#it's specifically the idea of my consciousness not being under my control
thethingything · 4 months
finally processing that we're probably gonna have to have these teeth removed with either sedation or general anaesthetic and unfortunately I have a phobia of both of these to the point where just thinking about it gives us panic attacks and I genuinely don't know what to do because I absolutely want to avoid this at all costs but we also might not have any other option
#personal#thoughts#🍬 post#vent post#there is no amount of comfort or reassurance that can make me feel okay being sedated#like it's not even that I'm scared of side effects or risks or anything#I just can't even begin to express how much I absolutely do not want someone giving me a drug that's going to make me drowsy and incoherent#and also not remember anything afterwards#the premise of a stranger giving me a drug that's going to fuck up my ability to process anything or remember any of what happened#feels so incredibly violating and awful#like yes it's a medical context. yes I know it's so they can do the treatment. yes I know I'm supposed to trust them or whatever#but our brain doesn't process it like that. it's a stranger drugging you. that's terrifying regardless of the context#and given how much medical trauma we have and how awful some medical professionals have been to us#it happening in a medical context actually makes me feel worse#once again I'm not even necessarily scared of anything bad happening#even if you could absolutely guarantee that nothing bad would happen I would not be okay with it in the slightest#it's specifically the idea of my consciousness not being under my control#I take co-codamol for pain and that can make me drowsy and incoherent and fuck up my memory#but that's me choosing when to take it and how much to take and being able to stay away from people if I feel like I need to#and being able to make notes about what I've done and stuff like that#and there's a huge difference between that and being in a clinic having a procedure where you can't just get up and leave#and someone else is administering the meds and choosing the dosage and you're not the one in control of this situation#this makes me sound like a control freak and yeah I probably am#but that's kind of what haappens when you've had your bodily autonomy violated so many times by so many people
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auriidae · 9 months
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PART 2 ‼️ me & my friends when we are stuck at life (pt 1) (pt 3)
character notes under the cut!!!!!
both in true hs canon and in this au, rage represents chaos. and lifeseries grian is so undoubtedly linked to chaos above all else — he thrives off it, subsists on it even. if it’s not something he can seek out it’s something he’ll initiate. but — make no mistake, the anarchy he initiates is very much limited to within the game. he doesn’t break the game system, he works within it and disrupts whatever system the players are trying to put in place… for the benefit of the game itself. and again, with heirs being played by their aspect, it only makes sense for him to be one. rather than jimi, though, he’s okay with this — being an agent of chaos ties him to it intrinsically, and that makes him feel so, so alive. he’s okay with being controlled, for the most part, because it also means he’s in control. at least at the beginning.
i wanted to make eethos a mind player so bad you don’t understand 😔 but i think he is closer to void in reality. either way he’s a thief — dealing in redistribution of his aspect only to himself, whether consciously or unconsciously. i think void makes sense for eethos because he’s such an unknown to many of the other players (and also to some extent probably himself). a thief of void — taking the mystery from others, knowing them and their secrets and cloaking yourself in them, making yourself an unknown. if void is an aspect more focused inward, also (i like the idea that the central struggle of void players’ character arcs are more personal than some of the other aspects), we could have eethos vs the mortifying ordeal of being known + choosing to stay. which comes back to his class, with thieves having to let others have their aspect as well in order to fully complete their character arc. with that being said eethos “wghats the deal wiht abtrhoom pesnis” mind player will always be real in my heart ok
beedub oh beedub my beloved rogue beedub. rogues typically have the problem, right, where they are capable of redistributing their aspect for the benefit of others but never for themselves. so they try to find others who can help them with it but really just have to learn to stand on their own (and end up finding a source of their aspect that way). this specifically throws beedub n eethos’s friendship into the saddest light because beedub is okay with giving everything to his friends + allies (esp eethos) while quietly hoping they will help him in return, but the thing beedub wants eethos (as a thief) is incapable of giving to him. he can only take, and that’s where their sort of falling out where eethos starts avoiding him and spending more time with others comes from. eethos needs to learn to give to others (not beedub) and beedub needs to learn to stand on his own. ethubs makes me sad. BUT ANYWAYS hope as the aspect of imagination, of being caught up in seeing what could be, of love and trust unconditionally without paying mind to the possible repercussions. that is pretty bdubs-coded i think. he’s a hope player and he’s going to be ok guys he’s going to be fine :)
again feel free to ask me questions abt them !!! lifestuck is in my brain
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mesetacadre · 1 month
Firstly, Im USAmerican I’m not trying to be like “oh woe is me,” Im just trying my best to understand what would be the best option for everyone. I’ve heard so many varying things and this is my second time voting, so I just want wanted to know what other people think. This isn’t meant to be malicious or condescending in any way either! I know you can do multiple things at once it’s just that I worry that when I walk into that polling booth, that I’ll be putting more innocent people at stake.
I’ve seen people tell,call,email etc Kamala to say that she isn’t getting their vote unless she stops funding Israel and their assault on the Palestinian people. And I’ve seen some people say that there is literally no point in trying to reason/ransom with her and that she (like all other US presidents) is a monster no matter what.
I’ve seen some other people say that voting 3rd party or not voting at all is the only way to go. But I worry that a 3rd party candidate wouldn’t stand a chance so late in the game. And I also worry that not voting would be a waste of a privilege, especially since so many people don’t have the access to voting inside the US and out.
I’ve also seen people worrying about project 2025 being pushed into place and I’ve also seen other people say Americans are cowards for worrying about such a thing.
I know you don’t live in the US but I also know this election impacts people outside of the states so I just wanted to know your thoughts. I’ve asked this to another blog as well, so if any of your followers have thoughts Id like to hear them too! I just feel a little pulled in every direction and I figured asking around would be a good idea.
Thank you so much and have a nice day!
If I were in your position I would stop going back and forth about who to vote for and start organizing. Were social rights protected with Biden? Very clearly not, since people are already suffering from things that are in that think tank's document. Abortion is no longer protected, trans people are begin targeted across a good portion of the states, the border is going to keep getting bloodier regardless of who wins, etc. Sure, you might argue that these things are not in control of the president, like the Supreme Court or the individual states. So then, how are elections supposed to help? And this is just talking about domestic policy, but the imperialist cogs of the US hegemon will keep turning no matter who's in DC, and you really cannot fucking ignore the current genocide in Palestine, plus the US' entire history of foreign interventions and the suffering that has come from that. You all should really realize the scale of the situation and stop engaging with the US on its own terms. There are class interests to which every mechanism of liberal democracy are subordinated to.
It is extremely unique for you USAmericans to spend this much fucking time and energy on your elections, you can't overstate it. Practically every year is filled with election bullshit. Election periods in basically the rest of the world only last like a month at most, where I live it takes two weeks. Elections aren't even the only or most important way to participate in politics within the very basic framework of liberal democracy. But you're all constantly acting like it's a team sport, always with the election. Don't take this personally anon, I'm not annoyed at you specifically and I appreciate the effort in your ask, but it's so incredibly childish to every single time spend 2 years or more hueing and crying about the upcoming election. Do something about it then! stop hyperfocusing on a single day every 4 years! People were already talking about the 2020 election after Trump won in 2016, that's absurd!
