#it's my mums biggest annoyance with me
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is this a red flag be honest 👉🏼👈🏼
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girlitfeelsgood · 4 months
God I just feel like absolute shit today for no reason
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ratherembarrassing · 1 year
I apologize if I'm remembering this wrong, but I seem to recall that you are a person who sleeps with headphones on. I'm in search for a pair of over-ear headphones (ear buds for me are a no-go) but I am also a side sleeper so the search has been a little tricky. If you do indeed use headphones for sleeping, do you have any recommendations? If not, sorry to bother ya! Have a good one!
that is me!
i am also a side sleeper and i use over-ear headphones. the bad news is, unless you get a specialist headset, there's nothing that's perfect and i've just accepted it's kinda awkward and there's only like one angle to make it comfortable. that said, there are a few things i've learnt over the years
first, there ARE actually a whole bunch of sleep specific headsets out there that are like headbands with tiny flat speakers in them. my mum gave me some accousticsheep sleepphones like 10 years ago, and i hated them. i hated having something around my head like that. you might have better luck, and they might have improved significantly in the last 10 years. there's also this thing that can turn your pillow into a speaker. i've never tried it but i'm intrigued but it.
second, my other thing is i really like noise cancellation, so that limits my options somewhat.
my go-to headset for the last 3.5 years are the bose quietcomfort 35/45s. before that i had senheisers and before that i had a pair of the smaller beats. prior to the bose 45s, my biggest annoyance is that if you're sleeping with one of the cans between the pillow and your head, you discover that plastic creaks. the 45s have a hinged connection that keeps it pretty much immobile once your head's pressing on it, and the other movable joint is metal, so i've not had this issue at all with the 45s. the best thing i can suggest is going into a store with a bunch of options on display, stick it on your head, and press the can into your head. i went hunting for anything better when i broke my 35s last year (they had a bit of a creak in them that had gotten worse over time and there were some other brands/models that looked promising) and i literally just stood in a store and manhandled the shit out of every pair there. oh, the other logistical difficulty is that if the foam around your ear manages to create a seal, you can force air through the speaker (i think?) and it makes a horrible noise. so you're actually better off getting something that doesn't quite sit flush. my other tip is to get a memory foam pillow. they're much more accommodating and you aren't just perching your head on top of the can and nothing else.
good luck!
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@sohereswhatyoumissedlastweek ugh yeah I find it despicable. Obviously, there was a reason for this shit but UGH ramblings under cut
Like I haven't been shy on this webbed site about my sister's ex boyfriend and how absolutely horrid he was and I haven't even published everything, but recently I was talking with someone about how this surveillance of my sister just goes against my values. The tracking app, the financial control, checking phone logs etc. etc. etc. and when the abuse was actually happening, I hated that it was justified. We would freak the fuck out if we didn't know where she was, cause we had no idea where this ass would take her. This dude would suck her dry financially so if my parents hadn't put a cap on her spending, she'd have nothing. She would lie and tell us she dumped him, only for my mum to see that they've called on a daily basis. I think the biggest reason I was okay with it for the time being was for the fact that my sister knew of it and she consented to it. At first, my mum wanted to put a tracker on her phone without her knowledge and I put a fucking end to that, cause I told her that my sister is a much better tech savvy so she'd find out and whatever trust that was left between my mum and sister (cause hey that dude would also isolate the fuck out of her and villify us) would be fucking shattered (and he would then have an opportunity to use that to isolate her even more). I do think she felt pressure to consent to it, same as the kids of your reply, but SHE KNEW.
So I hate it. I have always hated it. I am a huge advocate of my sister's independence BUT ALSO it was a WEIRD FUCKING TIME
But luckily (LUCKILY) we have survived that. He's gone. After the third time the police had to intervene, he fucked off. And I know my mum is kinda scared, still. I am too. My mum and I actually discussed this recently, how we're in a way traumatised by this as well. I still freak the fuck out when we can't reach her. I feel panic when I hear her on the phone and I can't fully figure out what she's saying. BUT ALSO we need to give her the space to continue her life as well. So my dad and I also tell my mum to let it go. She is 22, she has a new partner who treats her well, she lives on her own, she don't owe my parents shit. But my mum still gets mad at her when she doesn't tell her her location and at this point, I am angry at that. I find my mother's annoyance unreasonable.
BUT YEAH, even without abuse, this tracking shit has been normalised. I remember when we just got the tracking app and my aunt immediately forced my cousins to install it too. They were 12 and 9 back then, but they're turning 16 and 14 and honestly I think they're at the age that they should not be under constant surveillance for the reasons mentioned in those tumblr posts. But I also think parents see nothing wrong with this? My mum was also gushing over this app to a friend of hers, and this friend immediately shut her down as well, citing her kids' privacy etc. etc. and my mum kept trying to convince her of how amazing it is that parents can now do this, but this friend didn't budge and countered that they didn't have this when they were kids and that it also stumps kids' development. And I liked that this friend shut her down, cause yeah, this friend's kids were adults back then (same as me and my sister) and it demolishes my mum's argument of "you don't understand, cause you don't have kids", which she says to me all the time.
And maybe I don't, not fully. And I can concede that tracking apps can give parents some peace of mind, but I still think the cons heavily outweigh the pros, especially since my sister is a goddamn adult, not a 9 year old child, so TL;DR: what the FUCK
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survey--s · 1 year
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What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Making the bed and airing out the bedroom lol. Not very exciting I know but it’s stuff that needs doing.
What was the last thing you said aloud? Right cats, dinner time!
Have you bought anything new this week? Yeah, a new vacuum cleaner and a new waterproof jacket. Riveting stuff, I know lol.
Name one person who made you smile today. Susie.
What’s the last thing you had to drink? Coffee.
Ever go camping? Nah, it’s never been something that appeals to me. Maybe if we lived somewhere with guaranteed decent weather I would give it a go, but around here it just rains all the time haha.
What’s your favorite candy? Depends on my mood really.
Do you send messages on Facebook a lot? Yeah, most days but they’re not very interesting, it’s just often the easiest way to communicate as mobile signal can be really patchy around here. 
Have you ever gone to a strip club? No.
Last sporting event you watched? Uhh, I have no idea - maybe tennis? I’m not really into sports.
What were you doing at 8am this morning? Messing around on my phone in bed.
Anything you wish you could change? No, not really.
Do you go in at a fast food place or drive thru? We normally go in as it’s quicker, but it depends.
What do you think when you hear Australia? My family.
Who’s the last person you talked to on the phone? My mum, I think? I don’t really talk on the phone all that much.
Do you like Chinese food over pizza? It depends on my mood. I love a decent Chinese takeaway but the supermarket versions can be awful.
Do you have a tan? Ha, no.
Biggest annoyance in life right now? Period pains. I swear I ALWAYS get my period when I’m off work or due to do something fun lol.
Do any of your friends have children? Well, I wouldn’t really consider them my friends, but yeah.
Are you jealous of anyone? Anyone who has the time and money to own a horse on their own property.
Where is your dad? I assume he’s at home. I don’t live with my parents.
Any plans today? As little as possible as it’s my first proper day off work in weeks. So far I’ve just been messing about online, watching TV and catching up on some housework lol.
Do you drink your soda with a straw? Yeah, in restaurants and stuff, but we don’t really use straws at home.
Last song listened to? Behind the Wall by Tracy Chapman.
Do you take vitamins daily? No - we do have some in the cupboard but I never remember to take them lol.
Is anyone jealous of you? Not as far as I’m aware.
What are you doing tomorrow? I have a beach ride in the morning and then I’ll probably take a bath and just hang out at home as I suspect my legs will be like jelly haha.
What’s your favorite number? Thirteen.
Do you have a maid come in and clean your house? No, and tbh I wouldn’t want one - I don’t like the idea of someone touching my stuff and being in my home when I’m not there. I don’t mind cleaning though.
Can you say the alphabet backwards? I can’t say that I’ve ever tried.
Cedar Point or Six Flags? We don’t have either of those places here.
Have you ever slept in until 1 PM? Only a few times when I’ve been jetlagged. I like a lie-in but if I sleep too late I feel like I’ve wasted my day for some reason, even if I have no real plans.
Do you believe in love at first sight? No.
Do you like the show Viva La Bam? Haven’t heard of it.
How many kids do you want to have? Zero.
Have you ever gone behind your parents backs? Sure, I can’t imagine there are many adults alive who never lied to their parents lol.
Have you ever lost someone? Yeah.
Where did you get your worst scar from? Falling off the monkey bars when I was about eleven.
What time did you wake up today? 6am when Mike’s alarm went off but I didn’t get out of bed until about half eight.
Have you ever tried to erase someone from your memory? No, not really? I’ve tried to spend less time thinking about certain people though.
Last meal? Vegemite on toast.
Do you like coco pebbles the cereal? Are they like coco pops? If so, yeah, but my parents never bought cereal like that so I only ever got to have it on holiday or at sleepovers lol.
Last time you saw your father? Just before Christmas.
Last time you cried? When the vet said she thought Archie might have cancer. Thankfully it turned out to be a hystiocytoma and the medication cleared it up but I was SO worried as he’s only five.
When you get married what do you think you’ll put most of your focus and money into? I am married and are you talking about the wedding? Because ours was tiny and we spent more money on the honeymoon.
Would you freak out if you were to get pregnant by the last person you hooked up with? I’d be freaked out if I was pregnant in general.
When’s the last time something turned out better than expected? So, one of my customers has taken on their daughters’ spaniel puppy and they asked me to walk him with their two adult dogs - I was DREADING it as the collies can be a bit of a nightmare but actually the spaniel fits right in and they collies actually behave even better now.
Who in your life causes you the most stress or negative feelings? Nobody.
Have you ever had a teacher that also taught your parents? No, my parents weren’t educated in England.
