#it's okay though because the reader is badass and can handle it
aezuria · 6 months
okay okay but like could you do hcs about Jason grace x shy/cutesy fem!reader?? It would be so cute omgg everyone looks up to Jason as this intimidating badass leader but his gf is just the cutest, softest, most adorable lil thing ever??
*ੈ✎ he don't bite! (yes he do!)
content: jason grace x reader; hcs
warnings: none?? i made this more camp jupiter based tho sorry
note: THIS REQUEST WAS SOO CUTSEY OMGGG jason is a doberman bf fr
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so like yk how everyone in camp jupiter sees him as this super tough guy???
who wouldnt; he was the former praetor, son of jupiter himself, literally trained for war since he was a toddler
why is a guy like that walking around with YOU??
the most sweetest girl to ever grace the earth
how does that even happen?
jason is quite literally marching around with perfect posture, glaring at everyone (he's really just squinting cause he forgot his glasses... again)
and then he sees you!!
even with shit eyesight he knows the shape of you by heart
and his whole demeanor just?? softens? lights up? relaxes? all of the above
it was just such a rough day for him; he forgets everybody around him and just scoops you into his arms, burying his face into the crook of your neck
a bit of an awkward position with him having to bend down at a weird angle but he doesnt care!!
he just wants to hold you and have you hold him and cuddle :((
meanwhile everyones like WTF WHO ARE YOU AND IS THIS REALLY JASON
literally melts in your arms the second you hug him back
"you wanna go rest?" you whisper into the crook of his neck, to which he nodded against your shoulder. you laughed lightly and pulled away, or at least tried to. "let's go then."
he begrudgingly let you out of his arms, following behind you
everybody else is still reeling in shock btw
you guys were the TALK OF THE TOWN for WEEKS after
one of those things where youd never guess but when you know abt it, it just makes SO much sense
you guys are polar opposites in such a good way (to everybody else at least)
cuddling with you is his best relaxing thing to do
you literally had to get him a life cause the only things he knew to do were work and fight
bro has never had a day off like ever
once you two started dating, he was introduced to the most addicting drug: physical touch
he was probably really shy at first; really really likes it but feels like he doesnt deserve it cause all hes been treated with is harshness
and hes unused to being so gently handled
(someone give him a hug fr)
which is what YOU did!
now he love loves it, especially on days like these when everythings just too much and all he wants to do is unwind
runs to you like a puppy
LOVE LOVES being the little spoon even though hes shy abt it
he can do both but smth abt being held instead of doing the holding for once makes his heart heavy in a bittersweet way
would spend all day in your arms if he could just get out of his workaholic attitude (which is never, but hes doing better with you)
okay, we can all agree jason is scary when hes mad
which is USUALLY unlikely unless someone hurts his friends or smth like that
but sometimes he just looks mad and if you werent close to him, you wouldnt be able to tell the difference
but back to him being MAD mad
like, abt to beat the living (dead?) shit out of a monster mad because there is one RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU EW GET IT OFF
he just, did NOT NEED THAT TODAY HES TIRED AND SAD AND that was his breaking point
unleashes HELL on that poor monster, literally calls down a whole storm
the skies turn dark, clouds heavy with rain and the whole camp just looks up like ??? was this on the weather forecast
then it starts raining LIGHTNING and they all know who it is
and go inside and hide
was it a bit overdramatic? yes, but jason deserves to be dramatic sometimes
once he FINALLY finishes the job, he stomps back into the camp, terminus even taking note and doesnt say anything quippy
youd think he has the plague by the way people make room for him to walk
but then you poke through the crowd and spot him. "jason?"
hed know your voice anywhere, his head immediately turning to the direction he heard it
you were already right next to him, rubbing his arm and giving him your signature sweet smile
the stormy air around him seemed to part for you, like you were sun seeping through the cracks in the clouds
"y/n," he greeted you warmly, linking your arms together
what an odd sight the two of you made, but a cute one nonetheless!
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scekrex · 7 months
It's me, yes it's me! I know you were all waiting for me! :DD
Yes, yes, it's an another crack fic, yippeecayay, mfers 🤠 Adam and reader arguing about something, might be something stupid or something serious, obviously they still love each other but both of them are insanely stubborn so neither wants to admit they are wrong. The reader goes to cool off, he meets up with a friend and start to just vent his frustration to them when lo and behold, Adam shows up to... Well "apologise" in his own unique way and it's basically him just seeing the location where reader is (They're sharing their locations, Adam's heart cannot handle anymore stress with reader going missing even if for a few minutes), showing up with his badass axe guitar and strumming it, going "I love you bitch... I ain't ever gon' stop loving you... Biiitch", reader's friend just looks at him with the biggest "Really? You actually LOVE him?" and reader just looks back at them with the goofiest grin: "We'll, he's dumb and overly stupid, but he's my dumb and overly stupid man" shrugging his shoulders and goes to Adam to kiss him, just to then smack him and then kiss him again 👀
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Babes, I once again have to say that I love your crack prompts, at this point these r the air that keeps me alive bc holy fuck they make me laugh every fucking time.
Do you even
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, fighting (not physically but verbally), slightly cracky
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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“Adam, just shut the fuck up for a second, would you?” you exclaimed harshly as you massaged your temples in order to try and keep calm.
He had been ranting about his bitchy band mate who had ditched him last minute before an important gig and you had enough of it. Ever since the both of you had woken up in the morning all Adam had been talking about was ‘how fucking done he is with that bastard’ and ‘how fucking dare that whore to ditch him last minute because he was the fucking Adam and the fucking Adam wasn't someone you'd ditch to fuck some random - and ugly, his words not yours - bbl bitch'. “Just shut the fuck up for a couple seconds okay? I get it, that fucker ditched ya, it was shitty of him, but for the love of God, stop acting like a motherfucking child and get the fuck over it.”
The brunette's hands were on his hips as he shot you a venomous look, “Well, if you would care you wouldn't mind me bitching about something that meant a whole fucking lot to me.” You couldn't help the huff that escaped you as you closed the gap between the both of you, your index finger aggressively tapping his chest as you looked up at him. Because what the actual fuck? You cared, you cared a lot and usually you didn't mind it when he was bitching about something, but you've had a headache all day and Adam wasn't being helpful with his constant talking. You couldn't even bring yourself to feel sorry for snapping at him, you had told him that you weren't feeling well today and yet he had strictly ignored that just for his own benefit. “You know what? Fuck you, Adam. You can suck my fucking dick for saying that. I fucking care, okay? Any ordinary bitch would've left you by now but I fucking didn't because I love you, for heaven's sake. So quit the motherfucking attitude already,” there was truly no way for you to swallow all the anger that was seething inside of you and you really couldn't care less. “I’m out of here, fucking call me when you decided to quit acting like a goddamn manchild,” and with that you grabbed your phones and keys and rushed out the apartment.
Once the door was shut you broke down entirely. Yes, you and Adam had different options on some things, nothing major though, but fighting like that? That was a thing that had never happened before, not when you started dating and especially not after you married him. Fighting with Adam felt exhausting, you hated how your heart hurt - it almost felt like physical pain. So you did the only logical thing and unlocked your phone to call your best friend.
Arlo was someone you could always count on and that was proven one more time when the man had pulled up to the park in no time - that's where you had asked him to meet you - and he came in company of milkshakes. He handed you the cup as he sat down on the bench next to you. “So, you finally figured out that Adam is a huge bitch huh?” that earned Arlo a glare. Yes, you were mad at your husband, but that was no reason to insult the man you loved so dearly. “Quit it, I'm not breaking up with him because of one single fight,” you mumbled as you took a sip of your milkshake, realizing Arlo had managed to get you your favorite flavor. That brightened the mood at least a little. “Look Y/N, I'm all for love ‘n’ shit, but Adam, seriously? I mean you of all people should know how big his ego is and he just proved this by ignoring your well-being,” the blonde continued to rant about your husband and while Adam's ego was huge, his love for you was bigger.
He didn't let outsiders notice the ways he looked at you during gigs, he made it seem casual when his wing wrapped around your shoulder when you two walked through the streets like it was a thing people casually did - they didn't. Touching the wings of another angel, let alone use your wings to shield someone was a big deal due to the wings being hypersensitive. He always remembered what you liked and what you disliked, no matter what you were talking about. He knew and respected a lot of things when it came to you, things he didn't even tolerate when it came to others. He loved you and while for strangers eyes it wasn't visible, it was everything to you.
“Arlo, I didn't fucking call you so that you can tell me what a shitty husband I have, he loves me and I love him, he cares and just because we had one fight in six thousand years won't make me throw this relationship away so you either shut it or you leave, that's up to you,” you snapped at the blonde angel next to you and it seemed to do the job because Arlo closed his lips around the straw of his own milkshake and seemingly swallowed all the hatred he hold for Adam. You knew Arlo was trying to cheer you up, but he was doing a shitty job at that. Down talking your husband wasn't something you would let slide wordlessly. Because when Adam wanted, he was very much able and willing to serve you the world on a golden platter. He had risked a lot for you already and you were aware he would do it all again.
In the meantime Adam was still at your apartment. The second you had slammed the door shut behind you he realized how badly he had fucked up. There had always been different options on certain things, that was fine though. Usually you guys were able to talk it out and find a solution that made both of you happy, you never had a fucking fight in over six thousand years and now the fight had been intense enough to result in you leaving.
He had fucked up badly and he knew it.
But he couldn't just wait for you to come back. In the name of the almighty lord above, Adam wasn't even sure if you'd come home for the night. What if you were to stay with a friend until tomorrow, maybe even longer? No, he needed to solve this now. So he did the first thing that came to his mind and checked your location.
When you two had just started dating he had been losing you a lot, mainly because whenever you saw something that you liked or that you thought he might like you were running off to get that thing. So the two of you had agreed to constantly share your location with each other and ever since then that had never changed, these days it was a simple habit. The little icon on the map was pinned on the park. Good, that wasn't too far.
So the man grabbed his guitar and left to apologize.
Arlo’s eyes scanned the park for a moment, then he groaned quietly, “Speaking of the devil.” You turned your head to look over to where your blonde homie was looking at and couldn't help but roll your eyes.
Adam was walking straight towards you.
He had his guitar in his hand as he confidently walked across the park just to stop in front of the bench you and Arlo were sitting on. You weren't the only one annoyed by Adam's presence, the blonde angel next to you was just as pleased to see the leader of the exorcists as you were and he let Adam feel that they didn't want him there. “The fuck you think you're doing?” Arlo hissed at the brunette who was simply ignoring that they were even there. He sighed as you looked at you, something in his mimic told you he was sorry but you weren't able to see the guilt in his eyes due to his stupid mask. Fuck, he really couldn't leave that thing at home for just one day, could he?
Adam adjusted the guitar in his hands, made sure his fingers were placed on the right strings and then he started to play a kinda shitty sounding tune - knowing Adam it was shitty on purpose, there was no way he'd accidentally play bad. “I love you, bitch,” he spoke the words more than he sang them but it definitely made your lips twitch up in a grin. Arlo shot you a critical look, they were having none of it. “I ain't ever gon’ stop loving you,” there was a pause, then he finished, “Bitch.”
And that made you full on chuckle, the glimpse of hope that was suddenly visible through Adam's expression showed you that he knew he had fucked up, that he was sorry. And maybe he would apologize properly once the two of you were back at your apartment. “You’re not gonna simply forgive him with that sad excuse of an apology, right?” Arlo asked in shock as you got up and took a step forward to be able to wrap your arms around the first man's waist. “You ain't ever gonna stop loving me, huh?” you asked teasingly as your finger poked him in his side which made him flinch a little. “Dude, Y/N, he fucking overstepped boundaries and you just gonna forget and forgive because he pulled out his shitty guitar and played two chords?” Arlo complained and stepped up to the both of you, they seemed genuinely furious about it. “The fuck’s your problem man, this ain't your fight, this is our thing to deal with,” the brunette growled at them but they didn't care. To be honest, they never cared about anything Adam said or did to them, no matter if it was something positive or negative. “You’re seriously telling me you love that guy?”
You weren't giving Arlo the satisfaction of attention, instead you pulled Adam's mask up so that the LED face was resting on top of his head and the horns of it were near his neck. “I want a proper apology once we get home, if I don't get that, I'll find some other place to crash at for the night, am I clear?” you explained how it would go, all the playfulness was gone, there wasn't a smirk on your lips anymore and your eyes told Adam that you were serious about it, “And then I'd like to talk it out so that we can find a solution in case that shit should ever happen again.” The leader of the exorcists was quick to nod, followed by a loud and clear, “Yes, sir.” And for the moment that was enough. Enough to lean in and kiss him. Adam melted against your lips immediately, a small moan managed to slip past his lips. But the kiss ended as abrupt as it had started and Adam felt your hand on the back of his head, the mask caught most of the hit but he still felt it, “You fucking idiot.” That made said idiot grin one of his stupidly cocky grins, “Maybe, but at least I'm your idiot.” This time it was him who started the kiss, his wing quickly came up to block the view for Arlo, who was watching the two of you a little too intensive for Adam's liking.
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juuuulez · 1 year
📰 | part five: capulet.
info: Carl Grimes x Saviour! Reader, slow burn, enemies to lovers, loosely following canon, allusions to drugs (pills), implied mental illness, gun violence sorta, FINALLY references to Romeo and Juliet.
summary: Carl hijacks some trucks, and finds himself wound up at the Sanctuary. You decide to take pity on him, but he has other plans.
Okay FINALLY this is done! Back to teenagers who hate eachother, and typical threats/arguing. Definitely leaning more into the feels though… next chapter is already written, so I’ll publish it tomorrow!
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The ride home went as it always did: long and boring.
At the half hour mark, you were already sick of Simon’s whistling. But it was better than riding with any other sub-par follower, who would likely subject you to weird comments or suggestions.
So, you fell asleep. The constant movement helped aid you into a somewhat peaceful rest, one you’d been craving for a long time. All this new tension just gave you ten times more responsibilities, and though you told your father you could handle it, the toll was starting to show.
That was, until you were rudely awakened.
Gunshots, shouting. Everyone was quick to jump out, investigate the problem.
No, no. Not gunshots. Machine gun. Dear, God.
Likely a fault of your own ruthless design, you didn’t actually carry a gun. Instead you clutched the metal baseball bat harshly between your fingers, shoving past the other Saviours to inspect what exactly has happened.
Should you be shocked, or scared? Frightened, or ready to put him in his place?
Because Carl stared directly at you. The machine gun was propped over your shoulder, the culprit to the few bodies now lying at your feet. His one eye looked down the sight, trained on you. Ready, waiting.
Was he stupid? Or.. smart?
Even though this appeared to be a colossal mistake, you felt an ounce of respect for the action, for attempting to take charge rather than spew around empty threats. Nonetheless, you didn’t dare move.
“Holy shit!” Negan was already poking fun at a situation that wasn’t amusing in the slightest. Usually, his presence would provide you some semblance of comfort, but right now, you only felt increasingly uneasy.
He continued to tease and prod at Carl, comments about how he looked badass with that machine gun. Sure, it may be true, but amongst the conversation Carl didn’t let his scope move from where you were standing.
“Stop it.” You hiss to Negan, voice lowered into a slight whisper, though you don’t deny that Carl can still hear it.
Your father turns to you, that trademark grin still on his face, not prepared to let up. “Oh, he ain’t gonna hurt you, darlin’.” He promises, but you shoot him a look, a silent conveyance that says not now.
“Go get this shit inside, why don’t you?” Negan instead suggests, giving you an out. There’s a moment before you move, not exactly hesitation, just weighing whether or not Carl intends to let you go this easily.
Luckily, he does, and you scurry back towards the Sanctuary to deal with the contents of the trucks.
This cannot be real.
Somebody was going to die, you could feel it.
You doubt it would be Carl, you couldn’t imagine Negan doing that. Maybe Rick was finally in for it. Or maybe another poor follower, killed simply to get across a message.
Whatever happened, you didn’t really want to be there for it, not now. Not today.
Surely you deserved just one day off? One seemingly peaceful day. Just a moment to breathe, because this lifestyle was certainly not suited for a teenage girl. If you didn’t receive a moment of salvation soon, you’d explode, and it sure won’t be pretty.
So, you sorted the rest of the materials gained from Hilltop.. and by sorted, you told other people where to put them. You made sure that Dwight could go collect the bodies, to which he reluctantly agreed, not without a snide comment.
Ice Queen.
That’s what he called you, and you hated it.
“Whatever you say, Ice Queen.”
