#it's just too much stress for my little body and I've never had to handle so much unknown shit before
enagismos · 11 months
if I don't see and hug my boyfriend soon I'm gonna kill everyone and then myself i miss him so much i'm going crazy
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patscorner · 3 months
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Summary: Y/n has too much drink at a party
Tw: drinking, vomit, swearing, partying, suggestive jokes, kissing
It started with one shot, which turned into two, which turned into three, and then you starting losing count.
You were at your coworkers' birthday party, and after this past week, you thought you deserved a break.
Monday was the start to all of your problems. Your dog threw up blood, and you rushed him to the vet. After waiting in the lobby for 4 hours, hoping that he's okay, the vets told you they couldn't find anything wrong.
So they gave him medicine and sent him back home. By then, you were late to work and was dealt a huge amount of overtime.
The rest of the week wasn't any better. You had got into an agruement with both Matt and your father, and then had to take your dog back to the vet when the medicine didn't work.
So, to say you were stressed would be an understatement.
That's why you went to the party in the first place. You ignored Matt, who told you that you shouldn't drink in your state of mind, and you knew he was right. You just didn't care. You didn't want to feel the stress anymore, and what better way to do that than to get blackout drunk.
So there you were, on your 7th shot of tequila, dancing as you let the alcohol take over. Your hips moved to the music and you danced on the floor shoulder to shoulder to strangers you've never seen before.
"Y/n!" You turned to see your coworker waving you over, and you drunkenly stumbled towards him, pushing past the other bodies on the floor.
"Hey, what's up?" You slurred over the music.
He rolled his eyes. "I called your boyfriend. He's on his way to get you." He yelled over the loud chatter.
You smiled drunkenly. "Yayyyy! Wheeere's he at?" You said, clearly incoherent.
Your coworker sighed. "Jesus, Y/n, how much have you drank?" All you did was shake your head.
"I dunno." You said, stumbling backward a little.
"Woah, woah, okay, how about we sit you down?" Your coworker speaks, dragging you outside and sitting you down on the curb.
"We'll wait here for Matt." He said as he sat next to you. Your eyes were closed, and your body swayed as the refreshing wind blew through your hair.
"Matt's coming?" You asked, not moving an inch. Your coworker chuckled. "Yeah, that's him right there." He pointed out.
Your eyes opened wide, and tears filling them as you saw the van pull up and Matt hop out, keys in hand.
Matt runs over to you and immediately holds your hands. "Love, are you okay? Why are you crying?" He said, voice laced with concern.
All you do is hum as you bring him into a warm embrace. The alcohol stings his nose as he looks at your coworker for help. Her coworker looks at him amusedly.
"She's so drunk, I'm surprised she's able to talk."
Matt rolled his eyes. "Thanks for calling me. How much has she had to drink?" He asked, still clinging onto you.
You pull away before your coworker can say anything. "I- I am not drunk. I've only have had 4 shots. That'sss what the bartender said when I asked." You slurred, blinking slowly.
Matt looked at your coworker. "That was 2 hours ago. She's had double that." He shrugged.
"Jesus fuc- Why didn't you stop her?" Matt said wide-eyed as he put his hand in the small of your back to keep you up, as you swayyed in his arms.
Your coworker shrugged again. "She's grown, I thought she could handle herself." Matt sighed. "She is, and she should." He glanced at you, who was staring at the fire hydrant next to you, entranced.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to let her get plastered." Your coworker apologizes, feeling guilty for not preventing you from getting here.
Matt sighed again. "It's okay, it's not your fault. I should get her back, though. Thanks again for calling me." He said, standing up.
Your coworker nods. "No problem, drive safe." He said before walking inside.
"Come on, my love, let's go." He said, picking you up, holding you steady as you stand.
"Wheeere are we goin'?" You slurred, stumbling on your feet.
"But, whyyyyyy?" You whined, reluctantly letting Matt drag you to the car. "We just got here."
He shook his head as he helped you into the car. "It's 4am, sweetheart. You did not just get here." He laughs before closing the door and walking to the other side.
You look at him as he climbs in, buckles up, and backs out. "You okay, baby? Do you need anything?" Matt speaks, glancing at you as he drives, his hand resting on your thigh.
You hum, unable to speak anymore. The alcohol somehow diminished your love for speaking, and even though you were plastered, you couldn't bring yourself to talk.
"Are you with me, baby?" Matt speaks again, rubbing your leg gently.
You look at him, pupils dilated. "'M gonna throw up..." You say softly.
Matt's eyes shoot to yours, watching your face pale. "Wha- okay, okay. Let me pull over, hold on."
Matt swiftly and kind of illegally pulls over onto the shoulder, but it's okay. There was nobody on the road. It's 4am, who would be out?
You fight with the door but eventually stumble onto the grass, falling to your knees as vomit spews out of your mouth.
You feel a hand on your back, and your hair gets pulled out of your face. Matt whispers quiet, comforting words as sobs fall out of your mouth. Not because you're sad or in pain, you're just drunk and overworked.
"Shhh, I know, I know. It's okay." Matt spoke softly as you breathed heavily. You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand before collapsing unexpectedly into Matt's arms.
"Fuck, baby, are you okay?" Matt said, his voice laced with concern. You nod against his body, ignoring the wet grass on your legs.
Matt rubbed circles onto your back. "Let's go home, love." He whispered. You hum, but don't move.
Matt sighed before lifting you up and carrying you back to the car. You're not sleeping, but you're not awake either. You're just drunk.
Matt puts you back in the car, buckling up as your eyes struggle to stay open. You whine as Matt places a kiss on your cheek, wanting more.
Matt chuckles. "Sorry, love. I want to get us home." He said, closing your door and walking to get in the driver seat.
The rest of the car ride went by smoothly and uninterrupted. You didn't throw up again, and you didn't really speak either.
Matt kept glancing at you nervously the whole time, silently wishing you'd speak. That way, he knew you were okay. For his own sake, he kept his hand on your thigh the whole time.
You open your eyes when you feel the car be put in park. You look around, but your so drunk, you have no idea where you are.
You whine in your seat, wiggling uncomfortably. "Matttttt... Wanna lay down." You slurred out.
Matt sighed as he got you both out of car, holding your waist as he guided you to the door. You stumble over your feet, but Matt's determined to get you inside as quick as possible.
You feel butterflies in your stomach as you become aware of Matt's hand on your waist. You look down at his hand, then at him, then his hand, then back to him again.
"Youuuu want to fuck me, don you?" You say, voice shaking. Matt freezes as you reach the front door.
His eyes widened as he looked at you. "Wha-, no, honey. I don't. I just want to get you to bed." He said, shaking his head aa he unlocked the front door.
"You don't love me?!" You say, louder than you mean too, but right now, you're very emotional. Tears fall down your face as Matt shushes you.
"Shhh! Honey, of course I love you. I just don't think now is the right time for... that. You gotta be quiet. We don't want to wake Nick and Chris." He said, quickly helping you up the stairs.
Speeding up was a mistake as you stumbled up the stairs and leaned on Matt and grip the banister for dear life.
"Oh dear god." Matt muttered as he lifted you up. You were getting frustrated as well, angry that you couldn't even walk by yourself. "Fuck." You whisper as tears fall.
After the fight to get to Matt's room, you finally make it.
Matt sits you on the bed, sighing deeply as your eyes stay closed. "You wanna take off your clothes, baby, or do you not care?" His back is to you, setting his keys on his desk. He doesn't even notice your tears.
You sniffle, wiping your face quickly. "I-i don't care." You say your voice comes out smaller than you intend, making Matt turn around urgently.
"What's the matter, sweetheart? Why are you crying?" He says, crouching down, cupping your face as he wipes your tears.
"I'm just so stressed. My dog is sick, and you're mad at me and my dad hates me, and, and people at work keep getting on my nerves, and I'm so done and and I'm so fucking drunk and I don't even want to be." You ramble out in one breath.
"Hey, hey, breathe. It's okay. I'm not upset with you. I was earlier, but I'm not anymore." Matt says, looking in your eyes. "And your dad doesn't hate you. He was just upset, and I'm certain he's not anymore. As for your dog and work, I can only help by being there for you. You don't have to be drunk to cope, honey." He said, sealing his words with a kiss.
"Thank you, Matt." You say as he pulls you into another kiss.
You kiss him back, but he reluctantly stops it before it goes farther. "You're drunk. Let's get you to sleep, yeah?" He said, patting your thighs.
You nod as you crawl into the bed, pulling the blanket over your shoulders. "I love you, Matt."
"I love you, too." Matt says as he crawled next you, pulling you onto his now shirtless chest.
You knew the hangover was gonna be a bitch in the morning.
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insipid-drivel · 1 month
Warhorses: Which horses are actually good candidates, anyway?
This post is in honor of @warrioreowynofrohan, who asked the question in the comments under my guide, "Horses: Since There Seems To Be A Knowledge Gap". Their question, "Given what you said about too much weight breaking a horse’s spine, how did that work with knights in plate armour?" is one I'm going to try to answer here, since the answer can be very nuanced depending on where and when you're talking about.
Also, while I was a stable hand for years as well as a rider, I never had the opportunity to directly learn more ancient styles of tacking, horse training, and combat, so I don't have any direct experience to draw from with regard to horses used for military purposes. I'm still gonna do my best here with what I know, and research what I don't.
As I've covered in the past, large horses (draft horses) make less-than-ideal warhorses, and so do carriage horses like the elegant and dramatic Friesians.
Let's begin by addressing this from the perspective of creative writing. For you writers and content creators out there, an essential part to the continuity of any historically-themed work you do involving horses will be depicting breeds of horses that didn't exist before a certain time in history. I'm going to approach this question from the stance of, "Medieval-type era warhorses". Horses were used in warfare as late was World War II, but actual horses you ride into battle with knights and archers and bannermen? We actually have to drop the subject of specific modern breeds altogether aside from using them for comparisons.
When discussing warhorses, various cultures have approached them differently. Some cultures will value a specific type of horse above all others, such as the Mongolian Steppe Horse or the American Mustang. Other cultures, which may be from biomes and territories where multiple types of horses are needed for different forms of warfare and tactics, value whichever horses can get their jobs done without their riders getting killed.
Carrying vs. Pulling:
Horses have been used in warfare since as far back as 4000 BC, but their first applications were more as chariot horses. Humans have been riding and working with horses since before we even had stirrups to more easily ride them with! As archaeologists and anthropologists make more discoveries, the more we learn that we humans have been working closely with horses since before we had specialized tools to ride them with. The very first warhorses pulled chariots or carts, which is much easier for a horse's anatomy to handle compared to carrying a heavy weight like an armored rider on their backs, which puts stress directly on their spines where they have very little supporting muscle for supporting a lot of heavy downward weight.
Warhorse Size Categories:
Really, any breed of horse can apply to a niche in warfare if it's needed enough. Even very small, delicate horses have had their place in the history of human combat! Before I continue, it's important to know that there's a unique unit of measuring a horse's height. Rather than measuring a horse's height in centimeters or inches, they're measured in units called "hands". A single "hand" = ~4 inches/10.16cm, and a horse's height is measured based upon the distance between the bottom of their hoof to the tallest part of their shoulders, just at the base of the back of their necks. We don't actually include neck length/head height in a horse's measurements with traditional measuring.
Another rule of thumb: The average horse cannot safely carry anything heavier than about 30% of their total body weight. This is a serious factor to take into mind when deciding on a type of or breed of horse for a mounted warrior of any kind: You need to factor in the OC's starting body weight, and then add on the weight of armor, weapons, and any armor the horse itself may wear along with the weight of its tack.
Light-Weight Horses:
A few examples of lightweight horse breeds whose ancestors have historically been used in combat are Arabians, Barber Horses, and the magnificent Akhal-Teke. Lightweight and delicately-boned horses like those are best applied for military maneuvers that require precision, speed, and endurance, and the rider themselves should specialize in some form of combat or reconnaissance that doesn't require them to wear heavy metal or laminated armors. Archers are good candidates for riding smaller horses, or lightly-armored swordsmen like an Ottoman Janissary.
Central-Asian and North African horses also benefit from having a higher tolerance for hot climates. They can absolutely suffer from heatstroke and cardiac arrest from being forced to run and work in extreme temperatures and should always be provided with the same protective measures in a heatwave as any other horse, but they have a little bit of an edge over horses descended from freezing and temperate climates.
Medium-Weight Horses:
Medium-weight horses started showing up in the archaeological record around about the Iron Age, where chariot warfare was becoming an increasingly utilized form of mobile combat, and people needed bigger, stronger horses capable of pulling heavier loads - such as a chariot with two passengers rather than just one. As cultures began to develop heavier-duty armors made of metals and laminated materials, it also became important to breed horses that were tall and stocky (muscular and with relatively short spines compared to their height), and therefore more capable of carrying riders in increasingly heavy armor. Medium-weight horses were also essential at the dawn of the gunpowder age when the cannon came into use in siege warfare for pulling the heavy, iron cannons into position.
Medium-weight horses are really where we see the beginnings of knights and other warrior classes on horseback come into the forefront of warfare. When you have a horse that's big and strong enough to carry heavier armor and heavier weapons along with a rider wielding them, you have a much deadlier force at your disposal. Strikes from a sword or spear from the back of a galloping horse basically results in a sword capable of cutting through enemy soldiers like a hot knife through butter.
Important Note: Traditionally, cavalrymen wield blunt swords when attacking from a charging horse's back. When a horse is charging at full speed, the sharpness of a blade becomes less important than the blade's ability to stay in one piece when it impacts hard armor and bone. A blunted edge basically turns a cavalryman's sword into a thin club that's better at holding up against smashing through multiple layers of armor and bone compared to a thinner, more delicate sharpened edge that can shatter from a high-speed impact.
Heavy-Weight Horses:
The direct ancestors of modern draft horses, such as the Shire Horse, only began to appear around about the beginning of the European Medieval Era, and were far and away not even close to the enormous sizes of the draft horses we have today. Any horse counts as a "Heavy-weight" classed horse if its weight exceeds 1500lbs/680kgs.
Heavy-weight horses were really more bred for pulling enormous weights rather than carrying knights. While yeah, there is some evidence that suggests that heavy-weight horses were used by heavily-armored knights, historians argue a lot about whether it was a rule or an exception (such as with Henry VIII, who continued to ride well after he had begun to weigh more than 350lbs/158kgs, and even went to war in France in his final years on horseback). Generally speaking, medium-weight horses tend to be the right balance of agile and strong for carrying someone that's going to actively be fighting. Heavy-weight horses were bred to be a lot more tolerant to the chaos and frightening stimulation of the sounds of battle, but medium-weighted horses generally tended to be more suited to moving efficiently through dense packs of soldiers and weaving around other horses.
While actually being the smallest class of warhorse, ponies were essential when it came to carrying cargo and working as pack-horses. In certain forms of terrain, such as mountains, large horses pulling big carts full of supplies or soldiers could often be extremely impractical. In situations where an army needed to move on foot and form a narrow line in order to travel, ponies were able to traverse much narrower and rougher terrain while carrying smaller loads to their destination, when heavier horses would struggle more under their own weight and dexterity.
Europe-Specific Terminologies:
If you're a writer reading this and writing a piece set in the European Medieval age, there are specific terms used for the different classes I listed of warhorses above that I'm gonna list:
Destriers: The Destrier was a universal term for the iconic knight-carrying, jousting horse. They were also sometimes referred to as "Great Horses" due to their reputations in combat settings. Destriers could have just about any appearance, but were rarely taller than 15.2 hands, or 62inches/157cm. They were capable of carrying heavily-armored knights (although knights in full plate mail rarely rode into battle and stayed on the horse the entire time - they tended to specialize at grouping up and killing a lot of footsoldiers swarming them at once and preventing breaks in defenses from being overwhelmed by an oncoming army; in the case of Edward the Black Prince, we have substantial evidence in the form of his surviving brigandine that a mounted soldier or knight was more likely to wear chainmail and brigandine with a tabard on their body with their arms, feet, and heads the most heavily armored in plate when they intended to fight on horseback, making them a little lighter and more maneuverable, but I may be waaay off base there because I'm thinking of more of Italian soldiers who used full plate and how they applied it in battle more than any other example) and wearing armor themselves.
Interestingly, the sex of a destrier was often chosen strategically. Stallions (horses that haven't been neutered) are more aggressive, and could both act as combatants on their own if their knight was dismounted or killed, but could give away an army's location if they were attempting to move stealthily. Stallions whinny and shriek a lot when they're horny or arguing with each other, which is most of the time.
Mares were often chosen by Muslim armies for being much less vocal, and therefore much more capable of stealth. Geldings (neutered males) were the preferred mounts of the Teutonic Knights, a Catholic military group, since they couldn't be stolen and used to breed more horses for the enemy army.
Coursers were the most common Medieval European warhorse. It's important to remember that in Medieval Europe, most armies were almost entirely comprised of common men - serfs subject to the will of their landlords, not far removed from slaves in many ways - who couldn't afford the highly-prized and expensive Destriers. Coursers were usually a bit lighter than Destriers, but were still strong enough to carry someone wearing armor. Coursers were also a little more utilitarian, because they were also sometimes used in hunting as well as warfare, so they had a valuable use outside of warfare that the owner could benefit from.
A rouncey was an all-purpose horse that could be used for leisure and travel-riding as well as be trained for war. They were a lot more likely to be found on the farm of a serf or independent farmer of some kind, as they could fill a lot of different roles depending on what they were needed for. Their sizes weren't really important as much as their ability to get the job done.
It's also critical to remember that, when talking about warhorses, we're usually talking about eras long past. In general, thanks to resource availability and incredible advances in medicine, modern humans are significantly taller, and therefore heavier, than people from the European Medieval era and prior. While fatness was valued in many cultures for its suggestion of wealth, most working-class and serf-class people worked intensely physically-demanding daily lives just to maintain their own homes. They were a few inches shorter on average than we are today, had greater fluctuations in body fat distribution depending on how harsh or bountiful the harvest season had been and the season in which a war was taking place (the average person's weight would swing by 30lbs or more on average every year prior to the industrial era), and cavalry were usually chosen based upon skill in the saddle as well as physical size when considering the application of medium or heavy armor being placed on the horse's back and body.
