#it's just not for me and jay is my most favourite character ever so i had to just express my disappointment
casscainmainly · 12 hours
thank you so much for answering my ask! and so fast too, haha, don't worry about deleting it that stuff happens <3
i'm just curious though, im kinda new to dc and i mostly know stuff from tumblr (ive started reading comics from reading lists tho!)
since you're a cass fan, what makes you think dick is the fav? i love them both ofc but just tryna improve my understanding of the dynamics between the family. i've heard that cass and damian are the favorites? and jason? though apparently jason is only in fanon and ahh im just kinda confused im so sorry for the stupid questions
Trust me, no question about comics is stupid!! It's impossible to know everything (and I'm relatively new myself haha), so don't feel bad about asking anything. Plus I love answering asks :)).
Anyway, fantastic-nonsense's post here covers about all of why I think Dick is the fav. In case you don't wanna go there, here's one of the panels:
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From Infinite Crisis #6. As clear an answer as we'll ever get, I think.
The question of 'who is Bruce's favourite?' is always subject to personal interpretation, though. Lots of factors - what a person has read, which character they like, what interpretation they have of Bruce - go into who someone thinks is Bruce's fav. Sometimes it's not even a question of pure canon, but a question of theme. Which character being Bruce's fav is the most narratively compelling? To me, that's Dick - their relationship has the most history, the most depth, and frankly I prefer one of Batman's successors (who to me is Dick or Cass only) being his favourite.
Cass being the fav is compelling too, but not as compelling to me as her not being the fav. Her story, her quest to break free from White men's expectations (both David and Bruce's), makes me not want her to be tied to Bruce's love too much. So while there are great canon reasons for her being the fav, I don't think it's a necessary or even particularly interesting angle for Bruce-Cass.
I actually haven't heard many people argue for Damian being Bruce's fav (it's usually Dick or Cass in my circles), which goes to show how much opinions vary haha. Damian has great reasons too - his entire death/resurrection has strong Bruce-Damian moments - but this is the least interesting fav kid pick to me. He's been raised to think of himself as Bruce's fav, and his arc is about undoing that belief in legacy, being the heir, etc. So being Bruce's fav doesn't do much for him. Having the only bio kid be the fav isn't that interesting either.
Jason definitely is the most fanon-y pick, though Jay being Bruce's fav is genuinely interesting. It's just that Bruce's love for Jason is a lot about the dead kid he used to be, and also half of why Jason is so obsessed with Dick is because he knows Bruce is obsessed with him. So in a roundabout way my preferred Jason-Dick dynamic hinges on Jason not being Bruce's fav. But I'm not well-read on Jason, I think some Jason fans might have good reasons for him being the fav.
These are all my interpretations of these characters, and the fun about reading comics is growing to develop your own opinion about questions like this! To me Bruce's fav isn't a strict right/wrong answer, I'm like one well-written meta away from changing my mind. But I hope this clarified my thoughts on the question!
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laurfilijames · 1 day
One quick ask - will we ever see Jay Mills again? You left Deadfall on such a great cliffhanger. Don't get me wrong all your stories are wonderful but there's something about that character, poor guy got the shit end of the stick in the movie. Your story is really well written!!
I adore all your stories and eagerly look forward to your posts, you're an amazing writer! I have Breathe Bookmarked it's just that good!
Hiya!! 💗
Thank you so much for coming and asking about this status of my Jay series Fallout!
You absolutely will be seeing more of him, so please don't worry! It's difficult for me to work on more than one thing at a time, and my current focus is completing Breathe.
Fallout is one of my favourite things I've ever written, so knowing you're interested in seeing it continue means so much! Sadly, it doesn't get many bites from other people, and when I had put out a poll to gauge what my readers were most interested in, Jay lost to Will. When Breathe is finished I will either continue working on Fallout or my Pete Dunham series Like My Dreams, another equally unpopular fic.
I agree that Jay got the shit end of the stick in that movie which is why I decided to write this story in the first place! I think he's a complex character who has so much potential and it's been a joy (and thrill 🥵) to explore all of it. The smut in this series has been some of the filthiest I've written and I am looking forward to getting back to it and mix things up.
Thank you a million times for adoring everything I put out and being excited for more, and for your lovely compliments on my writing 🥹💗 I'm so touched that you've bookedmarked Breathe as well! This makes my heart so so happy and you're helping to motivate me to return to Mr. Mills sooner than later!
All the love, whoever you are 😘💗💗💗💗
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This man 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
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rapha-reads · 2 years
Nah, after this last Red Hood: Outlaws episode (oct 10), I'm not convinced anymore. It started well, the first few episodes were fun and the tone was good, but now it's all over the place, Jason is totally OOC as is Bruce, the art is sometimes stunning, sometimes just uncanny valley super weird (what the heck is going on with Artemis - one panel she's gorgeous, the next she's just... totally out of proportions), and don't get me started (again) on Jason's depiction, that is absolutely not my boy. Oh, and yeah, the pace is glacially slow. And why is there romance signed an aromantic who very much HC Jay as aro ace sorry not sorry.
To everyone who is still enjoying it: I hope you continue to do so!
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mourningsbane · 2 months
Hi there! I'm also into Warrior Cats, and I have just stumbled my way to your blog, by chance. It's really great, and I love the stories, art, and character design, especially Honeyspring.
So, I actually have a bunch of small questions:
1. Since Honeyspring died of illness (and blood loss), where are her kits now? Did they also pass away with her? And if they did, shouldn't they be with her in Starclan?
2. If she would have to pick, which currently alive cat in the clan would be Honeyspring's favourite? (I'm guessing one of the kits)
3. Does Honeyspring remember her mate, or will that make sad or angry just thinking about him?
4. What are Honeyspring's favourite prey-kills?
5. What is Honeyspring's favourite season?
6. What are her opinions on twolegs? Did she ever encounter them when she was alive?
And, that's it. Sorry if they're long, but I'm really curious about Honeyspring and her backstory. She's so interesting. Also, I offer her this feather that I've just found:
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It's a blue Jay feather, and it's really beautiful. It will totally suit Honeyspring. I'm sure she'll like it. 😊
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Honeyspring accepts your gift, and with it, grows vestigial tethers. Soon, but for now, your questions shall be answered.
1.) Honeyspring's kits are...around. Pray you never see them, those nightmare unborns. They both do and do not exist and so they flicker in juxtaposition.
2.) Honeyspring's favorite cat in LutumClan is Sweetkit. They talk often, as well as Honeyspring physically can. Sweetkit reminds Honeyspring of a gentler time and brings a specific memory to mind.
3.) Honeyspring remembers and loves Flaildrizzle. They were going to raise Honeyspring's kits together. Honeyspring can hardly wait to see her again.
4.) Honeyspring's favorite prey kills are mice! She specifically likes them when they are small and bite-sized. Something about being able to swallow them whole is appealing to her!
5.) Unlike most cats in LutumClan, Honeyspring's favorite season is winter! She does not appreciate the scarcity of prey, but the coziness of cuddling up with clan mates endears it to her. She has always enjoyed the community.
6.) LutumClan does not encounter twolegs often due to being so rural. They encounter the occasional hunter and dogs looking for a few rabbits or pheasants and greatly fear their arrival. Honeyspring had never encountered a twolegs in her lifetime but had heard the distant booms of their sticks of thunder.
You don't have to worry about asking long questions! I do not mind answering them, and it gives me a reason to think about things that I had not necessarily considered until now! :D
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zonedelicious · 4 months
In the X-Men fandom this scene is constantly brought up to call the character Noriko racist, call the entire book racist, and even call the fans and writers racist. And as a Muslim fan of Academy X I am very confused at this harsh reaction because to me it is obvious the story is siding with Sooraya.
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For starters X-Men can be very VERY racist and islamophobic. I've recently been reading Claremont's New Mutants and it's painful how racist that book is to Arabs. I wanted to stop reading because of the racism.
But I do not get this reaction from Academy X, which is my favourite X-Men book.
