#it's only everybody I've designed so far
beatcroc · 4 months
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a year!!! as of today i have now been drawing these funny little pizza freaks, to the exclusion of almost everything else, for!!! an entire year!!! i wanted to do a nice group shot/lineup of everybody to compare to when i first started trying to draw them because oh boy were they bad. i never even posted most of them anywhere because they were so bad. but im posting them here, now, to see how everything's changed/evolved.
this is probably the hardest time i've ever had trying to figure out how to work with a style, but we got there eventually; i'm pretty happy with the handle i've got on everybody now...dont let ur memes be dreams. lots of unimportant journaling and idle thoughts abt it below.
older pics
the first one is the VERY first time i drew them, before i thought i was going to actually have any interest in drawing them [lmao]; it was just the one isolated image, for my friendserver, to illustrate the funney message, so there was no attempt to make it Good or actually understand anything going on w/ the designs or style.
second is the original run of practices sketches to start trying to figure them out for real; done after i started having ideas for the comics and such and realized oh god maybe i am actually gonna draw fanart for this. [again, lol, and lmao.]
third one is the first pt art thing i posted on here. there were a couple weeks of sprite studies between this one and the previous image. the one on the top right wasn't part of that post i just threw it on as space filler; i'd intended to shift to doing Sprite Redraws But Stylized to explore tings more, but that was the only one i did. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
individual characters
peppino: by far the hardest dear god. bro what ARE your shapes how DOES your face work. jesus christ. everything i have trouble with this style for, peppino has it in excess. i draw in polygons! i need consistency! and that is the last thing this kind of style is concerned with. they are made of squarshy clay and i do not understand how to mold them. i was really hoping trying to learn this game's style would GIVE me that kind of flexibility for fun exaggerated facial expression but i don't think much came of it in the end 😔. anyway on the bright side all this means once i got peppino figured out a little bit everybody else clicked way easier.
fake peppino: honestly i never did anything with him on purpose except for how his eyes work + the perma-smile thing. i figured ok hes supposed to look weird and off model so whatever happens with him happens. and it did. and it kept happening. it is still, in fact, happening.
noise/ette: somehow, for every bit that peppino was the least natural thing i've ever tried, these two worked pretty much right off the bat. i still don't understand it, seeing as pretty much all the things at play for peppino are also at work for them. i think the new sketches are actually a little worse than older ones but not enough that i care.
gustavo: really funny bc i drew him on model twice and just went 'okay, cool nice, easy, um. he doesn't have any fucking legs?' fortunately he was the only one i had a strong idea for how to stylize him [square] and it worked exactly as i was hoping so wahoo.
brick: is an animal and therefore 5000x easier and more natural for me to draw/stylize than anything else in the cast. that is Just a rat bro. i can draw a rat.
gerome: i think the funniest one here. the most drastic and least necessary change imo. i was gonna have him be really small at first, like smaller than the noises, but then i just... didn't. he's just peppino-sized now. also i gave him like. actual human facial structure, which is funny bc in most cases i'd do anything to avoid, but it works well for his being A Rock to give him some angles and definition like that+ to differentiate his vibe from the rest of the cast who are all very squishy. also since he is essentially Just A Head it's good to emphasize that too ig.
john: i only drew john a couple times but he gets to be here because i like him. and because most of the stuff i applied to gerome was readily applicable to john, though i did try to keep him a little more uncanny because he is a Huge And Lanky Freak. i hate that he is barefoot btw but idk how to make his color balance look right with shoes.
pizzahead: i did not want to put him on here honestly but i Have drawn him a handful of times and more importantly i didn't know what i was gonna do with john's pose if i didn't have him there to be glared at. the only thing that's different with him is giving him wider-bottomed pants, which i got from when i tried to draw these guys in clone high style [i never posted that one either][i will eventually]
snick: he gets to be here because 1. he's like 6 lines 2. i like him and 3. ive scribbled him a few times offhand and it went pretty well
there are some guys missing because those are guys i didn't draw enough [or at all] to have gotten comfortable with them. sorry
i would have Liked to shade these but for the time being i have accepted that my grasp of light/shadow has decayed to the point im not going to be happy with anything i try there, so For Now i am working on my presentation with flats i guess. gerome has a shadow only because he's shaded like that ingame and looks naked without it
anyway if you are still reading [hi?] i get to shamelessly plug now. i'm over the hill of my pizza run now, and while i still have plenty of things i want to make here, most of the bigger more in-depth ones have passed. pizza tower was the first thing in THREE YEARS to get me out of my oc groove to doing fanart, and once i am done with my ideas here i will be going right back to it. if you like my art or how i write characters/interactions you should check out my oc/webcomic blog @jamverse . i can't promise people who like pizza stuff will be terribly into my designs, but i can guarantee i treat my guys with the exact same sort of tone i handle the pt guys with. and hell, i've mentioned it a few times before, but like 70% of my characterization for fake pep is just copied off one of my characters, so if u are going to miss him... he will still be there in spirit >;p
and if you dont care about any of that and are still reading thank you anyway. actually making these comics + seeing how shockingly well-received they've been has done a lot for my confidence, and for seeing that my kind of stuff IS something people enjoy :')
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ilexdiapason · 4 months
[@theminecraftbee inspired this fic! hermitcraft season 10's south neighbourhood becoming werewolves for the bit, ft. ren's propensity to take it seriously, and being the only one who does]
It was Stress who started it.
"C'mon, it'll be fun! I've never been a wolf before!"
"Werewolf," Ren corrects, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose tetchily. "And it's not fun. It's a chronic condition that needs constant management and can lead to some serious carnage if it's not properly cared for."
"Ah, who cares about a bit'a carnage? It's, like, week two. People die, they'll come back, no harm done. And you're tellin' me you don't see the appeal in a pair'a teeth like that?"
"Not - not really?"
Stress huffs, good-natured, tilting her head and baring her neck. "Think about it!"
"That's vampires," says Ren, "you're thinking of vampires who bite necks. Werewolves don't have a designated spot to bite. Because, like I said, it's not supposed to be fun. You're not supposed to want it."
She sighs loudly and uprights herself. "Alright. Figure something else out, then, shall I?"
"Do what you will," he tells her.
And then...
Well, it's a very unfortunate coincidence, is what it is.
He doesn't mean to get as wrapped up in his Ministerial Administrative duties as he does. There's a lot of paperwork that Xisuma cheerfully shrugged off on him when he realised Ren was assuming an admin position willingly - inventory checks and server code assessments and Right To Host permits that all need to be thoroughly combed through before they can be signed off on. It's not the most interesting job in the world, but Ren's been dying for a bit of busywork for a little while now. Strange how a life full of nothing but card games and deadly dungeons can leave you pining for the simpler days.
But the evening stretches on, and the letters start to swim before his eyes a little, and it's all too easy to just let himself rest on top of the pile of papers for a second before he gets back into things, gently lit by the glow of the full moon...
Ren wakes up, as he does more often than he'd care to admit, entirely naked.
He's in the street. Or what will be the street once the roadworks have gone underway, which is currently a patch of grass like all the other patches of grass around him. His office is maybe fifty blocks eastward, his trousers are nowhere to be seen, and the sunlight is altogether far too bright for him to take in much more than that.