What’s something you complain about frequently? Period pain, dog owners who can’t control their dogs, Mike not tidying up his mess after he’s been in the kitchen.
Do you have anything planned for the summer? Nah, it’s only April. I’ll probably be working most of the summer.
Do you walk fast or slow? It depends.
What form of public transport do you use most often? I don’t use public transport.
Is there any alcohol in the fridge? Yeah, Mike has some cider in there.
Is any part of you sad at all? No.
Who was the last person to disappoint you? I don’t remember.
Have you ever let someone go? Sure.
Are you a patient person? Not particularly.
Do you think you’ve changed over the past year? Sure, I don’t really think it’s possible to go a year without changing at all.
Is there something that happened in your past you hate talking about? No.
Your ex is sitting next to you, what do you do? I would probably just awkwardly ignore him lol.
Are you someone who worries too often? Not so much anymore.
Have you ever been completely alone with a boy in his room? I’m 34 and married - what do you think?
Do you ever think “what if” about anything? Sure, who doesn’t?
Is the last person you kissed older than you? He is indeed.
Does everyone deserve a second chance? No.
Are you emotionally strong? I mean, it depends. In some respects I am, in others...not so much.
Is there anyone you don’t wanna lose? Sure.
Are you the type of person who seeks out revenge? No.
Do you think two people can last forever? Until one of them dies, sure.
Do you like falling asleep listening to the rain? I like the idea of it, but the reality is that it just makes me want to pee, lol.
Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Yeah. Do you believe that the last person that you kissed cares for you? I know he does.
Are you happy with the choices you’ve made? Yes, for the most part. There’s nothing I would change, anyway.
Do you honestly have feelings for someone at the moment? I honestly do.
Have you ever slept in the same bed as the opposite sex? Of course.
Are there things in your life that you’ll never be able to get over? I mean, there are things in my life that will impact me forever.
Have you dated someone older than you? Yeah.
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themelessadhdthoghts · 6 months
Dream diary entries
24th June 2023
The Family in gumball were having a family reunion, and Lloyd was there as well because he was adopted. At some point, his (my) favourite ring broke, and while the dad from gumball tried to fix it, the fixing ideas were all stupid, so Lloyd just went inside and asked his mum to fix it. She told him she would fix it later, as she was busy. Lloyd was really upset by this, but tried to keep it cool, and left to go hang out with his dragon cousins in the desert. These cousins were all golden dragon warriors who could summon golden armour and dragons as they pleased, although to the second dragon warriors annoyance Lloyd had the biggest dragon and most impressive armour. As they were hanging out and talking about how Lloyd could jump farther then anyone else, a tsunami started, and the only way they would survive was if they climbed onto the top of the highest rock in the dessert. The cousins all made jokes about how easy this would be for Lloyd, before running off to escape the tsunami. Lloyd was annoyed and stressed when he was climbing, as although he could jump very high, he wasn't very good at climbing, and the more he struggled, the closer the tsunami got. At some point Lloyd turned into me, and the cousins turned into my friends, and the cliff had turned into a bit of a bouldering wall. Once we finally got above the tsunami we were talking about how fun it was going to be to watch it, when I noticed that by the time the tsunami had reached us, it just looked like a regular wave with a bit of froth at the end. We all found that hilarious.
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megan-loves-surveys · 6 months
Anything you’re looking forward to this month Easter, IPW etc.
What’s the current temperature? 19C.
Have you or would you ever forage for mushrooms? No, why would I? LOL.
What’s something you dislike about spring time? Hayfever. Bleh.
What’s your favorite lollipop flavor? Cola or lemon.
Are you into gardening and what do you enjoy planting? No.
What’s some flowers you find to be pretty? Sunflowers, roses, tulips etc.
Would you say you’re easy to get along with? I hope so.
Who did you last hold hands with? My boyfriend.
What sounds help you sleep? The cars driving past on the highway, it's like white noise. During Covid lockdown when there was none, it was too quiet, I hated it.
Do you have a loud or more soft laugh? Loud haha.
Tell me your best pick up line. None. Too cheesey.
What’s a song that reminds you of warm weather? Girls Aloud - Long Hot Summer haha.
Do you have any interest in fairies? No.
What’s the last refreshing drink you had? Water.
Do you name your plants? No.
Do you like to dip your fries in a frosty or ice cream? Yes.
Do you prefer staying in cuddled up or going out for a date? Both!
Cookies or brownies? Cookies.
What is something you are proud of? Graduated uni.
Are you a fan of musicals? No.
Do you like lemonade? Do you add anything to it? Yes.
Are you more of a fast talker or do you talk more slow? Fast talker, most Kiwis are. We have to remember to slow down in other countries.
Is there anyone who makes you smile no matter what mood you’re in? My boyfriend! <3
What are some inanimate objects or things in general that have the same energy or vibe? Like what objects make me smile? Haha. My laptop? My phone?
What is something that is quick to cheer you up? Wrestling.
Have you ever stargazed with someone? No.
If you were royalty, what would you like to be addressed as? Um...
Are there any foods you could eat daily and never get sick of? Chips xD
Are there any things coming up that you have to travel for? I wish.
What was a time when you have laughed so hard you cried? The other day when I was watching a YouTube video, I had to pause it cos I couldn't breathe and was crying so hard from laughter xD
Plan a good day. That really depends on my mood is on the day.
What would you do with $10,000 right now? I'd pay off my student loan cos it's about 5 grand at the moment, and spend the rest on a trip.
If you had to create an alter ego for yourself, what would they be like and what’s their name? I have one, her name is May and she's a wrestler xD
What’s one of your biggest accomplishments today? Nothing so far, but I'm going to the gym in a few hours so it'll be that haha.
Do you believe in reincarnation? why or why not? No clue.
What relative are you closest with? My Mum, cos we live together.
Do you have any recurring dreams? Yes. It's always about packing a bag or suitcase for some reason.
What last had you startled? A big bug in the bathroom.
What emotion have you experienced most lately? I've been pretty happy.
Let’s say there are no obstacles preventing this.. What would you do for the rest of your life? Travel.
What’s an odd phobia someone you know has? Dunno about other people but I'm scared of ladders.
What did you last search online? A Pokémon's type cos I am awful at remembering them.
Do you have any ghost stories you’ve experienced? No.
If you were to be a food, what would you be and why? Mac & cheese.
When did you last dust your home? The other week.
If you could pick an age to stop aging at, what would you choose? Now tbh.
Recommend me something you’ve been into recently. (: If you like Pokemon, then I recommend the fangame Pokemon Rejuvenation, it's such a good game.
Do you like sushi? No.
What’s something you’ve been putting off? Going to the dentist for a teeth clean, it's expensive and takes ages.
Do you know someone who is always starting drama? Yes.
What’s the current temperature outside? Still 19C.
What is one annoyance you’ve had today? Not having enough time to go to the gym between coming home from the mall and Smackdown starting. I usually need about 2 hours to do my workout and then get the bus home, I had less than an hour and a half today. So now I gotta go after Smackdown ends lol.
What’s one of your favorite videos? The pregnanant one, everytime someone links it, I watch it again cos it makes me cry laughing.
Do you get at least 6 hours of sleep every night? Most of the time, but the other night I only got 5 hours.
Can you see any outlets from where you’re sitting? Yes. There's a lamp plugged into it.
Who is your favorite person to spend time with? I can't pick.
What last surprised you? Hmm.
Do you know anyone who has 2 different color eyes? No.
What was the last medication you had to take? Migraine meds.
When was the last time you sprayed air freshener? No idea.
What color is the vehicle you ride in most often? Our buses are blue lol. But if you only count cars, then it's my boyfriend's car, which is black.
Do you remember the whole 2012 mess? You mean the 'end of the world'? LOL.
What does a typical weekend look like for you? We go to the mall in the morning and I have Starbucks with my Dad, then I go to the gym, then watch WWE Smackdown, then either just hang out or go to a wrestling show.
What kind of key chains do you have? I have a NYC one and one from the Grand Canyon with my keys. I also have a few on my bag - one of Seth Rollins' logo and the other is a Converse shoe haha.
Have you ever gotten into a physical altercation and lost? No.
What is a movie that you hated the ending? Hmm.
Do you have anything you need to tell someone? No.
When did you last laugh out loud? Just before at something my Mum said.
When did you last yawn? Earlier.
Did you have your own bedroom growing up? Yes.
Can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue? Never tried xD
What’s the last thing you done outside? Walked to the gate to let my Dad's car out.
Do you try to carry all of your groceries in at once to avoid another trip? I don't carry groceries lol, my shoulder won't allow it.
What did you last purchase? Starbucks for my Dad and I - he had hot chocolate and I had a mocha java chip frappe.
What’s your favorite kind of pasta? All.
Would you say you’re a condescending person? No.
Have you ever mowed a lawn? No.
What time did you go to bed last night? I think I went to sleep around 1:45 or so.
What did you last write down? Something at work.
What was the last game you won and lost? Both were at games night haha. David and I teamed in this game and won together, but then the next game we lost xD
What’s the last song you listened to? CuteBad - Provocateur
Are you content with your social life? Oh yeah. I have my wrestling friends, I have my BFF who I go to the gym with and I have my boyfriend's friends too.
What kind of phone do you have? iPhone 14.
What is something freeing that you’ve done recently? Dunno.
Do you own bluetooth headphones? Yes, I have Airpods.
How many months until your birthday? 4 months.
Have you ever had edible flowers? No.
Do you read other people’s survey answers? Kinda, I read them when I'm stealing someone's surveys lol.
What’s your favorite thing to put on a tortilla? Dunno.
Do you work better alone or in a group? Depends who the other people are, if it's people I know and like, then that's fine. Otherwise I'd prefer to work alone.
