#it's possible that we won't be able to go on our trip at all
sailoreuterpe · 1 month
So, in the last 24 hours:
our bathroom light started flickering our dog started limping and spasming our freezer started over-freezing our refrigerator died we found out that the muffler on our single vehicle is shot
I hate it here.
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evilminji · 1 month
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Behold! o/ The Face Of Benevolent Evil!
Mr. Principle! A professional hero and educator!
Also possibly some sort of stoat hybrid! Certainly a chimera of Japanese fauna! With the Quirk High Specs, he is one of, if not THE, smartest beings on the planet of which he resides! With a background perfectly justifying a decent into hatred and villiany, he instead chose to channel his incredible world shaking intellect into the shaping of future generations!
He likes to fuck with people!
What can he say? It keeps a man young and mentally stimulated! Plus the hysterical screaming of his staff and students is HILARIOUS. He can even argue it makes for good reaction training! Unforseen situations, children! React!!! *psychotic chortling*
Mmmmm, yes. We all have our trauma responses. Ways we deal with them. He should probably find other means... but he won't! Tea and tormenting the student body make for good future heroes, you know! They adapt!
But! You may ask! Why am I introducing you to this... *polite yet somehow deeply threatening smile* c-completely sane and normal individual!? Esteemed educator that he is! Ha ha...
A good and not at a under threat question!
Villains? Are fuuuuuckin STUPID!
Doesn't matter how many PHDs you possess! In fact! That makes it WORSE! You moron! You absolute fool! No traveling circus would have you, you sub-rate CLOWN of a jingle jangle dunce jester! You have a god damn PHD! Possibly MULTIPLE PHD!
And you thought "ooooh I should go into cwiiiiime~☆"?
Do you hear yourself when you talk? DO YOU?! Ooooh boohoo. They won't let you study what you WANT to study. It's called an ETHICS BOARD. And YEAH, NO SHIT! Maybe get over it and keep you fucked up fantasies to your SELF.
Or? If you REALLY can't hold it in? Lay the ground work like EVERYONE FUCKING ELSE! You're not special! Everyone wants to play god! It's FUN! They let you have the COOL toys! But you have to EARN that shit! Not jump straight from graduation to "fucked up superscience"!
And? If it's NOT the Ethics Board? But just some bureaucrat on a power trip? You don't have to fucking STAY. This? This RIGHT HERE? Is why I-Island fucking EXSISTS.
They are SO MANY countries you could move too. SO MANY other labs. You actual DUMBASS.
But NO! You decided to commit to a fucked up underground Villian Lab. As though HUNTING THOSE isn't the PERSONAL fucking passion project of THE SMARTEST BEING IN JAPAN. Frankly? You deserve this. You deserve this and our school doesn't know you. Never heard of you. You whoms't?
Coulda changed the world. But instead all you did was piss of The Fuzzy White Demon Lord of UA. Rest in pieces. *click*
*sound of doors smashing open*
*violent Raid Upon Your Labs noises*
But! You may ask? What's IN the Lab?
What MAKES this a DP crossover?
I like your question asking spirit! Good one! And the answer? You know what's better then ONE(1) Nedzu? A second one that you can ACTUALLY control this time! After all! You could consider Mr. Principle a prototype. A proof of concept, if you will. If you were able to make ANOTHER.....
Well, you would set off EVERY. SINGLE. ALARM. Nedzu has set up!
All of them!
Because he don't PLAY THAT.
He has long last trauma from the labs and is the SOLE FUCKING SURVIVOR. There WERE others. They Did Not make it. And their slow agonizing deaths are carved into his brain for the rest of his life. Truely "The living shall envy the dead"; it was a place that made hell seem merciful.
When he declare Never Again?
He fucking MEANT Never Again. He will BURN your empires to ash, with you in them. No More Labs.
So :) You can IMAGINE :) HOW HAPPY HE IS :)
That someone out there is trying to RECREATE his SUPER traumatic childhood, on ANOTHER CHILD. Ha ha! Gonna be a second Nedzu huh? Planning to torture HIM like you did me, HUH? Shove him in a cage and treat him like an animal? Force him to watch as the others die? Collars and whips and cattle prods? Mazes?!
Nedzu may lose his shit.
Juuuuust a little bit.
But if anyone there knows what good for them? They saw NOTHING. What's a little PTSD flashback between friends? Now what is the baby?
Smashcut to said baby!
Because it was a TEAM effort, Danny was successful in "Nuh Uh!"ing out of Rulership. But NOT out of governance. Since he DID help. He's a Councilman now. It's? Not as bad as it could be, honestly. Since it's opened the Zone up to a more democratic system.
Still held by "kick the ass of the person you wanna replace" but still!
Thing is? There was apparently this weird? Leak? Like a couple hundred years ago, in this one area, that was never addressed. Everyone just moved their doors and stuff. Treated it like the floors flooded. But now that they HAVE someone to complain too?
They all want their territories back.
"Go fix it!" What are we? Janitors?
Danny looses the rock, paper, scissors competition. He's pretty sure Boxy cheated. But like? Dude has a kid to go home too, so Danny doesn't fight him to hard on this. Uuuuuugh. Just remember the Spider-Man motto. Great power~ blah blah blaaaah~
And? Wow is it fucked out there.
The whole PLANET has to be limnal as FUCK. Yikes.
Problem is? When he and his team (Because YES, he HAS learned from his mistakes, Jazz.) get close to the... frankly the Zone here looks like distorted spiderwebbing. With him leading the charge, obviously.
....something happens.
It's... it's not a portal. Wrong color. It's like someone USED the weird spiderwebbing effect to... to reach INTO the Zone? But they are severally Limnal. Clawed hands, blue tint. But that's not the problem.
No, the problem.
The Horror.
The thing that his team can only watch on in agonized terror as it plays out... is that hand? It shoots out of nowhere. Ghostlike in the Zone. Meaning it must be living. And PLUNGES directly into Danny's chest to wrap around his core.
Time seems to slow.
He can't even scream in pain. At the violation. His team, acquaintances, yes, but friendly ones. Can not even cry out in horror, as they watch their friend and team lead be butchered before them. Before that uncaring hand is ripping back. Perfect ice and starlight in its uncaring grip.
For a terrible moment... he is in two places at once.
Then he is crushed in a burning grip. Like molten bars. Watching his own body dissolve into nothing in an instant, pain and horror still etched upon his face. The beginnings of screams ripping from his team as they jerk away from the nightmarish threat.
Then he can not think at all.
He... he TRIES. Knows he has been captured. Is certainly not the sort to give up easily. But... he's so tired. His body feels? Weird. Not wrong, per say. It's HIS. But... small and weird. Like he's shape shifted into a new form and hasn't adjusted yet.
He's getting really sick of all the goop against his whiskers and in his ears. It feels WEIRD against his fu- WAIT a second... did those assholes shove him into an animal? Why?! To contain him? Ha! Jokes on them! He's DONE THIS before!
For FUN!
He once spent a whole ass summer as a tiny dragon just 'CAUSE!
Unfortunately, said assholes notice him waking up. Dump him in a glorified hamster cage. But like.... a SHITTY "I don't care about the pet I bought" hamster cage. Dude. And he's naked.
Is that Japanese? Ooooh! It IS! Thank you, Tucker's Weeb phase.
......actually, never mind. Lotta dehumanizing language there, my guys. What is this? The GIW international? You couldn't even give me PANTS? Swear to God, call me an "it" ONE more time and the next time I have to go? I am going to aim through the bars at your-! *alarms going off*
....wasn't me.
I mean, be all means, ha ha and get fucked, but? Wasn't me. Oh hey! Some one exploded the doo-
AND? In Lab 4?
Nedzu finds a child with fluffy, ungroomed black and white fur, and the curious yet cautious eyes of a survivor. They are the most magnificent green, pale and luminous they glow in the laboratories lighting. Paws too big for his small frame, delicate ears on the swivel, equally large. Yet to grow into either. Adolescent, at best.
He watches the child take him in. Note his features and the chaos behind him. The injured scientist under his feet. Come to him conclusion. Nedzu will not rush him. Now that he... he stand the chance to be the hero he himself never had. It is a strange feeling. At once cathartic and unbearably painful.
He is given the equivalent of a cheerful grin, as the lad points the the lock on the cage. Is asked if he happened to bring a spare pair of pants. He can not help his amused chortle as he makes quick work of the lock. The unbearable RELIEF he feels.
He... he was not too late.
These monsters had no chance to crush the boy's light. To make a monster of him, like they did with him. He survived his laboratory, his hell. But not all of him left that terrible place. He knows that. Some innocence, some goodness, died alone in the dark. But here? He insured there would be no chance.
With amusement, he watches the boy turn the lab upside down until he finds spare scrubs. Triumphant, he then considers his own, tiny claws. Dismisses them. Attempts to hop up on a chair to retrieve something sharp. It? Is unbearably cute. To watch him rip and shred, problem solve. His little mind churning away. Whiskers twitching as his eyes dart around, considering his options.
Nedzu offers one of his spare knives.
Watches him light up.
@legitimatesatanspawn @hdgnj @nerdpoe @babbling-babull @lolottes
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abowlofsourcream · 4 months
⏳💫Switch A Loop: Talking to Loop after Talking to The King!💫⏳
Context: “Memory of Loss” post!
*Isabeau was back at the Favor Tree…
*Hunched over on Dormont's ground.
*He feels like he wants to throw up…
*He stands up and slowly walked to towards it, crossing his arms.
*Just a few moments later, Oldie came rushing to the foot of the tree and yelled.
Odile: LOOP. OUT. NOW.
*Isabeau grip tightened at the side of his shoulders.
Isabeau: We just want to talk... Please?
*There was a pause for a moment, and then a bright light under the tree. Loop wasn't looking at them, instead choosing to floor.
Loop: I told you that something bad would happen if you did that...
Odile: No, something bad happening would just have the King kill us. What happened in that loop was MUCH worse...
Loop: Then why are you yelling at me!? It's not my fault! I didn't know that king would kill them!
*Isabeau flinched at that line. Odile pressed in the middle of her temple, trying her best to keep her boiling anger aside.
Odile: But you told us that you would know what would happen in these loops, suddenly you didn't think of the possibility that something could happen to Bonniface?
Loop: I thought that it would be DIFFERENT! That YOU would be smart enough to make sure that wouldn't happen to them! That you do the SMART thing and let the Traveler be the one to-
*Isabeau snapped. He groaned at Loop, startling Odile and Loop.
Isabeau: Change, Is that LITERALLY all you can say? "Aw" That sucks! Maybe if Siffrin was the one who did this, blah blah blah blah blah-!" Like, that wouldn't change anything! We would be just as upset if it was Siffrin!
*Loop clenches their fist, but he didn't care.
Isabeau: Look, I get it. You seem to have some irrational hatred towards Sif. Let's agree to disagree, but that gives you no right to badmouth him or joke about him to us! He is our friend!Besides, he couldn't have known that would-
Loop: Yes he should have.
Isabeau: Hey, I wasn't finished-!
*Loop jumps off the Favor Tree, and run straight up to Isabeau. Wow, they're a lot smaller than he expected.
Mirabelle: Guys!
*Everyone turned to see both Mirabelle and Bonnie staring at them. Mirabelle was holding Bonnie's sunhat for them.
*Bonnie slowly walks up to Loop, who anger seemingly dissipates when the sight of them.
Bonnie: Please... Please don't be mad at Frin... It was my idea to have him talk to the king. I tripped while trying to runaway. If anything, I'm the one that messed it all up..
Isabeau: Bonnie...
* Surprisingly, Loop knees down to Bonnie and gently holds their tiny hands.
Loop: No, No... It's no one's fault. Not you or your Traveler's... It just... Brought up some unpleasant old memories... It's a me problem, don't worry.
*It was silent for a while... The Loop spoke.
Loop: [Congrats, Everyone! You got "Memory of Loss"! Unfortunately, you will never forget this! With this memory, your Traveler will be able to read books from their country! Oh, but be careful! It's best if we leave the past behind. You won't want to worry your forgetful little friend, now would we?]
* Loop pauses for a moment, and looks Bonnie in their eyes.
Loop:.. I'm sorry, Bonnie...
*Just like that, Loop stands up and goes back to the Favor Tree. The others slowly go back to the Clock Tower.
*Isa was thinking about Loop still, weirdly about how short they were! He guessed he never really considered it, since Loop always at sat in the Favor Tree. And just now, they said Bonnie's name after almost never saying any of theirs.
*And their eye's!
* Maybe…
* He should talk to Odile about it, first…
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reikunrei · 30 days
feeling incredibly averse to posting this but i'm just gonna drop my kofi link here in case anyone wants to help me get out of my increasingly shitty situation living with my parents
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more info below ig
after having given my parents nearly $100k over the last four years, i'd love to be able to actually leave. my future job situation is still up in the air (i've submitted for about a dozen positions and the only one i've heard back from and interviewed for hasn't gotten back to me yet), and i haven't been able to build up any savings because, again, i was (and still am) helping my family afford rent and bills, and probably the taxes my parents are behind on, but if i think about that, i'll get too angry. no joke, i've given my family, at the bare minimum, 85% of my income over the last 4 years. the rest of it has gone toward medical stuff and, now, my car
at this point, with the combo of my mom refusing to lower her standards and my dad's seeming refusal to hunt for a new full time job, i don't see how they won't continue to bleed me dry. my dad even has a bad habit of taking money out of my old savings account that he's a joint owner on or whatever from when i got it set up when i was 16, even when i stopped actively putting money in it, so now any time it gets its automated $1 transfer from my checking account, he'll just take that $1 without consulting me. i'm not exaggerating, even if it has $1-2 in it, it'll be gone within a week
i've even put off starting on testosterone because of this. i wanted to start it like 3 years ago, but kept putting it off because of money issues and wanting to save as much as possible. i got really close to actually starting it this year, but because of how messy everything is, i put it off again bc having one more thing on my plate, especially when my parents are already weird about me being trans, was not something i wanted to deal with
not to mention, we're still currently not living under a lease in our house that we're, as far as i'm aware, still tens of thousands of dollars behind in rent on (again, my dad refuses to disclose our financial position honestly with any of us) and it's developed many, many issues bc the landlord, even before we were behind on rent, is shit and refuses to actually fix anything. and my dad loves to just ignore things unless we beg him to do something
i'd love to be on my own (in the, much more affordable, midwest) by the end of summer. i by no means want to rely on donations and i have other avenues i'm working with to make money (i still have my current full time job, but i'm going through my old belongings and selling a lot online), but i'll take any help i can get atp because i'm truly at my wits end. i'd start doing art commissions again if i could, but doing that from 2020-2022, partially on top of my full time job, absolutely wrecked my right hand and i'm still in enough pain that i can't make it a regular activity
idk how much else there is to say. there's more i could say but... i don't really wanna air all my dirty laundry here. i'm miserable in so many ways and it's just become increasingly clear that my dad expects me to constantly cover his ass. my younger brother gives money too, but he manages to go on big cross-country and overseas trips with friends, so i think i've been stuck with the burden of giving the most money. there's so many more things going on in the world rn and everyone is stretched thin so i don't expect much, or anything, but. idk. might as well throw it out there, right?
i’ve also since taken down the gfm i set up last year when we got our first eviction notice bc, while we still need the money, i don’t feel right keeping it up for multiple reasons, including “i don’t want to give any of that money to my family” and it feels too… serious to keep it up when i could just throw out my kofi instead
i just want to make sure i have some sort of safety net to catch me if i move before anything job-wise is finalized. i need to be able to afford a place to live for at least a month so i can job-search while physically being in the area i wanna move to, which would ultimately make it easier for me to find a job at all. i'm working on being more firm with giving less money so i can actually have the means to move and be safe and comfortable, but... that never lasts long in this house
anyway. that's it, i guess. thanks for reading
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midnight-in-town · 22 days
I remember that one panel from that boat trip of Kuroshitsuji from the twins flashbacks where one of the twins, possibly real Ciel looked quite upset or something when our Ciel was coughing and Rachel said that our Ciel can't go to the boat trip. Could it be that real Ciel was upset about how our Ciel won't be going (but I also remember that Rachel as well didn't want to go that trip & cancel it due to our ciel's sickness & I also remember how real Ciel excitedly went to the trip when it wasn't cancelled finally, so it couldn't be that he was upset about our Ciel being absent right?) so was real Ciel upset about our Ciel being absent or was he just upset because he felt like Our Ciel was being a burden and nuisance for being sick at a time like that (talking about the trip day) again? Thoughts?