At least it was better than the demeaning princess you’d sometimes get, which tasted foul within the mouth of anybody but your father. Or girl, woman, as if you had no identity at all.
It didn’t matter anyways.
There was no more avoiding it, you’d better face the music.
You absentmindedly chewed on your bottom lip, finally pushing down the handle to Negan’s office, letting the large wooden door swing open. Please, God, don’t let there be blood.
Thankfully, everybody was in one piece.
Sure, Carl looked dejected where he was sitting on the couch, his hat and bandage gone, staring at the ground. Negan still held Lucille, though it didn’t appear threatening, instead simply dangling at his side.
“Just who I wanted to see!” Negan announces your presence, ushering you closer into the room. He stands behind you, placing both gloved hands on your shoulders, letting you tower over Carl. It’s obvious that he quite enjoys the power dynamic.
“Now, I’ve got a pretty huge goddamn mess to clean up,” He begins, “Crying mothers to console, and what not. So, doll, why don’t you escort this little shit down to the prison, let him sit pretty in a cell until we head up to Alexandria?”
You clench your jaw, internally rolling your eyes at the idea of travelling again. But of course, you had stakes in this scenario, you had to contribute.
“Sure,” You agree, and choose to wholly not acknowledge Carl, turning to give Negan a small smile before making your way to the door again, “Radio me when you’re ready.”
As you trudge down the hallway, with Carl following suite a few steps behind, he comes to the realisation that something is up.
The big bad wolf is off her game.
If anything, this is his chance to strike. Sure, maybe the whole truck-hijacking plan didn’t work out, but this could be a golden opportunity.
Maybe the real way to break down a man’s defences was through his daughter.
Three corners, and one flight of stairs upwards. Carl can’t help but wonder where you’re taking him, if not the prison cells. This certainly doesn’t look like prison cells. Only one door sits along the corridor, painted the same monotonous grey colour as the walls, sans a shiny gold handle with a lock on it.
You push open the door with a brazen sigh, clearly somewhat relieved to be away from the conflict that followed the inner-workings of the Sanctuary. Still partially ignoring Carl, you opt to take your jacket off, letting it fall onto the back of a chair.
This must be your bedroom.
It’s sizeable, much larger than any rooms back at Alexandria. A queen bed sits adjacent to the doorway, drawers pushed against the wall with rows and rows of photographs and other little trinkets. It looks… strangely girly, which feels unsettling. Pink sheets, pink pillows. The walls have been painted a soft eggshell white. It juxtaposes your entire personality.
Fortunately, you’ve finally decided to acknowledge Carl.
“Can’t be fucked walking down to the cells,” You justify, fiddling with something on the desk, looking rather serious about it. “Just sit somewhere. Don’t touch anything.”
But Carl has already started to explore, particularly interested in the various frames along your dresser. Maybe something could help guide him in the right direction, any tidbit of information that will signal on how to take you down.
Two stand out to him, one of a young woman who’s smiling at the camera, another of a small infant. Mother and child.
He chooses to ignore that for now, not wanting to dwell on the implications this brought to the table. Another photo, larger, contained what appeared to be a girls baseball team.
Looking closer, he can make out two faces amongst the crowd. God, this is making him feel sick.
So he abandons this venture, taking another peak backwards to ensure that you’re still occupied. Which you are, albeit now speaking into a small radio, to a voice he cannot recognise. But you list off numbers in a frustrated tone, to which he decides must be something routine and insignificant.
Now, Carl pokes around your bedside table. The top is clean, aside from a lamp and a singular copy of a play he hasn’t read. Romeo and Juliet. Who knew you were into that stuff?
Quietly as possible, he opens the top drawer, to reveal a stash of what appears to be chocolates. Most of them are in little shiny wrappers, and he wonders where you acquired such a large amount of them. Stealing from other communities, he spitefully chalks it up to.
The second drawer rattles as he slides it open, causing Carl to hold his breath, sparing a sideways glance to confirm that you’re still working. If anything, your temper only seems to rise the longer this conversation goes on for. Still, he peaks into the drawer, finding the source of the rattling noise to be plastic, orange bottles.
Not caring to read their labels, or plague his mind with anything regarding the suspicious pills, Carl quickly closes the drawer in order to move onto the next one, and the bottom of the wooden dresser.
And it contained the jackpot he was looking for.
A seemingly untouched, shiny handgun.
Just sitting there, shut away. For emergencies, he deducted. Well, if this didn’t count as an emergency, than he didn’t know what did.
So Carl let’s the weight of the handgun fill his palm, letting his fingers slide across the cool metal. He flicks the safety off, intending to check the chamber before you’re already turning around, the radio still held to your mouth. He manages to raise the weapon quick enough, before you have time to react.
You appear to be less of a trained soldier, and more of a deer in headlights.
“Give me a minute.” You mutter into the radio, and even when the voice on the other side continues to talk, you switch it off.
Silence fills the space between you. Carl stands next to your drawer, on the other side of the queen bed, with you slowly approaching, stepping away from the desk.
“Stop moving.” He commands, keeping the gun trained steady on your figure, not wanting to risk any unsuspected plays.
You obey, jaw clenched. Even with the tension between the two of you, for whatever reason, you don’t look Carl in the eye. Your gaze is trained somewhere on his forehead, he can tell, and it causes something else to bubble inside of him.
Is it respect? A twinge of gratefulness, that you are choosing not to inspect his open wound in a slightly vulnerable moment, without his bandage. Or is he angry? Because you’re better than this. Above pity.
“So, what?” You begin talking, tone slow and calculated, contrasting how pent up you’d sounded over the radio. “Gonna shoot me?”
Carl tries not to let his emotions become evident on his face, aside from that unconscious tick of his jaw. “Haven’t decided yet.”
It’s painfully similar to when you’d met, back at the Satellite station. Where your people had been murdered. No, assassinated.
24 in their sleep.
Mostly men, some women. No children.
Could have been one child, had you been asleep. If you were, would Carl have killed you, too?
“Well, you should do it.”
He doesn’t know what to make of that.
You seem deadly serious, yet Carl can’t help but assume you’re taunting him, underestimating how much he wants this. Like you’re trying to push him to the edge, string him out, then return unscathed.
Not anymore.
Carl squares his shoulders, like a bird of prey, glaring down at his victim. But you don’t move, and so he sucks in a breath, and finally does it. All it took was one tiny squeeze of the trigger, and he’s almost tempted to close his eye, not wanting to see the consequences of his rage.
Nothing happens.
There’s a tiny click from the gun, but nothing ejects. He lowers it, staring at the grey metal before regaining his senses, clicking the safety back on and opening the chamber.
“What the fuck is your problem?” You’re already talking, yelling, finally approaching Carl, where you snatch the empty gun from his hand and throw it back down on the dresser.
This time it’s his turn to avoid your gaze.
“Hey!” You persevere, and as Carl tries to turn away, you’re swiftly reaching up to grasp his face in your hand, cold fingers pressing into the plush skin of his cheeks. This time, you don’t shy away from looking directly at him, glaring another hole into his blue eye.
“I could’a locked you up, and I didn’t, dickwad!” You yell at him, all that frustration resurfacing now that the little facade has dropped. Carl doesn’t even try to squirm from your harsh grip. “And you repay me by tryna’ shoot me? Not only that, but you think I’m stupid enough to keep a loaded gun, in an unlocked drawer?”
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled, words muffled by your hand grasping his face. For once, he actually sounds genuinely guilty, but you only scoff at the weak admission.
At least you’re looking at him again.
It appears that you’re about to yell at him again, another round of scolding, something about him being ignorant or illogical, but then the abandoned radio is going off again, and Carl certainly recognises this voice.
“Truck’s ready, doll.”
You swear again, loudly and uncaring of the somewhat frightening outburst, and Carl is realising how much he’s fucked up. Even at your lowest, you are always one step ahead. There’s no such thing as being off your game, not when your entire life consists of this back-and-forth, maintaining control over so many people.
He’s just some over confident teenager, you’re… you.
You say something into the radio, but he’s zoned out, until you pick up the bat once more and are addressing him again.
“Do I need to handcuff you, or what?” You sneer, and though it comes across as a snide remark, it proves to be a genuine question with how your hand rests above another set of drawers.
Carl shakes his head, still feeling a little shameful, but your persistent stare indicates this will not suffice. “No.” He finally mumbles.
You roll your eyes at the act of submission, clipping the radio into your belt and already making a beeline for the door again. This time, you leave the jacket behind, and Carl catches a glimpse of the way your forearms flex under the iron-grip you have on the bat.
Pay attention.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Which of the creeps (that you write romantically for) be okay/like a bada$$ s/o? Like every1 is intimidated and every1 thinks that if you try to fight them you’re stupid? Have a great day!!
Creeps with a badass reader!
i actually really like this idea!! also im so so sorry it took me so long to get to this </3!! ive kinda been focusing on art these past few days, and when i havent been drawing ive kinda been. laying in my own. feelings. sleepy.... yk how it is!!
with that said! yeah! i wont be doing all the bare bones list of characters i usually do with non specified characters! to keep true with the prompt im going to stick with characters i feel would like this kind of S/O and/or compliment the readers fierce nature... also going to aim for a more comedic style
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LIST OF CHARACTERS: Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack, Hoodie, Splendorman
CW; mentions of violence
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No because just think about it; a soft easy going cryptid with a strong and ready to fight partner
"he asked for no pickles" dynamic basically imo LMAO
he would rather you tone it down, or at least dont fight for him... he doesnt want you to get hurt, or in trouble..! mostly trouble, he knows you can handle yourself
he wont ever say it but hes internally swooning anytime you fight for him, though. like. "oh? they would do this for me just because someone said something vaguely mean about me?"... hes red in the face
tries to introduce you to new people to make potential friends since he kinda thinks part of your bloodlust(/j) is from loneliness, which in turn makes people see you as.. mean... so its a loop. he doesnt mean it in a bad way! he just cares about your well being!
overall he secretly thinks its hot but hed rather you stay out of trouble and hed try to find ways to make you less fierce...
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Laughing Jack;
like splendorman he thinks its hot but he WILL vocalize it
also he thinks its really funny whenever people try to antagonize you
pulls a bag of popcorn out of thin air and watches the show/hj
he will literally cheer for you from the sidelines and becomes the fights personal announcer
absolutely treats you when you win; showered in praise and love and gifts
hes flustered; depending on what color you think he blushes (personally i think he blushes a purpleish-grey), his entire face is that color when he watches it happen
again, hes really into it
smh ive been on a lj trip these past few days and i hardly got anything for him here god mfing damn!!!!
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ngl he probably throws himself into the fight and yall both kick the shit out of the person
basically think something like this scene (ive never seen jjba my friend showed me this) where he just joins you after watching for a few seconds (we can say the third person is masky/j)
anyways it wont let me move the gif up so pretend the gif is under the above bullet point instead of at the end of this segment
really yall are kinda the same but hoodie is more likely to sit back and access the situation before jumping in and fighting someone unless like. its an immediate life or death thing
now how does he feel about you being a proclaimed badass?
he respects it, and he knows that you can defend yourself when hes not around so it also puts him at ease
maybe you two will spar every now and then to get better at defense and offense stuff (he will not go easy on you btw, bro will give it his all)
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Eyeless Jack;
he doesnt really like the fighting since hes also likely the one who has to patch you up afterwards. like even if you win the fight youre still going to be hurt in some way, this applies to all the other characters too. ej is just the only one who has the knowledge when it comes to tending wounds...
with ej, in my au, he doesnt really. like conflict, especially since his own body is changing into something that isnt human; he already has enough on his plate already, doesnt need to go bury an extra body because he let his temper get the better of him
and every now and then, that mindset of avoiding conflict bleeds to how he views you and your attitude
hes happy that you can defend yourself, like hoodie he admires it; but at the same time he gets so scared that youre going to pick a fight with the wrong person or get hit in the wrong spot, and..
he does not pity those who are dumb enough to rile you up, though..
overall he worries for you and already has enough on his plate with himself ... but dont think that he sees tending to you as a burden! hell do it regardless of what caused your injury
possible idea for an angst post? ooo? maybe, if you guys want it
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crabonfire · 2 years
Loss and comfort.
Characters: scout.
Warnings: Loss, grieving, reader not taking care of themselves.
Not a warning, but S/O gets nonverbal when they are sad.
note: hii
This is an update, so if you're an active follower of mine, please read before continuing on. This month, my mental health and overall well being has not been the best. I know I keep taking breaks, but unfortunately, these said breaks are necessary. I just lost my cats, and I'm coping as best I can. Please be patient with what I write, and I hope you all enjoy it.
Scenario: You've recently lost somebody close to you, and you're still sortve processing everything. You've been in your room all day, not eating or taking care of yourself overall, and scout decides to check up on you.
• When you two are out in the field, usually he'd like to show off to you, because you would always compliment or even make fun of him a bit, but today, you were so quiet.
• all you'd give him was a simple nod, a small smile, or just a thumbs up while you continued on your battle.
• so his first thought was that he did something wrong, and after the battle, he wanted to go and talk to you, but the moment the battle was done you hurried off to your room.
• something was definitely wrong, and he thought it was something he'd do, or have said that day.
• he was still thinking about what to do, so he sorta just...waited for you to come out instead of coming to you, probably still thinking about what to ask, or say.
• but you never did.
He'd walk by your room, ask if anybody had seen you, but you never once stepped out of your room. Not even to eat, or to do anything at all. It was like you were never there.
• so, he came over to your room, plate of dinner in hand as he knocked gently.
"Yo babe, you in there? Ya didn't come out for dinner, so I saved you a plate."
After he heard some shuffling, there you were.
• his face dropped, noticing your tear stained face, nose red and puffy, presumably from crying.
"Oh shit, what happened?"
And right when he asked, you started to cry again.
• after some time, you'd finally calm down from your crying, slowly eating the eggs engie had cooked for dinner. He sat next to you on your bed, worried eyes focused on your face.
• "You...wanna talk about it?"
You nodded a "no" quickly, and continued eating more. He simply said "okay" and let you eat your food in silence. He didn't know what to do, or what to say, you weren't saying anything either.
"Was it something I said?" You nodded another "no".
• though after a bit, you placed the food on your desk nearby, got a piece of paper, and wrote something to him. The paper read;
I don't talk when I'm upset. That's just how I am. I don't want to talk about it right now, but thank you for being here. It's not anything that you did, but I'm just not ready to tell you yet. I'm sorry.
He read, relieved it wasn't about him, but worried about what had made you so upset, you stopped taking care of yourself.
"...do you want to be alone? Or do you want me to stay?" He asked, looking up at you with bright eyes. You contemplated for a bit, but you wrote,
I'd like to be alone. Is that okay?
"Totally, don't even worry about it babe." He smiled softly at you, he gave you a pat on the back before he continued,
"No matter what it is your upset about, I'll always be here for ya, okay? Nothin' will be too much for the both of us ta handle, and I know your a strong, badass person."
He smiled wider when he saw you smile too, "I love ya babe," He leaned to give you a kiss on your forehead, "I love you so much."
• The next morning, when he saw you he immediately went over to you.
"How are you baby? Feelin' better?" He asked, a spark of joy in his eyes, just happy to see you were able to get out of bed.
"Yeah, thanks for asking Jeremy. You really helped a lot last night."
You two spent the day together, having fun and battling like usual, and when you calmed down, you decided that it's better to tell him what happened then to keep it in.
So, you sat him down in your room.
"My...friend passed away. It was a week ago but, I had just heard about it yesterday. I didn't know how to...feel about it. I mean or course I'm sad but, I just can believe it you know? I can't believe that they're gone..." You sighed, "And I can't believe I can't see em anymore. I won't talk to them anymore, we won't hang our anymore and I won't be able to see them ever again...it hurts you know?"
He felt his heart drop, oh god, how sorry he felt for you. Tears fell from your eyes as you vented to him, heart beating fast as you remembered all the things you did with them. It hurts to see them go you know?
When you were done, he didn't know what to say, but he pulled you in for the tightest, yet friendliest hug you've ever had in your life. He gripped your chest, letting you cry into his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry."
You sobbed into him, and it felt like you did so for an eternity. Yet with his shirt now soaked, he didn't even move out of that tight embrace once. Didn't even consider it.
"Dying sucks so bad. It feels like...when your with them it's jus' You guys against the world! I get it, but life can be a piece a' shit and ruin it all." He said, "I know ya cared for em, you really loved them too, and they mustve loved you just as much..."
He pulls away to look at you, eyes determined to make you feel better.