When did you last go shopping for shoes/socks? I go to the Converse outlet everytime I go out that way, and as for socks I had to replace all my socks last year when I suddenly got allergic to them, I bought a bunch of bamboo ones.
What’s a good midnight snack? Chips xD
What are 3 essential items you won’t leave the house without? My phone, my sunglasses and HOP card, which is for the bus/train.
Do you enjoy spicy foods? A bit, but not too spicy.
Do you ever shop at Walmart? What’s the last thing you purchased there? We don't have Walmart here.
Have you ever hosted a party? Yes.
What color are your eyes? Green.
What’s a song you’ve had on replay recently? Liberty X - Saturday
Have you ever played volleyball? Yes.
Have you ever slipped in the shower? Yes.
How many miles away is your favorite grocery shop from your residence? It's at the mall, about a 15 min drive?
When did you last have a toothache? The other day, cos my wisdom teeth are coming through.
What should you be doing right now besides surveys? Nothing.
What is something you want to be remembered for? Dunno.
What’s your favorite kind of juice? I like most juices tbh.
Do you like lounging around or do you enjoy being more active? Both.
What is something besides cash/cards that you keep in your wallet? I don't use a wallet lol.
Do you like pickles? No.
How many colors are in your outfit today? Let's see... blue, black, orange, red, white. Five!
Do you own a pair of combat boots? Yes.
Do you consider yourself to be more of a loner or outgoing? In between.
What is something you take a lot of pictures of? Things I buy. And food xD
Where do you stream or listen to your music? Spotify, and occasionally YouTube Music.
Have you cut yourself on a glass on accident? Probably.
What’s your plans for the next upcoming season? Working, lol.
Do you use a lot of seasonings in your cooking? I don't cook much.
What’s a dish you love to prepare for yourself? Haha...
What emotion do you feel the strongest right now? Tired lol.
What are your most used emojis? The top 5 on my iPhone are the the sideways laughing emoji, the crying laughing emoji, the heart, the big eyes with tears and the big grin one lol.
What’s the strangest name you’ve heard someone name their child? Hmm...
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very-stressed · 1 year
Nothing makes me feel as tired as packing my mum's night shift bag, like I just throw her computer, a handful of bananas and a cake into her tie dye rainbow bag and my biggest annoyance is I don't get to fix my economic overview excel sheet because my computer is broken and I don't have the money to fix it cause I pay all my money to her and the rest go to loan payments.
This was after her asking me to take a loan so she could get a new washing machine and dryer.
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Review: Never Trust A Gemini by Freja Nicole Woolf
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Almost everything about this cover is catnip to me and to be honest, I had no idea what was in store within the pages. It turned out to be a very British, YA lesbian rom-com with several ingredients for an easy Pride month recommendation but sadly, it kinda missed the mark for me.
Cat has been in love with one of her best friends, Alison Bridgewater, forever. Even though Alison doesn’t appear to be into girls, Cat simply can’t get over her. So she resorts to desperate measures and starts dating her mum’s best friend’s son Jamie Owusu, an aspiring musician who loves biscuits and apparently Cat. But Cat knows that a boyfriend just isn’t for her. Then she meets the mysterious, beautiful Morgan Delaney and Cat thinks that she might just be perfect but there’s a catch -Morgan is a Gemini and Cat really doesn’t think she can ever date one of those.
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Cat is heavily into horoscopes, which was a side to her that was super interesting. This might be a weird comment to make but despite this being mentioned several times, I couldn’t quite believe that Cat was a genuine astrology nerd. It may be a sweeping generalisation but I’m not sure many real-life teens who are super into astrology are also part of the school popular crowd. Something about those two parts of Cat’s life wasn’t gelling with me and I think the author really should have just picked one of these things for her heroine.
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I was quite disappointed that not many of Cat’s friends were properly introduced to us. In fact, they were all severely lacking in personality apart from the truly horrendous Queen Bee Siobhan. Zanna is Cat’s closest friend in the group and apart from her being Cat’s sole confidante regarding her sexuality and crush on Alison, I really didn’t feel like I knew her at all. She was just ‘Cat’s Slavic Sagittarius friend’ -whatever that means. She does give some good advice for Cat to ignore though!
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Cat’s sister Luna was probably my favourite character and although she definitely seemed older than 12, she was highly entertaining. She’s a caricature of far left politics and at times, I thought that the author was poking fun at liberal ideals through Luna’s character but she was also a loyal, smart sister and I loved her very much.
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One thing that was done really well and authentically was the dynamics of high school society and hierarchy. When one Queen Bee is overthrown, there’s always another waiting in the wings to swoop in and take her place. There can never be complete peace and harmony, especially between teenage girls. That power struggle was definitely evident in my own school days and I know that every reader will recognise it from theirs too.
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Jamie’s terrible songwriting was most of the comedy for me. I would have loved more of it because Jamie disappeared for a large chunk of the narrative. I understand that it wasn’t his story but for me, he was much funnier than Cat, which brings me to my biggest annoyance of the book.
Cat’s voice was so intensely irritating. I think she was supposed to come across as endearingly awkward but her constant use of alliteration when it wasn’t needed i.e. ‘we were silent salamanders’ to illustrate just not speaking in social situation really grated on me. There was also a scene that could have been adorably cute and romantic but she describes it as ‘saucy lasagnes’ while it was happening and it completely ruined that potentially sweet and magical moment. The most annoying thing about it is that if these funny expressions had been more sporadic and not all the time, it might have been more effective as a comedic device. As the whole book was told from Cat’s point of view, I don’t think I’ll be picking up the sequel. 
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Never Trust A Gemini had a lot of potential to be a highy readable, funny and relatable queer rom-com. However, the protagonist’s voice was far too annoying and insufferable for me. I also didn’t feel like I got to know her friends well enough. If I had, I could have definitely said that the characters reminded me of Louise Rennison’s Ace Gang in the Georgia Nicolson books, which I imagine is what the author was aiming for. Unfortunately, the characters in this book didn’t have the same likeability or authenticity that Rennison’s do. However, I can definitely see how some readers would enjoy Cat’s narration and therefore would have a much better time with this book than I did!
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cloudedmist · 2 years
There is this pain in my heart
This severe disturbance, pain, annoyance, sadness, anger. Why do I deserve to be investigated on and have my things taken away even though all I have done is to do my best to care and concern for an abused idiot? The biggest lesson I’ve learnt in this is that a lion should never protect a tiger even if the tiger mum is gnawing the tiger sibling to death. This is because a tiger bites her child’s and scars her child based on her psychological deficiencies. Suppose a tiger mum has the deficiency of being honest, and is always lying to get her way around. This gene is passed down to the tiger cub, who learns it genetically, as well as through observation. The tiger cub then does the same over time. And the lying pair lives in toughness, a beaten up life, hated by all around. But what happens if a lion goes by one day and decides... poor tiger. beaten and hated by others because of his wrongful actions and lies... The lion decides to defend the tiger cub from learning more lying habits, more cheating habits, more abusive habits. The lion even protects the cub from being gnawed and scarred by the tiger mum... The problem then will be that the tiger cub grows up with a conflicting mind. One which innately finds every opportunity to lie, cheat, and deceive, and one which is learnt and constantly reminded upon to stop lying, stop cheating, stop deceiving. In such case, which will win? An innately learnt habit and character mixed with emotions which spark the evil actions of lying, cheating, deceiving? or the mind being powerful and strong enough to say no to wrong, and choose the right path and decision to take? Surely for most cases, the former happens. That is the case for the recalcitrant Callistar Chen Zhi Bin. And Unfortunately, That is also the story and lies that the police believes in, so much, they decided to cuff me and keep me in conditions proper humans should never have to experience. And even more... doing so because they are being played by Callistar Chen Zhi Bin. The recalcitrant liar has them wrapped around his lying tongue, and keeping them thinking they are on to some “case”. I wonder how long, before they find out he is the problem. How long before he is arrested.
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pulquedeguayaba · 4 years
Will I ever stop finding attractive tall skinny men with long faces? Probably not but hey, at least I dont act upon it anymore.
I just admire and move on lol
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Thanks can you write something about one of the kids getting hate online from jealous people and how it affects them and what Harry and Y/N do
hello!! so this one is going to be about isabelle getting hate (😔), which you will find out why. i’m also changing the age gaps between them because it’s so hard to write with larger age gaps. so here isabelle is 16, felix is 19 and oli is 21!!
You had been busy ironing the clothes downstairs, whilst watching ‘Call the Midwife’ on the TV, when you heard Felix shouting you from upstairs.
“What?” You shouted back, moving from the lounge to the bottom of the stairs to hear better.
“I think you should see this.”
When your children say things like this you either roll your eyes when you find out they wanted to show you a meme, or panic because some rumour has been spread all over the internet of them.
“Just hang on a minute!” Your attention diverted to the front door being opened harshly. Everyone else was already home but Belle, so it must’ve been her. It was a Wednesday today and Belle always had study group in the library after-school on a Wednesday, although today she was back a little earlier than normal.
You moved the latch off the porch door and opened it to welcome Belle home, watching as she threw off her high-top converse aggressively.
“Hiya love, you alr—” You didn’t get to finish before you saw that her eyes were red and puffy, tears streaming down her face like a cascading waterfall. Her mascara was smudged and made it look like she hadn’t slept for weeks. “Woah, hey, Belle?”
Belle didn’t listen to you though, instead she stormed past and ran up the stairs and a minute later you heard her bedroom door slam shut.
What the fuck was that about?
“Minute too late mum!” Felix shouted again, making you roll your eyes in annoyance. However, it did confirm that something had happened to Belle on social media or over the internet and you had to get Harry on top of this now.
You walked down the stairs, into your basement - which Harry had converted into a sound-proof studio - and saw him sat with a guitar on his lap and pencil between his teeth, playing around with chords on repeat.
