#it's like fate says he needs to meet the new people and see who should be on his list or something lmfao
gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
can i request hcs of gallagher, jing yuan and sunday falling for a criminal? would they try to bring them to the “good” side?
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Sunday: I’m kinda 50/50 on Sunday tbh…
He could persuade/ manipulate you into abandoning your old ways into being with him with promises that he could provide the materials you want/need tenfold.
You had been causing issues for him and the family so why not have you under his roof as his partner? It gets the family off of his back and he gets what he wants.
It was a win-win situation.
You don’t get much of a choice in this situation as Sunday had already put everything in motion long before your fated meeting.
Sunday had kept an eye on you from the moment you started causing problems and ever since then had become a thorn in the family’s side and had grown somewhat of an obsession.
Was it healthy? No but anything Sunday did to earn your eyes on him wasn’t ever healthy, but he likes to believe it was.
While you did get out of a life of crime, was it really better when your new life was spent under constant surveillance from your loving partner and were often refused leave from the house in fear that you were still wanted by the family?
Sunday does love you but it wasn’t a healthy type of love people were tricked into believing…
Gallagher: would have a bit a fun with your little car and mouse game at first.
You being the criminal and him being the one entrusted to put a stop to you schemes.
As long as you weren’t making him work hard nor hurting/killing people and causing mass hysteria then Gallagher was more then willing to let you get away a few times cuz that’s his job
He’d even suggest that you should come to the bar he works on the side in his spare time for a drink and a chat.
You naturally thought this was a rouse and didn’t go but Gallagher was able to persuade you into coming by saying that Gallagher the bloodhound and Gallagher the mixologist were two separate people who ran on two different times.
Needless to say that you began to frequent the bar more often after that and even got to open up to Gallagher about the reasons why you’ve became a criminal.
Gallagher would then help you in getting on the right path by having you bartend with himself and or Siobhan -someone who quickly became one of your closest friends- who knew about Gallagher’s feelings towards you and will occasionally act as his wingman.
After awhile you’ve left the life of crime behind you and become a bartender for the DreamJolt Hostelry in the Reverie.
It wasn’t long before Gallagher asked you out on a date and then later be in a beautiful relationship with you much to everyone in the DreamJolt Hostelry’s relief. They’ve spent long enough not trying to comment on the evident tension between the two of you.
Jing yuan:
He would try to bring you to the good side but not just because he was a crush on you, but more so the fact that you were wasting your time and effort on something that he though was beneath someone of your calibre.
He sees your potential and is impressed but was saddened that your potential was dwindled by the fact that you had resorted to a life of crime.
I mean you must be something if you’ve caught the Generals attention for him to put so much investment in you.
So he would always seemingly be where you are and talks some wisdom into you about how you shouldn’t settle for less just because you thought that was all that your worth. When in actuality you were only relaying on the words other people have used to describe you, rather then let yourself determine your actual worth, which was far greater then the one you’ve given yourself to settle with.
Jing yuan will try to sway you into making the right decision. He firmly believes that you were the only one who should willing make the choice to actively make change to your lifestyle, no one else should have any say in what you do with your life but you.
Whether it’d be good or bad. Life was a lesson that we’re all constantly learning from on a daily basis. We’re not the same person as we were yesterday or the day before and Jing Yuan firmly believed this and was willing to wait as long as it took for you to make the right decision for yourself.
Which you do and from then does Jing Yuan focused on building your relationship in hopes of a potential chance of it becoming romantic.
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miris-secret-files · 17 days
Can you do another dark romance/smut with Kakashi again? But they're not siblings and maybe somewhat childhood friend ish (or childhood rivals are fun too). I always thought that he will get extremely possessive and over protective after everything he went through. I kind of liked the idea he will push people away, but maybe yn keep pushing and he fell a bit too hard fro their own good. Feel free to add more
When Your Childhood Friend Falls Too Hard For You || Kakashi Hatake x fem!reader
A/n : Okay so I wanted to do a hc but ended up writing a whole fic 😂 ( there is literally an intro to my intro 🤣 )
Warnings : Kinda dark romance, jealousy, over protectiveness, possessiveness, tits sucking, erection, fingering, grinding, vaginal sex, implicit rough sex, cockwarming, somnophilia if you squint, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 3152
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You have known him for the longest time, way before Rin and Obito. You used to play with him every afternoon at his house after your parents, who knew his father entrusted him to take care of you. You were the best of friends, even at this younger age you always had each other’s back. It was supposed to never change and continue like this, but then the war happened and nothing was the same anymore.
With the loss of his father, you saw your friend’s behavior change from nothing to everything. Of course you could only imagine the turmoil he was going through. You knew he would need time to grieve and heal properly, but to your surprise the flow of time didn’t do anything to ease his pain. The young boy closed himself off from the world, isolating himself from everything, and at the same time from you.
You had, however, had a glimmer of hope under the guidance of Minato sensei, some time after you had made the acquaintance of the sweet Rin and the promising Obito. This had helped Kakashi to open up again. You felt you had found him again, but that was because you had no idea what would become of your young companions.
The return from that fateful mission marked a new turning point in Kakashi's life. And if before he had distanced himself in an attempt to better manage his emotions without looking vulnerable in front of anyone, now he had taken the decision to voluntarily distance himself from you, because he was convinced that if anything happened to anyone he cared about, it was his fault and that he had to get away from you before you were next. And unfortunately, there was nothing you could do to stop him.
Years later even though you weren’t as close as before you still kept an eye on him, and little did he know he did the same for you. You were now adults, all those events were now in the past, even though naturally they still weighed heavily on the man’s mind. But despite this you decided to get back in touch with Kakashi. And so you sent him a letter with an invitation to a restaurant, to meet up and catch up with him. Unfortunately, if you thought it would be that easy, you were naive.
He ignored your letter for so long you wondered if you should send another one. But to be fair he did receive it, and it was resting there on his cupboard, the letter neatly folded back inside the envelope after he had carefully read it. Of course it warmed his heart, but on the other said he didn’t really know if he was ready for that. Anyways, you were decided to see him again so you directly went to talk to Iruka sensei, whom you knew was a trusted colleague of your childhood friend, so that you would be sure your message would be transmitted.
Iruka was slightly surprised at seeing you there. To be honest he knew you, but he didn’t know you guys knew each other, not that Kakashi told him anything about it. That would have been surprising. But at least he promised you to tell him before the end of the day. Needless to say, you were quite anxious all evening. Meanwhile, at home, Kakashi didn't know what to make of the news : first the letter, then the message from Iruka. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he ran his hand through his tousled locks before letting out a sigh.
When the next day finally arrived, you couldn't help thinking that maybe he wasn't coming, deciding to ignore your attempts to get back in touch. You walked back and forth in anticipation of his arrival, knowing that Kakashi was someone for whom arriving on time was not a priority, but even so, it had been almost 20 minutes since the time you were supposed to meet. So you decided to sit on a bench and wait a little longer, after all you had nothing to lose.
“Sorry I'm a bit late,” a husky voice suddenly snapped you out of your reverie. Raising your head you saw Kakashi, whose face was as per usual partially hidden behind his mask and headband “I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long” he added politely.
You shook your head before lifting your gaze to his, to your surprise it was already fixed on yours “No, no, don't worry, it's worth it after all... Kakashi it's been so long,” at his words his eyes flickered quickly to the side before returning to yours.
“Indeed,” he replied thoughtfully.
There was a slight moment of silence before you shifted, making room for him on the bench “Here, please sit down-”
“No, don't bother, I won't be staying long,” he dismissed your proposal almost instantly, throwing a wrench into the conversation.
“What do you mean you won't be staying long ? You've only just arrived... I thought we could talk for a while,” you inquired, surprised at the distance he had just set between you.
“I've got things to do, for school, lessons to prepare for the kids, you know how it is ?” he tried to explain what he had said, but you both knew it was a poor attempt to keep a certain distance from you.
Needless to say, that day's conversation wasn't the most interesting, but it was still important because it marked the beginning of your reunion. In fact, that evening, even though he had arrived too late for the restaurant and hadn't stayed long enough for a proper long chat as you had wished, you didn't let him go before setting a new date when you hoped to see him again.
For his part, Kakashi was having a hard time with it all, seeing you again of course made him extremely happy, to be honest he would have liked to hug you to say hello, he would have bet you would have done very well, but the reality of things was that a lot of memories had come back to him, and it had reminded him why he had decided to break off contact so many years before. It was your smile when he saw you that reminded him it was to protect it that he had done it.
Though he couldn't help loving the smile he had just found again, and wanting to see it more often. That is one of the reasons why the second time you saw each other he had arrived late, but much less late than last time. This time he had agreed to sit next to you on the bench, and at the end of a long discussion it was agreed that you would go to the restaurant as planned the first time. Everything was going well. One thing led to another, the conversation between the two of you flowed more and more smoothly, leaving behind any initial awkwardness and even rekindling your former familiarity.
The two of you were seeing each other more and more often, so much so that sometimes, to outsiders, it looked as if Kakashi had finally found himself a girlfriend. And he didn't think so, because even without a label, he couldn't help noticing that something had changed. When the two of you walked in the park, he would walk a little closer to you than he used to, his eyes would dart in any direction he heard a suspicious noise. He didn't really know why, but with each new step his determination to ward off any enemy who might come your way grew stronger.
Even Iruka had noticed, this way in which his younger colleague now had his attention riveted to his phone in case he received a message from you inviting him out or whatever. This was a distinct change for Kakashi, who was often used to revisiting the same book over and over again. Kakashi could feel it too, which is why it was with particular stress and a knot in his stomach that he went to your next outing... or rather date.
That day had been like a turning point for him, he was much more powerful now, and if he wanted to make sure he never lost you, one thing was clear : he was going to stay with you.
“Kakashi-” your words caught in your throat as you saw the young man move closer to you until his chest was against yours. You froze for a moment, your hands pressed to his chest, but the drumming of his heartbeat brought you to your senses. Then in an instant he brought his hand to his mask and pulled it down, for the first time in years you caught a glimpse of his rosy lips.
“Y/n... if you don't want to” he began, but you shook your head. Emboldened by your action he encircled your waist with his arm and pulled - rather aggressively for lack of practice - his soft lips against yours. Even so, the kiss felt so soft, as if those lips had only brushed against yours. Just as quickly, and before anyone could see, he pulled up his mask, repositioning it firmly over his nose. Even after that kiss, his arm remained tightly wrapped around your waist for the rest of your outing, he is the kind of guy to have his hand in the back pocket of your jeans. And that is when it all really began ( that was a long intro ahahah ).
From that day on, you were officially dating. You couldn't be happier. After literally months of getting closer to him, he had finally given you an open door to his heart. However, even though you were deeply in love with him, you weren't particularly aware of the effect this news had on him. He had taken this boyfriend role very seriously, perhaps a little too seriously.
It's true that the Kakashi of the Sharingan that everyone knew was a very laid back man who didn't worry much, and even if he did, no one would have suspected it. The difference was that now that he was with you, nonchalance wasn't the character trait we had always attributed to him. He now had a very piercing look in his eyes when you were both outside, unlike when he had last been out reading. Anyone who got a little too close to you would be shot at, inspected from head to toe by Kakashi's expertise in determining whether or not there was a threat.
These were feelings you didn't attribute to him. It started with jealousy. He would pull you closer to him when a man got, in his opinion, too close to you. Hewould get very tactile out of nowhere, as if to show his territory, nuzzling you on the neck - yes, with his mask on - sometimes followed by a rather rough kiss on your lips with his back to the other person.
He was well aware that the way he acted wasn't the most normal, especially as more and more he wanted to keep you close to him when he was at school teaching. He was even willing to do the shopping for you for several weeks, so that when he went on a mission you wouldn't have to leave home without him.
It's true that the Kakashi of the Sharingan that everyone knew was a very laid back man who didn't worry much, and even if he did, no one would have suspected it. The difference was that now that he was with you, nonchalance wasn't the character trait we had always attributed to him. He now had a very piercing look in his eyes when you were both outside, unlike when he had last been out reading. Anyone who got a little too close to you would be shot at, inspected from head to toe by Kakashi's expertise in determining whether or not there was a threat.
These were feelings you didn't attribute to him. It started with jealousy. He would pull you closer to him when a man got, in his opinion, too close to you. Hewould get very tactile out of nowhere, as if to show his territory, nuzzling you on the neck - yes, with his mask on - sometimes followed by a rather rough kiss on your lips with his back to the other person.
He was well aware that the way he acted wasn't the most normal, especially as more and more he wanted to keep you close to him when he was at school teaching. He was even willing to do the shopping for you for several weeks, so that when he went on a mission you wouldn't have to leave home without him.
Oh yes, I said at his place, and not at yours. Only 1 month after you started dating he offered you to come live with him to “catch up on lost time” but in reality it was a mere excuse to have seen you and make sure that no one let you hurt. To say he was over protective with you was a real euphemism to say the least.
But the thing that really surprised those around you – and Kakashi’s little friend – was how possessive he was towards you. What people took for simple jealousy at the beginning of a relationship was actually a deep-rooted possessiveness he felt toward you. You were the last thing he had left of his past, he was almost convinced that that is why he remained sane all this time.
And you, on the other hand, you couldn't care any less, you were also deeply in love with him. Your hand squeezed his with equal force when another woman - and there were many of them - laid eyes on him. That was the reason why you were not in the least disturbed by his behavior, in fact you were also completely in love with him.
