#it's the skill check but also when I fell in love with this game
kenzlovesyou · 1 month
kate martin x reader who loves to cook? maybe not a big back, but someone who loves cooking for others and trying new foods?
yes i love this idea sm thank you for sending! as always, requests are always open! i hope you guys like this one :)
Made With Love - Kate Martin x Reader
You loved to cook. Whenever you did, it brought back memories of your grandmother and a happy home. The smell of soup boiling on the stove, brownies in the oven, it all reminded you of love. So now, you think of love whenever you cook. You were never good with words, so you used taste to show your affection for others. You’d always imagined the day you would be able to cook for someone you cared the most about. Your cooking was “scared” though, so you always waited to save it for the right person
After dating Kate for about six months, you realized you finally found the person you loved most. The one you wanted to cook for. Kate was smart, beautiful, kind, athletic, the list went on. You couldn’t name one thing about Kate that you didn’t love. Well, except her away games. That you didn’t love. You hated being away from her. However, it posed as a perfect opportunity for you to prepare what you wanted to make Kate as a surprise for her return. You needed a dish that said ‘Hey! I missed you!’ but also something that said ‘I suck at words and I’m trying to say I love you’.
Of course, you settled on a romantic but simple dinner. Chicken and pasta. Besides the fact that it was something you knew how to make like the back of your hand, you also knew it was Kate’s favorite meal. You were so excited you just had to tell Kate to expect something special.
Y/n 💕
get ready for a surprise when ur home ;)
Kate ❤️🧸
Oh my
Y/n 💕
nonnonono stop not like that
Kate ❤️🧸
😂🤣 I miss you so much!
You smiled at Kate’s messages. They seemed dry, but that was just Kate. You hoped she was missing you as much as you missed her. You hoped she was finally ready to say ‘I love you’.
While you were semi starting to panic, you went to the grocery store to pick up the ingredients you needed. You wanted to go above and beyond for Kate, like she always does for you, and make homemade pasta. You searched through the aisles and definitely splurged on a few higher quality (but also higher priced) items. You told yourself it was for Kate, but really it was for both of you. Once you were finished picking out your assortment of items, you checked out and went home to get to work.
As you rolled out the fresh pasta dough you’d just made, your mind floated to your favorite thought: Kate. You simply loved the thought of her. Something about cooking for her felt so domestic to you and for once it wasn’t scary. It wasn’t scary to think about life with Kate. You knew she cared for you and you cared for her. She was your teddy bear and protected you from anything bad, you loved her more than anything.
You looked at the time. It read 4:45. ‘Perfect timing!’ you thought to yourself. Kate would be home around 5:30, so you should have everything ready by then. You quickly placed the store bought flowers you had gotten into a vase with water and an ice cube and put it onto the dining table. You took two plates out of the cabinet and dished servings onto them. Right as you placed the plates on the table, you heard keys jingling outside your door. There she was.
You ran up to the door and swung it open as Kate unlocked it from the other side. Kate saw you and her face immediately brightened up. She put her bag down and pulled you into a tight hug. You smiled as you snuggled into her, you’d missed this a lot.
“Hi, my sweet sunshine!” Kate said to you as she placed a soft kiss on your cheek. You giggled and took her arm in yours, dragging her to the dining room. “Hi baby! Come on, I made you dinner!” Kate was shocked to say the least. You’d told her about you special your cooking was to you and how you were saving your skills for when you fell in love with a special person. She remembered how she’d joked that in that case you and her would be cooking for each other in no time.
The two of you sat down to eat and you looked at her expectantly as she took her first bite. You looked up into her eyes hopefully.
“Baby, this is amazing! I can’t believe you did all this for me!”
“All for you, Kate kat! It’s just my way of saying…y’know..”
Kate stared at you, waiting for you to finish what you were saying. When you realized she really wanted you to say it, you finally let the words fall out of your mouth.
“It’s my way of saying that I love you, Kate Martin. I love you so much. And I’m sorry it took me so long to say it but here I am saying it now because I’m crazy about you. I’ve never felt this way before. I love you.” You spilled out your feelings at a quick pace, almost not stopping for a breath of air. Kate simply smiled and got up from her seat. She bent down to where you were sat at the table and kissed you. It didn’t feel like a regular kiss, something about this one felt so much more natural and much more full of warmth and love than all your other kisses had felt like. It felt explosive like fireworks.
“I love you even more, Y/n.”
Kate finally broke the kiss and you two returned to your dinner. Once it was finished, Kate happily washed the dishes and you put on a movie. Neither of you paid much attention to it though, you both finding the other much more appealing to look at.
“So,” Kate smirked, “since you made me dinner does that also mean I get dessert?”
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norizz-nation · 7 months
I want to say that you are a remarkable writer. Each of ur work is a delightful journey through your creativity, and your skill in crafting engaging stories is truly commendable.
And for the request
Can you feed me some Toto Wolff smut w a lot younger reader?
Sending ❤️
Oh my god, love thank you so much! Your compliment really made my day! Also i hope you like it 🥺❤️
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Spit on it 🩶
Summary: toto got you a present that made your jaw drop
Warnings: nsfw, 18+, age gap (reader is 20), innocence kink, anal, daddy kink, butt plug
"Im so excited for today!" you said, smiling big at toto who was buttoning his shirt. "Really my little girl?" he asked, smirking at you. “Yeah! Absolutely, its the Austrian grand prix. Its your home race! Im so excited!” You said, giggling softly as you checked yourself again in the mirror.
You wore a baby pink skirt with a silk white top. Pink and white made you look so innocent and beautiful. Toto loves it when you dress like a good little girl. But he would love this situation more if he could just lift your skirt up and fuck you right there. Make you all messy for him. All for him.
“I’ve got a present for you angel” toto said as he rushed to his closet and grabbed a little black box. The matte finishing to it was really attractive. Your eyes widened. Excited to see whats inside. You tried to grab the box but toto pulled away. “Have a little bit patience angel” he said, smiling softly at you. He then slowly opened the box and you looked at it curiously, not even blinking.
Your jaw dropped when you saw a silver butt plug inside of the box. It had a baby pink stone on the front.
“W-what is it?” You asked, stuttering a little as you looked up at him. He raised his eyebrows after hearing your question. “I know youre an innocent little baby who is just 20 but you do know what this is right? Daddy tried this with you before, remember?” He asked, whispering those words in your ear. Your body shivered when his breath touched your neck. Your reaction made toto smirk.
“Dont you wanna try it out my love?” He asked softly as he got the butt plug on his hand. You looked up at him with doe eyes, “b-but aren’t we going t-to the paddock?” You asked confusingly. Toto smiled at you, his face was filled with pride but you didn’t know why. “My little angel is so intelligent” he said as he caressed your cheek with his thumb. “Yes we’re going to the paddock and yes youre going to wear it right now” he said, smirking at you devilishly. “And i want this cute little butt plug inside of you while we go to the paddock” he said and your eyes widened.
Toto lifted your skirt up and pushed your lacy panties aside. Your mouth fell open when toto brushed his fingers softly around your ass. He bend you over on the sink, one knee on the sink and the other leg supporting you to stand. “Spit on it, angel” he said as he held the butt plug in front your face. You spat on it and coated it perfectly with your tongue. You looked in the mirror and saw toto smile at you, being impressed by the fact that you coated it with your spit so nicely.
Your mouth fell open when toto pushed the butt plug inside of you. Your eyes rolled to the back when the temptation slapped you. Toto looked at you hungrily. Looking at how perfect you look with that baby pink butt plug inside of you. He then patted your ass to indicate you that you’re good to go.
In the paddock, it was toto looking at you devilishly and smirking a little. You just rolled your eyes at him. You knew that he was loving the little game he’s playing with you. But you hated it. You want toto. All you want is his touch, not a stupid butt plug. You want him.
“Daddy please? I want you” you pleaded, looking up at him. He smiled at you, wrapping his arms around you. “No no little angel. You have to wait until we go back home” he said as he swayed you a little with him. You let out a frustrated sigh and rested your head on his chest.
The whole day was really hard for you. You couldn’t help but clench your jaw because you couldn’t take it anymore. It was too much for you. At this point you were just frustrated.
But it was all worth it when you two went home.
A/N: requests are open! feel free to ask what you want me to write! luv you ❤️
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effloradox · 6 months
Forehead kisses with Thomas Thorne?
I am not immune to the urge to give this man a kiss on the forehead 🥺
Also I combined this with a request asking for Thomas with the prompt ‘I thought you’d like some company’, I think it fit quite well!
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Life in Button House was almost always the same no matter the day. You’d only been a resident of the house for a few years after a rather nasty accident on the grounds but you tried to make the best of your living situation (if you’ll excuse the obvious flaws with the expression). The other residents had been quick to welcome you into their daily routines and with time you got used to everyone’s quirks. Eventually you could ignore Lady Button screaming as she fell out of a window every night and you got used to things like Julian’s crassness and Kitty’s eagerness.