Hey Anon ! Do you mean this scene ?
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Well, I have an explanation, but I doubt it's what you're expecting. ;)
In my opinion, this scene is actually maybe more understandable if you consider the Munchausen by proxy theory [x][x], on top of the RCMT.
Basically, both theories emphasize that 1) real!Ciel was pathologically obsessed with our!Ciel and wanted him to "stay by his side forever", leading to 2) real!Ciel trying to control our!Ciel, maybe even going as far as to more or less poison him, so that our!Ciel would have to let his twin take care of him, becoming very thankful to him, thus furthering their bond (in real!Ciel's mind).
Want a proof that this theory is likely ? In ch138, Ciel realized, after that one month of abduction and torture, that he didn't get sick at all, despite living in terribly harsh conditions (cold, lack of food, physical and emotional abuse, etc).
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And the one big element missing from that awful month compared to their peaceful days at home ? It's real!Ciel "taking care" of him, bringing him tea and food for his health.
Don't get me wrong, with the circus arc, we know that our!Ciel definitely had a weaker constitution that he inherited from Rachel. However, he was also probably chronically poisoned by his older brother on the side, which is why he definitely got better from the moment real!Ciel was not able to bring him food and beverages anymore.
Let's rewind back about that scene you were asking about from ch131, now : Rachel and our!Ciel were sick, so Vincent and real!Ciel, with Diedrich, cooked food for them.
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Then later during the night, our!Ciel was couching, so real!Ciel brought him milk.
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The following day, our!Ciel's fever was not that bad but his cough was terrible so Rachel forbade him to go boating -> how s w e e t ! more time and occasion for real!Ciel to "take care of his little brother", nurturing that special bond between them, because they're made to be "together forever". Except...
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our!Ciel acted selflessly, as it is a great quality of his [x] [x] [x], and insisted the family went to enjoy a day outside, since Rachel was doing okay, while he spent the day with Tanaka.
TL;DR In this scene, I think real!Ciel expected Rachel to say our!Ciel wouldn't be able to go boating, since he's the one who triggered the coughing, leading him to spend the day taking care of his little brother yet again (in other words, controlling him), except that he didn't consider our!Ciel would strongly insist for the family to go without him.
I told you it might not be what you expected as an answer. :) I, for one, am quite convinced that real!Ciel had a pathological behavior since childhood, that is ten times amplified now that he's a bizarre doll.
Have a good day Anon!
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blorbologist · 2 months
for the unpopular opinions asks
:DD Thank you! You get Percy rambles because that's where the brain goes past midnight <3
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
Very, very quietly: my yearly reminder to everyone that Percy knew what he was doing when he invented Gun. The entire character concept, per Taliesin, is 'what the fuck could motivate someone to make something this awful'. He did not invent Gun to free Whitestone, he did not invent Gun to rid the world of terrible evil, he invented Gun because he was a terrified and hurt and furious teenager who did not care what consequences there were to his actions so long as he maybe, possibly, might be able to kill some of the people responsible for his family's deaths. Once it does hit him that he will have to live with the consequences, that others will live with this same pain because of the havoc firearms can sow, he definitely feels awful! And wants to undo it as best he can! But it remains that he was a deeply selfish character.
And still is! No Mercy Percy is a fun meme and all, but he really leans into a lot of needless cruelty when he's scrambling for control. Which pops up again even after the Briarwoods arc is all done with - he is absolutely furious at Scanlan and some of what he mildly brings up to Vex is horrifying shit to say you'd do to a friend.
Anyways he's perfectly in character in C3 and I will die on this hill. And get raised as an undead by Delilah because PERCY WAS FUCKING RIGHT ABOUT THE WHOLE THING -
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
OK, so I know we (by we I mean me) all love to point at Percy and go 'this man is autistic please let him infodump about the Feywild/clocks/engineering stupid dragon traps'. But there is a really good reason why everyone was shocked by his backstory reveal in C1, and why he's got so few lines in the first two episodes of TLOVM, and that's because he's pretty fucking quiet. And it's something I didn't fully appreciate until recently, so it's really understandable how often it trips people up!
The main thing is that while Lord de Rolo is usually a man of few words, those words are fucking bangers. While a lot of Vax's famous lines tend to be part of a long Shakespearian ramble (which I love), Percy, as a Taliesin character, is a master of the one-liner. Which tends to get over-represented in our memory compared to how often he says very little at all!
Percy often gets wordy when he has a space to do so (a debate with Keyleth, a bit of Whitestone lore Taliesin wants to yell about, nerding out with Tary who is importantly nerding out right back)... and when he's talking to Vex. God he will not shut up when he's one-on-one with Vex. In his conversations with other characters (Vax and Keyleth namely) he usually keeps his input short unless he's doing some arguing. But with Vex? Just won't stop.
So while I do think infodumping can be compliant with canon Percy, he needs to either be doing it in tandem with someone else (he and Keyleth or Tary being little weirdos), he has to have a solid excuse to indulge in it and feel justified, or he and Vex are alone. (Cass can probably get him to infodump, but given her nature as an NPC there isn't much textual evidence alas.)
Ask me about my unpopular opinions!
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AITA for going on a trip with one of my best friends without telling my other one?
Basically, my friend group is a trio (all 16F) and we have pretty strong relationships in pairs as well as altogether, so leaving someone out has never been an issue. A couple weeks ago, however, my friend B sent me an aesthetic tiktok captioned something along the lines of "POV: you're a passenger princess on a road trip to the mountains in fall". The main reason she sent this to me was because she has her license but I don't, so I often end up hitching a ride from her (her passenger seat is pretty much just my seat by now). I half-jokingly suggested that we make the tiktok a reality, in the way you do when you want to make extravagant plans with someone, even though they realistically won't happen.
I'm in pretty big trouble with my mom right now, so I haven't been able to hang out with my friends in a few months without lying and saying it was a study session. Because of that, I'd just assumed she'd say no and these plans would die out. Despite that, B and I entertained our delusions a little bit and made a vague plan of the whole trip. Her parents said yes, so it really just came down to my mom. The plans started looking more and more possible, and we started getting more invested in it, and even started mentioning it to a few teachers when prompted.
The problem really came when the larger friend group was talking about weekend plans at lunch the other day. B asked a vague question about driving up mountains, which was when we both realized that our joking plans had become a little too real and didn't include our other best friend, M. Why not just bring her along, you ask? Because it's illegal, and I like not being in jail. B only has her provisional license, meaning she can only drive 1 person that's not family (that person being me). The trip was only going to be a day long, and was supposed to be a chance for the two of us to get away from our families and just enjoy some alone time with nature and each other, but now it's making me feel really guilty. We still haven't told M.
I asked my mom, fully expecting a "no, go do your homework", but she said yes? On the condition that I spend the entire rest of the week doing homework, but it was still a yes, which I barely get from her nowadays. I don't want to purposefully exclude M because I love her so much, but I don't want to waste this chance to get out of my house. I know that if M found out, she'd be really hurt, so we're planning on just not mentioning the trip to any of our friends (B already mentioned it and the whole group knows she's going to the mountains, so currently the plan is to just have B post photos without me in them and have me be completely silent about it).
Even though I'm not doing it maliciously, I know that it's still exclusionary and I'm worried that I'm falling into the typical high school girl stereotype by making plans behind my friend's back. So, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Will- Trying For A Baby/Finding Out
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Since our trip to Disney we have spoken about having a baby and trying for a baby, however nothing seemed to happen, but I had just come off the pill so I wasn't worried. Then during our honeymoon I got sick
"I brought you up a bread roll. You think you'll be able to eat that?" Will asks walking into our room. The last 2 days I've been staying in bed throwing up a lot
"I'll try it. Maybe I've got heatstroke or a bug" I take the bread roll from Will and start to pick at it
"Have you been able to keep any water down?"
"Yeah it's just when I've eaten"
"Ok just try to eat that roll. I'm going to go on the hunt for some antisickness tablets"
"Thanks" Will kisses my head and leaves the room.
An hour later Will walks back in with a small bag
"Did you manage to keep that roll down?"
"Yeah. I actually feel a little better. Maybe I just need to live off bread rolls" I chuckle as Will gets into bed with me "I'm sorry this isn't the honeymoon you had in mind"
"That's ok because I think I know what's wrong" I frown looking confused. Will then pulls out a pregnancy test box
"Wait you think...." I take the box from him
"Possibly. You've been throwing up two days also I have noticed your breasts have grown a little and the lack of a period last month. Look we won't know for sure until we get home and get a blood test done, but this is the next best thing for now"
"Ok then" I get out of the bed and head to the bathroom "are you coming?" I ask Will who smiles and practically runs to me.
I take the test and wait for the 5 minutes. I've been pregnant before I should know the symptoms, not only that Will and I haven't been carful since before the wedding.
5 minutes is up and we look at the test. Positive
"We're having a baby" I smile excitedly and wrap my arms around Will
"We're going to be parents" Will says into my hair
"Is it bad I'm more excited to leave our honeymoon and go home to tell Ella?" I chuckle wiping the tears in my eyes
"Not at all. She's so excited to be a big sister. I think we should do something for her. Like get her a cake or something"
"I like that idea. We've just got to keep it a secret until then. Ella is a mini Jay and will figure it out"
"At least we're not home then. She'd find out immediately"
That night I manage to eat another bread roll. Will and I cuddle under the covers of the bed. His hand keeps rubbing my not flat stomach because I haven't had that since I was a teen, but there's also not a baby bump there just yet
"I can't wait do go through this with you"
"Even when I go in labour and I might crush your hand because that's no walk in the park"
"Yes even then because I love you"
"I love you to"
"And about you ruining our honeymoon. You haven't in the slightest. This is the best honeymoon I could of imagined" Will kisses my head and we both fall asleep in each others arms.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 6 months
1. did father-in-law!jungkook desire oc even before he slept with her for the first time? he didn't agree to his son and oc's marriage immediately, but when he slept with her, he mentioned that he had been thinking about them together for a long time? did their infertility struggles make it easier for him to get to her?
2. would it be worse for oc if she lived with her in-laws, in the sense that jungkook would provoke her even more, possibly be even more daring by subtly rubbing his bulge against her ass knowing that they could get caught, cause their so's are in the house? i feel like it would've opened a whole new gate to their affair, probably more sex? risky sex too?
I answered quite a few of your questions from the first part in Ask 4 so for sure check that one out if you haven't already and be sure to send another ask if you have any follow up questions hehe
For the second one why don't I let them speak for themselves...
I stand up as tall as I can, trying to get the pitcher on the top shelf so I can make some lemonade for us all but before I'm able to reach it I feel someone pressed up against my back and see a hand reaching up and grabbing it for me with ease. 
"Thanks Honey!" I say lovingly and feel a hand snake around my waist making me lean into him. "You're welcome angel" I hear whispered in my ear and I freeze up at the voice before turning around and shoving him off.
"Jungkook what the fuck?" I ask, trying to keep my voice down so I don't alert Mrs. Jeon in the other room. "What? I just wanted to help you. You're the one who leaned back into me" he says coming back towards me and placing a hand on my waist but I push him off again before he can get any closer. 
"Are you fucking kidding me? You're really getting hard right now just from that?" I say taking note of the growing bulge in his pants. I try to walk out of the kitchen after seeing that but Jungkook grabs my wrist keeping me here. "I'm not done talking to you love" he says taunting me. "Well I'm done talking to you" I say trying to slip my hand out of his grasp but he grabs on tighter and pull me back.
"I have a proposition for you" he says rubbing circles on the inside of my wrist to soothe the pain that he caused. "Last time you propositioned me was when I got myself into this mess with you so whatever it is the answer is no" I say and he stops my continued efforts of trying to get away from him because he knows no matter what I won't cause a scene. Especially not in my own house. 
"I was wondering, since my son is gone for a majority of the year with all of the trips I'm having to send him on wouldn't it be easier for you and the children were to stay with us when he's gone? In fact you could probably consider moving in since 'Grandma' would be there most of the time to help" he asks while looking at me over the rim of his glass. 
"Never. Gonna. Happen. My children and I-" he raises a brow at me leaving me take a quick glance around before complying. "Our children and I need our own space and I do not want to impose on Mrs. Jeon. Plus I want to stay as far away from you as possible at all times so why would I subject myself to that kind of torture?" I say, surprised that he would eve think it would be something I would consider.
"The nanny is perfectly capable if lending me a helping hand so I won't need your help to that extent. Both of you are welcome to come see the children but I would prefer if you were to both come together since your random visits have made me very uncomfortable" I say hoping he'll hear me out and alter his behavior. 
"It's cute that you think we would do something like that love. My wife and I only go to places together when absolutely required like say when we're at formal events. This simple family time that I would like to have isn't going to be one of those cases. So I guess that means I'm still welcome to come" he says knowing that he would anyway even if I were to say no. 
"Just show some common courtesy and text me before you come over" I ask hoping that he'll at least start doing that. "Mmm I will if I feel like it but no promises" he say tapping twice under my chin and walking away. 
'Just when I thought he couldn't get anymore crazy he tries to get me to do that? Un fucking believable'. 
"Hey honey did you need any help in here?" Mrs. Jeon asks, making her way into the kitchen after I had been cutting up some lemons for a few minutes after Jungkook had left. "No that's okay don't worry about it. I got it" I say and start using the juicer to get us some fresh lemonade but she insists nonetheless. 
