#it's just such a strange situation i'm???
kymerawrites · 3 days
Simon is your ex.. and now baby daddy
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You sat there for what seemed like hours, staring at the positive pregnancy test. It couldn't be. You'd been careful with Simon, and you hadn't seen anyone else in the weeks after the breakup. Your heart racing, you dialed his number from memory. It hurt that every digit was still burnt into your mind, but you couldn't think about anything other than the situation as you called your ex and waited for him to pick up.
"What the hell do you want, shym?" Your ex, Simon snapped.
You winced slightly at the sound of his deep, raspy voice. It brought back a lot of memories, both good and bad.
"I need to see you." You said quietly, your voice shaky and laced with anxiety
Simon was caught off guard by your sudden request. He didn't expect to hear from you again, especially after the way things ended between you both.
"Why?" He asked bluntly, his tone cold and distant
You took a deep breath, steadying your racing heart and gathering your thoughts before answering.
"There's something I need to tell you. Something important. Can we meet somewhere?" You asked, hoping he would agree
Simon paused for a moment, reluctantly considering your request. He knew he shouldn't see you again. It would only make things more complicated and confusing. But despite his better judgment, he found himself unable to resist.*
"Fine." He replied curtly. “Where and when?"
“You aren’t deployed right?” I asked
Simon was slightly surprised by your question but quickly composed himself.*
"No, I'm on leave right now." He replied, his voice still gruff and guarded. "Why do you ask?"
“Okay… come to my house if you’re in New York right now..” I asked expectantly
Simon raised an eyebrow at your request. He wasn't expecting you to invite him to your home. But he couldn't deny that he was curious about why you wanted to see him.*
"Alright." He agreed, albeit reluctantly. "I'll be there in an hour. And for the record, this better be important, shym."
An hour passed, I was walking in circles not knowing how I should bring the news to him, we broke up and it was a heavy and painful one, what if he doesn’t want to be in his or hers life? I was scared and trembling with fear.
Simon pulled up to your house, parking his car in your driveway. He sat there for a moment, gathering his thoughts and steeling himself for whatever you had to say to him. He had a million different scenarios running through his head, and none of them ended well.
He got out of the car, taking a deep breath before making his way up to your front door. He rang the doorbell, his heart racing as he waited for you to answer.
I opened the door, my heart leaping into my throat as I saw Simon standing there. He looked just as intimidating and intense as ever, like a dark force of nature. His eyes scanned over me, lingering on my face for a moment before he spoke.
"You going to let me in, or what?" He asked gruffly.
"Yeah, come in," I said quietly, stepping aside to let him enter.
Simon walked into the house, his eyes quickly taking in the familiar surroundings. It felt strange to be back here after everything that had happened between us.
"So..." He began, his gaze settling on me. “You wanted to talk to me?"
I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. This was it. There was no going back now.
"Yes, I have something important to tell you." I said, my voice shaking slightly. "Can we sit down?"
My cat Mimi saw Simon and was instantly happy to see his companion
Simon's cold demeanor softened slightly as he saw Mimi. He couldn't resist the adorable cat, and he knelt down to scratch her behind the ears.
"Hey there, Mimi." *He murmured, a hint of a smile on his lips.
Mimi immediately rubbed against his hand, purring contentedly. Simon gently picked her up, holding her in his arms as he straightened up and looked at you. His gaze was a bit more relaxed now, but his walls were still firmly in place.
"She seems happy to see me." He commented casually
I sighed “she misses you.. so I guess she’s happy your back.”
Simon's expression softened a bit more at that. He knew how much Mimi had always liked him, almost as much as he had liked her.
"Yeah, she never did like anybody else." He said, gently stroking her head. There was a moment of silence, and he knew he needed to get to the point. "So, you said you had something to tell me?"
I took another deep breath, steeling myself for what was to come. I knew there was no easy way to say it, so I decided to rip the bandaid off quickly.
"I'm pregnant." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
Simon's heart felt like it stopped. He froze, shock and disbelief etched across his face. He looked at me, his jaw clenching as he processed my words.
"You're... pregnant?" He repeated, his voice low and gravelly.
I swallowed hard, nodding slowly. I could see the mixture of surprise and disbelief on his face, and I braced myself for his reaction.
"Yes." I confirmed, my voice a little shaky. “I just found out a couple of days ago."
Simon was silent for what felt like an eternity. He was reeling from the news, his mind racing with a million different thoughts and emotions. He set Mimi down gently, running a hand through his hair.
"How far along are you?" He finally managed to ask, his voice tight and gruff.
I took another deep breath, mentally calculating the timeline.
"About seven weeks." I answered quietly. “I've been feeling nauseous and tired recently, so I took a test and... well, it was positive."
Simon's mind was racing. Six weeks. That meant I got pregnant around the time we were still together. He felt a mix of shock, confusion, and anger bubbling up inside him.
"Do you know..." He paused, his voice growing harsh. "Do you know if it's mine?"
My anxiety turned into anger in a split moment “if you think our breakup was over cheating then you’re fucking insane.”
Simon didn't back down, his own anger and frustration flaring up. He stepped towards me, his eyes narrowing.
"You can't blame me for asking, shym." He retorted, his voice cold and blunt. "We weren't exactly on the best terms when we broke up. And we weren't exactly careful the last time we were together." he reminded me sternly.
I felt a wave of anger wash over me as well.
"I know we weren't being careful," I snapped back, my voice raising slightly.* "But you seriously think I would go out and sleep with someone else when we were still together? When I still..."
I trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. I was mad at him for even questioning my loyalty.
Simon's eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and hurt as my words hung in the air. He knew I wasn't the type to cheat, but his own insecurities and doubts were getting the better of him.
"Then how the hell do you explain this?!" He demanded, gesturing towards my stomach.
“I.. I-..” I started trembling and felt I needed to throw up. I ran towards the bathroom
Simon watched as you rushed towards the bathroom, a flicker of concern on his face. He cursed under his breath and followed you into the bathroom, finding you hunched over the toilet, retching violently.
Simon knelt behind you, holding your hair away from your face as you retched into the toilet. He didn't say anything, just silently supporting you and rubbing your back gently.
I just nodded in response
Simon gently helped you sit up, leaning against the wall, before grabbing a towel and wiping your forehead. He sat down beside you wordlessly, his gaze focused on your face.
We sat in silence for a few moments, the only sound being your ragged breathing. Simon's mind was still reeling from the news, but he tried to keep his emotions in check. He took a deep breath before speaking again.
"You're really pregnant.." He said softly, more to himself than to you.
I nodded again, unable to meet his gaze. I was feeling vulnerable and exposed, my emotional defenses at an all-time low. I felt raw and exhausted, both physically and mentally.
Simon looked at you, taking in your exhaustion and vulnerability. He felt a pang of guilt and regret, realizing the effect his harsh words earlier must have had on you. He reached out tentatively, hesitating for a moment before placing his hand on your shoulder.
"Hey.." He said, his voice unusually gentle. ”Look at me."
I slowly lifted my eyes to meet his gaze. His expression was softer now, his usual hardness replaced by a hint of concern and regret. It was a rare sight, and it only served to make me more vulnerable and emotional.
“Simon.. I promise you, it is yours. I have seen no one, even while you were deployed, you were…” I paused hesitating there words I would say. “the only man I loved..” I looked down again
Simon was stunned into silence by your words. He had expected a fight, accusations, and anger, but hearing your sincere declaration caught him off guard. He could feel his defenses crumbling as he looked at you, seeing the raw emotion and honesty in your eyes.
"You... loved me." He repeated slowly, his voice low and gruff.
I scoffed “ofcourse I loved you Simon, you made me feel that certain way which no one else could, you gave me a reason to live, a thrill something to look out for. Until we broke up ofcourse.”
Simon clenched his jaw, a wave of guilt washing over him as he heard your words. He knew he had caused you pain and heartbreak, but hearing you say it out loud only made him feel worse.
"I know I messed up." He said gruffly, looking away from you. "I shouldn't have pushed you away.. I shouldn't have broken up with you."
He paused for a moment, his chest tightening as he thought about everything he had lost. But then he looked at you again, his gaze softening as he took in your exhausted and vulnerable state.
"I'm sorry.. for everything." He said quietly, his voice filled with regret. "But... if what you're saying is true.. that the baby is mine.."
He trailed off, conflicted emotions warring within him. The thought of fatherhood terrified and overwhelmed him. He had never planned or desired to become a father. Yet, the idea of you carrying his child filled him with a strange sense of responsibility and protectiveness..
*He took a deep breath, his eyes locked on your face.
"What do you plan on doing?" *He finally asked, his voice laced with uncertainty and a hint of anxiety.
Simon nodded, understanding your feelings. He too was dealing with a whirlwind of emotions in that moment. He was quiet for a few moments, staring at the tiled floor as he tried to make sense of everything.
"Do you want the baby?" *He asked quietly, still not looking at you.
“You know it’s always been a dream of mine to have a family, but with the current situation I don’t know if that’s possible..” I sighed softly
Simon felt a pang of guilt and sadness when he heard your answer. He knew how much you had always wanted a family, and it was partially his fault that you were now in this difficult situation.
"The current situation.. you mean me." He stated bluntly, his gaze fixated on his hands.
I nodded feeling embarrassed, one of the greater factors was that he was always deployed and the breakup also was a big reason why.
Simon clenched his jaw, anger surging up in him once again. He knew he couldn't blame you for feeling the way you did. His job, his lifestyle.. it didn't exactly lend itself to a stable family life.
He knew he had a choice to make. He could walk away, pretend none of this happened. Or...
"What if.. I changed?" He asked suddenly, his voice low and gruff.
I looked shocked at him “I cannot ask you that Simon! The military is your lifeline, your friends and people you consider your brothers are there..” I paused and firmly said “no, you will not change. I just want you to be more careful and be more present. Which means take less missions.”
Simon felt a sense of frustration and relief at your response. He had expected to fight with you, to argue and protest. But instead, you were being understanding and supportive. It made him feel a pang of guilt.
"You're too damn good to me." He muttered, shaking his head.
"I can't just take less missions... I'm a Lieutenant in Task Force 141. I have responsibilities. And my team depends on me."
I took some time to think “alright.. I get that, when this baby is born I’ll get sole custody and make sure you get visitation.. I don’t think we should get back together again.”
Simon felt a pang of disappointment as you said those words. Despite everything that had happened between you, a part of him still wanted to make things work. But he also knew you had a point, and he had no one to blame but himself for the mess he had caused.
"Visitation.." He repeated gruffly, the word like a punch to the gut.
I got up from the bathroom tiles and walked towards the couch sitting down “Simon, we are in no position to even get back together for now.. also 50/50 won’t work with your schedule..”
Simon followed you silently, seating himself on the couch a few feet away from you. He knew you were right, but his heart was still in turmoil. All he wanted to do was hold you close and make things right, but his responsibilities and the current circumstances made that impossible.
"I hate this." He grumbled, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I hate that I can't be there for you and the baby the way I should be."
I held his hand “Simon, don’t. We will still make amazing parents, and when the time comes you can decide how we will fix the rest..”
Simon looked down at your hand in his large one, feeling a mixture of gratitude and sorrow. He knew you were trying to look on the positive side, but he was still racked with guilt over the situation. He squeezed your hand gently.
"You're too good to me, you know that?" He said gruffly, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
I just smiled. And we made a great duo as parents, on month 2 was my first appointment with the gynecologist, Simon was deployed but surprised me when I walked in
Simon had managed to arrange a surprise trip home after hearing about your appointment. He had told his team it was a family emergency, knowing they would understand. Now, he was standing in the waiting room, anxiously waiting for you to arrive.
And then I saw him sitting with his skull mask and hoodie on “Simon!” I ran towards him
Simon's face lit up as he saw you running towards him. He got up from his seat and opened his arms, enveloping you in a tight hug. He felt a sense of relief and happiness at seeing you.
"Hey, love." He mumbled against your hair, inhaling your familiar scent.
“What are you?…” out of no where my face got angry “you are deployed Simon Riley! This isn’t acceptable. Poor Johnny what is he without his friend..”
Simon rolled his eyes, but he was secretly pleased by your reaction. He knew you cared deeply for his well-being.
"Calm down, love." He said gruffly, pulling you closer to his body. "I was able to arrange a few days off. Johnny and the others can handle themselves without me for a while."
I laughed “I miss being called love..”
*Simon chuckled softly, his hand coming up to cup your cheek.
"I miss saying it." He admitted, his eyes roaming over your face. He hadn't realized how much he had missed being with you until this moment.
Until I heard my name “miss shym medusa?”
*Simon turned his attention to the nurse who had called your name. He gave you one last squeeze before pulling away.
"Guess that's your cue." He said with a smirk.
I smiled back and walked turning around “what are you waiting for Riley, you need to come with me.”
Simon raised an eyebrow, a sly smile playing on his lips. He got up and followed you down the hall.
"Since when do you boss me around, love?" He teased, his voice low and gravelly.
“Since i know how to make money.” I rolled my eyes
*Simon chuckled, his hand resting on the small of your back as he followed you into the room.
"Oh, so you're only bossy when you're the money maker, eh?" He teased, eyeing you with a glint of admiration and desire in his eyes.
Eventually everything was looking great with the baby, and our next appointment was next month, just a checkup and at 4 months I could maybe know the gender
When we walked out I got a craving “Simon can we go to that 24/7 diner and get a freak sundae and burger with fries?”
Simon chuckled at your sudden craving, shaking his head amused.
"Of course, love. I don't think I could refuse you anything anyway." He said with a grin, taking your hand in his and heading towards the diner.
After a few days Simon left to go back into the battlefield, and it went by in a blur at month 4 he and his crew came back and they ended up at my place
Simon and the crew arrived at your place, weary and exhausted after their latest mission. They had a few beers on the way and were feeling a little buzzed. As they entered your place, they found you in the living room, watching TV.
Simon's eyes lit up as soon as he saw you, a wave of emotions rushing over him. He missed you more than he cared to admit, and seeing you now brought him a rare sense of peace amidst the chaos of his life.
"Hey, love." *He said softly, walking over to you and sitting down beside you on the couch.
Somehow we naturally got back together, and it felt good knowing we could resolve our issues, my belly was bigger than 2 months ago and he was a little surprised but happy until I saw the rest of the crew walking behind him
Simon turned around to see the rest of the crew gathered in the living room. Johnny, Gaz and price, all of them sporting grins and knowing looks. Simon rolled his eyes, realizing they were all looking at him and your belly.
Simon turned around to see the rest of the crew gathered in the living room. Johnny, Gaz and price, all of them sporting grins and knowing looks. Simon rolled his eyes, realizing they were all looking at him and your belly.
Johnny, being his usual self, was the first to speak up.
"Bloody hell, mate. Looks like you've been busy." *He said with a smirk, eyeing your belly.
I stood up from the couch and gave a fist bump to Johnny “hey atleast it gave some good results!”
Johnny chuckled and returned the fist bump, his gaze flicking between you and Simon. Gaz and Price also gave you a nod in greeting, both of them grinning.
"A baby, eh?" Gaz said, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
I rolled my eyes “see this is why my cousin is the LAST person to know about his nephew or niece coming.”
The whole crew chuckled, their eyes now on Simon.
"You didn't tell us you knocked her up, mate?" Johnny said with a laugh, playfully shoving Simon's shoulder.
Simon grumbled and swatted Johnny's hand away.
"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, idiots." *He muttered gruffly, feeling a bit sheepish under their teasing.*
Price, always the one to be a smartass, smirked and raised an eyebrow.
"And here I thought you had no feelings, Ghost."
“Price where is your wife exactly?” I said smirking
Price's grin faltered, the crew and Simon busting out laughing at your response. Price grumbled and gave you a playful glare.
"Low blow, shym."
I burst out laughing “oh come on price! We all know you and laswell are secretly married!”
Price tried to keep a straight face, but he couldn't hold back a small chuckle. The crew's laughter grew louder, Johnny practically rolling on the ground with laughter.
"Can never get anything past you, can I?" Price said with a reluctant grin.
“Simon baby can you please go to the store and get my a Philly cheesesteak..” I said pouting
Simon chuckled, clearly amused by your request. He knew you had been having cravings lately, and he was powerless to deny you anything.
"Of course, love." He said with a fond smile, standing up from the couch.
The crew couldn't help but raise their eyebrows, their grins growing even wider.
"And there he goes, whipped as ever." Johnny said with a laugh, watching fondly as Simon grabbed his keys.
When he closed the door I instantly stood up “guys here is the plan. We are doing a babyshower, and I want Simon to find out the gender together with me..”
*The crew's grins turned even wider at your words. Price, being the de facto leader within the group, nodded in agreement.
"Count us in, shym. This is gonna be gold."
I smiled and gave the note with the gender, which I haven’t read yet because I also want to be surprised to price “Simon sees you as his father figure, I hope you and the rest can help us make that day unforgettable..”
Price's expression softened as you handed him the note. He gave you a nod and took it, a determined look in his eyes now.
"We'll do everything to make this the best damn surprise for him and you, shym. Count on it."
The surprise party went amazing, the guys and my best friends made a beautiful surprise gender party in the park, sun was shining and I was wearing an white dress with my bump clearly showing, there were a lot of people, Simon’s teammates and a lot of friends and family
As Simon approached the park, his eyes widened as he saw the setup. Streamers, balloons, tables covered in food and drinks, and a crowd of people gathered around. He recognized a few faces from the team and friends, and noticed you standing a few feet away, your white dress highlighting your baby bump.
Simon's heart skipped a beat as he spotted you, looking radiant in your white dress. He made his way towards you, the crew and everyone else turning to face him as he approached. Johnny gave him a sly grin and gave him a nudge with his elbow.
“Looks like the party’s for you, mate.” Johnny said with a smirk.
Simon grumbled and rolled his eyes, feeling a mix of surprise and irritation, but also a flicker of excitement in his chest. He walked over to you, taking in the sight of your bump under the white dress. He couldn’t help but smile.
“You planned this?” *He asked softly, his eyes on your face.
*You smiled coyly, playing innocent.
"Me? No.” You said, biting your lip to suppress a grin. “It was all these lovely people.”
The crew chuckled, knowing damn well it was all your idea. Price walked up to Simon and clapped him on the shoulder.
