#it's just so chaotic it gives me a whiplash
goldenpinof · 11 months
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okay, thank you
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headspace-hotel · 8 months
I saw this book entitled "Plants Have So Much to Give Us, All We Have to Do is Ask" by Mary Siisip Genuisz and i thought oh I HAVE to read that. The author is Anishinaabe and the book is all about Anishinaabe teachings of the ways of the plants.
Going from the idiotic, Eurocentric, doomerist colonialism apologia of that "Cambridge companion to the anthropocene" book, to the clarity and reasonableness of THIS book, is giving me whiplash just about.
I read like 130 pages without even realizing, I couldn't stop! What a treasure trove of knowledge of the ways of the plants!
Most of them are not my plants, since it is a different ecosystem entirely (which gives me a really strikingly lonely feeling? I didn't know I had developed such a kinship with my plants!) but the knowledge of symbiosis as permeating all things including humans—similar to what Weeds, Guardians of the Soil called "Nature's Togetherness Law"—is exactly what we need more of, exactly what we need to teach and promote to others, exactly what we need to heal our planet.
She has a lot of really interesting information on how knowledge is created and passed down in cultures that use oral tradition. The stories and teachings she includes are a mix of those directly passed down by her teacher through a very old heritage of knowledge holders, stories with a newer origin, and a couple that have an unknown origin and (I think?) may not even be "authentically" Native American at all, but that she found to be truthful or useful in some way. She likes many "introduced" plants and is fascinated by their stories and how they came here. (She even says that Kudzu would not be invasive if we understood its virtues and used it the way the Chinese always have, which is exactly what I've been saying!!!)
She seems a bit on the chaotic end of the spectrum in regards to tradition, even though she takes tradition very seriously—she says the way the knowledge of medicinal and otherwise useful plants has been built, is that a medicine person's responsibility is not simply to pass along teachings, but to test and elaborate upon the existing ones. It is a lot similar to the scientific method, I would call it a scientific method. Her way of seeing it really made me understand the aliveness of tradition and how there is opportunity, even necessity, for new traditions based upon new ecological relationships and new cultural connections to the land.
I was gut punched on page 15 when she says that we have to be careful to take care of the Earth and all its creatures, because if human civilization destroys the biosphere the rocks and winds will be left all alone to grieve for us.
What a striking contrast to the sad, cruel ideas in the Cambridge companion of the Anthropocene, where humans are some kind of disease upon the Earth that oppresses and "colonizes" everything else...!...The Earth would GRIEVE for us!
We are not separate from every other thing. We have to learn this. If I can pass along these ideas to y'all through my silly little posts, I will have lived well.
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so-this-is-hell · 9 months
Ok I watched the leaked episodes
Let’s start with the positives! I love positives!
- Alex Brightman put his whole Alexussy into this shit oh my god, Pentious and Adam actually sound really good. Adam singing is also really really good. Alex can sing in character and carry things well and I’m glad now he’s part of the project. Because at least it’ll be bearable if I see the other episodes.
-Vox is actually weirdly really compelling? Like I actually ended up enjoying the vibe he’s got and his own voice grew on me, I know it’s not what people wanted but it works well.
-Nifty’s voice is pretty ok, so is Charlie’s. They’re some of the better voices of the cast, Alastor’s performance was uh. It wasn’t bad so there’s that!
-the opening exposition was needed but also a bit hamfisted- wait shit the positives- uh, I love the direction it went? Art wise?
-the songs are pretty good, they get you from point A to point B, and at least wasn’t Poison levels of cringe in writing.
-Charlie actually helping Pentious in episode 2 try to repent and be a better person actually feels nice, like a crumb of what the show should of be-
Ok let’s get to the point.
-the episodes clearly are trying to shove as much of the plot as humanly possible, to the point that you get whiplash.
-Angel Dust, Vaggie, Valentino, Husk all have voices that either do not fit, crack from the pressure to perform, or are trying so hard to mimic the previous voice that it’s actually worrying. The Angel dust one in particular I’ll get to when I get to the point.
-The plot starts with the main antagonist, literally telling Charlie that her plan is pointless and she should give up. There’s no actual “I want” song to counter this, unless you count the song where Adam mocks her for trying and tells her the exterminations will happen twice a year now.
-Pentious at least wasn’t a creep like i was fearing in the script, but he comes off too pathetic? Like I know he was pathetic and that’s the point but why the fuck does he want to be equal to the Vees now? Didn’t he want to rule over hell himself? I know the instagram had him crop himself into pictures with the Vees but remember those aren’t canon!
-I realized I was able to hop in because I had Wikipedia level knowledge of these characters to the point they click in my head (and enough to where Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie and Husk all felt a little off but that’s neither here nor there). But god I cannot imagine being a new person trying to jump into this show, this is bad. None of the characters get actually introduced outside of Charlie, the show references the pilot which isn’t part of the show so new audiences have no idea what they’re talking about, and the staff gets actually introduced in episode 2. EPISODE 2, TO PENTIOUS!? GIRLIE POP HAVE HIM COME EPISODE 1 THEN?
-Animation that’s either too floaty, too janky, too stiff or straight up traced. Which I don’t blame the animators for, Mammon was busy buying 10,000 dollars worth of peacocks to bother paying them more than a dollar per frame. There’s no charm here.
-Where did the fucking cat key come from? No I’m serious. Where did it come from? It just kinda exists now.
-Alastor’s commercial is just straight up MEAN and he’s often more mean than chaotic, which I know is ironic since he wasn’t a good person and I wasn’t expecting him to be but it’s to a point where it’s not even fun mean. He literally called Charlie’s endeavor “Daddy issues”. It felt like he was just there to slap Charlie in the face.
-Angel Dust rant is gonna be so long that I saved it for last.
I have to put it under the read more because of talk of SA! Fun!
I’m saying this as someone who loved him from the pilot and was willing to excuse his behavior as “flaws he can work on” since Addict and everything else proved that there was more under the surface and he was a character that could change and grow and-
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Angel dust, the rape victim… the guy running away from his abuser…
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The Angel dust who has traumatic episodes so fucking graphic that he flashes back to them when he’s performing.
Saying “yeah no, fucking sexually exploit me! It turns me on!”
Viv, I know you’re not reading this but I mean this genuinely.
Fuck you.
As someone who’s family has experienced sexual abuse, as someone who’s family still has CPTSD because men in power decide to exploit them… how fuckin dare you make a character enjoy their own exploitation.
This isn’t me kink shaming a sexual character! He can be sexual and like sex! It’s never been the problem and hell it could of been liberation to have sex he deserves.
But no.
Let’s make the SA victim into the sexual harassment character, let’s make the SA victim the Stolas of the show where he wears down his love interest so thin that they have to give up.
Let’s make the SA victim still work under his shitty abuser, and make that into a joke as the abuser mentions wanting to rape everyone in the hotel.
Don’t pay to watch this show, I mean it.
Pirate it.
Hell don’t even watch it, find something better to watch. I’ve been binging anime as of late and I still like captain lazerhawk.
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lorei-writes · 8 months
HC: Awfully Similar
Chevalier, Clavis, Leon, Jin, Silvio ~1k words Premise: Little (awful) ways in which his child is (awfully) similar to him.
His daughter does not reply to questions when the answer is positive. Additionally, ever since she has learnt to speak in full sentences, she took a liking to the words "indeed" and "drivel".
"Say 'aaah'."
"Drivel, papa."
"Your throat is sore. You have to drink your syrup."
"Indeed. Still, drivel, papa."
His son is dreadfully difficult in the mornings. It's so bad that only Chevalier is (generally) able to wake him up. (That being said, waking Chevalier up is still a herculean task, the difficulty level of which has only been increasing with each child. Uncle Clavis is devastated whenever he has to look after his nephews and nieces... or makes the mistake of scheduling anything before noon.)
None of them like breakfasts -- the only way to get them to eat it is having either of their parents to prepare it. No matter how hard Chevalier tries, they declare to like their mother's cooking better... possibly to mess with him a little bit. (Chevalier? Jealous? Over such trivial matter? What drivel.)
His youngest son has inherited his intimidating aura. Overall, he looks just like Chevalier when he was little. However, much like Clavis, he's also a ball of chaotic laughter. The juxtaposition gives his uncles whiplash every single time.
His son is awfully dramatic.
"Father! Guard! I am being taken from this world, the dawn lights shall welcome me no more!" <- he has fallen and scratched his knee while on a walk with Cyran
"Mother loves me not, papa."
"Oh? Why should you say that?"
"Why? Isn't it obvious? She's cooked me brussels sprouts."
His son is also vert studious when it comes to learning. His primary interests lie in physics and... literature, which explains some of his peculiar claims. (Luckily, Clavis knows how to manage a library.)
Clavis' younger son enjoys pranks and experiments, or better yet, doing both at once. Especially if the target is to be his sister (the youngest sibling). He's also taken to picking locks -- preparing ones he cannot open is something of an evolutionary race between him and his father. Ah, those alluring cabinets with chemical reagents! (Clavis has taught him how to pick locks. He caused this.)
That being said, the little lady of the bunch has a frightful foresight (much like her uncle). The pranks never succeed. (Were she not a near-perfect copy of Clavis appearance-wise, they'd likely wonder whether she was truly his daughter.)
All of his children. All of them. Sneak. Out. And to make matters worse? They split up, so if Leon wants them back at the palace, he needs to independently track down at least three people (the youngest ones usually do not leave their older siblings). Sometimes they also bring friends along! (Clavis' children are the friends.)
Another growing issue-non-issues is that they have made friends in town and now sneak them into the palace. Which, admittedly, is not something Leon is particularly bothered by (assuming he is distracted from the very real possibility of his children being kidnapped, as now everybody knows they are royalty -- nickname change from "Black" to "White" may occur in the next few years). However, the same cannot be said about the visiting nobles.
No matter how much food there was to begin with, none is ever left on the table. His son's have... healthy... appetites.