"It feels like...the world won. They took somebody from you, and that's so ass." He struggled to find the right words but he continued anyways, "But that doesn't mean you should give up. Wherever your friend is, I'm sure they're still there, havin' fun and lookin' after ya."
You chuckle through your tears, a bitterness reverberating in your chest when you say, "That's so damn cliche.." He nods, "Yeah, but...that doesn't mean it's wrong."
"It's okay to cry, it's okay to...break down and think life is shit. But I want you to know that it won't always be like this. Life is one big party babe, it's good, then bad, good again, then maybe bad again. It's crazy! But...somehow, in the bad, we always get back up on our feet."
He smiled, "And I know you will too. It might take you a while to move on, or even think of them without cryin', but I wantcha' to know that it's alright...these things take time man, it doesn't take a second to just suddenly be happy again, and that's okay."
"When life gives you lemons, you cut them up and squirt lemon juice all over life's eyes! Because, your strong, and fuck life for fuckin' you up!"
You laughed, making him smile wider.
"Wow, this is kind of out of character for you. Didn't know you were so good at this stuff, Jer."
He blushed, and laughed, "Hell yeah, I AM good at this stuff. How'd you just notice that? Wow babe, you don't pay attention to me." He scoffed dramatically, placing a hand to his heart all offended. You roll your eyes, "Oh shut up."
"...thank you though, for all this...your a good listener, and a surprisingly good therapist too."
He simply smirked at that, "Yer welcome babe, if you want a shoulder to cry on, or somebody to talk to, yer boyfriend is here for ya!"
rushed the ending because I stopped crying when I wrote this haha!! this was sortve just me writing myself advice so that I could cope better with loss LMFAOOO
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mikakou2 · 1 year
Can't Take Meds (Aizetsu x Fem! Reader)
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There are many kinds of duo. An apprentice and a samurai. A demon slayer and a demon slayer. But a demon and a demon slayer is not something that's very common.
Yet here you are, scolding your demon friend, Aizetsu, for stealing medicine. You didn't hate Aizetsu, but hated the idea that he went on his way to steal and possibly assault someone for medicine.
"If you wanted medicine, you could have told me." You mumbled, sighing as you sat down back on the bed. "I could have made you some otherwise. Are you sick?"
"I'm not sick." Aizetsu frowned, his blue eyes pitifully staring back at you. "I stole these pills for you. I don't want you to die." He added.
Of course, you expected Aizetsu to overreact about your fever. Some demons usually aren't very clever when it comes to human reactions, like fevers and such. They always consider them as dying, even though fevers last a few days.
"I'm not dying." You crossed your arms. "Why would I die? I've fought countless of demons, I trained against my master, and I have slained a couple of humans too." You said, counting down your badass situations.
"You're making me sad right now." Aizetsu said, closing his eyes while his eyebrows were curved into a sad expression. "I want you to take these pills so that you can get better, and that we can talk normally. I don't want to be outside, waiting for you to die."
"I said, I'm not dying. How many times do I have to repeat it to you?" You deadpanned. You sighed, since Aizetsu was the type to never give up.
"Please take these pills. You cared for me when I was hurt, now I should care for you too."
And Aizetsu was right. Aizetsu was hurt, and even though he can regenerate, he needed a few minutes to regenerate after being chopped up. You, on the other hand, considered him as human and brought him somewhere to rest. And that's how your friendship with a demon started- even though at the first days, you tried so hard to shoo him away.
"Do you not like it when I am here?" Aizetsu added in an attempt to make you feel guilty. "I worked hard to get these pills for you..."
"Don't be sad, Aizetsu. I'm not mad at you, okay?" You said, reaching out your hand. You were hesitant to touch his hair, but you did so. Your hand landed on the top of his head, brushing it slightly. "Just please return those pills. Other people need it more than I do."
"Other people... Including you, Y/N. Why do you have to keep excluding yourself?" He added, sniffling but not sobbing. "I just wish the best for you."
Before you could say anything else, you heard the main sliding door open. "Aizetsu, go under the bed." You said, and Aizetsu did so.
The sliding door to your room opened, and it was your ex friend. You sighed as it was your master in training.
"Y/N! You're not taking a rest." He scolded. Being the old man he is, he walked inside angrily. "I told you to buy medicine from a nearby shaman and swallow it."
"Ehh..." You frowned, averting your gaze. "Medicine is for losers. Besides, it doesn't do anything for me, old man! I can handle myself. I'm like steel." You said and patted your own chest with your fist.
"Strong or not, medicine will get you better in no time. Remember that you still have duties to fulfill." Your master said, dropping the bag of medicine on the table. "I got this for free from my friend. I troubled myself to go here, so be thankful!" He scolded.
"Alright, alright... I'll take 'em." You replied in an annoyed tone, clearly lying.
"If you don't, you'll be training in the hot sun for a whole day." Your master threatened.
"Why?!" You complained. "I'm the sick one here, so why am I being threatened?"
Your master laughed. "Because you're extremely stubborn." He deadpanned. "I'll be off now. Make sure to eat and take a shower."
"Thanks, Master. Bye." You said, waving slightly as your master left. After the main sliding door closed, you sighed and looked down. "Come out, Aizetsu."
He got out under the bed, and you dusted off some dirt off his clothes. "Did they see you? Hopefully they didn't... A friendship between a demon and a demon slayer isn't good news, especially for the Hashira."
"I don't care if they saw me or not. But I stole medicine for you. I definitely worked harder." Aizetsu mumbled. "That's why, take my medicine instead..."
"That's nice, Aizetsu. Thank you. But I really don't need medicine." You said, and Aizetsu frowned ar how stubborn you were being. "Are you getting jealous that my master gave me medicine?" You asked.
Yo then looked down to see his hands fidgeting inside the bag of medicine. "I'm not taking that." You repeated.
"... You're making me deeply sad right now." Aizetsu said, looking down. "Please take the medicine if you would not like to experience death."
"I said, no. If you don't leave me alone, I'll shoo you away again." You crossed your arms, clearly stubborn of taking the medicine. "Medicine aren't all that, anyway. I can just recover-"
Before you could continue, Aizetsu popped the medicine inside his mouth. He held your cheeks and pulled you close, then kissed you. He pinched your cheek to make you open your mouth, and the medicine got inside your mouth.
You forcefully swallowed it and coughed. Aizetsu pulled away and gave you water. "Drink," He whimpered.
You grabbed the water and started to chug it down, making a disgusted voice. "Ugh... I hate the taste of medicine." You muttered.
"But did you also hate the taste of my lips?" He asked curiously.
You turned to him, widening your eyes. "... Well, it wasn't so bad..." You added.
Aizetsu sat properly, raising his legs up to the bed on the bed. "Atleast you finally took your medicine. You will get better sooner or later."
You stared at Aizetsu. That kiss... Felt amazing, honestly.
"Your lips taste great." You honestly said, and Aizetsu was surprised. He tilted his head.
"My lips...?" Aizetsu asked. "Are my lips... Inviting...? I've never kissed someone before," Aizetsu said, covering his mouth while averting his gaze. "I'm surprised you think of my lips as nice."
"Yeah. Also, for a demon like you, you're kinda handsome." You added to your confession.
"I'm handsome? You're very beautiful yourself, Y/N..." He said. "You know, the reason why I do all these things for you is because you're so nice and pretty..."
You stared at Aizetsu and blushed. "So, when you stare at me, do you feel sad?"
Aizetsu shook his head. "I feel hard."
The atmosphere went dead cold as the two of you stared at each other. "I thought this would be romantic. Never mind." You thought and looked down at his pants. He was being forreal.
"You really are hard for me." You said, surprised. "That's big."
"I want to kiss you again." Aizetsu said, moving closer to you. "I really do."
You didn't really hate that idea. Infact, the reason why you rescued Aizetsu was because he was sexy as fuck.
You held his cheeks and kissed him again. Aizetsu held your hips and pulled you closer to the point your bodies were pressing against each other.
As you two kissed, Aizetsu tugged on your uniform. "You can destroy my uniform like you destroy other people. I don't care." You said, kissing his cheek.
"I don't want to ruin anything that's related to you. They're all very beautiful," Aizetsu said with a whimpery tone as he started to pull down your skirt. He held the sides of your panties and slid them off.
The two of you kissed as he started to rub your clit. His mouth moved down onto your neck and started to bite it. Despite him having sharp fangs, he didn't bite too hard.
"Aizetsu, don't be afraid." You moaned out with a smile while hugging him close. "You can do whatever you want with me."
"Whenever you say those words... I don't know how to feel," He said, pulling you away and his hands fidgeting in his bag. He pulled out condoms and lube, which you reacted in a surprised manner.
"Why do you randomly have those?" You asked as he bit the condom to rip it off.
"I always look at you and want to do it. It's hard to hide it in," Aizetsu said, pulling down his trousers. "I want you to make me feel how I fantasize everyday with you."
His cock sprung up immediately and you gasped. Was that gonna fit? Who cares. If there's a will, there's a way.
"Put it on for me," Aizetsu said, giving you the condom.
"I don't think I will, yet." You smiled and went between his thighs. He was surprised as you started to suck on his tip, making him moan in a whimpery tone.
"Y/N-!" He moaned out, covering his face. As you went further, all he could ever do was beg and tear up due to pleasure. "Your mouth feels so hot... Gah..." He moaned out, throwing his head back.
Your tongue licked against it the base, then went back to sucking his tip and taking it all in your mouth again. Aizetsu couldn't believe how far better this was than his fantasies were.
He then held your cheeks gently, guiding you properly as his hands he fantasized to touch for so long started to rub against his length. You looked up at him, and he eventually blushed. Those eyes of yours, more enchanting than he had thought daily.
"Don't look at me like that..." Aizetsu said, averting his gaze. He gasped as your hand trailed up to his nipples.
"Look down at me while I'm doing this for you, please." You said with a smile as you started to bob your head up and down his cock faster than ever. He groaned and moaned, feeling as if his cock was throbbing inside.
"Y/N, I can't- Hah... I wanna cum..." He begged, holding onto your cheeks. "Please pull out, I don't want to dirty your mouth..."
However, you were stubborn as usual. You pulled out and stroked his cock. "I want to swallow your cum," You eagerly said. "Please?"
"You can't do that, it'll get dirty- Gah-!" He moaned out as he came, his cum immediately covering your hands and face.
You were surprised, but grinned. "Who cares if it's gonna get dirty? You're gonna do that inside me anyways." You said, then licked his cock to clean his residue. Due to too much pleasure, Aizetsu couldn't handle it. His tip leaked with more cum even though you cleaned it.
After it was semi cleaned, you pulled out the condom. You placed it on your mouth and put on the condom on his cock by going down on him again, taking in every inch of his cock in your mouth.
You sat up and straddled his legs, rubbing against his cock. "N-Ngh... Don't... Don't edge me like that... Put it in..." He whimpered, holding onto your waist.
His whimpers were a turn on, and of course, you wanted to tease him. With a grin, you held his cheek. "Do you want it, Aizetsu?" You asked, kissing his lips. "You want to penetrate me so bad, huh?"
"I-I do! Just please, let me..." He begged, looking down as he fantasized of penetrating you. It's been days since he edged himself with those kind of fantasies he made up in his head, but now it was happening.
"I want to see you beg for it. While looking at my eyes." You said, rubbing against him faster. "Beg for it, Aizetsu." You said, kissing the side of his head. "I won't yell at you."
Those words made him feel as if there was butterflies in his stomach, and he gulped. "Y/N... I want to fuck you, please..." He begged. "I want to see you ride me over and over again until I can't remember my own name."
"Hmm," You hummed. "I didn't quite hear it."
"Y/N-!" He said in a determined tone now. "I want to see you bounce up and down my cock while begging for more, until you start to get exhausted."
"Please? Please let me. I don't care anymore if you yell," He whimpered, hugging you. It seemed as if every ounce of his self respect had drained out. "I'll beg like a dog if I have to."
"You'd be a cute dog if you would." You grinned and positioned yourself. Slowly, you took in inch by inch of his cock in your pussy. The two of you moaned, while his fingers spread your pussy apart for easy access. As half of it was inside, he started to suck on your boobs while his hands skillfully massaged the other nipple.
"I've... Always dreamt of this..." He gasped for air while sucking more. "I wanted to touch your body so much..."
"Aizetsu," You moaned out. "Aizetsu, more-!" You said while riding his cock. The more you bounced up and down, the more he moaned. It was too good to be true.
Those days, nights, weeks, months of imagining you riding his cock, it was real now. He was in true bliss- even more in pleasure than Karaku was.
"Y/N, it feels so tight..." He panted, kissing you more while you bounced on his cock.
"Don't close your eyes," You said, holding his cheeks. "Look at me like you always did even when we first met. This is the face you fell inlove with, Aizetsu."
And Aizetsu didn't even complain or correct you. You were right- you're the only woman he's for.
The two of you moaned in pleasure while the bed creaked. The two of you continued to have a heated make out session, with his tongue skillfully taking in every spot in your mouth.
Your saliva connected and it felt great. Aizetsu continued to hold you close to him, and you could feel his heart beating, his heart beating only for you.
"Aizetsu, I'm close," You moaned out.
"I'm close too," He whimpered, his body shaking as he held you. "Can I?" He asked for permission.
"You can, don't worry." You said, kissing him again. You moaned into his mouth as you felt his warm cum from the condom arrive again, the condom being covered by your cum as well.
Your movements slowed down as the two of you panted for air. He rested onto your shoulder, kissing your neck. "Y/N," He moaned out your name, then started to kiss the back of your ear. "I love you. I love you so much." He repeated over and over again as his hands rubbed your inner thighs. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You should have told me this a while back ago, Aizetsu. I love you too." You said, hugging him as well. "You're perfect..."
Aizetsu then laid you on the bed and pulled out of you. You spread your legs eagerly for him, and he went between your legs. He then started to kiss your clit, making you moan.
You held onto his horns, making him 2x sensitive than he was. His eyes were half lidded as he licked further, his tongue lapping against your pussy.
"Aizetsu..." You moaned out, both of your hands holding onto his horns. You rubbed his horns and he flinched and blushed more. "You like that, don't you?" You smiled.
"It feels... Great..." Aizetsu said, looking up at you. He licked your pussy even more, savoring your taste. He licked your cum and even spread out your pussy to get what was inside more.
"Aizetsu, you're gonna make me cum again...!" You whined, holding onto his cheeks. "I want you inside of me again, please..."
He sat up and wiped his mouth, then positioned himself. "I'll do anything for you, Y/N."
He then inserted himself into you slowly, and of course, the two of you moaned. The feeling of being linked made Aizetsu feel as if this was not what he deserved. But this was what he needed.
He held your waist and started to thrust slowly, kissing you. His lips trailed down to your neck as he kissed it while you held onto his hair. He never knew that hair pulling turned him on so much.
"Aizetsu, faster, please!" You begged, shutting your eyes. "I want to feel every inch of you inside of me, please... Aizetsu..."
Aizetsu held your cheeks and kissed your eyes. "Y/N, open your eyes..." He said, and you opened your eyes. "You told me to look at the woman I fell for. I want you to look at the man you fell for as well."
You blushed, but smiled. "Aizetsu... You really do make my heart flutter all the time," You said, then kissed him again.
The two of you made out as he thrusted inside deeper. You threw your head back, then he bit your neck. "Aizetsu, I'm gonna cum...!" You whined out, holding his hair tighter.
"Cum for me, please..." He begged, licking the hickey he left as a sign of ownership. "I want to have all of you fluids wrapped around me."
You did as he said and came immediately, and the two of you panted. He pulled out, and Aizetsu looked down at you with a lovesick gaze. "I love you."
"I love you too..." You said, catching your breath. He pulled out, and saw that your cum oozed down to your sheets.
He stood up and carried you. "Where are you taking me, Aizetsu?"
He walked towards the couch and laid you there. "Stay." He said, and walked away. You sat there, smiling to yourself.
"He's too sweet to leave me." You thought to yourself, not doubting that Aizetsu would stay. "I'll wait for you."
Aizetsu came out of the bedroom after a while with the sheets on his arms. He placed them on the laundry.
"I'll do your laundry for a week as a thank you," He said, looking down at you. "I promise I won't let you down."
You smiled up at him. "How about we take turns everyday?" You asked, holding his cheeks.
"Huh?" He said, then blushed.
"I want you to live with me from now on. I'll protect you, and you'll protect me."
Aizetsu looked down and started to tear up. He sniffled and wiped his eyes.
"Why are you crying?" You asked, tilting your head.