Read Lenin and read decolonial theory, organize yourself and the working class, build political-revolutionary consciousness amongst your class, do whatever you can to strike at the stability of the empire which you live under without getting arrested or killed, and stop legitimizing this pantomime by making it the exclusive vehicle of your political thought. Voting is just a single day, and the run-up (not 3 years!) should be spent campaigning for your own interests, denouncing this bullshit system you all keep saying you also don't "like". "Surviving", which is what some left liberals keep saying they're trying to do (I know you did not say that, anon), looks like organizing yourself and everybody you can to stop relying on the scraps the managers of capitalism and imperialism sometimes throw at you.
Voting as an action and voting as a strategy are two different things. What you're worried about, as I understand it, is the action of going to a booth and putting your choice of ballot in the box. Voting as a strategy, is the decoration and structure so many people build around it. I can't recall exactly who I saw doing this, but a USAmerican mutual of mine who's also a communist got an ask about who they're voting for. This mutual laid out the options in their state, went over their policies, and explained why they'll vote for the candidate they disliked less (I think it was an independent but don't quote me on that). You know why none of us "election interfering foreign agents" jumped at them for this? because they understand the very limited potential for voting, spent a little bit of their time researching each candidate avaliable to them, and then spend the entire rest of their political energy focusing on other things outside electoralism.
Yeah, shit's fucked for social rights, so is basically anywhere else in the world right now. I also don't have good choices in my elections, half the parliament is talking about the islamization of Spain and plans to gut any public service, and the other actively anesthesizes and absorbs any social movement that could combat reactionarism. So I stop worrying too much about who I'm casting my ballot for and I dedicate all my political energy to militancy in my communist party, slowly creating class consciousness and setting up ways to eventually protect our own class from the inevitable strike. All of this while being the 12th economy in the world, and consequently, an integral part of the imperialist NATO and EU, facts that no sector of our liberal democracy even questions. And do you think our siblings in the countries victim of the imperialist doctrine of NATO have it any better? When entire elections and governments have been interfered with not by "social media bots", but by actual bloodshed and terror? They don't spend years yelling at each other about who to vote for, they also organize themselves and attempt to emancipate their own class
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thelonelyshore-if · 1 month
Question for you, my liege! Can you give us more insight on our distinctive magics? I know the names are kinda self-explanatory lol but I’m super curious about how they came to be in our MC and also whether or not they play a role with our stats (potential rework aside). Like, a high Weird would pair nicely with Fog control (feels more like Speak with Animals except with evil water vapor instead of talking animals) or high Tough would go well with becoming something monstrous (the idea of the MC turning into a monster is both wicked and terrifying. Oh oh oh and high Charisma being perfect for Necromancy, because it was really wholesome for that ghost to help us out! Anyway, keep up the great work!
Hey!! I love talking about the magic types and now that y'all have gotten a taste of how they work I'd love to go a tiny bit more in depth!! So those will be under the cut.
How the MC's magic came to be is, unfortunately, spoilers ;)
As for stat interactions, currently the only one planned is your Weird stat affecting how easy it is for the MC to control their magic/how naturally it comes to them. I'd love to do more in the future (your ideas are suuuper fun 👀), but I think I need to feel out the specifics when the time comes!!
Much to think about, haha.
Fog-Touched: the MC has a special connection to the fog. Consciously or unconsciously, they have embraced it, and it has claimed them in turn. These MCs will be able to channel the fog to influence the world around them, as well as be able to communicate with the fog (in a way)...but also will become steadily more vulnerable to the fog's manipulation.
Monstrous: the MC becomes something else, something more than human. Their senses and instincts sharpen, their body physically changes until they are a living weapon. They can protect themself and those they love with tooth and nail, but losing control is easy when you start peeling back the layers of your humanity.
Necromancy: the MC has a strange connection to the dead. They might someday be able to summon and communicate with ghosts, as well as raise the dead into some state of undeath--and control those raised souls. However, no living person is meant to be this connected to death, and some of the life might leech out of the MC in turn.
Precognition/Clairvoyance: the MC sees visions of possible futures--sometimes far in advance, sometimes only seconds in the future. They can use this information to act and to do their best to fix things before they break. The weight of what might be is a heavy one, though, and being able to see the future doesn't always mean you can change it.
Resistant: the MC refuses to be changed by this place, but there are forces stronger than any one person's will. Magic fills them, warps them...but they fight it at every turn. And because of this rejection, the magic bursts out of them. The most wild and ill-defined magic path, which presents differently depending on the situation. Possibly the most dangerous, too, since the MC has no means to control it.
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goodoldwritings · 4 months
I'm so stupid, being autistic I am stereotypically eating chicken nuggets and mac n cheese....
And while it cools im thinking about writing; I thought about the reaction of the cast with an autism gremlin reader.
Ln'Eta, Estir, Nyanlathotep and Rhok'zan x Autistic reader headcanons.
Rhok'zan has mention of things sexy but nothing bad. wholesome and stupid
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First of all, if you get the sensory ick from her tentacles she'll be SO SAD, you can't control it and she knows that- but you two need to find a way to work around that.
Opposite if you get sensory happy from touching her she is quite happy! She is rather snuggly, you can be found idly stimming on one of her leg tentacles while you both watch TV.
With your safe foods, she always offers you some of her food when you eat together but the same food every day of the week for every meal seems to be just fine for you. She just doesn't understand why you don't get sick of it.
Ln'Eta offering to block out the sun when you're over-stimulated.... She's great when you're under-stimulated but panics when you're over-stimulated and puts the house into the void more times than you can count on one hand.
Has no grasp on what autism is- a human its a human thing to have "typical" "standard" things versus every individual being completely different. She simply learns your behaviors and triggers to know You specifically.
Quickly she learns raising her voice is the quickest way to make you NOT do something and freak out instead. She froze when she saw it happen for the first time, why are you shutting down, why aren't you listening- why are you crying?! She in turn never does it again, but claims it's because it is "not effective"
She takes it as a challenge when you dislike the fabric of the clothes she gets you (Fancy fabric is usually so uncomfortable!) She will not stop until you have the most comfortable, yet fancy outfit to match hers. Definitely brags when she can about the expensive, soft, comfortable accommodations she can provide.
Imagine this, Estir has an entire feast table of food, goose, lobster, caviar- and you at the other side of the table with your chicken nuggets and/or other safe food.
She, like her sister is horrible when you're over stimulated, but takes longer to even realize you're not well. Kicks out all her servants- but she can't help with the lights because Carcosa is a star! It's a burning ball of light.
Autism? No idea what that is but has your explanation written down anyway. "My human is very particular in their wants and needs. You are just jealous you cannot provide for such an individual like I can."
Nyanlathotep is very even toned in her voice and actions, consciously she doesn't do anything to give you the sensory Ick. Although her intense presence is always there, so when she uses her powers it likely becomes more unbearable
Listen, listen... she's very fuzzy. You cannot tell me whether she likes it for not you can stim on her fur like people do with pet cats. It can range from fine to annoying depending on what she Is doing when you decide to nuzzle your face into her fur. She's supposed to be scary? Shouldn't have made her form fuzzy.
"Why." You with the 7th day only eating your comfort food " because. " Nyan-Nyan experiments trying to get you to eat something else, fails, "facinating- you'd rather starve than eat something else--"
Completely confused about your situation, overstimulated or under stimulated- "I thought humans could handle more than this..." not that she meant it offensively but she thought she knew what humans were like by watching them. Although... she is tall and strong enough to hold you, I can just imagine it would be like one of those sensory swings- unlikely she would though unless you were really bad off.
Autism? She's older than mankind she has no idea what the word is for it now in your language. She just knows some humans are "sensitive creatures"
Not many know this but flirtation and sexy times is overstimulating! She can over do it if she isn't careful but she doesn't mean to and backs off quickly if you're not in the mood. Rhok'zan the queen of Consent.