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ameenvie · 8 months
I Think He Knows - Jamie Tartt x fem!Reader
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masterlist | ao3 | ko-fi | fic recs
"his hands around a cold glass makes me wanna know that body like it's mine"
Word count: 4.6k Warnings: nsfw, smut, minors DNI! kind of angry sex, unprotected sex (wouldn't recommend irl), oral(male receiving), fingering, p in v sex, praise kink, dirty talk, slightly dom!Jamie(?), hickeys, possessiveness Tags: smut Prompt/Summary: You go out to get your mind off work and Jamie - but to your surprise he shows up at the same bar as you. Things happen. Put me in horny jail. A/N: This is the first smut I've written in a hot minute, and my first ever Jamie fic, so I just hope it doesn't suck! 😭❤ I still have to get the hang of how to write him. Maybe the intro/non-smut part is a bit too long, but idk I kept rewriting this so much. :') I hope you enjoy nevertheless! ❤❤❤
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It felt like thousands of hammers were beating down onto your head. You were staring at your computer screen, trying to grasp what you were looking at, but the stress, the flickering office lights, and the constant noises of talking made it impossible.
“I need a break” you exclaimed as you promptly stood up from your desk. The conversation next to you came to a halt as Keeley gave you a worried look.
“Are you alright, babe?”
“Sure, I just need a little fresh air” you answered with a sweet smile. Even though Keeley was your boss, she was also one of your best friends, and you were thankful to the universe that you met her.
You were the social media manager at KJPR responsible for the AFC Richmond brand. And as fun and exciting as it was, there were moments when you just wanted to run away and never look back. Such as today.
The team had a new brand partnership deal, and few of the players had to post to their socials about certain products. It was really nothing extraordinary, but it was a big brand so it was crucial that everything was on schedule. Now you were in the reporting phase, and you haven’t received the necessary info from one of the players yet. As you stood outside the office building, leaning against the wall, you picked your phone out of your pocket and dialed him. It rang once, twice… and he hang up on you. You rolled your eyes and cursed under your breath as you headed back to your desk.
“Need any help?” Keeley asked with the sweetest, most concerned voice you’ve ever heard, but you just shook your head.
“Nothing I can’t handle! I’m headed to the dog track if that’s alright. I need to take care of something.”
“Give ‘em hell!” she replied and left you alone.
You jumped into your car and drove over to Nelson Road, where you knew the boys had their training at the moment. The man at the front desk recognized you and let you in, and you headed to Rebecca’s office first to say hello, then went to the stands and took a seat to wait until the team was finished with practice. When Ted noticed you, he gave you that huge moustachy smile of his and waved at you. You mirrored the gesture before your gaze wandered back to the players.
You sat close enough to the pitch to make out his facial expression when he saw you. First, he seemed annoyed, then he gave you the most dramatic eyeroll you’ve ever seen before he ran away laughing.
You weren’t sure what he expected your reaction to be, but you knew you just looked annoyed.
“Whistle! WHISTLE!” You heard coach Kent scream at the players, and you chuckled. The team gathered around the coaches then made a beeline towards the changing room. You knew this was your cue to follow them as well.
You leaned against the wall as you waited for Jamie, hugging your bag. Of course because he was aware that you were waiting for him, he’d be dead last to leave. You weren’t sure if it was against your person or just the fact that he hated to cooperate. Maybe both. A few of the players started to leave and they waved and smiled at you as hey passed.
After what seemed like an eternity, he finally stepped out of the locker room – as you predicted – dead last. He stopped in the doorway with his hands in his pocket.
“I tried to call you.”
“I know” was all he said, and you raised your eyebrows at him. He was so cocky, you kind of wanted to punch him in the face, but that wouldn’t look too good on your resume.
“Alright, I guess you were busy then.”
“Nah, not really” he answered, and you saw a shit-eating grin spread on his face. God, Jamie.
“Look, I hope you don’t think I enjoy this, but I need the results of the campaign, okay? And you can only blame yourself, because you are the one who insisted that nobody can manage your account other than you. It would make all our lives much easier if I could just check the data myself.” You knew you were rambling and maybe talking a little too fast, showing how annoyed you were. You didn’t like giving people the satisfaction of knowing they got under your skin, but Jamie was world class at that.
“A’ight” he mumbled and started searching for his phone, then handed it to you. “If you want to check it so bad, go on, be my guest.”
You swore your eyes shot daggers at him. You grabbed his phone and took a seat on the bench next to you. He followed suit without a word, hands in his pockets.
You unlocked his phone and opened Instagram, but as you were navigating through it you saw a notification pop up from a girl with a text saying: “try me 😘”. Just a tiny glance at her profile picture was enough for you to conclude that she was gorgeous, and you felt your stomach do a flip. Were you… jealous? Of one of Jamie’s flings? C’mon.
You shook your head as if you could shake the thought out of it as you proceeded to check the necessary info. You didn’t realize, but while you were doing this, Jamie’s eyes searched your face like it held the answer to the universe’s biggest question.
You sent yourself a mail from his phone and shoved it back at him. He looked at you with a look you’ve never saw on his face before, and you could swear for a second that it was guilt sitting in his eyes.
“Thanks for nothing” you said as you grabbed your bag and left.
“Nice seeing you too!” he shouted as you slammed the door behind you. Your blood was boiling in your veins as you were walking back to your office. You dropped yourself onto your chair and buried your face in your palms. What a fucking day. He always finds a way to mess with your head. The sounds of Keeley knocking on your door snapped you out of it.
“Come in” you sighed as you looked at her with a defeated expression.
“Jamie again?” she asked sympathetically as she sat down in front of you.
“Always” you scoffed and started fiddling with a pen on your desk. He’s taking the piss out of me, always trying to get under my skin!” Keeley didn’t say anything, she just gave you a knowing look. “Stop looking at me like that, I know what you want to say!”
“I’m not saying anything” she replied and locked her mouth with an imaginary key and threw it away.
“That’s what I thought” you chuckled and took a deep breath. “I’ll be done with this by the end of the day, and then we can open your not-so-secret stash of champagne in your office, what do you say?”
“Sounds perfect, love!” As she left your office you delved into your work and tried not to think of Jamie. It was so silly – you thought. You felt like you were in school, arguing with yourself about your feelings, and having a crush on the guy who pulled on your ponytail. There was no way you were jealous right? Jamie was insufferable in general – cocky, arrogant, full of himself. Hard to work with. Attention seeking. But he had his moments where he was also funny. Caring. Honest. Compassionate. He was an amazing footballer.
You groaned out loud. You were wrapping up your day as you decided you’re going to put an end to this madness. You went home, picked out a nice dress – nothing too fancy, but it still made you feel like a million bucks. You called yourself an uber and asked them to bring you to one of your favourite bars. You were excited to finally grab a few drinks and let your hair down for a night, and maybe even go home with someone handsome to take your mind off your annoying feelings that started to bubble to the surface.
You took a seat at the bar and ordered your favourite drink. The bartender winked at you, and you chuckled. You propped yourself up on your elbow and started to look around. People were mingling, talking, laughing. Some couples were hiding in the more secluded corners of the room, whispering sweet nothings to each other.
You got your order but before you could thank the bartender for it, you heard a voice all too familiar.
“That’s on me. And another one, will ya’?” You turned around to face him as he was smiling down at you. Your heart skipped a beat as your eyes locked with his – you could never exactly pinpoint what colour they were, sometimes they seemed blue, sometimes grey, even green. You felt like you could stare at them forever. This wasn’t happening. You weren’t even sure if you ever saw him out and about like this. Instead of his usual tracksuit or puffy west he was wearing a white button-down shirt, with a few of its buttons unbuttoned, its sleeves rolled up, showing his tattoos. His hair was let loose, and a few strands fell into his eyes. You felt your heart drop into your stomach, and you were so shocked you couldn’t think of a single word to say, like your brain just short-circuited.
“Wow, Jamie, so nice to see you here, what a lovely coincidence! Come, join me for a drink!” he said, grounding you back to earth.
“Very funny. What are you doing here?” The words came out a little more accusatory than you meant, but you couldn’t help yourself. You came here to take your mind off him, and here he was, hotter than ever, standing so close to you that the scent of his cologne made you feel lightheaded. You wished the earth would just open up and swallow you whole.
“Just blowing off some steam. Celebrating my free weekend, I guess.” He shrugged.
“Alone?” Your question seemed to catch him off guard, as he raised his eyebrows. Your answer was just another shrug. “I see, I see, you don’t have to explain yourself to me, I know how this goes.” You waved with your hands in front of you, like you could shoo the image of him with other women out of your brain. You felt like you were going insane. In the meantime, he got his own drink, and he nursed it on the bar top with his left hand, the other in his pocket as he faced you. He looked even more gorgeous than usual, the way the shirt hugged his muscles ignited a flame in your body you never wanted to acknowledge.
“You know you’re being very judgmental now despite the fact, that you are alone as well.”
“I mean, it’s not my DMs that are full of gorgeous woman inviting me to tango” you scoffed, but immediately after you said the words out loud you scolded yourself internally for sounding so pathetic. Fucking hell.
“Are you jealous, love?” He grinned as he took a sip out of his drink. You rolled your eyes and stood up from your seat, but not before you managed to take a peek of how his lips touched the glass as he drank, and how perfect his jawline looked as he tilted his head slightly. FUCK.
“Maybe in your dreams, Tartt.”
“The lady doth protest too much” he laughed. You were quite shocked that Jamie Tartt out of all people would quote Shakespeare to you, but you were too angry to acknowledge that. You shook your head and turned your back on him, trying to get away, anywhere. You walked to the back of the big room and found yourself in a smaller conversation room – it was empty.
You took a deep breath, and you turned on your heels to head for another, more populated spot, but as you opened the door he stood there, one hand leaning against the doorframe, his drink in the other. He seemed like he was thinking.
“Jamie, I swear to God-” You couldn’t finish your sentence because he pushed himself into the room with you. You felt your heartbeat in your throat and heard it drumming loudly in your ears. He was so close. You closed the door behind him, and you only realized what that suggested after you saw his cocky smile. You didn’t immediately leave the room. You stayed there with him. It was painful to admit – even just to yourself -, but you wanted to be there with him.
He stepped closer, practically caging you between the door and his body. You felt your heart racing and your head spin as you looked up at his gorgeous face. Neither of you said anything, you were just searching his face, eyes darting between his gaze and his lips as you weren’t sure what to do. You didn’t realize he was looking at your lips as well, his breath fanning your face. He slowly leaned in; his lips were barely hovering above yours. Your heartbeat went into full overdrive, and you let his lips linger there for a second before you closed the gap and kissed him.
It all seemed to happen so fast you weren’t even sure it was real. You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried one of your hands in his hair as he was locking the door behind you. In any other circumstances he would be fuming about you ruining his hair, but not now. His hands were tracing your body as he pulled you into him – from your back to your sides, leaving goosebumps in their wake before they finally settled on your bottom as he pulled you even closer. Your nerves were on fire, and you felt waves of arousal wash over you.
When you broke away to get some air, he wasted no time and started to plant small kisses on your cheek, slowly moving to your throat before settling at the soft spot between your neck and clavicle. You moaned his name which made him smile against your skin. You couldn't help but smile too. Somewhere a tiny voice in the back of your mind scolded you for being so euphoric about this whole situation, but you didn’t care. All you cared about is Jamie’s lips on you and the way his hand sneaked under your dress and drew hot circles on your skin.
“My name never sounded so pretty before” he mused before he pushed the strap of your dress aside to kiss a mark onto your skin just above your breast. Your breath hitched as you tried to make him stop.
“Stop it, people will see” you whined, which just encouraged him even more. You felt the prickling sensation on your skin, you were sure he’s going to leave a mark. When he finished, he adored his masterpiece before planting a soft kiss on the red spot he left behind.
“Maybe I want that, love” he whispered against your ear as he caressed your thighs. “I want everyone to see that you’re my girl.”
The sudden possessiveness caught you off guard and you let out a small whimper. Your common sense was thrown out of the window a while ago and at that moment that was all you wanted as well – everyone to see that you were his girl. He stopped for a second to look into your eyes. He placed his hands on your cheeks and pulled you in for another kiss. You saw stars as he kissed you with the passion of a starved man, his tongue gently caressing your lips before he went all in.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, and in a second, he lifted you by your thighs. You wrapped your legs around his hips which caused one of your shoes to fall off as he started to back towards the sofa. While doing so, he bumped into the small table, knocking his drink over. You both chuckled before he finally sat down, with you straddling him.
Your dress was ridden all the way up your thighs, making your black lace panties visible, and it didn’t go unnoticed by Jamie. His gaze seemed hungry, like he was ready to devour you any second, and you felt the heat creeping up to your ears.
“I see someone was planning on getting laid tonight” he said teasingly.
“Oh, fuck off, Jamie!”
“C’mon love I’m just messing with ya” he smiled at you before he put his hand on the back of your head and pulled you in for another kiss. He was smiling into it, the bastard. In this position you couldn’t help but feel his bulge press against you, which made your blood boil in your veins. You wanted him so bad. You let out a shaky breath as you unconsciously started to grind yourself against his clothed length. Jamie moaned under you, and he furrowed his brows like he was trying to focus on the sensation, nothing else.
You slowly unbuttoned his shirt, leaving kisses on his chest as you progressed, and when you finished you slightly pushed it off his shoulders. You were mad for him, and even though you didn’t want to admit, you wanted nothing more than him fucking you right then and there. Little did you know that Jamie was feeling the same.
He looked at you with those gorgeous puppy eyes and you couldn’t help yourself anymore. You planted open mouthed kisses on his sharp jawline, neck, down his chest. You felt bold all of a sudden, and started to suck a mark onto his neck, which he rewarded with a groan. You took a second to examine the red mark you left on his skin before you licked it softly to ease the pain left in its wake. Jamie was a moaning mess under you, bucking his hips into you involuntarily, his hands gripping your thighs for dear life. You felt bold, wanted, sexy. Like a million bucks.
“Jamie, I want you to fuck me” you whispered into his ear, and you thought his soul left his body in that second.
“Fucking hell, angel” he answered and instantly one of his hands was in your hair, pulling you into another kiss, his other hand pushing your dress higher on your body, until your whole ass was exposed. “Such a greedy lil’ thing, aren’t ya?”
He looked at your dampened underwear as he hovered his finger over it, then swiped one big stroke from your entrance to your clit through the damp fabric. You shut your eyes and threw your head back from the sensation. Finally feeling his touch on you was like heaven. The flames of need were eating away at your body, and you weren’t sure how long you can stand the teasing.
“Please, Jamie”
“You’re fucking cute when you beg” he said, a cocky grin on his face, but before you could say anything, he hooked one of his fingers into your panties, and pulled them aside, exposing you completely. You felt flustered, your confidence wavered. He didn’t leave you time to overthink, because he pushed one of his fingers into you without any difficulty. You let out a moan which he mirrored before he spoke. “Shit, all this for me? I don’t deserve you.”
“You’re damn right you don’t” you chuckled as he started to pump his finger into you, before quickly adding another one. He smiled at you as you rested your forehead against his, slowly riding on his fingers. With his free hand he managed to pull down the strap of your dress enough to free your breast and he started to kiss and nib on your sensitive skin, leaving another hickey just above your nipple.
You hissed at the sensation and bucked your hip a bit harder, making him press into you deeper. Jamie’s fingers felt like they were made for you, and he damn well knew how to use them. As you started to ride him a bit harder, he started to curl his fingers inside you to press against your sweet spot and started circling his thumb against your clit with just the right amount of pressure, it made you see stars. You were a moaning, whimpering mess as his fingers fucked you senseless, pushing deeper and deeper with every movement.
“I know, love” he whispered between kisses. You bit down on his lower lip before you tongues started to dance around each other, and he moved his free hand to cradle your breast and caress your hardened nipple. It was all too much – his lips on yours, his hand on your tit and his fingers fucking you like there was no tomorrow.
You felt tension build in your body, your nerves wind up, ready to be released any second. You started riding his fingers harder and faster, chasing that high you felt was so close.
“C’mon angel, come for me, that’s it. That’s my good girl” he whispered against your lips, and just after a few more pumps of his fingers you came crashing hard with Jamie’s name falling from your lips like a prayer, your veins filled with fire as your vision turned white.
He wrapped you in his arms and started to draw circles on your bare back as you came down from your high while he placed small kisses into the crook of your neck and on your temple. After a minute of collecting yourself, you sat up and kissed him again as you started to undo his belt. You definitely weren’t unaware of the huge bulge in his pants, and you wanted to ease his suffering.
He just watched you do it, with one of his arms spread across the back of the sofa. He looked mesmerized by how beautiful you were. After you finished with his belt you undid the buttons of his slacks and pulled them down with his underwear. He just watched you and you could swear he was holding his breath.
You bit your lip as you took the view in, before you started slowly stroking his hard member. He threw his head back and he moved his hand to caress your cheek. You continued to slowly jerk him off, but you couldn’t help yourself. You licked the tip of his dick, and you made it a show. It was slow, sensual, and you looked at him for the whole time. When he caught your eyes he let out a shaky breath and involuntarily bucked his hips towards your face.
You swiped your tongue against his shaft before you took him fully into your mouth and started bobbing your head. His hand moved to tangle in your hair as he guided your rhythm slowly. He moaned under your touch, loving the way your lips felt around him. You started to pick up your pace a little and he rolled his hips against your face. His hand started to push you deeper onto his cock, and the feeling of his length in your throat made your eyes swell up, and you moaned around him.
“C’mon love” he said and guided you away from him, back onto his lap. You straddled him again, his now bare dick pressed against your wet pussy, and you saw stars from the sensation. “Maybe next time we’ll finish that, yeah? But now I want all of you” he said as he aligned himself to your entrance.
Next time was all you heard in your head. You leaned down to kiss him before you slowly lowered yourself onto him. You relished in the sensation of his cock filling and stretching you inch by inch, it was delicious. Jamie’s lips parted slightly as he threw his head back, enjoying the moment just as much as you did. As he bottomed out, you kept still for a second, barely moving before starting to roll your hips, slowly lifting yourself before coming down again.
“Jamie” you whined, and you held onto his shoulders for dear life as you rode him. His fingers dug into your skin at your hips where he held you. You moved so perfectly in sync it was like you were made for each other, the way he rolled his hips into you made you see stars.
“So good for me, love. Taking me so well, my good girl” he whispered against your lips after he sat up, wrapped you into a tight hug and kissed you. He swiped his tongue against your swollen lips, and you bit down on his. You dug your fingers into his hair as you started moving faster and faster, getting overwhelmed by the sensation.
Jamie moved his hand from your hair to your cheek, swiping your lips with his thumb before pushing it into your mouth. You licked it slowly before he pulled it away and moved it to your swollen clit. You gasped at the perfect feeling of his finger being on you again, before he started to circle his thumb around the sensitive bud. You felt your walls tighten around him, which ripped a moan from his lungs. He never stopped his movements, he fucked into you like he never wanted anything else.