Both of his daughters are avid readers. However, they tend to get tired easily when reading... so they alternate. They usually pick a book together and read it aloud. (2 pages - change of the reader - 2 pages - change - ... )
Jin has two children, a daughter and a son. His daughter is an effortless charmer -- pretty like a doll, with infectious laughter and jokes that somehow caught on even when all she could say was "gugu gaga". (...At least Jin laughed?) Meanwhile, his son gets into situations. Shirtless.
That being said, it isn't necessarily wrong for his son to get involved. After all, he always does it to protect one of his cousins or his sister (...or to cover for them, but well, solidarity is appreciated). But why shirtless?
They both fight over lollipops. All. The. Time. And when they don't fight over them, they cry due to having none. They are not going to have unlimited teeth in their life! Good dental habits need to be established early on! (Jin also cries in lollipop rehab. Solidarity!)
Jin may have only two children, but their little family also includes four dogs. His children have an interesting affinity towards finding animals in need of help, both wild and domesticated. (You could say that Jin got roped into running the first -- unofficial -- animal shelter & rescue in the entirety of Rhodolite. He's managed to rehome the majority of the animals brought in... save for those four dogs. He just couldn't say "no" after his children nursed them back to health. He was and still is proud of them for doing that.)
His daughter (3 years old) tries to open everything with a kick first. And by everything I mean everything -- a book? Kick! Doll house? Kick! Cabinet door? Kick! Balcony door? First she walks into it and then she kicks.
Silvio's at a loss there. He can't exactly have her wear steal cap boots. (Or... can he?)
To make matters worse, Silvio has made the mistake of taking his older daughter to the docks. She was interested in ships and his work! He wanted to show her! He really had good intentions!
And now she curses like a six years old sailor. Which is to say, poorly and fairly inaccurately, but in large quantities. And she sure is teaching this to her younger sister.
Their favourite game to play is called "Jingle-Jangle", which is a cute term for breaking into their father's closet and turning themselves into an ornate human orchestra. They put on all of Silvio's jewellery and then run through the palace, every so often losing a ring or a necklace, or perhaps both. It creates a convenient trail for Carlo (or Silvo, or Emma -- whoever is first at the scene) to follow... Provided that nobody takes it first. ("Ha?! Papa is so rich he could buy you anything!" were Silvio's famous last words.)
You've seen a typo? Let me know!
Tag List: @lancelotscloak @violettduchess @pathogenic @fang-and-feather @tele86 @rinaririr @keithsandwich @cheese-ception @bis-enti @claviscollections @queengiuliettafirstlady @sh0jun @leonscape
Tell me if you'd like to be added to my tag list :)
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fangirltothefullest · 8 months
Okay but now what if how you designed Remus but in as many words as you want, because I'm loving these design breakdowns
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Remus to me is full of chaos but he is also the antithesis of Roman with similar qualities but a total lack of self consciousness or bashfulness. He is freedom and he gives no shits.
Inspiration 1: Mad Madam Mim
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I start with a disney character full of chaos and I am inspired by mad Madam Mim because she is wild and chaotic and i absolutely love how fun she is as a villain and the most important thing for me is that Remus is fun. He's bonkers and has terrible ideas but he's also harmless in terms of reality. He's like an annoying little brother that wants to show you the Weird Gunk he found in the trash.
Inspiration 2: Snidley Whiplash (or Dick Dastardly)
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Remus to me is a guy who knows a lot of things and he's actually really clever but he wants to BE a villain like Snidley Whiplash or Dick Dastardly, including the moustache. He wants to tie people to train tracks because it's fun. His personality is "I found the dynamite and the roller skates! :D"
Inspiration 3: Wile E Coyote and looney tunes as a concept
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If Remus is anything it's a creature that can be stabbed in the eye and come back fine. It's a person who can make acme-like contraptions that do not work and that's ok. He is, if nothing else, Wile E Coyote and he is having the time of his life. He should therefore have hair that is a littler wild and crazy and untamable like Wile E's tail.
Inspiration 3: Royal villains
We will look at Galavant and also OUaT again!
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There's nothing quite as detailed in costume as evil royal villains. They always seem to be the most extravagant or at least have all the buckles and things and Remus has an outfit just the same. Like Roman I want his royalty to show with his clothes but unlike Roman I want Remus to look way less put together. More a culmination of his clothes he chooses to wear but only because he HAS to wear something so he's going to show skin.
Particularly though the one I associate with Remus is Captain Hook from Once Upon a Time.
Inspiration 4: Captain Hook / Pirate aesthetics
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Roguish, half-opened shirt, details, dressed fancy, swashbuckling. Remus would make a great pirate because he has the swagger and charm of a drunken man sailing a boat with a pet giant octopus he calls Lil Pussy.
Speaking of octopus...
Inspiration 5: Kraken and hentai
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He has an octopus on his belt and he deserves tentacles for a pirate feel but also for fuckin. Cause he's a raunchy bastard. Anything taboo is something he wants to think about.
Inspiration 6: Punk aesthetic
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What easier way top buck against the norms than to embrace punk vibes? Jewelry, upside-down crosses, I don't like going overboard with it but I like giving him some. Fingerless gloves, chokers with spikes, those kinds of things work well for his "I am everything your religious grandmother hates, embrace it". His outfits that aren't standard could look like he made them himself or found them in the garbage and went "awesome!"
Inspiration 7: Weapon Master
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Remus likes to hit things with his mace and while Roman has his sword, I imagine Remus is an expert at weapons or at least likes to use them so even if I am going to dress him up nice I want a weapon nearby somewhere.
Things that are a must:
So many details, Remus will not leave your eyeballs alone. If you think Roman has details nope, Remus wants your eyes to bleed with them.
Remus should have longer hair than Roman, wilder bangs and wilder curls. Shorter hair is fine but a ponytail is even more fun. Like the tie holding it'll break at any moment.
Weapons galore, arm this baby at every opportunity. Likewise, scars are acceptable but it's ok if they disappear at random because chaos loves chaos.
If Remus has his main garb off he should be showing skin to the best of his abilities and his collar should drape down wider than normal because let that man be a slut.
Tentacles should be numerous when shown and they should have a mind of their own doing whatever they want.
If Roman wouldn't wear it, Remus would. If Roman wouldn't think it, Remus would, and if Roman would be disgusted, Remus would love it.
Remus should have annoying little brother vibes.
Any non-standard outfits should look like he cobbled them together with duct tape and chewing gum.
So I came to this:
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queerweewoo · 2 months
tagged by @inell—thanks, lovely! this is from yet another wip i have on the go; this one is about buck stealing an old photo of eddie from eddie's phone, for... nefarious purposes (p0rn. it's for p0rn purposes). however, this part is sfw. my no pressure tags are beneath the cut at the bottom of the excerpt xp
Buck knows it's wrong, okay? He does, he knows it.
Then again, he thought he'd known that he was long past Buck 1.0's chaotic, hedonistic ways (S.S.D's as he calls them only in his own head i.e. his Shamelessly Slutty Days), and that he'd grown into a more respectful, level-headed kind of man. A better man.
Buck really, honestly thought he had finally become a Grown Up.
But there's just something so enticing, and so fucking hot about this photo of Eddie—and it has him handbrake-turning and pedal-to-the-metal reeling straight back to Fuck It Town.
Because he—he seriously wants to fuck the Eddie in this photo.
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The fratboy-looking cap? The way Eddie's pearly whites are sinking into his bitten lip? The almost challenging sneer? God, it's making Buck want to wolf whistle or rev like a motorcycle or sing opera in soprano or hell, some kinda crazy shit. Also, he is sure that the white-hot fire dancing in Eddie's gaze (the one anybody with eyes can see) isn't purely from the reflection of the camera flash, like, there is definitely a juicy story there to tell. And just—the overall effect of... of... of fucking everything; of this particular Eddie that Buck has never seen before. It's all just lighting something wild inside of Buck, me it's a spark that wants to catch on every one of his major organs and blaze through his body like convection flames and shit, the Good Decisions section of his brain has logged off. Gone offline. Shut down.
Error 401
— Unauthorised
Buck knows he is breaking both his own self-preservation rule and his best friend's trust when his thumbs fly across Eddie's phone screen like The Roadrunner, a cartoon explosion that is equal parts shame and excitement going off in his chest as he almost gives himself whiplash checking that Eddie is still busy in the mud room loading the machine with Eddie's, Chris’s and Buck's clothes, before Buck is rapidly getting back to committing his (hopefully) perfect crime.
“We need to buy fabric softener this week, bud,” Eddie shouts through, and Buck is starting to panic.
He's sent the old picture that he accidentally happened upon of this younger, definitely drunk, hot-as-all-fuck Eddie from Eddie's phone to his own phone, and although he can currently still see the curve of Eddie's beautiful bubble butt just peeking out past the door jam—meaning that his best friend is indeed still crouched down in front of the tub—Buck has yet to delete all of the evidence. As he fumbles, be can hear the machine's buttons beeping from being pressed by Eddie (like all of his own buttons with this damn photo) and knows that Eds must be almost done in there. 
“Er, yeah, okay, on it. I'll put it down on the list in a sec,” he’s calling back, desperately hoping he doesn't sound like the freak he thought he wasn't anymore.
But before he's had a proper chance to check he's scrubbed away every bit of evidence of his misdemeanour, like deleting both the sent picture message and the duplicate photo from the WhatsApp gallery in Eddie's phone, Eddie is done with the laundry and is standing up and striding back into his kitchen, those sinfully tight blue jeans of his—and Eddie's crotch, Christ!—now squarely in Buck's eyeline and very understandably putting him off his clandestine game. 
See! This is not your fault!
Buck's brain is trying to convince him of his innocence, but he knows as soon as he thinks it that it's a weak as fuck defence, and if he were to be found out he would definitely be getting jailed by the Stealing Sexy Photos of Your Best Friend For Your Own Sordid Desires police.
