished it was easier.
His eyes were wide open, you blinked a little and then, continued:
— I could even think of something wrong you did because you are amazing... Such a caring, charming person and such an amazing Hero. — your sad smile made his stomach hurt — But, you don't seem to be interested in a relationship, and I-I'm a bit younger... So I decided to go away... I knew I should talk to you, but I-I was weak. I'm sorry, really sorry. — You looked at him and his stupid grin made your body heat — in a happy and angry way. You hated that face so much.
— So you're telling me... — He got up and cupped your face — That you like me more than you should? — you agreed. — I'm so relieved. — He kissed your forehead.
He laughed, you blushed so hard that your ears were hurting a little.
— I, well! Maybe, we should... Hm, try? I have a busy life, but I want to try. — Hawks said, looking at you.
— Wait, what? — You answered.
— Yeah! We should go, it's our turn to patrol this night — He said, pushing you out of the room. — We should go eat out today, as a couple now! — He was so happy and you were so confused, either way, happy.
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He carried you across the night sky, telling you about how happy he was and all the plans he, suddenly, had.
You two landed on top of one of the highest buildings — and with his favorite view.
— Do you remember?... I brought you here that time...— he said, tapping his side for you to sit.
— Yeah! I almost shit my pants. — you said, laughing.
— I'm sorry — He answered, kind of embarrassed.
You kissed his cheek, getting him. His hand pushed you a little closer, faces so close.
Kissing Hawks was a dream come true. There was so much love, so much passion, giving you goosebumps from head to toe.
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thequiver · 2 years
Hi! First, I wanted to tell you that you're doing God's work.
Also, I know this is a longgg question, but how would you describe Ollie and Bruce's relationship? I'd love any canon proof you can provide too!
Thank you!
No panels because my brain isn't working with me today and for some of these examples I can't remember what comic they're from so I'm gonna tag in @batphobique (who tends to usually have the missing piece of my brain puzzle <3), and sorry for how long this has taken- but the short answer is it's complicated.
The long answer is that Bruce thinks they're friends and likes Ollie and even admires him, and Ollie.... doesn't feel the same.
Some of the key moments that really stick out to me in terms of highlighting Bruce and Ollie's relationship are things that really highlight their differences-
I like to use this panel from the GA 80th to sort of sum it up
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But to go into more detail, despite being on the "same side" they're often at odds. Ollie criticizes Bruce's parenting loudly and consistently- Ollie does target practice at pictures of Bruce, they disagree on like fundamental questions about justice, their worldviews aren't really compatible. Ollie just doesn't really like him all that much.
Even going back to Silver Age Comics we see Ollie and Bruce operating on different sides of Justice League matters, Ollie and Bruce have completely different philosophies on training sidekicks (including Ollie's later rejection of sidekicks that Mia forces his hand on ignoring for her sake), Bruce works with the police- Ollie thinks they're fascists, Bruce is pro-watchtower and Ollie tries to shoot it out of the sky with his bow. Ollie's growth and learning in regard to addiction versus the myriad of comics in which Bruce says and acts on a belief of hating "junkies." They also have like very different ways of interacting with their "villains" when Ollie's villain isn't capitalism or society. Ollie's rejection of a secret identity is also sort of exemplary of the kinds of fundamental differences between them and their worldviews that can't really be pointed to with like individual specific comics. Ollie and Bruce also handle their wealth in very different ways, and the way Bruce does it is more akin to Ollie pre-island, which Ollie is shall we say, not fond of since returning from that particular venture.
But like going into interactions with them- Bruce hits below the belt with Ollie to avoid criticism of himself (from GA 2001), when Ollie comes back to life he knocks him unconscious and admits he would have cut him open if it wouldn't have killed him and then forces Ollie to watch footage of himself killing Hal (GA: Quiver)- like... Bruce doesn't really give Ollie a lot to like in newer comics, beyond like their fundamental differences as people with opposing worldviews who happen to be working for the same team.
Conversely though the reason given for why Bruce doesn't have a plan to take Ollie down like he does with the other leaguers is that he considers Ollie the least corruptible of them and has a harder time believing that Ollie would turn his back on the league, and for all his general disrespect of people who aren't him, Bruce is shown to respect Ollie more than he respects some of the other league members.
But generally speaking they aren't close, they are coworkers at best and even if Bruce considers Ollie a friend he isn't like necessarily fond of him and Ollie absolutely gets on his nerves a lot. That's something Ollie's very good at doing, is annoying people. He's a hot head and a firebrand that's what he does. And Ollie- he doesn't like Bruce, he thinks that Bruce needs monitored, and has said that Bruce by himself is a bad thing while trying to turn Bruce's son against him.