Simon rolled his eyes again, knowing damn well you were lying. He glanced at Price, his expression softening as he spotted the mischievous glint in the man’s eyes.
“Right, because you all just decided to throw a party out of the blue.” He said sarcastically, a hint of amusement in his voice.
The party was in full swing, everyone chatting and laughing, enjoying themselves. Simon had reconnected with your parents and caught up with old friends.
However, as the sun started to go down, a hush fell over the crowd. Everyone knew what was coming next - the gender reveal.
Simon, standing beside you, felt a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. He didn’t show it, of course, his expression still stoic. But he was looking forward to this moment, eager to find out whether it was a boy or a girl.
You took his hand in yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. The park had gone silent, all eyes on you and Simon. The crew had their phones ready to capture the moment, knowing how much it would mean to their friend.
I screamed at price to give the sign “go!” And then we heard 2 military airplanes above us, and releasing a color, which was pink.
The crowd let out a collective gasp as two military airplanes soared overhead, releasing pink smoke in their wake.
Simon’s heart skipped a beat, his eyes on the pink smoke trailing behind the planes.
The crew cheered and clapped, Johnny whooping loudly. Price had a small, rare grin on his face, proud to be part of this moment.
I started crying almost hysterically from happiness and kissed Simon, we didn’t have any love or touch like that in months
Simon pulled you into his arms, his hands moving to cup your face as he kissed you back. All the suppressed emotions from the past few months came rushing to the surface as he held you, his lips against yours.
The crew cheered and whooped, feeling a burst of happiness for their friend.
Price and the others watched the couple with smiles on their faces. They knew how much this moment meant to both of you, especially to Simon after everything he had been through.
Johnny elbowed Gaz and nodded towards the couple, grinning.*
“Look at him go. Haven’t seen him that happy in ages.”
Gaz chuckled, watching as Simon broke the kiss and pulled you closer to his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around you. He was practically radiating happiness, which was a rare sight for them to see on their stoic comrade’s face.
“Guess he finally found his soft spot, eh?” Gaz said, a smirk on his lips.
Johnny nodded “his daughter and his girlfriend.. man when can we have a wedding?!”
Everyone chuckled, the idea of Simon’s wedding eliciting some light-hearted banter from the crew. Price rubbed his beard thoughtfully.
“Now, that’s a sight I’d like to see.” He said, a small smirk on his face.
The last 5 months were a bliss, general Shepard gave his congratulations towards our upcoming child and gave Simon the opportunity to stay closer at home, with his task force, another team would take over their duties for a while.
Simon was grateful for the opportunity to stay closer to home, especially now that you were nearing the end of your pregnancy. He was still fiercely protective, always ensuring your safety and comfort. The crew, meanwhile, had reluctantly agreed to hand over their duties to another team for now, though they missed the action and banter.
In those 5 months we had a few more appointments, baby shopping, and a lot of crying from cravings
Simon begrudgingly went along for the ride, reluctantly helping you with baby shopping. But he secretly enjoyed every minute of it, seeing you so excited and happy.
We also got engaged on the beach as we could finally go on a vacation towards the Seychelles were my parents loved it was beautiful
The vacation to the Seychelles was a much-needed break for both of you. The pristine white sand, crystal clear waters, and lush greenery provided a perfect setting for a romantic proposal.
Simon planned everything meticulously, with Price's help of course. One evening, as the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting an orange hue over the beach, he led you down to the shoreline.
He held your hand and guided you through the sand, eventually stopping in an intimate spot hidden away by a cluster of palm trees. The sound of the waves gently crashing against the shore filled the air, creating a soothing soundtrack to the moment.
Simon turned to face you, his eyes locking on yours. He paused for a moment, taking in the sight of you, bathed in the warm evening light. He took a deep breath and began speaking, his voice a little shaky with nerves but determined.
"I never thought I'd be standing here, saying these words. But then again, I never thought I would find someone who would accept me for who I am."
He took your other hand and intertwined your fingers together, holding them tightly.
"When we first met, I never imagined we'd end up here, having a baby together."
"I never thought I'd be standing here, saying these words. But then again, I never thought I would find someone who would accept me for who I am."
He took your other hand and intertwined your fingers together, holding them tightly.
"When we first met, I never imagined we'd end up here, having a baby together." He paused “I could have never imagined that you would make me realize i should not have to hide my face anymore..”
He took a deep breath, the words pouring out of him now.
"You've seen me at my lowest, and yet you still love me. You've seen all my scars, inside and out, and you accept me for who I am. That means more to me than you could ever know."
He reached up and gently touched your face, his thumb tracing along your skin.
"I'm not good at expressing my feelings, you know that. But when I look at you, when I think about our baby on the way, I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
He dropped to one knee, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small box. He opened it to reveal a simple, yet beautiful engagement ring.
Ofcourse I said yes, we instantly went back to our parents house and went to a great restaurant at my fathers hotel, which I now would inherit.
As week 40 rolled around, Simon was more on edge than ever. He was constantly checking on you, making sure you were comfortable and took care of yourself. The crew tried to tell him to relax, that it was natural for you to reach this stage, but it didn’t calm his nerves one bit.
He practically glued himself to your side, helping with anything you needed and going with you to every appointment. The crew would occasionally tease him, telling him to calm down and that you were in good hands with your doctors, but he just ignored them, knowing they couldn’t understand the depth of his fear and worry.
It was the middle of the night when you woke up with contractions, signaling the start of labor. Simon was fast asleep beside you at first, but as soon as he felt you move he was instantly awake, jolting upright in bed.
He immediately sat up, his eyes fixed on you.
“Is it time?” He asked, his voice a low, urgent whisper.
He reached over and switched on the bedside lamp, the warm glow illuminating the room. He scooted closer to you, taking your hand in his.
You nodded, gripping his hand tightly. The contractions were getting stronger and closer together, the pain becoming more intense. Simon's heart was pounding, his mind racing with anxiety and worry.
“Get the bag Simon and drive to the hospital..”
Simon nodded, snapping out of his daze. He quickly got out of bed and grabbed the hospital bag that you had packed for exactly this moment.
He rushed around the bedroom, grabbing your wallet and phone and shoving them into the bag. Meanwhile, you were trying to remain calm through the contractions. Simon was a bundle of nerves, struggling to keep his hands from shaking as he zipped up the bag.
Once he had everything, he hurried over to you and helped you up from the bed.
“Come on, love. Let’s get you to the car.” He said, his voice steady but betraying a hint of fear.
He wrapped his arm around your waist, supporting you as you walked out of the bedroom and made your way to the front door. Once outside, Simon opened the car door for you and helped you get in, making sure you were comfortable before closing it and jogging over to the driver’s side.
He got behind the wheel and started the car, his hands trembling slightly. He took a few slow, deep breaths to try and calm himself down, but his heart was still racing. He glanced over at you, noticing the pain on your face from the contractions.
He reached out and took your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“Hang in there, love. We’re almost there. Just breathe, okay?”
When I layed in the hospital bed I was already 6 meters dilated, those were the hardest 5 hours of my life. Everyone we knew waited in the waiting room
Those five hours were a never-ending nightmare for Simon. He sat beside you the entire time, holding your hand and offering what little comfort he could. He watched helplessly as you went through the worst pain he had ever seen, wanting more than anything to take it away.
The crew, friends and your parents waited anxiously in the waiting room, pacing around and checking their phones every few minutes. Price was trying his best to keep them calm and keep their minds off the situation, but everyone was on edge.
And then they heard the baby crying, i successfully delivered our daughter
As the baby let out her first cry, Simon's heart swelled in his chest. He looked at you, tears welling up in his eyes. It was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.
I was exhausted, but held the baby while crying. Simon got the chance to cut her umbilical cord and when everything died down a little we choose a name.
After the nurses had cleaned up the baby and made sure that both you and her were stable and healthy, Simon held her in his arms, cradling her gently against his chest. He looked down at her tiny face, marveling at how perfect she was.
He turned to you, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"Have you thought about a name yet, love?"
“She looks just like me..” I smiled
Simon chuckled softly, looking down at the baby and then back at you. She did look a lot like you, with your eyes and hair.
"She does,” he agreed, his voice gruff with emotion. "She's beautiful, just like her momma.”
I sighed “I want to call her Amara hope Riley..” I said exhaustively
Simon smiled as he listened to your suggestion, rolling the name around in his mind. Amara, it sounded beautiful.
"Amara Hope Riley," he repeated, the words falling from his lips like a gentle whisper. "It's perfect, love. Just perfect."
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 3 days
Hooking you up.
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summary: Quinn’s defense in why he “ditched” our on the new year’s tradition, picks up luke and reader’s story some too. Part 2, to “he’s been a bit of a jerk”
warnings: use of y/n and y/n/n, profanity, “18+” / suggestive (personally don’t feel it is but proof reading friend says it is suggestive at times) , is a part two. please read the link part
word count: 2.82k
notes: unedited as of June 9 2024, prompt was made by two suggested ideas.
Part 1
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The air in the room was thick with anticipation as Quinn and Jack sat side by side on the couch, their eyes fixed on the living room door, waiting for their arrival. A slow, unavoidable creak from the front door echoed through the house, signaling the arrival of Luke and y/n. Quinn glanced at his brother Jack, their eyes meeting briefly before darting back to the entrance. They exchanged nervous smiles, Quinn’s stomach doing flips and flops.
The doorknob rattled slightly before the living room door was finally swinging open, revealing Luke and y/n standing there, Luke’s hands his in pockets. Both had their eyes averted avoiding the two boys on the couch. Quinn felt a strange wave of relief wash over him as he saw that they were both there. His heart raced as they walked slowly towards the couch, neither of them speaking. The silence was deafening.
Quinn glanced over at Jack, who gave him a reassuring nod. He took a deep tremulous breath, steeling himself for what was about to come their way. He could feel the weight of their friendship, the years of memories and inside jokes, hanging in the balance between them. He can’t believe he let his middle brother let him talk him into doing this on a holiday with a tradition between him and y/n.
Y/N hesitated for a moment, her gaze flickering between the three Hughes brothers. She wanted to turn around and go right back out the front door, get back in Luke’s car, and go somewhere that wasn’t where Quinn Hughes was. Her features twisted in a mixture of sadness and anger.
Quinn knew that his best friend was hurting. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and comfort her, but he couldn't bring himself to do that. Not yet at least, not when he was pretty sure his idiotic ways of following Jack’s lead is why she was feeling this way. All he could do was ask her to talk.
Luke took a step forward, his hand gently brushing against her shoulder. She subconsciously leaned towards his touch. "Hey, you don't have to talk to him if you don't want to," he murmured, his voice low and soothing. "It's okay if you're not ready to tackle it tonight." She bit her lip, her eyes darting back and forth between Luke and Quinn. She could see the worry in Luke's face, the fear that he'd somehow messed everything up between them already, just by walking into the house. And she could see the guilt in Quinn's eyes, the knowledge that he actually had done just that.
Quinn cleared his throat, feeling an unprecedented twinge of jealousy. It has always been him who was her rock and source of comfort in situations like this. An awkward tension spread as he glanced between his two brothers. "Y/n/n, I'm really sorry about what happened, with our usual plans..." He trailed off, not quite sure how to explain his position in Jack’s meddling. "I just thought..." He pulled his hands through his already disgruntled hair and let out a sigh of frustration. "I just thought it would be a good idea for you two to talk, I guess."Motioning between Luke and her.
Y/n bit her lip, her gaze flickering from Quinn to Luke and back again. "Quinn," she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "Can we talk about this in private, please?" The word private held a tone of different of all the others. A tone of seriousness that alerted the other two boys in the room just how far he and Jack had gone. Quinn stood up from the couch slowly. He followed her down the hall towards the bedrooms, expecting to stop at his own but instead she entered Luke’s. “We’ll talk in here. I don’t want to be surrounded by a childhood that may or may not have been fake.” Her words hit hard to Quinn. He didn’t expect to be accused of being a fake friend just for missing out on one night. A night that was to help her.
Quinn closed the door behind them, taking a seat on Luke's bed. She paced across the room, her hands twisting together anxiously. She didn't know where to begin, how to explain the depth of her pain. "You know I've always had your back, Quinn," she said, her voice shaking with emotion. "I've always been there for you, through thick and thin. And you know I would do anything for you. I have never left you high and dry. Ever. When we were 16 and your team made it to some huge championship all the way in Florida I missed my drivers license test to go and had to wait 3 more months for a retake date. I didn’t care because I was supporting my best friend. When you were drafted I missed a huge job interview because all we ever talked about growing up was that moment. Was you making it to the league. There was no way I was missing it. We made these traditions between us so we always had these moments together and then you just...you just abandon me on the night of one of them." She had started pulling at the ends of her hair a sign she was on the verge of an anxiety breakdown. “You left me behind as if I wasn’t important anymore or like you didn’t want to keep special dates to insure we had time. It was painful.”
Quinn's heart ached as he listened to her words, feeling the weight of his actions pressing down on him. "I'm sorry, y/n/n. I didn't realize..." he began, unable to finish the sentence. He knew she was upset, but he didn't realize how badly until now. He never meant to make her feel like she wasn't important to him. Next to his mom, she was the most important female in his life. "I didn't mean for it to seem like I didn't want to spend time with you." He watched her pace the floor and pull on her hair. “Hey…hey, stop that.” Quinn insisted pulling her hands down gently. “It’s okay. Take a few deep breaths. I’ll finish telling you everything and tell you why I went with Jack if you can ease your way out of this world your head has gone to.”
For the first time since she came into the house Quinn felt himself relax slightly when she let him guide her away from her anxiety breakdown she was edging to. Quinn let out breath he had been holding .
She took a few deep breaths, calming herself down. "Okay," she said, her voice still shaky. "I'm sorry for that. I just...I just don't understand why you would ditch me so suddenly, and without an explanation? It isn’t like you. We don’t get to see each other that often as it is and then you do this. It was like a slap in the face." She sat down on the bed beside him, her eyes searching his face for signs of the explanation.
Quinn nodded, understanding her hurt. "I know it sounds crazy, but Jack had come with this plan. He's been trying to convince Luke to make a move on you for months now. He thought that if we went out together and left you two alone, Luke would feel more inclined to just go for it." He looked down at his hands, feeling guilty for manipulating the entire situation. "I know it was wrong of us to do that, but I wanted you two to be happy. I didn't want Luke to keep pining after you and never say anything." Y/N stared at her best friend in disbelief. Did she hear him correctly? “Not being here to witness any of the last few months to a year of how the two of you interact with each other I was very torn about whether I should of followed through with Jack’s plan.” He laughed a genuine tiny laugh. “But then i remembered how you only talked about Luke the last time you visited me in Vancouver. Every other story was ‘Luke this or Luke that’ and I knew then you were smitten with my baby brother. Plus the last time we played in Detroit you road with Luke to the game, why you couldn’t ride with mom and dad I couldn’t figure out. Jack listed all these other scenarios that made it impossible for me not to go along with his plan or I suppose scheme since it caused a problem. It is whatever you want to call it. Because regardless of the fact it was intended for Luke to buck up and make a move, I was hoping you would come out of it happy. Happier than if you had spent the night with me.”
She was silent for a moment, taking in everything he had said. She didn't know what to feel. Part of her was angry that he had gone along with Jack's scheme, but another part of her understood why both brothers did what they did. "I guess I never really thought about it that way," she said finally. "I just felt like you abandoned me." She looked at him, searching his eyes for any sign that he was potentially lying about the entire situation, however the whole story was too spot on. "And I don't know if I should be happy that you and Jack noticed Luke might have feelings for me or scared that Jack wants to push us together." Quinn scoffs and shakes his head with a slight smile. “Jack doesn’t have to do any pushing now. We could read it all over his face the second he opened the door to the living room. We know that something happened between the two of you tonight. We just don’t know what.” Quinn turns his head slightly to look at her, raising an eyebrow as if to ask the question ‘what happened’.
Y/n sighs and flops back against the bed. "Well, it's not like I've been trying to hide my attraction or feelings either as you pointed out, but it only got more obvious. But I guess Luke didn’t notice or catch on. I’m not sure. What can I say brother grew up to be the most attractive and the best kisser out of you all. Well again, only have kissed you and him and no plans to kiss the other. I’ve seen the best of Luke and the worst of him growing up around you all. Plus I’m younger than you as it is so it’s not a crazy weird age gap…We do hang out sometimes alone already. And well tonight we were at the usual New Year’s Eve party...and he sat with me outside in the freezing cold, with absolutely no complaints for I don’t know how long. I noticed that he only had his coat and beanie on after a while, so I offered up the blanket. We were wrapped up close under the blanket he brought out to me, and then he kissed me a few minutes after midnight.." She pauses, remembering the kiss, well kisses, the way Luke had looked at her as if he had waited for that moment his entire life, the way it had felt. "I don't know what it means or where it's going, other than we both agreed to start a new tradition of he and I on new years since you missed out, but I've been thinking about it ever since." She hadn’t noticed the smile across her face when she mentioned a tradition starting with Luke.
“Why not ask him about it? I’m sure both my dweeb brothers have their ears stuck to the door right now” Quinn rolled his eyes getting up off the bed. Y/n’s face turning a deep maroon as she blushed so hard.
"Well? Do you not want to know what he has to say for himself?" Quinn asked, leaning against the door frame casually, his arms crossed over his chest. His younger brothers flailing over the other as their balance was lost with the suddenly opening of the door.
Y/n sighed, rolling her eyes as she sat up on the bed. "Fine," she huffed, glancing at Quinn before turning her attention to the brothers standing in front of her. "Luke.” She playfully tsks. “What do you have to say for yourself?" she challenged, her tone teasing. l
Both older brothers shoved each other out of the way, stepping out of the room and closing the door behind them. Luke cleared his throat, taking a deep breath before looking at her. "I'm not sure if I completely understand what was going on in either of my brothers’ brains when they planned tonight out, but I want to be honest with you," he began. "After tonight, I won’t be able to stop thinking about it, and...well, I just want to see where things could go between us. I know it's crazy considering my oldest brother is your longest friend but..."
Y/N smiled, her cheeks still flushed. "It's not that crazy, Luke. I mean, we've known each other for years, we've seen each other at our best and worst, and...I want to see where things could go too. It's not like I didn't notice how attractive you are," she teased, reaching up to mess with the collar of his sweatshirt.