"It's nothing," He whimpered while sniffling. "I've always loved you."
He raised you up from the couch and hugged you, and you felt his heartbeat against yours. You sighed happily and hugged him back. "I'm so lucky to have you."
After the two of you kissed, he went to the bathroom and placed you in the bath tub. You were surprised.
"I will take care of you. I promise." He said, holding his own chest. "I'll do anything for you. That's my promise for you until I die."
"Aizetsu..." You said, feeling your heart beat faster.
You held on his cheeks and pulled on it, making him whine. "Why are you so cute?! Why did God make you like this?!" You said, squishing his cheeks.
"You're acting as if we didn't have sex," He said while turning on the shower.
You smiled and hummed. "I had sex with the most perfect man I've ever seen." You said. "It's a win win situation for the both of us."
He was surprised of how much you loved him. He couldn't help but let out a little smile as he washed your body. "Of course, being with you is a win..."
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(Another fanfic of clones I still don't know their lore and personality but they're hot especially Aizetsu 😋)
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chaos-mybeloved · 3 years
S.H.I.E.L.D Business
Hello! I'm now fully on Summer vacation and I forgot how fun it is to write things without an academic purpose so I decided to try something new. I wanted to write my first ever fanfic but then didn't know where to start and this happened instead. I hope someone enjoys it! Its a reader insert, first time writing one of these. Also, I'm black so I had black reader in mind when writing but I didn't really describe anything in detail.
Word count: 1500 (ish)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x female agent!reader
Warnings: There's some smut in there, not overly explicit but its there 18+ content
Agent Y/LN is one of SHIELD's best agents
She and her team are SHIELD's elite, even more so than the STRIKE team. She works directly with Fury and Agent Hill
Steve Rogers knows all of this. He's read her mission reports, watched her training footage, he even has every word in her SHIELD file memorized. He's a little obsessed
When Bucky turns up and with that the threat that Hydra might still exist within SHIELD, she is called into work with the Avengers; all of Fury's most trusted agents working together
Steve is more than excited to work with her, he's been dreaming of an opportunity like this since he's heard of her
However, things aren't working out quite in Steve's favour when it turns out that she has taken a liking to Bucky more than Steve. She laughs with him and brings him out of his shell better than even Steve has been able to since his return. Something about kindred spirits.
Steve shuts down a little, sinking into his pit of despair and self-loathing, so much so that he makes a bad call on a mission and nearly gets everyone killed
Y/LN takes over and gets the mission back on track, saving everyone's ass in the process
When they get back to the base she seeks Steve out to ask what has gotten into him. The conversation gets heated and Steve gets angry enough to tell her that she's the problem
She sees that Steve needs the release so she lets him when he reaches out and kisses her. She lets him stick his tongue in her mouth and taste everything she has to give
She lets him run his big, smooth hands from her face, down her neck and over her breasts to finally slip under the tank top she’s wearing. She feels him moan into her mouth and she swallows it down, knowing how bad he needs this. He almost got everyone killed because of how bad he needs this so she lets him
The first touch of skin to skin seems to break some of the restraint he had left because suddenly his hands aren't just exploring anymore, they're demanding. He grips the flesh on her tummy hard enough to bruise and she lets him do it simply flicking her own tongue over the roof of his mouth, giving back just as much as she's getting.
Her hands haven't left the confines of his hair. The golden strands slipping and sliding through her fingers like silk. She's in no rush to move any time soon, content to let Steve rush enough for the both of them. He seems to be in a fever now; his hands are hot and searing as they knead and squeeze every inch of skin they can reach.
When he finally makes his way back to her breasts, his finger immediately finds her nipples and pinch. The little sigh she lets out cracks him open even further. He wrenches his mouth away from hers and trails it down her jaw and neck instead. He bites and sucks and she knows he wants to leave marks, reminders that he was here, that he got to have this if even for a short time. The marks will stay for a while, she knows, and she lets him anyway.
When he starts mumbling incoherently into the junction between her neck and shoulder she knows he's too far gone to think about this anymore. She huffs internally thinking about how he's probably thought about this enough to fill a lifetime. She hopes her reality won't disappoint.
He bunches the material of her top up under her armpits and his mouth moves down to her fully exposed breasts. His sucking and biting continue there now too. His tongue feels just as hot as his hands did as it flicks over a nipple and then the other one as if he can't decide where to place his attention. His hands, however, seem to have an idea of their own. With his mouth now covering where his hands used to be, his hands move down, down, down, until he's teasing at the button of her tac pants.
He hesitates. He doesn't want to stop but somewhere in his desperation-filled brain, he can register that this might be too far. He was moving out of sheer desperation before but he finds that he needs the verbal confirmation that she wants this just as bad. Without removing his mouth, he opens his eyes and looks up into her own. The deep blue of his eyes has been swallowed almost entirely by black. He looks consumed and neither of them are even fully naked yet.
"Tell me you want it. Tell me you want me."
It's the most coherent thing he's said since he kissed her even if he did mumble it around her nipple. She looks down at him fully taking in his trembling fingers poised to strike the moment she says so. She's used to having power, she's even used to people giving up theirs to her but this feels different. This is almost intoxicating, and alarm bells start going off in her head because it feels just a little bit addicting too. It feels as if he stopped right now she might also, not fall apart, but definitely splinter somehow as if something is missing. Something will be missing. Goddamn you, Steve Rogers.
"Go on, soldier," she smirks down at him, "do your worst."
He nearly rips her pants straight down the middle with the force he uses to pry the button open. She chuckles but it quickly turns into a moan when he dives straight for her pussy. His fingers feel a lot bigger down there than they had on her chest. They're nimble though; artist fingers no matter how much of a soldier he is now. He rubs at her eager but slow, sensual. She's about to lose her damn mind.
She can't decide what she wants out of this. She knows his strength, he can give it to her hard and dirty if she asks but the pace he's set now is good. Slow and dirty and rough might be the way to go tonight. They don't really have the time but that all seems irrelevant as he slips one of those long fingers into her.
He's started mumbling nonsense into her skin again. He seems content with the work he's done on her breasts for now. The brown nipples are puffy and shiny with spit. Her entire chest really is covered in Steve's spit. It's a subtle claim but a claim nonetheless.
"What am I allowed to do?"
It takes her a second to register the question; his fingers haven’t stopped their slow attack on her pussy.
"Whatever you want, Captain," her breath rushes out of her as his thumb gently massages her clit. "You're the one who started it and I'm trusting you to finish it."
And finishes he does. She had caught him in an empty board room and so the large desk in the middle of the room will have to do. He removes his hand and her pants and then picks her up without any warning, almost in one complete motion. Before she even realizes what's happening she's on her back with her legs over his shoulders and a face in her pussy eating like it's his last meal.
She lets go after that. She doesn't keep track of her first orgasm of the night, nor the next one, nor the one after that leaves her clenching around the thick length of him. She doesn't keep track of the praises he whispers into her skin like prayers, words she realizes he's been saying the whole time. She doesn't actively process the feeling of his lips back on hers but she thinks she kisses him back. She must because he's moaning again, right into her mouth like the sound is only for her. It is only for her she realizes much, much later. When everything is over, when the heat has cooled between them and those dark blue eyes are no longer peering into her soul, and her body has stopped shaking with leftover pleasure that's when she realizes what just happened between them.
She drags herself off the table and back onto her two feet. It's a lot harder than she thought it would be. She slips back into her pants and top as Steve sits there watching her. She lets him do that too.
"What happens now." Million-dollar question Steve. She looks at him, really, really looks at him. The golden boy sitting at the edge of the desk naked as the day he was born. He's huge. All bulging biceps and tight abs. Tree trunk thighs and hulking frame. With all of that though he's still just a man. His shoulders are pulled up towards his ears, his arms are tucked against his torso, his head is ducked, and he's looking up at her through his golden lashes. He's huge but he seems so small.
She thinks she's going to ruin him. He's going to let her.
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could u plz write a jj x reader angst where reader is caught in a building with a bomb and jj finds them afterwards + hospital moment. it can end angsty or happy, ur call. thankssss
Request for @melatonindaydreamz: I gave you a little bit of an angsty and happy ending cuz i couldn't decide lol. i hope you like it! Warnings: explosions, mentions of disability discussed in a not quite positive light by the disabled person word count: 1.6k (I got carried away lol)
The warehouse was huge and definitely needed more than two people to case it, but the rest of the team was on site all the way across town, leaving just you and JJ for the take down. The clock was ticking for sure. The unsub, a teenage girl from the local high school, had been on a spree but suddenly disappeared leaving the trail completely cold. The warehouse was the first hit Garcia had in the last three days, and there was no time to lose.
“If you’ve got the sweep here, I’m gonna move to the next building,” you said. JJ was one of the most prolific agents, and you knew she could handle sweeping the first building alone, even though she wouldn’t want to. You didn’t want to waste time, anxious to bring in the unsub and get the two of you back home to your apartment in D.C.
“No, there’s no way I’m letting us split up. Last time I split up with someone, Spencer was kidnapped and I just-” You cut off your girlfriend with a kiss, hoping to ease some of her anxiety. Whether she liked it or not, you had to catch this unsub, which meant splitting up.
“I promise that I’ve got this, and I know you do too. Plus, I’m pretty sure I can take down a teenager. If I can take you down in training, a badass federal agent with years of experience, then I’m pretty sure the unsub doesn’t stand a chance.” Luckily, you were able to get a little giggle out of her.
“That was one time, and I let you win.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, baby.”
“I just can’t lose you, Y/n.” You felt the worry in her voice. Placing a kiss on her forehead, you reassured her one last time.
“You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried to, JJ,” you said, and with that you headed off into the next building.
The warehouse was set up in a series of buildings one after the other, all connected by hallways. Towards the back of the building, there was one of these hallways leading into the next building over, so you quickly made your way through. On the other side, you could see someone huddled in the far corner blocking something from view. Careful not to alert the figure, you made your way slowly down the side towards the back, using the pallets to disguise you approach.
“Hands up! I’m Agent y/l/n from the FBI, it’s over.” Immediately you regretted splitting up, because the unsub launched herself at you, lacing her hands around your throat. She tackled you into the stack of pallets behind, pain shooting through your spine. The shock of the impact paralyzed you for a moment. You wrestled her to the ground though and gave your speech. As you looked up from where the two of you were on the ground, you could finally see the bomb in the corner. It was a complete surprise.
“Y/n!” JJ shouted as she ran into the room. “I heard the crash, are you okay?”
“You need to get out of here!”
“There’s no way I’m leaving you!”
“JJ! There’s a bomb in the corner! I need you to get out of here. Call Hotch, let him know we need a bomb tech, I’ve got her, just get out of here. Please!” She hesitated for a moment and started to call Hotch.
“I’m calling but I’m not leaving!”
You moved to grab your handcuffs, reading the unsub her rights. That’s when she pulled the explosive trigger out from her pocket. You watched the clock shift from 3 hours to 30 seconds. The surprise let the unsub get the upper hand as she wrestled you again.
JJ started towards you, but you didn’t want her caught up in everything.
“The clock! JJ, we don’t have time!! You need to run. Please go!” You slammed the butt of your gun against the unsubs head, knocking her over. Scrambling to your feet, you took off in a sprint. “I said run!” you screamed again, and JJ finally disappeared through the hallway.
Suddenly, the unsub slammed you to the ground from behind. She was weak, though, so you were able to turn around and fire. The bullet landed in her shoulder and gave you just enough reprieve to get out from under her. However, it was too late.
It was the loudest thing you had ever heard. One second, JJ’s voice was yelling as you crawled towards the hallway, and the next, the only thing your ears could register was the deafening boom of the bomb going off behind you. Everything felt too bright as a hot stinging pain ripped through your whole body. You could barely keep your eyes open as JJ rushed back in.
“Come on, baby, stay with me. Please just keep those pretty little eyes open. I need you to stay with me, alright?” JJ’s voice was having the opposite effect of what she was hoping for though, because you were slowly lulled into sleep by her soft words.
There were voices swimming through the room when you started to wake up. It was definitely a relief to hear something other than explosions and ringing. However, what you were hearing made you nervous.
“I’ll go make that call about your apartment,” said a voice that sounded like Morgan.
“If it’s alright, I’m going to check back in with Garcia. There’s a lot of changes that need to be made, and she can start them before we get back. Let us know when y/n wakes up and we can discuss next steps,” said another voice that sounded similar to Hotch. You were confused about what needed to be discussed.
There was an uncomfortable dull pinching that started to dig into your back more and more as you woke up. You attempted to push yourself up but were too weak to make any progress. There was very little feeling coming from your legs which was confusing.
“Hey, y/n, just lay down okay? Let me get the doctor.”
“Are my legs moving? I can’t feel them.” The look in JJ’s eyes and the tears that she wiped away confirmed your fears were true.
“I’ll get the doctor,” Spencer said from the doorway. “I think the two of you should talk,” and with Spencer now gone, and Emily following him, it was just you and JJ in the room.
“Um, there was a piece of shrapnel that landed in your lower back. The injury is incomplete, you can regain some of your movement, but it’s gonna be a lot of work.” JJ could barely meet your eyes as she told you what happened.
It was heartbreaking news. If you couldn't do fieldwork, would they even keep you in the BAU? Was that the change Hotch had been talking about? And JJ, what was she going to think when she eventually got tired of helping you? Would she still want to be together if you need assistance? Would she even want to help at all? Maybe Morgan was helping her move her things out of your apartment. There was so much going through your head that you didn’t even know where to start. Luckily, JJ started for you.
“While you were asleep, I started looking at new apartments.” So she really was moving.
“Rossi also said we can stay with him as you get used to the wheelchair.” Wait, we? Was she not leaving?
“I don’t know how easy our apartment is going to be to navigate, but Morgan sent one of his contractors over there right now to take measurements and make a plan for any changes. Also, Garcia is already bossing everyone around to get ramps in the bullpen so you can get into my office.” JJ’s laugh at Garcia made the hospital room feel a little less heavy. You were even able to let out a small chuckle, but your ribs still hurt from the explosion. Suddenly, JJ’s words really started to sink in.
“Wait, so I get to stay?” You were shocked. You had mentally started to prepare yourself to be kicked out of the BAU. You were trying to brace yourself for JJ to leave. She just confirmed that neither of those things were going to happen though. “And you still want to stay too? With me?”
“I love you, Y/n. Of course, I’m staying. You are so much more than a field agent and we need you. I need you, baby.  I don’t have a life to live if you’re not in it, and the BAU can’t catch the bad guys without you there.” Gently, JJ covered your face in kisses. You couldn’t help but giggle. It was nice to feel her lips against your face, a major contrast from all of the aching and stinging from your injuries.
“I am so lucky I get to love you, Jennifer Jarreau.”
“Not as lucky as I am, Y/n y/l/n. Now, you can’t fly yet, plus the jet will need to be fitted to accommodate your chair, so I have the honor of driving you back to home. Hotch gave us the next two weeks off so we can take our time.”
“Are you upset?” you said, looking back at Hotch who just returned to the room.
“Yes, but in the sense that I wish you weren’t in this position. You did good work today, Y/n. JJ will make sure you rest up on the way home, and we will discuss when you are back in D.C.”
“Oh I promise, y/n will be doing absolutely nothing.”
“God, I’m gonna hate this,” you groaned.
“And I’m going to love it, because I love you,” JJ shot right back, lacing her hand in yours.
“I love you too, JJ.”
Even though thing would be so different now, you knew that with JJ by your side, everything was going to be okay.
I hope you enjoyed it! It's my first time like taking requests so idk if I like did it justice, but i just hope it's what you were looking for. I had a really fun time writing this son thank you for your request! Send your requests here! Find my masterlist here!
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lostgirl677 · 2 years
First meet
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
You came to live with your cousin and your aunt at the beginning of the summer and to help at home, you took a job at the local Family Video. In September, the days became boring. And today didn’t make an exception. It had been a long and boring day at work with Robin and Steve, with even more boring and annoying customers. But thankfully, now you were finally casually chilling in your bedroom. Not for long though since Dustin should be almost home by now. You can finally listen to your music in peace and eventually read the book you wanted to begin for so long. You were laying on your bed, ready for the adventure that awaits the characters of your favorite book series when you are interrupted by screams in the yard.
‘ Henderson ! Come back here !’ You’d recognize those voices anywhere.
Those damn bullies dared to follow him ! Dustin really has to toughen up a bit. You watched by your window and saw that there’s too many of them for him to handle. Without thinking, you grabbed one of your baseball bat (not the spiked one Harrington left here the last time, even though they really deserved it) and ran out of the house to scare the hell out of them.
