#it's on u to maintain boundaries not kids
beneathashadytree · 2 months
PLSSSSS SYLUS IS RLLY IS JUST A GUYYYY hes so cute and silly at times and very cheeky and acks like a very sly fox at times!!! hes not all that big and meany (unless they give him a reason too), he just NEEDS to be big and meany bc you need to be like that to survive living in the n109 zone!!!! hes also bery honest abt his feelings despite all acting nonchalant abt it and the enemies to lovers trope IM SO OBSESSEDDDDD (except mc is just one dense mf) CUZ HES SOOOOO hes willing to be touched by mc one way or another (ehem that one card where mc needs to get the brooch) LIKEEEEEEE hes a loser guy in love deep inside too!!! i love love loveeee his character so much, zayne baby im so sorry u need to close your eyes for a while (u can just share me or wtv, kidding)
EXACTLY EXACTLYYY YOU GET HIM RICA!! He may be a Bastard Boy™️ but he’s also incredibly tender-hearted towards the person he loves. It’s not so apparent in the main story (obviously cause we’re still in the “enemies” stage of “enemies to lovers”) but it’s especially clear in his secret times and tender moments.
He does live in extremely harsh conditions in the N109 zone. Not necessarily from a lack of power or privilege (he’s got those in abandon after all), but because he’s got to fight his way up the food chain with brute force and cruelty. The fact that he maintains a firm boundary between that side of him and the side of him that wants to simply love MC is so commendable.
And that side is just so, so, so hungry for love. MC needs to open their eyes to this man because that tender gaze? The look in his eyes? The playfulness EVEN DURING EARLY STAGES OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP????
Feel no guilt whatsoever for fawning over Sylus, he absolutely deserves this!! Zayne’s gonna have to turn a blind eye for a bit, he’s a real one🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
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bruciemilf · 1 year
"He's a perfectionist and he's self critical and he's goal driven to the point where people get hurt because of his emotional detachment and inability to comprehend that his decision have long term consequences." ohhh this. you might as well be describing bruce here which makes me positively itch for a bruce-tim storyline that focuses on tim's grey morals (him getting involved w/ ghost-maker's more questionable activities, perhaps? khoa would like tim's work ethics but still think he's a little shit so i think their interactions would be hilarious😂). bonus points if the storyline gets resolved by the way of bruce n tim realizing that, face-to-face, they're like fucked-up mirror images of each other. it'd be so fascinating bc imo most of bruce's issues w/ his kids could be resolved w/ a heart-to-heart but i don't think that's enough w/ tim. i think it'd do tim's character some good to maintain some distance, to grow into his own person n learn to appreciate boundaries. ...not saying he'd come back a "better person" coz that'd be boring n i decidedly don't like him boring (looking at u, DC writers), but it'd spice up the family dynamics in ways unseen before. but alas...can't except much from DC writers, now, can we?🥲
Sure would!! My only problem is it needs to be on equal grounds
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twsthc · 1 year
scarabia angst headcanons 🌞💔
⚠️ warnings: food anxiety, self destructive behavior, possible OCD triggers, kalim
last updated: july 30, 2023
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has C-PTSD from the constant threat of death
mostly gets nightmares, flashbacks, anxious, etc of when he was poisoned and kidnapped or when jamil was poisoned "for" him
has coughed up blood, has seen jamil cough up blood
really tries to hide how much it still gets him so he doesnt worry anyone
super light sleeper. a cockroach tap the wall and his eyes would fly open
has food anxiety
needs someone to test the food before he does, or he needs to know jamil prepared it or he wont eat it
after his first time getting poisoned he wouldnt eat jamils cooking either
after jamil's OB, he stopped cooking and contacting kalim and things really spiraled out of control
stopped eating/drinking anything until he was forced to
was literally bmi 0.001 until a teacher had to step in and force some goat cheese down his throat
parents would pay for material items for their kids but not therapy
i think kalim might have done some crazy shit to make his parents notice him out of the quintillion other kids they have
also he was raised by servants instead of his own mother
because of all this Mental Illness (specifically C-PTSD) he does get panic attacks, as one with anxiety disorders does
he uses pain to ground himself in stressful moments (mostly his nails)
digs them into his palms or thighs, whatever hes closer to
or he scratches himself until he refocuses
got especially bad after jamils ob. imagine the person who kept u safe and basically raising u coming out and saying he secretly hated u
me personally i would kms
probably cries himself to sleep
type of fellow to be super happy one moment then hear a sad/soft song then become svicidal (me when im having a great day then hear any song by Lamp)
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fully believe jamil has NPD
after growing up in an environment where he was put behind everyone else, his brain desperately needed to be put first
its really hard to find good symptoms of this disorder without seeing bullshit like "10 signs your partner is a narcissist" omfg
some ACTUAL symptoms of a narcassistic disorder (for jamil):
he has poor coping skills, often projects his anger onto others, has trouble maintaining relationships, often requires praise or he might feel obsolete/depressed
too good at hiding his feelings even in shitty situations
has boiling anger issues but is able to keep them repressed (at his own cost)
after his OB, he distanced himself from kalim to process
after 2-ish weeks, they talked it out and set some boundaries
the first week jamil didnt force-wake kalim up, kalim was consistently late to all her earlier classes and struggled a shit ton with work loads
she couldnt even pick out her own outfits without jamil going "that ones fine, now hurry up" every few seconds
had to establish that kalim needed to learn how to live without jamils coddling
kalim agreed ofc but still felt a little lonely without her usual schedule
also has anxiety from being poisoned, and still has lingering memories of being so worried when kalim was kidnapped
i also think jamil has OCD :3
"if i dont do ABC then kalim with XYZ"
has other impulses (flicking lights on and off, needing to feel "even" on both sides)
i hope someone w ocd reads this and understands wtf im talking about
when someone steps on your foot so you have to step on the other one or youll throw up because you dont feel the same amount of pain on both sides
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mejomonster · 8 months
Huai dao lb: still in chapter 1 (i know). Su Junzi and Sheng Yao are definitely idea templates that possibly inspired Luo Wenzhou and Fei Du. Su Junzi: family man, good father, older than 20s, friendly but able to be sharp, protective of people he cares about. Sheng Yao: description is a more everyday version of Fei Du with peach blossom eyes and being young and extremely flirty and provacative. Both of them have an easy dynamic bounce off of each other (and Yang-jie... which i guess if u stretch it couldve been using some generic Tao Ran traits). Thats not to say these arent unique characters. Priests pretty good even in this story, with making characters feel instantly Their Own character. So like, i mean generic in the sense that like... a lot of crime mystery danmei novels have characters with X trait. You have investigators who wont stop working even when injured (Shen Yexi in this, Tao Ran in Modu, protagonist in In The Dark, protagonist in Poyun, etc). You have beautiful playboy flirtatious types (sheng yao in this, fei du, zhao yunlan in guardian, protagonist in In The Dark). So what I mean is like... sheng yao isnt fei du 1.0. But its clear priest liked the key traits of flirty and young and beautiful, and decided to use them again for Fei Du and go more in depth to the extremes those traits might exist in.
For example like. Fei Du is flirtatious but its to maintain a persona as if he is like Zhang Donglai. His flirtation is motivated very little by spontaneous pleasure seeking, except maybe in a desire to be foolish and self destructive like Normal People and feel Normal and not a monster like Zhang Donglai. His flirtatiousness is dangerous, his youth is weaponized, his incredible wealth creates a power dynamic placing him in strength to be above pretty much the entire police force. Fei Du is incredibly intelligent and obsessive and strives to know as much as he can to manipulate enviornments hes in. Versus Sheng Yao here, who at least initial impressions is an average intelligence average wage cop whos a newbie and likes to have fun with life, who very much has no special preparation or obsession with his work beyond his colleagues. Su Junzi has some traits which will be utilized in Luo Wenzhou: extremely loving, protective of people he cares for, older in a parental role, easy going and forgiving but also capable of being in charge. But Luo Wenzhous, lets say character flaws or intensities, take those traits to areas I doubt Su Junzi's will go. Luo Wenzhou takes being unable to help a victim so personally he tries to save them, tries to interfere in their life, when its unprofessional and likely against recommendation - fei du. He comes from a priviledged family with influence over the police, so hes outspoken and brave to authority out of a knowledge he has some armor and therefore can afford to Push to better help his coworkers and civilians. Also means he can afford to bend rules/orders to his needs with less fear of obstruction or being restrained. His obsession with keeping loved ones safe, and failing innocent ppl, means hes full on afraid to start a real family. He crushes on a straight man (who is emotionally unavailable and also pushing romance away) to avoid the possibility of getting super close to someone he could let down, he considers tao ran a surrogate partner and fei du a surrogate kid to both justify his intense protectiveness (that can go controlling at times) and to give an artificial boundary for why they cant be even Closer as a lover. Luo Wenzhou takes those common traits of protective, family man, friendly but authoritative, to some extreme places (also no doubt a contributing factor to him and fei dus ongoing daddy kink).