“Babe?” You knocked on the door as you spoke, Harry looking up from where he was sat to you and smiling as bright as ever.
“You alright love?” He asked sweetly, taking the pencil out of his mouth first.
“I am yeah, but Belle’s just come home crying and shut herself in her room.” You furrowed your eyebrows, trying to work through everything that had happened and wondering whether you’d done something or not done something.
Harry instantly got to his feet, putting everything down so that he could come over to you. He placed his warm hands on your cheeks and kissed your lips once just because, “I know what you’re thinking, so stop it. Something’s probably happened at school. Let me go talk to her, okay?” You nodded in agreement and sighed in thanks.
Belle had always been more of a daddy’s girl than a mommy’s girl, and that was okay. It just meant that she was more open to her feelings and her heart with her dad than you, not to say she never talked to you about things like that. Harry always filled you in on things, though, and would prompt you to talk to her if he thought extremely necessary. Belle liked to work things out by herself normally, not liking to be a burden to anyone - a lot like you actually.
Harry walked out of the room and climbed the stairs two at a time until he made it outside Belle’s room. He knocked before entering, but Belle made no sound for him to enter.
“Belles?” Harry asked softly, shutting the door and walking over to her bed which she was curled up on. She had obviously flopped on the bed and began crying, because there was no sign of effort to get under the covers or get comfortable.
“D-dad?” She mumbled roughly, her choked sobs holding her back.
“Yes sweetheart, i’m here.” Harry sat down on the edge of her bed and sat their patiently. He didn’t want to invade her space or make her feel claustrophobic, so he waited for her to come to him and that didn’t take long. She sprang up and hugged him with her head buried against her dad’s chest, sobbing so violently that Harry’s heart cracked in two. He hated to see his baby cry. It was his biggest weakness.
Belle made an attempt to speak but Harry couldn’t understand due to the shear heaviness of her cries.
“Belles, y’gotta calm down for me, my heart. Gotta breathe it out before you make yourself sick.” He smoothed his hand over the back of her hair, like he’d always done. Her breathing ever-so-slowly coming back down to a normal and healthy pace. “That’s it, thank you.” He kissed the top of her head and held her tightly still.
“Dad?” She shakily started.
“Yes love.”
“Do y-you know?” She sat up so she could face her dad, bur Harry didn’t let his hands leave hers.
“Know what, sweetheart?”
Harry genuinely didn’t know and Belle could see that in his honest, kind, eyes.
“T-that…” Belle started tearing up again, her bottom lip wobbling like sailors legs.
“Hey, calm down. You’re okay. Breathe and then talk to me, okay?” Harry ordered her, not caring if this took all night. He was here for his baby girl whenever and wherever, no exceptions. If she didn’t ever tell him, that was okay as long as he helped her build up her happiness again. A few deep breaths later and she was feeling more comfortable.
“I..,” she paused momentarily to collect her words before letting them flow out beautifully, “i’m gay dad.”
Warmth spread through Harry’s heart as if he were torch that’d just been set alight. He could only put the way he felt into one word; proud. He was so proud that his daughter was turning into the loving and open and beautiful woman she was always born to be. He was also just so happy that she had the confidence in him to tell him something so important to her.
“I’m so proud of you, Belle.”
“Really?” She sounded surprised, which made Harry take a step back in confusion.
“Yes of course,” Harry squeezed her hand just a little tighter, “have I ever given you a reason to think otherwise?”
“Then where’s this doubt coming from hey?”
Belle began to cry again at his question.
“T-the media found out and i-it’s been published everywhere a-and I w-was worried I wouldn’t b-be able to tell you myself b-before they could. They’re being s-so rude too.” Her cries broke Harry all over again. As much as he was proud of her for coming out so bravely, he was incredibly pissed off that the media thought it was there business to pass around before Belle was even comfortable admitting it first. It’s Belle’s right to come out when she wants and how she wants and Harry could understand how frustrating and upsetting that must be to have it all taken away. He had to keep calm for Belle though, pulling her back into his chest to hold her safely.
“What are they saying?”
Anger bubbled through Harry’s veins as she began to speak.
“That i’m only gay to promote the values you stand for or that you’ll be disappointed that not all your children are straight.”
Harry’s fingers curled at her words, not understanding how much of a low-life you have to be to genuinely type and publish these things about a child, let alone his child. He was furious and he was going to burn - metaphorically - the people responsible for this abuse.
“How did they find out?”
Instead of her saying anything she pulled up a picture of the article online - released by ‘The Sun’ unsurprisingly as they were the worst for paparazzi stalking - and it all started to piece together.
The article headlined a picture of Belle and another girl, kissing outside of school. The study group mustn’t have been exclusively studying. Harry didn’t focus on the shitty article, he instead focused on how the smile on Belle’s face was the widest he’d ever seen.
“You look very happy.” Harry tried to make light of the situation for his daughter.
“I am. They make me very happy.” Belle blushed and Harry caught on.
“And they’re called?”
“Megan,” Harry repeated the name, getting a feel for the way it sounded for future use, “well they seem lovely.”
“Dad you’ve only seen them through a picture of us kissing.” Belle rolled her eyes and Harry reached out to dab the tears away, not minding that his sleeve was becoming heavily damp.
“Shut up you,” he laughed causing a smile to leap onto Belles face too, “do we get to meet them?”
“Hopefully,” Belle smiles, before looking down to her lap with furrowed brows, “that is, if they still like me after this whole media shambles.” Belle let out a breathe of shaky air and Harry caught her anxiety before she could let herself run off with it.
“Let me take care of that, don’t worry yourself over it, okay?” Belle nodded.
“Do I have to make like a statement or anything?”
“You do whatever you want to, Belles, and i’ll love you no matter what.”
And with that Harry left the room, a smile on his face for feeling like the proudest most happiest parent on the planet. It only lasted a few minutes though, because now it was time to make some phone calls and sue a few people.
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arvinsescape · 3 years
Too busy.
A/N: I am so sorry this took a while to get out, but here it is! I hope you all enjoy, it is based off a request that @tomhollandlol sent me and I hope you also enjoy and thanks again for your patience. I did change a couple of things but stuck to the basic concept, I hope you don’t mind 💕
Request: Angst one shot, they have 2 kids together, different scenarios, he never pays attention and does something else and is always too busy.
Warnings: Bit of swearing, mentions of sex.
W/C: 4.2K
This last six months had been the hardest she’d ever had to go through, in her entire six years of marriage to Tom, this had been the hardest. Having two kids on top of that didn’t make it any easier, she felt alone, more alone than she had in her life, she was bringing up two children, seemingly on her own. Their eldest was almost four and their youngest was nine months old and teething, which meant she cried a lot.
Tom had been there for most of their journey, he shared the work load and it made life easier but this last six months haven’t ben the case. He became busier, he had two projects going at once and whilst she would happily make allowances for his career it was becoming too much for her. She hated the assumption that things should be easy because she was a stay-at-home mum but that was far from the truth. The children were so young that they needed her constant and undivided attention.
She was struggling to give two children her undivided attention and recently she’s become run down, completely running of fumes. She lives her life in a constant state of tired, she barely does a thing for herself, hell even a shower seemed like a hard task half of the time and Tom? Well half of the time she wasn’t a hundred per cent sure exactly what it was he was doing. She wondered how he hadn’t noticed, how he hadn’t seen the tiredness she constantly displayed.
Half of the mums at school had noticed, she saw it in their looks of pity when she arrived with her son, looking run down and disheveled because she couldn’t make herself look presentable. She didn’t have the time because either her baby would need something or her four-year-old which left no time for herself in a morning.
“Tom?” She shouted as she bounced Ava on her hip.
“Yeah?” He shouted back from where ever he was in the house.
“Can I get your help please?”
“Y/N, I’m busy.”
“You’re always busy.” She muttered to herself as she gave up and tried to soothe Ava on her own whilst making Noah’s lunch.
“Tom, I’ve just cleaned there.” She spoke, almost in disbelief as she watched her husband place his golf clubs in the middle of the hall.
“I’ll move them in a bit.” He shrugged. “I need to read over some stuff.” He said as he wandered down the hall and into his office. She couldn’t help herself as she flipped him off on his way, thankful he couldn’t see.
“Tom? Is there any chance you can take Noah to school tomorrow? I need to take Ava to an appointment and I don’t wanna be late again.”
“I can’t darling, I’m busy.” He answered, eyes on his laptop.
“Tom, please? I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.” She tried and Tom looked up at her.
“Y/N/N, I am really busy right now. Just take Noah into school earlier and then you won’t be late.” He said and she looked at him in disbelief.
“Right, yeah, okay.” She huffed and left his office, shutting the door with enough force to let him know she was upset with him.
“Daddy! Look what I did.” Noah screamed as he made his way through the door.
“I’ll have a look in a bit my love, I’m busy at the moment.” Tom answered and their son huffed in response.
“Daddy!” Noah shouted as he ran into his father’s open arms. “Can we go for ice-cream?” He asked excitedly.
“Ask mummy, I have some work to do.” Tom said and Noah visibly deflated.
“She already said no, she’s too tired.” Noah mocked his mother’s voice.
“Well I expect she is tired.” Tom said, they never bad mouthed each other in front of the children. It wasn’t something either of them did.
“Why? She doesn’t work.” Noah folded his arms over his chest and Tom looked at him in a scalding manner.
“That’s not nice. Your mummy works really hard to make sure everything and everyone is okay. Don’t talk about her like that.”
“But she doesn’t do anything. She looks after us, my friends mummy works and she’s fine. Everyone at school has said it, she has nothing to be tired about, that’s what my friend’s mummy’s say.” Noah huffed, he had a bit of a temper streak. Tom’s heart plummeted, where people really shit talking his wife? To the point his son had become subject to it.