"The children have been asking for you outside so why don't you let me take this over" she insists again. "Oh yeah then I guess if you don't mind" I say wiping my hands on a towel, not wanting her to get suspicious of my determination in declining her help since she had a good reason to come and take over. 
"Of course not! I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want to sweetie" she says laughing and sending me on my way. I look back at her after I've taken a few step and just watch as she starts putting all the ingredients together. 
She's such a beautiful and kind person so I don't know why Jungkook would ever want to cheat on someone like her. Then again nothing that he does seems to make any sense. She's too good for him and it's sad to see her locked into the clearly loveless marriage they're in. 
"Mommy, mommy come on! I want to show you the drawings I did with the sidewalk chalk that grandpa got me!" my daughter says, tugging on my skirt. "Alright love I'm coming" I say, smiling down at her and laugh as she drags me outside when I'm not going fast enough. 
Hope that answered your questions 🥰
Taglist: @jkslipppiercing @trina864 @kaitieskidmore97 @goddesofimortality @coolbluedude @00frenchfries00 @bangtans-momma @coralmusicblaze @pastelpinkjoon @joonwater @marvelbun @j3nni-rs @evidive @beomieboi @forevrglow @jesssssmaybankk @teugiie @chaconnelatte @whoa-jo @snehal @xumyboo @mindurbuzznezz @diorh0seokie @hehurst23 @caro134340lina @ye0nvibezzn @olimpiiaa @hrtsj1m @junecat18 @ellesalazar @babycandy111 @felixz4life @lively-potter @esther-kpopstan @gyukookswhore @iveivory
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suddenlybambi · 1 year
as long as you stay here [14] ♥ kyle broflovski
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pairing : kyle broflovski x reader
college AU - 18+
tags : strangers to friends to lovers, slow burn, fluff, angst, alcohol, afab reader, she/her pronouns, eventual smut
words : 2.2k
chapter 14
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a/n - hot lord okay this is the last pre-written chapter... from here on out I will be writing and posting with nothing saved as backup which is terrifying to me 😭
I hope to keep updates as regular as possible, just won't be able to keep up the every day streak I had going 💕
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“Are you sure you’re okay with being here?” Y/N asked for what was probably the 17th time in the 10 minutes they had been sitting outside of her mother’s house in Kyle’s car, waiting for the strength to go in. Sheila had sent them off with snacks for the trip and left Y/N with the contact details for everyone in the Broflovski family and added her to a new family group chat. She was officially inducted as one of them. It was bittersweet to have to leave them to see her real mother.
“I’m okay… are you?” Kyle sighed, looking over as Y/N sat there, staring ahead with a distant look. “Do you want me to do the talking?” He offered.
“No, I need to do this myself…” She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and straightened her back. “Come on, before I chicken out again.”
As they walked to the front door, Y/N grabbed Kyle’s hand, holding it tight. He squeezed hers back quickly to try and encourage her further as she hesitantly rang the doorbell. They waited for what felt like forever, but finally, the door swung open to reveal a woman with her hair messily tied back and a scowl that, judging by the lines on her face, was a permanently etched feature. 
“Mother,” It was only one word, but Kyle had never heard Y/N’s voice in such a dull and emotionless tone. Her words were usually full of warmth, but this was cold and sent a chill down his spine. It was as though she had flipped a switch inside her that turned off her personality.
“Took you long enough,” The woman had a slightly southern drawl as she spoke. Kyle couldn’t quite place down where it originated from. She didn’t say anything else as she stepped aside and lazily waved her arm to usher them in. 
��I’m collecting Henry’s shit for him,” Y/N announced as she walked through the crowded hall full of cardboard moving boxes. “I assume it’s all still in our room?”
“Ain’t touched a thing,” Y/N’s mother waved her arm. “I’ll be in the kitchen. Don’t talk to me.” She walked off, and Kyle’s eyes followed her, burning with rage. How could a parent talk to their child in such a way? 
As he followed Y/N around a corner, his eyes caught a display case at the end of the hallway. It was full to the brim of trophies and ribbons. The walls were littered with pictures of a young girl dressed in glittery outfits and far too much makeup for someone so young. Despite all of that, he recognised her eyes. The little girl was Y/N.
“You won all of these?” His mouth was slightly agape as he tried to read some of the engravings on the trophies. “Bean Queen 2013?” 
“Bean Queen 2011 and 2012, too,” She corrected, pointing at the adjacent trophies. “Henry still calls me that. Used to have to sit on a float in a parade surrounded by green beans while singing a song about a bountiful harvest. It was humiliating.”
“Are we packing up all of these?” He asked, gesturing at the awards and pictures.
“God no,” Y/N scoffed, shaking her head. “They may have my name on them, but they’re not mine. They’re all her’s.” He understood the implications immediately. She didn’t want them. She never wanted them. She only won them for her mom. “Let’s see what state this shithole is in.”
Y/N pushed open a door at the end of the hall. A room with a divider in the form of a curtain splitting it in two came into view. One half was covered in pink; the other was a dark grey. It was quite a stark contrast.
“It’s a four-bedroom house, but she turned one bedroom into a dance studio, one into a home gym, and kept one for herself, so Henry and I had to share a room,” She explained as Kyle looked around. “We’ll get Henry’s stuff over and done with first. That way, I can only pack what I really need of mine, depending on what fits.”
“We’re not leaving behind things if they don’t fit in the car,” Kyle immediately refused. “We’ll make two trips if we need to.”
“I have to consider what will fit in my apartment, though. You’ve seen the space I have,” She sighed, grabbing a box from Henry’s side of the room. His stuff was mostly packed up from when he had last been at home. She just needed to make sure the bits that Henry had highlighted as important were definitely there. “I mean, you’ve seen it, I can barely fit what I already have in my room as it is, and I have no idea when he’ll stop by and collect his stuff. I’ll probably have it for years, knowing him. Asshole never visits me. Why am I even helping him?” Despite her complaints, she didn’t stop.
“What about Wendy’s old room?” Kyle suggested. “It’s mostly empty, right?”
“Bebe has been talking about getting another roommate, one of her friends from class,” She held up some hockey boots, smiling briefly at them and putting them back in the box. “Really, we could do with the extra money for rent. Even with Clyde, we’re struggling. It would be nice to actually fix the stove and cook a proper meal again.” Kyle sat down next to her, opening another box to check the list of items Y/N had placed on the floor for reference.
“My room at home is unused,” He pointed out. “You saw it. My parents hadn’t touched it since I left. We can store things there.”
“I can’t just ask you-” She tried to protest, but he cut her off.
“We’ll figure this out,” He told her firmly. “I promise.”
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“That’s everything of Henry’s,” Y/N groaned, stretching as the final box of Henry’s was jammed into Kyle’s trunk. The back seats were reserved for Y/N’s things, which were next on the list. However, it was 9pm, and they were exhausted and hungry. “I doubt she’s prepared food for us, and I don’t really want to talk to her… Wanna go to my old favourite takeout spot?”
“Sounds good!” Kyle nodded with a smile, happy that he would be able to get another little glimpse into Y/N’s life before he met her. “Should I start the car?”
“It’s only a 5-minute walk,” She shrugged. “I never hung out anywhere that I couldn’t walk to within 15 minutes because everyone who could drive was always too drunk to.”
“Lead the way,” He was slightly shocked when she looped her arm with his and started walking together. “What takeout is it?”
“You’ll have to bare with me because it sounds strange,” She laughed a little as she spoke. “It’s soup in a cup. They give you this giant cup bowl thing if you’re eating in, and it's just a big papery-plastic cup for takeout, but it is so good. They have bread that they bake themselves too, and it is just… pure perfection. Real comfort food.”
They walked and discussed the various options for five minutes until Y/N finally stopped in front of a small restaurant called ‘Coup de Soup’ where the U’s looked like little cups with steam coming out of them. Looking through the window, Kyle could see that there were a couple of small tables. Two of them were taken, but there was a free one where they could sit.
“No fucking way!” Y/N gasped, dragging Kyle through the door before he could process what was happening. “Who left you in charge of this place?” She spoke to the person working behind the counter, whose eyes widened in realisation.
“Well, look at what the cat dragged in!” They hopped over the counter. Y/N let go of Kyle’s arm as she was wrapped in a hug. “God, I missed you! What brings you back to town?... And who is your friend?”
“Mom bullshit,” Y/N didn’t elaborate more, but based on the expression on the other person’s face, they understood perfectly well. “Leaf, this is my friend Kyle! Kyle, this is Leaf, my best friend from high school.”
“Demoted to a best friend?” Leaf held a hand to their chest in mock hurt. “That’s rough.”
“We were technically only friends,” Y/N pointed out, sitting down at the spare table and motioning for Kyle to sit opposite as he watched the interaction. “Beneficial friends, but still just friends.” He tried desperately to suppress the jealousy that bubbled up in his chest. Y/N wasn’t his to be jealous over. Whoever she had or still did interact with on an intimate level was none of his business.
“So Kyle, are you a ‘beneficial friend’, as Y/N put it?” Leaf leaned on the table with a grin, looking at him. Their green hair barely poked out of the beanie they were wearing, which Kyle considered an odd choice with the rest of their uniform but didn’t care enough to point out.
“Just… regular friend,” Kyle mumbled, feeling more than a little awkward. He hoped his cheeks hadn’t turned pink, but he felt a little hotter than usual under the questioning.
“Kyle is the one I told you about,” Y/N added. Kyle couldn’t read the facial expressions that were passed between the two, but it was as though they were having an entire wordless conversation. He couldn’t help but feel out of the loop.
“Of course!” Leaf nodded, realisation dawning on their face. “Well, Kyle, it is great to meet you. Can I get you two anything?”
“Usual for me, please,” Y/N requested, looking over at Kyle. “How about you?”
“Oh, I’ll uh… Same for me, please?” He felt nervous and out of place. He wasn’t sure what Y/N’s usual was but hoped it would be something he could eat.
“On it!” Leaf winked at Y/N, who smiled back as they disappeared behind the counter to prepare the food.
“Are you okay?” Y/N suddenly turned her attention to Kyle, immediately picking up on his discomfort but not understanding why. “Do you need to step outside for some air? It’s a bit hot in here.”
“No, I’m… I’m fine,” Kyle put on his best convincing smile, hoping it would do the trick. She didn’t believe him but didn’t want to prompt any further discomfort by pushing him to tell her what was wrong. “What did you say about me to your friend?” It took a moment for it to register that he was referencing earlier when Y/N said that Kyle was the one she had told Leaf about.
“I told them the truth,” She shrugged, looking over at them while they bopped to the quiet music playing over the radio as they cut the bread into slices. “That you had taken their place as my favourite person.”
“What?” Kyle’s eyes widened a little as the words hit him. “I’m your favourite person?”
“Of course!” She smiled as though it were completely obvious. Before Kyle had the chance to respond, Leaf returned with two giant mugs of soup and a plate of the fluffiest bread Kyle had ever seen. “Thank you, Leaf!”
“No worries, babe,” Leaf blew her a kiss, which she jokingly caught and mimed, putting in her bra. Y/N turned to the table and started devouring the soup and bread as though it were her last meal. Kyle was about to do the same, but he was startled by Leaf whispering to him. “Treat her well.”
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“You’ve done that before, haven’t you?” Kyle watched as Y/N shimmied her own bedroom window open. Her mom had locked them out while there were gone, which she had predicted would happen as they were walking home.
“Baby, I used the door more today than in my entire time living here,” The pet name caused Kyle to completely freeze up. He couldn’t move or breathe. It went straight to his heart. “Got it!” She cheered as the window popped open. “After you, good sir.” She grinned, waving her arm to usher him in through the window.
“Why, thank you!” Kyle played along once he had gotten a grip on his racing heartbeat. He awkwardly climbed in through the window, landing on Y/N’s childhood bed. She followed suit, landing on top of him. “Sorry, I didn’t move in time.”
“It’s fine! You broke my fall more than the bed usually does!” She laughed, not making any attempt of moving. “In fact, you’re much more comfy than my bed. I think I’ll stay like this.” There was no way for Kyle to hide how flustered he was by the position. She was lying on top of him, head nuzzled against his chest, legs and arms wrapped around him. When she didn’t move except to kick her shoes off, he realised she wasn’t joking.
“You’re actually staying like this?” He asked, slightly nervously. It wasn’t uncomfortable, at least not in the physical sense. He was paranoid he would do something wrong in his sleep, somehow throw her off of him. Or worse, wake up with morning wood.
“Are you okay with that?” She yawned, already closing her eyes. Despite the flood of bad things that could happen if they stayed like that, Kyle’s mouth moved without hesitation.
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a/n - send me an ask if you would like to be on the taglist for this fic 💕
current taglist - @n0tangeliccc @solana-central @charqing-qing @eiizabeth-torres @hand-writxen💕 @audiliah @cosmicbroenies @himoutolikesjojo @katnipkoffee @desertofdessert @inkedintothepaper @ky-uwu @quackyfae @marwvy @baubub @kiahapologist @novalforfeb @da-extroverted-introvert @welp030 @just-a-blue-nerd @neenieweenie @lacunaanonymoused
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popculturebuffet · 7 months
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye Retrospective: Rememberance Day (Issues 12-16) (Patreon review for Brotoman.Exe)
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Hello all you happy autobots! And welcome back to my long retrospective of Transformers More than Meets The Eye: The greatest comic about robuts in the known universe.
After a long road, a beetle themed detour and tons of tie ins, one shots and other needed stuff, we're FINALLY almost at the end of Season 1 and to help speed things along, Brotoman gave me some extra money to get through Dark Cybertron. That also means we have a pretty baked in schedule through april so here it is: After this review i'll be covering Remain in Light, the season 1 finale, next week. January is a recap of MTMTE's sister series Robot's in disguise. I volunteered for this one as I felt with Dark Cybertron relying heavily on RiD's history, I should reaquaint myself with it.
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We'll then take another break for a Fizzarolli retrospective in Feburary, and then begin dark cybertron in may, with the plan to have it in two or three parts. After that barring any other side trips or what not, it's SEASON 2 BABY, the series best. It also means easing up a bit on the sidetrips: there's still two whole minis to go into and a christmas special but both are shorter and with our two issue schedule the pacing won't be as nettled.
As for the present these two arcs represent MTMTE hitting it's stride: The books always been good and these reviews have been almost two years of gushing. I have ocasional gripes but overal the series is just pure excellence. This is simply the best of the best: all the character and plot setup for the season paying off in the most awesome, heartbreaking and horrifying ways possible. These arcs are great, but I dreaded getting to them as they will rip your heart out of your chest guaranteed.
See while John Roberts built up an impressive cast of characters, almost all from characters' whose history before this could best be described "That one guy over there in the background" or "That transfomer you got at a yard sale that was a bitch to identify", he wasn't afraid to say goodbye to his creations, even the main characters, and got that this story.. needed life and death stakes.
It's how death SHOULD be handled in comic books: not a publicity stunt done half assed and undone in months, not a massacre to "raise stakes", simply when the story calls for someone to die.