Anyway. I am curious how sheng yao and su junzi will be even more distinct as things go on.
Also Jiang Hu... is giving very curious vibes. Not particularly similar to Guo Changcheng after all. Maybe more like L from death note if anything? Distinctly mm off compared to other psychologists Shen Yexi has met but not in a bad way. Its giving messy young man (L) who is probably more intelligent than the unorthodox behavior which is indicating amateur. Meaning either a. Jiang Hu's just a bit of an oddball (valid and very L like), or hes hiding a bit/giving off a persona on purpose (which would be more Shen Wei has a secret identity and motive Like).
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A, H, A, U, T for archibald 😳😏
Thank you so much for sending one in Naomi!! I'm so glad people are taking interest in grandpappy boatman
A: Aphrodisiac (What encourages or entices them to make a move?)
I answered how Archibald decides to make a move, so instead I will talk about what things he finds specifically attractive hoohoo.
With Likely, he loves the deep brown of her eyes. They remind him of chocolate and of the healthy earth in the Surface. Many things in the Neath exist in one of the stages of decay. So she reminds him of life and health.
He also finds honesty very attractive. People who do not play games with others and who state what they think. There is an atmosphere of manipulation in the Neath and he tires of it especially after spending years in the Vatican.
H: Handsy (When they can’t keep their hands to themselves)
I answered for Archibald, so I'll respond with what happens when Likely can't behave. She's the type who would want to kiss him in public whether it be a chaste kiss or a passionate one. She also doesn't shy away from kissing him or holding his hand in front of their son (whereas he wouldn't show any physical affection toward her with their child around. He's very much a proper Victorian that believes in strict rules around interaction with one's offspring. He can't have his kid knowing that he -gasp!- holds his beloved's hand!)
At a soiree, Likely is also the type to get handsy under the table or want to pull him into a sideroom.
U: Undressing (Strip teasing a partner)
The problem with this one is that the Victorians had such complicated outfits LOL. Likely would find Archibald most attractive when he is in his breeches (possibly undone... showing a bit of treasure trail hoho!) and a simple shirt. It's a much different look from his full uniform he wears while at sea or in polite society. He values maintaining the social pecking order and appearance is very much a part of that. So when he wants to show Likely his desire for her, any deviation from his uniform is a way for him to show off.
As for what Likely could do for Archibald, he is highly titillated by being able to take her outfits apart himself. The slow pulling of a glove, the hands trailing the way to the top of a stocking, gently undoing a corset. These are all things he very much desires.
T: Teasing (Who’s the tease in the relationship? What do they do? How often?)
The Likely Lass is very much the tease in the relationship. She is the type to squeeze his leg under the table while at a dinner. She also loves to push boundaries of what she can divulge of their relationship with her friends and the PDA they share. This is definitely an occasional sore spot due to Archibald having grown up in a much more rigid society. Social expectations have loosened a bit since London Fell, but as he was born on the Surface, he doesn't necessarily share many of the same views as Likely who was born a Neathy.
Sincee I think that second A snuck itself in lmao, I decided to answer this one to be fair to you <3
J: Jealous (“Claiming” a partner)
I already answered how gifts are the way Archibald claims a partner. So for Likely, she is the type to give him a very sentimental gift to remember her by while at Zee. For example, she gives him a locket with her hair in it.
I also headcanon that the Zee has telegram lines placed by the Light Boats (I didn't research telegrams for an hour to not use it hehe). With this, I believe Likely would send Archibald messages occasionally when she can afford to pay operators to send her telegrams. Just messages to remind him of what is waiting for him.
She's also the type to give him a huge sending off when he heads back out. I'm talking coming to Wolfstack Docks in full mourning gear and refusing to let him go until the very last moment where she passionately kisses him in front of all the crew. This always frustrates Archibald as he has a reputation with the crew to maintain, but he doesn't have the heart or the true desire to stop her. It would disturb him if he had nobody to say goodbye to or that cared for him.
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cruelsister-moved · 3 years
thinking on my own experiences i feel like the detail lost between "communicating with anyone who isn't within 6 months of your age should be a crime" and "ummmm grown adults convincing 13 year olds they're asexual and involving them in debates about whether fictional c//p is ok is just like sex ed actually" is that on the internet it's much easier to either not be aware or not fully comprehend when someone is at a very different life stage to u..
like i was a 13 year old talking to adults and they were just like me and we talked like I talked with my school friends, i didnt have that same separation and awareness that i did have with the adults in my real life & like I dont really move in these spaces anymore or talk to ppl under 18 online bc of this exact discomfort but I can imagine like w the buffer of shared fandom stuff (and the fact a lot of adults in these spaces are like. kind of socially awkward and like if someone's into all kids shows and constantly online in like very kid heavy spaces their online presence will probably seem younger than they r) its easy to get caught up and forget you're talking to someone much younger/older
LIKE yes there are situations in which adults educate kids about sex but they are very public and rigid and there is a separation between the child and the adult where both parties are aware of their very different positions. also yes there are situations in while a child or young person has like an older mentor they look up to but again, that's a relationship in which the older person is responsible for maintaining boundaries in and also which are different from if they were two friends of a similar age & im just not convinced that this separation is clear online...
like are u really the cool older aunt who like teaches them how to knit or are u actually encouraging them to broach adult topics and being more familiar with them than u would be with a 14 year old irl...like if ur venting to a teen abt ur hard day at the office or whatever that is literally still a weird burden to put on a child honestly -_- um okay yeah that's my thoughts like tldr the internet makes it less obvious (and if they r someone w genuinely bad intentions it also allows them to shield themselves frm being confronted w the fact) that someone is much younger/older than you and allows for major erosion of boundaries in a way that just doesn't happen in the same way when an adult and a younger person interact irl >_<
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we8comic · 4 years
i wish their audience wasnt so young
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amive2567 · 3 years
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Ingredients: Shouto Todoroki, Eijiro Kirishima, and Izuku Midoriya x reader (separately) (no pronouns used for the reader/ referred as you)
Type of order: hot chocolate (fluff), small coffee (tiny bit of angst), macarons (headcanons),
Contains: Mention of breakup, todoroki family, over usage of the word really, one swearword, mention of kids and marriage, scratched U, writing and grammatical errors/ not proof read
A/N: There are only headcanons, but puh this shit was time-consuming. I hope you like it <3
Prompts and Alphabets
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A: Affection (how do they show affection?)
→ Leaves little notes everywhere, for example on the bookshelf (“Happy reading, sweetie”), or on the mirror (“You look beautiful”)
→ Cuddles after he comes homes
→ He listens carefully to you, even when people interrupt you, he asks what you wanted to say
→ informs himself about your hyperfixations and talks with you about them
→ Texts you at times and asks how your day is going or just sweet nothings
→ Makes little gifts from time to time, like a bouquet every week or buys something immediately when you say you liked something
→ Likes to hold your hands when you take walks or when you go on patrol together
→ Praises you for the things you achieve
→ A huge fan of PDA, kisses you everywhere on the cheeks, on the lips, or the forehead
B: Bonding (what do they do to connect to you?)
→ Takes days off of work, to spend his time with you.
→ long pillow talks, about your day, something that happened that day, etc.
→ Takes you on weekend trips
→ Makes self-care dates
→ Gym Buddies, you train together at least once a week
→ If you’re not that sporty, he will go on long walks with you, and you talk about everything
C: comfort (what do they do to comfort you?)
→ He will be the best to comfort you and give you the best advice to cheer you up
→ Values your feelings and understands them
→ He offers physical affection, but only if you agree (“Can I hug you, darling?)