Eddie is then walking past him and stretching his fine self across the kitchen counter to reach out and push the window open a little further, and that perfect ass is right. Fucking. There, in all of its impeccable stonewash glory, right fucking next to Buck's fucking face where Buck is is sitting at the Diaz kitchen table and supposedly looking at old baby photos of Christopher that Sofia sent to Eddie this morning (yes, he knows he is a truly awful person for that one), so when Eddie is easing himself backwards and brushing off both his of pretty, big hands on those spectacular denim-clad globes before turning around to face a Guilty Evan Buckley, Buck feels almost justified about his surreptitiously mad, bad behaviour.
I cannot be held entirely responsible for my actions, your Honour!
weewoo taglist, play or nay:
@rosieposiepuddingnpie @sortasirius @angela-feelstoomuch @woodchoc-magnum @eddiegettingshot @veronae-buddie
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eris-snow · 2 years
𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲
Tags: bakugou x gn!reader, jealousy, Band AU, drummer bakugou, Quirkless AU, fluff,
Drummer Bakugou would be hot as hell. Disclaimer: The song Good 4 u from Olivia Rodrigo is in here so all props to her for this song because I am incapable of writing a single note.
God, he pissed you off. Bakugou can be one hell of an asshole, anytime, anywhere. You blew out an irritated scoff as you fixate your eyes on the blinding lights glaring down on the stage, determined to find a way to make yourself go blind so that you could stop looking at that emotionally-exhausting human named Katsuki Bakugou.
Unfortunately, his aura made it practically impossible to ignore him.
Your band had picked him up about a week after you guys formed. Jiro said she knew a guy that could fill in your drummer's vacant spot. After all, you needed a percussionist. Bands couldn't last long without one.
So when an angry, explosive and loud blond was dragged into the rented-out studio the very next day, you were hesitant to believe that this was the man that was going to solve all your problems. He proved you wrong though.
"Why the hell do you want me in your stupid little band anyway?" He snarled, trying to pry off Kaminari's arm that was clamped around his shoulders. "Can't you just ask Icy Hot or something? I'm sure even Damn Deku learn how to do it if it meant helping you guys until you got a replacement!"
"But that person won't be you, Bakugou!" Kaminari moaned, determinedly and successfully getting the blond into the room with the help of Tokoyami and Yaoyorozu. "Please, man! You're the best there is close to campus! The school band won't even let us take anybody!"
"And I can see why!" The blond spat, still fighting the mass of limbs that blocked the door. "I didn't want to do this shit!"
You frowned from your spot, clicking the microphone to the stand as you folded your arms. "Are you sure about this?" You whispered to Jiro, who had her head cradled tightly in her hands. "Isn't he the one always getting the top marks on all the weekly tests the teachers give us? You sure he can play?"
Bakugou's neck jerked so hard that you thought he would get a whiplash. "Hah?" He stopped resisting, sharp eyes snapping to you. "The hell do you mean 'can I play?' I'm the best fucking person you'd find in this entire country!"
Tokoyami, Kaminari and Yaoyorozu slumped down in relief, winded.
You blinked, taken aback. Then, your lips curl into a sly smirk.
"Prove it."
He decimated any thoughts of getting another person the second he held those drumsticks.
Since those high school days, the 6 of you matured into a band that wrote and performed original music, posting it on any social media platform to let it gain traction.
Thankfully, with Jiro's parents being music producers, it was infinitely easier to learn what was in and find the direction your band was going in.
Even after years of performing, you were still a bundle of nerves before performing.
Not this time though.
Now, all could do was to remind yourself to stay calm, get into the zone, and channel all this irritation into your vocals to make your performance more realistic and impactful.
Your relationship with Bakugou would be described as...chaotic at best. As the main vocalist in the band, you were mostly in charge of the lyric writing and overseeing what was the chords and rhythm for each song.
Bakugou was the one who dwelled the most on each section to make sure your lyrics were nothing short of perfect.
There were times when it would be just the two of you in that studio, rehearsing and replaying original albums or favourite covers before the others came. Even if Bakugou and you would yell and glare at each other, both of you held begrudgingly respect for what each of you did.
Bakugou annihilated any competition for a drummer in your region, just like he said. And even though you never brag, Bakugou knows you have the confidence and lung capacity of a whale. Your technique was unquestionably better than Jiro's.
That's why Bakugou knew every habit and quirk you executed in or out of that studio. He'd gotten really good at observing especially you.
The way you would fidget when someone would tell you how amazing your singing was, obviously flustered. That incoherent laughter that you think sounds terrible but one that Bakugou absolutely adores because it enforces the genuinity of your reactions. The blond is proud to know that he has drawn that laughter out of you the most times out of all the people he's seen you interact with. The way your words can change from throat-ripping rasp to velvety smooth to fit any one of your songs.
Fuck, you're so clumsy and stupid and irritatingly mind-racking all the time, but he can feel his feelings slamming harder and harder against that bedrock wall of control he so desperately built to keep his mind clear.
You don't make it easy though.
Bakugou is obnoxious at times, and this was one of those occasions. There was a slip-up backstage, and he just wouldn't stop yelling. You get that he was angry, you were too, but this was one of the times to be professional and suck it up. You'd get to perform anyway, it was just a little hold-up because one of the lights stopped working. One of the male assistants even came up to you to offer you a drink in apology.
Still, Bakugou just had to make a scene.
He ripped gently took that beverage out of your hand and threw it away the second you got it. Snapping at you in his temper tantrum, lashing out a tired "whatever" as if he were a child. The nerve of this guy!
Control now, let loose later, you remind yourself behind those velvet black curtains. Ignoring the looks of concern from your bandmates and the pressing scowls of confusion Bakugou was giving you.
A practised smile frames your face as the curtains part, and that's when you were greeted by your ever-enthusiastic fans.
It's showtime.
Maybe your sneaky attempt at revenge went a little too overboard.
After all, almost half of the female fans of your band were always fangirling over the great Lord Explosion Murder that killed everyone with his music. You wanted to make him feel how you did for once, even in your own narcissistic way.
There's no way he'd like you anyway.
It was easy to get lost in the song you wrote about heartbreak, getting lost in the frenzy of emotions, the strumming of the electric guitar, the rhythm of the drums...
you could feel the music thriving in your bones today.
As you sang, you noticed a guy in the front row grinning so broadly that practically half his face was plastered with that smile. "I LOVE YOU Y/N!" You heard him shout, jumping along with the crowd as you transition into the bridge.
Maybe you just felt neglected with all the feelings bottled up at your throat with Bakugou. It's hard to say anything when you know it's not your place, after all. Maybe that's why you did what you did next.
Smiling alluringly, you lock eyes with that man in the crowd and sing.
"Maybe I'm too emotional
But your apathy's like a wound in salt
Maybe I'm too emotional
Or maybe you never cared at all"
His eyes light up so bright that it almost makes you chuckle. It felt nice to be reciprocated for once.
At the back of the stage, Bakugou stares at you in utter confusion. What the hell did you think you were doing? He thought, finishing his section and letting you transition back into the chorus.
"Well, good for you
You look happy and healthy, not me
If you ever cared to ask"
Twirling the drumstick between his fingers, he watches, stupefied, as you continue to blatantly flirt with the audience, looking so innocent even though Bakugou knows you know exactly what you're doing.
You smile at-some guy in the front row, the blond can't make the extra out-and-did you just wink at him?
Bakugou's nostrils flare, eyes burning with jealousy.
This was what he get for being an unceremonious idiot. Karma is having a field day today. He watched you flash that flirtatious smirk to that bastard one more time as he clicks his tongue and raises his drumsticks in the air.
The symbols clang loudly under his aggressive playing style as he lets spiteful jealousy take over his actions. He strikes the drum harder than necessary, unable to do anything but express how he felt through his playing, and it certainly gets your attention because you just sing louder above his drumming.
Kaminari, stunned, racks up the volume as Tokoyami supports Bakugou's drumming, letting the vocals and the rhythm take charge with a hint of the main melody from Kaminari to tie the entire performance together.
The performance ends with you and Bakugou panting, having used so much energy up to prove a silent point to each other you both couldn't voice at the moment.
The crowd roars with applause. Jiro exhales in relief, grateful both of your childish reactions only fueled each other and didn't tear down the entire show. You all bow, and practically hurtle off the stage. Shit. Bakugou was not going to be happy.
"What the hell were you doing back there?!" Bakugou growls collapsing on the couch as if dropping a dumbbell, vermillion eyes fixated on you in pure, raw fury. The minute you got of the stage, Bakugou had dragged you away from your bandmates and flung you into some random room to 'talk to you privately'. You right. He was fuming. "Flirting with the audience like that...are you begging to cause problems?"
"What's wrong with engaging the audience, hah?" You fire back, eyes lit aflame. "My pitch was perfect today!"
"And my rhythm has never been better!" Bakugou flings, eyes locked with yours as you glare each other down with searing stares. "But does that mean I make those fucking pretty eyes to anybody? I fucking don't!"
"Maybe it's because it's nice to reciprocate for once?" You yell without thinking, voice booming. "You don't even know who those lyrics are for, asshole! They were meant to be for you!"
Stunned silence enveloped the room. Bakugou recoils, taken aback...
"Run that by me again?"
Your eyes widen, only just realising your mistake. The red in your cheeks swelled from anger to embarrassment, bite dissolving the minute he called you out.
You messed up. "I-" You run an exasperated hand through your hair, sighing. "That song was for you, Bakugou. I was just fed up because you were acting all cranky before the performance started. And the fact that your fans have been vexingly clingy lately. it was just a mix of things that bothered me for a while now that blew up all at once."
Bakugou replays the lyrics in his head, realisation hitting him like a truck.
You like him.
He takes a bold step forward, closing the space between the two of you.
He likes you.
"Your fans," He leans in a hair away, breath tickling your face. "They piss the shit out of me too."
Your breath hitches. Was he really-?