So yeah, their relationship is complicated, but like it's only complicated for Bruce.
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hypnos-42 · 3 years
Hi everyone, thanks for all the love and share in the previous post, here are some talk about Craig and Tweek again, and adult Creek headcanons. (not really but involve Post Covid spoiler?)
Yesterday, I tried to find a clip in which Wonder Tweek says "You go, girlfriend!" to Call Girl. (Love their friendship)
But in the end, I watched dialogues of Tweek and Craig and Put it down again. Then I noticed Craig somehow acts cool when his classmates are around, even though he doesn't usually care about others.
For example, in TFBW:
Captain Diabetes: Wonder Tweek, no! The world needs you, Super Craig needs you!
Wonder Tweek: Did he say that?
Super Craig: No!
Wonder Tweek: Did you miss me?
Super Craig: Am I supposed to?
Wonder Tweek: Craig, you can't be bothered to save your love?
Super Craig: I was busy!
But remember in "Put It Down" he called Tweek babe & honey only when nobody is around (or where nobody knows them), and Tweek didn't question it shows Craig frequently does so?
It's genuinely adorable that Craig pretends to be a tough guy when friends are around, but he is a sweet talker who always uses pet names in private🥺
And before headcanons, I need to talk more about Tweek in TFBW.
I know this can turn morbid, but still it's kinda cute to me that Tweek concentrates on Craig's attention and affection so much (maybe cause no one ever really listen and help him deal with his anxiety) so that he often required love actions whether they are alone or not. such as:
Super Craig: Wow that was the coolest storm ever.
Wonder Tweek: I'm good at storms too, right, Super Craig?
Super Craig: Yes, Tweek. You're the best at storms.
Super Craig: Hey! That was my sidekick!
Wonder Tweek: Your sidekick? What!
Super Craig: Come on....you know what I mean.
I don't have valid evidence of their daily interaction to compare with above dialogues, neither nor to prove my opinion. Though I suppose we got two reasons to explain Tweek's behavior.
(1) They were fighting/making up with each other just a few minutes ago, so he needs to check more than usual. (and jealous more too)
(2) They are playing role-play, and he had immersed in the story
(Wonder Tweek: Super Craig! No! I can't live without you!)
But I am afraid this embarrassed Craig XD
So, as mentioned above and thanks to Post Covid, now I headcanon adult Craig not only in private but also get used to showing his love in public.
As time goes by, he becomes absolutely gross, like he usually uses a bunch of pet names, holds hands/physically touches, says sweet words which make others murmur that "Craig that's so gross" "Get a room!" "Why should I experience this???"
For instance, when they are in their twenties, Tweek feels sorry about Craig didn't get enough sleep because of him, and it affects his height.
but Craig is like: Nah it's fine, I can kiss you easily from here.
In this house we stand for overly romantic adult Craig😤😤😤
(My friend said that some posts talked about it’s a shame that Craig didn't grow as tall as his dad. But, I think this makes sense considering how often he was woken up by Tweek in the middle of the night.)
(btw I'm not sure which word can perfectly replace "overly romantic" with a more natural or colloquial tone, will "cheesy" fit? I'll be very grateful if someone is willing to teach me!)
Meanwhile, Tweek goes "oh, ok, thanks Craig" like he totally used to bathe in his husband's love and affection, which make him feel secure and comfortable.
Idk It's funny to me Craig always called Honey/Babe/Sweetheart/Sugar......, and Tweek just oh hi Craig.
And honestly, I appreciate Tweek like this.
He is described as panicked and worried about their relationship, about Craig leaving/hates him by many authors, and sure I enjoyed those incredible works.
But somewhere in my brain is "What if it's completely opposite? as if their relationship and Craig's love are most reliable and certain things in his life?"
I got some headcanons/scenarios want to share, but probably next time since I talk too much again, and I was supposed to prepare my reports and presentation so 😢 bye...
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soupbabe · 3 years
Shun Kaidou x Male! Reader HCs
Best boy best boy best boy!!! also may or may not sneak some Transguy!Kaidou in this too, hope that y'all don't mind!