“Taking me so well, babe. So tight for me” he whispered against your burning skin. His words poisoned your mind, and they ran through your veins, igniting everything inside you. You buried your head into his shoulder as you felt your climax approaching. He was filling you up so perfectly, his dick hitting your sweet spot with every thrust. He was gripping your thigh so hard you wondered if it’s going to leave a mark. You kind of hoped it would. You felt the knot in your stomach tighten, and his name fell from your lips like a prayer.
“Jamie, I-“ you gasped and you dug your nails into his shoulders.
“That’s it, angel. Come for me” he moaned against your ear and you knew he held himself back. You rolled your hips against him once, twice, all your nerves wind up before they inevitably snapped, and another orgasm washed over you. You moaned into Jamie’s mouth – your vision went white, your muscles clenched around him as you came, which gave him what he needed to reach his own high as well, hugging you tightly onto him. The silence in the room felt deafening all of a sudden. You nuzzled your face into the crook of Jamie’s neck, and he started to slowly caress your hair as he hugged you close.
After your nerves calmed down a bit you started to collect yourself and he helped you to clean up the mess. He took your hand and kissed you, before looking into your eyes.
“So… do you want to get out of here?” His grin was the widest you’ve ever seen and you laughed.
“Yeah, sure” you chuckled as he wrapped his arm around you.
The next morning you woke up to your phone ringing. It was Keeley.
“Yeah?” you asked in a sleepy voice, looking over at Jamie who was laying next to you, his arm wrapped around your waist. You were in his bed. He was already awake, looking at you with a sheepish smile.
“So, I know you don’t want to talk about this” Keeley started, her energy through the roof, she spoke so fast you barely had time to acknowledge her words, “but I think you should talk to Jamie. You should tell him you’re into him!” A very telling laugh found its way past your lips before you spoke and you heard an audible gasp on the other side of the line.
“I think he knows” you said to Keeley while looking at Jamie, who was now chuckling next to you as he kissed your free hand.
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lllivia · 2 months
Lottie Matthews x tired fem reader
Reader is overworking herself because she's stressed about very important exams that will guarantee she gets to the college she wants, but lottie noticed this, and just drags her away from her desk to cuddle and pamper little cutie kisses all over her face, body, basically everywhere until Reader falls asleep :((
U said to send requests, so idk if this one is all that good 🥹
I'll always take care of you
Lottie Matthews xf!reader
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a/n: AHH I HOPE THIS IS OK, I'VE NEVER REALLY GOTTEN REQUESTS SO I'M PROBABLY NOT THAT GOOD YET (also I forgot to read through it properly and kinda went offscript with some of it sorryy) 😭😭
Summary: Lottie tries her best to comfort you in a stressful situation
Warnings: not proofread, kinda short, modern au, tooth rotting fluff
"Fuck" you mutter as you sit up, rubbing your eyes as you look down at the cluttered desk where you accidentally fell asleep for a few minutes, once again.
You look down at your stuff and sigh, tired of all the studying you have been doing for the last few weeks to make sure you'll ace your upcoming exam.
As you sort through the multiple stacks of paper and pencils your phone suddenly vibrates in your pocket, effectively breaking you out of your trance.
'Hey can I come over? Soccer practice just finished 😎⚽' - lottie the loser🤓💕
The notification lights up, making you giggle tiredly as you see the message from your girlfriend. You hadn't really spent too much time together lately, usually clinging onto each other 24/7, but ever since your exams had started you had been locked up in your room revising everything you had learned for much more time than needed.
You quickly go to answer, your happiness sucked out of you as you look down at your work again and remember you still have stuff you haven't gone through as throughly as you would have wanted.
'I'm sorry Lottie but I don't think I have time for that rn, too busy studying ☹️💔' - you
You respond before putting your phone down, focusing once again on your work.
After about an hour you decide it's time for a well deserved break and stand up from your desk, swaying slightly from the exhaustion weighing down your body before collapsing right into bed thinking a thirty minute nap wouldn't hurt.
You shoot up from bed, wondering who could have just rang the doorbell as your parents weren't expected home from their date until late that evening and the only other person who you had talked to was Lottie, who you specifically told not to come.
Comes from down stairs once again and you throw your blanket off of you, a tiny bit pissed off that somebody decided to disturb the little time of rest you had set off for yourself.
A few long seconds go by before your hand wraps around the handle to your front door, opening up to whoever interrupted you.
"Hi baby!!" Your girlfriend excitedly says as you open the door for her, stepping into your house before you can even utter a word.
"Now I know you said not to come over, but we haven't hung out in so long and I miss youu" Lottie pouts, shrugging off her backpack before wrapping her long arms around you.
"I miss you too Lot, it's just that I have to nail this exam to pass my final grade" you sigh again, feeling miserable about rejecting her as you pull away.
"Come on y/n, I haven't seen you looking up from your notes in WEEKS, you look exhausted and you need to rest. " Lottie responds with a mildly stern voice as she tries to hide her sadness.
"It's just a couple more weeks, I'll be fine! There's no need to worry about me" you try to reassure her.
"I have to get into this school Lot, It's where my parents always wanted me to go, and I don't want to disappoint them.." You continue, suddenly somber as you try to contain an overwhelming gush of emotions.
"You have nothing to worry about y/n, I know you, you're probably going to do better than anyone else ok? So let's take a little break together, it will probably be easier to study after you've slept a bit" Lottie says gently and lifts her hand up towards your face to brush over your cheek gently in an attempt to comfort you.
Quickly accepting defeat you lean into her, too exhausted to argue as you let yourself relax properly for the first time in a while. "Well I was planning to take a tiny break anyways, but no longer than an hour, ok?" you muster a small smile and playfully poke Lottie.
"Ok then, go lay down in your bed, I'll be right there" Your wonderful girlfriend gushes and hurries to her backpack as you start walking towards your room.
10 minutes go by with no sign of Lottie before you start to get to get suspicious. You're about to get up to check if she left when she walks through the doorframe with a tray in her hands, balancing two steaming cups of tea, two blueberry muffins (from your favorite cafe) and a bowl of fresh fruit while looking extremely proud of herself.
"Oh gosh, you didn't have to do all of this Lot" you let out a surprised laugh making the girl opposite of you grin even wider, her tiny fangs showing.
"Of course I did, I love you" She puts the tray down in your lap and snuggles up close to you. "And I'll always take care of you, okay? So if you ever feel this much pressure and stress again just come to me and I'll help you in any way possible" she peppers your cheek with kisses and wraps her arm around you affectionately, using the other hand to turn on the tv.
What feels like hours go by as you relax together, enjoying the peace as a movie plays.
You end up laying in Lotties lap as her hands soothingly brushes through your hair, her head coming down to kiss you once in a while as she explains that your lips are so addicting that she'll never get enough of them.
And then before you know it the tray is set aside and you lay down, your back pressed against Lotties front as she whispers sweet nothings in your ear.
"I love you Lot" you whisper tiredly, your slightly slurred words making her chuckle as she kisses you all over.
"I love you too baby, I'll wake you up in the morning, you need some proper sleep" she whispers back as all your thoughts drift away, the last thing you feel being Lottie shifting one last time to kiss your forehead before she slowly begins falling asleep too, her heart beating steadily as she listens to your calm breath with a small smile on her face, happy that she managed to make you feel better.
a/n: so sorry idk anything about how american high schools or college's work so Idrk how they do exams either 😍
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angel-of-the-moons · 6 months
I need to make a request where dom!reader pegs sub!Johnny Cage, I need him so bad its not even funny anymore
Pegging Johnny? In my house? It's more likely than you think!
Fresh Act
Johnny Cage x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: NSFW, smut, sex toys, pegging, cumshot, Johnny whines when he's pegged you can't change my mind, slight spanking, recording, mentions of handcuffs, plugs, vibrators, fisting
A/N: pls don't look at me because of those tags asdfghjkl
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Johnny Cage was many things. An actor, a fighter, a champion, and now a director.
But there was one thing you knew he was that you were sure nobody else did--even his ex-wife, Cris--was that Johnny Cage was a bottom.
The energy this man exuded, the charisma and confidence would make anybody think that he was the boss in the bedroom.
But nope.
It was you.
Oh, how Johnny loved it when you would cuff his hands to the bed and just edge him for hours, especially if you straddled his thighs while he had a plug in--a pretty little shiny one with a cute green gem in the base--and you had some sort of vibrating implement to his cock.
Double that if you used one of those vibrating stroking toys.
But something you hadn't even thought about, surprisingly... was pegging. Let alone filming the two of you while you did it. You'd heard too many horror stories of celebrity sex tapes being leaked online and you weren't sure you could handle the thought of you (and Johnny) in such a vulnerable position.
The tabloids would eat you both up.
But having Johnny sit at the edge of your bed, shirtless, wearing sweats that hung far too low on his hips, sporting a rather happy and aching erection; and in his hand was a strap and a harness he ordered online, his phone in the other.
"So... Like. Cris would never humor me with this sort of thing. She didn't like it, but I thought if I brought it up with you..." He said.
And, god, his face has the cutest, most ridiculous set of puppy dog eyes he's tried with you yet. He almost made you cave instantly.
"Johnny." You sigh, rubbing your forehead as you looked down at him. "Honey, I mean the dildo is one thing, but the camera?"
"Okay, I can totally take this." He said, shaking said object in his hand.
He changes it up and wiggles his phone instead, now. "And this? The video will just be for me n' you, Kitten. I promise. I'm really just gonna keep it when I need you but you're not with me. Like on set."
You couldn't help but chuckle at him with a huff. Yeah, of course he masturbated while on set. Johnny was the kind of guy to do that, after all.
"And how do you know you can take it, hm?" You ask, pointing to the dildo.
He makes a sideways grin and tilts his head, looking off to the side. "Well..."
"Okay, okay!" He laughed, leaning back on his elbows, his sweats stretching and emphasizing the outline of his dick. Your eyes flicked down his body to eye it for a few seconds, and the way his grin widened irritated you.
He was getting uppity with you again, trying to push your buttons. And you knew it.
You knew he knew it.
You cross your arms and narrow your eyes at him, pushing your breasts up just a bit.
"So, you know how I've been stressed about the new scenes on set? Yeah, so I've been experimenting with this and, well... I mean it's a bit bigger than the one I use--"
"So what I'm hearing is you've been keeping toys a secret from me." Your finger begins to tap your arm impatiently.
The way his eyes nervously dart around as he struggles to find words sends a delicious thrill through your body.
"Er, well, I..." He coughs. "Well don't think of it as hiding so much as... er. Waiting to surprise you?"
You scoff and slowly crawl over him, your leg between his thighs and intentionally pressing against his throbbing cock.
You apply a bit of pressure and tilt your head, your expression cold and calculating as he bites his lip and breathes hard through his nose.
"Sounds to me like you're making excuses." You state flatly.
The bobbing of his throat sealed his fate.
"Want me to push it?" You ask, your hand sliding over his thigh, the tip of your thumb just barely tracing the side of his cock.
"Not tonight, but if I get overwhelmed I'll tell you." He says, licking his bottom lip as your thumb pressed against him with more pressure.
You slowly grin at him. "You said I can't push it, so I won't hurt you. But seriously, let me know if it's too much."
"I will, babe." He says as you kiss his lips softly.
"Kay. Now get naked and on all fours."
"Fffuuuck...." He groaned deeply.
"Johnny..." You say, your voice lashing with ice.
"Yes ma'am."
"Good boy." You purr. "Now do what I said or I'll just cockwarm you all night with no relief."
Being with Johnny had allowed an inner demon of yours to come out. One you had no idea you were keeping locked up inside of you.
And boy, did she crave topping and dominating someone. And Johnny was more than happy to be that someone.
Setting up the camera took a bit of time, you let Johnny get up when you were struggling with positioning and lighting. After all, you wanted the both of you to look good in your homemade sex tape.
Once you were both satisfied with the way it was set up, you had Johnny get back into position, his cock jutting out between his legs, twitching and proud, his thighs were tense with excitement and his balls were nice and heavy from the edging you gave him.
Maybe next time you'd put him in a band, or a nice tight cock ring while you did this to him.
Next time.
Right now you had your bottom lip sucked between your teeth, chewing on it as you watched him shake with anticipation.
You palm his ass cheek firmly, giving him a soft squeeze; the latex on your fingers squeaking softly. "Now, Johnny... Here's a few rules. You have to keep yourself propped up. You're not allowed to touch yourself. I'll let you know when you can cum. If you do it before I say..."
You reach and squeeze his balls softly, earning a shaky whimper from him.
"I'm putting you in a Cage, Johnny." You grin maliciously. "Understood?"
The way his head shook had your heart yearning to just pull him back and kiss him stupid.
But already he was forgetting the game.
You give him another squeeze, just barely above pain.
"Johnny..." You scold.
"Yes ma'am." He wheezed.
You release him and give his ass an affectionate pat. "Good boy."
You hum as you grab the bottles of lube--one of several-- from the heating pad you had them resting on. There was one thing you knew almost nobody liked, and that was cold lube.
And it was always good to have a ton of lube on hand. No matter what, every time you think you have enough, you use more. For everyone's comfort.
And despite Johnny's assurances that he's had a dildo up his ass before, you wanted to have all your bases covered. You didn't want to hurt him unless he wanted it. Spanking or slapping or biting was one thing, but fucking his ass with inadequate levels of lube or prep could result in a hospital trip in the worst case scenario...
You popped the cap and spread his cheeks, slowly dribbling the clear liquid straight down onto his asshole, using one finger to tease the puckered flesh with an idle hum still in your voice as he sucked in a tight breath as your gloves finger massaged his tight, velvety walls.
You both agreed that for this situation, it was smart to wear some latex gloves so your nails wouldn't scratch his delicate insides. After all, even you used gloves when you fingered yourself, sometimes; having claws scratching up your lady bits was uncomfortable and could lead to infections.
"You good, Johnny?" You ask him gently.
"Y-yeah." He whimpered and quickly corrected himself. "Yes, ma'am. Ugh. You..."
He dropped his head and his upper body heaved with heavy breaths as he composed himself.
"You can use more than one."
Your brow quirked and you smiled impishly. "You want me to?"
"Okay, baby." You murmur, pulling your finger out of his ass and holding your hand up, dripping a copious amount of lube on your first three fingers. You didn't want him too tight when you fucked him with the strap, and besides... teasing him was always part of your game.
Sometimes you wanted him so strung out he would cum from a puff of air. You wouldn't go so far tonight, you wanted him to cum on that hefty silicone dick of yours.
The groan that came from his throat as you eased your fingers inside of him made your clit twitch against the straining leather of the harness, your wet cunt already causing some nice slippery friction that stimulated you, too.
Johnny had thought of everything for this, he had the harness designed custom just for you and him, he had it made so if you wanted, you could have a vibrator stuck into a pouch in the front to stimulate your clit alongside the soft bump that rubbed against you with every movement you made, making your nipples pebble and goosebumps raise along your skin.
You twisted and pressed your fingers in every angle you could manage until Johnny collapsed down onto his elbows with a small moan.
You halt your fingers entirely and pull them out until just the tips of them remained inside, frowning down at your mega-star boyfriend.
He swallowed audibly and hauled himself back up onto shaky palms, his shoulders tense from the strain and effort.
And he thought planking was hard...
"That's my boy." You chuckle, thrusting your fingers back inside, curling them in a "come hither" manner, stroking his walls gently and oh so sweetly.
You bite your lip and move your hips closer, until your strap on was pressed against the underside of his cock and balls, giving external stimulation as you fucked his ass with your hand.
You were tempted to see if he could take the whole thing, but like your earlier thoughts you saved that idea for later.
You twist your hand downward as you look at the phone you and Johnny had set up, facing you with the front-facing camera, the ring light illuminating you two wonderfully. The energy of your bedroom and the candles lit provided a gorgeous backdrop for this; and the way you could actually see how Johnny looked on all fours, his eyes squeezed shut and biting his lip in concentration as sweat dripped down his forehead made your hips thrust against his in an automatic reaction.
He made a short gasp as your silicone cock grinded against his, pressing against his full balls while your fingers angled down, dangerously close to his prostate but not close enough to give hime spine-tingling relief.
You made a mental note to buy a custom stroker that you could shove alongside his cock, next time. You'd love to see him on his back as you grounded and stroked your cock alongside his, watching him come in thick ropes up his well-toned abs... maybe you'd have him lick your toy clean afterwards.
God, he was your inner demon's muse. He was so good at giving you ideas with just those pathetic little moans and whimpers of his.
"Look at you," You coo down at him. "Taking my hand so good."
You knew he could probably cum just like this, lazily stroking his hips against you, his cock sliding against yours as your fingers pumped in and out of him, stretching his hole out nice and wide for you.
But no, if he was gonna cum, it was gonna be while you fucked him hard with that goddamn strap-on he wanted so badly.
You pulled away all at once without warning, his ass twitching and empty at the loss of you. He looked over his shoulder at you, not voicing his question--because he knew he'd be punished if he got impatient--and his brows were creased pathetically in a silent plea for you to continue.
You acted like you didn't notice, humming a little tune as you poured what was left of the bottle of lube you were using on the dildo. You grabbed another warmed up bottle and applied more, stroking it with your fingers, trailing over the life-like silicone; the veins prominent and the foreskin creased as you pulled back like a real cock.
Fuck, you almost wished you had one, just to know how he'd feel all snug around you.
You rolled your hips into your touch, giving yourself some friction and making small moans--some for show, some genuine--as your clit bumped and rolled against the raised indent on the inside of the harness, more slick gushing from your wanting cunt.
You barely glimpsed at him out of the corner of your eyes, looking at him as he watched you, his eyes practically glistening with tears as he watched you slowly get yourself off, leaving him bereft and craving.
You were merciful and turned back to him, pouring more lube into his ass that was still clenching around air, waiting for you.
You pressed the tip against him, relishing in how his whole body seemed to go still as death as he waited.
But nothing happened.
You tapped the head of the toy against his waiting hole, "Remember. Use the safeword, and if you cum before I say, you're in trouble."
"Yes ma'am." He sighed, his voice watery and knees weak. "Please."
"Alright." You say, your tongue clicking as you press harder, the tip popping right into his asshole with wondrous ease, making you moan involuntarily at the mere sight as his hands bunched the expensive sheets, his cock leaking fresh, heavy drops of his precum.
"Fuck." He groaned as you eased in, inch by torturous inch.
"Doing s' good for me, baby." You praise as the toy is swallowed by his hungry body. "Takin' my cock so good. Next time I'm gonna have you ride it, m'kay?"
"Yes--fuck--please." He whined loudly, his spine arching and head tipping back as you finally bottomed out.
You rested there, letting the weight of the strap rest in his guts, getting snug and comfortable as his insides contorted around its shape, committing it to memory.