Once he stumbles back to the office with naught but a pair of paws for cover, he finds his sunglasses and his shirt, and he can start putting the pieces together. Namely that his upper body is quite thoroughly splashed with blood, his claws are also caked in red, and the vial of wolfsbane he was meant to take last night is sitting unopened on the floor amid a pile of shredded paperwork.
So. Erm.
Some explaining to be done, then.
His clothes were shredded by his transformation, but of course he's got spares on hand for emergencies exactly like these ones. Shame about his periwinkle tie; it's going to need a cold wash, a hot wash, and a good bit of stitching to get it back in pristine condition. Unless he could convince Xisuma to do a rollback, but he doubts it at this early point in the season where so many people are working through the night to get themselves set up. Mending will have to suffice.
He also finds his comm lying in the wreckage. The chat history is... illuminating.
<Iskall85> is that ren i see outside?
<Xisuma> Looks like
<Iskall85> oh dear
<Iskall85> oh dear oh dear
<Iskall85> everybody keep your doors locked unless you want to become a werewolf
<StressMonster101> ...
<Iskall85> stress???
<StressMonster101> well i was finkin about it?
<Iskall85> you're insane
<Iskall85> go on then. girl's night
<StressMonster101> false! you coming?
<falsesymmetry> to get infected with lycanthropy?
<falsesymmetry> yeah, alright
<ZombieCleo> did i hear girls night?
<Iskall85> i take it back. we're ALL insane
<falsesymmetry> wait, this won't kill me, will it?
<Iskall85> yes??? what do you think turning into a werewolf is
<falsesymmetry> oh, better not risk it then
<Iskall85> only on the hermitcraft server
<hypnotizd> do NOT start without me
Ren blinks, and blinks again, and checks his claws, as though he might be able to tell which of his friends' blood is under them.
Girl's night. They're all transformed into hideous creatures of the night just like him because they thought it would be fun. And here he stands uncognizant of any of it.
He's gonna need to call another meeting.
(At sundown, though. Today is a writeoff for the vast majority of the neighbourhood. Worse than any hangover, trust me.)
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engrambug · 3 months
And she had no fear
There are many reasons why I love (Don't Fear) The Reaper, and none of them have to do with being a legend. Chasing glory will never get you far.
Friends get you far. Love does.
Most of those reasons have to do with how I roleplay my V and what makes more sense for her to choose at the end of it all. She knows that Panam would ride to hell and back with her, same as Rogue would for Johnny, but she'd rather not let anybody else die in her wake. A further reason (a bigger one) is that V doesn't want to surrender her body to Johnny for what could be her final hours. After all they've been through, however, she doesn't want to spend them without him either. They've been through hell and high water together. She had taken his hand, she had become like they are.
CDPR gave us many opportunities to bond with Johnny throughout the game, be it through casual (or not-so-casual) dialogue or by giving him closure with some of his friends and ex-lovers. None of that is enough to unlock this ending, though, and in my opinion that's one small, brilliant detail (among many) in how Johnny was written.
You see, this man had his own way with people for a long, long time. And when they realized what brand of asshole he was, they turned their back on him--which, hey, fair. Now there's this merc he screws over just as he did everybody else who cared about him, and she rightly gives him shit for it. V knows him better than anybody else at this point (Johnny is a literal witness to that knowledge), and yet, she finds it in her to give him another chance. The last one, sure. But nobody had done that before, knowing what she knows.
It's no wonder that the ending in which he trusts V enough to storm Arasaka tower with him, on their lonesome, is only possible when V shows Johnny she trusts him enough not to blow his last chance at friendship.
So yeah, there are a lot of reasons why I absolutely love this ending, and most of them are sappy. Sorry, this was meant to be a funny one. Let's get on with it: Did you know that the Arasaka guards at the HQ will get more scared the longer you fight hordes and hordes of them without going down? I've compiled most, if not all, of them.
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They're fairly confident in the lobby. A random merc just strolled in like it was a supermarket, no biggy. Shit starts to get real when the random merc manages to make her way down to netrun operations control.
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The sheer panic in their voice is conveyed even through text. Yelling about needing backup, covering fire--wondering how the fuck she's still standing against a building full of Arasaka soldiers. They're not just scared, they're bewildered.
By the time V reaches the tower's mainframe, they know they're not getting out of there alive. Some kind of demon has been unleashed in Arasaka HQ, and they're cannon fodder.
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I have to give it to CDPR: They wrote one hell of an end for V's story--both the meaningful trigger and the mission itself, full of little details that make it feel viscerally real. The relic eating away at what's left of V's body while she's still in it; Johnny's help and support, for the first time letting go of the snarky façade; tasting the fear of your enemies in their voice as you perform a feat never seen before. There's no going back if you flatline--it's an all in. You, and the tech that was designed to replace you, fighting side by side against impossible odds.
We all know there are no happy endings in Night City, and Cyberpunk 2077 is a tragedy in three acts. But I would be lying if I said that there is no happiness at all in some of the choices we make, the causes we fight for, or the ways in which we say goodbye.
All in all, I'd say this is a pretty good one.
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loverhymeswith · 10 months
god you’re writing is angelic i just neeeeeed a cowboy like me inspired tommy shelby fic!!!
Forever is the Sweetest Con
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x F!Reader
Summary: Written for the Taylor Swift Tapes: Tommy Shelby - based on Cowboy Like Me
Word Count: 815
Warnings: Smoking, drinking, implied smut
A/N: Thank you to both Anons who requested Cowboy Like Me. I hope you enjoy!
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From across the moonlit courtyard, you spot him. The man of the moment; the name on everybody's lips. He's not particularly tall, but he cuts an imposing figure in his finely-made suit, a glass of amber liquor clutched firmly in his large hand.
He's standing at the edge of the gazebo. A crowd of men and women are gathered at his side, vying for his undivided attention as he raises the glass to his mouth, but as his piercing blue eyes finally meet your gaze, it's evident that his much sought-after attention will remain elsewhere for the remainder of the evening.
Silently, you count to ten.
Right on cue, he stalks towards you, a deadly predator sizing up his prey, oblivious or at least indifferent to the host of unfulfilled ladies and gentlemen he leaves in his wake.
The corner of his lips twitch up when he reaches you, those startling blue eyes lazily travelling along the full length of your expensive dress. Even before he speaks, he's straight to the point.
"Would you like to dance?"
You regard him for a long moment, listening to the notes of the gentle waltz spilling out into the summer night. For most of the evening, the band has favoured uptempo music - fashionable, but not particularly romantic - until now.
Apparently, your new companion has been biding his time.
After taking a drag of your cigarette, you offer him your response. "Dancing is a dangerous game, Mr Shelby. Especially with a man like you."
As he raises a dark brow, his eyes sparkle in the moonlight like a cerulean sky full of stars. "You've heard of me?"
"Everyone has heard of you," you assure him bluntly.
"You don't sound impressed."
"Should I be?"
His lips pull up into the hint of an amused grin as he places a cigarette between them.
You reach into your velvet purse and offer him a light, startled to find yourself quite so enraptured as he rolls the cigarette across his full bottom lip.
Softly, he exhales a cloud of white smoke into the dark night. "So it’s a 'no' to the dance then, eh?"