I think a lot of people don't know what kind of book Academy X is. Academy X is a book about delinquents. The main characters are a bunch of asshole kids. The appeal to me is seeing these shitty kids grow and become better people. Yes they make mistakes that's the point. They're stupid kids.
Noriko is one of these kids. She was homeless at a young age because of the poor relationship with her family and because of this she's afraid of ever showing any vulnerability. Choosing to rather lash out at others. It's a realistic coping mechanism.
The scene with Sooraya shows this as Noriko is projecting her own trauma onto a poor girl who only wanted to be nice to her. Yes it's shitty but that's the point. We're seeing how their personalities and viewpoints clash, and how Sooraya is challenging Noriko's beliefs.
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I do not see how anyone can read this as the book being racist when the scene even shows Sooraya sad. Something like this never happens when an X-Men book is actually islamophobic. Yet people never react as harshly to actually racist X-Men books as they do to this.
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It's actually very similar to a scene at the start of Ms Marvel, where Zoe is racist to Nakia. We can clearly see both scenes are suppose to make you feel uncomfortable and make you side with the Muslim girl. And both Zoe and Noriko are humanized despite being bullies.
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We even get a conclusion. Some say this isn't enough, but remember that Noriko refuses to show emotions, so the fact she's willing to go against her instincts here is interesting. It's more interesting to me than simply having a generic anti racism speech.
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Again Sooraya is entirely humanized here. The comic is understanding of her struggle. I do disagree with the way she's drawn at times, but the writing makes her a character I could relate to. And reading this conclusion only makes me more interested in both characters.
Sadly neither character ever got a proper character arc after the comic ended. But to me that just makes me wish there were more comics of this group where we do see Sooraya and Noriko become close friends like Nakia and Zoe. It makes me think of writing my own story with them.
I love this book and what it means for Sooraya. I love seeing Sooraya's relationship with the Hellions, Jay and Laura. This is still her definitive comic, so why are we dismissing it entirely because of one scene that exists to make us relate to her?
It's very strange that this one scene, that to me is well made and relatable, is being used as a way to hate the characters, the comic, and everyone who likes it. Most hate isn't even coming from Muslims so is it just performative outrage and misunderstanding?
Or maybe this scene hits at home for some people? With the conversation being very realistic and grounded, people may see themselves in Noriko. Maybe they had a similar reaction towards a Muslim girl and are remembering it.
Noriko's stance isn't even that different from ex Muslim feminists who say similar things. The issue is how she is projecting onto Sooraya. And maybe that's what makes people uncomfortable. The complexity this conversation has in the real world.
Whatever it may be, Noriko still clearly grows after this arc. We do see her become a great leader who stands up for her friends. And even if she has issues to deal with, she was slowly becoming a better person.
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In conclusion I love this book because it's relatable in how it portrays its characters. I like Sooraya being a Muslim character who's also a protagonist and a big part of the story. I hope more people give this book a chance and see the charm of it that I see.
Anyway time to go listen to anime music and imagine my OCs hanging out with the Academy X kids (need to draw that one day).
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insomniacirl · 9 months
JRWI Riptide episode 115 spoilers !!
I have so many thoughts about this episode dear lord.
Jay being the 'child of the sun' WAS SO FUCKING REAL MAN.
Finding out about Lizzie was actually heart-stopping
Chip leaving the room and Gillion following out after him- the conversation that follows- Jay and the rest of the crew being left in this horrible silence after they leave- I can't.
Gillion with the, "Chip, it's not your fault." (Dead. Dead on the ground. No survivors.)
Chip's 'how did you know I was gonna go off alone?' and Gillion's 'I know you.' (Violent sobbing)
Gillion telling Chip to let him and Jay handle it, telling him to try and get some rest; Jay and Gillion talking about how to split their crew, Gillion explaining that he was trained for this. As a soldier. Knowing that this is the worst situation they could've been put in- because he's been the one to put people in the same one before. Jay admitting (as much as she hates to) that she knows. She already knows as much. Because she too was trained for the same exact situation. She doesn't want to admit to herself that she knows what's coming- she knows the odds aren't in their favour- she knows that she might not be able to save them- but she has to try. She just wishes she didn't understand what's going to happen.
"Go set some fires, demigod."
I merely cannot.
Chip and Jay's tearful goodbyes- the most sibling coded to ever sibling ever.
"I love you Jay."
"I love you Chip."
"Better get moving, Sureshot."
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I could go on about them forever. We don't talk about like- anything that happens after Jay leaves- we do not mention... the book.
Gillion casting deathward on Chip (an undead man who can technically never die again). I'm insane???
The two of them almost instantly dying without Jay LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Gillion arm wrestling a literal titan sized- giant of an enemy.
Chip. That's it. Just Chip 😭
Gillion almost 360 spin-kicking the guy's head off and Grizzly being like, 'He's not a bad guy btw' AND CHARLIE SPITTAKING I WAS PISSING MYSELF THAT WAS SO GODDAMN FUNNY.
I'M INSANE PT1029381929138102948831201291209???
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haechanhues · 2 years
So I recently (like a couple of months ago) read Bowie’s Books by John O’Connell which is a series of essays exploring David Bowie’s list of 100 Books that transformed his life and I thought it was a way to make my own. These are all fics (in some way or another) that have been memorable in many different ways and I hope to share them with you all.
This is also a full on sap train so I thought you should be ready. I’m also weirdly nervous since this feels kind of vulnerable and makes me shy. but haiii
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1. @hyuckiebabie - Bad Intentions | NCT (discontinued) 
Of course, I have to start with this. I have to. I’ve also just learnt that author-nim has since left tumblr. But the writing was beautiful and the connection that Haechan and the MC had with each other was absolutely alluring. God I felt things I have never felt before. This was quite awhile ago and I’m kind of sad I can’t reread it to boost my memory a bit more but I was super excited for every update. But aww I wish you could all read it even though it was discontinued, it still remains very memorable for me. 
2.  @beom1e​ - Love Is Not Easy | TXT (completed)
The fic that made me obsess over TXT fics for a very large portion of the year. I read it again and it’s so chaotic and erratic in the best way. I love these boys with all my heart and it was so fun to be able to read it and connect to it. There were different endings that were all really fun. The very first time I was a very big Yeonjun supporter but nowadays I feel a more Beomgyu lean. Hmm, I don’t know. So many options. Can’t forget about Soobin either. The best kind of crossroad ever. 
3. @dovechim - That’s Okay That’s Love | BTS (ongoing)
No because I’m frustrated my original comments about this didn’t save. I remember reading this and it was the first time I had read something involving mental health so blatantly and it just felt oddly satisfying. What I liked the most about this fic however was the way that every character was interwoven within the story without the sole purpose of their existence to be a ‘friend’ to the main character and give advice and put some sense into them nor to invoke drama. I liked that they each have their own story and plot and it’s so majestically done that I always have to applaud this story for it.
4. @jayflrt - The A List | ENHYPEN (one-shot) 
Ahhh yes, I finally get to talk about this. This was one of the first ENHYPEN fics I read and it definitely helped me stan them to the level I did. I love the ....friendship between the MC and Jay. I love the taste of the whole fic in general - the rich people shit and the drama and the need to just not be made into a total loser by an anonymous source. I’m not even being dramatic but this fic has a taste and it’s absolutely fucking wonderful I’m salivating. 
5. @fantasybangtan​ - Queen Cobra | BTS (ongoing) 
One of my utmost favourite writers on Tumblr and in general. I love this story with all my heart and it made me a total * girl. This fic always manages to have a hook on me in more ways than one and I was so excited to see that a chapter has been updated since I last read it. I hope to god you never stop writing. Ever. Such a talented person and a very special one at that. I sound a bit like teachers comments in student reports and I’m sorry. But I hope you feel how sincere I am in my recommendations to read this fic. You have to. Absolute art. 