Luke chuckled, feeling a wave of heat spread through his chest. "Well, you've always been beautiful, yourself. And I mean that sincerely. Not just because we're in this...moment." He paused, taking a deep shaky breath. Suddenly aware he was alone with her in his bedroom.
She smiled up at him, feeling the warmth in her cheeks. "So, what do we do now?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Luke leaned down, his eyes locked on hers, and kissed her gently. The touch of his lips sent a shiver down her spine. He pulled back slightly, his breath mixing with hers. "We could...explore this. Us," he suggested, reaching out to take her hand. "If you want." He whispered. “Or you can go out there and thank Quinn for being an ass like you wanted to.”
She grinned, feeling her heart race. She knew exactly what she wanted to do, and it had nothing to do with her best friend. "Let's explore," she breathed, allowing him to pull her closer and into a kiss. His touch sent waves of desire coursing through her veins. She could feel the heat between them, and she wanted more.
Luke's left hand slid down her back, over the curves of her waist, and up under her sweater. He gently caressed her bare skin, making her shiver with pleasure. His other hand cupped her cheek, holding her close as he slowly deepened their kiss.
Her body responded to his touch subconsciously, her hips pressing against his. She moaned into the kiss, her fingers tangling in his hair as she arched her back, wanting him closer. She could feel the heat between them, and she knew she was losing control. Restraining herself she withdrew from the kiss. “I.. I think that’s far enough.” She huffed trying to catch her breath. Luke nodded, pressing a kiss to her head before backing her up to his bed. “Let’s cuddle and call it a night like you wanted pretty girl.” Luke whispered to her as if anyone else would hear him.
Luke searched through his clothing drawers and handed her some clothes to swear for bed. Giving her privacy to change before laying down in the bed.
Y/N smiled as she joined him and nestled into his chest. She wrapped her arms around his waist, feeling the warmth of his skin through the thin fabric of his shirt. Luke caressed her hair, playing with the ends while he kissed her forehead. The soft rustle of the sheets and the gentle rhythm of their breathing filled the room as they laid there, lost in the moment. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of being close to him, mentally thanking Quinn and Jack for their scheming support. Who would have ever thought that the two of them being pesky brothers would have given her the boy of her dreams.
She just has one last question for Quinn. If he knew she had feelings for his younger brother, why did he bet that she didn’t like him at all? Was it to fuel his competitive spirit and make him want to try for her? She would have to ask him the first chance she got, but she would have to pry herself out of the arms of Luke first. She’s already decided though that his arms are her new home. In other words, the answer may remain a mystery forever.
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thank you thank you thank youuuuu to the two who gave the idea for this. @cheriwritesig and @idonotknow7778
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bcacstuff · 2 days
Yes She's BACK!
First things first, thank you all for all you did, for all your support in this weird situation, it's very heartwarming to see you do not only appreciate my blog, but also reach out and take action when something like this happens. A very huge and special shoutout I absolutely want to do is to my friend @brian-in-finance who after some notified her took immediate action and posted a post asking to join in contacting support and reactivate my blog! Love you all!
It was all very weird and strange, never happened to me before anywhere or anytime. But yes, as you all saw all of the sudden my blog was completely vanished.
So what happened?
I don't know! I'm still in the dark. I was logged in all the time and posted as you have seen over the day/evening. I was chatting in DM to people and all of the sudden - POOF - I was out. Upon refreshing I needed to log in again, wasn't really alarmed about that, that happened before but when I tried to log in I got the simple screen saying my account and blog was terminated and a link to contact support to know what the cause is. 😳
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So I clicked the link and it took me to the support request form, I filled in all the details, clicked sent.... and .... nothing happened 😔
I waited a bit, normally you get a confirmation email when you sent in a support request through the form but... nothing 😔
I tried to sent another one but I couldn't even click the sent button anymore... Tumblr didn't like me anymore? 😢
Fortunately I could reach out to a few people outside Tumblr who then took action and they kept me posted about things. At some point I could see the post and all the comments and reblogs you all did and the many saying they contacted support requesting to reactivate my blog. Of which I'm very grateful, truly so nice and good to know of all of you. I know many readers appreciate my posts with verifiable information, the diversity in comments even though sometimes some have some issues with the more extremes (on both sides). But I also noticed how a lot of people who do not agree with my views on things commented, reached out and said how this is not what they wish upon me. Yes, I even now heard in DMs Purv reached out to BIF and said so!
And today, as suddenly as my blog vanished, it's back. Nothing, not a blip from Tumblr as to why or what happened. Nothing at all! Just back again 🤷‍♀️
Thank you, if anything I can do is go on with what I have always done! I surely will and you're all welcome, agree or disagree I don't care! You all showed you compassion, your respect as an adult well thinking human being! 🧡
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Something I can not say about this other group of people, who immediately jumped to conclusions accusing me of all kind of mischief, well now that must be the reason. Cheering upon things you don't wish someone when you have a rightful mind, even if you disagree. That's plain pathetic, it shows your true colors, your inhumanity, your childish vileness in all the colors thinkable but mostly very gray and dark.
Things that happened to yourself, where nobody here on this side said these vile things when it happened to you. nobody in my inbox cheered on nor in my DMs and I never wished it upon you. Yet you are cheering as if karma did its job.... well here you are, within a day it's all back. Don't you feel stupid about all the things you said now? And how to explain now I must be a PR plant and things are dropped into my inbox?
You know what, you all that did so are the smalles people in the world and can all crawl back in your tiny shitty stinking holes deep down in the earth and let this things sink in:
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Thank you all, soon I'll resume with the latest I found out (nothing bad 😉)
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oracle-of-dream · 12 hours
(switch ceo!jay request!) (sub/bttm leaning) ceo!jay who was being escorted out of an event after drunk man jumped on stage while giving his speech, almost successfully attacking jay if not for the reader stopping him in time. heading home, jay felt tired and took a shower, after getting out he sees the reader on the couch and decides to sit beside him, while doing so he finds a bruise on his forearm, feeling guilty he offers to nurse it himself, the readwr refuses but after a bit of back and forth he managed to get the reader to sit sitll while he gets an icepack. and while they're sitting there, they just casually have a conversation, making intense eye contact, the readers staring at jay's lips which he notices. one thing leads to another, and suddenly they're making out.
u can decide how the smut part will go 😭 i'm not very good at it, but ik and can trust in ur abilities! pls take ur time, have a wonderful day and i hope ur not feeling pressured w all the requests coming in! :]
CEO's Bodyguard
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Summary: It's your job to keep Jay safe. It's another large-scale meeting with many guests–more like potential hazards. Keep him safe, and bring him home. That's all you're concerned about.
Warnings: Male Reader, CEO!Jay, Bodyguard!Reader, Slight Violence, Blowjob (Jay Rec.), Cum swallowing, Forced Deepthroat, Begging, Control Switching/Power dynamics, Hair Pulling, Spanking, Breeding
Wordcount: 3.59k
"Welcome, and thank you all for coming," Jay said. The room gave applause to receive him. He raised his hand to silence the room. Jay led into his speech, which he'd practiced multiple times while you drove him from place to place. You'd heard it what felt like a hundred times. Your knees and back ached from standing for so long. It was necessary for Jay's safety, you're number one priority. Most of your duties were more like being Jay's secretary, even as his bodyguard he always gave you tasks to take it easy on you.
You've worked for Jay over the last year and a half. Jay's father became unable to lead his company anymore, forcing Jay to take over. As a young CEO, more than a few people were willing to try and take advantage of him. Jay's nature, or his hate for people attempting to manipulate him, has made him enemies who would rather see him removed from power. Jay started hiring bodyguards a while ago but ended up firing each after a few weeks. The interview process was invasive and dismissive; a one-on-one meeting with Jay. Alone. He probed you with strange and meticulous questions; ranging from your family and friends to your finances. Jay always seemed to know more about everything than everyone else. He was extremely well-informed and investigated you for your interview. But the last question was the one that stuck out to you.
"Finally, y/n. This is your last question. If our lives get entangled, closer than originally anticipated, would you still be able to do your job?" Jay asked.
You tilted your head. "Entangled how?"
"...If you were to, seek a deeper relationship with me."
You straightened up rigidly. "O-Oh! I'd never dream of it, sir! I must protect you."
"But, if it were to happen, will it impede your work."
"Never! I'd protect you, in whatever situation!" You were a little desperate for a job, and more than willing to say whatever you needed to. You didn't think twice about it when you said it, but afterward, you couldn't stop thinking about the response you'd given. Or, why would he ask a question like that?
You were so lost in thought, you didn't realize someone was approaching the stage! A man, clearly drunk, stumbled as he made his way up the stairs behind the stage. Jay was so focused on his speech that he wasn't aware, not that it was his responsibility to be... There was no time to rush backstage and run after the man, you'd have to approach from the front!
You rushed the stage. Jay's eyes snapped to you, he maintained his cool but you could sense his concern. You jumped on stage, rolling cleanly, and you stood between Jay and the man.
"You don't deserve that spot!" He shouted as he swung at Jay.
You blocked the man's swing. He grabbed your other arm and twisted it, making you grit your teeth as you connected a blow to the man's head and his head slammed into your chin. The man fell to the ground and you caught him. You kept the man from hitting his head and dragged him away. Jay cracked a joke about the man having too much to drink and carried on with his speech, this time with you standing at a distance behind him on stage. As he concluded his speech, you directed him offstage.
His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the unconscious man. "What was that about?"
"Just someone who had a bit too much to drink. Let's get home, for now, sir. You've got an early morning tomorrow."
Jay sighed. "Of course I do..." You guided him to the exit, and your employer said their goodbyes to his business partners. He was always so good at keeping a smile, even when he was more than a bit exhausted. You'd seen him run on no sleep for almost two days, having back-to-back meetings all day, and still kept his face up. The night sky was empty, the stars hidden behind the skyscrapers. Jay looked up at the sky, searching, as you had a valet bring the car forward.
Jay spoke without looking back to the ground. "Do you ever think about what it would be like to see a star up close, y/n?"
"I don't think I have, sir."
"I think... It would be the most beautiful thing ever." You didn't know how to respond, especially when he got into moods like this. It didn't happen often in front of you, but maybe it was a sign that he was getting comfortable around you. Sometimes he'd ask you philosophical questions throughout an entire car ride, most rhetorical as he knew you didn't know what to say.
The two of you stood in silence until the car arrived. Following protocol, you scanned the inside and outside for anything suspicious. Once you confirmed its safety, you opened the door for Jay and allowed him into the car. In the driver's seat, the car was programmed to navigate you back to Jay's penthouse. You drove without a word, but the pain in your jaw kept flaring every few minutes... That bastard might've bruised your jaw or even broken a tooth. Another thing to take care of now...
"You okay?"
Jay's voice snapped you out of the autopilot you were in. "Sorry, I wasn't listening. What did you need?"
"You keep touching your chin and rolling your jaw. Are you okay?"
You could see Jay staring at you in the mirror. "It's nothing to worry about. I think I just scratched myself earlier."
Jay's eyebrows furrowed but he turned and looked out the window. "I can't have my bodyguard getting banged up. If you're not able to take care of yourself, who will protect me?"
"If I remember correctly. When you hired me, you told me you didn't need me."
Jay scoffed. "Well, at the time I didn't. But things changed, and now I do. Is that an issue?"
"No, sir."
"That's what I thought." Jay crossed his arms. "If you've got an issue with our arrangement, then speak and we can have it amended." You chuckled softly. He was the cutest when getting protective over you, but also somehow defensive when you called him out on it.
The rest of the drive was quiet. Jay drifted off to sleep, softly snoring in the back seat. His soft caramel skin and slicked-back dark hair shined in the streetlights that passed. His cold expression melted away to reveal the man you knew. This was when he was the most authentic, silently sleeping. No cameras, phone calls, meetings, or clients, just Jay being alone with himself–and you, of course. Originally you thought it was weird to sleep in the same house as Jay, insisting that he'd be safe in his home alone but when he offered double your salary to move in you couldn't refuse.
As you pulled into the driveway, putting the car in park, Jay stirred from his sleep. He stretched and wiped the sleep from his eyes, acting like he'd been awake the whole time. "Jesus, that felt like forever, I'm glad to finally be back home."
You nodded as you opened his door from him. "Of course sir, I apologize about how long it took to get you back home safely."
He looked at you, reaching out but hesitating. "It's not your fault. It's just traffic." He yawned. "Let's just go." You tried to hold it in, but couldn't stop your body's reaction to also yawn. As your jaw stretched open and you breathed deeply, you winced softly as your jaw faltered in pain. Jay's eyes widened. "I knew you were just trying to be tough. He did end up hurting you..." His face moved to a pained expression as his eyes scrolled over you, looking for more injuries.
"Sir, it's nothing. Just some soreness."
He held up his hand, silencing you. "You'll let me take care of that. Now. I won't have you complaining about it tomorrow." When Jay was insistent there was no turning him around from what he wanted, even as you protested. He led you inside, upstairs to his bedroom. "Sit on the bed, I have medicine in my bathroom."
As he drifted off into the bathroom, you moved near the bed obediently but awkwardly sat next to it. You knew Jay was a clean person, he would be bothered if your dirty clothes messed up his sheets. Jay's bedroom was one of the biggest rooms in the house. It was painted a dark gray with a monochrome color scheme. all of the artwork he'd made was on his walls, matching the darkly colored motif of the room. Even though it was all so dark, there was so much emotion poured into it, you couldn't help but smile slightly.
After a few minutes, Jay emerged from the bathroom in different clothes with a first aid kit. He wore a large dress shirt and flowy pajama pants, and his hair was slightly damp from rinsing out the product in it. He sat on the bed. "What are you doing on the floor?"
"My clothes are dirty."
"Then I'll come down."
"The floor isn't clean. You'll get your pajamas dirty, you can apply the medicine up there. I'll sit tall." You sat on your knees, back straight, looking up at Jay as you waited for him to begin applying medicine.
He rolled his eyes as he opened the medicine box. He started applying medicine to your jaw with his left hand while his right gently held your face in place. "You really should be more careful." He experimentally dragged his finger along your jaw until he hit the spot, making you wince away from him. "I... care about you."
"That's very kind, sir."
Jay gritted his teeth. "Y/n. The rules."
"Sorry... Jay." It was a part of the house rules that while you lived there, at home specifically. You weren't allowed to call him sir or mister. You were required to refer to him as Jay.
"It's okay. And I'm glad you're doing your job, but it's not often I see you getting injured."
"I was just a little distracted today. It won't happen again."
He raised an eyebrow. "You, distracted? By what?"
You looked Jay in his eyes. "Your speech. It was really captivating. I couldn't stop listening."
Jay's mouth parted softly as he looked away, focusing on your jaw. "Well, I'm glad you liked it."
"You're really persuasive. And your speaking voice is always so clear, it's hard not to listen closely."
You continued. "Even the way you were styled today really brought you to the centerpiece of the whole event."
"Y/n. Stop talking. That's an order." Your mouth was filled with cement, unable to speak–even breathing was difficult. "You know I'm not very good with compliments..." Jay tucked his hair behind his ear. "It makes me shy."
You blinked slowly, watching Jay's careful expression.
Jay avoided your eyes, leaning in to look closer at your chin–leaving only a few inches between you. "Is there anywhere else it hurts?"
You shook your head.
You nodded.
Jay scratched his ear. "I don't believe you... I just want to–" Jay hesitated at touching your collar. "C-Can I... unbutton your shirt a little? Just to see." You reply by sitting up taller, raising your chest out to Jay. His hands slightly shook as he undid the first few buttons at the top of your shirt, sliding your tie off too. He opened it, revealing your bare chest to him. His fingertips ghosted over your skin before pulling away. "Y/n, I think I'm close to making a decision that I don't know how to make. What should I do?"
"What decision, Jay?"
"I think I..." Jay hesitated biting his lip. "I think I want to be closer to you."
"Closer to me? Like how?"
Jay rolled his eyes as his cheeks turned a soft pink. "Jesus Christ, y/n! You really need me to spell it out!?" Jay took your hands and guided them to the buttons on his shirt. "Undo them," He commanded.
"Please don't make me say it twice." You focused on unbuttoning Jay's shirt, as you slid it down past his shoulders and revealed his bare torso. His hips rolled up slightly, pointing out the hard cock that throbbed inside his pants. "You've got one chance to back out. If you don't want to go further, say it and we'll pretend like this never happened," Jay muttered as his eyes dropped to the floor.
"I'm so honored you'd consider me, sir. I don't think I'm worthy of you... But if you want to have me tonight, then I am more than willing."
Jay's eyes locked with yours before his gaze dropped to your lips. "Don't call me sir," He mumbled before leaning in for a kiss.
Jay's lips were plush pillows that bounced off your lips. He placed his hands on your shoulders, fingers tensing and gripping your skin as you deepened the kiss. Your hands threaded into Jay's hair, still slightly wet, which earned a moan from your boss. He pulled away from the kiss, wide-eyed and pink-faced.
"I-I didn't– That wasn't me!"
"Then who was it?" You chuckled.
"I don't know!" Jay hit your shoulder. "Just hurry up and do the next part." Jay laid on his back with his eyes closed.
"The next part?"
Jay lifted himself on his elbows. "Aren't you going to stick it in me?"
"You wanted me to fuck you?!"
"You're getting that now!?" Jay facepalmed. "I'm not very experienced with a man, so I don't know how to do this... So, help me please." His pupils dilated as he begged for you. Jay had never been so vulnerable with you before, and you couldn't lie that it was turning you on more than you thought it would. You'd imagined having sex with Jay but imagined him as more of a dominant top, or even a power bottom. but to see him so... submissive. It was the hottest thing you'd ever seen.
"Did you prepare yourself at all? I don't want to just 'stick it in' and hurt you."
Jay covered his face. "Yes... That's what I was doing in the bathroom."
He was so cute. "Oh, so you planned on seducing me tonight then?"
"Y/n, I swear, if you don't hurry up and fuck me. I'll fire you right now."
You smiled. "Oh? Jay, I thought the rules of the house were that we're equal here. Aren't we supposed to treat each other nicely?" He grunted. "Then how about some foreplay or something?"