“That’s enough now Noah.” Tom said as he set his son down.
“Whatever. You’re always too busy and mummy’s always too tired. You’re both boring.” He snapped before running into his bedroom and slamming the door. This made Tom’s heart shatter, they were both trying to do the right thing. Tom really contemplated his life choices and in hind sight he wished he’d done something sooner, especially with the conversation he was about to have that evening.
“Tom, you are never here.” She exclaimed, a small comment having sparked an argument that had her struggling to keep her voice down.
“I’m busy. Look in a couple of months I’ll be here.” He said and she huffed folding her arms over her chest.
“You’re always busy Tom. I can’t remember the last time you put us first.”
“I’m doing this so I can take some more time off, Y/N, I don’t wanna be that guy but I earn the money, I can’t just stop working.” He snapped and she felt her anger rise in response.
“That’s bullshit,” she hissed out and he was taken aback by her tone. “You were in some of the biggest movies going a few years back. We are not struggling for money, that is some bullshit excuse for the fact that you’re not around.” She hissed, voice laced in nothing but venom.
“Look, I have a week off starting tomorrow, I don’t need to be anywhere and I won’t have any responsibilities, I can help.” He offered and she sighed, anger leaving her with nothing but defeat.
“I hope so.” She shrugged and Tom looked at her carefully.
“What do you mean?” He asked, there was something in her tone that scared him.
“I mean,” she sighed. “I can’t keep doing this, I’m tired and I need more from you.” She didn’t sound angry just tired and Tom felt his heart drop.
“Meaning?” He asked tentatively.
“Meaning, I can’t carry on doing this and next time it’s going to be a very different conversation. A conversation about us that I really don’t want to have but it’s come to that.” She sighed out before turning on her heel and leaving Tom with his thoughts. His heart shattered, had he really been so neglectful?
Tom was free for a week, which helped slightly because their son was always itching to spend time with his father. She thought this would mean that she got a little respite after their conversation the previous night but that’s not how it panned out.
“Y/N?” Her husbands voice echoed through the halls and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes at his tone. She shouted back her location within the house and few seconds later he appeared. “I need you to look after Noah.” He said, their son hot on his heels, she furrowed her brows.
“Why?” She couldn’t help but asked and Tom gave her a sympathetic look.
“I need to get some of this work done and as much as I love him he’s distracting me.” Tom spoke and she couldn’t help but huff, it was always something.
“I thought you were off this week?” She couldn’t help but ask, tone clipped and she instantly regretted using it in front of Noah.
“I was but then my agent emailed this morning and I now have a load of work to do.” He said, there was a sadness laced in his tone but she didn’t care. She passed him feeling bad about it, she needed him to put them first and recently he hasn’t.
“Fine, whatever.” She grumbled out a response and Tom felt awful, he could see how tired she was, he wouldn’t deny that. But these two projects were taking over and he felt just as tired trying to keep up. To anyone else looking in they would have said the couple needed to sit down and have a chat but of course relationships are more complex than that and the couple were still waiting to have said chat.
“Baby, I’m sorry.” Tom spoke and she sighed.
“It’s whatever Tom. He has some schoolwork he should be doing anyway.” She said, tone defeated and Tom sighed before nodding and making his way back into his office. He wanted to say something but he was afraid to start an argument in front of the children, the two had agreed that their arguments would be kept private, the children didn’t need to know about them.
She spent the afternoon trying to split herself between helping Noah with his math’s work and Ava with her teething. Noah was a bright child when it came to English and Art but Math’s? He was no good at and required a lot of help. She found herself growing frustrated the more she went through the work, she felt guilty but she was so tired she couldn’t help it.
“No, Noah. I’ve shown you this now. Come on, you need to work with me.” She said and instantly regretted the words.
“Mummy, I am trying but I don’t get it.” Noah said back as Ava burst into another flood of tears. She jumped up from her seat, Noah making a noise of annoyance at her actions. She scooped Ava into her arms and rocked her, it was making no difference, the ache in the child’s gum causing ample discomfort.
“Ava come on, shh, it’s okay. Calm down.” She said as she hastily scanned the living room in search of her teething ring. Her eyes landing on the object and she hastily picked it up before handing it to her daughter. She placed the ring in her mouth and instantly her screams calmed to small cries. Once she was settled enough, Y/N placed her back in her high chair and proceeded to help Noah.
She was tired by the end of the evening, her only job being left was to put Noah to bed and he just wouldn’t settle either. He wasn’t great at bed times, he was an alert child who found it hard to switch off for the day.
“Mummy, can we please have another story?” He asked and she felt herself deflate, all she wanted was to have a bath and go to bed.
“But sweetheart, I’ve already read two.” She tried to reason and Noah threw his book onto the floor which made her sigh out as she retrieved it.
“Please mummy? I’m not even tired, can’t I just play with my toys?” He asked, arms folded across his chest and she wasn’t prepared for what was to come next, signs of his temper tantrum approaching and fast.
“No sweetheart, you have school tomorrow.” She sighed out and she watched as her sons face turned into a rather sour expression.
“So? I’m not tired. How can I sleep if I’m not tired? You’re supposed to read to me.” He said and she sighed.
“Baby, mummy’s tired herself okay.” She said, she really didn’t have it in her to stay awake much longer.
“Then get daddy to read to me.” He huffed and she nodded before standing up and making her way into her husbands office, a soft knock pulling him from his work.
“Come in.” Tom’s voice spoke, eyes still trained on his emails.
“Tom? Can you read to Noah please?” She asked, hopefulness lacing her voice, her husbands eyes finding her tired ones. There was something about the way she looked tonight, the way she looked like she was struggling to keep herself stood that reality hit the man hard.
“Of course baby.” Tom said as he stood and he didn’t miss the flash of shock grace his wife’s face. He felt immensely guilty, he hadn’t been there for past six months and he could see what that was doing to her. “Have you eaten?” Tom asked and she shrugged.
“Bits but I’m not hungry.” She said as she rubbed at her red and tired eyes. Tom felt like an utter dick, he’d taken on too much and left his wife to pick up the pieces.
“You should eat.” Tom said and she shrugged.
“I just want to go to bed Tom.” She whispered out and he nodded in response before making his way over to her and kissing her forehead before pulling her into a hug.
“Then go sleep love. I’ve got Noah.” He spoke and she felt relieved, completely and utterly relieved, she didn’t even want the bath anymore, that could wait until tomorrow. She didn’t miss the excitement in her sons voice as Tom made his way into his room and she smiled before practically face planting the bed and falling asleep.
It was eight o clock in the morning when she woke, she felt sluggish as she grabbed for her phone and looked at the time. Heart beat picking up far too quickly for her bodies tired state.
“Shit.” She exclaimed as she rushed out of bed and into Noah’s room, only to find the bed empty. “Noah?” She shouted as she ran down the stairs, her mind was racing, she was running late. How had she slept for so many hours? And how had it gone interrupted?
“In here mummy.” Noah shouted back as she raced into the living room.
“I’m sorry, I’m up, I just need to get changed and then we can set off for school.” She rambled as ran into the kitchen to sort out his breakfast.
“Darling, slow down.” She heard Tom’s voice and she spun around to look at her husband, he had bags under his eyes and his hair was a slight mess. How could he still look so good? She wished she could look as good as he did, even tired.
“What?” She looked around the kitchen, evidence that Noah had already had his breakfast. His school bag filled with the books for the day and his packed lunch.
“I’m gonna take him in. Go and chill out.” He spoke as he pulled her into his chest and kissed the top of her head.
“Thank you.” She sighed and Tom nodded.
“I’ll take Ava and then you can get some rest if you need it, I’ll be back soon. I’ll do the shopping, should be an hour or so.” Tom spoke and her heart soared at his words.
“Did Ava sleep through?” She asked, realizing she’d not been woken up by her crying last night.
“Yeah, a few times. I slept in there, wanted you to catch up on some sleep.” He admitted and she could have cried with the happiness the revelation brought her. “We need to talk when I get home.” He spoke and she nodded. “Okay, well I’ll see you in an hour.” He said and she nodded before kissing her son good bye and making him promise to behave.
An hour and a half later and she’d had a relaxing bath, one that she was more than thankful and ready for. She’d even managed to have a hot cup of tea, a stark difference to the cold ones she was used to. She’d even managed to read a chapter of her new book, she still felt like she could sleep for a while but overall relaxed and content.
“Hey.” Tom said as he leant against the doorway to their bedroom. She placed her book down and looked at him.
“Hey,” she said somewhat awkwardly, she wasn’t sure how this conversation was about to go.
“I’ve just put Ava down, will probably give us a good hour or so.” He spoke and she nodded. “So,” he sighed. “We should talk.” He continued and she nodded again, words not being able to find her, she needed to know how he feeling, what he was going to say first.
“I’m sorry, I want you to know that. I’ve been so wrapped up in what I’ve been doing that I haven’t noticed what I was doing to you. I’m so used to you being the one who has everything together, who know exactly what to do that I thought you didn’t need my help as much as you do.” He started and she opened her mouth to speak but no words came out before he beat her to it.
“I know that’s not an excuse, it’s poor on my behalf and I’m sorry. You and the children, you mean everything to me. All I want in life is for you guys to get everything you want and need and I’m sorry that I’ve been the way that I have, there are no excuses.” He said and she felt her heart lift, the two could fix this, fix what has been happened. “But I need something from you.” He spoke and she furrowed her brows as she waited for him to continue.
“I need you to be honest, I need you to tell me what it’s been like to be you. I don’t want you to spare my feelings, I want you to let it all out. I’m listening now, darling, I need to know what this has done to you, how I can make it right.” He said and she nodded slightly before sitting up in bed properly, her back against the head board as she carefully played with her wedding ring. Tom sat carefully on the edge of the bed, he needed to hear what she was about to say.