"You gonna leave me hanging or what?" Bakugou grumbles, the fury in his eyes seeping out to make way for a softness you're not used to seeing.
You close the gap between you two.
Bonus Part:
When Kaminari sees the both of you come back with joint hands, he immediately pumps his fists and high-fives Tokoyami. "Finally," He groans, "you've been dancing around each other for years now. I thought you would never get together!"
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ryuichirou · 1 year
Ryu, I really have to say, I absolutely adore the way you portray the octavinelle trio! especially Azul! Most of the time, the fandom tends to mischaracterize the 3 of them ;/,
for example, in Azul's case, making him a crybaby bottom. In Floyd's case, a lot of people in the fandom forget that he's actually really smart?? or that his "squeezes" are just harmless hugs. in Jade's case, they forget that he can be just as chaotic and unpredictable, just like Floyd. They're twins, after all!
Anyway, I really like reading your headcanons about them! and I was wondering if you have more headcanons you would like to share about these 3 ? Not ship wise, but more like general headcanons about each of them? 🤌🏻
Anon! It took me a while to get to your ask, but every time I sat down to write some replies, I took a look at it and smiled. I am so happy to hear that and so grateful.
These three are indeed often the victims of mischaracterization. Even in general, I feel like people often forget just how dangerous they are, and not only because of sheer power, but also because of how smart and cunning all three of them are. We had another reply about Azul not being crybaby just the other day, but just like you said, the tweels also get misinterpreted a lot. But this is not a post about the mischaracterizations… this is a post about headcanons!
I mentioned it at some point, but I’ll say it again: we love these three and their interactions so much that we would gladly watch a sitcom about them scheming and doing other stuff. They are such a fun trio with so much potential for both comedic and dark scenarios.
So, here are some headcanons about them! We also have a post with more headcanons about them, but in our Mafia AU specifically.
They have an unspoken rule that there shouldn’t be any sentimental moments between them, but Azul is the only one who takes this rule seriously. If Jade and Floyd want to hug each other or Azul and say nice things, they could easily do it and no ban would ever prevent them. But then again, it’s also because Jade and Floyd know that such behavior would piss the other two off and make them embarrassed and annoyed as fuck, so it’s worth it.
They are both closer to each other and further from each other than Azul thinks. It’s not like Azul has no impact and no value in the tweel’s life whatsoever; he kinda changed their life’s trajectory forever, because they would have never left the Coral Sea if it wasn’t for Azul’s ambitions. But also, their experience together doesn’t really give Azul any immunity in case he stops being amusing to them.
The dynamic in their relationship always shifts. There are moments when Floyd is “the sane one” of all people; Azul and Jade actually can get very annoying when both of them are focused on some great plan….
There are days when Azul gives the tweels the same vibes as their dad. Papa Leech doesn’t nag as much as Azul does, but the contract-oriented part with annoyingly high attention to details is certainly familiar to Jade and Floyd. If you told them that, they would disagree though, because come on, their old man is much more fun-loving. 
Floyd actually has quite a lot of videogames, but sometimes he spends months not touching any of them. And sometimes, when he’s in the mood, he can spend an entire week playing the game and skipping classes just because he is so focused and wants to finish the game as soon as he can. He likes fighting games a lot, but Jade and Azul are worse at videogames than him, so he can’t play them much. And looking for someone else to play with is bothersome…
They actually enjoyed playing music together. A lot of time it ended up in complete chaos because of Floyd’s desire to reenact the final scene of the movie “Whiplash” (which he hasn’t seen by the way), but still…. Sometimes Azul thinks than when the Mostro Lounge stuff gets more independent and doesn’t need as much of their help and control, they could play for their customers. One time he even said that and instantly regretted it, because he can’t just show these two piranhas his vulnerability like that. The tweels replied with “you’re a control freak, Azul; we’ll never get to that point”, by the way.
That school/camp they went to when they were learning how to operate on land was actually the greatest bonding experience for them. It was the first time when Azul saw the tweels being vulnerable. Probably the last time as well…
Azul taught Jade and Floyd the basics of cooking. It was brutal... Azul was learning at the same time though, because cooking on land and cooking underwater are two completely different things :(
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herbeloved82 · 1 month
Written with @complicitsacrilege
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The moment Armand slinked into the room, Marius had heard the faint rustle of his clothing, though his footsteps were all but silent on the marble floor. He didn’t acknowledge his intruder at first, so as not to scare him off, and Armand slowly walked through his studio behind him as Marius painted.
Soon enough, Armand was standing still just on the edge of Marius’ peripheral vision, simply observing in silence as the brush glided across the canvas. Marius still did not acknowledge his presence, yet surely Armand knew he was aware of him.
After several minutes of silent observation, however, Armand did not seem content to simply observe, and he meandered into Marius’ view, running his fingertips over various objects and surfaces. The soft petals of a lily seemed to catch his attention, but eventually he moved on and draped himself artfully over a chaise near a window, his dark eyes staring unblinkingly at Marius.
The candles burning in the room reflected a decadent atmosphere. Marius could use the natural light of the sun, but he didn’t. Since he came back Marius couldn’t sleep. His thoughts too wild and chaotic. He craved the peace he had lost, and the only place where he could have a semblance of what was lost was his studio, the one place where no one else would dare to enter without his permission. No one but Armand.  
Marius wouldn’t dare to say it aloud, but he was glad Armand never asked for permission. He was glad for his presence, the only one he really craved back in his life, and if those stolen moments were all he could have, Marius would do everything in his power to make them last as long as possible. 
“Is there a reason why you stole the main focus of my painting?”   
Armand finally blinked at the acknowledgment of his presence. “I didn’t realize I would bother you, Master.”
Marius was taken aback by those words, and looked straight at the one man he had always loved above everything else, enough he let him go when it was clear that Armand needed to find himself outside the shadow Marius’ wings would cast upon him. 
“It’s not a bother, Armand. I honestly can’t think about anything I would love to paint more. I was just curious.” 
It was the first time in centuries that Marius would paint someone he loved. Since Venice he only painted still life and murals, and now, with Armand there, his hands shook, visibly he was sure. Emotions threatened to overpower him as he waited to see what Armand would do now.  
The silence between them wasn’t entirely a comfortable one, yet Armand did not move from where he was. From his expression, he seemed to be considering the meaning behind Marius’ words until finally, “You can, if you’d like, Master.” A pause, and then, “Paint me more often I mean.”
It was only because he was old enough to resemble a statue that Marius was able to maintain an ounce of self control and not give himself whiplash by moving too fast to look at Armand, sure that somehow he grew a second head. 
There had been a time in which Marius only painted people and things he loved. He could still remember the one charcoal sketch he painted of his father and his sibling, now lost to time. He had tried his best to keep watching over his family after he was turned, to brand their faces in his mind, so that he would always remember them. 
Now he could only remember little details. His sister’s hair for example, dark in shade and styled with pearls and gold. Or his father’s eyes, sharp and focused even when his body began to fail him. 
Then, there had been Lydia, now Pandora, and her smile. He had done his best to impress on the canvas her intelligence and wit. It had been with her that Marius realized his paintings would always lack the humanity he had lost. 
They were too perfect, too cold and distant somehow, like there was a veil between him and the world now, and Marius had done everything in his power to tear it to pieces so that he could, once again, look at the world with human’s emotions, only to fail. 
He had stopped painting for a long time after Pandora left to find her way. Now he knew they were never supposed to be together. He loved her and she loved him but not like lovers. He had loved the idea of her, what she represented for him. She was the only one who remembered Rome like it was when they were still human, and for a long time he deluded himself into believing it would be enough. 
After Pandora another woman became the focus of his art. Another he had loved blindly because there was nothing else he could have done. She was the closer thing to a Goddess and even someone like him, who never believed in Gods, couldn’t deny her power, and the duty forced upon him. 
With Akasha Marius found another reason to paint. Because she was the one who mothered them all, he didn’t feel the need to paint her as a human would. He embraced his true nature while portraying her and the king. 
Immortals, perfect, never changing. They were everything he never wanted to be. 
Only once during his services of them, Marius attempted to portray his maker, unburned, like he should have been if no one ever dared to try to destroy the Father and Mother. He didn’t know what happened to that unfinished sketch left behind in an empty shrine after he left the Alps. 
It was after those moments of despair and loneliness that Marius finally allowed himself to paint again. At first it had been a young boy with dark hair and eyes. Barely old enough to be considered able to work, his father had lost him in a night of gambling and debauchery. Riccardo was the first of his boys who sat still for him. 
Then it was Albinus, with his piercing eyes and skin so fair people would stare at him, whispering words of ignorance and fear behind his back. Albinus was a beautiful soul in a body that people couldn’t understand, dear to his heart like every single one of his boys. 
Many portraits of them were lost in the fire. Some Marius managed to find, in the hands of the Talamasca, and he took them back. Now his boys lived in the heart of a vault in Pompei, in a private museum where their smiles were free to shine once again. 
Amadeo had been the main focus of his art for the three years they had together. Some of those moments, eternalized by his art, escaped Santino’s fury and jealousy and were now side by side with those young boys who never get the chance to live, taken from him and those who loved them by the malice of a real monster. 
For more than five hundred years Marius refused to paint anyone who was alive. He had lost too much, he never allowed himself to grow close to anyone else, after losing everything. Only Daniel made him break that promise to himself. 
Daniel who had needed him as much as Marius had needed Daniel to give a new meaning to his life. Daniel who taught him that it was useless to run away from those he had loved and lost, because the pain would always find a way to catch up with him. Daniel who was the first one to hear when Marius admitted aloud that he never stopped loving Armand. 
Here he was, now. Marius, the prime Minister, the mentor, the maker, facing his greatest failure and regret.  Art had always been his love language, and Marius had forbidden himself to use it, as a punishment for leaving Armand behind, no matter why he did it. 
“Even if I wanted to paint you for every year that was stolen from us?” He asked after a too long silence, words escaping his mouth before he could stop them.         