Resting your own cigarette between your painted fingers, you narrow your gaze. Perhaps you will be dancing tonight, after all. "It depends what you're willing to offer in return."
Thomas Shelby considers this with no sign of surprise, eventually inclining his head. "Oh, I'm well aware of what tricks you have up your sleeve."
Although it pains you to admit it, his admission catches you off-guard. Until now, you've been so careful to conceal your tracks. That he can read you so easily is as intriguing as it is alarming.
Determined not to show weakness in the face of such a worthy adversary, you flash him a vicious smile, showing your teeth.
"Enlighten me, Mr Shelby. What do you think you know about me?"
He pauses, his expression entirely unreadable as he watches you, carefully deciding just how much to reveal. "Oh, I've seen you around, telling all those rich men anything they want to hear. Bet you make a pretty penny from nights like this."
There's no judgement in his tone, which almost makes it worse.
"Are you calling me a whore?"
"Of course not. You're far too clever for that. You sell them words instead of sex. You promise them love, but only if they pay for it."
Stubbing out your cigarette with the heel of your designer shoe - bought for by the very men he speaks of - you level him with a blank stare, no small effort given the way his presence seems to have your pulse unwillingly quickening.
"Then why are you here?" Almost as an afterthought, you add, "You're no different than me."
Because when it comes to hustlers, it takes one to know one. Thomas Shelby might not offer the illusion of love in exchange for money, but instead, he offers power and influence. Just as deadly as love, but far more desirable.
Divesting himself of his cigarette and whisky, Tommy takes a step closer. So close that you can feel the warmth radiating from his body. A predator, indeed.
"No," he agrees. "I'm no different to you at all."
A breath catches in your throat before he leans in, stealing the swiftest of kisses.
Two hours later, his boots are beneath your bed. Tangled sheets cling to your sweat-slick bodies; clothes discarded in a heap on the floor.
Perched atop him, your soft thighs hugging his slim waist, you dip your head. "Whatever you think this is," you gesture between the two of you, "I'm not going to fall in love."
Tommy's pupils are wide as he stares up at you, mouth slightly parted and chest heaving. "Not love, then," he agrees, roughly. "But how about forever?"
You place a hand on his warm cheek. "Didn't they tell you, Thomas? Forever is the sweetest con."
Taglist: @a-reader-and-a-writer @simpforbuckyb @crysxtal @shynovelist @amberpanda99 @globetrotter28 @iammrsrogers @dragonsondragons @butterfly-lover @sunshineyourethebesttime @iwantmyredvelvetcupcake @breezy2and2freezy
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nekojaf · 10 months
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I was going to wait to post this until I did some color but seeing the current episodes of thumbnail made me kind of want to post it now because it felt like a good time.
But just for fun I was thinking of a world where Earth was actually the LITTLE little sister and everybody was relatively peaceful. So far I've only designed her, eclipse, and moon somewhat but mostly just the silhouette.
It's just one of those AUs that brews in the back of my brain so if you guys are interested in it let me know.
Anyway. /Goes back to drawing repliiieees
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prokopetz · 11 months
Brief summary of my thoughts so far now that I've done character creation and played half a session (we broke in the middle but may come back to it):
1) 7 players and a GM is too many. I know you know this already but I want to reaffirm it because that was what we had and it was really hard to understand what was going on.
2) I made my character 100% random and then backsolved an identity from there, and it worked better than it had any right to. The Traits are very evocative and I immediately had ideas of what I wanted my God Eater to look like.
3) I'm not sure the Calamity Clock is explained as clearly as I'd like it to be; to be honest, Tests in general are explained in a pretty convoluted way. It felt like some of the less-experienced TTRPG players at the table struggled with them, especially coming from a 5e-only background.
Sorry if this isn't the most helpful feedback; I'm just getting my thoughts down before any more time passes and I forget how the session went. I'll do a more full writeup if/when we finish the session.
(With reference to this post here.)
I definitely agree that the process of making tests could use a cheat sheet, and that's something that will be present in future revisions. However, it's worth noting that it's probably impossible to boil it down to something that a player with a 5E-only background would find intuitive because of some pretty basic differences in what kind of games they are.
In brief, 5E (and Dungeons & Dragons in general) keeps its conflict resolution mechanics almost entirely GM-facing in order to make it easier to onboard new players. Those mechanics are structured in such a way that it's completely feasible for the GM to figure out the target numbers, the applicable modifiers, the range of plausible outcomes, and the interpretation of the results with no player input whatsoever, with the player's sole responsibility being to roll a die with the correct number of sides (and if push comes to shove, the GM can do that part, too).
Eat God, conversely, is designed from the ground up to readily support GMless play (the specific rules for that will be in a forthcoming revision), which means that its conflict resolution mechanics can't be purely GM-facing. It puts a lot more responsibility on the player in terms of figuring out what the hell is going on, both narratively and mechanically, because its design goals mean it has to.
That said, it might help to frame it for a 5E player like this:
Making a test in Eat God is like playing blackjack: rather than rolling as high as possible, you want to roll as high as possible without going bust; "going bust" means all of your dice came up higher than your relevant Facet.
Everybody gets one die to start. If you can use any of your Traits to help with whatever you're trying to do, you get advantage on the test and roll an extra die. Unlike 5E, advantage stacks, to a maximum of five dice.
Instead of having a separate "damage roll", Eat God gets "did I hit or miss?" and "how much damage did I do?" from a single roll. A test's "damage" is the face value of the highest die that didn't go bust; the rules refer to this "damage" as a capital-R "Result".
You can get bonuses or penalties to a test's "damage" based on how effective the GM thinks your approach is. The GM will generally tell you about these modifiers before rolling. A penalty can't turn a success into a failure, no matter your Result; just like in 5E, a successful hit always inflicts at least one "damage".
Instead of critical hits, Eat God has critical fuckups. These have a range of dice roll values that trigger them, just like conventional crits; for example, you might score a critical fuckup on a roll of 11+, just like a champion archetype fighter in 5E gets a critical hit on a roll of 19+. This range can vary depending on how goofy the GM thinks your approach is.
Critical fuckups are assessed on a per die basis, so if you're rolling multiple dice, it's possible to generate multiple critical fuckups on the same roll. Yes, this also means that rolling multiple dice makes you more likely to succeed and more likely to fuck up, and creates the possibility of doing both on the same test. This is intentional.
When you roll a critical fuckup, the GM doesn't have to make something bad happen to you right away. They can do that, or they can take the fuckup and bank it toward a countdown to a really big fuckup that affects the whole adventure. You can see this countdown, but the GM is not obligated to tell you what will happen when it hits zero.
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sweetpandorabox · 9 months
Blood Purity - Draco Malfoy x Female Reader (Part 1)
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨sweetpandorabox୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…⋙
Synopsis: Keeping your family's Blood Purity and having high values when it comes to Intelligence and wisdom, is a duty and a sacred tradition all your family members of all generations have to follow. Getting sorted into Ravenclaw proving your worth, and following in your ancestor's footsteps, and keeping an Outstanding grade all the way through in Hogwarts kept your parents happy and proud, but not yet joyful. After 7 years of your Hogwarts journey coming to an end, they expect you to marry into a powerful pure-blooded family. As they take matters into their own hands your parents arranged a marriage for you based on a deal, to a boy who came from a powerful and pure-blooded family who you've despised for years.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
Story Setting: The story is set in the year the 2000s, 2 years after the Battle of Hogwarts takes place, you and Draco were born in the 80s which would make the two of you around 20 years old in this Fanfiction. (anything in italic and bolded is a flashback scene btw)
Terms 📖:
Y/N - Your name
Y/H/C - Your hair color
Y/E/C - Your eye color
Warnings⚠️: Forced Proximity, Arguments, Bullying, Swearing and Slight Sexual Themes.