“Y/n let’s go home,” he murmured lowly against your temple, as he had just arrived at you with a fluid motion “I don’t like the way he looks at you,” he groaned, his gaze fixed on the face of a young man who had the misfortune to look in your direction.
On the way back, Kakashi didn't release his grip on your hand or your waist. He was animated by a feeling much stronger than those he thought he could feel. His possessiveness showed with every step until you reached your home. Once the door was closed, and only then, did he release his hold on you, only to have his hands free to undress you more easily.
He pressed you against the door, his hands working quickly to remove the little top you were wearing, and he didn't waste a second either before leaning over and taking one of your nipples into his mouth, suckling on it tenderly. As he pressed himself to you you could feel the bulge forming in his pants, harder with each new friction of your own clothed core as your fingers threaded in his unruly locks.
Unable to wait any longer, he carried you against him, your legs closing instinctively around his slender waist. You stumbled to your shared bedroom, where he laid you on the bed with the utmost delicacy, in total contrast to the way he was going to ruin you in a few seconds.
“Please,” you whined trying desperately to grind your womanhood against him, his thigh, anything at this point.
“Shh shh shh I know,” he replied, his hand trailing to where you needed him most. He gently lowered your pants, the cool air hitting your heated pussy, before you gasped when one of his fingers, long and slender, traced a straight line from your clit to your eager, dripping hole “So wet for me. Reassure me, it's only me, me and nobody else, right ?” he growled, his hands touching every inch of your body with a possessiveness he didn't often show.
“O-only you,” you stuttered as he finally inserted one finger, then a second inside you, preparing you for him. 
He continued to scissor you a little longer before giving under the pressure. He brought his fingers back to his mouth, where he greedily licked your sweet juices “Always so goods” he growled, before removing his pants and boxers, leaving spring free his already hard erection. From your point of view you could see the drop of precum squeezing its way out of the swollen tip of his cock. Tonight he didn't have the patience to straddle your face and fuck your mouth, he just wanted to be one with you.
He crawled on top of you for a moment, rubbing the tip of his cock against the glistening lips of your pussy, your bucked hips seeking more friction, only making him chuckle darkly. Before finally pushing gently inside you, he smiled at the slight resistance of your hole as his dick made its way between your tight walls. He continued rolling his hips gently until he was deeply sheathed into you, the only place where he felt truly fulfilled.
Now he had to give you time to adjust to his substantial length, even if in reality he just wanted to fuck you so hard that all the neighbors hear and know that you belong to him, body and soul. That is what he eventually did after you gave him the green light to thrust, the next day you were probably going to have trouble walking but he didn’t need anything more to show them that you were his.
His mouth opened against yours, breathing heavily with each thrust in you, the smirk on his face almost never disappearing except to let out a moan of his own. The room was filled with the sound of wet skin against each other, and soon it was going to give way to silence as Kakashi’s last push pushed you both off the edge. His thrusts became softer and less tense as the knot in his stomach had just broken, his essence emptying into you in a long warm cord, as your walls contracted around him, milking his cock perfectly.
“You’re mine Y/n” he murmured, pecking your fucking lips “Mine to go out with” he kissed you again “Mine to fuck” he bit the edge of your bottom lip “Mine to cum inside”
You shivered at his words, each one bolder than the previous. He keeps you in his arms, not daring, nor willing to pull out any time soon. The only disadvantage it could have was that eventually he would get hard again in a moment and that if you were awake or not he would make sure to cum inside you once more, and if he could also bring you some pleasure, well why not ?
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amostnobleyandere · 4 months
Yandere! Incel! Scaramouche x NB! Reader
This is an 18+ blog!!!! If you don’t like yandere content or are a minor, do not interact. thank you!
CW: Yandere content, stalking, creepy scaramouche, incel behavior, creepy behavior, toxic relationships, kidnapping, his friends encourage and enable his problematic behavior, brief fantasizing about a domestic husband/spouse dynamic, forced romantic relationship, non-consensual touching
*also just to be clear, this is loosely based off the term “incel,” his behavior is more like a creepy recluse if anything?? I just couldn’t think of a better word to use and I thought it fit okay. there’s no misogyny or extremely gross behavior involved, but he is creepy so just. keep that in mind. anyways, enjoy!
Incel! Scaramouche who doesn’t get out much not because he has bad social skills (he does but that’s not the point), but because he loathes the idea of big crowds and being around lots of people. Socializing with people is already irritating enough, since he’s the only one on this earth who seems to have braincells. Why go out when he’s got everything he needs at home?
Incel! Scaramouche who has more money than he knows what to do with from his (insanely) loaded and emotionally distant mother (who gives it to him because she doesn’t know how to show affection any other way). he spends it all on expensive gaming set ups, take-out, and new technology all while being up in his top floor penthouse with a horizon line view.
Incel! Scaramouche who has friends, they’re just all online (and just as fucked up as he is) who he talks to (yells at) through the microphone while gaming.
Incel! Scaramouche who meets you while doing something mudane. He sees you at a grocery store picking over vegetables one day. Ignores you. 30 minutes later, he proceeds to bump into you and then acts like an asshole about you touching him, something that was clearly his fault. The two of you get into it, and eventually you’re the one to turn and walk away, already in a bad mood from the interaction. He’s interested now.
Incel! Scaramouche who isn’t delusional enough to convince himself that it’s fate, but who is curious enough to stalk follow you around for a while. He’s not hurting you or talking to you, what’s the harm done?
Incel! Scaramouche who while stalking monitoring you begins to note things about you. Unconsciously, of course. It’s not like his life revolves around you or anything. He just…starts to notice things. How you spend your days, what you like, what you don’t like, who you interact with and the places that you spend your time at the most. Soon enough he knows just as much about you habits and daily life as your friends do, if not more.
Incel! Scaramouche whos friends encourage his problematic behavior. They’re just as chronically online as he is, and have no conception of the morals and boundaries that come with having a healthy relationship. (Some of them, like Venti and Kazuha, even have a more romantic view of his infatuation interest, repeating that it’s okay to cross some lines, as long as it’s for love)
Incel! Scaramouche who has a weird view of relationships because his only knowledge on them comes from anime, the internet, and all the other types of weird media he consumes. (Should the kidnapping happen before or after your first date?) He’s not doing any of the cheesy shit the internet says. He’s not going to bring flowers, that would be stupid. (He’ll end up buying an overly large bouquet which he sends to your doorstep. there’s no note and you find it extremely creepy. You refuse to leave your home without pepper spray now)
Incel! Scaramouche who eventually just plucks you from the streets, right outside of your home/apartment building. No struggle to go along with it. Obviously you do fight back, but the men he hired to pick you up are far too experienced for you to even have a chance of running away.
Incel! Scaramouche who doesn’t really care about your feelings surrounding the whole situation. and well. he was getting a little lonely. most of his friends live too far away for them to meet up frequently, and it’s not like he’d want to see those crazy bastards everyday anyways. You’re much better company compared to those psychos, as much as he loathes to admit it. and you’re just so…pretty, and he can feel and touch you as much as he wants. it’s pleasant, and his apartment has never felt so full before, not at all empty like it did before he brought you here. you should be grateful you’re here too; he gives you everything you could ever want (within reason). really, you should feel grateful that you’ve been chosen by someone who’s so financially stable, who can provide for you.
you can have a good life with him, better than you could’ve had without him.
Incel! Scaramouche who kind of begins to see you as his little house spouse. nevermind that you’re here against your will; you’ve taken up doing chores around the house if only to fill the time, and it’s really only confirming his belief that kidnapping you was the best thing he could’ve done. when he comes through the door after a rare visit to the outside world and he sees you sitting there, idle, practically waiting for him? he feels like the typical breadwinner coming home to a loving domestic life. he’s not so delusional to think that you’re happy to be his little house spouse and captive, but it’s not like you can do anything about it, so he might as well enjoy the thought while he can.
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anonymousewrites · 1 month
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Thirteen
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Thirteen: Punk Transfer
Summary: A new student comes to PK Academy. How much trouble will this one be?
            “We’ve got another transfer student,” said (Y/N), leaning on their desk.
            “It’s all people have been talking about,” said Saiki. “And thinking about.”
            “As long as they’re not another Toritsuka, they can’t be that bad, right?” said (Y/N).
            “Don’t tempt fate. God hates me enough,” said Saiki.
            “Okay, everyone, please be seated,” said their teacher, walking in. “I’ll introduce you to the transfer student.”
            Everyone sat still, expectant.
            “Okay, come in,” said their teacher.
            A boy with purple hair and rectangular glasses stepped inside.
            Immediately, all boys lost interest, and, apparently, he wasn’t good enough for the girls either.
            “I’m not sure,” whispered the boys.
            “He seems gloomy,” murmured the girls.
            “Well, then, please introduce yourself,” said the teacher.
            The boy turned around and began writing on the board. However, for some reason, he wrote “Aren Kuboyasu wuz here!!” instead of just his name.
            “I’m Aren Kuboyasu. I moved here from Ibaraki Prefecture,” said Kuboyasu.
            So polite and yet… thought (Y/N), sweat-dropping as they looked at the message on the board.
            “ ‘Wuz here?’ ” read the students.
            Kuboyasu freaked out and erased the last two words. “Ah! Sorry, old habit! Wait, no! Just forget I did that!”
            And it seemed that everyone did since the students all smiled widely. “Nice to meet you, Kuboyasu!”
            “What’s that?” Kuboyasu looked at them awkwardly. “Ah… ‘Sup homies!”
            “ ‘Sup homies?’ ” Several people laughed, thinking he was people silly. “You’re funny.”
            “He seems pretty interesting,” said Kaidou.
            (Y/N) looked at Saiki and whispered before class began. “What do you think, Kusuo?”
            “I need to keep an eye on him in case he proves troublesome,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) nodded. “I’ll help out.”
            Saiki glanced at them. “It’ll be a bother.”
            “Yeah, but just because you’re the one who can…do everything doesn’t mean you should do it alone,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            Saiki liked the idea of working with them way too much.
            “So?” said (Y/N) during the lunch break. “What is up with Kuboyasu?”
            “He was a punk, and he says he’s trying to go ‘straight,’ ” said Saiki.
            “And you aren’t sure he really will?” said (Y/N).
            “He decided to ‘beat up anyone who tries to stop him,’ ” said Saiki.
            “Well, hopefully he’s just…weird.” (Y/N) laughed. “Like us and our friends.”
            Saiki wasn’t quite sure he liked that idea.
            “So, are we following him?” said (Y/N).
            “We need to see how he handles ‘going straight,’ ” said Saiki, peaking around the corner.
            “Got it,” said (Y/N).
            Oh, that’s the transfer student! thought a boy, walking past Kuboyasu.
            “What? What’re you staring at?!” said Kuboyasu, glaring at the boy. A moment later, he realized he was in the wrong and backed off. “Ah! I’m sorry. My eyesight is bad, so I just…” he trailed off awkwardly.
            “Looks like it’s going to be tough for him to be a regular person,” said Saiki.
            “Yeah, but he did realize he was in the wrong,” said (Y/N), shrugging.
            In Kuboyasu’s next test, Takahashi bumped into him accidentally.
            “Oh, sorry,” said Takahashi.
            Behind him, Kuboyasu grabbed a fire extinguisher and lifted it angrily. The moment before he swung at Takahashi, Kuboyasu’s eyes widened. He realized he was making a mistake. Quickly, he set the extinguisher down and walked on.
            “Not even delinquents usually hit people from behind with fire extinguishers,” said Saiki.
            “Maybe not, but he didn’t actually do it,” pointed out (Y/N).
            Kuboyasu’s next challenge was meeting Nendou, who looked like a punk himself.
            Who-Who the hell is he?! thought Kuboyasu. He’s a punk! On top of that, he’s pretty fired up!
            “Why is Nendou acting like he wants to fight?” said (Y/N).
            “Script convenience,” said Saiki.
            Kuboyasu opened his jacket and took off his glasses. He was ready to go up against Nendou.
            Then, again, he thought better of it, zipped his jacket up, and put on his glasses.
            “No, I ain’t gonna fight!” he declared, walking away quickly.
            “Oh, you’re not gonna take that off?” Nendou just looked like an idiot again. “Don’t tell me your scared!”
            “Wow, he is really getting tested,” said (Y/N).
            “Very convenient,” said Saiki.
            ��What?!” said Kuboyasu angrily.
            “I guess that’s natural, huh? I may not look it, but I’m a punk, so…” Nendou looked proud of himself.
            “If you looked like that and weren’t a punk, you’d be an idiot,” murmured Kuboyasu under his breath.
            “That’s what Nendou is,” said (Y/N), frowning. Saiki nodded in agreement.
            It wasn’t even a mean statement. It was just a fact.
            “I’ve mellowed out now, but I used to do some pretty crazy stuff,” said Nendou conversationally to Kuboyasu.
            War stories, huh? Lay ‘em on me, thought Kuboyasu. “Oh, like what?”
            “The meanest thing I did was chase mosquitos around with a mosquito coil,” said Nendou. “I also ate a whole watermelon by myself. I was seriously crazy.”
            Kuboyasu had a blank, almost shocked look.
            “I think he understands Nendou now,” said (Y/N).
            “Nendou can’t make it any more obvious that he’s an idiot,” agreed Saiki.
            “I feel like we should feel bad for saying that, but it just feels like a statement…” said (Y/N).
            Nendou patted Kuboyasu’s shoulder. “Hang in there, kid.”
            Kuboyasu managed to just walk off, but his anger had peaked. Still, he had gone through another convenient test without acting out.