So the question to those of you who haven't read it is simple: who dies tonight? Well i'll tell ya'll under the cut.
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Before and After
Admitely these first two issues are less an arc and more two more standalones. As usual for MTMTE these are ripe for setup and Before and After feels like an out and out prelude to Reemergence Day, so the bundling fits.
Before and After has a unique structure, flashing both to the Autobots preparing for a strike on a Decepticon fortress on Sensenica. It's the first real Autbots Vs Decepticon battle we've seen: while there was one in Ratchet's arc, it was more a smokescreen for Pharma and Fort Max took them down quickly and messily.
Here it's an actual battle: a bunch of decepticons who shall remain nameless and largely unimportant to the overall scheme of things have been bleeding organic's dry for energy, so our heroes go down to stop it. For the sake of clarity i'm not going ot be covering the issue as structured as it's a lot.
The good news: our heroes are able to take the fortress, free the organics, save the day. The bad.. is there is a lot of injuries in the process, and that's the real intresting part of this issue: while the battle is neat, I often forget it and it really just kinda comes and goes: what's important.. is the after effect: Swerve, Rewind and Cyclonus were all horribly injured and we don't find out why till the tailend of the issue for the latter two.
For swerve.. he shot himself in the face while trying to figure out his gun while Chromedone and SKids fought a giant dinosaur. This guy is snapdragon and yes I looked him up on the grounds he fought two characters while transformed and apparently bathes in the blood of his enemies when he can't find sludge as he has a senstive butt.
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So while this goes on it's down to Rewind and Tailgate. Tailgate is, allegedlys, a bomb disposal expert, and thus has to take out a bomb hooked to the organics with Rewind's help. Also of note is that Rewind and Chromedome are fighting.
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Rewind is PISSSEEED Chromedome keeps hacking heads, while Chromedome is mad Rewind won't stay out of action. So naturally it's the perfect time for Rewind to go boom as the two little guys simply can't stop it. Rewind stays to mitigate the blast... and Cyclonus tosses Tailgate out taking the blast himself.
The prognosis for both.. isn't good. Rewind is a tiny bot.. and that means it's harder for him to bounce back from this, with Red Alert floating his Spark Jumping idea from his intro arc, a nice call back I honestly forgot about. Of course it'd crop up again and naturally, Chromedome is a spark type match for Rewind.
While Chromedome recovers from it as the process.. isn't exactly plesant. So while he recovers he talks to Tailgate. Chromedome admits when he's told Cyclonus still survivied that it's a shame... though what I like is when Tailgate asks him fi he really meant that.. he admits it.. but also admits he shouldn't of said it to Tailgate and apologizes, admitting thigns are just stressful. Tailgate calls rewind Chromedome's best friend
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That flub aside, Chromedome admits that he's not #1 in his boyfriend's heart.. there's someone else, just above him.
So we get Rewind's backstory which as usual is important for later: Rewind was a member of what was called at the time "The disposable class". There aren't many left and it's easy to see why as the disposables were basically slaves, with Chromedome flat out admitting that's what they'd call them now. It makes him one of the oldest and is why he has a memory stick of all alt modes: he was made for just one purpose and that purpose was being a comically large usb drive.
This changed when Rewind met Dominus Ambus, Scientest, Doctor, Author Explorer and that one ex of your partners you can never live up to. Tailgate for his part says he hates the guy. That's a good friend tailgate.
Anyways Ambus used Rewind as a memory drive but treated him kindly, giving him premium energon instead of the cheap stuff and realizing in the process that the disposables were just autbots and just as sentient as any other, and started campaiging for their rights. He seemed to succeed but trying to find a cure for Cybercocis he and Rewind left to find Luna 1, Cybertron's missing moon because like any missing thing of legend, you just gotta assume it has the cure for anything.
They failed, and what's worse they came back to a planet at war. All hell had broken loose and the two underwent the right of the autobrand.
So cut to years later in the war and Chromedome, already not having the best mental health for his years in psi ops and other traumas, has decided to unalive himself. Which is harder than it sounds for a transformer: their bodies are built to be nigh on indestructable and Chromedome can't really try sucicide by comabat as it'd put others in whatever unit he was in at risk. So instead he went to a relinquishment clinic, with what clinics left offering assisted suicide.
This ends up saving Chromedomes life as he hears a scream.. and it turns out to be Rewind who was checking the bodies. And that, dear readers is the main reason Rewind's on the lost light, the reason for the snuff film footage he got earlier: he's been looking for Dominus anywhere there's bodies in hopes of getting closure with Chromedome along for the ride. Dome assumes that's why he goes into battle.. but Tailgate has a more optimstic take: Rewind loves him and simply wants to be there to support him.
Either way things aren't looking good as it turns out chromedome's spark has a low yield. As he stated earlier he was born dry and thus dosen't hae a lot of ennermost energon. Ennermost energon is a brilliant concept: it's the energon closest to a bot's casing, their essence. Being robots, Cybertronians naturally run into a ship of thesus paradox oftne with most of their original parts long gone. The innermost energon is the part of them that's always there, the one part that, along with the spark itself, will always be then
So as a gesture of love when someone is dying, possibly may survivie may likely not, a bot puts a portion by them. Tailgate hearing this.. decides to do the same for Cyclonus. This being Cyclonus he's not only not quite dead, but an asshole about it, saying he dosen't care about tailgate they don't have a bond, etc... but in a touching moment instead of keeping up his abuse of the poor guy after smashing the jar.. he goes to help him pick it up. Despite trying to distance himself, despite trying to push Tailgate away.. they have a bond. And he can't deny that.. I mean he will, it's Cyclonus, he has the emotoinal maturity of a very angry stump, but he's at least TRYING to not be as closed off.
As for Chromedome he's not doin so hot and in his lowest moment a mysterious voice says something VERY prowl like: the decpitcons are still a threat and this proves it and there's something Chromedome can do to help. He wants to show him something in the basement.
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Thankfully Rewind's alive, and of all people it was whirl who donated.. and whose uncharcatristically nice. It's almost as if he's hiding something and.. yup as we find out in the final pages turns out he locked the door to attempted murder cyclonus and Rewind got caught in it.
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Cybertronian Homesick Blues
CHB is a fun issue, what SEEMS to just be some fun shenanigans and an excuse to make human forms for the cast.
So Mags is wound tighter than usual, having thrown several people, Swereve included in the brig for general nonsense.. which as Rodimus notes is all kinds of fucked up. I mean it'd usually just be two or three kinds, but they have dangerous criminals down there now along with Fort Max, who is dangerous but isn't out to hurt anybody anymore, so he's not exactly going to prison shank anyone.
Rodimus can see a problem coming and decides to help: the Lost Light's approaching Hedonia, a vacation planet ala Risa from Star Trek, but saying the quiet part loud. He asks Swerve to take him to relax, threatning the bar if he dosen't, and Swerve to his credit genuinely tries to bond with Ultra Magnus, bringing most of his close friends to help with the task: Rewind, Rung, Skids, Tailgate and Whirl. Whirl isn't exactly a close friend but you try telling Whirl he can't come and see how many limbs you have left.
Due to anti robot prejudice , our heroes can't enter EVERY section so they set up Holomatter Avatars to go into those sections and drink it up, having disabled Mags DiD chip. Said chip keeps fuel from hitting transformers at full impact, i.e. keeping them from getting plastered unless they WANT to get plastered.
Naturally as you can imagine Mags is going through something and is thus a pretty depressed/angry drunk and has a full on breakdown
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It's very obvious that Ultra Magnus.. is having a crisis of faith. His whole point is to be unflinching unchanging and as seen in the Annual the idea of NOT being that is propsterous to him.. and now we see that even with his acceptance in that story.. ti's not easy. Change.. often involves a lot of backsliding first. Personal growth is not easy, take it from me, so naturally the idea of being more than the tight ass he's SUPPOSED to be is tearing the poor bot apart. He also takes it out on swerve saying people like him because he's funny and that he's shirking his responsibliteis iwth the bar plan, not beliving Swerve's half hearted defense of it... causing the little guy to open up.
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It's a deeply painful sentence.. and one that's all too damn relatable. I often feel this way wondering if people like me for anlysizing shit and being mildly amusing or for me.
MOst of the rest of the issue is holomatter hyjinks, as our heroes are forced to cary Magnus, who accidently drank something REALLY strong across a human section in their disguises. The disguises.. are really neat, with special note to Tailgate as a baby, Rung's neat hat, Whirl as a murder child and my faviorite, Magnus.. using Verity's likeness. A nice little nod, make sme hope the two do actually meet again.
At any rate our heroes succeed, but we have some important story stuff before we move on to the main event: first I forgot how the story really started.. with Drift busting in to stop Cyclonus from.. singing. Turns out no one was in danger, it was just ancient cybertronian and beautiful, with Rewind recording it.. only to be hastily shouted to get out.
While this seems lke Standard cyclonus.. he was covering. Turns out Tailgate's stories about being in the primal vanguard, being important, all his big puffed up stories are a lie. He wasn't even bomb disposal, he's WASTE disposal, he was just able to bluff himself through the bomb just enough. It's all a lie. Yet it wasn't to feel special or anything.. it's for much more tragic, entirely understandable reasons.
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It's a painful moment.. and an understandable one. He should've been found easily.. but got lost for CENTURIES.. and no one cared. No one noticed. It's not hard to see why the little guy didn't want to admit that. While cyclonus is right Tailgate can't keep lying forever.. he sees why he started it and sees that Tailgate might be the ONLY person who understands his pain, the only person who knows what it's like to wake up in a world that just left you behind and dosen't seem to have a place for you. So he teaches Tailgate how to sing cybertronian.
And from that heartwearming moment.. more depression as this issue was Swerve trying to commuincate with Blur.. only it turns out like Tailgate that was a lie. The two never knew each other, swerve only met him once with a plan and the bar is sipmly.. trying to fill the space with something. He also offers Ultra Mags to be roomy.. but Mags coldly shoots him down, saying their not friends. It's a pretty solemn ending to what SEEMED to be a wacky one off... and it's only going to get worse from here.
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Rememberance Day:
We begin wtih the story of Overlord's birth. Two hapless minors find his, call it in and their superior calls for someone to come down. That someone is Three of Twelve, one of the functionist council, a loose council that preached functionism, aka alt mode dictates class, the kind of prick Dominus Ambus was rallying against. These guys will be important next season but for now he's just here to point out how important that is, give the guy who called it in an award and tell the miners they have 6 hours to live from the radation.
Overlord is a point one percenter. A point one percenter is a green spark found in the tiniest fraction of the cybertronian population. Said sparks are treasured and their wielders are often the toughest, most nigh unstoppable bots out there. It's why Overlord is such a juggernaught and why it took so much to bring him down on Garrus 9, as well as a retroactive reason why the deceiptcons he had under his boot didn't just revolt. Other phase sixers for scale include Fortress Maximus, Ultra Magnus, Optimus Prime, Megatron, Scorponok, Shockwave, Tarn, Roller and of course, He, Grimlock, with Megatron weaponziing this fact, hence why so much of this list is purple.
We then cut to the finale of Last Stand of the Wreckers, just before overlord went boom.. and find an univitied guest; Chromedome. Turns out he's been going into Overlord's mind looking for something, and makes the fatal mistake of telling him about it, mostly becaues he needs to rummage. Overlord is a Phase Sixer, what Megatron would call in to finish off a planet along with most of those guys mentioned. As a result the only person whose really easlily pummled overlord.. is Megatron himself.
After a few more cups of punch to the face we find what Chromedome's after: the memory of Overlord's true birth. He was put in Megatron's fucked up super solider program, using a very unstable very rare Ununtrium, the same stuff used to make Sixshot. While Rossum, the tech and likely the person responsible for naming Rossum's trinity, pumps him full of goo. Megatron isn't AS suicidal as he sounds doing this sort of supervillian origin story, having had SHockwave throw in a killswitch. Overlord awakens.. and takes after his new dad, smashing Rossum's head as his first act of new life.
This seems to be the end: Rossum warned during the procedure the heat could kill him and the substance itself could kill Megatron: While he's currently assumed dead by the crew, Chromedome is sure he'll come back.. and is right as he returned towards the end of RiD season 1 and plays a key part in both Dark Cybertron and this series from Season 2 onward.
Then.. things take a turn. Overlord remembers where he met Chromedome before: the New Institute. Turns out Chromedome was a brainwasher, with Zeta Prime redubbing the insittute.. but not really changing it and using it for the same brainwashing. Overlord broke in in the early days of the decepticons and stole Trepan, who we met in Shadowplay.
And that theft is WHY Overlord now has taken control of the situation and is going into Chromedome's memories instead: turns out Overlord tried to dabble in mnemosurgery, thinking he could use it against shockwave and undue the killswitches. Megatron isn't stupid though and the second he got wind of what was going on killed Trepan. So while Overlord can't hack int oa mind, he learned enough to take it over, not helped by the fact that Chromedome is scared shitless of the guy , as anyone would be and despite his attempts to hide it, overlord easily picked it up.
So we instead go back to the day of loading.. and a conversation we hadn't seen. In a twist i'd honestly forgot but is entirley brilliant.. Prowl had already MET with Chromedome... and it was about Overlord. As for why he's in tact, Bumblebee has mercy and didn't want to abuse POW's, so he rebuilt the body.
Prowl's intrest is in making their OWN phase sixers: while most Autobots, Chromedome included, assumed they were just freak accidents of nature, Prowl is right about something for once: there's so many that are decipticon, WHY is that. So he wants to find out why, and wnats Chromedome to do it despite being a MASSIVE risk.
Chromedome, as you'd expect tells Prowl to go fuck himself in the poltest manner possible: the war's over, this really isn't necessary, and Rewind really woudlnt' want him doing this. Prowl then enters peak dickhead.. and for once actually suffers for it.
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It's a horrible act that has legit consequences over in RID, leaving Prowl free to be brainwashed. Yet.. it's hard to feel too bad as Prowl was trying to blackmail his ex to do something highly shady and ENTIRELY not approved by the rest of Autobot High Command, something that would've likely destroyed Cromedome's relationship anyway. So it's a bad act.. but it's on a deserving victim and seeing Prowl crying no as he's abotu to be brainjacked is just.. so satisfying.
We then finally get the face behind this conspiracy: Drift. The last person you'd expect as he takes Chromedome to talk to Brainstorm. Brainstorm made the cell and is in on it.. but unlike Drift knows what a stupid idea this was, calling it project: total insanity and project :end in tears. Both accurate. The only people who know about this , as far as Drift says, are in this room as Shock and Ore did the loading but as we know both died horribly. Drift is the one who suggested the idea nd brings up the slow cell, Overlord's prison that slows down time for the user.. and that despite his best efforts to stop it, Chromedome's memory shows Overlord how to unlock.