A/N: Hey cuties, sorry I've been gone for a while but I'm finally back, I wanted to start writing for Draco Malfoy because I actually love him, he's my 2nd Favorite Harry Potter boy and thought a forced proximity trope would be good and it would fit so well with the life he had in the Harry Potter books, but yeah I hope you enjoy this one I'm not used to writing something with a darker atmosphere and a more mature fanfiction here but I'm trying lol. love you. xx
Word Count: 1,959
The warm fireplace distributes its warm heat throughout the Malfoy Manor's dining hall, saving you from the cool winds of spring outdoors. The sounds of a crackling fire, quiet chatters, and sounds of cutlery being used against the delicate china plates plastered with grey floral designs played harmonically in your ear as you kept your eyes glued down on your plate of food, putting on a somewhat neutral face toying around with the contains you've been served without taking a single bite. "Y/N, at around 11pm tomorrow, you'll have to meet me and Narcissa at Sinclair's Weddings at Diagon Alley, it's for your dress fitting" your mother mentioned with a proud smile peeking through her lips, you raised your head up, and face to your right with a confused look watching your Mother takes a bite of her food, "But Mother, we've only been engaged for two weeks?" you asked with suspense trailing behind your voice, "Oh don't be silly Y/N, you and Draco are perfect for each other, it isn't worth waiting any longer," she replies sharing a smile with Narcissa from across the table as Narcissa did vise versa, "And besides everything has been taken care off, like the official date, venue, the food, the guest. You and Draco will love it" she continued. As silence roams back to the dinner table everyone continues to eat, you take a moment to pause and shift your gaze across the table to the blonde boy, focusing his pair of striking grey eyes solely on his food keeping his mouth shut and his head low.
You watched as he eyed down his food, showing no interest in anyone else taking a mouthful bite. Draco Lucius Malfoy goes far beyond your earliest memories of Hogwarts, known to be a bully and a Slytherin prince he paints a picture of himself as a snob and vile evil person, yet cowardice who enjoys taunting others for his own amusement, he gets anything and everything he wants no matter the circumstances as well. You kept to yourself most of the time during your Hogwarts years as a quiet and reserved Ravenclaw, having friends from all 4 houses and not favoring one over the other, you treated everybody equally, overlooking their blood status despite your family's belief, in 4th year however you've taken fond of Ronald Weasley who came from a pure-blooded yet poor family, you started dating him for 2 years but you don't find it easy in the slightest, as constant tournament form Draco swarms over you and Ron, he'd make snarky comments about you and the blood traitor as he calls him. Regular filthy stares came from Draco if you and Ron would show any amount of affection towards each other, because if it wasn't the harsh/shameful comments or filthy stares, Draco always finds another way to break whatever the two of you had.
"So I take it you'll be coming to my manor tomorrow night, make sure you put on that royal blue slip-on dress you always wear, you know the one with the sweetheart neckline, I find it quite alluring" Draco commented as he circle you with his minions chuckling, giving you a smirk and a playful wink. Ron stares in confusion between the two of you, realizing what had just happened you hold on to Ron's wrist, dragging him away quickly from the trio making sure you master up the dirtiest look you can give to the blonde boy, bumping his shoulder as you walk past fiercely drowning the sounds of wicked laughter behind you down. After the past event, Ron grew suspicious and demanded answers to what Draco meant earlier, not wanting to argue with your then-boyfriend you had no choice but to reveal a secret that nobody else knew about, "Ron, please just listen to me... The Malfoys and The Callahan have always been a close-knit group due to their mutual obsession over blood purity. Malfoy's mother and mine happen to be best of friends ever since their Hogwarts years, we have dinner parties with the Malfoys once every fortnight, that's all he meant by that...and since Christmas break is coming up, Draco and I will be home so it seems to be the perfect opportunity to have one in awhile... that's all I promise," you pleaded with guilt. Learning that information made Ron angry, as he decided to keep himself from you for days after that.
3 days have passed since Ron has last spoken to you, growing tired of his ignorance, you march up to the Slytherin table angrily, you scan the Slytherin table for a bleach-blonde head full of hair, and as you spot him you dash right over "Can I talk to you for a minute?" You ask, crossing your arm in frustration, matching the facial expression you displayed. Draco smirks, wasting no time and trails behind you as he leaves his group of unbothered Slytherins. You both settled outside the quiet hallway, leaving the great hall behind before you converse, "Malfoy, I really don't appreciate the comment you made 3 days ago... I mean, what are you honestly trying to do? Can't you see I'm happy?" you huffed out in frustration looking up at the tall figure, as his grey eyes pierced down at your small frame, he paused taken aback by your frustration before scoffing "What am I trying to do?... What am I trying to do? you're really asking that Callahan? he's a blood traitor. You can do so much better than that filthy Gryffindor... when are you going to realize your family would never accept him for who he is" he commented, without realizing how close he was getting to you, you backed up into the stone-cold wall, keeping eye contact with him, as he rests one of his hand on the wall by your head pinning you down.
Tensions spike up high between the two of you as your body comes closer and closer together. "When are you going to realize that your happiness could be right in front of you this whole time?" Draco blurted leaning his soft face closer to you and tilting his head, your cheek changed its shade into crimson red before you broke eye contact hearing footsteps walking away to your left cutting the tight tension, you watched as your loving boyfriend stormed away from what he'd seen, You panicked as he kept going never to look back at you, "Ron...Ron come back" you pleaded, pushing Draco away from you as you run after the Weasley boy leaving Malfoy on his own. The next day Ron breaks it off with you quick, for the very first time you feel as though you aren't worthy of any happiness as your heartbreak drives you into despair, you miss out on meals, frequently find yourself sobbing, and eventually watch as Ron fell in love with Hermione, from that day on you swore to yourself that you despise and hated Draco Malfoy and you will never change your mind about him. The sudden flashback made you fidgety as you smoothed out your old silky royal blue, slip-on dress. The one you've had since you were a teenager not having grown much physically making it fit you like a glove. After dinner has ended, you join your family in expressing their gratitude for the delicious meal and farewells to the Malfoys, completely ignoring Draco as he seems to do with you anyway. You embrace your future mother-in-law Narcissa warmly as she does vice versa and give your future father-in-law Lucious a firm yet polite smile as he smiles back and nods to show his understanding.