6.  @caramellohigh - Not Such A Good Boy | THE BOYZ (ongoing) 
This is my favourite depiction of Juyeon, like ever. I remember seeing three times before I actually read it. First it popped up in my dash just randomly, then it was recommended (not specifically to me) but I had been wanting to read a few fics. I thank whatever higher power exists for this fic. I can’t explain myself but like it’s so good. I love the whole golden sweet nice sunshine boy being this person who isn’t actually all that sunny and saintly trope. I don’t know the proper name for it but I loved this. I can’t wait for more chapters such an exciting fic, I couldn’t put this fic down for the life of me. I had a lot to do today but I didn’t do it because I was reading this hahaha best decision ever. 
7. @theluckyyyoneee​ - Antipode | EXO (completed) 
OH MY GOD I JUST SAW THERE’S AN UPDATED CHAPTER, I’M GOING TO READ IT NOW. Okay okay I’m going back to writing normally so I don’t look like an idiot, but I love this fic with all my heart. So so warm. I love that Chanyeol is just a literal puppy throughout the fic. God I hope to see this couple again. In any way. I’ll take it. I remember I first read this when Chanyeol went to the military and reading the final chapter when he’s back literally feels like all is right with the world. I adore this couple. And with the risk of sounding cheesy as hell, this story smells of pine and appears like Christmas lights in the night and I think that’s the cutest fucking thing. 
8. @jungblue - Future Hearts | BTS (ongoing) 
I’ll be honest, before I came to Tumblr I always ignored recommendations for fan fics - simply because I had different tastes to the person giving the recs (they were a bit too much for me) and I just liked that fan fics were just my terrain to freely explore the fics available without in some form being attached to someone else (i was going through some shit obviously). Then this fic showed up and I took a chance on it. Best thing I’ve ever done for myself. I fell in love with writing all over again. I thought of colours differently. Everything. was just so different. I was super invested in the story. I would say it became so definitive of the person I was at eighteen, when life started changing. So thank you author-nim. From your forever fan <3 I hope all is well with you, you deserve the whole world y’know. 
9. @sankyeom - Break Your Rules | THE BOYZ (completed)  
Okay okay so, I love Sunwoo with my whole heart and one of my favourite tropes is brother’s best friend (disclaimer : it reflects to my life in no shape, way or form but we love a good ol’ forbidden love without the death involved) I first read this on my other account and it’s always one I seek out if I want a little thrill and a happy ending. Also the side characters are so fucking funny, I loved reading them. This fic is the treat your aunty tells you she shouldn’t be giving you but does anyway and you love her with your whole heart. So wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. 
10. @chittapornswife​ - DYNL Club | NCT (ongoing) 
A fic I’m forever fond of, I think. I always used to read this whenever I would go to class and it would keep me from having panic attacks. It would always leave me feeling fluffy and energised enough to get through an hour (or longer) class (and it wasn’t like the class was terrible, it just made me anxious.) I always link this fic to good things, or at least like it’s a bridge from being less than okay to recovery which is kind of ironic considering the content. It also has Haechan in it, which I’m thankful for. This story helped build my love for him in a way, I think. I’m truly grateful. 
11. @desayunho​ - Time Of Love | ATEEZ (completed) 
Oh my god it was a struggle deciding what fic to use but I decided on this one. It’s so beautiful. Oh my god I loved it. I read ‘Lovefool’ before this one and just knew that I had to hop on this train too. Lovefool blew me away and I knew it would happen with this one too. Absolutely after my own heart. I’m not one for poly fics (not against them either, I just don’t normally read them) but AHHH I’m screaming. The dynamic. The everything. This fic is everything. Thank you and good night. I love San and Wooyoung and ATEEZ AND author-nim, a special place in my heart is reserved for you and your artistry. 
12. @ballelino - Wedding Season | STRAY KIDS (completed) 
With the risk of sounding absolutely delusional, this fic helped me well and truly realise that I am never ever going to move on from Lee Minho. Like ever. The fic left me feeling very vulnerable but well protected? I don’t know how to form words but...  Everything was just perfect. Truly a foundation. It’s a fic I want to read for the first time again for the feelings I felt and the sensations I was going through. Truly a magical ride. I’m not even being sappy - this is me being totally brutally honest. I loved it for lack of better words. You know that question that goes ‘If the words ‘I love you’ didn’t exist what would you use?’...This fic. That’s it. My new love language. 
13. @thepixelelf - Hood | THE BOYZ (completed) 
This was well and truly a rollercoaster.. god I could remember it. I was on the edge of my seat every update. I loved the whole friendship and the back and forth. Ever since that first chapter it has been a favourite of mine and has remained one of my favourites since then. Also it was literally a year spent together with a fic and I don’t know why but this makes me feel more attached and feel more love for this fic even more. It’s beautiful and it’s literally like cuddling a teddy bear. I don’t know how else to describe it. If I could hug any fic it would be this one. Cause it deserves everyone’s high praises and I want someone to experience reading this fic to experience it and just tell me what they thought and we can go nuts over it. 
14. @seokjinsdisciple - Who’s Your Daddy | ATEEZ (ongoing) 
What a rollercoaster of events. These ATEEZ fics (not even just this one) has a special place in my heart but I’m here to talk about this one in particular. It’s so incredibly cute and angsty at the same time. Anything you ask for in a fic, you get it practically. It’s everything. It gives me everything. It gives me life. Seventeen chapters in and I've already tried finding a wizard to turn me into a puddle on the floor because I can’t cope. It’s absolutely brilliant. Ahhhh- also one of the authors to open the new door for me in terms of social media aus. I never thought I’d be into them but I really am and a large part is due to author-nim so thank you for this medium of storytelling and doing such a good job every single time. No misses. 
15. @aspenwritesstuff - Prove Me Wrong | STRAY KIDS (ongoing) 
HOW COULD I NOT INCLUDE THIS. I can’t even remember how I came to read it but I remember reading it and being so hooked the very first chapter. I am also extremely affectionate of you, Aspen. This story and everything about it. I love it. It’s cute and fucking interesting and I’m just so hooked and excited I cannot wait to see how the rest of the story pans out. Like truly amazing. I’m going nuts over just thinking about it. Absolutely wonderful and just truly cute. I don’t know what else to say but it’s so cute. So fucking cute. Ahhhh. Just screaming and yelling and hollering at this point. LIKE YEAH THIS IS ME. THIS IS HOW EXCITED I CAN BE. Can’t wait, Aspen, honestly (take ur time tho <3) 
16. @gyukult​ - We Don’t Usually Hold Hands | SEVENTEEN (one-shot) 
So usually whenever I read Mingyu books I’m used to player Mingyu or sugar daddy esque-Mingyu who’s very cool. I’m not hating it. I still most likely would read it. But I never knew how much I needed a fic where I could actually see Mingyu in it and I think it’s perfect. I fell in love with this fic at first read and I think it’s actually changed the trajectory of my life forever. I’m not even being remotely funny. It really has. I don’t know - I loved the humour, I love just how casual the romance was. Like it felt so natural and just so Mingyu I don’t know what else to say without rambling. I feel like this fic is especially for those who don’t necessarily believe in romantic love, for those who do and in love with the idea of love and just everyone in between. So everyone basically. It’s a necessity. 
17. @kyufiber​ - How To Be A Heartbreaker | THE BOYZ (completed) 
God, I love this fic so much I don’t know what else to tell you. This is an Eric fic but it felt like more than just that. I’m a Sunwoo girl, have been from the very first video I saw of these guys but everyone just-. Let me tell you how PERFECT this fic is. It went exactly the way I wanted it but every update was a blessing and a gift. Like...is this music? No but I’m honestly always starstruck by this fic. I have no way of formulating proper sentences, it’s amazing. It’s so good. It’s so good. It’s honestly- GOD, especially if you’re an Eric person. This is for you. For all of you actually - read it! I’m begging with my whole chest, my whole soul, everything about me that is me - read it. 