Cris was fucking stupid for not doing this to him. He was fucking gorgeous all split open and trembling for you, his muscles quivering as your spread your hand, palm down and fingers splayed while you slid it up his back, feeling just how sweaty he got.
"Gonna start moving." You tell him as you pull back; not quite as slow as when you were pushing in, but you were being gentle for him.
Just this once.
After that? Fuck, you were relentless.
You would roll your hips like you did when you rode his cock, gyrating and slapping against his ass as the stimulation from the harness pushed you closer and closer to your own orgasm while you fucked him.
You drove in and in, and in and in more and more, the tip of the dildo stabbing him in a way that he never managed on his own. God, Johnny wanted to badly to grip and tug his cock, to stroke himself so he could just cum already, but he remembered your rules and your promise to really make him suffer if he did what you expressly told him he couldn't.
All he could do was mumble and babble things almost incoherently, rolling his hips back against yours, his ass slapping audibly against your sweaty skin, the sound of your false cock lewd and wet as you buried yourself again and again, pile-driving the air out of his lungs with every punch of your hips.
"Fuck." You whined softly, feeling the flames of your own release began to creep up your spine, your blood turning to molten lava as the friction from the harness against the swollen bud of your clit makes your nerves light up and your brain almost forget what you were doing as you mindlessly chase your own release; your puffy lips and slick cunt gushing so much it feels like you could drown him if his face were in-between your legs, the clear, sticky juices dripping down your thighs as your hips snap up against his while you cum, your hands gripped tight on his hips to ground yourself.
As the haze of your orgasm ebbed and your hot slick dribbled down the skin of your inner thighs, you remember that you were buried all the way inside of Johnny's ass.
You smile, feeling a little guilty that you got so consumed in the moment that you'd neglected and forgot all about your whimpering and squirming boyfriend beneath you.
He hasn't said the safeword yet, and he has been good. Almost unusually, for him, to behave so well in bed. Sometimes he lived for your little punishments.
So, you decided to extend the olive branch of mercy yet again as you pull out, and angle your hips so you can press the tip against his prostate.
"Go on ahead 'n cum for me, baby." You coo at him, your voice becoming only slightly rough as you plowed full steam into his ass, relishing in the noises he made as he rocked shamelessly against you, the sweetest most pathetic noises coming from his cute lips alongside your name.
When Johnny Cage cums, he does so with his entire body, trembling, gripping, thrusting, arching... He does it all, puts his whole body into the effort of letting you know that he's at his limit and you've brought him there.
Hot, thick ropes of white shoot from the weeping and sensitive tip of his cock as you help him ride it out, smiling in amusement as he essentially rides you from below as he collapses his upper body down against the pillows, drooling just a little bit as his brain slowly kicks back on.
You could swear you could hear the dial-up internet sounds coming from his mind as you pull the dildo out of him.
"That good, huh?" You tease playfully.
"So, so good." He groans, rolling onto his back, just off to the side of the mess he made in the satiny sheets.
You hum in acknowledgement as you undo the clasps and buckles of the harness, turning the heating pad with the lube off as you set the harness and toy atop it.
You lean down and grab Johnny by his jaw, bringing his lips to yours in a heavy, loving and desperate kiss as his hands smooth up your back and down again, kneading and pulling the cheeks of your ass apart.
"Mmh. Again?" You murmur against his lips.
"As much as I'd love to do that again, I need some time to warm up, Kitten." He chuckles at you.
"But I can do that while you sit on my face, right?"
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bingbongsupremacy · 27 days
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Pt. 2
Pairing: Father! Eddie Munson x reader
Warnings: I have never been on a tour bus. I've done a bit of research so I have an idea of what they look like. The bus portions might not be completely accurate, especially since they're supposed to be from the 1980-90's. Sorry if it's not 100% accurate. Also swearing.
Series Summary: Years ago you and Eddie used to be friends. After you graduated, you two fell out of contact. After years of not speaking to each other, Eddie offers you a job you can't resist; be a nanny for his little girl.
Part Summary: It's time to start your new job; nannying for the child of a rock star.
*Not Proof Read*
Tag List: @maskofmirrors @saucypeanuttt @hugdealer
Pt.1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
Was this a good idea?
I stare up at the large bus looming over me. It casts a shadow over my body, leaving me feeling cold.
Can I handle this? I've never been away from Hawkins for longer than a few months. What if something goes wrong? What if I get fired?
" You can come in, ya know. " Eddie's voice startles me.
I look over at the previously empty door frame. Eddie's chest and head peek past the shiny black door frame. His style hasn't changed a bit. Still the same old Eddie.
Or is it?
" I promise we don't bite. " Eddie's voice is playful. It's comforting. Familiar.
" I hope. I'm really not interested in getting rabies anytime soon. " I joke back, trying to shake off the uneasiness. Eddie wouldn't hurt me. Not with his kid on board. Plus, I grew up with the other guys. They might look scary but I could beat their asses if it really came down to it.
Eddie's laugh is exactly the same. Warm and smooth, something that's so easy to listen to and get lost in. Something you want to hear over and over again.
Eddie moves out of the way so I can get onto the bus. " I was worried you got lost. Sorry I couldn't pick you up today. Rose decided it was the perfect day to get get marker on every possible portion of her skin. "
I let out a small laugh at the sight of Eddie's slightly frustrated sigh. " Oh no. "
He cracks a small smile. " Don't worry, I was able to get it all off. She's slightly less green now. I hope it wasn't too stressful getting here. "
As he talks Eddie leads me towards the back of the bus.
This place if fucking huge. I mean, they are global rockstars. Why wouldn't it be?
I had no idea a bus could hold this much stuff. It's basically a mini apartment. Everything looks brand new. The leather couches are glossy and luxurious, something I definitely couldn't afford on my own.
" It wasn't that bad. It's kinda hard to miss a huge bus in the middle of Hawkins. I mean, we don't get much action down here. But you know that, duh. You lived. " I don't know why I feel so awkward. So nervous. It's the new environment, it has to be. I'll get used to it.
We pass a few rows of what I assume are bunks. Clothes are scattered along the floor and partially hanging out of a few of the bunks. This is definitely where Gareth, Doug and Jeff sleep.
" This is the boy's area. " My suspicions confirmed. " Fuck. " Eddie mutters, nearly tripping over a hidden pile of magazines. " I told them to clean this shit up earlier. Obviously they don't listen. " Eddie reaches down and snags one of the partially open magazines off of the ground.
A nearly naked woman holding an open notebook to cover her chest stares back up at him.
" I'm gonna have to talk to him about this. Jeff can't just have this shit lying around in the open when Rosie's on the bus. " Eddie chucks the magazine into one of the bunks, shaking his head in disapproval.
We finally get to the last section of the bus, a separated room. " I just wanted to let you know about a few of the rules I have for Rosie. " He pulls a small slip of paper out of his black ripped jeans. " I didn't know if I should make a list. I've never really had a nanny before. I figured it's better safe than sorry. " His eyes scan over the ripped white sheet in his hands. The back has streaks of green and blue, something I'm guessing is curtesy of Rose.
" I really want to try to get her to bed at 8. 8:30 at most. I've been a bit lax about it the past few days since we're trying to adjust to the whole tour bus thing, but I read that structure's like really important for a kid so I'm trying to do that. As much as I can I mean. It's a little difficult on tour. " He lets out a small tired laugh. The past few days have definitely taken a toll on him.
" I get that. I'll do my best to get her to bed on time. " I reassure him, hoping to take some of the stress off of his plate.
" Thanks. " His eyes meet mine. " That'd really help me out a ton. I'm trying to keep cursing away from Rose. So please no curse words around her. "
" Oh my, Gareth, Doug, and Jeff not swearing? That's a first for sure. " I say in slight disbelief. I never thought I'd see the day.
Eddie chuckles. " It's a struggle. They slip up sometimes. I do too. It's hard not to, but I really don't want Rose to end up being that kid who curses in every sentence in class. At least not until high school. " Eddie hands the small slip of paper to me. " She's not allowed to have any photos taken of her. I understand that's going to be hard with the fuck-sorry, freaking paparazzi, but just maybe try to cover her face or something if they manage to find us or see her. People know what she looks like so if something does manage to get taken, I'm not going to flip out. I just don't feel comfortable with her face being everywhere on anything. "
I nod. " I completely understand. I wouldn't want my kid's pictures out there like that. I'll do what I can. "
" Thanks. Alright, I think that's really it right now. If something comes up I'll let you know. " Eddie opens the door and immediately a small head pokes out from one of the curtains blocking what I'm guessing are the beds. " This is the bunk room where everyone sleeps.
" You! " Rose squeaks, pointing a small finger at me. She jumps out of the bottom bunk she's on before launching herself in our direction. The small bunny from before is still tightly clutched under her arm, this time it's got a plastic pink necklace around it's neck and a bright purple bow squishing the two ears together. " Hi. " She grins up at me.
Faded green lines cover the tops of her hands. She's dressed in a small princess-like outfit, a stark contrast in color to the mostly dark bus.
Like her, her bunk is covered by a princess themed curtain, the only curtain that's a color other than black.
I smile down at the small girl. " Hey, Rose. How are you today? " I ask, bending slightly to meet her eye level.
" Good! I-I have a tea party wif- wif daddy and den we ated cookies! " She exclaims. " Daddy leted (Let) me play wif his gui-guigar (guitar) today too! "
Eddie chuckles, ruffling the wild curls of the little girl. " It's guitar, baby. "
" That's what I said! " She sasses, her face crinkling into an annoyed pout.
Eddie rolls his eyes. " This child. "
" I wonder where she gets that from. " I tease the man.
He places a hand on his heart. " Well, I have no idea. Couldn't be me. It hurt you'd assume I'm the dramatic one. " He pouts dramatically. His pout is nearly identical to the mini him standing inches away from us.
There's no way in hell someone could think they're not related. From the attitude to the hair, the genetics stand strong.
" This is your bunk. It's right above Rosie's. Your shelves are right here. " He pulls out three shelves on the right side of the bunks. " And this is your closet. " He gestures to the taller portion up top. " I'm right across from Rosie and usually the bunk up top is used for storage unless we have an extra guest or something. " Eddie leans back against his bunk. " It's a little tight in here but it's only temporary. We'll be outta here in a day or so and on our way to Texas. "
I pull open the curtain that hides my bed. A small fully made bed sits on the other side. A portable lamp sits neatly tucked in the top corner by a fluffed-out pillow. It's tight but there's still enough room to move around a bit. " Are we flying? " I ask curiously. I assumed that at some point or another, we'd be flying. That's something that's made me a bit anxious. I've never been on a plane before.
" Yeah-Whoa! " Eddie lets out a surprised gasp.
Rose giggles as she clings to her father's tattoo-covered arms. He's upgraded from the small stick n pokes to a few larger pieces. " Daddy I jumpted good. "
Eddie pulls Rose up to his chest, tightly hugging her while playfully swinging her around. " Yah you did kiddo. " He says with amusement in his tone. His gaze returns back to me. " I bought you tickets for all of the flights and rooms at the hotels we're staying at so everything is covered. "
" Thank you. " I smile at the guy.
He's changed. He seems...calmer. Less reckless than the kid I knew years ago. Having Rose' has probably changed that. He's mature now.
" Of course, you're doing me a huge favor. " He gently sets his kid back onto the ground. " By the way, if you need anything, please let me know. I can get it for you. Or let our assistant Gina know. She's got one of my cards too. "
" I feel like I'm getting more out of this than you are. " I say softly. " You're giving me so much. I feel bad for taking all of your money. "
Eddie shakes his head, his curles flying out. " You don't need to feel bad for anything. I promise. You're gonna help me out so much. I was stressing so bad trying to find someone to help with Rose. I was so worried I wouldn't find someone in time. I'm just giving you the resources to help you guys live comfortably. And you're not spending all of my money. I promise you. I wouldn't be doing all of this if I couldn't afford to. " Eddie says honestly.
" Thanks Ed. " I send him a small smile.
A part of me still feels a little bad but the other part is so excited. I've never done anything like this before. I can't wait to see what happens.
" The guys will be back from the gas station anytime soon and then we'll hit the road. It's probably best if you get all of your stuff put away so you're not flying around back here when we take off. " Eddie reaches into Rose' bunk where she's retreated back into. She lets out a loud squeal as she's pulled into the light by her father, her hands gripping tightly onto two small dolls.
" Daddy! "
Eddie chuckles at her frustrated shout. " I'm going to take this one on a walk to get her jitters out so she doesn't destroy the bus while we're on the road. " Eddie tickles Rose' tummy. " Isn't that right, baby? You're full of energy, aren't ya? Aren't ya? " His voice switches into a baby voice as he pulls his face close to his daughters.
She lets out a loud belly laugh. " No! Daddy Stop! " She shouts in between giggles.
Eddie sets Rose on his hip, careful not to bump her into anything. " We'll be back. " He says before leading her back to the enterence of the bus.
I watch as they walk away, a smile on my face.
This is going to be interesting.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 11 months
hi i hope your doing amazing !!! could i request one with pedri were the reader has a stutter and he helps her go through a day we’re she can barley talk without stuttering? i have a stutter and it’s pretty hard sometimes and it would mean a lot if u could do it but if not that’s totally okay !! stay hydrated and healthy physically and mentally!!!<3
Hi dear! Hope everything's going well with you too, hope you like this, pls let me know✨
Stutter Problems -P.G8
Summary: When your stutter gets too much, your boyfriend is there for you.
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You remember when you met Pedro and his brother when they came into your family's bakery, slowly they made themselves loyal customers and eventually you developed a friendship with both González brothers.
You couldn't believe it when the youngest of the two brothers asked you out in a date, you thought it was a friendly date but eventually got surprised when he confessed his liking towards you.
And it was shocking to you... He could have millions of girls, pretty girls; maybe prettier than what you could ever be, more confident, with money, with the greatest body ever and mostly girls who didn't have the same little problem as you did. Stutter.
But he didn't gave up, you liked him too and eventually you gave in into him pushing your fear aside.
In the first months of dating him you were expecting in any moment an outburst from him saying how he couldn't handle your stutter and leave you like you pasts boyfriends have done.
None of that happened, in fact, it was quite the opposite. He helped you with it.
It wasn't that bad, you could say 20 words and only stutter in 2 of them and mostly since you have been taking care of it since little with the help of your family and now your boyfriend and his family but when you got nervous, stressed out or angry, your stuttering intensified.
But today, wasn't at your side. Ever since you woke up and struggled with a little "Good morning" you knew today was going to be awful for you and your problem.
A lot of persons in your class made fun of you but you tried to ignore them, you were glad your three best friends mocked them too and went that ahead to judge their size and mock them for it as they grew embarrassed for it.
You had a presentation and almost made a fool of yourself, thank god, that class understood your problem and they had patience with you.
When you were walking at noon from the bakery to your home a woman asked you for a direction and when you stuttered five times in a row to give the name of the street she smiled at you and left you there with the words on your mouth.
On top of that, when you made it back home, you saw in your phone a professor decided to do a pop quiz and you lost fifteen minutes of it.
You were at the verge of tears when you heard the door being open and you heard your boyfriend's voice.
"Bonita, ya llegué" (I'm home)
"Li-li-li" You sighed "Living ro-room" You covered your face with your hands and soon felt a kiss being given to your temple and one of Pedro's hands on your shoulder rubbing lovingly
"Hola" You said back still covering your face.
You heard his breathing and then you felt his hands pulling yours from your face "What's up?"
"Stuttering is wha-wha-wha-what's up" You groaned at the end of your sentence throwing your head back
"Is today one of those days?" He asked carefully his thumb caressing the back of your hand softly
"I ju-just fe-feel like the wo-world's against me"
"If the world's against you then it's against me too" You smile softly
"How was class?"
"A-awful. I stuttered like I've ne-ne-never do-do-done it in my who-whole life"
"You feel stressed?"
"I just hate the-the fa-fact I have thi-this thin-thin- Fuck!" You groan once more letting this time a few tears go down your face, you pulled your hands out of Pedro's hold but he pushed yours down and cleaned your tears.
"Let's calm down, okay? How about I make you some tea? Your favorite, uh? Lemon with honey?" You nodded crying "We can cuddle after that and maybe order some chinese food... It's your favorite and I bet you haven't eaten anything"
"I brought some ca-ca-cachitos from the ba-bakery"
"Gracias bonita, we can also eat them later if you want" You nod "But how do some lumpias with sweet and sour sauce sound?"
"We can watch some of Moana, I know you like to sing along to You're Welcome" You smile nodding
"It's a really go-good a-and catchy song"
"It is" Pedro smiled "Is this saved?" He pointed to the work on your laptop
"It's done actually" You smiled to yourself
You made the first sentence of the day without stuttering.
"Well, then I guess we can do this" He turned off your laptop and put it to charge "I'll be right back" He left towards the kitchen but you wanted to hold him, so after a few seconds he left, you stood up and went to him.
"¿Me extrañaste?" (missed me?) You hummed hugging yourself to his torso and burying your face into his chest
"Lo siento si estoy siendo muy necia" (Sorry if I'm being too clingy)
"Nunca lo eres, bonita" (You are never)
You waited a few more minutes in silence just enjoying his hold on you as he waited for the water to boil and texted in his phone.
"Hold me this?" He asked giving you his phone and grabbing your mug of tea
"Wha-what do you ne-need to-AH!" He picked you up making your legs go around his waist "¡PEDRO GONZÁLEZ!"
"That's me" He smirked when the doorbell rang, he set you on the couch and gave you the control "Set Moana up, I'll be right back"
"How much food did you asked for?" You asked watching him come back
"I asked three services of lumpia, two for you, one for me and some rice for us" He said shrugging his shoulders
"Tú, tranquila. Let's relax" (You, calm) "Everything for mi niña bonita" You blushed as he got comfortable behind you so you could rest your back on his chest
"Anything I can do to pay for your calm services back?" He smiled
"Love me, take care of me and sing You're welcome at the top of your lungs"
"My stutter-" He cut you off
"We'll sing it and done! Your stuttering only makes me love you more"
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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evilvvithin · 2 years
Track you down pt.5
Pairing: yautja (feral) x f!reader 
Warnings: hunting killing animals | size kink | breeding | monster fucking | monster loving | NSFW
Summary: As you spend more time with your yautja, you start to learn more about him and his culture, working your way towards “proving” yourself to the others of his species. You also learn there's a 5th season in the year.
Words: 2, 885
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Notes: This is smut smut smut. I’m here going through one of my thirsty moods and just kept writing, and this chapter came out of it. Not sorry. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK, NSFW chapter.
taglist: @looseratinthegarage @life-or-something-like-it @celebrain @themology @magicalus-godslayer
words used: sain’ja - warrior ooman - human ~~~
You never knew you could be capable of so much strength and agility. Even your senses got sharper afterwhile, since you weren't over stimulated by the mess of daily city life and stress from your work.