Dobby the house elf clicked his finger towards the grand, wooden double door to open it revealing an exit point for you, and your parents finally departing away from the Malfoy manor as you Apparate back to your own mansion, located not far from your fiancé's, ending the night in a blur as you quickly try and sleep it off in order to mentally prepare yourself for the dress fitting your mother and your mother in law has so wonderfully booked and plan. After the battle of Hogwarts took place in 1998 you went back to Hogwarts to finish your 7th year around the same time as Hermione Granger did, making sure you have all the qualifications needed to find the best job that the Wizarding World offers, even if a job isn't necessary for you to have because of the amount money your family has inherited over generations. During the battle of Hogwarts, you weren't actually present at all, since Narcissa warns your mother about the secret attack and plans that the Dark Lord schemes for Potter and how dangerous this war is, so she advised your mother to keep you home and not let you return for your 7th year, and although Narcissa isn't supportive of the Dark Lord at all she is supportive of her Husband and Son, so she has to be present there, but it doesn't mean she can't warn her best friend, your mother, and her family to stay safe and not partake in the war whatsoever and to let it pass you. So that's what your mother and father agreed on doing, keeping you home after explaining the circumstances to you.
Your eyes started to glimmer as salty tears started to fog up your vision, you were distraught by the news and realized that the people you care about over at Hogwarts like your friends and some of the professors who had made a real impact on you might potentially lose their lives over this war. You wanted to help badly, you wanted to be there to protect the ones you care about, but your parents will never allow it as they fear the worst and might end up losing their one and only child, so you slump and cry over it for days in your grand mansion until you've heard the news a week later that most people have survived the war including the Malfoy's and that the Dark Lord was finally conquered. It took a while, but Hogwarts was rebuilt soon after that, and once September rolled back around Hogwarts was ready to bring in young witches and wizards who were ready to embark on their early education, and even welcome those who were not able to finish their last year back with open arms. You studied hard and kept very much focused on all your classes to the point where your NEWT marks show only Outstanding grades all across, simply showering your parents with great pride and joy to have you as their daughter. This time around you sort of hated the idea of leaving school after graduating, Hogwarts was a nicer and much simpler place without some knucklehead like Draco Malfoy running around taunting people or trying to pull your pisser almost every day to annoy and ruin your schooling experience.
You enjoyed your time at Hogwarts without him, but you do tend to wonder if he was alright, or how he's doing or coping after the war. Your mother and father haven't gotten in touch with the Malfoy for a couple of months now as they went into hiding in their own mansion and kept quiet to themselves, laying low in order to keep them from trouble with the Ministry as they potentially find out the ties that the Malfoy family had with the Dark Lord, so for a while, there weren't many connections between the Callahan's and the Malfoy's, a period of time where you enjoyed life as it is because the one person you truly despise and hated is gone from your life, just like you wanted it too.
Taglist : @igncrantbliss @milivanili99 @nighttimemoonlover @el-de-phi
!Click here for part 2!
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falconearring · 8 months
Hello Falcon, first off LOVE you're AU and designs, their so unique. I was just curious and I don't think anyone's ever asked this but.. What did everyone do before the Apocalypse? Aside from Scar which you already answered. :)
Hi hi! So happy to hear you're enjoying! I think here and there I've mentioned bits and pieces of some character's pre-apocalypse lives, but never all at once. Here's a comprehensive list of everybody's prior occupations, with some supplementary info for the characters that I've thought about the most.
Etho worked on an industrial farm. He was mainly tasked with planting and harvesting vegetables, and other miscellaneous labor tasks. When he wasn't working, he spent much of his time with Cleo and Bdubs. He's notorious for leaving his flip phone on the kitchen counter in his apartment when he goes out for the day, so it can be a bit difficult to get a hold of him. In general, he's pretty content with his life, and enjoys the routine his job offers.
Joel sort of just goes through the motions. He works a number of minimum wage jobs during his adult years, and doesn't really do much else. It isn't until the apocalypse, when he starts to meet new people and he realizes being lonely sucked. If you ask him, though, he's never felt lonely in his entire life-that would just be silly.
Grian spends his late childhood learning how to cook in a local restaurant. The owner and staff look after him best they can, but despite their hospitality, he resolves one day to grab as much cash as possible and head to a seaside town to start his early adult life. There he finds a small funeral home, and lands an apprenticeship only because they could really use the help and the owner themselves isn’t particularly concerned if they have to cut corners. It isn’t long before his inexperience starts to cause problems, and he takes off yet again when it comes to light the name he had been going by was stolen from an obituary a few cities over. He continues as he was, from place to place and name to name. It’s become somewhat routine for him to cheat every person he comes into contact with, in some way shape or form.
Scar, as we discussed in this post, has an extensive criminal history. Him and Grian somewhat deserve each other in that regard.
Cleo does a lot of crafting in their free time. I don't think I ever decided what she does for work, but on the side she does jewelry making, pottery, crotchet and a bit of sewing. She often sells some of what she makes, or gifts it to friends.
Bdubs does a trades program and is just starting out doing construction work. He takes up drawing as a hobby, mainly life drawing. His two best friends are his whole entire world, baby! He somewhat struggles with his independence, and usually wants to spend his time with Etho and Cleo.
Martyn is a hypnotherapist who specializes in past and future life progressions/regressions. He also claims to be a surgeon, but it's unclear what kind or when exactly he got a PhD.
Bigb was a racecar driver. Later in his career, he switched from cars to offroad motorcycle racing. He fell in love with modifying bikes and became a really knowledgeable mechanic.
Tango was a paramedic. Not much time for anything, but when he can he usually would meet up with some of his buddies to play board games.
Ren worked at the saw mill where Etho's friends are set up. At the time, he was living in a cabin in the woods not far from his work. He was somewhat of a hermit, and he has all sorts of woodsy knowledge and equipment at the ready.
Impulse has a bachelors of engineering and worked as an electrician for a few years. Loved his job, loved having to take out all his piercings most days a lot less. He's always been very close with his brother, Skizz, and they meet up often.
Skizz worked a 9-5 office job, and genuinely could not be any happier about it. He's the type of person to make extra time to exercise, or wake up early just to have some quiet time.
Pearl was an art student on exchange from Australia. She has a passion for installation pieces and painting. Some of her work is a bit strange.
Mumbo was a programmer. What did he program? I don't know. I'm sorry Mumbo fans. If it's any consolation he is so disoriented and so scared and so stressed.
Jimmy lived on a small farm with his family. It was all he knew growing up, and it was all he really knew going into adulthood.
Lizzie had a part time job at an aquarium in her town. She gave tours and sometimes did workshops with the kids where she did aquatic themed arts and crafts.
Scott.... I have a hard time imagining what he was up to before everything happened. Who can say for sure what he did in his spare time? (<- the guy who is writing the AU and can't think of an answer)
Hopefully this is helpful! Sorry some of it is more sparse than other parts. Take care, thank you for reading ^_^
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doctor-croctor · 24 days
Today, I watched the first four episodes of Trigun Stampede.
Let me first say that I've been a huge fan of the original Trigun Anime since I saw it late at night on either Adult Swim or Toonami, i read the four volumes of the Trigun Manga that my school had and that (Along with DragonBall and Rave Master) are what got me into Manga in the first place.
I am still uncertain of this show, but it is almost in a good way. Vash's character maintains the heart of his goofball antics, and genuinely makes me believe that this world was made for love and peace, at least through his eyes. The art is amazingly and expressive, I like his design, but feel that the glasses are a bit too big, but that also reflects his more wide-eyed personality.
As for Meryl, I actually am enjoying her characterization as a newbie reporter. It allows her to make more mistakes than as the straight man insurance representative. Her back and forth with Roberto, her accompanying veteran reporter, is enjoyable and is great for guiding us through her character arc. Meryl was, along with Misty from Pokémon, basically the character definition of Tomboy, so I'm still at odds with her seeming to lose that aspect of her character, but her compassion is more than noteworthy to keep me invested.