On the plus side, like Nyanlathotep she is lovely and fuzzy! She will gladly let you snuggle up to her at any point in time you just need to ask.
" Love, please eat something nutritional- please" she has to find somethings you can eat that has some nutrition to it that you're willing to eat as a safe food. It's easy to have a safe food that isn't the healthiest, like nuggets.
When you're over-stimulated she is actually quite good at helping you, closing curtains, turning off lights- and over all staying calm. Asks if you want snuggles or if you'd prefer not to be touched. Will read a book nearby if you want her to stay but not touch.
Doesn't know what autism is, but she has met and loved so many people to realize each one has their own needs.
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outofangband · 1 year
Elves and synesthesia thoughts part one
I mentioned this in my list of speculative biology ideas for elves here!
Synesthesia is a neurological phenomena where two or more senses are combined causing an overlap in sensory stimuli. For example, a person with auditory to visual synesthesia, also known as chromesthesia might see colors when hearing sounds. These stimuli are automatic, involuntary, consistent over time, and simple; seeing red when hearing a chair moved, smelling spices when touching fabric, or even seeing number lines visualized as three dimensional shapes. 
I have synesthesia myself and find it really fun for world building
I have a lot of thoughts on elves and senses including synesthesia. I think most stimuli and input for elves is experienced through multiple senses for example being able to feel sound (obviously humans can through vibrations but some elves are more attuned to this). Synesthesia of the kind humans experience is more common in elves and other kinds unique to them also exist.
-Most elves experience some form of synesthesia though most do not experience all forms and most have some control over how much they consciously process. I talked about this year when I talked about the additional signs of sensing growth and change in the environment but I believe they more control than humans over how they process this sensory information. Especially because they experience it more strongly than humans seem too it makes sense that they would have control over this processing, at least in most cases.
-Mirror touch synesthesia, a rare form in humans, is experienced by many elves. This is phenomena where experiences sensations that one witnesses, for example, feeling a pain in one’s head seeing someone’s truck there. This can be extremely distressing to humans experiencing it, unlike other forms of synesthesia.  For elves, this is such a common experience it doesn’t register as particularly distressing, except for an extreme cases, and for those unable to have any control over how they process this information. Most do not experience extreme pain, even witnessing severe injuries. 
-Just like with humans, it appears frequently in their art. A lot of abstract art and music is inspired by synesthesia! Especially among the Noldor where there is more specific study of the phenomenon including Noldorin scientists who spend their lives charting what color twelve thousand different people see the number eight, the letter for the eh sound, the feeling of a stinging cut, etc
-For those with particularly strong bonds, Óswane can be communicated through synesthesia, that is, emotions, intentions, etc being shared through color, shape, or even taste, physical sensations
-synesthesia for many elves will not process fully during severe depression or lack of movement.
-A small number of elves in Angband lose this phenomenon completely. Some temporary, others permanently. This is due to a variety of external and environmental factors.
-Just a general sensory thought in general though I will make a separate post for this I think. Sensory games and building exercises are common across elven cultures. Games involving the identification and sorting of items solely by one sense without the use of any of the others are common among the Noldor and Vanyar. Sindar children in Doriath will learn to travel to certain locations by the sounds of the forest and the feeling under their feet alone.
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impercre · 7 months
Differences Between Book/ My Headcanons and Films Cheat Sheet
Duke Leto Atreides
He's much more of a bastard. Duke Leto is actively plotting to usurp the throne from Shaddam IV and hasn't married Jessica specifically in the hopes of marrying one of Shaddam's daughters.
Paul Muad'Dib Atriedes
Also so much more of a bastard. While he does have mixed feelings about it, ultimately he is consciously manipulating the Fremen to get what he wants which is revenge for his father's death and House Atreides back in power.
Thufir Hawat
Thufir is one of the most renowned and feared mentat-assassins in the Imperium who's served House Atreides for generations. After the Fall of House Atreides, Thufir is forced to join House Harkonnen where he takes the young Feyd-Rautha under his wing with the intent of using him to take his revenge on House Harkonnen.
House Harkonnen
So while the main cities on Giedi Prime are industrial nightmares with pollution/food rationing/ etc. The primary export is of Pilingitam wood, the trees growing to massive size and becoming as hard as steel when dried out.
Feyd Rautha
While I'm not going to pretend Feyd doesn't have issues, he does. He's probably one of the most self aware characters in the book. He's fully aware of how perverse the Baron is and actively wants to escape his control. He's also genuinely popular on Giedi Prime with many having more love and loyalty for him than they do his Uncle. I have taken the liberty of fleshing him out even more and developing the relationship with him and Thufir, with Thufir in some ways molding and guiding Feyd to be a more honorable ruler like the Atreides were. He also does care for his older brother, Rabban. He's aware Rabban is terrible even brutal governor of Arrakis but is equally aware his Uncle has maneuvered to force Rabban into that position. Rabban has also actively protected Feyd from their Uncle. As he himself wasn't so lucky avoiding his Uncle's s****l abuse.
The Fremen/Arrakis in General
So there isn't the divisions between Southern and Northern Fremen. The book treats the Fremen as fairly homogenous which is problematic in it's own right. I myself prefer to write it as every Fremen tribe having unique cultural practices. I am particularly fond of the idea of each Fremen tribe using slightly different techniques in how they produce Stilsuits and how they decorate them. In terms of religion- based on my understanding of the books the Fremen who live in the cities tend be the more skeptical of Fremen Religion with those being in the deep deserts being the more religious. Since the movie also glosses over this I think it's also important to point out in the book Paul inherits Jamis' household after killing him. In Fremen culture calling someone out means you will have to provide for that person's spouse, children etc. And is not to be taken lightly. Also I made up a whole tribe for my own shits and giggles X
Liet Kynes
So uh my Kynes is a man. He is also part Fremen through his mother and while he does help the Atreides he comes to regret it. He is also an important leader amongst the Fremen having united the Tribes in the hopes of changing the face of Arrakis to be more hospitable and be under Fremen control. He's also Chani's father.
Like in the book Chani is a Sayyadina, a Fremen Priestess. She's not against Paul as a religious figure, she does initially believe he is the Lisan Al-Gaib but also comes to believe he doesn't fully understand her culture and needs to be protected.
Kaleff is Jamis' stepson. I've headcanoned it that Kaleff sees Jamis as his father as his birth father wasn't a good man. I have aged him up from what he was in the book so he's roughly the same as Paul but decides against calling him out coming to respect Paul as a friend and leader even if like his father he's a religious skeptic. But falls in line with Paul because he has no love for some of the current Fremen social norms or most off-worlders.
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glitterpensupremacy · 4 months
Alright, you all voted (in spite of my prediction) and so I am more than happy to deliver!
Adrien MTS
His character notes are organized into four categories:
1. General info
2. Personality
3. Key relationships
4. Planned character growth
(This post may be a bit long, so the rest is under the cut)
1. General Info
I‘ll start with the biggest overall changes:
Adrien now has an equal importance to the story as Marinette (they are both the main protags of the show). This is because MTS has certain relevant plot lines that wouldn’t work with Marinette as the POV character. For example, the Agreste family backstory heavily impacts him and his life, so making Marinette the focus doesn’t work. This change was also made because duality and balance are major thematic motifs in the show, and having two MCs was one of the best ways we could implement this idea. (Also he’s just a fun character to write plots around!) On average he and Marinette would get equal screen time, but it fluctuates depending on the particular story (ex: he has a slightly smaller role in season 2 since he has less of a connection to Lila, a major antagonist in that season).