‘Next time Henderson you better…’ ‘He better what ?’ you ask, raising an eyebrow and the baseball bat on your shoulder as the bullies turn their back to face you. Dustin’s eyes widen at your sight. ‘And who’s that ? Your babysitter ?’ the taller one laughed. You laugh dryly and sarcastically with him. ‘I’m his cousin, jackass. Now you better leave him alone and get all your filthy asses out of my property right now’ you said threateningly. ‘Or what ?’ said the bully, making a step towards you. Oh god help us…
Eddie’s POV
Henderson forgot his new Hellfire Club shirt at school, what an airhead. Now, instead of going back to his trailer to prepare his next campaign, he has to drive to Dustin’s house. The drive was long but with music blaring through the radio, his mood was slightly better. 
Once he arrived, he parked his van and got out of it. The first thing he heard was screams, blood curdling screams. Curious, he decided to follow them.  The scene that unfolded before his very eyes was crazy : high school bullies trying to outrun a girl with a baseball bat ready to strike in hands. She shouted threats and insults at them. She apparently succeeded, they were nowhere to be seen. He was so into the scene that he didn’t watch where he was going and made a terrible noise by hitting a bench. She turned on herself to face him. Her (h/c) hair all messy thanks to the wind, the baseball bat on her shoulder, her Iron Maiden shirt and the savage look on her eyes, a total badass. To say that he was in complete awe was an understatement. He never saw her around here before.
 He went out of his daze when he noticed that she was now threatening him with her bat. ‘Who are you ? I swear to God that if you’re one of them, I’ll��’ ‘N…No, I’m…’ he said, trying to defend himself. ‘No Y/N ! He’s one of my friends, Eddie Munson.’ said Dustin, running toward them. So her name is Y/N, what a beautiful name, suits her.  She seemed to calm down a bit, but still  looked wary. ‘H..Hi, I’m Eddie, but you already know.’ It was so unlike him to be nervous, but look at her, she’s pretty and can beat the shit out of you at the very same time, can he marry her right now ? ‘I came here because I have to talk to Henderson.’ ‘Okay. It was nice to meet you Eddie’ she said, finally smiling at him and leaving them. ‘Nice to meet you too.
’‘You never told me you had a sister, Henderson.’ ‘She’s my cousin, actually. She came here in July.’ ‘So… what she’s like ? I mean when she doesn't threaten people with weapons.’ ‘Well she’s really nice, sassy and smart but I don’t like when she puts her heavy metal music on loud, saying that it helps her concentrate but it’s distracting me all the time. Oh, is that my shirt ? I knew I forgot something.’ Dustin said, trying to grab the t-shirt. Eddie completely ignored the last sentences.Suddenly, a crazy idea came to his mind ‘She seems pretty… pretty cool. Do you think she might be interested in joining us at our next campaign ? I can teach her how to play and help her to create a character’ ‘ Actually, she played a couple times with us a few years ago and even co-wrote many of them. She was behind all the craziest plot twists. Her character is a sorcerer by the way. So I think…’ Then he seemed to catch up. ‘Don’t tell me you’re interested in my cousin.’ ‘Dustin ! How dare you make such an accusation at your oldest  friend ? We think we know people and then they stab you in…’ Eddie said, closing his eyes and clutching his heart as if he had a heart attack. ’Quit the drama, Munson. First thing first, I have only known you for 3 weeks and secondly, there is no accusation, it’s evident that you are interested in her. I must admit that it’s a bit weird that you feel attraction towards her after the scene you witnessed but who am I to judge anyway.’ Eddie grinned at his last sentence, he couldn't help it. ‘So, do you think you can convince her ? I have never met such a girl before and I don’t think that my flirting skills are gonna be enough to attract her.’ ‘Okay, I’m pretty sure she’ll accept but I can’t promise anything. Now, can I have my shirt, please ?’ He was so excited at the memory of his first meeting  with her that he totally forgot about Dustin’s shirt. ‘Sure, sorry. So I’ll leave and… Wait ! Can you give her this ?’ He took a pen and scribbled his number on Dustin’s hand. ‘Are you serious ?’ Dustin asked, deadpanned. ‘What ? I don’t have paper on me, plus people will think that a girl gave you her number.’ he said with a wink. ‘I already told you I have a girlfriend, she just doesn’t live here and now I have an image of a girl looking just like you and I think I am scarred for life’ ‘Whatever you say Henderson. Now imagine Y/N and I kissing under the bleachers’ he said, whispering in his ear for a better effect. Dustin nearly screamed and Eddie left to go home, laughing his ass off.
 You tried to read but all your thoughts are about that Eddie. His crazy hair, his rings, his t-shirt,  the way his eyes gleamed when he saw you. There was something special about him. You never had a guy looking at you that way before : a mix between admiration and fear. And you must admit that he was kind of easy on the eye. Maybe there was a way for you to see him again, but how ? By driving Dustin at school ? Or at his DnD club ? What was the name of this club again ? Dustin kept talking about it all the time. 
He bursted out of nowhere in your room with a new t-shirt on. The Hellfire Club ! It’s identical to Eddie's.  ‘Hey Y/N ! So Eddie wants to invite you to our next campaign on Thursday but you’re not…’ ‘YES !’ you almost screamed. Dustin looked a bit surprised but smiled. ‘Okay, I'll tell him… wait, you can tell him yourself.’ he said, holding out his hand for you to see. Eddie’s number ! It was the first time that a boy gave you his number and maybe the first 
time you thought of a guy that way. You took the number and once you wrote it on your notebook, you practically ran to the phone. At first it rang and after what seemed an eternity someone hung on. ‘Hello ?’ it was his voice. ‘Hey Eddie ! It’s Y/N’ ‘Hey ! So Dustin asked you. Do you want to come next time ?’ ‘Of course ! Do I have to bring anything with me ?’ ‘Just Henderson, your character and your charming person’ he said flirtatiously. ‘Okay for the first ones but I’ll see what I can do for the last one.’ you replied with the same tone. Dustin looked like he was about to throw up. ‘Stop listening to our conversation, assbutt !’ you said, throwing something in Dustin’s direction. You heard Eddie laughing. ‘So it’s okay for Thursday. Have a nice evening Y/N’ ‘You too.’ You hung up. You couldn’t be more excited. You had to tell Robin ASAP. 
Who could have thought that 3 days can be that long ? But thankfully, now you are getting ready to join Eddie and the others. You picked  up Dustin, Mike and Lucas and drove to school. It was so quiet, it was almost deafening until you arrived in the Hellfire Club lair. Eddie was sitting on his throne, looking like perfection itself. All the lighting made him look like a literal dream .At the moment he saw you, he stood up and hushed everyone. ‘Is it the girl you keep talking about ?’ asked Gareth. Eddie threw him a warning look. ‘Quiet please ! For the first time in its long story, the Hellfire Club has a very special guest.’ he said while walking toward you and kissing your hand. ‘Maiden Y/N made us the pleasure, the honor to join us in this campaign and I expect you to behave or I promise you a fate worse than death itself’ he continued, earning some laughs from his friends. He was so dramatic that you couldn’t help but smile and tried to not laugh at his demeanor. “We will.’’ said the others. ‘I can’t promise I will. “ you whispered to him. “You barely joined us and you are already tormenting me. What kind of woman are you ?” he whispered back. “Get a room !” screamed Lucas. Eddie threw him a look that quieted him.
This campaign was intense but you enjoyed it so much that you asked to join permanently. Eddie was ecstatic at the simple idea to see you often. He said that they’ll make your  shirt soon. You wanted to kiss him so bad. But you couldn’t. What if it was just the way he is with every girl he met ? So you hugged him and left with the kids.
That night you dreamt of him, more than the other nights.
Eddie’s POV
He couldn’t believe that it wasn’t a dream. The way she arrived in the room, the way she flirted back, just the way she looked at him. He couldn’t wait until the next time he saw her. So he decided to make a special delivery when the shirt is ready.
It’s been almost a week since you met him and you never stopped thinking about him ever since. Steve and Robin got tired of this topic but you didn’t care at all. You called him almost every night and you talked for hours on end. Now you were back in your room daydreaming when you heard someone calling you. You went outside and found Eddie himself in the yard. “Hey ! Glad you didn’t take the baseball bat with you unlike the last time.” he said smiling. “Hey !” “ I’m here to deliver to Maiden Y/N a special garment to ward her against any weapon’ ‘A garment made of Mithril ?’ “And she knows The Lord of the Rings….” he said dreamily. Without thinking, he kissed you passionately. You were caught off guard at first but then returned the kiss. “That’s it ! Now I need therapy” said Dustin, shielding his eyes and interrupting you. You looked at Eddie and laughed. “So, I was about to say that I am sorry but, apparently I’m so not” he said grinning. He then handed you your shirt. “Welcome to the Hellfire Club, Maiden Y/N” he said, kissing you again. “Wanna be my girlfriend and join me on a ride ?” “Yes to both” and you both left for a tiny road trip and went home when the sun was about to come up. It was the first to many random rides like this one and you expect to do it until the end of times.
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softguarnere · 2 years
Call A Medic (But Not For Me)
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Babe Heffron x reader
Request: Can I get a reader that embodies the "call an ambulance call an ambulance but not for me" meme, but the reader actually gets hurt? I have not have a specific pairing in mind. How about do a character that you haven't written yet? Also, welcome to the fandom!
A/N: Thanks for the welcome, Anon! :) I'm not gonna lie, this fic didn't really turn out the way that I wanted it to (just one of those days where the characters won't do or say what you want them to, ya know?), but I hope that it's okay and that you like it. 💕 (This is written for the fictional depiction from the show -- absolutely no disrespect to the real life veterans!)
Warnings: The usual HBOwar stuff: blood, injury, swearing, guns
It's not difficult for the replacements to find themselves in awe of the original Toccoa paratroopers. But Babe finds it especially easy to be impressed by you. Because if he's being honest with himself, you're one of the bravest and most badass people that he's ever met. From the second that he first saw you in a pub shortly before the jump into Holland, drinking Nixon under the table and then still beating him at darts, he knew you were a force to be reckoned with -- a notion that was only confirmed after he saw how well you handled yourself after everything that happened with Market Garden and Arnhem.
So even though Bastogne is cold, and he's spent a lot of time in his foxhole feeling almost hopeless, if there's one person that he's glad to still have with the company, it's you. Which is exactly what he's thinking about as the two of you tromp through the snow-covered woods, trying to find the line after another failed attempt at bringing back plasma for Roe and Spina.
"Babe," your voice brings him back to the present moment. "Where the hell are we?"
Frosty air burns his eyes as he squints through the snow, trying to make out any familiar landmarks. All the trees look the same. The snow is falling so fast that any footprints start to be filled in as soon as they're made. You've been walking forever -- you should have found third battalion by now.
Before he can answer, you gasp as the ground before you gives way, swallowing you up to your hips. You look back at him and laugh, your eyes crinkling, like you didn't just scare both him and yourself.
He extends a hand to you. "You need any - "
"Wer ist da?" A muffled voice from underneath the snow in front of you demands.
"Shit!" You're reaching for Babe's hand when the snow in front of you lifts as a German soldier jumps up from his foxhole -- the very hole that you've just found yourself in.
It happens so fast that Babe feels like he's moving in slow motion, watching it all play out in disbelief. The German cries out in shock, raising his gun as he points it at you. Your own gun is slipped off your shoulder in a split second as you whip it forward, using it to knock the German's out of his hands.
The snow keeps it from skidding as far as you would like, but at least it's no longer aimed at your chest. You aim your own gun and squeeze the trigger, only to be met with a strange sound.
"It's jammed!"
The German starts to make a move to grab his gun. He lunges forward, hands outstretched, only to be stopped by you cracking your rifle against his head like a baseball player hitting a homerun. By some stroke of luck for him, and utter misfortune for you, he's moving so quickly that the hit doesn't inflict much damage, but does elicit a string of loud German words that Babe can only assume are curses.
With the German distracted, he reaches down into the foxhole, hooks his hands under your arms, and drags you up out of the hole. "Come on! We gotta get outta here!"
"I almost got him!" You've trained your jammed gun on the German -- still scrambling for his own -- but Babe grabs you by the forearm and tugs you after him.
"What? Are you tryin' to end up back at an aide station?! We gotta move!"
"I'm movin'! I'm movin'!" His grip is so tight that you have to wrench your arm from his hand so that you can turn around and run properly rather than have him drag you back towards the line.
Scattered gunshots fill the air and you stumble slightly as you run, the both of you panting and heaving as snow kicks up around you. Babe only stops when he reaches his foxhole, sliding down inside and running a hand over his sweaty face as he gasps. He expects for you to slide down next to him a second later, but you don't.
"(Y/N)?" He peers over the edge of the foxhole.
You stand a few feet away, staring down at your hand. It takes a second for him to register than it's stained red. And then suddenly he's out of the foxhole, by your side and yelling, "Medic!"
"Babe, I'm okay."
"Okay?! Christ, (Y/N), you're bleedin'!"
"He grazed me, that's all." Footsteps crunch through the snow behind you as Doc Roe approaches. Your eyes widen, darting between him, your bloody hand, and Babe. "Babe, don't let them take me off the line."
"(Y/N), you got hit!"
"He grazed my arm!"
Roe pauses a few feet away, wary at the panicked and angry tone of your voice. When he approaches, he walks slowly, hands out, voice soft, like he's just encountered a wild animal that he's trying not to spook. "Hey, (Y/N), you wanna let me look at that?"
You clamp your bloody hand back over the wound on your arm. "Doc, I'm fine, honest. You should see the other guy. If anyone needs a medic, it's him, really."
Roe doesn't listen. There's still some distance between you, but he squints at your arm and nods. "It doesn't look too bad."
"Like I said, he grazed me."
"Probably just need to be bandaged up." He meets Babe's eyes and nods, assuring him that you're okay.
"So I won't have to be shipped out?"
"No, I don't see why you would."
No one misses the way you mutter, "Oh, thank Christ" under your breath, or how you flinch a little under Roe's gentle hands as he bandages your arm, but for your sake, Doc pretends not to notice it. Babe, on the other hand . . .
It's another unforgivingly cold and sleepless night on the line. Even huddled together under a blanket and with the tarp covering the top of the foxhole, any morsel of heat you can produce manages to escape before it can do any good.
It doesn't matter, though. Not really. Babe wouldn't be able to sleep if he tried -- not with the image of you staring down at your blood-covered hand etching itself onto the backs of his eyelids any time that he so much as blinks.
"You're stubborn."
The back of your helmet almost knocks against his chin as you turn to look at him in the darkness. "What?"
Babe just nods. "Just thinkin' about how you didn't want to admit you needed a medic. You're stubborn."
"Not stubborn," you huff -- very stubbornly, proving his point. "Just . . . Can I tell you a secret?"
If you didn't have his attention before, you do now. "Of course."
"I wasn't being stubborn, Babe. I was just scared."
"Of what?" There are countless horrors that everyone has encountered since coming to Bastogne, but after being stuck with them day in and day out, they start to lose their power, until they dull, like an old knife, no longer inspiring fear. Then you start to feel brave, like you can handle being on the line, until a new horror that you didn't even know you could fear comes along and the process starts again.
But you, being scared? Babe can't imagine anything in this frosted nightmare of a place that could inspire such a feeling in someone so confident and composed.
You let out a small laugh. It sounds defeated. "Never mind. You'll think I'm stupid."
"No I won't." He nudges you under the blanket. "Promise."
You huff out another small laugh. "I was afraid that I would be taken off the line and to a field hospital or something. I was afraid of being separated from the company . . . Of being separated from you."
"From me?"
"Yeah." A pause while neither of you can quite figure out what to say. Then you, always so brave, "I'm glad that we found each other, even under the circumstances."
"Me too." It takes him a minute, but under the blanket, his hand finds yours and he squeezes it lightly. "I wouldn't let them separate us."
"I know you wouldn't." He feels you squeeze his hand in return. "Guess we're stuck with each other for the rest of the war, huh?"
"Well, since we're both so stubborn about it, I guess we are," he teases. Through the darkness, he can hear your small laugh, and picture your smile as you tuck yourself closer beside him under the blanket.
Babe can be stubborn when he wants to be -- and, like your earlier stubbornness -- maybe part of his reaction is born out of fear. But he makes up his mind then and there that nothing is going to come close to hurting you the rest of the war. If anyone tries, they're going to be the one who needs a medic.