            “So, what do you think?” said (Y/N), crossing their arms and considering Kuboyasu. “I think he seems weird but nice in the end.”
            No sooner did they speak did Kuboyasu round a corner, spot a boy bullying a younger classmate, and grab a locker.
            “Don’t act like trash in front of me, you scum!”
            He threw the locker on the bully.
            “I spoke too soon,” said (Y/N).
            “I think we can overlook this incident,” said Saiki.
            “So, we approve of our new transfer student?” said (Y/N).
            “We’ll tolerate him,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) laughed. “Just wait. He’s going to end up our friend.”
            Saiki wanted to say they were wrong, but they probably weren’t. And who was he to take their laugh away?
            In the following week, Kuboyasu had, unfortunately, not made any friends. He wasn’t experienced in approaching people in a “goody-goody” way. In normal terms, that just meant he couldn’t fight people to bond. For Kuboyasu, that left him with no idea of what to do.
            So, in a daring move, Kuboyasu decided to try going up to someone. First, he had to decide.
            He looked at Nendou. He couldn’t go around with him since he was a punk himself. Takahashi was also off the list since his face was too punchable to Kuboyasu.
            His eyes landed on the pink-haired boy in front of him. He decided to try with him.
            Wrong choice, try someone else.
            Oh, that person seems nice, too. And kind of pretty. That could help me seem more goody-goody, thought Kuboyasu, almost changing direction towards (Y/N).
            Worse choice, leave them alone. Saiki didn’t need someone thinking (Y/N) was pretty like that, even if it was true.
            No, they’re already talking to people. I should just try one person for now, decided Kuboyasu.
            Saiki had to remind himself that he’d prefer to deal with Kuboyasu while he was still learning to be a “goody-goody” instead of (Y/N) as the boy came over.
            “Hey, I’m Kuboyasu.” He smiled in a friendly manner. Great, now I just start bonding.
            Notice my boredom and walk away, thought Saiki furiously.
            Instead, Kuboyasu launched into a series of stories from movies he’d seen. He didn’t notice Saiki’s noninterest at all and just kept going, no matter how nonsensical and incomprehensible his summary was.
            “So this guy shot this other guy, breaking the pledge of brotherhood between them,” said Kuboyasu.
            Good grief…Even though I’ve been ignoring him, he just goes on and on about some yakuza movie I don’t care about, thought Saiki. And the way he tells a story is beyond terrible. Just how many guys are there? He sighed inwardly. This is too much. I really didn’t want to use this technique, but this calls for…my annoyed face. Saiki turned his infamous “annoyed face” on Kuboyasu.
            He flinched back and stared, wide-eyed.
            See? You don’t need psychic powers to drive people away.
            “W-Well, then, later,” said Kuboyasu, turning away hastily. I can’t believe that goody-goody gave me such an annoyed face! At least I learned one thing: I have nothing in common with them.
            “Hey, newbie.” Kaidou walked up confidently. “My name is the Jet Black Wings.”
            Kuboyasu stared at him in surprise.
            “This is a boring world. It’s a cage for sheep just awaiting death’s embrace,” monologued Kaidou.
            This is hopeless! Kuboyasu’s mind spun from Kaidou’s rambling. I can’t understand what regular people say at all!
            Be careful. That guy isn’t a regular person.
            “The awakening of Dark Reunion draws near,” continued Kaidou. “We have to complete the ‘Grand Cross’ soon and house the engraved seal of Cross!”
            “Grand Cross?” Kuboyasu perked up. I’ve heard of that! “That’s right, they’re legends!” Legendary biker gang!
            “What?! You know about it?!” Kaidou grew excited. No one ever got into his stories with him.
            They’re not the same thing.
            However, since Saiki had no interest in correcting their misunderstanding because he was using his telepathy, didn’t want his powers revealed, and, quite frankly, didn’t care, the pair continued to jump back-and-forth with identical (misunderstood) ideas.
            “Yeah! They annihilated ‘Samantha’ and ‘Paramount!’ ” exclaimed Kuboyasu.
            “Whoa, to think you even know about ‘Samantha’ and ‘Paramount,’ ” said Kaidou happily.
            Saiki ignored the rest of their conversation to preserve his own sanity.
            On the next lunch break, Kuboyasu went for a walk in the halls to stretch his legs. Almost immediately, he bumped into someone.
            “Oh, sorry about that!” said (Y/N).
            Remembering his previous experiences, Kuboyasu nodded and attempted to react correctly. “It’s…no problem.”
            “I should’ve been looking where I was going,” said (Y/N). They chuckled. “I have my head in the clouds.” They brightened. “Oh, sorry, I should introduce myself. I’m (Y/N) (L/N). You’re Kuboyasu, right? The transfer student. I hope you’re liking PK Academy.”
            Kuboyasu stared at them as they rambled. “I, uh, yeah.”
            “I know it can take a while to settle in,” said (Y/N). “If you need anything, just let me know.”
            “But we don’t know each other,” said Kuboyasu. We’re not even friends… He didn’t dislike being approached, but he was confused.
            “Yeah, but no one knows each other when they first meet. And that doesn’t change that I’m always up to help someone,” said (Y/N) cheerfully. They knew he was struggling but doing his best, so they were going to give him the benefit of the doubt and try to help his transfer be as smooth as possible. “Seriously.” Without another word, they brushed by him. “Bye, Kuboyasu!”
            He stared at them. Is everyone in this school weird?
            As he learned in the next five minutes, they were. Toritsuka was girl-crazy, and Hairo was exercise-crazy. Kuboyasu didn’t understand Toristuka’s taste, and he couldn’t figure out why Hairo was so popular. He also met Teruhashi, but no one thought she was weird, just a perfect pretty girl.
            Still, he returned to class with his head spinning with all the vibrant (colorful, strange, and odd were also appropriate adjectives) personalities at PK Academy.
            And then, Kuboyasu was faced with something strange. Everyone he’d met, whether he’d liked them (Teruhashi, Kaidou, (Y/N), Hairo) or thought they were weird (Nendou, Toritsuka), was gathered around a single desk.
            “Hey, pal!” Nendou called out.
            Pal? In other words, a man who’s at the same level as a guy that Hairo admits that he can’t defeat?! thought Kuboyasu, alarmed. He looked over, and his eyes widened.
            Saiki sat silently at his desk.
            Him?! I went full circle and back to him! Kuboyasu was shocked. Well, even if we shouldn’t judge people by their appearances, this can’t be right!
            “How is Plan Alpha coming along, Saiki?” asked Kaidou.
            “Hello, Saiki!” said Toritsuka.
            “How’re you doing, Saiki?” said Teruhashi sweetly.
            “Hi, Saiki!” said Hairo.
            “Hey, Kusuo,” said (Y/N), beaming.
            What’s going on?! Everyone’s gathering around that goody, thought Kuboyasu, thoroughly confused. Could it be that…he’s the one pulling the strings?!
            Yare yare. I’m never using my annoyed face again.
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sixosix · 11 months
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“you look so pretty,” the stranger with twin moles murmurs, “like it’d be a crime not to want you.”
or, you met a detective once on an unexpected night; fate decides that it won’t be the last time
tags cw drunk character, POV meet-cute and he makes a fool out of himself but u want him anw, drunk heizou, pre-relationship, bff!kazuha
a/n wc 1500, wow this is the longest i’ve written this month!
next part
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inazuma wasn’t your first region of destination in mind when listing down vacation ideas. going on vacation wasn’t even on your to-do list—it has been that way for the past three years. 
“don’t be ashamed to ask. you know i would say yes,” yelan, your distant relative who is somewhat of a mentor to you, had told you herself when you briefly mentioned your plans.
yet as you trek through the dewy grass of chinju forest, you mourn all those years when you could’ve taken in inazuma’s sights much earlier when you needed it the most.
chinju forest is completely different from liyue harbor. it’s dim; the sun mysteriously never rises, and it’s filled with flowers—the same ones that glimmer so brightly that everything about the forest looks blue, overpowering the lanterns and candles spread throughout. and although it doesn’t feel like home, you wouldn’t mind spending a few months or so in here.
liyue harbor is always bright with splashes of color: bustling with merchants and tourists, with storytellers and friends you see on occasion. friends who wanted you to see the beauty of other places, too.
kazuha had let you in on his plan to return to inazuma for a bit to visit old friends—and since the traveler had worked the traveler magic on inazuma, too, it became safe enough for kazuha to invite you along with it.
it took some convincing and some restless nights of you imagining yelan saying no, but it turns out she is more than happy to send you off to another region, oceans away. says she could use one herself. and now here you are, freely exploring, taking in new, breathtaking sights, meeting new people, fawning over their food, realizing the world is much bigger than you thought.
and also stumbling into a drunk man tipping side-to-side as he weaves through the forest.
cautiously, you sneak behind a tree, watching the inebriated stranger walk like he’s about to twirl around, catch his own feet over his ankle, and fall face-first.
he looks young. if he were next to you in liyue they’d assume he’s exactly your age, with unruly hair and a short height. in the soft, blue glow of the forest’s fluorescent flowers, this stranger looks like the type of handsome you’ve read in books. soft, striking.
“who’s there?”
your eyebrows shoot up in disbelief. for someone barely able to walk a straight line, he’s able to sense your presence the moment your breath hitched; a concealed disturbance in the air.
should you leave?
unfortunately, the thought that kazuha would want you to guide this vulnerable man back to the city torments your conscience. even if you’re oceans away, protecting people and keeping them safe is still your duty.
with a sigh, you step out from the shadows, catching the way the man takes your figure in with squinted eyes. you respond with an inquisitive expression, and he stumbles nearer.
“there…there are— are they still chasing…?” he asks, and you first notice how he has a mole under each eye.
“chasing you? are you a criminal?”
“what….” he looks around, head spinning so fast even you got a little dizzy. “criminal? where?” he garbles, looking as if he’s a second away from throwing up.
“no, i’m asking you— ugh, never mind. who’re you?” you hold him up by the arm, feeling merciful. his weight suddenly doubles as he leans over you, leaving you no choice but to pin him against the tree to keep him from falling.
“the name— i’m,” he manages to say, his words sticking together stubbornly. “shikanoin…sharpest, most successful—”
“okay, okay,” you exhale loudly, not understanding a thing, “let’s just go back.”
“who are… you?” he asks, spitting the last word out, trying to mimic your tone. it fails miserably. his eyes widen as if he sees you for the first time. “oh, wow… you’re pretty. wow. where did you come from? why are you holding me up like this? are you weird?”
baffled by the onslaught of questions, you can only blink at him incredulously. “i’m not a weirdo! i’m trying to help you. you’re drunk out of your mind. and alone!” how did he even get here?
“you look so pretty,” he murmurs instead, “like it’d be a crime not to want you.”
this is getting nowhere.
you pull away in favor of checking if the stranger has anything of use to you. all you can note is a sheathed jitte, a particularly revealing top, and an anemo vision. he wavers again with the loss of your support, resulting in you reflexively reaching out to hold onto the side of his torso. where it’s bare.
“you— you like what you see?” he slurs, and impressively strikes a million-dollar smile despite the droop of his eyes and flush on his face.
“not at all,” you lie. “let’s get back to the city.”
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you are, to be frank, tired and ready to slack off for the rest of the day, finding kazuha be damned. staying too long in chinju forest messed with your sense of time; you were expecting sunrise by the time you returned to the city, yet it had only just set.
( not to mention, on the entire way back, the stranger kept talking your ear off, going on and on about how extraordinary and young he is—how pretty you are and how mystified he is. you can guess what his role is here in inazuma judging from his jitte, though you hardly care about how his superiors belittle him and how he laughs in their faces when he solves cases they rip their “receding” hair off dealing with. )
men dressed in various shades of purple saw you dragging him and rushed over to you, crowding over and filling up the small circle with more stench of alcohol. they were all varying levels of drunk, which explains a lot of what happened to the one you met. one of them apologized profusely, though you weren’t listening at all, gaze caught on the way they dragged your stranger away, verbally assaulted with berating left and right.
they were holding him by the arms, looking too much like an apprehended criminal. all that you could think back to was the way he was staring intently at you, too, as if he can’t take his eyes off.
“he’s not usually like this.” the man apologizing is still talking, you faintly realize, zoning back in—yet your eyes never strayed, even as your stranger is far enough to be out of earshot. “he got too competitive.”
“it’s fine,” you say, clipped. “did he win?”
he blinks. “did he— sorry, what?”
“did he win?”
“...yes.” the man’s brows furrow, looking confused.
you bow in respect, smiling politely when your head tilts back up. “i’ll take my leave now, thank you.”
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two days later
kaedehara kazuha sits on a rock, watching the sun rise in silence that you quickly disrupt the moment you spot the mop of light hair. he turns his head curiously, having noticed you before you even spoke.
“kazuha!” you exclaim, picking up your pace. “kazuha, there you are. i couldn’t find you at all yesterday. you should’ve seen it—gorou showed me some good views of watatsumi island.”
“i apologize…” he says sheepishly, and to his credit, he does look guilty. “did you have fun? a friend caught wind of my return and whisked me away before i could warn you.”
you laugh, nudging your shoulder with his. “it’s alright. it’s what you’re here for, isn’t it?”
“how are you liking inazuma so far?” he asks, shifting to give you more space.
you try to think back to the beauty of watatsumi, gorou’s enthusiasm, and kokomi’s hospitality, but all you can think of is luminescent flowers and twin moles and your hands meeting a bare waist instead of fabric.