We are also not using the SentiAdrien plotline. This is due to it not being confirmed as canon at the time we began conceptualizing MTS, so we didn’t include it. And now the story doesn’t have room for it and all all the other aspects of the series that are more integral.
2. Personality
Adrien, while still trying to be nice to most of the people he meets, is a lot less mild mannered than his OG counterpart. A bit like the OG show’s S1 Adrien, only slightly more chaotic. He’s generally cheerful, enjoys making jokes (mainly as CN) and trying new things, and affectionate with his loved ones. Freedom is very important to Adrien, and he’ll often go to great lengths to try to hold on to it. Sometimes Chat Noir tries to put on a bit of a “tough guy persona”, but often melts at the first compliment or gesture from his partner.
Adrien does have the tendency to be very assertive and a tad brash (especially in the first season) because he worries that any sign of weakness will cause others to want to make decisions for him to “protect him”. Similarly, he hates being put on a pedestal, especially when it causes others to dismiss any part of him that doesn’t fit the image they have in their head (basically him being a famous model has greatly impacted how he wants to be perceived with others). He also can’t stand it when people close to him (mainly his father and initially his brother) hide things from him and try to control his actions and behavior.
3. Key Relationships
This is actually only a couple of his relevant relationships, seeing as there are a lot of them in MTS. If you want to know about a specific relationship I didn’t mention (or want more detail on a one I did mention, feel free to send me an ask!)
Marinette: The two start off with a casual friendship, as Marinette doesn’t really care that he’s a model. This actually makes Adrien more interested in hanging out with her, as she’s someone who sees Adrien as a person rather than a celebrity. He doesn’t really see her in a romantic light (or at least realize he does) until toward the end of the show, but still values her a lot. He also won’t be as oblivious as the OG Adrien about Mari’s feelings, and even though he doesn’t reciprocate them (consciously anyway), he appreciates that she actually likes him for who he is.
Ladybug: These two sort of get off on the wrong foot. Partially because of their Kwami’s influence (we may have given them some issues for the plot) and partially because Chat initially thinks Ladybug is a lot like his brother, the two don’t really work together, and often quarrel. He gets very paranoid about her wanting him to go along with her plans (due to his fear of being controlled) and thinks she’s bossy. After the midpoint of the S1 though, they get to know each other better. He learns that she is very different from who he thought she was. Realizing that she’s actually a vulnerable girl trying her best to be a hero and do right by others, causes him to become more concerned about her wellbeing. The two will also start to confide in each other about their insecurities, and near the end of S1, he finally falls in love with her. (He’ll be a lot less outspoken about it than the OG though, due to an incident that happened prior to this.) He wants to be the hero partner she deserves first and foremost.
Felix: The twins were very close growing up, especially the death of their mother and their father becoming more distant, but over the years, Felix began to change. He started to treat Adrien more like their father does, which caused Adrien to feel betrayed by his brother. Initially their relationship is cordial, with a bit of resentment on Adrien’s side, which grows until it reaches a breaking point. The two end up getting into a (somewhat one-sided) fight, that Adrien comes to regret. Fortunately the two end up getting a bit closer after this, before finally resolving their issues in the season finale (Felix learns Chat Noir’s identity, which changes how he perceives his brother, and Adrien realized that there’s been more going on with Felix than he thought after he gets akumatized into Calamity). From there the two regain their lost relationship, and do anything for each other.
Gabriel: Adrien’s feelings about his father are… complicated. On the one hand, he understands how hard things have been for his dad after losing the love of his life. In the other hand, Adrien can’t stand the way he’s acted for the past several years: isolating himself from everyone else, constantly trying to keep Adrien locked away and micromanaged, never just being there for his son, which is all Adrien really wants. On the other other hand, Adrien has a much harder time speaking up to him than he did with Felix (because well, it’s much easier to rebel against your twin sibling than your controlling father), and still wants to see the best in his dad (both because he cares about him and because Felix showed Adrien that change is possible). Throughout the third season, Adrien is able to learn a bit more about Gabriel and even confront him for how he’s treated Adrien (and Felix, but that’s another post). His father even seems like he’s starting to change after this, but… let’s just say something goes wrong.
Nino: Adrien is instantly charmed by his new “best bro”, who tries to teach him a bit more about normal kids work. Adrien tries to inspire Nino to apply himself a little more, at least when it comes to things that are clearly important to him. The fact that Nino likes his jokes definitely boosts his spirits. Adrien does start to worry about Nino after the Bubbler, as Nino’s extreme reaction (seeing as people usually can’t be akumatized unless it relates to a core issue that’s been festering for years) suggests that there may be more to his “cool dude” best friend than he thought.
Other notable Adrien/Chat Noir dynamics (for better or worse) include Plagg, Alya, Kagami, Luka, Chloe, Mylene (it’s a long story), Emilie, and Hawk Moth (he is their nemesis after all).
4. Character Growth
Ah yes, the bread and butter of storytelling. Adrien receives two major character arcs in the series. One principally taking place during season one, while the other is much longer. (He also gets minor, non-arc related growth, but I’m highlighting the most important details)
Arc #1: Adrien undergoes some pretty major changes in the first season. He starts off as the usual sweet, sophisticated, “perfect” Adrien who tries to smile through the loneliness and suffocating rules. When he meets Plagg, he gets a change to show how capable he can truly be, while getting the power to free himself from these confines. He especially loves using his Prime Ability, Wildcat (his equivalent to the Miraculous Ladybugs) to do so. It essentially turns him into an unbeatable fighting machine! Unfortunately, this power is more than a mortal being can handle, and slowly chips away at his sanity, amplifying his feelings of anger and determination to be free. Plagg also eggs him on, warning him that giving up on using Wildcats will make him “weak again”, which will cause him to go back to being helpless and submissive (MTS Plagg and Tikki are kinda jerks at first). He realizes that it’s too much for him to handle in the first midseason finale, and renounces the power. This causes his body to fall into a state of withdrawal and fatigue that takes multiple episodes to recover from. During this time, he learns the value of stability, responsibility, and that he can be empathetic while also not letting others control him. His arc culminates at the end of season 1, where he unlocks the power to purify akuma, understanding that destruction can be used for good when maintaining an inner balance.
Arc 2: The seeds of this arc are planted from the beginning, as using Wildcat caused him to unintentionally become destructive and dangerous, but the episode Copycat is what launches the arc. Facing someone who looks exactly like you, has all of your powers, who you (unintentionally) lead to get akumatized does a lot to a person’s self esteem. Even though he hasn’t fallen in love with Ladybug yet, he cares about their friendship, so fighting an imposter who completely obsessed with her causes him to fear becoming the same way. Naturally this causes him to panic when he does fall in love with her, making him take longer to even admit how he feels about her. (He also struggles after she rejects him, but is more worried about her potentially being afraid of him than the rejection itself.) The New York Special also deals with his insecurities, as he almost quits being a hero due to not wanting to hurt anyone else. Fortunately Felix (who he tried to give the ring to instead) talks him out of it. Finally he manages to overcome his fears in the final season, after he faces his nightmare in Sandboy (that being a Ladybug who believes he’s a monster), and acknowledges that he’ll never be that kind of person.