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empress-simps · 4 years
Hi💖! Can I have a scenario with JJK boys ( gojo, sukuna, itadori, megumi, inumaki ) with gn! Reader who is very soft, cute and innocent. At first glance they look like they couldn't even hurt a fly or know a single swear word but in battlefield they change completely by absolutely have no mercy on their enemies and a motherfcking badass?? I enjoyed your squishy cheeks scenario and I hope you can do mind! I hope you take your time and do whatever most important to you first ༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ (*^3^)/~♡
Having a s/o who's soft but a badass in the battlefield
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▪︎Featuring: Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Inumaki Toge, Gojo Satoru and Ryomen Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen
▪︎Pronoun: They/Them [Gn! Reader]
▪︎Genre: Comedy, Humor, Flyff and a lil bit crack
▪︎Warnings: uhhh violence? language and Slight nsfw in sukuna if u squint
note: Hello! Thanks for reading my work I appreciate it! and tbh the squishy cheeks are also one of my faves I'm sorry if this took so long I wanna write the scenario I think that will suit them sooo- Enjoy! Hope this was what u had in mind
》 Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist
》 Main Masterlist
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How dare you decieve this literal sunshine :<
When you charged at the special grade curse he felt like he was about to die again.
"NO! Y/N!" He shouted, voice raw and full of desperation as he tried to catch up with you but Megumi pulled him back.
"What are you doing!? Let me go! They might die! I-i can't lose them!" He yelled, trying to get put of Megumi's clutches as he could only watch in horror as you charged to the curse.
Yuuji turned limp into Megumi's arms as he saw you battle the curse with fierceness and a dangerous edge on you. He turned into the paper thingy HHAHAHAH
"W-what just happened..?" He stammered, eyes still transfixed on your form as you ran to him smiling and cheering.
"Did you saw me fight the curse Yu?! I took it down!" You cheered and spun around with him, sparkles somehow floating around you. Kugisaki tried to hide her laugh as she watched you spin around while Itadori just kinda... floats? He probably traumatized poor boi got a heart attack-
He still haven't recovered from the shock but he managed to stammer out a 'Yes'. He's still Paper! Itadori
He still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that you become an entirely different person when you fight.
He would probably shit himself if you ever get angry at him.
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Ahhh my baby-
His reaction would be: 👁👄👁
Ope, sorry but he would clearly under estimate you. Not that it's intentional, he just thinks that you need his protection 24/7 because you just look so innocent and like you couldn't hurt a fly.
Oh how wrong he was.
Turns out he's the one that needs saving-
When he thought that he was done for, you suddenly kicked the curse in the face, seething. He almost thought you had an evil twin since he can't believe that's you.
"You thought you could get Megumi? Hah, fucker, DIEEEE!"
ExCuse mE wHaT wHy iS bAkugOu's SiBLiNg hErE-
Fushiguro just blinks at you while you fight the curse without even breaking a sweat, and did you curse?! He always thought his baby couldn't hurt someone but you're out there killing in cold blood-
It somehow warms his heart since you really care but he's kinda shaken to his core.
"Are you okay?!" You rushed to him and rubbed your cheek against his. "I was so worried! Don't worry! I'll watch your back so you won't get hurt!" You kissed his cheek, and just like that, any trace of you being an absolute op vanished.
He stammered, trying to ask a ton of questions but failing to.
Welp, It looks like he's the one that needs saving.
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"Go honey! Screw them up! Kill them all!" Gojo let out a grin and cheered for you in the sidelines as he waved his arms around. This bitch i-
You giggled and grabbed your weapon, ready to show off to your clueless and worried students. "Of course! Wish me luck babe!"
"U-uhmm, Gojo sensei.." Yuuji gulped, worried for you. Even though he knows you're a special grade sorcerer he can't help but worry for you.
In the background you can already see them worry and being nervous
Gojo hummed, "They'll be alright! I know my baby can handle it!"
And just as he finished the sentence, you exorcised the curse succesfully. As you neared them, you have a shit eating grin plastered on your face as you took in the fsces of your students.
"We should invite L/n sensei next time when we spar!" Kugisaki suggested to her blindfolded teacher who just chuckled nervously in response.
"I would love to but-"
"He knows I'll beat his ass." You cackled, like kuroo as you looked over your lover who looked like he would pass out in embarassment.
"I did not brag you to our students just for you to bring me down."
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Toge groaned in pain as blood spills out from his wound, rendering him immobile. When he found you rushing towards him he widened his eyes and shook his head rapidly, telling you to get far away as the curse is much stronger than they thought to be.
When he saw the curse approaching you and preparing to strike he felt himself grow cold as he desperately tries to use his voice, even though he already reached his limit. He felt tears prick his vision as he watched in pain in what he thought will be the end of you.
Into thousand pieces. The curse didn't stand a chance against your speed and precision as you succesfully exorcised it.
He blinked; once, twice, a couple times, he couldn't really process what he was seeing.
You panted, hands on ur legs as you bent down to cath your breath. "That was a close one.." He stared in disbelief as your dangerous aura vanished and you approached him with a smile. "Are you okay? Can you stand baby?"
He shook his head "B-bonito Flakes." Then giving you a look that you better explain what just happened. You chuckled sheepishly, a cute but nervous smile appearing as you scratched the back of your head.
"Yes yes... I know I have to explain but let's get you patched up first okay?"
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Never did he thought he would fall for a soft person. Not even once. Since he always find those types not worthy to gain his precious attention.
He figured out that there was something wrong with him since he's usually like more edgy type of person. Turns out he was wrong.
When he saw you in action he can't help but smirk and wolf whistle at you. He's also turned on but he wouldn't admit it outloud (save Yuuji cuz he's so ashamed by Sukuna's actions)
"Damn babe, you didn't tell me you weren't a damsel in distress-"
Sukuna didn't know if it was intentional that he got hit by your weapon, but when you apologized to him he automatically thinks that it was an accident.
"Oh no! Suku, are you okay?!" You fussed over him, trying not to burst out laughing so you won't blow your cover. He groaned in pain, you didn't exacly injure him since you'd feel bad when Yuuji takes over so that will do.
"Does it look like it?" He mumbled, not yelling since he doesn't want you to be upset with him. He becomes a putty in your hands, that's how much he's willing to do anything for you.
"I-im sorry but HHAHAHAH YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACE SUKU!" You booped his nose as he scowled, "You... I'll wreck you!"
You giggled, flashing him a cute smile and wink as you ran away, Sukuna hot on your heels.
You snickered, "Sure you will, honey."
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starsofmilos · 2 years
Heroic (Adrian Chase x witch reader)
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Request: okay okay, kinda want another berserk type of fic for reader BUT it's like a wanda/endgame moment. the whole "you took everything from me moment". this would also slightly fall into peacemaker canon territory a bit but it's like all badass and everything. so, we're in that moment in which practically part of the FBI are sided with the butterflies at this moment and everything is going slightly downhill for the team, trying to figure out how they can stop everything. HOWEVER, adrian being adrian decides to step in and possibly let his dark magic wielding gf step on up and have her big moment. there could be something where she says "you and half of this town almost ruined everything for me" or something because our girl is angry and she wants to hold the power now but also so show that she can be a damn good hero. (also maybe a slight but soft makeout sesh between her and adrian too lol) please?? thank u 😊😊😊
Witch reader Masterlist
Warnings: violence, witch craft, cursing, mentions of sex
Adrian had thought he would never have to use it. 
When you had first gotten together, you hadn’t been able to handle the thought of Adrian fighting alone. Even when he went on missions you were wound up worried.
You trusted his abilities. Adrian was strong. There was no doubt, but even you knew that one day Adrian would be outnumbered. So without another thought, you made him a a couple things for protection.
One was your infamous tigers eye. It was used to ward off magic and was a protection of sorts. It also brought luck.
The other thing was something Adrian didn’t ever really wanna carry, but he did because you had practically begged him. It was a calling crystal.
If the day ever comes that Adrian needed you and was alone, he was to break it and it would automatically call you upon him. Adrian never thought he would ever use it nor did he want too.
The idea of you getting hurt angered him. He didn’t want to place you in danger especially if he knew that you were at a distance safe away from it.
Today changed everything though. Emilia was on the verge of death. John’s leg was broken and Adrian was struggling to keep up on killing all the butterflies in the field. He needed to though.
Adebayo had just ran out managing to barely save Emilia from being taken over by a butterfly. Chris had ran off to destroy the cow and Adebayo followed behind him. 
As he laid on the floor bleeding from his side from where he was shot. Adrian felt panic rise in him seeing three more vans arrive. Over thirty more butterflies walked out. 
He was alone and about to be surrounded and so was Emilia. John had crawled over trying his best to protect Emilia from them, but even he knew they were in a bad spot.
Adrian dug though his small fanny pack where he kept his glasses finding the crystal. He needed you, but was still conflicted on calling you. Before he could decide though.
The crystal was kicked from his hand as a gun was pointed at him. Adrian used what little of his strength left to roll away avoiding the bullet.
Another butterfly approached laughing a bit at the three of them down on the floor. Without realizing though, they stepped on the crystal. Adrian groaned as he was kicked. His shot wound throbbed as he endured them making fun of him.
“You think you stupid humans can really defeat us. Any minute now once we dig through the rubble Peacemaker will be caught and you all will be dead while we move away.”
Emilia coughed a bit glaring at the people who stood over her. John trembled from pain. Adrian felt helpless. He didn’t think this is how he’d go, but as he laid there a part of him was ready to accept what this was.
Until he heard a distance explosion. That’s when he noticed the crystal under the butterflies foot. He grinned a bit under his mask laying his head down. 
“You guys fucked up!” John yelled out groaning in pain. 
You walked out of the woods clearing finding the van and seeing the crowd of dead bodies. Looking at the people who stood above Adrian, you clenched your fist.
The butterflies tilted their heads in confusion as you carefully walked over the bodies not wanting blood on your shoes. You waved your hand sending the two standing over Adrian away from him.
The rest looked in shock seeing the black light in your hands as you easily broke the two necks once they landed. 
Using your magic, you dragged Emilia’s body towards him along with John. 
“Are you okay?” You asked him turning him over. Adrian nodded weakly as you gripped his hand looking down at his shot wound. Emilia was in really bad shape as well.
“John you think you can watch over them.” John nodded as you smiled laying a small kiss on Adrian’s helmet. “I’ll be back soon.”
You growled a bit angrily hearing Emilia thank you as she fell asleep. Adrian grabbed your hand tightly before you left.
“Don’t die.”
“I should be telling you that Vig.” You stood up walking in front of them. This was your moment. Adrian had made that realization. Always being viewed as the monster of Evergreen, you were now about to bust your ass off to save it.
“You all almost took everything from me. That man in the mask is my everything and all of you made the choice to fucking try to kill them. I don’t care about your plans. I don’t care about any of that shit. You will all fucking pay.”
“You think we can’t stop you! You’re a human! A pathetic human! We’ve been around for centuries! You can’t stop us-”
You raised your hand lifting the one speaking above the ground choking them. Without another thought, you clenched your hand decapitating them. 
“I grew annoyed by his words. Anyone else got something to say.” 
They all hissed at you before running to you. You smiled a bit raising your hands sending trees from the distance their way. 
You grunted pushing them back keeping them away from Adrian. They pulled out guns beginning to shoot at you looking in surprise as you all caught all their bullets sending them back.
Ten of them fell as the others kept trying to approach. You sent them flying anytime they got close.
Two of them managed to go behind you grabbing your arms to hold you down. Adrian popped his head up growling a bit angrily as you struggled in their holds.
Your eyes flashed red as you yelled out pushing them away snapping their necks. Adrian sighed in relief before noticing your shaky hands. You were losing control.
“Y/N!” You ignored his call for you lifting up three that tried to run around you letting your magic fully take over and crushing them making them explode. 
Once that happened the rest of them fell back trying to get away. 
“FALL BACK! WE HAVE TO FALL-” You silenced the one yelling out shoving a pointy branch straight through his head. Blood splattered across your face. With no mercy you chased down the ones running and tore into them angrily.
“Mother fuckers! Hurting my friends! And this stupid town! Almost taking my future happy ending!” You growled shoving them down before tearing into them 
Afterwards you stood panting over the thirty new dead bodies joining the others. Chris walked out with Adebayo limping behind him picking Emilia up as Adebayo helped John. 
You walked to Adrian helping him up letting him lean on you. He smiled a bit as you spat on one of the butterflies you had killed.
“Why the hell didn’t we call her earlier?” Adebayo whispered out in shock seeing the damage you had done.
“Fuckers had it coming.” You grumbled as Adrian stared at you in awe.
“I love you..” You laughed a bit hearing him. 
“I love you too.” 
“Fuck off Aquaman! Go fuck a fish or something!” You looked up hearing Chris yell at the Justice League who had just gotten there. 
“The fucking ‘evil witch’ helped more than you fuckers!” John yelled out as you smiled a bit sheepishly. 
You all got to the hospital. Immediately having the doctors and nurses attend to all of you. 
Well not you, you sat in the room they had placed Adrian in your blood soaked clothing waiting for him to come back. Once he returned though he couldn’t help, but to smile at you.
“Ma’m are you sure you don’t wanna get checked out?” The nurse asked you again worriedly.
“No I’m not injured, but I would take a change of clothes if you have any.” She nodded bringing you some hospital sweats and socks along with a simple white shirt.
You showered quickly before moving to sit next to Adrian holding his hand as he slept. He opened his eyes smiling at you widely.
“You are so pretty....” He was high. “Like I’d be so lucky if you were my girlfriend pretty..”
“I am your girlfriend Adrian.”
“You are?!” You laughed nodding. “Wow..I managed to get you with me? You know you could do better than me right?..”
“No I can��t Adrian because there is no one better than you. It’s why I came as quick as I could once the crystal broke.”
“Oh right...My girlfriend gave me that crystal in case I ever needed her. She is such a hot badass like you’re pretty don’t get me wrong, but she is so fucking gorgeous..”
“Adrian once again I am your girlfriend.”
“Holy shit you are?!” You sighed kissing his forehead. 
“Get some sleep dummy.”
“I am not a dummy! Better be careful not to insult me! My girlfriend will tear you a new one and don’t kiss me only she could do that!” You grinned hearing him.
“Plus I plan on making her my wife one day...My wife wouldn’t like you kissing my forehead.”
“You’re right she wouldn’t so it’s a good thing that I am your girlfriend.” 
“Yeah it is...hey can you lay with me?” You nodded sliding in next to him kissing his cheek.
“My girlfriend is so cool and pretty..I should’ve caller her to help sooner, but I don’t like when she gets hurt even if it’s a paper cut I freak out..She’s my everything you know?”
“You’re her everything too..” Adrian grinned kissing your forehead. 
“I love you Y/N..” He fell asleep quickly after. 
“I love you too and I will always protect you when you need me too..”
Adrian awoke the next day seeing you peacefully asleep on his shoulder. He grinned noticing the way you linked your pinky with his.
“Morning...” You grumbled hearing him before smiling.
“Good morning..You sober now?”
“What do you mean? I’ve been sober-“
“You asked me if I was single then got whiny when I kissed your forehead about how your future wife wouldn’t like that.”
“Damn pain meds dude.” Adrian snorted as you chuckled kissing his cheek.
“I’m glad you called me..I was scared when I realized you broke it and I’m glad I made it when I did.”
“To be honest Y/N I didn’t mean to call you I was debating it when they kicked the crystal out of my hand and stepped on it.”
“I’m glad that happened did. You all were in a really bad position..” Adrian nodded sheepishly.
“I know..Thank you for saving us.” You smiled kissing him softly.
“I’ll always save you which is why I casted a spell so the hospital staff don’t know you’re Vigilante.”
Adrian grinned pulling you to lay on him. “Hey hey! You’re hurt still!”
“I do not care I need to show my appreciation to my witch.” He chuckled as you grew shy hiding your face from him.
“Come on show me your pretty face.” He lifted your face up pulling you into a deep messy kiss.
You moaned a bit as he ran his tongue over your bottom lip. Adrian gripped your chin pulling away to move his lips down to your neck.
“Adrian..” You panted a bit as he hummed nipping your jaw.
“As much as I love this we can’t go further so maybe you should s-stop..” You whimpered as he ran his hand up your thigh.
He groaned pouting as you pulled away. “But you’re so hot and cool! I just wanna appreciate you..”
You laughed nodding, “You can do that when you’re better.”
“Fine!!” Adrian grinned nuzzling into you.
“But I’m gonna make it totally worth it the second these gun shot wounds heal!!”