"You can suck my dick with your foreplay," Jay spat. You smiled as you slipped his pants off in one motion, making your boss yelp as he covered himself. He was commando under his pants, and his cock was already leaking.
"I think I'll take you up on that offer." You smiled as you moved his hands from his crotch to your neck. His cock twitched in the air as you pulled Jay to a comfortable part of the edge of the bed, his legs hanging over the side. You slotted yourself in between his legs and kissed his tip. His knees twitched at your touch, brushing against your head. You kissed his tip a few more times, his pre-cum sticking to your lips.
"Hurry up already," He grunted. "In your mouth!" He pulled on your hair, pulling you down as you slowly took him into your mouth. "Ahh fuck, you're so warm!" His head fell back as he guided you to bob your head, pulling and pushing you as he liked. "Your mouth–it's warm! So wet, and tight too!" When his tip hit the back of your throat, you tensed as you felt the urge to gag which made your throat clamp down onto Jay's shape. "Oh fuck! That! Again, do that," Jay moaned as he forced your head down, forcing you to gag and gurgle on his cock. "I'll–I'm gonna cum! Please, swallow!" He grunted. You leaned forward, ready, as he spilled his load into your mouth. "Take it, swallow, drink it all!" Jay's voice got raspy and desperate as his eyes rolled back from the explosion in his head.
"I didn't think you'd finish that fast..." You wiped the spit from your mouth.
"Well, you didn't have to suck it. And you asked for foreplay..."
"I'm not complaining. Just, remember, I plan on cumming tonight too." You smirked at him. "You had your fun, but now I'll be in charge, okay?" Jay frowned but you weren't asking. Before you could give him the chance to ask any questions, you flipped him onto his stomach and slipped a finger inside him.
"Oh~ you could've given me a warning!" Jay moaned as he ground against your finger.
"You didn't need a warning. And, don't you think you should be grateful? I'm stretching you a little extra, just in case."
Jay scoffed. "Why? I said I did it, didn't I?"
A crack rang out as you spanked him. "Jay, where did your manners go?" Jay's jaw hung open, still reeling from being spanked. He'd never been spanked before, but his cock twitched from the pain.
"Again, what?"
Jay groaned into the sheet. "Spank me again, please."
"What a nice boy," You cooed as you spanked him again, harder than before. "You're a good boy, aren't you? You just forgot your manners a bit." You spanked him again. "Beg for it."
Jay turned to look at you. "Are you loving this? Hitting and bossing me around? I'm not begging for shit." His hair was a mess, his skin glistened with sweat, and his ass was turning red.
"Jay~ don't misbehave. I'll have to punish you a bit." You reached forward and pulled Jay's hair, making him wince.
"P-Please. Don't pull on it..." Jay begged softly.
You released his hair, kissing his neck as an apology. "Much better. Now, can you beg for cock? I want to hear you say it."
Jay remained silent. You gave him another smack for encouragement. "Fine! Y/n, please fuck me with your big cock!" You said nothing and rubbed Jay's ass softly. You didn't think he'd say it... "Oh fuck you! You wanted me to say it."
"Language," You warned. "If you wanted my cock so badly, that's all you needed to say." You pushed your tip into Jay's waiting hole.
"Oh, holy fuck, you're huge. It's so much..."
"Jay. That's just my tip."
Jay arched his back, waiting for you. "I know that! Your tip is just big!"
You pushed until you hilted Jay, burying your cock completely inside him. "You're squeezing like crazy, Jay."
Jay was a moaning mess under you. Even as he twitched around you, he made himself moan. "Oh, my–fuck me!" He shouted as you slid out before slamming back into him. Over and over, you pounded into him.
"Don't make me do all the work, Jay," You grunted as you pushed him forward. He held his breath as he moved himself on your cock, fucking himself into the mattress. "Can you try harder?" You pushed down on his back, making him hit that spot, making him scream louder. As soon as you found his spot, you took back cover as you fucked into it. "Wanna cum, Jay?" Jay let out a series of moans and groans, forming a semi-approving answer. "Ask for it then," You smirked as you pulled out completely, letting your cock rest on his ass.
"Y-Y/n! You can't–Please! Please! Let me cum on it, I'll cum from your cock so much. I'll even let you finish in me, just let me cum!"
"You said it, so I'll take that. Go ahead and cum then." You slammed back into Jay completely as his hole welcomed your cock with a tight squeeze. Jay's moans went high-pitched as his back arched more and his eyes rolled. He was drooling on the sheet as he came all over the edge of the bed. You didn't take much more after him, this orgasm squeezing you for everything. "I'm gonna cum in you. I'll fucking breed you into being my husband!" Your hips stuttered as your climax washed over you, your cum spilling into Jay as he moaned again. "Every drop, keep squeezing it," You ordered.
When you both came down from your highs, you took Jay into his bathroom and started a warm bath for him. Jay occasionally twitched from the sensation of you helping him wash the cum out of him, he was too embarrassed to ask you to do it but you could tell he didn't know what to do.
Your boss stroked your jaw. "How's it doing?"
"It's a little sore from sucking cock but–" Jay punched you. "It's much better. Thank you, Jay."
Jay rolled his eyes. "If I'm going to be your husband, you're going to need to call me something else."
Your mind rolled back to what you'd said earlier in the heat of the moment. "Jay, I didn't mean it like that–"
"You think you can just hit it and leave? You're stuck with me. And I'm not letting you go. So, your husband is demanding that you call him that." Jay held his head high as his eyes gleamed.
"Okay... Husband." You chuckled as you kissed his forehead.
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peyotebritta · 2 days
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What are people's take on this? The pyramids in the background seem to support the Sutekh theory or are they just mountains?. Triad = Pyramids. Sue's Tech = Sutekh ( a stretch, I know but the Osirans do have advanced tech to rival the time lords). Maybe Susan is a (unwitting) servant of Sutekh like this guy in Pyramid of Mars whose face we never saw:
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Looking at the promo pictures, it struck me how similar this image is to Sutekh's time corridor:
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Additionally, we see this sand/dust cloud in the trailer. Sutekh wanted to turn all existence to dust:
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We know an ancient evil will be awoken from within UNIT using TRIAD technology. Sutekh has been trapped since ancient antiquity but almost escaped in 1911 from a time corridor in UNIT's basement. but the Doctor forced him to age 7000s years, presumably killing him. But if not, he could certainly qualify as The One Who Waits.
We also know S Triad = TARDIS which seems to suggest time lord technology or something similar. If she used a prototype that went wrong, it could have scattered her across time without her knowing and she's experiencing her other lives as dreams.
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We also have the matter of the Doctor's TARDIS acting strange, perhaps TRIAD Technology is siphoning energy or life from the Doctor's TARDIS In order to work
Additionally thoughts:
we have a new Tales of Tardis episode airing the day before the finale that will feature Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson. I'm assuming they will be in the Memory Tardis, which we know feeds on stories. which could link to the tv show / unreality theory. Is the Memory Tardis Triad Tech? Maybe she is selling it as a commercial experience to relive memories but it's a Ghost Machine Doomsday situation and she doesn't truly know what she's messing with or that her dreams are actually happening irl as a side effect of using the tech.
Empire of Death- Sutekh is the god of death
Tom Baker is the only Doctor to not appear in Tales of the TARDIS, so the new episode will likely be a Fourth Doctor story. Pyramids of Mars is my bet but are there any credible ideas?
But how to reconcile this with the 'tv show in a tv show' theory and Ruby's parentage? And this is complicated by this claim from RTD that the finale will link back to the Pertwee era, suggesting someone like Omega? Or maybe Susan worked for UNIT back in the 70s and has been building the technology for 50 years andh as only now succeeded with the influence of TOWW.
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Every clue seems to raise more questions. I'd love to get people's thoughts as I may be spiraling here.
One thing I am sure of? Susan Triad is not the one in control
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baddywronglegs · 3 days
It feels so strange to feel not just optimistic but excited for the next Dragon Age game for what might be the first time in years.
... And not just because favourite arrow-ace Harding rocks in the trailer. And the idea of being able to have her as a companion, while in my "canon" playthrough she's in a QPR with the Inquisitor, which I think is a unique situation - I think the closest you could get before to potential formerly-romanced companions was Alistair and Morrigan in Inquisition, and they're around too little to have proper party banter.
Something about every companion showcased has me going "I need to know more about you". That and putting faces to names so I need to re-read Tevinter Nights.
It's strange to see all the companions up-front but I wasn't a fan early enough to see the promo material for any of the earlier games; I hope you still get to recruit them rather than just have a fully-assembled team from the get go, that always felt like an important part of the earlier games.
I'm glad Varric is coming back in an advisory capacity, because there was no way he wasn't coming back but being a knowledgeable hand behind the scenes while still able to hold his own in a fight is pretty much best case scenario.
Also... You know what, I agree with the name change. Agree they should drop the The, but Veilguard feels right.
I'm looking forward to being a DA nerd again.
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shakingparadigm · 7 hours
Sorry for intruding! I love reading your insights on Alien Stage!
I was wondering...what do you think Till felt every time he woke up with his collar/muzzle off (especially at his absolute lowest point after the gala they showed in Round 6)?
Till probably knew that Ivan was the one doing it, since he'd done it for their failed escape during the meteor shower.
Till's thoughts are such a mystery😣
It really is such a mystery. Even if we keep speculating, there's still a chance they'll finally drop canon Till content and his thought process will be a lot different than we expected 😭 Still I continue to hope like a fool...
Personally, I think Till is a lot less oblivious than he seems... I'm pretty sure he's well aware of Ivan's doings, he just doesn't comment on it.
There are many instances of Ivan acting with no intention of letting Till find out (freeing him from his restraints, taking his things). Ivan steals many of Till's things and it upsets Till because he knows it's Ivan who's stealing it. That's the important part, he's aware. He's most likely not clueless about Ivan's other doings, too.
At first, Till was oblivious to the things that Ivan did for him, but as time passed he must've caught on. Even though Till knows that Ivan moves when he isn't looking, he doesn't directly confront him on it, instead bringing it up in a short graduation message ("You're the one who stole my pencil that one time, right?" This could be Till's way of saying I see you. Ivan cares for Till when he believes he won't be noticed. Instead of a lengthy message, Till chooses to simply let Ivan know that his efforts are acknowledged).
I'd imagine someone like Till, who fiercely protects his independence and has a lot of pride in it, would feel conflicted at the thought of being indebted to someone. Until now, he's only known people to take from him against his will, so he becomes easily defensive. Till is rude and aggressive, he pulls at hair and throws punches in retaliation to teasing. So for that same teasing boy to continuously be there for him even when Till has never once asked... even when Till continues to be rough around the edges... I don't think he knows what to do with that feeling. In Till's mind, Mizi is his savior. She's the one he imagines helping him up, reaching out her hand for him. In reality, his true savior is one he never asked for. He never asks Ivan for help, yet Ivan provides it unconditionally and constantly, content with staying unacknowledged as long as he gets to help Till and stay by his side. It's the same reason he steals from Till, hiding his things just to give it back to him later and act like he "found" it. Ivan wants to help Till, to "save" him (even fabricating situations in order to prove that he can be of service).
Till turning away from Ivan during the scene in the cafeteria can be seen as an expression of guilt. I do think that Till would carry a lot of guilt in him for not being able to reciprocate Ivan's actions and feelings. Even though Till finds Ivan strange, he cannot deny the connection between them and the realization that he is in fact "indebted". It's an awkward thing, and Till isn't the type to maturely deal with his emotions, especially if they're of the more conflicting kind. Till does not react explosively to Ivan's secret actions because he acknowledges that Ivan is doing him kindness, and he doesn't know what to make of it.
Whenever Till wakes up without his collar on, he'd know Ivan has been there. It's something that only Ivan would do. It'd bring him a sense of guilt, but maybe a little comfort, too.
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buriedpair · 3 days
Just a simple ask…
Reader as a MILF/DILF?
For example: once the reader gets comfortable, they start to open up about themselves and one day bring up that they have a child?
(I joined the discord, the people are very lovely and lively)
YESSSS THIS ASK IS EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED!!! Fun little fact: Gambit was ALMOST a dilf, but I didn't feel like designing him a kid, lol!
I did more of how they'd react to the news that you have a kid and how they'd respond to a darling's child in general, if that's okay!
THANKS FOR JOINING THE DISCORD!!!! I'm glad you like it there!!!
Yandere!OCs x GN Reader
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He's so happy you trust him enough to tell him! Um... but... that does mean you have more experience than him, which is kind of interesting. Amias is a huge loser virgin who can't even take care of himself, let alone a child! It's a strange situation for him to end up in, but he cares a lot about you and you trusted him with this information, so he'll definitely try.
He isn't against your child, but he isn't thrilled about it either. You'll soon learn to keep the kid away from Amias lest he try to feed it cup noodles for every meal. He doesn't know the first thing about caring for a child.
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Edge is the absolute king of self-care. He'll definitely be protective of your kid, and you. However, he cannot stand the little rodent sometimes. You're his priority, and as much as he wants to care for your child with you, it isn't his... Even if you can't birth children yourself, he's annoyed that this thing is the product of you and someone else.
He'd be good at the basic taking care of children part, but he's awful when the kid starts crying or complaining. He'll just yell, and get annoyed. Honestly, he's not prepared for a child in the slightest.
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Double Down
"Want to make more?"
Yeah, he doesn't really have much experience in this department. He used to be a 'hit and quit' kind of guy, so even if he knocked someone up he didn't stick around to see the result. He'll probably forget your kid exists most of the time until you remind him.
He's a good babysitter. He knows how to keep a child happy. Though, similar to Amias, he isn't really the best at taking care of himself, let alone a child. He'll do his best, though. Definitely better than Amias.
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Oh my god, a mini you! He loves you, he loves your kid. He would die for the little thing, honestly. He's probably the second best person with a darling who has a kid, mostly because he's the only one who's responsible enough for himself.
Though, don't let him get ahead of himself. He loves that child, but he might grow protective of it over time, as he does with you. If he's taking them to school, they'll have a long lecture as to why they're never allowed to date anyone for their own safety because everyone is rotten garbage compared to someone who came from HIS darling.
The kid might end up terrified, in the long-run.
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If Jackpot is second, Gambit is definitely first. He'd be like a father figure to your child, and love them unconditionally. He's gentle at heart, even if a bit misguided. He's caring, and he's well-mannered
He'd know exactly how to calm the kiddo down, and would always be a second parent to them. They can trust him! Except, he may get a bit too comfortable and start sharing his twisted ideologies with the kid. Before you know it, the kid starts replicating Gambit's less than ideal tendencies.
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Sry if your busy or just don't wanna do this, you don't have too.
But could I request Donna with lover!reader who's scared easily, and hides under the blankets during the night, but never admit to being scared???
Yesyesyes!!! Don't worry, I'm not quite busy right now. I have enough free time to write your requests :))) Here it is!!! I hope you like it!!! Sorry if it's too long and about the language mistakes!!!
Afraid of being afraid
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader (Elena Lupu's sister, cause, why not?)
Warnings: Insecurities, fluff, comfort
Word count: 5,338
Summary: You were a coward, or so you think. You can't let Donna to know that scared side of you...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours :))) I love you all!!!
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“Oh, come on. Not now...” You mumbled as you were in that elevator.
The small light that illuminated the cabin seemed to want to give you a bad time, blinking and threatening to leave the place in complete darkness.
It wasn't the first time you had walked that path and you were certainly delighted to do it but... It was... Terrifying. At least for you.
Even though you were old enough to stay calm in a situation like that, about to be left in the dark in a terrifying place, you weren't able to do it. Your father and sister always tried to help you overcome your fears, but they never succeeded.
Being a scared person in this village was strange, but hey, you were strange.
You were strange enough to catch one's attention. They said the most dangerous one in the place. Lord of Mother Miranda, Donna Beneviento.
Without really knowing how you had ended up madly in love with her, and, apparently, she with you, it hadn't been long since you had something resembling a relationship. You didn't really know if she was your girlfriend, or just a “special friend”, but you didn't care too much either. You were happy with her.
Like every afternoon for a couple of months, you went to the old estate to pay her a visit. You loved spending time with her, the more the better.
But the bad thing was that to get to your beloved's house you had to overcome a terrifying landscape of unstable bridges, crows hidden to scare you at the best moment, and sinister trees. If you didn't love her so much, you would never have dared to go to that place alone. You thought that maybe thanks to that you would begin to overcome your fears, but quite the opposite.
At least the elevator gave you a respite; stopping at your destination and opening the doors with an ominous creak, making the hair on the back of your neck stand up as you ran out of there.
“Oh, okay, okay,” you said, calming yourself as you walked away from that sinister cave, with Donna's house already in your field of vision.
Shyly, you knocked on the door, replacing fear with the desire to spend time with Donna.
Nothing, no response, just an even more sinister creak as the doors opened.
“Donna?” You asked, playing with your hands, which soon began to sweat.
“Boo!” An unexpected screech made you step back, shrinking your chest.
“Ah!” You screamed scared, almost tripping in the process.
A mocking laugh appeared just before you ran back to the elevator. You should have imagined it. The Angie doll came out of her hiding place, laughing in amusement, enjoying your fear.
“Have I scared you? Coward, coward, (Y/N) is a coward…” She crooned in a sinister voice while you tried to catch your breath.
“What? No, you haven’t…” You said, pretending to regain your composure.
“Angie…” A soft voice made your heartbeat relax. Donna's voice. “Oh, tesoro, has she scared you?” She asked tenderly, approaching the door.
You smiled when you saw her. That's why you had come, to spend time with Donna, not to be scared.
“No, no, not at all,” you said, feigning a bravery that was hard to believe as the lady in black removed the veil from her face. She still had a hard time showing her appearance with you, but less and less.
Donna smiled, leaving that horrible black cloth on a table in the entrance and approaching you to place a tender kiss on your lips.
“I've missed you...” She murmured, slowly caressing your cheek, making you blush.
“Me... Me too,” you answered, kissing her again and taking her hands, swinging them, enjoying a silent moment of reunion. “Well… What are we going to do today?”
The lady in black smiled fondly, walking closer to you, leaving the doors behind.
“Well, I had thought that... Well, if you feel like it, of course...” Donna said, with a shy smile. In that you were the same, two shy fools.