You hadn’t believed in life after death in your previous life so the last thing you’d expected was to fall in love during your unexpected afterlife. Thomas had been so shy when you first died; he’d barely been able to string a sentence together in your presence, so different from the poet that waxed lyrically every moment he was able to that you’re used to now. You’d managed to do many things during your life but true love seemed to have evaded you until after your death. It hadn’t taken long for you to fall in love with Thomas, and it had taken him even less time. Waking up next to him had become part of your daily routine so easily that you now couldn’t imagine him not being there with you every morning.
Things hadn’t changed much in the weeks since Heather passed until a new car had pulled up on the driveway of the house, and with it some new living residents. The new owners had put most of the others on edge though, that much was clear. You’d overheard some of their plans for the house and they made a lot of sense to you, some of them had been things you’d briefly mentioned before you’d died; but to some of the others the suggestions had been an affront. Thomas had seemed particularly upset about the mention that the library be repurposed into a recreation room; he'd disappeared not long after hearing that.
You’d given Thomas his space initially but after a few hours without his presence you’d set about looking for him. You’d checked all his usual haunts, leaving his sighing place until last in the hopes that his mood hadn’t dropped to that resort. You weren’t particularly surprised to find him there if you were being honest with yourself but it pained you to know that it was troubling him to that extent. You poked your head through the door, watching him for a moment before stepping through the door. You’d been about to announce your presence when the man in question had turned quite unexpectedly, letting out a small shriek when he spotted you.
“Good lord!”
“Sorry!” His expression softened towards you once he’d calmed down, panic no longer evident on his face.
“I didn’t hear you come in.”
“I thought you’d like some company?”
“From you? Always, my love.” You appeared at his side in an instant, his arm wrapping around your waist automatically. It doesn’t take long until you’re settled in his lap, both of you watching the new residents moving things out of their car.
“The others have a plan to try and scare the new owners away.” Thomas let out a soft noise to acknowledge your comment, his eyes still trained on the new couple. “Julian’s practising moving things with his ability to see if he can unnerve them.”
“And you?”
You hadn’t thought much of your phone being on your person when you died, whilst you still have it it’s not like you can use it for much. Just making notes, taking scenic pictures, and playing the few games you had downloaded that work without an internet connection. What it had left you with was an ability similar to Robin’s wherein you could mess with electronic devices to a certain degree. It would definitely be a useful skill if you decided you wanted the couple gone. You'd heard Julian mention it when they’d been plotting to scare the living away and it had been part of why you left to go and find Thomas.
“I understand why them being here upsets some of the others, and that some of their plans have upset you. But, I don’t think it’s such a bad thing. Wouldn’t it be nice if they did make the house look good again?”
“I suppose.” You can hear the uncertainty in Thomas’ tone and it’s all you can do to press a soft kiss to his forehead. The effect is instantaneous as you practically felt the tension seep out of his body, the frown lines you'd kissed disappearing in seconds. The two of you remain on the windowsill until you hear Julian shouting your name from somewhere in the house, no doubt to enlist you into trying to scare the new couple. You begrudgingly lift yourself from Thomas’ lap, taking one of his hands in yours as you move to walk towards the door.
“Come with me?” You can see in his eyes that he doesn’t want to, but he stands anyway and you can’t resist the urge to lift your entwined hands to place a kiss on his hand. The tender gesture turns him bashful as he struggles to make eye contact with you. It takes a moment for him to compose himself and you watch as he seems to steel himself before he speaks.
“Being your slave, what should I do but tend upon the hours, and times of your desire?” It takes you a moment to place his words, you’re sure you’ve heard them before and it takes your brain a few seconds to connect them to who wrote them.
“Shakespeare?” You know you’ve guessed correctly when Thomas’ face lights up like the sun. His smile is one of your favourite things about him, it never fails to make your heart flutter and this time is no exception.
“Kind is my love today, tomorrow kind; still constant in a wondrous excellence.” It’s Thomas’ turn to lift your hands as he places a gentle kiss on your knuckles.
Nothing good can last forever though. The moment is ruined when you hear a frustrated sounding Julian shouting your name once again, only this time he sounds infinitely closer. You can’t help but sigh with frustration at the interruption.
“Let’s go and find the others shall we?”
“Lead the way my dear.”
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emblemxeno · 11 months
Tbh I don’t quite understand the sentiment that Engage doesn’t have good or any worldbuilding at all, like tf is up with that. First instinct would be “them 3H fans again!!!” but other long time FE fans also consider it lackluster and idk I don’t agree. 
Each of the four nations all have surface level distinctions, but in-depth internal layers, such as...
Firene values peace, gratitude, and its harvests, tea, and medicine. It’s the kingdom that would usually be taken advantage of, but the reason it maintains its peace is through aggressive policy done by its leaders, currently by Eve and very notably followed up by Celine. Medicine and health is taken seriously cuz the last king died from an illness, the same illness which the current and well loved prince is suffering from. The Firene retainers are all nobles sans Louis, who is noted to have gotten his role because of his domestic skill in tandem with his martial prowess; this implies a sort of status quo, one that’s maintained to keep things peaceful, though not overly enforced to the point of oppression. 
Brodia is wealthy and martially strong, yet prideful. The nobility is noted to take advantage of the constant wars on Elusia, as it fuels economy, which in turn fuels more wars. The wars against Elusia themselves are partly an extension of Brodia’s pride: aggressive expansion done in the name of “keeping a wicked nation in check” and to further Brodian way of life. Because strength is valued, the Brodian retainers are all common folk who proved themselves, sans Citrinne, who develops a complex about her strength because of it. Mining is the primary income source after warfare, something that Diamant wants to shift towards to the dismay of war benefitting nobles.
Elusia is the kingdom of knowledge, and as such, is the only nation noted to have a major place of education. The arts and the leisure seems to be highly valued here, due to an author, an artist, and a native to a hot spring centered village being recruited. Retainers, like in Brodia, are decided by strength or capability; after all, you don’t often have a Crown Princess’s servants be a former assassin and a former prince without skill and knowledge being paramount in the decision making. Hyacinth has too much love to go around, and so has a wife as well as many mistresses, and many children as a result. Knowledge begets avenues of possibility, which means one can use said knowledge to selfishly get ahead (such as the Elusian court where backstabbing and fake platitudes to appeal to the King and Queen were common place) or to benefit the world around you (Hortensia using her intellect and talent to help war victims, and Ivy utilizing Elusia’s creativity and innovative practices to better the public’s wellbeing). Seeking knowledge, however, can entrench one in dark practices, which is why the worship of the Fell Dragon went from notable to beligerent and dangerous.
Solm values freedom, and is notable for being a strict matriarchy. Only women take the throne, Merrin’s village is only ran by women, and Panette and Pandreo’s family church was headed by their mother. While open minded and easy going on the surface, Solm having its own elite vigilante group and having spies throughout the continent means that the queendom takes measures to ensure freedom very seriously; these actions are similar to Firene, which is brought up in Celine and Fogado’s support, and the two themselves are indicative of each of their nations cultures. Unlike the other nations, there’s no strict basis for who becomes a retainer, since you have a chef, a priest, and two runaways. The people of Solm live their lives how they want, and its culture is more open to entertainment and large gatherings than other nations.
And this is just what I whipped together from memory. I’ve no doubt that there’s tons of other minute details that, when pieced together, form more descriptions of the nations as a whole. This, to me, is on part with how the GBA games and Echoes built their worlds. Very solid in depth readings, with surface level broad strokes to entice the player in should they choose to put more hours into learning the ins and outs. And that isn’t even getting into the artistic directions of each nation and the characters (like outfits, seasonal representations, food/ingredients, etc.). Hell, the entirety of Elyos is shaped like a ring for crying out loud! It’s screaming “yeah the rings are this central to this world, enjoy your stay.”
I like that. Engage knows what it is and what it wants to present. No more, no less.
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feyhunter78 · 6 months
Among the Sun Ch 18
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Description: You allow Miguel to sleep beside you, but he does not sleep well.
Also, everyone check out the fanart of ATS!Miguel drawn by the amazing @smokeywhalee!!!!!! Ch 19
Miguel watches your silhouette dance behind the paper-thin privacy screen, the folded wooden structure, its uppermost edges decorated with your clothes both from earlier in the day and those you will sleep in. Your graceful hand reaches up, tugging your nightshift down, the candles dimly lighting the room casting shadows across the floor, distracting him momentarily. It allows you enough time to emerge from behind the screen, clad in a soft pink, your hair loose about your shoulders, skin fresh and clean from the bath.
Miguel pulls the thick duvet over his lap, biting the inside of his cheek to will his cock to soften, focusing on the pain as he attempts to banish all lustful thoughts from his mind.