→ he is not good with words, but he tries his best to help you through the bad times, with advice from his own life
→ will hug you all day to make you feel better
→ distracts you from the bad, and makes you feel loved
→ tell him what you need and he will get it / do it cause you are his everything
→ scratches your head, to calm you down
→ after that, he wants to know what`s wrong and how you feel, and he will listen thoughtfully and tries to cheer you up with bad jokes
→ but he will not put your emotions besides, he values them
→ If you don’t want to talk about it, he will be there to hold you or do anything you want
→ gives you space if you need it, and values your boundaries
D: domestic (do they want to settle down with you?)
→ He definitely wants to settle down with you, you make his life so much better and he wants to see you every day just to have more time to admire you
→ In the beginning, he was totally against it, he valued his personal space and didn’t want to live together with anyone. → But after some years when he became more comfortable with your presence and your adorable face, he liked the thought of settling down with you more and more
→ He wants to come home to someone or he wants to see you coming home to him, so he surely wants to move together
E: ending (how would your relationship end? breaking up ?)
→ 1. (Y/N leaves) His work became in the way of your relationship and there was no time for you, he was so tired that he couldn’t show you enough love anymore, so you left him
→ 2. (Izuku leaves) You two began to fight and you said a lot of nasty things to each other that hurt him deeply and he couldn’t stand you anymore, so he left because he couldn’t look at you without feeling hurt
→ 1. (both) You both feel out of love, maintaining a relationship was too hard and the feelings of both vanished, you both agreed to end things
→ 2. (Y/N leaves) He lashed his anger about his father out on you, every time he met him. It wasn’t fair, and you told him so but he hadn’t changed. You could understand his situation, but that didn't give him the right to take out his anger on you
→ 1. (both) He will work hard for maintaining the relationship, but you grew apart over the year living together and going after your to-do’s but there wasn’t much affection and love anymore so you both decided to end things, you decided to stay friends
F: Friends (would you be friends before getting together?)
→ not really, you would-be coworkers, and working together formed a strong bond between the two of you
→ helping each other through the emotional damage that happens during hero work, you grew attached to each other
→ after some time you fell in love with each other
→ definitely childhood friends
→ he needs a strong sense of trust for the person he wants to date/ falls in love
→ hooking up with strangers is not his thing
→ you were total strangers, meeting on his patrol you both fell in love at first sight, and you had a date after some weeks
G: Gentle (are they gentle to you physically and emotionally?)
→ 100% yes, never hurts you and respects your boundaries
→ emotional also yes, he values them and always listens to you, and when you’re upset he won’t even yell at you
→ He will be extra careful, he doesn’t want your relationship to end up like his parents
→ he will never harm you, he would rather die than hurt you
→ emotionally not so, sometimes he will be very blunt which sometimes hurts you, but he respects your emotions and he won’t yell at you even when you fight
→ Also a very gentle man
→ he will never hurt you
→ In the fight he might yell, to express his anger, but he won’t hurt your feelings on purpose
H: handling (how would they handle stressful situations, like arguments, etc.)
→ Most of the time he talks controlled and answers calmly, even if you let the rage take over you
→ He will take a deep breath and take some time to calm down
→ He is mature enough to clear things immediately
→ Will talk calmly about it and makes proposals on how to change things
→ he will distance himself if it’s too much for him, but he will always talk about it afterward
→ He will yell to express his anger, but never says something (Unter der gürtellinie)
I: Intimate (How romantic are they?)
→ He is semi-romantic, a bit nervous when he does such things, but he still does it very good
→ He is very romantic, unintentionally
→ his romance is knowledge is based on sappy romance movies
→ But he pulls it better off than the characters in the movies
→ sometimes, he will do cliché things, but it’s still really cute
J: Jealousy (how fast would they get jealous, and what are they doing when they’re jealous?)
→ He is rarely jealous, he trusts you
→ but when a person makes a move on he will step next to you kiss you on the cheeks and will manage to get you away from the person that hit on you
→ He is jealous of time to time
→ He trusts you, but he’s afraid that he will lose you
→ Will be passive-aggressive to the person that flirts with you
→ Isn’t jealous, he knows that you love him
→ Even when his self-esteem gets in the was
K: Kisses (where are the favorite spots to kiss you? What are their kisses like?)
→ At the beginning of your relationship, they were a bit too sloppy, only small pecks on your cheeks or sometimes your lips
→ after some time he warmed up to the feeling, he kisses you more often
→ now his kisses are warm, welcoming, well they just feel like home.
→ His favorite spot to kiss you is your lips. He likes to feel as close as possible to you. He cups your face with his hands and pulls you closer.
→ Even after years, his ears still turn pink when you end your kiss
→ Your hands
→ every time he greets you or he says his farewell for the day, he kisses them
→ His kisses are soft, but still a bit demanding
→ Your forehead
→ His lips fell soft on yours, and I can assure you that he uses flavored chapstick
→ He wants to make you happy because he read that forehead kisses make you feel joyish
L: Love (how (often) do they say I love you and when?)
→ Every day
→ He wants you to feel loved every day, so to be sure that you understand his gestures he says “I love you, honey”
→ It’s not a phrase with no meaning, it holds so much meaning even if you hear it every day.
→ Mumbles it when he’s sleepy and he conveys it to you at least once a week
→ His love confessions are quiet and soft, often whispered, so only you can hear it
→ Every day, when he leaves work and when you go to sleep
M: marriage (what is their opinion about marriage?)
→ he would love to marry you, but he wants to be financially secure and he wants that you know his mom, but these are the only criteria that have to be fulfilled
→ he is really critical of the topic of marriage, he is afraid that it might be like his parent's marriage/relationship
→ He needs to warm up to this idea, so it will take some years that he is ready
→ In his eyes, a wedding is not necessary to show off his love for you
→ Ask you to marry him after your fifth date
→ you loved it off and told him that it was too early
→ even after years he still sometimes asks you, he definitely wants to marry you
→ He wants to show everyone in his circle of acquaintances that he loves you unconditionally
N: nicknames (what would be their nicknames for you?)
→ honey, love, sweetheart, Pumpkin,
→ darling, love, lovely, dear,
→ boo, babe, baby, nugget, sugar,
O: open (do they talk about their problems/past?)
→ rarely, he doesn’t want to bother you with his feelings
→ When things get too hard on him and you notice it, he will tell you
→ he talks about his past from time to time
→ no, he won’t tell you about his past at first, maybe after some years or decades of knowing each other he will tell you
→ If you push him to tell you something, he will say even less to you
→ he will tell you about daily problems, only if you ask
→ he tells you a lot
→ You have a strong bond of trust, so he will tell you
→ but he will be hesitating to go into detail because he doesn’t want to bother you
P: protective (are they protective?)
→ on some occasions, especially when someone bothers you or when you get hurt
→ when you joined his agency as his sidekick, he became really protective (“Love, be careful on this mission”)
→ He is not overprotective, you still have a lot of freedom and he doesn't cling to your side every time, but he still likes to keep an eye on you
→ ´he’s afraid that you might leave him, so he likes to keep you close to his heart, but not in a yandere way
→ If someone talks bad about you he will get protective
-> Glares at the person and tells them to fuck off
--> In everyday situations, he won't get protective, only if you're in harm's way
Q: Quirk (what is a quirk they find adorable or slightly annoying)
→ he loves it when you stick your tongue out when you think
→ when you think you are alone, and you talk about a great plot of a book, movie, etc. with yourself.
→ when you hold a brush like a microphone and sing your heart out
→ loves your stubbornness, even if it can be sometimes annoying, he still loves it
→ loves it when you love so much that you start snoring, it’s adorable
→ He thinks it’s adorable when you jump up and down while wiggling your arms when you’re overjoyed
R: remember (what would they do to remember the dates and stuff? What would they do for your anniversary?)