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Poor boy saw you for the first time and automatically thought you were the prettiest boy he ever saw, so when you introduced yourself to him he stammered like a fool for 2 minutes, then went on with the dramatic 'Jet Black Wings' introduction
You had to discreetly ask other students if you were allowed to play along with his hero delusion or if you had to break it to him that the Dark Reunion doesn't exist
You went a long with it just a tad, you couldn't fully shut him down because of the sad and discouraged look on his face when people made fun of him for it
I can imagine once Kaidou starts developing feelings for you, he was on edge and harsher (?) because in his mind you suddenly became an undercover villain the Dark Reunion sent to befriend him and then get rid of
Even though the reality of it was that he just never dealt with a genuine crush before and it scares him
Queue Saiki stepping in to set things straight because it did hurt you a bit to see Kaidou go on and claim that you're some evil enchanter dude out to get him and he started distancing himself away from you. Don't be mistaken, Kaidou definitely felt the effects of his own actions too. He apologized so many times once Saiki had to get involved because it weirded him out to see his friend classmate get so down because of a guy
Also Saiki was the one to clarify to Kaidou that what he was experiencing was a crush, unintentionally starting too many plans on how Kaidou will win you over and you'll become his boyfriend
Project "Make Y/N my super amazing and cute and handsome boyfriend" is a go!
It starts off with daily compliments, that usually has him hyping himself up with his Hero persona, then him absolutely losing his cool once he actually sees you
"Hey Y/N! You look handsome today!" Oh my god did his voice just crack. "Oh thanks, but are you sick or something? Your face is red."
Okay okay Plan A isn't going that well,,, onto Plan B: Impress him!
This meant that you were constantly being "saved" by The Jet Black Wings, even though the saving was just preventing you from going through minor inconveniences
I swear to God it's like a 6th sense this simp had. Hands are full and the door almost closed on you? Boom, here's Kaidou to save the day! Almost tripped on some litter on the ground on your way to school? Kaidou literally yelled + kicked at it and claimed that it was a trap planted by the Dark Reunion since they knew that you were close to him
You aren't that dumb, you had that suspicion that he had a crush on you so you decided to talk to him privately about it via a study session at your house
So when it was time to address his recent behavior, his brain hit the panic button because this wasn't supposed to happen. You weren't supposed to catch on this early. He waved his hands around, frantically apologizing if he made you uncomfortable and if you wanted to stay friends that's 100% okay with him a-
You had to shut him up with a lil kiss on the cheek and told him that you want him to be your boyfriend too.
Nice going Y/N, not even a minute into your new relationship and you're already sure you killed your bf
He got so red faced he passed out-
Considering how he reacted to a little kiss, y'all don't do pda at all unless you want to fluster him
Which doesn't take much, hold his hand on the way to school and he goes "Y/N!!SJSNSKKSBZJSNSHAJ" "Shun, how were you able to even pronounce that?" "It's one of the many secret abilities the Jet Black Wings has yet to show you, darling Y/N!"
You're his sidekick now, even if you don't fully commit to the hero bit. He'll ask you for back up when he's faced with a great foe
You better back him up. Mostly to be a good boyfriend. Secondly, if he's trying to stand up to someone bigger than him (which to be fair. Is literally everyone) there's a good chance you need to be on standby just in case we need a trip to the nurse's office
He likes to call you his Second in Command or he shows you hero name ideas for you in his notebook
He has a separate notebook for your Relationship btw and it's very cute
When you both hang out at Shun's house, it has to be under the excuse of it being for studying just because he hasn't come out as gay yet to his mom yet. He has a feeling that his mom would be okay with it. Like she accepted that her son was trans, but it still makes him nervous
Mama Kaidou already knows and doesn't mind you dating her son. His grades actually have gone up since the relationship started so she's happy and will mind her own business
Y'all actually do study in this at home sessions and it's actually kind of cute. Celebratory kisses when he does well in reviews and at the end y'all cuddle while he gets to ramble about his plans on defeating the Dark Reunion
Dating Shun also involves making sure he's doing okay and he's not pushing himself too hard despite him being a kick ass "superhero"
This mostly comes in when he gets dysphoric and wears his binder for too long
"Shun, it's necessary for you to take breaks. Wearing your binder for longer than you should will mess up your transition in the future." "But I'm okay! You forget I'm not a mere mortal I can handl-" "I'll let you wear my sweaters." "*👀* Okay!"
Days like those are just the both of you cuddling, him wearing your sweater/hoodie, and you giving Shun little remarks to make him feel better
His favorite is when you call him "my hero" or simply "handsome man"
Please run your fingers through his hair it makes him so happy
If you don't wanna wear his hoodies or if you can't, he'll gladly lend you his various rings and necklaces
"This ring was blessed by the gods for ultimate protection against enemies! I think it's the best for you to wear this when I'm not around to protect you."
It was one of those glow in the dark rings you get at arcades, but you couldn't break the proud smile on his face.