Alright, that finishes a (general) overview of Adrien’s character in Miraculous: The Series. To anyone who actually had the patience to read all of this, thank you for listening to my ramble (believe it or not but there’s even more details I could have mentioned!)
Marinette is gonna be the next character I talk about (idk when I’ll actually write her notes out, but she is next) as a planned post. After that… I’ll probably either discuss the MTS love square, Tikki and Plagg’s changes, or one of the fabled Season One trio characters (Alya, Chloe, or Felix). As for now… stay miraculous!
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faksyan · 2 months
12/16/19 :3
ooohh boyy that got really long. lots of mgs rambles under the cut. thanks for the ask!!! very slight nsfw mention in the second one, nothing major.
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I'll be honest I'm actually still familiar with some of the games only on surface-level (fake fan I know), and I don't think I have anyone like that from those I know well.
Well, Paz, but I talked about her a bit in the last ask already. She is full of rage and loneliness and gets just a glimpse of real affection and friendship and I find a lot of these themes very compelling. And I guess all the women in general, because fandom spaces usually gravitate towards men, and with mgs it's even less surprising. I really, really like Eva in Snake Eater, but that's mostly due to my own interpretation rather than the writing. I feel like her understanding of love must be really interesting as someone who was taught to pretend/actually feel on some level love on command, and I also think it's interesting that she was the one The Boss opened to. I really wish so many mgs women's traits weren't so tightly linked with romance, man. Quiet is also so cool, but she too suffers from being reduced to just that.
I really like The Boss, she's such a interesting contradiction - cold and strict, but also full of love for the while world and ready to give everything she has to make it just that much better. I would love to see in more detail things about her and Sorrow, an actual game with her as a protagonist would be awesome. Strangelove's tapes in pw are absolutely fascinating as well, the one where she's talking to Joy's ai almost made me cry, and she generally has some pretty interesting take on some things. I really liked the part where she talks about how ai would be an amalgamation of people's consciousness rather than of individual's in the future, because that put into words part of why I hate ai-generated images and text that people call art.
16) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Well, I can get people liking anything on account of different tastes, so this is more about popular takes I don't really get because of how different my reading of canon is, I guess? Like the idea of bbkaz being abusive to a point where Kaz was having a horrible terrible time every day at every corner. I've seen it in some fics, and kind of get where people go with it, but I think Kaz "almost blew himself up with a grenade so he wouldn't be taken prisoner" Miller would rather die than be treated like shit. He would blow up their shared tent if it ever came to it ya feel me. He is too proud and too impulsive and too much of everything. They respected and listened to each other and I'd say a lot of their issues were kind of more subtle? in a way. What they had definitely wasn't healthy in many aspects, but it was in ways where they both could ignore/didn't feel it was that bad at the moment, that type of thing.
I read through almost the entirety of ocelhira tag on ao3, and i could write a whole list of stuff about them that I personally see differently as that part of the fandom. I'm very picky when it comes to them, in no way those are bad, and I've /seen/ them being executed in a way I enjoyed, I just don't really get them. The main things I don't really see are, as follows:
That they hate each other (next to zero basis of that before the ending of v, and even this can be argued about.)
They would punch each other on the first meeting or shortly after (never seen either of them as people who would resort to violence in a more business-like setting. because that's how I see them approach what they have. Ocelot mainly uses violence in specific scenarios like interrogations and is good at controlling his emotions. Kaz is impulsive but he is a businessman to the bone. Maybe he'd punch Ocelot at some point but definitely not early on. I feel like the main instigator of random CQC is Snake after all, and without him they would figure things out differently.)
They would fuck on the first meeting or shortly after (Ocelot is weird about intimacy and doesn't trust anyone and is a spy who's probably never had friends or lovers, in any meaningful sence of the words. Also he's on aroace spectrum to me. I don't think Kaz would have sex with a person he genuinely despises even if he found them appealing, out of sheer stubbornness. If he hates a person he hates them, same reason why I don't think bbkaz would work in any way past v. Even if Kaz tried to hook up with Ocelot in the beginning, he would probably kill him for a mere insinuation. Give me the intricate details of getting to know a person and figuring shit out, they had nine whole years.)
There's probably more, but this is getting like. super long sorry my bad. And sorry so much of it is about ships, the platonic tags are barren as a desert I gotta write and draw some myself✌️
19) you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
Vocelot a bit maybe (not necessarily romantic or sexual) because the whole concept of them having a close relationship could go a very fucked-up route (like a bit more than the average mgs level). Not really ashamed, that's why I like it, it has a sort of a Hannigram feel to it. Even in case where they genuinely care about each other, there are still some weird power dynamics and mind games and codependency. I just generally find ideas of brainwashing really unsettling.
Also I really like Huey as a character. am I allowed to say that. am I getting fed to the bears. I can and will elaborate at some point, I just really like characters who are unredeemable impossible hypocrites (hey, that's part of why I'm a Kaz Miller fan) and Huey is just. vastly misunderstood when it comes to what caused him to spiral, none of which helps his case but it's INTERESTING. Instead he's just being reduced to a punching bag without taking a look at what exactly led up to it all. Grantedly, I don't think Kojima thought about it that deeply at all, but it came out as a vivid critique of how society and especially military treats men who are disabled/not "masculine" enough/can't stand up for themselves. to me. and I like that.
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pinkriaji · 6 months
Sooooo on the note of me not being able to sleep, I will give you my experience on not consciously manifesting for an ENTIRE year
In a ✨️non aesthetic post✨️😗
Trigger warning⚠️: mention of bad mental health, bad experiences, unaliving, long post too btw
Do you guys remember how your life was before you found out about manifestation?
Well I didn't, I found out subliminals in 2018 and Loassumption in 2020, so all this time I've been manifesting, changing limited beliefs, reprogram my mind and all of it.
Last year, exactly around this time, I felt stuck, I've had success in manifesting things but my life hadn't had a BIG change, I've seen posts here about people waking up in their desired reality, manifesting out of thin air, incredible changes in their beauty or body, etc
While I haven't, and that really affected me, so I decided to start a little challenge for myself, not manifesting for an entire year, exactly as it sounds. Not that I wanna scare you, cause ay the end of the day, it was my experience. But 2023 was a really hard year, it sort of felt that manifestation sort of became this veil that kept things in my reality under " a positive control" (for a little context in 2020 I had a really really really bad awful mental breakdown and at the same time I was struggling with a stalker) when I found Loassumption, that man did got out of my life, but I noticed that my focus was to sort of recover my mental health and maintain it, and sort of nothing happened in the years that follow, so when I decided to stop consciously manifesting, that sort of veil got lifted and i had a really bad year.
I struggled with loneliness, I lost friendships, my family got into debt, and more things that just made life difficult. It was my last year in college and I had lots of problems with that too, I had to do a bunch of things and I couldn't rely on consciously manifesting anything.
Now I can't come in here and tell you that after all of that, I had a fairytale ending where I woke up in my desired reality/dream life, and suddenly, everything was perfectly ok. Sadly, that wasn't my experience, I had to face my emotions and the experiences that I went through instead of escape. I had to see and experience all of my limiting beliefs, and ultimately come to terms with the idea that even if I don't live the life I want, there's still life.
I was sooo attached to the idea of a dream life, that when I started asking myself what exactly is my dream life, I noticed that it was empty, it was based on ideas and prompts that could be aesthetically pleasing and desired by many, but it didn't have something important, it didn't had my actual genuine desires and wants.
So let me ask you, do you really know your dream life? Do you actually know what you want? Cause that could be what is stopping you from seeing results.