“Yes, I feel like it,” you said, jokingly, letting yourself be grabbed by the waist.
“I haven't said anything yet, (Y/N)” she replied, amused, grabbing your body with that delicacy that drove you crazy.
“Well, I'm sure I'll like it... If it's with you,” you said, looking away from her, feeling the heat of your blush on your cheeks.
Donna smiled and caressed your flushed skin before shaking her head.
“I had thought about taking a walk around the grounds, so I'll show you them,” Donna finally said, after that moment so typical of first dates, in which you thanked the Black Gods for having made you meet.
“Oh, I…” You said suddenly, taking a step back. In your mind you were looking for an excuse to reject her offer. The road to her house and the surrounding woods were terrifying. You always shook when you walked around.
“Don't you feel like it? We can do something else, if you want,” Donna said, studying your expression. She knew there was something wrong with her innocent proposal.
“No, no,” you said, putting your hands in front of your body and faking a smile. “I mean… Yes, of course, I would love to, Donna.”
She smiled, kissing you again, pleased by your response.
“Alright. Don't worry, this time Angie will stay home,”  she said amused, looking askance at the doll who opened her mouth in protest.
“No, I want to go with you!” the puppet protested, pulling comically at the black dress of her owner.
“Angie, stop complaining,” the lady in black reprimanded, making Angie release her clothes. “This way you'll learn not to scare (Y/N).”
Donna wasn't stupid. She knew Angie had scared you, but you... You couldn't allow yourself to look like a coward. No, that was the only thing you didn't want her to know.
“Don't worry, Donna, she hasn't scared me, I'm used to it,” you said, making a gesture with your hand to downplay it.
The doll maker looked at you suspiciously but she nodded, closing the door behind her, drowning out the doll's childish protests.
“Let’s go?” she asked, extending her hand towards yours.
A walk with the woman you loved? Even if it was in a terrifying place? It didn't sound so bad after all.
At first it went well, the first two minutes, until you reached the elevator, where that infernal light that threatened to go out finally did.
“Oh, wow. It seems like it is finally...” Donna said, stopping talking when she noticed your arm in hers, squeezing it tightly out of fear. “Broken.”
You didn't say anything, you tried to stay calm even though your body was already speaking for itself, shaking and breathing heavily.
“My love, what's going on? Are you shaking?” She asked, affectionately, grabbing the arm that was clinging to her dress.
“I just tripped,” you lied clumsily, just as the elevator finished its descent.
You couldn't think she believed you, but she just smiled, giving you a soft kiss on the cheek, rubbing your back comfortingly.
The ride was fine as disturbing as those terrains were. There was still light and that made it much more bearable.
Donna explained each and every one of the plants that were in the place. You wish you had paid enough attention. You were more careful that a monster wouldn't come out of the bushes, or that a bloodthirsty crow would attack your neck mercilessly. At least you were next to her.
“Wow... It's impressive,” you said when you reached a small hill from which you could see a large part of the village. The sky was getting darker and darker, but little by little you began to get used to that disturbing place. “I can see almost the entire village.”
“Mmm,” Donna murmured, sitting next to a tree and encouraging you to do the same, in front of her, with your body resting on hers. “You are the most beautiful thing I see,” she whispered romantically, kissing you very close to her ear.
“Oh, I forgot,” you said, searching for something in your bag. “I brought you the cupcakes that you like so much,” you said with a smile, giving her paper bag full of those homemade sweets.
“You know I love them...” She whispered gratefully, taking one of them and offering another to you “Especially because you make them.”
You smiled again, blushing at the compliment.
And so the minutes passed, in silence, contemplating the landscape, enjoying each other company. A wonderful afternoon like the others, but... In a place you didn't like to be.
The crack of a branch distracted you from the erratic play you were doing with her hand in yours, causing you to stand up immediately.
“What was that?” You asked, again with your heart racing, looking around you, looking for the source of that sound.
“What?” Donna asked, standing up as well and putting a hand on your shoulder.
“That, that noise, haven't you heard it? I think, I think there's someone around here...” You said scared, with your legs shaking, threatening to give out.
“There's no one here, tesoro...” Donna whispered, making you look at her face. “You're shaking...” She said, rubbing your arms and looking at you worried.
Time to pretend again. Once again your absurd fear was making you ridiculous.
“Well, I... I'm, I'm cold,” you said, moving away from the woman, who looked at you with a frown.
“Do you want us to go home?” She asked, hugging you around the waist, as if she were trying to comfort you even though she didn't know what exactly was happening to you, even though she didn't know that you were scared to death.
You looked around. That romantic walk would have lasted forever if you had the choice, but a flock of black crows and the sunlight disappearing further and further into the mountains made your fear almost unbearable.
“I... Well, yes,” you said stuttering, searching with your eyes for any source of danger.
“Fine, because... I have something to give you too,” Donna said, whispering softly before kissing you quickly and taking your hand again, a hand that made you feel protected in some way.
“(Y/N) and Donna, kissing under a tree...” Angie hummed as you walked through the door. You were already used to her joking.
“How do you know that?” You asked curiously, while Donna was in charge of turning on the lights. The night threatened to come soon.
“We are connected, silly,” the doll mocked. “Also, even if I didn't know it, you just confirmed it to me.”
“Angie, leave her alone,” Donna said, scolding the puppet again, who crossed her arms, offended. “Come, tesoro…”
You held her hand again as she led you through the house.
You felt comfortable in that place, at least until you went down another terrifying elevator, towards the basement.
“Sorry, (Y/N), it's a bit dark down here,” the lady in black whispered, guiding you through those horrible hallways.
She probably said it because your fear became your main emotion again. The darkness was everything except your friend.
“No, it's okay. I'm, I'm used to it,” you lied, clinging to her arm, perhaps too tightly. You didn't want Donna to realize how terrified you were, but it was almost inevitable.
Donna opened a double door and stepped aside for you to enter first.
You gulped as you took a look at that room. It was the workshop where she made her dolls. The lack of light generated terrifying shadows on the ceiling. Hands, legs, heads... Limbs hanging from the ceiling that seemed to want to catch you. When light became, you calmed down a bit, but just a bit.
“So…” you said, clearing your throat. “This is where you work.”
She nodded, picking up what looked like a necklace from one of the tables, a necklace she left in your hand, closing it over.
“This is for you,” Donna said nervously, probably worried about pleasing you.
“I...” You said, looking at that small gift. It was a silver chain, from which hung a majestic wolf that seemed to be made of ceramic. “It is, it is beautiful.”
“Your last name, Lupu, is a derivative of the Latin lupus, which means wolf...” The lady explained, going around you to help you place the necklace on its place. “I thought it was appropriate.”
“Donna, I... Thank you very much,” you sighed, taking that wolf in your hands. Fear took a backseat. At that moment what you felt was love, pure love.
“Everything just for my precious girl...” Donna whispered, turning you to kiss your lips softly.
“Wait,” you said amused, putting a hand on her chest. “This isn't so I can give you the recipe for my cupcakes, is it?” You asked amused.
She sighed in amusement, shaking her head and burying her head in your neck, kissing it quickly.
“Of course not, tesoro... But hey... If you want to give it to me...” She said amused, biting her lip and diverting her eye from yours.
“No way. If I do it, you will make them better than me,”  you joked, being grateful for that small moment without tremors, without fear preventing you from enjoying that love.
Unfortunately, fate was not kind to you. One of the half-finished dolls, which was resting next to her companions on a nearby shelf, decided to fall against the stone floor, causing you a strong start that made you about to jump into the arms of your beloved.
“Ah!” You screamed in terror, putting your lover as a shield in front of you.
“Calm down, (Y/N),” Donna said, looking for the source of the noise. “It's just a doll that has fallen.”
You peeked over her shoulder, proving that she was right, but that didn't make it any less scary.
“Oh, well, I wasn't that scared,” you said arrogantly, putting a hand on your chest while Donna picked up the doll from the floor. It wasn't the best time to lie. Your actions spoke for themselves.
“Bad doll, you scared (Y/N),” Donna said amused, pretending to talk to that disturbing doll.
“It hasn't scared me. It was just the noise,” you said in your defense as the lady in black approached you with the porcelain object in her arms.
“I'm sorry, (Y/N), I'm very clumsy, I didn't mean to scare you,” the lady said, imitating the doll's voice, showing off her impressive ventriloquism. “I'm not scary, you see? Seriously, do you see? Because I don't, I don’t have eyes.”
That attempt by Donna to make you laugh worked perfectly. She was like that. Even if she believed your words, she always tried to make you feel better. And she got it, she always got it.
“You don't scare me,” you said with a tender smile, pushing Donna gently by her shoulder for that joke.
“Are you staying for dinner?” The lady in black asked, placing that terrifying doll on the shelf again.
“I... Sure,” you said almost without thinking.
It was a plan that you wanted, and the one that you always accepted but... But returning home through that forest at night... That was the worst part. Even so, you always made an effort, even if you died of fear trying to return.
Despite everything, dinner was as always. Romantic, silent. The conversation was calm, without surprises. Even Angie seemed to take a pity on you, which you were grateful for.
After dinner something happened that didn't usually happen. A dance, a romantic one. Your bodies moved to the rhythm of the music; stuck, silent, innocent, in love...
When the music stopped, the slow kisses came, the caresses on the face, on the body. The demonstration of the love you felt.
“I could be kissing you forever...” Donna whispered in your ear, swaying your body as if the music were still playing. “I love you.”
It was the first time she had said it and you had to reciprocate, of course you would.
“I love you too, Donna,” you said, hugging her, feeling the warmth of her hug, an affectionate and tender hug, because of which you even dared to close your eyes.
“I... I, I would like to ask you something,” Donna said, separating herself a bit, nervous, agitated. It wasn't the time for a crisis, but something told you that what she was going to propose to you was something serious.
“Yeah?” You said softly, imagining in your mind a wide range of possibilities, each one the better.
“Yes, I know it's early and... Well, I know that...” She stammered, squeezing your hands tightly, hands that you caressed to reassure her. Now it was your turn to be her comforter.
“Tell me, Donna...” You whispered, encouraging her to speak.
“The time I spend with you is... Wonderful and... Well, I... It hurts me so much to see you walk out the door, I keep thinking about when I can kiss you again and... Well, what I want to say is that maybe you would like...”
Before she could finish that proposition, which you were already prepared to accept, a flash of light illuminated the entire room, followed by a horrible clap of thunder that bounced off the walls of the old house.
“Ah!” You screamed, clinging to the woman in black, who took you into her arms.
But everything was even worse, because, after another lightning strike, the house went completely dark.
“Don't worry, tesoro... It's just a storm,” Donna said, reassuring you, stroking your head, which was clinging to her chest.
“A storm?” You asked with a trembling voice, moving away a bit, embarrassed.
“Well, it's Spring, it's normal, can you hear it? It's already raining,” Donna said, not letting you go.
You, forcing your courage, stopped hugging her, looking for any source of light in the house.
“The fuse must have been blown,” Donna muttered, moving away from you and looking for something in a drawer. “Stay here, I'll see if I can change it.”
“Are you, are you going to leave me here?” You asked scared when the lady in black lit a small candle holder, taking one of them.
“Are you afraid?” She asked kindly. A direct question, right where you were weak. You had no choice, you had to lie.
“No, no,” you said hastily, approaching the candlelight. “It's just… Well, maybe you need some help,” you said with feigned confidence.
Donna looked at you, smiled and shook her head.
“I appreciate it, tesoro, but it's not necessary. You don't know the house and you might stumble. Stay here with Angie. I'll be right back,” she said, kissing you on the lips and disappearing into the shadows.
You, sighing, containing the tremor of your body, sat on a sit near the table, near the glow of the candles, near the security that the light provided you.
“Okay, okay. It's just a storm, it's just...” Your cowardly murmurs were silenced by a flash of lightning and another clap of thunder, this time louder. You had to stop yourself from hiding under the table.
“What are you murmuring, silly?” Angie asked, appearing by surprise on top of the table.
“Nothing,” you said passively, looking away from the puppet.
“This is good, right?” She crooned, sitting on the edge. “Come on, come on, let's tell scary stories,” she said animatedly. To shake your head didn't take you a second.
“No,” you said firmly, suppressing the trembling of your legs.
“Okay, I'll start,” Angie said, completely ignoring you.
“Haven’t you heard me?”
“Then the two of them, brother and sister, went up the stairs to the old attic. It was a stormy night and the lightning illuminated their ghostly faces...” The doll started, making you want to not hear anything or run away.
“Angie, stop,” you said, in a tone that betrayed your fear.
“Someone said there was a ghost up there, the sister said, opening the attic door, illuminated by the storm,” the doll spoke with a dark voice. “Then they looked inside and…”
“And?” You asked scared, tightening the fabric of your dress, moistening it with the sweat of your hands.
“Nothing, there was nothing... Only darkness. The sister seemed confused, she was sure that the footsteps she heard at night came from up there. The boy turned slowly, blowing out the candle. A flash of lightning illuminated his pale, smiling face. The clock had just announced midnight. What are you doing? She asked. The brother approached in silence, whispering a few words in her ear...”
“Enough,” you said with a broken voice, seeing smiling faces on the walls of the house.
“Do you know what he told her? There is no ghost up here…. I’m the ghost!” Angie screeched, bringing her face abruptly closer to you, making it look much scarier in the candlelight.
“Yiahhh!” You screamed, on the verge of a heart attack, falling back in the chair and crashing against the wooden floor.
Just then, the light returned to the house and next to it, the sound of heels running towards you.
“(Y/N), my love, are you okay?” Donna said, bending down to help you up while the Angie doll laughed out loud.
“Damn it,” you growled, letting yourself be helped and rubbing your back.
“Angie, what have you done to her?” Donna asked, brushing the dust off your dress. The doll cowardly fled, still laughing.
“Nothing, nothing, it doesn't matter,” you said, trying to regain your calm, something that seemed impossible, since the old clock in the hall announced midnight. “Ah, shit! Damn…”
“Don't worry, honey,” Donna said, confused, glaring at Angie, who was hiding behind an armchair. “It’s just the clock”
“Yes, I… Yes…” You stammered, running a hand over your sweaty forehead.
“Midnight, Cinderella, go home,” the doll squealed, still not daring to show her face.
“Yes, I...  I'd better go,” you said, getting up from the chair. At least you would suffer all the fears at once.
“Wait. It's raining a lot,” Donna said, gently grabbing your wrist. “You, you should stay the night.”
“The night?” You asked, letting the fear go away for a moment. At least that kind of fear.
“Yes, I... Well...”
“With you?” You asked again, with a light illuminating your face.
-Yes, of course, I… Don't get me wrong, no, I don't mean... That... I just wouldn't want you to get sick,” Donna said bowing her head, shy.
“Oh, well, I…” you said, thinking about your options. You didn't even care that it was some kind of strategy of the woman in black to make love to you. She said that she would wait for you to be ready, as would as she herself. There was no rush, that wasn't her intention, you should know that.
“I don't mean anything, (Y/N), you can, you can stay in the guest room,” she said, afraid that she had hinted at something that she didn't really intend. Or so you thought.
“The guest room?” You asked, a shiver running down your spine. “Alone?”
“Yes, well, if you feel more comfortable...” Donna said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
Before you could respond, another horrible flash of lightning, with its corresponding thunder, threw you back into your lover's arms.
“You know what? Not…. I…” You stammered, embarrassed for hiding your fear in her arms again. “I prefer, I prefer to sleep with you.”
“Are you sure?” She asked, looking for some sign of lying in your eyes.
You nodded.
Unfortunately, Donna's room was in that scary basement. The excitement of spending a night together was laced with fear, with dread, with that stupid Angie story clouding your thoughts.
After Donna lent you some clothes to sleep in, and left you alone so you could change as you pleased, you began to believe that you weren't so bad. At least there were no windows in that room, so the trees couldn't make horrible sinister faces on the wall.
“Are you comfortable?” Your girlfriend asked, yes, your girlfriend, getting into bed next to you. The sight of her hair free of its restraints made you forget your fear for a moment, even if it was just for a moment.
“You look beautiful with your hair down, Donna,” you said, letting the words flow freely through your mouth.
She smiled sheepishly at the compliment, and joined you under the covers. She kissed you slowly, an innocent goodnight kiss, but grateful, grateful to be able to share that night with you.
“Good night, my love...” She whispered in your ear, turning around to reach the light on the nightstand. Okay, you were starting to have problems.
“Wait, what are you going to do?” You asked startled, grabbing her arm so it wouldn't reach its destination.
“What? Well, I’m going to turn off the light, tesoro,” she explained innocently, frowning at your attitude and the tremors in your hands. “You are shaking, are you cold?”
“No, no, I... I'm fine,” you said, with that need to fake a bravery that you didn't have. “Good night, Donna.”
She shrugged and, after another quick kiss, turned off the light.
Your body was shaking. Time passed and you were unable to even close your eyes. The darkness of the room was overwhelming. You felt thousands of smiling faces watching you, waiting for you to get careless, for you to fall asleep so they could possess you.
“Damn it...” You whispered, hearing a creak coming from the floor above. The house was old, the wood creaked, it was normal. That was what your mind should tell you, but it didn't. It only imagined wandering souls that wanted to attack you.
In a gesture of childish cowardice, you raised the blankets until they completely covered your head, creating a fictitious shelter in which you were safe. Even that way you couldn't stop shaking.
The calm breathing of Donna, who had long been fast asleep, was not enough to silence the fear in your body. You snuggled closer to her, the blankets covering you completely.
“Please, day, come quickly...” You said to yourself, on the verge of a panic attack. Your lover's hot body turned around and her arm fell on your cowardly hidden body.
“Mm?” Donna murmured, sleepy, probably surprised by not touching your skin, but a blanket. “(Y/N)?”
You didn't respond until, after a few seconds, the light returned to illuminate the sinister room.
“What are you doing, tesoro?” Donna asked, discovering you, freeing you from your infallible protective shield.
“No, nothing,” you said embarrassed.
Your lover placed a hand on your forehead, looking at you worriedly.
“Oh, Black Gods, you're sweating...” She sighed, making you sit up. “Have you had a nightmare?”
“No... It's just... I'm hot,” you lied again. How funny, you hadn't even been able to sleep. Now you had a new fear, doing it and having nightmares. Brilliant
“You're very nervous, (Y/N)...” Donna said, caressing you reassuringly. “Wait a moment, I'm going to prepare a relaxing infusion for you, okay?”