“I don’t doubt that for a second..”
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scekrex · 6 months
hey, hear me out, Adam with a reader with lots of tattoos, like, the WHOLE body, and Adam finds the reader really badass and try to do a tattoo too but he totally regrets it afterwards
Okay so reader's not only tattooed but also a self-taught tattoo artist bc I said so °^° I hope ya like Adam's breakdown over a shitty tattoo <3
He can fix it
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Adam adored every single drop of ink that had been poked underneath your skin, even if he didn’t understand certain design choices, he loved your tattoos, thought they made you look badass.
And then one day you had gotten home from yet another appointment, heaven had two, maybe three tattoo studios and the only one near you was fucking shitty so getting a tattoo always went hand in hand with being gone for at least three days - yet it was always worth the travel because at least they did a good job. There was one little studio close to you, the artists weren’t nice, their work wasn’t good and every damn day you wondered how they managed to pay rent because there was simply no way people were actually getting tattooed there. But on the other hand it really wasn’t your place to judge because you had started just as shitty when you had started to learn the skill of tattooing. You hadn’t tattooed others though, only ever practiced on fake skin or your own body.
So when you got home from your latest appointment and proudly showed Adam your newest tattoo, the first man was quite surprised that it was related to him. You proudly flexed your forearm as you showed him the artwork of the battle ax version of his guitar that would now forever be on your skin. “You’re absolutely fucking insane, babes,” he wispered as his hand grabbed your wrist in order to pull your arm closer to his face to see the artwork up close. It was a super detailed image that left Adam breathless, he loved it so much. “This is fucking on point, and the blood sinner dripping from it? Holy fuck man.” You shot him a teasing grin as you pulled your arm back to grab the first man by his collar and pull him in, “So, when do ya get my weapon tattooed?” It wasn’t meant as an honest question, you knew Adam adored tattoos on your skin but getting inked up himself? He wasn’t so sure about it. The pain he would be able to handle without any problems, that wasn’t his deal at all. It was more about the design. And to be fair? Getting your halberd tattooed sounded like a great fucking idea in his ears. So he offered you an equally teasing smirk as he tilted his chin upwards and confidently replied, “I’m gonna make an appointment right fucking now.” You curiously raised an eyebrow at Adam, he had been so quick to decide for something so permanent? It wasn’t that the first man was against inking up his own skin - far from it actually, he had told you so often that he wanted tattoos too, but whenever you had offered to design him one he had backed out. So this decision came quite surprisingly. "You sure? Y’know that ya don’t have to-” “Oh shut your fucking mouth, I fucking know okay? "BUT I wanna.” His voice didn’t sound as confident anymore and you seriously questioned the decision he had just made. But if he was so sure about it, you would let him have some fun. He had to know what he was doing, that really wasn’t your place to tell him no.
Adam had made an appointment at the tattoo studio near your apartment, you had told him that their work lacked skill but he had simply ignored it, had told you that it’ll be fine. He simply was too lazy to travel so fucking far for something as simple as a tattoo, and seriosly how bad could it be?
Well, very fucking bad.
Because when the brunette opened the door to your shared apartment and his eyes met yours, you knew they had fucked up. There was disappointment in his expression, guilt for not listening to you and discomfort for what they had done to his body. They had ruined it, the lines were wobbly, the coloring was so inaccurate and the details of the carvings had been completely ignored, for fucks sake, Adam was sure a toddler would’ve done better.
You got up from the couch immediately, “Show me,” there was no excitement in your voice and the first man knew you were aware of the situation. “Fuck no,” Adam pressed his left forearm thightly against his chest, ignoring the pain that shot through his arm at the firm contact. His wings pushed you back a little as he wrapped them around you in order to feel protected - he was in pure discomfort. Why did he think going to that studio had been a good idea? You had informed him that their work wasn’t good, you had warned him. And he had actively decided to ignore that warning and now he would never be able to wear fucking short sleeved tops again. That’s how much he hated what they did to him. “Ain’t no fucking way I let you see this shit.” You sighed and your eyes softened a little, providing some comfort - you weren’t mad at Adam, why should you? But you guessed the way you had demanded to see the clearly fucked up tattoo made it seem like you were. “Adam, the tone of your voice matched the kindness your eyes offered and you gently reached for his wrist, “Show me so I can make a plan to fix it.”
His eyes shifted from the fresh tattoo that was covered by the sleeve of his robe to you and with a sigh he sunk his wings and extended his arm in your direction so that you could have a look. “They let you leave with that piece of shit on your skin?” you complained and looked at the LED expression his mask offered. “I’m here and that shit is on my arm, so yeah, they fucking did.” You guided him into the bedroom, letting him sit down on the bed. Your hands reached for his mask and carefully pulled it off his head, exposing his face, his eyes were filled with anger, sadness and regret. “Put on a shirt and a pair of sweatpants, calm yourself down a little and come to me when you’re ready okay?” You placed a quick kiss on the tip of his nose, “I’ll set up my tattoo needle and I’ll fix that mess for ya. Take all the time you need for that.” You were about to pull back and give him some space as he grabbed your wrist tightly and looked at you with wide eyes, “You can fix it?” You playfully rolled your eyes and shrugged, “Fuck yeah I can fix it bae.”
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luimagines · 2 years
Okay but think about how badass a reader that has the ability to control flora would be. Need a specific herb for that dish? They've got you. Need a softer place to sleep? Just wait a minute, they'll make a nice plant bed for ya. Wanna smell better? They're already growing very fragrant herbs and flowers.
Many members of the chain feel as though the reader would be easily harmed in a fight because they tend to create/grow flora that are easily destroyed. That is the general consensus until they encounter three lynels (I have no idea if they actually travel in groups please go with it 😅)
The chain's protective instincts kick in and the smallest + reader kick in immediately. However, our dear reader is far from helpless. They are targeted by one of the three lynels, but before any of the Links can react, thick, coarse vines with thorns, and tree roots rocket out of the ground, restraining the beast. The beast puts up one hell of a fight, no surprise there, but the reader has it handled. The thorns grow exponentially, causing the lynel to begin to bleed out. The lynel's weapons and other gear are ripped away. With one final push from the reader, a vine penetrates a wound in its chest and expands until the lynel is no more.
With one beast slain, the reader moves on to protect any Links that may have fallen by creating nearly impenetrable canopies over them. When that is finished, they jump into the rest of the fights by once again restraining the beast, taking its gear, and ultimately allowing the Links to land finishing blows much easier than other fights.
After everything is settled, the wounded have their canopies withdraw so Hyrule and the reader can tend to them. Sky got a pretty nasty hit to the head, and Wars had quite the laceration ranging from his shoulder blade to the other side of his ribs.
Reader carries seeds that have been blessed by the fairies in their world that will grow into plants that have immense healing properties. The two get them fixed up. With the little energy they have left, the reader creates one large canopy that will enable them to camp for the night with (hopefully) minimal problems.
I believe the reactions of the chain would be as follows (please add on if you want!!!)
Time: taken aback for exactly 0.5 seconds before getting back to it
Twilight: will probably ask reader to grow an ordon pumpkin (he carries pumpkin seeds around lol, gotta have snacks that double as slingshot ammo)
Warriors: wants to know how tf a plant chrysalis suddenly encased him, then is thankful the reader can hold their own in more ways than one
Legend: "you couldn't have done that earlier?"
Wild: wants them to spar with him only using their magic abilities and staying in one spot... and other shenanigans involving natural sedatives/stimulants
Sky: once he wakes up, he's confused until wind excitedly tells him about how badass the reader is. Then he's disappointed he didn't get to see it lol
Wind: in awe, a little jealous, mostly wants to partake in plant shenanigans and hijinks with wild
Hyrule: 0-0
- can I assign myself an emoji and establish myself as a consistent anon? I totally get it you don't want to do that :) if yes, can I be ☀️?
Also, how do you feel about longer asks like this? I don't wanna cross any boundaries
Absolutely Sunshine!
I have a masterlist for anons who send in literal stories. I don't mind the length at all. :D
I have a few regulars as it is, so take a seat and relax, we're all friends here.
Also this Reader gave a bit of Poison Ivy vibes.... just.. with out the whole backstory and desire to wipe out humanity.
Time would probably want to know how it would work the way it does. I bet he's seen some flora magic before. But with their powers, can they make the deku tree grow any bigger than the mere sprout he currently is?
Wild.... no drugs dude, chill. This won't count into your enchanted food.
Poor Sky though. He didn't get to see Reader save the day and be the best of the group for a chance.
Wind is totally going to rub it in his fac- I mean, recount the entire thing with theatrical flair. :) Obviously.
.....And with Warrior, I guess the only thing that comes to mind is from Critical Role Campaign Two... with Forge in the seaweed roll. I won't go too into it for spoiler reasons. But he comes out a bit beefier.... So Warrior less of a twink then?
The rest are stellar. Spot on interpretation. Thank you for your contribution. XD
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scuttling · 3 years
Badass Wife
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairings: Aaron Hotchner/Female Reader Word Count: 3,297 Tags: 18+, NSFW, Dad Bod Hotch, Daddy kink, Dom/sub, Dirty talk, Unprotected sex, Rough sex, 69, Come eating/sharing, Oral sex, Fingering, Subspace, Aftercare, Semi-public sex Summary: Just some kinky Dad Bod Hotch 🤤 Continuation of "Trophy Husband" *Requested by anon.
Link to AO3 or read more below! “Is that my beautiful wife I hear?” Aaron calls from upstairs as you enter the foyer. You hang up your jacket, set your bag on the bench by the door, kick off your shoes, and head up the stairs.
“It’s me, where are you?” you call, and he sticks his head out of the home office with a grin you just have to kiss. You wrap your arms around his neck, and he hums against your lips, deepens the kiss so you break apart feeling hungry. “Hello, handsome.”
“Hello, gorgeous. Remind me again how you were able to get the afternoon off?”
“I told them I had an appointment,” you say with an innocent shrug. “I didn’t specify that it was a dick appointment; do you think I should have?” Aaron laughs, something full and lovely, and you can’t help but smile. You love when you’re able to make him laugh; that feeling is second only to loving when you’re able to get him hard without so much as a touch.
“No, probably not. We’ll just keep that as our little secret,” he whispers in your ear, and you shiver instantly. “Daddy has plans for you. Do you want to hear them?” You swallow, nod your head. “I thought you might. Everything we do we’re going to do on that couch right there.” He nods to the small gray sofa in the office, which you’ve had many orgasms on throughout its time there.
Even after being married for more than a decade, your hottest fantasies are still the ones where Aaron is your boss and you do dirty, naughty things in his office—even becoming the unit chief yourself, the highest position you’ve ever held, doesn’t stop you from wanting to be his needy little subordinate, a desperate slut who would do anything to please her superior.
“First, I want you to lay on top of me with your pretty pussy in my face. You’ll suck on my cock for as long as you can, but I know you get distracted easily, baby; you’re just a horny mess when daddy eats your pussy, aren’t you?” He slides his hand between your legs, over the thin fabric of your usual black dress pants, and you squirm in his embrace, whine a little.
“Yes, daddy. I try my best, but I get too distracted by your mouth, so you just let me lay there and feel good.”
“That’s right, baby. You know I like to take care of you.” You nod, because that’s something you both love, and he moves to unbutton your pants, to untuck your white button up and slowly open it, his thick fingers purposefully avoiding your skin. “Maybe this time you can kiss my stomach, since you liked that so much last week. You liked kissing my stomach so much that you made a mess on daddy’s thigh, didn’t you baby?”
You close your eyes, reliving that night of super hot sex and again feeling a little embarrassed at that fact that you’d rubbed off against his leg. He loved it, though, has brought it up more than once since then, so it makes sense that it would be part of his fantasy now.
“Yes, daddy, I was messy, but I love your stomach; I want to kiss it again.” He gets your top off, unhooks your bra, and kisses a wet trail from your neck to your lower belly as he crouches to take off your pants.
“Good girl. I’m going to let you. Then, when you’re nice and wet for me, I’m going put you over the arm of the couch and fuck you while you beg for more. You’ll beg to come again, baby, because you’re so needy when you’re on daddy’s cock, and if you’re good, I’ll let you. If you’re bad, I’ll fill up your pussy and not let you come at all.”
“I’ll be good, daddy; I’ll be so good for you.” He smiles up at you from his position in front of you, and even though he’s on his knees, he has all the power, as always. He knows it, too, looks a little smug.
“Oh, I know you will, sweetheart. You always are.” He slides your panties down, leans up to take one soft, teasing taste between your legs that makes you sigh, and then he makes a noise of contemplation, leans back. “Actually, we’re going to change that up a little. I want to fuck you first. Do you want to know why?”
“Why daddy?” He started getting you off first during sex back when you started dating, because having an orgasm under your belt made things easier, a little smoother when it came time for penetration; it’s not a requirement, but something you’re both used to, so you’re curious why he’s switching it up now, though you know the reason must be good.
“Because I’m not coming inside you, I’m coming on my stomach so you can clean it up. You’ll like licking daddy’s come off his stomach, won’t you, good girl?” You take a rough breath, lightly nibble your bottom lip. There’s a reason this man has ruined you for all other men—many, many reasons, really, but this one’s up there.
“Oh, yes, daddy, I’ll really like that.” He rises to his feet, fully dressed where you’re bare naked, and you work quickly to get his pants off, his underwear down while he shrugs out of his t-shirt. “I’m ready, I’m really ready,” you say, which means let’s forget the foreplay and get straight down to business. Aaron smirks, because you both love foreplay, but sometimes one or both of you are too fucking horny for it, and he probably knew that talking about you licking him clean would get you there.
“Oh, you are, baby? You think you can handle daddy’s big cock already?” He gets his hands around your waist and you know what he wants; you jump into his arms and kiss, hot and steamy and sensual, scraping your neatly trimmed nails across his back. “Okay, let’s see, sweetheart. Be good for me.”
You’re used to being bent over the arm of the couch, either for spanking or oral or to be fucked—it’s a thick arm, comfy, short, which is probably the reason Aaron chose it in the first place. He always buys new furniture with sex in mind, which is easily in the top ten hottest things about him.
Today is different, though, because he doesn’t bend you over; he walks both of you over to the sofa and eases your body against the cushions, in the corner. Your head and shoulders are on the couch and your ass is up on the arm, your legs in the air. Your Aaron—always innovative. He wraps both hands around one of your thighs and pushes into you; it’s a little bit of a stretch, since you didn’t prepare, but nothing you haven’t worked through before.
“Good girl,” he praises, and you tip your head back, moan, as he starts pounding his cock inside you, his grip tightening on your thigh. You press one of your hands against the couch for leverage, bring the other to rub at your pussy, and stare up at him as he fucks you, breathing hard, his belly shaking a little with each hard thrust against you. Your tits are bouncing too, and your moans grow louder, longer; he’s giving it to you so good, just like always, and you feel slutty in this position, sexy, as he uses your body.
“Oh, daddy, yes, daddy,” you breathe, rubbing over your pussy, spreading your wetness around the hard shaft of his cock. He groans at your touch, fucks harder, and it feels like he brings you off in no time, calling his name and clamping tight around him. When it’s over, you sink against the sofa, closing your eyes and catching your breath. His big hands move to your tits, squeezing them roughly, earning a ragged whimper, and then he lifts you up, holds you in his arms, whispers how good you did, how beautiful you are.
“Time for the rest,” he says after a minute or two, and he sets you on your feet, lays back on the sofa, and helps you climb on top of him. He pulls your soaked pussy close to his face, spreads your ass with his hands and licks at you where you’re sensitive; you jolt forward, which puts his cock in your face, and you hum, wrap your hand around it, and start to suck. “Mmm, fuck, baby,” he says, making wet sounds as he mouths at your lips, and you take him deep, hollow your cheeks, and suck hard at a medium pace. If you were trying to get him off quickly, you’d go for fast and shallow, but he likes when you draw it out as much as you can most of the time.
Moaning around his cock is always a great way to get him to eat you a little sloppier when you’re in this position, and you like sloppy, like the way you feel when your wet sounds echo in the room. You both work to get each other off this way for a few minutes, but eventually you’re too close again, and you’re hazy, unfocused, your mouth and hand moving at a lazy, irregular pace.
Aaron groans, and you’re sure your mouth is wetter around him, so it probably feels awesome even if it’s not moving exactly the way he’d like. He moves one hand off of your ass, slides it up between your bodies, and encourages you to lift off of him; you do, sitting up a little, hands pressed to his thighs, and he wraps his hand around his cock and jerks it, which is so sexy and you love to see it, can’t stop watching him.