Don't take this in a way of me telling you that some things are impossible to manifest or that you can only manifest what is "meant" for you.
I believe that since we all create our own realities, we also create our own destinies, but that doesn't stop our souls from desiring something specific that we may not be in the right tune to know about it.
Meditate if what your manifesting is something that you naturally want and desire or if is something that everybody told you to desire
+ also meditate on the idea of not getting what you want, it doesn't have to be pessimistic nor a sentence.
For example, if you are manifesting being a model, try to think how it would be if you became a teacher? Or a chef or a writer. Not because you can't manifest that desire path, but as a way to show yourself that whether you get what you want or not, life will keep happening. If you mediated on that, think, "Yes, life continues, but nothing else feels right." Then congratulations, I think you have really found what is meant for you 🫂💖✨️
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curiousitycollective · 10 months
I've been questioning on and off since i think, 2020? 2021? if im plural or not. At first i decided that no im not, because i dont have did/osdd/etc and I wasnt open to the idea of any other form of plurality bc it was always looked down upon. I stopped thinking about it for a while but more recently I've been having trains of thoughts that dont really feel like they belong to me: im not sure how to explain it, its not a voice, feels more like a thought that was placed into my mind but doesn't belong to *me*; but then i was thinking maybe im just personifying my intrusive thoughts etc + i have a history of experiencing paranoia/delusions too so, yk
We dont really switch either. I space out a lot (i do dissociate, im just quite confident i dont have any form of disordered plurality) and it occasionally it *feels* like im not in control but I know I still am. The most "out of control" i've felt was doing something and feeling that it was *influenced* by someone else, but not actually done by them. A lot of the things I thought were alters (back in 2021) were also more fragments of myself, I would say (minus one guy who's more distinct, but idk if im just making all of that up.)
I'm not asking you to tell me "yes, you are definitely plural" or "no definitely not" of course, I'm just wondering if there's any input or anything you could direct me with or anything ? ^^;
first sorry if you have been waiting on a reply, tumblr apparently isn't showing us notifications for asks anymore. Also our answer will be above the read more, and we'll stick some resources, blogs, ect under that we think might be helpful.
So a few things, starting with some general stuff for when you're questioning things plural and otherwise.
On the "am I making this up or not?" we encourage anyone whose questioning to distinguish between "making something up/faking it" and misinterpreting things when looking at their experiences.
If you aren't purposely forcing things or consciously creating them then you aren't making something up, you can misinterpret one thing as another but if you aren't trying to do something then you aren't making it up, making something up/faking it is a conscious choice.
We also encourage anyone questioning anything to worry less about "am I right about this lable?" and focus more on "does this label help me/make my life easier/explain things to me?" It takes the pressure off about being wrong and focusses on what the thing means to you specifically.
If you decide to identify as plural and find that no, this doesn't actually fit there's nothing wrong with going "nope not actually me" and continuing on with your journey.
We've gone through many different sets of identities and pronouns before we found what fits, because often the only way to know is to see if it works. The importance thing is to make sure that whatever you choose fits you, instead of you forcing yourself to fit it.
We definitely recommend journaling or doing some sort of tracking to see how you feel about different things over time. Honestly a small notebook you keep in your pocket and jot down any stray thoughts or influences would probably be a great start.
Its actually something we did when trying to sort out the influence of ocd from schizospec from plural. It can help you see patterns over time that would otherwise be really hard to spot and also having an external record helps avoid a lot of the pitfalls of human memory
Onto the more plural related stuff. So one thing to note is that its not at all uncommon to not directly hear anything or feel others beyond stray thoughts and feeling influences especially with plurals who aren't fully aware of being plural yet.
Internal communication often takes time and practice in order to become reliable. Its not something that you'll regularly see in plural communities online because by their nature most have some degree of awareness and internal communication, otherwise they wouldn't have sought out the community but it is completely normal.
Feeling like others in brain are versions of you, or fragments also is not uncommon. Its another experience that doesn't get spoken of on here but its one many have, smile/Wren/Ghost are some of our oldest members and started as alternate versions of each other before becoming more individual. Some find that as members become more aware and communicate improves members become more differentiated some stay the same, either way its not an unknown or weird experience.
One thing we highly recommend for you is looking into the median community and their experiences. Median falls under the plural umbrella but covers those who feel their system is less differentiated/closer to singlet.
Okay this is already huge and I think we hit on most points but please feel free to ask follow ups about anything we've said
- Everyone
@pluralpolls <— good for getting an idea of different experiences in the community
We'll also add our #accounts and narratives tag to this post, not everything is plural but its our tag for collecting different experiences so there's probably some stuff there that's useful
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wordsandrobots · 1 month
Right. Again, not intending this blog to offer advice on the regular but I think a bit of basic analysis guidance is on theme. So:
If a text does not target its criticisms towards the profit motive and private ownership of the means of production, it is not meaningfully critiquing capitalism.
Capitalism is not 'there are rich and poor' or 'greed is bad', or even 'money motivates people to act'. These existed prior to the capitalistic revolution and could very well endure under any successor systems. A text that deals with them alone -- without targeting the way the pursuit of profit *specifically* leads to distorted social priorities (like running healthcare as if it should generate more money than is put in) and how this manifests when things everyone on the planet needs are controlled by individuals -- is not making an effective argument against the economic arrangement currently buggering us all six ways to Sunday.
This is especially important to bear in mind if dire consequences are presented as a result of 'human greed', because doing so abstracts the problem away from its technical causes, which is one of the key ways capitalism diverts attention from its flaws. If the issue is merely people being 'greedy', then we just need to operate with more checks and balances. No need to tackle the core concept of a system geared to maximise profit over everything else . In fact, maybe capitalism is simply an extension of human nature and therefore *can't* be changed. Isn't it comforting, to know this is just what we're like?
(Urgh, what's the keyboard equivalent of washing your mouth out?)
A story isn't doing anything wrong if it does not concern itself with capitalism as a system. Heck, there's not anything wrong with grappling with the question of greed in general, because that is indeed something we need to grapple with: what does it mean, how does it work, how can we best mitigate it and the other worst aspects of ourselves? Many stories do exactly this while clothed in the aesthetics of capitalism and its many, many horrible outcomes.
But aesthetics are not an argument. And getting mad about social inequality and wars ignited by the whims of the rich is not the same as zeroing in on capitalism as the major cause or catalyst. It is in fact quite common to hate all the consequences of private ownership and the profit motive while still believing those things in and of themselves are neutral, normal ways of organising the world. This filters into fiction, producing ultimately toothless attacks on 'big business' or 'corporate greed' or even just the insidious idea that if we put the right people in charge of the system, everything will be OK.
(I cannot think of a better example than the first Iron Man movie, an almost pathologically deflective piece of cinema.)
Take the time to consciously read fiction through a capitalistic lens! Pick apart how it reflects the world at the point the story was written! Ask how the author approaches the issues they raise!
At the same time, avoid crediting them with an argument they aren't making. Identify what they actually say above all else and check it against the definition of the things they evoke. Only then will you be on solid ground to state whether or not they are attacking capitalism.
To beat a favourite drum, words have meaning. That matters quite a lot when talking about the meaning of a story.
This has been me vague-posting at the entire Gundam fandom. You're generally lovely but I do occasionally feel the strong urge to start pelting you with dictionaries, and burying this point in an essay about McGillis Fareed was apparently not enough to sate my need to grumble about it (c.f. section A digression into narratives about capitalism).