Overlord locks Chromedome in and since, as Overlord figures out, Chromedome did this without anyone else knowing, Overlord now has a lead to go kill people. As he chillingly puts it "Run as fast as you can Chromedome, your already too late".
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Under Cold Blue Stars:
Before we get to the tragedy above.. we have to get to the tragedy bellow: Chromedome escapes.. but thanks to the slow field it's been half an hour... and what he finds...
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Yeah our heroes.. aren't doing so good. It's something that, despite reading this comic twice before this... had never registered; Overlord.. is strong enough to take on the ENTIRE lost light and WIN. It's taking EVERYONE they have just to hold him BACK. It does make perfect sense: not only is overlord a literal monster, able to tank hits he's spent his career wiping out planets and autobots and his last experince before this was months as the horrifiying dark god of his own planet, most of which was a game of "how many ways can I have my minons creatively murder and torture autobots?". Our heroes, despite their ragtag nature on paper, are GOOD, but their in tight quarters trying not to hit each other while overlord would gladly use one of them to smash through the others omniman style if he had a way to. He wants to kill EVERY , LAST, BOT simply as a warmup. He COULD leave to go find megatron, maybe by killing everyone on cybertron and using the bodies to spell out "HI DAD". But he just can't resisit the torture it'd put chromedome through. He's a sadist... while his main motive may be
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He has hobbies.
So you may say to yourself: well, how did we get here, so we go back 30 minutes to the start of this rampage. We see Pipes again, who I honestly forgot existed and whose asking blaster if commuincations are back with Cybertron yet, and since Pipes intended recipient is a friend of Blasters, Blaster goes ahead and forwards it while Whirl, whose naturally there to blow shit up, mocks him.
I didn't think much of this... till Pipes runs into someone.. overlord, who gladly squishes him under his boots with Pipes getting a fairly effective and horrifying death: bleeding out, scrunched to hell.. he uses what little spark he has left for one last push to do the one thing he CAN do to warn everyone else
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It makes me tear up.. and again, I FORGOT THIS GUY EXISTED. Roberts is just that good a writer, taking a character whose last major part in things was back in issues 3 and 4 and then NOTHING, and making you feel gutted the poor guy is dead... using what he had left to warn everybody.
So we then rewind again to where everyone was when the emergency alarm went off:
We start naturally with Rewind, whose worried about Chromedome and came to Brainstorm's lab to talk to him. Swerve's just here to accidently activate a meta bomb that gives him forth wall powers. Or make him thinks he has them, like with Deadpool it's left vauge. Rewind is wondering where his boyfriend is and is suspcious of Brainstorm since CHromey keeps saying Brainstorm's name.. though not in a sexy way but in a screaming it as he wakes up way. Brainstorm for his part, while very good at subterfuge to a point. .blabs about a secret project, wtih Swerve distracting them before the alarm goes off.
Rodimus is having Perciptor, the less fun genius aboard look at the map to the knights of cybertron and after having him dumb it down a few shades we get to the point: the thing can't be copied. This setup with the finale is interupted and we go to Rung, whose gone to Visit Fort Max. Max invited him down.. to apologize, planning to give a speech but realizing that was more for him and admitting the shock, waking up after garrus 9, he was in bad shape and genuinely asks if Rung can forgive him. And Rung.. instantly does. Not only has Rung been around for eons.. but he's a therapist. He spent the whole hostage situation trying to talk max down best he could. He can forgive.
Finally we have Skids wondering why Cyclonus is on the warpath.. thankfully JUST a metaphor, otherwise there'd be more than two corpses today, but he's mad Tailgate is hosting movie night at their place.
We end this catchup with Ratchet, whose pissed off Rodimus is being caviler about this, both because these don't go off for some reason.. and he made a joke about Ratchet's hands. Come on rodders.. that's way too easy. You can do better.
Drift is out and about to investigate.. and happens to benearbye as both bots see Overlord. We also get a really nice moment of bonding with the two, showing tha tbeneath their constant bickering.. they care about each other. More over time but we'll get to that. When Drift tries to get Ratchet to barricade himself in.. he refuses. He'll lock down the clinic.. but they fight and if needed die together. Ratchet calls Rodimus to get EVERYONE down there and tells him if he dosen't make it.. tell first aid he's ready and tell all his patients they'll have to make new apointments.
Thankfully one of the best characters in this comic dosen't go down swinging as everyone arrives to throw down. They do their best, but naturally their best bet is the only other .1%er they have... Magnus. And while he SEEMS to do well, pounding Overlord's face in as he heavily regrets not being there on G9 when everything went to shit.. only for that classic reveal that always means your fucked.
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IT's a shocking, horrific moment as one of the main cast, one of their leaders and seemingly their best hope.. is down. Magnus hoped to make up for Garrus 9.
It's also why I feel last stand is necessary to read these books after this read througH: while you CAN without it, Overlord's appearnce just dosen't have the same impact till AFTER this.. and just how badly Magnus falls here dosen't. After feeling he was slipping more and more.. he once again fails.. this time in a way he simply can't cope with. And the consequences.. will not be great.
And not suprisingly "Sword through the chest" seems incuriable: his spark is detaached and while First Aid can slow it down.. he can't stop it, and while everyone else is trying their best.. they can't do much. So drift has Swerve give him the com to call for backup.. the one person whose NOT here.
So just as Overlord has Rodimus by the throat he makes the mistake of asking for last words.. as the natural "Till All Are One" you'd expect... sends him panicking .. and leaves him wide open for..
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God that felt good. It's not remotely over though as we find out why Fort Max had this opening: turns out Domey , while recklessly charging into a known mass murderer's brain, was still JUST smart enough to leave a trigger in there in case Overlord got out, something that would make him feel he was loosing which , since Overlord is deathly afraid of defeat, would send him spiraling. And in one of the best uses of a gag as a chekov's gun i've seen, only topped by something in next season's finale, he made it till all are one because Rodimus won't stop saying it.
As Rewind lays in shock,w ondering what the helld omey's been up to, Chromedome inacts plan b, asking Fort Max to drag overlord over yonder back to his cell. While Prowl is many things, most of them varations of rat bastard motherfucker, he IS prepared and made Overlord's cell detachable for if, or if your smart like Brainstorm WHEN this stupid plan backfired. Problem is there's a sword jammed in the way of the hatch... someone has to go pull it out.. and rewind is small enoguh, brave enough, and sad enough to pull it off, saying a tearful goodbye to cromedome as the pod detaches. To make matters even worse... Cromedome then has to blow the fucker up as he'd rather not leave the love of his life who was just about to leave him anyway with a sadistic murderer. And all that's left.. is
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IT's one of the saddest moment sin the whole comic, and trust me there will be more and one of the best character death's i've seen. A big as screwup as bringing overlord aboard, a bigger one of him getting out.. it needed weight. LIke I said, Roberts knows it's best to kill a character when it's NECESSARy.. and Rewind going out lik ea hero sacrifcing himself so his friends and lover can escape, sadly bidding farewell knowing he's about to go through hell? It's a lot. It's a perfect sendoff to a great character, and a truly painful moment. Also if your wondering about the blood, Rewind took Chromedome's arm along with his heart.
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The Gloaming
The gloaming starts with foreshadowing for the next arc: we see a bunch of ops with Ultra Magnus from the war.. but two things are off. The first is that he looks slightly diffrent each time.. and the second is he looks very dead at the end of each one.
This will make sense later but for now we're in the aftermath of overlord's attack: Drift is being repaired, and Ratchet is TRYING to repair mags.. but it dosen't look good. Using a death clock, a device that predicts how long a bot has left, he only has ten days at best and poor Tailgate breaks down over how unfair it all is: one friend is dead, another close to it...
And there aren't easy answers for everyone else either: Chromedome responds a little to Skids but it's very clear he's not remotely okay, while Rodimus has torn up his office. Rung tries to help.. but he's held back by the fact he dosen't know why Rodimus is REALLY upset: Rodimus thinks it's magnus, Rung thinks it's because he lost.. which is a good guess.. but it's not the right one. We'll find out why next time but for now with Rodimus launching an investigation into the incident.. he and Drift need to have a talk.
After that we get the funeral: Rodimus gives a wonderful speech as he's returned to the stars spock style pointing out how EVERYONE he met was better for having known him. Except Prowl, nothing can make that guy better> it's a sweet earnest speech.. which makes it odd that Rewind's actual partner.. can barely say a sentence.
Brainstorm notices.. and goes to confront dome. Not about the speech, most bots would likely chuck that up to bottling up his grief. But it turns out these two go back a ways.. and as a result we find out just WHY Chromedome has so little innermost energon and I really wish I could share the full scene as it's powerful and shows a more emotional side of the usually flippant Brainstorm we haven't seen till now: He knows what Chromedome's abotu to do and to prove it rattles off a bunch of names. All ones Chromedome dosen't recognize.. because they were all former Conjux Endura's. And after they died he wiped his memory of them to not deal with the pain. It's a hard reveal, and a well done one and throughly proves Rewind right about mnemosurgery being an addiction for him: After all grief is hard, loosing someone even harder.. if you had the option to just make that pain temporary it'd be incredibly tempting, near impossible to turn down. You loose the person.. but you also loose the knife in your gut every time you think of them and realize their gone. Sure you could say "Well i'd want to rmemeber them i'd want the pain" and the strongest among us probably could turn that down.. but it's harder when you have that option. It's why i'ts such a comeplling hook here and why the next part hurts so damn much
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It fleshes out their friendship and Brainstorm a lot: he's had to watch his friend erase those he loved again, and again and again, tried and failed to talk him out of it time and again. All because he KNOWS what it's like to loose someone.. and that while the pain never goes away, it's better to have them with you. We'll get into how he knows that pain next time. For now the slug is the only reason history may not repeat itself.
So we get two scenes intercut: One is Rodimus before the rest of the crew.. as Drift takes full responsiblity for what happened and is stripped of his autobrand, banished and boo. It's a loss that hit harder this time as i'd gotten more attached to the guy, seen him nearly sacrifice himself, his deep faith, his argument flirting with ratchet.. it's hard to see him go even if he damn well deserves it after all this cost. There's no.. joy in this.. no catharsis. he screwed up, sure.. but it dosen't bring Rewind or Pipes back. It dosen't undue the pain and grief everyone has or fix anything. It's simply assining blame. I'm not saying Drift or a certain someone else we'll get to next time shoudln't be held acountable, but it dosen't make it easy to see him go.. or see Ratchet be the only one to comfort him showing that despite arguging constantly.. they ultimately were close as anyone could be. With this... Rodimus is alone, his command staff gone and it's not going to be easier to wear the crown going into the finale.
The other is a touching moment I can't really share in full here, two page spread and all, btu Rewind pieced together a message for Chromedome, knowing what he'd do if he was gone. He begs his partner to go on without him, that injecting will kill him.. and that he deserves to be happy. The New Institute isn't him anymore. And as one last note because he dosen't say it enough
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It's a scene that's now become one of my faviorite: while it's hard to follow because of the various footage, when you put it all together.. it's a message of courage. Despite the guilt, despite the pain, despite al lthey went through.. rewind loved chromedome, as he was, for who he was.. and wants him to stay that way. To keep him with him. And so .. Chromedome , for the first time, sheethes his claws.. and chooses to live with the pain.
We then end on a cliffhanger: Ultra Magnus.. is missing. Someone stole him, he's just gone.. and if that wasn't enough.. Tailgate goes under the death clock light.. and dosen't have much time left.
If it wasn't obvious by now I love these issues: their heartbreaking, well done and read even better this time around: It's a tragic loss that's expertly crafted, and used entirely to push the characters forward, to really push them with one forced to leave, one seemingly kidnapped and one facing his own crippling issues.. .and finding the courage to live
Next Time: We finish season 1! If you thoguht things coudln't get worse for the lost light.. your wrong as they face an attempted genocide , a character we've seen named a lot but not actually met till now, an old foe and a cool as hell new one. Until then thanks for reading
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Things that i've noticed that no one ever talks about in LoTR
This is a huge post by the way so im putting it under a cut
you have been warned
TFotR - Book 1
'A day or two later a rumor (probably started by the knowledgeable SAM) YES. SAMWISE GAMGEE. OUR LITTLE CINNAMON ROLL STARTED A RUMOR. idk it's so funny to me
The entire paragraph about hobbits and gift giving is too ADORABLE.
Bilbo calling Gandalf 'an interfering old busybody'
Bilbo: "You'll keep an eye on Frodo, won't you?" Gandalf: "Two eyes as often as I can spare them."
All the gifts Bilbo gave out and they all had meaning AND ITS ADORABLE
Lobelia, to Frodo: "...you're no Baggins - you - you're a Brandybuck!" Frodo: "Did you hear that Merry? That was an insult if you like." Meriadoc (Merry) BRANDYBUCK: "It was a compliment, and so, of course, not true."
Gandalf, shoving his head through Frodo's WINDOW: "If you don't let me in, Frodo, I SHALL BLOW YOUR DOOR RIGHT DOWN YOUR HOLE AND OUT THROUGH THE HILL."
"Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them?" GANDALF. WHAT THE FUCK.
Sam, freaking tf out about just being caught 'dropping eaves' by Gandalf: "DON'T LET HIM HURT ME MR. FRODO!" Frodo, hardly able to keep from laughing: "He won't hurt you."
Sam being all excited about being able to go on the adventure and then he just. bursts into tears. like.
Gildor (AN ELF) calling Frodo ELF FRIEND. ITS TOO CUTE.
Frodo, in elvish: Thanks for the food :). The Elves: HERE IS A JEWEL AMONG HOBBITS
Pippin just flat out saying he didn't want to leave Frodo any food but Sam insisted.
Frodo, about who's taking a bath first: "Eldest or Quickest first? You'll be last either way PIPPIN." GEE
Pippin, talking about Sam: He would jump down a dragons throat to save you, if he did not trip over his own feet." GEE
The ridiculous bath song. And it's Bilbos favorite. Of course it's ridiculous if it was Bilbos favorite.
Gandalf, writing in a letter to Frodo: If he forgets, I shall roast him. Frodo, four seconds later: He deserves roasting.
Sam getting mad at Ferny or someone and throwing an apple at him. AND AFTER IT KNOCKS THE IDIOT FERNY SQUARE IN THE FACE AND HE FALLS DOWN CURSING SAM JUST GOES "Waste of a good apple." AND KEEPS WALKING.
They found the trolls from The Hobbit. About the middle of Chapter 12, Flight to the Ford. The whole group thought they were real until they saw they were actually stone.
Frodo, after discovering more about Sam: "He'll end up by becoming a wizard - or a warrior!" Sam: "I don't want to be neither." OF COURSE YOU DON'T YOU JUST WANNA LIVE IN THE SHIRE AND GARDEN ALL YOUR LIFE. OH SAM.
TFotR - Book 2
Frodo calling the Big People 'Big and rather stupid' Accurate though.
Sam holding Frodo's hand and then blushing and thEN JUST SAYS 'It's warm! Meaning your hand, Mr. Frodo. It has felt so cold through the long nights!" SAM YOU GAY LITTLE SHIT I LOVE YOU.