“Are you well? You seem pained.” You say, the bed dipping ever so slightly when you slip into the space beside him.
“Yes.” It’s almost a grunt, the strained sound the escapes him when your hand rests on his bicep, concern radiating from every inch of your being.
“You did not lie to me, did you, Miguel? You must tell me if you are in pain.” You insist, your grip tightening, fingers so small and delicate compared to the muscles of his arm, not even able to wrap around half the circumference of his arm.
He is in pain, but it is not the pain you speak of. It is the pain that comes from deep desire. The hunger of a starved captive finally presented with food, of a wild beast pouncing upon its long hunted prey, of a man returning from war to find his wife in bed, ready and waiting for him.
Miguel could lie to you. He could cage your body with his own, beg you to take mercy on him, allow him to sink within your folds blabbering some nonsense of how your warmth is the cure for his aliments, but he will not. He promised that nothing untoward would occur.
“I am not in pain.” He tells you, laying down on your silken sheets, leaving a respectable distance between you and him.
You do the same, turning to face him, sleep already tugging at your eyelids, and settling over your form. “That is good, then.”
For a moment he is ten and six again, laying in the sand, your hand in his as he whispers his secrets to your sleeping form.
“I must enter the games, y/n, mother says I have no choice, it was her dying wish.”
You did not stir; your breathing is soft and even. The sound and the quiet crashing of the waves made his eyes grow heavy.
“I fear for my life, I am strong, a skilled fighter, but I have no title, no name, no patrons, or allies. I will be despised, for I am the emperor’s bastard. But Mamá claims the throne is rightfully mine. I must believe her…right?” He brushed his hand down the curve of your cheek, eyes drinking in every minuscule detail, attempting to memorize your face.
In your unconscious state, you leaned into his touch, shifting closer to his warmth.
“If I do not dream of you during the games, and you do not dream of me, will you forget my face, my voice, my touch? I shall never be able to banish your visage, your very being, from my mind y/n, but I fear I will be stolen from your waking memories.” He whispered, heart heavy with grief and fear. “You must remember me, I will win the games and I will claim you as my prize, my wife, all I ask is you remember me.”
Your eyes fluttered open; brows furrowed with confusion. “Miguel, why are you not asleep?”
He smiled at you, dragged you through the sand until your body was pressed to his. “How can I sleep when such a beauty lies before me? I do not wish to miss a single moment with you.”
You smiled bashfully up at him. “You have such a way with words, I never know what to say.”
“Say only that you love me, it fells me swifter than any arrow or blade.”
“I love you.” You said easily, the words rolling off your tongue with such sweet simplicity that he feared he might melt into the sand.
“And I you.” He replied, pressing his lips to yours gently, the taste of sea salt in your kiss. The scent of ocean air gently drifting around you.
You pulled back, and your smile began to fade, replaced by a confused then pained expression as you sat up, hand going to your abdomen. It came away bloody, trembling, then you opened your mouth, and a horrid scream was unleashed from deep within you. You screamed as your skin blackened, burning, charring, your veins turning to rivers of molten fire, and above you stood Kron, a wicked smile on his face, his eyes glinting in the cold moonlight.
“Move, you worthless whore.” He snarled, kicking your still convulsing body to the side, a dagger dripping with poison clutched in his hand.
Miguel scrambled over to you, dragged you into his lap and cradled your head, his own bent low. “No, no, y/n, mi vida, please, please, open your eyes. Do not leave me, please, please y/n…”
“Did I not tell you I would kill everyone you loved? Though I had my doubts, a half-breed mutt such as yourself could even feel love. Perhaps lust is similar enough for your twisted soul? No matter, soon you will join her, and that wretched creature you call mother in the pits of Hades.” Kron laughed, raising his dagger high, a maniacal gleam in his eyes.
Miguel lunged, rage and grief surging through him, fangs bared. He wrested the dagger from Kron’s hand, blinking sand from his eyes and brought it down into Kron’s chest, over and over, and over again, until he had gone silent. Then he cast it aside and crawled back to you, draping his body over your own, and wept bitterly, praying the tide would rush in and consume him.
Miguel sat up with a start, the scent of blood in his nose, his hand reaching out for you. Your side was empty, sheets cold, duvet pulled up as if you had never been there at all. Panic seizes him, wraps around his lungs and up to his heart, squeezing until he fears he will drop dead.
“Y/N.” He calls into the darkness of your room, only silence echoing back at him.
His mind racing, he throws back the duvet and dons a robe, tying it tightly, and he scans the room, searching for you. Had it all been a dream? Was he truly alone, unable to find you? Or had you been taken from him?
Miguel pulls back the duvet on your side of the bed, cold fear shooting down his spine when he finds blood. He wastes no time rushing out of your chambers, if someone had taken you surely Gabi was next, if they did not have her already.
His footsteps make little sound in the hall, but the sound you make when he collides with you echoes off the marble.
“Miguel? Why are you not asleep?” You ask, startled, but laughing slightly at your fear once you recognize him.
He nearly falls to his knees before you, wrapping you in his embrace, hands anchoring themselves in your nightshift. “My y/n, I—you were not in bed, and there was blood.”
“My apologies, I left to ask one of the servants to come and change the sheets in the morning, my moon blood arrived while I slept.” You say, embarrassment coloring your tone.
The fear slowly drains from him, and he releases you, taking your hand in his as he leads you back to your chambers.
“I did not mean to give you such a fright.” You say, a half step behind him.
“You did not.” He lies, blatantly, not wanting you to think him weak.
“Your hands are shaking.” You say softly, your thumb brushing over the back of his hand.
They are, and he curses himself for it, going to pull his hand from yours.
You catch it, and fall in synch with his steps, holding it to your chest, so he can feel your steady heartbeat. “Do you wish to speak of it?”
He shakes his head. “No, it is better left in the shadows.”
You hum a note of disagreement but relent, and soon you are tucked into his side, hand resting on his chest, duvet pulled up, covering you both.
Miguel will not sleep; he will not close his eyes until the morning sun peeks through your lacy curtains. He will wait and watch, Kron is dead, he knows this, but sleep will not return to him this night, and he does not find fault with that.
TL: @not-aya, @belos-simp69, @deputy-videogamer, @sxnasbitch, @minimari415, @syndrlla97, @gejo333, @lady-necromancer, @zeyzeys-stuff, @tayleighuh, @loser-alert, @envyjmoney, @allysunny, @princessloveweird, @freehentai, @xlittlebubx-blog, @berry-potchy, @drefear, @jkthinkstoomuch, @ihateuguys, @yuuotosaka3, @queenofroses22, @ray-rook, @lollipopin, @faexsins, @drefear, @scorpihoooe
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Hello, hello!
Welcome, make yourself comfortable, here are some cakes, tea and hot chocolate, and enjoy your stay. In this little pocket dimension of a blog, you will mostly find posts about our Celestial Jesters and other FNAF content, along with space-themed aesthetic, writing, some silly whimsical quotes, comfy vibes and similar.
I shall be tagging my own writing posts under "jester's privilege chronicles" (these are especially for my longer works) and "amary's chronicles" (these are especially for my shorter little scenes), to make it easier to navigate or find them.
Under the cut are links to my AO3 fics and summaries of the current ones, if you are interested!
Have a lovely day and enjoy your stay!
Jester's Privilege Chronicles series:
Sound the Bells: You are a mermaid in charge of the daunting task of managing the sea and your court consists of playful twin Leviathans and an uncooperative Kraken. You also have the disadvantage of being an utter disaster at this mermaid business and you live on land in human form, having the swimming skills of a rock.
Your sea monsters are not too thrilled with you living on land, so they love to cause shipwrecks and general mayhem to get your attention. You try to place a stop to this by having them spend a month with you in the town of Celestial Bay disguised as animatronics.
Sun is thrilled to explore human technology, Moon prowls the night threatening city council members into making better legal acts to protect the sea against pollution, and Eclipse's natural protective Kraken instincts are getting a tad bit out of hand and making him the friendly neighbourhood serial killer. He loves quick solutions to complex problems.
Officer Vanessa is the only one brave enough to keep knocking on your door for some explanations. She is also in charge of a very confused police unit that really needs to get some sleep.
Extended Contract: You are a witch that fell for the oldest trick in the book by giving your name to the mischievous Fae princes of the Celestial Court. Such an inconvenience on what was supposed to be a typical office night. You are honestly not having it. They, however, do seem quite happy about having you. You decide to make a deal with the Fae King to regain your freedom. The only thing that is functional in the whole situation is your phone signal in the Fae Kingdom.