Hunting was a big part of his culture. Hunting for trophies, glory, social status in their clans. The first time you went hunting with your Yautja, he was pleasantly surprised. He took you to another part of his planet which was close to being a typical forest you knew well back home. You had some doubts about yourself at first, but you had some hunting knowledge in you after all. When you were a kid, your father occasionally took you with him to hunt. You learnt patience, handling rifles and staying hidden using the wind direction so the animals couldn’t smell you. It was years, but you still remembered it all. The fact you had your dog with you on the hunt helped too. To your Yautja disappointment, you weren't able to finish the first couple of hunts fully, but that changed over time. You two were going on adventures almost daily, each hunt taking longer and longer as you got stronger. You got numb to all the blood and death, finally hunting down and killing your first prey.
But can't we just go to Earth? We can get a bunch of food and other stuff for me, you've always kept asking him but he refused everytime. 
It's too dangerous considering the mess I've left there, was always his reply. 
He meant that it was dangerous for you, not him. Massacred soldiers in your house, blood and guts everywhere, alien fluids on the couch mixed with yours. He was right, you were not able to go near Earth for quite some time. You were surprised how little you missed your old life, your friends and even your family. Sometimes you wondered if they were even searching for you, or the government covered it all up so no one worried about you. They were more than capable of doing that.
When you two weren’t adventuring together, you stayed in his ship all the time. It was his home all the time, except the few occasions he came back to his homeland. He didn’t let you just wander around and explore by yourself to your disappointment.
You are not ready yet, he always said.
Not ready for this, not ready for that, not the right time for this and that. You didn’t understand what he was waiting for all the time, what he was afraid of. He was worried about other Yautjas finding out about you, maybe that was why?
When the time is right, you need to… prove yourself, was the reply to your question about his clan mates.
From what you knew about him and his species so far, you were almost certain that proving yourself meant obtaining some kind of worthy prey. Killing it and getting a trophy of it. You always shivered at the thought, not wanting to think about it any longer. Of course you were able to hunt some smallish animals, surprisingly similar to the earth ones, but you knew those weren't anything worthy enough in Yautjas eyes.
His ship was rather big, but soon you realized it's not big enough for you to get some time alone without your Yautja. He wanted to be near you at all times. You slowly learnt all his body and mandible language. You also learnt he was quite short tempered and he loved to be praised. Lots of things had to be done his way or he got annoyed. During your hunts, he made sure you're watching how he's sneaking to the prey before killing it. He always observed the animals way too long during hunts. For a long time you believed he was doing it only to show off himself, to make you adore him even more. As if it was possible to fall for him more, you always chuckled.
I don't care for the animals, I'm enjoying our time together while doing something I love… and you do too, he explained every time he saw you getting tired at the length of tracking the prey.
You didn't want to admit it but you enjoyed hunting too. The thrill, adrenaline of it. The danger of it, which he protected you from for now. You were looking forward to feeling the danger once the two of you started going after some bigger prey. He always laughed at you for not being able to keep up for as long as him and you were determined to prove him wrong, lasting longer the next hunt. He loved to tease you and you loved to tease him back.
Despite all his short tempered behavior, he had quite some patience with your dog. When your dog kept barking or whining to the point it made even you irritated, he remained calm. One time you caught the two through door space, your dog wagging his tail and licking your mate's knee, while he was using one finger to scratch your dog between his ears gently. It was truly an otherworldly sight as he never showed any interest towards your dog. Most of the time it looked like he regretted not killing him at first sight instead of taking him to the ship. The two of them slowly developed their own language you didn't understand. Different whistles and purring, your dog immediately knew what his new dad wanted. It always made you chuckle. Soon, your mate actually enjoyed having him at hunts and sending him after some small and weak prey and just watching him from the trees.
Cold breeze woke you up from your dream state, realizing your fur cover was gone and you were covered by the shadow of your mate, towering over you sitting at your legs. It was still dark, but you could see his yellow eyes piercing into yours with lust. 
The sexual tension between you two was almost touchable and not decreasing at all. It was only growing if anything. He was really demanding the past few days, wanting to touch you at any chance, be as close to you as possible. He was inhaling your scent way more often as if something had changed. Sometimes he seemed like he couldn’t control himself near you. He didn't know what personal space meant and you had a doubt he wanted to know, but you enjoyed his presence, his touches. You enjoyed the feeling of being wanted so bad. When you got overwhelmed, he had his ways to make you change your mind and you always let him have his way because you enjoyed it as well. It was all teasing games, you knew he wouldn't touch you if you really didn't want to. The way he honored and respected you, no one ever treated you like that.
You blinked at him, trying to wake yourself up. As you wanted to sit up, he leaned closer to you and placed his hand on your chest. Claws tickling your bare skin as he slid his hand under your shirt, giving you goosebumps. 
"Can't we take a single day off?" You laughed and stretched your body.
You wanted him, feeling the lust grow as your eyes ran over his muscular chest, but your lower area was still quite sore from yesterday. You could use a break. 
"Can't help it," he purred and squeezed your breast softly, making you moan silently. "I want to breed you."
"Breed me?" You asked confused. "I'm still a little sore down… down there." 
You placed your hand on your abdomen area and he tilted his head. 
"Maybe it just needs a massage."
Twirling the mandibles, his hand slid down from your breast right down to your crotch and rubbed against your clit. Your cheeks immediately heated up as you felt the pleasure growing in your lower belly. He nuzzled on your cheek with mandibles, his typical way of kissing. 
"It is the right time," he purred into your ear. "Mating season."
You blinked confused. 
"Mating season? What?" You asked between moans as he kept playing with your clit.
"It means it's breeding time… and I am gonna breed you."
You had a feeling it's not like a normal round you two had before, he wouldn't specify that I'm gonna breed you otherwise. He immediately felt your tension and hesitation. 
"Want me to leave? Say it, sain'ja."
When you opened your mouth to reply, he added pressure into the hand rubbing your clit, making you swallow all words you wanted to say and keep moaning instead. 
He for sure has his ways to make things go how he wants, you smirked in your mind.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled him closer to you. He clicked his mandibles, satisfied. You slid your hands down from his neck and found the clip on his belt, removing it together with him getting rid of your panties. His member slapped against your belly, reminding you of his size. He sat between your legs, grabbing them and placing them up against his shoulders.
"You know our DNA can't be combined, right?" 
"Even if it's true, I'm going to fill you up anyway." He replied in a deep growl.
He started to stroke his cock slowly, his eyes closing with pleasure.
If? Shot through your mind. You were certain two different species can't successfully breed. Maybe…
"Maybe there's a chance if we try hard enough," he said and placed his hand on your stomach. 
He easily covered your whole stomach from side to side with just one hand. It kept fascinating him, how small you were compared to him. Such a small ooman, able to handle yautja. Your small frame, trembling under his behemoth one, aroused him insanely. His cock twitched and he hissed, grabbing you by your waist and pulling you up towards him impatiently. The tip of his cock pressed against your entrance, you let out another needy moan. Your back arched in an unnatural position but you ignored it, your mind overwhelmed by the lust and thought of being railed by him. He slid his length inside you fully and started to thrust in a quick pace. You gasped in surprise, still needing a little bit of time to adjust to his size even though you two had many many rounds before. Without stopping or slowing down, his yellow eyes were fixated on your face, watching it grimace in pleasure. Your lips partly opened, moaning. He dug his fingers into your thighs, keeping them from falling off his shoulders. 
The position you were in made the whole act more intense. You never felt him so deep inside before, hitting your pleasure spot at such angle. Your vision was blacking out with every thrust he made. You heard him purr louder and louder as his pace increased. He let go of your legs and you slid down on the bed. Within a blink of an eye, both of you rolled around and you were on top of him, positioning yourself onto his member. You watched his face as you lowered yourself and his full length disappeared inside of you. His mandibles widened in pleasure. You felt his cock pulsating and started to ride him. Slowly at first, enjoying every single second, but he grew impatient quickly and pushed you down holding your waist, setting the pace as he wanted. You enjoyed teasing him, but also didn't want to prolong the climax you both were hungry for.
As your surroundings filled up with moans, your heart was beating rapidly and you felt your walls tighten around your mate's cock. His grip on your waist tightened as well and when you both came and you started to get weakened by the pleasure, wanting to lay next to him. He pushed you down into his crotch, the tip of his twitching cock so deep it was touching your cervix. Keeping you in place, you felt his warm seed filling you up. His claws scratched the surface of your soft skin as he released his load till the last drop. You felt the growing wetness underneath you, your pussy couldn’t even take all the cum. It was dripping out, even though you were still plugged by his cock. 
He released an annoyed hiss as he realized it’s dripping out of you because you were sitting on top of him. Fingers still dug into your sides, he shifted you under him with one quick move. You felt his cock still pulsate inside of you, making sure no more cum dropped out. He moved his hand to your cheek and caressed it with a finger, tickling your face with his mandibles, both of you enjoying the moment of intimacy.
You experienced many wild stuff with your mate already not only in sex, but this was the most wild and hot stuff so far. You could say it was one of the sweetest things too as you were all locked under him, surrounded by his strong arms, your face cupped by his and his hand. Raising your hand, you gently played with his dreadlocks. They were extremely sensitive, but touching them softly and running your fingers through them gently enough brought him much pleasure. 
“Not done yet?” You smirked, feeling his member growing and hardening in you again.
“This was just the beginning, my little brave ooman,” he groaned in reply and started to move slowly. “Breeding is a long, precise process.”
You knew he couldn’t smirk, but you swore you saw a big one on his face at that moment. Your body was weak already from the orgasm you just had and you felt like you had no energy, but when you felt him moving inside of you again, barely hitting the right spot, all the tiredness faded away. New wave of energy rushed through your body and you rocked your hips against his, wanting him to hit the spot fully. This time it took long before both of you were panting, filling the room with moans again. You were being filled with another load of his cum, mixing with your juices. Everything under you was wet and covered in it. 
Trying to catch your breath, calming your heart rate, you watched him pull his cock out of you completely covered in the mix of yours and his cum. Your arms, wrapped around his shoulders till now, fell next to your head. You were exhausted, out of your mind from another orgasm. He locked his fingers with yours and stared at you silently, covering your face with his hot breath, till you calmed down enough. 
Right when you opened your mouth to ask him about the length of the whole mating season, as he called it, you were flipped over on your belly and felt his cock near your entrance once again. If you thought two rounds were enough already, you were up for a real wild and long ride. He stood up on his knees and pulled up your butt. The second he let go of your sides, your legs lost balance and you felt like falling back down on your belly. Your legs were too weak to support you. Letting out a satisfied groan as he saw how good he fucked you, he positioned you back up and kept supporting you on his own, sliding his full length back into you.
Oh my–, shot through your mind before it went dark from the non stopping pleasure. 
Hours later of constant breeding, as he kept calling it, you laid motionless on the bed. Feeling like a ragdoll and covered in sweat, with your lower body covered in cum, weighed down by the full weight of your yautja who just collapsed on top of you. 
"My little sainja." He whispered. "Full of surprises."
It was the final round, even he was already exhausted. 
"Usually only strong female Yautjas are capable of such breeding."
You were dizzy, only noticing the deafening heartbeat making both of your bodies vibrate. Before, you believed it's impossible for two different species to have an offspring, but after being filled with cum whole day to the point you felt like it's in your stomach as well, you doubted it. If it was possible, you knew your mate was the one to make it happen.
You tried to move, but it felt like your whole body became one big piece of jelly. You gave up and coughed, sending a signal to your mate that it's hard to breathe underneath his weight. It was hard for him to move as well, but he shoved himself off you and rested right next to you instead. Wrapping his arms around you, he pulled you to him tightly like a teddy bear. The now calm, deep breathing of your Yautja snoozing, resonating in your ears as your head was right on his chest, made your eyes feel heavy quickly. You really wanted to go and wash away all the sweat and juices you both were covered in, but your body wasn't listening to you at all. You snuggled on his chest and let your eyes close, falling to sleep feeling completely exhausted, safe and loved.
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I've been thinking about this angsty AU for a while know...
But...what if each of the gifted Madrigals snapped before Antonio's ceremony?
Bruno was the first; He cracked under the pressure before Mirabel's ceremony. Honestly, being seen as a bad omen/curse, constantly giving out "bad" or unreadable visions that he knows will be seen as bad, practically being forced to give visions knowing they'll get a bad reaction, and constant migraines/headaches can't be good for someone's mental health.
The order of the other's snapping (I'm going in the order of age)
Pepa (after Antonio's birth) - So stressed out and emotionally unstable that she snapped and caused a rainstorm for a whole week until her body gave out.
Julieta (A year or two after Pepa)- Not sure what to do for her.
Isabela (When Antonio was two/three)- How would being the golden child and put under the perfection pedestal not take a toll on you mentally?
Dolores (a six months after Isa) - It could surround something about hearing way too many sounds/voices at once.
Luisa (four months after Lolo) - Surface pressure got too much to handle.
Camilo (two months after Lu) - Identity crisis, constantly told that YOU aren't needed but the other person is. In other words, feeling like you yourself aren't special at all. Need I say more?
By the time Antonio was four the only Madrigals what were left were Alma, Felix, Agustin, and Mirabel. How do you think you would interpret this au?
Do you think there are any mental hospitals in Encanto? I mean, there is always going to be people with mental issues so there has to be one. But I don't think a normal mental hospital could house such gifted people that could possibly turn into a threat at any given moment.
Idk, this is just an idea and maybe you could be a little more elaborate with it. But honestly, how do you think the gift less Madrigals would react to this happening? (and maybe the villagers?)
(Also, I don't think Antonio would be getting a gift in this au. The candle/Casita is way too scared of the pressure he may be put under and what it might cause. But it's up to you though)
Okay, I have ideas for this!
I’ll call it Separated.
My only note is why would the family separate and just abandon each other? Specifically, the wives leaving their spouses and the literal five-year-old. It makes more sense that they stay together.
Order and why the family finally snapped:
Bruno (1938) - basically the same as said here, but no relation to Mirabel. His reputation started falling after Pepa’s wedding, but by this point, there was nothing to be saved and he had no will to try save it. (The headaches thing isn’t necessary; Julieta can heal him).
Isabela (1944) - in response to being told she was going to start courting and ultimately marry Mariano, but the whole ‘perfect, golden child’ definitely added to the emotions. She didn’t leave the family straightaway, due to her age, but stopped following Abuela’s orders. She also began asking her parents if they could leave.
Pepa (1945) - following Antonio’s birth and her mother’s concerns over whether or not he would be gifted. Alongside her own suppressing of emotions and the equally poor treatment of Dolores. She finally had enough. Félix never officially snapped, just agreed with his wife without hesitation.
Dolores (1945, a few weeks after Pepa) - inspired by her mother, Dolores had also reached her boiling point shortly after and felt confident to express it. Not that it was necessary for her to do as she was obviously going to be leaving with her parents and brothers. But she felt that she should get the chance to for her voice to be heard.
Agustín (1946) - he had recently become aware of the townspeople’s treatment of Luisa and refused to stay a moment longer. If the warm family got out, so can they. To the point he threatened divorce against Julieta, was just going to take Luisa and leave. Julieta never officially snapped, just agreed with her husband; though it was after a few discussions.
Luisa (1949) - though her father’s snap happened earlier and in relation to her, she didn’t feel quite the same; that might be age and insecurity talking. Her treatment did briefly get better because of her father but settled back to old way soon enough and then got even worse. She was done being a mule for the townspeople, for some of the stupidest reasons.
Camilo (1950) - being a teenager is hard enough, a time for finding yourself and your identity. Chucking shapeshifting and those implications on top isn’t easy. He is the most recent member of the Madrigals to snap, though is the only one to suggest a desire to be a normal family. He is still a child - he just wants to play and hang out with the other kids.
Is there a mental health hospital in Encanto? No. It’s a rural town in the middle of nowhere. And it’s 1950. (Not that it matters because Encanto is frozen in the late 1800s). If they were to have anything, it would be a small asylum - which nobody would want anything to do with for very understandable reasons.
Alma, still very warped in her grief, probably doesn’t take this very well at all. With every separation, she just gets worse. The family is breaking all over again - she is losing them, not so different from how she lost Pedro. Maybe even worse because they are still alive, they just want nothing to do with her.
The husbands are in obvious support/defence of their wives and children. They are outsiders to this family, they are a little bit better at picking up on the pressure they are being put under and how it’s not normal. They only want the best for their families and won’t just accept being put through such extremes.
Mirabel is a little ignorant to this all. Being the actual giftless one, she was never hugely included in any of the discussions or such. She doesn’t question too much, she wouldn’t want to overstep. She had accepted her place on the sidelines a little more - even if her family is no longer front and centre (in the way they were before), she just sticks to the background and tends not to get involved with any family drama.
Antonio, who isn’t getting a gift - he doesn’t even live in Casita, so he wouldn’t even know about his door - doesn’t have much thoughts about this. His family’s separation happened so early in his life that he doesn’t known anything beyond this. This is just normal. He’s too young to understand or really be too curious either.
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playgrl0 · 2 years
relax / mitsuya
a/n: this is my first (and probably last time lmao) writing smut. i've never written smut bevore so i apologize if this isn't the best. please don't judge me too hard lmao. it's just a scenario that has been in my head for a while now and i thought i'd try to write it. i hope u guys enjoy! :)
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!18+! minors do NOT interact!
!! smut, oral -> m!receiving, cum swallowing, a little aftercare, really fluffy nd sweet tho !!