“No, nothing's wrong with me... Come back, go back to bed,” you said, reaching out your hand towards her wrist so that her warm and protective body wouldn't abandon you.
“It’s just a moment. Whatever scared you, it's gone, honey. Let me help you,” she said, ignoring your poor excuses.
“I'm not scared!” You squealed nervously, causing her to suddenly turn her head towards you, opening her eyes wide.
“Okay, okay, (Y/N) But still, you have to calm down. I'll be right back," Donna said, disappearing from the room.
“Wait, don't leave me alone...” You murmured, in a tone so low that surely she didn't hear you.
Fortunately, it didn't take long for Donna to return.
“Here,” she said kindly, bringing you a steaming cup. “Drink it, it’s good for you.”
You nodded, sorry for your attitude, for the cowardice of admitting that you were a coward.
“I'm sorry for yelling at you,” you said, bringing the liquid to your lips. She shook her head, sitting on your side of the bed and stroking your hand.
“Don't worry,” she said, smiling tenderly. “Talk to me, tesoro, tell me what's happening to you.”
“I...” You said, noticing how your strength was disappearing, how that attitude of wanting to pretend what you weren't was beginning to kill you inside. “I‘m, I’m a coward, Donna.”
She didn't change her sympathetic expression.
“I... Despite being 23 years old, I still sleep with the light on. My sister Elena is sick of me because of that… Everything scares me, even my own shadow…”
“We are all afraid of something, you have nothing to be ashamed of,” she said whispering, controlling her tone of voice.
“It shouldn't be like that, I... I'm not a little girl anymore and... Nor, I can't even be calm in the light of day. Everything scares me, everything terrifies me.”
“Hey, come on, (Y/N). It's okay. You know I would never let anything happen to you,” Donna said, caressing your cheek.
“I know but... Damn, you must think that I'm a coward, that I don't deserve to be with you because I scare easily, because I'm still... I'm still childishly cowardly...” You said, looking down at the blanket, letting the liquid of that infusion will go down your throat.
“No, honey, don't say that. I don't love you less because you're afraid of darkness,” she said, wanting to make it clear to you quickly. “It’s normal to be afraid. There is no problem with it.”
“Are you afraid of something? I don’t think so. You've been walking around the house in the dark and you haven't even flinched,” you said in your defense, removing your hand from hers.
“Well, maybe, maybe I'm not afraid of the dark... But that doesn't mean there aren't things that scare me, you know?” Donna told you with a calm voice, with no sign that for any reason she lost her mind at your abrupt way of speaking.
“Oh, there are? What are you afraid of?” You asked with a bit of irony, leaving the cup on the table and crossing your arms.
“I'm afraid of losing you...” She whispered, without looking at your face. “Of being alone again.”
“What nonsense. I would never leave you, Donna,” you said, huffing and shaking your head.
“Is that nonsense? What about the monsters you imagine in the dark? Isn't that nonsense?” the lady said, with an amused smile. You went blank.
“I... Well, I... Oh, well, I can't contradict that logic of yours,” you said, sighing, tilting your head so that it rested on her chest.
She laughed, kissing your hair softly.
“You see? Fears can be rational or irrational. But we're all afraid of something, (Y/N). The important thing is to overcome it, and have someone by your side to help you. I have you, you have me.”
“Okay,” you said, letting a tear slide down your cheek. “Will you protect me?”
“Of course, tesoro. You'll see how together we can handle it,” she said, cradling you in her arms.
You felt better, safe in her arms, safe next to her. Fear and Angie's stupid stories had made you forget something important, something that was left half-finished.
“Hey, Donna,” you asked, moving away a bit. “Before the blackout… You wanted to ask me something.”
“Oh, yes, well, I...” Donna said, starting to get nervous “I just, I just wanted to know if...”
“If you would like to live with me,” she said, lowering her gaze again, tightening her grip on your hand too much.
“I know it's hasty but...” She said, interrupted by a surprise kiss on her lips, by your hands caressing her face, her scar, making your opinion clear.
“Yes, I want to live with you Donna, but promise me one thing.”
“Whatever you want,” she said excitedly.
“Promise me that your hugs will protect me from the darkness.”
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icycoldninja · 2 days
Hello! I've been a fan of your posts for a while and I'm very impressed by your ability to write in such a wide range of requests 😃
So, Vergil x reader who is very emotional and at the same time out of touch with their feelings, in a way that tears are a basic reaction to any kind of emotional situations. They try to act like a tough cookie, but then eventually pathetically break down. They can't explain to Vergil why they are crying, and are afraid that he wouldn't tolerate any kind of emotional situations from them. With a happy ending though.
That probably will be really short, but still thanks :)
OMG thank you 💜 I hope you enjoy!!
Emotional (Vergil x Reader angst/fluff)
Throughout your life, you'd always been emotionally detached, yet extremely emotional all at the same time. No matter what the situation was, if it was slightly saddening, you would cry. You'd turn your head to keep others from seeing your tears, and vehemently deny it if anyone asked questions, but the facts remained. You were a strange person in terms of reactions, but since you took great pains to keep this a secret, no one noticed; no one knew.
You were perfectly content to keep things that way, crying in private or covering your face with a book, your phone, or just turning away and pretending to do something else, but it seemed Fate wasn't having any of that. It decided that someone had to know your secret, and of course, that someone had to be your loving, but incredibly stern and cold boyfriend, Vergil.
He'd been away on a very long mission for 4 months and hadn't contacted you once during that time. You tried asking Dante and the others to see if they knew where he was and if he was alright, but no one knew where he went; all anyone could do was trust that he'd return. Despite their reassurances, you were worried sick. There were so many possibilities, none of them good. What if he'd been kidnapped? What if Mundus got him again? What if he was being tortured? What if? What if?
Once again, your reaction to this situation was to curl up on the bed and cry, silently, since no one was watching. You lay there like the lump of miserable flesh you were, tears streaming down your face and soaking the sheets. Then, as if summoned precisely for this moment, you heard the sounds of a portal being opened in the living room. You quickly tried to compose yourself, but no matter how hard you rub your face, you can't hide the redness in your eyes.
You heard him call out to you, footsteps heading towards the bedroom, where he presumed you would be. You sat up, trembling in anticipation, the stress and anxiety in your heart finally getting to you the moment Vergil set foot through the door. The first thing he saw was your flushed face, glassy gears streaming out of your bloodshot eyes and pouring down your cheeks, the small sniffling noises you made adding to your utterly defeated appearance. Vergil was used to you putting on a "tough cookie" act, not this. He'd never seen you cry before, and now that he was, he felt horrible.
"What's wrong, are you hurt?" He asked, stiffly walking over to you. You knew you shouldn't have done what you did next, but you did it anyway.
"I don't know!" You wailed, springing up from the bed and flinging yourself into his arms. Vergil was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized what you wanted and returned the hug with enthusiasm.
"What is the matter?" He continued, "Did you perhaps grow lonely because of my absence?"
"I don't know," You repeated, sniffling and pulling away, furiously rubbing your eyes and biting down on your tongue to keep from crying any more. You did this because you thought Vergil wouldn't tolerate tears or any kind of weakness, especially if they were from you. To your surprise, Vergil snaked his large arms back around your waist and tugged you close, smushing your face into his chest.
"Shh, never mind, just stay here." He told you, running one hand up and down your back.
"You're not...mad at me?" You croaked, your face still buried in the wall of muscle that was his chest.
"Why would I be? What justifications do I have to be cross with you?"
"Cause...I'm crying...and...you don't want me to be...weak..."
"Your tears are not weakness." Vergil's words were shocking; you never expected him to say something like that. "They are the embodiment of your emotions, emotions that you are otherwise indifferent to. For anyone else, they would be signs of weakness, but not for you." Vergil glanced down at you with his rarely seen, truly warm smile, and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"Not for you, my dove. I could never be cross with you."
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autumnslance · 3 days
hi! random question for you because i stumbled upon your blog and have a lot of ffxiv character stuff in my head. what do you think about a WoL who is half dragon - do you think this could work? i'm not fully through the story so not sure on all the lore. but i was thinking of making an OC who is half dragon as an AuRa, who ik are NOT half dragon but what if the WoL was an actual half dragon? thanks for any input! have a nice day!
OK, this is one of those "here is the official lore, do with it, or not, what you will" answers. Cuz it's sorta kinda possible, in a way, just not how many other fantasy settings would do it.
Now, you say you're not all the way through story, but I don't know how far that means. So I may be vague about some things and spoil some others. Lore first, and then some options to play with it...
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Number 1: FF14 dragons are aliens. It seems hinted at in some ways, but we do learn that for certain in an optional raid quest in Stormblood. They are extraterrestrial, do not originate on the same planet. Hence the strangeness and strength of their abilities, especially among Midgardsormr and his First Brood, from whom all other True Dragons descend.
Number 2: Dragons reproduce asexually. Their mating is more a meeting of the mind and heart (which is why dedicated sibling pairs, like Tiamat and Bahamut, are not a problem). Their development is highly mutable, and dependent on personality and environment. Which is why there are so many kinds of dragons, and why this form of procreation isn't a problem for them.
(They also don't really care about gender, we find out in later game; they use pronouns and gendered language, but it's more like they pick it out of a hat and also I think it's in part how mortals parse their draconic language and identification of each other.)
In the ARR patches, the Ishgardian church's story about the ancient Saint Shiva is "she lay with dragons" and...sorta? Again, not necessarily sex as we primates manage it, but there was a romantic relationship that's one of the central elements of Heavensward's story.
Number 3: Dragons do not turn into people. Not natural born True Dragons, anyway. There is one who uses a simulacrum/homunculus that he controls in order to walk among people, but it's an artificial puppet body created via certain methods.
Heretics can sometimes turn into dragons--sometimes temporarily, sometimes permanently (not always their intent). They manage this by drinking dragons' blood (willingly given or not, depending on situation). There's also some plot points in HW where we learn some people in the past partook of a dragon's internal source of power and now it's spread through uncountable descendants--the reason for Dragoon abilities and heretics able to tap into that and become draconic.
Certain characters in certain questlines have noticeable powerful aetheric abilities and dragons can sense the connection--because one of their parents had imbibed dragon blood. There's also a quest where a Dragoon, who by training already has an "inner dragon" awoken and tapped into, is forced to drink dragon's blood and nearly loses her sanity and self, the attempt to transform her into a mindless beast (and the source of some of the Horde's shock troops, the characters realize) an element of the story, and can she overcome it.
(these side quests were part of my inspiration for Aeryn's unexpected backstory "Bearing Sins of the Past")
Number 4: There are dragon legends in the East, but only some have to do with True Dragons descended from the First Brood. We eventually learn Seiryu of the Four Lords is not a dragon, though often is mistaken for or described as one.
There are also throughout the world large flying lizards, dinosaurs, and other big reptilian creatures native to Hydaelyn, but not related to the First Brood. They're usually common animals with no intellect.
(This is because world lore writer Banri Oda just loves dinosaurs)
SO! All that said, what's this mean for making a half-dragon OC? Well, there's options!
To be lore compliant, someone of Coerthan descent and involved with, or from a family involved with, heresy (per the Ishgardian definition) can have draconic features, maybe try to pass themselves off as Au Ra, and/or have the ability to transform, either with a catalyst (blood, alchemy, a spell tapping into their inner dragon/draconic heritage, whatever) or because it's become an inherent part of them. Think draconic-blooded sorcerers from Dungeons & Dragons. They get their inherent magic due to draconic ancestry/influence somewhere in their lineage.
There's also always the mistaken/lying element; maybe the character thinks they are, or something has to do between their family and legends of the auspices and Four Lords. One of the things about FF14's lore is a lot of it is given in world and in characters; some of it is known to be wrong or misrepresented or incomplete etc., to give the devs wiggle room--as well as us as players.
One can partially ignore canon and say yeah, a humanoid parent boffed a draconic parent, in whatever form, and now this unlikely one in a million chance (or not, if we're already throwing away some lore) offspring is around and grown into an adventurer.
I've also seen folks portal in their OC from another fantasy setting where such things are more plausible, such as D&D (Baldur's Gate 3 is the current new hotness) or Warcraft (where it's honestly more assumed, as I can't recall an actual canon half-dragon but that's always a popular RP concept).
So while on the surface, some may say "no, that's not canon because--" there are ways to make it work within lore, if not how one usually thinks of "half-dragon" or "dragon-blooded" (tho kinda in the D&D sorcerer sense, IMO).
Or you throw out canon, and tell folks "I know the lore is X, but for my character's story I'm headcanoning Y instead." And then block any fussy attempts at lore policing.
Or just use the power of crossovers and portal stories/isekai to make it work, and again tell lore police to screw off.
Hope this helps, and happy OC writing!
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The Twin Flame - Invisible String (Infinity War/Endgame Version)
"Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire, chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons. One single thread of gold tied me to you..."
Pairing: Sunshine!Reader x Grumpy!Bucky Barnes The Twin Flame Chapter List | The Grumpy x Sunshine Universe
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"How do you do it?"
Steve looks up from the blank page he'd stared at for the better part of an hour. With Sam and Natasha gone to replenish supplies, it's just you and Steve in some derelict motel room. It's been almost a year on the run. You have no idea where you are. No idea what you're doing. You're not even really sure how you ended up here. And in spite of all of that, Steve still holds his head up high. He's still calm, collected. You've all lost everything and he takes it in stride.
You can see it weighing on him. And at the same time, it doesn't. He still believes that the world is good, still fights for the things he believes in with everything he has. He offers you a tight smile. "You know, I was just about to ask you the same thing."
You look at him strangely, a huff of a laugh leaving your mouth. "I'm not doing anything. I'm just... here."
He vehemently shakes his head, repeatedly tapping his pen on the notepad, "You don't give yourself enough credit. What you did... it was really brave. And I know it was hard for you."
"I'd do it again if I had to." You shrug. "Except for the Tony shooting me part. I wouldn't do that again."
"You just did it again," Steve points out.
"Made everything feel brighter."
"A joke will do that," you easily reply.
He shakes his head. "It wasn't the joke."
You softly smile. "Thanks, Steve."
"I know this wasn't what we planned, but I really do believe it'll all work itself out."
You anxiously twist your fingers as you try to broach a topic you'd thought about relentlessly. You could see your friends losing themselves. You knew it because so were you.
Some days, you all looked so tired, so weathered from a year of constantly moving and fighting. Some days, you were all so angry, with each other, with the circumstances. On those days, the wind could blow in the wrong direction and it would set off an entire day of yelling and bickering with each other.
You saw less and less of Sam's signature goofy grin with each passing day. Nat was getting more anxious, more paranoid with every glance over her shoulder. Wanda had confided in you her desire to not come back from her trips with Vision and with each trip, you grew less and less sure that she'd come back. It seemed like every day was a new breaking point.
"There are ways we could end this. Without giving up Bucky. You'd get to go home. Figure things out with the team," you hesitantly broach.
"Like by signing the Accords?" Steve chortles, resting the notebook on the table.
"I don't think there's a person in the world that could get you to sign the Accords," you chuckle. "But...you could cut a deal."
He snorts. "It'd have to be one hell of a deal." He thinks over your words for a moment and it occurs to him that you didn't say 'we' when you talked about going home. It takes a moment for the realization to settle in. For your offer to fully sink in. "You can't be serious."
"Just think about it."
His entire face furrows with anger. "No! I won't think about it. And you shouldn't either."
You reach over the table to grasp Steve's hand. You look at him with an expression that begs him to really think about your situation realistically, "They were never going to let me go, Steve. You know that. Even if we all make it back, they'll find something, if it's not this, it'll be something else. You know they will. And I - I can't run the rest of my life, but you guys, you guys could go back home. Enjoy your lives."
Steve gently squeezes your hand, dropping it after a moment, "And what do you think Sam would say if he heard you right now? If he heard you offering up your life so we could go back? Do you honestly think he'd ever agree to a deal that locked you away for good?"
You open your mouth, only to close it again when you find yourself unable to respond to Steve's questions. Instead, you offer, "Sam would have his family back. He'd understand."
"I don't think he would. I don't think he'd ever forgive me. Or you. And even if he could, that's not a deal any of us are ever going to make."
"Four lives for one isn't a bad deal." 
"No matter what anyone else says, you are not some pawn. You're not a bargaining chip," Steve enunciates. "You're a person. We come home together or not at all."
"And if we can't?"
"Then we fight. Together. Just like always."
You slump back down in your seat. You shake your head at Steve's unfailing moral beliefs. You admired that about him, how he always seemed so sure of himself, how he could always tell right from wrong. You found yourself losing touch with that part of yourself lately. You acquiesce with a sigh, "How do you do it?"
He shrugs. "I don't know. You - you bend when you can, snap when you have to."
"Something's wrong."
You look over at Sam, concern weighing his face down, "What?"
“They’re gonna need help. Stay here," he orders. "Keep them out.”
“But I could help.”
“And you are. The best offense is a good defense.”
"Sam!" you call after him as he takes to the sky. "...And he's gone. Sure, I'll just stay here all alone, fighting aliens all by myself. That's definitely more safe. And now, I'm just talking to myself."
"Hey," Bucky calls, his eyes having caught you standing here fighting all alone from across the field. "What are you doing all the way over here?"
You dodge a fist that flies at your face, "Being bossed around by Sam. Trying not to die mostly. You?"
"The same. Fighting a bunch of aliens that want to kill us." 
"Behind you!' you scream out. Before he has a chance to react, the alien descends on him. There is no thought as a vine rips out of the ground, whipping around the alien's leg and dragging him away from Bucky.
He forcefully exhales, his eyes blown wide, "Thanks."
"Anytime." You smile up at him. "And totally not a big deal, but do you always strike up conversations when you're fighting?"
A smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth, "Do you always listen to what Sam tells you to do?"
"Only when the world is ending."
"Same here."
Suddenly, a flash of lighting emerges from the sky.
"Oh, you guys are so screwed!" Bruce triumphantly laughs. 
"Thor?" you call out. 
“Rainbow Sunshine!” Thor beams.
You smile, still slightly winded by the fight, "It's good to see you."