18. @starrgaziinggg​ - Friends With Benefits | STRAY KIDS (ongoing) 
I can’t remember exactly remember the 6 W’s of how, where, when I found this fic. But all I remember is that it was a god send during my Minho phase (that is still in fact going, don’t get me wrong). Every new update is so fucking fun for me and definitely has me all up in there. I love this version of Minho. It’s one of my favourites. Absolutely. This fic has been a newfound love of mine and I’ve enjoyed falling in love with it every single chapter and I know that won’t ever change. I’m a bit speechless I don’t know what to say, currently I’m looking at it and I’m so excited to talk about it but all I am right now is a blubbering mess that can’t string two words together to make a single sentence. But I really appreciate this fic and I can’t wait for more updates! <3 
19. @wooyunhwa​ - Kingdom Of Welcome Addiction | ATEEZ (ongoing) 
Although it’s been a couple of years since the last update, I am still going to praise and praise this fic as if it’s my sole purpose in life. I love the way the characters are and how there’s a whole world away from everyone else - as if its just the three of them in this demon vs angel love affair. Don’t even get me started on the writing - it’s so beautiful, detailed and I love how humour is incorporated into it. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. It surprised me so much in such little but significant ways that I think sets apart this fic from others like it. Truly. 
20. @yeow6n - boyfriend!haechan tiktok series | NCT (ongoing) 
Ahhh my current go-to Haechan fic writer. God, I’m in love. Have you ever felt a connection with someone you haven’t talked to or anything but because you share that one thing you’re in it for life? This is it my friends. This. Every fic I’ve read is a love of mine and I’m so excited to write about it. They’re usually short and sharp but incredibly sweet and it just- it makes loving Donghyuck easier. Honestly author-nim came in at the right time and totally swept me off my feet. In love with it. In love with him. Stan author-nim for good Haechan content. Honestly I feel like calling you bestie which is one hundred percent out of character for me so I won’t - but I just want to let you know that the temptation was there and it was a strong one! 
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goingferalapparently · 7 months
Do you want to hear me talk about The Animatic? No? Well that sucks because I'm talking about it anyway.
I don't know what made me suddenly want to make a full length animatic, but the urge descended upon me and I did anyway, despite my horrible horrible track record.
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I'd actually had a couple voice clips cut out since July (because that's when I started Jealousy), but the bulk of it was done 15/16 August. And! This song (Pentatonix's God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen) is actually the second one I tried piecing together.
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The first song was AURORA's Runaway! I swapped songs pretty early on because
Runaway was 4 minutes long and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen was 2.5 minutes long
3 minutes in, I ran out of voice clips.
I used a lot more voice clips for Runaway than God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, not just because it's longer but also because the song is significantly slower and thus easier to fit voice clips in it. Not just more voice clips, but the voice clips were longer too.
(God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen had 9 source clips. Runaway had 15.)
Hindsight is 20/20 though, because due to the slow-paced nature of Runaway in comparison to God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen would have resulted in far less frames needing to be drawn, or precise cuts or-
Well, you get the point.
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I have two files for this project! Yes, it was pure Medibang. The reason for the two files is that there were so many layers that the first file was lagging to hell and back and I couldn't even draw a straight line because of how bad it was.
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This was the actual first frame I ever drew for this! If it looks familiar, it's because I was mirroring this. It's my first ever fanart for QSMP.
At the time of starting this, I had maybe 3 pieces of QSMP fanart and was super uncertain of what I was doing, so it definitely happened again - mirroring a piece of fanart into an animatic frame.
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This was the first time I ever drew Cucurucho. I had an idea and it was simple to execute but over time I forgot about the voice box.
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This, on the other hand, was the last frame I ever drew. The Cucurucho designs are largely the same, with some minor differences (bigger eyes, more stitches, no voice box, thinner tube).
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This was the first time I successfully drew Cellbit. Emphasis on successfully because even this one bit took me forever. I never really had to redraw any frame once I drafted it, but this. This took me 5 redraws. It was my greatest nightmare.
I've said it before but these two frames side by side?
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It was my favourite part of the animatic for the longest time. Hands down, no debate, I adored it.
You may notice that most frames had the subjects coloured in a lighter colour, but a couple didn't. Some were intentional, to better show off lighting and backgrounds and depth and stuff.
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Some.... were not.
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Some of my other favourite frames include:
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Which would have been better if I hadn't messed up the shading.
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Because this was so many characters. And Cellbit.
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And the Bagheras, which I really had a ton of fun drawing near the end. Because these two were drawn at the end. The same day, actually. The first one did have a draft already, though.
Some little details:
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Between these two frames, BBH and Cellbit pop up in the background. There's a flash of white immediately after, which is supposed to be the camera flash when BBH takes a photo.
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Jaiden (and Roier) in the early scenes have perfectly normal eyes.
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This changes immediately after Bobby's death, albeit rather subtly.
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By the time the beginning of the Cucurucho tasks rolls around, the shadows under their eyes have had time to develop and become more prominent.
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Roier does a little rooftop espionage.
Similar/Similarly located scenes have similarly coloured backgrounds!
It's most prominent with Bobby Fields' Rose/Lavender palette, with a few (not all) examples.
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(The words associated with this last image are actually from when Jaiden got stuck on a ladder on her way down from the sunset tree while trying to chase Cucurucho. I just found that funny.)
But the colour thing is also key with Baghera and Jaiden's conversation with Pomme's non-canon death.
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The colours used for 1) the gradient background 2) the lineart and 3) the subject base colour are identical in both images, even if they're a third of the video apart.
Anyway, this was made with Medibang and iMovie, even if I do have Krita and DaVinci Resolve and FlipaClip and-
Tried and true basics, I guess.
(Krita and DaVinci both cause my laptop to overheat. I struggle with Krita so incredibly badly, even though I have friends who swear by it.)
Also I maxed out the image count on this post.
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ninadove · 7 months
Opening line patterns 📝
List the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern.
Thank you for the tag, @bittersweetresilience!
Let’s proceed by order of updates (skipping Shadow Strike because my beloved @paracosmicat wrote the incipit)!
God Games ⚡️
If anyone could fend off an akuma, then surely, it had to be Felix.
So proud of this one. The entire premise is here: Felix just doesn’t get akumatised, so what’s the deal?
It’s also a testament to how strong he is in his cousin’s eyes. Fitting, as this entire fic is about Adrien learning how much Felix actually needs him.
Blueberry passion fruit 🫐🍪
Felix prayed this was not another false lead.
He loves his cousin! He’s been searching for him for so long!! He double-checks even the most improbable hints because Adrien’s absence is a gaping wound in his chest!!! I’m so normal about them.
True to Your Heart ⚔️
The wall had been Fu’s idea.
(So you know it’s a terrible one right away.)
I think there's a flaw in my code (Gasoline/Spy AU) 🔥
“You duped me.”
With this one, we begin in medias res! (That’s actually the title of the first chapter.) This entire first part focuses on the confrontation between Argos and Ryuko, and how we got to that point. Emotions are boiling over, as you can see.
Here’s to Never Growing Up 🧸
“Your niece was uncharacteristically excited tonight.”
You can immediately tell this one is going to be pure fluff! You can also infer Felix and Kagami don’t have children of their own, and they’re perfectly happy with it. Emilie could never.
All the shine of a thousand spotlights 🎼
“Did you know waltzing was once considered indecent?”
It’s about the hypocrisy of ever-changing social expectations. It’s about defiance as a form of love. It’s about holding each other tight and gently all at once. It’s about Felix infodumping, because I do it too!
Turntable 💍
“So, you like to be onstage.”
This one… The torture of your abuser holding and using your very nature against you. This first chapter is one of the darkest things I’ve ever written, but it’s always darkest before the dawn.
Escape from the city and follow the sun 🌅
Kagami only wanted one thing from that evening: to not get akumatised.
This poor sweetheart is heartbroken but trying to put up a brave face… She’s convinced her emotions are inherently monstrous… If only someone swooped in to sweep her off her feet… 🥺
Change targets 💐
“No one can know.”
This one is best explained in context:
“No one can know.”
That ship had sailed already. Knuckles white against the pedestal table, careful not to crease the napkin as another coughing fit broke her, Kagami cursed her own lack of discretion.