“i met this drunk guy in chinju forest. he was just really weird, though, no one worth worrying over,” you recount, pointedly leaving out other details. “i helped him get back in the city. reminds me of what i had to do to you and beidou.” 
“sounds eventful,” kazuha muses, hiding a smile behind a leaf he had snatched out of the air. “where did you leave him off?”
“some guys took him. his co-workers, maybe. hope he doesn’t get fired, poor guy.” you’re starting to not like kazuha’s stare, like he can see the images you’re getting in your head. swiftly, you change the topic back to him. “how about you? what were you doing yesterday?”
“well.” he clears his throat, straightening. hesitantly: “you see—and please, hear me out before you say anything—this friend of mine wants to meet you. urgently, in fact.”
“in a few hours, if possible, he said.”
kazuha should’ve started the conversation with that.
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a/n no way heizou fic No way...... no way!!! anyway this was actually rlly fun to write i love heizou so much i can only hope i do him justice in the next part where i have to write him in all his heizou glory </3 title is from ts song guess which one
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mha-cuties-pls · 1 year
Incel!Shigaraki x reader Headcannons
Pairing: Shigaraki x Reader | Rating: M | Words: n/a | genre: smut
A/N: Soooooo, writing these actually gave me the best idea for a scenario 🥴 just in love with the idea of touch starved and incredibly horny Incel!Shigaraki fixating on a girl and attempting to force her into submission, only to find out she had been craving him just as much as he was
Incel!Shigaraki that notices you in public one day when he was out at the mall buying a new video game, unable to tear his eyes away from your suggestively lewd outfit, deciding that a beautiful girl dressed like that in public wanted, no needed, his greedy eyes to objectify you. Shigaraki couldn’t usually have cared less about other people when he went out in public. They didnt share the same intelligence level or tenacity he did, and besides, they would all submit to The League of Villains in due time anyways; there was no point in trying to converse with any of them. That was, at least, until he stopped by the mall one day to pick up the newest edition of a game that had just been released, and his eyes couldn’t help but lock onto your voluptuous figure. It’s not like it was his fault he was staring, in that short skirt and tight tank top you were practically naked. He could even tell you weren’t wearing a bra as his eyes followed each bounce and jiggle of your chest as you walked over to the Nintendo Switch games. Still mesmerized, he watched you from across the store, and his heart began to pick up when you bent down to retrieve Cooking Mama on the bottom row, allowing him to catch a quick glimpse of your underwear. Feeling the twitch in his pants, he was unable to tear his eyes away from you- even when your gaze met his. What really sealed your fate, however, was the fact that upon meeting his eyes, you had the audacity to smirk at his actions. It was then that Tomura decided you needed to be taught a lesson.
Incel!Shigaraki who begins to stalk you in his free time, watching with distain every time he saw you talking to another guy he had never seen before Watching you giggle and playfully hit the male companion who sat next to you at the food court made Shigarakis skin boil. He knew that there was no way you were actually laughing that hard at anything that guy had to say; You were just being the slutty little girl that you were, probably craving and aching between your legs in ways that you should only be doing for him. Shigarakis grimace continued as he fumed from the corner where he sat watching, scratching at his neck and trying not to let his explosive anger get in the way of his careful planning.
Incel!Shigaraki who finally, after observing you for weeks, makes his move when he sees you alone one day buying bubble tea, and despite his inexperience, actually does a phenomenal job playing the part of a charmer. “Why don’t you come back with me for a bite to eat?” He says, voice laced with something that you can’t quite put your finger on. “I know this great hole in the wall and besides,” pulling his hood back a bit so you can more clearly see his features, you saw the ghost of a smile that was almost sinister tugging at his scarred lips, “we’ll be able to talk more privately there.”
Incel!Shigaraki who has never had sex, but wastes no time fulfilling his darkest and roughest desires, living out fantasies he had only ever seen on porn, never imaging he would be blessed with such a beautiful, obedient little whore of his own He stared down with an almost incredulous look on his face as he watched you slink down in front of him with your beautiful ass perched high in the air, your slick entrance shining in the low light of the room just begging for him to finally enter. He shoved himself inside clumsily and with force you weren’t expecting, making you cry out as he filled your aching cunt. You heard him breathing heavily, and he declined to move at first. Looking back over your shoulder, you saw his eyes basking in the sight before him. His hands were gripping your ass and shaking it, even giving small slaps watching your fat jiggle in a way more delectable than he ever could have imagined. When he watched porn he always imagined what it would actually be like to have a beautiful woman under him, complacent and begging for his touch; But the reality proved to be so much better than he ever could have thought. Seemingly coming back to reality after his quick daydream, he pulled out ever so slowly, before slamming into you with even more force than before. “____,” he said, his voice low and gravelly, “scream my name.”
Incel!Shigaraki who stares almost too intently at your stark naked form, just drinking in the erotic sight of your curves and soft skin, making you blush a bit and serving to make you feel sexy and a little more confident than you usually would
Incel!Shigaraki who talks a big game, but ends up inevitably going too hard too fast after he finally stuck it in, involuntarily cumming inside you with delicious whimpers of his own Shigarakis ferocious and sporadic thrusts culminated suddenly with an almost violent stop, and he laid his body across your back as you stayed on your hands and knees on the bed. Feeling his dry lips brush your neck with a sloppy kiss caused you to relax, and you felt his length beginning to soften inside you. “Fuck, ____.” His whispers danced lightly across the sensitive skin behind your ear, and you closed your eyes, enjoying the proximity between you two at the moment. “Your pretty pussy was squeezing my dick so good I came faster than I expected.” Then, he snaked his arms around your waist, grabbing your hips, and flipping you two so you both lay on your backs with you cuddled up to his side snuggly. Though just as you were about to let the aftermath haziness of your release lull you into a deep sleep in Tomouras arms, he brushed some of your messy locks behind your ear as he whispered, “I hope you’re ready for round 2.”
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taki-yaki · 3 months
What if Tav is a fey from feywild, or part fey? I don't have a particular race in mind, just wanted to see Astarion and fey Tav to be chaotic gremlins together
Love stuff to do with the fey, Tav from the fey wilds would create so much chaos together with Astarion. Although in usual D&D terms, the closest to part fey would most likely be a Hexblood. So I’ll be doing a Hexblood Tav who was mainly raised in the fey wilds for most of their life.
Hexblood Fey Tav Headcanons
You began your life as a creature of the fey before a deal gone south with a hag forced you out of your plane to the realm of Torri.
Of course, you would try to get by in this realm with your usual fey antics, of course not too long after, whilst on the road to your next performance, you get abducted by the nautiloid. 
Making you curse the chaotic whims that fate throws at you.
Upon meeting your new travelling buddies for the first time, you try to keep your distance from them at first, in fear that they might try to offer you something, believing it to be a trap, binding you to them, forced to do their bidding. You even give them a fake name, instead of telling your real name, taking any precautions from being enslaved any further.
However after the third night of attempting to cook for yourself, you eventually cave after the sweet savoury smells of Gale’s cooking plague you, giving in to the temptation and never looking back since.
Most members of the group saw you as too carefree at times, rather choosing to do what you like at random times. It isn’t until you reach the swamp and finally meet Auntie Ethel, that you seemly completely switch, tearing into the hag with a sense of rage, trying to reenact your revenge upon the kind who stripped you of your home.
Most of your companions are initially taken aback, stating how you could have gone about a less brutal way of defeating the hag, but what’s done is done. Astarion though, just watches over the scene with joy, seeing your victory as a sign of strength. power. 
Later that night Astarion approaches you with the offer for a romp in the woods, this makes you hesitate for a second before he says that it’s a fair offer after you gave him some of your blood. At first, you mainly see your relationship as transactional, in fear of being permanently indebted to him, but it isn’t until over time you both start to see your relationship as less transactional. At first, it feels weird to you not to do anything in return for him at times, but you quickly get used to it.
“So I don’t have to sing you a song and dance before receiving a kiss?”
“Well no, but if you want to, then I’m more than happy to watch you flap around like a headless chicken.”
During most of your early travels with Astarion, he would be in awe over how much colour there is during the day, but you state how it seems drab compared to the bright wonders that the fey wild had to offer.
Throughout your travels to Baldur’s Gate, whenever someone approaches you with a request to solve an issue or problem they are having, you’d usually reply with a, “What’s in it for me”, then proceed to go about solving the issue either destructively or chaotically.
A rat infestation? Well, a large fireball in such an enclosed space will make it quick and easy.
Need to clear out the nearby goblin camp? A few powdered keys should do.
Aside from your destructive tendencies, you also love to play tricks on others, whether they deserve it or not, it doesn’t matter. With you and Astation being a tag team duo, while you would create a crowd to distract people with a song or dance, Astarion would sneak around attempting to pickpocket as many people as he could. 
Other antics would include trading for weird items, such as attempting to purchase a sword or magical artefact, you would cast an illusion on some nearby rocks to give them the appearance of gold pieces. Followed by having to run from the now enraged shopkeeper, whilst Astarion is in hysterics.  
Despite most of your fey traits mainly giving other members of the group grief, one condition you hated was your weakness to iron, even if a ring was placed on your finger for a few seconds, it would leave a slight burn mark in its place. 
This came especially apparent one time, during a fight in which you were surrounded by bandits each brandishing an iron dagger or blade, ready to strike at you. 
As soon as the first blade makes contact with your flesh, you let out a loud shriek of pain as the tip of the blade leaves a large burn mark on your skin. Alerted by your cry Astarion rushes to your side, quickly taking out the rest of the bandits, before carrying you to safety.
Back at camp, he’d tend to your wound, and whilst holding you close to him he’d softly chastise you mainly out of concern. 
“Be lucky that this is only a small wound, just next time stay by my side and don’t rush out like that next time.”
After the fall of the netherbrain, realising how much this realm had to offer to you, Astarion suggests going around exploring more of faerun as hunters, maybe even finding the hag that cursed you and enacting your revenge. After all you did free him from his tyrannical ex-master. Over the 6 months the two of you spend travelling all across faerun, you eventually learn to bask in the wonders that this plane has to offer.
One late night, whilst lying in your shared tent, you turn to face Astarion, feeling as if you have a heavy weight to lift from your chest, you speak “I have something to tell you.” He’d look at you with slight surprise, were you going to break up with him after all this time, “It’s about my name” you spoke sheepishly 
“What about it my love, I think it’s a nice name.” 
“Well, I may have given you a fake name, I was worried you would use it as leverage to bind me into a contract of sorts”
He laughs a bit upon hearing this, and you swiftly reply with “Well it may not seem like much to you but it’s a big deal to us fey.”
“Alright, would you do the honours of telling me your name my love?” whilst trying to do a small bow motion while lying down. Leaning closer, you whisper into his ear in your native tongue of Sylvan, your true name, before leaning back waiting for his response. He looks at you for a while before the expression on his face goes soft “Well I think it’s a beautiful name, regardless of what it is, you will always be my darling.”
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doumadono · 10 months
Hey there!!!
Congrats on 3k!!! That’s amazing, so well deserved.
For the promos could I get the SFW prompt Jealousy with Megumi Fushiguro from JJK. My boy does not have enough out there! Also could it be female reader, and could she be the one who’s jealous?
Conquering jealousy - Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
Synopsis: when a transfer student begins vying for your boyfriend's attention, you find yourself grappling with simmering jealousy that demands confrontation A/N: thank you for your generous words. I hope you enjoy this brief blurb ♥
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Megumi Fushiguro, the stoic and enigmatic jujutsu sorcerer from the Tokyo Jujutsu High, was undoubtedly one of the most sought-after students. His quiet confidence, remarkable abilities, and striking teal eyes seemed to captivate anyone who crossed paths with him. As his girlfriend, you were proud of his accomplishments, but recently, a storm of jealousy had been brewing within you.
It all began with the arrival of a new transfer student at the school. She was a charming girl named Hana Suzuki, whose bright smile and cheerful personality drew people in like moths to a flame. You couldn't deny her charm, but it was the way she constantly hovered around Megumi that set your nerves on edge.
One day, as you were heading to meet Megumi during lunch break, you noticed Hana giggling as she leaned closer to him. Your heart clenched with jealousy as you overheard her saying, "Ohm, you're so mysterious and cool. I'd love to get to know you better!"
Unable to control the boiling jealousy within you, you stepped forward, trying to act nonchalant. "Hey, Megumi! Sorry I'm late," you chirped, your voice feigning casualness while your heart pounded loudly in your chest.
Megumi's eyes met yours, and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "No worries, Y/N. We were just chatting," he replied, oblivious to your inner turmoil.
You forced a smile, though it felt strained, and greeted Hana politely, trying not to let the jealousy consume you. The three of you engaged in small talk for a while, but Hana's constant glances at Megumi made your jealousy grow more intense.
As the days passed, Hana's attention towards Megumi only intensified. She would find excuses to be around him, ask him for help with training, and even bring him snacks during breaks. You couldn't bear watching them together, but you didn't want to be the overbearing girlfriend, so you tried to keep your emotions in check.
One afternoon, when you were sitting with your friends in the courtyard, you noticed Hana once again making her way towards Megumi. Your friends, including Itadori noticed your sudden change in demeanor and inquired about it.
"Hey, Y/N, what's wrong?" Yuji asked.
You hesitated but finally confided in them about your feelings of jealousy regarding Hana's constant attention towards Megumi. They listened attentively and understood how difficult it was for you.
"I think you should talk to Megumi about it," Nobara suggested. "Communication is key in any relationship, isn't it?"