Tip the Scales: You are a charismatic defense lawyer in a constant competition with two ruthless prosecutors that do not understand your ideals about criminals deserving a second chance. You are also housemates with a certain bitter and retired judge, who has a habit of operating at night as a cloaked figure known as the Judge of the Damned, serving justice as he deems fit according to his own moral ideals. In order to solve his frequent habit of going after your clients, you two had established a game of Tip the Scales to keep a balance of which person deserves redemption and who is condemned to damnation. Things get complicated when an old friend gets wrongfully accused. You do all in your power to convince your prosecutor rivals to secretly cooperate with you and help clear his name before you lose the game.
Our Guest: You arrive at a sinister and luxurious castle with the innocent intention of checking why its mysterious residents haven't been paying any taxes or utilities for the past several centuries. Very useful excuse for a vampire hunter to have when trying to do some good old infiltrating. The three vampire lords, however, fully intend to capture and seduce you, possibly give your pretty neck a bite or two, but all of that does get a bit complicated when you are being such a tease and constantly asking them about their financial books. Will they succeed in the task of making you theirs, dear Y/N? And are they onto your little schemes?
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thecreaturecodex · 2 months
got any advice for new DMs? I've been playing as a PC for quite a while but I am nervous about running my first campaign
First order of business: don't panic.
Being a GM can be stressful. But at the end of the day, everyone around the table is there for the same reason; to have a good time playing pretend with their buddies.
I started GMing in a completely different age. Literally 25 years ago this year. So I imagine that some of the stresses and expectations that are on GMs now are different than they when I started. Like, I started running the Dungeons and Dragons in the 3.0 era for power hungry teenagers, who were often trying to see what mechanical tricks they could get away with to deal 500 damage in a round by level 10. Nowadays, for running D&D at least, one of the biggest worries I see from novice DMs is that their game won't live up to the expectations set by Let's Play series like The Adventure Zone, Dimension 20 and Critical Role.
Your game is not Critical Role. And that's okay. The high profile Let's Plays are scripted series made by entertainment professionals to appeal to a wide audience. Your game just has to make the 4-7 people around your table happy, including you.
So my first piece of concrete advice? Manage your expectations. My second piece of advice? Stick to 6 players max.
My third piece of advice is to figure out what you want from your game. Figure out what the overall tone of your game is, and what you want to accomplish with it. Do you want your game to be combat heavy? RP heavy? Lots of exploration and puzzles? A story with specific narrative beats? A more casual hang-out vibe sort of game? Should the characters come to the table with goals and backstories, or is this the sort of game where "Carric the Cleric; they heal people" is enough?
And then let your players know. One of my least pleasant recent GMing experiences was for a Pathfinder game where none of the players really knew what they were getting into. It was Ironfang Invasion, and the players voted to go for it, when I told them that it was going to be combat heavy, exploration medium, RP light. And then they proceeded to be unhappy with how much combat there was compared to RP. I tried to rebalance things, to some success, but that game fell apart anyway. In large part due to a player who refused to learn the Pathfinder 1e rules and resented that they weren't those of their preferred gaming system.
Some people just like to complain. So try to screen for those folks ahead of time. Personally, I prefer to be friends with someone first before running a game for them, because the vast majority of the player/GM conflicts I have had have occurred with people who I only sort of knew.
Also, on a related note, check for specific triggers, especially if you're running a published Pathfinder AP, because those tend to be Hard R content. One of the players in that Ironfang game I had been playing with for like two years at that point, he loved violent combat... but had a very specific trigger about skinning that I didn't know about. Running a module where the main villain's gimmick is that he skins his enemies. Whoops.
My last piece of advice is don't go into every game expecting it to be a long running story, especially if you're a brand new GM. Start with a one or two shot. If the players like it, figure out what they especially liked and lean into it. If they didn't, pivot.
GMing is absolutely a skill that develops with practice. So don't be afraid to practice! Have fun, and good luck.
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vansmissingcheek · 1 month
Love Ridden
My theory on how Taissa and Van’s relationship came to be pre-crash!
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- Their relationship was slow burn. Taissa is so strong willed and determined; she knows exactly what she wants. When it comes to love though, she isn’t the smoothest.
- Where Van has a dorky confidence, she also has zero game. She is so stubborn about her crush on Tai. The whole team anticipates the digs and constant quips from her but once Tai and Van’s tension begins, Van’s charm fades out.
- I can see Van getting frustrated with Tai. After all, when we get introduced to the Yellowjackets (actually playing soccer) it’s obvious that Tai is a very skilled player.
- The poking she does after saving Jackie’s penalty kicks and the short quips after Shauna’s corners fail to crash, they all stop once Tai is face to face with her. The feeling of a rising flutter in her stomach, whether it be bile or butterflies, does not allow Van to keep her focus.
- As Tai’s shot sails into the net Van can feel a sort of disappointment in her own abilities. After all this is everything that she has. In my mind Van is relying on soccer for a scholarship since she doesn’t have much support at home.
- Taissa is more than pleased by her performance. She can be quite cocky when it comes to just about anything but normally Van is there to drag her back down to Earth. A simple, “You’ll get it next time!” or a, “So close but so far…” is more than enough to keep her grounded.
- Tai notices when it gets easier for her to make a shot. But when Van avoids her gaze all together or misses her in the group hug after a win, Tai is rather blind.
-Taissa Turner has always been known for her smarts and critical thinking skills, but good grief does she have no idea how to deal with her feelings.
- When Taissa felt it for the first time it was quick. A sort of hot flash that fell over her after a practice. Her and Lottie had finished a conversation about who knows what, which ended as Lottie made her way out of the locker room saying a general goodbye.
- Van let out a curse as she wrapped her wrist. The ‘Ace’ bandage fighting back. (it was winning although she’d never admit it.) Tai could hear her struggles from the opposite locker hall and walked over to check on her.
“You need a hand?”
Van was sitting on a wooden bench facing her open locker. She was still in her mucked up t-shirt from earlier and looked over to meet Taissa’s expectant gaze.
“I’d say i’ve done a pretty good job myself,” Van gives her a show of her work. The velcro had fallen and had begun to unwrap itself when she moved it.
Tai gave her a lopsided smile and as Van awkwardly held out her wrist to her there was no acknowledgement given to the sudden thought that plagued both Van and Taissa’s mind.
‘i’m holding her hand.’
“I don’t understand how you can just throw yourself into the ground like that,” Taissa speaks first unwrapping the bandage. The save that Van had made was stupid. No one should’ve caught that. Granted it did cause a wipeout into the mud of a recently rained on field, but nothing stops a goalie like Van Palmer. Obviously it had also required her to land on her wrist..
“I’m sure I looked graceful,” Van smiles softly and brings her opposite hand to take out the hair tie at the end of her braid.
- It wasn’t just the conversation. Taissa and Van talk a lot actually. They had shared classes and similar schedules. It had hit Taissa as she was holding Van’s wrist.
- The feeling of Van’s warmth through the very tips of Taissa’s fingers. She was careful as she wound the cotton ribbon, slowly tilting Van’s hand as she worked. The silence was comfortable.
Too comfortable for Tai.
“You look like hell.” Tai said.
- She wasn’t even quite sure where it came from, but she wasn’t lying. The mud had scraped up Vans side with angry red lines. A scratch ran across her temple.
Van let out a scoff and looked up grinning. Taissa had come to the end of the wrap, sticking down the velcro tab and patting Van’s knuckles lightly.
“Well someone’s got to carry the weight of being the best goalie in New Jersey, and would you look at that…” Van turns her head to look around in faux curiosity. She points to herself smiling wide.
“I’d agree but, not to brag or anything, you’ve yet to block any of my shots Palmer.” Tai smiles devilishly and leans on the locker next to Vans as she watches them place their things inside.
- They talked for a while in that locker room. Taissa had long forgotten the car waiting in the parking lot. Her mother expectant of a reason for why she was left to wait for twenty minute. Taissa was muttering something along the lines of an injured friend and also let it slip that Van was the one she was talking to. Tai wasn’t even totally certain about what she had said but Van was now brought up when the Turners asked their daughter about school, or soccer, or anything really.
- From then on their back and forth made its way into practices. Instead of avoiding her, Van had found any reason she could to be near her. They dug at each other regularly and Van’s quips came back.
But with the words came the feelings too.
- A big game had come around and although Taissa would never admit it, the teasing was building up. Tai had begun to fail her shots on net as well. No longer was it just Van falling behind, but now Tai was distracted too.
Coach was ragging on them about the future of the team, and it cut deep for both of them to know that they were the ones who had to focus up for once.
- Taissa knew she liked girls, it wasn’t a new concept, but it was new to look at a friend and see so much more.
- Taissa saw Van’s expressions and mannerisms as more cute than quirky and felt compelled to hear every detail about Van’s new favorite films or plot twists wrote angrily about in some cinephiles recent digest that she had seen in a magazine.
- After a particularly rough game Taissa was fuming. There was nothing that could pull her out of this state and the team knew better than to try.