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"welcome home takashi." you greet him from the kitchen when he enters your shared apartment. "hi baby." he pulls you into a tight hug and presses a kiss to your temple. you can feel his stiff body relax the second you wrap your arms around him as well. the hug lasts a little longer than usual and you know that he probably needs it, you don't pull away until he does. after a few more seconds mitsuya pulls away and you can finally get a good look at his face. he looks so exhausted and tired, a pout forming on your lips "hard day?" you ask. "mhm, the deadline for that one dress was today." he mumbles and leans his forehead against the side of your head. "did you finish it?" he nods yes. "i did. i had so much to do though. i'm exhausted now." he yawns. once again, you pout at him and take his face between your hands. "why don't you get changed and take a shower, dinner's almost ready." he nods again and kisses your lips a few times, then turns around to head into the bathroom.
after dinner you both got ready for bed, now you're both sitting in bed, resting against the headboard and watching a random movie. his head is resting on your shoulder, his arms wrapped around your waist and a warm blanked covering the both of you. your hand slowly rubs up and down his back, he is so tense. you start to feel bad for him, he's been so busy lately, working much more and longer than usual. an idea pops into your head, when you're stressed, tired and exhausted, mitsuya often gives you head to help relax and relieve some tension so you decide to do the same for him tonight. you carefully remove his head from your shoulder, he questionely looks up at you. "you're so tense, my love. let me help you relax." his head tilts to the side and his eyebrows raise. "how?" you smile at him and sit up on your knees to remove the blanket from both of you. you scoot down a little lower next to his body until you're kneeling next to his thighs and start playing with the strings of his sweatpants. mitsuya understands, a smile spreading onto his lips, he rests his hand against your cheek. "are you sure?" he asks and you nod. "yes, if you want to of course." "yeah." he says and nods. you lean over and up to him and capture his lips into a deep kiss. his hands resting on your cheeks, one of your hands resting on his neck, the other one rubbing his dick through his sweatpants.
the kiss growing needier, his grip on your cheeks getting a tiny bit harder, squishing them together your lips moving faster and more desperate. you don't want to tease him or keep him waiting so you pull away from his lips and start kissing down his jaw, to his neck. mitsuya leans his head back against the head rest and let's put a satisfied sigh. "just relax, my love. let me handle everything." you softly whisper into his ear, leaving a kiss below it and moving your hands down to his sweatpants. he raises his hips a little so you can pull the pants down to his ankles. you waste no time taking his semi-hard cock into your hand and give it a few, slow pumps until it's fully hard. your lips and tongue never leaving his neck and slowly marking him up. you pull away and smile at him "i love you." he smiles back at you and softly replies "i love you too, angel." you crawl between his legs, spit on your hand and take his pretty cock into it. you start pumping it, and play with his balls, mitsuya lets out soft groans and a louder hiss when you finally take him into your mouth. you slowly bob your head up and down, taking as much of him into your mouth as you can, you take into your hand what doesn't fit anymore. opening your eyes, you look up at him, he looks beautiful. his eyes closed, his head tilted back completely lost in the feeling, lost in you. your free hand reaches out for his hand to intertwine it with yours. mitsuya looks down at you with his gorgeous smile, slightly squeezing your hand and his other one cupping your cheek to brush a tear from your cheek that escaped your eye. you close your eyes again and focus back onto sucking him off, bobbing your head up and down a little faster and squeezing the base of his cock and his balls. mitsuya's moans and low groans fill the room mixing in with the sloppy noises of you sucking him off, and the long forgotten show that's still playing in the backround. "fuck. doing so well f'me, baby." he moans out and you hum against his cock, making him slightly twitch. feeling that motivates you to go a little faster and you slightly gag on him. you remove your mouth to catch your breath, still rubbing his cock with your hand. "don't rush, angel. you okay?" he asks. your heart beats faster and you send him a cute smile. he's always so concerned about you, so adorable. "yeah." you reply and lean up to capture his lips into a kiss. "so good to me." he mumbles in between the kiss. "cum in my mouth, taka. cum for me, yeah?" you say after pulling away and move to wrap your lips around him again. bobbing your head faster than before, hollowing your cheeks and massaging his balls to finally get him to cum. mitsuya squeezes your hand, his breathing becomes faster "baby 'm cumming." he mumbles. you move your head faster and moan against his dick, the vibrations sending him over the edge. his cock twitches in your mouth, the warm liquid shooting out of him and hitting the back of your throat. "ah fuuck. oh fuck, baby!" he moans breathless. the last rope of cum hits your tongue and you pull away swallowing every last drop. you sit back up on your knees, wiping your mouth and sending him a sweet smile. mitsuya's head is leaned back, his eyes closed and he's trying to catch his breath. his hand still holding yours, rubbing small circles onto the back of it. you kneel next to him, brushing some of his hair away from his forehead and he opens his eyes to meet yours. "feeling better?" you ask him. he nods, pulls your hand up to his lips to kiss your knuckles. "much better, thank you angel. you're too good to me." you press a kiss to his forehead. "you deserve it. let me clean you up." you say and try to get up. he pulls you closer to him by your hip. "let me repay you." he says and starts kissing your neck. "not today, takashi. you're tired and i want you to rest. you can always repay me tomorrow or some other time. let's get you cleaned up and then go to sleep, yeah?" he nods and lets you get up to walk into the bathroom.
taking a washcloth, wetting it, wringing it out and walking back to mitsuya. you sit next to him on the bed and wipe the cloth over his crotch area and dick, making sure everything is clean. when you're done you catch mitsuya staring at you with so much adoration in his soft eyes. you never fail to make him fall in love with you even deeper. you're so sweet, so good to him, sometimes even too good, he thinks. "raise your hips." you tell him when you're done cleaning him up. he does and you pull his sweatpants back up. "thank you, my love." he says when you get up to put the washcloth back in the bathroom. "of course." you smile at him. in the bathroom, you quickly wash your hands and then walking into the kitchen to get a glass of water for him. when you return to the bedroom, mitsuya's already asleep. he laid down on his side of the bed, blanket pulled up just below his chin and he looks fucking adorable. you walk over to the bed and you don't want to wake him but you want him to drink a little water first. gently, you shake his shoulder "baby." he humms and opens his eyes to look up at you. "i'm sorry to wake you up but could you please drink this first?" a tired smile appears on his lips he, once again, can't believe how sweet you are to him. mitsuya slightly sits up, takes the glass from you, drinks the water and hands the empty glass back to you. you set it down on the small table next to your bed, and finally lay down next to him. "finally." he mumbles, making you giggle. you pull him close to your side, his head hiding in the crook of your neck, tangling his legs with yours and wrapping his arm over your waist. "sleep well, my love." you quietly mumble, kissing his forehead. "i love you, angel." he mutters into the crook of your neck. "i love you too." and a short second later, he's already peacefully and quietly snoring. you press another sweet kiss onto his forehead and fall asleep right after
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tags: @peach-m1lk @obitohno @kendraken @softbajis @oikawascutie @kokonoiscoconut
<3 @ playgrl0
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sha3thehunter · 2 years
I've had this Trans!Eddie story/headcanon stuck in my brain for a while now so I'm sharing it
Eddie wanting to have biological kids with Steve and is more than willing to go through with the idea. They had talked about it before and how Steve didn't want to force Eddie into having kids because he wants his boyfriend to be happy with his body. However, Eddie is more than willing to go through with it even though there is the high chance of him getting misgendered. He doesn't care and he knows that it would be worth it in the end. He would get a little sidekick to help him out with teasing Steve.
Then the demobats happen.
Eddie is lucky to be alive but the demobats did some serious damage. Eddie is told by the doctors that will now be physically impossible for him to have kids. His body is now unable to handle the challenges that come with pregnancy and the is high chance that his body would reject it altogether. The doctors had no choice and with Wayne’s permission, they tied his tubes for safety. They tell him that the risks were too great and that his body had already been through too much stress. It destroys Eddie because it was his and Steve’s dream to have kids once the Upside Down was dealt with. Steve was excited to be a father and so was Eddie.
Eddie doesn't tell anyone and Wayne apologies to him non-stop. He never blames Wayne because his uncle was just doing what was right and just wanted him alive. He would never blame Wayne for making that tough decision. Wayne tells Eddie that he needs to tell Steve once he was released from hospital. Wayne was right. Eddie had to tell Steve before his boyfriend found out through the grape vine. Eddie is released from hospital two weeks later after all of his blood work came back clear. Its time to tell Steve the truth.
Eddie calls Steve and asks him to come over because they need to talk. Steve is concerned and thinks that something has happened. He rushes over to the new Munson home and he sees that Eddie is waiting for him at the door. Steve asks if everything is okay and asks if anyone had been causing trouble. Eddie just says that everything is fine but that they need to have a serious talk. The pair go to Eddie’s new bedroom and the flood gates open.
Eddie can't have kids anymore.
He tells Steve that the demobats have made it impossible for his body to carry kids. He tells Steve that doctors had to tie his tubes for his own safety. He tells Steve everything that he was told a few hours after waking up. He expects it to lead to their break up. He knew that having kids meant so much to both of them and now that chance had been taken away from them. Steve is devastated but Eddie's health was way more important. Steve just hugs Eddie as tightly as he could and says that he doesn't care.
Seeing Eddie in hospital had destroyed Steve because he never knew if his boyfriend would wake up. He didn't care if biological kids were now out of the picture. He still has Eddie. Eddie is his future and he shows it as best as he could. They could adopt cats and have fur children instead. Steve admits that he needs Eddie in his life and that they would figure something out. Eddie tries his best but he just starts crying in Steve's arms.
As long as they had each other, then they would be fine and they know it.
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6: Burning Out
A/N: This chapter hints at alcoholism and depression. This is not factual about Noah.
It had been a few days since karaoke with the group, and I couldn't keep my mind off the way Liv smiled and laughed all night. Her smile had been so wide, dimples poking through at the top of her cheeks, making her eyes smaller and crease at the outer edges. It was such a relief seeing her happy—or happier I guess you could say—as opposed to the distressed state I've seen her in. I found myself really enjoying this side of Olivia and was looking forward to having her come hang out with me and the boys at some point again.
This morning I had decided to keep up with my fitness and go for a run before it got too hot out. I know that it wasn't much, but I packed on about 10 pounds in the last few months and I was proud of the way my body started to fill out. I had always been slim growing up, but when I hit rock bottom, I had become sickly skinny and was very insecure. It wasn't until Nicholas practically slapped me across the face and told me to get my shit together that I decided to take charge of my life again.
I started writing down the thoughts in my head instead of dwelling on them, dabbled in the guitar a bit and started to make music. When this lifted my spirits, I gained my hunger back and reclaimed my confidence, as little as it was. As that progressed, I started weight lifting here and there and kept up with cardio, and was super proud of myself when I started to see results.
I had been running for over half an hour, aimlessly trekking around the neighborhood. It was an ordinary suburban area, quiet this morning as most people were at their 9 to 5 jobs and kids in school. The sun was beginning to beat down a little warmer as the morning crept towards noon. I slowed my pace and took shelter under a tree for a moment, catching my breath and wiping my forehead and upper lip with the bottom of my shirt. Hearing the sound of an idling truck nearby, I glanced over in curiosity.
On the other side of the street sat a town pickup, a woman with a cap on, her dark hair pulled through the back of it. She had been hunched over, aggressively typing away on her phone. Never seeing Liv on the job before, I was feeling a bit nosey and decided to make my way over to her. "Hey you," I announce when I'm a few feet away from her open window. She looks up confused for a moment before a smile spreads across her face. "Oh, hi Noah. What are you doing here?" "Just out for a run, saw you parked over here and thought I'd say 'hi'." "Ah," she says with a slow nod, taking in my appearance. "Guess you're getting a good workout in, huh?" I look down at my shirt, soaked at the neckline and streaked at the bottom with my sweat. I let out a bashful chuckle, "Yeah, guess you could say that."
Her phone chimes in her hand, having her turn her attention back to it. She huffs, aggravated, and throws her head against the headrest with a groan. I cringe, hoping it wasn't anything too serious. "Sorry," she sighs and looks my way again. "I gotta go. These morons missed another trash stop and the woman whose house it is, is complaining about it." I gave her a sympathetic smile, "Gotcha. Duty calls." She puts the truck in gear, glancing at me briefly as if she was waiting for me to have something else to say. "Why don't you come by my place after you get out? You look a little..." I trailed off, shrugging. "Stressed?" She chuckles, "Yeah, you could say that." "Right," I say, tapping the top of the door. "Swing by, it'll be me and Nick Ruffilo. We'll order pizza and chill out." She gives me a forced smile. "Sure, thanks. I'll see you later."
I watched her drive away, noticing her face fall as she did so. I pursed my lips, concerned about the severity of her job—I hoped that it wasn't too much stress for her to handle. Sighing, I turned my focus back to my run and headed towards home.
Around 8 this evening, Liv finally arrives at my place, just as Nick was becoming impatient about what pizza to order. When I opened the door, she gives me an apologetic smile, accompanied by a small wave. I grin back at her, pulling her into a quick hug to tell her that it was alright she showed up a little late. She had just showered, her hair still damp and smelling of coconut. "Glad you could make it," I say as I break away from her. She sighs with relief, "Thanks for having me over." When I caught her breath, I noticed that it smelled heavily of alcohol. My stomach drops, concerned that she had already been drinking before making her way over. "Of course," I grin, waving my arm in a grand fashion to invite her in.
"Hey, Ruffles," Olivia greets Nick as she plops down next to him. He laughs at the new nickname he acquired from her, giving her a sideways hug on the couch. "Ruffles?" She shrugs with a playful smirk on her lips. "It gets confusing between you and Folio, and Nicholas sounds too formal." Nick ponders her statement, nodding with approval. I chuckle, shaking my head as I made my way towards them, a freshly opened beer in hand for Olivia. She takes it with a 'thank you', and settles into the couch after drinking about half of it in one gulp. Nick and I exchange a wary glance—he must've smelled the alcohol on her, too.
I pick up the menu that sat on the coffee table and open it up, "So what kind of pizza do y'all want?" "Hawaiian," Nick immediately blurts out. Liv gags, "Pineapple on pizza is a goddamn blasphemy." I rub the back of my head, and turn away, avoiding the conflict that was about to erupt. He gets way into the whole pineapple-on-pizza-is-superior thing and I wanted no part of it. They bickered for a minute or two before I butted in, telling them we'll order one that was half Hawaiian, half pepperoni and one just cheese, hoping they'd shut up. Thankfully, they agreed, and we called it in right away.
"Wait, wait, wait," Noah says in between laughs, holding his hands out to pause the conversation. "So, your last name is Foster? Like Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends?" Influenced by the shots of vodka and countless beers that was flowing through my veins, I couldn't stop myself from giggling at Noah's reaction to the discovery of my last name. "Yes, exactly!" Both of them started laughing. "We loved that show growing up," Ruffles announces, followed by a gasp. He frantically grabs the remote control, turning on Netflix and browsing to find the cartoon.
We watched the show for a long while, continuing to drink and indulge in the pizza in front of us. The pure joy that I felt seeing both of them with huge smiles plastered on their faces was impeccable. It mirrored the way that I wanted to feel everyday, and I smiled to myself sadly, wishing that were the case. Lately, I've been apprehensive about going to work to deal with the bullshit, but I knew I had a job to do, so I swallowed the dread and forced myself in everyday. On top of that, my dad's health was declining rapidly. I knew that I was burning out, but the thing that kept me going was knowing I could come home and reward myself to a bottle to suppress the feelings.
Feeling my eyes starting to get heavy as I watched the TV, I decided that it was time for me to go home before I fell asleep here. I stood and stretched, finishing off my last beer for the night. "It's getting to be that time," I say, catching their attention. "I'm exhausted." Noah sits up a little higher, looking my way. "Are you okay to drive home?" I nod. "You sure you don't want to stay the night?" I wave him off, "I'll be fine, promise." He purses his lips at me, not buying my statement. I couldn't bear to look at the disappointment in his eyes and headed out the door.
Making my way down the walkway, I hear the door open and click shut, turning to see Noah on his way out. He catches up to me and spins me around, planting his hands on my shoulders. His eyes trailed over my face, silently screaming concern. I close my eyes, turning my head away from him so I didn't have to see the crestfallen expression on his face. "Oliva," his velvety voice finally breaks the silence. "You don't have to look at me, but please promise me that you'll make it home alright." I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I nodded. "And please know that you can always talk to me about anything. I'm here to listen." I mustered the courage to look up at him, cracking when I see the worry etched into his face. "I'm okay," I croaked, my throat suddenly burning. He shakes his head at me. "I know you're not, but I'm not here to beat it out of you. When you're ready, I'll be here." He pulls me into a tight embrace when I let out a cry, knowing that he sees right through me. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, and I wasn't sure if I was crying with relief or shame that he could sense it.
When I got home later in the night, I had a text from Noah. Noah: tomorrow. you, me, breakfast. my treat.
When Noah and I sat down in our booth at a local diner, I couldn't help the smile forming on my mouth; the slight uptilt of his lips making me feel welcome. He still seemed rather fatigued, his eyelids looking heavier than they normally do. I wasn't sure why he decided to take me out to breakfast if he had been so tired, but I wasn't complaining—I fucking love breakfast.
"Thanks for taking me out to breakfast," I say after taking an unsteady sip of my coffee, "what's the reason?" He shrugs politely, flashing a small smile. "Just felt like getting out, thought maybe you'd like to join, is all." "Well, thank you," I say, noting that his eyes were staring directly at my shaking hands. "You still seem like you wanted a few more hours of sleep," I mused, moving my hands to my lap. He trails his eyes back to mine. "Sure, who doesn't want more sleep?" He chuckles, "But what's the use of sleeping all day?" I mentally laugh; if I could, I would sleep my entire life away at this point.
I go for another sip of my coffee, this time having it dribble over the side of the mug some. Noah and I catch each other's eye—I could feel my heart jump into my throat with anxiety. "Liv," he says softly, concern laced in his voice. I put the coffee down and threw my hands in my lap again, trying to swallow my heart back to where it belonged. It was pounding, anticipating him calling me out. "I'm fine Noah, I'm a little unsteady in the morning until my brain finally wakes up," I force a chuckle. He shakes his head at me, his hair swaying from behind his shoulders, framing his face. "I know I said I wouldn't beat it out of you, but I'm starting to worry about you." Feeling my cheeks warm up with embarrassment, I advert my gaze to my trembling hands in my lap to avoid his stare. "Nick and I both knew you had been drinking before you came over last night. He got mad at me when I let you drive home, knowing you were way too drunk," he sighs harshly, banging his elbow on the table.
I look up, his forehead was in the palm of his hand, most likely in frustration. "I tossed and turned all night, worried if you were gonna make it home safely." I feel my stomach churn with guilt. "I know what the shakes from alcohol withdrawal looks like, Olivia." "W-was it that obvious?" I say under my breath, my eyes welling up with tears. He takes his head away from his hand to look at me. "Maybe not to the average Joe," he says softly, "but I can tell when your smile doesn't reach your eyes." My lips tremble as I try to force a smile, proving his point. I blinked, the tears rolling down my cheeks while I shook my head in shame. "I'm sorry. I'm just so scared, Noah," I whisper. "My dad is getting worse. I can't stop thinking about him dying and what I'm gonna do when he finally passes—it plagues me while I'm at work. That's why I looked so stressed yesterday. Drinking is the only thing that calms my nerves."
He reaches his right hand out across the table, nodding towards it. I place a trembling hand in his as he gives me a firm squeeze, "I've been there. I promise I'll help you through it, if you let me." I felt my heart swell at his words, the anxiety starting to whittle away as I gazed into his shimmering eyes. I take a deep breath and nod, focusing my eyes on my hand in his.