“Tom, you’ve just not been here.” She started with her biggest problem. “Even when you are in the house it’s like you just expect me to do everything. You expect your clothes to be washed, dried and ironed, you expect your dinner on the table and I never used to mind. You would always say thank you but recently you haven’t and it made me wonder whether or not you just expect it of me, that it’s my job.” She started and Tom kept quiet, he wanted her to continue.
“Tom, you used to be so attentive.” She said as she reached over and took his hand in her own. “You always used to be here, know when I needed help without having to ask. I don’t mind doing all of those things for you, I really don’t but when you don’t get a thanks it feels a little like you’re being used.” She continued and his heart shattered, he would never intentionally use her, he loved her, loved his family.
“That brings me onto the kids, Tom they need so much attention. They want me to split myself in two half of the time and I can’t, it’s impossible. They both need so much from me and given Ava teething I don’t even get a full night’s sleep. I am constantly trying to run off energy that I just don’t have. It wasn’t so bad when Noah was a baby, we took shifts, you helped. Recently though Tom, it’s been me that gets up and tends to her, me that sacrifices sleep.”
“I know that might sound selfish but when you have a partner, a husband who’s supposed to help with all that it gets tiresome. I found myself getting so angry with you, I wanted to be you, I wanted to bury my head in paperwork and think of nothing else. There were days when I honestly wanted nothing to do with you, I didn’t want to be around you because everything little thing you did angered me.”
“I’ve been so tired, my mind is never where it should be. I’m always doing stupid things because I’m so tired. I never feel like I get anything back from you. I’m too tired to have an evening to myself when they have gone to sleep, I just want to sleep myself. I’m always running around after them, something you barely do anymore, sure you play with them but when was the last time you had to deal with one of Noah’s meltdowns?”
“I get that you have a lot on, I get that two projects keep you busy and if we didn’t have kids it wouldn’t affect me as much but we do and it does. I need you to be there for me Tom, I can’t keep doing this alone, I can’t.” She ended her rant and Tom felt awful, he was so angry with himself, she didn’t even sound angry anymore. She sounded like she’d accepted it and she was just tired with the situation, somehow he wishes she was screaming at him right now.
“I’m sorry princess. There are no words, no excuses for what I’ve done. I’m sorry I made you feel like that, it was never my intention. You mean the world to me, you and the kids. Things are gonna change, I promise.” Tom said, he knew now that actions spoke louder than words, it wasn’t what she wanted him to say it was what she wanted him to do.
“On top of all of that Tom, I can’t remember the last time we did anything as a couple. Most of the time I’m asleep when you get to bed, I can’t remember the last time we touched each other, it’s just draining. It all adds up.”
“I know darling. I promise things are gonna change. Why don’t you pick a film and I’ll be back in a minute?” He said and she nodded as she flicked the TV on and got herself comfortable in bed. She couldn’t remember the last time she had a day in bed. Tom returned almost ten minutes later and she wondered where he had gotten to.
“Where did you end up?” She asked as he made his way into the bedroom, two bottles of water in hand.
“Well, I grabbed these, I made sure Ava was still okay and the baby monitor is working properly and I had to send a couple of emails.” He admitted and her heart dropped, after everything she’d just said? He took in her expression as he placed the water down and jumped into bed with her. “Not like that darling, I’ve passed one of my projects onto Harrison and Harry, they’re gonna finish it up.” He said and she relaxed. “I promised things will change and they will.”
“Daddy!” Noah shouted as he ran to his father, who was there at the school gate to pick him up, Y/N right there next to him. It had been a while since they both picked him up. Ava was a little more settled today which made things a little easier.
“How was school?” Tom asked enthusiastically and then almost cried when he realised how long it had been since he asked that question.
“Amazing!” Noah gushed as he looked at his mother. “Mummy, you look so pretty.” He spoke and she laughed.
“She always looks pretty.” Tom defended her and Noah nodded.
“Yeah, but she looks extra pretty today.” Noah said. It had been a while since she was able to put effort into her appearance and she felt better for doing it. Even if it was only a nicely picked out outfit and tamed hair. “Can we go for ice cream?”
“You my boy have an obsession.” Tom laughed as he poked his son playfully. “But yeah, I think that’ll be a good idea.” Tom said as he looked to his wife who nodded in response. She didn’t miss the looks of jealousy thrown her way when they saw her with Tom.
“So what did you do this afternoon?” Noah asked his parents as he was being strapped into the back of the car.
“We watched a film.” Tom stated, it was an absolute lie, they’d gotten half an hour into the film before Tom had his head between his wife’s legs. It had been a while since they’d done anything like that and when they both realised that fact. When they both realised how long it had truly been since they’d done anything, they spent most of the afternoon catching up with each other’s bodies. In between tending to their baby of course, they both felt energized after their endeavors between the sheets.
“Was it good?”
“Absolutely amazing.” Y/N answered as Tom slipped into the driver’s seat, she took his hand in hers as she held it in her lap.
“Can we watch another film when we get home?” Noah asked excitedly.
“Sure, how about we go and spend the afternoon doing something fun and then we can go out for tea, go home and watch a film?” Tom suggested and Noah fist bumped the air.
“Yes! Does this mean you two aren’t going to be boring now?” Noah asked and Y/N and Tom found themselves laughing.
“Yes, this means we aren’t going to be boring anymore.”
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survey--s · 10 months
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What is the one thing you remember most about January of last year? Not much, really. Mike was off work for most of it but otherwise it was just a pretty typical January from what I can remember.
You look at the clock and it’s 11:11, do you wish? No.
How do you think you will look 3 years from now? Probably about the same, just a bit older.
Once you graduate (if you haven’t already) are you leaving your hometown? I left my hometown for university, then went back for a few years, then left again about seven years ago.
What is your dream job? I love what I do now. I'd also love to work in a zoo but I don't have the qualifications to do anything like that and I can't afford to go back and take another degree.
What would be number one on your bucket list? Travel to all the continents.
How old do you think you’ll be when you make your will? I don't really feel the need to make a will - I'm married without children so everything will go to my husband (and vice versa), which is all our will would say anyway.
You get a text message. who do you hope it is? Nobody really.
Are there any songs that you hear that just make you wanna dance? Sure.
Do you get any of your songs from limewire? Ha, how old is this?! I kinda miss LimeWire.
What’s the oddest thing you are wearing right now? I don't think I'm wearing anything odd - just leggings, a t-shirt and a hoody.
You and your best friend get in a fight. why do you think that is? We only ever really argue about his mess.
Do you use the word “basically” a lot? I don't think so.
Do you use proper grammar or use IM talk? Proper grammar.
What is your biggest annoyance at the time? Mike has a cold and kept me awake half the night coughing and now I'm exhausted ha.
You see the person you fell hardest for. what do you do? Well, we're married so...just what I do everyday lol.
Have/are you depressed? Yes, I have a depression diagnosis though it's been pretty well controlled for the past few years now.
Did you grow up in the united states? No. I've never even been there.
Are you dreading tomorrow? Nope, I'm looking forward to it actually.
Do you call anybody ‘baby’? I call Simba "Baby Beans" lol.
If your school had a winter formal on new years, would you go? Fuck that.
Where is the fanciest place you have ever visited? I have no idea. Buckingham Palace maybe?
Who is the one person you can completely be yourself around? My husband, my parents.
Are your pop-ups blocked on your computer? Yes.
Do you know a guy that has voice cracks, but it’s cute? No.
Do you wear earrings on a normal basis? I wear them everyday. They're just part of me at this point - I don't even think about them, they're just "there".
What stereotype would people associate you with? I have no idea.
How old were you when you realized that life goes on? I mean, isn't that just something you always know?
Do you consider yourself mature? When the situation calls for it.
Are your parent’s night owls or morning birds? One of each. My dad is a lark and my mum is an owl.
Do you like to sing? I do, but I'm not very good at it.
Are there some songs that you will never understand the lyrics to? I'm sure, but none are coming to mind right now.
Do you own a lot of picture frames? I think we have about five or six.
Who is your favorite author? Neil Gaiman.
How many pillows are on your bed? I use two, and Mike has a special memory foam one that's supposed to help with his snoring. Then there's two decorative ones as well.
How is your hair right now? Damp from my shower and up in a messy bun.
Is your phone fully charged? No. The battery on it has just dropped massively recently. I'm thinking of switching to an Android when my contract is up as this is the third time this has happened on iPhone.
What’s your favorite thing about the holidays? No stressing or getting up early to work.
Are you still in school? No. I haven't been in education for 12 years now.
How many days/months until your next birthday? Three weeks.
What is your favorite type of cake? Good old fashioned Victoria Sponge with fresh cream, cheesecake (not the baked kind) or coffee and walnut cake.
How many rings do you wear on a day-to-day basis? Just two - my wedding and engagement rings.
When will you next laugh until you cry? I mean, you can't exactly plan things like that.