- A certain red head stayed behind after the others had finished changing and showering and shit talking. Once a thick quiet had settled over the room the only two left were Van and Tai. She heard a shuffle and a curse and then what sounded like a cleat being thrown to the ground. Van walked around the isle of lockers and tapped her knuckles lightly on the one closest.
“What do you want Van.”
It was a frustrated groan directed towards the tile. Taissa was beyond anger, she was disappointed in herself. When Taissa failed at something she tore herself apart from the inside.
“There was nothing you could’ve done Tai,” Van said softly moving to push off of the lockers and sit beside her. She too looked at the grout that lined the burnt orange tiles.
“They were down by three at half, how the fuck did this happen!” Taissa tangles her fingers in her own hair.
“Hey,” Van’s hand was warm as it pressed on Tai’s back. She was tracing a gentle infinity on her shoulder blades. “I should’ve made that goal- and my footwork was shit and now i’ll never-“
“Taissa Turner,” Van spoke sternly. “You are one of the most determined people I have ever met, and i know that you’re upset but for the sake of playoffs…you have to let this go.” Van’s hand stills as Taissa meets her eyes.
“Plus, you weren’t the one who let in six goals in the span of one half.” Van smiles softly and Taissa cracks the smallest of grins.
“I should’ve played harder, if i had just focused i could’ve-“
“It is not your fault Taissa.” She shook her head and Tai dropped her gaze again.
“I know you,” Van grabs Taissa’s hand in her own. “-and I know that you don’t believe me but man, you kicked their asses all of the first half.”
Tai laughs a little at her comment but her mind trails back to Van’s statement.
“I know you.”
‘I know you.”
- There’s a beat before either of them utter another word. Just absorbing one another in that moment. Taissa nods a little and drags a hand over her face. Wiping off the tears and the sweat.
- A gentle silence was left in the locker room. Their combined breathing and the thumb tracing patterns on the back of Taissa’s hand confined them to their little bubble of safety.
“Thank you, Van.” Taissa mumbled looking over at Van who locked onto her gaze immediately. There was more there after the gratitude, something in Van’s eyes told Taissa that there was a lot left unsaid.
“What?” Tai laughed a little, bumping her shoulder into Van.
“You’re just, i don’t know-“ Van pulls her hand back and looks at the lockers in-front of her.
This pining had gone on longer than Van could even remember. Taissa Turner was a hard person to crack but every glimpse she had gotten past her hard exterior was another step towards falling from the highest cliff of safety.
“Oh…you did great too-“ Taissa wasn’t lying but frustration built in Van’s chest regardless.
“It’s not that,” Van sighed and now it was her turn to run her hand over her face.
‘just say it you wimp’
“You’re so smart Tai and still you’re looking at me like i’m a fucking alien in the Faculty or some shit,” Taissa cocked her head questioningly, so confused and lost on what Van was saying.
“- you still can’t see me.” There was a breath that left Van at the admission. It was a weighted sentence. There was so much lingering underneath the surface and it took only their gaze locking for Tai to know.
“I only see you.” Vans words echo in Tai’s head. This wasn’t happening -and Van wasn’t here- and she had to be losing it!
- Taissa looked at Van’s face unwavering. Swiftly she placed both hands on Van’s jaw and pressed their lips together. It wasn’t fast but it wasn’t careful either. They were so young. Just two juniors finding safety in one another’s warmth.
-As Taissa pulled back, the corner of Van’s mouth lifted just a little. She laughed. They both laughed. At their shared incompetence. The pining was there from the beginning and Taissa had fallen into denial. Taissa partially forced herself to believe that Van wasn’t even interested in her, so she constantly pushed away the idea of actually doing something about her crush.
“You’re such a dork.” Taissa breathed as she pressed another kiss to the corner of Van’s mouth. “I mean really, you’re laughing?” Van was smiling against her lips as she spoke. Because Taissa too had let out quite a few barks of her own laughter.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Lady.” Vans expression turned into faux seriousness. “I think you’re seeing things.” The smirk was back in a flash and Tai pushed her shoulder with a scoff.
“I’d have to be more than blind to not see how red your face is right now.” Taissa whispered with a sly smile creeping into her face.
“Oh, shut up.” Vans face was truly glowing in the light of the locker room. Her quips and jokes were long left behind.
- They kissed again but it was more fluid this time. Learning one another and enjoying the process.
- They stayed like that for a long time. Tracing the corners of one another and sketching themselves onto each other’s skin. They were definitely doing this again.
I have been on a huge writing kick recently, my asks are open!
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pteren · 9 months
i just played a text-based RPG for two days straight
it's called Roadwarden and i loved it. you play as an adventurer tasked with traveling the roads between disconnected settlements in a deadly wilderness.
WORLDBUILDING (no plot spoilers) the setting is a dangerous and disconnected fantasy frontier which lies in the shadow of a powerful expansionist nation. everyone has beef with each other and it's not always clear who, if anyone, is in the right. the forces of nature are revered and feared. the monsters are SCARY dude. not in a cheesy horror movie way but in a very visceral "the wilderness is so much bigger than you" way. every confrontation has weight to it and the line between mundane animals and supernatural fantasy creatures is blurred. powerful themes include trust, grief, desperation, societal and personal guilt, trauma, religious tension, colonialism, environmentalism, and quite possibly more i never discovered- i expect to be replaying this game a lot. very casually lgbt positive. queer characters are frequently encountered just living their lives. so thats cool
the story takes itself very seriously but it pays off there are so many powerful emotional moments as a result good grief i love this game GAMEPLAY Roadwarden is played by traveling around and talking to people using simple dialogue trees. these trees are anything but static- they are affected by your tone entering the conversation, your personal goals and beliefs, your relationship with the person you're talking to, and the state of the world. for a good bit of the game you will have something new to say to a character pretty much every time you encounter them. knowledge is power. information you pick up everywhere will influence your dialogue options, and you're encouraged to hoard every scrap of info you can get- these precious details will allow you to solve mysteries, convince npcs of your convictions, and uncover secrets. and combat is no exception! fighting and other encounters use the exact same interface that dialogue does, offering you a list of possible choices. knowing your opponent is as important as your skills and equipment (if not more). you pretty much always have the option to lie when relevant which is so much fun. the game occasionally prompts you to type commands or phrases directly, testing your knowledge and/or creativity. you are also frequently asked for your character's unspoken thoughts about situations. its unclear to what extent this affects gameplay but it's an awesome touch. the game tracks your discoveries in an organized journal and lets you add your own notes. it was never difficult to keep track of what my character knew. (although the dialogue trees occasionally offered me choices i had forgotten about or wouldn't have put together on my own, this was usually an "oh right i remember that" moment and not a "what the hell just happened" moment.) this is not a roguelike. death feels like a very real threat (good writing) but it isn't doesn't end your playthrough and it's pretty difficult to get it to happen in the first place. this is a role playing game. it's about the story and it is stronger for that. WRAP UP so many moments in this game made me say "that's so freaking epic." both narratively and mechanically. i'll leave you to discover those moments yourself, but the way the creators painted individual story beats with unique twists on the same simple gameplay mechanics is nothing short of brilliant characters are great. i fell in love with some of them; i loved hating some of them. there are a few characters i wish were fleshed out a little more.
music is okay. nothing special. gets repetitive but the motifs are nice i finished my first playthrough in 16 hours it's on sale on steam rn go check it out :3
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loftec · 15 days
Weekly tag Wednesday Thursday part 2
Hello beautiful kittens! 🐈‍⬛ Today’s tag game is about our wonderful fandom 😍
Thank you for the tags, @deedala and @wehangout! <3
How did you get into the fandom? 
I was watching gay compilation videos on YouTube and found the Gallavich season 1-4 video, then watched too many seasons of Shameless UK (because I didn't have access to US) then watched five seasons of Shameless US, then spent 3 months reading the whole tag on AO3.
How long have you been here?
Since... 2015?
What’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?)
I would say AO3, because I was on there reading people's fics for a long time before I started following their links to tumblr.
What’s your favourite now? 
Which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom?
@the-rat-wins for sure, but also @wideblueskies @damnnmilkovich @grumblesandmumbles @beckyharvey29 @mimilaroo and a few others that aren't really active anymore
Which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and want to get to know?
I'm so bad at like, retaining what I thought of people before I get to know them? But I'm pretty sure I got @the-rat-wins to follow me back by photoshopping a picture of Cam and Noel at an event together? I absolutely remember thinking I wanted to be friends and what makes better friends than a creepy little photo manip gift?
First Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember)
I have no idea, I read so much fic. Here are my old rec rambles.
First Fan art that blew your mind? 
Most likely @luluxa 's art of Mickey...
Fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love?