→ he always notes down dates in his planer, so he never misses any dates and anniversaries
→ He will prepare little things, like picnics and small coffee dates
→ for anniversaries he will get you your favorite flowers and just wants to do what you want, going to the zoo or you try something new (e.g new food, or a new place)
→ he just wants to spend quality time with you
→ for anniversaries he likes to do fancy things (well in his eyes they’re probably normal, but for a person like me they are fancy) like wine tastings or he likes to take you out to an expensive restaurant
→ he has a really good memory, so he knows all of the important dates like birthdays and anniversaries
→ he sometimes forgets it, but he tries to write the dates down
→ sometimes he scribbles it on a small piece of paper and loses it, but he will always make up for the missed date
→ For your anniversary he takes you somewhere special
→ Be it a romantic short holiday at a secluded hotel with a private onsen
→ He doesn’t care about the place to be exactly, he just wants to spend time with you and make you happy
S: self-care (what do they do with you to practice self-care)
→ he works on his hero notes, or he makes them even prettier
→ he buys himself new notebooks to make more notes on the new generation of heroes
→ Another thing he does is to plant new plants in your garden/balcony
→ didn’t know what self-care was until he met you
→ nowadays he takes time off work and goes to the massage
→ On the days when both of you are free, you will spend time together and make facemasks
→ taking baths together and cooking meals
→ at the end cuddling in bed
→ that’s what his self-care looks like
→ he does yoga
→ he also likes to play videogames with the bakugousquad
→ he also writes down his new strengths that he discovered this week (only strengths because if he would write down the bad things he would only focus on these things)
T: Thanks (would they help to do the housework?)
→ definitely, he will do a lot, and even if you tell him not to
→ his favorite task is doing the laundry, doing the dishes, and vacuuming the floor
→ when you moved in together he suggested splitting the housework
→ since then it balances really well, you both do the same amount of work and no one is upset
→ he takes care of the finances, the cleaning, and the dishes
→ you look for the laundry, the insurance, and washing the car
→ he is very manly, so of course, he helps you
→ he likes to buy groceries and dusting
→ cleaning the bath is a nightmare for him so you have to do it, but he will be a great assistance if you ask him for help (which you are always allowed to do, and it doesn’t make you look weak (his words not mine))
U: united (what would they do when you left for a longer time, for a business trip or something like that?“)
V: vision (what do they want in the future?)
→ he wants to marry you and have children together
→ definitely a small house outside Musutafu
→ You two definitely own a dog, a golden retriever to be exact
→ he likes to settle down with you
→ wants to live in a traditional Japanese house (just like his family’s, just without bad memories)
→ he wants to create new memories with you
→ he definitely wants to marry you, he isn’t sure about kids, but maybe one day he would like to have some running around
W: Wacky (what is their reaction when you do something crazy?)
→ he will be surprised, but laugh
→ depending on how crazy he might join you
→ will take pictures, and put them in your shared photo album
→ makes a photo/video of it to set it as his wallpaper or just to look at it on bad days
→ he will tell you that what your doing is weird, but it isn’t meant offensively, he just tells his observation
→ he won’t make fun of it, he will smile about it and find it adorable
→ joins you and laughs
X: Xtra (a random headcanon)
→ forgets his lunch from time to time, so you either have to bring it to him or he needs to drive back home to get it himself
→ Tweets about you, his life, his dad (hate speech only), or something else
→ If you follow him on Twitter expect daily short updates on his life
→ leaves his socks everywhere and you have to clean them up every time
Y: youngsters (what is their opinion on kids?)
→ he loves them
→ definitely wants to have a child one day
→ is neutral
→ he doesn't need a child to make him happy or to fulfill his life, but if you would like to have a child/ would like to adopt a child or if you are already pregnant with his child he would be happy too
→ he’s also neutral about it, he likes them but at the moment he wants to spend the time only with you
→ besides he’s not mentally ready for a child
Z: Zzzz (sleep habits? nightmares? how would they hold you while sleeping?)
→ mumbles while he sleeps
→ he likes when your head rests on his chest or the other way around
→ has frequent nightmares
→ you both lay front to front, holding hands while falling asleep
→ he would be the small spoon, likes to get cuddled
→ he drools in his sleep
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elysianslove · 4 years
Hi! Can you do roommates au for kuroo, oikawa, iwachan and atsumu?
hi!! thank you for requesting i hope you like these!!
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kuroo tetsurō
kuroo as a roommate is both the best and worst thing that’s ever happened to you
for one, you always have a tutor in case you need help 
and he’s really good at keeping you in check
will always make sure u eat, sleep well, manage your time
stuff like that
he’s so messy pls
like every room might as well be kuroo’s room because his stuff is always everywhere 
this is only a good thing when his shirt/hoodies end up in your domain 
bc this guy’s like 6’1? 6’2? doesn’t matter who you are his clothes are comfy whether they fit right or dwarf you 
does not know how to clean
at all
like how difficult can cleaning be??? idk ask kuroo
he’s really good at picking up new habits though so he’s your designated cook
cleaning is on you, cooking is on him
i hope that’s okay w u bc otherwise u will not survive 😃
he’s so big on cuddling 
he’ll ask you to sleep in the same bed constant nights 
at first it’s so ??? weird??? 
like why would u??? 
but then u find that it’s actually kinda nice
it’s a great way to destress bc as soon as ur cuddling ur mind just turns off 
@ the tutor thing 
he’s a really good teacher 
but his notes?
get ur own <3 
literally no one but kuroo can understand them so good luck g 
anyways overall he’s a great roommate good job on scoring this hunk of a man 😻
oikawa tōru
first few months, he completely avoids you
weird i know i know
but oikawa is not someone that just opens up to anyone yk? he’s very selective. it takes a while for him to trust you
but you live in the same house so it’s inevitable 
it’s not that he avoided you per se but he kept your interactions to a minimum 
which had been fine by you! he was respectful of your privacy, did his part to maintain the house while you did yours, etc 
it’s when he starts getting comfortable that’s the problem 
i think it would happen spontaneously and you two would stay up s o late together out of nowhere and suddenly you’d know each other’s deepest darkest secrets 
believes in those roommate bonding activities 
friday nights are reserved for the two of you, and that’s a set rule. only extreme cases have priority over it
can’t cook and can’t clean
but he’s so good at lifting up his legs while you vacuum <3 
literally if you leave for the weekend you come back to an unrecognizable home 
the amount of shit he’s broken bc of volleyball like literally go play anywhere else 
overall he’s a great roommate because he’s both respectful of your boundaries and genuinely really fun to have around 
(so fucking annoying though sometimes you just wanna suffocate him in his sleep hehe)
iwaizumi hajime
best roommate hands down he’s the perfect candidate oh my god 
he will cook
and he will clean
he’ll be respectful 
he’ll help you with your work 
only issue is he’s a bit standoffish you’ll think he hates you for the longest time
until you just straight up ask him “do you hate me?” 
and he’ll be genuinely so shocked like “no! what? why would i live with you if i hated you? what?” 
god he’s so precious 
i see iwa as someone that likes routine 
so it’d be great if you can adapt to that/adapt to his routine specifically 
you two split the work evenly so well
like if he takes care of breakfast (cooks or it buys it), dinner is on you
spring cleaning is actually so fun with hajime because he actually puts in as much effort as you
but also 
you’re blasting some music on the speakers and using the broom as a mic that he can’t help but let loose tbh 
he learns your quips so well overtime it’s amazing he just 
he just knows you so well is he psychic or some shit???
will never force you to like do any bonding activities but i see you two just playing a shit ton of boardgames together, things like monopoly
loser gets extra chores hehe 
god i want roommate iwa in my life so bad
a really good roommate because of the fact that he’s super mature and a really thoughtful person in general
miya atsumu
worst one 
he’s the WORST
like oikawa can’t cook or clean, but he has some redeeming qualities. atsumu?? none ! 
im kidding y’all he’s the cutest i would die to have him as my roommate
he’s so 
your first night as roommates he just waltzes into your room and drags you out to the living room where the tv is already set up, two large pizzas and so many wedges have been ordered, and drinks <3 
spends the entire time getting to know you
he learns to live with you really easily tbh like he adapts so quick
he’s so used to sharing bc he’s a twin, so nothing ever properly bothers him 
he can’t cook, but he does watch you and tries to learn from you
he’ll do very basic things like you can leave breakfast safely to him
after minimum 2 months of practice 
he likes to be very involved and likes to involve you just as much 
he’s not nosy he’s just curious leave him be 🥺
there is always one day a month where it’s just the two of you going out 
to like a carnival 
amusement park
ice skating 
all that stuff. it’s necessary 
i need to clarify that 3 am drives to get mcdonalds take out is a very regular thing with atsumu 
driving up a hill and sitting on the hood of your car while you get some nuggets and stare at the city skyline beneath you
immaculate vibes 
a really fun roommate tbh no regrets with this one you will never feel like shit and even if you do
what are the 3 am drives for amiright 😻
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end note; i hope that was good, and that the requester and everyone else enjoyed that!! like always, requests are open <333
thank you to everyone that’s voted about the smau thing! i’ll wait a little while longer before deciding who won, and hopefully, i’ll have the first few chapters up soon!! mwah <3
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growup-gloup · 3 years
Hi Marya! Thank u 4 continuing to stick around & provide content, food for thoughts, and replies on here. May I please ask you 2 questions if you have the time, energy, & can (they are 2 different questions but they've been on my mind heavily since I decided to really take control of my life/goals): (1) What are your personal boundaries, generally speaking, when it comes to people (anyone) (2) Do you understand the homeownership process? Could you PLEASE break it down like I'm five? SO confused
Thank you for the kind words, love!