Feeling slightly relieved, you decided to follow their advice.
Later that day, when you found a quiet moment alone with Megumi, you took a deep breath and confessed your feelings of jealousy and insecurity. Babe, I know it might sound silly, but I can't help feeling jealous whenever I see Hana around you," you admitted, avoiding eye contact.
Megumi's eyes softened as he gently cupped your face, making you meet his gaze. "Y/N, there's no need to be jealous. You're the one I love, and no one can change that. Hana is just a friend, nothing more," he reassured you, his voice filled with sincerity.
His words brought a sense of comfort to your heart, and you realized that your jealousy was rooted in your own insecurities. You nodded, feeling a weight lifted off your shoulders.
However, it seemed that fate had a way of testing your newfound resolve.
A few days later, during a training session, Hana challenged you to a sparring match. You couldn't help but feel like she was intentionally trying to get under your skin.
The match began, and the intensity of your emotions took over. You both fought fiercely, but soon, it devolved into a heated argument. Before you knew it, you and Hana were grappling with each other, locked in a battle of emotions as much as physical strength.
Just as it seemed things might escalate further, Megumi intervened, stepping between you and Hana. "That's enough," he said firmly, his voice commanding attention. "What got into you, girls?"
He then turned to you, his gaze soft but stern. "Y/N, I know what caused that, but this isn't the way to handle it. Talk to her if something's bothering you. We're a team, remember?"
You swallowed your pride, realizing that he was right. With a nod, you apologized to Hana, who seemed taken aback but accepted your apology. "I want you to know that I'm not proud of how I reacted, but I think it's important for us to address the elephant in the room."
Hana's expression turned serious, and she nodded. "Ok, I understand. Please, go ahead."
Taking a moment to collect your thoughts, you continued, "I couldn't help but notice that you were spending a lot of time around Megumi, and I'll admit, it stirred up feelings of jealousy in me."
Hana's eyes widened in realization, and she glanced at Megumi, who was observing the conversation with a calm demeanor. "Oh, I see. Y/N, but I assure you, I never meant to come between you and Megumi. I was just trying to make friends, and I guess I didn't realize how it might look," she shrugged her shoulders.
You appreciated her honesty and openness. "Thank you for explaining. I know it's my own insecurity that led to the fight, and I'll work on it, I promise. Gosh, now I'm feeling like a fucking idiot…"
Megumi stepped forward, his presence a source of comfort. "Hana, Y/N. I hope we can all move forward from this."
From that day forward, you made a conscious effort to communicate with Megumi whenever jealousy tried to rear its head. He, in turn, reassured you of his feelings and made sure you knew how much he cherished you.
As time passed, Hana's attempts to get closer to Megumi subsided, and she eventually found her own group of friends.
You focused on nurturing your relationship with Megumi, allowing your trust and love to flourish.
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blumeblooms · 6 months
- > speak up ! || one - are you even real ??
toge inumaki x reader
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“Of course, I’d love for you to be my student, but unfortunately i believe there is another teacher who you would learn better from.” The lovely lady, Utahime, says to you as you keep walking, slightly still in a daze from what just happened in the last 20 minutes.
Okay. So maybe you should rewind. You’ve volunteered at your favorite flower shop by your dorm for about 6 months now, a weekly customer coming in, Utahime you’ve learned over the months. Always stopping by to grab a plant for her ‘precious shoko’ who she says you ‘have to meet’! You’ve grown fond of the woman as she has of you too, sometimes occasionally stopping for brunch. A mother figure she reminds you of, but enough about the mommy issues, back to the current events.
For as long as you can remember, you’ve always felt this weird feeling, seeing horrifying creatures which your doctors just told you was sleep paralysis, or maybe schizophrenia, which you’ve just come to terms with. Maybe you were just ‘making it worse’ according to them, but you’d focused your mind on the creature to make it die, and it’s been working. Sure you felt drained after, and you smelt something awful from it, but you were probably just tired right?
Wrong. You thought you were having another episode as Utahime stopped by and you focused on the creature behind her for it to go away, just as it did. She freaked out and asked where you learned how to do that, just to find out you didn’t know about curses, or anything of it. As she explains the hidden side of the world, now walking with you as she talks about this ‘annoying powerful blindfolded man’ her words, not yours. How you have such potential and jujutsu high needs you. You were always a people pleaser, and even if you had taken in too much information in the last 20 minutes, if it meant your ‘episodes’ would be manageable, and you’d help other people, then you guess it was okay. For now atleast, until you overthink and panic later.
“Um, I’m not really sure i’m suited for this, but if you want me too i’ll try Miss Utahime. Are we going to meet ‘Jogo?’ Or uhm ‘Gojo?’ I think you said, now?” You ask a little on guard, still not really knowing what’s going on, making a mental note for you to tell your bestfriend Miwa all this later.
“Not Jogo, Never Jogo.” Utahime shutters with a disgusted face, before recollecting herself “Yes, we’re going to see Gojo now. He’s aware we’re on the way, I’m sure he’ll like you. I have to leave after a few minutes for a mission, but you always are welcome to text or call me dear.”
You nod warily as you keep walking, apparently close to ‘Jujutsu high school’ as Utahime goes on with explaining whatever the fuck the world apparently actually is. She could just be delusional like you, but she’s a sweet woman, you’ll do her a favor every so often without complaint.
As the giant building comes into frame, you wipe your sweaty hands as you suddenly feel a little nervous, Utahime calling the ‘blindfolded man’ in question from afar as you wonder if this was an actual good idea.
|| previous || masterlist || next
- > SORRY THIS IS ALL OVER THE PLACE, i promise it’ll make more sense soon!
- > Utahime would fix your mommy issues don’t tell me i’m wrong. (slightly joking)
- > toge coming soon!
• summary - in where you meet nice lady in a flower shop you volunteer at, just to find out you can defeat curses when you thought you were just hallucinating. you transfer to jujutsu high, and you see a guy with his face covered who tried to steal flowers the other day! you confront him and he stays silent, so you tell him to speak up, only for him to say… onigiri ingredients? whether you just quit or go on with this new lifestyle- well, that’s for fate to decide.
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yume-chin · 7 months
I don't want to… but this is goodbye
So, I'll start by saying that all the requests that have come to me have not been forgotten, I'm taking a little longer because between university and health I haven't had much time available.
I would also like to post some stuff that I left in the drafts so I'll slowly get everything out, I swear.
Miles G. Morales (earth 42) x Reader
Pov: You were sent to Earth-42 to help with crime and what was supposed to be a week-long mission ended up becoming your daily life for years, but now, you've been contacted to go back and will have to say goodbye to the life you had created there.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
Request: No
Warning: just bad english and angst
Genre: She/her
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
Total words: 1414
Text words: 1212
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It was supposed to be a quiet one day of spring.
You should have gotten up, gotten ready with all the tranquility in the world and you should have met your friends for breakfast.
You were supposed to go to class and at the end of class you were supposed to spend your day with your boyfriend.
You would have studied, listened to some music, you would have enjoyed each other's company in the most beautiful silence you could wish for.
That comfortable silence that only two people linked by a strong feeling could create.
But no. Your entire organization was destroyed by a piece of news that put a bad taste in your mouth.
After all these years, the fateful news had arrived that you would have to return home.
You had wished with all your being that this day would never come. You dreamed of being able to stay there and live the life you had created for yourself but as they say, you can't run away from your destiny.
You had been sent to Earth 42 by Miguel, you were supposed to stay there for a couple of weeks to study the crime situation that oppressed the city and then return to headquarters to discuss what was best to do to solve the problem.
Instead they asked you to stay there to start fighting crime, from time to time other spider-people would arrive for support but you had been officially assigned to that case and so the weeks became months, and then they became years. In all this time you had the opportunity to make friends, create an alternative life, parallel to the Spider-girl life you had, and above all, meet a person who had conquered you with his way of doing things. Miles Morales.
He started out like a bully in class who had suddenly decided that you would become his favorite victim, and instead you don't remember how, you ended up being a real couple, so much so that your friends always made fun of you.
You thought that by now, with all the time that had passed, you would stay there but instead all your certainties crumbled that morning, when as soon as you woke up you received a call from Miguel informing you of the excellent work I had done there and that it had now arrived time to go home.
It was such a huge blow that you didn't have the courage to go to school, not because you were afraid of who knows what, but because you wouldn't have been able to handle another day there with the current knowledge that it would be your last day there. You should have said goodbye to everything and everyone, your friends, your teachers but above all, your boyfriend.
You informed your friends that you wouldn't be there this morning for health reasons and they all looked so worried, your heart sank.
All your thoughts then went to Miles and sadness took over your body, how would he react? Would he hate you forever? Would you ever see him again? They were all questions that ran through your brain but you couldn't give a real answer to them, you could only make hypotheses.
Your thoughts were caught by an insistent knock on the door.
You wanted to ignore everything but the need to know who was knocking won over everything.
You stood up and headed for the door. A sigh to free you from the anxiety came out of your mouth and you finally found the courage to open the door.
Your blood froze in your veins. You weren't ready for that confrontation.
A particularly annoyed and worried Miles stood in front of you. He looked at you with wide eyes.
-Are you OK? What do you have? - he asked without giving you time to formulate a real meaningful sentence.
You stood there looking at him, surprised by his arrival. He should have had class right now.
-So?!- he insisted, obviously annoyed.
-Shouldn't you be in class now?- you asked to try in every way to divert the dialogue that terrified you so much.
-I know what you're trying to do, answer my question. What did you do?- he insisted, not taking his eyes off you for even a second.
-I wasn't feeling very well… that's all- the excuse came out of your mouth without thinking too much.
-Bullshit!- he looked you straight in the eyes -tell me the truth right away, I'm not going to stay here and listen to these lies-
-I'm not lying- you tried to answer but was blocked in no time -I know you, I know you're not sick, I can read you like an open book and you know it-
Your gaze dropped, a lump formed in your throat, panic took hold of you, your heart pounded and tears threatened to spill. It was an extremely stressful situation.
-Do you want to give me an answer then?!- he raised his voice a little, making you look up in surprise
-I... I have to go home...- time seemed to freeze. Miles didn't respond, just stood there staring at you.
-I received a call today... and... I have to go home...-
-What does it mean?- I look into your eyes insistently. You couldn't decipher that look, it was different, it wasn't a look of anger, not even of sadness, it seemed... fear?
-I'm leaving this evening...-
-Is this a way of telling me you're leaving me?!-
-I don't want to... but this is goodbye...-
There was a long moment of silence that was shortly broken by Miles' angry voice
-You didn't want to tell me...?- his gaze lowered as he clenched his fists.
-It's not like that... I would have told you...- you tried to get closer but Miles moved your hand away as it was about to rest on his shoulder.
-Oh yes? And when exactly? When did you already leave?! - I look at you with that look full of pain and disappointment.
-It's not like that love-
-DON'T CALL ME LOVE!- your heart skipped a beat due to the reaction and pain of that sentence.
-Miles…- you tried to get closer again to try to fix the already quite critical situation but he moved away.
-Have a good trip.- he said ironically and then left.
You wanted to chase him, hold him close, cry, but you stayed there, heartbroken, watching him go.
You couldn't feel bad, you shouldn't even have created this situation.
You were on a mission, you knew it. As you also knew that sooner or later you would have to say goodbye to everything, you just didn't think it would be so difficult and painful.
By now you couldn't do anything anymore, the mission was over and for everyone's good you had to return to normality, for what normality meant to you.
You looked one last time in the direction where Miles disappeared and then returned to your room to unpack all your bags.
Your heart hurts, but you know you've left the good of the behindcity ​​where the boy you love lives andused was enough for you to be happy. Or at least it waswhat you were looking forconvince yourself.
If obviously you have any requests for spider-man into the spider-verse/ across the spider-verse please come forward.
I also want to tell you that I have other ideas for the continuation so if I see that people are interested I will try to write a second part.