"I am Groot," a voice grumbles out from behind Thor. 
“Oh, right, this is my friend, Tree,” Thor introduces, gesturing to the tall tree standing behind him.
“I am Groot,” Groot objects.
You gesture to yourself, “And I am Rainbow Sunshine, sometimes just Sunshine. And depending on who you ask, also Pinkie Pie.”
“Sam,” you call, stumbling through the forest. 
“Over here,” he panickedly shouts back. 
“Hey, Sam,” you shakily exhale, finally in Sam’s line of sight. You stop a few feet away from him, a strange, distant look on your face as you stumble. He catches you before you hit the ground. “Sam, I don’t - I don’t feel so good.”
His breath catches in his throat when he sees your hand start to dust, little particles floating away in the air. “No!”
“Awww,” you groan, looking down at your hand slowly disappearing. “Why is it always me?”
And then you were gone. Right before Sam’s eyes. 
And though you'd just witnessed yourself disintegrate into dust, in the blink of an eye, you were back. Completely fine. Standing in the forest in Wakanda like nothing had ever happened.
"Oh my God," you start, watching Sam with the same bewildered expression standing right in front of you. "We're dead! We're dead! We're dead, aren't we? We survived, but we're dead!"
"You're not dead," a voice calls from behind you. "It's been five years, and your friends need you now."
"Five years?" you jolt, whirling around to face the unfamiliar voice. 
"There isn't time to explain. Your friends need you," Dr. Strange repeats. "Thanos has returned."
"Returned?" you squawk. "When did he leave?"
"Sometime in the last five years, I'm guessing," Sam sarcastically remarks. 
You put your hands on your hips, looking over to Sam, "Aww... we gotta go fight again."
"So I've heard," Sam scoffs.
You politely raise a hand. Dr. Strange quirks an eyebrow at you as you pant with a hand resting on your knee. "Is there time for a water break?"
"Sunshine," Steve calls, waving you over.
"Sunshine?" Bucky repeats, a slight disdain and question in his words. 
Steve dismissively shrugs. "It suits her."
"It's a ridiculous nickname," Bucky disagrees. 
You're in the middle of a conversation with Sam on the other side of the jet, you hold out your finger to Steve and Bucky telling them to give you a minute. 
"It just works. She's such a warm person. A freaking goofball. Especially after everything she's gone through, it suits her," Steve repeats. 
"Everything she's gone through?" Bucky cautiously questions. 
"That's a story for a different day, Buck."
Before Bucky can probe anymore, you make your way over to the two of them. 
"How can I help my Star Spangled friend and - " you stop, clicking your teeth together as you look at Bucky for a moment too long. You narrow your eyes at Bucky, rocking back and forth on your heels. For a second, he thinks you're scared, hesitant because he did just try to kill you at one point. "Nope, sorry, I don't have a nickname for you yet."
Bucky's eyebrows furrow and in spite of his best efforts, a small chuckle bubbles out of his mouth.
"Told you, Sunshine," Steve repeats, a warm smile on his face. 
"It's a ridiculous nickname," you playfully complain, taking a seat in between the two super soldiers. As the words leave your mouth, you lightly punch Steve's arm. "I've told you that a million times."
"You love it," Steve scoffs, throwing his heavy arm around your shoulders.
From underneath Steve's arm, you look up at Bucky with a wide grin, "Don't listen to him, it's ridiculous."
"So Sunshine?" Bucky gruffly chuckles, repeating Steve's nickname for you. "Very fitting alter-ego."
You laugh, rolling your eyes at him. "It's not an alter ego, just a nickname that Steve won't let go."
"Ah," Bucky nods. "So what is the alter ego?"
"I don't have one. It used to be 'The Asset' but now," you sigh. "Now, I guess I'm just me."
"The Asset?"
You do a lazy two-finger salute, nodding your head once. "SHIELD owned and sanctioned."
Bucky finds himself at a loss for words. Partly because it really does sound terrible. But mostly because he knows exactly how it feels to be reduced to nothing more than a piece of property. "That's... shitty."
"Yeah," you agree, twisting your mouth as though you've just accepted your situation as was is, like you've resigned yourself to the knowledge that it's what you are and will continue you be. Before Bucky can say anything else, ask anymore prying questions, you nudge your shoulder with his, the first time anyone's initiated physical contact with him in a very, very long time, "But just between the two of us, you can't trust people who give themselves super-hero names. Especially bad super-hero names."
"Good advice."
"You know, you're not that bad when you're not trying to kill me," you tease, your voice just above a whisper as both Sam and Steve snore from across the Quinjet. 
He rolls his eyes with a huff of amusement. "Thanks."
"And you know what else? I've decided on your nickname," you gleefully tell him. 
"Do I even want to know?"
"I'm going to call you James."
His eyebrows furrow as the smile he so desperately tried to keep at bay finally surfaces. "You know, I hate to burst your bubble, but that's my real name."
"But everyone calls you Bucky, so it'll be my nickname for you." You gently nudge his shoulder with yours. Bucky is more than a little shocked at the physical contact. It was even more surprising than when you plopped yourself down in the seat beside him when there were plenty of other open seat. You sat by him, of your own volition. You were joking with him, laughing with him, teasing him. And you'd given him nickname, even if it was his real name. "It'll be our own little secret."
And he's not really sure why, but the idea of having his own personal secret with you left a strange, warm fluttering sensation in the pit of his stomach. The feeling wasn't familiar to him. And there was a big part of him that was terrified of it. An even bigger part that relished in it.
The rational side of him knew that a few conversations and laughs didn't mean anything. Steve had told him, you were here because Sam was here.
You were just being nice.
And he was seeing things that weren't there. 
Weeks had passed since the battle was won. There was no morning glory. There was no air of victorious excitement. It was quiet. Weeks of intense contemplation.
And yet, Bucky watched you hold your head high. You never let anyone see you waver. It was always the moments that he catches you off guard when he realizes you're as hurt as anyone else. Of course you are, he scolds himself. You just lost so many friends after being gone for five years.
In the days since the battle, a sort of comfort settled between the two of you. You were so honest with him.
You tell him about your own struggles. About yourself. You tell him story after story. You hold out your hand to him and he's more than happy to take it. Every night, he finds you up. Wandering the cabin like him. After everyone else has gone to bed. You two shared hushed laughter, whispered tales, and you share so much. With him. With him of all people. 
He still can't figure out why. He doesn't know why you trust him when no one else does. You have no qualms of resting your head on his shoulder, of holding his hand. 
It's too much and not enough all at once. 
And now, it was finally the day that this nightmare of a chapter would finally close. Steve would put back the stones and it would all be over.
He watches you for a moment. You sit on the porch landing. On the second to last step, holding a bright yellow sunflower in hand. You sit there pensively picking flower petals off the stem as you all await Steve.
He's never the first to approach you, he's never the first to approach anyone anymore. He does so hesitantly, careful to show you that he means no harm. "You okay?"
Your eyes flick up to him and with a warm half smile, you shrug, "Define okay."
He chortles, taking a seat beside you. "Guess that's fair."
"I'm fine," you assure him. "Just a lot to process, you know?"
He's heard you tell stories about them both. Before everything went to hell, you all sounded close, like a family. "I'm sorry about Natasha and Tony."
"Just wish I could've apologized," you remorsefully admit. "Or at least said goodbye."
"Yeah," he sighs, knowing there's nothing that he can say to take that pain away.
You shrug, trying to let the grief that now clings to your skin like tar just roll off your back. Normally, you could pretend, but pretending felt so hard, so much harder than you ever could've prepared for. "Now, we just move forward. Live life to the fullest, that kinda thing."
"Gotta recoup those five years?" Bucky snickers.
You snap your fingers, pointing at him, "Exactly!"
"So what are your big plans?"
You point at him again, this time with a pursed, but genuine, smile. "I haven't gotten that far yet."
A laugh bubbles out of his mouth. "Just let me know when you do find out."
"I will." The silence remains for a moment. Though the grief is suffocating, you find a lightness beside Bucky. Every night, sleep evaded, you wander the cabin halls in hopes of finding him, in hopes of feeling the lightness once more. And every night, without fail, he's there. Sometimes, he hardly says anything. Some nights, it's only wordless nods, but he's always listening. There's something so incredibly comforting in his presence, something that feels like coming home for the first time ever. It feels like you can breathe again. He makes it all bearable. "What about you? Any big plans?"
"Honestly? I'm trying not to think about it too much."
"I think something good has to come from all of this," you meekly offer. "We turn the bad into something good."
It was the only solace you could find. Something good had to come from the blood spilt, from the lives lost. Something good would come of it. A new beginning, living your life to honor those fallen.
He snorts, rolling his eyes, "And how do you suppose that?"
"Well, after all of that, it has to be for something. Some greater good. Some grand scheme."
"And if it's not?"
"I refuse to accept that," you confidently declare. "Something good has to come from everything. We just don't know what that good is. Just because we can't see it doesn't mean it's not there."
He opens his mouth to refute you, but decides against. He finds that he doesn't really want to be the reason you can't or won't see good in the world. Though he can barely admit it to himself, he finds himself enamored with your sweet disposition and wide eyed gaze. "Whatever you have to tell yourself."
You nod appreciatively. "Thank you."
He nudges his chin toward the flower in your hand. "So what's the verdict? Loves or loves not?"
You take a large gulp of air, a chuckle leaving as you exhale. You knew the game he was talking about. You're pretty sure you saw it in a movie once. You weren't playing a game of loves or loves not, but you find it incredibly endearing that he thinks you were."I was actually just killing time because I don't know how to work my new phone, but I think it's really sweet that there's a hopeless romantic beneath all that brooding."
"What will it take for you to forget that I said that?" he jokingly bargains.
"Oh, no, I can't just forget that. I knew it," you tease, nudging your shoulder against his. "I knew there was a softie deep down inside."
"Ha," he sarcastically chuckles.
"Deep, deep, deep, deep down, I knew it. One big teddy bear. Called it!"
"Yes!" you laugh, poking his shoulder with the stem of the flower.
"Yes!" you boisterously laugh, about to run the remaining petals of the flower over his cheek.
In one deft movement, he reaches over to take the bare stem from your hand. You move your hand further away, trying to pull it out of his reach. His hand successfully catches yours. You both look up, and in that same movement, he ends up mere centimeters away from your face.
The humor instantly drains from the movement.
And all you can focus on is how close he is to you. You can feel his breath dusting across your face.
Against all his better judgement, he moves forward. Out of focus, eye-to-eye, it's almost like the gravity is too much and it's propelling him forward.
At the incremental movement, the anticipation becomes too much and you take small intake of breath.
The moment your breath hitches, it's like Bucky is snapped out of his daze. He abruptly pulls away, clearing his throat, "We should - we should get back."
It feels like ice-cold water has been poured over whatever spark you thought was there.
You try to ignore the sting of his rejection, instead reminding yourself that it shouldn't even matter in comparison to everything else happening. You swallow all of the emotions that threaten to overwhelm you, slightly nodding your head and jutting your thumb towards the cabin. "Yeah, Sam's probably looking for me."
He briskly stands up, letting the flower along with its remaining petals fall to the ground. You look at the flower on the ground, its petals mangled, stem snapped, trampled beneath his feet like nothing.
And he walks away without a word. He leaves you there, wondering what you did wrong, wondering why you were so easy to leave behind.
He just leaves you out there, standing crestfallen on the landing.
"What do you mean you it's not working? Bring him back!" Sam frantically demands. 
"I'm trying!" Bruce insists, his hands smashing over buttons as he tries to figure out how to bring back Steve.
"Guys," you softly call, nudging your head over to the man suddenly sitting at the edge of the lake. "Look. Is that-?"
Sam takes a step forward, craning his neck to get a better look at the unfamiliar man. "Steve?"
Sam's the first one to regain the ability to react. Though he moves slow with a pit of lead now sitting in his stomach, Sam slowly inches his way over to the bench where Steve sits.
While he walks over, you remain standing by Bucky. 
You find yourself reaching for Bucky's hand, lightly squeezing it while he watches Sam finally reach Steve. "Are you okay?"
He takes a moment to relish in the warmth of your fingers radiating throughout his entire hand. All from one simple, fleeting touch. For the singular moment he allows you to hold his hand, you feel a glimmer of hope that maybe he wasn't leaving you behind. Before you can breathe your sigh of relief, he tugs his hand back, indifferently muttering, "Fine."
"Listen," you hesitantly start, feeling dread wash over you all over again. "About earlier-"
"Don't worry about it. It was nothing."
If you didn't know any better, you would have sworn that you could feel your stitched up heart being torn to shreds. You softly exhale, "What?"
He kept his eyes on the lake in front of the two of you, but even from his peripheral he could say your face slowly drop. He steels his resolve, telling himself that he's just seeing what he wants to see. It's not what it looks like. Your heart isn't shattering right before his very eyes. The words taste bitter, but he's used to bitter. He's used to hard truths and crushing fates. And he wasn't willing to drag you down with him. "It was nothing."
He can't pretend he doesn't hear the small sharp inhale that leaves your mouth. You clear your throat, pulling on a smile a moment later. "Right. Just wanted to make sure we were okay.... Are we?"
"Well, I'm fine," he curtly states. 
He knows you'll hear the absence of the 'we'.
"Listen, James, if this is about earlier, I'm - I'm sorry, I just, I-" you start, fumbling for the right words to keep him from leaving you. You're not sure you could take it. You're not ready to utter yet another goodbye. The words clumsily fall out of your mouth as you desperately try to figure out how to fix it, "You just - you mean a lot-"
"I already told you to drop it, alright? It meant nothing," he spits, more harshly than he intended. "I don't know what you think, but I'm not your charity case, so go bother someone else."
He's not even sure where the words came from, how they poured out of him without pause, but they do. Each syllable is pointed, clear and concise, there's no mistaking what he said.
And from the gut-wrenching look on your face, there's no taking it back. 
You sharply inhale like he's just punched you in the gut. Your mouth immediately snaps shut, your lips press together to hide the wince of pain that tries to form on your face. 
He wants to tell you that he's sorry. Sorry for hurting you. Sorry for his casually cruel words. Sorry for leaving. He reminds himself that you deserve better than someone who can put that look on your face. 
From your peripheral, you see Sam make his way back to where the two of you stand. In a choked whisper, you murmur, "I should go talk to Steve."
He nods wordlessly as you start making your way to the older man.
As you start walking, you take several deep breaths to calm your fracturing heart. 
You're good at playing pretend, pretending like your heart had been shattered, like almost everyone in your life hadn't just left you behind. The mask is almost too easy to slip on. 
“Steve?” you ask, hesitantly broach the much older man with features so much similar to your friend. 
You know it's just denial, but you don't want to believe that Steve Rogers is standing in front of you. His gray hair and weathered face taking place of the friend that stood before you only minutes ago. 
“Hey, Sunshine,” he warmly greets, a kind smile on his face.
“Wow, even after all that the nickname sticks,” you halfheartedly chuckle.
“Yeah, guess it does.”
"So are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?" you joke. Steve chuckles, shaking his head. You reach out for his hand, gently squeezing it. He finally meets your gaze, and you can feel another fracture in your heart when his distinct blue eyes find yours. It confirms that it's Steve. It's really him, and now it was time to say goodbye. Time to mourn another friend. Time for another person to leave you. It's not fair, you tell yourself, your friends have no obligation to you, no obligation to stay. Just because you couldn't move on didn't mean that everyone else couldn't get a chance to. You swallow the bitter sorrow that rises in your throat like bile, asking a simple question, “Are you happy?”
He definitively nods, staring wistfully out to the lake before you. “I am.”
You sharply inhale and then slowly exhale, “Then that’s all that matters to me.”
Steve nudges his head in the direction of the two men standing several yards away from you. “He likes you, you know?”
No, he doesn't, you internally tell yourself. Instead, you shake your head, a light snicker leaving your mouth as you try to keep the tears at bay. “Once a meddler, always a meddler.”
“It’s true. Bucky’s a little-“
“Grumpy?” you supply.
Steve chuckles,“He's rough around the edges, but he’s a good man. You two have a lot in common. Two sides of the same coin.”
"That was corny," you easily quip.
"It comes with the old age," Steve retorts. 
"Any other wise words of wisdom?" you ask, hoping he'll tell you how you can past all this loss. 
You wonder if he'll finally tell you how he does it - how he did it.
"You deserve it."
"You deserve it," he repeats. "Peace."
"Okay, you lost me a little bit."
He shrugs. "There's more to life than the next fight. And people have a hard time accepting what they don't think they deserve, but you do. That and so much more."
"Speaking from experience?"
"Something like that," he cryptically offers.
You shakily inhale, preparing yourself for your next goodbye. You wish you would've known. You wish you could've planned what to say, so you wouldn't miss a single thing. You want to reminisce with him, for him to tell you what to do, for the answer of how you continue on like this. More than anything, you want to thank him, to tell him that he'd left a permanent mark on you. Instead of saying all of that, you rest your head on his shoulder, something you'd done so many times. The only difference is that you're so viscerally aware this time will be the last. “I’m gonna miss you.”
“Me too.”
Only allowing yourself the a short moment of tears silently trickling down your face, you stand and say your final goodbye. You wipe the tears before you walk about to where Sam and Bucky stand. 
And when you finally find the strength to finally walk away, your eyes instinctively find Bucky, only for the heartbreaking reminder to settle back in. You quickly divert your eyes, staring at the grass beneath your feet as you rejoin them.
You offer a small, tight lipped smile to the two of them.
"You okay?" Sam asks when you remain silent.
"Yeah," you nod, your eyebrows furrowed as the three of you stand amongst the shattered remnants of your family. "I'm fine."
The silence lasts for a long while. It was a terrifying thought, breaking that silence as the three of your stared out at the water before you, terrified of whatever came next.
None of you knew how right you were. 
After the three of you parted ways, the silence never ceased. And the two of you sat in silence, Sam only broke it as you both climbed into his car. The question was innocuous, but loaded with so many unknowns, "So now what?"
"I have no idea," you slowly exhale.
You both decided to start at the Compound. You already knew it was mostly destroyed, but a big part of you wanted to believe that something had to have survived the battle. And maybe that was just foolish, naive hope, but you pulled up to the Compound in Sam's car with a heart full of hope.