Armand opened his mouth to speak, and though neither of them could read the other’s mind, his confusion was clear in his expression. This had not been what he had expected to hear, and in the hesitation, Marius feared the answer would be no, but then, “Only each year?” Marius could hear the slight increase in Armand’s heartbeat as he added, “I would’ve thought you would want to paint me for each night we lost.”
The smile that appeared on Marius’ lips was the first genuine one he showed in centuries, one able to reach his eyes and make them even more bright. 
“You are a tempting minx, Armand, and I was never good at resisting temptations.” Marius said before pausing for a long moment. “I want that. I want to take back everything that was stolen from us. I want to learn to know you. I want to give you anything you can want. I want you like I never wanted anything in my life, and I am ready to do anything to be worthy of you.” 
A barely there smile turned up the corners of Armand’s mouth, and he seemed to relax into the chaise, lying his head on his folded arm, “Then begin tonight, Master, I will stay.”
“You wish is my command.” Marius said before he picked a new brush and the blue color he always used for Armand, made with lapis lazuli and other precious gems and began to work. A new chapter of their life just began and Marius would make it immortal with his art, for Armand was a gift from a God he never believed in, to a sinner who never repented but who would worship him like the true embodiment of love. 
Sandro used to say that beauty in art and nature would bring him closer to God. Marius never cared for that, but now, with Armand posing for him all over again, he knew a new Aphrodites was born, with amber eyes and auburn hair and Marius would burn the world for him.   
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clazberryk · 26 days
WIP Wednesday
yes I am aware it is Thursday. When i say its been a week, belevie me its been a week (1 more week before the new academ year, for the UK that is and its just not enough tiem for ANYTHING).
Can someone please tell me where August has gone. its like Poof HELLO SEPTEMBER!!!! Truly can I please have my August back?
I am currently re-editing my Difficult Truths story for my Sometimes the Unknown is safer story. So this is an edit of Chapter 2 of Difficult truths, or well a snippet anyway :wink:
Thank you for the tag @roguishcat as always I love it when you tag me into these <3
Searing Agony.
Unending Discomfort.
Life altering Anguish.
When the red crackling streak of chaotic magical energy started hurtling towards Astarion Taveleigha did not think twice to push him out of the way, it was instinct it was reactive, a love protecting the most important person in their life. Consequences be damned. Taveleigha knew going into this fight that she was naïve into thinking everyone was going to survive. Stupid naïve lost little elf girl. That voice was back taunting her, goading her. The voice was debilitating but true, the beast as she called it, returning now using her fathers voice to belittle her and her actions. Was it always her father’s voice? So much had happened today, so much emotional whiplash she could not recall how the voice sounded before. Clearly an unreliable source of information. What good was she if she could not even trust her own mind?  If this was how she was going to die, she was happy, she had saved her lover, and she did not regret it, even now as the memories came thick and fast, one rolling over the other, she could not bring herself to regret pushing her vampire out of the way.
Sorry it is a tiny snippet, but seriously if someone could please give me my August back, or at least point me in the direction it has run off to :) i would be greatly appreciative :) No pressure tags: @loquaciousquark @slothquisitor @shewhowas39 @asweetlovesong @lirotation
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luimagines · 1 month
That Dragon AU Part 14
@cafecourage wants to apologize for the emotional whiplash that is this chapter.
First Chapter/ Previous Chapter/ Next Chapter
A bit of a content warning- nothing NSFW but it gets a bit heated towards the middle. Reader discretion is advised.
Content under the cut!
Chapter 14: The Mark of a Warrior
Enno allowed the others to take over the conversation as they continued to eat. 
“Hey, you ok?” Sky whispers, leaning over.
“I’m… tired, that's all.” They whispered back. “Things have been pretty chaotic at the moment and it’s finally getting to me.” 
He frowns. “Do you want to go back to your room?”
“I'd rather wait for Warrior, but thanks Sky.” They give him a smile.
“Well if you need an outlet, let me know. I can walk you back.” He sits back up straight as they both go back to eating and listening into the conversation.
Warrior eats quickly, as if he hadn't realized how hungry he was until there was food in front of him.  Wind is in a similar state, quickly making his way for a second plate.
They both finish relatively quickly compared to Enno but while Wind goes for seconds, Warrior takes time to carry conversation. He glances at them from time to time, like he wants to ask something but this isn't the moment to do so.
Enno notices Warrior looking at them again and again and gets a bit worried. Though it was bitten down quickly. The fear that they somehow did something bad still lingered. They finished and stood up.
“I’m gonna turn in early tonight.” They said, trying to keep their stress and anxiety from leaking out.
Sky stretches next to them, yawning. “Yeah I think I’m going to head out too.” He gets up “I’ll walk them back. You better eat more Captain, since you missed meals these past few days.”
Something clicks in Enno’s head. Sky was right and they didn’t realize that. Warrior didn’t eat the whole day when they became a dragon. They walked past Warriors, rubbing his shoulder lovingly as they went. “Sky’s right, I won’t call you out full on it but yesterday was the first day you ate every meal.” They gave him a kiss on his temple. “I’ll wait for you in the room.”
With that they both left.
Warrior doesn't even have time to rebuttal before Impa places another plate in front of him. One glare silences his protests before they even leave his mouth. Wind is laughing and is quick to finish once more he chases after the two that left. 
Warrior eats slowly to avoid a stomach ache but he would have liked to warn Enno before they went to room about his hunting trophy. But they were already gone.
Enno lets out a sigh, not wanting to do any more thinking. “That’s it. I want to sleep." Wind catches up and holds on to their hand. "And you need to go back to your room to pack up with Four." They poked The Sailor’s cheek.
"What got you so anxious?" Sky asked.
"Bad conversation. I don't want to talk about it. Just ignore it and scream."
Behind them, Warrior finishes up his plate and backs out from the table. "I'm done. No more food."
"You have to catch up on your meals." Four teases.
Warrior rolls his eyes, quickly trying to detangle himself from the table. "Not all of us have multiple stomachs. I can only hold in so much food at once."
With the others, Wind hums and swings his hands with Enno’s. "It wasn't really that bad. At least I didn't think it was."
They quickly came up to the door and Wind opened it. Sky stays behind as they both enter and freeze when they see Warrior’s ‘trophy’. Sky whistles. "Good luck putting that away!"
Wind laughs nervously and backs off. "Sorry Moma.... I'd help but uh-... I have to pack up my stuff. Good luck!"
Sky is quick to escort him to his room.
"Good Luck!" Enno called after them before turning around. It was a slow turn. They wanted to hug someone. But no one was there to hug.
Warrior tried to power walk through the castle and to the room, he entered quickly and quietly. "Hey, Sweetheart, are you in here?"
He opens the door enough for him to slide in and closes it behind him. In front of the bed are five large green pots. They're big enough to be the size of stoves. Warrior tries to shake off his nerves and gestures to them with a little flourish. "Ta-da!~ I found... umm... more magic potions. Big ones... so we can just keep refilling the bottles."
He scratches his back nervously. "I think this should be enough to last a while. At least while we're on the road if we find enough empty bottles to fill up. But umm..." Warrior steps closer to them. "Are you ok? You looked off at dinner. I was worried but I wasn't sure if I should have said something in front of everyone."
They almost burst into tears but kept themselves from doing so. Instead, in an attempt to avoid it, they gave him a hug. "I'm fine. I just- Everything just hit me after a while." Their voice wavers and tears finally split. "Ah- no- I don't want -" They quickly tried to wipe their tears. "Sorry. I don't mean to. Give me a second. I'm very relieved."
Warrior hugged them back with a firm grip. "Shh.... Hey, you held me through my tears. It's my turn. It's ok."
His hands come up to run up and down their back, over their head and keeping them close. "I don't mind at all, I'm just glad you're ok in the end. Just breathe with me sweetheart, you'll be alright."
They shake their head, burying their face in his chest "I don't like crying in front of others." They sighed, relaxing into him. They looked up and kissed his jaw, letting their head fall on his chest again.They were hiding their face in his chest once more. "I don't know why my social anxiety just threw me into a loop. I'm sorry. Your surprise is amazing. Thank you so much."
Warrior starts purring as a reflex. He picks them up effortlessly and tosses them onto the bed gently. He pulls his shirt over his head so that he doesn't get any dust on the sheets and kicks off his shoes. He climbs in after them quickly and pulls Enno close to his chest again. "Well, it's over now." He purrs louder. "You did a good job and the day is over with no new problems. We'll head to your doctor appointment tomorrow, get the options and then we'll head out better prepared than we did today."
He kisses their forehead. "We just have to keep moving forward."
Enno squeaked when he took off his shirt out of nowhere, and averted their eyes the best they could. They felt really confused at the moment. "Sir! I know you're trying to help and I understand and agree. BUT CAN YOU NOT JUST- DO THAT." They inched up to hug him and hide their face in the crook of his neck instead of his chest. 
"You are a danger to my heart and emotions, apparently. I can't get over being extremely anxious and suddenly be decked with being completely flustered!" They laughed despite the fact that tears were still running down their cheeks. "Unfair!"
"I'm... wearing layers, Love." Warrior snorts and holds them close again. He tucks them under his chin and wipes their tears with his thumb. "It is completely fair though.  I just have one question that's been floating around in my head...."
He tilts head down and gets close to their ear, enough so that his gentle breath tickles it. "You like what you see?"
"YES AND THAT'S WHY I'M ANNOYED." They were blushing so badly. They moved up to give him a warning nibble on his neck. "You're actually a villian. Evil. How dare you. I thought I was courting a hero here, but it turns out you're just a gremlin like the others!"
"I have never claimed to be anything other than what I am, Love." Warrior laughs and nuzzles against them. He peppers the side of their face with kisses, moving over so that he rolls on top of them. 