Not sure if there is one, I have tried most tropes just to check them out, and I have liked tropes I don't normally like when it's just the once and it's done in some interesting or particularly skillful way, but I don't think I've ever done a 180 on something? I suppose! I usually start out only reading canon compliant fic when I'm first entering a fandom. Then I will either run out of steam or start reading AU, or fully just transition to only reading AU (which is what happened with Shameless, more or less). So I normally start out not liking AUs and then given enough time and steam, I will make AUs my whole personality.
What surprised you most about this fandom?
I'm really surprised by what it has become, it's so nice to see all the crafts and community building that's going on here every week, and how nice and drama free (from my vantage point anyway) it has become, in the last few years. I'm not very good at participating, but I really want to because it feels like such an open and welcoming and community-focused space.
Moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich?
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I had zero context for this scene when I first saw it, but oh. My god.
Ian or Mickey?
Uuuuuuh I mean. Ian.
Which Gallagher or Milkovich are you? 
Probably Liam haha?
Do you want to answer some q:s? Consider yourself tagged!
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navstuffs · 1 year
Headcannons or one-shot for dating modern!ezio? :>
dating ezio headacanons - modern!au version
Pairing: Ezio x GN!Reader
Warnings: VERY VERY FLUFFY, comfort, lovey-dovey, warm feelings, ezio is in all fours for you, tooth-rooting headcanons in an affectionate way, no description of reader
Author's Note: heeey! thank you so much for ordering modern!au (one of my favorite tropes). i made this super sweet, argh, i want ezio for me lol i hope you don't mind i chose gn!reader. i hope you enjoy!
First of all, Ezio is a very passionate man. He loves you intensely and wants you to always know your importance to him.
How does he do it? In the form of gifts. A surprise bar of chocolate hidden in your things, your favorite food for "no reason" in the middle of the week, some random sticky notes wishing you a good day, how beautiful you were looking. A sudden text in your phone with a silly meme he knows will make you laugh.
Because Ezio loves to make you laugh. It always eventually made him laugh, which made you laugh even more.
He might be a little jealous lol I don't see him directly confronting anyone hitting on you, but more like staying around if he notices someone flirting.
He touches your back and arm, as if not paying attention, and makes sure that person knows you belong to him. If the person still hits on you, he will become very passive-aggressive.
"Don't you know you have a huge lettuce between your teeth?" or "Have you been sleeping well? Are you sick? You don't look so good" would embarrass anyone and make them run away. When Ezio notices you staring at him, he innocently smiles, "Che, amore?"
He is very active, period. Hike, run, camp, etc. He practices parkour. Ezio has an account on Instagram, and if you are afraid of heights, you don't even dare to look at those videos of him on top of buildings. If you are more daring, I am sure you will accompany him in taking pics. Or, if you are even more daring, you are also in parkour (you are fearless, let me tell ya!)
He is an excellent swimmer. If you want to learn to swim, Ezio will go out of his way to teach you. You know what that means, right? Ezio wearing swimwear. You will be able to check his toned body and get a skill that might save your life—a win-win.
(you get distracted a lot, and most classes end up with you two making out, but who cares? you will eventually learn)
Now if you can swim already, you two jokingly compete over who is the fastest. Ezio always loses, distracted by your body and your form, but he never admits it.
You and Ezio looooove lazy days as well. What's better than spending the whole doing nothing after a stressful week? He notices when you are not feeling much for everything, which means LAZY DAY!
You two cuddle, watch tv shows, cartoons, and movies, or play games. Sometimes you are resting on his chest, and sometimes Ezio is like a cat, all curled up on you.
EZIO IS AFFECTIONATE! Did I say that already? well, he is. And he is warm. So during winter time, prepare to have a furnace around you. Cuddling, holding, rubbing your body, massaging.
Ezio gives the best massages, by the way. He pressures in all the right places, with just enough pressure which always makes your toes curl.
For him, spending a day with you is the best thing ever, even if doing nothing. He plans the best dates, like when you two went out stargazing, and Ezio pointed out all constellations (Leonardo helped him with that one, he confessed later)
He loves to be surprised. On his birthday, you planned a surprise getaway, only the two of you, somewhere romantic Ezio always wanted. He loves exploring and discovering new places, food, and people.
Especially with you as his travel partner
Visiting his family? Be prepared to be asked when it is the marriage/where are my grandkids? You will eat well, watching his siblings never miss the chance to tease him about how in love he looks.
Also, his whole family adores you. Giovanni and Maria couldn't be happier, Claudia wonders how you fell in love with her stupid brother every time. Federico would tease, too, joking your vision wasn't doing well since you started dating Ezio.
Now, can we talk about protective Ezio? For example, if there is one thing he can't bear is the thought of you hurt. Emotionally or physically.
So, if you are having a hard time or have mental health issues, Ezio makes you his top priority. He makes sure you are okay with his presence and does everything you ask for. Ezio is there for you in the way you need him the most.
Even if it is to lay on the floor, you burrito'ed in a blanket he put you earlier, holding hands,
Even if it is to talk about crazy, random things.
And although it breaks his heart, he holds you while you cry. He wants to make it stop, he whispers and kisses the top of your head, assuring everything will be okay, and even hums to calm you. He would mix English and Italian because he knows when he speaks Italian instantly soothes you.
"Breathe with me, amore mio, in and out. You are doing so well. You are so brave."
NOW, if someone decides to harass you. Well, consider this person done.
If you are feeling unsafe somewhere, he will immediately drop everything to come for you. Or send Federico even.
But now, if someone harasses you in front of him, there will be violence. If someone calls you a bad name or insults you, Ezio will personally confront this person and make sure they apologize to you.
If he knows you don't like confrontation or fights in general, you will likely see his body go tense, ready for a fight, so you will have to whisper in his ears, asking to leave, and he won't discuss. He needs some time to calm down, though.
But he will be with you at his side.
Ezio is loud. He is loud about pretty much everything except when he is sad. You always notice that he gets quieter when he isn't having a good day.
You always try to cheer him up. When Ezio feels blue, you respect his boundaries, but his best therapy is to have his face hiding on your neck, holding you tightly. You calm him. 
He shares his feelings, his sadness, his whole soul with you. He knows you are the love of his life, and he plans to ask you to marry him. He will respect your decisions and be patient if you don't want it now.
But when you finally said yes to marriage, Ezio cried. Not in front of you, no, he hid his face on your body so you didn't see him shedding some tears.
During the wedding, he will cry. He will cry when he sees you walking in, his heart exploding with happiness, the biggest smile you ever saw from him. 
(Federico will say it was a sudden rain of eyelashes on his eyes, that's why he was sniffling)
But you are so happy you don't control yourself and kiss him, his tears, his smile, all of him. Ezio kisses you back, and you can hear the guests murmur, "Aaawwwwwnnn"
"Please, can we keep this for the honeymoon?" Petruccio groans, getting some giggles.
"Not thinking about running away, are you?" 
You joke simply because you know he would never. Ezio brings your hands to his mouth, kissing them with love.
"No. I am yours, and you are mine, tesoro."
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lorenzobane · 2 years
Darling, I'm Intoxicated
(A/N: @wanderingwriter87 I don't know- this just came up and slapped me in the face and I blame you. On AO3 here)
Summary: Garak gets a bit too drunk.
“This is ridiculous.”
“No, it is not. You should be flattered that you were invited! I’m so happy you’re branching out more, making new friends–” 
“Stop talking to me like I’m a child, Julian.” 
Julian rolls his eyes. One of Garak’s colleagues at the local municipal building where he acts as County Notary (a job both serving the state but decidedly banal, which Julian knows Garak finds uniquely frustrating) has invited him to his Kosse ceremony. Julian understands the ceremony is quite similar to the Terran custom of bachelor parties, complete with strippers and copious alcohol. 
Garak hadn’t had one. 
Julian had certainly tried to persuade him; he had even said they could share a bachelor party if Garak were so hesitant to have his own (which had been met with a furious noise from Miles over subspace when he told him about it later). Garak remained firm in his refusal, and so Julian eventually gave in. 
It isn’t that the party itself is so significant, Julian thinks. It is more what the party represents, namely- friends. Julian has always been good about joining sports teams and throwing himself into the deep end of social dynamics, social skills be damned, and on Cardassia, he has pretty good success. He is part of a tennis league that meets biweekly, formed of Federation aid workers and local Cardassians who had picked up the game, his coworkers at the hospital he sometimes got drinks with, and, of course, a standing subspace call with Miles. 
Garak has, well, he has him. Julian loves Garak with his entire being. He adores him, wants nothing but joy and happiness from him, relishes talking to him, and could easily spend whole days just lost in him. 
But. But that isn’t healthy, and it isn’t fair. Julian dated a Councilor long enough to know that, at least. 
So, Julian says, “stop behaving like a child then.” 
Garak gives him a look that could drill a hole for dilithium. 
“Now, message me if you need a ride home. I won’t be going anywhere, so any time.” 
“I think I am perfectly capable of finding my way home in the city I was raised in, Doctor.”