Thank you for your time. I shall be standing by the position that Iron-Blooded Orphans is the only solid critique of capitalism the franchise has produced (as a subset of exploring exploitation in general) until further notice.
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psychewritesbs · 2 years
Ok so I am not a huge fan of Mei-Nyan’s personality, but... I really like that Mizuho showed more insight into her dynamic with Chagol.
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Violence against women and women kicking ass in Akatsuki no Yona under the cut.
I specifically love that Mizuho showed that Chagol finds her vulnerability and weakness boring because it goes to show that Mei-Nyan’s personality is dynamic (even so I am still not a big fan) and that Cha-Gol has idealized her.
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I’ve been exploring this idea of idealized women as a trope in media, but it’s mostly been through the angle of the male perspective in Jujutsu Kaisen or Zankyou no Terror. So it’s nice to see it from the female perspective.
The way Mizuho executed is a nice way to say “hey mother forker, I am a woman and I am strong and I will kick your ass, but there’s times when I’m feeling weak too.”
And isn’t that the truth?
Now, I’m not one to be up in arms about misogyny in Shonen manga because... well... it’s media meant for boys most likely written by men. And yes, boys need to see positive messages about women in media. It’s just that complaining about misogyny in Shonen has always felt like an exercise in futility for many reasons--the main one being that people seem to think Shonen mangaka consciously choose to commit violence against their female characters.
But to see violence against women in a Shojo like Akatsuki no Yona...
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It makes my blood boil and makes me want to beat the living poop out of him.
It makes me wonder about why Mizuho chose to show it.
Like, in CLAMP’s x/1999, a couple of the female characters are destroyed from the inside out by phallic symbols. I’ve also heard that CLAMP might have used these depictions as allegories to how women are affected by violence perpetrated against women.
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In Akatsuki no Yona, aside from loving the idea of showing that someone in a role of power and with superior physical strength can and will abuse that power, I love the fierceness in Yona’s eyes and her determination to not be broken by said violence even if she is physically weaker.
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She’s always been an amazing character but I just want to cheer on her from the sidelines even more after seeing this.
I must admit that I love how Shojo depicts strength and power. Like yeah I want to see a woman be a powerful warrior AND I also love that strength and power aren’t mutually exclusive with kindness and compassion.
Above all, I love that because kindness and compassion = strength and power, Yona is a symbol that must be destroyed by one who seeks to control through brute force.
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Seriously... Akatsuki no Yona is a gem.
My hat is off for Kusanagi Mizuho!
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extasiswings · 1 year
I’m making myself crazy, but Apollo’s dodgeball got me down bad so, passages I wrote nine months ago that are making me want to scream after seeing how 6B is playing out...
Stuck on Fast Forward (Throw Away the Blueprint) Chapter 7:
“Why did you think that your panic attacks were about your relationship?”
“They happened when people mistook her for Christopher’s mother and my wife, it wasn’t exactly difficult to realize they were related,” Eddie shoots back.
“Were those the only times? Before this one?”
Yes is on the tip of Eddie’s tongue, but before he can say it, he’s hit with a memory—an air control tower, and a man in white shirt having a heart attack—the way he had frozen and felt compelled to touch Buck’s shoulder to steady himself when he got up.
“No,” he sighs.
Frank hums and writes something down. “The other times—the triggers—were they related to your relationship?”
“Were they related to Buck?”
A man who looked similar to Buck, looked the way Buck had the day of the shooting…
Eddie swallows hard. “Yes.”
“The idea of losing him?”
Eddie doesn’t need to answer. His jaw tics as he looks away and Frank just nods.
“So, if you’re in love with Buck, and today isn’t the first time you’ve had a panic attack triggered by the idea of losing him, do you think it’s possible that the panic attacks you had about your girlfriend weren’t about her, but what getting serious with her would mean for your relationship with Buck?”
“He’s my best friend,” Eddie argues. “He was always going to be my best friend, whether I was with Ana or not.”
“But you’re in love with him,” Frank replies. “From what I’ve seen, the way you’ve talked about him since we’ve started working together, you’ve been in love with him for a long time. And if you were with someone else, if you were serious with someone else, that would have prevented you from acting on your feelings for him—right?”
Make sure you’re following your heart, not Christopher’s.
“Right,” Eddie admits.
“So in that case, your relationship didn’t fail because you weren’t trying to make it work, it didn’t fail because you did something wrong or because you’re bad at relationships—it failed because you were in love with someone else, whether you consciously knew that or not—did you?” Frank asks.
Eddie shakes his head. “No, I—I think maybe I realized it on some level when I was shot, but…”
“You didn’t remember,” Frank fills in gently, and Eddie nods once. “That’s understandable. You went through a major trauma—it makes sense that your mind tried to protect itself by blocking out anything that might have made your life more complicated at the time. But all that means that she could have been the most perfect person in the world and your relationship wouldn’t have worked under those circumstances.”
*** *** ***
“So, should we talk about your wife?”
“There’s not much to talk about. By the end, she didn’t want to be my wife anymore.”
It hurts more than he expects to say it. Like an old broken bone that aches when it rains, or a healing wound that still stings when pressed.
“We’ve talked about her before. About your relationship,” Frank acknowledges. “You’ve admitted that you both made mistakes. But you haven’t talked about that—about her asking for a divorce.”
I forgave her for everything and it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t enough.
The ghost of old anger, shame, grief, rises in Eddie’s throat, stings his eyes. The self-loathing, the guilt, the feeling of failure. Of being…unloved. Unwanted.
“She didn’t want me, Frank,” Eddie says, cutting through old scar tissue and letting the wound bleed afresh. “What else is there to say?”
“What did she say?” Frank asks. “When she said she wanted to end your marriage. What did she say?”
That throws Eddie for a loop. And when he tries to think about the specifics—
At the time, he thought he would always remember. That it would burn itself into his memory as one of the worst nights of his life. And yet, when he tries to recall the specifics now, it’s surprisingly difficult.
“She—she said—” He rubs at his forehead and thinks. “—she said something about how she was trying to figure out how to be someone’s mother again, and in order to do that she couldn’t also be trying to be someone’s wife.”
Frank writes for a moment. Lets the silence stretch. When he finally drops the bomb, Eddie still isn’t ready for it.
“Is there anything in that explanation that was about you?”
Frank levels him with a steady look. “Is there anything in that explanation that was about you? Because what you just said sounds like it was about her. Space that she needed, time that she needed. For reasons that were entirely her own. Reasons, in other words, that weren’t about you. Reasons that had nothing to do with whether you were or could be a good husband or romantic partner.”
“But I wasn’t,” Eddie argues. “I left first. I wasn’t there when she needed me. I didn’t communicate. I drove her away—”
“But she didn’t ask for a divorce at any of those times, did she?”
Eddie swallows again, hard. He looks down at his hands.
“No,” he admits. “No, she didn’t.”
“And when she did ask, she didn’t say it was because of those things…it was because of her. Her personal reasons.”
I wasn’t enough.
A flicker of doubt.
I’m not enough.
“What are you saying?” He asks.
“Eddie,” Frank sighs. “I’m saying that there were two people in your marriage. Two people who loved each other. Two people who made mistakes. Two people who each had reasons for making decisions, whether those decisions were good or bad or entirely neutral. I’m saying that marriages end and people get divorced and that doesn’t make them unworthy of love or incapable of finding happiness with someone else in the future. I’m saying…not everything is about you.”