Establishing and maintaining my personal boundaries is a work in progress. Some of us get taught how to say no and stand by it at an early age. I wasn't one of those people. So, as an adult, I'm still figuring out what I'm okay with as opposed to what I've been pressured into being okay with, and how to put a stop to that.
I'm working on putting myself first and recognizing when something isn't for me, whether it's actually bad for me, or whether I just don't want it. I'm learning how to say no as a complete sentence instead of using excuses. And I'm also learning to stand by my "no".
A lot of times, people won't understand your right away. They might ask why, they might look for faults in your excuses, or they might outright try to convince you that it's not that big of a deal.
Maybe it's not that big of a deal, but my answer is still no. Reluctantly agreeing just to shut the other person up has already caused too many problems for me. I deserve better.
The hardest part of maintaining boundaries is learning that sometimes, some people are just bad for you. They might keep pushing or outright violating your boundaries. If you're lucky, you can just block and ghost that person. But sometimes, those people are our family members or colleagues, and it's not easy. That's when you learn to stand up and be firm consistently.
I haven't actually owned a home before, and every country, or even state, that I've been to has its own rules and regulations. I suggest booking an appointment with a realtor in the area you are interested in getting a house at. They will explain every step of the process, as well as some things to keep in mind for that specific area.
One thing I will say, though, is that buying a home is a huge commitment, not just financially, but timewise as well. If you're interested in a home, make sure you'll be interested in it 5-10 years from now, or however long your mortgage will be. Yes, you can sell your house at any time, but the real estate market is always fluctuating, and selling a home can be even harder than buying one.
Keep in mind things like:
Your future plans as well as the future plans of those who will live in that house with you. If you're planning on having kids soon, think of the nearby school zones and other facilities.
The location. Is it close to work, and other places you often frequent? Do you feel safe here? Can you see yourself interacting with the neighbors?
What about groceries? Gas? Traffic?
The house layout. Does it fit your and your family's needs? Will everyone have enough space to live comfortably for years to come? What if you decide to expand your family?
There are so many other things to keep in mind when buying a home, but that's where the real estate agent will come in. They will help you consider all your needs.
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blu-joons · 4 years
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Jeongin is quite affectionate with you, but usually when you’re by yourselves. He quite likes to be the big spoon in your relationship and take on the role of the protector rather than be protected. He enjoys taking care of you rather than always being the maknae who gets looked after.
He made a conscious effort when he first met you to smile a lot, he’d been told several times before by his friends how intimidating his resting face was. He was quite keen to get to know you, and turned to his members, especially Hyunjin, for advice whilst trying to get to know you and figure out his feelings.
There was little rush to confess to you, but Jeongin wanted to make sure he did it before someone beat him to it. Slowly you began to come under the impression that he liked you, waiting until he confessed. He didn’t plan much towards his confession, one night he just accidentally told you how he felt without giving it much thought. Like his actions, his words were clumsy, but luckily it ended up working out in his favour.
Just like his confession, Jeongin never planned too much into your dates, he liked to see where the day would take you both. One thing he did like however, was for food to be involved. It never had to be fancy, but he liked trying out new places with you and finding spots for more of your dates to be the location of. He loves trying new things in general, he can’t sit down for long, so he’ll usually try and arrange something adventurous and active. You’re open to trying anything on your dates which Jeongin definitely takes advantage of.
Being so young, Jeongin had never experienced love before. He’d had a couple of crushes during his time at school, but he’d never felt the feeling of a relationship before. There was plenty of time ahead of him for relationships, but when he met you, he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to date for the first time. You knew he had a lot of people who cared for him and looked out for him being the youngest of the group, but equally they all knew that Jeongin wasn’t the same person anymore and he could make his own mind up.
If the two of you so much as raised your voices at each other, it would terrify Jeongin. Whilst he liked taking on the strong role of the protector, arguments were where the line was drawn. He’d worry the second he knew something was wrong and do anything to fix the situation before you both let it run away from you both. He’s mature in the sense that he knows talking is the logical solution to an argument, he’s seen his other members squabble plenty of times before. He won’t ever give you time in an argument, he’ll wanted it fixed and forgotten about in that very moment, not letting it drag on any longer than needed.
Just like his friends and members, you knew his family were protective of him too. But he wasn’t the youngest, which meant they trusted Jeongin a little more. Meeting you, of course, they had expectations, but seeing how warm and inviting you were when you first met them, they knew you far exceeded those expectations.
He relies on his members a lot, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. If you so much as mention moving out, he’ll quickly shut you down. He’s still learning a lot, and whilst he does, he wants to be around his older brothers. One day he knows he’ll move out with you, but he doesn’t plan on it being any time soon.
He was the first to say, ‘I love you,’ one night, in exactly the same manner as his confession. His words ran away with him as he tried to talk to you, without even thinking he just came out and said it. You were slightly taken aback, but knowing he felt that way about you, confirmed all of the feeling that you had towards him too.
Jeongin knows better than to let most situations make him jealous, he knows that the boys like to tease him, but he knows better than to give them a reaction. If he does get jealous, you’ll quickly be able to tell as he’ll stand a little bit closer to you or wrap his arm a little bit further around your body. You’d try and ignore it as you knew Jeongin didn’t like for a big deal to be made out of things, but when the two of you were alone, you’d be sure to mention it.
He was still far too much of a kid himself to even consider himself having kids. He required a lot of looking after, as his members knew all too well, and the responsibility of looking after other humans terrified him. The two of you shared the same feelings, and knew it was best to put the conversation of kids off for a long time, and maybe reconsider when the two of you were a bit more grown up and responsible.
Jeongin isn’t afraid to make a fool of himself in front of you. He might give off the impression that he’s nervous about humour and making a joke of himself, but as soon as he sees you sad, he doesn’t care what he looks like just as long as it’ll make you smile. He makes it a personal goal of this to try and make sure you’re smiling as often as possible, if you’re not smiling, he’ll always feel like he’s failing as a boyfriend and try absolutely everything that he can to try and make the situation better for you again.
From a young age Jeongin had gotten used to being away from his family, but that all changed when he met you. It always took a couple of weeks for him to settle into the tour and try and forget about you, but it was hard. He’d text you and call you a lot, especially when he’d had a bad day, and if you didn’t pick up, he couldn’t help but worry. These were the moments when he remembered how young he was again as he turned to his members to try and pick him up and make him feel better. He wouldn’t stop worrying until you eventually replied and reminded him once again that there were several time zones between you both.
Your nicknames for each other were when Jeongin most liked to feel like a kid in love. You never stuck with a particular nickname for him, it varied often, but he loved the surprise of wondering what was coming next.
He was obsessed with your waist, he loved to hold onto it and wrap his arms around it when he wanted you nice and closer. He could often be found falling asleep laying across your waist too when he was sleepy.
The two of you weren’t into massive affection in public, but Jeongin certainly gave you enough to make sure the message was clear to other people that you were his. He knew the two of you always got a lot of attention from the media, so he’d make sure to use his affection in public to protect you from everything.
If there was one question you anticipated from Jeongin more than anything else, it was for him to ask how you were. As long as he was keeping you safe, then he was a happy man, and that was what was important.
He loved to use you to try and tease his members as revenge for all their antics. He’d somehow manage to encourage you to join in with his pranks, maybe trying it on with another member, or hiding something of theirs and protesting your innocence, he liked to push the boundaries and really wind them up. You’d make sure however, that you never got the blame and that they knew Jeongin in was the mind behind the mayhem.