0 notes
roscgcld · 4 years
note: this was a few ideas given to me by my beloved 🌸Anon - a bunch of new gojotwins!au headcanons c: this one is a little different compared to my other story, so this is a stand alone one. might turn it into a series if it gets enough love, but we’ll see~ you can read the original ask here!
pronouns: she/her
note: mentions of blood and death and spoilers for volume 8 & 9 of the manga. SUPER LONG by the way lol
gojotwins!au masterlist
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twins have always been viewed as a bad omen for the parents - there are high chances of both twins developing no Cursed Technique at all, or have a Cursed Technique that is not desirable. So there had been no hope when one of the wives from the main family of the gojo clan was pregnant, and from what they can tell with twins at that
so it was a huge surprise to not only the elders but the entire jujutsu world when not one, but both of the twins were born with the coveted Six Eyes - something that had never happened in the history of the gojo clan. it was a moment to be celebrated!
if only they knew just what was lies ahead
much to the delight of the elders, the older one of the twins was the boy, satoru, while the girl was born 20 minutes after - it wouldn’t have mattered if it was the other way around, but just having the young boy being the one born first was definitely the icing on the cake
both of you were an absolute headache to deal with, causing so much chaos and mayhem that the elders had wondered if they should have celebrated at the idea of having two Six Eyes users under the same house was a good thing
the both of you trained together throughout your younger years, with satoru becoming super overprotective even though you were twins - he understood from a young age that the both of you were starting at different levels of footing because of your gender
yes, you are a girl - but at 7 years old you had exorcise a Grade-Two Curse by yourself with no more than an annoyed click of your tongue and a snap of your fingers, walking away whilst whining about how it got your favourite dress dirty
with that being said though, he loves to tease you are still the younger one between the both of you, and had teased you about how you should refer to him as ‘onii-chan’ instead of his first name
“come on, Y/N~ it’s a sign of respect~”
“i am going to spend you to outer space one of these days.”
the two of you were already known about the jujutsu world way before you even became old enough to enroll in Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College - you two were even allowed to enter without an interview with the then principal of the school
who would want to waste their time interviewing two highly over qualified teenagers anyway?
the first time you met geto and shoko, they were both intimidated by your sheer presence. the both of them have heard talks about the gojo twins entering their year as a pair
so when they had first met you, standing there in your uniform with your bright blue eyes hiding behind a pair of blacked out sunglasses and an indifferent look on your face - they definitely felt a shiver go through their bodies
however, when they saw your twin brother appearing behind you with the biggest grin, hugging you from behind whilst you scowled and tried to push his head away - they were definitely less intimidated now
“now, now, Y/N-chan, stop being so scary~”
“nii-chan, i am giving you three seconds to let go of me.”
the two of you quite the duo, especially when you two are always pinned against one another with more difficult and more challenging missions compared to when you were under the care of the gojo clan 
geto felt less pressure to match up to his friend, since satoru and Y/N are always at each other’s throat - wanting to outmatch the other and one up the other with silly things like Curse head counts and how difficult its level is
with that being said, satoru is very protective of you - if any so much as speaks poorly of you, he would not hesitate to put them in their place
“oya? what makes you think you can speak of my baby sister like that?” satoru had hummed towards the small group of men, who were commenting on how beautiful the young woman was followed by a lot of unsavoury comments. 
satoru still sported his casual smile, yet there was a certain air around him that made them shut their mouths up real fast. “mind repeating that? just want to make sure that i have a good enough reason to put your lazy asses six feet underground..”
after that specific incident by the way, satoru had you and your friends out on a little excursion around tokyo - where they just did a bunch of stupid things together to calm down
you can read him like the back of a book though, so when both of your friends went away to browse through some shelves in a video game store, you just wrapped your arms around your brother with a smile. “you know, nii-chan, you don’t need to go about protect my honour. i’m a big girl now.”
he’d just blink down at you before giving you a soft but genuine smile, petting the top of your head with one of his hand while the other was resting inside of his pocket. “if i don’t protect you, who am i going to protect?”
that statement was proven during your second year - a cursed user had overpowered you and shoko and had taken the both of you hostage. the curse user had practically beaten you into a pulp, knowing that you were the stronger one between the two
shoko had been tied up and beaten as well, but you were definitely taking the brunt of his anger - along with being forced to listen about how he was going to sell you to some low life family that had been trying to get you to marry their sorry excuse of a son. 
you don’t even remember meeting the father of the boy, who had claimed to visit the gojo clan home a few times now
“you gonna be a good girl for me?” the man had gripped as he gripped your hair in his hands, giving you a smirk whilst you scowled over at him in annoyance, blinking the blood out of your eyes from the wound on the top of your head. 
before you can give another snarky answer in reply that will get you another beating, the sound of someone kicking the door in. before either one of you can move, the man suddenly let go of your hair with a pained gasp as someone grabbed his hair and forced his head back, looking up into a pair of glowing blue eyes
“get your filthy hands off my baby sister.”
geto was in charge of taking care of the both of you, leaving the room with a simple reminder to satoru that they needed to bring the man back alive
both of you spending most of your time trying to unlock the many secrets of the Limitless, and how to control it better
during the entire star plasma vessel fiasco, you had stayed by geto’s side. and while you didn’t manage to save rika from being murdered, you had, like gojo, managed to touch the core of cursed energy
toji had ‘killed you’ before he went after geto, yet like satoru, he did not decapitate your head; so you had slowly started to use the reverse curse technique to heal your wounds
so you couldn’t believe satoru’s belief when he found you using reverse cursed technique to heal geto, wrapping you up in his arms while you just smile and hold him as well
the three of you plus shoko had turned to one another for comfort, because along the way you four have grown close to the young girl, and her death really affected all of you
but if there is something bright that came out from this, is that you and your brother had really elevated yourselves to become the strongest duo of the new generation - both pretty much an entire chest above the current active sorcerers
after satoru had calmed down, he had told you about what toji had said to him before his death - about how he has a son that he had planned to sell of to the zen’ins
the two of you went to visit the young boy, discovering that he had an older sister as well; and without hesitation you had taken the both of them under your wing, pulling a few strings behind the scenes while also trying to provide him with as normal as a life as you two could
megumi had viewed you as a mother figure, someone who looked out for him and tsumiki, teaching the two of them life skills like sewing and cooking, making sure they always have warm meals. 
you never miss their birthdays either - always making sure to get them either a cake or a small cupcake with a candle on the top to blow out just for the sake of tradition
sure, satoru loves to spoil them too, but he acted more like their chilled older brother - he definitely relies on you more as a parental figure he had lacked for quite a huge part of his childhood
he had remembered how once, when you had made him his favourite curry and rice after a long week, he just sighed and said, “thanks mum,” before he started to eat his meal 
at first you froze in shock, and  megumi did too - but before the blushing teen can apologise, you had already wrapped him up in your arms as you just cried your heart out
satoru had teasingly asked him if megumi can call him ‘dad’, to which megumi just scowled and sent his divine dogs after your brother
satoru loves to introduce you two as the ‘strongest duo’ by the way - which makes you super awkward and you hate it with a passion. he wasn’t wrong, but it’s still awkward
“we’re the Gojos - the strongest duo out there.”
“please stop calling us that.”
feel like because you’re there, geto might still be on the path to the light lmao - like mans will be a teacher in school and you three will be dub the ‘idiot trinity’ or some bullshit nickname lol - the three biggest troublemakers in the jujutsu world
yet the three most capable ones as well - absolutely drive the higher ups of the jujutsu world insane
with that being said though - the three of you definitely hashed a plan to change the jujutsu world together. even shoko agrees that there should be some change to the old ways of the jujutsu world; so the four of you decided to sign up to work as teachers at Jujutsu High 
the first group of students you took under your wing was the then first years - maki, toge, panda, and eventually yuta when he joined your little class
you are the mother for the students while geto is the responsible dad; satoru is the crazy uncle that is not allowed to supervise the students alone, and shoko is the cool aunt who lets you skip class in her office if you want
all the students have, at one point, just referred to you as ‘mum’ and you had always just accepted that with a soft smile and a pat on the top of their head
even if they are taller than you, they will willingly bend down to your height so you can pet them on the head - even megumi lets you get away with it
when itadori and nobara came into the picture, you had taken them un as your own as well - but you did spend a good 5 minutes laughing with geto at the idea that yuji manages to control sukuna like he is just an annoying imaginary friend in the back of his head that refuses to shut up
you had tried to give them some form of normality and comforts as teenagers, even if many times they were forced into very uncomfortable situations
all in all - it was utter chaos the moment both you and satoru were born. yet it was a miracle nonetheless. many times you prove to the world that your bond is stronger than people think it is, and that you two will go through anything to make sure the other is safe. 
you are the younger one, but the more responsible one too. the motherly figure that everyone turned to, even your friends and brother, who needs comfort and a warm meal. yet if provoked, you can become deadly and kill with no hesitation. it’s because of this, both you and your brother are considered as quite the deadly duo; the strongest ones around. 
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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Walburga Comes for Dinner (one shot)
Regulus Black AU
Summary:  Walburga comes for dinner and sees her children for the first time in a very long time. (goes with the Dinner with the Dursleys and Tuesday night dinner one shot...see below for links)
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: T
Dinner with the Dursleys 
Tuesday Night Dinners 
This will be interesting…
That was the thought that went through your mind when Regulus stepped through the front door after a long day at work. Joanna immediately waddled over to her father, hopping up and down screaming “daddy” until he was able to get his coat off and pay attention to the child.
“Good, Joanna. Get him buttered up.”
You thought as Regulus came into the kitchen snuggling his face against Joanna’s head.
“You look pretty, darling.’’
Regulus commented, looking you over. He was ready for nothing more than a quiet Thursday night. By quiet this meant having dinner, giving Joanna a bath, getting the child in bed without her needing twenty hugs while making Regulus look for a random spider under her bed that she was convinced would eat her toes, and alone time with you. People at the Ministry were driving him batty and Regulus didn’t have the patience for any calamities that night.
“I’m pretty too.”
Joanna said in an extra sassy tone that earned a smile from Regulus.
“Of course you are love. You’re the prettiest little girl ever. Why don’t you go play with your dollhouse?”
Joanna, appeased with Regulus’ comment, didn't fuss when he put her down. She toddled off. Regulus waited until Joanna was quietly amused before wrapping his arms around you.
“Now, as I was saying, you look beyond pretty...absolutely ravishing is more like it.”
You relaxed in Regulus’ arms enjoying the moment of quiet uninterrupted alone time. As much as you didn’t want to, you knew that you had to break the news to him.