Silence. Eddie feels almost dizzy, the world shifting under his feet. And he resents it a little, because he’s held onto certain things for so long, things that felt like inalienable truths. Only, maybe they aren’t. And he doesn’t know what the world looks like without them.
Frank sits back in his chair and moves on. “You’re in love with Buck. From everything I’ve gathered, it sounds like you’ve built a life with him. A partnership. So…what is it you’re afraid of?”
That may be the easiest question Eddie’s been asked all day.
“That I’ll fuck it up,” he says. “That I won’t be enough. That I’ll drive him off and lose him forever.”
“You might,” Frank admits. “That’s a risk with any relationship. There’s always risk when you put yourself out there. But let me ask this—Buck has been by your side for years, and you’ve been by his. He’s helped raise your son. He’s seen you at rock bottom and didn’t run the other direction, but stuck by you instead. And you’ve had similar experiences with him. He knows you. All of you. And you know him. And the two of you love each other. Whatever you’ve called it, the two of you have been in a relationship. So my question is…realistically, rationally, what else do you think you could do or show to drive him off that he hasn’t already seen over the last five years?”
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blacksaber8 · 1 year
Persona V reloaded part one:
pretext, little writing pet project of mine. Royal continuity, strikers is not explicitly not canon plus Sophia is a fun addition to the cast but sumire will definitely be a member at this point. The two can meet each other when everyone is assembled explaining how they’re both connected to the thieves. This cuts exposition. Everyone’s individual arcs will all be filled in after my main plot synopsis is fulfilled. I will also be going over potential side stories that can be pursued. The nav App Turns green, the phantom thieves are split up initially again and most interactions are done over phone. With heavy p3 influence they get isakaied into a dark twisted rendition of the velvet room, but it’s different. Certain parts of it look like a court room. there are dead bodies everywhere, p3 style again but upon closer inspection they look more like mannequins. Faceless. It’s a corrupted mementos. It looks reminiscent of the soulsborne/hollow knight type aesthetic. This is an open world rpg up to four playable characters at once picking from the entire cast. Akechi returns in the game saying he was keeping tabs on joker but he had other business to take care of, which was assassinating corrupt people that still remained because even though they separated everyone’s consciousness, people still try to inflict their will on the world. He engages in a fight with only joker but he holds back. This is made explicitly clear. And he gets away. Since Igor is gone I want to replace him with Lavenza and Jose, who looks a bit older, under her tutelage. (Jose is not necessary and they clearly have plans with him so taking him out isn’t too hard but my story would try to utilize him and give him an arc about properly learning to manipulate demons and why it’s important, adding to the world building.)The conclusion will be that people are still trying to cling on to the idea of a deity but instead of a specific one it’s the holy Trinity with a twist. They aren’t necessarily bad. The holy sprit is the first they come upon and it’s actually the new party member. A shape shifting sentient persona that can only reside in the real world through sharing Morganas body. It will gain a nickname. Its function will be a creator of portals and fast travel. Additionally, when brought to the hub that the velvet room now acts as, the Holy Spirit will alter persona arcana’s and their damage type to an equivalent set of abilities but just like with fusions, it’s not perfect and will backfire resulting in two boosted stat random personas. Later you will be able to do this with team members, changing their personas design and color to match the element but when it fails for them, they get a temporary boost to xp and damage while shuffling damage Element types for all moves. This is a big part of the new fusion system. The son is the next we meet and he looks like a middle eastern Jesus wearing a fleece coat, who reveals why things are the way that they are. Someone’s corrupting the shadows by instilling death as a form of chaos in the world and though that is maintaining the destruction of mementos, it’s also ensuring its survival as people learn to all hate one person. While this is being said there’s a cut to akechi learning that he literally has control over all of mementos. The team, piecing together that akechi is responsible, try to confront him But everything starts shifting to his will. TBC
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@technodromes sent: I can't resist it. 💑 for a first kiss between Krang and Rick 🥺? Send a Heart for a Specific Kiss! || 💑 - a first kiss [[Not Accepting]]
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If asked, Rick wouldn't have been able to say what had promoted their current situation. The fight hadn't been any different from the previous one, or at least it hadn't felt any different. Perhaps he had missed a couple of signals. Or maybe this was where their bickering had been heading all along.
It was hard to tell, especially when you were such a master when it came to denying or ignoring whatever wasn't of your liking, as the scientist was.
By now, he and Morty had been coming and going from the Technodrome for a few weeks and had familiarised themselves with its small, heterogenic crew. For Rick, butting heads Krang had basically become part of the routine and it was something he looked forward to...even if he would have never admitted it, not even under torture.
That day had started out as most of the others, aside from the fact that he and Morty had portaled into the middle of a fight. Apparently, someone had had the idiotic idea of stuffing a ball of dirty socks in one of the plasma ducts, which had consequentially blown up. They hadn't gotten the chance to figure out whom the people responsible were, even if they had quickly taken an educated guess, because Krang had quickly ushered Rick out to get him to help with repairs.
Or, rather, the Utrom's huge mandroid had picked the scientist up by the collar and had carried him outside the control room.
And thus it had started. Rick bitching about being dragged around and having his genius exploited for menial tasks and without any sort of reward, Krang retorting by reminding him that he and Morty would have still been stuck on that rocky dead planet, if it hadn't been for him.
In-between bitter insults and harsh jabs, they had dismantled the broken duct, freed it from what had been left of what was left of the aforementioned socks and then had prepared to rebuild it. Which was the part they still hadn't done because each of them had a very specific idea of how he wanted to go about it and refused to compromise.
Rick pinched the bridge of his nose, turning out whatever Krang was blarting out about some who-knows-what tool of his. He hadn't had any patience to start with, but now he had lost even the little self-control he thought he still had.
If that fucking blorb wouldn't shut the hell up, then he would make him. And he would also force him to repair the duct the way he wanted while he was at it, but that wasn't his priority right now.
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"Oh, f-for fuck's sake! E-Enough!" He growled out in frustration and the next moment his hands were reaching out for the Utrom.
His palms were met with a slimy surface when they connected with Krang's body, but he was more than used to handle all the kind of beings and substances bare-handed, so it took his fingers just a split moment to adjust their grip enough to allow him to tear the alien out of his android body.
He hadn't exactly consciously planned to spin himself around, lean against the robot, and lift the Utrom up to his face, so that he could smash his mouth against the other's larger one, but that was exactly what he did.
The kiss quickly turned ravenous and sloppy, with too much drool and slime involved, but Rick couldn't have cared less. His nostrils were filled with the metallic smell that seemed to so often cling to the alien's body, he couldn't help marvelling, at least in the back of his mind, at how soft Krang's slick flesh was.
He would have loved to use the other as a pillow, but he knew that the slimy motherfucker would have bitted his ears off if he had tried it.
The lack of oxygen eventually forced him to break away, mouth smeared with their mixed saliva and blood, where he had accidentally nicked his lower lip against one of the Utrom's sharp teeth.
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"W-Will you shut the fuck up an-and let me do my goddamn thing now?" He panted out, but the heat in his voice, just as the one filling his half-lidded blue eyes, had little to do with anger. "F-Fuckin' ball of jelly."
After a split moment of hesitation, Rick tucked Krang under his arm, instead of putting him back in his mandroid, and fished a weird device out of his pockets before turning back towards the broken duct.
Enough was enough. At least, that way, the slimy asshole wouldn't have gotten in his way. And if the Utrom had decided to hiss and yell at him again, well...He could have always kissed him into silence once again.
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