Whilst he likes to try and maintain his protectiveness over you, intimate moments bring the soft side out of Jeongin. He can’t help but blush and get shy whenever he gets close to you, the feeling of your body so close to his makes him incredibly nervous. You love seeing how red you can make him, his eyes will often look away from you, but you’ll always bring them back to find yours and enjoy the moment together.
He’s a very nervous texter, if he doesn’t receive a reply within a couple of hours then he’ll text you once again. If you don’t respond, he won’t stop texting until you do, and then his mind can begin to settle.
You were his favourite person in the world, he loved having the responsibility of having someone to love and care for. You’d exposed a whole new side to Jeongin that everyone loved, a side he never thought would be possible.
Adventures are a must whenever the two of you go and travel. He loves to explore, and he loves to try as many new things as possible. Each day you’ll do something new and each night you’ll try out a new restaurant. If you want to sit down for so much as a second when the two of you are on holiday, Jeongin will quickly pick you back up.
If you ignore him for long enough then Jeongin will start to whine, it’s not necessarily a cry for attention, but one of worry that you’re not talking to him.
He’s much more of a cuddler than he is a kisser, but that doesn’t stop him from kissing you often. For a long time, he was insecure with his braces so he tended to hide his lips away from you, but now that they’re off, you try and encourage him to kiss you as often as he can to boost his confidence. He tends to kiss you a lot more in private, especially when he’s in a bit of a needy mood for some attention from you.
You were his best friend, someone who had shown him a whole new world.
He tended to get quite restless when he slept, but that would never stop him from clinging to you. Before he sleeps, he likes to reflect a lot on his day, which is something you’ll always join him with, allowing you both to sleep with much clearer minds.
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zieuns · 3 years
no one say a thing abt how late this is smiley 😃 also if you saw my bio on my page just say you didn’t
mun info
name/alias: sylvie age: 18+ pronouns: she her timezone: est discord: i have one and we can plot there if u want little trivia fact about yourself: my cat has thumbs (this is not about me but my cat is my life so)
character info
character name: kwak jieun stage name: n/a would probably never come up with one that she’d like for more than a week age: 26 zodiac sign: virgo  group/band/position: ctrl_2, bassist and songwriter info links or quick points about your character: abt / bio
jieun tl;dr:
the family unit fractures when her mom walks out on her dad. the quiet ending to a tumultuous relationship. jieun spends the better part of her teen years picking up the household slack. it makes her conscientious and prone to smothering people, but also the type to have too much on her plate while refusing to share the load.
that type of upbringing has consequences: namely, being a bit of a wild kid when she could let loose. picked up poor habits like people pick up hobbies; typical teenage dirtbag stuff despite her ~good girl~ image. most likely dipped her toes into the club/underground scene young, first as an attendee before she finally took main stage.
not to be sentimental, but music was her axis growing up. partly out of necessity, partly as an escape. her dad is a fairly successful music supervisor/director - bonding time was at-home piano lessons and imparting musical wisdom. she has picked up only a little, but it still feels like a lot.
before ctrl, was a drifter in the underground scene - was more of a songwriter/lyricist than anything. people asked her for her opinions and she’s never afraid to give one (when it comes to a song, at least).
as of 2016, is ctrl’s bassist & songwriter and a freelancer. is eternally grateful she actually enjoys her job.
has never forgiven her mom for walking out on them; her younger sister maintains a relationship, which (in jieun’s opinion) is probably why jihye is fake as fuck and toxic to no end. for some reason, they keep calling her to meet up these days - she is disinclined to answer, but they’re wearing her down.
personality-wise, jieun is: sweet in nature, indulgent in excess, a mother hen. personable but guarded, but once she likes you she will fight for you to the death. type of person to fall into very deep loves. type of person that is attracted to ‘fixer-uppers’. will never learn not to keep her heart on her sleeve.
that’s all :D
connects that i’d luv:
tenuous relationships btwn ctrl members!! my vibe for jieun is that she’s a bit... distracted atm with family matters (see above). probably feels like her heart’s not in it and isn’t sure it’s a phase or a lasting thing. she loves ctrl the way she loves music, and will be the first to drop if it starts to feel like a chore.
people that got into the scene young? any underage clubbers? kids that thought they were so cool for snatching their dads’ cigarettes from his jacket pocket. she was the loser that collected lighters people would leave lying around just because.
people she’s collaborated with, helped write songs for, helped compose for, etc. even just being a regular critic - the offer goes both ways.
pls be the one dude that broke her heart! i love that! step on her!
would loooove a friendship that somehow went sour. an unfair give-take, or an overstepping of boundaries. i’m super open to this, would love it!
anything n’ all i am very down for it friends
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kiyeons · 3 years
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° ☾  navi · bio · stats · moodboard · plots ☄
now joining the infinite k-tour is nam kiyeon! the 23 year old is onboard as the stylist of the group braveheart. don’t he/they kind of look like jung wooyoung?
hi everyone! i’m noir (they/them, 18+) but you can also call me any other name you might know me by hehe. i’ve been getting overwhelmed easily lately, so i’m v sorry if i’m slow to respond, but pls do like this post if you’d like me to reach out to you for plots/hellos and i will :D! below the cut u can find an intro to my little metal horror meow meow ☼
+ bio
younger of two kids, idolizes his sister kieun who’s three years older. when their parents separated, she basically gave up her own dreams of studying art to hold the family together, and kiyeon’s never stopped feeling indebted to her since. now he just wants to make sure that everything she sacrificed isn’t wasted on him
has an associate’s degree in cosmetology and would’ve liked to do more, but his parents were paying for school and they weren’t exactly big fans of his dreams -_- it sufficed tho
joined braveheart’s creative team in late 2018. he never thought he’d work for this industry but someone inspired him that year to go for it (which is an open connection if anyone’s interested!)
wanted to go into special effects makeup and wardrobe, but he’s gotten rly fond of braveheart and working for them over the last four years, so he’s happy to stay for now and maintain his hobbies on the side :I
+ profile
have u ever tried to scream into a bottle or a mason jar. that’s basically kiyeon’s vibe
saw his first horror movie at 13 and it consumed his entire personality, rip. he finds them therapeutic to watch and scream with
loves believing in all kinds of things like magic and the supernatural and monsters and crystals and love. honestly he’s kind of gullible for it, but he thinks it’s fun, so if you have definitive proof that mothra doesn’t exist then he doesn’t want 2 see it
both a hopeless romantic & horror enthusiast and loves blurring them together
it definitely bleeds into his styling choices too, though a lot of his ideas probs get shot down by management because they’re a little ?%?%?. by now, he’s gotten a good handle of what the mainstream “standard” is, but he’s always Yearning to push the boundaries a little. u can see more about the stuff he likes and is inspired by here!
pretty tame and relaxed to be around, but when it comes to work, he’s StressStressStressStress
he has a lil youtube channel on the side called THE_HORROR! he gives lil tips & tricks on special effects makeup and how he molds his own prosthetics. he also gives people horror-inspired makeovers, and that ranges from beauty makeup to turning your muse into the swamp monster. he has like 209 subscribers, it’s getting p serious.
likes maintaining his privacy, so he’s as vague about his real job as he can be. occasionally he gets a guest that raises a few eyebrows but he’s always just like Well I guess I’m just lucky! and he comes off ditzy enough that ppl believe it lmao
he’s pretty similar irl, kind of quiet with a dash of organized chaos. will say things that sound wise or mysterious but there is always a ninety percent chance he doesn’t know wtf he’s talking about either.
+ plots - more developed stuff here, but quick ideas: 
you can see his plots page for a lil more on this, but basically someone from a group who his older sister rly, rly likes and wants, like, signed merch from. kiyeon would do anything for her, but he feels %%%% about just asking your muse for it, so lately he’s been trying to learn more about your muse/their music so he doesn’t look like a poser 😭
fellow horror movie junkies pls. maybe someone who doesn’t really like going out that often either but they also don’t want to just stare at the hotel walls, so instead they scare each other shitless w/ various horror movies in their downtimes LMAO
his favorite muse to style !!
someone who dislikes/hates/vehemently opposes his stylistic choices !!
the (talks a lot) muse to his (listens) :(
an (excuse me!!! he asked for no pickles) dynamic, whether it’s someone helping him grow a spine about things he wants or someone who’s even meeker than him who he’s learning how to speak up for
guests for his youtube channel !! he’ll give your muse a #sick makeover
other content creators to collab with him </3 they could be one of those cute internet friends
someone to make little homemade horror films with
creative rivals >:(
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bl1ndbraavosi · 4 years
Hiii!! Requesting Kakasaku and 6 from the prompts list please 😉🙏🏻
hehehe THANK YOU n sorry for the wait!!!
i am assuming u r referring to “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”, mostly bc i really want u to be referring to “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
“I get the bed!” she called out as they squeezed into the room together, both angling to toss themselves onto the bed and claim it as their own.