“Guess who is coming to dinner?”
“Merlin, I don’t feel like entertaining.”
Regulus groaned. You had expected this reaction. Things were only about to get more interesting.
“It’s your mother.”
Regulus’ mouth dropped. He hadn’t seen his mother in ages. She wasn’t there when Joanna was born or through your pregnancy. Walburga had sworn that she would never speak to Regulus as long as he was married to “that mudblood girl.” Regulus was just fine with his mother’s promise. He had no use for the woman if she was going to insult his wife. All Regulus needed to be happy was Joanna and yourself. Walburga no longer fit into the equation of his life. When Regulus stopped believing in the “Black family way” he realized how messed up everything truly was.
Regulus said, crossing his arms over his chest. You put down the bowl that you were holding. To say that you were looking forward to meeting Walburga was a far stretch. You would much rather it be your mother and father coming for dinner.
“She wants to see you. I suppose she’s feeling guilty about not seeing Joanna yet. Maybe she even feels a bit guilty because she is getting old and has no son to look after her now that your father is dead.”
Regulus mumbled something under his breath before going off to search for the bottle of fire whiskey. He needed some liquid motivation if his mother was going to be stepping foot inside of his home.
“She can go to a home for the elderly. I am not looking after her. I was the good son long enough.”
Regulus commented before smiling coldly.
“Watch this.”
He said before picking up the muggle telephone and calling Sirius. You had picked up your teacup and were keeping an eye on your husband. He was up to something and you had a sneaking suspicion on what he was going to do
“Hey, it's me. Want to come over for dinner?I know you never wait for an invitation. See you at six.”
Regulus hung up the phone before grinning at you.
“He can’t wait to see his mother.”
You shook your head. Now things were about to be a shit show.
An hour later there was a knock at the door. Regulus stood up knowing who that was. Walburga fucking Black was back to ruin his life and cause problems.
“I’ll get it, love.”
He commented before going to the door. Walburga stood on the other side with her usual snobby expression. She forced a smile as she looked at her youngest son. Regulus was handsome and well put together as always.
Regulus kept his tone cold and icy. Walburga expected Regulus’ off-putting and unfriendly attitude. She assumed that he was still angry over her calling you mudblood. In Walburga’s mind, she was correct. Her “darling boy” married a less than desirable woman and this seemed to wedge between the two.
“Come in.”
Regulus said, keeping his eyes locked Walburga’s unfriendly face. He reached out and stopped her before she was able to get too far inside.
“I’m warning you now. If you are the least bit rude to my family, I will not hesitate to throw you out.”
Walburga glared at him. She wanted nothing more than to throw a few nasty mudblood comments out but decided if she didn’t want to die alone it would be in her best interest to be decent.
“I understand.”
Walburga looked around the homey living room. The house was very nice. Clearly, Regulus was doing well for his family.
“Daddy, come play with me.”
Walburga’s head snapped up the moment she heard the little voice that she had been wanting to hear for some time. She would never admit it but she had wanted to see her granddaughter from the time that the birth announcement came in the mail. Walburga had sent Joanna an “add-a-pearl” necklace as a way to say “welcome to the world” and that was that.
Regulus never took the time to send Walburga a photo or anything. Now before her stood the most lovely child that she had ever seen (with the exception of Regulus, of course).
Walburga watched as Regulus bent down to pick the little girl up. Joanna’s raven curls wildly fell down her back as she pressed her face into her father’s cheek. It wasn’t until Joanna pulled away from cuddling Regulus did she notice the new face in the room. She looked at Walburga carefully. Clearly, the little girl was well versed in “not talking to strangers.”
“Joanna, this is your grandma.”
Walbruga forced a small smile as Joanna put her head on Regulus’ shoulder.
She’s shy...just like he used to be.
Watching Regulus with Joanna, made Walburga’s heartache. Had she really lost so much time with her own son? While Walburga had wanted no part of being a mother originally, after losing Sirius then Regulus walking away for a muggle-born she realized how much that she actually loved her children.
“You can sit down, mother. I’m going to check on Y/n.”
Walburga immediately did as her son said as Regulus sat Joanna down.
“Keep grandma company.”
Regulus said softly. Part of him was screaming about leaving his darling baby alone with the hateful old woman but he knew Joanna would cause Walburga more annoyance. That in itself would be amusing enough. Besides, from his place in the kitchen door, Regulus could see the two perfectly.
You had just pulled the ham out of the oven when Regulus stepped into the room.
“Everything okay?”
You questioned. Regulus shrugged.
“She just walked in the door and I already feel like the love has been sucked out of me.”
You put the oven mitts down and wrapped your arms around Regulus’ shoulders. Kissing him softly, you chose to ignore Walburga who was watching the whole thing.
“I’ll suck something else out of you later.”
You said in a low suggestive tone. Regulus slightly blushed to know exactly what you meant and he would argue.
“That sounds tempting. We can throw her out, put the baby in bed, and have all evening alone.”
Before you could respond the back door opened and closed. Sirius stepped into the kitchen and smirked looking at Regulus and yourself.
“It's a wonder I only have one niece. The way you two snog there should be three or four kids running around here.”
Regulus rolled his eyes.
“One is enough. What about your love life?”
Sirius’ amused expression faded.
“Moony can’t get pregnant.”
Regulus put a hand over his face while you quietly laughed.
“How are we related?”
Regulus questioned as Sirius moved to go into the living room to see what his precious little niece was up to. He froze the moment that he saw the biggest demon from hell parked on his little brother’s couch talking to Joanna.
“Oh hell no.”
Sirius snapped before turning to make a line for the door but was stopped when Regulus brought him to the ground.
“If I’m stuck with her then you should be too.”
Sirius fought the urge to scream.
“You’re just evil!”
“Is everything alright in here?”
Both Sirius and Regulus got off of the kitchen floor as Walburga came in. Her cold grey eyes locked on her eldest son. The disappointment returned in full force as she looked between both Sirius and Regulus. While Regulus was dressed in a nice suit, Sirius looked like he had just gotten out of bed in tight clothing that he had worn for a few days.
Sirius decided not to call her “mum” to antagonize her. Regulus fought the urge to put a hand over his face as he remembered you standing beside him.
“Mum, this is my Y/n.”
Walburga’s vulture-like gaze turned to you.
So this is the girl that stole my baby from me.
Walburga thought before muttering a quiet and unfriendly hello. You only nodded. It was probably best that you kept your mouth shut. You were afraid that you would start going off on the woman for the way that she did both of her sons.
“Uncle Siri!”
Sirius had to tear himself away from watching you plot evilly as Joanna came running to him holding her hands out. He quickly reached down and scooped Joanna up, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“Jojo, where have you been all of my life?”
“In the living room. Did you bring me my pony?”
Sirius laughed as Regulus immediately started shaking his head.
“Do you want your daddy to kill me?”
“No, daddy wouldn't notice it if you stuck it in the back garden and tied it to a bush.”
Joanna commented, adding a sneaky little blink. Sirius laughed again.
“First things first, sugar, your daddy is standing right over there and can hear. Let's get you ready to eat.”
Dinner started off smoothly. You tried to speak quietly to Walburga but were only getting one or two-word responses. If you needed any more proof that your mother-in-law didn’t like you...this was it. You could feel Regulus tense beside you.
“It's okay, love.”
You whispered quietly as Sirius leaned back in his chair. He gave you an eyebrow wiggle before speaking.
“So, mum, what got you out of the stone-cold manor? Did you get that steak out of your heart finally? You have surely missed a lot of Joanna’s life...although she doesn't look very concerned.”
Joanna was happily ignoring everyone and nibbling on her little plate of noodles. She didn’t seem the least bit concerned with anything that was going on around her.
“That’s very amusing, Sirius. I thought that the two of you should know that I am remarrying.”
Both Regulus and Sirius dropped their forks as your eyes rolled up, clearly shocked.
“Is that supposed to be a joke?”
Regulus questioned. Sirius started laughing so hard that he had to put his head down.
“Is the guy desperate or already on the verge of death? Did you meet him on evil witch weekly’s personal page?”
Walburga frowned. This was clearly not the reaction that she expected. She had planned on Regulus being a little more supportive than her elder son.
“You’re not funny, Sirius. I decided to meet someone who enjoys my company?”
Sirius snorted.
“Does he enjoy you smacking him around or just ignoring him like you did dad?”
Walburga put her fork down.
“Regulus, do you have anything to say?”
Regulus chuckled. This whole situation was completely ludicrous.
“I thought that you only loved yourself.”
Walburga stood up and threw her napkin down on the table.
“I thought that I would get some support from my son. I didn’t come here to be made a fool.”
Walburga turned and stormed from the house without another word. Joanna was the next to speak.
“Granny needs a nap.”
Sirius nodded and stood up to take his plate to the sink.
“Sure does, Jojo, a nice nap in a big wooden box...six feet under. Who wants cake?”
@amelie-black @vixen @fandomsxxregulus @realgaytrash @acciosiriusblack @fific7 @jessyballet @knreidy1 @wolfstar4lifee @saturntomars @sxsalvatore @georgeweasleydumbhoe @zievyimas @buttercup-beeee @justfinishthis @vvipgot7be @whymyparentscheckmyphone @criminalyetminimal @bennyberry @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @siriuslyceleste @dumybitch @quuenofblacks @lucasfilms77 @spiderxalmighty @moonythemilf @fangirlforever2412 @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @hankypranky @summer-novak @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032​ @li0nh34rt​ @tas898 @deanwherescas @untoldshortsofthefandoms @knight-of-gleefulness @stuckinsaudi1 @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @sprnaturallover​ @shitfaceddaniel​ @wontlookaway​ @mycuddlycorner​ @rubyroscoe1 @hazncalsgal 
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