#is also poor
sailoreuterpe · 5 months
So, in the last 24 hours:
our bathroom light started flickering our dog started limping and spasming our freezer started over-freezing our refrigerator died we found out that the muffler on our single vehicle is shot
I hate it here.
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artkaninchenbau · 8 months
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Crocodile finds a strange stray cat an 11-year old Nico Robin (AU where they met 13 years earlier. Robin's been on the run from the World Government for 3 years. Crocodile's 27 and has not set up base in Alabasta yet)
It seems like I have become possessed. By some sort of demon.
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christadeguchi · 2 months
putting the o in olympics
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Pomni and Gummigoo reunite in TADC!
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foldingfittedsheets · 8 months
I think something a lot of other people can relate to is the way that you get so conditioned to discomfort that you stop registering it.
I remember sitting at the table with my family, eating dinner as a child. I’d try to eat, because of course I was hungry. But sometimes the flavor or texture was so repugnant that it moved into a category of Not Food.
“Two more bites before you can leave the table.”
“I can’t,” I’d say, trying to explain the impossibility.
But because I was a child they heard, “I won’t,” and made me sit at the table. I’d sit in dull agonized silence, bored and hungry for hours until bedtime when they’d give up. I’d hate myself for not eating and my parents for forcing me to sit there. The few forcefeeding moments ended in vomit.
They’d say, “If you don’t eat this you can’t eat a snack later,” and I moved past trying to communicate my discomfort into accepting that I’d just be hungry.
That state of affairs didn’t last, because my parents realized nothing could force me to eat so they catered to my palate, worrying they’d starve me. But the message stuck. If you can’t do anything about a situation, just accept the suffering.
A few years later my mother called me off the playground to ask, “Are you limping?”
I shrugged. My feet had hurt for a long time, but that was just the way things were now. My mom pulled my socks and shoes off and gasped. The soles of my feet were covered in huge painful planters warts.
“Why didn’t you say anything?!” She demanded but I could only shrug at her. I’d learned a long time ago that saying things about my discomfort didn’t matter, so now I had no words. Sometimes things hurt and sometimes they don’t. I simply accepted and did my best.
Now as an adult trying to learn to improve my own conditions can be hard. If I make food that I can’t eat I’ll force myself to sit at the counter still, full of guilt and self loathing, trying to will myself to eat it.
At first I needed my betrothed to gently take it away to present me with something I could eat. Now on my own I can usually admit that it’s not happening before too long and get something else, but I still feel guilty.
Laying in bed at night waiting for my betrothed to finish getting ready I let out a huge sigh of relief when they turned the lights off.
“Why didn’t you turn them off if they bothered you?” they asked the first time it happened.
“I didn’t even know it was bothering me until it was gone.”
Assessing my physical state now to see if I can improve it is something I’m still relearning but I’m relieved to finally have the space and support to do it.
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nouverx · 5 months
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*proceeds to drink the whole bottle*
Yeah Alastor you're gonna be loved and appreciated wether you want it or not :)
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footlongdingledong · 5 months
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lazylittledragon · 2 months
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bg3 x taskmaster filed under 'things that are funny to me and nobody else'
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abracadaze · 2 years
i feel so bad for nikola tesla like imagine spending years beefing with a guy who has conned the public into believing he's some sort of supergenius when in reality it's his overworked employees developing all of his world-changing inventions and you end up dying broke and starving and alone and then 100 years later another guy cons the public into believing he's some sort of supergenius when in reality it's his overworked employees developing all of his world-changing inventions and he's doing it all IN YOUR NAME. he must be rolling in his grave like a fucking rotisserie chicken
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pangur-and-grim · 2 months
I think he likes me
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lonelyzarquon · 10 months
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wiisagi-maiingan · 2 months
I love tornado survival guides. "Shelter in a basement or interior room without any windows. But if you're in a mobile home, just fucking die I guess lol"
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zhookotallo · 11 months
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egophiliac · 4 months
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tsum events really are just the best, huh
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FNAF Monty and TADC Gummigoo are so alike!
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medusas-graveyard · 3 months
Contingency plan
Danny: I need you to make a very serious contingency plan against me.
Bruce: I— Danny, what—?
Danny: Okay so there is a prophecy where I go insane because one point or another that caused the destruction of worlds as you know it and it happened in one universe already and that me broke into our universe which I already took care of but Kronos said that that outcome is still very reachable and I've had an existential crisis ever since because of what exactly the extent of my capabilities.
Bruce: and that contingency plan requires....?
Danny: An extinct flower that I could only get by going to the past
Bruce: Contingency plan it is.
[Planting said flowers]
Damian: Are there any specific requirements to grow them?
Danny: Oh, yeah. Let me just— *takes the gardening shears, about to slice his hand*
Tim: Danny what the fuck are you doing?!
Danny: I'm pretty sure they grew them with blood soaked soil—
Damian: Are you as stupid as the fucking pilgrims these die with? That means they were high with Iron!
Danny: ...o h
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