What she really meant was:
“My mother cannot know.”
Brave, Truthful, and Unselfish 🧸
“… And they lived happily ever after. The end.”
My favourite of the bunch! 💚💜 Fitting that it would be saved for the end.
Storyteller Felix is so dear to me, because we get to see him breaking narrative rules in his quest for freedom, love and happiness. Here, this is manifested by his starting at the end of the tale, ergo flipping the structure entirely. Iconic.
And of course, it’s foreshadowing for Emotion… All he’s ever wanted was to live happily ever after with Adrien. He’s just a child…
OK now let’s talk ✨ statistics ✨
6 of these fics start with dialogue
5+ begin in medias res (it really depends on your definition of the term)
POVs: 5 for Kagami, 3 for Felix, 1 for Adrien and 1 for Fu randomly
All of these tell us something about the characters’ psychology and emotional state. Yes even the stupid Fu one. He’s so proud of himself and does not imagine for a second this world’s Shan Yu is about to breach through his beloved wall. Pathetic.
No false modesty here: I’m really happy with all of these. I used to struggle so badly with incipits, yet here we are! 💜📝
@paracosmicat @jay--hawk @yardikins @capricious-lily @piromina you should do this too!
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brassic-bitch · 5 months
I just saw your ask so I think I might do even more Tucker roles
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But I want you to answer it too
Top 5 Jonathan Tucker characters 🖤
The problem is that i like much more than 5 tucker characters... well it's very complicated to choose only 5... So i tried to be original ✨
1. Brady McGraw (Perception)
This is not the first role in which i saw it, but it is surely one that marked me the most. Brady he's so precious, and i really wanted to know what had become of him after the episode of perception in which he appears...
2. Major Craddock (Westworld)
With this character, i resumed the viewing of Westworld. Yeah maybe craddock is a little piece of shit but please, have you seen his outfits, his walk, his ass...? Goergous
3. Low Key Lyesmith (American Gods)
Low Key was so creepy but so sexy. His smile, please... And it's was in this role i saw him first but yet the first time i saw him on the screen, the only thing i could tell my sister "Don’t you think he looks weird?" many years after, maybe 3-4 years, i was in love.
4. Frankie Ryan (City on Hill)
A father willing to do anything for his children, his wife and his little brother? What more?
Yes. Always. Body.
5. Jay Kulina (Kingdom)
Yeah, on this point, i'm not original but Jay is maybe in my top 3 of my favourite TV characters ever... And i want one for myself, i can fixe him.
Thank you for asking tucker bestie ✨ and sorry for my late 🥹
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kim-ruzek · 7 months
Just some tough questions:
Matt Casey or Sylvie Brett?
Stella Kidd or Kelly Severide?
Kim Burgess or Adam Ruzek?
Kevin or Trudy?
Mouch or Hermann?
Violet or Ritter?
April or Ethan?
Will or Connor?
Maggie or Dr Charles?
Sharon or Boden?
Hailey or Jay?
Gallo or Carver?
You weren't kidding when you said tough questions, these were SO SO hard. But here:
Matt Casey or Sylvie Brett - I adore Matt, I really do, and JS is one of my favourite CF actors, but Sylvie... just basically all of her scenes, I love and enjoy her so much.
Stella Kidd or Kelly Severide - oh this was SO SO hard, it was one of the most agonizing of them, but in the end I just had to chose Stella. I adore and love Kelly, but man, sometimes he really annoys me (especially earlier seasons - the time between Shay era and Stella era, that in particular).
Kim Burgess or Adam Ruzek - now THIS was my hardest choice. I love these two so much, I think I love others, and I do, but whenever I see either of them I get all heart eyed I swear, I love them. But inevitably, Kim is my girl.
Kevin or Trudy - you are truly, truly cruel having to make me choose between these two. I kept going back and forth with my answer here, but I finally landed on Kevin. He's my king, and Trudy is my sarcastic queen but Kev needs alllll the love.
Mouch or Herrmann - no offense to Herrmann, because I do love him, but Mouch is so iconic and I love him so dearly.
Violet or Ritter - THIS WAS SO CRUEL. I bloody adore Violet, and she's so pretty but Ritter, man. Ritter is my guy. I've been rewatching fire and oh my, I've fallen in love with him even more all over again. But in the end, I went with Violet, but only just. Honestly, this one I was the closest with just fucking it and calling it a tie.
April or Ethan - Ethan. I love these two the most when together vs individually (even though I am fond of both individually) but Ethan just has my heart more than April does.
Will or Connor - Connor is one of my most favourite characters ever. If you put him against most of med's cast, I'd choose him every time.
Maggie or Dr Charles - I stopped loving him as much after a few seasons, but I did really enjoy him (especially at the start) with Sarah. Maggie I do like, but she's not one of my faves and I honestly could take her or leave her.
Sharon or Boden - Boden, any day and every day. I love him so so much, and out of all the OC leaders, he's the one I'd most want to work under.
Hailey or Jay - I have a love/hate relationship with the both of them, but I've loved a lot more of Jay scenes then Hailey's.
Gallo or Carver - Gallo! Gallo is my boy. I do like Carver, but I don't 'love' him - I was sad at Gallo leaving, but if Carver left, I wouldn't be as sad.
Thank you for asking!! Sorry it took a while to get to, this was a really fun ask that I wanted to make sure I had enough time and energy to properly dedicate to it!!
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sybilius · 8 months
20 Questions for Writers
tagged by: @grand-magnificent thank you so much!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
108! Wow!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,047,840 words! I've been writing a while :)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
My main right now is pro wrestling, currently NJPW with some AEW :) . I've got a lot of different ones on there, but The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly is still top with 33 fics
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
burn this city, my first fic, lawlight for Death Note. Nothing special tbh.
ghost in the machine, my first longfic and third fic, also lawlight for Death Note and also nothing special.
acute gifts, which was a Beth Harmon / Benny Watts knifekink fic. I got in the Queen's Gambit tag very early and so it rose to the top. It's not too bad, not in my top 10 of my own fics but definitely quite charming.
sword and the pen, my second fic, lawlight for death note, nothing special.
Oesterle's Derealization Claim, a Disco Elysium Mathematicians AU. Cherished fic and I am so glad and proud it climbed the ranks to be top 5 :)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always! I love responding to comments, it's not always right away but I do get there.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Intentionally? flowers grown in forgotten lungs, probably. Like in a lot of ways, that fic is about L giving up, knowing he's going to die, and saying "fuck that, I'll burn all my ideals and drag as many people as I can down with me". I think other fics that I've written have hit people harder, especially the ones that I intended to make a happier followup and lost energy for it. But that one was meant to be absolutely gutting.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm going to go with the most recent one I'm proud of and say blueprint drift, which I'm sure is more melancholy than some other ones but idk, I love the story that's there, I love to see Takeover lowkey husbanding.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not generally, I can't remember if there was anything too egregious? I've gotten a few passive-aggressive "why won't you finish this" pleas but I tend to shut that kind of behaviour right down.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Hell yeah, though less than I used to. I really like writing new and weird scenarios and I've done a LOT at this point. Some of my top 3 weird ones were "skeleton threesome" "the cask of amontillado but it's kink" "spider/bat porn"
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
A few! My craziest is probably Blair Witch Project x The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Grey Desert Mythos. Still very proud of that fic!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No! I have had a fic chapter podficced though, which was a transcendent experience: Static Contact [podfic]
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
SO many. SO many. That's probably why my word count is so high hehe
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
HMMM. In practice my favourite is whatever I'm obsessed with at the moment, in which case Jaykada (Jay White / Kazuchika Okada, NJPW). By the numbers? Blondeyes (Angel Eyes / Blondie, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'm pretty good about letting go of things I don't think I'll finish, so there's nothing I'm holding out desire for at this point. I have a longfic cooking but at present I do think I'll get it together for it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, strong POV, thematic intensity. People say my settings are very evocative/atmospheric, which is flattering since I worked pretty hard on those.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Humor. I always feel so awkward with clown characters. I don't really do plotty works in the conventional sense, but I don't think that's a weakness, more of just an intention.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
So funny, I'm working on a fic with that right now! I would say the my practice is to write the dialogue however the POV character is able to understand it, and however they parse it. In my mind if you speak the language or know a solid translator, it's all right to actually "quote the dialogue" in its characters for the reader who can speak the language. If you don't, probably best not to use machine translation and only stick to vetted phrases if you can.