I pull my brows together as I scrutinize the ink on his hand. There was something peculiar about it, something I hadn't noticed the first time I shook his hand. There was a small patch that trailed into his wrist that was different from everything else, causing my breath to get caught in my throat. It was real, afterall.
I was beginning to see color.
|Chapter 7|
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heartfucksmouth · 5 months
the stress of not feeling: welcome/able to be myself/able to exist outside my bedroom/safe/like my child is cared for properly by my in-laws is really. really. getting to me.
pretty sure she gave my kid too much water today and thinks he only eats baby food 3x a day like an adult or something. idk. we were gone at the grocery store for under 2 hours and I had napped for 2 hours before that. he was STARVING when we took him back. drank a 4oz bottle and ate 4oz of baby food. and suddenly he wasn't lethargic and fussy and had the energy to play again for another hour, then went down for a nap easy. its becoming really disturbing for me that this woman is so detached that she can't even parse our his needs. mil got a lot of help raising her kids from her parents, she got to go out and party still. she doesn't have a nurturing bone in her fuckin body and she puts on a show for FB and if guests are over, including my mom, but my mom knows better. we don't rely on mil help at all anymore, but I don't think we're gonna ask for it even for a Grocery store run. I'm making some calls this week to see if we can get closer to assistance/housing vouchers/something. I don't want to feel like I've sentenced my son to be subjected to the same trauma me and myles were. I think it would break us completely. we wanted to be able to provide a different life but it's feeling suffocating and overwhelmingly toxic here and impacting my health so, so hard. I can't even write about it properly bc I'm so drained at the end of the day.
she still never put the car seat in her car. ade's nursery is still not set up completely and decorated. like not even the baby monitor or the expensive mobile and beset and wall decals I was gifted. nothing is baby-proofed and probably won't be unless we do it bc, well,i dont think they baby proofed anything when myles was little. she keeps putting things in ade's crib and pack'n'play as if it's a catch-all. she just sucks. I cannot explain how much she sucks the life out of me. and I swear Aidan only naps for as long as he does with her bc he shuts down, knowing he won't be comforted if he cries. I cannot handle that. I can't and don't and will not trust her to have his best interests in mind.
this is gutting me. I feel like a wild animal caught in a trap about to gnaw off my own leg. I just want my kid, my partner, my DOG, to feel safe and comfortable. we are not. but we're stuck. it's maddening.
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ssahotstuff · 2 years
Aaron Hotchner Playlist Collection 💕
She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5 here
Word count: 7.4k
I should add that there are a lot of time jumps which I typically break with ✨✨✨ this emoji but it’s used for time jumps too. This is laid out differently because originally it was like a bunch of smaller chapters. This part contains the first 3 chapters.
This will have MULTIPLE parts so I’ll update my master list so they can all be found. Reader is a member of the BAU.
Warnings: cursing, some fictional cases that I totally make up from random bits of the show, talks of drinking. No smut yet. Slow burn friends to lovers fic
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You took a deep breath as you walked up the large concrete steps of the Training Academy, your new place of employment. You'd been assigned to the BAU right out of college per the recommendations of your professors and a few strings pulled by someone from your past— Erin Strauss. She'd called you in weeks before graduation to talk to you about an incredible opportunity, one you wouldn't be able to pass up if you tried.
"Now you understand that this is a demanding job, right? You'll be on the road often," you tried not to let your excitement show as she offered you the dream of a lifetime.
"I don't exactly have any family I'm leaving behind, ma'am."
Her eyes softened as she scanned your features. You knew it was because you reminded her of the man she once loved more than anything—your father. You knew your presence was difficult for her, you were a painful memento of the man she left behind, her biggest regret. You wondered if the job opportunity was her way of making things right in her own way—you deserved the job, but her guilty conscience and your ability to learn quickly had made for the perfect set of circumstances for you.
"I know that. I know you can handle it. Forgive me, but I still worry about you."
She was cold, but something about you melted her; she'd always had a soft spot for you, but this was different, almost maternal.
"I appreciate that ma'am. You're the closest thing to family I have left. I won't let you down."
She shook her head, brushing her hair back behind her ears as she leaned forward.
"I know you won't. You're going to do great things. I just know it."
You found yourself nervous as you stepped into the large office area, eyes frantically searching for your superior. You'd met him once before, although you doubted he remembered. It had been early in his career, and you were young. You would understand if he didn't recognize you, but you'd never dare tell him who you were if he didn't already know.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for SSA Hotchner," you stopped the first person you saw, a young guy, maybe a little older than you, with a head full of brown hair and a purple tie.
"His office is at the top of the steps. You must be Y/n," he offered a small wave instead of a handshake, so you smiled back at him.
"You must be Dr. Reid. I've heard a lot about you."
His lips turned up in a smile before he spoke again.
"Spencer. We have the same IQ."
You couldn't help but laugh because that was the first thing Strauss had told you about him.
"But you have more degrees. I'm down by one," you'd double majored, which was stressful, but you'd received an abundance of grants and scholarships due to your achievements before college, so you dedicated your entire college experience to learning as much as you could. In the end, it was what had made you stand out among your classmates. You'd received a plethora of awards at graduation, the highest honors possible, going above and beyond what was required of you. You'd been published in the same Psychology journal as Dr. Reid once before, and you'd framed every copy you could find.
"I read your article. Your theories on substance abuse linked to childhood trauma make a lot of sense scientifically. I know you were coming from a more personal perspective because of your mom, but childhood trauma actually damages the brain, altering the actual influence it has over the human body."
You cleared your throat at the mention of your mother and checked to make sure no one else was listening.
"No one else has read that, right? Just you? Would you do me a favor and maybe not mention my parents around the others? It's just— it's a lot to explain—"
He put his hands up to stop you and nodded his head in understanding.
"I get it. I don't think anyone else read it, but I'd never say anything like that in front of people. But if you ever want to talk about it, I feel like now that you're in the BAU, we could learn a lot from you, since you've been there firsthand. I just want you to know, you're not alone. I've been there too."
It came out almost as a whisper, and you realized you made your first friend more easily than anticipated. You already had a bond, something that distinguished the two of you from everyone else. You'd seen Hell and conquered it.
"It's not so easy for me to talk about, but I'll keep it in mind. I'm pretty early, what are you doing here already?"
You changed the subject, hoping he'd get the hint. He did, shooting you a sympathetic look.
"I was up already. Let me introduce you to Hotch. He was really excited about you joining the team. Thought we'd make a good pair," he said the last part enthusiastically, and you had no doubt that you and the Doctor would be a good team.
"He's right. I was so nervous when I walked in but you helped that a lot. Thank you, Spencer." You stood outside of your Superior's door, taking a deep breath before knocking.
"Good luck. I'll see you on the jet," he descended the steps at the same time that Agent Hotchner told you to come in.
He was more handsome than you remembered.
You noticed he was missing his wedding ring now—you wondered what happened. He stood up, coming around his big desk to shake your hand.
"Agent Y/l/n, good to finally meet you."
You were taken aback by his deep, neutral toned voice, it rumbled through you and made your brain go white hot.
"It's good to be here. I'm excited to have the opportunity."
He studied you for a moment as he invited you to sit down, his hands clasped together on his desk.
"I can't help thinking that I know you," he said after a moment, and you tried to put on a poker face; you weren't sure you wanted him to remember you.
"I've been in DC a while. I'm sure we've ran into each other before."
He nodded, going over your paperwork in front of him.
"We're leaving in an hour to consult on a case in Tennessee. Can you be ready by then?"
You nodded, because you'd came prepared. There was a go bag already packed in your car, per Strauss's suggestion.
"Perfect. I'll let you find a desk and introduce yourself. I'll see you on the jet."
"Y/n is onto something, I think the counselor knows more than he's telling us," Spencer said, going over his witness statements once more. It had been a long day, and it faded into night quickly. You were at the hotel, Spencer and Hotch standing in front of you.
"First thing in the morning, you two go check him out at work. We need to try to get a little sleep," Hotch reasoned, and you nodded in agreement. You were exhausted; you'd been going all day long with no signs of stopping. They'd showed up at nearly the same time, and you three had been bouncing theories off one another for half an hour.
"I'll be ready by 7," you told Spencer, and he nodded before he let himself out and headed to his own room. Hotch stayed behind for a moment.
"You did really good work today."
That was all he'd said, so you patted yourself on the back before heading to bed yourself.
The next morning, Spencer knocked lightly, waiting for you on the other side of the door.
"We'll say we're just doing a follow up interview, see what details about his private life we can get," Spencer already had a plan.
"You should do the talking. He doesn't take women seriously," you'd noticed it the day before when his secretary made a comment and his eyes nearly rolled back in his head. He'd been short and rude with you and JJ, which was why you had doubts about him in the first place. He didn't like that you were meddling.
"Good idea. I could tell how annoyed he was when JJ corrected him," the address for his office wasn't far, so you drove. Spencer actually handed you the keys and let you take the wheel.
"So what happened with Hotch? He used to be married," Spencer's face fell before he explained Haley's tragic death and their divorce months prior. It happened nearly two years before, but he obviously still carried the weight of her lord.
"How did you know he was married?" He asked finally, but you didn't have time to answer because you'd arrived at your destination.
The first thing that you noticed was how he seemed shakier than he was the day before; when he led you to his office, he was nervous, agitated.
You took in your surroundings and almost immediately made a connection, looking at a framed piece of artwork on the wall. You noticed the signature belonged to one of the other victims who'd been an artist.
"You didn't tell us that you knew both victims," you said suddenly, making him clear his throat for a third time since he'd started talking to Spencer.
"I uh, didn't think it was important. I bought art from her occasionally."
The signature was the same on all the art; the first victim had been Dr. Trent's running partner, which made him the number one suspect now that you knew he was the only survivor. It made no sense for the unsub to leave him alive, that wasn't a part of his method.
"So what I knew them both? You can't prove anything," he defended, which made you turn sharply on your heel, looking back at him.
"We're going to have to ask you to come with us," Spencer said firmly, the handcuffs on his waist clinking together as he retrieved them.
"Did you know I asked her out, bought her stupid artwork, and she still wouldn't date me?! As far as I'm concerned, she had it coming! She loved Stan, who couldn't even run half a mile without gasping for air! They got what was fair!" Spencer cuffed him as he made his confession, easier than you'd anticipated. You stepped aside to call Hotch.
"We got a confession. We're bringing him in," you told him, and you were met with silence on the other end.
"You've only been gone twenty minutes."
"It didn't take much. We'll see you at the station," you couldn't help but feel a tiny bit proud of being the crucial part of solving the case. You wished you had a family to call and tell about it.
"Nice work. We'll see you there."
Dr. Trent was chatty, giving you both all the grave details on the ride in. You led him into the precinct, watching the other officers talk amongst themselves about how you all had been able to crack the case so swiftly.
You were back at the hotel within the hour, grounded for the night due to some uncertain weather. It was sleeting outside, ice particles slapping against your window. You'd just showered and gotten changed when there was a knock at the door.
"Spencer says you're the one who found the missing pieces. The artwork, the confession, he gave you all the credit."
Hotch was staring back at you, baffled as to how you'd managed to do it.
"Every time you asked him about his running partner, his jaw would clench for half a second. I barely saw it. Thought it was coincidence until it happened three times."
He crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the door frame.
"I missed it."
He sounded partly amused, like he still couldn't believe it.
"It was easy to miss. I've seen it before."
He nodded, gesturing towards the hall.
"We're getting dinner down the street if you want to ride with me. It's sleeting too hard to walk," you opened the door the rest of the way, slipping on your coat and shoes before grabbing your key. You could feel his watchful gaze on you as you maneuvered around the room, his eyes darting away when you joined him again.
"I bet there's snow by morning," he stopped in the hall to take a look out the big bay window. You took a moment to admire all of his great features, the curve of his jaw, his nose, perfectly framing his face. He'd always been handsome but age had treated him well. His voice was stern but smooth, and it made you powerless.
"Think we'll be stuck for more than a day?"
"It's a good possibility," he confirmed, pressing the button for the elevator while you waited. You were cursing yourself silently for letting his attractiveness make your judgement cloudy, but you couldn't help it. Everything about him made you want to know more, from his firm body to what was going on in his mind.
"Gives me time to finish my report before we get back," you had just made it to the lobby, Derek and Spencer already waiting for you. Rossi and JJ were the only missing ones.
"I hope they hurry, I'm starving," Derek complained, earning an eye roll from Spencer. He made his way to stand next to you, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. He made small talk until the elevator dinged and everyone else joined you, and then you were on your way. You climbed into the passengers seat and realized you were the only one riding with him, everyone else had climbed into the other SUV.
"Try to relax a little tonight. You've earned it. Everyone is impressed with you," it made you happy to hear, a little more like an actual member of the team.
"I know everyone else has been with the team a while. Having someone new means big expectations," you'd been worried about feeling like you fit in among a group of established friends, but they'd been so welcoming that your worries had eased significantly.
"You're doing just fine. Don't worry."
You arrived at the restaurant, sitting between Hotch and JJ, who leaned in quickly when she saw Hotch was distracted with Rossi.
"Do you two know each other?"
You shook your head, raising an eyebrow at her questionably. Her own eyes bounced between the two of you before she continued, her hands covering her mouth as if she were telling a secret.
"He just warmed up to you really quick is all," she wasn't entirely convinced, but you weren't going to explain any further. Spencer saved the day, asking JJ a question across the table, giving you something new to chat about. You noticed Hotch's stare on you multiple times as you talked, but you didn't think much of it. You wanted to blush beneath his gaze, and there were occasions when you felt the heat in your cheeks. By the time dinner arrived, you weren't sure what to think about his attention.
"So, Y/n, are you seeing anyone?"
Derek always had a question for you, curious as to what he could find out about you. You shook your head before explaining that you'd been focused on school and didn't have time to date.
"You sound like Reid," Derek teased, but you shrugged in response, sipping your wine.
"I was a busy girl. I just didn't want to waste my time on something that wasn't going to last after graduation."
"Smart," Hotch said softly, smirking behind his glass at you.
"Well that all changes now that you're a hotshot," Derek joked, and you rolled your eyes dramatically before finishing your dinner. You weren't exactly looking for a relationship, and now that you were a part of the BAU, it seemed like a thing of the past, being close to someone. You'd been looking for a distraction to keep you busy, and traveling nonstop was the perfect tool for combating the loneliness. You were surrounded by some of the brightest minds on the planet as far as you were concerned, and you couldn't wait to see what life looked like as a part of the team.
The following day, you were grounded, as Hotch predicted. JJ and Emily invited you out for brunch, and then it unanimously became a group activity when everyone was in the lobby at your agreed upon meeting time.
"I hope everyone is ready for bottomless mimosas. We're off the clock," Emily whooped, and you piled into an SUV with Reid, JJ and Emily, who was turning in the passengers seat to look at you.
"Okay, spill it. What's the deal with you and Hotch? He's got like, puppy dog eyes when he looks at you," she made a face and you giggled softly, shrugging your shoulders.
"I don't know if I should say anything. We've met before. I was fifteen, so I doubt he remembers me, but I'm sure he's trying to."
You recalled the day you met him like it had just happened. It had been ten years ago, and you were begging anyone who would listen to get you out of the situation you were in. It wasn't until he was called back to profile your mother that he'd believed you, offering a sincere apology and a sad goodbye. He'd felt for you, and it was obvious in the way he came to your school just to check on you the day after everything transpired, to make sure you were settling in okay in a new place.
"He's acting weird, I noticed it too," Spencer agreed, and you weren't sure what could be causing him to act out of character. He had no reason to feel bad anymore; it was a long time ago, and truth be told, your story was a hard one to believe. It had seemed too theatrical for him, you saw it in his eyes when you pleaded with him to listen to you. He wanted to believe you, but without any evidence, he couldn't. It wasn't until a Social Service worker was alerted about your situation that anyone took you seriously. For the first time in your life, you had a voice, and you fucking used it to tell your story.
Hotch was asked for a private consult by the local authorities and he came, interviewed you and your mother, and then he left again. He was the first adult you trusted, but he was still fresh in his career. You didn't blame him. He wasn't the only one who didn't listen.
"So what happened when you were fifteen?"
Emily knew you didn't want to talk about it, but you just told her that he worked a case you were involved in and you left it at that. She nodded, knowing there was more that you'd share when you were ready.
"Do you not want him to remember you?" JJ asked from the drivers seat as she pulled in next to Hotch, Derek and Rossi.
"Not like that. I don't want him to think I'm a victim."
The car fell silent so you stepped out, everyone else following your lead. JJ put a comforting hand on your shoulder, and you gave her a soft smile in return. They were only curious, but you had nothing to compare Hotch's normal behavior to how he was acting now, all you knew was that everyone had noticed a change.
"They can get kind of rowdy," Hotch told you, at your side before you could blink. He spoke to the hostess and when it came time to choose a seat, he'd already offered you the chair next to him. You decided it was too early in the day for you to be drinking, so when the mimosas were passed around, you, Hotch and Reid all politely declined. You opted for coffee instead, excited to try breakfast at a new place. You scanned the menu and Hotch did the same, occasionally stealing a glance at you from behind his menu.
"What are you thinking?" He asked, and you shrugged before pointing to something called simply 'The Special' which was a little bit of everything, and it sounded delicious.
"What are you getting?" He pointed to the steak and egg combo, and you weren't surprised that he'd be eating a ribeye at 11 in the morning.
"What do you have planned for the rest of the day?" Everyone else was lost in a group discussion and Hotch was sneaking behind his menu to talk to you like the two of you were school children.
"I was just going to finish up some work," he sat down his menu, shaking his head.
"We're grounded, off the clock. Please don't spend it shut off in your hotel room. There's always time on the jet for reports. Try to enjoy yourself a little. I'm sure the girls could use you as a good influence today," he chuckled, nodding towards Emily who was already on her second glass.
"If I drink this early in the day, I'll be trashed. The last thing I need to do is embarrass myself," you muttered, his eyebrow raised questionably at you.
"You don't strike me as a drunken party girl," there was the faintest smirk on his lips while you tried to backpedal.
"I just—I can get kind of honest when I drink," what you were trying to say was, you had no filter and you surely wouldn't be able to stop yourself from openly flirting with him if given the chance.
"Drunk words are sober thoughts," he told you, and you shrugged, knowing some thoughts should be kept a secret.