"What am I going to do with you?" He asks endearingly, hearts dancing in his eyes. He leans down to kiss them properly and moves just inches away so they couldn't retaliate.. "I'd rather just be your hero than the hero. One is a lot more purposeful than the other. Gives life more meaning that way, I think."
They dragged his face down gently and kissed his jaw, cheek and lips. "Revenge! You are my hero, when you're not making my heart go crazy! Continue and I'm going to attack you more." Enno finally stopped crying, even if their breath was still shaky. "I love you, but also screw you."
Warrior laughs harder and falls onto his side so he doesn't fall on top of them. He lets them kiss him, boyishly giggling by the end of it. "But it's fun. I like watching your reactions. You're so.... genuine... It's nice. You're nice.... and pretty and kind and witty and smart and amazing-"
Warrior leans over to kiss them once more. "And you have absolutely stolen my heart. You take the very breath out of my lungs. It is incredibly hard to not be selfish around you, Sweetheart."
There wasn’t even an inch in their brain to be embarrassed about the squawk they made. “Oh for the love of all that is holy in this world- marry me.” They covered their face with both of their hands, not registering what they said. “My heart- I can’t- You're too smooth!”
Warrior's eyes turn sharp, cat-like and he grins like a fool. "It's in my plans, Sweetheart. Believe me."
He leans over once more and kisses the tip of their nose. "But all in due time. There's too much going on right now. I don't want to overwhelm you."
“Link, that would be probably the least overwhelming thing.” They start purring, moving forward to kiss his cheeks then lips. “Remember this afternoon?” They cupped his face, rubbing his jaw a bit with their thumb. “I was slightly joking but you’re making me tempted to do it myself. I would rather not because I don’t know how and it's going to be very awkward to ask, like- Sky or someone else other than you.”
Warrior snorts and purrs in tandem with the shivers that run through his body at their touch "I can't say I'd complain. But it's not really something someone can walk you through. It's just something dragons seem to know how to do....You just have to catch yourself in the moment."
Enno started attacking his neck again with nibbles and kisses. “Can I convince you to do it, Pretty Boy?” They shower him in kisses paying special attention to his scent gland, wanting to ease it out of him. “I did say you wouldn’t and I’ve been waiting to be proven wrong.”
A low growl is broken out of him at their touch. His grip on them tightens considerably but it's not painful. They can feel his heart begin to beat faster and he takes a deep breath to compensate.
"Im... not..." He nuzzles subconsciously toward them. "You mean so much to me..."
They instantly stopped, worried they might have gone too far. “Link…” They leaned up and kissed him again. “You mean so much to me too. I- …I’m normally not this pushy. It’s just- I don’t know? These past few days I’ve been feeling a bit possessive? I want this. I want you. I’d love to make our family with Wind official really badly. But if I’m stepping over something please tell me to stop.”
Warrior blinks and stays silent before he pushes forward, silencing their words with a deeper kiss. He instantly moves his hands up to cup their face, tilting them at just the right angle to deepen the kiss even more. He's warming up considerably, leaving a hot to the touch prickling sensation wherever his hands land.
He pulls back slowly, going in once... twice more... poking their nose with his. His purring is non stop and he keeps his eyes closed.
"I would want nothing more." He pulls away from the kiss, his hands dropping to their hips, pulling them flush against him. Warrior growls over his purr and Enno could feel it vibrate against their teeth. "Be mine."
Enno sighed, purring with him. Static rises into the air. “Please?” They whispered, nuzzling him, loving the warmth he was creating. 
“Link. Do you think I wasn’t yours, already? You don’t need to ask, just take it.” They tried to match his kisses with their own, reaching around his face, jaw, cheeks, and neck, occasionally nipping here and there gently with their new fangs.
One of his hands lowers to their thigh pulling them as close as he can manage. Warrior is hot. There's no other way to say it. He's completely hot to the touch. Minor steam comes off of him as his sweat evaporates in a vain attempt to cool him down. It smells weirdly of the hickory smoke they've come to familiarize themselves with.
He seems lost in the motions. His hands are traveling all of them, warming them up and leaving a trail of heat wherever he goes. He kisses them with wild abandon. He selfishly takes what he can get, just like they said he could. 
Warrior moves from their lips, kissing their cheeks, their jaw, their neck. There's a shocking pinprick of pain by their palm. 
He pulls away from them, panting from the lack of air with half lidded eyes. Warrior pulls their hand close and kisses the mark, sealing it for good measure. He laps up the wound and Enno could feel the heat of his magic flood through them. It's more pleasurable than it has the right to be.
Their breath hitches at the way their body warms up. The feeling seemed to catapult them into a clouded mindset they didn’t know existed. They used the hand that was marked to bring him back up and bite his neck in the most noticeable spot, shooting lightning strikes down into him. They kissed his neck in apology, looking up at him in awe at what they did, not knowing why they did it. They couldn’t apologize verbally despite wanting to. Instead, they purred and pushed him onto his side to burrow into him, enjoying his warmth.
Warrior still felt incredibly warm to the touch but he looked at Enno with a blissful expression. "I love you."
He brought their hand up and kissed his mark. It sent a direct connection to their brain, seemingly melting them on the spot. He takes a breath before he moves again, kissing them once more. Calmer. Gentler. He kisses them for the sake of kissing. There's no point to prove here.
“I love you too.” They meet him as he gives his kisses. They had a feeling they were forgetting something. “Oh!” They snapped out of it because they couldn’t believe they forgot so fast. “Hey hubby, did you pack up yet? You’ve been working all this time and we have that appointment tomorrow.”  They give him a kiss on the forehead, playing with his hair as they go.
"Bold of you to assume I ever unpacked to begin with." He grins. "I live here. I'll just use my other stuff."
He takes a deep breath and leans into their touch. He closes his eyes peacefully. "We should make use of the magic potions though and make sure we can carry as much as we can. Just in case."
“I’ve been trying to do the math on how much I need for a month. Answer is apparently 20 but I think that's just going to be annoying to carry around.” Enno looked back at the pots and their heart swelled. “How did you find all of that?”
"During the war-" Warrior starts. "There would be pots around filled with supplies. I never used much of the magic ones. And to my knowledge neither did the soldiers. I had to go back. Just to make sure there were some still there. I came back with two and went to another place. It was thankfully empty of monsters and it had more pots. But I didn't think I'd have enough time before you'd get back."
Enno instantly koala-ed him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” They kissed his face all over. “I’m sorry you had to go back there. You’re the best.” 
Warrior purrs in delight. "You're worth it."
They purred back. “But I have NO idea how we are going to bring all that. I don’t think it’s possible.”
"I can find a way." Warrior says softly. "I was thinking we fill up some empty bottles and take those instead. The larger ones are a bit much to take anyway. But at least this way, you'll be taken care of. Just like I promised."
Enno’s lizard brain told them to get scent on him, even if the more rational part said it was already over kill. They rolled over, getting on top of them as they laid in the bed. “Thank you for caring for me. Then my next question is, can I steal some of your tunics again? I love that Red one.”
Warrior snorts, letting them do as you please. "Of course, Sweetheart. What's mine is yours."
He purrs happily and relaxes against the bed. "Use whatever you'd like."
“Dangerous game, sir.” They stopped and laid on top of him. “I demand to save every drawing you make so I can look at them and appreciate every detail you put.” 
Warrior purrs in tandem, very happy with the night's events. "I can do that."
They don’t know why or how but they shifted to their half form, purring twice as much more than ever. “Thank you for distracting me, Link.”
"And you're welcome." He rests beside them, tucking their hair behind their ear, being mindful of their horns. "Anything for you."
They hold him and curl their tail around his leg. It was almost like they were treating him like their most prized possession. They blushed, hiding their face. “You are going to be the end of me.” 
"And you, My Dear, are my very beginning." Warrior kissed their head, running his hands over them firmly, like he was trying to map out their body and commit it to memory.
He also shifts into his half form to match them. Enno could feel his body warm up considerably once more. He's content to lay there. The only sound in the room is the thunder of both their purrs as they lose themselves in the moment.
Warrior's tail swishes back and forth, alternating from behind them to then wrapping around them.
"LINK!" Whining, Enno was half tempted to smack him. However, they were scared that it would hurt him even in his half form. They sighed, letting him now do what he wants. "I love this form of yours. You look really cool and handsome." They reached back to give his wings a poke lightly, being mindful of their claws. "Your full form is still cute and adorable." 
Their tail lets go of his leg and wraps around his tail.
Warrior doesn't say anything or reply at first. His tail moves to caress theirs, twirling around it and holding it close.
".....I'm glad at least you think so." He says quietly. "I'm afraid I'm quite monstrous for any other eyes." He plants little kisses along their hairline. "You however, are gorgeous, Sweetheart. How could I have gotten so lucky?"
“Don’t believe you. I haven't even looked at myself but I know that you're wrong.” They bonked him with their head. “And how dare people say that! You're so pretty and handsome, not to mention you're almost like a literal prince sometimes. Your mind is sharper than your blade! There’s been too many times where you naturally stepped up when we were all in a panic and it was you who got us out of those situations.”
Enno huffed and puffed, not entirely done with their tirade. They put their head on his chest, turning their face away so they could hear the purr. Slowly, Warrior’s purr begins to relax them. “You are actually probably the most perfect person, even with your imperfections. But your dragon form? Really? Your half dragon form is literally hot! And I don’t mean because of your element. People are rude and don’t know what they are missing if all they look at are your looks. Even then, they are blind or something. Clearly, I’m not looking at the same person they are. I’m going to fight someone if they dare say anything. Reputation be damned.”
"I'm literally hot because of my element." Warrior mutters anyway, wrapping his arms around them. They may not be able to see it but he smiles softly. "....Thank you."
His heart beats steadily and his purr not once stops, creating a lullaby built for only Enno. His hands start moving up and down their back and their arms. The tip of his tail brushes against their leg even as it holds their own.
He stays quiet and doesn't speak. Warrior doesn't want to explain too much. Not now, when Enno was dealing with every new thing that's been thrown at them these past three days.