For the fic I'm writing right now, it's a lot of fun because the Okada/Jay series spans different stages of understanding they have of each other's language. In the young lion era fic, Jay barely speaks any Japanese, and Okada has patchy English but he's sort of limping along. In the current WIP, Jay's Japanese is better, but not perfect, and similarly with Okada's English. So they sort of speak to each other semi-fluidly and the gaps in understanding are written in the text. So it's fun to think about how in the later fic, Jay speaks fluent Japanese and exclusively talks to Okada in Japanese to keep his language skills sharp.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
In another life, Batman. Specifically I was inspired by The Dark Knight but I based a lot of my work on the comics.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
My favourite fic is always my most recent, which was Shadow Gimmick (a FinJay Fic!). Barring that, the Grey Desert Mythos :)
tagging: @girlfriendsofthegalaxy, @jaimehwatson, @blizzardsuplex, @nagdabbit, @elphantasmo and if you wanna do it go for it!
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yeetus-feetus · 8 months
trying to get my previously very homophobic hardcore-christian baby brother to accept the lgbtqia+
Captains Log: First entry
So far he's become accumulated to the idea of two boys being able to have a healthy relationship through his obsession with one Damian Al Ghul Wayne.
Through giving him access to my Pinterest account for something I honestly can't remember- maybe a school thing, he discovered my DC pins and I introduced him to some really cute Damijon art. He was immediately consumed. I left him alone on my laptop and came back to more than three dozen new pins of purely Damijon fanarts.
Note: remind me to make him his own account Jfc!
From Damijon he then discovered Timkon and Superbat. It is an understatement to say he is a fan of bat×super pairings.
I exploited his new obsessions with these ships to make him angry because he's so terribly cute and hilarious when he's angry. How did I do this?
Well, I decided one day that I would break the unfortunate news to him that Jon Kent was in fact already in a relationship with one Jay Nakamura, and Tim as such with one Bernard Dowd. The following outburst from him was immeasurable!
You can imagine my surprise when he screamed at me, demanding I prove such a thing- then afterwards the amount of tears. He refused to speak to me for two while weeks, unless uping the anti on telling me how I was going to hell for being a fag. Hypocritical of him in all honesty considering he was saving pins of boys kissing quicker and more efficiently than I could complete my assignments.
Anywho, I took advantage of this. I like poking the bear, and he's a very cute bear, so I began mentioning Jay and Jon when I felt like seeing his little face get so red with anger it's possible steam might come from his ears. We quickly developed a loose script of back and forth; him getting angry and trying to explode me with his mind, me grinning at how wholeheartedly he defended his most favourite ship between two boys.
Until one day my little brother flipped that script and pulled the rug right out from underneath me and my little game. He proposed Polyamory. Of all thing, Polyamory. Not something you'd expect from the mouth of a Christian boy- especially about three boys.
How and where this primary school kid learnt about the idea of Polyamory escapes me. I have no idea, but the fact he was willing to accept it to disprove my point is almost even more hilarious than his face when he's angry.
I'm so glad, proud in honesty, that he has experienced this growth as a person, that he is accepting of Polyamory- even if it is because of something so silly. It's progress in getting him to stop condemning me and mine to hell. He is willing to accept such relationships now, and all because of my incessant teasing and taunting.
This acceptance extends to Timberkon especially, from what I can tell from the 12 pins he's added to his ever growing collection on my account. Which I am very pleased about, considering my own love for that particular ship. And also, he's realised he can ship Batman with more people than just Superman (though he still hates that I'm a Batlantern shipper).
His favourite Batman ship is now Batman, Superman and Lois Lane as a throuple. He is also open to the idea of Batman dating Talia Al Ghul and Cat Woman as well as Superman. (He is not letting go of the Superbat element, that's fine though).
And, surprisingly, it has also extended to a new show we've been watching together, with my second brother as well, called "Castlevania" on Netflix, in which he's now insisting the main three characters- Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades, and Adrian Teppesh aka Alucard- are polyamorus and all in love with each other.
Note: we are only in the second season as of now.
Which is all excellent growth in my books!
Now my lovely friend @froggyinfear has suggested I introduce him to lesbians next, to further his acceptance of queer relationships. I intend to update you all with the details of my progress in this endeavour with this new Captain's Log.
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megane-sama · 9 months
I want my last tumblr post for the year to be a kind of recap of my year in media. Sort of.
Noone asked but here are my top 3 books and top 3 mangas of 2023.
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1. Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao.
This one honestly rewired my brain chemistry in the best ways possible because on God, bloodthirsty, traumatized, polyamourous bisexual revolutionaries is something that can be so personal to me. I can talk from now till tomorrow but I doubt I'll ever be able to fully explain how much I love this book so I won't bother, just know it's amazing. The sequel Heavenly Tyrant will be released in 2024 and y'all know I will be sat. Heavily recommend, read it if you haven't already or I will chew through your walls and devour your immortal soul :>
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2. NOS4A2 by Joe Hill.
AHHHSHDHHNSN THIS BOOK...Had me practically enthralled actually, I didn't even notice the length because of how badly I was hooked, lined and sinkered. I loved how human the characters felt, they felt real so I felt a lot for them in return, also the "you get cool powers for the low low price of your own mindscape being stripped away" was fun. There is so much in here I loved, especially the running theme of love in itself, a flawed family that only keeps standing because it's filled with nothing but love, the love between Vic and Lou and Vic herself as a character too. Its filled with an array of amazing characters (except Charlie Manx and the Gasmask man, fuck them) and it flows so satisfyingly. So yeah I also recommend.
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3. Confessions by Kanae Minato
Now I love a good revenge plot, especially when it chooses not to go down either the "I've done this so now what more do I have to live for" pipeline or even worse for me the "if I go through with this I become just as bad as you" one. Confessions really scratched that itch for me and it's presented in such a simplistic yet really well written manner, watching the web that slowly being spun and revealed as the plot progresses and when it finally comes together at the end and catches the fly, ohhh it's so satisfying. Also even tho the perpetrators in question were teenagers Yuko Moriguchi said fuck them kids and fuck you too and I think she's an icon for that. Also heavily recommend.
Honourable mention to The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky because it came really close to being in my top 3. It took me 8 months to finish and I'm pretty sure I didn't get most of it but I enjoyed it. There's so much in it to be enjoyed no matter what angle you're reading it from. Its not an easy read but honestly if you think you're up for it, go for it.
My worst book of the year however was The Stand by Stephen King. And for a book titled the Stand I really couldn't stand it, which kinda sucked because I'm a Stephen King fan but my God did I dislike a lot about the Stand. I won't say much but maybe I'm not white or Heterosexual enough to enjoy it idk and honestly if someone tells me it's their favourite SK book I'm going to assume they're either white, painfully straight or a liar.
Now for Manga.
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1. Jigokuraku by Yuji Kaku.
Honestly this should come as a surprise to no-one. If you know me, you know I have a terrible case of Jigokuraku brain, like that shit is chronic, literally my fave shounen right next to Haikyuu and JoJo. But yeah I was Jgkrk obsessed yesterday, am Jgkrk obsessed today and I will be Jgkrk obsessed tomorrow.
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2. Rosen Blood by Kachiru Ishizue.
Honestly it was everything I thought Diabolik Lovers would be (don't get me wrong I like DiaL but in a very messy, that's the kinda shit you watch from a distance reality TV way). I would lay down my life for Rosen Blood and all its Characters, especially Gilbert (beloved). It also made me want to read more Shoujo so we'll see how that goes in 2024.
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3. MADK by Ryo Suzuri.