"I'd like to keep my sober thoughts private for now," you joked back before ordering your food. JJ hadn't stopped staring at the exchange between the two of you, a sly grin on her lips as she winked at you from across the table. You thought you'd been subtle, but the whole chatting behind the menu trick had proven itself faulty because she was onto you. You knew you could only avoid their questions for so much longer—then the fun would really begin.
Adjusting to the BAU took very little effort. After a few weeks, you easily fell into routine with the rest of them. Hotch had silently made you his partner after he saw what an asset you were to the team, and no one questioned it. He paired you up with him for nearly everything, always asking for your opinion or input. A level of trust had been established and the two of you often did reports together either in his office after everyone had left or in your hotel rooms while everyone else was out partying. It wasn't uncommon for him to wander to your room, pen and folders in hand, or vice versa.
He'd sit on one side of the bed and you on the other, silently working together to finish what needed to be done. It was just easier if you did it as a team, and he didn't mind the help. It meant he could go straight home to Jack when you landed.
On this night in particular, everyone else was in their rooms while the two of you worked to build a profile. He was pacing, snowballing ideas at you while you wrote furiously, putting the pieces together.
"Sharp blows to the head, ligature marks. I can't charm my victims, I can't over power them. I'm guessing he has some sort of disadvantage, like being physically smaller or under average weight," you suggested, and he nodded, his hands on his hips.
"Being small would make sense. Blow to the head will knock anyone out no matter what size you are."
You then had a shocking realization that it wasn't a man at all.
"It's a woman. Think about it, all of the victims had been cheating on their wives. It's a mistress, or an ex. Someone who's been scorned. The letters said 'We were insignificant,' talking about the women being cheated on. Why use the term we if you're not putting yourself in the same category?"
The lightbulb clicked for him seconds later as the two of you worked tirelessly to revise the profile now that you knew the unsub was a woman. By the time everyone else was awake and in the lobby at your meeting time, you and Hotch were already downstairs, chomping at the bit to deliver the new profile and narrow down the parameters.
"We'll need an entirely new perspective on suspects. Reid and Emily will work on the geographic profile, Dave and Morgan will revisit the first crime scene to canvas with our new information. Y/n and I will talk to the wives of the deceased and see if they knew anything about the mistresses."
You all went your separate ways, with Hotch behind the wheel. The two of you were up all night, so his first stop was a coffee shop.
"I figured we could use it considering we were working all night. We can't make a habit of that, you know. It's bad enough that I do it," he was hinting that you should've gotten sleep when everyone else did last night instead of staying up to help him.
"I wasn't going to be able to sleep until we caught a break," you told him, and he nodded in understanding. His mind worked and operated in the same way, often restless when there was still work to be done.
"In that case, I'm glad you can keep me company. It's a lot easier working with you than on my own," he admitted, and you felt your stomach do flips at the fact that he enjoyed having you around.
"We work pretty well together."
He smirked slightly as he handed you your coffee, his fingertips lightly brushing yours during the exchange.
"You have surpassed every expectation I had for you. I'm glad you're a part of this team."
By the time afternoon rolled around, you had a viable suspect and you were on your way to her apartment, back up close behind. Reid and Emily would be arriving shortly after you, but you weren't too worried. Her apartment was quiet, so the two of you proceeded with caution.
"Living room's clear," Hotch called, and just as you were about to say the same for the bedroom, there was a crash behind you as your unsub tried to take you out from behind, like her previous victims. You'd narrowly missed her, kicking her legs so she lost her footing and fell to the ground. She was about to throw a punch from below you that you managed to dodge before pinning her down.
"Don't even think about it," you growled as she resisted you, but you managed to get her cuffed and stood her up before Hotch rounded the corner.
"You alright?"
His eyes quickly scanned your body as you nodded, gesturing to the woman next to you.
"She tried to knock me out."
The two of you led her outside to the rest of the team and local PD, where she sat in the back of a cop car before being driven away. You took a second to regroup now that you were finished with the case.
"We'll fly out at 8 am sharp tomorrow, so everyone meet in the lobby by 7. As far as I'm concerned, you've all earned a night off," he looked to you briefly, the same exhausted look in his eyes. You knew the girls would all invite you out with them, but your plans involved dinner and bed, in that order.
"Let's all grab a drink at least," Morgan said to Hotch, who thought for a moment before nodding back at him. You were all going to meet at the hotel bar and have dinner and a drink before parting ways for the evening. You rode back in the SUV with Hotch, who couldn't seem to keep his eyes on the road. They darted towards you every spare moment he got, making you feel a bit insecure under the scrutiny of his gaze.
"Is it the coffee shop on 14th Avenue? Is that where I know you?"
You were a bit surprised that he didn't remember you given his knowledge of previous cases was extensive. You shook your head, a teasing smile on your lips as you bit your tongue.
"You really don't remember, do you?"
He nearly stopped in the middle of the road, but he caught himself, clearing his throat before he spoke again.
"So we have met before."
You weren't ready to explain to him why he couldn't figure it out. You wanted to leave it for a bit longer, give him time to really think about it before you spilled your safe kept secret.
"I'll make you a deal. If you don't remember by the end of the month, I'll tell you."
You had nearly two weeks for him to come to realization on his own or you'd fill him in. You were hoping he'd have a moment where it clicked and he'd drop it entirely when he did remember so you didn't have to relive that experience. You were dreading the day you'd have to tell him the truth.
"I can't help but feel like there's a reason you aren't telling me now." His curiosity was getting the best of him, but you were saved, pulling into the hotel parking lot.
"You'll remember. I have faith in you," you winked at him, hearing his low chuckle that came shortly after. You knew he wasn't sure how to take your playful nature at times, considering he was the polar opposite. That's partly why you made such a great team; you were balanced in ways you'd never dreamed of being with another person. Where you fell short, he picked up the slack.
"We'll see. Let's get you something to eat so you can go to bed."
Dinner was mostly uneventful, and when you finally crawled into bed, you felt more relief than you ever thought possible. You set an alarm just in case, but you ended up waking up around midnight anyway, bright eyed and full of life. You took a shower, hearing the person on the opposite wall doing the same thing. You got out first, drying off and dressing in something more comfortable. You'd fallen asleep in jeans, and you woke up partly because they were so uncomfortable.
You'd just sat down to finish your reports, a cup of coffee cooling in a mug when a knock came at the door. You assumed it was Hotch because you weren't sure who else it would be, but you were met with Spencer instead.
"Spence, what's up?"
His hands were stuffed in his pockets and he shrugged awkwardly as he struggled with what to say. His eyes told a sad story, something you feared you'd have to answer questions about because he'd been snooping.
"I uh, I wanted to talk to you about something. I just don't want to make you mad," he explained, so you invited him in after making sure he was the only person in the hall.
"What is it?"
He took a seat at the table and invited you to sit across from him, his hands fidgety as he avoided your eyes.
"I'm not going to tell anyone, but I know how you and Hotch know each other."
Your heart sank to your stomach as you processed his words, knowing that Hotch wouldn't be the only one to know about your past when it was all said and done.
"It's public record, Spence. I wouldn't be mad about that. You said you've been there too, so you can understand why I don't want everyone knowing."
Although it was before anyone but Hotch was in the BAU, you didn't want your personal business aired out for the entire team to hear.
"Are you okay? I read the case file and I almost didn't believe it. What she did to you, it was—"
You put your hands up to stop him because the last thing you wanted to talk about was your mother. It held a tremendous amount of trauma for you and it was best to avoid the topic at all costs.
"I'm fine. It was a long time ago. I know if I need anything, there's always a Doctor close by," you smiled at him, making him grin back at you in return. He was concerned and he had every right to be, but unless it affected your ability to perform, you didn't want to speak about it.
"I'll let you work, I just wanted to make sure you knew that I'm here for you."
You knew he didn't do hugs, so you gave him a quick fist bump before he showed himself out. You decided to make a walk to the vending machine, colliding directly into Hotch as you rounded the corner. You walked right into him, more shocked to see him standing there than anything. His arms reached out to steady you before he took in your attire; you were just in a t-shirt and shorts, but his eyes traveled up your body like he'd never seen anything quite like you before.
"Sorry, I didn't realize our snack schedules are in sync too," you told him as he gave you a genuine smile, his fingertips lingering on your shoulder, brushing a stray strand of hair back over your shoulder.
"I woke up in the mood to work," he said simply and you nodded as he made his choice and stepped aside so you could too. He stood and waited with you so he could walk you back to your room, standing outside of the door.
"I'm working too if you want to come over," you told him, and he nodded before going to retrieve his things, spending yet another night in your bed, a pen scribbling furiously in his hand. You managed to finish up around 5 AM, the two of you opting to drink coffee and stay awake.
"Will you at least give me a hint?" He was laying on his side, facing you on the bed as you laid flat on your back, staring up at the ceiling. You turned to look at him, scrunching your face up in indecision before giving him one tiny detail.
"Foster High School."
He sat thoughtful for a moment but eventually drew a blank, sighing heavily as he closed his eyes.
"It's driving me crazy. I just can't believe I could forget a face like yours," he blushed like mad, but you felt a smile creeping onto your face at how smooth your demanding boss could be.
"Well, I certainly couldn't forget you. I always wondered where you ended up. I knew you'd be doing something spectacular."
His face only grew more red as he took you in, from your feet to your face, his eyes trailed over every inch of you.
"I don't even know where Foster High School is," he groaned, and you giggled lightly, standing up so you could stretch out. You were feeling the weight of exhaustion, and so was he. His eyes were dimmed red, but they were glued to you.
"You'll remember. Promise me you won't ask Garcia, I want you to remember on your own," he rolled his eyes playfully before agreeing, standing up to head towards the door.
"Ride with me to the airstrip?"
You nodded and he was out the door, off to get ready to fly home.
"I love Halloween!" Spencer was passing out treat bags around the bullpen, making sure you got one as he handed them out. He even went to give one to Hotch, who wasn't exactly excited that we were having a Halloween Bash at Rossi's the following night, but he was trying to be.
"You all got your costumes?"
You and Emily exchanged a look before nodding, because you, Emily and Penelope had a perfect group costume that involved leather and feathered wings, something you'd been planning for weeks.
"Oh we've got them," you said, a cocky grin spread out on your face. When you'd tried them on, the three of you had looked incredible and that was without hair and makeup. JJ and Will were doing a costume together, so the three of you quickly set to work on a trio costume.
"Who wants to bet that Hotch doesn't dress up?" His office door was closed but you could see him on the phone through the blinds. Rossi had intended for everyone to crash at his place after so no one had to drive, and you wondered if he'd stick around too. It had been almost two weeks and he was nowhere closer to figuring out where he knew you, so you planned to tell him soon.
That night at Emily's getting ready, you couldn't help but feel good. The three of you made a stunning group and even though Penelope was the only one who decided to wear wings, it was obvious that you were Charlie's Angels.
"We look HOT!" Penelope cheered as you rallied into her car, blasting music as you made the drive to Rossi's. Everyone else was already there, the garden lit up purple to match the evening festivities. Spencer was Frankenstein's Monster, you could see his mask as you were walking in. Hotch had certainly dressed up, that was for sure. He wore a silky black dress shirt, no tie, and black slacks, the combination striking with his eyes. He was the first to catch your gaze lingering on him, his own eyes raking you in as you approached him and Rossi.
"Ah, the Angels," Dave remarked, handing the three of you a drink. Hotch refilled his glass, his eyes lingering on your chest long enough for your face to heat up.
"You guys win best costume," he told you, and you swore you saw him wink at you when Rossi wasn't looking.
"I like your costume too," you smirked, and he made a face before leading you away from the crowd.
"I was hoping you'd tell me tonight," he purred, his voice dangerously low and sexier than he intended.
"Let me have another drink and I'll think about it."
He nodded, eyeing your glass.
"I can give you a ride home later if you want, I just assumed you didn't drive," he offered, and you nodded, telling him to let you know when he was ready to leave. You'd never pass up the opportunity to have him alone, even for a little bit.
"Go have fun. We'll hang out later," he promised you, so you went to enjoy the party with your friends.
Hotch found you a few hours later so you said your goodbyes, happy to be going somewhere you could take off your heels. You'd no sooner climbed into Hotch's car when he was taking you by surprise.
"Want to come back to my place? You can change into something of mine," he offered, and you gave him a small nod, because you'd never been to his house before and the idea of it thrilled you.
"You sure you don't mind?"
He shook his head, taking off in the direction of his place.
"You're good company."
A few minutes later and you were in his clothes, clutching a glass as he set to work on playing music, his record player spinning a Beatles album. You sat at the kitchen table but he offered you his hand, helping you to stand. It took you a minute to realize what he was doing when his hand met your waist and he started to rock back and forth with you.
"You didn't dance with me once all night. I wanted to make up for it," he said simply, twirling you around the kitchen. He was a really good dancer, you let him take the lead and he whisked you around, making you giggle lightly.
"I would've asked but you didn't strike me as the dancing type. Now I know I was wrong. You can be my dancing partner any time," you told him, watching his cheeks go pink as he beamed from ear to ear.
"Ready to tell me how we know each other?" Your head was on his chest and for now you were just enjoying the moment, wrapped up in him.
"In a minute," you assured him as the song changed, but neither of you stopped swaying; he kept dancing slow with you despite the quickened pace of the song. You were enjoying just being close to him, and he didn't bother moving either.
You leaned back to look at him, knowing everything would change after today. If Hotch told anyone, it would snowball out of control, and everyone would know in a matter of days.
"You profiled my mom. I bet you remember her," you said sadly, because who could forget someone so horrific? You often wondered how he slept after she so easily described every heinous thing she'd done to you, to the missing children in the surrounding towns. You'd seen them all come, but they never got to leave.
"Your mom? Let's sit on the couch," he poured another drink, his mind reeling. He offered you one that you took gratefully, following behind him to the living room. You were close, sat in the middle, but there was still some space between the two of you.
"Her name is Vivian Hall. I took my foster family's name after about 6 months. I kept getting her—her fan mail," it was a collection of disturbing men, all wanting a chance to be loved by your cruel mother, who'd never loved anything in her life.
"Wait a second," you could practically see the gears turning as he put the pieces together, his eyes wide with shock as he stared back at you.
"I don't know how I ever forgot," he said softly, a sullen look on his face. You drained your glass, staring into your lap. You thought you might've been imagining his hand reaching for yours, but it wrapped tightly around your palm, squeezing ever so gently.
"I always wondered what you'd do, who you'd become. Look at you now," he mused, his tone much more easy going than you'd ever heard him. He must've been drunk, that had to be it. He was being entirely too nice and it was blurring your judgment by the second.
"I take it you remember me now," you whispered, capturing his gaze momentarily as he nodded back at you before letting go of your hand. It was as if he remembered you were still his subordinate and touching you might make you something more.
"You're crazy if you think I could forget. I couldn't get your face out of my mind for months. I—I didn't listen to you and I should have. I'm sorry for that," he sputtered, his eyes filled with guilt. That was something you were trying desperately to avoid—it was a hard tale for anyone to believe until you gave them the proof they needed.
"You don't have to apologize, Hotch. It was a really long time ago. It's still hard for me to believe. I can only imagine what you thought."
It had been ten years since you'd willingly given anyone information about what happened that day, but you felt safe on his couch for the first time in a long while.
"I knew those kids were missing. But I never would've suspected Vivian. She was so—"
He nodded, and you sighed, because she'd been more than normal, she was upstanding. She held awards from the Mayor for her outstanding achievements, and she would've been the last one anybody thought could do something so evil and vile.
"No one listened to me until I gave them the photos. Don't feel bad. I didn't have proof for the first three, and that my fault for not thinking sooner, but the other 5...I knew I'd need something because it was already so hard to believe."
He sat straight up, blinking at you as he tried to figure out what he could say that would make everything better.
"None of that was your fault, Y/n. You tried to tell anyone who would listen. Every single adult you trusted failed you. You did everything right and you got her caught."
You stood to your feet, running a frantic hand through your hair as you fought the demons of the past, still lingering around every corner if you thought about it too long.
"8 kids, Hotch! There was so much evidence that pointed straight to her," he was standing too, wrapping his strong arms around you to keep you still, his hand placed firmly at the small of your back.
"I know. I know."
There was nothing left for you to say—he knew now, and things would change forever.
Taglist: @wheelsupkels @hausofwhores
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omg-snakes · 2 years
I have had a baby corn snake for about two months and he's been eating great and is gaining weight steadily, so I've started working on short, 5-10 minute handling sessions once a week (about 3 days after feeding day). But I feel really bad and kind of anxious because even though my snake doesn't constantly try to escape or bite me or anything, I can see him breathing really fast like he's really afraid of me/the situation. I can also see his tongue flicking a lot when I'm holding him, and he moves fairly slowly and scents around as if he's curious to explore, but he does recoil if I move too quickly. Which makes sense, but still.
In his tank he doesn't seem to explore much at all, even though I've provided a lot of silk plants, bark pieces & branches, and paper towel/toilet paper cardboard rolls for coverage to help him feel more hidden and safe. I never see him out at all, just poking his head out of one of his hides sometimes.
Is the super quick breathing a normal thing when starting to handle babies? Does it gradually calm down as they get older and more used to the handling? Is it a sign I'm stressing him out too much? It starts literally as soon as I pull him out, and it doesn't seem to calm down at all during the session.
Sorry for the long message and probably too much info and too many questions! Every other snake I've had was an adult when I got them and already really used to handling from their previous owners, so this is my first time ever hand taming a snake on my own!
Hey friend!
It sounds to me like what you have is a typical baby corn snake. They tend to be pretty anxious because they are:
delicious (unproven)
essentially defenseless
being held by the planet's apex predator whose body is bigger than that baby snake's entire known world right now and if you don't think getting picked up by a giant bigger than your house is scary as heck then I don't know what you tell you.
did I mention tiny?
Consider that what you are doing right now is imposing a light dose of stress on your poor baby snake in order to inoculate them against stress down the road. A scared baby with a gentle and patient handler grows into a calm, friendly, confident adult snake.
Heavy breathing, looking around a lot, and recoiling at sudden movement is all on the "pretty good!" end of the Baby Corn Snake Behavior Spectrum. Signs of stress to watch for are going to be tail-rattling, trying to get out of your hands and away from you, or slight musking. Signs of too much stress would be flailing, emptying their bowels/musk glands, hissing/puffing up, or bluff-striking.
Also he's probably exploring a lot more than you realize. Corn snakes are crepuscular, meaning they're active before dawn and after dusk, so he's probably just up and around when you're not there to observe him. If he's even peeking out that means he feels safe, which means he's happy in his enclosure! A miserable snake will do everything they can to leave the situation or they'll try to get where you can't ever see them.
You're doing amazing! Continue doing as you have been and make sure to end each handling session on a high note. You and your little buddy will be besties before you know it. :)
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