“You know what I mean Sir. You're welcome though.” Enno sighed, sensing that he doesn’t want to talk more about it. “But I’m serious though. I might actually be a big scary cat, but for some reason, with you? I love you. All of you. I’ve never once been scared. Not counting when we first met.” They let out an awkward laugh. “That was just me being a bit flustered.” 
They relaxed further into him, whispering to themselves honestly. “But there is something I need you to promise me but that's way into our future. And I can't really talk about it infront of Wild.”
Warrior bites his tongue and tries to keep from sighing loudly. He can afford to wait to say more… and maybe explain his ‘monstrous’ form. He doesn't want to frighten them or push them away even if he's already marked them. He should have waited. He shouldn't have been so selfish for a change.
A puff of fire escapes him and he tries to fall asleep.
It'll have to wait.
"Wild?" Warrior mutters and frowns. What does The Champion have to do with this? "You can say it now. It's just the two of us, My Light."
He pulls them closer, running his hands and tail against them. It seems to calm him down more than it does Enno. "I promise there's nothing you can say or do to frighten me."
He smirks somewhat and opens his eyes. "But from what I've gathered you're not easy to frighten either."
"Shut up, you're literally a giant cat. There isn't anything to be scared of when you're around." Enno stuck their tongue out at him but hesitated. 
"There... there are two heroes after you." They started off. "The next hero is the first one to fight the calamity. I... please, promise me you wont fight another war? I won't stop you from helping. I know they probably need it. But it gets bad, very bad, especially the second time around." Enno was purposefully being vague. "I don't want to lose you. You've seen the outcome of it in his era. I'm being selfish asking this of you and I know that."
Warrior snorted at their initial claim before he sobered up. He hummed and adjusted his hold and his position. "I see... Alright." His eyes close again. "I won't fight when it happens. I promise."
They let their head fall with a sigh "I'm still going to keep an eye on you. Granted, that's not that hard. It's important to me that you're safe." They leaned forward to give him a kiss. "Good night, love you."
"Good night, Gorgeous." Warrior smiles into the kiss. "See you in the morning."
Enno huffed playfully, cuddling into him. They were not above stealing the natural warmth he put out. Without him, they’d freeze.
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citruscitrushope · 11 months
Got anything about Tsukasa and Minori, An, or Mizuki?
Platonic Minokasa is one of my favorite dynamics my goodness, Minori learning to be more confident from one of the most confident people in the game-
I like to think that her speech gets like his sometimes, all grandiose and confidence, the others can tell she's been hanging out with him more if her catchphrases sound more like his introductions.
Tsukasa watches MMJ livestreams a lot, mainly for Shizuku, but he is a very big fan of Minori as well! He thought about how far she'd come compared to the Fan Festa once and almost started crying he's so proud-
They hang out every once in a while, rarely on purpose, just if they run into each other at a mall or something they will end up catching up. Sometimes they practice dancing or singing together, whenever Minori gives advice to Tsukasa instead of the other way around he feels whiplash, the student had become the master!
With An, I feel like it's almost similar to how Akito feels with Tsukasa, but not as intense, mainly as a holdover from her time on the disciplinary committee. She thinks he's a bit annoying and chaotic, but seeing as Kohane and Toya look up to him so much she's willing to give him a chance.
Tsukasa definitely admires and appreciates all of VBS in a way, since not only are their goals and efforts truly commendable, but they're taking such good care of his little brother, he's so happy nowadays! He's quite grateful to them, and he tries to show it as much as he can. ("Thank you so very much for doing so much for Toya! It truly warms my heart to see him feeling so happy. You know, when we were children, we-" "You're acting like a mom right now Tsukasa-senpai..."
An sees a lot of WxS' shows with Kohane, and she oddly enjoys them in a way she'd never admit. Sure, she hates when Tsukasa and Rui cause chaos throughout the school, but when it's confined to the stage she's able to appreciate everything they put into their work. She's even found herself taking inspiration from their stage direction or dances in musicals when planning VBS performances, though she knows that if she says that Akito will never let her hear the end of it.
I also sorta just wanna mention that they both have similar goals in hindsight? They both want to surpass those who came before them in a way (Tsukasa becoming a star like those he admired as a kid, An surpassing RAD WEEKEND), and I think that they feel a vague connection because of it, even if they don't realize it.
Meanwhile, Mizuki and Tsukasa probably consider each other friends, they talk sometimes at school and have gone shopping for clothes and materials together. Their main connector is sewing and such, they deserve to have a fun mildly gossipy sewing "date" (I see them as platonic but)
Seeing as Rui canonically made Mizuki a machine that plays funny Tsukasa voicelines to cheer them up, I feel like they're up there as one of the bigger WxS fans (alongside Kohane, Saki, Toya, etc). They don't go to a lot of their shows, but they see recordings of them a lot and send their praises to them, though Tsukasa somehow hasn't connected the dots and realized that they're seeing them online. ("Amazing show last weekend Tsukasa-senpai!" "How did you see it? You weren't in the crowd! Were you invisible, a ghost?! Show yourself!") Mizuki finds this incredibly funny.
Since they were the one behind Nene and Rui's original show costumes, Tsukasa has come to Mizuki for advice on this topic a few times before. If he's feeling stuck on something, why not ask a master? He always feels extremely grateful whenever they help him, maybe to the point of excess ("I'll do anything to repay you for your wonderful deed, Akiyama! Tickets to our next show, money, anything!" "Y-You don't have to repay me for doing something I wanted to do...").
Mizuki sometimes finds themself feeling a bit jealous of Tsukasa's confidence. They're always so worried about seeming weird or being looked down upon, yet the way he can always be so bombastic and stand out without a care in the world is something they both admire and envy. They don't like bringing this up, though Rui has noticed it in them at times. When this happens, he usually brings up times Tsukasa has struggled or faltered, and how he and them aren't so different. They're both some of the most important people to Rui, so he wants to help them both shine their brightest and feel comfortable in their own skins.
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accultant · 2 months
🎧 + 6, 8, 11
6. A song that represents my muse's world view
This one is HARD and i think depends a lot on Where They're At in life. I'm going to say either It's Nesting Season by Brian David Gilbert for the cringefail paranoia of it all. Also shoutout BDG for making songs that are so silly and yet somehow always make me tear up a little ???
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OR Shit Show by Peter McPoland because Iago so often considers themselves an outsider. A world view thats ,,, from a distance. This song is them seeing the world as something to finally be a part of I think,, Desperate for it, honestly.
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8. A sad song that fits my muse
Oogough,,,,. Days by HMLTD. Song about their deteriorating relationship with Puck in the Bhaal Temple and Iago having to spend years of their life watching him lose more and more of himself every day. Refusing to let go of him even at the lowest points. Still holding onto what was honestly a shell of who he used to be. Sucks out here.
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11. A song my muse would dedicate to yours
OKAY WHIPLASH FROM THE PREVIOUS SONG BUT HEAR ME OUTTT- [Iago voice] Amay, I think you should listen to Ska. KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!!! by MilkCan. I just think it has a very deranged and chaotic energy that Amay could relate to. I think he needs to run in circles to this song. It could fix him. I don't even want to screenshot the lyrics, the VIBE is what is important here. The lyrics without the sound doesn't give a good idea of the ENERGY happening here. Personally, Iago would hate this song. But they would Appreciate the energy it brings and they would want to see Amay run in circles to it. Enrichment.
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nikatyler · 9 months
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🌈 2023 ✨
Another year is over so it's time for a look back at what was happening on this blog! I haven't really been around, it was just my queue, and maybe that's one reason why I looked at my archive and went "huh" at everything. I don't remember much. The other reason why this year probably went poof in my head is because I was dealing with some mental health stuff lol. I say lol but it wasn't actually very lol but I'm doing better now and 2024...is looking promising for now.
So, let's talk more under the cut, shall we?
We're in Bridgeport and Sawyer is living his best life. You know, girlfriends, boyfriends, being turned into a vampire, giving birth to three little vampires, threatening to sell his enemies' organs on the black market...best life indeed.
Okay I am now seeing that "talking more" about every month will be impossible since I actually don't have much recollection of 2023 lmao
Sawyer and Erin are at the best point of their relationship, but we left them alone for a bit and went back to NSB. Pastel just moved to Strangerville and got a...rather strange roommate.
The rather strange roommate becomes Pastel's rather strange wife. I love these two so much. We also say hello to Moss -- and also to Ross, who returns from...god knows where. I mean yeah, there was the ts3 Ross, but technically they're two different people. Parallel universes and stuff.
Thea is born and strange wife Jesse gets even stranger. That whole "merging with the mother plant" thing was kinda weird but I really enjoyed it. Idk what I was on but it was fun. And then, before returning to the lepacy, I posted my Cottage Living screenshots! ...which were really just me going "uwu what does this do" on every possible Wicked Whims option.
...and I went from posting weird WW Ross stuff to posting wholesome Growing Together Ross stuff. If that gave you a whiplash, I am sorry, but imagine what it must be like for me. I'm locked with this guy in my head 24/7. He's the whiplash king. A blorbo to you, a curse to me. A beloved curse tho. Ok I'm getting weird. Back to the lepacy.
Lepacy time! Loved the soap opera Generations gen. Kinda wish I had sticked to some of the storylines instead of going "eh nvm I just wanna play". I'm not saying I regret not actually letting Saywer go on a killing spree but also...imagine if he went on a killing spree. You don't see that in lepacies often do ya
August was...welp 💀 I was at the grippy socks hospital for most of that month, 10/10 would recommend, but my queue ran out while I was there so I just reblogged some old stuff for a few weeks.
September is just lepacy month. Cornelia and Archer are happy, they get married, they get more children...yeah. Good wholesome Generations times all around. It's not like they're gonna get divorced later or anything.
The twins are kind of chaotic, one of them turns into a ghost, both then bring their cursed imaginary friends to life...and the final child of Archer and Cornelia is born.