I hope you liked it
A hug ♡
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won4ver · 8 months
Tulips bloom in our tears
🌷 a series where you and riki love each other in every life. [inspired by nessa barrett songs]
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in your first life you promised riki that you would love him the same in every life, and he promised he’d love you forever. what you didn’t know was that the gods heard your promises, and they cried for you. your fate in that life was already decided, you were born to die early, and he was born to live forever. the gods tears fell from the clouded abyss, disguised as rain. they cried for the wandering boy, the boy who couldn’t get in. they wished for a miracle, oh and what a miracle it was. the couples fate was changed, they would meet and fall in love all the same in every life. who knew all it took was a wish on the tears, the everlasting tulips bloomed in the holes of their melancholic love and created their own heaven.
but why does it seem like most of them end in tragedy
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their first life
now playing : i can’t get in
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↳ “what if i can’t get in? how will i see you again?”
everyone told him that he will get over it; that he will get over you. but they don’t understand, no one ever does. they say he’s wasting his life mourning over someone who won’t come back, that he needs to move on. they don’t understand that you were his life, and when you died everything he loved about himself died along with you. you were the thing he loved the most about himself, and without you everything is black and white. no matter how many times he tried to get to you, he never could.
their second life
now playing : i’ve never loved you more
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↳ “we can pretend that this didn’t happen”
he tried his best, he always did. but sometimes his best just wasn’t good enough for you. you knew he was busy with his career, but you didn’t sign up to have a part time boyfriend. he wanted to be there for you, it was just hard. you knew he didn’t understand, but that didn’t mean it hurt any less. he never knew about the obvious hourglass, and he especially didn’t know about how it was almost completely out. he was too late, he’s always been bad at time. even the sand didn’t wait for him, how could he expect love to? all you wanted was to be loved by him, i guess we can’t hold other people to our own expectations.
their third life
now playing : you’re more than beautiful, you’re mine
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↳ you’re lucky that you’re pretty”
after hearing his label mates new song riki decided to show her that there’s more to her than her body. he’s heard of her, everyone has. she’s untouchable, with visuals that rival the beauty of the night sky. she’s everywhere, her face plastered on every billboard and bus alike. her voice sounds from every platform, her velvety voice attracts the ears of everyone, hypnotizing them and drawing them into the ad. and finally she’s there, crying in her practice room with her arms wrapped around her body with her new solo blasting in the room. riki’s admired her from afar, and now it’s time to show her why he loves her. and why she should love herself.
their forth life
now playing : even blindfolded i’d still find you
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↳ “so it’s you and me against the world”
two dancers, two blindfolds, one song. regionals were coming up and deceils academy was scrambling for something different, for something no one was expecting. nishimura riki, leader of the male dance team. and arguably the best dancer in the entire academy. well thats what everyone assumed until the dance team stumbled upon her. Ln yn, the star figure skater. and arguably the schools biggest loner. what better way to not only win regionals but to hopefully soften the cold leader then to submit them as a duo. seems pretty easy right? well not only do they have to dance as a duo, but blindfolded. two souls who’ve always had trouble trusting others now had to put complete trust in each other.
their fifth life
now playing : a stars reunion
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↳ “hell is right around the corner, but it’s heaven next to you”
the end of the world was approaching and like an avalanche they all fell down. it was just them left, their stairs creaked with the weight of their burdens. in the late nights of the apocalypse they only have each other and the stars, until they only have the stars. the monsters sounded from outside their hut, but when they’re together everything will be alright. even the end of the world couldn’t stop their love, until it did.
their sixth life
now playing : true loves kiss is a fraud, isn’t it?
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↳ “praying on a lucky star”
even though they’ve attended the same school since elementary they’ve never interacted with each other. they always got placesin different classes, and their friend groups couldn’t be anymore different. their timelines never entwined. but they doesn’t mean that it will always stay that way. sometimes the things you could grow to love the most could be right in front of you, or on the kiss cam above you.
their seventh life
now playing : 4 5683 968, 4'6 76779
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↳ “you think you can keep me?”
he shouldn’t be in love with his best friends brother, god it makes him sick. it makes him sick how obsessed he is, how he would do anything for the boy who makes him feel alive. he loves him so much, that’s why he has to do this. he tells himself that every morning while looking into the mirror, he tells himself that after avoiding him all day at school. he tells himself that after constantly breaking his heart. he loved him, but not enough to keep him. riki was selfish, and his reputation meant everything to him. but was his reputation worth losing the love of his life? he was too dumb, and too late. he already lost him, he was gone. riki never got to say goodbye, all that was left to prove their existence was the photos in riki’s private photo album and the voice memo left in his messages. “i love you, i’m sorry”. but riki didn’t know that love had different plans for him, he had a chance at love again.
their eighth life
now playing : they couldn’t save you, but i will
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↳ “i don’t want to live without you”
nishimura riki’s parents hated everyone, so why were they now sitting in a crowded venue with a video camera sat on his mother’s shoulder, and a huge bouquet of flowers clutched in his fathers arms? most importantly, why are they cheering and screaming this random girl’s name with huge, blinding, smiles on their usual stoic faces? riki grew up hearing his parents tell him to stay away from everyone who wasn’t like him, who wasn’t like them. riki kept a close friend group his whole life, only befriending the other kids in their mafia. it came to a shock to everyone when riki’s parents suddenly became extremely protective over a mysterious girl, a girl who they refuse to introduce to anyone for her safety. riki was curious about this person who his parents started talking up, about this girl who apparently was perfect for him. he was appalled, his stone cold parents trying to set him up with a girl? impossible. it was only a matter of time until their paths cross, and he too falls for her innocence.
their ninth life
now playing : you’re prettiest with me
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↳ “bang bang”
at first this hit was just like every other one, just another notch to add on your belt. everything was going smoothly, all you had to do was pull the trigger. as your finger tensed to prepare to pull the trigger your eyes suddenly connected, he was looking towards you. no, he was looking directly at you. and if life couldn’t get worse your soulmate mark suddenly started tingling, your vision gaining gold hues around the edges. his thoughts echoed across your head in the most pleasurable way, “what’s in your hands?”. and without a second to think you idiotically blurted out the first thing you could think of, “a gummy gun”. who would’ve though that his laughter would now be your favourite audio in the universe.
their tenth life
now playing : when the world is silent you shine brighter
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↳ “i’ve never felt so alive”
nishimura riki was obsessed. the way your smile gleamed brighter than the solar eclipse, your eyes pulling up in a beautiful array of stars pulled from the galaxy. everyone knew who you were, your title following you all throughout your highschool life. your title never bothered him, something he made very obvious since the beginning. he accidentally caught your eye one morning after bumping into you, and his actions that followed after. rather than spitting our a rushed feigned apology before rushing away, he confidently stood there with his hand in a fist against his chest. he watched as your eyes followed his wrist as it made a full circle, then watched as your mouth pulled up into the very smile that’s been running through his mind since he first saw you. however what you didn’t know was that everyday for the last year he’s been taking lessons to learn sign language for you, to finally talk with you.
🤍🩵 🤍🩵 🤍🩵 🤍🩵 🤍🩵 🤍🩵 🤍🩵
started : ??
ended : ??
wc ~10-15k each
warnings will be listed with the fic. some will be fem reader pov and others m reader pov.
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indiaalphawhiskey · 11 months
Hii India
You already said a few things about Harry taking a break.. now that the last show is over and Harry saying goodbye over Instagram, what do you think?
A lot of people have the opinion he’s going to be gone for quite a while now. Whatever it is I’m glad he’s taking the break. For me it’s a confirmation that he’s still dealing with the mess that fame is in a healthy way and I’m going to be here for when he decides to come back. I’m going to miss him so much though.
And I would love to hear your take on things. Do you think this is a goodbye for a longer time period? Or is it more an goodbye for him, to be okay with the fact that things might never be the same as they were during this tour? That his fame is changing and he accepts that he doesn’t have to control it?
Hi, love 🩵
Hmm. So, I can’t believe I’m actually going to say this, but practically speaking, for the first time, the set up of a new stunt is a hopeful sign. If they’re finding a way to keep Harry in the press, however low the profile (🤞🏼), it’s for a reason. My hunch is that he is tying up with Loewe in some way, and in that sense, I don’t think it will be long ‘til we see him again, physically (however infrequently).
But, I also think touring is tougher than he makes it seem, physically, mentally and emotionally. I think all the things he realized during COVID, about being a better son/brother/friend (and partner) is a driving force in this seemingly more urgent need to find balance. It’s certainly a shift from the way he was working/talking during Fine Line, but I also think that’s the point.
He’s now in a very rare “natural” break in his career as a musician. We haven’t had any confirmation that he’s re-signed with Columbia (although I have no doubt that he has), so for all intents and purposes, he’s currently publicly free from professional obligation for the first time in a long time (at least in terms of his music) and that is going to feel very, very odd for someone who’s been working essentially non-stop (whether in the spotlight or behind the scenes) for over a decade. I think that novelty and sense of impermanence is something he’s trying really hard to embrace; to meet with excitement rather than fear. So, for the most part, I stand by my original thoughts.
But, if I can add:
I think Harry is the kind of person that is very aware of the gravity of fate and sheer magic that has gone into his success. You can see it in the way he talks about there being “no reason he should be getting to do this instead of anyone else” and how “we’re all the same” and “this doesn’t happen to people like me very often”. In this way, I think there’s a constant groundedness about his person and an acceptance of the vulnerability of his career and his success — in other words, he knows that lighting really might not strike thrice, and I think he’s preparing himself for that. There was a moment on the last Late Late show, when he was comparing himself to Will Ferrell and he said something like “Will has longevity and I’m more a flash in the pan” (untrue, but I digress) and what struck me about that line was how acutely aware he is that things can change for him at any moment. It’s similar to his “whatever people say about you, it’s not true. If people say you’re the best thing ever, it’s not true” quote on Howard Stern; like I think it’s one of the themes of his life, having to have a firm hold on reality so that the ‘inevitable’ crash is manageable.
He also seems to be trying to learn from the lives of other musicians/celebrities, and take those lessons to heart by applying them to his life and his work. in the end, I think what he’s trying to do is just accept that there are no guarantees; that he doesn’t know and has no control over whatever happens to the world while he’s away or what he’s returning to. I think the reason it sounds so definitive and scary and existential is because it is all of those things, for him. This is a big change, and he’s giving it its space and weight for the first time, because it is the first time he’s been able to say a proper goodbye (1D hiatus was rushed, HS1 went directly into FL, FL ended abruptly during COVID… there’s a pattern.)
Bottom line though, is that I know for certain Harry fucking loves music and touring. It’s a compulsion, for him. It’s in his DNA. And that’s why I’m not scared that he’ll leave forever, because I’ve always hard the feeling his music nourishes him just as much (if not more) than it nourishes us. He does what he does for himself, and we’re a bonus, and as an artist, that is the best reason to do anything and the only reason to keep coming back to it, regardless of the uncertainty that awaits him.
Not to make this novel any longer than it is, but I’ve also had a recent thought that occurred to me: Harry is 29, which means he’s currently going through his Saturn return.
I’ve asked my therapist (who is also an astrologist) for a bit more literature on Saturn returns, cause I’m super curious about how that might be affecting him. (For background, all my friends got married around the times of their Saturn return, and both my best friend and I picked up and moved halfway across the world during ours so at least for the people in my life, it seems like it is consistent with big change, and from the way Harry is talking, it seems it might be affecting him the same way.) I’ll get back to you. 😉🪐
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norieoncrack · 8 months
(N): a nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that is distant, or that has been loved then lost; “the love that remains.
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff (I think)
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: Silver (vanrouge)
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞: On
𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞: Oneshot.
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬: They/them
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: It’s you and I, keeping our story under the wraps
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: None.
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What else were you gonna say about your life? That you wish it didn’t have to be like this or that you’re bored out of your mind? You liar~ Nothing was boring with him around, wasn’t it?
Your prince, Silver was everything you wanted in a lover and more, opposite to most of the student at NRC he was a pure gentleman to you and a sweet lover even with his strange sleeping schedule. Despite being in a secret relationship, having it well kept between you and him only, you both can’t help but make a few people stare at you with the look of ‘something feels weird’
Maybe we should go back to the start of how you both came to be? It’s not a long story when you think about it, in fact he was the one who approached you, just after Leona’s overblot.
“Silver, thank you for helping us, Prefect…?” Silver hair and aurora eyes, he was breathing taking for a first meeting.
“(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n). Glad to be of service to you and Diasomnia.” You quickly brushed it off though, back then you still hadn’t entirely gotten over the overblot situation and was still so scared.
“…Are you okay?” If he hadn’t asked that would he have made an impact on you? Would you still have remembered those lilac eyes? Maybe you would, but you also wouldn’t.
“Ah I’m good! Thank you for worrying.” You had no choice but to keep to yourself, a world you’re unfamiliar with, did Silver saw his younger self in you?
It was a strange meeting maybe but, just with those little words you kept hearing over and over again, your heart began to loosen up a bit. After that meeting, you both coincidentally kept meeting each other, what was it they often say?
Once was chance, you never thought you’d see him again after the spell drive tournament, neither did he, in all honesty you had already kind of liked him like how friends would.
“Oh it’s you prefect, what brings you to the library?” You happen to visit the library to review for the mid-terms, looks like you happen to meet him again.
“Mid-terms, I just needed something on the ‘New age of Lacuna’” since being a first year focused more on information and writing you had no choice but to read references for history class.
“I have it, you wanna read it together?” What’s the worse that could happen between sharing and reading a book? The spark to your relationship of course.
Twice is a coincidence, your relationship started to bloom as you both kept in touch for school problems, you began to talk to him more about your problems with unable to handle most of the work handed, he talked to you about his sleeping problems.
“Oh, I didn’t expect to see you again so soon.” Poker face from start to end, every time you saw him you wonder what he would like liked if he started smiling.
“Haha I’m kind of just buying essentials but nice to see you to, Silver.” Sam came back and handed you a bag filled with hygiene things as well as a separate box for Tuna cans.
“You need help?” Despite protesting, Silver still carried the heavy box of tuna cans for you, at this point you were already somewhere on the verge of falling in love.
“ You really don’t have to help me.” All you had as an answer was his hunm in agreement.
“So? I wanted to help you.” Honestly it’s a miracle you haven’t started staring at him up and down, or maybe you did? Either way you were sure your heart was beating of your rib cage when you saw those lovely eyes.
Thrice was fate, the third time you met and afterwards all you could began to think was about him. You did consider the chances of being in a relationship with him, you really did but you were just so afraid of breaking your heart for so many reasons that you started distancing yourself from him.
“Prefect, what are you hiding here for?” That afternoon you were so overwhelmed you couldn’t even attend class, you just had to make a deal with Azul and was facing a huge chance of losing the Ramshackle dorm.
“…” you didn’t know what to do other than stare at the ground, as you sat on the grassy field all alone with your thoughts.
“I happened to hear about your situation… if you want you could stay with me.” His words surprised you, however it wasn’t the fact that you could have the potential of losing your dorm that made you so tired, it was the planning on breaking in a museum.