Honestly I have nothing to say about this except I'm sorry, the voices in my head won with this one. If you know, you know.
Honourable mention to Boys Run the Riot by Gaku Keito tho. Gotta be one of my favourite genders.
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lv-iceprince · 7 months
🌠...synastry ship...🌠
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Oh my dear aleaza I know we don't talk much at all but I'm always so happy to have you in my inbox, I have such a soft spot for you you have no idea!
I never pick favourites, but I did also put a bit of extra love into this one! I hope you have an amazing day and I truly adore you 💗
Also I've switched it up the 1st planets refer to jay and the 2nd ones are yours if that makes sense so sextile mars~sun is referring to Jay's Mars and your Sun.
~idol~ jay (enhypen)🌠
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sextile jupiter~ jupiter: This is potentially one of the best aspects to have in a synastry reading! It seems that there will be immense growth that you'll immediately experience in your relationship. Something that you both appreciate is the fact that you seem to come from different worlds, I know you're from different countries but that's not what I really mean. It's that and some, you have also had completely different upbringings meaning you tend to hold different values. But this is definitely a good thing, it makes your relationship so much better! New opportunities for the both of you will always arise when you are together, you also encourage each other to reach for the stars and wish for what is seemingly impossible but the difference is that you will be able to achieve these things since you actively assist each other in making your dreams come true. You also hold a lot of wisdom as a collective, you learn from each other and welcome your differing philosophies, as I said before you really just have such an appreciation for each other's perspectives and opinions and that's honestly so beautiful.
sextile mars~ sun: This aspect also reiterates the notion that you'll have an exciting relationship. Jay is quite attracted to your strong personality, you are very ambitious and it is likely that Jay has never met someone with such strong ambitions and this really intrigues him. This aspect also indicates a strong sexual spark, however, this won't immediately happen since you both need time to settle into the relationship. I honestly don't have much to say about this aspect since it's pretty similar to the jupiter~jupiter aspect, you basically inspire each other but their may be room for friendly competition..
trine jupiter~ uranus: I guess this makes sense to Jay's character but the fact this confirms it makes me feel all giggly and happy, he is truly the greatest guy ever. Jay is actually a very positive and optimistic person even if he keeps this to himself, meanwhile you are quite quirky yet have this natural ability to pave a creative path for yourself. Combine this and you constantly get fresh and new ideas, both of you have such a great connection it's admirable really. Amongst the cheesy, chaotic energy you have when you are around one another is a solid foundation of friendship, I really think this relationship was born from a strong friendship that eventually evolved into more.
sextile pluto~ neptune: You share a deeply spiritual bond which makes your relationship quite intense, but most of this aspect reiterates the first aspect that states that you really understand and get each other, upon first meeting you felt like you had known Jay for his entire life and the feeling was mutual. You actually have such a good understanding of each other that you communicate non-verbally, you know each gesture and what it means, you both just thrive in silence. You might pick up the skill of finishing each others sentences. Overall, your love feels like it was written in the stars, it feels like fate. Um, I don't know how to say this.... your sex life is absolutely insane! I mean, it's so ethereal? But like so sexy too? I don't even know, it feels and is so passionate and raw, a connection of souls and emotions that it feels otherworldly. When you have sex you lose all inhibitions, you just fall into lust, sexuality, spirituality, emotions and thew body. This is actually a huge part of why you believe you are soulmates, but instead of having a fleeting relationship your sex life is better suited to a relationship where you know you are dedicated to each other, it can even lead to marriage.
trine chiron~ jupiter: I can't really say too much that I haven't already said, basically you inspire each other and help each other grow spiritually letting yourselves expand and explore new horizons. You help Jay practice empathy when communicating with other people and he fully embraces it as a result of your contagious enthusiasm.
sextile moon~ mars: I mean... we all know this by now lol, you have an exciting relationship, this aspect is like the icing on top of the cake, it won't create a good relationship but it adds the spice, electricity and excitement that you deserve, this also adds more sexual compatibly (as if you need it lmao).
trine mercury~ jupiter: You are basically so whipped and enthusiastic about Jay's crazy ideas and you show him a new way of thinking yeah, this is the only new things I can add to this part.
trine moon~ sun: Jay may not openly admit it sometimes but he fully relies on your energy, enthusiasm and vibrancy while you honestly appreciate and cherish the emotional support he gives you so willingly. You have a strong emotional bond and are attracted to each others minds and you just naturally understand each other. You're naturally in sync and may feel actual pain when the other is hurt in any shape or form. This surprises many outsiders who don't know the depth of your relationship, but you're actually the one who leads the relationship more while Jay provides emotional support. There is a lot of emotional bonding that goes on as well.
trine pluto~ mercury: Jay brings a lot of positive change with him and he inspires you to change your approaches to life in general. Jay is such a good guy that he doesn't even realise that he is actively changing the way you think. He pushes you towards truth, this can bother you if you don't want to face any issues, but Jay honestly means well. In terms of the dynamic you are the more youthful and excitable one whereas Jay is more deep-thinking and serious.
trine chiron~ moon: This is such a pleasant and nurturing relationship, you both take care of each other really well. You are gifted with insight into knowing the exact thing the other person needs to be feel safe and secure. Jay isn't one to fully express himself when it comes to past hurts and bad memories, regardless, you are able to soothe those painful memories. You have a gentle touch that's needed since Jay doesn't even fully realise that some things are still hurting him. This relationship is actually a sign of healing for both parties, you provide each other with love that was missing in the past.
trine venus~ chiron: This also doubles down on the concept of spiritual healing and a relationship that feels like it was meant to be, however, this also indicates that you actually have some past hurts and emotional wounds that need healing as well, and Jay is happy to provide you with that emotional stability. You truly feel like he is giving you all the love you've truly wanted.
trine saturn~ neptune: Though you do have some very drastic differences in behaviour these seem to fade away for the greater good of your relationship plus a repeat of everything written above.
square moon~ moon: This aspect addresses the more consequential side of being in such a fast paced bubbly relationship. Since you are so different from one another their is a room for emotional conflict, even if you seem to get along there will still be frequent misunderstandings that could easily get out of control since you are both so in touch with your emotions, this adds a whole other layer that could create an environment that feels pretty uncomfortable. You just catch each other off guard with your passionate responses while defending yourselves.
opposition chiron~ saturn: Though your connection seems positive it brings with it disagreements, challenges and limitations but it is through such harsh conflicts that you are able to heal each others emotional wounds. Jay feels a bit unsettled around the fact that though you're a burst of energy at times you also have moments where you are far too dark, depressing and narrow minded for his liking.
square saturn~ jupiter: You actually find Jay way too serious and you also believe that he has the most traditional views known to man and this can feel so restricting. You love to explore and naturally expand yourself in your relationships, but with Jay coming off this way it feels like he is slowing you down and preventing you from reaching your true potential. At the same time Jay will actively criticize your behaviour and limit your freedom to do exactly what you want.
square mercury~ neptune: In the negative aspects it really just points to Jay complaining a lot in your relationship. He feels like you're just so incredibly vague whenever you speak to him, it's like you're dancing around the subject 9 times out of 10. Even though this could be intriguing at first you will start to have severe trust issues since you will most likely respond to his criticisms of you with deceptive untruthful answers so you could lesson the blow. Also repeating what I said before you see Jay as being way too logical, another thing is that while you can inspire each other you actually feel severely misunderstood most of the time.
square mars~ uranus: There is severe unpredictability and restlessness in this relationship, both of you feel this constant sense of change and excitement. This leads to very frequent ups and downs relating to your deep emotional connection. This also points to an almost chaotic sex experience and uncontrollable sexual attraction.