I loved running into Sawyer at the grocery store all the time. Weird vampire alleged killer grandpa behavior suits him. Dorothea goes away to a boarding school, hates it there and instantly comes back. Relatable. Oh and midlife crisis hits Archer hard.
And we're in December! Dorothea enters her horsegirl era and finds herself a girlfriend...and we'll continue that in 2024!
What's in store for the new year besides the lepacy? Well, Not So Berry will be making a return (and HOPEFULLY we'll finally get to the end. we need to). There's a story I want to do in the NSB universe, if you know you know. Before we dive into the next lepacy generation, I'm thinking of another BC with the gen 7 heir...oh and Marika's Black Widow. Shoot and I'm starting an irl job in January. Yeah no we're not doing all this in 2024, don't count on it 💀 But I'll try.
Happy New Year! 🎇
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lesharl-eclair · 1 year
lewis ot3 fic recs
for @f1ot3fest !! i promised myself i wouldn't ramble but this turned out ridiculously long so ... i actually need to learn to shut up
all fics below the cut; if you enjoyed these fics, please show the authors comment and kudo love; should you be the author of a fic that's here, and don't want to be here, please reach out to me and your wish is my command :)
NO this is so funny bcs half of this is fics by the creator/recced by the creator BUT ITS OK. THESE LITERALLY ARE SO DEAR TO ME *clutches to chest* please go read please go read
heist AU by @sionisjaune (sebcedes)
on golden sands (T, 6.2k)
Mark rolls his eyes. “Skip the crap, Jense. Who’s the mark.” Jenson lifts his whiskey and swallows the dregs. “One Baron Nico Rosberg. Currently installed in Greece, inherited the title from his mother. His father—” “Keke Rosberg. 1982 Formula One World Drivers Champion,” says Seb. The others look at him like he’s just materialized out of thin air. Lewis cocks his head thoughtfully, and the bizarre sleeves of his jacket rustle with the movement.
the ships that go sailing (E, 11.7k)
As it turns out, threesomes are not especially logistically challenging when two of the participants are experienced organizers of high-profile heists, and the third is determinedly horny.
err okay i think this was something i read before i had the concept of sebcedes or like ot3s. so it was a pure yOU CAN DO THAT??? visceral reaction the first time i read on golden sands. i was quaking in my seat. anyway upon sufficient rereads i have apparently collected my thoughts enough to say that the first part of the series is nothing like the second in terms of content (i read all the way to the middle of the ships that go sailing and suddenly realised that it was a sequel and uh. had a very violent reaction.)
the premise is wonderful, oceans 11 is great to begin with and the way every detail is taken care of in the au!! the characterisation of it all... the tangled mess of interpersonal relationship... it feels like every character has their space to shine, and this on top of a quasi-convoluted plot is quite incredible. aND THE SEBCEDES OH MY GOD THE SEBCEDES. the denouement. the start of something that seb can;t even begin to imagine. lewis and nico both being batshit crazy. sex retirement fic. somehow you managed to capture all the nuances (brocedes + seb + the emotional push pull + the competition?? a bit of quiet almost fragile sico? the boat scene hello??? brocedes being so chaotic it gives me whiplash?????) i actually cannot get enough of the way you write them
i can probably write so much more about this but i will stop here :0 maybe one day i will rereview this and end up with a five page essay or something. who knows.
Circle Endless by @antimonyandthyme (E, 2k) (brocedes + seb)
“It’s a two-for-one deal,” Nico said, very salesman like, as if he sensed Sebastian just needed an extra push.
the vibes here are so horrifically good. lowkey unhealthy. probably one of THE defining brocedes + seb fics - it's set up and played out as a 2v1 (in 2016!!), and the toxicity of it all is so asasasandsjfadjsfasdfs . there's so much conflict everywhere: within seb, the way brocedes also fight for dominance on the bed (bc of course they do), seb needing more despite whatever it's doing to him... that scene with kimi is pure poetry. so much to unpack in so little, and excellent excellent sex
made a hundred good stories by @red-flagging (E, 24.6k) (for a kinkmeme prompt) (alex + sewis)
“That problem you were telling me about,” Seb says, giving Alex a meaningful look. “I wanted to know if you wanted us to help you take care of it. Lewis and I.” This isn’t happening. Alex is having the most stressful, least erotic wet dream of all time. Helmut has gotten bored of subtle nudges and has graduated to full-on psychological warfare to get Alex to quit on his own and save the team from having to buy out his contract. Lewis actually did give him a concussion in Austria, and the long-term brain damage is only now starting to set in. "...You can't be serious," Alex says weakly. Seb shrugs. “You don’t have to say yes,” he says. “But if you’re just looking to have some fun–it might as well be with people who know what they’re doing.”
ok claire. coherence.
I CANNOT BE NORMAL ABOUT THIS FIC LIKE AT ALL??? i have tried so many times
the alex characterisation. the hellhole that is redbull. the exhaustion. so much DETAIL that it's painful to look at
the galex? the galex. oh my god the way it meanders in all the little spaces between alex's frankly ridiculously busy life, the LAYERS. the so much unsaid & the way they dance around each other even in texts. the way alex holds himself back but still wants.
alex/seb. seb being an all round menace to society (Quite honestly, he sort of forgets the conversation with Lewis even happened up until Bahrain, when Seb sidles up to him on some balcony on Thursday and says, casually, “So, gay cruising, eh?”) ?????? ? ? ? ? the perfect timing of seb's proposition. so much else but the deviousness of it all..
that little bit with alex and lewis. the painful awkwardness of that conversation (but also how much lewis eventually got out of it). seb's retirement & lewis' instant protectiveness!! ^^
the racing metaphors are so apt somehow (and even more fitting because alex has basically been consumed by the redbull grind........) this is a detail i personally really really enjoyed
THE SEX bro i cannot even?????? ???? i cannot do it justice here but um. the sewis is clearly there and framed so strikingly against a hesitant tired alex. the games sewis play. LEWIS GUIDING ALEX.SFSHHGSHGHHHHGG the car's still spinning and the walls that don't exist...... how at the end of it all it's still only glimpses of sewis that alex gets but how it's enough for him to maybe start figuring things out with georgie.... the post sex clarity....
oh this was so damn incoherent wasn't it. this fic made me, to quote @kritischetheologie, reconsider everything i thought i knew about alex albon.
a bedroom where your heart is by @hungerpunch (M, 1.5k) (vasewis)
“Someone will have to go for ingredients,” Valtteri says. He does not happen to keep vegan cheese stocked. “I vote the youngest,” Sebastian says, grin sly. Valtteri blinks. “Wait—” “Sorry,” Sebastian says, affecting a suspiciously convincing faux innocence, as if he’s truly apologetic but his hands are simply tied. “Seniority rules.”
closing this with some good achingly wholesome content. FOOD AS LOVE and i am so so so here for it oh my goddddd ... val taking care of sewis and finding the greatest satisfaction from it/it not being always about the sex (though the sex IS good!) and finding contentment in those small domestic-bliss moments/the scene-setting, the food described as lovingly as it's prepared, the quiet early-hour moments and seb in a way the middleground between val's discipline and lewis' indulgence when it comes to mornings... there's so much to just revel in and enjoy here!! a comfort fic in the truest senst of the word. :)
that was long. and probably extremely incoherent. oh well. thanks for reading till the end and remember to show the authors some love!!
as always, if you enjoyed this, or if i missed any fic, please let me know :) drop me an ask mayhaps if you would like more fic recs, and i will try my best to give timely unqualified opinions <3
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bonesandthebees · 8 months
Listen, I literally typed out the all caps normally and I was like “this does not convey my emotions well enough because I’ve been doing this after a lot of glass chapters and this is worse” so giant text and caps it is. But I am genuinely bouncing with excitement. More random thoughts while I’m here:
Tomys is fine after falling and it’s heavily implied that he bumped into Wilbur right before the edge which broke his fall.
When these boys get found, they are going to be covered in dried blood and it’s going to look so much worse than it is because it’s not theirs.
Someone is going to be very upset after this contract.
I’m already trying to calculate the odds of you giving Wilbur a permanent limp after this.
When the guards started dropping I was like “Right Bee has been reading Game of Thrones” I have never read game of thrones, but it feels like it would be writing like that, I go whiplash, in a good way.
Also, trying to have the competition killed feels like a very ruthless idea. Seems more in Niki’s style given the war room, but Q is the one to warn Wilbur and the one who heard about the fact that he was going from someone else (aka Schlatt, which is why I think he’s behind this, maybe he’s just as ruthless as Niki), but it does feel like something that was either done behind Q’s back or something that was decided before they knew Wilbur would be there.
There’s also something to be said about Niki’s ruthlessness vs. This particular idea vs. How she was acting off around Wilbur but all of this is speculation and I will get to that when I actually analyse with lines.
What else… oh yeah, the foreshadowing! Or more like Wilbur using his dagger to cut the pears! I saw and I was like, she’s letting us know he has a dagger, we need this info for later when he needs it. It had me stressed. At least he didn’t have to stab anyone.
Oh and both these boys are traumatised now are they.
while that carriage tumble was pretty chaotic and both wilbur and tommy were flying everywhere, tommy did fall into wilbur at one point and it probably is part of what broke his fall
literally just half their bodies are covered in that carriage driver's blood rn
...yknow if he had access to a doctor this is technically a medieval era so uh, healing that broken leg is gonna be ROUGH
I'll say my writing style isn't very similar to George RR Martins but having read GoT definitely has helped with the action sequences a bit (I'd say my writing style for rose so far has been most influenced by The Priory of the Orange Tree though and also She Who Became the Sun)
hm... so many possible suspects when it comes to who hired the bandits...
LOL I love that you picked up on that. I was like shit I need to mention wilbur has a dagger at some point how do I do that. oh yeah they're eating fruit-
oh theres gonna be so much trauma from this incident
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