“I- really thank you, but I’m fine, I don’t want to bother you.” He looked bothered by your words, was it something you said?
“Idiot, you can’t keep going on like this, you’ll burn yourself out.” With that said though you thought he’d go away, but it surprisingly he stayed there, he stayed there for you.
Let’s just say after your fourth meeting, you and him just closer and closer than before, how were you so lucky as to meet him?
More and on about your relationship, you both felt like there was no reason to announce it and just left it just as it is, however when you both eventually started dating there was a big talk about how you both were gonna meet each other with your schedules being a bit different and busy.
In the end, you both just decided to go on dates at night, most of them were picnic dates, some times a walk in the woods, there were also study dates. Although his strange sleeping habit of falling asleep in the middle of nowhere gave you a heart attack, you found it quite cute, you avoided walks after his last falling asleep in the woods.
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It would have been fun if you could have continued keeping your relationship just low-key, but it didn’t stay as a secret for long. Just somewhere around winter break, your lover wanted to bring you home with him however you couldn’t agree.
“Are you sure, darling? It’s rough staying at the school in breaks, I’m not forcing you but are you sure?” You felt his hands in your hair, untangling the knots and giving you a gentle head massage.
“Yes, I’m sure, I’ll be fine sweetie. Don’t worry too much about me.” You wished moments like these would last forever, they can last right?
“If you ever change your mind just give me a call alright?” You really wanted to go with him, but the crow really just had to make you babysit the school while he was away.
“Am I interrupting something?” Out of the dark and dimness of the lounge where you laid on your lover’s chest, Grim stood at the door annoyed and probably hungry.
That night you had to try and bribe grim from saying anything about your relationship, why you did that? You had no idea but just felt like it. Silver on the other hand didn’t really mind if news about your relationship got out, but since it looked like you didn’t enjoy it he just let you do as you pleased.
“Is there a reason why we should keep our relationship a secret?” Scribbling away you don’t seem to hear much of what he was saying, maybe it was something about his side of work?
“Not really, I’m not sure why… I’ve rarely been in a relationship before so I guess I was just worried?” When you managed to make out what he was saying you kind of just answered what you thought of first, should have payed attention to what he said.
“So you don’t mind if we made it public?”
“Well.. no, I really don’t mind”
Maybe if you were more conscious and thought careful about why he asked that, then maybe you could hold have been more mentally prepared. Because that was how you got into your current situation.
On the day of him going back home, you were also invited by some of your friends as well, mainly Deuce and Ace and just like with Silver you declined them, saying goodbye to your friends was like parents seeing their children off on a trip, ‘thank god they’re gone’.
“(Y/n), mind if I talked to you for a second?” He tapped on your shoulder, Ace and Deuce didn’t really noticed and just thought Silver needed something from you.
“Yeah su-“ All he needed from you was a goodbye kiss, and one that you didn’t even had the chance to react or explain to them, they all just stared at you as if you grew multiple heads.
What you technically didn’t expect was him giving you pda in public, that was one way of telling the world you both were dating but can’t he tell you beforehand? Now you’re as red as a tomato.
“SILVER, WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE BENEVOLENT THORN WITCH WAS THAT?!” Sebek gently asked in a not so gentle way, you just hid your face in Silver’s chest out of malfunctioning.
“A goodbye kiss, have Lilia and Malleus arrived?” He still hugged you, warm hands around your waist, you would have hit him but you loved him too much to do so.
You felt stares that seemed to burn into your skull, Ace and Deuce really wanted answers to what they just witnessed, they felt betrayed, how dare you keep your love life away from them?
“I can explain, hear me out.”
Despite saying that they still bombarded you with more questions you didn’t know how to answer, your lover just chuckled and had a rare smile on his face, oh no, you think you just fell harder in love with him.
“I’ll see you after break, remember, call me if you need anything” leaving you he began to walk away, perhaps you were feeling bold and didn’t notice Lilia right away.
“Hold on now, here’s one more goodbye kiss from me” kissing his cheek you chuckled as his face grew a bit red as well.
“You didn’t tell me you had a lover Silver, you wound this old bat” a smirk from Lilia, a grumble of embarrassment from your lover, he was definitely gonna get teased by Lilia later.
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Thanks for reading! Please like and reblog it would help me out so much, thank you!
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bellarkeselection · 5 months
Dr. Halstead to the Rescue
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Hi Shy Anonymous asker here is your request. I hope I did it justice ❤️- Reader is new in Chicago, to start a new life away from her abusive ex. Will soon gets to know that she's all alone in Chicago and he begins to care for her especially after she's released from the hospital. I think of Will is slowly gaining her trust, nursing her back to health
Some people believe in fate or destiny. I wasn’t one of those people during most of my life until one night changed everything for me. I only remember pieces of the accident that night. It was raining heavily in Chicago where I was looking for a hotel for the night. I had jumped on the first available flight away from my abusive ex boyfriend.
Driving down the road that night I saw his phone number come through the phone where I took my eyes off the road for a split second. “You’ve got to be kidding. It’s not going to happen Tony!…argh!” Headlights came right up behind me and rear ended me at the stoplight throwing my head against the steering wheel.
My ears were ringing and when I brushed my hand over my head seeing blood on it when I drew my hand back. Blinking my eyes my vision was slightly blurry when someone knocked on my driver window. “Are you hurt?” A guy with auburn hair could be seen outside.
“I think I’m okay…woah geez.” I opened the door and he stepped away helping me out of the car and I stumbled into his embrace feeling dizzy.
The stranger quickly reacted, sweeping me off my feet and up into his arms. He carried me to his car and he drove me to the hospital. “Don’t worry we’re going to the hospital nearby.” He kept turning his head looking at me concerned until I passed out.
Now I had been at the hospital for a few weeks and I learned the guy that hit me and brought me here is a doctor and his name is Will Halstead. Sitting up in my hospital bed I flipped through some tv stations finding that they were playing Iron Man 3. “Hey sorry to bother you. But I wanted to check on you when I finished my rounds.” Will peaked his head inside the room moving the curtain open.
“Hey Will, you really don't need to worry about me. Nothing serious has happened since you came to check on me 10 minutes ago.” I shake my head with a chuckle while laying the remote in my lap.
He lowered his head face turning slightly red. “Sorry Y/n. I'm just really sorry about rear ending your car that night.”
“It wasn't all your fault. I took my eyes off the road to look at a stupid text from my ex. So seriously please don't take all the blame.” I raised my hands in surrender, needing him to understand the situation since he seemed like a really nice guy who wanted to please everyone.
Will looks down at my chart shrugging his shoulders. “Okay let's see. You're labs and ex Ray came back all good. I did have to mark down the bruising on your back, arms and thighs though since I wasn't sure they weren't caused by the accident until a few days later. But otherwise you should be cleared to be discharged.”
“Really…that's great.” I perked up with a smile on my face until I realized that my car was totaled and I didn't have anywhere to go. My parents were a few hours away from here but were both at work. So I'd need an apartment or somewhere else to go for a couple days. “Actually I think I'm screwed.”
Will sat the chart underneath his arm meeting my nervous gaze. “Why what's wrong?”
“I don’t have anywhere to really live at the moment. I hopped on a plane and was on my way to find a hotel room the night of the accident.” Dropping my hands in my lap I didn't say much more. Even though Will was awfully kind and caring I wouldn't allow myself to open up to him just yet.
My ex Tony had done a real number on me. I didn't pretend like he and I were fine after he first started hitting me. So when he left for work I took what money he had left me and the extra I had in my wallet and I bolted. Trusting people, especially new guys, is now going to be a lot more difficult than it used to be. But I didn’t think Halstead had feelings for me, he's just doing his job. “Oh well how about you live with me for a little while until you find your own place and can get back on your feet?” He suggested laying my chart on the foot of the bed.
“Will, I can’t ask that of you.” I declined his generous offer not wanting to be intruding in on his private space.
Yet the young and attractive dr was instant when he sat down as close as he could on the bed. “I know you're not asking. I'm offering.”
“I…that's awfully nice of you.” I complimented seeing a smile grace his face brightly. “So I'll accept it, Dr. Halstead.”
Will got back up to his feet grabbing the chart and drawing open the curtain that showed the rest of the hospital floor to patients. He glanced over his shoulder at me. “I'll go start your discharge paperwork and then we can go get you some better food then what they serve here. My shift gets done at five but I'll take you to my apartment a little earlier so you can get settled in.”
“Dr. Halstead, why are you really being this nice to me. Is it because you feel guilty about the accident or is it some other reason?” I questioned with a tilting of my head trying to figure him out but my mind was still going blank.
The Dr shifted his body so he was facing me when he answered my question with that cheeky smile he had every time he came to check on me. “I dp feel guilty for what happened, yes. But that's not the only reason.”
“What's the other reason then?” I asked curiously.
He smiled back quickly, shifting his gaze to his shoes when his face turned red. “I fairly sure there is a slim chance you feel the same but…I don't know how it happened. I just found myself developing a crush on you.”
“Oh wow. I'm flattered.” I covered my heart with my hand feeling my face turning red for some unknown reason.
Will rubbed the back of his neck finally leaving the room. “Yeah uh…I'll come see you later to leave. Enjoy your movie.” I watched him leave the room before turning the TV back on to play the movie. Shifting around in the bed to lay down in a better position my mind wandered away from what I was watching and I found myself thinking of Will.
He seemed like an amazing guy compared to how Tony treated me. And maybe just maybe if I was brave enough someday in the future Will would know that I also found myself having a crush on him.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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ramcharantitties · 24 days
Chapter 5: Police Police
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"Huzoor, there is a police officer to meet you"
Phatto didn't raise her head to see, she didn't wish to meet Waheeda's fate. Mallika's eyes trailed to Zulfikar. Didn't they finally buried the case? Zulfikar sits up and nods at the younger woman, who makes her way to see the officer.
"We've got a phone call from Delhi, asking about Kainat. Do you want us to tell them the truth?"
Delhi? Mallika wasn't expecting Kainat to be there of all places. She thought hard about it. Kainat's nawab did come back, asking where she is. But Mallika was able to manipulate and send them back saying that the girl is theirs now, doesn't matter what she does. Kainat managed to escape from this hellhole, and as much as Mallika hated her, she didn't want Kainat to come back to Heeramandi. Also because Mallika didn't want Kainat to probe the Rehana's death scene. Mallika knew Fareedan and Kainat were close.
"No, she's happy where she is. She has no relations with Heeramandi whatsoever"
Waheeda stayed rooted to her spot, salty tears burning the newly made wound on her cheek. It should have been her.
"Police?" Akhtar was amused.
"You never know, what if she is only faking and using you?"
"You need to start believing people"
"Akhtar, do you really think I was going to trust just anyone?"
"She's just a young girl who escaped from her toxic family. What if they found she's here and will take her back?"
When the dinner was being served, Kainat saw Ram and Akhtar in a deep conversation, as of Ram broke their sacred knot. Not wanting to interrupt, Kainat waited until the dinner was served. As Ram and Akhtar made their way to the dining area, Kainat pulled Akhtar in a corner, showing a bracelet to him.
"What is this?"
Kainat places the yellow band, adorned with orange and red designs in Akhtar's palm. A doe eyes Akhtar showed plain confusion on his face. Kainat giggled, showing a matching band on her wrist too. "I got us matching bands as a token of appreciation. Akhtar bhaiya, if I wouldn't have met you that day, I'd probably be dead by now" Kainat's words melted Akhtar like ghee on flame. He cupped her cheek, taking the band from her.
A call from Ammi broke Akhtar and Kainat from their intimacy, hurrying them for dinner. Everyone sat down, passing and serving dishes.
"I am thinking of starting a dance class to earn money." Kainat announced, earning voices of appreciation. "Do you know how to dance?" It was only Ram, with a question hooked like fish on his tongue. "I do, in fact, my sisters has taught me ever since I was a child" Kainat amused. The same anxiety came back in her gut when thinking about Rehana.
"She's such a nice girl, so cultured and educated, such sincere. And you were calling Lahore, asking the polic-" a tight grip on Akhtar's bicep stopped him from saying further. A pin drop silence casted on familiar faces, staring at the young men. "Police?" Kainat's words fainted.
"Uh, well we had to confirm if-"
"I'm lying or not?" Kainat's tone was justified. "I wouldn't have mind if you did this weeks ago when we met, Mr. Ramaraju. But now? What's the point of it?" Ram sighed. "And you knew?" Kainat turned to Akhtar now. "I just got to know, I asked the same thing" Akhtar's voice faulted- whom to choose? His Anna or sister? Ram gave him a side eye for not defending him, but Akhtar wasn't entirely to blame. "We were just cautious since there are so many revolutionaries and-"
"Fine, go on. But Lahore? You called Lahore? What if my family finds out and comes back?" Akhtar's head whipped at Ram at super speed. Ram gaped and didn't say anything. Kainat didn't want to ruin everyone's dinner. She stood up from her seat, followed by Akhtar, who whispered a faint "I told you so". Before leaving, she turned around one last time, tears welling in her eyes. "Even if I was a delinquent, what if I wanted to change my whole life and that's why I came here? Would you have let me live with my new found family if you found I have an ill past?"
Ram stayed rooted on his seat, silent like soil. Meanwhile, Akhtar's parents exchanged looks. Police? Ram should have at least talked to someone first before doing this. Kainat stormed off that night, not eating her dinner.