“Age before beauty, Sakura-chan,” he said, bumping her out of his way. “And I happen to have the edge up on both,” he added with a stupidly smug eye-crinkle. She held onto the crook of his elbow unrelentingly, her grip teetering on the brink of too-strong.
“What you have is my last nerve. That bed is mine,” she growled out, holding him steadfast and refusing to let him get the better of her.
“Mah, Sakura-chan, at my age, I need the back support,” he said with his signature crinkly-eyed, bullshitting smile. “As a medic, you should know that.”
“This is coming from a man who falls asleep in trees at least three times a week.”
“And do you really want to perpetuate that problem?”
“I want my bed,” she said adamantly, flexing her hands around his elbow as a slight reminder. “Your posture is already terrible; you might as well let me maintain my perfect posture,” she said with a wide grin.
“Mm, you make an excellent point,” he said, shocking her to her core. And then he flashed away from her, breaking her grip and flinging himself onto the bed. “But I am very fast, so it doesn’t matter,” he finished with two smile-crinkled eyes.
“Banana-shaped bastard,” Sakura grumbled as she headed for the shower. What kind of inn had rooms with a single twin bed, anyway? And why was Kakashi such a cheapskate? They could have gone to the nicer inn further in town, the one with air conditioning and double beds, and those fancy little bottles of complimentary shampoo.
Instead, she was going to sleep in a cot, and her hair was going to be dry and frizzy, because she hadn’t brought enough shampoo and conditioner with her. Kakashi had offered her his, but judging by the state of his hair, she figured she’d be better off without it. She enjoyed the hot water for as long as she dared before moving to cut the shower short and conserve some heat for Kakashi.
On second thought…
“Enjoy your shower, Sakura-chan?” Kakashi asked pleasantly from his seat on her bed, glancing at her over Icha Icha.
“Hmm, yes, it was very relaxing,” she said amiably as she toweled off her wet hair. She could feel that his eyes were on her as she moved about their small room, walking over to her small, sunken cot that she was expected to sleep in.
“Did you forget something?” he asked pointedly, his eyes glued to the towel tightly wrapped around her.
“Just air-drying,” she said easily. He grunted in response before snapping his book closed and hopping off his bed. She watched with wide, innocent eyes as he headed for the bathroom. “Oh, I didn’t realize you wanted to shower. I used all the hot water,” she said sweetly. He didn’t buy it for a minute, but he fixed her with a happy smile.
“Oh, that’s alright, Sakura-chan. I can use a fire jutsu to heat up the pipes.”
But while he disappeared into the washroom, Sakura took the opportunity to sit herself on the bed. It wasn’t exactly luxurious, but it was a hell of a lot better than the cot. If it had been just a little bigger she would have suggested they share it, but Kakashi was tall, and Sakura was a flailing sort of sleeper, so she knew that that would never fly.
Close as they were, she was pretty sure Kakashi had his boundaries. And cuddling up to Sakura on a twin-sized mattress was definitely pushing those boundaries, she was certain. If only she could set his boundaries over to that cot so she could keep the bed to herself.
She snickered as she stripped the towel off and dove under the covers. Let’s see how that speed serves you now, she thought wickedly, snuggling into the mattress and brimming with self-satisfaction.
She cracked one eye open, a wicked smile on her face when she heard the bathroom door open.
“Get off my bed,” he said without much conviction. She hummed noncommittally.
“No, I don’t think I will.” He grabbed at the blankets by her feet, intent on stripping her of them. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” she teased, feeling all too pleased with herself when a little line appeared between his eyebrows, evidence of his confused frown.
“Are you…?”
“Naked? Why, yes. Yes, I am,” she said happily, sitting up in the bed with the covers clutched to her chest so he could see her bare shoulders, clear as day.
“And is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” he asked carefully.
“My bed,” she corrected, feeling smug and very proud of herself. “Unless you’d like to crawl in with me?” she taunted, lifting a corner of the blanket and sticking her bare leg out of it. His ears went red.
“Sakura,” he warned, “you shouldn’t put yourself in positions you aren’t prepared to get out of.” She felt her own cheeks heat, not entirely sure what he was alluding to, but feeling enticed by it nonetheless.
“I think you’ll find that I am a very conscientious kunoichi,” Sakura offered, all bullshit, pleasantness and easily smiles. Kakashi hummed and leaned over her on the small bed, his hands planted on either side of her hips.
“Is that so?” he asked, his voice low as his eyes roamed her face. She swallowed as his gaze dipped below her chin and down her neck, to her collar before landing on the sheets that hid her naked body. She hummed in confirmation, not necessarily trusting herself to speak. Even her hum came out squeaky and tight. She thought she could see his lips quirk upward under his mask.
Lips that were angling towards hers and she noted that this was not the result she had been aiming for when she’d crawled into this bed. She had anticipated awkward spluttering and indignant resignation, but for once in her life, she found herself happy to be wrong. This was an unexpected turn of events, but she found herself entirely welcoming of it.
She could feel his breath sweeping across her lips through his mask, and was suddenly very aware of his hands bunching up her sheets on either side of her hips. She felt pinned down even though he wasn’t touching her; even though she could very easily over power him with physical strength. She wondered if he would let her pull that mask down. It seemed only fair that she should see his face if he got to see all of her.
She tentatively raised her hand to his cheek, keeping her eyes locked on his. He didn’t flinch when her palm rested against his face, and she thought what the hell, nothing was making any sense anymore anyway. She might as well go for it.
Just as she hooked a finger into his mask, the world around her went dark and she felt the bed disappear out from under her as she swung wildly mid-air.
“Kakashi!!!” she shouted into the blanket-cocoon he’d wrapped her in. Not a moment later, she felt herself drop, and she gasped loudly as she flew through the air, only to land hard and with an embarrassing grunt onto that horribly uncomfortable cot. By the time she untangled herself from the mess of linens, Kakashi was laying back on the stripped mattress, looking happy as a clam.
“Sleep well, Sakura-chan,” he said before clicking the lights off and ignoring every protest she tossed his way.
When they arrived back in Konoha the next day, she was as banana-shaped as he was, and thrice as grumpy. He had been disturbingly nice, bringing her coffee in the morning, and dropping her folded clothes by her cot so she could dress herself while he was in the washroom. She figured it was the least he could do after flinging her around their room in a fitted sheet.
Their journey back was mostly silent. Amicable silence on Kakashi’s part and hostile silence on Sakura’s. Even when he offered her one of his questionably-procured apples, she snarled at him and continued slumping back to Konoha, in all her hunched-back glory.
“Don’t be too mad at me, Sakura-chan,” he chided as they approached Konoha. “It was a very clever trick.”
“Not clever enough,” she grumbled, rolling her shoulders and sighing in relief as they cracked and popped.
“Mm,” he hummed with his nose buried in his stupid green book. “I’m inclined to disagree,” he said softly. “The plan was there, but the execution was a little off.” Before she could question it, though, they were at the gates and he was disappearing with a two-fingered salute.
“Execution was a little off, my ass,” Sakura grumbled as she let herself into his apartment later that night. “Who does he think he is?” She surveyed his modest studio apartment; the threadbare couch, the rickety bookshelf that housed a hell of a lot more than Icha Icha, and finally, the twin bed that was tucked into a corner beneath a window, a shuriken-printed comforter neatly draped across it.
Annoyed as she was, she couldn’t help but smile as she surveyed the two framed photos that sat next to the tiny plant on the windowsill. Kakashi had been a cute kid, she thought before her eyes moved over to the Team Seven photo. But I’m cuter, she thought with a wicked smile.
“Sorry, kids,” she mumbled to herself as she spun the picture frames away from the bed. She didn’t want eyes on her for what she was about to do—even photographed eyes.