Aragorn: Gollum is safely kept by the Elves of Mirkwood. Legolas: *sweats*
Elrond, to Sam: "It is hardly possible to separate you from him (Frodo) even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not!" Sam, blushing (ITS SAYS IT IN THE BOOK THE LAST SENTENCES OF COUNCIL OF ELROND): "A nice pickle we have ourselves in, Mr. Frodo!" Me: Does Samwise is gay? Does SamwISE IS GAY??
Pippin, hasn't even done anything remotely wrong yet: "There must be someone with intelligence in this party!" Gandalf: "Then you most certainly won't be chosen, Peregrin Took!" Pippin: D:
Gimli: "His (Sauruman's) arm has grown long indeed if he can draw snow down from the north to trouble us here three hundred leagues away." Gandalf, channeling his inner sassy bitch(bilbo): "His arm has grown long."
>TBC im not even close to being done yet< ^^
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 10 months
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Friends to Lovers: Two characters have been friends for years and value their friendship above everything. Unfortunately, they’ve both also secretly fallen in love with each other - but are both too scared to confess because it feels like a betrayal of their friendship.
Remember, I'm utilizing this prompt list. I probably won't hit all, but I am trying to get to the highest voted ones in my polls. Trying to use different ships, but feel free to shoot me an ask or DM if there's a specific ship you would like to see for any of the prompts.
Betrayal to Our Friendship
Ship: Haddotin
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Words: 1610
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Without a doubt, the worst mistake of Tintin’s life. He wasn’t even quite sure how it happened. After all, Captain Haddock had been nothing more than a friend. Certainly Tintin had noticed his admirable bravery, his charming whimsicality, even his breath-catching kindness. However, he had thought it was…professional. Or if it was personal, not anything that would affect him to this degree. 
However, their trip to Tibet had thrown everything on its head, and a fact that Tintin hadn’t given much thought to at the time, was finally able to worm its way into his mind. He was in love with Haddock. It was the only explanation for the way his heart had shattered when he thought Haddock was going to cut his line, only to turn around and soar when he actually came back after Tintin tried to push him away. After all, he had possessed a single-minded determination to find his dear friend, Chang, but it hadn’t destroyed him like the thought of Haddock being lost to him had. The warmth he had felt reuniting with Chang again had been a different kind of warmth than when he was with the captain. Like the very air was charged with an invisible pull that always kept him close. Like magnets, like gravity, it was a law of attraction that Tintin had somehow managed to ignore…until now.
Tintin groaned, flipping himself over in bed as he tried to bury his head deeper under his pillow. He supposed to some, this would be an enlightening discovery. The chance to pursue something new and exciting, but he couldn’t. Not with Haddock. There was absolutely no way the older man saw him the same way. The gap between their ages certainly wasn’t off putting to Tintin, he couldn’t say the same for Haddock. His friendly touches probably meant to be more…of a mentor than Tintin clearly interpreted them. No, confessing would only ruin perhaps the best thing in Tintin’s life. He couldn’t let Haddock know how he felt.
Snowy clearly had enough of Tintin’s pity party, choosing to pounce on his chest, licking at his neck as he attempted to dig Tintin out from beneath the pillow.
“Alright, Snowy. Okay.” Tintin laughed, rolling over onto his back as he reached up to scratch the pup’s ears. “We should do something fun today. Maybe go to our favorite park? What do you think, boy?”
Snowy yipped his approval of the choice before hopping down and running to the door, pawing at it and whining. Tintin shook his head. 
“Let me get dressed at least first.”
Tintin enjoyed being outside. It was cleansing to him, having the sun warm his skin as he passed through various shades of green. It was part of the reason why he had never been able to accept a desk job. How could he possibly think when there was a world just beyond those doors beckoning him to explore? It was actually pure chance when he managed to land his dream job. 
He had just graduated from university and wanted to take a couple of weeks to enjoy living before he was forced to go out job hunting. He happened upon a human trafficking operation, got himself out of a bind, and wrote a story over it that he tried to sell to the local paper. He does a lot of that now. Selling stories to any paper willing to publish him, which now that he’s made a name for himself is quite a bit. However, at that time, the paper he was trying to sell the story to wanted their own people to write it up, not an amatuer. Instead, he sent it back home to his local paper who were overjoyed to publish such a piece! Since then, Le Vingtième Siècle is always his first call for giving him his first big break.
Snowy, who had his nose to the ground, suddenly perked up before he gave happy yips racing towards whatever had caught his interest. Tintin took off after him, about to shout for him to come back when he heard another voice beat him to it.
“Snowy! Calm down, you excitable pup! Where’s your master?”
Tintin froze, coming around the corner and confirming that it was in fact Captain Haddock. His throat felt tight as his earlier realization seemed to blare to the forefront of his thoughts. Which was ridiculous. Nothing had to change. If Tintin didn’t let his initial attraction to Haddock stand in the way of their friendship, there should be no reason for this to be any different. Still, his movements felt robotic and smile felt forced as he pushed himself forward to greet the man.
“Captain! What are you doing here?”
It was almost like watching Tintin’s own emotions in reverse as the easy smile fell, and Haddock froze at Tintin’s approach. Tintin stopped, acknowledging the distance between them and wondering what exactly could be going through the older man’s mind. 
“There ya are, Tintin. I’ve been looking for you. I think there’s something we need to talk about.”
Thorin took in Haddock’s guarded stance, his hands fisted in his pockets, and his refusal to meet Tintin’s eyes. Ice traveled straight down the nerve in his back making Tintin feel more like a livewire. How…how did he know already? What did Tintin do to betray himself? Numbly, he nodded before moving towards the nearby park bench taking a seat on the very edge. Haddock followed the movement, making sure to leave considerable space between the two. Tintin felt something inside him hiccup as his brain raced to find a way to salvage their friendship.
Snowy let his eyes drift between the two with a peculiar look before deciding his time would be better spent chasing one of the squirrels up a tree. Silence sat thick over the duo, each lost to their own thoughts. Just when Tintin had worked out an amenable solution, Haddock began, his words nearly tearing Tintin in two.
“I don’t think it would be a good idea for me to continue joining you on your adventures.”
Tintin breathed past the invisible fingers gripping his vocal cords as he answered as calmly as he could.
“That’s fine, Captain. I’d never want to force you to join me.”
“It’s not that.” Haddock snapped, reaching for his pipe but not yet lighting it. “I came to realize something. Something that had changed after…our last adventure.”
Tintin’s eyes squeezed shut. He didn’t want to hear it. He didn’t want to have to sit through the captain’s rejection. It was his fault for letting his emotions get the better of him. He knew Haddock would never want someone so much younger than him. Although, there was a bitterness in Tintin that wanted to remind the good captain that he at least acted more adult than most, present company included.
“This isn’t easy to say, because I do value our friendship. But I feel like not saying anything would be more of a betrayal, and I can’t do that to you.”
Here it comes. Tintin braced himself for the blow that would surely cut deeper than any injury he’s had before.
“I’m in love with you, Auggie.”
Wait…what? The roaring in his ears, the build-up in his chest, it all just…disappeared to be replaced with something lighter that swooped right through his belly.
“What did you say?” Tintin gasped.
Haddock turned to look at him, his bright eyes hard and resigned.
“I love you.”
It was something more glorious to hear a second time. Haddock broke contact though, shaking his head.
“It’s alright. You don’t have to say anything. I know you don’t want to be saddled with an old sea dog like myself. I just thought you deserved to know which is why I should stay away for a little while. Give you some space. I’ll miss your company of course, but you deserve to live the life you want without being bogged down by…”
“Archie.” Tintin demanded, interrupting the captain’s self-deprecating rant.
The older man slowly turned to him, fear haunting his every movement right before Tintin leaned forward and kissed him. It wasn’t a long kiss, more of a gentle press of lips, but it was enough for Tintin as he categorized the captain’s chapped lips, the tickle of his mustache and beard, and the lingering scent of pipe tobacco even though Haddock hadn’t actually smoked in front of him. When he pulled away, he couldn’t help startling at the tears that welled in Haddock’s eyes but had yet to fall.
“Tintin, you don’t have to…”
In a panic, Tintin realized Haddock thought he was humoring him. He quickly grabbed his hand while shaking his hand.
“No! Archie, I…I feel the same. I thought…I thought you were saying this because you learned of my…regard. Please…please, don’t leave.”
Tintin squeezed his eyes shut, hoping his faltering words were enough to convince Haddock. He wasn’t good with expressing his emotions, but he hoped Haddock knew him well enough to understand this. After what felt like a long moment, Haddock slipped his hand to cup Tintin behind the neck, forcing his head forward until it gently bumped against Haddock’s own. 
“I won’t. I’m yours for as long as you’ll have me.”
Tintin smiled brightly wishing he had something he could say that would convey the same sentiment. Instead he put his hands around Haddock’s neck, trying to bring the man closer. A relieved chuckle in his ear let him know his efforts were received and appreciated. 
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queenvidal · 2 years
The Girl Who Never Cries
Negan x Reader (Rick's Daughter)
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(Not my gif - found it on pinterest. If it's urs, contact me for proper credit)
Chapter 2: Pissin' Our Pants Yet?
Chapter Summary: A fun target practice with Carl quickly turns into a revealing conversation with the leader of the Saviors, maybe he’s not a monster after all. Despite an almost empty pantry, Negan isn't hostile towards you, quite the opposite and it's unsettling, to say the least.
Wordcount: 4405
Notes: I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes or wrong spellings, English isn't my first language.
- Part 1 of the The One And Only Series - Takes place during the beginning of season 7.
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Chapter Index: Chapter 1 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 (End)
Masterlist / Negan x Rick's Daughter Series
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"Eyes on the target, Carl." You remind your brother, but his head keeps turning towards the gate. It's the Saviors' second visit and it's putting him on edge.
You, on the other hand, are almost calm. Everything you and the other scavengers gathered last week is hidden, safe and sound in the sewers. Rick voiced his concern, but you did not listen. Darly, Michonne and Sasha also got your back and that convinced the rest of the town as well.
And if you really get caught, you'd take the blame without hesitation. If that's what it takes to keep your family safe, you'd do it gladly.
A few items were brought to the pantry, the Saviors have to find something after all, but your actual good stuff will stay with you. The trip to the mall went south pretty much the second you stepped out of your car but you came home, severely injured and about to pass out on the spot but you made it back.
You found enough food to feed the town for at least a few weeks and even got your hands on a few winter coats. Your family won't freeze this winter and this alone will be worth the scars.
Carl turns his attention back to the four green circles you've drawn on an old tree, your makeshift target. With a sigh he goes back into position, raising one of your throwing knives in the air.
"Your elbow needs to be higher." You advise, correcting his posture gently. "Okay, try it now."
Carl rolls his shoulder back before throwing the knife towards the tree. It's hitting the outer circle of the target.
"Nice!" You exclaim, smiling at him proudly. "You're getting better!"
Your brother returns your smile, huffing a laugh. He hurries to retrieve the knife again, eager to continue. He gave up on the training after he lost his eye, thinking he'd never be able to hit anything, but you were stubborn.
His mood got worse and worse after his slow recovery and it was breaking your heart. You pushed him forever until he finally agreed to at least try again. You both had to start from zero again, but you didn't mind. All you cared about was to take his mind off his doubts and see your baby brother happy again.
Carl returns to your side, assuming the same posture you've just shown him. He takes another swing, hitting the second ring of the target.
Jumping you shout out in joy. Ignoring the pain of your bandaged leg you hug him tightly to you. "See?" You ask, smiling from ear to ear. "All you needed was a kick in the ass."
"That's been just a lucky shot." Carl tries to downplay his accomplishments but you won't let him. "Even if that was true, you're far from being a lost call. I'm so proud of you!"
When you two let go, Carl goes back to the tree for the knife. When he turns to come back to you, he freezes on the spot, his eyes focused on something behind you. Starting to get irritated, you turn your head.
The head of the Saviors is making his way towards you two, his second in command following him. Carl rushes to your side, taking your hand.
"Look who we got here, Simon? The girl who never cries." Negan chuckles. Carl squeezes your hand tightly, he's scared.
"Good morning", you greet the men, keeping your voice as even as possible. "Our Dad's helping at the pentry."
"Oh, I know, sunshine." Negan takes a few steps closer to you, looking over your bandages. "But I'd rather speak to you."
You turn your attention back to Carl. "Go home, I'll be there in a minute." Carl opens his mouth to argue but you shut him down immediately. "Now!"
Carl glares at you and Negan for a moment before he lets go of your hand. When you take your knife back from him, Negan reaches out for it. "May I?"
You hesitate for a second before you hand it over. Carl rounds you to go for your house, when the guy behind Negan gets moving, too.
You're about to interfere, when Negan steps in front of you. "Don't worry, Simon won't hurt him." He explains to you. "He'll just make sure nothing is hidden at your home."
You watch your brother and the other guy heading for your house until they're out of sight.
"What happened?" Negan's voice makes you turn your head back. He's pointing at your leg.
"Last supply run got ugly." You tell him, crossing your arms. He's still looking at you with a raised eyebrow, waiting for you to elaborate.
"I've been to a mall and when I went to a closed off section, I got surrounded by walkers. They were way too many to fight so I booked it. Running would have taken too much time so I slid through a broken glass door. I came home with more shards than cans."
And that's not even a lie. Your jacket shielded your arms and torso but your pants ripped into shreds. All the adrenaline dulled the pain, but once you sat in your car and took off, it was unbearable.
The bigger shards you were able to remove on your way home, but you needed equipment for the small and tiny ones. The two days trip back to Alexandria felt like an eternity. You didn't sleep, nor eat until you've been inside the walls. Carl helped you as much as he could to remove the glass from your flesh. Eventually you blacked out from the pain and woke up with him asleep next to your cot, your leg fully wrapped.
"Is that why the pantry is next to empty?" Negan asks you, sounding somewhat reproachful.
You frown back at him. "Not for the lack of trying."
His expression softens and he lets out a heavy sigh. "Sorry."
Wait, what? It was barely audible but you're sure you've just heard the leader of the Saviors excuse himself for snapping at you.
"You good at it?" He asks, changing the subject and nodding towards the tree.
"I am." you affirm with confidence. You're a good enough shot with a gun, but with your knives you're unstoppable.
Negan smiles at you. "Prove it." 
Within a blink of an eye you remove another knife from your belt and send it towards the target. The man beside you whistles in approval. You missed the bullseye only by a few inches. "Damn!" He turns his head back at you. "Show me?"
With another knife removed from your belt, you show Negan how to stand, one leg out, shoulder rolled back. He mimics you but when he's about to throw you intervene.
"Waitwaitwait." You blurt, preventing him from letting go by grabbing his wrist. "Not there!" You adjust his hold on the blade. "You'll slice your palm that way!"
He looks at you with raised eyebrows and you release his hand immediately. With a faint blush on your cheeks you look at the target. "Learned that the hard way", you whisper.