It was stupid in the grand scheme of things. You knew it was. It still didn’t make it hurt any less.
The place you called home.
The magnificent and awe-inspiring Avengers Compound. Reduced to rubble.
Still, you stumbled through the ash, debris, and searched with a bright smile and your head held high.
Most was unidentifiable. But from what you could identify, you were able to find your old room. And it hurts even more.
The room painstakingly decorated with Nat and Wanda. Days the three of you spent laughing, teasing each other, all reduced to nothing. The bookshelf Steve and Sam helped you find and set up for you. CDs and records you collected from all around New York.
All gone.
Though you felt the stinging sensation of tears building in your eyes, you shook them away as though it could shake away the pain of the last few days. Or years - that would probably be more accurate. 
You told yourself that it didn't matter that everything you'd ever owned was now gone. It didn't matter that you went from nothing after being rescued to a room full of cherished possessions... back to nothing. All lost in one fell swoop. It didn't matter that you were once again dropped in a society that looked completely unfamiliar.
You were on the outside. Thanos defeated. Sam was alive. Bucky was alive. And maybe your family was no longer intact, but you still had something, a good starting point.
So you and Sam decided to lay low for a few days to collect your bearings.
You didn't know that things were about to go from bad to worse. 
“Technically, it’s SHIELD housing, just off the books," Sam tells you, pulling up to a small cabin just a few miles away from the Compound. "But I figure we can lay low while we figure out our next move.”
You take solace in the way Sam speaks about you as a unit. Even though he's no longer responsible for you, he's standing by you. You walk up the steps with a heavy heart that's lightened by the people you still had in your life.
You open the side panel, clearly stating your full name to the little intercom device.
“Access denied," the monotone voice drolls.
You shake off the startle, this time carefully speaking your name again.
“Access denied.”
"Maybe Tony put in one of his nicknames?" Sam offers, though you can tell he's grasping at straws. 
"Why don't you try?"
"Sam Wilson," Sam pointedly states. 
“Access granted.”
You sharply inhale, your shoulders stiffening. 
"It's probably just a mistake, the stupid thing's been sitting here for five years untouched," Sam assures you. You half-heartedly nod, giving Sam a tight smile in response. He can't offer any other assurances because he simply doesn't have them. The whole thing is deeply unsettling to him too. "Don't worry, we'll figure it out."
There's no bags to set down as the two of you walk through the door together. Nothing to put away. 
The cabin is old, everything covered in a thin layer of dust. You're about to ask Sam what the two of you should do when his eyes linger on a small room off to the side. You take a few steps to meet his eye-line, his eyes have settled on an old SHIELD computer tucked into the corner of the room. 
"Sam," you warn.
What you didn't want to tell him, what you already knew, was something Sam would never accept. What he's refusing to accept.
It probably didn't even have anything to do with the Snap or being gone for five years, and had everything to do with forcing you back into submission. And more than anything, you just don't want to be proved right in this moment. 
He unlocks the computer anyway. The computer casts a slight glow across the dim room, Sam is clearly nervous as he unlocks the computer with his own code and it's not long before you he's pulling up the old SHIELD database. You wait with bated breath as Sam enters his own name into the SHIELD database. There's no delay or complications as his file fills the screen. 
"Just so we know it's working," he quietly explains. 
You slowly exhale as he types your name with a painstaking hesitancy. What neither of you say is that you're both already certain you have the answer. All Sam was doing was confirming what you both already knew. He hits the enter button with a sharp jab of his finger.
And all that appears is a small error message: Personnel Not Found.
You sharply inhale.
Now, you’d never claim to be the smartest of the bunch, but you knew in the depths of your bones what this meant: you’d been erased.
And now, you were officially back at square one. 
Sam's eyebrows furrow, but he doesn't stop typing, trying dozens of combinations of your name. First name, last name. Last name, first name. Silly aliases that you'd made up while on the run. Typing the ID number SHIELD gave you. 
None of it works.
The clicking sounds of Sam's typing become more frantic, more desperate as he refuses to accept what's happening to you.
You place your hand on his shoulder, prompting him to stop his typing.  For the second time in one day, tears burn at your eyes. This time you don't keep them from falling.
Now, you were gone. A person who never would be and never was. It was a gut punch you never thought you'd have to feel again. Something you didn't think you'd ever lose again. And most of all, you don't want to do this to Sam again. 
You remembered how hard he had to fight the last time, how much hell SHIELD put him through, and even worse was when SHIELD fell and no one knew what to do with you. But through all of that, at least you had yourself. And now they'd taken that from you too.
You decide in that moment that you can't put him through this again.
You squeeze his shoulder once. A silent apology to him for whatever comes next. "It's fine, Sam."
"No, it's not fine-"
You drop your hand from his shoulder. A melancholy settles over the room as you both come to the crushing conclusion that things really would never be the same. "Just leave it, Sam."
"We'll figure out where we go from here tomorrow."
"Tomorrow," he agrees with a sharp nod.
You were the one that made sure tomorrow never came.
"I'm telling you, I'm going to do it," you promise, laughing as the two of you sit on his sister's porch.
"But why?" Sam laughs, standing up in a huff to re-activate the motion lights. 
Even though he knows he shouldn't be encouraging you, there's a pretty big part of him that thinks it's absolutely hilarious too. People just wouldn't stop with the questions about Steve Rogers. They wouldn't accept what was without some grand tale or some dramatic retelling. And as people who both knew Steve, it was emotionally draining.
"Why not?" you counter. "Maybe they'll finally leave us alone about it. Think about it: Steve Rogers is really living underground, protecting us from the mole people."
"Mole people?" Sam sputters out laughing as the timed light turns off again.
"Or- Or!" you bounce up off the stairs with unbridled excitement. "We could tell people he's on the Moon!"
The lights turn back on, but you still remain standing with your drink sloshing around in your hand. He tries to maintain his voice of a reason tone, but he finds himself smiling at his friend dramatically gesturing as you tell him all about the intricate stories you'll make up about Steve. "Who would believe that?" 
"Who wouldn't? An alien literally wiped out half the planet five years ago. And then we just show back up!" you exclaim, half your drink spilling onto the grass as you wave your arms around, gesturing to the world around you. "The world's a crazy place!"
"The Moon," Sam repeats, rolling his eyes with another laugh. 
"Sam? You busy?" you meekly ask, shuffling into the kitchen.
"Mhh..." he hums, rummaging through one of the kitchen cabinets. "Just looking for this old family recipe. My mom made the best Christmas cookies, and I know she had the recipe around here somewhere. What's up?"
You dismissively wave your hand. "No, you're busy. We can talk later."
"No, no, it's fine. Come on, what's going on?"
"I think..." You have to stop to swallow the lump in your throat, mustering all your courage and nerve to say the words that you know will irrevocably change your friendship with Sam. But it's for the best, you tell yourself, Sam will be better off. "I think I have to go."
"I already told you, we can go Christmas shopping later. It's not a big deal, tons of people do their shopping last minute. No one can tell the difference."
"No, Sam," you object, this time a little more forcefully insistent. Simply at your tone, his head jolts upward, the smile falling from his face morphing into a concerned and confused expression. "I think I need to leave."
"Leave?" he echoes. "Leave where?"
"I need answers, Sam. Real answers."
"Well, hold on a minute, I'll go with you! We can go right after the holidays. The both of us-"
"No, no," you interrupt him. "Don't do that. Sarah, AJ, and Cass, you can't just leave them. You just came back."
"We both just came back," he corrects. "But you were so excited about the holidays, and now you want to take off? I don't- I don't get it. Why the sudden change of heart?"
"Sam, I just - I have to do this. Besides, I already talked to Joaquin, and he's not going home for the holidays this year, so he said he'd help me."
His back straightens, no longer leaning against the counter. Logically, he knew the sense of betrayal lodged in his throat was irrational. After all, you were talking to him about it. But it hurts, it stings, knowing that you went to someone else for help instead of him. It aches that you've suddenly decided to leave without him, to leave him entirely. This throat tightens from the emotional whiplash and the faint ache of what feels like a betrayal. "You talked to Torres before you talked to me?" 
"Yeah," you exhale, your eyes downcast. "I did."
That night was a quiet one. The Christmas music that previously filled the house was more faint, the twinkling lights more dim.
You left your bedroom door open as you carefully folded each of the few articles of clothing you still owned. The open door taunted Sam, partly a silent plea for him to talk to you, partly a painful reminder of the friend he was about to lose if he didn't give you your space. 
The quiet bled into the drive to the airport the very next day. For the first time in your entire friendship, neither of you knew what to say. The silence felt suffocating, crushing.
A breath remained in the back of his throat, ready to voice unspoken words at a moment's notice.
From the driver's seat, he could see the furrow in your eyebrows, the tension you carried in your shoulders, telling him you had your own unspoken words that you desperately wanted to voice.
Neither of you did.
It was only when he drove up to the terminal that the heaviness subsided enough to sustain spoken words.
"Promise me you'll be careful. Recon only. You know-" he starts, feeling the desperate urge to remind you what dangers lurk around the corner. 
The worries echoing in his head are almost enough to get him to ask you to stay. He doesn't.
"I know, I know. I promise I'll be careful."
He wants to offer to go with you, to tell you that you don't have to do this alone. Instead, he pulls your duffle bag from the trunk of his car. He extends it out to you, but pulls it out of your reach to give him the chance to issue another promise, "And you'll call me? Keep me posted?"
"I'll call," you repeat, carefully avoiding the word 'promise'. 
His throat starts tightening, the goodbye hitting him like a ton of bricks. "If you need anything, anything..."
You weakly smile to keep your bottom lip from quivering, "I know."
He throws his arms around you. You allow your small duffle bag to hit the floor as you wrap your arms around him, "I'm going to miss you."
"Miss you too," you mumble into his shoulder. 
The Twin Flame Chapter List The Grumpy x Sunshine Universe Bucky Barnes Masterlist
And finally, dear readers, this story comes to a close. Thank you guys so much, I love you all. 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams@shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes @beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog @infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 @buckysbarne @deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic @whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy @matchat3a @weallhaveadestiny @mostlymarvelgirl @honeydew3064 @michealharrypotter @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @withyoutilltheendoftheline @the-photo-hoe @rae-nna @sarachabeans1@double-shot-of-tequila @spookyparadisesheep @lunaalovesyouu @daisy-loves-bucky@roseproseposts @theoraekenslover@king814318 @maybesomedaytho @carlie-babes99 @sunshinechikin @as-white-as-snow-love @melala1030 @badasswlthafatass @armystay89 @multiversefanfics @cherrysscinema @breathlesspieceofdeath @ravenn-darkholme @bxckybxrnes24
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s0lar-ch3ri · 2 days
Paranomally Hotline #1: Introduction
Many people have their own beliefs. They follow in their own superstitions, read about all kinds of monsters, and we hear about new creations of creatures and places daily. Inspired from already set up and built legends, or entirely original myth, you may have made some ideas yourself. At the very least, you've heard of one. However, to the average person, a myth is all they remain.
Sometimes though, the average person isn't so lucky, and stumble apon a truth: these "tall tales" are fact, not fiction, and could come for you at anytime. With the knowledge that these creatures exist, surviving them can be difficult when nobody you turn to has an idea of what you're facing.
Not, unless, you're calling the Paranomally Hotline.
Specialized in dealing with all entities and creatures of out this world, the Paranomally Hotline believes those who call and will help guide you to safety. Available whenever you need (some places may have more or less then 24 hours available), someone skilled and trained for your kind of situation is there to talk to.
If you don't know who to call, ring the numbers-
"God damn, they play whatever on these fuckin things." A man, appearing about mid 30s, turns the TV off. He gets ready for work, brushing his teeth and getting food to eat. He waves goodbye to his wife, a woman with black hair, and walks into the busy sidewalks. Walking among the people, bag on his side, he keeps going until he reaches a corner.
The scene has changed. As he turns this corner, he runs, panicked, running out of breath. He can't run forever, and hiding feels like a death trap. A creature roars out behind him, and all he wants is to go home, back before this happened.
"Someone please come save me, Lord I beg of you now, spare my soul of this fate just a bit longer," he mutters to himself as he slips into an alleyway. Through his panicked thoughts, something slips into his mind, a crystal clear one: a phone number. As he turns on his phone, which he wasn't even aware still had battery, already has a number put in. Not in a state to question it, he hurriedly rings it.
"Hello, you've reached the Paranominally Hotline, here to help with all entities and paranormals, what's got your ghost?"
"Y-you gotta help me! Th-there's a- a thing! And it's chasing me! And- and- I just want to go home, see my wife again!"
"That's what we're going to do. Now, to help figure out how I can assist you, I'll need you to answer a couple questions. First, do you believe you are still in our world, or does it seem home to somewhere else?"
"Wha-what are y- Yeah, no, it- it's all red- the sky- and it's bleeding- oh my god I didn't notice, it's fucking bleeding- I gotta get out of here-"
"Alright, let's keep a level head sir. When did you get here, and if you remember, how?"
He jumped, hearing a loud roar from this creature. "T-today, maybe 3-30 minutes, 25, gi-give or take. I went into the closet at my job and- look, can we hurry this up? There's s-something ch-ch-chasing me, and I think it's going to k-kill me."
"Alright. This is a very necessary procress, but I have an idea on how to help. Can you make it back to where this closet was?"
"Th-that's the way the monster i- you're trying to fucking kill me!"
"Sir, please. I'm trying to get you home. If you can make it over, and I'm thinking of the right thing, grab the string of the lamp above and pull it to turn off the light."
"No- why should I fucking trust yo-"
Another roar plays out. It's closer.
"If I’m fucking killed, call my wife and tell her I love her."
"Of course."
The man breaks into a sprint and heads out. His legs are aching, but he has to make it, he has to. Looking straight ahead, he goes straight past the beast, about 30 feet tall and blurry as it roars again, following behind. The man begins to silently sob as he sees the building he exited from up ahead. Running inside, he closes the door of the strange building and locks it as best as he can. He runs down a hallway, where a brown closet door awaits him. It's a dingy closet, brown shelves and a blue school chair. Nothing more or less. He slams the door shut as he hears breakage outside and the loud stomps of feet. Muttering a prayer, he grabs the string of the closet's lightbulb and yanks it down as hard as he can.
Everything goes black, but he finds himself on the floor of the closet. It's a storage one, filled with boxes and shelf racks, the same one he walked into, although one of the shelves has been knocked over just inches from where he once laid unconscious. As he questions what just happened, the reality of what he just faced, he hears his phone hang up, the caller name showing.
The Paranominally Hotline.
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I'm just so... when a politician is going on a reality TV show (in the jungle) to prove to the public that he's a real authentic person, that's when you know there's something wrong with your political system
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hephaestuscrew · 1 year
The most dramatic action that Minkowski takes towards Eiffel in the finale (sending him back in the Sol) is going against Eiffel's choices in an attempt to prevent him coming to harm. In contrast, the most dramatic action that Hera takes towards Eiffel in the finale (the memory-wipe) is causing him to come to harm in order to enact a choice that he's made.
In a sense, these actions are conceptual opposites. But they are both taken with love and respect for Eiffel. They are both extremely selfless actions which Minkowski and Hera find painful to take.
They are also both actions which could be considered to be harming Eiffel. Both of these actions involve doing something to Eiffel that Minkowski/Hera would hate to have done to them. And both of those actions are taken with the awareness that they are fairly likely to result in losing Eiffel in a sense (either because he's headed back to Earth while Minkowski is on the Hephaestus, or because he's losing part of what makes him him). That's part of what makes those acts painful and complicated and significant.
Minkowski and Hera both care about Eiffel so deeply, and their care often expresses itself in contrasting ways because they are very different people. The finale emphasises these different manifestations of their care. Love can be 'I will do whatever I can to keep you safe, even when that's not what you want'. Love can also be 'I will support the choices that you make to bring about our common goal, even when that causes you harm'. The way Minkowski's care for Eiffel manifests is tied up in her sense of responsibility for her crew's safety. The way Hera's care for Eiffel manifests is linked to how she's had to fight for her own autonomy.
Neither of their actions in the finale are perfect or typical expressions of love, but in their very different ways, they both act with love, and that's important to me.
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ruvviks · 1 day
toying with the idea of making yancey's friends not real. would that be too evil
#personal#hear me out. the diner is a mimic and it's toying with the entire town and making people oblivious and just. stuck in time metaphorically#it's known to make people hallucinate it's known to show things that aren't there. it can fuck with technology#yancey has. problems. he's sick with grief and pain and regret and sorrow from his past moving into a strange new town#and there's all these people there in the diner and they all remind him of some part of his life#stevie quite literally reminds him of his ex but stuck in the state before anything happened. stevie is a constant reminder of like#what could have been had they not crossed the line of getting together#his relationship with daphne (friendship mostly but he has a little crush on her at some point) is like#the romanticized version of the life he had in mind for him and his ex. yeah he gets a little bit insane with it but he loves very deeply#freddy is what he wished for his older brother to be like. their friendship is what he wishes he and his brother would be like#rafiq is basically yancey's ideal partner. yukiko reminds him of his younger sister#hell even teddy is connected to him because he and teddy are basically the same person. dealing with a situation very poorly#but teddy WOULD be real since he is part of CALAMITY so his connection to yancey if anything is like. on purpose#he is SUPPOSED to mirror yancey because that will make yancey realize things about himself#that only leaves morrigan as the only other real person in all of this. because she is the only one not connected to the diner#(freddy isn't either but since he's first introduced on the radio as radio host he is sort of connected to the town)#(in like a way the diner could influence that too. you know what i'm saying)#and morrigan's whole deal is that she's so so stuck in the past. trying to get back what is no more. and daphne is her sister#so daphne could even be a manifestation of yancey's and morrigan's shared grief#for yancey the romanticized relationship with his ex. for morrigan her sister who died in the wildfires#are you seeing my vision. the diner is defeated and it's just yancey morrigan and teddy. it's always been#no one else has been real the whole time. they've only interacted with one another or yancey. never with teddy or morrigan#(with exception of daphne who would have interacted with morrigan bc of shared manifestation)#and yancey acts like the others have never existed. because they haven't. and now that he's no longer#under the influence of the diner. he doesn't remember. haha#idk if i wanna go with this because some of them aren't as solidified as concepts as others but man. MANNNNN
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