Also likes to gift you crystals too! It doesn't matter if they end up not being 100% real, you still put them proudly on your desk and Shun gets so overjoyed when he finds out they aren't just casted aside
He's so happy with you, he finally has someone who loves him and doesn't judge him on his hero complex and doesn't mind the awkward guy behind it too. He gives you many kisses when he is reminded of that and constantly reminds you how lucky he is to have you as his boyfriend <3
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awaysantiana · 2 years
Help, aroace Izzy has broken my heart and brain. It's too powerful, it really shouldn't happen. The resentment of the power of love, the reliance on structures that recognise the value of your non romantic relationships, the experience of sexuality through kink. If not aroace spec, why relatable? It's like the forbidden snack of Izzy readings.
YEAH i feel like i'm breaking into a container of cake at 3 am when i think about aro and/or ace izzy. like literally any combo on any part of the spectrum is just so good to me, i'll take any and all of it and stare at it all day. i'm certain that izzy wasn't deliberately written as aspec, but subtext can be unintentional. i've seen a few other people hc him as aro or ace so at least i'm not the only one in the fandom, so i think there's fertile ground for a subculture within the izzy enjoyer society.
it's especially compelling to me since 90% of aro/ace hcs tend to revolve around funny sidekick types instead of main characters (much less angsty ones), and while that's all well and good and i indulge in it myself, i LOVE villains and quixotic characters. the whole abandonment + resentment angle that izzy has taps into a narrative that we don't really get to see explored since aro/ace characters are usually written more lighthearted/don't have a story arc of their own. but the struggle against loneliness in a world that doesn't take it seriously is, arguably, more essential to the aromantic experience than rolling your eyes at gooey couples (though it is very funny and izzy's Moments with lucius and ed/stede swordfighting never fail to send me).
The Power Of Love is absolutely a part of the muppet mechanics that's tripping him up so badly-- people keep doing weird things chasing pleasures and objectives he doesn't understand and it should have gotten them killed a dozen times over, but somehow it's normal and everything works out fine and he's the odd one out. which is literally what middle school felt like to a 12 year old me, once all my peers were starting to have Realizations and i was not. and for a while i hated them, the way izzy hates the crew, because the rug has been pulled out from under you but you're the only one who tripped on it and you feel like you've gone crazy because you thought the rug was a carpet nailed solidly down to the floor.
and thank you for bringing up kink!! god there's so much to say about asexuality/aromanticism and kink, but i'm not going to go into it because it seems like you're already aware (but again, if anyone Does want to know, my inbox is open since i know kink/BDSM isn't really discussed much in aspec circles here). but yeah, if izzy has any sort of sexual feelings towards edward, they're definitely stemming from his devotion to him and their long friendship more than any traditional sense of attraction, if that's present. which really lends itself to D/s stuff and fandom picks up on that (which i love). and like a lot of aspecs, izzy's definitely not the Confident And Free type, because in my experience, being ace or aro means that you're coming into relationships with an extra vulnerability, and even people that you'd assume would be more fine with casual flings (ie alloaros) tend to be quite selective and cautious. most people need a lot of trust in someone before they're willing to bone them, and for allo people, romantic attraction and dating is the conduit to build that trust. for aro people, that isn't really an avenue they can explore, so they have to build rapport other ways, like exploring the kink community, which is very good about respecting boundaries, building trust, and not catching feelings. oh, and being asexual tends to mean you have less instinct for what's Inherently Sexy and what's not, so the wires for things like, say, choking (or getting your toe cut off...) can definitely get crossed with the sexy wires. and when that stuff is further crossed with the impossibly deep feelings an aro person can have for a friend? insane. it's so similar to romance in so many ways and can sometimes be indistinguishable from an outsider's perspective, but it's like a bi man and woman, or a trans couple dating each other-- it's just so different on the inside.
and as (deliciously) tragic as it is to view him as aroace while he's still the villain, it'll feel so good if they redeem him. because it's well-acknowledged at this point in queer circles that coding villains as gay or trans in order to make the audience dislike them more is fucked up, but there isn't as much dialogue on that for ones that don't love at all. usually those are considered the Worst ones, the ones that can't be redeemed at all because Their Brains Are Broken And They Are Incapable Of Experiencing Love, The Meaning Of Life, which is unfair to aspecs and to people with some personality disorders. could you imagine how juicy it would be to finally have that trope acknowledged and then stomped firmly into the ground? like i'm just dreaming of an ending where they say "yes, your feelings for edward do matter, he loves you too, and your world and muppet world can exist together without you hurting each other because there's nothing inherently competitive between romance and friendship." obviously i'm not saying that's the only ending i'll be happy with, just that that's what i'd love to see if they went the "sympathetic aspec izzy" route.
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