He lets out a quiet chuckle before throwing your knife. It's landing on the grass far behind the tree. You have to fight a smile, not even Carl managed to miss that badly.
"You gotta be kidding me." Negan curses, looking at the tree in disbelief.
You remove your last two knives, holding one out to him. "Wanna try again?"
He takes the knife without a word. And missed again. You hand him your last knife, unable to fight your smile any longer.
His eyes stay on you for a second before he tries again. This time he's actually hitting the tree but is still way too far from the green rings. "Unbelievable. How hard can it be, when even that one eye gets it done?"
"Lots of practice." You explain. "I've been teaching him for two years now." You go retrieving the knives, so Negan can try again, you can feel his eyes on you the whole way.
Once back at his side, you show him how to stand again. "You're bending your back too much", you explain. "Your foot is too far out and your elbow too low. A good stance for slicing throats but not for far off targets."
Negan tries to correct himself but you see he has trouble finding out what you mean. Without thinking you push against his back, forcing him to stand straight and lift his elbow gently like you did Carl's. Your both eyes meet and you take a step back again, heat coloring the tips of your ears. "Try again."
He does and hits the space between the two outer rings. "Ha!" He shouts, grinning from ear to ear. His hazel eyes look back at you and you feel stupid for even noticing their color. "Not bad", you rasp, clearing your throat awkwardly.
"Ouch," Negan places one hand on his chest, acting hurt. "Where is my cheerleading hug?"
The heat on your ears intensifies and you cross your arms again, trying to play cool. "Reserved only for people with handicaps."
"What a shame", Negan jokes before throwing again. Hitting only slightly lower this time. He seems in a way better mood now.
"Thank you for leaving my room untouched." You hear your voice say before you can stop yourself. The Saviors took a lot of furniture when they first came to Alexandria. Carl's and your fathers bedroom were completely empty, but yours was still the way you left it.
"Figured you had enough shit your way as it is." Negan replies, throwing again. "Despite common belief I'm not a monster."
It's hard to believe but you find yourself wanting to. "Well… thanks."
"See, that's why I like you." He turns his attention from the tree back to you again. "You don't take shit for granted and recognize privileges."
Feeling bold by his compliment, at least you think that's what it was, you look back at him, meeting his hazel eyes. "Can I ask you something?"
"Shoot." He says, throwing the last knife.
"Why did you skip me?"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You were terrified, your eyes searched for your brother, when one of the Saviors pushed you to your knees. Carl was kneeling next to your father, on the other side of the line. You were held between Abraham and Daryl, both men looked just as scared and defeated as you felt.
That's how it's going to end, you thought, your father's bad decisions are finally catching up on you. You were almost equally angry as you were scared. No matter how vehemently you disagreed with the attack on the satellite station, you were about to die for it regardless.
And then the door of the RV opened, revealing the man your father believed he had killed when attacking the station. "Pissin' our pants yet?"
It got deafening quiet, the only things you've heard were your rapid heartbeat in your ear and the dirt under Negan's boots as he walked the line up and down.
He introduced himself to the group, his baseball bat tightly held in his gloved hand. Your father looked up when Negan stopped in front of him.
"Rick, right?" He asked. "I'm Negan. And I do not appreciate you killing my men. Also, when I sent my people to kill your people for killing my people, you killed more of my people. Not cool, not cool."
Chills were running down your spine and your blood was running cold, was he about to kill him?
"You have no idea how not cool that shit is." Negan continued. "But I think you're gonna be up to speed shortly."
He talked about a new world order and about working for him but you barely catched it, too focused on cursing your father out in your mind. You swore to yourself that if you made it out of this alive, you'd leave the group for good, as you should have done years ago.
Negan kept swinging his bat in front of Rick's face. "You don't really think that you get through this without getting punished now, do you?"
This made your head snap up, paying more attention again.
"I don't wanna kill your people, just wanna make that clear from the get-go. I want you to work for me, you can't do that if you're dead, now can you?"
Negan started pacing again, swinging his bat dangerously close to everyone's faces. "But you killed my people, a whole damn lot of 'em, more than I'm comfortable with and for that-" His feet came into your field of view. "For that you're gonna pay."
Your stomach dropped and you refused to look up.
"So, now." He started again. "I'm gonna beat the holy hell outta one of you. Let's find out which one of you gets the honor."
Negan crouched down in front of you and out of the corner of your eye you could see Daryl trying to come closer. You signaled him to stop with your hands behind your back and he did.
Your face got lifted by Negan's ungloved hand beneath your chin. He smiled at you. "Any volunteers?"
Despite your broken relationship you still expected your father to at least say something but everyone remained quiet. You never felt more abandoned than in this very moment, with your life at the mercy of a new enemy your father made.
Finally Negan let go of you, slowly pacing down the line. You dared breathing again, your eyes searching for your father.
He looked at you with tears running down his face, sorrow and regret written all over his features but all you could do was glaring at him.
Both of you turned your eyes to Carl, when Negan stopped at him. "You had one of my man's guns." He said, Lucille pointed at him. He also crouched down in front of Carl. "Shit, you're missing an eye?"
You felt your heart drop. Everyone but Carl , you screamed in your head. You'd rather die than to lose him.
"Bet you're quite a burden with an injury like this. Might as well put you out of your misery right now-"
"No!" You screamed in an inhumane voice. Daryl tried to hold you back but you were stronger, it took one of Negan's men to put you back on the ground, kicking you in the stomach.
"Uh-huh, get her back in line." Negan ordered his man, who dragged you back between Daryl and Abraham. "Alright, listen. Don't yall ever do that again, I'll shut that shit down, no exceptions. First one's free." He pointed at you. "It's an emotional moment, I get it."
Carl looked at you with tears in his eyes, you could not tell if they were for you or because he was scared. All you wanted to do was to comfort him but you couldn't.
"That's your kid, right?" Negan asked Rick, gesturing between him and Carl. "Now that's unfortunate-"
"Stop it!" Your father yelled, finally saying something.
"Hey!" Negan yelled back. "Don't make me kill the future serial killer, don't make it so easy on me."
Negan's eyes darted back to you and he paused for a moment. After what felt like an eternity, he spoke again, "I simply can't decide." He came back to you, Lucille on his shoulder. "But I got an idea."
He pointed at you with her. "Eeny."
That's been a bloody joke. You couldn't believe it. Negan made his way down the line and back up to you. He's been about the end of the rhyme and you followed along in your head. Glenn was 'you', Darly would have been 'are', making you the-
"It!" Negan finally exclaimed. You looked up, expecting to see Lucille pointed at you but instead she's in Abraham's face. Relieve and terror washed over you, followed by guilt.
"You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry. Hell, you're all gonna be doin' that!" And Negan raised his bat.
You turned your head away, focusing on Daryl, his eyes also not leaving yours. With your heart hammering against your ribcage, you forced yourself to focus on your breathing.
Screams, crying and pleas followed the sound of what you assumed was Abraham's body hitting the ground. You couldn't make out actual words, only the desperation in their voices.
You were shaking, whether from fear or anger you couldn't tell. You tore your eyes from Daryls, when you heard footsteps again.
"Well, shit." Negan's voice cut through your spinning mind. "Look at that."
He leaned down on his dripping bat, forcing you again to meet his eyes with his hand. "Not a single tear?" He looked at you in awe. "Your eyes are not even glossy."
You held his gaze, unwilling to give in. "What's your name?" He asked but you remained silent.
He pointed his bat towards Carl, his eyes not leaving yours. "Y/N." You finally whispered.
"Y/N", Negan repeated, his face splitting into a smile. "You have bigger balls than any of the sorry shits here. How come everyone around here is weeping but you're not?"
You looked around and found everyone crying, Sasha was sobbing violently and that broke your heart. "I don't cry", you whispered again, meeting his eyes.
You shook your head and Negan's smile grew even wider. He let go of you again, chuckling. "Well, fuck me if that's not the most badass shit I've ever heard."
He raised to his feet again and addressed the group. "Now that's fucking awsome. Bet you assholes rely on that girl, don't cha?"
You looked back at Daryl and found fury in his eyes, he was trembling. You shook your head at him, silently pleading not to do something stupid.
Negan noticed Daryl, too, standing in front of him. "Bet you do more than the others, right? What would you do if I took her with me-"
Daryl didn't let him finish, connecting his fist with Negan's jaw. Two men tackled Daryl down to the ground again and you were sure Negan's killing him for it.
He didn't, he killed Glenn instead and after a tour with Rick in his RV, he finally got his men moving and they all left. You hugged your brother for what felt like hours, making sure he was still there. Carl cried into your shoulder and you tried to calm him down. Your father tried to talk to you but you ignored him, until Daryl pulled him away from you two.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"You noticed?" Negan's voice is bringing you back from your memories. Fidgeting with the hem of your shirt, you nod.
When you look up, Negan doesn't meet your eyes and you're afraid you've crossed a line. But you need to know, it's been bugging you ever since.
Finally he lets out another heavy sigh, looking back at you. "You would have died for the kid and that didn't sit right with me. Think of me what you want but I don't kill family in front of an kid's eye."
You believe him, you don't know why but his words sound sincere in your ears. It's certainly not what you expected to hear but it's something.
Slowly you make your way to the tree, getting your knives for the next round. You hand them to Negan again. "Now it's my turn for a question."
"Yeah?" You look at him expectantly.
"You really never cry? I'm no expert but that shit gotta be unhealthy." He misses the tree again, cursing under his breath.
"I stopped crying shortly after the dead came back." You remember. "At first to be strong for my brother, he's been just a child back then. But when we had to run from the monsters for the first time, I quickly realized I can't see shit that way. In order to keep Carl alive I forced myself to stop. Haven't cried ever since."
Negan misses again. He's clearly paying more attention to you than the target. "You're brother means a lot to you, doesn't he?"
You nod in conformation. "The only reason I'm still here."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When your group returned to Alexandria, broken, tired and with two people missing, you dragged yourself into your house. You plopped down next to Judith's crib and watched her sleeping.
After an hour you peeled yourself up from the floor again and grabbed the bag under her bed. You made up your mind. Back in your room you started packing. You were so deep in thought that you didn't notice Carl behind you.
"You're leaving?" His voice was full of pain and it hurt you deeply but you didn't turn around, afraid he'd make you stay, like he did last time. When you didn't answer, he knocked your shirts out of your hand. "Y/N, talk to me!"
Finally you met his tearful eyes and your heart sunk to the ground. "I can't stay."
"Of course you can! We need you!"
Shaking your head, you drew a deep breath. "I honestly don't give a shit anymore. Dad's getting more and more people killed and I'm so sick and tired of it!"
Carl crushed into you, hugging you tightly. "We'll figure this out. We always do."
You bit down on your lip, blinking away the wetness in your eyes while clinging to your brother. "I almost got killed and he did nothing."
That hurt you the most, not Abraham's or Glenn's deaths, or the fact that their deaths could have been avoided if your father had listened to you. No, it was the crushing feeling of being abandoned.
"He did!" Carl said, letting go enough to be able to look at you. "He wanted to stand up but I begged him not to."
You didn't believe him. You wanted to but you couldn't. "This shit almost got you killed, too, Carl. I can't, I'm going."
"No! Y/N, please." But you tore yourself away from him. With your bag zipped up you left your room. "I love you", you said without looking back.
With two cans of whatever from the kitchen you made your way to your car. A Mini you bought from your first paycheck. The same car in which you picked Carl up from school, on the day the world went to hell.
You threw your bag in the trunk and got moving. In front of the gate you yelled at Eugene to open it up. He asked you where you were going.
"On a run." You lied. When you were about to hit the gas, the door at the passenger seat opened up.
"Out!" You yelled, when your father took the seat. "Out!"
"Y/N, please listen to me-"
"If you don't get the fuck out of my car-" You growled, shaking in anger. "I swear to God-"
"Hate me as much as you want, but please listen to me, Y/N", Your father begged.
You gripped the wheel with both hands, refusing to look at him. "I give you one minute."
"Please don't leave! I know you have every reason to but I can't do this without you."
Your knuckles are turning white. "Should have thought about that before you attacked Negan's men."
"I know I fucked up, alright? And I have to live with it, but I can't lose you, too. You're my daughter and I love you with all I have."
You shook your head. "Too little, too late. Out."
You drove off and kept driving until the sun went down. You had no idea where you were but you didn't care. Away, that was the only thing you cared about.
But against all your intentions, all your doubts and thoughts, you returned to Alexandria two days later, your car filled with cans and water. Eugene looked at you as if he'd seen a ghost, when he opened the gate for you. You saw Daryl running towards you and it made you smile for the first time in ages.
You just had enough time to stop the engine, before he tore your door open. He pressed the air out of your lungs, when he hugged you to him and out of the car. You let your head fall onto his shoulder, the last bit of anger you felt over the last days finally leaving your body.
Hushed voices and mumbling made you look up, about the whole town was gathering around you. Who didn't look at you in disbelief was smiling.
Your father pushed himself through the crowd. He looked even worse than on the day you've left. His skin was pale and he had dark circles under his eyes.
Daryl let go, so that Rick could reach you but you took a step back. You could see your father's heart breaking again but you didn't care. "I'm doing this for Carl."
He nodded. "He'll be glad you've changed your mind."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You look back at the target, Negan missed again.
"You're brave, you know that?" Negan's voice catches your attention again. "Not many people would do what you did."
You shrug nonchalantly, "Everyone should speak up for their loved ones."
He chuckles at that. "That's why your lover boy punched me?"
Lover boy? You cringe involuntarily at that word. Daryl and you love each other but certainly not in that way. "He's like a brother to me", you explain. "I don't have a lover boy."
"That so?" Negan asks, missing again. "Fucking shit!"
"Negan!" A voice called, both of you turn around to look at the source. "All clear", Simon confirms, coming closer.
Negan's looking back at you with a satisfied expression. "Wouldn't have expected otherwise."
He orders his second in command to get to the gate, before turning back to you. "Listen, I do acknowledge your will on making this shitshow work and your physical exertion doesn't go unnoticed either, so I am not going hard on anyone today."
He steps closer to you, more than you're comfortable with, but you keep your eyes on his, not moving an inch. "But the situation in your pantry is a joke that I can't laugh about. And I can't have that again. I'm doubting you're the only scavenger in this community, so you better make your team work harder and most importantly more efficient."
You nod your head, biting your cheek. "You'll get more stuff next week."
His stern expression morphs into a bright smile again. "That's why I prefer speaking to you, no objections, no excuses. You understand how this shit is working."
When two Saviors pass you, bags full with cans in their hands, Negan turns on his heels. "Till next week, sunshine."