The next morning, Ram visits the police station again, searching for his answer. He has seen various kind of criminals- stubborn, rude, kind and even innocent. And some manipulative. Ram believed Kainat was one of those, who has wrapped her amarbel around Akhtar's family so she could flourish. No matter how many emotional dramas she does, Ram was set to find the truth.
Ram stepped in the police station, making his way to the same constable. Upon seeing Ram's face, the constable pulled out a sheet of paper- that concluded the talk he had with Lahore police. Ram's eyes skimmed over the conversation, and for some reason, his face fell. Did he want her to have a bad past?
"They said that she has no criminal record, and is not related to Heeramandi either". Ram's eyebrows furrowed at the last statement. "Not related to Heeramandi?" He asked, giving the sheet back to the constable. The old constable nodded. "Heeramandi is a bazaar where tawaifs live, it's pretty well known. Seems like the woman you're after, she's a clean chit." Ram nodded, and left the police station. He has some mending to do.
Ram met Akhtar after leaving the police station. He told Akhtar about it, only to receive silent glares from him. "Go and apologize to her" Akhtar said, skipping a stone in the lake. "I didn't do anything wrong" Ram skipped another stone. It drowned on the second skip. "She didn't say it was wrong to do her background check. She said you didn't trust her for so long. And that you called Lahore" Akhtar skipped another stone. 5 skips. Ram held the flat stone in his hand, and looked up at Akhtar.
Tagging: @ramayantika @vijayasena @jkdaddy01 @yehsahihai @lilliebeingdelulu @definitelyhim @starlight-1010 @panikk-attackkk @multifandom-boss-bitch @jeniniie
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drizztdohurtin · 30 days
Tangled Fates
Rolan x unnamed!Tav
find full fic details here
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Chapter 1
Summary: Tav arrives at the Druid Grove, meets Zevlor, Rolan, Cal and Lia, and spends the following tenday getting to know her companions as they ready themselves to confront the goblin camp.
Rating: none Warnings: none Word count: 2,502
Read on AO3
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The grove was filled with tieflings who she learned were refugees from the city Elturel - somewhere Tav had visited before The Descent - about 200 miles east of Baldur’s Gate along River Chionthar. After the whole debacle of Elturel falling to the hells and back, the people of the city forced the tiefling residents out, believing the entire thing was their fault. 
The man who led the tiefling refugees, Zevlor, had filled in Tav and her companions, Karlach, Lae’zel, and Gale, after they helped save the grove from an attack by some goblins. He told them the leader of the grove, Kagha, was in the process of forcing the refugees out, claiming it was for the best for those who resided in the grove. She was already in the process of sealing it off from the rest of the world. 
At the request of Zevlor, who just wanted more time to prepare his people for the road to Baldur’s Gate, Tav was currently on her way to speak with Kagha. Tav didn’t have a habit of helping every person in need that she came across, but this time was a little different. She felt for the tieflings - being exiled from safety twice now, and at no fault of their own. Presently, she stood at the table of a merchant, trading everything she had picked up since waking up on the beach for gold and supplies. 
She thanked the trader quickly before continuing on her way to Kagha where Lae’zel and Karlach had already gone, taking an inventory of her supplies as she walked. She thought for a second about her day, realizing how tired she was, and that she wasn’t even in shock. She chuckled to herself quietly, shaking her head; she was more desensitized to bad shit happening to her than she thought. And, Gods, does her head hurt. The only good thing to happen so far was getting to clock some guy in the jaw - knocking him out cold - for being a douchebag to Zevlor. 
Her thoughts were disrupted upon hearing a couple of tieflings arguing (loudly) over something. With Gale in tow, she observed the group of three as she passed them, fiddling with the new ring she just traded a few rusty daggers for. A woman and two men were arguing about whether to stay or leave, or something or other. Tav gathered that the three were siblings, the woman was called Lia and one of the men was called Rolan. The latter caught her eye as he was wearing a robe and metal chestpiece commonly donned by sorcerers. Lia had been waving her hands around, trying to get Rolan to see her side, as he stood there with perfect posture and his hands tense at his sides, and the other man tried his best to mediate their squabbling. 
Tav had just made it past them when the girl called out to her, “Miss!” She didn’t want to get pulled into whatever they had been arguing about, but she didn’t want to be an ass either. She sighed a little, turning to get a better look at the group. 
“You were there fighting the goblins, you saw them fight,” Lia said to her. “You know our people can’t survive another attack like that, especially if they come back in larger numbers. The people here need everyone they can get, right?” She was desperate, speaking not just to Tav but also to Rolan. 
Before Tav could reply, Rolan dismissed the notion, “I’ll not gamble our lives, or futures, on people who are as good as dead,” he scoffed. “We must leave for Baldur’s Gate at once.” 
“What’s the point in blades and spells if we don’t bloody use them? We should stay! These people aren’t fighters. We can help!” 
At this point, the other man gave up trying to calm them, and Lia looked to Tav for help. It took her a second to realize she wanted her to say something. 
Tav shrugged. “If your people aren’t fighters… I suppose there’s more safety in numbers. A single blade could make a difference.” 
Looking back to Rolan, Lia was visibly relieved, “Just like I was saying. I don’t want all these lives on my conscience. We need to stay.”
“Zurgan... Fine, we’ll stay. If we survive, it’ll make for a good story I suppose.” Rolan looked at Tav, narrowing his eyes. She looked back at him, observing him and the way he held himself. She wasn’t used to people who were so uptight. 
Lia thanked Rolan and threw Tav a grateful glance as she began to walk away, to which Tav returned with a slight nod. Their brother approached with a relieved smile, “I’m Cal by the way.” 
She nodded again, “Tav.” 
Cal then spoke in a hush, “Lia and Rolan would never admit it, but they’d take an arrow for the other. Also stab each other, not sure what’ll come first. Thank you for helping.” 
With that, he turned back to Rolan as he joined Lia, “Don’t be grumpy, we’ll get to the city soon.”
“I’m not grumpy!” Rolan insisted, very obviously grumpy.
Tav began to leave, peering back down at the ring still in her hand when Rolan began again. “We should’ve left by now. Staying is a mistake.” While he indeed seemed grumpy, Tav could see a flicker in his eyes, a glint of fear. 
She had seen it on all types of faces, she could detect it under 100 layers of other emotions, and other times it was so visible she’d wonder if that person has ever once known any other emotion. She took him in for a moment; his expressions, his posture, the way his eyes looked into hers, and the emotions they held. He was harder to read than the average person she’d come across, but, indeed, beneath hundreds of layers she could see fear. But she had things to do, so she didn’t care to argue with him, even if he seemed like he was being selfish. But who was she to judge? 
“We will end up fodder for some goblin’s blade all because Lia insists on helping every wounded foal we see! Our best chance to make it to Baldur’s Gate is on our own, this place is lost,” he insisted.
Tav’s face was stern as she breathed deeply through her nose, arms crossed over her chest. “There’s every chance you’ll die on the road,” she finally said, blunt as ever. 
“Please, I can handle myself, it’s others that are the issue. My apprenticeship with Lorroakan begins shortly and I cannot be late.” 
“Go alone then. You said it yourself, you’re in a hurry and you can handle yourself,” she quipped. 
He didn’t seem to like that, but Gale chose to pipe up before Rolan could respond - asking about the “Lorroakan” guy Rolan mentioned. Tav tuned it out, opting to take in her surroundings and give Rolan a closer look in the meantime. 
He was maybe a little pompous, but he wasn’t hard on the eyes at all. He had slightly lighter red skin than his siblings, and freckles that Tav had never seen on a tiefling. He was quite tall with broad shoulders, and kept his warm brown hair half up in a small bun at the back of his head. It was the least of her concerns right now, but she’d admit he was handsome. 
Though not entirely present in the conversation, Tav gathered that Master Lorroakan was a famed wizard in Baldur’s Gate who Rolan thinks highly of despite the rumors about him that, apparently, had reached all the way to Waterdeep - 550 miles north of Baldur’s Gate where Gale had lived. 
“Regardless, going on my own is tempting, indeed… but I could never leave Lia behind. If only she understood the longer we wait the longer the horrors of the wild imperil us.” Rolan said, speaking to Tav again. 
She blinked, this conversation wasn’t worth the time, and yet she continued with it, “I spoke to someone at the entrance of the grove who said Baldur’s Gate’s about a tenday’s walk. It’s best to stay with the group, for everyone’s safety. The ‘horrors of the wild’ will imperil you more if you’re on your own, anyway.” 
Rolan took a breath, looking up in defeat. He knew she was right, but that didn’t make him any happier about the situation, so he didn’t say anything.
“We were just off to speak to Kagha anyways… I’m going to figure something out. Just worry about your family. Let my companions and I take care of the rest,” Tav assured him. Really, he was one person, what more could he do than that?
He barked out a laugh, “Ha! You against a horde of goblins? And I even heard there were gnolls north of here! I don’t see how it does anyone any good to go get yourself killed but go ahead if that’s what you want.” He sneered, still bitter from the circumstances. 
Tav rolled her tongue over her teeth, with a quick flare of the nostrils she was shrugging his comment off. She met his gaze with sharp eyes, “Ah, don't you worry about me.”
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 By the time they returned to camp that first night, Tav was going on probably 40 hours without proper sleep, unless you consider being knocked out on the mind flayer ship, then being knocked out again on the beach to be “proper sleep”. She had spoken to Kagha, reported back to Zevlor, and gone scavenging around the grove and a mile radius outside of it for more supplies, picking up three more companions along the way before she felt like her body would give out at any moment. It was almost embarrassing. 
The goal was to save the leader of the grove, a druid named Halsin, from the goblin camp. She knew it wouldn’t be easy, but it’s what she does. Killing goblins and locating missing persons was similar enough to the work contracts she took before all this. She was used to being hired to kill criminals and rescue innocents, and a sprinkle of bounty-hunting, so dealing with an entire village of goblins shouldn’t be too hard. She figured at least she’d be good in any fights that came about. 
Tav didn’t mind spending time with her companions around the fire before going to bed, though she was just trying not to fall asleep the whole time. It had been an extraordinarily long time since she had any sort of companionship with anyone, let alone with six people. She eventually made her way back to her tent, not even needing to get cozy before passing out for the night.
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The build-up to rescuing the druid was tedious, and they did not have as much time as they desired to prepare for it. Though Tav appeared unmoved to her companions, the revelation of this “true soul” bullshit, the cult of the Absolute, and the realization that they were unlikely to find a healer anytime soon came like an ice knife through the chest. The group often reported their progress to Zevlor, sometimes discussing with a few refugees at the grove to see if anyone could help or offer insight. 
Tav had grown to like the three tiefling siblings she’d met. She enjoyed the way they picked on each other, particularly after Rolan said something arrogant - she’d try to keep a straight face even if it was funny. She didn’t join in, she was content sitting back and watching; only speaking up when she was asked to. She’d check in on the three almost every time they visited the grove for supplies. Though not considering them to be her friends at first, she wanted to make sure they were alright. But after a tenday, she found herself being slightly disappointed on the days they didn’t stop at the grove before going back to camp. 
One could be forgiven for thinking she forgot how to interact with people. She wasn’t shy, nor was she secretive; in fact, she was a fairly open book when asked to be, though solemnly offering more information than what was requested. Tav hadn’t thought much about the way she was until one night at camp when everyone was sharing about their lives before being taken aboard the mind flayer ship. Her companions had decently warmed up to each other by that point and started discussing more personal things around the campfire during dinner every night.
She was listening to the stories of those around her, somewhat lost in thought as her eyes bore into the fire, almost staring through it, when Wyll asked, “Well, what about you, Tav?” She shrugged, keeping her gaze where it was. “I just took work where I could get it. If it paid well enough, anyways…” she paused, breaking her thousand-yard stare. “It took me all over the place, I spent most of my time in conditions like this,” she gestured to the wooded area around them. 
Looking back down at her bread and soup, gathering another bite, she hadn’t looked at her companions to see if her answer was satisfactory. If they wanted to know more, they’d ask, right? It was quiet for just a second as she took a bite, her eyes remaining down at her food. 
“You have such a way with words, Tav,” Astarion mocked lightheartedly. She breathed out through her nose with a small smile, mouth still full of food. “Did you travel with anyone?” Shadowheart inquired, perhaps because Tav never said anything earlier when they were talking about whether anyone had lovers waiting for them at home. Tav just shook her head with a small “no”, glancing at Shadowheart before taking another bite of her food. 
Since she first woke up on that beach, her fears had been about how close she was to death and, worse, how she could go through an excruciating transformation at any moment - doomed to be a mind flayer thrall for the rest of her days. One day while scouting at the goblin camp while pretending to be a true soul, she realized how dangerous it would be if their façade slipped before they were prepared. 
These fears had been decently subdued after meeting Withers and her dream guardian yesterday. If she was using the innate threat of death or ceremorphosis as an excuse to keep her guard up, there were now two perfect counterarguments: one being a friendly Undead with the ability to resurrect and the other being a woman who came to her in the night promising to protect her from the death-grip of the Absolute. With their help, she didn’t have to worry about her or her companions permanently dying or going into ceremorphosis. She was much safer than any of them had originally thought. As she lay in her tent that night, she thought maybe the only real reason her guard was up was because she didn’t remember how to lower it. 
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A/N: I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THIS!!! I will be posting more updates about when the next chapters are coming soon <3 As always, your comments and reblogs are so appreciated (and your tags are always enjoyed)!
Beta read by @osalotte and @rax-writes, thank you so much, pookies! <3
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