“And we are all very impressed,” Julian says soothingly. “Still, call. I’m off tomorrow, so it won’t be a bother.” 
“Which is why I don’t understand why you can’t come with me.”
“Because I wasn’t invited,” Julian reminds him playfully. “Also, you can’t have a couple at your Bachelor Party! Ruines the energy of debauchery.” 
“I will take your word for it.” 
Julian starts steering him towards the door, pressing his comm into his hands. “Have fun!” 
Garak opens his mouth to respond, so Julian cheerfully shuts the door on his face.
Julian looked around their small living room; he isn’t often alone and finds that he’s excited to have a night to himself. Maybe he can watch that new holodrama he’s been meaning to binge, but Garak hasn’t been interested. 
He snuggles in and settles into finally being able to watch something without constant commentary. 
Several hours later, Julian wakes up on the couch to a message notification. He blinks once, not remembering when he fell asleep in the first place, and then reads the message. 
Elim Garak: Darling, I am intoxicated.
Julian chuckles softly under his breath. 
Julian Bashir: Would you like me to pick you up? 
Elim Garak: That would be most appreciated, my dear. 
Julian looks at the time, and his eyes widen; it is late. Much later than Julian thought Garak would be willing to stay out and definitely later than Julian himself had stayed out since Jadzia’s parties on Deep Space Nine. 
He shakes the cobwebs loose and heads for their hovercraft before checking Garak’s location on his PADD and chuckling. 
A Glinn’s Pleasure, a Cardassian Strip Club. There was a term for it (ss’kishta) but for all purposes, it was a strip club. 
Good for him, Julian thinks with a grin. Poor dear so rarely gets to see any scale. Julian has never been the jealous type, and he is perfectly aware that Garak does nothing quickly. He doesn’t eat quickly, doesn’t shower quickly, and doesn’t fuck quickly.
Julian can attest to that. It only took him ten years. 
By the time he gets there, it seems only the Kosse ceremony group is left, with the younger men still vigorously hollering at the dancers. Julian scans the room for signs of his wayward husband when he sees him slumped over a chair in the back of the bar. He’s actually surprised that Garak allowed himself to get this intoxicated with strangers, but he’ll get the full story of how this happened later. 
He walks over to him, ready to gingerly wake him when he looks at the image Garak fell asleep looking at. It was a picture from a vacation they went on two months ago; Julian was wearing a pink shirt that was barely buttoned, gesturing wildly with his hands in the warm Risian sun. His wedding band caught in the light. 
Julian softens even more and gently presses a hand on Garak’s shoulder. “Elim, are you ready to go?” 
“Yes, are you ready to go home?” 
“Yes,” Garak responds, almost desperately swaying into his arms. 
Julian chuckles, “Okay, okay, I’ve got you.” 
He maneuvers them out of the bar taking great pains to keep his partner as upright as possible. Julian passes a brief wave to the boys, who are still partying, as he lugs his husband to the hovercraft. 
As soon as he helps him sit, Garak falls asleep. Julian presses a fond kiss to Garak’s temple and then drives them both home.
Once he manages to get Garak up to their room, and in their bed, he walks back to the living room and orders a hangover cure from the replicator. It works best if applied before sleep to prevent hangover symptoms in the morning rather than curing them once they have already appeared. 
There is a quiet hiss of the hypospray unloading into Garak’s neck, who doesn’t even twitch. A flash of alarm rings through him- Garak is always alert. 
Taking a half step back, watching that Garak is still breathing steadily, he reaches for his tricorder, heart racing. 
Julian sighs and shakes his head at himself, nothing. He’s perfectly fine, save for the dehydration from the alcohol. Exasperated with himself, the war was years ago; he lays down too. 
Julian wakes up before Garak does, which is unsurprising but still sends him to his tricorder for one more quick scan before he officially calls himself paranoid. 
Garak eventually wakes up, wandering into the living room in his traditional robe and perfect posture. Even his hair is neatly plaited. 
“Good morning, love,” Julian says with a smile. 
Garak inclines his head at him, oddly polite, but Julian ignores it. 
“So,” Julian starts, “how was last night?” 
“A tawdry affair,” Garak begins, sighing dramatically. “A bunch of headstrong, foolish young men. The state only knows why they even wanted an old timer like me along.” 
“Of course,” Julian says, his lips curling around a tea cup's rim. “Though I’m sure you still gave them a run for their money,” 
“Oh,” Garak chucked, “I tried to keep up. Though, it has been some time since I have consumed in such excess. I must say, I find myself… surprised by the lack of consequences.” 
Julian gave him a questioning look. “I gave you a hangover treatment last night, of course. It is always better to prevent the problem than to treat it.”
Garak looks at him, seeming almost surprised for half a second before he nods. “Of course. I never doubt your medical expertise. I just presumed that perhaps you’d be more… Upset.” 
“Upset? About what?” 
“Well, that I allowed such an overindulgence. You do so often harp on me about the importance of moderation.” 
“Because it is important, but Garak, going out with your friends every once in a while and having a bit too much isn’t something you need to be punished for. I’m certainly not upset.” 
“Nor about the rather… lewd displays at the venue where you found me?” 
Julian rolls his eyes and goes over to him, pressing a firm kiss on his cheek. “Elim, love, I knew that. Remember? Now, did you have fun?” 
Garak looks conflicted before he smiles, “Well, it has been some time since I’ve seen another Cardassian’s chuva. So, that was refreshing, though surprisingly uninspiring. I suppose I simply have different tastes now.” 
Julian laughs, nuzzling his face into Garak’s neck. He can read between the lines.
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
Please don’t ever feel like you’re annoying us w your au! It really makes me feel like I’m watching Jesse live out his Happily Ever After in Alaska which is all I’ve ever wanted, your characters are so drawn out they’re basically canon to me now <3 Baby esp speaks to the Weird Little Girl I used to be who was also obsessed w marine biology (I esp love Orcas… Baby hit me w some Orca facts pls??) also would love to hear more ab this au + Mike lives w Jesse in Alaska au bc you know that’s my favorite 🥺👉👈
IM 🥺 literally i just need to know that things will be ok for him in the end, ill make the spinoff sequel show, ill build his little alaska world. it really means a lot to hear that people actually Like the au and the characters because its super special to me!! we all need some love and warmth and a little kid who pretends to be coral and fact checked the "blackfish" documentary, and no one deserves all that more than jesse tbh 💕
and u also know that my love for the mike + jesse dynamic got dialed up to 11 the first time i got within 10 feet of ur blog, so of COURSE i was going to figure out a way to get them back together. it just makes me so emotional to think of jesse not only having the closest thing he ever had to a positive male role model back in his life, but having someone who Knows what exactly he went through and how specifically, granularly fucked up it was. someone who knows what he means when he says "i thought i saw Him in a crowd today", someone who will listen and understand the extent of the depravity when he talks about his captivity. that just feels so important, to have one positive connection to his past that jesse can bring into his new life and also that connection gets to be mike!!! best friend mike!! who was already getting soft for the kid and seeing him here—free, in control of his life, no one telling him what to do—and with a soft place to land in his family just makes the heart grow fonder. mike is of course cursed to always be a crusty old man, but that doesn't mean he can't take the family fishing (towards the end, before everything fell apart, he'd started thinking about maybe teaching jesse to fish. it'd probably be too boring for the kid but its a good skill to have) and get baby one of those plastic "my first fishing pole" poles. it just really makes that aching emptiness in his chest that he's been trying to fill ever since matty feel smaller when mike comes up the cabin and opens the door to demi instantly taking his jacket and telling him that she recorded the toronto game for him since he was driving up during it, to baby solemnly informing him about how salmon migration patterns have changed in the area where they usually fish, and to jesse who always looks at him like that first time they first crossed paths in alaska, with that kind of pitiful, kind of heartwarming combo of disbelief and childlike glee. like he's afraid this is all a dream but doesn't want to wake up and found out. mike's less stingy with hugs these days.
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eggysimblr · 1 year
Sims Tag
I was tagged by my awesome friend @deathpoke1qa, Thanks!
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
Hard to say, removing pool ladder is a classic everyone loves, but I really loved Mummy Curse Death from TS3 World Adventures, as it has to be one of the most forboding and ominous.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
I go with a mix of both, don't really care.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
My sims rarely gain weight.
4. Do you use move objects?
Of course I do, everybody does!
5. Favorite mod?
Deaderpool's MC Command Center is a must. I'm also a big fan of Coolspear's and Sacrificial's work, and lately I fell in love with new custom skills by JaneSimsten.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
That's gotta be Hot Date for Sims 1. Yeah, I'm that old.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
Since English isn't my native language, I tend to alternate between those, but I usually go with Live, as in LIVing.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Oh, that has to be Lord Professor Ebenezer Vincent Ignatius Laurence von Charlatain III, the gentleman you see in my avatar.