~house overlays🌠~
your sun in his 9th house: Despite having many differences, you share similar world views. This also could potentially mean that you have almost identical philosophies. This is such a good thing, though, because you will always be able to entertain each other through genuinely insightful conversations. Another thing that I just want to to mention is that you also influence each other to be more culturally aware. This overlay also indicates that this relationship is a perfect foundation for potential marriage.
his lilith in your 1st house: Though you genuinely care about each other there is this strong sense physical and sexual attraction. There is the potential for something that could low-key be a type of obsession. It's more that Jay is obsessed with your appearance and the little quirks you have. Meanwhile, you feel that Jay helps to uncover a deeper part of you that you often hide, he allows you to show your darker and more rebellious side.
his sun in your 6th house: There is a very strict dynamic that your relationship upholds, one where either you or Jay decide to be more submissive. This is actually an effective thing all things considered, this is just the way you get stuff done, you're most productive when you're together. Again it literally keeps saying Jay will assume the role as the more passive submissive one of the relationship.
your juno in his 6th house: You choose to express your love for Jay by primarily doing chores or gifting him with things that could help make his day that little bit more easier. You just love that dating lifestyle, the one where you feel needed. But another huge part of this is you just wanting to prove to Jay that you will always be there to help him no matter what.
his pluto in your 2nd house: Jay will bring great change to your personality as a direct result of his powerful personality, you often see him as someone who you can rely on for great advice.
his moon in your 10th house: This overlay is a little bit of a problem area that results in parts of your relationship feeling distant and impersonal, even though he loves you he can't help but feel a little uneasy around you. In his eyes you are such a great girlfriend, such a great catch, but you have a lack of emotional closeness. Jay is very in touch with his emotions so it doesn't sit well for him knowing that you seem to be a little more disconnected than he could ever be and he also feels that you only really take care of yourself at times when he really needs you. Another thing to consider is that both of you will have this habit of portraying each other as the "trophy wife" or "trophy husband".
your neptune in his 7th house: You awaken this sense of romance and intimacy in Jay, but on a deeper level than what is considered normal. Also just keep in mind that Jay has never felt such strong emotions for anybody else even in prior relationships. Jay's immediate reaction to this is to be very co-dependent, but you teach him how to not be as co-dependent.
his mercury in your 7th house: Jay has this innate feeling that you will accept the way he thinks, even if this is just an illusion it puts him at ease enough for him to easily communicate with you. Overall, he just feels so comfortable in your presence, there is never a shallow conversation when you are together. Each conversation is deep and intimate where you share your deepest thoughts . Your free flowing communication will never dwindle, it will actually get stronger over time, you also have an intellectual bond.
your pluto in his 5th house: Man, idk how to take this, I'm so jealous of the sexual relationship you have with Jay lmao. You have a way of bringing a lot of pleasure and sexuality to him. I mean the results vary you could bring him happiness and pleasure through shared hobbies as well but the overwhelming thing is the fact that you'll definitely try out ALOT of various kinks and fetishes. You can also help each other creatively or help each other discover new talents, but lets be real this part is mostly about the crazy sex you'll have. This definitely sparks the deep need to have children sometime in the near future.
his north node in your 8th house: This overlay hints at a sense of unpredictability in your relationship but your connection will still be felt on a deep soul level. Jay will also enter your life during a time of major transformation, that or he will trigger the change himself.
your chiron in his 6th house: Your relationship is all about spiritual healing and enlightenment, healing and physical perfection. Basically you love to really tune into your deepest feelings but you never really show this to other people, you still strive to portray a perfect relationship.
his juno in your 10th house: There is an extremely important bond between the two of you. The stand out point of this overlay is the fact that Jay will feel fully responsible for you and your well-being and helping you have the career of your dreams. But don't worry, you love Jay enough to help him out. You're always looking out for Jay and you feel that maybe you'll be able to play a part in helping him succeed with certain things.
his uranus in your 4th house: Before you met Jay you were convinced that you new everything about what you truly desired when it came to home and family, that was until you met Jay. He will unintentionally shake up what stability you do have, he does this in a positive way though. He wants to assist you by introducing you to new concepts of family while bringing along consistency and security.
your neptune in his 7th house: You have really changed Jay's life for the better, you awaken this need for love and intimacy that he has never felt before. You also feel so energised with your connection to him, something you had never felt in your past relationships.
his mercury in your 10th house: This one will be short and sweet, but basically you and Jay find it quite difficult to talk about anything other than your goals and careers.
your north node in his 10th house: Even though Jay truly loves you and the relationship he is very self conscious about the image of your relationship, this goes back to him trying to live the life where he is a trophy husband with a trophy wife.
his neptune in your 4th house: You may bond over a deeper love of children and a shared home, this falls in line with the fact that marriage is never off the table for both of you.
your uranus in his 8th house: You shake up Jay's perceptions of sex and sexuality, you actually introduce him to a new way of expressing his sexuality, he feels like you don't judge him for wanting some very different things.
~final verdict🌠~
This ship really does speak for itself, you and Jay have something that is so unbelievably real, raw and passionate. It really does feel like you were meant to be, I'm not just saying this to make you feel good either. I really think this is an example of everything in a relationship done right and this comes from the fact that you and Jay are so dedicated to your relationship. There is nothing better than you in Jay's eyes and he would literally move heaven and earth for you if he could do it. I sound like a broken record but there is just so much love, dedication and deep deep feeling. This is definitely a relationship that will last, and hey, like I said before it could even lead to marriage and children and god knows Jay would stick around for that to happen. Most of this is just him being super duper whipped for you, and I really can't say too much without repeating myself. This is just such a precious relationship, I love the dynamic you have and you are both just too good for this world🥲.
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withdenim · 10 months
Hi! About your answering my question last time I'm totally agree with you!! The new series is really amazing and talk about another found family one is really great, just wanna ask you tho aside from that, who's your favorite side characters in ninjago and what's your otp?? Are there any hcs for any of them?? Also am I asking to much questions?? I'm really sorry if it is, I'm just really hype about it hearing someone has the same liking and stuff
Hi I started this draft MONTHS ago and just found it again sorry !!
Some of my favourite side characters are Benthomaar, Okino, and Faith (Heavy Metal). I like their character archetypes and they all have this. Air of tragedy to them (in my opinion) that matches what’s so compelling to me about Lloyd if that makes sense. Like ooohhh girl you have an Ancient And Poetic Tragedy in your characterization, I like that in a man /J
(I wrote this pre DR pt2 and now I’m obsessed with Percival and Jordana also)
As for ships I think the three I think about most are probably Bumblebee (Percy/Arin), PIXane, and lostshipping (Cole/Geo)? But I enjoy so many especially in this fandom where there’s a fantastic multishipping/poly-positive/rarepair culture. I think that’s so cool. I’ve been liking seabreeze (morro/Benthomaar) and citrus (echo/morro) maybe I just want to put that twink in a relationship.
As for headcanons ooohhhh okay where to start without doing too much.
1. There is a two part cycle in the FSM’s family that fascinates me. Dragon/oni ofc as the first part and The Child as the second. The role of the dragon and oni in this cycle are to end up believing that they are destined to be at odds, and the child is just The Figure That They Make Choose Between Them. Lloyd and the FSM are The Child, and wu and garmadon and the Actual Namesakes of the role are the dragon and oni.
(My favourite part of this hc is that it’s fully psychological there is no actual predetermined role for any of them to play. This just keeps happening)
2. The “Which Ninja Is Your Boyfriend (females only)” quiz exists on the in universe quotev equivalent and the ninja have all taken it.
3. Jay wants to be in a band and every time he meets someone who plays an instrument he gets Weird
4. On that note my music hcs for the ninja.
-Coles voice actually really suits a grungier style than he’s tried singing in
-Lloyd took drum lessons at darkleys and still remembers the general schtick bc air drumming is a fantastic stim. He hasn’t used a real drum set since he was 9 though lol
-Nya learned guitar bc she wanted to impress a girl. She can’t play bar chords and DID play wonderwall for Jay on a date. Jay was smitten.
-PIXAL can do a death growl I think
-Zane’s “hello my baby” rendition is my basis. He sings like he’s old and has fantastic taste.
-Jay’s just A Good Singer. He learned to play top forty radio songs on a piano he tuned himself in the junkyard and he’s dreamed of telling that story on a radio show ever since.
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