(Below contains spoilers, so click more at your own risk)
I was very surprised when Vash managed to get through to Papa Nebraska, who, in his other characterizations, we never got a deeper sense for his personality. Here, he is still the criminal genius to the brawn of his much more appropriately sozed son, Cozien, but he is constantly putting down Cozien's intelligence while protecting him in an oddly heartwarming way, i love that they managed to expand his characterization while staying unabashedly himself. I quickly believed he could change when Vash brought up helping him and his son, which is something I think neither prior version of vash would have been able to do. Then E.G. Buggy... wait... no... that's not right.
Then E.G.Mine comes in, (nailed it), and Cozien is killed in the first explosion, I was shocked to say the least, but with his death I immediately felt heartbroken for Papa Nebraska, a character who three hours ago I would have never been heart broken for mind you.
I think I'll cut my review of the other characters and villians out for now and come back after ive seen more.
I am definitely enjoying it more than I thought I would after seeing the new design for Vash. The animation is great, the opening is I almost want to say iconic, but the music throughout doesn't drip with that aesthetic I love from the original show. And if that's my main nitpick so far it's doing pretty good.
My only question is, where on Gunsmoke is Best-Girl Stun Gun Millie Thompson?!?
[This post is gonna cost you all 20,000$$, so everybody better pitch in to pay the undertaker]
<Please no spoilers till I've replied to myself with more>
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cyle · 1 year
I see where you're coming from, and I see why Tumblr feels a need to expand, to chase that unsustainable infinite growth. My friends who don't use tumblr don't use it because they don't have an existing community there, and I'm not enough to sway them over. It's a blogging platform at it's heart. I don't think trying to ape current trends in design is going to help. All it is going to do, has done so far, and historically has done is alienate your existing userbase, and fail to draw in new people. In fact, I'd argue that you're making your biggest competitor here. Cohost, is becoming a viable competitor of the back of Tumblr constantly implementing features that make the website more difficult to use and that frustrate and alienate it's userbase. Historically speaking, let's look at other social media that tried to pivot in this way? Myspace was Myspace, and then they tried to pivot to chase the trends of the industry, and it bombed. DeviantArt has been going through this for a while. in 2017 the site refresh launched to make it more similar to other websites, and it was frustrating for old users, removed features people liked, and didn't supplant that with anything new worth sticking around for, so it bombed. And it virtually killed the site with it, it's a shell of its former self. Do you remember twitter stories? Google Stadia, Hangouts, Duo, Bulletin, etc? New Coke?
yeah i'm extremely aware of all of these things, i've been using and studying this internet thing since MSN and AOL chatrooms were the only "social" features of the web. some people i work with have been at this since Usenet was the "social" part of the web. the rise and fall of different platforms are lessons we're always referencing and learning from and trying not to repeat, and learn the best from.
that's why i keep saying that there's a balance at play here between what makes tumblr unique and wonderful and different, which are values of the product, versus what the actual mechanics of the product are. some of the examples you're citing were "bombs" because they didn't have any core value to begin with, just a useful mechanic. or the core value wasn't understood, so it was easy to lose. some of them are cases where they changed the wrong mechanic and it broke the value, and there's no recovery from that.
the balance is successful when the mechanics are working to get new people to realize those core values quickly enough to offset those who don't realize them, or don't resonate with them. because the core values of tumblr aren't for everybody, we wouldn't be different otherwise. like you say: there's no community for them, but why is that? is there a mechanical reason why not? a perceived reason?
this is really difficult stuff, and we're trying as best we can to get it balanced. it's requiring us to try and experiment with some changes that feel really weird to me, as a long-time tumblr user. i hope the benefits of this become more obvious over time. i'm also hoping that some of the very obvious quality of life issues we're trying to address offset the fear that we're just "copying" other sites while ignoring everything else. there's a lot more to come.
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nerd-cat-rambles · 1 month
Danganronpa Manga Rant- Leon and Sayaka:
@yukiteruakari told me about a Danganronpa Manga edition, and OH MY GOD!!! Thankyou so much for this bro omg.
I'm only up to "Junkos" impaling, but it's so much better than the one I have.
I'll put some screenshots below, and the link too because so far it's translated to English.
Why the Manga is better, what it could do for the fandom:
It gives Sayaka and Leon so much more development as characters and seeing as Mondos case is next we might get to see what they talked about in the sauna. (<- there are so many fan theories for that one, and I'm excited to finally get more lore.)
It's hard to be a Danganronpa fan in 2024 because it all happened 14, 12, and 7 years ago. So like... Spike aren't going to just start explaining more lore on twitter randomly because they feel like it, Danganronpa is done, but this manga helps us understand the killers motive.
If ALL of the fandom read it I'd probably assume the "Mondo Brother Killer >:(" cliche that some of the fandom define him as would be gone, because it has his POV instead of a Monokuma flashback and a shitty animated clip of him doing it "for no reason" other than being "strong-strong-strong-strong-strong" (from the canon game and animation 2014.)
LeoXSaya Rant, Manga>>>Animation:
And yes, Sayaka was revealed to be a bit more of a "snake" (she isn't btw) but her motives were humane and we only thought she wasn't because Makoto is the protagonist and wouldn't think bad about any of his friends.
It also gives Leon haters a reason to stfu and enjoy his character design and small role while it lasts, and it's better than playing his FTEs because he's just gloating about picking up chicks and being better than everybody at Baseball despite hating in from what I've seen.
Also, the art is just BETTER.
The dialogue is just BETTER!
They gave Sayaka a reason to invite Leon over. Because in the anime and game yes it's "wow Sayaka is so hot" on Leons part, but wouldn't that mean Leon would've been the person to invite her to HIS room instead?
But in the Manga they explain her thought process, anybody who hasn't read it will probably just go "Sayaka's dumb for inviting a STAR ATHLETE to try and kill!" but she's smart because if she had killed him she already had an alibi. "We were friends! We bonded over music and drank tea together!" or something... saying that, Sayaka couldn't WIN because Makoto knew about the room swapping ofc. And she'd leave evidence and whatnot.
*Sighs* The Animation Butchered Our Boys...:
I hate the anime alot, but the thing that PISSED ME OFF THE MOST (about 1-1 of the animation) WAS LEON'S REACTION. He was having a mental breakdown, which was fine and accurate... probably good as well instead of him screaming "stupid" then losing it halfway through the word and realising his fate quietly.
They give him a moment of remorse.
"I didn't want to... I mean she... she was tring to... kill me... right? I just... didn't know what else to do... okay...?" (quote end)
but then he gets mad.
I don't know about you, but on first watch this ruined it for me. "He's just screaming now..." like... it makes me mad for almost no reason.
He was about to have a very humane moment of "I didn't have a choice..." he's looking down at the pedestal thingy in the court, he's defeated, he's sad, he's been caught. He's in despair.
Then he yells at the others "you would've done the same thing in my shoes!"
And you know what the writers did instead of making him cry after that? Anything... would've been better, but this is the dam animation we're talking about...
He did have a choice...