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9. Have you made a simself?
Yes, it was for a contest at Sims of History Discord, where you had to make a sim of yourself in historical setting. So, I made myself into an early 18th century Mercenary:
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10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
Genius, Lazy, Geek.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
It has to be the brown and gray one, I just love the contrast.
12. Favorite EA hair?
The wavy long hair from Cats and Dogs EP.
13. Favorite life stage?
Yound Adults to Elders.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I mostly spend time in CaS. But I also like building.
15. Are you a CC creator?
Kinda? More like cc Editor, but if you're interested I've got some stuff for download at my Simblr.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
Everyone from Sims of History, especially @javitrulovesims, @simstomaggie, @simverses.
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
Let's see: Sims 1 was awesome, but now is really dated, and build mode is limited and obnoxious to use. Sims 2 is a fantastic game but it's so buggy and prone to save corruption. Sims 3 Would be the best, due to the open world and so many fun lifestates, if you didn't had to wait an eternity and a half for it to load. Also, Twilight sparkly vampires. Ew. I kinda like Sims 4 the best, not only it has the best versions of lifestates (maybe except the furry-ass werewolves), but also the Best QoL improvements to CAS and Build mode. Give it some time, and I think it will be the best sims game ever.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
Sadly, no.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
It really didn't change much, except I rarely now deliberately kill my sims, as I get attached to my pixel dolls. Back in my TS1 days I would torture my sims in the most fun ways.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
So many good cc creators, my all time favourites are @natalia-auditore, and my good friend @strangestorytellersims but I also really miss @acanthus-sims.
23. How long have you had a simblr?
I can't honestly remember, and too lazy to check, but about 2016?
24. How do you edit your pictures?
I don't. I don't have the skills and I'm too lazy to learn.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
Any pack that would bring back Cars, Genie lamps and Pool tables.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
Vampires, Jungle Adventures and University.
I'm tagging anyone who would like to join he fun.
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physicsfox7 · 6 months
Another late night post. I wrenched my back reaching for my phone charger, and now I think I might sleep on the couch so I dont exacerbate it.
So I'm watching the McElroy brothers play Super Mario World, have a heating pad pushing on my ouchies. And with Christmas coming up, lets do a teensy thought bubble.
This year has been absolutely crazy. A year ago I was negotiating a ridiculous raise at my last company, as everything fell apart around us because they had just demoted the obly other project manager. Meanwhile, my boss and the owner of the company was in South America because he doesn't like cold weather.
Now I'm unemployed, Kenna has a job, and I've spent most of the year playing video games and napping. No job prospects as of now, but who knows what this week holds.
We used our tax return money to fund a dream trip to Japan. We got a whole house to ourselves, finally got passports, registered for the train pass, and planned so many things.
We skipped the trip because I couldn't hold my anxiety in check after opening up the Pandora's box of emotional mess that is me. And neither of us regrets it. We haven't complained that we missed out. Other than the loss of money (almost the whole fucking trip sadly) were good with it.
Now onto my all time favorite subject. My friends.
This year, I reaffirmed my love for many old friends, and got closer with a few. I lost a couple to differences of opinions, and I just can't bring myself to be broken hearted. They have hate in their heart, I just can't. Finally, I met people who changed my whole world.
Last year, I got to attend a friends wedding and meet him for the first time, and I thought I was going to die. We had a wonderful time, and the warmth of the hugs I got changed me forever.
Earlier this year, I befriended my beloved Oat. I have a friend that I can bullshit with, who can somehow get me talling about the deepest stuff, who makes me feel heard and felt. She helped me with so much, including my mental health, relationship help, self confidence, and my streaming. Oat, I think you'll see this. I need you on my stream again soon, I miss you! Forehead kisses!
Then in August, while streaming some batshit crazy stuff (encouraged as always by Oat! < 3) I got raided. I figured cool, another Zelda streamer, maybe we can help each other out. Tch, to underestimate something so drastically. Not only did she inspire me to up my streaming game, Rachine collabs with me, has brought me tons of followers, workshops streams and tech issues with me (sometimes live on air) and most importantly, become one of my closest, dearest friends. She pushed me to play some of her favorite games, and brought me back to FFXIV. She encourages me and inspires me to try new things. (And yes, you're always right).
She also let me join her FC, and opened up a whole new world of friends. I have befriended some of the warmest, kindest people who went out of their way to make me feel welcome. They run dungeons, they answered questions, they carried my ass.
Finally, Jengo (who is not online other than streaming. Purest of us.) Who is part of Rachine's FC. She was the first one to essentially insist I run a dungeon with her, she made time for me to walk me through my combos, has mentored my climbing skills, answers more questions than anyone.
All of them also sit in VC with me when I'm having anxiety or breakdowns, support me when I doubt, encourage me. They are my family and I just...
Look, I know I dont shut up about them. This isn't a grab for brownie points, it's not attention. Its me workshopping how to express my deep love and gratitude to them without making them uncomfortable or laying it on too thick. Maybe they never read this, maybe they never have to put up with it for the fifth time this week. How do you properly express it to them? Telling someone you love them only gets me so far. Even with Kenna. After 17 years, saying I love you doesnt feel like the proper way to tell her shes my world.
As I regularly talk about, I am not a brief person. I am almost pathologically incapable of keeping any kind of explanation short. After a certain point, a 60 paragraph diatribe on how important someone is gets tired. I love my friends.
Its been an up and down year, but I have to say I wouldnt trade it for anything. I need those people in my life, because I am a gigantic baby and the alternative is I have internet access and no friends. That would be worse than what you have to read now.
To my friends: thank you. I love you. Happy holidays. Thank you.
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horned-icecream · 2 years
Hi, hope it's ok i request hc with Silver and Epel where mc says (not to them, they just overhear) that they look the most atractive when they're all focused and messy and they're lucky to see them like that!
talking about how they look the most attractive when they are focused and messy- HEADCANONS
characters: epel felmier, silver
MC is referred to with they/them pronouns
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•·.·' epel felmier '·.·•
The MC comes across them in this focused, messy state as they passed the area in which Magical Shift club was held.
There, they see that Epel was flying the broom, the wind in his hair and a determined look in his eyes as he flew over to the opponents' side, casting spells in an attempt to defend his team. His form, the way he moved to defend his team and fire spells at the opponent- the MC found quite- no, very attractive. It was a stark contrast to Epel's normally quiet, soft-spoken demeanor in class, and they loved it.
As he dismounted the broom at the end of the game, the MC could see that the small ponytail in his hair had come undone, leaving his hair greatly rumpled- but it outlines his face in a picturesque frame of puffs and curls.
The MC decides to tell Jack and Sebek about how they saw Epel at Magift practice. The two are Epel's good friends, and they would also be interested in hearing about Epel's progress at Magift club, being supportive and genuinely proud of their friend.
Although the MC did go off on a tangent more about how Epel looked attractive when he was in-game rather than the mechanical aspects of the game, what strategies they noticed that he used to defend his team from the opponents etc, and how they were very lucky to be able to see him in such a focused, uninterrupted state.
Epel was on the way to the table when he saw the MC chatting to his friends. He couldn't make out the whole conversation, but he did catch the MC mentioning his name and how they thought he was attractive while playing Magical Shift- at that, he couldn't help but feel his cheeks redden and his heartbeat speeding up. Vil had always told him that he looked untidy and indecent after practice, and hearing that a person, let alone the person he likes, finding him attractive in that state is refreshing to him.
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•·.·' silver '·.·•
The MC was taking an afternoon stroll with Grim before they heard clicking and clacking sounds from behind one of the buildings. Curious, they went to check it out- before they saw that it was Silver and Sebek at practice with their swordsmanship.
Sure, Sebek could hold his own in this practice fight, but the MC immediately felt their eyes cast on Silver, being unable to look elsewhere other than him. His sharp, quick and refined technique was admirable, and the way he applied a sheer amount of concentration to his flowing movements while making it seem like it was nothing- the MC thought this was insanely attractive.
His expression as well as the way his hair fell over his face while swordfighting was very pretty to the MC, they could get lost in the sight forever if they wanted to.
The MC was talking to Ace and Deuce in the hallways before Ace suddenly brought up the MC's love interest, the 'mysterious Diasomnia upperclassman,' who happened to be Silver. MC gladly told them about how they saw him in the middle of a sword fight and everything about his appearance and sheer talent- how he looked so alluring with that sword in his hand, how his hair fell over his face so nicely and the way he moved...
Silver happened to be making his way to the next class before he heard his name mentioned by the first-year classrooms. He paused, expecting to hear the usual complaints about how he fell asleep a lot- however, was pleasantly surprised when he heard the MC saying he was attractive when practicing his swordsmanship. The upperclassman couldn't help but smile a bit, his chest being filled with a warm feeling at what the MC said about him and his skills, especially the fact it was from the MC themselves.
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