“Mmm, come daddy, come on your belly for me daddy, please, daddy,” you ramble, fuzzy and eager to come and to lick his come and do whatever he asks you to. “Hungry, let me.” That does it, and he climaxes, thighs tensing beneath your hands. He comes in hot spurts all over his stomach, dripping into his belly button, clinging to the trail of hair, and you lean forward like the greedy slut you are, swiping your tongue over him, dipping it inside his belly button to scoop it into your mouth.
You’re moaning like a whore, licking and kissing his stomach, his salty, tangy come on your lips and your cheek, and he leans up, pulls you toward him, his eyes dark and hard and sexy. He grabs your chin hard, makes you whine, and you meet in the middle for a kiss; it’s wet and messy, his come makes its way from your mouth to his, and his tongue tastes like you, and you want to get off again so bad your pussy aches with need.
“Oh please oh please,” you beg against his lips, and he moves you so you’re laying along his body again, your head between his legs. He presses his fingers inside you, two and then three, pumping them in quick and deep until you’re coming all over them, hands on his thighs, wailing and trembling in his grasp. He licks you up, licks you clean, and pulls you close for another dirty kiss, your come in your mouth this time. It’s only fair.
You’re like dead weight on top of him, fucked-out and barely functional, and he lifts you off, pulls you into his arms, and takes you to your master bathroom so he can draw you both a bath while you curl into warm, happy subspace. You sink into hot, foamy water, your back against his chest, and he kisses your neck, murmurs his love and admiration, holds you close until finally drift back to him.
“Love you,” you murmur, and he turns your face toward his for a soft, sweet kiss.
“Love you, sweetheart. Perfect girl.”
When you’re done soaking, you rinse off, dry off, and slip into one of his t-shirts and a pair of his boxers; he pulls on boxers only, and you follow him downstairs for some lunch, can’t help the way your eyes roam over his bare torso while he moves about the kitchen. Somehow—you’re really not sure how—you ended up with the hottest husband in the universe, and you prop your elbow up on the counter, rest your chin in your hand, and marvel over how wonderful life has become. A few days later, you’re sitting in your office waiting for your 1:00 appointment, which Anderson had scheduled for you without explaining in the slightest, when you hear Derek say, “Hey, man!” You walk to your doorway and see Aaron and Derek shaking hands down in the bullpen. Aaron is looking extremely delicious in a criminally tight polo and khakis—he must have gone golfing before coming over, one of the many perks of retirement—and you’re suddenly feeling ravenous.
You absently wonder if you can move your appointment, and then you put two and two together and grin.
“If you’re my 1:00, you’re early,” you call down, arms crossed in front of you, and he turns to look at you in such a way that you can practically feel your panties disintegrate. He manages to shoot you a private look that lets you know you’re in for something special, then schools his expression to something fit for public consumption within the same second.
“Maybe I missed you.”
“Maybe you missed Derek,” you tease, and your phone rings, so you head back to your desk. It’s a sheriff in Alabama, someone who heard from someone else about the BAU and is practically demanding that your team comes down to help with a case.
You’re in the middle of politely standing your ground when Aaron slips into your office, shuts and locks the door behind him. You’re a little angry at the douchebag on the phone, so you’re hot already, but he gives you a look that only makes you hotter.
“I appreciate the circumstances, sheriff, believe me, but we can’t consult on every single homicide case your department faces. There are requirements that need to be met.”
Aaron walks around your desk with purposeful strides, and you look up at him, ready to roll your eyes in regards to the conversation, but… he gets on his knees, turns you and your chair to the side, and then sticks his hands up your dress and yanks your panties down. Your free hand grabs the armrest, and it’s all you can do not to gasp out loud.
He grins, the bastard, and then mouths payback.
Okay, that’s fair. You’ve sucked him off in this office at inconvenient times more often than you can count.
He guides your ass to the edge of the seat, lifts your legs to hook them over his shoulders, and puts his head under your skirt.
“Uh huh, absolutely,” you breathe into the receiver. “I’m not trying to downplay what your community is going through at all; it’s very unfortunate.”
You do feel bad, but it’s hard to sound properly sympathetic when your husband has two fingers and his face buried in your pussy. He fucks them into you fast and smooth and you squeeze your eyes shut, take a deep breath.
“Maybe I can recommend your case to the organized crime unit at the—the Birmingham field office, if you think it's gang-related.” You tuck the phone between your ear and shoulder and reach down, fisting your hands into this hair, tugging roughly in retaliation. It doesn’t really count, you guess, when he enjoys it. “Yes, I have your number here. I’ll pass the information along and they’ll be in touch. Mmm—maybe, maybe they’ll be able to help. Okay, will do. Uh huh. Goodbye.” As soon as you hear the dial tone, you let the phone fall away and you arch your back, groan aloud, but not too loud. JJ’s office is next to yours now, and you’ll never hear the end of it if she hears any of it.
“Are you alright, baby?” Aaron asks, peeking out from beneath your skirt, his lips wet, and you close your eyes, lick your lips.
“Fuck you,” you mutter, no heat at all to your words, and he pulls his fingers out; your eyelids flutter open, and he sucks on his own fingers, licking you off of them. You groan again, and he smirks.
“If you insist.” He moves to stand, leans over you, and you wrap your arms around his neck, let him lift you into his strong arms. He holds you with one arm—one perfect arm—and pushes your paperwork to one side, then lays you back on the desk and pushes up your dress. He undoes his belt, unbuttons and unzips those fucking khakis, and then guides himself inside you; you groan together this time.
He plants his hands on either side of you, your thighs spread wide around his hips, and he fucks hard, holding you in place with his body. You wrap your hands around the edge of the desk and move against him, thighs jiggling against his, tits once again bouncing and barely confined by your dress.
“Oh, fuck, oh fuck. Fuck me, daddy, harder, daddy,” you murmur, overheated and wet and desperate to come, and Aaron grunts, leans further forward and pounds inside you, quick and deep and frantic. “Just like that, just like that.”
“You might be the boss, but you’re not my boss,” he reminds you with a wink, and you sigh, reach up to touch his face.
“Baby, I’m absolutely the boss of you; everywhere but the bedroom.” He licks his lips, brings a hand up to squeeze your tits, and you move your hands to his waist, digging your fingers into that polo that fits his new body so well. “Mmm, gonna come all over your cock, daddy,” you say, looking up at him, and he grits his teeth, comes, which makes you want to come; a few more pumps of your hips against his and you do, loudly.
His hand comes up to cover your mouth, and you moan into it; when you’re appropriately silent, he moves it to your clit, still railing you like you didn’t just both get off five seconds ago, and after a couple of minutes your pussy can’t take it, and you come again, loud on purpose so his big hand will shut you up.
You curl together and kiss, wrapping your legs around his ass so he’ll stay inside you, sharing breath while you try to calm down; you sweep your hands over his arms and chest and sides, humming happily.
“Why did you make an appointment to come see me today?” you murmur, blissful and dopey, and he smiles, reaches behind you for your nameplate and rests it on your stomach.
“Because I realized we hadn’t christened this office since it became your office, and I felt it was long overdue.”
“Very long overdue,” you agree, and you cuddle until it’s time to get ready for your next meeting. You both clean up quickly and then Aaron walks you downstairs so you can hit the restroom before your next appointment. He kisses you soft and slow, tells you he loves you before he goes.
You meet your 2:00 in the lobby, walk them up to your office—which you’ve aired out, you think—and ask them to take a seat. When you walk around to your chair, you see your panties on the ground, panic internally for a moment, and then kick them under your desk with a heel and offer your visitor a perfectly normal smile. Taglist ❤️: @arsonhotchner @mrsh0tchner @ssahotchie @sleepyreaderreads @mintphoenix @meghannnnnn @disgruntledchowchow @azenpal
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buckysdolls · 3 years
Perfectly Perfect
One Shot- Bucky x Reader
Summary- You’ve been Bucky’s support system in his attempt to make his wrongs, right. Developing love for you, Bucky’s get jealous upon seeing another man pay you attention.
Warnings- floof, minimal mentions of a sexual nature, swearing, protective loveable Bucky!
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“So, you’re just going to sit here and watch some guy sweep her off her feet hmm?”
Bucky’s squinted eyes and straight lips signalled to Sam that Bucky wasn’t impressed with his running commentary on you talking to another guy.
“Oh great, now you’re doing your staring thing” Sam huffed rolling his eyes as he shook his head.
Bucky looked over at you, catching a glimpse of your beaming smile, a smile that lit whichever room you was standing in. A smile that he’d come to adore. He couldn’t blame the guy that was currently drooling over you, you were by far the most charming girl in the room. Bucky was so sure you were interested in him, the confidence you’d given him to believe in himself, your caring nature, and your ability to be patient with him was better than any therapy session he’d been ordered to attend, though it took him ages to open up to you, love was stronger than any other feeling he had. You had been the support he needed all along to continue being the good guy he needed to be and wanted to be. You’d helped him right so many wrongs after he revealed his book of names to you, sharing each individual story, knowing you wouldn’t judge him. In the time they’d known each other, he was now considering if he’d fallen too hard, and read the situation wrong. You're kind-hearted, sweet, and soft, but for a girl who was a badass bitch in a fight, you was far from the hard exterior you liked others to see, you each knew the real side of each other.
The guy leaned into you, one of his hands resting on your hips, the other brushing your hair over your shoulder, letting the pads of his fingertips linger on your skin. Sam observed Bucky as he stared back at him, raising an eyebrow. Bucky’s jaw clenched in frustration, though the rest of his face lay expressionless. The only way Sam knew Bucky was gaining irritated by the second was the grip of his metal arm squeezing the chair, slowly crushing it.
“You seriously just going to watch this?” Sam questioned as they both assessed the situation in front of their eyes.
“Sam, stop talking” Bucky’s focus was glued to Sam as he didn’t want to watch the girl he wanted to be his flirt with another man.
“Stupid fucking party anyway! We’ve not even found what we’re looking for” Bucky mumbled under his breath as he slumped lower into his chair maintaining eye contact with Sam.
“Why are you wallowing in your own self-pity Bucky? Just man up and get your girl!” Sam snapped whilst continuing to stare back at Bucky.
“I’m not! She’s a grown ass woman, she can do what she wants.”
“God I wish you knew when to shut up!” Sam scoffed at Bucky’s comment.
“Here I thought we were finally learning to get along huh?” Sam replied making Bucky give a fake smile.
“Yeah well maybe you should stop talking about Y/N.”
“It’s hard not to when anyone can clearly see how much you love each other”
You smiled uncomfortably at the guy who stood in front of you. Feeling uneasy with the attention the guy was giving you, you removed his hands from you shoulder with a polite smile. At first you were having an innocent little conversation to pass the time, you hoped that time would pass, and you could find yourself back with Bucky, but now his unwanted hands were dancing over your body. Your hips, shoulders, lower back. Had this been anywhere but public you would have snapped this guy’s arms in two, but you didn’t want to make a scene.
“I’m flattered, but I’m actually in love with someone.” you spoke sweetly trying to remain calm.
“Look we can just get out of here. I don’t live to far from here” The alcohol on the mans breath made you gag as you inhaled the stench.
“Like I said, I really am flattered but…”
You were cut off by the guy leaning in and attempting to position his lips onto yours
Bucky watched Sam break their stare and twist his head to your direction just in time to see you dodge the kiss from this guy.
“Well shit!” Sam chuckled.
“What is it?” Bucky questioned frantically as he leaned out of his chair, trying to read Sam’s expression. He clasped his hands together, his metal hand slightly squeezing his natural hand.
“The dude just tried to kiss Y/N.”
Before Sam could even turn his head back to face Bucky he was seeing Bucky rapidly stride over to your direction with purpose.
“Finally!” Sam breathed a sigh with a snicker as he stood to attention, ready to intervene if needed.
You had your hands on this guy’s shoulder’s pushing him away, shooting him a look of disgust that he didn’t understand what the words ‘no’ meant.
“Playtime’s over. Move along” Bucky’s husky voice was music to your ears, you let a smile curl onto your lips before quickly removing your hands from the shoulders of the guy in front of you. You looked up to see Bucky stood next to you, his hand snaked round your waist settling just below your hip. You could tell he was unimpressed, but you felt comfort and security at his touch, you knew you could handle the situation, but Bucky’s presence was welcomed.
“Who the hell are you” The guy backed up, looking Bucky up and down, pursing his lips, deciding whether it was worth the fight.
“You don’t want to know who I am…” Bucky cocked his head to the side.
You winced as you felt Bucky’s grip on your skin tighten, you knew it was because this guy was angering him. Letting your hand fall upon his, your thumb gently rubbed the back of Bucky’s to soothe him.
The guy scoffed at Bucky before taking one last look at you, turning up his bottom lip.
“You weren’t that great to look at anyway” The guy was rude as he laughed his comment off, walking away. You felt Bucky’s hand begin to slip out of yours and from your waist ready to beat on the guy, but you held on as tightly as you could, letting Bucky know you’d didn’t want him to do something he’d regret later.
A little silence filled between you and Bucky as you watched the man disappear into the crowd of people. You felt Bucky’s touch at your hips tap you before removing himself and heading back over to Sam, you silently followed Bucky’s direction.
You watched as Bucky flopped into a black leather chair opposite Sam, reigniting his stare.
“Really, you're going to stare at me again?” You heard Sam ask Bucky, who greeted him with a fake ass smile and silence.
“okay, I’m out” Sam declared getting up from his seat and putting his hands up in the air walking away. You sat on the arm of the chair where Bucky sat, crossing one leg over the other. Your fingers stroked at the ends of his short hair, and down his neck as a sign of affection to calm Bucky.
“Well, he was nice” You sighed, trying to strike a conversation with Bucky.
“He was a prick” You could tell from the cold tone of Bucky’s voice and his avoiding gaze that something was up, or that he didn’t want to talk.
“You want to talk about it?” You purposefully and slowly slipped down form the armchair into Bucky’s lap, you wanted to be close to Bucky. Bucky instantly adjusted himself to get comfortable to allow you to take place on his lap, once again putting his hand around your waist, falling at the bottom of you back. You settled your hand on his cheek as you guided his head to meet yours. You observed his eyes, watching them flicker between your lips and eyes, he let his hand rest in between your thighs as he squeezed you closer to him, your bodies touching.
“What’s going on in that brain Bucky?”
“You” His response was quick and simple.
“What about me exactly?” Your faces inched closer to each other as you could hear Bucky’s heavy breathing… the bulge that you sat on getting harder making you feel nervous…nervous with excitement and anticipation.
“Everything Y/N. I’m in fucking love with you” You watched as his blue eyes glistened, you felt and heard him sigh in relief. Or was it your own relief? You knew you liked Bucky and had done for some time now, but the thought of jeopardising that knowing how volatile Bucky could be due to his trauma, you knew it was safer to pretend your feelings were just as close friends.
“Needed to get that off your chest?” You questioned letting your lips hover over his and a hand settling on his chest. His hand slowly trailed up your back, bringing both his hands to meet your cheeks.
“Yeah apparently I did” Bucky let a small smile creep onto his lips, it quickly disappeared as he began staring at you with need.
“You know I did tell that guy that I was flattered by his attention… but I was in love with someone else.”
“Who’s the lucky guy?” Bucky’s grip on your cheeks from wanting you had relaxed to a softer touch, his fingertips smooth like petals, melting into your skin.
“I think you know who Bucky…”
Bucky’s let his lips linger a little while before making perfectly sure this is what you wanted. His lips finally met yours, the initial kiss felt like velvet, yet it was quick. Pulling away Bucky checked over you, his eyes quickly searching yours for any doubt, his fingers moving the strands of hair that had fallen over one side of your face. Colliding his lips onto yours again, this time intense, starting slow. Seconds passed before you were demanding entry, biting on his bottom lip. You felt Bucky smirk into the kiss, granting you exactly what you wanted, your tongues delicately brushing past each other as the kiss deepened with desire. Kissing Bucky took you to paradise, his kiss was perfectly perfect. You broke away from Bucky wanting to admire his looks and appreciate the moment.
“Is something wrong Y/N?”
You smiled kindly, shaking your head gently, enjoying the electric aura between you and Bucky.
“Can we go home Bucky?” You jumped off Bucky, looking down at his lap and giggling.
“Give me a few moments to sort it out” Bucky clutched at his crotch subtlety, trying to adjust himself. He wore his goofy grin, the one that was so rare to see, knowing he was feeling the happiest he'd been.
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