She hadn’t been waiting long when his door opened and his eyes landed straight on her, grinning up at him from under that shuriken bedspread.
“What are you doing?” he asked in suspicion.
“Let’s give this another try, hm?” she suggested. “Don’t you want to know why I’m naked in your bed?”
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She Ra x Hazbin Hotel headcanons literally nobody asked for.
I'm doing this because chaos, my darlings! :D hope you enjoy!
- First things first, Entrapta and Sir Pentious are inventor friends. These two can make amazing gadgets and weapons, and have a good time testing them out. Entrapta finds the Egg Bois fascinating, and asks a bunch of questions, like how they were made and what not. Occasionally, these two would have inventor competitions, nothing too big.
-Sir Pentious is interested on how Entrapta uses her pigtails as hands, or legs. Also.
-Alastor and Double Trouble. Oh my God. These two cause so much chaos it terrifies a bunch of the denizens and Hell.
-Pentious and Hordak rivalry. Or friendship!
-I love these two with all of my heart 🥺❤️
-Upon meeting each other, DT DEFINITELY wanted to get on Alastor's good side. Especially after hearing his tale, which makes them feel uneasy. But, they maintain a smile. But after warming up to the guy, they can't help but like him, and the uneasiness fades away.
-And these two blow shit up. It's fucking insane.
-Alastor is quite intrigued with DT, noting how they believe war is a game of chaos, which this Radio Demon ADORES! He also enjoys their smile, persona, and how they shapeshift. DT always sees a glint of GENUINE HAPPINESS in Al's eyes when he's around them.
-In truth, he trusts them, and relates. He calls them a friend, and, he would NEVER admin this, but...
He doesn't want to hurt them.
-Okay, in all honesty, a friend and I made a crackship of these two and it's called RadioTrouble, and o m l. It. Is nutso in an awesome way.
-Charlie, Scorpia, and Adora? Good friends with good girlfriends.
-Also planning on writing an angsty oneshot of these two ಥ‿ಥ
-Angel Dust and Sea Hawk set shit on fire. At one point they joined DT and Alastor and the four commit arson. Mermista just groans after finding out, Vaggie is pissed, and it doesn't really end well.
-Adora and Scorpia believe in Charlie's hotel, as well as the rest of the Rebellion. I mean, it's one of the gayest groups with a Disney Princess from Hell.
-Good things are going to happen.
-Scorpia and Charlie so do karaoke together. Charlie and Perfuma help Scorpia come out of her shell.
-Scorpia is now confident, and will you call you out on your bullshit. She's still such a sweetheart though, I love her <3
"We went out an' wreaked havoc! Sea Hawk stepped out as soon as it escalated, but I don't blame 'em."
"Babe, don't get your taco in a twi-AAAAAAAAAA-"
Newsflash!: Angry moth chases after kinky spider demon as the Strawberry Pimp and the Shapeshifting Gecko watch in amusement, while Sea Hawk pulled an "aight imma head out-"
-Mermista and Husk a c t u a l l y get along well. I mean-
-They're both moods.
-And they have lovers that bug the hell out of them (*CoUgH* Huskerdust and Seamista *CoUgH*)
-Bow and Charlie are friends, no I don't make the rules-
-Vaggie and Catra sorta vibe with each other.
-DT and Angel Dust are best friends and DT fuckign LOVES FAT NUGGETS-
-But really, who wouldn't?!
-DT and Catra will one day R I P Valentino apart, considering what that hoe ass moth bitch did to Angel Dust.
-Nifty and Frosta, best buds. No joke. I dunno why I see that, I just d o.
-Adora doesn't trust Alastor at first, but then she warms up to him. Everyone does, actually.
-Alastor doesn't understand what had happened. One second, he was alone, but the next moments, he had a big group of people, who trusted and liked him (for the most part), surrounding him. The Rebellion and Hazbins are like his found family.
Catra, Adora and Vaggie are protective, even when the Radio Demon can defend himself.
Scorpia, Bow and Charlie were sweet, seeing past the years of antagonistic actions.
Husk and Mermista were nice from time to time.
Perfuma helped him with the whole, "killing demons" thing, and taking deep breaths to calm down.
Angel Dust may have been lewd, but he kept his boundaries.
Sea Hawk was one chaotic pirate, and he and Al would sing quite often, Charlie, Scorpia and Bow joining in.
Nifty was really nice too, and just a ball of energy.
Entrapta finds his magic interesting, and asks multiple questions, and wondered how his radio cane worked.
Frosta was a nice kid, but she didn't hang around him a lot.
Double Trouble was his only and true best friend. He could vent about almost anything if he wanted to, and DT was surprisingly there, listening. They would always joke around with him, and ACTUALLY make him laugh and smile.
Whenever he's around these people, he gets a warm and fuzzy feeling. Everyone makes him happy. He feels comfortable with just being himself. After all those years of faking a smile...
He could finally let his guard down. That's what he thought.
He still feels like he needs to act all high and mighty.
But, what if, one day, that wall just...
Stay tuned to find out~
Also!! Hope you guys enjoyed this!! :D
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your--isgayrights · 3 years
4, 19&22 (the wall will change)?
exeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hi :D
my answers ended up kinda long so imma put them under a read more haha
4: Tell me about one of your abandoned WIPs. Why did you abandon it?
Aaslkfjsfdsf, I don't remember how much I've told u about this before, but u know like the last fandom i was into i had like a 40+ chapter fic I was doing that I realized i just like... didn't have the skill to write the way that I wanted to lol. I think I also just didn't get a lot of engagement with the community out of it, so it was like a disproportionate amount of work being put into it to the response I was getting. It was really fun though! I wrote a lot of heists for it haha. It gave me a lot of practice trying to make a and b plots run together concurrently, and setting stuff up in the first act to come back later and stuff... Also just experience writing and planning longer fic in general asflsjf.
I like writing for orv a lot better! I think maybe my tastes just changed towards focusing more purely on character dynamics, or maybe I just like that I made friends in the fandom so im not just shouting into the void all the time. (this is about u exe ty for beta reading my fic for me and letting me talk about it with you because i'm very silly about it mwah <3)
19: 15 words to describe the aesthetic of [insert fic].
Oh nooo this is hard umm. Umm.
"Black, white, snow, city, sky. Our warm hands meet across a barrier of cold glass."
^ that's fifteen words!! but yeah most imagery i take the time to describe is like. specifically to affect the boundaries you are supposed to feel between the characters. If that makes sense?
22: Have you used any symbolism in [insert fic]? What does it represent?
Hmmm yes, a little bit? It always makes me feel a bit silly to like, talk about what I think things represent in a thing I've written because like if a reader didn't get that then their interpretation is way more valid than mine.
Like obviously in the first chapter the pens I described are like, supposed to evoke the different sort of economic and family situations kdj is in in different times of his life and compared to yjh.
And in the second chapter the crickets represent to lgy a fragment of his old life that he tried to bring with him and maintain after his 'world' ended.
Things like the kimbap he gives bihyung cat and the stuffed chimera he gives sys in ch 3 are symbols of the 'kindness' in his personality, in that he sees the flaws and selfishness behind it and cant tell whether that is more real than the joy an act of kindness elicits or not.
Watermelon from ch 3 is also like. to put down the fact that it's summer and there's sort of a summer vibe. It was important to me to show the changing of the season to winter, to show that kdj really has been taking care of these kids for a long while before yjh ends up being impressed by it. It was also important to showing how his attitude changes slightly from the way his character would be in the start of the actual novel.
Chapter 4 had more of like, what I think you could really call symbolic imagery, because it's like... Hmm I'm thinking about it and there's just a lot of stuff. Like a lot of times I give hsy a lemon candy to help her emote in between dialogue, and there was some stuff like kdj catching a lemon candy and her trusting him with her car that was showing how much more comfortable they are with each other than in the beginning of the chapter.
Then there's like doorways. The door of yjh's apartment kdj won't go through, both going through the car doors to be in the same space all of a sudden, door to hsy's office, the door that kdj sort of 'takes' with him into meeting the rest of yjh's team... its all about like the safety of distance and stuff lol.
also some stuff about 'reflections' that I put some intent behind.
But yeah it's weird to say all that stuff are 'symbols' because it's like yeah you kind of get that from the rest of the actions and emotions the characters are having so idk if you'd call them symbols.
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