The manga gave him a choice, he tried to save Sayaka. Then he ended up killing her, ON ACCIDENT. That line alone contradicts the fact of any of that happening, he and Sayaka had just bonded hours earlier.
Like, this is my opinion and I've never heard anybody talk about this before, BUT THE WRITERS NEEDED TO WRITE LEON BETTER!!! The game wrote Leon fine, but the animation was a second chance at giving him development!
I liked him trying to escape the court room though. That was a nice touch that I don't think was in the game.
Like, the scene made me so mad on re-watch and I can't pinpoint why!
Like instead of this: https://youtu.be/CbQ6McYz7U0?t=59
(Good animation though imo, the closeup expressed his emotions nicely-)
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Anyway, that's my rant of the day because why not.
The game itself had issues, but compared to the animation it was just so much better, and makes me want to give it a 7/10 instead of a 6...
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fanatical4creation · 5 months
INVERTED! Insanity and Killer
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Hey i'll tell ya a secret, i give duo names to my characters, this is the Insaneduo (this is what qsmp has done to me). Anyway, now "FANATICAL WHY ARE THEY-" shhh sh sh i'll explain, that's what this post is for. Btw this drawing is OLD but yet useful, the only change i'd do is Insanity's eye, it's in the wrong side.
Let's start with Killer or Kiki (do you love me?) for the most intimate, he's from an alternative timeline called Something changed, based on the comic/au Something New originally created by @/rahafwabas. Something Changed is an AU where the human get bored from Sans' face and change the sprites Underswap's, i mean he surely wanted something new eh? (ba dum tss)
That's all. Pfft-there's nothing new that's why the name is Something Changed, would it be to fit the swap theme or the story itself
Now let's talk about Insanity shall we? He's originally created by Zero danteero, he's... uuuuh he's something new.... ok i'll stop- anyway he still have his classic story it's just his visuals that changed, i guess... BUT here's the thing y'know Nifty from Hazbin? That's him, but he rarely talks, he's more like an animal but still an insane maniac, he walks all curved and everything he's a insane beast.
Btw i'll probably re-do Insanity, bc he's too complicated to draw and i want to animate him, so expect a new design on him.
Nightmare found both of them in their own universes there's not much to talk about Insanity's bc it's like-... It's like how a kennel takes in a dog, lmao 😭. But both Kiki and Sane causes a lot of trouble when they first came in to Nightmares place... th-the omega timeline.
Nightmare wanted to make a prision in the OmegaTimeline to contain them "oh but Fanatical that's so dumb" everyone knows, he tried to convince everyone it wasn't and he failed bc "the evil only prevails if the good fails" as he says, but it's mainly bc "against facts there are no arguments." as i say.
The Insaneduo come together in every mission, it's the assassin and the damage dealer (🤓), they're almost perfect but they need another one to complete the trio, who would it be?...
"FANATICAL WHY ARE THEY USING ELETRONIC ANKLES???" Well, remember the prision i mentioned Nightmare wanted to do? Yup. Nightmare did it anyways but hidden from everybody else, i still don't know if Core is omniscient or not so i'm working on it.
The ankles are to make sure they don't scape or get close to the the OmegaTimeline city thing or the doors, since the prision is way way way far away from the city bc-.. y'know, it's an empty void, and it's underground, y'know i've seen an livestream from FmsDraws that he says if you dig to the ground of the void of the OT it'll be all black and with inverted gravity, so i'm still working on how it looks, but i got some concepts...
That's all u need to know for now, maybe everything changes bc i'm still learning about OmegaTimeline, so be patient for fucks sake.
Killer sans (c) @/rahafwabas
Insanity sans (c) Zero danteero (idk which social media he/she/they are)
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galewindstudios · 3 months
I'd love to see your Steve and Hero designs if you don't mind 👉👈
Sure thing! I've not totally ironed out their designs 100% but here's what I got going on currently:
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Herobrine, Champion of the Overworld, Hero of the Past. So here's Hero's! I went 'fantasy viking warrior' vibes all the way. The ginger in his hair, diamonds/lapis on his clothes, and orange cloth bits all symbolise the god he is Champion of! He of course has the diamond pickax-scythe because it's a classic! It's enchanted as well, which is a very rare thing in this little au of mine.
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Steffan, Champion of The End, Harbinger of the Future Then Steve; aptly renamed Steffan because it sounds more fantasy to me. Bro is a reclusive hermit in the giant-taiga covered mountains far from anybody and everybody. He lost his arm in a dual with Hero and kept his side of the wager to not regrow it. The amethyst and purpur decoration on his clothing symbolises the god he is Champion of as well! He wields a serrated, enchanted sword made of diamonds with amethyst and purpur decoration just like his clothes.
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Alexandrian/Alexandria, Champion of the Nether, Angel of the Present As a little treat; Alex! She goes by Alex and detests when anybody but the other Champions call her Alexandrian/Alexandria. She's heavily based on Piglins and wears plates of Netherite as armour with gold details. They're also the only Champion to have Netherite weapons! Both a hammer and arrows that are made to shatter on impact and act as shrapnel. She wears gold and Netherite as tribute to the god they are Champion of!
There's a bit of lore but I didn't want to make this too long. Thanks for the ask!! :]
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autoplaysdigimon · 4 months
So I've been playing Palworld!
I fully expected to end up disliking it, if not outright hating it. My first impression back when I saw the trailer ages ago was that it was a well done parody trailer, making fun of Pokemon. Once I realised that it was real... I dunno, I still expected it to commit completely to the parody aspects. "Look at these creatures that you can enslave and put to war!! Aren't we subversive and unique??!"
But no, actually, it's really fun! The "edgier" aspects are there, like killing the Pals for food, or giving them guns and putting them on an assembly line, but you don't actually have to. You can still pat them and feed them and keep them happy and love them and and and they're my besties and I love them. There's a fox that you can tuck under your arm and use as a flamethrower. The easiest way to catch them is to beat them up with a bat before throwing a Pal Sphere, but hey. It's just taking out the middleman at this point.
It's obviously still in Early Access, and I've had a couple of falls through the floor. It also crashes about once or twice every time I play, which is annoying, but it autosaves so I haven't actually lost anything so far.
The monsters... I mean, you could very easily put a lot of them into an actual Pokemon game. Like, that's the main complaint that everybody who hasn't played it gives, but...
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What do you think of my Goodra/Meganium? He's a good lad and I love him.
There's a hell of a lot that aren't Pokemon lookalikes, but sometimes you just kinda see one and go "well boy howdy, that's a Pokemon". There aren't any (that I've seen yet) that look like a Digimon or any other franchise , only Pokemon. I mean, just look at the head of that thing. That's such a Pokemon face. I think it's literally Meganium's head. And Lilligant's flower maybe? Still, it's not a bad design, it's coherent and cute.
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And then there's ones like this dude, who looks like he'd have a PS1 platforming RPG game or something. Look at him!
Overall, I really like this game! There's a few lil blips here and there, but it's pretty decent! The biggest drawback is that it's a really big filesize and makes your computer fan go like crazy, so make sure all the vents and things are clear in case of fire hazard. I'd also really appreciate a button for opening the map while playing on controller, I hate having to drag out the keyboard for it.
Good game, A+, if you wanted Pokemon Legends Arceus to be more like BOTW, check it out.