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Chapter Index: Chapter 1 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 (End)
Masterlist / Negan x Rick's Daughter Series
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285 notes · View notes
khaleesiofalicante · 3 months
Today I come to you with: A lot of questions (you probably won't answer but still need to put them out there). Without further ado:
Can I just say that I called it? It's so much different when we finally get to see the way people in the Other Timeline lived. So much pain, and the death of one person can prevent that from happening, and David Max Rafael Alec and Magnus haven't seen it, so they don't know. David probably wouldn't care(or would he hesitate a little? I'm not sure). But a trip to the future would be enough for the others to change their tune I think. Or maybe not?
I have a feeling Magnus/Other Magnus trying to choke each other is a misunderstanding. Like Magnus tries to reach out but because it's from a different time line Magnus feels like getting chocked so he fight back and Other Magnus is surprised that he would get attacked because he doesn't know he's initiating it. I have a feeling if Magnus stops fighting that they'll be able to communicate?
I also have a feeling that Magnus seeing Older Max helps him connect some dots that somehow make it that he is the one who changed the timeline
Will Older Max try to figure out who changed the canon event and will the person responsible try to hide it or come out with it to Older Max?
So Arthur doesn't have to die in every world or does he die at a different age?
Lance was supposed to die after Arthur but Arthur saw him in France so he could see the future where they changed a canon event like Lucifer. So if Arthur saw it Lucifer does too which means he knew they would end up changing a canon event- it wasn't news to him and there wasn't a way to stop it right? From the moment Older Max starred visiting, things would go that way?
In the Other Timeline Blackbane didn't meet, so they're not a canon event?
Older Max (because now that I saw how hurt he was by being called Other Max I don't like using it) changed a lot of things in the other timeline. Did anyone in the Academy run the possibility of Lance not fullfiling the prophecy after having made connections in Idris? (Closer to Rafe and Cami, in love with Theia, knowing Arthur loved Kincaid etc?). Like Lance didn't get to destroy Idris in the current timeline, are they sure that he would've?
If they knew that Lucifer was the one that killed Arthur in the Other Timeline, it's impossible for Lucifer to manipulate Lance into doing his bidding/blaming Idris. But I always felt like it would be incredibly difficult for Lucifer to manipulate Lance in any scenario- that boy is very shrewd and would've seen right through it. So how did he end up doing what Lucifer wanted? What exactly went down? Nobody knows what went down in the pandenium or Idris right? Will we find out or is it unimportant?
I love Max more than anything, that boy gets tortured everywhere and he doesn't deserve it. And what's worse people don't recognize it as much as they should or as much as they do David's trauma because he hides it better? Someone give that boy a hug and a break in all the universes and timelines, he deserves it!🥺 (They all deserve that, I want to make that clear, but I think this is Max's week with everything we've read, so let's focus on him right now)
Dots are starting to connect finally and I'm so excited to see how things will go down! But I feel like Older Max keeping Mavid in New York and not severing themselves from the shadoworld is super important, because it didn't allow the family to be so separated so now they have the chance to fight united, whereas in the First Timeline, Mavid was so secluded it would've been super hard for all of them to stand together. Of all the changes, that seems the most beneficial. And Kincaid of course.
PS: When I tell you I'm ready to go full Sherlock Holmes and explore the David/ Madeleine dymamic, the way they both acted after the deaths of their loved ones, from our reactions as readers to why I believe they have different triggers and it may have been different if the same things had happened in another world, I'm being deadly serious. It will be an essay so be prepared.
Thank you for an amazing chapter that blew our minds. Allergies suck and not being able to use your body as you want is very annoying. But you still gave us a huge chapter to obsess over and you deserve a huge round of applause. Again, thank you 🌼💛
I was wondering why you kept saying Older Max and then I read your reasoning and NOW I AM EMO.
It's always easy to judge someone when we don't know their story. So, of course. But it's hard to judge who will sympathize with him EVEN if they see the Other World. Magnus probably? Alec for sure. David is extremely unlikely, I think. That bitch will watch the world burn.
We gotta wait and see on this one. It's messy.
He's definitely gonna connect dots (Especially since Hermes told him some stuff too)
We'll find out before this season ends hehe
If your death is a canon event, you die at the same age. So, ONLY because his death/canon event was changed did he actually live past 15 in IALS. So, no, he won't die (prematurely) in any universe.
Lucifer def knew these hoes were going to a change a canon event.
That's not how it works. Lance and Theia are a canon event - which means they will end up with each other and not someone else. But it doesn't mean they will end up together against ALL odds. Like, if Lance died prematurely, it won't happen. But if he had lived, he would have eventually ended up with her (Even if he was removed from the shadow world in that timeline)
No. Their math (lol) told them two things: one, arthur is DEF gonna die. and two, when he does, Lance will be triggered. Nothing and no one else has anything to do with it. The issue here was that arthur's death was a canon event and it couldn't be changed in any way (OR SO WE THOUGHT?)
Several things here. We'll never know what went down in the pandemonium in the other timeline. We knows bits and pieces of what happened in Idris (Lance didn't kill anyone - he basically died/burst kind of - and the "door" between the demon world and human world was destroyed so it both converged - killing people). As for Lucifer, I wouldn't underestimate him. With him, it doesn't matter smart you are or brave you are. He knows how to get to you. And he doesn't fuck around with his methods. Very straightforward guy hehe.
I will await your David/Madeleine essay! There is a scene between them in the coming chapters that i can't wait to write!!!
Thank you for the love and yes i've been sick since yesterday and i hateeee it. hopefully i will recover soon x
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ritualcaster · 4 months
Im a man of my word.
DAY 1.
Although I'm writing this down, it's only a courtesy to any who may find this journal. Today Isn't something I think I'll ever forget.
We got lucky. Oh so very lucky. The trains were still running when I sent for Cattail and our colleauges in high society, most of them managed to make it out before the rings were declared a quarantine zone. That said, we didn't get everybody, and not nearly enough either. Cattail hasn't left the guest bedroom I lent him since he got here, he didn't have time to go back for Eden or his wife so I can hardly say I'd fare any better.
For some reason, Fossil stayed behind willingly, presumably to research and possibly find a cure. If anybody can do that, its her. Our communications were cut by rioters before she could fully explain.
We had no response from carrot.
DAY 20.
Theres nothing i can do from here except
Trek there by foot and lead my own rescue mission.
Push has advised against it... strongly...
I can't just leave them.
I have supplies for 2 months.
DAY 23.
Cattail was already packed when I went to tell him I was leaving. I wasn't able to convince him otherwise, but I won't deny I'm happy to have his help.
Cattail knows those outskirts better than anybody. I'm glad we're both omnivores.
Cattail and I fully planned this mission from top to bottom with 3 main goals in mind, save "Eden" and her best friend, dynamite, collect data on the situation, and find at least one sample to bring back.
I originally planned to set up more reliable contact with fossil as well, but Cattail decided traveling into high society would be too dangerous and limited me to as far as the middle ring. To be truthful, I was not expecting him to be this level headed, all things considered.
If possible, although dangerous, we will attempt to bring back other surviviors from the center ring as well.
DAY 24.
We set out for travel today, and, to go back on my word, we did not set out on foot.
Who doesn't love a good off-roading trip in a car that may-or-may-not belong to your boss?
DAY 26.
We can see the rings from here.
We will not be traveling to the center ring.
DAY 28.
We parked the jeep near the wall and decided to climb instead of using the main entrance to avoid rioters and a paniced mob, Cattail and I decided to split up for exactly 24 hours, and meet back here, I suggested it because I was worried Cattail wouldn't survive an encounter with whatever these things are.
DAY 29.
They got my fucking eye.
Excuse my profanity.
I managed 2 different samples
The first was by far less dangerous, I stalked one for about 4 hours, and managed to catch what seems to be some kind of maggot that fell off of it as it rounded a corner.
The second was stationary it was completley different than the first, with multiple roaming around it, almost gaurding it as i observed from the rooftop.
But even more worriesome were the "spikes", maybe "stingers"? Regardless, I watched a crow get a little too close, they both lunged at it midair and before long the crow was nothing but rotting flesh.
I should have backed down there, but I was determined, I took the crossbow from my bag, I only brought one bolt, not expecting this kind of foe. With two paper clips, a rubberband, and a long piece of stitching thread from the medkit I managed to create something extrordinary, a crossbow bolt with two paper clips on it. It was enough to get a small sample, so i don't think it mattered. I climbed down from the roof top, carefully avoiding the ones roaming around, and staying well out of reach of the stingers, I fired the bolt at the main structure, then yanked it back with the thread, as for how I lost my eye, every single one that was roaming around the structure made a beeline for mee as soon as the bolt hit the main structure. I "shelled up" a little too late. After attacking me for what seemed like years, the parasites eventually left me alone.
I'm never coming back here again.
DAY 30.
I didn't realize the full extent of the damage I took yesterday until i was done writing, they didn't just get my eye, they cracked the back of my shell aswell. I must have been in shock because this is incredibly painful. My shell has taken hits from bears, beastials, and once even a "false king" on my missions and never once has my shell taken any damage more than a scratch.
Cattail managed to find the two we came for, albiet not in the best state. Eden looked so different that i originally didn't recognize her, and not just in the maturity sense, she had apperently completely changed forms multiple times since I last saw her, I always assumed Cattail was exagerating, but this truly isnt normal even for her object type. I'll have to talk with her about that later.
We made it back to the jeep and from there we were home free, just a three day drive back.
DAY 32.
Those kids apperently worked up an appetite because we ended up having to forage multiple times. We packed for *two months* what happened to these two?
I tried making conversation, but all three of them seemed to be out of it, even more so than myself!
DAY 33.
It's worse than i thought
We arrived home and unpacked, but as soon as the two walked inside cattail pulled me aside and told me what had happened too them in such a short amount of time. How it spread so quickly terrified me, and i later checked the samples, which had both "died".
I feel horrible for not leaving earlier.
Its a lot harder than you'd think to write with one eye. I'll leave these three alone for awhile while i get my eye fixed, they need time.
DAY 34.
I got in contact with pin, and they respawned me in treatment as a quick fix as per push' suggestion. My eye was fixed but for some reason I still had all my scars and my shell had visible "fuse" lines.
When I asked about it they shrugged.
I need a better doctor.
Day 35.
I woke up in push' office, I talked with push in person, and she told me the goverment of reaching gardens is seizing my samples, but push should still have a say over what happens to them from her position.
I don't know what I was expecting really.
I'll stay with push for now, They need space.
DAY 36.
Who knew push could cook?
Anyway after we studied the sample all we could see was printer materials and not much else. Honestly if these things are made by terminals Fossil might actually have a chance, esspecially with carrot helping her! Luckily already cut off the terminals from the rings, we got readings they weren't functioning properly and cut the connection weeks before the outbreak. Who knows what would hablve happened if we didnt.
With just these two samples and limited knowledge om terminal coding and function, this is all the research we can do for now
DAY 37.
I asked cattail for updates today, and they had gone to court without telling me. Accirding to Cattail dynamite had snuck out shortly after i left and confessed to an officer, but all charges the were dropped as soon as they heard he was from the rings.
I can only imagine how guilty he must feel.
I began planning a second "rescue mission" with push. I may not enjoy it but I'm obligated regardless.
DAY 38.
Neither of us slept at all.
We're looking to rescue as many people as legally and physically possible but with our sparce resources the most we're looking at
Is two helicopters and a few ground vehicles.
I called shotgun
DAY 39.
With each passing minute i'm getting more and more anxious to leave. I won't let this situation progress any further.
Push managed to haggle the government into three times the resources if we bring back a live sample, but i have no idea how we'll make it into center ring let alone high society even with those resources.
DAY 40.
Everything is in place to leave
We're bringing extra food this time
Cattail decided to stay here with mushroom and dynamite after I urged him these resources were plenty and his help wasn't needed.
I may have been too harsh, I'm not good at lying.
DAY 41.
Writing [???] helicopter [???]
they [???] really big tank
DAY 44.
I apologize for my previous notes, the "tank" i mentioned is a glass tank they gave us last second for the live sample, its very small so I have no idea how we'll manage. Perhaps my eyesight hasn't fully recovered quite yet, but writing from a helicopter is surprisingly difficult.
The land party went in though the gate this time, they were armed, but for the most part it was seemingly empty.
This mission is going WAY better than last time so far, we're already just outside the center ring!
DAY 45.
Our radios picked up a short message,
But it went to static to quickly to understand or respond, they reffered to these things as "parasites" which seems much more accurate than "those things" so I'll use that from now on.
When we first got into the center ring, our windows fogged up completely, we actually had to land. typically the rings arent nearly this humid.
We decided to set up camp at the center ring, that way if things go south, we can too! So far, no survivors, we have gunned down about three of these things now, but we switched to a handheld flamethrower push brought (???) Because the noise was attracting parasites and possibly scaring off survivors.
That radio signal gave me an idea though
DAY 45.
Push's flamethrower has been incredibly effective at keeping them at bay while I broadcasted our location over the radio with a short message about the situation.
The first too arrive was a group of 5.
4 adults, one child.
When they arrived the set up their own section of camp without a word. One of them was severely injured, but we fixed him up ok. He'll live for now.
That kid and her chalk is getting pretty annoying.
DAY 46.
I suggested we move into high society but push was against it. Shes the one rrunning this mission so I couldn't really argue.
We had 2 seperate groups of survivors arrive today, but they seemed to know each other. Why is everything with these survivors so complicated?
The first too arrive were two girls that I was afraid to make eye contact with. They were a lot more talkative then the previous group, I explained that we were a rescue party from reaching gardens, they offered too help defend camp while we waited for more survivors.
The second group was much larger, and all three groups keep giving each other dirty looks. They all seem to know each other and not in a good way. Im debating leaving these guys if we get over crowded...
DAY 46
We were debating whether or not it was time to try and capture one alive when a smaller fellow wandered in, and I do mean wandered, he's the only one that not here from the radio signal.
We were warned by two of the previous groups about him, but not in any particular way, just that he was somehow more dangerous than he looked. With thise warnings in mind, I gladly put him in the tank. Temporarily of course. I picked him up with one hand to do so, I am unsure if this guy is dangerous in any way, but better safe than sorry...
DAY 47.
We were almost at max capacity and debating leaving and coming back later, when we were alerted by one of the pilots that something was coming, A massive horde of parasites was headed directly for us, but even more importantly just ahead of the massive horde was a jeep going faster than i have ever seen a jeep go.
Fossil you crazy bastard.
She made it too us well before the horde did, and we left immedeatly.
I avoided writing this one until we landed.
DAY 50.
We made it back, and with bullets to spare.
I was getting tired of gunshots.
We didnt manage to get a live sample though, so Push is about to have to pay so much money.
I kept that weirdo in the tank, maybe he's enough of a specimen.
DAY 51.
He was a specimen.
We scanned everybody for infectiom when we got back using an invention of fossils.
He was the only one who came up positive.
My luck has come though a suspicious amount of times now...
DAY 52.
That weirdo, "Wagyu" he said, is probably the strangest person I have ever met. Although, considering the circumstances, that does make sense.
From what we can tell, wagyu isnt infected quite like the others, for some reason, the thousands of parasites crawling all over him won't mutate him at all.
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