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ladysomething · 1 month
atp I don't even know why I keep asking stuff as an anon. my identity has been revealed but fuck it.
one more time, let's do 5+1
1. Charles thinking he's the world's most clever person ever has me on the fucking floor. you go get them babe. yes, surely keeping the other idiot satisfied is only because you want to escape. of course sweetie. but question: are omegas more prone to their alpha, or that only goes so far and then they actually can control the feelings said alpha causes on them?
2. Max is an idiot, isn’t he? like, I actually want to open his brain to see how the fuck it works because I am amazed at its capacity (or lack of it/j)
3. I have a thing for the starved man comparision, and it's lovely to see such an accurate scenario for it. because Max actually short-circuited. he's just a man and Charles broke his brain in what? like, less than 5 minutes?
4. Carlos is a little rat, but I'm actually thankful that's he's not like. gross. (please, I'm begging you on my knees. don't make him or other drivers gross) I have this thing where I can kinda stand when oc are gross and little shits, but, even if some would consider said person a little shit (completely reasonable, people are allowed to not like drivers) I don't like it when on fics, they're outright assholes and disgusting craps, cause I don't know with certainity if they are like that irl. idiots and that I can do but over that is too much to bear for me. that's the point where I am reminded that they're real and that stuff. of course, is totally on you, and I don't expect anything, but picture me making puppy eyes at you on this one. and I was wondering, what is he? a beta or an alpha? it probably was said somewhere but I don't remember. because according to my reasoning, he's a beta because he was not in the auction. or was he?
5.I'm so fucking glad I chose wygig as this year's questionable fic. I love it and I have now developed a deep emotional dependence towards it. but haven't we all? (this is to say I love it)
+1. glad you're enjoying (I'm also trip anon btw) had I been in Italy, I would've loved to go to the bar to watch the race. even though I've never gone to watch a race at a bar in Rome, in Italy, depending on where you go, it can be really exciting and ehmmm... definetely an experience, may I call it that way. but sadly, first of all there's a four hour drive from Toscana to Rome and I would get my ass even flatter, and second I left months ago. maybe next time
and as you may have noticed, I gave up with trying to tell you how many points there will be in my ask. have a nice day Mads, enjoy your vacay hun!
look I'll honest. you say your identity has been revealed but you could be any of a handful of anons that have revealed their identity to me. so my terrible memory means that your secret is still safe!
wellllllll ... hm. omegas are definitely more SUSCEPTIBLE to their alphas e.g. with the alpha voice. but anything Charles feels is his real feelings.
haha Max IS an idiot, but so is Charles. they're two idiot peas in an idiot pea pod.
yeah no for real, Max's brain was completely broken. it was like Christmas morning for him haha
Carlos is a beta - basically everybody is a beta. there's only one person whose designation hasn't been revealed yet, but they're not a driver, so. you can pretty much just assume that everybody is a beta. as for making drivers assholes - I don't really do that in general, because usually it's too one dimensional for what I'm writing. it's fun in some scenarios (particularly shorter fics) but even the drivers who are currently 'villains' aren't outright bad people.
hahaha and at the rate it's going, it's length will mean it probably lasts half the year too haha
+1. yeah, I'm really excited!!!! I was kind of like ... if I can't go to Iola, then this is simply an experience I MUST have. cheering for ferrari while they're driving in Italy while I'M in Italy??? ahhhh.
thank you so much, you have a great day too!
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jetsandflowers · 9 months
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Hello there! I'm Jet/Flowers! 🌼 Consistently losing my sanity over the giant space robots (as you do), I'm over-enthused and over-caffeinated and have a brain that wanders like a little fish. Sometimes I write! Sometimes I art. Most times I just stare into The Void.
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🛫MY TF FANDOMS🛫 🌼 Transformers Animated 🌼 Transformers Prime 🌼 G1 Transformers 🌼 Transformers Earthspark 🌼 Transformers Cyberverse 🌼 Bumblebee Movie 🌼 Rescue Bots
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🛫UNMENTIONED🛫 🌼 Bay movies (nah. thanks. the fanfics I've read go hard though) 🌼 Comics (may start reading 'em soon!)
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🛫FAVORITE BOTS🛫 🌼 Blitzwing (TFA): EVERYBODY APPLAUD THAT COURT JESTER RIGHT NOW he's the funniest MF here. Wife material??? Brain says yes. 🌼 Ratchet(TFA, TFP): That's Peepaw!!! 🌼 Wasp/Waspinator (TFA): I am a hard-core Wasp apologist. He was a big meanie but he didn't deserve That. Wishing hugs and therapy on that dude! 🌼 Bumblebee (TFA, Earthspark): That's The Guy. Homie who you could kiss material. 🌼 Swindle (TFA): Baddie. I love him. 🌼 Blurr (TFA): That's Zippy!! 🌼 Starscream: I love him in every iteration 🌼 Shockwave: I love him in every iteration 🌼 Soundwave (every iteration): He's the only one with brain cells! Prime has the most Shaped design to me and I love the idea about his vow of silence, but G1 will always be my true fave. 🌼 Hound (G1): no real reason. He's my little guy, a true blorbo. 🌼 Blades (Rescue Bots): just the most blorbo!!! 🌼 Nightshade (Earthspark): They're actually perfect.
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🛫MY SHIPS (I collect Blitzwing ships like cool coins at this point) 🛫 🌼 Blitzwing X Bumblebee (TFA): Ma'am, why are you shipping those two clowns together, I hear you ask. Well, maybe because they're silly goofy, and I think they should exchange clown noses. Real talk though? Vibes. Also together they could get away with murder - Actually, SIKE, no they couldn't, and that's precisely why I'm shipping them. 🌼 Blitzwing X Wasp/Waspinator (TFA): I know it’s weird but it’s like dark timeline Blitzbee for me and I dig it. I'm the only one that ships this as far as I know but it rocks anyways. 🌼 Blitzwing X Blackarachnia (TFA): Think about the body horror discussions they could have, man. Additionally, she made him Like That according to the Allspark Almanac. Like HELLO. Someone had to suggest it at least. It'll be me I'm chill with that. Also, can we talk about the actual Stein and Madusa energy they give o- aight, I'll stop now before I go on forever. Side note for persuasion purposes: they're also mostly dressed in the asexual colors. Hell yeah!!!
🌼 Charlie x Bumblebee (BB movie): HUMANS AND ROBOTS LOVING EACH OTHER: THE SHIP. YAAAAAYYY!!!! 🌼 Optimus X Megatron: When I tell you that any love story between these two is so Pride and Prejudice coded... UGH-the DRAMA. Disgusting! Give me more!!! 🌼 Starscream X Megatron (TFA, G1, Earthspark: oh I ship them, sure, but like, in the way where it's like they're in the middle of a nasty divorce. Horrible. Beautiful. Mwah!
🌼 Thundercracker X Skywarp (G1): Wholesome. Adorable. 🌼 Swindle X Lockdown (TFA) they slay and it’s everyone’s problem. 🌼 Shockwave X Soundwave (TFP & G1): I don’t gotta say anything more than they’re just top tier. They get shit done. The end, amen. 🌼 Slipstream X Blackaracknia (TFA): now this? This is beautiful.
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🛫Tags🛫 🌼 Art Tag: #Jet's art
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